2014—2015 Annual Report - The Institute of Internal Auditors
2014—2015 Annual Report - The Institute of Internal Auditors
2014—2015 Annual Report MISSION The Houston Chapter of The Institute of Internal Auditors is a professional association of internal auditors involved in promoting professional growth and progress for the practice of internal auditing. PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES: To provide value and service to our members in Houston, Texas, principally through effec�ve educa�on, training and cer�ca�on programs. To build the profession of internal audi�ng locally through enhanced training and programs to target groups, including suppor�ng targeted universi�es. To promote the global internal audit profession through contribu�ons of resources (human and nancial) to research and professional programs, primarily through The IIA. To establish and maintain an adequate and sustainable governance and organiza�onal infrastructure to manage the Chapter ac�vi�es, and to develop leadership con�nuity and effec�ve succession planning. To ensure adequate nancial resources through the exercise of appropriate nancial stewardship to support the mission of the Chapter. A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT The 2,750-member Houston Chapter of the IIA is the second largest chapter in the United States and one of the oldest chapters in the world. We have a long history of serving our members and promo�ng our profession. When I was elected President, it was my hope to con�nue that tradi�on. I considered my role a privilege and worked diligently with the officers and board to achieve our objec�ves. I hope you were as pleased as I was with our collec�ve accomplishments to maintain our stature as a premier chapter. We understand not all of our members are able to a�end our events and may not be aware of the ac�vi�es of the Chapter. The purpose of this annual report is to highlight our achievements during the year so our members see how the Chapter is serving its mission. The most important ingredient for our ac�vi�es is our volunteers, and the second most is the funds needed to execute the ini�a�ves. To that effect, this year the Chapter established an investment policy so funds can grow to sustain our ac�vi�es in the coming years. This was a major accomplishment for the Chapter to ensure our future success. On the same note, we also revamped our Chapter governance, approved a new set of bylaws, and led a new cer�cate of forma�on. We hope these building blocks will serve as a solid founda�on to build upon in the years to come. I’d like to thank the officers, board of governors, and numerous volunteers for their support and dedica�on during my tenure; I could not have done it without them. The incoming officer group is just as dedicated, and I look forward to watching them from my new posi�on on the board of governors as they take our Chapter to even greater heights. - Rumy Jaleel-Khan, Houston Chapter President (2014-2015) Membership The 2014 – 2015 fiscal year was a very successful year for the Houston Chapter of the IIA. Throughout the course of the year, the Chapter offered its members: • CPE Hours through monthly luncheons, full day seminars, and the Annual Conference • Networking Events • Golf Tournament • CIA Review Courses The two graphs below below highlight results from our Annual Member Survey. How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the Houston IIA Chapter? Fair How would you rate the training and education opportunities provided by the Houston chapter last year? Excellent Good Excellent Good Fair Recognition newly certified Recognitionofofour our5151newly certifiedmembers: members: Andrew Foulkes (CIA) Angela Kroep (CIA) Anna Leigh Newton (CIA) Anneke DamayanƟ (CIA) Anni Zhang (CIA) Ashley M. Pergande (CIA) Candice Paige Sanders (CIA) Catheryne R. Hasley (CIA) Dan Gilliam (CIA) Danielle N Okland (CIA) David L Kirtland (CIA) Donna S. Driver (CIA) Erin Pastor Mire (CIA) Faizan Momin (CIA) Heather L. Miller (CIA) Cecelia R. Allen (CCSA) Abu Aziz (CIA) Adrian Jenkins (CIA) Alvaro Cervantes Luna (CIA) Jake Bradley O'Brien (CIA) Jamie Knape (CIA) Jennifer Elizabeth Hendl (CIA) Jennifer Gardner (CIA) Jessica Su (CIA) Jonathan Erick Bayhi (CIA) Joshua Alexander Wood (CIA) JusƟn M Anderson (CIA) Kelli Indyn Hyland (CIA) Kenneth C. BraƩon (CIA) Kristen Joy Woolley (CIA) Laci LoŌin (CIA) Laura Wolken Smith (CIA) Lauren Gibbs (CIA) Lauren Kimberly Gil (CIA) Melissa A. Frazier (CRMA) Kellie Yarter (CGAP) Kristy Hail (CGAP) Nicole Domain (CGAP) Lisa J Befort (CIA) Maria Julia Porta-Principe (CIA) Mark J. McNabb (CIA) Mary H. Loep (CIA) Melissa Leigh Porter (CIA) Morgan Page (CIA) Paola Navarro Lever (CIA) Randall Jason Wong (CIA) Rebecca Anne Forsyth (CIA) Sherri Mannina (CIA) Stephanie Howington (CIA) Stephen Daniel Armstrong (CIA) Tina Ellen Campos (CIA) Traci J. Wright (CIA) Ivanna Nazar KafaƟ (CIA) Aboul Qasim (CGAP) MaƩhew Kozlowski (CRMA) Cathy Ziemba (CFSA) Christopher W. Cirrito (CGAP) Jessica Funk (CIA) KrisƟn Bulanek (CIA) MysƟ Smith (CIA) Qiushuang Zhang (CIA) Rowen Eriza Surges (CIA) Shana C. McGee (CIA) Timothy Davis (CIA) William J. Prime (CIA) Christopher Guara (CIA) Constance Robinson (CCSA) Daniel Ramsier (CIA) Frank Pocock (CIA) Jack Ehrig (CIA) Jamie L. Dugas (CIA) AusƟn Wood (CIA) ChrisƟne Lally (CIA) Amber Pierce (CIA) Anh Du (CIA) Melissa Abel (CCSA) Professional Development Luncheon Topics ♦ Prac cal Crea vity ♦ Opera onal Audi ng ♦ Fraud - Brain Games for Auditors ♦ Human Resources - How to Play the Game at the Top ♦ Next Generation of Internal Auditors Our members received more than 15,000 CPE hours through a wide variety of learning opportunities and topics! Seminars & Events ♦ Lean Six Sigma ♦ Analyzing Processes Tools for Opera onal Audi ng ♦ The Psychology of Fraud ♦ Report Wri ng ♦ IT Skills for Business Auditors ♦ Con nuous Audi ng ♦ Root Cause Analysis ♦ ♦ The Power of Analytic Interviewing Detec ng Decep on in the Blink of an Eye ♦ Economic Trends that will Shape the Future ♦ FCPA Compliance ♦ Ready for Anything ♦ Economic Forecas ng ♦ The Auditor’s Role in Fraud Risk Management Satellite Networking Events ♦ Ethics - When Good Leaders Lose Their Way ♦ Rudy - Mo va onal Speech Building Our Future—Success with Junior Achievement On February 9, 2015, the Junior Achievement Event at the Berry Center was a great success! There were over 8 Middle Schools represented. In total, approximately 3500 students participated by choosing a track based on their interest. Chevron presented on the “Business” track. Jamie DuBray, Client manager - IT Audit, spoke for 20 minutes and took 5 minutes of questions, then turned it over to her counterpart (CEO of a Credit Union) who also spoke for 20 minutes and had 5 minutes of questions. The two presenters rotated every hour and gave the same presentation 4 different times. Each session there were somewhere between 75-100+ students. We appreciate our volunteers! The Houston Chapter relies on its commi�ed volunteers to help the Chapter achieve its mission. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Randy Fernandez, Volunteer Chair at [email protected]. More than 50 members served the Chapter in a volunteer capacity over the past year. Addi�onally, students assisted the IIA Houston Chapter, primarily from the University of Houston’s Internal Audit Student Associa�on. Of the ten largest professional associa�ons organiza�ons in Houston, the IIA is the only one with no paid staff. Thanks to our volunteers for their service and passion! Chapter Achievement Program – 8 of Years of Excellence Chapter Achievement Program—8 years Excellence The Houston Chapter acƟvely parƟcipates in the IIA’s Chapter Achievement Program (CAP) where we document all of the services that have been provided to our members, to the profession by our members and our Chapter, and our ability to administer the Chapter by tracking CAP points. This year we earned 2,298 CAP points which means we reached our goal of achieving the IIA’s PlaƟnum status. This marks the eighth year to receive this disƟnguished status. 22 of our members contributed 260.5 points to our total this year. To everyone who submiƩed, thank you for providing CAP points for our Chapter and giving back to the profession! You are helping us stay a top-notch Chapter. If you perform any of the applicable service to profession acƟviƟes during our new chapter year (June 1, 2015 – May 31, 2016), we would love to hear from you. Please submit your acƟviƟes to [email protected]. For more informaƟon, see the CAP secƟon of our website. A special thanks and recogniƟon goes to those members who contributed to the profession and reported their contribuƟon to the Chapter to help us earn CAP points. Below are the top 5 members by points and acƟviƟes: Points by Members Member Total Points Liz Meyers 147 Jay Qatato 26 Lisa Berry 22 Constance Lehmann 10 Keith Kahl 10 AcƟviƟes by Members Member # of AcƟviƟes Liz Meyers 14 Jay Qatato 4 Lyn Beaty 3 Jamie DuBray 2 Todd Freeman 2 Academic – Continued for our our Future Future AcademicRelations Relations— Continued Support for Academic RelaƟons plays an important role in our Chapter Success! The goals of the Academic RelaƟons CommiƩee are to promote the profession and enhance Internal Audit educaƟon. The Houston Chapter of the IIA supports all the universiƟes in our local region with an emphasis on schools with Internal Audit specic coursework including: University of Houston (Main), University of Houston Downtown (UHD), University of Houston Clear Lake (UHCL) and Rice University. In addiƟon, we support and parƟcipate in the Student AssociaƟons which include: Beta Alpha Psi, ISACA Student Chapters and the Internal Audit Student AssociaƟon (IASA). Thank you to our Conference Committee Chairs! ® Houston 6th Annual Conference April 13th, 2015 • NRG Center 2015 was another record breaking year for our Annual Conference, rated by attendees as our best conference to date. Thank you to all who made the conference such a success. From the sponsors and chief audit executives, to the speakers and proctors, to the conference committee and volunteers, everyone worked tirelessly to exceed expectations for this our fifth annual event. The chairs of this year’s Conference Committee aspired to make the conference an event that would educate, entertain and motivate attendees to strive for innovation and improvement in their internal audit roles. Congratulations for achieving that goal and delivering a premier event. – Deanna Sullivan, Conference Chair Platinum Plus Sponsors Platinum Sponsors Gold Sponsors The Houston Audit Challenge The 18th annual Houston Audit Challenge Golf Tournament was held on Thursday, May 21, 2015 at the presƟgious Black Horse Golf Club. This year’s event included a record 140 golfers. The weather was absolutely ideal for the event. The schedule of events included: • Closest to the Pin • Beat the Pro • Longest Drive • Bloody Mary and Mimosa Booth • On the Course Pictures 1st Place Gross: Aaron Stewart, Drew Burgoyne, Kurt Defenbaugh, and Todd Amy Thank you to the Tournament Committee and Volunteers! CommiƩee: Tournament Chair: Jim McAnelly, DeloiƩe Sponsorship Coordinator: Jim Tomlinson, Morgan Garris Volunteer Coordinator: Jamie Dugas, DeloiƩe Advisor: Eric Murray, DeloiƩe 1st Place Net: Tyler Swenson, Patrick Flanigin, Steven Faucher, and Jeff Sharp Thank you to all of our Sponsors! Eagle Sponsors Ace Sponsors PromoƟonal Sponsors Berkeley Research Group Experis Academy Calpine AudimaƟon DeloiƩe In Kind Sponsors Blackhorse Golf Club Sirius SoluƟons BKD DeloiƩe Spectra Energy IIA Donovan & Watkis Vanek Consultancy Group Woodforest NaƟonal Bank Luby’s / Fuddruckers Tee Sponsors Half Moon SoluƟons Niche Assurance ProƟviƟ Chapter Houston Astros Officers Networking Event The Houston Chapter hosted a networking event at the Houston Astros game on June 4, 2014, where over 40 members were able to mingle with their fellow IIA members and enjoy an evening of baseball. Chapter Officers RUMY JALEEL-KHAN Deloitte President GREG BONE Anadarko Vice President Seminars SUSAN WILLRODT Halliburton Vice President Administration Chapter Officers ED TUCKER JAMIE DUBRAY BlueLine Rental Chevron Vice President Finance Vice President Academic Relations RYAN O’DAY MARY HALL, PricewaterhouseCoopers Texas Children’s Hospital Vice President Membership Vice President Technology ERIC MURRAY TRACY HEBERT Deloitte Plains All American Vice President Communications Secretary Board of Governors LARRY ABSTON LARRY LARRY ABSTON ABSTON KEVIN KEVIN CANTRELL KEVIN CANTRELL CANTRELL CATHERYNE CATHERYNE HASLEY HASLEY CATHERYNE HASLEY Anadarko Anadarko Anadarko Plains Plains AllPlains American All American All American Waste Management Waste Management Waste Management Nominating Committee Chair Nominating Nominating Committee Committee Chair Chair Audit Audit Committee Audit Committee Committee Finance Finance Finance Committee Committee Committee Chair Chair Chair LYNLYN BEATY LYN BEATY BEATY RANDY FERNANDEZ RANDY RANDY FERNANDEZ FERNANDEZ BOBBOB HERRIN BOB HERRIN HERRIN Halliburton Halliburton Halliburton Pinnacle Management Resources Pinnacle Pinnacle Management Management Resources Resources Transocean Transocean Transocean Chapter Chapter Chapter Governance Governance Governance TaskTask Force Task Force Force Volunteer Coordinator Volunteer Volunteer Coordinator Coordinator Audit Committee Audit Committee Audit Committee Nominating Nominating Nominating Committee Committee Committee MARIO MARIO BOFFA MARIO BOFFA BOFFA MELISSA MELISSA MELISSA FRAZIER FRAZIER FRAZIER Chevron Chevron Chevron Comfort Comfort Comfort Systems Systems Systems USAUSAUSA Finance Finance Finance Committee Committee Committee Chapter Governance TaskTask Force Chair Chapter Chapter Governance Governance Task Force Force Chair Chair DAVID BRAY DAVID DAVID BRAY BRAY JIM GARCIA JIM GARCIA JIM GARCIA Freeport McMoRan Oil &Oil Gas Freeport Freeport McMoRan McMoRan &Oil Gas & Gas JG International Audit Services JG International JG International Audit Audit Services Services Finance Committee Finance Finance Committee Committee Board of Governors KEITH KAHL LEE PRILLAMAN Lyondell Chemical Company Ernst & Young SHAWN KILCHRIST LYNNE RENSHAW Deloitte Bristow Group, Inc. Audit Committee Chair Chapter Governance Task Force PAUL PETTIT JOHN SORRELLS Protiviti Bridgepoint Consulting Regional Representative PAUL VANEK The Vanek Consultancy Group Chapter Governance Task Force Houston Chapter Annual Report Committee: Jamie Dugas, Annual Report Chair Eric Murray, VP Communications