Mustafa Serdar ATASEVEN TÜREB/TWEA President mustafa
Mustafa Serdar ATASEVEN TÜREB/TWEA President mustafa
Mustafa Serdar ATASEVEN TÜREB/TWEA President [email protected] ABOUT TURKISH WIND ENERGY ASSOCIATION (TUREB / TWEA) Turkish Wind Energy Association (TWEA), was established at the year 1992 with the Council of Ministers decision by Republic of Turkey Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources and is the most powerfull non‐profit association about the wind energy in Turkey. TWEA is also an official member of Europan Wind Energy Association. TUREB works coordinated efforts towards gaining extensive use of Wind Energy Potential in Turkey to the country's economy with General Directorate of Renewable Energy (former EIE), Turkish Electricity Transmission Company (TEİAŞ), General Directorate of Energy Affairs (EİGM), Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) and Ministry of Energy. Member Profile Corporate Members ‐ 221 Individual Members ‐ 337 More than 900 Members TWEA PUBLICATIONS PARTICIPATED EVENTS OUT OF TURKEY 21 DELEGATE FROM TURKEY NORDEX FACTORY VISIT REPOWER FACTORY VISIT ENERCON FACTORY VISIT WIND BUSINESS IN TURKEY TUREK / TWEC 2012 AWEA MEETING BWE MEETING TÜRKİYE RÜZGAR ENERJİSİ KONGRESİ TURKISH WIND ENERGY CONGRESS TURKISH WIND ENERGY MARKET CUMULATIVE INSTALLED CAPACITY (MW) OF WPP IN TURKEY BY YEARS (JULY 2013) * : JULY 2013 INSTALLED CAPACITY (MW) OF WPP IN TURKEY BY YEARS (JULY 2013) * : JULY 2013 Before 1 st November 2007 3527 MW + 1 st November 2007 7571 MW 11.098 MW 970 MW Under Construction 2600 MW Operation + Up to 2023 8902 MW = 20.000 MW Techno‐economic potential 2023 Target Licensed WPP Project Operation Under Construction LOCAL CONTENT MECHANISM LEGAL FRAMEWORK 08.01.2011 6094 NUMBER AMENDMENT IN THE RENEWABLE ENERGY RESOURCES USE FOR ELECTRIC PRODUCTION 04.09.2013 COMMINIQUE LOCAL CONTENT MECHANISM Local Content Mechanism is designed with two regulations. The first one is 08.01.2011 dated amendment at Renewable Energy Law and the second one is 04.09.2013 dated amendment at Local Content Mechanism communiqué. With the effort of all joint owner of wind sector after 2 years and many amendments for this two regulations at the end I hope that we have reached a point where Local Content Mechanism can process without any barrier. Table 1 Table 2 (For wind) Type of Facility $ cent/ kWh Hidro 7,3 Wind 7,3 Jeothermal 10,5 Biomass 13,3 Solar 13,3 Local Component Additional Local Content $ cent/ kWh Blade 0,8 Generator and Power electronics 1,0 Tower 0,6 Rotor, Nacel all part of the mechanical components 1,3 According to Renewable Energy Law , WPP which has been commissioned until 31.12.2015 will benefit additional local content tariff for 5 years. Totally 3,7 $cent/kWh RENEWABLE ENERGY LAW WPP COMMITIONING BEFORE 31.12.2015 to our Renewable Law , WPP which has been commissioned until 31.12.2015 will benefit additional local content tariff for 5 years. If Components are constructed %100 percentage locally, you can get benefit as defined at the table 2, otherwise, to benefit from the Local Content Mechanism, at least %55 of the mentioned wind turbine parts has to be produced locally and you can benefit from the mechanism according to locally produced ratio. For example if you have a blade which has been 60% percentage locally produced you benefit 60% percentage of 0,8 USDcent/kWh. COMMINIQUE 1) TYPE CERTIFICATE & DECLARATION OR COMPONENT CERTIFICATE 2) APPROVAL OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTED AND CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY According to Local Content Mechanism to benefit from local content additional tariff investor has to give type certificate of turbine to the Ministry and a declaration of the turbine manufacturer which they declare that they are harmonized with regulation or if the investor can give component certificate then there is no need for declaration. Additionally manufacturer has to ratify its cost accounting of the contents to Chartered Accounted and Chamber of Commerce and Industry to determine the local content ratio. WIND ENERGY EU FROM EWEA REPORT INSTALLED CAPACITY OF WPP (UNDER OPERATION) BY TURBINE COMPANIES WHY LOCAL CONTENT MECHANISM ? 1) Wind is baby sector and unfortunately without help it seems there is no chance for wind turbine manufacturing sector for Turkish industry. 2) Instead of Safeguard or grey area measures Turkey decided to promote WPP investor not the manufacturer. 3) Local Content Mechanism is a limited practise. We look forward to seeing you in ISTANBUL… TÜRKİYE RÜZGAR ENERJİSİ KONGRESİ TURKISH WIND ENERGY CONGRESS 6-7 Kasım/ November 2013 WOW Convention Center / ISTANBUL THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION…. Mustafa Serdar ATASEVEN TÜREB/TWEA President [email protected]
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