Spring 2014


Spring 2014
ACS Board of Directors
Mark Mouritsen, Chair
Ann Benolken
Cameron Brown
Donna Day
Brian DeRoeck
Andy Geller
Ronda Gray
Sandy Griffin
Shannon Hutcheson
Greg Kozmetsky
Anna Lee
Beverly Reeves
Jason Sabo
Andrea Sparks
Our Mission
Leadership StafF
Stuart Smith
Keith Strama
Kathy Terry
Upali Weerasooriya
Irene Williams
Matt Womack
Diana Young
Kelly White, CEO
Carmine Salvucci, Chief Development Officer
Armin Steege, Chief Program Officer
Kitt Krejci, Chief Financial Officer
Julia Null Smith, Sr. Director Communications & Marketing
Austin Children’s Shelter protects and heals children, young adults and families in
need. Phone: 512-499-0090 | Fax: 512-590-8664 | AustinChildrenShelter.org
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If you do not currently receive emails from Austin Children’s Shelter, sign up to receive our online
e-newsletter and event announcements. We keep our emails to a minimum and we never share
your email address. Visit us at: austinchildrenshelter.org to sign up!
4800 Manor Road, Austin, Texas 78723
acsnews • spring 2014
All About the Kids: a message from the ceo
Cheryl grew up in the foster care system. When she
turned 18, she thought she could make it on her
own and removed herself from the state’s care. One
morning this fall, we arrived at work to find her, frail,
hungry, and terrified, wrapped in a blanket and
asking for help. She had fled from the captors who
had trafficked her across the country and come back
to the only place where she had ever felt safe.
Daniel was at the SafePlace shelter with his mom
and younger siblings, but everyone could see that
his mom wasn’t in any condition to care for the
children safely. The staff there realized that they
needed to get the kids to a place where they would
be safe and heal. Knowing that Daniel was 18, and
therefore considered an adult and ineligible for state
reimbursement for his care, their options for a safe
and nurturing home together were limited.
Dawn’s parents had a history of drug abuse and
neglect. She had tried for years to make her own
way, and was preparing to graduate from high school
and attend college in the fall. Then, just after her
18th birthday – with several months to go until her
graduation – her parents kicked her out of the house.
These kids were all in dangerous situations, and they
needed immediate help. Most were ineligible for the
state’s child protective system because they were
already 18 and hadn’t been in state care previously.
But rest assured – every one of them was still a kid. A
kid in need of safety, hope and care. Thanks to you,
they got the shelter and support they needed at ACS.
Most of the children we serve come to us through
Child Protective Services. We are reimbursed a
percentage of our costs for care – in 2013, it was 32
percent. Your support makes it possible for us to open
our doors to young people who don’t come to us
“through the system.” To say yes to a frightened young
girl who couldn’t stop crying and was in desperate
need of a meal and a hot shower. To say yes to a family
of siblings who looked up to their older brother and
would benefit from his presence in their everyday lives.
To say yes to a young woman who had navigated a
rough childhood without any help.
These three kids are on track to succeed. The
young woman who showed up at our doorstep has
transferred to a longer-term supportive housing
facility. The young man is still in our Transitional Living
Program; some of his younger siblings are also still in
our care. The young woman who was kicked out is
now living in her college dorm, and knows she always
has a place to come during school holidays.
Thank you for your partnership in supporting kids with
nowhere else to go.
Kelly White, CEO
What’s Inside: p.2
Flashback Thank You
Everyone Has a Role
Be an Everyday Hero
Helping Kids Transition
Thanks for Making Flashback
the Dance Party of the Year
Our retro dance party on February 21st expanded the theme to include music from
the 80s and 90s. Attendees took full advantage with some great costumes and dance
moves from the bygone decades.
Co-Chairs Austin Kaplan and
Mark Strüb. Photo by Joan Brook
Thanks to our dedicated committee chairs Austin Kaplan and Mark Strüb, the
volunteer committee, sponsors and guests who were fully invested in making this the
best dance party of the year! Flashback was also the most successful dance party yet
– raising a net of $86,811 for Austin Children’s Shelter. Find photos at acsflashback.org.
Hot Stuff
Hammer Time
Upcoming Events
Foster in Austin Orientation
Sun, March 23, 2014 // 5 pm – 7 pm
Everyone Has a Role
in Preventing Child Abuse
April is national Child Abuse Prevention Month and
we’re inviting you to play a role. All through the month
we’re planting pinwheel gardens around Austin. We’re
starting on March 29 at all P. Terry’s locations where they
will donate proceeds from the day to our Strong Start
program. When you see them, pick up a pinwheel, take
a picture and spread the message by sharing it through
your social media sites using #CAPM and #PickaRole.
Visit www.austinagainstabuse.org to find garden
locations and more roles for individuals, neighborhoods,
your workplace and more. Join us, and take a stand!
P. Terry’s Giving Back Day
Sat, March 29 // All eight locations
Proceeds benefit our Strong Start program
Light of Hope
Thu, April 10 5-7 pm // Free family-friendly event
Carver Library
Strong Start Scramble
Thu, April 24, 2014
Grey Rock Golf Club
KHOPE Run for Hope
Sat, April 26 8:30 am // 3K fun run for the whole family
River Place Golf Club
Details at austinchildrenshelter.org/events
May 6th, 6:00 pm or May 7th, noon
See what your partnership has made possible.
RSVP to Meghan Jarrell at [email protected]
be an
When you become a monthly donor, you become an Everyday Hero to hundreds of kids and families by
providing healing from, and prevention of, child abuse and neglect. Monthly giving is the easiest and most
efficient way to support Austin Children’s Shelter by providing more reliable support throughout the year.
Your monthly gift provides sustained resources that support critical services year round. Services like therapy,
therapeutic child care, life skills and parent coaching. And -- you are in total control. You can easily start, change
or stop your gift at any time online or by phone.
Visit us online at www.austinchildrenshelter.org/give to learn more and set up your sustaining gift or contact
Bree Turner at 512.499.0090 ext. 1114.
Helping Kids Transition to Independence:
Manchaca Baptist Church
When kids grow up and move out of their parents’
home, mom and dad have probably helped them
acquire the necessities they need -- dishes, towels,
bedding and some furniture. But what about kids in
foster care? For the young adults in our Transitional
Living Program, when it’s time for them to make the big
move, we have a special group of volunteers who are
there to help.
For two years, volunteers from Manchaca Baptist Church
have come to ACS each month to play basketball or
board games, host girls’ activities like manicures and
facials, and host activities just for the girls and organize
BBQ at Zilker Park in the fall. Their biggest role, however,
is helping youth move into their own home. These
volunteers collect donations of household items and
furniture and move these young adults into their first
home to begin a new life.
Barbara Jones has been a volunteer since the
beginning and helps to coordinate the moves. “We
have a crew of folks that are always ready to go when
the kids need them,” Barbara says. “The whole church
is involved. We are committed to helping all of the
kids move out, no matter how far. “
To date, the volunteers at Manchaca Baptist Church
have moved 20 young adults from ACS into their new
apartments, and half of them have stayed in contact
with the volunteers – giving these young men and
women someone they can count on. We are deeply
grateful to Manchaca Baptist Church for all that they do.
National Volunteer Week is April 6-12, and we celebrate
our many volunteers. Every day, these dedicated
people selflessly give their time, love for the children,
and commitment to help ACS fulfill its mission.