Choosing The Pitches That Work


Choosing The Pitches That Work
Girl’s Windmill Pitching
A ug 3rd , 2013
Volum e 399
Bill Dryden
Choosing The Pitches That Work
I read an interesting article by Cindy Bristow the other day and we completely agree (like I’m sure she was
worried about that.)
When she was pitching, she threw a drop, rise, change and off speed. That was it! No screwball, curve, etc.
At that time, there was no screwball and she couldn’t throw a curve.
What did she do with just 4 pitches? She made them the best they could be. She practiced and could use them on
either side of the plate. She perfected what she had rather than continuing to try the curve which was not a good
pitcher for her.
Another example she used was Keilani Ricketts. We all watched her dominate Division 1 softball.
What did she use? She used a curve, drop, curve/drop and change. She did not use a rise or a screw.
Did she have them? Probably, but she used what worked well for her and her pitches were devastating.
Other pitchers threw just as fast, but her mastery of those four pitches was unmatchable. Every hitter she faced
knew she would not get them out with a rise. They knew what she threw and she still beat them with it by
combining speed, movement, location and that change-up.
With only 4 pitches, she was able to use her practice time to perfect those four pitches and make them work
So, when a young pitcher brags about having 6-8 pitches, the red flag goes up for me. I see it often. I ask them to
show me and every pitch they throw has the same spin.
I have taught girls in the past who would throw their drop very hard but they got much better movement by
taking some speed off of the pitch. Cindy makes the same observation about Cat Osterman. Cat could throw in
the mid sixties but got better movement from the high 50's to low 60's.
The choice becomes whether to throw a bunch of pitches with average or less than average control of them or
throw 3, maybe 4 pitches very well.
Every pitcher wants to learn to throw the rise ball. It seems to be the glamour pitch, but not every pitcher can
master it. If you are better at throwing the down ball, work on it. Make it better. Learn to impart maximum spin
and to do so in the right direction. If the ball should have 12-6 vertical spin, make sure it does! Once you have 3
or 4 pitches that you can spin, change velocity when necessary, and locate with pinpoint accuracy, ,maybe you
can learn another pitch, but instead of trying to throw everything but a square ball in a game, master a few and
make sure you can work north and south as well as east and west.
F allow H arvill of the 12U Salisbury
Sharkz pitching her no hitter
My daughter Ashley, circa 2001 pitching 14U for the Eastern Shore Ladycats coached by Jeff Mills and Charlie Wheatley
N ikki M endes covers first for the D elaw are D iam onds 18U W hite in
U SSSA W orld Series
Sam M uir of the D elaw are D iam onds 18U W hte in first quarter of pitch
Sam M uir connects w ith the ball
Contact a Delaware Storm member to get your chance to win this truck or various cash prizes. All
proceeds benefit the Mackenzie Travis Education Foundation. If you don’t know a Storm member
Contact Jerry Kirby at [email protected] or Bob Tomlinson at address on the flyer.
One of the things we do to practice keeping the ball out of the middle of the plate is to put a cone in the
middle of the plate and hit the edges of the plate or just off of the plate. The point is don’t hit the cone. If
you go to my personal facebook page (Bill Dryden) you will see Maggie Cannon showing an example of
that in a video clip. As I say on that clip, the middle of the plate is not the pitcher’s friend.
Girl’s Windmill Pitching
Check out my website, You can find my newsletters, some links, photos,
and some of my students’ video clips. Just click on the title in blue above or paste the URL into your
Girl’s Windmill Pitching Private Lessons
I am teaching Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, at the Givens’ Facility west of Georgetown, DE, and Fridays
in New Church, VA. If interested contact me at [email protected]
Limited slots are available now at all locations.
I am now offering private lessons on Tulls Millpond Road in New Church, VA.
From the north take US 13 across the VA line. Turn left directly after the Royal Farms Store on Davis Road. Then
turn left on Tulls Millpond Road and go to the 2nd house and turn into the driveway. Follow it back to the concrete
building. This should give us more flexibility with the lessons, allowing me to accept a few more students. For
those coming from the north, it is only a few minutes farther than the Lower Shore YMCA. Email me if you are
interested in lessons. [email protected]
Competitive Sports Performance
This is the website of Dominick Flora, the personal trainer I recommend for all of my private students and
every one I have sent is well satisfied with their improvement since beginning with him. Check out Dom’s
website or visit his place.
Visit his site: Competitive Sports Performance or find Dominick Flora on facebook to see the sport specific
Recruiter MOM
This link will answer some valuable questions for the parents and student/athletes hoping to become
prospects. I highly advise you to visit the site that has been set up and researched by Jan Greenhawk by
clicking on the title above or by pasting in your browser. Check this link. I’ve gotten good feedback.
Andy Givens’ Hitting Instruction
Andy Givens is the former Delaware Technical and Community College Assistant Baseball Coach, and
former Head Softball Coach. He is currently the Head Softball Coach of the Delaware Diamonds 18U Black
team and gives private hitting instruction at his place between Georgetown and Laurel, DE. If you are
looking for a superb, patient instructor to help give you an edge, contact Andy at (302) 228-7960 or email
him at:[email protected]
My daughter, Ashley is a Mary Kaye Director in Qualification. If anyone is interested in becoming a
representative to earn extra income or if you wish to purchase products or host a party contact Ashley
through her website at: , click on the logo above or call her
at (302) 228-3829.
Do you see the logo above? That is the logo of the Visalus weight loss and fitness program. Two of my daughters,
their husbands, my wife and myself are on the program and have had great results, losing pounds, increasing
energy. The proof is in the photos below:
Visalus Family, Son-in-law Bob (down 20
lbs), Kim, Cheryl, me, Ray, Ashley
Daughter Kim from spring until
now down 40 lbs
M e From end of July until Jan
6 th down 40 lbs
Ashley from spring until now,
down 58 lbs
Cheryl from end of July until Jan
6 down 28 lbs
Seeing is believing. Is it a magic bullet?
No! It is a program that can help anyone who is willing to take a challenge. I went to the cardiologist January 2nd
and he told me he didn’t really care about me losing more weight. He just wanted me to stay active. I will shoot for
200 lbs anyway. My heart rate (electrocardiogram) was 56 bpm. My oxygen rate was 98.75% and my blood
pressure was 122/70. I feel great and have energy. I am now at 208 which is 42 lbs lighter. My wife Cheryl had
knee problems and could not walk much. Once she started the program, she got up to 40 minutes a day on the
elliptical and when we go to Sam’s Club she will say “let’s leave the jeep here and walk to Walmart.” That is a
world of difference. Ashley and Ray belong to a gym and workout and Kim does a spinning class plus walks trails.
This is a completely new world for all of us and the Visalus program transforms people. It is even certified Kosher
for those who adhere to Jewish diets.
Take the 90-day challenge and see the difference.
Go to my website at Bill’s 90-day Visalus challenge , step on the mound and take the challenge.
Tryout Information
W agners –M/G will conduct tryouts for the 2013-2014 season on the following dates. The team will be coached by Jan
Greenhawk , W ayne Miller, and Assistant Coaches Jim Greenhawk, Mary Pavlovich, and Cassie Greenhawk
Our team is part of the W agner’s Organization which has a storied tradition of getting athletes into collegiate softball program s.
Players from our organization include Lauren Gibson and Kourtney Salvarola, current USA National Team Mem bers. Tryout
dates and tim es:
Thursday, August 8, 6-8 p.m.
Sunday August 11, 10-1 a.m.
Thursday, August 15th, 6-8 p.m
Saturday, August 17th, 10-1 a.m.
All tryouts will be at Freetown Park, 7769 Freetown Road, Pasadena, Maryland. Directions are available at our website:
http://www.m arylandm
Athletes m ay also fill out a tryout interest form at our website to get updates and info about tryouts.
http://www.m arylandm /# !tryout-form /c1scp
The focus of the team will be on preparing athletes for playing at the collegiate level as well as giving players opportunities to
play in front of college coaches at som e of the top showcases in the country. In the 2013, the team went to the following
Carolina Dynam ite
Diam ond 9 Sun Classic
Team New Jersey
Atlanta Legacy
PGF Sum m er Scorcher
New England’s Finest
In the Fall we are tentatively planning on the following showcases:
Field of Cham pions, PA
Showcase Showdown, VA
Ray Chandler Mem orial Showcase, NC
Toys for Tots –Sham ong , New Jersey
New England’s Finest or Jersey Outlaws
Diam ond 9 Sun Classic
Next Sum m er, we plan to attend as well as others:
Dynam ite Classic
Team New Jersey
Atlanta Legacy
New England’s Finest
Cardinal Classic
W e also plan to qualify to ASA or Prem ier Nationals.
Our Coaching Staff will consist of the following:
Jan Greenhaw k: Recently retired from teaching after 31 years, Jan has coached at the recreational, high school, 18 and 18
gold, and 23 U level. During her tenure at Easton High School, her team went 67-2, was ranked by the NFCA as #26 in the
country, and won two State Cham pionships, three Regional Cham pionships, and three Bayside Conference Cham pionships. In
her twenty plus years of youth sports experience, Jan has also coached gym nastics and was the State, Regional and National
Chairm an for U.S.A. Gym nastics. She was also an internationally ranked gym nastics judge.
W ayne M iller: W ayne Miller served as assistant coach four years for the division one UMBC softball program from 2006 thru
2009. During his tenure Miller was instrum ental in turning the UMBC softball program around by ensuring the Retrievers m ade
the Am erica East Conference Cham pionships every year.
W ayne had the pleasure of developing m any collegiate athletes; and, m ost notable, UMBC's only NCAA top 25 "Player of the
Year" nom inee Melanie Denischuk. W ayne was also instrum ental in developing the following players:
- One NFCA Mid Atlantic All Region Player
- Three All-ECAC Players
- One Am erica East Player of the Year
- One four tim e Am erica East First Team All-Conference Player
- 11 Am erica East All Conference Players
- Nine Am erica East All-Rookie Players
- Eight All-Tournam ent Players
- Four All-Academ ic Players
- Num erous Am erica East Pitchers/Players of the W eek
As a clinician Coach Miller worked num erous Mid-Atlantic softball cam ps/clinics to include USA Olym pic Coach Mike
Candrea's Cham pionship Softball clinic. W ayne is a resident of Sykesville Maryland; he has two children, Chad, 25 a
University of Maryland (College Park) graduate (Races AMA Motocross), and W hitney, 23, (A Sham rocks Fast Pitch Alum ni)
who attended the University of North Carolina Greensboro on a softball scholarship.
Jim Greenhaw k: Jim Greenhawk's thirty plus years of youth coaching include little league baseball, high school wrestling and
softball, 14 U and 23 U softball. Known for his positive approach to coaching, Jim m y is well respected and liked by athletes,
coaches, and parents.
M ary Pavlovich; Mary is a new addition to our coaching staff and com es to us after an illustrious softball career of four years
as a starting third basem an and catcher at Division 1 Bucknell University. In her senior year in 2010, Mary helped lead the
Bison to their Patriot League Cham pionship and a berth at NCAA Regionals. Mary ranks in the top ten all tim e for the Bison in
gam es played ( 5th), career doubles ( 5th), career RBI's ( 7th), career runs scored ( 6th) and career hom e runs ( 7th).
Cassie Greenhaw k: A 2013 graduate of Bucknell University, Cassie played outfield for the Bison for four years. In her senior
year, she led the team in runs scored, walks, stolen bases and sacrifice hits. She also led the Patriot League in runs scored in
League play ( 7th overall) and was fourth in steals( 7 th overall) and walks ( 3 rd overall). She was nam ed to the Patriot League All
Academ ic team in 2013. Cassie is also tied for 10th all tim e in single season walks for the Bison.
For m ore info, call 410-463-3868 or e-m ail Jan at jan417@
Jan and Jim Greenhaw k
M aryland M agic/W agner's 2012-2013
http://www.m arylandm agicw
Morris County Belles Organization
August 10, 11, 17, 18 Saturday and Sundays
14 and 18s
Private tryouts upon request or if you cannot make those contact me to schedule a tryout.
Nick Frungillo
Morris County Belles
Eastern Shore Power 16U Tryouts
Eastern Shore Power will be holding 16u tryouts on Aug 17th at 10am and again on Wednesday night Aug 21th at
6pm . Interested girls should call Herb Williams @ 410-430-4047 or email [email protected]
If you are looking for an organization with a highly qualified coaching staff committed to teaching the game the right way, and prepares the
girls for the next level (college) then the Delaware Storm is for you! Our coaching staff consists of a leader with 15+ years of experience,
an ex college pitcher (pitching coach), an ex college catcher (catching coach), a strength and conditioning coach, and plenty of other
experienced coaches. The Delaware Storm Organization will be offering try-outs on Saturday, August 17 th beginning at 8am at
John M . Clayton Elementary (252 Clayton Ave. Frankford, DE 19945). 18U will begin at 8-9:30, 14U try outs will be 10-12, 12U
and 10U will be at 12:30-2. Looking forward to seeing you there!
18U: Jerry Kirby #302-236-2274
14U Thunder: Mitch Bramble #302-249-0890
14U Lightning: Josh Swain #302-381-9602
12U: Jerry Kirby #302-236-2274
10U: Christina Holmes #302-344-6859
News and Tournament Results
At the Tom Doyle Memorial Showcase in Edison, NJ The Morris County Belles Gold opened with an 8-1 win
over the NJ Thunderbolts. Shelby Smith pitched 3 complete shutout innings to start the game and Katie Baron
relieved with a 1 run effort, chalking up the pitching win. Gianna Kinhofer (signed with Fairfield) smashed 2
homers and Rhi McGlone hit one. Taylor Pechin had a double.
In game two of pool play they faced the the Diamond Dolls, a game in which Shelby Smith got the start and the
win with some relief help by Katie Baron as the team won in 5 innings 13-5. In that game Smith had an RBI
single, an RBI double, and a grand slam, tallying 7 RBI’s and finishing first in their pool with double
elimination to begin Saturday. Saturday did not turn out as well for the girls as they dropped their first game to
the NJ Pride 18U Black 8-7. Shelby Smith took the loss and was relieved by Katie Baron in the 4th. With their
backs against the wall, Baron stepped up and held the Severna Park Hornets to a 1-1 tie through 7 innings. In
ITB, in the 8th inning Shelby Smith had an RBI single to drive in two runs and spot the Belles to a 3-1 lead but
in the bottom of the 8th Thad Toal’s Hornets mounted their own comeback and won 4-3.
At the New England’s Finest Showcase August 2nd and 3rd the Belles Gold opened with a 7-6 win in which
Katie Baron homered twice and Taylor Pechin kept up her hot hitting. Baron got the win in relief of Shelby
Smith. In that game 27 different colleges watched the Belles and 3 of the girls had 8 offers given to Nick
Frungillo of the Belles. Saturday morning brought Taylor Pechin to the mound and she picked up the 10-1 win.
Shelby Smith had 2 hits and an RBI. Nick said 9 more coaches watched plus 5 returning coaches from Friday.
Another offer was made via Nick to one of their outfielders. Taylor Pechin’s stock went up with Fordham who
already has her at the top of their 2016 recruiting list and she drew an impressive review from the University of
Albany. Both schools want her on campus in the fall. The team finished up their 2013 summer season with 2
more games Saturday.
Herb Williams took his Eastern Shore Power to the Metro area the weekend of July 27-28 and came away with
a 2nd place trophy. That is the team’s highest finish.
The Delaware Storm 18U may have not brought home a trophy at the USSSA World Series but Madison Swain
finished her season on an up note. She pitched the final 2 1/3 innings against Pegasus and retired all 7 batters
she faced. Way to go, Maddie!
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