P - St. Andrew`s Memorial Presbyterian Church


P - St. Andrew`s Memorial Presbyterian Church
\~\.~~t OfGOD'SLOVE
: wish. Here the Lifeguard and two favorite water-loving
: friends-Loop-Dee-Loo and Koko-use entertainment
: and laughs to present the day's Bible story and the les-
WaterWorks!TMPark Vacation Bible school is a theme
at your own church! Through the "rides,
shows, and attractions" at this fun-tastic water park,
kids ride the wave of God's love!
: son focus, the Live it! to the kids. The uproarious
; "Splish Splash Bible Bash" theme song will preparethe
The kids at your WaterWorks!TM Park VBS will
come to know how deeply God loves them and how : kids' hearts to hear God's Word.
exciting it is to be loved by God. They will experience
God's tremendous power through hands-on Bible dramas,everyone of which demonstratesa miracleGod did
using water, in order to show His love to His people.
Prepareto have the coolest VBS ever! How do we
know? Becausewe tested this year's David C. Cook's
vas with kids and they had a "splish splash, Bible
bash" good time!
Park Entrance
Getting Organized
Eachday starts off with the kids lining up outside;
Fromherethe kids divide into groups and areled by
the Aqua Patrol teen staffers to different "Attractions"
around the park. Every day, each group will visit five
Attractions plus the SnackShack.
Bible Bay
Splash into a lively Bible story and be thoroughly
immersed in the wave of God's love! These very effective Bible dramas are simple to present and include
unique options for pumping up the interaction,.level.
The kids will come out with a deep understanding of
the WaterWorks!TM "park entrance," where they get: the powerful ways God used water in the Bible to
their "ticket" wristbands, get organized, and catch up : demonstrate His love.
with their friends. When WaterWorks!TM Park VBS
out! It's nonstop fun!
Coconut Island
Large Group Openingand Closing Assembly
Everyonestarts at the main attraction: the Coconut
: Holdon tight andpreparefor superBiblethrills and
; spills! With both wet and dry options and threethrill lev:
Island Puppet Show! Invite your preschoolers, if you
Raging River
els, this Raging River Attraction will reinforcethe day's
; Bible teaching. Thesegamesareridiculously fun-tastic!
WaterWorks!TM Park NIV Overview.
Gift & Souvenir Shop
A gift or souvenir is a great way for the kids to
remembertheir daily visit to WaterWorks!TMPark VBS.
God parted the waters of the Red Sea to bring
Moses and the Israelitesto safetywhen they were being
pursued by the Egyptianarmy.
Large Group Snack Time
Pauseat the Snack Shack for a refreshing snack,
which adults have preparedpreviously. Haveyour pastor or leader bless both the food and the kids through
this relaxingspot in the active day.
Jesus Calms the Storm
Mark 4:35-4/
Key Bible Verse: Hebrews/2:28
Life it! God givesus hope! I can worship Him.
JesusprovedHisdivinity,aswell asHislovefor His
BibleMemory and Music
Stand up and move! Kids will dive into the splash-
frightened disciples, by commanding the storm at seato
tacular new praise songs that reinforce each day's
WaterWorks!T~ Park Bibleteaching.The kidswill put
their whole bodies into riding the wave of God's love!
Usethe WaterWorks!TMPark CD or sing along with the
music videos included on the WaterWorks!TM Park
Everyenergetic day at a theme park needs a little
down time. Snow Mountain is a cool-down "paper and
pencil" activity that helps the kids "chill" and reflect on :
their day at WaterWorks!TMPark VBS.Through creative .
paper activities the kids will again review the lesson
focus, the day's Live it! Older and early elementary
options are included. Play the music from the
The Israelites Cross the Red Sea
Exodus /4:5-/3
Key Bible Verse: Deuteronomy 3/ :8
Liveit! God'slovefinds a way! I can trust in Him.
Snack Shack
Snow Mountain
Reproducible Activity Pages
WaterWorks!TM Park VBS is based on five splashtacular Bible stories, all showing God's love and power
through "water-based" experiences!
These brand new and highly creative crafts punctuate
the key Bible Verse (printed on each day's craft), but
alsoallows the opportunity for a quick review of the lesson focus, the day's Live it!. The Gift & Souvenir Shop
is a WaterWorks!TMmust!
DVD! Key Bible versememory gamesare also included
in this upbeat Attraction.
Elijah Challenges the Prophets of Baal
/ Kings /8:/-39
Key BibleVerse: / Peter5:7
Liveit! God is powerful! I can have courage.
God answered Elijah's prayer with a tremendous
display of fiery power, burning up the water-soakedsacrifice and proving He is the one true God.
Jesus Cooks for the Disciples on the Beach
john 2/ : /-/9
Key Bible Verse: Colossians3:/7
Liveit! Godgives us a job to do! I can follow Him.
After causing fish to fill the nets of His disciplesout
on a boat. Jesus prepared breakfast for them on the
beach and called Peterto a specialjob.
Park CD in the background as kids work.
Paul Shipwrecks on the Beach
Acts 27:/-28:/0
Key Bible Verse: Ephesians 6:/0
Liveit! Godneverleavesme!I canencourage
The LordprotectedPauland his shipmatesthrough a
terrible storm and brought them to safety on a friendly
: island.
4 . WaterWorks!TM
Park Director's Guide
Be assuredthat you can run the WaterWorksfTMPark vacation Bible school at
your church, simply and effectively. This Director's Guide will take you through VBS
from beginning to end without a hitch. From planning and recruiting to the opening
day to the last park closing and follow-up, you will be guided step-by-stepthrough the
eventsof WaterWorksfTMPark and what needsto be done in each area.
Goals of WaterWorks!TMPark YBS
Taketimeto think andpraythroughyour goalsin runningthe WaterWorksfTM
ParkVBS.Thesearethe goalsthat this curriculumwill helpyou accomplish:
Changechildren from the inside out as their hearts are transformed by
God's love for them and His amazing power.
Developin children an understanding of the relationship God wants to
havewith them through engaging Bible stories.
Developmeaningful relationships between leadersand children in an
interactive, Christian environment.
Build a bridge between church and home as families areencouraged
and challengedby the VBS ministry.
Don't forget to makeFUN a goal. too, as you lead the kids on an adventure
to ride the wave of God's love. Use this spaceto write down your top goals or add
more that aretailored to your church. Revisitthis list frequently to pray over it.
WaterWorks!TM Park NIV Program.
Key Players
A team of volunteers will makeyour WaterWorks!TMPark VBS a reality! Staffing
Quick Tip!
Planon havingone Aqua
Patrolhelper for every6-8
kids in younger grades.and
one for every8-10 kids in
older grades.The Aqua
Patrolstafferscan assistthe
leadersduring the
Attractions to add many
helping hands.
needs areexplained in detail beginning on page37. But keepthese key playersin mind
as you learn about running WaterWorks!TMPark.
Attraction leaders: Plan on one leader to plan and run eachAttraction.
Aqua Patrol Teen Staffers: Plan on at least one Aqua Patrol staffer at each
Attraction. Also plan on at least one Aqua Patrol staffer for each color-coded group of
kids. These are teen helpers-or adults-who want to help without any preparation.
Assembly leaders: Forthe opening assemblies.you'll need one person to serve
as the emceeand two to serveas actors or puppeteers.
Quick Tip!
Preschoolershavetheir own
areaand activities in
WaterWorks!TMPark VBS.
Seethe WaterWorkslTMPark
PreschoolGuide (preschool
at SplashLagoon) for details.
Ci Quick Tip!
WaterWorks!TMPark VBSis
easyto staff! You need only
five leaders-one for each
Attraction! We recommend
a helper for eachAttraction
aswell. Then. five more
helpersescortthe five
groups of kids around the
park. leaders and helpers
can double up in many
places.for example.taking
roles in the opening
Rotational Learning Model
WaterWorks!TMPark VBS is built on a rotation model rather than a site-based
model. The kids will be divided into groups, and each group will visit-or
rotate to-
every activity at WaterWorks!TMevery day. All the children start together at the opening assembly.Then they divide into five groups and rotate through five activities: Bible
drama, Bible memory music, crafts, games, and activity pages.All the groups take a
break and visit the Snack Shack together for refreshments halfway through. For sitebased instructions see page 61.
Grouping Your Kids
ForWaterWorks!TMPark VBS to be most effective, plan to divide the kids into five
main groups. There are lots of ways you can do this. Think about the following ideas
to customize this VBS to your church.
Most churches find that they can easily divide their children into five elementary
agegroups, dividing them by grades 1-5. If you'd like to include kindergartenwith the
elementary kids, that's easyto do. But be aware that younger children will need more
help throughout the week.
One option is to combine them with first grade. But since the early elementary
gradestend to havehigher attendance, they eachcan fill their own group. Instead,you
might combine two upper elementary grades,asthere may be fewer in attendance, and
older kids can handle a higher leader-child ratio.
Also feel free to combine children from different gradesas neededto makeeffective groups. Just be sure to
end up with five
1DfA 1
JDfA 2
Red group
Grade I
Yellow group
Grade 2
Green group
Grade 3
Blue group
Grade 4
Purple group
Grade 5
6 . WaterWorks!TMPark Director's Guide
Red group
Grade K
Yellow group
Grade I
Green group
Grade .2
Blue group
Grade 3
Purple group
Grades 4-5
groups of kids.
For the Super-hut-Small Church that can count on fewer than 40 kids total.
Quick Tip!
divide your kids into only three groups. This way you can offer three Attractions at a
time, ratherthan five, and leaderscan eachrun two Attractions-one beforesnackand
To figure how many kids to
expect at your church'sVBS,
use previousyears'attendance asa guideline,but
keepin mind your advertising plans and outreach
goals. Beoptimistic!
one after. You'll need fewer leadersthis way and can set up your space to reusean
Attraction area. For example, you might run the Bible story, games, and craft before
snack; then after snack use the same leadersto run the Splash-tacular! and Snow
Mountain Attractions in the samespots that you did the earlierAttractions.
Options for Large Churches:
Quick Tip! \)
Depending on how you set
Most large churches find that flexibility serves them well. Rather than five groups,
up your Attractions, you can
try dividing your kids into 10 groups-two for each grade. Also, double up on the
Attractions. Then you will have 10 groups rotating to 10 Attractions, rather than five
probably plan to accommodate 10-20 children at
groups to five Attractions. (For example, havetwo Bible Bayswith leadersand helpers
at each, presenting the same drama, so that two groups can attend a Bible Bay
Attraction at the sametime. Do this for all the Attractions.)
more if you have
large rooms or an outdoor
Largerchurches may expect to have over 20 kids in each grade, and sometimes
many more. Feelfree to combine grades rather than keeping all the grades separate.
This may giveyou more flexibility in keepingfairly even numbers of kids in eachgroup
so asnot to overwhelm anyone Attraction. This also allows children who bring friends
from a different gradeto be comfortable in the samegroup with them. (For example,
first and second graderswork well together, so you could combine grades I and 2,
spread acrosstwo groups. But be aware that the two age levels are developmentally
distinct. )
Use the following spaceto sketch out your initial ideas of how you picture your
age groupings and the approximate numbers you expect for each grade.
Possible Groupings
Expected Number
(if not with preschool)
Grade6 (if included)
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WaterWorks!TM Park NIV Program.
(7 Quick Tip!
Child-sizewristbandsin various colorsand stylescan be
through mail-ordercatalogs.
Besureto ordersmall or
local Christianbookstore,
Your Five Groups
For this year's WaterWorks!TMPark VBS. designate a color for each of the five main groups of kids:
red, blue, green,yellow, and purple. Purchasekid-size
plastic or rubberwristbands in the samecolors asthe
groups.These wristbands will be the kids' "ticket" or
"season pass" to the WaterWorks!TMPark VBS!
As the kids line up at the "park entrance" each day, have the Aqua Patrolstaffers
: 1
give the kids in their group the correspondingcolor of wristband. This identifies which
group the kids are in and will help adults get stragglersback to the right group. If you
wish, print the child's name on his or her band. At each day's park closing (or at the
last Attraction, if you dismiss from there), the Aqua Patrol should collect the wristbands from the kids in their groups for use the next day. On the last day of VBS, let
the kids take their wristbands home with them as a reminder of WaterWorks!TM
(7 Quick Tip!
PurchaseT-shirts in the des-
If you are planning on 10groups, you may either choose to buy five more colors
(such as orange, aqua, pink, camo, and striped), or use the same color for the same
ignatedcolorsand usethe
Park logo to
makethem "official park
grades,such as RedGroup A and RedGroup B for first graders,Blue Group A and Blue
Group B for second graders,and so on.
Have the Aqua Patrol wear purchasedT-shirts of
the same color as the group they're assigned to. For
example, Aqua Patrol staffers in the yellow group
~."",...-- t:l
Quick Tip!
GiveeveryAqua Patrol
helper(and line leader) an
index cardwith the names
of his or her group members
to carryalong and help keep
track of their kids. You might
alsogiveeachhelper an
index cardlisting the order
of the Attractions their group
goesto. Considerusing coloredindex cards(cut to
size) that match each
group'sassignedcolor and
slipping it into a clear plastic
sleevesecuredto a lanyard
that stafferscan wear around
their necks.Slip nametags
into thesesleevesaswell. A
few colorful piecesof beachthemedconfetti add a festive
should wear yellow T-shirts. This will help the kids
keeptrack of their helpersand providea senseof team
spirit. The WaterWorks!TMPark logo can be found in
two sizes on the WaterWorks!TMPark CD-ROM.
You are certainly welcome to designateyour five
groups by any means or namesyou'd like. If you wish to use something besidescolors, or use different colors than suggested,feel free to do so! Just keepin mind that for
the purposesof this Director's Guide, the groupswill be referredto as red, blue. green,
yellow, and purple.
Moving Kids Around WaterWorksfTM Parkvas
Moving lots of kids around your church's WaterWorks!TMPark VBSis easyto do.
Assign every child to a color-coded group. Give eachchild a wristband of the assigned
color. Have staffers from the Aqua Patrol assigned to every color group, too. They
should wear T-shirt colors that match their group. Besure to havethe Aqua Patrolget
to know their assignedkids.
The Aqua Patrol staffers lead their groups to every Attraction. There they stick
close (not watching from the sides!) and participate in the activities. While moving
their assignedgroups between Attractions, the helpers keep the kids in line and on
task. The kids don't even have to know their way around: the Aqua Patrol will take
them safelyto the next stop.
When dismissing the groups from the opening assemblyor snack time, (when all
the groups aretogether), dismiss them one group at a time to avoid a confusing mass
. WaterWorksFM Park Director's Guide
- 1
exit, which would lead to the groups getting mixed up and the kids getting separated
from their Aqua Patrolteen staffers.
Keeping It All Together
Everyday the kids will have "stuff" to carry around with them. They might come
wearingsunglassesand hats to fit the water parktheme, or they might carry backpacks
or pursesor wear a sweateron a chilly morning. As the day movesalong, the kids will
naturally shedthesethings and not want to carry them around. In addition, eachchild
eachday will havea craft and activity pages,and the kids who visit those Attractions
earlywill needto bring their crafts and papersalong with them during the rest of their
water parkvisit.
So to keepall these things together, give each Aqua Patrolstaffer a laundry basket
(matching their group's color, if possible) or a tote or box to carry with them as they
lead their group around WaterWorksfTMPark VBS along with a marker to identify
papersand craft items. That way the kids at any time can put any of their stuff in the
basketto keepfrom getting loaded down or losing it. Then the stuff is conveniently on
hand if someone needs something, or if the group goes outdoors and the kids want
their sunhats, or when the park closesand the kids need their things without running
all over the church to find them.
You'll be glad you made the investment in severalinexpensive laundry basketsor
bins when you come to the end of each day and all the kids have all their thingswithout stress!
Quick Tip! \)
Fora fun way that the Aqua
Patrolcan leadtheir groups
betweenAttractions, try having the kids walk in a line as
in "Follow the leader." The
Aqua Patrolstaffer is the
leader.who leadsby doing
various swimming motions
for the kids to imitate:
stroke,side stroke,dog paddle, and so on. Or they
might "paddle" a raft or pretend to surf as they sing the
"Splish SplashBible Bash!"
theme song.
Quick Tip! \)
If you want the realismof a
realwater park. choosethe
Attraction options that use
water. You'll have plenty of
chanceseveryday for getting
your kids-and yourselfwet! Just look for the "Get
Wet!" sidebarsthroughout
the curriculum.
Quick Tip! \)
~e~y~a~ ~~e~~~~
~r~ ~~~
~niquelearning environ rnent. How
will you set up this "park" in your VBS space?Your options areendless.
You may organize and run your Attractions as simply as bringing in the supplies
needed each day and running the activities without changing your regular Sunday
school rooms (or other spaceyou are using). Or you may create an elaborate theme
park-as big as you wish! Look under "Party Planning Service" in you local phone
book and rent largeinflatable play slides and bouncers for the day or week.
If you're short on time or
space,or if you haveto
shareyour spacewith other
groups during the week, you
can run WaterWorkslTMPark
VBS right in your church's
push tables and chairsaside
and use removable
Attraction signs and decorations, and run a fun minitheme park!
Planning Your Space
To plan your WaterWorksfTMPark VBS, think through the spacesyou haveavailableand the amount of spaceyou'll need, using the diagramson these pagesas guidelines. To run WaterWorksfTMPark, you'll need room for the opening assembly(all the
kids together), the snack (all the kids together), and five separateAttractions that run
at the sametime (kids divided into five groups). (Note: You may choose to have the
snack in separaterooms. Seesuggestionsunder SnackShackon page 19.)
Small church: If you have a small church or expect a smaller number of kids,
WaterWorksfTMPark VBS can be set up in one largefellowship hall or meeting space.
To open, haveall the kids sit on the floor in the front or center part of the room. There
WaterWorks!TM Park NIV Program.
Small Church Set-up
]8 : 1111 Dl :
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dividers or portable chalkboards to divide the large space into five sections, one each for the Bible drama, Bible memory and music, craft,
game, and paper activity.Or divide into four sections and have the fifth
Attraction outdoors (such as games). Kidsrotate by movingfrom areato
area in the room. When it's time for snack, the kids could gather on the
floor in the opening assembly area or go outside to sit on the lawn.
you can run the Coconut Island opening assembly.Then use room
Gift & souyon
tIT fti
\Q. Ai
Medium church: If you have a medium-size church with classrooms availableto use, you can set up each WaterWorksfTM
Medium Church Set. up
Park Attraction in its own room. Plan on having the Coconut
Island opening assemblies in the sanctuary, fellowship hall, or
a large room. The kids may sit on the floor, on chairs, or on
pews. When it's time to rotate, the Aqua Patrol leads the kids
to one of the five rooms for the Bible drama, Bible memory and
music, craft, game, or paper activities. At snack time, the kids
may gather in your fellowship hall or other dining area, or they
may sit on the lawn outside.
Large Church Set-up
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duplicate Attractions so as not to overload anyone activity. For
example, plan on two Bible Bay (Bible drama) rooms, both
offering the same Bible presentation at the same time.
For a large church, your set-up might sound something like
this: Plan the Coconut Island opening assembly to be in a fellowship hall. gym, or large room. Decide if you need two or three of
each Attraction to best fit your expected number of children.
If your rooms are large enough, you could set up two or three
stations of duplicate activities in the same room. (For example,
put three craft stations surrounded by work tables in one room,
and think of them as three Attractions.) If it's an Attraction that's
bound to make some noise, you might set up the identical
Attraction in a neighboring room. Keep in mind that for every
duplicate Attraction you will need more leaders.
Large church: If you have a large church and expect high
numbers of children, you will find it most effective to have
The Splash-tacular!
songs and memory games, which may
be shown on a TV or projection screen using the WaterWorksfTM
DVD, could be held in one large room with two or three groups
learning at the same time. You may wish to use the same room as
your Coconut Island space to have access to both video and audio
For Snack Shack, you could have all the children return to the fellowship hall or
gym, or use whatever you have available for dining seating.
WaterWorks!TM Park Director's Guide
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WaterWorks!TM Park
DVD Instructions
To play the WaterWorksfTM
Park DVD, insert the disc
into a standard DVD player
and navigateusing the
DVD's main menu. Or
insert the disc into a computer with a DVD drive and
launch Window's MediaTM
PlayerVersion 10or higher
(Windows@XP,XP Pro,
2000), DVD Player(Mac@
OS X) or any other DVD
Do a quick sketch of your church in the spaceabove. Pencil in where the various
Attractions will best fit.
To accessthe PowerPoint
bonus materialsfor promoting your VBS, insert the disk
Handy Resources
into a computerwith a DVD
As you planthe detailsof eachAttraction for your VBS,keeptheseresourcesin mind.
Music and music video: "Splish SplashBible Bash!" is this year's theme song.
The music is on the WaterWorks!TMPark CD. The theme song can also be found as a
music video with motions on the WaterWorks!TMPark DVD. The DVD also contains
drive. Navigateto the main
motions to five praisesongs, one for eachday of VBS.
Chooseeitherthe CD or DVD option to open eachday's program.
directory by accessingthe
drive through Windows
Explorer(Windows Xp, XP
Pro,2000) or by clicking the
DVD icon on your desktop
Youwill also find optional stanzasto "Splish SplashBible Bash!" highlighting each
day's Bible story on CD as well. Use this music as you choose-in your opening each
(Mac OS X). Open the folder
titled EXTRASand then the
day,as backgroundmusic for any Attraction, in your Closing Assemblyor any other way
you wish. Note: Youmaywish to purchasean extra WaterWorks!TMPark CD or DVDfor
your Preschoolat SplashLagoonprogram. ExtraWaterWorks!TM
CDs and DVDs are available for purchase by calling David C.
Cook at 1-800-323-7543.All sheet music and song lyrics are in
the Splash-tacular!Bible Memory and Music Guide. Lyricscan
also be found on PowerPointon the WaterWorks!TMPark CDROM.
Reproducible artwork: EveryAttraction has clip art and
transparenciesthat you can use to build the image of a water
park, including signs, decorations, backgrounds, and details.
This artwork is availablein different forms-on pages 137-148
in this Director's Guide, on the website (www.cookvbs.com),
and on the WaterWorks!TMPark CD-ROM.
WaterWorks!TM Park NIV Program.
Don't Go It Alone: You may want to involveyour
whole church in creating the WaterWorks!TMtheme park!
Invite youth, Bible study groups, senior citizens, and others to help create the Attractions and the overall theme.
Detailed instructions: Everythingyou need to know
to set up each Attraction is explained below.
Pump It Up! EveryAttraction givesyou extra options
for creating an over-the-top event! Look for it!
Get Wet!
You might decide to make your water park as realistic
as possible-and add water! Restassured that you can run
a great,realisticWaterWorks!TM
ParkVBSwithouta drop hittingyourkids-or your
facility!But you can also add differentlevelsof wetness.
Ifyou're planning to run your VBSoutdoors, you could choose options that allow
the kids to get more than a little wet. If you're running your VBS indoors, you can
choose options that allow the kids to get squirted just a little-just enough to feel like
they've gotten splashed, but without making their clothes uncomfortable or the floor
Every part of every lesson has a "Get Wet!" option. These ideas tell easy ways to
add water, often the low-key kind, such as having the Aqua Patrol spray misting fans
at the kids or squirt water over their heads or at their feet.
Here are some suggestions for giving the kids a chance to get wet.
. Set up various decorative lawn sprinklers at the entrance for visual effects
and for kids to touch as they're waiting or entering, or jump through as
they're leaving.
Havea few "water" toys handy for Aqua Patrolstaffers to play with among
their groups while waiting to enter the water park: misters, gentle squirters,
damp (not soaked) cloth or foam FrisbeesTM
or sponge water balls. Some of
these may be' usable on a carpeted floor that absorbs drips and does not
make the floor slippery. (A tile floor would be slippery and unsafe.)
Set up a few water table~ and fill with seashells, toy boats, or plastic water
creatures. If you place a tarp underneath, these could be set up inside your
building. The younger kids, in particular, will enjoy these.
Youcould schedule a water balloon game outdoors during the last five minutes of each day. Have kids play in pairs-tossing a water balloon back and
forth to each other, taking a step back with each toss-to see how far away
they can get before the balloon pops!
Be Safe and Happy
You want your WaterWorks!TMPark VBS to be as safe as possible. Keep these
pointers in mind, and tell them to your Aqua Patrolstaff or anyone else handlingthe
water features:
If you're using water options, be sure to let the parents know aheadof time.
. WaterWorks!TM Park Director's Guide
Remind the kids to wear clothing that can get wet. The parents need to be
happy about WaterWorks!TMPark VBStoo!
Some kids, especiallyyounger ones, simply don't like to get wet. They might
not mind a mist. but they can get upset if their clothing or hair getswet.
Avoid spraying faces. Evenkids who love to swim don't always like that feeling of being splashedin the face. In fact, most people don't like being surprised with anything coming at their faces.Whenever water is used, aim
over the kids' headsso it spraysdown gently on top of them.
Avoid any standing bodies of water-such as wading pools, basins, and
buckets.You will need constant supervision over these water sourcesto
makesure a child doesn't trip and fall into one. Drowning can happen in
just a few inches of water.
Sincekids can get exuberantand forgetthe safetyand "politeness" rules,keep
all water sourcesin the handsof the adults and a few responsibleteen helpers.
What actually happens at each WaterWorks!TMAttraction? What's the purpose of
each activity? How will you set it all up? EveryAttraction is carefully thought out to
makeit most effective in helping kids ride the wave of God's love. Herearesome plans
and ideasto help you understand all that happens at WaterWorks!TMPark.
Park Entrance
This is the spot each day where the kids will line up in their groups before heading to the first WaterWorks!TMAttraction-Coconut
Island. Many churches find it
Get Wet! ~
To add water fun to the Park
Entrance.you could let Aqua
Patrolstaffersgently squirt
water overthe headsof the
kids while they'rewaiting at
the parkentrance.They can
use squeezingsquirtertoys
or misting fans.
Use these effective group-organizing techniques to get your VBSoff to a great start everyday!
. Have
pool noodles,
or beach
towels-red, yellow, green, blue, purple-spread
out across the Park Entrance for the kids to form
lines in front of.
Be sure to always have someone on the lookout
for late-comers.
You may want to get poster board in the five
Be sure the Aqua Patrol is wearing T-shirts in the
colors of their assigned groups. You might also
group colors-or color them red, yellow, green,
blue, and purple-and
list on each the names of
the kids in those color-coded groups. Hang them
want to give them small. color-coordinated flags
to wave.
where arriving kids can stop and look for their
names. Add visitor names each day.
Have extra Aqua Patrol staff (not assigned to a
As kids get to their assigned groups, be sure the
group) free to help wanderers get to their groups.
You might place some at the parking lot and at
the church doors to guide kids to their spots.
Aqua Patrol staffers give out the color-coded
""..","',.., ...,..."""""", " "'"""'"
"" """ """ "", """""'"
WaterWorks!TM Park NIY Program.
convenientto invite the kids to arrive 15 minutes early.This gives them a chance to
(7 Quick Tip!
In choosing a spot for your
ParkEntrance,keepin mind
the length of walk kids will
haveto get from the
"entrance" to the Coconut
Islandopening assembly.
Youshould also makeit convenient to your parkinglot or
drop-off point.
greettheir friends, find where they belong, and get into the spirit of VBS. It givesnewcomers time to get placed in a group without missing any of the fun.
Your ParkEntrancetime will run much more smoothly if every day you havea reg-
istration table set up in a prominent place where parents can bring their children and
find out which color group they are in or to easily check in. This table will be busiest
the first day, but visitors and forgetful children will need it on subsequent days.
Besureto take attendanceduring this ParkEntrancetime. Dependingon your time
and spacehereand in Coconut Island, you might also choose to use this time to make
Here are some quick name games and get-to-know-you
games that the Aqua Patrol can do with
their groups while waiting for the "park" to open or that leaders can do in any spare time.
@i>Havethe kids stand in a circle and toss the
WaterWorks!TM Park beach ball back and forth
in random order. Eachperson who receivesthe
ball tells a brief fact about themselves,such as
acrossthe circle. Havethe kids say the name of
school name, number of people in family, or type
the person they're tossing the ball to or who
tossed it to them.
of pet they have. Pump It Up and have kids form
a conga line and passthe ball between their legs,
While the kids are standing in a line, have the
shouting their namesas they do.
first kid in line say his own name; then havethe
second kid in line say the name of the first kid,
Playa quick gameof "favorites."Gatherthe kids
around and choosesomeoneto tell what their
plus her own. The third kid in line saysthe first
two namesand adds his own. The fourth kid
favoritefood is. All the other kidswho havethe
samefavoritefood raisetheir hand. Quickly choose
saysthe first three namesand adds on hers, and
so on down the line.
another child to tell their favoritecolor; again,the
others raisetheir hands if they agree.Continue
Havethe kids sit or stand in a circle. They take
choosingdifferent kids to tell favoriteanimal.
turns rolling the WaterWorks!TMPark beach ball
school subject. sport, ice creamflavor, and so on.
announcements, leadthe pledge,take offerings, and recognizebirthdays. If you don't
have a portable audio system for making announcements at your Park Entrance,you
(7 Quick Tip!
Any props you use to decorate the Park Entrance can be
brought indoors during the
opening assembly and used
to decorate the Attraction
may want to savethese items for the actual opening assembly.
Aqua Patrol staffers and any leaderswho are free can use this time to introduce
themselvesand get to know the kids.
Setting Up the Park Entrance
Your WaterWorks!TMPark Entrancecan be any open areathat can accommodate
all the VBS kids at once-and allow them a little spaceto get organized. Choose a spot
where the kids will be able to find their color-coded group with their Aqua Patrol
staffers and where they can listen to the instructions from the Lifeguard,director, or
You might choose to haveyour ParkEntrancein your church's main lobby, foyer,
or fellowship hall. Or you could plan your entrance to be outside the church's main
. WaterWorks!TM Park Director's Guide
doors or in a roped-off areaof the parking lot. (If you choose an outdoor spot, havea
back-upplan for inclement weather.)
Besureto havea registrationtable set up, where kids can go to check in eachday,
get nametags, and be assignedto groups.
Bring It to Life! If you want to open your WaterWorks!TMPark VBS with a big
bang, purchasethe colorful WaterWorks!TMbanner for over the doorway, the kids will
feel like they're actually walking into a theme park!
Edgy Extras! In addition, you may set out props to give the feel of a water park:
Leana rubber raft up against a wall. Stack up a few rubber tubes with paddles, along
with some beachballs, beachtowels, a largebeachumbrella, and evena boogie board.
Hang a huge, sparklyyellow sun from a ceiling or overhang. Or hang sparkly blue garlands or ribbons down the side of a wall to look like a waterfall. Have the "Splish
Splash Bible Bash" theme song playing.
Opening Assembly
Coconut Island is the location for your opening assemblies,
when all the kids are together in one big group-even your preschoolers!Emceedby
the Lifeguard,the main attraction of Coconut Island is the puppet show, featuring
Loop-Dee-Loo,the water bird, and Koko, the dolphin. (You may also chooseto do the
skit as a live stageshow with actors, rather than puppets.)
To start off the day, the Aqua Patrol will lead their color-coded
groups to Coconut Island area and direct them where to sit. The
adult playing the role of Lifeguardbegins the session,welcoming the
kids and setting an upbeat tone. Be surethe puppeteersor actors are
set up "back stage" before the children enter Coconut Island. There
are two versions of each opening assembly skit-one with puppets
and one with actors. Those skits begin on page67.
During the Coconut Island opening assembly, the kids will be
introduced to the day's Bible story through the puppet show or skit
and sing the WaterWorks!TMPark VBS theme song, "Splish Splash
Bible Bash." The theme song can be led with the WaterWorks!TM
Park CD, the sheet music (with someone playing piano or guitar), or
with the music video (on the WaterWorks!TMPark DVD) that has
both the lyrics and the motions to the song. Time permitting, you
may also choose to sing additional verses to "Splish Splash Bible
Bash" also found on the CD.
Decide if you will handle the following elements at the park
entranceor during this opening assemblytime.
Taking an offering
Sayinga pledge (to the national flag or Christian flag).
openingassembliesshould raise
bucketfulsof enthusiasm!He or
sheshould begineachday at
Parkwith a grand
welcomealongtheselines. Besure
to passon theseideasto your
Welcome to WaterWorksfTM
Park vas!The parkopensin
just a few minutes. (Peersout into
the crowd.) Are you ready?Great!
There's never a height requirement here at WaterWorksfTM
So you and you and
you (points to individualchildren)
are all the right size to ride the
wave of God's love! And now...
WaterWorksfTMPark vas is open
for business!(Leadsclappingand
", , ~~,"" ".."" , """" ",." " """...,...:..""'"
Park NIV Program.
cr QuickTip!
You'll find all the
Opening assemblyis also the perfect time to presentthe WaterWorksfTMPark VBS
missions project, an excellent opportunity to let the kids make a difference in other
kids' lives, Project India is explained on pages33-34,
opening puppet and teen
skits beginning on page
Setting Up Coconut Island
You will need a spacebig enough to seat all the kids (on
the floor or in chairs) with an upfront areawhere all the kids
can see the Lifeguard and show. You will probably need
cr Transition!
To get to the first Attraction
from Coconut Island, one of
microphones (and therefore a sound system) for the
Lifeguardand puppets, Consider using your church's fellowship hall or sanctuary for Coconut Island.
your five groupswill be led
by the Aqua Patrolto Bible
BayAttraction for the Bible
drama.The other four
building severalkinds of puppet stagesbegin on page 127.
groupswill go to four other
Attractions at the sametime.
Use the chart on page 105
to plan out the order in
which the groupswill visit
the Attractions.
the door (seeclip art on the WaterWorksfTMCD-ROM), Use any of the transparencies
(beginning on p, 137). to makea wall mural; hang it on the front wall or on a portable
chalkboard that can be placed behind the emcee and puppets, Use clip art of palm
trees and sunshine to bring the room to life,
You may choose to use a puppet stage, Directions for
Coconut Island Transparency
Bring It to Life! Makea Coconut Island sign to hang at
Edgy Extras! You can turn your assembly room into a real tropical island! Bring
in real or artificial potted plants to place near the action up front. Hang palm fronds
over the doorway for kids to walk through to enter Coconut Island. Have some real
coconuts on hand, (Warning: Coconuts will crack if dropped hard on a concreteor tile
floor.) If you're not using chairs, consider using beachtowels for the kids to sit on,
Bible Bay Drama Guide
Bible Bay
Bible Drama
The leaders at Bible Bay will use the Bible Bay Drama Guide to lead the kids
cr QuickTip!
All the Bibledramas,plans,
and options for the Bible Bay
Attraction are in Bible Bay
Drama Guide.
through an engaging and interactive Bible story. The teaching technique uses drama
of variety!
Every day the children
see God's
awesome power when He intervened on behalf of the children He loves, Riding the
wave of God's love is at a high point here!
The daily Bible drama is simple to present. But your Bible Bay leaderscan makeit
as elaborateas they want! Eachlesson includes hugely creative"Pump It Up" ideas-
cr QuickTip!
to enhancethe Bible drama. "Pump It Up" often includes ideasfor additional supplies
or for making the drama more realistic. There's also a "Get Wet!" option in each lesson that lets you bring a little water into the story, if you so choose,
Though only the Bible Bay
leaderspresentthe actual
Biblestory, be sureall
your leadersknow the
WaterWorks'TMBible stories
and lessonfocus to tie into
their Attractions: Exodus
14:5-13: Mark 4:25-31:
1 Kings 18:1-39:john
21:1-19: Acts 27:1-28:10.
The Bible Bay leaderswill present the same Bible drama five times in one dayonce to each of the five groups that rotates to this Attraction, The same Bible story
presentation will work for all the elementary (K-5) age levels. Pleasenote: Salvation
lessonsfor this year'sVBS are found in Bible Bay Bible dramas, Day 2 and 4,
. WaterWorksFM Park Director's Guide
Quick Tip!
Setting Up Bible Bay
Choose a spot for your Bible Bay where there is room for dramas based on the
Bible stories. Somedays all the kids will be taking part in the dramas, and you'll need
a wide-open room or space. Other days the kids will be watching the dramas. You
don't need a stage-just a clear spot where everyone
can see and take part a little. A large classroom with
tables and chairs removedworks well.
You won't need a sound system for these dramas
or a stagearea.
Most of the dramas recommend an area on the
For any of your Attractions.
you can go the extra mile by
creating a simple "turnstile"
from cardboardboxesthat
the kids must walk through
(and show their wristband
"ticket") in orderto enter
each Attraction area.
After the first Attraction. all
five groupsswitch to a second Attraction, so each
floor that appearsto be water. If you're not using any
of the Get Wet! options here,you could representthis
BIble Bay ,ransparency
watery areawith nonskid mats, rugs or fabric. If you're using any of the water options
in the Bible dramas,plan on having a couple of blue tarps on hand.
group will againbe at a different spot. Planbeforehand
a signalor sound cue for
transition times that let's
leadersknow it's time for
Bring It to Life! You can makeyour Bible Bay room look like part of a water park
with the Bible Baytransparencyfound on p. 137! Makea door sign welcoming the kids
to Bible Bay (seeclip art on the CD-ROM). Use the transparencyof Bible Bayto make
kids to moveon, You may
wish to haveyour Coconut
Island emceeor actor go
around blowing a whistle,
letting everyoneknow it's
time for the next Attraction,
a backgroundfor one of the walls by projecting it onto butcher paper and tracing the
lines. You may then paint or color it brightly.
Edgy Extras! Youcan reallyjazz up your Bible Bay by bringing in props and decorations appropriatefor a pool part of the park, as the name bay implies a wide-open
swimming area.At the doorway hang someflippers and a swim mask. lean some pool
noodles on the walls and hang up some beachtowels. (You can use heavy-duty magnets to attach unfolded towels to a white board or chalkboard.)
Raging River
The group that comesto RagingRiverwill dive into Bibleapplication activitiesand games-and maybeevengeta little wet!
All the gamesoutlined in the RagingRiver Game Guide arefull of super Biblespills
and thrills. These activities get the kids interacting both with each other and with the
daily Bible story content.
Everylesson offers two fun-tastic games or activities. We suggestthat the game
leaderset up both gamesand havethem readyfor the kids. When kids finish with one,
the next game is readyto play.The RagingRiverleaderwill present the samegame or
activity five times in one day-once to each of the five groups that rotates to this
As an added bonus, RagingRiver has a "thrill meter"-three
levelsof action that
the leadercan choose depending on the age-group,space,and supplies.
Thrill level I: Cool and refreshingfun
Thrill level 2: Pump It Up and get moving
Thrill level 3: Ridiculously fun-tastic!
Raging RiverGame Guide
Quick Tip! 1;)
All the RagingRivergame
instructions, along with thrill
levels,are in the Raging
River GameGuide.
The highest thrill level will always give you great ideas for bringing water into the
fun, giving the kids a chance to get wet and cooled-off!
WaterWorks!TM Park NIV Program.
(T Quick Tip!
At any Attraction, you can
set up fans to create an
"outdoor breeze." Oscillating
floor fans or large box fans
work well, as long as you
don't aim them at any crafts
or activity papers. Don't use
electrical fans near pools or
standing water.
Setting Up Raging River
YourRaging River Attraction will need some wide-open
space, clear of furniture. You might even consider holding
your Raging River Attraction outdoors. If you're indoors,
remove tables and chairs from the room, or push them
securely to the side. The only equipment or supplies you'll
need here are the ones listed in the games and activities in
Raging River Game Guide.
Bring It to Life! Makeyour RagingRiverAttraction look
Raging RiverTransparency
likea water park tubing river by using the RagingRivertransparency(page 138to create a wall mural. Also use the clip art to createa "Raging River" sign to hang over the
door or at a central point in your Attraction area. You can use additional clip art
(T Quick Tip!
All the craft ideas to be used
in the Gift & Souvenir Shop,
(enlarged) to further decoratethe walls.
Edgy Extras! Without cluttering your game area,you can still give your Raging
RiverAttraction a 3-D feeling. Set up an inflatable raft or tube by the entryway to this
Attraction. Youcould hang blue streamersfrom the ceiling to simulate water reflecting
or for muddy water, mix in some shiny film taken from old tape cassettesor cartridges.
along with step-by-step
instructions, photos,
Gift & Souvenir
and options, are in the
When the kids visit the Gift & SouvenirShop,they'll get to take home
Gift & Souvenir Shop
Craft Guide.
(T Field Test Tip!
Print the day's key Bible
verseand LiveiU on 81/2" x
II" paper sheets and post
them in the room for kids to
see. We had success introducing both elements by
reviewing the key Bible verse
as soon as kids entered the
Gift & Souvenir Shop (and
also reading it from their
crafts) and then having kids
their key Bible verselearning!
The leaderof the Attraction will get to choose between two
creativecrafts each day. The choice depends on what is desired
basedon availability of supplies, level of difficulty, and particular
application. Throughout the week, the craft choiceswill co~er~~e
key Bible memory versesalong with the Bible story conteqt.1
Once a craft is chosen, the Souvenir Shop leaderwill teach
the samecraft all day, to all five groups of kids. The next day the
Ieader choosesanother craft to teach to aIlf lye groups, and so on.
The kids will take home whatever project they make as a
shout the "password" for the
reminder of what they learned at WaterWorks!TMPark VBS
day (the day's Live itf) as
each day.
they exited the Attraction.
Setting up the Gift & Souvenir Shop
Providetables for craft time. To allow for more flexibility
(T Quick Tip!
Have Aqua Patrol staffers
and elbow room, try removing chairsfrom the room. Kids will
not mind standing while they work. Plan to store your craft
print kids' names or initials
on the craft (or take home
plastic bag) if children cannot do this for themselves
Gift & Souvenir Shop
before placing crafts in the
laundry basket or tote. You
many need to provide tags
or stickers to label crafts that
are not easy to print on.
supplies in this area,or keepall the supplies in a box or tote
to bring to this Attraction every day.
Bring It to Life! Use the Gift & Souvenir Shop repro-
ducible on page 140 and the clip art to makea sign welcoming the kids to the Gift &
SouvenirShop. Use your samplecrafts as part of the decor.
. WaterWorks!TM
Edgy Extras! Set up a look-alikeGift & Souvenir Shop! Add plush animals and
inflatable critters to shelves, or hang them from your ceiling. Consider crabs or lobsters,dolphins, sea lions, water birds, and all kinds of fish. Have postcardsand trinkets in small display cases.
Quick Tip! ~
If you don't have room to
bring all the kids together for
refreshments, feel free to let
them snack in separate loca-
Snack Shack and Blessing Time
Large Group Snack time
(Snack information
tions. You could even bring
the snacks to Attraction
starts on page 83)
In the middle of your VBS time, everyone will be ready for
refreshmentsand a break. Plan to have all the kids come together at this time, in a
placethat's safeto havefood and drinks. Adult volunteers (and optional helpers) will
preparethe snacksaheadof time, choosing from two yummy, simple snacksthat reinforce Bible learning!
The Aqua Patrolstafferswill leadtheir groups to the eating areaand help them get
seated.You may choose to seat the kids around tables or havethem sit on the floor.
You might even find it convenient to have them picnic outside on the grass or on
You could choose to havethe kids pick up their snacks by walking through a line
cafeteria-style,or you could have helpers bring the refreshments to the kids once
areas just before snack time
and let the kids eat there
before rotating to the fourth
Attraction. Have food servers
look the part! Suggest they
wear fun sun hats,
sunglasses, snorkels, water
wi ngs or life vests.
Quick Tip! ~
All the Snack Shack and
Blessing Time snack
suggestions are in the
WaterWorkslTM Park
Director's Guide pp. 83-88.
they're seated.Beforethe kids get their refreshments,be sure to have a leader,pastor,
or yourself lead a prayerto ask God to bless the good food He provides-and to ask
Him to blessthe children, as well.
Encouragekids to sit back and relax during this time as they enjoy chatting with
friends. After snack,however,is a greattime for free play outside if the weather is nice.
There's lots of energeticactivity to come!
Dismiss the color-coded
groups one at a time from
Snack Shack to avoid a bottle neck at the doorway. The
Setting up the Snack Shack
Aqua Patrol staffers should
Yourchurch may alreadyhavea location where food can be servedand can accommodateall the kids. If so, you maywant to usethis spot for your SnackShack.Another
option is to take the kids outdoors or use another largeroom indoors. If you can't hold
all the kids in one spot, you can keepthem in their groups and servetheir refreshments
at the end of their third Attraction, bringing the snacksto those Attraction areas.
make sure they have everyone in their assigned groups
and lead them to their fourth
Bring It to Life! If using one central, indoor area, you can decorate this room
using someclip art pictures(seethe CD-ROM). You might also bring in any props used
at the park entranceand decoratethis room with them.
Edgy Extras! If you've got spaceand access,set up picnic tables for the kids. Or
let them sit on the floor on beachtowels with large beach umbrellas around them. If
you want to really give the feel of a theme park food court, hang up large,shiny pictures of various snack foods. You could even do a large drawing of each day's snack
and hang it up at the door. Or you could post a large menu listing the day's refreshments, being sure to list the price as "free!"
Park NIV Program.
Bible Memory and Music
The kids visiting Splash-tacular!are in for a treat-five
awesome praise music videos to get them on their .feet-singing and doing actions.
Eachvideo has the words and music that will reinforcethe day's Bible focus. Playone
Splash-tacularl Guide
Quick Tip!
In the lessons,every
Attraction hasat leastone
"Pump It Up!" option, giving you hints on how to
increasethe energylevelof
your activity to suit your
kids, supplies,and space.So
even if you chooseto go low
on the set-up,you can still
go high on the fun!
video each day. You may choose to review videos as the week continues.
The WaterWorks!TMPark kit comes with a DVD to use with a TV/DVD player or
a projection screenand sound system. The leadersimply has to pressthe button and
enthusiastically lead the singing as he or she stands next to the Tv. The music videos
will teach the kids the songs and actions.
For those churches without accessto a TV with DVD player,the sheet music is
included in the Splash-tacular! Bible Memory and Music Guide. You can havesomeone play the piano, lead with guitar, or simply sing a cappella. Feelfree to run this
Attraction with or without technology!
Option! Splash-tacular!also providesthe option for kids to memorize the day'skey
Bible verse.The Splash-tacular!leadercan find a fun Bible memory activity or gamefor
each lesson in this guide as well.
The leader at Splash-tacular! will use the same DVD songs and Bible memory
activities with all five groups that rotate through each day.
(7 Quick Tip!
All the Bible memory
instructions for each lesson
are in the Splash-tacular/
Bible Memory and Music
(7 Quick Tip!
If you'd like to project the
words onto a screenfor the
kids to follow along with,
completelyrics are found on
the WaterWorks!TMPark
Setting up Splash-tacular!
Choose a location for Splash-tacular! that can
accommodatea TV with DVD playeror projection unit
with screen and sound, as you will be using the
WaterWorks!TMPark DVD for this Attraction. You
might even be able to double up using your Coconut
Island location for this rotation if that is the best spot
using a sound system, screen, and other audio-visual
Be sure all the kids will be able to see the video. Allow enough space for kids to
move freely.
Bring It to Life! For Splash-tacular! you might make a wall mural using the
Splash-tacular!transparency (page 139) to encouragethe kids to slide into fun! Use
the clip art to makea "Splash-tacular!" entry sign for the doorway.
(j Quick Tip!
Transparenciesfor decorating
the different parts of your
WaterWorks/TMPark are
Edgy Extras! At this Attraction, the kids' eyes will be mostly on the music
videos, but enhance the feel by making a live music video of your own! Have a
volunteer use a video or camcorder to make your church's own VBS 2007 Video
Splash-tacular!The parents and congregation can view it in the weeks to come.
found one pages137-147.
You havelots of water park
. WaterWorks!TM
Quick Tip! ~
Snow Mountain
Reproducible Activity Pages
The reproduciblepagesfor
Snow Mountain, corresponding to every Bible story,
are in the Snow Mountain
Time for a water park "cooldown"-a
reflective time that utilizes inspiring reproducLble
activity pagesthat leadthe kids to reviewthe Live itf-the lesson
ReproducibleActivity Guide.
focus-at WaterWorks!TMPark VBS that day. All the leader
needsto do is hand out pencils, a few supplies, and the activity
pages. Be sure to check the age-range on the reproducible
pages-there are older and early elementary options.
Taketime to chat with individuals about the content of the
Quick Tip! ~
HaveAqua Patrolstaffers
prints kids' namesor initials
on the activity papers(if
children cannot do this for
pages and what significant things they are learning at
Snow Mountain Guide
WaterWorks!TMPark VBS.Givethe kidsopportunitiesto raisequestions.Encourage
the kids to explore and think out loud! If you choose, have the music from the
WaterWorks!TMCD playing in the background. As the
themselves)before putting
them in the laundry basket
or tote.
Field Test Tip! ~
kids dive into their activity pages,circulate and offer to
help as needed.
Print the day's Live it' on
8 1/2" x I I " papersheets
and post them in the room
for kids to see.Havekids
Setting up Snow Mountain
shout the "password" for the
day (the day'sLive iU ) as
they exit the Attraction.
At Snow Mountain, the kids will engagein paper
activities. Setup tables and chairs in a relaxingenvironment. Placea few extra chairs in the room for decorat-
Snow M ountaln
ing. Pumpit Up! One or two chairscan become butcher paper"icebergs." The remain-
Quick Tip! ~
der you can wrap in "snow" blanketsor "ice" them up using plastic wrap. Perchplush
penguins, seals,and whales on seats.
Bring It to Life! Keepthe water parktheme going by turning one wall into a surf-
All the clip art you need for
WaterWorksfTMPark signs
and picturescan be found
on the WaterWorkslTMPark
ing pool, using the transparencyon page 141.The clip art (on the CD-ROM) provides
you with a sign you can enlargeand hang over the entry to this Attraction.
Edgy Extras! Try adding some real sea life to this Attraction! Bring in an aquarium, fishbowl, or terrarium with living creaturesinside. Do savethis idea for a quieter
Attraction (like this one), which presents less chance of knocking over a tank
during a rowdy activity, and which also might provide time for the kids to gaze and
explore the wonder
of God's creation
through water.
Preschool at
Splash Lagoon
Welcome all to
Preschool at Splash
Lagoon! This guide
provides you with a
VBS program just
WaterWorksFM Park NIV Program.
right for preschoolers. This guide includes suggestedschedules, reproducibles,decorating transparencies,Bible stories,Attractions, and activities suitable for three- to fiveyear-olds.
Park Closing at Coconut Island
Large Group Wrap-up
Backto Coconut Island to briefly wrap-up WaterWorks!TMPark VBS for the day!
All the groups gather back together for announcements, distributing of take-homes,
and dismissal. You might even include a "teaser" or clues of what the kids will experience the next day. This is the chance to makesurethat kids haveany sweaters,hats,
crafts, and papers-which will be easy with the Aqua Patrol carrying all these in a
laundry basket! You can make this visit to Coconut Island as short or as long as you
need. Your Coconut Island will also be a safe, central location for parents to pick up
their kids.
""",.." """, """""""""""""""
.,,~" ."..
,,~ '"
."" ...",."
Be sure to cover these items at the end of every WaterWorks!TMPark VBS day:
~ Thankthe kidsfor coming and give a "teaser" of
what's coming the next day so kids can look forward to the fun ahead!
HaveAqua Patrolstaffersgive out the crafts and
activity pagesfor their groups. (These will have
been kept in the portable laundry basketor bin.)
@ HaveAqua Patrol staffersgive out any personal
items that kids brought-sweaters, hats, sun~
glasses,etc. (also in the laundry baskets).
HaveAqua Patrolstafferscollect wristbands for
use againtomorrow and refill water sprayers.
Remindthe kids of any announcements,and recognize any birthdays you may have missedearlier.
Ifyou have the space, ask children to bring a
friend. In doing so, you'll shareGod's Word and
increasethe love of God's kingdom throughout
the community.
"" ", , "..."""...""...,
'" " """""
WaterWorksFM Park Director's Guide
@ Don't forget! Remind kids to bring their nickels,
dimes, and quarters for Project River of Life, this
year's Cook Communication Ministries Mission
project for India. (More information starting on p.
31.) Set up two fish bowls on a small table, one
for girls and one for boys. Placea fishbowl ornament in each.Then fill them halfway with water.
Eachmorning havechildren drop in their coins.
Seewhich fishbowl fills with the most coins.
(This worked great in our field test! The bowls
filled to overflowing each day!)
@ If you havetime to fill. sing the "Splish Splash
Bible Bash" theme song again or havethe group
say the day's Key Bible Versefrom memory.
@ Havethe kids wait here or in another safespot for
parentsto come pick them up. The Aqua Patrol
should engagethe kids in gamesor conversation
while waiting, and should stay with their groups
until the last child has been picked up.
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