On the Cutting Edge - Cleveland State University


On the Cutting Edge - Cleveland State University
FALL 2007/WINTER 2008
On the Cutting Edge
Alumni-run company
seeks CSU expertise
for engineering marvel
20 07-20 0 8
Don’t miss Cleveland’s
Biggest College
Basketball Game
of the Year:
at the Q on
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And remember, full
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CSU Basketball
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Women’s season
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just $65.
Men’s schedule features 15
home games, including NCAA
Tournament-tough Ohio State,
Butler, Wright State and
Valparaiso. Men’s season
tickets start at just $120.
Editor/Chief Writer
Barbara Chudzik
Mary Grodek, ’86
Nancy Carlucci Smith
Art Direction and Design
Jo-Ann Dontenville-Ranallo
William Rieter, ’88
Dr. Michael Schwartz
Dr. Mary Jane Saunders
Vice President for
University Advancement/
Executive Director,
CSU Foundation
Peter K. Anagnostos
Assistant Vice President,
Marketing and Public Affairs
Rob Spademan
Director, Marketing
and Public Affairs
Brian Johnston
Director, Alumni Affairs
Carolyn Champion-Sloan
B F A L L 2 0 0 7/ W I N T E R 2 0 0 8
[ ][[ ]]
2 B On the Cutting Edge — CSU Plays Key Role in Engineering Marvel
4 B Creating New Knowledge — Undergraduates Hone
Research Skills
6 B In The Driver’s Seat — University
Transportation Center Offers
Virtual Reality Ride
14 B His Passion is Showing — Alumnus
Tim Cosgrove Shares his Love
for Cleveland State
17 B Distinguished Alumni Awards
20 B It’s Magic — Alumnus Rick Smith Jr. Holds World Record
22 B Celebrating Masumi Hayashi —
Four Exhibits Honor Late Artist
88 B News Briefs
31 B Class Notes
24 B Moses Cleaveland
Perspective, a publication for alumni and
friends of Cleveland State University, is
produced by the Division of University
Advancement. Perspective offices are
located in Mather Mansion, 2121 Euclid Ave.,
MM 303, Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2214.
The telephone number is 216-687-2290;
the fax number is 216-687-9229.
Third-class postage is paid at
Cleveland, Ohio.
Cleveland State University is an affirmative
action, equal opportunity employer and especially
encourages applications from minorities and
women, persons with handicaps or disabilities,
and disabled and Vietnam era veterans.
Perspective #18/88,250
© 2008 Cleveland State University
Department of Marketing and Public Affairs
[ ]
On the cover:
Associate Professor Majid Rashidi (front center)
and Fenn College of Engineering alumni/Robbins
Company of Solon executives. See page two.
26 B Construction Zone
Read Perspective online at www.csuohio.edu/perspective
On the Cutting Edge
Cleveland State engineering
faculty and alumni are at the cutting edge of technology. Literally.
The combined efforts of Majid
Rashidi, associate professor of
mechanical engineering, and
Solon-based The Robbins Company, which employs six engineering alumni in top positions, will
result in the production of multiple
units of a gigantic tunnel boring machine (TBM) that will be
exported to China.
“These days, it seems all
we hear about is the American
recall of unsafe products made in
China,” notes Dr. Rashidi. “This
is a unique twist — China has
ordered a large quantity of highquality, locally manufactured
TBMs. And Cleveland State is
proud to be very much involved.”
With more than 50 years of
experience, Robbins is the world’s
foremost developer and manufacturer of advanced, underground
construction machinery. Its hard
rock tunnel boring machines have
been used worldwide to build
the Channel Tunnel (Chunnel)
between England and France, a
four-lane highway through the
heart of the Himalayas, a subway
tunnel in Hong Kong, and much
more. The tunnel boring machines
have even been featured on the
Discovery Channel.
“TBMs really are engineering
marvels,” says Dr. Rashidi. “They
can cut through granite, they automatically cement bodies of water,
and they have conveyor belts that
remove debris as work progresses
So Dr. Rashidi was very much
interested when he received a call
in early summer from former student Gary Thomas, ’90, now chief
drive-train design engineer
at Robbins.
“He told me Robbins
had received a large order
from China for TBMs but
before they could be built,
there was a two-year wait
for bearings from Robbins’
supplier in Europe. And
the cost per bearing would
be $400,000,” Dr. Rashidi
“Given my background
in mechanical engineering and bearing design,
Gary wondered whether I
could design a large TBM
bearing and maybe save
Robbins some time and
money. I was honored
that Robbins would turn
to Cleveland State and the
Fenn College of Engineering and agreed to help —
thinking that I probably
needed to design a bearing
about four feet in diameter,” he continues.
Dr. Rashidi soon discovered that the TBMs
would be cutting holes with a
40-foot-wide diameter and that he
needed to design a bearing with
an 18-foot-wide diameter.
“The challenge was larger than
I expected,” he jokes. But by the
end of August, he had designed
a giant, three-axes, roller bearing
that met Robbins’ critical need.
“To produce even a simple
bearing often involves several
companies because very advanced
forging, metalworking, grinding
and surface finishing are involved,”
says Dr. Rashidi.
So Robbins is working with
other American firms to manufacture multiple units of the bearing,
and in the process,
is creating jobs and
spurring economic
development. When the
bearings are complete,
Robbins will build the
Dr. Rashidi couldn’t
be happier about CSU’s role in
designing a major component of this engineering
marvel. And he’s equally
as proud that Robbins recognizes and values CSU’s
role in providing welltrained graduates for the
work force.
“Some Robbins engineers graduated from CSU
more than 30 years ago;
others are recent graduates,” he notes. “Robbins
knows that our graduates are knowledgeable
and skilled. And having
our alumni turn to us for
assistance with this international project shows
that Cleveland State is a
world-class school.” B
Associate Professor Majid Rashidi (A) and
Fenn College of Engineering mechanical
engineering alumni/Robbins Company
executives Dennis Ofiara, ’77, chief
engineer (B), Thomas Fuerst, ’91, sales
manager (C), Gary Thomas, ’90, chief
drive-train design engineer (D), Michael
J. Cugini, ’03, product manager, SBLI
Division (E), Steve Hadzinski, ’92, senior
manufacturing specialist (F), and Michael
T. Kolenich, ’02, project manager (G).
To learn more about the Fenn College of Engineering,
visit www.csuohio.edu/engineering
Creating new knowledge
Working at a summer job to earn
money for college is typical for
most students. But there was no
flipping burgers or waiting on
customers for a select group of
Cleveland State undergraduates
this summer.
They had a unique opportunity
to work alongside faculty members
on research projects in a wide
variety of fields, including science,
engineering, robotics, communication, history, psychology, marketing and much more.
They learned while they
earned a stipend — developing new skills, expanding their
knowledge, and enjoying a mentoring faculty relationship usually
reserved for graduate students.
The University’s first-ever
Undergraduate Research Program was such a success it will
be repeated next summer. The
program was made possible by a
$500,000 grant from the office of
Provost Mary Jane Saunders.
“Many undergraduates only
know the teaching side of faculty.
Exposing them to what faculty do
outside the classroom in their labs
and studios and in the field —
conducting experiments, testing
theories and hypotheses, uncovering new knowledge, breaking new
ground — is a tremendous learning opportunity. Enabling them to
conduct research with faculty is an
unparalleled learning opportunity
not readily available to undergraduates at most colleges and universities,” said Dr. Saunders.
During the summer-long program, 50 faculty members mentored 150 students representing
all six of CSU’s undergraduate
colleges, as well as the honors
program. Some students worked
one-on-one with faculty; for other
projects, several students worked
with a faculty member or student
teams worked with faculty teams.
All agreed the program offered the
opportunity of a lifetime.
Jinani Slaibi, a senior majoring in biology who plans to attend
medical school, worked with three
other students and Assistant
Professor Girish Shukla on targeting androgen receptor by miRNAs
in prostate cancer, a leading cause
of death among men.
“Finding a molecular approach
for blocking the formation of
cancer cells could be much more
effective than surgery or radiation
and would save money as well,”
he said.
Richard S. Obratil, a junior
majoring in civil engineering,
worked with Professor Paul Bosela
on using steel slag, an industrial
byproduct, as a replacement for
both fine and course aggregate in
conventional concrete mixtures.
Six electrical and computer
engineering majors worked with
a graduate student and Associate
Professor Dan Simon on robotic
swarms. Students built eight
robots, programmed them to
work cooperatively, and explored
their behavior through various
Practical applications for using
robotic swarms include searching for survivors in a disaster
area, patrolling a building to
guard against intruders, exploring
uncharted territory, and monitoring
the movements of enemy troops.
In an interdisciplinary project,
Bryan Vyhnalek, a senior physics
major, worked with Assistant Professor Ulrich Zurcher and Professor Miron Kaufman in the health
science lab of Assistant Professor
Paul Sung on applying concepts of
statistical physics to quantify the
complexity of time series from the
electric activity of back muscles.
More than 70 projects were funded, with appreciative students eager to discuss their research
methods and present their findings to fellow students, faculty and staff during the first annual
Undergraduate Research Symposium held on campus in August.
Their goal? To develop diagnostic
tools for low back pain.
Six communication students
and three communication faculty
members researched mission
statements — how to effectively
communicate an organization’s
statement and how it affects
job satisfaction. Their methods
included sharing CSU’s mission
statement with a target audience
in two ways — on paper and in
video form with President Michael
Schwartz reading the statement.
Eight undergraduates majoring in marketing, management
and international business joined
five MBA students and Professor
Thomas Whipple on a trip to
England to do market research
for four companies.
Six students of Associate Professor Robert Wheeler worked
at the Western Reserve Historical Society, processing a massive
backlog of manuscript collections.
Subject areas included Cleveland women in World War II,
women’s clubs from 1860 to 1950,
and development of the Western
“Everything we worked on
relates to Cleveland. Future generations of researchers will benefit
from having these collections
accessible,” said Alicia Pavelecky,
a junior majoring in English.
Ryan Richard, a senior chemistry major, worked with Professor
David Ball on using computerbased computational chemistry
methods to explore the thermodynamic properties of new, potential,
high-energy fuels and explosives.
This very productive young man
has had four papers published,
with three more accepted for publication and another under review
for publication.
Six communication students
worked with Professor Kim
Neuendorf on the effects of a
laugh track on an audience. Their
research tool? Four episodes of the
Andy Griffith Show, with and without laugh tracks.
Alicia Romano, a senior
majoring in communication and
women’s studies, and Assistant Professor Dana Hubbard
researched women substance
abusers and eating disorders. Their
hypothesis: Women with low body
satisfaction often use drugs and
eating disorders to control and
escape their environments.
Ellauna Evans, a senior majoring in communication management, and Assistant Professor
Katheryn Maguire studied social
support systems during wartime
deployment. Interview transcripts
of seven wives whose husbands
were deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan between 2003 and 2005 were
examined to explore the degree to
which social support systems were
helpful or harmful.
“Through Students’ Eyes”
brought together eight education
majors and 20 students at Euclid
High School who were given digital cameras and through photos
and writing, documented their
relationships to school.
The project attempted to
bridge the gap between future
teachers and their future students
and give urban teachers a better
understanding of their students’
experiences, thereby helping them
engage with their students and
promote their academic success.
Advisors for this project were
Associate Professor Kristien
Marquez-Zenkov and Jim Harmon
of Euclid High School.
For more information on the
undergraduate research program,
visit www.csuohio.edu/undergradresearch. B
Illustration by Melody Oakes
You’re behind the wheel
of your Ford Focus, driving the speed limit on a city
street. Suddenly the sunny sky turns dark, you’re
in a blinding rainstorm and the truck in front of you
screeches to a halt. Or you’re cruising down the highway
but just ahead, lake-effect snow is turning the asphalt
into a black ice skating rink. There’s little you can do as
you feel your car sliding perilously close to the median.
Relax that white-knuckle grip on the wheel. You’re
not really on the road, you’re in the Fenn College of
Engineering’s new driving simulation lab.
In the
The state-of-the-art facility is part of Cleveland
State’s federally designated University Transportation
Center (UTC), which is focused exclusively on issues
of highway work zone safety.
Nancy Grugle, assistant professor of industrial and
manufacturing engineering, was behind the creation
of the driving simulation lab which is being used to
model driving habits in simulated work zones.
The centerpiece of the lab is a DriveSafety
DS-600c research driving simulator — a Ford Focus
cut in half width-wise, facing projection screens.
Drivers sit behind the wheel and can motor by and
through work zones in virtual reality. Researchers are
able to track driver reaction to various conditions and
situations as part of the UTC’s mission to find ways of
improving work zone safety across the country.
The simulator may also be used by faculty in
other Cleveland State departments, including health
sciences and psychology, for non-UTC research and
training projects.
Dr. Grugle notes that the DS-600c is more than
just a production-quality Ford Focus automobile cab.
There’s a standard-size steering wheel, gas/brake
pedals with appropriate force feedback, a speedometer, a gearshift, a radio, rear-view and side mirrors,
and a motion platform that provides realistic vehicle
vibrations from pavement surfaces such as rumble
strips and curbs. High-fidelity graphics and a 180degree field of view allow for realistic peripheral
vision. The simulator can also be equipped with
eye-tracking and physiological measurement devices
to extend its capabilities.
“This system provides a unique opportunity to
put drivers in hazardous driving conditions without
putting them or construction zone workers in danger.
We can test how effective work zone safety improvements will be before putting them on the road and
possibly putting drivers and workers at risk,” says
Dr. Grugle.
In 2006, Cleveland State was named a University
Transportation Center, a designation that brought
$2 million in federal funding with a four-year grant
for research, curriculum development, outreach training, safety programs, scholarships and more. The
$2 million grant is the largest among federal earmarks
ever received by the University. U.S. Rep. Steven C.
LaTourette championed Cleveland State’s UTC
designation. An alumnus, he graduated from the
Cleveland-Marshall College of Law in 1979.
With its exclusive focus on work zone safety, the
UTC has strong support from the U.S. Department of
Transportation, industry organizations, highway construction companies and labor unions. It is the only
UTC in Ohio dedicated to studying work zone safety
and protecting highway workers.
Housed in the Fenn College’s Department of Civil
and Industrial Engineering, the UTC will be a key
player in helping the heavy highway construction
industry increase safety without sacrificing efficiency
within construction work zones across the nation,
and will be a vital regional source of transportation
engineering talent for the heavy highway industry.
The College is using the federal funds to establish
a safety curriculum for students and training and safety
programs for highway construction personnel, to create a summer intern program that pairs students with
local industry mentors involved in work zone safety,
and for student scholarships and assistantships. B
To learn more, visit www. csuohio.edu/utc
CSU Excels on Bar Exam —
Cleveland State law students who
took the Ohio bar exam for the
first time this summer achieved
a 90 percent passage rate — the
second highest pass rate among all
nine Ohio law schools.
The results of the July 2007
Ohio bar exam showed that of 122
students who graduated from the
Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
and took the exam, 110 passed on
the first try.
Cleveland State tied for second
place with The Ohio State University. Cleveland State’s passage rate
was ahead of The University of
Akron and Case Western Reserve
University, which ranked eighth
and ninth, respectively. Cleveland
State also surpassed the University
of Cincinnati and University of
Toledo. Ohio Northern University
ranked first with a 95 percent passage rate among 37 students who
took the exam.
The 90 percent passage rate
is Cleveland State’s best showing
since July 1996, when the score
needed for passage was substantially lower. The score was raised
a year later.
The College of Law adopted a
comprehensive bar passage plan
aimed at improving graduates’
performance on the Ohio bar.
The College strengthened the
qualifications and reduced the size
of its incoming classes; increased
the rigor of its academic program;
provided more substantial academic support to students; hired
a bar coordinator; and taught
students to more thoroughly
prepare for the exam.
As a result, the College’s bar
passage rate has steadily improved
over the last three years. In 2006,
the passage rate among first-time
takers was 84 percent.
Student Wins Nation’s Sole
“FBI” Scholarship — Michael
Bukys, a doctoral chemistry
student in the College of Science,
has been awarded the prestigious
J. Edgar Hoover Foundation
Scientific Scholarship to advance
law enforcement.
The $25,000 scholarship
is nationally competitive and
awarded each year to just one
student from an exclusive pool
of candidates. This year, only 10
universities from across the nation
were invited to apply. Candidates
must major in a scientific field that
has relevance to modern criminal
A top student in Cleveland
State’s doctoral chemistry program
with the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Bukys is pursuing a Ph.D.
with a specialization in molecular
medicine. His advanced research
on blood coagulation and thrombosis may result in the synthesis of
potential molecules that could be
used for advancing the treatment
of heart disease and stroke. This
work may have benefits for forensic science as well.
Bukys has three first-author
manuscripts already published in
the Journal of Biological Chemistry and is second author on three
manuscripts that will be submitted soon. In 2005, he received a
two-year fellowship from Cleveland State and the Cleveland
Clinic. This summer, he presented
his research at the International
Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis meeting in Switzerland.
As an undergraduate student at
Cleveland State, he maintained a
grade point average of 3.87 with
a double major in biology and
The Hoover scholarship recognizes the essential role that science
plays in the work of law enforcement professionals, and the need to
support students who are pursuing
degrees relevant to the field. The
scholarship honors Hoover for his
48 years of leadership as head of
the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
President Schwartz is Top
Civic Leader — Cleveland State
President Michael Schwartz has
proven to be a leader with vision,
not only for the University but for
the entire Northeast Ohio region.
His forward-thinking and many
accomplishments over the past six
years brought him a top recognition in Northern Ohio Live’s 27th
annual Awards of Achievement.
President Schwartz was the
2007 winner in the civic leadership
Michael Schwartz
category. A black-tie ceremony
honoring all winners and finalists
was held in September at the State
Theater in Playhouse Square.
NOL said Dr. Schwartz’s
“visionary leadership, combined
with a down-to-earth personality and sense of humor, have
endeared him far beyond the
campus community and to all of
Northeast Ohio.”
Calling Cleveland State “one
of Cleveland’s major downtown
focal points,” the magazine said
the campus “has been revitalized
under Dr. Schwartz’s leadership.”
It also praised him for showing
“an unfaltering commitment to the
education of tomorrow’s leaders.”
The magazine cited the
numerous accomplishments
of his presidency, including academic enrichment with a focus
on faculty research and outstanding teaching; Building Blocks for
the Future, the $200-plus million
master plan that is changing the
face of the campus and downtown
Cleveland; extended campuses
in Westlake and Solon that make
education more convenient to
students; establishment of an
honors program; heightened
admissions criteria for incoming
students; and enhanced student
service and technology initiatives.
Center for Health Equity Wins
Nearly $1 Million — The Center for Health Equity at the Maxine
Goodman Levin College of Urban
Affairs has been awarded a $943,079
grant from the National Institutes of
The center will implement
the research training and education core of a larger $6 million
EXPORT grant to study and
address health disparities in
Cleveland awarded to a collaborative involving MetroHealth Medical Center, University Hospitals’
Case Medical Center, Case Western
Reserve University, and the Cleveland Department of Public Health.
Health disparities are race, gender, or income-related differences
in diseases, health outcomes, or
access to healthcare. NIH EXPORT
grants provide funding for the
establishment of centers of excellence to address and ultimately
eliminate racial and ethnic health
As lead on the research training
and education component, the Center for Health Equity will partner
with Cuyahoga Community College
and Case Western Reserve University to develop a collaborative
program of recruitment, education,
and retention designed to expand
the work force of health providers,
researchers, and faculty working to
reduce health disparities.
University Awarded $600,000
in STEM Scholarships — The
National Science Foundation
thinks that Cleveland State can
have a significant impact on
increasing the number of students
who major in and graduate with
a STEM degree — Science,
Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics — and it is backing
this belief with a $600,000 award.
Cleveland State is one of four
Ohio recipients of a Scholarships
in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics grant award.
Over the next five years, 48 students majoring in STEM disciplines
will receive up to $10,000 in needbased financial support, starting
their sophomore year.
These University Scholars in
STEM will also benefit from a
12-member learning community,
where they will be provided with
far-reaching support, including faculty, peer and industry/community
mentors; STEM-related field trips;
options for summer research or
internships; and intensive advising
at both the department and University levels.
The scholarships will help
provide Northeast Ohio students
with skills that are relevant to
the changing global, high-tech
New Trustees Join Board —
Stephanie McHenry and Robert H.
(Bob) Rawson Jr. have been
appointed to the Cleveland
State board of trustees by
Gov. Ted Strickland.
McHenry, president of
ShoreBank Cleveland since
2004, is the former senior
director of minority business development for the
Greater Cleveland Growth
Association and former executive director of the Northern Ohio
Stephanie McHenry
Robert Rawson
Peter Anagnostos
Minority Business Council. She was named to “40
Under 40” lists in both
Crain’s Cleveland Business and Kaleidoscope
Rawson is partnerin-charge of the Cleveland office
of Jones Day. He chairs both the
Northeast Ohio Council on Higher
Education, a consortium of 26
educational institutions working to
increase their impact in the region,
and the National Civic League,
which helps communities and
local governments operate more
successfully and efficiently. He is
a past chairman of the Cleveland
Initiative for Education, which
marshals private resources in support of the Cleveland Metropolitan
School District.
McHenry replaces trustee Vir
K. Sondhi, who has relocated to
Florida. Rawson replaces Timothy
J. Cosgrove, whose term expired.
Advancement, Marketing
Execs Named — Two highly
respected individuals are now
sharing their considerable talents
with Cleveland State —
Peter K. Anagnostos as vice
president for University
advancement and executive director of the CSU
Foundation, Inc. and Rob
Spademan as assistant vice
president for marketing and
public affairs.
Anagnostos comes
to Cleveland State from
Hawken School, where he served
since 2003, most recently as assistant head for development and
external relations. Prior to being
recruited to Hawken, he was vice
president of development at John
Carroll University.
He also has served in development roles at the American Red
Cross, Greater Cleveland; University Hospitals of Cleveland; and
Harvard Medical School.
Spademan is a governor of the
(AAF) and
a former
of the
In 2006,
he was
Rob Spademan
into the Cleveland Advertising Hall
of Fame.
His career includes serving as
director of marketing services at
Rockwell Automation, director of
corporate communications and
vice president of marketing at
Marconi Medical Systems, and
director of marketing and sales
at Summit Business Media. He has
been an adjunct faculty member
in CSU’s School of Communication
since 2003.
Two Faculty are Fulbright
Scholars — Cleveland State professors are helping to advance the
engineering profession in Nepal
and assisting tsunami victims in
Sri Lanka as Fulbright Scholars for
the 2007-08 academic year. They
are Rama S.R. Gorla, professor
of mechanical engineering in the
Fenn College of Engineering, and
Murali D. Nair, professor of social
work in the College of Liberal Arts
and Social Sciences.
Dr. Gorla is at Kathmandu
University in Nepal, a young university that has begun adding
graduate programs in mechanical,
electrical and computer engineering, and wants to apply research
in these areas to local needs. Dr.
Gorla is working with faculty who
teach undergraduate courses and
is teaching one course in graduatelevel mechanical engineering. He
also will initiate research at the
doctoral level.
At the University of Ruhuna
in Matara, Sri Lanka, Dr. Nair is
teaching and conducting research
in the areas of micro enterprise,
grant writing, service learning
and community development.
He also is studying traditional
healing practices and the longevity
of centenarians.
In addition, he is researching
the social vulnerability of tsunami
victims in the Matara area and their
natural support systems and coping
capacity. His goal is to minimize
future tsunami vulnerability in
the southern coastal areas of Sri
Lanka. To do this, he will document the traditional belief systems
of the local people toward respecting the coastal environment. He
also will explore the possibility of
starting micro enterprise training
for tsunami survivors who may
not have any skills in fishing and
other related trades. The study is
cosponsored by the United Nations
University Institute for Environment
and Human Security.
The highly competitive Fulbright Scholar program is run
by the Council for International
Exchange of Scholars, a private
foundation, and sponsored by the
United States Department of State,
Bureau of Educational and Cultural
The Fulbright awards recognize faculty members’ globally
important teaching, research and
service and provide an excellent
opportunity for faculty to further
their areas of expertise or pursue
new directions in research. Cleveland State has had a total of 54
Fulbright Scholar awards.
Tops in Ohio Again — Cleveland
State is again the only public or
private university or college in the
state with three student recipients of
Graduate/Professional Fellowships
from the Ohio Board of Regents.
Elizabeth Ross, Saundra
Holmes and Zekarias Bekele each
receive a maximum of $3,500 per
year for two years of graduate or
professional study at a state
college or university. All have
chosen to remain at Cleveland
State for their master’s degree —
Ross in sociology, Holmes in social
work and Bekele in electrical
The OBOR fellowship program
is designed to identify Ohio’s most
promising young scholars and
keep them in the state educational
system. Since the program began
20 years ago, Cleveland State students have received more than
$425,000 in scholarships. While
most schools have one recipient
and a few have two, Cleveland
State quite consistently has had
three students selected for scholarships, evidence of the University’s
outstanding academic program.
Krumholz Wins Lifetime
Achievement Award — Congratulations to faculty member
Norman Krumholz, who received
the 2007 Cleveland Arts Prize for
his nationally recognized impact
on urban planning and design.
A professor in the Maxine
Goodman Levin College of Urban
Affairs, Krumholz has long been
the social conscience of urban
planning for Northeast Ohio and
the nation. His equity planning
on behalf of the poor and working class has become a national
model for planners who are struggling to retain their industrial and
economic base while making their
neighborhoods more livable.
Krumholz served as planning
director of the city of Cleveland
for 10 years under former mayors
Carl Stokes, Ralph Perk and Dennis Kucinich. He has published in
many professional journals and
has written or edited five books.
He is a former president of the
American Planning Association
and American Institute of Certified
In 2004, the Levin College
established the Professor Norman
Krumholz Scholarship in honor of
his 25 years with the University.
Pollie Award — You Should Run
for Office, a DVD produced by the
Ohio Center for the Advancement
of Women in Public Service in the
Maxine Goodman Levin College
of Urban Affairs, received a 2007
Pollie Award from the American
Association of Political Consultants. The DVD won the silver in
the Television: Best Non-Broadcast
Video category.
The Pollie Awards honor political and public affairs excellence
in 13 categories; this year’s awards
recognized achievement not only
in the United States but around the
You Should Run for Office
focuses on the careers of former
and current members of the legislature while documenting the
opportunities and challenges of
becoming a public servant through
the election process. Participants
in the video include Eric Fingerhut, chancellor of the Ohio Board
of Regents, Ohio General Assembly members Barbara Boyd and
Vern Sikes, and co-chair of the
Republican National Committee
JoAnn Davidson.
The video was produced to
encourage more women and members of minority groups to participate in the election process. Since
term limits were enacted in Ohio
in 1992, the number of women
Norman Krumholz
and minority candidates elected
to the Ohio General Assembly has
been reduced.
The Ohio Center for the
Advancement of Women in Public
Service, directed by former State
Sen. Grace Drake, promotes career
advancement of women in public
service within the executive, legislative and judicial branches of
government at the national, state
and local levels.
Entrepreneur Boot Camp —
To help combat “brain drain” in
Northeast Ohio, seven local colleges and universities have joined
together to form the Entrepreneurship Education Consortium. Their
first project, Entrepreneurship
Immersion for Undergraduates,
was an intensive, one-week boot
camp for selected students.
Cleveland State hosted the
event, in which students immersed
themselves in workshops on such
topics as developing a business
idea and exploring innovation and
creativity. They also networked
with prominent Northeast Ohio
entrepreneurs who made presentations. Faculty from all seven universities and local entrepreneurs
served as instructors. The event
included a competition for best
practical business concept.
Tuition, room, board, admission fees, textbooks and a stipend
were provided for the 35 students
chosen for the first Entrepreneurship Immersion. The Burton D.
Morgan Foundation in Hudson
provided a $50,000 grant to fund
the experience.
The Northeast Ohio region
needs an infusion of young, smart
entrepreneurs who will remain in
the area to help form new enterprises and boost the economy by
creating fresh jobs. Collaborating to help answer this need are
Cleveland State, The University
of Akron, Ashland University,
Baldwin-Wallace College, Case
Western Reserve University, John
Carroll University and Kent State
A New Chapter — Helping
youngsters discover the joy of
reading and master the reading
skills necessary for academic success are the goals of the Cleveland
Schools Book Fund. And now, this
very important fund is under the
management and administration
of the Cleveland State University
Foundation and College of Education and Human Services.
Since its establishment by
retired businessman Stephen
C. Morris in 2003, the fund has
placed more than 118,000 storybooks into 71 elementary schools
in the Cleveland Metropolitan
School District. Some 20,000 prekindergarten through third grade
students have benefited.
With support from private
and corporate donors, the goal is
to provide 150 new, professionally selected books for all pre-K
through grade three classrooms
in all 82 Cleveland elementary
The College of Education and
Human Services works with the
school district to manage the project and select, purchase and distribute the books. The CSU Foundation administers the fund and
solicits donations. For information
on supporting the Book Fund, call
216-687-5513 or email d.baggs@
Meeting Educational Needs —
Cleveland State continues to modify and expand its curriculum with
such new offerings as:
­• An evening MBA program
in Brunswick at Designer Showcases, Inc. in the Industrial Park
complex. Students with a bachelor’s degree in business can complete their MBA in just 15 months;
those whose bachelor’s degree
is in a non-business discipline
can earn an MBA is just over two
years. This is the latest Nance College of Business Administration
off-campus offering targeting busy
• A Master’s Degree in Health
Sciences, in conjunction with
Cuyahoga Community College,
that allows students to meet a
new state requirement that physician assistants have a master’s
degree. Students who complete
the 27-month program will earn
a master’s degree from CSU and a
certificate from Tri-C’s physician
assistant program.
• A Master of Education with
Specialization in Organizational
Leadership, an 18-month program for school leaders who seek
principal licensure. Course work
is delivered for part-time study
during intensive weekend sessions
and using online components.
• A Master of Nonprofit
Administration and Leadership,
an interdisciplinary program to
prepare students for management
positions in the rapidly growing
nonprofit organization field. Cur-
riculum foci include fundraising,
human resources, proposal evaluation and applied management.
• 4+1 programs in Chemical and Biomedical Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering, Electrical
and Computer Engineering, and
Civil and Environmental Engineering which enable students to earn
both bachelor and master degrees
in five years.
Child Development Center
Welcomes Youngsters — It’s
never too early to start thinking
about college. Children who may
someday be CSU students are
getting a very early preview of
campus through Cleveland State’s
new Child Development Center.
Located in the Recreation
Center building, the state-licensed
center is managed by the YMCA
of Greater Cleveland. It is open
primarily to children of Cleveland
State students, faculty and staff,
but will accept children from
the community as limited space
The new facility is open Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to
6 p.m. and provides care for children from six weeks to age five
in four bright and cheerful classrooms for infants, toddlers, preschool and pre-kindergarten. In
2008, a fifth classroom will accept
kindergarten-aged youngsters.
There is also a fenced-in playground for outdoor activities.
Cleveland State’s College of
Education and Human Services
will collaborate closely with the
center, placing teachers-in-training
there for observation, field experience and hands-on learning.
The center offers safe, nurturing,
high-quality child care and provides experiences to enhance their
social, emotional, cognitive and
physical development. For information, call 216-802-3330.
CSU Co-Sponsors Town Hall
Series ­— Seven informative and
engaging speakers are sharing
their insights with local audiences
as part of the 2007-08 Town Hall
of Cleveland speaker series,
co-sponsored by Cleveland State.
Guests this fall have included
historian Doris Kearns Goodwin,
law professor Khaled Abou El
Fadl, and former educator Jaime
The series continues with
economist-author-actor Ben Stein
on December 10, author/journalist Charles C. Mann on February
11, Partners in Health co-founder
Paul Farmer on February 25, and
former president of Ireland Mary
Robinson on March 3.
All presentations are held on
Monday evenings at 6 p.m. at the
Ohio Theater in Playhouse Square.
Tickets are $45 for a single
program and $25 for students.
For details, visit www.townhall
series.org. Town Hall of Cleveland,
established in 1931, is the nation’s
longest, consecutively running
speaker series.
Campus Benches
— The president, several vice
presidents and the
board of trustees
have purchased campus benches.
So have alumni and friends of the
University. Have you?
More and more CSU benches
are popping up across campus as
donors seek to pay a unique and
lasting tribute to someone special.
The green steel benches are
72 inches wide and feature the
seal of Cleveland State University
along with a personalized, lasercut plaque “in memory of” or “in
honor of” adhered to the top of
the bench frame. The benches are
strategically placed on campus to
enhance the image of the University and to help create a welcoming environment for students and
The cost of each bench is
$1,000 and is payable to the CSU
Foundation. The gift is tax deductible as permitted by law. For information or to donate an engraved
campus bench, call 216-687-3557.
New Athletic Logos — Meet
Peering Viking, the primary
new logo for Cleveland State
Athletics. The new mark has been
incorporated into uniforms
and other apparel worn by
student-athletes and can
be seen on the basketball
floor in the Wolstein Center. Athletic spirit marks
and logos have been
updated to reflect a more modernlooking image that better represents today’s student-athletes. B
Passionate and proud of it
On the wall of his Kirtland home, Tim Cosgrove’s
Cleveland State graduation diploma and a photo of
his cherished parents share a single picture frame. He
also still has his 1979 acceptance letter from CSU.
They’re reminders of just how much the University has meant to him over the past 28 years. It’s a
relationship that will continue, he says, “for as long as
the University will have me.”
Cosgrove, a partner with Squire, Sanders &
Dempsey, completed a 10-year term on the University’s board of trustees in June. His service included
two years as treasurer and four years as board chairman. He recently was appointed a director on the
Cleveland State University Foundation.
But his affection for CSU began long ago.
Born and raised in Cleveland’s Collinwood neighborhood, Cosgrove has worked since the age of 11.
While sweeping floors at Freeway House of Flowers,
he became acquainted with a customer who was
a Bratenahl Board of Education member and soon
became a mentor to young Tim, encouraging him to
attend Bratenahl High School as a tuition student.
“My boss at the flower shop said, ‘If that’s what
you want, I’ll give you enough work to pay your
tuition.’ She did, and that decision changed the course
of my life,” he says.
As a 10th grader at Bratenahl, Cosgrove took a
class trip to the Cleveland State campus. No one he
knew had ever attended college or even thought
about the possibility; in fact, his father had only a
ninth grade education. But Cosgrove was smitten.
“From that first visit, I really liked the campus
and made up my mind that I would attend Cleveland State,” he recalls. “The day my acceptance letter
arrived, I was the talk of all the Westropp Avenue
front porches. I was going to college! It’s hard for
others to appreciate how that feels. But for someone
like me, the first in his family to go to college, it’s a
proud moment. I’ve kept my acceptance letter as a
reminder of that important day in my life and of the
incredibly important work this University does.”
A full-time student, Cosgrove majored in political
science and worked his way through college by waiting tables at Stouffer’s Inn on the Square and tending
bar at The Shire in University Center. Eventually, he
landed a job in community relations/neighborhood
development at Cleveland City Hall, which began a
14-year working relationship with George Voinovich.
Like many CSU students today, he commuted
to campus from home but did reside for a while in
the TKE fraternity house. Despite a social life that
included memorable parties in Fenn Tower, The Shire
and Fat Glenn’s, Cosgrove was focused on getting an
“I had my share of fun but I got good grades and
was always grateful that CSU was there for me,” he
says. He graduated in 1983 with a bachelor’s degree.
“Cleveland State gave me educational opportunities I would not have had. The professors were terrific
and had an enormous impact on my life and my love
of learning,” he says. “One of the greatest moments of
my life was having my parents in Woodling Gym to
see me graduate.”
Cosgrove continued his education by immediately
enrolling in CSU’s Cleveland-Marshall College of Law.
After four years of night classes, still working at City
Hall and waiting tables, he earned his law degree
in 1987 and passed the Ohio bar exam on his first
try. A public service junkie, he continued to work
with Voinovich, as executive assistant to the mayor
and later, as director of policy and legislation when
Voinovich became governor. He joined Squire,
Sanders & Dempsey in 1993, and became a partner
in 2001.
Even while living in Columbus, Cosgrove stayed
connected to Cleveland State, serving on the Alumni
Association board of directors.
In 1997, he was appointed to the Cleveland State
University board of trustees. His 10 years of service
have been “the highlight of my professional experiences,” he says. “It was an honor to serve and
although tough at times, it was never a disappointment. Being a trustee is an awesome responsibility
and very rewarding.”
Cosgrove believes the board’s most important
responsibility is hiring the right leadership for the
University. It struck gold with President Michael
“He has created a new Cleveland State by providing much-needed administrative stability, a sense of
vision and direction for the future, energy, a renewed
commitment to academic excellence, and a passion
for the University and our students,” says Cosgrove.
“He’s the finest president in the history of Cleveland State. And with Mike at the helm, being chairman of the board of trustees was the greatest volunteer job in Cleveland.”
Dr. Schwartz is quick to return the compliment.
“Tim Cosgrove’s commitment to Cleveland State
began early in his student life. He recognized the
University as an opportunity to change his life in
many important ways. And, in fact, the University did
exactly that for him. All that he has given back to the
University in terms of his time and energy and real
psychological investment has been by way of saying
‘thank you.’ And for its part, the University couldn’t
be more pleased. He is the perfect model of the outcome of a Cleveland State University education,” said
the president.
Cosgrove is proud that Fenn Tower was saved
from the wrecking ball during his tenure. “We are a
young institution with roots in a much older institution. Fenn Tower is a symbol of our past and important to who we are as an institution,” he says.
Tim and Kim Cosgrove with
Michaela, Ian and Dawson.
Other accomplishments during his years as a
trustee include reorganization of the board of trustees
around the University’s objectives, the implementation
of admission standards and the honors program (“that
was huge”), more aggressive recruitment of the best
and brightest students, the master plan that is changing the face of both campus and downtown Cleveland, and a renewed focus on academic excellence.
“Cities like Cleveland deserve great public universities,” he says. “In the last 10 years, Cleveland State has
moved in that direction. We have done an enormous
amount to create a great university in a great city.”
Most rewarding, however, is the new spirit that he
sees on campus.
“At the end of the day, that’s what makes me
proud,” he says. “We’ve got a lot of good, enthusiastic, hard-working people on campus who are dedicated to giving our students a great educational experience and advancing Cleveland State. There’s been a
remarkable turnaround in team spirit.”
Confident and optimistic about Cleveland State’s
future, Cosgrove readily admits there are challenges
ahead. These include the nationwide decline in high
school students which will heighten competition
among colleges, and the need for CSU to continue
forming meaningful and constructive community
partnerships that enhance its mission and growing
role as a key player in the region. Of course, maintaining sound fiscal health and raising scholarship
funds are never-ending challenges.
To that end, Cosgrove is delighted with his
appointment to the CSU Foundation, a private, nonprofit corporation that serves as an independent, taxexempt organization to solicit, receive, and distribute
gifts to the University in accordance with the wishes
of the donors.
Although he favors term limits and the “fresh
blood and new perspectives” that new board members bring, leaving the board of trustees was bittersweet for Cosgrove. At a farewell luncheon where
colleagues toasted him with Diet Coke, his beverage of choice, he was lauded and presented with a
commemorative CSU desk lamp and inscribed CSU
bench, which will be installed on the College of Law
“You can’t know what it means to me to have
served on this board and as chairman,” he said, choking back tears and surrounded by wife Kim, daughter
Michaela, and sons Ian and Dawson — three future
CSU graduates, he hopes.
“Everything I have in life is because of my education. It’s difficult to overstate what a special place
Cleveland State is,” he continued. “Cleveland State
changes students’ lives — it really does. And the
people that are part of Cleveland State — trustees,
faculty, staff, alumni, all of us — are part of a very
special place.” B
Balloons, flowers, ferns, trellises and special
flooring transformed Cleveland State’s Recreation Center into “party central” for the 17thannual Distinguished Alumni Awards Dinner.
A sold-out crowd of 400 guests could hardly
believe they were gathered on a basketball court
to salute the achievements of eight outstanding
Honorees received a handsome plaque and many
called the recognition by their alma mater and the
CSU Alumni Association a highlight of their life.
“Cleveland State University has awarded more
than 100,000 degrees and since this program began,
119 outstanding alumni have been honored,” said
President Michael Schwartz. “Tonight we recognize
eight more individuals for their career excellence,
commitment to community service and dedication to
hard work and achievement.”
This year’s Distinguished Alumni are: Charles R.
Emrick Jr. (George B. Davis Award), Christopher W.
Vasil (Cleveland-Marshall College of Law), Lisa SuarezCaraballo (College of Education and Human Services), Eugene P. Baxendale (Fenn College of Engineering), Dr. Elaine Richardson (College of Liberal
Arts and Social Sciences), Anthony J. Coyne (Maxine
Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs), Stephen F.
Kirk (Nance College of Business Administration), and
Dr. Danielle N. Ripich (College of Science).
The evening included a video salute to each honoree, a silent auction, a gourmet dinner and music
by Fleshcoat. Alumni Association President James
Honorees’ achievements
are source of pride
Brazytis, ’94 BA, delivered greetings and WEWS-TV
reporter/anchor Alicia Booth served as emcee. All
attendees received a CSU tote bag.
The DAA program is among several Alumni
Association events that have helped raise more than
$200,000 in scholarship funds for students.
— Recognizes a graduate’s generous dedication to the growth
and advancement of Cleveland State University. Alumnus
Davis, for whom the award is named, received a BBA in 1941
and an MBA in 1981.
earned an LL.B. from the College
of Law in 1958. He is a senior partner of Calfee,
Halter & Griswold LLP (retired) and a business
advisor. He divides his time between Westlake and
Naples, Fla.
A life member of the Cleveland-Marshall Law
Alumni Association, Emrick has served on the
College of Law’s Visiting Committee and Campaign
Steering Committee and is now a member of its
Development Council. Emrick attended the DAA event despite ill health
but did not give an acceptance speech, opting to let
his video presentation speak for him.
“I worked during the day and attended night law
school for four years,” he recalled. “When I joined
Calfee, Halter & Griswold in 1966, two lawyers were
Charles R. Emrick Jr.
from Cleveland-Marshall. Today, that number is more
than 30.
“Cleveland-Marshall is highly regarded, as evidenced by the fact that prestigious law firms interview there. The caliber of students is outstanding.”
Christopher W. Vasil earned a bachelor’s degree in
political science from the College of Liberal Arts and
Social Sciences in 1970 and a JD from the College of
Law in 1975. He lives in Alexandria, Va.
Vasil has been a key staff member of the United
States Supreme Court for 25 years; since 2002 he has
served as chief deputy clerk.
“I feel privileged to have attended Cleveland
State and am deeply moved by this award,” he said.
“I chose Cleveland State for economic reasons and convenience
Alumni Weekend included a
and while there, I found teachers
Spring Reunion Celebration
who inspired me and encouraged
that brought several generame to do things I didn’t know I
tions of graduates together to
could do. They made a big differreminisce about fun, friendence in my life.”
ships and education.
Following a tour of refurbished
Fenn Tower, guests enjoyed
brunch in Panel Hall, where
11 members of the Class of
1957 received a commemorative, 50-year gold medallion
festooned with a green and
red ribbon. Also recognized
were members of the classes
of ’32, ’37, ’42, ’47, ’52, ’62
and ’67.
Alumni Rita Shambach, ’63,
and Connie Renker, ’64,
shared progress on Women
of Fenn, an oral history and
archival display project, while
Provost Mary Jane Saunders
brought alumni up to date on
the University today.
Then everyone boarded Lolly
the Trolley for a trip down
memory lane and into the
future. Guests visited the University Library Archives with its
Fenn College memorabilia and
saw firsthand other buildings
under construction or recently
holds a 1992
bachelor’s degree in mathematics
from the College of Science and
a 2002 master’s degree from the
College of Education and Human
Services. She is a bilingual mathematics teacher at Luis Munoz
Marin Middle School in Cleveland
and lives in Columbia Station.
The Distinguished Alumni
Award is the most recent of many
recognitions for Suarez-Caraballo,
including designation as a NASA
Educator Astronaut Teacher,
a Milken Family Foundation
National Educator Award, and a
Best Buy Teach Award recognizing the creative use of technology
to make learning fun.
“I can’t believe I’m receiving
this honor,” she said. “My students are my inspiration — sixth,
seventh and eighth grade, bilingual students who are creative
and intelligent.
Lisa Suarez-Caraballo
“My philosophy is to empower kids to do more
and be more. They need to understand that to be
successful, they must finish high school and attend
college or technical school.”
Like herself, “Cleveland State has a special dedication to urban education and to Cleveland schools,” she
noted. “Cleveland State has helped a lot of teachers in
Cleveland help a lot of kids reach their potential.”
Eugene P. Baxendale received a bachelor’s degree in
industrial engineering from the Fenn College of Engineering in 1977 and is now a member of its Visiting
He has been president and chief executive officer
of the Osborn Engineering Company since 2002, after
first serving as vice president and director of business
development. He lives in North Royalton.
Baxendale is proof that persistence pays — he
took 10 years of night classes to achieve his undergraduate degree and a master of business administration from Baldwin-Wallace College.
“I was one of eight kids and we didn’t have a lot
of money so CSU was the obvious choice for college.
But for a long time, I was almost embarrassed to say
my degree was from CSU — not because of the education but because of the perception of the University,” he admitted.
“Now I want to shout it out — I’m a graduate of
Cleveland State! Attending CSU was an outstanding
experience. I got a terrific education that helped me
succeed in my career. The professors were dedicated,
they brought real-world experiences to the classroom,
and they were really interested in helping students
holds two degrees in English from
the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences — a
bachelor’s degree in 1991 and a master’s degree in
1993. She earned a Ph.D. in English from Michigan
State University in 1996 and this fall, joined the faculty of The Ohio State University after teaching at
Pennsylvania State University since 1998.
She said she attended Cleveland State “because it
was a household name and I wanted to be affiliated
with something good.”
A tearful Dr. Richardson dedicated her award to
her parents, family, friends, professors at Cleveland
State and “everyone who’s helped me achieve success.”
Elaine Richardson
Anthony J. Coyne received a master’s degree in urban
affairs from the Levin College in 1984 and a JD from
the College of Law in 1987. He is a partner and vice
president of Mansour, Gavin, Gerlack & Manos Co.,
LPA and lives in Cleveland.
Coyne has melded his urban and law degrees
to become a leading land use and eminent domain
attorney, specializing in municipal planning and
zoning law.
“I got a fine education and my two degrees
opened a lot of doors for me,” said the housing and
neighborhood activist and chair of the Cleveland
Planning Commission.
“My grandfather was a self-taught immigrant from
Ireland who encouraged me to get an education. I
went to school to help me succeed in life,” he said.
Stephen F. Kirk took six years to earn his master of
business administration degree from the Nance College of Business Administration in 1979. He lives in
Chagrin Falls and is senior vice president of the Lubrizol Corporation and president of Lubrizol Additives.
He is a member of the College of Business Visiting
“This is a great honor. I am grateful to CSU for a
superb education — I would not be where I am today
without it,” he said.
Kirk proudly noted that Lubrizol employs more
graduates from Cleveland State than from any other
university in the world.
“Lubrizol and other companies are counting on
Cleveland State to prepare the work force of the
future. To be competitive locally and globally, we
need high-quality, well-trained graduates,” he said.
holds three degrees in speech
pathology — bachelor’s and master’s degrees in 1977
and 1978 from the College of Science and a Ph.D.
from Kent State University in 1982. The distinguished
educator and researcher is the president of the University of New England and lives in Maine.
“I feel very blessed and I count Cleveland State
among my blessings,” she said. “CSU was there when
I needed it — without it, I would not have been able
to go back to school.
“CSU taught me to be a scholar and it opened my
eyes to diversity. I love CSU — it’s good for students
and for Cleveland.” B
Danielle N. Ripich
Meet your representatives on the Cleveland State
University Alumni Association!
Executive officers for 2007-08 are:
President James Brazytis, ’94 BA, senior program
manager at Liggett-Stashower Public Relations;
Past President Sam Thomas III, Esq., ’73 BBA and
’96 JD, attorney;
Vice President Anthony Bakale, ’82 BBA, vice president and certified public accountant at Cohen &
Secretary Jane Dugan, ’73 BA and ’79 MA, secretary
in the English Department at Cleveland State;
Treasurer Dave Modica, ’77 BBA, Sarbanes Oxley
manager at the Eaton Corporation; and
Executive Director Carolyn Champion-Sloan, director
of alumni affairs at Cleveland State.
Newly elected board directors for 2007-10 are:
David L. Balint, CPCM, C.P.M., ’69 BBA, manager of
trade compliance for ITT Corporation, Aerospace/
Communications Division;
Judith Carey, ’84 BEd and ’93 MPA, chief development officer for the Cleveland Sight Center;
J. Brandon Davis, ’02 BA and MBA candidate, University of Findlay, manager of business for Washington
Group International, Inc.;
Myrna Goodson-White, ’80 BA, retired director of
Parker Hannifin Corporation’s office of corporate
equal employment opportunity;
Neal Hutchison, ’71 BBA, president of Accurate
Instrument Service Co., Inc.;
Anthony “Tony” R. Santana, ’96 BA, senior account
executive for PR Newswire;
Cheryl Seredy, ’87 BA, senior account executive for
Dix & Eaton;
Dave Sobochan, ’00 BA, certified public accountant
with Cohen & Company; and
Janis Wirt, ’89 BS and ’92 MBA, real estate professional with Keller Williams of Greater Cleveland.
Share your leadership expertise and skills as a member of the Alumni Association board of directors.
Board candidates must be willing to serve a three-year
term, support Association events and activities, and
financially support the Association and the University.
If you’re interested, call the Alumni Affairs Office at
Rick Smith Jr.,
a former Viking
baseball player,
graduated from
Cleveland State
in 2003 with a
bachelor’s degree
in business
He’s used his
marketing savvy
and pitching arm
to become a world
record-holder and
top magician.
A Conversation with Rick Smith Jr.
Claim to Fame: On March 21, 2002, I broke the
Guinness Book world record by throwing a standard
Bicycle playing card 216 feet, 4 inches at 92 miles per
hour. The record was set at CSU’s Wolstein Center.
Playing baseball at CSU is where I first started
throwing cards. I was on the team for four years as a
pitcher and we used to have sock wars in the locker
room — you rolled up your sock and threw it across
the room. One day I threw a playing card instead of
a sock. I gave one of my teammates a bad paper cut,
but the guys thought it was cool — they’d never seen
anything like it. They’re the ones who looked into
the Guinness world record and before long, I was in
the Wolstein Center, setting my own world record
by throwing a card 15 feet further than the previous
record of 201 feet held by magician Jim Karol. Jim
and I talk once in a while and are still trying to figure
out a way to challenge each other with card throwing since we are the only two people in the world to
throw a card over 200 feet.
Perks of Fame: The media interest has been unbelievable! The day after I broke the record, I made the
front page of the Plain Dealer, the News Herald and
the Sun Messenger. Associated Press carried a story
which brought phone calls from all over the world,
including London’s BBC and the Tonight Show with
Jay Leno. I’ve appeared on Ripley’s Believe It or Not,
Last Call with Carson Daly, Steve Harvey’s Big Time,
the Wayne Brady Show, Attack of the Show, I’ve Got A
Secret, Master of Champions (where I took first place,
again throwing cards), and the Ellen Degeneres Show.
This fall, I appeared on Sports Science with NFL wide
receiver Chad Johnson and NFL quarterback Josh
McCown. I’ve also got a possible upcoming appearance on Late Night with David Letterman.
Job Title: Professional magician/illusionist/close-up
artist. I travel all over the country with my girlfriend
(my lovely assistant), performing at schools, trade
shows, corporate events, kids’ birthday parties and
more. I’ve performed for Sherwin-Williams, Hyland
Software, Avery Dennison and many other top companies. I recently did a show at the Allen Theater in
Playhouse Square for Mothers Against Drunk Drivers.
Last November, I traveled to Central America with St.
Basil Church in Brecksville and did magic shows for
orphanages throughout Honduras. Traveling can be
crazy but it’s a great way to see the world for free!
Performing magic is my job and career but it never
gets old!
I also run my own web-based talent agency,
Cleveland Entertainers Co., which is a referral service
for local talent. But because my magic career is so
busy, this is only a side business.
Importance of CSU in My Life: My marketing degree
definitely helps me market myself and go out and
get those corporate shows. I think I am doing fairly
well since I perform 400 to 600 shows per year! I also
designed my website. Since graduating, I have been
hired four times to do shows for CSU.
What I like about CSU: CSU was great for me because
it was so close to home. The education was great — I
really got to know some of my business marketing
teachers and have kept in contact since graduation
four years ago. The baseball program was great as
well. Being an NCAA school, you see how sports
should be — tons of practices and keeping fit!
Personal: I have a great family. My parents are very
supportive of my career choice — they love having me do tricks when their friends are around! My
brother thinks my career is cool. He graduated from
CSU this summer with a degree in marketing — he
had straight A’s all through college so I think he’s
pretty cool! I have a great girlfriend who understands
the long hours since she works with me. I grew up in
Lyndhurst and just purchased a home in Broadview
Professional Goals: I just started working with a
financial backer. My goal is to make millions and
one day soon, get my own show in Vegas or on a
cruise ship and become one of the lead corporate
entertainers in America. B
For more information on the magic of Rick Smith,
visit www.ricksmithjr.com or call 440-821-9549.
She was murdered a year ago and Ohio was robbed
of one of its brightest artistic stars. Now, in the same
way that local and national art communities united to
mourn the loss of Cleveland State professor and photographer Masumi Hayashi, four premier art venues
have come together to celebrate and reflect upon her
exceptional career.
Hayashi, a professor of art at CSU for 24 years,
was killed in her home on August 17, 2006 by a
neighbor who also killed sculptor John Jackson,
another resident in the Cleveland West Side building. The tragedy shattered the many communities of
The four local exhibits honoring Masumi Hayashi are:
Akron Art Museum, Bidwell Gallery - Masumi Hayashi, Meditations: Two Pilgrimages. Through January 27,
Tuesday through Sunday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m., open until 9 p.m. on Thursdays, gallery talk on Sunday, Jan.13 at 2 p.m.,
Cleveland State University Art Gallery - Masumi Hayashi, Meditations: The Memorial Exhibition. Through December
15, Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Saturday, noon-4 p.m., www.csuohio.edu/art/gallery. The catalog for this
exhibition is generously underwritten by gifts from The George Gund Foundation and the Cleveland State University
College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences.
which she was a part: her neighborhood, fellow artists, the University and the international art scene.
Now, the Akron Art Museum, Cleveland State
University Art Gallery, MOCA Cleveland and SPACES
are paying a joint tribute this fall to her rare gifts and
artistic vision.
Under the title Masumi Hayashi, Meditations, each
is mounting an exhibition at about the same time
over three months through January 27, 2008. Each
presents an overview of Hayashi’s oeuvre and development as an artist: her rare early works and some
of her last images; her depictions of the American
Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA Cleveland) - Masumi Hayashi,
Meditations: Remembering Injustice. Through December 30,
SPACES - Masumi Hayashi, Meditations: Heartland. Through January 4,
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 11 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Friday 11 a.m.-7 p.m.,
Sunday 1-5 p.m., www.SPACESgallery.org.
internment camps for Japanese Americans; her stark
reconstructions of industrial Cleveland sites; and her
spiritual journey as a Fulbright Scholar to document
temples and ancestral worship sites in Asia. A full
color catalog of her work is available in conjunction
with the exhibits.
Hayashi was internationally known for her powerful, signature photographic collages. Each collage is
composed of up to 100 smaller, separate shots that
she reassembled to reveal a complete 360-degree
“Assembling her collages, Masumi overlaid and
staggered the edges of the prints. By fragmenting
time and space, this process suggests that our understanding of reality depends on our perspective. And
perspective can change, especially over time,” said
Barbara Tannenbaum, director of curatorial affairs at
the Akron Art Museum.
According to fellow faculty member George
Mauersberger, associate professor of art, Hayashi
was dedicated to educating people about prejudice.
“She did this with her art, going back to photograph the sites of the internment camps,” he said.
“She also photographed prisons, toxic waste dumps,
and other not-beautiful venues. Her work was
recognized as significant in part because of the awful
beauty that she found in places that most people
would rather not look at. She had a belief in the
transformative power of art.”
Hayashi was born in the World War II Gila River
internment camp for Japanese Americans in 1945 and
raised in the Watts area of Los Angeles. She exhibited
widely in the United States and abroad.
Her works are found in many public collections,
including the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Cleveland
Museum of Art, International Museum of Photography
at George Eastman House in Rochester, and Victoria
and Albert Museum in London. B
Moses Cleaveland
Philanthropic Support Recognized
A just-received $1 million anonymous gift
gave guests an extra reason to cheer at this
year’s Moses Cleaveland Black-Tie Scholarship Dinner.
More than 350 people attended the sixthannual event at the InterContinental Hotel
to salute President’s Medal recipient Art J. Falco and
10 philanthropists whose gifts of $100,000 or more
totaled more than $1.5 million over the last 12 months.
The $1 million bonus gift announced that evening
pushed the year’s total past the $2.5 million mark.
Guests enjoyed a musical performance by
Angelin Chang, associate professor of piano and 2007
Grammy Award recipient, a rousing musical salute to
Falco by student performers, and a personal account
of the importance of scholarships from honors
student Alicia Pavelecky.
“A scholarship allows me to focus completely
on studying hard and getting my degree. I would
rather be at Cleveland State than anywhere else in
the world. I am receiving a superior education; CSU
has some of the best teachers and programs,” said
Pavelecky, who will be the first in her immediate
family to get a college degree. She plans to become
a high school English teacher and to someday get a
master’s degree and Ph.D. at Cleveland State.
Falco received the President’s Medal, the most
prestigious non-academic recognition that the University can confer. He is the president and chief
executive officer of Playhouse Square Foundation,
Playhouse Square Development Corporation and PSF
Management Company.
This year’s honored donors are:
• The Cleveland Foundation for grants of over
$300,000. The Fenn Educational Fund at the Cleveland Foundation contributed over $100,000 to the
Career Services Center for Biohealth Care and Internship Plus. Two grants of $100,000 each support the
University’s Executive-in-Residence program.
• Realtor Paul J. Everson for the Paul J. Everson
Scholarship for students enrolled in real estate
finance. He also included a $100,000 provision in his
estate plan for the Everson Scholarship.
• The Fund for Our Economic Future for $100,000
to the Dashboard of Economic Indicators research led
by the Center for Economic Development at the Max-
ine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs.
• The George Gund Foundation for a $248,000 commitment to the Cleveland Schools Book Fund which
has placed more than 118,000 storybooks into 71
elementary schools, benefiting some 20,000 children.
• Richard T. Watson for a $100,000 commitment to
the Book Fund. He is the managing partner of Spieth,
Bell, McCurdy & Newell Co., LPA, a Cleveland law
• The Cleveland office of Jones Day for $100,000
to the Bert L. and Iris S. Wolstein Endowed Scholarship Fund in the Cleveland-Marshall College of Law.
This includes $75,000 from the firm and an additional
$25,000 from College of Law alumni and other attorneys at the firm.
• KeyBank for $150,000 to establish a Student
Managed Investment Fund in the Nance College of
Business Administration. The fund will start with
$300,000 made up of the $150,000 grant by KeyBank,
a $100,000 grant by the CSU Foundation, and $50,000
from the Nance College. All proceeds from the fund
will be reinvested or redirected for scholarship support within the College.
• The David and Inez Myers Foundation for
$100,000 for Honors Program scholarships and
$300,000 to assist the University as it prepares for
its first comprehensive fundraising campaign.
• SportsTime Ohio for $115,000 to the Athletics
Department which made possible the regional telecast of six Viking basketball games, including the
first-ever live television broadcast of a women’s game.
The gift also benefited communication students who
produced for television the weekly Viking Basketball
• An anonymous Fenn College alumnus from the
Class of 1943 for designating CSU as the beneficiary of
his IRA. The total anticipated gift will exceed $100,000
and will be used for scholarships.
The Moses Cleaveland Scholarship Fund was
established to attract the best and brightest students
to Cleveland State. Permanently endowed, named
funds have been created with minimum gift commitments of $100,000 from individuals and organizations
that recognize the vital importance of private support
for higher education by providing scholarships to
deserving students. B
Event co-chairs
Jenny and Glenn
Brown (A), CSU
Foundation director
Tim Cosgrove,
trustee Sally
Florkiewicz, and
board of trustees
community member
Trevor O. Jones (B),
student performers
salute Art J. Falco (C).
Honors student
Alicia Pavelecky (D),
CSU Foundation
director Richard
Barone, President's
Medal recipient
Art J. Falco, and
President Michael
Schwartz (E),
Grammy Awardwinning faculty
member Angelin
Chang (F), CSU's
Ensemble (G).
Building Boom
If you haven’t seen Cleveland State
lately, you’re in for a surprise.
Building Blocks for the Future,
a $200-plus million master plan,
continues to change the face of
campus and downtown Cleveland.
Parker Hannifin Administration Center at East 24th Street and
Euclid Avenue opened this spring;
a full-service restaurant on the first
floor is slated to begin lunch service in December. The restaurant,
called Elements, may also be open
for dinner when theater and sporting events are scheduled.
Next door, the former Howe
Mansion has been renovated and
expanded as Parker Hannifin Hall,
home for the College of Graduate
Studies and sponsored programs
and research activities. The building
features seven gas-burning
fireplaces and connects to the
Administration Center via a courtyard. Both buildings were named in
recognition of a $4 million gift from
the Parker Hannifin Corporation.
Across Euclid Avenue, improvements to the Main Classroom
Building include a new stair and
elevator tower entrance on Chester
Avenue, a new four-story atrium
providing spectacular views of the
city, and a new, albeit temporary,
plaza-level home for studentoriented administrative functions
— the first step in a multi-year
project that will involve the demolition of University Center and the
creation of a Student Center.
When the Main Classroom
plaza opens in December, University Center will close. Demolition
will begin in May and is expected
to last three months. Construction
of a new Student Center is slated
to begin in spring 2008 and take
two years to complete.
When the Student Center
opens in spring 2010, it will house
student life, student government
and organizations, a first-floor
bookstore, dining facilities and
At the western end of campus,
renovations to the ClevelandMarshall College of Law will be
completed in December. Changes
include a new Euclid Avenue
entrance, new offices for legal
clinics and student organizations,
and four new classrooms. A
$5 million gift from Iris S. Wolstein
is helping to fund the College of
Law project.
Ground will be broken in
spring 2008 for a College of
Education and Human Services
building on the north side of
Euclid Avenue between Fenn
Tower and Mather Mansion. This
first-ever home for the College
should be open by fall 2009.
The University is working with
the Regional Transit Authority
to build a transit center/parking
garage at East 21st Street and
Prospect Avenue, adjacent to the
Wolstein Center. A parking lot now
on the site will close in spring
2008; parking capacity there will
double to 600 spaces when the
garage and transit center for RTA
buses are complete in fall 2009.
“Fenn Tower, the Recreation
Center and the Parker Hannifin
buildings have already transformed
the eastern end of campus,” says
Jack Boyle, vice president for business and finance. “By spring 2010,
when all our major projects are
done, Cleveland State will be the
gem of downtown Cleveland.” B
North and south views of the planned
Student Center (A), new Chester Avenue
entrance to the Main Classroom building
(B), Parker Hannifin Administration Center
(C), west and east views of the planned
College of Education and Human Services
building (D).
win kudos
Cleveland State’s historic Fenn Tower and
new Recreation Center
have garnered seven
national and regional
awards for excellence
in architecture, preservation, restoration
and engineering. Both
buildings were completed in August 2006
and are cornerstones
of the University’s
campus master plan.
The 110,000-squarefoot, $30 million Recreation Center has received
awards from the American Council of Engineering
Companies, the American Institute of Architects
Cleveland, the Cleveland Engineering Society and
the National Intramural and Recreational Sports
Fenn Tower, restored to its 1929 Art Deco splendor and now luxurious student housing, has
received awards from the American Institute of
Architects Cleveland, the Cleveland Engineering
Society, and the Cleveland Restoration Society:
Trustees Award for Preservation Achievement.
“We’re delighted that Fenn Tower and the
Recreation Center have attained such positive
recognition from these prestigious institutions,”
said Jack Boyle, vice president for business
affairs and finance. “These two buildings are
central to our ongoing plans for a more vibrant,
student-oriented campus and revitalized downtown neighborhood.
“In addition, they are critical for attracting and
retaining our best and brightest students.
Students who live and play on campus become
more engaged with their University and are more
likely to persist toward their degrees.” B
From wind energy to the
arts, ingenuity happens
all year, every day, at
Cleveland State. It was
fitting, therefore, for the
University to be a major
sponsor of this year’s
Ingenuity Festival of Art
and Technology, showcasing CSU’s programs,
research and campus.
For four days in July, more
than 70,000 people, including many families, flocked
to the innovative downtown
festival, which brought
together a multitude of
arts and cultural groups,
nationally known artists and
performers, and technology
firms and innovators, all to
demonstrate the region’s
impressive resources and
to encourage its growth.
Hundreds of thousands
more saw and heard about
the festival and CSU’s role
through media coverage.
2 0 07
The University showed
off its research expertise
through more than two
dozen fun, interactive
exhibits in Glickman-Miller
Hall and Monte Ahuja Hall.
The fun spilled into a CSU
tent on Euclid Avenue and
onto the University Center
Plaza as the performance
site for the opening night
“Samba for 1,000 Drums.”
Here are some photo highlights
of IngenuityFest 2007. B
Investing in Intellectual Capital
Cleveland State University is a
major contributor to the success
of Northeast Ohio. And donors,
recognizing the value of Cleveland’s metropolitan university, are
responding in kind.
For Fiscal Year 2007 (July 1,
2006 through June 20, 2007),
gifts from alumni, individuals,
corporations, foundations and
organizations totaled more than
$8.1 million. This surpasses the
previous fiscal year total by more
than $1.4 million.
Despite a challenging economic climate, donors are supporting student scholarships, faculty
research, and program initiatives
because they recognize and
appreciate what Cleveland State is
doing and the strategic direction in
which it is heading.
At the heart of CSU’s development efforts is the Cleveland State
University Foundation, which
raises private funds for the University and manages its endowment,
valued at $43.8 million as of June
30, 2007. While the endowment
has grown in recent years, thanks
to new gifts and effective management, it still remains relatively
small for an institution of Cleveland State’s size and quality. And
while state leadership has begun
treating higher education with the
respect and dollars it deserves, all
colleges and universities in Ohio
still face an uphill battle for adequate funding.
Therefore, private support —
in the form of annual, capital, special project, scholarship, fellowship
and endowment gifts — remains
Cleveland State’s value to
Northeast Ohio is immeasurable.
And its impact on students is
life-changing. Gifts by generous
donors are an investment in intellectual capital that will help the
University reach even higher levels
of academic excellence.
There are many ways to support the exceptional instruction,
research, scholarship and creativity
that flourish at CSU.
To learn more, visit
www.csuohio.edu/giving, phone
the Development Office at
216-687-5513 or email giving@
csuohio.edu. B
ONLINE — Use the
secure online site at
to make a gift to
Cleveland State
University using your
MasterCard, Visa,
Discover or American
Express card.
BY MAIL — Checks
made payable to the
CSU Foundation
may be sent to:
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue MM 209
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214.
Please include a
completed donation
form which can
be downloaded
and printed at
To discuss planned
giving options or gifts
of appreciated stock,
call 216-523-7288.
CSU Foundation donors in FY 2007
Gifts, bequests and pledge payments
received through June 2007
Thomas Scanlon, JD ’63, was
recognized by the ClevelandMarshall Law Alumni Association for his contributions to
the community and his profession. He is a founding partner
of the Cleveland law firm of
Collins & Scanlon.
John Nussrallah, BBA ’69, was
named senior vice president,
transportation business, for
Thomas Group Inc. He lives in
Fort Worth, Texas.
Myron “Mike” Filarski, BA ’71,
joined KeyBank NA as president of KeyBank Mortgage, a
division of Key’s Community
Bank. Most recently he was
senior vice president of mortgage lending at Fifth Third
Louis Tripodi, MEd ’72, retired
after 34 years as a faculty
member at Clarion University
of Pennsylvania.
Edward Macek, BBA ’72,
joined BBK, an international
business advisory firm, as
a director. He formerly was
the chief financial officer at
Drivesol Worldwide Inc.
Lynn T. Dostal, BBA ’72 and
MBA ’73, moved to Homosassa, Fla. last year and is a
special education teacher at
Crystal River Middle School.
James Mitchell Brown, JD ’73,
of Attorney Consultant Inc. in
Cleveland, volunteered with
Legal Services in New Orleans,
helping to restructure the
procedures for signing up for
Social Security disability and
processing claims.
Gilbert B. Chapman II, MS ’73,
graduated from the University
of Windsor this summer with
a Ph.D. in physics. He lives in
Farmington Hills, Mich.
Howard E. Rose, JD ’74, is an
immigration judge in Houston,
Texas, after 25 years as a federal prosecutor. He is a retired
lieutenant colonel in the U.S.
Army Reserve.
Thomas M. O’Brien, JD ’75,
retired after 25 years as a prosecutor and five years of private
law practice. He
now lives in
N.C., and is
an assistant
director for
Comfort Keepers, an at-home
care company.
Gary A. Ebert, JD ’75, was
named an Ohio Super Lawyer
in 2006 and 2007. He is the
managing administrative partner of Seeley, Savidge & Ebert
and has been the law director
of Bay Village for 21 years.
Patricia Pearson Hubbard, BA
’75, marked 10 years as director of the 4H Youth Development Program at Cornell
Cooperative Extension. She
also is an adjunct professor at
the School of Social Welfare at
Stony Brook University.
Terry Wilk, BBA ’75, joined
Henry Medical Center in
Georgia as vice president and
chief information officer.
Monte Ahuja, MBA ’75, and
his family received the Samuel
Mather Award from University
Hospitals in recognition of
a $30 million donation. The
award was presented on the
same day the hospital broke
ground for the Ahuja Medical
Center, a 600-bed hospital
being built in Beachwood.
Ahuja is the chairman and
chief executive officer of
Transtar Industries, Inc.
Joseph Obleton, BA ’76, is a
learning skills counselor at
Black Hawk College in
Moline, Ill.
Dennis P. Maille, BSCE ’76,
Paul Gemperline, BS ’78 and
was named a principal of Thorson
Baker & Associates, an
services firm
based in Richfield, Ohio.
Ph.D. ’82, is the associate vice
chancellor for research and
graduate studies at East
Carolina University, as well
as an Arts and Sciences
Distinguished Professor of
Maria Boss, BA ’77, stepped
down as president and chief
executive officer of Cleveland
Scholarship Programs but continues to serve the organization as a consultant.
Paul Bures, BSIE ’77, has
authored a
book about
oil independence and
titled America: The Oil Hostage. He lives in North Royalton and is the owner of ES&L
Fred Cash, BSCE ’77, was
appointed by Gov. Ted Strickland to a four-year term on the
Ohio Soil and Water Conservation Commission. The Richmond Heights resident is also
serving his second term on the
Cuyahoga Soil
and Water
board of
He has been
with CT Consultants Inc. for
over 21 years as project manager and project engineer in
the municipal service division.
His wife, Janice, is a 1979 master’s of education graduate.
Terry Pluto, BA ’77, rejoined
the sports staff of The Plain
Dealer after 22 years with the
Akron Beacon Journal. The
author and nationally known
columnist, named Ohio
Sportswriter of the Year eight
times, covered the Indians for
the PD from 1979 to 1984.
Carmen Nazario, BA ’78 and
MPA ’06, lives in Rocky River
and is a supervising U.S.
probation officer.
Adina Bloom Lewkowicz,
BA ’79, authored Teaching
Emotional Intelligence:
Strategies and Activities for
Helping Students Make
Effective Choices.
Craig Cox, BME ’79, is the vice
president of manufacturing
at Patio Enclosures Inc., as
well as a member of the firm’s
board of directors.
Harold Covert, MBA ’79, was
appointed to the Harmonic
Inc. board of directors as chair
of the audit committee. He is
the executive vice president
and chief financial officer of
Openwave Systems.
Robert A. Steele, MBA ’80,
was elected to the Kellogg
Company board of directors.
For more than 30 years, Steele
has worked for Procter &
Gamble, where he is the vice
chairman of global health and
Gregory F. Clifford, JD ’80, is
the chief magistrate of Cleveland Municipal Court.
Timothy P. Cannon, JD ’80,
was appointed by Gov. Ted
Strickland to serve as a judge
on the 11th District Court of
Appeals for a term ending in
January 2009. The Painesville
Township resident is a partner
in Cannon, Stern and Aveni
Co. L.P.A.
Keith L. Vencel, BA ’81, is a
human resources professional
and faculty practitioner with
the University of Phoenix,
Northern California campus.
He has been recognized for
helping a large healthcare network in Northern California
change its recruiting process
from paper-based resumes to
electronic candidate profiles,
thereby streamlining the
hiring process from weeks
to days.
Edward Leigh, BA ’81, is
a motivational
speaker and
author of
Trauma to
Triumph: Finding Strength
Throughout the
Cancer Experience.
Keith Wyche, BBA ’81, was
featured in Diversity MBA’s
July 2007 list of Top 50 Under
50 African American MBA
corporate executives. He is the
president of North American
operations for Pitney Bowes
Management Services.
Raymond C. Wilson, BBA ’81
and MAFIS ’85, was appointed
controller and treasurer of
Toyota Financial Savings Bank
in Henderson, Nev.
Gary S. Austin, MBA ’82,
joined Beach First National
Bank as executive vice president and chief financial officer of both the bank and its
holding company, Beach First
National Bancshares Inc. He
lives in Myrtle Beach, S.C.
Randy D. Rinicella, MBA ’82
and JD ’85, joined Houstonbased HCC Insurance Holdings Inc. as senior vice
president and general counsel.
Most recently he was general counsel and secretary of
Dresser-Rand Group Inc.
Barbara J. Rowland Hise, MEd
’83, retired after 27 years as
director of strings in the
Shaker Heights Public
Schools and nearly 32
years of teaching strings
and music in Shaker
Heights, Connecticut and
Harry J. Kelm, BSME ’85 and
the senior inclusion director
at JumpStart, responsible for
matters related to diversity.
MSME ’93, was named business unit manager for Hyson
Products in Brecksville. He
has held various positions
with the firm,
including director of sales
and marketing
and acting
business unit
Fay Brownlee Miller, MEd ’85,
Michael Grady, BBA ’85 and
Carl J. Grassi, JD ’84, is
president of Cleveland-based
McDonald Hopkins LLC. He
has been with the law firm
since 1992.
Charlene Jones, MBA ’84, is
was selected for inclusion in
the 11th edition of Who’s Who
Among American Teachers
and Educators 2006-07. This
was her fifth nomination since
after 30
years in
the classroom,
Miller taught elementary
school in both Cleveland and
Shaker Heights.
Carol Fishell Bennis, BA ’85,
was named chief executive
officer of Beet Street Inc. in
Fort Collins, Colo. Beet Street
is an economic development initiative to launch a
formal cultural arts district in
northern Colorado. Bennis’
husband, Joe, is a Cleveland
State graduate (MA ’81 and
MBA ’85).
John Schoeniger, BSEd ’85,
was named loan fund manager at ShoreBank Enterprise
Detroit. He formerly was vice
president of residential real
estate lending for ShoreBank
in Cleveland.
Sheryl Hoffman, BA ’85, was
selected as the new director of
SPACES, a nonprofit art gallery
for emerging talent in Cleveland. A sculptor, she had been
director of Art House Inc. on
Cleveland’s near west side.
Tim Angbrandt, MBA ’85, is the
marketing manager at Tuthill
Coupling Group, a global
manufacturer and distributor.
He lives in Brunswick.
MBA ’94, was inducted into
the Alpha Delta Chi Fraternity
Hall of Fame.
Gloria Freire, MPA ’86, pro-
vides management consulting
services to small nonprofits
and female-owned small
businesses as president and
owner of GMF Consulting. She
also is president of the board
of trustees of the Cuyahoga
County Public Library System.
Dr. Friere’s 50-plus year career
in social work includes service
as a Cleveland State faculty
William Haney, BA ’86, was
inducted into the Alpha Delta
Chi Fraternity Hall of Fame.
Mark Spain, BA ’86,
co-anchors the CBS 6 p.m.
news and the Fox 10 p.m.
news in Jacksonville, Fla.
Lucinda Einhouse, MBA ’86, is
president and chief executive
officer of the Beck Center for
the Arts in Lakewood. She formerly was director of development at the Cleveland Institute
of Music.
Michael Dolan, BS ’86, was
named executive director of
the Ohio Lottery Commission
by Gov. Ted Strickland. For
the past 10 years, he represented the West Park area as
a member of Cleveland City
Regennia Williams, BA Urban
Studies ’86 and MPA ’90,
received the Mentor of the
Year award from the Ohio
Board of Regents-STARS (Student Achievement in Research
and Scholarship Program). Dr.
Williams is an associate professor of history at CSU.
William C. Engle, BA ’86 and
BSCE ’94, was
promoted to
senior project manager
in the structural engineering
department of Thorson Baker
& Associates, an engineering
services firm based in Richfield, Ohio.
Michael Nagy, BA ’86 and
MBA ’95, is the superintendent
of public works — the top city
administrator — in Fort Morgan, Colo. He formerly was
the city manager of Marine
City, Mich.
Pamela George-Merill, MPA
’87, is executive director of the
Shaker Square Area Development Corporation.
Frank LaManna, BBA ’87, is
the chief operating officer of
Thompson Hine LLP. He formerly was the executive director and chief financial officer
of Calfee, Halter & Griswold.
Donn W. Trautner, MEd ’87,
is the principal of Our Savior
Lutheran School in Austin,
Lisa Hagerty, BBA ’88, was
promoted to senior
managing director at Dix &
Eaton. She has
been with the
firm since 1996.
Sharon Scott,
MEd ’88, was appointed to the
Willoughby-Eastlake School
Board. She has taught for the
Lake County Board of Mental
Retardation and Developmental Disabilities at Broadmoor
School in Mentor for 20 years.
Thomas Mach, MA ’89, was
promoted to professor of history at Cedarville University,
where he has been a faculty
member since 2000. Dr. Mach
lives in Xenia, Ohio.
Mark Haney, BBA ’89, was
inducted into the Alpha Delta
Chi Fraternity Hall of Fame.
Sean Gallagher, JD ’89, was
recognized by the ClevelandMarshall Law Alumni Association for his contributions
to the community and his
profession. He is an Eighth
Ohio District Court of Appeals
Debbie Ann Burney Taylor, MA
’89, is director of the Women
in Engineering
Office at the
University of
The Ann
Arbor resident received
a 2007 SWIMPY
“Dream” grant from Case
Western Reserve University
for a project that will
culminate in a jazz-related
picture book.
Cynthia Moore-Hardy, MBA
’90, was named a Crain’s
Cleveland Business Woman
of Note for 2007. She is the
president and chief executive
officer of Lake
System and
received a
CSU Distinguished
Alumni Award
in 2005.
Cynthia Salim, BA ’90, is the
co-owner of RV Spa, a new
business in Lorain County that
offers storage and service for
motor homes. She is an officer of the Erie Shores Allegro
Club, which promotes the RV
lifestyle. Salim lives in Carlisle
Township, Ohio.
Bernard L. Buckner, MPA ’90,
was appointed as the first
executive director of Cleveland
State’s newly created Department of Campus Safety, which
combines the police, fire,
safety and security, and envi-
ronmental health and safety
departments into one unit.
James L. Harrold, BSCE ’91,
was promoted to senior project manager in the structural
engineering department of
Thorson Baker & Associates,
an engineering services firm
based in Richfield, Ohio.
Craig Fultin, MBA ’91 and DBA
’96, joined Cuyahoga Community College as executive vice
president for finance and business services. He formerly was
the mayor of Lorain, Ohio.
Timothy H. Warneka, MEd ’92,
is the author of The Way of
Leading People:
Your Integral
Skills with the
Tao Te Ching.
Timothy R.
McNichols, BA ’92, is the pub-
lisher for Gainesville, Floridabased Naylor Publications but
continues to live in Cleveland.
He works with
and organizations
the county
to deliver
communications tools to
their members and industry
Howard Thompson, MPA ’92,
was elected to the Cuyahoga
Valley Chamber of Commerce. He is president of the
Levin College of Urban Affairs
Alumni Organization.
Lou Tisler, BBA ’92 and MBA
’94, was named to Gov. Ted
Strickland’s Foreclosure Prevention Taskforce. The Rocky
River resident is executive
director of Neighborhood
Housing Services of Greater
Christine Faranda, BBA ’92
Ann Billetz, MS ’94 and Ph.D.
and JD ’96, was
named a
rising star
in the 2007
edition of
Ohio Super
Lawyers. She
is an associate in the
Cleveland office of Buckingham, Doolittle & Burroughs,
LLP and lives in Lakewood.
’98, was granted tenure at the
Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, where she has been
an assistant professor of biology since 2002.
Anne Ferlito, MEd ’93, was
one of 44 teachers nationwide
to receive a 2006 Disney
Teacher Award recognizing
creativity, innovative teaching methods and the ability to
inspire students. She teaches
second grade at Moreland
Hills School in Pepper Pike.
Laurel Dinallo Conrad,
MUPDD ’93, is director of
business development for
the Karen Skunta Design
Win Weizer, BA ’93 and MPA
’97, was appointed to the
University Heights City
Allen Guisinger, BS ’93 and
MS ’97, received his MBA from
John Carroll University this
summer. He lives in Newburgh Heights and works for
Saint Gobain Crystals.
Kirstin S. Toth, MPA ’94, is a
project officer with the GAR
Foundation in Akron.
Cindy Petkac, MUPDD ’94,
is a community philanthropy
officer for the Duluth-Superior
Area Community Foundation.
Scott C. Walker, JD ’94, joined
the Columbus office of Squire,
Sanders & Dempsey as litigation senior attorney. The former editor of the ClevelandMarshall Law
Review was
named a
2007 rising
star by Ohio
Super Lawyers magazine.
He lives in Pickering.
Lori K. Long, BBA ’95,
authored her first book, a
career-planning guide titled
The Parent’s Guide to Family
Friendly Work. Long lives in
Cleveland and is the president of LK Consulting LLC, a
human resource management
consulting firm.
Ed Bell, MBA ’95, was
promoted to president of Jet
Star Inc. in
Zionsville, Ind.
He formerly
as vice
of operations
and marketing.
Paul Gomez Farrell, MS ’95
and Ph.D. ’04, is the director
of work force development
for the Denver, Colo. Office of
Economic Development.
Antoine Williams, MEd ’96,
retired from Ford Motor
Company after 30 years as an
education and training coordinator. Now a project leader
and faculty member for Baker
College in Flint, Mich., he
manages the school’s on-site
degree programs at auto manufacturing facilities in Ohio.
He lives in Bedford Heights.
Akia Foster-Churn, BA ’96,
is the senior program officer
with the Girl Scouts of Lake
Erie Council.
Daisy Alford-Smith, Ph.D. ’96,
is the chief executive officer
of the Girl Scouts of Northeast
Anthony Zielinski, MACTM
’97, was elected treasurer of
the city of Parma in 2005,
after serving six years on City
Bennie Neal, MEd ’97, teaches
Danielle Pitcock, JD ’98,
Michael J. Kearns, MBA ’00, is
social studies and
literacy in East
The ordained
deacon at
Fidelity Baptist Church is
listed in Who’s
Who of American Educators.
joined Sikora Law LLC as an
chancellor of Mohave Community College, after serving as
vice chancellor for instruction.
He was in private dental practice for 24 years before joining
MCC as founding director of
the dental hygiene program.
Linda Seber, BS ’98, and Laura
Seber, BS ’99, were crowned
moted from senior manager to
executive director at Ernst &
Young LLP’s Phoenix office.
queens of the 2007 Twins Day
festival in Twinsburg, Ohio.
The identical twins are both
physical therapists — Linda
with Jaworski Physical Therapy in Elyria and Laura with
EMH Center for Health and
Fitness in Avon. They live in
Sheffield Village.
Marcia Lynn Thomas McCoy,
Beth Schulhof Spyke,
BA urban studies ’98, is a
living in
MPA ’99, is the scholar and
curriculum coordinator for
the Multidisciplinary Clinical
Research Training Program at
the Cleveland Clinic.
Jeff Bogan, JD ’97, was pro-
Jeffrey Morris, BSCE ’98, was
promoted to senior project
manager in the structural
engineering department of
Thorson Baker & Associates,
an engineering services firm
based in Richfield, Ohio.
Steve Bloom, BA ’98, is
the acting director of the
Tremont West Development
Bonnie Erica Horton, MPA ’98,
is a grants management analyst for the Atlanta, Ga. police
Gary Norton, MPA ’98, was
named one of Cleveland’s
Most Interesting People by
Cleveland Magazine.
Chad E. Dasher, BA ’98, is
executive director of the
Westown Community Development Corporation.
Adrienne Zurub, MA ’98, is the
author of Notes From the Mothership-The Naked Invisibles.
Paul Weisinger, BBA ’98,
was promoted to manager at
Walthall, Drake & Wallace LLP.
The Westlake resident joined
the accounting firm in 1999.
Carolyn Smith, MPA ’99, was
selected to attend the National
Trust for Historic Preservation’s 2007 Leadership Training course. She is
a coordinating
with the city
of Cleveland’s
Program and an
active member of the Cleveland Restoration Society.
Christopher Kastner, MBA ’99,
was appointed vice president
of operations at Sybron Dental
Specialty Products. He lives in
southern California.
Frank L. Gallucci III, JD ’00,
was named in Northern Ohio
Live’s 2007 Ohio Rising Stars
Super Lawyers. He is a founding partner of Plevin & Gallucci Co, L.P.A. in Cleveland.
Joni Ledinsky, BIE ’00, is a
production manager at USG
Interiors Inc. in Westlake. The
firm recently won the highest
Star rating for safety from the
U.S. Department of Labor’s
Occupational Safety and
Health Administration.
R.A. Washington, BA ’00,
is the public programs and
outreach manager at the
Museum of Contemporary
Art Cleveland.
Sharon E. Gregor, MS urban
studies ’00,
wrote and
Forest Hill:
The Rockefeller Estate.
She lives in
East Cleveland.
Erik Janas, MPA ’01, is an
Julie A. Terry, BA ’02, received
a law degree from Ohio Northern University’s Pettit College
of Law this summer.
Judy Mansour-Thomas, MA
’03, is executive director of the
Greater Cleveland Poets’ and
Writers’ League.
Kathy Berta, BA urban stud-
ies ’03, received a law degree
from The University of Akron
School of Law this spring.
Emma Petrie Barcelona, MS
urban studies ’03, is a grants
administrator for the Lakewood Division of Community
James Greene, BA ’04, is man-
ager of cartography/GIS/data
analysis for the city of Cleveland’s Department of Community Development.
executive assistant, focusing
on intergovernmental affairs
and regional development
for Columbus Mayor Michael
Timothy Thomas O’Brien,
Kevin Hyland, JD ’01, joined
assistant professor in the College of Public Policy, Department of Public Administration,
at the University of Texas at
San Antonio.
Boykin Management Company
as general counsel.
Karin Scholz Jenson, JD ’02,
was elected to the board of
directors of the Community
College of Aurora Foundation.
She is a litigation associate in
the Denver office of Baker &
Hostetler and formerly was
a reporter and editor at The
Plain Dealer.
Anastasia Valdes, MUPDD
’02, is a GIS technician with
Stewart International in San
Antonio, Texas.
Leon Mason, BA ’02, is the
director of the South Lorain
Lincoln Community Center.
Mason received dual degrees
in Spanish and international
Martin Keane, JD ’02, represents Ward 21 on Cleveland
City Council. He is a former
assistant county prosecutor.
BA ’04, is a consultant with
Accenture LLP in Charlotte,
Renee Nank, Ph.D. ’04, is an
Gerry Lyons, MBA ’04, joined
ScanSource Inc. as vice president-corporate controller. He
lives in Greenville, S.C.
Brian Straka, BA ’05, is the
Black River watershed coordinator and an environmental
planner for the Lorain County
Community Development
Wayne Kehoe, MPA ’05, has
written his first book, Cleveland’s University Circle. He
is the education coordinator
for the Steamship William G.
Mather Museum, a unit of the
Great Lakes Science Center.
Aminah Smith, BA ’05, served
a National Orientation Directors Association summer
internship at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. She is a graduate
assistant in CSU’s College
of Education and Human
Stephanie D. Ashford, BA ’05,
John L. Strok, BA ’06, is a GIS
In Memoriam
Cleveland State Deaths
is a financial analyst with the
city of Cleveland.
coordinator for the Cuyahoga
County Auditor’s Office.
Walter Schmidt, BBA ’42, in
Ron Haybron in April 2007. An asso-
May 2007
Felicia Adams, MPA ’05, is a
Matthew Schron, MBA ’06,
volunteer manager at Eliza
Bryant Village.
was promoted to general
manager of the metalworking
division of Jergens Industrial
Supply. For the past 14 years,
he has been the firm’s product
ciate professor emeritus of physics,
Dr. Haybron retired in 2004. During his 36 years with the University,
he served as ombudsman, special
projects assistant to the provost, and
assistant dean of the former College
of Arts and Sciences. For many years,
he wrote a science column for The
Plain Dealer.
Mason P. Goodman, MPA ’05,
is a federal investigator/special
agent for the U.S. Office of
Personnel Management.
Adam M. Freck, MUPDD ’05,
is an associate with S.B. Friedman & Company in Chicago.
Karen Herpel, MUPDD ’05, is
a manager of education and
training for MAGNET.
Jonathan Oswick, MS urban
studies ’05, is a project manager for Rysar Properties.
Nicole Stika, MPA ’06, is the
senior manager for education
programs for the Council of
Smaller Enterprises (COSE)/
Greater Cleveland Partnership.
Rob Kratz, Master of Music ’06,
is the principal percussionist
with the Battle Creek Symphony and teaches music at
the Community Music School,
a program of the Music Center
of South Central Michigan.
Mark McDermott, MUPDD ’06,
is vice president and central
region director for Enterprise
Community Partners.
Eric R. Tolle, BA ’06, is a plan-
ner for the county of Fresno,
John Brennan, Ph.D ’06, is
a program manager in the
Maxine Goodman Levin
College of Urban Affairs.
Lenaia Burbank, MPA ’06, is
the membership and group
tours coordinator for the Maltz
Museum of Jewish Heritage.
Heather Clayton, MPA ’06, is
an assistant at the Cleveland
Public Library.
Kevin Smith, MUPDD ’06,
is an associate with Allegro
Realty Advisors.
Dawn Hanis Kulikowski,
Master of Music ’06, is the
orchestra director for the Avon
Lake city schools. She and her
husband, Joseph, Bachelor of
Music ’99, live in Parma.
Roger Reed, BSCE ’47, in
January 2004
Robert E. Sweeney, JD ’51,
in June 2007
Harry Butler, JD ’52, in
November 2007
Arnold Roth, JD ’54, in
November 2007
JD ’58, in May 2007
An associate professor of communication, Dr. Dobos taught at Cleveland
State from 1986 to 1999.
Roger Hyde, BSCE ’59, in
Charles (Chas) Smith, Bachelor of
John T. Patton, BBA ’55 and
Christopher Bongornor,
April 2007
MUPDD ’07, is an associate
planner with the Department
of Planning and Development
at University Circle, Inc.
Russell F. Neff, BSME ’61, in
Danielle P. Graham, BA ’07, is
a billing manager for the city
of Cleveland.
Tonia L. Martin, BA urban
services administration ’07, is
a legal assistant in the Department of Health and Human
Services’ Office of Medicare
Hearings and Appeals.
Bradley Shawhan, MPA ’07,
is a Cleveland Metroparks
Elizabeth A. Stein, MPA ’07, is
a department director for the
Cleveland Clinic.
Erin Aleman, MUPDD ’07,
was awarded the 2007 Phillip
D. Peters Regional Planning
Fellowship to work with the
Chicago Metropolitan Agency
for Planning.
Vincent M. Tenaglia, MPA ’07,
is a management analyst with
the city of Largo, Fla.
Diambu Smith, MPA ’07, is a
business development officer
with the city of Cleveland’s
Department of Economic
Development. B
Jean Dobos, MA ’82, in August 2007.
in September 2006
Music ’91 and Master of Music ’93,
in October 2007. The music lecturer
taught the popular “Roots of Rock
and Soul” course and authored From
Woodstock to the Moon: The Cultural
Evolution of Rock Music and The
Soul of Sunrise: Grassroots Music in
Richard Jordan, BBA ’67, in
Preston H. White, BS ’82 and MA ’00,
July 2007
in October 2007. The coordinator of
the Library Computer Learning Center
was integral in establishing and maintaining the Adaptive Technology Lab
for students with disabilities and the
Library Computer Learning Center
for training students in computer
software use.
April 2007
Dennis H. Sherman, JD ’66, in
March 2007
Anthony R. Beccia, BSEE ’67,
Allen E. Grotke, JD ’73, in
August 2007
Donald E. Wilson, BSCE ’75
and MSCE ’82, in April 2007
Michael Robert Parker, BA
’80, in May 2007
Lisa Lynn Maxim Gleske, BBA
’81, in August 2007
James T. Bobrowski, BSEE ’82,
in January 2005
Reid M. Robbins, MS ’82, in
January 2007
Walid Chahine, BSEE ’85, in
June 2007
Edward Corrigan, BBA ’86 and
JD ’89, in November 2007
Antonio DiStefano, BA ’92, in
July 2007
Abdul Qahhar Shahid, MUPDD
’98, in November 2007
Christopher Manos, BBA ’06,
in June 2007
Andrea Szaboics, BSEd ’06, in
July 2007
David Metz in October 2007. The professor emeritus of audiology joined
CSU in 1967 and retired in 1994. He
cofounded and chaired the speech
and hearing department, served as
associate dean of the former College
of Arts and Sciences, and directed the
Heath Career Opportunities program.
Bill Shorrock in November 2007. A
professor emeritus of history, Dr.
Shorrock continued to teach part time
after retiring in 2005. During his 36
years with CSU, he chaired the history
department, and served as special
assistant to the interim vice president
for academic and student affairs,
associate provost, and vice provost for
academic affairs and faculty relations.
An active member of the Retired Faculty Association, he was the current
president of Cleveland State’s Friends
of the Library and an executive committee member of the French Colonial
Historical Society, an international
organization. B
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Thursday, January 3
Basketball Doubleheader vs. Loyola
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Wolstein Center
Thursday, March 13
Scavenger Hunt
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Dave & Busters, Westlake, Ohio
Friday, June 13
Distinguished Alumni Awards
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