2 0 1 1 - 2 0 1 2 A N N U A L R E P O R T V I D O -I n t e r V a c VIDO-InterVac Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization International Vaccine Centre VIDO-InterVac I 2011-2012 I Annual Report I page 2 Table of Contents VIDO-InterVac Mission and Vision ........3 Board of Directors and Senior Management Team ...................3 Developing creative, proactive strategies for continued future success Message from the Board Chair of VIDO-InterVac, Dr. Robert Clarke ............4 World class resources and expertise poised to meet future challenges Message from the Director and CEO, Dr. Andrew Potter ......................6 Identify and prioritize infectious disease targets for vaccine development Dr. Volker Gerdts, Associate Director (Research).................................................8 Board/Senior Management Team: Back row L to R: Robert Clarke, Paul Hodgson, Don Wilson, David Gordon, Cam Ewart, Volker Gerdts, Lorne Vanin. Front Row L to R: Andrew Potter, Terry Oleksyn, Joyce Sander, John LaClare, Luis Barreto, Bill Ballantyne. Missing: Rainer Engelhardt, Chris Dekker, Larry Milligan, Alastair Cribb, Karen Chad, Douglas Freeman Nuturing innovation in a diverse talent pool Ms. Joyce Sander, Associate Director (Human Resources) .................................13 Cutting edge containment certification in sight Mr. Cam Ewart, Associate Director (Operations & Maintenance) ....................14 Expanded opportunities to impact the world Dr. Paul D. Hodgson, Associate Director (Business Development) ..........................16 Managing resources for future challenges Mr. Lorne Vanin, Associate Director (Finance) .................................................17 Our Mission Our Vision To be a pre-eminent research Protecting the world from institute investigating the infectious diseases pathogenesis of infectious diseases and the development of effective therapeutic and prophylactic methods to control infectious diseases of humans and animals Statement of Financial Position..........18 Statement of Operations .....................18 Review Statement ...............................19 VIDO-InterVac Contributors ................19 VIDO-InterVac I 2011-2012 I Annual Report I page 3 T Message from the Board Chair his past year was an exceptional facilitate the transfer of knowledge to solve time in the life of VIDO-InterVac. The disease problems in all species. opening of our new facility has As we move forward, the Board is confident created unique opportunities for our scientists that the management and scientific team at and Canada to play an expanding role in VIDO-InterVac will continue to provide a international disease control efforts. This catalyst for research excellence that will allow Developing creative, proactive strategies enhanced capability is not only strategically important for the Agriculture and Public Health sectors but is playing an increasing role in THE ONE WORLD ONE HEALTH other areas important to Canada such as movement fosters closer international aid, global trade, tourism, linkages between the animal, human and environmental economic prosperity and foreign affairs. The future is often uncertain, especially in health research communities the world of infectious diseases. In the past we have seen the emergence of numerous Dr. Robert Clarke Chair of VIDO-InterVac Board of Directors 2011/2012 VIDO-InterVac BOARDOFDIRECTORS Dr. Robert Clarke – Ontario (Chair 2011-2012) Dr. Luis Barreto – Ontario (Chair 2010-2011) Dr. Bill Ballantyne – Alberta Dr. Karen Chad – Saskatchewan Dr. Alastair Cribb – Alberta Mr. Chris Dekker – Saskatchewan Dr. Rainer Engelhardt – Ontario Dr. Douglas Freeman – Saskatchewan Mr. David Gordon – Ontario Mr. John LaClare – Saskatchewan Dr. Larry Milligan – Ontario Mr. Terry Oleksyn – Saskatchewan Mr. Don Wilson – Alberta novel pathogens that have required rapid Canada to play a lead role in the prevention research response and mitigation. This has and control of the spread of infectious been exacerbated by the rapidly expanding diseases. The skill and professionalism of the air transportation industry and globalization team was especially evident over the last few that have created a synergism for disease years as they continued to conduct their impact that is unprecedented. This new research program at the highest level while paradigm will require creative, proactive designing, building and commissioning a solutions that will be at the heart of the work highly complicated containment facility. of VIDO-InterVac. This level of commitment can only be A key strategy for combating these threats achieved through great leadership and has been the One World One Health dedicated staff. On behalf of the Board we movement that fosters closer linkages would like to thank Dr. Andy Potter and the between the animal, human and environ - entire VIDO-InterVac team for their tireless mental health research communities. VIDO- efforts and enthusiasm. N InterVac has for many years operated in this way and is therefore well positioned to provide leadership and capacity to conduct research across a wide spectrum of hosts that will VIDO - InterVac I 2011-2012 I Annual Report I page 4 VIDO - InterVac I 2011-2012 I Annual Report I page 5 L Message from the Director and CEO ooking into the future is never an easy In addition, alumni of VIDO-InterVac, including task, yet the goal of most infectious former students, post doctoral fellows and disease researchers involves exactly scientists continue to assist the organization in that; the mitigation of future threats through its efforts in both the research and global research and development. While it is not regulatory arenas. possible to predict with certainty what pathogens While VIDO-InterVac’s infrastructure is world World class resources and expertise poised will emerge or re-emerge in the future, one can learn from the past and put in place proactive InterVac gives researchers approaches for disease control. For example, access to one of the we know that approximately 80% of new threats world’s most advanced share two properties, namely that they are CL3 large animal facilities usually zoonotic in nature and also require DEVOTED TO VACCINE RESEARCH containment level III (CL3) facilities for their study. Our roots in the animal health field serve us well for the study of zoonotic pathogens, from the development and use of relevant animal models to our wealth of knowledge on large animal immunology. The recent completion of the class, that is only a set of tools that can be used International Vaccine Centre, or InterVac, also to prepare for future challenges. The mitigation gives VIDO-InterVac researchers, and those of future threats ultimately relies on the around the globe, access to Canada’s most individuals that make up the organization, from advanced CL3 large animal facility devoted to the leadership and stewardship of the Board of vaccine research. Directors to our researchers and staff. We have Dr. Andrew Potter As our former Director, Dr. Lorne Babiuk, used continued to add to our pool of scientific expertise Director and CEO to say, “pathogens do not carry passports”, a over the past year and the InterVac facility has statement that is as true today as in the past. also provided new opportunities for the growth Research organizations such as VIDO-InterVac and development of all individuals at VIDO- must therefore maintain a presence globally in InterVac. This group of people not only will help order to meet the needs of their stakeholders. mitigate the threats of future disease, but they We have actively pursued new institutional are VIDO-InterVac’s future as well. N relationships worldwide over the past year, with new partnerships developed in China, Kenya, South Africa and Kazakhstan to name but a few. VIDO - InterVac I 2011-2012 I Annual Report I page 6 VIDO - InterVac I 2011-2012 I Annual Report I page 7 T he last year has been a long anticipated These projects aim to develop novel vaccines for livestock of importance to Sub-Saharan Africa and WILL HELP LOCAL FARMERS CLIMB OUT OF POVERTY one from a number of viewpoints. The construction of InterVac was completed and we were able to move equipment into the by improving the health of their animals. laboratory and animal care space. New equipment was purchased, and is now ready for use as soon as InterVac is certified. Thanks to a Identify and prioritize infectious very dedicated group of individuals, this entire Dr. Francois Meurens, Research Scientist, was process went very smoothly, from the initial recruited in April 2012 from INRA in France. Dr. ordering to the purchasing and receiving, and Meurens will complement our efforts to develop finally the installation. We are grateful to all vaccines for emerging disease and strengthen individuals that were involved in this process. our team of infectious disease immunologists. Simultaneously the necessary training of individuals began; from individual Standard Operating Procedures to working with animals in a BSL3 facility, to medical first responder training. Proper training is an important aspect to ensure that we work in a safe workplace and I would like to thank again all individuals that Dr. Volker Gerdts Associate Director (Research) were involved in these activities. A core group of technicians were hired to set up the laboratories and, thanks to the effort of all of these individuals Research Highlights As summarized below, we have made great progress in many of our research projects and have started several new ones, including two international projects in food security funded by the International Development Research Centre. Together with partners in Kenya, South Africa and Canada these projects aim to develop novel vaccines for livestock in Sub-Saharan Africa and and others; I am pleased to say that we are ready to start the work as soon as the facility is certified. organized our research programs and have added RESPIRATORY SYNCYTIAL VIRUS a Core and Contract Research Program, managed is the most common by Dr. Hugh Townsend. This program manages cause of respiratory illness our contracts with external clients and is also in young children, causing responsible for core research activities of VIDO- hundreds of thousands of InterVac. A strategic planning process is currently hospitalizations and underway to identify and prioritize a list of deaths every year. In preparing for future challenges, we have re- infectious disease targets for this group. VIDO - InterVac I 2011-2012 I Annual Report I page 8 will help local farmers climb out of poverty by improving the health of their animals. VIDO’s research over the last three decades has focused on both human and animal health, and thus it is no surprise that we are close to entering clinical trials with two new vaccine candidates, one for human and one for veterinary application. The first is a vaccine against infections with Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), the most common cause of respiratory illness in young children, causing hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations and deaths every Image Courtesy of International Livestock Research Institute year. Vaccines for RSV are not available, but are urgently needed. Led by Dr. Sylvia van den Hurk, our researchers developed a novel vaccine that is highly effective in both cotton rat and mouse animal trials. Vaccinated animals were protected against RSV infection. The vaccine was safe and induced the right type of immunity in the respiratory tract, a crucial requirement for protecting young children. Funding came from the Krembil Foundation and the Pan-Provincial Vaccine Enterprise Inc. (PREVENT). A license agreement was signed with PREVENT and we anticipate the vaccine could enter clinical trials in human volunteers within the next 16 months. Similarly, our project to develop a vaccine for Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in elk has made great progress. Chronic wasting disease is the most important disease of cervids in North America and responsible for substantial economic losses to the industry, and many elk producers have left the industry due to the disease. This neurological disease is similar to CreutzfeldtJakob’s Disease (CJD), bovine spongiform encephalopathies (BSE) and even some forms of Alzheimer’s disease and Huntington’s disease. All of these diseases are characterized by the misfolding of normal proteins into disease specific forms. Misfolding of the protein leads VIDO - InterVac I 2011-2012 I Annual Report I page 9 to malfunction, plaque formation and eventually severe neuropathology. In collaboration with The Porcine Reproductive PREVENT, our researchers have developed a and Respiratory Syndrome vaccine for CWD. Led by Drs. Napper, Griebel Virus is the most and Potter, this vaccine is currently being tested economically important in elk and vaccines are being developed for other disease of pigs members of this important group of diseases. VIDO-INTERVAC IS DEVELOPING MORE EFFECTIVE VACCINES. Other research projects include diseases of both humans and animals for which vaccines or treatments currently are not available. Many of these diseases are chronic in nature and are Our project to develop a vaccine for CHRONIC WASTING DISEASE in elk has made great progress. Our researchers have developed a vaccine currently being tested in elk often associated with suppression or modulation of the immune system, a factor that complicates humans and animals. The recent pandemic and the development of effective treatments. several new outbreaks of both avian and swine Furthermore, many of these pathogens have influenza have demonstrated the need for better found ways to evade the immune system, or vaccines, ideally universal vaccines that protect due to their high genetic variability rapidly against all circulating influenza viruses. emerge as different and often more disease Furthermore, an ideal vaccine would be protective causing new strains and types. after a single-immunization. Live attenuated For example, infections with influenza virus vaccines are known to induce very potent are responsible for devastating diseases in both immune responses after a single immunization. Led by Dr. Yan Zhou our researchers have developed a safe attenuated live vaccine that protects pigs against common influenza strains. Another important RNA virus, the Hepatitis C virus, is a causative agent for severe liver disease in humans, which can lead to liver steatosis and death. Hepatitis is economically one of the most important diseases in humans and vaccines are still not available due to the lack of animal models and a poorly understood pathogenesis, in particular the interactions between the virus and the host, and the induction of liver steatosis. Dr. Qiang Liu and his group, members of the Canadian Hepatitis Network, are studying the pathways that lead to liver steatosis in order to develop novel intervention strategies. Dr. Sylvia van den Hurk and her group are assessing the potential of novel dendritic-cell based vaccines and Dr. Joyce Wilson and her team are studying VIDO - InterVac I 2011-2012 I Annual Report I page 10 novel treatments for bacterial infections. Dr. JoAnne Dillon and her team are investigating the spread and mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance amongst important pathogens such as Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia spp. By combining basic research on cell division, the group is currently identifying novel targets for vaccines. For example, the groups identified and characterized the gene organization of both the division cell wall (dcw) cluster as well as the min cluster which includes the min genesminC, minD and minE, responsible for midcell site selection. Other pathogens of interest include Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli (E. coli) . As World Health Organization (WHO) coordinator for Latin America, Dr. Dillon’s group is leading efforts on characterizing the molecular the role of microRNAs in immunopathogenesis Research Centre we started a new project with and are seeking to develop ways to interfere the International Livestock Research Institute in Other examples of chronic infections are with viral replication. Kenya (ILRI) to develop vaccines against this infections with Mycobacteria spp. These Another highly diverse RNA virus is the Porcine disease. Complementary, Dr. Jose Perez-Casal pathogens cause devastating human and animal Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome and his group are testing vaccines for diseases, including human and bovine Virus (PRRSV), responsible for the economically Mycoplasma bovis in cattle and bison, both tuberculosis. For example, Johne’s disease most important disease of pigs. Current vaccines significant problems for the North American in cattle, an important disease caused by are moderately effective and new strains continue industry. In collaboration with researchers from infection with Mycobacterium paratuberculosis to emerge around the globe resulting in billions the University of Alberta and the National Centre (M. paratuberculosis) , is responsible for serious of dollars lost annually. Led by Drs. Alexander for Foreign Animal Diseases another project losses to the dairy and beef industries. Research Zakhartchouk, Meurens and Gerdts our funded by IDRC is focused on five other viral at VIDO is focused on using reverse vaccinology researchers are developing novel vaccine diseases of livestock in Sub-Saharan Africa, to develop improved vaccines for mycobacterial technologies that are safe and more effective including African Swine Fever and Peste des diseases. Drs. Scott Napper, Philip Griebel and than existing vaccines. These are based on Petits Ruminants. Andrew Potter are studying host-pathogen combinations of novel vaccine and adjuvant epidemiology of Gonococci around the world. Sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise interactions in the intestine to develop novel in Canada, especially in northern communities, intervention strategies. To characterize the Infections with Mycoplasma spp. are and are becoming a major impediment to the mechanisms by which M. paratuberculosis responsible for significant losses to the livestock Canadian health care system. Neisseria evades the immune system, Drs. Napper and industry around the world. However, especially gonorrhoeae has achieved “superbug” status, Griebel have developed a novel kinome in Sub-Saharan Africa, infections with meaning that antibiotic treatments are becoming technology to detect post translational Mycoplasma mycoides continue to cause ineffective. This highlights the need for a better phosphorylation by cell kinases , important cell devastating losses to the local cattle industry. understanding of the mechanisms of molecules involved in most cell functions, Funded by the International Development antimicrobial resistance and the development of including innate immune regulation. Kinome technologies. VIDO - InterVac I 2011-2012 I Annual Report I page 11 arrays have been developed and are now being immunogenicity of two experimental vaccines, a used to characterize the immune response to riboflavin auxotroph and recombinant VapA various pathogens. (virulence associated protein) vaccine in neonatal Adjuvants and novel delivery strategies are foals. important aspects of our vaccine development The vectored vaccines team led by Dr. research. Dr. Mutwiri is leading an adjuvant Suresh Tikoo has developed a number of research program, focused on potent technologies based on bovine, porcine and immunstimulators such as polyphosphazenes, turkey adenoviruses. These vectors are highly which are synthetic polymers used for drug and effective in inducing balanced immune vaccine formulation. These molecules are further responses in both animals and humans and optimized by our chemistry group, led by Dr. offer a number of advantages such as safety, Attah Poku, who has modified this class of delivery and improved immunogenicity. Several molecules to enhance their potential as vaccine adenovirus-based vectors are currently being adjuvants. Dr. Heather Wilson is investigating generated, including a vector for African Swine means of overcoming oral tolerance in early life, Fever and influenza to name two. Dr. Tikoo’s in order to vaccinate the very young. The group group is also further characterizing the was awarded several grants to develop vaccine pathogenesis of bovine adenovirus. platforms for young animals including a vaccine Contamination of meat and meat products is for Lawsonia intracellularis in pigs. The potential an important concern to human health and of a novel adjuvant platform is being assessed vaccination represents an effective approach to against PRRSV in pigs and human diseases such reduce colonization in animals and subsequent as whooping cough and RSV. Dr. Arshud Dar has contamination of food products. Under the used similar adjuvants to improve an direction of Drs. Wolfgang Koester, Andrew Potter Contamination of meat and experimental vaccine against inclusion body and Brenda Allen the food safety group at VIDO meat products is an important hepatitis in chickens, a significant disease for is developing vaccines against Salmonella concern to human health the poultry industry. This group is currently enteritidis, E. coli and C. jejuni. Vaccine candidates developing adjuvants for in ovo-immunization of are being evaluated in clinical studies. Dr. Aaron poultry, the most common route of vaccine White is studying the pathogenesis of Salmonella administration in poultry. and its survival in the environment, including VIDO-INTERVAC IS DEVELOPING FOOD SAFETY VACCINES against Escherichia coli, Campylobacter jejuni and Salmonella. The goal of the equine vaccines project led biofilms. Interestingly, the group has identified by Dr. Townsend is to maintain an industry wide various genes that facilitate survival under very reputation for excellence in efficacy, licensing challenging conditions and is currently assessing and marketing (post-licensing) studies of new means to assess the importance of these and registered equine vaccines and to develop antigens for future vaccines. new vaccines for horses. This includes the study In summary, I would like to congratulate all of novel immune modulators as adjuvants for members of VIDO-InterVac on the progress we existing vaccines as well as responding to have made in the past year. This clearly is a team industry needs for marketing and licensing effort and we are thankful to our staff for their studies. The group developed a challenge model enthusiasm and motivation to make a real impact for Rhodococcus equi in foals and assessed the on the health of both humans and animals. VIDO - InterVac I 2011-2012 I Annual Report I N page 12 Nuturing innovation in and recognizing the needs of these professionals will give VIDO-InterVac a competitive advantage and help facilitate the retention of our talented research groups. T It is imperative we understand that a he world is changing. People are challenges. For example, in the global directional shift in our research programs will changing. The economy is changing. economy the competition for human capital impact our employees and trainees, while Globalization and advances in is fierce. Continued success dictates that we recognizing that change is required to ensure technology have opened the door to many must adapt and be resilient. We are living in our scientific programs remain relevant. This new opportunities, but with those a world powered by futuristic technology and new generation of employees have spent and opportunities come human resource the desire for instant information to expand will continue to spend a large proportion of our knowledge. their life communicating through technology One of the major factors that will help ensure and expect immediate responses to their the continued success of VIDO-InterVac will requests. One way to ensure this group of be our ability to recruit and manage a diverse employees remains satisfied and engaged is group of international talent - people that will to promote and foster the latest tools for bring innovative ideas, fresh perspectives and communication, flexible work schedules, intuitive views to our organization. We are appropriate compensation, equal opportunities challenged with providing a working and consistent labour management. The environment that supports the collaboration senior leadership team has made and creativity required to ensure these implementing these a priority. culturally diverse, highly qualified, highly By capitalizing on the cultural diversity of motivated professionals remain engaged while our employees and remaining focused on the meeting their personal and family needs. infectious disease challenges of the future, These personnel have roots around the globe, VIDO-InterVac will continue to attract scientists Ms. Joyce Sander enabling us to greatly expand our collaborative from the global marketplace and remain at Associate Director (Human Resources) research projects. Capitalizing on this diversity the forefront of human and animal health. N Continued success dictates that WE MUST ADAPT and be resilient and capitalize on the CULTURAL DIVERSITY OF OUR EMPLOYEES VIDO - InterVac I 2011-2012 I Annual Report I page 13 S eptember 16th, 2011, marked a momentous occasion for VIDO. After The attendance of the Prime Minister the original vision of Dr. Lorne Babiuk RAISED THE PROFILE OF THE GRAND OPENING SIGNIFICANTLY and 10 years of planning, design, and construction, the grand opening of the International Vaccine Centre was held to and generated much media attention for the facility. Cutting edge containment exceed the parameters dictated by the regulatory agencies. For example, we are using independent data collection devices to record Mr. Cam Ewart Associate Director (Operations & Maintenance) celebrate the completion of the world’s most actual temperatures and pressures within our advanced level 3 containment facility for autoclaves in order to validate the conditions vaccine development and infectious disease within the units. These extra measures research. Prime Minister Stephen Harper, demonstrate the attention to detail and careful Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall, and planning of InterVac’s construction. Saskatoon Mayor Don Atchison were among The process of certification, the one aspect the many senior representatives from of the project that is outside of VIDO’s control government, academia, and industry who remains ongoing. The certification process attended the event. The attendance of the examines the completed facility; all test reports, Prime Minister raised the profile of the event the validation, and the SOP’s. In late April the significantly and generated much media ‘as-built’ and the standard operating attention for the facility. procedures (SOP’s) for InterVac were submitted In March 2012 we reached the important to the two regulatory agencies responsible for milestone of substantial completion for InterVac, certifying the facility; the Canadian Food signifying the turnover of the building to the Inspection Agency (CFIA) and the Public Health owner. This milestone was linked to the Agency of Canada (PHAC). Both agencies have completion of the commissioning process, been an integral part of the project from the something that is uncommon in the beginning, including the review of drawings construction industry. However, it was important and specifications prior to the start of for the construction activities to be completed construction, an interim review of SOPs, and so that we could prove that the building would official site inspections during construction. operate in the manner in which it was designed. The certification teams will be conducting a InterVac is now fully commissioned with all significant site inspection in the near future to infrastructure tested and validated to ensure ensure the facility meets all applicable that critical systems maintain operations under standards. Once certified, InterVac will be fully a variety of challenging conditions. We have operational and VIDO-InterVac will begin its also developed commissioning procedures that next phase of operations. VIDO - InterVac I 2011-2012 I N Annual Report I page 14 Top: Left to Right: Dr. Andrew Potter, Mayor Don Atchison, U of S President Peter McKinnon, Premier BradWall and Prime Minister Stephen Harper reviewing the architectural drawings at the grand opening of InterVac. Above right: The recently commissioned InterVac building at night. Left: Dr. Lorne Babiuk, former Director of VIDO at the Grand Opening. VIDO - InterVac I 2011-2012 I Annual Report I page 15 T he past year has provided several have fully implemented our management memorable moments for our group for contract research. The focus of the organization from both a commun - group is to use multiple techniques to ensure ication/marketing and business development we deliver a quality product and enhance our partners’ experience. This plan aligns well with our overall goal of implementing a formal Expanded opportunities management system for our organization that conforms to ISO9001 standards. Two highlights this past year were the execution of the first contract for InterVac and the regulatory approval of Nuplura™ in Dr. Paul D. Hodgson Associate Director (Business Development) perspective. We had the pleasure of hosting the United States. This Novartis vaccine the Prime Minister of Canada, the Premier of contains technology developed at VIDO, Saskatchewan, the Mayor of Saskatoon and providing further evidence of the application a variety of other dignitaries at the Grand of our research in promoting animal health. Opening of InterVac in September 2011. In Internationally we continue to make progress addition, we have been able to tour a variety in both India and China with letters of of stakeholder groups through InterVac to agreement being executed in both of these ensure they experience the magnitude of this countries with partner institutions. These world class level 3 research and development agreements will provide the framework for facility prior to certification. It is important for more significant cooperative funding our stakeholders to understand the opportunities and advance research of opportunities that InterVac provides in vaccine importance for diseases in all countries. development for infectious disease research As we continue to work towards the challenges not previously available to VIDO. certification of InterVac we are certain this To ensure we fully utilize this capacity we facility will provide the additional infrastructure have made efforts to expand our research required to assist our staff in helping to protect partners through enhanced marketing and the world against future infectious disease service delivery. As part of these efforts we challenges. N Nuplura ™ CONTAINS TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPED AT VIDO, providing further evidence of the application of our research in promoting animal health.” VIDO - InterVac I 2011-2012 I Annual Report I page 16 F ocusing on future challenges cash balance increased along with funds that has always been VIDO-InterVac’s were received for research projects that will philo sophy. The Finance group be conducted in future periods. supports this philosophy by ensuring that VIDO-InterVac receives funding from a wide the necessary information is available to variety of sources, including federal and properly manage our resources. provincial governments, livestock industry councils and agencies, foundations and pharmaceutical companies (see graph). VIDO- Managing resources InterVac is financially accountable to these organizations and continues to meet their various reporting requirements which ensure that all funding is appropriately managed. The accounts of VIDO-InterVac itself are In the past year revenue has increased 11%, examined annually as a part of the Province mainly due to additional funding from the of Saskatchewan’s audit of the University of Province of Saskatchewan related to InterVac. Saskatchewan. In addition, on an annual basis At the same time we have been able to VIDO-InterVac’s accounts are internally decrease expenses by 4% in 2011-2012. reviewed by a department of the University This was due mainly to a reduction in salary of Saskatchewan. These various reports and expense and related material costs, because reviews guarantee that the resources of VIDO- of the successful completion of several post- InterVac are used wisely to achieve the doctoral positions. The other expenses organizations objectives. remained consistent with the prior year or and interesting time for VIDO-InterVac. As decreased slightly, (see graph). Mr. Lorne Vanin Associate Director (Finance) The near future will be a very important Additionally, Capital assets increased always, the finance group will support the substantially in 2011-2012, as InterVac was management of the organization to help readied for future operation. VIDO-InterVac’s ensure its future success. Sources of Revenue N Annual Expense Comparison (in millions) 8 7 Conditional grants 53% 6 Province of Saskatchewan 25% 5 University of Saskatchewan 13% 4 Other income 5% 3 2 Contract research 4% Unconditional funds 0% 1 0 Salaries 2012 VIDO - InterVac I 2011-2012 I Annual Report I page 17 Materials 2011 Travel Amortization Other VIDO - InterVac I 2011-2012 I Annual Report I page 18 Unaudited INTERNALLY RESTRICTED FUNDS INVESTMENT IN CAPITAL ASSETS EQUITY UNEARNED REVENUE (Schedule 1) CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts payable Accrued vacation pay LIABILITIES Long Term Accounts Receivable (Note 3) Investments Capital Assets (Note 5) LONG TERM ASSETS Funds held - University of Saskatchewan Accounts receivable (Note 3) Inventories (Note 4) CURRENT ASSETS ASSETS $ 44,680,730 29,520,093 $ 13,854,852 15,665,241 15,160,637 14,186,464 974,173 427,476 546,697 13,147,801 12,569,722 578,079 105,937 472,142 $ 40,869,389 27,721,588 $ 13,229,510 14,492,078 $ $ 40,869,389 $ 44,680,730 $ 175,000 10,917,044 14,492,078 15,285,267 17,694,182 245,663 11,075,644 15,665,241 $ 8,631,931 6,536,329 117,007 2011 $ 11,222,033 6,334,189 137,960 2012 Unaudited 13,854,852 15,665,241 INTERNALLY RESTRICTED FUNDS INVESTMENT IN CAPITAL ASSETS $ 29,520,093 $ 29,520,093 $ 27,721,588 13,229,510 14,492,078 $ 27,721,588 106,589 27,614,999 11,223,367 10,788,851 1,798,505 27,721,588 6,600,922 2,537,232 144,851 299,315 355,907 47,283 1,202,537 35,320 11,329,956 $ 1,788,135 4,568,001 1,131,035 877,941 522,460 75,079 503,549 31,000 1,831,139 7,750 (6,134) 2011 6,407,298 2,458,717 339,698 312,007 238,249 42,646 974,638 15,598 12,587,356 $ 1,459,164 7,050,623 701,365 577,287 552,740 195,307 415,014 16,200 1,613,860 9,484 (3,688) 2012 FUND BALANCES, END OF YEAR EXCESS OF EXPENDITURE OVER INCOME FUND BALANCES, BEGINNING OF YEAR EXPENDITURE Salaries and benefits Materials and supplies Equipment repair and service agreements Sub-contract research Travel and recruiting Patents and legal fees Amortization Other expenditures (Note 6) INCOME Conditional grants Government of Canada Government of Saskatchewan Other Governments Non-Government Commercial contract research Royalties and Licensing Fees Investment income Unconditional revenue University of Saskatchewan Miscellaneous Income Gain (loss) on disposal of capital assets FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 2012 STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT APRIL 30, 2012 UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN VACCINE & INFECTIOUS DISEASE ORGANIZATION-INTERNATIONAL VACCINE CENTRE UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN VACCINE & INFECTIOUS DISEASE ORGANIZATION-INTERNATIONAL VACCINE CENTRE Review T he University of Saskatchewan's Financial Reporting Department has examined the Financial Statements as prepared by VIDO and have found that the figures presented therein reconcile to the University's financial records. In addition, Financial Reporting has reviewed the adjusting transactions and have concluded that the adjustments are reaOctober 2, 2012 sonable and accurate. Therefore, the University of Saskatchewan can confirm that the statements as presented by VIDO are accurate and in accordance with the University's financial policies. Financial statement users are cautioned that these statements have not been audited or reviewed for purposes other than those described above. Scott Caswell, B. Admin, CA Financial Analyst, Financial Reporting Financial Services Division, University of Saskatchewan VIDO-InterVac VIDO - InterVac I 2011-2012 I Advancing Canadian Agriculture and Agrifood Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture and Food Council of Alberta Alberta Agricultural Research Institute Alberta Beef Producers Alberta Chicken Producers Alberta Food Council Alberta Innovates- Bio Solutions Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency Alberta Livestock Industry Development Fund Alberta Prion Research Institute Becker-Underwood Inc. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Bioniche Life Sciences Inc. Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica Inc. Canada Foundation for Innovation Canadian Institutes of Health Research Canadian Poultry Research Council Canadian Swine Health Board Cangene Corporation Cattle Industry Development Council CEVA Sante Animale Annual Report I page 19 DeNovaMed Inc. Genome AB Genome BC Government of Canada Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Government of Canada Department of National Defense Government of Manitoba Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives Government of Saskatchewan Department of Advanced Education, Employment and Labour Government of Saskatchewan Department of Agriculture and Food Government of Saskatchewan Enterprise and Innovation Health Sciences North International Development Research Centre Jarislowsky Chair in Biotechnology Management Kamloops Stockmen’s Association Krembil Foundation Maple Leaf Foods Inc. Meadow Ridge Enterprises Merial Limited National CIHR Research Training Program National Pork Board National Veterinary Research and Quarantine Service- Korea Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council of Canada Novartis Animal Health Canada Inc. Novartis Animal Health U.S.,Inc. Ontario Cattlemen’s Association Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs Pan-Provincial Vaccine Enterprise Inc. (PREVENT) Poultry Industry Council Prevtec Microbia Inc. PrioNet Canada Sanofi Pasteur Saponin, Inc. Saskatchewan BeeKeepers’s Association Saskatchewan Chicken Industry Development Fund Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation Saskatchewan Horned Cattle Trust Fund Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute Synbiotics Corporation University of Alberta University of British Columbia University of Calgary Valorisation-Recherche, S.E.C. World Health Organization VIDO-InterVac Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization International Vaccine Centre Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization – International Vaccine Centre 120 Veterinary Road , Saskatoon, SK Canada S7N 5E3
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