2011 Annual Report - Brain Aneurysm Foundation


2011 Annual Report - Brain Aneurysm Foundation
2011 Annual Report
we teach and learn
we comfort and support
we can fund research that saves lives
we are The Brain Aneurysm Foundation
Updates from
Boards and Staff
The Executive Director
he Brain Aneurysm
Director of Medical Advisory Board
Foundation is fortunate
Christopher S. Ogilvy, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
to have a Medical Advisory Board
composed of neurologists,
2011 was the most fiscally successful year the foundation has ever had. However, our financial success does not outshine our
many other accomplishments during the year.
After many years of appealing to our Congressional representatives, the U.S. Senate passed S. Res. 248 proclaiming September
as National Brain Aneurysm Awareness Month. Thanks to all of you who helped us in our Rally Congress online petition to bring
this distinction to the devastating disease of brain aneurysms.
Board of Directors
Sepideh Amin-Hanjani, MD, FACS
University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL
Robert Kooken, PhD
Neuropsychological Services, New Zealand
Christopher Putman, MD
Inova Fairfax Hospital, Fall Church, VA
neuroradiologists from around the
Daniel Barrow, MD
The Emory Clinic, Atlanta, GA
Stephen Lewis, MD, FRACS
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Peter Rasmussen, MD
Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH
world working at many of the world’s
Robert D. Brown, MD
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
R. Loch Macdonald, MD, PhD
St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, ON
most prestigious medical facilities.
Bob S. Carter, MD, PhD
UCSD Medical Center, San Diego, CA
Neil A. Martin, MD
Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA,
Los Angeles, CA
Robert Rosenwasser, MD, FACS
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital,
Philadelphia, PA
neurosurgeons, and interventional
These doctors provide continued
expertise and support to the foundation
David J. Chalif, MD
North Shore University Hospital, Manhasset, NY
in a variety of ways and we are grateful for
Dongwoo John Chang, MD, FRCS(C)
Saint Anthony Medical Center, Rockford, IL
the time contributed and the dedication of
Carlos David, MD
Lahey Clinic, Burlington, MA
our medical experts.
Murat Günel, MD, FACS
Yale University Medical School, New Haven, CT
Thomas Masaryk, MD
The Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH
David Newell, MD
Seattle Neuroscience Institute, Swedish Hospital,
Seattle. WA
Eric Nussbaum, MD, FACS
National Brain Aneurysm Center, St. Paul, MN
Robert J. Singer, MD
Neurovascular Therapeutics, Vanderbilt University
Medical Center, Nashville, TN
Gregory J. Zipfel, MD
Washington University, St. Louis, MO
Professor Mario Zuccarello, MD
University of Cincinnati Medical College,
Cincinnati, OH
Staff Directory
Executive Committee
Board Members
Christine Buckley
Executive Director
Joshua Truitt
Scott Campbell
Ginny Comstock Tocci
Director of Development and Administration
Bill Demmer
Vice President
Frank Eeckman, MD, PhD
Karen Hendrix
Paul Games
Alec Karys
Erin Cunningham
Deidre Buckley, NP
Joe Rooney
Rep. Paul Donato
Joy Fischer
Kathy Redelman, RN, BSN, CNRN
Elaine Schaller
In our continued efforts to provide support and education to as many people as possible, we were pleased to establish a series of
webinars led by Dr. Aaron Cohen of Indianapolis. People from all over the world can log in, listen and see a great presentation from
various medical professionals in the field, and have the chance to have questions answered during the live webinar.
Our social media efforts have also been increased by updating our Facebook page to be more interactive, establishing a Twitter
account, and continuing to promote our on-line support group that is accessed daily by hundreds of people.
We were also proud to continue our research program by awarding 8 grants totaling $160,000.
So a big thank you to all of our 2011 supporters. It has been your donations of time, talent, and money that have allowed
The Brain Aneurysm Foundation to continue the battle each day to work towards early detection, providing research grants,
improving our support methods, as well disseminating educational and awareness materials.
Your input and support is what makes The Brain Aneurysm Foundation. I look forward to working with you in 2012 and heading
towards the goal of raising $1,000,000!
Christine Buckley, Executive Director
The Medical Advisory Board Executive Director
The end of the year marks a time for reflection on accomplishments of the past. The Brain Aneurysm Foundation has been
fortunate in 2011. It demonstrated continued growth financially and in many awareness activities due to the support of so many
of you. The Brain Aneurysm Foundation has funded a total of $475,000 of research since the inception of the grant program in
2007. In 2011 the largest amount of funding to date, $160,000, was distributed to a number of different research projects by a
competitive selection process. This funding plays a vital role in energizing neuroscience leaders to find better ways to identify brain
aneurysms and manage aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, as well as the complications of vasospasm and stroke. Research
funding from The Brain Aneurysm Foundation has provided valuable seed money for a number of studies that were used to
demonstrate the feasibility of a project which is now being developed into either treatment or diagnostic strategies.
Fundraising continues to support the next round of research grants. One new grant that has been established will be the
Christopher C. Getch, MD Chair of Research. We were all deeply sorrowed by the loss of Dr. Getch from the neurovascular
community when he passed away unexpectedly in January 2012. Chris was extremely supportive of The Brain Aneurysm
Foundation’s efforts to enlighten the general public, as well as his medical colleagues, on the nature of brain aneurysms and
the possible serious consequences. This Research Chair will help commemorate his many positive contributions to The Brain
Aneurysm Foundation.
On behalf of the Medical Advisory Board, I applaud you for all your efforts in 2011. I thank you for your continued support of The
Brain Aneurysm Foundation and your commitment to pursuing research, education, and awareness and support for patients and
families of this often devastating disease. I am hopeful 2012 will be as rewarding and that through our research, lives will be saved.
Christopher S. Ogilvy, MD, Executive Director, Medical Advisory Board, The Brain Aneurysm Foundation
The Brain Aneurysm Foundation \ 269 Hanover Street, Building #3, Hanover, MA 02339
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2011 Financial Summary *
Research Grants
2011 Revenues - $792,697
Donations by Individuals
Corporate Donations
ince 1994, when The Brain Aneurysm Foundation was established in Boston
The Brain Aneurysm Foundation awards research for basic scientific research directed at early detection, improved treatment
on August 19, 1994, as a public charity, our funding has been targeted to
modalities, and technological advances that will ultimately improve outcomes for patients with brain aneurysms. The foundation’s
Research Grant Committee, headed by Robert Rosenwasser, MD, FACS, Professor of Radiology and Neurosurgery at Thomas
Jefferson University Hospital , reviews all grant applications and determines the grant recipients.
providing critical awareness, education, support and research funding to reduce the
incidence of brain aneurysm ruptures. The foundation has no endowment; every
dollar we raise is deployed to advance research to reduce the incidence of brain
On September 22, 2011 at the New York Athletic Club, overlooking Central Park, the foundation had our 5th Annual Research Grant
Symposium. Thanks to your continued dedication to research to improves the lives of those affected by a brain aneurysm tomorrow,
the foundation was able to award eight grants totaling $160,000 in 2011. This made the total amount of grants provided in the last
five years total approximately half a million dollars! The funding we have provided has enable our recipients to move their projects
forward and be their first step in securing further funding from other groups such as the NIH and AHA.
Lauren Sherwin, Dr. William Ashley and Christine Buckley
The evening was hosted by David Chalif, MD of North Shore LIJ Brain Aneurysm Center and the Cushing Neuroscience Institute and the guest presenter was
Dr. L. Nelson Hopkins, Professor and Chairman of Neurosurgery, Professor of Radiology and Director of the Toshiba Stroke Research Center at the University of Buffalo.
aneurysm ruptures, to create wider awareness of brain aneurysms, to provide
The 2011 grant recipients include:
support for those affected by brain aneurysms, and to educate patients, their
2011 Expenses - $650,276
families, and the medical community about brain aneurysms.
The Brain Aneurysm Foundation keeps a sharp eye on expenses and strives to
maintain a low overhead.
Cynthia Lynn Sherwin Chair of Research - $20,000
William Ashley, Jr., PhD, MD, MBA, Assistant Professor,
University of Texas at Houston, Houston, TX.
“Neuroproteomic Analysis of CSF-derived Microparticles in Cerebral Vasospasm
Following Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage”
North Shore University Hospital,
Brain Aneurysm Center Chair of Research - $25,000
Jinglu Ai, PhD, MD, Research Associate, St. Michael’s Hospital,
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
“Molecular Mechanisms of Memory Loss Following Subarachnoid Hemorrhage”
Timothy P. Susco Chair of Research - $20,000
David K. Kung, MD, Resident, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.
“The Role of Aspirin in Cerebral Aneurysm Formation and Rupture”
Shirley Dudek Demmer Chair of Research - $25,000
Tomoki Hashimoto, MD, Associate Professor, University of California,
San Francisco, San Francisco, CA.
“Pharmacological Prevention of the Rupture of Intracranial Aneurysm”
Management and General
* Audited financial results for 2011 not currently available.
4 \ The Brain Aneurysm Foundation
Carol W. Harvey Memorial Chair of Research - $25,000
William J. Mack, MD, Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery, Keck School of
Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.
“MRI Perfusion and Permeability and Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 levels: Association
with Cerebral Vasospasm Following Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage”
Annie’s Chair of Research - $20,000
Koji Hosaka, PhD, Instructor, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
“Aneurysm Healing and Vascular Repair: Modulating Inflammatory Process via
MIP-1a and MIP-2”
Robert Simon Chair of Research - $15,000
L. Fernando Gonzalez, MD, Assistant Professor,
Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA.
“The Effect of Sequential Flow Diversion Stenting, with Pipeline Embolization
Device on the Aneurysm Pressure”
Danielle Elizabeth Bledy Chair of Research - $10,000
Dharam Persaud, B.Sc., M.S.B.E., PhD, Student, Biomedical Engineering,
Florida International University, Miami, FL.
“Novel Biodegradable Alloys Designed for the Treatment of Cerebral Aneurysms”
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Awareness and Education
Support Services
Dr. Robert Rosenwasser, Joy Fischer, Kathy Redelman,
Senator Scott Brown, Christine Buckley, and Josh Truitt
fter four years of working towards
having Congress establish
September as National Brain
Aneurysm Awareness Month, we
achieved a great level of success this
year by YOU joining our Rally Congress
online petition initiative. YOU made the
Senate hear your voice and with the key
support of Senators Kerry (MA), Brown
(MA) and Snowe (ME), the Senate
passed the Senate resolution, S. Res.
248 and moving forward September
will be recognized nationally as Brain
Aneurysm Awareness Month. Also,
it is important to note that 16 states
have also established September as
awareness month and hopefully this
number will continue to grow as well.
The foundation was an exhibitor at the
Congress of Neurological Surgeons
in Washington D.C. the first week of
October. The conference allows the
foundation the visibility to be amongst
many of the top neurosurgeons from
around the world for three days and
allows us the opportunity to share with
them our resources for their patients.
While in D.C for a conference in
October, some of the foundation
representatives also had the chance
to meet with both Senator Kerry and
Senator Brown to thank them for
sponsoring and co-sponsoring the
Senate resolution 248. Both Senators
were very gracious and happy to
support the work of the foundation.
We are grateful to these Massachusetts
Senators as well as Senator Olympia
Snowe of Maine for supporting this
important legislation which will give a
voice to all those impacted by a brain
aneurysm at the same time each year.
Go to www.bafound.org/webinars to find out more about our webinars
Dr. Aaron Cohen-Gadol of Goodman
Campbell Brain and Spine, Indiana
University Department of Neurological
Surgery for providing the forum for
support group webinars. This allows
patients who cannot get to a support
group or who do not have a support
group in their area, the opportunity to
have a support group come to them.
Participants are able to submit questions
to the guest presenter by typing them in.
The guest presenter, whether a physician,
nurse, or therapist, will try to answer
as many questions as possible. The
webinars last about 45-60 minutes.
phone support, email support, support groups, our main website, and our support website.
The online support website at www.bafsupport.org, which The Brain Aneurysm Foundation launched in 2010, has grown and
has now over 2,400 members, all affected by brain aneurysms either as survivors or family members.
Support groups offers brain aneurysm
survivors and their families the
opportunity to share life experiences,
work through challenges and find
new ways to adapt to changes in
their life. The goal of support group
meetings is to help alleviate fears
and concerns through education and
group discussions. Survivors realize
that they are not alone.
We have had people on the webinars
from as far as Argentina, England,
and Australia.
The foundation is proud to have
presented five webinars this year since
we started in August and look forward
to continuing them on a regular basis
in 2012.
In 2011, the number of support groups
continued to grow nationwide. Support
groups now exist in 52 locations. To find
meeting times for a specific group, check
online at www.bafound.org/support-2
The Brain Aneurysm Foundation attends at least two neurological/neurosurgical conferences a year, allowing the foundation the
opportunity to present its educational and support materials to medical professionals who care for aneurysm patients on varying
levels. It is critical that the medical community is aware of our resources so they can share them with their patients. The foundation’s
patient materials help the physicians serve their patients in a full continuum of care. The conferences also provide an occasion for
the foundation to interact with the medical industry professionals so as to open pathways for developing future relationships.
6 \ The Brain Aneurysm Foundation
The Brain Aneurysm Foundation eases the diagnosis, procedural and recovery process for survivors and families by providing
Survivors and caregivers share their
experiences and show support to
those that are in need. The healing of
the spirit is just as important as that
of the body.
The foundation is very grateful to
sBoston Massachusetts Group
sPlymouth Massachusetts Group
sMerrimack Valley Support Group
sBrigham and Women’s Hospital
Brain Aneurysm Support Group
sLowell General Hospital
Brain Aneurysm Support Group
sThe South Shore Support Group
sCape Cod Brain Aneurysm Injury Support Group,
Sandwich, MA
sLong Island Support Group
sBrain Aneurysm & AVM Support
Group, Port Jefferson Station, NY
sBrain Aneurysm & AVM Support
Group, Port Lake Success, NY
sUniversity at Buffalo Brain Aneurysm
Foundation, Buffalo, NY
sNorthern New England Brain
Aneurysm Support Group in
Concord, NH
sNew York Methodist Hospital
Brain Aneurysm Support Group,
Brooklyn, NY
sNew York City Support Group
sPhiladelphia Support Group
sDelaware Brain Aneurysm
Support Group
sGoodman Campbell Brain and Spine
Support Group, Indianapolis, IN
sMadison Area Cerebral Aneurysm
Support Group
sUniversity of Illinois Hospital & Health
Sciences System Dept of
Neurosurgery Support Group
sChicago Northwest Suburban Brain
Aneurysm Support Group
sThe Neurosciences Institute at Central
DuPage Hospital Brain Aneurysm
Support Group, Winfield, IL
sThe DuPage County Brain Aneurysm
Support Group, Hinsdale, IL
sKansas City, MO Brain Aneurysm
Support Group
sTwin Cities -The National Brain
Aneurysm Center Support Group
sThe University of Michigan Brain
Aneurysm and AVM Support Group
sTri-State Brain Aneurysm Support
Group, Inc.
sNashville Tennessee Group
sVanderbilt University Support Group
sAtlanta Support Group
sNaples - Fort Myers Brain Aneurysm
Support Group
sOrlando Brain Aneurysm
Support Group
sDeerfield Beach, FL Support Group
sBaltimore, MD Brain Aneurysm
Foundation Support Group
sFalls Church, VA Brain Aneurysm
Support Group
sFlorida Brain Aneurysm
Support Group in Gainesville
sMayo Clinic Support Group in
Jacksonville, FL
sBrain Aneurysm Support Group
in Mandeville, LA
sLittleton Colorado Brain Aneurysm
Foundation Support Group
s Exempla Lutheran Medical Center Brain
Aneurysm Foundation Support Group
sDallas TX Support Group
sHouston TX Support Group
sBeaumont Texas Brain Aneurysm
Support Group
sSan Antonio Support Group
West Coast
sBay Area Aneurysm and Vascular
Malformation Support Group
sSacramento CA Support Group
sWashington Brain Aneurysm
Support Group
sSwedish Cerebrovascular Support Group
sOregon Brain Aneurysm Support Group
sBrain Aneurysm/AVM Support Group
in Newport Beach, CA
sNova Scotia Support Group
sWinnipeg Manitoba Support Group
sSaskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada
Support Group
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Special Events
he Brain Aneurysm Foundation
would like to recognize and
thank all those who organized,
volunteered, or participated at one of
the many events held across the country
to benefit brain aneurysm awareness,
support, education and research.
John Assante Jr., Dr. Ali Malek, Geri Assante, Jen Assante,
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
Golfers at The 6th Annual Brain Aneurysm Foundation
Golf Tournament, Scituate, MA
$50,000 or greater
s10th Annual Arterial Challenge 5K
Road Race & 1.5 Mile Walk,
Scituate, MA
s6th Annual Brain Aneurysm
Foundation Golf Tournament,
Scituate, MA
sLong Island’s 3nd Annual Brain
Aneurysm Awareness Walk,
Jones Beach, NY, sponsored by
The North Shore-LIJ Health System
Brain Aneurysm Institute, the Cushing
Neuroscience Institutes and The Brain
Aneurysm Foundation
sTeamCindy 2011,
Earle and Elaine Schaller
$20,000 - 29,999
s1st Annual Brain Aneurysm Step
for Hope 5K Run and 1 Mile Walk,
Carol Stream, IL, Lauren Melnick
and Roopa Desai
s4th Annual Brain Aneurysm Race for
Awareness 8K in Memory of Timothy
Susco, Reston, VA, The Susco Family
$10,000 - $19,999
s1st Annual Wilson Walk,
Wilmington, DE, Katie M. Kempski
Having fun at The Bunny Hop, St. Mary’s, PA
8 \ The Brain Aneurysm Foundation
Top Fundraisers
s3rd Annual John Assante Memorial
Walk, Palm Beach Gardens, FL,
Geri and Jennifer Assante
s3rd Annual Kat-Walk 4 Brain
Aneurysm Awareness, Portland, ME,
Friends and Family of Kim A. Tudor
and Karolina A. Kurka
s5th Annual Danielle Bledy Memorial
5K Run/1 Mile Fun Walk, Cherry Hill,
NJ, D’s Dawgs, Wayne and Carol Bledy
sAces Against Aneurysms,
Mandeville, LA, Becky Winchell
$5,000 - $9,999
s1st Annual Fred Boyd Memorial
Brain Aneurysm Awareness Walk,
Winchester, IN, Jessica Twiford
s2nd Annual Denny’s Drive for
Early Detection Golf Tournament,
Front Royal, VA, Shane Jenkins and
Cheri Haines Butler
s2nd Annual Dr. Reed’s Run,
McCandless Township, PA, Abigal Reed
s3rd Annual Freddie Harris Memorial
Walk/Fun Run for Brain Aneurysm
Awareness, Belleville, MI,
Melissa Varney
sSurvivor in the City, Chicago, IL,
Janet Sutherland
sThe Bunny Hop, St. Mary’s, PA,
Taylor Frank, Carly Frank, Tim Frank,
Daniel Paladino, Michael Paladino,
Rachael Paladino, Bob Paladino,
Jackie Candalor, and Jack Pauline
$1,000 - $4,999
s1st Annual Ride of Awareness,
Milton, WI, Brenda Schmittinger
s2nd Annual Betty Koch Epperson
Aneurysm Awareness Walk,
Winston-Salem, NC, Cindi Clark
s2nd Annual Bowling for Brains,
Kingston, NY, Heidi Ferry
s4th Annual Thomas Cashman
Memorial Bike Run, Berwick, PA,
Josella Librizzi
sBowling for Caytie, Winston-Salem,
NC, James Pulliam
sBrainSurge 5K, Gainesville, FL,
Brielle Le Clear, Emmalee May, and
Melissa Bowen
sDo It For Donna Bowlathon, CA, NJ,
OH, Michelle Leath, Ashley Taylor,
Michelle Bosse’ and Samantha Albrecht
sDye/Newsome/Rogers Golf Tournament,
Canton, OH, Joseph Newsome
sHike-a-Thon in memory of Delany
Alexandra Van Wert, Niskayuna, NY,
Susan and Tom Van Wert
sKaye Karpoy Open, Johnstown, NY,
Amanda Laird and Kaye Karpoy
sLarry Lentz Golf Tournament,
Kissimmee, FL
sLet’s Not Do Lunch, Norristown, PA,
Cheryl Horsey, PhD
sOpen Tumble, Avon, MA, Colleen Blood
sPulled Pork Dinner, Williams, CA,
Jodi Charter
sTaylor Mangham 1st Annual 5K
Memorial Run/Walk for Brain
Aneurysm Awareness and TGM Walk,
Keller, TX, Dana Beard
Superstars, $10,000 - $20,000
Kristine Calzadilla
Elaine Schaller
Seth Timen
Major Stars, $2,500 - $9,999
Annie’s Chair of Research,
Pender Keady School of Irish Dance
Dan Belmonte
Kristin Bradfield
Deidre Buckley
Shelley Butler
Joanna Chitko
Meg Gardiner
Robert Hoyt
Celeste LaRaja
Ali Malek, MD
Philip Marsden
Clair McCarthy
Bradley Paster
Abby Reed
Jamie Rubin
Lauren Sherwin
Christina Vesque
William Weiand
Sensational Stars, $1,000 - $2,499
Michael Abraham
Meghan Arnold
Jen Assante
Geraldine Assante
Donna Azevedo
Dave Brackett
Marsha Brillantes
Dawn Bush
Jennifer Capogna
Arthur Cassano
Jodi Charter
Cindi Clark
Catherine Dean
Veronica Dean
Roopa Desai
Laura DiSangro
Colleen Grasing
Cheryl Griffith
Ilene Haase
Kaye Karpoy
Mira Kurka
Carolyn Landes
Michelle Leath
Kristine Lee
Theresa LeRoy
Josella Librizzi
Ginny Marsh
Heidi McCausland
Kimberly Miller
Alison Morrissey
Kristy Nilson
Stacey Nolan
Kellyrose O’Brien
Pauline Pagliocca
Tom Quirk
Karen Schlein
Lisa Schott
Christine Smialowski
Alexandra Stack
Caitlin Sullivan
William Weiand
Amazing Stars, $500 - $999
Marian Bediako
Nicole Brisotti
Scott Campbell
Angela Carlone
Brian Chirles
Maureen Condosta
Dawn DeFelice
Beth Denbow
Lori Eagen
Paula Early
Kathleen Frontino
Karyn Fuller
Diane Gatto
Jessica Heath
Danielle Helenthal
Lauren Hicks
Jim Holzknecht
Jennifer Kaiponen
Vicky Kryoneris
Lori Lebeau
Jessica Marfisi
Lauren Melnick
Melissa Murphy
Jeanette Pace
Surendrarita Patel
Chris Patlias
Sara Roach
Julie Scarano
Phyllis Scheiner
Christie Shannon
Anand Sheth
Jessica Silwick
Margaret Tannis
Laura Taylor
Georgette Tiedemann
Gregory Twiford
Linda Witt
Greg Wood
Promoting brain aneurysm awareness at the Kat-Walk in Portland, ME
Bright Stars, $100 - $499
Melodie Altomonte
Sharon Andersen
John Assante, Jr
Beverly Azevedo
Dana Beard
Jeanne Becvar
Jim Belcastro
Roshni Bhatt
Gretchen Boerwinkle
Alex Borchardt
Michelle Bosse
Mac Cariolo
James Casatelli
Linda Cass
Danielle Chiera
Christopher Chitko
Charla Clements
Lauren Condosta
Mary Beth Costello
Charles Crawford
Mary Crockett
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Top Fundraisers
2011 Donor Honor Roll
(continued from previous page)
Team Chris at the Susco Brain Aneurysm Race for Awareness,
Reston, VA
Sheryl Baker representing the BAF 74342 at a local CFC event
Racing for the Step for Hope, Carol Stream, IL
10 \\ The
The Brain
Brain Aneurysm
Aneurysm Foundation
Bright Stars, $100 - $499
Jillian Davis
Josephines Dayspa
Hemal Desai
Susan Dumoulin
Bianca Eckhoff
Frank Eeckman
Kristi Flitcroft
Kim Flowers
Paul Forte
Rose Gallucci
Theresa Georgens
Tricia Gibson
Angi Grant
Linda Harden
Tia Hellriegel
Edyie Honaker
Tracy Iona
Barbara Jackowski
Jessica Pellerin and Robert Kurka
Laurie and Perry Johnson
Lindsay Jones
Victoria Karpman
Catherine Kempski
Skip Kimpel
Cheryl Laino
Bernadette Langford
Kelly Leake
Diane Macdonald
Marissa Malettrodriguez
Deborah Marani
April Markowski
Colleen Marsh
Stephanie McCormick
Patty McGovern
Kaitlyn McLaughlin
Karyn Myers
Mary Nord
Katy Ovick
Ellen Pacheco
Sam Patel
Mina Patel
Jessica Piccolo
Jessa Reed
Jenny Reynolds
Elisha Rivera
Carrie Rocha
Liz Rodriguez
Meleah Rodriguez
Lauren Scaccia
Manish Sheth
Jessica Silwick
Heather Sorensen
Steph Sox
Rosemarie Sumpter
Michelle Sweeney
Ginny Tocci
Karen Twigg
Valencia Villarreal
Lisa Warner
Meaghan Whalen
Dorle Wojtczak
Cathy Zardas
he Brain Aneurysm Foundation
is grateful for the generous support
in 2011 from the following individuals,
corporations, institutions, and foundations.
Foundation Investor Circle,
$25,000 or more
Bill Demmer
Jeff Harvey
Stryker Corporation
Research Circle, $10,000 - $24,999
Brain Aneurysm Race for Awareness
8k in Memory of Timothy Susco
Combined Federal Campaign
D’s Dawgs Memorial Fund
Judy Del Col
Pelican Athletic Club,
Aces for Awareness
Board of Directors Circle,
$5,000 - $9,999
Aesculap, Inc. USA
Arnold Bortman Family Foundation
Donald and Donna Comstock
John and Margaret Demmer
Mayo Clinic
North Shore LIJ Health System
Pepsi-Cola Advertising and Marketing,
Bradley Thomas
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital,
Department of Neurosurgery
Diamond Circle, $1,000 - $4,999
Donna Azevedo
Bedford Reinforced Plastics, Inc.
Michelle Bosse
Chris and Shelley Butler
Scott and Cheryl Campbell
Paul and Susan Condrin
Denise and Alexander Cosentino
Theodore and Michele Crandall
Dalio Family Foundation, Inc.
Peter Dartley
ev3 Inc./Neurovascular Division
Heidi Ferry
Robert Frick
Michele Gartland
Anita Hill
Todd Irwin
Jackson National Life Insurance
Shane, Lorrie and Denny Jenkins
Donald Kaiponen
Edmund and Deborah Kelly
KUKA Systems Corporation
Lee & Ro, Inc.
Anthony Lewitt
Life Instrument Corporation
Geraldine Losquadro
Maria Martinez and Clair McCarthy
Dave and Heidi McCausland
David and Margie McDonough
Charles McGarrity
Orion Mims
Joseph and Valerie Newsome
Kristy, Roger and Amelia Nilson
William Orthwein
Jang Intae of Dalmatian
Jack and Doris Paster
Scott Patterson
William Quade and Paul Rolli
Stephen Raisman, DMD
Art Samberg
Jody and Mark Sattler
Elaine and Earle Schaller
Lisa Steagall
Mary Sullivan
Synthes, USA
Ginny and Jay Tocci
Deborah Tyler
Melissa Varney
Shawn Warren
Wells Fargo
Platinum Circle, $500 - $999
Barry Adelman
Advance Mfg. Co., Inc.
All Star Cheer and Fitness, LLC
Sheryl Baker
Denise Beachy
Brian Beggans
Dan Belmonte
Jeremy Bohlen
Maureen Bolger
Amy Bolton
Dave Brackett
Kristin Bradfield
Jane Broderick
John Brownell
Deidre Buckley
Jason Bumann
Eric and Lisa Burkett
Margaret Carey
Lynn Carlmark
Angela Carlone
Jeffrey Chen
Brian Chirles
Jadwiga Chitko
Citrin Cooperman & Company, LLP
Matthew Clark
Coastal Nissan Auto Center
Codman and Shurtleff
Ted Cohen
Michael Coleman
Michael Conlon
Rick Correnti
Maria and Joseph Cosentino
Barbara Crowe
Custom Drum Services, Inc.
Kerry Dion
East Coast Printing, Inc.
Robert Farias
John Farrington
Lawrence Foley, Jr.
Michael Foley
Friendly’s Ice Cream Corp
Fuels Transportation
Meg Gardiner
Peter Garofolo
Carlotta Geany
GGS Information Services, Inc.
Christina and Ernest Godshalk III
Mariquita Gordon
Lois Gosstrom
Daniel Greenberg
Mark Greenberg
Honey Dew Family Foundation, Inc.
George Hornig
Jacqueline Hubbard
Imaging Consultants of South Florida
Geraldine Jacobson
Jayco Stamping Company
Marjorie Kellner
Klub Bub, Inc.
Giuseppe Lanzino, MD
Celeste LaRaja
Law Office of John J. Hoffman
Ledyard High School
Marla Leibel
Locke Lord LLP
Ken Lorey
John Lotz
Joanne Luca
Troy Ludgood
w w w. ba found. org \ 11
2011 Donor Honor Roll
Henry Maddocks
Manhattan Kraft Construction
Christine Manzone
Philip Marsden
Mike and John McGhee
Kenneth Michaud
Jessica Monash
Jessica Noncz
Jaclyn Novak
Christopher Ogilvy, MD
Harry Pallick
Partners Healthcare
Emily Pelletier
Linda Poldioan
Gail and John Reilly
Nohra Rivera
Maritza Roberts
Agnes Rogan
Lynne Royer
David and Michelle Ryan
Thomas Schmitz
Joe Seaton
Diana Simplair
Bob Soroka
Anne Speakman
William Stevens
Brandi Stewart
Karen Swan
John, Lori and Joselyn Taylor
The Wine Network, Inc.
Marianne Thiede
Candace Thomas
Transamerica Capital, Inc.
Tri Chevy Association
Trish McEvoy, Ltd.
Twister Tutors, Inc.
Anna Westfall
Kassie Wilson
Andrew Winer
12 \ The Brain Aneurysm Foundation
James and Annette Wolfe
Sai Man Wong
Janet Zardas
Gary Zardas
Golden Circle, $250 - $499
Robert and Carol Abrahams
Aecon Lockerbie Industrial, Inc.
Steven Alicocco
Laura Ambrosio
American Planning Group
Geraldine Assante
Robert Ax
Dutch Bailey
Sally Beck
Bella Bridal, LLC
David Bossolina
Jeffrey Bradfield
Kathleen Brennan
Mark Broach
Eric Brook
Catherine Bush
Chris Callahan
Jose Campon
Mac Cariolo
Judith Cave
Marisol Ceresa
Robert and Patricia Chirles
In Sup Choi
Cindi Clark
Delores Clark
Mitchell Cohen
Comcast Spotlight
Sandy and Scott Comstock
Peter and Maureen Condosta
Eileen Connolly
Tom Cooney
Corvus Group, Inc.
Thomas, Bernadette and
Mary Beth Costello
Robin Cote
Carolyn Cragin
Charles Crawford
Larry and Debra Crowley
John Cuzzocrea
Joseph D`Antona
Bennett Davies
Davis & Bucco P.C.
Christopher and Mary Dean
David Degraw
Terry, Beth and Carrie Denbow
Brij Desai
Vikas Desai
Hemal Desai
Donna Devin
Nadia Di Cresce
Steven Dinger
Mary Donovan and Kim Cetrone
Scott Dudley
Michael and Susan Dumoulin
Claudia Dziadziola
Edge Therapeutics, Inc.
Benny and June Ercolini
Elizabeth Fama
Joshua Fank
Finns Family Restaurant
Larry Foley III
Fox’s PIzza Den
Philip Fracassa
Fran Friend
Vertigo Fundraiser
Mary Gabrila
Jan Gannon
Walter Garbacik
Diane Gatto
Genesis HealthCare LLC
Mary Gentile
Robert Grasing
Cody Grimm
Nathan and Jennifer Groff
Allan Haber
Erin Hackett
David Haegeland and Dan Schmidt
John and Pamela Haines
Andrew Hamilton
Adam Harris
Danielle, Melissa, Lauren and Mikenna
Heyward Florida, Inc.
Maureen Higgins
Sara Hoffmann
Rebecca Hutchinson
Vince Irwin
Sandra Jesson
Johnny’s Selected Seeds
Keven and Shelagh Joyce
Jeffrey Kalicka
Lorraine Kalista
Meredith and Stacy Kandel
Jack L. Kaplan
Thomasine Kennedy
Joanne Kennedy
James Konkel
Paul Kotos
Dan Kusnetz
Cheryl Laino
Margaret Layman, P.A., CPA
Eugene and Sarah Lee
Steven and Rachel Litner
Richard Lord
Sara and Rob Lundgren
Richard, Amy and Elizabeth Lynch
Kevin Madden
Ali Malek, MD
Jessica, Ivan and Gary Marfisi
Olympia Margaritidis
Janice Marie
Mark’s Sports Pub
Marketing Services of Kansas, Inc.
Lisa Marsh
Joshua Masse
Michael and Sara McKeogh
Bob and Meri McMurray/Rathbun
Alice Michel
Robert Miller
Iwona Misiuta
John and Jean Moeller
Jeffrey Mollin
Jennifer Montague
William Mork
Richard Moss
Tara and Adam Muthard
Joseph Oliver
Joe and Jane Otolo
Jay and Whitney Owen
Eileen Pacilio
Bob Paladino
Caroline, Katherine and Kimberly Paster
Julie Pecho
Loretta Pellerano
Pender-Keady Academy of Irish Dance
DaShawn Perry
Huong Pham
Kenneth Pope
Tom and Karen Quirk
R&L Manufacturing, Inc.
Eric Rickin
Mary Riley
Molly Riley
Robert Rioux
Steven Roberts
Amy Robertson
Rolli Family
James Russell-Walling
Nicole Saltzman
James Savage
Janet Scholder
Kimberly Servas
Miten Shah
Alan Shanken
Mendi Shows
Lori and Lance Siedman
Nan Simonsen
Jeffrey Small
Jon and Kelly Stuart
Bob Sunderland
Kathy Trader
B. Todd Trimmer
Nancy Tudor
Bob Turner
Rupesh Udeshi
Virginia Brain and Spine Ctr., Inc.
William Wachtel
Ken and Moriah Wallace
Jim and Judy Wells
Nili Wexler
Mark and Lisa Whitbeck
Maureen and Paul Wiencek
Jonathan Williams
JoAnne Wilson
Elizabeth Wolowiec
Jesse and Allyson Wood
Paul Ziebert
Aaron Zuzack
Silver Circle, $100 - $250
1199 SEIU
1st Financial Services, Inc.
Lynn Abramson-Saltzman
Ann Acquaviva
Bill Adami
Ellen and Frances Adami/Fortin
Sandra Adams
Sia Afshari
Paul Ainsworth
Lana and Peter Ajemian
Thomas Alberti
Samantha and Aaron Albrecht
Nicholas Algiero
George Alisandratos
Apostolos Alisandratos
George and Lyn Allen
Michelle Allen
Melodie and Kathryn Altomonte
Lisa Altomonte
Tracy Alvarado
Holly and David Amanti
America’s Charities
Atit Amin
Sepideh Amin-Hanjani, MD
Sara Timen and Seth Wolfman
Kirk Anderson
Valerie Andrews
Mike and Dee Andrews
Stamatique Andriolas
Loralyn Anthony
Bruce, Lori, Joshua, David
and Caleb Anthony
Barbara and Tom Archibald
Maryam Arfaania
John, Julia, Harry, Catherine
and Olivia Armstrong
Jack and Brenda Arnold
Ellen Arsenault
Patricia Arton
Sami Assante
Sophia Nicole Assante
John Assante, Jr.
Associated Marble Industry, Inc.
Associates in Family Healthcare, P.A.
Snake Road Auto Salvage
Dianne Avery and Alfred Konefsky
Donald and Beverly Azevedo
Carlton Baab and Sharon Lesko
Debbie Babcock
Mintu Bachann
Maisa Badawy
Mike Bagnall
Marci and MikeBagnulo
Timothy Bahe
Brandi Bailey
Anna Bakos and Tom Decanio
Amy and Keith Barnett
Steven Barr
Scott Barraclough
Kirsten and Scott Barrett
Barrington Orthopedic
Specialists, Ltd.
Charles and Leray Bassett
Francis Baxter
Vanessa Beaty
Nancy and Tom Beber
Jessica, Johnny and Gabriella Becerra
Steve Beiser
Gerard Benares
James Benesh and Family
Benjamin and Michelle Bergman
Leslie Berlan
Dennis Bernardini
Dolly and Len Bicknell
Tom and Sheila Biehl
Sheri Billing
Margaret Birkemose
Philip Black
Stacey Blake
Kristie Blase
Jonathan Blattmachr
Erica Blum
Rochelle Boas
Bruce Boenning
Gus Boerwinkle
Gretchen Boerwinkle
Johanna Bohan Riley
Nathan Bohn
w w w. ba found. org \ 13
2011 Donor Honor Roll
Derek Lee Boire
Anthony Bonanno
Joseph Bonavita
Claire, Adam, Elle and Doreen Bonicky
Jeff, Dorothy and Lauren Booth
Fight for a Cure Boston
Melissa Bourne
Walter Bowen
Christopher Bowen
Dan and Sara Boxer
BP Fabric of America Fund
Brackett & Lucas
Gary Bradfield
Patricia Bradfield
Jamie Bradfield
Mh and Ron Bradford
Kim and Gary Bradley
Vivek Brahmbhatt
Alison Brandt
Sally and Joe Braunstein
Wake Forest Baptist Imaging
Brenda Bronk
Lizzie Brenkus
Phillip Brill-Edwards
E. Brillantes
Michael and Ruth Brillantes
Marlon and Eva Brillantes
Louis Brillantes
Bryann Bromley
Andrew Bronstein
John Brower
Ira, Diane, Tara and Joe Brown
Necole Brown
William Brown
Joan Brunjes
Edward Brush
Frank and Tarlie Bryan
Jonathan Bryer
Michael and Stephanie Buckley
14 \ The Brain Aneurysm Foundation
Robin Burich-Cox
Ian Burn
Michael Burns
Greg Buscetto
William Bush
Rick and Cherie Butler
Jared Buzzell
Charlotte Byrd
Application Support Cablevision
Mary Beth Calderone
Steve Callahan
Dan and Jean Callahan
Dawn Cames
BC and Cindy Campbell
Daryl and Kathleen Campbell
Elizabeth Cantwell
Jennifer Capogna
Lynne Capozzi
Patricia Caproon
John and Sarah Caputo
Laura, Joseph, Patrick and John
Robert Cardarelli
Christine, Nicholas and Marilyn
William and Kathryn Carey
Mark Carey
Barbara Cargill
Grace Carrick
Delaney, Blaine, Maeve and Linda
Lyon Carter
Christina Casagrande
Kathleen Casale
Mary Casey
Victor, Chase and Alexis Cassano
Frank and Lori Cassidy
Kara and Sean Casten
Rory Cattanach
Chris Cavagnaro
Chris Cayten
Central Orthopedic Group, LLP
Michael Cerkvenik
Monica Cervantes
David and Graceanne Chally
Sharon Chambers
Michael O`Neil and Chandrika Vira
John Chapski
Allison Charter
Rebecca Chatfield-Taylor
Gargi Chaudhuri
Monica Chauviere
Dori Chavarria
Cheer Factor Performance Training
James and Bonnie Chemel
Sophia Chen Yeh and Judy Kainer
Rena and Gerald Chernow
Marni and Dan Cherrin
Kathleen Chester
Sally and Don Chester
Cynde Childs
Ue and Gg Chin
Christopher Chitko
Louis and Ruth Ciccarelli
Bartley Cilento, M.D.
Hubbell Roth and Clark
Charla Clements
Margaret Clougher
Julie Coates
Susan Cochran
Andrew Coffing
Jennifer and Wes Cofman
John and Liga Cogliano
Lea Cohen
Lauren Cohen
Lloyd Cohn
Kathleen Colbert and Family
Edward Cole
Columbia Grammer and Preparatory
Jennifer Congdon
Bob Conley
Bernadette Connell
Peter Connelly
Crokers & Connors
Tom Cook
Denise Cooke
Gwendolyn and Dorothy Cooke
Tom Cooney
Career Education Corporation
Giselle Cosentino
Rose and FrankCosentino
Cheryl Cosmos
Margaret Mae Costa
Joann and William Courtney
Drew, Derek, Richard and Karen
Michael Crimi
Michael J. Cronin
Joe Cronin
Donald E Cross
Andrea and Charles Crowell
David and Laura Croysdale
Robert Cudequest
Justine Cullen
Edward Cummings
Susan Cunningham
Curious Kids, Inc.
Ann Marie Curtin
Sally, Caroline, Allison,
Emily and Hope Curtis
Debbie Cyr
Christopher and Lauren D’Antonio
Nancy D’Orazio
Melany Dafniotidis
Erin Daley Satterburg
Albert Dalo
Helen Daly
Paul Daniell
Gari and Ira Dansky
Stephen Darr
Amy Darrow
Carlos David, MD
Eve Davidoski
Jillian Davis
Davis Chiropractic Offices
Jorge de Angulo
Nicholas Dean
Elizabeth and Veronica Dean
Veronica Dean
Linnet Deily
Nancy Delahunt
Jack Delaney
Jamarr Delauney
Mark Demmer
Patrick Dempsey
John DeSantis
JD DesLoges
Annette DesRosiers
Debbe Deutch Rabinowitz
Fred and Mary Ellen Devendorf
Emily DeVito
Mike DiBartolo
Joseph Dibenedetto
Harry Dickman
Leanne Didier
Glenn and Gloria Dielmann
Mary Ann Digan
Charles and Santa Diorio
Molly Dirago
Maureen Donaghy
Brian and Maggie Donato
Danielle Donelan
Sandra Donnelly
David Donnersberger
Luann Donovan
Kelly Dore
Cheryl and Luke Dorfman
Wayne Douglas
Mike Dowdy
Linda Drabik
Carol Ann Drohan
William and Sharon Dubisky
Richard and Ann Dugdale
Stephen Dunaway
Judith and Gerrett Durling
Catherine Durning
Patti Dyer
Joseph Eagan
Thomas and Mary Anne Early
Andy Eckert
Janet and Lee Edelstein
Shelley Edelstein
David Edwards
Frank Eeckman
Erin Ehly
Diane Ehrlich
Elk Cameron District
Kovi and Sharon Elkus
Patti and Darryl Elliott
Anne Elliott and Walter Mcilwain
Charles and Jane Ellis
Marc Elovitz
Kathleen Emmet
Susan and William Engelman
Gerald Entine
Karen Erasmi
Judith and Philip Erlanger
Melissa Espino
Jennifer Esquivel
Douglas and Tiffany Etheredge
Philip Everett
Jonathan Everett
Princess Everton
Doris Ewing
Denise Fagan
Maureen and Terence Faherty
Nancy Famiglietti
Fraser Family
Michael Faraci
Lisa Farmer
Michael Farrell
Robert Farrell
Scott Feffer
Mary Ferguson
Dirk and Kristina Ferguson
Felix Ferraiolo
George Field
Linda and Benjamin Fine
Robert and Loretta Fink
Sharon Finkel
Laura Firestone
Melanie and Mort Fishman
James and Joan Fitzpatrick
Jim and Ellen Fitzpatrick
Brian Fitzsimmons
Nora Flaherty
Diane and Frederick Flaherty
Stephen Flannery
Jason Fleischer
Glenn Fletcher
Eleanor Flowers
Traci, Samantha, Luke and Bret Foley
William and Nancy Ford
Mark Fornatale
Ann Foster
Patricia, Jeff, Jason and Abigail Fox
Barry Fox
Stephen Fox
Ilene and Stu Fox
Kerrin and Glenn Frank
H E Frech III
Jonathan Frew
Dave Friedman
Lindsay and Jason Friedman
Dan Friedman
Hideaway Friends
Washboard Friends
Kathleen Frontino
Albert Leon Fuhrman
Robert Fuller
Harriet Fuller
Peter Furman
Joy Futrell
Esther and Jonathan Futrell
Roberta and Aaron Gabriel
Sean and Christine Gagnon
Erin Gallagher
Susan Galligan
Ron Gartenschlaeger
Carlos Garza
Peter and Carol Gately
Catherine and Gregory Gatto
Shanna Gattuso
Alethea Gayden Cooper
Josh Gelman
Adam Gelnick
Robert Gendrolius
Kyle Gentry
Renee Gerardo
Lori Gerhardson
Mary Geuras
Drew Gibbons
Scott and Traci Giles
Richard and Margaret Giles
Bob and Marilyn Giles
Kelly Gill
Pam and Jay Gillespie
John Gilligan
Lisa Gilmore
Edward Gilson
Marc Goldstein
w w w. ba found. org \ 15
2011 Donor Honor Roll
Judith Goldstein
Carol Good
Lauren Goodman
Diana Gorman
Eve Gorman
Michael Gould
Arnold Goulston
Brian Granath
Leonard, Cynthia, Michael Grandfield
Angi Grant
Nelson Grave
Jenny Graystone
Deborah Green and Larry Hirsch
Jon Greenburg
Joe and Gigi Greene
Donald Greenough
Rosanne Gregory
Karen Greiter
Gerri Grena-Daneman
Rees Griffiths
Michelle Groenke
Drew Groner
Jennifer Groves
John Gruener
Albert and Margaret Gruner
Mark Guertin
Brian, Donna, Maria and Pieter Guilbault
Anuj and Molly Gulati
Carmen Gulo
Alice Gustafson
Linda Haase
Ilene Haase
Sioban Haldeman
Bessie Halfacre
Judith and Zachariah Hallock
Yuichi Hamasuna
Paula Hambrick
Rachel Hand
Jason Hanna
16 \ The Brain Aneurysm Foundation
Ellen Hannon
Gregory Hansen
Christina Hansen
Renee Hantz (Dewpoint)
Linda Harden
Barbara and Richard Hardy
Alice Harris
George Harrison
Jeanie Hart
Neile Hartman
George, Patty, Mike and Matt Hartung
Jonathan Hartwell
Charles Haskell
K. Hatfield
Constance and Peter Hawley
Mary Hayden
Blynda Hebel
Nancy Hegarty
Peter Heisinger
Colleen Helly
Help Print New England
Nancy Henderson
Jeff Henry
James Hess
Susan Hewitt
Judith Hicks
Anne Hicks
Richard Higgins
Herb Hill
Michelle Hladunewich
Bertha HO
Catherine Hoag
Tom and Anna Hofacker
Hoffman, York Foundation, Ltd
Cookie and Buzzy Hoffner
Louis Holt
Susan Hom
Kevin Honan
Frances Hook
Lisa Hopkins
Kenneth Horsey
Florence Horsey and William Boskey
Cheryl Horsey, PhD
Kathleen Howe
Melanie Howe
Tracey Howell
Shannon Howell
Robert Hoyt
Diana Hrycyk
James Hubbard
James Hubbell
Brenda Huggins
Lisa Hughes
Laura Hunt
Phyllis Hurley
Theresa Iannizzi
Emanuela Imperato
A.W.O.L. Friends Indian Hills
Jeff and Susan Infusino
Jason Ingram
Kenneth and Teresa Ingram
Reza Iranmanesh
J. Campbell Signature Homes, Inc.
Evelyn Jackson
Richie Jackson
Marilyn Jacobs
Logan Jager
Robert Jakubowich
Jason Jarcho
Jeanie Jarrett
Amy Jennings
Megan Jensen
Sue Jensen
Aida Jofre
Douglas Johnson
Ronald and Kathryn Johnson
Gary Jones
Rob and Sara Joseph
Joanne Joyce
Joseph and Suzanne Joyce
Kevin Jung
Laura Jurewicz
Joseph Kalet
Marlena Kaplan
Karma and Associates Co
Allen Karpman
Arnel Kasmally
Andrew and Michele Katch
Yvette Katogir
Samuel Katzin-Simon
Nancy and JimKatzoff
Zandra Kaufman
Gregory Kaylor
Patricia Keefe
Brian and Kathryn Keegan
Kendra Keenan
Patrick and Sherri Kelley
Helene Kelly
John Kelty
Cameron Kennedy
Katherine Kennedy
Meredith Kessler
Stephanie Kessler
Yvonne Keusch
Deepa Khetan
Frank Kim
Michael and Raymond Kinahan
Kincade Family
Mary and Gerry King
Sonia King
Arthur Klausner
Aaron Klein
Bonnie Kolodziej
Harry Konkel
Susan Konkel
Kim Korri
Brad Kotler
Christine Kraninger
Madeleine and Gary Kreitman
James Kriksciun
Kari Kristan
Carole Krosser
Kristen Kryoneris
Vicky Kryoneris
Laurie Kryzanek
David Kuo
Bernerd Kurit
Robert Kurka
Andrew Kusnirik
Christopher La Raja
Jacqueline Lake
Paul Lakind
Emmanuel and Erin Lakios
Pat Lam
Julie Lamb
Lisa Landes
Wayne and Nancy Lang
Maura Langelier
James and Bernadette Langford
John Lanham
Andre Laroche
Charlene and Bob Laroche
Frank LaSalle
Steven and Darcy Lavigne
Kim Le
Kate Leary
Ryan and Michelle Leath
Steve LeBlanc
Mark LeBlanc
Paul Lebovitz
David and Sosamma Ledoux
Don and Charlene Lee
Norman Lefebvre
Bob, Kathy and Julie Lemen
Jennifer and Leon Lenchik
Amanda Lennon
Bob Lentz
Edgar Lerias
Theresa, Bill and Michael LeRoy
Susan Lesser-Seltzer
Jacqueline Levangie
Christopher Lever
Lori Levine
Gregory W Lewis
Lewsan Consultants Corp.
Wilma Lieberfarb
Carol Ligouri
Lawrence Lingard
Cheryl Lippi
Linda Lipshutz
Judy and Paul Litner
Marvin and Roberta Littky
John Litz
Michael Livoti
Robert and Joan Logue
Kerry, James and Jane Logue
Barry and Carol Loigman
Long Island Property Management LP
Caleb Longman
Roger and Tammy Lonsberry
Denise Lopez
Jason Lowder
Sandra and Manson Lown
Timothy Lucas
Gloria Lupi
Jennifer Lupinacci
Ann Luz
Robert Lynch
Gary Lyons
M&T Bank
Victoria Maas
Beth MacDonald
R. Loch Macdonald
Carroll Madison
Tamar and Sam Magdovitz
Dan Magier
Joel Makowsky
Janice and Jerry Malett
Janet Malkey
Mary and Maurice Maloney
Richard Maloy
Janet and Alan Maltz
Chance and Jackie Mangham
Atit Mansuria
Cody, Bobby, Denise and Robert March
Linda Marcias
Marco Polo Building Corp
Edward Marcoux
Giovanni Mariani
Richard, Deborah and Alyssa Marinaro
Ann Markusic
Jonathan and Rachel Marr
Melissa Marram
Karen and Joseph Marrow
James and Bathany Marshall
Evelyn Martial and Paul Alexander
Sandra Martin
Misty Martin
Angela Martin
Geoff Martin
Andrew Martin and Pamela Fawley
Nora Martinez
Lawrence and Judy Mass
Mastermans, LLP
Ed and Rossana Mather-Centurion
Chadd and Jennifer Mattingly
Gregory Matzelle
Cynthia Mavroson
Vijay Mayadas
Maryann Mazzarella
Donald McBride
William McCann
McCann’s Garage, Inc.
Bill and Amy McCarthy
Katrina McCarty
Rita McCluskey
Joseph, Carol, Brad and
Heather McCluskey
Christina McCuistian and Family
Phyllis McDonald
Dick and Bev McDonald
Marianne McGlennon
Elizabeth McKeague
Mary McKee
Alexia McKinnon
Kaitlyn McLaughlin
Kristine McManus
Michelle and Anthony McNulty
Marion Meenan
Jared Mehl
Robert and Anne Mehlich
Monica Mehra
Susan and Richard Melchner
Ellen Melly
Lauren and Nikki Melnick
Melrose Veterans Memorial
Middle School
Tonya Mercer
Francesca Mercurio
David and Gail Mero
Meuser Eckenrode & Hayes
Maxine Meyer
Robert B. Meyer
Lindsey, Sara, Mark and Kerry Mezger
Michigan Neurology Associates
Chad Mickelson
Timothy, James and Jean Milch
Stephanie Miller
Donna Miller
Lindsay and Jason Miller
Jennifer Miller
Wayne and Kimberly Miller
Steve and Donna Millette
w w w. ba found. org \ 17
2011 Donor Honor Roll
Mark and Virginia Mintzer
Martin Miserandino
Lauren Mish
Shannon Mohar
Amy Mohler
Dorothy Mojica
Kym Monaghan-Morton
Nancy Monbouquette
Matthew and Paul Monteiro
Ed and Mary Moore
Muriel Moran
Christine Morandi
Michael Moreau
Gregory Morin
Don and Alison Morrissey
MPR Farms
MrX1 Corporation
Bernie and Kathy Mulhall
Robert Mulligan, MD
Michael Mulrain
Sara Muraoka
John and Joann Murphy
Carol and George Murphy
Melissa, Karina and John Murphy
Henry and Mary Murphy
Bettina Murray
Ron Murray
Catherine and Patrick Murray and Family
Jill Musiker
Shelly Nadeau
Steven Nadell
Therese Nadler
David Naimark
Kathleen Napolitano
Ronda Naseth
National Association of Government
Suzette and Mark Neff
Rhee Nesson
Elizabeth Neville
18 \ The Brain Aneurysm Foundation
Carolyn Neyer
Chan (Jodie) Nguyen
Ninja and Anna Nguyen
Elizabeth Nielsen
Brigette Niesen
Michael Nilson
Kimberly Nolte
Kori Norberg
Kevin Nord
Norwell Knoll
Elizabeth Nowell
NSTAR Foundation
Terry and Elena Nulle
Lourdes Nyffeler
Elisa O’Berle
Thomas O’Connor
Kevin O’Flaherty and Debra Kaplan
Joe and Tobey O`Brien
Terry and Stacy O`Brien
Tom O`Brien
Tim O`Connor
Candi Obrentz
Patricia OBrien
Barbara OBrien
Kelsey Ognibene
Motoko Ohta
Curtis Olinger
Augie Ortiz
Corinne Osborn
Dawn and David Osburn
Charlene Oswald
Douglas Otto
Kathleen Owens
Cindy Owens
Sean Pacheco
Caroline Pacheco
J. Boyd and Patti Page
Pauline Pagliocca
George Pakidis
John and Juliann Paladino
William Palmer
Jonathan Palmer
Santosh and Sunita Pandit
Theresa Paoloni and Ria Puma
Albert Papa
Daniel Papadopoulos
Kim Pappas
Karen Park
Park Beach Dermatology, Inc.
Steve Parker
Hailey Parry
Mary Parslow
Alison Pascola
Christina Passon
Wendy Pate
Ashok Patel
Kashmira Patel
Alpa Patel
Christina Patlias
Adam Patone
Gary and Katherine Patone
Tim Patterson
Jacqueline Pauls
Joanne and Paul Payson
Nancy Pelc
Jessica Pellerin
Jon and Stephanie Pelletier
Rose Pena-Barba
Robert Pennino
Pat Perkins
Janet and Alison Perrin
Laura Pesin
Augusta Petersen
Charlene and Jerry Petruccelli
Megan Philbin
Cindy Phillips
Betsy Phillips
Harris Phillips
Deborah Piggott
Nancy Piken
Webster Pilcher
Lourdes Pino
Francis Pizzani
Charlotte Pogue
Jo and Charles Pointer
Barry Polen
Hank and Etta Pols
Alan and Elizabeth Pomeroy
Robin Pope
Jeffry Powell
Joy Powell
Claudia Powers
Denise Pranzo
Ed Preato
Steve and Maureen Preskenis
Julie Prigmore
In the MIX Productions
Progressive Rehabilitation Associates
Project Widgets, Inc.
Garland Pugh
Richard Pulliam
Puppy Cottage LLC
John Putrino
Edward and Joanne Pyne
Robert Quigley
Quigley Motor Co., Inc.
Gloria and Gale Raby
David Radcliff
Donna Radik
Edmund and Elizabeth Rae
Donna Ragno
Roger Rand
Deborah Rath
David Rattner
Stephen Ray
Shaun and Cara Real
Ream, Carr, Markey & Woloshin LLP
Nancy Reardon
Reba S. Baites Estate
Jason and Carrie Redi
Howard and Susan Reed
Jeanette Reedy
Heather Reich
Linda Reid
Thomas Reilly
Bill and Mary Reissfelder
Kenneth Ressler
Lauren Reyes
James Rhoades
James and Jane Ann Rhoten
Valerie and Charles Riback
Leann Rice
Bob Rich
Carrie Rinderknecht
Jack, Abraham and Beth Ringer
Thomas and Debra Ritchie
Jeanne, Tom, Sara and Marie Roach
Theodore Roach
Sylvia Roberts
Kim and Chris Robinson
Audrey Roco
Ray, Nicholas, Tiffany, Crystal
and Victoria Rodrigo
Susan Rodriguez
Paul and Patricia Roesemann
Rogers Hauling, Inc.
Paul Rolli
Sylvia Rollins
Charles Romero MD
Mark and Theresa Rooney
Arnold and Tamara Rosario
Andrea Rose
Carole Rosen
Sue and Mark Rosenberg
Lee Rosenvold
Rotary Club of Bellport NY USA Inc.
Marc, Marvin, Lynn and Sue Rothberg
Marcia Rothschild
Jeffrey and Diane Rotwitt
Cynthia Rowe
Rick Rowe
Larry Royston
John Rozycki
Helen Rubinich
Ronald and Christine Ruby
Christiana and Matthew Rucci
Max Rudsten
Katelin Ruff
Joan and Richard Ruoff
Rita Ryan
Moustafa Salama
Lois and Ron Salcer
Rick Samuels
Lucy Sanchez
Shelly Sanderson
Sandulli Grace, P.C.
Theodore Sargeant
Mary Ann and Nick Scaccia
Lauren Scaccia
Antoinette and Sally Scarpa
Jean Scarrow
Heather Schaefer
Gary Schanman
David Scharfstein
Robert Schecterson
Jonell Schlund
Mike Schott
Debra Schreiber
Jeff and Lindsay Schultz
Mitchell and Melva Schwartz
Barry and Laura Schwartz
Deann Scott
James Seavatt
Jackie Secor
Henry Seesselberg
Maggie Segall
Stephanie Seifert
Jeffrey Selden
Marcia and Joel Selden
Gina Senfy
Adela Sering-Fojas
Alan Seslowsky
Gregg Sessa
Mayur Shah
Anvi Shah
Bill and Carolyn Sharpe
Terence, Lori, Amanda and Emily Shea
Shears of Elegance Salon, Inc.
Micah Sherrod
Lauren Sherwin
Manish Sheth
Keri Shields
Team Shoffner
Robert and Stephanie Shuler
Sherry Shulman
Anita Siegal
Alan Silverman
Steve Silvestri
Marivic Simera
Jonathan Simon
Aaron and Lauren Singer
James Sizemore
Jonathan Skelcher
Danielle and Marianne Skipski
James Slocum
Ed and Vicki Slotnick
Carleene Slowik
Harry J. and Claire M. Smith
Charles Smith
Susan Smith
Shannon Smith
Marjorie Smith
David Smith
Christine Smith
Donald Snider and Cissy Travis
Dale Soldevila
Dion Song
Nicholas Sotos
Morton and Margaret Soule
Renee Spell
Robert Spellman
Joan Spittle
Reece Spivack
The Sprengel Family
Bob and Carolina St. Pierre
Alexandra, Lisa and William Stack
Susan Staley
Lori Stallings
Lynn, Rob, Sam and Allie Stark
Elaine Stash
James Stearns
Karen Stedman
Victor Stegman
Connie and Richard Stein
Melanie Stella
David Stephanoff
Vivian Sterling
Kristin and David Stetler
Jeffrey Stevens
Barry Stevens
Karen and Roger Stevens
Karen Stevenson
JoAnn Stewart
Joanne Stinson
John Stoya
Joanne Struzziery
Bill and Jean Stuart
Martha Stuart
Quint Rishy and Mallory Studer
Gary Studley
Marsha and Timothy Styler
Suburban Neurologists, S.C.
Michael Sullivan
w w w. ba found. org \ 19
2011 Donor Honor Roll
Caitlin, Ann and Bob Sullivan
Ronald Sullivan
Carol Sipe Summit Consulting, Inc.
Michael Sunog
Donald and Marie Sutherland
Christopher Swahn
Bradley Swillinger
Amy Swirsky
Marilyn Sygrove
David Sykes
Masy Systems, Inc.
Sharon Tahaney
Tooru Takeuchi
JoAnn, Alexandra, Dominick
and Anthony Tardugno
Sandy Tau
Laura and Ashley Taylor
Daniel Taylor
Donald and Marlene Taylor
Stacy and Randall Taylor-Waybright
Sandra Teaberry
Seltzer Team
Annie Teillon
The Bells and The Peters
The Hearing Doctors, Inc.
The Peter and Caroline Striano
Foundation, Inc.
The Research Foundation of State
University of New York
Marilyn Thiede
Justin Thomas
Scott and Lesley Thomas
Thomas Scientific
Andrew Thorpe
Kenneth Tibbitts
Marc Ticzon
Alice and Kenneth Tiedemann
Mary and Lawrence Tierney
Beth and Sandy Timen
20 \ The Brain Aneurysm Foundation
Tiny and Sons Glass
Jarod Titleman
Les Titus
Elena Tkachenko
Sheldon Tobe
Rochelle Tobin
Carole Toffales and Family
Joan and Jim Tonra
Craig Torrie
Victor Tracy
Frank and Pat Trapasso
Tricia Tribou
Yigal Tropp
Nina Tsakadze
Marj and Paul Tucker
Brett Tucker
Francis and Martina Tully
Darin Turski
Meaghan Tuttle
Sylvian Hien Ung
Judy Unger-Clark
Heidi Uptegrove
Lisa Utasi
Molly Vacura
Maria and Victoria Valanzano
Michele Vallor
Andrew Van Bergen
Steve Van Dyke
Bill and Ruth van Dyke
Steven, Richard and Karen Vinson
Assunta Vivolo
Catherine and Richard Voci
Lenore and James Vogel
Karen L. Vrabel
Keiko Wada, DMD
Koichi Wago
Wake Heart and Vascular Associates, PA
Catherine AnneWalsh
Ian Warburg
Ira Warshaw
Mario Washington
Hiroyuki Watanabe
John Watts
Jeff Watts
David and Elayne Weener
William, Louise and Joshua Weiand
Kenneth, Molly, Peter and Luke Weiand
Barbara and Alan Weichselbaum
Michael Weiss
Alan and Vicky Weisz-Tomkins
Dieter Weller
Heather Wenger
Tamara Wenning
Sharon Wessler
Jean Marie and Mac Wesson
Megan Westerfield
Westmoreland Construction Co., Inc.
The Cscl Audit Team Wfas
Jennifer Whalen
Paul and Charlotte Whelan
Tom and JayneWhite
Brad and Julie-Ann White
Angel Wiggin
Denise Wilbur
Cory Will
Kathy Willert
Brandy and Timothy Williams
Deborah Williams
Kevin Williams
Elizabeth Williams
Winchester Lodge No. 1977
Tracy Wind
Max Wintermark
Karin Wolfe
Greg Wood
Thomas Wood
Peter Worrall
Deborah Wright
Rob and Nancy Wright
Max Wunderle
Bruce Yarwood
Dewees Yeager
Helena Yoder
Cathy Yoon
William Young
Rodney Young
Donald Zamborsky
Steven Zamsky
George and Theresa Zardas
Cathy Zardas
Diane Zinn
Cliff and Gina Zmick
Lisa Zoeller
Anthony Zuzio
Circle of Friends, $50 - $99
Ferdie and Marie Dizon
AAA East Central
Joyce Ackerman
Kimberly Acuesta
Bonnie and William Adams
Steven Adlow
Linda Affhalter
Jerry and Karen Agrusa
Caitlin and Gillian Ahern
Patricia Ainslie
Kristy Ainsworth-Redding
Tracy Aisenbrey
Giuseppe Alagna
Charlene Aldenese
Rachel Alerte
Hillary Alger
All Storm Solutions, Inc.
Leila Allam
Nicole and Stacey Allen Briahna Becker
Beth and Peter Alois
Tara Alonso
Jessica Alter
Phyllis Altman
Victoria and Jose Alvarado
Joseph and Teresa Amandola
Sue Amato
American Legion Post 39 Inc.
Gus Anagnostopoulos
James and Sharon Andersen
Kate Anderson
Susan Anderson
Siobhan Anderson
Joseph Anderson
Patricia Anderson
Katie Anderson
Felicia Angevine-Richardson
Carol Arnold
Erin Arnold
Susan and Jerry Aronson
Richard Aronson
Charles and Nancy Artesani
David Asher
Bernice and Lester Asher
Walter Astudillo
Leah Athanasiadis
Antoinette Attoh
Robert Austin
Kathy Aven
Marceline Ayres
Bob Azevedo
Alicia Azulay
Musibau Babalola
Elizabeth Backes
Tony Badway
Patrick and Antonia Bagarozza
Debra Bank
Charles Bankard
Bar Environmental, Inc.
Leonard Barbera
Andrea Bardavid
Gloria Barletta
Kevin Barlow
Pinak Barot
Thomas and Julie Bartus
Richard Bartus
Michael and Nancy Baruch
Sanna Bashor
Sebastino and Joanne Basile
Cara and Amy Batky
Jeanne, Steven and Samantha Battline
Lisa Baute
Elizabeth Baxter
Ronald and Dorothy Bayers
Chris and Stephanie Baynes
Stephanie Bayt
Melanie and Jessica Bean
Dana Beard
Carol Beaver
Debra Beck
Anita Beck-Williams
Elena and David Becker
Eric Beckett
Jeanne and Heather Becvar
Megan, Heather,
Jeanne and Glenn Becvar
Lesley Bellanca
Pat Bellanca
Rose Bellantuono
Mary Ann Bellino
Sheryl Bennett
Rebecca Bennick
Nancy Beren
Susan Berenson
Mathew Bergman
Elaine and Jerry Beringhause
Gregory Berk
Nancy and Bernard Berkman
Howie Berman
Dick Bernhard
Thomas and Francesca Berry
Laura Berry
Eileen and Jim Bertie
Kristen Bessette
Usha Bhatt
Roshni and Omkar Bhatt
Flora Biehl
Richard Bienenfeld
Vim Bikoko
Daniel Birk
James and Michelle Birkett
Merwick Black
Dawn Blakeslee
Allison Blinn
Jamie Blom
Roselee Blooston
Tina Blumberg
Alvin and Regina Blunker
Ellie Blute
Richard Bock
Stephen Boddy
Maggie Bodkin
James Boehler
Dan Boggia
Sandy Bogner
Daniel Bolandrina
Annamaria and Michael Bonacorsa
Jennifer Bonnette
Joanna Booth
Carol Anne Bootle
Janine Borchardt
Elizabeth Borchert
Debra Borgio
Meredith Borland
Jay Borok
Frank and Lisa Bosse
Raylin, Bradley and Jennifer Bowe
Marcus and Carole Bowen
Catherine and Gerald Bowman
Doug Bowser
Bruce and Barbara Boyd
Alicia Boykn
Tara Bradbury
Neal Brahmbhatgt
Markand Reshma Brahmbhatt
Dipak and Nilam Brahmbhatt
Millie, CB, Meena,
and Aakar Brahmbhatt
Michelle Bramwell
David Brand
Brooke Brandjes
Renee Braun
Richard and Diana Brehm
Laura and Jim Brennan
Maureen Breslin
M.J. Breu
Aidan Brewster
Elizabeth Bride
Kenneth Bridge
Ellen Briggs
Stephen and Nicole Brisotti
Jane Brody Koenke
Julia and Bruce Bronge
Andie Brooks
Margaret M. Brower
Paul Brower
Robert and Julie Brown
Heather Brown
David, Mary and Sue Bruscino
Jane Bryson
Judith Bucher
Rita Buckles
Joseph and Patricia Buckley
Paul Buckley
Patricia Buker Nicolulis
Maureen Burke
Francis Burke
Franklin Burn
Julie Burrow
w w w. ba found. org \ 21
2011 Donor Honor Roll
Kimberly and Jo Ann Bussa
Joseph Butler
Joanna Byington
Judy and Herman Byrnes
Elizabeth Caddick
Marlene Calderon
Gail Calma
Ruth Calman
Melissa Calvo
Ivonne and Miguel Calzadilla
Kristine Calzadilla
Kristin Calzadilla-Rauss
Anthony Campenni
Meagan Campolong
Joseph and Denise Cangelosi
Madeline Cangemie
Lisa Canonge
Margaret Cantrell-Wilson
Gary Caparco
Christine and Kevin Capizzi
Franco Capogna
Anna Capoziello
Annemarie Capuano
Jeffrey Cardinal
Ian Cariolo
Michael Carlson
Eleanor Carmody
Kim Carone
Maureen Carpenter
James Carpenter
Leslie Alexis Carrabis
Thomas and Dzwinka Carroll
Karen, Christopher and Ellie Carten
Meaghan Casey and Sean McEwan
Richard Cashman
Joanne Cashman
John Cassano
Nicole Cassano
Rocco Cassarino
22 \ The Brain Aneurysm Foundation
Joanne Cassidy
Ellen Cassidy
Kate Cassidy
Juanito and Julieta Castillo
Jeannie Castro
Paul, Jenn and Matty Catanzaro
Dominick and Susan Cavallo
Richard Cavanaugh
Center for Childhood Development
Jennifer Cepeda
William and Diane Cerniglia
Amelia and Philip Chadwell
Craig Chadwick
Kathy and Brad Chapman
Jeff Charme
Debbi Chase
Regan Checchio
Peter Chestney
Justin, Marylynne, Phil
and Danielle Chiera
Gerie Christoforatos
Tom Ciardiello
Mike Ciardiello
Irene Ciardiello
Hayley and Derek Cimler
Joseph Cirigliano
Thomas and Noreen Clark
Pat Clark
Meghan Clarke
Kim Clarke
Kurt and Barbara Clasen
Monica Cline
Erin Cloherty
A. Cnockaert
Jill and Bill Cobb
Patricia Coburn
Meghan Coen
Yocheved Cohen
Erin Cohen
Scott Cohen
Brendan Cohn
Fred Cohn
Wendy Cohn
Colby Fire Protection, Inc.
Sara Coleman
Gail Collins
Paul Collins
Thomas Comar and M. Lee Perkins
Bluecross Blueshield Of Western NY
Kim Connelly
Mark W. Connolly
Jordyn, Lucas and Emmy Connors
Nancy Connors
Lorraine Consigli
Heidi Conway
Courtney and Nancy Cook
Catherine and John Cooley
James Coopey
Diane Corbett
Daniel Cornwell
Chris Cosgrove
Robert Cosler
Costello Photography
Thomas Costigan
Jamie Cottingham
Anne Couchon
Sarah Coulam
Maria Courtney
Thomas Coyle
Meryl Craig
Barbara Crawford
Yvette and David Crockett
Mary Crockett
Dennis and Cynthia Crowe
Christine Cruz
Shanae Cuffy
Danielle and Cathie Cukar
Anthony Cuomo
Charles Curiano
Dennis and Linda Cuzzo
Joe Dagostino
Marie Dambrose
Tal Danan
Cade Daniel
Josh Daniel
Koralynn Dark
Jean Dary
Joan DaSilva
David Davenport
Isabel David
Jeffrey Davis
Maureen Davis
Robert Davis
AJ and Judith De Luca
Steven Dean
Mike Debrossy
Christine Debrossy
Carolyn and Jim Decatur
Julie Deck
Janice DeFelice
Cindy Defino
Darren DeGioia
Joanne Delaney
Paul and Karen Dell
Erin DellaBarca
Nicholas Demasi
Stacy Denison
Claire Dente
Bob Dermody
Deb and Jason Dernier
Michael Derricks
Kevin Desai
Roopa and Luv Desai
Avinash and Nitina Desai
Deepak Desai and Susma
Dino DeSanctis
Patrick and Frances DeSouza
Josephine and Karen DeStefani
Joseph and Judith Destefano
Ronald and Melissa Deutsch
Richard Devery
Edward Devlin
Kristin and Frank Dewey
Phil and Bev Dicenzo
Katherine Dickie
Rebecca Dickson
Jeanine Difiore
Vicky DiGesu and Chris Clotsos
Donna Dillon
Kerry and Jordyn Dilorenzo
Katie Dilts
Alfred Dion
Daniela Disalvo
Laura DiSangro
Robert Divincenzo
Pontea Dixon
Bohdanna Dobrowolsky
Jennifer Dobruck Lowe
Yvonne Doherty
Uncle Vince and Aunt Sue Domino
Kathleen Donnett
Bonnie Donohue
Christian Donovan
Debra, John and Billy Donovan
Marisa Donovan
Caitlin Dooley
Teri Doolittle
Jemmie, Joanne and Michael Dorfman
Michaela Dostalova
Paul and Ann Douglas
Logan Douglass
Debbie Dow
Nancy Downey
Lois and Mike Downey
Erin and Catherine Doyle
Rena Drezner
Carol Driscoll
Frances Drozdowicz
Kelly Drummond
Robert Drury
Linda and Nancy Dube
Jenna Dubeau
Eric Dubiner
Kim Ducasse
Dudek Family
William and Susan Dugdale
Rebecca Dunn
Jean Dunnell
Linda Durakis
Kelly Dwight
Joanne and Family Dwyer Family
Leonard and Pamela Dyke
Jeffrey Eads
Lori and Ralph Eagen
Linda Early
Marlene Eckert
Scott Eddy
Tuuli Edwards
Gina Efstathopoulos
Pamala Egan
EH&S Office at University at Albany
Lisa, Richie, Mikey and Bradley Ehrlich
Helen Eichler
Tom Eickenberg
Melanie Eisenberg
Lauren and Joanne Eisenberg
Kate and Scott Elengold
Tineke Elgersma
Don, Danielle and Hannah Ellett
Phyllis Ellis
Sharon Ellis
Bradley and Stacy Ellis
Jo Engel
Marilyn Engelman
Ciara Ennis
Lynsey Eppeneder
Margaret Epperson
Robert Eramian
Jennifer Esposito
Esposito Family
Isabel Estrella-Sindoni
Marilyn Evans
Sarah Evans
Sharron Evans
Mary Eveland
Janemarie and Jon Everett
Nyan Fackelman
Julie Fagan
Evan Fairbanks
Lucia Falco
Melissa Famiglietti
Krawec Family
Louise Fanning
Christopher Fantl
William Faranda
William Farrell
Ellen Farrell
Kyle Fatzinger
Jim Favreau
Marcia and Phillip Fayhee
Paula Fazio
Rosemarie Federico
Sherrie Feffer-Thoman
Edgar and Elaine Feldman
Patricia Feldstein
Edward Feller
Betty Ferencik
Paul Ferguson
Kyle Ferguson
Susan Ferno
John Ferrante
Alexis Fertig
Steven Fiandola
Kelly Fickus
Michael Finazzo
Mary Finch
Susan Finch
Joanne Finegan
Susan and Jay Finn
V. Fischer
Tim Fisher
Kim Fisher
Dawn Fitzgerald
Christine Flacks
Ronald Flechsig
Richard Fleming
Gerry Flibbert
Gretchen Flynn
Gerald and Mary Flynn
Colleen Focht
Douglas and Lina Maria Folsom
Nancy Folsy
Shelly Fornwalt
Tanya Forrester
Paul Forte
Rosie Foster
Fouch & Son Pharmacy
Nell Fouts
Lara Francis
Patti Frank
Jessica Frattura
Robin and Janice Frazer
Barbara and Jim Freedman
John and Lisa Freedman
Fran and Mark Freeman
Josef and Georgette Fridman
James Friederich
Amy Friedland Abrahams
Wendy and Kenneth Frost
Barbara Fruehwirth
Marc Frydman
Ralph and Colleen Frye
Kristin Fullerton
w w w. ba found. org \ 23
2011 Donor Honor Roll
Steve and Marsha Funk
Doreen Fussman
G.P. Messer & Company, P.C.
Gaetan Gagne
Lisa Gallagher
Denis Gallagher
Tom Gallagher
Karen Gallant
Gereese Gambino
Susan Gamble
Dawn and Chris Gambler
Vandana Gandhi Patel
Edward and Cindi Gant
Jason Garbis
Steven Garms
Nicholas Garramone
Aleigh and Bill Garrecht
Jenna Garrow
Kim and John Garrow
Rob Garvey
Anne and Kevin Gasperich
Deborah and Richard Gasser
Michael Gately
Ruthann Geary
Susan Geisler
Betsy George
George J. Weiner Associates, L.L.P
Theresa and Buddy Georgens
Lee Gerbe
Robbie Gierie
Raymond and Lynda Gietz
Michael Gilarde
Joan Gilbert
Elizabeth Gilkinson
Michael Gilkinson
Heather Gillis
Jerald and Leslie Goldfine
Beth Goldklang
Lisa, Kayla and Ariana Goldklang
24 \ The Brain Aneurysm Foundation
Michael Goldrosen
Cheryl Goldstein
Laura Gonser
Elaine and Jerry Goodman
Meg Goodwin
Andrew Gottlieb
Thomas Goundrey
Jessica Graichen
Shannon Grant
Debra Grant
Kevin, Kathy, Kaitlyn
and Colleen Grasing
Lenore and John Grazioso
Richard Grealish
Great Island Sunshine Fund
Donald and Susan Greenberg
Mark Greenberg
Eugene Greenberg
David Greenberg and Alison MacDonald
Nicholas Greene
Michael and Terry Greene
Erin Greenwald
Erin Gregg
Becky Lynn Grey
Kathy Grier
Gail Griffey
Gordon Griffin
Blaine and Denise Griffin
Michelle Griffith
Patrice Groux
Cathy Guidetti
Judy Gullage
Nathan Gunner
Holly Guttu
Joanne Hadjiyane
Frank Haggerty
Jack and Barbara Haines
Jim and Terry Haines
Ashley and Stephen Haines
Steven and Peggy Halayko
Jim Hall
Anna Hama
Aubrey Hamilton
Saara Hanaro
Gail, Patrick, Shauna and Papa Hannigan
Kevin and Barbara Hannon
Sharon Hanover
Louise Hanscom
Lucile Hanscom
Amy Hansen
Samantha Hansen
Renee Hantz
Mark and Vicky Harden
Brian Harder
Peter Hardin
Roberta Hardy
Richard Harrigan
Tamara Harrington
Jerry, Alice, Charlene Harris
Sue Hart
Andrew Hartman
M Colleen Hartnett
Elizabeth Harvey
Danielle Hatfield
Deirdre Hawkins
William Hayward
Mary Beth Healy
Jessica Heath
Joseph Hedges
Janet Heffner
Deborah Hegarty
Jessica Heid
Maureen Heimbecker
Tia Hellriegel
Henry Henriksen
Kelly Hermann
Anna Hernandez
Eulen Hernandez
Lupita Hernandez
James and MaryAnn Hernon
Jo Ann Hetherington
Dan Higgins
Barbara Hightower
Mary Lynn Hill Frey
Bill Hirst
Elizabeth, Mark, Lindsay and Liz Hobbs
Crystal and Pau Hodgdon
Robert Hodge
Randi Hoehl
Tom, Betsy and John Hoey
Judy and Kelsey Hogan
Lorraine Holbrook
Patrick Holland
Jacqueline Hollywood
Colin Holmes
Cleveland Holmes
Ann Holzknecht
Edyie and Jesse Honaker
Sheri Hone
Theresa Hopf
Kenneth and Barbara Hornback
Mark Horner
Wendy Hosking
Nancy Houghton
Ann Houston
Angela Howell
Carrie Hoye
Dorothy Hoyt
Natalie Hsieh
Elizabeth Hudson
Vince Hulbert
Toni Hurton
Craig Hutchison
Kay Hutmacher
Brian Hyde
Mark and Pamela Hyer
Carl Hyman
Allison Iacullo
Ann Iafrate
Beverly Igo
Danielle Illfelder
ING Financial Services LLC
International Womens Club
Dianne and Joseph Iorio
Robert Irving
Terri Isenor
JA JD Enterprises, Inc.
Sheila and OrryJacobs
Ellyn Jacobs
James Jacobs
John Jedd
Antoinette Jedd
Mary Jensen
Lisa Jensen
Dorcas Jepson
John Jessop
Tricia Johnson
Mary Johnson
Tim Johnson
Laurie and Perry Johnson
Rob Johnston
James Jones
Katrina and James Jones
Lindsay and Bryan Jones
Marilyn and Gary Jones
Jeff Jopes
Sue-Fawn Jull
Wayne, Grace and Ann Jung
Eileen Jurevis
Neha and Neelum Kamalia
Kamel Kamel, MD
Gerrit Kamp
Uri Kanovsky
Ruchi Kansara
Douglas Kaplan
Corie Kaplan
Nancy and George Kappeler
Roger Kaprielian
Dr. and Mrs. Barry Karas
Kate Kardonsky
Kevin and Julie Karpes
Margery Katzenberg
Adrianne Kauder
Raj and Manjeera Kavuru
JC Kawalec
Andrew Kay
Carol Keating
Colleen Keating
Maureen Keeler
Gerd and Astrid Keller
Tommy and Lois Kelly
Susan Kelly
Danielle Kelly
Brooke Kelly-Bones
Catherine and Frank Kempski
Jennifer Kempski Gregg
Christopher Kendall
Grace, Steven, Brian, John and
Matthew Kennedy
Michael Kennedy
Susan and Brian Kenney
Sue and Barry Keno
Robert Kenyon
Andrew Kerr
Bridget Kerrigan
Charles and Karen Kerstetter
Kelsey Kessler
Deb Kessler
Kelly Kettlewell
Ejaz and Saba Khan
Sajeel Khan
Dalinda H. Killackey
Stephanie Kim
Joseph Kim
Mickey Kimpel
John and Virginia Kinahan
Melinda Kiracofe
Bob and Gail Kirsch
Krista Kiser
Nina and John Klag
Margo Klar
Richard Klein
Donna and Doug Kluepfel
Knights of Columbus #7608
Carolyn Knisely
Brian Kohn
Daniel and Greg Kopanski
Keith and Mary Kopczynski
Steven and Erin Korinek
Patricia Kornobis
John Kornobis
Monica Koshuta
Susan Kotas
Shital Kothari
Kimberly Kowalski and Tony Spitznagel
Patricia Kozemchak
Anthony and Susan Kozlowski
Evelyn and Howard Krause
Julie Krug
Frank and Concetta Krulish
Eric Krupski
Nancy Kruzel
Katie and Brian Kulak
Rich Sheila Kuplicki
Robert Kutzer
Ralph, Hope and Marry La Magna
Rafael Laboy
Monica Lacerra
Brooke Laffey
Philip and Barbara Laino
Meaghan, Caela and Dimitri Lakios
Christine Lam
Carrie and Peter Lamont
Landscaping by Lee, LLC
Christina Lang
Robert and Barbara Lantzy
Beth, Amanda and Richard LaPointe
Marcia Larson
Voula and Chris Lascarides
Cesar Laucam
Brad and Lisa Lawson
Don Lay
Svetislav Lazich, MD
Sheila Leach
Jen Leary
Robert and Carol LeBeau
Michael and Nancy Leblanc
Toni LeBlanc
Pete and Kerry LeBlanc
Mike, Jas and Brandon Lee
Linda Lee
Kristine Lee
Caitlin Leman
Morgan Lemen
Joan Lenard
Rita Lennerton
Jennifer Leo
Jennifer, Suzann and Frank Leone
Kristen and Dave Lesser
Joan Levenite
Joan Levin
Lisa and Richard Levine
Kelly and Jim Levins
Robert and Diane Lewis
Matt and Veronica Libke
Nancy Lichtle
Martha Licon
Linda Lilly
Susan Limber
Heather Lindell
Samuel Lindenberg
Andrew Lindsay
w w w. ba found. org \ 25
2011 Donor Honor Roll
Sandy Lisi
Emily Listfield
Annie Liu
Sheila Llewellyn
Katie Loehr
Claudia Loker
Jaclyn Lomax
Londeree Family
Long Island Heart Association
Kerri Longo
Tracy Lopez
Stephanie Lorenz
Maureen Lorenz
Nancie Louden
Maureen Loughery
Graeme Loughlin
Kevin Louie
Rachelle Louis
Eco Yogurt Lounge
Madeline Lowe
Joan and Dick Lowe
Christie Lowensten
Melissa Lozada
Mary Luce
Susan Luhr
Luis Ferrer, Inc.
Barbara Lum
Aniela Lupien
Thuytien Ly
Phyllis Lybarger
Thomas and Janet Lydon
Kelly Lyles
Edward Lynch
Daisy and Rod Macadaeg
Christopher and Morgan Macbean
Bruce MacDonald
Diane, Tom and Cagney Macdonald
Denise Mackey
Patrick Macri
26 \ The Brain Aneurysm Foundation
James MacVarish
Susan and Gregory Madden
Michael Madden
Coco Mademoiselle
Zoe Magiros
Therese and Valente Magro
Christine Maher
Martha Mahoney
Mark and Jennifer Maiorano
Ronak Majmudar
Janet and Sarah Malate
Danny Malett
Karl Malkoff
William and Lois Maloney
Nonong and Giselle Manalili
Dawn Mancuso
Lisa Maniatis-Fitting
Rachel Mann
Nicole and Shaun Manseau
Wireko Manu-Tawiah
Tara Marangos
Deborah and Joseph Marani
John and Linda Marcic
Marsha Marcus
Dr. and Mrs. Phillip Markowitz
Samantha and Sue Marnell
Erika and Stephen Marquis
Christine Marre
Bill and Ginny Marsh
Maureen Martini
Dora Masciave
Geraldine Massey
Rich Massong
Michael Matheson
Lori Matson
Teresa Mattson
Jeanie Mattson
William and Barbara Mau
Lissa and Paul Mauksch
Adria Maurer
Kemberly Mauricio
E. Martin Mazza
Kim Mazzei
Christine McBain
Michael and Elizabeth McCabe
Noreen and James McCabe
Jean McCann
Brian McCarthy
Polly McCarthy
Connor McCarthy
Amy McConnell
Robin and John McCormack
Mary McCormick
Mary Mccullough
Frances McCusker
Sharon McDermott
Sandy, Jim, Jayme
and Whitney McDonald
Lillian McDonald
Lisa McDuffie
George and Karen McGary
Dennis and Mary Ann McGlynn
Martin McGrath
Shannon McGuigan
Sally McGuire
Stephen and Mary Ann McIntosh
Sharon McIntosh
Eileen McKenna
Tim, Kathleen, Brendan,
and Erin McKenney
J. Lee and Jean McKenney
Brian McKeon
Wayne McKinney
Luke McKinnon
Dianne McLaughlin
Grace McLoughlin
Anita McMillan
Nancy McMinn
Jessica McNulty
Kalem and Ashley McRae
Patty and Trevor McWhite
Paul and Brooke Mead
John and Leslie Mears
Kate Mees Graham
Jan Meesey
Navin Mehta
Evan Melluzzo
Katy Mercurio
Bianca Merlos
Susan Merrill
Gary Mesnick
Eric Meunier
Margo and Ian Michel
William Michels
Tina Mickles
Craig and Susan Middleton
Pamela Miera
Stefanie Milch
Hedy and Michael Milgrom
Michael Miller
Carol Miller
Stuart Miller
Lee Miller
Marybeth Miller
Jessica Miller
Francine and Bill Miller
Todd and Suzanne Miller
Karen Mills
Steve and Misun Min
Jennifer Minogue
Javier and Marisol Miranda
Missouri One Call System, Inc.
Lorraine Mistretta
Melanie Mitchell
Laura Mohr
Marcia Moisa
Elise Molner
Joe and Rose Monaco
Kathleen, Joseph and Joseph Monahan
Monet Graphics, Inc.
Florence and Jose Montalvo
Sergio Monteiro
Steven Moon
Lisa Moon
Lauren Mooney
Thomas Moore
Catherine Moraitakis
Donna Morano
Maria Moreschi
Christopher Morey
Susan and Howard Morgenlander
Claire and Daniel Morin
Lisa and Dave Morra
William and Barbara Morrison
Lynette Morrison
Denise Morrison-Rose
Rian and Lauren Morrissey
Meghan Mosca
Anita Moses-Parker
Kimberly Mosley
Eileen Mouradian
John Moynihan
MRA Laboratories, Inc.
Irene Mueller
Judy Mulcahy
Paul and Kathy Mullen
Joy and Anthony Mullin
Joan, Erin and Christine Murphy
Kathy Murphy
Tom and Lisa Murphy
Susan and Hanlon Murphy
Amy Murphy
Sandra A Murray
Megan Murray
Anthony Musarra
Karyn Myers
Arlene and Melvin Myrick
Ed and Ellen Nadeau
Paul Naoili
Christine Nardi
Helene and Larry Natinsky
Karen Navin
Diane Nayor Harrison
Tim Neal
Tom and Karen Nealis
Vicki Neeb
Beth Nelson
Janet and Dwight Nelson
Geneieve Nelson
Kevin Neumann
Allison Nicklous
Vincent and Maureen Nicolosi
Patricia Nock
Thomas and Carol Nolan
Mark and Stacey Nolan
Kevin and Lisa Noonan
Paul and Cathy Norman
Eileen Norton
Brenna O’Brien
John and Tiffany O’Connor
Wendy O’Connor
Nicole, Pamela and Michael O’Donnell
Kathy O’Hehir
Deb and Tom O’Reilly
Brehan O`Brien
Genevieve and Laurie O’Brien
Joe O’Connor
Robert and Karen O’Connor
Nora O’Gorman
Kathryn O’Shea
Lisa Oakley
Nancy Graham Ogne
Holly Ohs
Jose Olaguez
Halina and Karol Olszynski
Beth and Steve Onslager
Brenda Onstead
Scott Orloff and Art Dominguez
James Osborn
Arny Osei
Marianne and Jeff Osikowicz
Lisa Ossola
Betty Ossola
Ann OSullivan
Sally Owen
Jim and Debbie Owen
Rachel and Sam Oz
Mary Ozek
Kim and Don Pace
Marsha Padwa
Thomas Paholsky
Patricia Palermo
Palestine Independent School District
Paul and Norma Palladino
Nancy Palmer
Denise Pamment
Dorothy Papsadora
Laurie Paquette
Brandi Parden
Jeff Park
Kenneth Parker
Anvesh Patel
Jigar Patel
Minal Patel
Mina H Patel
Panagiota Patlias-Arenas
Joyce Patone
Malcolm, Dianna, Christina,
and Alice Patterson
Randall and Sharon Patton
Millissa Patulak
Lindsey Paulus
Michael Paynotta
Ernest Peck
Pam Pellerin
Carol Perella
Donald and Carol Perkins
Jeffrey Perl
Kimberly Perron
David Perry
Tracy Perry
Terri Petell
Christelle, Samuel
and Yolette Petit-Homme
Lisa Petruccelli
Paul Petruccelli
David Petruccelli
Brian Phillips
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
of East Central Indiana, PC
J&C Picache
Jessica and Susan Piccolo
Carole Pidgeon
Danielle Pietropaolo
Achilles Piknis
Lisa Pinchover
Lori Pineda
Gayle Pinshaw
Jordan Pinsky
Adeline Pisacreta
Teresa Pistorino
Cheryl Pitman
Jackson Platsky
Elizabeth and Donald Pollock
Angela and Michael Pompian
Nellie Ponte
Gene and Ruby Pool
Jonathan Pope
Jacqueline Porter
Greta Posillico
Lauren, Patricia and Dominic Posillico
Jean and Paul Powers
Carly Press
w w w. ba found. org \ 27
2011 Donor Honor Roll
Renee Preston
Gigi Prete
Lisa Prettyman
Rebecca and Mike Prevost
Michael Prisciandaro
Karen Pritchard
John Pritchard
Robert, Denise, Anthony Prucha
Nikki Pugatch
Richard Pulliam
Amanda Pupillo
John and Polly Pyne
Dawn Pysarchik
Lois and Bob Quatrini
Rachel Quinlan
Kathy Quinn
Terry and Diane Quinn
Sean and Tyla Quirk
Nancy Raab
Stanleigh Rabin
Cyril, Lori, Max and Clark Radwin
Cyril Radwin
Gary and Elaine Raffaelli
Glenn Ragin
Sanjay and Neha Rana
Ada Raneri
Alison and Caroline Ratti
Janice Rattner
Jim Rau
Kamlesh Raval
Elmer Read
Katie Rector
Kathy Redelman
Jeff Reed
Reentry Unit & DOC Colleagues
Dave and Carlene Reid
James and Susan Reilly
Charles Reilly
Margaret Reilly
28 \ The Brain Aneurysm Foundation
Kristi Reilly
Reds and Danielle Reilly
Joanne and Frank Rella
Rexpro, Inc.
Gay and David Reynolds
Hilda Reynoso
Pamela Reznick
Linda Rezny
Agatha Rice
Ruth Rice
Dick and Betty Richard
Albert and Karen Richardson
Susan Richardson and Celine Boyle
Jill and TimothyRickard
Patricia Riddell
Ethel and Chuck Rigby
Sandi Ripczinski
Sandra Ripperbrown
Edward Ripple
Brian Rixon
Peter Roach
Dennis Roach
Victoria Roach
Judi and Alan Robinovitz
Carrie Rocha
Linda Rockwood
Carlos Roco
Michael and Meleah Rodriguez
Kim Roggeman
Frederick and Margaret Rooney
Elizabeth Rosales
Miguel and Nancy Rosario
Pam Rosenberg
Jamie Rosenman
Amy Ross
Hilary Rosser
Leon and Maura Roszyk
Lori and Jeff Roth
N. Rowsey
Sherry and Mike Rubin
Jamie Rubin
Yvette Rucker
Vanessa A Rudd Pca
Karen Ruff
Sharon Rugg
Kevin and Jennifer Rupnow
Jordan, Ella, Alexa Russell
Rosemary Ryan
Christine and Brian Rysko
Dan Saccotelli
Henry Sachs
Joseph Sachs
Mona Saltiel
Jennifer Saltzman
Richard and Catherine Samose
Rebecca Sampson
Barbara Samson
Sarah Samuelson
Charlie Sand
Brenda and Scott Sanderson
Tracy Sanft
Christine Sanguinet
Patricia Santamaria
Lurania Santo
Jorge, Christiane, Sean
and Melissa Santos
Christopher Sapp
John and Carole Saraceno
Angela Saralegui
Francine Sardone and Alison Brackman
Carolyn Saucier
Barbara Saulters
Carmela and Maria Sautariello
Tara Savage
John Sawyer
Silvia Maria Scalia
Dianna Scanlon
Ann Scanlon
James Scanlon
Angela Scarfield
Susan Schackart
Alice Schaub
Katherine Scheib
Phyllis, Michael, Hunter
and Jordan Scheiner
Teresa Scheuerer
Jacquelyn Schmidt
Greg and Angela Schmidt
Harry Schmidt
Gloria and Robert Schmitt
Laurie Schneider
Carolee and Sammi Schnittger
Robert Schultz
Merri Scott
Amy Scott
Seacost Business Services
Maria Searle
Frances Selby
Brett and Alicia Sematore
Andrew Sennett
Robert Serdy
Stephen Sesto
Savino Sguera
Letizia and Jack Shaffer
Deidre Shaffer
Sid and Sharon Shafran
Vibha and Ashvin Shah
Anish Shah
Nirav Shah
Ramesh and Veena Shah
Rupak Shah
Janet Shapiro
Sinead Sharkey and Gordon Bares
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Sharpe
Tamara, Easa and Chris Shatara
Mary Beth Shaughnessy
Katie Shaw
Vallory and Will Shearer
Anne Sheehan
Jessica Sheets
Wallace and Elaine Sheft
Abigail Sheridan
Fredye and Kenneth Sherr
Amit Sheth
Chetan and Swati Sheth
Neel, Anand and Niru Sheth
Helen Shiner
Gary Shinn
Kaitlyn Shinney
Anne and Paul Shinney
Angie Shoemake
Marlene Shoenfeld
Shumaker Williams, P.C.
Judie Sibell
Sheri Siegel
Lauren and Joe Siegel
Myrtle Sihon
Angelo Silecchia
Karen Silva
Melissa and Mike Silver
Erin Silverman
David Silverman
Harlan Silverstein
Joanne Simak
Shari and Mitchell Simon
Lori and Lloyd Simpson
Jessica Sims
Wendy Singer
Lisa Siniard
Erla Sipe
Rae Jean Sipes
Paul and Tillie Sisson
Kirsten Skelly
Jim, Joan, Matt and Lauren Skesavage
Nancy Skillman
Michael and Anne Skrebutenas
Sandra Skriba
Greg Slack
Michael and Mary Ellen Sloan
Amy Small
Raymond and Lisa Smart
Christine, Andrew, Steve
and Caitlyn Smialowski
Ken and Marilyn Smith
Julia Smith
James Smith
Natalie Smith
Carmen, Shelby and Andrew Smith
Juliann Smolinski
Gwenythe Snackey
Serena Snell
Kathy Snouffer
Deborah Sobczak
Frank and Charlene Sobie
Maryalice and Ronald Sobotka
Josh and Heidi Socash
Jeanine Socha
Marsha Sockol
Sue Ann Soll
Edward Sommer
Maryann and Philip Somontes
Heather Sorensen
Chris, Patricia and David Sorge
Jessica Spado
Pat and Anna Spain Nguyen
William and Lynn Spall
Michele Sparks
Paula Spear
Carolyn Spencer
Earl and Linda Spiegel
Suzanne Spizz
Lauren Sprengel
Evelina Springer
Austin Stack
Thomas and Mary Stack
Gretchen Stalb
Kathleen Stathis
Dianne and Larry Stearns and Family
Laura Steel
Jill Stevens
Paul and Doris Stevens
Thomas and Maureen Stevenson
Jeanne Stewart
Jim Stewart
Marilyn Stilphen
Virginia Stoops
Jennifer Stoops
Jennifer Stortz
Hugh Stott
Mark Strait
Suzi Strange
Sylvia Strauss
Cynthia Strickler
Michael Strob
Lauren Sucher
Sue and Dick Sulc
John and Judith Sullivan
Matthew Sullivan
Kerri Sullivan
Pamela Sullivan
Caitlin Sullivan
Michelle and Jason Sullivan
Ashley Sullivan
Jill Sumpter
Rosemarie Sumpter
Ruth Sundberg
Dema Sunshine Fund
Wayne and Joyce Surface
Teresa and Scott Svitek
Sweet Corn & More, Inc.
Joan Swenson
Ann Tackeff
Kathy, Jeff and Steve Takach
E. Tan
Salah Tanlay
Janice Taraskas
Mariann and Allison Tarburton
Joan Taylor
Justin Taylor
Jane Taylor
Don and Mary Jane Taylor
Ted and Sandy Taylor
Marlon and Les Taylor
Karen Taylor
Ray Taylor and Olivia Kelly
Kathryn L. Taylor-Urich
Roger Tedesco
The Discovery Tree
Prince Thomas
Gail Thomas
Caroline Thompson
Tom and Carol Thomson
Susan Thomson
John Thurrott
Georgette Tiedemann
Micah Timen
Jen Timilty
Brittney Tobin
John Toepher
Kelli Tokarczyk
Lois and Dale Tolf
Kathy Tong
Teresa Toohig
MaryBeth Torelli
Jaime and Norm Tosi and Vanaman
Veronica Tracey
Joe and Kim Tracy
Marie, Susanne and Hubert Travers
Barbara Trotta
Jonscott Turco
Joe and Susan Turkmen
Michelle Turner
Karen and Scott Twigg
w w w. ba found. org \ 29
2011 Donor Honor Roll
Marguerite and Michael Tylick
Jonnie Ulm
Joanne Ultang
Uncle Henry’s
United Transportation Union
Univerity of Illinois
Lisamarie and Nancy Vaccaro
Carolyne Valaitis
Steven Vales
Angel and Mirta Valladares
Bradley Van Nostrand
Mary Jo Vanloozen
James Vargas
Denise Vargas
Biju Varghese
Michael, Michelle and Taylor Varnum
Robert Vecchione
Richard and Taylor Verdi
Christina Vesque
Sonny and Tess Victoria
Laura Villani
Joana and Michael Vitelli
Coleman and Diane Volgenau
Joel Volterra
Marie Vukelich
Kim and Jacobi Wade
Wake House LLC
Joan Waldron
Cathy Wallace
Joseph Walsh
Joseph Ward
Aaron Watford
Judy Watson
Eileen Weaver
Susan Webb
Margaret Weides
Linda and Robert Weinowitz
Jay Weinstein
Harold and Sharon Weisbaum
30 \ The Brain Aneurysm Foundation
Joyce Weisenseel
Karen Weisman
Wellington Hills Service Corp.
Laraine Wessels
Harold and Jane West
Todd, Jan, Grey and Gavin Westfall
William Westrick
Lee Westrom
George Wetzell
Scott, Malcolm and Linda Whipkey
V.L. and W.S. Whitacre
Doriann White
Christopher White
Megan Whittaker
Eleane Wilder
Michael and Maureen Wildes
BB Wiley-Commisso
Whitney Williams
Nancy Williams
John Williams
Bob and Kathy Wills
Willy’s Burger Bar
Ann and Jerry Wilson
Doug Wilson
Brent Wilson
Linda Wimberly
Winchester Rotary Club
Katherine Wisdom
Billy Wisniewski
Kelly and Janelle Wojtczak
Lisi Wolf
Ilene Wolfman
Michael and Judith Wolov
Katherine Woodhouse
Irene Woodward
Jessica Wozinsky
Joan Wright
George and Gloria Yaede
John, Rachael and Kathy Yavorka
Jaynee, David and Emily Yehezkel
Jane Yoon
Vivian Zaffuto
Martha Zambrano Viravone
Karen Zander
Peter Zazzali
Alexis and Margaret Zeiser
Shari Zelin
Sandra Zerby
Theresa Zesiewicz
Rita and Kenneth Zielonis
Eroulia Zikos
Bob and Kathy Zimmer
Cheryl Zimmerman
Lauren Zimmerman
Jordan Zinn
Jeri Ziolkowski
Sharon and Saul Zion
Christine Zoeller
Neil and Shayna Zoltowski
Robert and Charlotte Zovistoski
Charles Zurhorst
Carolien Zwiers
Supporter, $35 - $49
Justine Abram
Barbara Ahola
Patti Angus
Wendy Armstong-Gibson
Greg Arnone
Asa’s Cabinetry
Corrie Baird
Jacki and Bruce Barron
Steve and Jennifer Beckjord
Robert Bermea
Roslyn Bernstein
Dolores Berry
Eileen Bettenhauser
Gioconda Bogle
Karen Boltey
Charlie and Suzanne Bond
Nicole Bonenfant
Ellen and Martin Borah
Catherine Bowman
Gene Bram
Jennifer and Scott Brandenburg
Liz and Mary Brilmyer
Jeremy Brown
Jeff Burnett
Billie Rae Busby
John and Yvonne Campbell
Cal, Carmine and Janice Cappelli
Andrew Carney
Dawn and Daniel Casey
Elaine Chang
Perry Charter
P.J. Cherrin
Susan and Nicole Cleary
Ellen Cohen
Julia and Scott Cooper
Linda Cover
Paul and Katherine Curtin
Marilyn Dare
Bev Darvin Cwerner
Mark DeCicco
Lisa Decourcy
Debbie Dempsey
Ashish Desai
Gerald Dicker
John and Carol Dietz
Stephen and Ann Doran
Nikki Douglas
Josephine Duke
Kaylee and Kimberly Dupree
Tiffanni Durham
Samara Enchin
Lori Everman
Michael Fakaros
Nicholas Falcone
Mark Farrell
William and Nicole Feldhues
Grant and Audia Felzien
Melanie Fisher
Theresa Fox
Jennifer and Harvey Friedland
David and Sheryl Friedlander
Tricia Furch
Laetten and Tayna Galbraith
Susan and Chick Glabman
Alyssa Glasser
Howard and Cindi Goldberg
Adrianne and Ron Golding
Jason, Gary and Marian Goldstein
Ellen and Julia Goldstein
Grace Greway
Abigail Hanrahan
Olivia Harris
Judi Heath
Christine Hermes
Lisa Hess
Sandi Hoffman
Hayden Jackson
Elizabeth Jamieson
Constance and Mariann Sanford Jordan
Sisa Jose
Joanne and Lauren Kanelos
Shelley and Norman Kaunitz
Kenneth and Colleen Kilbert
Jacob Kluger
Penelope Knippenberg
Thomas Kochevar
Diane Koram
Brenda Kratz
Deb and Rick Krosnick
Maripat Kwaczala
Megan and Matt Lake
Harpreet Lakhan
Susanne Langer
Marshall and Donna Lapidus
Arlen and Cece Lasinsky
Mariella Lebeau
Ira Levinsky
Stephen Lewis
Alma Lleras
Sara Lluberes
Christopher and Linda Loewer
Robert and Christine Loose
Rosalie and Maureen Macdonald
Nicole Maes Keating
Marybeth Magoffin
Louise Martin
Coralyn Mccauley
Samantha Mirenda
Lynda Mlynarski
Ida Moffett
Ashley Nikithser
Meredith Odato
Rosemary Ortega
Jeanae and Robert Osborne
Lauryn Ossola
Niyati Parikh
B. Michael Paschkes
Niki Passmore
Charlotte Patton
Mark and Monica Pelletier
Debbie Perry
Tina Petras
Patrick and Kim Pierce
Olga Plotnikova
Susie Porter
Lorenzo Pugliese
Sarah Ralutz
Carolyn and Ralph Reed
Linda and John Regenfuss
Ann Sutherland Ries
Margaret Riggs
Thomas and Regina Rios
Jean Robinson
Stephanie and Connor Roque
Wanda Rosen
Madison and Meagan Rowsey
Paula Ruderman
Noreen Russo
Caleene Ryan
Daniel and Debra Saffer
Kevin Sampson
Maurice Sauve
Shelly Schafer
Megan and John Scruton
Shawn and Sarah Sebesta
Shannon Sheley
Vern A`Dare Shoaf
Bobby Singh
Raymond and Christopher Smialowski
Samuel and Marybeth Smith
Helen Sorge
Suzette Soto
Jessica Sparks
Ted Stevens
Jason Stokes
John Story
Jessie and Henry Strout
Nancy Stults
Diane Stults
Kim Tate
Audrey Taylor
Susan Todd
Jaime Tosi
Keila Turner
Gregory Twiford
Lori and Omar Villegas
Maurice Volaski
Arielle Walrath
Lisa Warner
Mary Wegner
Weil Family
Jonathan, Michele and Mark Weis
Sally Weisman
Zev Wexler
Daniella Wexler
Susan Wiencek
Heather Williamson
Dorothy Wiseman
Cheryl Wiseman
David Wolf
Josiah Woodhouse
Edward Zbylut
Fredda Zuckerman
The Brain Aneurysm Foundation
strives to correctly recognize all donors.
We apologize in advance for any errors,
omissions or misspellings in this report.
Please call the foundation at 888-272-4602
with any corrections.
w w w. ba found. org \ 31
2011 In Kind Donors
he Brain Aneurysm
Foundation’s Mission
To provide support and educational
materials to the medical community,
the newly diagnosed, survivors, family
members, friends and the general public
regarding the facts, treatment options,
and recovery process for brain aneurysms.
With the help of the medical community,
remain steadfast and earnest in the pursuit
of brain aneurysm research that can directly
benefit those affected.
The Brain Aneurysm Foundation
Investment Partner, $2500 - $10,000
Mintz Levin
Betsy Riley
Major Partner, $500 - $2,499
Scott and Cheryl Campbell
Ken Lorey
Michael Osborne
Jay Rooney
Michael Suvalle,
New England Golf Guide
Worldwide Golf Vacations
Advancement Partner, $250 - $499
Boston Celtics
Boston Pops
Boston Red Sox
Charles Hotel
DeScenza Diamonds
Carlotta Geany
Granite Links Golf Course
Hotel Marlowe
Liberty Hotel
Omni Parker Hotel
Pinehills Golf Club
WXKS Radio Station
Partner, $50 - $249
AAA Southern New England
Back Bay Restaurant Group, Inc.
BJ’s Wholesale Club
Boston Duck Tours
Gail Butler
Callanan & Klein Communications
Captain John Whale Watching
Kim Cetrone Photography
Cheesecake Factory
Cohasset Harbor Resort
Eileen Connolly
Jennie and Pasquale De Marco
Dick’s Sporting Goods
East Bay Grill
Entertainment Cruises
F1 Boston
269 Hanover Street, Building #3, Hanover, MA 02339
Hawthorne Hotel
Holly Ridge
Keven and Shelagh Joyce
New England Revolution
Noche Restaurant
Rendezvous in Central Square
South Shore Music Circus
Ginny Tocci
Turner’s Seafood
Waterfront Enterprises, Inc.
Webb ProFitness
Brad and Julie- Ann White

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