Quad-Lum News/June 2012
Quad-Lum News/June 2012
u.s. postage paid Quad-Lum News Permit No. 1 Non-Profit ELGIN, NE 68636 Newsletter dedicated to the ADVANCEMENT of Pope John XXIII Central Catholic High School Pope John XXIII Central Catholic High School PO Box 179 Elgin, NE 68636-0179 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Quad-Lum s w e N Newsletter dedicated to the ADVANCEMENT of Pope John XXIII Central Catholic High School June 2012 Phone: 402-843-5325 Email: [email protected] Volume 25, Issue 1 PJ Receives $ 496,250.39 Gift! See our new look at: www.pjcc.esu8.org e h t f o e m o H ! s r e d a s u r C Message From the Principal School Improvement: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 This was the quote to motivate, encourage and help me persevere through the planning, implementing and compiling our school improvement process. The Nebraska Department of Education requires accredited schools to implement a school improvement process. The overall purpose of an external team visit is to assist the school in selecting or fulfilling school improvement goals and plans by adding an outside, objective view of the school. The primary purpose is to enlist the professional advice of colleagues from outside the schools. The External Team will use the strategies of observation, interview, artifact gathering, collaboration, discussion and comparison to the Nebraska Frameworks Rubric to identify commendations, best/promising practices, and recommendation for the school to consider/implement into their Continuous School Improvement Process. It was decided to have a joint (St. Boniface Elementary/Pope John XXIII Central Catholic) school improvement process between the two schools. Our goals are: All students…will improve their oral and written communication skills across the curriculum and All students…will develop a stronger understanding of the history of the Catholic Church. In March of this year our schools hosted an external team visit. The team’s purpose for the visit 12 was to affirm the selection of these goals; plus, review and offer suggestions for enhancement to the Action Plan for the selected goals. Our team members are: Deb Wragge, ESU 7 Staff Development; Chyrel Remmers, English Instructor at Central Community College; Walter Dupre, Principal of St. Mary’s in O’Neill; and Marilyn Wiebelhaus, Administrator Catholic Schools Office. Commendations: (successes) The schools possess strong administrative leadership and supportive boards. There is a shared connection between the two schools, which is now under one leadership. Total faculty involvement and commitment to the schools and the school improvement process. The schools are living their mission. The schools offer strong academic classes and offerings, which require achievement and excellence for all. They also strive to meet the academic, social, and spiritual needs of all students at all levels. You know you are in a Catholic school. The students are ambassadors of the school, exhibiting a deep commitment to strong religious values. The students’ social skills were exceptional. Baseline data is collected, displayed. Recommendations: (improvements) Continued planning for the future, which requires the immersion of all lay and pastoral leaders. This continuous plan for educational excellence and Catholic identity does not allow for any member of the leadership team to opt out of their responsibility. Establish an effective process for data analysis and the utilization of results to impact instructional decisions. Integrate the school improvement process as a collaborative representation of each curricular and stakeholder group. In measuring our Catholic Identity, teachers and the administration have the duty and privilege to ensure that students receive instruction in Catholic doctrine and practice. St. Boniface and Pope John XXIII instills in our students to use their gifts not selfishly, but for others. There is no telling how far you can reach if you start from a good place. That good place, St. Boniface and Pope John XXIII, is founded on a strong Catholic education with strong traditions of faith and academic excellence, community and strong relationships with each other and especially with God. It is great to be affirmed that the school(s) is fulfilling the mission statement. Yours in Christ, Betty Getzfred, Principal Pope John XXIII Central Catholic High School was recently notified that the Margaret Schrage Estate included a bequest of $496,250.39 to Pope John. Margaret (Pelster) Schrage passed away on October 6, 2011. She attended St. John Berchman School in Raeville and graduated in 1932. Margaret and her husband Hubert were not blessed with children of their own but had many nieces, nephews, great-nieces INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Advancement Efforts...................2 & 3 Living the Faith...................................... 4 Academics............................................... 5 Graduation News...........................6 & 7 Sports........................................................ 8 Fine Arts................................................... 9 Alumni News..............................10 & 11 Message from the Advancement Office.........................12 Did you know… and great-nephews who attended Pope John. Margaret watched with particular interest all of their many activities at school as they competed in sports, participated in the musicals and achieved in academics. Her gift will ensure that future generations of young men and women will continue to be educated in the Catholic tradition at Pope John XXIII Central Catholic High School. A portion of her gift has been placed in the PJ Endowment, which held a special place in Margaret’s heart. One of the original gifts that began the Endowment over 25 years ago was a gift from her mother’s (Mrs. Anna Pelster) estate. The remainder of the Margaret Schrage bequest will be invested to help with future operating costs at Pope John. Upcoming Events St. Bon Alumni Banquet June 23 PJ Alumni Softball/Banquet July 28 & 29 PJ Alumni Golf Tournament August 11 … there were 22 more girls than boys at PJ in 1967 … St. Bon’s School did the Wizard of Oz in mid 1960’s … Brenda Kuhlman (PJ’75) has been PJ’s secretary since 1975 The Estate also included an additional gift of $450,000 for Margaret’s parish, St. Boniface in Elgin. Please remember Margaret and Hubert Schrage in your prayers and all those who have remembered our Catholic schools in their wills or estate plans. Pope John Presents Crusader J.A.M. One of Pope John and St. Boniface Schools’ improvement goals is “all students will improve their oral and written communication skills across the curriculum”. Pope John XXIII has implemented Crusader J.A.M. for an assessment tool in the oral communication piece. The Crusader J.A.M. creates an opportunity to focus on examples of student excellence. As a school, we believe that becoming confident and competent in a variety of thinking and reasoning skills is critical to success in school and in the future. What is J.A.M.? It stands for Journey of Academic Mastery and is a collection of artifacts from a student’s educational experience as a Crusader that highlights their knowledge, skills and/or abilities. Each student presented to a panel consisting of a teacher, school board member, parent, and a community member. If you are interested in observing, please join us next spring for our 2nd annual Crusader J.A.M. 1 Advancement Efforts Alumni News Grain for the Brain Evening With Friends We have been blessed with several years of bountiful crop yields. These exceptional years are a perfect time to remember your local Catholic schools with gifts of grain. “Grain for the Brain” donations can result in savings for you at tax time too! The transaction must take place at the buyer’s facility. The grain will be sold and the check made out to Pope John or St. Boniface School at the time of sale. Transaction forms are available at most local buyer facilities, the PJ office or St. Boniface Church. Think how just 1 bushel per acre can feed these young brains and perpetuate the Catholic faith! Blue Legacy Members Two Anonymous Msgr. James Cain Vincent Thiele Pearle Fritz✞ Gary Schmidt Kyle & Deb Warren Delbert Salber✞ Bill & Ginni Fangman Herman Ridder✞ Brian & Kathy Dinslage Margaret Schrage✞ Bernice Roth John Reuss Thank you for including Pope John in your will or estate plan. May God bless you for your generosity and commitment to Catholic education! Have YOU made provisions for Pope John in your will or estate plan? You don’t need to redo your entire will to include Pope John - just have your attorney prepare a codicil. Please let us know if we may include your name with the other Blue Legacy Members who have made this special commitment to Catholic education. 2 No matter what the weather in January, you can travel to some faraway place by attending the annual Evening With Friends gala! The 13th annual event on January 29th took guests to the land of pyramids and palm trees for a “Night on the Nile”! Over $ 61,000 was raised – a $ 6,000 increase over last year! Dave Amick (US 92) and Gary Hoefer (PJ’70) were MC’s for the evening. The big cash prize of $ 2,500 went to Janice Eischeid (PJ ’76). When the “sold out crowd” of over 200 guests arrived, they were greeted with a beautiful array of hors d’oeuvres. Then they feasted on a delicious dinner of prime rib or apricot chicken prepared by Jodine Meis. Live and silent auctions, raffles and games made for a fun filled evening! Co-chairs for the evening are: Dave & Sharon Gossman and Tom & Bonnie Hoefer. Other committee members are: Dave & Gwen Beckman, Joe & Lori Beckman, Mike & Connie Dvorak, Jim & Bev Funk, Jerry & Jan Heithoff, Brian & Sue Henn, Dave & Tracy Hoefer, Paul & Brenda Kuhlman, Ben & Anna Meis, Dennis & Lynell Morgan, Ed & Anne Parks, John & Patty Thiele and Kyle & Deb Warren. Development Banquet The 26th Annual Development Banquet was the most exciting yet! Larry Shavlik did a wonderful job as Master of Ceremonies! His humor and sincerity make him a most enjoyable host. John & Cindy Temme conducted the liveliest of live auctions! Mrs. Connie Henn and the art students created one-of-a-kind pieces of garden art that sold like wild-fire. At the end, over $67,000 dollars was raised for Pope John – an increase of $12,000 over last year! The Margaret Schrage Estate gift was announced as well as major gifts to the Endowment during the past year. New members recognized in the Blue Legacy were: Kathy Dinslage, Margaret Schrage, Bernice Roth and John Reuss. The evening was hosted by Development Committee members Duane & Chelle Childers (co-chairs), Bill & Ginni Fangman, Gene Heithoff, Sandi Henn, Sally Meis, Ralph & Deb Pelster, Al & Lisa Schrage, Keith & Diane Schumacher, Jerry & Tami Schrage and Kyle & Deb Warren. Selting (SB ’57) Hikes the Alps! By Arlyn Selting In July of last year, as a pre-celebration of our 50th wedding anniversary this year, my wife Jeanette (née: Schrage) and I flew to Zurich then traveled by train to the Swiss Alps to do a 100 mile, ten consecutive day hike across the Bernier Traverse in the Alps. The Traverse is part of an old Roman trail system and considered to be one of the most difficult of Swiss hikes. It consists of ten days over multiple mountain passes. We were part of a 9 person group led by an alpine guide. Jeanette and I were two of the five persons who were able to do the entire Traverse and highest passes without bypassing the difficult day of the highest pass (9111 ft. elev.). The photo is a picture of us at the top of the Sefinen Pass at 8,567 ft. elev. This took us about 4 hours to hike up to. We also hiked to the top of “big one”, the Hutturli Pass at 9111 ft. elev. This required about 5 hours hiking up 4,300 ft. and 4.5 hours hiking down 5,500 ft. into the next valley. After the hike and several days rest, we finished the trip by attending two concerts that our two grandchildren were a part of (a summer Europe singing tour) in a Swiss town and then in a German town. We live in Bozeman, Montana and trained for the hike by hiking frequently in the Bridger mountains near our home. We hike weekly in the summer and ski weekly in the winter to stay in shape. I am a 1957 St. Boniface H.S. grad, a Univ. of Nebr. College of Engineering grad. retired from a career in the field of computers. Jeanette is a Creighton Univ. Nursing R.N. My parents were Ben and Ervilla Selting. We retired to Bozeman, Montana. If the avalanches cooperate, this year we plan to ski off the top of one of the highest mountains in Montana (Lone Peak @ 11,166 ft. tall) to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary. Congrats! Alumni Wedding Kirby Hoefer (PJ’08) & Jessica Skinner on 4-19-12 Alumni Babies Matt (PJ’00 ) & Kara Pelster – a son, Liam Ralph born 3-12-2012 Brian (PJ’02) and Kelsey Selting – a son, Carter Gene born 4-3-2012 Got News? In Memory: Leo Eischeid (SB) – 2/2/12 Ben Koenig (SB’43) – 3/27/12 Kenneth Krause (SB’54)- 4/25/12 May They Rest in Peace Pope John is now on Facebook! Keep up-to-date on the latest PJ happenings. Go to www.pjcc.esu8.org and “like” us. Email us at [email protected] 11 Alumni News The Alumni Weekend Schedule Saturday, July 28 8:00 a.m. – 1st round softball Games – Petersburg Park 5:30 p.m. – Alumni Mass at St. Boniface Church 6:30 p.m. – Open House at PJCC 6:30 p.m. – Social at KC Hall 7:30 p.m. – Class photos 8:00 p.m. – Alumni Banquet at KC HALL 9:00 p.m. – More Social Time (Open to all alumni – come join us after the banquet!) Sunday , July 29 Alumni Golf Tournament August 11th 4 Person Scramble Summerland Golf Course Ewing, NE Contact Sandi Henn at 402-843-5325 or [email protected] to sign up your team! 10 Tickets for the banquet are available at Dean’s Market, Rae Valley Grocery or PJ Deadline is July 14 Softball Teams contact: Billy Pelster (843-8407) and Derek Scholl (843-8830) 2012 Cash War Memorials to Endowment Don & Jeanette Seiler - $50 Leo Eischeid - $55 Ben Koenig - $160 Elizabeth Freese - $167 Kenneth Krause - $75 Endowment Donations JoAnn Dinslage - $500 Margaret Schrage Estate - $100,000 Sally Meis - $1,000 Leo Eischeid Estate - $1,000 Dr. & Mrs. Dwaine Peetz - $ 1,000 (In recognition of CL Werner’s 75th birthday) Thank you for Sharing God’s Gifts! 2011/2012 Annual Fund Update Cash War proceeds will go to purchase a new volleyball standard (net, antenna, balls, etc.). Help your class be the winners of 2012 Dodge Ball Anyone? Several alumni are interested in including a family dodge ball tournament as part of the alumni weekend. For this year, we may consider an “exhibition” game, and expand depending upon interest. If you and/or your family are interested, please contact us at [email protected]. Sister Pat Receives Roncalli Award General Gifts Janet Koinzan - $1,950 (for computers) Carl Ernesti - $1,000 In Memory of Ben Koenig - $ 175 Margaret Petersen - $ 500 (In honor of my sister, Sister Pat) GOAL: $55,000 Catholic Schools Week started off with the Alumni Basketball Tournament on Friday evening. Eight teams participated in the two-day tournament. Champions were the combined class of 2001 and 2004! Shown are: Bottom row, left to right: Tyson Dinslage, John Stoltz, Matthew Kuhlman (Class of 2001) and back row, left to right: Benjamin Kuhlman, Chris Vacha, Justin Stoltz, and Keith Borer (Class of 2004). Winner of the three point contest was Brian Selting. Congratulations, alumni! Thanks to all who worked so hard to organize the event. Over $ 1,100 was raised! 10:00 a.m. - Softball Resumes in Petersburg Bring your family, lawn chairs and sun screen! Gifts and Donations Currently: $53,219.27 Alumni Basketball Tournament Advancement Efforts The highlight of the 2012 Development Banquet was the presentation of the Roncalli Award to our very own Sister Patricia Hoffman! The prestigious Roncalli Award is presented each year to an individual or family who has made a long term contribution to the advancement of our school. Sister Pat started teaching at Pope John in the fall of 1972. Her 40 years of dedication has made our school what it is today! No one has done more to create the environment at our school than Sister Pat. When one thinks of Pope John and setting the standard - Sister Pat comes to mind not only for setting the academic standard but for setting the example of what living the Catholic Faith is. She currently teaches Algebra I, Algebra II, Trig, Advanced Math, Calculus, College Algebra and Geometry. She also monitors a study hall, is the sponsor of the Student Council, Senior Class sponsor, coordinator for graduation, paper drives and probably more things than we even know about! Several members of Sister Pat’s family and many former students attended the banquet in appreciation of her contribution. Jordan Engle (PJ’09) and Amy (Thiele) Weber (PJ’94) gave tributes to Sister Pat. Mrs. Getzfred presented her with a beautiful scrap book of good wishes from former students, prepared by Connie Pelster. THANK YOU Sister Pat for all you do and have done to make Pope John a first class Catholic School! Don’t forget Script (Gift Cards)! Save gas and do your gift shopping at Pope John! Gift cards are available in various denominations for dozens of stores like Subway, Pizza Hut, Shopko, Walmart, Applebee’s, iTunes, Target, Cabela’s and many MANY more! This can save you time and money – plus PJ receives a small percentage for each card! They are great for birthdays, holidays and no occasion days! Call 402-843-5325 to order or pick up a gift card. 3 Living The Faith School Liturgical Group The PJ Liturgical Group performs the music ministry at our school Masses. Shown at the National Honor Society Induction Mass are members Devon Baum, Miles Schrage, Justine Heithoff, Jacob Ramold, Taylor Knievel, Natalie Beckman, Brie Gossman Allison Beckman, Nicole Beckman, Liz Selting, Trent Hoefer, and Tyler Childers. Karissa Dicke accompanies on piano and Kix Payne on guitar. The group is led by Mr. Mark Dwyer (PJ’73). Other members are: Olivia Borer, Carey Eischeid, Jordan Mescher, Jill Moser, and Jenny Beckman. John Starman Ordained Deacon Fine Arts Community Service Each class at PJ must do at least one community service project every quarter. Shown are the 8th graders assisting the Young ‘N Lively Club mulching the trees in the Elgin Community Park. The mulch was delivered and donated by Bud and Terri Wilkinson. Shown are the “now professional mulchers”: Maria Bartak, Trey Baum, Nicole Beckman, Karissa Dicke, Andrew Fangman, Lexie Heithoff, Kalin Henn, Kyle Kallhoff, Austin Meis, Scott Moser, Jenna Parks, Ryan Pelster, Chase Preister, Jill Schindler, Seth Schumacher, Terri Seier and Whitney Walker. They were assisted by their sponsors Mrs. Julie Dwyer and Mr. Brad Cornell. Other community service projects this quarter including working the KC Fish Fries, packaging Mercy Meals, helping at the St. Boniface Grade School Valentine’s breakfast, collecting trash in town, assisting at the Dinner Theater and cleaning up after Awards Night. The Wizard of Oz The 45th annual spring musical was the Wizard of Oz. Ms. Courtney Billesbach directed the production which included 23 cast members, 12 crew and 18 Munchkins from St. Boniface School. Mrs. Peggy Payne and Mrs. Karmen Sauser were assistant directors for the show. It was last performed at Pope John in 1991. Prior to that it was performed in the middle 1960’s at St. Boniface School. Lead roles were played by Dorothy (Carey Eischeid), Scarecrow (Natalie Beckman), Tin Man (Casey Pelster), Lion (Kix Payne), Toto (Preston Schrage), Witch (Jenny Beckman) and Glinda (Jill Moser). 3rd Annual Speech Home Show The 3rd Annual Speech Home Show was held March 7th. Sixteen students performed 10 selections they had prepared for conference and district competition. Jenny Beckman is shown performing a serious prose selection from “The Help”. She went on to place 1st at districts which then qualified her for the state competition. Gone But Not Forgotten! John Starman (PJ’80) is shown with his wife Kelly and Archbishop George Lucas at his Ordination on May 10. John and Kelly are very active members of St. John the Baptist Church in Petersburg and strong supporters of our Catholic schools. Their family include Sarah (PJ’10), Greg (PJ’12), Peter who will be a junior at PJ and Matthew who will be a 4th grader at St. Boniface School. 4 She may have moved to Omaha – but she’s still here in our hearts! Sister Leta Heese retired this year and moved to New Cassel Retirement Home in Omaha. She gave many years of service at St. Boniface and Pope Schools. Sister Leta also spent many hours visiting the sick and elderly of our communities – and still does when she returns to visit! Thank you, Sister Leta, for all you have done for us! 9 Sports Scoreboard Academics The Wolfpack Way... Girls Basketball Boys Basketball Golf Wrestling State Qualifiers Track Track 4 x 4 State Qualifiers 8 It matters so much that various national organizations sponsor events to encourage interest and excellence in math. Two events that Pope John students participate in annually are MATHCOUNTS & MAA. MATHCOUNTS Wrestling Golf State Qualifiers Math Matters in the World! Each year, the Northeastern Chapter of the Nebraska Society of Professional Engineers sponsors the MATHCOUNTS competition. Their objective is to encourage student interest and achievement in math. This year’s contest was held in Columbus at Central Community College on February 18th with 73 students from 13 schools attending. The PJ “Mathletes”, Seth Schumacher, Scott Moser, Jenna Parks and Nicole Beckman are shown with their coach Sister Patricia Hoffman. Placing in the top 25% of contenders were Seth (ranking 10th) and Scott (ranking 13th). Rube Goldberg’s MAA – American Mathematics Competitions For 63 years, MAA has sponsored the annual American Mathematics Contest for students in 10th and 12th grade. Last year over 220,000 students from across the U.S. and Canada participated in the competition at their local schools. Students compete for personal and school awards at the local, regional and national level. The competition is designed to encourage interest in math through friendly competition. At the school level, PJ seniors Evan Parks placed 1st, Olivia Borer 2 nd and Greg Starman 3rd in MAA12. In the AMC 10 competition Jack Borer placed 1st, Alex Pelster & Taylor Schumacher tied for 2nd. Top performers from across the US will compete in the Mathematical Olympiad Summer Program and a team will be selected to represent the USA to compete at the International Mathematical Olympiad. State FFA Convention Many of our students attended the 3 day FFA Convention the end of March. Activities include chapter and member a w a r d s , motivational s p e a k e r s , leadership workshops and leadership competitions, Leadership Skills Events, the annual Career Fair, etc. In competition, Devon Baum finished as Champion in Natural Resource Speaking. Grant Beckman had a Gold Merit finish in Cooperative Speaking. The Livestock Judging team of Caleb Pelster, Grant Beckman, Jared Seier and Tyler Childers placed 13th overall in Sr. Livestock Selection. The 9th grade Physical Science class is learning about simple machines and the American cartoonist & inventor (1883-1970) Rube Goldberg. Wikipedia describes a Rube Goldberg machine, contraption, invention, device or apparatus as a deliberately over-engineered or overdone machine that performs a very simple task in a very complex fashion, usually including a chain reaction. The game Mouse Trap is a classic example. Today there are even Rube Goldberg competitions all over the US where young designers present their own contraptions. Working in small groups, the students created 5 machines, a mousetrap, devices that turn on a light, make a basket in a hoop, blow out a candle and pop a balloon. Clockwise with one of the machines are Zach Eischeid, Jonathon Meis, Physical Science instructor Mr. Jake Sladky, Regan Kerkman, Brie Gossman, Kayla Nelson, Jack Borer, Morgan Childers and Evan Schindler 5 Graduate Highlights Graduation Grant Joseph Beckman Carey Eischeid (Tom Eischeid - ‘69) Chelsea Eischeid (Paul Eischeid - ‘72✞) Olivia Borer (Merle Borer - ‘80) “Under The Sea” Kelsie Kuhlman (Duane Kuhlman - ’80) Justine Meis Evan Parks (Ed Parks - ‘78, Anne Pelster - ’81) Drew Schindler (Jeff Schindler – ‘87) Caleb Pelster (Bob Pelster - ‘77, Janice Beckman - ‘81) Pope John XXIII Central Catholic High School Continuing the Tradition... The Graduating Class of 2012 “Tent City” The Class of 2012... by the numbers: Jared Seier (Paul Seier - ‘77) Brea Schrage (Al Schrage - ’79, Lisa Dinslage - ‘82) 6 Lauren Selting (Gene Selting - ‘81, Angie Pelster - ‘84) Preston Schrage (Mark Schrage - ‘75, Brenda Kallhoff - ‘79) Austin Starman Greg Starman (John Starman - ‘80) “Hats Off” to the Graduates of 2012! 2012 SENIOR FAREWELL MASS ….. 100% will go on to attend college ….. 100% have taken college level classes and earned college credit …..Average ACT score was 24.87, highest score was 33 ….. 93% of graduates received scholarship money; class total is $401,248 ….. 11 are from St. Boniface Parish, 1 from St. Bonaventure, 3 St. John the Baptist – Petersburg 7
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