Defending Holy Kaaba


Defending Holy Kaaba
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Defending Holy Kaaba
-- 'Nuclear Crime' Contamination Issues &
'hot' Roentgen count attack evidence, © 2009
includes U.S. Supreme Court Case #08-9595 by Kenneth MacKenzie ( Khalid IHSAN )
. . . If the Holy Kaaba is Radiologically contaminated, it is likely that the contamination will be
blamed on the U.S. and British Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Once this happens, no Middle East
leader will want to be associated with the United States or the British as he would also be blamed
for contamination of the Holy Kaaba. This condition would make it nearly impossible for the U.S.
and U.K. to continue their wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. No leader will cooperate with the U.S.
and U.K. Military Expeditionary Forces throughout the Middle East if such cooperation
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endangers the Holy Kaaba by increased possibility of Radiological stealth attacks.
. . . Moreover, it is reasonable to assume that Radiological attacks in Saudi Arabia are really
intended to be against U.S. and British Corporate presence in Saudi Arabia. Thus, the Holy
Kaaba is at increased risk of being Radiologically damaged as the consequence of U.S. and British
Corporate presence in Saudi Arabia and is in further jeopardy as the consequence of U.S. and
British Corporate presence throughout other Middle East countries.
. . . It cannot be denied that the Terrorist groups are against U.S. and British Corporate presence
and want them out of Muslim countries of the Middle East and Indonesia.
. . . Should the Holy Kaaba become "Nuclear Crime" cross-contaminated as the consequence of a
Radiological attack against the presence of U.S. Corporations doing business in the Middle East,
especially as the consequence of a Radiological attack against U.S. Corporations doing business in
Saudi Arabia, then it is certain that one fifth of the earth's population will eventually have
passionate questions about the responsibility of the United States in contributing to "Nuclear
Crime" cross-contamination of the Holy Kaaba.
. . . Under these conditions, the U.S. and U.K. would have to go it alone in the Middle East.
Prosecution of the U.S. and U.K. Wars in the Middle East would become much more difficult and
increase the liklihood of failed diplomacy that will not change.
. . This book explains how the Holy Kaaba could become a victim of the United States wars in the
Middle East. The British presence in Saudi Arabia and Middle East is also part of all this; and,
further consideration of the obvious facts clearly show both England and the United States have
been attacked as the consequence of foreign U.S. and British Money Profiteers in the Middle
. . . But, times change; and, now, there is the very real possibility of Nuclear Isotope attack or
"Radiological Dirty Bomb" attack of the type the Nuclear Jihadist, Jose Padilla -- also known as
Abdullah al-Muhajir or Muhajir Abdullah, a United States citizen convicted of aiding terrorists -- was operating
against the United States. Although, U.S. President Bush had Padilla arrested for "Nuclear
Crimes," Bush would not prosecute Padilla for violations of the U.S. "Nuclear Crime" statutes
as Bush did not want the American public to become alarmed at learning more about the terrible
extent of Radiological weapons and how easily they may be obtained by terrorists shoveling raw
and "hot" Uranium Isotopes from abandoned "Open Pit Uranium Mining Excavations," then
dumping the lethally high count 100 m/Rad unprocessed Uranium Ore onto city streets or
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tracking Uranium oxides on the bottom of shoe soles into the White House and into U.S.
government buildings, including the Pentagon as happened many times before U.S. Security
realized U.S. government buildings were being contaminated with more than anthrax Bacillus.
. . . The anger that any devout Muslim might feel on this subject of American and British
influence in the Middle East is a matter of interpretation from the view of those Muslims who live
with these conditions and is easy for many very devout Muslims to understand. Yet, many other
Muslims, like Americans, may not see the connection and do simply understand foreign Business
presence in the Middle East as a necessary condition of modernizing their countries and
improving economic and living standards for the people of the Middle East. Right or wrong, the
undeniable fact is that the economic conditions of the Middle East have improved immensely as
the result of U.S. and British Corporation presence in the Middle East.
. . . Therefore, the logic of many in the Middle East is "why tamper with a good thing that is
undeniably producing enormous economic benefits.. . . leave it alone."
. . . Christians can more easily understand the conservative Muslim anger against the Money
Changers by remembering that Jesus chased and whipped the Money Changers out of the temple.
. . . In fact, the only time ever recorded in the Christian Bible that Jesus ever became angry
enough to use physical violence is when he physically whipped and chased the Money Changers
out of the temple. Compare this to the anger of the Muslims about the presence of the American
and British Money Changers inside their countries. To many Muslims, their country is but and
extension of their Great Mosques. Thus, American and British Money Changer Corporations
are resented by many Muslims as moral Pariahs who should be driven out of Muslim countries.
Hence, the moral resentment that Muslims feel about the presence of American and British
Money Changers in the Middle East is well grounded on Muslim scripture. Yet, there is
scripture in the Christian Bible that addresses this same subject.
. . . From the viewpoint of ethics and reasonable rationality, Islamic terrorists would likely never
attack the Holy Kaaba with anything as it is assumed they respect the Kaaba like all Muslims.
. . .The Holy Kaaba is likely to be "Nuclear Crime" 'cross-contaminated' unintentionally as the
aftermath of a Radiological contamination attack against a U.S. or British Corporation building
in Saudi Arabia visited for business purposes by other Muslims who are unaware of the
contamination and unknowingly pick up the contamination on their clothing and then visit the
Kaaba in a pilgrimage to worship.
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. . . However, other attack potentials are states, such as a non Muslim country like Russia that
has an interest in damaging U.S. presence in the Middle East. Lastly, a mentally disabled person
could decide to attack the Kaaba knowing that his attack will cause long lasting Radiological
damage and certainly cause a reaction in the world of Islam.
. . . It might be asked,"what are the chances of the Kaaba being attacked?"
. . . The answer is "Anytime there is a chance greater than zero of something happening, it
eventually will happen."
. . . A 'successful lethal attack' in the open against the Kaaba could be viewed as 'impossible'
considering the amount of formidable Security that the leadership of Saudi Arabia provides for
the Kaaba.
. . . However, there always exists the possibility of lethal stealth Radiological attack or innocent
cross-contamination with lethal Radiological Oxides, which are the most elevated possibilities to
make a statement against the foreign presence of U.S. and British Corporate business interests
on the soil of Saudi Arabia.
. . . The author, as court Petitioner, has therefore decided that it is worthwhile to make efforts
to defend the Holy Kaaba and litigate "'Nuclear Crime' Tort Claims" against those United States
Corporations most responsible for endangering the Holy Kaaba with the potential of "Nuclear
Crime" 'cross-contamination' of the Holy Kaaba.
. . . Petitioner MacKenzie's legal efforts to defend the Holy Kaaba have the simple goal of seeking
United Nations International Criminal Court judgments in condemnation of U.S. Corporation
presence in the Middle East and to thereby persuade the world that U.S. Corporation presence in
the Middle East endangers world Nuclear Peace, and that all U.S. Corporations should divest and
leave the Middle East.
. . . MacKenzie could say much worse against the presence of U.S. corporations in the Middle East
and how their presence in the Middle East endangers the national security of the United States
and her allies. However, the Author leaves that judgment to the courts and the readers of this
Wikipedia acknowledgements:
. . . The Author most gratefully acknowledges Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, as a source for his
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quotations of Wikipedia photographs and Wikipedia supplemental text describing the history of
great Mosques and man-portable Nuclear weapons and the Terrorists who tortured to death Pvt.
Kristian Kenchaca and Pvt. Thomas Tucker as cited in this book. Should the reader desire further
more detailed information on the history of these great mosques or Nuclear Weapons and
terrorists, the Author recommends Wikipedia sites as follows:
SEE: ; ;
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CHAPTER 1 . . . Pg. 7 . . . History of Holy Kaaba with pictures of Kaaba interior
at courtyard of nearby Al-Masjid al-Harām ("The Sacred Mosque" ) building and
minarets. See: Title page 1 Photo of Kaaba exterior.
CHAPTER 2 . . . Pg. 13 . . . Al-Masjid al-Nabawi (Arabic: ‫ المسجد النبوي‬or the
"Mosque of the Prophet,"located in Medina, is the second holiest site in Islam, the
site of the actual burial tomb of Mohamed, himself.
CHAPTER 3 . . . Pg. 25 . . . Defendants D#1 through D#17 owe multi-billion
dollar damages to the people and nation of Saudi Arabia
CHAPTER 4 . . . Pg. 35 . . . War against All Defendants D#1 through D#17 , said
“U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants,” also known as “Nuclear
Landmine Crime 'Magnet' Targets”
CHAPTER 5 . . . Pg. 53 . . . Radiological landmines on the soil of Saudi Arabia
aimed at U.S. Corporation Nuclear 'Target Magnets' . . . equivalent to the 20 kiloton
Russian RA115 . . . described in U.S. House hearing 106-158 . . . same Radiological
damage as U.S. Nuclear bombs inflicted on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan during
World War Two.
CHAPTER 6 . . . Pg. 72. . . Nuclear Weapons of Mass Destruction ("WMD") in Iraq
that might be used in "Nuclear Crimes' against U.S. targets in the U.S., U.S.
Corporation targets in Europe, and used against U.S. Corporation targets located in
the Middle East.
CHAPTER 8 . . . Pg. 114. . . U.S. Supreme Court Rule 15: PLAINTIFFS' SUPPLEMENTAL
BRIEF. Plaintiffs submit this brief in an effort to list additional particular facts
regarding this matter as it has been presented as a Crime Tort Claim to the Minister
of Justice for Saudi Arabia and to the Minister of Justice for Indonesia.
CHAPTER 9 . . . Pg. 153 U.S. Supreme Court Rule 15: PLAINTIFFS'
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Defendant in his private persona 'aka' U.S. Judge Gray Miller (Defendant Gray Miller)
This book is dedicated to protecting Holy Kaaba and is dedicated to peace
for people of Islam
CHAPTER 1 . . .
History of Holy Kaaba with photos of black
draped Kaaba inside courtyard of nearby Al-Masjid al-Harām ("The Sacred
Mosque" )
building and minarets
The black cube shaped "Holy KAABA" at the center of "The Sacred Mosque" courtyard in Meccah,
Saudi Arabia.
"The Sacred Mosque" is refered to as "Al-Masjid al-Haram," Mecca Masjid al-Haram
Al-Masjid al-Harām (‫ المسجد الحرام‬IPA: [ælˈmæs.ʤi.dæl.ħɑˈrɑm] "The Sacred Mosque"), is a
large mosque in the city of Mecca, and the largest in Islam. It surrounds the Kaaba, the place
which all Muslims turn towards each day in prayer, considered by Muslims to be the holiest place
on Earth. The mosque is also commonly known as the Haram, The Grand Mosque or Haram
Holy KAABA during Haj (Wikipedia photo) Makkah, Saudi Arabia
The current structure covers an area of 356,800 square meters including the outdoor and indoor
praying spaces and can accommodate up to 820,000 worshippers during the Hajj period. During the
Hajj period, the mosque is unable to contain the multitude of pilgrims, who pray on the outlining
streets. More than 2 million worshippers gather to pray during taraweeh and Eid prayers. [2] [3]
According to the teachings of Islam, God in the Qur'an used the word Mosque when referring to the
sites established by Abraham and his progeny as houses of worship to God centuries before the
revelation of the Qur'an. The first of these spots is Masjid al-Haram in Mecca and the second is Al-
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Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.
Before Mecca and Jerusalem came under Muslim control between 630 CE and 638 CE, the site of the
Kaaba, which was supposedly established by Abraham and Ishmael, was used by non-Muslim Arabs
who worshipped multiple gods.
“ And when We assigned to Abraham the place of the House (Kaaba), saying: Do not associate with
Me aught, and purify My House for those who make the circuit and stand to pray and bow and
prostrate themselves.
—Qur'an, Qur'an 22:26]
“ And when Abraham and Ishmael raised the foundations of the House (Kaaba): Our Lord! accept „
from us; surely Thou art the Hearing, the Knowing.
—Qur'an, [Qur'an 2:127]
Holy KAABA Interior, Makkah (Wikipedia photo)
. . . The Holy Kaaba could easily be caught in the "crossfire" effects of the U.S. War
against Terrorism and Terrorist Radiological Nuclear Jihad against Western country
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targets in Saudi Arabia; and, consequently, the Holy Kaaba could easily become
Radiologically contaminated with life-destroying contaminants for 1600 years.
Al-Masjid al-HCarām, Mecca, Saudi Arabia, surrounds Kaaba
Masjid al-Haram From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Al-Masjid al-Ḥarām.
The Masjid al-Haram , Mecca, Saudi Arabia .
Al-Masjid al-HCarām (‫"( المسجد الحرام‬The Sacred Mosque"), is the largest mosque in the world.
Located in the city of Mecca, it surrounds the Kaaba, the place which Muslims turn towards while
offering daily prayers and is considered the holiest place on Earth by Muslims. The mosque is also
known as the Grand Mosque.[1]
The current structure covers an area of 400,800 square metres (99.0 acres) including the outdoor
and indoor praying spaces and can accommodate up to 6 million worshippers during the Hajj
period, one of the largest annual gatherings of people in the world.
Islamic tradition holds that the Mosque was first built by the angels before the creation of
mankind, when God ordained a place of worship on Earth to reflect the house in heaven called alBaytu l-Maˤmur (Arabic: ‫البيت المعمور‬, "The Worship Place of Angels"). Al-Baytu l-Maˤmur is believed
to be located in heaven directly above the Kaaba. The first Kaaba was built by angels and Adam
was the first human to rebuild it. From time to time the Mosque was destroyed and rebuilt anew.
According to Islamic belief it was built by Ibrahim (Abraham), with the help of his son Ishmael.
They were ordered by Allah to build the mosque, and the Kaaba. The Black Stone is situated near
the eastern corner of the Kaaba. Some believe it is to start the circumambulation around the
Kaaba, while some believe it to be the only remnant of the original structure made by Abraham.
[who?] The Kaaba is the direction for all the Muslims to pray across the globe thus signifying unity
among all. The Islamic teaching specifically mentions that nothing is magical about the Grand
Mosque except for the oasis Zamzam which has never dried ever since it was revealed.
“And when We assigned to Abraham the place of the House (Kaaba), saying: Do not associate with
Me aught, and purify My House for those who make the circuit and stand to pray and bow and
prostrate themselves.”
—Qur'an, [Qur'an 22:26]
“And when We made the House a resort for men and a place of security. And: Take ye the place of
Abraham for a place of prayer. And We enjoined Abraham and Ishmael, saying: Purify my house
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for those who visit it and those who abide in it for devotion and those who bow down and those
who prostrate themselves.”
—Qur'an, [Qur'an 2:125]
“And when Abraham and Ishmael raised the foundations of the House (Kaaba): Our Lord! accept
from us; surely Thou art the Hearing, the Knowing.”
—Qur'an, [Qur'an 2:127]
. . . Muslim belief places the story of Ishmael and his mother's search for water in the general
vicinity of the mosque. In the story, Hagar runs between the hills of Safa and Marwah looking for
water for her son, until God eventually reveals to her the Zamzam Well, from where water
continues to flow non-stop to this day.
After the Hijra, upon Muhammed's victorious return to Mecca, the people of Mecca themselves
removed all the idols in and around the Kaaba and cleansed it. This began the Islamic rule over
the Kaaba, and the building of a mosque around it.
The first major renovation to the Mosque took place in 692. Before this renovation – which
included the mosque’s outer walls been risen and decoration to the ceiling – the Mosque was a
small open area with the Kaaba at the centre. By the end of the 700s the Mosque’s old wooden
columns had been replaced with marble columns and the wings of the prayer hall had been
extended on both sides along with the addition of a minaret. The spread of Islam in the Middle
East and the influx of pilgrims required an almost complete rebuilding of the site which came to
include more marble and three further minarets.
In 1399, the Mosque caught fire and what was not destroyed in the fire (very little) was damaged
by unseasonable heavy rain. Again the mosque was rebuilt over six years using marble and wood
sourced from nearby mountains in the Hejaz region of current day Saudi Arabia. When the
mosque was renovated again in 1570 by Sultan Selim II’s private architect it resulted in the
replacement of the flat roof with domes decorated with calligraphy internally and the placement of
new support columns. These features – still present at the Mosque – are the oldest surviving parts
of the building and in fact older than the Kaaba itself (discounting the black stone itself) which is
currently in its fourth incarnation made in 1629. The Saudi government acknowledges 1570 as the
earliest date for architectural features of the present Mosque.
Following further damaging rain in the 1620s, the Mosque was renovated yet again: a new stone
arcade was added, three more minarets were built and the marble flooring was retiled. This was
the unaltered state of the Mosque for nearly three centuries.
[edit] Saudi Development
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The most significant architectural and structural changes came, and continue to come, from the
Saudi status of ‘Guardian of the Holy Places’ and the honorific title of Custodian of the Two Holy
Mosques (the other being the Mosque of the Prophet in Medina) been afforded to King Abdul Aziz.
Many of the previously mentioned features – particularly the support columns – were destroyed in
spite of their historical value. In their place came artificial stone and marble, the ceiling was
refurnished and the floor was replaced. The Al-Safa and Al-Marwah, an important part of both Hajj
and Umrah, came to be included in the Mosque itself during this time via roofing and
enclosement. Also during this first Saudi renovation four minarets were added.
The second Saudi renovations, this time under King Fahd, added a new wing and an outdoor
prayer area to the Mosque. The new wing which is also for prayers is accessed through the King
Fahd Gate. This extension is considered to have been from 1982-1988.
The third Saudi extension (1988-2005) saw the building of further minarets, the erecting of a
King’s residence overlooking the Mosque and further prayer area in and around the mosque itself.
These developments have taken place simultaneously with those in Arafat, Mina and Muzdalifah.
This third extension has also resulted in 18 more gates been built, three domes corresponding in
position to each gate and the installation of nearly 500 marble columns.
Modern but essentially non-architectural developments have been the addition of heated floors, air
conditioning, escalators and a drainage system.
The death of King Fahd means that the Mosque is now undergoing a fourth extension which began
in 2007 and is projected to last until 2020. King Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz plans to increase the
capacity of the mosque by 35% from its current maximum capacity of 800,000 with 1,120,000
outside the Mosque itself.
[edit] Religious significance
The importance of the mosque is twofold. It not only serves as the common direction towards
which Muslims pray, but is also the main location for pilgrimages.
. . . The qibla—the direction that Muslims turn to in their prayers (salah)—is toward the Kaaba
and symbolizes unity in worshiping one God. At one point the direction of the qibla was toward
Bayt al-Maqdis (Jerusalem) (and is therefore called the First of the Two Qiblas),[citation needed]
however, this only lasted for seventeen months, after which the qibla became oriented towards
the Kaaba in Mecca. According to accounts from Muhammad's companions, the change happened
very suddenly during the noon prayer at Medina in the Masjid al-Qiblatain.
[edit] Pilgrimage
Main articles: Hajj and Umrah
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Pilgrims circumambulating the Kaaba.
The Haram is the focal point of the hajj and umrah pilgrimages[2] that occur in the month of Dhu
al-Hijjah in the Islamic calendar and at any time of the year, respectively. The Hajj pilgrimage is
one of the Five Pillars of Islam, required of all able-bodied Muslims who can afford the trip. In
recent times, about 3 million Muslims perform the hajj every year.
Some of the rituals performed by pilgrims are symbolic of historical incidents. For example, the
episode of Hagar's search for water is emulated by Muslims as they run between the two hills of
Safa and Marwah whenever they visit Mecca.
[edit] Kaaba
This section does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this article by adding
citations to reliable sources. Unverifiable material may be challenged and removed. (July 2008)
Main article: Kaaba
Literally, Kaaba in Arabic means square house. The word Kaaba may also be derivative of a word
meaning a cube. Some of these other names include:
Al-Bait ul Ateeq which, according to one interpretation, means the earliest and ancient. According
to another interpretation, it means independent and liberating.
Al-Bayt ul Haram which may be translated as 'the honorable house'.
The whole building is constructed out of the layers of gray blue stone from the hills surrounding
Mecca. The four corners roughly face the four points of the compass. In the eastern corner is the
Hajr-al-Aswad (the Black Stone), at the northern corner lies the Rukn-al-Iraqi ('The Iraqi corner'),
at the west lies Rukn-al-Shami ('The Syrian corner') and at the south Rukn-al-Yamani ('The
Yemeni corner'). The four walls are covered with a curtain (Kiswah). The kiswa is usually of black
brocade with the Shahada outlined in the weave of the fabric. About two-thirds of the way up runs
a gold embroidered band covered with Qur'anic text.
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CHAPTER 2 . . . Al-Masjid al-Nabawi (Arabic: ‫المسجد‬
‫ ) النبوي‬or the"Mosque of the Prophet," located in
Medina, is the second holiest site in Islam, the site of
the actual burial tomb of Mohamed, himself.
Al-Masjid al-Nabawi
. . .The edifice was originally Muhammad's house; he settled there after his Hijrah (emigration) to
Medina, and later built a mosque on the grounds. He himself shared in the heavy work of construction.
The original mosque was an open-air building, with no gender separation. The mosque also served as a
community center, a court, and a religious school. There was a raised platform for the people who
taught the Qur'an. The basic plan of the building has been adopted in the building of other mosques
throughout the world.
. . . The original mosque was built by the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Subsequent Islamic rulers
greatly expanded and decorated the mosque. The most important feature of the site is the green
dome over the center of the mosque, where the tomb of Muhammad is located. Constructed in
1817C.E. and painted green in 1839C.E., it is known as the Dome of the Prophet.[1] Early Muslim
leaders Abu Bakr and Umar ibn al-Khattab are buried beside Muhammad.
The Mosque of the Prophet (or Prophet's Mosque) ( Arabic: ‫[ ) المسجد النبوي‬IPA /mæsʤıd
ænːæbæwiː], in Medina, is the second holiest mosque in Islam.
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Masjid an-Nabawi (Mosque of the Prophet)
Rawda (Garden) at the Tomb of the Holy Prophet Mohammad
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. . . .1. WAR CRIME court venue: U.S. Court Case H-08-60 filed
Case # OTP-CR-100/08, PO Box 19519, 2500 CM, The Hague,
The Netherlands, email [email protected] , :
. . . The following is a 'Nuclear Crime tort' Claim to the Attorneys General / Ministers of Justice in
Saudi Arabia and the other Middle East countries . The same 'Nuclear Crime' truths described in
the following Claim to any Minister of Justice are virtually "irrefutable." These same pleadings
apply in Italy and Rome, Europe, UK, USA, and so-forth.
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Al Qaida Terrorists have several times announced intent to destroy U.S. corporations in Western
countries. And, Plaintiffs are victims of Terrorist intent and efforts to destroy U.S. corporations in
Western countries. This means that Hilton Hotels and other large U.S. Corporation holdings will
be facing some questions in Saudi Arabia and Rome, especially if the Holy KAABA shows positive
when scanned by a Geiger Counter, now, or in the future.
. . . Remainder of this letter is attached at Appendix 1. 'Nuclear Crime Claim' follows.
Kenneth MacKenzie, Plaintiff and Claimant of U.S. Court Case H-08-60 filed in U.N.
INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT, (ICC, Prosecutor, Case # OTP-CR-100/08, PO Box 19519,
2500 CM, The Hague, The Netherlands
(1) U.S. business targets in Monaco, Vatican, & France, Europe, potential victims of Nuclear
Contamination Crimes : 'Nuclear-Crime' Contamination of Holy Kaaba & 3.5 million HAJJ PILGRIMS
in Maccah, 2008:
. . . The following is a 'Nuclear Crime tort' Claim to the Attorneys General / Ministers of Justice in
the Middle East countries . The 'Nuclear Crime' truths described in the following Claim to your
Minister of Justice are virtually "irrefutable." The same pleadings apply in the Middle East, Europe,
UK, USA, and so-forth. Only the names of the American and Coalition Corporations doing business
in these countries may change. Al Qaida Terrorists have several times announced intent to
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destroy U.S. corporations in Muslim countries. And, Plaintiffs are victims of Terrorist intent and
efforts to destroy U.S. corporations in Muslim countries. This means that Hilton Hotels and other
large U.S. Corporation holdings will be facing some questions in the Middle East, especially if the
Holy Kaaba shows positive when scanned by a Geiger Counter, now, or in the future. Remainder of
this letter is attached at Appendix 1. 'Nuclear Crime Claim' follows.
Kenneth MacKenzie, Plaintiff and Claimant of U.S. Court Case H-08-60 filed in U.N.
INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT, (ICC, Prosecutor, Case # OTP-CR-100/08, PO Box 19519,
2500 CM, The Hague, The Netherlands
Notice of 'Qui Tam' Claim to Minister of Justice of
Saudi Arabia For Damage, Injury And Death
Submitted To:
Minister of Justice, Dr Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Ibrahim Al Al-Sheikh,
Ministry of Justice University Street, Riyadh 11137 Tel: 405 7777 / 405 5399
Information/Press Office: (202) 337-4076 ; e-mail:
[email protected]
Claimants (See Appendix 1 for Claimants' addresses):
Claimant #1. Kenneth MacKenzie, Uncle of Kristian Menchaca, Claimant #2.Cesar Vasquez
Menchaca; Claimant #3. The Government and People of Saudi Arabia (listed as 'presumed
Claimant' War Crime victims interested in justice); #4. All Other Claimants, . . .(See Appendix 1
for “Further Claimant” names & addresses) . . .,
Defendants (See Appendix 2 for Defendant List and addresses):
D#1 Defendant Citicorp, Saudi Arabia ; D#2 Defendant Chase Manhattan Bank, Saudi Arabia;
D#3 "Morgan Stanley Saudi Arabia" {represented by (1) debt collector Counsel Mann Braken LLP of
Counsel; by (2) debt collector Counsel Wolpoff & Abramson, Eskanos & Adler of Counsel ; by (3) debt
collector Counsel Freedman, Anselmo, Lindberg & Rappe LLC of Counsel}, "Morgan Stanley Saudi
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Arabia" in partnership with 'The Capital Group {“TCG”},' Saudi Arabia;
; D#4 Defendant First
Union Bank, Saudi Arabia; D#5 Defendant Bank of New York, Saudi Arabia; D#6 Defendant
Bank of America, Inc., Saudi Arabia; D#7 Defendant JP Morgan Chase, Saudi Arabia ; D#8
Defendant CITICORP, Saudi Arabia; D#9 Defendant Hilton Hotels, Saudi Arabia; D#10
Defendant Marriot Hotels, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia ; D#11 Defendant FORD, Saudi Arabia (auto &
truck sales) ; D#12 Defendant Daimler Chrysler (auto & truck sales), Saudi Arabia; D#13
Defendant General Motors (auto & truck sales), Saudi Arabia; D#14 Defendant Chevron-Texaco,
Caltex Overseas Limited S A. Po Box 8939 21492 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (heavy industry); D#15
Defendant DU PONT, Saudi Arabia (heavy industry); D#16 Defendant Halliburton (Hanifa), P.O.
Box 3474, Khobar 31953, Saudi Arabia (heavy industry); D#17 Defendant Conoco
Phillips/Chevron Phillips Company , Saudi Arabia (heavy industry); IP#18 Interested Partry 'al
Qaida Nuclear Jihad' insurgents lead by Ussama bin Ladin, IP#19 Interested Partry 'al
Shura Nuclear Jihad insurgents, IP#20 Interested Partry al Jimaya Nuclear Jihad
Insurgents . . ., Interested Parties
Interested Parties (see Apendix for address information of Interested Parties) :
Interested Parties (#1), U.S. news media: CNN; NBC; ABC; BBC;
Interested Parties (#2), British news media: BBC
Interested Parties (#3), Saudi Arabia news media
Interested Parties (#4), European news media
Interested Parties (#5), Middle East news media
'NUCLEAR WAR CRIMES' IN-PROGRESS against U.S. and 'Coalition' targets in the nation
of Saudi Arabia :
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.1. Claimants say the truth is that the nation and people of Saudi Arabia are innocent victims
caught in the middle of the “war crossfire” between Nuclear Jihad Insurgents and U.S. and
Coalition Defendants D#1 through D#17 who are “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation
'Combatants,” also known as “U.S. Nuclear Landmine Crime 'Magnet' Targets” who own
large business properties on the soil of Saudi Arabia ” that attract hostile, life-destroying
'NUCLEAR Landmine WAR CRIME' attacks currently in-progress as threatened by Nuclear
Jihad militias onto the soil of Saudi Arabia against U.S. and Coalition Corporation Business
.2. The Nation of Saudi Arabia is an “innocent third-party victim nation” that is not a
“Coalition Nation” at war in the Nations of Iraq and Afghanistan against Muslim al Shura Nuclear
Jihad Insurgents and is not a “Coalition Nation” at war against Muslim al Qaida Nuclear Jihad
Insurgents led by Ussama bin Ladin.
.3. The Nation of Saudi Arabia is an “innocent third-party victim nation” that is in mortal
danger of its life from Nuclear weapon attacks deployed by Muslim al Shura Nuclear Jihad
Insurgents and Muslim al Qaida Nuclear Jihad Insurgents led by Ussama bin Ladin against U.S.
and Coalition target Defendants D#1 through D#17 on the soil of Saudi Arabia .
SEE: Hiroshima Nuclear Bomb Damage Photos: ; ;
SEE: Photos of “Suitcase Nuclear Landmines”:
SEE: U.S. House hearing 106-158: ;
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.4. Claimants petition the government of Saudi Arabia, on behalf of themselves and on behalf of
the people and nation of Saudi Arabia regarding these most dangerous and life destroying
“Nuclear War Crime” attack matters currently in progress within the nation of Saudi Arabia as
brought against said U.S. and 'Coalition' corporation business targets, Defendants D#1 through
D#17 , to determine whatever action the Nation of Saudi Arabia may take in the interests of
justice regarding the most reasonable voluntary removal from the nation of Saudi Arabia of
Defendants D#1 through D#17 , “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants,” also known as
“Nuclear Landmine Crime 'Magnet' Targets” and to determine the most reasonable removal of
similar Coalition Corporate Business target 'Nuclear Crime' magnets away from the nation of
Saudi Arabia.
.5. For purposes of simplifying this Claim, Claimants MacKenzie and Menchaca primarily focus on
two theaters of War: Iraq and Saudi Arabia and focus on the Saint Peter's Church in the Vatican
and the Kaaba in Makkah, the holiest places of Christianity and Islam.
.6. The current “Nuclear War Crime” attack matters perpetrated against All Defendants D#1
through D#17 who are “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants,” also known as “Nuclear
Landmine Crime 'Magnet' Targets” have the potential to motivate and inspire Nuclear Jihad
terrorists, IP#18 Interested Partry 'al Qaida Nuclear Jihad' insurgents lead by Ussama
bin Ladin, IP#19 Interested Partry 'al Shura Nuclear Jihad insurgents, IP#20 Interested
Partry al Jimaya Nuclear Jihad insurgents . . ., Interested Parties, to inflict collateral blast
and radiological poison (Uranium / radium ores from "hot" mines that test in the range of
50-100 mR / hr) damage of said “Nuclear Landmine Crimes against Defendants D#1 through
D#17 , which will catastrophically destroy millions of Saudi Arabia people and permanently
damage the nation of Saudi Arabia .
A. Mekkah, Saudi Arabia is immediately recognizable as an an easy mark and easy victim
posing no difficulty for Terrorists to contaminate with Nuclear Crime attacks delivering deadly, lifedestroying, readily obtainable, radioactive Radium (Uranium / radium ores from "hot" mines
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that test in the range of 50-100 mR / hr) from the abandoned Uranium/Radium, mine-pits in
the United States, France, Pakistan, Russia, Europe, and South Africa , to the American
target hotels, and so forth, of Mekkah, Saudi Arabia by "one man Nuclear Isotope courier"
and thereby destroying Mekkah, Saudi Arabia with longterm radioactive contaminants for
centuries. Terrorists could decide to Radiologically attack Mekkah, Saudi Arabia with nuclear
mining wastes for several reasons related to retaliation against U.S. Corporations doing business
in Mekkah, Saudi Arabia.
"Abandoned, 'open pit,' Uranium mines" ("hot" mines of Uranium / radium ores that
test in the range of 50-100 mR / hr) are also located at the following "Nuclear Crime" attack
launching locations: (1) "Abandoned" South Terras Mine with the "HOTTEST 31 % Uranium/
Radium ore" ever discovered, near St. Stephen in Cornwall, England, (2) "Abandoned"
Autunois in France's Massif Central, (3)"Abandoned" Oberpfalz in Bavaria, and (4) Billingen in
Sweden. More "Abandoned, 'open pit,' Uranium mines" with deadly Uranium / Radium ore
deposits are found at (5)"Abandoned" Shinkolobwe Uranium deposits in Katanga, (6)
"Abandoned" Uranium pits in Congo-Kinshasa, (7) "Abandoned" Uranium Pits in Namibia, (8)
"Abandoned" Uranium Pits in Nigeria, (9) "Abandoned" Uranium Pits in Côte d'Ivoire, (10)
"Abandoned" Uranium Pits in Djibouti, (11) "Abandoned" Uranium Pits in Egypt, (12) in
Equatorial Guinea, (13) in Czech Republic, and (14) in Romania, also at (15) "Abandoned"
Uranium Pits in Port Radium, near Great Bear Lake, Canada , (16) Uranium in at Beira Province,
Portugal; (17) at Tyuya Muyun, Uzbekistan, and at (18) "Abandoned" Uranium Pits in Radium
Hill, Australia. Uranium in "Abandoned, 'open pit,' Uranium mines" with deadly Uranium /
Radium ore deposits ("Radium" is lethal if inhaled) are everywhere on the Colorado Plateau of
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(19) Utah and (20) Colorado. SEE:
"Abandoned" Uranium Pit "Lethal radioactive Uranium waste" is simply piled on the
ground near most of these abandoned open pit mines as, for example, at the entrance of the
unguarded Margnac open Pit Uranium mine in France; and, anyone can take it at anytime. It is
like shoveling garden dirt into the back of an automobile . . . , very simple.
Uranium / Radium waste piles at abandoned open pit mines present a lethal hazard because of
release of bone rotting radioactive dust and radioactive radon gas that could easily be inhaled by
victims. Toxic Radium dust is nine million times more radioactive than Uranium and once inhaled
into lungs is impossible to remove. Radiological dust shows as glowing white spots on X-Ray
plates of the inside of victim's lungs and is always fatal over time.
SEE: , Margnac open Pit Uranium mine near Limoges,
France. Also SEE: ;
.7. Yet, these conditions can be easily solved and eliminated by the voluntary self-removal from
Saudi Arabia of U.S. and Coalition Defendants D#1 through D#17 , who are at war and who are
“U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants” and can be easily solved by voluntary selfremoval of similar Coalition Corporate Business targets from Saudi Arabia by publicly selling their
entire interest and ownership of said U.S. Corporations and Coalition Corporations to Saudi
Arabian investors, Banks, and to other non-Western buyers who are known not to be “Nuclear
Landmine” targets.
.8. These Nuclear Landmine War crime Claims and Conditions may also be supervised under
art.15 of the Rome Statute and may be sent to: International Criminal Court, Information and
Evidence Unit, Office of the Prosecutor, Post Office Box 19519, 2500 CM The Hague, The
Netherlands, or sent by email to [email protected] , or sent by facsimile to +31
70 515 8555.
SEE: Hiroshima Nuclear Bomb Damage Photos:
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.9. Claimants petition the government of Saudi Arabia to consider these most important “Nuclear
War Crime attack matters in-progress against U.S. and Coalition Defendants D#1 through D#17
who are “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation Combatants” and are 'Coalition Corporation
Combatants' doing business on the soil of Saudi Arabia .
.10. Claimants petition the government of Saudi Arabia to consider and determine if U.S. and
Coalition Defendants D#1 through D#17 may be charged as Crime “accessories” who are
concealing “Nuclear War Crime attack matters” in progress on the soil of Saudi Arabia and
thereby aiding and abetting “Nuclear War Crime” attack matters in progress against the Nation
and people of Saudi Arabia as described, in part, in U.S. House Hearing 106-158, but said
Nuclear Crimes concealed by U.S. and Coalition Defendants D#1 through D#17 from the people
and nation of Saudi Arabia :
SEE: U.S. House hearing 106-158: ;
Also SEE: 'Classified' & Extensive U.S. House Hearings 106-158 describing 'War Crime' attack
information, not publicly published.
.11. Claimants further petition the government of Saudi Arabia to consider and investigate U.S.
and Coalition Defendants D#1 through D#17 to determine if they are concealing information of
threats related to “Nuclear War Crime attack matters” in progress against their business
addresses on the soil of Saudi Arabia as described in U.S. House Hearings 106-158.
SEE: U.S. House hearing 106-158: ;
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Also SEE: 'Classified' Extensive U.S. House Hearings 106-158 describing 'War Crime' attack
information, not publicly published.
.12. Claimants further petition the government of
Saudi Arabia to Gieger / Roentgen Count all the
business property holdings of said U.S. and Coalition Defendants D#1 through D#17 to determine
if there are “Nuclear War Crime” attack matters in progress against the Nation and people of
Saudi Arabia as described, in part, as described in U.S. House Hearing 106-158, but concealed by
U.S. and Coalition Defendants D#1 through D#17 from the people and nation of Saudi Arabia :
SEE: U.S. House hearing 106-158: ;
Also SEE: “Extensive U.S. House Hearings 106-158, 'classified,' describing 'War Crime' attack
information, not publicly published.
.13. Claimants petition the government of Saudi Arabia to submit this “Nuclear War Crime”
Complaint to the government of Saudi Arabia regarding whatever issues the Executive Branch
of Saudi Arabia believes are best determined by the the government of Saudi Arabia in these
most important “Nuclear War Crime matters.”
.14. On information and belief, Claimants complain and claim against All Defendants D#1
through D#17 who are “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants,” in the nations of Saudi
Arabia and Iraq. Claimants also complain against IP#18 Interested Partry 'al Qaida Nuclear
Jihad' insurgents lead by Ussama bin Ladin, IP#19 Interested Partry 'al Shura Nuclear
Jihad insurgents, IP#20 Interested Partry al Jimaya Nuclear Jihad insurgents . . . who
are often identified in Western media as Muslim “Terrorists” fighting the United States primarily in
Iraq and Afghanistan, but also fighting the United States and Coalition Countries from other bases
of operation in other countries. Claimants do not make damage Claims against Interested
Parties IP#18 , IP#19, and IP#20.
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CHAPTER 3 . . .
Defendants D#1 through D#17 owe multi-billion dollar damages to the people and
nation of Saudi Arabia
.15. Claimants say All Defendants D#1 through D#17 owe multi-billion dollar damages to the
people and nation of Saudi Arabia and owe multi-billion dollar damages to Claimants by reason of
the facts and truths related to the following most important “Nuclear War Crime matters”
indicating Nuclear Crime attacks may have occurred against the People and nation of Saudi
Arabia. For example, The United States currently has in prison a "Nuclear Jihad Terrorist" from
Chicago, Illinois, named
Jose Padilla, once accused of plotting with al Qaeda to blow up a radioactive
"dirty bomb." Padilla was undoubtedly working with other al Qaeda Radiological Militias in the United
States and elsewhere, numbering in the hundreds or thousands, who have not yet been identified or
A. What is most frightening about the combination of Nuclear Jihad Terrorists, such as Padilla, and
said abandoned Uranium pit mines in Pakistan, Iran, South Africa, England, Europe, Canada,
Indonesia, and in the United States, is that Nuclear Jihad Terrorists are within short driving distance to
unguarded and abandoned Uranium pit mines where they can load their vehicles with thousands of
kilos of deadly Uranium/Radium, drive deadly Uranium/Radium to a nearby large city and commence
to deliver said Uranium/Radium contamination by use of a variety of attack deployment means,
including vehicle dispersal delivery, or explosives dispersal delivery, or aerial dispersal delivery. The
entire action of obtaining Nuclear / Radiological Contamination from abandoned Uranium pit mines is
obviously simple to accomplish; yet, no government effort is being made to guard or seal abandoned
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Uranium pit mines in any country where they exist. These abandoned Uranium pit mines should be
under national military or U.N. guard until effectively sealed as unaccessible and monitored by satellite
SEE: Hiroshima Nuclear Bomb Damage Photos: ; ;
SEE: Photos of “Suitcase Nuclear Landmines”:
SEE: U.S. House hearing 106-158: ;
.16. Claimant #1. Kenneth MacKenzie, Uncle of Kristian Menchaca (died in Iraq, 2006) and Uncle
of Claimant #2 Cesar Menchaca, brother of PFC Kristian Menchaca, a soldier who did serve with
the U.S Military Expeditionary Forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, says that President George W. Bush
has proclaimed many times in the news media that U.S Military Expeditionary Forces in Iraq and
Afghanistan are fighting against Muslim Insurgents who have possession of “Nuclear Weapons of
Mass Destruction” (“NWMD”) in in Iraq and Afghanistan and in other countries.
.17. These “Nuclear Weapons of Mass Destruction” (“NWMD”) include 'fissile' (Nuclear Fission
Explosion of the Hiroshima type) and 'non-fissile' (Radio Active Isotope Pollution non-explosion
type) 'Stealth' Nuclear Landmines that can catastrophically destroy great numbers of human
beings once deployed. In 1996, The United Nations International Court of Justice denounced
deployment of these 'Stealth' Nuclear Landmines to attack any country as “War Crimes” against
.18. Jurisdiction: the government of Saudi Arabia has jurisdiction of these Nuclear War
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Crime matters for the following reasons.
.19. Prior to June 2006 and during June 2006, U.S. Army PFC Kristian Vasquez Menchaca and PFC
Thomas Tucker were involved in military operations in partnership with the Iraq offices of
Defendants D#1 through D#17 of Saudi Arabia . Defendants D#1 through D#17 of Iraq, in fact,
are extensions of Defendants D#1 through D#17 of said U.S. Corporations in Saudi Arabia who
are “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants” in Iraq and are “U.S. Military Industrial
Corporation 'Combatants” in the nation of Saudi Arabia who are also “Nuclear Landmine Crime
'Magnet' Targets” in the Muslim Nation of Iraq and in the Muslim Nation of Saudi Arabia .
.20. PFC Kristian Vasquez Menchaca and PFC Thomas Tucker were involved in military operations
in partnership in Iraq with the representatives of Defendants D#1 through D#17 who were and
are “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants' in both Iraq and Saudi Arabia and were and
are military strategic targets simultaneously in both Iraq and Saudi Arabia while PFC Kristian
Vasquez Menchaca and PFC Thomas Tucker were assigned to protect Defendants D#1 through
D#17 from Nuclear Landmine attack in Iraq and protect Defendants D#1 through D#17 in the
nation of Saudi Arabia during June 2006.
.21. As a consequence of these extensive conditions wherein Defendants D#1 through D#17 who
are “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants' in both Iraq and Saudi Arabia ,
simultaneously, and Defendants D#1 through D#17 are also “Nuclear Landmine Crime 'Magnet'
Targets” in the Muslim Nation of Saudi Arabia , then the Royal Executive and Courts of Saudi
Arabia have lawful jurisdiction over the issues of these Nuclear War Crime matters, under Geneva
Conventions, under Laws of Saudi Arabia , and under Laws of the Holy Koran as Defendants D#1
through D#17 are Nuclear Crime targets in Saudi Arabia.
.22. Claimant #1. Kenneth MacKenzie, Uncle of Kristian Menchaca and Claimant #2 Cesar
Menchaca, brother of PFC Kristian Menchaca (killed in Iraq 2006), a soldier who served with the
U.S Army Expeditionary force in Iraq, have been victimized by Defendants D#1 through D#17
who are “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants,” also known as “Nuclear Landmine
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Crime 'Magnet' Targets,” who are at war in Iraq and Saudi Arabia against IP#18 Interested
Partry 'al Qaida Nuclear Jihad' insurgents lead by Ussama bin Ladin, IP#19 Interested
Partry 'al Shura Nuclear Jihad insurgents, IP#20 Interested Partry al Jimaya Nuclear
Jihad Insurgents . . ., Interested Parties, who torture-murdered Vasquez-Menchaca family
member, PFC Kristian Vasquez Menchaca and PFC Thomas Tucker, U.S. Army soldiers, June 2006,
in Yosifiya, Iraq in violation of the Geneva Conventions of 1949; and, said IP#18 Interested
Partry 'al Qaida Nuclear Jihad' insurgents lead by Ussama bin Ladin, IP#19 Interested
Partry 'al Shura Nuclear Jihad insurgents, IP#20 Interested Partry al Jimaya Nuclear
Jihad Insurgents . . ., Interested Parties, were inspired and motivated to torture murder PFC
Kristian Vasquez Menchaca and PFC Thomas Tucker by insufficient, life slandering, life defaming
U.S. $50,000 rewards offered by U.S. Attorney General Gonzales and U.S. Attorney General
Mukaysey and thereby indirectly offered by U.S. Defendants D#1 through D#17 -- D#1
Defendant Citicorp, Saudi Arabia ; D#2 Defendant Chase Manhattan Bank, Saudi Arabia; D#3
Defendant Chevron-Texaco, Caltex Overseas Llimited S A. Po Box 8939 21492 Jeddah Saudi
Arabia ; D#4 Defendant First Union Bank,; D#5 Defendant Conoco Phillips/Chevron Phillips
Company , Saudi Arabia; D#6 Defendant Halliburton (Hanifa), P.O. Box 3474, Khobar 31953 ,
Saudi Arabia; D#7 Defendant Bank of New York, Saudi Arabia; D#8 Defendant CITICORP, Saudi
Arabia; D#9 Defendant DU PONT , Saudi Arabia; D#10 Defendant JP Morgan Chase, Saudi
Arabia; D#11 Defendant FORD, Saudi Arabia; D#12 Defendant Daimler Chrysler, Saudi Arabia;
D#13 Defendant General Motors, Saudi Arabia; D#14 Defendant Coca-Cola Bottling, Saudi
Arabia; D#15 Defendant Bank of America, Inc., Saudi Arabia; D#16 Defendant Hilton Hotels,
Saudi Arabia; D#17 Defendant Marriot Hotels, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia -- who did not increase
$50,000 'Death rewards' on behalf of the lives of PFC Kristian Vasquez Menchaca and PFC Thomas
Tucker. U.S. Attorney General Gonzales set $50,000 'Death rewards' by broadcasting $50,000
'Death rewards,' worldwide, during 16, 17, 18, and 19 June 2006 in broadcast media, that were
corruptly and criminally low and unequal compared to the mega-million dollar life rewards the
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U.S. Defendants D#1 through D#17 affiliated with the U.S. government were offering to save
the lives of IP#18 Interested Partry 'al Qaida Nuclear Jihad' insurgents lead by Ussama
bin Ladin, IP#19 Interested Partry 'al Shura Nuclear Jihad insurgents, IP#20 Interested
Partry al Jimaya Nuclear Jihad Insurgents . . ., Interested Parties. U.S. Defendants
D#1 through D#17 could have offerred increased rewards as Plaintiffs did offer under
U.S. Case H-08-60. However, U.S. Defendants D#1 through D#17 did not offer
increased life rewards on behalf of the lives of PFC Kristian Vasquez Menchaca and PFC
Thomas Tucker; and, both were barbarically tortured to death.
.23. All Defendants D#1 through D#17 are “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants” -D#1 Defendant Citicorp, Saudi Arabia ; D#2 Defendant Chase Manhattan Bank, Saudi
Arabia; D#3 "Morgan Stanley Saudi Arabia" {represented by (1) debt collector Counsel Mann
Braken LLP of Counsel; by (2) debt collector Counsel Wolpoff & Abramson, Eskanos & Adler of Counsel ;
by (3) debt collector Counsel Freedman, Anselmo, Lindberg & Rappe LLC of Counsel}, "Morgan Stanley
Saudi Arabia" in partnership with 'The Capital Group {“TCG”},' Saudi Arabia; ; D#4 Defendant
First Union Bank, Saudi Arabia; D#5 Defendant Bank of New York, Saudi Arabia; D#6
Defendant Bank of America, Inc., Saudi Arabia; D#7 Defendant JP Morgan Chase, Saudi
Arabia ; D#8 Defendant CITICORP, Saudi Arabia; D#9 Defendant Hilton Hotels, Saudi Arabia;
D#10 Defendant Marriot Hotels, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia ; D#11 Defendant FORD, Saudi Arabia
(auto & truck sales) ; D#12 Defendant Daimler Chrysler (auto & truck sales), Saudi Arabia;
D#13 Defendant General Motors (auto & truck sales), Saudi Arabia; D#14 Defendant ChevronTexaco, Caltex Overseas Limited S A. Po Box 8939 21492 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (heavy industry);
D#15 Defendant DU PONT, Saudi Arabia (heavy industry); D#16 Defendant Halliburton (Hanifa),
P.O. Box 3474, Khobar 31953, Saudi Arabia (heavy industry); D#17 Defendant Conoco
Phillips/Chevron Phillips Company , Saudi Arabia (heavy industry); – participating in the U.S. led
wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and All said Defendants D#1 through D#17 in their roles as “U.S.
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Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants” also participated in the U.S. Reward process for
Prisoners of war by donating money to Rewards for Justice, Washington, D.C.20522-0303, 1-800877-3927; [email protected];
.24. However, All said Defendants D#1 through D#17 in their roles as “U.S. Military Industrial
Corporation 'Combatants” affiliated with the United States military have denied equal multi Million
dollar rewards for captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War, for the lives of PFC Kristian Vasquez
Menchaca and PFC Thomas Tucker, thereby informing their Muslim Captors that PFC Kristian
Vasquez Menchaca and PFC Thomas Tucker were not worth valuable monetary consideration and
little money was offered to save their lives.
.25. All said Defendants D#1 through D#17 in their roles as “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation
'Combatants” were aware that U.S. proclaimed “$50,000 Rewards,” proclaimed by News Media
were and are known to be “$50,000 Reward Torture-Death Sentences” for captured U.S. troops
who have have been tortured to Death as a consequence of U.S. proclaimed “$50,000 TortureDeath Rewards.
.26. Moreover, All said Defendants D#1 through D#17 withheld money to equalize rewards for
captured U.S. Prisoners of War knowing that the few soldiers, Kristian Vasquez Menchaca and PFC
Thomas Tucker, who had learned that Defendants D#1 through D#17 were targeted with Nuclear
Landmines in the Nation of Saudi Arabia in early 2006, were Prisoners of D#18 Defendant 'al
Qaida Nuclear Jihad' insurgents lead by Ussama bin Ladin, D#19 Defendant 'al Shura Nuclear
Jihad insurgents; therefore, all said Defendants D#1 through D#17 in their roles as “U.S. Military
Industrial Corporation 'Combatants” had reason to keep the life rewards low for Kristian Vasquez
Menchaca and PFC Thomas Tucker to immorally cause their deaths by withholding equalizing
reward money alongside the United States Rewards; and, Defendants D#1 through D#17 watched
while Kristian Vasquez Menchaca and PFC Thomas Tucker were barbarically tortured to death as a
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consequence of said insufficient “U.S. $50,000 Reward Torture-Death Sentences” in which All said
Defendants D#1 through D#17 participated in their roles as “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation
.27. Defendants D#1 through D#17 cannot prove they ever offered any Reward Money beyond
said “U.S. $50,000 Reward Torture-Death Sentences” on behalf of Kristian Vasquez Menchaca and
PFC Thomas Tucker during June 2006 in an effort to save their lives.
.28. Apparently, the deaths of Kristian Vasquez Menchaca and PFC Thomas Tucker were
convenient in terms of the fact that when dead they could not testify regarding the fact that all
said Defendants D#1 through D#17 in their roles as “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation
'Combatants” were identified by al Qaida Nuclear Jihad' insurgents lead by Ussama bin Ladin and
al Shura Nuclear Jihad insurgents as Nuclear Landmine targets in the nation of Saudi Arabia and
in several other countries where U.S. Corporations are Nuclear Landmine target magnets of
Nuclear Radiological terrorists like Jose Padilla of al Qaida.
.29. All said Defendants D#1 through D#17 in their roles as “U.S. Military Industrial
Corporation 'Combatants” were informed of U.S. House Hearings 106-158 indicating
that All said Defendants D#1 through D#17 in the nation of Saudi Arabia were targets
of nuclear Landmines; and, all said Defendants D#1 through D#17 never at any time
informed the government of Saudi Arabia that the Nation of Saudi Arabia and its
people were in mortal danger of catastrophic Nuclear Landmine and Radiological
Landmine attacks.
.30. Defendants D#1 through D#17, in their roles as “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation
'Combatants,” perpetrated crimes in violation of Geneva Conventions, in violation of the laws of
Saudi Arabia , and in violation of the Laws of The Holy Korean in Defendant D#1 through D#17
concealment of information indicating that All Defendants D#1 through D#17 were targets of
Nuclear Landmine attacks in Saudi Arabia , nuclear attacks which could kill millions of Saudi
Arabia people and damage the nation of Saudi Arabia so severely that it could never recover.
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.31. Claimants say that Radiological contamination from a concealed al-Shura / al-Qaida Nuclear
"Radiological" Nuclear landmine on the soil of Saudi Arabia aimed at U.S. Corporation Nuclear
'Target Magnets' would be equivalent to the radiological contamination of a Russian RA115 or U.S.
MADM class Nuclear Landmine described in U.S. House hearing 106-158 and will inflict the same
damage as the U.S. Nuclear bombs inflicted on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan during World War
Hiroshima Nuclear Bomb Damage Photos:
SEE: ;
SEE: ;
SEE: ;
SEE: ;
SEE: U.S. House hearing 106-158: ;
.32. Said “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants,” Defendants D#1 through D#17 , also
known as “Nuclear Landmine Crime Target Magnets” -- D#1 Defendant Citicorp, Saudi Arabia
; D#2 Defendant Chase Manhattan Bank, Saudi Arabia; D#3 "Morgan Stanley Saudi
Arabia" {represented by (1) debt collector Counsel Mann Braken LLP of Counsel; by (2) debt collector
Counsel Wolpoff & Abramson, Eskanos & Adler of Counsel ; by (3) debt collector Counsel Freedman,
Anselmo, Lindberg & Rappe LLC of Counsel}, "Morgan Stanley Saudi Arabia" in partnership with 'The
Capital Group {“TCG”},' Saudi Arabia; ; D#4 Defendant First Union Bank, Saudi Arabia; D#5
Defendant Bank of New York, Saudi Arabia; D#6 Defendant Bank of America, Inc., Saudi
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Arabia; D#7 Defendant JP Morgan Chase, Saudi Arabia ; D#8 Defendant CITICORP, Saudi
Arabia; D#9 Defendant Hilton Hotels, Saudi Arabia; D#10 Defendant Marriot Hotels, Jeddah,
Saudi Arabia ; D#11 Defendant FORD, Saudi Arabia (auto & truck sales) ; D#12 Defendant
Daimler Chrysler (auto & truck sales), Saudi Arabia; D#13 Defendant General Motors (auto &
truck sales), Saudi Arabia; D#14 Defendant Chevron-Texaco, Caltex Overseas Limited S A. Po Box
8939 21492 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (heavy industry); D#15 Defendant DU PONT, Saudi Arabia
(heavy industry); D#16 Defendant Halliburton (Hanifa), P.O. Box 3474, Khobar 31953, Saudi
Arabia (heavy industry); D#17 Defendant Conoco Phillips/Chevron Phillips Company , Saudi
Arabia (heavy industry) -- acted in the same role as “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation
'Combatants” also known as “Nuclear Landmine Crime Targets” in three theaters of War: Iraq,
Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia .
.33. Yet, in each of these three theaters of War, All Defendants D#1 through D#17 -- D#1
Defendant Citicorp, Saudi Arabia ; D#2 Defendant Chase Manhattan Bank, Saudi
Arabia; D#3 "Morgan Stanley Saudi Arabia" {represented by (1) debt collector Counsel Mann
Braken LLP of Counsel; by (2) debt collector Counsel Wolpoff & Abramson, Eskanos & Adler of Counsel ;
by (3) debt collector Counsel Freedman, Anselmo, Lindberg & Rappe LLC of Counsel}, "Morgan Stanley
Saudi Arabia" in partnership with 'The Capital Group {“TCG”},' Saudi Arabia; ; D#4 Defendant
First Union Bank, Saudi Arabia; D#5 Defendant Bank of New York, Saudi Arabia; D#6
Defendant Bank of America, Inc., Saudi Arabia; D#7 Defendant JP Morgan Chase, Saudi
Arabia ; D#8 Defendant CITICORP, Saudi Arabia; D#9 Defendant Hilton Hotels, Saudi Arabia;
D#10 Defendant Marriot Hotels, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia ; D#11 Defendant FORD, Saudi Arabia
(auto & truck sales) ; D#12 Defendant Daimler Chrysler (auto & truck sales), Saudi Arabia;
D#13 Defendant General Motors (auto & truck sales), Saudi Arabia; D#14 Defendant ChevronTexaco, Caltex Overseas Limited S A. Po Box 8939 21492 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (heavy industry);
D#15 Defendant DU PONT, Saudi Arabia (heavy industry); D#16 Defendant Halliburton (Hanifa),
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P.O. Box 3474, Khobar 31953, Saudi Arabia (heavy industry); D#17 Defendant Conoco
Phillips/Chevron Phillips Company , Saudi Arabia (heavy industry); -- “U.S. Military Industrial
Corporation 'Combatants” also known as “Nuclear Landmine Crime 'Magnet' Targets,” acted in
different Scenarios while playing the same roles as “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation
'Combatants” also known as “Nuclear Landmine Crime 'Magnet' Targets.”
.34. IP#18 Interested Partry 'al Qaida Nuclear Jihad' insurgents lead by Ussama bin
Ladin, IP#19 Interested Partry 'al Shura Nuclear Jihad insurgents, IP#20 Interested
Partry al Jimaya Nuclear Jihad Insurgents . . ., Interested Parties, acted in the same role
as in said three theaters of War -- Iraq, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia -- against the U.S.
government and against Private Business, non-government, Defendants D#1 through D#17 and
against Coalition Corporations.
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CHAPTER 4 . . .
War against All Defendants D#1 through D#17 , said “U.S. Military
Industrial Corporation 'Combatants,” also known as “Nuclear Landmine
Crime 'Magnet' Targets”
.35. However, in the nation of Saudi Arabia , Interested Parties D#18 through D#20, al Qaida
Nuclear Jihad' insurgents lead by Ussama bin Ladin and al Shura Nuclear Jihad insurgents and al
Jimaya are at war with only the Coalition Countries and are at war against the United States, and
are at war against All Defendants D#1 through D#17 , said “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation
'Combatants,” also known as “Nuclear Landmine Crime 'Magnet' Targets” who own and operate
privately owned business property in the nation of Saudi Arabia where IP#18 Interested Partry
'al Qaida Nuclear Jihad' insurgents lead by Ussama bin Ladin, IP#19 Interested Partry
'al Shura Nuclear Jihad insurgents, IP#20 Interested Partry al Jimaya Nuclear Jihad
Insurgents . . ., Interested Parties, have previously deployed 'explosives' to bomb-attack
Western targets owned by U.S. or Coalition Corporations comprised mostly of Western persons
who are known to generally be non-Muslim.
.36. IP#18 Interested Partry 'al Qaida Nuclear Jihad' insurgents lead by Ussama bin
Ladin, IP#19 Interested Partry 'al Shura Nuclear Jihad insurgents, IP#20 Interested
Partry al Jimaya Nuclear Jihad Insurgents . . ., Interested Parties, have deployed previous
explosive bomb attacks in the nation of Saudi Arabia against Western targets owned by U.S. or
Coalition Corporations such as Defendants D#1 through D#17 who are “U.S. Military Industrial
Corporation 'Combatants,” also known as “Nuclear Landmine Crime 'Magnet' Targets.”
.37. IP#18 Interested Partry 'al Qaida Nuclear Jihad' insurgents lead by Ussama bin
Ladin, IP#19 Interested Partry 'al Shura Nuclear Jihad insurgents, IP#20 Interested
Partry al Jimaya Nuclear Jihad Insurgents . . ., Interested Parties, are primarily at war
against U.S. Corporation and Coalition targets .
.38. It is important to note that D#18 Defendant 'al Qaida Nuclear Jihad' insurgents lead by
Ussama bin Ladin, and D#19 Defendant 'al Shura Nuclear Jihad insurgents, and D#20 Defendant
al Jimaya Nuclear Jihad insurgents, are at war with the United States and are at war with “U.S.
Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants,” Defendants D#1 through D#17 who are “U.S.
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Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants” also known as “Nuclear Landmine Crime 'Magnet'
.39. Violations of Geneva Comnvention War Crimes, Laws of Saudi Arabia , and laws of
Koran: all Defendants D#1 through D#17 , “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants,”
also known as “Nuclear Landmine Crime 'Magnet' Targets” -- D#1 Defendant Citicorp, Saudi
Arabia ; D#2 Defendant Chase Manhattan Bank, Saudi Arabia; D#3 "Morgan Stanley Saudi
Arabia" {represented by (1) debt collector Counsel Mann Braken LLP of Counsel; by (2) debt collector
Counsel Wolpoff & Abramson, Eskanos & Adler of Counsel ; by (3) debt collector Counsel Freedman,
Anselmo, Lindberg & Rappe LLC of Counsel}, "Morgan Stanley Saudi Arabia" in partnership with 'The
Capital Group {“TCG”},' Saudi Arabia; ; D#4 Defendant First Union Bank, Saudi Arabia; D#5
Defendant Bank of New York, Saudi Arabia; D#6 Defendant Bank of America, Inc., Saudi
Arabia; D#7 Defendant JP Morgan Chase, Saudi Arabia ; D#8 Defendant CITICORP, Saudi
Arabia; D#9 Defendant Hilton Hotels, Saudi Arabia; D#10 Defendant Marriot Hotels, Jeddah,
Saudi Arabia ; D#11 Defendant FORD, Saudi Arabia (auto & truck sales) ; D#12 Defendant
Daimler Chrysler (auto & truck sales), Saudi Arabia; D#13 Defendant General Motors (auto &
truck sales), Saudi Arabia; D#14 Defendant Chevron-Texaco, Caltex Overseas Limited S A. Po Box
8939 21492 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (heavy industry); D#15 Defendant DU PONT, Saudi Arabia
(heavy industry); D#16 Defendant Halliburton (Hanifa), P.O. Box 3474, Khobar 31953, Saudi
Arabia (heavy industry); D#17 Defendant Conoco Phillips/Chevron Phillips Company , Saudi
Arabia (heavy industry) -- conspired with each other to violate Geneva Conventions, violate laws
of Saudi Arabia , and violate laws of the Holy Koran by concealing “Nuclear War Crime”
information from the government of Saudi Arabia and concealing that Defendants D#1 through
D#17 and Coalition Corporations and other entities conspired with each other to deliberately not
inform the government of Saudi Arabia that All Defendants D#1 through D#17 ” were
designated by Nuclear Jihadists for Nuclear Landmine attack in the nation of Saudi Arabia as
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indicated in U.S. House Hearing 106-158 and indicated by information collected by U.S. Army
Intelligence during early 2006 as observed by U.S. Army Pfc. Kristian Menchaca and Pfc. Thomas
L. Tucker, but concealed from the knowledge of the Nation and people of Saudi Arabia .
.40. Claimants say that the Nuclear contamination from a concealed al-Shura / al-Qaida Nuclear
Radiological Nuclear landmine on the soil of Saudi Arabia aimed at U.S. Corporation Nuclear
'Target Magnets' would be equivalent to the radiological contamination of a "fissile" Russian RA115
or U.S. MADM Nuclear Landmine described in U.S. House hearing 106-158, but without fissile
explosion, and will inflict the same Radiological damage as the U.S. Nuclear bombs inflicted on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan during World War 2; but, said Radiological damage will remain
lethal for longer periods of time.
.41. “All Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” are “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants”
also known as “Nuclear Landmine Crime 'Magnet' Targets” are currently in violation of the Geneva
Conventions and laws of Saudi Arabia and in violation of the laws of The Holy Koran, and did
perpetrate and commit violations of the Laws of the Holy Koran when Defendants D#1 through
D#17 maintained control of each of said “Nuclear Crime conspiracies of silence” to violate Geneva
Conventions and violate laws of Saudi Arabia and to violate the Laws of the Holy Koran and to
violate laws under jurisdiction of the Rome Statute .15 of the International Criminal Court.
.42. At all times relevant hereto, “All Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,”, “U.S. Military Industrial
Corporation 'Combatants” also known as “Nuclear Landmine Crime 'Magnet' Targets,” have
attempted and conspired to violate and, in fact, have violated the Crime provisions and Nuclear
Crime provisions of the Geneva Conventions and laws of Saudi Arabia and did commit violations
of the Laws of the Holy Koran by concealing from the people and nation of Saudi Arabia that “All
Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants,” also known
as “Nuclear Landmine Crime 'Magnet' Targets,” are Nuclear Crime 'Magnet' Corporations that
attract Nuclear crimes aimed at said “All Defendants D#1 through D#17 ” as Nuclear Crime
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'Magnet' Corporations inside the Nation of Saudi Arabia that are objects of Terrorism Nuclear
Crimes by reason of identification of Defendants D#1 through D#17 ” as United States
Corporations doing business as “Nuclear Crime Magnets” in the country of Saudi Arabia that
would not otherwise be targets of Nuclear Landmine attacks if “All Defendants D#1 through D#17
” were NOT identified as “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants,” said Defendants D#1
through D#17 ” also known as “Nuclear Landmine Crime Targets 'Magnets.'” .
.43. At all times relevant hereto, “All Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” “U.S. Military Industrial
Corporation 'Combatants” also known as “Nuclear Landmine Crime 'Magnet' Targets,” well
understood that they were “high priority” Nuclear Crime Target Magnets for Nuclear Jihad attack
thereby increasing the liklihood of a Nuclear Crime attack against “All Defendants D#1 through
D#17 ,” “several-hundred-times-over” in a peaceful nation that would not normally be the target
of a Nuclear crime attack.
.44. At all times relevant hereto “All Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” “U.S. Military Industrial
Corporation 'Combatants” also known as “Nuclear Landmine Crime 'Magnet' Targets,” well
understood that their Business Corporation presence in the Nation of Saudi Arabia increased the
likelihood of Nuclear Crime attacks to abnormally high levels against the nation of Saudi Arabia
by several “Nuclear Jihad” Insurgent groups, Defendants D#18 through D#20” who viewed “All
Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants” also known as
“Nuclear Landmine Crime 'Magnet' Targets,” as component parts of United States war-making
machinery that was and currently is in operation in the Muslim countries of Iraq, Afghanistan, and
Saudi Arabia .
.45. Under these conditions, “All Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” “U.S. Military Industrial
Corporation 'Combatants” also known as “Nuclear Landmine Crime 'Magnet' Targets,” were and
are on one side of the firing line while said “Nuclear Jihad” Insurgent groups, Defendants D#18
through D#20 ,” were and are on the other side of the firing line and the innocent people of Saudi
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Arabia are caught as victims in the middle of the war between “All Defendants D#1 through D#17
,” “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants” and “Nuclear Jihad” Insurgent groups,
wherein “All Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants”
never made any effort to assist the nation and people of Saudi Arabia to avoid the Nuclear crime
threats that “All Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation
'Combatants” also known as “Nuclear Landmine Crime 'Magnet' Targets,” brought to the Nation of
Saudi Arabia by their “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatant'' presence as “Nuclear
Landmine Crime 'Magnet' Targets” on the soil of Saudi Arabia . Claimants say that the Radiological
contamination from a concealed al-Shura / al-Qaida Nuclear Radiological Nuclear landmine on the
soil of Saudi Arabia aimed at U.S. Corporation Nuclear 'Target Magnets' would be equivalent to
the 20 kiloton Russian RA115 or U.S. MADM Nuclear Landmine described in U.S. House hearing
106-158 and will inflict the same Radiological contamination damage as the U.S. Nuclear bombs
inflicted on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan during World War 2.
.46. The corrupt presence on the soil of Saudi Arabia of “All Defendants D#1 through D#17 ”
while concealing the fact that they are “Nuclear Crime 'Magnet' Targets” is a violation of the laws
of the Holy Koran and is punishable under the laws of the Holy Koran. Once it became known that
the presence on Saudi Arabian soil of Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” “U.S. Military Industrial
Corporation 'Combatants” also known as “Nuclear Landmine Crime Target 'Magnets'” was a
Nuclear Crime 'Magnet' threat exposing Saudi Arabia to increased Nuclear Crime danger, which
Defendants D#1 through D#17 ” could easily have notified to the Nation of Saudi Arabia and
cooperated to eliminate said increased Nuclear Crime threat to the people and Nation of Saudi
Arabia by very publicly selling all property owned by Defendants D#1 through D#17, “U.S. Military
Industrial Corporation 'Combatants,” also known as “Nuclear Landmine Crime Target 'Magnets'” to
the highest non-Western bidders who would “NOT” be “U.S. Military Industrial Corporations
known as a “Nuclear Landmine Crime Target 'Magnets,'”and then Defendants D#1 through D#17 ”
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completely departing the Nation of Saudi Arabia to wherever else they might relocate.
.47. However, Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants”
also known as “Nuclear Landmine Crime Target 'Magnets,'” wrongfully did not behave in a moral
and ethical manner as required under the laws of the Holy Koran.
.48. Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants” also
known as “Nuclear Landmine Crime Target 'Magnets,'” behaved in an immoral and Nuclear
Crime life-threatening manner by not informing the Nation of Saudi Arabia of said increased
Nuclear Crime threats to the Nation of Saudi Arabia, which could come from concealed fissile or
radiological Nuclear Landmines aimed and targeted against Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,”
“U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants” also known as “Nuclear Landmine Crime
'Magnet' Targets,” by 'al Qaida Nuclear Jihad' insurgents lead by Ussama bin Ladin, and by 'al
Shura Nuclear Jihad insurgents. Claimants say that the blast explosion from a concealed alShura / al-Qaida Nuclear Radiological Nuclear landmine on the soil of Saudi Arabia aimed at U.S.
Corporation Nuclear 'Target Magnets' would be Radiologically equivalent to the 20 kiloton Russian
RA115 or U.S. MADM Nuclear Landmine described in U.S. House hearing 106-158 and will inflict
the same damage as the U.S. Nuclear bombs inflicted on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan during
World War Two.
.49. The ownership of Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation
'Combatants” also known as “Nuclear Landmine Crime Target 'Magnets,'” could be easily
and publicly replaced by non-Western, non United States owners who are native-born Saudis from
Saudi Arabia or easily replaced by other nationalities that are not perceived as undesirable in the
nation of Saudi Arabia and therefore not a Nuclear Crime target magnet.
.50. Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants” also
known as “Nuclear Landmine Crime 'Magnet' Target' enterprises” who did violate provisions of the
Geneva Conventions and laws of Saudi Arabia and did commit violations of the Laws of the Holy
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Koran by concealing Nuclear Crimes and nuclear Crime threats from the nation of Saudi Arabia
and by conspiring to conduct or participate, directly or indirectly, in the conduct of the affairs of
said Defendants D#1 through D#17 ” Said “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants” also
known as “Nuclear Landmine Crime Target 'Magnet' enterprises,” conspired as Defendants
D#1 through D#17 ” who are “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants” also known as
“Nuclear Landmine Crime Target 'Magnet'” enterprises” through a pattern of concealment of
their status as “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants.” And further, each of the
aforesaid Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants,”
have been and currently are parties to an unlawful agreement to conceal their identity also known
as “Nuclear Landmine Crime Target 'Magnet' enterprises.” Each of the aforesaid Defendants
D#1 through D#17 ,” who are Nuclear Crime 'Magnet' Corporation enterprises, pursuant to said
agreement, has agreed, conspired, and attempted to commit Geneva Convention Nuclear War
Crime violations and Nuclear Crime violations of the laws of Saudi Arabia and commit violations of
the Laws of the Holy Koran by concealing from the nation of Saudi Arabia said criminal
concealment threats, by concealing information that Defendants D#1 through D#17 ” had been
“identified” by Muslim Fundamentalist Groups for Nuclear landmine attacks on the soil of Saudi
Arabia targeting the radiological radius of said Nuclear Landmine weapons to destroy said U.S.
Military Industrial Corporations inside the nation of Saudi Arabia. SEE: Nuclear Landmine weapons
of U.S. House Hearing 106-158
(SEE: U.S. House hearing 106-158: ;
.51. Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” directly and indirectly, have been and currently are parties
to an unlawful “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants” agreement to conceal their
identity, also known as “Nuclear Landmine Crime 'Magnet' Target' enterprises,” concealed from the
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people and nation of Saudi Arabia that proveably could lead to the nuclear crime deaths of millions
of Saudi Arabian people who could likely become nuclear crime victims at any time 'al Qaida
Nuclear Jihad' insurgents lead by Ussama bin Ladin, and anytime 'al Shura Nuclear
Jihad insurgents decide to deploy one of the several types of Radiological Nuclear Landmines
said 'al Qaida Nuclear Jihad' insurgents and 'al Shura Nuclear Jihad insurgents claim to
have aimed at aimed at “Defendants D#1 through D#17 ” that are “U.S. Military Industrial
Corporation 'Combatants” also known as “Nuclear Landmine Crime 'Magnet Target' enterprises” on
the soil of Saudi Arabia.
.52. It was as part of these conspiracies that said “Defendants D#1 through D#17 ” attempted,
conspired, aided, abeted, and agreed to commit multiple acts of Geneva Convention Nuclear
Crime violations and Nuclear Crime violations of the laws of Saudi Arabia and commit violations of
the Laws of the Holy Koran by concealing from the nation of Saudi Arabia said Nuclear Crime acts
that provably could lead to the nuclear crime deaths of millions of Saudi Arabians the soil of Saudi
Arabia .
A. “Defendants D#1 through D#17 ” are “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants”
who, jointly and severally, conspired with each other as Nuclear Crime 'Magnet' Corporations and
“enterprises” to violate the Geneva Conventions and laws of Saudi Arabia and did commit
violations of the Laws of the Holy Koran in repeated “patterns of deception and concealing
information of “Nuclear Crime” activity reported in U.S. House Hearing 106-158.
SEE: U.S. House hearing 106-158: ;
.53. And, “Defendants D#1 through D#17 ” did violate and maintain control of each of said
conspiracies to violate the Geneva Conventions and violations of the laws of Saudi Arabia and did
commit violations of the Laws of the Holy Koran in concealing mass murder attacks against
innocent men, women, and children people of Saudi Arabia .
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(SEE: U.S. House hearing 106-158: ;
.54. And, at all times relevant hereto, said “Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” “U.S. Military
Industrial Corporation 'Combatants” have attempted and conspired to violate the provisions of
Geneva Conventions and laws of Saudi Arabia and did commit violations of the Laws of the Holy
Koran by conspiring to conduct or participate, directly or indirectly, in the conduct of the affairs of
said “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants” through a “pattern of violating the Geneva
Conventions, violatiing the laws of Saudi Arabia and violating the Laws of the Holy Koran by
concealing Nuclear Crime threats and concealing Nuclear Crimes against “Defendants D#1
through D#17 ” in the nation of Saudi Arabia, thereby wrongfully endangering the nation and
people of Saudi Arabia to the increased likelihood of Nuclear Crime attack .
.55. By reason of the foregoing, each of the aforesaid Defendants has been and currently is a
party to an unlawful agreement, and each of the aforesaid Defendants, pursuant to said
agreement, has apparently agreed to maintain silence and thereby commit two or more such
predicate acts.
.56. “Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants” also
known as “Nuclear Landmine Crime 'Target Magnet' Corporations have participated in these
Nuclear War Crime criminal acts of silence at all times.”
.57. Al Shura Nuclear Jihad insurgents understood that said U.S. $50,000 Death rewards offered
by the U.S. government with support from “Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” for captured U.S.
soldier Prisoners of War were slanders and defamations of U.S. Prisoner of War life values
prohibited by the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and Geneva Protocols of 1977.
.58. After U.S. Army Pfc. Kristian Menchaca and Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker were captured in Yosifiya
during 16 June 2006, by D#18 Defendant 'al Qaida Nuclear Jihad' insurgents lead by Ussama bin
Ladin and D#19 Defendant 'al Shura Nuclear Jihad insurgents, al Shura / al Qaida Insurgents in
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the Iraq War theater, U.S. Army Pfc. Kristian Menchaca and Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker were ‘Bad Faith’
proclaimed as worth “$50,000 Rewards” by the U.S. government together with News media and,
in ‘Bad Faith,’ were denied by “Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” moral Reward life values of $25
million dollars equal to their enemies who are known to be the same Insurgent Defendants,
IP#18 Interested Partry 'al Qaida Nuclear Jihad' insurgents lead by Ussama bin Ladin,
IP#19 Interested Partry 'al Shura Nuclear Jihad insurgents, IP#20 Interested Partry al
Jimaya Nuclear Jihad Insurgents . . ., Interested Parties ..., Insurgent Defendants D#18
through D#20, who have indicated and proclaimed intent to Nuclear landmine attack “Defendants
D#1 through D#17 ,” in the nation of Saudi Arabia.
.59. During June 2006, Insurgent Defendants IP#18 Interested Partry 'al Qaida Nuclear
Jihad' insurgents lead by Ussama bin Ladin, IP#19 Interested Partry 'al Shura Nuclear
Jihad insurgents, IP#20 Interested Partry al Jimaya Nuclear Jihad Insurgents . . .,
Interested Parties ..., Insurgent Defendants D#18 through D#20, were valued at one million
dollar Reward Life Values to $25 Million Dollars by U.S. Attorney General Gonzales, which
“Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants” in the nation
of Saudi Arabia did not enlarge.
.60. During June 2006, Reward Life Values of “equal life saving $25 Million Rewards” of United
States `Counter-terrorism Funds,' were bestowed on Terrorists in Iraq but were denied to Pfc.
Kristian Menchaca and Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker; and, as a consequence of such “omissions” and
“denials” by “Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants,”
Pfc. Kristian Menchaca and Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker were mutilation-torture-murdered by al-Queda
& al-Shura Insurgents who tortured them to death during the three day period from 16 June to 19
June 2006. Said “Defendant Al-Queda & al-Shura Insurgents tortured Pfc. Kristian Menchaca and
Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker as shown in the enclosed video photos at the indicated Internet Web site
addresses and as explained in the following:
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(1) Al-Queda & al-Shura Insurgents smashed Pfc. Kristian Menchaca's and Pfc. Thomas
L. Tucker's faces to unrecognizable pulp while alive, (2) cut off their genitalia while
alive, (3) disemboweled & yanked-their-intestines-to-ground while alive, (4) amputated
their hands while alive, (5) tied Pfc. Kristian Menchaca's and Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker's
arms and legs behind motor vehicles and set their bodies on fire with gasoline while
alive, (6) then dragged them behind motor vehicles while on fire and alive, (7) then
gouged out their eyes while alive, (8) then dragged them behind motor vehicles until
their arms and legs were torn from their bodies while alive, (9) then cut their heads off
and their hearts out in their last moments of life at the end of said three days of “longterm” mutilation and torture.
SEE: Rewards for Justice, Washington, D.C.20522-0303, 1-800-877-3927;
[email protected];
.61. During the time frame from 16 June 2006 to 19 June 2006, while Pfc. Kristian Menchaca
and Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker were deliberately defamed and slandered in their life values
downward to U.S. $50,000 Death Rewards,” and denied equal $25 million Rewards by U.S.
Attorney General Gonzales and “Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” in ‘Bad Faith’ of the Geneva
Conventions, and denied to equal life-saving treatment of said United States `Counter-terrorism
Funds' of Corporation provided money sourced at Rewards for Justice, Washington, D.C.205220303, 1-800-877-3927, Pfc. Kristian Menchaca, and Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker were mutilationtorture-murdered as indicated, and “simultaneously, concurrently, and at the same time,” during
this same time frame of June-2006, as said United States Code Title 1 money was paid out of the
U.S. Treasury and paid from Rewards for Justice, Washington, D.C.20522-0303, 1-800-877-3927,
on behalf of said members of these same al Shura and al Queda Terrorist Organizations (with
membership who were U.S.Reward-life-valued at multi-millions of dollars to $25 million), these
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same U.S.mega-million dollar Reward-life-valued al Shura and al Queda Terrorist Organizations
were in-juxtaposition, “simultaneously, concurrently, and at the same time,” torture-murdering
(1) Pfc. Kristian Menchaca and (2) Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker, who were “simultaneously,
concurrently, and at the same time,” denied U.S. Attorney General Gonzales the same megamillion dollar Reward amounts bestowed by U.S. Attorney General Gonzales and
were denied the same 25 mega-million dollar Reward amounts, unchallenged,
by “Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” in the nation of Saudi Arabia , 25 mega-million dollar
Reward amounts bestowed by the U.S. on al Shura and al Queda Assassins of (1) Pfc. Kristian
Menchaca and (2) Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker.
.62. The deaths of (1) Pfc. Kristian Menchaca and (2) Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker worked to maintain
silence about the Nuclear Landmine shipments from Iraq to Saudi Arabia claimed by 'al Qaida
Nuclear Jihad' insurgents lead by Ussama bin Ladin and 'al Shura Nuclear Jihad insurgents.
.63. Claimants, the family of Kristian Vasquez Menchaca, have been wrongfully thwarted and
denied at every turn by the United States District Court system from filing a Geneva Convention
“CRIME TORT” lawsuit against the 'al Qaida Nuclear Jihad' insurgents lead by Ussama bin Ladin
and 'al Shura Nuclear Jihad insurgents who barbarically murdered PFC Kristian Menchaca and PFC
Thomas Tucker in Yosifiya, Iraq, 2006; and Claimants, the family of Kristian Vasquez Menchaca,
have been wrongfully thwarted and denied at every turn by the United States District Court
system from filing a Geneva Convention “CRIME TORT” lawsuit against those in the U.S. Executive
Branch who, in violation of Geneva Conventions, contributed to defaming and slandering PFC
Kristian Menchaca's reward life value while he was most vulnerable as a disarmed Prisoner of War
in Iraq.
. . . SEE: "U.S. Judge Gray Miller, accessory to Geneva Convention War Crimes against
U.S.Troops," :
. . . SEE: Rewards for Justice, Washington , D.C.20522-0303, 1-800-877-3927;
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[email protected];
.64. Claimants have been wrongfully and corruptly thwarted by U.S. Courts from filing a lawsuit
against those who shared in the “Bad Faith” wrongdoings and errors associated with PFC Kristian
Menchaca's death.
.65. “Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants” also
known as “Nuclear Landmine Crime 'Target Magnet' Corporations,” owe multi-billion dollar
damages to the people and nation of Saudi Arabia and owe at least 3 to 8 Billion dollars damages
to the Kristian Vasquez Menchaca Family Claimants by reason of following facts:
.66. According to U.S. House Hearing 106-158 and U.S. Army interrogation records of U.S. Army
interviews, early 2006, with captured 'al Qaida Nuclear Jihad' insurgents and 'al Shura Nuclear
Jihad insurgents, said “Defendants D#1 through D#17 ” who are “U.S. Military Industrial
Corporation 'Combatants” are currently under threat or have been attacked with unexploded
Nuclear Landmine “Stealth” weapons in the nation of Saudi Arabia that are not visible to the
naked eye when concealed. And, “Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” “U.S. Military Industrial
Corporation 'Combatants” are threatened with imminent Nuclear Landmine War Crime annihilation
explosions in violation of the laws of Saudi Arabia and also in violation of the Geneva Conventions
of 1949, and in violation of the Geneva Protocols of 1977, and in violation of the Laws of The Holy
Koran and in violation of laws related to the International criminal Court Rome Statute, Article .15,
under which the International Criminal Court (ICC) operates.
.67. By reason of the fact that “Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” “U.S. Military Industrial
Corporation 'Combatants” are currently in violation of the laws of the Holy Koran, the government
of Saudi Arabia has jurisdiction of these War Crime matters and has further jurisdiction under
those laws set forth in the Koran by Mohammed regarding treatment of “Prisoners of War.”
.68. “Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants” are U.S.
Military Industrial Complex Corporations operating within the military interests and war-making
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capability of the government of the United States as U.S. war-machine component parts
functioning in the nation of Saudi Arabia and also operating as parts of the United States Military
machine in Iraq, where Defendants “Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” “U.S. Military Industrial
Corporation 'Combatants” supply motor vehicles and petroleum to U.S. Military forces fighting
Muslim Fundamentalist Groups identified as 'al Qaida Nuclear Jihad' lead by Ussama bin Ladin,
and 'al Shura Nuclear Jihad.
.69. Muslim Fundamentalist Groups identified as 'al Qaida Nuclear Jihad' lead by Ussama bin
Ladin, and 'al Shura Nuclear Jihad. formerly lead by Abu al Masri (Masri reported as deceased)
and led by Muslim Fundamentalist Groups known as al Jamiya, and lead by other Muslim
Fundamentalist Groups in the Nations of Iraq and Afghanistan have declared war against all U.S.
Corporation presence in all Muslim countries governed by the laws of the Koran and have
therefore targeted U.S. Corporation owned property and Coalition-Corporation owned property for
explosion-demolition attack to damage U.S. Military supplies facilitated through or originating in
Muslim countries, such as Saudi Arabia , Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and so forth, shipped to the U.S.
Expeditionary War efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan.
.70. “Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants” are
identified as “Nuclear attack” target magnets, which Muslim Fundamentalist Groups at war with
the United States claim they will destroy as effectively as al Qaida destroyed the U.S. world Trade
Center in New York by reason of the fact that “Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” “U.S. Military
Industrial Corporation 'Combatants” provide petroleum and equipment to fuel the U.S.
Expeditionary Force at War against these same Nuclear Jihad Muslim Fundamentalist Groups in
the Nations of Iraq and Afghanistan.
.71. During U.S. Army 101st Airborne Division operations in Iraq of the year 2006, Pfc. Kristian
Menchaca and Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker were present as witnesses on several occassions when
captured al-Shura / al-Qaida Nuclear Jihad Terrorists informed their U.S. Army 101st Airborne
Division captors that several U.S. Corporations and Coalition Corporations including “Defendants
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D#1 through D#17 ,” “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants” were targeted for
“Nuclear attack” by Muslim Fundamentalist Groups who planned to conceal Nuclear landmine
weapons on the soil of Saudi Arabia while targeting the explosion blast and radiological radius of
said Nuclear Landmine weapons to destroy said “Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” “U.S. Military
Industrial Corporation 'Combatants” inside the nation of Saudi Arabia.
SEE: Nuclear Landmine weapons of U.S. House Hearing 106-158: ;
.72. “Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants” are U.S.
Military Industrial Complex Corporations and are “target magnets” for concealed Nuclear landmine
weapons and were most criminally wrongful in not notifying the government and people of Saudi
Arabia that Defendants are a “target magnet” for concealed Nuclear landmine weapons, which
the United Nations International Court of Justice, during 1996, identified and condemned as a
“Nuclear Landmine War Crime” weapon and condemned deployment of said Nuclear Landmine
weapons concealed in any country as a “War Crime.”
.73. Thus, the government of Saudi Arabia has Geneva Convention jurisdiction of War Crime
issues targeted against the Nation of Saudi Arabia aided and abetted by “Defendants D#1
through D#17 ,” “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants” also known as “Nuclear
Landmine Crime 'Target Magnet' Corporations.”
.74. And, the U.N. International Criminal Court and the U.N. International Criminal Court have
jurisdiction of these Nuclear Landmine “deployment” War Crime matters aimed against the Nation
of Saudi Arabia .
.75. “Defendants D#1 through D#17 ” who are “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants”
who are under threat with unexploded Nuclear Landmine “Stealth” weapons in the nation of Saudi
Arabia as alleged by said 'Al Qaida' and 'al Shura Nuclear Jihad Militia Groups who claim to have
targeted radiological “Stealth” Nuclear Landmines aimed at “Defendants D#1 through D#17 ” who
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are are “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants” and “Defendants D#1 through D#17 ”
claim to have targeted “Stealth” Nuclear landmines at the addresses other U.S. “Military Industrial
Complex Corporations” (see list at Appendix 2, herein) and said 'Al Qaida' and 'al Shura Nuclear
Jihad Militia Groups claim to have have targeted “Stealth” Nuclear landmines at Coalition
Corporations owning and operating bases of business on the soil of Saudi Arabia . SEE: Hiroshima
Nuclear Bomb Damage Photos: ;
Also SEE: U.S. House hearing 106-158: ;
.76. On reasonable information and belief, Claimants allege that according to statements of
captured Terrorist Insurgents to U.S. Army 101st. Airborne Military Intelligence, (1) unexploded
Nuclear Landmine “Stealth” weapons are offensively targeted at Saudi Arabian soil to “Nuclear
Crime” attack “Defendants D#1 through D#17 ” who are “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation
'Combatants” and (2) unexploded Nuclear Landmine “Stealth” weapons are offensively targeted at
Saudi Arabian soil to “Nuclear Crime” attack other U.S. “Military Industrial Complex Corporations”
and (3) unexploded Nuclear Landmine “Stealth” weapons are offensively targeted to “Nuclear
Crime” attack Coalition Corporations on Saudi Arabian soil.
SEE: U.S. House hearing 106-158: ;
.77. Claimants allege that if Nuclear Landmines are eventually exploded on Saudi Arabian soil,
the “Nuclear Crime” blast and radiological damage will catastrophically destroy large areas of the
nation of Saudi Arabia and make them radiological Uranium wastelands too dangerous to support
human life or support any life, whatsoever.
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.78. The potentials for such horrifying “Nuclear Crime” damage do shock the human conscience
beyond words to describe said “Nuclear Crimes.”
SEE: Hiroshima Nuclear Bomb Damage Photos: ;
.79. There are several nuclear landmine types including fissile and radiological as described in
U.S. House Hearing 106-158 ( SEE: ;
dbname=106_house_hearings&docid=f:66968.wais ) alleged by al Shura / al Qaida Terrorist
Insurgents as targeted at Saudi Arabian soil to “Nuclear Crime” attack “Defendants D#1
through D#17 ,” who are “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants” and targeted at
Saudi Arabian soil to “Nuclear Crime” attack other U.S. “Military Industrial Complex
Corporations” doing business in the Nation of Saudi Arabia and to “Nuclear Crime” attack
Coalition Corporations on Saudi Arabian soil that are members of the U.S. Military expeditions
currently fighting wars against al Shura / al Qaida Terrorist Insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan.
.80. “Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants” and the
government of the United States have behaved wrongfully by not forewarning the nation of Saudi
Arabia of the nuclear landmine attack information revealed in U.S. House Hearing 106-158
as said nuclear landmine information reveals Nuclear crime information that “Defendants D#1
through D#17 ,” “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants” and al-Shura / al-Qaida
Nuclear Jihad Terrorists have wrongfully concealed from the nation and people of Saudi Arabia .
SEE: ;
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SEE: ;
.81. The well-informed “Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation
'Combatants” and, the government of the United States have behaved wrongfully by not
forewarning the nation of Saudi Arabia of planned and threatened nuclear landmine attacks
against the nation of Saudi Arabia described by captured al-Shura / al-Qaida Nuclear Jihad
Terrorists who were interviewed by U.S. Army 101st Airborne Division captors during the first
months of 2006 in the U.S. 101st Airborne Division areas of operation in Iraq.
.82. During May 2006, while home on “Military leave,” before he was later captured in Iraq, June
2006, by al-Shura / al-Qaida Nuclear Jihad Terrorists and tortured to death, PFC Kristian
Menchaca explained to Claimant MacKenzie that PFC Kristian Menchaca was present at several
U.S. Army interrogations of captured al-Shura / al-Qaida Nuclear Jihad Terrorists who claimed that
al-Shura / al-Qaida Nuclear Landmines had been “stealth” targeted inside the nation of Saudi
Arabia and “stealth” concealed inside other foreign countries, including Europe, wherein al-Shura /
al-Qaida Nuclear Landmines had been “stealth” concealed targeting “U.S. Military Industrial
Complex Corporations” that have large multi-billion dollar business holdings inside several other
foreign countries.
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CHAPTER 5 . . .
Radiological landmines on the soil of Saudi Arabia aimed at U.S. Corporation
Nuclear 'Target Magnets' . . . equivalent to the 20 kiloton Russian RA115 . . .
described in U.S. House hearing 106-158 . . . same Radiological damage as U.S.
Nuclear bombs inflicted on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan during World War Two.
.83. Moreover, during May 2006, while home on Military “leave,” PFC Kristian Menchaca also
explained to Claimant Kenneth MacKenzie (PFC Kristian Menchaca's Uncle relative) that PFC
Kristian Menchaca was present at several U.S. Army interrogations of captured Nuclear Jihad
Terrorists who claimed that al-Shura / al-Qaida Nuclear Landmines had been also been targeted
and / or concealed inside Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan against “U.S. Military Industrial
Corporation 'Combatants” , during years prior to early 2006. Claimants say that the Radiological
contamination from a concealed al-Shura / al-Qaida Nuclear Radiological landmine on the soil of
Saudi Arabia aimed at U.S. Corporation Nuclear 'Target Magnets' would be equivalent to the 20
kiloton Russian RA115 or U.S. MADM Nuclear Landmine described in U.S. House hearing 106-158
and will inflict the same Radiological damage as the U.S. Nuclear bombs inflicted on Hiroshima
and Nagasaki, Japan during World War Two.
.84. Claimant Kenneth MacKenzie, Uncle of Kristian Menchaca, was eyewitness to Kristian
Menchaca's testimony regarding Kristian Menchaca's explained presence at said interrogations of
captured al-Shura / al-Qaida Nuclear Jihad Terrorists by U.S. Army 101st Airborne Division captors
during the early months of 2006, in the U.S. 101st Airborne Division areas of operation in Iraq
during the early 2006 time frame.
.85. In fact, it was well publicized in the news media and in the internet that Abu al Masri, the alShura Nuclear Jihad terrorist who tortured PFC Kristian Menchaca and PFC Thomas Tucker to
death, did call for a Nuclear Jihad in al Masri's subsequent news media videos to al Jazeera Middle
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East News Media while celebrating the deaths of PFC Kristian Menchaca and PFC Thomas Tucker.
SEE: : Abu Ayyub al-Masri, “also known as”:
“Abu Hamza al-Muhajir” Also SEE:
.86. Abu al Masri refered to Nuclear Radiological landmines that, when interviewed by U.S. Army
101st Airborne Division captors during the first months of 2006, al-Shura / al-Qaida Nuclear Jihad
Terrorists revealed had been targeted at U.S. “Military Industrial Complex Corporations” that have
large multi-billion dollar business holdings in said foreign countries, such as Saudi Arabia.
.87. WHEREFORE: In the interest of justice, in the interest of Claimants, and in the interest of
discovering Nuclear Landmine attacks against “Defendants D#1 through D#17,” Claimants request
Royal Executive Decree that the government of Saudi Arabia or Court make provision for a special
counsel to address the issues of all included said violations of the Geneva conventions, The Laws
of Saudi Arabia, and the Laws of The Holy Koran. Plaintiffs make no monetary or damage claim for
themselves against IP#18 Interested Partry 'al Qaida Nuclear Jihad' insurgents lead by
Ussama bin Ladin, IP#19 Interested Partry 'al Shura Nuclear Jihad insurgents, IP#20
Interested Partry al Jimaya Nuclear Jihad Insurgents . . ., Interested Parties
.88. Claimants request: a Royal Executive Decree or a Court Order that all the areas near All
“Defendants D#1 through D#17 ” properties in the nation of Saudi Arabia be Roentgen or Geiger
counted daily for the presence of Nuclear Isotope Pollution to detect the presence of a radiological
attack against all “Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” and the results be reported in the news Media
of Saudi Arabia , costs of such Roentgen or Geiger count paid by all “Defendants D#1 through
D#17 ”
.89. Claimants request: an Executive Decree or a Court Order that all Saudi Arabian persons
residing within the Radiological contamination range of several miles of any property owned by
“Defendants D#1 through D#17 ” be forewarned of the possibility of a nuclear attack against
“Defendants D#1 through D#17 ” and all said Saudi Arabian persons be assisted to move away
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from their residences to a safer area of Saudi Arabia and the expenses of all said moves to a safer
area be paid by “Defendants D#1 through D#17 ” who must pay for an equivalent house structure
equal to the fair market value of the house vacated by all all said Saudi Arabian persons assisted
to move away from their residences to a safer area of Saudi Arabia and further that “Defendants
D#1 through D#17 ” must pay all reasonable moving expenses to remove the furniture from the
abandoned previous home to the new home and pay such other expenses deemed reasonable.
.90. Claimants request: an a Royal Executive Decree or Court Order that addresses the issues
regarding U.S. troops in the Muslim Nation of Iraq making efforts to intercept Nuclear Landmines
in Iraq that are being shipped en route to attack “Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” “U.S. Military
Industrial Corporation 'Combatants” in the nation of Saudi Arabia that are a “target magnet” for
concealed Nuclear Landmine weapons being shipped from Iraq aboard ocean-going ships or
aircraft from Iraq to Saudi Arabia, which Nuclear Landmine weapons, the United Nations
International Court of Justice, during 1996, identified as a “Nuclear Landmine War Crime” weapon
and condemned deployment of said Nuclear Landmine weapons shipped to or concealed in any
country as “War Crimes.” Said Executive Decree or Court Order provide a Reward and Ransom
fund of $10 billion U.S. dollars to offer Rewards and Ransoms for “captured U.S. soldier prisoners
of War in Iraq” equal to said $25 million dollar Rewards and Ransoms advertised as a life saving
reward value for Usama bin Ladin.
.91. Claimants request: an an Executive Decree or Court Order that requires “Defendants D#1
through D#17 ,” 'U.S. Military Industrial Private Corporation 'Combatants,' to pay rewards for
recovery of stolen Russian RA115 Nuclear Landmines and other Nuclear Landmines aimed at
“Defendants D#1 through D#17 who are Private Corporations in the nation of Saudi Arabia and in
the nations of Iraq and Afghanistan; and, “Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” pay rewards for
recovery of stolen Russian RA115 Nuclear Landmines and pay for recovery of other Nuclear
Landmines aimed at “Defendants D#1 through D#17 that are negotiable at the “black market
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price of $250 million dollars for each structurally complete fissile Nuclear Landmine recovered
essentially intact with its Nuclear core charge in place.
.92. Claimants request: an Executive Decree or Court Order that requires Defendants pay for
efforts to intercept Nuclear Landmines sent from Iraq that are being shipped en route to attack
“Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants,” operating
large business properties in Saudi Arabia , which are “target magnets” for concealed Nuclear
Landmine weapons being shipped from Iraq aboard ocean going ships or being flown aboard
aircraft from Iraq to Saudi Arabia. Deployment of said Nuclear Landmine weapons shipped to or
concealed in any country was described by the United Nations International Court of Justice,
during 1996, as “Nuclear Landmine War Crimes.”
.93. Claimants request: an Executive or Court order that “Defendants #1 through #17 post
Rewards of $25 Million for each U.S. soldier captured in Iraq and Afghanistan to supplement the
insufficient United States proclaimed “Fifty-Thousand-Dollar ($50,000)Death-Sentence Rewards”
against Terrorist-captured U.S. Soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan who are currently involved in
combat operations protecting “Defendants #1 through #17 from Nuclear Landmine attack
launched by al Shura Nuclear Jihad Militia snd al Qaida Nuclear Jihad Militia against “Defendant #1
through #17 business address properties inside the nation of Saudi Arabia , which Nuclear Crime
attacks would catastrophically destroy the lives of millions of Saudi Arabian people and damage
the nation of Saudi Arabia . Said Executive Decree or Court Order would provide a Reward and
Ransom fund of $10 billion U.S. dollars paid by U.S. “Defendants D#1 through D#17 ,” to offer
increased Rewards and Ransoms for “captured U.S. soldier prisoners of War in Iraq” to become
Reward equal to captured terrorists, such as Ussama Bin Ladin, who is advertised at a U.S.
publicized $25 Million 'life saving' reward. Insufficient “U.S. $50,000 Rewards,” manipulated by the
U.S.“Defendants D#1 through D#17 ” who are“U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants,”
do become “$50,000 Torture-Death Rewards,” widely known to be “$50,000 Death sentence
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Rewards” of 500 times less life value than terrorist enemies of Saudi Arabia. A Reward and
Ransom fund of $10 billion U.S. dollars to offer increased Rewards and Ransoms for “captured
U.S. soldier prisoners of War in Iraq will save lives of U.S. soldiers who are currently combating al
Shura's and al Qaida's efforts to ship Nuclear Landmines to attack “U.S. Defendants D#1 through
D#17 ,” “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatants,” in the nation of Saudi Arabia .
.94. Claimants request: a Royal Executive Order or Court order for a Reward and Ransom fund
of $10 billion U.S. dollars to make available increased Rewards and Ransoms for “captured U.S.
soldier prisoners of War in Iraq who are combating the al Shura / al Qaida deployment and
shipping from Iraq of said 'Nuclear War Crime Landmine weapons' to the nation of Saudi Arabia
to attack “Defendants D#1 through D#17 ” in Mecca, Saudi Arabia and to 'Nuclear War Crime
'attack “Defendants D#1 through D#17 ” in other areas of Saudi Arabia. The government of the
United States, former U.S. Attorney General Gonzales and current U.S. Attorney General Michael
Mukasey, has treacherously refused to value and protect captured U.S. Soldiers equal to the $25
million Dollar life value of Terrorists; and, because of said $25,000,000 Reward, all 100% of
Terrorists valued at mega millions who have been captured in Iraq have survived capture to
remain alive, while said captured U.S. $50,000 Dollar low-value U.S. Soldiers have been tortured
to Death. Those captured U.S. soldiers who knew of the al Shura and al Qaida shipping of
Radiological Landmines comprised of Uranium/Radium ore tailings from open pit Uranium mines in
Iran to Iraq to Saudi Arabia to attack U.S. Defendants D#1 through D#17, in the nation of
Saudi Arabia were tortured to death when captured by al Qaida.
. . . A. Said U.S. proclaimed low life value, insufficient U.S. $50,000 Dollar Rewards, alongside
U.S. $25 million offered on behalf of Terrorists, do indicate that the U.S. government is
operating a deliberate manipulation of low and insufficient Reward offers in the U.S.
government expectation that by offering low Reward sums for “captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of
War in Iraq, somehow the Jihadist Insurgents will manage to kill “captured U.S. soldier Prisoners
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of War in Iraq because the rewards are so slanderously and shamefully low, insufficient, and
unbalanced that said $50,000 Rewards are more death sentences than they are rewards. This is
proven by the fact that all one hundred per cent of captured $50,000 U.S. Soldier Prisoners
of War in Iraq have been tortured to death and murdered by their Terrorist captors. These
'$50,000 death sentence rewards' were created and inflicted on captured $50,000 U.S. Soldier
Prisoners of War in Iraq by the U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, a War Criminal,
and U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey, another War Criminal, whose infliction of
these '$50,000 death sentence rewards' appear to have been manipulated to silence
captured $50,000 U.S. Soldier Prisoners of War who were informed of the U.S. Military
Intelligence that said Nuclear terrorists were transporting lethal Uranium/Radium ore tailings
from open pit Uranium mines in Iran to Iraq, thence to Saudi Arabia .
.95. Claimants request: an Executive Order or Court order, in the interests of justice, that all
causes of action and all issues in this Complaint be heard and tried in courts of Saudi Arabia.
.96. Claimants request: an Executive Order or Court order retaining jurisdiction in the Nation of
Saudi Arabia for purpose of assuring that defendants comply in all respects with the orders of the
Saudi Arabia government.
.97. Claimants request: a judgment, to be made and entered upon the conclusion of the trial
of this action, declaring the rights of the parties.
.98. CLAIMANTS REQUEST MONETARY RELIEF: War Crime victim Claimants repeat and
reallege each and every allegation contained in foregoing paragraphs as if set forth fully herein
and further request monetary relief as follows:
.99. that the Saudi Arabia Government take administrative action or Court action to award War
Crime victim Claimants #3, The People and Nation of Saudi Arabia (listed as War Crime
victim Claimants ) against All Defendants D#1 through D#17 , -- D#1 Defendant Citicorp,
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Saudi Arabia ; D#2 Defendant Chase Manhattan Bank, Saudi Arabia; D#3 "Morgan
Stanley Saudi Arabia" {represented by (1) debt collector Counsel Mann Braken LLP of Counsel; by (2)
debt collector Counsel Wolpoff & Abramson, Eskanos & Adler of Counsel ; by (3) debt collector Counsel
Freedman, Anselmo, Lindberg & Rappe LLC of Counsel}, "Morgan Stanley Saudi Arabia" in partnership
with 'The Capital Group {“TCG”},' Saudi Arabia; ; D#4 Defendant First Union Bank, Saudi
Arabia; D#5 Defendant Bank of New York, Saudi Arabia; D#6 Defendant Bank of America, Inc.,
Saudi Arabia; D#7 Defendant JP Morgan Chase, Saudi Arabia ; D#8 Defendant CITICORP,
Saudi Arabia; D#9 Defendant Hilton Hotels, Saudi Arabia; D#10 Defendant Marriot Hotels,
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia ; D#11 Defendant FORD, Saudi Arabia (auto & truck sales) ; D#12
Defendant Daimler Chrysler (auto & truck sales), Saudi Arabia; D#13 Defendant General Motors
(auto & truck sales), Saudi Arabia; D#14 Defendant Chevron-Texaco, Caltex Overseas Limited S
A. Po Box 8939 21492 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (heavy industry); D#15 Defendant DU PONT, Saudi
Arabia (heavy industry); D#16 Defendant Halliburton (Hanifa), P.O. Box 3474, Khobar 31953,
Saudi Arabia (heavy industry); D#17 Defendant Conoco Phillips/Chevron Phillips Company ,
Saudi Arabia (heavy industry) and each of them, each, and jointly and severally, the following
(1.) Monetary relief, Wrongful and Criminal “Nuclear Crime Death Threat” damages, general
damages, and special damages in excess of $1,000,000,000,000 U.S. dollars (One Trillion dollars,
U.S.) suffered by Claimant #3, the Saudi Arabia Government (listed as Claimant' War Crime
victims), the exact amount to be proven at trial, plus interest thereon; (2.) For prejudgement
interests at the maximum legal rate on all damage awards and Attorney fees to the the Saudi
Arabia Government and to Claimant Kenneth macKenzie and Claimant cesar Menchaca; (3.) For
interest, cost, and disbursements of this action; (4.) For reasonable Attorney's fees to the
government of Saudi Arabia and to Claimant Kenneth MacKenzie and to Claimant Cesar
Menchaca and expert witness fees to Claimant #1. Kenneth MacKenzie, Uncle of Kristian
Menchaca, and to Claimant #2. Cesar Vasquez Menchaca; and to Claimant #3, the government of
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Saudi Arabia (listed as Claimant War Crime victims) (5.) For such other and further relief as the
court deems just and proper; (6.) For reasonable Attorney's fees and expert witness fees; (7.)
For punitive damages , plus interest thereon;
.100. that the government of Saudi Arabia take Royal administrative action or Court action to
award War Crime victim Claimants #3, the Nation of of Saudi Arabia
(listed as War Crime
victim Claimants ) against All Defendants D#1 through D#17 , -- D#1 Defendant Citicorp,
Saudi Arabia ; D#2 Defendant Chase Manhattan Bank, Saudi Arabia; D#3 "Morgan
Stanley Saudi Arabia" {represented by (1) debt collector Counsel Mann Braken LLP of Counsel; by (2)
debt collector Counsel Wolpoff & Abramson, Eskanos & Adler of Counsel ; by (3) debt collector Counsel
Freedman, Anselmo, Lindberg & Rappe LLC of Counsel}, "Morgan Stanley Saudi Arabia" in partnership
with 'The Capital Group {“TCG”},' Saudi Arabia; D#4 Defendant First Union Bank, Saudi Arabia;
D#5 Defendant Bank of New York, Saudi Arabia; D#6 Defendant Bank of America, Inc., Saudi
Arabia; D#7 Defendant JP Morgan Chase, Saudi Arabia ; D#8 Defendant CITICORP, Saudi
Arabia; D#9 Defendant Hilton Hotels, Saudi Arabia; D#10 Defendant Marriot Hotels, Jeddah,
Saudi Arabia ; D#11 Defendant FORD, Saudi Arabia (auto & truck sales) ; D#12 Defendant
Daimler Chrysler (auto & truck sales), Saudi Arabia; D#13 Defendant General Motors (auto &
truck sales), Saudi Arabia; D#14 Defendant Chevron-Texaco, Caltex Overseas Limited S A. Po Box
8939 21492 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (heavy industry); D#15 Defendant DU PONT, Saudi Arabia
(heavy industry); D#16 Defendant Halliburton (Hanifa), P.O. Box 3474, Khobar 31953, Saudi
Arabia (heavy industry); D#17 Defendant Conoco Phillips/Chevron Phillips Company , Saudi
Arabia (heavy industry), and each of them, each, and jointly and severally, the following : (1.)
that until “All U.S. Defendants D#1 through D#17 ” -- D#1 Defendant Citicorp, Saudi
Arabia ; D#2 Defendant Chase Manhattan Bank, Saudi Arabia; D#3 "Morgan Stanley Saudi
Arabia" {represented by (1) debt collector Counsel Mann Braken LLP of Counsel; by (2) debt collector
Counsel Wolpoff & Abramson, Eskanos & Adler of Counsel ; by (3) debt collector Counsel Freedman,
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Anselmo, Lindberg & Rappe LLC of Counsel}, "Morgan Stanley Saudi Arabia" in partnership with 'The
Capital Group {“TCG”},' Saudi Arabia; ; D#4 Defendant First Union Bank, Saudi Arabia; D#5
Defendant Bank of New York, Saudi Arabia; D#6 Defendant Bank of America, Inc., Saudi
Arabia; D#7 Defendant JP Morgan Chase, Saudi Arabia ; D#8 Defendant CITICORP, Saudi
Arabia; D#9 Defendant Hilton Hotels, Saudi Arabia; D#10 Defendant Marriot Hotels, Jeddah,
Saudi Arabia ; D#11 Defendant FORD, Saudi Arabia (auto & truck sales) ; D#12 Defendant
Daimler Chrysler (auto & truck sales), Saudi Arabia; D#13 Defendant General Motors (auto &
truck sales), Saudi Arabia; D#14 Defendant Chevron-Texaco, Caltex Overseas Limited S A. Po Box
8939 21492 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (heavy industry); D#15 Defendant DU PONT, Saudi Arabia
(heavy industry); D#16 Defendant Halliburton (Hanifa), P.O. Box 3474, Khobar 31953, Saudi
Arabia (heavy industry); D#17 Defendant Conoco Phillips/Chevron Phillips Company , Saudi
Arabia (heavy industry) --
are able to VOLUNTARILY divest themselves of all interest and
ownership of all their property in the nation of Saudi Arabia within reasonable time to save the
lives of millions of Saudi Arabia War Crime victim Claimants who could likely be mass-murdered
by Nuclear War Crime attacks as described herein, “All Defendants D#1 through D#17 ”
immediately post "Nuclear Crime liability insurance" or surety of $1,000,000,000,000 U.S.
dollars (One Trillion dollars, U.S.) to cover (1) Monetary relief, Wrongful and Criminal “Nuclear
Crime Death Threat” damages, general damages, and special damages in excess of
$1,000,000,000,000 U.S. dollars (One Trillion dollars, U.S.) that may be suffered by War Crime
victim Claimants #3, the Nation of Saudi Arabia (listed as War Crime victim Claimants ), the exact
amount to be proven at trial, plus interest thereon; (2.) For pre-judgment interests at the
maximum legal rate on all damage awards and award Attorney fees to the Minister of Justice for
Saudi Arabia and Attorney Fees to War Crime victim Claimant Kenneth MacKenzie and War Crime
victim Claimant Cesar Menchaca ; (3.) For interest, cost, and disbursements of this action; (4.)
For reasonable Attorney's fees to the Attorneys of Saudi Arabia and to War Crime victim Claimant
Kenneth MacKenzie and to War Crime victim Claimant Cesar Menchaca and expert witness fees to
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War Crime victim Claimant #1. Kenneth MacKenzie, Uncle of Kristian Menchaca, and to War Crime
victim Claimant #2 Cesar Vasquez Menchaca; (5.) For such other and further relief as the court
deems just and proper; (6.) For reasonable Attorney's fees and expert witness fees; (7.) For
punitive damages , plus interest thereon;
.101. that in compensation for violations of the Geneva Conventions, violations of the laws of
Saudi Arabia and violations of those laws set forth in the Koran by Mohamed regarding treatment
of “Prisoners of War, the Court award to Claimant #1. Kenneth MacKenzie, Uncle of Kristian
Menchaca, and award to Claimant #2.Cesar Vasquez Menchaca against All Defendants D#1
through D#17 -- D#1 Defendant Citicorp, Saudi Arabia ; D#2 Defendant Chase
Manhattan Bank, Saudi Arabia; D#3 "Morgan Stanley Saudi Arabia" {represented by (1) debt
collector Counsel Mann Braken LLP of Counsel; by (2) debt collector Counsel Wolpoff & Abramson,
Eskanos & Adler of Counsel ; by (3) debt collector Counsel Freedman, Anselmo, Lindberg & Rappe LLC of
Counsel}, "Morgan Stanley Saudi Arabia" in partnership with 'The Capital Group {“TCG”},' Saudi
Arabia; ; D#4 Defendant First Union Bank, Saudi Arabia; D#5 Defendant Bank of New York,
Saudi Arabia; D#6 Defendant Bank of America, Inc., Saudi Arabia; D#7 Defendant JP Morgan
Chase, Saudi Arabia ; D#8 Defendant CITICORP, Saudi Arabia; D#9 Defendant Hilton Hotels,
Saudi Arabia; D#10 Defendant Marriot Hotels, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia ; D#11 Defendant FORD,
Saudi Arabia (auto & truck sales) ; D#12 Defendant Daimler Chrysler (auto & truck sales), Saudi
Arabia; D#13 Defendant General Motors (auto & truck sales), Saudi Arabia; D#14 Defendant
Chevron-Texaco, Caltex Overseas Limited S A. Po Box 8939 21492 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (heavy
industry); D#15 Defendant DU PONT, Saudi Arabia (heavy industry); D#16 Defendant
Halliburton (Hanifa), P.O. Box 3474, Khobar 31953, Saudi Arabia (heavy industry); D#17
Defendant Conoco Phillips/Chevron Phillips Company , Saudi Arabia (heavy industry), Insurgent
Defendants and each of them, each, and jointly and severally, the following:
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(1.) Monetary relief, Wrongful death, general, and special damages in excess of $8,000,000,000,
(eight billion dollars, U.S.) suffered by Claimant #1. Kenneth MacKenzie, Uncle of Kristian
Menchaca, and suffered by Claimant #2.Cesar Vasquez Menchaca , the exact amount to be proven
at trial, plus interest thereon; (2.) For pre-judgement interests at the maximum legal rate on all
damage awards and Attorney fees; (3.) For interests, cost, and disbursements of this action;
( 4.) For reasonable Attorney's fees to theMinister of Justice of Saudi Arabia and reasonable
Attorney's fees to War Crime victim Claimant Kenneth MacKenzie and to War Crime victim
Claimant Cesar Menchaca and expert witness fees to War Crime victim Claimants #1. Kenneth
MacKenzie, Uncle of Kristian Menchaca, and to War Crime victim Claimant #2.Cesar Vasquez
Menchaca. (5.) For such other and further relief as the court deems just and proper; (6.) For
reasonable Attorney's fees and expert witness fees; (7.) For punitive damages , plus interest
.102. that the Court award Plaintiffs against the Defendants and each of them, jointly
and severally, the following:
(1.) Monetary relief, general, and special damages to include $10,000,000,000 (Ten Billion
Dollars) to be held in Private Enterprise Banks as reward funds. Said $10,000,000,000 (Ten Billion
Dollars) to be used exclusively for payment of “life-rewards” for return alive of captured U.S.
soldiers at $25 million each, immediately offered over world news media, within hours on the day
of capture, and paid within hours on the day of capture, without delay, until all war hostilities have
ended, and special bank arrangements be made for rapid transfer of any and all reward amounts
be made to speed transfer of $25 million dollar reward amounts to whichever country is
designated as a destination for reward payments;(2.) For prejudgment interests at the maximum
legal rate on all damage awards and Attorney fees; (3.) For interests, cost, and disbursements of
this action; ( 4.) For reasonable Attorney's fees to the Minister of Justice for Saudi Arabia and
reasonable Attorney's fees to War Crime victim Claimant Kenneth MacKenzie and to War
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Crime victim Claimant Cesar Menchaca and expert witness fees to War Crime victim
Claimant #1. Kenneth MacKenzie, Uncle of Kristian Menchaca, and to War Crime victim
Claimant #2. Cesar Vasquez Menchaca. (5.) For such other and further relief as the court deems
just and proper; (6.) For reasonable Attorney's fees and expert witness fees; (7.) For punitive
damages , plus interest thereon;
Dated: 19 January 2009
Claimants’ type-printed-signature names are also submitted as Claimants’ authorization that their
type-printed-signatures, herein, are intended by them to suffice the same as their hand-written
signature names on this document, should their hand-written names be inadvertently omitted by
any one of them on this document, which is submitted electronically:
Claimant’s type-printed-signature name: Kenneth W. MacKenzie,
Claimant’s Electronic signature signed name: S/ Kenneth W. MacKenzie,
Claimant’s hand-signature signed name: S/Kenneth W. MacKenzie,
Claimant’s type-printed-signature name: Cesar Menchaca,
Claimant’s Electronic signature signed name: S/Cesar Menchaca
Claimant’s hand-signature signed name: S/Cesar Menchaca
APPENDIX 1, 'Nuclear Crime' letter to Saudi arabia.
19 Jan 2009
SUBJECT: Qui-Tam War Crime Claim and Complaint litigation to the Attorneys General / Ministers
of Justice in Middle East countries
. . . .1. WAR CRIME CLAIM: Potential of Radiological Contamination of Holy Kaaba & Radiological
Contamination of 3.5 million HAJJ PILGRIMS in Meccah, Saudi Arabia : A War Crime Claim against
U.S. Attorney General Mukasey & former U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales
. . . .2. WAR CRIME court venue: U.S. Court Case H-08-60 filed in U.N. INTERNATIONAL
CRIMINAL COURT, (ICC, Prosecutor, Case # OTP-CR-100/08, PO Box 19519, 2500 CM, The Hague,
The Netherlands, email [email protected] , : (1) U.S. business targets in Monaco, Vatican, & France, Europe,
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potential victims of Nuclear Contamination Crimes : 'Nuclear-Crime' Contamination of Holy Kaaba
& 3.5 million HAJJ PILGRIMS in Maccah, 2008:
. . . .FROM: Plaintiff Kenneth MacKenzie, Uncle of PFC Kristian Vasquez Menchaca, H. Phone:
713-225-0123 ; Cell : 281 684 6028 ; [email protected] ; U.S. Court Case H-0860; eBook titles : ;
Screen Play : ;
© 1997, 2004, 2005
. . . .TO: Minister of Justice, Dr Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Ibrahim Al Al-Sheikh,
Ministry of JusticeUniversity Street, Riyadh 11137 Tel: 405 7777 / 405 5399
Information/Press Office: (202) 337-4076 ; e-mail: [email protected]
. . . . TO: HRH Prince Mohamed Al Faisal Al Saud, Care of: WILMER CUTLER PICKERING HALE
AND DORR LLP, 399 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10022, Tel: (212) 230-8800, Fax: (221) 2308888; Counsel for HRH Prince Mohamed Al Faisal Al Saud; David Bowker, Esquire,
[email protected] ; Douglas Curtis, Esquire, [email protected]
. . . The following is a 'Nuclear Crime tort' Claim to the Attorneys General / Ministers of Justice in
the Middle East countries . The 'Nuclear Crime' truths described in the following Claim to your
Minister of Justice are virtually "irrefutable." Al Qaida Terrorists have several times announced
intent to destroy U.S. corporations in Muslim countries. And, Plaintiffs are victims of Terrorist
intent and efforts to destroy U.S. corporations in Muslim countries. This means that Hilton Hotels
and other large U.S. Corporation holdings will be facing some questions in the Middle East,
especially if the Holy Kaaba shows positive when scanned by a Geiger Counter, now, or in the
We are seeking Middle East law firms to litigate Nuclear Crime questions in the Saudi Court after
the Attorneys General are served copies of our Nuclear Crime Complaint that the War Criminal
Bush-Mukasey U.S. administration has taken efforts to wrongfully conceal and suppress.
Our introductory letter to said Middle East Attorneys General follows:
. . . . "We, the family of PFC Kristian Menchaca seek to file Qui Tam litigation in Saudi Arabia
regarding potential "Radiological cross-contamination" of Islamic countries whose U.S. Corporation
guest businesses are at high risk of being Radiologically attacked and Radiologically poisoned with
Radiological contamination that unintentionally cross-contaminates other sites, such as
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"unintentional Radiological contamination" of the Holy Kaaba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, after
'Nuclear-Crime' attack on an American business in Mecca, which should be considered in the
following "Qui Tam Claim for Damage, Injury, or Death.
. . . . CAUSE #1 OF 'Qui Tam' ACTION: . . . PFC Kristian Menchaca (Killed, Iraq: 19 Jun 2006),
U.S. Army, was assigned to a U.S. Military operation in Iraq seeking to locate and nullify Nuclear
Weapons of Mass Destruction ("WMD") in Iraq that might be used in "Nuclear Crimes' against U.S.
targets in the U.S., used against U.S. Corporation targets in Europe, and used against U.S.
Corporation targets located in the Middle East, Africa, and South America.
. . . While home in Texas, during May 2006, Kristian Menchaca explained to members of his family
he was present during U.S. Army interrogation of captured terrorists in Iraq, early 2006; and, said
Terrorists explained that they were transporting "hot" Uranium ore tailings from Uranium mines in
Iran, by truckload, to Iraq for export out of Iraq to serve purposes of Radiologically 'stealth'
attacking & contaminating U.S. Corporations doing business in Middle East countries, and attack
U.S. Corporations doing business in Europe, in Africa, South america and USA.
. . . . After his Army leave finished in the USA, PFC Kristian Menchaca returned to Iraq in June
2008 and was eventually captured together with PFC Thomas Tucker by al Shura Nuclear Jihad
Terrorists who barbarically tortured both to death from 16 Jun to 19 Jun 2009.
. . . . PFC Kristian Menchaca and PFC Thomas Tucker were fighting to stop Nuclear Crime
Radiological attack against U.S. Corporation properties in the Middle East that would have
undoubtedly produced catastrophic cross-contamination of land, Muslim people, and nearby
businesses that become collateral victims of Nuclear Crimes in countries attacked with Radiological
"Nuclear Crime" poisons.
. . . . Such a "Nuclear Crime" potential has been hypothetically described of Mecca, Saudi Arabia,
wherein the rooms of the American Hilton Hotel in Mecca or other Saudi cities could be
Radiologically stealth-contaminated with "Hot" Uranium / Radium ore oxides of radiation counts
exceeding 50-100 mR / hr. exposure rates, more than 25 times the exposure of Nuclear
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Regulatory Commission (NRC) rules ( : rules for a nuclear
power plant), which require evacuation at 2 mR /hr. to prevent fatal exposure to Nuclear
. . . . Currently, all U.S. Corporations, by their presence with business property addresses in the
Middle East, are antagonizing "Nuclear Crime" Radiological attacks against all U.S. Corporation
business holdings inside Muslim countries.
. . . . If the premises of any American-owned business in Mecca are radiologically contaminated in
a Nuclear Crime attack, then common sense makes us realize that the Holy Kaaba could become
Radiologically "cross-contaminated" by innocent pilgrims who have been previously Radiologically
contaminated by deadly Uranium/Radium particles attached their clothing from exposure inside
their Radiologically contaminated hotel rooms. Unlike Anthrax, lethal Uranium/Radium
contamination is virtually impossible to effectively clean-up. A Geiger Counter will always be able
to detect some remaining lethal Uranium/Radium contamination particles that may be lethally
inhaled at a target site no matter how often cleaned. In essence, the reality is that "once a city
becomes "Nuclear Crime" contaminated unto the condition of a "Nuclear wasteland," it will remain
a wasteland until the Radiological contaminant, Radium 226, decays to safe levels, likely taking
sixteen centuries, a very long time.
. . . Anyone, commoner and royalty, alike, is a potential victim of inhaling Radium 226 dust
particles into his lungs where they cannot be removed. The X-rays of Radium contaminated lungs
in Radiologically contaminated victims display Radium particles like stars glowing in the midnight
universe, a picture of certain death a-coming as caused by Radium inhalation, which leads to eye
cataracts, bone cancer rot, liver, breast cancer, and other related Cancers that generally kill within
a few years or less.
. . . SEE: RADIUM-226 AND 228: Radium is a known cancer-causing substance. Exposure to
radium can lead to eye cataracts, bone, liver and breast cancer.
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Contact: ;
. . . SEE:
. . . Also SEE: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service. Agency for
Toxic Substances and Disease, Registry, WWW is ; Email:
[email protected] ; 24/7 Emergency Contact Number: 1-888-295-5156 Revised: 04/2007
. . . Terrorists intent to destroy U.S. corporations in Muslim countries can be easily prevented
throughout the Middle East and Saudi Arabia by US Corporations voluntarily selling their business
Corporations and evacuating to maintain Nuclear peace in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia , Europe,
South America, and Africa.
. . . . Presented with the undeniable fact that Terrorists have announced intent to destroy U.S.
corporations in these Muslim countries, it makes a great deal of good sense for U.S. Corporations
to voluntarily sell and change ownership to local Saudi ownership or change U.S. Corporation
ownership to other Middle East Investors who could purchase U.S. owned Corporations that are
Nuclear Crime targets in all Muslim Middle East countries, including Saudi Arabia and Indonesia,
and thereby remove U.S. owned Corporations from the "Nuclear Crime" list of targets.
. . . SEE:
U.S. District Court, New York, CIVIL ACTION NO.: 03 CV 6978, regarding World Trade Center.
. . . . Such a change of ownership can be accomplished without loss of initial investment money to
U.S. Corporations. Moreover, a change of U.S. Corporation ownership can be done without loss of
tax revenue to the host country. This "change of ownership" is a simple answer to a catastrophic
"Nuclear Crime" threat potential that can be effectively eliminated by the simple sale of property.
Therefore, the larger question is why not immediately advertise U.S. corporations for sale across
the Middle East and then sell them to prevent "Nuclear Crime" and keep the peace ! ! !
. . . . After all, why should the lives of the people of Saudi Arabia and the sanctity of the Holy
Kaaba be threatened just so American business Corporations may continue to make profits in
Saudi Arabia at the expense of her people and her sanctity, AND "Nuclear Crime" risk to the Holy
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Kaaba ?
. . . . This is an unconscionable Nuclear Crime condition; and, it can be easily changed by
American corporations "Voluntarily" selling and divesting their Middle East properties to prevent
nuclear War Crimes causing catastrophic "Nuclear War Crimes" in Middle East Countries.
. . . If any U.S. corporation does not want to sell to remove itself from the "Nuclear War Crime"
list of American "Nuclear Crime" magnet corporations, the question is: "Why not?"
. . . American Corporations should be required by court action to address this catastrophic
"Nuclear War Crime" situation in all Muslim countries where American Corporation presence
creates increased potential for "Nuclear War Crime"; and, they should volunteer to divest
themselves from ownership and then depart said countries in the interest of preventing Nuclear
Crime cross-contamination of said Muslim countries and saving lives of citizens who would be
killed in a Nuclear Crime attack on American-owned businesses in said Muslim countries.
. . . Currently, it is apparent that U.S. corporations in Muslim countries are willing to continue
business no matter what the cost to their Muslim 'host' countries and people who host U.S.
Corporate businesses inside their borders. This American Corporation willingness in Muslim
countries to expose citizens of Muslim countries to "Nuclear Crime" is wrongful.
. . . The American owners and managers of U.S. Corporation businesses are always located in
their headquarter offices, in the USA, managing their Muslim country Corporations and 'rarely' or
'never' are present when Nuclear Crime catastrophe may strike. Thus, there is little incentive to
be concerned about the potential of Radiological death against their employees attacked as
victims of "Nuclear Crimes" inflicted with easily available Uranium/Radium 226 Radiological poison
from abandoned "Uranium Open Pit Mines" in Iran, Pakistan, Europe, Africa, 500 abandoned
"Uranium Open Pit Mines" in Texas, Arizona, Dakotas, Colorado-Utah plateau, New Mexico:
abandoned Mi Vida Mine in Moab, Utah; abandoned South Terras Mine in Cornwall, England that
yield some of the "hottest" Uranium ores ever recorded, most Uranium ore in the range of 50-100
mR / hr. SEE:
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. . . Once volunteered change of U.S. ownership of Nuclear Crime corporation targets takes place
with "diplomacy" in all these Muslim countries to remove them from the "Nuclear Crime Target
List" for purposes of achieving peace, and after these U.S. Corporation properties are sold to
Middle East Investors, all of the Nuclear Crime antagonisms should disappear when American
Corporations depart throughout the Middle East leaving no reason for "Nuclear Jihad" to continue
against a country that has no American-owned businesses.
. . . . Otherwise, if American Corporations do not divest and depart throughout the Middle East,
U.S. business presence in the Middle East will continue to jeopardize the Nuclear peace of the
Middle East until Court action is taken to prove that U.S. Corporations must volunteer to leave the
Middle East to maintain world Nuclear peace in the Middle East. While there has not been another
attack on U.S. soil, the number of terrorist acts against 'easier-to-strike targets of opportunity'
around the world has increased; Iran has gained influence in the Mideast; North Korea still hasn't
verifiably declared its nuclear work; anti-Americanism abroad has emboldened extremists.
. . .The evidence is irrefutable that the abandoned "Mi Vida" Mine in Moab, Utah and abandoned
South Terras Mine in Cornwall, England yield some of the "hottest" Uranium ores ever recorded. i
Uranium / radium ores from "hot" mines test in the range of 50-100 mR / hr.
. . . SEE: Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) rules (
. . . Therefore, it is urgent that Middle East Courts supervise an orderly withdrawal of U.S.
Corporations from the Middle East, whereby, U.S. Corporations could sell their holdings without
"loss of initial investment" and depart. The host country would not lose tax revenue as the new
business owners could continue to operate the business as is or build it into a larger enterprise
with no risk of "Nuclear Crime" attack.
CAUSE #2 OF 'Qui Tam' ACTION:. . . Cause #2 of Action is related to Cause #1. Plaintiffs, a family
of Americans, were first victimized by Nuclear Jihad terrorists who tortured to death their family
member, PFC Kristian Menchaca, a U.S. Army soldier serving in Iraq. Then, the Kristian Menchaca
family was simultaneously victimized by the government of President G.W. Bush and his Attorneys
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General, Alberto Gonzales and Michael Mukasey, in the Bush Administration, by their deliberated
efforts to thwart Plaintiffs' litigation of U.S. District Court Case 08-60 filed February 2008
regarding the wrongful death of Kristian Menchaca in Iraq as it was manipulated by U.S. Executive
Branch reward denials administered by former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. After Gonzales
left office, U.S. Attorney General Michael "Waterboard" Mukasey took office and continued offering
insufficient Gonzales-devisd $50,000 for captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War who were all
tortured to death or murdered as a consequence of the Gonzales-Mukasey $50,000 rewards.
The U.S. justice Department did manipulate U.S. laws against Plaintiff Kristian Menchaca family
denying them court access and denying them Victim/Witness protection in their efforts to litigate
these issues in an effort to save lives of U.S. soldiers and be compensated for their loss of Kristian
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CHAPTER 6 . . .
Nuclear Weapons of Mass Destruction ("WMD") in Iraq that might be used in
"Nuclear Crimes' against U.S. targets in the U.S., U.S. Corporation targets in Europe,
and used against U.S. Corporation targets located in the Middle East.
. . . PFC Kristian Menchaca (Died 19 Jun 2006), U.S. Army, was assigned to a U.S. Military
operation in Iraq seeking to locate and nullify Nuclear Weapons of Mass Destruction ("WMD") in
Iraq that might be used in "Nuclear Crimes' against U.S. targets in the U.S., U.S. Corporation
targets in Europe, and used against U.S. Corporation targets located in the Middle East.
. . .Kristian explained that he was present and observed a U.S. Army interrogation of captured
terrorists in Iraq, early 2006. Said Terrorists explained that they were transporting "hot" Uranium
ore tailings from Uranium mines in Iran, by truckload, to Iraq for purposes of Radiologically
'stealth' contaminating U.S. Corporations doing business in Middle East countries, and in Europe,
in Africa, and USA.
. . . . Since Kristian Menchaca was defending said U.S. Corporation "Nuclear Crime' targets in
Saudi Arabia and the Middle East. Kristian Menchaca was killed while defending said U.S.
Corporation "Nuclear Crime' targets in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East; and therefore, in Saudi
Arabia and other Muslim countries he was defending from Nuclear Crime attack, U.S. Corporation
"Nuclear Crime' targets owed PFC Kristian Menchaca and PFC Thomas Tucker a responsibility to
contribute Reward and Ransom efforts to assist in U.S. soldier Prisoner of War survival if he was
captured in Iraq.
. . . . Thus, the courts of all Muslim countries currently facing Nuclear Crimes targeted against
American Business Corporations in their countries have jurisdiction of these issues.
. . . . None of the U.S. corporations in the Middle East have ever offered or contributed any surety
to compensate the people of Saudi Arabia or any Middle East country that could be damaged by
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Nuclear Crime attacks against U.S. Corporations in the Middle East.
. . . . None of the U.S. corporations in the Middle East offered or contributed any Ransom or
Reward money to save the lives of captured U.S. soldiers, when U.S. corporations in the Middle
East owed captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War reciprocal efforts by U.S. corporations to pay
rewards and ransoms in exchange for U.S. soldier Prisoners of War who were providing "NuclearCrime-defense" of U.S. corporations in the Middle East countries.
. . . As a consequence of defending U.S. Corporations from "Nuclear-Crimes" in the Middle East,
PFC Kristian Menchaqca and PFC Thomas Tucker were barbarically tortured to death. Middle East
countries have jurisdiction over most parts of this litigation by reason of the fact that they would
become victims of "Nuclear-Crimes" should the American Corporations inside their countries be
"Nuclear-Crime" attacked on their soil. Most Middle East countries, wherein "U.S. corporations do
business, are not at war with enemies of the United States and, therefore would not be Nuclear
Crime targets if there were no U.S. Corporations licensed to do business on the soils of these
Middle East Countries.
The family of Kristian Menchaca seeks 'direct' or 'indirect' compensation from said U.S.
Corporations in the Middle East for Kristian Menchaca's death as his death relates to the threat of
catastrophic "Nuclear Crimes" against said U.S. Corporations identified as "Nuclear Crime targets"
in foreign nations in the Middle East, Indonesia, Europe, et.seq..
. . . The family of Kristian Menchaca believes the new U.S. government under Barack Obama will
replace most or all those in the Bush administration, including U.S. Attorney General Mukasey,
who have behaved like criminals.
Thus, Plaintiffs are willing to litigate this matter in several Middle East countries where U.S.
Corporations have substantial holdings that can be seized by court action. Because of these most
contrversial Nuclear Crime issues, the U.S. government may be willing to settle Plaintiff's U.S.
court case H-08-60 (Houston) to eliminate the unfavorable public opinion that will develop against
the U.S. should this "Nuclear Crime" litigation be pursued in Middle East Courts where Plaintiffs
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are currently filing Multi-Billion and trillion dollar Crime Claims related to potential U.S.
Corporation "Nuclear-Crime" targets in Middle East countries that represent a very large liklihood
of becoming colaterall victims alongside U.S. corporation "Nuclear Crime" targets.
Considering the scope of a full scale Nuclear Contamination attack, we hope all lawfirms who
examine this Brief will see that Trillion dollar Qui Tam Claims are most rational on behalf of Muslim
people exposed to Nuclear Crimes in the Middle East countries as the consequence of the most
wrongful presence of U.S. Corporations in the Middle East who should pay for attracting nuclear
Jihad to countries that are "Nuclear Crime" target victims of U.S. corporate presence.
. . . The Kristian Menchaca family must litigate this matter essentially as on a "contingent fee"
coming from any settlement to pay Attorneys and, except for Menchaca family paying small court
filing fees, is essentially without funds to pay Attorney fees . We seek 'contingent fee' law firms
and can only offer contingent fees to come from our lawsuit awards (if any) or offer royalties as
might come from the screenplay, Princess and the Sons of Paradise , © 1997, 2004, 2005 if
produced as a Motion Picture by investors:
. . . My following letter to the prince of monaco explains more. I will send attachments that further
explain in following eMails.
Ken MacKenzie, Complainant & Uncle of Kristian Menchaca
Enclosure: Notification of Attorney General's Office - England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland,
20 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0NF , General Inquiries: 020 7271 2492; Fax: 020 7271
2434 E-Mail addresses: All queries: [email protected] ,
[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] ,
[email protected]
TO: [email protected] , [email protected]
TO: Prince Albert of Monaco , Tél. : (+377) E-mail : [email protected] ,
[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected],
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Appendix 3 : International Criminal Court
Claims under art.15 of the Rome Statute may be sent to: International Criminal Court,
Information and Evidence Unit, Office of the Prosecutor, Post Office Box 19519, 2500 CM The
Hague, The Netherlands, or sent by email to
[email protected] , or sent by facsimile
to +31 70 515 8555.
[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] ,
[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] ,
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected] , [email protected] ,
[email protected] , [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] ,
[email protected] , [email protected] ,
. . . NRA. The proceedure being audited was often non-existent, out of date, inadequate, ignored,
or inaccurate. Complicating the situation was the fact that management was slow to respond and
often failed to respond for months.
TO: Prince Albert of Monaco , Les Terrasses de Fontvieille, 23, avenue Albert II - MC 98000
Monaco ; Tél. : (+377) / Fax : (+377); E-mail : [email protected] ,
[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] ; H.E. Gilles Noghès, first Ambassador of the Prince of Monaco to
the United States of America , [email protected]
TO: Fairmont Monte Carlo, 12 Avenue des Spélugues, Monte Carlo, Monaco, 98000 ; TOLL
FREE: 1(888) 270 6650, International Numbers TEL (377) 93 50 65 00, FAX (377) 93 30 01 57,
E-MAIL [email protected]
Prince Albert of Monaco, Ladies and Gentlemen:
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Of question is permanent radiological contamination of Monoco that could be contaminated with
Radiological poison supplied from abandoned "Uranium Open Pit Mines," Radiological poison
available as a Radiological weapon source for Nuclear Jihad Terrorists to "Nuclear-Crime" attack
any country at anytime:
Although, Monoco was not mentioned to U.S. 101st. Airborne Division Military intelligence by
U.S. captured Nuclear Jihad Terrorists in Iraq during 2006, I am currently composing my
litigation for submission to European Courts to describe U.S. Corporations in Monoco as targets of
Nuclear Jihad terrorists based on information of interviews of captured Nuclear Terrorists by U.S.
101st. Airborne Military intelligence in Iraq, early 2006 .
Whatever can be said of Monaco can also be said of other small countries, such as Vatican,
wherein a radiological attack could require the permanent evacuation of the "ENTIRE" country to
save lives, the entire country become an uninhabitable Radiological wasteland for centuries.
The Vatican covers approximately .5 square miles of territory. Monaco covers .7 square miles of
territory. Both are among the world's smallest countries and, therefore, easily Nuclear
contaminated from border to border by radiological attack, which would require evacuation of the
entire population in each country.
I am currently litigating a Geneva Convention War Crime lawsuit, Case H-08-60, in U.S. District
Court, Southern District of Texas, regarding my Nephew, PFC Kristian Vasquez Menchaca and Pfc
Thomas Tucker, both captured by al Shura Nuclear Jihad Terrorists, Iraq, 2006, and barbarically
tortured to death.
Our court litigative demand is (1) that the U.S. Government pay Billions in damages to the
family of Kristian Vasquez Menchaca and (2) provide higher dollar value "Life Rewards" for
captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War who are treacherously under-valued by the U.S. at $50,000
each while life rewards for terrorists start at five million dollars ($5,000,000 U.S) each at the U.S.
Department of State and U.S. justice Department Web sites.
Prior to his death, while home in Texas, on leave, "$50,000 life-valued PFC Kristian Vasquez
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Menchaca" explained he had been previously present, early 2006, at interviews of U.S.-captured
Terrorists who were prisoners of U.S. Forces in Iraq.
The captured Terrorists explained they had been moving Nuclear Isotope wastes by the
truckload from Uranium excavation mining operations in Iran through Iraq to attack U.S. business
corporation targets with lethal radiological waste in Europe and in the U.S., and in the U.K.
U.S. corporations in France were mentioned.
The U.S. captured "Dirty Bomber," Jose Padilla, described by President Bush, represents this
type of Nuclear Jihad bomber.
Near Limoges, France, eight hours drive from Monaco, "lethal radioactive Uranium waste" on
the ground near the "unguarded" entrance of the abandoned Margnac Uranium/Radium mine-pit
is freely available to any Terrorist, who wants to load this deadly Uranium/Radium waste into his
automobile, at anytime, and drive it to Monaco for purposes of radiologically attacking Monoco by
dumping said "life destroying Uranium waste" on Monaco's streets to lethally contaminate the
entire nation of Monaco into a radioactive wasteland, unsafe for human habitation, while ocean
winds swirl radioactive dust over every square centimeter of Monaco's entire territory, border-toborder.
Monaco is immediately recognizable as an an easy mark and easy victim posing no difficulty for
Terrorists to contaminate with Nuclear Crime attacks delivering deadly, life-destroying, readily
obtainable, radioactive Radium from the abandoned Margnac Uranium/Radium, mine-pit, to the
streets of Monoco by automobile and thereby destroying Monaco with longterm radioactive
contaminants for centuries. Terrorists could decide to Radiologically attack Monoco with nuclear
mining wastes for several reasons related to retaliation against U.S. Corporations doing business
in Monaco. Or, Terrorists could attack Monaco to respond against those who might be linked to the
Radiological contamination of the Holy Kaaba in Meccah, Saudi Arabia.
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"Abandoned, 'open pit,' Uranium mines" are also located at the following "Nuclear Crime"
attack launching locations: (1) "Abandoned" South Terras Mine with the "HOTTEST 31 %
Uranium/Radium ore" ever discovered, near St. Stephen in Cornwall, England, (2)
"Abandoned" Autunois in France's Massif Central, (3)"Abandoned" Oberpfalz in Bavaria, and
(4) Billingen in Sweden. More "Abandoned, 'open pit,' Uranium mines" with deadly Uranium /
Radium ore deposits are found at (5)"Abandoned" Shinkolobwe Uranium deposits in Katanga,
(6) "Abandoned" Uranium pits in Congo-Kinshasa, (7) "Abandoned" Uranium Pits in Namibia,
(8) "Abandoned" Uranium Pits in Nigeria, (9) "Abandoned" Uranium Pits in Côte d'Ivoire,
(10) "Abandoned" Uranium Pits in Djibouti, (11) "Abandoned" Uranium Pits in Egypt, (12) in
Equatorial Guinea, (13) in Czech Republic, and (14) in Romania, also at (15) "Abandoned"
Uranium Pits in Port Radium, near Great Bear Lake, Canada , (16) Uranium in at Beira Province,
Portugal; (17) at Tyuya Muyun, Uzbekistan, and at (18) "Abandoned" Uranium Pits in Radium
Hill, Australia. Uranium in "Abandoned, 'open pit,' Uranium mines" with deadly Uranium /
Radium ore deposits ("Radium" is lethal if inhaled) are everywhere on the Colorado Plateau of
(19) Utah and (20) Colorado. SEE:
"Abandoned" Uranium Pit "Lethal radioactive Uranium waste" is simply piled on the
ground near most of these abandoned open pit mines and at the entrance of the unguarded
Margnac open Pit Uranium mine in France; and, anyone can take it at anytime. It is like shoveling
garden dirt into the back of an automobile . . . , very simple.
Uranium waste piles present a lethal hazard because of release of bone rotting radioactive dust
and radioactive radon gas that could easily be inhaled by victims, and toxic Radium dust, which is
nine million times more radioactive than Uranium and destroys lungs.
SEE: , Margnac open Pit Uranium mine near Limoges,
France. Also SEE: ;
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Kenneth MacKenzie
Appendix 5 of Addresses:
Arne Spildo, E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: +47 22 24 40 26
Director General Henning Henriksen, E-mail: [email protected]
Director General Målfrid Bjærum, eMail:[email protected] Telephone:+47 22 244039
Director General Ingvard Havnen E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: +47 22 24 40 29
[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] ,
[email protected] , [email protected] ,
#1: Notification of Attorney General for Sweden, Lena Stenwall, Deputy Consul
General, Sweden, Head of Section, [email protected]
To: Noordeinde Palace, [Her Majesty, The Queen], Postbus 30412, 2500 GK Den Haag, The
Netherlands [email protected]
To: HRH Prince Turki Al-Faisal Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud; Care of: KELLOGG, HUBER, HANSEN,
1615 M Street, N.W., Suite 400, Sumner Square, Washington, DC 20036-3209
Tel: (202) 326-7900 ; Fax: (202) 326-7999
Counsel for HRH Prince Turki Al-Faisal Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, and The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Mark C. Hansen, Esquire, Kelly P. Dunbar, Esq.: [email protected] , Michael K. Kellogg,
Esquire, [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected]
TO: Notification of Attorney General's Office - England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, 20
Victoria Street, London SW1H 0NF , General Inquiries: 020 7271 2492; Fax: 020 7271 2434 EMail addresses: All queries: [email protected] ,
[email protected] , [email protected]
TO: Postal Address: Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, Greater London Authority, email:
[email protected] , City Hall, The Queen's Walk, More London, London SE1 2AA ; Telephone:
020 7983 4100 Minicom: 020 7983 4458 ; Fax: 020 7983 4057
TO: Matthew W. Friedrich, U.S. Department of Justice, Criminal Division , 950 Pennsylvania Ave.
, Washington, D.C. 20530-0001; [email protected]
switchb:202-514-2000; ("...advises the Attorney
General, Congress, the Office of Management Budget and the White House on matters of criminal law;
provides legal advice and assistance to federal prosecutors and investigative agencies; and provides
leadership for coordinating international as well as federal, state, and local law enforcement matters...")
To: Lee Caplan & John B. Bellinger III, Legal Adviser, U.S. Department of State, (202) 6470748; [email protected]; Kimberly A. Gahan, Attorney-Adviser, International Claims &
Investment Disputes Office of the Legal Adviser, U.S. Department of State, tel: (202) 776-8431;
email: [email protected]
Defense Attaché Office, US Embassy, 24 Grosvenor Square, London W1A 1AE ; Phone:[44] (0) 20
7894-0723; Fax:[44] (0) 20 7499-7688 ; Email: [email protected] ; [email protected]
TO: United States Attorney General, U.S. Department of Justice, 10th and Constitution Ave.,
N.W., Washington, DC 2053 ;US Attorney General, 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC -
79 of 212
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(202) 353-1555 ,
TO: United States Attorney Attorney General Mukasey, Care Of: UNITED STATES ATTORNEY’S
OFFICE, Tim Johnson, Houston, P.O. Box 61129, Houston, TX 77208; 8-5 M-F: (713) 718-3310;
U.S. Atty. (713) 567-9000 FBI 713-693-5000 ;[email protected] ,
[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] ,
[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] ,
[email protected] , [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] ,
[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] ,
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]
APPENDIX 6 of possible addressees:
Re: POPE Benedict & U.S. President Bush meeting 16 April 2008 -- WAR CRIME Lawsuits : U.S. &
Mexico & Dominican Republic
TO: Pope Benedict XVI : [email protected], [email protected] ,
Editor-in-Chief: GIOVANNI MARIA VIAN, Tipografia Vaticana - Editrice "L'Osservatore Romano"
00120 Vatican City, Tel.: (+39) 06.698.99.390; Fax: (+39) 06.698.83.252; E-mail
[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected]
, [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] ,
[email protected] , [email protected] ,
[email protected]
TO: Amnesty International USA, 5 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10001; phone: (212) 807-8400
fax: (212) 627-1451; email: [email protected]
TO: Raoul Wallenberg Institute, Stora Gråbrödersg. 17 B, P.O. Box 1155
SE-221 05 Lund, Sweden, Phone: +46 46 222 12 00, Fax: +46 46 222 12 22
Subject: POPE Benedict & U.S. President Bush : WAR CRIME Lawsuit filings : U.S. & Mexico &
Dominican Republic
To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected] , [email protected]
Appendix 7 of Atrocities:
(1) SEE:Video Of Beaheadings Of Americans Kristian Menchaca And
Thomas ...
(2) SEE:Kristian Menchaca - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(3) SEE:,GGLD:2004-06,GGLD:en&q=kristian+menchaca+video
(4) SEE:
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Appendix 8, Defendants and Defendant listed from coalition countries: (Set font to 10)
Defendant #1 ExxonMobil (a “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatant” and “Nuclear
Landmine Crime Target”), Jaime Spellings, General Manager, ExxonMobil Oil Corporate
Headquarters, 5959 Las Colinas Boulevard, Irving, Texas 75039-2298 , (972) 444-1000; ExxonMobil
Oil Indonesia Inc, Wisma GKBI 30th floor, Jl. Jendral Sudirman No. 28, Jakarta 10210, Indonesia;
Defendant #2 CALTEX PETROLEUM (a “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatant” and
“Nuclear Landmine Crime Target”), 125 East John W. Carpenter Freeway, Irving, TX 75062; telephone
214-830-1000; (Caltex Pacific Indonesia, Manager Mr. Harry Bustaman, Corporate Communications,
P. O. Box 1158, Room 1620, Jakarta 10011, Indonesia Fax: 343-51289;
Defendant #3 Chevron-Texaco, (a “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatant” and “Nuclear
Landmine Crime Target”), David J. O’Reilly, Headquarters, 6001 Bollinger Canyon Rd., San Ramon,
CA 94583, U.S.A. Tel. +1-925-842-1000; [email protected];, and others (,
Defendant #4 Atlantic Richfield (a “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatant” and “Nuclear
Landmine Crime Target”), Indonesia, ARCO (Atlantic Richfield Oil Company), 515 S. Flower St., Los
Angeles, CA 90071, telephone 213-486-3511;
Defendant #5 Conoco Phillips (a “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatant” and “Nuclear
Landmine Crime Target”), Gulf Indonesia Resources, Box 2197, Houston, TX 77252 - 2197; 600 North
Dairy Ashford (77079-1175) ; Phone: 281-293-1000
Defendant #6 Halliburton (a “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatant” and “Nuclear
Landmine Crime Target”), David J. Lesar, 1401 Mckinney St Ste 2400, Houston, TX 77010-4040 Indonesia;
Defendant #7 Royal Dutch/Shell (a “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatant” and “Nuclear
Landmine Crime Target”), Managing Director: Jeroen van der Veer ; Group Managing Director and
CFO: Peter Voser; Group Chief Information Officer: Michael J. Rose, Royal Dutch/Shell Group of
Companies, Carel van Bylandtlaan 30, 2596 HR The Hague, The Netherlands, Phone: +31-70-37781 of 212
82 of 212
9111; Fax: +31-70-377-3115) CITICORP partly owns Shell and Scott Paper.
Defendant #8 CITICORP (a “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatant” and “Nuclear Landmine
Crime Target”), VISA, MasterCard, Carte Blanche, and Diners Club, 399 Park Ave, New York NY
10043; telephone 212-559-1000 fax 212-527-3277; CITICORP partly owns Shell and Scott Paper:
Defendant #9 DU PONT (a “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatant” and “Nuclear Landmine
Crime Target”), 1007 Market St., Wilmington, DE 19898, telephone 302-774-1000 ; telephone 800441-7111,{C-4 is suitable propelant of U235 in “Gun Type” RA115}.( PT DuPont Indonesia,
Name:AGUNG PURNAWAN; Company: PT DuPont Indonesia. Address:Menara Mulia 5th Floor;
Jalan Jend. Gatot Soebroto Kav9-11, Jakarta, 12930, Indonesia, Phone:(62 21) 5222555; Fax:(62 21)
5222565 ; Email: [email protected] ;
Defendant #10 JP Morgan Chase (a “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatant” and “Nuclear
Landmine Crime Target”), 270 Park Ave. New York, NY 10017; Phone 212-270-6000 ; (Asia Pulp &
Paper Company Ltd, Jabotabek, Indonesia; (Representatives of all main Saudi Arabian mills) Email :
[email protected] ; Customer Service Department (CSD) Telp. 0-800-1-368-368 (Toll
Free); [email protected] ; BlueLinx Corporation, 4300 Wildwood Parkway, Atlanta, GA 30339, 1888-502-BLUE, timber company (
(doing business in Indonesia with Barito Pacific Timber Tbk. Wisma Barito Pacific, Tower B, 9th Floor
Jl. Let. Jend. S. Parman Kav. 62-63 Jakarta 11410 Indonesia Tel. : (62-21) 530 6711; JPMP Asia, now
known as CCMP Capital Asia, closed a new fund in 2005. It continues to invest in the Asia/Pacific
region and will maintain its affiliation with the buyout professionals of CCMP Capital).
Defendant #11 FORD Corporation, (a “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatant” and “Nuclear
Landmine Crime Target”), American Road, Dearborn MI 48121; telephone 313-322-3000;(Ford Motor
Corporation Defendant Ford Motor Indonesia, Ford, Jakarta Barat, Jl. Letjen.S.Parman, Kav.N1, Slipi,
Jakarta 11480 – Indonesia; U.S. Corporation: Ford/Mazda Indonesia Manufacturing (MIM) Indonesia
Ford Motor Indonesia, 10th Floor, Wisma Indomobil (Indo Mobil Group, Mazda, Minolta, and
Sumitomo) , Jl. M.T. Haryono Kav. 8, Jakarta 13530 - INDONESIA (Equity share in Mazda is 33.4%
owned by Ford, USA); Ford / MAZDA, 3-1 Shinchi, Fuchu-cho, Aki-gun, Hiroshima 730-91 Japan,
telephone 011-81-82-282-1111; MAZDA , 1 Mazda Dr., Flat Rock MI 48134, telephone 313-782-7800;
(Ford / MAZDA will be served another Claim & Lawsuit in Japan);
Defendant #12 Daimler Chrysler Corporation, (a “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatant”
82 of 212
83 of 212
and “Nuclear Landmine Crime Target”), Auburn Hills, MI 48326-2766, USA ; Phone: +1 248 576 5741
(DaimlerChrysler Indonesia, Sole Agent, Manufacturer & Assembler of DaimlerChrysler products for
Indonesia, Address : Jl. Mercedes-Benz Raya, Desa Wanaherang, Gunung Putri, Bogor 16965; Phone :
021- 868 99 350; Fax. : 021- 868 99 103; E-Mail : [email protected]; )
Defendant #13 General Motors Corporation (a “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatant” and
“Nuclear Landmine Crime Target”), CEO Rick Wagoner, P.O. Box 33170, Detroit, MI 48232-5170 ;
General Motors Buana Indonesia (GMBI) Kantor Pusat, Jl. Raya Bekasi Km 27, Bekasi 17132; Telp:
021 884 4837; Fax: 021 884 9325 E-mail: [email protected]; Pusat Bantuan Pelanggan;
Telp: 0-800-10-CHEVY (24389) (Toll Free); 021 8895 5103 (Direct); Fax: 021 8895 9341; E-mail:
[email protected];)
Defendant #14 Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia (a “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatant” and
“Nuclear Landmine Crime Target”), Jl. Raya Teuku Umar KM. 46 Cibitung Bekasi 17520; Indonesia
Tel : +62 21 8832 2222 # 9000 Fax : +62 21 8833 0161 : U.S. Corporation: Board of Directors, The
Coca Cola Company, P.O. Box 1734, Atlanta, Georgia, 30301 [email protected] (PT Coca-Cola
Bottling Indonesia Jl. Raya Teuku Umar KM. 46 Cibitung Bekasi 17520; Indonesia Tel : +62 21 8832
2222 # 9000 Fax : +62 21 8833 0161)
Defendant #15 Altria Group, Inc., (a “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatant” and “Nuclear
Landmine Crime Target”), Corporate Office Location, 120 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10017, USA ;
Telephone: 1 917 663 4000, Fax: 1 917 663 2167 ; Telephone: 1 917 663 4000, Fax: 1 917 663 2167 (a
U.S. Corporation , previously named Philip Morris Companies Inc.; Marlboro Red Hard Pack : Pall
Mall Malang ; Pt Java Cigarette, (Contact Person:Mr Doni Widarto, Address:Kapasan Kidul 91,
Surabaya, Propinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia; Telephone:62 815 11636840; Fax:62 815 11636839;
Defendant #16 Hilton Hotels Corporation, (a “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatant” and
“Nuclear Landmine Crime Target”), 40 Wall St 41 Fl, New York, NY 10005-5302 ; Tel: (212) 8201700 ( HILTON INTERNATIONAL (HOTEL JAKARTA HILTON INTERNATIONAL , Jalan Gatot
Subroto, Jakarta 10002; Contact Persons : Ms. Liza M. San Juan/ Mr. Andreas Gunarso; Phone : +62 21
570 70 20; Fax. : +62 21 570 70 21;
D#17 Defendant Marriot Hotels, JW Marriott® Hotel Jakarta, JL. Lingkar Mega Kuningan Kav E 1.2
No 1&2 Jakarta, 12950 Indonesia, Phone: 62 21 57988888, Fax : 62 21 57988833
(a “U.S. Military Industrial Corporation 'Combatant” and “Nuclear Landmine Crime Target”), Jakarta;
83 of 212
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84 of 212
85 of 212
85 of 212
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(1) Letter from:
Supreme Court of the United States
Office of the Clerk
Washington, DC 20543-001
William K. Suter
Clerk of the Court
(202) 479-3011
April 2. 2009
Mr. Kenneth MacKenzie
Re: Kenneth MacKenzie, Guadalupe Vasquez, Ceasar Vasquez
v. United States
No. 08-9595
Dear Mr. MacKenzie:
The petition for writ of certiorari in the above entitled case was filed on
December 3, 2008 and placed on the docket April 2, 2009 as No. 08-9595.
A form is enclosed for notifying opposing counsel that the case was docketed.
86 of 212
87 of 212
William K. Suter, Clerk
Gail Johnson
Case Analyst
2 Enclosures
(1) (b) Letter from:
Kenneth MacKenzie,Guadalupe Vasquez, Caesar Vasquez Menchaca,
No. 08-9595
United States
To: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Counsel for Respondent:
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Rule 12.3 that a petition for writ
of certiorari in the above entitled case was filed in the Supreme Court of the
United States on December 3, 2008 and placed on the docket April 2,2009.
Pursuant to Rule 15.3, the due date for a brief in opposition is Monday, May
04, 2009. If the due date is a Saturday, Sunday, or federal legal holiday, the
brief is due on the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or federal legal
Unless the Solicitor General Of The United States represents the
respondent, a waiver form is enclosed and should be sent to the clerk only in
the event you do not intend to file a response to the petition.
Only counsel of record will receive notification of the court's action in this
case. Counsel of record must be a member of the bar of this court.
87 of 212
88 of 212
Mr. Kenneth MacKenzie
Note: This notice is for notification purposes only, and neither the original
nor a copy should be filed in the Supreme Court.
WASHINGTON, DC 20543-001
(1) Kenneth MacKenzie, appearing
Properia Persona as Plaintiff “Pro Se”
appearing on his own behalf with
family class members similarly
situated, (2) Julieta Vasquez-MacKenzie,
as Plaintiff, Aunt of Pfc. Kristian Vasquez
Menchaca (sister of Claimant Guadalupe
Vasquez), (3) Guadalupe Vasquez, as Plaintiff,
Mother of Pfc. Kristian Vasquez Menchaca,
Mother of (4) Caesar Vasquez Menchaca, as Plaintiff,
Brother of Pfc. Kristian Vasquez Menchaca,
family class members similarly situated — PETITIONERS
Class Action regarding:
(1) The four Geneva Conventions (I,II,III,IV)
of 12 August 1949 for the protection of war victims
Defendant #1, U.S. Justice Department,
United States Executive Branch Of Government,
Alberto Gonzales, Attorney General of the United States — RESPONDENT(S)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------88 of 212
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TO U.S. Court Of Appeal For the Fifth Circuit
-----------------------------------------------------PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI
Kenneth MacKenzie (Uncle of PFC Kristian Menchaca)
and Cesar Menchaca (brother of PFC Kristian Menchaca),
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IV. QUESTION(S) PRESENTED OF ISSUE:
QUESTION (1). This matter presents several U.S. Constitutional questions to this U.S.
Supreme Court:
There exists a conflict between the decision of District Court and a prior decision of the
U.S. Supreme Court which allowed waiver of filing fee in Boddie v. Connecticut, 401 U.S.
371 (1971)}; therefore, review is sought on Boddie v. Connecticut, 401 U.S. 371 (1971)}
precedent of filing fee of U.S. District Court Case H-08-60, Houston, Texas, filed by
indigent Plaintiff family victims who ought not be required to pay filing fee to pursue
litigation of Terrorist War crimes against U.S. veteran and his family when family is
suing Terrorists in U.S. Courts.
Comparatively, there is no filing fee required of veteran's family to file U.S. form 95
Administrative Claim on same issue with Executive Branch as an Administrative Tort
Claim and no fee should be charged by the U.S. Court to resolve issues filed as
Administrative Claims against the government in the Judicial Branch, especially when
War Crimes have been consummated..
Thus, the courts applying doctrine of fairness ought not charge a filing fee when the
89 of 212
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Executive Branch does not charge . Furthermore, as this U.S. District Court Case H-0860 complains of War Crime violations of the Geneva Conventions, there should be no
filing fee demanded in such Geneva Convention Complaint matters before a U.S. Court,
the U.S. being signatory to Geneva Conventions.
QUESTION (2). Moreover, regarding Geneva Conventions prohibiting War Crimes of
Mutilation, Torture, Murder of Prisoners of War: Plaintiffs complain that there are
disagreements among lower courts about specific legal questions relating to U.S. Court
Filing Fees for the indigent family of Terrorist tortured and murdered U.S. veteran,
Kristian menchaca, tortured to death in iraq, 2006, with PFC Thomas Tucker, both
victims of War Crimes prohibited against Prisoners of War by Geneva Conventions . A
United States required court filing fee interferes with filing of lawsuits of Geneva
Convention War Crime questions for which no filing fee is described as required or
provisioned in the Geneva Conventions, which if specified according to the political
cunning of a U.S. Court judge would thwart and limit court hearings on violations of
Geneva Conventions thereby making them meaningless.
Indigent War Crime Victim Families of Terrorism War Crimes against one of their family
members should not be required to pay court filing fees and not treated with less court
access in U.S. Courts than War crime victims of Hitler's Third Reich.
War Crime Victim Families of Terrorism War Crimes against a U.S. soldier family
member should be able to file lawsuits in U.S. Courts to seek compensation in War Crime
litigation and should not be denied court access by by U.S. Court rules to thwart the
90 of 212
91 of 212
Geneva Conventions and not be denied court access by contrived "Limitations of Actions"
and not treated with less court access than War crime victims of Hitler's Third Reich
when seeking access to U.S. courts on Complaints of War Crimes perpetrated in the Iraq
Indigent family of 'Terrorist-tortured-to-death' U.S. soldier / veteran victim of Geneva
Convention prohibited War Crimes should not be required to pay U.S. Court filing fee to
litigate Geneva Convention War Crime issues in U.S. Courts any more than the U.S.
Courts would charge a Jewish victim of Hitler's Third Reich in a War Crime Case!
Therefore, the U.S. District Court's demand for Court filing fees against Plaintiffs and
denial of Plaintiff's filing of this Court Action without payment of fees is also a violation
of U.S. laws prohibiting racial discrimination.
Moreover, there are no limitations of Actions imposed within the Geneva Conventions
and therefore judge-imposed time limitations for the filing of papers in Geneva
Convention War Crime litigation should not be created outside the Geneva Conventions
to thwart and nullify the Geneva Conventions and thwart litigation against those who
have clearly violated and claimed (Abu al Masri Islamic al Shura Council) to have
violated the Geneva Conventions against terrorist captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War:
U.S. Army PFC Kristian Menchaca, PFC Thomas Tucker, PFC Joseph Anziak, Sgt. Keith
Maupin, PFC Byron Fouty, Spec. Alex Jimenez .
QUESTION (3): Plaintiff did not receive the U.S. District Court Clerk's 'insecure regular
U.S. mail' Notice of U.S. District Judge Gray Miller's "25 Feb 2008 Denial of Forma
91 of 212
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Pauperis," whatsoever.
Court Clerk's notification of of U.S. District Judge Gray Miller's "25 Feb 2008 Denial of
Forma Pauperis," to Petitioner/Plaintiff by regular U.S. mail was deficient in U.S. mail
security, was never delivered to Plaintiffs and therefore insufficient to commence time
tolling, which should not commence as Plaintiffs never received U.S. District Judge Gray
Miller's "25 Feb 2008 Denial of Forma Pauperis," in the mail as it was not sent or
delivered by certified U.S. mail:
1. The first reason time tolling should not commence is that a lawsuit of Geneva
Convention War Crimes has "no limitations of actions," including time within which to
file complaint or court papers, which if specified would thwart and limit and deny the
Geneva Conventions regarding Geneva Convention War Crime violations of Geneva
Conventions of which U.S. is signatory and ratifier.
2. Moreover, the U.S. District Court Clerk, Southern District of Texas, did not notify
Plaintiffs by verifiable "certified mail service" of U.S. Court decision to deny Pauperis as
described in court's own rules requiring litigants to establish proof of "mail-service." Such
U.S. District Court manipulation is dishonest and trivializes the Geneva Conventions.
Court Clerk U.S.-mailed-Notice of decision to deny Pauperis to sidewalk mail box was
deficient in security compared to certified mail with signed receipt as required in Court's
own mailing rules to achieve service.
U.S. Judge Gray Miller manipulated all of these events after usurping jurisdiction of this
U.S. Case H-08-60 in violation of 28 USC, Section 455.
92 of 212
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Miller was fully informed that this U.S. Case H-08-60 sought U.S. Fourteenth
Amendment parity, sufficiency, and equality to raise upward and increase U.S. $25,000
Rewards for the lives of Captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War to be at least equal to
U.S. Mega one Million to Twenty Five Million Dollar Rewards offered to save their
Terrorist executioners who were torturing said Captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War to
death while benefitting from the life-saving contrivance of said mega million dollar
rewards while said Captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War were denied by Miller the
Fourteenth amendment equality of mega million rewards to be life-value-equal to the
very same enemies who tortured them to death.
Instead, terrorist Captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War -- U.S. Army PFC Kristian
Menchaca, PFC Thomas Tucker, PFC Joseph Anziak, Sgt. Keith Maupin, PFC Byron
Fouty, Spec. Alex Jimenez -- were cursed with said U.S. $25,000 Rewards that caused
them to be tortured to death and murdered in Iraq.
QUESTION (4): The reward life values assigned for terrorist Captured U.S. soldier
Prisoners of War -- U.S. Army PFC Kristian Menchaca, PFC Thomas Tucker, PFC Joseph
Anziak, Sgt. Keith Maupin, PFC Byron Fouty, Spec. Alex Jimenez -- should never be
lower than the reward life values for Captured enemy terrorist soldier Prisoners of War.
It is a guarantee of torture and death for Captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War to be
reward life valued at less than Captured enemy terrorist soldier Prisoners of War.
Insufficient U.S. $50,000 Reward life values assigned for Captured U.S. soldier Prisoners
of War do discourage enlistment into the U.S. armed services when the american people
93 of 212
94 of 212
discover that their government devalues and thereby defames, slanders, and libels their
lives as "American Untermenchen" enlisted Soldiers -- Captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of
War -- at 20 to 500 times less Reward Life Value than captured enemy terrorist Prisoners
of War, thereby causing torture and death to be inflicted on Captured U.S. soldier
Prisoners of War whose life value is comparatively demonstrated as $25,000
"Untermenchen 'UnderTrash.'"
And, when the american people discover that "All" one hundred percent of Captured U.S.
soldier Prisoners of War Reward life valued at $50,000 in Iraq have been barbarically
tortured to death in Iraq, U.S. Military enlistment rates will go down further.
Moreover, virtually all 100% of Captured enemy terrorist soldier Prisoners of War Terrorists -- survived their capture in Iraq, maintained alive, because they were life
valued at one Million to twenty five Million dollars for Reward purposes -- from 20 to 500
times more than Captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War .
Of importance to the public-- "We-The-People" -- is that related primary question of U.S.
""Fifty Thousand Dollar 'Reward life-values' " published, proclaimed, and offered for
recovery of captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War to be "NOT-LESS-THAN-FourteenthAmendment -EQUAL" to U.S. Published, Proclaimed, and Offered "One-to-Twenty-FiveMillion-Dollar" Reward life value Protection provided for "Mega-Million-Dollar" Jihad
Terrorists, virtually all one hundred percent saved alive, who are higher reward-life
valued up to five hundred times more by U.S. Executive Branch than "FourteenthAmendment-Equality-DENIED 'Fifty Thousand Dollar'" U.S. soldier Prisoners of War in
94 of 212
95 of 212
Iraq and in Afghanistan War theaters during War, thereby "Fifty Thousand Dollar"
Rewards are inflicting Death on "ALL" U.S. soldier Prisoners of War in Iraq and
Afghanistan, "ALL" one hundred percent who have been captured have been tortured to
death on said "Fifty Thousand Dollar" Rewards.
The Reward life values for Captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War could be increased and
reward life valued at higher amounts while reward life values for Captured enemy
terrorist soldier Prisoners of War can be lowered until both are equal and equality is
V. List of Parties
On the page provided, check either the box indicating that the names of all parties
appear in the caption of the case on the cover page or the box indicating that there are
additional parties. If there are additional parties, list them. Rule 12.6 states that all
parties to the proceeding whose judgment is sought to be reviewed shall be deemed
parties in this Court, and that all parties other than petitioner shall be respondents.
The court whose judgment you seek to have this Court review is not a party.
Defendant U.S. Department of Justice Attorney General
VI. Table of Contents SEE Page 35
On the page provided, list the page numbers on which the required portions of the
petition appear. Number the pages consecutively, beginning with the “Opinions
Below” page as page 1.
VII. Index of Appendices
List the description of each document that is included in the appendix beside the
appendix letter. Mark the bottom of the first page of each appendix with the
appropriate designation, e.g., “Appendix A.” See Rule 14.1 pertaining to the items to
be included in the appendix.
VII. Index of Appendices
95 of 212
96 of 212
A. Federal Courts
If you are asking the Court to review a decision of a federal court, the decision
of the United States court of appeals should be designated Appendix A.
decision of the United States court of appeals should be designated Appendix A.
Appendix A should be followed by the decision of the United States District
Court and the findings and recommendations of the United States magistrate
judge, if there were any.
If the United States court of appeals denied a timely
filed petition for rehearing, a copy of that order should be appended next.
If you are seeking review of a decision in a habeas corpus case, and the decision of
either the United States District Court or the United States Court of Appeals
makes reference to a state court decision in which you were a party, a copy of
the state court decision must be included in the appendix.
B. State Courts
If you are asking the Court to review a decision of a state court, the decision of
which review is sought should be designated Appendix A.
Appendix A should
be followed by the decision of the lower court or agency that was reviewed in
the decision designated Appendix A. If the highest court of the state in which a
decision could be had denied discretionary review, a copy of that order should
follow. If an order denying a timely filed petition for rehearing starts the running
of the time for filing a petition for a writ of certiorari pursuant to Rule 13.3,
a copy of the order should be appended next.
As an example, if the state trial court ruled against you, the intermediate court
of appeals affirmed the decision of the trial court, the state supreme court denied
discretionary review and then denied a timely petition for rehearing, the appendices
should appear in the following order:
Appendix A. decision of the United States Court of Appeals
Decision of State Court of Appeals
Appendix B Decision of State Trial Court
Appendix C Decision of State Supreme Court Denying Review
Appendix D Order of State Supreme Court Denying Rehearing
VIII. Table of Authorities
96 of 212
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On the page provided, list the cases, statutes, treatises, and articles that are referenced:
Boddie v. Connecticut, 401 U.S. 371 (1971)}
On the page provided, list the cases, statutes, treatises, and articles that are referenced:
Geneva Conventions (I,II,III,IV), of 12 August 1949 for the protection of war victims,
The page number of petition where each authority appears: Pages. 1 , 2,
12, 13,
8, 9,
15, 18, 19, 22, 23, 27, 28, 35, 38, 41 , 49, 51 , 77-81 , 83-86,
89, 90, 95-98, 166-168, 169-172, 174-179, 181-183, 185-189, 193-195, 197, 198, 200207, 211-213, 215-217, 235-237, 238, 240-246, 250-258,
261-264, 266, 268, 269,
270, 274-279, 281-284, 287-312, 318, 323-328.
On the page provided, list the cases, statutes, treatises, and articles that are referenced:
U.S. RICO Act, USC Title 18, Section 1961, et.seq.
The page number of petition where each authority appears: Pgs. 1 , 7, 10, 49, 51 , 54, 57,
61, 63, 66, 70 , 72 114, 169-172, 174-179, 181-183, 115-129, 133-139, 142-143, 146, 150,
153,154, 159, 160, 162, 200, 203, 221-229, 200-207, 211-213, 215-217, 235-237, 238, 240,
230-233, 237, 241-242, 246, 247, 249, 256-258, 271, 284, 295, 296, 301, 304, 313, 332, 338341
IX. Opinions Below
In the space provided, indicate whether the opinions of the lower courts in your case
have been published, and if so, the citation for the opinion below. For example, opinions
of the United States courts of appeals are published in the Federal Reporter. If
the opinion in your case appears at page 100 of volume 30 of the Federal Reporter,
Third Series, indicate that the opinion is reported at 30 F. 3d 100. If the opinion has
been designated for publication but has not yet been published, check the appropriate
space. Also indicate where in the appendix each decision, reported or unreported,
Boddie v. Connecticut, 401 U.S. 371 (1971)}
X. Jurisdiction
The purpose of the jurisdiction section of the petition is to establish the statutory
97 of 212
98 of 212
source for the Court’s jurisdiction and the dates that determine whether the petition
is timely filed.
JURISDICTION AND VENUE: There are multiple causes of action and jurisdictions in
this matter. This U.S. court has jurisdiction of this matter under Geneva Conventions (I,
III, IV), 12 August, 1949, And Geneva Convention Protocols I And II, Of 08 June 1977, to
which the U.S. is signatory, relative To Terrorist-captured U.S. Soldiers who are
“Prisoners Of War” and has jurisdiction of U.S. reward money in the U.S. Treasury to be
paid for captured U.S. Soldiers and paid for captured Terrorists and terrorists “at large”
during wartime; this U.S. court has jurisdiction under the Torture Victim Protection Act
of 1991, 28 U.S.C. § 1350: The Torture Victim Protection Act of 1991, which provides a
cause of action for damages to anyone - aliens and citizens alike - who suffered torture
anywhere in the world at the hands of any individual acting under the law of any foreign
nation. 28 U.S.C. § 1350 note: The Torture Victim Act does not contain its own
jurisdictional provision. But, it is clear that any case brought pursuant to that statute
would arise under federal law and thus come within 28 U.S.C. § 1331, the grant of
general federal question jurisdiction; this U.S. court has jurisdiction under (1) Federal
Tort Claims Act ("FTCA"), 28 U.S.C. Sections 1346, 2671-80, and under 28 USC, Section
1391, Where Plaintiff Resides; Under 18 USC, Section 1964 - Civil remedies, 18 USC,
Section 1965 - Venue and process; under (2) USC Title 18, Part I, Chapter 96,
Section 1961, et.seq., RICO Act, Section 1964, Civil remedies, et.seq., under (3) Any act
that is indictable under any provision listed in TITLE 18, Section 2332b (g)(5)(B), under
98 of 212
99 of 212
(4) Title 18 USC, Sectiion 2339A. Providing material support to terrorists, under (5) Title
28 U.S.C., Section 1331. Federal question; under (6) Title 42, Section 1983; under (7) Title
28 U.S.C., Section 1350. Alien's action for tort; under (8) 28 U.S.C., Section 1361. Action
to compel an officer of the United States to perform his duty; JURISDICTION AND
VENUE UNDER TITLE 18, SECTION 2334:(a) General Venue. - Any civil action under
section 2333 of this title against any person may be instituted in the district court of the
United States for any district where any plaintiff resides or where any defendant resides
or is served, or has an agent. Process in such a civil action may be served in any district
where the defendant resides, is found, or has an agent. (b) Special Maritime or Territorial
Jurisdiction. - If the actions giving rise to the claim occurred within the special maritime
and territorial jurisdiction of the United States, as defined in section 7 of this title, then
any civil action under section 2333 of this title against any person may be instituted in
the district court of the United States for any district in which any plaintiff resides or the
defendant resides, is served, or has an agent. (c) Service on Witnesses. - A witness in a
civil action brought under section 2333 of this title may be served in any other district
where the defendant resides, is found, or has an agent. (d) Convenience of the Forum. The district court shall not dismiss any action brought under section 2333 of this title on
the grounds of the inconvenience or inappropriateness of the forum chosen, unless - (1)
the action may be maintained in a foreign court that has jurisdiction over the subject
matter and over all the defendants; (2) that foreign court is significantly more convenient
and appropriate; and (3) that foreign court offers a remedy which is substantially the
same as the one available in the courts of the United States. U.S. Court Jurisdiction
99 of 212
100 of 212
exists under Geneva Convention (I), Geneva Convention (III), Geneva Convention (IV);
and, Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, (Protocol I), 8
June 1977; and, Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949,
(Protocol II), 8 June 1977.
wrongful acts and negligence caused the death of Kristian Menchaca, a son of Plaintiff
Guadalupe Vasquez, brother of Plaintiff Ceasar Menchaca, nephew of Julieta Vasquez
(sister of Guadalupe Vasquez) and Kenneth MacKenzie. During the time frame of June2006, while, at the same time as said United States Code Title 1 money was paid out of
the U.S. Treasury on behalf of Terrorists, said members of the same U.S. Life-reward
protected al Shura and al Queda Terrorist Organizations, life-protected by U.S. multi
million dollar reward money offered by Defendant Attorney General Gonzales, by U.S.
Executive Branch, and offered by Interested Party #1, Secretary of State Rice, were inprogress torture-murdering United States Soldiers who said Terrorists had captured in
Yosifiya, Iraq, (1) Pfc. Kristian Menchaca, 23, and (2) Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker, 25, who,
during this same time of June 2006, were treasonably denied by Defendant Attorney
General Gonzales and U.S. Executive Branch the equal life-saving treatment of said
United States `Counterterrorism Funds' in the area of Yosifiya, Iraq, during June 2006.
As a consequence, (1) Pfc. Kristian Menchaca, 23, and (2) Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker, 25, were
tortured to death by reason of being assigned said “$50,000 Death Rewards” and
100 of 212
101 of 212
simultaneously denied rewards equal to the $25 million dollar rewards proclaimed by
Defendants to save the lives of the same Terrorist who savagely tortured (1) Pfc. Kristian
Menchaca, 23, and (2) Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker, 25 as a result of Defendants’ denial of equal
rewards on their behalf. If (1) Pfc. Kristian Menchaca, 23, and (2) Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker,
25 had been life-valued at $25 Million equal to Bin-Ladin, equal to Hussein, and equal to
other terrorists listed at the U.S. “Rewards For Justice” web site, their chances of
survival would have been equal to that of Terrorists. Instead Defendant Gonzales, and
Interested Party U.S. Executive Branch and Interested Parties Rice-Rumsfeld assigned a
paltry life value of $50,000 for each of terrorist-captured U.S. Soldiers’ lives while paying
out mega million dollar rewards for terrorist lives that they valued at higher dollar
amounts than for (1) Pfc. Kristian Menchaca, 23, and (2) Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker, 25. This
behavior is obviously a violation of said RICO Act proscribed crime predicates
The form sets out the pertinent statutes for federal and state cases.
You need provide only the dates of the lower court decisions that establish the timeliness
of the petition for a writ of certiorari.
If an extension of time within which to
file the petition for a writ of certiorari was granted, you must provide the requested
information pertaining to the extension. If you seek to have the Court review a decision
of a state court, you must provide the date the highest state court decided your
case, either by ruling on the merits or denying discretionary review.
U.S. District Court lower court decision, 25 Feb 2008: Forma Pauperis denied.
XI. Constitutional and Statutory Provisions Involved
Set out verbatim the constitutional provisions, treaties, statutes, ordinances and
regulations involved in the case. If the provisions involved are lengthy, provide their
citation and indicate where in the Appendix to the petition the text of the provisions
101 of 212
102 of 212
United States Constitution , Amendment 14 - "1. All persons born or naturalized in the
United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States
and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall
abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State
deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any
person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." Cited in U.S. Case H-0860 at Pgs. 28-31, 49, 69 , 99, 107, 112, 113 , 115, 119 , 155, 157 , 187, 188, 196, 201, 202204 ,207 , 242 , 244 , 256 ,258 ,263 ,264 ,283 , 295 ,305 ,348 ,350.
XII. Statement of the Case
Provide a concise statement of the case containing the facts material to the consideration
of the question(s) presented; you should summarize the relevant facts of the case
and the proceedings that took place in the lower courts. You may need to attach
additional pages, but the statement should be concise and limited to the relevant facts
of the case.
JURISDICTION AND VENUE: There are multiple causes of action and jurisdictions in
this matter. This U.S. court has jurisdiction of this matter under Geneva Conventions (I,
III, IV), 12 August, 1949, And Geneva Convention Protocols I And II, Of 08 June 1977, to
which the U.S. is signatory, relative to Terrorist-captured U.S. Soldier Prisoners of War
who were Terrorist captured “U.S. Soldier Prisoners of War ” tortured to death by
Terrorist captors as a consequence of U.S. insufficient and unequal life Reward offers of
$50,000 that were deliuberately kept insufficient to make display examples of “U.S.
102 of 212
103 of 212
Soldier Prisoners of War ” who U.S. Attorney General Gonzales knew would be put to
death as a consequence of deliberately low and insufficient $50,000 Rewards to prove the
U.S. does not deal with Terrorists.
The U.S. Attorney General has jurisdiction of U.S. reward money in the U.S. Treasury to
be paid for captured U.S. Soldiers and paid for captured Terrorists and terrorists “at
large” during wartime; this U.S. court has jurisdiction under the Torture Victim
Protection Act of 1991, 28 U.S.C. § 1350: The Torture Victim Protection Act of 1991, which
provides a cause of action for damages to anyone - aliens and citizens alike - who suffered
torture anywhere in the world at the hands of any individual acting under the law of any
foreign nation. 28 U.S.C. § 1350 note: The Torture Victim Act does not contain its own
jurisdictional provision. But, it is clear that any case brought pursuant to that statute
would arise under federal law and thus come within 28 U.S.C. § 1331, the grant of
general federal question jurisdiction; this U.S. court has jurisdiction under (1) Federal
Tort Claims Act ("FTCA"), 28 U.S.C. Sections 1346, 2671-80, and under 28 USC, Section
1391, Where Plaintiff Resides; Under 18 USC, Section 1964 - Civil remedies, 18 USC,
Section 1965 - Venue and process; under (2) USC Title 18, Part I, Chapter 96,
Section 1961, et.seq., RICO Act, Section 1964, Civil remedies, et.seq., under (3) Any act
that is indictable under any provision listed in TITLE 18, Section 2332b (g)(5)(B), under
(4) Title 18 USC, Sectiion 2339A. Providing material support to terrorists, under (5) Title
28 U.S.C., Section 1331. Federal question; under (6) Title 42, Section 1983; under (7) Title
28 U.S.C., Section 1350. Alien's action for tort; under (8) 28 U.S.C., Section 1361. Action
103 of 212
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to compel an officer of the United States to perform his duty.
JURISDICTION AND VENUE UNDER TITLE 18, SECTION 2334:(a) General Venue. Any civil action under section 2333 of this title against any person may be instituted in
the district court of the United States for any district where any plaintiff resides or where
any defendant resides or is served, or has an agent.
Convenience of the Forum. - The district court shall not dismiss any action brought under
section 2333 of this title on the grounds of the inconvenience or inappropriateness of the
forum chosen, unless - (1) the action may be maintained in a foreign court that has
jurisdiction over the subject matter and over all the defendants; (2) that foreign court is
significantly more convenient and appropriate; and (3) that foreign court offers a remedy
which is substantially the same as the one available in the courts of the United States.
U.S. Court Jurisdiction exists under Geneva Convention (I), Geneva Convention (III),
Geneva Convention (IV); and, Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12
August 1949, (Protocol I), 8 June 1977; and, Protocol Additional to the Geneva
Conventions of 12 August 1949, (Protocol II), 8 June 1977.
wrongful acts and negligence caused the death of Kristian Menchaca, a son of Plaintiff
Guadalupe Vasquez, brother of Plaintiff Ceasar Menchaca, nephew of Julieta Vasquez
(sister of Guadalupe Vasquez) and Kenneth MacKenzie. During the time frame of June2006, while, at the same time as said United States Code Title 1 money was paid out of
104 of 212
105 of 212
the U.S. Treasury on behalf of Terrorists, said members of the same U.S. Life-reward
protected al Shura and al Queda Terrorist Organizations, life-protected by U.S. multi
million dollar reward money offered by Defendant Attorney General Gonzales, U.S.
Executive Branch, and offered by Interested Party #1, Secretary of State Rice, were inprogress torture-murdering United States Soldiers who said Terrorists had captured in
Yosifiya, Iraq, (1) Pfc. Kristian Menchaca, 23, and (2) Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker, 25, who,
during this same time of June 2006, were treasonably denied by Defendant Attorney
General Gonzales and U.S. Executive Branch the equal life-saving treatment of said
United States `Counterterrorism Funds' in the area of Yosifiya, Iraq, during June 2006.
As a consequence, (1) Pfc. Kristian Menchaca, 23, and (2) Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker, 25, were
tortured to death by reason of being assigned said “$50,000 Death Rewards” and
simultaneously denied rewards equal to the $25 million dollar rewards proclaimed by
Defendants to save the lives of the same Terrorist who savagely tortured (1) Pfc. Kristian
Menchaca, 23, and (2) Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker, 25 as a result of Defendants’ denial of equal
rewards on their behalf. If (1) Pfc. Kristian Menchaca, 23, and (2) Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker,
25 had been life-valued at $25 Million equal to Bin-Ladin, equal to Hussein, and equal to
other terrorists listed at the U.S. “Rewards For Justice” web site, their chances of
survival would have been equal to that of Terrorists. Instead Defendant Gonzales, and
Interested Party U.S. Executive Branch and Interested Parties Rice-Rumsfeld assigned a
paltry life value of $50,000 for each of terrorist-captured U.S. Soldiers’ lives while paying
out mega million dollar rewards for terrorist lives that they valued at higher dollar
amounts than for (1) Pfc. Kristian Menchaca, 23, and (2) Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker, 25. This
105 of 212
106 of 212
behavior is obviously a violation of said RICO Act proscribed crime predicates and is a
violation of Geneva Convention III
Therefore, Plaintiffs are entitled to relief and payment of damages under provision of the
United States RICO Act and USC Title 18, Section 2381 – Treason, and is in violation of
other provisions of United States laws. Once life-valued after capture to virtual
worthlessness, (1) Pfc. Kristian Menchaca, 23, and (2) Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker, 25 had no
chance to survive capture alive. In truth, their chances were less than zero of surviving
after Defendant Gonzales, and Interested Party U.S. Executive Branch and Interested
Parties Rice-Rumsfeld assigned a low life-value $50,000 “Death-Sentence” ‘Reward’ for
each of their lives.
.3. TORTS AGAINST THE VASQUEZ FAMILY: the doctrine of "the thing speaks for
itself" (Res ipsa loquitur) applies. USC Title 18, § 3071 – “Information for which rewards
authorized“ and USC Title 18, Section 3072 - Determination of entitlement; maximum
amount; Presidential approval; conclusiveness - The Attorney General shall determine
whether an individual furnishing information described in section 3071 is entitled to a
reward and the amount to be paid.
TITLE 22, § 2708 – “Department of State rewards program” indicate that both Attorney
General Gonzales and Secretary of State Rice are responsible for assigning said larger
preferential reward amounts for terrorists. USC Title 18, § 3071 – “Information for which
rewards authorized“- and TITLE 22, § 2708 – “Department of State rewards program”
indicate said underfunded $50,000 rewards offered for the safety of captured U.S, soldiers
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during war time treacherously discriminated unto death against U.S. soldiers, during
wartime. Both USC Title 18, § 3071 and TITLE 22, § 2708 provide that “the rewards
program shall be administered by the Secretary of State, in consultation, as appropriate,
with the Attorney General...” Defendant Attorney General Gonzales and U.S. Executive
Branch and U.S. Secretary of State Rice, and Secretaries of Defense Rumsfeld and Gates
do not have ministerial scope or authority under U.S. laws or under Geneva Conventions
to issue any proclamation of “Fifty Thousand Dollar ($50,000) Death Reward
Proclamations” after U.S. Soldiers have laid down their arms when captured by
Terrorists and are under the the provisions of the Geneva Conventions
.4. “Twenty-Five-Million-Mega-Dollar-Life-Rewards” advertised and paid by the United
States of America to save captured terrorist lives have consistently proven to save the
lives of captured terrorists at “one hundred per cent of the time.” However, said “FiftyThousand-Low-Dollar-Death-Rewards” consistently have proven to cause death for the
soldiers of the United States of America at “one hundred per cent of the time.”
.5. When these two profoundly contrasting conditions of “’Life’ and ‘Death’ Rewards are
examined alongside the Geneva Conventions (I, III, IV) of 12 August 1949, ARTICLE 3 &
ARTICLE 11, and Geneva Convention Protocol I, ARTICLE 11 and Protocol II, of 08 June
Defendants’ proclaimed “Fifty Thousand Dollar ($50,000) Reward,” for captured U.S.
soldiers, when observed in reality alongside Defendants’ proclaimed “Twenty Five Million
Dollar Rewards” offered at the same time frame for and on behalf of terrorists, was
107 of 212
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deliberately so insignificant and was so manipulatively low-level that it is immediately
seen as a symbolic “Token-Reward” that, in its final truthful interpretation by all who
perceived it, operated as more of an actual “$50,000 Death Sentence” (SEE: Geneva
Convention (III) Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War; August 12, 1949 : Part 1,
ARTICLE 2; ARTICLE 3, “…(a) violence to life and person, in particular murder of all
kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment and torture”; “(d) the passing of sentences…”) than of
anything else. Said “Fifty Thousand Dollar Reward” ($50,000) was obviously not
proclaimed to save the lives of the U.S. Soldiers it identified while Defendants proclaimed
“Twenty Five Million Dollar Rewards” offered and paid out $77 million dollars in Reward
money, in the same time frame, for and on behalf of terrorists.
point of voluntary enlistment into the U.S. Military forces under a written contract,
enlistees, most who are U.S. Citizens, are not forewarned by U.S. Military Enlistment
Recruiters of the United States Military Forces that after enlistment, if Volunteer U.S.
Soldiers are captured by terrorists, their lives are evaluated by the U.S. Executive
Branch at five hundred times less for “Reward” to be paid for their living recovery at Fifty
Thousand dollars each, than the Terrorist enemies of the United States whose lives are
evaluated by the U.S. Executive Branch at five hundred times more for “Reward” to be
paid for their living recovery at Twenty Five Million Dollars ($25,000,000) each, who said
Volunteer U.S. Soldiers are fighting against in Iraq and Afghanistan.
108 of 212
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are U.S. Citizens, are not forewarned by U.S. Military Enlistment Recruiters of the
United States Military Forces that after enlistment, if Volunteer U.S. Soldiers are
captured by terrorists, only five hundred times less “Reward” will be offered by the U.S.
Defense Department for their living recovery at Fifty Thousand dollars ($50,000) each,
this $50,000 is five hundred times less than Terrorists are U.S. life-valued at Twenty five
Million Dollars ($25,000,000) each for Rewards. Due to the fact that U.S. soldiers lives
are “unexpectedly” life-under-valued by their government at five hundred times less
“Reward” ($50,000) than Terrorist enemies of the United States are highly life valued for
Rewards of Twenty Five Million Dollars ($25,000,000), all said captured U.S. Soldiers in
Iraq have been recovered by the United States Military in a tortured-to-death condition
because of said “unexpectedly” low $50,000 rewards; and, those whose bodies have not
been recovered have been videoed by terrorists while they were murdered as represented
in Terrorist murder videos.
.8. Thus, the U.S. Executive Branch, in its “unexpected” breach of U.S. Military Contract,
has unreasonably breached a duty of care for the interests of Terrorist-captured United
States Soldiers held as “Prisoners of War” in Iraq by not forewarning them at enlistment
of the manipulated “Death Sentence” (SEE: Geneva Convention (III) Relative to the
Treatment of Prisoners of War; August 12, 1949 : Part 1, ARTICLE 2; ARTICLE 3, “…(a)
violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment
and torture”; “(d) the passing of sentences…”) that the U.S. Executive Branch assigns to
109 of 212
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them in the guise of an offered $50,000 Reward if they are captured by Terrorists in Iraq
or Afghanistan. In essence, U.S. Military Recruiters act in “Bad Faith” by not explaining
that all one hundred percent of captured U.S. soldiers are limited to fifty thousand dollar
reward life values in Iraq and have been tortured to death for which a civil suit can be
brought against the U.S. Military for writing contracts without full disclosure that
subsequently leads to Torture Death of the enlistee one hundred percent (100%) of the
time if he is captured by terrorists in Iraq.
.9. Under the doctrine of "the thing speaks for itself" (Res ipsa loquitur), the $50,000
dollar low reward for captured U.S. Soldiers is a Death Sentence (SEE: Geneva
Convention (III) Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War; August 12, 1949 : Part 1,
ARTICLE 2; ARTICLE 3, “…(a) violence to life and person, in particular murder of all
kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment and torture”; “(d) the passing of sentences…”) when
contrasted alongside the $25,000,000 the U.S. government offers for “at large” and
“captured” terrorists in Iraq. Said $50,000 low dollar level reward signifies that further
details are unnecessary to prove it is a “Death Sentence”; the proof of the case is selfevident. "The thing speaks for itself" doctrine (Res ipsa loquitur) applies under said
conditions: Defendants Gonzales and U.S. Executive Branch unreasonably and
negligently breached a duty of care for the interests of Terrorist captured United States
Soldiers by not offering Rewards equal to the Twenty Five Million Dollar Rewards it
regularly offers for “At Large” Terrorists and “captured Terrorists.”
110 of 212
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profound “five hundred ‘times’ fifty thousand dollar difference in Rewards” that indicates
to any observer that "the thing speaks for itself" (Res ipsa loquitur) that there is such a
vast “five hundred times” difference in said fifty thousand dollar U.S. Reward offers, and
"the thing speaks for itself" that said “U.S. proclaimed fifty thousand dollar reward offer”
to informants for information on the whereabouts of captured U.S. soldiers cannot be
taken as seriously as the U.S. offer of Twenty five million dollars to informants for
information on the whereabouts of “At Large” or “Captured” terrorists, anywhere, inside
or outside of Iraq. Thus, the doctrine of "the thing speaks for itself" (Res ipsa loquitur)
applies to “ultra hazardous” low $50,000 Reward conditions meaning, literally, "the U.S.
proclaimed $50,000 Reward” as an “obvious-beyond-obvious” death catalyst operating
against a Terrorist-captured U.S. soldier during wartime in Iraq and speaks for itself."
"The U.S. proclaimed $50,000 Reward” signifies that further details are unnecessary; the
proof of the case is self-evident that a captured U.S. soldier in mortal danger of being
tortured to death or murdered will most certainly be tortured to death or murdered when
his government offers said "U.S. proclaimed $50,000 ultra hazardous low Reward” as a
message that U.S. proclaimed $50,000 Reward” payment for any captured U.S. Soldier’s
life is deliberately 500 times lower than the $25,000,000 million dollars the U.S. is
offering to pay as reward for “at-large” or “captured” terrorists in Iraq at the U.S.
“Rewards For Justice” Web site maintained by Defendants and Interested Party Rice.
XIII. Reasons for Granting the Petition
111 of 212
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The purpose of this section of the petition is to explain to the Court why it should
grant certiorari. It is important to read Rule 10 and address what compelling reasons
exist for the exercise of the Court’s discretionary jurisdiction. Try to show not only
why the decision of the lower court may be erroneous, but the national importance of
having the Supreme Court decide the question involved. It is important to show
whether the decision of the court that decided your case is in conflict with the decisions
of another appellate court; the importance of the case not only to you but to others
similarly situated; and the ways the decision of the lower court in your case was
You will need to attach additional pages, but the reasons should be as concise as
possible, consistent with the purpose of this section of the petition:
There is more than one issue of national importance of having the Supreme Court decide
the questions involved:
TO $25 MILLION REWARD FOR TERRORIST POW" appears to be Treason. It appears
to be Treason beacause "$50,000 REWARD FOR U.S. SOLDIER POW VERSUS THE $1
unambiguous Mathmatical truth-certainty, which is most extraordinary in U.S. history.
Said perversely unequal reward system "speaks for itself" that "life rewards" for captured
U.S. soldier Prisoners of War should never be lower than the dollar amount offerred by
the U.S. as life Rewards to be paid for capture and preservation of the lives of enemies of
the United States.
Otherwise, "the thing speaks for itself" that volunteer enlistees in the ranks of the U.S.
Military and state National Guards will become demoralized that their own government
is publishing higher value reward money having effect of saving lives of enemies of the
United States during war at a twenty hundred percent to fifty thousand percent higher
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rate than lower $25,000 rates while denying Terrorist-captured United States Soldier
Prisoners of War at least life reward equality with enemies of the United States during
Once word of this perverse reward system becomes well known, a percentage volunteer
enlistees and officers could become so demorlaized as to leave U.S. military service. Those
who stay will remain demoralized. New enlistees will become harder to find. In a Drafted
Army, such perverse reward conditions encourage mutinies and desertions.
XIV. Conclusion
Enter your name and the date that you submit the petition.
XV. Proof of Service
You must serve a copy of your petition on counsel for respondent(s) as required by
Rule 29. If you serve the petition by first-class mail or by third-party commercial
carrier, you may use the enclosed proof of service form.
If the United States or any department, office, agency, officer, or employee thereof is a
party, you must serve the Solicitor General of the United States, Room 5614, Department
of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Washington, D. C. 20530–0001. The lower courts
that ruled on your case are not parties and need not be served with a copy of the petition.
The proof of service may be in the form of a declaration pursuant to 28 U. S. C. § 1746.
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Kenneth MacKenzie,Guadalupe Vasquez, . }
Caesar Vasquez Menchaca, (Petitioners) . . }
v. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . } No. 08-9595
United States (Respondent), . . . . . . . . . . . . } U.S. Supreme Court Rule 15:
KAGAN, Counsel for Respondent, . . . . . . . }
(Respondents) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . }
. . . Plaintiffs submit this brief in an effort to list additional particular facts
regarding this matter as it has been presented as a Crime Tort Claim to the Minister
of Justice for Saudi Arabia and to the Minister of Justice for Indonesia.
. . . If the U.S. government will continue to waive its right to defend, Plaintiffs earnestly
believe that this matter should be settled without further litigation and concurrent
damaging controversy. Plaintiffs, therefore, request appointment of a 'Special Counsel'
or 'Referee,' or 'Mediator' or 'Ombudsman' to assist in settlement as alternative to
continued litigation that Plaintiffs prefer to avoid.
. . . Plaintiffs have previously stated a willingness to settle this matter by both sides
observing previous state and federal jury verdicts as a rough guideline toward settlement
as Plaintiffs are convinced that further litigation linking this matter to the Holy Kaaba in
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Saudi Arabia as well as linking this matter to St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican is
extremely controversial and should be avoided if a just and reasonable settlement is
achievable without such heated litigation.
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. . . Although, Plaintiffs are willing to settle, they are aware that they could make more
money by pursuing publications of Kenneth MacKenzie's three books regarding said
"Nuclear Crime" issues that will be eBook available on the Internet within eight to ten
days, or less.
. . . Plaintiffs anticipate that they will easily find paperback publishers for Kenneth
MacKenzie's books describing the catastrophic Radiological attack conditions related to
the Holy Kaaba and St. Peter's Basilica.
. . . Therefore, Plaintiffs will not be inclined to accept any government offer of settlement
unless it is well balanced as based on catastrophic injury or death verdicts and is fair.
Typical government "Low Ball" settlement offers will be politely declined.
. . . Although, the list of related facts is long, Plaintiffs believe it is important to take
cognizance of the following information if there is no settlement and litigation must
. . . The several issues of said 'insufficient' U.S. government "Rewards" amounting to
'Death Rewards' issued by the U.S. Executive Branch become U.S.-
"Death Sentences" and "Death Rewards," in violation of the Geneva
Conventions as 'media-broadcast, media-published, and proclaimed' by the Executive
Branch of the United states during the Iraq & Afghanistan War, 'against' captured U.S.
Soldier Prisoners of War, 'have' ripple effects that affect other Muslim countries due to
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'U.S. private corporation business presence' as "Nuclear Crime Targets" in Middle
Countries, which U.S. private corporation business presence is one of the fundamental
causes of al Qaida and radical Muslim "Radiological Nuclear Crime" Terrorism in said
Muslim countries, said terrorism directed at privately owned U.S. corporations who own
private property and are transacting and engaging in " free enterprise" business in many
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countries often predominantly populated by Muslim people.
. . . Thus, 'Reward' responsibility for captured U.S. Soldier Prisoners of War, under
Muslim law in Middle East countries, and responsibility for Nuclear Crime
contamination of the Holy Kaaba in Mecca, and responsibility for Nuclear Crime
contamination of Holy St. Peter's church of Vatican city in Rome, are potentials directly
linked to said "$50,000 Death Rewards" offered by the Bush Adminstration for the
Reward lives of U.S. soldier Prisoners of War, during the mutilation-torture-murders of
Pvt Kristian Menchaca (Plaintiffs’ family member), Pvt Thomas Tucker, and during the
mutilation-torture-murders of Pvt Joseph Anziak, Sgt. Keith Maupin, Spc. Alex R.
Jimenez, and Pvt. Byron W. Fouty.
. . . If the treacherously evil "$50,000 'Death' Rewards" established by the Bush
Administration Attorneys General are allowed to continue under the new U.S.
Administration, these will eventually be litigated in Middle East Courts and Italian
Courts and the International Court of Justice as they relate to the potential that the Holy
Kaaba and St. Peter's Basilica may become Radiologically contaminated, related to
responsibility of U.S. corporations perceived by many Muslims as ' "Nuclear Crime"
targets that could result in "Radiological Nuclear Crime" warfare against said 'U.S.
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corporation targets in the Middle East. And, 'Radiological Nuclear Crime" warfare
against U.S. corporation "Nuclear Crime" targets exposed to attacks in the Middle East
could easily result in 'Radiological Nuclear Crime" cross-contamination of the Holy
Kaaba in the Middle East and 'Radiological Nuclear Crime" cross-contamination of St.
Peter's Basilica in Vatican city of Rome, Italy.
. . . Presumably, 'Radiological Nuclear Crime" cross-contamination of the Holy Kaaba in
the Middle East would be the worst of all as the U.S. is at ''War" in the Middle East; and,
if the U.S. is perceived as 'responsible' for 'Radiological Nuclear Crime"
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of the Holy Kaaba in the Middle East, which could occur, then the U.S.
will have incurred the enmity of more than one-fifth the earth's population of Muslims
who kneel and pray in the direction of the Holy Kaaba five times a day.
Those responsible for "Radiological Nuclear Crimes" that cause cross-contamination
of the Holy Kaaba will have a most difficult time denying responsibility if they are
identified as responsible.
. . . The 'Radiological ripple-effect' in the Middle East will make any U.S. Expeditionary
War in the Middle East much more difficult to prosecute if the U.S. is perceived as
responsible for any 'Radiological cross-contamination of the Holy Kaaba. This potential
condition is yet another reason why Plaintiffs do not wish to litigate this matter any
. . . Heretofore, 'Total War,' or 'Half-Wars' or 'Bandit Skirmishes,' and 'Insurrections'
were fought with conventional weapons that were the standard military modes before the
currently established strategy of "Asymmetric Nuclear Warfare' operated by Terrorists
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who might deploy fissile Nuclear Weapons or who could more likely deploy "Radiological
contamination" warfare delivered by Nuclear Jihad militias of the type represented by
the dirty bomb zealot, "Jose Padilla."
. . . "Asymmetric Nuclear Crime Warfare" means one man armed with a Hiroshima blast
Nuclear fissile Landmine, such as the Russian RA115 Nuclear landmine, or Pakistani
equivalent, or Iranian equivalent, or North Korean equivalent, has power which is
roughly equivalent to a million-man army, a concept heretofore unknown in warfare.
. . . Thus, rogue regimes could 'allow' a functioning and operable Nuclear landmine to go
missing or be 'stolen' by terrorists as the Russian Federation reported of its 'missing'
eighty five RA115 Nuclear Landmines in U.S. House Hearing 106-158 after the collapse
of the Soviet Union in 1991.
. . . If RA115 fissile Nuclear landmines are not available, then a few men armed with
truckloads of lethal Nuclear Oxides obtainable from abandoned open pit Uranium mining
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excavations in many countries can Radioactively contaminate a city the size of
Washington, DC with 100 mRad Radiological pollution in less than one day. Small
countries, such as Monaco and Vatican, could be contaminated, border-to-border, within
. . . Thus, Nuclear weapons of Mass Destruction are as available to terrorists as easily as
shoulder-fired, armor-piercing, rocket launchers are easily available to Somali Pirates
who may use them to sink large Ocean-going Oil Tankers, Freighters, and passenger
ships. The days of conventional warfare have been replaced by 'new-age' military
weapons in the hands of Terrorists. The catastrophic potential has yet to be fully
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understood by the public who will become the victims.
. . . 'U.S. private corporation business presence' as "Nuclear Crime Targets" does not
in in Middle East Countries. 'U.S. private corporation business presence' as "Nuclear
Crime Targets" continues to attract Nuclear Jihad attention against 'U.S. private
corporation business presence' as "Nuclear Crime Targets" wherever there is also a
Business presence in Europe, Africa, Asia, Muslim Indonesia, Japan, Philippines, Central
America, South America.
. . . "Free enterprise" is ideally the best form of doing business; however, when pursuit of
said "free enterprise" in Muslim countries provably results in threat of "Radiological
Nuclear Crime" warfare against the United States and her allies by determined Nuclear
Jihad Terrorists applying "Asymmetric 'Nuclear Crime' Warfare" against the United
States and her allies, diplomacy is urgently needed to address and find solutions to said
"Radiological Nuclear Crime" dilemmas.
. . . "Free enterprise" is Democracy in action; however, when it runs afoul of radical
Islamic Nuclear Jihad bent on attacking 'U.S.A private business corporations' presence'
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as "Nuclear Crime Targets" in the Middle East, Europe, Africa, Asia, Muslim Indonesia,
Japan, Philippines, Central America, South America, then said U.S.A. Private
Corporations should morally re-asses how said U.S.A. Private Corporation presence in
any country may cause it to be attacked by terrorists deploying Jose-Padillia-type
Radiological Nuclear Weapons of Mass Destruction against said U.S. private business
corporations in these host countries.
. . . If there is a pronounced threat of Radiological Nuclear Weapons to attack the
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country that hosts 'U.S. private corporation businesses, then, of course, it makes good
survival sense for said U.S. private corporation businesses to divest and depart host
countries where U.S. private corporation presence means Radiological Nuclear Weapons
of Mass Destruction will be deployed by terrorists where ever U.S. private corporation
businesses are located as "Nuclear Crime Targets" in the Middle East, in Europe, Africa,
Asia, Muslim Indonesia, Japan, Philippines, Central America, and South America .
. . . Of course, if U.S. private corporation business presence in these countries means
that the U.S. will also be attacked with Radiological Nuclear Weapons of Mass
Destruction as representative of a Nuclear Crime 911, then every effort must be made to
eliminate the antagonizing presence of U.S. private corporation business presence in in
the Middle East, in Europe, Africa, Asia, Muslim Indonesia, Japan, Philippines, Central
America, and South America to remove the antagonisms.
The right to pursue a profit making business does not outweigh the sanctity of the lives
of people of the United States and lives of people of in the Middle East, in Europe,
Africa, Asia, Muslim Indonesia, Japan, Philippines, Central America, and South
America .
This U.S. Supreme Court has jurisdiction of this issue of Radiological Nuclear Weapon
life and death presented by the presence of U.S. corporations in the Middle East, in
Europe, Africa, Asia, Muslim Indonesia, Japan, Philippines, Central America, and South
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America and Plaintiffs request that it appoint a Special Counsel to address these most
urgent issues.
. . . During the Bush era, the threat of "Jose Padilla" style "Radiological Nuclear
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Crimes" against the welfare of the people of the United States was recklessly ignored in
pursuit of U.S. free enterprise in Middle East countries that put the populations of the
United States and other countries in Europe at elevated risk of eventual "Radiological
Nuclear Crime" attacks launched against U.S. interests by Nuclear Jihad Terrorists
following the same strategy of attack as planned by the Nuclear Crime Terrorist, "Jose
Padilla," arrested by the Bush administration but never prosecuted for Nuclear Crime
conspiracies by the Bush administration who obviously did not want the public to become
informed of the extreme dangers posed by widespread "Radiological Nuclear Crime"
terrorism dilemmas.
. . . This litigation effort is also focused to save the Holy KAABA in Meccah and the Holy
St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican city-state from the same "Nuclear Crimes" that could
accidentally cause Radiological "Cross-Contamination" to each of these two most
important Holy shrines if "Nuclear Crime" pollution is inflicted on a nearby foreignowned
U.S. corporation or UK business in any city, such as in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, where
an innocent Pilgrim might become contaminated on his clothing and then visit the Holy
KAABA and unknowingly cross-contaminate the Holy KAABA with Radiological dust
falling from his clothing. Obviously, this one carefully understated scenario is not the
only way the the Holy KAABA could become "Nuclear-Crime" contaminated, nor is it the
only method that could be deployed by which St. Peter's could become Radiologically
. . . Briefly, Radiological contaminants measuring 100 m Rads / hr are available to
anyone who wishes to collect them from the openings of abandoned Uranium mine pits in
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the U.S., Europe, England, Pakistan, Middle East, South Africa, and South America, and
so forth, as described in the enclosed Claim / Lawsuit. This truth is catastrophic.
. . . Abandoned Uranium mine pits in any country represent launching points for
"Nuclear Radiological Contamination Crimes." Thus, any mentally deranged person may
easily obtain "100 mR/ hr Toxic Radiological ore and oxides" and use these to stealth
attack any target anywhere in the U.S., Europe, Middle East, Russia, Asia, Japan
(Hiroshima & Nagasaki for a second time since 1945), Africa, South America, etcetera,
etcetera. Over a period of years, such stealth attacks could produce a body count that far
exceeds the 9 / 11 attacks at the New York World Trade Center, which were focused on
business and trade corporations.
. . . The Obamma administration has inherited Bush's failures to address said
"Radiological Nuclear Crime" dilemmas in the Middle East, in Europe, Africa, Asia,
Muslim Indonesia, Japan, Philippines, Central America, and South America, and so forth,
and has inherited the mentality of a U.S. government bureaucracy that followed Bush's
willingness to place the lives of millions of Americans and place countries of U.S. allies at
risk as subordinate to the interests of a handful of U.S. money seeking corporations
gorging on the large profits in Muslim and other countries while putting U.S. National
security and American people at increased risk of elevated "Radiological Nuclear Crime"
attacks caused by Bush administration recklessness in failing to address "Radiological
Nuclear Crime" dilemmas caused by said U.S. corporations in continuous conflict with
Nuclear Jihad Terrorists while innocent people are caught in the middle of said U.S.-
Corporation-versus-terrorism-conflicts so much ignored by the Bush administration.
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"Radiological Nuclear Crime" dilemmas :
. . . Said "Radiological Nuclear Crime" dilemmas caused by a comparatively small group
of U.S. money seeking corporations in conflict with Nuclear Jihad Terrorists should be
addressed in the countries (United States) most affected by said "Radiological Nuclear
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Crime" dilemmas and also should be addressed in appropriate United Nations venues,
such as U.N. ICC.
. . . Plaintiffs do not have the capability to pursue all of said "Qui Tam" litigation needed
to address these "Radiological Nuclear Crime" issues and if litigation must ensue,
presently do request the United States Supreme Court to exercise its discretion to
appoint a Special Counsel to address (1) said insufficient reward issues of captured U.S.
Soldier Prisoners of War and (2) related "Nuclear Crime" conditions caused by (3)
presence of U.S. corporations in the Middle East as said U.S. corporations are linked to
(4) responsibility for captured U.S. Soldier Prisoners of War under Muslim law in Middle
East countries and responsibility for Nuclear Crime contamination of the Holy Kaaba in
Mecca and (5) responsibility for Nuclear Crime contamination of Holy St. Peter's church
of Vatican city in Rome.
. . . As stated, these "Nuclear Crime" potentials should also be addressed in the United
Nations Courts. Petitioner Kenneth MacKenzie has filed this current Claim and copies of
U.S. Court Case H-08-60 filed in the U.N. INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT, (ICC,
Prosecutor, Case # OTP-CR-100/08, PO Box 19519, 2500 CM, The Hague, The
Netherlands, email [email protected] , ( http://www.icccpi.
int/home.html&l=en) and has requested the government of Saudi Arabia and
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governments of Middle East Countries to file these most appropriate "Radiological
Nuclear Crime" concerns with the United Nations International Court of Justice to
address the War Crime questions and issues of said "Radiological Nuclear Landmine
. . . Radiological contaminants of "100 mR/ hr" emmision can be quickly verified with
modern "Geiger counters" and / or scintillator Equipment applied to "detect" any
location that is of concern regarding "Nuclear Crime" Radiological Contamination at "100
mR/ hr." Interestingly, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) carefully
explains the Bush administration mentally disabled psychosis that considers lethal
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Radiological contaminants straight out of a Uranium mine are few in number and,
therefore, not worth considering.
. . . In its Psychosis, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) ignores that its
rules require evacuation of any Nuclear electrical power plant that indicates a reading of
"2 mR/ hr" on its premises. The "2 mR/ hr" measurement is "98 mR/ hr" less than "100
mR/ hr" that may be counted on Uranium / Radium ore from the numerous mines known
to contain "Hot Uranium Ores."
. . . For example, according to information on the INTERNET, the abandoned South
Terras Uranium mine, Cornwall, England, was previously known to contain Ore that
assayed at 30% Uranium prior to the second world war. Uranium / Radium ore from the
abandoned South Terras mine currently reads at "50 mR/ hr to "100 mR/ hr."
. . . . "Thus, Nuclear Crimes" may be inflicted with easily available Uranium/Radium
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Radiological poison from similar abandoned "Uranium Open Pit Mines" in Iran,
Europe, Africa, and also available from 500 abandoned "Uranium Open Pit Mines" in
Texas, Arizona, Dakotas, Colorado-Utah plateau, New Mexico, available from abandoned
Mi Vida Mine in Moab, Utah; and, as stated, available from abandoned South Terras
Mine in Cornwall, England that yield some of the "hottest" Uranium ores ever recorded,
most "hot" Uranium ore in the life destroying range of 50-100 mR / hr. SEE:
. . . Once volunteered-change of U.S. ownership of "Nuclear Crime" corporation targets
takes place with "diplomacy" in all these Muslim countries to remove U.S. Business
Corporation "Nuclear Crime" targets from the "Nuclear Crime Target List" for purposes
of achieving peace, and after these U.S. Corporation properties are sold to Middle East
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Investors, all of the Nuclear Crime antagonisms should disappear when American
Corporations depart throughout the Middle East leaving no reason for "Nuclear Jihad" to
continue against a Middle East country that has no American-owned businesses inside its
. . . . Otherwise, if American Corporations do not "divest" and depart throughout the
Middle East, U.S. Business Corporation "Nuclear Crime" target presence in the Middle
East will continue to jeopardize the Nuclear peace of the Middle East until Court action
is taken to prove that U.S. Corporations must volunteer to leave the Middle East to
maintain "world Nuclear peace" in the Middle East.
. . . While there has not been another 911 attack on U.S. soil, the number of terrorist acts
against 'easier-to-strike targets of opportunity' around the world has increased; Iran
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gained influence in the Mideast; North Korea still hasn't verifiably declared its nuclear
work; and anti-Americanism abroad has emboldened extremists.
. . . To repeat: the evidence is irrefutable that the abandoned "Mi Vida" Mine in Moab,
Utah and abandoned South Terras Mine in Cornwall, England yield some of the "hottest"
Uranium ores ever recorded. Uranium / radium ores from "hot" mines test in the range of
50-100 mR / hr.
. . . SEE: Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) rules (
. . . The appropriate rational response to the Bush-politicized NRC is that "100 mR/ hr"
Radiological Isotope material contaminating any city street or building is lethal and is of
utmost concern as it will destroy human life. Uranium / Radium oxide is poisonous, and
lethal, and fatal if inhaled. It generally takes months to years to kill & therefore will not
be noticed immediately. Thus, government can ignore it and pretend a given city is in a
normal condition when, in fact, it is lethally polluted with Uranium / Radium oxide
reading at "50 mR/ hr to "100 mR/ hr" on Geiger Counter and Scintillator
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instrumentation. These conditions should be considered publicly in the United Nations
and its courts as the Bush administration was 'Hell-Bent' on ignoring them.
The U.S. Bush administration NRC attitude is paradoxical in that it acknowledges
30% Uranium is found in some mines which would likely yield "50 mR/ hr to "100 mR/
hr" Geiger Counter readings, but holds the view these mines are 'currently under
commercial excavation by mining corporations, ' thus, security is presumed to be
'adequate.' Yet, this approach ignores the fact that "50 mR/ hr to "100 mR/ hr" Geiger
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Counter readings, have been obtained in mines that have a low concentration of Uranium
ore as it is the presence of Radium that apparently contributes to the high "50 mR/ hr to
"100 mR/ hr" readings. Thus, if anecdotal information is true, a 'low-Uranium-content'
mine, in some cases, can hold ore that produces "50 mR/ hr to "100 mR/ hr" fatal
In its corrupt willingness to sacrifice human life to maintain "political highground" The
U.S. Bush administration very likely could have suppressed high "50 mR/ hr to "100 mR/
hr" Geiger Counter readings on USA city streets as "background radiation 'aberrations,'
when high Geiger Counter readings are more likely a result of deliberate Radiological
attack. Thus, because of the nature of "background radiation," a radiological attack can
be denied in much the same manner as mining companies deny wrong doing when
confronted with evidence of Radiological contamination near their 'open pit' mines.
. . . Premeditated denials of lethally contaminated communities by government agencies
responsible to forewarn of dangerous Radiological contamination is a malfeasant crime of
. . .. . . . CAUSE #1 OF 'Qui Tam' ACTION:
. . . Al Qaida Terrorists have several times announced intent to destroy U.S. corporations
in Muslim countries. And, Plaintiffs are victims of Terrorist intent and efforts to destroy
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U.S. corporations in Muslim countries.
. . . PFC Kristian Menchaca (Killed, Iraq: 19 Jun 2006), U.S. Army, was assigned to a U.S.
Military operation in Iraq seeking to locate and nullify Nuclear Weapons of Mass
Destruction ("WMD") in Iraq that might be used in "Nuclear Crimes' against U.S.
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in the U.S., used against U.S. Corporation targets in Europe, and used against U.S.
Corporation targets located in the Middle East, Africa, and South America.
. . . While home in Texas, during May 2006, Kristian Menchaca explained to members of
his family he was present during U.S. Army interrogation of captured terrorists in Iraq,
early 2006; and, said Terrorists explained that they were transporting "hot" Uranium ore
tailings from Uranium mines in Iran, by truckload, to Iraq for export out of Iraq to serve
purposes of Radiologically 'stealth' attacking & contaminating U.S. Corporations doing
business in Middle East countries, and attack U.S. Corporations doing business in
Europe, in Africa, South america and USA.
. . . . After his Army leave expired in the USA, PFC Kristian Menchaca returned to Iraq in
June 2008 and was eventually captured together with PFC Thomas Tucker by al Shura
Nuclear Jihad Terrorists who barbarically tortured both to death from 16 Jun to 19 Jun
. . . . PFC Kristian Menchaca and PFC Thomas Tucker were fighting to stop Nuclear
Crime Radiological attack against U.S. Corporation properties in the Middle East that
would have undoubtedly produced catastrophic cross-contamination of land, Muslim
people, and nearby businesses that become collateral victims of Nuclear Crimes in
countries attacked with Radiological "Nuclear Crime" poisons.
. . . . Such a "Nuclear Crime" potential has been hypothetically described of Mecca, Saudi
Arabia, wherein the rooms of the American Hilton Hotel in Mecca or other Saudi cities
could be Radiologically stealth-contaminated with "Hot" Uranium / Radium ore oxides of
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radiation counts exceeding 50-100 mR / hr. exposure rates, more than 25 times the
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Page 16 of 45
exposure of Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) rules (
html : rules for a nuclear power plant), which require evacuation at 2 mR /hr. to
prevent fatal exposure to Nuclear radioactivity.
. . . . Currently, all U.S. Corporations, by their presence with business property addresses
in the Middle East, are antagonizing "Nuclear Crime" Radiological attacks against all
U.S. Corporation business holdings inside Muslim countries.
. . . . If the premises of any American-owned business in Mecca are "radiologically
contaminated in a Nuclear Crime attack," then common sense makes us realize that the
Holy Kaaba could become Radiologically "cross-contaminated" by innocent pilgrims who
have been previously Radiologically contaminated by deadly Uranium/Radium particles
attached their clothing from exposure inside their Radiologically contaminated hotel
rooms. Unlike Anthrax, lethal Uranium/Radium contamination is virtually impossible to
effectively clean-up. A Geiger Counter will always be able to detect some remaining lethal
Uranium/Radium contamination particles that may be lethally inhaled at a target site no
matter how often cleaned. In essence, the reality is that "once a city becomes "Nuclear
Crime" contaminated unto the condition of a "Nuclear wasteland," it will remain a
wasteland until the Radiological contaminant, Radium 226, decays to safe levels, likely
taking sixteen centuries, a very long time. The United States government under the grip
of U.S. War Criminals tried to conceal these most vile truths from the world during the
Bush Administration.
. . . Anyone, commoner and royalty, alike, is a potential victim of inhaling Radium 226
dust particles of a Radiologically attacked city into his lungs where they cannot be
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. . . X-rays of Uranium / Radium contaminated lungs in Radiologically contaminated
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victims display Radium particles like stars glowing in the midnight universe, a picture of
certain death a-coming as caused by Radium inhalation, which leads to eye cataracts,
bone cancer rot, liver, breast cancer, and other related Cancers that generally kill within
a few years or less.
. . . SEE: RADIUM-226 AND 228: Radium is a known cancer-causing substance.
Exposure to radium can lead to eye cataracts, bone, liver and breast cancer. ; ;
. . . SEE:
. . . Also SEE: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service.
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease, Registry, WWW is ; Email: [email protected] ; 24/7 Emergency
Contact Number: 1-888-295-5156 Revised: 04/2007
. . . Terrorists intent to destroy U.S. corporations in Muslim countries can be easily
prevented throughout the Middle East and Saudi Arabia by US Corporations voluntarily
selling their business Corporations and evacuating to maintain Nuclear peace in the
Middle East, Saudi Arabia , Europe, South America, and Africa. Such conditions present
moral and ethical questions that are very easily solved by a change of ownership while
the business of question continues to operate without interruption under its new Arab
Muslim owners. Thus, no money or revenue is lost to the host country by a simple change
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of ownership. Of course, the departing U.S. corporations lose the opportunity to enlarge
their profit opportunities, which is a small price to pay for Nuclear peace.
. . . The former American or British owners cannot morally or ethically object to selling
their Business Corporations in the Middle East and selling world-wide because the sales
of their "Nuclear Crime Target" business corporations will reduce the threat of "Nuclear
Radiological Crimes" in the Middle East and also reduce the Radiological threat
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. . . The sale of American or British Business Corporations will remove "Nuclear Crime"
targets from the landscape of many countries and thereby eliminate the focal point of
"Nuclear Crimes" in countries of question.
. . . . Presented with the undeniable fact that Terrorists have announced intent to destroy
U.S. corporations in these Muslim countries, it makes a great deal of good sense for U.S.
Corporations to "voluntarily sell" and change ownership to local Saudi ownership or
change U.S. Corporation ownership to other Middle East Investors who could purchase
U.S. owned Corporations that are "Nuclear Crime targets" in all Muslim Middle East
countries, including Saudi Arabia and Indonesia, and thereby remove U.S. owned
Corporations from the "Nuclear Crime" list of targets. Making this simple change is a
much better condition than the current "Nuclear Crime" threat scenario that permeates
the Middle East and other countries where U.S. Corporations operate profit making
business enterprises at the expense of the lives of american soldiers and of the lives of the
people in the countries where U.S. business corporations are "Nuclear Crime Targets."
. . SEE: U.S. District Court, New York, CIVIL ACTION NO.: 03 CV 6978, regarding
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World Trade Center as example of U.S. Business Corporation targets attacked by
Terrorists in the United States.
. . . . Such a change of ownership of U.S. Business Corporation targets in the Middle East
can be accomplished without loss of initial investment money to U.S. Corporations.
Moreover, a change of U.S. Corporation ownership can be done without loss of tax
revenue to the host country. This "change of ownership" is a simple answer to a
catastrophic "Nuclear Crime" threat potential that can be effectively eliminated by the
simple sale of property. Therefore, the larger question is why not immediately advertise
U.S. corporations for sale across the Middle East and then sell them to prevent "Nuclear
Crime" and keep the peace ! The sooner the sales of these "Nuclear Crime" targets are
transacted and finished and the American and British "Nuclear Crime" targets are
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gone, . . . . . . . . . the better the world will be for this change!
. . . . After all, why should the lives of the people of Saudi Arabia and the sanctity of the
Holy Kaaba be threatened just so American business Corporations may continue to make
profits in Saudi Arabia at the expense of her people and her sanctity.
. . . In essence, why should American business Corporations continue to present a
"Nuclear Crime" risk to the Holy Kaaba ? Of course, this question may be asked in many
countries where privately owned American business entities operate.
. . . . This presence of U.S. Business Corporation targets is an unconscionable Nuclear
Crime condition; and, it can be easily changed by American corporations "Voluntarily"
selling and divesting their Middle East properties to prevent Nuclear War Crimes
causing catastrophic "Nuclear War Crime pollution" in Middle East Countries and other
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countries hosting American business entities that are "Nuclear Crime" targets..
. . . . Such conditions are dilemmas not easily solved, but are solvable by diplomatic
engagement with the Nuclear Crime Terrorist groups over time. Obviously if both the
host country and the Terrorist groups both have a mutual interest to protect the Holy
KAABA, then they are already in agreement on the the Holy KAABA as a major center of
mutual interest. Thus, the welfare of the Holy KAABA represents a mutual interest for
Muslim peace to protect the Holy KAABA and represents a mutual interest for all groups
to work outward from this central point of the Holy KAABA in a journey to find Nuclear
peace. The same considerations apply to Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome.
. . . U.S. Business Corporations are not Muslim entities and, therefore, do not
the importance of the Holy KAABA to all Muslims. If any U.S. Business Corporation
"Nuclear Crime" target does not want to sell its "Business Enterprise" in the Middle
Europe, Russia, Asia, Japan , Africa, South America, to remove itself from the "Nuclear
130 of 212
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War Crime" list of American "Nuclear Crime" magnet corporations, the question is: "Why
. . .Considering the potential catastrophe that a U.S. Business Corporation target
presents in the nation of Saudi Arabia, the simple solution of "ownership change"
makes a great deal of sense by reducing the potential of "Nuclear Crimes" against a
Western-owned target to become zero once the U.S. Business Corporation target becomes
the property of an Arab Muslim "and " the American or British owners are gone.
. . . American Corporations should be required by court-action to address this catastrophic
"Nuclear War Crime" situation immediately in all Muslim countries where American
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Corporation presence creates increased potential for "Nuclear War Crimes"; and, U.S.
Business Corporation "Nuclear Crime" targets should volunteer to divest themselves
from ownership and then depart said countries in the interest of preventing "Nuclear
Crime" cross-contamination of said Muslim countries and thereby saving lives of citizens
who would be killed in a "Nuclear Crime" attack on American-owned businesses in said
Muslim countries.
. . . Currently, it is apparent that U.S. corporations in Muslim countries are willing to
continue business no matter what the "Nuclear Crime" cost to their Muslim 'host'
countries and "Nuclear Crime" cost to people who host U.S. Corporate businesses inside
their borders. This American Corporation willingness in Muslim countries to expose
citizens of Muslim countries to "Nuclear Crime" is wrongful.
In consideration of the foregoing, the following is a brief excerpt of Plaintiff's litigation
submitted to the Saudi Minister of Justice 19 Jan 2009.
" .98. CLAIMANTS REQUEST MONETARY RELIEF: War Crime victim Claimants
repeat and reallege each and every allegation contained in foregoing paragraphs as if set
forth fully herein and further request monetary relief as follows:
.99. that the Saudi Arabia Government take administrative action or Court action to
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award War Crime victim Claimants #3, The People and Nation of Saudi Arabia (listed as
War Crime victim Claimants ) against All Defendants D#1 through D#17 , -- D#1
Defendant Citicorp, Saudi Arabia ; D#2 Defendant Chase Manhattan Bank, Saudi
Arabia; D#3 "Morgan Stanley Saudi Arabia" {represented by (1) debt collector Counsel
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Page 22 of 45
Mann Braken LLP of Counsel; by (2) debt collector Counsel Wolpoff & Abramson,
Eskanos & Adler of Counsel ; by (3) debt collector Counsel Freedman, Anselmo,
& Rappe LLC of Counsel}, "Morgan Stanley Saudi Arabia" in partnership with 'The
Capital Group {“TCG”},' Saudi Arabia; ; D#4 Defendant First Union Bank, Saudi Arabia;
D#5 Defendant Bank of New York, Saudi Arabia; D#6 Defendant Bank of America, Inc.,
Saudi Arabia; D#7 Defendant JP Morgan Chase, Saudi Arabia ; D#8 Defendant
CITICORP, Saudi Arabia; D#9 Defendant Hilton Hotels, Saudi Arabia; D#10 Defendant
Marriot Hotels, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia ; D#11 Defendant FORD, Saudi Arabia (auto &
truck sales) ; D#12 Defendant Daimler Chrysler (auto & truck sales), Saudi Arabia; D#13
Defendant General Motors (auto & truck sales), Saudi Arabia; D#14 Defendant ChevronTexaco, Caltex Overseas Limited S A. Po Box 8939 21492 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (heavy
industry); D#15 Defendant DU PONT, Saudi Arabia (heavy industry); D#16 Defendant
Halliburton (Hanifa), P.O. Box 3474, Khobar 31953, Saudi Arabia (heavy industry); D#17
Defendant Conoco Phillips/Chevron Phillips Company , Saudi Arabia (heavy industry)
and each of them, each, and jointly and severally, the following (1.) Monetary relief,
Wrongful and Criminal “Nuclear Crime Death Threat” damages, general damages, and
special damages in excess of $1,000,000,000,000 U.S. dollars (One Trillion dollars, U.S.)
suffered by Claimant #3, the Saudi Arabia Government (listed as Claimant' War Crime
victims), the exact amount to be proven at trial, plus interest thereon; (2.) For
prejudgement interests at the maximum legal rate on all damage awards and Attorney
fees to the the Saudi Arabia Government and to Claimant Kenneth macKenzie and
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Claimant cesar Menchaca; (3.) For interest, cost, and disbursements of this action; (4.)
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For reasonable Attorney's fees to the government of Saudi Arabia and to Claimant
Kenneth MacKenzie and to Claimant Cesar Menchaca and expert witness fees to
Claimant #1. Kenneth MacKenzie, Uncle of Kristian Menchaca, and to Claimant #2.
Cesar Vasquez Menchaca; and to Claimant #3, the government of Saudi Arabia (listed as
Claimant War Crime victims) (5.) For such other and further relief as the court deems
just and proper; (6.) For reasonable Attorney's fees and expert witness fees; (7.) For
punitive damages , plus interest thereon;
.100. that the government of Saudi Arabia take Royal administrative action or Court
action to award War Crime victim Claimants #3, the Nation of of Saudi Arabia (listed as
War Crime victim Claimants ) against All Defendants D#1 through D#17 , -- D#1
Defendant Citicorp, Saudi Arabia ; D#2 Defendant Chase Manhattan Bank, Saudi
Arabia; D#3 "Morgan Stanley Saudi Arabia" {represented by (1) debt collector Counsel
Mann Braken LLP of Counsel; by (2) debt collector Counsel Wolpoff & Abramson,
Eskanos & Adler of Counsel ; by (3) debt collector Counsel Freedman, Anselmo,
& Rappe LLC of Counsel}, "Morgan Stanley Saudi Arabia" in partnership with 'The
Capital Group {“TCG”},' Saudi Arabia; D#4 Defendant First Union Bank, Saudi Arabia;
D#5 Defendant Bank of New York, Saudi Arabia; D#6 Defendant Bank of America, Inc.,
Saudi Arabia; D#7 Defendant JP Morgan Chase, Saudi Arabia ; D#8 Defendant
CITICORP, Saudi Arabia; D#9 Defendant Hilton Hotels, Saudi Arabia; D#10 Defendant
Marriot Hotels, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia ; D#11 Defendant FORD, Saudi Arabia (auto &
truck sales) ; D#12 Defendant Daimler Chrysler (auto & truck sales), Saudi Arabia; D#13
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Defendant General Motors (auto & truck sales), Saudi Arabia; D#14 Defendant Chevron-
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Texaco, Caltex Overseas Limited S A. Po Box 8939 21492 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (heavy
industry); D#15 Defendant DU PONT, Saudi Arabia (heavy industry); D#16 Defendant
Halliburton (Hanifa), P.O. Box 3474, Khobar 31953, Saudi Arabia (heavy industry); D#17
Defendant Conoco Phillips/Chevron Phillips Company , Saudi Arabia (heavy industry),
and each of them, each, and jointly and severally, the following : (1.) that until “All U.S.
Defendants D#1 through D#17 ” -- D#1 Defendant Citicorp, Saudi Arabia ; D#2
Defendant Chase Manhattan Bank, Saudi Arabia; D#3 "Morgan Stanley Saudi Arabia"
{represented by (1) debt collector Counsel Mann Braken LLP of Counsel; by (2) debt
collector Counsel Wolpoff & Abramson, Eskanos & Adler of Counsel ; by (3) debt
Counsel Freedman, Anselmo, Lindberg & Rappe LLC of Counsel}, "Morgan Stanley
Arabia" in partnership with 'The Capital Group {“TCG”},' Saudi Arabia; ; D#4 Defendant
First Union Bank, Saudi Arabia; D#5 Defendant Bank of New York, Saudi Arabia; D#6
Defendant Bank of America, Inc., Saudi Arabia; D#7 Defendant JP Morgan Chase, Saudi
Arabia ; D#8 Defendant CITICORP, Saudi Arabia; D#9 Defendant Hilton Hotels, Saudi
Arabia; D#10 Defendant Marriot Hotels, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia ; D#11 Defendant FORD,
Saudi Arabia (auto & truck sales) ; D#12 Defendant Daimler Chrysler (auto & truck
sales), Saudi Arabia; D#13 Defendant General Motors (auto & truck sales), Saudi Arabia;
D#14 Defendant Chevron-Texaco, Caltex Overseas Limited S A. Po Box 8939 21492
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (heavy industry); D#15 Defendant DU PONT, Saudi Arabia (heavy
industry); D#16 Defendant Halliburton (Hanifa), P.O. Box 3474, Khobar 31953, Saudi
Arabia (heavy industry); D#17 Defendant Conoco Phillips/Chevron Phillips Company ,
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Saudi Arabia (heavy industry) -- are able to VOLUNTARILY divest themselves of all
interest and ownership of all their property in the nation of Saudi Arabia within
reasonable time to save the lives of millions of Saudi Arabia War Crime victim
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who could likely be mass-murdered by Nuclear War Crime attacks as described herein,
“All Defendants D#1 through D#17 ” immediately post "Nuclear Crime liability
insurance" or surety of $1,000,000,000,000 U.S. dollars (One Trillion dollars, U.S.) to
cover (1) Monetary relief, Wrongful and Criminal “Nuclear Crime Death Threat”
damages, general damages, and special damages in excess of $1,000,000,000,000 U.S.
dollars (One Trillion dollars, U.S.) that may be suffered by War Crime victim Claimants
#3, the Nation of Saudi Arabia (listed as War Crime victim Claimants ), the exact
to be proven at trial, plus interest thereon; (2.) For pre-judgment interests at the
maximum legal rate on all damage awards and award Attorney fees to the Minister of
Justice for Saudi Arabia and Attorney Fees to War Crime victim Claimant Kenneth
MacKenzie and War Crime victim Claimant Cesar Menchaca ; (3.) For interest, cost, and
disbursements of this action; (4.) For reasonable Attorney's fees to the Attorneys of Saudi
Arabia and to War Crime victim Claimant Kenneth MacKenzie and to War Crime
Claimant Cesar Menchaca and expert witness fees to War Crime victim Claimant #1.
Kenneth MacKenzie, Uncle of Kristian Menchaca, and to War Crime victim Claimant #2
Cesar Vasquez Menchaca; (5.) For such other and further relief as the court deems just
and proper; (6.) For reasonable Attorney's fees and expert witness fees; (7.) For punitive
damages , plus interest thereon;
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Page 26 of 45
.101. that in compensation for violations of the Geneva Conventions, violations of the
laws of Saudi Arabia and violations of those laws set forth in the Koran by Mohamed
regarding treatment of “Prisoners of War, the Court award to Claimant #1. Kenneth
MacKenzie, Uncle of Kristian Menchaca, and award to Claimant #2.Cesar Vasquez
Menchaca against All Defendants D#1 through D#17 -- D#1 Defendant Citicorp, Saudi
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Arabia ; D#2 Defendant Chase Manhattan Bank, Saudi Arabia; D#3 "Morgan Stanley
Saudi Arabia" {represented by (1) debt collector Counsel Mann Braken LLP of
by (2) debt collector Counsel Wolpoff & Abramson, Eskanos & Adler of Counsel ; by (3)
debt collector Counsel Freedman, Anselmo, Lindberg & Rappe LLC of Counsel},
Stanley Saudi Arabia" in partnership with 'The Capital Group {“TCG”},' Saudi Arabia; ;
D#4 Defendant First Union Bank, Saudi Arabia; D#5 Defendant Bank of New York, Saudi
Arabia; D#6 Defendant Bank of America, Inc., Saudi Arabia; D#7 Defendant JP Morgan
Chase, Saudi Arabia ; D#8 Defendant CITICORP, Saudi Arabia; D#9 Defendant Hilton
Hotels, Saudi Arabia; D#10 Defendant Marriot Hotels, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia ; D#11
Defendant FORD, Saudi Arabia (auto & truck sales) ; D#12 Defendant Daimler Chrysler
(auto & truck sales), Saudi Arabia; D#13 Defendant General Motors (auto & truck sales),
Saudi Arabia; D#14 Defendant Chevron-Texaco, Caltex Overseas Limited S A. Po Box
8939 21492 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (heavy industry); D#15 Defendant DU PONT, Saudi
Arabia (heavy industry); D#16 Defendant Halliburton (Hanifa), P.O. Box 3474, Khobar
31953, Saudi Arabia (heavy industry); D#17 Defendant Conoco Phillips/Chevron Phillips
Company , Saudi Arabia (heavy industry), Insurgent Defendants and each of them, each,
and jointly and severally, the following:
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(1.) Monetary relief, Wrongful death, general, and special damages in excess of
$8,000,000,000, (eight billion dollars, U.S.) suffered by Claimant #1. Kenneth MacKenzie,
Uncle of Kristian Menchaca, and suffered by Claimant #2.Cesar Vasquez Menchaca , the
exact amount to be proven at trial, plus interest thereon; (2.) For pre-judgement interests
at the maximum legal rate on all damage awards and Attorney fees; (3.) For interests,
cost, and disbursements of this action; ( 4.) For reasonable Attorney's fees to theMinister
of Justice of Saudi Arabia and reasonable Attorney's fees to War Crime victim Claimant
136 of 212
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Kenneth MacKenzie and to War Crime victim Claimant Cesar Menchaca and expert
witness fees to War Crime victim Claimants #1. Kenneth MacKenzie, Uncle of Kristian
Menchaca, and to War Crime victim Claimant #2.Cesar Vasquez Menchaca. (5.) For such
other and further relief as the court deems just and proper; (6.) For reasonable Attorney's
fees and expert witness fees; (7.) For punitive damages , plus interest thereon;
.102. that the Court award Plaintiffs against the Defendants and each of them, jointly
and severally, the following:
(1.) Monetary relief, general, and special damages to include $10,000,000,000 (Ten Billion
Dollars) to be held in Private Enterprise Banks as reward funds. Said $10,000,000,000
(Ten Billion Dollars) to be used exclusively for payment of “life-rewards” for return alive
of captured U.S. soldiers at $25 million each, immediately offered over world news media,
within hours on the day of capture, and paid within hours on the day of capture, without
delay, until all war hostilities have ended, and special bank arrangements be made for
rapid transfer of any and all reward amounts be made to speed transfer of $25 million
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dollar reward amounts to whichever country is designated as a destination for reward
payments;(2.) For prejudgment interests at the maximum legal rate on all damage
awards and Attorney fees; (3.) For interests, cost, and disbursements of this action; ( 4.)
For reasonable Attorney's fees to the Minister of Justice for Saudi Arabia and reasonable
Attorney's fees to War Crime victim Claimant Kenneth MacKenzie and to War Crime
victim Claimant Cesar Menchaca and expert witness fees to War Crime victim Claimant
#1. Kenneth MacKenzie, Uncle of Kristian Menchaca, and to War Crime victim Claimant
#2. Cesar Vasquez Menchaca. (5.) For such other and further relief as the court deems
just and proper; (6.) For reasonable Attorney's fees and expert witness fees; (7.) For
punitive damages , plus interest thereon. [END OF CITED CLAIM DATED19 JANUARY
2009 "]
. . "Abandoned" Uranium Pit "Lethal radioactive Uranium waste" is simply piled on the
ground near most of these abandoned open pit mines and at the entrance of the
137 of 212
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unguarded Margnac open Pit Uranium mine in France; and, anyone can take it at
anytime. It is like shoveling garden dirt into the back of an automobile . . . , very simple.
. . Uranium waste piles present a lethal hazard because of release of bone rotting
radioactive dust and radioactive radon gas that could easily be inhaled by victims, and
toxic Radium dust, which is nine million times more radioactive than Uranium and
destroys lungs.
SEE: , Margnac open Pit Uranium mine near
Limoges, France. Also SEE: ;
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Kenneth MacKenzie
. . . Plaintiffs presented to this U.S. Court a formal "Motion for Appointment of Counsel"
with an accompanying "WAR CRIME COMPLAINT" complaining that the U.S.
Attorney in Houston, Tim Johnson, had denied Petitioner's request for 'Witness
Protection Program' provision for the Kristian Menchaca family as Plaintiff MacKenzie
had previously received the following Criminal '20 Jul 2008 Death Threat' during
litigation of this War Crime matter.
. . . The U.S. Supreme Court Clerk returned Plaintiffs' "Motion for Appointment of
Counsel" and "WAR CRIME COMPLAINT" explaining that Counsel is not appointed in
Petitions for Writ of Certiorari.
. . .Plaintiff MacKenzie forwarded said 20 Jul 2008 Death Threat in its entirety by eMail
to the Houston office of FBI, a portion of which is quoted as follows:
I felt very sorry and bad for you, that your life is going to end like this if
you don't comply, i was paid to eliminate you and I have to do it within
10 days. . .. . .And the person have spent a lot of money on this, the person
also came to us and told us that he wants you dead and he provided us your
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names, photograph and other necessary information we needed about you.
Meanwhile, I have sent my boys to track you down and they have carried
out the necessary investigation needed for the operation. . .
. . . Right now my men are monitoring you, their eyes are on you. . .
. . .Warning: do not think of contacting the police or even tell anyone because I
will extend it to any member of your family since you are aware that somebody
want you dead, and the person knows some members of your family as well.
([email protected]) Mr .John Itali. [End Quote]
. . .Plaintiffs / Petitioners, The Kristian Menchaca Family, Victim-Witness Protection by
U.S. Attorney Tim Johnson of the Houston Office, requested this U.S. Court to issue a
Protective Order regarding their safety related to their litigation of this U.S. Supreme
Court matter, docket 08-9595, and issue a Protective Order regarding their safety
related to their litigation of U.S. CLAIM and issue a Protective Order regarding their
safety related to their litigation of Court Case H-08-60, Houston, Texas.
. . . Currently, the Menchaca family litigates in the U.S. Courts under threat of death by
Criminals as they have been denied Victim / Witness protection by U.S. Attorney Tim
Johnson of the same type willingly provided by the U.S. Justice Department to Sammy
'The Bull' Gravano, a Mafioso murderer of eighteen people.
. . . Said 03 April 2009 "WAR CRIME COMPLAINT" document also provides
information of "USC Title 18 Crime Complaint" against certain members of the former
"Bush administration " appointed U.S. Justice Department, specifically against former
U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey, specifically against acting U.S. Attorney
General Mark Filip (previously appointed 20 Jan 2009), and specifically against U.S.
Attorney Tim Johnson (currently), all who perpetrated War Crimes and, through U.S.
Attorney Tim Johnson , continue to perpetrate "USC Title 18 §1512 Crime Tampering"
and "USC Title 18 §1513 Crime Retaliation" (Title 18 §1512 and "USC Title 18 §1513
provide 'Extra-territorial jurisdiction' in foreign venues) crimes against Kristian
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Menchaca Family Plaintiffs, the family of War Crime victimized PFC Kristian Menchaca
who are not afforded Victim / Witness protection, while Mafioso like Sammy 'the Bull'
Gravano are provided Victim / Witness protection.
. . . Plaintiffs have decided "NOT" to publish most of the following questions in their
litigation or in MacKenzie's several books on the 'Nuclear Crime' threats to the Holy
Kaaba and St. Peter's Basilica , but will publish several questions that relate to Tim
Johnson's ministerial and discretionary scope on U.S. Victim Protection related to this
"Reward" litigation..
. . . The Bush Administration has eliminated any possibility of "COMPLIMENTARITY"
and Obstruction of War Crime Complaints continues to be the policy of the U.S.
Department of Justice under the Obama Administration related to War Crime
Complaints for which there is no "COMPLIMENTARITY," even regarding Complaints of
Torture-Murder War Crimes perpetrated against United States soldier Prisoners of War.
. . . . The "complementarity" principle indicates that certain crime offenses are
complementary. If two crime offenses are complementary, an Administration that clearly
accepts only certain crime complaints will obscure the other complementary Complaints.
For example, an administration that refuses to take crime reports of Geneva Convention
prohibited war crime tortures and murders wherein the War Crime Complaint
names U.S. Department of Justice Employees as perpetrators of Justice Obstruction
crimes and War Crimes will not record any complaints related to War Crime murders
even though torture-murders are crimes in the United States. This condition
also establishes that only certain kinds of information can be submitted in a particular
Crime Complaint recorded by the U.S. Department of Justice. Some other information
that is equally important under the principal of "complementarity" will not
be considered simultaneously and is obstructed.
. . . For example, when Plaintiff MacKenzie complained to U.S. Department of Justice
FBI Houston Office that U.S. Attorney Tim Johnson had denied the Menchaca family
Victim protection related to said enclosed and cited Criminal death threat, the FBI Duty
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Agent explained he would not 'take' such a report and would not 'take' a crime report of
18 USC Tampering and Retaliation crime offenses, and the Menchaca family should
realize that litigation against terrorists brings 'death risks' that "go with the territory."
The FBI Duty Agent then disconnected his phone contact with Plaintiff MacKenzie.
. . . When Plaintiff MacKenzie complained to Governor Rick Perry in "Care of" Chief
Master Sergeant Gonda Moncada, Public Affairs Chief, Texas National Guard, Comm
512-782-5050; DSN 954-5050, [email protected] and same office of Col
William Meeham, Texas National Guard 512-782-1034 ;
[email protected] ; [email protected], Public Affairs Chief
Moncada disconnected her phone contact with Plaintiff MacKenzie after he explained
that Texas National Guard troops faced the same "$50,000 'Death Sentence' Rewards"
and consequential mutilation-torture-murders suffered by Pvt Kristian Menchaca
(Plaintiffs’ nephew), Pvt Thomas Tucker, Pvt Joseph Anziak, Sgt. Keith Maupin, Spc.
Alex R. Jimenez, and Pvt. Byron W. Fouty as U.S. soldier Prisoners of War, all who were
tortured and murdered during various capture time periods from 2004 through July
. . . Petitioner Kenneth MacKenzie has filed this current Claim and copies of U.S. Court
Case H-08-60 filed in the U.N. INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT, (ICC, Prosecutor,
Case # OTP-CR-100/08, PO Box 19519, 2500 CM, The Hague, The Netherlands, email
[email protected] , ( . The Prosecutor of
the U.N. INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT has notified MacKenzie that the
Prosecutor's Office will investigate the violations of the Geneva Conventions set forth in
MacKenzie's filed U.S. District Court case H-08-60 and those cases MacKenzie has filed
with the Ministers of Justice in Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, and other Middle East.
. . . Plaintiff MacKenzie has complained to the Prosecutor of the U.N. INTERNATIONAL
CRIMINAL COURT that U.S. Department of Justice employees will not record any
complaints related to War Crime murders even though torture-murders are crimes under
United States Codes.
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. . . This U.S. Department of Justice obstruction of "complementarity" condition
also establishes that only certain kinds of information can be submitted regarding Crime
Complaints recorded by the U.S. Department of Justice. Crime Complaint information
related to War Crimes that is equally important under the principal of
"complementarity" is ignored by the remaining Bush administration FBI, headed by FBI
Director Robert Mueller, who Obstruct Justice and misprision felonies by refusing to
enforce U.S. laws under the principal of "complementarity" by not recording crime
complaints against U.S. Department of Justice employees who regularly obstruct justice
by refusing to investigate War Crime violations of the Geneva Conventions.
. . .Crime Complaint information related to War Crimes that is equally important under
the principal of "complementarity" is also ignored by Governor Perry of the state of
Texas who has ignored the fact that U.S. Attorneys General have treasonably Life
Reward valued 'federalized' Texas National Guardsmen at "$50,000 'Death' Rewards"
while offering 100 to 500 times more Reward life value for the lives of Terrorists .
. . . Plaintiffs request this Court to issue Defendant U.S. Department of Justice, and
Department of State, and Department of Defense, a Protective Order to protect the lives
of captured U.S. Soldier Prisoners of War in Iraq and Afghanistan and in Middle East
Countries , said Protective Order of this Court directing all U.S. government
Departments and Agencies to "NOT" publish or proclaim U.S. rewards for each
captured U.S. Soldier Prisoners of War that are lower in value than the highest amount,
$25,000,000, the U.S. advertises it will pay for the highest reward valued enemy of the
United States, Usama Bin Ladin, currently valued at twenty five million U.S. dollars
($25,000,000), said Protective Order of this Court further directing all U.S. government
Departments and Agencies to "NOT" violate the Geneva Conventions relative to
captured U.S. Soldier Prisoners of War and "NOT" fail to "EQUALLY" publicize,
worldwide, with media advertising that is at least physically EQUAL, inch by inch, to
visual media advertising of display ads published regarding Rewards for Terrorists that
Rewards of twenty five million U.S. dollars ($25,000,000) will be paid for live recovery of
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captured U.S. Soldier Prisoners of War in Iraq and Afghanistan and radio advertising
that also provides "EQUAL" or better advertising time and word count in radio
advertising that Rewards of twenty five million U.S. dollars ($25,000,000) will be paid
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for live recovery of captured U.S. Soldier Prisoners of War in Iraq and Afghanistan, and
apply these same principles to TV advertising of sound word count, ad time duration, and
photo-picture size to be at least "EQUAL" to ads on behalf of terrorists or better than ads
for terrorists, said Protective Order of this Court further directing all U.S. government
Departments and Agencies to "NOT" ignore any part of the Geneva Conventions of
1949 and the Geneva Protocols of 1977 and 2005, and particularly note that provision is
stated under Geneva Convention 3, Art 10 that "The High Contracting Parties may at
any time agree to entrust to an organization which offers all guarantees of
and efficacy the duties incumbent on the Protecting Powers by virtue of the present
. . .This Article 10 provision and others enable liaison between the U.S. and various
Mosques in Afghanistan and Iraq to enable provision of Geneva Convention Law and
Koranic Law mandated by Mohamed to protect Prisoners of War in cooperation with all
. . . Plaintiffs request this Court to issue a Protective Order to protect the lives of the
Menchaca family until such time as these Terrorism threats are no longer an issue.
. . . Plaintiffs request this Court to issue a Protective Order to protect the Holy Kaaba
from "Nuclear Crime" attack related to the U.S. War prosecution in Iraq and Afghanistan.
. . . Plaintiffs request this Court to issue a Protective Order to protect the Tomb of
Mohamed in Medina, Saudi Arabia from "Nuclear Crime" attack related to the U.S. War
prosecution in Iraq and Afghanistan.
. . . Plaintiffs request this Court to issue a Protective Order to protect Holy St. Peter's
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Basilica from "Nuclear Crime" attack related to U.S. War prosecution in Iraq and
. . . Plaintiffs request this Court to issue to Defendant an Order to Show Cause why the
U.S. should or should not offer "Radiological Crime" Protection to the Holy Kaaba,
Mecca, Saudi Arabia.
. . . Plaintiffs request this Court to issue to Defendant an Order to Show Cause why the
U.S. should or should not offer "Radiological Crime" Protection to the Tomb of
Mohamed, Medina, Saudi Arabia.
. . . Plaintiffs request this Court to issue to Defendant an Order to Show Cause why the
U.S. should or should not offer "Radiological Crime" Protection to the U.S. Business
Entities in Saudi Arabia in an effort to protect the Holy Kaaba, Mecca, Saudi Arabia from
Radiological Cross-Contamination as is expected to come from Radiological attack against
U.S. Business property in Saudi Arabia.
. . . Plaintiffs request this Court to issue to Defendant an Order to Show Cause why the
U.S. should or should not offer "Radiological Crime" Protection to the U.S. Business
Entities in Italy in an effort to protect Holy St. Peter's Church, Vatican City, in Rome,
Italy from Radiological Cross-Contamination as is expected to come from Radiological
attack against U.S. Business property in Italy.
. . . Plaintiffs request this Court to issue to Defendant and to fifty US state governors to
"show cause" why they should not forewarn State National Guard troops of said
insufficient "$50,000 'Death' Rewards" that directly impact Texas National Guard troops
when 'federalized' into the federal military of the United States.
. . . Plaintiffs request this Court to issue to Defendant and to fifty U.S. state governors
and U.S. Attorney General and U.S. Secretary of State and "Order to 'Show Cause' " why
U.S. Bush administration "fifty thousand dollar torture-death 'rewards'" offered by U.S.
for captured U.S. soldier prisoners of war should continue to remain in effect after bush
administration has vacated office of presidency of the United States.
BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDIX #1, of Internet Addresses regarding Terrorist torture
144 of 212
145 of 212
videos showing the torture deaths of PFC Kristian Menchaca and PFC Thomas Tucker :
Disclaimer Warning: These web addresses contain shocking atrocity photos, not for
children and
teenage persons under 18 years of age:
“Click” or shade & paste Web address in browser bar, then click “GO.”
(1) SEE: Video Of Beaheadings Of Americans Kristian Menchaca And Thomas
(2) SEE:,GGLD:200406,GGLD:en&q=kristian+menchaca+video
(3) SEE:,GGLD:200406,GGLD:en&pwst=1&start=10&sa=N
(4) SEE:
(5) SEE:,GGLD:200406,GGLD:en&q=kristian+menchaca+video
(6) SEE:,GGLD:200406,GGLD:en&pwst=1&start=10&sa=N
(7) SEE: SEE: case/1469898569?icid=acvsv1
Page 37 of 45
Page 38 of 45
145 of 212
146 of 212
(16) Video Of Beaheadings Of Americans Kristian Menchaca And Thomas
(17) The Jawa Report: Beheading Desecration Video of Dead U.S. Soldiers ...
Jul 10, 2006 ...
(18) Kristian Menchaca and Thomas Tucker’s Kidnapper Caught ... - 89k Cached
(19) Beheading Desecration Video of Dead U.S. Soldiers Released on Internet by al ... The two victims, Kristian
Menchaca and Thomas Tucker, were members of the ...
(20) Beheading video of US soldiers by the adherents of the “religion ...
Jul 10, 2006 ...
(21) The Jawa Report: New Tucker and Menchaca Video: Bodies Desecrated ...
Sep 23, 2006 ... new footage and ...
(22) U.S. Soldiers Beheaded by al Qaeda (Video / Images) »
Jul 10, 2006 ... extremely graphic footage is preceded by an audio clip of a past Usama ...
Tucker and Pfc. Kristian Menchaca Mutilation Video Released. ...
BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDIX #2 of Internet Addresses regarding Geneva
Conventions I, II, 111, IV, of 1949 and Geneva Protocols of 1977 and 2005:
Page 38 of 45
Page 39 of 45 ; ; ; ;
Submitted by Plaintiff Kenneth MacKenzie
Plaintiff ’s signature : S/ Kenneth MacKenzie,
146 of 212
147 of 212
title : Pro Se, Properia Persona, Plaintiff / Petitioner / Complainant
Plaintiff member of Kristian Menchaca Family
of U.S. Court Case H-08-60 - Houston, TX;
Home address:
Page 39 of 45
Page 40 of 45
(1) Kenneth MacKenzie, appearing Properia Persona as Plaintiff “Pro Se”
appearing on his own behalf with family class members similarly situated, (2) Julieta
Vasquez-MacKenzie, as Plaintiff, Aunt of Pfc. Kristian Vasquez Menchaca (sister of Claimant
Guadalupe Vasquez), (3) Guadalupe Vasquez, as Plaintiff, Mother of Pfc. Kristian Vasquez
Menchaca, Mother of (4) Caesar Vasquez Menchaca, as Plaintiff, Brother of Pfc. Kristian Vasquez
Menchaca, family class members similarly situated — PETITIONERS
Class Action regarding:
(1) The four Geneva Conventions (I,II,III,IV)
of 12 August 1949 for the protection of war victims
Defendant #1, U.S. Justice Department, United States Executive Branch Of Government,
Alberto Gonzales, Attorney General of the United States — RESPONDENT(S)
I, Kenneth MacKenzie, do swear or declare that on this date, 30 April 2009, as required by Supreme Court
29 I have served the enclosed U.S. Supreme Court Rule 15: PLAINTIFFS' SUPPLEMENTAL
BRIEF on each party to the above proceeding
or that party’s counsel, and on every other person required to be served, by depositing
an envelope containing the above documents in the United States mail properly addressed
to each of them and with first-class postage prepaid, or by delivery to a third-party
commercial carrier for delivery within 3 calendar days.
The names and addresses of those served are as follows: U.S. Justice Department, United States
Executive Branch Of Government, Alberto Gonzales, former Attorney General of the United
States; Erik Holder, Attorney General of the United States, Department of Justice, 10th and
147 of 212
148 of 212
Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20530;
TO: Solicitor General Elena Kagan, Office of the Solicitor General, Care Of Neal Katyal, Room
5614, Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W., Washington, DC 20530-0001
Phone: 202-514-2217/18 hours 9:00 am to 5:30 pm, M-F 202-514-2203
[email protected] ,
. . . . . To: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Lee Caplan & John B. Bellinger III, Office of Legal
Adviser, U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC 20520 , (202) 647-0748; [email protected];
Kimberly A. Gahan, Attorney-Adviser, International Claims &
Investment Disputes Office of the Legal Adviser, U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC
20520 , tel: (202) 776-8431; email: [email protected]
. . . . . To: U.N. INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT, (ICC, Prosecutor, Case # OTP-CR100/08, PO Box 19519, 2500 CM, The Hague, The Netherlands, email otp.informationdesk@icccpi.
int , ( http: / / w / home.html&l=en)
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed on , 30 April 2009
Printed name: Kenneth MacKenzie
(1) Kenneth MacKenzie, appearing Properia Persona as Plaintiff “Pro Se”
appearing on his own behalf with family class members similarly situated, (2) Julieta
Vasquez-MacKenzie, as Plaintiff, Aunt of Pfc. Kristian Vasquez Menchaca (sister of Claimant
Guadalupe Vasquez), (3) Guadalupe Vasquez, as Plaintiff, Mother of Pfc. Kristian Vasquez
Menchaca, Mother of (4) Caesar Vasquez Menchaca, as Plaintiff, Brother of Pfc. Kristian Vasquez
Menchaca, family class members similarly situated — PETITIONERS
Class Action regarding:
(1) The four Geneva Conventions (I,II,III,IV)
of 12 August 1949 for the protection of war victims
Defendant #1, U.S. Justice Department, United States Executive Branch Of Government,
148 of 212
149 of 212
Alberto Gonzales, Attorney General of the United States — RESPONDENT(S)
I, Kenneth MacKenzie, do swear or declare that on this date, 30 April 2009, as required by Supreme Court
29 I have served the enclosed U.S. Supreme Court Rule 15: PLAINTIFFS' SUPPLEMENTAL
BRIEF on each party to the above proceeding
or that party’s counsel, and on every other person required to be served, by depositing
an envelope containing the above documents in the United States mail properly addressed
to each of them and with first-class postage prepaid, or by delivery to a third-party
commercial carrier for delivery within 3 calendar days.
The names and addresses of those served are as follows: U.S. Justice Department, United States Executive
Branch Of Government, Alberto Gonzales, former Attorney General of the United States; Erik
Holder, Attorney General of the United States, UNITED STATES ATTORNEY’S OFFICE:
Houston /Galveston Division:
Mail: P.O. Box 61129 , Houston, TX 77208; TO: Solicitor General Elena Kagan, Office of the
Solicitor General, Care Of Neal Katyal, Room 5614, Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania
Avenue, N. W., Washington, DC 20530-0001 Phone: 202-514-2217/18 hours 9:00 am to 5:30
pm, M-F 202-514-2203 [email protected] ,
. . . . . To: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Lee Caplan & John B. Bellinger III, Office of Legal
Adviser, U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC 20520 , (202) 647-0748; [email protected];
Kimberly A. Gahan, Attorney-Adviser, International Claims &
Investment Disputes Office of the Legal Adviser, U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC
20520 , tel: (202) 776-8431; email: [email protected]
. . . . . To: U.N. INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT, (ICC, Prosecutor, Case # OTP-CR100/08, PO Box 19519, 2500 CM, The Hague, The Netherlands, [email protected] ,
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed on , 30 April 2009
Printed name: Kenneth MacKenzie
149 of 212
150 of 212
. . . . . To: Mailing Address of the Solicitor General of the United States (see Rule 29.4)
. .TO: Solicitor General Elena Kagan, Office of the Solicitor General, Care Of Neal
Katyal, Room 5614, Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W.,
Washington, DC 20530-0001 Phone: 202-514-2217/18 hours 9:00 am to 5:30 pm, M-F
202-514-2203 [email protected] ,
. . . . . To: U.N. INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT, (ICC, Prosecutor, Case # OTPCR100/08, PO Box 19519, 2500 CM, The Hague, The Netherlands, email
[email protected] , (
. . . . . To: President of The United States and Counsel to President of the United States
Fax: 202- 456-2883; Phn: 202 456-2632
. . . . . To: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Lee Caplan & John B. Bellinger III, Office
of Legal Adviser, U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC 20520 , (202) 647-0748;
[email protected]; Kimberly A. Gahan, Attorney-Adviser, International Claims &
Investment Disputes Office of the Legal Adviser, U.S. Department of State, Washington,
20520 , tel: (202) 776-8431; email: [email protected]
Defense Attaché Office, US Embassy, 24 Grosvenor Square, London W1A 1AE ; Phone:
[44] (0) 20 7894-0723; Fax:[44] (0) 20 7499-7688 ; Email: [email protected] ;
[email protected]
. . . . . TO: United States Attorney General Erik Holder, U.S. Department of Justice, 10th
and Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 2053 ;US Attorney General, 950
Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC - (202) 353-1555 , [email protected] ,
[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] ,
[email protected] ,
. . . . . TO: United States Attorney Attorney General Mukasey, Care Of: UNITED STATES
Page 42 of 45
Page 43 of 45
150 of 212
151 of 212
ATTORNEY’S OFFICE, Tim Johnson, Houston, P.O. Box 61129, Houston, TX 77208; 85 M-F: (713) 718-3310; U.S. Atty. (713) 567-9000 FBI 713-693-5000 ;
[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] ,
[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] ,
[email protected] ,[email protected] ,
[email protected] , [email protected] ,
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected] ;
[email protected], [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected],
[email protected] , [email protected], [email protected] , [email protected] ,
[email protected] , [email protected], [email protected] ,
[email protected] , [email protected] ,
[email protected] ,[email protected] ,
[email protected] , [email protected]
. . . TO: Captain Weiskopf & Commander, ATTN: IACS-SMIO-PAO, 8825 Beulah Street ,
Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-5246, INSCOM Phone: (703) 428-4965 ; INSCOM Pentagon 703697-4200 ; Email: [email protected] ; [email protected] ;
[email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ;
[email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ;
[email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ;
[email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ;
[email protected]
Page 43 of 45
Page 44 of 45
. . . TO: Patrick J. Fitzgerald, U.S. Special Counsel; jeffrey.kerr ; heather.cartwright ;
cathy.spears; Office of U.S. Special Counsel, and To U.S. National Security Division, U.S.
Department of Justice (U.S. DoJ), Office of Justice for Victims of Overseas Terrorism; and
an Executive Office. or 202-514-1057; jeffrey.kerr: 202-616-3581 ; heather.cartwright:
202-514-1057; ; cathy.spears: 202 307 -6649 ; eMail : [email protected] ;
[email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ;
151 of 212
152 of 212
[email protected] ;
. . . TO: George Hephner, Deputy U.S. Marshall, 515 Rusk, Houston, TX 77002, 713 718
4800; [email protected]
. . I hereby certify that the above and foregoing instrument was served upon Defendants
and Interested Parties and their counsel in the above entitled and numbered cause at
their office eMail addresses as indicated at their "published" Internet Web sites by
Plaintiff Kenneth MacKenzie, Attorney Pro SE, Uncle of PFC Kristian Vasquez
Menchaca, H. Phone: 713-225-0123 ; Cell : 281 684 6028;
[email protected] , [email protected] , U.S. Court Case H-08-60;
KENNETH MACKENZIE, the undersigned, further certifies that he has served the U.S.
Attorney and U.S. Attorney General numerous times at their Web site Electronic Mail
addresses, served them at U.S. White House Electronic Mail Addresses, at the
Department of Defense Electronic Mail addresses: [email protected] , [email protected],
[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] ,
[email protected], [email protected],
Page 44 of 45
Page 45 of 45
Complainant’s signature : S/ Kenneth MacKenzie,
Printed name : Kenneth MacKenzie;
title : Pro Se, Properia Persona, Complainant /
Plaintiff member of Kristian Menchaca Family
of U.S. Court Case H-08-60 - Houston, TX;
152 of 212
153 of 212
U.S. Supreme Court Rule 15: PLAINTIFFS'
Defendant in his private persona 'aka' U.S. Judge Gray Miller (Defendant Gray Miller)
08-9595 tssb MacKenzie, Vasquez, Menchaca # 3 Crime Complaint: U.S. Supreme Ct.
Kenneth MacKenzie,Guadalupe Vasquez, . }
Caesar Vasquez Menchaca, (Petitioners) . . }
v. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . } No. 08-9595
United States (Respondent), . . . . . . . . . . . . } U.S. Supreme Court Rule 15:
KAGAN, Counsel for Respondent,. . . . . . . . }
(Respondents) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . }
. . . Plaintiffs submit Rule 15 PLAINTIFFS' SUPPLEMENTAL BRIEF #3 as follows:
Supreme Court of the United States
Washington, DC 20543-001,
[email protected]
United States of America . . . . . . . . } Case No. 08-9595
v.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . } WAR CRIME COMPLAINT
Gray Miller, Defendant . . . . . . . . . .} U.S. Judge Gray Miller (Defendant Gray Miller)
I, Kenneth MacKenzie, the complainant in this case, state that the following is true to the
best of my knowledge and belief. On or about the date of February 2008 in the county of
Harris in city of Houston, the Southern District of Texas, the defendant violated offenses
described as follows:
. . . Defendant Gray Miller acting outside his ministerial and descretionary scope having
usurped jurisdiction of a court case in conflict of interest and in violation of 28 USC,
Section 455, taking wrongful jurisdiction not his to take, "violated" (1) The four Geneva
Conventions (I,II,III,IV) of 12 August 1949 for the protection of war
153 of 212
154 of 212
victims. SEE: ; ;
ofwar/geneva03.htm ; ; "violated"
(2) Protocol I and II Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to
Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Also SEE: Protocol I,
File name: Christian Judge G Miller War Crime ICC Int Crm CT ICC ICC ICC 12 Ap 2009 Page 1 of 31
08-9595 tssb MacKenzie, Vasquez, Menchaca # 3 Crime Complaint: U.N. INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL CT Page 2 of 31
Article 11 – Protection of persons, 8 June 1977. See: Eng/siteeng0.nsf/htmlall/genevaconventions ;
SEE: ;;
. . . Defendant Gray Miller also "violated" TITLE 18 - CRIMES, CHAPTER 73 OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE; Defendant Gray Miller violated Title 18 USC, § 1512.
Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant. . . " . . .There is extraterritorial
Federal jurisdiction over an offense under this section."
( ; Title 18 USC
§ 1512. Defendant Gray Miller, in "violation," Tampered with captured U.S. soldier
Prisoners of War Sgt. Keith Maupin, Spc. Alex R. Jimenez and Pvt. Byron W. Fouty;
Defendant Gray Miller violated 18 USC; TITLE 18 § 1513 - Defendant Gray Miller
Retaliated against a witness, victim, or an informant. " . . .There is extraterritorial
Federal jurisdiction over an offense under this section."
3.html ; "Title 18 USC § 1513 Defendant Gray Miller Retaliated against captured U.S.
soldier Prisoners of War Sgt. Keith Maupin, Spc. Alex R. Jimenez and Pvt. Byron W.
Fouty); Defendant Gray Miller violated 18 U.S.C., § 4. Misprision of felonies against
captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War, in the mutilation-torture-murders of Pvt Kristian
Menchaca (Plaintiffs’ family member), Pvt Thomas Tucker, and Pvt Joseph Anziak, Sgt.
Keith Maupin, Spc. Alex R. Jimenez and Pvt. Byron W. Fouty; Defendant Gray Miller
violated Title 18 USC, Sec. 2382 - MISPRISION OF TREASON (18 U.S.C., § 2382
154 of 212
155 of 212
MISPRISION OF TREASON perpetrated to a math certainty by former U.S. Attorney General
Gonzales in manipulating his own designed $50,000 Death Rewards against captured U.S.
soldier Prisoners of War Sgt. Keith Maupin, Spc. Alex R. Jimenez and Pvt. Byron W.
Fouty, meanwhile posting life-saving Mega Million dollar rewards for al Qaida and al
Shura Terrorists while said Terrorists, in violation of Geneva Convention 3, tortured to
death U.S. soldier Prisoners of War life-valued by Gonzales at $50,000 while Gonzales
denied any reward increases on their lives while Gonzales's Higher life valued Terrorists
surrogates tortured said U.S. Prisoners of War to Death in violation of Geneva
File name: Christian Judge G Miller War Crime ICC Int Crm CT ICC ICC ICC 12 Ap 2009 Page 2 of 31
08-9595 tssb MacKenzie, Vasquez, Menchaca # 3 Crime Complaint: U.N. INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL CT Page 3 of 31
Convention 3).
Defendant Gray Miller's MISPRISION is understood as follows: In its larger sense, this word
is used to signify every considerable misdemeanor, which has not a certain name given to it in the
law; and it is said that a misprision is contained in every treason or felony whatever. In its
narrower sense it is the concealment of a crime.
Defendant Gray Miller's MISPRISION OF TREASON is the concealment of treason, by being
merely passive for if any assistance be given, to the traitor, it makes the party a principal, as
there are no accessories in treason. It is the duty of every good citizen, knowing of a treason or
felony having been committed to inform a magistrate. Silently to observe the commission of a
felony, without using any endeavors to apprehend the offender, is a misprision.
Misprisions which are merely positive, are denominated contempts or high misdemeanors; as, for
example, dissuading a witness from giving evidence.
Defendant Gray Miller's MISPRISION OF FELONY - Whoever, having knowledge of the actual
commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the U.S., conceals and does not as soon as possible
make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the U.S.
18 USC. Misprision of felony, is the like concealment of felony, without giving any degree of
maintenance to the felon for if any aid be given him, the party becomes an accessory after the
Title 28 U.S.C. § 1361. Action to compel officer of United States to perform his duty.
Defendant Gray Miller did not perform his duty while he did nothing while captured
155 of 212
156 of 212
U.S. soldier Prisoners of War Sgt. Keith Maupin, Spc. Alex R. Jimenez and Pvt. Byron W.
Fouty were tortured and murdered from February to July 2008.
. . . . Also see: Koranic Law of Middle East Countries.
This criminal complaint is based on these facts:
. 1. The information of this issue indicates that captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War Sgt. Keith
Maupin, Spc. Alex R. Jimenez and Pvt. Byron W. Fouty were murdered during the time period of 22
Feb 2008 to 08 July 2008, during the same time period that U.S. Judge Miller, outside his ministerial
and discretionary scope, did deny Plaintiffs’ efforts to provide $25 Million Dollar Rewards to save the
lives of captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War -- Sgt. Keith Maupin, Spc. Alex R. Jimenez and Pvt.
Byron W. Fouty -- on a Reward life value equal to said $25 Million U.S. Reward dollars bestowed by
File name: Christian Judge G Miller War Crime ICC Int Crm CT ICC ICC ICC 12 Ap 2009 Page 3 of 31
08-9595 tssb MacKenzie, Vasquez, Menchaca # 3 Crime Complaint: U.N. INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL CT Page 4 of 31
the U.S. Executive Branch on Terrorists.
. 2. SEE: Rewards for Justice, Washington , D.C.20522-0303, 1-800-877-3927; [email protected];
. 3. This statistic and the dollar difference in Rewards is profound evidence that "$50,000 'Death
Sentence' Rewards" are a catastrophic part of mutilation,torture, and murder "War Crimes" motivated
against captured U.S. soldier Prisoneers of War in Iraq and in violation of Geneva Convention III of
1949 and Geneva Protocols of 1977.
. 4. U.S. Citizens who volunteer for Military Service are not forewarned that if they are captured by
Terrorists in Iraq or Afghanistan their own government will betray them and offer rewards for them that
are 500 times lower than the U.S. government offers for the very same Mega Million / $25 Million
Dollar valued terrorists who will mutilate and torture the same captured U.S. soldier Prisoneers of War
reward-valued 500 time less at "$50,000 'Death Sentence' Rewards." The irony and treachery are
astounding and most shocking.
.5. Complaint against U.S. Judge Gray Miller as corruptly acting in Private Persona outside his
ministerial and discretionary scope:
. 6. . This “5th Circuit Rule, Judicial Misconduct Complaint” against U.S. Judge Gray Miller (1)
describes pre-jurisdiction and pre-decision disqualification conditions that were a matter of record and
156 of 212
157 of 212
obvious from the facts available to Judge Gray Miller before he wrongfully acted to expropriate
wrongful jurisdiction and then issue a decision in U.S. Case H-08-60 while he was disqualified
pursuant to 28 USC, Section 455, in “conflict-of-interest,” while he was “disqualified” outside his
ministerial and discretionary scope, by reason of the fact that Miller was a President-GW-Bush
nominee / appointee had knowingly taken jurisdiction of Case H-08-60, which listed Bush and several
of his Cabinet Secretaries as Interested Parties who were likely to become “Defendants.”
. 7. . Miller possessed obviously available information that Miller was a nominee / appointee of
President G.W. Bush to Miller’s position of U.S. District Court Judge.
. 8. Miller possessed obviously available information from the Caption (See Appendix 1, appended
herein) in Plaintiff’s case H-08-60 that President G.W. Bush was named as an “interested Party” in
Plaintiff’s case H-08-60.
. 9. Miller possessed obviously available information that Plaintiff’s Case H-08-60 named in the
File name: Christian Judge G Miller War Crime ICC Int Crm CT ICC ICC ICC 12 Ap 2009 Page 4 of 31
08-9595 tssb MacKenzie, Vasquez, Menchaca # 3 Crime Complaint: U.N. INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL CT Page 5 of 31
caption former U.S. Attorney General Gonzales (a Bush nominated / appointed U.S. Attorney General)
and was informed that Plaintiff’s Case H-08-60 named, in the caption (See Appendix 1, appended
herein), a substantial number of Bush nominated / appointed Cabinet Secretaries as “Interested
. 10. Miller possessed obviously available information of “USC Title 28, Section 455 - Disqualification
of justice, judge, or magistrate judge (a) Any justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States
shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.”
. 11. “The thing speaks for itself” (Res Ips Loquitor) that USC Title 28, Section 455 was clearly
applicable or, at least, of question for Miller in Plaintiff’s Case H-08-60.
. 12. “The thing speaks for itself” (Res Ips Loquitor) that Miller did not query the Judicial Council of
the Fifth Judicial Circuit to ask an opinion regarding Miller’s plans to commandeer jurisdiction as
President Bush’s protégé, nominee / appointee, to expropriate jurisdiction of Plaintiff’s Case H-08-60
away from other U.S. District Court judges who were “NOT” protégés, nominees, or appointees of
President G.W. Bush and were not linked as nominees / appointees of the U.S. Executive Branch
Culture of Torture that has provably worked to destroy the lives of captured U.S. soldier prisoners of
War. “The thing speaks for itself” (Res Ips Loquitor).
157 of 212
158 of 212
. 13. Plaintiff’s complaint focuses on several basic areas regarding said unlawfully expropriated
decision of Miller to take jurisdiction away from other better qualified U.S. judges despite Miller’s
obvious “conflict of interest” disqualification under 28 USC, Section 455, before Miller issued
decisions in Case-08-60.
.14. Miller took jurisdiction by snaking around the proscriptions of 28 USC, Section 455 and
surreptitiously not notifying Plaintiffs of his identification as a Bush nominee / appointee; and, Miller
took jurisdiction by not querying the Judicial Council of the Fifth Judicial Circuit to determine its
opinion on Miller’s decision to take jurisdiction when there were numerous valid questions against
Miller taking jurisdiction of Case H-08-60 fully informed he was a Bush nominee / appointee and
disqualified under Title 28, Section 455 prior to taking jurisdiction.
. 15. Furthermore, Miller did not take jurisdiction under verification or sworn oath that he was not
subject to disqualification under Title 28, Section 455, or under verification or sworn oath that he was
not acting outside his ministerial and discretionary scope in conflict as a Bush Nominee / Appointee.
. 16. The information of Case H-08-60 explained that part of Plaintiffs’ litigation of Case H-08-60
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was seeking and offering rewards of $25 Million (See Appendix 2 and also see expected to come from jury verdicts in Case H-08-60 on behalf of
captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War -- Sgt. Keith Maupin, Spc. Alex R. Jimenez and Pvt. Byron W.
Fouty. In conjunction with information of Case H-08-60, Plaintiffs were offering rewards of $25
Million on the internet (See Appendix 2) linked to litigation of Case H-08-60 in efforts to save the lives
of Sgt. Keith Maupin, Spc. Alex R. Jimenez and Pvt. Byron W. Fouty who were facing mutilation,
torture, and death in Iraq .
. 17. Miller ignored the plight of Sgt. Keith Maupin, Spc. Alex R. Jimenez and Pvt. Byron W. Fouty
when he snaked around the proscriptions of USC Title 28, Section 455 and wrongfully took jurisdiction
apparently focused on dismissing Plaintiffs’ Case H-08-60 against his mentor, Bush, and his mentor’s
Attorneys General and Cabinet Secretaries.
. 18. Miller denied Plaintiffs’ Application To Proceed Without Payment Of Fee in Case H-08-60 on
25 Feb 2008; and, Plaintiffs never received information of Miller’s said denial from the Court Clerk.
Miller’s said “Denial” was issued outside his Ministerial and Discretionary scope by reason of the facts
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indicating he was not qualified to take jurisdiction because he was disqualified pursuant to 28 USC,
Section 455 in his “Conflict of Interest.”
. 19. Miller’s wrongful denial of 25 Feb 2008 thereby had catastrophic consequences for captured
U.S. soldier Prisoners of War -- Sgt. Keith Maupin, Spc. Alex R. Jimenez and Pvt. Byron W. Fouty -who Miller ignored when he issued his denial, which had the effect of allowing unchallenged
continuance of said U.S. Executive Branch issued “$50,000 ‘Death Sentence’ Rewards,” effectively
motivating Terrorists to mutilate, torture, and murder captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War in “War
Crime” violations of Geneva Convention III of 1949 and Geneva Protocols of 1977 as further
explained, herein.
. 20. Linked to Miller’s Denial and bizarre refusal to address the life and death issues of Case H-0860 and Miller instead focus on the $450 filing fee marks Miller and reveals his unbalanced state of
mind in that he focused on trivia while the lives of three captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War hung in
the balance endangered by Miller’s Denial and delays of Case H-08-60.
. 21. Miller, by taking jurisdiction outside his ministerial and discretionary scope as disqualified under
28 Section 455 and by wrongfully denying Plaintiffs’ life saving efforts of Case H-08-60 on 25 Feb
2008, Miller effectively removed any lawful potential for change in said U.S. Executive Branch issued
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“$50,000 ‘Death Sentence’ Rewards.”
. 22. Thus, Miller, disqualified under Title 28, Section 455 and then acting in his Private Persona,
issued an unlawful denial in Case H-08-60 which prevented Case H-08-60 from going forward to make
life saving efforts on behalf of captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War, Sgt. Keith Maupin, Spc. Alex R.
Jimenez, and Pvt. Byron W. Fouty.
. 23. Disqualified under Title 28, Section 455 and by denying Case H-08-60 to go forward in a timely
manner to publich “equal-to-terrorist-$25-Million-reward-conditions” of $25 million dollar Rewards on
behalf of the lives of captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War -- Sgt. Keith Maupin, Spc. Alex R.
Jimenez, and Pvt. Byron W. Fouty, Miller, acting in his Private Persona, did interfere with Plaintiffs’
Case H-08-60 and prevented “equal-to-terrorist-$25-Million-reward-conditions” from being heard by a
jury in a timely manner.
. 24. As a connected result of Miller’s wrongdoing in making the $450 filing fee a more important
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focus of Case H-08-60 than the lives of captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War, while Miller acted
outside the ministerial and discretionary scope of U.S. District Court Judge and, instead, acted in his
Private Persona as “Gray Miller,” the body of Sgt. Keith Maupin was recovered in Iraq on 30 March
2008, and the bodies of Spc. Alex R. Jimenez and Pvt. Byron W. Fouty were recovered on 09 July
. 25. The fact that Miller acted in the above described manner indicates Miller is unbalanced in his
mental abilities to recognize that there is a profound difference between life and death issues compared
to the trivia of his emphasis on the $450 filing fee.
. 26. In conformance with 5th Cir. R., Plaintiff is not disputing Miller’s wrongful denial of Plaintiffs’
Application To Proceed Without Payment Of Fee in Case H-08-60 even though Miller’s denial should
have no standing. Plaintiff MacKenzie is pointing out the obvious conditions that existed before Miller
took wrongful jurisdiction and issued his wrongful Denial.
. 27. It should be noted that there are four family Plaintiffs listed in Case H-08-60. Julieta VasquezMacKenzie the Aunt of Kristian Menchaca is unemployed, without funds, and should have right to
proceed under Forma Pauperis, yet was denied by Miller while acting outside his ministerial and
descretionary scope disqualified under Title 28 Section 455, then acting in his Private Persona as Gray
Miller (not “U.S. Judge Gray Miller”).
. 28. Cesar Menchaca, brother of Kristian Menchaca is unemployed, without funds, and should have
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right to proceed under Forma Pauperis, yet was denied by Miller while acting outside his ministerial
and descretionary scope disqualified under Title 28 Section 455, then acting in his Private Persona as
Gray Miller (not “U.S. Judge Gray Miller”).
. 29. Maria Guadalupe Vasquez, mother of Christian Menchaca, under employed based on her
economic condition, should have right to proceed under Forma Pauperis, yet was denied by Miller
while acting outside his ministerial and descretionary scope disqualified under Title 28 Section 455,
then acting in his Private Persona as Gray Miller (not “U.S. Judge Gray Miller”).
.30. Kenneth MacKenzie was allowed to proceed in U.S. District Court to U.S. Supreme Court twice
under his current economic profile in U.S. Supreme Court cases 95-9090 and 97-7616, yet was denied
Application To Proceed Without Payment Of Fee in Case H-08-60 in Miller’s denial of 25 Feb 2008, by
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Miller while acting outside his ministerial and descretionary scope disqualified under Title 28 Section
455, then acting in his Private Persona as Gray Miller (not “U.S. Judge Gray Miller”)..
. 31. Plaintiffs’ filed Case H-08-60 seeking orders to make rewards equally available to captured U.S.
soldier Prisoners of War; and, Plaintiffs sought damages to be paid by Defendant Gonzales to the
Vasquez Menchaca family, while listing several “Interested Parties” including Bush as possible
Defendants should investigation indicate they were culpable in the wrongful death of Plaintiffs’ family
member, PFC Kristian Vasquez Menchaca, who was captured by Terrorist insurgents, during June
2006, together with PFC Thomas Tucker in Yosifiya, Iraq and both barbarically tortured to death
largely as a consequence said discriminatory “U.S. $50,000 ‘Death Sentence’ Rewards” broadcast by
the U.S. government after their surrender / capture (not before surrender / capture).
. 32. Plaintiffs’ complaint is that Judge Gray Miller wrongfully took jurisdiction of this Case H-08-60
in disregard of Title 28, Section 455; and, after taking jurisdiction, Miller’s Denial of Plaintiffs’
Application to Proceed Without Payment was made outside Miller’s ministerial and discretionary scope
and made in a condition that was a violation of Title 28, Section 455 regarding Case H-08-60.
. 33. In retrospect of Miller taking jurisdiction of Case H-08-60, after the facts are considered that
former Attorney General Gonzales is listed as a Defendant, President Bush’s name is listed as a
“PARTY,” and a large number of Bush Cabinet Secretary appointees are listed as “Interested Parties” in
H-08-60, why did Judge Miller not “do what is easy” and simply allow another judge who was not a
Bush nominee / appointee take jurisdiction of H-08-60? The obvious answer to the obvious answer is
that Miller obviously was obviously motivated by some interest to protect his Mentor, G.W. Bush and
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his several Cabinet Secretaries from facing the unpleasant prospect of answering for their structured
and minipulated U.S. “$50,000 ‘Death Sentence’ Rewards” against captured U.S. soldier prisoners of
War that targeted them after capture motivating the very same Terrorist groups who were beneficiaries
of life saving Mega Million/$25 Million Dollar Rewards to mutilate, torture, and murder “$50,000
‘Death Sentence’…” targeted U.S. soldiers ruthlessly denied “Fourteenth Amendment” equality of
Terrorist life saving Mega Million/$25 Million Dollar Rewards that proveably saved the lives of all
100% of Terrorists who surrendered in Iraq, while U.S. “$50,000 ‘Death Sentence’ Rewards” ruthlessly
targeted and motivated the mutilation, torture, and murder of all 100% of captured U.S. soldier
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prisoners of War in Iraq, said Mega Million/$25 Million Dollar life Rewards contrasting to “$50,000
‘Death Sentence’ Rewards” and thereby illustrating a relentlessly targeted low life value to captured
U.S. soldier prisoners of War in criminal violation of Geneva Conventions and also in criminal
violation of the U.S.RICO Act and U.S. Treason Act by encouraging and motivating Terrorist
organization enemies of the United States (whose members benefitted after surrender by said Mega
Million/$25 Million Dollar Rewards that motivated their Iraqi Sunni and Shiite and Kurdish captors not
to mutilate, torture and murder them after capture) to mutilate, torture, and murder all 100% of
captured U.S. soldier prisoners of War.
. 34. From Petitioners’ common sense point of view in this matter, Judge Gray Miller appears to be
mentally disabled, or worse, which indicates he may be as mentally disabled as those in the U.S.
Executive Branch whose life destroying reward policies he appears to support.
. 35. Judge Gray Miller’s decision to take jurisdiction of Plaintiffs’ U.S. District Court Case H-08-60,
Houston, after being presented with the Case H-08-60 caption listing former Attorney General Alberto
Gonzales as Defendant (Gonzales was a President-G.W.-Bush-appointee, like Miller), after being
presented with the Case H-08-60 caption listing as “Interested-Parties,” members of the U.S.
Executive Branch selected by Bush, and after being presented with the Case H-08-60 caption listing
President G.W. Bush as an “Interested Party,” President G.W. Bush being the very same party who had
nominated Miller to his decision-making position as District Court judge, Miller wrongfully took
“conflict-of-interest” jurisdiction of Case H-08-60 when it was flooded with “Interested Parties,”
including President Bush, whose presence in Case H-08-60 indicated an “extreme-conflict-of-interest”
should Miller take jurisdiction of Case H-08-60.
. 36. SEE: “USC Title 28, Section 455. Disqualification of justice, judge, or magistrate judge
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(a) Any justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any
proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.
(b) He shall also disqualify himself in the following circumstances:
(1) Where he has a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party, or personal knowledge of disputed
evidentiary facts concerning the proceeding;
. 37. Miller took jurisdiction informed by the caption in Case H-08-60 of the names of the listed
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Executive Branch Defendant, Attorney General Gonzales (nominated by Bush), and the Interested
Parties, including Miller’s mentor, President G.W. Bush, listed on the caption of Case H-08-60, which
jurisdiction was immediately apparent as a “conflict of interest” to Miller due to the fact that Bush had
nominated Miller to Miller’s position as District Court judge; and, obviously if Miller took jurisdiction,
then Miller could repay Bush’s nomination favor by dismissing Case H-08-60 civil crime tort
complaints against Bush and his Executive Branch Attorney Generals and Bush’s Cabinet Secretaries
and dismissing Case H-08-60 civil crime tort complaints against Bush, himself, wherein Bush and his
Executive Branch Secretaries and Attorneys General could reasonably be named as
Defendants in Case H-08-60 should further facts indicate Bush and his Secretaries ought to be named
as Defendants.
. 39. Miller took jurisdiction of Case H-08-60 informed that :
(1) he was in “conflict of interest” outside his ministerial and descretionary scope in disqualification
under “USC Title 28, Section 455, thereby acting in his Private Person Persona.
(2) Miller took jurisdiction of Case H-08-60 informed that “USC Title 28, Section 455 applied: “(a)
Any justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding
in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned . . .”
(3) Miller took jurisdiction of Case H-08-60 surreptitiously without informing Petitioners he was a
Bush nominee / appointee,
(4) took jurisdiction in “conflict of interest” outside his ministerial and descretionary scope in
disqualification under “USC Title 28, Section 455, thereby acting in his Private Person Persona
obviously intent on issuing a denial that would likely operate to also deny “Terrorist Captured U.S.
soldier Prisoners of War” in Iraq and Afghanistan any opportunity at equal Life saving $25 Million
Rewards that could come from Case H-08-60 and thereby save their lives in the same manner as said
$25 Million dollar Rewards were saving the lives of Terrorists who surrendered in Iraq;
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(5) Miller in “conflict of interest” outside his ministerial and descretionary scope in disqualification
under “USC Title 28, Section 455, thereby acted in his Private Person Persona while ignoring “USC
Title 28, Section 455, … ‘(1) Where he has a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party, or personal
knowledge of disputed evidentiary facts concerning the proceeding’;
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(6) Before Miller took jurisdiction of Case H-08-60, in “conflict of interest” outside his ministerial and
descretionary scope in disqualification under “USC Title 28, Section 455, thereby acting in his Private
Person Persona, he was informed by Case H-08-60 of the following concerns on pages 343 and 344 of
Plaintiffs’ primary Geneva Convention & RICO Crime complaints, wherein Plaintiffs’ were seeking
damages and Court orders in an effort to save the lives of “Terrorist Captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of
War” targeted with U.S. “$50,000 ‘Death Sentence’ Rewards” offered in Iraq and Afghanistan,
Plaintiffs’ litigation of Case H-08-60 offering rewards of $25 Million expected to come from jury
verdicts on behalf of captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War -- Sgt. Keith Maupin, Spc. Alex R. Jimenez
and Pvt. Byron W. Fouty – and Plaintiffs offering rewards of $25 Million on the internet linked to
litigation of Case H-08-60, said Reward Life Values sought by Plaintiffs to come from expected
judgements in Case H-08-60 and to come from Reward donations sought by Plaintiffs to be made by
the U.S. public to Reward Funds that Plaintiffs sought to establish as connected to Case H-08-60, under
jurisdiction of the Court.
. 40. SEE: U.S. Case H-08-60 ( Houston, Texas ) ¶ “...488. order that that U.S. Attorney General
Mukasey (In Office: 09 Nov 2007)-Rice-Gates be restrained from administratively ‘bad-faith’
manipulating further torture-murders together with terrorist accessories, at large, and all previous
reward offers based on said Title 1, “Counterterrorism fund,” Title 18, Title 22, and other U.S. Code
Titles on “Rewards” for captured U.S. troops and “Rewards” for captured Terrorists be totaled and
future rewards from said fund be offered as a $25 million dollar reward offered for each captured U.S.
soldier returned alive into U.S. custody, said $25 million dollar rewards for U.S. Soldiers’ life-value to
at least equal for U.S. Soldiers the rate of $25 million dollar rewards currently offered ($77 million
previously paid) to save the lives of terrorists.
. 41. Apparently, the current U.S. Attorney General Mukasey (09 Nov 2007) , and Secretary Of State
Rice intend to continue to administratively ‘bad-faith’ violate the U.S. Treason Act and deny equal life
saving rewards allocated from said U.S. `Counterterrorism Fund' reward money provisioned under
USC TITLE I, Section 101 and under “TITLE 18, §ection 3071, Section 3072, and 22 U.S.C. Section
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2708, money provisioned for the release of Spc. Alex R. Jimenez, 25, of Lawrence, Massachusetts, and
(5) Pvt. Byron W. Fouty, 19, of Waterford, Michigan, captured 12 May 2007, 2007 in Al Taqa, Iraq;
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and, … intend to stand by to allow Sgt. Keith Maupin, Spc. Alex R. Jimenez and Pvt. Byron W. Fouty
to be tortured to death as were 101st Airborne Division soldiers Pfc. Kristian Menchaca, 23, of
Houston, Texas, and Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker, 25, of Madras, Oregon. Therefore, it is most urgent that
Mukasey (09 Nov 2007) -Rice-Gates be restrained from administratively ‘bad-faith’ manipulating
further torture-muders together with terrorist accessories, at large, who have demonstrated they commit
war crimes against $50,000 low reward captured U.S. soldiers and violate the Geneva Conventions (I,
III, IV), and, Geneva Convention Protocols I and II relative to the treatment of PRISONERS OF
.42. Therefore, again, more U.S. Soldiers are certain to be tortured, while the current U.S. Attorney
General Michael Mukasey (09 Nov 2007) and Secretary Of State Rice watch, meanwhile withholding
previously allocated reward money, already to be paid from said U.S. `Counterterrorism Fund,' reward
money provisioned under USC TITLE I, Section 101 and under “TITLE 18, §ection 3071, Section
3072, and ignoring 22 U.S.C. Section 2708 to save the lives of war prisoners Maupin, Jimenez and
. 43. Without signing any oath directly answering Title 28, Section 455, in “conflict of interest”
outside his ministerial and descretionary scope in disqualification under “USC Title 28, Section 455,
thereby acting in his Private Person Persona, Miller took jurisdiction of Case H-08-60 and issued his
denial which somehow never reached Plaintiffs in the mail; and, Miller then did nothing while said
captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War -- Sgt. Keith Maupin, Spc. Alex R. Jimenez and Pvt. Byron W.
Fouty – were murdered, while denied by Bush and Miller the higher $25 million Dollar Rewards that
protected the terrorists Bush and Miller protected with said $25 million Dollar Rewards while denying
same to captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War -- Sgt. Keith Maupin, Spc. Alex R. Jimenez and Pvt.
Byron W. Fouty.
.44 While Miller did nothing in “conflict of interest” outside his ministerial and descretionary scope
in disqualification under “USC Title 28, Section 455, thereby acting in his Private Person Persona, the
death notifications regarding all three of said captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War -- Sgt. Keith
Maupin (body found 30 Mar 2008), Spc. Alex R. Jimenez (body found 09 Jul 2008) and Pvt. Byron W.
Fouty (body found 09 Jul 2008) -- became published in the news media.
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. 45. Miller’s said denial in “conflict of interest” outside his ministerial and descretionary scope in
disqualification under “USC Title 28, Section 455, thereby acting in his Private Person Persona on Case
H-08-60 and essential denial of immediate jury trial and delays caused by the circumstances of Miller’s
behavior essentially maintained the operation of U.S. Executive Branch treasonable “$50,000 ‘Death
Sentence’ Rewards,” which previously had been instrumental in the mutilation-torture-murders of Pvt
Kristian Menchaca (Plaintiffs’ family member), Pvt Thomas Tucker, and Pvt Joseph Anziak, all who
were not informed at enlistment that the U.S. Executive Branch had plans to slander, defame, betray,
and otherwise lower their Reward life values 500 times below the lives of Terrorist enemies of the
United States during Wartime to such an extent that said treasonable “$50,000 ‘Death Sentence’
Rewards” essentially established that the lives of “Terrorist Captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War”
were essentially valued at a level of “TRASH,” at 500 times less than the lives of Terrorist enemies of
the United States.
. 46. Said treasonable “$50,000 ‘Death Sentence’ Reward” that Miller manipulated to "continueinprogress"
was maintained by Miller making the U.S. Court filing fee more important than higher life
saving $25 Million Rewards for captured US soldier Prisoners Of War, thereby in “conflict of interest”
outside his ministerial and descretionary scope, in disqualification under “USC Title 28, Section 455,
thereby acting in his Private Person Persona not allowing immediate processing of Plaintiffs’ Case H08-60, which sought to raise the “$50,000 ‘Death Sentence’ Rewards” to a higher level of $25 Million
equal to those life saving $25 Million Rewards the U.S. advertised and paid on behalf of terrorist
enemies of the United States, while Pvt Kristian Menchaca (Plaintiffs’ family member), Pvt Thomas
Tucker, and Pvt Joseph Anziak, Sgt. Keith Maupin (body found 30 Mar 2008), Spc. Alex R. Jimenez
(body found 09 Jul 2008) and Pvt. Byron W. Fouty (body found 09 Jul 2008) were tortured to death and
murdered by the very same terrorists who were beneficiaries of said higher “mega-million-to-$25Million-dollar” life Rewards as advertised by Defendant Gonzales and the U.S. Executive Branch
“Interested Parties,” Attorney Generals Ashcroft and Mukasey, Secretaries Rice, Rumsfeld, and Gates
at U.S. Department of State and Department of Justice “Rewards For Justice” Web sites.
. 47. SEE: Rewards for Justice, Washington , D.C.20522-0303, 1-800-877-3927; [email protected]; http://
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. 48. There are many reasons why Judge Gray Miller obviously should have not taken wrongful
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“Conflict-of-Interest” jurisdiction of Case H-08-60; however, Miller’s wrongful application of “BushConflict-of-Interest” misappropriation of jurisdiction and Miller’s wrongful application of “BushConflict-of-Interest” authority could have easily been assigned to another U.S. District Court judge,
essentially assigned to a non-Bush nominee not in conflict.
. 49. However, Miller grabbed a “Bush-Conflict-of-Interest” expropriation- control of Case H-08-60
and enabled himself as a self-appointed surrogate of Bush in “conflict of interest” outside his
ministerial and descretionary scope, in disqualification under “USC Title 28, Section 455, thereby
acting in his Private Person Persona to deny Plaintiffs any opportunity for a public trial that would
expose the treasonable “$50,000 ‘Death Sentence’ Reward” structures of the U.S. Executive Branch
targeting “Terrorist Captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War” with U.S. “$50,000 ‘Death Sentence’
Rewards” in violation of Geneva Convention III of 1949 and Geneva Protocols of 1977, as described in
Case H-08-60.
.50. Miller’s “conflict of interest” outside his ministerial and descretionary scope, in disqualification
under “USC Title 28, Section 455, thereby acting in his Private Person Persona had catastrophic death
consequences for the remaining three terrorist-captured U.S. soldier Prisoners Of War -- Sgt. Keith
Maupin, Spc. Alex R. Jimenez and Pvt. Byron W. Fouty – whose lives might well have been saved by
timely application of the U.S. Rewards that Plaintiffs sought to equalize, in balance with the
equalprotectionof-the-law provisions of the U.S. Fourteenth Amendment, as equal in value to the MegaMillion dollar rewards the U.S. Executive Branch was then currently advertising and paying-out, and
paying-out on behalf of captured terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan, which had the effect of saving the
lives of “at-large” terrorists who surrendered, as said U.S. mega-million-dollar Rewards were
advertised at U.S. government Department of Justice and Department of State published “Rewards For
Justice” Web sites.
.51. SEE: Rewards for Justice, Washington , D.C.20522-0303, 1-800-877-3927; [email protected]; http://
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. 52. Miller’s wrongful “conflict of interest” outside his ministerial and descretionary scope, in
disqualification under “USC Title 28, Section 455, thereby acting in his Private Person Persona in
application of “Bush-Conflict-of-Interest” judicial authority to deny Plaintiffs’ Application to proceed
to hearing and immediate trial of Case H-08-60, essentially interfered with life saving U.S. Reward
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publications of “Fourteenth Amendment Equal-to-terrorist-$25 Million Dollar Rewards for Captured
U.S. Soldiers” on behalf of the lives of Sgt. Keith Maupin, Spc. Alex R. Jimenez and Pvt. Byron W.
Fouty, who were then, 22 Feb 2008 being held as terrorist-captured U.S. soldier Prisoners Of War in
Iraq and facing barbaric mutilation, torture, and murder at the hands of their terrorist captors. Hearing
and immediate trial of Case H-08-60 would undoubtedly have changed all this had not Miller
expropriated jurisdiction away from other U.S. judges who were not self-appointed Henchmen for the
U.S. Executive Branch White House.
. 53. Plaintiffs waited on Miller’s decision regarding their “Application to Proceed Without Payment
of Fee” (Forma Pauperis) from February to June 2008. Plaintiff Kenneth MacKenzie then contacted the
Court Clerk to determine if the Court assessed additional charges to issue Summons in Case H-08-60.
The Clerk explained that Miller had denied Plaintiffs’ “Application to Proceed Without Payment of
Fee” on 25 Feb 2008 and the Clerk had mailed him a copy of Judge Miller’s Denial during February
. 54. Plaintiff Kenneth MacKenzie explained he was unaware of Miller’s denial, had never received
notice of Miller’s Denial in the mail, and requested a copy from the U.S. District Court Clerk.
. 55. Plaintiff Kenneth MacKenzie then filed an Appeal of Miller’s said denial with the U.S. Fifth
Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans .
. 56. Subsequently, Plaintiff Kenneth MacKenzie learned from U.S. News media that Sgt. Keith
Maupin’s body remains had been found, 30 March 2008, in Iraq after the U.S. Defense Department had
paid more than $200,000 to Informants to reveal the location. Later, 09 Jul 2008, the U.S. News Media
announced the body recoveries of Spc. Alex R. Jimenez and Pvt. Byron W. Fouty.
. 57. Based on U.S. Army intelligence that Sgt. Keith Maupin, Spc. Alex R. Jimenez and Pvt. Byron
W. Fouty were alive at the time Plaintiffs filed their lawsuit Case H-08-60, then Miller’s denial in
“conflict of interest” outside his ministerial and descretionary scope, in disqualification under “USC
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Title 28, Section 455, thereby acting in his Private Person Persona on Plaintiffs’ “Application to
Proceed Without Payment of Fee” on 25 Feb 2008 effectively interfered with and blocked Plaintiffs’
Case H-08-60 efforts to save Sgt. Keith Maupin’s life by Plaintiffs’ seeking higher $25 Million Dollar
‘Fourteenth Amendment Equal’ Rewards on behalf of “Terrorist Captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of
War” who were apparently evaluated as “Undermen” by the Miller-supported U.S. Executive Branch at
$50,000 Dollar ‘Death Sentence’ Reward, each.
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. 58. Hence, Miller’s denial in “conflict of interest,” outside his ministerial and descretionary scope, in
disqualification under “USC Title 28, Section 455, thereby acting in his Private Person Persona on
Plaintiffs’ “Application to Proceed Without Payment of Fee,” on 25 Feb 2008, effectively interfered
with and blocked Plaintiffs’ Case-H-08-60-sought “Fourteenth-Amendment-EQUAL-To-Terrorists”
$25 Million life-saving Rewards on behalf of “Terrorist Captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War”; and,
Miller thereby corruptly and criminally denied the “U.S. Bush White House $50,000-Dollar-‘DeathSentence’-Reward-targeted Sgt. Keith Maupin, Spc. Alex R. Jimenez, and Pvt. Byron W. Fouty an
“equal chance” to be $25 Million “Reward-equal” to terrorist enemies of the United States during
wartime. Essentially, in bad faith and conflict of interest, Miller deliberately, corruptly and criminally,
with malice aforethought, expropriated jurisdiction of Case H-08-60 apparently with the premeditated
purpose of murderously denying “Terrorist Captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War” the possibility of
“equal” life saving Rewards of $25 Million that had already proven to save the lives of 100% of all
Terrorists who had surrendered in Iraq.
. 59. Miller’s murderously treasonable denial of Case H-08-60 efforts to save “U.S. Bush White
House $50,000-Dollar-‘Death-Sentence’-Reward-targeted Sgt. Keith Maupin, Spc. Alex R. Jimenez
and Pvt. Byron W. Fouty from the treasonable effects of the “U.S. Bush White House $50,000Dollar-‘Death-Sentence’-Rewards clearly revealed Miller’s murderous Treason against the soldiers and
national defense of the United States that is outside Miller’s ministerial and discretionary scope, which
proveably indicates Miller must be impeached and prosecuted for his murders and treasons against the
people and military personel of the United States.
. 60. Miller premeditatedly taking jurisdiction, when Title 28 Section 455 clearly indicated he should
recuse himslef, shows that Miller intended to issue denials that would treasonably cost the lives of
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“Terrorist Captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War” as Bush’s and Miller’s record clearly illustrates.
Said captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War -- Sgt. Keith Maupin, Spc. Alex R. Jimenez and Pvt. Byron
W. Fouty – were savagely murdered by their Terrorist Captors, while said U.S. soldier Prisoners of War
were denied by Bush and Miller the higher $25 million Dollar Rewards that saved the lives of terrorists
Bush and Miller protected with said $25 million Dollar Rewards while ruthlessly, relentlessly, and
treasonably denying same life saving protection to captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War -- Sgt. Keith
Maupin, Spc. Alex R. Jimenez and Pvt. Byron W. Fouty.
. 61. The facts indicate that Miller had information that indicated “U.S. $50,000-Dollar-‘DeathFile name: Christian Judge G Miller War Crime ICC Int Crm CT ICC ICC ICC 12 Ap 2009 Page 16 of 31
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Sentence’-Rewards had targeted Sgt. Keith Maupin, Spc. Alex R. Jimenez and Pvt. Byron W. Fouty,
before Miller took jurisdiction of Case H-08-60. Miller took jurisdiction that was not his to take by
snaking around Title 28, Section 455 and issuing denials against Plaintiffs’ efforts to save the lives of
said captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War -- Sgt. Keith Maupin, Spc. Alex R. Jimenez and Pvt. Byron
W. Fouty – who were savagely murdered by their Terrorist Captors, while said U.S. soldier Prisoners of
War were denied by Bush and Miller the higher $25 million Dollar Rewards that saved the lives of
terrorists who Bush and Miller protected with said $25 million Dollar Rewards while ruthlessly,
relentlessly, and treasonably denying same life saving protection to captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of
War -- Sgt. Keith Maupin, Spc. Alex R. Jimenez and Pvt. Byron W. Fouty.
. 62. Should another U.S. District Court judge, instead of Miller, have taken jurisdiction of Case H08-60 and allowed $25 Million dollar Rewards in defiance of the Bush U.S. Executive Branch $50K
Death Rewards, it would be almost impossible for the Bush U.S. Executive Branch to appeal in front of
the public as at that perticular juncture the Bush Administration would be then be publicly recognized
as appealing to restore its treasonably low $50,000 Death Sentence Rewards to continue motivating
Terrorists to mutilate, torture, and murder “Terrorist Captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War” as
contrasted alongside Bush-Gonzales-Rice $25 Million dollar Rewards for terrorists, which said $25
Million dollar Rewards if allowed for captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War would be 14th
Amendment Equal and thereby would create higher potential to save the lives of captured U.S. soldier
Prisoners of War.
. 63. Miller was informed of this and instead elected to corruptly expropriate jurisdiction of Case H170 of 212
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08-60 when other U.S. District Court Judges could have been assigned to Case H-08-60 had Miller not
expropriated Case H-08-60 for his own wrongful decision making process, which directly and
indirectly aided and abbeted life destroying Terrorism against said captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of
War -- Sgt. Keith Maupin, Spc. Alex R. Jimenez and Pvt. Byron W. Fouty – who were savagely
murdered by their Terrorist Captors, while said U.S. soldier Prisoners of War were denied by Bush and
Miller the higher $25 million Dollar Rewards that saved the lives of terrorists who Bush and Miller
protected with said $25 million Dollar Rewards while ruthlessly, relentlessly, and treasonably denying
same life saving protection to captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War.
. 64. Miller was informed that such an Executive Branch Appeal would reveal the U.S. Executive
Branch had been committing furtive and surruptitious life-destroying Treason against captured U.S.
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soldier Prisoners of War in violation of Title 18 US Code once the Appeal was seen alongside the body
count of $50,000 Death Sentence U.S. soldiers in the light of Public Opinion.
. 65. Moreover, the tortured bodies of captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War in direct correlation of
Miller’s Treasons in denying them right to higher and equal Rewards of $25 Million U.S. provided to
Terrorists would also expose Miller’s U.S. Code Treasons against captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of
War as Miller had operated his U.S. Code Treason violations when he administratively and judicially
murdered Sgt. Keith Maupin, Spc. Alex R. Jimenez and Pvt. Byron W. Fouty by means of his said
denials in Case H-08-60. Whle “murder” appears to be a strong term, this stronng term murder is
exactly what was inflicted on captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War in direct correlation of Miller’s
Treasons in denying U.S. soldier Prisoners of War right to higher and equal Rewards of $25 Million
U.S. provided to Terrorists by Miller’s mentally unbalanced behavior of Miller insisting that a $450
Court fee was more important than the lives of said captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War -- Sgt. Keith
Maupin, Spc. Alex R. Jimenez and Pvt. Byron W. Fouty – who were savagely murdered by their
Terrorist Captors, while said U.S. soldier Prisoners of War were denied by Bush and Miller the higher
$25 million Dollar Rewards that saved the lives of terrorists who Bush and Miller protected with said
$25 million Dollar Rewards.
. 66. Miller’s denial of Plaintiffs’ Case H-08-60 effectively identified Miller as an “Anti-American”
judge issuing “Auschwitz-type” judicial decisions in support of “Auschwitz-type” U.S. Attorney
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Generals and “Treasonable U.S. Executive Branch Secretaries” that produced “Auschwitz-type”
‘Death-Sentences’ against “Terrorist Captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War.”
. 67. It is not hyperbole to say “Cain slew Able”; and, Miller slew Maupin, Fouty, and Jimenez, by
means of denying Case H-08-60 Plaintiffs’ efforts to proceed. While it is obvious that Miller’s judicial
denial of Plaintiffs’ Case H-08-60 did relate to the Terrorist murders of Maupin, Fouty, and Jimenez,
and was both indirect and direct, this condition does not make Miller’s slaying of Maupin, Fouty, and
Jimenez any less truthful.
. 68. Miller’s Forma Pauperis denial interfered with Plaintiffs’ Case H-08-60 efforts to increase U.S.
Reward amounts to $25 Million each for captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War and on behalf of
captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War in direct correlation of Miller’s Treasons in denying Maupin’s,
Fouty’s, and Jimenez’s Fourteenth Amendment right to higher and equal Rewards of $25 Million U.S.
Reward dollars already bestowed to Terrorists by Attorney Generals Ashcroft, Gonzales, and
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Mukaysey, said $25 Million U.S. Reward dollars having been criminally and treasonably denied to
Maupin, Fouty, and Jimenez by Attorney General Ashcroft, Attorney General Gonzales, Sectretaries
Rice & Rumsfeld denying $25 Million U.S. Reward dollars, then later treasonably denied to Maupin,
Fouty, and Jimenez sucessively by Attorney General Mukaysey, Secretary Rice, and Gates.
. 69. Miller’s wrongful expropriation of Case H-08-60 and refusal to recuse himself indicates “the
thing speaks for itself (‘Res Ips Loquitor’),” a Pattern of behavior by Miller that incorporates the same
manipulation of “U.S. $50,000 ‘Death Sentence’ Rewards” that Miller continued when he ignored the
fact that he was a Bush Nominee / Appointee, and concealed from Plaintiffs the fact that he was a Bush
Nominee, who most wrongfully ignored USC Title 28, Section 455, and wrongfully took jurisdiction
which was outside Miller’s Ministerial and Discretionary scope according to the provisions of USC
Title 28, Section 455, thereby Miller issuing Miller’s denial in Case H-08-60 that effectively blocked
Plainfiffs; and, furthermore, following from Miller’s denial, the U.S. Court Clerk did not notify
Plaintiffs in a timely manner by certified U.S. Mail regarding these most important “life-and-death”
issues as Miller’s Denial applied to Maupin, Fouty, and Jimenez. The Clerk’s notification by regular
U.S. mail proved to be inadequate as Plaintiffs never received any word of Millers denial until Plaintiff
Kenneth MacKenzie contacted the Clerk in June 2008 to determine if the Court charged for issuance of
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. 70. Miller’s entire pattern of conduct from his wrongful expropriation of Case H-08-60 to his
predictable “Denial” of “Plaintiffs’ Application to Proceed Without Payment of Fee (Forma
Pauperis)” indicates that Miller had decided to subordinate the “U.S. $50,000 ‘Death Sentence’
Reward” considerations to the even lower amount of a $450 filing fee for Case H-08-60 before he
wrongfully expropriated jurisdiction of Case H-08-60 to manipulate his wrongful denial of
Plaintiffs efforts to proceed to a speedy trial and hearing.
. 71. Before unlawfully usurping and expropriating jurisdiction of Case H-08-60, Miller
apparently premeditated a criminal plan whereby after wrongfully expropriating jurisdiction,
Miller ignored and furthermore trivialized Case H-08-60 by criminally subordinating the life and
death reward issue considerations of the U.S. Executive Branch “U.S. $50,000 ‘Death Sentence’
Reward” offers to Miller’s even lower criminal amount of a $450 filing fee for Case H-08-60
requiring a $450 filing fee to be paid before Miller would consider the fact that captured U.S.
soldier Prisoners of War -- Maupin, Fouty, and Jimenez -- in Iraq would be murdered by their
Terrorist Captors while Miller trivialized their lives at an even lower amount of a $450 Court
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filing fee compared to “U.S. $50,000 ‘Death Sentence’ Rewards”.
. 72. While there were several ways said $450 Court filing fee for Case H-08-60 could have
been processed or handled, Miller manipulatively and unecessarily selected the single condition
that created the most delay and liklihood of mutilation, torture, and “certain-murder” against
captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War -- Maupin, Fouty, and Jimenez – by Miller selectively
denying “Plaintiffs’ Application to Proceed Without Payment of Fee (Forma Pauperis)” for Case H08-60, which sought to change the Bush Executive Branch “U.S. $50,000 ‘Death Sentence’
Reward” against captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War to become equal to higher life-saving
Rewards of $25 Million that Bush’s Executive Branch was offering and paying to save lives of
surrendered terrorists and “at large” terrorists from April 2004 through 09 July 2008 and to the
present time, but was treasonably denying to captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War unto torture,
mutilation and murder prohibited by Geneva Convention III of 1949 and The Geneva Protocols of
.73. Plaintiffs’ Case H-08-60 set forth higher life-saving Rewards of $25 Million each for
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captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War -- Maupin, Fouty, and Jimenez – that Miller treasonably
denied as equal $25 Million dollar rewards to captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War -- Maupin,
Fouty, and Jimenez -- while Miller was actively and deliberately in violation of USC Title 28,
Section 455 and thereby acting outside of his Ministerial and Discretionary scope.
. 74. When the overall pattern of Miller’s behavior is examined, from the time prior to his
wrongful taking jurisdiction of Case H-08-60, in conflict as a Bush appointee surruptitiously not
informing Plaintiffs, a Bush appointee denying captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War -- Maupin,
Fouty, and Jimenez – the $25 Million Dollar Rewards sought by Plaintiffs in Case H-08-60, it is
most apparent that Miller intended to insure that the White House Reward Treasons against
captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War would continue to motivate terrorist enemies of the United
States to inflict mutilation, torture, and murder against captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War,
whose Reward life values had obviously been slandered and defamed by “U.S. $50,000 ‘Death
Sentence’ Rewards” to the “lowest life value” in Iraq and Afghanistan, in fact slandered to 500
times less than the most wanted Terrorists, bin Ladin and Zawahiri, thereby portraying captured
U.S. soldier Prisoners of War as virtually valueless “trash” to their Moslem captors who well
understood the Moslem tradition of “Blood Money.”
. 75. The horiffic consequences of said treasonable Executive Branch “U.S. $50,000 ‘Death
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Sentence’ Reward” policy were that Terrorist captors consistently and predictably mutilated,
tortured, and murdered captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War in violation of Geneva Convention
III of 1949 and Geneva Protocols of 1977 as inspired by “U.S. $50,000 ‘Death Sentence’ Rewards”.
. 76. What is most revealing about Miller’s wrongful behavior is that Case H-08-60 redunantly
set forth the details of said treasonable Executive Branch “U.S. $50,000 ‘Death Sentence’ Reward”
policy and plainly explained how said $50,000 ‘Death Sentence’ Reward” policy had produced an
ever increasing body count of predictably mutilated, tortured, and murdered captured U.S. soldier
Prisoners of War in violation of Geneva Convention III of 1949 and Geneva Protocols of 1977.
.77. Yet, Miller, with this information of Case H-08-60 in hand, surruptitiously took
jurisdiction apparently with the most vile and criminal of intentions to deny Plaintiffs’ efforts to
increase rewards on behalf of captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War who were Victims of the
White House Executive Branch “U.S. $50,000 ‘Death Sentence’ Reward” policy.
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. 78. Miller’s wrongful expropriation of Case H-08-60 and refusal to recuse himself indicates
that his deliberate denial of Plaintiffs’ “Application to Proceed Without Payment of Fee (Forma
Pauperis)” was premeditatedly made with hostile and murderous indifference to the fate of
captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War -- Maupin, Fouty, and Jimenez.
. 79. Miller wrongfully interfered with Case H-08-60 by denying it from being heard by a trail
jury and Grand Jury. It is obvious that Miller intended to prevent higher Rewards for captured
U.S. soldier Prisoners of War and intended to stand by to allow Sgt. Keith Maupin, Spc. Alex R.
Jimenez and Pvt. Byron W. Fouty to be tortured to death by Terrorist captors in Iraq . And, this is
essentially what happened as a result of Miller denying Case H-08-60 going forward to trial,
thereby treasonably denying equal $25 Million dollar rewards to captured U.S. soldier Prisoners
of War -- Maupin, Fouty, and Jimenez -- while Miller was actively and deliberately in violation of
USC Title 28, Section 455 and thereby acting outside of his Ministerial and Discretionary scope.
. 80. This sequence of events is so obvious in Miller’s behavior that “the thing speaks for itself
(‘Res Ips Loquitor’)”: Miller’s behavior and denial of Case H-08-60 as being connected to the
deaths of Sgt. Keith Maupin, Spc. Alex R. Jimenez and Pvt. Byron W. Fouty by denying Case H08-60 from going forward to trial based on Miller’s perverse demand that the $450 court filing fee
be paid instead of waiving it in the interest of captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War -- Maupin,
Fouty, and Jimenez, thereby denied and prevented higher Rewards to save their lives as equally
as the U.S. Executive Branch was saving Terrorist lives with the higher $25 Million dollar
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Rewards it advertised at its several “Rewards for Justice” Web Sites located at the U.S.
Department of Justice and U.S. Department of State, at the same time Miller’s treasonable denial
was in effect from 25 Feb 2008 to the present, August 2008.
. 81. SEE: Rewards for Justice, Washington , D.C.20522-0303, 1-800-877-3927; [email protected];
. 82. Maupin, Fouty, and Jimenez had U.S. Fourteenth Amendment rights to higher and equal
Rewards of $25 Million U.S. Reward dollars to be treated with at least the same life-saving
reward equality as Terrorist enemies of the United States and not to be treasonably slandered so
far downward as to be publicly announced in the media as being assigned by their own
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government as at the lowest reward values, “U.S. $50,000 ‘Death Sentence’ Rewards,” in Iraq,
unto 500 times less reward life value than the terrorist enemies of the United States.
.83. At this particular juncture, it is most appropriate to question whether the U.S. Executive
Branch in its advocacy of the lowest reward values, “U.S. $50,000 ‘Death Sentence’ Rewards,” in
Iraq , unto 500 times less reward life value than the terrorist enemies of the United States was a
violation of Title 18, Section 2381 – Treason, by deliberation or by error.
. 84. SEE: USC Title 18, Section 2381 – Treason: Whoever, owing allegiance to the United
States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within
the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned
not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be
incapable of holding any office under the United States.
. 85. Plaintiff concedes that it is possible for high ranking persons in U.S. government,
deficiently educated in the law, even unbalanced U.S. Court Judges like Miller, to ignorantly
perpetrate and commit acts that violate United States Codes, including ignorant violations of
RICO (especially RICO) and ignorant violations of Treason, completely oblivious of the violations.
. 86. However, ignorance, if true, does not mean that ignorant perpetration of a serious U.S.
Code violation linked to atrocities and War Crimes against captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War
-- Maupin, Fouty, and Jimenez -- should be ignored or forgiven.
. 87. U.S. Judge Miller, after reading and learning the contents of Case H-08-60, obviously
planned to expropriate wrongful jurisdiction with the purpose in mind of delaying consideration
of U.S. Case H-08-60 in direct correlation of denying Maupin’s, Fouty’s, and Jimenez’s Fourteenth
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Amendment right to higher and equal Rewards of $25 Million U.S. Reward dollars to be Reward
equal to Terrorists who were surviving surrender and capture in Iraq at a 100 % survival rate
because they were blessed with Mega-Million dollar rewards while U.S. soldiers were cursed with
“U.S. $50,000 ‘Death Sentence’ Rewards,” which obviously caused them to be tortured to death
and murdered as targets of Bush’s White house Culture of Torture.
. 88. The information of this issue indicates that captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War Sgt.
Keith Maupin, Spc. Alex R. Jimenez and Pvt. Byron W. Fouty were murdered during the time
period of 22 Feb 2008 to 08 July 2008, during said time period that U.S. Judge Miller, outside his
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ministerial and discretionary scope, did deny Plaintiffs’ efforts to provide $25 Million Dollar
Rewards to save the lives of captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War -- Sgt. Keith Maupin, Spc.
Alex R. Jimenez and Pvt. Byron W. Fouty -- on a Reward life value equal to said $25 Million U.S.
Reward dollars bestowed by the U.S. Executive Branch on Terrorists.
. 89. Miller’s denial was in “conflict of interest,” outside his ministerial and descretionary scope,
in disqualification under “USC Title 28, Section 455, thereby acting in Miller’s Private Person
Persona In decisions that impact the question of human-life during administration of any private
or government institution, meanwhile understanding there are many ways to administratively
save or destroy lives, directly and indirectly, or by manipulation of nonfeasance, misfeasance, or
. 90. Thus, Miller’s denial of Case H-08-60 did have the same detrimental and life-destroying
effect as applied by the U.S. Executive Branch against Sgt. Keith Maupin, Spc. Alex R. Jimenez
and Pvt. Byron W. Fouty. Miller’s wrongful behavior in not recusing himself is very obvious on the
face of the record in the matter of Case H-08-60, in that “the thing speaks for itself (‘Res Ips
. 91. Complainant / Plaintiff requests this Court to appoint a 'Special Counsel' to present
information of the herein alleged Felonies to a U.S. Grand Jury if the U.S. Department of
Justice, U.S. Attorney General, fails or refuses to present information of the listed
Crimes, herein, to a Grand Jury, and Complainant / Plaintiff requests these wrongdoings
be publicly investigated by U.S. law enforcement agencies to include FBI, Homeland
Security Agency, and BATF; and, said Crime reports be provided to these agencies and to
the various U.S. Grand Juries and courts having jurisdiction of the Crimes reported by
Plaintiff Kenneth MacKenzie of the Kristian Menchaca Family and, within this Court's
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. 92. The Kristian Menchaca Family petitions this Court issue a Protective Order to
include the protection of the U.S. Victim/Witness program to Protect the Family of
Kristian Menchaca .
Complainant’s signature : S/ Kenneth MacKenzie,
177 of 212
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Printed name : Kenneth MacKenzie;
title : Pro Se, Properia Persona, Complainant /
Plaintiff member of Kristian Menchaca Family
of U.S. Court Case H-08-60 - Houston, TX and
Sworn to before me and signed in my presence.
Judge’s signature
City and state:
EXHIBIT “A”: U.S. District Court, War Crime Court Case H-08-60 (Houston) filed in U.N.
19519, 2500 CM, The Hague, The Netherlands, email [email protected] , GENEVA CONVENTION 3 AND U.S. RICO ACT
-------------------------File name: Christian Judge G Miller War Crime ICC Int Crm CT ICC ICC ICC 12 Ap 2009 Page 24 of 31
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EXHIBIT “B”: United States District Court, War Crime Court Case H-08-60 (Houston)
Box 19519, 2500 CM,
The Hague, The Netherlands, email [email protected] ; http://www.icccpi.
int/home.html&l=en) acknowledging receipt of U.S. District Court, War Crime Court
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Case H-08-60 (Houston) and supplemental report material.
MIDDLE EAST resulting in Radiological Cross Contamination of Holy KAABA, submitted to:
Ministers of Justice for Saudi Arabia, UAE, Yemen, Uzbekistan, Indonesia, and so forth.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Certificate
of Service - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(1) Kenneth
MacKenzie, appearing Properia Persona as Plaintiff “Pro Se”
appearing on his own behalf with family class members similarly situated,
(2) Julieta Vasquez-MacKenzie, as Plaintiff, Aunt of Pfc. Kristian Vasquez Menchaca
(sister of Claimant Guadalupe Vasquez), (3) Guadalupe Vasquez, as Plaintiff, Mother
of Pfc. Kristian Vasquez Menchaca, Mother of (4) Caesar Vasquez Menchaca, as
Plaintiff, Brother of Pfc. Kristian Vasquez Menchaca, family class members similarly
situated — PETITIONERS
Class Action regarding:
(1) The four Geneva Conventions (I,II,III,IV)
of 12 August 1949 for the protection of war victims
Defendant #1, U.S. Justice Department, United States Executive Branch Of Government,
Alberto Gonzales, Attorney General of the United States — RESPONDENT(S)
I, Kenneth MacKenzie, do swear or declare that on this date, 02 MAY 2009, as required by
Supreme Court Rule 29 I have served the enclosed U.S. Supreme Court Rule
15: PLAINTIFFS' SUPPLEMENTAL BRIEF on each party to the above proceeding
or that party’s counsel, and on every other person required to be served, by depositing
an envelope containing the above documents in the United States mail properly addressed
to each of them and with first-class postage prepaid, or by delivery to a third-party
commercial carrier for delivery within 3 calendar days.
The names and addresses of those served are as follows: U.S. Justice Department, United
179 of 212
180 of 212
States Executive Branch Of Government, Alberto Gonzales, former Attorney General of the United
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States; Erik Holder, Attorney General of the United States, UNITED STATES ATTORNEY’S
OFFICE: Houston /Galveston Division: Mail: P.O. Box 61129 , Houston, TX 77208;
TO: Solicitor General Elena Kagan, Office of the Solicitor General, Care Of Neal Katyal, Room
5614, Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W., Washington, DC 20530-0001
Phone: 202-514-2217/18 hours 9:00 am to 5:30 pm, M-F 202-514-2203
[email protected] ; [email protected] , [email protected] ,
[email protected] ,[email protected] ,
. . . . . To: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Lee Caplan & John B. Bellinger III, Office of Legal
Adviser, U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC 20520 , (202) 647-0748; [email protected];
Kimberly A. Gahan, Attorney-Adviser, International Claims & Investment Disputes Office of the
Legal Adviser, U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC 20520 , tel: (202) 776-8431; email:
[email protected] ; [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] ,
[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected], [email protected] ,
[email protected] , [email protected] ,
. . . . . To: U.N. INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT, (ICC, Prosecutor, Case # OTP-CR-100/08,
PO Box 19519, 2500 CM, The Hague, The Netherlands, [email protected] , ( http://
TO: MAJ Oliver F. Mintz, Chief, Assistance and Investigations Branch, Office of the
General, Texas Military Forces, Office: 512-782-5231; Mil Cell: 512-963-4318
;[email protected]
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed on , 02 MAY 2009,
(Signature) S/ Kenneth MacKenzie
Printed name: Kenneth MacKenzie
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Certificate
of Service - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 180 of 212
181 of 212
Kenneth MacKenzie, appearing Properia Persona as Plaintiff “Pro Se”
appearing on his own behalf with family class members similarly situated,
(2) Julieta Vasquez-MacKenzie, as Plaintiff, Aunt of Pfc. Kristian Vasquez Menchaca
(sister of Claimant Guadalupe Vasquez), (3) Guadalupe Vasquez, as Plaintiff, Mother
of Pfc. Kristian Vasquez Menchaca, Mother of (4) Caesar Vasquez Menchaca, as
Plaintiff, Brother of Pfc. Kristian Vasquez Menchaca, family class members similarly
situated — PETITIONERS
Class Action regarding:
(1) The four Geneva Conventions (I,II,III,IV)
of 12 August 1949 for the protection of war victims
Defendant #1, U.S. Justice Department, United States Executive Branch Of Government,
Alberto Gonzales, Attorney General of the United States — RESPONDENT(S)
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I, Kenneth MacKenzie, do swear or declare that on this 02 MAY 2009, as required by Supreme Court Rule
I have served the enclosed U.S. Supreme Court Rule 15: PLAINTIFFS' SUPPLEMENTAL BRIEF #2
on each party to the above proceeding
or that party’s counsel, and on every other person required to be served, by depositing
an envelope containing the above documents in the United States mail properly addressed
to each of them and with first-class postage prepaid, or by delivery to a third-party
commercial carrier for delivery within 3 calendar days.
The names and addresses of those served are as follows: U.S. Justice Department, United States
Executive Branch Of Government, Alberto Gonzales, former Attorney General of the United
States; Erik Holder, Attorney General of the United States, Department of Justice, 10th and
Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20530;
TO: Solicitor General Elena Kagan, Office of the Solicitor General, Care Of Neal Katyal, Room
181 of 212
182 of 212
5614, Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W., Washington, DC 20530-0001
Phone: 202-514-2217/18 hours 9:00 am to 5:30 pm, M-F 202-514-2203
[email protected] ,
. . . . . To: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Lee Caplan & John B. Bellinger III, Office of Legal
Adviser, U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC 20520 , (202) 647-0748; [email protected];
Kimberly A. Gahan, Attorney-Adviser, International Claims & Investment Disputes Office of the
Legal Adviser, U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC 20520 , tel: (202) 776-8431; email:
[email protected] ; [email protected] , [email protected] ,
[email protected] ,[email protected] ,
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected] ,
[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected], [email protected] ,
[email protected] , [email protected],
. . . . . To: U.N. INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT, (ICC, Prosecutor, Case # OTP-CR-100/08,
PO Box 19519, 2500 CM, The Hague, The Netherlands, [email protected] , ( http://
TO: MAJ Oliver F. Mintz, Chief, Assistance and Investigations Branch, Office of the
General, Texas Military Forces, Office: 512-782-5231; Mil Cell: 512-963-4318 ;
[email protected]
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed on , 02 MAY 2009,
(Signature) S/ Kenneth MacKenzie
Printed name: Kenneth MacKenzie
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Certificate of Service - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Certificate of Service
. . I hereby certify that the above and foregoing instrument was electronically served
upon Defendants and Interested Parties and their counsel at their Web site electronic
eMail addresses in the above entitled and numbered cause by Plaintiff Kenneth
182 of 212
183 of 212
MacKenzie, Attorney Pro SE, Uncle of PFC Kristian Vasquez Menchaca, H. Phone: 713File name: Christian Judge G Miller War Crime ICC Int Crm CT ICC ICC ICC 12 Ap 2009 Page 27 of 31
08-9595 tssb MacKenzie, Vasquez, Menchaca # 3 Crime Complaint: U.N. INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL CT Page 28 of 31
225-0123 ; Cell : 281 684 6028;
[email protected] , [email protected] , U.S. Court Case H-08-60;
. . . KENNETH MACKENZIE, the undersigned, further certifies that he has served the
U.S. Attorney and U.S. Attorney General numerous times at their Web site Electronic
Mail addresses, served them at U.S. White House Electronic Mail Addresses, at the
Department of Defense Electronic Mail addresses:: [email protected] , [email protected],
[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] ,
[email protected], [email protected],
S/ Kenneth MacKenzie, Attorney Properia Persona (in his own person
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed on , 02 MAY 2009,
(Signature) S/ Kenneth MacKenzie
Printed name: Kenneth MacKenzie
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Certificate
of Service - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
515 Rusk Ave., Houston, Texas 77002, Phone: 713.250.5500 {Judge: Gray Miller}
{Civil Case (H)4:08-MC-60 filed 22Feb2008, Case Mgr. Stephanie Byrum} .
. . .(1) Kenneth MacKenzie; (2) Julieta Vasquez-MacKenzie, Aunt of Kristian (3) Guadalupe Vasquez,
Mother of Pfc. Kristian Vasquez Menchaca, (4) Caesar Vasquez Menchaca, brother of Kristian as
Plaintiff, family class members similarly situated, Plaintiffs , appearing Properia Persona in CIVIL
ACTION with demand of Jury Trial regarding War Crime torts of (1) The four Geneva Conventions
(I,II,III,IV) of 12 August 1949 and Protocols of 1977 for the protection of war victims, (2) USC Title
18, Section 1961, et.seq., RICO Act,
Defendant #1, U.S. Justice Department, United States Executive Branch Of Government, Alberto
Gonzales, Attorney General of the United States, Defendant 183 of 212
184 of 212
-----------------------------------------------------Return of Service of Crime Complaint and Protective Order Motion to U.S. District Court
Case H08-60 & War Crime Information to U.N. INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT,
File name: Christian Judge G Miller War Crime ICC Int Crm CT ICC ICC ICC 12 Ap 2009 Page 28 of 31
08-9595 tssb MacKenzie, Vasquez, Menchaca # 3 Crime Complaint: U.N. INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL CT Page 29 of 31
(ICC, Prosecutor, Case # OTP-CR-100/08, PO Box 19519, 2500 CM, The Hague, The
Netherlands, email [email protected] , ):.
Complainant’s signature : S/ Kenneth MacKenzie,
Submitted by: : . . 1. Plaintiff Kenneth MacKenzie, Uncle of PFC Kristian Vasquez Menchaca, H.
Phone: 713-225-0123 ; Cell : 281 684 6028 ; [email protected] , U.S. Court Case H-0860;
. . 2. WAR CRIME court venue: U.S. War Crime Court Case H-08-60 filed in U.N. INTERNATIONAL
CRIMINAL COURT, (ICC, Prosecutor, Case # OTP-CR-100/08, PO Box 19519, 2500 CM, The
Hague, The Netherlands, email [email protected] , http://www.icccpi.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Certificate
of Service - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
for the Southern District of Texas
515 Rusk Ave., Houston, Texas 77002,
Phone: 713.250.5500 {Judge: Gray Miller}
{Civil Case(H)4:08-MC-60 filed 22Feb2008, Case Mgr. Stephanie Byrum} .
. . .(1) Kenneth MacKenzie, (2) Julieta Vasquez-MacKenzie, (3) Guadalupe Vasquez,
Mother of
Pfc. Kristian Vasquez Menchaca,4) Caesar Vasquez Menchaca, PLAINTIFFS, of War
Crimes, (1)
Geneva Conventions (I,II,III,IV), et. seq., in CIVIL ACTION
Defendant #1, U.S. Justice Department, United States Executive Branch Of
184 of 212
185 of 212
Government, Alberto
Gonzales, Attorney General of the United States, Defendant -----------------------------------------------------CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE (X Via ECF)
. . . . . To: U.N. INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT, ICC, Case OTP-CR-100/08, Hague , The
. . . . . To: President of The United States and Counsel to President of the United States Fax: 202- 456File name: Christian Judge G Miller War Crime ICC Int Crm CT ICC ICC ICC 12 Ap 2009 Page 29 of 31
08-9595 tssb MacKenzie, Vasquez, Menchaca # 3 Crime Complaint: U.N. INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL CT Page 30 of 31
2883; Phn: 202 456-2632
. . . . . To: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Lee Caplan & John B. Bellinger III, Office of Legal
Adviser, U.S. Department of State, (202) 647-0748; [email protected]; Kimberly A. Gahan,
Attorney-Adviser, International Claims & Investment Disputes Office of the Legal Adviser, U.S.
Department of State, tel: (202) 776-8431; email: [email protected]
Defense Attaché Office, US Embassy, 24 Grosvenor Square, London W1A 1AE ; Phone:[44] (0) 20
7894-0723; Fax:[44] (0) 20 7499-7688 ; Email: [email protected] ; [email protected]
. . . . . TO: United States Attorney General Erik Holder, U.S. Department of Justice, 10th and
Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 2053 ;US Attorney General, 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW,
Washington, DC - (202) 353-1555 , [email protected] ,
[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] ,
[email protected] ,
. . . . . TO: United States Attorney Attorney General Mukasey, Care Of: UNITED STATES
ATTORNEY’S OFFICE, Tim Johnson, Houston, P.O. Box 61129, Houston, TX 77208; 8-5 M-F: (713)
718-3310; U.S. Atty. (713) 567-9000 FBI 713-693-5000 ; [email protected] ,
[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected]
, [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] ,[email protected] ,
[email protected] , [email protected] ,
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected] ;
[email protected], [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected],
[email protected] , [email protected], [email protected] , [email protected] ,
185 of 212
186 of 212
[email protected] , [email protected], [email protected] ,
[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected]
,[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected]
. . . TO: Captain Weiskopf & Commander, ATTN: IACS-SMIO-PAO, 8825 Beulah Street , Fort
Belvoir, VA 22060-5246, INSCOM Phone: (703) 428-4965 ; INSCOM Pentagon 703-697-4200 ;
Email: [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ;
[email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ;
[email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ;
[email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ;
[email protected] ; [email protected]
. . . TO: Patrick J. Fitzgerald, U.S. Special Counsel; jeffrey.kerr ; heather.cartwright ; cathy.spears; Office of
U.S. Special Counsel, and To U.S. National Security Division, U.S. Department of Justice (U.S. DoJ), Office of
Justice for Victims of Overseas Terrorism; and an Executive Office. or 202-514-1057; jeffrey.kerr: 202-616-3581
; heather.cartwright: 202-514-1057; ; cathy.spears: 202 307 -6649 ; eMail : [email protected] ;
[email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ;
. . . TO: George Hephner, Deputy U.S. Marshall, 515 Rusk, Houston, TX 77002, 713 718 4800;
[email protected]
. . I hereby certify that the above and foregoing instrument was served upon Defendants
and Interested Parties and their counsel in the above entitled and numbered cause at
File name: Christian Judge G Miller War Crime ICC Int Crm CT ICC ICC ICC 12 Ap 2009 Page 30 of 31
08-9595 tssb MacKenzie, Vasquez, Menchaca # 3 Crime Complaint: U.N. INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL CT Page 31 of 31
their office eMail addresses as indicated at their "published" Internet Web sites by
Plaintiff Kenneth MacKenzie, Attorney Pro SE, Uncle of PFC Kristian Vasquez
Menchaca, H. Phone: 713-225-0123 ; Cell : 281 684 6028;
[email protected] , [email protected] , U.S. Court Case H-08-60;
KENNETH MACKENZIE, the undersigned, further certifies that he has served the U.S.
Attorney and U.S. Attorney General numerous times at their Web site Electronic Mail
addresses, served them at U.S. White House Electronic Mail Addresses, at the
Department of Defense Electronic Mail addresses: [email protected] , [email protected],
186 of 212
187 of 212
[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] ,
[email protected], [email protected],
Complainant’s signature : S/ Kenneth MacKenzie,
Printed name : Kenneth MacKenzie;
title : Pro Se, Properia Persona, Complainant /
Plaintiff member of Kristian Menchaca Family
of U.S. Court Case H-08-60 - Houston, TX;
DATE: 10 MAR 2009
File name: Christian Judge G Miller War Crime ICC Int Crm CT ICC ICC ICC 12 Ap 2009 Page 31 of 31
187 of 212
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Washington, DC 20543-0001, [email protected]
Kenneth MacKenzie, Guadalupe Vasquez, . }
Caesar Vasquez Menchaca, (Petitioners) . . }
v. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . } No. 08-9595
United States (Respondent), . . . . . . . . . . . . } U.S. Supreme Court Rule 44:
KAGAN, Counsel for Respondent, . . . . . . . .}
(Respondents) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . }
. . . This Petition is also submitted under the principle of "Complementarity" to United Nations
International Criminal Court, The Hague, Netherlands, submitted to Middle East Ministers of
Justice and Courts as cited in following paragraphs, and submitted to the Imams of the Great
Mosques throughout the Middle East regarding U.S. manipulation of "Nuclear Radiological
Contamination Crimes" against the Holy Kaaba during the Administration of President G.W.
Bush and currently continuing under the Administration of President Barak Obama ignoring
said "Nuclear Crimes" against the Holy Kaaba.
. . . The truth is that this U.S. Supreme Court did not interpret or even apply U.S. Constitutional
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law in its May 1st, 2009 decision to deny equal Protection of U.S. Reward laws on behalf of U.S.
soldier Prisoners of War, who this court is "well aware " would suffer torture-death as a
consequence of this court's abrogation of its responsibility to interpret the U.S. Constitution
Fourteenth Amendment.
. . . The U.S. Supreme Court Clerk notified Plaintiffs that this court had scheduled 04 May 2009
as the date by which Briefs in Opposition could be filed with this court, but the Clerk never
notified Petitioners that this Court had shortened the time period to 01 May 2009 .
. . . In compliance with the Clerk's previous 04 May notification, Plaintiffs did electronically file
the following at Supplemental Brief s on the merits at U.S. Supreme Court's Washington, DC
20543-001, electronic address [email protected] :
Supplemental Brief "08-9595 tssb MacKenzie,Vasquez, Menchaca, 11 PM, May 1st, 2009
"08-9595 tssb MacKenzie, Vasquez, Menchaca #2, filed on May 2nd, 2009
"08-9595 tssb MacKenzie, Vasquez, Menchaca #3, filed on May 2nd, 2009
"08-9595 tssb MacKenzie, Vasquez, Menchaca #5, filed on May 2nd 2009
"08-9595 tssb MacKenzie, Vasquez, Menchaca #6, filed on May 3rd, 2009.
Plaintiffs also filed paper hard copies of these Briefs, which the Clerk stamped as received on
May 4, 2009 when he returned one of them to Petitioner MacKenzie.
. . . However, this U.S. Supreme Court made its denial of Plaintiff's Certiorari Petition on May
01, 2009, without reading one word of said foregoing 'U.S. Supreme Ct. Rule 15 Supplemental
as said Supplemental Briefs had been electronically posted with the court from 11 PM,
May 1st, 2009 to May 3rd, 2009, and posted in hard paper copy on May 04, 2009, the date this
U.S. Supreme Court had set for briefs to be posted. Hence, this court ruled prematurely on May
01, 2009 without forewarning Plaintiffs; and, said Briefs containing information crucial to
Plaintiffs Certiorari Petition was never read or understood by this U.S. Supreme Court related to
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"Clerk behavior." And, this U.S. Supreme Court changed due date for Briefs from May 04, 2009
to the earlier time of May 01, 2009 without Plaintiffs' knowledge, again related to "Clerk
behavior" in not notifying Plaintiffs the Court's deadline for receiving briefs had been inexplicably
shortened. The Clerk should have notified plaintiffs of the date change.
. . . Said Briefs were intended to inform this Court that Plaintiffs were litigating this matter in
The United States Supreme Court under U.S. Attorney manipulated threat of death by means of
U.S. Attorney denying U.S. Victim/Witness Protection to the Terrorist victimized and threatened
Menchaca family, and that Plaintiffs had been denied Victim / Witness protection by U.S Attorney
Tim Johnson, Houston, who continued to maintain said death threat by operation of the U.S.
Attorney denial of Victim / Witness Protection for the Plaintiff family of PFC Kristian Menchaca,
a family clearly victimized but receiving less Victim Protection than was accorded to Mafioso
Trigger Man, "Sammy 'The Bull' Gravano."
. . .If the Holy Kaaba is Radiologically poisoned as a consequence of U.S. Private Corporation
(Halliburton Corporation presence in Saudi Arabia & so forth on Defendant list) & U.S. Military
presence in the Middle East, then those associated with the U.S. efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan
become 'marked' by all Muslims as responsible for the 'Nuclear Crime poisoning' of the Holy
Kaaba, thereby, also "marked" as 'responsible' for 1600 years contamination will remain.
. . . Of Question 1: Will the Muslim members of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's own Bodyguard
('Praetorian Guard') and Military "who kneel and pray five times per day facing the Holy Kaaba,"
blame Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's behavior as essentially "worse behavior" than former
Egyptian President Anwar Sadat's and blame al-Maliki in relation to the "Nuclear Crimes" that
may already have been inflicted against the Holy Kaaba or blame al-Maliki in relation to the
"Nuclear Crimes" that "will" almost certainly be inflicted against the Holy Kaaba as explained in
Petitioners' U.S. Supreme Court litigation?
190 of 212
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. . . Of Question 2: Will the members of President Hamid Karzai's Bodyguard ('Praetorian Guard')
and Military, "who kneel and pray five times per day facing the Holy Kaaba," blame President
Hamid Karzai's behavior as essentially "worse behavior" than former Egyptian President Anwar
Sadat's in relation to the "Nuclear Crimes" that may already have been inflicted against the Holy
Kaaba or blame Karzai's behavior in relation to the "Nuclear Crimes" that almost certainly "will"
be inflicted against the Holy Kaaba as explained in Petitioners' U.S. Supreme Court litigation?
. . . Of Question 3: Of course, considering that the U.S. Department of Justice continues to
perpetrate its crimes against the Menchaca family via U.S. Attorney Tim Johnson's attempted
surrogate murders patterned on the same denials of 14th Amendment protections as Ashcroft-
Gonzales-Mukasey-Miller inflicted on captured U.S. Soldier Prisoners of War and, of course,
considering the 'ripple effect' of U.S. Attorney Johnson's daily perpetrations to motivate Johnson's
'surrogate' terrorist murder efforts against the Menchaca family, then it is most appropriate to
file these complaints to the Imams and Mullahs in the Mosques throughout the Middle East.
. . . Of Question 4: U.S. Supreme Court to issue one "Protective Order" to the White House to
provide additional security for the life of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki of Iraq and to issue
another "Protective Order" to the White House to provide additional security for the life of
President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan.
. . . Of Question 5: Considering the "Ripple Effect" of "Nuclear Crimes" that lethally contaminate
the Holy Kaaba in much worse condition than this U.S. Supreme Court was Anthrax
contaminated about the time of 9/11, then is is also appropriate to request that the U.S. provide
additional protection to its other allies, such as the Queen of England, the Prime Minister of
Pakistan, PM of France, PM Chancellor of Germany, and others who are at risk of increased
attack from offended Muslims .
. . . Petitioners' Supplemental Briefs of 01 May 2009 through 04 May 2009 to this court were
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intended to inform this Court that Plaintiffs were additionally litigating this matter as submitted
for Reward decisions on lives of captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War (POW) to the Minister of
Justice for Italy and Rome, to the Minister of Justice for Indonesia, to the Minister of Justice for
Yemen, and to the Minister of Justice for Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, of Plaintiffs'
Radiological Crime Tort {1} Claims filed in Vatican, Italy and Rome; {2} Claims filed in Republic
of Yemen; {3} Claims filed in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; {4} Claims filed in Jakarta,
Indonesia, said Claims explaining that according to President Bush, U.S. soldiers in Iraq and
Afghanistan were fighting to recover Nuclear Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq and
Afghanistan targeted at U.S., targeted at U.K., and targeted at several other countries.
. . Plaintiffs alleged in said Supplemental Briefs that in accordance with Bush's said WMD
Claims regarding the cities of Middle East Nations, it is most reasonable to consider that U.S.
Soldiers were protecting the city of Mecca, location of the Holy Kaaba and protecting the city of
Mehdina, location of the"Mosque of the Prophet," the second holiest site in Islam, the site of the
actual burial tomb of Mohamed, himself . U.S. Soldiers were protecting these cities and others
from "Nuclear Crime" consequences that could lead to "Nuclear Crime" contamination of said
"Nuclear Crime" target U.S. corporations that could also lead to "Cross-contaminate" the Holy
Kaaba with life-destroying Radiological Poisons and lead to the same Radiological contamination
in Italy and Rome, thereby also lethally contaminating St, Peter's with Radiological poisons.
. . . Plaintiffs have alleged this in their Claims to the Ministers of Justice for the mentioned
countries that U.S. Corporations doing business in their countries are "Nuclear Crime" targets
protected by the efforts of U.S. Soldiers fighting to protect them from Nuclear Crimes originating
in Iraq and Afghanistan, and that "Nuclear Crime" contamination of said U.S. corporations in
Italy and Rome could also unintentionally "Cross-contaminate" the Holy St. Peters with life
destroying Radiological Poisons.
192 of 212
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. . . Kenneth MacKenzie's several non-fiction books are advertised at the web sites, and " ," under the titles
DEFENDING HOLY ST. PETERS - The Nuclear Crime Contaminations -- the "Hot" Roentgen
Counts, Copyright © 2009 and Defending Holy Kaaba - The Nuclear Crime Contaminations -- the
"Hot" Roentgen Counts, Copyright © 2009
. . . Therefore, the same questions to this Court are also currently submitted under Koranic law in
Saudi Arabia and Middle East countries alleging that said "private property U.S. corporations,"
in the Middle East and in Italy and Rome and in other Western countries, owe a debt of
responsibility to post and pay mega million dollar "Ransoms and Rewards" for the Reward life
value of "captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War" equal to the Reward life value posted by the U.S.
government for Terrorist Insurgents who have been advertised since 2006 as worth Mega Million
dollar rewards at U.S. Department of JUSTICE and at U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE Internet
. . . This U.S. Supreme Court issued what appears to be an incompletely considered political
"denial" on this U.S. Constitutional "Reward Equality" matter, 01 May 2009 , marked by its
support of said U.S. "$50,000 Death Sentence Rewards" against U.S. soldier Prisoners of War
proven to have been "administratively murdered" by means of said U.S. "$50,000 Death
Sentence Rewards" that criminally 'motivated' Terrorist surrogates' to 'torture-murder' all
captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War in Iraq in violation of Geneva Convention III prohibitions
of "Death Sentences" and "Death Defamations" of the life value of "U.S. soldier Prisoners of War."
. . . The fact is that said U.S. "$50,000 Death Sentence Rewards" have been proven to become
"$50,000 Death Sentence Rewards" in that "all one hundred percent of captured U.S. soldier
Prisoners of War " in Iraq were tortured to death and murdered as a consequence of Ashcroft-
193 of 212
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Gonzales-Mukasey deliberately 'designed' and inflicted "$50,000 Death Rewards."
. . . Yet, during the same time period, all one hundred percent of captured Terrorist Insurgent
Prisoners of War in Iraq were life-saved by said mega-million dollar rewards offered by U.S.
. . .In its erroneous and premature May 1st, 2009 denial of U.S. Fourteenth Amendment equal
Protection of U.S. Reward laws on behalf of U.S. soldier Prisoners of War during the current
"Wars" in Iraq and Afghanistan, this U.S. Supreme Court ignored the fact that the United States
has continuously offered said $50,000 Rewards for captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War
("POW") that have motivated and caused Terrorist captors to torture to death and murder all 100
percent of U.S. soldier Prisoners of War, thus illustrating said U.S. $50,000 Rewards, in truth,
are "SENTENCES OF DEATH" ; and, this Supreme Court also ignored the fact that the United
States offered "Mega-Million Dollar Rewards of $5 Million to $25 Million dollars during the same
time period from 2004 to the present for captured Terrorist Insurgent Prisoners of War ("POW")
that have saved the lives of all 100 percent of captured Terrorist Insurgent Prisoners of War .
. . .This court had many alternative options available to apply its jurisdiction to "EQUALIZE"
said U.S. offered $50,000 Rewards for captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War under provision of
the equal protection clause of the U.S. Constitution Fourteenth Amendment.
. . . Instead, this U.S. Supreme Court 'denied' Petitioners and future captured U.S. Prisoners of
War their U.S. Constitutional right to be "Reward Equal" in this Certiorari Petition and thereby
selected the the current and most harmful "U.S. "$50,000 Death Sentence Reward" to continue to
destroy captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War by means of torture death wherein this U.S.
Supreme Court is valuing captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War at lesser life value than enemy
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terrorists fighting against the United States.
. . . No "VOLUNTEER" Soldier in the U.S. Military, knowing he has been deliberately lifedevalued by the U.S. Bush government and ignored by the U.S. government of President Barak
Obama and U.S. Attorney General Erik Holder unto "U.S. "$50,000 Death Sentence Rewards,"
will want to fight against any enemy that U.S. government Officials of the Bush Administration
have assigned at higher Reward life-values of "Mega-Million Dollar Rewards from $5 Million to
$25 Million dollars. The infamous Reward treasons against U.S. soldier Prisoners of War have
extended from the Bush U.S. Executive Branch to the U.S. Supreme Court judiciary.
. . . Few U.S. Soldiers will want to fight under such treasonable reward conditions once they are
informed that U.S. government War Criminals and this U.S. Supreme Court view them as worth
having less life value than terrorist enemies of the United States.
. .Currently, all "VOLUNTEER" U.S. Soldiers in the U.S. Military are not informed at their
"voluntary enlistment" of said "U.S. "$50,000 Death Sentence Reward" treachery as it is being
operated against their lives by the U.S. government.
. . . It is obvious that said "U.S. "$50,000 Death Sentence Rewards" could be math 'balanced' unto
an "equal condition" by lowering the Reward life value of terrorist insurgents and increasing
Reward life values for U.S. soldier Prisoners of War.
. . . It is obvious that said "U.S. "$50,000 Death Sentence Rewards" could be math 'balanced' unto
an "equal condition" by increasing the Reward life value of U.S. soldier Prisoners of War to equal
the $25 Million Dollar Reward life values currently offered on behalf of terrorist insurgents and
discriminatingly denied unto death against U.S. soldier Prisoners of War, thereby sentencing
lower life "$50,000 Death Sentence Reward' U.S. soldier Prisoners of War to torture death at
capture and saving the lives of terrorist insurgents with higher life values .
. . .The U.S. soldiers who were administratively murdered by U.S. Attorneys General Ashcroft-
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Gonzales-Mukasey and U.S. District Judge Gray Miller as audience in the United States
watching U.S. soldier Prisoners of War in Iraq tortured to death under said U.S.-offered $50,000
Death Sentence Rewards, were not criminals convicted of crimes under any U.S. state crime code
or U.S. federal crime code.
. . .Said U.S. soldier Prisoners of War were U.S. soldiers who entered U.S. military service
through "voluntary enlistment." And, they can easily un-volunteer over a Reward issues such as
said U.S.-offered $50,000 Death Sentence Rewards for captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War -Bush's "Adolph-Hitler-Rewards" for captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War.
. . . In its 01 May 2009 denial against captured U.S. soldier POW, this U.S. Supreme Court issued
an unethical 'political denial' against the life values of U.S. soldier Prisoners of War that will go
down in U.S. history as more characteristic of a blood-soaked Hitlerian Beast than of an ethical
U.S. Court of Constitutional Law. Several of this Court's Justice positions are Bush nominees.
. . . In said Supplemental Briefs "08-9595 tssb MacKenzie,Vasquez, Menchaca, Plaintiffs did
motion that this U.S. Supreme Court issue "Orders to Show Cause" to the U.S Executive Branch
why U.S Executive Branch should offer "to assist" or "not assist" in defense regarding the
potential of Radiological Crimes against the Holy Kaaba in Saudi Arabia and Holy St. Peters in
Vatican City-State as said "Nuclear Crimes" most certainly will occur within the context of U.S.
presence, 'Private Corporation commercial business presence', in Middle East and Italy .
. . . Should Holy St. Peters become "Nuclear Crime" cross-contaminated as the consequence of a
Radiological attack against the presence of U.S. Corporations doing business in Italy and Rome,
then it is certain that 18 percent of the earth's population, 1.3 Billion Catholics, will be extremely
concerned about the responsibility of the United States in contributing to "Nuclear Crime" crosscontamination of Holy St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican City-State in Rome.
. . . Should the Holy Kaaba similarly become "Nuclear Crime" cross-contaminated then it is
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certain that 20 percent of the earth's population, 1.5 Billion Muslims, will also be extremely
concerned about the responsibility of the United States in contributing to "Nuclear Crimes."
. . .Plaintiff has filed International War Crime Complaints to this United States Supreme Court
under Docket number 08-9595 and has filed the same complaint with U.S. District Court,
Southern District of Texas, alleging a War Crime Complaint against U.S. Attorney Tim Johnson
captioned in accordance with forms provided by U.S. District Courts.
. . . These Complaints have been concurrently filed with U.N. International Criminal Court, ICC,
Prosecutor, case # otp-cr-100/08, the Hague, the Netherlands."
. . . Plaintiff MacKenzie says that either this court or U.S. District Court should issue "ORDER
TO SHOW CAUSE" (OTC) to U.S. Attorney General to "show cause" WHY KENNETH
MACKENZIE, OR "Non-government (NGO) entity," should or should not post 'lawful' reward
offers of twenty five million dollars ($25,000,000 U.S.) for arrest & prosecution of United States
Attorney Johnson and former U.S. Attorney General Gonzales whose criminal behavior has
created a 'crime-ripple-effect' on expansion of war in "Iraq and Afghanistan" and increases
"threat" of nuclear radiological damage to people of United States, Europe, Middle East, and,
furthermore, increases "threat" of nuclear radiological damage to THE HOLY KAABA in Mecca
and , increases "threat" of nuclear radiological damage to the Holy Mosque Tomb of the prophet
Mohammed, himself, in Medina, Saudi Arabia, thereby slandering, defaming, and insulting ALL
OF ISLAM with silent threat of 'NUCLEAR CRIMES' against "Radiological Crime Insulted"
Holy KAABA in Meccah, and against the Holy Mosque Tomb of the prophet Mohammed, himself.
. . .Again, Petitioner MacKenzie requests this Supreme Court to issue "Life-Protective-Orders" to
the U.S. Executive Branch to protect the lives of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki of Iraq and
President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan and requests this court further issue "Life-ProtectiveOrders" to the U.S. Executive Branch to protect the lives of captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of
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War with Rewards equal to those $25 Million the U.S. Executive offers for Terrorists.
. . . PLAINTIFF Kenneth MacKenzie's said 'LAWFUL' REWARD OFFERS in this court litigation
are responses to "U.S. Attorney Employee Tim Johnson's (BUSH APPOINTEE) 'direct and
indirect' (See: 'RICO Act' language) attempts to 'Administratively Mass Murder,'
by means of
motivating Criminals to murder the entire Christian Menchaca family," and are part of
MacKenzie's series of efforts to expose Johnson's administratively manipulated murder attempts
by MacKenzie litigating against "U.S. Attorney Employee Johnson's" corrupt and criminal
rationales in U.S. courts, and litigating against Johnson's criminal corruption in 'ALL' courts of
the Middle East to expose Johnson's murderous criminal corruption as to how Johnson's
murderous criminal corruption relates to the U.S. presence in Iraq and Afghanistan, which U.S.
presence in Iraq and Afghanistan causes increased threat of Radiological contamination against
the Holy KAABA, that may already have been previously "Nuclear Crime" stealth contaminated
by Russian government or other government Interests or Non-Government Organizations (NGO)
intent on causing a world-wide reaction by the 1.5 billion Islamic population of the earth against
the United States.
. . . SEE: Plaintiff MacKenzie's previous documents submitted to above courts and submitted to:
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with request she forward crime complaints to President
BARAK OBAMMA as written by Plaintiff MacKenzie against U.S. Attorney Tim Johnson's
(Bush appointee) denials regarding VICTIM PROTECTION of Terrorist victimized and
threatened family of PFC Christian Menchaca, a U.S. Army soldier tortured to death in Iraq,
2006, by Terrorist Insurgents protected by high denomination United States government offered
Mega million dollar rewards, which were concurrently denied to PFC Menchaca and PFC Tucker;
and, said United States government offered Mega million dollar rewards
do continue to be
criminally and wrongfully denied to U.S. Military currently serving in Iraq and Afghanistan,
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while said continuing Mega million dollar rewards offered by U.S. Department of Justice and
Department of State Internet sites continue to save and protect the lives of 'captured' and 'at
large' Terrorist Insurgents during combat in Iraq and Afghanistan.
. . . MacKenzie's said estimated 'LAWFUL' REWARD OFFERS in court litigation are responses to
"U.S. Attorney Employee Tim Johnson's (BUSH APPOINTEE) 'direct and indirect' (See: 'RICO
Act' language) attempts to "Administratively Mass Murder' the entire family of PFC Christian
Menchaca" in denying them Victim/Witness Protection from Criminal reprisals engineered by
U.S. Atty. Johnson's manipulated efforts / attempts of Mass Murder & Title 18 U.S. Code Crime
offenses of 'Tampering' and 'Retaliation' against the family of PFC Kristian Menchaca tortured to
death with PFC Tucker, Iraq, 2006
are intended to expose U.S. Attorney Johnson's murder attempts against the family of victimized
PFC Christian Menchaca by litigating against "U.S. Attorney Employee Johnson's corrupt and
criminal rationales in U.S. courts, and further litigating against Johnson's criminal corruption in
'ALL' courts of the Middle East and further submitting / litigating said War Crime complaints in
the courts of Europe and the Office of the Prosecutor in United Nations INTERNATIONAL
CRIMINAL COURT, (ICC), Prosecutor, Case # OTP-CR-100/08, PO Box 19519, 2500 CM, The
Hague, The Netherlands,
. . . US Atty. Johnson's (Bush appointee in Houston) "Victim Protection denial" was most
obviously perpetrated to criminally "Tamper and Retaliate" for the purpose of instilling fear
against the terrorist victimized families of U.S. soldiers and does illustrate that unprotected
victimized families of U.S. soldiers are even more vulnerable to a Criminal attack.
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. . . Also, US Atty. Johnson's "Victim Protection denial" was most obviously perpetrated to
manipulate Criminals as surrogate criminals to attack the unprotected PFC Christian Menchaca
family as a U.S. Justice Department response against the Christian Menchaca family's U.S.
Claim & U.S. Court Case H-08-60 and U.S. Supreme Court # 08-9595; and, said US Atty.
Johnson's "Victim Protection denial" is also obviously a replica of the same type of (1) U.S.
Executive Branch and " U.S.- administration-manipulated-murder-by-surrogate wherein (1)
denial-of-fourteenth-Amendment protection was perpetrated by U.S. Executive Branch Attorney
Generals Ashcroft-Gonzales and Mukasey against captured U.S. Prisoners of War and also (2)
perpetrated by U.S. Judge Gray Miller, appointee of President GW Bush, against captured U.S.
Prisoners of War to manipulate terrorists as surrogate murderers who murdered U.S. soldier
Prisoners of War due to manipulated U.S. Reward insufficiencies deliberately done to illustrate
that the Bush Administration was intent on sacrificing the lives of captured U.S. Prisoners of
War to prove the Bush motto that "the U.S. does not deal with terrorists."
. . . Thus, U.S. Executive Branch Attorney Generals Gonzales and Mukasey and Judge Gray
Miller were all able to manipulate torture deaths against captured U.S. Prisoners of War by all of
them using the technique of denying the same 14th Amendment equal protection clause of the
U.S. Constitution in a manner that assured U.S. Executive Branch Attorney Generals Gonzales's
and Mukasey's and Judge Gray Miller's, denials of equal reward protections would absolutely and
without question motivate Terrorist Insurgents to torture to death U.S. Army PFC Kristian
Menchaca, PFC Thomas Tucker, PFC Joseph Anziak, Sgt. Keith Maupin, PFC Byron Fouty, Spec.
Alex Jimenez.
. . . It is astounding to note that U.S. Attorneys General Ashcroft-Gonzales-Mukasey did cause the
deaths of all 100% of captured U.S. Prisoners of War "AND" astounding to note that "Private
Person" Gray Miller, in his usurpation of U.S. Case H-08-60, acting outside his ministerial and
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discretionary scope, in the guise of a U.S. District judge, usurping said U.S. District Court
jurisdiction away from the many judges who were not Bush appointees disqualified by conflict of
interest in violation of 28 USC § 455, also did manipulate torture deaths against captured U.S.
Prisoners of War, Sgt. Keith Maupin, PFC Byron Fouty, Spec. Alex Jimenez during litigation of
U.S. Case H-08-60 from February 2008 to July 2008 while the U.S. Army had them listed as alive
and missing in action.
. . . 3aq`Currently, US Attorney Johnson is applying the same 14th Amendment denial of "equal
protection under the fourteenth Amendment" against the Menchaca family as was applied by
Attorney Generals Gonzales and Mukasey and Judge Gray Miller against said captured U.S.
Prisoners of War, U.S. Army PFC Kristian Menchaca, PFC Thomas Tucker, PFC Joseph Anziak,
Sgt. Keith Maupin, PFC Byron Fouty, Spec. Alex Jimenez..
The truth is that all captured U.S. soldier Prisoners of War were tortured to death as the
consequence of heavily and intensely and repetitively manipulated denials of their 'Fourteenth
Amendment Constitutional right to equal life rewards,' denied to be equal to the same life
rewards U.S. offered for Terrorist Insurgent Prisoners of War and U.S. offered for "at large"
Terrorist Insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan.
. . . Plaintiff seeks to present crime complaint information to a U.S. grand jury which has been
ignored, concealed, and obstructed from the view of a Grand Jury by U.S. Attorney General, By
U.S. Attorney Tim Johnson, by Judge Gray Miller of UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, U.S.
Case No. H-08-60 and FBI Director Robert Mueller, and former Attorney General Mukasey.
. . . Plaintiffs request this Court to issue a Protective Order to protect the lives of the
Menchaca family until such time as said Criminal threats are no longer an issue.
. . . Plaintiffs request this Court to issue a Protective Order to protect Holy Kaaba, Mecca, Saudi
Arabia, from "Nuclear Crime" attack related to U.S. War prosecution in Iraq and Afghanistan.
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. . . Plaintiffs request this Court to issue a Protective Order to protect the Tomb of
Mohamed in Medina, Saudi Arabia from said "Nuclear Crime" attack related to the U.S. War
prosecution in Iraq and Afghanistan.
. . . Plaintiffs request this Court to issue a Protective Order to protect Holy St. Peter's
from "Nuclear Crime" attacks related to U.S. War prosecution in Iraq & Afghanistan.
. . . Plaintiffs request this Court to issue to Defendant an Order to Show Cause why the
U.S. should or should not offer "Radiological Crime" Protection to said Holy shrines in Saudi
Arabia, Vatican, Italy and Rome.
. . . Plaintiffs request this Court to issue to Defendant an Order to Show Cause why the
U.S. should or should not offer "Radiological Crime" Protection to the U.S. Business
Entities in Mecca & Medina, Saudi Arabia and in Italy in an effort to protect Holy Kaaba, protect
the Mosque of the Prophet, protect Holy St. Peter's and protect all pilgrims visiting these Holy
Shrines from Radiological Cross-Contamination as is expected to come from Radiological attack
against U.S. Business property in Mecca & Medina, Saudi Arabia and Rome, Vatican, and Italy.
. . . Plaintiffs request this Court to issue to Defendant and to fifty US state governors to
"show cause" why they should not forewarn U.S. federal troops and State National Guard troops
of said insufficient "$50,000 'Death' Rewards" that directly impact National Guard troops
when 'federalized' into the federal military of the United States. And, further warning said
Volunteers for military service that they could be tortured to death as were all captured U.S.
soldier Prisoners of War by presenting said Volunteers with said videos and photos of Kristian
Menchaca's and Thomas Tucker's torture deaths.
. . . Plaintiffs request this Court to issue to Defendant and to fifty U.S. state governors
and U.S. Attorney General and U.S. Secretary of State and "Order to 'Show Cause' " why
U.S. Bush administration "fifty thousand dollar torture-death 'rewards'" offered by U.S.
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for captured U.S. soldier prisoners of war should continue to remain in effect after Bush
administration has vacated office of presidency of the United States.
Complainant’s signature : S/ Kenneth MacKenzie, Printed name : Kenneth MacKenzie;
title : Petitioner, [email protected]
. . . . . WAR CRIME court venue: U.S. Court Case H-08-60 filed in U.N. INTERNATIONAL
CRIMINAL COURT, (ICC, Prosecutor, Case # OTP-CR-100/08, PO Box 19519, 2500 CM,
The Hague, The Netherlands, email [email protected] , : (1) U.S. business targets in Saudi Arabia, Monaco, Vatican, &
France, Europe, potential victims of Nuclear Contamination Crimes : 'Nuclear-Crime'
Contamination of Holy Kaaba & 3.5 million HAJJ PILGRIMS in Meccah, 2008:
FROM: Plaintiff Kenneth MacKenzie, Uncle of PFC Kristian Vasquez Menchaca, ;
[email protected] ; U.S. Court Case H-08-60; eBook titles : http:// ; Screen Play: Princess And The Sons Of Paradise, ©
1997, 2004, 2005: ;
To: King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, (Arabic: ‫خادم‬
‫الحرمين الشريفين الملك عبد ا بن عبد العزيز آلدسعود‬, born August 1, 1924[4]):
Arabic: ‫ خادم الحرمين الشريفين‬Ḫādim al-Ḥaramain al-Sharīfain, Al-Masjid al-Harām ( ‫" المسجد الحرام‬The Sacred Mosque"),
Kaaba (Arabic: ‫ الكعبة‬al-Kaʿbah; [ˈkɑʕbɑ] ")
. . . TO: Minister of Justice for Saudi Arabia, Dr Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Ibrahim Al Al-Sheikh,
Ministry of Justice, University Street, Riyadh 11137 Tel: 405 7777 / 405 5399, Information/Press
Office: (202) 337-4076 ; e-mail: [email protected]
. . . TO: HRH Prince Mohamed Al Faisal Al Saud, Care of: WILMER CUTLER PICKERING HALE
AND DORR LLP, 399 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10022, Tel: (212) 230-8800, Fax: (221) 230-8888;
Counsel for HRH Prince Mohamed Al Faisal Al Saud; David Bowker, Esquire,
[email protected] ; Douglas Curtis, Esquire, [email protected]
. . . . To: HRH Prince Turki Al-Faisal Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud; Care of: KELLOGG, HUBER,
HANSEN, TODD & EVANS, P.L.L.C., 1615 M Street, N.W., Suite 400, Sumner Square, Washington,
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DC 20036-3209 Tel: (202) 326-7900 ; Fax: (202) 326-7999, Counsel for HRH Prince Turki Al-Faisal
Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, and The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Mark C. Hansen, Esquire, Kelly P. Dunbar,
Esq.: [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] ,
[email protected]
. . . . President Islam Karimov, Care of Embassy of Uzbekistan, Phone:(202) 887-5300, Fax:(202) 2936804, 1746 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C.20036-1903, Email: [email protected]
. . . TO : Dr Steven Chu, care of Ray Madden: [email protected] , U.S. Department of Energy,
1000 Independence Ave., SW | Washington, DC 20585, Phone: 1-800-dial-DOE , 1-800-342-5363 .
. . . TO: Patrick J. Fitzgerald, U.S. Special Counsel, Office of U.S. Special Counsel, and To U.S.
National Security Division, U.S. Department of Justice (U.S. DoJ), Office of Justice for Victims of
Overseas Terrorism; and an Executive Office. [email protected] or 202-514-1057; . . .
TO: Patrick J. Fitzgerald, U.S. Special Counsel, Office of U.S. Special Counsel,
Washington Office, Bond Federal Building, 1400 New York Avenue, NW, Ninth Floor, Washington D.
C. 20530
. . . TO: Gregory H. Friedman, Insp.Gnl, U.S. Dept. Energy, Phone : (202) 586-4393 ; Mail: 1000
Independence Avenue, S.W.; Washington, D.C. 20585; Hotline: (800) 541-1625; (202) 586-4073,
Hotline Website:
[email protected] ,
. . . TO: Minister of Justice for Pakistan. Care of: Ambassador Husain Haqqani, Embassy of
Pakistan , 3517 International Court N.W, Washington D.C. 20008 , Phone: 202-243-6500 Fax: 202686-1534 ; [email protected]
. . . TO: Minister of Justice for Yemen. Care of Ambassador Al-Hajjri, Embassy of Yemen E-mail:
[email protected] ; Contact Person:Nadia Hashem, Assistant to the Ambassador, Email: [email protected] , Phone Number: (202)337-8113
. . . . To: Minister of Justice for Kingdom of Bahrain. Care of: H.E. Ambassador Houda Ezra Nonoo,
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Bahrain to the United States of
America Since July 2008, E-mail:
[email protected] , [email protected]
, [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected]
. . . . To: Minister of Justice for Oman, Care of: Cultural Office's main number: (571) 722-0000 or Fax
(571) 722-0001.
204 of 212
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Email: [email protected] , [email protected]
Royal Consulate General of Saudi Arabia One Westheimer Plaza, 5718 Westheimer St., Ste. 1500,
Houston, TX 77057; Tel: (713)785-5577; Fax: (713)785-1163
National eGovernment Services Portal Department, eGovernment Services Program (Yesser)
King Abdul Aziz Communication Complex, Al-Morsalat Quarter
Riyadh 11112, Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia
Tel: +966 1 4522 342 / +966 1 4522 309 ; Fax: +966 1 4522 353; Email: [email protected]
Commission For Investigation And Prosecution - Riyadh, Postal Code 11575, City Riyadh Region,
P.O.Box 61832, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Phone +96614629883 Fax +96614628956 ; E-mail
[email protected] ; [email protected] Web Site
Bureau of Experts at the Council of Ministers; [email protected] ; Tel: 00966-1- 4882392 ; Fax:
00966-1- 4418542
Riyadh - 11452 ; P.O.Box - 6770; Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
From: [email protected]; [email protected] 713-225-0123 ; (1) DEFENDING
HOLY ST. PETERS - The Nuclear Crime Contaminations -- the "Hot" Roentgen Counts, Copyright ©
2009. (2) Defending Holy Kaaba- The Nuclear Crime Contaminations © 2009
To: Rewards for Justice ; [email protected] ; [email protected] 202-647-7277 ; U.S. News
Media: [email protected] ; [email protected] ;; 202-334-7400
Jennifer Lee, The Slate Group, 703-469-2671 [email protected], 202- 384-8375 ; 415-2481225
[email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ;
[email protected] ; [email protected] , [email protected] ,
[email protected] ; [email protected] ;
Subject: Fw: #08-9595, U.S. Supreme Court : 24 May Legal CLAIM to Imams & King Abdullah Al
Saud, Custodian of Holy Mosques : [email protected] , [email protected] ,
[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] ; Commission
For Investigation And Prosecution - Riyadh, Postal Code 11575, City Riyadh Region, P.O.Box 61832,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ; Phone +96614629883 Fax +96614628956 ; E-mail
[email protected] ;
205 of 212
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[email protected] Web Site ; Bureau of Experts at the Council of Ministers;
[email protected] ; Tel: 00966-1- 4882392 ; Fax: 00966-1- 4418542 ; Riyadh - 11452 ; P.O.Box 6770; Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ladies / Gentlemen:
and is submitted for your consideration as custodian of (1) Al-Masjid al-Harām - "The Sacred
Mosque" - (Arabic: ‫ ) المسجد الحرام‬and your consideration as custodian of (2) Al-Masjid alNabawi - "Mosque of the Prophet" (Arabic: ‫ ) المسجد النبوي‬.
. . . These most Holy Mosques could become victims any radical group of or person who counts
himself as representing any religious faith or government entity interested to attack a U.S. or U.K.
business corporation in the Middle East with Radiological Isotope 'poisons' easily
available to anyone at hundreds of "abandoned" open pit Uranium mining excavations located in
Pakistan, Iran, Africa, United States, Canada, and Cornwall, England, testing at twenty to thirty
percent Uranium in ore assays and 'reading' upwards of 50 m/R to 100 m/R per hour on a Geiger
Counter. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission requires evacuation of a Nuclear Powerplant if its
premises 'read' at 2 m/R per hour. The point is that if the Holy Mosques are contaminated with
Radiological poisons, the contamination could unintentionally occur by accident if a pilgrim to the Hajj
has visited a Radiologically 'stealth-attacked' U.S. or U.K. Bank or other 'stealth-attacked' U.S. or
U.K. business in Saudi Arabia, becomes Radiologically contaminated with 100 m / Rad per hour
particles and dust on his clothing, then innocently visits the Kaaba not knowing he is lethally
contaminated. The lethal Radiological contaminants fall to the ground everywhere the innocent Pilgrim
walks, thereby "cross-contaminating"
the Holy Kaaba with Radiological poisons that were
originally intended for the U.S. business corporation "'Nuclear Crime'
target magnet." Thus, by
means of deliberated attack on a U.S. business corporation " 'Nuclear Crime'
target magnet,"
the Holy Kaaba could become lethally contaminated with Radiological Isotope poisons intended only
for the U.S. business corporation " 'Nuclear Crime'
target magnet."
. . . This petition is currently submitted to the United States Supreme Court as indicated herein. It was
previously snet by eMail to several Saudi Arabia eMail addresses and also to the International Court of
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Justice, the Hague, Netherlands.
. . . You have been the victim of deception by U.S. business corporations in Saudi Arabia who have
apparently not informed you that they are "Nuclear Crime" Targets that may bring great harm to the
people of Saudi Arabia and harm to the two Holy Mosques - (1) Al-Masjid al-Harām and (2) AlMasjid al-Nabawi -- as explained in the enclosed petition to THE SUPREME COURT OF THE
UNITED STATES, Washington, DC 20543-0001, [email protected]
. . . It is likely that these Nuclear Crime dangers would
if all U.S. Corporations
were scheduled to divest and leave Saudi Arabia and leave other countries in the Middle East.
. . . Furthermore, it appears highly likely that peace would come to the Middle East if the profit making
United States and British UK private business corporations were no longer present as targets of
"Nuclear Crime" in the Middle East as their presence in the Middle East is solely to earn
large financial profits that benefit entirely themselves while their existence as targets of "Nuclear
Crimes" in the Middle East is absolute truth, without question. The owners of U.S. Private
Corporations can be replaced while said corporations continue to operate providing benefits to the
countries they now occupy. Thus, little or no economic damage occurs to anyone. The U.S and U.K.
corporations simply change ownership and names, then continue to operate under Muslim ownership.
. . . The U.S. and U.K. owners who have already recouped their investment and made large profits
simply divest and leave without loss.
. . . U.S. Private Corporation concealment of their "Nuclear Crime" target status is sufficient cause to
consider that they represent an extreme danger as "Nuclear Crime" targets that can be voluntarily
removed from the Middle East on a trial basis to determine if peace will replace the dangerous
conditions that are created by the unecessary presence of U.S. Private Corporations causing war
conditions as "Nuclear Crime" targets in violation of the laws of the Koran. The removal of "Nuclear
Crime" targets in the Middle East will have the immediate colatteral effect of removing "Nuclear
Crime" danger away from the Middle East and Holy Kaaba, a most worthwhile "peace" situation that
can be decided in the Middle East countries, but can be mediated in the U.N. courts. But, why waste
breath when this discussion focuses on the obvious criminality of the U.S. and U.K.
privately owned corporations who are no better than a gang of criminal thugs exploiting the Middle
East countries at the expense of their people and their Holy Kaaba.
. . . The answer is most obvious: the United States and British corporation criminals should leave
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immediately before they must be prosecuted as "Accessories" to "Nuclear Crimes" that they have been
aware of for years! This prosecution question should be pursued in Middlke East Courts and in
the United Nations courts where United States and British corporation criminals should pay War
reparations to victims throughout the Middle East, where their presence obviously and proveably has
caused War.
. . . The U.S. Military presence can be considered as an entirely different issue. However, it appears to
be an unecessary cost and poor strategy to maintain expensive Military bases in the Middle East when
the U.S. has a formidable and very mobile Naval force in the Persian Gulf and Arabian Sea with far
more fire power and tactical mobility than its expensive fixed land bases throughout the Middle East,
which are stationary targets that can be devastated with well planned, low cost, and easily deployed
Radiological poison attacks that can force costly evacuation of every Radiologically contaminated
Military base in the Middle East, once the Radiological contamination is deployed to make these
geographical areas become Nuclear Poisoned Wastelands where human living conditions are
impossible, even for military forces.
. . . It is my opinion that U.S. & British Private Corporations should face the closest examination to
determine if it is better to prosecute them or that you might consider some other option to allow them to
divest and quickly leave Saudi Arabia to remove the danger to the Holy Kaaba and to the Mosque of
the Prophet. Let us not forget that the Muslim 'Al-Masjid El-Aqsa Mosque' and Church of The Holy
Sepulchere in Jerusalem could also become targets of any radical group of or person who counts
himself as representing any religious faith or government entity.
. . . These Holy shrines could be targeted for political reasons that go beyond religion; and, this is why
it is important to address the Nuclear Crime issues and remove the U.S. and U.K. corporation flash
points of antagonism.
. . . It is my opinion that U.S. & British Private Corporations should face the closest examination to
determine if it is better to prosecute them or that you might consider some other option to allow them to
divest and quickly leave Saudi Arabia to remove the danger to the Holy Kaaba and to the Mosque of
the Prophet. Let us not forget that the Muslim 'Al-Masjid El-Aqsa Mosque' and Church of The Holy
Sepulchere in Jerusalem could also become targets of any radical group of or person who counts
himself as representing any religious faith or government entity.
. . . These Holy shrines could be targeted for political reasons that go beyond religion; and, this is why
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it is important to address the Nuclear Crime issues and remove the U.S. and U.K. corporation flash
points of antagonism.
. . . My U.S. Supreme Court Petition is enclosed.
. . . I request assistance of the Saudi Minister of Justice and other Saudi legal officers to assist me to file
these "Qui Tam" complaints in Saudi Courts on behalf of the people of Saudi Arabia and on behalf of
my family where I may sue U.S. corporations responsible for these most extreme Radiological
contamination problems and they provide both compensation and a solution of the "Nuclear Crime"
potentials for the people of Saudi Arabia.
. . . I am also seeking Saudi publishers and Producers who might be interested in Publishing my books
and screenplays located at
Most sincerely ,
Kenneth MacKenzie, Uncle of PFC Christian Menchaca
. . . My U.S. Supreme Court Petition is enclosed.
Sincerely ,
Kenneth MacKenzie
(1) Kenneth MacKenzie, appearing Properia Persona as Plaintiff “Pro Se”
appearing on his own behalf with family class members similarly situated,
(2) Julieta Vasquez-MacKenzie, as Plaintiff, Aunt of Pfc. Kristian Vasquez Menchaca
(sister of Claimant Guadalupe Vasquez), (3) Guadalupe Vasquez, as Plaintiff, Mother
of Pfc. Kristian Vasquez Menchaca, Mother of (4) Caesar Vasquez Menchaca, as
Plaintiff, Brother of Pfc. Kristian Vasquez Menchaca, family class members similarly
Class Action regarding:
(1) The four Geneva Conventions (I,II,III,IV)
of 12 August 1949 for the protection of war victims
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Defendant #1, U.S. Justice Department, United States Executive Branch Of Government,
Alberto Gonzales, Attorney General of the United States — RESPONDENT(S)
I, Kenneth MacKenzie, do swear or declare that on this date, 19 MAY 2009, as required by
Supreme Court Rule 29 I have served the enclosed U.S. Supreme Court Rule
15: PLAINTIFFS' SUPPLEMENTAL BRIEF , Notice of 'Qui Tam' Claim For Damage,
Injury And Death on each party to the above proceeding
or that party’s counsel, and on every other person required to be served, by depositing
an envelope containing the above documents in the United States mail properly addressed
to each of them and with first-class postage prepaid, or by delivery to a third-party
commercial carrier for delivery within 3 calendar days.
The names and addresses of those served are as follows: U.S. Justice Department, United States
Executive Branch Of Government, Alberto Gonzales, former Attorney General of the United States;
Erik Holder, Attorney General of the United States, UNITED STATES ATTORNEY’S OFFICE:
Houston/Galveston Division: Mail: P.O. Box 61129 , Houston, TX 77208;
TO: Solicitor General Elena Kagan, Office of the Solicitor General, Care Of Neal Katyal, Room 5614,
Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W., Washington, DC 20530-0001 Phone: 202-5142217/18 hours 9:00 am to 5:30 pm, M-F 202-514-2203 [email protected] ;
[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected]
,[email protected] ,
. . . . . To: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Lee Caplan & John B. Bellinger III, Office of Legal
Adviser, U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC 20520 , (202) 647-0748; [email protected];
Kimberly A. Gahan, Attorney-Adviser, International Claims & Investment Disputes Office of the Legal
Adviser, U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC 20520 , tel: (202) 776-8431; email:
[email protected] ; [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] ,
[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected], [email protected] ,
[email protected] , [email protected] ,
. . . . . To: U.N. INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT, (ICC, Prosecutor, Case # OTP-CR-100/08,
PO Box 19519, 2500 CM, The Hague, The Netherlands, [email protected] ,
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( [email protected]
[email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ;
[email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ;
[email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected]
; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ;
[email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ;
[email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ;
[email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ;
[email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ;
[email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ;
[email protected] ; [email protected] ;
[email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ;
[email protected] ; [email protected] ;
[email protected] ; [email protected] ;
[email protected]
SUBJECT: . ‫ ( الكعبة‬al-Kaʿbah ): WAR CRIME CLAIM (U.A.E.), ICC Court against U.S. : Potential
of Radiological Contamination of Holy ‫ ( الكعبة‬al-Kaʿbah ) & Radiological Contamination of 3.5
million HAJJ PILGRIMS in Meccah, Saudi Arabia
. . . .1. WAR CRIME court venue: U.S. Court Case H-08-60 filed in U.N. INTERNATIONAL
CRIMINAL COURT, (ICC, Prosecutor, Case # OTP-CR-100/08, PO Box 19519, 2500 CM, The
Hague, The Netherlands, email [email protected] , : (1) U.S. business targets in Monaco, Vatican, & France, Europe, potential
victims of Nuclear Contamination Crimes : 'Nuclear-Crime' Contamination of Holy Kaaba & 3.5
million HAJJ PILGRIMS in Maccah, 2008:
. . . .FROM: Plaintiff Kenneth MacKenzie, Uncle of PFC Kristian Vasquez Menchaca, H. Phone:;U.S.
Court Case H-08-60;
. . . . eBook titles : ;
. . . . Screen Play : ;
© 1997, 2004, 2005
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Wikipedia acknowledgements:
. . . The Author most gratefully acknowledges Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, as a source for his
quotations of Wikipedia photographs and Wikipedia supplemental text describing the history of
great Mosques and man-portable Nuclear weapons and the Terrorists who tortured to death Pvt.
Kristian Kenchaca and Pvt. Thomas Tucker as cited in this book. Should the reader desire further
more detailed information on the history of these great mosques or Nuclear Weapons and
terrorists, the Author recommends Wikipedia sites as follows:
SEE: ; ;
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