the generals from the healing revival
the generals from the healing revival
THE GENERALS FROM THE HEALING REVIVAL BY PERRY STONE young minister leaned over the ambulance cot of the Catholic priest. He was brought to the Birmingham meeting to be healed by the prayers of a noted Pentecostal minister. Known for seeing dramatic miracles, the minister, Thea Jones, began rebuking a huge cancerous growth visible on the priest’s face. Suddenly, the ugly growth loosened, falling to the floor before the eyes of those present. The priest who was quite weak began re20 VOICE OF EVANGELISM | MARCH–APRIL 2016 joicing and the people came to their feet. Thus, another miracle from the healing revival would be reported and recorded for future generations. Today’s generation of youth are too young to recall this season in America’s spiritual history, in which signs, wonders, and miracles exploded on the scene from coast to coast. This divinely appointed revival began in the summer of 1948 and continued consistently for many years. Known as the “Restoration Revival,” its beginning coincided with the miraculous restoration of Israel as a nation (May 1948). Due to the amazing signs and wonders that accompanied the Restoration Revival, it was also called the “Healing Revival.” It is difficult to explain how the revival actually exploded on the scene and why so many men received an anointing to minister to the sick and infirmed. From the testimonies of the leading healing revival evangelists, the one key that unlocked the door to the miraculous was an intense hunger to experience miracles and to see the sick and afflicted cured by God’s power. Many of the men initiating the healing crusades began ministering in churches or small auditoriums, and eventually expanded into large tent cathedrals. Some of the more noted individuals were Oral Roberts, Jack Coe, T.L. Lowery, William Branham, A.A. Allen, and Morris Cerullo. Each minister had a dynamic testimony of a unique visitation from God that empowered and directed them into the healing ministry. As a young Jewish man, Morris Cerullo experienced a vision of hell that brought him to Christ. This vision catapulted him into a Kingdom-based healing ministry that led many to salvation. Another great minister, Thea Jones, fasted 21 days before seeing an angel of the Lord who informed him he would be given an anointing to heal the sick. Thea resigned his church in Chattanooga, entering full time ministry. His son, Lavoy Jones, recalls seeing ambulances pull up to his childhood home with sick or dying people desiring prayer from his father— many receiving their healing. My former board member, Ralph Carroll, was related to Jones by marriage, and recalled seeing a bus full of kids from a deaf and dumb school attend one of Jones’ meetings in Tennessee. That night, Thea prayed for all of the kids, and to the amazement of the attendees, many of the children were healed. Oral Roberts was another powerful General in this Healing Revival. The Lord revealed to Roberts that he would feel the healing anointing in his right hand, and when he did, Roberts would be able to discern sickness and the presence of demons attacking a person. This fact was demonstrated often, especially in Robert’s early ministry. William Branham also testified that an angel of the Lord visited him, giving him the gifts of healing and a strong word of knowledge gift from the Holy Spirit. Branham could look at a person and relate secret information about them in perfect detail. Afterward, he would pray a prayer of faith that would bring healing to the person and charge the faith of those seeing the miracle. The many miracles always renewed strong faith in those observing them, often leading to conversion of sinners and deliverances of multitudes. As a young teenager, my father, Fred Stone, was converted to Christ and began fasting and praying. This led to his call into the ministry. He listened to Roberts and others on the radio and served as an usher at the Thea Jones Healing Campaign in War, West Virginia. Dad saw firsthand when Jones rebuked a “choking spirit,” resulting in a large goiter instantly melting under the command of the man of God. My grandfather, William Stone, also received a healing after reading Oral Robert’s Healing Water’s Magazine. ENTER T.L. LOWERY One of the young men who accepted God’s call into the healing ministry was T.L. Lowery. As a young man, Dr. Lowery began conducting his first revivals in local churches. One noted revival erupted in Virginia, where he cleaned and rented a Tobacco Warehouse, and used the building as a “tabernacle” to accommodate the large attendance. From the very beginning, Lowery was marked with a unique and powerful voice, mixed with an animated style of preaching that drew curious seekers and hungry saints to his evangelistic meetings. Eventually, a large Gospel Tent that could accommodate up to 10,000 people was erected from city to city for each of Dr. Lowery’s conferences. Host pastors united together, encouraging their churches to attend the Lowery Healing Campaign. After pastoring four churches, he travelled with his tent for many years—blazing the evangelistic trail beginning in 1954. Eventually T.L. accepted a pastorate at the North Cleveland Church of God in 1969. From 1974 to 1981, he served on the Church of God’s Executive Committee. After an extended fast, God directed him to the nation’s capital where he organized and grew a VOICE OF EVANGELISM | MARCH–APRIL 2016 21 powerful church in Fort Washington, Maryland known as the National Church of God. After turning the congregation over to his anointed son, Steven Lanier, Dr. Lowery returned to Cleveland, Tennessee to build the T.L. Lowery Global Foundation Center. He spent his remaining days imparting what he had learned to the next generation. At age 11, I first heard T.L. preach on the coming of Christ at the Church of God State Camp meeting in Roanoke, Virginia. His message was so convicting that people ran to the altar seeking forgiveness. I was among the sea of people who flooded that altar. From that moment on and over the next 45 years, I followed Dr. Lowery’s ministry. I was blessed to connect with him, eventually preaching many revivals at his church in Fort Washington, Maryland. When Dr. Lowery moved to Cleveland to build the T.L. Lowery Global Foundation Ministry Center, I served on the board and was present with my shovel in hand at the groundbreaking. For almost ten years he traveled, hosted conferences, and spent time “imparting before departing.” I was blessed over these many years to have spent time with this man—hearing the miracle stories, expounding the Scriptures, and most of all watching the anointing fall on him like Samson of old. His entire body would shake under the power of God, and the powers of darkness were ripped from their comfort zones as multitudes were instantly delivered. For decades, his ministry was marked by long payer lines and laying hands on each person. Up until his departure to heaven, he was still laying his hands on individuals, praying the prayer of faith. As a young dark-haired teenager wearing a black suit, white shirt and red tie, I recall preaching in churches throughout the mountain communities of south22 VOICE OF EVANGELISM | MARCH–APRIL 2016 “Eventually, a large Gospel Tent that could accommodate up to 10,000 people was erected from city to city for each of Dr. Lowery’s conferences.” western Virginia; many in coal mining communities where T.L. had begun his ministry many years before. Often the old timers would see and hear me preach. Afterwards they would comment, “I believe that Perry Stone is going to be another T.L. Lowery.” Of course, I considered this a great compliment and felt humbled to be compared to such an anointed vessel of God. A NOTE IN A BOOK I can recall writing Dr. Lowery when I was 18 years old. At the time, he was the assistant General Overseer in the Church of God in Cleveland, Tennessee. I asked him if he still had any of his books available that he had written during the days of his tent revivals. At the time, I was a totally unknown young minister, hungry to learn God’s Word and to experience the same power of God Brother Lowery had experienced. I remember a few weeks later getting a package and opening it. To my amazement, there was a book written by Dr. Lowery that had been printed in the days he preached under the big tent. After reading his kind letter, I opened the book to the first page and saw a black and white picture of the tent, packed to capacity. There on the page, written in blue ink, Dr. Lowery had written a word of encouragement to me. It read: “You can do this…T.L. Lowery.” I laughed at first, since my crowds in those days were twenty to fifty people. If I preached to 100 in any service I felt like it was a Billy Graham Crusade! At that moment, a spark of God quickened my spirit and I said, “God can do this. He can help me one day to reach many people.” Thirty eight years later the same large crowds that came to hear T.L. have at times been present in our own meetings – from a small hand full to thousands! About this same time (age 18) I was given a small magazine called the “Herald of Deliverance.” It was an early publication that was printed by T.L., with its initial publication in 1956. It was a small 2 color publication with sermons, healing testimonies and advertisements for books. It was this magazine that inspired me to print a ministry magazine that would be the “written voice of our ministry.” Thus was born The Voice of Evangelism, which has been published now for thirty-eight years—expanding from a four-page leaflet to a 24-page full color magazine. On February 21, 2016, at the age of 87, Dr. T.L. Lowery died peacefully in his home. He was my mentor and my friend. He will be dearly missed. The Voice of Evangelism has purchased the T.L. Lowery Global Foundation Center for the ISOW Internet School. The long hallway is filled with glass cases that document the ministry of Dr. Lowery from the beginning to his final days. This will remain as a memorial and a reminder that a great man of God has been among us. I am believing as these great men of God pass on that they will leave behind a torch that will again spark a revival of healing and deliverance.