
A Brief History _________________________________________
Way back in the late 1960's when Interlocken International Summer Camp was
still a fledgling summer program in the southwestern hills of New Hampshire,
Richard and Susan Herman- together with camper and staff alumni- decided to
start a non-profit "campership" program that would serve the needs of
deserving children from varied social, economic, racial and religious
backgrounds. At the time, very few summer camps made special efforts to create
diverse communities of children who could live and learn from each other as
they shared their summers together.
Interlocken, however, always had an ideal goal of creating a multicultural
educational camp community that would include a broad spectrum of promising
kids, but it always required tuition funding that would help support the essential
diversity. The vehicle to make the "dream" happen was the establishment of the
Educational Opportunities Fund. Hundreds of generous folks supported the idea
and more than forty years later, the fund is still reaching out and selecting
promising young people who want to grow and gain from an enriching summer.
Since the beginning in 1968, the EOF has succeeded in providing summer camp
tuition funds for hundreds of children, financed by parents, kids, alumni, private
and public foundations and other individuals. We're proud to say that the
network of donors and camper alumni is vast, varied and worldwide!
The EOF has always believed in the values and life changing potential
of inspired, creative top-notch summer camp programs. The ideal EOF
campership grant provides support for young people to grow and develop into
adults who want to give to others and help make the world a better place to live.
Letter from the Board ____________________
Dear Friends,
It’s been a productive year for the Educational Opportunities Fund!
We hope you’ve visited our website and Facebook page. (If we aren’t “Friends” yet,
then we are missing you!) Our goal is to connect with our community so we can
rally around our shared appreciation for the value of an excellent summer camp
experience- and the ideal of making such an experience possible for all kids.
With help from you—our passionate community of camp supporters—we were able
to extend the span of our scholarship grants and send twelve kids to camp at both
Windsor Mountain and Nokomis, a perfectly wonderful YMCA camp in MA. We
chose these programs because they embody EOF’s mission: they value diversity,
opening minds, fostering personal growth and helping young people respond to
social, cultural and environmental challenges as responsible global citizens.
This is just the beginning. In the summer of 2011 we sponsored 4 students, in 2012
we met our goal of doubling our scholarships, enabling camp experiences for eight
young people. In 2013 we sponsored nine and this year, 2014, we sent 12 kids to
camp. We continue to move in the right direction for kids!
Since 1969 The Educational Opportunities Fund has helped hundreds of children
from around the world attend summer camp: Refugee children from the Sudan and
Liberia, kids from under-resourced urban areas across the US, and youngsters from
rural areas where resources are thin but kids are eager to play and learn in a
thoughtful environment. We believe a summer camp experience can be deeply
transformative. Connecting with nature, connecting with peers, connecting with
your inner-self and being inspired by creative and magical camp counselors are
only a few of the rare benefits of being at camp.
Please help us help more kids get to camp this year.
Sarah Herman
Board President, on behalf of the entire EOF board
Board Members 2014 _________________________________
Andrew Clendinneng: Director of Development, Regional Programs, UMass Amherst.
Former Crossroads Leader: New England Adventure and California Wilderness.
Madison Graboyes: Global Community Builder at LitWorld, where she helps develop
and maintain international literacy programs for underserved populations. Former
Interlocken camper and Windsor Mountain staff member.
Joshua Hahn: Assistant Head of School and Director of Environmental Initiatives at The
Hotchkiss School in Lakeville, CT. Former Interlocken camper and staff member.
Jessi Hempel: New York-based technology writer for Fortune. She has written
extensively about digital media, online advertising and social networking.
Richard Herman: Current member of the U.S. Presidential Scholars Commission;
Founder of Interlocken International.
Sarah Herman: Head of School at Our Sisters’ School in New Bedford MA. Former
Director of Interlocken International.
Adele Taylor: Lifelong association with AFS International Programs as a volunteer,
employee and host parent; served on the USA Board of Directors and the International
Trustee Board. Former staff member, Interlocken’s USA-China Friendship Camps.
Adam Tepper: Analyst with Soros Fund Management, where he focuses on
research in agriculture and energy. Former Interlocken camper and staff member.
Advisory Board and Support Team Members 2014
Melissa Herman: Dartmouth College professor; former Interlocken staff and advisor.
Tom Herman: CEO at Dashbid Media; former Interlocken director, EOF tech consultant.
Renee Blinn: EOF graphic designer and support team member.
Pam Butler: EOF book keeper and support team member.
Honoring 2014 Scholarship Recipients
Madeline Cisneros: Windsor Mountain
Jada Cruz: Windsor Mountain
Caroline Furtado: Windsor Mountain
Disraeli Hives: Windsor Mountain
Devan Latham: YMCA Nokomis
Gumee Mbata-Aboro: Windsor Mountain
Manny Mbata-Aboro: Windsor Mountain
Kiran McCulloch: Windsor Mountain
Danissa Molina: Windsor Mountain
Tol Mugunga: Windsor Mountain
Solange Lima Soares: Windsor Mountain
Carlyn Wang: Windsor Mountain
Letter from Solange lima-Soares
My Camp experience at Windsor Mountain International Summer Camp
was fascinating. There were ups and downs, but mostly I had a great
experience, made new friends and learned more about myself.
While I was there I learned to swim (with a life jacket), I got mail in my
own mailbox, I shared tight spaces with others. At camp we received
letters from our friends and family since it was the only way to
communicate. This way I learned to write letters daily. The space that I
was living in with my bunkmates was small. What I learned from that
was to accept the space that I had and to be grateful for it.
I also learned to clean public spaces, such as the bathroom in the dorm
area and KP. In my classes I learned to play archery, plan a party, cook
on a campfire and keep it going. Also I made decorations with stained
glass, and upcycled old fabric into a fashionable piece of clothing. Lastly
I learned to kayak and canoe on a lake (with leeches).
There were four special activities that I enjoyed. First capture the flag
(which is a really big deal at camp). Next the Andy Upton, it is a five mile
run. Then evening activity is an activity that is after dinner for the entire
camp or for some campers. Finally The Last Morning Meeting with Ben
O. the counselor. It happened at Super Fun Day; the camp played
Dinosaur Tag and time traveling booths!
The leadership moment that I had was when my bunk and I were
playing a game. The objective of the game was to try to get all
members of our bunk on a long narrow piece of wood in order by tallest
to shortest. The hard part of the game is only one person can talk and
the rest were supposed to be silent. It was a tough choice but my bunk
chose me to be the person to talk in the game. I felt happy to be willing
to do it, I felt like a leader. The best part of the game was that the game
turned out to be really fun.
Thank you for letting me have the opportunity to be a camper at
Windsor Mountain, while I was there I learned new things and made
new friends, and I really appreciated it. Hopefully I will be accepted to
go there again next summer.
2014 Donors
Meet the people who have supported the EOF this year, and join the
effort. Click here to Donate Now!
$299-$100 cont’d
Adele Taylor
Eric and Perrine Geller
Fitz Mullan
Gary Kofinas
Time Life
Andrew Clendinneng
Barbara Virchick
Ellen Kenny
James Earley
Jessi Hempel
Joshua Hahn
Attridge Family
Nobile Family
Haynos Family
Bohrer Family
Rennert Family
Verdes Family
Destin Family
Gow Family
Schloss Family
Davey Family
Delina Codey Barrachin
Ronald Tepper
Timothy Cunningham
Jonathan Lillian
Roberge-Pika Family
Sussman Family
DenNevers Family
Svensen Family
Yang Family
Lyttleton Family
Boyatt Family
Morales Family
Adam Tepper
Richard Herman
Sarah Herman
Eric and Perrine Geller
$99-$50 cont’d
Morales Family
Hurley Family
Maher Family
Fischer Family
Kellman Family
Kelley Family
Liftin Family
Podgalsky Family
Carter Family
Ferrer Family
Gordan Family
Friedman Family
Robison Family
Anderson Family
Sigel Family
Mack Family
Rosenthal Family
Krawic Family
Vanarthos Family
Druel Hodak Family
Tavares Family
Burka Family
Lee Family
Duvall Family
Hines Family
Soros Family
Adele Taylor
Kelleher Family
Sanchirico Family
Sarah Herman
Eric and Perrine
Sunde Family
Rossman Family
and Perrine Geller
Fitz Mullan
Gary Kofinas
Time Life
2014 Donors continued
Goudvis Family
Van Biema Family
Cohen Family
Thompson/Grant Family
Poritzky Family
Bernier Family
Sussman Family
Marriott Family
Wysoker Family
Hives Family
Bacherman Family
Skaller Family
Sheikh Family
Hennessey-Roberts Family Kuriloff Family
Arsay Family
Lockman Family
Dwyer Family
Abadie-Grevy Family
Combs Family
Lynch Family
Turner Family
Lilly Family
Talvola Family
Vega Family
Suder Family
Blodget Family
Slattery Family
Cayirlioglu Family
Kramer Family
Ryan Family
Karshina Family
Hirsch Family
Smith Family
Davol Family
Simon Family
Flaggert Family
Hernandez Family
Richter Family
Kahn-Rosenthal Family
Wing Family
Rodrigues Family
Duclosel Family
Ng Family
Marcus Family
Kirsch Family
Davis-Ribatto Family
Gow Family
Kahn Family
Calix Family
Greenberg Family
DeFranco Family
Dayton Family
Donowitz Family
Heffron Family
May Family
Suk Family
"I am convinced that camp contributed a great deal to our
children’s ability to live and work cooperatively, to challenge
themselves, and to be responsible world citizens.
They will always carry camp values in their hearts and
minds." - Camp Parent
This report provides a summary of charitable gifts made to the
Educational Opportunities Fund (872 Massachusetts Ave Suite #402,
Cambridge, MA 02139; EIN 02-0277028) between January 1, 2013
and January 31, 2014.
This report was edited by Sarah Herman, President, Educational
Opportunities Fund. We have worked hard to ensure the correct
spelling of each donor’s name. However, if we have made an
error, please accept our sincerest apology and contact Sarah at
917-696-8282 or [email protected]