CColumbus olumns - Clifton Public Schools


CColumbus olumns - Clifton Public Schools
Christopher Columbus Middle School
June 2014
Volume 3, Issue 3
Ms. Lalama - Co-Advisor
Mr. Giblin - Co-Advisor
Dear CCMS Community 1
Arts Spotlight
CCMS Opinions
CCMS Does Charity
CCMS Critiques
CCMS Staff & Students
French Exchange
CCMS Fashion
Summer Vacation
CCMS Events
CCMS Poems & Comics
create your own
Dear CCMS Community,
We here at the Columbus Columns are
proud to present our third and final issue
of the year. We have sent our reporters
out into the school to report on the issues
and events that matter to the students!
Ms. Lalama and I have to give a HUGE
thanks to all of the eigth grade students
who have helped us so much this year.
They are the leaders of our staff, and
really shined this year in all of their
articles and contributions.
We also have to thank all of the
teachers, administration, parents, and
the Clifton community for helping our
students do their very best every day.
CCMS and this newspaper would not be
the same without all of your support.
This issue and past issues of the
Columbus Columns can be found online at
the CCMS web site. Please visit the link
to download your copy. Please share with
families and friends, too!
-Ms. Lalama & Mr. Giblin
CCMS Columns
Arts Spotlight
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Art Homeroom Field Trip
Abigail Nelken
The Art homeroom field trip was a great experience as an 8th
grader. I really enjoyed the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The
paintings were all so beautiful. I took many pictures and learned
a lot about the artwork. After the museum, we made our way to
the Disney store, (of course!) just before the show. We went to
see Aladdin on Broadway. It was a spectacular show; the actors
were incredible. My favorite was the Genie. The Art homeroom
trip will probably be one of my favorite memories of 8th grade. I
am so happy that I had an opportunity like this, and I encourage
the students that enjoy art to join Art homeroom. It will be an
experience you will never forget.
Art Homeroom’s Culminating Activity:
Met and Broadway
Art Honor Society
Jesus Estrada
Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes.
Art is knowing which ones to keep. -Scott Adams
The ideas and deep thoughts that we have expressed through
every stroke of our brush, through every line of our pencil have
come to an end here at CCMS. This was the eleventh year for the
National Junior Art Honor Society.
As we were lining up, the young men were given a flower to place
on their lapels and the young ladies were given corsages, which
were given to us by the Home School Association. Then we were
on our way parading into the John Greco Auditorium to the music
of the Jazz Band and we took our seats.
The Art Honor Society was attended by our administration: Mr.
Petrocelli, Mr. Gengaro and Mrs. Gaba. The President is Ms. Amanda
Stetz. Our special Guest Speaker was Mr. Jason Leshowitz, the
new district Supervisor of Fine and Performing Arts. His speech
highlighted ten famous quotes describing art success by famous
The ceremony was wonderful. We were honored to
receive such a prestigious award. This was due to such
outstanding teachers and mentors like Mr. Labriola and
Mrs. Luto. They have patiently showed us to think out of
the box and focus on our artistic passion.
At the end of the ceremony, the Home School Association
sponsored the Reception in the cafeteria with a variety
of delicious gourmet cakes. It was a wonderful night for
everyone in attendance.
Amanda Stetz
The New York field trip: something every Art homeroom student
looks forward to all year, it’s full of excitement, awe, and great
pictures! On May 21st the 7th and 8th grade Art homerooms
embarked onto their annual trip to New York City. That morning
we left school around 8:30 and boarded probably one of the most
elegant buses that I’ve ever been on: equipped with reclining
seats, air conditioning, and a bathroom; we traveled to Manhattan
in style. Our first stop was to the Metropolitan Museum of Art (also
called the Met). At the museum we saw Van Gogh’s to Picasso’s
and had an amazing view of Central Park from the rooftop garden
on the 5th floor.
After our visit at the Met, it was time to see a Broadway play.
This year we saw Disney’s Aladdin. Seeing live acting was one of
the best experiences of my life. The actors were amazing and all
of the sets were beautiful beyond words; after almost 2 hours of
remarkable performances, it was sadly time to go. For incoming
Art homeroom members, I have to say that the end of the year
trip is one of the best experiences you’ll have at CCMS. I’ve made
great memories with great friends; it’s something I’ll always
cherish from my years at CCMS!
CCMS Columns
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CCMS Opinions
Iggy Azalea’s Rise to Stardom
Max Dubac
Iggy Azalea and Charli XCX’s “Fancy” has remained at the top of
Billboard magazine’s Hot 100 list for the past two weeks and has
peaked at number 1. Iggy, along with the Beatles, has the only
act to rank at numbers 1and 2 at the same time with her first two
Hot 100 entries. She also became the second woman to claim
the top two places following Ashanti twelve years ago. According
to Wikipedia, “lyrically, the song is about being ‘the realest’,
‘bringing ‘88 back’, and ignoring ‘haters’.” This hit seems to be
going strong, and will probably be heard throughout the summer.
When Iggy began to research hip hop and rap music so she could
learn all about its artists and genre, she came across Derek, a
teenager from the Bahamas. Also into music, Derek and she soon
become good friends. Iggy would send him her songs and ask
for advice and tips, and soon she emigrated to American from
Australia. She stayed at Derek’s house and when she was in Miami,
she embraced Derek’s style and flow of music. He believed in her
talent and allowed her to move to the United States and fulfill her
dreams of making it big.
High School Fears?
Coming Soon to a School Near You!
Max Dubac
Nervous? It’s going to be your first day of high school after this
summer and you’re thinking how are you are going to survive
high school? Freshmen were once known as the “big fish in a
small pond” during eighth grade, but now they will be the “small
fish in a big pond” trying to stay above water. Many freshmen
worry about not fitting in, classes being really hard, being bullied,
making new friends, seeing old friends, making the team, and just
fitting in. These fears can overwhelm any eighth grader. Don’t
worry – you survived CCMS!
Here are some tips to help ease those nerves. Be yourself and a
leader, manage your time wisely, do your work and learn all you
can, be safe, and make a good impression. Your first impression
is everything because people can quickly judge you. It’s nearly
impossible to change a first impression someone has of you, so
make sure it’s not only good but also memorable. Be on time so
you don’t miss what’s going on. Present yourself appropriately,
smile, be confident, and ask questions when you need to. Be
prepared to be lost, but once you get the hang of where your
classes are and who your teachers are, you will begin to feel part
of the school. High school is a road to get you to the college of
your dreams, so make the best of it.
Good luck, and remember to smile and be you.
So far Iggy has made it to the top, but the question all artists fear
is “can they stay at the top?” The Australian singer that traveled
across the world to fulfill her dreams is trending, and seems she’s
staying on top for now since she’s been collaborating with others
who are well known. This very talented artist has the ability to
continue her success, and I hope to hear more catchy tunes from
Yearbook Class Awards Voting: Unfair
Antonio Gordon
The school year is about to end and for the 8th graders this is
our last year in middle school. As you know, yearbooks have been
around for a while, and something the yearbook committee likes
to do is to pick “The Most Likely to Succeed” or “The Class Clown”.
Our yearbook committee decided to do this. So, 8th graders in
one of their classes will be selecting people out of the whole 8th
grade to receive awards on Class Day. In an accelerated class on
Team Herwitt, the students voted for “The Best Male Dancer”.
The nominees were the following 3 people: Dante Hatcher,
Ziare Clark, and Antonio Gordon. Antonio last year was on the
Dance Team and performed for the CCMS Pep Rally. He has also
showcased some moves at the Halloween Dance. However, Dante
Hatcher and Ziare Clark have never showed any sort of skill or
talent at dancing. The outcome of the voting was the victory of
Ziare Clark. He said it himself that, and I quote,” I don’t even
dance”. How can someone who doesn’t dance win best dancer?
By this outrageous vote, this actually prevents a hardworking,
passionate dancer from receiving an award that he deserves.
The voting for awards on Class Day can be an unfair process. A
majority of students’ votes are based on the nominees’ popularity
status, while, some votes are just to be funny and others and are
just ridiculous. Due to this lack of seriousness, they’re preventing
someone who deserves an award from getting it.
CCMS Columns
CCMS Does Charity!
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Locks of Love
Wendy Olmos
Locks of Love is an annual event that occurs every year here at
Christopher Columbus Middle School. It is a special time when
students get ten inches of their hair cut and donate it to be made
into wigs and hairpieces for children with cancer. Ever wonder
how it all started? What is it about? Or what is the best part of
Locks of Love? I went behind the scenes and interviewed everyone
who was involved to make Locks of Love a success, including
hairstylists, students and of course Mrs. Dreher and Mrs. Quinlan.
Locks of Love is about children helping children. The best part
about it is the children’s’ generosity. When asked about how it
all started Mrs. Dreher said, “I started Locks of Love because
my mother insisted that I keep my hair short. I told her that
I was growing it to donate it. Then I asked Mr. Warren, our
former Principal, if we could have Locks of Love at CCMS and
he said,” Yes,” but we would have to get permission from the
Superintendent, and he said, “Yes, but make sure all of the
participants have permission slips and follow up with a phone call
When it first started, Locks of Love was held inside the auditorium
and Salon Ilona was the first salon to participate with Locks of
Love. Back then, there were only four hair stylists and students
from CCMS were donating their hair. Now they have eight or more
hair stylists and people all around the City of Clifton are donating.
It is a wonderful charity event.
I asked three of the hairstylists about how it felt to work with
Locks of Love. Monica said, “This is my first year doing Locks of
Love. I enjoy doing what I can to help.” Charlette said, “This is
my sixth year helping with Locks of Love. This event makes me
feel good about my profession and gives me an opportunity to give
my time to help a great cause.” Reem Ayoub said, “It is my second
year here and I enjoy people being here and donating their hair.”
Next I spoke to CCMS teachers and students about Locks of Love.
Mrs. Quinlan said, “It is a great feeling to be able to give such a
gift to children who need it. By helping Mrs. Dreher, and donating
my own hair, I am proud to be a part of this!” Mrs. Hugel stated,”
I enjoy hosting Locks of Love in my room each year! I enjoy
watching our students come in to donate their hair to other kids
who need it."
When I asked students why they decided to donate their hair.
Elizabeth Martinez said, “I decided to donate my hair because I
thought I wanted to give back and I know not many kids may have
what I have, so I donated my hair to Locks of Love.” Stephany
Serrano said,” These kids need it more than you. I would advise
kids to donate their hair because it is important.” Alexandra
Mallqui stated, “My hair is going to help someone who needs
it more than I do.” One of the students who donated her time
was Malania Gadgev. She said,” I have been sweeping, escorting
people, and giving out certificates. When I help others, I feel like I
am doing something that others will appreciate. I know I am doing
something that will make me feel good about myself.”
I also interviewed Emily Rose, who for the last two years has been
helping Mrs. Dreher coordinate contributions from local Clifton
business such as Hot Bagels Abroad, Dunkin Donuts on Main Avenue
and California Pizza Kitchen to feed the stylists and the people
who donated their hair. She used to be in public relations and
used her contacts at WCBS and WPIX11 Morning News to get the
both of the television stations to cover the Locks of Love event.
She wishes more business would pitch in so it could be a big
community effort.
CCMS Teachers Pull Towards a Great Cause
CCMS Staff
This past Sunday, eighteen of the Christopher Columbus
Middle School teachers joined Principal Russell Petrocelli
and Vice Principal Mark Gengaro in pulling an 80,000
pound army tank in order to support veterans.
The CCMS team was organized by Mr. Barros, physical
education teacher as well as Mr. Gengaro the middle
school’s vice principal. They gathered a team of
twenty staff members as well as organizing school wide
fundraisers. Ms. Kensicki also helped spread the word by
creating posters and flyers that were put up throughout
the school to help raise money for the event.
The second part of the tank pull was the best yet! Ms.
Baker, science teacher at Christopher Columbus Middle
School, hauled the 80,000 pound army vehicle all by
herself making great time and distance.
The Tank Pull Charity was held to help fund The Wounded Warrior Project. The students and staff raised over $1,500.00
from two dress downs and students collecting donations in the cafeteria.
The Tank Pull Charity is sponsored annually by the Knights of Columbus in Clifton. Ninety percent of the proceeds go to
help the Wounded Warrior Project and ten percent goes local veterans. Hope to see you there next year!
CCMS Columns
CCMS Critiques
Book Reviews
by Amanda Stetz & Jesus Estrada
Looking for Alaska
John Green
The novel, Looking for Alaska is one of those books you need to
read before you die. John Green strikes again with this mysteriousyet witty and fun story that revolves around the life of a 17-yearold boy named Miles and his first year in boarding school. Looking
for Alaska is a story, which will change your views on life and its
value with quiet, significant morals, laced throughout the pages
of this book. John Green tells us how it is, how life isn’t one
big fairytale and how we all mess up and breaks it down, so we
can understand. He shows us how love and the art of living are
actually delicate and intricate. This mature read makes your
heart sore and sinks all at the same time. Look no further for a
great story, than Looking for Alaska.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Stephen Chbosky
This book was phenomenal, a great read consisting of mature
content. Charlie, a 15 yr old boy goes through the struggles of
being a more than an average teenager. His life has consisted of
many traumatic events such as death, sexual assault, and drugs,
just to name a few. These events were sadly the key part of what
made him who he is today. He is a lonely, emotional teenager,
with no one but his books to have a steady relationship with. This
book is a roller coaster of events that may soar to the heavens but
crash and never exist. Find out what happens to Charlie in, the
Perks of Being a Wallflower.
The Fault in Our Stars
John Green
There’s no doubt that you have of this book. The book has
recently been released in theaters as a movie. The protagonist
is 16-year-old Hazel Grace who has terminal cancer. While a
part of a support group for cancer patients and survivors, Hazel
meets a guy named Augustus Waters and falls in love with him.
Everything is going well until the bad news comes: cancer has
returned to Augustus. I won’t spoil it any more for those who
haven’t read it, but I do recommend that you do read it as some
point. Okay? Okay.
Doctor Sleep
Stephen King
Almost everyone has heard of Stephen King. Earlier this month,
a book of his was published and its name was ‘Doctor Sleep’, a
sequel to ‘The Shining’. On the highways across America, a tribe
of people called the True Knot travel in search of food and water.
They appear harmless, but they are actually immortal and bloodthirsty. The main character, Dan, meets a woman named Abra,
who has the brightest shining ever seen. This leads Dan to a war
for Abra’s soul and his own survival. This book is another story of
good and evil and will keep you turning each page for hours.
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CCMS Columns
CCMS Students & Staff
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Clifton Seahawks Swim Team National Meet
Nicole Shubaderov
From April 11th to 13th about 60 members of the Clifton Seahawks
Swim Team from the Clifton Boys and Girls Club competed at
the Boys and Girls Club National Swim Teams Tournament in
St. Petersburg, Florida. It takes dedication, hard work and
sportsmanship to compete there. But it’s all worth it in the end!
After all your hard work in those three days of pain from pushing
yourself to the limits, you gain friends, satisfaction, pride and
best of all… awards!!! You gain points for the team and the points
range from gaining 1st to 18th place that lead up to a full team
award. Then you gain individual awards for your races.
As usual we get either the Team Spirit Award and Third Place as
a team or just Third Place. But this year was different. We saw
how hard we trained this year, how much time and effort we put
into this, and we just weren’t going to let anything slide past
us. We all tried and pushed ourselves to the limit, as a team and
as individuals, and it resulted in our team place. We ended up
getting second place (3,385 points) for the first time ever!!!!! We
all started crying from joy and it just was an amazing experience.
Now, 3 people from our school have helped our team to experience
second place. We have these great swimmers who scored for our
team: Piero Urtega, 7th grader, who earned 133 points, Vanessa
Hernandez, 6th grader, who gained 114 points and finally Nicole
Shubaderov (me), 8th grader with 84 points. We all gained tons
of medals and in total we earned 331 points!!! The CCMS crew
just can’t be beat!!! It was so much fun I can’t wait till Florida
Nationals 2015!!!
If you would like to join the Clifton Seahawks, the pool and offices
are located at the address of 181 Colfax Avenue Clifton, NJ 07013
The website is find out more
here and I hope to see more people coming next year!!!
The Last Memorable Year for Mrs. Herwitt
Fardusi Uddin
Many of you know by now that Mrs. Herwitt, an amazing Language
Arts teacher is retiring this year. She’s been part of the CCMS
family for numerous years and now unfortunately, the year has
come for her to finally walk away with the memories of this school
in the back of her mind. She wants to take advantage to finally
spend time with her grandchildren as a marvelous grandmother.
Her class of 2014, teachers and staff will miss her and acknowledge
her every moment. This is because we respect Mrs. Herwitt that
despite us sometimes being annoying; she’s always come to the
point of empathy towards us. The significance she has etched
in our daily path to room #116 was more than to teach us was
not only the importance of literature, but the right of morality
and creativity is astonishing. Her desire for us to extend our
knowledge and treat us as her own children was a great pleasure.
We love Mrs. Herwitt and thank her for being there throughout our
last year of middle school. Thank you for being a great teacher,
associate, mother, and a grandmother. No matter how much it
hurts us, we’ll forever remember you. As for now, it’s time to
let you go. Thank you for being part of the CCMS family. Just
remember, you’ll always be part of it. We were fortunate enough
to have you. :) Now go and enjoy your grandchildren, travel and
of course, read!
National Junior Honor Society
Nicole Shubaderov
Did you know that 103 8th grade students have achieved this
prestigious award, the National Jr. Honor Society? I can say
this was a great success. Many family and friends showed up to
celebrate their children and fellow classmates enter the world
of scholarship, leadership, service, character and citizenship.
Everyone that was awarded this honor, worked extremely hard to
get to where they are and now, and it paid off. It made the 103
students feel as if they have worked for something important and
it filled them with great pride.
The induction into the National Junior Honor Society was a truly
spectacular event. The CCMS Band played as we entered into the
John Greco Auditorium and we took our seats. The speeches by
Mr. James Anzaldi, the Mayor of Clifton City, Mr. Gary Passenti, the
President of the Board of Education, Mr. Mark Tietjen, the Assistant
Superintendent of Schools, and Mr. Russell Petrocelli, Principal
of Christopher Columbus Middle School gave us motivating ideas
to inspire us as we continue our educational journey. The Eighth
Grade Valedictorian is Ms. Amanda Stetz and she will be passing
the torch to Ms. Nicole Arakaki. What a great honor!
At the conclusion of the ceremony, there were refreshments that
were donated by the Home School Association for everyone to
I would also like to thank Mrs. Paris and Mrs. Puzzo for their
hard work and patience setting up this wonderful event and to
Mr. Petrocelli, Mr. Gengaro, Mrs. Gaba, Mrs. Turi as well as the
teachers that attended. Thank you again for your guidance and
CCMS Columns
French Students at CCMS!
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French Students talk about CCMS
A French Exchange
Mr. Hayward
At the end of this past March, CCMS had the pleasure of
welcoming 16 French Students from a Parisian suburban high
school. They came along with their English and Spanish teachers
– Samia Essaba and Carole Lenoir – and Claire and Berry Hayward
– my parents, both professional musicians.
It was a fantastic experience for everyone!
The French group was extremely impressed with our school. They
were also very envious of what their schools lack in Paris. They
felt very welcomed and they were raving about the American
hospitality after their time in the building.
Mrs. Paris and Mrs. Cayanan brought their classes down to the
auditorium second period, so everyone could enjoy the full band
rehearsal. Then, after a tour of the building led by a few band
students we all stopped by Mrs. Paris and Mrs. Cayanan 8th grade
class. We had a very pleasant conversation between in French
and English.
On the American side of the cultural exchange, many positive
reactions were also shared. Our students were really happy
to hear my Dad play the clarinet with us, and loved the little
“Impromptu” duet that we shared at the end of the rehearsal.
But mainly, we had long a conversation about immigration and
French and European history.
The CCMS students were "in shock" to realize that French kids
are actually just like them: very diverse, coming from many
different countries, and dealing with some of the same struggles
and successes that their own families go through to integrate in
a new country.
All together, this was a success. A big THANK YOU to the CCMS
staff and students!
Your school looks beautiful and there are very interesting
activities: sports, music, culture, and citizenship. The students
were very welcoming and open minded. The music students are
very well trained. And we can see that they love playing music for
their school and represent it in school concerts and functions. The
students are also multicultural and the band is full of diversity.
The students play an important role in their school. They are more
actors than spectators. Everybody can participate in his favorite
activity. I thank very much the Band Director and the Principal for
letting us visit the school.
-Monica Tarta
I’m very happy to have met the Concert Band. I was very
impressed by their musical skills and discipline. When we listen
to the band we really felt their music and lives in this memorable
musical moment. It was a great show! Thanks so much. I would be
very happy if I could study in this middle school. It’s a wonderful
school and every pupil is valued. The students’ works are in
display. It is quite impressive. Thanks a lot Tim and everybody
from Christopher Columbus.
I was very happy to visit the middle school and meet the concert
band. I was happy to share a moment with a class and talk to
them. We spoke about our musical tastes, food in the school
restaurants and currency differences between Dollars and Euros.
It was pleasant moment. I hope that someday a class from this
school will have the opportunity to come to Noisy-le-Sec and visit
our school and monuments in Paris.
-Aurélien Standaert
I was really impressed with how spacious the auditorium was and
impressed with the quality of the Concert Band. I would love
to have my lessons in a space like that. The band sounded like
professional musicians to me. They were fantastic! They are so
lucky to study in an American school. I regret that in France we
don’t have the chance to study music in our schools. In France,
musical education is reserved to the prestigious students and is
an expensive privilege. If I had the choice to live in the U.S., I
would have chosen an American school. Thank you very much for
-Randy Somuah
CCMS Columns
CCMS Fashion
Summer Hairstyles 2014
Amanda Stetz
Your skin gets tanner and your hair gets lighter, two tell-tale signs
summer is here! Since summer is coming, it’s the perfect time to
try new hairstyles! Here are summer great summer looks:
Buns- Just like always putting your hair in a bun is the best way to
get it out of your face and still have it look cute. Especially now
that we’re in the warmer months, no one wants their hair down
every day. There are numerous types of buns; you can dress this
hairstyle up or down, your choice!
Hair chalk- Hair chalk is like dying your hair without the
commitment. You basically rub this colored temporary dye into
your hair and it stays in until you wash it out. Hair chalk comes in
almost every color and can be found in most drugstores or beauty
Bows- Bows are probably the cutest thing you can put in your hair.
Hair bows are now a trend more than ever, with them coming in
every color and style imaginable. (I saw ones with book cover
print!) Wear these accessories above or below any ponytail, braid,
or bun and you’re set for summer.
Summer Fashion 2014
Amanda Stetz
It’s the time every student-and teacher can’t wait for: the
summer. At 12:10 pm on June 26, 2014 it is officially summer
break for every Clifton student: no more books, no more classes,
and no more dress codes. Show your shoulders, wear awesome
shorts, and look stylish doing it! Here are the trends for summer
Overalls- Overalls are not just for men anymore, full length
overalls and especially overall shorts and skirts are appearing
more and more these days in fashion. This is the newest style this
summer; pair it with a crop top to look amazing.
Jean Jackets- Light wash jean jackets look great with almost
anything. They’re perfect for a not-so-hot summer day and can
dress up or dress down any outfit.
Muscle Tanks- Muscle tanks are soft t-shirts without any sleeves,
and are personally one of my favorite things to wear. Just like
regular t-shirts, muscle tank come in a variety of patterns, colors,
and witty phrases. You can find them at almost any store!
Maxi skirts- These long flowing skirts just scream warm weather!
Wear a maxi skirt on the beach or at home because honestly
they’re great anywhere. Try warm or neon colors to reflect the
bright summer mood.
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CCMS Columns
Summer Vacation Spots
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Fardusi Uddin & Zaire Clark
Some people prefer going on vacation to meet their relatives and family members in other
countries. However, others love to go to fabulous vacations sites that are so nice they will make
others jealous! Today, you’ll be reading and looking at some of the amazing sites in the whle world.
Now... where should you go to vacation? Probably one of these places!
Sprawling across half of South America, you can’t miss
Brazil. It’s culture and history make the country an
interesting vacation site. Fernando de Noronha is an
archipelago with white-sanded beaches and astounding
wildlife. It is well-known for its year-round warm waters.
And the one that everyone is waiting for: Rio de Janeiro!
The second-largest city in Brazil, Rio is the country’s
prime resort and tourism area. The city has world-class
hotels and over 80 kilometers of beach. Rio de Janeiro was
awarded the Best Tourism Destination in South America by
by World Travel Awards. You must see Brazil within your
This is Paris, which is obviously in France! It’s a beautiful,
romantic place. It’s very weel known to practically everyone
in the world. We know it’s basically the number one tourist
site for numerous people. If you haven’t been there, this is
the place to go!
This is Venice which is in Italy. Many might not know this,
but it’s been considered as one of the most spectacular
sites ever. You can make your summer wonderful by riding
the gondolas through the “streets” of Venice. It’s mostly
for people who love peace and calm in thie rlives. If you
love architecture, you also might want to check out Venice!
This is London in the United Kingdom. It’s a very peaceful
area with many sites. There are lots of activities as well as
historic landmarks. This is a very extraordinary and unique
location. We really do encourage you to visit here one day!
New Zealand is a beautiful country in the British
Commonwealth. Milford Sound has astounding scenery,
with its dramatic mountain peaks and its dark blue
water. The Bay of Islands is also another popular vacation
destination in New Zealand. With its pristine beaches and
the abundance of exotic marine life, the Bay of Islands is
a frequent stop for cruise lines and fisherman. Overall,
New Zealand is a very scenic country that you must visit
CCMS Columns
CCMS Events
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This May the CCMS Choir, Orchestra and
Band showcased their talent at the Spring
Concert. What a great night!
The Farewell Dance
for the 8th Grade class
was held at CCMS
on Friday June 20th,
but it felt more like
a cold December
with the very COOL
decorations based on
the movie Frozen.
Hope you had a great
time! Good luck in
High School!
CCMS Columns
The American’s Creed
Mr. D’Andrea, Counselor at CCMS
& Army Veteran of the Vietnam War.
Read these words written by William Tyler Page
at the Veteran’s Assembly on May 16, 2014
Spring Things!
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My Poem
Hang out with my friends
Popsicles are delicious
Summer is the best
I believe in the United States of America
as a government of the people,
by the people, for the people;
whose powers are derived from
the consent of the governed.
A democracy in a republic,
a sovereign Nation of 50 sovereign States
a perfect union, one and inseparable.
Established upon those principles of
freedom, equality, justice & humility,
for which American patriots sacrificed their
lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my country
to love it,
to support its Constitution,
to obey its laws,
to respect its flag,
to defend it against all enemies.
Flower blooming days
Animals are so happy
It’s the season