find a Provider - Molina Healthcare
find a Provider - Molina Healthcare
The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. Please scroll down to view the following pages to search for your doctor. Thank you! Provider Directory P.O. Box 349020 Columbus, OH 43234-9020 34321SC0813 Molina Health Care of South Carolina Effective January 2014 34321 South Carolina Medicaid Sample Directory-COVER.indd All Pages 12/5/13 4:24 PM Table of Contents ABBEVILLE County Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................231 Aiken County Hospitals............................................................................................................................................1 General Acute Care Hospital.......................................................................................................... 1 Primary Care Physicians...................................................................................................................3 Family Nurse Practitioner.............................................................................................................. 3 Family Practice................................................................................................................................ 3 Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................53 Allergy And Immunology............................................................................................................ 53 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 53 Nephrology................................................................................................................................... 53 Otolaryngology (ENT)................................................................................................................. 53 Behavior Management..................................................................................................................168 Licensed Professional Counselor............................................................................................... 168 Obstetrics/Gynecology..................................................................................................................175 Obstetrics & Gynecology............................................................................................................ 175 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................186 Optician....................................................................................................................................... 186 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 186 Other Practitioners.......................................................................................................................208 Physical/Occupational Therapy................................................................................................. 208 Clinics.............................................................................................................................................223 Infusion Therapy Clinic/Center................................................................................................. 223 Rehabilitation Substance Use Disorder Clinic/Center.............................................................. 223 Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies......................................................................................225 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................231 Allendale County Primary Care Physicians...................................................................................................................3 Family Practice................................................................................................................................ 3 Behavior Management..................................................................................................................168 Social Worker.............................................................................................................................. 168 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................186 Ophthalmology........................................................................................................................... 186 Clinics.............................................................................................................................................223 Rehabilitation Substance Use Disorder Clinic/Center.............................................................. 223 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................232 Anderson County Primary Care Physicians...................................................................................................................3 Family Nurse Practitioner.............................................................................................................. 3 Family Practice................................................................................................................................ 3 Internal Medicine........................................................................................................................... 4 Pediatrics......................................................................................................................................... 5 Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................53 Allergy And Immunology............................................................................................................ 53 Cardiovascular Disease................................................................................................................. 53 Dermatology................................................................................................................................. 53 Gastroenterology.......................................................................................................................... 53 General Surgery............................................................................................................................ 53 Infectious Disease......................................................................................................................... 53 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 53 Nephrology................................................................................................................................... 53 Neurology...................................................................................................................................... 54 Orthopedic Surgery...................................................................................................................... 54 Otolaryngology (ENT)................................................................................................................. 54 v Table of Contents Anderson County Specialty Care Network continued Plastic Surgery............................................................................................................................... 54 Pulmonary Medicine.................................................................................................................... 54 Thoracic Surgery........................................................................................................................... 54 Urology.......................................................................................................................................... 54 Vascular Surgery........................................................................................................................... 55 Behavior Management..................................................................................................................168 Licensed Professional Counselor............................................................................................... 168 Obstetrics/Gynecology..................................................................................................................175 Obstetrics & Gynecology............................................................................................................ 175 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................186 Ophthalmology........................................................................................................................... 186 Optician....................................................................................................................................... 186 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 186 Clinics.............................................................................................................................................223 Infusion Therapy Clinic/Center................................................................................................. 223 Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies......................................................................................225 Laboratories...................................................................................................................................230 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................232 Bamberg County Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................55 Dermatology................................................................................................................................. 55 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 55 Nephrology................................................................................................................................... 55 Home Health Agencies..................................................................................................................229 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................233 Barnwell County Primary Care Physicians...................................................................................................................6 Family Practice................................................................................................................................ 6 Pediatrics......................................................................................................................................... 6 Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................55 General Surgery............................................................................................................................ 55 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 55 Nephrology................................................................................................................................... 55 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................187 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 187 Clinics.............................................................................................................................................223 Rehabilitation Substance Use Disorder Clinic/Center.............................................................. 223 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................233 Beaufort County Hospitals............................................................................................................................................1 General Acute Care Hospital.......................................................................................................... 1 Primary Care Physicians...................................................................................................................6 Family Practice................................................................................................................................ 6 Internal Medicine........................................................................................................................... 6 Pediatrics......................................................................................................................................... 6 Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................55 Allergy And Immunology............................................................................................................ 55 Cardiovascular Disease................................................................................................................. 55 Gastroenterology.......................................................................................................................... 55 General Surgery............................................................................................................................ 55 Gynecology.................................................................................................................................... 56 Infectious Disease......................................................................................................................... 56 Neurology...................................................................................................................................... 56 Orthopedic Surgery...................................................................................................................... 56 vi Table of Contents Beaufort County Specialty Care Network continued Otolaryngology (ENT)................................................................................................................. 56 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 56 Behavior Management..................................................................................................................168 Licensed Professional Counselor............................................................................................... 168 Social Worker.............................................................................................................................. 168 Obstetrics/Gynecology..................................................................................................................175 Obstetrics & Gynecology............................................................................................................ 175 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................187 Optician....................................................................................................................................... 187 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 187 Clinics.............................................................................................................................................223 Infusion Therapy Clinic/Center................................................................................................. 223 Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies......................................................................................225 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................233 Berkeley County Primary Care Physicians...................................................................................................................6 Family Practice................................................................................................................................ 6 Internal Medicine........................................................................................................................... 7 Pediatrics......................................................................................................................................... 7 Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................56 Allergy And Immunology............................................................................................................ 56 Cardiovascular Disease................................................................................................................. 56 Gastroenterology.......................................................................................................................... 57 General Surgery............................................................................................................................ 57 Nephrology................................................................................................................................... 57 Neurology...................................................................................................................................... 57 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................187 Optician....................................................................................................................................... 187 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 187 Other Practitioners.......................................................................................................................208 Physical/Occupational Therapy................................................................................................. 208 Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies......................................................................................225 Oxygen Equipment & Supplies.....................................................................................................228 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................234 Brunswick County NC Primary Care Physicians...................................................................................................................8 Pediatrics......................................................................................................................................... 8 Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................57 Cardiovascular Disease................................................................................................................. 57 Hematology................................................................................................................................... 57 Medical Oncology......................................................................................................................... 57 Buncombe County NC Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................58 Allergy And Immunology............................................................................................................ 58 Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies......................................................................................225 Burke County NC Primary Care Physicians...................................................................................................................8 Family Practice................................................................................................................................ 8 General Practice.............................................................................................................................. 8 Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................58 Cardiovascular Disease................................................................................................................. 58 vii Table of Contents Cabarrus County NC Primary Care Physicians...................................................................................................................8 Internal Medicine........................................................................................................................... 8 Pediatrics......................................................................................................................................... 9 Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................58 Cardiovascular Disease................................................................................................................. 58 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 59 Gastroenterology.......................................................................................................................... 61 General Surgery............................................................................................................................ 61 Geriatrics....................................................................................................................................... 61 Hematology................................................................................................................................... 61 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 61 Maternal & Fetal Medicine........................................................................................................... 62 Neurology...................................................................................................................................... 62 Orthopedic Surgery...................................................................................................................... 62 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 62 Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation............................................................................................. 63 Pulmonary Medicine.................................................................................................................... 63 Sports Medicine............................................................................................................................ 63 Urology.......................................................................................................................................... 63 Obstetrics/Gynecology..................................................................................................................175 Obstetrics & Gynecology............................................................................................................ 175 Caldwell County NC Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................63 Pediatric Cardiology..................................................................................................................... 63 CALHOUN County Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................235 Catawba County NC Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................63 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 63 Neurology...................................................................................................................................... 63 Physical Medicine & Rehabililtation............................................................................................ 63 Pulmonary Medicine.................................................................................................................... 64 Obstetrics/Gynecology..................................................................................................................176 Obstetrics & Gynecology............................................................................................................ 176 Charleston County Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................10 Adult Health Nurse Practitioner.................................................................................................. 10 Famiy Nurse Practitioner............................................................................................................. 10 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 10 General Practice............................................................................................................................ 12 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 12 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 14 Physician Assistant........................................................................................................................ 15 Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................64 Allergy And Immunology............................................................................................................ 64 Cardiovascular Disease................................................................................................................. 65 Cardiovascular Surgery................................................................................................................ 65 Chiropractic.................................................................................................................................. 65 Colon And Rectal Surgery............................................................................................................ 65 Dermatology................................................................................................................................. 65 Endocrinology And Metabolism.................................................................................................. 65 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 65 Gastroenterology.......................................................................................................................... 65 viii Table of Contents Charleston County Specialty Care Network continued General Surgery............................................................................................................................ 66 Gynecology.................................................................................................................................... 67 Hematology................................................................................................................................... 67 Infectious Disease......................................................................................................................... 67 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 67 Nephrology................................................................................................................................... 67 Neurological Surgery.................................................................................................................... 68 Neurology...................................................................................................................................... 68 Orthopaedic Hand Surgery.......................................................................................................... 68 Orthopaedic Surgery Of The Spine............................................................................................. 68 Orthopedic Surgery...................................................................................................................... 68 Otolaryngology (ENT)................................................................................................................. 69 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 69 Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation............................................................................................. 69 Plastic Surgery............................................................................................................................... 69 Podiatry......................................................................................................................................... 69 Pulmonary Medicine.................................................................................................................... 69 Rheumatology............................................................................................................................... 70 Sports Medicine............................................................................................................................ 70 Thoracic Surgery........................................................................................................................... 70 Urology.......................................................................................................................................... 70 Vascular Surgery........................................................................................................................... 70 Behavior Management..................................................................................................................168 Psychiatry.................................................................................................................................... 168 Obstetrics/Gynecology..................................................................................................................176 Obstetrics & Gynecology............................................................................................................ 176 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................188 Ophthalmology........................................................................................................................... 188 Optician....................................................................................................................................... 188 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 188 Other Practitioners.......................................................................................................................208 Occupational Therapy................................................................................................................ 208 Physical/Occupational Therapy................................................................................................. 208 Speech Language Pathologist..................................................................................................... 208 Clinics.............................................................................................................................................223 Infusion Therapy Clinic/Center................................................................................................. 223 Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies......................................................................................225 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................235 Chatham County GA Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................70 Allergy And Immunology............................................................................................................ 70 Cardiovascular Disease................................................................................................................. 70 Dermatology................................................................................................................................. 70 Nephrology................................................................................................................................... 71 Orthopedic Surgery...................................................................................................................... 71 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................189 Ophthalmology........................................................................................................................... 189 Cherokee County Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................16 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 16 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 16 Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................71 Pulmonary Medicine.................................................................................................................... 71 Urology.......................................................................................................................................... 71 ix Table of Contents Cherokee County continued Vision Providers............................................................................................................................189 Optician....................................................................................................................................... 189 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 189 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................238 Chester County Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................71 Cardiovascular Disease................................................................................................................. 71 Otolaryngology (ENT)................................................................................................................. 71 Behavior Management..................................................................................................................168 Counselor.................................................................................................................................... 168 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................238 Chesterfield County Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................16 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 16 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 16 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 16 Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................72 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 72 General Surgery............................................................................................................................ 72 Gynecology.................................................................................................................................... 72 Infectious Disease......................................................................................................................... 72 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 72 Behavior Management..................................................................................................................168 Social Worker.............................................................................................................................. 168 Obstetrics/Gynecology..................................................................................................................178 Obstetrics & Gynecology............................................................................................................ 178 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................190 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 190 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................238 Clarendon County Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................16 General Practice............................................................................................................................ 16 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 16 Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................72 Cardiovascular Disease................................................................................................................. 72 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................190 Optician....................................................................................................................................... 190 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 190 Clinics.............................................................................................................................................223 Rehabilitation Substance Use Disorder Clinic/Center.............................................................. 223 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................239 Cleveland County NC Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................72 Cardiovascular Disease................................................................................................................. 72 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 73 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 74 Pediatric Cardiology..................................................................................................................... 74 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 75 Urology.......................................................................................................................................... 75 Obstetrics/Gynecology..................................................................................................................178 Obstetrics & Gynecology............................................................................................................ 178 x Table of Contents Colleton County Hospitals............................................................................................................................................1 General Acute Care Hospital.......................................................................................................... 1 Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................16 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 16 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 16 Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................75 Cardiovascular Disease................................................................................................................. 75 Gastroenterology.......................................................................................................................... 75 General Surgery............................................................................................................................ 75 Hematology................................................................................................................................... 75 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 75 Nephrology................................................................................................................................... 75 Neurology...................................................................................................................................... 75 Oncology....................................................................................................................................... 75 Orthopedic Surgery...................................................................................................................... 75 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................190 Optician....................................................................................................................................... 190 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 190 Clinics.............................................................................................................................................223 Rehabilitation Substance Use Disorder Clinic/Center.............................................................. 223 Oxygen Equipment & Supplies.....................................................................................................228 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................239 Columbia County GA Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................17 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 17 Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................76 Otolaryngology (ENT)................................................................................................................. 76 Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies......................................................................................225 Columbus County NC Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................17 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 17 General Practice............................................................................................................................ 17 Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................76 Cardiovascular Disease................................................................................................................. 76 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 76 Cumberland County NC Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................76 Allergy And Immunology............................................................................................................ 76 Darlington County Hospitals............................................................................................................................................1 General Acute Care Hospital.......................................................................................................... 1 Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................17 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 17 General Practice............................................................................................................................ 17 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 18 Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................77 Allergy And Immunology............................................................................................................ 77 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 77 General Practice............................................................................................................................ 77 Nephrology................................................................................................................................... 77 Urology.......................................................................................................................................... 77 Behavior Management..................................................................................................................168 Social Worker.............................................................................................................................. 168 xi Table of Contents Darlington County continued Vision Providers............................................................................................................................190 Optician....................................................................................................................................... 190 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 190 Other Practitioners.......................................................................................................................209 Speech Language Pathologist..................................................................................................... 209 Clinics.............................................................................................................................................223 Rehabilitation Substance Use Disorder Clinic/Center.............................................................. 223 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................239 DeKalb County GA Laboratories...................................................................................................................................230 Dillon County Hospitals............................................................................................................................................1 General Acute Care Hospital.......................................................................................................... 1 Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................18 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 18 Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................77 General Surgery............................................................................................................................ 77 Sports Medicine............................................................................................................................ 77 Obstetrics/Gynecology..................................................................................................................178 Obstetrics & Gynecology............................................................................................................ 178 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................191 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 191 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................240 Dorchester County Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................18 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 18 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 18 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 18 Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................77 Allergy And Immunology............................................................................................................ 77 Gastroenterology.......................................................................................................................... 77 Behavior Management..................................................................................................................168 Licensed Professional Counselor............................................................................................... 168 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................191 Optician....................................................................................................................................... 191 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 191 Other Practitioners.......................................................................................................................209 Speech Language Pathologist..................................................................................................... 209 Clinics.............................................................................................................................................223 Rehabilitation Substance Use Disorder Clinic/Center.............................................................. 223 Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies......................................................................................225 Laboratories...................................................................................................................................230 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................240 Edgefield County Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................19 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 19 Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................77 General Surgery............................................................................................................................ 77 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................191 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 191 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................240 xii Table of Contents Effingham County GA Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................78 Allergy And Immunology............................................................................................................ 78 Dermatology................................................................................................................................. 78 Nephrology................................................................................................................................... 78 Evans County GA Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................78 Allergy And Immunology............................................................................................................ 78 Nephrology................................................................................................................................... 78 Fairfield County Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................19 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 19 Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................78 Cardiovascular Disease................................................................................................................. 78 Obstetrics/Gynecology..................................................................................................................178 Obstetrics & Gynecology............................................................................................................ 178 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................191 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 191 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................241 Florence County Hospitals............................................................................................................................................1 General Acute Care Hospital.......................................................................................................... 1 Rehabilitation Hospital.................................................................................................................. 1 Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................19 Family Nurse Practitioner............................................................................................................ 19 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 20 General Practice............................................................................................................................ 21 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 21 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 21 Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................78 Cardiovascular Disease................................................................................................................. 78 Cardiovascular Surgery................................................................................................................ 79 Endocrinology And Metabolism.................................................................................................. 79 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 79 General Practice............................................................................................................................ 79 General Surgery............................................................................................................................ 79 Hematology................................................................................................................................... 79 Infectious Disease......................................................................................................................... 80 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 80 Nephrology................................................................................................................................... 80 Neurology...................................................................................................................................... 80 Occupational Medicine................................................................................................................ 80 Oncology....................................................................................................................................... 80 Orthopedic Surgery...................................................................................................................... 80 Otolaryngology (ENT)................................................................................................................. 80 Pediatric Endocrinology............................................................................................................... 80 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 81 Plastic Surgery............................................................................................................................... 81 Podiatry......................................................................................................................................... 81 Pulmonary Medicine.................................................................................................................... 81 Rheumatology............................................................................................................................... 81 Sports Medicine............................................................................................................................ 81 Thoracic Surgery........................................................................................................................... 81 Urology.......................................................................................................................................... 81 xiii Table of Contents Florence County continued Behavior Management..................................................................................................................168 Licensed Professional Counselor............................................................................................... 168 Psychiatry.................................................................................................................................... 169 Obstetrics/Gynecology..................................................................................................................178 Obstetrics & Gynecology............................................................................................................ 178 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................191 Ophthalmology........................................................................................................................... 191 Optician....................................................................................................................................... 191 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 191 Clinics.............................................................................................................................................223 Ambulatory Surgical Clinic/Center........................................................................................... 223 Infusion Therapy Clinic/Center................................................................................................. 223 Rehabilitation Substance Use Disorder Clinic/Center.............................................................. 224 Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies......................................................................................225 Home Health Agencies..................................................................................................................229 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................241 Gaston County NC Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................22 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 22 Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................82 Allergy And Immunology............................................................................................................ 82 Cardiovascular Disease................................................................................................................. 82 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 82 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 84 Neurology...................................................................................................................................... 84 Pediatric Cardiology..................................................................................................................... 85 Pediatric Gastroenterology........................................................................................................... 85 Pediatric Rheumatology............................................................................................................... 85 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 85 Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation............................................................................................. 85 Pulmonary Medicine.................................................................................................................... 85 Urology.......................................................................................................................................... 85 Obstetrics/Gynecology..................................................................................................................179 Obstetrics & Gynecology............................................................................................................ 179 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................192 Ophthalmology........................................................................................................................... 192 Georgetown County Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................22 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 22 General Practice............................................................................................................................ 22 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 22 Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................86 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 86 Behavior Management..................................................................................................................169 Licensed Professional Counselor............................................................................................... 169 Obstetrics/Gynecology..................................................................................................................179 Obstetrics & Gynecology............................................................................................................ 179 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................192 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 192 Other Practitioners.......................................................................................................................209 Physical/Occupational Therapy................................................................................................. 209 Clinics.............................................................................................................................................224 Infusion Therapy Clinic/Center................................................................................................. 224 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................242 xiv Table of Contents Glynn County GA Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................86 Dermatology................................................................................................................................. 86 Greenville County Hospitals............................................................................................................................................1 General Acute Care Hospital.......................................................................................................... 1 Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................23 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 23 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 24 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 25 Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................86 Allergy And Immunology............................................................................................................ 86 Dermatology................................................................................................................................. 86 Endocrinology And Metabolism.................................................................................................. 87 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 87 Gastroenterology.......................................................................................................................... 87 General Practice............................................................................................................................ 87 General Surgery............................................................................................................................ 90 Gynecology.................................................................................................................................... 90 Infectious Disease......................................................................................................................... 90 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 90 Nephrology................................................................................................................................... 92 Neurological Surgery.................................................................................................................... 93 Neurology...................................................................................................................................... 93 Orthopedic Surgery...................................................................................................................... 93 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 93 Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation............................................................................................. 94 Podiatry......................................................................................................................................... 94 Rheumatology............................................................................................................................... 94 Behavior Management..................................................................................................................169 Licensed Professional Counselor............................................................................................... 169 Social Worker.............................................................................................................................. 169 Obstetrics/Gynecology..................................................................................................................179 Obstetrics & Gynecology............................................................................................................ 179 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................192 Ophthalmology........................................................................................................................... 192 Optician....................................................................................................................................... 194 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 194 Other Practitioners.......................................................................................................................209 Occupational Therapy................................................................................................................ 209 Physical Therapy......................................................................................................................... 210 Physical/Occupational Therapy................................................................................................. 213 Speech Language Pathologist..................................................................................................... 215 Clinics.............................................................................................................................................224 Clinic........................................................................................................................................... 224 Infusion Therapy Clinic/Center................................................................................................. 224 Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies......................................................................................226 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................243 Greenwood County Hospitals............................................................................................................................................1 General Acute Care Hospital.......................................................................................................... 1 Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................27 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 27 Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................94 Cardiovascular Disease................................................................................................................. 94 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 94 xv Table of Contents Greenwood County continued Behavior Management..................................................................................................................169 Psychiatry.................................................................................................................................... 169 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................195 Ophthalmology........................................................................................................................... 195 Optician....................................................................................................................................... 195 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 195 Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies......................................................................................226 Laboratories...................................................................................................................................230 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................246 Hampton County Hospitals............................................................................................................................................1 General Acute Care Hospital.......................................................................................................... 1 Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................95 Neurology...................................................................................................................................... 95 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................195 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 195 Clinics.............................................................................................................................................224 Rehabilitation Substance Use Disorder Clinic/Center.............................................................. 224 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................246 Hart County GA Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................27 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 27 Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................95 General Surgery............................................................................................................................ 95 Haywood County NC Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................27 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 27 Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................95 Allergy And Immunology............................................................................................................ 95 Henderson County NC Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................95 Allergy And Immunology............................................................................................................ 95 Horry County Hospitals............................................................................................................................................1 General Acute Care Hospital.......................................................................................................... 1 Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................27 Adult Health Nurse Practitioner.................................................................................................. 27 Family Nurse Practitioner............................................................................................................ 27 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 28 General Practice............................................................................................................................ 29 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 29 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 29 Physician Assistant........................................................................................................................ 31 Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................95 Cardiovascular Disease................................................................................................................. 95 Gastroenterology.......................................................................................................................... 95 General Practice............................................................................................................................ 95 General Surgery............................................................................................................................ 96 Geriatrics....................................................................................................................................... 96 Infectious Disease......................................................................................................................... 96 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 96 Nephrology................................................................................................................................... 96 xvi Table of Contents Horry County Specialty Care Network continued Neurological Surgery.................................................................................................................... 96 Neurology...................................................................................................................................... 97 Orthopedic Surgery...................................................................................................................... 97 Pulmonary Medicine.................................................................................................................... 97 Thoracic Surgery........................................................................................................................... 97 Behavior Management..................................................................................................................169 Licensed Professional Counselor............................................................................................... 169 Social Worker.............................................................................................................................. 169 Obstetrics/Gynecology..................................................................................................................180 Obstetrics & Gynecology............................................................................................................ 180 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................195 Ophthalmology........................................................................................................................... 195 Optician....................................................................................................................................... 195 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 195 Other Practitioners.......................................................................................................................216 Occupational Therapy................................................................................................................ 216 Physical/Occupational Therapy................................................................................................. 216 Speech Language Pathologist..................................................................................................... 217 Clinics.............................................................................................................................................224 Infusion Therapy Clinic/Center................................................................................................. 224 Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies......................................................................................226 Oxygen Equipment & Supplies.....................................................................................................228 Laboratories...................................................................................................................................230 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................247 Iredell County NC Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................97 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 97 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 98 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 98 Urology.......................................................................................................................................... 98 Jasper County Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................99 Gastroenterology.......................................................................................................................... 99 General Surgery............................................................................................................................ 99 Orthopedic Surgery...................................................................................................................... 99 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 99 Behavior Management..................................................................................................................170 Licensed Professional Counselor............................................................................................... 170 Social Worker.............................................................................................................................. 170 Obstetrics/Gynecology..................................................................................................................180 Obstetrics & Gynecology............................................................................................................ 180 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................197 Optician....................................................................................................................................... 197 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 197 Clinics.............................................................................................................................................224 Rehabilitation Substance Use Disorder Clinic/Center.............................................................. 224 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................248 Kershaw County Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................31 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 31 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 31 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 32 Specialty Care Network...................................................................................................................99 Infectious Disease......................................................................................................................... 99 xvii Table of Contents Kershaw County Specialty Care Network continued Nephrology................................................................................................................................... 99 Neurology.................................................................................................................................... 100 Urology........................................................................................................................................ 100 Behavior Management..................................................................................................................170 Social Worker.............................................................................................................................. 170 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................197 Optician....................................................................................................................................... 197 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 197 Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies......................................................................................226 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................249 Lancaster County Hospitals............................................................................................................................................1 General Acute Care Hospital.......................................................................................................... 1 Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................32 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 32 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 32 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 32 Specialty Care Network.................................................................................................................100 Cardiovascular Disease............................................................................................................... 100 Family Practice............................................................................................................................ 100 General Surgery.......................................................................................................................... 100 Internal Medicine....................................................................................................................... 100 Oncology..................................................................................................................................... 100 Orthopedic Surgery.................................................................................................................... 100 Otolaryngology (ENT)............................................................................................................... 100 Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation........................................................................................... 100 Surgery General.......................................................................................................................... 101 Urology........................................................................................................................................ 101 Behavior Management..................................................................................................................170 Licensed Professional Counselor............................................................................................... 170 Psychiatry.................................................................................................................................... 170 Obstetrics/Gynecology..................................................................................................................181 Obstetrics & Gynecology............................................................................................................ 181 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................197 Optician....................................................................................................................................... 197 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 197 Other Practitioners.......................................................................................................................218 Physical/Occupational Therapy................................................................................................. 218 Clinics.............................................................................................................................................224 Ambulatory Surgical Clinic/Center........................................................................................... 224 Rehabilitation Substance Use Disorder Clinic/Center.............................................................. 224 Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies......................................................................................226 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................249 Laurens County Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................32 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 32 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 32 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 32 Specialty Care Network.................................................................................................................101 Cardiovascular Disease............................................................................................................... 101 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................197 Ophthalmology........................................................................................................................... 197 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 197 xviii Table of Contents Laurens County continued Other Practitioners.......................................................................................................................218 Physical/Occupational Therapy................................................................................................. 218 Speech Language Pathologist..................................................................................................... 218 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................249 Lee County Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................32 General Practice............................................................................................................................ 32 Specialty Care Network.................................................................................................................101 General Practice.......................................................................................................................... 101 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................198 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 198 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................250 Lexington County Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................32 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 32 General Practice............................................................................................................................ 32 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 33 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 33 Specialty Care Network.................................................................................................................101 Allergy And Immunology.......................................................................................................... 101 Nephrology................................................................................................................................. 101 Orthopedic Surgery.................................................................................................................... 101 Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation........................................................................................... 102 Sports Medicine.......................................................................................................................... 102 Obstetrics/Gynecology..................................................................................................................181 Obstetrics & Gynecology............................................................................................................ 181 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................198 Ophthalmology........................................................................................................................... 198 Optician....................................................................................................................................... 198 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 198 Other Practitioners.......................................................................................................................218 Occupational Therapy................................................................................................................ 218 Physical/Occupational Therapy................................................................................................. 218 Speech Language Pathologist..................................................................................................... 218 Clinics.............................................................................................................................................224 Infusion Therapy Clinic/Center................................................................................................. 224 Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies......................................................................................226 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................250 Liberty County GA Specialty Care Network.................................................................................................................103 Nephrology................................................................................................................................. 103 Lincoln County NC Specialty Care Network.................................................................................................................103 Endocrinology And Metabolism................................................................................................ 103 Family Practice............................................................................................................................ 103 Internal Medicine....................................................................................................................... 104 Neurology.................................................................................................................................... 104 Pediatric Cardiology................................................................................................................... 104 Pediatrics..................................................................................................................................... 104 Pulmonary Medicine.................................................................................................................. 104 Rheumatology............................................................................................................................. 105 Obstetrics/Gynecology..................................................................................................................181 Obstetrics & Gynecology............................................................................................................ 181 xix Table of Contents Macon County NC Specialty Care Network.................................................................................................................105 Allergy And Immunology.......................................................................................................... 105 Marion County Hospitals............................................................................................................................................1 General Acute Care Hospital.......................................................................................................... 1 Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................34 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 34 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 34 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 34 Specialty Care Network.................................................................................................................105 General Practice.......................................................................................................................... 105 General Surgery.......................................................................................................................... 105 Pediatrics..................................................................................................................................... 105 Sports Medicine.......................................................................................................................... 105 Obstetrics/Gynecology..................................................................................................................181 Obstetrics & Gynecology............................................................................................................ 181 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................200 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 200 Other Practitioners.......................................................................................................................219 Physical/Occupational Therapy................................................................................................. 219 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................252 Marlboro County Hospitals............................................................................................................................................1 General Acute Care Hospital.......................................................................................................... 1 Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................34 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 34 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 35 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 35 Specialty Care Network.................................................................................................................105 General Surgery.......................................................................................................................... 105 Gynecology.................................................................................................................................. 105 Behavior Management..................................................................................................................170 Social Worker.............................................................................................................................. 170 Obstetrics/Gynecology..................................................................................................................181 Obstetrics & Gynecology............................................................................................................ 181 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................200 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 200 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................252 McCormick County Specialty Care Network.................................................................................................................105 Cardiovascular Disease............................................................................................................... 105 Internal Medicine....................................................................................................................... 105 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................252 McDowell County NC Specialty Care Network.................................................................................................................105 Allergy And Immunology.......................................................................................................... 105 Mecklenburg County NC Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................35 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 35 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 35 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 36 xx Table of Contents Mecklenburg County NC continued Specialty Care Network.................................................................................................................105 Allergy And Immunology.......................................................................................................... 105 Cardiovascular Disease............................................................................................................... 106 Dermatology............................................................................................................................... 109 Endocrinology And Metabolism................................................................................................ 109 Family Practice............................................................................................................................ 110 Gastroenterology........................................................................................................................ 122 General Surgery.......................................................................................................................... 122 Geriatrics..................................................................................................................................... 123 Hematology................................................................................................................................. 123 Hospice And Palliative Medicine............................................................................................... 124 Internal Medicine....................................................................................................................... 124 Maternal & Fetal Medicine......................................................................................................... 128 Medical Oncology....................................................................................................................... 128 Neurology.................................................................................................................................... 129 Neurology With Special Qualifications in Child Neurology.................................................... 130 Occupational Medicine.............................................................................................................. 130 Oncology..................................................................................................................................... 130 Orthopedic Surgery.................................................................................................................... 131 Otolaryngology (ENT)............................................................................................................... 132 Pediatric Allergy.......................................................................................................................... 132 Pediatric Cardiology................................................................................................................... 132 Pediatric Endocrinology............................................................................................................. 133 Pediatric Gastroenterology......................................................................................................... 133 Pediatric Hematology Oncology................................................................................................ 133 Pediatric Pulmonology............................................................................................................... 133 Pediatric Rhematology............................................................................................................... 133 Pediatrics..................................................................................................................................... 133 Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation........................................................................................... 136 Plastic Surgery............................................................................................................................. 139 Podiatry....................................................................................................................................... 139 Pulmonary Medicine.................................................................................................................. 139 Rheumatology............................................................................................................................. 140 Sports Medicine.......................................................................................................................... 140 Thoracic Surgery......................................................................................................................... 140 Urology........................................................................................................................................ 140 Vascular Surgery......................................................................................................................... 140 Behavior Management..................................................................................................................170 Psychiatry.................................................................................................................................... 170 Obstetrics/Gynecology..................................................................................................................181 Obstetrics & Gynecology............................................................................................................ 181 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................200 Ophthalmology........................................................................................................................... 200 Other Practitioners.......................................................................................................................219 Physical/Occupational Therapy................................................................................................. 219 Moore County NC Specialty Care Network.................................................................................................................141 Allergy And Immunology.......................................................................................................... 141 New Hanover County NC Specialty Care Network.................................................................................................................141 Allergy And Immunology.......................................................................................................... 141 Cardiovascular Disease............................................................................................................... 141 Family Practice............................................................................................................................ 142 Hematology................................................................................................................................. 143 Internal Medicine....................................................................................................................... 143 xxi Table of Contents New Hanover County NC Specialty Care Network continued Maternal & Fetal Medicine......................................................................................................... 143 Medical Oncology....................................................................................................................... 143 Neurology.................................................................................................................................... 143 Pediatric Gastroenterology......................................................................................................... 143 Pediatric Rheumatology............................................................................................................. 143 Pediatrics..................................................................................................................................... 144 Urological Surgery...................................................................................................................... 144 Urology........................................................................................................................................ 144 Obstetrics/Gynecology..................................................................................................................183 Obstetrics & Gynecology............................................................................................................ 183 Newberry County Hospitals............................................................................................................................................1 General Acute Care Hospital.......................................................................................................... 1 Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................37 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 37 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 37 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 37 Specialty Care Network.................................................................................................................144 Cardiovascular Disease............................................................................................................... 144 General Surgery.......................................................................................................................... 144 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................200 Ophthalmology........................................................................................................................... 200 Optician....................................................................................................................................... 200 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 200 Other Practitioners.......................................................................................................................219 Physical/Occupational Therapy................................................................................................. 219 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................252 Oconee County Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................37 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 37 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 38 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 38 Specialty Care Network.................................................................................................................144 Cardiovascular Disease............................................................................................................... 144 Family Practice............................................................................................................................ 144 General Surgery.......................................................................................................................... 145 Internal Medicine....................................................................................................................... 145 Orthopedic Surgery.................................................................................................................... 145 Otolaryngology (ENT)............................................................................................................... 145 Pediatrics..................................................................................................................................... 145 Urology........................................................................................................................................ 146 Behavior Management..................................................................................................................172 Licensed Professional Counselor............................................................................................... 172 Psychiatry.................................................................................................................................... 172 Social Worker.............................................................................................................................. 173 Obstetrics/Gynecology..................................................................................................................183 Obstetrics & Gynecology............................................................................................................ 183 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................200 Ophthalmology........................................................................................................................... 200 Optician....................................................................................................................................... 200 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 200 Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies......................................................................................226 Laboratories...................................................................................................................................230 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................252 xxii Table of Contents Orangeburg County Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................38 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 38 General Practice............................................................................................................................ 38 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 38 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 38 Specialty Care Network.................................................................................................................146 Infectious Disease....................................................................................................................... 146 Internal Medicine....................................................................................................................... 146 Nephrology................................................................................................................................. 146 Obstetrics/Gynecology..................................................................................................................183 Obstetrics & Gynecology............................................................................................................ 183 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................200 Ophthalmology........................................................................................................................... 200 Optician....................................................................................................................................... 201 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 201 Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies......................................................................................226 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................253 Pender County NC Specialty Care Network.................................................................................................................146 Cardiovascular Disease............................................................................................................... 146 Pickens County Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................38 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 38 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 39 Specialty Care Network.................................................................................................................147 Allergy And Immunology.......................................................................................................... 147 Internal Medicine....................................................................................................................... 147 Nephrology................................................................................................................................. 147 Neurology.................................................................................................................................... 147 Otolaryngology (ENT)............................................................................................................... 147 Behavior Management..................................................................................................................173 Psychiatry.................................................................................................................................... 173 Obstetrics/Gynecology..................................................................................................................183 Obstetrics & Gynecology............................................................................................................ 183 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................201 Ophthalmology........................................................................................................................... 201 Optician....................................................................................................................................... 202 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 202 Other Practitioners.......................................................................................................................219 Occupational Therapy................................................................................................................ 219 Physical/Occupational Therapy................................................................................................. 219 Clinics.............................................................................................................................................224 Rehabilitation Substance Use Disorder Clinic/Center.............................................................. 224 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................254 Polk County NC Specialty Care Network.................................................................................................................147 Family Practice............................................................................................................................ 147 Richland County Hospitals............................................................................................................................................1 General Acute Care Hospital.......................................................................................................... 1 Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................39 Family Nurse Practitioner............................................................................................................ 39 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 39 xxiii Table of Contents Richland County Primary Care Physicians continued General Practice............................................................................................................................ 40 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 40 Specialty Care Network.................................................................................................................147 Allergy And Immunology.......................................................................................................... 147 Cardiovascular Disease............................................................................................................... 147 Dermatology............................................................................................................................... 148 Endocrinology And Metabolism................................................................................................ 148 Gastroenterology........................................................................................................................ 148 Hematology................................................................................................................................. 148 Infectious Disease....................................................................................................................... 148 Internal Medicine....................................................................................................................... 149 Maternal & Fetal Medicine......................................................................................................... 149 Nephrology................................................................................................................................. 149 Neurology.................................................................................................................................... 150 Oncology..................................................................................................................................... 150 Orthopedic Surgery.................................................................................................................... 150 Otolaryngology (ENT)............................................................................................................... 151 Pediatrics..................................................................................................................................... 151 Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation........................................................................................... 151 Pulmonary Medicine.................................................................................................................. 151 Rheumatology............................................................................................................................. 152 Sports Medicine.......................................................................................................................... 152 Behavior Management..................................................................................................................173 Licensed Professional Counselor............................................................................................... 173 Psychiatry.................................................................................................................................... 173 Psychology................................................................................................................................... 173 Obstetrics/Gynecology..................................................................................................................183 Obstetrics & Gynecology............................................................................................................ 183 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................202 Ophthalmology........................................................................................................................... 202 Optician....................................................................................................................................... 202 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 202 Other Practitioners.......................................................................................................................219 Occupational Therapy................................................................................................................ 219 Physical/Occupational Therapy................................................................................................. 219 Speech Language Pathologist..................................................................................................... 219 Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies......................................................................................226 Laboratories...................................................................................................................................230 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................254 Richmond County GA Hospitals............................................................................................................................................1 General Acute Care Hospital.......................................................................................................... 2 Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................45 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 45 Specialty Care Network.................................................................................................................152 Cardiovascular Disease............................................................................................................... 152 Gastroenterology........................................................................................................................ 152 General Surgery.......................................................................................................................... 152 Internal Medicine....................................................................................................................... 152 Otolaryngology (ENT)............................................................................................................... 152 Pulmonary Medicine.................................................................................................................. 153 Thoracic Surgery......................................................................................................................... 153 Urology........................................................................................................................................ 153 Obstetrics/Gynecology..................................................................................................................184 Obstetrics & Gynecology............................................................................................................ 184 xxiv Table of Contents Vision Providers............................................................................................................................204 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 204 Other Practitioners.......................................................................................................................220 Physical/Occupational Therapy................................................................................................. 220 Rowan County NC Specialty Care Network.................................................................................................................153 Family Practice............................................................................................................................ 153 Internal Medicine....................................................................................................................... 155 Medical Oncology....................................................................................................................... 155 Neurology.................................................................................................................................... 155 Pediatrics..................................................................................................................................... 155 Physical Medicine & Rehabiiltation........................................................................................... 155 Urology........................................................................................................................................ 155 Rutherford County NC Obstetrics/Gynecology..................................................................................................................184 Obstetrics & Gynecology............................................................................................................ 184 Saluda County Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................45 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 45 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................204 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 204 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................257 Scotland County NC Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................45 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 45 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 45 Specialty Care Network.................................................................................................................155 Hematology................................................................................................................................. 155 Medical Oncology....................................................................................................................... 155 Oncology..................................................................................................................................... 155 Obstetrics/Gynecology..................................................................................................................184 Obstetrics & Gynecology............................................................................................................ 184 Stanly County NC Obstetrics/Gynecology..................................................................................................................184 Obstetrics & Gynecology............................................................................................................ 184 Spartanburg County Hospitals............................................................................................................................................1 General Acute Care Hospital.......................................................................................................... 2 Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................45 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 45 General Practice............................................................................................................................ 46 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 46 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 46 Specialty Care Network.................................................................................................................156 Allergy And Immunology.......................................................................................................... 156 General Practice.......................................................................................................................... 156 General Surgery.......................................................................................................................... 156 Infectious Disease....................................................................................................................... 157 Internal Medicine....................................................................................................................... 157 Otolaryngology (ENT)............................................................................................................... 157 Pulmonary Medicine.................................................................................................................. 157 Rheumatology............................................................................................................................. 157 xxv Table of Contents Spartanburg County continued Behavior Management..................................................................................................................173 Licensed Professional Counselor............................................................................................... 173 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................204 Optician....................................................................................................................................... 204 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 204 Other Practitioners.......................................................................................................................220 Occupational Therapy................................................................................................................ 220 Physical Therapy......................................................................................................................... 220 Physical/Occupational Therapy................................................................................................. 221 Speech Language Pathologist..................................................................................................... 221 Clinics.............................................................................................................................................224 Clinic........................................................................................................................................... 224 Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies......................................................................................226 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................257 Sumter County Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................46 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 46 General Practice............................................................................................................................ 49 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 49 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 49 Specialty Care Network.................................................................................................................157 Cardiovascular Disease............................................................................................................... 157 Family Practice............................................................................................................................ 157 Infectious Disease....................................................................................................................... 157 Internal Medicine....................................................................................................................... 157 Nephrology................................................................................................................................. 157 Oncology..................................................................................................................................... 157 Urology........................................................................................................................................ 157 Behavior Management..................................................................................................................173 Licensed Professional Counselor............................................................................................... 173 Psychiatry.................................................................................................................................... 173 Social Worker.............................................................................................................................. 173 Obstetrics/Gynecology..................................................................................................................184 Obstetrics & Gynecology............................................................................................................ 184 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................206 Ophthalmology........................................................................................................................... 206 Optician....................................................................................................................................... 206 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 206 Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies......................................................................................227 Laboratories...................................................................................................................................230 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................259 Transylvania County NC Specialty Care Network.................................................................................................................158 Allergy And Immunology.......................................................................................................... 158 Union County NC Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................50 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 50 Specialty Care Network.................................................................................................................158 Allergy And Immunology.......................................................................................................... 158 Endocrinology And Metabolism................................................................................................ 158 Family Practice............................................................................................................................ 158 General Surgery.......................................................................................................................... 161 Internal Medicine....................................................................................................................... 162 Neurology.................................................................................................................................... 162 xxvi Table of Contents Union County NC Specialty Care Network continued Neurology With Special Qualifications In Child Neurology.................................................... 162 Pediatric Cardiology................................................................................................................... 162 Pediatric Pulmonology............................................................................................................... 162 Pediatrics..................................................................................................................................... 162 Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation........................................................................................... 163 Urology........................................................................................................................................ 163 Behavior Management..................................................................................................................173 Psychiatry.................................................................................................................................... 173 Obstetrics/Gynecology..................................................................................................................185 Obstetrics & Gynecology............................................................................................................ 185 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................206 Ophthalmology........................................................................................................................... 206 Other Practitioners.......................................................................................................................221 Physical/Occupational Therapy................................................................................................. 221 Union County Hospitals............................................................................................................................................1 General Acute Care Hospital.......................................................................................................... 2 Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................50 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 50 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 50 Specialty Care Network.................................................................................................................163 General Surgery.......................................................................................................................... 163 Otolaryngology (ENT)............................................................................................................... 163 Pulmonary Medicine.................................................................................................................. 163 Obstetrics/Gynecology..................................................................................................................185 Obstetrics & Gynecology............................................................................................................ 185 Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies......................................................................................227 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................259 Watauga County NC Specialty Care Network.................................................................................................................164 Pediatric Cardiology................................................................................................................... 164 Williamsburg County Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................50 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 50 Internal Medicine......................................................................................................................... 50 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 50 Specialty Care Network.................................................................................................................164 General Surgery.......................................................................................................................... 164 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................206 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 206 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................260 York County NC Specialty Care Network.................................................................................................................164 Hematology................................................................................................................................. 164 Medical Oncology....................................................................................................................... 164 Oncology..................................................................................................................................... 164 Obstetrics/Gynecology..................................................................................................................185 Obstetrics & Gynecology............................................................................................................ 185 York County Primary Care Physicians.................................................................................................................50 Family Practice.............................................................................................................................. 50 Pediatrics....................................................................................................................................... 51 xxvii Table of Contents York County continued Specialty Care Network.................................................................................................................164 Allergy And Immunology.......................................................................................................... 164 Cardiovascular Disease............................................................................................................... 164 Family Practice............................................................................................................................ 165 Infectious Disease....................................................................................................................... 165 Internal Medicine....................................................................................................................... 165 Medical Oncology....................................................................................................................... 166 Oncology..................................................................................................................................... 166 Otolaryngology (ENT)............................................................................................................... 166 Pediatric Cardiology................................................................................................................... 166 Pediatrics..................................................................................................................................... 166 Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation........................................................................................... 166 Plastic Surgery............................................................................................................................. 166 Urology........................................................................................................................................ 167 Behavior Management..................................................................................................................174 Licensed Professional Counselor............................................................................................... 174 Social Worker.............................................................................................................................. 174 Obstetrics/Gynecology..................................................................................................................185 Obstetrics & Gynecology............................................................................................................ 185 Vision Providers............................................................................................................................206 Ophthalmology........................................................................................................................... 206 Optician....................................................................................................................................... 207 Optometry................................................................................................................................... 207 Other Practitioners.......................................................................................................................222 Physical/Occupational Therapy................................................................................................. 222 Speech Language Pathologist..................................................................................................... 222 Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies......................................................................................227 Pharmacies.....................................................................................................................................260 Index of Molina Healthcare Primary Care Providers......................................................................... 262 xxviii Aiken County Aiken County General Acute Care Hospital Aiken Regional Medical Centers 302 University Parkway Aiken, Sc 29801 (803) 641-5000 Fax: (803) 641-5690 Beaufort County General Acute Care Hospital Beaufort Memorial Hospital 955 Ribaut Rd Beaufort, Sc 29902 (843) 522-5794 Fax: (843) 522-5088 Colleton County General Acute Care Hospital Colleton Medical Center 501 Robertson Blvd Walterboro, Sc 29488 (843) 782-2604 Fax: (877) 252-0910 Darlington County General Acute Care Hospital McLeod Medical Center 710 Cashua Ferry Rd Darlington, Sc 29532 (843) 777-1100 Dillon County General Acute Care Hospital McLeod Medical Center 301 E Jackson St Dillon, Sc 29536 (843) 774-4111 Fax: (843) 777-4427 Florence County General Acute Care Hospital Carolinas Hospital System 805 Pamplico Hwy Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 674-5000 Hospitals Newberry County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY Lake City Community Hospital 258 N Run Mcnair Blvd Lake City, Sc 29560 (843) 374-2036 McLeod Loris Seacoast 3655 Mitchell St Loris, Sc 29569 (843) 716-7000 McLeod Regional Medical Center Of The Pee Dee Inc 555 E Cheves St Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 777-2000 Rehabiliation Hospital Carolinas Rehabilitation Hospital 121 E Cedar St Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 674-5000 Greenville County General Acute Care Hospital Greenville Memorial Hospital 701 Grove Road Greenville, SC 29605 (864) 455-7000 Greenwood County General Acute Care Hospital Self Regional Healthcare 1325 Spring St Greenwood, Sc 29646 (864) 725-4111 Hampton County General Acute Care Hospital Hampton Regional Medical Center 595 W Carolina Ave Varnville, Sc 29944 (803) 943-1217 Fax: (803) 943-1208 Springs Memorial Hospital 6277 Carolina Commons, Ste 100 Indian Land, Sc 29707 (803) 286-1576 Fax: (803) 286-1368 Springs Memorial Hospital 1203 Colonial Commons Ct Lancaster, Sc 29720 (803) 286-1576 Fax: (803) 286-1368 Springs Memorial Hospital 800 W Meeting St Lancaster, Sc 29720 (803) 286-1793 Fax: (803) 286-1368 Marion County General Acute Care Hospital Carolinas Hospital System 2829 E Hwy 76 Mullins, Sc 29574 (843) 431-2000 Fax: (843) 431-2414 Marlboro County General Acute Care Hospital Marlboro Park Hospital 1138 Cheraw St Bennettsville, Sc 29512 (843) 454-8760 Fax: (843) 479-5870 Horry County General Acute Care Hospital Grand Strand Regional Medical Center 809 82nd Parkway Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 692-1000 Fax: (843) 449-8655 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Lancaster County General Acute Care Hospital Newberry County General Acute Care Hospital Newberry County Memorial Hospital 2669 Kinard St Newberry, Sc 29108 (803) 405-7145 Fax: (803) 276-6885 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 1 Richland County Richland County General Acute Care Hospital Providence Hospital 2534 Forest Drive Columbia, Sc 29204 (803)256-5300 Hospitals Union County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY Spartanburg County General Acute Care Hospital Mary Black Memorial Hospital 1700 Skylyn Dr Spartanburg, Sc 29307 (864) 573-3000 Fax: (864) 216-4898 Union County General Acute Care Hospital Wallace Thomson Hospital 322 W South St Union, Sc 29379 (864) 301-2600 Fax: (864) 301-2600 Richmond County GA General Acute Care Hospital Trinity Hospital Of Augusta 2260 Wrightsboro Rd Augusta, Ga 30904 (706) 481-7000 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 2 Aiken County Primary Care Physicians IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Aiken County Family Nurse Practitioner Harvey, Jemetta Np Family MedCenter Of Aiken 216 Edgefield Ave NW Aiken, Sc 29801 (803) 648-4224 Fax: (803) 641-7600 Family Practice Tam, Henry W Md Family MedCenter Of Aiken 216 Edgefield Ave NW Aiken, Sc 29801 (803) 648-4224 Fax: (803) 641-7600 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat 8:30am–1:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Chinese Allendale County Family Practice McKissick, Janet M Md Low Country Health Care System Inc 333 Revolutionary Trail Fairfax, Sc 29827 (803) 632-2533 Fax: (803) 632-3757 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Anderson County Family Nurse Practitioner Bryant, Lisa T Np AnMed Health Williamston Family Medicine 16 Roberts Blvd Williamston, Sc 29697 (864) 847-7323 Fax: (864) 847-7543 Williams, Rita T Np AnMed Health Westside Community Health Center 1100 W Franklin St Anderson, Sc 29624 (864) 224-0822 Fax: (264) 375-0196 Family Practice Abercrombie, Stoney A Md v AnMed Health Family Medicine Center 1100 W Franklin St Anderson, Sc 29624 (864) 224-0822 Fax: (264) 375-0196 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Abercrombie, Stoney A Md AnMed Health Family Medicine Center 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 3700 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 512-1475 Fax: (864) 512-1930 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Alburo, Robert M Md AnMed Health Iva Family Medicine 331 Antreville Hwy Iva, Sc 29655 (864) 348-6122 Fax: (864) 348-7892 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Boggs, Chris Md AnMed Health Westside Community Health Center 1100 W Franklin St Anderson, Sc 29624 (864) 224-0822 Fax: (264) 375-0196 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Boyer, Elizabeth P Md v AnMed Health Lakeside Family Medicine 4120 Hwy 24 Anderson, Sc 29626 (846) 224-4003 Fax: (864) 224-4999 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Cayelli, Stephen D Md AnMed Health Iva Family Medicine 331 Antreville Hwy Iva, Sc 29655 (864) 348-6122 Fax: (864) 348-7892 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Cianciolo, Amy R Md AnMed Health Anderson Family Medicine 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 2000 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 260-1590 Fax: (864) 260-1596 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Anderson County Cianciolo, Amy R Md AnMed Health Anderson Family Medicine 101 Shirley St Pendleton, Sc 29670 (864) 646-7522 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Clemow, Christopher B Md v AnMed Health Family Medicine Center 1100 W Franklin St Anderson, Sc 29624 (864) 224-0822 Fax: (264) 375-0196 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Clemow, Christopher B Md v AnMed Health Family Medicine Center 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 3700 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 512-1475 Fax: (864) 512-1930 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Clemow, Diana D Md v AnMed Health Family Medicine Center 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 3700 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 512-1475 Fax: (864) 512-1930 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Cline, Matthew K Md v AnMed Health Family Medicine Center 1100 W Franklin St Anderson, Sc 29624 (864) 224-0822 Fax: (264) 375-0196 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Cline, Matthew K Md v AnMed Health Family Medicine Center 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 3700 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 512-1475 Fax: (864) 512-1930 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Counts, Scott S Md v AnMed Health Family Medicine Center 1100 W Franklin St Anderson, Sc 29624 (864) 224-0822 Fax: (264) 375-0196 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Counts, Scott S Md v AnMed Health Family Medicine Center 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 3700 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 512-1475 Fax: (864) 512-1930 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 3 Anderson County Primary Care Physicians IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Davis, Amanda S Md v AnMed Health Family Medicine Center 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 3700 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 512-1475 Fax: (864) 512-1930 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Dorton, Peter J Md AnMed Health Williamston Family Medicine 16 Roberts Blvd Williamston, Sc 29697 (864) 847-7323 Fax: (864) 847-7543 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Franks, Melody S Md v AnMed Health Lakeside Family Medicine 4120 Hwy 24 Anderson, Sc 29626 (846) 224-4003 Fax: (864) 224-4999 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Jenkins, M Kent Md AnMed Health Honea Path Family Medicine 21 S Shirley Ave Honea Path, Sc 29654 (864) 369-0552 Fax: (864) 369-1826 Hours: Mon–Fri 7:30am–5:00pm Jones, Audrey S Md AnMed Health Pendleton Family Medicine 1100 W Franklin St Anderson, Sc 29624 (864) 224-0822 Fax: (264) 375-0196 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Jones, Audrey S Md AnMed Health Pendleton Family Medicine 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 2000 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 260-1590 Fax: (864) 260-1596 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat 8:30am–12:00pm Jones, Audrey S Md AnMed Health Pendleton Family Medicine 101 Shirley St Pendleton, Sc 29670 (864) 646-7522 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Kiang, Hui Tzu M Do AnMed Health Anderson Family Medicine 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 2000 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 260-1590 Fax: (864) 260-1596 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Kiang, Hui Tzu M Do AnMed Health Anderson Family Medicine 21 S Shirley Ave Honea Path, Sc 29654 (864) 369-0552 Fax: (864) 369-1826 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Anderson County Williams, James C Md AnMed Health Williamston Family Medicine 16 Roberts Blvd Williamston, Sc 29697 (864) 847-7323 Fax: (864) 847-7543 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Wed 8:30am–12:00pm Koontz, Daniel A Md AnMed Health Palmetto Family Medicine 323 Lebby St Pelzer, Sc 29669 (864) 947-6666 Fax: (864) 947-8621 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Woodall, Hunter E Md AnMed Health Family Medicine Center 1100 W Franklin St Anderson, Sc 29624 (864) 224-0822 Fax: (264) 375-0196 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Japanese Nelson, Kyle K Do AnMed Health Centerville Family Medicine 1520 Whitehall Rd Anderson, Sc 29625 (864) 226-1899 Fax: (864) 226-5847 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Woodall, Hunter E Md AnMed Health Family Medicine Center 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 3700 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 512-1475 Fax: (864) 512-1930 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Japanese Nelson, Kyle K Do AnMed Health Centerville Family Medicine 331 Antreville Hwy Iva, Sc 29655 (864) 348-6122 Fax: (864) 348-7892 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Roehrs, Matthew P Md AnMed Health Williamston Family Medicine 16 Roberts Blvd Williamston, Sc 29697 (864) 847-7323 Fax: (864) 847-7543 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Smith, James A Md AnMed Health Honea Path Family Medicine 21 S Shirley Ave Honea Path, Sc 29654 (864) 369-0552 Fax: (864) 369-1826 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Straughn, Clifton W Md AnMed Health Clifton W Straughn Md 105 Buford Ave Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 512-5901 Fax: (864) 225-1058 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Wed 8:00am–1:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Young, Natawadee P Md AnMed Health Family Medicine Center 1100 W Franklin St Anderson, Sc 29624 (864) 224-0822 Fax: (264) 375-0196 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Thai Young, Natawadee P Md AnMed Health Family Medicine Center 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 3700 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 512-1475 Fax: (864) 512-1930 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Thai Internal Medicine Barnes, Stuart M Md AnMed Health Westside Community Health Center 1100 W Franklin St Anderson, Sc 29624 (864) 224-0822 Fax: (264) 375-0196 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 4 Anderson County Primary Care Physicians IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Barnes, Stuart M Md AnMed Health Westside Community Health Center 1520 Whitehall Rd Anderson, Sc 29625 (864) 226-1899 Fax: (864) 226-5847 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat 9:00am–11:00am Osburn, George H Md AnMed Health Family Medicine Center 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 3700 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 512-1475 Fax: (864) 512-1930 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Barnes, Stuart M Md AnMed Health Westside Community Health Center 323 Lebby St Pelzer, Sc 29669 (864) 947-6666 Fax: (864) 947-8621 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Bradford, Nathan F Md v AnMed Health Child Health Center 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 3700 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 512-1475 Fax: (864) 512-1930 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Cook, Anne G Md v AnMed Health Centerville Family Medicine 1100 W Franklin St Anderson, Sc 29624 (864) 224-0822 Fax: (264) 375-0196 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Cook, Anne G Md v AnMed Health Centerville Family Medicine 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 3700 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 512-1475 Fax: (864) 513-1930 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Eta, Ekong I Md Etas Clinic Pc 400 N Fant St, Ste A Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 226-5260 Fax: (864) 226-5863 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Wed 9:00am–1:00pm; Fri 9:00am–2:00pm Floyd, Winston C Md AnMed Health Eastside Internal Medicine 400 N Fant St, Ste G Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 224-2197 Fax: (864) 226-0033 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Keenan Jr, Daniel Md AnMed Health Daniel A Keenan Jr Md 803 N Fant St, Ste 3b Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 225-3316 Fax: (864) 225-3317 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–4:30pm Pediatrics McClanahan, Lori E Md AnMed Health Pediatric Associates 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 3000 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 512-8668 Fax: (864) 512-3848 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Bradford, Nathan F Md v AnMed Health Family Medicine Center 500 N Fant St, Ste C Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 225-7798 Fax: (264) 260-3952 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Hart, Keith M Md AnMed Health Pediatric Associates 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 3000 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 512-8668 Fax: (864) 512-3848 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Hobbs, Mary B Md AnMed Health Anderson Pediatrics 705 N Fant St Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 226-3484 Fax: (864) 225-0837 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Jain, Ruchika Md AnMed Health Child Health Center 500 N Fant St, Ste C Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 225-7798 Fax: (264) 260-3952 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Maddox, Barry H Md AnMed Health Pediatric Associates 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 3000 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 512-8668 Fax: (864) 512-3848 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Bradford, Nathan F Md v AnMed Health Child Health Center 500 N Fant St, Ste C Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 225-7798 Fax: (264) 260-3952 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Draisen, Andrea F Md AnMed Health Pediatric Associates 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 3000 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 512-8668 Fax: (864) 512-3848 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Anderson County Moseley, Patti K Md AnMed Health Pediatric Associates 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 3000 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 512-8668 Fax: (864) 512-3848 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–4:30pm Sizemore, Kent B Md AnMed Health Child Health Center 500 N Fant St, Ste C Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 225-7798 Fax: (264) 260-3952 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Sohn, Jae L Md AnMed Health Child Health Center 500 N Fant St, Ste C Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 225-7798 Fax: (264) 260-3952 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Korean Stone Jr, Joseph M Md AnMed Health Anderson Pediatrics 705 N Fant St Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 226-3484 Fax: (864) 225-0837 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 5 Anderson County Syed, Asad Md Piedmont Childrens Clinic 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 4700 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 222-1891 Fax: (864) 716-6172 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–12:00pm Syed, Elzbieta Md Piedmont Childrens Clinic 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 4700 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 222-1891 Fax: (864) 716-6172 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–12:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Polish Treash, Dale E Md AnMed Health Anderson Pediatrics 705 N Fant St Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 226-3484 Fax: (864) 225-0837 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Barnwell County Family Practice Youmans, Stephen C Md Healthwise Family Practice LLC 154 Wren St Barnwell, Sc 29812 (803) 300-0395 Fax: (803) 259-4477 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Pediatrics Burnett, Bryan A Md Barnwell Pediatrics 10706 Marlboro Ave Barnwell, Sc 29812 (803) 259-7337 Fax: (803) 259-9505 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Moskow, Abraham H Md Barnwell Pediatrics 10706 Marlboro Ave Barnwell, Sc 29812 (803) 259-7337 Fax: (803) 259-9505 Primary Care Physicians IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Beaufort County Family Practice Mikkelson, Michael K Mdi Lowcountry Medical Care LLC 181 Bluffton Rd Bluffton, Sc 29910 (843) 757-5400 Fax: (843) 757-2240 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu 8:30am–5:00pm; Tue 2:00pm–6:30pm; Fri 8:30am–12:00pm Internal Medicine Gambla, Kurt M Md Beaufort Memorial Hospital 989 Ribaut Rd, Ste 260 Beaufort, Sc 29902 (843) 522-7600 Fax: (843) 522-7612 Kessel, Steven R Mdi Beaufort Memorial Primary Care 989 Ribaut Rd, Ste 260 Beaufort, Sc 29902 (843) 522-7600 Fax: (843) 522-7612 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–4:30pm Pediatrics Bergmann, Shayla Md Beaufort Pediatrics PA 964 Ribaut Rd, Ste 1 Beaufort, Sc 29902 (843) 527-5437 Fax: (843) 527-0425 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–7:00pm; Sat 9:00am–1:00pm Berrigan, Maureen M Md Seaside Pediatrics Of Bluffton 167 Bluffton Rd, Ste G Bluffton, Sc 29910 (843) 757-8663 Fax: (843) 815-3849 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Broerman, Nicole S Md Sea Island Pediatrics 2403 Allison Rd Beaufort, Sc 29902 (843) 524-1078 Fax: (843) 524-1137 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Berkeley County Ellenberger, Kurt R Md Beaufort Pediatrics PA 964 Ribaut Rd, Ste 1 Beaufort, Sc 29902 (843) 527-5437 Fax: (843) 527-0425 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–7:00pm; Sat 9:00am–1:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Floyd, Joseph Md Beaufort Pediatrics PA 964 Ribaut Rd, Ste 1 Beaufort, Sc 29902 (843) 527-5437 Fax: (843) 527-0425 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–7:00pm; Sat 9:00am–1:00pm Martin, Kimberly M Md Beaufort Pediatrics PA 964 Ribaut Rd, Ste 1 Beaufort, Sc 29902 (843) 527-5437 Fax: (843) 527-0425 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–7:00pm; Sat 9:00am–1:00pm Martin, William D Md Beaufort Pediatrics PA 964 Ribaut Rd, Ste 1 Beaufort, Sc 29902 (843) 527-5437 Fax: (843) 527-0425 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–7:00pm; Sat 9:00am–1:00pm Rushton, Francis Md Beaufort Pediatrics PA 964 Ribaut Rd, Ste 1 Beaufort, Sc 29902 (843) 527-5437 Fax: (843) 527-0425 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–7:00pm; Sat 9:00am–1:00pm Berkeley County Family Practice Bolt, Thomas R Md v Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 1254 Yeamans Hall Rd Hanahan, Sc 29410 (843) 554-8312 Fax: (843) 554-5141 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 6 Berkeley County Primary Care Physicians IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Campbell, Patricia A Md v Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 110A Springhall Dr Goose Creek, Sc 29445 (843) 266-2520 Fax: (843) 553-4436 Hours: Mon–Fri 7:30am–4:30pm; Sat 8:30am–12:00pm Tucker III, William M Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 110A Springhall Dr Goose Creek, Sc 29445 (843) 266-2520 Fax: (843) 553-4436 Hours: Mon–Fri 7:30am–4:30pm; Sat 8:30am–12:00pm Caton, Kirt A Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 1254 Yeamans Hall Rd Hanahan, Sc 29410 (843) 554-8312 Fax: (843) 554-5141 Viduya, Sherry J Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 105a Springhall Dr Goose Creek, Sc 29445 (843) 574-0060 Fax: (843) 574-0063 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Davis, Lucy G Md v Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 899 Island Park Dr, Ste 200 Charleston, Sc 29492 (843) 856-6402 Fax: (843) 216-5068 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Floyd, Meredith D Md v Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 115 Executive Parkway Moncks Corner, Sc 29461 (843) 761-2815 Fax: (843) 899-4723 Hours: Fri 12:30pm–4:30pm Forren, Amy C Do St James Family Medicine 149 St James Avenue Goose Creek, Sc 29445 (843) 553-0526 Fax: (843) 553-4410 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hanna, Donald T Md Carolina Family Medicine 100 Spring Hall Dr Goose Creek, Sc 29445 (843) 572-8201 Fax: (843) 797-8491 √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Hogue, Caisson T Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 115 Executive Parkway Moncks Corner, Sc 29461 (843) 761-2815 Fax: (843) 899-4723 Hours: Fri 12:30pm–4:30pm Spicer, Leigh M Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 899 Island Park Dr, Ste 200 Charleston, Sc 29492 (843) 856-6402 Fax: (843) 216-5068 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Internal Medicine Etikerentse, Temisan L Md Hope Clinic LLC 110 Executive Pkwy Moncks Corner, Sc 29461 (843) 899-9099 Fax: (843) 899-1648 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–7:00pm; Sat 9:00am–4:30pm Jones III, Edward J Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 115 Executive Parkway Moncks Corner, Sc 29461 (843) 761-2815 Fax: (843) 899-4723 Hours: Fri 12:30pm–4:30pm Pediatrics Boylston, Colleen J Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 401 N Live Oak Dr Moncks Corner, Sc 29461 (843) 761-2910 Fax: (843) 761-0982 Copses, Constantine P Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 401 N Live Oak Dr Moncks Corner, Sc 29461 (843) 761-2910 Fax: (843) 761-0982 √ Languages Spoken: Greek Dietrich, Amy R Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 401 N Live Oak Dr Moncks Corner, Sc 29461 (843) 761-2910 Fax: (843) 761-0982 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Berkeley County Durant, Farrow C Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 401 N Live Oak Dr Moncks Corner, Sc 29461 (843) 761-2910 Fax: (843) 761-0982 Glass, Morgan M Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 401 N Live Oak Dr Moncks Corner, Sc 29461 (843) 761-2910 Fax: (843) 761-0982 Good, Anne Marie E Md Plantation Pediatrics 149 Saint James Ave Goose Creek, Sc 29445 (843) 766-6308 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Herwig, Kathryn E Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 401 N Live Oak Dr Moncks Corner, Sc 29461 (843) 761-2910 Fax: (843) 761-0982 √ Languages Spoken: Spanish King, Casey H Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 401 N Live Oak Dr Moncks Corner, Sc 29461 (843) 761-2910 Fax: (843) 761-0982 Lasseter, Rebecca E Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 401 N Live Oak Dr Moncks Corner, Sc 29461 (843) 761-2910 Fax: (843) 761-0982 Lopez, Lisa B Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 401 N Live Oak Dr Moncks Corner, Sc 29461 (843) 761-2910 Fax: (843) 761-0982 √ Languages Spoken: Spanish McCall, Jenna K Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 401 N Live Oak Dr Moncks Corner, Sc 29461 (843) 761-2910 Fax: (843) 761-0982 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 7 Berkeley County Meyer, Jennifer A Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 401 N Live Oak Dr Moncks Corner, Sc 29461 (843) 761-2910 Fax: (843) 761-0982 Monk, Lauren T Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 401 N Live Oak Dr Moncks Corner, Sc 29461 (843) 761-2910 Fax: (843) 761-0982 Moore, Joseph C Md Franklin C Fetter Family Health Center Inc 300 E Main St Moncks Corner, Sc 29461 (843) 761-7744 Fax: (843) 761-7784 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Rodgers, Benjamin L Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 401 N Live Oak Dr Moncks Corner, Sc 29461 (843) 761-2910 Fax: (843) 761-0982 Rodgers, Kelly Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 401 N Live Oak Dr Moncks Corner, Sc 29461 (843) 761-2910 Fax: (843) 761-0982 Sudheimer, Kimberly R Do Sweetgrass Pediatrics 401 N Live Oak Dr Moncks Corner, Sc 29461 (843) 761-2910 Fax: (843) 761-0982 Brunswick County NC Pediatrics Ludlow, Donald N Md Seashore Pediatrics 3650 Express Dr Shallotte, Nc 28470 (910) 754-2229 Fax: (910) 754-2217 Richards, Kenneth R Md Seashore Pediatrics 3650 Express Dr Shallotte, Nc 28470 (910) 754-2229 Fax: (910) 754-2217 Primary Care Physicians IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Burke County NC Family Practice Christensen, Tom A Md Calabash Medical Center PA 10081 Beach Dr SW Linville Falls, Nc 28647 (800) 579-7971 Fax: (843) 756-6059 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Ryan, Patrick K Md Calabash Medical Center PA 10081 Beach Dr SW Linville Falls, Nc 28647 (800) 579-7971 Fax: (843) 756-6059 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Williams Jr, Eston E Md Calabash Medical Center PA 10081 Beach Dr SW Linville Falls, Nc 28647 (800) 579-7971 Fax: (843) 756-6059 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm General Practice Grubb, Stephen D Md Calabash Medical Center PA 10081 Beach Dr SW Linville Falls, Nc 28647 (800) 579-7971 Fax: (843) 756-6059 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Cabarrus County NC Internal Medicine Cabarrus County NC Blanks, Esther L Md Ardsley Internal Medicine 5427 Highway 49 S Harrisburg, Nc 28075 (704) 454-7360 Fax: (704) 454-7377 Braun, Mark E Md Ardsley Internal Medicine 1085 NE Gateway Court Ne, Ste 200 Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-8650 Fax: (704) 403-8655 Braun, Mark E Md Ardsley Internal Medicine 5427 Highway 49 S Harrisburg, Nc 28075 (704) 454-7360 Fax: (704) 454-7377 Cicci, Leigh W Md Ardsley Internal Medicine 1085 NE Gateway Court Ne, Ste 200 Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-8650 Fax: (704) 403-8655 Cicci, Leigh W Md Ardsley Internal Medicine 5427 Highway 49 S Harrisburg, Nc 28075 (704) 454-7360 Fax: (704) 454-7377 Feinberg, Ndidi Md Ardsley Internal Medicine 1085 NE Gateway Court Ne, Ste 200 Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-8650 Fax: (704) 403-8655 Bastadjian, Sylvie Md Ardsley Internal Medicine 1085 NE Gateway Court Ne, Ste 200 Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-8650 Fax: (704) 403-8655 Feinberg, Ndidi Md Ardsley Internal Medicine 5427 Highway 49 S Harrisburg, Nc 28075 (704) 454-7360 Fax: (704) 454-7377 Bastadjian, Sylvie Md Ardsley Internal Medicine 5427 Highway 49 S Harrisburg, Nc 28075 (704) 454-7360 Fax: (704) 454-7377 Foust, Kim M Md Carolina Internal Medicine 200 Medical Park Dr Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-3676 Fax: (704) 403-3666 Blanks, Esther L Md Ardsley Internal Medicine 1085 NE Gateway Court Ne, Ste 200 Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-8650 Fax: (704) 403-8655 Gaines, Ashley P Md Ardsley Internal Medicine 1085 NE Gateway Ct Ne, Ste 200 Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-8650 Fax: (704) 403-8655 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 8 Cabarrus County NC Primary Care Physicians Cabarrus County NC IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Gaines, Ashley P Md Ardsley Internal Medicine 5427 Highway 49 S Harrisburg, Nc 28075 (704) 454-7360 Fax: (704) 454-7377 Smith, Lori D Md Ardsley Internal Medicine 1085 NE Gateway Ct Ne, Ste 200 Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-8650 Fax: (704) 403-8655 Gupta, Aradhana P Md Carolina Internal Medicine 200 Medical Park Dr Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-3676 Fax: (704) 403-3666 Smith, Lori D Md Ardsley Internal Medicine 5427 Highway 49 S Harrisburg, Nc 28075 (704) 454-7360 Fax: (704) 454-7377 Keipper, Vincent L Md Ardsley Internal Medicine 1085 NE Gateway Ct Ne, Ste 200 Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-8650 Fax: (704) 403-8655 Sopo Jones, Christine A Md Ardsley Internal Medicine 1085 NE Gateway Ct Ne, Ste 200 Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-8650 Fax: (704) 403-8655 Keipper, Vincent L Md Ardsley Internal Medicine 5427 Highway 49 S Harrisburg, Nc 28075 (704) 454-7360 Fax: (704) 454-7377 Sopo Jones, Christine A Md Ardsley Internal Medicine 5427 Highway 49 S Harrisburg, Nc 28075 (704) 454-7360 Fax: (704) 454-7377 Mawji, Zubina Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 15110 John J Delaney Dr Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 302-8100 Fax: (704) 302-8101 Surratt, Robert W Md Ardsley Internal Medicine 1085 NE Gateway Ct Ne, Ste 200 Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-8650 Fax: (704) 403-8655 McMurry, David W Md Carolina Internal Medicine 200 Medical Park Dr Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-3676 Fax: (704) 403-3666 Surratt, Robert W Md Ardsley Internal Medicine 5427 Highway 49 S Harrisburg, Nc 28075 (704) 454-7360 Fax: (704) 454-7377 Paniagua, Tiziana Md Ardsley Internal Medicine 1085 NE Gateway Ct Ne, Ste 200 Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-8650 Fax: (704) 403-8655 Thompson, Kerriann R Md Ardsley Internal Medicine 1085 NE Gateway Ct Ne, Ste 200 Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-8650 Fax: (704) 403-8655 Paniagua, Tiziana Md Ardsley Internal Medicine 5427 Highway 49 S Harrisburg, Nc 28075 (704) 454-7360 Fax: (704) 454-7377 Wheless, James E Md Carolina Internal Medicine 200 Medical Park Dr Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-3676 Fax: (704) 403-3666 Rackoff, Geoffrey D Md Carolina Internal Medicine 200 Medical Park Dr Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-3676 Fax: (704) 403-3666 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Pediatrics Benbow, John M Md Cabarrus Pediatrics 66 Lake Concord Rd Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-7720 Fax: (704) 403-7730 Benbow, John M Md Cabarrus Pediatrics 543 Jackson Park Rd Kannapolis, Nc 28083 (704) 403-7720 Fax: (704) 932-0270 Carr, Chpryelle Md Charlotte Pediatric Clinic 13640 Steelecroft Pkwy Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 512-6100 Fax: (704) 587-7601 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Carr, Chpryelle Md Charlotte Pediatric Clinic 332 N Trade St Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 512-6820 Fax: (704) 512-6821 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Carr, Chpryelle Md Charlotte Pediatric Clinic 4501 Cameron Valley Pkwy Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 367-7400 Fax: (704) 367-7555 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Carr, Chpryelle Md Charlotte Pediatric Clinic 6235 Blakeney Park Dr Kannapolis, Nc 28081 (704) 512-5060 Fax: (704) 512-5079 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Douglass, David P Md Cabarrus Pediatrics 66 Lake Concord Rd Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-7720 Fax: (704) 403-7730 Douglass, David P Md Cabarrus Pediatrics 543 Jackson Park Rd Kannapolis, Nc 28083 (704) 403-7720 Fax: (704) 932-0270 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 9 Cabarrus County NC Primary Care Physicians IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Larrabee, Laura J Md Cabarrus Pediatrics 66 Lake Concord Rd Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-7720 Fax: (704) 403-7730 Peterson, Porter K Md Cabarrus Pediatrics 543 Jackson Park Rd Kannapolis, Nc 28083 (704) 403-7720 Fax: (704) 932-0270 Larrabee, Laura J Md Cabarrus Pediatrics 543 Jackson Park Rd Kannapolis, Nc 28083 (704) 403-7720 Fax: (704) 932-0270 Spell, Arthur B Md Charlotte Pediatric Clinic 13640 Steelecroft Pkwy Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 512-6100 Fax: (704) 587-7601 Mah, Hans S Md Cabarrus Pediatrics 66 Lake Concord Rd Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-7720 Fax: (704) 403-7730 Spell, Arthur B Md Charlotte Pediatric Clinic 332 N Trade St Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 512-6820 Fax: (704) 512-6821 Mah, Hans S Md Cabarrus Pediatrics 543 Jackson Park Rd Kannapolis, Nc 28083 (704) 403-7720 Fax: (704) 932-0270 Spell, Arthur B Md Charlotte Pediatric Clinic 4501 Cameron Valley Pkwy Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 367-7400 Fax: (704) 367-7555 Mock, Laura J Md Cabarrus Pediatrics 66 Lake Concord Rd Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-7720 Fax: (704) 403-7730 Spell, Arthur B Md Charlotte Pediatric Clinic 6235 Blakeney Park Dr Kannapolis, Nc 28081 (704) 512-5060 Fax: (704) 512-5079 Mock, Laura J Md Cabarrus Pediatrics 543 Jackson Park Rd Kannapolis, Nc 28083 (704) 403-7720 Fax: (704) 932-0270 O’Brien, Stephen J Md Cabarrus Pediatrics 66 Lake Concord Rd Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-7720 Fax: (704) 403-7730 O’Brien, Stephen J Md Cabarrus Pediatrics 543 Jackson Park Rd Kannapolis, Nc 28083 (704) 403-7720 Fax: (704) 932-0270 Peterson, Porter K Md Cabarrus Pediatrics 66 Lake Concord Rd Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-7720 Fax: (704) 403-7730 Charleston County Family Practice Anderson, Annette B Md Roper St Francis After Hours Care 325 Folly Rd, Ste 101 Charleston, Sc 29412 (843) 402-5283 Anderson, Annette B Md Windermere Family Medicine 16 Windermere Blvd Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 766-9053 Bolt, Thomas R Md v Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 2550 Elms Centre Rd Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 302-8840 Fax: (843) 569-5872 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–10:00pm Bolt, Thomas R Md v Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 776 Daniel Ellis Dr, Ste 1 B Charleston, Sc 29412 (843) 795-0300 Fax: (843) 795-1952 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Busby, Stephen C Md Roper St Francis After Hours Care 325 Folly Rd, Ste 101 Charleston, Sc 29412 (843) 402-5283 Charleston County Adult Health Nurse Practitioner Keelan, Karlin Np Cardiothoracic Surgery Of Charleston 316 Calhoun St Charleston, Sc 29401 (843) 720-8490 Family Nurse Practitioner Busby, Stephen C Md Roper St Francis After Hours Care 767 Johnnie Dodds Blvd Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 402-5283 Busby, Stephen C Md Roper St Francis After Hours Care 5070 International Blvd, Ste 131 North Charleston, Sc 29418 (843) 402-5283 Grier, Jana D Np East Cooper Family Practice 180 Wingo Way Ste 207 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 884-5101 Busby, Stephen C Md Windermere Family Medicine 16 Windermere Blvd Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 766-9053 Hilton, Paige G Np East Cooper Family Practice 180 Wingo Way Ste 207 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 884-5101 Hours: Mon-Thu 8:30am–5:00pm; Fri 8:30am–1:00pm Casasco, Julie F Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 2550 Elms Centre Rd Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 302-8840 Fax: (843) 569-5872 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 10 Charleston County Primary Care Physicians IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Detar, Dewey T Do Park West Family Practice 3510 Hwy 17 N, Ste 320 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29466 (843) 971-3361 Forren, Amy C Do Roper St Francis After Hours Care 767 Johnnie Dodds Blvd Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 402-5283 Detar, Dewey T Do Roper St Francis After Hours Care 325 Folly Rd, Ste 101 Charleston, Sc 29412 (843) 402-5283 Forren, Amy C Do Roper St Francis After Hours Care 5070 International Blvd, Ste 131 North Charleston, Sc 29418 (843) 402-5283 Detar, Dewey T Do Roper St Francis After Hours Care 767 Johnnie Dodds Blvd Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 402-5283 Gamage, Anoma S Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 2550 Elms Centre Rd Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 302-8840 Fax: (843) 569-5872 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–10:00pm √ Languages Spoken: French Detar, Dewey T Do Roper St Francis After Hours Care 5070 International Blvd, Ste 131 North Charleston, Sc 29418 (843) 402-5283 Dunn, Ted A Md Park West Family Practice 3510 Hwy 17 N, Ste 320 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29466 (843) 971-3361 Dunn, Ted A Md Roper St Francis After Hours Care 325 Folly Rd, Ste 101 Charleston, Sc 29412 (843) 402-5283 Dunn, Ted A Md Roper St Francis After Hours Care 767 Johnnie Dodds Blvd Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 402-5283 Dunn, Ted A Md Roper St Francis After Hours Care 5070 International Blvd, Ste 131 North Charleston, Sc 29418 (843) 402-5283 Feldman, Lynn F Do Kiawah Seabrook Medical And Urgent Care 345 Freshfields Dr, Ste J101 Johns Island, Sc 29455 (843) 768-4800 Fax: (843) 606-8039 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Gleaton II, Douglas H Md Center Pointe Medical Care 5070 International Blvd, Ste 131 North Charleston, Sc 29418 (843) 769-7906 Fax: (843) 763-7739 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Gleaton II, Douglas H Md Roper St Francis After Hours Care 325 Folly Rd, Ste 101 Charleston, Sc 29412 (843) 402-5283 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Gleaton II, Douglas H Md Roper St Francis After Hours Care 767 Johnnie Dodds Blvd Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 402-5283 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Gleaton II, Douglas H Md Roper St Francis After Hours Care 5070 International Blvd, Ste 131 North Charleston, Sc 29418 (843) 402-5283 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Goddard, Jennifer A Md Ashley River Family Physicians 2270 Ashley Crossing Dr, Ste 165 Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 763-9472 Fax: (843) 763-7411 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Forren, Amy C Do Roper St Francis After Hours Care 325 Folly Rd, Ste 101 Charleston, Sc 29412 (843) 402-5283 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Charleston County Goddard, Jennifer A Md Roper St Francis After Hours Care 325 Folly Rd, Ste 101 Charleston, Sc 29412 (843) 402-5283 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Goddard, Jennifer A Md Roper St Francis After Hours Care 767 Johnnie Dodds Blvd Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 402-5283 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Goddard, Jennifer A Md Roper St Francis After Hours Care 5070 International Blvd, Ste 131 North Charleston, Sc 29418 (843) 402-5283 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Haskins, Curtis D Md Windermere Family Medicine 16 Windermere Blvd Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 766-9053 Hogue, Caisson T Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 2550 Elms Centre Rd Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 302-8840 Fax: (843) 569-5872 Hours: Mon-Sun 8:00am–10:00pm Holtzclaw, Priscilla W Md East Cooper Family Practice 180 Wingo Way Ste 207 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 884-5101 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Holtzclaw, Priscilla W Md Park West Family Practice 3510 Hwy 17 N Ste 320 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29466 (843) 971-3361 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Jesup, Alexis A Md Roper St Francis After Hours Care 325 Folly Rd, Ste 101 Charleston, Sc 29412 (843) 402-5283 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Jesup, Alexis A Md Roper St Francis After Hours Care 767 Johnnie Dodds Blvd Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 402-5283 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 11 Charleston County Primary Care Physicians IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Jesup, Alexis A Md Roper St Francis After Hours Care 5070 International Blvd, Ste 131 North Charleston, Sc 29418 (843) 402-5283 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Jesup, Alexis A Md West Ashley Primary Care 1 Bishop Gadsden Way Ste 97 Charleston, Sc 29412 (843) 763-3700 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm McLaughlin, Mark A Md East Cooper Family Practice 180 Wingo Way Ste 207 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 884-5101 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm McMahon, Daniel J Md Kiawah Seabrook Medical And Urgent Care 345 Freshfields Dr Ste J101, Ste J101 Johns Island, Sc 29455 (843) 768-4800 Fax: (843) 606-8039 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Price, Beth S Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 1401 Main St Charleston, Sc 29423 (843) 825-3404 Fax: (843) 825-3407 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Rodgers, David P Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 1401 Main St Charleston, Sc 29423 (843) 825-3404 Fax: (843) 825-3407 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Rodriguez Scott, Maribel Do Consultorio Medical Latino 2810 Ashley Phosphate, Ste B4 North Charleston, Sc 29418 (843) 553-7744 Fax: (843) 553-7734 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–7:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Sinkler, Valerie A Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 2500 Elms Centre Rd Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 572-7727 Fax: (843) 569-5872 Hours: Mon–Fri 7:30am–11:00am; Sat, Sun 8:00am–11:00am Teachman, Robert J Do Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 776 Daniel Ellis Dr, Ste 1 B Charleston, Sc 29412 (843) 795-0300 Fax: (843) 795-1952 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Thomas, Stephen M Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 2550 Elms Centre Rd Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 302-8840 Fax: (843) 569-5872 Hours: Mon-Sun 8:00am–10:00pm General Practice Charleston County Cain, Robert W Md Moreland Internal Medicine 615 Wesley Dr, Ste 300 Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 266-4400 Chanson, Rhonda S Md West Ashley Internal Medicine 12 E Farmfield Ave Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 556-7942 Clare Jr, William Md West Ashley Primary Care 2270 Ashley Crossing Dr, Ste 170 Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 763-3700 Costa, Milton S Md James Island Medical Care 325 Folly Rd, Ste 102 Charleston, Sc 29412 (843) 762-1440 Datta, Susan M Md East Cooper Internal Medicine 180 Wingo Way, Ste 306 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 884-1777 Erich, Mark Md Roper St Francis After Hours Care 325 Folly Rd, Ste 101 Charleston, Sc 29412 (843) 402-5283 Davis Jr, John P Md West Ashley Primary Care 2270 Ashley Crossing Dr, Ste 170 Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 763-3700 Erich, Mark Md Roper St Francis After Hours Care 767 Johnnie Dodds Blvd Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 402-5283 Deaton Jr, Paul M Md Charles Towne Internal Medicine 3531 Mary Ader Ave Bldg A Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 744-1669 Erich, Mark Md Roper St Francis After Hours Care 5070 International Blvd, Ste 131 North Charleston, Sc 29418 (843) 402-5283 Drabkin Schade, Anne D Md Roper St Francis After Hours Care 325 Folly Rd, Ste 101 Charleston, Sc 29412 (843) 402-5283 Erich, Mark Md St Lukes Family Practice 1435 Stuart Engals Blvd Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 884-9796 Drabkin Schade, Anne D Md Roper St Francis After Hours Care 767 Johnnie Dodds Blvd Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 402-5283 Internal Medicine Arias, Andres J Md Consultorio Medical Latino 2810 Ashley Phosphate, Ste B4 North Charleston, Sc 29418 (843) 553-7744 Fax: (843) 553-7734 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–7:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Drabkin Schade, Anne D Md Roper St Francis After Hours Care 5070 International Blvd, Ste 131 North Charleston, Sc 29418 (843) 402-5283 Eads Jr, R Stewart Md West Ashley Internal Medicine 12 E Farmfield Ave Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 556-7942 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 12 Charleston County Primary Care Physicians IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Etikerentse, Temisan L Md Hope Clinic LLC 5880 Rivers Ave Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 725-4673 Fax: (843) 725-1235 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–7:00pm Honney, Shanon L Md Charleston Internal Medicine 537 Folly Rd Charleston, Sc 29412 (843) 406-4948 Fax: (843) 406-4940 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Franklin, Cheri L Md Charles Towne Internal Medicine 3531 Mary Ader Ave Bldg A Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 744-1669 Hughes, Frances B Md Island Internal Medicine 325 Folly Rd, Ste 102 Charleston, Sc 29412 (843) 762-2323 Fax: (843) 762-7629 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Geer, Charles C Md Island Internal Medicine 325 Folly Rd, Ste 102 Charleston, Sc 29412 (843) 762-2323 Fax: (843) 762-7629 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hepburn Jr, Lloyd E Md Eagle Landing Adult Medicine 2075 Eagle Landing Blvd N. Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 797-5747 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hepburn Jr, Lloyd E Md Roper St Francis After Hours Care 325 Folly Rd, Ste 101 Charleston, Sc 29412 (843) 402-5283 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hepburn Jr, Lloyd E Md Roper St Francis After Hours Care 767 Johnnie Dodds Blvd Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 402-5283 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hickman, Cary S Md Associates In Internal Medicine 615 Wesley Dr, Ste 200 Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 571-6880 Fax: (843) 571-1387 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hildreth, Barbara P Md Tidewater Internal Medicine 2097 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Ste 220 W Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 571-6868 Fax: (843) 571-6198 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Jennings, Jonathan L Md Roper St Francis After Hours Care 325 Folly Rd, Ste 101 Charleston, Sc 29412 (843) 402-5283 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Jennings, Jonathan L Md Roper St Francis After Hours Care 767 Johnnie Dodds Blvd Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 402-5283 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Jennings, Jonathan L Md Roper St Francis After Hours Care 5070 International Blvd, Ste 131 North Charleston, Sc 29418 (843) 402-5283 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Jennings, Jonathan L Md Sewee Internal Medicine 3510 Hwy 17 N, Ste 315 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29466 (843) 789-1830 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Kassur, Danuta A Md Island Internal Medicine 325 Folly Rd, Ste 102 Charleston, Sc 29412 (843) 762-2323 Fax: (843) 762-7629 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Kassur, Danuta A Md Roper St Francis After Hours Care 325 Folly Rd, Ste 101 Charleston, Sc 29412 (843) 402-5283 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Charleston County Kassur, Danuta A Md Roper St Francis After Hours Care 767 Johnnie Dodds Blvd Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 402-5283 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Kassur, Danuta A Md Roper St Francis After Hours Care 5070 International Blvd, Ste 131 North Charleston, Sc 29418 (843) 402-5283 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Kinney, Laura L Md Tidewater Internal Medicine 2097 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Ste 220 W Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 571-6868 Fax: (843) 571-6198 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Kitchens, Allston A Md Tidewater Internal Medicine 2097 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Ste 220 W Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 571-6868 Fax: (843) 571-6198 Kuhns, Gary R Md Roper St Francis After Hours Care 325 Folly Rd, Ste 101 Charleston, Sc 29412 (843) 402-5283 Kuhns, Gary R Md Roper St Francis After Hours Care 767 Johnnie Dodds Blvd Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 402-5283 Kuhns, Gary R Md Roper St Francis After Hours Care 5070 International Blvd, Ste 131 North Charleston, Sc 29418 (843) 402-5283 Kuhns, Gary R Md West Ashley Internal Medicine 12 E Farmfield Ave Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 556-7942 Lackey, Keith W Md Moreland Internal Medicine 615 Wesley Dr Ste 300 Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 266-4400 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 13 Charleston County Linton Jr, I Grier Md North Charleston Internal Medicine 3955 Faber Place Dr, Ste 202 Charleston, Sc 29405 (843) 207-1760 Fax: (843) 207-1727 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Livingston, R Levern Md Clinic At Bishop Gadsden 1 Bishop Gadsden Way, Ste 97 Charleston, Sc 29412 (843) 406-2362 Livingston, R Levern Md West Ashley Primary Care 2270 Ashley Crossing Dr, Ste 170 Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 763-3700 Maguire Jr, William F Md Moreland Internal Medicine 615 Wesley Dr Ste 300 Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 266-4400 Marshall, Alexander W Md West Ashley Primary Care 2270 Ashley Crossing Dr, Ste 170 Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 763-3700 McLain, Christopher P Md Associates In Internal Medicine 615 Wesley Dr, Ste 200 Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 571-6880 Fax: (843) 571-1387 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Mikola, Michael G Md East Cooper Internal Medicine 180 Wingo Way, Ste 306 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 884-1777 Mills, Richard E Md East Cooper Internal Medicine 180 Wingo Way, Ste 306 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 884-1777 Pediatrics Aiken, Jill C Md Sandlapper Pediatrics 1210 Chuck Dawley Blvd Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 216-9901 Primary Care Physicians IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Charleston County Alberg, Laura B Md Coastal Pediatric Associates PA 2051 Charlie Hall Blvd Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 573-2535 Fax: (843) 284-4477 Hours: Mon–Thu 7:00am–8:30pm; Fri 7:00am–5:00pm; Sat 10:00am–12:00pm Domm, Kathleen K Md Coastal Pediatric Associates PA 1952 Long Grove Dr, Ste 202 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 971-2992 Fax: (843) 971-2998 Hours: Mon–Fri 7:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: French Alberg, Laura B Md Coastal Pediatric Associates PA 1952 Long Grove Dr, Ste 202 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 971-2992 Fax: (843) 971-2998 Hours: Mon–Fri 7:00am–5:00pm Dubose, Theodore M Md East Cooper Internal Medicine 180 Wingo Way, Ste 306 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 884-1777 Durant, Farrow C Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 2713 Dantzler Dr Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 764-1722 Fax: (843) 764-1788 Anderson, Cameron G Md Plantation Pediatrics 1871 Savage Rd Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 766-6308 Etheridge, John B Md Palmetto Pediatrics PA 2781 Tricom St Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 797-5600 Fax: (843) 572-4872 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:30pm; Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat 9:00am–11:00am Bertrand, Helen R Md Stono Pediatrics 325 Folly Rd, Ste 103 Charleston, Sc 29412 (843) 795-9179 Boylston, Colleen J Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 2713 Dantzler Dr Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 764-1722 Fax: (843) 764-1788 Glass, Morgan M Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 2713 Dantzler Dr Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 764-1722 Fax: (843) 764-1788 Copses, Constantine P Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 2713 Dantzler Dr Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 764-1722 Fax: (843) 764-1788 √ Languages Spoken: Greek Graham, William M Md Coastal Pediatric Associates PA 2051 Charlie Hall Blvd Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 573-2535 Fax: (843) 284-4477 Dietrich, Amy R Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 2713 Dantzler Dr Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 764-1722 Fax: (843) 764-1788 Domm, Kathleen K Md Coastal Pediatric Associates PA 2051 Charlie Hall Blvd Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 573-2535 Fax: (843) 284-4477 Hours: Mon–Thu 7:00am–8:30pm; Fri 7:00am–5:00pm; Sat 10:00am √ Languages Spoken: French √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Graham, William M Md Coastal Pediatric Associates PA 1952 Long Grove Dr, Ste 202 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 971-2992 Fax: (843) 971-2998 Hours: Mon–Thu 7:00am–8:30pm; Fri 7:00am–5:00pm; Sat 10:00am–12:00pm Heldrich, Cynthia M Md West Ashley Primary Care 2270 Ashley Crossing Dr, Ste 170 Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 763-3700 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 14 Charleston County Primary Care Physicians Charleston County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Herwig, Kathryn E Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 2713 Dantzler Dr Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 764-1722 Fax: (843) 764-1788 √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Lopez, Lisa B Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 2713 Dantzler Dr Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 764-1722 Fax: (843) 764-1788 √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Hutton, Martine A Md James Island Pediatrics 776 Daniel Ellis Dr, Ste 3c Charleston, Sc 29412 (843) 795-0900 Fax: (843) 762-5495 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:30am–4:00pm Lowe, Philip K Md Palmetto Pediatrics PA 2781 Tricom St Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 797-5600 Fax: (843) 572-4872 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:30pm; Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat 9:00am–11:00am King, Casey H Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 2713 Dantzler Dr Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 764-1722 Fax: (843) 764-1788 Martin, Wilmont G Md Plantation Pediatrics 1871 Savage Rd Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 766-6308 Slaughter, Sharvette Md Franklin C Fetter Family Health Center Inc 2047 Comstock Ave North Charleston, Sc 29405 (843) 747-8893 Fax: (843) 747-8895 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri 8:30am–5:30pm; Tue 2:00pm–6:00pm Klauber, Carol K Md Charlestowne Pediatrics 3800 Faber Place Dr Charleston, Sc 29405 (843) 747-4647 Fax: (843) 746-0969 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm McCall, Jenna K Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 2713 Dantzler Dr Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 764-1722 Fax: (843) 764-1788 Sudheimer, Kimberly R Do Sweetgrass Pediatrics 2713 Dantzler Dr Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 764-1722 Fax: (843) 764-1788 McGaha, Philip J Md Plantation Pediatrics 1871 Savage Rd Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 766-6308 West, Edward H Md Palmetto Pediatrics PA 2781 Tricom St Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 797-5600 Fax: (843) 572-4872 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:30pm; Sat 9:00am–11:00am Kornegay Jr, Matthew J Md Plantation Pediatrics 1871 Savage Rd Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 766-6308 Lasseter, Rebecca E Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 2713 Dantzler Dr Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 764-1722 Fax: (843) 764-1788 Leonardi, Michael L Md Palmetto Pediatrics PA 2781 Tricom St Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 797-5600 Fax: (843) 572-4872 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:30pm; Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat 9:00am–11:00am Linker, Paul S Md Cooper River Pediatrics 1156 Bowman Rd, Ste 105 Charleston, Sc 29464 (843) 971-1233 Fax: (843) 971-1224 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Rodgers, Benjamin L Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 2713 Dantzler Dr Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 764-1722 Fax: (843) 764-1788 Meyer, Jennifer A Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 2713 Dantzler Dr Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 764-1722 Fax: (843) 764-1788 Rodgers, Kelly Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 2713 Dantzler Dr Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 764-1722 Fax: (843) 764-1788 Wheaton, Michael J Md Wheaton Pediatrics LLC 354 Folly Rd, Ste 5 Charleston, Sc 29412 (843) 795-3344 Fax: (843) 795-3143 Hours: Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Thu 8:30am–12:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Monk, Lauren T Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 2713 Dantzler Dr Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 764-1722 Fax: (843) 764-1788 Physician Assistant Nordby, Jennifer A Md Palmetto Pediatrics PA 2781 Tricom St Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 797-5600 Fax: (843) 572-4872 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:30am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–12:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Bailey, Caroline M PA Clinic At Bishop Gadsden 1 Bishop Gadsden Way, Ste 97 Charleston, Sc 29412 (843) 406-2362 Bailey, Caroline M PA West Ashley Primary Care 2270 Ashley Crossing Dr, Ste 170 Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 763-3700 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 15 Charleston County Primary Care Physicians Dubose, Heather B PA East Cooper Internal Medicine 180 Wingo Way, Ste 306 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 884-1777 Griffin, Meredith M PA West Ashley Primary Care 2270 Ashley Crossing Dr, Ste 170 Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 763-3700 Ketchin, Nicole P PA East Cooper Internal Medicine 180 Wingo Way, Ste 306 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 884-1777 Kimm, Karen L PA Roper Hospital 2233 Northwoods Blvd N. Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 720-8363 Kimm, Karen L PA Tidewater Internal Medicine 2097 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Ste 220 W Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 571-6868 Fax: (843) 571-6198 Pediatrics Carling, Daren E Md Carolina Pediatric Associates 1610 N Limestone St, Ste B Gaffney, Sc 29340 (864) 487-7337 Fax: (864) 839-9901 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Garma, Reynald B Md Black River Healthcare Manning Pediatrics 11 W Hospital St Manning, Sc 29102 (803) 433-4321 Fax: (803) 433-0075 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Chesterfield County Family Practice Garma, Reynald B Md Black River Healthcare Manning Pediatrics 12 W South St Manning, Sc 29102 (803) 433-4124 Fax: (803) 433-4230 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Rabinowitz, Joseph H Md Chesterfield Clinic Corporation 715 S Doctors Dr, Ste A Cheraw, Sc 29520 (843) 921-4704 Fax: (843) 537-3506 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hussey, Sandra M Md HopeHealth Inc 12 W South St Manning, Sc 29102 (803) 433-4321 Fax: (803) 433-4230 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:30pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Internal Medicine Hammett, Rochelle D Md Chesterfield Clinic Corporation 715 S Doctors Dr, Ste A Cheraw, Sc 29520 (843) 921-4704 Fax: (843) 537-3506 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Colleton County Family Practice Pediatrics Cherokee County Internal Medicine Ezman, Alfred T Do Cherokee Internal Medicine PA 211 W Montgomery St Gaffney, Sc 29341 (864) 488-1514 Fax: (864) 488-0552 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–4:30pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Pediatrics Carling, Daren E Md Carolina Pediatric Associates 301 W Pine St Blacksburg, Sc 29702 (864) 839-4325 Fax: (864) 839-9901 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Colleton County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Haynes Jr, W Walter Md Carolina Family Medicine Of Walterboro 415 Robertson Blvd, Ste D Walterboro, Sc 29488 (843) 549-8444 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Schultz, Agnes S Md Cheraw Pediatrics 119 Chesterfield Hwy Cheraw, Sc 29520 (843) 537-1811 Fax: (843) 537-1802 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Hungarian Internal Medicine Clarendon County General Practice Jones, George R Md Carolina Family Practice 107 Sunset Dr Manning, Sc 29102 (803) 435-4447 Fax: (803) 435-9092 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Blubaugh, Michael L Md Carolina Medical Center 461 Spruce St Walterboro, Sc 29488 (843) 549-4335 Fax: (843) 549-6502 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:30am–4:30pm Kramer, Jeffrey R Md Internal Medicine Of Waterboro 873 Robertson Blvd Walterboro, Sc 29488 (843) 542-9535 Fax: (843) 542-9675 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 16 Columbia County GA Columbia County GA Pediatrics Fisher, David R Do Covenant Pediatrics 4106 Columbia Rd, Ste 103 Augusta, Ga 30907 (706) 868-3239 Fax: (706) 863-5418 Getts, Alan G Md Covenant Pediatrics 4106 Columbia Rd, Ste 103 Augusta, Ga 30907 (706) 868-3239 Fax: (706) 863-5418 Renew, Margaret M Md The Pediatric Office LLC 4321 University Pkwy, Ste 104 Evans, Ga 30809 (706) 854-2600 Fax: (706) 854-2601 Columbus County NC Family Practice Christensen, Tom A Md Calabash Medical Center PA 909 Pireway Rd Tabor City, Nc 28463 (910) 653-2112 Fax: (843) 756-6059 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Ryan, Patrick K Md Tabor City Family Medicine 909 Pireway Rd Tabor City, Nc 28463 (910) 653-2112 Fax: (843) 756-6059 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Williams Jr, Eston E Md Tabor City Family Medicine 909 Pireway Rd Tabor City, Nc 28463 (910) 653-2112 Fax: (843) 756-6059 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm General Practice Grubb, Stephen D Md Tabor City Family Medicine 909 Pireway Rd Tabor City, Nc 28463 (910) 653-2112 Fax: (843) 756-6059 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Primary Care Physicians IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Darlington County Family Practice Brock, Jefferey M Md Caresouth Carolina Inc 1268 S 4th St Hartsville, Sc 29550 (743) 332-3422 Fax: (743) 332-3985 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Grunsky, Mitchell R Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 420 W Carolina Ave Hartsville, Sc 29550 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Judy, Carrie A Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 420 W Carolina Ave Hartsville, Sc 29550 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Long, William H Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 420 W Carolina Ave Hartsville, Sc 29550 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Lowder, Clayton R Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 420 W Carolina Ave Hartsville, Sc 29550 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Lucas, Thomas L Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 420 W Carolina Ave Hartsville, Sc 29550 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Mahr, Christopher M Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 420 W Carolina Ave Hartsville, Sc 29550 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Darlington County Matthews III, Josiah S Md Genesis Healthcare Inc 201 Cashua St Darlington, Sc 29532 (843) 393-7452 Fax: (843) 395-6210 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Reynolds, Brandie A Md Coleman Family Practice 105 N Railroad Ave Lamar, Sc 29069 (843) 326-5777 Fax: (843) 326-1038 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Ropp III, John C Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 420 W Carolina Ave Hartsville, Sc 29550 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Soto, Carlos A Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 420 W Carolina Ave Hartsville, Sc 29550 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish General Practice Crickman, Bonnie Md McLeod Family Medicine 701 Cashua Ferry Rd Darlington, Sc 29532 (843) 391-2017 Fax: (843) 391-2027 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Dickinson, Thomas Md McLeod Family Medicine 701 Cashua Ferry Rd Darlington, Sc 29532 (843) 391-2017 Fax: (843) 391-2027 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Hokanson, Thomas Md McLeod Family Medicine 701 Cashua Ferry Rd Darlington, Sc 29532 (843) 391-2017 Fax: (843) 391-2027 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 17 Darlington County Primary Care Physicians Dorchester County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Jagadeesha, Vinay Md Community Health Systems 105 N Railroad Ave Lamar, Sc 29069 (843) 326-5777 Fax: (843) 626-1038 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Pediatrics Budhram, Solomon Md The Childrens Group Pc 906 W Carolina Ave Hartsville, Sc 29550 (843) 332-6645 Fax: (832) 332-9894 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat 9:00am–11:00am Coward, Paul A Md Caring Heart Pediatrics LLC 518 E Carolina Ave, Ste B Hartsville, Sc 29550 (843) 383-4426 Fax: (843) 383-8509 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Morphis, Elizabeth J Md Morphis Pediatric Group 708 Medical Park Dr Hartsville, Sc 29550 (843) 332-5121 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Rollins, Kristen H Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 420 W Carolina Ave Hartsville, Sc 29550 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Dillon County Internal Medicine Kelly, James J Md Dillon Internal Medicine Associates PA 705 N 8th Ave, Ste 1a Dillon, Sc 29536 (843) 774-2478 Fax: (843) 774-1826 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Dorchester County Family Practice Dantzler, James H Md Dantzler Family Care 5664 Memorial Blvd Saint George, Sc 29477 (843) 563-7477 Fax: (843) 636-9308 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Wed, Sat 8:30am–1:00pm Edwards, Matthew J Md v Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 5325 Appain Way North Charleston, Sc 29420 (843) 552-0400 Fax: (843) 552-1618 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Keller, Brian K Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 404 N Pine St Summerville, Sc 29483 (843) 873-0202 Fax: (843) 832-9409 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Montoya, Sara B Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 507 N Laurel St Summerville, Sc 29483 (843) 873-0600 Fax: (843) 871-3499 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Redwine, John M Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 5325 Appain Way North Charleston, Sc 29420 (843) 552-0400 Fax: (843) 552-1618 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Sinkler, Valerie A Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 3495 Iron Horse Rd Ladson, Sc 29456 (843) 302-8845 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Tabor, Marcella Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 87 Springview Ln, Ste B Summerville, Sc 29485 (843) 875-0400 Fax: (843) 871-6700 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Thomas, Stephen M Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 3495 Iron Horse Rd Ladson, Sc 29456 (843) 302-8845 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Internal Medicine Bolster, David E Md v Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 201 Oakbrook Ln, Ste 255 Summerville, Sc 29485 (843) 851-2000 Fax: (843) 851-2003 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Grossman, Colby H Mdi Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 201 Oakbrook Ln, Ste 255 Summerville, Sc 29485 (843) 851-2000 Fax: (843) 851-2003 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Pediatrics Boylston, Colleen J Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 748 Orangeburg Rd Summerville, Sc 29483 (843) 764-1722 Fax: (843) 764-1788 Copses, Constantine P Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 748 Orangeburg Rd Summerville, Sc 29483 (843) 764-1722 Fax: (843) 764-1788 √ Languages Spoken: Greek Dietrich, Amy R Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 748 Orangeburg Rd Summerville, Sc 29483 (843) 764-1722 Fax: (843) 764-1788 Durant, Farrow C Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 748 Orangeburg Rd Summerville, Sc 29483 (843) 764-1722 Fax: (843) 764-1788 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 18 Dorchester County Primary Care Physicians Giove, Edward J Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 87 Springview Ln, Ste B Summerville, Sc 29485 (843) 875-0400 Fax: (843) 871-6700 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Monk, Lauren T Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 748 Orangeburg Rd Summerville, Sc 29483 (843) 764-1722 Fax: (843) 764-1788 Glass, Morgan M Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 748 Orangeburg Rd Summerville, Sc 29483 (843) 764-1722 Fax: (843) 764-1788 Pittard, Andrew G Md Oakbrook Pediatrics 202 Bentons Lodge Rd Summerville, Sc 29485 (843) 871-2588 Fax: (843) 871-1664 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:30am–5:00pm Herwig, Kathryn E Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 748 Orangeburg Rd Summerville, Sc 29483 (843) 764-1722 Fax: (843) 764-1788 √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Rodgers, Benjamin L Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 748 Orangeburg Rd Summerville, Sc 29483 (843) 764-1722 Fax: (843) 764-1788 King, Casey H Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 748 Orangeburg Rd Summerville, Sc 29483 (843) 764-1722 Fax: (843) 764-1788 Lasseter, Rebecca E Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 748 Orangeburg Rd Summerville, Sc 29483 (843) 764-1722 Fax: (843) 764-1788 Lopez, Lisa B Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 748 Orangeburg Rd Summerville, Sc 29483 (843) 764-1722 Fax: (843) 764-1788 √ Languages Spoken: Spanish McCall, Jenna K Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 748 Orangeburg Rd Summerville, Sc 29483 (843) 764-1722 Fax: (843) 764-1788 Meyer, Jennifer A Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 748 Orangeburg Rd Summerville, Sc 29483 (843) 764-1722 Fax: (843) 764-1788 Florence County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Rodgers, Kelly Md Sweetgrass Pediatrics 748 Orangeburg Rd Summerville, Sc 29483 (843) 764-1722 Fax: (843) 764-1788 Sudheimer, Kimberly R Do Sweetgrass Pediatrics 748 Orangeburg Rd Summerville, Sc 29483 (843) 764-1722 Fax: (843) 764-1788 Tillman, Mary K Md Oakbrook Pediatrics 202 Bentons Lodge Rd Summerville, Sc 29485 (843) 871-2588 Fax: (843) 871-1664 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:30am–5:00pm Edgefield County Family Practice Massey, Tami Y Md Edgefield Medical Clinic PA 200 Ridge Medical Plaza Rd Edgefield, Sc 29824 (803) 637-3146 Fax: (803) 637-5211 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat 8:00am–12:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Rainsford, George L Md Edgefield Medical Clinic PA 200 Ridge Medical Plaza Rd Edgefield, Sc 29824 (803) 637-3146 Fax: (803) 637-5211 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat 8:00am–12:00pm Fairfield County Family Practice Barnett, Steven K Md Fairfield Medical Associates PA 880 W Moultrie St, Ste 200 Winnsboro, Sc 29180 (803) 635-6488 Fax: (803) 635-6089 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Gaddy, Roger Md Fairfield Medical Associates PA 880 W Moultrie St, Ste 200 Winnsboro, Sc 29180 (803) 635-6488 Fax: (803) 635-6089 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Patrick, Harmon F Md Fairfield Medical Associates PA 880 W Moultrie St, Ste 200 Winnsboro, Sc 29180 (803) 635-6488 Fax: (803) 635-6089 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Stuck, Deborah L Md Fairfield Medical Associates PA 880 W Moultrie St, Ste 200 Winnsboro, Sc 29180 (803) 635-6488 Fax: (803) 635-6089 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Urdu Florence County Family Nurse Practitioner Gage, Julie C Np HopeHealth Inc 600 E Palmetto St Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 667-9414 Fax: (843) 667-4133 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 19 Florence County Primary Care Physicians IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Family Practice Atkinson, Ernest M Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 148 Sauls St Lake City, Sc 29560 (843) 374-3621 Fax: (843) 374-3622 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–9:00pm; Fri 8:00am–2:00pm Bolt, Thomas R Md v Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 148 Sauls St Lake City, Sc 29560 (843) 374-3621 Fax: (843) 374-3622 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–9:00pm; Fri 8:00am–2:00pm Dersch, Stephen A Md West Florence Family Practice 1925 Hoffmeyer Rd Florence, Sc 29501 (843) 679-4214 Fax: (843) 679-4217 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Ellis, Richard Md v Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 148 Sauls St Lake City, Sc 29560 (843) 374-3621 Fax: (843) 374-3622 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–9:00pm; Fri 8:00am–2:00pm Florence County Hanna, Brian A Md HopeHealth Inc 230 Cherokee Rd Florence, Sc 29501 (843) 413-3258 Fax: (843) 432-2919 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Kozacki, Krista M Md HopeHealth Inc 241 Kelley St Lake City, Sc 29560 (843) 394-1051 Fax: (843) 394-0277 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Hanna, Brian A Md HopeHealth Inc 600 E Palmetto St Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 667-9414 Fax: (843) 667-4133 Hours: Mon-Thu 8:30am–5:00pm; Fri 8:30am–12:00pm Lamb, Benjamin W Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 148 Sauls St Lake City, Sc 29560 (843) 374-3621 Fax: (843) 374-3622 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–9:00pm; Fri 8:00am–2:00pm Hanna, Brian A Md HopeHealth Inc 241 Kelley St Lake City, Sc 29560 (843) 394-1051 Fax: (843) 394-0277 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Mims, Albert D Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 148 Sauls St Lake City, Sc 29560 (843) 374-3621 Fax: (843) 374-3622 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–9:00pm; Fri 8:00am–2:00pm Inman, Carolyn L Mdi Inman Family Medicine 125 S Cashua Dr Florence, Sc 29504 (843) 662-5222 Fax: (843) 662-5776 Hours: Mon, Tue, Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Wed 8:00am–1:00pm Navdeep, Singh Md HopeHealth Inc 241 Kelley St Lake City, Sc 29560 (843) 394-1051 Fax: (843) 394-0277 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Fornari Sr, Gabriel C Md McLeod Urgent Care Center 3015 W Palmetto St Florence, Sc 29501 (843) 777-6870 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Kozacki, Krista M Md HopeHealth Inc 121 S Evander Dr Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 661-1848 Fax: (843) 661-1818 Hours: Mon 1:00pm–5:00pm; Tue, Thu 8:30am–5:00pm; Fri 8:30am–1:00pm Owens, Daniel J Md Pee Dee Family Physicians 1594 Freedom Blvd, Ste 202 Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 664-9696 Fax: (843) 629-7029 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Francis, Charlotte L Md Pee Dee Regional Family Practice 901 Cheves St, Ste 350 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 777-6065 Fax: (843) 777-6079 Hours: Mon–Sun 7:30am–5:00pm Kozacki, Krista M Md HopeHealth Inc 230 Cherokee Rd Florence, Sc 29501 (843) 413-3258 Fax: (843) 432-2919 Hours: Mon–Fri 7:30am–5:30pm Reynolds, Brandie A Md Coleman Family Practice 953 S Pamplico Hwy Pamplico, Sc 29583 (843) 493-5252 Fax: (843) 493-2372 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hanna, Brian A Md HopeHealth Inc 121 S Evander Dr Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 661-1848 Fax: (843) 661-1818 Hours: Mon–Fri 7:30am–5:30pm Kozacki, Krista M Md HopeHealth Inc 600 E Palmetto St Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 667-9414 Fax: (843) 667-4133 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Samaha, Anne Marie Md West Florence Family Practice 1925 Hoffmeyer Rd Florence, Sc 29501 (843) 679-4214 Fax: (843) 679-4217 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 20 Florence County Welch, Priscilla L Md Genesis Healthcare Inc 211 S Jones Ave Olanta, Sc 29114 (843) 396-9723 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Williams, Ryan M Md McLeod Urgent Care Center 3015 W Palmetto St Florence, Sc 29501 (843) 777-6870 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm General Practice Ash, Ezra Md Community Health Systems 1594 Freedom Blvd, Ste A Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 629-1791 Fax: (843) 629-1793 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Ash, Ezra Md Community Health Systems 1925 Hoffmeyer Rd, Ste 100 Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 679-4214 Fax: (843) 679-4217 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Faile, Kenneth Md McLeod Family Medicine 355 S Georgetown Hwy Johnsonville, Sc 29555 (843) 380-2000 Fax: (843) 380-2014 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Jackson Dozier, Focell Md McLeod Family Practice Timmonsville 755 E Smith St Timmonsville, Sc 29161 (843) 346-3900 Fax: (843) 346-7839 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Paschal, Hudnall Md Community Health Systems 1594 Freedom Blvd, Ste A Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 629-1791 Fax: (843) 629-1793 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Primary Care Physicians Florence County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Tyson, Duncan Md Community Health Systems 1594 Freedom Blvd, Ste A Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 629-1791 Fax: (843) 629-1793 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Karanjeet, Raina Md Carolinas Medical Alliance 1594 Freedom Blvd, Ste 100 Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 674-4760 Fax: (843) 674-4754 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Internal Medicine De Marco, Paul V Md HopeHealth Inc 121 S Evander Dr Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 661-1848 Fax: (843) 661-1818 Hours: Mon 1:00pm–5:00pm; Tue, Thu 8:30am–5:00pm; Fri 8:30am–1:00pm De Marco, Paul V Md HopeHealth Inc 230 Cherokee Rd Florence, Sc 29501 (843) 413-3258 Fax: (843) 432-2919 Hours: Mon–Fri 7:30am–5:30pm De Marco, Paul V Md HopeHealth Inc 241 Kelley St Lake City, Sc 29560 (843) 394-1051 Fax: (843) 394-0277 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Donato, Eduardo Md Carolinas Medical Practice 1594 Freedom Blvd, Ste 102a Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 679-4221 Fax: (843) 679-4268 Hours: Mon–Fri 7:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Lyles, Kelly W Md HopeHealth Inc 230 Cherokee Rd Florence, Sc 29501 (843) 413-3258 Fax: (843) 432-2919 Hours: Mon–Fri 7:30am–5:30pm Lyles, Kelly W Md HopeHealth Inc 600 E Palmetto St Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 667-9414 Fax: (843) 667-4133 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm De Marco, Paul V Md HopeHealth Inc 600 E Palmetto St Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 667-9414 Fax: (843) 667-4133 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Docherty Sr, Jonathan Md Community Health Systems 1594 Freedom Blvd, Ste A Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 629-1791 Fax: (843) 629-1793 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Lyles, Kelly W Md HopeHealth Inc 121 S Evander Dr Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 661-1848 Fax: (843) 661-1818 Hours: Mon 1:00pm–5:00pm; Tue, Thu 8:30am–5:00pm; Fri 8:30am–1:00pm Lyles, Kelly W Md HopeHealth Inc 241 Kelley St Lake City, Sc 29560 (843) 394-1051 Fax: (843) 394-0277 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Zheng, Lin Md Carolinas Medical Alliance 805 Pamplico Hwy B, Ste 125c Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 629-2605 Fax: (843) 629-2611 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Chinese Pediatrics Garma, Reynald B Md Black River Healthcare Manning Pediatrics 210 E Market St Timmonsville, Sc 29161 (843) 346-3730 Fax: (843) 346-7687 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 21 Florence County Hill, Karen Md Pediatric Associates Of Florence PA 204 E Cheves St Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 777-7602 Fax: (843) 777-7620 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Hussey, Sandra M Md HopeHealth Inc 210 E Market St Timmonsville, Sc 29161 (843) 346-3730 Fax: (843) 346-7687 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:30pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Kirkland, John Md HopeHealth Inc 121 S Evander Dr Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 661-1848 Fax: (843) 661-1818 Hours: Mon 1:00pm–5:00pm; Tue, Thu 8:30am–5:00pm; Fri 8:30am–1:00pm Kirkland, John Md HopeHealth Inc 230 Cherokee Rd Florence, Sc 29501 (843) 413-3258 Fax: (843) 432-2919 Hours: Mon–Fri 7:30am–5:30pm Kirkland, John Md HopeHealth Inc 600 E Palmetto St Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 667-9414 Fax: (843) 667-4133 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Spence, Thomas Md Pediatric Associates Of Florence PA 204 E Cheves St Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 777-7602 Fax: (843) 777-7620 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Gaston County NC Family Practice Cosenza, David A Md Bessemer City Family Medicine 3326 Bessemer City Rd Bessemer City, Nc 28016 (704) 629-0412 Fax: (704) 629-9454 Primary Care Physicians Georgetown County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Saluke, Julia K Md Bessemer City Family Medicine 3326 Bessemer City Rd Bessemer City, Nc 28016 (704) 629-0412 Fax: (704) 629-9454 Georgetown County Family Practice Adkins, Henry G Md Georgetown Health Group 1075 N Fraser St Georgetown, Sc 29440 (843) 527-3588 Fax: (843) 527-4027 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat 8:30am–12:00pm Adkins, Henry G Md Georgetown Health Group 456 N Main St Hemingway, Sc 29554 (843) 558-9319 Fax: (843) 558-9818 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Chastain, Luis T Md Georgetown Health Group 1075 N Fraser St Georgetown, Sc 29440 (843) 527-3588 Fax: (843) 527-4027 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat 8:30am–12:00pm Crosby, Thomas E Md Georgetown Health Group 1075 N Fraser St Georgetown, Sc 29440 (843) 527-3588 Fax: (843) 527-4027 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat 8:30am–12:00pm Crosby, Thomas E Md Georgetown Health Group 456 N Main St Hemingway, Sc 29554 (843) 558-9319 Fax: (843) 558-9818 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Downing, Steven C Md Georgetown Health Group 1075 N Fraser St Georgetown, Sc 29440 (843) 527-3588 Fax: (843) 527-4027 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat 8:30am–12:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Duvall, Alexander Md Georgetown Health Group 1075 N Fraser St Georgetown, Sc 29440 (843) 527-3588 Fax: (843) 527-4027 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat 8:30am–12:00pm Easterlin Jr, Whaley W Md Georgetown Health Group 1075 N Fraser St Georgetown, Sc 29440 (843) 527-3588 Fax: (843) 527-4027 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat 8:30am–12:00pm Green, Lizina B Md Georgetown Health Group 701 S Morgan Ave Andrews, Sc 29510 (843) 264-5253 Fax: (843) 264-5253 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Green, Lizina B Md Georgetown Health Group 1075 N Fraser St Georgetown, Sc 29440 (843) 527-3588 Fax: (843) 527-4027 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat 8:30am–12:00pm General Practice Duffey, Benjamin M Md Litchfield Medical Center 14866 Ocean Hwy Pawleys Island, Sc 29585 (843) 235-0760 Internal Medicine Haseltine, David K Md Georgetown Internal Medicine And Pediatrics 64 Business Center Dr Pawleys Island, Sc 29585 (843) 314-1314 Fax: (843) 314-1308 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Kelly, Larry W Md Georgetown Internal Medicine And Pediatrics 64 Business Center Dr Pawleys Island, Sc 29585 (843) 314-1314 Fax: (843) 314-1308 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 22 Georgetown County Primary Care Physicians IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Nicol, Scott A Md Georgetown Internal Medicine And Pediatrics 64 Business Center Dr Pawleys Island, Sc 29585 (843) 314-1314 Fax: (843) 314-1308 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Dewhirst, Brian Md v Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 9313 Medical Plaza Dr, Ste 202 Greenville, Sc 29605 (843) 572-1200 Fax: (543) 553-0424 Wren, Julia M Md Georgetown Internal Medicine And Pediatrics 64 Business Center Dr Pawleys Island, Sc 29585 (843) 314-1314 Fax: (843) 314-1308 Hunt, Catherine E Md University Medical Associates LLC 1809 Wade Hampton Blvd, Ste 120 Greenville, Sc 29609 (864) 322-4665 Fax: (864) 232-4716 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Greenville County Family Practice Arnau, Thomas B Md v Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 9313 Medical Plaza Dr, Ste 202 Greenville, Sc 29605 (843) 572-1200 Fax: (543) 553-0424 Bethi, Naveen R Md Greenville Medical Associates PA 545 W Butler Rd Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 299-1990 Fax: (864) 299-9123 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–7:00pm; Sat, Sun 10:00am–2:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Bolt, Thomas R Md v Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 9313 Medical Plaza Dr, Ste 202 Greenville, Sc 29605 (843) 572-1200 Fax: (543) 553-0424 Cotter, Deanna J Md New Horizon Family Health Services Inc 1588 Geer Hwy Travelers Rest, Sc 29690 (864) 836-1109 Fax: (864) 836-6365 Hours: Mon, Wed 8:00am–5:00pm Cotter, John Md New Horizon Family Health Services Inc 1588 Geer Hwy Travelers Rest, Sc 29690 (864) 836-1109 Fax: (864) 836-6365 Hours: Mon, Wed 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Greenville County Kyker, Kimberly G Md AnMed Health Wren Family Medicine 6650 Hwy 81 North Piedmont, Sc 29673 (864) 512-5910 Fax: (864) 512-5915 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat 8:30am–12:00pm McPhail, James W Md North Hills Medical Center 800 Pelham Rd Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 752-3340 Fax: (864) 284-0844 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–5:00pm Krishna Kumar, Gayathri Md North Hills Medical Center 3904 S Hwy 14 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 987-9990 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Mittal, Sushil C Md North Hills Medical Center 3904 S Hwy 14 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 987-9990 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Krishna Kumar, Gayathri Md North Hills Medical Center 505 C N Main Plaza Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 232-2734 Fax: (864) 527-9199 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Krishna Kumar, Gayathri Md North Hills Medical Center 800 Pelham Rd Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 752-3340 Fax: (864) 284-0844 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Mittal, Sushil C Md North Hills Medical Center 505 C N Main Plaza Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 232-2734 Fax: (864) 527-9199 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Mittal, Sushil C Md North Hills Medical Center 800 Pelham Rd Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 752-3340 Fax: (864) 284-0844 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–5:00pm Krishna Kumar, Gayathri Md North Hills Medical Center 319 S Buncombe Rd Greer, Sc 29651 (864) 877-3883 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Mittal, Sushil C Md North Hills Medical Center 319 S Buncombe Rd Greer, Sc 29651 (864) 877-3883 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Krishna Kumar, Gayathri Md North Hills Medical Center 315 W Butler Rd Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 297-1575 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Mittal, Sushil C Md North Hills Medical Center 309 W Bulter Rd Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 297-1575 Fax: (864) 284-0844 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 23 Greenville County Primary Care Physicians IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Patnam, Raju Md Greenville Medical Associates PA 545 W Butler Rd Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 299-1990 Fax: (864) 299-9123 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–7:00pm; Sat, Sun 10:00am–2:00pm Pattem, Sandhya Md Greenville Medical Associates PA 545 W Butler Rd Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 299-1990 Fax: (864) 299-9123 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–7:00pm; Sat, Sun 10:00am–2:00pm Seemuller, Michael D Md AnMed Health Wren Family Medicine 6650 Hwy 81 North Piedmont, Sc 29673 (864) 512-5910 Fax: (864) 512-5915 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat 8:30am–12:00pm Thompson, Gordon P Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 9313 Medical Plaza Dr, Ste 202 Greenville, Sc 29605 (843) 572-1200 Fax: (543) 553-0424 Tummons, Rebecca C Md North Hills Medical Center 3904 S Hwy 14 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 987-9990 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Greenville County Tummons, Rebecca C Md North Hills Medical Center 319 S Buncombe Rd Greer, Sc 29651 (864) 877-3883 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Dike, Uchenna Md North Hills Medical Center 315 W Butler Rd Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 297-1575 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm Tummons, Rebecca C Md North Hills Medical Center 315 W Butler Rd Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 297-1575 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm Joudeh, Thaer Md Southside Medical Center 3921 South Hwy 14 A Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 288-2006 Fax: (864) 288-2006 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Vandegrift, Tara Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 9313 Medical Plaza Dr, Ste 202 Greenville, Sc 29605 (843) 572-1200 Fax: (543) 553-0424 Li, David S Md New Horizon Family Health Services Inc 130 Mallard St Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 233-1534 Fax: (864) 751-0479 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Chinese Internal Medicine Murari, Yogesh Md Care Medical PA 34 Roper Corners Circle Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 288-4567 Fax: (864) 288-4566 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm; Sat 9:00am–2:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Dike, Uchenna Md North Hills Medical Center 3904 S Hwy 14 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 987-9990 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Dike, Uchenna Md North Hills Medical Center 505 C N Main Plaza Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 232-2734 Fax: (864) 527-9199 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Puppala, Shaym Md North Hills Medical Center 3904 S Hwy 14 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 987-9990 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Tummons, Rebecca C Md North Hills Medical Center 505 C N Main Plaza Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 232-2734 Fax: (864) 527-9199 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Dike, Uchenna Md North Hills Medical Center 800 Pelham Rd Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 752-3340 Fax: (864) 284-0844 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–5:00pm Puppala, Shaym Md North Hills Medical Center 505 C N Main Plaza Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 232-2734 Fax: (864) 527-9199 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Tummons, Rebecca C Md North Hills Medical Center 800 Pelham Rd Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 752-3340 Fax: (864) 284-0844 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–5:00pm Dike, Uchenna Md North Hills Medical Center 319 S Buncombe Rd Greer, Sc 29651 (864) 877-3883 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Puppala, Shaym Md North Hills Medical Center 800 Pelham Rd Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 752-3340 Fax: (864) 284-0844 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 24 Greenville County Puppala, Shaym Md North Hills Medical Center 319 S Buncombe Rd Greer, Sc 29651 (864) 877-3883 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Puppala, Shaym Md North Hills Medical Center 315 W Butler Rd Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 297-1575 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm Rashid, Mohammad Md Greenville Medical Care 61 Pointe Circle Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 286-6960 Fax: (864) 286-8710 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm; Sat 9:00am–1:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Urdu Saito, Jean K Md University Medical Associates LLC 1809 Wade Hampton Blvd, Ste 120 Greenville, Sc 29609 (864) 322-4665 Fax: (864) 232-4716 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Pediatrics Anderson, Erika M Md v Parkside Pediatrics PA 211 Batesville Rd Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 272-0388 Fax: (864) 213-9237 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Baxi, Hareshchandra T Md North Hills Medical Center 3904 S Hwy 14 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 987-9990 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Baxi, Hareshchandra T Md North Hills Medical Center 505 C N Main Plaza Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 232-2734 Fax: (864) 527-9199 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Primary Care Physicians IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Baxi, Hareshchandra T Md North Hills Medical Center 800 Pelham Rd Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 752-3340 Fax: (864) 284-0844 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Baxi, Hareshchandra T Md North Hills Medical Center 319 S Buncombe Rd Greer, Sc 29651 (864) 877-3883 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Byrd, Larry N Md North Hills Medical Center 319 S Buncombe Rd Greer, Sc 29651 (864) 877-3883 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Byrd, Larry N Md North Hills Medical Center 315 W Butler Rd Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 297-1575 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm Davis, Shirlene M Md North Hills Medical Center 3904 S Hwy 14 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 987-9990 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Baxi, Hareshchandra T Md North Hills Medical Center 315 W Butler Rd Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 297-1575 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Bloodworth, Elizabeth Md New Horizon Family Health Services Inc 130 Mallard St Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 233-1534 Fax: (864) 751-0479 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Byrd, Larry N Md North Hills Medical Center 3904 S Hwy 14 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 987-9990 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Davis, Shirlene M Md North Hills Medical Center 505 C N Main Plaza Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 232-2734 Fax: (864) 527-9199 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Davis, Shirlene M Md North Hills Medical Center 800 Pelham Rd Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 752-3340 Fax: (864) 284-0844 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–5:00pm Davis, Shirlene M Md North Hills Medical Center 319 S Buncombe Rd Greer, Sc 29651 (864) 877-3883 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Byrd, Larry N Md North Hills Medical Center 505 C N Main Plaza Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 232-2734 Fax: (864) 527-9199 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Byrd, Larry N Md North Hills Medical Center 800 Pelham Rd Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 752-3340 Fax: (864) 284-0844 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Greenville County Davis, Shirlene M Md North Hills Medical Center 315 W Butler Rd Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 297-1575 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 25 Greenville County Dobson, Scott R Mdi v Parkside Pediatrics PA 211 Batesville Rd Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 272-0388 Fax: (864) 213-9237 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Ghandnoosh, Azizollah Md The Pediatric Center 111 Memorial Dr Greer, Sc 29650 (864) 848-7005 Fax: (864) 848-3666 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hipp, Elizabeth P Mdi Parkside Pediatrics PA 211 Batesville Rd Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 272-0388 Fax: (864) 213-9237 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Jones, Stephen M Mdi Parkside Pediatrics PA 211 Batesville Rd Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 272-0388 Fax: (864) 213-9237 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Knox Frazier, Tonya Md Expresscare Pediatrics 274 Commonwealth Dr, Ste C Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 551-2422 Fax: (864) 551-2424 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–4:00pm Kumar, Shreeram U Md North Hills Medical Center 3904 S Hwy 14 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 987-9990 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Kumar, Shreeram U Md North Hills Medical Center 505 C N Main Plaza Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 232-2734 Fax: (864) 527-9199 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Primary Care Physicians IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Greenville County Kumar, Shreeram U Md North Hills Medical Center 800 Pelham Rd Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 752-3340 Fax: (864) 284-0844 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Nithya, Ramaswamy Md North Hills Medical Center 505 C N Main Plaza Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 232-2734 Fax: (864) 527-9199 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Kumar, Shreeram U Md North Hills Medical Center 319 S Buncombe Rd Greer, Sc 29651 (864) 877-3883 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Nithya, Ramaswamy Md North Hills Medical Center 800 Pelham Rd Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 752-3340 Fax: (864) 284-0844 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Kumar, Shreeram U Md North Hills Medical Center 315 W Butler Rd Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 297-1575 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Nithya, Ramaswamy Md North Hills Medical Center 319 S Buncombe Rd Greer, Sc 29651 (864) 877-3883 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Leffert, Fred H Md New Horizon Family Health Services Inc 130 Mallard St Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 233-1534 Fax: (864) 751-0479 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Nithya, Ramaswamy Md North Hills Medical Center 315 W Butler Rd Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 297-1575 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Moll, Justin S Md Parkside Pediatrics PA 211 Batesville Rd Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 272-0388 Fax: (864) 213-9237 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Raissifard, Hajar K Md The Pediatric Center 111 Memorial Dr Greer, Sc 29650 (864) 848-7005 Fax: (864) 848-3666 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Farsi Morgan, Jeffrey L Md New Horizon Family Health Services Inc 130 Mallard St Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 233-1534 Fax: (864) 751-0479 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Roemmich, Todd A Mdi Parkside Pediatrics PA 211 Batesville Rd Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 272-0388 Fax: (864) 213-9237 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Nithya, Ramaswamy Md North Hills Medical Center 3904 S Hwy 14 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 987-9990 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Sightler, James H Md North Hills Medical Center 3904 S Hwy 14 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 987-9990 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 26 Greenville County Primary Care Physicians Horry County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Sightler, James H Md North Hills Medical Center 505 C N Main Plaza Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 232-2734 Fax: (864) 527-9199 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Temple, Sofia M Md North Hills Medical Center 319 S Buncombe Rd Greer, Sc 29651 (864) 877-3883 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Sightler, James H Md North Hills Medical Center 800 Pelham Rd Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 752-3340 Fax: (864) 284-0844 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–5:00pm Temple, Sofia M Md North Hills Medical Center 315 W Butler Rd Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 297-1575 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm Sightler, James H Md North Hills Medical Center 319 S Buncombe Rd Greer, Sc 29651 (864) 877-3883 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Sightler, James H Md North Hills Medical Center 315 W Butler Rd Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 297-1575 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm Temple, Sofia M Md North Hills Medical Center 3904 S Hwy 14 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 987-9990 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Temple, Sofia M Md North Hills Medical Center 505 C N Main Plaza Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 232-2734 Fax: (864) 527-9199 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Temple, Sofia M Md North Hills Medical Center 800 Pelham Rd Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 752-3340 Fax: (864) 284-0844 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–5:00pm Woodlief, Rebecca S Md Parkside Pediatrics PA 211 Batesville Rd Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 272-0388 Fax: (864) 213-9237 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Greenwood County Pediatrics Bonetti, Juan M Md Carolina Health Centers Inc 113 Liner Dr Greenwood, Sc 29646 (864) 941-8170 Fax: (864) 388-1718 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–7:00pm; Sat 9:00am–1:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Feole, Glenn L Md Carolina Health Centers Inc 113 Liner Dr Greenwood, Sc 29646 (864) 941-8170 Fax: (864) 388-1718 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–7:00pm; Sat 9:00am–1:00pm Harrison, Melodie C Md Carolina Health Centers Inc 113 Liner Dr Greenwood, Sc 29646 (864) 941-8170 Fax: (864) 388-1718 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–7:00pm; Sat 9:00am–1:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Hart County GA Family Practice Lau, Anthony H Md AnMed Health Hartwell Family Medicine 28 Chandler Center Hartwell, Ga 30643 (706) 376-9852 Fax: (706) 376-9852 √ Languages Spoken: Mandarin White, Jenean N Md AnMed Health Hartwell Family Medicine 28 Chandler Center Hartwell, Ga 30643 (706) 376-9852 Fax: (706) 376-9852 Horry County Adult Health Nurse Practitioner Krutke, Amanda Np Inlet Medical Associates 912 Inlet Square Dr, Ste A Murrells Inlet, Sc 29576 (843) 651-4111 Family Nurse Practitioner Bell, Virginia E Np Inlet Medical Associates 912 Inlet Square Dr, Ste A Murrells Inlet, Sc 29576 (843) 651-4111 Brown, Rhonda G Np Inlet Medical Associates 912 Inlet Square Dr, Ste A Murrells Inlet, Sc 29576 (843) 651-4111 Hanna, Gail G Np Inlet Medical Associates 912 Inlet Square Dr, Ste A Murrells Inlet, Sc 29576 (843) 651-4111 Lake, Kathryn I Np Inlet Medical Associates 912 Inlet Square Dr, Ste A Murrells Inlet, Sc 29576 (843) 651-4111 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 27 Horry County Family Practice Brook, Gayle L Do The Doc House 4959 Hwy 17 North Bypass Murrells Inlet, Sc 29576 (843) 357-1299 Chambers, Peter R Do Little River Medical Center Inc 4303 Live Oak Dr Little River, Sc 29566 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 280-2455 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Chambers, Peter R Do Little River Medical Center Inc 3817 Main St Loris, Sc 29569 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 756-6828 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Chambers, Peter R Do Little River Medical Center Inc 1075 Mr Joe White Ave, Ste 101 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29577 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 839-1857 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Chambers, Peter R Do Little River Medical Center Inc 7724 N Kings Hwy Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 839-3946 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Chambers, Peter R Do Little River Medical Center Inc 7726 N Kings Hwy Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 663-8000 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Christensen, Tom A Md Calabash Medical Center PA 3600 Sea Mountain Hwy, Ste C Little River, Sc 29566 (843) 399-4848 Fax: (843) 156-6059 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Drayton, Kimberley A Md Family Health Center Loris 3109 Casey St Ste A Loris, Sc 29569 (843) 756-9292 Fax: (843) 756-9260 Primary Care Physicians IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Epperson, William J Md Inlet Medical Associates 912 Inlet Square Dr, Ste A Murrells Inlet, Sc 29576 (843) 651-4111 Gammon, William R Md Inlet Medical Associates 912 Inlet Square Dr, Ste A Murrells Inlet, Sc 29576 (843) 651-4111 Gluzberg, Tatyana Md The Doc House 4959 Hwy 17 North Bypass Murrells Inlet, Sc 29576 (843) 357-1299 Insignares, Luis D Md Little River Medical Center Inc 4303 Live Oak Dr Little River, Sc 29566 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 280-2455 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Insignares, Luis D Md Little River Medical Center Inc 3817 Main St Loris, Sc 29569 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 756-6828 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Horry County Insignares, Luis D Md Little River Medical Center Inc 7726 N Kings Hwy Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 663-8000 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Karl, John Y Md Inlet Medical Associates 912 Inlet Square Dr, Ste A Murrells Inlet, Sc 29576 (843) 651-4111 McCutcheon, Karen E Md Inlet Medical Associates 912 Inlet Square Dr, Ste A Murrells Inlet, Sc 29576 (843) 651-4111 McGinley, Christine M Md Little River Medical Center Inc 4303 Live Oak Dr Little River, Sc 29566 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 280-2455 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm McGinley, Christine M Md Little River Medical Center Inc 3817 Main St Loris, Sc 29569 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 756-6828 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Insignares, Luis D Md Little River Medical Center Inc 1075 Mr Joe White Ave, Ste 101 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29577 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 839-1857 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish McGinley, Christine M Md Little River Medical Center Inc 1075 Mr Joe White Ave, Ste 101 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29577 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 839-1857 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Insignares, Luis D Md Little River Medical Center Inc 3236 Holmestown Rd, Ste E 1 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29588 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 663-8093 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish McGinley, Christine M Md Little River Medical Center Inc 3236 Holmestown Rd, Ste E 1 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29588 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 663-8093 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Insignares, Luis D Md Little River Medical Center Inc 7724 N Kings Hwy Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 839-3946 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish McGinley, Christine M Md Little River Medical Center Inc 7724 N Kings Hwy Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 839-3946 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 28 Horry County Primary Care Physicians IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY McGinley, Christine M Md Little River Medical Center Inc 7726 N Kings Hwy Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 663-8000 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Ryan, Patrick K Md Waterway Family Medicine 3600 Sea Mountain Hwy, Ste C Little River, Sc 29566 (843) 399-4848 Fax: (843) 156-6059 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Muntean, Dan Mdi Primary Medical Associates 1413 Hwy 17 Bus N Myrtle Beach, Sc 29575 (843) 238-5654 Fax: (843) 238-1624 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Vest, James M Mdi Primary Medical Associates 1413 Hwy 17 Bus N Myrtle Beach, Sc 29575 (843) 238-5654 Fax: (843) 238-1624 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm O’Connor, William J Md Little River Medical Center Inc 4303 Live Oak Dr Little River, Sc 29566 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 280-2455 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Williams Jr, Eston E Md Waterway Family Medicine 3600 Sea Mountain Hwy, Ste C Little River, Sc 29566 (843) 399-4848 Fax: (843) 156-6059 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm General Practice O’Connor, William J Md Little River Medical Center Inc 3817 Main St Loris, Sc 29569 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 756-6828 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Erich, Mark Md The Doc House 4959 Hwy 17 North Bypass Murrells Inlet, Sc 29576 (843) 357-1299 O’Connor, William J Md Little River Medical Center Inc 1075 Mr Joe White Ave, Ste 101 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29577 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 839-1857 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Grubb, Stephen D Md Waterway Family Medicine 3600 Sea Mountain Hwy, Ste C Little River, Sc 29566 (843) 399-4848 Fax: (843) 156-6059 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm O’Connor, William J Md Little River Medical Center Inc 7724 N Kings Hwy Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 839-3946 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm O’Connor, William J Md Little River Medical Center Inc 7726 N Kings Hwy Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 663-8000 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Internal Medicine Antosek, Louis E Do Forest Family Care 3874 Renee Dr, Ste B Myrtle Beach, Sc 29579 (843) 903-4500 Fax: (843) 903-4505 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Pediatrics Baldridge, Paul L Md Grand Strand Pediatrics 1120 Glenns Bay Rd, Ste 120 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29575 (843) 650-7000 Fax: (843) 650-0773 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Horry County Bu, Fang Md Seashore Pediatrics 170 Surfrider Blvd, Ste A & B Longs, Sc 29568 (843) 390-2229 Fax: (843) 390-2483 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat 1:00pm– 3:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Chinese Bu, Fang Md Seashore Pediatrics 2828 Bayboro St Loris, Sc 29569 (843) 716-2229 Fax: (843) 716-2483 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat 8:00am– 12:00pm; Sun 9:00am–11:00am √ Languages Spoken: Chinese Colvard, Frank N Md Grand Strand Pediatrics 4326 Baldwin Ave Little River, Sc 29566 (843) 249-7400 Fax: (843) 249-7440 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Colvard, Frank N Md Grand Strand Pediatrics 1120 Glenns Bay Rd, Ste 120 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29575 (843) 650-7000 Fax: (843) 650-0773 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Colvard, Frank N Md Grand Strand Pediatrics 8120 Rourk St Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 449-1438 Fax: (843) 286-1349 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–11:30am Corontzes, Stephen A Md Magnolia Pediatrics Inc 600 Singleton Ridge Rd Conway, Sc 29526 (843) 347-9099 Fax: (866) 632-2923 Hours: Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 9:00am–7:00pm; Thu 9:00am–12:00pm; Sat 9:00am–1:00pm Daniels, Frederick W Md Grand Strand Pediatrics 4326 Baldwin Ave Little River, Sc 29566 (843) 249-7400 Fax: (843) 249-7440 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 29 Horry County Primary Care Physicians IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Horry County Daniels, Frederick W Md Grand Strand Pediatrics 1120 Glenns Bay Rd, Ste 120 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29575 (843) 650-7000 Fax: (843) 650-0773 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Favaro, Mary K Md Little River Medical Center Inc 3236 Holmestown Rd, Ste E 1 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29588 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 663-8093 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Lopez, Andrea D Md Little River Medical Center Inc 4303 Live Oak Dr Little River, Sc 29566 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 280-2455 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Daniels, Frederick W Md Grand Strand Pediatrics 8120 Rourk St Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 449-1438 Fax: (843) 286-1349 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–11:30am Favaro, Mary K Md Little River Medical Center Inc 7724 N Kings Hwy Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 839-3946 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Lopez, Andrea D Md Little River Medical Center Inc 3817 Main St Loris, Sc 29569 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 756-6828 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Favaro, Mary K Md Little River Medical Center Inc 7726 N Kings Hwy Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 663-8000 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Lopez, Andrea D Md Little River Medical Center Inc 7724 N Kings Hwy Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 839-3946 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Gabor, Elisabeth B Md Grand Strand Pediatrics 4326 Baldwin Ave Little River, Sc 29566 (843) 249-7400 Fax: (843) 249-7440 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Lopez, Andrea D Md Little River Medical Center Inc 7726 N Kings Hwy Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 663-8000 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Gabor, Elisabeth B Md Grand Strand Pediatrics 1120 Glenns Bay Rd, Ste 120 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29575 (843) 650-7000 Fax: (843) 650-0773 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Ludlow, Donald N Md Seashore Pediatrics 170 Surfrider Blvd, Ste A & B Longs, Sc 29568 (843) 390-2229 Fax: (843) 390-2483 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat 1:00pm– 3:00pm Drosieko, Amanda G Md Inlet Pediatrics PA 140 Bandage Ct Murrells Inlet, Sc 29576 (843) 652-3300 Fax: (843) 652-3200 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Fam, Hany Md Grand Strand Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine 8120 Rourk St Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 449-1438 Fax: (843) 449-9018 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Favaro, Mary K Md Little River Medical Center Inc 4303 Live Oak Dr Little River, Sc 29566 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 280-2455 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Favaro, Mary K Md Little River Medical Center Inc 3817 Main St Loris, Sc 29569 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 756-6828 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Favaro, Mary K Md Little River Medical Center Inc 1075 Mr Joe White Ave, Ste 101 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29577 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 839-1857 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Gabor, Elisabeth B Md Grand Strand Pediatrics 8120 Rourk St Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 449-1438 Fax: (843) 286-1349 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–11:30am Lindsey Jr, James M Md Coastal Pediatric Associates PA 8030 Myrtle Trace Dr Conway, Sc 29526 (843) 347-4677 Fax: (843) 347-4678 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Sat 9:00am–11:00am √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Ludlow, Donald N Md Seashore Pediatrics 2828 Bayboro St Loris, Sc 29569 (843) 716-2229 Fax: (843) 716-2483 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat 8:00am– 12:00pm; Sun 9:00am–11:00am McCabe, Melissa A Md Inlet Pediatrics PA 140 Bandage Ct Murrells Inlet, Sc 29576 (843) 652-3300 Fax: (843) 652-3200 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 30 Horry County Primary Care Physicians Moore, Kristin E Md Grand Strand Pediatrics 1120 Glenns Bay Rd, Ste 120 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29575 (843) 650-7000 Fax: (843) 650-0773 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Replenski, Stephen M Md Inlet Pediatrics PA 140 Bandage Ct Murrells Inlet, Sc 29576 (843) 652-3300 Fax: (843) 652-3200 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Moore, Kristin E Md Grand Strand Pediatrics 8120 Rourk St Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 449-1438 Fax: (843) 286-1349 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–11:30am Richards, Kenneth R Md Seashore Pediatrics 170 Surfrider Blvd, Ste A & B Longs, Sc 29568 (843) 390-2229 Fax: (843) 390-2483 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat 1:00pm– 3:00pm Nabong Nillas, Maristela Y Md Little River Medical Center Inc 4303 Live Oak Dr Little River, Sc 29566 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 280-2455 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Richards, Kenneth R Md Seashore Pediatrics 2828 Bayboro St Loris, Sc 29569 (843) 716-2229 Fax: (843) 716-2483 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat 8:00am– 12:00pm; Sun 9:00am–11:00am Nabong Nillas, Maristela Y Md Little River Medical Center Inc 3817 Main St Loris, Sc 29569 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 756-6828 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Nabong Nillas, Maristela Y Md Little River Medical Center Inc 3236 Holmestown Rd, Ste E 1 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29588 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 663-8093 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Nabong Nillas, Maristela Y Md Little River Medical Center Inc 7726 N Kings Hwy Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 663-8000 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Praytor, Joseph G Md Inlet Pediatrics PA 140 Bandage Ct Murrells Inlet, Sc 29576 (843) 652-3300 Fax: (843) 652-3200 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Kershaw County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Sanger, Edward M Md Seashore Pediatrics 2828 Bayboro St Loris, Sc 29569 (843) 716-2229 Fax: (843) 716-2483 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat 8:00am– 12:00pm; Sun 9:00am–11:00am √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Sangtian, Alfonso L Md Coastal Pediatric Associates PA 8030 Myrtle Trace Dr Conway, Sc 29526 (843) 347-4677 Fax: (843) 347-4678 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Sat 9:00am–11:00am √ Languages Spoken: Tagalog Youssef, Rimon F Md Seashore Pediatrics 2828 Bayboro St Loris, Sc 29569 (843) 716-2229 Fax: (843) 716-2483 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat 8:00am– 12:00pm; Sun 9:00am–11:00am √ Languages Spoken: Arabic Physician Assistant Belesky, Amanda B PA Inlet Medical Associates 912 Inlet Square Dr, Ste A Murrells Inlet, Sc 29576 (843) 651-4111 Herrington, Susan K PA The Doc House 4959 Hwy 17 North Bypass Murrells Inlet, Sc 29576 (843) 357-1299 Kershaw County Family Practice Soto, Carlos A Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 1124 Little St Camden, Sc 29020 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Shuler, Daniel Md Grand Strand Pediatrics 1120 Glenns Bay Rd, Ste 120 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29575 (843) 650-7000 Fax: (843) 650-0773 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Internal Medicine Shuler, Daniel Md Grand Strand Pediatrics 8120 Rourk St Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 449-1438 Fax: (843) 286-1349 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–11:30am √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Youssef, Rimon F Md Seashore Pediatrics 170 Surfrider Blvd, Ste A & B Longs, Sc 29568 (843) 390-2229 Fax: (843) 390-2483 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat 1:00pm– 3:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Arabic Balogun, Olajide A Md Apexcare 1165 Hwy 1 South, Ste 200 Lugoff, Sc 29078 (803) 408-0225 Fax: (803) 408-0725 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat 8:30am–1:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 31 Primary Care Physicians Kershaw County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Pediatrics Joseph, Thomas C Md Pediatric Assoc Of Kershaw Co PA 1346 Haile St Camden, Sc 29020 (803) 432-1931 Fax: (803) 432-1176 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm; Sat 9:00am–12:30pm McFarland, Alicia D Md Pediatric Assoc Of Kershaw Co PA 1346 Haile St Camden, Sc 29020 (803) 432-1931 Fax: (803) 432-1176 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm; Sat 9:00am–12:30pm Lancaster County Family Practice Furse, James A Mdi Barnett Family Practice 7666 Charlotte Hwy, Ste 120 Indian Land, Sc 29707 (803) 431-8220 Fax: (803) 431-8221 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–6:00pm Harris, Tami J Mdi Barnett Family Practice 7666 Charlotte Hwy, Ste 120 Indian Land, Sc 29707 (803) 431-8220 Fax: (803) 431-8221 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–6:00pm Morris, William A Mdi Barnett Family Practice 7666 Charlotte Hwy, Ste 120 Indian Land, Sc 29707 (803) 431-8220 Fax: (803) 431-8221 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–6:00pm Ward, Joyce C Mdi Barnett Family Practice 7666 Charlotte Hwy, Ste 120 Indian Land, Sc 29707 (803) 431-8220 Fax: (803) 431-8221 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–6:00pm Internal Medicine Lexington County Lee County General Practice Kimmerle, Gregory R Mdi Mecklenburg Medical Group 7666 Charlotte Hwy, Ste 200 Indian Land, Sc 29707 (704) 302-9600 Fax: (803) 431-8226 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hunt, Leon Md Caresouth Carolina Inc 106 Hospital Sq Bishopville, Sc 29010 (803) 484-5943 Fax: (803) 484-6975 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Tedla, Kedist Mdi Mecklenburg Medical Group 7666 Charlotte Hwy, Ste 200 Indian Land, Sc 29707 (704) 302-9600 Fax: (803) 431-8226 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Lexington County Family Practice Boone, Tasha Md The Medical Place Family Practice 3020 Sunset Blvd West Columbia, Sc 29169 (800) 373-7326 Fax: (803) 779-4405 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–4:30pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Pediatrics Belton, Darniya P Md Lancaster Clinic Corp 838 W Meeting St, Ste B Lancaster, Sc 29720 (803) 285-2700 Fax: (803) 285-2707 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm General Practice Laurens County Family Practice Hagenbuch, Michelle L Md Carolina Family Medicine Of Laurens County PA 500 Plaza Cir, Ste J Clinton, Sc 29325 (864) 938-9690 Fax: (864) 938-9690 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Internal Medicine Bell, Woodrow A Md Brooklandcayce Medical Practice 1115 State St Cayce, Sc 29033 (803) 739-6882 Fax: (803) 939-4650 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–4:30pm Bell, Woodrow A Md Pelion Family Practice 8063 Edmund Hwy Pelion, Sc 29123 (803) 894-3736 Fax: (803) 894-5315 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–4:30pm Bell, Woodrow A Md Womens Health And Internal Medicine Of Batesville 338 E Columbia Ave, Ste B Leesville, Sc 29070 (803) 532-1580 Fax: (803) 532-3832 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–4:30pm Hussain, Akhtar Md Dr Akhtar Hussain Md 106 Medical Park Ct Clinton, Sc 29325 (864) 833-4545 Pediatrics Burgess, Sally E Md Piedmont Pediatrics Of Laurens County 996 Medical Ridge Rd Clinton, Sc 29325 (864) 833-5654 Fax: (864) 833-2786 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 32 Lexington County Internal Medicine Arora, Sri N Md Brooklandcayce Medical Practice 1115 State St Cayce, Sc 29033 (803) 739-6882 Fax: (803) 939-4650 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–4:30pm √ Languages Spoken: Urdu Arora, Sri N Md Brooklandcayce Medical Practice 8063 Edmund Hwy Pelion, Sc 29123 (803) 894-3736 Fax: (803) 894-5315 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–4:30pm √ Languages Spoken: Urdu Pediatrics Atkinson, Katherine J Md Brookland Community Pediatrics 8063 Edmund Hwy Pelion, Sc 29123 (803) 894-3736 Fax: (803) 894-5315 Hours: Mon, Wed 8:00am–7:00pm; Tue, Thu, Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Atkinson, Katherine J Md Brookland Community Pediatrics 500 N 12th St West Columbia, Sc 29169 (803) 739-6982 Fax: (803) 939-1650 Hours: Mon, Wed 8:00am–7:00pm; Tue, Thu, Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Baggett, Teresa N Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 1970 Augusta Hwy Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 788-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Barker, Michael G Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 1970 Augusta Hwy Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 788-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Bonnett IV, Arthur L Md Chapin Pediatrics 119 Amicks Ferry Rd Chapin, Sc 29036 (803) 932-2200 Fax: (803) 932-2225 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Primary Care Physicians IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Lexington County Cabiness, Barry W Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 1970 Augusta Hwy Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 788-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Kapp, Lloyd M Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 1970 Augusta Hwy Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 788-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Cope, Bruce K Md Sandhills Pediatrics 4568 Sunset Blvd Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 520-5144 Fax: (803) 520-5150 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Miller, Catherine C Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 1970 Augusta Hwy Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 788-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Dewar, James B Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 1970 Augusta Hwy Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 788-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Mills, Melissa L Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 1970 Augusta Hwy Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 788-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Greenhouse, Deborah M Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 1970 Augusta Hwy Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 788-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Monteith, Ragin C Md Brookland Community Pediatrics 8063 Edmund Hwy Pelion, Sc 29123 (803) 894-3736 Fax: (803) 894-5315 Hours: Mon, Wed 8:00am–7:00pm; Tue, Thu, Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Grooms, Sarah G Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 1970 Augusta Hwy Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 788-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Head, Sonya H Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 1970 Augusta Hwy Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 788-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Holloway, Prishal C Md Pelion Family Practice 8063 Edmund Hwy Pelion, Sc 29123 (803) 894-3736 Fax: (803) 894-5315 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–4:30pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Monteith, Ragin C Md Brookland Community Pediatrics 500 N 12th St West Columbia, Sc 29169 (803) 739-6982 Fax: (803) 939-1650 Hours: Mon, Wed 8:00am–7:00pm; Tue, Thu, Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Moore, Kay L Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 1970 Augusta Hwy Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 788-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm O’leary, Melinda L Md Sandhills Pediatrics 4568 Sunset Blvd Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 520-5144 Fax: (803) 520-5150 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 33 Lexington County Primary Care Physicians Marlboro County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Powell, Katherine W Md Sandhills Pediatrics 4568 Sunset Blvd Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 520-5144 Fax: (803) 520-5150 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Soroos, Jennifer M Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 1970 Augusta Hwy Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 788-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Mathisuthan, Gangathara Md Advanced Medical Associates 511 S Main St Mullins, Sc 29574 (843) 464-8244 Fax: (843) 464-6519 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Rice, Carryn N Md Brookland Community Pediatrics 500 N 12th St West Columbia, Sc 29169 (803) 739-6982 Fax: (803) 939-1650 Hours: Mon, Wed 8:00am–7:00pm; Tue, Thu, Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Thomas, Christie P Md Sandhills Pediatrics 4568 Sunset Blvd Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 520-5144 Fax: (803) 520-5150 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Suggs, James L Md Marion Medical Group 1115 N Main St Marion, Sc 29571 (843) 423-0760 Fax: (843) 423-8138 Todd, Marc S Md Sandhills Pediatrics 4568 Sunset Blvd Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 520-5144 Fax: (803) 520-5150 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Thourani, Harichand H Md Advanced Medical Associates 511 S Main St Mullins, Sc 29574 (843) 464-8244 Fax: (843) 464-6519 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Hindi, Sindi, Urdu Risinger, Patricia L Md The Pediatric Care Center LLC 6614 Augusta Hwy Leesville, Sc 29070 (803) 604-8400 Fax: (803) 604-8404 Hours: Mon 8:00am–6:00pm; Tue, Thu, Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Wed 8:00am–12:00pm Shealy, Jerri L Md Chapin Pediatrics 119 Amicks Ferry Rd Chapin, Sc 29036 (803) 932-2200 Fax: (803) 932-2225 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Shenoy, Naren S Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 1970 Augusta Hwy Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 788-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Shrouds, Richard D Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 1970 Augusta Hwy Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 788-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Smith, Leah L Md Sandhills Pediatrics 4568 Sunset Blvd Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 520-5144 Fax: (803) 520-5150 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Marion County Family Practice Garner IV, James Md McLeod Family Medicine 3032 E Hwy 76 Mullins, Sc 29574 (843) 292-7331 Fax: (843) 292-7324 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat 8:00am–12:00pm Norris, Iris F Md Total Family Care 2835 E Highway 76, Ste 7 Mullins, Sc 29574 (843) 431-2710 Fax: (843) 431-2716 Internal Medicine Pediatrics Bahan, Marc G Md Pee Dee Pediatrics 2845 E Highway 76, Ste 5 Mullins, Sc 29574 (843) 431-2650 Fax: (843) 431-2647 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Rao, Vege Md Marion Pediatrics 2845 E Highway 76, Ste 4 Mullins, Sc 29574 (843) 431-2720 Fax: (843) 431-2726 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Marlboro County Family Practice Abinsay, Alvin Md Community Health Systems 1115 N Main St Mullins, Sc 29571 (843) 423-0760 Fax: (843) 423-8138 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Cain, Rufus H Md Caresouth Carolina Inc 999 Cheraw St Bennettsville, Sc 29512 (843) 479-2341 Fax: (843) 479-2346 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Jordan, Carlos A Md Marion Medical Group 1205 N Main St Marion, Sc 29571 (843) 423-0760 Fax: (843) 423-8138 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Moore, George Md Caresouth Carolina Inc 225 S Main St McColl, Sc 29570 (843) 523-5751 Fax: (843) 523-6040 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 34 Marlboro County Nwanegwo, Sheree D Md Caresouth Carolina Inc 999 Cheraw St Bennettsville, Sc 29512 (843) 479-2341 Fax: (843) 479-2346 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Internal Medicine Vaghela, Gopalbhai K Md Chesterfield Marlboro Lp 1040 Marlboro Way, Ste 1 Bennettsville, Sc 29512 (843) 479-5890 Fax: (843) 479-5893 Pediatrics Candela, Zenaida Md Caresouth Carolina Inc 210 W Main St Bennettsville, Sc 29512 (843) 479-1200 Fax: (843) 479-1230 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Chinery, William A Md Chesterfield Marlboro Lp 1076 Marlboro Way, Ste 3 Bennettsville, Sc 29512 (843) 479-0432 Fax: (843) 479-1261 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Mecklenburg County NC Family Practice Akers, Lisette M Md Carmel Family Physicians 10000 Park Cedar Dr Charlotte, Nc 28210 (704) 667-3600 Fax: (704) 542-4405 Almquist, Robert E Md Carmel Family Physicians 10000 Park Cedar Dr Charlotte, Nc 28210 (704) 667-3600 Fax: (704) 542-4405 Davis, Harriet N Md Carmel Family Physicians 10000 Park Cedar Dr Charlotte, Nc 28210 (704) 667-3600 Fax: (704) 542-4405 Primary Care Physicians IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Fite, Michael Q Md CMC Faculty Physicians 2001 Vail Ave Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 512-4808 Hull, Lauren B Md Carmel Family Physicians 10000 Park Cedar Dr Charlotte, Nc 28210 (704) 667-3600 Fax: (704) 542-4405 Kaiser, Jessica Md Carmel Family Physicians 10000 Park Cedar Dr Charlotte, Nc 28210 (704) 667-3600 Fax: (704) 542-4405 Kelley, Robert G Md Carmel Family Physicians 10000 Park Cedar Dr Charlotte, Nc 28210 (704) 667-3600 Fax: (704) 542-4405 Lewin, Marc R Md Carmel Family Physicians 10000 Park Cedar Dr Charlotte, Nc 28210 (704) 667-3600 Fax: (704) 542-4405 Manos, Heather M Md Carmel Family Physicians 10000 Park Cedar Dr Charlotte, Nc 28210 (704) 667-3600 Fax: (704) 542-4405 Olulade, Abisola A Md Carmel Family Physicians 10000 Park Cedar Dr Charlotte, Nc 28210 (704) 667-3600 Fax: (704) 542-4405 Sappenfield, Daniel M Md Carmel Family Physicians 10000 Park Cedar Dr Charlotte, Nc 28210 (704) 667-3600 Fax: (704) 542-4405 Sharma, Isha P Md Carmel Family Physicians 10000 Park Cedar Dr Charlotte, Nc 28210 (704) 667-3600 Fax: (704) 542-4405 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Mecklenberg County NC Walthall, Julius B Md Carmel Family Physicians 10000 Park Cedar Dr Charlotte, Nc 28210 (704) 667-3600 Fax: (704) 542-4405 Wrinkle, Geoffrey T Md Carmel Family Physicians 10000 Park Cedar Dr Charlotte, Nc 28210 (704) 667-3600 Fax: (704) 542-4405 Internal Medicine Bastadjian, Sylvie Md Ardsley Internal Medicine 2101 Shiloh Church Rd, Ste 201 Davidson, Nc 28036 (704) 403-7360 Fax: (704) 403-8655 Braun, Mark E Md Ardsley Internal Medicine 2101 Shiloh Church Rd, Ste 201 Davidson, Nc 28036 (704) 403-7360 Fax: (704) 403-8655 Cicci, Leigh W Md Ardsley Internal Medicine 2101 Shiloh Church Rd, Ste 201 Davidson, Nc 28036 (704) 403-7360 Fax: (704) 403-8655 Feinberg, Ndidi Md Ardsley Internal Medicine 2101 Shiloh Church Rd, Ste 201 Davidson, Nc 28036 (704) 403-7360 Fax: (704) 403-8655 Fleishman, Lawrence M Md South Charlotte Primary Care 7030 Pineville Matthews Rd Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 667-4150 Fax: (704) 752-7040 Keipper, Vincent L Md Ardsley Internal Medicine 2101 Shiloh Church Rd, Ste 201 Davidson, Nc 28036 (704) 403-7360 Fax: (704) 403-8655 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 35 Mecklenberg County NC Primary Care Physicians IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Paniagua, Tiziana Md Ardsley Internal Medicine 2101 Shiloh Church Rd, Ste 201 Davidson, Nc 28036 (704) 403-7360 Fax: (704) 403-8655 Dodds, Douglas A Md CMC Infectious Disease 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 446-4490 Fax: (704) 355-5984 Singhel, Kenneth J Md CMC Infectious Disease 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 446-4490 Fax: (704) 355-5984 Dorsey, S Elliott Md Arboretum Pediatrics 7800 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 512-2610 Fax: (704) 543-6773 Smith, Lori D Md Ardsley Internal Medicine 2101 Shiloh Church Rd, Ste 201 Davidson, Nc 28036 (704) 403-7360 Fax: (704) 403-8655 Downing, Wilma T Md Arboretum Pediatrics 7800 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 512-2610 Fax: (704) 543-6773 Sopo Jones, Christine A Md Ardsley Internal Medicine 2101 Shiloh Church Rd, Ste 201 Davidson, Nc 28036 (704) 403-7360 Fax: (704) 403-8655 Fine, Katie S Md Arboretum Pediatrics 7800 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 512-2610 Fax: (704) 543-6773 Surratt, Robert W Md Ardsley Internal Medicine 2101 Shiloh Church Rd, Ste 201 Davidson, Nc 28036 (704) 403-7360 Fax: (704) 403-8655 Grammerpacicco, Elaine Md Arboretum Pediatrics 7800 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 512-2610 Fax: (704) 543-6773 Tedla, Kedist Mdi Mecklenburg Medical Group 10650 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 302-8700 Fax: (704) 302-8701 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hicks, Anna L Md Arboretum Pediatrics 7800 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 512-2610 Fax: (704) 543-6773 Pediatrics Carr, Chpryelle Md Arboretum Pediatrics 7800 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 512-2610 Fax: (704) 543-6773 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Dews, Marshall A Md Arboretum Pediatrics 7800 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 512-2610 Fax: (704) 543-6773 Mecklenberg County NC Miller, Monica C Md Arboretum Pediatrics 7800 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 512-2610 Fax: (704) 543-6773 Plonk, John B Md Arboretum Pediatrics 7800 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 512-2610 Fax: (704) 543-6773 Riley, Kimberly H Md Arboretum Pediatrics 7800 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 512-2610 Fax: (704) 543-6773 Satterfield, Jamison J Md Arboretum Pediatrics 7800 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 512-2610 Fax: (704) 543-6773 Smolen, Paul M Md Arboretum Pediatrics 7800 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 512-2610 Fax: (704) 543-6773 Start, Susan J Md Rock Hill Pediatric Associates 1601 Ebenezer Rd Rock Hill, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Hight, Nicole B Md Arboretum Pediatrics 7800 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 512-2610 Fax: (704) 543-6773 Matkins, Preeti P Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 446-1255 Fax: (704) 446-1276 Matkins, Preeti P Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1600 Scott Ave Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 355-6560 Fax: (704) 355-6565 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Sullivan, Sharon B Md Arboretum Pediatrics 7800 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 512-2610 Fax: (704) 543-6773 Sullivan, Sharon B Md Providence Pediatrics 14214 Ballantyne Lake Rd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 667-2600 Fax: (704) 667-2601 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 36 Mecklenberg County NC Utoh, Jancy C Md Arboretum Pediatrics 7800 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 512-2610 Fax: (704) 543-6773 √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Valder, Stephen J Md Arboretum Pediatrics 7800 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 512-2610 Fax: (704) 543-6773 Williams, Laramie A Md Arboretum Pediatrics 7800 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 512-2610 Fax: (704) 543-6773 Wirsing, Calli K Md Arboretum Pediatrics 7800 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 512-2610 Fax: (704) 543-6773 Newberry County Family Practice Garcia, Jorge O Md Emmanuel Family Clinic 2531 Evans St, Ste A Newberry, Sc 29108 (803) 276-7978 Fax: (803) 675-0750 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Heichberger, Lisa E Md Lovelace Family Medicine PA 600 N Wheeler Ave Prosperity, Sc 29127 (803) 364-4852 Fax: (803) 364-2014 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–6:00pm; Sat 8:00am–12:00pm Internal Medicine Yannetti, Robert A Md CHA Whitmire Internal Medicine 101 Main St Whitmire, Sc 29178 (803) 694-3820 Fax: (803) 694-4112 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Primary Care Physicians IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Pediatrics White, Rebecca Md Pediatrics Of Newberry 2525 Kinard St Newberry, Sc 29108 (803) 405-0220 Fax: (803) 405-0222 Hours: Mon, Wed 9:00am–7:00pm; Tue 10:00am–7:00pm; Thu 2:00pm–7:00pm; Fri 9:00am–1:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Oconee County Family Practice Oconee County Evans, Thomas E Md Oconee Physician Practices 11082 N Radio Station Rd, Ste B Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 882-2314 Fax: (864) 882-3677 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Gilstewart, Beatriz Do Oconee Pediatrics 15579 Wells Hwy Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 882-7800 Fax: (864) 882-5908 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hanahan, James R Md Oconee Physician Practices 12016 N Radio Station Rd Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 885-6141 Fax: (864) 885-6680 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Booker Sr, Edward H Md v Golden Corner Family Practice 1205 N Hwy 11 West Union, Sc 29696 (864) 638-5402 Fax: (864) 638-6126 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Hanke, Jennifer L Do Oconee Physician Practices 11082 N Radio Station Rd Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 882-2314 Fax: (864) 882-3677 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Booth, Linda Claire Do Oconee Physician Practices 106 Ram Cat Alley Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 888-4445 Fax: (864) 888-4345 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Campbell, George W Md Foothills Family Medicine Of Westminster 111 W Main St Westminster, Sc 29693 (864) 647-1820 Fax: (864) 647-0403 Hawkesworth, Greg J Do AnMed Health Fair Play Family Medicine 111 W Pine Grove Rd Fair Play, Sc 29643 (864) 972-0414 Fax: (864) 972-0422 Hours: Mon–Fri 7:30am–4:00pm Dahlheimer, Ruthanne M Md Oconee Physician Practices 12016 N Radio Station Rd Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 885-6141 Fax: (864) 885-6680 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Miller, John F Md Oconee Physician Practices 11082 N Radio Station Rd Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 882-2314 Fax: (864) 882-3677 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Dillman, Mitchell F Md Oconee Physician Practices 11082 N Radio Station Rd Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 882-2314 Fax: (864) 882-3677 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Rampey, Stanley A Md Oconee Physician Practices 11082 N Radio Station Rd Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 882-2314 Fax: (864) 882-3677 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Sanders, Timothy J Md Oconee Physician Practices 12016 N Radio Station Rd Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 885-6141 Fax: (864) 885-6680 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 37 Primary Care Physicians Oconee County Pickens County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Saunders, Kevin Md Oconee Physician Practices 10110 Clemson Blvd Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 482-0500 Fax: (864) 482-0505 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Shuler, Conrad K Md Oconee Physician Practices 11082 N Radio Station Rd Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 882-2314 Fax: (864) 882-3677 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Wood, Earl C Md Oconee Physician Practices 106 Ram Cat Alley Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 888-4445 Fax: (864) 888-4345 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Internal Medicine Allyn, Andrea L Md Oconee Physician Practices 10110 Clemson Blvd Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 482-0500 Fax: (864) 482-0505 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Barnes, Stuart M Md AnMed Health Westside Community Health Center 111 W Pine Grove Rd Fair Play, Sc 29643 (864) 972-0414 Fax: (864) 972-0422 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm McAlpine, Cathryn Md Upstate Medical Associates PA 15575 Wells Hwy Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 886-2000 Fax: (864) 888-3618 Pediatrics Bruce, Lorraine Md Oconee Physician Practices 207 Main St Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 888-4222 Fax: (864) 888-4462 Dean Jr, Jordan A Md Oconee Physician Practices 207 Main St Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 888-4222 Fax: (864) 888-4462 Singleton, Monnieque Md Singleton Health Center LLC 1773 Village Park Dr Orangeburg, Sc 29118 (803) 535-3600 Fax: (803) 534-6300 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Feiste, James E Md AnMed Health Carolina Kids 10706 Clemson Blvd Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 888-3020 Fax: (864) 888-8585 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–4:30pm General Practice Louis, Willie B Md Willie B Louis Md PA 1102 Summers Ave Orangeburg, Sc 29115 (803) 534-2270 Fax: (803) 534-2271 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Gamble, William B Md Oconee Physician Practices 207 Main St Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 888-4222 Fax: (864) 888-4462 Internal Medicine Hare, Ester R Md Orangeburg Medical Assoc/Er Hare Md Phd Facp 1291 Glen Gloria St Orangeburg, Sc 29118 (803) 539-2040 Fax: (803) 539-2826 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Ragwar, Atieno A Md Oconee Physician Practices 207 Main St Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 888-4222 Fax: (864) 888-4462 Pediatrics Ruohoniemi, Lisa A Md AnMed Health Carolina Kids 10706 Clemson Blvd Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 888-3020 Fax: (864) 888-8585 Connelly, Karen L Md Hillcrest Pediatrics 1740 Village Park Dr Orangeburg, Sc 29118 (803) 928-5525 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Stewart, Frank A Do Oconee Pediatrics 15579 Wells Hwy Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 882-7800 Fax: (864) 882-5908 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Smith, Nakia S Md Hillcrest Pediatrics 1740 Village Park Dr Orangeburg, Sc 29118 (803) 928-5525 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Orangeburg County Family Practice Chan, Kam W Md Rmc Primary Care 3000 St Matthews Rd Orangeburg, Sc 29118 (803) 395-2576 Fax: (803) 536-5220 Hours: Mon 8:00am–5:00pm; Wed 8:00am– 12:00pm; Fri 8:00am–5:30pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Pickens County Family Practice Clemow, Diana D Md v AnMed Health Family Medicine Center 105 Liberty Blvd Liberty, Sc 29657 (800) 825-6688 Fax: (864) 843-5634 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 38 Pickens County Primary Care Physicians IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Cline, Matthew K Md v AnMed Health Family Medicine Center 105 Liberty Blvd Liberty, Sc 29657 (800) 825-6688 Fax: (864) 843-5634 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Edsall, Charles K Md AnMed Health Clemson Family Medicine 386 College Ave Clemson, Sc 29631 (864) 654-2067 Fax: (864) 653-5926 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Gentry, W Douglas Md Family Medicine Associates 522 College Ave Clemson, Sc 29631 (864) 654-7841 Fax: (864) 654-7641 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Oliveira, Maria A Md Clemson Health Center 885 Tiger Blvd Clemson, Sc 29631 (864) 654-5900 Hours: Tue 1:00pm–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am– 5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Young, Natawadee P Md AnMed Health Family Medicine Center 105 Liberty Blvd Liberty, Sc 29657 (800) 825-6688 Fax: (864) 843-5634 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Thai Internal Medicine Liebman, David Md Clemson Health Center 885 Tiger Blvd Clemson, Sc 29631 (864) 654-5900 Hours: Tue 1:00pm–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am– 5:00pm Richland County Family Nurse Practitioner Dyal, Elspeth C Np Waverly Family Practice 2117 Gervais St Columbia, Sc 29204 (803) 532-1580 Fax: (803) 532-3832 Family Practice Anderson III, William D Md v USC Specialty Clinics 3209 Colonial Dr Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 434-2498 Fax: (803) 434-7529 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Sanders, Caroline H Md AnMed Health Family Medicine Center 105 Liberty Blvd Liberty, Sc 29657 (800) 825-6688 Fax: (864) 843-5634 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Barnett, Steven K Md Fairfield Medical Associates PA 428 2 McNulty St Blythewood, Sc 29016 (803) 754-8941 Fax: (803) 635-4200 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–5:30pm Gaddy, Roger Md Fairfield Medical Associates PA 428 2 McNulty St Blythewood, Sc 29016 (803) 754-8941 Fax: (803) 635-4200 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–5:30pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Grunsky, Mitchell R Md Colonial Family Practice Urgent Care 3930 Devine St, Ste B Columbia, Sc 29205 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Judy, Carrie A Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 3930 Devine St, Ste B Columbia, Sc 29205 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon-Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–6:00pm; Sat 8:00am–12:00pm Leonard, Jason M Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 3930 Devine St, Ste B Columbia, Sc 29205 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon-Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–6:00pm; Sat 8:00am–12:00pm Long, William H Md Colonial Family Practice Urgent Care 3930 Devine St, Ste B Columbia, Sc 29205 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Quattlebaum, Robert G Md AnMed Health Clemson Family Medicine 386 College Ave Clemson, Sc 29631 (864) 654-2067 Fax: (864) 653-5926 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Tolbert, Alicia Md Family Medicine Associates 522 College Ave Clemson, Sc 29631 (864) 654-7841 Fax: (864) 654-7641 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Richland County Lowder, Clayton R Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 3930 Devine St, Ste B Columbia, Sc 29205 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon-Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–6:00pm; Sat 8:00am–12:00pm Lucas, Thomas L Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 3930 Devine St, Ste B Columbia, Sc 29205 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon-Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–6:00pm; Sat 8:00am–12:00pm Mahr, Christopher M Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 3930 Devine St, Ste B Columbia, Sc 29205 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon-Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–6:00pm; Sat 8:00am–12:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 39 Richland County Patrick, Harmon F Md Fairfield Medical Associates PA 428 2 McNulty St Blythewood, Sc 29016 (803) 754-8941 Fax: (803) 635-4200 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–5:30pm Soto, Carlos A Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 3930 Devine St, Ste B Columbia, Sc 29205 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon-Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–6:00pm; Sat 8:00am–12:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Stewart, Ada A Md Five Points Pedatrics/Adult Walkin Care 1228 Harden St Columbia, Sc 29204 (803) 748-7002 Fax: (830) 252-5259 Stewart, Ike C Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 3930 Devine St, Ste B Columbia, Sc 29205 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon-Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–6:00pm; Sat 8:00am–12:00pm Stuck, Deborah L Md Fairfield Medical Associates PA 428 2 McNulty St Blythewood, Sc 29016 (803) 754-8941 Fax: (803) 635-4200 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–5:30pm √ Languages Spoken: Urdu Whaley, David G Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 3930 Devine St, Ste B Columbia, Sc 29205 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon-Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–6:00pm; Sat 8:00am–12:00pm General Practice Bell, Woodrow A Md Eau Claire Internal Medicine 4605 Monticello Rd Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 754-0151 Fax: (803) 691-1778 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–4:30pm Primary Care Physicians IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Richland County Bell, Woodrow A Md Five Points Pedatrics/Adult Walkin Care 1228 Harden St Columbia, Sc 29204 (803) 532-1580 Fax: (803) 532-3832 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–4:30pm Barker, Michael G Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 140 Park Central Dr Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Bell, Woodrow A Md Waverly Family Practice 2117 Gervais St Columbia, Sc 29204 (803) 532-1580 Fax: (803) 532-3832 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–4:30pm Barker, Michael G Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 300 Rice Meadow Way, Ste B Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Pediatrics Atkinson, Katherine J Md Brookland Community Pediatrics 1228 Harden St Columbia, Sc 29204 (803) 748-7002 Fax: (830) 252-5259 Hours: Mon, Wed 8:00am–7:00pm; Tue, Thu, Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Baggett, Teresa N Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 140 Park Central Dr Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Baggett, Teresa N Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 300 Rice Meadow Way, Ste B Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Baggett, Teresa N Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 601 Clemson Rd Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Baggett, Teresa N Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 7448 Broad River Rd Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 832-0140 Fax: (803) 732-4848 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Barker, Michael G Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 601 Clemson Rd Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Barker, Michael G Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 7448 Broad River Rd Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 832-0140 Fax: (803) 732-4848 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Cabiness, Barry W Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 140 Park Central Dr Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Cabiness, Barry W Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 300 Rice Meadow Way, Ste B Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Cabiness, Barry W Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 601 Clemson Rd Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Cabiness, Barry W Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 7448 Broad River Rd Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 832-0140 Fax: (803) 732-4848 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 40 Richland County Primary Care Physicians IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Castles, Joe B Md Pediatric Associates PA 14 Richland Medical Park, Ste 410 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 799-9044 Fax: (803) 256-8119 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Castles III, Charles G Md Pediatric Associates PA 14 Richland Medical Park, Ste 410 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 799-9044 Fax: (803) 256-8119 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Claytor Caldwell, Susan M Md Medical Park Pediatrics & Adolescence 120 Highland Center Dr Ste 100 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 788-0577 Fax: (803) 788-5760 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–12:00pm Colby, Randall S Md Medical Park Pediatrics & Adolescence 120 Highland Center Dr Ste 100 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 788-0577 Fax: (803) 788-5760 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–12:00pm Cope, Bruce K Md Sandhills Pediatrics 1749 Marshall St Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 252-1816 Fax: (803) 252-9132 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–12:00pm Cope, Bruce K Md Sandhills Pediatrics 7941 Broad River Rd Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 252-9151 Fax: (803) 252-9132 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–12:00pm Dewar, James B Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 140 Park Central Dr Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Richland County Dewar, James B Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 300 Rice Meadow Way, Ste B Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Finch, Michael T Mdi Sandhills Pediatrics 110 Summit Centre Dr Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 744-9004 Fax: (803) 744-9008 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Dewar, James B Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 601 Clemson Rd Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Finch, Michael T Mdi Sandhills Pediatrics 1749 Marshall St Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 252-1816 Fax: (803) 252-9132 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–12:00pm Dewar, James B Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 7448 Broad River Rd Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 832-0140 Fax: (803) 732-4848 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Dubose, Theodore M Md Sandhills Pediatrics 110 Summit Centre Dr Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 744-9004 Fax: (803) 744-9008 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Finch, Michael T Mdi Sandhills Pediatrics 7941 Broad River Rd Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 252-9151 Fax: (803) 252-9132 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–12:00pm Geurkink, Deanne N Md Ballentine Pediatrics LLC 11134 Broad River Rd, Ste D Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 732-0920 Fax: (803) 277-2759 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:30am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–2:00pm Dubose, Theodore M Md Sandhills Pediatrics 1749 Marshall St Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 252-1816 Fax: (803) 252-9132 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–12:00pm Greenhouse, Deborah M Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 140 Park Central Dr Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Dubose, Theodore M Md Sandhills Pediatrics 7941 Broad River Rd Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 252-9151 Fax: (803) 252-9132 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–12:00pm Greenhouse, Deborah M Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 300 Rice Meadow Way, Ste B Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Emery, James B Md Pediatric Associates PA 14 Richland Medical Park, Ste 410 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 799-9044 Fax: (803) 256-8119 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Greenhouse, Deborah M Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 601 Clemson Rd Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 41 Richland County Primary Care Physicians IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Greenhouse, Deborah M Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 7448 Broad River Rd Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 832-0140 Fax: (803) 732-4848 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Head, Sonya H Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 601 Clemson Rd Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Grooms, Sarah G Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 140 Park Central Dr Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Head, Sonya H Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 7448 Broad River Rd Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 832-0140 Fax: (803) 732-4848 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Grooms, Sarah G Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 300 Rice Meadow Way, Ste B Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Holloway, Prishal C Md Sterling Sharpe Pedicatric Center 4605 Monticello Rd Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 252-7001 Fax: (803) 252-5219 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–4:30pm Grooms, Sarah G Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 601 Clemson Rd Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Holloway, Prishal C Md Waverly Womens Health Care 1228 Harden St Columbia, Sc 29204 (803) 733-5969 Fax: (803) 217-0026 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–4:30pm Grooms, Sarah G Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 7448 Broad River Rd Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 832-0140 Fax: (803) 732-4848 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Kapp, Lloyd M Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 140 Park Central Dr Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Haile, Elizabeth S Md Sandhills Pediatrics 110 Summit Centre Dr Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 744-9004 Fax: (803) 744-9008 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Kapp, Lloyd M Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 300 Rice Meadow Way, Ste B Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Head, Sonya H Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 140 Park Central Dr Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Kapp, Lloyd M Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 601 Clemson Rd Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Head, Sonya H Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 300 Rice Meadow Way, Ste B Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Kapp, Lloyd M Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 7448 Broad River Rd Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 832-0140 Fax: (803) 732-4848 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Richland County Ledlie, Laura M Md Sandhills Pediatrics 110 Summit Centre Dr Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 744-9004 Fax: (803) 744-9008 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Ledlie, Laura M Md Sandhills Pediatrics 1749 Marshall St Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 252-1816 Fax: (803) 252-9132 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–12:00pm Ledlie, Laura M Md Sandhills Pediatrics 7941 Broad River Rd Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 252-9151 Fax: (803) 252-9132 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–12:00pm McCutcheon, Monica S Md Five Points Pedatrics/Adult Walkin Care 1228 Harden St Columbia, Sc 29204 (803) 532-1580 Fax: (803) 532-3832 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–4:30pm McCutcheon, Monica S Md Waverly Womens Health Care 1228 Harden St Columbia, Sc 29204 (803) 733-5969 Fax: (803) 217-0026 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–4:30pm Miller, Catherine C Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 140 Park Central Dr Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Miller, Catherine C Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 300 Rice Meadow Way, Ste B Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 42 Richland County Miller, Catherine C Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 601 Clemson Rd Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Miller, Catherine C Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 7448 Broad River Rd Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 832-0140 Fax: (803) 732-4848 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Mills, Melissa L Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 140 Park Central Dr Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Mills, Melissa L Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 300 Rice Meadow Way, Ste B Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Mills, Melissa L Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 601 Clemson Rd Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Mills, Melissa L Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 7448 Broad River Rd Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 832-0140 Fax: (803) 732-4848 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Moghbeli, Anoosheh Md Pediatric Associates PA 14 Richland Medical Park, Ste 410 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 799-9044 Fax: (803) 256-8119 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Primary Care Physicians IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Richland County Monteith, Ragin C Md Brookland Community Pediatrics 1228 Harden St Columbia, Sc 29204 (803) 748-7002 Fax: (830) 252-5259 Hours: Mon, Wed 8:00am–7:00pm; Tue, Thu, Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Powell, Katherine W Md Sandhills Pediatrics 1749 Marshall St Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 252-1816 Fax: (803) 252-9132 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–12:00pm Moore, Kay L Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 140 Park Central Dr Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Powell, Katherine W Md Sandhills Pediatrics 7941 Broad River Rd Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 252-9151 Fax: (803) 252-9132 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–12:00pm Moore, Kay L Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 300 Rice Meadow Way, Ste B Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Moore, Kay L Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 601 Clemson Rd Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Moore, Kay L Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 7448 Broad River Rd Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 832-0140 Fax: (803) 732-4848 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm O’leary, Melinda L Md Sandhills Pediatrics 110 Summit Centre Dr Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 744-9004 Fax: (803) 744-9008 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm O’leary, Melinda L Md Sandhills Pediatrics 7941 Broad River Rd Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 252-9151 Fax: (803) 252-9132 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–12:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Rabon, Brian M Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 140 Park Central Dr Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Rickenmann, Laura H Md Sandhills Pediatrics 1749 Marshall St Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 252-1816 Fax: (803) 252-9132 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–12:00pm Rollins, Kristen H Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 3930 Devine St, Ste B Columbia, Sc 29205 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon-Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–6:00pm; Sat 8:00am–12:00pm Shrouds, Richard D Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 140 Park Central Dr Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Shrouds, Richard D Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 300 Rice Meadow Way, Ste B Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 43 Richland County Primary Care Physicians IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Shrouds, Richard D Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 601 Clemson Rd Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Soroos, Jennifer M Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 7448 Broad River Rd Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 832-0140 Fax: (803) 732-4848 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Shrouds, Richard D Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 7448 Broad River Rd Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 832-0140 Fax: (803) 732-4848 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Taylor, William G Md Sandhills Pediatrics 110 Summit Centre Dr Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 744-9004 Fax: (803) 744-9008 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Smith, Leah L Md Sandhills Pediatrics 1749 Marshall St Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 252-1816 Fax: (803) 252-9132 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–12:00pm Smith, Leah L Md Sandhills Pediatrics 7941 Broad River Rd Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 252-9151 Fax: (803) 252-9132 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–12:00pm Soroos, Jennifer M Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 140 Park Central Dr Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Soroos, Jennifer M Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 300 Rice Meadow Way, Ste B Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Soroos, Jennifer M Md Palmetto Pediatrics And Adolescent Clinic 601 Clemson Rd Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 788-6146 Fax: (803) 462-0312 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Taylor, William G Md Sandhills Pediatrics 1749 Marshall St Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 252-1816 Fax: (803) 252-9132 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–12:00pm Taylor, William G Md Sandhills Pediatrics 7941 Broad River Rd Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 252-9151 Fax: (803) 252-9132 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–12:00pm Thomas, Christie P Md Sandhills Pediatrics 110 Summit Centre Dr Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 744-9004 Fax: (803) 744-9008 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Thomas, Christie P Md Sandhills Pediatrics 7941 Broad River Rd Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 252-9151 Fax: (803) 252-9132 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–12:00pm Todd, Marc S Md Sandhills Pediatrics 110 Summit Centre Dr Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 744-9004 Fax: (803) 744-9008 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Richland County Todd, Marc S Md Sandhills Pediatrics 1749 Marshall St Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 252-1816 Fax: (803) 252-9132 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–12:00pm Todd, Marc S Md Sandhills Pediatrics 7941 Broad River Rd Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 252-9151 Fax: (803) 252-9132 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–12:00pm Wessinger, Kevin O Md Sandhills Pediatrics 110 Summit Centre Dr Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 744-9004 Fax: (803) 744-9008 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Wessinger, Kevin O Md Sandhills Pediatrics 1749 Marshall St Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 252-1816 Fax: (803) 252-9132 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–12:00pm Wessinger, Kevin O Md Sandhills Pediatrics 7941 Broad River Rd Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 252-9151 Fax: (803) 252-9132 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–12:00pm Whitaker, Robert T Md Sandhills Pediatrics 110 Summit Centre Dr Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 744-9004 Fax: (803) 744-9008 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Whitaker, Robert T Md Sandhills Pediatrics 1749 Marshall St Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 252-1816 Fax: (803) 252-9132 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–12:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 44 Richland County Whitaker, Robert T Md Sandhills Pediatrics 7941 Broad River Rd Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 252-9151 Fax: (803) 252-9132 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–12:00pm Willard, William G Md Sandhills Pediatrics 110 Summit Centre Dr Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 744-9004 Fax: (803) 744-9008 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Willard, William G Md Sandhills Pediatrics 1749 Marshall St Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 252-1816 Fax: (803) 252-9132 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–12:00pm Willard, William G Md Sandhills Pediatrics 7941 Broad River Rd Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 252-9151 Fax: (803) 252-9132 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–12:00pm Richmond County GA Pediatrics Colonsantini, Juan L Md Joseph M Still Burn Centers Inc 3675 J Dewey Gray Circle, Ste 300 Augusta, Ga 30909 (706) 863-9595 Fax: (706) 868-8375 √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Fisher, David R Do Covenant Pediatrics 3121 Peach Orchard Rd, Ste 102 Augusta, Ga 30901 (706) 792-5040 Fax: (706) 792-5046 Getts, Alan G Md Covenant Pediatrics 3121 Peach Orchard Rd, Ste 102 Augusta, Ga 30901 (706) 792-5040 Fax: (706) 792-5046 Primary Care Physicians Spartanburg County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Williford, Kathryn K Md Covenant Pediatrics 3121 Peach Orchard Rd, Ste 102 Augusta, Ga 30901 (706) 792-5040 Fax: (706) 792-5046 Mabry, Frederick H Md Purcell Clinic 418 S King St Laurinburg, Nc 28352 (910) 276-7570 Fax: (910) 276-1327 Saluda County Family Practice Spartanburg County Family Practice Godoy, Franco B Md Emmanuel Family Clinic Saluda 501 W Butler Ave Saluda, Sc 29138 (864) 445-2250 Fax: (864) 445-7332 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Wed 8:00am–10:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Godoy, Gisella E Md Emmanuel Family Clinic Saluda 501 W Butler Ave Saluda, Sc 29138 (864) 445-2250 Fax: (864) 445-7332 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Wed 8:00am–10:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Riley, Ralph N Md Riley Family Practice Associates 595 Newberry Hwy Saluda, Sc 29138 (864) 445-2500 Fax: (864) 445-3956 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Scotland County NC Family Practice Moree, Catherine Md Harris Family Practice 700a Progress Place Laurinburg, Nc 28352 (910) 276-6767 Fax: (910) 276-7877 Pediatrics Byrd, Jeffrey K Md Purcell Clinic 418 S King St Laurinburg, Nc 28352 (910) 276-7570 Fax: (910) 276-1327 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Austin, Amanda L Md Mary Black Physicians Group LLC 170 Camelot Dr Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 576-1614 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Bannon, Richard B Md Foothills Family Medicine 391 Glenn Springs Rd Pacolet, Sc 29372 (864) 474-3013 Bean, Howard C Md Carolina Family Physicians 1690 Skylyn Dr, Ste 210 Spartanburg, Sc 29307 (864) 216-4897 Fax: (864) 216-4898 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Byrd III, Edwin O Md Byrd Medical Associates LLC 7280c Reidville Rd Woodruff, Sc 29388 (864) 486-0760 Fax: (864) 486-0760 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Cupstid, H Griffin Md Carolina Family Physicians 1690 Skylyn Dr, Ste 210 Spartanburg, Sc 29307 (864) 216-4897 Fax: (864) 216-4898 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Dickerson, John G Md Foothills Family Medicine 2212 Old Furnace Rd Boiling Springs, Sc 29316 (864) 578-9735 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Durham, Melinda S Md Foothills Family Medicine 2212 Old Furnace Rd Boiling Springs, Sc 29316 (864) 578-9735 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 45 Spartanburg County Primary Care Physicians Sumter County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Gentry, Carla Md Community Health Systems 5229 Hwy 221 Spartanburg, Sc 29376 (864) 576-8193 Fax: (864) 576-8952 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Norton, Eric Md Community Health Systems 2995 Reidville Rd, Ste 260 Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 574-2866 Fax: (864) 574-1405 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Evans, Hilary J Md Piedmont Internal Medicine 2995 Reidville Rd, Ste 210 Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 587-1962 Fax: (864) 216-4898 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–6:00pm Gentry, Carla Md Mary Black Family Medicine Dorman 5229 Hwy 221 Roebuck, Sc 29376 (864) 576-8193 Fax: (864) 576-8952 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Stewart, Randall Md Community Health Systems 2995 Reidville Rd, Ste 260 Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 574-2866 Fax: (864) 574-1405 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Griffin, Laurie J Md Piedmont Internal Medicine 1690 Skylyn Dr, Ste 300 Spartanburg, Sc 29307 (864) 342-4000 Fax: (864) 515-9994 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Gonda, Frank E Md Foothills Family Medicine 2212 Old Furnace Rd Boiling Springs, Sc 29316 (864) 578-9735 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Hedden, J C Md Carolina Family Physicians 1690 Skylyn Dr, Ste 210 Spartanburg, Sc 29307 (864) 216-4897 Fax: (864) 216-4898 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Smith, Theodore R Md Carolina Family Physicians 1690 Skylyn Dr, Ste 210 Spartanburg, Sc 29307 (864) 216-4897 Fax: (864) 216-4898 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm General Practice Dickerson, John Md Community Health Systems 2212 Old Furnace Rd Boiling Springs, Sc 29316 (864) 578-9735 Fax: (864) 578-7098 Koroma, Donna Marie Md Community Health Systems 391 Glenn Springs Rd Pacolet, Sc 29372 (864) 474-3013 Fax: (864) 474-1501 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Internal Medicine Alvarez Martinez, Idsi D Md Piedmont Internal Medicine 1690 Skylyn Dr, Ste 300 Spartanburg, Sc 29307 (864) 342-4000 Fax: (864) 515-9994 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Arlauskas, Victoria A Md Piedmont Internal Medicine 1690 Skylyn Dr, Ste 300 Spartanburg, Sc 29307 (864) 342-4000 Fax: (864) 515-9994 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Bass, George L Md Piedmont Internal Medicine 1690 Skylyn Dr, Ste 300 Spartanburg, Sc 29307 (864) 342-4000 Fax: (864) 515-9994 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Cole, Jack M Md Piedmont Internal Medicine 2995 Reidville Rd, Ste 210 Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 587-1962 Fax: (864) 216-4898 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–6:00pm Evans, Hilary J Md Piedmont Internal Medicine 1690 Skylyn Dr, Ste 300 Spartanburg, Sc 29307 (864) 342-4000 Fax: (864) 515-9994 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Kovacs, Suzanne D Md Piedmont Internal Medicine 1690 Skylyn Dr, Ste 300 Spartanburg, Sc 29307 (864) 342-4000 Fax: (864) 515-9994 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Weaver, Paul D Md Piedmont Internal Medicine 1690 Skylyn Dr, Ste 300 Spartanburg, Sc 29307 (864) 342-4000 Fax: (864) 515-9994 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Weaver, Paul D Md Piedmont Internal Medicine 2995 Reidville Rd, Ste 310 Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 596-7424 Fax: (864) 515-9994 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Pediatrics Byrd, Sheri C Md Byrd Medical Associates LLC 7280c Reidville Rd Woodruff, Sc 29388 (864) 486-0760 Fax: (864) 486-0760 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Sumter County Family Practice Belinski, Jodi L Md Palmetto Family Practice LLC 115 N Sumter St, Ste 315 Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 934-0810 Fax: (803) 934-0809 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:30pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 46 Sumter County Primary Care Physicians IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Fleming Jr, John R Md Palmetto Family Practice LLC 115 N Sumter St, Ste 315 Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 934-0810 Fax: (803) 934-0809 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:30pm Grunsky, Mitchell R Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 215 W Hampton Ave Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Grunsky, Mitchell R Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 220 Broad St Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Sumter County Leonard, Jason M Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 325 Broad St, Ste 100 Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm; Sat, Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Judy, Carrie A Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 215 W Hampton Ave Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Judy, Carrie A Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 220 Broad St Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Leonard, Jason M Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 742 W Liberty St Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Judy, Carrie A Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 308 W Wesmark Blvd Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Long, William H Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 215 W Hampton Ave Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Grunsky, Mitchell R Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 308 W Wesmark Blvd Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Judy, Carrie A Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 325 Broad St, Ste 100 Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm; Sat, Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Long, William H Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 220 Broad St Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Grunsky, Mitchell R Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 325 Broad St, Ste 100 Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm; Sat, Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Judy, Carrie A Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 742 W Liberty St Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Long, William H Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 308 W Wesmark Blvd Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Leonard, Jason M Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 220 Broad St Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Long, William H Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 325 Broad St, Ste 100 Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm; Sat, Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Grunsky, Mitchell R Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 742 W Liberty St Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Ingram, James R Md Sumter Family Medicine 738 W Liberty St, Ste A Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 775-6374 Fax: (803) 773-6429 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Leonard, Jason M Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 308 W Wesmark Blvd Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Long, William H Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 742 W Liberty St Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 47 Sumter County Primary Care Physicians IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Sumter County Lowder, Clayton R Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 215 W Hampton Ave Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Lucas, Thomas L Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 308 W Wesmark Blvd Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Mahr, Christopher M Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 742 W Liberty St Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Lowder, Clayton R Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 220 Broad St Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Lucas, Thomas L Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 325 Broad St, Ste 100 Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm; Sat, Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Mizelle, Donna G Md Sumter Family Health Center 1278 N Lafayette Dr Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 774-4500 Fax: (803) 774-4641 Hours: Tue, Thu 8:00am–5:00pm Lucas, Thomas L Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 742 W Liberty St Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Mwamba, Theo N Md Cedars Medical Clinic 325 W Liberty St Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 774-7000 Fax: (803) 774-7004 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: French, Swahili Lowder, Clayton R Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 325 Broad St, Ste 100 Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm; Sat, Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Mahr, Christopher M Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 215 W Hampton Ave Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Neuner, Janice M Do Sumter Family Health Center 1278 N Lafayette Dr Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 774-4500 Fax: (803) 774-4641 Hours: Tue, Thu 8:00am–5:00pm Lowder, Clayton R Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 742 W Liberty St Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Mahr, Christopher M Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 220 Broad St Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Reese, Cynthia S Mdi Palmetto Family Practice LLC 115 N Sumter St, Ste 315 Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 934-0810 Fax: (803) 934-0809 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:30pm Lucas, Thomas L Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 215 W Hampton Ave Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Mahr, Christopher M Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 308 W Wesmark Blvd Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Lucas, Thomas L Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 220 Broad St Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Mahr, Christopher M Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 325 Broad St, Ste 100 Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm; Sat, Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Lowder, Clayton R Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 308 W Wesmark Blvd Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Soto, Carlos A Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 215 W Hampton Ave Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Soto, Carlos A Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 220 Broad St Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 48 Sumter County Primary Care Physicians Sumter County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Soto, Carlos A Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 308 W Wesmark Blvd Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Soto, Carlos A Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 325 Broad St, Ste 100 Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm; Sat, Sun 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Soto, Carlos A Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 742 W Liberty St Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Stewart, Ike C Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 215 W Hampton Ave Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Stewart, Ike C Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 220 Broad St Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Stewart, Ike C Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 308 W Wesmark Blvd Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Stewart, Ike C Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 325 Broad St, Ste 100 Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm; Sat, Sun 8:00am–5:00pm General Practice Stewart, Ike C Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 742 W Liberty St Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Wall Jr, Richard A Mdi Palmetto Family Practice LLC 115 N Sumter St, Ste 315 Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 934-0810 Fax: (803) 934-0809 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:30pm Whaley, David G Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 215 W Hampton Ave Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Brant, Russell V Md Sumter Family Health Center 1278 N Lafayette Dr Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 774-4500 Fax: (803) 774-4641 Hours: Tue, Thu 8:00am–5:00pm Okereke, Ugochukwu N Md Cedars Medical Clinic 325 W Liberty St Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 774-7000 Fax: (803) 774-7004 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Whaley, David G Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 308 W Wesmark Blvd Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Pediatrics Whaley, David G Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 325 Broad St, Ste 100 Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm; Sat, Sun 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Internal Medicine Okereke, Nene N Md Cedars Medical Clinic 325 W Liberty St Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 774-7000 Fax: (803) 774-7004 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Whaley, David G Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 220 Broad St Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Whaley, David G Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 742 W Liberty St Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Williams, Brenda C Md Excelsior Medical Clinic PA 448 N Main St Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 778-2429 Fax: (803) 773-6303 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Moses, Allison W Md Sumter Family Health Center 1278 N Lafayette Dr Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 774-4500 Fax: (803) 774-4641 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Rollins, Kristen H Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 215 W Hampton Ave Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Rollins, Kristen H Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 220 Broad St Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 49 Sumter County Rollins, Kristen H Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 308 W Wesmark Blvd Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Rollins, Kristen H Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 325 Broad St, Ste 100 Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm; Sat, Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Rollins, Kristen H Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 742 W Liberty St Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Rollins, Kristen H Md Colonial Pediatrics 742 W Liberty St Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Union County NC Family Practice Fite, Michael Q Md CMC Biddle Point 1801 Rozzelles Ferry Rd Charlotte, Nc 28112 (704) 446-9987 Fax: (704) 350-1113 Verrill, Matthew M Md Charlotte Medical Clinic 2700 Providence Rd S Waxhaw, Nc 28173 (704) 667-6750 Fax: (704) 667-6751 Union County Family Practice Keith, David M Md CHA Family Practice Associates 429 E Main St Union, Sc 29379 (864) 427-9045 Primary Care Physicians York County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Webb, Omri K Md CHA Family Medicine 801 W Main St Union, Sc 29379 (864) 429-8029 Ellis, Richard Md v Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 342 W Main St Kingstree, Sc 29556 (843) 355-3621 Fax: (843) 355-3624 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–2:00pm Wentz, Robert M Md CHA Family Practice Associates 429 E Main St Union, Sc 29379 (864) 427-9045 Mims, Albert D Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 342 W Main St Kingstree, Sc 29556 (843) 355-3621 Fax: (843) 355-3624 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–2:00pm Internal Medicine Yannetti, Robert A Md CHA Whitmire Internal Medicine 408 N Duncan Bypass, Ste L Union, Sc 29379 (864) 427-2401 Fax: (864) 427-7119 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Internal Medicine Livigni, Marie Do McLeod Internal Medicine Seacoast 3980 Highway 9 E, Ste 100b Little River, Sc 29556 (843) 390-5217 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Yirenkyi, Emmanuel A Md CHA Family Practice Associates 408 N Duncan Bypass, Ste L Union, Sc 29379 (864) 427-2401 Fax: (864) 427-7119 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Pediatrics Garma, Reynald B Md Black River Healthcare Manning Pediatrics 520 Thurgood Marshall Blvd, Ste B Kingstree, Sc 29556 (843) 355-5628 Fax: (843) 355-6072 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Yirenkyi, Emmanuel A Md CHA Whitmire Internal Medicine 408 N Duncan Bypass, Ste L Union, Sc 29379 (864) 427-2401 Fax: (864) 427-7119 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Hussey, Sandra M Md HopeHealth Inc 520 Thurgood Marshall Blvd, Ste B Kingstree, Sc 29556 (843) 355-5628 Fax: (843) 355-6072 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:30pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Williamsburg County Family Practice Allen, Raymond K Md Kingstree Family Medicine PA 512 Nelson Blvd, Ste 200 Kingstree, Sc 29556 (843) 355-5459 Fax: (843) 355-9704 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm York County Family Practice Atkinson, Ernest M Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 342 W Main St Kingstree, Sc 29556 (843) 355-3621 Fax: (843) 355-3624 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–2:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Anandpura, Parag S Mdi Shiland Family Medicine 2633 Celanese Rd Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 329-5131 Fax: (803) 366-6600 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 50 York County Primary Care Physicians York County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Barron, George T Mdi Shiland Family Medicine 2633 Celanese Rd Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 329-5131 Fax: (803) 366-6600 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm Pennington, Amanda M Mdi Shiland Family Medicine 704 Gold Hill Rd, Ste 107 Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (803) 835-0420 Fax: (704) 512-2231 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm Curran, Michael M Mdi Shiland Family Medicine 704 Gold Hill Rd, Ste 107 Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (803) 835-0420 Fax: (704) 512-2231 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm Pennington, Amanda M Mdi Shiland Family Medicine 2633 Celanese Rd Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 329-5131 Fax: (803) 366-6600 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm Curran, Michael M Mdi Shiland Family Medicine 2633 Celanese Rd Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 329-5131 Fax: (803) 366-6600 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm Pope, Brian O Mdi Shiland Family Medicine 704 Gold Hill Rd, Ste 107 Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (803) 835-0420 Fax: (704) 512-2231 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm Fulmer, Robert V Mdi Shiland Family Medicine 2633 Celanese Rd Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 329-5131 Fax: (803) 366-6600 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm Pope, Brian O Mdi Shiland Family Medicine 2633 Celanese Rd Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 329-5131 Fax: (803) 366-6600 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm Hatchell, Jeffrey F Mdi Shiland Family Medicine 704 Gold Hill Rd, Ste 107 Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (803) 835-0420 Fax: (704) 512-2231 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm Sick, Brandon R Mdi Shiland Family Medicine 2633 Celanese Rd Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 329-5131 Fax: (803) 366-6600 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm Hatchell, Jeffrey F Mdi Shiland Family Medicine 2633 Celanese Rd Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 329-5131 Fax: (803) 366-6600 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm Truesdale, Dorenda G Mdi Shiland Family Medicine 704 Gold Hill Rd, Ste 107 Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (803) 835-0420 Fax: (704) 512-2231 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm Jackson, William A Mdi Shiland Family Medicine 2633 Celanese Rd Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 329-5131 Fax: (803) 366-6600 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm Truesdale, Dorenda G Mdi Shiland Family Medicine 2633 Celanese Rd Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 329-5131 Fax: (803) 366-6600 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm Martin, Stephen R Mdi Shiland Family Medicine 2633 Celanese Rd Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 329-5131 Fax: (803) 366-6600 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm Ward, Joyce C Mdi Shiland Family Medicine 704 Gold Hill Rd, Ste 107 Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (803) 835-0420 Fax: (704) 512-2231 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Ward, Joyce C Mdi Shiland Family Medicine 2633 Celanese Rd Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 329-5131 Fax: (803) 366-6600 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm Pediatrics Ayodele, Ayotunde K Md York Pediatrics 1538 Health Care Dr Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 980-6610 Fax: (803) 980-6610 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 9:00am–6:00pm; Wed, Sat 9:00am–12:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Yoruba Bui, Hong T Mdi Palmetto Pediatrics 2450 India Hook Rd, Ste A Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 327-5772 Fax: (803) 327-9303 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Carr, Chpryelle Mdi Palmetto Pediatrics 2450 India Hook Rd, Ste A Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 327-5772 Fax: (803) 327-9303 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Copple, Hal E Mdi Palmetto Pediatrics 2450 India Hook Rd, Ste A Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 327-5772 Fax: (803) 327-9303 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Hansen, Douglas B Mdi Palmetto Pediatrics 2450 India Hook Rd, Ste A Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 327-5772 Fax: (803) 327-9303 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Patel, Rajeshkumar M Md Sunshine Pediatrics 724 Arden Ln, Ste 100 Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 980-7337 Fax: (803) 980-2229 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Wed 9:00am–1:00pm; Fri 9:00am–4:30pm; Sat 9:00am–12:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 51 York County Primary Care Physicians IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY York County Paxtor, Carlos G Mdi Sunshine Pediatrics 724 Arden Ln, Ste 100 Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 980-7337 Fax: (803) 980-2229 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Wed 9:00am–1:00pm; Fri 9:00am–4:30pm; Sat 9:00am–12:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Start, Susan J Md Rock Hill Pediatric Associates 704 Gold Hill Rd Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 52 Specialty Care Network Aiken County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Aiken County Allergy And Immunology Clark, Matthew T Md Covenant Family Allergy 616 Edgefield Rd, Ste 180 North Augusta, Sc 29841 (803) 279-7666 Fax: (803) 279-0708 Hours: Tue 9:00am–6:00pm; Wed, Thu, Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat 8:00am–12:00pm Internal Medicine Stahura, Douglas A Md Csra Renal Services 755 Medical Pk Dr Aiken, Sc 29801 (803) 648-0718 Fax: (803) 641-9143 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–1:00pm Nephrology Garg, Sindhu Md Csra Renal Services 755 Medical Pk Dr Aiken, Sc 29801 (803) 648-0718 Fax: (803) 641-9143 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–1:00pm Otolaryngology (ENT) McMenamin, Patrick G Md Gregory H Esselman Md 121 Aurora Pl, Ste B Aiken, Sc 29801 (803) 649-0003 Fax: (803) 649-0081 Anderson County Allergy And Immunology Liddle, Katherine J Md Allergy Partners Of Anderson 115 Edgebrook Dr Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 224-8883 Cardiovascular Disease General Surgery Jones, Paul R Md AnMed Health Carolina Cardiology 100 Healthy Way, Ste 1250 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 224-2465 Cook Jr, Peter A Md AnMed Health Surgical Consultants 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 2600 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 231-2773 Phillips, Scott A Md AnMed Health Carolina Cardiology 100 Healthy Way, Ste 1250 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 224-2465 Darido, Elias F Md AnMed Health Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 2600 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 231-2773 Fax: (864) 231-2780 Stoll, Brett C Md AnMed Health Carolina Cardiology 100 Healthy Way, Ste 1250 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 224-2465 Daws, Anthony W Md Dr Anthony Wayne Daws Md 107 Broadbent Way Anderson, Sc 29621 (706) 376-6000 Fax: (706) 376-6608 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Surabhi, Satish K Md AnMed Health Carolina Cardiology 100 Healthy Way, Ste 1250 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 224-2465 √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Hunt, John R Md AnMed Health Surgical Consultants 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 2600 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 231-2773 Ware, John D Md AnMed Health John D Ware III Md 105 Buford Ave Anderson, Sc 29621 (803) 375-9090 Infectious Disease Wendt, John R Md AnMed Health Carolina Cardiology 100 Healthy Way, Ste 1250 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 224-2465 Potts, David W Md AnMed Health Infectious Disease PA 414 N Fant St Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 512-3879 Fax: (864) 512-3848 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Dermatology Deangelis, Richard J Md Skin Cancer Center PA 1409 N Fant St Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 231-8599 Fax: (864) 231-8073 Hours: Mon, Tue, Wed 8:00am–4:00pm; Thu 8:00am–3:30pm Gastroenterology Sheikh, Shahzad H Md AnMed Health Gastroenterology Specialists 118 Montgomery Dr Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 224-1692 Champ, Jerry D Md AnMed Health Carolina Cardiology 100 Healthy Way, Ste 1250 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 224-2465 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Anderson County Internal Medicine Potts, Donna M Md AnMed Health Infectious Disease PA 414 N Fant St Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 512-3879 Fax: (864) 512-3848 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Nephrology Din, Zia U Md Nephrology & Internal Medicine Of Anderson PA 779 Senate Pkwy Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 224-8716 Fax: (864) 226-2287 √ Languages Spoken: Urdu Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 53 Anderson County Specialty Care Network Anderson County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Joseph, Anthony B Md Nephrology & Internal Medicine Of Anderson PA 779 Senate Pkwy Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 224-8716 Fax: (864) 226-2287 Shakeel, Muhammad K Md Nephrology & Internal Medicine Of Anderson PA 779 Senate Pkwy Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 224-8716 Fax: (864) 226-2287 √ Languages Spoken: Urdu Neurology Bashir, Sairah Md AnMed Health Neurology Consultants 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 2800 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 226-7636 Brill, Paul A Md AnMed Health Neurology Consultants 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 2800 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 226-7636 Hossain, Kashfia D Md AnMed Health Psychiatry 400 N Fant St, Ste D Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 226-1166 Fax: (864) 226-5647 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Jordan, Arthur E Md AnMed Health Neurology Consultants 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 2800 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 226-7636 McElwee, Joseph M Md AnMed Health Family Medicine Center 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 3700 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 512-1475 Fax: (864) 512-1930 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Patel, Kumar R Md AnMed Health Neurology Consultants 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 2800 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 226-7636 Patterson, Patti J Md AnMed Health Neurology Consultants 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 2800 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 226-7636 Zarrouf, Fahd A Md AnMed Health Sleep Diagnostics 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 1200 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 512-4900 Orthopedic Surgery Deholl, John D Md AnMed Health Anderson Bone And Joint 112 Montgomery Dr Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 276-0056 Divina, Darius A Do AnMed Health Community Orthopaedics 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 2550 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 716-6140 Fax: (864) 716-6149 Wilson, Jessie R Md AnMed Health Anderson Bone And Joint 112 Montgomery Dr Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 276-0056 Otolaryngology (ENT) Riester, Jane W Md AnMed Health Medicus Ent 1655 E Greenville St Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 716-7750 Fax: (864) 716-7769 Salley Jr, Lawton H Md AnMed Health Medicus Ent 1655 E Greenville St Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 716-7750 Fax: (864) 716-7769 Plastic Surgery Moody, Felice P Md AnMed Health Plastic Surgery 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 2300 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 224-1232 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Pulmonary Medicine Hand, Stephen H Md AnMed Health Pulmonary And Sleep Medicine 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 1100 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 225-5667 Malik, Syed W Md AnMed Health Pulmonary And Sleep Medicine 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 1100 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 225-5667 Mohan, Gowdhami Md AnMed Health Pulmonary And Sleep Medicine 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 1100 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 225-5667 Thompson, Charles A Md AnMed Health Pulmonary And Sleep Medicine 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 1100 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 225-5667 Walker, William W Md AnMed Health Pulmonary And Sleep Medicine 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 1100 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 225-5667 Zaffouf, Fahd A Md AnMed Health Pulmonary And Sleep Medicine 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 1100 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 225-5667 Thoracic Surgery Kabas, John S Md AnMed Health Cardiothoracic Surgery 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 3100 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 225-5131 Fax: (864) 225-2592 Urology Despradel, Vidal M Md AnMed Health Urology 2000 E Greenville, Ste 2900 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 716-6100 Fax: (864) 716-6120 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 54 Anderson County Hinnant, Charles W Md Anderson Urology Associates PA 112 Essex Dr Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 226-6131 Fax: (864) 226-6132 Seiler, Raymond K Md AnMed Health Urology 2000 E Greenville, Ste 2900 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 716-6100 Fax: (864) 716-6120 Vascular Surgery George, Matthew S Md AnMed Health Vascular Medicine 703 N Fant St Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 225-8671 Knoepp, Louis F Md AnMed Health Vascular Medicine 703 N Fant St Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 225-8671 Thomas, Jennifer Md AnMed Health Vascular Medicine 703 N Fant St Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 225-8671 Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Nephrology Cardiovascular Disease Moustafa, Moustafa A Md South Carolina Nephrology & Hypertension Center 2046 Main Hwy Bamberg, Sc 29003 (803) 245-5505 Fax: (803) 245-9390 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm McElveen, Frederick J Md F Marion Dwight Md PA 450 North St Bamberg, Sc 29003 (803) 245-5168 Fax: (803) 245-6275 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm Family Practice Dwight, F Marion Md F Marion Dwight Md PA 450 North St Bamberg, Sc 29003 (803) 245-5168 Fax: (803) 245-6275 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm Harshman, David M Md Beaufort Cardiology 989 Ribaut Rd, Ste 300 Beaufort, Sc 29902 (843) 522-7110 Fax: (843) 322-1944 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Gastroenterology Barnwell County General Surgery Gilbreath, Michael J Md Hilton Head Gastroenterology PA 35 Bill Fries Dr Hilton Head Island, Sc 29926 (843) 681-6668 Fax: (843) 681-3295 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–4:30pm Khan, M O Md Mr M O Khan Md 55 Irving St Barnwell, Sc 29812 (803) 259-5150 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Internal Medicine Waraich, Afsar M Md Palmetto Gastroenterology And Hepatology 85 Wren St Barnwell, Sc 29812 (803) 541-4702 Fax: (803) 259-7733 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–4:30pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Nephrology Bamberg County Dermatology Beaufort County Garg, Sindhu Md Csra Renal Services 10708 Marlboro Ave Barnwell, Sc 29812 (803) 648-0718 Fax: (803) 641-9143 Hours: Tue 10:0am–4:00pm Gwozdz, Glenn P Md Hilton Head Gastroenterology PA 35 Bill Fries Dr Hilton Head Island, Sc 29926 (843) 681-6668 Fax: (843) 681-3295 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–4:30pm Ingegno, Joel M Md Beaufort Memorial Hospital 1716 Ribaut Rd Port Royal, Sc 29935 (843) 522-7890 Fax: (843) 522-7889 Hours: Tue, Wed, Thu 8:00am–4:30pm Kearney, Kevin Md Beaufort Memorial Hospital 11 Arley Wy, Ste 201 Bluffton, Sc 29910 (843) 707-8802 Fax: (843) 706-5066 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Beaufort County Allergy And Immunology Beller, Thomas C Md Allergy And Asthma Center Of Hilton Head 60 Main St, Ste D Hilton Head, Sc 29926 (843) 208-6442 Fax: (843) 689-6158 Hours: Mon 10:00am–6:30pm; Fri 8:00am– 12:00pm Kearney, Kevin Md Beaufort Memorial Hospitalcenter For Digestives Services 1716 Ribaut Rd Port Royal, Sc 29935 (843) 522-7890 Fax: (843) 522-7889 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–4:30pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish General Surgery Pearce, Holton T Md Beaufort Memorial Surgical Specialists 1055 Ribaut Rd, Ste 30 Beaufort, Sc 29902 (843) 522-7870 Fax: (843) 525-6613 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 55 Beaufort County Sisco, Stephen R Md Beaufort Memorial Hospital 1055 Ribaut Rd, Ste 30 Beaufort, Sc 29902 (843) 522-7870 Fax: (843) 525-6613 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Wise, Ronald S Md Beaufort Memorial Surgical Specialists 1055 Ribaut Rd, Ste 30 Beaufort, Sc 29902 (843) 522-7870 Fax: (843) 525-6613 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Gynecology Davis Tolbert, Ardra R Md Hilton Head Regional Ob Gyn Partners 1264 Ribaut Rd Beaufort, Sc 29902 (843) 524-5455 Fax: (843) 524-5655 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Davis Tolbert, Ardra R Md Hilton Head Regional Ob Gyn Partners 13 Marshellen Dr Beaufort, Sc 29902 (843) 521-0377 Fax: (843) 521-0377 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Davis Tolbert, Ardra R Md Hilton Head Regional Ob Gyn Partners 1 Burnt Church Rd Bluffton, Sc 29910 (843) 705-8920 Fax: (843) 757-9239 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Davis Tolbert, Ardra R Md Hilton Head Regional Ob Gyn Partners 75 Baylor Dr, Ste 200 Bluffton, Sc 29910 (843) 705-8920 Fax: (643) 757-9239 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Infectious Disease Parks, Amanda L Md Lowcountry Infectious Diseases 8 Okatie Center Blvd S, Ste 101 Okatie, Sc 29909 (843) 402-0227 Fax: (843) 402-0232 Hours: Wed 12:30pm–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Specialty Care Network Berkeley County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Pediatrics Stock, Kent J Md Lowcountry Infectious Diseases 300 Midtown Dr Beaufort, Sc 29906 (843) 402-0227 Fax: (843) 402-0232 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Polkey, Faith L Md Beaufort Jasper Comprehensive Health Services 1320 S Ribaut Rd Port Royal, Sc 29935 (843) 986-0900 Fax: (843) 986-0566 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Neurology Bettle, Norman Md Coastal Neurology PA 1833 N Paris Ave Port Royal, Sc 29935 (843) 522-1420 Berkeley County Allergy And Immunology Gerber, Patricia S Md National Allergy Asthma & Urticaria Ctr Of Charleston PA 401 N Live Oak Dr Moncks Corner, Sc 29461 (843) 820-1302 Fax: (843) 820-1300 Mazzeo, Paul Md Coastal Neurology PA 1833 N Paris Ave Port Royal, Sc 29935 (843) 522-1420 Orthopedic Surgery Amlicke, James A Md Beaufort Memorial Orthopaedic Specialists 300 Midtown Dr Beaufort, Sc 29906 (843) 522-7104 Fax: (843) 322-3234 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–4:30pm Jones, Howell K Md Lowcountry Bone & Joint Surgery PA 1251 B Ribaut Rd Beaufort, Sc 29902 (843) 524-3015 Fax: (843) 524-3020 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–4:30pm Tobin, Joseph P Md Tobin Bone And Joint Surgery Inc 12 Lafayette Pl, Ste A Hilton Head Island, Sc 29926 (843) 342-9100 Fax: (843) 342-9101 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Otolaryngology (ENT) Brown, Kenneth A Md Beaufort Ent And Allergy LLC 1231 Ribaut Rd Beaufort, Sc 29902 (843) 525-6622 Fax: (843) 522-8243 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Murphy, Thomas R Md National Allergy Asthma & Urticaria Ctr Of Charleston PA 401 N Live Oak Dr Moncks Corner, Sc 29461 (843) 820-1302 Fax: (843) 820-1300 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Rupp, Ned T Md National Allergy Asthma & Urticaria Ctr Of Charleston PA 401 N Live Oak Dr Moncks Corner, Sc 29461 (843) 820-1302 Fax: (843) 820-1300 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Cardiovascular Disease Coker, Mark A Md Trident Cardiology Associates 3601 Ladson Rd, Ste 100 Ladson, Sc 29456 (843) 285-2500 Fax: (843) 285-2505 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Kennedy, Chris L Md Trident Cardiology Associates 3601 Ladson Rd, Ste 100 Ladson, Sc 29456 (843) 285-2500 Fax: (843) 285-2505 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 56 Berkeley County McCarty, Christopher P Md Trident Cardiology Associates 3601 Ladson Rd, Ste 100 Ladson, Sc 29456 (843) 285-2500 Fax: (843) 285-2505 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Gastroenterology Bohler, John D Md Coastal Gastroenterology & Hepatology 149 St James Ave Goose Creek, Sc 29445 (843) 556-1285 Fax: (843) 556-5128 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Bohler, John D Md Coastal Gastroenterology & Hepatology 2061 Hwy 52 Moncks Corner, Sc 29461 (843) 725-8550 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Bohler, John D Md Coastal Gastroenterology & Hepatology 730 Stony Landing Rd Moncks Corner, Sc 29461 (800) 984-8797 Fax: (843) 889-7723 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Brener, William Md Charleston Gastroenterology Specialists 149 St James Ave Goose Creek, Sc 29445 (843) 553-5050 Fax: (843) 824-6119 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Corless, John K Md Charleston Gastroenterology Specialists 149 St James Ave Goose Creek, Sc 29445 (843) 553-5050 Fax: (843) 824-6119 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Domm, Aaron B Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 115 Executive Parkway Moncks Corner, Sc 29461 (843) 761-2815 Fax: (843) 899-4723 Hours: Fri 12:30pm–4:30pm Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Hadzijahic, Neven Md Charleston Gastroenterology Specialists 149 St James Ave Goose Creek, Sc 29445 (843) 553-5050 Fax: (843) 824-6119 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Irions Jr, Eddie L Md Charleston Gastroenterology Specialists 149 St James Ave Goose Creek, Sc 29445 (843) 553-5050 Fax: (843) 824-6119 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Royall, Lee M Md Charleston Gastroenterology Specialists 149 St James Ave Goose Creek, Sc 29445 (843) 553-5050 Fax: (843) 824-6119 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish General Surgery Fitts, Robert W Md Surgical Associates Of Charleston 730 Stoney Landing Rd Ste 200 Moncks Corner, Sc 29461 843 723642 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Nephrology Emovon, Osemwegie E Md Carolina Kidney And Hypertension Center LLC 730 Stoney Landing Rd, Ste 100 Moncks Corner, Sc 29461 (843) 573-0499 Fax: (843) 388-6292 Hours: Thu 9:00am–5:00pm Plyler, John W Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 7 South Alliance Dr, Ste 202a Goose Creek, Sc 29445 (843) 971-4733 Fax: (843) 760-3760 Hours: Mon–Fri 7:30am–3:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Plyler, John W Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 115 Executive Parkway Moncks Corner, Sc 29461 (843) 761-2815 Fax: (843) 899-4723 Hours: Fri 12:30pm–4:30pm Brunswick County NC Cardiovascular Disease Barber, Christopher C Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 20 Medical Campus Dr Supply, Nc 28462 (910) 754-5453 Fax: (910) 754-5426 Buchanan, William P Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 20 Medical Campus Dr Supply, Nc 28462 (910) 754-5453 Fax: (910) 754-5426 Calhoun, Linda P Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 20 Medical Campus Dr Supply, Nc 28462 (910) 754-5453 Fax: (910) 754-5426 Morrison, Edward C Md Coastal Surgical Vascular And Vein Specialists 2061 Hwy 52 Moncks Corner, Sc 29461 (843) 577-4551 Fax: (843) 577-2227 Hours: Wed 9:00am–12:00pm Neurology Brunswick County NC Ellis, Patrick M Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 20 Medical Campus Dr Supply, Nc 28462 (910) 754-5453 Fax: (910) 754-5426 Forrester, James S Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 20 Medical Campus Dr Supply, Nc 28462 (910) 754-5453 Fax: (910) 754-5426 Harper, James R Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 20 Medical Campus Dr Supply, Nc 28462 (910) 754-5453 Fax: (910) 754-5426 Hobart, Frank A Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 20 Medical Campus Dr Supply, Nc 28462 (910) 754-5453 Fax: (910) 754-5426 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 57 Brunswick County NC Lewis, William L Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 20 Medical Campus Dr Supply, Nc 28462 (910) 754-5453 Fax: (910) 754-5426 Murphy, Mark T Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 20 Medical Campus Dr Supply, Nc 28462 (910) 754-5453 Fax: (910) 754-5426 Patel, Hemantkumar M Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 20 Medical Campus Dr Supply, Nc 28462 (910) 754-5453 Fax: (910) 754-5426 Patel, Praful N Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 20 Medical Campus Dr Supply, Nc 28462 (910) 754-5453 Fax: (910) 754-5426 Smith, William T Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 20 Medical Campus Dr Supply, Nc 28462 (910) 754-5453 Fax: (910) 754-5426 Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Kotz, Kenneth W Md Cape Fear Cancer Specialists 509 Olde Waterford Wy Leland, Nc 28451 (910) 763-5182 Fax: (910) 763-0291 Cypcar, David M Md Allergy Partners Of Western North Carolina 14 McDowell St Asheville, Nc 28801 (828) 254-5366 Fax: (828) 254-9925 Elliston, Winston L Md Allergy Partners Of Western North Carolina 14 McDowell St Asheville, Nc 28801 (828) 254-5366 Fax: (828) 254-9925 Medical Oncology Arb, Birgit A Md Cape Fear Cancer Specialists 509 Olde Waterford Wy Leland, Nc 28451 (910) 763-5182 Fax: (910) 763-0291 Jenkins, Henry A Md Allergy Partners Of Western North Carolina 600 Julian Lane, Ste 620 Arden, Nc 28704 (828) 687-8221 Fax: (828) 253-0069 McNulty, William Md Cape Fear Cancer Specialists 509 Olde Waterford Wy Leland, Nc 28451 (910) 763-5182 Fax: (910) 763-0291 Jenkins, Henry A Md Allergy Partners Of Western North Carolina 14 McDowell St Asheville, Nc 28801 (828) 254-5366 Fax: (828) 254-9925 Testori, Douglas J Md Cape Fear Cancer Specialists 509 Olde Waterford Wy Leland, Nc 28451 (910) 763-5182 Fax: (910) 763-0291 Buncombe County NC Allergy And Immunology Weaver, David E Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 20 Medical Campus Dr Supply, Nc 28462 (910) 754-5453 Fax: (910) 754-5426 Atwater, John S Md Allergy Partners Of Western North Carolina 14 McDowell St Asheville, Nc 28801 (828) 254-5366 Fax: (828) 254-9925 Winslow, Timothy M Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 20 Medical Campus Dr Supply, Nc 28462 (910) 754-5453 Fax: (910) 754-5426 Brown, David A Md Allergy Partners Of Western North Carolina 14 McDowell St Asheville, Nc 28801 (828) 254-5366 Fax: (828) 254-9925 Hematology Anagnost, John W Md Cape Fear Cancer Specialists 509 Olde Waterford Wy Leland, Nc 28451 (910) 763-5182 Fax: (910) 763-0291 Copenhaver, Christopher C Md Allergy Partners Of Western North Carolina 14 McDowell St Asheville, Nc 28801 (828) 254-5366 Fax: (828) 254-9925 Cross, Michael T Md Allergy Partners Of Western North Carolina 14 McDowell St Asheville, Nc 28801 (828) 254-5366 Fax: (828) 254-9925 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Cabarrus County NC Van Wye, John E Md Allergy Partners Of Western North Carolina 14 McDowell St Asheville, Nc 28801 (828) 254-5366 Fax: (828) 254-9925 Burke County NC Cardiovascular Disease Bracken, Anthony W Md The Sanger Clinic 2209 S Sterling St Morganton, Nc 28655 (704) 444-4244 Fax: (704) 347-5261 Cabarrus County NC Cardiovascular Disease Binder, Andrew J Md Sanger Heart And Vascular Institute 706 W Kings St Kings Mountain, Nc 28025 (980) 487-5510 Fax: (980) 487-5515 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 58 Cabarrus County NC Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Cabarrus County NC Boyette, Douglas R Md Sanger Heart And Vascular Institute 706 W Kings St Kings Mountain, Nc 28025 (980) 487-5510 Fax: (980) 487-5515 Shah, Sanjeev P Md The Sanger Clinic 441 McAlister Rd Lincolnton, Nc 28025 (980) 212-6300 Fax: (980) 212-6374 Armistead, Hal W Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Frank, Theodore A Md Heart Success Clinic 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28204 (704) 403-9177 Fax: (704) 403-9178 Sugarman, Daniel I Md The Sanger Clinic 441 McAlister Rd Lincolnton, Nc 28025 (980) 212-6300 Fax: (980) 212-6374 Benton, Cammy R Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Frank, Theodore A Md The Sanger Clinic 441 McAlister Rd Lincolnton, Nc 28025 (980) 212-6300 Fax: (980) 212-6374 Symanski, John D Md The Sanger Clinic 441 McAlister Rd Lincolnton, Nc 28025 (980) 212-6300 Fax: (980) 212-6374 Gulati, Sanjeev K Md The Sanger Clinic 441 McAlister Rd Lincolnton, Nc 28025 (980) 212-6300 Fax: (980) 212-6374 Thomley, Alan M Md Heart Success Clinic 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28204 (704) 403-9177 Fax: (704) 403-9178 Koehler, Daniel N Md The Sanger Clinic 441 McAlister Rd Lincolnton, Nc 28025 (980) 212-6300 Fax: (980) 212-6374 Thomley, Alan M Md The Sanger Clinic 441 McAlister Rd Lincolnton, Nc 28025 (980) 212-6300 Fax: (980) 212-6374 Kowalchuk, Glen J Md The Sanger Clinic 441 McAlister Rd Lincolnton, Nc 28025 (980) 212-6300 Fax: (980) 212-6374 Liu, Huajun Md Sanger Heart And Vascular Institute 706 W Kings St Kings Mountain, Nc 28025 (980) 487-5510 Fax: (980) 487-5515 √ Languages Spoken: Chinese Seen, Nelson D Md Sanger Heart And Vascular Institute 706 W Kings St Kings Mountain, Nc 28025 (980) 487-5510 Fax: (980) 487-5515 Family Practice Adkins III, Samuel B Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28025 (704) 863-4878 Fax: (704) 512-6891 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Almeyda Ruiz, Rebecca Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Anquilo, Louie A Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Bowen, Meredith D Md Midland Family Medicine 12925 Hwy 601 S Midland, Nc 28107 (704) 888-3702 Fax: (704) 888-4192 Childs, Thomas R Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Colmenares, Gustavo A Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Cuciniello, Jodi N Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Drimalla, Richard B Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Finckrothman, Denise R Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 59 Cabarrus County NC Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Cabarrus County NC Griggs, James P Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Kerecman, Richard Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Mohindroo, Krishan K Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Hallbaker, Everlyn L Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Konen, Joseph C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Mokari, Babak Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Harris, Rachel M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Kramer, Peter G Md Nhrmc Urgent Care 1135 Military Cutoff Rd Wilmington, Nc 28025 (910) 256-6222 Fax: (910) 256-0011 Persaud, Dennis S Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Hilderbrand, Hartwell Z Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Kreisman, Steven Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Price, Gregory M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Lorenzo, Emily E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Reddy, Madhavi G Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Love, Pamela D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Richards, Michael D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hillman, Jason P Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Jones, Karen D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Kaldy, Patricia M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Kelly, Daniel L Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Manos, Heather M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 McCutchen, Jeffrey R Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Roberson, Lewis H Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Sailer, Kaaren S Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 60 Cabarrus County NC Savitsky, Ivan Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Shraga, Jonathan A Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Simmons, Benjamin F Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Suggs, Theodore F Md Harrisburg Family Physicians 12170 University City Blvd Harrisburg, Nc 28075 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Sykes, Paul W Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Verma, Anuradha Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Walker, Brian A Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Washington, Edward M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY White, Lena K Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Withrow, Jerry W Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Gastroenterology Brann, Oscar S Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 15110 John J Delaney Dr Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 302-8100 Fax: (704) 302-8101 √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Pacicco, Thomas Md Charlotte Medical Clinic 10650 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28025 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Pacicco, Thomas Md Charlotte Medical Clinic 10650 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28025 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 General Surgery Cabarrus County NC Duggal, Mahesh K Md Ardsley Internal Medicine 5427 Highway 49 S Harrisburg, Nc 28075 (704) 454-7360 Fax: (704) 454-7377 Hematology Burgess, Earle F Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 15110 John J Delaney Dr Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 302-8100 Fax: (704) 302-8101 Internal Medicine Amin, Ketan B Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Bellanfonte, Lisa N Md Medical Associates Of Fort Mill 704 Gold Hill Rd Concord, Nc 28025 (803) 802-5181 Fax: (803) 802-5114 Bendezu II, Luis A Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 15110 John J Delaney Dr Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 302-8100 Fax: (704) 302-8101 √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Flippo Morton, Teresa L Md University Independent Physicians 8800 North Tryon St Charlotte, Nc 28025 (704) 512-7562 Bianchi, Kerry R Md Kannapolis Internal Medicine 559 Jackson Park Rd Kannapolis, Nc 28083 (704) 932-1155 Fax: (704) 932-3500 Rhee, Harrison K Md Fac Urology 1085 NE Gateway Ct Ne, Ste 180 Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 707-2200 Briones, Kerry P Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 15110 John J Delaney Dr Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 302-8100 Fax: (704) 302-8101 Geriatrics Duggal, Mahesh K Md Ardsley Internal Medicine 1085 NE Gateway Court Ne, Ste 200 Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-8650 Fax: (704) 403-8655 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Eckert, Lynn B Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 15110 John J Delaney Dr Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 302-8100 Fax: (704) 302-8101 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 61 Cabarrus County NC Kornegay, Jeffrey T Md Nhrmc Urgent Care 1135 Military Cutoff Rd Wilmington, Nc 28025 (910) 256-6222 Fax: (910) 256-0011 √ Languages Spoken: Egyptian Shah, Ketan D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Singh, P Md Carolinas Hospitalist Group 920 Church St N Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-1331 Fax: (704) 403-2533 Sokany, Nancy M Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 15110 John J Delaney Dr Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 302-8100 Fax: (704) 302-8101 Thomas III, Harold D Md Kannapolis Internal Medicine 559 Jackson Park Rd Kannapolis, Nc 28083 (704) 932-1155 Fax: (704) 932-3500 Vaden, Tracela C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Maternal & Fetal Medicine Stephenson, Courtney D Do CMC Womens Institute 200 Medical Park Dr Concord, Nc 28207 (704) 403-4189 Fax: (704) 403-4132 Stubbs, Thomas M Md CMC Womens Institute 200 Medical Park Dr Concord, Nc 28207 (704) 403-4189 Fax: (704) 403-4132 Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Neurology Palikh, Gaurang M Md Neurology Center Of Shelby 202 E Grover St Shelby, Nc 28025 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Orthopedic Surgery Freidinger, Brad A Md Piedmont Orthopedic Specialists 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28401 (704) 403-7020 Fax: (704) 403-7039 Pediatrics Branner, Christopher M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Bryant Jr, William F Md Charlotte Pediatric Clinic 13640 Steelecroft Pkwy Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 512-6100 Fax: (704) 587-7601 Bryant Jr, William F Md Charlotte Pediatric Clinic 332 N Trade St Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 512-6820 Fax: (704) 512-6821 Bryant Jr, William F Md Charlotte Pediatric Clinic 6235 Blakeney Park Dr Kannapolis, Nc 28081 (704) 512-5060 Fax: (704) 512-5079 Kendrick, Alfred E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Moran, Amanda L Md Charlotte Pediatric Clinic 332 N Trade St Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 512-6820 Fax: (704) 512-6821 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Cabarrus County NC Moran, Amanda L Md Charlotte Pediatric Clinic 4501 Cameron Valley Pkwy Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 367-7400 Fax: (704) 367-7555 Moran, Amanda L Md Charlotte Pediatric Clinic 6235 Blakeney Park Dr Kannapolis, Nc 28081 (704) 512-5060 Fax: (704) 512-5079 Rea, Janice L Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Seal, Anna C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 Shaffner, Susan C Md Charlotte Pediatric Clinic 332 N Trade St Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 512-6820 Fax: (704) 512-6821 Shaffner, Susan C Md Charlotte Pediatric Clinic 4501 Cameron Valley Pkwy Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 367-7400 Fax: (704) 367-7555 Shaffner, Susan C Md Charlotte Pediatric Clinic 6235 Blakeney Park Dr Kannapolis, Nc 28081 (704) 512-5060 Fax: (704) 512-5079 Silver, Robert A Md Carolina Pediatric Gastroenterology 100 Medical Park Dr Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-2660 Fax: (704) 403-2670 Smoak, Charles K Md Charlotte Pediatric Clinic 13640 Steelecroft Pkwy Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 512-6100 Fax: (704) 587-7601 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 62 Cabarrus County NC Specialty Care Network Smoak, Charles K Md Charlotte Pediatric Clinic 332 N Trade St Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 512-6820 Fax: (704) 512-6821 Jackson, Thomas R Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28025 (704) 863-4878 Fax: (704) 512-6891 Smoak, Charles K Md Charlotte Pediatric Clinic 4501 Cameron Valley Pkwy Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 367-7400 Fax: (704) 367-7555 Tassone, Judi L Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28025 (704) 863-4878 Fax: (704) 512-6891 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Temple, Anamaria M Md Charlotte Pediatric Clinic 6235 Blakeney Park Dr Kannapolis, Nc 28081 (704) 512-5060 Fax: (704) 512-5079 Van Voorhis, Kerry T Md Charlotte Pediatric Clinic 4501 Cameron Valley Pkwy Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 367-7400 Fax: (704) 367-7555 Pulmonary Medicine Kistler, Cara R Md Charlotte Medical Clinic 10650 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28025 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Lindblom, Scott S Md Charlotte Medical Clinic 10650 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28025 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Aggarwal, Puneet Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28025 (704) 863-4878 Fax: (704) 512-6891 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Strawhun, Kristin L Md Charlotte Medical Clinic 10650 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28025 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Agner, David M Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28025 (704) 863-4878 Fax: (704) 512-6891 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Bockenek, William L Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28025 (704) 863-4878 Fax: (704) 512-6891 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Boncimino, Kathleen F Md Cmg Rehabilitation Associates 487 Lake Concord Rd NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-0300 Fax: (704) 403-0301 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Catawba County NC IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Sports Medicine Lorch IV, Frank E Md Cmg Rehabilitation Associates 487 Lake Concord Rd NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-0300 Fax: (704) 403-0301 Lorch IV, Frank E Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 5651 Poplar Tent Rd Concord, Nc 28027 (704) 863-4878 Urology Schneider, Robert E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1090 NE Gateway Court NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-9050 Fax: (704) 403-9051 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Caldwell County NC Pediatric Cardiology Bengur, Resai R Md The Sanger Clinic 3431 Morganton Blvd SW Lenoir, Nc 28645 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Bensky, Andrew S Md The Sanger Clinic 3431 Morganton Blvd SW Lenoir, Nc 28645 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Catawba County NC Family Practice Adkins III, Samuel B Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28602 (704) 863-4878 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Neurology Livingston, Timothy S Md Carolinas Pediatric Neurology Care 1781 Tate Blvd SE Hickory, Nc 28602 (704) 446-1900 Fax: (704) 446-6255 Todd, Jason W Md Carolinas Sleep Services 5641 Poplar Tent Rd Concord, Nc 28602 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Tsang, Connie C Md Carolinas Sleep Services 5641 Poplar Tent Rd Concord, Nc 28602 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Aggarwal, Puneet Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28602 (704) 863-4878 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 63 Catawba County NC Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Agner, David M Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28602 (704) 863-4878 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Dantzler, Brian S Md Allergy Partners Of Charleston 46a Markfield Dr Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 556-7048 Bockenek, William L Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28602 (704) 863-4878 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Davidson, Andrew E Md Allergy & Asthma Consultants 2270 Ashley Crossing Dr, Ste 150 Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 556-9588 Fax: (843) 556-6855 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–4:30pm Jackson, Thomas R Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28602 (704) 863-4878 Tassone, Judi L Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28602 (704) 863-4878 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Pulmonary Medicine Lindblom, Scott S Md Carolinas Sleep Services 5641 Poplar Tent Rd Concord, Nc 28602 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Charleston County Allergy And Immunology Ball, Bruce D Md Allergy & Asthma Consultants 2270 Ashley Crossing Dr, Ste 150 Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 556-9588 Fax: (843) 556-6855 Hours: Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 9:00am–4:30pm; Thu 9:00am–6:00pm Ball, Bruce D Md Allergy & Asthma Consultants 180 Wingo Way, Ste 102 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 881-2030 Fax: (843) 881-6249 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Tue 9:00am–6:00pm; Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Harper III, Thomas B Md Allergy & Asthma Consultants 180 Wingo Way, Ste 102 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 881-2030 Fax: (843) 881-6249 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Tue 9:00am–6:00pm; Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Majeski, Elizabeth Md Allergy Partners Of Charleston 46a Markfield Dr Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 556-7048 Dietrich, Jeffrey J Md Allergy & Asthma Consultants 2270 Ashley Crossing Dr, Ste 150 Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 556-9588 Fax: (843) 556-6855 Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am–4:30pm Dietrich, Jeffrey J Md Allergy & Asthma Consultants 180 Wingo Way, Ste 102 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 881-2030 Fax: (843) 881-6249 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Tue 9:00am–6:00pm; Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Gerber, Patricia S Md National Allergy Asthma & Urticaria Ctr Of Charleston PA 1879 Savage Rd Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 820-1302 Fax: (843) 820-1300 Gerber, Patricia S Md National Allergy Asthma & Urticaria Ctr Of Charleston PA 9165 University Blvd Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 820-1302 Fax: (843) 820-1300 Gerber, Patricia S Md National Allergy Asthma & Urticaria Ctr Of Charleston PA 900 Bowman Dr, Ste 201 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 820-1302 Fax: (843) 820-1300 Harper III, Thomas B Md Allergy & Asthma Consultants 2270 Ashley Crossing Dr, Ste 150 Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 556-9588 Fax: (843) 556-6855 Hours: Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 9:00am–4:30pm; Thu 9:00am–6:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Charleston County Murphy, Thomas R Md National Allergy Asthma & Urticaria Ctr Of Charleston PA 1879 Savage Rd Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 820-1302 Fax: (843) 820-1300 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Murphy, Thomas R Md National Allergy Asthma & Urticaria Ctr Of Charleston PA 9165 University Blvd Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 820-1302 Fax: (843) 820-1300 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Murphy, Thomas R Md National Allergy Asthma & Urticaria Ctr Of Charleston PA 900 Bowman Dr, Ste 201 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 820-1302 Fax: (843) 820-1300 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Ramey, John T Md National Allergy Asthma & Urticaria Ctr Of Charleston PA 9165 University Blvd Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 820-1302 Fax: (843) 820-1300 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Rupp, Ned T Md National Allergy Asthma & Urticaria Ctr Of Charleston PA 1879 Savage Rd Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 820-1302 Fax: (843) 820-1300 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 64 Charleston County Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Rupp, Ned T Md National Allergy Asthma & Urticaria Ctr Of Charleston PA 9165 University Blvd Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 820-1302 Fax: (843) 820-1300 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Rupp, Ned T Md National Allergy Asthma & Urticaria Ctr Of Charleston PA 900 Bowman Dr, Ste 201 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 820-1302 Fax: (843) 820-1300 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Cardiovascular Disease Ciccone, John M Md Mt Pleasant Cardiology 3510 Hwy 17 N, Ste 325 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29466 (843) 606-8980 Pringle Jr, Robert A Md Roper Ekg 316 Calhoun St Charleston, Sc 29401 (843) 345-207 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Pringle Jr, Robert A Md St Francis Ekg 2095 Henry Tecklenburg Dr Charleston, Sc 29414 843 345207 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Cardiovascular Surgery Appleby, Thomas Corbett Md Coastal Surgical Vascular And Vein Specialists 1327 Ashley River Rd Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 720-7823 Fax: (843) 577-2227 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–4:30pm Chiropractic Cabell, Gina F Dc Family Chiropractic & Massage Of Charleston Inc 7565 Rivers Ave, Ste C Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 764-4895 Fax: (843) 764-4895 Hours: Tue, Thu 3:00pm–6:00pm; Sat 9:00am– 12:00pm Colon And Rectal Surgery Charleston County Family Practice Firilas, Anthony M Md Charleston Colorectal Surgery 125 Doughty St, Ste 280 Charleston, Sc 29403 (843) 958-1281 Fax: (843) 958-1278 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm McMarlin, Andrew J Do Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 2500 Elms Centre Rd Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 572-7727 Fax: (843) 569-5872 √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Firilas, Anthony M Md The Pelvic Health Center Of Rsfh 3510 Hwy 17 N, Ste 325 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29466 (843) 606-8980 Rogers, Sarah A Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 2550 Elms Centre Rd Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 302-8840 Fax: (843) 569-5872 Hours: Mon-Sun 8:00am–10:00pm Lagares Garcia, Jorge A Md Charleston Colorectal Surgery 125 Doughty St, Ste 280 Charleston, Sc 29403 (843) 958-1281 Fax: (843) 958-1278 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Gastroenterology Adelman, Judd B Md Elms Digestive Disease Specialists PA 2671 Elms Plantation Blvd Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 797-6800 Fax: (843) 797-6825 Lagares Garcia, Jorge A Md The Pelvic Health Center Of Rsfh 3510 Hwy 17 N, Ste 325 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29466 (843) 606-8980 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Dermatology Davidson, Lesly S Md Davidson Dermatology 901 Von Kolnitz Rd, Ste 100 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 216-3376 Fax: (843) 216-3242 Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri 8:00am–4:00pm; Tue, Thu 10:00am–2:00pm Sheperd, McLean Md Mclean Sheperd MD LLC 852 Lowcountry Blvd, Ste 102 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 216-3530 Fax: (843) 654-9122 Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am–4:30pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Brener, William Md Charleston Gastroenterology Specialists 1962 Charlie Hall Blvd Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 722-8000 Fax: (843) 723-7850 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Brener, William Md Charleston Gastroenterology Specialists 180 Wingo Way, Ste 305 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 722-8000 Fax: (843) 723-7850 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Endocrinology And Metabolism Dolven, Sarah I Md Roper St Francis Endocrinology 316 Calhoun St Charleston, Sc 29401 (843) 720-8438 Bohler, John D Md Coastal Gastroenterology & Hepatology 1616 Ashley River Rd Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 556-1285 Fax: (843) 556-1286 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Corless, John K Md Charleston Gastroenterology Specialists 1962 Charlie Hall Blvd Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 722-8000 Fax: (843) 723-7850 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 65 Charleston County Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Corless, John K Md Charleston Gastroenterology Specialists 180 Wingo Way, Ste 305 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 722-8000 Fax: (843) 723-7850 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Irions Jr, Eddie L Md Charleston Gastroenterology Specialists 180 Wingo Way, Ste 305 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 722-8000 Fax: (843) 723-7850 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Florez, David A Md Elms Digestive Disease Specialists PA 2671 Elms Plantation Blvd Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 797-6800 Fax: (843) 797-6825 Marsteller IV, William Md Charleston Endoscopy Center 1962 Charlie Hall Blvd Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 722-8000 Fax: (843) 723-7850 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Goodear, Gregory C Md Elms Digestive Disease Specialists PA 2671 Elms Plantation Blvd Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 797-6800 Fax: (843) 797-6825 √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Marsteller IV, William Md Charleston Gastroenterology Specialists 1962 Charlie Hall Blvd Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 722-8000 Fax: (843) 723-7850 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm New, Marc D Md Elms Digestive Disease Specialists PA 2671 Elms Plantation Blvd Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 797-6800 Fax: (843) 797-6825 Hadzijahic, Neven Md Charleston Endoscopy Center 1962 Charlie Hall Blvd Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 722-8000 Fax: (843) 723-7850 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Noble, Marc D Md Charleston Gastroenterology Specialists 1962 Charlie Hall Blvd Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 722-8000 Fax: (843) 723-7850 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hadzijahic, Neven Md Charleston Gastroenterology Specialists 1962 Charlie Hall Blvd Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 722-8000 Fax: (843) 723-7850 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Royall, Lee M Md Charleston Gastroenterology Specialists 1962 Charlie Hall Blvd Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 722-8000 Fax: (843) 723-7850 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Irions Jr, Eddie L Md Charleston Gastroenterology Specialists 1962 Charlie Hall Blvd Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 722-8000 Fax: (843) 723-7850 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Baird, David Rw Md Surgical Associates Of Charleston 510 Albemarle Rd Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 723-6426 Baron, Paul L Md Breast And Melanoma Specialts Of Charleston 1930 Charlie Hall Blvd Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 556-0036 Blessing Jr, Walter D Md Surgical Associates Of Charleston 510 Albemarle Rd Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 723-6426 Royall, Lee M Md Charleston Gastroenterology Specialists 180 Wingo Way, Ste 305 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 722-8000 Fax: (843) 723-7850 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Snyder, Todd L Md Elms Digestive Disease Specialists PA 2671 Elms Plantation Blvd Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 797-6800 Fax: (843) 797-6825 Taha, Robbie H Do Coastal Carolina Multispecialty Associates LLC 9221 University Blvd, Ste 102 Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 576-0700 Fax: (843) 576-0701 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–4:30pm √ Languages Spoken: Arabic General Surgery Gourdin, Theodore G Md Charleston Gastroenterology Specialists 1962 Charlie Hall Blvd Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 722-8000 Fax: (843) 723-7850 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hadzijahic, Neven Md Charleston Gastroenterology Specialists 180 Wingo Way, Ste 305 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 722-8000 Fax: (843) 723-7850 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Charleston County Fitts, Robert W Md Surgical Associates Of Charleston 2085 Henry Tecklenburg Dr Ste 310 Charleston, Sc 29414 843 723642 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Fitts, Robert W Md Surgical Associates Of Charleston 510 Albemarle Rd Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 723-6426 Fitts, Robert W Md Surgical Associates Of Charleston 180 Wingo Way Ste 308 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 843 723642 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Grice III, George D Md Surgical Associates Of Charleston 510 Albemarle Rd Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 723-6426 Hawk III, J Chris Md Charleston Surgical Associates 125 Doughty St Ste 660 Charleston, Sc 29403 (843) 577-7550 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 66 Charleston County Jacobs, Jon R Md Dr Jon Robert Jacobs Md 9213 University Blvd, Ste D Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 797-6564 Lucas Jr, David G Md Surgical Associates Of Charleston 510 Albemarle Rd Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 723-6426 Morrison, Edward C Md Coastal Surgical Vascular And Vein Specialists 1327 Ashley River Rd Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 720-7823 Fax: (843) 577-2227 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–4:30pm Smear, John L Md Tidewater Surgical Group 2831b Tricom St North Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 797-8880 Fax: (843) 797-8884 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–4:00pm Squires, Gregory T Md Tidewater Surgical Group 2831b Tricom St North Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 797-8880 Fax: (843) 797-8884 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–4:00pm Gynecology Eustis, Elaine Md Coastal Womens Wellness 3510 Hwy 17 N Mount Pleasant, Sc 29466 (843) 606-8985 Eustis, Elaine Md The Pelvic Health Center Of Rsfh 3510 Hwy 17 N, Ste 325 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29466 (843) 606-8980 Hematology Graham, Charles D Md Charleston Cancer Center 2910 Tricom St Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 576-1354 Fax: (843) 572-9120 Hours: Mon-Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–1:00pm Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Holladay, Charles S Md Charleston Cancer Center 2910 Tricom St Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 576-1354 Fax: (843) 572-9120 Hours: Mon-Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–1:00pm Infectious Disease Fugate, Toby L Do Lowcountry Infectious Diseases 1938 B Charlie Hall Blvd Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 402-0227 Fax: (843) 402-0232 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Haile, Julia S Md Roper St Francis Hospitalist Services 316 Calhoun St Charleston, Sc 29401 (843) 724-2000 Haile, Julia S Md The Wellness Center 2095 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Ste 311w Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 402-1067 Fax: (843) 402-1403 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Lettau, Ludwig A Md Lowcountry Infectious Diseases 1938 B Charlie Hall Blvd Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 402-0227 Fax: (843) 402-0232 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Marosok, Randall D Md Lowcountry Infectious Diseases 1938 B Charlie Hall Blvd Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 402-0227 Fax: (843) 402-0232 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Stock, Kent J Md Lowcountry Infectious Diseases 1938 B Charlie Hall Blvd Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 402-0227 Fax: (843) 402-0232 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Charleston County West, Timothy E Md Lowcountry Infectious Diseases 1938 B Charlie Hall Blvd Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 402-0227 Fax: (843) 402-0232 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Internal Medicine Nussbaum, Alan Md Rheumatology Associates PA 14 E Farmfield Ave Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 571-6067 Fax: (843) 769-4853 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Vial, Wayne C Md Wayne C Vial Md PA 1867 Savage Rd Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 763-5866 Fax: (843) 763-8742 Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Nephrology Browder, Richard W Md Charleston Nephrology Association LLC 3815 Faber Pl Dr North Charleston, Sc 29405 (843) 767-9260 Fax: (843) 767-9313 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–4:30pm Byrne, Michael C Md Coastal Carolina Nephrology LLC 1938a Charlie Hall Blvd Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 554-9313 Fax: (843) 744-5961 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Emovon, Osemwegie E Md Carolina Kidney And Hypertension Center LLC 2093 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Ste 205 E Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 573-0499 Fax: (843) 388-6292 Hours: Mon 9:00am–5:00pm Emovon, Osemwegie E Md Carolina Kidney And Hypertension Center LLC 1028 E Wall St Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 573-0499 Fax: (843) 388-6292 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–4:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 67 Charleston County Franklin, Samuel C Md Charleston Nephrology Association LLC 3815 Faber Pl Dr North Charleston, Sc 29405 (843) 767-9260 Fax: (843) 767-9313 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–4:30pm Howlett, Presley F Md Coastal Carolina Nephrology LLC 1938a Charlie Hall Blvd Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 554-9313 Fax: (843) 744-5961 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Moseley, Walton S Md Charleston Nephrology Association LLC 3815 Faber Pl Dr North Charleston, Sc 29405 (843) 767-9260 Fax: (843) 767-9313 Hours: Tue, Thu 8:00am–5:00pm Pride, Eric T Md Charleston Nephrology Association LLC 3815 Faber Pl Dr North Charleston, Sc 29405 (843) 767-9260 Fax: (843) 767-9313 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–4:30pm Weathersby, Benjamin B Md Charleston Nephrology Association LLC 3815 Faber Pl Dr North Charleston, Sc 29405 (843) 767-9260 Fax: (843) 767-9313 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–4:30pm Neurological Surgery Bailey, Byron N Md Charleston Neurosurgical Associates 2145 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Ste 220 Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 723-8823 Cuddy, Brian G Md Charleston Neurosurgical Associates 2145 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Ste 220 Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 723-8823 Khoury, George H Md Charleston Neurosurgical Associates 2145 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Ste 220 Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 723-8823 Specialty Care Network Charleston County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Neurology Michaelsen, Douglas L Md Charleston Cancer Center 2910 Tricom St Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 576-1354 Fax: (843) 572-9120 Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Lucas IV, John H Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 2097 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Ste 204 Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 569-1856 Fax: (843) 569-1879 Hours: Wed 1:00pm–5:00pm Saylors, Julia H Md Charleston Cancer Center 2910 Tricom St Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 576-1354 Fax: (843) 572-9120 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–1:00pm Lucas IV, John H Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 9313 Medical Plaza Dr, Ste 310 Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 569-1856 Fax: (843) 569-1879 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Orthopaedic Hand Surgery Plyler, John W Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 1401 Main St Charleston, Sc 29423 (843) 569-1856 Fax: (843) 569-1879 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Brooker, Reginald C Md Charleston Hand Group 1483 Tobias Gadson Blvd, Ste 202 Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 763-2320 Ernst, John M Md Orthopaedic Specialists Of Charleston 2093 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Ste 200 Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 958-2500 Plyler, John W Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 2550 Elms Centre Rd Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 302-8840 Fax: (843) 569-5872 Hours: Mon-Sun 8:00am–10:00pm McFadden II, John A Md Charleston Hand Group 1483 Tobias Gadson Blvd, Ste 202 Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 763-2320 Plyler, John W Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 9313 Medical Plaza Dr, Ste 310 Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 569-1856 Fax: (843) 569-1879 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Orthopaedic Surgery Of The Spine Aymond, James K Md Orthopaedic Specialists Of Charleston 2093 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Ste 200 Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 958-2500 Oncology Akman, Steven A Md Steven Akman Md 316 Calhoun St Charleston, Sc 29401 (843) 724-2138 Orthopedic Surgery Bellil, Yanis Md Charleston Cancer Center 2910 Tricom St Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 576-1354 Fax: (843) 572-9120 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–1:00pm √ Languages Spoken: French √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Carroll III, William J Md Charleston Bone And Joint 255 E Bay St Charleston, Sc 29401 (843) 853-3474 Carroll III, William J Md Sports Injury Clinic 2093 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Ste 200 Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 958-2500 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 68 Charleston County Specialty Care Network Demarco, James R Md Palmetto Orthopaedics Of Charleston 180 Wingo Way, Ste 301 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 884-0302 Merrill, Keith D Md Charleston Bone And Joint 255 E Bay St Charleston, Sc 29401 (843) 853-3474 Demarco, James R Md Sports Injury Clinic 2093 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Ste 200 Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 958-2500 Merrill, Keith D Md Sports Injury Clinic 2093 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Ste 200 Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 958-2500 Gilmore III, Waddell H Md Palmetto Orthopaedics Of Charleston 180 Wingo Way, Ste 301 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 884-0302 Hay, Robert M Md Palmetto Orthopaedics Of Charleston 180 Wingo Way, Ste 301 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 884-0302 Hay, Robert M Md Sports Injury Clinic 2093 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Ste 200 Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 958-2500 Lowery, Robert B Md Charleston Bone And Joint 255 E Bay St Charleston, Sc 29401 (843) 853-3474 Lowery, Robert B Md Sports Injury Clinic 2093 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Ste 200 Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 958-2500 McCrosson, John J Md Charleston Hip & Knee Replacement Center 125 Doughty St, Ste 680 Charleston, Sc 29403 (843) 789-1850 McIntosh, Heather Md Palmetto Orthopaedics Of Charleston 180 Wingo Way, Ste 301 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 884-0302 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm McIntosh, Heather Md Sports Injury Clinic 2093 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Ste 200 Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 958-2500 Charleston County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Marino, John R Dpm Palmetto Podiatry 3510 Hwy 17 N Ste 110 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29466 (843) 881-9159 Pulmonary Medicine Bowen, Cindy N Md Carolina Lung And Critical Care 2097 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Ste 305 W Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 763-3360 Otolaryngology (ENT) Kitch, Russell D Md Lowcountry Ent 2850 Tricom St Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 863-1188 Fax: (843) 863-8286 Handshoe, David K Md Lowcountry Lung And Critical Care 9150 Medcom St, Ste B North Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 572-3330 Fax: (843) 572-1255 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Pediatrics Huet, Jason D Md Carolina Lung And Critical Care 2097 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Ste 305 W Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 763-3360 Kalinsky, Marshall N Dpm Marshall N Kalinsky Dpm 1611 Savannah Hwy Ste A, Ste A Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 766-1632 Fax: (843) 763-9430 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Keffer, James R Do Charleston Neurosurgical Associates 2145 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Ste 220 Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 723-8823 Plastic Surgery Widenhouse, Brian G Md Port City Plastic Surgery 2683 Lake Park Dr Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 518-5000 Fax: (843) 614-8959 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Podiatry Armstrong, Jeffrey R Dpm Charleston Bone And Joint 255 E Bay St Charleston, Sc 29401 (843) 853-3474 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Kaelin Jr, Thomas D Md Lowcountry Lung And Critical Care 9150 Medcom St, Ste B North Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 572-3330 Fax: (843) 572-1255 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Klatchko, Tal Do Carolina Lung And Critical Care 2097 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Ste 305 W Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 763-3360 √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Miller, Karl S Md Lowcountry Lung And Critical Care 9150 Medcom St, Ste B North Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 572-3330 Fax: (843) 572-1255 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Rucker, John M Md Lowcountry Lung And Critical Care 9150 Medcom St, Ste B North Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 572-3330 Fax: (843) 572-1255 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 69 Charleston County Rheumatology Aksentijevich, Sofia Md Rheumatology Associates PA 14 E Farmfield Ave Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 571-6067 Fax: (843) 769-4853 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: French Anderson, Erica Do Rheumatology Associates PA 14 E Farmfield Ave Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 571-6067 Fax: (843) 769-4853 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Roane, Georgia C Md Rheumatology Associates PA 14 E Farmfield Ave Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 571-6067 Fax: (843) 769-4853 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Sports Medicine Caldwell, Kenneth M Md Orthopaedic Specialists Of Charleston 2093 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Ste 200 Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 958-2500 Caldwell, Kenneth M Md Sports Injury Clinic 2093 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Ste 200 Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 958-2500 Graham Jr, John M Md Orthopaedic Specialists Of Charleston 2093 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Ste 200 Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 958-2500 Graham Jr, John M Md Sports Injury Clinic 2093 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Ste 200 Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 958-2500 Specialty Care Network Chatham County GA IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Thoracic Surgery Benner, James Md Coastal Carolina Multispecialty Associates LLC 9313 Medical Plaza Dr, Ste 304 Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 553-5616 Fax: (843) 764-2917 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Edwards, Michael Md Sc Cardiovascular 9213 University Blvd, Ste C Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 572-2100 Fax: (843) 572-2163 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Kline, Elizabeth M Md Cardiothoracic Surgery Of Charleston 316 Calhoun St Charleston, Sc 29401 (843) 720-8490 Donaldson, Jonathan T Md The Pelvic Health Center Of Rsfh 3510 Hwy 17 N, Ste 325 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29466 (843) 606-8980 Fogle, Alan W Md Charleston Urology Associates 180 Wingo Way, Ste 304 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 884-8045 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Vascular Surgery Hallett Jr, John W Md Roper Vascular Care 316 Calhoun St Charleston, Sc 29401 (843) 720-5665 Eades, Jack R Md Southern Allergy And Asthma Pc 5223 Paulsen St Savannah, Ga 31405 (912) 303-9355 Fax: (912) 303-9356 Roberts, Charles S Md Coastal Carolina Multispecialty Associates LLC 9313 Medical Plaza Dr, Ste 304 Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 553-5616 Fax: (843) 764-2917 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Donaldson, Jonathan T Md Charleston Urology Associates 180 Wingo Way, Ste 304 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 884-8045 Kubinski, Dennis J Md Charleston Urology Associates 180 Wingo Way, Ste 304 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 884-8045 Chatham County GA Allergy And Immunology Lynch, William H Md Fort Sumter Surgical Clinic 1230a Hospital Dr Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 971-4673 Fax: (843) 971-3355 Hours: Mon–Fri 11:00am–7:00pm Urology Hall, Stanley C Md Charleston Urology Associates 180 Wingo Way, Ste 304 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 884-8045 Cardiovascular Disease Burgess, Brett C Md Cardiovascular Consultants Pc 4700 Waters Ave, Ste 400 Savannah, Ga 31404 (912) 355-0070 Fax: (912) 355-3220 Gainer Jr, James S Md Cardiovascular Consultants Pc 4700 Waters Ave, Ste 400 Savannah, Ga 31404 (912) 355-0070 Fax: (912) 355-3220 Huggins, Chad E Md Cardiovascular Consultants Pc 4700 Waters Ave, Ste 400 Savannah, Ga 31404 (912) 355-0070 Fax: (912) 355-3220 Yeh, Jennifer L Md Cardiovascular Consultants Pc 4700 Waters Ave, Ste 400 Savannah, Ga 31404 (912) 355-0070 Fax: (912) 355-3220 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 70 Chatham County GA Dermatology Smith, Sidney Md Georgia Skin And Cancer Clinic 900 Mohawk St, Ste E Savannah, Ga 31419 (912) 925-0067 Fax: (912) 925-2381 Nephrology Specialty Care Network Georgescu, Florin C Md Kidney Specialists Of Savannah 11706 Mercy Blvd Bldg 9 Savannah, Ga 31419 (912) 355-5003 √ Languages Spoken: Romanian Saxton, Craig R Md Kidney Specialists Of Savannah 5973 Ogeechee Rd Savannah, Ga 31419 (912) 355-5003 Georgescu, Florin C Md Kidney Specialists Of Savannah 2812 Williams St Savannah, Ga 31405 (912) 355-5003 √ Languages Spoken: Romanian Thompson, Nancy S Md Kidney Specialists Of Savannah 500 E 66th St Savannah, Ga 31405 (912) 356-5643 Fax: (912) 354-4430 Georgescu, Florin C Md Kidney Specialists Of Savannah 500 E 66th St Savannah, Ga 31405 (912) 356-5643 Fax: (912) 354-4430 √ Languages Spoken: Romanian Thompson, Nancy S Md Kidney Specialists Of Savannah 5303 Montgomery St Savannah, Ga 31405 (912) 355-5003 Saxton, Craig R Md Kidney Specialists Of Savannah 113 Minus Ave Savannah, Ga 31408 (912) 355-5003 Gutta, Venkataiah Md Gaffney Urology PA 140 4th Ave Gaffney, Sc 29340 (864) 487-5124 Fax: (864) 487-5125 Saxton, Craig R Md Kidney Specialists Of Savannah 2812 Williams St Savannah, Ga 31405 (912) 355-5003 Saxton, Craig R Md Kidney Specialists Of Savannah 5303 Montgomery St Savannah, Ga 31405 (912) 355-5003 Georgescu, Florin C Md Kidney Specialists Of Savannah 5973 Ogeechee Rd Savannah, Ga 31419 (912) 355-5003 √ Languages Spoken: Romanian Urology Saxton, Craig R Md Kidney Specialists Of Savannah 11706 Mercy Blvd Bldg 9 Savannah, Ga 31419 (912) 355-5003 Georgescu, Florin C Md Kidney Specialists Of Savannah 113 Minus Ave Savannah, Ga 31408 (912) 355-5003 √ Languages Spoken: Romanian Georgescu, Florin C Md Kidney Specialists Of Savannah 5303 Montgomery St Savannah, Ga 31405 (912) 355-5003 √ Languages Spoken: Romanian Chester County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Chester County Cardiovascular Disease Delphia Jr, Robert E Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 1 Medical Park Dr, Ste C Chester, Sc 29706 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 376-5885 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Graham, Stacy H Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 1 Medical Park Dr, Ste C Chester, Sc 29706 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 376-5885 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hendricks, Charles W Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 1 Medical Park Dr, Ste C Chester, Sc 29706 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 376-5885 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Jones, Benjamin R Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 1 Medical Park Dr, Ste C Chester, Sc 29706 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 376-5885 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Orthopedic Surgery Tobin, Joseph P Md Tobin Bone And Joint Surgery Inc 11909 McAuley Dr, Ste 100a2 Savannah, Ga 31419 (843) 342-9100 Fax: (843) 342-9101 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Schulze Jr, Robert A Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 1 Medical Park Dr, Ste C Chester, Sc 29706 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 376-5885 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Cherokee County Pulmonary Medicine Erb, David R Md Upstate Lung And Critical Care Specialists Pc 1529 N Limestone St Gaffney, Sc 29340 (864) 487-9931 Fax: (864) 487-9780 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Wells, Marion Timothy Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 1 Medical Park Dr, Ste C Chester, Sc 29706 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 376-5885 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 71 Chesterfield County Otolaryngology (ENT) Parsons, Gregory S Md Central Carolina Ear Nose Throat And Audiology 1 Medical Park Dr, Ste 1b Chester, Sc 29706 (803) 385-5515 Fax: (803) 377-8301 Chesterfield County Family Practice Simmons, Benjamin F Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 301 N Van Lingle Mungo Blvd Pageland, Sc 29728 (704) 667-2650 Fax: (704) 544-0172 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Sykes, Paul W Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 301 N Van Lingle Mungo Blvd Pageland, Sc 29728 (704) 667-2650 Fax: (704) 544-0172 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Verma, Anuradha Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 301 N Van Lingle Mungo Blvd Pageland, Sc 29728 (704) 667-2650 Fax: (704) 544-0172 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Walker, Brian A Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 301 N Van Lingle Mungo Blvd Pageland, Sc 29728 (704) 667-2650 Fax: (704) 544-0172 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Washington, Edward M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 301 N Van Lingle Mungo Blvd Pageland, Sc 29728 (704) 667-2650 Fax: (704) 544-0172 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm White, Lena K Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 301 N Van Lingle Mungo Blvd Pageland, Sc 29728 (704) 667-2650 Fax: (704) 544-0172 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Withrow, Jerry W Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 301 N Van Lingle Mungo Blvd Pageland, Sc 29728 (704) 667-2650 Fax: (704) 544-0172 General Surgery Ghorra, Salim G Md Chesterfield Clinic Corporation 721 S Doctors Dr Cheraw, Sc 29520 (843) 537-5112 Fax: (843) 537-1163 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Snyder, Herbert D Md Chesterfield Clinic Corporation 721 S Doctors Dr Cheraw, Sc 29520 (843) 537-5112 Fax: (843) 537-1163 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Gynecology Bersinger, David E Md Chesterfield Clinic Corporation 721 Chesterfield Hwy Cheraw, Sc 29520 (843) 921-1211 Fax: (843) 921-1213 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Infectious Disease Olatosi, Akinwale Md Sandhills Medical Foundation 409 E Church St Jefferson, Sc 29718 (843) 658-3005 Fax: (843) 658-7780 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Yoruba Internal Medicine Vaden, Tracela C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 301 N Van Lingle Mungo Blvd Pageland, Sc 29728 (704) 667-2650 Fax: (704) 544-0172 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Cleveland County NC Clarendon County Cardiovascular Disease Hendricks, Charles W Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 1017 Professional Crt Manning, Sc 29102 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 376-5885 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hollins, William J Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 1017 Professional Crt Manning, Sc 29102 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 376-5885 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Isbell, David C Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 1017 Professional Crt Manning, Sc 29102 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 376-5885 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Jones, Benjamin R Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 1017 Professional Crt Manning, Sc 29102 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 376-5885 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Schulze Jr, Robert A Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 1017 Professional Crt Manning, Sc 29102 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 376-5885 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Cleveland County NC Cardiovascular Disease Binder, Andrew J Md Chv Shvi Shelby 111 W Grover St Shelby, Nc 28150 (704) 512-4808 Binder, Andrew J Md The Sanger Clinic 111 W Grover St Shelby, Nc 28150 (704) 482-1006 Fax: (704) 484-8855 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 72 Cleveland County NC Boyette, Douglas R Md Chv Shvi Shelby 111 W Grover St Shelby, Nc 28150 (704) 512-4808 Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Cleveland County NC Colmenares, Gustavo A Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hillman, Jason P Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Cuciniello, Jodi N Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Jones, Karen D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Drimalla, Richard B Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Kaldy, Patricia M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Finckrothman, Denise R Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Kelly, Daniel L Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Anquilo, Louie A Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Griggs, James P Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Kerecman, Richard Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Armistead, Hal W Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Hallbaker, Everlyn L Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Koewler, Thomas J Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Brezicki, Paul A Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Harris, Rachel M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Konen, Joseph C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Childs, Thomas R Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Hilderbrand, Hartwell Z Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Kreisman, Steven Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Liu, Huajun Md Chv Shvi Shelby 111 W Grover St Shelby, Nc 28150 (704) 512-4808 √ Languages Spoken: Chinese Seen, Nelson D Md Chv Shvi Shelby 111 W Grover St Shelby, Nc 28150 (704) 512-4808 Family Practice Almeyda Ruiz, Rebecca Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 73 Cleveland County NC Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Lorenzo, Emily E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Reddy, Madhavi G Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Love, Pamela D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Richards, Michael D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Manos, Heather M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Roberson, Lewis H Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 McCutchen, Jeffrey R Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Sailer, Kaaren S Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Mohindroo, Krishan K Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Savitsky, Ivan Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Mokari, Babak Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Simmons, Benjamin F Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Persaud, Dennis S Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Price, Gregory M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Sykes, Paul W Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Verma, Anuradha Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Cleveland County NC Walker, Brian A Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Washington, Edward M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm White, Lena K Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Withrow, Jerry W Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Internal Medicine Amin, Ketan B Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Masood, Awais Md Carolinas Hospitalist Group 201 E Grover St Shelby, Nc 28150 (980) 487-3678 Fax: (980) 487-2222 Shah, Ketan D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Vaden, Tracela C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 74 Cleveland County NC Pediatric Cardiology Bensky, Andrew S Md The Sanger Clinic 709 N Dekalb St Shelby, Nc 28150 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Pediatrics Branner, Christopher M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Kendrick, Alfred E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Rea, Janice L Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Seal, Anna C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Urology Schneider, Robert E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 1010 E Dixon Blvd Shelby, Nc 28152 (980) 487-2900 Fax: (980) 487-2901 Colleton County Cardiovascular Disease Bower, Philip J Md Colleton Cardiology 302 Medical Park Dr, Ste 207 Walterboro, Sc 29488 (843) 782-2789 Fax: (843) 782-2797 Specialty Care Network Colleton County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Internal Medicine Miller, Stephen C Md Palmetto Cardiology And Vein 416 E Robertson Blvd Walterboro, Sc 29488 (843) 549-9787 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Reeves Jr, Bozman R Md Roper St Francis Heart Center Walterboro 416 Robertson Blvd Ste B Walterboro, Sc 29488 (843) 782-4608 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Gastroenterology Bohler, John D Md Coastal Gastroenterology & Hepatology 416 Robertson Blvd, Ste C Walterboro, Sc 29488 (843) 549-2411 Fax: (843) 549-2421 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Calcutt, Andrew F Md Lowcountry Surgical Associates PA 901 Robertson Blvd Walterboro, Sc 29488 (843) 549-8003 Fax: (843) 549-8006 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Stiegler, Karl D Md Coastal Carolina Multispecialty Associates LLC 120 Medical Park Dr Walterboro, Sc 29488 (843) 549-1421 Fax: (843) 549-1487 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Emovon, Osemwegie E Md Carolina Kidney And Hypertension Center LLC 416 B Robertson Blvd Walterboro, Sc 29488 (843) 573-0499 Fax: (843) 388-6292 Hours: Mon 12:30pm–5:00pm Neurology Oncology Kinard, John A Md Coastal Carolina Multispecialty Associates LLC 120 Medical Park Dr Walterboro, Sc 29488 (843) 549-1421 Fax: (843) 549-1487 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Holladay, Charles S Md Charleston Cancer Center 501 Robertson Blvd, Ste 209 Walterboro, Sc 29488 (843) 572-9211 Fax: (843) 572-0457 Hours: Thu 10:00am–4:00pm Nephrology Plyler, John W Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 457 Spruce St Walterboro, Sc 29488 (843) 569-1856 Fax: (843) 569-1879 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm General Surgery Hematology Kumar, Sanjay Md Carolina Medical Center 461 Spruce St Walterboro, Sc 29488 (843) 549-4335 Fax: (843) 549-6502 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:30am–4:30pm √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Michaelsen, Douglas L Md Charleston Cancer Center 501 Robertson Blvd, Ste 209 Walterboro, Sc 29488 (843) 572-9211 Fax: (843) 572-0457 Hours: Thu 10:00am–4:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Saylors, Julia H Md Charleston Cancer Center 302 Medical Park Walterboro, Sc 29488 (843) 572-9211 Fax: (843) 572-0457 Hours: Thu 9:00am–4:00pm Orthopedic Surgery Holman, Jeffrey A Md Edisto Orthopaedics And Sports Medicine 120 Medical Park Dr Walterboro, Sc 29488 (843) 782-4141 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 75 Columbia County GA Columbia County GA Otolaryngology (ENT) Barfield III, William E Md Augusta ENT PA 340 N Belair Rd Evans, Ga 30809 (706) 868-5676 Fax: (706) 922-4385 Deal, Robert T Md Augusta ENT PA 340 N Belair Rd Evans, Ga 30809 (706) 868-5676 Fax: (706) 922-4385 Porubsky, Edward A Md Augusta ENT PA 340 N Belair Rd Evans, Ga 30809 (706) 868-5676 Fax: (706) 922-4385 Vickery, Christopher L Md Augusta ENT PA 340 N Belair Rd Evans, Ga 30809 (706) 868-5676 Fax: (706) 922-4385 Wells, W Andrew Md Augusta ENT PA 340 N Belair Rd Evans, Ga 30809 (706) 868-5676 Fax: (706) 922-4385 Whitehouse, Alan B Md Augusta ENT PA 340 N Belair Rd Evans, Ga 30809 (706) 868-5676 Fax: (706) 922-4385 Columbus County NC Cardiovascular Disease Barber, Christopher C Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 800 Jefferson St Whiteville, Nc 28472 (910) 642-8164 Fax: (910) 642-8132 Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Cumberland County NC Buchanan, William P Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 800 Jefferson St Whiteville, Nc 28472 (910) 642-8164 Fax: (910) 642-8132 Patel, Hemantkumar M Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 800 Jefferson St Whiteville, Nc 28472 (910) 642-8164 Fax: (910) 642-8132 Calhoun, Linda P Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 800 Jefferson St Whiteville, Nc 28472 (910) 642-8164 Fax: (910) 642-8132 Patel, Praful N Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 800 Jefferson St Whiteville, Nc 28472 (910) 642-8164 Fax: (910) 642-8132 Ellis, Patrick M Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 800 Jefferson St Whiteville, Nc 28472 (910) 642-8164 Fax: (910) 642-8132 Smith, William T Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 800 Jefferson St Whiteville, Nc 28472 (910) 642-8164 Fax: (910) 642-8132 Forrester, James S Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 800 Jefferson St Whiteville, Nc 28472 (910) 642-8164 Fax: (910) 642-8132 Weaver, David E Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 800 Jefferson St Whiteville, Nc 28472 (910) 642-8164 Fax: (910) 642-8132 Harper, James R Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 800 Jefferson St Whiteville, Nc 28472 (910) 642-8164 Fax: (910) 642-8132 Winslow, Timothy M Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 800 Jefferson St Whiteville, Nc 28472 (910) 642-8164 Fax: (910) 642-8132 Hobart, Frank A Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 800 Jefferson St Whiteville, Nc 28472 (910) 642-8164 Fax: (910) 642-8132 Lewis, William L Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 800 Jefferson St Whiteville, Nc 28472 (910) 642-8164 Fax: (910) 642-8132 Family Practice Bleyer, Peter M Md South Columbus Medical Center 14508 James B White Hwy S Tabor City, Nc 28463 (910) 653-7000 Fax: (910) 653-7004 Cumberland County NC Allergy And Immunology Meine, Frederick J Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 800 Jefferson St Whiteville, Nc 28472 (910) 642-8164 Fax: (910) 642-8132 Coleman, Dewitt M Md Allergy Partners Of The Midlands 103 Midlands Ct Fayetteville, Nc 28303 (803) 794-3581 Fax: (803) 791-7286 Murphy, Mark T Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 800 Jefferson St Whiteville, Nc 28472 (910) 642-8164 Fax: (910) 642-8132 Dougherty, Laura W Md Allergy Partners Of The Midlands 103 Midlands Ct Fayetteville, Nc 28303 (803) 794-3581 Fax: (803) 791-7286 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 76 Cumberland County NC Freccia, Colin D Md Allergy Partners Of Fayetteville 1317 Medical Dr Fayetteville, Nc 28304 (910) 323-3890 Fax: (910) 323-4509 Macdowell, Ana L Md Allergy Partners Of Fayetteville 1317 Medical Dr Fayetteville, Nc 28304 (910) 323-3890 Fax: (910) 323-4509 Markham, Roy D Md Allergy Partners Of The Midlands 103 Midlands Ct Fayetteville, Nc 28303 (803) 794-3581 Fax: (803) 791-7286 Darlington County Allergy And Immunology Reid, Tanya E Md Caresouth Carolina Inc 1268 S 4th St Hartsville, Sc 29550 (743) 332-3422 Fax: (743) 332-3985 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Family Practice Dickinson, Elizabeth Md McLeod Urgent Care Center 964 Lochend Dr Darlington, Sc 29532 (843) 777-6890 Fax: (843) 777-6891 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Fornari Sr, Gabriel Do McLeod Urgent Care Center 964 Lochend Dr Darlington, Sc 29532 (843) 777-6890 Fax: (843) 777-6891 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm General Practice Wilson, Thomas Md McLeod Family Medicine 701 Cashua Ferry Rd Darlington, Sc 29532 (843) 391-2017 Fax: (843) 391-2027 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Nephrology Iqbal, Naveed Md Carolina Nephrology And Endocrinology Pc 1015 S 4th St Hartsville, Sc 29550 (843) 861-4342 Fax: (866) 230-9736 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–4:00pm Urology O’kelly, Peter P Md Carolinas Urology 701 Medical Park Dr, Ste 104 Hartsville, Sc 29550 (843) 673-7525 Fax: (843) 673-7528 Edgefield County Dietrich, Jeffrey J Md Allergy & Asthma Consultants 102 Morgan Pl Summerville, Sc 29485 (843) 832-9588 Fax: (843) 486-5500 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Harper III, Thomas B Md Allergy & Asthma Consultants 102 Morgan Pl Summerville, Sc 29485 (843) 832-9588 Fax: (843) 486-5500 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Gastroenterology Domm, Aaron B Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 300 W 4th N St Summerville, Sc 29483 (843) 376-0670 Fax: (843) 376-0669 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Dillon County General Surgery Mijalli, Mamdouh Md McLeod General Surgery 705 N 8th Ave, Ste 2b Dillon, Sc 29536 (843) 841-3846 Fax: (843) 841-3848 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Irions Jr, Eddie L Md Charleston Gastroenterology Specialists 103 A Harth Pl Summerville, Sc 29483 (842) 722-8000 Fax: (842) 723-7850 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Sports Medicine Sutton, Michael Do McLeod Orthopaedic 705 N 8th Ave, Ste 1b Dillon, Sc 29536 (843) 487-1558 Lawrence, Christopher Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 102a W 8th North St Summerville, Sc 29483 (743) 376-0670 Fax: (843) 376-0669 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Dorchester County Allergy And Immunology Ball, Bruce D Md Allergy & Asthma Consultants 102 Morgan Pl Summerville, Sc 29485 (843) 832-9588 Fax: (843) 486-5500 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Davidson, Andrew E Md Allergy & Asthma Consultants 102 Morgan Pl Summerville, Sc 29485 (843) 832-9588 Fax: (843) 486-5500 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Edgefield County General Surgery Stallings, Roosevelt J Md Csra General And Oncology Surgical LLC 300 Ridge Medical Plz Bausket St Edgefield, Sc 29824 (706) 737-7922 Hours: Mon 1:30am–5:30pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 77 Effingham County GA Effingham County GA Allergy And Immunology Eades, Jack R Md Southern Allergy And Asthma Pc 802 Towne Park Dr Rincon, Ga 31326 (912) 303-9355 Fax: (912) 303-9356 Dermatology Smith, Sidney Md Georgia Skin And Cancer Clinic 613 Towne Park W, Ste 204 Rincon, Ga 31326 (912) 826-1325 Fax: (912) 826-4948 Nephrology Georgescu, Florin C Md Kidney Specialists Of Savannah 469 Hwy 119 S Rincon, Ga 31326 (912) 355-5003 √ Languages Spoken: Romanian Georgescu, Florin C Md Kidney Specialists Of Savannah 301 N Pine St Springfield, Ga 31329 (912) 355-5003 √ Languages Spoken: Romanian Saxton, Craig R Md Kidney Specialists Of Savannah 469 Hwy 119 S Rincon, Ga 31326 (912) 355-5003 Saxton, Craig R Md Kidney Specialists Of Savannah 301 N Pine St Springfield, Ga 31329 (912) 355-5003 Evans County GA Allergy And Immunology Eades, Jack R Md Southern Allergy And Asthma Pc 200 N River St Claxton, Ga 30417 (912) 303-9355 Fax: (912) 303-9356 Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Nephrology Hollins, William J Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 321 Bypass Winnsboro, Sc 29180 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 376-5885 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Georgescu, Florin C Md Kidney Specialists Of Savannah 312 N River St Claxton, Ga 30417 (912) 355-5003 √ Languages Spoken: Romanian Isbell, David C Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 321 Bypass Winnsboro, Sc 29180 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 376-5885 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Georgescu, Florin C Md Kidney Specialists Of Savannah 405 E Long St Claxton, Ga 30417 (912) 356-5643 √ Languages Spoken: Romanian Saxton, Craig R Md Kidney Specialists Of Savannah 312 N River St Claxton, Ga 30417 (912) 355-5003 Phillips III, James W Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 321 Bypass Winnsboro, Sc 29180 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 376-5885 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Saxton, Craig R Md Kidney Specialists Of Savannah 405 E Long St Claxton, Ga 30417 (912) 356-5643 Florence County Cardiovascular Disease Fairfield County Cardiovascular Disease Alexander Jr, Milton D Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 321 Bypass Winnsboro, Sc 29180 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 376-5885 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Beard II, John T Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 321 Bypass Winnsboro, Sc 29180 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 376-5885 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hendricks, Charles W Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 321 Bypass Winnsboro, Sc 29180 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 376-5885 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Florence County Guha, Prabal Md Pee Dee Cardiology Associates 901 E Cheves St, Ste 600 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 667-1891 Fax: (843) 665-2516 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Hardaway, W Daniel Md Pee Dee Cardiology Associates 901 E Cheves St, Ste 600 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 667-1891 Fax: (843) 665-2516 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Krainin, Fred Md Pee Dee Cardiology Associates 901 E Cheves St, Ste 600 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 667-1891 Fax: (843) 665-2516 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Leask, Gavin Md Pee Dee Cardiology Associates 901 E Cheves St, Ste 600 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 667-1891 Fax: (843) 665-2516 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 78 Florence County Lee, James Md Pee Dee Cardiology Associates 901 E Cheves St, Ste 600 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 667-1891 Fax: (843) 665-2516 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Malik, Rajesh Md Pee Dee Cardiology Associates 901 E Cheves St, Ste 600 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 667-1891 Fax: (843) 665-2516 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Naso, Nicolette Md Pee Dee Cardiology Associates 901 E Cheves St, Ste 600 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 667-1891 Fax: (843) 665-2516 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Pande, Amit Md Pee Dee Cardiology Associates 901 E Cheves St, Ste 600 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 667-1891 Fax: (843) 665-2516 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Stoughton, Thomas Md Pee Dee Cardiology Associates 901 E Cheves St, Ste 600 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 667-1891 Fax: (843) 665-2516 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Cardiovascular Surgery Perera, Ganesha Md Pee Dee Vascular Associates 901 E Cheves St, Ste 430 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 777-7399 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Endocrinology And Metabolism Culleton, John Md Community Health Systems 1594 Freedom Blvd, Ste A Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 629-1791 Fax: (843) 629-1793 Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Myers, Jocelyn Md Community Health Systems 1694 Freedom Blvd, Ste 102b Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 673-7560 Fax: (843) 673-7563 Florence County Pack, Mark S Md Carolinas Medical Alliance 805 Pamplico Hwy, Ste A220 Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 629-7074 Fax: (843) 629-7274 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Family Practice Pearson Jr, Joseph Md Pee Dee Surgical Group PA 800 E Cheves St, Ste 260 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 665-7941 Fax: (843) 665-1257 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Fornari Sr, Gabriel Do McLeod Urgent Care Center 3015 W Palmetto St Florence, Sc 29501 (843) 777-6870 Fax: (843) 777-6871 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Player, Keith Md Pee Dee Surgical Group PA 800 E Cheves St, Ste 260 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 665-7941 Fax: (843) 665-1257 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm General Practice Burnett, Jimena Md McLeod Family Medicine 2437 Willwood Dr Florence, Sc 29501 (843) 777-3100 Fax: (843) 777-3111 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Schilling, Jonathan Md Community Health Systems 805 Pamplico Hwy, Ste B320 Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 673-7560 Fax: (843) 673-7563 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Rowson, Eric Md Community Health Systems 1925 Hoffmeyer Rd, Ste 100 Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 679-4214 Fax: (843) 679-4217 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Hematology Lu, Rommel P Md McLeod Oncology And Hematology Associates 800 E Cheves St, Ste 480 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 777-7900 Fax: (843) 777-7340 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm General Surgery Fam, Nabil A Md Dr Nabil Abdalla Fam Md 328 Mercy St Lake City, Sc 29560 (843) 374-9945 Harris, James Md Community Health Systems 805 Pamplico Hwy, Ste B320 Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 673-7560 Fax: (843) 673-7563 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Sitti, Orachun Md Orachun Sittisuntorn Md LLC 514 S Dargan St, Ste H Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 669-5956 Fax: (843) 669-2019 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Thai Lee, Frank B Md The Floyd Medical Group 805 Pamplico Hwy, Ste A230 Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 629-2605 Fax: (843) 629-2611 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Smith, James C Md McLeod Oncology And Hematology Associates 800 E Cheves St, Ste 480 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 777-7900 Fax: (843) 777-7340 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 79 Florence County Specialty Care Network Florence County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Infectious Disease Shea, Kevin W Md Carolinas Medical Alliance 805 Pamplico Hwy, Ste A315 Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 674-6400 Internal Medicine Pitiranggon, Pongstorn Md Sarawadee Sitti Md LLC 514h Dargan St Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 669-5956 Fax: (843) 669-2019 Hours: Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 9:00am–12:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Thai Rachakonda, Ajay K Md Sarawadee Sitti Md LLC 514h Dargan St Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 669-5956 Fax: (843) 669-2019 Hours: Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 9:00am–12:00pm Richey, Robert M Md Carolinas Medical Alliance 805 Pamplico Hwy, Ste B230 Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 679-4019 Fax: (843) 679-4022 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Nephrology Oncology Iqbal, Naveed Md Carolina Nephrology And Endocrinology Pc 1920 2nd Loop Rd Florence, Sc 29501 (843) 861-4342 Fax: (866) 230-9736 Neurology Bernard, Martine Md McLeod Neurological Associates 800 E Cheves St, Ste 300 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 665-4104 Fax: (843) 661-0160 Evans, Walter J Md Comprehensive Neurological Services Pc 436 W Palmetto St Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 669-2007 Fax: (843) 669-6677 Hours: Mon–Fri 7:30am–5:00pm Owens, Elijah D Md Carolinas Medical Alliance 805 Pamplico Hwy, Ste A220 Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 629-7074 Fax: (843) 629-7274 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Richey, Robert M Md Carolinas Medical Alliance 805 Pamplico Hwy B, Ste 125c Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 629-2605 Fax: (843) 629-2611 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Plyler, John W Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 148 Sauls St Lake City, Sc 29560 (843) 374-3621 Fax: (843) 374-3622 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–9:00pm; Fri 8:00am–2:00pm Singh, Inderpal Md Pee Dee Nephrology Llp 1100 E Cheves St Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 669-6694 Fax: (843) 669-2500 Skinner, Roland Md McLeod Neurological Associates 800 E Cheves St, Ste 300 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 665-4104 Fax: (843) 661-0160 Sitti, Sarawadee Md Sarawadee Sitti Md LLC 514h Dargan St Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 669-5956 Fax: (843) 669-2019 Hours: Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 9:00am–12:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Thai √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Markwell, Harry S Md McLeod Oncology And Hematology Associates 506 E Cheves St, Ste 202 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 777-7951 Fax: (843) 777-7981 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Pavy, Michael D Md McLeod Oncology And Hematology Associates 506 E Cheves St, Ste 202 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 777-7951 Fax: (843) 777-7981 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Rao, Sreenivas V Md McLeod Oncology And Hematology Associates 506 E Cheves St, Ste 202 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 777-7951 Fax: (843) 777-7981 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Orthopedic Surgery Alan, Rodney Md McLeod Oncology And Hematology Associates 800 E Cheves St, Ste 480 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 777-7900 Fax: (843) 777-7340 Otolaryngology (ENT) Occupational Medicine Jones, June B Md McLeod Urgent Care Center 3015 W Palmetto St Florence, Sc 29501 (843) 777-6870 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Bajaj, Rajesh K Md McLeod Oncology And Hematology Associates 506 E Cheves St, Ste 202 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 777-7951 Fax: (843) 777-7981 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Hopla, Dan M Md Ent Associates Of Florence 800 E Cheves St Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 667-3533 Fax: (843) 292-0038 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 80 Specialty Care Network Florence County Florence County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Pediatric Endocrinology Clark, Pamela Md McLeod Pediatric Diabetes Center 901 E Cheves St, Ste 420 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 777-5701 Fax: (843) 777-7320 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Pediatrics Ugale Wilson, Judith M Md McLeod Oncology And Hematology Associates 800 E Cheves St, Ste 480 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 777-7900 Fax: (843) 777-7340 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Plastic Surgery Heffel, Dominic Md McLeod Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery 800 E Cheves St, Ste 280 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 679-6881 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Podiatry Muha, Jeffrey P Dpm Carolinas Podiatry 1580 Freedom Blvd, Ste 106 Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 674-1480 Fax: (843) 674-6411 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Ward, Phillip E Dpm Carolinas Podiatry 1580 Freedom Blvd, Ste 106 Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 674-1480 Fax: (843) 674-6411 Pulmonary Medicine Al Hourany, Ramzy W Md Carolinas Medical Alliance 805 Pamplico Hwy, Ste A220 Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 629-7074 Fax: (843) 629-7274 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Atkins, John Md McLeod Pulmonary And Critical Care Associates 800 E Cheves St, Ste 200 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 777-7863 Fax: (843) 777-7873 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Eruchalu, Ifeanyichukwu Md McLeod Pulmonary And Critical Care Associates 800 E Cheves St, Ste 200 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 777-7863 Fax: (843) 777-7873 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Jona, Vinod Md McLeod Pulmonary And Critical Care Associates 800 E Cheves St, Ste 200 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 777-7863 Fax: (843) 777-7873 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Seif, Fadi E Md Carolinas Pulmonology 805 Pamplico Hwy, Ste A 220 Florence, Sc 29505 (216) 702-8280 Rheumatology Patel, Supen R Md Carolinas Rheumatology And Osteoporosis 1594 Freedom Blvd, Ste 202 Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 674-6440 Turner, Robert E Md Carolinas Rheumatology And Osteoporosis 1594 Freedom Blvd, Ste 202 Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 674-6440 Watford, Kyle Md McLeod Orthopaedic 800 E Cheves St, Ste 480 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 777-7900 Fax: (843) 777-7925 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Chapman, Steven F Md Carolinas Medical Alliance 805 Pamplico Hwy B300 Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 676-2760 Fax: (843) 676-2762 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Jones, Gregory Md McLeod Cardiothoracic Surgical Associates 101 S Ravenel St, Ste 270 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 777-7020 Fax: (843) 664-9545 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Urology Barnett, L Thomas Md McLeod Urology Associates 800 E Cheves St, Ste 350 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 665-2000 Fax: (843) 669-1701 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Evans, Brian R Md McLeod Urology Associates 800 E Cheves St, Ste 350 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 665-2000 Fax: (843) 669-1701 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Zebian, Rami C Md Carolinas Pulmonology 805 Pamplico Hwy, Ste A 220 Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 673-7529 Sports Medicine Thoracic Surgery Horger, David C Md McLeod Urology Associates 800 E Cheves St, Ste 350 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 665-2000 Fax: (843) 669-1701 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–7:00pm; Sat 9:00am–1:00pm Hsia, Michael H Md Carolinas Urology 805 Pamplico Hwy, Ste B310 Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 673-7525 Fax: (843) 673-7528 O’kelly, Peter P Md Carolinas Urology 805 Pamplico Hwy, Ste B310 Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 673-7525 Fax: (843) 673-7528 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 81 Gaston County NC Vaught, Winston W Md McLeod Urology Associates 800 E Cheves St, Ste 350 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 665-2000 Fax: (843) 669-1701 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Gaston County NC Allergy And Immunology Collins, Richard E Md Carolina Asthma And Allergy Center PA 2325 Aberdeen Blvd, Ste C Gastonia, Nc 28054 (704) 861-0515 Fax: (704) 998-0977 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Errington, Glenn W Md Carolina Asthma And Allergy Center PA 2325 Aberdeen Blvd, Ste C Gastonia, Nc 28054 (704) 861-0515 Fax: (704) 998-0977 Patel, Roopen R Md Carolina Asthma And Allergy Center PA 2325 Aberdeen Blvd, Ste C Gastonia, Nc 28054 (704) 861-0515 Fax: (704) 998-0977 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Roberts, Richard S Md Carolina Asthma And Allergy Center PA 2325 Aberdeen Blvd, Ste C Gastonia, Nc 28054 (704) 861-0515 Fax: (704) 998-0977 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Cardiovascular Disease Binder, Andrew J Md Riverwood Medical Associates 3715 Union Rd Gastonia, Nc 28056 (704) 854-8202 Fax: (704) 864-5982 Bower, James C Md The Sanger Clinic 603 Cox Rd Gastonia, Nc 28054 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Gaston County NC Boyette, Douglas R Md Riverwood Medical Associates 3715 Union Rd Gastonia, Nc 28056 (704) 854-8202 Fax: (704) 864-5982 Brezicki, Paul A Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Browne, Richard E Md The Sanger Clinic 2550 Court Dr, Ste 203 Gastonia, Nc 28054 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Brezicki, Paul A Md Cox Road Urgent Care 603 Cox Rd Gastonia, Nc 28054 (704) 852-9561 Fax: (704) 869-0838 Liu, Huajun Md Riverwood Medical Associates 3715 Union Rd Gastonia, Nc 28056 (704) 854-8202 Fax: (704) 864-5982 √ Languages Spoken: Chinese Childs, Thomas R Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Van Cleeff, Sander Md The Sanger Clinic 2550 Court Dr, Ste 203 Gastonia, Nc 28054 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Family Practice Almeyda Ruiz, Rebecca Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Anquilo, Louie A Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Armistead, Hal W Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Bolin Jr, Lewis B Md Eastridge Family Medicine 1896 Remount Rd Gastonia, Nc 28054 (704) 512-3930 Fax: (704) 865-2478 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Colmenares, Gustavo A Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Cuciniello, Jodi N Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Drimalla, Richard B Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Finckrothman, Denise R Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Griggs, James P Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 82 Gaston County NC Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Gaston County NC Harris, Rachel M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Koewler, Thomas J Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Martin, Anthony W Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 2550 Court Dr Gastonia, Nc 28054 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Hilderbrand, Hartwell Z Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Koewler, Thomas J Md Cox Road Urgent Care 603 Cox Rd Gastonia, Nc 28054 (704) 852-9561 Fax: (704) 869-0838 McCutchen, Jeffrey R Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hillman, Jason P Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Jones, Karen D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Jones, Robert L Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 2550 Court Dr Gastonia, Nc 28054 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Kaldy, Patricia M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Kelly, Daniel L Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Kerecman, Richard Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Konen, Joseph C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Konen, Joseph C Md Cox Road Urgent Care 603 Cox Rd Gastonia, Nc 28054 (704) 852-9561 Fax: (704) 869-0838 Kreisman, Steven Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Kreisman, Steven Md Cox Road Urgent Care 603 Cox Rd Gastonia, Nc 28054 (704) 852-9561 Fax: (704) 869-0838 Lorenzo, Emily E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Love, Pamela D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Manos, Heather M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Mohindroo, Krishan K Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Mokari, Babak Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Persaud, Dennis S Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Price, Gregory M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Reddy, Madhavi G Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Richards, Michael D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 83 Gaston County NC Roberson, Lewis H Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Roberson, Lewis H Md Cox Road Urgent Care 603 Cox Rd Gastonia, Nc 28054 (704) 852-9561 Fax: (704) 869-0838 Sailer, Kaaren S Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Savitsky, Ivan Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Simmons, Benjamin F Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Sykes, Paul W Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Sykes, Paul W Md Cox Road Urgent Care 603 Cox Rd Gastonia, Nc 28054 (704) 852-9561 Fax: (704) 869-0838 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Van Meter, Richard A Md Riverwood Medical Associates 3715 Union Rd Gastonia, Nc 28056 (704) 854-8202 Fax: (704) 864-5982 Specialty Care Network Gaston County NC IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Verma, Anuradha Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Verma, Anuradha Md Cox Road Urgent Care 603 Cox Rd Gastonia, Nc 28054 (704) 852-9561 Fax: (704) 869-0838 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Walker, Brian A Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Walker, Brian A Do Cox Road Urgent Care 603 Cox Rd Gastonia, Nc 28054 (704) 852-9561 Fax: (704) 869-0838 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Washington, Edward M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Washington, Edward M Md Cox Road Urgent Care 603 Cox Rd Gastonia, Nc 28054 (704) 852-9561 Fax: (704) 869-0838 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm White, Lena K Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Internal Medicine Amin, Ketan B Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Shah, Ketan D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Shah, Ketan D Md Cox Road Urgent Care 603 Cox Rd Gastonia, Nc 28054 (704) 852-9561 Fax: (704) 869-0838 Vaden, Tracela C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Vaden, Tracela C Md Cox Road Urgent Care 603 Cox Rd Gastonia, Nc 28054 (704) 852-9561 Fax: (704) 869-0838 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Neurology Livingston, Timothy S Md Carolinas Pediatric Neurology Care 6600 Wilkinson Blvd Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 446-1900 Fax: (704) 446-6255 Livingston, Timothy S Md Carolinas Pediatric Neurology Care 2550 Court Dr Gastonia, Nc 28054 (704) 403-2660 Fax: (704) 403-2670 Withrow, Jerry W Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 84 Gaston County NC Pediatric Cardiology Bengur, Resai R Md The Sanger Clinic 2550 Court Dr, Ste 203 Gastonia, Nc 28054 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Bensky, Andrew S Md The Sanger Clinic 2550 Court Dr, Ste 203 Gastonia, Nc 28054 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Bensky, Andrew S Md The Sanger Clinic 603 Cox Rd Gastonia, Nc 28054 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Pediatric Gastroenterology Shah, Ameesh A Md CMC Faculty Physicians 4501 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28054 (704) 381-1410 Fax: (704) 381-1434 Summers, Lisa A Md CMC Faculty Physicians 4501 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28054 (704) 381-1410 Fax: (704) 381-1434 Pediatric Rheumatology Vora, Sheetal S Md CMC Faculty Physicians 4501 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28054 (704) 381-1410 Fax: (704) 381-1434 Pediatrics Branner, Christopher M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Gaston County NC Branner, Christopher M Md Cox Road Urgent Care 603 Cox Rd Gastonia, Nc 28054 (704) 852-9561 Fax: (704) 869-0838 Jackson, Thomas R Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 2550 Court Dr Gastonia, Nc 28054 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Kendrick, Alfred E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Kanelos, Sharon K Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 2550 Court Dr Gastonia, Nc 28054 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Rea, Janice L Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Martini, Dana L Do Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 2550 Court Dr Gastonia, Nc 28054 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Seal, Anna C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Mehta, Paras H Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 2550 Court Dr Gastonia, Nc 28054 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Seal, Anna C Md Cox Road Urgent Care 603 Cox Rd Gastonia, Nc 28054 (704) 852-9561 Fax: (704) 869-0838 Tassone, Judi L Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 2550 Court Dr Gastonia, Nc 28054 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Pulmonary Medicine Aggarwal, Puneet Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 2550 Court Dr Gastonia, Nc 28054 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Taylor, Chau C Md Northeast Critical Care Associates 920 Church St N Concord, Nc 28054 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Agner, David M Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 2550 Court Dr Gastonia, Nc 28054 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Thakkar, Nehal P Md Northeast Critical Care Associates 920 Church St N Concord, Nc 28054 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Bockenek, William L Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 2550 Court Dr Gastonia, Nc 28054 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Urology Schneider, Robert E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 420 Park St Belmont, Nc 28012 (704) 631-1820 Fax: (704) 825-5443 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 85 Georgetown County Georgetown County Internal Medicine Morad, Shirin Do Coastal Urgent Care LLC 201 Business Center Dr Pawleys Island, Sc 29585 (888) 467-1117 Fax: (888) 485-3336 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Glynn County GA Dermatology Smith, Sidney Md Georgia Skin And Cancer Clinic 3215 Shrine Rd, Ste 2 Brunswick, Ga 31520 (912) 262-0042 Fax: (912) 927-0267 Greenville County Allergy And Immunology Bruce, Curtis A Md Allergic Disease And Asthma Center PA 1202 E Butler Rd Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 627-3800 Fax: (864) 672-2653 Hours: Mon, Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Tue, Thu 8:00am–7:00pm; Wed 8:00am–1:00pm Bruce, Curtis A Md Allergic Disease And Asthma Center PA 7 Memorial Medical Dr Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 295-2492 Fax: (864) 295-2494 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Johnstone, Reid F Md Allergy Partners Of The Upstate 48 Creekview Ct Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 458-7431 Fax: (864) 458-7463 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Johnstone, Reid F Md Allergy Partners Of The Upstate 62 Bear Dr Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 220-3377 Fax: (864) 220-3301 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Specialty Care Network Greenville County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Johnstone, Reid F Md Allergy Partners Of The Upstate 672b Fairview Rd Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 962-9498 Fax: (864) 962-8933 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Lantz, Andrea B Md Allergy Partners Of The Upstate 62 Bear Dr Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 220-3377 Fax: (864) 220-3301 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Johnstone III, R G Md Allergy Partners Of The Upstate 48 Creekview Ct Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 458-7431 Fax: (864) 458-7463 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Lantz, Andrea B Md Allergy Partners Of The Upstate 672b Fairview Rd Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 962-9498 Fax: (864) 962-8933 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Johnstone III, R G Md Allergy Partners Of The Upstate 62 Bear Dr Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 220-3377 Fax: (864) 220-3301 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Sarmiento, Emmanuel U Md Allergic Disease And Asthma Center PA 1202 E Butler Rd Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 627-3800 Fax: (864) 672-2653 Hours: Mon, Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Tue, Thu 8:00am–7:00pm; Wed 8:00am–1:00pm Johnstone III, R G Md Allergy Partners Of The Upstate 672b Fairview Rd Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 962-9498 Fax: (864) 962-8933 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Sarmiento, Emmanuel U Md Allergic Disease And Asthma Center PA 7 Memorial Medical Dr Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 295-2492 Fax: (864) 295-2494 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Kao, Neil L Md Allergic Disease And Asthma Center PA 1202 E Butler Rd Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 627-3800 Fax: (864) 672-2653 Hours: Mon, Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Tue, Thu 8:00am–7:00pm; Wed 8:00am–1:00pm Kao, Neil L Md Allergic Disease And Asthma Center PA 7 Memorial Medical Dr Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 295-2492 Fax: (864) 295-2494 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Lantz, Andrea B Md Allergy Partners Of The Upstate 48 Creekview Ct Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 458-7431 Fax: (864) 458-7463 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Dermatology Brown, Allison Md Shelby Radiological Assoc 920 Woodruff Rd Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 233-6338 Fax: (704) 487-0294 Hutcheson, Angela Md Internal Medicine Assoc 920 Woodruff Rd Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 233-6338 Fax: (864) 235-1982 Kuhl, John Md Internal Medicine Assoc 920 Woodruff Rd Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 233-6338 Mason, Ashley Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 86 Greenville County Mason, Ashley Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Mason, Ashley Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Peterson, Christopher M Md Rogers Dermatology PA 3b Cleveland Crt Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 232-0196 Fax: (864) 235-4179 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Rogers, Wayne G Md Rogers Dermatology PA 3b Cleveland Crt Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 232-0196 Fax: (864) 235-4179 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Endocrinology And Metabolism Rahmani, Mojgan Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Rahmani, Mojgan Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Rahmani, Mojgan Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Specialty Care Network Greenville County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Family Practice McMarlin, Andrew J Do Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 9313 Medical Plaza Dr, Ste 202 Greenville, Sc 29605 (843) 572-1200 Fax: (543) 553-0424 √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Gastroenterology Awkerman, Georgeanna PA Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Awkerman, Georgeanna PA Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Awkerman, Georgeanna PA Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Baranski, Sarah Anp Ghs Partners In Health 111 Doctors Dr Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 242-4683 Fax: (864) 240-8104 Couch, Amanda Fnp Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Hartley, Lawrence Md Internal Medicine Assoc 1025 Verdae Blvd, Ste A Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 242-4683 Fax: (864) 240-8104 Lurix, Einar Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Lurix, Einar Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Lurix, Einar Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Smith, Rebecca PA Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Smith, Rebecca PA Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Smith, Rebecca PA Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 General Practice Anderson, Donald Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Bertolami, Christina Do Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Bertolami, Christina Do Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 87 Greenville County Bertolami, Christina Do Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Campbell, Patricia Np Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Hours: Mon–Fri 7:30am–4:30pm; Sat 8:30am–12:00pm Carles, Javier Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Carles, Javier Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Carles, Javier Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Childers, William Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Childers, William Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Childers, William Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Clardy, Alan Md Proaxis Therapy 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7000 Haddad, Bassam Md Ghs Partners In Health 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7111 Collins, Bradley Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Hirshorn, Karla Md Ghs Partners In Health 106 Parkview Dr Laurens, Sc 29360 (864) 984-0571 Fax: (864) 984-6121 Depina, Manuel Md Internal Medicine Assoc 701 Grove Road Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-6372 Fax: (864) 455-5474 Liptak, Justine Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Dillon, Daniel Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Liptak, Justine Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Dillon, Daniel Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Liptak, Justine Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Dillon, Daniel Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Manfredi, Alissa Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Green, Vincent Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Manfredi, Alissa Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Green, Vincent Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Manfredi, Alissa Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Green, Vincent Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Milko, John Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Greenville County Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 88 Greenville County Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Milko, John Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Nabors, Dina Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Patterson, Melmoth Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Milko, John Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Nabors, Dina Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Patterson, Melmoth Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Mills, Richard Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Nelson, Christopher Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Patterson, Melmoth Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Mills, Richard Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Nelson, Christopher Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Powers, John Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Mills, Richard Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Nelson, Christopher Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Powers, John Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Moore, Paul Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Oldson, Teressa Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Powers, John Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Moore, Paul Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Parker, Howard Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Randol, Richard Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Moore, Paul Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Parker, Howard Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Smith, Valda Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Nabors, Dina Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Parker, Howard Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Smith, Valda Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Greenville County Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 89 Greenville County Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Smith, Valda Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Todd, Carol Fnp Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Todd, Carol Fnp Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Todd, Carol Fnp Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 General Surgery Abrams, Randel S Md Ghs Partners In Health Inc Dba Umg 48 Cross Park Ct Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 797-7400 Fax: (864) 797-7405 Barr, Bonnie Md Ghs Partners In Health 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-6372 Shanbhag, Gajanan R Md North Hills Medical Center 319 S Buncombe Rd Greer, Sc 29651 (864) 877-3883 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Bayliss, Robert Md Internal Medicine Assoc 1025 Verdae Blvd, Ste 212 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 242-4683 Fax: (864) 240-8104 Shanbhag, Gajanan R Md North Hills Medical Center 309 W Bulter Rd Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 297-1575 Fax: (864) 284-0844 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Gynecology Pierce, Clovis H Md North Hills Medical Center 800 Pelham Rd Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 752-3340 Fax: (864) 284-0844 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–5:00pm Pierce, Clovis H Md North Hills Medical Center 319 S Buncombe Rd Greer, Sc 29651 (864) 877-3883 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Infectious Disease Bowers, Teresa Md New Horizon Family Health Services Inc 811 Pendleton St, Ste 11 Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 751-3200 Fax: (864) 751-3215 Hours: Mon–Thu 1:00pm–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Polish Shanbhag, Gajanan R Md North Hills Medical Center 505 C N Main Plaza Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 232-2734 Fax: (864) 527-9199 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Call, Mark D Md New Horizon Family Health Services Inc 811 Pendleton St, Ste 11 Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 751-3200 Fax: (864) 751-3215 Hours: Mon–Thu 1:00pm–5:00pm Internal Medicine Amin, Amit Md Ghs Emergency Services Of Laurens County 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Bloodworth, James Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Brownlee, Caroline Md Internal Medicine Assoc 1025 Verdae Blvd, Ste A Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 242-4683 Fax: (864) 240-8104 Chambliss, Thomas Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Shanbhag, Gajanan R Md North Hills Medical Center 3904 S Hwy 14 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 987-9990 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Shanbhag, Gajanan R Md North Hills Medical Center 800 Pelham Rd Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 752-3340 Fax: (864) 284-0844 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–5:00pm Greenville County Chambliss, Thomas Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Chambliss, Thomas Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Colker, Jack Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Colker, Jack Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 90 Greenville County Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Colker, Jack Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Craig, William Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Dubose, Robert Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Dubose, Robert Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Dubose, Robert Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Gaikwad, Nitin P Md North Hills Medical Center 3904 S Hwy 14 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 987-9990 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Gaikwad, Nitin P Md North Hills Medical Center 505 C N Main Plaza Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 232-2734 Fax: (864) 527-9199 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Gaikwad, Nitin P Md North Hills Medical Center 800 Pelham Rd Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 752-3340 Fax: (864) 284-0844 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Gaikwad, Nitin P Md North Hills Medical Center 319 S Buncombe Rd Greer, Sc 29651 (864) 877-3883 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Gaikwad, Nitin P Md North Hills Medical Center 315 W Butler Rd Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 297-1575 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Graddick, Steven Md Internal Medicine Assoc 1025 Verdae Blvd, Ste A Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 242-4683 Fax: (864) 240-8104 Greene, Jonnie Fnp Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Greene, Jonnie Fnp Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Greene, Jonnie Fnp Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Grover, Daniel Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Grover, Daniel Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Greenville County Grover, Daniel Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Guirao, David Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Guirao, David Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Guirao, David Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Hwang, Jai Md Internal Medicine Assoc 1025 Verdae Blvd, Ste A Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 242-4683 Fax: (864) 240-8104 Kilgore, Teresa Do Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Kilgore, Teresa Do Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Kilgore, Teresa Do Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Koontz, David Md Ghs Partners In Health 1025 Verdae Blvd, Ste A Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 424-4683 Fax: (864) 240-8104 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 91 Greenville County Specialty Care Network Greenville County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Lindamood, Ronald Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 O’gradyirwin, Sheila Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Welcome, Amy Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Lindamood, Ronald Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Poteat, Tony Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Welcome, Amy Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Lindamood, Ronald Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Poteat, Tony Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Welcome, Amy Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 McDonald, Andrew Md Proaxis Therapy 1025 Verdae Blvd, Ste A Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 242-4683 Fax: (864) 240-8104 Poteat, Tony Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Meyer, Elizabeth Fnp Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Purcell, Mark D Do Carolina Nephrology 203 Mills Ave Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 271-1844 Fax: (864) 271-2147 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Meyer, Elizabeth Fnp Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Meyer, Elizabeth Fnp Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 O’gradyirwin, Sheila Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Stigall, Beverly Ann Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Stigall, Beverly Ann Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Stigall, Beverly Ann Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 O’gradyirwin, Sheila Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Nephrology Alioua, Chokri Md Carolina Nephrology 203 Mills Ave Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 271-1844 Fax: (864) 271-2147 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Bognar, Istvan G Md Carolina Nephrology 203 Mills Ave Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 271-1844 Fax: (864) 271-2147 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Hungarian Christopher, Kaye Md Carolina Nephrology 203 Mills Ave Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 271-1844 Fax: (864) 271-2147 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Healy, Grant F Md Carolina Nephrology 203 Mills Ave Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 271-1844 Fax: (864) 271-2147 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Klimas, Victor A Md Carolina Nephrology 203 Mills Ave Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 271-1844 Fax: (864) 271-2147 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 92 Greenville County Shusterman, Blake D Md Carolina Nephrology 203 Mills Ave Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 271-1844 Fax: (864) 271-2147 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Tsai, Willy C Md Carolina Nephrology 203 Mills Ave Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 271-1844 Fax: (864) 271-2147 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Chinese Ward, William B Md Carolina Nephrology 203 Mills Ave Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 271-1844 Fax: (864) 271-2147 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Yu, Henry T Md Carolina Nephrology 203 Mills Ave Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 271-1844 Fax: (864) 271-2147 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Neurological Surgery Anthony, Laura Psyd Traumatic Brain Injury Program 100 Augusta St Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 455-2629 Fax: (864) 455-2621 Herring, Sheldon Phd Traumatic Brain Injury Program 651 S Main St, Ste 250 Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 455-2600 Fax: (864) 455-2621 Klein, David Phd Traumatic Brain Injury Program 100 Augusta St Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 455-2600 McConnell, Tracie Phd Traumatic Brain Injury Program 100 Augusta St Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 455-2600 Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY McQuillen, Anita Phd Traumatic Brain Injury Program 100 Augusta St Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 455-2600 Foxworth, Elizabeth Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Wagner, Rebecca Phd Traumatic Brain Injury Program 100 Augusta St Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 455-2600 Foxworth, Elizabeth Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Young, Craig Psyd Traumatic Brain Injury Program 100 Augusta St Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 455-2600 Granger, Jacqueline Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Neurology Hudgins, Leslee Do McLeod Neurology 4000 S Carolina 9 Little River, Sc 29566 (843) 390-8310 Granger, Jacqueline Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Monnell, Kimberly Do McLeod Neurology 4000 S Carolina 9 Little River, Sc 29566 (843) 390-8310 Granger, Jacqueline Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Orthopedic Surgery Campbell, Victor C Md New Horizon Family Health Services Inc 111a Berry Ave Greer, Sc 29650 (864) 801-2035 Fax: (864) 801-2037 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Pediatrics Amin, David Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Foxworth, Elizabeth Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Greenville County Jones, Alison Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Jones, Alison Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Jones, Alison Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Polley, Kevin Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 93 Greenville County Polley, Kevin Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Polley, Kevin Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Polly, Dawn Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Polly, Dawn Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Polly, Dawn Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Wilson, John Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Choe, Byung H Md Carolina Medical Rehabilitation 27 Creekview Ct Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 627-4032 Fax: (864) 627-4035 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Gupta, Navneet Md Center For Rehabilitation And Pain Management LLC 213 E Butler Rd, Ste F1 Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 284-0470 Fax: (864) 284-0471 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Podiatry Greenwood County Cardiovascular Disease Pattis, George N Dpm North Hills Medical Center 3904 S Hwy 14 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 987-9990 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Albrecht, Carlos A Md Piedmont Cardiology Associates 421 Epting Ave Greenwood, Sc 29646 (864) 227-6818 Fax: (864) 227-0850 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Pattis, George N Dpm North Hills Medical Center 505 C N Main Plaza Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 232-2734 Fax: (864) 527-9199 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Pattis, George N Dpm North Hills Medical Center 800 Pelham Rd Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 752-3340 Fax: (864) 284-0844 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–5:00pm Pattis, George N Dpm North Hills Medical Center 319 S Buncombe Rd Greer, Sc 29651 (864) 877-3883 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Pattis, George N Dpm North Hills Medical Center 309 W Bulter Rd Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 297-1575 Fax: (864) 284-0844 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Rheumatology Kumar, Suhail Md Internal Medicine Assoc 1025 Verdae Blvd, Ste A Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 240-5054 Fax: (864) 286-7481 Lipsey, Allison Md Ghs Partners In Health 1025 Verdae Blvd, Ste A Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 286-7480 Fax: (864) 286-7481 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Greenwood County James, Walter E Md Piedmont Cardiology Associates 421 Epting Ave Greenwood, Sc 29646 (864) 227-6818 Fax: (864) 227-0850 Kim, Paul E Md Piedmont Cardiology Associates 421 Epting Ave Greenwood, Sc 29646 (864) 227-6818 Fax: (864) 227-0850 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Kumar, Priya Md Piedmont Cardiology Associates 421 Epting Ave Greenwood, Sc 29646 (864) 227-6818 Fax: (864) 227-0850 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Villareal, Rollo P Md Piedmont Cardiology Associates 421 Epting Ave Greenwood, Sc 29646 (864) 227-6818 Fax: (864) 227-0850 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Internal Medicine Kumar, Shekar P Md Piedmont Cardiology Associates 421 Epting Ave Greenwood, Sc 29646 (864) 227-6818 Fax: (864) 227-0850 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Pritchard, Thomas M Md Piedmont Cardiology Associates 421 Epting Ave Greenwood, Sc 29646 (864) 227-6818 Fax: (864) 227-0850 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 94 Hampton County Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Hampton County Neurology Plyler, John W Md Palmetto Primary Care Physicians 300 Maple St W Hampton, Sc 29924 (843) 569-1856 Fax: (843) 569-1879 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hart County GA General Surgery Daws, Anthony W Md Dr Anthony Wayne Daws Md 18 W Gibson St Hartwell, Ga 30643 (706) 376-6000 Fax: (706) 376-6608 Haywood County NC Allergy And Immunology Jenkins, Henry A Md Allergy Partners Of Western North Carolina 8 Physicians Dr Clyde, Nc 28721 (828) 452-4474 Fax: (828) 452-0886 McCann, William A Md Allergy Partners Of Western North Carolina 8 Physicians Dr Clyde, Nc 28721 (828) 452-4474 Fax: (828) 452-0886 Russell, Donald W Md Allergy Partners Of Western North Carolina 8 Physicians Dr Clyde, Nc 28721 (828) 452-4474 Fax: (828) 452-0886 Henderson County NC Allergy And Immunology Jenkins, Henry A Md Allergy Partners Of Western North Carolina 700 Beverly Hank Center Hendersonville, Nc 28792 (828) 692-0488 Fax: (828) 692-5071 Horry County Cardiovascular Disease Beaver, Barney B Do Murrells Inlet Heart And Vascular 4630 Hwy 17 Bypass Murrells Inlet, Sc 29576 (843) 357-2299 Kontos, Jimmy L Md Cardiology Gastroenterology Associates 945 82nd Pkwy, Ste 3 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 449-3381 Fax: (843) 839-0275 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Tue 9:00am–4:30pm Leask, Gavin Md Pee Dee Cardiology Associates 3485 Mitchell St Loris, Sc 29569 (843) 756-7029 Fax: (843) 756-7033 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Pande, Amit Md Pee Dee Cardiology Associates 3980 Highway 9 E, Ste 220 Little River, Sc 29566 (843) 390-0877 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Pande, Amit Md Pee Dee Cardiology Associates 3485 Mitchell St Loris, Sc 29569 (843) 756-7029 Fax: (843) 756-7033 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Trask, Neil W Md Cardiology Gastroenterology Associates 945 82nd Pkwy, Ste 3 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 449-3381 Fax: (843) 839-0275 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Tue 9:00am–4:30pm Gastroenterology Jackson, William A Md Cardiology Gastroenterology Associates 945 82nd Pkwy, Ste 3 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 449-3381 Fax: (843) 839-0275 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Tue 9:00am–4:30pm Leask, Gavin Md Pee Dee Cardiology Associates 3980 Highway 9 E, Ste 220 Little River, Sc 29566 (843) 390-0877 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Horry County Cornnell, Timothy Md Cardiology Gastroenterology Associates 945 82nd Pkwy, Ste 3 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 449-3381 Fax: (843) 839-0275 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Tue 9:00am–4:30pm Thompson, Joel R Md Cardiology Gastroenterology Associates 945 82nd Pkwy, Ste 3 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 449-3381 Fax: (843) 839-0275 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Tue 9:00am–4:30pm Vukov, Gary A Md Cardiology Gastroenterology Associates 945 82nd Pkwy, Ste 3 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 449-3381 Fax: (843) 839-0275 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Tue 9:00am–4:30pm General Practice Harkins, Keith Md Southern Medical Associates 3418 Casey St Loris, Sc 29569 (843) 756-7885 Fax: (843) 756-7855 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Pelstring, Mark Md Southern Medical Associates 3418 Casey St Loris, Sc 29569 (843) 756-7885 Fax: (843) 756-7855 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 95 Horry County Specialty Care Network Horry County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Sejan, Andrew Md Southern Medical Associates 3418 Casey St Loris, Sc 29569 (843) 756-7885 Fax: (843) 756-7855 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm General Surgery Davis, Ben D Md Grand Strand Surgical Specialist 849 82nd Pkwy Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 497-6348 Fax: (843) 497-6351 Hours: Mon-Thu 8:30am–5:00pm; Fri 8:30am–4:00pm Pepe, Antonio P Md Grand Strand Surgical Specialist 849 82nd Pkwy Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 497-6348 Fax: (843) 497-6351 Hours: Mon-Thu 8:30am–5:00pm; Fri 8:30am–4:00pm Poole, Trevor W Md McLeod Loris Seacoast Surgery 3600 Seamountain Hwy Ste A Little River, Sc 29566 (843) 399-9774 Fax: (843) 399-8657 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–3:00pm Poole, Trevor W Md McLeod Loris Seacoast Surgery 3617 Casey St Ste C Loris, Sc 29569 (843) 756-3150 Fax: (843) 756-4787 Hours: Mon, Wed 9:00am–5:00pm Reid, James D Md Grand Strand Surgical Specialist 849 82nd Pkwy Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 497-6348 Fax: (843) 497-6351 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat 8:30am–1:00pm Sasser, Paul L Md Associates In Surgery PA 2361 Cypress Circle Conway, Sc 29526 (843) 347-7291 Fax: (843) 347-9309 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Geriatrics Goodroe, Randall N Md Cardiology Gastroenterology Associates 945 82nd Pkwy, Ste 3 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 449-3381 Fax: (843) 839-0275 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Tue 9:00am–4:30pm Mount, Lisa E Md Grand Strand Senior Health 4237 River Hills Dr, Ste 150 Little River, Sc 29566 (843) 281-2778 Fax: (843) 281-2785 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–4:00pm Nephrology Overton, Mark H Md Grand Strand Senior Health 4237 River Hills Dr, Ste 150 Little River, Sc 29566 (843) 281-2778 Fax: (843) 281-2785 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–4:00pm Balachandran, Sivanthan Md Coastal Kidney Center 834 Farrar Dr Conway, Sc 29526 (843) 347-9748 Fax: (843) 347-9574 Hours: Mon Tue 11:00am–1:00pm; Wed, Thu, Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Infectious Disease Elms, John J Md Coastal Kidney Center 834 Farrar Dr Conway, Sc 29526 (843) 347-9748 Fax: (843) 347-9574 Hours: Mon Tue 11:00am–1:00pm; Wed, Thu, Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Ebama, Nyabilondi H Md Lowcountry Infectious Diseases 8208 A Devon Ct Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 449-1640 Fax: (843) 449-1605 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Sherertz, Robert J Md Lowcountry Infectious Diseases 4835 Hwy 17 Bypass, Ste B Murrells Inlet, Sc 29576 (843) 449-1640 Fax: (843) 449-1605 Hours: Thu 12:30pm–5:00pm Po, Christopher Md McLeod Nephrology Seacoast 3980 Highway 9 E, Ste 240 Little River, Sc 29566 (843) 716-7163 Fax: (843) 716-7918 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Internal Medicine Biondillo, Doli E Md McLeod Pulmonology And Critical Care Seacoast 3980 Highway 9 E, Ste 240 Little River, Sc 29566 (843) 390-8302 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Po, Christopher Md McLeod Nephrology Seacoast 3617 Casey St, Ste C Loris, Sc 29569 (843) 716-7163 Fax: (843) 716-7918 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Neurological Surgery Biondillo, Doli E Md McLeod Pulmonology And Critical Care Seacoast 3617 Casey St, Ste C Loris, Sc 29569 (843) 716-7911 Fax: (843) 716-7918 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Anderson, Thomas S Md Grand Strand Speciality Associates 8170 Rourk St Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 692-2112 Fax: (843) 429-2190 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Cohen, Paul Md Little River Medical Center Inc 4303 Live Oak Dr Little River, Sc 29566 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 280-2455 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Giddens, Eugene M Md Grand Strand Speciality Associates 8170 Rourk St Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 692-2112 Fax: (843) 429-2190 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 96 Specialty Care Network Horry County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Neurology Sandoz, George M Md Grand Strand Speciality Associates 8170 Rourk St Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 692-2112 Fax: (843) 429-2190 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Portuguese, Spanish Sarb, Barbara L Do Grand Strand Speciality Associates 8170 Rourk St Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 692-2112 Fax: (843) 429-2190 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Orthopedic Surgery Ahearn, Arthur Mason Md Claire Orthopedics PA 4033 Hwy 17 Murrells Inlet, Sc 29576 (843) 651-2624 Fax: (843) 357-4940 Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00am–2:30pm Boullion, Christopher G Md Grand Strand Speciality Associates 8170 Rourk St Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 692-2112 Fax: (843) 429-2190 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Tue 7:30am–5:00pm Pulmonary Medicine Young Jr, Carol Md McLeod Pulmonary And Critical Care Seacost 3980 Highway 9 E, Ste 240 Little River, Sc 29566 (843) 390-8302 Fax: (843) 390-8315 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Young Jr, Carol Md McLeod Pulmonary And Critical Care Seacost 3617 Casey St, Ste C Loris, Sc 29569 (843) 716-7911 Fax: (843) 716-7918 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Thoracic Surgery McIntyre, Alex B Md Grand Strand Surgical Specialist 933 Medical Circle Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 497-7772 Fax: (843) 497-7627 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Messier, Robert H Md Grand Strand Surgical Specialist 933 Medical Circle Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 497-7772 Fax: (843) 497-7627 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Iredell County NC Family Practice Iredell County NC Colmenares, Gustavo A Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Cuciniello, Jodi N Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Drimalla, Richard B Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Almeyda Ruiz, Rebecca Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Finckrothman, Denise R Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Anquilo, Louie A Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Griggs, James P Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Armistead, Hal W Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Brezicki, Paul A Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Childs, Thomas R Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Hallbaker, Everlyn L Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Harris, Rachel M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Hilderbrand, Hartwell Z Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 97 Iredell County NC Hillman, Jason P Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Jones, Karen D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Kaldy, Patricia M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Iredell County NC Lorenzo, Emily E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Reddy, Madhavi G Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Love, Pamela D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Richards, Michael D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Manos, Heather M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Roberson, Lewis H Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Kelly, Daniel L Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 McCutchen, Jeffrey R Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Sailer, Kaaren S Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Kerecman, Richard Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Mohindroo, Krishan K Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Savitsky, Ivan Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Koewler, Thomas J Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Mokari, Babak Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Simmons, Benjamin F Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Konen, Joseph C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Persaud, Dennis S Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Kreisman, Steven Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Price, Gregory M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Sykes, Paul W Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Verma, Anuradha Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 98 Iredell County NC Walker, Brian A Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Washington, Edward M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm White, Lena K Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Withrow, Jerry W Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Internal Medicine Amin, Ketan B Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Fry, Patrick L Md Mooresville Internal Medicine Associates 137 Professional Park Dr Mooresvile, Nc 28278 (704) 663-4443 Fax: (704) 663-6999 Shah, Ketan D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Vaden, Tracela C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Specialty Care Network Kershaw County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Pediatrics Branner, Christopher M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Kendrick, Alfred E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Rea, Janice L Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Seal, Anna C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Urology Schneider, Robert E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 119d Marketplace Ave Mooresville, Nc 28117 (704) 801-9140 Fax: (704) 801-9141 Jasper County Gastroenterology General Surgery Esquivel, Hector F Md Mr Hector F Esquivel Md 1506 Grays Hwy, Ste B Ridgeland, Sc 29936 (843) 726-6199 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Orthopedic Surgery Rhodin, Thor R Md Dr Thor Robert Rhodin Md 1010 Medical Center Dr, Ste 130 Hardeeville, Sc 29927 (843) 784-3611 Pediatrics Polkey, Faith L Md Beaufort Jasper Comprehensive Health Services 721 N Okatie Hwy Ridgeland, Sc 29936 (843) 987-7400 Fax: (843) 987-7484 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–4:00pm Kershaw County Infectious Disease Olatosi, Akinwale Md Sandhills Medical Foundation 40 Baldwin Ave Lugoff, Sc 29078 (803) 408-3262 Fax: (803) 408-8895 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Yoruba Nephrology Gilbreath, Michael J Md Hilton Head Gastroenterology PA 300 New River Pkwy, Ste 11 Hardeeville, Sc 29927 (843) 681-6668 Fax: (843) 681-3295 Hours: Mon, Fri 9:00am–4:30pm Islam, Muhammad M Md Carolina Kidney Specialists LLC 1802 Roberts St Camden, Sc 29020 (803) 432-7682 Fax: (803) 432-2423 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Urdu Gwozdz, Glenn P Md Hilton Head Gastroenterology PA 300 New River Pkwy, Ste 11 Hardeeville, Sc 29927 (843) 681-6668 Fax: (843) 681-3295 Hours: Mon, Fri 9:00am–4:30pm McLaughlin, Niall G Md Columbia Nephrology Associates PA 909 Carolina Dr Lugoff, Sc 29078 (803) 252-9907 Fax: (803) 252-9906 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 99 Specialty Care Network Kershaw County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Rafiq, Muhammad A Md Carolina Kidney Specialists LLC 1802 Roberts St Camden, Sc 29020 (803) 432-7682 Fax: (803) 432-2423 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Slota, Paul A Md Carolina Heart Specialist LLC 1029 W Meeting St Lancaster, Sc 29720 (803) 285-2041 Fax: (803) 285-2097 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Usmani, Abdul B Md Carolina Kidney Specialists LLC 1802 Roberts St Camden, Sc 29020 (803) 432-7682 Fax: (803) 432-2423 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Urdu Family Practice Neurology Baker, John K Md Colonial Neurology 1124 Little St Camden, Sc 29020 (803) 773-5227 Urology Mireku Boateng, Augustine O Md Kershaw Urology LLC 1327 Haile St Camden, Sc 29020 (803) 272-0501 Fax: (803) 272-0503 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Lancaster County Cardiovascular Disease Ciminelli, Mark A Md Carolina Heart Specialist LLC 1029 W Meeting St Lancaster, Sc 29720 (803) 285-2041 Fax: (803) 285-2097 Shah, Deepak B Md Carolina Heart Specialist LLC 1029 W Meeting St Lancaster, Sc 29720 (803) 285-2041 Fax: (803) 285-2097 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Shah, Vipul Bhogilal Md Carolina Heart Specialist LLC 1029 W Meeting St Lancaster, Sc 29720 (803) 285-2041 Fax: (803) 285-2097 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Lancaster County Orthopedic Surgery Blue, Brian A Md Lancaster Clinic Corp 901 W Meeting St, Ste 104 Lancaster, Sc 29720 (803) 285-3700 Fax: (803) 285-3715 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Omalley, Aran M Md Lancaster Clinic Corp 901 W Meeting St, Ste 104 Lancaster, Sc 29720 (803) 285-3700 Fax: (803) 285-3715 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Adkins III, Samuel B Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 14214 Ballantyne Lake Rd Fort Mill, Sc 29707 (704) 863-4878 Fax: (704) 540-4535 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm General Surgery Otolaryngology (ENT) Sizemore, Patrick Md Community Health Systems 421 W Meeting St Lancaster, Sc 29720 (803) 286-8688 Fax: (803) 286-1177 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Parsons, Gregory S Md Central Carolina Ear Nose Throat And Audiology 838 W Meeting St, Ste C Lancaster, Sc 29720 (803) 286-8626 Fax: (803) 286-9924 Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Internal Medicine Aggarwal, Puneet Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 14214 Ballantyne Lake Rd Fort Mill, Sc 29707 (704) 863-4878 Fax: (704) 540-4535 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Johnson, Samuel A Md Samuel Andrew Johnson Md 8029 S Dorchester Trce Fort Mill, Sc 29707 (803) 547-8007 Oncology Gor, Asutosh Md Carolina Blood And Cancer Care Associates 2403 Charlotte Hwy Lancaster, Sc 29720 (803) 286-9696 Fax: (803) 286-8162 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Welsh, James D Md Carolina Blood And Cancer Care Associates 2403 Charlotte Hwy Lancaster, Sc 29720 (803) 286-9696 Fax: (803) 286-8162 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: French √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Agner, David M Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 14214 Ballantyne Lake Rd Fort Mill, Sc 29707 (704) 863-4878 Fax: (704) 540-4535 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Bockenek, William L Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 14214 Ballantyne Lake Rd Fort Mill, Sc 29707 (704) 863-4878 Fax: (704) 540-4535 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Tassone, Judi L Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 14214 Ballantyne Lake Rd Fort Mill, Sc 29707 (704) 863-4878 Fax: (704) 540-4535 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 100 Specialty Care Network Lancaster County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Surgery General David Jr, George L Md Lancaster Clinic Corp 838 W Meeting St, Ste E Lancaster, Sc 29720 (803) 285-8700 Fax: (803) 285-8702 Urology Johnson, Bradlee Md Community Health Systems 838 W Meeting St, Ste E Lancaster, Sc 29720 (803) 285-8700 Fax: (803) 285-8702 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Makhuli, Mark J Md Lancaster Clinic Corp 2536 Lengers Way Fort Mill, Sc 29707 (803) 802-9500 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Makhuli, Mark J Md Lancaster Clinic Corp 838 W Meeting St, Ste B Lancaster, Sc 29720 (803) 285-2700 Fax: (803) 285-2707 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Laurens County Cardiovascular Disease Hendricks, Charles W Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 22725 Hwy 76 E Clinton, Sc 29325 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 744-4731 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm James, Walter E Md Piedmont Cardiology Associates 300 Plaza Circle, Ste E Clinton, Sc 29325 (864) 833-4254 Fax: (864) 833-5304 Lee County General Practice Orthopedic Surgery Chillag, Kim J Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 104 Saluda Pointe Dr Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 227-8178 Fax: (803) 227-8278 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Pate, John Md Pate Medical Associates 116 Hospital Square Bishopville, Sc 29010 (803) 484-9424 Fax: (803) 484-6973 Lexington County Allergy And Immunology Bykowsky, Michael J Md Carolina Allergy And Asthma Consultants 190 Parkridge Dr, Ste 340 Columbia, Sc 29212 (803) 409-0701 Fax: (803) 779-0344 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Vande Stouwe, Robert A Md Carolina Allergy And Asthma Consultants 190 Parkridge Dr, Ste 340 Columbia, Sc 29212 (803) 409-0701 Fax: (803) 779-0344 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Nephrology Lexington County Felmly, William T Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 104 Saluda Pointe Dr Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 227-8178 Fax: (803) 227-8278 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Felmly, William T Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 4721 Sunset Blvd, Ste A Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 227-8000 Fax: (803) 996-3180 Hours: Wed, Thu 8:00am–6:00pm Fulton, David B Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 104 Saluda Pointe Dr Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 227-8178 Fax: (803) 227-8278 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Islam, Muhammad M Md Carolina Kidney Specialists LLC 811 W Main St Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 256-1137 Fax: (803) 256-1138 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Urdu Fulton, David B Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 4721 Sunset Blvd, Ste A Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 227-8000 Fax: (803) 996-3180 Hours: Wed, Thu 8:00am–6:00pm Rafiq, Muhammad A Md Carolina Kidney Specialists LLC 811 W Main St Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 256-1137 Fax: (803) 256-1138 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Horan, Michael P Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 104 Saluda Pointe Dr Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 227-8178 Fax: (803) 227-8278 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Usmani, Abdul B Md Carolina Kidney Specialists LLC 811 W Main St, Ste 203 Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 358-6205 Fax: (803) 358-6207 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Urdu Horan, Michael P Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 4721 Sunset Blvd, Ste A Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 227-8000 Fax: (803) 996-3180 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 101 Lexington County Specialty Care Network Lexington County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Hydorn, Christopher R Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 104 Saluda Pointe Dr Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 227-8178 Fax: (803) 227-8278 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Plymale, Mickey F Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 4721 Sunset Blvd, Ste A Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 227-8000 Fax: (803) 996-3180 Hours: Wed, Thu 8:00am–6:00pm Scott, David A Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 104 Saluda Pointe Dr Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 227-8178 Fax: (803) 227-8278 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Locke, Mark D Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 104 Saluda Pointe Dr Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 227-8178 Fax: (803) 227-8278 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Putnam, Ryan M Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 104 Saluda Pointe Dr Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 227-8178 Fax: (803) 227-8278 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Scott, David A Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 4721 Sunset Blvd, Ste A Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 227-8000 Fax: (803) 996-3180 Hours: Wed, Thu 8:00am–6:00pm McFadden, Earl B Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 104 Saluda Pointe Dr Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 227-8178 Fax: (803) 227-8278 Putnam, Ryan M Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 4721 Sunset Blvd, Ste A Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 227-8000 Fax: (803) 996-3180 Hours: Wed, Thu 8:00am–6:00pm Van Dam, Jacquelyn F Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 104 Saluda Pointe Dr Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 227-8178 Fax: (803) 227-8278 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish McFadden, Earl B Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 4721 Sunset Blvd, Ste A Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 227-8000 Fax: (803) 996-3180 Noojin III, Frank K Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 104 Saluda Pointe Dr Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 227-8178 Fax: (803) 227-8278 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Noojin III, Frank K Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 4721 Sunset Blvd, Ste A Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 227-8000 Fax: (803) 996-3180 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:30pm; Sat 9:00am–11:00am Peelle, Michael W Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 104 Saluda Pointe Dr Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 227-8178 Fax: (803) 227-8278 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Plymale, Mickey F Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 104 Saluda Pointe Dr Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 227-8178 Fax: (803) 227-8278 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Smith, William B Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 104 Saluda Pointe Dr Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 227-8178 Fax: (803) 227-8278 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Van Dam, Jacquelyn F Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 4721 Sunset Blvd, Ste A Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 227-8000 Fax: (803) 996-3180 Hours: Wed, Thu 8:00am–6:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Smith, William B Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 4721 Sunset Blvd, Ste A Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 227-8000 Fax: (803) 996-3180 Hours: Wed, Thu 8:00am–6:00pm Van Dam, Wilson A Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 104 Saluda Pointe Dr Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 227-8178 Fax: (803) 227-8278 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Clavet, John Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 104 Saluda Pointe Dr Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 227-8178 Fax: (803) 227-8278 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Clavet, John Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 4721 Sunset Blvd, Ste A Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 227-8000 Fax: (803) 996-3180 Hours: Wed, Thu 8:00am–6:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Van Dam, Wilson A Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 4721 Sunset Blvd, Ste A Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 227-8000 Fax: (803) 996-3180 Hours: Wed, Thu 8:00am–6:00pm Sports Medicine Holmes Jr, S Wendell Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 104 Saluda Pointe Dr Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 227-8178 Fax: (803) 227-8278 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 102 Lexington County Holmes Jr, S Wendell Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 4721 Sunset Blvd, Ste A Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 227-8000 Fax: (803) 996-3180 Liberty County GA Nephrology Georgescu, Florin C Md Kidney Specialists Of Savannah 512 S Main St, Ste B Hinesville, Ga 31313 (912) 355-5003 √ Languages Spoken: Romanian Georgescu, Florin C Md Kidney Specialists Of Savannah 522 E G Miles Pkwy Hinesville, Ga 31313 (912) 355-5003 √ Languages Spoken: Romanian Saxton, Craig R Md Kidney Specialists Of Savannah 455 S Main St, Ste 104 Hinesville, Ga 31313 (912) 355-5003 Lincoln County NC Endocrinology And Metabolism Dunn, Kelli C Md CMC Faculty Internal Medicine Specialists 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28092 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Story, Ellen S Md CMC Faculty Internal Medicine Specialists 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28092 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Family Practice Armistead, Hal W Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 275 Hwy 16 North Denver, Nc 28037 (980) 212-7000 Fax: (980) 212-7001 Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Benton, Cammy R Md Lakemont Family Medicine 612 Center Dr Lincolnton, Nc 28092 (704) 732-3266 Fax: (704) 732-3297 √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Biondi, Daniel T Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 275 Hwy 16 North Denver, Nc 28037 (980) 212-7000 Fax: (980) 212-7001 Drimalla, Richard B Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 275 Hwy 16 North Denver, Nc 28037 (980) 212-7000 Fax: (980) 212-7001 Harris, Rachel M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 275 Hwy 16 North Denver, Nc 28037 (980) 212-7000 Fax: (980) 212-7001 Hillman, Jason P Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 275 Hwy 16 North Denver, Nc 28037 (980) 212-7000 Fax: (980) 212-7001 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Jones, Karen D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 275 Hwy 16 North Denver, Nc 28037 (980) 212-7000 Fax: (980) 212-7001 Kelly, Daniel L Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 275 Hwy 16 North Denver, Nc 28037 (980) 212-7000 Fax: (980) 212-7001 Koewler, Thomas J Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 275 Hwy 16 North Denver, Nc 28037 (980) 212-7000 Fax: (980) 212-7001 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Lincoln County NC Kreisman, Steven Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 275 Hwy 16 North Denver, Nc 28037 (980) 212-7000 Fax: (980) 212-7001 Lorenzo, Emily E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 275 Hwy 16 North Denver, Nc 28037 (980) 212-7000 Fax: (980) 212-7001 Manos, Heather M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 275 Hwy 16 North Denver, Nc 28037 (980) 212-7000 Fax: (980) 212-7001 Mohindroo, Krishan K Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 275 Hwy 16 North Denver, Nc 28037 (980) 212-7000 Fax: (980) 212-7001 Mokari, Babak Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 275 Hwy 16 North Denver, Nc 28037 (980) 212-7000 Fax: (980) 212-7001 Persaud, Dennis S Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 275 Hwy 16 North Denver, Nc 28037 (980) 212-7000 Fax: (980) 212-7001 Reddy, Madhavi G Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 275 Hwy 16 North Denver, Nc 28037 (980) 212-7000 Fax: (980) 212-7001 Richards, Michael D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 275 Hwy 16 North Denver, Nc 28037 (980) 212-7000 Fax: (980) 212-7001 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 103 Lincoln County NC Roberson, Lewis H Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 275 Hwy 16 North Denver, Nc 28037 (980) 212-7000 Fax: (980) 212-7001 Senft, Daniel S Md Lakemont Family Medicine 612 Center Dr Lincolnton, Nc 28092 (704) 732-3266 Fax: (704) 732-3297 Senft, Daniel S Md Lincoln Family Practice 614 Center Dr Lincolnton, Nc 28092 (704) 735-7413 Fax: (704) 735-7413 Simmons, Benjamin F Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 275 Hwy 16 North Denver, Nc 28037 (980) 212-7000 Fax: (980) 212-7001 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Sykes, Paul W Md Lakemont Family Medicine 612 Center Dr Lincolnton, Nc 28092 (704) 732-3266 Fax: (704) 732-3297 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Tran, Raymond Md Lincoln Family Practice 614 Center Dr Lincolnton, Nc 28092 (704) 735-7413 Fax: (704) 735-7413 Walker, Brian A Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 275 Hwy 16 North Denver, Nc 28037 (980) 212-7000 Fax: (980) 212-7001 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Withrow, Jerry W Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 275 Hwy 16 North Denver, Nc 28037 (980) 212-7000 Fax: (980) 212-7001 Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Internal Medicine Bajaj, Jasdip G Md Carolinas Hospitalist Group 433 McAlister Rd Lincolnton, Nc 28092 (980) 212-6018 Fax: (980) 487-3294 Kumaria, Tanya Md Carolinas Hospitalist Group 433 McAlister Rd Lincolnton, Nc 28092 (980) 212-6018 Fax: (980) 487-3294 Kundaikar, Ajita Md Carolinas Hospitalist Group 433 McAlister Rd Lincolnton, Nc 28092 (980) 212-6018 Fax: (980) 487-3294 Masood, Awais Md Carolinas Hospitalist Group 433 McAlister Rd Lincolnton, Nc 28092 (980) 212-6018 Fax: (980) 487-3294 Shah, Ketan D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 275 Hwy 16 North Denver, Nc 28037 (980) 212-7000 Fax: (980) 212-7001 Vaden, Tracela C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 275 Hwy 16 North Denver, Nc 28037 (980) 212-7000 Fax: (980) 212-7001 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Neurology Boyles, Larry W Md Neurology Services 441 McAlister Rd Lincolnton, Nc 28092 (980) 212-6250 Fax: (980) 212-6251 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Lincoln County NC Pediatric Cardiology Bensky, Andrew S Md The Sanger Clinic 853 South Laurel St Lincolnton, Nc 28092 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Pediatrics Branner, Christopher M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 275 Hwy 16 North Denver, Nc 28037 (980) 212-7000 Fax: (980) 212-7001 Kendrick, Alfred E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 275 Hwy 16 North Denver, Nc 28037 (980) 212-7000 Fax: (980) 212-7001 Rea, Janice L Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 275 Hwy 16 North Denver, Nc 28037 (980) 212-7000 Fax: (980) 212-7001 Seal, Anna C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 275 Hwy 16 North Denver, Nc 28037 (980) 212-7000 Fax: (980) 212-7001 Pulmonary Medicine Burkhart, Rebecca E Md CMC Faculty Internal Medicine Specialists 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28092 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Updaw II, Robert J Md CMC Faculty Internal Medicine Specialists 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28092 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 104 Lincoln County NC Rheumatology Pack, Leslie A Md CMC Faculty Internal Medicine Specialists 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28092 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Macon County NC Allergy And Immunology Jenkins, Henry A Md Allergy Partners Of Western North Carolina 55 Medical Park Dr, Ste 112 Franklin, Nc 28734 (828) 452-4474 Fax: (828) 452-0886 Marion County General Practice Odom, John Md McLeod Family Medicine 3032 E Hwy 76 Mullins, Sc 29574 (843) 292-7331 Fax: (843) 292-7324 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat 8:00am–12:00pm General Surgery De Grood, Robert L Md Mullins Surgical Associates 119 W Lowman St Mullins, Sc 29574 (843) 431-2405 Fax: (843) 464-4017 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Pediatrics Roberts, Mark D Md Marion Pediatrics 2845 E Highway 76, Ste 4 Mullins, Sc 29574 (843) 431-2720 Fax: (843) 431-2726 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Sports Medicine Internal Medicine Hughes, Charles Md Community Health Systems 2845 E Highway 76, Ste 5 Mullins, Sc 29574 (843) 431-2650 Fax: (843) 431-2647 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Kumar, Shekar P Md Piedmont Cardiology Associates 300 Plaza Circle, Ste F McCormick, Sc 29835 (864) 833-4254 Fax: (864) 833-5304 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–12:30 Pritchard, Thomas M Md Piedmont Cardiology Associates 207b Holiday Ave McCormick, Sc 29835 (864) 391-8646 Fax: (846) 391-3652 Hours: Thu 9:00am–1:00pm Marlboro County General Surgery Chen, Chi D Md Carolinas Surgical Associates 1040 Marlboro Way Ste 7 Bennettsville, Sc 29512 (843) 479-5858 Fax: (843) 454-1092 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Chinese McDowell County NC Allergy And Immunology Schwietz, Leigh A Md Allergy Partners Of Western North Carolina 136 Creekview Ct Marion, Nc 28752 (828) 652-6454 Gynecology Bersinger, David E Md Chesterfield Clinic Corporation 1076 Marlboro Way, Ste 1 Bennettsville, Sc 29512 (843) 454-2294 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Mecklenburg County NC Allergy And Immunology McCormick County Cardiovascular Disease Kim, Paul E Md Piedmont Cardiology Associates 207b Holiday Ave McCormick, Sc 29835 (864) 391-8646 Fax: (846) 391-3652 Hours: Thu 9:00am–1:00pm Kumar, Priya Md Piedmont Cardiology Associates 300 Plaza Circle, Ste F McCormick, Sc 29835 (864) 833-4254 Fax: (864) 833-5304 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–12:30 Villareal, Rollo P Md Piedmont Cardiology Associates 207b Holiday Ave McCormick, Sc 29835 (864) 391-8646 Fax: (846) 391-3652 Hours: Thu 9:00am–1:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Mecklenburg County NC Collins, Richard E Md Carolina Asthma And Allergy Center PA 14135 Ballentyne Corp Pl, Ste 225 Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 542-8521 Fax: (704) 998-0980 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Collins, Richard E Md Carolina Asthma And Allergy Center PA 8401 University Executive Park Dr Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 503-1521 Fax: (704) 998-0901 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Collins, Richard E Md Carolina Asthma And Allergy Center PA 900 Branchview Dr, Ste 100 Charlotte, Nc 28205 (704) 792-1131 Fax: (704) 998-0981 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 105 Mecklenburg County NC Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Collins, Richard E Md Carolina Asthma And Allergy Center PA 19475 Old Jetton Rd, Ste 100 Cornelius, Nc 28031 (704) 658-1122 Fax: (704) 998-0920 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Patel, Roopen R Md Carolina Asthma And Allergy Center PA 2630 E 7th St, Ste 100 Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 372-7900 Fax: (704) 376-2216 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Errington, Glenn W Md Carolina Asthma And Allergy Center PA 19475 Old Jetton Rd, Ste 100 Cornelius, Nc 28031 (704) 658-1122 Fax: (704) 998-0920 Patel, Roopen R Md Carolina Asthma And Allergy Center PA 8401 University Executive Park Dr Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 503-1521 Fax: (704) 998-0901 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Lapuente, Michael A Do Carolina Asthma And Allergy Center PA 14135 Ballentyne Corp Pl, Ste 225 Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 542-8521 Fax: (704) 998-0980 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Lapuente, Michael A Do Carolina Asthma And Allergy Center PA 2630 E 7th St, Ste 100 Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 372-7900 Fax: (704) 376-2216 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Lapuente, Michael A Do Carolina Asthma And Allergy Center PA 8401 University Executive Park Dr Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 503-1521 Fax: (704) 998-0901 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Lapuente, Michael A Do Carolina Asthma And Allergy Center PA 900 Branchview Dr, Ste 100 Charlotte, Nc 28205 (704) 792-1131 Fax: (704) 998-0981 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Lapuente, Michael A Do Carolina Asthma And Allergy Center PA 19475 Old Jetton Rd, Ste 100 Cornelius, Nc 28031 (704) 658-1122 Fax: (704) 998-0920 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Patel, Roopen R Md Carolina Asthma And Allergy Center PA 14135 Ballentyne Corp Pl, Ste 225 Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 542-8521 Fax: (704) 998-0980 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Patel, Roopen R Md Carolina Asthma And Allergy Center PA 900 Branchview Dr, Ste 100 Charlotte, Nc 28205 (704) 792-1131 Fax: (704) 998-0981 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Patel, Roopen R Md Carolina Asthma And Allergy Center PA 19475 Old Jetton Rd, Ste 100 Cornelius, Nc 28031 (704) 658-1122 Fax: (704) 998-0920 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Roberts, Richard S Md Carolina Asthma And Allergy Center PA 2630 E 7th St, Ste 100 Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 372-7900 Fax: (704) 376-2216 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Roberts, Richard S Md Carolina Asthma And Allergy Center PA 8401 University Executive Park Dr Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 503-1521 Fax: (704) 998-0901 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Roberts, Richard S Md Carolina Asthma And Allergy Center PA 900 Branchview Dr, Ste 100 Charlotte, Nc 28205 (704) 792-1131 Fax: (704) 998-0981 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Shah, Ekta B Md Charlotte Medical Clinic 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Mecklenburg County NC Swartz, Edina C Md Charlotte Medical Clinic 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Cardiovascular Disease Binder, Andrew J Md The Sanger Clinic 290 N Main St Rutherfordton, Nc 28212 (828) 286-2376 Fax: (828) 288-6824 Bock, William C Md The Sanger Clinic 1000 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28078 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Bock, William C Md The Sanger Clinic 10650 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 667-3840 Fax: (704) 667-3899 Bock, William C Md The Sanger Clinic 1550 Faulk St Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 667-3410 Fax: (704) 667-3479 Bock, William C Md The Sanger Clinic 197 Piedmont Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Bock, William C Md The Sanger Clinic 2001 Vail Ave Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 304-1110 Fax: (704) 304-1159 Bower, James C Md The Sanger Clinic 1000 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28078 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 106 Mecklenburg County NC Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Mecklenburg County NC Bower, James C Md The Sanger Clinic 10650 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 667-3840 Fax: (704) 667-3899 Browne, Richard E Md The Sanger Clinic 10650 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 667-3840 Fax: (704) 667-3899 Frank, Theodore A Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 373-0212 Fax: (704) 373-1216 Bower, James C Md The Sanger Clinic 1550 Faulk St Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 667-3410 Fax: (704) 667-3479 Browne, Richard E Md The Sanger Clinic 197 Piedmont Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Frank, Theodore A Md The Sanger Clinic 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Bower, James C Md The Sanger Clinic 2001 Vail Ave Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 304-1110 Fax: (704) 304-1159 Browne, Richard E Md The Sanger Clinic 2001 Vail Ave Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 373-0212 Fax: (704) 373-1216 Frank, Theodore A Md The Sanger Clinic 10650 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 667-3840 Fax: (704) 667-3899 Boyette, Douglas R Md The Sanger Clinic 290 N Main St Rutherfordton, Nc 28212 (828) 286-2376 Fax: (828) 288-6824 Browne, Richard E Md The Sanger Clinic 290 N Main St Rutherfordton, Nc 28212 (828) 286-2376 Fax: (828) 288-6824 Frank, Theodore A Md The Sanger Clinic 290 N Main St Rutherfordton, Nc 28212 (828) 286-2376 Fax: (828) 288-6824 Bracken, Anthony W Md The Sanger Clinic 1000 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28078 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Edwards, Nathaniel C Md The Sanger Clinic 10650 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 667-3840 Fax: (704) 667-3899 Gulati, Sanjeev K Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Bracken, Anthony W Md The Sanger Clinic 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Edwards, Nathaniel C Md The Sanger Clinic 1550 Faulk St Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 667-3410 Fax: (704) 667-3479 Gulati, Sanjeev K Md The Sanger Clinic 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Bradsher, Ann T Md The Sanger Clinic 10650 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 667-3840 Fax: (704) 667-3899 Edwards, Nathaniel C Md The Sanger Clinic 197 Piedmont Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Gulati, Sanjeev K Md The Sanger Clinic 10650 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 667-3840 Fax: (704) 667-3899 Bradsher, Ann T Md The Sanger Clinic 1550 Faulk St Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 667-3410 Fax: (704) 667-3479 Framm, David J Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 1900 Brunswick Ave Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 358-4400 Fax: (704) 338-6577 √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Haber, Robert H Md The Sanger Clinic 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Haber, Robert H Md The Sanger Clinic 10650 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 667-3840 Fax: (704) 667-3899 Browne, Richard E Md The Sanger Clinic 1000 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28078 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 107 Mecklenburg County NC Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Mecklenburg County NC Koehler, Daniel N Md The Sanger Clinic 134 Medical Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Longin, Heather M Md The Sanger Clinic 1550 Faulk St Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 667-3410 Fax: (704) 667-3479 Symanski, John D Md The Sanger Clinic 290 N Main St Rutherfordton, Nc 28212 (828) 286-2376 Fax: (828) 288-6824 Koehler, Daniel N Md The Sanger Clinic 19620 W Catawba Ave Cornelius, Nc 28273 (704) 896-8547 Fax: (704) 896-2857 Seen, Nelson D Md The Sanger Clinic 290 N Main St Rutherfordton, Nc 28212 (828) 286-2376 Fax: (828) 288-6824 Thomley, Alan M Md CMC Myers Park Medicine 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28273 (704) 446-1242 Fax: (704) 446-1241 Koehler, Daniel N Md The Sanger Clinic 16455 Statesville Ave Huntersville, Nc 28212 (704) 863-1950 Fax: (704) 863-1979 Shah, Sanjeev P Md The Sanger Clinic 1000 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28078 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Thomley, Alan M Md The Sanger Clinic 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Kowalchuk, Glen J Md The Sanger Clinic 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Sugarman, Daniel I Md The Sanger Clinic 134 Medical Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Thomley, Alan M Md The Sanger Clinic 10650 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 667-3840 Fax: (704) 667-3899 Kowalchuk, Glen J Md The Sanger Clinic 10650 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 667-3840 Fax: (704) 667-3899 Sugarman, Daniel I Md The Sanger Clinic 19620 W Catawba Ave Cornelius, Nc 28273 (704) 896-8547 Fax: (704) 896-2857 Valeri, Frank S Md The Sanger Clinic 1000 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28078 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Kowalchuk, Glen J Md The Sanger Clinic 290 N Main St Rutherfordton, Nc 28212 (828) 286-2376 Fax: (828) 288-6824 Sugarman, Daniel I Md The Sanger Clinic 16455 Statesville Ave Huntersville, Nc 28212 (704) 863-1950 Fax: (704) 863-1979 Valeri, Frank S Md The Sanger Clinic 10650 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 667-3840 Fax: (704) 667-3899 Littmann, Laszlo Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 446-1242 Fax: (704) 446-1241 Symanski, John D Md The Sanger Clinic 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Valeri, Frank S Md The Sanger Clinic 1550 Faulk St Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 667-3410 Fax: (704) 667-3479 Liu, Huajun Md The Sanger Clinic 290 N Main St Rutherfordton, Nc 28212 (828) 286-2376 Fax: (828) 288-6824 √ Languages Spoken: Chinese Symanski, John D Md The Sanger Clinic 10650 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 667-3840 Fax: (704) 667-3899 Valeri, Frank S Md The Sanger Clinic 2001 Vail Ave Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 304-1110 Fax: (704) 304-1159 Symanski, John D Md The Sanger Clinic 2001 Vail Ave Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 373-0212 Fax: (704) 373-1216 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 108 Mecklenburg County NC Van Cleeff, Sander Md The Sanger Clinic 1000 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28078 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Van Cleeff, Sander Md The Sanger Clinic 10650 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 667-3840 Fax: (704) 667-3899 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Van Cleeff, Sander Md The Sanger Clinic 1550 Faulk St Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 667-3410 Fax: (704) 667-3479 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Van Cleeff, Sander Md The Sanger Clinic 197 Piedmont Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Dermatology Boswell, April A Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 7666 Charlotte Hwy Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Hours: Tue 7:30am Byerparsons, Tara T Md Charlotte Medical Clinic 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Konda, Kalpana Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 302-9300 Fax: (704) 302-9301 Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Endocrinology And Metabolism Bracken, Roberta S Md Union Endocrinology Associates 4503 Old Monroe Rd Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 684-0003 Fax: (704) 684-0041 Bracken, Roberta S Md Union Endocrinology Associates 11304 Hawthorne Dr Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 684-0003 Fax: (704) 684-0041 Brantley, David A Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 302-9300 Fax: (704) 302-9301 Dunn, Kelli C Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 446-1242 Kramer, Norman J Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 302-9300 Fax: (704) 302-9301 Rao, Juluru Md Charlotte Medical Clinic 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 355-5100 Fax: (704) 355-5180 Speiser, Craig J Do Northeast Endocrinology 101 E Wt Harris Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 403-8320 Fax: (704) 403-8321 Speiser, Craig J Do Northeast Endocrinology 1085 NE Gateway Ct NE Concord, Nc 28273 (704) 403-8320 Fax: (704) 403-8321 Mecklenburg County NC Speiser, Craig J Do Northeast Endocrinology 340 Jake Alexander Blvd Salisbury, Nc 28211 (704) 403-8320 Fax: (704) 403-8321 Springs III, Harold L Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 13640 Steelecroft Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28212 (704) 302-8900 Fax: (704) 302-8901 Springs III, Harold L Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 302-9300 Fax: (704) 302-9301 Story, Ellen S Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 446-1255 Fax: (704) 446-1276 Upchurch, Thompson M Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 3030 Randolph Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 302-8200 Fax: (704) 302-8201 Upchurch, Thompson M Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 302-9300 Fax: (704) 302-9301 Walden, Tony L Md Northeast Endocrinology 101 E Wt Harris Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 403-8320 Fax: (704) 403-8321 Walden, Tony L Md Northeast Endocrinology 1085 NE Gateway Ct NE Concord, Nc 28273 (704) 403-8320 Fax: (704) 403-8321 Walden, Tony L Md Northeast Endocrinology 9625 Northcross Center Ct Huntersville, Nc 28207 (704) 403-1311 Fax: (704) 403-1357 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 109 Mecklenburg County NC Walden, Tony L Md Northeast Endocrinology 340 Jake Alexander Blvd Salisbury, Nc 28211 (704) 403-8320 Fax: (704) 403-8321 Family Practice Adetunji, Temitayo Md CMC Infectious Disease 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 446-4490 Fax: (704) 355-5984 Adetunji, Temitayo Md CMC Psychiatry And Behavioral Health 501 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Adetunji, Temitayo Md CMC Randolph Primary Care 501 Billingsley Rd Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Adetunji, Temitayo Md CMC Randolph Primary Care 501 Billingsley Rd Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Adetunji, Temitayo Md CMC Randolph Primary Care 501 Billingsley Rd Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Adkins III, Samuel B Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 101 E Wt Harris Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28210 (704) 863-4878 Fax: (704) 863-1511 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Adkins III, Samuel B Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 3030 Randolph Rd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 863-4878 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Mecklenburg County NC Adkins III, Samuel B Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 9726 Sam Furr Rd Huntersville, Nc 28036 (704) 863-4878 Fax: (704) 896-0387 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Anquilo, Louie A Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Almeyda Ruiz, Rebecca Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Anquilo, Louie A Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Almeyda Ruiz, Rebecca Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Almeyda Ruiz, Rebecca Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Almeyda Ruiz, Rebecca Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Almeyda Ruiz, Rebecca Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Almeyda Ruiz, Rebecca Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Anderson, Keith Md Fac Eastland Family Medicine 200 Greenwich Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 384-8680 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Anquilo, Louie A Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Anquilo, Louie A Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Anquilo, Louie A Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Anquilo, Louie A Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Armistead, Hal W Do Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Armistead, Hal W Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 110 Mecklenburg County NC Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Mecklenburg County NC Armistead, Hal W Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Boldizar, John D Md New Hanover Medical Group 7420 Market St Wilmington, Nc 28262 (910) 686-2525 Fax: (910) 686-1606 Bridger III, Dewey H Md New Hanover Medical Group 1960 S 16th St Wilmington, Nc 28203 (910) 343-9991 Fax: (910) 343-8448 Armistead, Hal W Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Bonner, Steven P Md Cotswold Family Medicine 309 Sharon Amity Rd Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Bridger III, Dewey H Md New Hanover Medical Group 5145 S College Rd Wilmington, Nc 28211 (910) 792-1144 Fax: (910) 792-0160 Armistead, Hal W Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Brezicki, Paul A Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Bridger III, Dewey H Md New Hanover Medical Group 7420 Market St Wilmington, Nc 28262 (910) 686-2525 Fax: (910) 686-1606 Armistead, Hal W Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Brezicki, Paul A Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Bright, Dellyse Md CMC Faculty Physicians 2001 Vail Ave Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 512-4808 Benton, Cammy R Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Brezicki, Paul A Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Birch, Michele N Md Elizabeth Family Medicine 2001 Vail Ave Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 304-7000 Fax: (704) 304-7008 Boldizar, John D Md New Hanover Medical Group 1960 S 16th St Wilmington, Nc 28203 (910) 343-9991 Fax: (910) 343-8448 Boldizar, John D Md New Hanover Medical Group 5145 S College Rd Wilmington, Nc 28211 (910) 792-1144 Fax: (910) 792-0160 Brezicki, Paul A Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Brezicki, Paul A Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Brezicki, Paul A Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Broadbent, Bryan Jh Md New Hanover Medical Group 1960 S 16th St Wilmington, Nc 28203 (910) 343-9991 Fax: (910) 343-8448 Broadbent, Bryan Jh Md New Hanover Medical Group 5145 S College Rd Wilmington, Nc 28211 (910) 792-1144 Fax: (910) 792-0160 Broadbent, Bryan Jh Md New Hanover Medical Group 7420 Market St Wilmington, Nc 28262 (910) 686-2525 Fax: (910) 686-1606 Childs, Thomas R Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Childs, Thomas R Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Brezicki, Paul A Md Eastland Urgent Care 5717 Albemarle Rd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 563-2150 Fax: (704) 563-2153 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 111 Mecklenburg County NC Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Mecklenburg County NC Childs, Thomas R Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Cuciniello, Jodi N Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Drimalla, Richard B Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Childs, Thomas R Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Cuciniello, Jodi N Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Dunlin, Michael F Md CMC Faculty Physicians 2001 Vail Ave Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 512-4808 Childs, Thomas R Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Cuciniello, Jodi N Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Colmenares, Gustavo A Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Cuciniello, Jodi N Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Colmenares, Gustavo A Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Colmenares, Gustavo A Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Colmenares, Gustavo A Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Cuciniello, Jodi N Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Drimalla, Richard B Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Drimalla, Richard B Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Drimalla, Richard B Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Drimalla, Richard B Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Drimalla, Richard B Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Finckrothman, Denise R Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Finckrothman, Denise R Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Finckrothman, Denise R Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Finckrothman, Denise R Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Finckrothman, Denise R Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Finckrothman, Denise R Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Griggs, James P Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 112 Mecklenburg County NC Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Mecklenburg County NC Griggs, James P Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Hallbaker, Everlyn L Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Henson, Gala C Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Griggs, James P Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Hallbaker, Everlyn L Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Hilderbrand, Hartwell Z Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Griggs, James P Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Hallbaker, Everlyn L Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Griggs, James P Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Harris, Rachel M Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Griggs, James P Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Harris, Rachel M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Griggs, James P Md Steele Creek Urgent Care 9332 S Tryon St Charlotte, Nc 28273 (704) 587-6700 Fax: (704) 587-6723 Harris, Rachel M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Hallbaker, Everlyn L Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Harris, Rachel M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Hallbaker, Everlyn L Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Harris, Rachel M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Hallbaker, Everlyn L Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Harris, Rachel M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Hilderbrand, Hartwell Z Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hilderbrand, Hartwell Z Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hilderbrand, Hartwell Z Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hilderbrand, Hartwell Z Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hilderbrand, Hartwell Z Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hillman, Jason P Do Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 113 Mecklenburg County NC Hillman, Jason P Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hillman, Jason P Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hillman, Jason P Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hillman, Jason P Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hillman, Jason P Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Jain, Kamla T Md Cotswold Family Medicine 309 Sharon Amity Rd Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 James, Felice A Md CMC Northpark 251 Eastway Dr Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Jeffcoat, Carolyn L Md CMC Faculty Physicians 2001 Vail Ave Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 512-4808 Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Mecklenburg County NC Jeffcoat, Carolyn L Md The Davidson Clinic 705 Griffith St Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Jones, Robert L Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 3030 Randolph Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Jones, Karen D Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Jones, Robert L Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 9726 Sam Furr Rd Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Jones, Karen D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Jones, Robert L Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 332 Sam Newell Rd Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Jones, Karen D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Kaldy, Patricia M Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Jones, Karen D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Kaldy, Patricia M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Jones, Karen D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Kaldy, Patricia M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Jones, Karen D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Kaldy, Patricia M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Jones, Robert L Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 101 E Wt Harris Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Kaldy, Patricia M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Jones, Robert L Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 14214 Ballantyne Lake Rd Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Kaldy, Patricia M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 114 Mecklenburg County NC Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Mecklenburg County NC Kelly, Daniel L Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Kerecman, Richard Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Konen, Joseph C Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Kelly, Daniel L Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Kerecman, Richard Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Konen, Joseph C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Kelly, Daniel L Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Koewler, Thomas J Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Konen, Joseph C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Kelly, Daniel L Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Koewler, Thomas J Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Konen, Joseph C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Kelly, Daniel L Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Koewler, Thomas J Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Konen, Joseph C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Kelly, Daniel L Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Koewler, Thomas J Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Konen, Joseph C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Kerecman, Richard Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Koewler, Thomas J Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Konen, Joseph C Md Eastland Urgent Care 5717 Albemarle Rd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 563-2150 Fax: (704) 563-2153 Kerecman, Richard Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Koewler, Thomas J Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Konen, Joseph C Md The Davidson Clinic 705 Griffith St Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Kerecman, Richard Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Koewler, Thomas J Md Eastland Urgent Care 5717 Albemarle Rd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 563-2150 Fax: (704) 563-2153 Kramer, Peter G Md Wrightsville Beach Family Medicine 1721 Allens Ln Wilmington, Nc 28204 (910) 344-8900 Fax: (910) 344-8902 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 115 Mecklenburg County NC Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Mecklenburg County NC Kreisman, Steven Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Lorenzo, Emily E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Love, Pamela D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Kreisman, Steven Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Lorenzo, Emily E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Manos, Heather M Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Kreisman, Steven Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Lorenzo, Emily E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Manos, Heather M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Kreisman, Steven Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Lorenzo, Emily E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Manos, Heather M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Kreisman, Steven Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Love, Pamela D Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Manos, Heather M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Kreisman, Steven Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Love, Pamela D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Manos, Heather M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Kreisman, Steven Md Eastland Urgent Care 5717 Albemarle Rd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 563-2150 Fax: (704) 563-2153 Love, Pamela D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Martin, Anthony W Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 101 E Wt Harris Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Lorenzo, Emily E Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Love, Pamela D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Martin, Anthony W Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 14214 Ballantyne Lake Rd Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Lorenzo, Emily E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Love, Pamela D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Martin, Anthony W Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 3030 Randolph Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 116 Mecklenburg County NC Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Mecklenburg County NC Martin, Anthony W Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 9726 Sam Furr Rd Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Mody, Sachin S Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Mokari, Babak Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Martin, Anthony W Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 332 Sam Newell Rd Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Mody, Sachin S Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Mokari, Babak Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 McCutchen, Jeffrey R Do Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Mohindroo, Krishan K Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Mokari, Babak Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Mohindroo, Krishan K Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Mokari, Babak Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Mohindroo, Krishan K Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Mokari, Babak Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Mohindroo, Krishan K Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Persaud, Dennis S Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Mohindroo, Krishan K Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Persaud, Dennis S Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Mohindroo, Krishan K Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Persaud, Dennis S Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Mokari, Babak Do Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Persaud, Dennis S Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 McCutchen, Jeffrey R Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm McCutchen, Jeffrey R Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm McCutchen, Jeffrey R Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm McCutchen, Jeffrey R Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm McCutchen, Jeffrey R Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 117 Mecklenburg County NC Persaud, Dennis S Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Price, Gregory M Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Reddy, Madhavi G Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Reddy, Madhavi G Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Reddy, Madhavi G Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Reddy, Madhavi G Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Reddy, Madhavi G Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Reddy, Madhavi G Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Richards, Michael D Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Richards, Michael D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Richards, Michael D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Richards, Michael D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Richards, Michael D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Richards, Michael D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Roberson, Lewis H Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Roberson, Lewis H Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Mecklenburg County NC Roberson, Lewis H Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Roberson, Lewis H Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Roberson, Lewis H Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Roberson, Lewis H Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Roberson, Lewis H Md Eastland Urgent Care 5717 Albemarle Rd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 563-2150 Fax: (704) 563-2153 Roberson, Lewis H Md Steele Creek Urgent Care 9332 S Tryon St Charlotte, Nc 28273 (704) 587-6700 Fax: (704) 587-6723 Sailer, Kaaren S Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Sailer, Kaaren S Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Sailer, Kaaren S Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 118 Mecklenburg County NC Sailer, Kaaren S Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Sailer, Kaaren S Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Sailer, Kaaren S Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Savitsky, Ivan Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Savitsky, Ivan Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Savitsky, Ivan Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Searson, Stacey D Md CMC Faculty Physicians 2001 Vail Ave Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 512-4808 Shraga, Jonathan A Do Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Shraga, Jonathan A Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Shraga, Jonathan A Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Shraga, Jonathan A Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Shraga, Jonathan A Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Savitsky, Ivan Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Simmons, Benjamin F Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Savitsky, Ivan Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Simmons, Benjamin F Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Savitsky, Ivan Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Mecklenburg County NC Simmons, Benjamin F Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Simmons, Benjamin F Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Simmons, Benjamin F Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Simmons, Benjamin F Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Smith, Robert M Md Fac Palliative Care 1420 E 7th St Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 375-0100 Sweeney, Scott A Do Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Sweeney, Scott A Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Sweeney, Scott A Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 119 Mecklenburg County NC Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Mecklenburg County NC Sykes, Paul W Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Tomcho, John J Md Carolinas Weight Management & Wellness Center 2550 Court Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 861-2290 Fax: (704) 446-8101 Verma, Anuradha Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Sykes, Paul W Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Tomcho, John J Md Carolinas Weight Management & Wellness Center 2608 E 7th St Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 355-9484 Fax: (704) 446-4060 Verma, Anuradha Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Sykes, Paul W Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Tomcho, Paige B Md Medical Group Of Waxhaw 2700 Providence Rd S Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 243-2254 Fax: (704) 243-2339 Verma, Anuradha Md Eastland Urgent Care 5717 Albemarle Rd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 563-2150 Fax: (704) 563-2153 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Toosi, Soraya Md Riverbend Family Physicians 9908 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 801-3050 Fax: (704) 801-3026 Vorobej, Christina L Md CMC Faculty Physicians 2001 Vail Ave Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 512-4808 Verma, Anuradha Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Walker, Brian A Do Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Verma, Anuradha Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Walker, Brian A Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Verma, Anuradha Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Walker, Brian A Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Verma, Anuradha Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Walker, Brian A Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Sykes, Paul W Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Sykes, Paul W Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Sykes, Paul W Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Sykes, Paul W Md Eastland Urgent Care 5717 Albemarle Rd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 563-2150 Fax: (704) 563-2153 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Tomcho, John J Md Carolinas Weight Management & Wellness Center 14214 Ballantyne Lake Rd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 667-2680 Fax: (704) 540-4535 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 120 Mecklenburg County NC Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Mecklenburg County NC Walker, Brian A Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Washington, Edward M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm White, Lena K Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Walker, Brian A Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Washington, Edward M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm White, Lena K Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Walker, Brian A Do Eastland Urgent Care 5717 Albemarle Rd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 563-2150 Fax: (704) 563-2153 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Washington, Edward M Md Eastland Urgent Care 5717 Albemarle Rd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 563-2150 Fax: (704) 563-2153 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm White, Lena K Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Walker, Brian A Do Steele Creek Urgent Care 9332 S Tryon St Charlotte, Nc 28273 (704) 587-6700 Fax: (704) 587-6723 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Washington, Edward M Md Lake Park Family Practice 6208 Creft Circle Indian Trail, Nc 28203 (704) 882-1666 Fax: (704) 882-2789 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm White, Lena K Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Washington, Edward M Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Washington, Edward M Md Steele Creek Urgent Care 9332 S Tryon St Charlotte, Nc 28273 (704) 587-6700 Fax: (704) 587-6723 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Withrow, Jerry W Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Washington, Edward M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Watts, Teressa McKoy Md Riverbend Family Physicians 9908 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 801-3050 Fax: (704) 801-3026 Washington, Edward M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Washington, Edward M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm White, Lena K Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm White, Lena K Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Withrow, Jerry W Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Withrow, Jerry W Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Withrow, Jerry W Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 121 Mecklenburg County NC Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Mecklenburg County NC Withrow, Jerry W Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Cheng, Jianfeng Md CMC Infectious Disease 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 446-4490 Fax: (704) 355-5984 Flippo Morton, Teresa L Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 355-1813 Fax: (704) 355-5980 Withrow, Jerry W Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Cox, Erin E Do Fac Hepatology 300 Billingsley Rd Ste 200 Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 372-7974 Flippo Morton, Teresa L Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 446-1255 Hanson, John S Md Fac Endoscopy Clinic 2015 Randolph Rd, Suite 208 Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 377-4009 Flippo Morton, Teresa L Md Levine Cancer Institute 1021 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 355-2884 Fax: (704) 355-5800 Pacicco, Thomas Md Charlotte Medical Clinic 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Greene, Frederick L Md Fac General Surgery 1000 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 446-1255 Pacicco, Thomas Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 446-1255 Fax: (704) 446-1276 Jacobs, David G Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 355-1813 Fax: (704) 355-5980 Gastroenterology Bonkovsky, Herbert L Md CMC Myers Park Medicine 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28273 (704) 446-1242 Fax: (704) 446-1241 Brann, Oscar S Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 302-8200 Fax: (704) 302-8201 √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Brann, Oscar S Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 3030 Randolph Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 302-8200 Fax: (704) 302-8201 √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Browne, Lauren I Md Charlotte Medical Clinic 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Browne, Lauren I Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Cheng, Jianfeng Md Charlotte Obstetric & Gynecologic Associates 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 446-1700 Fax: (704) 446-1760 Jacobs, David G Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 446-1255 General Surgery Abe, Shoko E Md CMC Surgery 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 355-1813 Bradley III, Joel F Md Carolinas Weight Management & Wellness Center 2608 E 7th St Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 355-9484 Fax: (704) 446-4060 Bradley III, Joel F Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 355-1813 Fax: (704) 355-5980 Bradley III, Joel F Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Kim, Myung Mi Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 355-1813 Fax: (704) 355-5980 Stefanidis, Dimitrios Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 355-1813 Fax: (704) 355-5980 Stefanidis, Dimitrios Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 446-1255 Fax: (704) 446-1276 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 122 Mecklenburg County NC Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Mecklenburg County NC Swan, Ryan Z Md CMC Myers Park General Surgery 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 446-1255 Fax: (704) 446-1276 Burgess, Earle F Md Levine Cancer Institute 10650 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Copelan, Edward Alan Md Levine Cancer Institute 441 McAlister Rd Lincolnton, Nc 28036 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Swan, Ryan Z Md CMC Surgery 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 446-1242 Fax: (704) 446-1241 Burgess, Earle F Md Levine Cancer Institute 1550 Faulk St Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 290-0444 Fax: (704) 290-0445 Grunwald, Michael R Md Levine Cancer Institute 1021 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 355-2884 Fax: (704) 355-5800 Thomason, Michael H Md CMC Myers Park 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 446-1255 Fax: (704) 446-1276 Burgess, Earle F Md Levine Cancer Institute 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28278 (704) 302-8300 Fax: (704) 302-8301 Grunwald, Michael R Md Levine Cancer Institute 10650 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Thomason, Michael H Md CMC Surgery 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 355-1813 Fax: (704) 355-5980 Burgess, Earle F Md Levine Cancer Institute 9606 Caldwell Commons Cir Cornelius, Nc 28207 (704) 992-6033 Fax: (704) 992-6023 Grunwald, Michael R Md Levine Cancer Institute 1550 Faulk St Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 290-0444 Fax: (704) 290-0445 Thompson, Jon W Md Wilkes Regional Surgical Specialists 1915 W Park Dr Charlotte, Nc 28226 (336) 651-8700 Fax: (336) 651-8756 Copelan, Edward Alan Md Levine Cancer Institute 1021 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 355-2884 Fax: (704) 355-5800 Grunwald, Michael R Md Levine Cancer Institute 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28278 (704) 302-8300 Fax: (704) 302-8301 Turner, Sara L Md Fac Cvru Cc 1000 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 512-7562 Copelan, Edward Alan Md Levine Cancer Institute 10650 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Grunwald, Michael R Md Levine Cancer Institute 9606 Caldwell Commons Cir Cornelius, Nc 28207 (704) 992-6033 Fax: (704) 992-6023 Copelan, Edward Alan Md Levine Cancer Institute 1550 Faulk St Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 290-0444 Fax: (704) 290-0445 Grunwald, Michael R Md Levine Cancer Institute 441 McAlister Rd Lincolnton, Nc 28036 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Copelan, Edward Alan Md Levine Cancer Institute 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28278 (704) 302-8300 Fax: (704) 302-8301 Packman, Charles M Md Levine Cancer Institute 1021 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 355-2884 Fax: (704) 355-5800 Copelan, Edward Alan Md Levine Cancer Institute 9606 Caldwell Commons Cir Cornelius, Nc 28207 (704) 992-6033 Fax: (704) 992-6023 Packman, Charles M Md Levine Cancer Institute 10650 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Geriatrics Duggal, Mahesh K Md Ardsley Internal Medicine 2101 Shiloh Church Rd, Ste 201 Davidson, Nc 28036 (704) 403-7360 Fax: (704) 403-8655 Hematology Burgess, Earle F Md Levine Cancer Institute 1021 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 355-2884 Fax: (704) 355-5800 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 123 Mecklenburg County NC Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Mecklenburg County NC Packman, Charles M Md Levine Cancer Institute 1550 Faulk St Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 290-0444 Fax: (704) 290-0445 Amin, Ketan B Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Belgrave, Enrico O Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 302-9300 Fax: (704) 302-9301 Packman, Charles M Md Levine Cancer Institute 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28278 (704) 302-8300 Fax: (704) 302-8301 Amin, Ketan B Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Bellanfonte, Lisa N Md Medical Associates Of Rock Hill 2450 India Hook Rd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (803) 328-0181 Fax: (803) 328-0553 Packman, Charles M Md Levine Cancer Institute 9606 Caldwell Commons Cir Cornelius, Nc 28207 (704) 992-6033 Fax: (704) 992-6023 Amin, Ketan B Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Benedum, John L Md CMC Faculty Physicians 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28210 (704) 512-3800 Fax: (704) 512-3801 Usmani, Saad Z Md Levine Cancer Institute 1021 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 355-2884 Fax: (704) 355-5800 √ Languages Spoken: Hindi, Urdu Amin, Ketan B Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Blackwell, James M Md CMC Myers Park Medicine 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28273 (704) 446-1242 Fax: (704) 446-1241 Amin, Ketan B Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Blair, Dwight I Md New Hanover Regional Hospitalists 2131 S 17th St Charlotte, Nc 28269 (910) 815-5830 Fax: (910) 815-5698 Bajaj, Jasdip G Md Carolinas Hospitalist Group 1000 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 355-0720 Fax: (704) 355-5948 Blue, Tony O Md New Hanover Regional Hospitalists 2131 S 17th St Charlotte, Nc 28269 (910) 815-5830 Fax: (910) 815-5698 Bajaj, Jasdip G Md Carolinas Hospitalist Group 10628 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28210 (704) 667-6500 Fax: (704) 355-5948 Bono, Erika L Md Charlotte Medical Clinic 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Bajaj, Jasdip G Md Carolinas Hospitalist Group 2001 Vail Ave Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 304-6070 Fax: (704) 355-5948 Boswell, Michael D Md CMC Myers Park Medicine 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28273 (704) 446-1242 Fax: (704) 446-1241 Hours: Tue 7:30am Hospice And Palliative Medicine Susi, Beth E Md CMC Myers Park Medicine 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28273 (704) 446-1242 Fax: (704) 446-1241 Internal Medicine Adgent, James K Md New Hanover Regional Hospitalists 2131 S 17th St Charlotte, Nc 28269 (910) 815-5830 Fax: (910) 815-5698 Agbo, Osmund U Md Northeast Lung Associates 219 Le Phillip Ct NE Concord, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Amin, Ketan B Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Bajaj, Jasdip G Md Carolinas Hospitalist Group 8800 North Tryon St Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 863-6241 Fax: (704) 355-5948 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 124 Mecklenburg County NC Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Mecklenburg County NC Bowen III, Robert C Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 3030 Randolph Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 302-8200 Fax: (704) 302-8201 Brooks, Olga Y Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 10650 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 302-8700 Fax: (704) 302-8701 Gupte, Manjusha A Md Charlotte Medical Clinic 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28211 (704) 863-9500 Fax: (704) 863-9501 Bowers, Umar Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 200 S College St Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 302-8800 Fax: (704) 632-4001 Caldwell, Michelle D Md New Hanover Regional Hospitalists 2131 S 17th St Charlotte, Nc 28269 (910) 815-5830 Fax: (910) 815-5698 Gurusamy, Soundari Md New Hanover Regional Hospitalists 2131 S 17th St Charlotte, Nc 28269 (910) 815-5830 Fax: (910) 815-5698 Bowles, Anne E Md CMC Myers Park Medicine 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28273 (704) 446-1242 Fax: (704) 446-1241 Callahan, Catherine B Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 10650 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 302-8700 Fax: (704) 302-8701 Jacobs, Lane K Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 446-1242 Bradford, Edward A Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 302-8500 Fax: (704) 302-8501 Constantine, Jeffrey C Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 200 S College St Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 302-8800 Fax: (704) 632-4001 Brancato, Jason Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Fortner, Molly Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 302-8200 Fax: (704) 302-8201 Brancato, Jason Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Fortner, Molly Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 446-1242 Fax: (704) 446-1241 Brancato, Jason Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 13640 Steelecroft Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28212 (704) 302-8900 Fax: (704) 302-8901 Foster, Michelle L Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 446-1242 Fax: (704) 446-1241 Brewer, Robyn Md Charlotte Medical Clinic 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Friedland, Michael B Md Charlotte Medical Clinic 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Brooks, Benjamin R Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 446-1255 Fax: (704) 446-1276 Friedland, Michael B Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 355-5100 Fax: (704) 342-4354 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Joseph, Priyadarshini Md Carolinas Hospitalist Group 1000 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 355-0720 Fax: (704) 355-5948 Joseph, Priyadarshini Md Carolinas Hospitalist Group 10628 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28210 (704) 667-6500 Fax: (704) 355-5948 Joseph, Priyadarshini Md Carolinas Hospitalist Group 2001 Vail Ave Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 304-6070 Fax: (704) 355-5948 Joseph, Priyadarshini Md Carolinas Hospitalist Group 8800 North Tryon St Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 863-6241 Fax: (704) 355-5948 Kirk, Benjamin A Md Charlotte Medical Clinic 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Kirk, Benjamin A Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 446-1255 Fax: (704) 446-1276 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 125 Mecklenburg County NC Kirkland, Kenesha H Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 13640 Steelecroft Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28212 (704) 302-8900 Fax: (704) 302-8901 Kirkland, Kenesha H Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 3030 Randolph Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 302-8200 Fax: (704) 302-8201 Kirkland, Kenesha H Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 16455 Statesville Rd Huntersville, Nc 28273 (704) 302-8600 Fax: (704) 302-8650 Kishan, Arfana A Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 302-8500 Fax: (704) 302-8501 Knight, Nicole C Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 3030 Randolph Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 302-8200 Fax: (704) 302-8201 Knish Jr, Edward J Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 302-8500 Fax: (704) 302-8501 Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Kornegay, Jeffrey T Md New Hanover Medical Group 7420 Market St Wilmington, Nc 28262 (910) 686-2525 Fax: (910) 686-1606 √ Languages Spoken: Egyptian Kumaria, Tanya Md Carolinas Hospitalist Group 1000 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 355-0720 Fax: (704) 355-5948 Kumaria, Tanya Md Carolinas Hospitalist Group 10628 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28210 (704) 667-6500 Fax: (704) 355-5948 Kumaria, Tanya Md Carolinas Hospitalist Group 2001 Vail Ave Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 304-6070 Fax: (704) 355-5948 Kumaria, Tanya Md Carolinas Hospitalist Group 8800 North Tryon St Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 863-6241 Fax: (704) 355-5948 Kundaikar, Ajita Md Carolinas Hospitalist Group 1000 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 355-0720 Fax: (704) 355-5948 Kornegay, Jeffrey T Md New Hanover Medical Group 1960 S 16th St Wilmington, Nc 28203 (910) 343-9991 Fax: (910) 343-8448 √ Languages Spoken: Egyptian Kundaikar, Ajita Md Carolinas Hospitalist Group 10628 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28210 (704) 667-6500 Fax: (704) 355-5948 Kornegay, Jeffrey T Md New Hanover Medical Group 5145 S College Rd Wilmington, Nc 28211 (910) 792-1144 Fax: (910) 792-0160 √ Languages Spoken: Egyptian Kundaikar, Ajita Md Carolinas Hospitalist Group 2001 Vail Ave Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 304-6070 Fax: (704) 355-5948 Mecklenburg County NC Kundaikar, Ajita Md Carolinas Hospitalist Group 8800 North Tryon St Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 863-6241 Fax: (704) 355-5948 Lingo, Stephen Md Charlotte Medical Clinic 3025 Springbank Ln Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 542-2543 Fax: (704) 542-2832 Lloyd, Allen J Md CMC Myers Park Medicine 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28273 (704) 446-1242 Fax: (704) 446-1241 Masood, Awais Md Carolinas Hospitalist Group 1000 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 355-0720 Fax: (704) 355-5948 Masood, Awais Md Carolinas Hospitalist Group 10628 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28210 (704) 667-6500 Fax: (704) 355-5948 Masood, Awais Md Carolinas Hospitalist Group 2001 Vail Ave Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 304-6070 Fax: (704) 355-5948 Masood, Awais Md Carolinas Hospitalist Group 8800 North Tryon St Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 863-6241 Fax: (704) 355-5948 Pagliei, Jennifer L Md New Hanover Regional Hospitalists 2131 S 17th St Charlotte, Nc 28269 (910) 815-5830 Fax: (910) 815-5698 Scullock, Michelle D Md Charlotte Medical Clinic 3025 Springbank Ln Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 542-2543 Fax: (704) 542-2832 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 126 Mecklenburg County NC Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Mecklenburg County NC Scullock, Michelle D Md Charlotte Medical Clinic 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28211 (704) 863-9500 Fax: (704) 863-9501 Shah, Ketan D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Stowe, Mary W Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 3030 Randolph Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 302-8200 Fax: (704) 302-8201 Sepich, Christopher M Md New Hanover Medical Group 1960 S 16th St Wilmington, Nc 28203 (910) 343-9991 Fax: (910) 343-8448 Shah, Ketan D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Sugg Jr, William C Md CMC Myers Park Medicine 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28273 (704) 446-1242 Fax: (704) 446-1241 Sepich, Christopher M Md New Hanover Medical Group 5145 S College Rd Wilmington, Nc 28211 (910) 792-1144 Fax: (910) 792-0160 Shah, Ketan D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Tagle, Laura K Md CMC Myers Park Medicine 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28273 (704) 446-1242 Fax: (704) 446-1241 Sepich, Christopher M Md New Hanover Medical Group 7420 Market St Wilmington, Nc 28262 (910) 686-2525 Fax: (910) 686-1606 Shah, Ketan D Md Eastland Urgent Care 5717 Albemarle Rd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 563-2150 Fax: (704) 563-2153 Tagle, Laura K Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 16455 Statesville Rd Huntersville, Nc 28273 (704) 302-8600 Fax: (704) 302-8650 Sepich, Jody T Md New Hanover Regional Hospitalists 2131 S 17th St Charlotte, Nc 28269 (910) 815-5830 Fax: (910) 815-5698 Shah, Ketan D Md Steele Creek Urgent Care 9332 S Tryon St Charlotte, Nc 28273 (704) 587-6700 Fax: (704) 587-6723 Tauro, Allen P Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 13640 Steelecroft Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28212 (704) 302-8900 Fax: (704) 302-8901 Seth, Laura Md Charlotte Medical Clinic 3025 Springbank Ln Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 542-2543 Fax: (704) 542-2832 Singh, P Md Carolinas Hospitalist Group 1000 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 355-0720 Fax: (704) 355-5948 Teague, Carmen I Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 200 S College St Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 302-8800 Fax: (704) 632-4001 Shah, Ketan D Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Sopo Jones, Christine A Md Christopherson Family Medicine 845 Church St N Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Thomas, Sasha C Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 302-8500 Fax: (704) 302-8501 Shah, Ketan D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Sopo Jones, Christine A Md Northeast Pediatric Hospitalists 920 Church St N Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 403-3664 Fax: (704) 403-3665 Toppin, Jean M Md Charlotte Medical Clinic 2700 Providence Rd S Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 667-6750 Fax: (704) 667-6751 Shah, Ketan D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Sopo Jones, Christine A Md Piedmont Pediatrics 1085 NE Gateway Ct NE Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 403-4650 Fax: (704) 403-4656 Toppin, Jean M Md Charlotte Medical Clinic 3025 Springbank Ln Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 542-2543 Fax: (704) 542-2832 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 127 Mecklenburg County NC Toppin, Jean M Md CMC Myers Park Medicine 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28273 (704) 446-1242 Fax: (704) 446-1241 Tucker Jr, William S Md Randolph Internal Medicine Associates 330 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 28210 (704) 512-5000 Fax: (704) 512-5001 Underwood, Gregory A Md Charlotte Medical Clinic 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Underwood, Gregory A Md CMC Myers Park Medicine 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28273 (704) 446-1242 Fax: (704) 446-1241 Vaden, Tracela C Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Vaden, Tracela C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Vaden, Tracela C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Vaden, Tracela C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Vaden, Tracela C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Stephenson, Courtney D Do CMC Faculty Physicians 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 355-1813 Fax: (704) 355-5980 Stephenson, Courtney D Do CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 446-1255 Fax: (704) 446-1276 Vaden, Tracela C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Stubbs, Thomas M Md CMC Womens Institute 1025 Morehead Medical Plaza Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 355-3149 Fax: (704) 355-5891 Vaden, Tracela C Md Eastland Urgent Care 5717 Albemarle Rd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 563-2150 Fax: (704) 563-2153 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Medical Oncology Brouse, Gregory M Md Levine Cancer Institute 1021 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 355-2884 Fax: (704) 355-5800 Walker, Gena M Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 304-6070 Fax: (704) 355-5948 Brouse, Gregory M Md Levine Cancer Institute 10650 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Warhaftig, Jeffrey L Md New Hanover Medical Group 1960 S 16th St Wilmington, Nc 28203 (910) 343-9991 Fax: (910) 343-8448 Brouse, Gregory M Md Levine Cancer Institute 1550 Faulk St Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 290-0444 Fax: (704) 290-0445 Warhaftig, Jeffrey L Md New Hanover Medical Group 5145 S College Rd Wilmington, Nc 28211 (910) 792-1144 Fax: (910) 792-0160 Brouse, Gregory M Md Levine Cancer Institute 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28278 (704) 302-8300 Fax: (704) 302-8301 Warhaftig, Jeffrey L Md New Hanover Medical Group 7420 Market St Wilmington, Nc 28262 (910) 686-2525 Fax: (910) 686-1606 Maternal & Fetal Medicine Pollack, Rebecca I Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1025 Morehead Medical Plaza Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 355-3149 Fax: (704) 355-5891 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Mecklenburg County NC Brouse, Gregory M Md Levine Cancer Institute 9606 Caldwell Commons Cir Cornelius, Nc 28207 (704) 992-6033 Fax: (704) 992-6023 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 128 Mecklenburg County NC Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Mecklenburg County NC Butler, Ronald D Md Levine Cancer Institute 1021 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 355-2884 Fax: (704) 355-5800 Sumrall, Ashley L Md Levine Cancer Institute 10650 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Ahmad, Nabil Md Northeast Neurology Denver 1585 Northcross Ctr Ct Matthews, Nc 28105 (800) 230-1721 Fax: (704) 403-1901 Butler, Ronald D Md Levine Cancer Institute 1550 Faulk St Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 290-0444 Fax: (704) 290-0445 Sumrall, Ashley L Md Levine Cancer Institute 1550 Faulk St Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 290-0444 Fax: (704) 290-0445 Ahmad, Nabil Md Northeast Neurology Mt Pleasant 8560 Cook St Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 403-1911 Fax: (704) 403-1901 Butler, Ronald D Md Levine Cancer Institute 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28278 (704) 302-8300 Fax: (704) 302-8301 Sumrall, Ashley L Md Levine Cancer Institute 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28278 (704) 302-8300 Fax: (704) 302-8301 Bodle, Jeffrey D Md Northeast Neurology Copperfield 270 Copperfield Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28278 (704) 403-1911 Fax: (704) 403-1901 Butler, Ronald D Md Levine Cancer Institute 9606 Caldwell Commons Cir Cornelius, Nc 28207 (704) 992-6033 Fax: (704) 992-6023 Sumrall, Ashley L Md Levine Cancer Institute 9606 Caldwell Commons Cir Cornelius, Nc 28207 (704) 992-6033 Fax: (704) 992-6023 Bodle, Jeffrey D Md Northeast Neurology Denver 1585 Northcross Ctr Ct Matthews, Nc 28105 (800) 230-1721 Fax: (704) 403-1901 Livingston, Michael B Md Levine Cancer Institute 1021 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 355-2884 Fax: (704) 355-5800 Turner, J David Md Levine Cancer Institute 945 N 5th St Albemarle, Nc 28203 (704) 982-1880 Fax: (704) 982-1089 Bodle, Jeffrey D Md Northeast Neurology Huntersville 9625 Northcross Center Ct Charlotte, Nc 28211 (800) 230-1721 Fax: (704) 403-1901 Steffens, Thomas A Md Levine Cancer Institute 945 N 5th St Albemarle, Nc 28203 (704) 982-1880 Fax: (704) 982-1089 Turner, J David Md Levine Cancer Institute 100 Medical Park Dr Concord, Nc 28203 (704) 403-1370 Fax: (704) 403-1389 Bodle, Jeffrey D Md Northeast Neurology Mt Pleasant 8560 Cook St Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 403-1911 Fax: (704) 403-1901 Steffens, Thomas A Md Levine Cancer Institute 100 Medical Park Dr Concord, Nc 28203 (704) 403-1370 Fax: (704) 403-1389 Sumrall, Ashley L Md CMC Myers Park Medicine 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28273 (704) 446-1242 Fax: (704) 446-1241 Neurology Agrawal, Sarabh Md Fac Hepatology 1000 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 355-9645 Ahmad, Nabil Md Northeast Neurology Copperfield 270 Copperfield Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28278 (704) 403-1911 Fax: (704) 403-1901 Sumrall, Ashley L Md Levine Cancer Institute 1021 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 355-2884 Fax: (704) 355-5800 Bodle, Jeffrey D Md Northeast Neurology University 101 E Wt Harris Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 403-1911 Fax: (704) 403-1901 Bodner, Russ A Md Northeast Neurology Copperfield 270 Copperfield Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28278 (704) 403-1911 Fax: (704) 403-1901 Bodner, Russ A Md Northeast Neurology Denver 1585 Northcross Ctr Ct Matthews, Nc 28105 (800) 230-1721 Fax: (704) 403-1901 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 129 Mecklenburg County NC Specialty Care Network Mecklenburg County NC IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Bodner, Russ A Md Northeast Neurology Huntersville 9625 Northcross Center Ct Charlotte, Nc 28211 (800) 230-1721 Fax: (704) 403-1901 Sonnefeld, Christian A Md Northeast Neurology Copperfield 270 Copperfield Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28278 (704) 403-1911 Fax: (704) 403-1901 Vasudevan, Arvind Md Northeast Neurology Huntersville 9625 Northcross Center Ct Charlotte, Nc 28211 (800) 230-1721 Fax: (704) 403-1901 Bodner, Russ A Md Northeast Neurology Mt Pleasant 8560 Cook St Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 403-1911 Fax: (704) 403-1901 Sonnefeld, Christian A Md Northeast Neurology Denver 1585 Northcross Ctr Ct Matthews, Nc 28105 (800) 230-1721 Fax: (704) 403-1901 Vasudevan, Arvind Md Northeast Neurology University 101 E Wt Harris Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 403-1911 Fax: (704) 403-1901 Bravver, Elena Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 446-1255 Fax: (704) 446-1276 Sonnefeld, Christian A Md Northeast Neurology Huntersville 9625 Northcross Center Ct Charlotte, Nc 28211 (800) 230-1721 Fax: (704) 403-1901 Conway, Jill M Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 446-1255 Fax: (704) 446-1276 Sonnefeld, Christian A Md Northeast Neurology Mt Pleasant 8560 Cook St Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 403-1911 Fax: (704) 403-1901 Liu, Bing Md Northeast Neurology Denver 1585 Northcross Ctr Ct Matthews, Nc 28105 (800) 230-1721 Fax: (704) 403-1901 Sonnefeld, Christian A Md Northeast Neurology University 101 E Wt Harris Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 403-1911 Fax: (704) 403-1901 Liu, Bing Md Northeast Neurology Huntersville 9625 Northcross Center Ct Charlotte, Nc 28211 (800) 230-1721 Fax: (704) 403-1901 Story, J Scott Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 446-1255 Fax: (704) 446-1276 Livingston, Timothy S Md Carolinas Pediatric Neurology Care 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Todd, Jason W Md Northeast Neurology Denver 1585 Northcross Ctr Ct Matthews, Nc 28105 (800) 230-1721 Fax: (704) 403-1901 Livingston, Timothy S Md Carolinas Pediatric Neurology Care 101 E Wt Harris Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Todd, Jason W Md Northeast Neurology Huntersville 9625 Northcross Center Ct Charlotte, Nc 28211 (800) 230-1721 Fax: (704) 403-1901 Bramham, Jane R Md Rutherford Internal Medicine Associates 181 Daniel Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (828) 286-9036 Fax: (828) 286-1079 Livingston, Timothy S Md Carolinas Pediatric Neurology Care 100 Medical Park Dr Cornelius, Nc 28031 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Tsang, Connie C Md Northeast Neurology Huntersville 9625 Northcross Center Ct Charlotte, Nc 28211 (800) 230-1721 Fax: (704) 403-1901 Bramham, Jane R Md Rutherford Internal Medicine Associates 52 Hospital Dr Charlotte, Nc 28203 (828) 286-9036 Fax: (828) 286-1079 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Neurology With Special Qualifications In Child Neurology Brockway, Georgi Md Carolinas Pediatric Neurology Care 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Brockway, Georgi Md Carolinas Pediatric Neurology Care 101 E Wt Harris Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Brockway, Georgi Md Carolinas Pediatric Neurology Care 100 Medical Park Dr Cornelius, Nc 28031 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Occupational Medicine Chuang, Peale Md Fac Internal Medicine 2711 Randolph Rd Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 348-2992 Oncology Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 130 Mecklenburg County NC Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Brick, Wendy G Md Levine Cancer Institute 10650 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Forster, Meghan R Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 355-1813 Fax: (704) 355-5980 Brick, Wendy G Md Levine Cancer Institute 1550 Faulk St Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 290-0444 Fax: (704) 290-0445 Forster, Meghan R Md Levine Cancer Institute 1021 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 355-2884 Fax: (704) 355-5800 Brick, Wendy G Md Levine Cancer Institute 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28278 (704) 302-8300 Fax: (704) 302-8301 Forster, Meghan R Md Levine Cancer Institute 10650 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Brick, Wendy G Md Levine Cancer Institute 100 Medical Park Dr Concord, Nc 28203 (704) 403-1370 Fax: (704) 403-1389 Frenette, Gary P Md Levine Cancer Institute 1021 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 355-2884 Fax: (704) 355-5800 Brick, Wendy G Md Levine Cancer Institute 9606 Caldwell Commons Cir Cornelius, Nc 28207 (704) 992-6033 Fax: (704) 992-6023 Kim, Edward S Md Levine Cancer Institute 1021 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 355-2884 Fax: (704) 355-5800 Fisher, Julie G Md Levine Cancer Institute 1550 Faulk St Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 290-0444 Fax: (704) 290-0445 Kremers, Karis J Md Levine Cancer Institute 945 N 5th St Albemarle, Nc 28203 (704) 982-1880 Fax: (704) 982-1089 Fisher, Julie G Md Levine Cancer Institute 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28278 (704) 302-8300 Fax: (704) 302-8301 Kremers, Karis J Md Levine Cancer Institute 100 Medical Park Dr Concord, Nc 28203 (704) 403-1370 Fax: (704) 403-1389 Fisher, Julie G Md Levine Cancer Institute 9606 Caldwell Commons Cir Cornelius, Nc 28207 (704) 992-6033 Fax: (704) 992-6023 Limentani, Steven A Md Levine Cancer Institute 1021 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 355-2884 Fax: (704) 355-5800 Forster, Meghan R Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 355-1813 Fax: (704) 355-5980 Wall, James G Md Levine Cancer Institute 945 N 5th St Albemarle, Nc 28203 (704) 982-1880 Fax: (704) 982-1089 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Mecklenburg County NC Wall, James G Md Levine Cancer Institute 100 Medical Park Dr Concord, Nc 28203 (704) 403-1370 Fax: (704) 403-1389 Orthopedic Surgery Bosse, Michael J Md CMC Myers Park Orthopaedics 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 446-1340 Fax: (704) 446-1289 Bosse, Michael J Md CMC Orthopaedics 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 355-5982 Fax: (704) 355-5984 Freidinger, Brad A Md Piedmont Orthopedic Specialists 5651 Poplar Tent Rd Concord, Nc 28208 (704) 403-7020 Fax: (704) 403-7039 Gross, Steven C Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 355-1813 Fax: (704) 355-5980 Gross, Steven C Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 355-1813 Fax: (704) 355-5980 Kneisl, Jeffrey S Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 355-1813 Fax: (704) 355-5980 Kneisl, Jeffrey S Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 446-1255 Fax: (704) 446-1276 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 131 Mecklenburg County NC Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Mauerhan, David R Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 355-1813 Fax: (704) 355-5980 Bengur, Resai R Md The Sanger Clinic 14214 Ballantyne Lake Rd, Ste 150 Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Mauerhan, David R Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 446-1255 Fax: (704) 446-1276 Bengur, Resai R Md The Sanger Clinic 100 Medical Park Dr Concord, Nc 28210 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Murrey, Daniel Md Fac Orthopaedics 2001 Randolph Rd Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 323-2000 Bengur, Resai R Md The Sanger Clinic 705 Griffith St Davidson, Nc 28031 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Vanderhave, Kelly L Md CMC Myers Park Orthopaedics 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 446-1340 Fax: (704) 446-1289 Vanderhave, Kelly L Md CMC Orthopaedics 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 355-5982 Fax: (704) 355-5984 Bensky, Andrew S Md The Sanger Clinic 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Otolaryngology (ENT) Williams, Andrea M Md Ear Nose Throat And Audiology Associates Of The Carolinas PA 7006 Shannon Willow Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 544-6533 Fax: (704) 544-6583 Hours: Tue, Thu 8:00am–5:00pm Bensky, Andrew S Md The Sanger Clinic 134 Medical Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Scannell, Kasey E Wymer Md Fac Pediatrics 1000 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 446-1422 Pediatric Cardiology Bengur, Resai R Md The Sanger Clinic 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Bensky, Andrew S Md The Sanger Clinic 197 Piedmont Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Bensky, Andrew S Md The Sanger Clinic 100 Medical Park Dr Concord, Nc 28210 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Bensky, Andrew S Md The Sanger Clinic 10650 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 667-3840 Fax: (704) 667-3899 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Pediatric Allergy Mecklenburg County NC Bensky, Andrew S Md The Sanger Clinic 14214 Ballantyne Lake Rd, Ste 150 Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Bensky, Andrew S Md The Sanger Clinic 1550 Faulk St Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 667-3410 Fax: (704) 667-3479 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Bensky, Andrew S Md The Sanger Clinic 705 Griffith St Davidson, Nc 28031 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Bensky, Andrew S Md The Sanger Clinic 1781 Tate Blvd SE Hickory, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Bensky, Andrew S Md The Sanger Clinic 290 N Main St Rutherfordton, Nc 28212 (828) 286-2376 Fax: (828) 288-6824 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Paolillo Jr, Joseph A Md The Sanger Clinic 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Paolillo Jr, Joseph A Md The Sanger Clinic 10650 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 667-3840 Fax: (704) 667-3899 Paolillo Jr, Joseph A Md The Sanger Clinic 1550 Faulk St Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 667-3410 Fax: (704) 667-3479 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 132 Mecklenburg County NC Pediatric Endocrinology Vanderwel, Mark R Md Pediatric Endocrinology & Diabetes Specialists 1781 Tate Blvd SE Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-3636 Fax: (704) 334-7956 Vanderwel, Mark R Md Pediatric Endocrinology & Diabetes Specialists 4501 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 512-3636 Fax: (704) 364-1387 Pediatric Gastroenterology Caicedo, Ricardo A Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 381-8840 Fax: (704) 381-8848 Caicedo, Ricardo A Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Shah, Ameesh A Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 381-8840 Fax: (704) 381-8848 Summers, Lisa A Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 381-8840 Fax: (704) 381-8848 Pediatric Hematology Oncology Eckrich, Michael J Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 381-8840 Fax: (704) 381-8848 Eckrich, Michael J Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 381-8840 Fax: (704) 381-8848 Specialty Care Network Mecklenburg County NC IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Eckrich, Michael J Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 381-9900 Fax: (704) 381-8848 Vora, Sheetal S Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 381-8840 Fax: (704) 381-8848 Jacobsen, Chad T Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 381-8840 Fax: (704) 381-8848 Pediatrics Agarwal, Maneesha Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1000 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 355-2171 Fax: (704) 355-5736 Jacobsen, Chad T Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 381-9902 Pediatric Pulmonology Shah, Ashish C Md Northeast Pediatric Pulmonology 101 E Wt Harris Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 403-2660 Fax: (704) 403-2670 Belden, Leona M Md Piedmont Pediatrics 1085 NE Gateway Ct NE Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 403-4650 Fax: (704) 403-4656 Berger, Erica L Md University Pediatrics 10545 Blair Rd Charlotte, Nc 28208 (704) 863-9550 Fax: (704) 863-9741 Shah, Ashish C Md Northeast Pediatric Pulmonology 100 Medical Center Dr Concord, Nc 28227 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Black, Colleen R Md Rocky River Pediatrics 5427 Highway 49 S Harrisburg, Nc 28036 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Shah, Ashish C Md Northeast Pediatric Pulmonology 9625 Northcross Center Ct Huntersville, Nc 28226 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Pediatric Rheumatology Bozin, Rachel R Md CMC Myers Park Pediatrics 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 446-1422 Fax: (704) 446-1582 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Vora, Sheetal S Md CMC Childrens Specialty Center 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 381-8840 Fax: (704) 381-8848 Branner, Christopher M Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Vora, Sheetal S Md CMC Childrens Specialty Center 14214 Ballantyne Lake Road Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 381-8840 Fax: (704) 381-8836 Branner, Christopher M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 133 Mecklenburg County NC Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Mecklenburg County NC Branner, Christopher M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Bush, Jeana S Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Kendrick, Alfred E Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Branner, Christopher M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Caicedo, Laiacona Md Carolinas Healthcare Childrens Urgent Care 231 S Sharon Amity Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 304-6400 Fax: (704) 442-7021 Kendrick, Alfred E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Branner, Christopher M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Caicedo, Laiacona Md Carolinas Healthcare Childrens Urgent Care 6025 Blakeney Park Dr Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 667-4480 Fax: (704) 667-4499 Kendrick, Alfred E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Branner, Christopher M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Desai, Tanvi N Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Kendrick, Alfred E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Branner, Christopher M Md Eastland Urgent Care 5717 Albemarle Rd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 563-2150 Fax: (704) 563-2153 Eaker, Kathryn G Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 355-7812 Fax: (704) 355-1126 Kendrick, Alfred E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Branner, Christopher M Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 200 S College St Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 302-8800 Fax: (704) 632-4001 Edwards, Martha M Md Rock Hill Pediatric Associates 1601 Ebenezer Rd Rock Hill, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Kendrick, Alfred E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Breach, Karen E Md University Pediatrics 10545 Blair Rd Charlotte, Nc 28208 (704) 863-9550 Fax: (704) 863-9741 Guerriero, Gregory P Do Suburban Pediatric Clinic 2101 Shiloh Church Rd Davidson, Nc 28078 (704) 403-7440 Fax: (704) 439-3729 Knutson, Heather S Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 446-1255 Fax: (704) 446-1276 Brody, Michelle E Md South Lake Pediatrics 9908 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 801-2025 Fax: (704) 801-2026 Guerriero, Gregory P Do Suburban Pediatrics 3396 Cloverleaf Pkwy Kannapolis, Nc 28203 (704) 403-7740 Fax: (704) 403-7750 Lindsay, Nikita W Md Rock Hill Pediatric Associates 1601 Ebenezer Rd Rock Hill, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Burcal, John H Md South Lake Pediatrics 9908 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 801-2025 Fax: (704) 801-2026 Jackson Watson, Mary A Md Rocky River Pediatrics 5427 Highway 49 S Harrisburg, Nc 28036 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 134 Mecklenburg County NC Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Mecklenburg County NC Lods, Stephen C Md Suburban Pediatrics 3396 Cloverleaf Pkwy Kannapolis, Nc 28203 (704) 403-7740 Fax: (704) 403-7750 Panowicz, Cynthia A Md Rutherford Pediatrics 1178 Old Caroleen Rd Forest City, Nc 28078 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Rea, Janice L Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Moorman, Drew S Md Providence Pediatrics 14214 Ballantyne Lake Rd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 667-2600 Fax: (704) 667-2601 Panowicz, Cynthia A Md Rutherford Pediatrics 141 Tryon Rd Forest City, Nc 28262 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Seal, Anna C Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Morgan, Amy F Md Northeast Pediatric Hospitalists 920 Church St N Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 403-3664 Fax: (704) 403-3665 Pope, Jennifer M Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28269 (704) 381-6800 Seal, Anna C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Morgan, Amy F Md Piedmont Pediatrics 1085 NE Gateway Ct NE Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 403-4650 Fax: (704) 403-4656 Morgan, Amy F Md Rocky River Pediatrics 5427 Highway 49 S Harrisburg, Nc 28036 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Morgan, Patricia D Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Morgann, Robert G Md Suburban Pediatric Clinic 2101 Shiloh Church Rd Davidson, Nc 28078 (704) 403-7440 Fax: (704) 439-3729 Morgann, Robert G Md Suburban Pediatrics 3396 Cloverleaf Pkwy Kannapolis, Nc 28203 (704) 403-7740 Fax: (704) 403-7750 Mukkamala, Sasirekha Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Powell, Anita H Md Rutherford Pediatrics 1178 Old Caroleen Rd Charlotte, Nc 28277 (828) 286-9049 Fax: (828) 286-5596 Powell, Anita H Md Rutherford Pediatrics 141 Tryon Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (828) 286-9049 Fax: (828) 286-5596 Rea, Janice L Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Rea, Janice L Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Rea, Janice L Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Rea, Janice L Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Seal, Anna C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Seal, Anna C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Seal, Anna C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Seal, Anna C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Seal, Anna C Md Eastland Urgent Care 5717 Albemarle Rd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 563-2150 Fax: (704) 563-2153 Seal, Anna C Md Steele Creek Urgent Care 9332 S Tryon St Charlotte, Nc 28273 (704) 587-6700 Fax: (704) 587-6723 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 135 Mecklenburg County NC Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Mecklenburg County NC Sechler, Joseph W Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Stubbs, Erin H Md CMC Myers Park Pediatrics 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 446-1422 Fax: (704) 446-1582 Walters, Jamee M Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 446-1422 Fax: (704) 446-1582 Selden, Kymberly F Md Suburban Pediatric Clinic 2101 Shiloh Church Rd Davidson, Nc 28078 (704) 403-7440 Fax: (704) 439-3729 Tarte, Nancy B Md The Davidson Clinic 705 Griffith St Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Selden, Kymberly F Md Suburban Pediatrics 3396 Cloverleaf Pkwy Kannapolis, Nc 28203 (704) 403-7740 Fax: (704) 403-7750 Semple, Roxanne D Md South Lake Pediatrics 9908 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 801-2025 Fax: (704) 801-2026 Shah, Ankur N Md South Lake Pediatrics 9908 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 801-2025 Fax: (704) 801-2026 Silver, Robert A Md Carolinas Pediatric Neurology Care 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 381-8840 Fax: (704) 381-8848 Smolen, Paul M Md Providence Pediatrics 14214 Ballantyne Lake Rd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 667-2600 Fax: (704) 667-2601 Soucie, Carol J Md Rocky River Pediatrics 5427 Highway 49 S Harrisburg, Nc 28036 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Stingo, Cristina M Md Northeast Pediatric Hospitalists 920 Church St N Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 403-3664 Fax: (704) 403-3665 Temple, Anamaria M Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 446-1422 Fax: (704) 446-1582 Tildon, Toni Ola Md CMC Myers Park Pediatrics 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 446-1422 Fax: (704) 446-1582 √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Tonkowicz, Patricia A Md Rock Hill Pediatric Associates 1601 Ebenezer Rd Rock Hill, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Trivette, Dayna D Md South Charlotte Primary Care 7030 Pineville Matthews Rd Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 667-4150 Fax: (704) 752-7040 Valder, Stephen J Md Providence Pediatrics 14214 Ballantyne Lake Rd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 667-2600 Fax: (704) 667-2601 Van Voorhis, Kerry T Md CMC Myers Park Pediatrics 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 446-1422 Fax: (704) 446-1582 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Aggarwal, Puneet Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 101 E Wt Harris Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Aggarwal, Puneet Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 14214 Ballantyne Lake Rd Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Aggarwal, Puneet Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 3030 Randolph Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Aggarwal, Puneet Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 9726 Sam Furr Rd Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Aggarwal, Puneet Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 332 Sam Newell Rd Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Aggarwal, Puneet Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1100 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 136 Mecklenburg County NC Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Mecklenburg County NC Aggarwal, Puneet Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 101 E Wt Harris Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28210 (704) 863-4878 Fax: (704) 863-1511 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Agner, David M Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1100 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Bockenek, William L Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 332 Sam Newell Rd Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Aggarwal, Puneet Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 3030 Randolph Rd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 863-4878 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Agner, David M Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 101 E Wt Harris Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28210 (704) 863-4878 Fax: (704) 863-1511 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Bockenek, William L Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 101 E Wt Harris Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28210 (704) 863-4878 Fax: (704) 863-1511 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Aggarwal, Puneet Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 9726 Sam Furr Rd Huntersville, Nc 28036 (704) 863-4878 Fax: (704) 896-0387 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Agner, David M Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 3030 Randolph Rd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 863-4878 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Bockenek, William L Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 3030 Randolph Rd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 863-4878 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Agner, David M Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 101 E Wt Harris Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Agner, David M Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 9726 Sam Furr Rd Huntersville, Nc 28036 (704) 863-4878 Fax: (704) 896-0387 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Bockenek, William L Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 9726 Sam Furr Rd Huntersville, Nc 28036 (704) 863-4878 Fax: (704) 896-0387 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Agner, David M Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 14214 Ballantyne Lake Rd Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Bockenek, William L Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 101 E Wt Harris Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Camp, Jennifer H Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1100 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Agner, David M Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 3030 Randolph Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Bockenek, William L Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 14214 Ballantyne Lake Rd Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Agner, David M Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 9726 Sam Furr Rd Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Bockenek, William L Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 3030 Randolph Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Agner, David M Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 332 Sam Newell Rd Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Bockenek, William L Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 9726 Sam Furr Rd Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Jackson, Thomas R Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 101 E Wt Harris Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Jackson, Thomas R Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 14214 Ballantyne Lake Rd Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Jackson, Thomas R Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 3030 Randolph Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 137 Mecklenburg County NC Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Jackson, Thomas R Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 9726 Sam Furr Rd Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Martini, Dana L Do Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 3030 Randolph Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Jackson, Thomas R Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 332 Sam Newell Rd Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Martini, Dana L Do Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 9726 Sam Furr Rd Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Kanelos, Sharon K Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 101 E Wt Harris Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Martini, Dana L Do Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 332 Sam Newell Rd Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Kanelos, Sharon K Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 14214 Ballantyne Lake Rd Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Mehta, Paras H Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 101 E Wt Harris Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Kanelos, Sharon K Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 3030 Randolph Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Mehta, Paras H Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 14214 Ballantyne Lake Rd Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Kanelos, Sharon K Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 9726 Sam Furr Rd Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Mehta, Paras H Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 3030 Randolph Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Kanelos, Sharon K Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 332 Sam Newell Rd Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Mehta, Paras H Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 9726 Sam Furr Rd Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Martini, Dana L Do Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 101 E Wt Harris Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Mehta, Paras H Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 332 Sam Newell Rd Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Martini, Dana L Do Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 14214 Ballantyne Lake Rd Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Shall, Matthew B Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1100 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Mecklenburg County NC Tassone, Judi L Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 101 E Wt Harris Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Tassone, Judi L Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 14214 Ballantyne Lake Rd Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Tassone, Judi L Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 3030 Randolph Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Tassone, Judi L Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 9726 Sam Furr Rd Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Tassone, Judi L Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 332 Sam Newell Rd Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Tassone, Judi L Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 381-8840 Fax: (704) 381-8848 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Tassone, Judi L Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 101 E Wt Harris Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28210 (704) 863-4878 Fax: (704) 863-1511 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Tassone, Judi L Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 3030 Randolph Rd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 863-4878 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 138 Mecklenburg County NC Tassone, Judi L Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 9726 Sam Furr Rd Huntersville, Nc 28036 (704) 863-4878 Fax: (704) 896-0387 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Thomas, J George Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1100 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Plastic Surgery Jenkins, Nelson Md Cleveland Plastic And Hand Surgery 823 E King St Kings Mountain, Nc 28210 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Jenkins, Nelson Md Cleveland Plastic And Hand Surgery 807 Schenck St Shelby, Nc 28211 (980) 487-2340 Fax: (980) 487-2341 Podiatry Wiggins, Jeffrey M PA Fac Rehab Physicians 1000 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 355-4330 Pulmonary Medicine Bringardner, Benjamin D Md Charlotte Medical Clinic 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Bringardner, Benjamin D Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 446-1255 Fax: (704) 446-1276 Bringardner, Benjamin D Md Levine Cancer Institute 1021 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 355-2884 Fax: (704) 355-5800 Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Mecklenburg County NC Burkhart, Rebecca E Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Strawhun, Kristin L Md Charlotte Medical Clinic 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Grinton, Stephen F Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Strawhun, Kristin L Md Charlotte Medical Clinic 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28211 (704) 863-9500 Fax: (704) 863-9501 Kistler, Cara R Md Charlotte Medical Clinic 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Swartz, Justin S Md Charlotte Medical Clinic 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Lindblom, Scott S Md Charlotte Medical Clinic 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Swartz, Justin S Md CMC Myers Park Medicine 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28273 (704) 446-1242 Fax: (704) 446-1241 Lindblom, Scott S Md Charlotte Medical Clinic 3025 Springbank Ln Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 542-2543 Fax: (704) 542-2832 Taylor, Chau C Md Northeast Lung Associates 219 Le Phillip Ct NE Concord, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Lindblom, Scott S Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 446-1255 Fax: (704) 446-1276 Taylor, Robert A Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Lombard Jr, Robert M Md Charlotte Medical Clinic 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Thakkar, Nehal P Md Northeast Lung Associates 219 Le Phillip Ct NE Concord, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Lombard Jr, Robert M Md CMC Myers Park Medicine 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28273 (704) 446-1242 Fax: (704) 446-1241 Updaw II, Robert J Md CMC Myers Park Medicine 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28273 (704) 446-1242 Fax: (704) 446-1241 Spain, Blake A Md Northeast Lung Associates 219 Le Phillip Ct NE Concord, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 139 Mecklenburg County NC Rheumatology Pack, Leslie A Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 446-1255 Fax: (704) 446-1276 Robertson, Cheryl R Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 302-9300 Fax: (704) 302-9301 Sundberg, Thomas C Md Mecklenburg Medical Group 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 302-9300 Fax: (704) 302-9301 √ Languages Spoken: German Sports Medicine Lorch IV, Frank E Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 9726 Sam Furr Rd Huntersville, Nc 28036 (704) 863-4878 Fax: (704) 896-0387 Thoracic Surgery Lobdell, Kevin W Md CMC Myers Park General Surgery 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 446-1255 Fax: (704) 446-1276 Lobdell, Kevin W Md CMC Myers Park Pediatrics 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 446-1422 Fax: (704) 446-1582 Lobdell, Kevin W Md CMC Surgery 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 355-1813 Fax: (704) 355-5980 Maxey, Thomas S Md The Sanger Clinic 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Mecklenburg County NC Stiegel, Robert M Md The Sanger Clinic 1000 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28078 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Schneider, Robert E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 12905 Rosedale Hill Ave Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 801-1000 Fax: (704) 896-2861 Stiegel, Robert M Md The Sanger Clinic 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Schneider, Robert E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 332 N Trade St Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-6850 Fax: (704) 512-6851 Stiegel, Robert M Md The Sanger Clinic 10650 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 667-3840 Fax: (704) 667-3899 Schneider, Robert E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10545 Blair Rd Mint Hill, Nc 28227 (704) 863-9600 Fax: (704) 863-9601 Urology Byrne, Richard H Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1023 Edgehill Rd S Charlotte, Nc 28210 (704) 355-8686 Fax: (704) 355-8687 Byrne, Richard H Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Schneider, Robert E Md Arboretum Urgent Care Center 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28226 (704) 543-6636 Fax: (704) 541-9476 Teigland, Chris M Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1023 Edgehill Rd S Charlotte, Nc 28210 (704) 355-8686 Fax: (704) 355-8687 Teigland, Chris M Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Teigland, Chris M Md Levine Cancer Institute 1021 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 355-2884 Fax: (704) 355-5800 Vascular Surgery Schneider, Robert E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 10210 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 801-2000 Fax: (704) 801-2001 Boyes, Christopher W Md The Sanger Clinic 1000 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28078 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Schneider, Robert E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-6240 Fax: (704) 512-6241 Boyes, Christopher W Md The Sanger Clinic 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 140 Mecklenburg County NC Boyes, Christopher W Md The Sanger Clinic 10650 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 667-3840 Fax: (704) 667-3899 Boyes, Christopher W Md The Sanger Clinic 1550 Faulk St Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 667-3410 Fax: (704) 667-3479 Burgess, Jason S Md CMC University Indep Physician 2001 Vail Ave, Ste. 320 Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 333-0741 Moore County NC Allergy And Immunology Laber, Diane Md Allergy Partners Of The Midlands 325 Page Rd Bldg 3, Bldg 3 Pinehurst, Nc 28374 (910) 295-6661 Fax: (828) 277-2499 Luna, Carla J Md Allergy Partners Of The Midlands 325 Page Rd Bldg 3, Bldg 3 Pinehurst, Nc 28374 (910) 295-6661 Fax: (828) 277-2499 New Hanover County NC Allergy And Immunology Lucas, Sean R Md Allergy Partners Of Coastal Carolina 2321 Delaney Rd Wilmington, Nc 28403 (910) 763-1661 Fax: (910) 251-8595 Myers, Kenneth W Md Allergy Partners Of Coastal Carolina 2321 Delaney Rd Wilmington, Nc 28403 (910) 763-1661 Fax: (910) 251-8595 Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Ellis, Patrick M Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 1725 New Hanover Medical Park Dr Wilmington, Nc 28403 (910) 815-3420 Fax: (910) 815-3876 Yip, Alex G Md Allergy Partners Of Coastal Carolina 2321 Delaney Rd Wilmington, Nc 28403 (910) 763-1661 Fax: (910) 251-8595 Cardiovascular Disease Barber, Christopher C Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 1725 New Hanover Medical Park Dr Wilmington, Nc 28403 (910) 815-3420 Fax: (910) 815-3876 Barber, Christopher C Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 2150 Shipyard Blvd Wilmington, Nc 28403 (910) 762-2433 Fax: (910) 762-1873 Bock, William C Md The Sanger Clinic 101 E Wt Harris Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28403 (704) 863-1950 Fax: (704) 863-1979 Buchanan, William P Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 1725 New Hanover Medical Park Dr Wilmington, Nc 28403 (910) 815-3420 Fax: (910) 815-3876 Buchanan, William P Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 2150 Shipyard Blvd Wilmington, Nc 28403 (910) 762-2433 Fax: (910) 762-1873 Calhoun, Linda P Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 1725 New Hanover Medical Park Dr Wilmington, Nc 28403 (910) 815-3420 Fax: (910) 815-3876 Calhoun, Linda P Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 2150 Shipyard Blvd Wilmington, Nc 28403 (910) 762-2433 Fax: (910) 762-1873 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home New Hanover County NC Ellis, Patrick M Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 2150 Shipyard Blvd Wilmington, Nc 28403 (910) 762-2433 Fax: (910) 762-1873 Forrester, James S Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 1725 New Hanover Medical Park Dr Wilmington, Nc 28403 (910) 815-3420 Fax: (910) 815-3876 Forrester, James S Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 2150 Shipyard Blvd Wilmington, Nc 28403 (910) 762-2433 Fax: (910) 762-1873 Frank, Theodore A Md The Sanger Clinic 101 E Wt Harris Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28403 (704) 863-1950 Fax: (704) 863-1979 Gulati, Sanjeev K Md The Sanger Clinic 101 E Wt Harris Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28403 (704) 863-1950 Fax: (704) 863-1979 Haber, Robert H Md The Sanger Clinic 101 E Wt Harris Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28403 (704) 863-1950 Fax: (704) 863-1979 Harper, James R Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 1725 New Hanover Medical Park Dr Wilmington, Nc 28403 (910) 815-3420 Fax: (910) 815-3876 Harper, James R Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 2150 Shipyard Blvd Wilmington, Nc 28403 (910) 762-2433 Fax: (910) 762-1873 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 141 New Hanover County NC Specialty Care Network New Hanover County NC IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Hobart, Frank A Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 1725 New Hanover Medical Park Dr Wilmington, Nc 28403 (910) 815-3420 Fax: (910) 815-3876 Murphy, Mark T Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 2150 Shipyard Blvd Wilmington, Nc 28403 (910) 762-2433 Fax: (910) 762-1873 Thomley, Alan M Md The Sanger Clinic 101 E Wt Harris Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28403 (704) 863-1950 Fax: (704) 863-1979 Hobart, Frank A Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 2150 Shipyard Blvd Wilmington, Nc 28403 (910) 762-2433 Fax: (910) 762-1873 Patel, Hemantkumar M Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 1725 New Hanover Medical Park Dr Wilmington, Nc 28403 (910) 815-3420 Fax: (910) 815-3876 Valeri, Frank S Md The Sanger Clinic 101 E Wt Harris Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28403 (704) 863-1950 Fax: (704) 863-1979 Koehler, Daniel N Md The Sanger Clinic 101 E Wt Harris Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28403 (704) 863-1950 Fax: (704) 863-1979 Patel, Hemantkumar M Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 2150 Shipyard Blvd Wilmington, Nc 28403 (910) 762-2433 Fax: (910) 762-1873 Weaver, David E Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 1725 New Hanover Medical Park Dr Wilmington, Nc 28403 (910) 815-3420 Fax: (910) 815-3876 Kowalchuk, Glen J Md The Sanger Clinic 101 E Wt Harris Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28403 (704) 863-1950 Fax: (704) 863-1979 Patel, Praful N Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 1725 New Hanover Medical Park Dr Wilmington, Nc 28403 (910) 815-3420 Fax: (910) 815-3876 Weaver, David E Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 2150 Shipyard Blvd Wilmington, Nc 28403 (910) 762-2433 Fax: (910) 762-1873 Lewis, William L Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 1725 New Hanover Medical Park Dr Wilmington, Nc 28403 (910) 815-3420 Fax: (910) 815-3876 Patel, Praful N Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 2150 Shipyard Blvd Wilmington, Nc 28403 (910) 762-2433 Fax: (910) 762-1873 Winslow, Timothy M Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 1725 New Hanover Medical Park Dr Wilmington, Nc 28403 (910) 815-3420 Fax: (910) 815-3876 Lewis, William L Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 2150 Shipyard Blvd Wilmington, Nc 28403 (910) 762-2433 Fax: (910) 762-1873 Smith, William T Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 1725 New Hanover Medical Park Dr Wilmington, Nc 28403 (910) 815-3420 Fax: (910) 815-3876 Winslow, Timothy M Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 2150 Shipyard Blvd Wilmington, Nc 28403 (910) 762-2433 Fax: (910) 762-1873 Meine, Frederick J Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 1725 New Hanover Medical Park Dr Wilmington, Nc 28403 (910) 815-3420 Fax: (910) 815-3876 Smith, William T Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 2150 Shipyard Blvd Wilmington, Nc 28403 (910) 762-2433 Fax: (910) 762-1873 Meine, Frederick J Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 2150 Shipyard Blvd Wilmington, Nc 28403 (910) 762-2433 Fax: (910) 762-1873 Sugarman, Daniel I Md The Sanger Clinic 101 E Wt Harris Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28403 (704) 863-1950 Fax: (704) 863-1979 Murphy, Mark T Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 1725 New Hanover Medical Park Dr Wilmington, Nc 28403 (910) 815-3420 Fax: (910) 815-3876 Symanski, John D Md The Sanger Clinic 101 E Wt Harris Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28403 (704) 863-1950 Fax: (704) 863-1979 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Family Practice Brezicki, Paul A Md Steele Creek Urgent Care 9332 S Tryon St Wilmington, Nc 28401 (704) 587-6700 Fax: (704) 587-6723 Koewler, Thomas J Md Steele Creek Urgent Care 9332 S Tryon St Wilmington, Nc 28401 (704) 587-6700 Fax: (704) 587-6723 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 142 Specialty Care Network New Hanover County NC IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Konen, Joseph C Md Steele Creek Urgent Care 9332 S Tryon St Wilmington, Nc 28401 (704) 587-6700 Fax: (704) 587-6723 Maternal & Fetal Medicine Kreisman, Steven Md Steele Creek Urgent Care 9332 S Tryon St Wilmington, Nc 28401 (704) 587-6700 Fax: (704) 587-6723 Sykes, Paul W Md Steele Creek Urgent Care 9332 S Tryon St Wilmington, Nc 28401 (704) 587-6700 Fax: (704) 587-6723 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Verma, Anuradha Md Steele Creek Urgent Care 9332 S Tryon St Wilmington, Nc 28401 (704) 587-6700 Fax: (704) 587-6723 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hematology Anagnost, John W Md Cape Fear Cancer Specialists 1520 Physicians Dr Wilmington, Nc 28401 (910) 763-5182 Fax: (910) 763-0291 Kotz, Kenneth W Md Cape Fear Cancer Specialists 1520 Physicians Dr Wilmington, Nc 28401 (910) 763-5182 Fax: (910) 763-0291 Internal Medicine Borcherding, Sara L Md New Hanover Regional Hospitalists 2131 S 17th St Wilmington, Nc 28401 (910) 815-5830 Fax: (910) 815-5698 New Hanover County NC Pediatric Gastroenterology Stubbs, Thomas M Md CMC Myers Park Obstetrics And Gynecology 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28403 (704) 446-1544 Fax: (704) 446-1550 Caicedo, Ricardo A Md CMC Faculty Physicians 14214 Ballantyne Lake Rd Charlotte, Nc 28401 (704) 381-8840 Fax: (704) 381-8836 Medical Oncology Caicedo, Ricardo A Md CMC Faculty Physicians 2550 Court Dr Gastonia, Nc 28411 (704) 381-8840 Fax: (704) 381-8836 Arb, Birgit A Md Cape Fear Cancer Specialists 1520 Physicians Dr Wilmington, Nc 28401 (910) 763-5182 Fax: (910) 763-0291 McNulty, William Md Cape Fear Cancer Specialists 1520 Physicians Dr Wilmington, Nc 28401 (910) 763-5182 Fax: (910) 763-0291 Testori, Douglas J Md Cape Fear Cancer Specialists 1520 Physicians Dr Wilmington, Nc 28401 (910) 763-5182 Fax: (910) 763-0291 Neurology Bravver, Elena Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1010 Edgehill Rd N Charlotte, Nc 28401 (704) 446-1900 Fax: (704) 446-1555 Conway, Jill M Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1010 Edgehill Rd N Charlotte, Nc 28401 (704) 446-1900 Fax: (704) 446-1555 Story, J Scott Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1010 Edgehill Rd N Charlotte, Nc 28401 (704) 446-1900 Fax: (704) 446-1555 Vaden, Tracela C Md Steele Creek Urgent Care 9332 S Tryon St Wilmington, Nc 28401 (704) 587-6700 Fax: (704) 587-6723 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Shah, Ameesh A Md CMC Faculty Physicians 14214 Ballantyne Lake Rd Charlotte, Nc 28401 (704) 381-8840 Fax: (704) 381-8836 Shah, Ameesh A Md CMC Faculty Physicians 2550 Court Dr Gastonia, Nc 28411 (704) 381-8840 Fax: (704) 381-8836 Summers, Lisa A Md CMC Faculty Physicians 14214 Ballantyne Lake Rd Charlotte, Nc 28401 (704) 381-8840 Fax: (704) 381-8836 Summers, Lisa A Md CMC Faculty Physicians 2550 Court Dr Gastonia, Nc 28411 (704) 381-8840 Fax: (704) 381-8836 Summers, Lisa A Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1781 Tate Blvd SE Hickory, Nc 28412 (704) 381-8840 Fax: (704) 381-8836 Pediatric Rheumatology Vora, Sheetal S Md CMC Faculty Physicians 14214 Ballantyne Lake Rd Charlotte, Nc 28401 (704) 381-8840 Fax: (704) 381-8836 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 143 New Hanover County NC Vora, Sheetal S Md CMC Faculty Physicians 2550 Court Dr Gastonia, Nc 28411 (704) 381-8840 Fax: (704) 381-8836 Vora, Sheetal S Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1781 Tate Blvd SE Hickory, Nc 28412 (704) 381-8840 Fax: (704) 381-8836 Pediatrics Specialty Care Network Urology Branner, Christopher M Md Steele Creek Urgent Care 9332 S Tryon St Wilmington, Nc 28401 (704) 587-6700 Fax: (704) 587-6723 McCarthy, Roc A Do Atlantic Urology 1606 Physicians Dr Wilmington, Nc 28401 (910) 362-8765 Fax: (910) 362-9123 Takahashi, Rebecca L Md University Pediatrics 5435 Prosperity Church Rd Charlotte, Nc 28405 (704) 717-2000 Fax: (704) 863-9741 Urological Surgery Zimmerman, William B Do Atlantic Urology 1606 Physicians Dr Wilmington, Nc 28401 (910) 362-8765 Fax: (910) 362-9123 General Surgery Gavigan, James R Md Atlantic Urology 1606 Physicians Dr Wilmington, Nc 28401 (910) 362-8765 Fax: (910) 362-9123 Janosko II, Edward O Md Atlantic Urology 1606 Physicians Dr Wilmington, Nc 28401 (910) 362-8765 Fax: (910) 362-9123 Knutson, Heather S Md University Pediatrics 5435 Prosperity Church Rd Charlotte, Nc 28405 (704) 717-2000 Fax: (704) 863-9741 Stuck, William W Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 2669 Kinard St Newberry, Sc 29108 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 376-5885 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Bennett, Robert T Md Atlantic Urology 1606 Physicians Dr Wilmington, Nc 28401 (910) 362-8765 Fax: (910) 362-9123 Berger, Erica L Md University Pediatrics 5435 Prosperity Church Rd Charlotte, Nc 28405 (704) 717-2000 Fax: (704) 863-9741 Freeman, Kevin H Md University Pediatrics 5435 Prosperity Church Rd Charlotte, Nc 28405 (704) 717-2000 Fax: (704) 863-9741 Oconee County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Barrineau, Devonne D Md General Surgical Services O Ncmh 1830 Pond Field Rd, Ste A1 Newberry, Sc 29108 (803) 405-7140 Fax: (803) 405-7231 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Brown, John W Md General Surgical Services O Ncmh 1830 Pond Field Rd, Ste A1 Newberry, Sc 29108 (803) 405-7140 Fax: (803) 405-7231 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Oconee County Cardiovascular Disease Newberry County Cardiovascular Disease Hendricks, Charles W Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 2669 Kinard St Newberry, Sc 29108 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 376-5885 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Rhinehart, Rodney G Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 2669 Kinard St Newberry, Sc 29108 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 376-5885 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Shah, Gopi Y Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 2669 Kinard St Newberry, Sc 29108 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 376-5885 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Hassan, Raza Md Oconee Physician Practices 704 N Pine St Seneca, Sc 29672 (864) 886-9300 Fax: (864) 886-9399 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Lehr, Jeffrey M Md Oconee Physician Practices 100 Omni Dr, Ste B Seneca, Sc 29672 (864) 482-2350 Fax: (864) 482-2351 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Family Practice Becker, Kenneth H Md Oconee Physician Practices 298 Memorial Dr Seneca, Sc 29672 (864) 885-7758 Fax: (864) 885-7749 Smith Jr, Daniel M Md Oconee Physician Practices 390 Keowee School Rd Seneca, Sc 29672 (864) 888-4445 Fax: (864) 888-4345 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 144 Oconee County General Surgery Gilbert, Osceola P Md Oconee Surgery PA 112 Surgical Blvd, Ste A Seneca, Sc 29672 (864) 885-0608 Fax: (864) 885-0676 Paluzzi, Michael W Md Palmetto Surgery Associates PA 107 Omni Dr, Ste B Seneca, Sc 29672 (864) 888-0909 Fax: (864) 888-0601 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Tolmos, Jorge Md Carolina Surgery 109 Omni Dr, Ste A Seneca, Sc 29672 (864) 885-1978 Fax: (864) 885-1980 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Tyler, Bradford Md Oconee Physician Practices 16 Accountants Cir Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 886-9250 Fax: (864) 886-9251 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Internal Medicine Cabanero, Juan Md Oconee Physician Practices 704 N Pine St Seneca, Sc 29672 (864) 886-9300 Fax: (864) 886-9399 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Chandran, Ravi T Md Pulmonary Critical Care & Sleep Associates PA 125 Professional Park Dr Seneca, Sc 29672 (864) 482-3000 Fax: (864) 482-4000 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Holden, Daniel J Md Oconee Physician Practices 103 Omni Dr, Ste A Seneca, Sc 29672 (864) 885-7886 Fax: (864) 885-7890 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Specialty Care Network Oconee County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY O’Brien, Kevin R Do Oconee Physician Practices 100 Omni Dr, Ste A Seneca, Sc 29672 (864) 885-7881 Fax: (864) 885-7885 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm McCallum, Patrick S Md Blue Ridge Orthopaedic Assoc PA 10630 Clemson Blvd, Ste 100 Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 482-6000 Fax: (864) 482-7000 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Shalley, Ann C Md Oconee Physician Practices 298 Memorial Dr Seneca, Sc 29672 (864) 885-7758 Fax: (864) 885-7749 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm McGeorge, James C Md Blue Ridge Orthopaedic Assoc PA 10630 Clemson Blvd, Ste 100 Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 482-6000 Fax: (864) 482-7000 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Thompson, Paul E Md Oconee Gastrointestinal Internal Medicine Clinic 12 Boardwalk Place Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 882-5933 Fax: (864) 885-9404 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Redmond, Brian J Md Blue Ridge Orthopaedic Assoc PA 10630 Clemson Blvd, Ste 100 Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 482-6000 Fax: (864) 482-7000 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Orthopedic Surgery Bowman, Larry S Md Blue Ridge Orthopaedic Assoc PA 10630 Clemson Blvd, Ste 100 Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 482-6000 Fax: (864) 482-7000 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Brown, William S Md Blue Ridge Orthopaedic Assoc PA 10630 Clemson Blvd, Ste 100 Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 482-6000 Fax: (864) 482-7000 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hembree, Walter C Md Blue Ridge Orthopaedic Assoc PA 10630 Clemson Blvd, Ste 100 Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 482-6000 Fax: (864) 482-7000 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Martin, Steven L Md Blue Ridge Orthopaedic Assoc PA 10630 Clemson Blvd, Ste 100 Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 482-6000 Fax: (864) 482-7000 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Reeves, Douglas A Md Blue Ridge Orthopaedic Assoc PA 10630 Clemson Blvd, Ste 100 Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 482-6000 Fax: (864) 482-7000 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Otolaryngology (ENT) Boxwell, Daniel F Do Oconee Physician Practices 105 Carter Park Dr, Ste B Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 885-7989 Fax: (864) 885-7867 Ostrowski, Kimberly Do Oconee Physician Practices 105 Carter Park Dr, Ste B Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 885-7989 Fax: (864) 885-7867 Pediatrics Mendes, Tarina M Md Seneca Pediatric Endocrinology 207 Main St Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 882-2906 Fax: (864) 482-5005 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: German Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 145 Specialty Care Network Oconee County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Silva, Monica E Md Kidscare Pediatrics PA 109 Omni Dr, Ste A Seneca, Sc 29672 (864) 888-9448 Fax: (864) 885-1980 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Urology Lawton, Steven K Md Oconee Physician Practices 107 Omni Dr, Ste A Seneca, Sc 29672 (864) 885-7475 Fax: (864) 885-7476 McAlpine, Robert G Md Oconee Urology PA 135 Professional Park Dr Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 885-7475 Fax: (864) 885-7476 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Orangeburg County Infectious Disease Abdalla, Jehad S Md Internal Medicine & Infectious Diseases Specialist 1175 Cook Rd, Ste 120 Orangeburg, Sc 29118 (803) 531-2622 Fax: (803) 531-8561 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Arabic Internal Medicine Nassri, M S Md Palmetto Nephrology PA 1175 Cook Rd, Ste 115 Orangeburg, Sc 29118 (803) 531-2677 Fax: (803) 531-8561 Hours: Mon, Tue 8:30am–5:00pm; Wed, Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:30am–12:30pm √ Languages Spoken: Arabic Raine, Charles Md Diabetes Control Center 112 Bluebird Ln Orangeburg, Sc 29115 (803) 536-6339 Fax: (803) 536-6734 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm Nephrology Durham, John Md Palmetto Nephrology PA 1175 Cook Rd, Ste 115 Orangeburg, Sc 29118 (803) 531-2677 Fax: (803) 531-8561 Hours: Mon, Tue 8:30am–5:00pm; Wed, Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:30am–12:30pm Hamad, Abdullah Md Palmetto Nephrology PA 1175 Cook Rd, Ste 115 Orangeburg, Sc 29118 (803) 531-2677 Fax: (803) 531-8561 Hours: Mon, Tue 8:30am–5:00pm; Wed, Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:30am–12:30pm √ Languages Spoken: Arabic Moustafa, Moustafa A Md South Carolina Nephrology & Hypertension Center 3709 Magnolia St Orangeburg, Sc 29118 (803) 531-2220 Fax: (803) 531-7975 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Pender County NC Cardiovascular Disease Barber, Christopher C Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 14057 Hwy 17 N Hampstead, Nc 28443 (910) 270-1637 Fax: (910) 762-1873 Buchanan, William P Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 14057 Hwy 17 N Hampstead, Nc 28443 (910) 270-1637 Fax: (910) 762-1873 Calhoun, Linda P Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 14057 Hwy 17 N Hampstead, Nc 28443 (910) 270-1637 Fax: (910) 762-1873 Ellis, Patrick M Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 14057 Hwy 17 N Hampstead, Nc 28443 (910) 270-1637 Fax: (910) 762-1873 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Pender County NC Forrester, James S Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 14057 Hwy 17 N Hampstead, Nc 28443 (910) 270-1637 Fax: (910) 762-1873 Harper, James R Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 14057 Hwy 17 N Hampstead, Nc 28443 (910) 270-1637 Fax: (910) 762-1873 Hobart, Frank A Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 14057 Hwy 17 N Hampstead, Nc 28443 (910) 270-1637 Fax: (910) 762-1873 Lewis, William L Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 14057 Hwy 17 N Hampstead, Nc 28443 (910) 270-1637 Fax: (910) 762-1873 Meine, Frederick J Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 14057 Hwy 17 N Hampstead, Nc 28443 (910) 270-1637 Fax: (910) 762-1873 Murphy, Mark T Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 14057 Hwy 17 N Hampstead, Nc 28443 (910) 270-1637 Fax: (910) 762-1873 Patel, Hemantkumar M Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 14057 Hwy 17 N Hampstead, Nc 28443 (910) 270-1637 Fax: (910) 762-1873 Patel, Praful N Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 14057 Hwy 17 N Hampstead, Nc 28443 (910) 270-1637 Fax: (910) 762-1873 Smith, William T Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 14057 Hwy 17 N Hampstead, Nc 28443 (910) 270-1637 Fax: (910) 762-1873 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 146 Pender County NC Weaver, David E Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 14057 Hwy 17 N Hampstead, Nc 28443 (910) 270-1637 Fax: (910) 762-1873 Winslow, Timothy M Md Cape Fear Heart Associates 14057 Hwy 17 N Hampstead, Nc 28443 (910) 270-1637 Fax: (910) 762-1873 Pickens County Allergy And Immunology Johnstone, Reid F Md Allergy Partners Of The Upstate 212 Frontage Rd Clemson, Sc 29631 (864) 654-0066 Fax: (864) 654-8994 Hours: Tue, Thu 8:30am–5:00pm Johnstone III, R G Md Allergy Partners Of The Upstate 212 Frontage Rd Clemson, Sc 29631 (864) 654-0066 Fax: (864) 654-8994 Hours: Tue, Thu 8:30am–5:00pm Lantz, Andrea B Md Allergy Partners Of The Upstate 212 Frontage Rd Clemson, Sc 29631 (864) 654-0066 Fax: (864) 654-8994 Hours: Tue, Thu 8:30am–5:00pm Internal Medicine Freeman, Steven E Md Adult Medicine Specialists Of Easley PA 764 Saco Lowell Rd Easley, Sc 29640 (864) 855-5525 Fax: (864) 855-5440 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat 8:00am–2:00pm Nephrology Yu, Henry T Md Carolina Nephrology 112 Johns, Ste 203 Easley, Sc 29640 (864) 271-1844 Fax: (864) 271-2147 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Neurology Bykowsky, Michael J Md Carolina Allergy And Asthma Consultants 3000 NE Medical Park Columbia, Sc 29223 (803) 788-8603 Fax: (209) 779-0344 Hours: Mon, Tue 2:00pm–5:30pm Baxley, G Timothy Md Clemson Neurology 220 Keowee Trail Clemson, Sc 29631 (864) 653-4071 Fax: (864) 653-4074 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Perrick, David Md Carolina Allergy And Asthma Consultants 1 Medical Park Rd Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 929-0290 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu 8:00am–5:30pm; Wed, Fri 8:00am–6:00pm Otolaryngology (ENT) Saccogna, Phillip W Md Easley Head & Neck Surgery PA 115 Whitmire Rd Easley, Sc 29640 (864) 855-2411 Fax: (864) 855-2413 Perrick, David Md Carolina Allergy And Asthma Consultants 3000 NE Medical Park Columbia, Sc 29223 (803) 788-8603 Fax: (209) 779-0344 Hours: Mon, Tue 2:00pm–5:30pm Polk County NC Family Practice Viar, Jeffrey K Do Foothills Medical Associates 801 W Mills St Columbus, Nc 28722 (828) 894-5627 Fax: (828) 894-5879 Vande Stouwe, Robert A Md Carolina Allergy And Asthma Consultants 1 Richland Medical Park Rd, Ste 200 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 765-9233 Fax: (803) 799-0344 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Richland County Allergy And Immunology Amrol, David J Md Dept Of Internal Medicine 1 Medical Park, Ste 420 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 545-5350 Fax: (803) 545-5351 Vande Stouwe, Robert A Md Carolina Allergy And Asthma Consultants 115 Blarney Dr, Ste 113 Columbia, Sc 29223 (803) 778-8603 Fax: (803) 779-0344 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Cardiovascular Disease Black, Jonathan G Md Carolina Allergy And Asthma Consultants 1 Richland Medical Park Rd, Ste 200 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 765-9233 Fax: (803) 799-0344 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Bykowsky, Michael J Md Carolina Allergy And Asthma Consultants 1 Medical Park Rd Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 929-0290 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu 8:00am–5:30pm; Wed, Fri 8:00am–6:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Richland County Alexander Jr, Milton D Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 8 Richland Medical Pk Dr, Ste 300 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 744-4731 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Beard II, John T Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 8 Richland Medical Pk Dr, Ste 300 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 744-4731 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 147 Richland County Specialty Care Network Delphia Jr, Robert E Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 8 Richland Medical Pk Dr, Ste 300 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 744-4731 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Prosser, Leverne M Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 8 Richland Medical Pk Dr, Ste 300 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 744-4731 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Graham, Stacy H Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 8 Richland Medical Pk Dr, Ste 300 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 744-4731 Hours: Mon–Fri 7:00am–5:00pm Rhinehart, Rodney G Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 8 Richland Medical Pk Dr, Ste 300 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 744-4731 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hendricks, Charles W Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 8 Richland Medical Pk Dr, Ste 300 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 744-4731 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Schulze Jr, Robert A Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 8 Richland Medical Pk Dr, Ste 300 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 744-4731 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hollins, William J Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 8 Richland Medical Pk Dr, Ste 300 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 744-4731 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Shah, Gopi Y Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 8 Richland Medical Pk Dr, Ste 300 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 744-4731 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Isbell, David C Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 8 Richland Medical Pk Dr, Ste 300 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 744-4731 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Wells, M Timothy Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 8 Richland Medical Pk Dr, Ste 300 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 744-4731 Jones, Benjamin R Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 8 Richland Medical Pk Dr, Ste 300 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 744-4731 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Mazzei Jr, Walter R Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 8 Richland Medical Pk Dr, Ste 300 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 744-4731 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Phillips III, James W Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 8 Richland Medical Pk Dr, Ste 300 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 744-4731 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Richland County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Gastroenterology Gallman, Burnett W Md Midlands Gastroenterology Associates 4100 Main St, Ste 201 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 786-0980 Fax: (803) 786-6452 Hours: Mon, Tue, Wed 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–2:00pm Massey, Benjamin D Md Palmetto Gastroenterology PA 2750 Laurel St Columbia, Sc 29204 (803) 799-2219 Fax: (803) 255-0018 Suber, Dealva T Md Midlands Gastroenterology Associates 4100 Main St, Ste 201 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 786-0980 Fax: (803) 786-6452 Hours: Mon, Tue, Wed 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–2:00pm Hematology McElveen, Leland J Md South Carolina Oncology Associates PA 166 Stoneridge Dr Columbia, Sc 29210 (803) 461-3000 Fax: (803) 461-4910 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–4:00pm Infectious Disease Dermatology Ahuja, Divya Md Dept Of Internal Medicine 1 Medical Park, Ste 420 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 545-5350 Fax: (803) 545-5351 √ Languages Spoken: Hindi McClerklin, Patricia A Md McClerklin Skin And Laser Center 112 Doctors Cir Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 771-9163 Fax: (803) 771-7383 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–4:00pm Endocrinology And Metabolism Rizvi, Ali A Md Dept Of Internal Medicine 2 Medical Park, Ste 506 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 540-1000 Fax: (803) 540-1075 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Ahuja, Divya Md Dept Of Internal Medicine 2 Medical Park, Ste 502 Columbia, Sc 29202 (803) 540-1000 Fax: (803) 540-1050 √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Horvath, Joseph A Md Dept Of Internal Medicine 1 Medical Park, Ste 420 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 545-5350 Fax: (803) 545-5351 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 148 Richland County Horvath, Joseph A Md Dept Of Internal Medicine 2 Medical Park, Ste 502 Columbia, Sc 29202 (803) 540-1000 Fax: (803) 540-1050 Weissman, Sharon B Md Dept Of Internal Medicine 2 Medical Park, Ste 506 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 540-1000 Fax: (803) 540-1075 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–4:00pm Internal Medicine Abraham, Koshy O Md Columbia Nephrology Associates PA 121 Park Central Dr, Ste 200 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 252-9907 Fax: (803) 252-9906 Hours: Mon-Thu 8:30am–5:00pm; Fri 8:30am–1:00pm Bouknight, Daniel P Md Columbia Heart Clinic PA 8 Richland Medical Pk Dr, Ste 300 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 256-6511 Fax: (803) 744-4731 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Tue 7:30am–5:00pm Cook, Michael D Md Columbia Nephrology Associates PA 121 Park Central Dr, Ste 200 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 252-9907 Fax: (803) 252-9906 Hours: Mon-Thu 8:30am–5:00pm; Fri 8:30am–1:00pm El Geneidy, Mohamed M Md South Carolina Oncology Associates PA 166 Stoneridge Dr Columbia, Sc 29210 (803) 461-3000 Fax: (803) 461-4910 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–4:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Arabic Shealy, Carl B Md Columbia Nephrology Associates PA 121 Park Central Dr, Ste 200 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 252-9907 Fax: (803) 252-9906 Hours: Mon-Thu 8:30am–5:00pm; Fri 8:30am–1:00pm Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Maternal & Fetal Medicine Johnson, Donna D Md USC Specialty Clinics 2 Medical Park, Ste 106 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 545-5700 Fax: (803) 434-4699 Richland County Hines Jr, Marcono R Md Columbia Nephrology Associates PA 121 Park Central Dr, Ste 200 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 252-9907 Fax: (803) 252-9906 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Islam, Muhammad M Md Carolina Kidney Specialists LLC 1655 Bernadin Ave, Ste 200 Columbia, Sc 29204 (803) 256-1137 Fax: (803) 256-1138 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Urdu Sullivan, Scott A Md USC Specialty Clinics 2 Medical Park, Ste 106 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 545-5700 Fax: (803) 434-4699 Van Dorsten, James P Md USC Specialty Clinics 2 Medical Park, Ste 107 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 545-5700 Fax: (803) 434-4699 Islam, Muhammad M Md Carolina Kidney Specialists LLC 7499 Parklane Rd, Ste 136 Columbia, Sc 29223 (803) 865-0554 Fax: (803) 865-2816 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Urdu Nephrology Bailey, Asha L Do Columbia Nephrology Associates PA 121 Park Central Dr, Ste 200 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 252-9907 Fax: (803) 252-9906 Hours: Mon-Thu 8:30am–5:00pm; Fri 8:30am–1:00pm Lifland, Howard M Md Columbia Nephrology Associates PA 121 Park Central Dr, Ste 200 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 252-9907 Fax: (803) 252-9906 Hours: Mon-Thu 8:30am–5:00pm; Fri 8:30am–1:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Italian Brannigan Jr, Joseph A Md Columbia Nephrology Associates PA 121 Park Central Dr, Ste 200 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 252-9907 Fax: (803) 252-9906 McLaughlin, Niall G Md Columbia Nephrology Associates PA 121 Park Central Dr, Ste 200 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 252-9907 Fax: (803) 252-9906 Hours: Mon-Thu 8:30am–5:00pm; Fri 8:30am–1:00pm Buerkert, John E Md Columbia Nephrology Associates PA 121 Park Central Dr, Ste 200 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 252-9907 Fax: (803) 252-9906 Hours: Mon-Thu 8:30am–5:00pm; Fri 8:30am–1:00pm Ellis, Renee A Md Columbia Nephrology Associates PA 121 Park Central Dr, Ste 200 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 252-9907 Fax: (803) 252-9906 Hours: Mon-Thu 8:30am–5:00pm; Fri 8:30am–1:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Mutinga, Nzisa L Md Columbia Nephrology Associates PA 121 Park Central Dr, Ste 200 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 252-9907 Fax: (803) 252-9906 Hours: Mon-Thu 8:30am–5:00pm; Fri 8:30am–1:00pm Powell, Thomas B Md Columbia Nephrology Associates PA 121 Park Central Dr, Ste 200 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 252-9907 Fax: (803) 252-9906 Hours: Mon-Thu 8:30am–5:00pm; Fri 8:30am–1:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 149 Richland County Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Prabhu, Prakash N Md Columbia Nephrology Associates PA 121 Park Central Dr, Ste 200 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 252-9907 Fax: (803) 252-9906 Hours: Mon-Thu 8:30am–5:00pm; Fri 8:30am–1:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Usmani, Abdul B Md Carolina Kidney Specialists LLC 7499 Parklane Rd, Ste 136 Columbia, Sc 29223 (803) 865-0554 Fax: (803) 865-2816 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Urdu Rafiq, Muhammad A Md Carolina Kidney Specialists LLC 1655 Bernadin Ave, Ste 200 Columbia, Sc 29204 (803) 256-1137 Fax: (803) 256-1138 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Wheeler, Thomas S Md Columbia Nephrology Associates PA 121 Park Central Dr, Ste 200 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 252-9907 Fax: (803) 252-9906 Hours: Mon-Thu 8:30am–5:00pm; Fri 8:30am–1:00pm Rafiq, Muhammad A Md Carolina Kidney Specialists LLC 7499 Parklane Rd, Ste 136 Columbia, Sc 29223 (803) 865-0554 Fax: (803) 865-2816 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Shenoy, Rajeev N Md Columbia Nephrology Associates PA 121 Park Central Dr, Ste 200 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 252-9907 Fax: (803) 252-9906 Hours: Mon-Thu 8:30am–5:00pm; Fri 8:30am–1:00pm Shure, David Md Columbia Nephrology Associates PA 121 Park Central Dr, Ste 200 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 252-9907 Fax: (803) 252-9906 Hours: Mon-Thu 8:30am–5:00pm; Fri 8:30am–1:00pm Smith, Gregory W Md Columbia Nephrology Associates PA 121 Park Central Dr, Ste 200 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 252-9907 Fax: (803) 252-9906 Hours: Mon-Thu 8:30am–5:00pm; Fri 8:30am–1:00pm Usmani, Abdul B Md Carolina Kidney Specialists LLC 1655 Bernadin Ave, Ste 200 Columbia, Sc 29204 (803) 256-1137 Fax: (803) 256-1138 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Urdu Orthopedic Surgery Felmly, William T Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 114 Gateway Corporate Blvd, Ste 100 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 227-8178 Fax: (803) 227-8278 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Felmly, William T Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 14 Medical Park Rd, Ste 200 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 227-8000 Fax: (803) 227-8035 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Neurology Cuturic, Miroslav Md University Specialty Clinics Neurology 3390 Medical Park Dr, Ste 420 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 545-6050 Fax: (803) 545-6051 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–8:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Croatian Oncology Ackerman, Mary A Md South Carolina Oncology Associates PA 166 Stoneridge Dr Columbia, Sc 29210 (803) 461-3000 Fax: (803) 461-4910 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–4:00pm Baldwin, Phillip E Md South Carolina Oncology Associates PA 166 Stoneridge Dr Columbia, Sc 29210 (803) 461-3000 Fax: (803) 461-4910 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–4:00pm Hutchison, Anne S Md South Carolina Oncology Associates PA 166 Stoneridge Dr Columbia, Sc 29210 (803) 461-3000 Fax: (803) 461-4910 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–4:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Richland County Fulton, David B Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 114 Gateway Corporate Blvd, Ste 100 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 227-8178 Fax: (803) 227-8278 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Fulton, David B Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 14 Medical Park Rd, Ste 200 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 227-8000 Fax: (803) 227-8035 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Horan, Michael P Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 114 Gateway Corporate Blvd, Ste 100 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 227-8178 Fax: (803) 227-8278 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Horan, Michael P Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 14 Medical Park Rd, Ste 200 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 227-8000 Fax: (803) 227-8035 Hours: Wed, Thu 8:00am–6:00pm Locke, Mark D Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 14 Medical Park Rd, Ste 200 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 227-8000 Fax: (803) 227-8035 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 150 Richland County McFadden, Earl B Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 114 Gateway Corporate Blvd, Ste 100 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 227-8178 Fax: (803) 227-8278 McFadden, Earl B Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 14 Medical Park Rd, Ste 200 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 227-8000 Fax: (803) 227-8035 Noojin III, Frank K Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 114 Gateway Corporate Blvd, Ste 100 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 227-8178 Fax: (803) 227-8278 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Noojin III, Frank K Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 14 Medical Park Rd, Ste 200 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 227-8000 Fax: (803) 227-8035 Hours: Wed, Thu 8:00am–6:00pm Plymale, Mickey F Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 114 Gateway Corporate Blvd, Ste 100 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 227-8178 Fax: (803) 227-8278 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Plymale, Mickey F Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 14 Medical Park Rd, Ste 200 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 227-8000 Fax: (803) 227-8035 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Presnal, Bradley P Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 14 Medical Park Rd, Ste 200 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 227-8000 Fax: (803) 227-8035 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Putnam, Ryan M Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 114 Gateway Corporate Blvd, Ste 100 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 227-8178 Fax: (803) 227-8278 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Richland County Putnam, Ryan M Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 14 Medical Park Rd, Ste 200 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 227-8000 Fax: (803) 227-8035 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Scott, David A Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 14 Medical Park Rd, Ste 200 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 227-8000 Fax: (803) 227-8035 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Smith, William B Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 114 Gateway Corporate Blvd, Ste 100 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 227-8178 Fax: (803) 227-8278 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Van Dam, Jacquelyn F Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 114 Gateway Corporate Blvd, Ste 100 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 227-8178 Fax: (803) 227-8278 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Smith, William B Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 14 Medical Park Rd, Ste 200 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 227-8000 Fax: (803) 227-8035 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Van Dam, Jacquelyn F Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 14 Medical Park Rd, Ste 200 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 227-8000 Fax: (803) 227-8035 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Otolaryngology (ENT) Van Dam, Wilson A Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 114 Gateway Corporate Blvd, Ste 100 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 227-8178 Fax: (803) 227-8278 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Garner, Frederick T Md Ent For Kids 200 Arbor Lake Dr, Ste 120 Columbia, Sc 29223 (803) 457-8120 Fax: (803) 457-8129 Van Dam, Wilson A Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 14 Medical Park Rd, Ste 200 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 227-8000 Fax: (803) 227-8035 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Pediatrics Yajnik, Bhavana R Md Sleepmed Of Sc 1333 Taylor St, Ste 6b Columbia, Sc 29201 (803) 251-3093 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Pulmonary Medicine Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Clavet, John Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 114 Gateway Corporate Blvd, Ste 100 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 227-8178 Fax: (803) 227-8278 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Scott, David A Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 114 Gateway Corporate Blvd, Ste 100 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 227-8178 Fax: (803) 227-8278 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Gripaldo, Ria E Md Dept Of Internal Medicine 1 Medical Park, Ste 300 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 799-5022 Fax: (803) 799-5890 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Perkins, Linda A Md Dept Of Internal Medicine 1 Medical Park, Ste 300 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 799-5022 Fax: (803) 799-5890 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 151 Richland County Rheumatology Fant, James W Md Dept Of Internal Medicine 2 Medical Park, Ste 501 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 540-1000 Fax: (803) 540-1075 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Sports Medicine Holmes Jr, S Wendell Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 114 Gateway Corporate Blvd, Ste 100 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 227-8178 Fax: (803) 227-8278 Holmes Jr, S Wendell Md Moore Orthopaedic Clinic 14 Medical Park Rd, Ste 200 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 227-8000 Fax: (803) 227-8035 Richmond County GA Cardiovascular Disease Arora, Vishal Md Augusta Physician Services LLC 2258 Wrightboro Rd, Ste 302 Augusta, Ga 30904 (706) 724-6100 Fax: (615) 465-2879 Burke, Anthony P Md Augusta Primary Care Services LLC 3624 J Dewey Gray Circle, Ste 301 Augusta, Ga 30909 (706) 863-8181 Fax: (706) 863-8175 Litwin, Sheldon E Md Augusta Physician Services LLC 2258 Wrightboro Rd, Ste 302 Augusta, Ga 30904 (706) 724-6100 Fax: (615) 465-2879 Maddox, William R Md Augusta Physician Services LLC 2258 Wrightboro Rd, Ste 302 Augusta, Ga 30904 (706) 724-6100 Fax: (615) 465-2879 Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Poommipanit, Paul B Md Augusta Physician Services LLC 2258 Wrightboro Rd, Ste 302 Augusta, Ga 30904 (706) 724-6100 Fax: (615) 465-2879 Sorrentino, Robert A Md Augusta Physician Services LLC 2258 Wrightboro Rd, Ste 302 Augusta, Ga 30904 (706) 724-6100 Fax: (615) 465-2879 Schafer, Pascha E Md Augusta Physician Services LLC 2258 Wrightboro Rd, Ste 302 Augusta, Ga 30904 (706) 724-6100 Fax: (615) 465-2879 Otolaryngology (ENT) Barfield III, William E Md Augusta ENT PA 1303 D’Antignac St, Ste 1000 Augusta, Ga 30901 (706) 868-5676 Gastroenterology Barfield III, William E Md Augusta ENT PA 720 St Sebastian Way, Ste 201 Augusta, Ga 30901 (706) 868-5676 Fax: (706) 722-2824 Lal, Sunil K Md Augusta Primary Care Services LLC 3623 J Dewey Gray Circle, Ste 210 Augusta, Ga 30909 (706) 922-6052 Fax: (855) 467-3331 √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Deal, Robert T Md Augusta ENT PA 1303 D’Antignac St, Ste 1000 Augusta, Ga 30901 (706) 868-5676 General Surgery Mullins, Robert F Md Joseph M Still Burn Centers Inc 3675 J Dewey Gray Circle, Ste 300 Augusta, Ga 30909 (706) 863-9595 Fax: (706) 868-8375 √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Stallings, Roosevelt J Md Csra General And Oncology Surgical LLC 2320 Wrightsboro Rd Augusta, Ga 30904 (706) 737-7922 Fax: (706) 737-7968 √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Switzer, Erin F Do Joseph M Still Burn Centers Inc 3675 J Dewey Gray Circle, Ste 300 Augusta, Ga 30909 (706) 863-9595 Fax: (706) 868-8375 Internal Medicine Berman, Adam E Md Augusta Physician Services LLC 2258 Wrightboro Rd, Ste 302 Augusta, Ga 30904 (706) 724-6100 Fax: (615) 465-2879 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Richmond County GA Deal, Robert T Md Augusta ENT PA 720 St Sebastian Way, Ste 201 Augusta, Ga 30901 (706) 868-5676 Fax: (706) 722-2824 Wells, M Andrew Md Augusta ENT PA 1303 D’Antignac St, Ste 1000 Augusta, Ga 30901 (706) 868-5676 Wells, W Andrew Md Augusta ENT PA 720 St Sebastian Way, Ste 201 Augusta, Ga 30901 (706) 868-5676 Fax: (706) 722-2824 Whitehouse, Alan B Md Augusta ENT PA 1303 D’Antignac St, Ste 1000 Augusta, Ga 30901 (706) 868-5676 Whitehouse, Alan B Md Augusta ENT PA 720 St Sebastian Way, Ste 201 Augusta, Ga 30901 (706) 868-5676 Fax: (706) 722-2824 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 152 Richmond County GA Pulmonary Medicine Rosenblum, Frederick J Md Augusta Physician Services LLC 2258 Wrightboro Rd, Ste 302 Augusta, Ga 30904 (706) 724-6100 Fax: (615) 465-2879 Whitlock, Warren L Md Augusta Physician Services LLC 2258 Wrightsboro Rd, Ste 200 Augusta, Ga 30904 (706) 396-0112 Fax: (706) 396-0114 Thoracic Surgery Catalano, Philip W Md Augusta Primary Care Services LLC 3624 J Dewey Gray Circle, Ste 301 Augusta, Ga 30909 (706) 863-8181 Fax: (706) 863-8175 Catalano, Philip W Md Augusta Primary Care Services LLC 3651 Wheeler Rd Augusta, Ga 30909 (706) 863-8181 Fax: (706) 863-8175 Urology Maniam, Prakash N Md Augusta Primary Care Services LLC 3623 J Dewey Gray Circle, Ste 210 Augusta, Ga 30909 (706) 922-6052 Fax: (855) 467-3331 Maniam, Prakash N Md Augusta Primary Care Services LLC 3651 Wheeler Rd Augusta, Ga 30909 (706) 922-7670 Fax: (706) 922-7680 Rowan County NC Family Practice Adkins III, Samuel B Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 5435 Prosperity Church Rd Charlotte, Nc 28144 (704) 863-4878 Fax: (704) 863-9966 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Rowan County NC Almeyda Ruiz, Rebecca Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Finckrothman, Denise R Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Anquilo, Louie A Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Griggs, James P Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Armistead, Hal W Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Brezicki, Paul A Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Hallbaker, Everlyn L Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Harris, Rachel M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Childs, Thomas R Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Hilderbrand, Hartwell Z Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Colmenares, Gustavo A Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hillman, Jason P Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Cuciniello, Jodi N Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Jones, Karen D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Drimalla, Richard B Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Kaldy, Patricia M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 153 Rowan County NC Kelly, Daniel L Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Kerecman, Richard Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Koewler, Thomas J Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Konen, Joseph C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Kreisman, Steven Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Lorenzo, Emily E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Love, Pamela D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Manos, Heather M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY McCutchen, Jeffrey R Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Mohindroo, Krishan K Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Rowan County NC Sailer, Kaaren S Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Savitsky, Ivan Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Mokari, Babak Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Simmons, Benjamin F Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Persaud, Dennis S Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Sykes, Paul W Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Price, Gregory M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Reddy, Madhavi G Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Richards, Michael D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Roberson, Lewis H Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Verma, Anuradha Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Walker, Brian A Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Washington, Edward M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm White, Lena K Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 154 Rowan County NC Withrow, Jerry W Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Internal Medicine Amin, Ketan B Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Shah, Ketan D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Vaden, Tracela C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Medical Oncology Brouse, Gregory M Md Meclenburg Medical Group 1550 Faulk St Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 302-9700 Fax: (704) 302-9700 Neurology Ahmad, Nabil Md Northeast Neurology 315 Medical Park Dr Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-1911 Fax: (704) 403-1901 Bodner, Russ A Md Northeast Neurology 315 Medical Park Dr Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-1911 Fax: (704) 403-1901 Liu, Bing Md Northeast Neurology 315 Medical Park Dr Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-1911 Fax: (704) 403-1901 Specialty Care Network Scotland County NC IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Sonnefeld, Christian A Md Northeast Neurology 315 Medical Park Dr Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-1911 Fax: (704) 403-1901 Todd, Jason W Md Northeast Neurology 315 Medical Park Dr Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-1911 Fax: (704) 403-1901 Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Aggarwal, Puneet Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 5435 Prosperity Church Rd Charlotte, Nc 28144 (704) 863-4878 Fax: (704) 863-9966 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Agner, David M Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 5435 Prosperity Church Rd Charlotte, Nc 28144 (704) 863-4878 Fax: (704) 863-9966 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Tsang, Connie C Md Northeast Neurology 315 Medical Park Dr Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-1911 Fax: (704) 403-1901 Vasudevan, Arvind Md Northeast Neurology 315 Medical Park Dr Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-1911 Fax: (704) 403-1901 Pediatrics Branner, Christopher M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Kendrick, Alfred E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Rea, Janice L Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Seal, Anna C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Bockenek, William L Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 5435 Prosperity Church Rd Charlotte, Nc 28144 (704) 863-4878 Fax: (704) 863-9966 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Jackson, Thomas R Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 5435 Prosperity Church Rd Charlotte, Nc 28144 (704) 863-4878 Fax: (704) 863-9966 Tassone, Judi L Md Sports Medicine And Injury Care 5435 Prosperity Church Rd Charlotte, Nc 28144 (704) 863-4878 Fax: (704) 863-9966 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Urology Schneider, Robert E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28147 (704) 403-6240 Fax: (704) 403-6241 Scotland County NC Hematology Burgess, Earle F Md Levine Cancer Institute 10826 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte, Nc 28352 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 155 Scotland County NC Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Burgess, Earle F Md Levine Cancer Institute 1401 Matthews Township Pkwy Matthews, Nc 28352 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Brouse, Gregory M Md Levine Cancer Institute 1401 Matthews Township Pkwy Matthews, Nc 28352 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Copelan, Edward Alan Md Levine Cancer Institute 10826 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte, Nc 28352 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Butler, Ronald D Md Levine Cancer Institute 10826 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte, Nc 28352 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Copelan, Edward Alan Md Levine Cancer Institute 1401 Matthews Township Pkwy Matthews, Nc 28352 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Butler, Ronald D Md Levine Cancer Institute 1401 Matthews Township Pkwy Matthews, Nc 28352 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Grunwald, Michael R Md Levine Cancer Institute 10826 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte, Nc 28352 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Sumrall, Ashley L Md Levine Cancer Institute 10826 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte, Nc 28352 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Grunwald, Michael R Md Levine Cancer Institute 1401 Matthews Township Pkwy Matthews, Nc 28352 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Sumrall, Ashley L Md Levine Cancer Institute 1401 Matthews Township Pkwy Matthews, Nc 28352 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Packman, Charles M Md Levine Cancer Institute 10826 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte, Nc 28352 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Packman, Charles M Md Levine Cancer Institute 1401 Matthews Township Pkwy Matthews, Nc 28352 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Medical Oncology Oncology Brick, Wendy G Md Levine Cancer Institute 10826 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte, Nc 28352 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Brick, Wendy G Md Levine Cancer Institute 1401 Matthews Township Pkwy Matthews, Nc 28352 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Spartanburg County Spartanburg County Allergy And Immunology Bruce, Curtis A Md Allergic Disease And Asthma Center PA 3020 Reidville Rd Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 627-3800 Fax: (864) 672-2653 Hours: Mon, Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Tue, Thu 8:00am–7:00pm; Wed 8:00am–1:00pm Kao, Neil L Md Allergic Disease And Asthma Center PA 3020 Reidville Rd Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 627-3800 Fax: (864) 672-2653 Hours: Mon, Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Tue, Thu 8:00am–7:00pm; Wed 8:00am–1:00pm Sarmiento, Emmanuel U Md Allergic Disease And Asthma Center PA 3020 Reidville Rd Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 627-3800 Fax: (864) 672-2653 Hours: Mon, Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Tue, Thu 8:00am–7:00pm; Wed 8:00am–1:00pm General Practice Durham, Melinda Md Community Health Systems 2212 Old Furnace Rd Boiling Springs, Sc 29316 (864) 578-9735 Fax: (864) 578-7098 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Gonda, Frank Md Community Health Systems 2212 Old Furnace Rd Boiling Springs, Sc 29316 (864) 578-9735 Fax: (864) 578-7098 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm General Surgery Campbell, Shannelle A Md Highlander Surgical Group PA 1071 Boiling Springs Rd Spartanburg, Sc 29303 (864) 278-7088 Fax: (864) 216-4898 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Brouse, Gregory M Md Levine Cancer Institute 10826 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte, Nc 28352 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 156 Spartanburg County Specialty Care Network Sumter County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Infectious Disease Miller, Stanley D Md Piedmont Internal Medicine 1690 Skylyn Dr, Ste 300 Spartanburg, Sc 29307 (864) 342-4000 Fax: (864) 515-9994 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Miller, Stanley D Md Piedmont Internal Medicine 2995 Reidville Rd, Ste 210 Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 587-1962 Fax: (864) 216-4898 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–6:00pm Internal Medicine Feldman, Gregory J Md Upstate Lung And Critical Care Specialists Pc 151 Harold Fleming Crt Spartanburg, Sc 29303 (864) 573-6320 Fax: (864) 573-6323 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Russian Wan, Sau Yin Md Upstate Lung And Critical Care Specialists Pc 151 Harold Fleming Crt Spartanburg, Sc 29303 (864) 573-6320 Fax: (864) 573-6323 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Rheumatology Hanspard, Kenya Md Ghs Partners In Health 101 E Wood St Spartanburg, Sc 29303 (864) 560-7025 Machimada, Muthamma Md Community Health Systems 1690 Skyln Drive, Ste 300 Spartanburg, Sc 29307 (864) 342-4000 Fax: (864) 596-7409 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Siddiqui, Farhan Md Upstate Lung And Critical Care Specialists Pc 151 Harold Fleming Crt Spartanburg, Sc 29303 (864) 573-6320 Fax: (864) 573-6323 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Machimada, Muthamma Md Piedmont Internal Medicine Rheumatology 1650 Skylyn Dr Ste 220 Spartanburg, Sc 29307 (864) 342-4200 Fax: (864) 253-9615 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Otolaryngology (ENT) Weir, David F Md Weir Ear Nose And Throat 148 Dillon Dr Spartanburg, Sc 29307 (864) 582-1089 Pulmonary Medicine Boscia, Joseph A Md Upstate Lung And Critical Care Specialists Pc 151 Harold Fleming Crt Spartanburg, Sc 29303 (864) 573-6320 Fax: (864) 573-6323 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Erb, David R Md Upstate Lung And Critical Care Specialists Pc 151 Harold Fleming Crt Spartanburg, Sc 29303 (864) 573-6320 Fax: (864) 573-6323 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Olatosi, Akinwale Md Sandhills Medical Foundation 425 N Salem Ave Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 778-2442 Fax: (803) 778-0880 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Yoruba Internal Medicine Williams, Joseph C Md Excelsior Medical Clinic PA 448 N Main St Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 778-2429 Fax: (803) 773-6303 Nephrology Sumter County Cardiovascular Disease Cannon Jr, Jimmie Md Pee Dee Cardiology Associates 115 N Sumter St, Ste 410 Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 883-5171 Fax: (803) 883-5174 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Iqbal, Naveed Md Colonial Family Practice LLC 325 Broad St, Ste 100 Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-5227 Fax: (803) 774-5400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm; Sat, Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Oncology Clowney, Billy W Md Santee Hematology Oncology Inc 1105 N Lafayette Dr, Ste A Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 934-8833 Fax: (803) 934-0787 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Urology Family Practice Ashley, Jonathan P Md Palmetto Family Practice LLC 115 N Sumter St, Ste 315 Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 934-0810 Fax: (803) 934-0809 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:30pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Infectious Disease Lee, Robert Md Sumter Urological LLC 410 W Wesmark Blvd Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 469-4402 Fax: (803) 469-4473 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Moss, Charles Md Sumter Urological LLC 401 W Wesmark Blvd Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 469-4402 Fax: (803) 469-4473 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 157 Sumter County Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Pinto, Vijay P Md Sumter Urological LLC 410 W Wesmark Blvd Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 469-4402 Fax: (803) 469-4473 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Zubel, Paul Md Sumter Urological LLC 401 W Wesmark Blvd Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 469-4402 Fax: (803) 469-4473 Transylvania County NC Allergy And Immunology Jenkins, Henry A Md Allergy Partners Of Western North Carolina 120 E Main St, Ste 102 Brevard, Nc 28712 (828) 692-0488 Fax: (828) 692-5071 Union County NC Allergy And Immunology Collins, Richard E Md Carolina Asthma And Allergy Center PA 1995 Wellness Blvd, Ste 200 Monroe, Nc 28110 (704) 289-3900 Fax: (704) 998-0950 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Endocrinology And Metabolism Bracken, Roberta S Md Union Endocrinology Associates 2700 Providence Rd S Waxhaw, Nc 28173 (704) 684-0003 Fax: (704) 684-0041 Family Practice Almeyda Ruiz, Rebecca Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Almeyda Ruiz, Rebecca Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Anquilo, Louie A Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Armistead, Hal W Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Lapuente, Michael A Do Carolina Asthma And Allergy Center PA 1995 Wellness Blvd, Ste 200 Monroe, Nc 28110 (704) 289-3900 Fax: (704) 998-0950 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Armistead, Hal W Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Patel, Roopen R Md Carolina Asthma And Allergy Center PA 1995 Wellness Blvd, Ste 200 Monroe, Nc 28110 (704) 289-3900 Fax: (704) 998-0950 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Birch, Michele N Md CMC Biddle Point 1801 Rozzelles Ferry Rd Charlotte, Nc 28112 (704) 446-9987 Fax: (704) 350-1113 Roberts, Richard S Md Carolina Asthma And Allergy Center PA 1995 Wellness Blvd, Ste 200 Monroe, Nc 28110 (704) 289-3900 Fax: (704) 998-0950 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Brezicki, Paul A Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Union County NC Brezicki, Paul A Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Bright, Dellyse Md CMC Biddle Point 1801 Rozzelles Ferry Rd Charlotte, Nc 28112 (704) 446-9987 Fax: (704) 350-1113 Childs, Thomas R Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Childs, Thomas R Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Colmenares, Gustavo A Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Cuciniello, Jodi N Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Cuciniello, Jodi N Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Drimalla, Richard B Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 158 Union County NC Drimalla, Richard B Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Finckrothman, Denise R Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Finckrothman, Denise R Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Griggs, James P Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Griggs, James P Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Hallbaker, Everlyn L Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Hallbaker, Everlyn L Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Harris, Rachel M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Harris, Rachel M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Hilderbrand, Hartwell Z Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hilderbrand, Hartwell Z Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hillman, Jason P Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hillman, Jason P Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Holler, Jody D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Holler, Jody D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Jones, Karen D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Jones, Karen D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Union County NC Jones, Robert L Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 1106 Reynolds St Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Kaldy, Patricia M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Kaldy, Patricia M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Kelly, Daniel L Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Kelly, Daniel L Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Kerecman, Richard Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Kerecman, Richard Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Koewler, Thomas J Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Koewler, Thomas J Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 159 Union County NC Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Union County NC Konen, Joseph C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Manos, Heather M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Mokari, Babak Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Konen, Joseph C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Martin, Anthony W Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 1106 Reynolds St Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Persaud, Dennis S Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Kreisman, Steven Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 McCutchen, Jeffrey R Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Persaud, Dennis S Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Kreisman, Steven Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Lorenzo, Emily E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Lorenzo, Emily E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Love, Pamela D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Love, Pamela D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Manos, Heather M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 McCutchen, Jeffrey R Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Mody, Sachin S Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Mohindroo, Krishan K Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Reddy, Madhavi G Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Reddy, Madhavi G Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Richards, Michael D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Mohindroo, Krishan K Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Richards, Michael D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Mokari, Babak Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Roberson, Lewis H Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 160 Union County NC Specialty Care Network Roberson, Lewis H Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Sweeney, Scott A Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Sailer, Kaaren S Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Sweeney, Scott A Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Sailer, Kaaren S Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Sweeney, Scott A Do Union Primary Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 289-5617 Fax: (704) 289-8019 Savitsky, Ivan Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Sykes, Paul W Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Savitsky, Ivan Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Searson, Stacey D Md CMC Biddle Point 1801 Rozzelles Ferry Rd Charlotte, Nc 28112 (704) 446-9987 Fax: (704) 350-1113 Simmons, Benjamin F Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Simmons, Benjamin F Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Union County NC IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Sykes, Paul W Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Verma, Anuradha Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Verma, Anuradha Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Walker, Brian A Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Walker, Brian A Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Washington, Edward M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Washington, Edward M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm White, Lena K Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm White, Lena K Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Withrow, Jerry W Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Withrow, Jerry W Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 General Surgery Bower, Edward B Md Edward B Bower Md 1423 B E Franklin St Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 290-5020 Fax: (704) 290-5029 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 161 Union County NC Internal Medicine Amin, Ketan B Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Amin, Ketan B Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Calhoun, Aubrey D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Jain, Prachee Md Southpoint Internal Medicine 340 Jake Alexander Blvd W Salisbury, Nc 28112 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Rusnakzrnich, Renee Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Shah, Ketan D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Shah, Ketan D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Vaden, Tracela C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Specialty Care Network Union County NC IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Pediatric Pulmonology Vaden, Tracela C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Shah, Ashish C Md Northeast Pediatric Pulmonology 1001 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28173 (704) 403-2660 Fax: (704) 403-2670 Neurology Pediatrics Freiman, Sarise B Md Northeast Neurologyunion 600 Hospital Dr Monroe, Nc 28203 (800) 230-1721 Fax: (704) 403-1901 Adams, Bryan C Md University Pediatrics 101 Wt Harris Blvd Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 717-2000 Fax: (704) 863-9741 Livingston, Timothy S Md Carolinas Pediatric Neurology Care 9625 Northcross Ct Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 801-1240 Fax: (704) 801-1241 Branner, Christopher M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Velasco, Luis D Md Dove Internal Medicine 1423 East Franklin Street 1423 E Franklin St Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 289-6474 Fax: (704) 289-3640 √ Languages Spoken: French, Spanish Neurology With Special Qualifications In Child Neurology Brockway, Georgi Md Carolinas Pediatric Neurology Care 9625 Northcross Ct Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 801-1240 Fax: (704) 801-1241 Pediatric Cardiology Bengur, Resai R Md The Sanger Clinic 6030 W Hwy 74, Ste F Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Bensky, Andrew S Md The Sanger Clinic 6030 W Hwy 74, Ste F Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Branner, Christopher M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Brody, Michelle E Md South Lake Pediatrics 9625 Northcross Center Ct Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 801-3097 Fax: (704) 896-2344 Burcal, John H Md South Lake Pediatrics 9625 Northcross Center Ct Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 801-3097 Fax: (704) 896-2344 Gunter, Andrew W Md University Pediatrics 101 Wt Harris Blvd Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 717-2000 Fax: (704) 863-9741 Kendrick, Alfred E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 162 Union County NC Kendrick, Alfred E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Lods, Tara B Md University Pediatrics 101 Wt Harris Blvd Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 717-2000 Fax: (704) 863-9741 Rea, Janice L Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Rea, Janice L Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Seal, Anna C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 Seal, Anna C Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Takahashi, Rebecca L Md University Pediatrics 101 Wt Harris Blvd Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 717-2000 Fax: (704) 863-9741 Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Aggarwal, Puneet Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 1106 Reynolds St Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Specialty Care Network Union County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Agner, David M Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 1106 Reynolds St Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Schneider, Robert E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 613 E Roosevelt Blvd Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 283-8193 Fax: (704) 283-7252 Bockenek, William L Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 1106 Reynolds St Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Union County General Surgery Jackson, Thomas R Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 1106 Reynolds St Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Kanelos, Sharon K Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 1106 Reynolds St Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Martini, Dana L Do Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 1106 Reynolds St Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Mehta, Paras H Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 1106 Reynolds St Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Tassone, Judi L Md Carolinas Back And Sports Specialists 1106 Reynolds St Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 512-4400 Fax: (704) 512-4401 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Urology Schneider, Robert E Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 6030 W Hwy 74 Indian Trail, Nc 28079 (704) 246-2777 Fax: (704) 246-2788 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Daws, Anthony W Md CHA Union Surgical Services 323 W South St Union, Sc 29379 (864) 427-6058 Fax: (864) 427-6059 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–12:00pm Jordan, Henry S Md CHA Union Surgical Services 323 W South St Union, Sc 29379 (864) 427-6058 Fax: (864) 427-6059 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–12:00pm Otolaryngology (ENT) Poole, Richard Od Richard R Poole Od 201 W South St Union, Sc 29379 (864) 427-0615 Fax: (864) 429-8045 Pulmonary Medicine Boscia, Joseph A Md Upstate Lung And Critical Care Specialists Pc 1005 Thompson Blvd Union, Sc 29379 (864) 573-6320 Fax: (864) 573-6323 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–4:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Feldman, Gregory J Md Upstate Lung And Critical Care Specialists Pc 1005 Thompson Blvd Union, Sc 29379 (864) 573-6320 Fax: (864) 573-6323 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–4:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Russian Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 163 Watauga County NC Specialty Care Network IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Watauga County NC Pediatric Cardiology Bengur, Resai R Md The Sanger Clinic 579 Greenway Rd, Ste 200 Boone, Nc 28607 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Bensky, Andrew S Md The Sanger Clinic 579 Greenway Rd, Ste 200 Boone, Nc 28607 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Williamsburg County General Surgery Fiedler, Mark Md Williamsburg Regional Specialty Center 500 Thurgood Marshall Highway, Ste A Kingstree, Sc 29556 (843) 355-0201 Fax: (843) 355-0123 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Packman, Charles M Md Levine Cancer Institute 411 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 29732 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Lapuente, Michael A Do Carolina Asthma And Allergy Center PA 197 Piedmont Blvd, Ste 109 Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 327-2355 Fax: (704) 998-0930 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Medical Oncology Patel, Roopen R Md Carolina Asthma And Allergy Center PA 197 Piedmont Blvd, Ste 109 Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 327-2355 Fax: (704) 998-0930 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Brouse, Gregory M Md Levine Cancer Institute 411 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 29732 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Roberts, Richard S Md Carolina Asthma And Allergy Center PA 197 Piedmont Blvd, Ste 109 Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 327-2355 Fax: (704) 998-0930 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Butler, Ronald D Md Levine Cancer Institute 411 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 29732 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Sumrall, Ashley L Md Levine Cancer Institute 411 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 29732 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Cardiovascular Disease Mori, Naresh A Ma Carolina Cardiology Associates PA 1658 W Hwy 160 Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (803) 802-0090 Fax: (803) 208-0089 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Oncology York County NC Hematology Burgess, Earle F Md Levine Cancer Institute 411 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 29732 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Copelan, Edward Alan Md Levine Cancer Institute 411 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 29732 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Grunwald, Michael R Md Levine Cancer Institute 411 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 29732 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Brick, Wendy G Md Levine Cancer Institute 411 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 29732 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Mori, Naresh A Ma Carolina Cardiology Associates PA 196 Cardiology Dr Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 324-5135 Fax: (803) 324-5269 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Fisher, Julie G Md Levine Cancer Institute 411 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 29732 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 York County Allergy And Immunology Collins, Richard E Md Carolina Asthma And Allergy Center PA 197 Piedmont Blvd, Ste 109 Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 327-2355 Fax: (704) 998-0930 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home York County Shah, Deepak B Md Carolina Heart Specialist LLC 8351 Charlotte Hwy Indian Land, Sc 29715 (803) 802-3512 Fax: (803) 285-2097 Hours: Fri 1:00pm–5:00pm Shah, Deepak B Md Carolina Heart Specialist LLC 223 S Herlong Ave, Ste 120 Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 366-8300 Fax: (803) 327-4805 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 164 York County Shah, Vipul Bhogilal Md Carolina Heart Specialist LLC 8351 Charlotte Hwy Indian Land, Sc 29715 (803) 802-3512 Fax: (803) 285-2097 Hours: Fri 1:00pm–5:00pm Shah, Vipul Bhogilal Md Carolina Heart Specialist LLC 223 S Herlong Ave, Ste 120 Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 366-8300 Fax: (803) 327-4805 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Singhi, Sushil K Md Carolina Cardiology Associates PA 1658 W Hwy 160 Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (803) 802-0090 Fax: (803) 208-0089 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Singhi, Sushil K Md Carolina Cardiology Associates PA 196 Cardiology Dr Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 324-5135 Fax: (803) 324-5269 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Slota, Paul A Md Carolina Heart Specialist LLC 8351 Charlotte Hwy Indian Land, Sc 29715 (803) 802-3512 Fax: (803) 285-2097 Hours: Fri 1:00pm–5:00pm Slota, Paul A Md Carolina Heart Specialist LLC 223 S Herlong Ave, Ste 120 Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 366-8300 Fax: (803) 327-4805 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Van Cleeff, Sander Md The Sanger Clinic 704 Gold Hill Rd Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Specialty Care Network York County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Family Practice Anquilo, Louie A Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 704 Gold Hill Rd Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (704) 667-3380 Fax: (704) 667-3381 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Colmenares, Gustavo A Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 704 Gold Hill Rd Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (704) 667-3380 Fax: (704) 667-3381 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hilderbrand, Hartwell Z Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 704 Gold Hill Rd Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (704) 667-3380 Fax: (704) 667-3381 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hillman, Jason P Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 704 Gold Hill Rd Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (704) 667-3380 Fax: (704) 667-3381 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm McCutchen, Jeffrey R Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 704 Gold Hill Rd Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (704) 667-3380 Fax: (704) 667-3381 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Richards, Michael D Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 704 Gold Hill Rd Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (704) 667-3380 Fax: (704) 667-3381 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Verma, Anuradha Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 704 Gold Hill Rd Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (704) 667-3380 Fax: (704) 667-3381 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Walker, Brian A Do Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 704 Gold Hill Rd Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (704) 667-3380 Fax: (704) 667-3381 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Washington, Edward M Md Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care 704 Gold Hill Rd Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (704) 667-3380 Fax: (704) 667-3381 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Infectious Disease Charles, James C Md Catawba Care Inc 500 Lakeshore Pkwy Rock Hill, Sc 29730 (803) 909-6363 Fax: (803) 909-6364 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–6:00pm Internal Medicine Baki, Talal T Md Carolina Cardiology Associates PA 1658 W Hwy 160 Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (803) 802-0090 Fax: (803) 208-0089 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Baki, Talal T Md Carolina Cardiology Associates PA 196 Cardiology Dr Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 324-5135 Fax: (803) 324-5269 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Patel, Vasant B Md Carolina Cardiology Associates PA 1658 W Hwy 160 Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (803) 802-0090 Fax: (803) 208-0089 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Patel, Vasant B Md Carolina Cardiology Associates PA 196 Cardiology Dr Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 324-5135 Fax: (803) 324-5269 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 165 Specialty Care Network York County York County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Medical Oncology Nix, David S Md Carolina Cancer Specialists 225 S Herlong Ave Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 329-9088 Fax: (803) 329-9075 Sinclair, Pamela R Md Carolina Cancer Specialists 225 S Herlong Ave Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 329-9088 Fax: (803) 329-9075 Oncology Gor, Asutosh Md Carolina Blood And Cancer Care Associates 1583 Healthcare Dr Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 329-7772 Fax: (803) 329-9821 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Welsh, James D Md Carolina Blood And Cancer Care Associates 1583 Healthcare Dr Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 329-7772 Fax: (803) 329-9821 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: French Otolaryngology (ENT) Kulbersh, Jonathan S Md Ear Nose Throat And Audiology Associates Of The Carolinas PA 744 Arden Ln, Ste 200 Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 328-3686 Fax: (803) 328-9889 Parsons, Gregory S Md Central Carolina Ear Nose Throat And Audiology 1698 W Hwy 160, Ste 240 Fort Mill, Sc 29708 (803) 547-3800 Fax: (803) 366-9829 Parsons, Gregory S Md Central Carolina Ear Nose Throat And Audiology 1565 Ebenezer Rd, Ste 110 Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 327-4000 Fax: (803) 366-9829 Pediatric Cardiology Boncimino, Kathleen F Md Cmg Rehabilitation Associates 1100 Blythe Blvd Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (704) 355-9047 Fax: (704) 355-4002 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Bensky, Andrew S Md The Sanger Clinic 704 Gold Hill Rd Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Lofton, Latanya D Md Cmg Rehabilitation Associates 1100 Blythe Blvd Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (704) 355-9047 Fax: (704) 355-4002 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Pediatrics Bozin, Rachel R Md Palmetto Pediatrics 2450 India Hook Rd, Ste A Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 327-5772 Fax: (803) 327-9303 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Thommen, Douglas M Md Cmg Rehabilitation Associates 1100 Blythe Blvd Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (704) 355-9047 Fax: (704) 355-4002 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Edwards, Martha M Md Rock Hill Pediatric Associates 704 Gold Hill Rd Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Toaston, Tanisha A Md Cmg Rehabilitation Associates 1100 Blythe Blvd Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (704) 355-9047 Fax: (704) 355-4002 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Lindsay, Nikita W Md Rock Hill Pediatric Associates 704 Gold Hill Rd Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Tsai, Tobias Jung Ming Md Cmg Rehabilitation Associates 1100 Blythe Blvd Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (704) 355-9047 Fax: (704) 355-4002 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Tonkowicz, Patricia A Md Rock Hill Pediatric Associates 704 Gold Hill Rd Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Plastic Surgery Kelly, Timothy J Md Central Carolina Ear Nose Throat And Audiology 1698 W Hwy 160, Ste 240 Fort Mill, Sc 29708 (803) 547-3800 Fax: (803) 366-9829 Torres, Jomari S Md CMC Childrens Specialty Center 1001 Blythe Blvd Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (704) 381-8840 Fax: (704) 381-8848 √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Bockenek, William L Md Cmg Rehabilitation Associates 1100 Blythe Blvd Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (704) 355-9047 Fax: (704) 355-4002 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Kelly, Timothy J Md Central Carolina Ear Nose Throat And Audiology 1565 Ebenezer Rd, Ste 110 Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 327-4000 Fax: (803) 366-9829 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 166 Specialty Care Network York County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY York County Urology Makhuli, Mark J Md Lancaster Clinic Corp 9787 Charlotte Hwy, Ste 200 Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (803) 396-0497 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 167 Aiken County Aiken County Licensed Professional Counselor Baxter, Sandra A Lpc Baxter Counseling 407 Haynes Ave Sw, Ste B Aiken, Sc 29801 (803) 642-6704 Fax: (803) 642-6767 Cummings, Cheryl E Lpc Mrs Cheryl E Cummings Lpc Ncc 199 Wire Rd Aiken, Sc 29801 (803) 643-4263 Allendale County Social Worker Reid, Rossie Lcsw Low Country Health Care System Inc 333 Revolutionary Trail Fairfax, Sc 29827 (803) 632-2533 Fax: (803) 632-3757 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Anderson County Licensed Professional Counselor Newman, Phyllis J Lpc AnMed Health Psychiatry 400 N Fant St, Ste D Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 226-1166 Fax: (864) 226-5647 Tingle, Donna G Lpc Anderson Psychiatry And Psychotherapy PA 400 N Fant St, Ste D Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 226-1166 Fax: (864) 226-5647 Beaufort County Licensed Professional Counselor Brownbaker, Catreace S Lpc Bakers Counseling Services LLC 12 Fairfield Rd, Ste B3 Ladys Island, Sc 29907 (843) 379-1003 Fax: (843) 379-0700 Behavior Management Florence County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Social Worker Vanbeerschoten, Kandice Lcsw Caresouth Carolina Inc 212 3rd St Cheraw, Sc 29520 (843) 537-0961 Fax: (843) 537-0908 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Horton, Keith W Lcsw Beaufort Pediatrics PA 964 Ribaut Rd, Ste 1 Beaufort, Sc 29902 (843) 527-5437 Fax: (843) 527-0425 Darlington County Social Worker Charleston County Psychiatry Allen, Katherine Slp Palmetto Speech & Language Associates LLC 1150 Hungryneck Blvd, Ste C364 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 388-9990 Chester County Counselor Hazel Pittman Center Hazel Pittman Center 130 Hudson St Chester, Sc 29706 (803) 377-8111 Fax: (803) 581-5380 Chesterfield County Social Worker Lee, Anna Lcsw Sandhills Medical Foundation 409 E Church St Jefferson, Sc 29718 (843) 658-3005 Fax: (843) 658-7780 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Lee, Anna Lcsw Sandhills Medical Foundation 645 S 7th St Mcbee, Sc 29101 (843) 335-8291 Fax: (843) 335-8731 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Rhyne, Jack W Lcsw Caresouth Carolina Inc 500 West Blvd Chesterfield, Sc 29709 (843) 623-5080 Fax: (843) 623-5081 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Kershner, Elizabeth D Lcsw Caresouth Carolina Inc 737 S Main St Society Hill, Sc 29593 (843) 378-4501 Fax: (843) 378-4209 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Laney, Rose Lcsw Caresouth Carolina Inc 737 S Main St Society Hill, Sc 29593 (843) 378-4501 Fax: (843) 378-4209 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Dorchester County Licensed Professional Counselor Fleming, Stephanie J Lpc Rivertown Counseling Associates LLC 125 Crosscreek Dr Summerville, Sc 29483 (843) 376-2388 Fax: (843) 376-2390 Florence County Licensed Professional Counselor Oquinn, Georgann E Lpc HopeHealth Inc 121 S Evander Dr Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 661-1848 Fax: (843) 661-1818 Oquinn, Georgann E Lpc HopeHealth Inc 230 Cherokee Rd Florence, Sc 29501 (843) 413-3258 Fax: (843) 432-2919 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 168 Florence County Behavior Management Horry County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Oquinn, Georgann E Lpc HopeHealth Inc 600 E Palmetto St Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 667-9414 Fax: (843) 667-4133 Oquinn, Georgann E Lpc HopeHealth Inc 241 Kelley St Lake City, Sc 29560 (843) 394-1051 Fax: (843) 394-0277 Psychiatry Krishnamurthy, Shedthikere Md Comprehensive Neurological Services Pc 436 W Palmetto St Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 669-2007 Fax: (843) 669-6677 Hours: Mon–Fri 7:30am–5:00pm Lowe, Paul P Md HopeHealth Inc 121 S Evander Dr Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 661-1848 Fax: (843) 661-1818 Hours: Mon 1:00pm–5:00pm; Tue, Thu 8:30am–5:00pm; Fri 8:30am–1:00pm Lowe, Paul P Md HopeHealth Inc 230 Cherokee Rd Florence, Sc 29501 (843) 413-3258 Fax: (843) 432-2919 Hours: Mon–Fri 7:30am–5:30pm Lowe, Paul P Md HopeHealth Inc 600 E Palmetto St Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 667-9414 Fax: (843) 667-4133 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Lowe, Paul P Md HopeHealth Inc 241 Kelley St Lake City, Sc 29560 (843) 394-1051 Fax: (843) 394-0277 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Georgetown County Licensed Professional Counselor Dosemagen, Angie Lpc Family Bridges Therapeutic Associates LLC 635 S Hazard St Georgetown, Sc 29440 (843) 240-1782 Fax: (888) 282-6745 Muse, Melissa A Lpc Family Bridges Therapeutic Associates LLC 635 S Hazard St Georgetown, Sc 29440 (843) 240-1782 Fax: (888) 282-6745 Greenville County Licensed Professional Counselor Greenwood County Psychiatry Salas, Amanda B Md Western Carolina Psychiatric Associates 600 Monument St, Ste 224 Greenwood, Sc 29646 (864) 227-3908 Fax: (864) 227-2668 Horry County Licensed Professional Counselor Bulsza, Susan M Lpc Susan M Busza Lpc LLC 2513 N Oak St, Ste 208 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29577 (843) 333-6767 Fax: (843) 903-5053 Brooks, Jennifer L Lpc Carolina Family Services Of Greenville 301 Anderson St Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 283-0637 Fax: (864) 283-0638 Collins, Margaret K Lpc Mrs Margaret Wilkins Collins Lpc 920 Mt Gilead Rd C3 Murrells Inlet, Sc 29576 (843) 318-1315 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hughes, Sara M Lpc Ms Sarah Martin Hughes Ma 68 Parkway Commons Way Greer, Sc 29650 (864) 561-8791 Teague, Allen L Lpc Little River Medical Center Inc 1075 Mr Joe White Ave, Ste 101 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29577 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 839-1857 Mccarrell, Ronnie E Lpc Carolina Family Services Of Greenville 301 Anderson St Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 283-0637 Fax: (864) 283-0638 Social Worker Cashwell, Judy Lcsw New Horizon Family Health Services Inc 130 Mallard St Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 233-1534 Fax: (864) 751-0479 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Social Worker Hills, Karen T Lcsw Little River Medical Center Inc 4303 Live Oak Dr Little River, Sc 29566 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 280-2455 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Hills, Karen T Lcsw Little River Medical Center Inc 3817 Main St Loris, Sc 29569 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 756-6828 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Hills, Karen T Lcsw Little River Medical Center Inc 1075 Mr Joe White Ave, Ste 101 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29577 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 839-1857 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 169 Horry County Behavior Management IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Hills, Karen T Lcsw Little River Medical Center Inc 3236 Holmestown Rd, Ste E 1 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29588 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 663-8093 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Ryan, Nicolet K Lcsw Nicolet Kim Ryan Liswcp 100 Sutter Dr, Ste 305 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29588 (843) 855-0035 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Jasper County Licensed Professional Counselor Dean, Patricia A Lpc Beaufort Jasper Comprehensive Health Services 721 N Okatie Hwy Ridgeland, Sc 29936 (843) 987-7400 Fax: (843) 987-7484 Social Worker Fultz, Larkin E Lcsw Beaufort Jasper Comprehensive Health Services 721 N Okatie Hwy Ridgeland, Sc 29936 (843) 987-7400 Fax: (843) 987-7484 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–4:00pm Kershaw County Social Worker Gunther, Bruce A Lcsw Bruce A Gunther 1645 Etters Lane Cassatt, Sc 29032 (803) 425-7178 Fax: (800) 886-4827 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–8:00pm; Fri 9:00am–1:00pm Lancaster County Licensed Professional Counselor Shealy, Guy H Lpc Mackey Family Practics PA 1025 W Meeting St, Ste 200 Lancaster, Sc 29720 (803) 285-7414 Fax: (803) 283-4329 Benfield, Edward S Md Cmg Psychiatric And Psychological Associates 501 Billingsley Rd Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Benjamin, Ryan M Psyd CMC Infectious Disease 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 446-4490 Fax: (704) 355-5984 Psychiatry Khan, Tooba Md Lancaster Clinic Corp 834 W Meeting St, Ste G Lancaster, Sc 29720 (903) 285-1111 Fax: (903) 285-1122 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Benjamin, Ryan M Psyd CMC Psychiatry And Behavioral Health 501 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Bestha, Durga P Md CMC Infectious Disease 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 446-4490 Fax: (704) 355-5984 Marlboro County Social Worker Peterkin, Vicky Lcsw Caresouth Carolina Inc 999 Cheraw St Bennettsville, Sc 29512 (843) 479-2341 Fax: (843) 479-2346 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Bestha, Durga P Md CMC Myers Park Medicine 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28273 (704) 446-1242 Fax: (704) 446-1241 Mecklenburg County NC Psychiatry Benfield, Edward S Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 358-2744 Fax: (704) 358-2945 Bestha, Durga P Md CMC Psychiatry And Behavioral Health 501 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Bestha, Durga P Md CMC Randolph Behavioral Health Center 501 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 358-2700 Fax: (704) 358-2716 Benfield, Edward S Md CMC Faculty Physicians 501 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Benfield, Edward S Md CMC Psychiatry And Behavioral Health 501 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Mecklenburg County NC Blackwell, Terri E Md CMC Infectious Disease 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 446-4490 Fax: (704) 355-5984 Blackwell, Terri E Md CMC Myers Park Medicine 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28273 (704) 446-1242 Fax: (704) 446-1241 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 170 Mecklenburg County NC Behavior Management IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Mecklenburg County NC Blackwell, Terri E Md CMC Psychiatry And Behavioral Health 501 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Dunmire, Carole R Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 358-2744 Fax: (704) 358-2945 Livingston, Ryan E Md CMC Myers Park Medicine 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28273 (704) 446-1242 Fax: (704) 446-1241 Blackwell, Terri E Md CMC Randolph Behavioral Health Center 501 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 358-2700 Fax: (704) 358-2716 Dunmire, Carole R Md CMC Faculty Physicians 501 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Livingston, Ryan E Md CMC Psychiatry And Behavioral Health 501 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Breitenback, Lisa M Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 446-1255 Fax: (704) 446-1276 Fuller Jr, Harold J Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 358-2744 Fax: (704) 358-2945 Livingston, Ryan E Md CMC Randolph Behavioral Health Center 501 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 358-2700 Fax: (704) 358-2716 Breitenback, Lisa M Md CMC Psychiatry And Behavioral Health 501 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Fuller Jr, Harold J Md CMC Faculty Physicians 501 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Morciglio, April H Psyd CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 358-2700 Fax: (704) 358-2716 Bullard, Crystal R Md Carolinas Psychiatry And Behavioral Wellness 7825 Ballantyne Commons Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Fuller Jr, Harold J Md CMC Psychiatry And Behavioral Health 501 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Morciglio, April H Psyd CMC Psychiatry And Behavioral Health 501 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Bullard, Crystal R Md CMC Faculty Physicians 501 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Litchford Jr, David W Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 631-0003 Robinette II, George D Md Northeast Psychiatric Services 105 Yadkin St Charlotte, Nc 28210 (704) 403-1877 Fax: (704) 986-2150 Bullard, Crystal R Md CMC Psychiatry And Behavioral Health 501 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Campbell, Vivian D Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 358-2700 Fax: (704) 358-2716 Campbell, Vivian D Md CMC Psychiatry And Behavioral Health 501 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Litchford Jr, David W Md CMC Psychiatry And Behavioral Health 501 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Litchford Jr, David W Md CMC Randolph Behavioral Health Center 501 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 358-2700 Fax: (704) 358-2716 Livingston, Ryan E Md CMC Infectious Disease 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 446-4490 Fax: (704) 355-5984 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Robinette II, George D Md Northeast Psychiatric Services 380 Copperfield Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Sparks Jr, Edwin W Md Cmg Psychiatric And Psychological Associates 501 Billingsley Rd Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Tcheremissine, Oleg V Psyd CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 358-2700 Fax: (704) 358-2716 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 171 Mecklenburg County NC Behavior Management Oconee County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Tcheremissine, Oleg V Psyd CMC Faculty Physicians 501 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Thommen, Rachel E Md CMC Randolph Behavioral Health Center 501 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 358-2700 Fax: (704) 358-2716 Villanueva, Rodney A Md CMC Myers Park Medicine 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28273 (704) 446-1242 Fax: (704) 446-1241 Tcheremissine, Oleg V Psyd CMC Psychiatry And Behavioral Health 501 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Thompson, Ervin M Md Carolinas Psychiatry Billingsley 501 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 28216 (704) 444-2400 Fax: (704) 358-2716 Villanueva, Rodney A Md CMC Psychiatry And Behavioral Health 501 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Tcheremissine, Oleg V Psyd Cmg Psychiatric And Psychological Associates 501 Billingsley Rd Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Thompson, Ervin M Md CMC Infectious Disease 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 446-4490 Fax: (704) 355-5984 Villanueva, Rodney A Md CMC Randolph Behavioral Health Center 501 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 358-2700 Fax: (704) 358-2716 Thakkar, Nilima P Md Northeast Psychiatric Services 105 Yadkin St Charlotte, Nc 28210 (704) 403-1877 Fax: (704) 986-2150 Thompson, Ervin M Md CMC Myers Park Medicine 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28273 (704) 446-1242 Fax: (704) 446-1241 Watson, Lakeisha S Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (803) 434-4300 Fax: (803) 434-4351 Thakkar, Nilima P Md Northeast Psychiatric Services 380 Copperfield Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Thompson, Ervin M Md CMC Psychiatry And Behavioral Health 501 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Watson, Lakeisha S Md CMC Psychiatry And Behavioral Health 501 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Thommen, Rachel E Md Carolinas Psychiatry And Behavioral Wellness 9601 Holly Point Dr Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 801-9200 Fax: (704) 801-9201 Thompson, Ervin M Md CMC Randolph Behavioral Health Center 501 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 358-2700 Fax: (704) 358-2716 Thommen, Rachel E Md CMC Infectious Disease 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28262 (704) 446-4490 Fax: (704) 355-5984 Thompson, Ervin M Md Cmg Psychiatric And Psychological Associates 501 Billingsley Rd Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Thommen, Rachel E Md CMC Myers Park Medicine 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28273 (704) 446-1242 Fax: (704) 446-1241 Villanueva, Rodney A Md Carolinas Psychiatry Billingsley 501 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 444-2400 Fax: (704) 358-2716 Thommen, Rachel E Md CMC Psychiatry And Behavioral Health 501 Billingsley Rd Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Villanueva, Rodney A Md CMC Infectious Disease 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 446-4490 Fax: (704) 355-5984 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Oconee County Licensed Professional Counselor Cabbage, Gary D Lpc Mr Gary Douglas Cabbage Lpc 1205 N Hwy 11 West Union, Sc 29696 (864) 723-6690 Shuler, Carol W Md Oconee Physician Practices 103 Carter Park Dr Seneca, Sc 29672 (864) 482-2360 Fax: (864) 482-2365 Psychiatry Ricalde, Orlando A Md Lake Ridge Neurological 100 Debra St Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 885-9866 Fax: (864) 888-8307 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 172 Behavior Management Oconee County Union County NC IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Social Worker Watson Jr, Alvin F Lcsw Watson Psychotherapy Services LLC 1240 Baypoint Dr Seneca, Sc 29672 (864) 933-6170 Fax: (864) 722-9044 Hours: Mon, Tue 12:30pm–7:00pm; Wed 8:30am–4:30pm; Thu, Fri 12:30pm–4:30pm Pickens County Psychiatry Sherrill, Jerry Md Clemson Neurology 220 Keowee Trail Clemson, Sc 29631 (864) 653-4071 Fax: (864) 653-4074 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Richland County Licensed Professional Counselor Drayton, Michelle G Lpc Southeast Counseling And Consulting 2712 Middleburg Dr, Ste 207b Columbia, Sc 29204 (503) 556-9439 Fax: (803) 419-7497 Lassiter, Judy D Ma Mindful Behavioral 810 Woodrow St Columbia, Sc 29205 (803) 569-1789 Fax: (803) 462-4972 Psychiatry Bouknight, James G Md USC Dept Neuropsychiatry And Behavioral Sciences 1 Richland Medical Park, Ste 420 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 540-1000 Fax: (803) 540-1011 Hours: Tue 7:30am Bouknight, James G Md USC Dept Neuropsychiatry And Behavioral Sciences 15 Medical Park Rd, Ste 141 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 434-4300 Fax: (803) 434-4351 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu 8:30am–8:00pm; Tue 7:30am–8:00pm; Fri 8:30am–6:00pm Psychiatry Ogburuog Bonnaya, Eleanya Md Midlands Neurology & Pain Asso PA 4801 N Main St Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 788-0038 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Justice, David A Md Sumter Family Health Center 1278 N Lafayette Dr Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 774-4500 Fax: (803) 774-4641 Hours: Tue, Thu 8:00am–5:00pm Weyant, Scott A Md Eau Claire Behavioral Medicine 4801 Monticello Rd Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 754-0151 Social Worker Psychology Harrison, Kimberly S Phd USC Dept Neuropsychiatry And Behavioral Sciences 15 Medical Park Rd, Ste 141 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 434-4300 Fax: (803) 434-4351 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:30am–8:00pm; Fri 8:30am–6:00pm Spartanburg County Licensed Professional Counselor Holland, Timothy L Lpc Blue Water Counseling LLC 397 Blake St Spartanburg, Sc 29302 (864) 253-9089 Fax: (864) 591-1232 Sumter County Licensed Professional Counselor Graham, Stacey Lpc Sumter Family Health Center 1278 N Lafayette Dr Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 774-4500 Fax: (803) 774-4641 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Shaw, Renee M Lpc Sumter Family Health Center 1278 N Lafayette Dr Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 774-4500 Fax: (803) 774-4641 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Coker, Ramelle T Lcsw Sumter Family Health Center 1278 N Lafayette Dr Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 774-4500 Fax: (803) 774-4641 Hours: Tue, Thu 8:00am–5:00pm Partin, Gayla Lcsw Sumter Family Health Center 1278 N Lafayette Dr Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 774-4500 Fax: (803) 774-4641 Hours: Tue, Thu 8:00am–5:00pm Washington Finkley, Norlica P Lcsw Sumter Family Health Center 1278 N Lafayette Dr Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 774-4500 Fax: (803) 774-4641 Hours: Tue, Thu 8:00am–5:00pm Union County NC Psychiatry Pacaldo, Lora L Md CHA Division Of Psychiatry 2131 S 17th St Wilmington, Nc 28112 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Stelmach, Hans Md CHA Division Of Psychiatry 2131 S 17th St Wilmington, Nc 28112 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Thakkar, Nilima P Md Northeast Psychiatric Services 5427 Highway 49 S Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 173 Union County NC Behavior Management Triggs, Julia D Md CHA Division Of Psychiatry 2131 S 17th St Wilmington, Nc 28112 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Clark, Geneva A Lpc Ms Geneva Antionette Clark Lpc 1700 First Baxter Crossing, Ste 204 Fort Mill, Sc 29708 (803) 378-2895 Waldrep, Douglas A Md CHA Division Of Psychiatry 2131 S 17th St Wilmington, Nc 28112 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Mallory, Kevin S Lpc York Place Community Counseling Center 202 Springcrest Dr Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (803) 548-4044 Fax: (803) 548-4044 √ Languages Spoken: German York County Licensed Professional Counselor Branscome, Roderick E Lpc Catawba Care Inc 500 Lakeshore Pkwy Rock Hill, Sc 29730 (803) 909-6363 Fax: (803) 909-6364 York County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Sarn, Carole B Lpc Stepping Stones Counseling Services LLC 1365 Ebenezer Rd Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 817-7837 Mallory, Kevin S Lpc York Place Community Counseling Center 234 Kings Mountain St York, Sc 29745 (803) 684-4011 Fax: (803) 818-5101 √ Languages Spoken: German √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Social Worker McCormick, Aliceson E Lcsw Stepping Stones Counseling Services LLC 1365 Ebenezer Rd Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 817-7837 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 174 Aiken County Aiken County Obstetrics & Gynecology Daniels, Lloyd B Md Rural Health Services Inc 4645 Augusta Rd Clearwater, Sc 29822 (803) 593-9283 Fax: (803) 593-0607 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Anderson County Obstetrics & Gynecology Bledsoe, Shannon H Md AnMed Health Carolina Obgyn 160 Perpetual Square Dr Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 224-2222 Fax: (864) 375-1347 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Clark, Andrew D Md AnMed Health Family Medicine Center 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 3700 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 512-1475 Fax: (864) 512-1930 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Duniho, Timothy L Md AnMed Health Anderson Gyn Ob 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 3100 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 812-4500 Griffin, David Md AnMed Health Gyn Oncology 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 5040 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 225-5131 Fax: (864) 225-2592 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hearn, Henry B Md AnMed Health Anderson Gyn Ob 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 3100 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 812-4500 Herbert, James O Md AnMed Health Anderson Gyn Ob 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 2550 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 225-5131 Fax: (864) 225-2592 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Obstetrics/Gynecology IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Lacy, Mark P Md AnMed Health Anderson Gyn Ob 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 3100 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 812-4500 Coley, Katherine P Md Advanced Womens Care Of The Lowcountry Pc 29 Plantation Pk Dr, Ste 401 Bluffton, Sc 29910 (843) 341-3996 Fax: (843) 341-3282 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Mitchell, Mandy L Md AnMed Health Anderson Gyn Ob 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 3100 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 812-4500 Coley, Katherine P Md Advanced Womens Care Of The Lowcountry Pc 8 Hospital Center Blvd, Ste 150 Hilton Head Island, Sc 29926 (843) 341-3996 Fax: (843) 341-3282 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Parker, Jonathan D Md AnMed Health Carolina Obgyn 160 Perpetual Square Dr Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 224-2222 Fax: (864) 375-1347 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Mitchell, Meredith E Md Hilton Head Regional Ob Gyn Partners 13 Marshellen Dr Beaufort, Sc 29902 (843) 521-0377 Fax: (843) 521-0377 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Rivera, Michael A Md AnMed Health Michael A Rivera Md 1519 N Fant St Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 261-3999 Norton, Lynn Md Hilton Head Regional Ob Gyn Partners 13 Marshellen Dr Beaufort, Sc 29902 (843) 521-0377 Fax: (843) 521-0377 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Robinson, Robert J Md AnMed Health Obgyn Associates 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 4500 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 812-4500 Fax: (864) 512-4505 Shrum, Kara J Md AnMed Health Anderson Gyn Ob 2000 E Greenville St, Ste 3100 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 812-4500 Royal, Randall M Md Hilton Head Regional Ob Gyn Partners 1264 Ribaut Rd Beaufort, Sc 29902 (843) 524-5455 Fax: (843) 524-5655 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Beaufort County Obstetrics & Gynecology Blusewicz, Tracy A Md Advanced Womens Care Of The Lowcountry Pc 29 Plantation Pk Dr, Ste 401 Bluffton, Sc 29910 (843) 341-3996 Fax: (843) 341-3282 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Blusewicz, Tracy A Md Advanced Womens Care Of The Lowcountry Pc 8 Hospital Center Blvd, Ste 150 Hilton Head Island, Sc 29926 (843) 341-3996 Fax: (843) 341-3282 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Cabarrus County NC Cabarrus County NC Obstetrics & Gynecology Adams Denny, Natasha A Md Union Obstetrics And Gynecology 6030 W Hwy 74 Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Bey, Annette Md Northeast Ob/Gyn Hospitalist Services 920 Church St N Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-1632 Fax: (704) 403-1656 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 175 Cabarrus County NC Obstetrics/Gynecology IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Bhojwani, Jennifer T Md University Independent Physicians 8800 North Tryon St Charlotte, Nc 28025 (704) 512-7562 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Franco, Albert Md CMC Womens Institute 200 Medical Park Dr Concord, Nc 28207 (704) 403-4189 Fax: (704) 403-4132 Boesel, Richard R Md University Independent Physicians 8800 North Tryon St Charlotte, Nc 28025 (704) 512-7562 Long, Frank E Md Cabarrus Ob/Gyn 200 Medical Park Dr Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-2740 Fax: (704) 403-2744 Booth, Kelly A Md Northeast Womens Health & Obstetrics 1054 Burrage Rd NE Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-7800 Fax: (704) 403-7810 Bower, Natasha A Md Cabarrus Ob/Gyn 200 Medical Park Dr Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-2740 Fax: (704) 403-2744 Bower, Natasha A Md Concord Womens Specialty Care 200 Medical Park Dr Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-6900 Fax: (704) 403-6949 Brown, Susan Md Eastover Obstetrics And Gynecology 6030 W Hwy 74 Concord, Nc 28027 (704) 446-7800 Fax: (704) 246-2727 Brown, Susan Md University Independent Physicians 8800 North Tryon St Charlotte, Nc 28025 (704) 512-7562 Bush, Dana M Md Concord Womens Specialty Care 200 Medical Park Dr Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-6900 Fax: (704) 403-6949 Fox, Suzanna J Md University Independent Physicians 8800 North Tryon St Charlotte, Nc 28025 (704) 512-7562 Charleston County Bradford, Susanne M Md The Pelvic Health Center Of Rsfh 3510 Hwy 17 N, Ste 325 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29466 (843) 606-8980 Bullen, Lauri W Md Mt Pleasant Ob/Gyn 1400 Hospital Dr Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 884-0301 Bullen, Lauri W Md The Pelvic Health Center Of Rsfh 3510 Hwy 17 N, Ste 325 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29466 (843) 606-8980 Luley, Tomas Do Cabarrus Ob/Gyn 200 Medical Park Dr Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 403-2740 Fax: (704) 403-2744 Caire, Elsa C Md Creekside Womens Care 2097 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Ste 312 W Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 769-5620 Fax: (843) 769-5625 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Sobel, Barry A Md Union Obstetrics And Gynecology 6030 W Hwy 74 Concord, Nc 28025 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Catawba County NC Obstetrics & Gynecology Beaver, Brittian W Md Copperfield Ob/Gyn 349 Penny Ln NE Concord, Nc 28602 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Day, Richard P Md Seasons Ob/Gyn 9279A Medical Plaza Dr Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 569-2900 Fax: (843) 569-7752 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:30am–4:30pm; Fri 8:30am–12:00pm √ Languages Spoken: French Panner, Eric J Md Copperfield Ob/Gyn 349 Penny Ln NE Concord, Nc 28602 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Charleston County Obstetrics & Gynecology Bradford, Susanne M Md Mt Pleasant Ob/Gyn 1400 Hospital Dr Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 884-0301 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Dacus, Elizabeth N Md Seasons Ob/Gyn 9279A Medical Plaza Dr Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 569-2900 Fax: (843) 569-7752 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:30am–4:30pm; Fri 8:30am–12:00pm Dennis, William A Md Dr William A Dennis Md 2093 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Ste 306e Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 571-3862 Fax: (843) 571-5275 Finch III, Bertram C Md Carolina Ob/Gyn 2145 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Ste 270 Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 577-0220 Fax: (843) 577-4193 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 176 Charleston County Finch III, Bertram C Md Carolina Ob/Gyn 2075 Eagle Landing Blvd N. Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 577-0220 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Flowers, Robert B Md Harborside Ob/Gyn 125 Doughty St, Ste 300 Charleston, Sc 29403 (843) 789-1800 Fax: (843) 724-1306 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Frampton, J Wyman Md Creekside Womens Care 2097 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Ste 312 W Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 769-5620 Fax: (843) 769-5625 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Givens, Ronnie M Md Low Country Womens Specialists 77 Springview Ln Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 821-5140 Fax: (843) 820-1007 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–12:00pm Givens, Ronnie M Md Low Country Womens Specialists 9291 Medical Plaza Dr Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 797-3664 Fax: (843) 820-1007 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–12:00pm Gleaton, Kenosha D Md Harborside Ob/Gyn 125 Doughty St, Ste 300 Charleston, Sc 29403 (843) 789-1800 Fax: (843) 724-1306 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Obstetrics/Gynecology IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Heinemann, Jennifer J Md Low Country Womens Specialists 9291 Medical Plaza Dr Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 797-3664 Fax: (843) 820-1007 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–12:00pm Hunter, Christine L Md Low Country Womens Specialists 77 Springview Ln Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 821-5140 Fax: (843) 820-1007 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–12:00pm Hunter, Christine L Md Low Country Womens Specialists 9291 Medical Plaza Dr Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 797-3664 Fax: (843) 820-1007 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–12:00pm Lynch, Meghan Md Mt Pleasant Ob/Gyn 1400 Hospital Dr Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 884-0301 Hallmark, Karen H Md Mt Pleasant Ob/Gyn 1400 Hospital Dr Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 884-0301 Lynch, Meghan Md The Pelvic Health Center Of Rsfh 3510 Hwy 17 N, Ste 325 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29466 (843) 606-8980 Hallmark, Karen H Md The Pelvic Health Center Of Rsfh 3510 Hwy 17 N, Ste 325 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29466 (843) 606-8980 Martin Jr, James T Md Mr James Thomas Martin Jr Md 9213a University Blvd North Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 571-7123 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Mclees, Steven A Md Carolina Ob/Gyn 2145 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Ste 270 Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 577-0220 Fax: (843) 577-4193 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Mughelli, Olumide M Md West Ashley Ob/Gyn PA 1843 Ashley River Rd Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 769-4424 Fax: (843) 769-4425 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Huggins, Charles E Md Carolina Ob/Gyn 2145 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Ste 270 Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 577-0220 Fax: (843) 577-4193 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Keller, Caroline S Md Carolina Ob/Gyn 2145 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Ste 270 Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 577-0220 Fax: (843) 577-4193 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Charleston County Noriega, Joyce A Md Ashley River Ob/Gyn Pc 1364 Ashley River Rd Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 763-0184 Fax: (843) 763-2692 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Prystowsky, Michael W Md Low Country Womens Specialists 77 Springview Ln Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 821-5140 Fax: (843) 820-1007 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–12:00pm Prystowsky, Michael W Md Low Country Womens Specialists 9291 Medical Plaza Dr Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 797-3664 Fax: (843) 820-1007 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–12:00pm Reeves III, William M Md Low Country Womens Specialists 77 Springview Ln Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 821-5140 Fax: (843) 820-1007 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–12:00pm Reeves III, William M Md Low Country Womens Specialists 9291 Medical Plaza Dr Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 797-3664 Fax: (843) 820-1007 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–12:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 177 Charleston County Obstetrics/Gynecology IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Ryan, Ashley B Md Ashley River Ob/Gyn Pc 1364 Ashley River Rd Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 763-0184 Fax: (843) 763-2692 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–12:00pm Schwartzberg, Heather Md Low Country Womens Specialists 77 Springview Ln Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 821-5140 Fax: (843) 820-1007 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–12:00pm Schwartzberg, Heather Md Low Country Womens Specialists 9291 Medical Plaza Dr Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 797-3664 Fax: (843) 820-1007 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–12:00pm Senokozlieff, Molly E Md Seasons Ob/Gyn 9279A Medical Plaza Dr Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 569-2900 Fax: (843) 569-7752 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:30am–4:30pm; Fri 8:30am–12:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Stroud, Nancy B Md Seasons Ob/Gyn 9279A Medical Plaza Dr Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 569-2900 Fax: (843) 569-7752 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:30am–4:30pm; Fri 8:30am–12:00pm √ Languages Spoken: French Weinstein, Victor J Md Ashley River Ob/Gyn Pc 1364 Ashley River Rd Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 763-0184 Fax: (843) 763-2692 Hours: Mon 9:30am–5:00pm; Tue, Wed, Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–12:00pm Chesterfield County Obstetrics & Gynecology Guerrero, Larissa A Md Chesterfield Clinic Corporation 721 Chesterfield Hwy Cheraw, Sc 29520 (843) 921-1211 Fax: (843) 921-1213 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Borders, Elizabeth K Md Shelby Womens Care 821 East King St Kings Mountain, Nc 28086 (704) 734-0304 Fax: (704) 734-0309 Browning, John Md McLeod Obgyn Associates 901 E Cheves St, Ste 300 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 669-1264 Fax: (843) 656-2242 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Borders, Elizabeth K Md Shelby Womens Care 335 West College Ave Shelby, Nc 28152 (704) 434-0990 Fax: (704) 434-4999 Dillon County Obstetrics & Gynecology √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Ravenell, Dianna D Md Ridgeway Family Practice 755 Us Hwy 21 S Ridgeway, Sc 29130 (803) 337-2920 Fax: (803) 337-3010 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–4:30pm Florence County Obstetrics & Gynecology Borders, Elizabeth K Md Shelby Womens Care 110 W Grover St Shelby, Nc 28150 (704) 487-5258 Fax: (704) 487-0186 Marcovici, Iacob Md McLeod Obgyn 705 N 8th Ave, Ste 3b Dillon, Sc 29536 (843) 841-3825 Fax: (843) 841-3830 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Fairfield County Obstetrics & Gynecology Davis, Deborah J Md Ridgeway Family Practice 755 Us Hwy 21 S Ridgeway, Sc 29130 (803) 337-2920 Fax: (803) 337-3010 Cleveland County NC Obstetrics & Gynecology Craig, Rebecca Md McLeod Obgyn 705 N 8th Ave, Ste 3b Dillon, Sc 29536 (843) 841-3825 Fax: (843) 841-3830 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Florence County Chapman, John Md McLeod Obgyn Associates 901 E Cheves St, Ste 300 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 669-1264 Fax: (843) 656-2242 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Chaudhry, Anu Md Florence Womens Health 901 E Cheves St, Ste 360 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 678-9994 Fax: (843) 679-5515 Hours: Mon–Thu 7:30am–4:00pm Coker, Steven N Md Phillips And Coker Ob Gyn 1590 Freedom Blvd, Ste B Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 665-9581 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Emerson, Gary Md McLeod Obgyn Associates 901 E Cheves St, Ste 300 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 669-1264 Fax: (843) 656-2242 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 178 Florence County Phillips, Thomas W Md Phillips And Coker Ob Gyn 1590 Freedom Blvd, Ste B Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 665-9581 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Rainwater, Kelly P Md Florence Obgyn Associates 1590 Freedom Blvd, Ste D Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 662-3905 Fax: (843) 662-3952 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Stonerock, Emily M Md Phillips And Coker Ob Gyn 1590 Freedom Blvd, Ste B Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 665-9581 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Suffrant, Germina Md Community Health Systems 1594 Freedom Blvd, Ste A Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 629-1791 Fax: (843) 629-1793 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Tatum, Charles Md McLeod Obgyn Associates 901 E Cheves St, Ste 300 Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 669-1264 Fax: (843) 656-2242 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Gaston County NC Obstetrics & Gynecology Beaver, Brittian W Md Copperfield Ob/Gyn 4315 Physicians Blvd Harrisburg, Nc 28012 (704) 786-7158 Fax: (704) 784-3307 Panner, Eric J Md Copperfield Ob/Gyn 4315 Physicians Blvd Harrisburg, Nc 28012 (704) 786-7158 Fax: (704) 784-3307 Obstetrics/Gynecology IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Georgetown County Obstetrics & Gynecology Bindner, Cynthia G Md Carolina Ob/Gyn 1007 N Fraser St Georgetown, Sc 29440 (843) 527-4343 Fax: (843) 546-8308 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Harris, Danielle Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Lasry, Valerie A Md Carolina Ob/Gyn 1007 N Fraser St Georgetown, Sc 29440 (843) 527-4343 Fax: (843) 546-8308 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Hoffman, Michael R Md Dr Michael Robert Hoffman Md 158 Milestone Way Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 627-4478 Fax: (864) 627-4479 Maselli, Lisa R Md Carolina Ob/Gyn 1007 N Fraser St Georgetown, Sc 29440 (843) 527-4343 Fax: (843) 546-8308 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Kelly, Ann J Md North Hills Medical Center 3904 S Hwy 14 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 987-9990 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Richmond, Gayle S Md Carolina Ob/Gyn 1007 N Fraser St Georgetown, Sc 29440 (843) 527-4343 Fax: (843) 546-8308 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Kelly, Ann J Md North Hills Medical Center 505 C N Main Plaza Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 232-2734 Fax: (864) 527-9199 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Greenville County Obstetrics & Gynecology Cowart, James Md Ghs Emergency Services Of Laurens County 325 Medical Parkway, Ste 100 Greer, Sc 29650 (864) 797-9200 Fax: (864) 797-9217 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Harris, Danielle Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Harris, Danielle Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Gerber, Christine S Md Carolina Ob/Gyn 1007 N Fraser St Georgetown, Sc 29440 (843) 527-4343 Fax: (843) 546-8308 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Delahunty, Nigel Md Ghs Partners In Health 325 Medical Parkway, Ste 100 Greer, Sc 29650 (864) 797-9200 Fax: (864) 797-9217 Greenville County Kelly, Ann J Md North Hills Medical Center 800 Pelham Rd Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 752-3340 Fax: (864) 284-0844 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–5:00pm Kelly, Ann J Md North Hills Medical Center 319 S Buncombe Rd Greer, Sc 29651 (864) 877-3883 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 179 Greenville County Kelly, Ann J Md North Hills Medical Center 315 W Butler Rd Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 297-1575 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm Odogwu, Maduka H Md North Hills Medical Center 3904 S Hwy 14 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 987-9990 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Odogwu, Maduka H Md North Hills Medical Center 505 C N Main Plaza Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 232-2734 Fax: (864) 527-9199 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Odogwu, Maduka H Md North Hills Medical Center 800 Pelham Rd Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 752-3340 Fax: (864) 284-0844 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat, Sun 9:00am–5:00pm Odogwu, Maduka H Md North Hills Medical Center 319 S Buncombe Rd Greer, Sc 29651 (864) 877-3883 Fax: (864) 234-5881 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Odogwu, Maduka H Md North Hills Medical Center 309 W Bulter Rd Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 297-1575 Fax: (864) 284-0844 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Rana, Nita W Md Dr Neeta W Rana Md 35 Creekview Ct Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 297-5077 Wright Sinnett, Megan Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Obstetrics/Gynecology IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Wright Sinnett, Megan Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Maselli, Lisa R Md Carolina Ob/Gyn 4017 Hwy 17 Bypass Murrells Inlet, Sc 29576 (843) 651-6525 Fax: (843) 357-5035 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Wright Sinnett, Megan Md Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Mccauley, Chris Md McLeod Obgyn 3980 Highway 9 E, Ste 110 Little River, Sc 29566 (843) 399-3100 Fax: (843) 399-1099 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Horry County Obstetrics & Gynecology Alo, Olubunmi A Md Health Care Partners Of Sc Inc 1608 N Main St Conway, Sc 29526 (843) 248-4700 Fax: (843) 488-1316 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Sat 8:00am–12:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Yoruba Bindner, Cynthia G Md Carolina Ob/Gyn 4017 Hwy 17 Bypass Murrells Inlet, Sc 29576 (843) 651-6525 Fax: (843) 357-5035 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Cornejo, Juan A Md Little River Medical Center Inc 4303 Live Oak Dr Little River, Sc 29566 (843) 663-8000 Fax: (843) 280-2455 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Gerber, Christine S Md Carolina Ob/Gyn 4017 Hwy 17 Bypass Murrells Inlet, Sc 29576 (843) 651-6525 Fax: (843) 357-5035 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Jasper County Mccauley, Chris Md McLeod Obgyn 3617 Casey St Loris, Sc 29569 (843) 756-7090 Fax: (843) 756-0043 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Richmond, Gayle S Md Carolina Ob/Gyn 4017 Hwy 17 Bypass Murrells Inlet, Sc 29576 (843) 651-6525 Fax: (843) 357-5035 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Vu Molaschi, Tatiana L Md Grande Dunes Ob Gyn And Facial Aesthetics 1021 Cipriana Dr, Ste 250 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 839-2229 Fax: (843) 839-2230 Jasper County Obstetrics & Gynecology Bagley, Cathy L Md Beaufort Jasper Comprehensive Health Services 721 N Okatie Hwy Ridgeland, Sc 29936 (843) 987-7400 Fax: (843) 987-7484 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–4:00pm Lasry, Valerie A Md Carolina Ob/Gyn 4017 Hwy 17 Bypass Murrells Inlet, Sc 29576 (843) 651-6525 Fax: (843) 357-5035 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 180 Lancaster County Obstetrics/Gynecology IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Lancaster County Obstetrics & Gynecology Helwig, Jane T Md Blossom Care For Women PA 421 W Meeting St, Ste B Lancaster, Sc 29720 (803) 286-6400 Fax: (803) 286-6450 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–4:00pm Tiedt, Douglas L Md Lancaster Womens Center PA 1370 W Meeting St Lancaster, Sc 29720 (803) 286-6922 Fax: (803) 286-4878 Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Tue, Thu 8:30am–8:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Lexington County Obstetrics & Gynecology Davis, Deborah J Md Brooklandcayce Medical Practice 1115 State St Cayce, Sc 29033 (803) 739-6882 Fax: (803) 939-4650 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–4:30pm Davis, Deborah J Md Womens Health And Internal Medicine Of Batesville 338 E Columbia Ave, Ste B Leesville, Sc 29070 (803) 532-1580 Fax: (803) 532-3832 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–4:30pm Ravenell, Dianna D Md Womens Health And Internal Medicine Of Batesville 338 E Columbia Ave, Ste B Leesville, Sc 29070 (803) 532-1580 Fax: (803) 532-3832 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–4:30pm Smithson, Stacy L Md Lake Murray Ob/Gyn 1404 W Main St, Ste 1 Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 996-5550 Fax: (803) 996-5520 Hours: Mon 8:30am–5:00pm; Tue, Wed, Thu 8:00am-2:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Lincoln County NC Obstetrics & Gynecology Powell II, Glen E Md University Independent Physicians 101 Wt Harris Blvd Lincolnton, Nc 28092 (704) 547-0858 Fax: (704) 547-9053 Marion County Obstetrics & Gynecology Crow, Adrienne Md Community Health Systems 2845 E Highway 76, Ste 5 Mullins, Sc 29574 (843) 431-2650 Fax: (843) 431-2647 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Adams Denny, Natasha A Md Union Obstetrics And Gynecology 1550 Faulk St Monroe, Nc 28078 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Adams Denny, Natasha A Md Union Obstetrics And Gynecology 2700 Providence Rd S Waxhaw, Nc 28203 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Bessent, Yvette E Md Northcross Obstetric & Gynecologic Associates 16455 Statesville Rd Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Beurskens, Maureen L Md Charlotte Obstetric & Gynecologic Associates 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Marlboro County Obstetrics & Gynecology Smith, Marie C Md Womens Health And Internal Medicine Of Batesville 338 E Columbia Ave, Ste B Leesville, Sc 29070 (803) 532-1580 Fax: (803) 532-3832 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–4:30pm Mecklenburg County NC Obstetrics & Gynecology Beurskens, Maureen L Md Charlotte Obstetric & Gynecologic Associates 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Regec, Stephen Md Community Health Systems 2845 E Highway 76, Ste 5 Mullins, Sc 29574 (843) 431-2650 Fax: (843) 431-2647 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Crittendon, Cindy Do Community Health Systems 1076 Marlboro Way, Ste 1 Bennettsville, Sc 29512 (843) 454-2294 Fax: (843) 454-2342 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Mecklenburg County NC Beurskens, Maureen L Md Charlotte Obstetric & Gynecologic Associates 16455 Statesville Rd Huntersville, Nc 28203 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Bliss, Susan E Md CMC Womens Institute 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 355-3149 Fax: (704) 355-5891 Boardman, Lynn A Md CMC Womens Institute 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 355-3149 Fax: (704) 355-5891 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 181 Mecklenburg County NC Obstetrics/Gynecology IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Mecklenburg County NC James, Richard J Md Charlotte Obstetric & Gynecologic Associates 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Sobel, Barry A Md Union Obstetrics And Gynecology 1550 Faulk St Monroe, Nc 28078 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 James, Richard J Md Charlotte Obstetric & Gynecologic Associates 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Sobel, Barry A Md Union Obstetrics And Gynecology 2700 Providence Rd S Waxhaw, Nc 28203 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 James, Richard J Md Charlotte Obstetric & Gynecologic Associates 16455 Statesville Rd Huntersville, Nc 28203 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Stein, Aviva R Md Charlotte Obstetric & Gynecologic Associates 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Fox, Tamara B Md Mercy Hospital Inc Independent Physicians 10628 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28117 (704) 512-7562 Matkins Jr, Jerry F Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 446-1255 Fax: (704) 446-1276 Stein, Aviva R Md Charlotte Obstetric & Gynecologic Associates 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Fox, Tamara B Md Piedmont Gynecological And Obstetrical Associates 13640 Steelecroft Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 512-3860 Fax: (704) 583-2212 Morgan, Elizabeth S Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 355-1813 Fax: (704) 355-5980 Stein, Aviva R Md Charlotte Obstetric & Gynecologic Associates 16455 Statesville Rd Huntersville, Nc 28203 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Morgan, Elizabeth S Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 355-3149 Fax: (704) 355-5891 Stepp, Kevin J Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 355-1813 Fax: (704) 355-5980 Powell II, Glen E Md University Independent Physicians 5425 Prosperity Church Rd Charlotte, Nc 28211 (704) 547-0858 Fax: (704) 547-9053 Stepp, Kevin J Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 446-1255 Fax: (704) 446-1276 Powell II, Glen E Md University Independent Physicians 8800 North Tryon St Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 512-7562 Tait, David L Md Levine Cancer Institute 1021 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28204 (704) 355-2884 Fax: (704) 355-5800 Booth, Kelly A Md Northeast Womens Health & Obstetrics At Renaissance 2101 Shiloh Church Rd Davidson, Nc 28036 (704) 439-3770 Fax: (704) 439-3779 Butler, Jennifer R Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 355-1813 Fax: (704) 355-5980 Butler, Jennifer R Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Fox, Tamara B Md Piedmont Gynecological And Obstetrical Associates 15110 John J Delaney Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 512-5100 Fax: (704) 512-5101 Franco, Albert Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 355-1813 Fax: (704) 355-5980 Jain, Astrid G Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 342-4323 Fax: (704) 544-5278 √ Languages Spoken: German Powell II, Glen E Md University Independent Physicians 11304 Hawthorne Dr Matthews, Nc 28105 (704) 547-0858 Fax: (704) 547-9053 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Taylor, Gerald B Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1350 S King Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 182 Mecklenburg County NC Taylor, Kay W Md Fac Myers Park Obgyn 1000 Blythe Blvd Charlotte, Nc 28203 (704) 512-7562 Termin, Charles S Md Charlotte Obstetric & Gynecologic Associates 4525 Cameron Valley Pkwy Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Termin, Charles S Md Charlotte Obstetric & Gynecologic Associates 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Termin, Charles S Md Charlotte Obstetric & Gynecologic Associates 16455 Statesville Rd Huntersville, Nc 28203 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Termin, Charles S Md Mercy Hospital Inc Independent Physicians 10628 Park Rd Charlotte, Nc 28117 (704) 512-7562 Thompson, John M Md Union Obstetrics And Gynecology 1550 Faulk St Monroe, Nc 28078 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Vaughn, Ericka C Md Northcross Obstetric & Gynecologic Associates 9908 Couloak Dr Charlotte, Nc 28277 (704) 801-2075 Fax: (704) 801-2076 Vaughn, Ericka C Md Northcross Obstetric & Gynecologic Associates 16455 Statesville Rd Huntersville, Nc 28078 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Obstetrics/Gynecology IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY New Hanover County NC Obstetrics & Gynecology Bliss, Susan E Md CMC Myers Park Obstetrics And Gynecology 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28403 (704) 446-1544 Fax: (704) 446-1550 Boardman, Lynn A Md CMC Myers Park Obstetrics And Gynecology 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28403 (704) 446-1544 Fax: (704) 446-1550 Richland County Orangeburg County Obstetrics & Gynecology Eden, Sharon I Md Family Health Centers Inc 3310 Magnolia St Orangeburg, Sc 29115 (803) 531-6914 Fax: (803) 531-6907 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–8:00pm; Sat 8:00am–3:00pm Pickens County Obstetrics & Gynecology Duffy, Aimee C Md Carolina Integrative Medicine PA 1011 Tiger Blvd, Ste 300 Clemson, Sc 29631 (864) 722-6262 Fax: (864) 722-6261 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Mohamed II, Fazil A Md Coastal Womens Care Pc 1721 Allens Ln, Ste 102 Wilmington, Nc 28403 (910) 239-5902 Fax: (910) 239-5908 √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Tait, David L Md CMC Myers Park Obstetrics And Gynecology 1350 S Kings Dr Charlotte, Nc 28403 (704) 446-1544 Fax: (704) 446-1550 Oconee County Obstetrics & Gynecology Parker, Jonathan D Md AnMed Health Clemson Obgyn 107 Wall St, Ste 2 Clemson, Sc 29631 (864) 653-3334 Fax: (864) 654-5481 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Richland County Obstetrics & Gynecology Bass, Virginia H Md Oconee Physician Practices 103 Carter Park Dr Seneca, Sc 29672 (864) 482-2360 Fax: (864) 482-2365 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Agyenimboateng, Aboagye Md Waverly Womens Health Care 1228 Harden St Columbia, Sc 29204 (803) 733-5969 Fax: (803) 217-0026 Schwering, Christina D Md Oconee Physician Practices 103 Carter Park Dr Seneca, Sc 29672 (864) 482-2360 Fax: (864) 482-2365 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Burgis, Judith T Md USC Specialty Clinics 2 Medical Park, Ste 208 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 779-4928 Fax: (803) 434-4699 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Davis, Deborah J Md Waverly Womens Health Care 1228 Harden St Columbia, Sc 29204 (803) 733-5969 Fax: (803) 217-0026 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–4:30pm Wade, Ronald V Md CMC Faculty Physicians 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 355-1813 Fax: (704) 355-5980 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 183 Richland County Obstetrics/Gynecology IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Hartshorne, Wendy J Md USC Specialty Clinics 2 Medical Park, Ste 208 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 779-4928 Fax: (803) 434-4699 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Mauldin, Jill G Md USC Specialty Clinics 2 Medical Park, Ste 106 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 545-5700 Fax: (803) 434-4699 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Ravenell, Dianna D Md Waverly Womens Health Care 1228 Harden St Columbia, Sc 29204 (803) 733-5969 Fax: (803) 217-0026 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–4:30pm Rittenberg, Charles S Md USC Specialty Clinics 2 Medical Park, Ste 106 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 545-5700 Fax: (803) 434-4699 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Smith, Marie C Md Waverly Womens Health Care 1228 Harden St Columbia, Sc 29204 (803) 733-5969 Fax: (803) 217-0026 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–4:30pm Thapa, Nita Md Waverly Womens Health Care 1228 Harden St Columbia, Sc 29204 (803) 733-5969 Fax: (803) 217-0026 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–4:30pm √ Languages Spoken: Hindi Richmond County GA Obstetrics & Gynecology Sumter County Stanly County NC Obstetrics & Gynecology Parnell, Brent A Md Georgia Center For Pelvic Health 3624 J Dewey Gray Circle, Ste 220 Augusta, Ga 30909 (706) 860-2004 Rutherford County NC Obstetrics & Gynecology Campbell, Grant L Md Eastover University Obstetrics And Gynecology Associates 5435 Prosperity Church Rd Forest City, Nc 28043 (704) 512-4808 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Tollefsen, Eva Ob/Gyn Mcalister Obgyn Associates 1585 Forney Creek Pkwy Albemarle, Nc 28001 (980) 212-6230 Fax: (980) 212-6231 Tollefsen, Eva Ob/Gyn Mcalister Obgyn Associates 441 Mcalister Rd Albemarle, Nc 28001 (980) 212-6230 Fax: (980) 212-6231 Sumter County Obstetrics & Gynecology Fox, Suzanna J Md Eastover University Obstetrics And Gynecology Associates 5435 Prosperity Church Rd Forest City, Nc 28043 (704) 512-4808 Scotland County NC Obstetrics & Gynecology Alan, Carol B Md Sumter Family Health Center 1278 N Lafayette Dr Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 774-4500 Fax: (803) 774-4641 Hours: Tue, Thu 8:00am–5:00pm Jain, Astrid G Md Eastover Obstetrics And Gynecology 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28352 (704) 342-4323 Fax: (704) 544-5278 √ Languages Spoken: German Britton, John Md Sumter Family Health Center 1278 N Lafayette Dr Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 774-4500 Fax: (803) 774-4641 Matkins Jr, Jerry F Md Eastover Obstetrics And Gynecology 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28352 (704) 342-4323 Fax: (704) 544-5278 Chandler, Giselle T Md Sumter Family Health Center 1278 N Lafayette Dr Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 774-4500 Fax: (803) 774-4641 Hours: Tue, Thu 8:00am–5:00pm Taylor, John B Md Eastover Obstetrics And Gynecology 7810 Providence Rd Charlotte, Nc 28352 (704) 342-4323 Fax: (704) 544-5278 Williams, Barney L Md Sumter Family Health Center 1278 N Lafayette Dr Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 774-4500 Fax: (803) 774-4641 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Wed 8:30am–12:00pm Murray, Mary E Md Southern Womens Obstetrics And Gynecology 2258 Wrightboro Rd, Ste 150 Augusta, Ga 30904 (706) 738-2605 Fax: (706) 738-2605 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 184 Union County NC Union County NC Obstetrics & Gynecology Beurskens, Maureen L Md Charlotte Obstetric & Gynecologic Associates 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28110 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Blaha, Stephen J Md Eastover Obstetrics And Gynecology 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 446-7800 Fax: (704) 446-7875 Jain, Astrid G Md Eastover Obstetrics And Gynecology 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 446-7800 Fax: (704) 446-7875 √ Languages Spoken: German James, Richard J Md Charlotte Obstetric & Gynecologic Associates 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28110 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Jervis, Lisa J Md Charlotte Obstetric & Gynecologic Associates 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28110 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Matkins Jr, Jerry F Md Eastover Obstetrics And Gynecology 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 446-7800 Fax: (704) 446-7875 Moran, Elizabeth B Md Eastover Obstetrics And Gynecology 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 446-7800 Fax: (704) 446-7875 Obstetrics/Gynecology IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Morgan, Elizabeth S Md CMC Womens Center For Pelvic Health 2001 Vail Ave Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 304-1160 Fax: (704) 304-1161 Stein, Aviva R Md Charlotte Obstetric & Gynecologic Associates 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28110 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Stepp, Kevin J Md CMC Womens Center For Pelvic Health 2001 Vail Ave Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 304-1160 Fax: (704) 304-1161 Taylor, John B Md Eastover Obstetrics And Gynecology 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 446-7800 Fax: (704) 446-7875 Termin, Charles S Md Charlotte Obstetric & Gynecologic Associates 1025 Morehead Medical Dr Charlotte, Nc 28110 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Union County Obstetrics & Gynecology Goldstein, Dorian L Md Carolinas Health Associates 319 W South St Union, Sc 29379 (864) 427-8380 York County York County NC Obstetrics & Gynecology Fox, Tamara B Md Piedmont Gynecological And Obstetrical Associates 200 S Herlong Ave Rockhill, Nc 28207 (803) 324-7606 Fax: (803) 980-1396 York County Obstetrics & Gynecology Bhojwani, Jennifer T Md Eastover University Obstetrics And Gynecology Associates 101 Wt Harris Blvd Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Campbell, Grant L Md Eastover University Obstetrics And Gynecology Associates 101 Wt Harris Blvd Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Fox, Suzanna J Md Eastover University Obstetrics And Gynecology Associates 101 Wt Harris Blvd Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (704) 512-4808 Fax: (704) 512-4838 Jeter, Natashia A Md CHA Union Ob/Gyn 319 W South St Union, Sc 29379 (864) 427-8380 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 185 Vision Providers Aiken County Anderson County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Aiken County Optician Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 2035 Whiskey Rd Aiken, Sc 29803 (803) 648-4442 Hours: Mon-Sat 9:00am–7:00pm; Sun 1:30pm–5:00pm Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 1201 Knox Ave North Augusta, Sc 29841 (803) 202-0182 Hours: Mon-Sat 9:00am–7:00pm Optometry Antley, Rufus B Od R B Antley 149 N Main St Wagener, Sc 29164 (803) 564-6728 Hours: Mon, Wed 8:00am–5:00pm; Tue, Thu 9:00am–6:00pm Shepard, Gary L Od Dr Gary Shepard Pc 2035 Whiskey Rd Aiken, Sc 29803 (803) 643-3785 Parisi, Joseph L Md Clemson Eye PA 2011 E Greenville St Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 622-5000 Fax: (864) 622-5020 Allendale County Ophthamology Mclendon, Baxter F Md Low Country Health Care System Inc 333 Revolutionary Trail Fairfax, Sc 29827 (803) 632-2533 Fax: (803) 632-3757 Anderson County Ophthamology Fleming, Daniel J Md Anderson Eye & Ear Associates PA 1655 E Greenville St Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 716-7714 Fax: (864) 716-7738 Boyd, Clifton C Od Kenneth R Braun 724 Richland Ave W Aiken, Sc 29801 (803) 648-8974 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 8:30am–5:30pm; Wed 8:30am–12:00pm Glaser, Donald P Md Clemson Eye PA 2011 E Greenville St Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 622-5000 Fax: (864) 622-5020 Braun, Kenneth R Od Kenneth R Braun 724 Richland Ave W Aiken, Sc 29801 (803) 648-8974 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 8:30am–5:30pm; Wed 8:30am–12:00pm Ilg, Boris Md Anderson Ophthalmology 1116 Cornelia Rd Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 224-0028 Fax: (864) 225-5067 √ Languages Spoken: German Kozlowski, Jeffrey D Od Nini S Pathej Md Pc 110 Pepper Hill Way Aiken, Sc 29801 (803) 642-6060 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Kozlowski, Jeffrey D Od Nini S Pathej Md Pc 336 Georgia Ave, Ste 102 North Augusta, Sc 29841 (803) 442-3006 Johnson, Brian R Md Clemson Eye PA 2011 E Greenville St Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 622-5000 Fax: (864) 622-5020 Murphy, Rebecca R Md Anderson Eye & Ear Associates PA 1655 E Greenville St Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 716-7714 Fax: (864) 716-7738 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Wilmeth, John P Md Anderson Eye & Ear Associates PA 1655 E Greenville St Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 716-7714 Fax: (864) 716-7738 Wolken, Mark S Md Anderson Eye & Ear Associates PA 1655 E Greenville St Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 716-7714 Fax: (864) 716-7738 Optician Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 651 Hwy 28 Bypass Anderson, Sc 29624 (864) 261-8171 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–7:00pm; Sun 1:00pm–5:00pm Optometry Forgnoni, Frank W Od Innovative Vision Center LLC 7611 Highway 76, Ste B Pendleton, Sc 29670 (864) 646-3535 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–6:00pm Forrester, Van C Od Forrester Eye Associates 3320 North Main St Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 642-1889 Graves, Dirk Od Family Vision Pc 2808 E North Ave Anderson, Sc 29625 (864) 226-6041 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Wed 9:00am–5:00pm; Sat 8:30am–12:00pm Graves, Dirk Od Family Vision Pc 900 A Greenville Dr Williamston, Sc 29697 (864) 847-7657 Hours: Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Thu 9:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 186 Anderson County Vision Providers Metras, Steve E Od Precision Eye Care PA 651 Highway 28 Bypass Anderson, Sc 29624 (864) 226-2299 Hours: Mon, Wed 8:00am–12:30pm; Tue, Fri 8:00am–4:00pm Carey, Bruce A Od Bruce A Carey Od 12989 Main St Williston, Sc 29853 (803) 266-7050 Hours: Tue 11:00am–2:00pm Milici, Michael W Od Dr Michael Milici And Associat 3812 Liberty Highway, Ste 1 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 225-0474 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:30am–5:00pm Lemon, Edward Od Edward Lemon Od PA 267 Main St Barnwell, Sc 29812 (803) 259-2020 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–12:00pm Parfitt, Vaughn D Od Spitz And Parfitt Eye Associates PA 100 Country Club Ln Anderson, Sc 29625 (864) 224-5783 Fax: (864) 226-3228 Hours: Mon, Fri 8:30am–7:00pm; Tue, Wed, Thu 8:30am–5:30pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Richardson, Clayton E Od Belton Vision Center 2830 S Main St Anderson, Sc 29624 (864) 224-8466 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Richardson, Clayton E Od Belton Vision Center 405 Anderson St Belton, Sc 29627 (864) 338-5362 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Barnwell County Optometry Barrett, Bob H Od Barnwell Eye Center Pc 30 Fuldner Rd Barnwell, Sc 29812 (803) 259-5155 Hours: Mon, Tue, Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Carey, Bruce A Od Bruce A Carey Od 12927 Main St Williston, Sc 29853 (803) 266-7010 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–6:30pm; Sat 8:30am–2:30pm Berkeley County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Beaufort County Optician Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 350 Robert Smalls Pkwy Beaufort, Sc 29906 (843) 521-1679 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–6:00pm; Sat 9:00am– 7:00pm; Sun 12:00pm–5:00pm Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 25 Pembroke Dr Hilton Head Island, Sc 29926 (843) 681-3398 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–7:00pm; Sat 9:00am– 6:00pm; Sun 12:00pm–5:00pm Optometry Black, Douglas K Od Darling Eye Center PA 576 William Hilton Pkwy Hilton Head Island, Sc 29928 (843) 342-2020 Fax: (843) 342-3279 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Tue 9:00am–6:00pm; Sat 9:00am–1:00pm Carter, Denise W Od Denise W Carter Od LLC 1264 Ribaut Rd, Ste 302 Carter, Sc 29902 (843) 525-0166 Hours: Mon 10:00am–6:00pm; Tue, Wed, Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–12:00pm Darling, Catherine A Od Darling Eye Center PA 19 Premonade St Bluffton, Sc 29910 (843) 815-4343 Fax: (843) 815-4346 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Darling, Catherine A Od Darling Eye Center PA 576 William Hilton Pkwy Hilton Head Island, Sc 29928 (843) 342-2020 Fax: (843) 342-3279 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Tue 9:00am–6:00pm; Sat 9:00am–1:00pm Shapiro, Arnold Od Arnold Shapiro 330 Robert Small Pkwy, Ste 14 Beaufort, Sc 29906 (843) 522-0088 Hours: Mon–Fri 10:00am–6:00pm Szypczak, Robert M Od The Eye Site LLC 25 Pembroke Dr Hilton Head Island, Sc 29926 (843) 681-3396 Berkeley County Optician Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 605 St James Ave Goose Creek, Sc 29445 (843) 553-0244 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–7:00pm Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 511 N Hwy 52 Moncks Corner, Sc 29461 (843) 899-5872 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–7:00pm; Sat 9:00am– 6:00pm; Sun 12:00pm–5:00pm Optometry Appel, Martin S Od Drs Appel & Appel 116 N Highway 52, Ste A Moncks Corner, Sc 29461 (843) 761-8751 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Corrigan, Wendy L Od Coastal Vision Care LLC 605 St James Ave Goose Creek, Sc 29445 (843) 863-1215 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu 10:00am–7:00pm; Wed, Sat 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 10:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 187 Berkeley County Vision Providers IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Juras, Diane R Od Coastal Vision Care LLC 605 St James Ave Goose Creek, Sc 29445 (843) 863-1215 Hours: Mon–Thu 10:00am–7:00pm; Fri 10:00am–5:00pm; Sat 9:00am–5:00pm King, Karen L Od Karen King Od LLC 216 Saint James Ave Goose Creek, Sc 29445 (843) 718-2020 Hours: Mon–Fri 10:00am–6:00pm Perkins, Kelley I Od Perkins Eyecare LLC 511 N Highway 52 Moncks Corner, Sc 29461 (843) 482-0028 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Sat 9:30am–1:00pm Pitcavage, Joseph M Od Goose Creek Vision Center 425 Redbank Rd Goose Creek, Sc 29445 (843) 797-1264 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Vogt, Sierra N Od Sierra N Vogt 484 N Highway 52, Ste 101 Moncks Corner, Sc 29461 (843) 482-2020 Hours: Tue–Fri 10:00am–6:00pm Charleston County Ophthamology Jones, Evan D Md Carolina Eye Center 3325 Ashley Phospate Rd North Charleston, Sc 29418 (843) 552-8220 Fax: (843) 552-8666 O’day, David G Md Charleston Cornea & Refractive Surgery PA 9229 University Blvd, Ste 1c Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 818-2220 Fax: (843) 818-2240 O’day, David G Md Charleston Cornea & Refractive Surgery PA 574 Lone Tree Dr Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 856-5275 Fax: (843) 856-8953 Optician Sams West Inc Sams West Inc 4900 Centre Point Dr North Charleston, Sc 29405 (843) 529-9791 Hours: Mon–Sat 10:00am–7:00pm; Sun 10:00am–5:00pm Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 1231 Folly Rd Charleston, Sc 29412 (843) 762-2153 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–7:00pm; Sun 12:00pm–5:00pm Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 3951 W Ashley Circle Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 763-2318 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–6:00pm; Sat 9:00am– 7:00pm; Sun 12:00pm–5:00pm Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 7400 Rivers Ave Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 572-0275 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–7:00pm Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 1481 Us Hwy 17 N Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 884-9224 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–7:00pm; Sun 12:00pm–5:00pm Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 4920 Centre Pointe Dr North Charleston, Sc 29418 (843) 740-9191 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–7:00pm; Sun 12:00pm–5:00pm Optometry Allen, William T Od Palmetto Vision Inc 3951 W Ashley Circle Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 763-2318 Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am–8:00pm; Sat 9:00am– 7:00pm; Sun 12:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Charleston County Arnold, Bernard A Od Bernard Arnold 7685 Northwoods Blvd, Ste 8f Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 797-2090 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Bodkin, David B Od The Vision Center At Seaside Farms 1956 Long Grove Dr, Ste 1 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 388-6200 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu 9:00am–5:30pm; Wed 11:00am–7:00pm; Fri 8:00am–1:00pm Bohac, Paul W Od Angel Oak Eye Center LLC 2875 Maybank Highway Johns Island, Sc 29455 (843) 559-5333 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–6:00pm Castro, Tonya B Od Charleston Cornea & Refractive Surgery PA 574 Lone Tree Dr Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 856-5275 Fax: (843) 856-8953 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Corrigan, Wendy L Od Coastal Vision Care LLC 1481 N Highway 17 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 216-0044 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu 10:00am–6:00pm; Wed 10:00am–7:00pm; Fri, Sat 9:00am–5:00pm Croffead, Thomas G Od Eyecare Specialties Of Charleston 3531 Mary Alder Ave Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 577-2047 Fax: (843) 577-2047 Hours: Mon, Wed 9:00am–4:00pm; Tue, Thu 9:00am–6:00pm; Fri 9:00am–1:00pm Derrick, Paul W Od Optical Impressions 8096 A Rivers Ave Charleston, Sc 29406 (866) 799-9551 Hours: Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 9:30am–5:00pm; Sat 9:30am–2:00pm Elliott III, James D Od Eyecare Specialties Of Charleston 3531 Mary Alder Ave Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 577-2047 Fax: (843) 577-2047 Hours: Mon, Wed 9:00am–4:00pm; Tue, Thu 9:00am–6:00pm; Fri 9:00am–1:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 188 Charleston County Vision Providers Cherokee County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Eulau, David Od Towne Center Eye Care 1113h Market Center Blvd Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 849-0863 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu 10:00am–6:00pm; Fri 9:30am–5:00pm; Sat 10:00am–2:00pm Fraser, Elizabeth W Od Family Vision Care 966 Houston Northcutt Blvd, Ste D Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 881-2492 Hours: Mon-Thu 8:30am–5:30pm; Fri 9:30am–5:30pm Gayeski, Kristen E Od Belle Hall Eye Care 805 Longpoint Rd Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 971-6300 Fax: (843) 971-6301 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hill, James F Od Angel Oak Eye Center LLC 2875 Maybank Highway Johns Island, Sc 29455 (843) 559-5333 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–6:00pm Juras, Diane R Od Coastal Vision Care LLC 1481 N Highway 17 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 216-0044 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu 10:00am–6:00pm; Wed 10:00am–7:00pm; Fri, Sat 9:00am–5:00pm Kegel, Katherine J Od Coastal Vision Care LLC 1481 N Highway 17 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 216-0044 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu 10:00am–6:00pm; Wed 10:00am–7:00pm; Fri, Sat 9:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Lopanik, Robert W Od Robert W Lopanik PA 112 Rutledge Ave Charleston, Sc 29401 (843) 577-2674 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:30am–5:00pm Mirabile, Thomas J Od 3d Optometry Pc 1031 Highway 41, Ste 400 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29466 (843) 388-1888 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 10:00am–5:00pm Chatham County GA Ophthamology Monaco, Janet L Od Belle Hall Eyecare 805 Long Point Rd Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 971-6300 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Pitcavage, Joseph M Od Low Country Eye Care Inc 675 Saint Andrews Blvd Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 763-2270 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–3:00pm Reynolds, Linda S Od Customeyes Vision Care 7400 Rivers Ave Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 824-2424 Fax: (843) 572-0395 Hours: Mon, Thu 9:30am–7:00pm; Tue 9:30am–6:00pm; Fri 9:30am–5:00pm; Sat 9:30am–4:00pm Cherokee County Optician Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 165 Walton Dr Gaffney, Sc 29341 (864) 902-0835 Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am–7:00pm; Sat 9:00am–6:00pm Optometry Roberts, Lori R Od Belle Hall Eyecare 805 Long Point Rd Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 971-6300 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Smith, Furman M Od Family Vision Care 966 Houston Northcutt Blvd, Ste D Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 881-2492 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:30am–5:30pm; Fri 9:30am–5:30pm Smith, Patrick W Od Eyecare Specialties Of Charleston 3531 Mary Alder Ave Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 577-2047 Fax: (843) 577-2047 Hours: Mon, Wed 9:00am–4:00pm; Tue, Thu 9:00am–6:00pm; Fri 9:00am–1:00pm Smith, Patrick W Od Eyecare Specialties Of Charleston 130 Gardeners Cir, Ste 159 Johns Island, Sc 29455 (843) 768-0565 Sun, Alice L Od Alice C Sun Od 1231 Folly Rd Charleston, Sc 29412 (843) 795-3400 Hours: Mon–Fri 10:00am–7:00pm; Sat 9:00am–4:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Dandy, Ronald M Md Chatham Eye Associates Pc 9104 Middleground Rd, Ste 1 Savannah, Ga 31406 (912) 201-1604 Fax: (912) 201-1608 Dipasqua, Joseph M Od Piedmont Family Eyecare LLC 165 Walton Dr Gaffney, Sc 29341 (864) 489-6871 Hours: Tue 9:00am–7:00pm; Wed, Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Thu 10:00am–7:00pm; Sat 9:00am–1:00pm Penka, Rachelle Od Carolina Vision Associates LLC 1506 N Limestone St Gaffney, Sc 29340 (864) 489-2016 Fax: (864) 488-1123 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Powell, Margaret F Od Carolina Vision Associates LLC 1506 N Limestone St Gaffney, Sc 29340 (864) 489-2016 Fax: (864) 488-1123 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Sprouse, Richard D Od Carolina Vision Associates LLC 1506 N Limestone St Gaffney, Sc 29340 (864) 489-2016 Fax: (864) 488-1123 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 189 Cherokee County Younger, Stephanie L Od Carolina Vision Associates LLC 1506 N Limestone St Gaffney, Sc 29340 (864) 489-2016 Fax: (864) 488-1123 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Younger, William M Od Carolina Vision Associates LLC 1506 N Limestone St Gaffney, Sc 29340 (864) 489-2016 Fax: (864) 488-1123 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Chesterfield County Optometry Bullard, Kay S Od Covington Optometric Eye Clinic 703 Market St Cheraw, Sc 29520 (843) 537-3641 Hours: Mon, Wed 9:00am–6:00pm; Tue, Thu 9:00am–9:00pm; Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Covington, Al H Od Covington Optometric Eye Clinic 703 Market St Cheraw, Sc 29520 (843) 537-3641 Hours: Mon, Wed 9:00am–6:00pm; Tue, Thu 9:00am–9:00pm; Fri 9:00am–5:00pm McDowell, James J Od Drs Kelley & McDowell PA 217 N Pearl St Pageland, Sc 29728 (843) 672-7233 Hours: Wed 8:30am–12:00pm Clarendon County Optician Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 2010 Paxville Hwy Manning, Sc 29102 (803) 435-6686 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–6:00pm Vision Providers IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Optometry Fullen, Ryan T Od Clarendon Eye Center PA 1774 Paxville Highway Manning, Sc 29102 (803) 435-2494 Fax: (803) 435-8765 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–6:00pm; Sat 8:00am–12:00pm Wearden, Steven J Od Clarendon Eye Center PA 1774 Paxville Highway Manning, Sc 29102 (803) 435-2494 Fax: (803) 435-8765 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–6:00pm; Sat 8:00am–12:00pm Dubin, Peter C Od Walterboro Eyecare Center 201 Eddie Chasteen Dr Walterboro, Sc 29488 (843) 549-2015 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Darlington County Optician Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 1150 S 4th St Hartsville, Sc 29550 (843) 383-2013 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–6:00pm; Sun 1:30pm–5:00pm Optometry Colleton County Optician Alexander, William T Od Pee Dee Eye Associates 504 S 4th St Hartsville, Sc 29550 (843) 332-7171 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 2110 Bells Hwy Walterboro, Sc 29488 (843) 539-1568 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Sat 9:00am–6:00pm Optometry Aitken, Robert P Od Palmetto Vision Inc 2110 Bells Highway Walterboro, Sc 29488 (843) 539-1992 Hours: Mon, Wed 9:00am–7:00pm; Sat 9:00am–4:00pm Allen, William T Od Palmetto Vision Inc 2110 Bells Highway Walterboro, Sc 29488 (843) 539-1992 Hours: Mon, Wed 9:00am–7:00pm; Sat 9:00am–4:00pm Dubin, Peter C Od Dubin And Wallace Opt Pc 201 Eddie Chasteen Dr Walterboro, Sc 29488 (843) 549-2015 Fax: (843) 549-0104 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 10:00am–3:00pm; Wed 11:00am–7:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Darlington County Jones, Jordi S Od Jones Family Eyecare Pc 122 S 4th St Hartsville, Sc 29550 (843) 332-8323 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Jones, Keith A Od Jones Family Eyecare Pc 122 S 4th St Hartsville, Sc 29550 (843) 332-8323 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Newman, Ted W Od Pee Dee Eye Associates 504 S 4th St Hartsville, Sc 29550 (843) 332-7171 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Walck, Emily M Od Pee Dee Eye Associates 504 S 4th St Hartsville, Sc 29550 (843) 332-7171 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 190 Vision Providers Dillon County Florence County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Dillon County Optometry Vinson, Mark H Od Vision Care PA 213 W Main St Dillon, Sc 29536 (843) 774-8112 Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Dorchester County Optician Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 1317 N Main St Summerville, Sc 29483 (843) 821-4338 Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am–8:00pm; Sat 9:00am– 7:00pm; Sun 12:00am–5:00pm Optometry Bang, David W Od Dr David W Bang Pc 9565 Highway 78 Ladson, Sc 29456 (843) 764-3030 Fax: (843) 725-1434 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–2:00pm Deavers, James F Od James F Deavers Od PA 1317 N Main St Summerville, Sc 29483 (843) 871-4995 Hours: Mon, Thu, Fri 10:00am–7:00pm; Wed, Sat 9:00am–5:00pm Koets, Donald J Od Eyecare Eyewear Of Summerville 206 E 2nd North St Summerville, Sc 29483 (843) 851-1037 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Schultz, Joel L Od Flowertown Family Vision Care 105 S Cedar St, Ste F Summerville, Sc 29483 (843) 832-4520 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Edgefield County Optometry Geer, Jeffrey R Od Jeffrey R Geer Od Pc 321 Bacon St Edgefield, Sc 29824 (803) 637-3141 Fax: (803) 637-0394 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Wed 9:00am–12:00pm Fairfield County Optometry Florence County Ophthamology Johnson, David L Md Carolina Centers For Sight 400 N Cashua Dr Florence, Sc 29501 (843) 664-9393 Fax: (843) 664-2301 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Tue 8:00am–6:00pm; Fri 8:00am–1:00pm Ross, Mark J Md Stokes Regional Eye Centers 602 E Cheves St Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 669-4156 Fax: (843) 664-2121 Stokes, Hunter R Md Stokes Regional Eye Centers 602 E Cheves St Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 669-4156 Fax: (843) 664-2121 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Zakhour, Isam J Md Stokes Regional Eye Centers 602 E Cheves St Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 669-4156 Fax: (843) 664-2121 √ Languages Spoken: Arabic Optician Bailey, Joel G Od Eye Associates Of Winnsboro 1007 Kincaid Bridge Rd Winnsboro, Sc 29180 (803) 635-6496 Hours: Mon, Wed 8:30am–6:00pm; Tue, Thu 8:30am–5:00pm; Fri 8:30am–1:00pm Payne, John F Md Carolina Centers For Sight 400 N Cashua Dr Florence, Sc 29501 (843) 664-9393 Fax: (843) 664-2301 Stokes, Mark R Md Stokes Regional Eye Centers 602 E Cheves St Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 669-4156 Fax: (843) 664-2121 Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 2014 Irby St Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 292-0401 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–6:00pm; Sat 9:00am–5:00pm Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 900 Hwy 52 Lake City, Sc 29560 (843) 394-7405 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–6:00pm Optometry Andrews, David M Od Palmetto Vision Center Pc 2138 W Palmetto St Florence, Sc 29501 (843) 662-1989 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Brown, Ronald C Od Florence Vision Center PA 1911 2nd Loop Rd Florence, Sc 29501 (843) 662-3912 Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Tue 9:00am–6:00pm; Thu 9:00am–12:00pm Ham, Samuel K Od Samuel Kirk Ham 312 S Mcqueen Florence, Sc 29501 (843) 665-2020 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 191 Florence County Hobbs, Steve C Od Harrington Vision Center II 2151 H West Evans St Florence, Sc 29501 (843) 669-2020 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:30pm; Sat 8:00am–12:00pm Hobbs, Steve C Od Hobbs Eye Clinic 339 W Main St Lake City, Sc 29560 (843) 374-2040 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 9:00am–1:00pm Lee, Jason C Od Palmetto Vision Center Pc 2138 W Palmetto St Florence, Sc 29501 (843) 662-1989 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Locklear, Ronald C Od Eyecare Of Florence 1300 Celebration Blvd, Ste 3 Florence, Sc 29501 (843) 665-2080 Hours: Mon–Fri 10:00am–5:30pm Vision Providers Greenville County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Wallace, Christy B Od Florence Primary Eye Care Pc 2014 S Irby St Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 679-9005 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri, Sat 9:00am–4:00pm Turbeville, Lisa H Od Coastal Vision Center Inc 10805 Ocean Highway Pawleys Island, Sc 29585 (843) 979-2400 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Gaston County Ophthamology Farr, Arman K Md Retina Institute Of The Carolinas 2311 Aberdeen, Ste B2 Gastonia, Nc 28056 (704) 864-7722 Fax: (704) 864-7882 Greenville County Ophthamology Ballinger Jr, William H Md Jervey Eye Group 1 Doctors Dr Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 271-3354 Fax: (864) 250-6443 Tucker, Charles L Md Retina Institute Of The Carolinas 2311 Aberdeen, Ste B2 Gastonia, Nc 28056 (704) 864-7722 Fax: (704) 864-7882 Ballinger Jr, William H Md Jervey Eye Group 601 Halton Rd Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 458-7956 Fax: (864) 458-8390 Georgetown County Optometry Poole, R Gary Od Harrington Vision Center II 2151 H West Evans St Florence, Sc 29501 (843) 669-2020 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:30pm; Sat 8:00am–12:00pm Coker, James M Od Coastal Vision Center Inc 10805 Ocean Highway Pawleys Island, Sc 29585 (843) 979-2400 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Rebenack, Sarah C Od Harrington Vision Center II 2151 H West Evans St Florence, Sc 29501 (843) 669-2020 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:30pm; Sat 8:00am–12:00pm Johnson, Owen C Od Indigo Vision Center PA 302 Church St Georgetown, Sc 29440 (843) 546-2244 Fax: (843) 546-2255 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Russell, Samuel O Od Russell Eyecare 240 W Evans St Florence, Sc 29501 (843) 662-3278 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Poston, Jerd W Od Coastal Vision Center Inc 21 E Main St Andrews, Sc 29510 (843) 264-5200 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Russell, Samuel O Od Russell Eyecare 251 Broadway Johnsonville, Sc 29555 (843) 386-3124 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:30pm Poston, Jerd W Od Coastal Vision Center Inc 10805 Ocean Highway Pawleys Island, Sc 29585 (843) 979-2400 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Turbeville, Lisa H Od Coastal Vision Center Inc 21 E Main St Andrews, Sc 29510 (843) 264-5200 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Bowden, David M Md Jervey Eye Group 1 Doctors Dr Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 271-3354 Fax: (864) 250-6443 Hours: Tue 7:30am Bowden, David M Md Jervey Eye Group 601 Halton Rd Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 458-7956 Fax: (864) 458-8390 Caldwell, William E Md Jervey Eye Group 601 Halton Rd Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 458-7956 Fax: (864) 458-8390 Chou, Famin Md Jervey Eye Group 1 Doctors Dr Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 271-3354 Fax: (864) 250-6443 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 192 Greenville County Vision Providers IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Chou, Famin Md Jervey Eye Group 601 Halton Rd Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 458-7956 Fax: (864) 458-8390 Holland, Elizabeth Y Md Holland Eye Center Pc 274 Commonwealth Dr, Ste A Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 312-3399 Fax: (864) 312-3390 Shaw Jr, Harold E Md Jervey Eye Group 1 Doctors Dr Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 271-3354 Fax: (864) 250-6443 Civiletto, Steven E Md Jervey Eye Group 601 Halton Rd Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 458-7956 Fax: (864) 458-8390 Howard, Leroy J Md Clemson Eye PA 4200 E North St Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 268-1000 Fax: (864) 292-2020 Shaw Jr, Harold E Md Jervey Eye Group 601 Halton Rd Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 458-7956 Fax: (864) 458-8390 Civiletto, Steven E Md Jervey Eye Group 1 Colony Centre Way Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 963-2171 Fax: (864) 288-2681 Johnson, Anthony P Md Jervey Eye Group 601 Halton Rd Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 458-7956 Fax: (864) 458-8390 Shelley, Brian W Md Jervey Eye Group 601 Halton Rd Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 458-7956 Fax: (864) 458-8390 Cook, Mark H Md Jervey Eye Group 601 Halton Rd Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 458-7956 Fax: (864) 458-8390 Johnson, Brian R Md Clemson Eye PA 2 Maple Tree Ct, Ste B Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 297-8777 Fax: (864) 297-8181 Shelley, Donald W Md Jervey Eye Group 1 Doctors Dr Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 271-3354 Fax: (864) 250-6443 Culclasure Jr, James W Md Jervey Eye Group 601 Halton Rd Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 458-7956 Fax: (864) 458-8390 Johnson, Brian R Md Clemson Eye PA 4200 E North St Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 268-1000 Fax: (864) 292-2020 Shelley, Donald W Md Jervey Eye Group 601 Halton Rd Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 458-7956 Fax: (864) 458-8390 Easterling, Adam R Md Jervey Eye Group 601 Halton Rd Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 458-7956 Fax: (864) 458-8390 Myers, Christopher B Md Jervey Eye Group 601 Halton Rd Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 458-7956 Fax: (864) 458-8390 Welcome, Brian A Md Jervey Eye Group 1 Doctors Dr Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 271-3354 Fax: (864) 250-6443 Easterling, Adam R Md Jervey Eye Group 1 Colony Centre Way Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 963-2171 Fax: (864) 288-2681 Parisi, Joseph L Md Clemson Eye PA 2 Maple Tree Ct, Ste B Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 297-8777 Fax: (864) 297-8181 Welcome, Brian A Md Jervey Eye Group 601 Halton Rd Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 458-7956 Fax: (864) 458-8390 Glaser, Donald P Md Clemson Eye PA 2 Maple Tree Ct, Ste B Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 297-8777 Fax: (864) 297-8181 Parisi, Joseph L Md Clemson Eye PA 4200 E North St Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 268-1000 Fax: (864) 292-2020 Ying, Michelle S Md Jervey Eye Group 601 Halton Rd Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 458-7956 Fax: (864) 458-8390 Glaser, Donald P Md Clemson Eye PA 4200 E North St Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 268-1000 Fax: (864) 292-2020 Pressly, James P Md Jervey Eye Group 1 Doctors Dr Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 271-3354 Fax: (864) 250-6443 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Greenville County Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 193 Greenville County Vision Providers IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Optician Optometry Haas, Daniel J Od Golden Vision 1137a Woodruff Rd Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 438-2079 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu 9:00am–5:30pm; Tue 10:00am–6:00pm; Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Sat 9:00am–2:00pm Sams West Inc Sams West Inc 1211 Woodruff Rd Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 987-7040 Hours: Mon–Sat 10:00am–6:00pm Anderson, James K Od Keith Anderson Od 1946 Augusta St Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 233-4148 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Visionworks Visionworks 765 Haywood Rd Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 297-7990 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–8:00pm; Sat 9:00am– 6:00pm; Sun 1:00pm–5:00pm Anderson, James K Od Keith Anderson Od 4010 E North St, Ste 2 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 292-0262 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 1451 Woodruff Rd Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 234-5616 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–7:00pm; Sun 12:30pm–5:00pm Ballinger III, William H Od Jervey Eye Group 601 Halton Rd Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 458-7956 Fax: (864) 458-8390 Hours: Mon 8:00am–5:00pm; Wed 8:00am– 1:00pm Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 3925 Pelham Rd Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 288-8224 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–7:00pm; Sun 12:00pm–5:00pm Bowden, Catherine S Od Jervey Eye Group 601 Halton Rd Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 458-7956 Fax: (864) 458-8390 Hours: Mon 8:00am–5:00pm; Wed 8:00am– 1:00pm Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 6134 White Horse Rd Greenville, Sc 29611 (864) 295-0412 Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am–8:00pm; Sat 9:00am– 7:00pm; Sun 12:00am–5:00pm Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 14055 E Wade Hampton Blvd Greer, Sc 29650 (864) 877-5248 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–6:00pm; Sun 1:30pm–5:00pm Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 9 Benton Rd Travelers Rest, Sc 29690 (864) 834-9868 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–6:00pm Greenville County Johnson, Gordon S Od Blue Ridge Vision Associates PA 312 Memorial Dr Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 877-3031 Fax: (864) 877-1813 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Knox, Kenneth E Od Hillcrest Eyecare PA 309 SE Main St Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 963-4933 Fax: (864) 967-7020 Hours: Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Thu 10:00am–7:00pm Mcmeekin, Marvin S Od M S Mcmeekin Od 2411 Hudson Rd Greer, Sc 29650 (864) 881-1393 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Metras, Steve E Od Foothills Eye Care LLC 2541 N Pleasantburg, Ste R Greenville, Sc 29609 (864) 370-0911 Hours: Mon 12:00pm–6:00pm; Thu 8:00am– 6:00pm Brown, Eric W Od Clemson Eye PA 4200 E North St Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 268-1000 Fax: (864) 292-2020 Hours: Wed 8:30am–5:00pm Cooper, Michelle M Od Michelle Cooper 24 Potomac Ave Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 277-4420 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu 8:00am–5:30pm; Wed 8:00am–4:00pm; Fri 8:00am–2:00pm Milici Bopp, Sara H Od Milici Family Vision Center Inc 877 NE Main St, Ste A Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 967-8582 Fax: (864) 963-3232 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:30pm; Fri 8:00am–1:00pm Gilmer, Sherry J Od Sherry J Gilmer Od 3925 Pelham Rd Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 234-8786 Hours: Tue, Wed, Sat 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 10:00am–6:00pm Nguyen, Mai Han F Md Mai Han Vision Care LLC 6134 White Horse Rd Greenville, Sc 29611 (864) 295-2520 Hours: Tue, Sat 9:00am–2:00pm; Thu 10:00am–6:00pm; Fri 9:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 194 Greenville County Smith, Thomas W Od Jervey Eye Group 601 Halton Rd Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 458-7956 Fax: (864) 458-8390 Hours: Mon 8:00am–5:00pm; Wed 8:00am– 1:00pm Stevens, Sean M Od Hillcrest Eyecare PA 309 SE Main St Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 963-4933 Fax: (864) 967-7020 Hours: Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Thu 10:00am–7:00pm Vanveen, Derek P Od Yeager Vision Care 2304 W Parker Rd Greenville, Sc 29617 (864) 246-0964 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Yeager, Cynthia A Od Yeager Vision Care 2304 W Parker Rd Greenville, Sc 29617 (864) 246-0964 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Yeager, Cynthia A Od Yeager Vision Care 27 S Plesantburg Dr, Ste 120 Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 235-8778 Hours: Mon–Fri 10:00am–6:00pm; Sat 10:00am–2:00pm Yeager, Kenneth A Od Yeager Vision Care 2304 W Parker Rd Greenville, Sc 29617 (864) 246-0964 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Greenwood County Ophthamology Galloway, Jerry E Md Galloway Regional Eye Center PA 202 Overland Dr Greenwood, Sc 29646 (864) 943-2010 Fax: (964) 323-0345 Vision Providers Horry County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Optician Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 508 Bypass 72 NW Greenwood, Sc 29649 (864) 229-8008 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–7:00pm; Sat 9:00am– 6:00pm; Sun 12:00pm–5:00pm Optometry Zeplin Jr, Vincent F Od Greenwood Family Eye Care Inc 508 Bypass 72 NW Greenwood, Sc 29649 (864) 223-1960 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri 9:00am–6:00pm; Tue 10:00am–7:00pm; Sat 9:00am–4:00pm; Sun 1:00pm–5:00pm Zeplin Jr, Vincent F Od Greenwood Family Eye Care Inc 508 Bypass 72 NW Greenwood, Sc 29649 (864) 223-1960 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri 9:00am–6:00pm; Tue 10:00am–7:00pm; Sat 9:00am–4:00pm; Sun 1:00pm–5:00pm Hampton County Optometry Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 10820 N Kings Hwy Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 449-4626 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–7:00pm; Sat 9:00am– 6:00pm; Sun 11:00am–5:00pm Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 2751 Beaver Run Blvd Myrtle Beach, Sc 29575 (843) 215-3694 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–7:00pm; Sat 9:00am– 6:00pm; Sun 12:00pm–5:00pm Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 541 Seaboard St Myrtle Beach, Sc 29577 (843) 448-5791 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–7:00pm; Sat 9:00am–5:00pm Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 550 Hwy 17 N North Myrtle Beach, Sc 29582 (843) 281-8073 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–7:00pm; Sun 12:30pm–5:00pm Mckenzie, David H Od David H Mckenzie Jr Od Inc 2010 Browning Gate Rd Estill, Sc 29918 (803) 625-3384 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Optometry Horry County Ophthamology O’day, David G Md Charleston Cornea & Refractive Surgery PA 109 Finnegan Ct Myrtle Beach, Sc 29579 (843) 856-5275 Fax: (843) 856-8953 Optician Sams West Inc Sams West Inc 1946 10th Ave N Myrtle Beach, Sc 29577 (843) 946-9521 Hours: Mon-Sat 10:00am–6:30pm; Sun 11:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 2709 A Church St Conway, Sc 29526 (843) 365-0739 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–7:00pm; Sat 9:00am– 6:00pm; Sun 12:00pm–5:00pm Allouch, Fouad S Od H Rubin Vision Center 2703 N Kings Highway Myrtle Beach, Sc 29577 (843) 448-1596 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–6:00pm; Sat 9:00am–3:00pm Allouch, Fouad S Od H Rubin Vision Center 213 Highway 17 N North Myrtle Beach, Sc 29582 (843) 663-3311 Hours: Mon-Fri 9:30am–5:30pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 195 Horry County Vision Providers IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Horry County Bodofsky, Gary Od The Vision Center 1006 Church St, Ste A Conway, Sc 29526 (843) 248-5513 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Wed 8:30am–12:30pm Dean, Mark T Od Grand Strand Vision Development Ctr 4886 Socastee Blvd Myrtle Beach, Sc 29588 (843) 293-1555 Hours: Mon, Wed 9:00am–7:00pm; Tue 10:00am–7:00pm; Thu 2:00pm–7:00pm; Fri 9:00am–1:00pm Siegmund, Jason T Od Siegmund Eye Care PA 541 Seaboard St Myrtle Beach, Sc 29577 (843) 626-6210 Hours: Mon, Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Tue 9:00am–4:00pm; Wed 9:00am–6:00pm; Fri 9:00am–3:00pm Bodofsky, Gary Od The Vision Center 2014 N Kings Highway Surfside Beach, Sc 29575 (843) 238-2020 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Wed 8:30am–1:00pm Dean, Mark T Od Socastee Eye Clinic 4885 Socastee Blvd Myrtle Beach, Sc 29588 (843) 293-8101 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Siegmund, Kelle F Od Siegmund Eye Care PA 2709 A Church St Conway, Sc 29526 (843) 365-1158 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Caugh, Kurtis Od Caugh Eye Care 550 Highway 17 N North Myrtle Beach, Sc 29582 (843) 281-8181 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Wed 10:00am–8:00pm Diamond, Jason L Od Eye Associates Of Little River LLC 3980 Highway 9 E, Ste 240 Little River, Sc 29566 (843) 390-0058 Hours: Mon-Thu 8:30am–5:00pm; Fri 8:30am–1:00pm Smith, Franklin N Od Smith Eye Associates 4221 Mmayfair St Myrtle Beach, Sc 29577 (843) 448-6630 Hours: Mon–Thu 7:30am–5:00pm Clark, Ben P Od Ben P Clarke Od PA 12060 Highway 17 Bypass Murrells Inlet, Sc 29576 (843) 357-2020 Hours: Mon–Fri 10:00am–6:00pm; Sat 10:00am–2:00pm Graham, Lauri B Od Distinctive Eyewear Vision Center 1206 Moser Dr Myrtle Beach, Sc 29577 (843) 213-1201 Hours: Mon-Sat 10:00am–8:00pm; Sun 12:00pm–6:00pm Coker, James M Od Coastal Vision Center Inc 1651 Glenns Bay Rd Myrtle Beach, Sc 29575 (843) 650-2400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:30pm Kozeldiamond, Sandra L Od Eye Associates Of Little River LLC 4000 Highway 9 E, Ste 260 Little River, Sc 29566 (843) 390-0058 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Collette, David P Od H Rubin Vision Center 2703 N Kings Highway Myrtle Beach, Sc 29577 (843) 448-1596 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–6:00pm; Sat 9:00am–3:00pm Collette, David P Od H Rubin Vision Center 213 Highway 17 N North Myrtle Beach, Sc 29582 (843) 663-3311 Hours: Mon-Fri 9:30am–5:30pm Creson, Stuart P Od Stuart Creson 2751 Beaver Run Blvd Myrtle Beach, Sc 29575 (843) 215-0101 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–5:00pm Merhi, Eva Od Mehri Eye Clinic 10820 N Kings Highway, Ste 1 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 467-2060 Hours: Mon–Fri 10:00am–6:00pm; Sat 10:00am–3:00pm Mills, Michael L Od Dr Michael L Mills PA 3420 Broad St Loris, Sc 29569 (843) 756-6919 Hours: Mon, Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Tue 8:00am–7:00pm; Fri 8:00am–4:00pm Tully, Tammy T Od Seaside Eye Associates PA 109 Finnegan Ct Myrtle Beach, Sc 29579 (843) 903-0949 Hours: Mon-Thu 8:30am–5:00pm; Fri 8:30am–2:00pm Turbeville, Lisa H Od Coastal Vision Center Inc 1651 Glenns Bay Rd Myrtle Beach, Sc 29575 (843) 650-2400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:30pm Vaught, James D Od Vaught Eye Associates 1406 Main St Conway, Sc 29526 (843) 488-2020 Fax: (843) 488-0141 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–6:00pm; Sat 8:00am–12:00pm Weiner, Edward Od Vaught Eye Associates 1406 Main St Conway, Sc 29526 (843) 488-2020 Fax: (843) 488-0141 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–6:00pm; Sat 8:00am–12:00pm Poston, Jerd W Od Coastal Vision Center Inc 1651 Glenns Bay Rd Myrtle Beach, Sc 29575 (843) 650-2400 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:30pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 196 Vision Providers Horry County Laurens County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Wise, Garett M Od Vaught Eye Associates 1406 Main St Conway, Sc 29526 (843) 488-2020 Fax: (843) 488-0141 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–6:00pm; Sat 8:00am–12:00pm Jasper County Optician Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 4400 Hwy 278 Hardeeville, Sc 29927 (843) 208-3015 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–7:00pm; Sun 12:00pm–5:00pm Optometry Switak, Jennifer R Od The Eye Site LLC 1 Nickle Plate Rd Hardeeville, Sc 29927 (843) 208-2020 Hours: Tue–Fri 9:00am–6:00pm; Sat 9:00am– 2:00pm Kershaw County Optician Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 2240 W Dekalb St Camden, Sc 29020 (803) 425-9896 Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am–7:00pm; Sat 9:00am–6:00pm Optometry Crook, Theodore G Od Camden Eye Care Center 408 East Dekalb St, Ste C Camden, Sc 29020 (803) 424-1142 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:30am–5:30pm Meredith, Phillip B Od H Rubin Vision Center 2209 W Dekalb St Camden, Sc 29020 (803) 424-2020 Hours: Mon–Fri 10:00am–6:00pm; Sat 10:00am–5:00pm Plaxico, Brent E Od Plaxico Eye Care LLC 2240 W Dekalb St Camden, Sc 29020 (803) 425-9657 Hours: Tue, Wed, Fri 9:00am–6:00pm; Sat 9:00am–5:00pm Witt, Darrell L Od H Rubin Vision Center 2209 W Dekalb St Camden, Sc 29020 (803) 424-2020 Hours: Mon–Fri 10:00am–6:00pm; Sat 10:00am–5:00pm Walden, Taylor G Od Walden Eyecare LLC 805 Highway 9 Bypass W Lancaster, Sc 29720 (803) 286-4826 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–7:00pm Laurens County Ophthamology Lancaster County Optician Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 10048 Charlotte Hwy Fort Mill, Sc 29707 (803) 548-6622 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–7:00pm; Sat 9:00am– 6:00pm; Sun 1:00pm–5:00pm Riddle Jr, Harvard K Md Montgomery & Riddle Eyecare PA 22995 Hwy 76 E Clinton, Sc 29325 (864) 833-0038 Fax: (864) 833-0520 Optometry Anderson, Jeremy P Od Macmillan Optical Inc 118 Musgrove St Clinton, Sc 29325 (864) 833-5555 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:30pm Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 805 Highway 9 Bypass W Lancaster, Sc 29720 (803) 286-4826 Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am–7:00pm; Sat 9:00am–6:00pm Optometry Dukes, Johnny R Od Dukes Eye Care 929 N Main St Lancaster, Sc 29720 (803) 285-8433 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Wed 9:00am–1:00pm Jewell, Vickie L Od Jewell Vision Care Inc 9789 Charlotte Highway, Ste 900 Fort Mill, Sc 29707 (803) 802-7757 Hours: Mon, Tue, Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Wed 9:00am–12:00pm; Thu 9:00am–6:00pm Jewell, Vickie L Od Jewell Vision Care Inc 689 Lancaster Bypass E Lancaster, Sc 29720 (803) 283-2020 Hours: Mon, Tue, Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Wed 9:00am–12:00pm; Thu 9:00am–6:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home McDowell, James J Od Drs Kelley & McDowell PA 112 E Hilton St Kershaw, Sc 29067 (803) 475-6075 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Anderson, Jeremy P Od Macmillan Optical Inc 106 S Public Square Laurens, Sc 29360 (864) 984-2020 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Donaldson, Bernadine M Od Family Eye Care Center 118 Musgrove St Clinton, Sc 29325 (864) 833-5555 Fax: (864) 833-5520 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:30pm Donaldson, Bernadine M Od Family Eye Care Center 106 S Public Square Laurens, Sc 29360 (864) 984-2020 Fax: (864) 984-0336 Donaldson, Bernadine M Od Macmillan Optical Inc 118 Musgrove St Clinton, Sc 29325 (864) 833-5555 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 197 Laurens County Vision Providers Lexington County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Macmillan, Thomas F Od Family Eye Care Center 118 Musgrove St Clinton, Sc 29325 (864) 833-5555 Fax: (864) 833-5520 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:30pm Macmillan, Thomas F Od Family Eye Care Center 106 S Public Square Laurens, Sc 29360 (864) 984-2020 Fax: (864) 984-0336 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Macmillan, Thomas F Od Macmillan Optical Inc 118 Musgrove St Clinton, Sc 29325 (864) 833-5555 Macmillan, Thomas F Od Macmillan Optical Inc 106 S Public Square Laurens, Sc 29360 (864) 984-2020 Thomas, Gil P Od Gill P Thomas Od 204 E Carolina Ave Clinton, Sc 29325 (864) 833-1162 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Lee County Optometry Andrews, David M Od Palmetto Vision Center Pc 730 W Church St Bishopville, Sc 29010 (843) 662-1989 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Lee, Jason C Od Palmetto Vision Center Pc 730 W Church St Bishopville, Sc 29010 (843) 662-1989 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Schall, Michael D Od Michael D Schall Od PA 1415 Remount Rd Elliott, Sc 29046 (843) 554-7554 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Lexington County Ophthamology Johnson, David L Md Palmetto Retina Center LLC 124 Sunset Ct West Columbia, Sc 29169 (803) 931-0077 Fax: (803) 931-0076 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Tue 8:00am–6:00pm; Fri 8:00am–1:00pm Payne, John F Md Palmetto Retina Center LLC 124 Sunset Ct West Columbia, Sc 29169 (803) 931-0077 Fax: (803) 931-0076 Optometry Ahders, William G Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 360 Harbison Blvd Columbia, Sc 29212 (803) 790-4600 Ahders, William G Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 115 E Church St Leesville, Sc 29070 (803) 582-7999 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Sat 9:00am– 4:00pm; Sun 2:00pm–4:00pm Wells III, John A Md Palmetto Retina Center LLC 124 Sunset Ct West Columbia, Sc 29169 (803) 931-0077 Fax: (803) 931-0076 Optician Sams West Inc Sams West Inc 350 Harbison Blvd Columbia, Sc 29212 (803) 749-9838 Hours: Mon–Sat 10:00am–7:00pm; Sun 11:00am–5:00pm Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 360 Harbison Blvd Columbia, Sc 29212 (803) 732-6230 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–7:00pm; Sun 12:30pm–5:00pm Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 115 E Church St Leesville, Sc 29070 (803) 532-5339 Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am–7:00pm; Sat 9:00am–6:00pm Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 1780 S Lake Dr Lexington, Sc 29073 (803) 957-1839 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–6:30pm; Sun 1:30pm–4:30pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 2401 Augusta Rd West Columbia, Sc 29169 (803) 796-8902 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–7:00pm Ahders, William G Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 2401 Augusta Rd West Columbia, Sc 29169 (803) 796-2021 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–6:00pm; Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Sat 9:00am–4:00pm Antley, Rufus B Od R B Antley 117 W Church St Batesburg, Sc 29006 (803) 532-9870 Hours: Mon 7:00am–6:00pm; Tue, Wed, Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Bailey, Joel G Od Eye Care Of Lexington 119 Library Hill Ln Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 359-2110 Hours: Mon, Wed 8:30am–6:00pm; Tue, Thu 8:30am–5:00pm; Fri 8:30am–1:00pm Bharadia, Mohamed S Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 360 Harbison Blvd Columbia, Sc 29212 (803) 790-4600 Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am–6:00pm; Sat 9:00am– 4:00pm; Sun 9:00am–1:30pm Bharadia, Mohamed S Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 115 E Church St Leesville, Sc 29070 (803) 582-7999 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Sat 9:00am– 4:00pm; Sun 2:00pm–4:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 198 Lexington County Vision Providers IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Lexington County Bharadia, Mohamed S Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 2401 Augusta Rd West Columbia, Sc 29169 (803) 796-2021 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–6:00pm; Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Sat 9:00am–4:00pm Efron, Marvin Od Eye Associates Of Cayce West Co 600 Knox Abbott Dr Cayce, Sc 29033 (803) 794-4444 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm; Sat 8:30am–12:30pm Shockney, Sara E Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 360 Harbison Blvd Columbia, Sc 29212 (803) 790-4600 Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am–6:00pm; Sat 9:00am– 4:00pm; Sun 9:00am–1:30pm Branch, Robert W Od Eyecare Center 506 A Old Lexington Hwy Chapin, Sc 29036 (803) 345-3170 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Kleckley, Julianne S Od Eye Associates Of Cayce West Co 600 Knox Abbott Dr Cayce, Sc 29033 (803) 794-4444 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm; Sat 8:30am–12:30pm Shockney, Sara E Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 115 E Church St Leesville, Sc 29070 (803) 582-7999 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Sat 9:00am– 4:00pm; Sun 2:00pm–4:00pm Brinkley, John L Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 360 Harbison Blvd Columbia, Sc 29212 (803) 790-4600 Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am–6:00pm; Sat 9:00am– 4:00pm; Sun 9:00am–1:30pm Lau, Conrad C Od Conrad C Lau Od 200 Clark St Chapin, Sc 29036 (803) 345-1952 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Shockney, Sara E Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 2401 Augusta Rd West Columbia, Sc 29169 (803) 796-2021 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–6:00pm; Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Sat 9:00am–4:00pm Brinkley, John L Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 115 E Church St Leesville, Sc 29070 (803) 582-7999 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Sat 9:00am– 4:00pm; Sun 2:00pm–4:00pm Loftis, Clarence E Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 360 Harbison Blvd Columbia, Sc 29212 (803) 790-4600 Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am–6:00pm; Sat 9:00am– 4:00pm; Sun 9:00am–1:30pm Brinkley, John L Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 2401 Augusta Rd West Columbia, Sc 29169 (803) 796-2021 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–6:00pm; Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Sat 9:00am–4:00pm Loftis, Clarence E Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 115 E Church St Leesville, Sc 29070 (803) 582-7999 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Sat 9:00am– 4:00pm; Sun 2:00pm–4:00pm Stafford, Timothy A Od Eyecare Center 506 A Old Lexington Hwy Chapin, Sc 29036 (803) 345-3170 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Cohen, Gerald N Od H Rubin Vision Center 1420 Knox Abbott Dr West Columbia, Sc 29169 (803) 739-8254 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:30pm Meredith, Phillip B Od H Rubin Vision Center 1420 Knox Abbott Dr West Columbia, Sc 29169 (803) 739-8254 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:30pm Zeplin Jr, Vincent F Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 360 Harbison Blvd Columbia, Sc 29212 (803) 790-4600 Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am–6:00pm; Sat 9:00am– 4:00pm; Sun 9:00am–1:30pm Davis, William H Od Eye Associates Of Cayce West Co 600 Knox Abbott Dr Cayce, Sc 29033 (803) 794-4444 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm; Sat 8:30am–12:30pm Pratt, David B Od Bright Sight Eyecare Inc 1780 S Lake Dr Lexington, Sc 29073 (803) 356-1414 Fax: (803) 356-0515 Hours: Tue, Wed, Thu 9:00am–6:00pm; Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Sat 9:00am–3:00pm Zeplin Jr, Vincent F Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 115 E Church St Leesville, Sc 29070 (803) 582-7999 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Sat 9:00am– 4:00pm; Sun 2:00pm–4:00pm Ronald, Morris L Od Eye Associates Of Cayce West Co 600 Knox Abbott Dr Cayce, Sc 29033 (803) 794-4444 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm; Sat 8:30am–12:30pm Zeplin Jr, Vincent F Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 2401 Augusta Rd West Columbia, Sc 29169 (803) 796-2021 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–6:00pm; Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Sat 9:00am–4:00pm Dickerson, Maria S Od Eyecare Center 506 A Old Lexington Hwy Chapin, Sc 29036 (803) 345-3170 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Spittler, Michelle D Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 360 Harbison Blvd Columbia, Sc 29212 (803) 790-4600 Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am–6:00pm; Sat 9:00am– 4:00pm; Sun 9:00am–1:30pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 199 Marion County Vision Providers IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Marion County Optometry Vinson, Mark H Od Vision Care PA 2614 E Highway 76 Marion, Sc 29571 (843) 423-7229 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Marlboro County Optometry Beaty, Dudley C Od Beaty Eye Clinic & Assoc Inc 208 Broad St Bennettsville, Sc 29512 (843) 479-3331 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:30am–5:30pm; Fri 8:30am–12:30pm Newberry County Ophthamology Optician Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 1636 Sandifer Blvd Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 885-9605 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–7:00pm; Sun 12:30pm–5:00pm Livingston III, Robert E Md Livingston Eye Care 2624 Main St Newberry, Sc 29108 (803) 276-0004 Fax: (803) 276-0006 Optometry Optician Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 2812 Main St Newberry, Sc 29108 (803) 276-2806 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–7:00pm; Sun 12:30pm–5:00pm Optometry Beaty, Elizabeth J Od Beaty Eye Clinic & Assoc Inc 208 Broad St Bennettsville, Sc 29512 (843) 479-3331 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:30am–5:30pm; Fri 8:30am–12:30pm Branch, Robert W Od Eyecare Center 2737 Winnsboro Rd Newberry, Sc 29108 (803) 276-3271 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 8:30am–5:30pm; Wed 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat 8:30am–12:00pm Johnson, David S Od Marlboro Eye Care 602 E Main St Bennettsville, Sc 29512 (843) 479-2020 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Tue 8:00am–6:00pm; Fri 8:00am–1:00pm Dickerson, Maria S Od Eyecare Center 2737 Winnsboro Rd Newberry, Sc 29108 (803) 276-3271 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 8:30am–5:30pm; Wed 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat 8:30am–12:00pm Mecklenburg County NC Ophthamology Farr, Arman K Md Retina Institute Of The Carolinas 2007 Randolph Rd Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 332-1700 Fax: (704) 347-2710 Tucker, Charles L Md Retina Institute Of The Carolinas 2007 Randolph Rd Charlotte, Nc 28207 (704) 332-1700 Fax: (704) 347-2710 Stafford, Timothy A Od Eyecare Center 2737 Winnsboro Rd Newberry, Sc 29108 (803) 276-3271 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 8:30am–5:30pm; Wed 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat 8:30am–12:00pm Oconee County Ophthamology Axson, William A Md Oconee Ophthalmology PA 304 By Pass 123 Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 882-7845 Fax: (864) 882-7822 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Orangeburg County Howard, James G Od The Family Vision Center 1636 Sandifer Blvd Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 888-3338 Hours: Mon 9:00am–5:30pm; Tue, Thu, Fri 9:00am–4:15pm Orangeburg County Ophthamology Gasper, Fulton J Md Orangeburg Eye Center LLC 1190 Summers Ave NE Orangeburg, Sc 29115 (803) 534-0266 Fax: (803) 534-0904 Johnson, David L Md Palmetto Retina Center LLC 170 Boulevard St, Ste E Orangeburg, Sc 29115 (803) 931-0077 Fax: (803) 931-0076 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Tue 8:00am–6:00pm; Fri 8:00am–1:00pm Johnson, Jack F Md Orangeburg Eye Center LLC 1190 Summers Ave NE Orangeburg, Sc 29115 (803) 534-0266 Fax: (803) 534-0904 Mcgannon, Mark C Md Orangeburg Eye Center LLC 1190 Summers Ave NE Orangeburg, Sc 29115 (803) 534-0266 Fax: (803) 534-0904 Zhang, Daoling Md Orangeburg Eye Center LLC 1190 Summers Ave NE Orangeburg, Sc 29115 (803) 534-0266 Fax: (803) 534-0904 √ Languages Spoken: Chinese Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 200 Orangeburg County Optician Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 2795 North Rd Orangeburg, Sc 29118 (803) 533-1622 Hours: Mon-Sat 9:00am–7:00pm; Sun 1:30pm–5:00pm Optometry Abraham, Angela B Od Wright Eye Institute Inc 1697 Amelia St Orangeburg, Sc 29115 (803) 539-2020 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Sat 9:30am–1:00pm Ahders, William G Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 2795 North Rd Orangeburg, Sc 29115 (803) 928-5468 Hours: Tue, Fri 9:00am–6:00pm Bharadia, Mohamed S Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 2795 North Rd Orangeburg, Sc 29115 (803) 928-5468 Hours: Tue, Fri 9:00am–6:00pm Brinkley, John L Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 2795 North Rd Orangeburg, Sc 29115 (803) 928-5468 Hours: Tue, Fri 9:00am–6:00pm Cress, Robert M Od Orangeburg Family Eye Care LLC 1605 Carolina Ave Orangeburg, Sc 29115 (803) 534-2352 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Pockl, Jeffrey S Od Palmetto Eye Associates 190 Business Park Dr Santee, Sc 29142 (803) 854-2682 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:30am–4:30pm Powell, Stephen R Od Rebecca Vision LLC 1230 Amelia St Orangeburg, Sc 29115 (864) 233-4148 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Vision Providers Pickens County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Powell, Stephen R Od Stephen Ross Powell 1230 Amelia St Orangeburg, Sc 29115 (803) 531-0061 Fax: (803) 531-0095 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Shapiro, Arnold Od Arnold Shapiro 1230 Amelia St Orangeburg, Sc 29115 (803) 531-0061 Hours: Thu 10:00am–6:00pm Shockney, Sara E Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 2795 North Rd Orangeburg, Sc 29115 (803) 928-5468 Hours: Tue, Fri 9:00am–6:00pm Spittler, Shane L Od H Rubin Vision Center 1530 Chestnut Blvd Orangeburg, Sc 29115 (803) 535-2000 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–4:00pm Sweet, Gary B Od Rebecca Vision LLC 1230 Amelia St Orangeburg, Sc 29115 (864) 233-4148 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Thomas, Sidney F Od Edisto Vision Center 915 John C Calhoun Dr Orangeburg, Sc 29115 (803) 536-3755 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–5:30pm Zeplin Jr, Vincent F Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 2795 North Rd Orangeburg, Sc 29115 (803) 928-5468 Hours: Tue, Fri 9:00am–6:00pm Zeplin Jr, Vincent F Od Greenwood Family Eye Care Inc 2795 North Rd Orangeburg, Sc 29118 (803) 708-3321 Fax: (803) 708-3564 Hours: Tue, Thu, Fri 9:00am–6:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Pickens County Ophthamology Cook, Mark H Md Jervey Eye Group 220 S Pendleton St Easley, Sc 29640 (864) 859-3233 Fax: (864) 850-4001 Glaser, Donald P Md Clemson Eye PA 931 Tiger Blvd Clemson, Sc 29631 (864) 633-1053 Fax: (864) 633-1069 Glaser, Donald P Md Clemson Eye PA 15 Southern Center Ct Easley, Sc 29642 (864) 855-6800 Fax: (864) 855-6850 Johnson, Brian R Md Clemson Eye PA 931 Tiger Blvd Clemson, Sc 29631 (864) 633-1053 Fax: (864) 633-1069 Johnson, Brian R Md Clemson Eye PA 15 Southern Center Ct Easley, Sc 29642 (864) 855-6800 Fax: (864) 855-6850 Parisi, Joseph L Md Clemson Eye PA 931 Tiger Blvd Clemson, Sc 29631 (864) 633-1053 Fax: (864) 633-1069 Parisi, Joseph L Md Clemson Eye PA 15 Southern Center Ct Easley, Sc 29642 (864) 855-6800 Fax: (864) 855-6850 Thompson Jr, Allan J Md Clemson Eye PA 15 Southern Center Ct Easley, Sc 29642 (864) 855-6800 Fax: (864) 855-6850 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 201 Vision Providers Pickens County Richland County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Optician Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 1286 18 Mile Rd Central, Sc 29630 (864) 639-0234 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–7:00pm Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 115 Rolling Hills Cir Easley, Sc 29642 (864) 859-6216 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–7:00pm Optometry Ballinger III, William H Od Jervey Eye Group 220 S Pendleton St Easley, Sc 29640 (864) 859-3233 Fax: (864) 850-4001 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Bowden, Catherine S Od Jervey Eye Group 220 S Pendleton St Easley, Sc 29640 (864) 859-3233 Fax: (864) 850-4001 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri 8:00am–5:00pm; Tue 7:30am–5:00pm Brown, Eric W Od Clemson Eye PA 931 Tiger Blvd Clemson, Sc 29631 (864) 633-1053 Fax: (864) 633-1069 Hours: Tue, Thu 8:30am–5:00pm Brown, Eric W Od Clemson Eye PA 15 Southern Center Ct Easley, Sc 29642 (864) 855-6800 Fax: (864) 855-6850 Hours: Mon, Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Mahlie, Nancy A Od Clemson Eye PA 931 Tiger Blvd Clemson, Sc 29631 (864) 633-1053 Fax: (864) 633-1069 Hours: Tue, Thu 8:30am–5:00pm Richland County Ophthamology Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 5420 Forest Dr Columbia, Sc 29206 (803) 782-4761 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–7:00pm; Sat 9:00am–5:00pm Jacobs, Dean R Md Advantage Eye Care 115 Atrium Way, Ste 120 Columbia, Sc 29223 (704) 446-1242 Fax: (803) 788-1021 √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Johnson, David L Md Palmetto Retina Center LLC 2750 Laurel St, Ste 102 Columbia, Sc 29202 (803) 931-0077 Fax: (803) 931-0076 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Tue 8:00am–6:00pm; Fri 8:00am–1:00pm Mardesich, Patrick M Md Carolina Eye Care Of Sumter LLC 1818 Hampton St Columbia, Sc 29202 (803) 254-6306 Fax: (803) 771-6745 Optician Sams West Inc Sams West Inc 5426 Forest Dr Columbia, Sc 29206 (803) 790-1581 Hours: Mon–Sat 10:00am–7:00pm; Sun 11:00am–5:00pm Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 1326 Bush River Rd Columbia, Sc 29210 (803) 750-3267 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–7:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Optometry Adams, Ray L Od USC Specialty Clinics 4 Medical Park, Ste 100 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 434-1560 Fax: (803) 434-2387 Ahders, William G Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 5420 Forest Dr Columbia, Sc 29206 (803) 790-4600 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:30pm; Sat 9:00am–4:00pm Markowitz, Bethany B Md USC Specialty Clinics 4 Medical Park, Ste 100 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 434-1560 Fax: (803) 434-2387 Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 10060 2 Notch Rd Columbia, Sc 29223 (803) 419-6240 Hours: Mon-Sat 9:00am–7:00pm; Sun 11:00am–4:00pm Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 7520 Garners Ferry Rd Columbia, Sc 29209 (803) 783-8348 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–6:00pm; Sun 12:00pm–5:00pm Ahders, William G Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 7520 Garners Ferry Rd Columbia, Sc 29209 (803) 776-5363 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Sat 9:00am–4:00pm Bharadia, Mohamed S Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 1513 Gregg St Columbia, Sc 29201 (803) 254-4951 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Bharadia, Mohamed S Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 5420 Forest Dr Columbia, Sc 29206 (803) 790-4600 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:30pm; Sat 9:00am–4:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 202 Richland County Vision Providers IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Richland County Bharadia, Mohamed S Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 7520 Garners Ferry Rd Columbia, Sc 29209 (803) 776-5363 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Sat 9:00am–4:00pm Dickerson, Maria S Od Eyecare Center 7229 St Andrews Rd Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 781-2212 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Wed 8:30am–6:00pm Mason, Katherine S Od Mason Family Vision Pc 141 Wildewood Park Dr Columbia, Sc 29223 (803) 865-5520 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:30am–4:30pm; Fri 9:15am–11:30pm Bharadia, Mohamed S Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 7833 Broad River Rd Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 732-4099 Hours: Mon-Thu 9:00am–6:00pm Flynn IV, Philip D Od Miller And Flynn Optometrists 2757 Laurel St Columbia, Sc 29204 (803) 799-7358 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Meredith, Phillip B Od H Rubin Vision Center 130 Forum Dr, Ste 12 Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 788-8204 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–6:00pm; Sat 9:00am–5:00pm Branch, Robert W Od Eyecare Center 7229 St Andrews Rd Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 781-2212 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Wed 8:30am–6:00pm Gary, Bettina L Od H Rubin Vision Center 7539 Garners Ferry Rd Columbia, Sc 29209 (803) 787-3080 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–6:00pm; Sat 9:00am–5:00pm Meredith, Phillip B Od H Rubin Vision Center 4699 Forest Dr, Ste C Columbia, Sc 29206 (803) 787-3080 Brinkley, John L Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 1513 Gregg St Columbia, Sc 29201 (803) 254-4951 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Gopani, Tu Anh N Od Eye Concepts LLC 331 Killian Rd, Ste B2 Columbia, Sc 29203 (803) 754-8370 Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri 10:00am–7:00pm; Tue, Thu 10:00am–5:30pm Brinkley, John L Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 5420 Forest Dr Columbia, Sc 29206 (803) 790-4600 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:30pm; Sat 9:00am–4:00pm Brinkley, John L Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 7520 Garners Ferry Rd Columbia, Sc 29209 (803) 776-5363 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Sat 9:00am–4:00pm Brinkley, John L Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 7833 Broad River Rd Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 732-4099 Hours: Mon-Thu 9:00am–6:00pm Champion Martin, Jean M Od Eye Company 332 Long Pointe Ln Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 419-8907 Hours: Tue, Thu, Fri 10:00am–6:00pm; Wed 8:00am–6:00pm Meredith, Phillip B Od H Rubin Vision Center 901 Bush River Rd Columbia, Sc 29210 (803) 798-2290 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–6:00pm; Sat 9:00am–5:00pm Loftis, Clarence E Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 5420 Forest Dr Columbia, Sc 29206 (803) 790-4600 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:30pm; Sat 9:00am–4:00pm Loftis, Clarence E Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 7520 Garners Ferry Rd Columbia, Sc 29209 (803) 776-5363 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Sat 9:00am–4:00pm Magun, Jeffrey C Od Vapec LLC 6941 N Trnholm Rd, Ste O204 Columbia, Sc 29206 (803) 276-6959 Hours: Mon, Thu, Fri 10:00am–5:00pm Mason, John L Od Mason Family Vision Pc 141 Wildewood Park Dr Columbia, Sc 29223 (803) 865-5520 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:30am–4:30pm; Fri 9:15am–11:30pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Meredith, Phillip B Od H Rubin Vision Center 7539 Garners Ferry Rd Columbia, Sc 29209 (803) 787-3080 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–6:00pm; Sat 9:00am–5:00pm Miller, Henry B Od Miller And Flynn Optometrists 2757 Laurel St Columbia, Sc 29204 (803) 799-7358 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Mitchell, Edwin K Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 7520 Garners Ferry Rd Columbia, Sc 29209 (803) 776-5363 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Sat 9:00am–4:00pm Plaxico, Brent E Od Plaxico Eye Care LLC 135 Blythewood Rd, Ste 1 Blythewood, Sc 29016 (803) 714-1116 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 203 Richland County Vision Providers IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Spartanburg County Shockney, Sara E Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 5420 Forest Dr Columbia, Sc 29206 (803) 790-4600 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:30pm; Sat 9:00am–4:00pm Zeplin Jr, Vincent F Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 7520 Garners Ferry Rd Columbia, Sc 29209 (803) 776-5363 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Sat 9:00am–4:00pm Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 4000 Highway 9 Boiling Springs, Sc 29316 (864) 814-1231 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–7:00pm; Sun 12:30pm–5:00pm Shockney, Sara E Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 7520 Garners Ferry Rd Columbia, Sc 29209 (803) 776-5363 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Sat 9:00am–4:00pm Zeplin Jr, Vincent F Od Greenwood Family Eye Care Inc 1326 Bush River Rd Columbia, Sc 29210 (803) 708-3321 Fax: (803) 708-3564 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu 9:00am–6:00pm; Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Sat 9:00am–4:00pm Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 141 Dorman Centre Dr Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 574-0137 Hours: Mon-Sat 9:00am–7:00pm; Sun 1:30pm–6:00pm Shockney, Sara E Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 7833 Broad River Rd Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 732-4099 Hours: Mon-Thu 9:00am–6:00pm Spittler, Michelle D Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 5420 Forest Dr Columbia, Sc 29206 (803) 790-4600 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:30pm; Sat 9:00am–4:00pm Stafford, Timothy A Od Coastal Vision Center Inc 7229 St Andrews Rd Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 781-2212 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Vastis, Brook A Od H Rubin Vision Center 130 Forum Dr, Ste 12 Columbia, Sc 29229 (803) 788-8204 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–6:00pm; Sat 9:00am–5:00pm Witt, Darrell L Od H Rubin Vision Center 7539 Garners Ferry Rd Columbia, Sc 29209 (803) 787-3080 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–6:00pm; Sat 9:00am–5:00pm Zeplin Jr, Vincent F Od Focus Eye Care Center Pc 5420 Forest Dr Columbia, Sc 29206 (803) 790-4600 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:30pm; Sat 9:00am–4:00pm Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 2151 E Main St Spartanburg, Sc 29307 (864) 529-0258 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–7:00pm Richmond County GA Optometry Casella, Benjamin P Od Casella Eye Center Pc 767 Broad St Augusta, Ga 30901 (706) 722-0817 Fax: (706) 722-0208 Optometry Anderson, Jeremy P Od Spartanburg Vision LLC 1200 E Main St, Ste 7 Spartanburg, Sc 29307 (864) 585-7807 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:30pm Casella, Thomas V Od Casella Eye Center Pc 767 Broad St Augusta, Ga 30901 (706) 722-0817 Fax: (706) 722-0208 √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Anderson, Jeremy P Od Spartanburg Vision LLC 227 E Blackstock Rd, Ste 200 Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 576-0564 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:30pm Saluda County Optometry Burns, Jeremy R Od Lifetime Eyecare Associates LLC 2428 Reidville Rd Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 576-7225 Hours: Mon, Tue, Wed 8:30am–5:30pm; Thu 8:30am–7:00pm Antley, Rufus B Od R B Antley 1101 N Jennings St Saluda, Sc 29138 (864) 445-9667 Hours: Wed 10:30am–12:00pm Spartanburg County Optician Sams West Inc Sams West Inc 200 Peachwood Centre Dr Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 595-8982 Hours: Mon–Sat 10:00am–7:00pm; Sun 11:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Donaldson, Bernadine M Od Family Eye Care Center 227 E Blackstock Rd Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 833-5555 Fax: (864) 833-5520 Hopkins, Andrew L Od Dorman Centre Eye Care PA 141 Dorman Centre Dr Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 574-5188 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 204 Spartanburg County Macmillan, Thomas F Od Family Eye Care Center 1200 E Main St, Ste 200 Spartanburg, Sc 29307 (864) 585-7807 Fax: (864) 585-8272 Macmillan, Thomas F Od Family Eye Care Center 227 E Blackstock Rd Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 833-5555 Fax: (864) 833-5520 Macmillan, Thomas F Od Spartanburg Vision LLC 1200 E Main St, Ste 7 Spartanburg, Sc 29307 (864) 585-7807 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:30pm Macmillan, Thomas F Od Spartanburg Vision LLC 227 E Blackstock Rd, Ste 200 Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 576-0564 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:30pm Martin, Louis L Od Alva S Pack III PA 399 E Henry St Spartanburg, Sc 29302 (864) 585-0208 Hours: Mon 7:00am–7:00pm; Tue 8:15am– 7:45pm; Wed 9:00am–9:45pm; Thu 8:15am– 5:45pm Mathis, Malissa T Od Carolina Vision Associates LLC 43 N Main St Inman, Sc 29349 (864) 472-3380 Fax: (864) 472-3349 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Mathis, Malissa T Od Carolina Vision Associates LLC 180 N Dean St Spartanburg, Sc 29302 (864) 583-3125 Fax: (864) 542-1367 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Mathis, Malissa T Od Carolina Vision Associates LLC 363 E Georgia St Woodruff, Sc 29388 (864) 476-8322 Fax: (864) 476-0752 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Vision Providers IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Spartanburg County Mcphail, John S Od John Steve Mcphail Od 4000 Highway 9 Boiling Springs, Sc 29316 (864) 814-5822 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Sat 9:00am–1:00pm Powell, Margaret F Od Carolina Vision Associates LLC 363 E Georgia St Woodruff, Sc 29388 (864) 476-8322 Fax: (864) 476-0752 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Pack, Alva S Od Alva S Pack III PA 399 E Henry St Spartanburg, Sc 29302 (864) 585-0208 Hours: Mon 7:00am–7:00pm; Tue 8:15am– 7:45pm; Wed 9:00am–9:45pm; Thu 8:15am– 5:45pm Sprouse, Richard D Od Carolina Vision Associates LLC 43 N Main St Inman, Sc 29349 (864) 472-3380 Fax: (864) 472-3349 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Penka, Rachelle Od Carolina Vision Associates LLC 43 N Main St Inman, Sc 29349 (864) 472-3380 Fax: (864) 472-3349 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Penka, Rachelle Od Carolina Vision Associates LLC 180 N Dean St Spartanburg, Sc 29302 (864) 583-3125 Fax: (864) 542-1367 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Penka, Rachelle Od Carolina Vision Associates LLC 363 E Georgia St Woodruff, Sc 29388 (864) 476-8322 Fax: (864) 476-0752 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Powell, Margaret F Od Carolina Vision Associates LLC 43 N Main St Inman, Sc 29349 (864) 472-3380 Fax: (864) 472-3349 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Powell, Margaret F Od Carolina Vision Associates LLC 180 N Dean St Spartanburg, Sc 29302 (864) 583-3125 Fax: (864) 542-1367 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Sprouse, Richard D Od Carolina Vision Associates LLC 180 N Dean St Spartanburg, Sc 29302 (864) 583-3125 Fax: (864) 542-1367 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Sprouse, Richard D Od Carolina Vision Associates LLC 363 E Georgia St Woodruff, Sc 29388 (864) 476-8322 Fax: (864) 476-0752 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Younger, Stephanie L Od Carolina Vision Associates LLC 43 N Main St Inman, Sc 29349 (864) 472-3380 Fax: (864) 472-3349 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Younger, Stephanie L Od Carolina Vision Associates LLC 180 N Dean St Spartanburg, Sc 29302 (864) 583-3125 Fax: (864) 542-1367 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Younger, Stephanie L Od Carolina Vision Associates LLC 363 E Georgia St Woodruff, Sc 29388 (864) 476-8322 Fax: (864) 476-0752 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Younger, William M Od Carolina Vision Associates LLC 43 N Main St Inman, Sc 29349 (864) 472-3380 Fax: (864) 472-3349 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 205 Spartanburg County Younger, William M Od Carolina Vision Associates LLC 180 N Dean St Spartanburg, Sc 29302 (864) 583-3125 Fax: (864) 542-1367 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Younger, William M Od Carolina Vision Associates LLC 363 E Georgia St Woodruff, Sc 29388 (864) 476-8322 Fax: (864) 476-0752 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Sumter County Ophthamology Goodson III, James A Md Stokes Regional Eye Centers 365 W Wesmark Blvd Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 905-8020 Fax: (803) 905-8025 Jacobs, Dean R Md Advantage Eye Care 214 Broad St Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 775-0203 Fax: (803) 773-7382 √ Languages Spoken: Spanish King, Gregory A Md Stokes Regional Eye Centers 365 W Wesmark Blvd Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 905-8020 Fax: (803) 905-8025 Mardesich, Patrick M Md Carolina Eye Care Of Sumter LLC 698a Bultman Dr Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 775-1772 Fax: (803) 775-4729 Optician Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 1283 Broad St Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 905-5525 Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am–7:00pm; Sat 9:00am–6:00pm Vision Providers York County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Optometry Buck, Stephen G Od Doctors Eye Center PA 1283 Broad St Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 905-8063 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Tue 9:00am–6:00pm √ Languages Spoken: French Dean, Steven K Od H Rubin Vision Center 1057 Broad St Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 775-7877 Hours: Mon–Fri 10:00am–6:00pm; Sat 10:00am–5:00pm Scheele, Larry M Od Scheele Eye Associates Pc 127 Broad St Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-4313 Hours: Mon–Thu 9:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:30am–3:00pm Union, NC County Ophthamology Farr, Arman K Md Retina Institute Of The Carolinas 701 E Roosevelt Blvd, Ste 300a Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 238-9900 Fax: (704) 238-9800 Barrett, Rhonda V Md Rock Hill Eye Clinic 1868 W Hwy 160, Ste 110 Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (803) 547-9510 Fax: (803) 547-9517 Barrett, Rhonda V Md Rock Hill Eye Clinic 1565 Ebenezer Rd, Ste 100 Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 981-5036 Fax: (803) 328-1170 Farr, Arman K Md Retina Institute Of The Carolinas 724 Arden Ln, Ste 220 Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 323-2020 Fax: (803) 323-2024 Fritz, Jonathan P Md Rock Hill Eye Clinic 1698 W Hwy 160, Ste 110 Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (803) 547-9510 Fax: (803) 547-9517 Fritz, Jonathan P Md Rock Hill Eye Clinic 1565 Ebenezer Rd, Ste 100 Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 981-5036 Fax: (803) 328-1170 Tucker, Charles L Md Retina Institute Of The Carolinas 701 E Roosevelt Blvd, Ste 300a Monroe, Nc 28112 (704) 238-9900 Fax: (704) 238-9800 Hicklin, Jonathan C Md Rock Hill Eye Clinic 1698 W Hwy 160, Ste 110 Fort Mill, Sc 29715 (803) 547-9510 Fax: (803) 547-9517 Williamsburg County Optometry Johnson, Edward C Od Dr Edward C Johnson 409 Martin Luther King Blvd Kingstree, Sc 29556 (843) 355-2020 Hours: Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 9:00am–6:00pm; Thu 9:00am–1:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home York County Ophthamology Hicklin, Jonathan C Md Rock Hill Eye Clinic 1565 Ebenezer Rd, Ste 100 Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 981-5036 Fax: (803) 328-1170 Tucker, Charles L Md Retina Institute Of The Carolinas 724 Arden Ln, Ste 220 Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 323-2020 Fax: (803) 323-2024 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 206 Vision Providers York County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY, THEN SPECIALTY Optician Optometry Davis, Rachel S Od Rachel Davis Od 970 E Liberty St York, Sc 29745 (803) 684-4313 Hours: Mon, Thu 9:30am–6:00pm; Tue 9:30am–2:00pm; Fri 9:30am–5:00pm; Sat 9:30am–1:00pm Blackwell, J Britt Od Blackwell Eye Associates PA 1268 Ebenezer Rd Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 327-2001 Fax: (803) 327-9843 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:30pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 1151 Stone Crest Blvd Fort Mill, Sc 29708 (803) 578-4135 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–7:00pm; Sat 9:00am– 6:00pm; Sun 1:30pm–5:00pm Burt, Paul J Od Palmetto Eyecare Associates PA 2460 India Hook Rd, Ste 206 Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 985-2020 Fax: (803) 985-2021 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Tue 9:00am–6:00pm Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 4875 Old York Rd Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 323-2097 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–7:00pm; Sat 9:00am– 6:00pm; Sun 1:00pm–5:00pm Wal Mart Stores East Lp Wal Mart Stores 970 E Liberty St York, Sc 29745 (803) 684-4313 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–6:00pm Caston, Sakesha Y Od Mjs Optometry Inc/Mjs Family Eyec 4875 Old York Rd Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 327-0035 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 9:00am–4:30pm; Sat 9:00am–4:00pm York County Jerge, Larry F Od Tega Cay Eye Center LLC 1151 Stone Crest Blvd Fort Mill, Sc 29708 (803) 802-4733 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:30am–5:00pm; Sat 9:00am–2:30pm Kleinau, Karl J Od Karl Kleinau 970 E Liberty St York, Sc 29745 (803) 628-3000 Hours: Tue–Sat 10:00am–6:00pm Robinson, Jonathan M Od Rock Hill Eye Clinic 1565 Ebenezer Rd, Ste 100 Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 981-5036 Fax: (803) 328-1170 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Colletto, Brian E Od Brian E Colletto Od Inc 356 Oakland Ave Rock Hill, Sc 29730 (803) 980-3937 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 207 Aiken County Aiken County Physical/Occupational Therapy Hutto, Gina L Ot Angels Play LLC 1506 Whiskey Rd Aiken, Sc 29803 (803) 270-7908 Fax: (803) 649-2054 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Berkeley County Physical/Occupational Therapy Miller, Laura Pt Kbr Physical Therapy 314 Albrighton Way Moncks Corner, Sc 29461 (843) 810-8501 Fax: (843) 761-5860 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm Charleston County Occupational Therapy Apple, Claire H Ot Charleston Hand Group 1483 Tobias Gadson Blvd, Ste 202 Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 763-2320 Coyle, Michael Ot Charleston Pediatric Rehabilitation 1407 Ashley River Rd Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 769-0663 Fax: (843) 769-0665 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:30pm Coyle, Michael Ot Charleston Pediatric Rehabilitation 2070 Northbrook Blvd, Ste A14 Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 769-0663 Fax: (843) 769-0665 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:30pm De Luna, Cristopher M Ot Lowcountry Orthopaedic Associates PA 2881 Tricom St, Ste B Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 797-5050 Fax: (843) 793-5444 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Other Practitioners IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY Charleston County Ilgen, Karen A Ot Kid Works Occupational Therapy LLC 1595 Savannah Hwy 3 Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 991-2694 Fax: (843) 405-1316 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–6:00pm Goodwin, Alysson M Ot Charleston Pediatric Rehabilitation 1407 Ashley River Rd Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 769-0663 Fax: (843) 769-0665 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:30pm Mack, Maria Ot Mrs Maria Mack Otr/L 1213 Lllewellyn Rd Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (336) 817-4278 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Goodwin, Alysson M Ot Charleston Pediatric Rehabilitation 2070 Northbrook Blvd, Ste A14 Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 769-0663 Fax: (843) 769-0665 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:30pm Perry, Cora Ot Perry Occupational Therapy 977 Baytree Cir Mount Pleasant, Sc 29466 (843) 793-3529 Fax: (843) 813-6203 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Greene, Brittany N Pt Imagine Physical Therapy 3301 Stockdale St, Ste B Mount Pleasant, Sc 29466 (843) 388-7975 Fax: (843) 375-5449 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–6:00pm Weldon, Rebecca Ot Charleston Pediatric Rehabilitation 1407 Ashley River Rd Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 769-0663 Fax: (843) 769-0665 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:30pm Hill, Ryan P Pt Imagine Physical Therapy 3301 Stockdale St, Ste B Mount Pleasant, Sc 29466 (843) 388-7975 Fax: (843) 375-5449 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–6:00pm Weldon, Rebecca Ot Charleston Pediatric Rehabilitation 2070 Northbrook Blvd, Ste A14 Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 769-0663 Fax: (843) 769-0665 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:30pm Mart, John A Pt Imagine Physical Therapy 3301 Stockdale St, Ste B Mount Pleasant, Sc 29466 (843) 388-7975 Fax: (843) 375-5449 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–6:00pm Physical/Occupational Therapy Bradley, Davis B Pt Imagine Physical Therapy 3301 Stockdale St, Ste B Mount Pleasant, Sc 29466 (843) 388-7975 Fax: (843) 375-5449 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–6:00pm Allen, Laura S Slp Laura Allen Speech Therapy LLC 330 Confederate Cir Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 725-9737 Fax: (843) 637-3195 Duffie, Brandon C Pt James Island Physical Therapy 12 Sawgrass Rd, Ste B Charleston, Sc 29412 (843) 406-9889 Fax: (843) 406-7889 Hours: Mon, Tue, Wed 7:00am–7:00pm; Thu, Fri 7:00am–6:00pm; Sat 9:00am–12:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Speech Language Pathologist Dearing, Megan J Slp Charleston Pediatric Rehabilitation 1407 Ashley River Rd Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 769-0663 Fax: (843) 769-0665 Dearing, Megan J Slp Charleston Pediatric Rehabilitation 8096 Rivers Ave, Ste D Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 769-0663 Fax: (843) 769-0665 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 208 Charleston County Delk, Christine E Slp Charleston Pediatric Rehabilitation 1407 Ashley River Rd Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 769-0663 Fax: (843) 769-0665 Delk, Christine E Slp Charleston Pediatric Rehabilitation 8096 Rivers Ave, Ste D Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 769-0663 Fax: (843) 769-0665 Gabriel, Megan Slp Charleston Pediatric Rehabilitation 1407 Ashley River Rd Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 769-0663 Fax: (843) 769-0665 Kane, Allison L Slp Tri County Speech And Language Services LLC 110 Oyster Point Row Charleston, Sc 29412 (843) 314-5434 Fax: (843) 277-6237 Lautenschlager, Susan Slp Creekpoint Speech And Language Therapy LLC 13 Harrill Ct Charleston, Sc 29412 (843) 200-9600 Little, Stacy L Slp Charleston Pediatric Rehabilitation 1407 Ashley River Rd Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 769-0663 Fax: (843) 769-0665 Little, Stacy L Slp Charleston Pediatric Rehabilitation 2070 Northbrook Blvd, Ste A14 Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 769-0663 Fax: (843) 769-0665 Powers, Theresa J Ma Charleston Pediatric Rehabilitation 1407 Ashley River Rd Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 769-0663 Fax: (843) 769-0665 Other Practitioners Greenville County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY Powers, Theresa J Ma Charleston Pediatric Rehabilitation 8096 Rivers Ave, Ste D Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 769-0663 Fax: (843) 769-0665 Reidenbach, Jennifer A Ma Allison Therapeutics LLC 1233 Ben Sawyer Blvd, Ste 500 Mount Pleasant, Sc 29464 (843) 697-0396 Sobel, Pamela J Ot Low Country Physical Therapy 267 Willbrook Blvd Pawleys Island, Sc 29585 (843) 314-3980 Fax: (843) 314-3979 Hours: Mon–Thu 7:30am–6:00pm; Fri 7:30am–1:00pm Greenville County Occupational Therapy Strini, Carolyn R Ma Charleston Pediatric Rehabilitation 1407 Ashley River Rd Charleston, Sc 29407 (843) 769-0663 Fax: (843) 769-0665 Darlington County Speech Language Pathologist Little, Elizabeth W Ma Speech Pathology Associates Of Florence LLC 718 S Fourth St Hartsville, Sc 29550 (843) 332-3092 Fax: (843) 332-3093 Dorchester County Speech Language Pathologist Farrell, Brittney Slp Palmetto Audiology 1801 Old Trolley Rd, Ste 101 Summerville, Sc 29485 (843) 871-3235 Fax: (843) 871-3233 Artz, Christine Ot Speechworks 1003 Grover Rd, Ste E Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 241-6222 Fax: (864) 751-1646 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:30am–5:30pm Combs, Paige A Ot Fundamental Communications LLC 3 Winchester Ct Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 270-8647 Fax: (864) 283-0880 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat 8:30am–12:30pm Duhon, Kathie L Ot Advanced Therapy Solutions Inc 28 Jimmy Doolittle Dr Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 574-7282 Fax: (864) 574-7664 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hall, Mary E Slp Palmetto Audiology 1801 Old Trolley Rd, Ste 101 Summerville, Sc 29485 (843) 871-3235 Fax: (843) 871-3233 Georgetown County Physical/Occupational Therapy Patton, Melissa J Ot Low Country Physical Therapy 267 Willbrook Blvd Pawleys Island, Sc 29585 (843) 314-3980 Fax: (843) 314-3979 Hours: Mon–Thu 7:30am–6:00pm; Fri 7:30am–1:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Angalet, Mandy S Ot Fundamental Communications LLC 3 Winchester Ct Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 270-8647 Fax: (864) 283-0880 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat 8:30am–12:30pm Garbade, Courtney Ot Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Garbade, Courtney Ot Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 209 Greenville County Garbade, Courtney Ot Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Hartley, Andrew D Ot Advanced Therapy Solutions Inc 28 Jimmy Doolittle Dr Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 574-7282 Fax: (864) 574-7664 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Afrikaans Le Porte, Cheryl Ot Meyer Center For Special Children 1132 Rutherford Rd Greenville, Sc 29609 (864) 250-0005 Fax: (864) 250-0028 Hours: Mon–Fri 7:30am–3:30pm Mcdonald, Cris Ot Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Mcdonald, Cris Ot Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Mcdonald, Cris Ot Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Merlin, Miriam S Ot Little Angels Therapy LLC 100 Brentmoor Pl Simpsonville, Sc 29680 (864) 275-1679 Fax: (864) 881-4391 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–4:00pm Michael, Colleen Ot Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Other Practitioners Greenville County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY Michael, Colleen Ot Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 Michael, Colleen Ot Greenville Hospital System 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7882 Fax: (864) 455-5008 O’hare, Bridget W Ot Meyer Center For Special Children 1132 Rutherford Rd Greenville, Sc 29609 (864) 250-0005 Fax: (864) 250-0028 Hours: Mon–Fri 7:30am–3:30pm Perez, Lauren N Ot Advanced Therapy Solutions Inc 28 Jimmy Doolittle Dr Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 574-7282 Fax: (864) 574-7664 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Reid, Nichole Ot Advanced Therapy Solutions Inc 28 Jimmy Doolittle Dr Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 574-7282 Fax: (864) 574-7664 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Smith, Amanda H Ot Fundamental Communications LLC 3 Winchester Ct Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 270-8647 Fax: (864) 283-0880 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat 8:30am–12:30pm Torres, Andrea L Ot Fundamental Communications LLC 3 Winchester Ct Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 270-8647 Fax: (864) 283-0880 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat 8:30am–12:30pm √ Languages Spoken: Spanish √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Physical Therapy Armstrong, David Pt Proaxis Therapy 1025 Verdae Blvd, Ste E Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 286-7480 Armstrong, Geeta Pt Proaxis Therapy 727 SE Main St, Ste 200 Simpson, Sc 29681 (864) 454-6670 Arndt, Rebecca Pt Proaxis Therapy 315 Medical Pkwy, Ste 150 Greer, Sc 29650 (864) 797-9600 Avakian, Jason Pt Proaxis Therapy 300 Scuffletown Rd, Ste 300 Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 329-8110 Backs, Jennifer Pt Proaxis Therapy 200 Patewood Dr Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 454-0904 Bailey, Lane Pt Proaxis Therapy 200 Patewood Dr Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 454-0904 Beasley, Erin Pt Proaxis Therapy 103 N Main St Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 528-5700 Fax: (864) 576-8457 Beasley, Katherine Pt Proaxis Therapy 727 SE Main St, Ste 200 Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 454-6670 Benton, Carla Pt Proaxis Therapy 200 Patewood Dr, Ste C150 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 454-0952 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 210 Greenville County Black, Laurel Pt Proaxis Therapy 200 Patewood Dr, Ste C250 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 454-0952 Bruder, James Pt Proaxis Therapy 300 Scuffletown Rd Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 329-8110 Caruso, Nicole Pt Proaxis Therapy 727 SE Main St, Ste 200 Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 454-6670 Hours: Mon-Sun 8:00am–10:00pm Catlin, Maggie Pt Proaxis Therapy 727 SE Main St, Ste 200 Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 454-6670 Challengersmith, Charlene Pt Proaxis Therapy 727 SE Main St, Ste 200 Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 454-6670 Clark, Mark Pt Proaxis Therapy 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7000 Cook, Bryan Pt Proaxis Therapy 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7000 Davenport, Jason Pt Proaxis Therapy 701 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-7000 Delgiorno, Jacqueline Pt Proaxis Therapy 200 Patewood Dr, Ste C250 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 454-0952 Delucchi, John Pt Proaxis Therapy 103 N Main St, Ste 99 Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 528-5728 Other Practitioners Greenville County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY Denninger, Thomas Pt Proaxis Therapy 111 Doctors Dr Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 797-7020 Fax: (864) 797-7025 Freeman, Cristin Pt Proaxis Therapy 2 Doctors Dr Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 797-7320 Fax: (864) 797-7325 Desdune Mont, Cherylann Pt Proaxis Therapy 111 Doctors Dr Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 797-7020 Fax: (864) 797-7025 Friday, Wendy Pt Proaxis Therapy 2 Doctors Dr Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 797-7320 Fax: (864) 797-7325 Downey, Kristen Pt Proaxis Therapy 111 Doctors Dr Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 797-7020 Fax: (864) 797-7025 Gams, Scott Pt Proaxis Therapy 111 Doctors Dr Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 797-7020 Fax: (864) 797-7025 Draddy, William Pt Proaxis Therapy 315 Medical Pkwy, Ste 150 Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 797-9600 Fax: (864) 797-9602 Gaudette, Melissa Pt Proaxis Therapy 200 Patewood Dr, Ste C150 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 454-0904 Fax: (864) 454-0905 Eggebraaten, Bradley Pt Proaxis Therapy 103 N Main St, Ste 99 Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 528-5728 Fax: (864) 528-5701 Gearhart, Jeffery Pt Proaxis Therapy 2 Doctors Dr Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 797-7320 Fax: (864) 797-7325 Ericksen, Elizabeth Pt Proaxis Therapy 1025 Verdae Blvd, Ste E Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 286-7480 Fax: (864) 286-7481 Geary, Ryan Pt Proaxis Therapy 200 Patewood Dr Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 454-0904 Fax: (864) 454-0905 Evans, Megan Pt Proaxis Therapy 103 N Main St, Ste 300 Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 528-5700 Fax: (864) 576-8457 Gilbert, Danielle Pt Proaxis Therapy 300 Scuffletown Rd Simpsonville, Sc 29601 (864) 329-8110 Ezzell, Mary Pt Proaxis Therapy 1025 Verdae Blvd, Ste E Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 286-7480 Fax: (864) 286-7481 Goldberg, David Pt Proaxis Therapy 200 Patewood Dr Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 454-0952 Fax: (864) 454-0925 Felder, Rhonda Pt Proaxis Therapy 1025 Verdae Blvd, Ste E Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 286-7480 Fax: (864) 286-7481 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 211 Greenville County Hahn, Justin Pt Proaxis Therapy 200 Patewood Dr, Ste C150 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 454-0904 Fax: (864) 454-0925 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Hall, Tracy Pt Proaxis Therapy 2 Doctors Dr Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 797-7320 Hartney, Karen Pt Proaxis Therapy 200 Patewood Dr, Ste C250 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 454-0952 Fax: (864) 454-0925 Henry, Casandra Pt Proaxis Therapy 103 N Main St, Ste 300 Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 528-5700 Fax: (6145) 285-7001 Houston, Katherine Pt Proaxis Therapy 1025 Verdae Blvd, Ste A Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 286-7480 Fax: (864) 286-7481 Kaylor, Timothy Pt Proaxis Therapy 1305 S Suber Rd Greer, Sc 29650 (864) 989-4700 Kim, Bosung Pt Proaxis Therapy 1020 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-2319 Fax: (864) 454-0905 King, Kristen Pt Proaxis Therapy 727 SE Main St, Ste 200 Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 454-6670 Fax: (864) 454-6675 King, William Pt Proaxis Therapy 300 Scuffletown Rd Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 329-8110 Fax: (864) 329-8115 Other Practitioners Greenville County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY Kline, Daniel Pt Proaxis Therapy 315 Medical Pkwy, Ste 300 Greer, Sc 29650 (864) 797-9600 Kluckhohn, Nicole Pt Proaxis Therapy 103 N Main St, Ste 99 Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 528-5728 Fax: (864) 528-5701 Kurfman, Richard Pt Proaxis Therapy 200 Patewood Dr, Ste C250 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 454-0952 Fax: (864) 454-0925 Layden, Margaret Pt Proaxis Therapy 333 S Pine St Spartanburg, Sc 29302 (864) 515-7580 Lingerfelt, Walt Pt Proaxis Therapy 111 Doctors Dr Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 797-7020 Fax: (864) 797-7025 Marinelli, Timothy Pt Proaxis Therapy 2 Doctors Dr Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 797-7320 Fax: (864) 797-7325 Mason, Kristen Pt Proaxis Therapy 1409 W Georgia Rd, Ste C Simpsonville, Sc 29680 (864) 454-5012 Fax: (864) 454-5010 Mcenroe, Sean Pt Proaxis Therapy 103 N Main St, Ste 300 Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 528-5728 Fax: (864) 576-8457 Moody, Jennifer Pt Proaxis Therapy 3185 Azalea Greenville, Sc 29405 (864) 528-5728 Moss, Albert Pt Proaxis Therapy 200 Patewood Dr, Ste C150 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 454-0904 Fax: (864) 454-0905 Mulholland, Jacqueline Pt Proaxis Therapy 315 Medical Pkwy, Ste 150 Greer, Sc 29650 (864) 797-9600 Fax: (864) 797-9602 Mumbleau, Allison Pt Proaxis Therapy 200 Patewood Dr, Ste 150 Greemville, Sc 29615 (864) 454-0904 Fax: (864) 454-0905 Murdock, Samuel Pt Proaxis Therapy 727 SE Main St, Ste 200 Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 454-6670 Fax: (864) 454-6675 Osler, Kimberli Pt Proaxis Therapy 200 Patewood Dr, Ste C250 Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 454-0952 Fax: (864) 454-0925 Osler, Michael Pt Proaxis Therapy 200 Patewood Dr, Ste C150 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 454-0904 Fax: (864) 454-0905 Plumer, Angela Pt Proaxis Therapy 1020 Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 455-2319 Pothoven, Jeffrey Pt Proaxis Therapy 103 N Main St, Ste 300 Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 528-5700 Fax: (864) 528-5701 Powley, Jessica Pt Proaxis Therapy 200 Patewood Dr, Ste C250 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 454-0952 Fax: (864) 454-0925 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 212 Greenville County Other Practitioners Greenville County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY Reuschel, Beth Pt Proaxis Therapy 200 Patewood Dr, Ste C150 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 454-0904 Fax: (864) 454-0905 Sires, Jenna Pt Proaxis Therapy 200 Patewood Dr, Ste C150 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 454-0904 Fax: (864) 454-0905 Wakeman, Jennifer Pt Proaxis Therapy 727 SE Main St, Ste 200 Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 454-6670 Fax: (864) 454-6675 Rockwell, Mason Pt Proaxis Therapy 2 Doctors Dr Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 797-7320 Fax: (864) 797-7325 Skoog, Jeremy Pt Proaxis Therapy 2 Doctors Dr Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 797-7320 Fax: (864) 797-7325 Watson, Erin Pt Proaxis Therapy 200 Patewood Dr, Ste C150 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 454-0904 Fax: (864) 454-0905 Roling, Benjamin Pt Proaxis Therapy 111 Doctors Dr Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 797-7020 Fax: (864) 797-7025 Smith, Heather Pt Proaxis Therapy 103 N Main St, Ste 300 Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 528-5700 Fax: (864) 528-5701 Hours: Mon–Fri 7:30am–5:00pm Waugh, Dawn Pt Proaxis Therapy 200 Patewood Dr, Ste C150 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 454-0904 Fax: (864) 454-0905 Romkey, Duke Pt Proaxis Therapy 727 SE Main St, Ste 200 Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 454-6670 Fax: (864) 454-6675 Rutherford, Kimberly Pt Proaxis Therapy 727 SE Main St, Ste 200 Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 454-6670 Fax: (864) 454-6675 Safford, Meggie Pt Proaxis Therapy 200 Patewood Dr, Ste C150 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 454-0904 Fax: (864) 454-0905 Shanley, Ellen Pt Proaxis Therapy 200 Patewood Dr, Ste C150 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 454-0904 Fax: (864) 454-0905 Sigmon, Lindsay Pt Proaxis Therapy 1305 S Suber Rd Greer, Sc 29650 (864) 989-4700 Fax: (864) 989-4701 Stevens, Kimberly Pt Proaxis Therapy 200 Patewood Dr, Ste C150 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 454-0904 Fax: (864) 454-0905 Stutsman, Austen Pt Proaxis Therapy 103 N Main St, Ste 99 Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 528-5728 Fax: (864) 528-5701 Sullivan, Phillippi Pt Proaxis Therapy 315 Medical Pkwy, Ste 150 Greer, Sc 29650 (864) 797-9600 Fax: (864) 797-9602 Thigpen, Charles Pt Proaxis Therapy 200 Patewood Dr, Ste C150 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 454-0904 Fax: (864) 454-0905 Vanriper, Josh Pt Proaxis Therapy 315 Medical Pkwy, Ste 150 Greer, Sc 29650 (864) 797-9600 Fax: (864) 797-9602 Sires, Andrew Pt Proaxis Therapy 200 Patewood Dr, Ste C150 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 454-0904 Fax: (864) 454-0905 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Westcott, Matthew Pt Proaxis Therapy 1305 S Suber Rd Greer, Sc 29650 (864) 989-4700 Fax: (864) 989-4701 Ziegler, Michelle Pt Proaxis Therapy 6725 State Park Rd, Ste C Travelers Rest, Sc 29690 (864) 660-8200 Fax: (864) 660-8204 Physical/Occupational Therapy Bostick, Amanda G Pt Sports Spine & Industrial Inc 140 Executive Dr Greer, Sc 29651 (864) 801-8706 Fax: (864) 848-7203 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu 7:30am–7:00pm; Tue 7:30am–6:30pm; Fri 7:30am–5:00pm Bostick, Amanda G Pt Sports Spine & Industrial Inc 719 B SE Main St Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 963-9229 Fax: (864) 963-2790 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu 8:00am–5:30pm; Wed 8:00am–6:00pm; Fri 8:00am–2:00pm Clark, Julie Ot Meyer Center For Special Children 1132 Rutherford Rd Greenville, Sc 29609 (864) 250-0005 Fax: (864) 250-0028 Hours: Mon–Fri 7:30am–3:30pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 213 Greenville County Other Practitioners IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY Greenville County Cobb, Christopher J Pt Sports Spine & Industrial Inc 140 Executive Dr Greer, Sc 29651 (864) 801-8706 Fax: (864) 848-7203 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu 7:30am–7:00pm; Tue 7:30am–6:30pm; Fri 7:30am–5:00pm Fulton, Carla M Pt Sports Spine & Industrial Inc 719 B SE Main St Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 963-9229 Fax: (864) 963-2790 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–6:00pm; Fri 8:00am–2:00pm Hunt, Corey Pt Sports Spine & Industrial Inc 140 Executive Dr Greer, Sc 29651 (864) 801-8706 Fax: (864) 848-7203 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu 7:30am–7:00pm; Tue 7:30am–6:30pm; Fri 7:30am–5:00pm Cobb, Christopher J Pt Sports Spine & Industrial Inc 719 B SE Main St Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 963-9229 Fax: (864) 963-2790 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–6:00pm; Fri 8:00am–2:00pm Gillespie, Kimberly A Pt Sports Spine & Industrial Inc 719 B SE Main St Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 963-9229 Fax: (864) 963-2790 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–6:00pm; Fri 8:00am–2:00pm Hunt, Corey Pt Sports Spine & Industrial Inc 719 B SE Main St Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 963-9229 Fax: (864) 963-2790 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–6:00pm; Fri 8:00am–2:00pm Cortina, Victor M Pt Magnolia Medical Group Inc 800 Pelham Rd Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 752-3357 Fax: (678) 840-2112 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Goetsch, Bonnie S Pt Magnolia Medical Group Inc 800 Pelham Rd Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 752-3357 Fax: (678) 840-2112 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Kineard, Kendall Pt Sports Spine & Industrial Inc 140 Executive Dr Greer, Sc 29651 (864) 801-8706 Fax: (864) 848-7203 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu 7:30am–7:00pm; Tue 7:30am–6:30pm; Fri 7:30am–5:00pm Daubenmire, Rachel E Pt Sports Spine & Industrial Inc 140 Executive Dr Greer, Sc 29651 (864) 801-8706 Fax: (864) 848-7203 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu 7:30am–7:00pm; Tue 7:30am–6:30pm; Fri 7:30am–5:00pm Grimaldo, Roxanna L Ot Pediatrics Unlimited Inc 9d Maple Tree Ct Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 627-0009 Fax: (864) 627-0333 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Daubenmire, Rachel E Pt Sports Spine & Industrial Inc 719 B SE Main St Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 963-9229 Fax: (864) 963-2790 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–6:00pm; Fri 8:00am–2:00pm Harris, Elizabeth K Pt Sports Spine & Industrial Inc 140 Executive Dr Greer, Sc 29651 (864) 801-8706 Fax: (864) 848-7203 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu 7:30am–7:00pm; Tue 7:30am–6:30pm; Fri 7:30am–5:00pm Fowler, Lynsey Zlotnik A Pt Meyer Center For Special Children 1132 Rutherford Rd Greenville, Sc 29609 (864) 250-0005 Fax: (864) 250-0028 Hours: Mon–Fri 7:30am–3:30pm Harris, Elizabeth K Pt Sports Spine & Industrial Inc 719 B SE Main St Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 963-9229 Fax: (864) 963-2790 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–6:00pm; Fri 8:00am–2:00pm Fulton, Carla M Pt Sports Spine & Industrial Inc 140 Executive Dr Greer, Sc 29651 (864) 801-8706 Fax: (864) 848-7203 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu 7:30am–7:00pm; Tue 7:30am–6:30pm; Fri 7:30am–5:00pm Howell, Allison D Pt Advanced Therapy Solutions Inc 28 Jimmy Doolittle Dr Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 574-7282 Fax: (864) 574-7664 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Kineard, Kendall Pt Sports Spine & Industrial Inc 719 B SE Main St Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 963-9229 Fax: (864) 963-2790 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–6:00pm; Fri 8:00am–2:00pm Mader, Holly L Pt Sports Spine & Industrial Inc 719 B SE Main St Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 963-9229 Fax: (864) 963-2790 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–6:00pm; Fri 8:00am–2:00pm Poole, Kathleen M Pt Meyer Center For Special Children 1132 Rutherford Rd Greenville, Sc 29609 (864) 250-0005 Fax: (864) 250-0028 Hours: Mon–Fri 7:30am–3:30pm Pope, Darlene P Psyd Sports Spine & Industrial Inc 140 Executive Dr Greer, Sc 29651 (864) 801-8706 Fax: (864) 848-7203 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu 7:30am–7:00pm; Tue 7:30am–6:30pm; Fri 7:30am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 214 Greenville County Other Practitioners Pope, Darlene P Psyd Sports Spine & Industrial Inc 719 B SE Main St Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 963-9229 Fax: (864) 963-2790 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–6:00pm; Fri 8:00am–2:00pm Smith, Jennifer K Pt Sports Spine & Industrial Inc 719 B SE Main St Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 963-9229 Fax: (864) 963-2790 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–6:00pm; Fri 8:00am–2:00pm Porter, Lisa M Pt Fundamental Communications LLC 3 Winchester Ct Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 270-8647 Fax: (864) 283-0880 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm; Sat 8:30am–12:30pm Somers, Amanda T Pt Sports Spine & Industrial Inc 140 Executive Dr Greer, Sc 29651 (864) 801-8706 Fax: (864) 848-7203 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu 7:30am–7:00pm; Tue 7:30am–6:30pm; Fri 7:30am–5:00pm Reimer, Mackenzie R Pt Advanced Therapy Solutions Inc 28 Jimmy Doolittle Dr Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 574-7282 Fax: (864) 574-7664 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Somers, Amanda T Pt Sports Spine & Industrial Inc 719 B SE Main St Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 963-9229 Fax: (864) 963-2790 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–6:00pm; Fri 8:00am–2:00pm Riley, Erin M Pt Sports Spine & Industrial Inc 140 Executive Dr Greer, Sc 29651 (864) 801-8706 Fax: (864) 848-7203 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu 7:30am–7:00pm; Tue 7:30am–6:30pm; Fri 7:30am–5:00pm Turner, Jennifer Pt Proaxis Therapy 111 Doctors Dr Greenville, Sc 29601 (864) 797-7020 Fax: (864) 797-7025 Riley, Erin M Pt Sports Spine & Industrial Inc 719 B SE Main St Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 963-9229 Fax: (864) 963-2790 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–6:00pm; Fri 8:00am–2:00pm Seward, Melissa A Pt Speechworks 1003 Grover Rd, Ste E Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 241-6222 Fax: (864) 751-1646 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:30am–5:30pm Smith, Jennifer K Pt Sports Spine & Industrial Inc 140 Executive Dr Greer, Sc 29651 (864) 801-8706 Fax: (864) 848-7203 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu 7:30am–7:00pm; Tue 7:30am–6:30pm; Fri 7:30am–5:00pm Greenville County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY Weaver, Sabina Pt Proaxis Therapy 315 Medical Pkwy, Ste 150 Greer, Sc 29650 (864) 797-9600 Fax: (864) 797-9602 Wilkie, Amanda Pt Pediatrics Unlimited Inc 9d Maple Tree Ct Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 627-0009 Fax: (864) 627-0333 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Wolke, Leigh S Pt Meyer Center For Special Children 1132 Rutherford Rd Greenville, Sc 29609 (864) 250-0005 Fax: (864) 250-0028 Hours: Mon–Fri 7:30am–3:30pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Speech Language Pathologist Ameris, Kimberly K Slp Clearly Speaking LLC 6 Hickory Hollow Ct Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 979-7446 Fax: (864) 236-1546 Armstrong, Lindsay G Slp Fundamental Communications LLC 3 Winchester Ct Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 270-8647 Fax: (864) 283-0880 Campbell, Alexis M Md Fundamental Communications LLC 3 Winchester Ct Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 270-8647 Fax: (864) 283-0880 Ford, Margaret A Slp Fundamental Communications LLC 3 Winchester Ct Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 270-8647 Fax: (864) 283-0880 Gainey, Ashleigh J Slp Fundamental Communications LLC 3 Winchester Ct Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 270-8647 Fax: (864) 283-0880 Garrett, Elizabeth M Slp Fundamental Communications LLC 3 Winchester Ct Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 270-8647 Fax: (864) 283-0880 Hanna, Alexis Md Meyer Center For Special Children 1132 Rutherford Rd Greenville, Sc 29609 (864) 250-0005 Fax: (864) 250-0028 Hours: Mon 1:00pm–5:00pm; Tue, Thu 8:30am–5:00pm; Fri 8:30am–1:00pm Hicklin, Elizabeth M Slp Fundamental Communications LLC 3 Winchester Ct Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 270-8647 Fax: (864) 283-0880 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 215 Greenville County Other Practitioners IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY Huffman, Megan J Ma Meyer Center For Special Children 1132 Rutherford Rd Greenville, Sc 29609 (864) 250-0005 Fax: (864) 250-0028 Smith, Danielle Ma Magnolia Medical Group Inc 800 Pelham Rd Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 752-3357 Fax: (678) 840-2112 Kozak, Lauren H Slp Fundamental Communications LLC 3 Winchester Ct Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 270-8647 Fax: (864) 283-0880 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–1:00pm Steinberg, Miriam Slp Fundamental Communications LLC 3 Winchester Ct Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 270-8647 Fax: (864) 283-0880 Maganini, Laura M Slp Fundamental Communications LLC 3 Winchester Ct Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 270-8647 Fax: (864) 283-0880 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Mcconnell, Kristin S Slp Fundamental Communications LLC 3 Winchester Ct Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 270-8647 Fax: (864) 283-0880 Morton, Whitney A Slp Meyer Center For Special Children 1132 Rutherford Rd Greenville, Sc 29609 (864) 250-0005 Fax: (864) 250-0028 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Moulaiebirgani, Teresa A Slp Mrs Teresa Ann Moulaiebirgani 106 Sunset Dr Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 288-3577 Rollins, Pamela W Slp Fundamental Communications LLC 3 Winchester Ct Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 270-8647 Fax: (864) 283-0880 Sloan, Liz K Slp Fundamental Communications LLC 3 Winchester Ct Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 270-8647 Fax: (864) 283-0880 Dennehy Jennings, Jennifer L Pt Therapy Consortium Inc 4201 Carolina Exchange Dr, Ste 102 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29579 (843) 455-7505 Fax: (866) 571-1014 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–6:30pm Dorton, Kathy Z Pt Therapy Consortium Inc 4201 Carolina Exchange Dr, Ste 102 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29579 (843) 455-7505 Fax: (866) 571-1014 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–6:30pm Tompkins, Teresa G Slp Magnolia Medical Group Inc 800 Pelham Rd Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 752-3357 Fax: (678) 840-2112 Krauss, Kari Ot Therapy Consortium Inc 4201 Carolina Exchange Dr, Ste 102 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29579 (843) 455-7505 Fax: (866) 571-1014 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–6:30pm Vickery, Brooke Slp Fundamental Communications LLC 3 Winchester Ct Mauldin, Sc 29662 (864) 270-8647 Fax: (864) 283-0880 Montenery, Jason P Pt Low Country Physical Therapy 2586 Hwy 17 S Murrells Inlet, Sc 29576 (843) 651-6565 Fax: (843) 651-6575 Hours: Mon–Thu 7:30am–6:00pm; Fri 7:30am–4:00pm Horry County Occupational Therapy Patton, Melissa J Ot Low Country Physical Therapy 2586 Hwy 17 S Murrells Inlet, Sc 29576 (843) 651-6565 Fax: (843) 651-6575 Hours: Mon–Thu 7:30am–6:00pm; Fri 7:30am–4:00pm Ochenduszko, Jamie E Ot Therapy Consortium Inc 4761 Highway 501, Ste 1 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29579 (843) 455-7505 Fax: (843) 236-9765 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–6:30pm Physical/Occupational Therapy Chappell, Lindsey P Ot Therapy Consortium Inc 4761 Highway 501, Ste 1 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29579 (843) 455-7505 Fax: (843) 236-9765 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–6:30pm Dennehy Jennings, Jennifer L Pt Childrens Therapy Specialists Inc 5069 Spanish Oaks Ct Murrells Inlet, Sc 29576 (843) 222-0564 Fax: (843) 357-6935 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–6:30pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Horry County Priganc, Tammy L Pt Therapy Consortium Inc 4201 Carolina Exchange Dr, Ste 102 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29579 (843) 455-7505 Fax: (866) 571-1014 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–6:30pm Singh, Githa Pt Therapy Consortium Inc 4201 Carolina Exchange Dr, Ste 102 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29579 (843) 455-7505 Fax: (866) 571-1014 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–6:30pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 216 Horry County Sobel, Pamela J Ot Low Country Physical Therapy 2586 Hwy 17 S Murrells Inlet, Sc 29576 (843) 651-6565 Fax: (843) 651-6575 Hours: Mon–Thu 7:30am–6:00pm; Fri 7:30am–4:00pm Torosian, Valeriya Md Therapy Consortium Inc 4201 Carolina Exchange Dr, Ste 102 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29579 (843) 455-7505 Fax: (866) 571-1014 Hours: Mon–Sat 9:00am–6:30pm Speech Language Pathologist Brooks, Jennifer J Slp Therapy Consortium Inc 4761 Highway 501, Ste 1 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29579 (843) 455-7505 Fax: (843) 236-9765 Evans, Tonya D Slp Therapy Consortium Inc 4761 Highway 501, Ste 1 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29579 (843) 455-7505 Fax: (843) 236-9765 Ferri, Deann S Slp Therapy Consortium Inc 4761 Highway 501, Ste 1 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29579 (843) 455-7505 Fax: (843) 236-9765 Gerace, Sarah E Slp Carolina Therapy Associates 5341 Hwy 17 Bypass, Ste F Murrells Inlet, Sc 29576 (843) 385-6162 Fax: (866) 800-5103 √ Languages Spoken: Sign Language Harmon, Erika T Md Therapy Consortium Inc 4761 Highway 501, Ste 1 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29579 (843) 455-7505 Fax: (843) 236-9765 √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Ivey, Amy E Slp Therapy Consortium Inc 4201 Carolina Exchange Dr, Ste 102 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29579 (843) 455-7505 Fax: (866) 571-1014 Other Practitioners IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY Jones, Morgan M Slp Therapy Consortium Inc 4761 Highway 501, Ste 1 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29579 (843) 455-7505 Fax: (843) 236-9765 Joyner, Jan Slp Therapy Consortium Inc 4201 Carolina Exchange Dr, Ste 102 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29579 (843) 455-7505 Fax: (866) 571-1014 Lary, Andrea Slp Therapy Consortium Inc 4761 Highway 501, Ste 1 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29579 (843) 455-7505 Fax: (843) 236-9765 Leninger, Katherine H Slp Therapy Consortium Inc 4201 Carolina Exchange Dr, Ste 102 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29579 (843) 455-7505 Fax: (866) 571-1014 Lowe, Lisa S Slp Therapy Consortium Inc 4201 Carolina Exchange Dr, Ste 102 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29579 (843) 455-7505 Fax: (866) 571-1014 Mcafee, Leticia P Slp Therapy Consortium Inc 4201 Carolina Exchange Dr, Ste 102 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29579 (843) 455-7505 Fax: (866) 571-1014 Mezzatesta, Patricia L Slp Therapy Consortium Inc 4761 Highway 501, Ste 1 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29579 (843) 455-7505 Fax: (843) 236-9765 Minter, Andrea Md Therapy Consortium Inc 4761 Highway 501, Ste 1 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29579 (843) 455-7505 Fax: (843) 236-9765 Horry County Parzanese, Kathryn L Slp Therapy Consortium Inc 4761 Highway 501, Ste 1 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29579 (843) 455-7505 Fax: (843) 236-9765 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Pohto, Lee B Slp Therapy Consortium Inc 4201 Carolina Exchange Dr, Ste 102 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29579 (843) 455-7505 Fax: (866) 571-1014 Richburg, Melonie D Slp Therapy Consortium Inc 4201 Carolina Exchange Dr, Ste 102 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29579 (843) 455-7505 Fax: (866) 571-1014 Schafehen, Elizabeth M Slp Therapy Consortium Inc 4201 Carolina Exchange Dr, Ste 102 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29579 (843) 455-7505 Fax: (866) 571-1014 Soles, Margaret H Slp Therapy Consortium Inc 4201 Carolina Exchange Dr, Ste 102 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29579 (843) 455-7505 Fax: (866) 571-1014 Stevenson, Rebecca Slp Therapy Consortium Inc 4201 Carolina Exchange Dr, Ste 102 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29579 (843) 455-7505 Fax: (866) 571-1014 Walter, Lauren Y Slp Therapy Consortium Inc 4201 Carolina Exchange Dr, Ste 102 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29579 (843) 455-7505 Fax: (866) 571-1014 Wheeler, Betty T Slp Therapy Consortium Inc 4201 Carolina Exchange Dr, Ste 102 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29579 (843) 455-7505 Fax: (866) 571-1014 Murdaugh, Monica Slp Therapy Consortium Inc 4201 Carolina Exchange Dr, Ste 102 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29579 (843) 455-7505 Fax: (866) 571-1014 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 217 Horry County Wilkes, Amy C Slp Therapy Consortium Inc 4201 Carolina Exchange Dr, Ste 102 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29579 (843) 455-7505 Fax: (866) 571-1014 Young Cline, Nicole Slp Young Talkers 8703 Hwy 17 Bypass, Ste 1 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29575 (843) 457-1053 Fax: (843) 215-2910 Lancaster County Physical/Occupational Therapy Bates, Richard J Pt Palmetto Rehabilitation Specialists LLC 6237 Carolina Common Dr, Ste 305 Indian Land, Sc 29707 (803) 802-5505 Fax: (803) 802-5520 Hours: Mon, Tue 8:00am–12:00pm Other Practitioners IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY Speech Language Pathologist Smith, Danielle Ma Magnolia Medical Group Inc 106 Parkview Dr Laurens, Sc 29360 (864) 752-3357 Fax: (678) 840-2112 Tompkins, Teresa G Slp Magnolia Medical Group Inc 106 Parkview Dr Laurens, Sc 29360 (864) 752-3357 Fax: (678) 840-2112 Lexington County Occupational Therapy Lexington County Physical/Occupational Therapy Acker Jr, Kenneth D Pt Columbia Rehabilitation Clinic Inc 1177 Sunset Blvd West Columbia, Sc 29169 (803) 794-3440 Fax: (803) 794-3440 Hours: Mon, Tue, Fri 9:00am–5:00pm; Wed, Thu 9:00am–4:00pm Speech Language Pathologist Acey, Melba M Slp Kid Connections Therapy Services LLC 259 River Ridge Way Swansea, Sc 29160 (803) 622-4482 Fax: (803) 257-6071 √ Languages Spoken: Spanish Hutto, Carol Ot Therapy Time LLC 125 Tanners Mill Rd Chapin, Sc 29036 (803) 603-3035 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Bozard, Heidi S Slp Kid Connections Therapy Services LLC 259 River Ridge Way Swansea, Sc 29160 (803) 622-4482 Fax: (803) 257-6071 Burdette, Jay J Pt Palmetto Rehabilitation Specialists LLC 6305 Carolina Commons Dr, Ste 305 Fort Mill, Sc 29707 (803) 802-5505 Fax: (803) 802-5520 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–6:00pm Mitchell, Haylee D Pt Therapeeds LLC 203 Lake Hilton Dr Chapin, Sc 29036 (803) 319-7723 Fax: (803) 732-1024 Cagle, Julia L Slp Kid Connections Therapy Services LLC 259 River Ridge Way Swansea, Sc 29160 (803) 622-4482 Fax: (803) 257-6071 Julian, Jane E Pt Palmetto Rehabilitation Specialists LLC 6305 Carolina Commons Dr, Ste 305 Fort Mill, Sc 29707 (803) 802-5505 Fax: (803) 802-5520 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–6:00pm Naughton, Amy L Ot Capital City Therapy Group LLC 100 Old Cherokee Rd, Ste F Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 467-8596 Fax: (866) 464-4298 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Jones, Heather W Slp Kid Connections Therapy Services LLC 259 River Ridge Way Swansea, Sc 29160 (803) 622-4482 Fax: (803) 257-6071 Laurens County Physical/Occupational Therapy Cortina, Victor M Pt Magnolia Medical Group Inc 106 Parkview Dr Laurens, Sc 29360 (864) 752-3357 Fax: (678) 840-2112 Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Speegle, Christine R Ot Capital City Therapy Group LLC 100 Old Cherokee Rd, Ste F Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 467-8596 Fax: (866) 464-4298 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Tardy, Paul J Ot Jumpstart Pediatrics 955 St Peters Church Rd Chapin, Sc 29036 (803) 331-5620 Fax: (803) 345-3149 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–6:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Pershyna, Victoria P Slp Capital City Therapy Group LLC 100 Old Cherokee Rd, Ste F Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 467-8596 Fax: (866) 464-4298 Pringle, Katerri L Md Bright Beginners Therapy Service LLC 1181 Hulon Ln West Columbia, Sc 29169 (803) 942-1155 Fax: (803) 339-4037 Hours: Mon–Fri 7:30am–3:30pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 218 Lexington County Williams, Kayla B Slp Capital City Therapy Group LLC 100 Old Cherokee Rd, Ste F Lexington, Sc 29072 (803) 467-8596 Fax: (866) 464-4298 Marion County Physical/Occupational Therapy Baslot, Joel N Pt Dynamic Physical Therapy 2236 E Hwy, Ste A Marion, Sc 29571 (843) 423-4888 Fax: (843) 423-4849 Hours: Mon–Sun 8:00am–5:00pm Mecklenburg County NC Physical/Occupational Therapy Bessey, Susan P Ot Childworks Therapy LLC 8257 Tradd Ct Charlotte, Nc 28210 (704) 575-2670 Fax: (888) 275-4154 Newberry County Physical/Occupational Therapy Carter, Melissa S Pt Mrs Melissa Sue Carter 154 Holland Shores Ln Prosperity, Sc 29127 (803) 429-9048 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Pickens County Occupational Therapy Cleveland, Adam R Ot Excel Rehab 1664 E Main St Clemson, Sc 29631 (864) 654-2001 Fax: (800) 305-7112 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Cleveland, Adam R Ot Excel Rehab 501 Forest Ln, Ste A Clemson, Sc 29631 (864) 654-2001 Fax: (800) 305-2921 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Other Practitioners Richland County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY Lauber, Douglas J Ot Excel Rehab 501 Forest Ln, Ste A Clemson, Sc 29631 (864) 654-2001 Fax: (800) 305-2921 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Johnson, Laura W Ot Columbia Rehabilitation Clinic Inc 1 Wellness Blvd, Ste 204 Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 749-0808 Fax: (803) 749-0308 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–6:00pm Physical/Occupational Therapy Lighthill, Nancy C Pt Columbia Rehabilitation Clinic Inc 2362 2 Notch Rd Columbia, Sc 29204 (803) 799-7007 Fax: (803) 256-8410 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–6:00pm Bright, David E Pt Excel Rehab 1664 E Main St Clemson, Sc 29631 (864) 654-2001 Fax: (800) 305-7112 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Wagner, Elizabeth A Pt Columbia Rehabilitation Clinic Inc 2362 2 Notch Rd Columbia, Sc 29204 (803) 799-7007 Fax: (803) 256-8410 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–6:00pm Bright, David E Pt Excel Rehab 501 Forest Ln, Ste A Clemson, Sc 29631 (864) 654-2001 Fax: (800) 305-2921 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Speech Language Pathologist Taphouse, Stefanie A Od Excel Rehab 501 Forest Ln, Ste A Clemson, Sc 29631 (864) 654-2001 Fax: (800) 305-2921 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Bressler, Leila N Slp Sprout Pediatrics LLC 108 Belfair Rd Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 361-6995 Fax: (803) 825-4830 Richland County Occupational Therapy Johnson, Tonya A Ot Team Therapy Sc 1710b Richland St Columbia, Sc 29201 (803) 253-6223 Fax: (803) 253-6224 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–6:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Physical/Occupational Therapy Filler, Bruce D Pt Columbia Rehabilitation Clinic Inc 2362 2 Notch Rd Columbia, Sc 29204 (803) 799-7007 Fax: (803) 256-8410 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–6:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Coetsee, Melanie S Slp Sprout Pediatrics LLC 108 Belfair Rd Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 361-6995 Fax: (803) 825-4830 Lutterbie, Jennifer F Slp Team Therapy Sc 1710b Richland St Columbia, Sc 29201 (803) 253-6223 Fax: (803) 253-6224 Thomas, Sherry F Slp Palmetto Early Beginnings 355 Ridge Run Trail Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 271-2364 Fax: (803) 708-5618 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 219 Richmond County GA Richmond, GA County Physical/Occupational Therapy Lause, Cree M Pt Mrs Cree Matthews Lause Pt 415 Waverly Dr Augusta, Ga 30909 (706) 231-1608 Spartanburg County Occupational Therapy Bright, Mary B Ot Better Beginnings Inc 292 S Pine St, Ste A & B Spartanburg, Sc 29302 (864) 591-3484 Fax: (864) 751-4115 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Wed, Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Budzyn, Meghan F Ot Advanced Therapy Solutions Inc 2400 Winchester Pl, Ste 102b Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 576-7188 Fax: (864) 576-8909 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Duhon, Kathie L Ot Advanced Therapy Solutions Inc 2400 Winchester Pl, Ste 102b Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 576-7188 Fax: (864) 576-8909 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Elliott, Paisley P Ot Advanced Therapy Solutions Inc 2400 Winchester Pl, Ste 102b Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 576-7188 Fax: (864) 576-8909 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Elliott, Paisley P Ot Advanced Therapy Solutions Inc 8811 Warren H Abernathy Hwy Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 574-7282 Fax: (864) 574-7664 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Other Practitioners Spartanburg County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY Physical Therapy Hartley, Andrew D Ot Advanced Therapy Solutions Inc 110 Garner Rd, Ste 7 Spartanburg, Sc 29303 (864) 208-8804 Fax: (864) 573-6863 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Afrikaans Fortin, Michael Pt Proaxis Therapy 333 S Pine St Spartanburg, Sc 29302 (864) 515-7580 Fax: (864) 515-7581 Hartley, Andrew D Ot Advanced Therapy Solutions Inc 2400 Winchester Pl, Ste 102b Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 576-7188 Fax: (864) 576-8909 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Afrikaans Gregg, Sally Pt Proaxis Therapy 333 S Pine St Spartanburg, Sc 29302 (864) 515-7580 Fax: (864) 515-7581 Konz, Kevin Pt Proaxis Therapy 2660 Reidville Rd, Ste 6 & 7 Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 576-3738 Fax: (864) 576-8457 Hartley, Andrew D Ot Advanced Therapy Solutions Inc 8811 Warren H Abernathy Hwy Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 574-7282 Fax: (864) 574-7664 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Languages Spoken: Afrikaans Lewis, Abigail Pt Proaxis Therapy 2660 Reidville Rd, Ste 6 & 7 Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 576-3738 Fax: (864) 576-8457 Kennemore, Kimberly N Ot Advanced Therapy Solutions Inc 2400 Winchester Pl, Ste 102b Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 576-7188 Fax: (864) 576-8909 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Lloyd, Sarah H Ot Better Beginnings Inc 292 S Pine St, Ste A & B Spartanburg, Sc 29302 (864) 591-3484 Fax: (864) 751-4115 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Wed, Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Maxwell, Kathleen Ot Pediatrics Unlimited Inc 355 Oak Grove Rd Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 595-4225 Fax: (864) 595-4821 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Roberts, Amy Ot Pediatrics Unlimited Inc 355 Oak Grove Rd Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 595-4225 Fax: (864) 595-4821 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Loso, Megan Pt Proaxis Therapy 333 S Pine St Spartanburg, Sc 29302 (864) 515-7580 Fax: (864) 515-7581 Mambretti Dennison, Joanne Pt Proaxis Therapy 333 S Pine St Spartanburg, Sc 29302 (864) 515-7580 Fax: (864) 515-7581 Murrell, Monica Pt Proaxis Therapy 2660 Reidville Rd, Ste 6 & 7 Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 576-3738 Fax: (864) 576-8457 Reimer, Robert Pt Proaxis Therapy 333 S Pine St Spartanburg, Sc 29302 (864) 515-7580 Fax: (864) 515-7581 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 220 Spartanburg County Physical/Occupational Therapy Benes, Jessica L Pt Pediatrics Unlimited Inc 355 Oak Grove Rd Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 595-4225 Fax: (864) 595-4821 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Brown, Stacey H Ot Better Beginnings Inc 292 S Pine St, Ste A & B Spartanburg, Sc 29302 (864) 591-3484 Fax: (864) 751-4115 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Wed, Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Clawson, Victoria L Pt Better Beginnings Inc 292 S Pine St, Ste A & B Spartanburg, Sc 29302 (864) 591-3484 Fax: (864) 751-4115 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Wed, Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Grimaldo, Roxanna L Ot Pediatrics Unlimited Inc 355 Oak Grove Rd Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 595-4225 Fax: (864) 595-4821 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Howell, Allison D Pt Advanced Therapy Solutions Inc 2400 Winchester Pl, Ste 102b Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 576-7188 Fax: (864) 576-8909 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Howell, Allison D Pt Advanced Therapy Solutions Inc 8811 Warren H Abernathy Hwy Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 574-7282 Fax: (864) 574-7664 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Reimer, Mackenzie R Pt Advanced Therapy Solutions Inc 2400 Winchester Pl, Ste 102b Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 576-7188 Fax: (864) 576-8909 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Other Practitioners Union County NC IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY Reimer, Mackenzie R Pt Advanced Therapy Solutions Inc 362 N Pine St Spartanburg, Sc 29302 (864) 398-5100 Fax: (864) 582-1996 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm George, Alexandra A Slp Pediatrics Unlimited Inc 355 Oak Grove Rd Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 595-4225 Fax: (864) 595-4821 Guryan, Barbara Slp Pediatrics Unlimited Inc 355 Oak Grove Rd Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 595-4225 Fax: (864) 595-4821 Reimer, Mackenzie R Pt Advanced Therapy Solutions Inc 8811 Warren H Abernathy Hwy Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 574-7282 Fax: (864) 574-7664 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Metts, Cheri C Slp Better Beginnings Inc 292 S Pine St, Ste A & B Spartanburg, Sc 29302 (864) 591-3484 Fax: (864) 751-4115 Schoch, Lisa J Pt Pediatrics Unlimited Inc 355 Oak Grove Rd Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 595-4225 Fax: (864) 595-4821 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Rouse, Jamie L Slp Better Beginnings Inc 292 S Pine St, Ste A & B Spartanburg, Sc 29302 (864) 591-3484 Fax: (864) 751-4115 Sharp, Mary E Ot Pediatrics Unlimited Inc 355 Oak Grove Rd Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 595-4225 Fax: (864) 595-4821 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Stephens, Ashley M Ma Pediatrics Unlimited Inc 355 Oak Grove Rd Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 595-4225 Fax: (864) 595-4821 Vanderlaan, Sarah E Ot Pediatrics Unlimited Inc 355 Oak Grove Rd Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 595-4225 Fax: (864) 595-4821 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Speech Language Pathologist Adams, Tara C Ma Pediatrics Unlimited Inc 355 Oak Grove Rd Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 595-4225 Fax: (864) 595-4821 Connolly, Amanda L Slp Better Beginnings Inc 292 S Pine St, Ste A & B Spartanburg, Sc 29302 (864) 591-3484 Fax: (864) 751-4115 Wisesiegel, Barbara L Slp Pediatrics Unlimited Inc 355 Oak Grove Rd Spartanburg, Sc 29301 (864) 595-4225 Fax: (864) 595-4821 Union, NC County Physical/Occupational Therapy Bessey, Susan P Ot Childworks Therapy LLC 4405 Sardis Church Rd Monroe, Nc 28110 (704) 575-2670 Fax: (888) 275-4154 Elmore, Megan J Ma Better Beginnings Inc 292 S Pine St, Ste A & B Spartanburg, Sc 29302 (864) 591-3484 Fax: (864) 751-4115 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 221 York County York County Physical/Occupational Therapy Arnold, Katherine Pt Palmetto Rehabilitation Specialists LLC 105 Ben Casey Dr, Ste 127 Fort Mill, Sc 29708 (803) 802-5855 Fax: (803) 802-5869 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–6:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Bates, Richard J Pt Palmetto Rehabilitation Specialists LLC 105 Ben Casey Dr, Ste 127 Fort Mill, Sc 29708 (803) 802-5855 Fax: (803) 802-5869 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–6:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Bates, Richard J Pt Palmetto Rehabilitation Specialists LLC 134 Professional Park Dr Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 329-4685 Fax: (803) 329-4683 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Bates, Richard J Pt Palmetto Rehabilitation Specialists LLC 1514 E Alexander Love Hwy, Ste 116 York, Sc 29745 (803) 628-2220 Fax: (803) 628-2224 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Burdette, Jay J Pt Palmetto Rehabilitation Specialists LLC 105 Ben Casey Dr, Ste 127 Fort Mill, Sc 29708 (803) 802-5855 Fax: (803) 802-5869 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–6:00pm Other Practitioners York County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY Fitzmorris, Lisa A Pt Palmetto Rehabilitation Specialists LLC 105 Ben Casey Dr, Ste 127 Fort Mill, Sc 29708 (803) 802-5855 Fax: (803) 802-5869 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–6:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Kinard, John C Pt Palmetto Rehabilitation Specialists LLC 134 Professional Park Dr Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 329-4685 Fax: (803) 329-4683 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Gantzer, Tammy C Pt Palmetto Rehabilitation Specialists LLC 1075 Bayshore Dr Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 329-4685 Fax: (803) 329-4683 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Kinard, John C Pt Palmetto Rehabilitation Specialists LLC 1514 E Alexander Love Hwy, Ste 116 York, Sc 29745 (803) 628-2220 Fax: (803) 628-2224 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Gantzer, Tammy C Pt Palmetto Rehabilitation Specialists LLC 134 Professional Park Dr Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 329-4685 Fax: (803) 329-4683 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Rickenbaker, Melissa E Pt Palmetto Rehabilitation Specialists LLC 1514 E Alexander Love Hwy, Ste 116 York, Sc 29745 (803) 628-2220 Fax: (803) 628-2224 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Julian, Jane E Pt Palmetto Rehabilitation Specialists LLC 105 Ben Casey Dr, Ste 127 Fort Mill, Sc 29708 (803) 802-5855 Fax: (803) 802-5869 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–6:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Smith, Sherry L Ot Palmetto Rehabilitation Specialists LLC 1075 Bayshore Dr Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 329-4685 Fax: (803) 329-4683 Julian, Jane E Pt Palmetto Rehabilitation Specialists LLC 1075 Bayshore Dr Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 329-4685 Fax: (803) 329-4683 Speech Language Pathologist Price, Cheryl M Slp Priceless Therapy Services LLC 1746 Edge Park Rd Clover, Sc 29710 (803) 331-1560 Fax: (888) 427-7423 Julian, Jane E Pt Palmetto Rehabilitation Specialists LLC 1514 E Alexander Love Hwy, Ste 116 York, Sc 29745 (803) 628-2220 Fax: (803) 628-2224 Hours: Mon–Thu 8:00am–5:00pm; Fri 8:00am–12:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 222 Aiken County Aiken County Infusion Therapy Clinic/Center Palmetto Infusion Services LLC 121 Aurora Pl Aiken, Sc 29801 (803) 771-7740 Fax: (866) 872-8920 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Palmetto Infusion Services LLC 815 West Ave North Augusta, Sc 29841 (803) 489-0130 Fax: (803) 489-0135 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Rehabilitation Substance Use Disorder Clinic/Center Aiken Center For Alcohol And Other Drug Services 1105 Gregg Hwy Aiken, Sc 29801 (803) 649-1900 Fax: (803) 643-2926 Allendale County Rehabilitation Substance Use Disorder Clinic/Center New Life Center 571 Memorial Ave Allendale, Sc 29810 (803) 584-4238 Fax: (803) 584-1090 Anderson County Infusion Therapy Clinic/Center Palmetto Infusion Services LLC 1650 E Greenville St Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 760-1560 Fax: (864) 370-1009 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Clinics Florence County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY Barnwell County Rehabilitation Substance Use Disorder Clinic/Center Axis 1 Center Of Barnwell 1644 Jackson St Barnwell, Sc 29812 (803) 541-1245 Fax: (803) 541-1247 Colleton County Rehabilitation Substance Use Disorder Clinic/Center Colleton County Commission On Alcohol And Drug Abuse 1439 Thunderbolt Dr Walterboro, Sc 29488 (843) 538-4343 Fax: (843) 538-7613 Beaufort County Infusion Therapy Clinic/Center Palmetto Infusion Services LLC 300 Midtown Dr Beaufort, Sc 29906 (843) 522-8406 Fax: (843) 522-0317 Hours: Thu 8:00am–5:00pm Darlington County Rehabilitation Substance Use Disorder Clinic/Center Rubicon Family Counseling Services 510 E Carolina Ave Hartsville, Sc 29551 (843) 332-4156 Fax: (843) 332-4159 Charleston County Infusion Therapy Clinic/Center Palmetto Infusion Services LLC 1027 Physicians Dr, Ste 220 Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 414-1900 Fax: (843) 766-0706 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Dorchester County Rehabilitation Substance Use Disorder Clinic/Center Dorchester Alcohol And Drug Commission 500 N Main St, Ste 4 Summerville, Sc 29483 (843) 871-4790 Fax: (843) 871-8579 Palmetto Infusion Services LLC 2891 Tricom St Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 414-0287 Fax: (866) 872-8920 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Florence County Ambulatory Surgical Clinic/Center Clarendon County Rehabilitation Substance Use Disorder Clinic/Center Clarendon Behavioral Health Services 14 N Church St Manning, Sc 29102 (804) 435-2121 Fax: (803) 435-8856 McLeod Ambulatory Surgery Center 604 E Cheves St Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 777-6451 Fax: (843) 669-6116 Outpatient Surgery Center 1580 Freedom Blvd Florence, Sc 29505 (843) 664-3300 Infusion Therapy Clinic/Center Palmetto Infusion Services LLC 113 Cherokee Rd Florence, Sc 29501 (843) 669-4466 Fax: (843) 669-0906 Hours: Tue, Thu 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 223 Florence County Rehabilitation Substance Use Disorder Clinic/Center Bruce Hall Substance Abuse Detox And Rehab 121 E Cedar St Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 661-3133 Georgetown County Infusion Therapy Clinic/Center Palmetto Infusion Services LLC 86 Professional Ln Pawleys Island, Sc 29585 (843) 979-4100 Fax: (843) 979-4101 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Greenville County Clinic Venice Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility 3683 S Industrial Dr Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 836-7220 Fax: (864) 294-1774 Infusion Therapy Clinic/Center Palmetto Infusion Services LLC 400 Pelham Rd Greenville, Sc 29615 (800) 371-4140 Fax: (864) 370-1009 Hours: Mon, Wed 8:00am–5:00pm Hampton County Rehabilitation Substance Use Disorder Clinic/Center New Life Center 102 Ginn Altman Ave, Ste C Hampton, Sc 29924 (803) 943-2800 Fax: (803) 943-2267 Clinics IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY Horry County Infusion Therapy Clinic/Center Palmetto Infusion Services LLC 113 Waccamaw Medical Park Dr Conway, Sc 29526 (843) 331-3205 Fax: (843) 331-3209 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Spartanburg County Lexington County Infusion Therapy Clinic/Center Palmetto Infusion Services LLC 172 Mcswain Dr, Ste A West Columbia, Sc 29169 (803) 771-7740 Fax: (800) 771-7782 Hours: Tue, Thu, Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Palmetto Infusion Services LLC 4600 Oleander Dr, Ste A Myrtle Beach, Sc 29577 (843) 839-2550 Fax: (843) 839-2555 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Pickens County Rehabilitation Substance Use Disorder Clinic/Center Jasper County Rehabilitation Substance Use Disorder Clinic/Center New Life Center 651 Grays Hwy Ridgeland, Sc 29936 (843) 726-5996 Fax: (843) 726-4313 Behavioral Health Services Of Pickens County 309 E Main St Pickens, Sc 29671 (864) 898-5800 Fax: (864) 898-5678 Spartanburg County Clinic Lancaster County Ambulatory Surgical Clinic/Center Spartanburg Alcohol And Drug Abuse Commission 187 W Broad St, Ste 300 Spartanburg, Sc 29306 (864) 582-7588 Fax: (864) 582-8119 The Surgery Center At Edgewater 2536 Lengers Way Indian Land, Sc 29707 (803) 802-9500 Fax: (803) 802-8499 Rehabilitation Substance Use Disorder Clinic/Center Counseling Services Of Lancaster 114 S Main St Lancaster, Sc 29720 (803) 285-6911 Fax: (803) 286-6697 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 224 Aiken County Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies Aiken County Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies Home Medical Inc 309 University Pkwy Aiken, Sc 29801 (803) 649-1726 Fax: (803) 641-7917 Langley Drug Company 2820 Augusta Rd Langley, Sc 29834 (803) 593-3411 Fax: (803) 593-6090 Anderson County Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies Hanger Inc 305 E Greenville St Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 261-7375 Fax: (864) 225-0684 Beaufort County Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies Hanger Inc 1055 Ribaut Rd, Ste 20b Beaufort, Sc 29902 (843) 986-9117 Fax: (843) 986-0813 IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY Berkeley County Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies Medcaire Inc 450 Deanna Ln Charleston, Sc 29492 (843) 216-2943 Hours: Mon–Fri 9:00am–5:00pm Columbia County GA Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies American Homepatient 108 N Belair Rd, Ste 9 Evans, Ga 30809 (706) 868-0695 Fax: (706) 650-8094 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Buncombe County NC Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies Aeroflow Inc 3165 Sweeten Creek Rd Asheville, Nc 28803 (888) 345-1780 Dorchester County Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies American Homepatient 133 Elliana Way, Ste B1 Summerville, Sc 29483 (843) 875-0123 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Charleston County Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies Hanger Inc 2060 Charlie Hall Blvd Charleston, Sc 29414 (843) 573-0871 Fax: (843) 573-9451 Florence County Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies American Homepatient 1653 W Palmetto St Florence, Sc 29501 (843) 664-2818 Fax: (843) 664-2821 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hanger Inc 9267 Medical Plaza Dr, Ste 1 Charleston, Sc 29406 (843) 863-1734 Fax: (843) 863-1601 Hanger Inc 12b Arley Way, Ste 103 Bluffton, Sc 29910 (843) 815-9080 Fax: (843) 815-9081 Resource Medical Group Of Charleston LLC 4042 Ashley Phosphate Rd North Charleston, Sc 29418 (843) 767-3344 Fax: (843) 767-8844 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Resource Medical Group Of Charleston LLC 1180 Ribaut Rd, Ste 4 & 5 Beaufort, Sc 29902 (843) 379-0612 Fax: (843) 379-0613 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Your Asthma Care 4000 S Faber Pl Dr, Ste 300 North Charleston, Sc 29405 (843) 323-4356 Fax: (888) 939-5839 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Florence County Hanger Inc 326 S Dargan St Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 669-8509 Fax: (843) 667-3590 Palmetto Medical Equipment Of Florence LLC 418 Scoit St Ste A Florence, Sc 29501 (843) 629-8236 Fax: (843) 629-8261 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 225 Greenville County Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies Greenville County Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY Horry County Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies Advanced Prosthetics Inc 6 Old Grove Rd Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 552-9772 Fax: (864) 552-9773 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm American Homepatient 1400 Hwy 544 Conway, Sc 29526 (843) 347-0711 Fax: (843) 347-0833 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Advanced Prosthetics Inc 1 Brushy Meadows Dr Greer, Sc 29650 (864) 989-1946 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm First Choice Medical Equipment 3357 Casey St Loris, Sc 29569 (843) 756-4300 Fax: (843) 756-0811 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:00pm Advanced Prosthetics Inc 400 E SE Main Simpsonville, Sc 29681 (864) 963-8000 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm American Homepatient 355 Woodruff Rd, Ste 302 Greenville, Sc 29607 (864) 299-0123 Fax: (864) 299-1116 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hanger Inc 1009 Grove Rd, Ste B1 Greenville, Sc 29605 (864) 370-2010 Fax: (864) 370-1611 Hanger Inc 11 Brendan Way, Ste 150 Greenville, Sc 29615 (864) 234-9095 Fax: (864) 234-9092 Greenwood County Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies Hanger Inc 418 W Alexander Ave Greenwood, Sc 29646 (864) 223-4333 Fax: (864) 223-0081 Orangeburg County Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies Kershaw County Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies Hanger Inc 59 E Dekalb St Camden, Sc 29020 (803) 424-5221 Fax: (803) 424-4847 Lancaster County Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies American Homepatient 112 N Woodland Dr Lancaster, Sc 29720 (803) 285-6755 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Lexington County Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Oconee County Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies Hanger Inc 12b Boardwalk Pl Seneca, Sc 29678 (864) 985-0455 Fax: (864) 985-0461 The Mobility Center Of The Grand Strand 7831 N King Hwy Myrtle Beach, Sc 29572 (843) 692-8001 Fax: (843) 449-8858 Pal Med Inc 1403 Dunbar Rd Cayce, Sc 29033 (803) 791-9013 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Spartanburg County Hanger Inc 1707 Villagepark Dr Orangeburg, Sc 29118 (803) 536-6797 Fax: (803) 536-2887 Richland County Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies Achieve Dme Inc 11132 Broad River Rd Irmo, Sc 29063 (803) 714-1977 Fax: (803) 714-9773 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm American Homepatient 127 Corporate Ln Columbia, Sc 29223 (803) 714-6544 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Hanger Inc 1739 Blanding St Columbia, Sc 29201 (803) 256-4359 Fax: (803) 771-8858 Spartanburg County Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies American Homepatient 1330 Boiling Springs Spartanburg, Sc 29303 (864) 585-1323 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 226 Spartanburg County Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies Apria Healthcare LLC 325 Inglesby Pkwy, Ste A Duncan, Sc 29334 (864) 433-0615 Fax: (888) 492-0010 Hanger Inc 280 Dillon Circle Spartanburg, Sc 29307 (864) 585-3691 Fax: (864) 591-3196 Resource Medical Group Of Charleston LLC 110A Aztec Ct Duncan, Sc 29334 (864) 233-6700 Fax: (864) 233-6799 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY Sumter County Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies Access Home Medical LLC 144 Garrett St Sumter, Sc 29150 (803) 773-1600 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm York County York County Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies Hanger Inc 1578 Constitution Blvd Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 328-2625 Fax: (803) 328-1408 Union County Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies Piedmont Medical Equipment 1213 Ebenezer Rock Hill, Sc 29732 (803) 366-6666 American Homepatient 320 N Duncan Bypass, Ste E Union, Sc 29379 (864) 429-8880 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 227 Berkeley County Oxygen Equipment & Supplies Berkeley County Oxygen Equipment & Supplies Aerocare 108 Thomas Cary Ct, Ste B Charleston, Sc 29492 (843) 225-5085 IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY Colleton County Oxygen Equipment & Supplies Aerocare 406 Bells Hwy Walterboro, Sc 29488 (843) 549-9600 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Horry County Horry County Oxygen Equipment & Supplies Aerocare 3931 Mega Dr, Ste 11 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29588 (843) 236-7777 Fax: (843) 236-7774 Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 228 Bamberg County Bamberg County Home Health Agency Vna Of Greater Bamberg Inc 923 Midway St Bamberg, Sc 29003 (803) 245-5611 Fax: (803) 245-3259 Home Health Agencies IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY Florence County Florence County Home Health Agency McLeod Home Health 300 S Dargan St Florence, Sc 29506 (843) 777-3050 Fax: (843) 777-5368 √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 229 Anderson County Anderson County Laboratory Quest Diagnostics 100 Health Way Anderson, Sc 29621 (866) 697-8378 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Dekalb, GA County Laboratory Quest Diagnostics 1777 Montreal Cir Tucker, Ga 30084 (866) 697-8378 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Dorchester County Laboratory Quest Diagnostics 104 Morgan Pl, Ste C Summerville, Sc 29485 (866) 697-8378 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Laboratories IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY COUNTY Greenwood County Laboratory Sumter County Richland County Laboratory Quest Diagnostics 105 Vine Crest Ct Greenwood, Sc 29646 (866) 697-8378 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Quest Diagnostics 11 Gateway Corners Park Columbia, Sc 29203 (866) 697-8378 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Horry County Laboratory Sumter County Laboratory Quest Diagnostics 1039 44th Ave N, Ste 204 Myrtle Beach, Sc 29577 (866) 697-8378 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Quest Diagnostics 115 N Sumter St, Ste 115 Sumter, Sc 29150 (866) 697-8378 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm Oconee County Laboratory Quest Diagnostics 10135d Clemson Blvd Seneca, Sc 29678 (866) 697-8378 Hours: Mon–Fri 8:00am–5:00pm √ Provider proficient in a language(s) in addition to English vThis Practice is an NCQA recognized Patient Centered Medical Home Providers are accepting new patients unless noted. i Not Accepting New Patients – No aceptan pacientes nuevo. The information in this directory is current as of January 2014. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Molina Healthcare Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/South Carolina Relay Service 711. 230 Abbeville County Abbeville County Callaways Pharmacy 546 E Savannah St Calhoun Falls, Sc 29628 (864) 418-8581 CVS Pharmacy 902 W Greenwood St Abbeville, Sc 29620 (864) 459-5406 CVS Pharmacy 408-B E Greer St Honea Path, Sc 29654 (864) 369-2822 Freds Pharmacy 763 Highway 28 Byp Abbeville, Sc 29620 (864) 366-1124 Freds Pharmacy 518 E Greer St Honea Path, Sc 29654 (864) 369-0707 Savitz Drug Store Inc 815 W Greenwood St Ste 4 Abbeville, Sc 29620 (864) 366-2165 Aiken County Aiken Drug Company 101 Laurens St SW Aiken, Sc 29801 (803) 649-6286 Bi Lo Pharmacy 111 Edgewood Ave North Augusta, Sc 29841 (803) 279-1190 Carolina Musculoskeletal Ins 721 Richland Ave W Ste 100 Aiken, Sc 29801 (310) 943-4180 Center For Primary Care Pc 105 E Hugh St North Augusta, Sc 29841 (803) 279-6800 CVS Pharmacy 1041 York St Aiken, Sc 29801 (803) 649-0521 Pharmacies Aiken County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER CVS Pharmacy 1638 Richland Ave W Aiken, Sc 29801 (803) 648-3320 Kroger Pharmacy 1795 Whiskey Rd Aiken, Sc 29803 (803) 642-5371 CVS Pharmacy 2062 Whiskey Rd Aiken, Sc 29803 (803) 648-2339 Langley Drug Company 2820 Augusta Rd Langley, Sc 29834 (803) 593-3411 CVS Pharmacy 4295 Jefferson Davis Hwy Beech Island, Sc 29842 (803) 593-5196 Lominicks Pharmacy 839 Richland Ave W Aiken, Sc 29801 (803) 648-8328 CVS Pharmacy 101 Edgefield Rd North Augusta, Sc 29841 (803) 279-7470 Margaret J Weston Health Ctr 4645 Augusta Rd Clearwater, Sc 29822 (803) 593-9283 Family Pharmacy 333 Newberry St NW Aiken, Sc 29801 (803) 649-1776 Medical Center Pharmacy 410 University Pkwy Ste 2800 Aiken, Sc 29801 (803) 648-2985 Family Pharmacy South Aiken 110 Price Ave Aiken, Sc 29803 (803) 648-1776 Publix Pharmacy 250 Eastgate Dr Aiken, Sc 29803 (803) 643-7976 Food Lion Pharmacy 135 Market Plaza Dr North Augusta, Sc 29841 (803) 278-2476 Publix Pharmacy 334 E Martintown Rd North Augusta, Sc 29841 (803) 441-3906 George Parks Pharmacy 437 Georgia Ave North Augusta, Sc 29841 (803) 279-7450 Rite Aid Pharmacy 605 Main St N New Ellenton, Sc 29809 (803) 652-2721 Home Medical Inc 309 University Pkwy Aiken, Sc 29801 (803) 649-1726 Rite Aid Pharmacy 401 Martintown Rd North Augusta, Sc 29841 (803) 279-1610 Ingate Professional Pharmacy 400 Laurens St NW Aiken, Sc 29801 (803) 648-8330 Target Pharmacy 2545 Whiskey Rd Aiken, Sc 29803 (803) 644-2711 Kmart Pharmacy 310 E Martintown Rd North Augusta, Sc 29841 (803) 278-3673 The Medicine Mart 1020 Richland Ave W Aiken, Sc 29801 (803) 649-7437 Kroger Drugstore 1284 Knox Ave North Augusta, Sc 29841 (803) 442-4510 Tlc Medical Centre Inc 190 Crepe Myrtle Ct Aiken, Sc 29803 (803) 648-7800 For additional pharmacies or current listings please contact CVS CAREMARK. You may call them at 1-800-SHOP-CVS (1-800-746-7287), or view their website at For Caremark prescriptions please call (800)-552-8159. 231 Aiken County Pharmacies Anderson County IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER Town And Country Pharmacy 606 Main St N New Ellenton, Sc 29809 (803) 652-3006 Anderson Bariatric Physicians 2106 N Main St Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 225-6360 CVS Pharmacy 2814 N Main St Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 224-3823 Wagener Drug Co 129 Main St N Wagener, Sc 29164 (803) 564-5381 Anderson Eye & Ear Aka Medicus 1655 E Greenville St Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 716-7807 CVS Pharmacy 922 Highway 28 By-Pass Anderson, Sc 29625 (864) 224-7469 Walmart Pharmacy 2035 Whiskey Rd Aiken, Sc 29803 (803) 648-7766 AnMed Health Campus Pharmacy 2000 E Greenville St Ste 1000 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 512-6020 CVS Pharmacy 605 S Main St Ste 5 Belton, Sc 29627 (864) 338-6996 Walmart Pharmacy 3581 Richland Ave W Aiken, Sc 29801 (803) 648-6464 AnMed Pharmacy 700 E Greenville St Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 512-2642 CVS Pharmacy 1 Main St Pelzer, Sc 29669 (864) 947-1098 Walmart Pharmacy 1201 Knox Ave North Augusta, Sc 29841 (803) 279-1919 Bi Lo Pharmacy 1704 E Greenville St Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 375-9401 CVS Pharmacy 7647 Highway 76 Pendleton, Sc 29670 (864) 646-7869 Bi Lo Pharmacy 3233 Mall Rd Anderson, Sc 29625 (864) 226-0164 CVS Pharmacy 10909 Anderson Rd Piedmont, Sc 29673 (864) 269-0314 Bi Lo Pharmacy 4405 Highway 24 Anderson, Sc 29626 (864) 226-7776 CVS Pharmacy 7501 Augusta Rd Piedmont, Sc 29673 (864) 299-0234 Bi Lo Pharmacy 330 Lebby St Pelzer, Sc 29669 (864) 947-9214 Depalma Drugs Inc 314 S Main St Anderson, Sc 29624 (864) 226-1201 Bryant Pharmacy & Supply 1901 N Main St Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 224-0711 Dixon Powers Drug Company 805 N Fant St Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 224-1684 Advanced Pharmacy LLC 107 Kiowa Ln Ste B Piedmont, Sc 29673 (877) 707-9073 Clinkscales Drugs 727 Anderson St Belton, Sc 29627 (864) 338-8217 Freds Pharmacy 297 S Highway 20 Pelzer, Sc 29669 (864) 947-8722 All About Your Health Inc 1704 E Greenville St Ste 1d Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 332-8992 CVS Pharmacy 109 Highway 28 By-Pass Anderson, Sc 29624 (864) 296-9734 Ingles Pharmacy 4396 Hwy 24 Anderson, Sc 29696 (864) 226-2398 American Home Care & Phcy 802 N Main St Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 222-4092 CVS Pharmacy 1405 E Greenville St Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 224-8797 Iva Drug Store Inc 720 E Front St Iva, Sc 29655 (864) 348-6138 Allendale County Fairfax Pharmacy 1275 Allendale Fairfax Hwy Fairfax, Sc 29827 (803) 632-2055 Low Country Health Care System Phcy 333 Revolutionary Trl Fairfax, Sc 29827 (803) 632-2533 Rite Aid Pharmacy 137 Main St S Allendale, Sc 29810 (803) 584-7735 Anderson County For additional pharmacies or current listings please contact CVS CAREMARK. You may call them at 1-800-SHOP-CVS (1-800-746-7287), or view their website at For Caremark prescriptions please call (800)-552-8159. 232 Anderson County Pharmacies Kmart Pharmacy 3801 Clemson Blvd # B Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 716-0030 Rite Aid Pharmacy 201 E Main St Williamston, Sc 29697 (864) 847-9071 Manifest Pharmacy 107 Kiowa Ln Ste 3 Piedmont, Sc 29673 (800) 240-4727 Rm Campbell Vet Nurs Home Dis 4605 Belton Hwy Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 261-6734 Prescription Shop Inc 1217 N Fant St Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 225-8246 Sams Club Pharmacy 3812 Liberty Hwy Ste 6 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 226-7729 Professional Pharmacy 1409 N Main St Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 224-3581 Target Pharmacy 3519 Clemson Blvd Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 224-3972 Propp Drugs 1529 N Fant St Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 226-8383 The Medicine Mart 2627 S Main St Anderson, Sc 29624 (864) 225-3119 Publix Pharmacy 1611 E Greenville St Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 231-5246 Value Medical 107 Kiowa Ln Piedmont, Sc 29673 (864) 272-2701 Publix Pharmacy 3801e Clemson Blvd Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 231-1176 Walmart Pharmacy 3812 Liberty Hwy Ste 1 Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 231-6071 Redi Care LLC 823 Pearman Dairy Rd Anderson, Sc 29625 (864) 225-7878 Walmart Pharmacy 651 Highway 28 Byp Anderson, Sc 29624 (864) 261-7459 Rite Aid Pharmacy 107 E Greenville St Anderson, Sc 29621 (864) 964-1606 Rite Aid Pharmacy 1108 Pearman Dairy Rd Anderson, Sc 29625 (864) 226-6083 Rite Aid Pharmacy 3441 Highway 153 Piedmont, Sc 29673 (864) 220-9992 Rite Aid Pharmacy 915 Anderson St Piedmont, Sc 29673 (864) 845-8323 Beaufort County IN ALPHA
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