Vol 4 Veerkamp Brown_Part28
Vol 4 Veerkamp Brown_Part28
' .. ¥ · • _ :.;; 1 - ' ·.•·;, -.• • •. ···• ·. ;. s ·< • · • · · .. · . · . r:' J t:• •· 1 1i , ; ' 'x>Z;~ -,r.:~:::;,~0;.. • from Wtlham Queny, cooper, and his wife Margaret to Thomas :{ ;.•\, _;;: • u:•..c :J:ii'. _:;t(!:•d • «···· ..:·.· -· ·, ·. -·· ·.··· · ·•· ><·.·. . .' .•. ·,.· · -·..·•·..· - •1 '° _ ,., .: -f. :·-;.- : 2 , .. ; · .. \ ·': :. 'l ~· : r.- , i- .L ·_~ :-·" .· ·. ·: : _~·. } :\: Deed 4 :681-682 is .:vilson, w~~ver~ ~o~ 106 ~~es ~n.CJo_ose Cr~~~ a branc~ of_Ro~key ~r-~~~.t~n's R,iv_er_., tr~. -r;/~ ~~~: .-~,_j;.~-~. ;: /.:"['.;~·:~~:~~,::;;p~:< J ·- · · l 4-1 69 I COLUMN CAPTIONS: Head of Family· Free White Males +16 ·Free White Males -16 ·Free White Females· All Other Free Persons· Slavs ./ r£r.-- -I / e / ----t.. . L / . -- -~- %.-- / ---.--.J -$--i--- 41--+-- --+--/ ~-- -::.~-/.,..____,__ /. /.-t---+-_..., _. - z..._ -~1--+- /t---r---/ ,,___,__._, 4~-+-- US Census 1790-Mecklenburg County, NC, Microcopy 637, Roll 7, National Archives and Records Adm., Washington, DC. I 4-110 I TAX LISTS Hennan W. Ferguson. Mecklenburg County, North Carolina: Will Abstracts 1791-1868, Books A-J; Tax Lists 1797, 1798, 1799, 1806 and 1807. Rocky Mount, NC: Author, 1993. By permission of Herman W. Ferguson, 2009 p7 continued 1797, Capt. Hood's Co. , continued Acres WP BP 50 1 Crawford, Sa111Jel 100 1 Donaldson, Robert 125 1 Donaldson1 John 1 Dul in, Jonn 1 Dulin, Lugar 500 1 Fisher, George 160 1 Farson, John 387 3 Foard, John( Esq 380 1 Foard, Zebu on 150 1 Galbreath, Robert 263 1 Hood, Reuben 98 1 4 Hood, Tunas 1030 2 Hood 1 Robert 10Q 1 Hartis, Lewis 250 1 Harkey, John 165 1 Harkey, Henry 140 1 Hall, John 296 1 Harmon, Andrew 103 3 Hood, Tunas Sr 239 1 Hood, John 240 1 Irwin, James 123 2 Irwin, Sa111Jel 83 1 Jones, John 147 1 Irwin, Thomas 126 1 Irwin, Robert 124 1 Lerrrnond, John 240 Leach 1 llilliam 205 McRav1n, John Sr 299 McRavin, John Jr 106 McCall, Iii l l iam 149 McCOfl'b Robert 250 Maxwell, James 133 Miller, Andrew (Smith)100 McCollLITI, Donald Carried Forward As transcribed 10873 10673 47 46 16 16 p8 1797 Capt. Hood's Corrpany continued Acres WP BP Montgomery, Caleb 630 2 200 1 Maxwell, James Jr (iJ= Miller, Andrew 317 1 Mash [Marsh?], Ebenezer150 McCallLITI, Martha 108 1 Morris, llilliam 375 1 Morris, John 1 Morris, Philemon 184 2 Neal, John 1 Newell, Peter 183 2 Orr, James 1 169 Orr( James (Heretic) 1 87 Phi ips, Adam 72 1 Parks, Thomas 1 100 Phifer, Henry 1 50 Phifer, Nichol as 1 1077 Ouirey, Jonathon 296 1 Qui rey, John 1 20 Qui rey, Robert 197 Quirey, llilliam Sr 1 20 Quirey, llilliam Jr 1 250 Rogers, James 1 130 Ramsey( Iii l l i am 187 1 Sti lwe l, John 1 196 Stinson, David 2 150 Starns, Joseph 1 425 Shaver, Frederick 735 Stewart, Matthew Starns[ Nicholas 100 Stilwe l, Elisha 36 Shaver, Tunas 179 Stephens, Manuel Shaver, Jacob 190 Vintz, Andrew 170 llalker, Matthew 300 (jj= llilson, Thomas Sr 284 llalker, Matthew Jr 1 244 lleir, Andrew 1 Iii l son, Thomas 2 llilson, James 221 llalker, Archibald 358 3 1 Walker, James 74 1 llalker, Moses 144 1 Young, James 145 1 Blair, \Jm. (Delinquent) 800 llhole Amount As transcribed 20526 20226 94 93 16 16 p9 1797, Capt. Matthew llallis, Co. Acres llP BP 1 3 Alexander, William Jr 600 1 Alexander, Charles 1 2 Alexander, Thopnas, Esq 260 1 Alexander, John 100 1 220 Alexander, Elias 1 215 Allen, George Sr 235 1 Allen, IJm. Safl1)le 200 1 2 Alexander, Aaron 159 Alexander, Francis Alexander, 11111. (son of Fran) 1 420 Al Len, George 500 1 Alexander, Ezekiel 1 200 Alexander, David 1 Alexander, Ezekiel Jr 220 1 3 272 Alexander, Nathaniel 7 2 Alexander, William Sr 449 172 1 Alexander, Elijah 1 220 Alexander, Dan 1 650 6 Alexander, Hez., Esq 1 250 2 Alexander, Joab 700 1 3 Alexander, Cyrus Allen, Geo. as gur 3 400 for K&R Arthur Alexander( Amos 113 Bowen, Iii l i am 150 Benham, Daniel 215 2 Beaty, Sa111Jel Boab Thomas Black, James 150 Buchanan, Robert Buchanan, Charles 75 Clarke, Joseph Crawford, James Clarke, llilliam, Capt. Clarke, Dav id Cr~, Isaac Christenberry, James 252 440 Ca~ll, Abraham 150 Clarke( Benjamin 200 Caldwe l, Daniel 50 2 Davis, Sarrue l Davis, llilliam (shoe mk'r) Faris, Joseph Fl inn, Iii l l iam 120 Flinn, Joseph 163 · Gardner, John 2 Garrison, Sa111Jel 100 Goforth, llilliam 90 Gardner, Robert 829 Galloway, Thomas 230 Henderson, John 792 Houston, Henry Continued Over As transcribed 10181 10561 48 47 41 41 p10 1797, Capt. llallis' Co., continued Acres llP BP 301 1 1 Henderson, Andrew 205 1 Houston, Levi 1 Houston, Sarruel 1 2 Henderson, James 230 1 157 Houston, Thomas 1 Houston, llilliam 1 Henderson, Cairns 300 500 1 Hunter, Henry 125 1 Hunter, John 1 157 Hunter, HLJ!lPhrey 1 Harvey, Sa111Jel 292 111 1 Harvey, John 400 2 Johnston, llilliam 150 1 Johnston, David Johns ton 1 John Irwin, ll1dow 130 8 Kennedy, Eliz. (widow?) 220 Kirk, John 50 Lemnond, Robert 130 Luckey, Robert 300 2 Lon!1, John 545 McG1nty, Alexander 300 McCain, Joseph Morrison, James Jr 210 1 320 2 McCall, James 548 Meek, Moses 988 Meek, Adam 180 McEwin Sa111Jel Mitchell, Nathan 200 Mitchell, Robert 200 Montgomery, Robert 225 273 p10 continued 1797, Capt. llallis' Co., continued Acres WP BP 230 1 Montgomery, John 85 1 Mitchell, Sa111Jel, 2 McClanaham, Reuben 1 McCandless, John 1 McAlister, John 100 Mcculloh, llidow 1 290 McGee John 160 2 Maxwell, Old II. 1 Marlin 1 George 1 140 McGinntss, Joseph 1 Mcclanahan, Alexander 400 Morrison, Robert 100 Horr i son, John 150 Nealy, Hugh Carried forward As transcribed 19260 19690 87 86 61 61 p11 1797 Capt., llallis' Co. , continued Acres llP BP 150 Nealy, Henry 200 Newman, John 150 Orr, Nathan Sr 4 400 Orr, llilliam Oglesby, John 2 Orr, James, jockey 275 Orr, James Sr 250 Orr, Nathan Jr 315 Orr, llilliam Tassey 150 Park, Robert, blacksmith Price, Jesse 100 Park, David Jr 200 Park, John Jr 2 212 Pickens 1 llilliam 232 1 Park, lltlliam 350 1 Park, Dav id Sr 1 360 1 Park, Robert 1 2 Park, John, bachelor 250 835 1 2 Park, John Sr 1 200 1 Robison, Robert 400 1 Robison, David 100 1 Reed, Iii l l iam 539 1 Robison, John Jr 200 1 Ritchey, David Robison, Robt. carpenter188 1 Robison, Robt. tr[ustee?J155 1 1 Robison, Moses 1 2 362 Robison, James 1 Robison, Richard 150 1 Richmond, Charles 100 1 Robison, James , jockey 105 1 Robison, Harris 150 1 Ross, John 100 1 2 Robison, James, E Ider 500 1 Ross, George 120 1 Shelby, Evan 430 Sa~le, Sarruel 150 Sa~le, Caldwell 260 Simons, Thomas 210 Simons, William 125 Shields, Robert Shields, llil[iam 140 130 Smith, Angus 160 Stafford, James Stafford, George 300 Tagert, Daniel Carried Over As transcribed 28278 128 87? 29393 128 84 p12 1797, Capt llallis' Co., continued Acres llP BP 268 1 2 llal l is, Ezekiel 200 1 2 Iii l son, James 400 2 Iii er, Thomas 1 llier, Thomas Jr II i l ey, II i l l i am 175 2 1 Iii ley, Robert 234 400 2 Iii l ey, John, 1 Wallace, Alexander 350 1 llallace, Matthew 1 llallis, Matthew, Capt. 200 1 llynems, Peter 125 1 Graham, Sarruel 233 I/hole Amount As transcribed 31698 143 31978 143 93 90 4-171 I 279 TAX LISTS p39 continued 179S, Capt. Jos. Smith's Co., cont. Acres llP BP 105 Cuthbertson, John 307 Duffey, John Duffey, Samuel Duffy, John Jr 100 Dick.son, llidow Evans, Mark Evans, John 318 Evans, Alexander 5 300 Freeman 1 Allen Sr 331 Flow, Tnomas Foster Henry 200 Forsyt~e, Hugh Flow, James Freeman, Clayborn's acin100 200 Glass, Francis 100 Glass, Robert 200 2 Gingles, John 229 Hagler, John Hagler, Phillip 300 Hall, Thomas 245 Hall, James 150 Harrison, Nehemiah 5 1041 Harris, Jonathon 2 Harris, Samuel Laird 299 230 Hagler, John 6 832 Harris, Samue l Carried Over As transcribed 8591 8621 32 32 25 25 p40 1798, Captain Smith' s Co., cont. Acres llP BP 1 115 Herbison, llilliam 296 1 Hall, John 1 Hall, David 1 Kerlock, David 1 Kennedy, llilliam 334 1 Kerr, Iii l l iam 360 2 Long, Henry Sr 1 50 Long, Jacob 1 Megahey, Amos 1 Montgomery, James 200 Montgomery, Robert 240 Mont~omery 1 Samue l 200 Martin, Jonn 200 Morrison, James 310 McCracken, Samuel 262 Mclarty, John 141 Miller, llidow 166 Moore, David 100 McComb, James 250 Miller, James 100 McAulay, Daniel 1245 Moo r e, Elizabeth 222 Moore John 100 Mccallun, llidow 108 Orr, James (heretick) 169 Polk, Charles ,Sr 1473 3 Polle., Thomas 110 Pyron, llilliam 180 Purviance, Joseph 170 Pickens, llilliam 155 Parks, Joshua 500 Purses , John 20 'h Qwiry, Robert y, 20 Owi ry, Iii l l i am 1077 Qwi ry, Jonathon Robb, llilliam, Capt. 240 2 2 139 Rogers, John 214 3 Rogers, Hugh 300 Ramsey, llilliam 200 Rogers, James Carried Forward As transcribed 16557 18587 65 65 p41 1798, Capt. Smith' s Co . , cont. Acres llP 527 1 Simson, Iii l l i am 100 1 Simson, John 1 Smith, Joseph, Capt. 200 875 1 Smith, Samuel Sr 162 1 Snell, John 192 1 Smith, Samuel Jr 735 1 Stewart, Matthew Smith, Samuel(Tom's son)150 221 2 llilson, James 1 II i l son, Thomas 39 39 BP 2 p41 continued 179S, Capt . Sm i th's Co., cont. Acres llP 1 Ila l ker, Thomas 1 200 Ki le.er, George llhole Amount As transcribed 19719 21949 78 78 p41 continued 1798, Capt. John Hood's Co. Acres llP 409 Barr, Rev . David 106 Buchanan, James 417 Buchanan, Samuel Blair, llm: self, James & son- in - laws 800 Biggar, James Bold, James 200 Ba lard, James 100 Black, Samuel 827 Black, llilliam 325 Buchanan, Jas . (black.) 194 Buchanan, John Sr 30 Buchanan, John Jr 150 Crl.flll, Conrad 50 Carrigan, llilliam 387 Correl, Henry Also a stu hrs @ £1 155 Conder, Lewis, 80 Cook Nicholas 100 Donaldson, Robert 100 Darby, Nichola s 175 Donaldson, John 100 DownLJTI, Speakma n 300 1 Dul i n, Lugar 50 1 Dulin, John 161 1 Fishe r, Adam 150 2 Foard, Zebulon Foard, Catherine widow 388 3 205 1 Farson, John 122 1 Green, John 165 1 Haskey, John 140 1 Haskey, Henry Carr ied Over 6386 26 Also a stud hor se@£ 1.0.0 As trans cribed 6386 26 p42 1798, Capt. Hood's Co ., cont Ac r es llP 240 1 Hood, John 812 1 Hood, Tunas 1 Hardin, Gabriel 330 1 Hood, Reuben 200 1 Hartis, Lewi s 100 1 Hood, Robert 1 170 Irwin, Thomas 140 Irwin, Alexande r 1 50 1 lanes, John Irwin, Samuel 1 83 Irwin, James 123 1 1 Irwin, Robert 124 Hanby, John 1 209 Lemond, John McConb, Robert 250 McRaven , John Jr 106 McRaven, John Sr 290 249 McCa l l[ llilliam Maxwel , James Sr 600 McBride, llilliam 160 McRaven, Duncan Moore John 213 1 1 133 Maxwell, James Jr 1 Morris, Iii l l iam 375 Morri s , John 1 Morris, Philemon 1 McCollLJTI, Daniel 150 1 1 Hewell, Peter Neal, John 184 1 Orr, James (weave r) 193 2 Orr 1 James (blacksmith) 1 ParKs 1 Thomas 72 1 Phillips, Adam 87 1 Phi fer, Henry 100 1 Phifers, Nickolas 50 1 Qwiry, llilliam Sr 197 Qwiry, John Sr, acin 296 Staasill, Jes se 148 Starns, Joseph 152 Starns, Jacob 50 Starns, John BP 41 41 BP 2 p42 continued 1798, Capt. Hood's Co., cont. Acres llP 100 1 Stephens, Squire 125 Stephens, Manuel 432 2 Stewart, John 196 1 Stinson, David 425 1 Shaves, Frederick 1 Shaves, Jacob 1 Starns, Nicholas Carried forward 14280 Also a stud horse@ £1.0.0 As transcribed 14300 BP 71 20 71 20 p43 1798, Capt. Hood's Co . , cont . Ac res llP 187 1 St i l we l l , John 1 Vintz, Christopher 111 1 llalker, Moses 300 ~ llilson, Thomas 800 llalke r, Archibald 111 llalk er, James 170 llalke r, Matthew Jr 300 Iii Ison, Robert 284 llalker, Matthew, Sr 244 1 lleir 1 Andrew 1 Iii l l iams, John 296 3 Iii Ison, James 145 1 Young, James llhole Amount 17228 84 Also a s tud horse@£ 1.0.0 As t rans cribed 17248 84 7 7 BP 1 5 1 2 2 p43 , continued 1798, Capt. Ligg e tt' s Co. Acres Arledge, Caleb 220 Belk, Oarl ing 370 200 Burns, Laird Broom, Ila l le.er 150 Broom, ll i lliam 75 175 Blunt, Reuben 1000 Belk, John Sr Broom , Jacob 300 Al so a stud hor se @ £1 Cra ig, John 100 Cook, Charles Sr 172 Dos t er, James 344 Dougl ass , John 50 Dos ter, Simpson 250 Evere t, Samue l 25 0 Everet , Sol omon 50 Fi sh er, II i l l i am 730 Fishe r , Paul 170 Fi sher, John 200 200 Fish er, Charles Helms , Jacob 200 Also a stud hor s e @ £1 Howard, James 100 Hargett, Jos eph 150 Harge tt, Daniel Helms , Isaac 250 Helms, Abraham 117 Carried Over 5823 Al so 2 stud hors es @£2 . 0 As transc ribed 5823 \IP 1 1 20 20 BP 2 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 2 22 11 22 11 p44 1798, Capt. Liggett ' s Co., cont. Acres \IP BP Helms , Tilman 525 1 Harri s , Soloman 1000 1 Harge tt, Henry Sr 500 Helms , John Sr 300 Helms , John 150 Helms , llilliam 100 Helms, Geo rge Jr 660 Leany, George Jr Li ggett, Jonathon Ligge tt, Iii l l iam 250 Liggett, James 200 Leany, John 100 Leany, George Sr 900 Liggett, Esther, widow 250 2 Lipe, John 100 Miller, John 130 Morton, John 250 Ma son, Iii l l i am 150 Mel ton, John 337 4-172 287 TAX LISTS p82 continued 1799, Capt. Hood's Co., cont. ACRES \IP BP 267 1 Irwin, Robert 150 Lemnond, John 106 HcRavin, John Jr 290 HcRav i n, John Sr 1 500 Maxwell, James Sr 2 175 Horris \Jilliam Maxwell, \Jilli am 150 HcColl\Jll, Daniel 249 McCall, \Jilliam 250 HcCc:xrb, Robert 80 Horris, Philemon -48 HcCol l\Jll, \Jidow 1 Newel i , Peter 1 2 337 lleel, Jesse 1 184 Neel, John 1 126 Orr, \Jilli am 193 2 Orr[ James (weaver} 1 153 Phi l i ps, Adam 150 1 Phifer, Henry 150 1 Phifer, Nicholas 1 72 Parks, Thomas marked out] Stillwell [ John [name 196 Qwiry, \Ji liam Sr y, 20 Qwiry, Robert 20 'h Qwi ry, John 296 Owiry, John's aci'n 248 Robertson( Daniel Rice, \Ji l iam Carried forward As transcribed 13165 13145 67 67 p83 1799, Capt. Hood's Co., cont. ACRES \IP 187 1 Stilwell, John 252 1 Starns, Joseph 530 2 Stewart, John 735 Stewart, Matthew Stewart, Reuben 100 Starns, Jacob 100 Starns, Nicholas 196 Stinson, David 425 Shaffer, Frederick Shaffer, Jacob 190 Vintz, Andrew 1 Vintz, Christopher 240 1 Vintz, John 296 3 Ioli l son, James Sr 170 1 \Jalker, Matthew 285 1 \Jalker, Hoses 111 1 'o/alker, James 200 1 'oli lson, Robert 753 1 '.laker, Archibald 300 (jj=> 'olilson, Thomas \Jeir, Andrew 145 Young James 110 Yande ll, Martha Amount As transcribed 18490 18470 89 88 20 20 BP continued 1799, Taxables in Capt McCleary's Co ACRES \IP BP 1 Keaver, Henry 150 lawing, llilliam 1 Lorance, Michael 200 1 love, David 3 160 1 lowr 1 e, Sarrue l 1 2 239 lawing, Andrew 1 3 180 McCord, John 1 McKinley, Robard 1 100 HcGinn, Thoma s p84 Carried forward As transcribed 4466 4466 p85 1799, Capt. McCleary Co., cont . ACRES 'o/P McCleary, Michael 226 1 HcH i ch en, Andrew 170 1 Moore, Thomas 100 1 McGinn, John 100 1 McCleary, llilliam 280 1 HclC in l ey, II i l l i am 200 1 176 1 Herre, Joseph McCord, Robert 150 2 McCord, llilliam Sr 1 McCord, 'Iii l l iam Jr 150 1 McClure, John 140 1 McCracken, James 567 1 McCord, \Jm. (wag'n) 150 1 200 1 Neel, James Esq 1 Neel, llilliam Owens, James 200 Owens 1 'II i l l i am Phil l 1ps, Nathan Ramsey, llilliam 220 Rogers, Iii lliam 295 Ramsey, James 150 Rogers, Joseph 164 Ross 1 James 120 Rankin, Sarruel 250 Sulivan, Patrick 170 Scott, 'Iii l l iam Todd, 'olilliam 200 Thcxrpson, Robert 100 Also a stu hrs@ £1.10 Todd, James Todd, Joseph 200 Todd, George 200 Todd, John 740 Todd, James 'Williams, Hoses 150 \Jilson, \Jiulliam 100 Wal lace, James lladdel l, James Yarborough, Benjamin Amount 10334 Also a stud horse@ £1. 10 As transcribed 10334 20 20 p84 1799, Taxables in Capt McCleary's Co ACRES \IP BP 100 Allen, William Brown, Richard 125 Black, Justin Black, James 300 Cathey, Alexander 150 Carpenter, Harbert 170 Dunn, James 280 Dunn, Robert 130 Galbreath, James Galbreath, Hugh 100 Graham, Joseph 147 Hi pp, Stephen 50 Harl 1n, John Hudson, Jos·eph 400 108 Henderson[ John 50 Harlin, E ijah 147 Hipp, John 300 Hargrove, Thorr4Json Hargrove, Benjamin 200 250 Johns ton, John 180 Johnston, Isaac Jami son, Arthur 250 Johns ton, James Johns ton, John Ket Ly, John 32 32 8 8 B 3 p88, continued 1799, Taxables in Capt Kendrick's Co ACRES llP ' • BP 200 1 2 Denkins, John Jr 180 1 Ecod:. , Jesse 200 1 Elliott, Robert 2 613 1 Ferguson, \Jill iam 150 Gilmore , Margaret 5 912 Greer, Thomas, Esq 1 350 Gilmore, Ii i l l 1 am 4 340 Greer, James Sr Greer, James Jr 2 56 Gordon, James Fisher Green, Nathan 158 Hartt, James, Maj . 2 300 Herron, Hugh Carried forword 7348 . 3 Also a stud horse@ £1.10 As transcribed 7348 .3 31 47 31 47 (1/3 acre transcribed as 0.3 acre] 69 14 69 14 [Ed Note: Pages 86 and 87 are los t.] p88 1799, Taxables in Capt Kendr ic k's Co ACRES WP BP 1 Al exander, Judiah 1 . All is, Zechariah 1 Bigham, Robert Sr 388 Bigham, Robert Jr 628 1 Bigham,Eleanor, llid'w133.3 Barnett, Robert 140 Bigham, Sam'l. Jr 150 Bigham, \Im. 200 Byram, Reuben Barnett, John Jr 300 Barnett, John Sr 2 Bigham, Hugh Boyd, John Carothers, James 140 3 Also a stu hrs @ £1. 10 1 Carothers, John 200 2 Calhoon, Sarruel 180 Calhoon, Charles 220 2 Cole, John Calhoon, George 400 9 Denkins, John Sr 360 3 Davis[ llalter Sr 150 4 Carne l, Joseph Davis, John lyean? 300 Denkins, James p89 1799, Capt. Kindrick's Co., cont. ACRES \IP BP 149 1 3 Hartt, Davidr capt. 1 103 Hartt, Jose 1 2 409 Harris, Hug 1 200 Hutton, John 1 3 400 Irwin, Robert Esq . 1 254 Knox, James 1 2 254 Knox, Sarrue l Jr 3 341 Knox, Matthew Sr 1 Knox, John, son of Mat •w. 2 120 Kendrick, John 9 1200 Knox, Sam' l. Sr 1 Kindrick, \Jilliam 200 2 3 Meacham, Bank s · 300 1 2 McCleary Andrew 200 1 McCormick, Robert 1 McCr\Jll, Samuel 1 HcR ee, llilliam 300 HcRee, Robert 150 HcKinni~h, Donald McRee David, llm . HcR's. adn 200 3 Neely, John 250 1 Neel, Sarruel 256 3 Neely, Hoses 450 2 Exr for Thos. Neely 388 Also a stu hrs@ £1.0 2 Neely, Samuel 500 3 Osborn, John 160 2 Porter, llilliam 310 2 Port er, James 390 4 Price, John Sr 400 3 Price, Isaac 450 1 Price, John Jr 1 134 Rowan, Hugh 200 Robis on, David 240 Reamy, llilliam Sr Reamy, Thomas 139 Robison, Elizabeth Rice, \11 ll iam 3 Smartt, Geo. llhite 10000 8 Exr of Elisha Smartt 950 Swann, Joseph 239 Exr of Hos es Swann 200 Smartt, Littleberry . Carried Over As transcribed 27784. 3 27784.3 65 115 65 115 p90 1799, Capt. Kindrick's Co. cont. ACRES \IP BP 1 Tillman, George 1 4 Taylor, John, Capt. 1200 1 1 Tillman, Steph en 300 1 2 Thompson, John 1 1 318 Vance, Dav i d Sr 1 Vance, David Jr Also a stu hrs @ £1.0 llilson, Aaron Esq 300 172 Iii lson 1 Joseph 463 llhites1de, John llh i t es i de, James llh i t es i de, II i l l i am \Jhiteside, Sarruel \Jilson, Zaccheus 220 Iii lson, Jas. Cs tiller) 202 \Jest, Hartin 200
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