J5 J6 J9 - ruc enterprises
J5 J6 J9 - ruc enterprises
OI]TBOAHD V TNffINU t6 v ;:z v t5 1. 2, 19-1000 The J5 may be found with various overshrouds, but in other respects is the same. (Illustrated with overshroud). The J6 is identified by the number 582'60900 stamped on the name plate. Manufaetured by CLIITITON ENGINES CORPORATION, Maquoketa, Iowa. Printed in U. S. A. s1358 sEcrroN x, otrfBoARDs J-SERIES ISTSUED JITNE, 1966 \0 \/ v uNr0il r, v Illustrated Parts List J-SERTES OUTBOARDS v Contents J5-1000 ..... *J6.1000 ....o v Poses 2-6 Pos es 7 -12 J9.1000 .oo.oposes t3-t8 * J6-1000 Serles wlll be ldentified by numbers 582-60900 (J0-1000)' 582-60940 (J6-1100), 582-60910 (J6-1101), 582-60941 (J6-1102) and 582-60920 (J6-1103), on identlflcatlon ptrate located on swlvel bracket. \# Manulactured \/ bY CLINTON ENGINES GORPORATION ,f,AOUOrErA, IOWA @306 Foru tS. Slt58-t Ditrt@ trs'u.!.1. BASIC PARTS LIST 15.1000 POWTRHEAD -t 95*l 127+. 6=[, V I *'' | w# @<- 54 @-135 oecar- 11 @-., lo r*Al I .r*r rns-osr I not Include I 0+40 I lDoes 5 70 \-/ I searins Plate I a I 80 ,Oa*@ 73-(Ot t4 * COMPLETE GASKET KIT 30 Not [8 B*g t 46o 35-e \/ nr--\ tl s-* o'offi b,,u -A Manufactued by CLIl{?OI{ EilGINES CORPORATION Maquoksta, loYa ,ffi 98 -91 134--€ 5o-*€ 2 \/ I \1" \) il l POWER HEAD PARTS T,IS'T Part Number ADAPTOR & MAG-IncI. No. \t I l Descrintion RETAINER-Wrist Pin ETIINER-c-ran[EEa-II- 2 RETAINER-R \./ BLOCK ASS'Y-CvIinder EW-Air Deflectors to \l SCREW-Cam Frietion Plt. to & Reed Vlv. to Reed ;r rl l GASKET-Carb. to Reed l il ti ,] GASKET-Float llowl Cover GASKET-Reed PIate to Block iJ ll il il ll LET NEEDLE & SEAT ASS'Y SHUTT il ll SPRING-Choke Friction Pin V SPRING-Main AdiustinE Screw 47. NUT & L'W ASS'Y-Tank & Shroud 49. Ass'v to Bearins Plate NUT-Hex. Terminal 1r STOP-Reed Valve STUD-Carburetor to Reed Plate 183 - 141 WASHER-Flat (Reed Plt. to Blk.) -Terminal Points r/ \t \/ \./ -lr PLATE-Reed Incl. No. ll9-124 WASHER.FIat RETAINER-Ring Recoil Pawl i BASIC PABTS LIST l5-1000 ]0UYIR Cot Util \1 , ,J""/(1, 60 BILLETIN NO.g SEE SERVICE t5 v o_32 42 !l-el $-sz 66 I ffir 64 oo 6 AT:. NT: ,*Nl .w 7 { G6-T- 47 ! sz*E V4 r TYPE B /\ U 27 149-65t P T.oWER COLUMN 7 e\ t ,i r-::J [Pb 38 COMR.ETE -ll iH; 32 \ L2 f,t'"' ' I Iib-, '-l *{ m-3 t58 kr-l c-63 e.l-e $h-\?* ---- ;:egffii11 \, Merdtclwtil bY CLINTO!| EilGIIIES CONFOBAT]ON lrrquclalr, lora r/ \a/ t I,oWER COLI'MN PARTS LIST \../ HOUSING ASS'Y-Gear (Incl. ReI. SPECIFICATIONS STROKE ---- 2 L/8 x l5/8 ------------------ 5.?6 . .O2O MAGNE"TO POINT SEf,TING -.--.--. SP.A,RK PLUG -----CJB Chempion .-.--...- .025 SPARK PLUG SETTING CARBT RETOR ------ Floet (TiUotson) CRANKSIIAIT Forged BEARINGS (Engtne) -- Needleena gaU BEARINGS (Gear Housing) ---------- Ollite Bronze STARTER ------- Becoll FUEL SYSTEM ---------cravtty treed BORE AI,{D DISPLACEMENT (Cu. In.) rUEL TANK CAPACITY GEAR RATIO 0 Plda PROPELLER TYPE ----- ther Ptn PROPELLER DIA. & PITCtr --..-. STEERINC - Sol 1{ ------ 18@ Plyot-Rlvcrlo Eouelng) -- SAE 0O --------- 1/{ Ptrt Motor Ollro one LUBRICANT (Gear rUEL MIXTLTRE @llon ol Rcgulrr G.!oUn. SPEED 8OO R. P. M. RECOMMEITIDED TULL TEROTT LE OPERATING RANGE {O(x) - 6(x)0 R.P.M. PEAK HORSEPOWER,----At 0800 B. P.M. 9a Lcvel IDLE Esrometer.t \c v .2I Wcedleat 7 .11/2 600 tr. MODET VARIAIIONS gEc. D(, OUTBOARD J5-1000 MODEL VARIATIONS ISSUED JT}NE. 1966 J5-1000 Oppostte each outboard model notes have been asslgned to cover part numbers requlred ln additlonto or lnplace of standardlnrts. SEE NAME PI.,AfE ON S\ilTVEL BRACKET TOR OUTBOARD MODEL 46-782 48-782 40-782 46-782 -t -1102 46-78?, Sd. Model 149-864 1 1 1 I 149-65{ 149-654 140-654 149-654 ir5-1104 J5-1105 J5-1108 J5-1107 J5-II5O 46-782 48-782 46-7; 46-782 46-782 2&3 2&3 4.5&8 4.5&6 2&3 149-654 149-654 I49-654 149-654 149-654 J5-1000 NOTES Note 1 Note 2 Note 3 Note 4 Note 5 Note I Use 259-706 Shroud and 20-233 Buahing Recoil Rope Guide. Use 157-438 Arm Control and 136-126 Sleeve Control Arm. Vse 277-480-500 Tank Aes'j, (2) 258-602 Screw (Bracket Support to Tank), 26:68? Bracket Support, 20-233 Bushing Snap, 269-749 Shroud (Lower llalf), (8) 304-632 Washer Flat, (4) 183-264 Nut - Speed (Tinnerman), 259-748 Shroud (Upper HaU), 304-628 Washer - Neoprene, 304-627 Washer - Felt, t?l-218 Knob (Shroud Retaining) and 265-259-500 Recoil Starter (Use Standard Recoil parts to servlcel. Use 215-460-500 Pl,ate - Ass'y Reed, 69-29 Elbow - Hose Connector, 121-191 Handle-Camying, 220-134-500 hrmp - Cover Ass'y, 293-146-500 BalI Check Ass'y, 69-191 Elbow Pump, 69-281 Elbow - FueI Llne, 263-317 Spring - Dlaphragm, 304-53? Waeher Diaphragm Spring, 220-132 Diaphragm - Ftret Pump, (3) 304-377 Washer f'lat, (3) 268-29 Screu,, (2) 158-25 (Line tr\rel and Impulse). Vae277-483-500 Houslng - Flywheel, 259-?60 Shroud and 20-233 Bushtng-Snap (Itope Gulde). Uee217-234-500 Tank Ass'y (Remote), 45-191 Cap - Fuel, 69-139-500 Etbolv Ptckup (Tank), 69-258-500 Connector and Catch Ass'y (Fuel Line End), (2) 158-375 Ltne FueI, 220-L20-500 Prlmer Rrmp Ass'y, and 259-760 Shroud. (, cL!1rTO1l r/. CORPOnATIOII EllclilEs rAclrofir loi \J , 0 / Prftrtod fn U.8,A. J6-IOOO BASIC PAIITS LIST & MODEL VARIAIIONS \6 wlll be identified by numbers 582-60900 (J6-1000), 582-009,10 (J6-1100), 582-60910 (J6-1101), 582-60941 (J6-1102) and 582-60920 (J6-1103), on identiflcation plate located on swlvel J0-1000 Serles bracket. Bf,SIC Pf,NTS LIST ,6.1000 SEARS NO. 582-00000 POWER,HEAD $+l )27+a O*r o=,:, 6.e.te \1 ( 88 4*@ z_.+o 75--.-e'F l@-,+@ rc-(D $.t .+REmtR 4l Krr I 4k* (-) llli Irr+-i-'R [7 I 72 " X[- /A* ../ J t' POWERHEAD PANTS LIST Ref . Part Number No. 15?-410 1. Descriptlon ACTUATOR-Recoil 16. and 17 1 , I 1 5 5 1 I CAM-Throttle rter m. EEL 94-404 I 1 i 1 1 1 I I1 i I i -Tank Plate NUI-Hex. Termina Float Lever 2 15- Y-Frict 65-500 ASS'Y-Recoil BtrSIC PANTS LIST J6-1000 SEARS NO, 582-60900 LoIVER COLUMN '"*fgg 5sri ih 35 f. 53 rtn 84+e\ -I 4 6;*E >-_.-l L_____ _ @*0 i3 r 84+c 42*C i rI il I ?6J I I I ,,_"lJ I \_ J I 49 ":,@' +l5A ,o*€> oe*€-) F i( Fp ro,fu_ [_.\ 59--rCl Sh,-r" Mfiuficllnd clrNroil b, Er{Grt{Es conPonATlotl Mrquol.tr, lor. 10 'SL:*, loutr ($util PARTS IIST !_. 4 I -r 'l- 40 4T SPECIFICATIONS ---- 2 vA x t S/A ------------------ 5. ?6 IGNTTION ----- High Tension Magneto . .O2O MAGNETO POINT SETTING ----.-.SPARK PLUG -----CJ8 Champion SPARK PLUG SETTING ------------- ---- ---- . 025 CARBIIRETOR ------ Float (Tillotson) CRANKSHAFT Forged BEARINGS (Engine) -- Needle and Ball BEARINGS (Gear Housing) ---------- Oilite Bronze STARTER ------- Recoil FUEL SYSTEM ---------Fuel pump BORE AND STROKE DISPLACEMENT (Cu. In.) + \ \,u -----------i 2 l/2 @llons L4 - 2I PROPELLER TYPE ----- Strear Pin - Semi Weedless 7 - 41/2 PROPELLER DlA. & prrcH -----1800 Pivot-Reverse STEERING -----------------LUBRICAIVT (Gear Housing) -------------- SAE 90 FUEL MD(TLJRE --------- l/4 PLnt Motor Oilto one Gallon of Regular Gasoline 8OO R. P. M. IDLE SPEED FIJEL TANK CAPACmY GEAR RATIO RECOMMENDED FULL THROTTLE 4OOO - SOOO R. P, M. OPERA'IING RANGE PEAK HORSEPOWER----At 6800 R.P.M. Sea Level Barometer at 600 F. MODEL VARIAIIONS sEc. rx, ourBoARD J6-1000 MODEL VARHTIONS ISSUED J6-1000 JUNE, 1066 Oppostte each outboard model notes haye beetr assigrred to covor required ln addltion to or in place of standerdparls lxrrt tlumhcrs SEE NAME PL,ATE ON SWIVI]L TIRACI(ET FOR OUTI}OARD MODEI, JC-1m0 MrrES tiloto 1 !dd. 3 tddb 3 l,bte { Nde 5 Uae (20{-86-500 Std. ), (206-85-5q), .010 O. S. ) Pieton Aae'y, 245-120 Connecttttg Rod Ass'y, 2A3-212 Wrlrt Ptn and (2) 232-164 R€talner Wrlst Pln. Usc 215-{96-500 Reed Plate Aaa'y, 293-96 Rced Valve, 293-9? Reed $op, 258-510 Screw-Bed Valyc to PLt€, 183-1a1 Nut-Reed Valve Screnr, g{-3d) eashet-Reed Valve to Block,9l-{38 Gast€tInductlon Erack€t to Reed. Uee 20-09,1 Induction Brackd and 09-5 Corurector-Inductlon Bracket Dnpulse llose. Uae 26-088-500 Induction Bracket, 39-957-500 Carburetor Ass'y, 215-515-500 Pbte Ass'y-Bearing, 210-l8O hrmp nrel, 183-256 Nut-t\rel Pump Lock, 69-5 Connector-Impulse Llne, 69-310 Elbow- Impulse Linc. UgL 259-?15.5ffi Houatng Aas'y-Blower, (21 203-221 Pin-Panel Guide, (3i 258-829 Scrar and (1) 258-9{S Screrw-Houstng to Beerirg Plete, 259-?tl6-5@ Shroud Ase'y, 265-223-500 $arter Ass'y Recoll, 199-8 Control Panel, (3) 263-38{ Sprtng-Control Penel, (3) 304-f34 Waeher-Control Penel, 15?-335 Cort,rol Arm,3(X-25 Lock Washer Flywheel, 121-220-500 Hendle Assri-$eerlng Complete. CARBT'RETOR 39-957-500 SERVICE AS STANDARD 39-944-500 265-223-500 nECOtL ASSEMBLY ,*9 @-' ozlS G-0 L J:}, b b1l3 I qJ:: Indlcates Brrts ilot, hcluded With Sarter 12 1-220-5OO HANDLE ASSEMBLY ){ J9-IOOO BASTC PARTS LIST & MODET VARIAIIONS f t r il r o ty 13 BASIC PABTS IIST J9-IOOO PO\TER,HEAD \,/ sz-[ Y-so e5-Y q;t .=g/-58 6 e ffi: b-ll7 0- 7ftq. x$d I.r1,k\S,/r,KJ-37 ,,.-$\. ltl IH,r, *-_Q E=" .'-9 \-,, Gril-63 9*t rgr_135 72-Q 94 I Nr-rlJ.r GI E*,.. W (9-134 r!+46 9-t34 o* 133 ,E e-56 -52 tl-ao I I 96\ 9-l2l 20 l3l +81 6s_G)) rie TI 66 Y')-i Ur-e "i{ O Ll:' \ss g_o %'=t,rs3 ro$r 1 @ ,_y, .a -. / SI{ORT BI,OCK 1{9-654 Does not lnclude Bearing Plate Mrnuraclurrd by CLII{TON EilGIiIES CORPORAIIOI{ Maquokcla. lowt POWER,HEAD PARTS IIST Descriptlon ADAPTOR & MAG. -Incl. No. SCREW & L'W ASS'Y-Ch. Shutt SCREW-Rod Cap to Rod \a \ \-l ER-Recoil $art I BASIC PARTS tIST J9-IOOO - LOWER COLUMN t+49 !l*oo 6*o. f*-z'ra r49.65t --__-_-__+t -\:, q *F#: F, mi<; I 3:24 ":R +l5A 30*@ +8+S Ju 14a I 6 \/ / Xanutmlsrtd bt cllt{Tof{ El{GlilEs GotPoRlfl ox lLOuok.tr, lou Optlonar t @t. Tk. \-/ towER colurl^N PAnrg Ltst I l. SPECIFICATIONS , Vr Gsuonl CAPACTTY------ t{ - 21 RATIO PROPELLER TYPE ---.- theer Ptn - Semt Weedlers -.1 .1Y2 PROPELLM DIA. & PTTCH ErBOIm ---- Z UExl6/8 ----------------- 6.70 ----- Elgh Tenolon }lagneto IGMTION -... .O2O MAGNETO POINT 8E'TTINO - Jl?'l CtnmPlon SPARK PLUC -----spARK PLUG SEITTING -------------------- .026 rUEL TANr BORE AIID cEAn DISPLACEMEIfT (Cu. In.) i I CARBURETOR Sf,EERINO.- float (Tlllotaon) ------;------------------- .Forged (Englne) -- Needle end Bell BEARTNG8 (Gear lloualng) ---------- olute Bronze Recoll STARTER CRANKSHAIT BEARINGS rUEL 8YsTEM ----- -- I80o Plvot-Roverso --:------: ----- 8AE 00 one Btrrt Motor Ollto @llon ol Regular Ceaollno 8OO N. P. M. IDLE SPEED RECOMMENDED TULL THROTTLE LUBRICAT{T (Geer Houalng) rUEL MIXTITRE --- lh {OOO - 6000 R. P.M. OPERATION RANOE PEAK HORSEPOWEA -'-- At 0800 R.P.M' 8o Levcl Arel hrmp Blrometer at 00o t7 t. sEc. DL OITTBOARD J9-1000 MODTL VABIATIONS ISSUED JIrNrq, 1960 MODEL VARIATIONS Jg.l000 \./ Oppoatte each outboard model notes have been asslgned to cover part numbere requtred ln eddltlon to or ln plrce of etandardlnrte. gEE IiIAME PI,ATE ON SSIIVEL BRACKET FOR OUTBOARD MODEL J9-.1000 SERIES NOrES Note 1 Note 2 Note 3 Note 4 Note U Note 0 Note 7 Note I Note I Use 68-844 Decal Apache left hand, 58-343 Decal Apache rtght hand. Use 68-340 Decal Chfe( rfght hand, 58-341 Deeal Chtef teft hand. Thts untt ls the (Propulslon Rceearch Inc., 7644 Knox Ave. S., Minneapolls, Mtruresota) P-600 Jet. Cllnton supptlee the Power Head and Handle Ass'y only. Uge 58-482 Decal Featherwelght right atde, 58-483 Decal Featherwelght left alde, 58-644 Decal [\rel Mlx, 58-334 Decal Gaeollne. Use (2) 68-548 Decal APache. Uee (2) 58-559 Decal Gulf Queen. Uge 6g-fOg-500 Flywheel, 1-89-500 Adaptor, Ilf,agneto and Generator Colls, 135-265 Condenser, 15?-i?5 Breaker Cam., 135-263 Generatlng Colls, (4) 2S9-583 Srteld Lfghtlng Colls, (2) 81-16{ Cllp Generating Cotl Retainlng, 135-255-600 Restitor Ass'y, 266-45 Recepttcal Cigar Lighter, 46-354 Cover Receptlcal, 30?-298 Sleeve Insulatlrrg, 30?-138-500 Wire Resistor to Receptical, 1$-r1 Nut ltrtre to Recepttcal, and 900-358 Control Panel. Vse277-234-500 3 Cial. Tan&, 45-191 Cap Fuet Tank, 69-139-500 Elbow Fuel Plckup, and 58-328 Decal Fuel Mix. Use Zi6-lg5-500 Bearlng Plate, 15?-408 Arm Ignltion and Throttle Control, 265-19? Cup gxarter, 304-536 Waeher Iock Flywheel, 265-219-500 Recoll Starter Ass'y, 1ffi:26-500 ttrt necotl stud, 2??-483-500 Houslng Flywheel, -2-59-991:q00 glrroi,n (Lower), 199-6 Panel Contiol, (4) 2?q-926 S"l* Panel, (a) 183-111 Nut Sroud to Eousing, 94-544 @eket Srroud, (4) 183-1-500 Nut & L'Waaher Houslng io gearlng eUte,-iOe-?60 Shroud, 20-233 Buehlng S11p Rope Gulde, 900-396 Knob libte 10 Control A-rm, 25'8-936-500 Screw Cortrol Knob, 58-5?1 Decal Chlef rlght hand, 58-5?2 Oecai Chlef l€ft hand, 58-541 Decal Control Panel, and 58-543 Decal Throttle- (4) 183-26f Nut Speed-Panel. U"i tZl fig-{igO Decat Peerless, (2) 5S-634 Decal Trade Itfiarf,, (2) 58-642 Decal V. Hded ln u.8.4. \a
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