simek, karel, jitka bobková, miroslav macek, jim nedoma
simek, karel, jitka bobková, miroslav macek, jim nedoma
Oceanogr., 40(6), 1995, 1077-1090 0 1995, by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Inc. Limnol. Ciliate grazing on picoplankton in a eutrophic reservoir during the summer phytoplankton maximum: A study at the species and community level Karel ,%nek, Jitka Bobkovh, Mroslav Macek, and Jif’i Nedoma Hydrobiological Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Na sadkach 7, Ccske Budejovice 37005, Czech Republic Roland Psenner Institute of Zoology, Abstract University of Innsbruck, Technikcrstrasse 25, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria ’ In late summer 1993 an intensive study was carried out on protozoan grazing in the epilimnion and metalimnion of the eutrophic Rimov Reservoir in south Bohemia. On average, - 70% of bacterial production was consumed by heterotrophic flagellates and -20% by ciliates. Ciliate numbers increased from 5 to 70 cells ml l over the 5-week study period. Ciliates ~30 pm in size were numerically dominant in both layers and included Halteria grandinella and Strobilidium hexakinetum (Oligotrichida), Cyrtolophosis mucicola (Cyrtolophosida), Cinetochilum margaritaceum (Scuticociliatida), Urotricha spp., and Coleps sp. (Prostomatida). Ciliate species-specific grazing rates on bacteria and picocyanobacteria were determined. The highest individual cell grazing rates, 4,200 bacteria and 560 picocyanobacteria cell-’ h-l, were observed in Vorticella aquadulcis-complex. Oligotrichs ingested on average 360-2,130 bacteria and 76-2 10 picocyanobacteria cell ’ h - I, with H. grandinella (1,560 bacteria cell I h-l), due to its high abundance, as the most important ciliate bacterivore within the system. C. mucicola ingested on average 173 bacteria and 27 cyanobacteria cell- ’ h- l; C. margaritaceum, 57 bacteria and 7 picocyanobacteria cell-’ h--l; and prostomatids, 23-100 bacteria and 2-14 picocyanobacteria cell-’ h- I. Although there was a tight relationship between grazing rates on bacteria and picocyanobacteria (rs = 0.89, n = 12, P < 0.00 I), most of the ciliate species preferred larger picoplankton (i.e. picocyanobacteria), as indicated by their clearance rates. According to our data, several oligotrichous ciliate species and Cyclidium sp. can grow in pelagic conditions and exclusively on picoplankton food at rates of one doubling every 24-75 h. abundances are > 5 x lo6 ml-’ (Fenchcl 1980). To date, very few reports are available in which bacterivory or picoplanktivory of freshwater pelagic ciliates have been well documented in situ (Sherr ct al. 199 1; Simek and Straikrabova 1992; Sommaruga and Psenner 1993). On the other hand, increasing cvidcncc from marine systems indicates that some ciliate taxa arc voracious consumers of bacteria (Sherr and Sherr 1987, E. B. Sherr ct al. 1989; B. F. Sherr et al. 1989). Most of these data were obtained by direct microscopical inspection of the ciliate’s food vacuole content after fluorescent prey labcling (Sherr ct al. 1987). This approach is valuable for studies at the community lcvcl but gives little information about the role of diffcrcnt ciliate taxa. That is why data of such studies arc mostly interpreted in terms of the trophic role of ciliates or dominant members of ciliate communities in carbon flow through microbial food webs. Because the Acknowledgments methods used by ciliate taxonomists are time consuming We thank John Stockner, Michael Landry, Helga Miiller, Ja(Montagncs and Lynn 1987; Finlay et al. 1988), there is kob Pernthaler, Ruben Sommaruga, Vera Straskrabova, Jarosno report that combines fluorescent tracer techniques with lav Vrba, and two anonymous referees for comments on earlier the taxonomic survey of the whole ciliate community versions of the manuscript and Wilhelm Foissner for help in related to the trophic role of a single ciliate taxon. identifying several ciliate species. We also thank Helga Miiller We report an attempt to combine taxonomic approachfor supplying the reference cultures of Urotricha furcata and es with approaches at the community level to assess the Balanion planctonicum, and Angela Schwarzenbacher for sizing significance of ciliate grazing on bacterial and picocyanoof picoplankton. bacterial populations in a pelagic ecosystem. The 5-week This study was supported by the Austrian Ministry of Eduprogram was conducted in a eutrophic reservoir during cation (GZ 45.28 l/3-IV/6a/93) and by CAS GA research grant 6 17 102 awarded to K.S. the summer phytoplankton bloom. Sampling frequency 1077 The dominant role of heterotrophic flagellates as primary grazers of bacteria and picophytoplankton in most freshwater ecosystems has been well documented (e.g. Porter et al. 1985; Sanders et al. 1989; Weisse et al. 1990). However, ciliates also constitute an important component of freshwater pelagic ecosystems (e.g. Pace 1982; Finlay et al. 1988). Recent work has recognized that generally small species (mostly ~30 pm) numerically dominate ciliate communities in most of the meso- to eutrophic lakes (Beaver and Crisman 1989; Miiller 1989) and that they can exploit a variety of food resources ranging from picoplankton (<2 pm) to nanophytoplankton (~2 to ~20 pm; Sherr et al. 1991). Bacterivory has been considered an important carbon source for freshwater pelagic ciliates only when bacterial 1078 Simek et al. was 3 times a week, which should bc close to the doubling times of the dominant members of the reservoir microbial food web, i.e. bacteria, flagellates, ciliates, and pica-, and nanophytoplankton (Vyhnalek 1989; Simek et al. 1990a; StraSkrabova et al. 1993). Study objectives were to compare the dynamics of ciliate populations in the epilimnion and metalimnion in relation to the development of phytoplankton and zooplankton in the reservoir, to compare the relative importance of ciliates and heterotrophic flagellates in planktonic bacterivory, to determine spcciesspecific grazing rates of ciliates on bacteria and picocyanobactcria, to determine whether ciliates are size-selcctive when feeding on picoplankton particles available in the reservoir, and to determine whether reservoir picoplankton, as a sole food source, could meet all carbon requirements of ciliates. Materials and methods Sampling- Water samples were collected from the Rimov Reservoir (south Bohemia, 470 m a.s.1.; area, 2.06 km2; volume, 34.5 x lo6 m3; max depth, 43 m; mean depth, 16.5 m; mean retention time, 100 d; dimictic, eutrophic) 3 times a week from 16 August-23 September 1993. The study site was located -250 m from the dam of the reservoir. Oxygen and temperature depth profiles were obtained with an oxymeter type OXY 196 (WTW, Germany). Samples were taken with a 2-liter Friedinger sampler from two layers: the epilimnion (a mixed sample from 1LO.5 m) and the metalimnion (a mixed sample from the thermocline +0.5 m) characterized by a concurrent strong decrease of both temperature and oxygen. Seven samples from each of the three depths in the epilimnion and metalimnion were mixed in a 50-liter plastic container to a final volume of 42 liters. Two liters of the mixed sample from both layers were used for further phytoplankton and microzooplankton analyses. The remaining 40 liters were filtered through a lOO+m plankton net to concentrate and remove zooplankton > 100 hrn. Within 30 min the prescreened water (40 liters) was transported to the lab for further processing. Bacterial abundance and biomass- Subsamples were fixed with Formalin (2% final concn), stained with DAPI (final concn, 0.2O/0 wt/vol), and enumerated by epifluorescence microscopy (Olympus BH2). We sized between 400 and 600 bacteria by semiautomatic image analysis (Lucia, Laboratory Imaging, Prague), carefully avoiding interference from fluorescent detrital particles and autofluorescent cells. The system was calibrated with fluorescent microspheres, and volumes were calculated as dcscribed by Psenner (1993). Bacterial biomass was calculated according to the allometric relationship between cell volume and carbon content described by Norland (1993). Bacterial production - Bacterial production was measured via thymidine incorporation with a method modificd from Riemann and Sendergaard ( 1986a). Duplicate 5-ml subsamples were incubated for 30 min at in situ temperature with 10 nmol liter- l of [ methyZ-3H]thymidine (Amersham) in the presence of different concentrations (0, 10, 25, and 40 nmol liter- I) of unlabeled thymidine (Sigma), then preserved with neutral buffered Formalin (2% final concn), passed through 0.2~pm membrane filters (Synpor, cellulose-nitrate), and extracted 10 times with 1 ml of ice-cold 5% TCA. Replicate blanks prefixed by 2% Formalin were processed in parallel. With the exception of two experiments, no isotope dilution of [3H]thymidine was found by the method of Moriarty and Pollard (198 1). Empirical conversion factors (ECF) between thymidine incorporation rate and bacterial cell production rate were determined by incubating replicate 7 50-ml subsamples of water passed through l-pm filters (Poretics) for 24 h in the dark at in situ temperature. The cell production rate was calculated from the slope of the increase of In bacterial abundance over time (0, 12, 24 h). We used the average ECF (2.252 1.38 and 2.74k2.27 x lo’* cells mol-l, n = 16, for the epilimnion and metalimnion, respectively) for calculations. Protozoan grazing and abundance-Two kinds of prey were used to measure protozoan grazing on picoplankton: fluorescently labeled bacterioplankton (FLB) and fluorescently labeled Synechococcus -like cyanobacteria (FLC). Bacterioplankton from the reservoir was concentrated on 0.2-pm pore-size filters after prefiltration through 2-pm pore-size filters (Poretics) (see Simek and StraSkrabova 1992). A Synechococcus-like species isolated from the reservoir (mean cell volume -t SD, 0.48kO.23 pm3) was grown in a culture and harvested by centrifugation. Both kinds of prey were fluorescently labeled according to the protocol of Sherr et al. (1987). For grazing experiments, 500-ml samples without replicates were dispensed into acid-soaked and rinsed 1-liter flasks and incubated at in situ temperature for 15 min (to allow the protozoa to recover from the handling shock). Flagellate and ciliate uptake rates were determined in the same treatment, but separately for the two different tracers - FLB and FLC. Both tracers were added to constitute 5-l 5% of their natural abundances. However, the FLC addition constituted up to 40% of picocyanobacteria abundance at the beginning of September when abundances of picocyanobacteria already dropped below 2.5 x lo4 ml-l. For the rest of the study, the use of the tracer technique was impossible due to low picocyanobacteria abundance. Thirty-milliliter subsamples for protozoan enumeration and tracer ingestion determinations were taken 0,3,6, 10,20, and 30 min after tracer addition and fixed by adding 0.5% of alkaline Lugol’s solution immediately followed by 2% borate-buffered Formalin (final concn) and several drops of 3% sodium thiosulfate to clear the Lugol’s color (B. F. Sherr et al. 1989). Previous measurements (Simek and Straskrabovi 1992) have shown that grazing rates for bacterivorous ciliates and flagellates in the reservoir were different by roughly one order of magnitude. Therefore we determined ciliate grazing rates in time series from 3- to lo-min subsamples and flagellate grazing rates in subsamples from 10 to 30 min. Samples from zero time were also inspected to avoid Ciliate picoplankton grazing potential bias of our data due to attachment of noningested tracers on protozoan surfaces. Five-milliliter (flagellates) or 20-30-ml (ciliates) subsamples were stained with DAPI, passed through l-pm black Poretics filters, and inspected via epifluorescence microscopy. All samples were inspected within 24 h after preservation, and nonpigmentcd, heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF), and plastidic flagellates were always differentiated. At least 30 ciliates and 50 flagellates were inspected for FLB and FLC ingestion in each sample. Uptake rates of the tracers were calculated from the changes of average number of tracers per protozoan cell with time using linear regression. To estimate total protozoan grazing, WC multiplied average uptake rates of ciliates and flagellates by their in situ abundances. Each ciliate individual was also inspected for uptake of natural phytoplankton; ingested algae or cyanobacteria were measured with an ocular micrometer and sorted into two groups: pica-sized (< 2 pm) and nanosized (> 2-c 20 pm) phytoplankton prey. Because protargol staining (see below) and live sample observation were applied in parallel with fluorescent microscopy for ciliates, we determined most of the ciliates to the level of genus and, where possible, to species (Table 1). Usually between 5 and 15% of the ciliates could not be identified. Ciliates observed with a fluorescent microscope are difficult to identify, so we used additional criteria, such as size and position of nuclei and the way in which prey were arranged in the food vacuoles. We were thus able to identify and distinguish the dominant taxa determined with the protargol technique and live observation (Table 1). Moreover, most of the dominant ciliate species in the reservoir have been isolated and identified, so we used these reference cultures in both protargol and fluorescent microscopy to confirm our determinations. We based our identifications on the publications of Foissner et al. (1991, 1992, 1994) and references therein. Due to a low number of ciliate individuals of each taxon inspected for grazing per sample, the grazing data of the same taxa (only unambiguously identified ciliates) from the whole study period were pooled to calculate specific grazing rates at the genus or species level (Table 2). To estimate mean cell volumes, we measured all ciliates inspected for tracer uptake in preserved samples and calculated the volumes by approximation to prolate spheroids. Ciliate cell C was estimated with a conversion factor of 140 fg C pm-3 recommended for Formalin-preserved samples (Putt and Stoeckcr 1989), because ciliates were fixed with 0.5% alkaline Lugol’s solution followed by 2% Formalin (final concn) 2-3 s later. Protargol staining- Ciliate samples were fixed with Bouin’s fixative (5%). Ten-forty milliliters of a sample were passed onto a nitrocellulosc membrane filter (1.2pm pore-size, Millipore), mounted in agar, fixed with Formalin, and stained with protargol at 40-60°C according to the Skibbe’s (1994) modification of the method of Montagncs and Lynn (1987). Zooplankton-Zooplankton > 100 pm were concentrated from the 40 liters of filtcrcd water (see above), 1079 Table 1. Mean cell volume of major ciliate taxa in the reservoir after their fixation with 0.5% alkaline Lugol’s solution immcdiatcly followed by 2% Formalin (final concn). Oligotrichida Halteria grandinella -Strobilidium hexakinetum Strobilidium sp. (N 35 pm) Oligotrichous ciliate on Staurastrum Peritrichida Vorticella aquadulcis-complex Cyrtolophosida Cyrtolophosis mucicola Scuticociliatida Cyclidium sp. Cinetochilum margaritaceum Prostomatea Urotricha spp. (> 90% U. furcata) Urotricha sp., small Balanion-like ciliate Coleps sp. Litostomatea Litonotus sp. Lacrymaria sp. Cell volume + SD (m’) ?I 2,860+ 1,380 1,230+690 10,050-t-4,850 235 99 22 1,530-t- 1,130 45 8,940+4,940 33 2,050-t 1,590 146 1,070+510 3,290+ 1,400 46 106 93Ok690 234 72 46 87 450&210 1,16O-t630 2,850& 1,890 6,500+3,950 15,500_+17,600 5 5 preserved in 4% Formalin (final concn), and quantified by direct microscopical counting of several subsamples (McCauley 1984). Picocyanobacteria abundance- Among picocyanobacteria, Synechococcus-like species (mean cell volume N 0.5 pm3) and Microcystis incerta of a similar mean cell volume dominated. Because the latter spccics is partly floc forming, samples were sonicated for 1 min (ultrasonic homogenizer 47 10, Cole Palmer Instr. Co., set at 1) before counting picocyanobacteria with fluorescent microscopy and DAPI staining. Phytoplankton -Chl a concentration in prescreened water (< 100 pm) was determined after passage through Whatman GF/C filters. Filters with retained seston were ground, extracted in 90% acetone, and measured spectrophotometrically according to Lorenzcn (1967). Samples for phytoplankton counting were preserved with Lugol’s solution and abundances of respective species were enumerated in Utcrmijhl settling chambers on an inverted microscope. Ccl1 volumes of the species were calculated according to their linear dimensions measured on live algae using appropriate geometric formulas corresponding to algal shapes. The only exception was cryptomonads that, due to their mobility, had to be preserved with Lugol’s solution before being measured. Their volumes were corrected for shrinkage according to Mon- 1080 &mek et al. Table 2. Per-cell grazing rates of ciliates (cells ciliate ’ h -I) on bacteria and picocyanobacteria calculated on the genus or species level, and the proportion of ciliate algivory on phytoplankton > 2 pm observed within the ciliates inspected. Numbers are average values for n individuals. Grazing rates on picoplankton Vorticella aquadulcis-complex Strobilidium sp. (N 35 pm) Halteria grandinella Cyclidium sp. Lacrymaria sp. Oligotrichous ciliate on Staurastrum Strobilidium hexakinetum Litonotus sp. Cyrtolophosis mucicola Balanion-like species Coleps sp. Cinetochilum margaritaceum Urotricha spp. (>90% U. furcata) Urotricha sp., small * Ingestio n 0f algae >2 pm. t Total ciliates inspected. Bacteria n Pcyano n 4,200 2,130 1,580 470 470 440 380 365 173 100 63 57 23 61 23 12 118 30 5 29 72 5 115 34 65 76 151 49 560 120 210 80 90 76 27 3 8 10 10 117 16 0 16 27 0 30 12 22 30 83 23 tagnes ct al. (1994). Phytoplankton biomass was expressed as algal fresh mass, where 1 mm3 = 1 mg. Results The water column of the Rimov Reservoir was thermally stratified, and temperatures slowly decreased in both layers during the study period (data not shown). Epilimnetic (l-m depth) water temperatures were between 15 and 22°C and metalimnetic temperatures between 14 and 20°C. The metalimnion was between 3.5and 5-m depth in the first days of the study, then it shifted to between 5 and 7 m. Although epilimnetic waters were always oxygen saturated, oxygen concentrations were from 0.6 to 7.3 mg liter-l in the metalimnion, with the strongest oxygen depletion (0.6-3.2 mg liter-‘) from 30 August to 8 September (not shown). Secchi disk transparency (data not shown) in the surface water decreased from 3.1 to 0.9 m, with a corresponding increase in Chl a concentrations from - 7 to 112 pg liter-l in the epilimnion and from 10 to 66 pg liter-’ in the metalimnion, reaching maxima in both layers on 15 September (Fig. 1). Phytoplankton biomass was dominated by diatoms and chlorophytes (Fig. 2). Conspicuous peaks in phytoplankton biomass in both layers were mainly due to the dominance of Staurastrum pingue and Fragilaria crotonensis and to lesser degree by Eudorina elegans. The proportion of diatoms was usually much larger in the metalimnion than in the epilimnion (Fig. 2). At the beginning of the study, cyanobacteria accounted for a large proportion of phytoplankton biomass, being dominated by pica-sized Synechococcus-like species and M. incerta, and also partly by larger Microcystis aeruginosa. A drop 2 14 Algivory Inges- Cilition* atest VW 0-0 33 3 10 22 2 235 0 46 0 5 7 45 99 3 0 5 7 146 20 46 9 87 32 106 62 234 8 72 in picocyanobacteria abundances (Fig. 1) was paralleled by a decrease in the total cyanobacterial biomass in both layers (Fig. 2). Ceratium hirundinella (Dinophyceae) formed a significant proportion of phytoplankton biomass only in the epilimnion during the first days of the study. Small, slowly increasing populations of Cryptophyta (especially Rhodomonas sp. and Cryptomonas sp.) were in the epilimnion. Their percentage in the metalimnion was much lower, but relatively stable throughout the study period. Population densities of bacteria, cyanobacteria, HNF, and ciliates showed distinct fluctuations, but we observed a similar pattern and range of values in both layers (Figs. 1 and 3). Bacterial abundance (organisms ml-l) was relatively stable, ranging from 2.1 to 4.4 x 106. The number of picocyanobacteria dropped sharply from - 3 to 4 x 1O5 at the beginning to <2 x lo3 by the end of the study (Fig. 1). HNF abundances ranged from 1.77 to 4.46 x lo3 in the epilimnion and from 1.34 to 3.88 x lo3 in the metalimnion (Fig. 1); generally, the ratio between HNF abundance and bacterial abundance was - 1: 1,000. Ciliate abundances increased throughout the study from 6 to 55 ml-l in the epilimnion and from 13 to 70 ml-l in the mctalimnion (Fig. 3). The ranges of bacterial cell volumes were similar in the epilimnion (0.039-0.066 pm”) and metalimnion (0.036-0.049 pm3, Fig. 1). Mean ciliate cell volumes were small in both layers, roughly between 1,400 and 4,500 pm3 (Fig. 3), because the ciliate community was dominated by small species (Table 1; Fig. 4), usually with > 95% of all ciliates < 30 pm and 75% ~20 pm long. A comparison of estimated rates of bacterioplankton production and protozoan grazing on bacteria for each discrete sampling date showed frequent fluctuations of these two parameters (Fig. 5). On average, however, they 1081 Ciliate picoplankton grazing METALIMNION EPILIMNION 5 Cu 4- 16 -o-- Picocyanobacteria -o- Chlorophyll 23 August 30 a 6 13 20 September 16 23 30 6 13 20 September August Fig. 1. Bacterial abundance, bacterial cell volume, and abundance of heterotrophic nanoflagcllates (HNF) (above) and picocyanobacteria abundance and Chl a concentration (below) in the epilimnion and metalimnion, August-September 1993. were roughly balanced such that 9 1% of the bacterial production in the epilimnion and 92% in the metalimnion were consumed by protozoa. Total protozoan bacterivory was divided into HNF grazing and ciliate grazing (Fig. 5). Flagellate populations contributed on average 82 and 79% of the total protozoan grazing in the epilimnion and metalimnion, respectively. Ciliate grazing ranged from 8 to 42%, and averaged 18% of the total protozoan bacterivory in the epilimnion and 2 1% in the mctalimnion. Total ciliate numbers, densities of the six most abundant species, and their proportion to the total ciliate abundance are shown in Figs. 3 and 4. These six species typically represented from 55 to > 80% of the total ciliate assemblage. There was a significant shift in both abundance and species composition of ciliates throughout the study. At the beginning of the study, the ciliate assemblages iti both layers were dominated by a species grazing on picoplankton-Halteria grandinella. Later, this species was partly replaced by another oligotrich-Strobilidium hexakinetum -in parallel with an increasing proportion of detritofagous species-Coleps sp. and Cyrtolophosis mucicola (see Fenchel 1968; Foissncr et al. 199 1, 1994) -in September. Predominantly algivorous species, Urotricha spp. (> 90% consisting of Urotricha furcata) and partly detritofagous Cinetochilum margaritaceum, created relatively stable proportions with minor fluctuations within both ciliate communities throughout the study period. In both layers, per-cell grazing rates decreased significantly when calculated as the mean values for the whole ciliate community. The values dropped from 700-2,000 EPILIMNION 2016 - c--l Cyano m Bacil L. 1 Dinoph ~~ Crypt0 m Chloro k%@ 16 20 23 201 2730 3 6 Chryso 10 13 17 22 10 13 17 22 METALIMNION 16 2023 August 2730 3 6 September Fig. 2. Taxonomic composition of phytoplankton in the epilimnion and metalimnion characterized as fresh mass, AugustSeptember 1993. Cyano - Cyanobacteria including picocyanobacteria; Bacil - Bacillariophyceae; Dinoph - Dinophyceae; Crypt0 - Cryptophyceae; Chloro - Chlorophyceae; Chryso Chrysophyceae. 1082 simek et al. EPILIMNION 70 60 -- 7 Ciliate abundance T -- Cell volume METALIMNION 1 5000 x 4000 3000 2000 m5 g ,= P 3 a 1000 2 0 -t0 400 - 2000 Bacteria grazing --- Plcocyanobacteria grazlng :;<+A i:; O~~~,~,~,~,~~~~~~~I~,~~~~~,,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 16 23 30 6 August 13 : 20 “‘...‘.‘.‘......l..‘.“..‘....‘...’....t 16 23 -A 0 30 6 August September 13 20 September Fig. 3. Ciliate abundance and mean cell volume measured on preserved samples (above) and ciliate mean grazing rates on bacteria and picocyanobacteria (below), August-September 1993. METALIMNION EPILIMNION 16 23 August 3.0 6 13 September 22 16 23 August 30 6 13 22 September Fig. 4. Abundances of the six most abundant species (above) and their proportions in total ciliate numbers (below), AugustSeptember1993. Note that >90% of Urotricha spp. is Urotricha furcata. Ciliate picoplankton grazing EPILIMNION Bact. production 1083 0 2000- n Epilimnion I 0 Ciliate grazing 1600- -r--l Metalimnion n I Flag. grazing 0 I I I 800 0 0 I 0 n P METALIMNION 5 W 2 240 60 0 160 1 1 I 0 n 20 n 80 0 0 0. 16 23 August 30 6 13 bacteria cell-’ h- ’ and 130-395 picocyanobacteria cell-’ h-l in the beginning of the study to 80-280 bacteria cell-’ h-l and 18-38 picocyanobacteria cell- ’ h- ’ during the second part of the study (Fig. 3). This conspicuous decrease in cell-specific grazing rates corresponded to the decreasing proportion of the most important bacterivore within the ciliate communities, H. grandinella (cf. Figs. 3 and 4). The grazing rates on both types of pica-sized food particles per ciliate ccl1 were significantly correlated with the proportion of II. grandinella in the ciliate community (Fig. 6). On the other hand, when the grazing rate per ciliate cell was correlated with water temperature or mean ciliate cell volume, no significant relationships were found (not shown). Mean cell volumes of 14 ciliate taxa are presented in Table 1. These species were inspected for uptake of FLB r2= m 22 September Fig. 5. Bacterial production and protozoan grazing in the epilimnion and metalimnion, August-September 1993. Total protozoan bacterivory is divided into flagellate and ciliate bacterivory. n i 01 orn@ ’ 0 ’ IO q ’ ’ 20 ’ ’ 30 I 1 40 Proportion of Halteria 1 0.61*** I 50 I I 60 (%) Fig. 6. Relationships between the proportion of Halteria grandinella within the ciliate community vs. mean cell-specific grazing rates of ciliates on bacteria (above, n = 32) and picocyanobacteria (below, n = 18). ***-I? < 0.001. and FLC to calculate species-specific grazing rates on both food items (Table 2). The highest grazing rates were observed in vorticellids (4,200 bact. cell-l h-l), followed by oligotrichous ciliates (380-2,130 bact. cell-l h-l) and Cyclidium sp. (470 bact. cell-l h-l). Among oligotrichs, larger species of Strobilidium (partly represented by Strobilidium hyalinum, although not very abundant) and H. grandinella had the highest ingestion rates. Considering the abundance of the species (Fig. 4), II. grandinella was the most important bacterivore in the ciliate community (see Fig. 7). Two small oligotrichs, S. hexakinetum and an unidentified oligotrichous ciliate species attached by a stalk to Staurastrum cells, grazed -400 bact. cell-l h-l. 1084 &mek et al. EPILIMNION mother m oligotrichsmScuticociIiate: C. mucicola Coleps sp. m Others ‘HG OS a+CY SH I ‘SL n UN #CO Cl n BA 10 METALIMNION 100 1000 Bacteria ciliad 281 10000 K’ Fig. 8. Grazing rates of the 12 most abundant ciliate species on bacteria vs. their grazing rates on picocyanobacteria. VOVorticella aquadulcis-complex; SL- Strobilidium sp. (large N 35 pm); HG - Halteria grandinella; OS - oligotrich on Staurastrum; CY- Cyclidium sp.; SH-Strobilidium hexakinetum; CM-Cyrtolophosis mucicola; UN-small Urotricha sp.; COColeps sp.; CI - Cinetochilum margaritaceum; BA --Balanionlike ciliate; UR- Urotricha spp. (> 90% Urotrichafurcata). ****P < 0.0001. 20 16 12 8 4 0 , I, --‘-I 16 23 30 August ’ 171-l 6 IV 13 20 September Fig. 7. Proportion of various ciliate groups or taxa in the total ciliate bacterivory in the epilimnion and metalimnion, August-September 1993. Other oligotrichs-,!Qrobilidium hexakinetum, Strobilidium sp. (large -35 pm), and oligotrich on Staurastrum; scuticociliates- Cyclidium sp. and Cinetochilum margaritaceum; prostomatids- Urotricha spp. (> 90% Urotricha furcata), small Urotricha sp., and Balanion-like ciliate; others-vorticellids and unidentified ciliate species. Surprisingly, larger ciliates such as Lacrymaria sp. and Litonotus sp. (Table I), known as raptorial feeders (Fenchel 1968), ingested bacteria in amounts comparable to those ingested by small filter-feeding oligotrichs (Table 2). A low mean grazing rate of 173 bact. cell-l h-l was found for the dctritofagous ciliate C. mucicola. Prostomatids showed grazing rates of I 100 bact. cell-’ h-l. The ingestion rates were lowest for the small (mean cell volume 450 pm’), unidentified Urotricha species, the crawling scuticociliate C. margaritaceum, and Urotricha species (> 90% dominated by U.furcata). However, a high proportion of prostomatids and C. margaritaceum ingested the larger phytoplankton species, whereas ingestion of algae > 2 pm by vorticellids and oligotrichs was rare (Table 2). Figure 7 shows the proportion of bactcrivory of the respective ciliate taxa or groups in the total ciliate bacterivory. This figure clearly documents the dominant role of H. grandinella and of other oligotrichs in the ciliate bacterivory in both layers for most of the study. Only during the last 10 d was there a significant increase of bacterivory of scuticociliates and detritofagous species, such as C. mucicola and Coleps sp., which numerically dominated at this time (cf. Fig. 4). Bacterivory of the ciliate group designated as “others” in Fig. 7 was more significant at the beginning of the study, mainly due to grazing of Vorticella aquadulcis-complex, which was more abundant during the first 10 d, but Fig. 7 also indicates that the grazing ofprostomatids on bacteria was negligible throughout the study. The same pattern as for the ciliate bacterivory was also found for ciliate grazing on picocyanobacteria (not shown), although these grazing rates were measured only during the first half of the study (cf. Fig. 3, lower panels). Again, oligotrichs, especially H. grandinella, were responsible for > 70% of ciliate grazing on picocyanobacteria during this part of the study. Regardless of the ciliate feeding mode, all species ingested both picoplankton food particles, although in some cases at low rates (Table 2). Generally, grazing on picocyanobacteria was proportional to that of grazing on bacteria, but roughly an order of magnitude lower (Fig. 8). This relationship was tested on 12 ciliate species; at least 10 individuals of each species were inspected for uptake of both FLB and FLC (Table 2). A tight linear relationship between grazing rates on bacteria and picocyanobacteria Ciliate picoplankton gruzing (Fig. 8) could also be shown by nonparametric Spearman rank order correlation (rs = 0.89; rr = 12; P < 0.001). Without regard to prey density, Fig. 8 indicates a ratio of 10 ingested bacteria to 1 ingested picocyanobacterium. This type of analysis, however, does not enable us to distinguish whether ciliates feed selectively on the respective kind of picoplankton particles, which one might expect considering the differences in size and shape of prey. Therefore, we determined clearance rates (Fig. 9, upper panel) by dividing the species-specific grazing rates (Table 2) by the picoplankton abundance (Fig. 1). The clearance rates generally showed that all ciliate taxa but one (Balanion-like ciliate) preferred larger picocyanobacteria. These differences were mostly on the order of 2 : 1 to 3 : 1 for picocyanobacteria : bacteria. Algivorous species of Urotricha, where U. furcata accounted for >90%, had only a slightly higher clearance rate on picocyanobacteria. The other ciliate species strongly preferred the larger picocyanobacteria. The strongest prcference (by a factor of 3 to 4) toward the larger particles was found for typical fine filter feeders such as Cyclidium sp., all oligotrichs except for the large Strobilidium sp.. and for the small unidentified Urotricha species. In terms of absolute values, there were highly significant differences in clearance rates among the inspected ciliate taxa. These rates ranged from 7 and 1 1 nl cell- * h- 1(Urotricha spp.) to 1,240 and 3,150 nl celll’ hh’ (V. aquadu/ciscomplex) for bacteria and picocyanobacteria, respectively. Most of the typical fine suspension feeders (i.e. small oligotrichs and Cyclidium sp.) had clearance rates between 130 and 465 nl cell -I h-l for bacteria and between 426 and 1,176 nl cell-l h-l for picocyanobacteria (Fig. 9, upper panel). The clearance rates of the ciliate species were divided by their mean cell volumes (Table 1) to obtain volumespecific clearance rates for both bacteria and picocyanobacteria (Fig. 9, lower panel). With one exception, a Balanion-like ciliate, all ciliate species showed higher volume-specific clearance rates on picocyanobacteria (by a factor of -2-4). This parameter showed the ability of I . aquadulcis-complex, small oligotrichs, and Cvclidium sp. to compete efficiently for the picoplankton food resources in the reservoir. Alternatively, volume-specific clearance rates were very low for detritofagous Coleps sp. and (‘. margaritaceum and especially for raptorial prostomatids. except for the small unidentified species of Urotricha. Potential top-down and bottom-up control of ciliate abundance and biomass expressed as nonparametric Spearman rank correlations (Statgraphics) were analyzed with parameters of phyto- and zooplankton using an approach similar to that of McQueen et al. (1989). Data from both layers were analyzed together and separately for the epilimnion and metalimnion (Table 3). We list only those correlations with the respective plankton groups that were significant in at least one layer. The correlations clearly indicate a strong influence of the total phytoplankton biomass characterized as Chl a and dominated by Chlorophyceae. All correlations with cyanobacteria were inverse and significant, except for their relationship with ciliate biomass in the metalimnion. Correlations with the 1085 14 HG m 12 ) SL IO i n 0 2 4 6 / 8 10 12 14 Clearance rate on bacteria (1 O2nl cilrate-’ he’) I 1 a y-jj,Lk CYm HG n 401 I SH v’ j 0s: 301; / 20-l l.$l / /” lo-CM SL n n,” / 2- co m ,’ Volume-specific clearance rate on bacteria (1 O4h-l) Fig. 9. Comparison of clearance rates and volume-specific clearance rates ofthe 12 most abundant ciliate speciescalculated from ingestion rates measured on bacterioplankton and picocyanobacteria. Insets show the position of the four species with the lowest clearance rates and volume-specific Abbreviations as in Fig. 8. clearance rates. other taxonomic groups (sco Fig. 2) were insignificant. When the data were correlated with different ciliate species, wc found a strong positive correlation only between the abundance of II. ,~randirzc//u and the abundance of picocyanobacteria (r, = 0.58, n = 32, Y < 0.001). Although bacteria and HNF also were considered as possible Simek et ui. 1086 Table 3. Coefficients of Spearman rank correlations (r,) of ciliate numbers and biomass with selected parameters of phytoplankton biomass, its community composition, and selected parameters of zooplankton for the time series from 16 August to 22 September. Chl a in both layers, YE= 32; for data from n = 16. For relations with taxoepilimnion and metalimnion, nomical groups of phytoplankton, n = 22 for all data and n = 11 for data from epilimnion and metalimnion, respectively. All-data from both layers; Epi-epilimnion; Meta-metalimnion; Chl a-chlorophyll a concentration; Chloro-Chlorophyceae; Cyano-Cyanophyceae. Asterisks: *--P 5 0.05; **-P 5 0.01; ***-P 5 0.001. Chl a Cyan0 Chloro Cyclops All Epi Meta o.tso*** 0.9 1*** 0.73** Ciliate number 0.61** -0.72*** 0.83** -0.73* 0.59 -0.66* -0.35 -0.45 -0.65* All Epi Meta 0.63*** 0.78** 0.37 Ciliate biomass 0.53* -0.58** 0.70* -0.64* 0.61* -0.56 -0.23 -0.3 1 -0.61* Rotifers 0.42 0.51* 0.22 0.22 0.43 -0.12 food sources for ciliates, we found no significant relationships between the total ciliate abundance and biomass vs. abundances of bacteria and HNF. Zooplankton > 100 pm were sorted into the following six groups: Daphnia (mean abundance 12 individuals liter-l; range 3-29), Ceriodaphnia and Diaphanosoma summed together (12; 2-4 l), Cyclops (39; 1O-74), nauplii (9; 3-23), Diaptomus (9; l-32), and rotifers (38; 2-129). Abundances were generally low and similar in both layers without any clear trend, except for rotifers, which were significantly more abundant in the epilimnion but only by the end of the study period (data not shown). Our data indicate a rather negligible grazing impact of zooplankton in general, and the only inverse significant correlations were those between ciliate abundance and biomass and abundance of Cyclops in the metalimnion (Table 3); however, the ciliate biomass was positively correlated with the abundance of rotifers in the epilimnion, likely indicating a similar food niche for both groups. Discussion Our data support a rough balance between bacterial production and protozoan grazing previously found in the reservoir during summer (Simek and Straskrabova 1992) because > 90% of bacterial production was grazed by protozoa (Fig. 5). Both methods can have relatively large errors (B. F. Sherr et al. 1989) so this point needs to be considered carefully to avoid potential biases of these data. For the preservation of samples, we used the protocol recommended to avoid an egestion of the food vacuole content by protozoa (B. F. Sherr et al. 1989). Several possible sources of over- and underestimates of our production data exist (see Smits and Riemann 1988; Simek and Straskrabova 1992), but the main source of inaccuracy for bacterial production estimates is likely the factor used for converting thymidine incorporation to bacterial cell production. In this study, we tried to minimize this error by use of empirically derived conversion factors (ECF), i.e. 2.25 and 2.74 x lOi cells per mol of thymidine incorporated for the epilimnion and metalimnion, respectively. Our ECFs are very close to the theoretical ones, and they are in the range of values reported for other freshwater eutrophic systems (Riemann and Sondergaard 1986a,b; Smits and Riemann 1988). One ofthe purposes of this study was to simultaneously measure bacterial production and mortality due to protozoan grazing, paying special attention to the role of ciliates. In previous studies, ciliates were more important bacterivores than HNF during the summer phytoplankton bloom in the reservoir (Simek et al. 1990a,b) because they grazed >50% of bacterial production daily (Simek and Straskrabova 1992). During the 1987 and 1988 seasons (Simek et al. 1990a,b; Simek and Straskrabova 1992) scuticociliates were the dominant ciliates, especially Cyclidium sp., which had a high per-cell ingestion rate of bacteria. However, in the present study HNFs were the main grazes of bacteria in the reservoir, as is the case in many freshwater lakes (e.g. Sanders et al. 1989; Weisse et al. 1990; Chrzanowski and Simek 1993). A slight successive decrease in abundance of ciliates during 1987-l 990 was observed in the Rimov Reservoir in parallel with an increase in HNF abundance (see StraSkrabova et al. 1993). In 1991-1993, HNF abundances during summer phytoplankton peaks did not show any trend and were mostly between 1 and 4 x lo3 cells ml-’ (Simek unpubl. data). Ciliate abundance in the course of our study was slightly higher than it was in summer 1990 (Macek 1994) but similar to abundances reported for other meso-eutrophic lakes (e.g. Beaver and Crisman 1989 and references therein; Miiller et al. 199 1). In accordance with recent reports from both freshwater and marine systems (Sanders et al. 1989; Sherr and Sherr 1987; E. B. Sherr et al. 1989) ciliates were important bacterivores because they grazed -20% of bacterial production in the reservoir. However, due to the lower abundance and different species composition, ciliates were not the dominant bacterial feeders in summer 1993 (cf. Simek et al. 1990b; Simek and Straskrabova 1992). Cladocerans might have a strong grazing impact on ciliate populations (Porter et al. 1979; Jiirgens 1994), especially on small species (Jack and Gilbert 1993). Generally, control by zooplankton on ciliates seemed to be rather weak because zooplankton were at very low abundances except for Cyclol~, which likely had more significant impact on ciliate abundance and biomass, at least in the metalimnion (Table 3). The important role of ciliates in the diet of copepods has already been reported (e.g. Korniyenko 1976; Stone et al. 1993). Along with indications of the probable weak top-down control from zooplankton (Table 3) the principal factor determining ciliate growth and species composition seems to be the dynamic changes in phytoplankton composition (Finlay et al. 1988; Beaver and Crisman 1989; Miiller et al. 199 1). Considering potential food limitations of ciliates in the reservoir, WC:divided the study period into two parts. Ciliate picoplankton grazing During the first part, until the end of August, fine suspension-feeding ciliates did not seem to be food limited because along with bacterioplankton, picocyanobacteria also were available. During the second part of the study period, fine suspension-feeding ciliates were likely food limited because most of the bacteria present had very small cell volumes. Moreover, picocyanobacteria dropped to a negligible level (Fig. 1) and almost no algal cells within the size range of 2-6 pm were available. Typical raptorial feeders, such as prostomatids, had to be at least partly food limited because the phytoplankton composition became dominated by large algae throughout the study. Although the total phytoplankton biomass was very high for most of the study, only a minor portion of the biomass (mainly cryptomonads) was directly available as food for the ciliates. An alternative food resource, especially for ciliate raptorial feeders, could bc HNFs (reported also by Wcisse et al. 1990), which were sufficiently abundant throughout the study (Fig. 1). We did not measure grazing of ciliates on HNF, however, this potential food linkage was not indicated by a significant correlation at either the community or ciliate species level (Simek unpubl. data). Ciliate abundance and biomass showed very tight correlations with Chl a concentration and, more specifically, with respective groups of phytoplankton (Table 3). Phytoplankton development during summer 1993, however, showed a pattern different from patterns observed in previous years (Komarkova 1994). Instead of a strong dominancc of cyanobacteria, this taxonomic group was soon replaced by the bloom of chlorophytes dominated by S. pingue. There was a corresponding shift in ciliate species composition (Fig. 4). H. grandinella, which dominated the ciliate community at the beginning of the study, was the most important picoplanktivorc within the system (Figs. 6, 7; Table 2). H. grandinella was dependent not only on the bacterial diet, but also on the availability of picocyanobacteria because the abundances of both were correlated and declincd in parallel during the course of the study. During the second part of the study, there was an increased proportion of another oligotrich (i.e. S. hexakinetum, an unidentified oligotrich on Staurastrum) and a scuticociliate Cyclidium sp. However, the relationships between their appearances and changes in picocyanobacterial abundance were unclear. The common features of these species were small cell volumes, relatively high uptake rates of picoplankton, and rare ingestion of algae >2 pm (cf. Tables 1 and 2). The unidentified oligotrichous ciliate attached on Staurastrum cells appeared in higher abundance in parallel with increasing density of this algae, which likely created a very specific niche for this ciliate. Our data demonstrated that small oligotrichs were the most important ciliate picoplanktivores in this eutrophic reservoir (Fig. 7) and moreover that their volume-specific clearance rates (Fig. 9) indicate the ability of these ciliate species and Cyclidium sp. to compete for the picoplankton food resources with some typical bacterivorous HNF (see Fenchel 1986). The numerical dominance of the oligotrichs within the ciliate assemblages during the first half 1087 of the study seemed to be partly related to the occurrence of larger picoplankton because picocyanobacteria at this time accounted for 20-45% of the organic carbon available as picoplankton prey (not shown). Bacterivory by oligotrich ciliates has been reported for many species (e.g. Fenchel and Jonsson 1988; Ohman and Snyder 1991; Pierce and Turner 1992). Nevertheless, some studies have suggested that ciliates cannot survive exclusively on bacteria in pelagic systems because they require high bacterial concentrations (Fenchel 1980; Gast 1985; Stoecker 1988) that are usually found only in specific environments, such as the chemoclinc, oxycline, etc. (Fenchel et al. 1990). However, more recent data from coastal waters (E. B. Sherr et al. 1989) indicate that lo6 bacteria ml-’ might be sufficient to allow choreotrich ciliates < 15 pm to grow at a rate of one doubling per 48 h. WC have preliminarily reported that Cyclidium sp., the species regularly occurring in the pelagic system of the reservoir during summer-fall (Macek 1994), could meet most of its carbon requirements by feeding exclusively on bacterioplankton (Simek and Stragkrabova 1992). Bacteria alone have been reported as able to support growth of oligotrich ciliates under laboratory conditions (Rivier et al. 1985; Ohman and Snyder 199 1). Our recent data address the question of whether the reservoir picoplankton was sufficient as a sole food source to support growth of the small oligotrichs and Cyclidium sp. From the six most abundant species (Fig. 4), 87-235 individuals were inspected for feeding on bacteria and picocyanobacteria in the course of the study, which also makes our data more robust statistically than data of previous studies. Bacterial abundances (2-4.5 x 1O6ml- I) and bacterial mean cell volumes measured by image analysis were rather low (cf. Krambeck 1988; Bjornsen et al. 1989; Psenner and Sommaruga 1992) considering the trophic state of the reservoir. However, an almost equal amount of organic carbon was available from picocyanobacteria, which was slightly higher than during the picocyanobacterial maximum reported for Lake Constance (Weisse et al. 1990). Species-specific cell volumes of the ciliates and cell volumes of their ingested picoplankton prey were transformed to carbon using the following conversion factors (in fg C pm-3): ciliates- 140 (Putt and Stoecker 1989); bacteria-287 (calculated according to Norland 1993, corresponding to the mean cell volume of the reservoir bacteria, i.e. 0.047 ,um3); picocyanobacteria-200 (Wcisse 1993). If we assume gross growth effrciencics for bacterivorous ciliates between 20 and 40% (Turley et al. 1986; Capriulo 1990) and use our estimates of ingestion, the doubling times for the following fine suspension-feeding ciliate species would be: H. grandinella (24-48 h), S. hexakinetum (35-70 h), the oligotrich on Staurastrum (3875 h), Cyclidium sp. (27-54 h), and V. aquadulcis-complex (29-58 h). These rates are consistent with those in other studies in which different methods were used to estimate the gcncration times of ciliates (e.g. Miiller 1989; Taylor and Johannsson 199 1). Thus, picoplanktivory possibly could be the prevailing feeding mode for some typical pelagic ciliates in a reservoir dominated by small 1088 &mek et al. species. Moreover, these ciliate taxa rarely ingested algae >2 pm (Table 2). For other species of ciliates listed in Table 2, procaryote picoplanktivory did not stem to be sufficient to support the assumed ciliate growth without additional food from larger autotrophic and heterotrophic eucaryotes. The finding of relatively high ingestion rates of bacteria by raptorial feeders (Fenchel 1968) such as Litonotus sp. and Lacrymaria sp. (Table 2) however, calls for attention because probably there are no comparable data from natural aquatic systems in the literature. One might argue that the estimated ingestion rates are artifacts because Litonotus sp. and Lacrymaria sp. could be eating ciliates that had ingested labeled picoplankton; however, the probability of this seems extremely low. We estimated grazing rates in time series as short as 3-10 min. Even if a ciliate “labeled” by picoplankton had been ingested by the predator ciliate, the preyed ciliate would not have been digested during the 10 min; hence, its nuclei (with typical morphology) would be clearly distinguishable within a food vacuole of the predator ciliate. The low grazing rates of detritofagous species, C. mucicola (173 bacteria and 27 cyanobacteria cell-l h-l) and Coleps sp. (63 bacteria and 8 cyanobacteria cell-l h-l), indicate that free-living suspended picoplankton played only a minor role in the diet of these ciliates. Similar grazing rates also were found for C. margaritaceum (Table 2), which is considered to be partly detritofagous (reviewed by Foissner et al. 1994). However, we frequently observed this species with ingested single cells of M. aeruginosa, which seemed to be an opportunistic food niche of this ciliate that probably crawled around floes of cyanobacteria in the reservoir. Generally, the numerical dominance of “browsers” and mostly detritofagous ciliate species (i.e. C. mucicola, Coleps sp., and C. margaritaceum) during the last third of the study (Fig. 4) seemed to be related to the increasing abundance of large or flocforming phytoplankters, such as S. pingue and F. crotonensis (Fig. 2). Moreover, volume-specific clearance rates of these species (Fig. 9) indicate their inability to compete for picoplankton food resources. Even when these species were not effective fine suspension-feeders, however, their grazing accounted for a significant proportion of total ciliate bacterivory (mainly due to their high abundances) at the end of the study (Fig. 7). The low grazing rates of predominantly algivorous prostomatids show that picoplanktivory covered only a small portion of carbon requirements of these ciliates. Their grazing rates on bacteria were generally - 2-4 times lower than grazing rates of a ciliate community dominated by Balanion planctonicum and U. furcata in an oligotrophic alpine lake, Piburger Set (Sommaruga and Psenner 1993). The only prostomatid in our study for which picoplanktivory might be of some signihcance was the small unidentified species of Urotricha (Table l), which ingested 6 1 bacteria and 14 cyanobacteria cell- I h- I. This finding also supports the conclusions of Miiller (1989) and Foissner et al. (1994) that small species of Urotricha can be partly bacterivorous. Ciliates appear to be significant grazers of algal pico- plankton, as was recently reported from both marine and freshwaters (see Stockner 1988; Weisse 1993; and references therein). Our data (Table 2, Fig. 3) demonstrate the importance of picocyanobacteria as a carbon source for ciliates. For the four most important picoplankton feeders in the reservoir, we calculated that, compared with bacteria, picocyanobacteria constituted the following percentage of organic carbon ingested: H. grandinella, 5 3.4%; S. hexakinetum, 59.5%; oligotrichous species on Staurastrum, 60.1%; and Cyclidium sp., 55.6%. Picocyanobacteria were not only ingested, but also digested by ciliates because we frequently observed, especially in food vacuoles of II. grandinella, autofluorescing picocyanobacterial cells at various degrees of digestion. Volume-specific clearance rates based on uptake rates of FLB and FLC for the 12 ciliate species (Fig. 9) ranged from 0.5 x lo4 to 1.6~ lo5 h-l for bacteria and from 1.2 x lo4 to 4.2 x 1O5 h-l for picocyanobacteria. These values are - l-2 orders of magnitude higher than the previous volume-specific clearance rates estimated in studies that used latex beads for ciliates feeding on bacteria (Fcnchel 1980), but our values fit well with the values reported for several fine filter-feeding marine ciliates when the FLB were used as prey (Sherr and Sherr 1987). The high specific clearance rates of H. grandinella, S. hcxakinetum, V. aquadulcis-complex, and Cyclidium sp. confirmed their ability to bc highly eficient filter feeders. Although our values are much higher than those reported by Fenchel (1980, 1986), the positions of these taxa in Fig. 9, compared with other inspected ciliate species, is consistent with a theoretical concept of filter feeding (Fenchel 1986). The food collection of small oligotrichs enables them to select larger particles (e.g. for H. grandinella particles of - 2 pm), and thus clearance rates on bacteriasized particles were estimated to be lower by - 50% (Fenchel 1986). The feeding mechanism of Vorticella and Cyclidium sp. enabled preferential collection of particles of - 1 pm (Fenchel 1986; and references therein). The cell length of reservoir bacterioplankton was mostly between 0.4 and 0.7 pm (data not shown), so it is not surprising that we found much higher clearance rates based on consumption of picocyanobacteria compared to those found for bacteria, indicating size-selective feeding toward the larger prey. In extreme cases, some oligotrichs and Cyclidium sp. had clearance rates for picocyanobacteria that were 3-4 times higher than those for bacteria (Fig. 9, upper panel). Our laboratory experiments with Cyclidium sp. isolated from the reservoir (Simek et al. 1994) also showed selection of larger cells within bacterioplankton or a bacterial culture. Our results generally support previous reports of size-sclectivc grazing of natural ciliate communities on bacterioplankton (Gonzalez et al. 1990; Epstein and Shiaris 1992). However, our data show that small scuticociliates and oligotrichs are cspccially likely to have the strongest grazing impact on the size structure of picoplankton. Typical species living in organic debris, such as C. margaritaceum and C. mucicola, may prefer feeding on small particles (Foissner et al. 199 1, 1994), but they do not Ciliate picoplankton grazing behave as filter feeders. Also, the feeding apparatus of prostomatids (Urotricha spp., namely U. furcata, partly Coleps spp.) is not equipped for filter feeding, and they are considered to bc raptorial feeders. Correspondingly, these detritofagous and raptorial feeders showed only weak or no size selection (see Balanion-like ciliate in Fig. 9) toward larger prey. A common feature of these species was very low uptake rates on picoplankton; thus, we speculate that the feeding mode of these species does not enable them to distinguish relatively fine differences among picoplankton-sized prey, which likely were ingested as a side effect of their feeding activity on larger particles. In the reservoir studied, ciliates dominated by small species were only weakly top-down controlled by larger zooplankton, and their development seemed to be significantly related to changes in biomass and species composition of phytoplankton. Ciliates consumed a significant proportion of bacterial production in the reservoir, and we determined grazing rates of ciliates on bacteria and picocyanobacteria at the community, genus, and species level. We identified several taxa of pelagic ciliates that probably can survive exclusively on a picoplankton diet under its natural concentrations when availability of organic carbon in picocyanobactcria is almost equal to that in bacteria. Especially small oligotrichs and scuticociliates showed selection of larger picoplankton prey, as has been reported for frcshwatcr heterotrophic flagellates (Simek and Chrzanowski 1992). This size-selective grazing may have ecological impacts on natural bacterial assemblages (Gonzalez et al. 1990; &mek et al. 1994). Our study showed a different role for picoplankton and phytoplankton in the diets of various taxa of pelagic ciliatcs, and their in situ feeding behavior and ecology remain poorly documented in freshwater systems. References BEAVER,J. R., AND T. L. CRISMAN. 1989. The role of ciliated protozoa in pelagic freshwater ecosystems. Microb. Ecol. 17: 11 l-1 36. BJBRNSEN,P. K., B. RIEMANN, J. POCK-STEEN,T. G. NIELSEN, AND S. J. HORSTED. 1989. 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