hobo newsletter - Lake Jordan HOBO


hobo newsletter - Lake Jordan HOBO
October 2014
P.O. Box 431·Wetumpka, AL 36092
HOBOs and Friends
4th Quarter HOBO meeting
Monday, Oct. 27, 2014
Camp Chandler
YMCA Camp—Lake Jordan
Meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Dinner at 6:30
Photo by Joyce Wright
A Message From The President
By the time you are reading this newsletter we will have completed the summer of 2014. I hope that everyone had a
safe and enjoyable time on beautiful Lake Jordan. I would like to again express my thanks and appreciation to
everyone who worked tirelessly to raise funds to put on the fireworks show this year. Once again, the fireworks were
beautiful to watch.
I attended the Coosa River Basin Lakes Association’s quarterly meeting on August 14, 2014. In attendance were
Captain Michael Patrick, with the Alabama Marine Police, and Frank Chitwood, the Coosa Riverkeeper. Captain
Patrick discussed a number of items including the maintenance and replacement of hazard buoys; and, allowed lights
on boats. He stressed that budget reductions incurred by his department have placed a burden on their ability to
timely replace and/or maintain the buoys. As for lights on boats, a discussion was held regarding acceptable and
approved lighting for boats in motion on the water. Captain Patrick wanted to make sure that everyone understood
that the newer colored lights on the sides of boats and also the docking lights (looks like car headlights) were not
allowed when a boat was in motion on the water. The Marine Police can and will issue citations if they observe
noncompliance with this requirement. Mr. Chitwood discussed the role of the “Riverkeeper” in monitoring sources of
pollution on the lakes and river; and, in providing information to educate fishermen and the public on fish advisories
issued by the Alabama Department of Public Health. He encouraged all lake residents and those who enjoy the lake
to contact him if any questionable activities are observed.
He can be contacted by e-mail at
[email protected] or (205) 981-6565.
Finally, please put October 27, 2014 on your calendar as the next meeting date for Lake Jordan HOBO Association. I
encourage everyone to attend. The meeting will again be held at YMCA Camp Chandler starting at 7:00 pm (6:30 pm
if you plan to eat).
Lake Jordan Home Owners and Boat Owners Association
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First Annual Elmore County Water Festival Coming to the Alabama Nature Center
The Alabama Nature Center in collaboration with the Elmore County School System will hold the
first-ever Elmore County Water Festival at the Alabama Nature Center in Millbrook. This three day
event, beginning August 27th will target 1000 sixth grade public school students from Elmore
The program is specifically designed to address an Alabama Course of Study Objective for
science; teaching them about the water cycle and the importance and value of clean water and
personal responsibility for our water resources in an educational, fun and engaging atmosphere.
Students will be exposed to water through a wide variety of activities such as:
 Water Features Hike – Students will see firsthand what happens to precipitation when
it reaches the earth’s surface by tracing water’s journey from its source as a natural spring
to its destination in a stream.
 Aquatic Life Roundup – Students will explore the myriad of life that is supported by a
pond by using nets to sample for animals that live there. Students will discover how
animals adapt to aquatic life and how their survival is related to water quality.
 What is a Wetland? – Students will learn how streams and natural springs contribute to
the creation of wetlands, and how wetlands function as part of the water cycle, including
their ability to filter groundwater.
 Stream Walk – A hike in Still Creek will spark discussion about how humans contribute
to the overall health of our waterways, including man’s effects on water quality, erosion and
pollution. Students will learn that our drinking water is the result of a treatment/filtering
process provided by our local water systems.
Many thanks to our funding partners: International Paper Foundation, Central Elmore Water &
Sewer Authority, Elmore Water and Sewer Authority, Wetumpka Water Works & Sewer, Alabama
Clean Water Partnership, Goodwyn, Mills & Cawood, Lake Jordan HOBO and CH2MHILL.
The Alabama Nature Center, a hands-on outdoor education facility located at Lanark in Millbrook,
Alabama, is a joint project of the Alabama Wildlife Federation and benefactors Isabel and Wiley
Hill. The Lanark property, State Headquarters for the Alabama Wildlife Federation, contains 350
acres of striking forests, fields, streams, wetlands and ponds that are traversed by five miles of
trails and boardwalks including a tree top viewing platform. The Alabama Nature Center hosts a
variety of outdoor education programs including Lanark Field Days events for youth and school
groups, Expedition Lanark Summer Day Camp for children aged 5 – 15, and monthly weekend
events for the general public.
For more information about the Alabama Nature Center and the Alabama Wildlife Federation, call
334-285-4550 or visit www.alabamawildlife.org.
Lake Jordan Homeowners and Boat Owners Association
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Who’s That Flying on Lake Jordan??
If you’ve seen a young man flipping and spinning in all
type of directions on his wakeboard, it is most likely Tyler
Royal. Tyler, who regularly competes in wakeboarding
throughout the region, spends most of his time practicing
on his home lake, Lake Jordan.
After breaking his femur from a skateboarding accident,
Tyler was placed in traction for 21 days and then spent 6
months in a body cast at the young age of 8. After just
getting out of his cast and still in a wheelchair, Tyler went
to a wakeboarding competition where he met pro
wakeboarder Shaun Murray, who inspired him to begin the
sport and start competing.
Currently 20 years old, he is the current Alabama State Champion in the Outlaw division of the
Alabama INT, an International Water Sports Organization. Tyler has placed first in four INT
tournaments this year. In late September, he will represent team Alabama at the INT Regionals
where competitors from the eastern states will compete in a three day event to decide the US
National Champion. Tyler’s sponsors include Inboard Solutions, Monster Energy, and Spy Optics.
While he is not on the water, he teaches gymnastics at Titans Gymnastics and Cheer in
Wallsboro. Tyler is also working to obtain his education in engineering and has recently began
taking flying lessons. Tyler, a full time Lake Jordan resident, also enjoys teaching and sharing the
sport to others. Tyler provides lessons from beginners to those wanting to work on advanced skills
on a wakeboard, wakeskate or wakesurfing. If you need some assistance or just want to learn
more about the sport, give him a call at 334-301-3736.
Lake Jordan Homeowners and Boat Owners Association
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Lake Jordan Homeowners and Boat Owners Association
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An Awesome Night on BLJ featuring TROTLINE !!
Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous HOBO member, the band
TROTLINE performed a benefit concert on June 28, 2014 at Lake Jordan
Marina. With very short notice, this concert raised much needed funds
for the Lake Jordan Fireworks Fund.
Started in the 90’s playing clubs and fraternity parties, TROTLINE, a
Country band from Albany, Georgia is now one of the top party bands in
the South. They entertained young and old on Beautiful Lake Jordan with
sounds of Classic Rock, Southern Rock, Motown/Oldies and a variety of
A special ‘Thank You’ to Michael Wood, Firework Fund Chairman, and
Alan Williams, HOBO Board Member, for organizing and planning this
entire event in under two weeks and the many other HOBO members that
gave their generous time and support. We could not have done it without
Lake Jordan Homeowners and Boat Owners Association
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Lake Jordan Home Owners and Boat Owners Association
Minutes of Quarterly Membership Meeting * July 28, 2014
The Lake Jordan Home Owners/Boat Owners
Association Quarterly Membership Meeting was
called to order by President Gerald Hardy at
7:00pm on July 28, 2014 at Camp Chandler on
Lake Jordan.
Gerald Hardy declared that a quorum was present
to conduct business and called the meeting to
The Invocation was given by Tim Owen.
were placed in 14 different locations around Lake
Jordan as a part of the Habitat Enhancement
Program. Alabama Power’s Outreach Program
includes participating in outdoor expos, talking to
the media, and implementing grants programs for
Please visit www.alabamapower.com/lakes for
more information.
A motion was made and seconded to approve the
minutes from the April 28, 2014 Quarterly HOBO
Association meeting. The motion carried.
Gerald Hardy recognized Peggy Young for her
past service as the Membership Chair. Job Well
Done! Gerald introduced and thanked Jacki
Brown for her willingness to serve as the new
Membership Chair for the HOBO Association.
The Financial Report for the 2nd Quarter ending
on June 30, 2014 was unavailable at the time of
the meeting.
Gerald also announced and thanked Wayne
Turner for agreeing to Chair the Memorial and
Worship Committee.
Josh Yerby, Mike Clelland and Wes Anderson
from Alabama Power were present at the meeting
to tell about the Alabama Power Aquatic
Vegetation and Mosquito Control Program and
the Alabama Power Renew Our Rivers and
Habitat Enhancement Program. Waterhyacinth,
Water Lettuce, Watermilfoil, and Hydrilla are all
non-native invasive (bad) aquatic plants. It is very
important to report the presence of these plants to
Alabama Power so that the vegetation can be
treated immediately to prevent their spreading
and getting out of control. More information about
these and other harmful plants that could affect
the lake can be found at http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu.
A very common non-harmful aquatic plant known
as Water Willow exists throughout the Lake and
can also be treated and removed. For all aquatic
plants concerns, please call Alabama Power at
1800 Lakes11.
The membership concurred with both of Gerald’s
new Chair appointments.
Justin Castanza is leaving his position as the
Director at Camp Chandler to assume a new
position with the Montgomery Catholic
Preparatory School System. The HOBO
members are very happy for him and his new
opportunity but are sad to see him go. We wish
Justin the best!!
Discussion took place regarding the selling of the
HOBO membership list to vendors. The members
present at the meeting were for the most part
against it. A resolution will be drafted concerning
this issue and will be presented to the
membership for a vote.
Committee Reports
The Alabama Renew Our Rivers and Habitat
Enhancement Program’s purpose is to renew the
rivers through lake clean ups, to promote habitat
enhancement with the tree placement program,
and to implement outreach programs. Over the
past 15 years of the Lake Clean Up, 2300
volunteers have cleaned 127,000 pounds of trash
out of Lake Jordan. In 2014, 232 Christmas trees
Lake Jordan Home Owners and Boat Owners Association
Lake Clean Up – Barbara Dreyer reminded
everyone to Mark Their Calendars!! The Lake
Clean Up next year will be on April 25, 2015.
Water Quality - Judy May informed everyone
about a new Swim Guide App that tells where
healthy swimming areas are located on the lake.
Page 6
Presently most of the water testers are testing the
water on the Titus side of Lake Jordan. Two of
the swimming areas, Bonners and Blackwells, are
located on the Holtville side of the lake and are in
need of water testing.
Water Safety – Dave White reported that the
Water Safety Committee met with Marine Police
Capt. Brooks and Officer Ray on June 13th to
address and fix problems with safety hazards on
the Lake. The session was very productive with a
complete overview of the hazards, inventory and
maintenance of buoys and the updating of
procedures to report safety problems on the Lake.
Currently, most all buoys have been replaced,
identified by inventory and known hazards are
identified. Additionally, action is underway to reinventory all the approved “No Wake” buoys to
assure the individual(s) who originally were
permitted to place the buoys are current and to
resolve any related issues. Those “No Wake”
buoys that have been placed without
authorization will be removed. Should
boaters/homeowners need to report a safety
issue or need Marine Police emergency
assistance, call 911 and the operator will make
the necessary notification to support the
emergency situation. For non-emergency calls,
contact Marine Police Dispatch (Montgomery
Trooper Post) 334 242-4128 or Alabama Marine
Police Central Division Office at 256-329-2268.
Fireworks – Michael Wood reported that the July
4th Fireworks show was a success. He was also
happy to inform the membership that more than
enough funds were raised to pay for this year’s
show giving a surplus of funds to put toward the
fireworks show in 2015.
Membership – Jacki Brown is the new Chair of
this committee.
HOBO Newsletter – Marci Williams asked that all
items for inclusion in the next HOBO Newsletter
be in by September 1, 2014.
Website – Please let Sharon Massey know if you
would like anything posted to the website. If you
are not receiving HOBO Association emails and
you wish to, please visit the website at
www.lakejordanhobo.org and click on the “Join
Our E-Mail List” link.
Government Relations Committee – SenatorElect Clyde Chambliss indicated to Logan Gray
that he would like to come to another HOBO
Meeting. Logan suggested that the January 2015
Meeting would be a good one for him to attend.
Grants – John Bush was contacted by the
Alabama Wildlife Federation concerning the
Elmore County Water Festival. The Festival
which is being held for a period of 3 days is an
educational opportunity that targets all 6th graders
(approximately 960 students) in Elmore County to
go to the Alabama Nature Center in Millbrook.
The students will learn about the importance and
value of our water resources as well as how their
actions affect the environment. The cost of the 3
day program is $8,210. A motion was made by
John Bush and seconded by Alan Williams that
the HOBO Association grant $500 to the project.
The motion carried.
The $50 Raffle drawing was held and
congratulations to the winner, Mary Jankay.
There being no further business, Gerald Hardy
adjourned the meeting. The next meeting will be
held on Monday, October 27th at 7:00pm (6:30 pm
if you want to eat) at Camp Chandler.
Respectfully Submitted,
Joyce Wright
Memorial and Worship – The new Chair, Wayne
Turner, reminded the membership that services
are held every Sunday at 8am until Labor Day.
Lake Jordan Homeowners and Boat Owners Association
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There was good news for the program at the July Elmore County Recycling Advisory Committee meeting: we are well
on our way to meeting our goal of reducing the solid waste (garbage) collections. Collections totaled 125 tons in 2012,
300 tons in 2013 and through June of this year over 250 tons have been deposited by those who want to help meet
our ultimate goal of 25 percent. All schools in Elmore County participate in the program and bins for deposits by the
general public have been positioned at convenient locations throughout the county. A new Recycling Flyer can be
seen on lakejordanhobo.org and will be available at our next HOBO meeting. Flyers will also be provided to all HOBO
Area representatives. Go to the Elmore County web site if you need additional information. That site provides
information on recycling as well as information on the Elmore Countywide Clean-up days.
If not, why not? It takes little effort…just set up a
cloths basket or other container in the utility area of
your home and deposit paper and plastic items in the
box. Drop off the collections at the nearest Recycling
Bin on your way to school or when you go shopping.
In response to the attacks of September 11, 2001, and the ongoing threat of additional terrorist activity, the United States Congress
passed the REAL ID Act of 2005. This legislation modified U.S. federal law pertaining to security, authentication, and issuance
procedure standards for state driver's licenses and identification (ID) cards, as well as various immigration issues pertaining to
terrorism. In the future, only those state issued Driver Licenses and Identification cards which are fully compliant with the REAL ID
act of 2005 will be authorized for use as identification for official federal government purposes, such as boarding commercial aircraft
and entering certain regulated federal facilities.
All current Alabama Driver Licenses and ID cards will be accepted for official federal purposes until December 1, 2014**. Beginning
on that date, those persons born after December 1, 1964 will be required to have a REAL ID compliant document* if they wish to
board commercial aircraft or access other regulated federal facilities. On December 1, 2017, this regulation will go into effect for
those born on or before December 1, 1964.
*Those persons who hold a valid United States passport may use this document in place of the required REAL ID compliant
**While the REAL ID Act of 2005 includes the deadlines Dec. 1, 2014, and Dec. 1, 2017, the U.S. Department of Homeland
Security has announced it will implement its enforcement phase no sooner than 2016.
In response to these requirements, the Alabama Department of Public Safety has developed the STAR✭ID program. Persons who
meet the issuance requirements for Alabama Driver Licenses and Non-Driver Identification cards are afforded the opportunity to go
a step beyond the standard requirements to obtain a STAR✭ID. In addition to the standard requirements of the Alabama
Department of Public Safety, those who select STAR✭ID will be required to present additional documents specified by the REAL
ID act of 2005. Upon presenting these documents and fulfilling the issuance procedures required, these applicants will receive an
Alabama STAR✭ID, which will serve as valid identification for official federal government purposes.
For FAQ go to: http://dps.alabama.gov/Home/wfContent.aspx?ID=80&PLH1=plhDriverLicense-StarIDFAQ
Lake Jordan Home Owners and Boat Owners Association
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Officers & Board Members
Area Representatives
Gerald Hardy, 2685 Ceasarville Rd., Wetumpka, AL
36092 Email: [email protected],
Tel: 328-2218
Area 1: Softhatchee Creek (Swayback Slough) from
above Collier Bridge out to the public ramp on Coosa
Barbara Dreyer 567-7551
E-mail: [email protected]
210 Weluvit Lane, Titus, AL 36080
John and Carol Bush, 500 Lake Shore Drive, Titus, AL
36080 Email: [email protected], Tel: 514-0704
Joyce Wright, 494 Cliffside Drive, Titus, AL 36080
Email: [email protected], Tel: 514-4412
Charles Rowe, 1220 Tiger Point Road, Titus AL 36080,
Email: [email protected], Tel: 567-5272
Lee Miller, 3209 Brentwood Dr, Montgomery, AL
36111 Email: [email protected] Tel: 213-2323
Logan Gray Tel: 324-5194
Email: [email protected]
Ernie Pritchard Tel: 567-9271
Email: [email protected]
Alan Williams, Tel 318-2526
Email: [email protected]
Tim Owen, Tel: 279-7761
Email: [email protected]
Jeff Royal, Tel: 567-9034
Email: [email protected]
Check out
what’s happening on
Lake Jordan
Lake Jordan Homeowners and Boat Owners Association
Area 2: Public Ramp to and including Lake Jordan
Fred & Charlene Lovelace 567-9992
E-mail: [email protected]
1029 Hollywood Rd., Titus, AL 36080
Craig Norrell 567-9939
Lake Jordan Rd., Titus, AL 36080
Area 3: Lake Jordan Marina to mouth of Weoka
Bill Arnold 567-5176
E-mail: [email protected]
965 Lakeland Dr., Titus, AL 36080
Frank & Judy May
E-mail: [email protected]
210 Wildwood Lane, Titus, AL 36080
Area 4: Total Weoka Creek shoreline including
Holiday Shores and Joe’s Fish Camp area
John & Alice Ayers 514-1967
231 Lake Shore Dr., Titus, AL 36080
Dave & Ann White (Island Rd. & Circle Ln.)
E-mail: [email protected]
33 Bluewater Dr., Titus, AL 36080
Area 5: Northwest of Island Road, mouth of Weoka
Creek, through Gaddis Beach
Area 6: Gaddis Beach to Mitchell Dam
Sonny VanHouten 567-2477
E-mail: [email protected]
265 Mountain Rd., Titus, AL 36080
Area 7: Starting at Jordan Dam and includes Canal,
Walter Bouldin Dam and back to end of Canal
Glen & Mary Kibler 567-9692
E-mail: [email protected]
312 Easy St., Wetumpka, AL 36092
Page 9
Area 8: West side of Canal up to and including
Bonner’s Point
Gerald Griffies 569-3265
E-mail: [email protected]
355 Beachwood Rd., Wetumpka, AL 36092
Area 9: From Bonner’s Point through Funderburg
Terrace subdivision (this includes all of Donehoo
Karla Quinn 569-1373 240 Myrick Dr., Deatsville, AL
Ann Quillin 569-0012
E-mail: [email protected]
368 Myrick Dr., Deatsville, AL 36022
Areas 1 through 6 are on the East side of the Lake
and areas 7 through 12 are on the West side of the
Lake. Call your area representative if you need
Committee Membership Listing
Area 10: From Funderburg Terrace subdivision to
but not including Shoal Creek area
Area 11: The total shoreline of Shoal Creek
(Blackwell Slough) and up to old Fishtails Restaurant
Chris & Betty Christensen 569-2014
E-mail: [email protected]
175 Curlee Rd., Deatsville, AL 36022
Area 12: From old Fishtails Restaurant up to Mitchell
Bucky Berrey 256-377-2622
E-mail: [email protected]
Route 1, Box 160A, Rockford, AL 35136
The deadline for submitting news for
the next newsletter is
December 1.
Help us keep you informed!
[email protected]
Following are the designated chairs for each of the
committees of the Lake Jordan HOBO Association:
Lake Clean-Up Committee:
Barbara Dreyer 567-7551
E-mail: [email protected]
Lake Jordan Water Watch Committee:
Judy May 567-7327 or 399-8330
E-mail: [email protected]
Co-chairs for Alabama-Coosa-Tallapoosa:
River Basin Compact
Dave White 567-3936
HOBO Newsletter Editor:
Marci Williams 782-5890
Membership Committee:
Jacki Brown 558-2902
E-mail: [email protected]
Nominating Committee:
Board of Directors, Members of the Board
Lake Safety Committee:
Dave Kowalski 514-0804
E-mail: [email protected]
Area Representatives Committee:
Chairperson: Judge John and Carol Bush
HOBO Co-Vice Presidents
E-mail: [email protected]
Fireworks Committee:
Michael Wood 567-3276
Memorial and Worship Committee:
Wayne Turner 202-6555
HOBO Publicity:
Marci Williams 782-5890
Environmental Committee:
Mac Patchel
E-mail: [email protected]
Lake Jordan Homeowners and Boat Owners Association
Page 10
Property Owners Goods & Services Directory
Gail Aplin,
ADT Security Systems, Inc.
Montgomery, AL
Cindy Clark, Merrill Lynch
Senior Financial Advisor
Private Client Group
Office: 409-5828
Mike Aplin,
Title Max of Alabama, Inc.
Montgomery, AL
Bill Cook, VP
Southern Homes and Gardens Landscaping
Free consult if you call for an estimate now!
We’ll help with landscape installation or irrigation
Installation to make your property stand out!
Website: www.shglandscaping.com
Eddie Bader, Lake Jordan Builders
100 Dunn Point Rd.
Sea Walls, Boat Houses, Boat Lifts, Jet Ski Lifts
Full Time Lake Resident for 10+ years
Janie Baylis, Snap Happy Photography
206 Pine Ridge Rd.
Prattville, AL 36067
Jim Bozeman, Wilson & Wilson Office
Office: 271-4006 Beeper: 832-0387
Home: 567-8080
Full Time Lake Resident
Serving Elmore, Montgomery, Autauga and
Lowndes counties
Steve Broadhead
Steve’s Stump Grinding Service
Serving Lake Jordan and surrounding areas
Fully licensed, Competitive prices
Full Time Lake Resident
573 Marina Dr. Deatsville, AL 36022
Mark and Jacki Brown
Diversified Alarm Services
Low monthly monitoring rates for new and
existing systems; save up to 20% on your
homeowners insurance/ Wireless alarm
monitoring...no home phone required/ Video
surveillance systems with live remote viewing
via internet and mobile devices.
Full time lake residents
Mack Burleson, Silver Shears Barber Shop &
Sharpening Service
68 Dalraida Rd. Montgomery, AL 36109
279-9126 Tues.-Fri. 9-6 Sat. 8-12
Buy, sell & repair clipper blades & clippers
Lake Jordan Homeowners and Boat Owners Association
Bill Cook, Owner
Southern Lawns Mosquito Control
For Mosquito Free Living, Guaranteed!
Reynolds Cook, Manager
Frances Crews, Mary Kay Beauty Consultant
334-514-1126 Serving Lake Jordan, Titus and
surrounding areas
Tony Culverhouse, Kitchen Creations, Inc.
Countertops: Corian, Quartz, and Granite
1570 Geddie Loop Rd.
Deatsville, AL 36022
Phone 569-2983 Fax 569-2987
Web site: www.kitchencreationsinc.com
Don Darby, Signs To Go
1821 Eastern Blvd., Montgomery, AL
[email protected]
Ken & Robin Graves
Custom Built Sunrooms, LLC
We sell & build sunrooms, screen rooms,
carports, patio cover, windows, doors, etc.
334-430-0428 or 334-514-9734
E-mail: [email protected]
Susan Guy & Chris Guy, Taylortime, LLC
9951 Holtville Rd.
Wetumpka, AL 36092
334-514-2677 or 334-424-1960
In the heart of downtown Slapout!
Custom Monogramming & Embroidery
Gifts for all ages and occasions! Vinyl designs,
signs, banners, car monograms, screen printing,
custom transfers, heat transfer vinyl,
promotional products and much more!
Full time lake residents for over 20 years!
Page 11
Property Owners Goods & Services Directory
Tom Hinton, Coosa Pest Control
Over 20 years experience
190 Hinton Hills Rd., Titus, AL 36080
Denson Holley, APEX Propane
Slapout: 569-3325 Wetumpka: 567-8833
Tank rentals, Appliances, Grills, Fish Cookers,
Luke & Patsy Houlton, L&P PROPANE
Propane sales & service
We fill tanks & bottles
Generac Generator Dealer
Slapout: 569-4277 Electic: 514-2690
B.T. Hudson, Hudson Marine Repair
4661 Red Hill Rd. , Tallassee, AL 36078
We make service calls on Lake Jordan & Lake
Dennis Hulsey, Alabama Paint & Body
271-4171 www.callapb.com
3550 Wetumpka Hwy
Superior paint & body service with personal
Marybeth Lagrone, Rumbling Waters Health
Club, LLC
“Historic Downtown Wetumpka”
Toby Langley
Lawn Care & Handy-Man Service
Full time lake resident for over 35 years
Can provide all types of lawn and landscaping
services, retaining walls, deck and pier
resurfacing, pressure washing and a variety of
other handy-man projects. Serving the
Wetumpka and Titus areas.
Call 334-320-5110
Sheila Lee, “Gotta Stor-It”
Located across from Jordan Trace on Hwy. 111
Shelia Lee, Sheila’s Pizza, LLC
Home of Monday Night Buffet
Now serving Blue Bell hand dipped ice cream
119 Lightwood Rd., Slapout, USA
Lake Jordan Home Owners and Boat Owners Association
Bert Loeb
Concrete by Design
Handmade concrete pavers, wall caps, pavers,
wall caps, and counter/tabletops
6014C Perimeter Place (by appt.)
Montgomery, AL 36116
Jim Madaris, PMP, Six Sigma Black Belt
Project management for the construction and
real estate industries
885 Shoal Creek Dr., Deatsville, AL 36022
318-1407 [email protected]
Pam Martin, Peaches΄n Clean of America,
PNC Commercial Building Services, Inc.
840 Lagoon Business Loop
Montgomery, AL 36117
Offering carpet, oriental rug, upholstery and tile
cleaning by IICRC certified professionals. Also
offering commercial janitorial services
Cliff Massey, Certified Public Accountant
Bern, Butler, Capilouto, & Massey PC
4137 Carmichael Rd. Suite 200
Montgomery, AL 36106
Website: bbcm-cpa.com
Steve McGehee, Contract Flooring LLC
211 Jeanette Barrett Ind. Park
Wetumpka, AL 567-6392
For all your commercial/residential flooring
Connie J. Morrow
Attorney At Law
C.J. Morrow Carraway Baker Law, LLC
PO Box 640
Wetumpka, AL 36092
Office: 334-478-4758; Emergency 320-5325
[email protected]
711 Shoal Creek Dr., Deatsville, AL 36022
Terry and Dru Nelson
Slapout Hardware
E-mail: [email protected]
Page 12
Property Owners Goods & Services Directory
Brad Odell
Hard Rock Hill
Granite materials to be used for construction or
erosion control
2194 Providence Road. Titus, AL 36080
Cell: 334-399-4285
Office: 334-514-8800
Cecil Pinson
Pinson Air Conditioning & Heating
Residential & Commercial
24 Hour Emergency Service
1295 Thornton Rd., Titus, AL 36080
Charlie Rowe & Associates
Certified Mediator/Government Relations
4120 Wall Street, Montgomery, AL 36106
334-244-2187 ext. 2 or Fax: 334-244-8029
E-mail [email protected]
(Home) 334-567-5272 [email protected]
Renee Royal at Hair Unlimited Family Salon
9953 Holtville Rd. (in Slapout next to Subway)
Wetumpka, AL 36092
Call 569-3000 for an appointment
Randy Sims
BR Mobile Boat Repair, LLC
Bobby Robinson, Owner
Mercury, Yamaha, Volvo, Mercruiser
20 years experience
Tim Sprayberry, Sprayberry’s Concrete
Service 334-567-7277
Driveways, Patios, Walkways
Rocky Stone, Berry Optical- Montgomery
Office:334-271-3937 Home: 334-567-1820
TNT Outfitters, LLC
Sales and Service
Golf Carts, Cargo Trailers, Utility Trailers and
Equipment Trailers
Full Time Lake Resident
Lake Jordan Home Owners and Boat Owners Association
Charles Tracy Heating and AC
731 Kelly Fitzpatrick Dr.
Wetumpka, AL 36092
334-567-8322 Home: 334-567-6113
Raymond Turner,
Larry Puckett Chevrolet Inc.
Sales Manager
Wadsworth Christmas Tree Farm
3071 Dexter Rd., Wetumpka, AL 36092
Phone: 334-567-6308 or cell: 334-399-1547
Frank and Lucie Wadsworth
e-mail: [email protected]
web site: www.wadsworthchristmastrees.com
Discover Central Alabama’s best selection of
Christmas trees! Our farm is a “choose and cut”
operation with a large selection of tree types
available. Christmas 2013 marks our 34 year
of operation.
Wadsworth Lawn Care
For all your lawn care needs
Mowing, Edging, Blowing, Pine Straw, Hedge &
Shrub Maintenance, Weed control, Leaves,
Mulch, ETC.
Contact: Josh Wadsworth by phone at 334-2967908
E-mail: [email protected]
Free Estimates
Barry Webster, Marine Construction
191 Lake Region Lane, Wetumpka, AL 36092
We specialize in all types of marine construction:
Boat Houses, Boat Lifts, Piers and Sea Walls
Full Time Resident
Cliff Wilcutt, III
Lake Jordan Marina
Boat Repairs, Maintenance, Gas, Oil &
Merchandise 334-567-8159
Alan Williams, Mortgage Loan Originator
BB&T Wetumpka Branch
Phone: 514-3979
Email: [email protected]
Page 13
Real Estate Consultants
Gay Carlisle with Alfa Realty
cell (334) 398-2514
Montgomery office (334)213-2532
email:[email protected]
Specializing in the tri-county area for 14 years
"Full Time Lake Resident"
"Dedicated to Service Committed to Integrity"
Tom Clark-ALFA REALTY-Wetumpka Office “
42 years of real estate on Lake Jordan”
lake resident—315-9500
Annette DeVaughn, DeVaughn Realty
152 Lakeview Dr.
Deatsville, AL 36022
Resident 33 years
Pat Galloway, Montgomery Metro Realty
25 year Lake Resident
334-277-9100 office
334-215-0727 home
[email protected]
Professionalism with a Personal Touch
Lake Jordan Homeowners and Boat Owners Association
Joe Harwell, Metro Realty, Inc.
9676 Holtville Rd.
Wetumpka, AL 36092
Office: 334-569-1815 · Cell: 334-657-3938
Full Time Lake Resident
Linda Marshall, Alfa Realty
Office: 334-213-2532 or 1-800-239-1113
Cell: 334-318-0509
E-mail: [email protected]
Sandee Nease, C21 Brandt Wright Realty
Specializing in all your lake needs
Full Time Lake Resident 334-313-0078
Brandt Wright
Century 21 Brandt Wright Realty, Inc.
Wetumpka Office – 334-514-4949
Montgomery Office – 334-495-2100
Michael Wood, RE/MAX of Montgomery
“Earning your respect through results”
Home: 334-567-3276 Cell: 334-322-3276
Specializing in Elmore, Montgomery and
Autauga Counties for over 29 years
Full Time Lake Resident
Page 14
What’s For Sale On the Lake?
Lake residents are always interested in what’s for sale on the lake so they can tell their city dwelling
friends and relatives. This column will be available to all HOBO members who have listings or property
for sale on the lake If you have a listing that you would like to appear in the next HOBO Newsletter,
please send it to Marci Williams at [email protected]. We’ll look forward to making this a useful
tool for home sellers and buyers.
This property and house is one of the best combinations on beautiful
Lake Jordan. Lake Jordan is 30 minutes from Montgomery, 2 and a half
hours from Atlanta, an hour and a half from Birmingham, 3 hours from
the most beautiful beaches in America(Gulf Shores), and the lake itself
is almost 7,000 acres of pristine water paradise. If you love any type of
water activities, this lake has it for you. This lovely property offers the
unique combination of a flat lot and all brick dwelling--with a location
that cant be beat. A rare find on Lake Jordan.
Brandt Wright-Century 21 Brandt Wright Realty, Inc.
334-399-3700 WWW.C21BW.COM EMAIL:[email protected]
High Ridge Rd.
Large 3.4 acre lot on the Titus side of beautiful Lake Jordan. This lot
features 300 feet of water front, rock bordering part of the shore line,
many hard wood trees and a gorgeous view! Part of the lot on the
water has been cleared, leaving the other part on the water in its
natural wooded state. The land that is not bordering the water features
woods and grassland areas. Electricity, water and telephone all
available on site.
Joyce Wright Century 21 Brandt Wright Realty, Inc. 334-399-5100
Waterfront home on Lake Jordan. Beautiful secluded .75 acre
wooded lot with double covered boat house and large pier. 3 car
enclosed garage sits on extra wide driveway. Charming energy
efficient home comes complete with all furnishings and appliances.
including washer and dryer. Huge Master Bedroom with gas fire
place and wooded view from large picture window. Great-room floor
plan with large living, kitchen and dining area. Large deck and
covered porch overlooking wooded waterfront property. Move in
ready to start your lake experience. Truly a great buy for this lake
home !!!
Michael Wood RE/MAX Properties
Email: [email protected]; www.michaelwoodsells.com
Home: 567-3276
Cell: 322-3276
Lake Jordan Homeowners and Boat Owners Association
Page 15
If you would like to join the HOBOs, please fill out the form below and bring to the meeting or mail it in if you cannot make the meeting.
Please consider a donation to the fireworks if you want to see this annual event in 2014.
Fill out the form if you are renewing your membership and/or volunteer for a committee.
REMEMBER----DUES FOR THE YEAR ARE DUE IN JANUARY. If '14 does not appear at the end of your name on the address label, your
membership is not current for this year. Business listings will be removed for non-payment of membership dues.
P.O. BOX 431 WETUMPKA, AL 36092-0431
Renewal __________
New Member __________
Address Change______________________________________
NAME ___________________________________________________________________________________________
MAILING ADDRESS ________________________________________________________________________________
LAKE ADDRESS ___________________________________________________________________________________
LAKE SUBDIVISION NAME __________________________________________________________________________
PHONE: (Home) ____________________ (Cell) ____________________ (Business) ____________________
E-MAIL ADDRESS _________________________________________________________________________________
Spring Clean-Up
Water Monitoring
“Little Church” at Bonner’s
COMMENTS _______________________________________________________________________________________