rnstitutional Ethies committee (rEc)
rnstitutional Ethies committee (rEc)
rnstitutionalEthiescommittee(rEc) 314/30,MirzaMandi,chowk,Lucknow_-2 pradesh, 26003,Uttar phones; 0522_3239446; FAX:OSZZ-+Oigi Z India. E mail:[email protected] To, Date:12hJune2011 Dr.SandeepKumarGupta M.V.Hospital& ResearchCentre 314130 MirzaMandi,Ghowk, Lucknow-226003, Ratz l'ttr16loglrzlt 1 UttarPradesh,India. 'coo3 Reference: A DoubleBlind,Randomized, placebocontrolled,parallel Group,Three Arm Multicentre and Muttinational Pivotalstudy To Assess.The Efficacyand safetyof Two DcisageRegimensof crofelemerTablets In The Treatmentof ModerateTo severe Acute WateryDiarrhea ln Adultpatients." sub: EthicscommifteeApprovalof study Documentssubmittedon 31"t May2011. DearSir, This is to informyou that the submitted documents were reviewedand assessedby the followingEthicscommitteemembers on the day of the meeJingi.e. 12rhJune2011 at 10:00 A.M. The meetingwas held in the officeof Ethics committeeat M.V. Hospital& Research centre,314130 Miza Mandi,cho,wk,Lucknow-226003, Uttarpradesh,India. . Meetingwasattendedby followingmembers:_ l. 2: J. 4. 6. .7. MedicalProfessional/ Doctor/Chairperson Scientist Medical Professional/ Clinician Pharmacologist DTMMI(HAN DR RITU GUPTA DOCTOROF MEDICINE PRESENT PHD. PRESENT DRVIJAYKUMAR MS ORTHO. PRESENT DR SARVESH SINGH MD IN PHARMACOLOGY PRESENT LegalAdvisor MR DIMSH KUMAR DIXIT LLB PRESENT Scientist DRARFEENNASIR Ph-D.IN MEDICAL BIOCHEMISTRY PRESENT SAIRA JAMEEL PH.D PRESENT SHALINI GI.JPTA B.A PRESENT DRRUCHIGHANDRA Bsc MSc Phd PRESENT SocialWorker 8. Lay Person 9 Basicmedical scientisU lVfember Secretarv PageI o/2 Theygavetheirapprovarto thebelowmentioned documents:1. Protocol Version1.0datedApril10,2011 2, Investigator,s Brochure datedApril,10,2011 ' 3' PatientInformation sheetandInformed consentFormVersion1.0datedApril10,2011. 4' PatientInformation sheetandInformed consentFormHindiLanguage version1.0dated03 May 2011 5. CaseReportFormdated May2,2011 6. Investigato/sUndertaking 7. Investigator,s CurriculumVitae '8. policy Insurance 9. DCGIsubmissionLetter The InstitutionalEthics committee for M.v. Hospital & ResearchCentreexpectsto be informedaboutthe: 1. Progress of thestudy 2.Anyserious AdverseEventsoccurring duringthecourseof thestudy 3.Anychanges in theprotocol& patientinformation consent 4. Copyof thefinalreport The lnstitutionar Ethicscommitteefor M.V. Hospitar& ResearchCentreis workingin compliance withrcMRGuiderines, rcH Gcp Guiderines, SchedUle Y andapplicable local lauis. Kindlyacknowledge uswiththe receiptof thesame. Regards *r:::s# i ;;;;;;#; si*$.*sti-..u' $ii.$d'l InstitutionalEthicsCEmmifteefor M.V.Hospital& ResearchCentre, 314130 Mirzailandi, Chowk, Lucknow-226003, UttarPradesh,India. Page2 of2