Herpetologists` League
Herpetologists` League
Herpetologists' League Phylogeographic Patterns in Kinosternon subrubrum and K. baurii Based on Mitochondrial DNA Restriction Analyses Author(s): DeEtte Walker, Paul E. Moler, Kurt A. Buhlmann, John C. Avise Source: Herpetologica, Vol. 54, No. 2 (Jun., 1998), pp. 174-184 Published by: Herpetologists' League Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3893425 Accessed: 25/11/2008 13:21 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp. JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at http://www.jstor.org/action/showPublisher?publisherCode=herpetologists. Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1995 to build trusted digital archives for scholarship. We work with the scholarly community to preserve their work and the materials they rely upon, and to build a common research platform that promotes the discovery and use of these resources. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. Herpetologists' League is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Herpetologica. http://www.jstor.org 174 HERPETOLOGICA trial Vertebrates in the Neotropical Realm. Dr. W Junk, The Hague, The Netherlands. PARKER, H. W 1935. The lizards of Trinidad. Trop. Agric. 12:65-70. PETERS, J. A., AND R. DONOSO-BARROS. 1986. Catalogue of the Neotropical Squamata. Part II, Lizards and Amphisbaenians (Revised ed.). Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C., U.S.A. PINTO, M. N. 1994. Cerrado: CaracterizaVao, Ocupa,Vo e Perspectivas (2nd ed.). Editora Universidade de Brasilia, Brasilia, Brasil. PROJETO RADAMBRASIL. 1982a. Folha SD. 21 Cuiaba; Geologia, Geomorfologia, Pedologia, VegetaVao e Uso Potencial da Terra. Minist6rio das Minas e Energia, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. . 1982b. Folha SF. 21 Campo Grande; Geologia, Geomorfologia, Pedologia, VegetaVyo e Uso Potencial da Terra. Ministerio das Minas e Energia, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. [Vol. 54, No. 2 W C. 1975. Reproductive cycle of a tropical lizard, Neusticurus ecpleopus Cope. in Peru. Biotropica 7:194-207. SILVA, J. M. C. 1995. Avian inventory of the cerrado region, South America: implications for biological conservation. Bird Cons. Int. 5:291-304. VANZOLINI, P. E. 1961. Bachia: especies brasileirase conceito generico (Sauria, Teiidae). Pap. Av. Dep. Zool., S. Paulo 14:193-209. . 1966. Sobre o segundo exemplar de Bachia bresslaui (Sauria, Teiidae). Pap. Av. Zool., S. Paulo 19:189-192. VITT, L. J. 1982. Sexual dimorphism and reproduction in the microteiid lizard, Gymnophthalmus multiscutatus. J. Herpetol. 16:325-329. SHERBROOKE, Accepted: 29 June 1997 Associate Editor: Daniel Formanowicz, Jr. Herpetologica,54(2), 1998, 174-184 ? 1998 by The Herpetologists' League, Inc. PHYLOGEOGRAPHIC PATTERNS IN KINOSTERNON SUBRUBRUM AND K. BAURII BASED ON MITOCHONDRIAL DNA RESTRICTION ANALYSES DEETTE WALKER,' PAUL E. MOLER,2 KURT A. BUHLMANN,3 AND JOHN C. AVISE' 'Department of Genetics, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, USA 2Wildlife Research Laboratory, Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, 4005 South Main Street, Gainesville, FL 32601, USA 3Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, Drawer E, Aiken, SC 29801, USA ABSTRACT: We used restriction assays of mitochondrial (mt) DNA to estimate phylogeographic variation in two sister taxa of muid turtles in the southeastern United States. Extensive mtDNA variation characterized Kinosternon subrubrum and, to a lesser degree, K. baurii. Each of 26 mtDNA haplotypes from the 83 assayed specimens was localized spatially. Collectively, these mtDNA haplotypes demarcated four major matrilineal assemblages, each with a well defined regional distribution: a western group (A) in Missouri and Louisiana, a central group (B) throughout the Gulf coastal states, an eastern group (C) along the Atlantic coastal states north of Florida, and a southern group (D) in peninsular Florida. All assayed samples of K. baurii belonged to the mtDNA C assemblage. The two species in Florida are thus highly distinct in mtDNA genotype, but they exhibit minimal mtDNA divergence along the Atlantic coastal states. These findings raise questions concerning the evolutionary history and taxonomy of these two recognized species. MtDNA phylogeographic patterns in the baurii/subrubrum complex are remarkably similar to those reported previously for two other southeastern kinosternids, Sternotherus minor and S. odoratus. Key words: Mud turtles; Phylogeography; Gene flow; Population struicture; Southeastern United States; Kinosternon. MUD turtles (Kinosternon) are semiaquatic organisms typically associated with slow-moving, often ephemeral waters such as shallow bayous, swamps, and ditches. These turtles commonly are observed traversing land (Ernst and Barbour, 1989; Ernst et al., 1994), a habit that may influence patterns of inter-drainage gene flow (Gibbons, 1983) and geographic population structure. Sixteen species of mud turtles are recognized in North, Central, and South America (Ernst et al., 1994), two of June 1998] HERPETOLOGICA ***K. 175 b auriit K. s. hippocrepis K. s. subrubrum K. s. steindachneri FIG. 1.-Map of the southeastern United States showing collection sites for mud turtle specimens (black dots, K. subrubrum; stars, K. baurii). The described range of K. baurii is to the east and south of the heavy line (i.e., the Atlantic coastal plain and all of peninsular Florida). which (Kinosternon subrubrum and K. baurii) occur in the southeastern United States. Three subspecies of K. subrubrum currently are recognized (Conant and Collins, 1991; Ernst et al., 1994: Fig. 1). The eastern mud turtle, K. s. subrubrum, occurs along the Atlantic coast from Long Island, New York to northern Florida and west into the lower and central Mississippi Riv- er basin. The Florida mud turtle, K. s. steindachneri, is confined to the Florida peninsula. The Mississippi mud turtle, K. s. hippocrepsis, inhabits primarily western Mississippi, Louisiana, and portions of Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. Intergradation is reported between these subspecies where their ranges adjoin or overlap (Ernst et al., 1974; Iverson, 1977). The striped mud turtle, K. baurii, occurs along 176 HERPETOLOGICA the Atlantic coast from southern Virginia to the Florida Keys (Ernst et al., 1994; Lamb and Lovich, 1990; Mitchell, 1994). Most southern specimens of K. baurii display pronounced stripes on the carapace and head, but these stripes ebb in northern specimens, which causes identification difficulties with K. s. subrubrum, a subspecies lacking such markings (Lamb, 1983a,b; Lamb and Lovich, 1990). Prior phylogenetic analyses based on allozymes (Seidel et al., 1986), karyology (Sites et al., 1979), and morphology (Iverson, 1991) suggested that K. baurii and K. subrubrum are closely related sister taxa within the Kinosternidae, but these studies were not designed to assess geographic variability within either species. Here we examine mitochondrial (mt) DNA variation within and between geographic populations of K. baurii and K. subrubrum. MATERIALS AND METHODS Samples and Laboratory Procedures [Vol. 54, No. 2 1.-MtDNA haplotypes observed in Kinosternon subrubrum and K baurii. Letters from left to right in the descriptions represent digestion profiles for the restriction enzymes BanI, Bcll, BglI, BglII, DraII, EcoRI, Hindll, HindIII, KpnI, NciI, NsiI, PvuII, StuI, and XbaI. TABLE Haplotype code K subrl No. of individuals 3 3 6 Description K subr2 K subr3 K subr4 K subr5 K subr6 K subr7 K subr8 K subr9 K subrlO K subrll K subrl2 K subrl3 K subrl4 K subrl5 K subrl6 K subrl7 K subrl8 K subrl9 K subr20 5 16 1 CCCDCCCCCCCCCD CBCDCCCCCCCCCD CBCDCCCCCDCCCC BBCDDCCCBDCCCC CBCDCCCFCDCCCC CBCDCCCCCCBCCC CBCDBCCCCDCCCC CBCDBCCCCDCCDC BACCFCABBBEDCC AACCFCABBBEDCB BACCFCBBBBEDCC BACCFCABBBEECC DACDECGACAFCBC DACDECGADCFCCC DACDECDACCFCCC DACEECDACBFCCC BACBFCABBFEDCC BACCFCABBFEDCC CEDCEBEECCHCFC BACGFCABBBEDCB K baur2l 4 CBCDCCCCCCCACC 1 1 3 2 1 9 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 We collected 64 specimens of K. subru- K baur22 CBCDCCCCCCCCCC 10 CBCDCCFCCCCBCC brum from 32 locales and 19 specimens of K baur23 1 baur24 CBCDCCFECCCBCC K. baurii from 11 locales (Fig. 1, Appendix K K baur25 2 CBCDCCICCCCBCC I). The specimens of K. baurii from Florida K baur26 1 CACDCCFCCCCBCC were easily distinguished morphologically from K. subrubrum because they displayed the characteristic stripes on the carapace and head. Specimens of K. baurii from At- gested by 14 restriction enzymes (Table 1) lantic coast drainages had head stripes; following recommendations of the manutheir identification to species by Joseph facturer (Boehringer Mannheim). FragMitchell was based on these morphological ments were radioactively end-labeled uscriteria. In addition, morphological species ing Klenow and 32P-labeled nucleotides, assignments were confirmed by application size-separated by electrophoresis through of the discriminant function analyses de- 1.2-1.5% agarose gels, and visualized by fined in Lamb (1983b), as applied to five autoradiography (Lansman et al., 1981). shell characteristics measured in all speci- The digestion profiles proved informative mens of mud turtles collected along the At- in the sense that they yielded restriction lantic coast from the Carolinas through fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP's) Florida. All specimens are deposited in The whose differences within and between K. University of Georgia Museum of Natural baurii and K. subrubrum provisionally History (UGAMNH 28567-28648) except could be interpreted as restriction site those from Cohoke Mill Creek (Virginia) gains or losses. which were donated to the Smithsonian Data Analyses Museum (USNM numbers 515120,515121, 515124-515127, 515212, and 515213). Each mtDNA digestion profile was asWe extracted mtDNA from heart, liver, signed a letter code (Table 1). These letand muscle tissues following Lansman et ters were compiled for each individual into al. (1981). Closed-circular mtDNA was di- a composite mtDNA haplotype. From the HERPETOLOGICA June 1998] presence/absence matrixof restrictionsites summarizing these haplotypes, sequence divergences (Nei and Li, 1979) and genotypic and nucleotide diversities (Nei, 1987) were calculated. Phenetic relationships among haplotypes were inferred from the genetic distance matrix using the neighbor-joining (N-J) method (Saitou and Nei, 1987) as implemented in PHYLIP (Felsenstein, 1991) and rooted by the mid-point criterion. We conducted parsimony analyses from the presence/absence matrix of restriction sites using the heuristic search option in PAUP (Swofford, 1990). Statistical support was based on 1000 bootstrap pseudoreplicates. A parsimony network was hand-generated using observed numbers of restrictionsite differences between the mtDNA haplotypes. Outgroup taxa were not employed to root the parsimony networks,because other assayedspecies of Kinosternidae (Walker et al., 1995, 1997) proved too divergent in most of the mtDNA digestion profiles to permit secure scoring of restriction site changes. RESULTS The mtDNA restriction site differences between K. baurii and some specimens of K. subrubrum were minimal, so the data were analyzed collectively. In total, the 14 informative restriction enzymes revealed 26 different mtDNA haplotypes:20 for K. subrubrum and six for K. baurii (Table 1). The mtDNA molecule was approximately 16.3 kilobases in length in both species, with no evident size differences among individuals. A mean of 43 restriction sites per individual was scored, reflecting 451 base pairs of recognition sequence or about 2.8% of the mtDNA genome. The gel digestion profiles were interpreted with respect to restriction site changes by methods described in Avise (1994). Fifty-nine of the 81 scored restriction sites were variable (Table 2), and 31 were informativephylogenetically(i.e., not confined to a single individual). For the pooled collection of samples, estimated genotypic diversity was 0.927 and nucleotide diversity was 0.041. Most of this diversity stemmed from large differences be- 177 tween mtDNA genotypes in separate geographic regions. Parsimony networks (Fig. 2; see also legend to Fig. 3) and a neighbor-joining tree (Fig. 3) for the mtDNA haplotypes are based strictly on genotypic considerations and essentially agree in all major features. Four fundamental phylogenetic groups (A-D), each showing a strong geographic orientation (Fig. 4), are evident. Group A occurs in the western-most portion of the range of K. subrubrum; group B occurs in the central portion of the range of K. subrubrum in the Gulf coastal states; group C includes K. subrubrum from Atlantic coastal states north of Florida, plus all individuals of K. baurii (including those from the Florida peninsula); and group D consists of all specimens of K. subrubrum from the Florida peninsula. The mean levels of genetic divergence estimated among haplotypes within each assemblage (0.000, 0.003, 0.006, and 0.008 for groups A, B, C, and D, respectively) typically are much smaller than those between assemblages (0.071, 0.068, 0.057, 0.054, 0.032, and 0.038, respectively, for the paired combinations A-B, A-C, A-D, B-C, B-D, and C-D). Intra-assemblage genetic variation differed considerably among the four genetic groups. The largest numbers of mtDNA haplotypes (seven and eight, respectively) were observed in genetic groups B and C. However, the highest values for genotypic diversity (0.918) and nucleotide diversity (0.013) occurred in the Florida peninsula with turtles representing both the C and D groups co-occurring there. In peninsular Florida, all specimens assigned by morphology to K. subrubrum belonged to mtDNA group D, and all specimens morphologically referable to K. baurii belonged to group C. However, group C (with bootstrap support 99%: Fig. 3) also included all sampled turtles from the Atlantic coastal states, regardless of taxonomic status (K. baurii or K. subrubrum). Within the C group, specimens of K. baurii from Florida differed consistently from those in Georgia and Virginia by at least two restriction site changes (Fig. 2). TABLE tRestriction Haplotype BanI code K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K subrl subr2 subr3 subr4 subr5 subr6 subr7 subr8 subr9 subrlO subrll subrl2 subrl3 subrl4 subrl5 subrl6 subrl7 subrl8 subrl9 subr20 baur2l baur22 baur23 baur24 baur25 baur26 2.-Presence (1) versus absence (0) matrix of mtDNA restriction sites in Kinostemnon subrub sites BclI BglI 1111100 11110 11 1111100 1111100 1111110 1111100 1111100 1111100 1111100 1111110 1111111 1111110 1111110 1101100 1101100 1101100 1101100 1111110 1111110 1111100 1111110 11100 11100 11100 11100 11100 11100 11100 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11001 11101 1111100 11100 1111100 1111100 1111100 1111100 1111100 11100 11100 11100 11100 11101 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 BglII 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 11000 11000 11000 110 00 00000 1o0o1o00 00000 00000 10010 11100 11000 11000 11001 00000 00000 00000 00000 000o00 00000 Drall EcoRI 11111110 11111110 11111110 01111110 11111110 11111110 11111100 11111100 10100101 10100101 10100101 10100101 10100100 101 00100 1010 0100 10100100 10100101 10100101 10100100 10100101 11111110 11111110 11111110 11111110 11111110 11111110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 1 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 HindIl 111111100000000 111111100000000 111111100000000 111111100000000 111111100000000 111111100000000 111111100000000 111111100000000 101011111000000 101011111000000 101011111100000 10101111000000 111111110010000 111111110010000 111111110000000 111111110000000 101011111000000 10101111000000 010101100001110 101011111000000 111111100000000 111111100000000 110111100000000 110111100000000 110111100000001 110111100000000 Hindill KpnI 11100 11100 11100 11100 01100 11100 11100 11100 10100 10100 10100 10 100 10101 10101 10101 10101 10100 10100 100 10 10100 11100 11100 11100 01100 11100 11100 1100 1100 1100 1110 1100 1100 1100 1100 1110 1110 1110 1110 1100 1101 1100 1100 1110 1110 1100 1110 1100 1100 0o0 1100 1100 1100 1100 NciI 10000 100000 11000 11000 11000 10000 11000 11000 10110 10110 10110 10110 10000 1000 0oo0 10110 10111 10111 10000 10110 10000 1000 10000 10000 10000 10000 179 HERPETOLOGICA June 1998] K.subrl K.subr2 K.baur2l HI 4K.baur22 0.002 K.subr6 A K.subr4 group .subr5 l/ K.subr3 99 6C ~~~~~~~~~~~~2 C K.subr7 K.subr8 K.baur26 K.baur23 K.baur25 K.baur24 17 K.subrI2 18 K.subrl 1 1 13 D 1 00 K.subrl7 group B K.subr18 K.subr20 Kasubri 0 B K.subrg parsimony network estimating relationships among the composite mtDNA haplotypes (numbered as in Table 1) scored in the collections of K. baurii (indicated by asterisks) and K. subrubrum. Slashes along branches are inferred character state (restriction site) changes, and those along branches connecting the four major genotypic groups (A-D) represent the minimum numbers of such changes between any representatives of these respective groups. FIG. 2.-Hand-generated DISCUSSION Genetic Variation and Phylogeographic Patterns In several respects, the levels and spatial distributions of mtDNA variation in the Kinosternon subrubrum/baurii complex are remarkably similar to those reported previously for two other species of kinosternid turtles in the southeastern United States: the musk turtle, Sternotherus minor (Walker et al., 1995), and the stinkpot, S. odoratus (Walker et al., 1997). First, mtDNA variation is extensive. The genotypic diversity value (0.927) observed in the collection of Kinosternon approximates values reported within S. minor (0.859) and S. odoratus (0.899) and the overall nucleotide diversity (0.041) in the assayed Kinosternon complex surpasses such estimates within either of the species of Sternotherus examined (0.017 and 0.016, respectively). 168 K.subr16 group D K.subr3 K.subri4 K.subrl 5 K.subrl9 J A FIG. 3.-Neighbor-joining tree for mtDNA haplotypes (numbered as in Table 1) in mud turtles. The tree is mid-point rooted and branch lengths are drawn according to numbers of inferred restriction site changes. A computer-generated parsimony network (not shown, but with consistency index 0.76) essentially agreed in identifying all major mtDNA groups, and yielded levels of bootstrap support (>65%) that are shown here superimposed on the neighbor-joining tree. Second, most of the mtDNA haplotypes observed in Kinosternon were localized geographically, usually confined to a single site or set of adjacent locales (Fig. 4). The primary exceptions involved haplotype 19 in K. subrubrum, which was observed both in southern Missouri and southern Louisiana, and haplotype 9 in this same species, which was found in sites from northern Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, and the panhandle of Florida (Fig. 4). However, about local population any conclusions structure in these turtles must remain tempered given the small numbers of specimens assayed per locale. Third, the numerous mtDNA haplotypes in the species of Kinosternon align phylogenetically into highly distinct groups that also show a striking macro-geographic 180 HERPETOLOGICA 1 FAZ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 E 1 [Vol. 54, No. 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~O 2~~~~~~~~~ 2 23 25D(C FIG. 4.-Geographic distributions of mtDNA haplotypes (numbered as in Table 1) in mud turtles and of the four major mtDNA groups. orientation (Fig. 4). Four genetically distinct assemblages (A-D) were observed in the Kinosternon complex, compared to two in S. minor and 3-4 in S. odoratus. The geographic distributions of mtDNA groups A, B, and D (Fig. 4) generally conform well to the described ranges of the three conventionally recognized subspecies within K. subrubrum (Fig. 1), with the exception that mtDNA group B apparently does not extend into the Atlantic coastal states that traditionally are included within the range of K. s. subrubrum (Figs. 1, 4). The overall distributions of the major phylogeographic assemblages were remarkably similar for the species of Kinosternon and Sternotherus. In all cases (S. minor, S. odoratus, and K. subrubrumi baurii), the Atlantic coastal populations were dramatically divergent in mtDNA cornposition from those to the west and along the upper Gulf coastal states. Furthermore, in both the Kinosternon complex and in S. odoratus, populations in peninsular Florida displayed pronounced mtDNA differences from those along the Atlantic coast to the north and from those in all Gulf coastal states to the west. Such patterns, in general, complement those observed in several species of freshwater fish in the southeasternU.S. (Bermingham and Avise, 1986), as well as in some terrestrial vertebrates (reviewed in Avise, 1996). Probably, numerous details in the historicalpatternsof drainageisolationand coalescence and their influences on gene June 1998] HERPETOLOGICA 181 C and D groups as these latter are from one another. Finally, in contradistinction to morphological patterns mentioned above (Lovich and Lamb, 1995), samples of K. s. hippocrepis (assemblage A) proved Relationships between K. subrubrum and highly divergent in mtDNA composition K. baurii from K. baurii (assemblage C). Thus, with Considerable discussion has centered on respect to matrilineal ancestry, K. subruthe topic of morphological and taxonomic brum appears to be genealogically paradistinction between K. subrubrum and K. phyletic (Neigel and Avise, 1986) in relabaurii. In an investigation of the subspe- tion to K. baurii (Fig. 3). One conceivable explanation for the apcific status of a lower Florida Keys population of K. baurii, Iverson (1978) con- parent paraphyly is that the current mtcluded that the highly variable color pat- DNA restriction site data provide grossly terns on the head and carapace were un- inadequate descriptions of matrilineal rereliable in distinguishing populations of K. lationships within the Kinosternon combaurii. According to Lamb (1983a,b), plex, perhaps because of scoring difficulthese patterns also cause occasional misi- ties associated with inferences from digesdentifications with sympatric K. s. subru- tion profiles alone. However, this is unbrum. Lamb (1983a,b), using multivariate likely because we also have sequenced discriminant function analyses of morpho- portions of the mtDNA control region metric characters, concluded that the two from representative samples of K. subruspecies in Florida and along the Atlantic brum and K. baurii, and all conclusions Coast could be separated reliably. These about the major mtDNA phylogeographic analyses also demonstrated that the range groups within the complex are supported of K. baurii extends into Georgia and fully (Walker et al., 1998). Alternatively, South Carolina. A broader geographic sur- several competing evolutionary explanavey by Lamb and Lovich (1990) again in- tions might account for the paraphyletic dicated that the two species were distin- pattern observed. Perhaps K. baurtii and K. guishable along the Atlantic coast, and ex- subrubrum are "good" biological species, tended the described range of K. baurii as is suggested by partial sympatry and the into southeastern Virginia. However, a lat- morphometric differences, but K. baurii is er assessment of samples of K. baurii a recent phylogenetic derivative of K. subagainst the western subspecies (hippocre- rubrum. Consistent with this possibility is pis) of K. subrubrum failed to distinguish that K. baurii may have split recently from these taxa by the same morphometric cri- Atlantic-like populations of K. subrubrum, teria (Lovich and Lamb, 1995). accounting for its overall mtDNA similarThe current mtDNA restriction site data ity to K. subrubrum in Atlantic coast drainplace all assayed samples morphologically ages, and that the species secondarily inreferable to K. baurii in the C matrilineal vaded the Florida peninsula, thus accountgroup, which extends from southern Vir- ing for its strong mtDNA divergence from ginia to southern peninsular Florida. All K. subrubrum in that area. Such a history individuals of K. subrubrum collected also might account for the carapace and from the Atlantic coastal states north of facial patterns wherein specimens of K. Florida also belong to this mtDNA C baurii tend to be easier to differentiate group. However, all peninsular Florida from K. subrubrum in Florida than along specimens referable by morphology to K. the Atlantic coast. On the other hand, hissubrubrum belong to the sharply differ- torical introgressive hybridization in some entiable mtDNA D assemblage. Further- other plant and animal taxa is known to more, K. subrubrum across its broader produce occasional gene tree/species tree geographic distribution to the west dis- discordances (Avise, 1994). Perhaps samplays at least two other matrilineal assem- ples of K. subrubrum from the Atlantic blages that are at least as distinct from the coastal states are similar in mtDNA com- flow (Bermingham and Avise, 1986; Swift et al., 1985) have contributed to these observed genetic patterns in freshwater turtles. 182 [Vol. 54, No. 2 HERPETOLOGICA position to samples of K. baurii because has gender-asymmetric hybridization moved mtDNA of K. baurii into K. subrubrum, or vice versa, in this geographic area. Further evaluation of possibilities involving hybridization will require evidence from nuclear genes. In any event, the mtDNA data strongly indicate that any such hybridization has not genetically merged K. subrubrum and K. baurii in peninsular Florida. It is possible that populations of K. baurii from the Atlantic coastal states always have been classified improperly as "K. subrubrum". If so, a revised range for K. subrubrum would include the Florida peninsula and all relevant Gulf coastal and interior states to the west, but would not extend northward along the Atlantic coast which instead is occupied solely by K. baurii. The two species thus overlap only in the Florida peninsula. Arguing against this possibility is the morphological separation between these two species in Atlantic coastal regions (Lamb 1983a,b; Lamb and Lovich, 1990; current study). Another taxonomic revision imaginable would be to consider the highly divergent mtDNA groups A, B, and D within K. subrubrum to reflect the presence of distinct phylogenetic (and, or, biological) species. However, none of these or other such taxonomic alterations can as yet be recommended with great certitude, because the genetic assays thus far are confined to a single "gene" (mtDNA). In principle, "gene trees" can differ from "species trees" for several plausible historicaldemographic reasons, such as idiosyncratic sorting of gene-tree lineages in transitional populations that are large relative to internodal times as measured in organismal generations (Maddison, 1995; Neigel and Avise, 1986; Pamilo and Nei, 1988). As emphasized by Avise and Ball (1990) and Avise and Wollenberg (1997), a firm demarcation of taxonomic entities under either a biological species concept or a properly formulated phylogenetic species concept ideally requires concordant historical inferences from multiple independent genes or the traits that they encode. Acknowledgmnents.-We thank the following for help with the collections: R. Babb, I. Barak, V. Burke, M. Case, A. Davis, S. Doody, S. Emms, M. Goodisman, M. Hare, C. Hobson, C. Holod, T. Ingstrom, D. Jansen, T. Johnson, A. Jones, B. Mansell, P. Mayne, J. Mitchell, B. Nelson, G. Ortf, P. Prodohl, F. Rose, C. Starlin, D. Stevenson, R. Vandevender, D. Wilson, K. Wood, and personnel from the Avise laboratory and The University of Georgia Golf Course. We also thank personnel from the National Fish Hatcheries of Bo Ginn, Carbon Hill, Tupelo, McKinney Lake, Orangeburg, Warm Springs, and Welaka. All specimens were collected under relevant state permits. Work was supported by a National Institutes of Health training grant to DeEtte Walker, by Department of Energy contract DE-FC09-96SR18546 between the U.S. Department of Energy and The University of Georgia's Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, and by a National Science Foundation grant to John Avise. LITERATURE CITED AVISE,J. C. 1994. Molecular Markers, Natural History and Evolution. Chapman & Hall, New York, New York, U.S.A. . 1996. Toward a regional conservation genetics perspective: phylogeography of faunas on the southeastern United States. Pp. 431-470. In J. C. Avise and J. L. Hamrick (Eds.), Conservation Genetics: Case Histories from Nature. Chapman & Hall, New York, New York, U.S.A. AVISE, J. C., AND R. M. BALL, JR. 1990. Principles of genealogical concordance in species concepts and biological taxonomy. Oxford Surv. Evol. Biol. 7:4567. AVISE, J. C., AND K. WOLLENBERG. 1997. Phylogenetics and the origin of species. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94:7748-7755. BERMINGHAM, E., AND J. 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Accepted: 17 July 1997 Associate Editor: David Green APPENDIX I Collection Sites K. subrubrum: Altamaha River basin-Oconee River, Oconee Co., GA (n = 1); University of Georgia Golf Course, Clarke Co., GA (n = 2); Apalachicola River basin-Warm Springs National Fish Hatchery ponds, Meriwether Co., GA (n = 2); Camel Lake Road, east of SR 12, Liberty Co., FL (n = 1); Bayou Lafourche drainage-Laurel Plantation Road near Thibodaux, LaFourche Parish, LA (n = 1); Bayou Boeuf near Kraemer, LaFourche Parish, LA (n = 2); Bayou L'Ourse drainage-bayou on SR 70, Assumption Parish, LA (n = 6); Bayou L'Ourse, Assumption Parish, LA (n = 2); Coosa (Mobile) River basinJames Floyd State Park, Chattooga Co., GA (n = 3); Withlacoochee River basin-Hwy 19, 10 km. north of Crystal River, Citrus Co., FL (n = 1); Edisto River National Fish Hatchery ponds, basin-Orangeburg Orangeburg Co., SC (n = 2); Mississippi River basin-cypress swamp, Big Cane Conservation Area, Butler Co., MO (n = 5); Ochlockonee River basinCounty Road 268 near intersection with County Road 65B, Gadsden Co., FL (n = 1); Apalachicola National Forest Rd. 13, Liberty Co., FL (n = 1); Ogeechee River basin-ponds on Ft. Stewart Military Base, Bryan Co., GA (n = 5); Pascagoula River basinLake Ivy, Clarkco State Park, Clark Co., MS (n = 3); Pee Dee River basin-McKinney Lake National Fish Hatchery ponds, Richmond Co., NC (n = 3); St. Mark's River basin-Hwy 319 north of Tallahassee, Leon Co., FL (n = 1); pond south of Tallahassee near junction of Hwys. 319/263 and Hwy 363, Leon Co., FL (n = 2); Savannah River basin-Long Creek, Oglethorpe Co., GA (n = 1); Hwy 22 near Philomath, Oglethorpe Co., GA (n = 1); ditch near Tillman, Jasper Co., SC (n = 1); Sopchoppy River basin-Apa- 184 HERPETOLOGICA lachicola National Forest Rd 13, Wakulla Co., FL (n = 1); Tickfaw River basin-swamp on Hwy 15 near Pontchatook, Tangipohoa Parish, LA (n = 3); Tombigbee (Mobile) River basin-Carbon Hill National Fish Hatchery ponds, Walker Co., AL (n = 1); Tupelo National Fish Hatchery, Lee Co., MS (n = 2); Yellow River basin-Yellow River Flood Plain, Hwy 90, Okaloosa Co., FL (n = 2); Shoal River at Hwy 90, Okaloosa Co., FL (n = 1); York River basin-Cohoke Mill Creek, King William Co., VA (n = 3); Florida coastal integrated drainages-Chassahowitzka Wildlife Management Area, Hernando Co., FL (n = 2); Palm Beach, Florida disjointed drainages-West Palm Beach Co., FL (n = 2). Road K. baurii: Indian River basin-Maytown [Vol. 54, No. 2 near Oak Hill, Volusia Co., FL (n = 1); Ogeechee River basin-Bo Ginn National Fish Hatchery, Jenkins Co., GA (n = 1); St. John's River basin-Welaka National Fish Hatchery, Putnam Co., FL (n = 1); Hwy 441, Payne's Prairie, Alachua Co., FL (n = 1); Co. Rd 346 near Hwy 121, Alachua Co., FL (n = 2); Withlacoochee River basin-Hwy 471 south of Tarrytown, Sumter Co., FL (n = 1); Hwy 19, 10 km. north of Crystal River, Citrus Co., FL (n = 1); Hwy 50, approximately 4 km west Sumter Co. line, Hernando Co., FL (n = 1); York River basin-Cohoke Mill Creek, King William Co., VA (n = 4); Florida coastal integrated drainages-Snapper Creek Canal, Dade Co., FL (n = 4); Florida disjointed drainagesDade/Collier Training Airport, Collier Co., FL (n = 1). Herpetologica, 54(2), 1998, 184-206 ? 1998 by The Herpetologists' League, Inc. THE PHYLOGENETIC POSITION OF THE MEXICAN BLACKTAILED PITVIPER (SQUAMATA: VIPERIDAE: CROTALINAE) RONALD L. GUTBERLET, JR. Department of Biology, Box 19498, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX 76019-0498, USA ABSTRACT: Phylogenetic analyses of 52 morphological characters from Agkistrodon contortrix, Atropoides nummifer, Bothriechis bicolor, B. lateralis, B. nigroviridis, B. schlegelii, Bothrops asper, Cerrophidion godmani, Gloydius blomhoffii, Ophryacus undulatus, Porthidium melanurum, P. nasutum, and P. ophryomegas indicate that the Mexican black-tailed pitviper (Porthidium melanurum) is more closely related to Ophryacus undulatus than it is to its congeners P. nasutum and P. ophryomegas. To achieve a monophyletic classification, P. melanurum is placed in the genus Ophryacus. Key words: Crotalinae; Morphology; Ophryacus; Phylogenetic systematics; Porthidium; Porthidium melanurum; Viperidae RECENT investigations into relationships among Neotropical pitvipers have led to the generic recognition of several putatively monophyletic groups. In an unpublished doctoral dissertation, Burger (1971) divided the morphologically diverse and potentially polyphyletic genus Bothrops into five genera: Bothriechis, Bothriopsis, Bothrops, Ophryacus, and Porthidium. Subsequently, Perez-Higareda et al. (1985) published this taxonomic arrangement. Campbell and Lamar (1989) adopted this classification but suggested that additional studies into the relationships and generic limits of these groups, especially Porthidium, were needed. Further study revealed that Porthidium (sensu Burger, in Perez-Higareda et al., 1985) is polyphyletic, and new genera were proposed to rectify this unnatural grouping. Werman (1992) erected the genus Atropoides, the jumping pitvipers, to contain three of the 14 species formerly included in Porthidium: A. nummifer, A. olmec, and A. picadoi. Campbell and Lamar (1992) segregated an additional three species of Porthidium into Cerrophidion, the montane pitvipers: C. barbouri, C. godmani, and C. tzotzilorum. These revisions reduced the content of Porthidium to eight species. Solorzano (1994) later increased the number of species in Porthidium to nine with the description of P. volcanicum. Eight of these