paxton furniture copyright complaint
paxton furniture copyright complaint
1 Filed: 02/04/15 1 of 10 Case: 1:15-cv-00025-MPM-DAS Doc 1 PagelD IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF MISSISSIPPI EASTERN DIVISION PLAINTIFF PAXTON SALES, INC. CAUSE NO. VS. DEFENDANTS VOGUE FURNITURE DIRECT, INC., GUOZHI QIAO, AND ZHEJIANG CHAIRMENG FURNITURE CO., LTD COMPLAINT COMES NOW, Plaintiff, Paxton Sales, Inc., U.S.C. and 501, et seq., and 15 U.S.C. by and through counsel, pursuant to 17 1125, and files this Complaint seeking injunctive relief damages against Vogue Furniture Direct, Inc., Guozhi Qiao, and Zhejiang Chairmeng Furniture Co., LTD, for willful unto the Court the copyright infringement and unfair competition, and would show following, to-wit: PARTIES I. Plaintiff, Paxton Sales, Inc. (hereinafter sometimes referred to corporation organized and existing under the place as "Paxton") is laws of the state of Mississippi, with its of business located at 1020 N. Gloster St. #116, Tupelo, a principal MS 38804. II. Upon information and belief, Defendant, Vogue Furniture Direct, "Vogue"), is a corporation existing under the place of business Inc. (hereinafter laws of the state of California, with its located in Rancho Cucamonga, California. principal 1 Filed: 02/04/15 2 of 10 Case: 1:15-cv-00025-MPM-DAS Doc 2 PagelD HI. Defendant, Guozhi Qiao (hereinafter "Qiao"), is belief, is a resident of the an individual, and upon information and People's Republic of China. IV. Furniture Co., Upon information and belief, Defendant, Zhejiang Chairmeng (hereinafter "Zhejiang Chairmeng") is a LTD Chinese limited company. JURISDICTION V. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this action pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§1331 and 1338. VI. This Court has Constitution and because on personal jurisdiction over all Defendants Mississippi's long-arm statute, MS Code Ann. Section 13-3-57 information and belief, Defendants state and judicial district and are consistent with the U.S. regularly and actively subject to the jurisdiction of this conduct business in this Court. VII. Venue in this district is proper under 28 U.S.0 §1391 and 1400. FACTS VIII. Paxton (Rev. 2002), designs, imports, markets, and sells upholstered furniture. 1 Filed: 02/04/15 3 of 10 Case: 1:15-cv-00025-MPM-DAS Doc 3 PagelD IX. In 2013, Kevin Patrick (hereinafter "Patrick"), of Paxton Sales, Inc., jointly created 'Tuxedo Sofa' a an individual, and Adam Paxton, design called furniture (PX 1001-03), matching Armless and In behalf Stationary Sofa- "4 Pc Sectional w/ 1 Arm Chairs on (PX 1001-21), and matching 2014, Patrick and Paxton jointly created Ottoman (PX 1001-00)" (hereinafter "Work A"). furniture "Work design called "Motion Sofa With Toss Pillow Arms (PX 2023)" (hereinafter B"). Work "A" on or entire was first published on or about October 13, 2013. Work "B" about March 30, 2014. On November 28, 2014, Kevin Patrick right, title and interest in and to the copyrights of both was first assigned unto a published Paxton his Work "A" and Work "B". X. On December and 3, 2014, Paxton submitted its U.S. Copyright Registration application deposit with respect to "Work A", a true and correct copy of which is attached hereto copyright application is currently pending approval A. This with the U.S. as Exhibit Copyright office. XI. On December 3, 2014, Paxton submitted its U.S. Copyright Registration application and and correct copy of which is attached hereto deposit with respect to "Work B", B. This copyright application is currently pending approval a true with the U.S. Copyright as Exhibit office. XII. The designs are copyrights to both "Work A" and "Work B" are unique pictorial such, Paxton has a and graphic works fixed in a owned by Paxton. These furniture tangible medium of expression. protectable copyright in each of its furniture designs pursuant to (a)(5) of the Copyright Act (17 U.S.0 102(a)(5)). As Section 102 1 Filed: 02/04/15 4 of 10 Case: 1:15-cv-00025-MPM-DAS Doc PagelD 4 COUNT I. COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT XIII. Paragraphs I.-XII. are realleged and incorporated herein by reference. XIV. still Upon information and belief, Defendants have been and are making, acquiring, furniture importing, marketing, selling, displaying, reproducing, and/or distributing upholstered with designs that are identical or substantially similar to Paxton's copyrighted furniture designs (Work "A" and Work "B"), specifically including, but not limited to, Vogue's item numbers or license VF1001-21, VF1001-03, VF1001-00, and VF2023 series, without authorization to do SO. XV. Upon information and belief, the Defendants have had furniture access to Paxton's referenced designs. XVI. and sold infringing Upon information and belief, the Defendants have offered for sale furniture in competition with Paxton. XVII. off of Paxton's designs Upon information and belief, Defendants have copied and played in order to confuse and deceive customers and qualities of Paxton's furniture designs. prospective customers as to the origin and 1 Filed: 02/04/15 5 of 10 Case: 1:15-cv-00025-MPM-DAS Doc PagelD 5 XVIII. Defendants' conduct is in or affecting commerce. XIX. Upon information and belief, Defendants are and have been designs referenced herein as Work "A" and Work "B" are owned aware by that the furniture Paxton. See Exhibit "C" been in willful attached hereto. Upon information and belief, Defendants' activities have disregard of Paxton's rights. XX. Defendants have violated Paxton's exclusive right to reproduce, prepare derivative works in violation of 17 U.S.C. of, distribute, and or display publicly its copyrighted furniture designs, 106 and 501. XXI. Defendants' Paxton including, caused and will continue to infringing activities have but not limited to, damage to its copyrights, goodwill cause and damage to reputation, loss of customers, and loss of sales. XXII. Pursuant to 17 U.S.0 any additional 504, Paxton is entitled to damages, including actual damages and profits of Defendants, or statutory damages. XXIII. Paxton is entitled to fees, pursuant to 17 U.S.0 recover 505. full costs against Defendants and its reasonable attorney's 1 Filed: 02/04/15 6 of 10 Case: 1:15-cv-00025-MPM-DAS Doc 6 PagelD XXIV. Paxton has a no adequate remedy result of Defendants' acts in an at law and is amount not suffering irreparable harm and damages as yet determined. COUNT II. INJUNCTIVE RELIEF XXV. Paragraphs I.-XXIV. are realleged and incorporated herein by reference. XXVI. Because Defendants' reproducing, Paxton's and/or making, producing, acquiring, marketing, importing, displaying, selling of furniture an identical or substantially similar design as copyrighted furniture designs is in direct violation of the product identity in the marketplace, cease with and desist from Paxton is entitled to an law and weakens Paxton's injunction ordering Defendants to making, producing, acquiring, marketing, importing, displaying, as reproducing, and/or selling furniture with an exact or substantially similar design Paxton's copyrighted furniture designs (Work "A" and Work "B"). XXVII. Because Defendants are currently selling furniture with an design as Paxton's copyrighted furniture designs (Work "A" and to exact or Work substantially similar "B") to customers, failure harm and injury to grant immediate injunctive relief will result in continuing irreparable Paxton, because Defendants' sales will confusion in the marketplace. not only cost Paxton business, but will create customer Case: 1:15-cv-00025-MPM-DAS Doc 1 Filed: 02/04/15 7 of 10 PagelD 7 XXVIII. Paxton is entitled to destruction or other injunctive relief, pursuant to 502, and the impoundment, 17 U.S.C. disposition of the infringing goods, pursuant to 17 U.S.C. 503. XXIX. A harm or in this Complaint will preliminary injunction consistent with the relief requested not prejudice Defendants. XXX. The threatened injury to Plaintiff Paxton outweighs potential harm an injunction any might do to Defendants. XXXI. Failure to design as enjoin Defendants Paxton's from selling furniture with copyrighted furniture designs (Work "A" judicial process futile, as an exact and Work or substantially similar "B") will render the Defendants' continued sale of such furniture will create customer confusion and will result in a loss of Paxton's product identity in the marketplace, in addition to lost sales. XXXII. Because Plaintiff Paxton has valid copyrights, and because Defendants' are obviously furniture selling furniture with an exact or substantially similar design as Paxton's copyrighted designs (Work "A" and the merits of this case. Work "B"), there is a substantial likelihood that Paxton will prevail on Case: 1:15-cv-00025-MPM-DAS Doc 1 Filed: 02/04/15 8 of 10 8 PagelD COUNT III. UNFAIR COMPETITION XXXIII. Paragraphs I.-XXXII. are incorporated herein by reference. XXXIV. and/ or By acquiring, making, marketing, producing, displaying, reproducing, selling similar to Paxton's distributing the infringing furniture, which is identical or substantially furniture source designs (Work of the furniture affiliation, connection, or approval "A" and Work and "B"), Defendants misrepresent falsely describe the designs and create a likelihood of confusion or mistake as to the or association of Defendants with Paxton, of these furniture or as to the origin, sponsorship, designs. XXXV. Defendants have its unfair competed unfairly with Paxton and realized unjust profits as a result of competition. XXXVI. Paxton has suffered to relief pursuant to damages as 15 U.S.C. a result of Defendants' unfair 1117 and 1118. competition and is entitled Case: 1:15-cv-00025-MPM-DAS Doc 1 Filed: 02/04/15 9 of 10 PagelD 9 Court WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, Plaintiff Paxton prays that this enter the 1. following relief: Enjoin Defendants from making, producing, acquiring, marketing, importing, displaying, reproducing, and/or selling upholstered furniture with an exact or substantially similar design as Paxton's furniture designs (Work "A" and Work "B"); 2. Require Defendants to surrender to Plaintiff Paxton all upholstered furniture in its possession which infringes on Paxton's copyrights; and 3. Enter judgment against Defendants, jointly and severally, for actual and punitive and damages, all available statutory damages, disgorgement of profits, attorney's fees, court costs for the Defendants as damages incurred by Plaintiff Paxton as a result of the acts of stated herein. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, this the 2nd day of February, 2015. BY:4111% 411111b., ^41P.A/A JR., M yrr5485 eXED WARDS, LLC AT ATTORNEY LAW, P. 0. Drawer 420 Pontotoc, Mississippi 38863 (662) 489-8438 (844) 272-0266 (f) maxr& ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF Case: 1:15-cv-00025-MPM-DAS Doc 1 Filed: 02/04/15 10 of 10 PagelD 10 STATE OF MISSISSIPPI COUNTY OF LEE I, Adam Paxton, duly authorized representative for and hereby verify that the facts stated in the above and foregoing to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. do WITNESS MY SIGNATURE, this the I behalf of Paxton Sales, Inc., Complaint are true and correct on lid day of pthyuar9 J9Atary, 2015. (1L)fl C ADAM PAXTON day of January, SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME, this the .(;•eal)*-.-... k .7, .4. Pr? g('' r?. 0 A. ill! ..11161VKL....t Notary Public ..4./ .35 4.0 cc? t^ 4 A 2015. s; c•6' -0../to.' l.iial, My Commission Expires: D/eP1/4--1 1 l:• 1-1 Filed: 02/04/15 1 of 22 Case: 1:15-cv-00025-MPM-DAS Doc PagelD 11 Exhibit A J. MAX EDWARDS, JR. ILC Al FORNEY AT LAW SO Liberty Street* P. 0. Drawer 420 Pontotoc, MS 38863 Pontotoc, MS 38863 (662) 489-8438* Fax: (844) E-Mail: 272-0266 max0iinedwardslaw.c0m December 3, 2014 Library of Congress Copyright Office-V.A. 101 Independence Ave. S.E. Washington, D.C. 20559-6000 Re: Paxton Sales, Inc. application for copyright registration Furniture Design 4 Pc Sectional Sofa, Chairs. and Ottoman Dear Sir or Madam: Please find enclosed the manner: usual in following that I ask you to please file and register your and 1) Form VA (application for copyright registration); 2) deposit. Also, please find enclosed a the fee for check in the amount of $85.00 which represents filing the application. this matter. If you have any questions Thank you for your kind assistance regarding information: me a call. The following is my contact regarding this matter please feel free to give and Email rnax( Office 662-489-8438; Fax —844-272-0266; Pontotoc Sincerely, .1. Max Edwards, Jr. JME/nmc w/Enclosures Mr. Adam Paxton cc: L 1aP/01fyLi Case: 1:15-cv-00025-MPM-DAS Doc Copyright Office fees are 1-1 Filed: 02/04/15 2 of 22 Form VA e subject to changc,,,, Office For current fees, check the Copyright the write Copywebsite at www.copyrightgov, 707-3000. call (202) right Office, or Visual Arts For a Work of the COPYRIGHT OFRCE UNITE0 STATES REGISTRATION NUMBER of the United States 408-410 of title 17 Privacy Act Notice: SectionsOffice collect the personally itientityi ng to C.ode authorba the Copyright form in order to process the appliceinformation requested on this are By providing this Information you non for copyright registration. of the information that Include publication uses routine agreeing to claim es required by 17 U.S.C. VAU VA EFFECTIVE DATE OF REGISTRATION of your copyright do not provide give legal notice the if Office's online catalog. you Fos. tt will appear in may be refused Or delayed, to the Information 12 PagelD Year Day Month requested, registration benefits certain relief, remedies, and and you may not be entitled to law. under the copyright USE A SEPARATE CONTINUATION UNE. W YOU NEED MORE SPACE, DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS TITLE OF THIS WORK V Pc Sectional w/Stationary Sofa-"Tuxedo & Armless and 1 Arm Chaim PX 1001-21, 14 PREVIOUS OR AITERNATIVE TITLES Sofa" PX 1001-03, matching matching Ottoman PX 1001-00 SHEET NATURE OF THIS WORK T Furniture Design V collection, give to a periodical, serial, or If this work was publithed as a contribution PUBLICATION ASA CONTRIBUTION of Collective Work V Title appeared. contribution the collective work in which If published in a See instructions On Pages s Issue Date V Number Voltune V periodical or serial give: information about the DATES OF BIRTH AND DEATH ed. Year Year Born NAME OF AUTHOR 'V 2 Dia 1972 Adam Paxton WAS MIS CONTRIBLTTION TO E THWAS CourgrY !lame DI WORK A 'WORK MADE MR HIRE"? NOTE Under the law, f th Yes a No the space the D Text Architectural work Kevin Patric k prepared) Citizen of OR box(es). See Instructions NATURE OF AUTHORSHIP Check appropriate Map 1.3 3-Dimensional sculpture odteabtirhthioaannt, 0 Photograph Ll Jewelry design a 2-Dimensional artwork Li Reproduction of work of art a Pseudonymous? Domiciled in j No 'Author" of that part, and Mayo the space for dates YEAR IN WHICH CREATION WORK WAS COMPLETED a— r. OFThTIHiIsnStortnation b OC:Lipil:Tiithwisottormation must be given In sll cases. 2013 given in space a, Tupelo, MS Ultra completing the space. has been published. even Month October V MORE ON BACK a trbblicatke revers* Wdo of 1NS One. spaces (numbers 5-9) on the Sign 100 form at fine 8. See detailed instructions. 13 yew le 2013 RhUttutu 112 ONE DEPOSIT RECEIVED 114 Two DEPOSITS RECEIVED ti r. Cor^9ktie 'Malls° States APPLICATION as 38804 gaverrl, Day a.- NoienwUnited if the claimant is the same in is (arel different from the authons) named in TRANSFER if the daimant(s) named here space 4 obtained ovmership of the copyright. V how the clairnant(s) of statement brief a space a., give ASS 1 :snstructio*Y".*: . a No J Teclmical drawing D Text :...1 Architectural work Paxton Sales, Inc. 102014. Gloster St. #116 Se. Ins1"/Wn6 J Yes OF THIS PARTICULAR WORK DATE AND NATION OF FIRST PUBLICATION must be given COPYIUGHT CLAIMANT(S) Narne and address the author Year Died TO WAS THIS AUTHOR'S CONTIUBUTION THE WORK lithe answer lo either j Yes a No of Mese questions Anonymous? AUTHOR'S NATIONALITY OR DOMICILE Narne of Country States HIRE'United person for "Yes, see detailed instructions, is 1950 WAS THIS CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORIc A "WORK MADE FOR D Yrs whom the work a No Technical drawing a_ (or other as J J j DATES OF BIRTH AND DEATH Year dorn NAME OF AIJTHOR V' employer was Pseudonymous? D Yes Domiciled in Ca Jewelr) design j Reproduction of work of art part ol this in United States L.-.1 Map D Photograph IS z-Dimensional artwork employer, not the employee (see instructions). For any provided, give 1 citizen ef LII 3-Dimensional sculpture the work that was 'made tor nire, check "Yea' OR box(es). See inslructions NATURE OF AUTHORSHIP Check appropriate stnoo e:oitrukm:d afor hire' is generally Li TO THE THIS AUTHOR'S CONTRIBUTION It the answer to tether WORK 'J Yes Q No or tnese....b.. Anonymous? AUTHOR'S NATIONALITY OR DOMICILE lag FUNDS RECEIVED on NOT WRITE HERE of e Pag1 pages 1-1 Filed: 02/04/15 3 of 22 Case: 1:15-cv-00025-MPM-DAS Doc PagelD 13 FORM VA EXAMINED BY FOR COPYRIGHT CORRESPONDENCE C:1 °FF10E Yes USE ONLY .....immiii...-..........., USE A SEPARATE CONTINUATION SHEET.. SPACE, THIS LINE. IF YOU NEED MORE DO NOT WRITE ABOVE in the Copyright Office? of thn work, already been made an earlier version for or Has registration for this work, PREVIOUS REGISTRATIM sought? (Check appropriate boxile is "Yes, why is another registration being 0 Yes )9 No If your answer form, in work previously registered unpublished first published edition of a a. 0 This is the claimant. as author copyright this submitted by b. 3 This is the first application 6 on this application. version of the work, as shown by space is changed a 'Li This c. Year of Registration V Number Registration Previous If your answer is "Yes:' give: work; complete only sb for a both space 61 and 6b for a derivative V Compkte DERIVATIVE WORK OR COMPILATION work or works that this work is based on or incorporates. any preexisting a Preexisting Material Identify t compilation. See instructions brave completing Give a brief, b. Material Added to This Work general statement of the rnaterial fee LS to be charged DEPOSIT ACCOUNT If the registration Deposit to a that has been added to this work and in which Office, give Account established in the Copyright Account Ntunber v copyright is claimed. V vas space, and number of Account. name i! Name v CORRESPONDENCE Give name anti address to which correspondence about this application shoukl Max Edwards, Jr. Attorney at Law, LLC P.O. Drawer 420 Pontotoc, be sent. Name/Address/Apt/City/Statep V' J. Area code and daytime telephone MS 38863 Fax number 44 662) 489-8438 number 272-0266 Email that I CERTIFICATIONI, the undersigned, hereby certify am thr 3 author i.1 other copyright claimant cheek only one* i owner ofexclusive right(s).. of Xauthorized agent Nome of teems that the statements made by of the work identified in this application and Typed or printed name and date If this application gives a date of publication in space 3, ____Adam_Paxto-4- --1----Handwiitten signature (X) me do not in this "'Axton or Sat 1 es,. InC... other copyright clunatu+ di apphcation sign and submit are owner iu correct to the best exclusive raghttsle. of my knowkdge. it before that date. nate 121-2-1-14---- YOL---11 IAA XN.- a you lousy, omaummellomemmaseseers, Cornplele all necessary spaces, Certificate f Nitre M Will be, i mailed in _p_axtorL....sa1 cs q window; Number/Same/Apt 1 envelope,, tO 8 Sligo your aopkation in space "SENO AU, 3 ELEMENTS +BIN THE SAME PACKAGE 1020 N. tht3 Tjar._.. 1. 51,1)1 .t.'in filing les in theca V money 2. N, 1-2'.., agisiar Or CoDYntOis `Mcr iy EA, 3. Deposii malarial Gloster St -it. 1J15 V 4 i dresscily/StateiZIP I, Tupelp,„___MS__18B114.., ad: MAIL TO: 3247.410.4.151.N.A.A..16.4v= Library e Congress CopyrIgnI Otfide-VA I 01 Independence AVeniie SE Washington IX 20559 a fact, n makes a false repreaentabon of a material Mae be fined not mote than li U. S.C. Wile). 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V7fre.11. -VI. 1 S 1 C e. czukrN.. -r.,,es. 1-hj .:e. /A;S.;tI'E AILI14.. A CI 11.1 CAS Al5 /:314. EAdg_sairi--,944.44440A7- 7ric, 14., SE.4.kr__At Biaca,4ef-is --7-X;Zoitaci ow14... Atv, AriA(10/5-12/ey, --717./F-1---.SEittAA5 4 77vt._ AtliesistAit.e_e_tf Ateiti#13., 3(2,1(14 set--17--. cusii6tAls, Azi., Pliat.i.s_AccArati wAL -7;:fiL 74/ix Sr.QuAR.L. .73ax 77-4, ti g.vs./.1"bas5k;i. *:4fLaii5.. S... toittAiiitia.. 0, 77(.2"-i-A.L. PlieL 56"4 Ait&LLZI-Sze* ..0.- 1-ibleS% etkilg.!°4 eV‘161440114.,. Atom .1._.....,, itirlio PJELE..5t"' h. aofrin•fivomy 4, 1-1 Filed: 02/04/15 10 of 22 Case: 1:15-cv-00025-MPM-DAS Doc Customer: Phone. EDWARDS-101 (662)489-8439 Dept. Svcs: 22 41 1 34 5h.ppIn9 030ec14 •ight. 0 5 LBS COD. Date invoice. Special: 5.00 Handling. 0 00 DV 28.75 'otal: PRIORITY OVERNIGHT TRCK: 6115 7851 6800 (662) 489-8438 ORIGIN ID.TUPA JR, LLC J. MAX EDWARDS, 1 SHIP DATE! 03DEC14 ACTWGT: 0.5 LB MAN CAD, 0133948/CAFE2806 50 LIBERTY STREET UNITED SENDER 1BILL STAT!St19------------- PONTOTOC. MS 389632924 mU.S. COPYRIGHT OFFICE tt. AVE. S.E.. 101 INDEPENDENCE E 0 WASHINGTON D.C. DC 20559 (662) 489-8438 etc: vw. -.E.P..... 1--------------°j11----.---- iiiiillilitill 11111E111ln 11 11111 lifilfkiE li el-14i 3 l AiIlliitillii.ttall FedEexi P N v4 '4 n DE-CliTIOli r 6115 7651 um XC YKNA PRIORITY OVERNIGHT 20559 DC-US IAD PagelD 20 1-1 Filed: 02/04/15 11 of 22 Case: 1:15-cv-00025-MPM-DAS Doc PagelD 21 Exhibit B J. MAX EDWARDS, JR. LLC ATTORNEY AT LAW SO Liberty Street• Pontotoc, MS 38863 P. 0. Drawer 420 Pontotoc, MS 38863 (662) 489-8438 Fax: E-Mail: (844) 272-0266 www.jmedwardslaw.coro December 3, 2014 Library of Congress Copyright Office-V.A. 101 Independence Ave. S.E. Washington, D.C. 20559-6000 Sales, Inc. application for copyright registration Furniture Design Paxton Re: Motion Sofa with -Toss Pillow Arms" Dear Sir or Madam: Please find enclosed the following that I ask you to please file and in your usual register manner: 1) Form VA (application for copyright registration); and 2) deposit. Also, please find enclosed a check in the amount of $85.00 which represents the fee for filing the application. Thank you for your kind assistance regarding this matter. If you have any questions regarding this matter please feel free to give me a call. The following is my contact information: Pontotoc Office 662-489-8438; Fax -844-272-0266; and Email Sincerely, .1\A-42a5 J. Max Edwards, Jr. JME/nmc w/Enclosures cc: Mr. Adam Paxton k. 01 1 1 \NI 1-1 Filed: 02/04/15 12 of 22 Case: 1:15-cv-00025-MPM-DAS Doc right Office, or call Form VA 0 to Copyright Office fees are subject change.. Office For current fees, check the Copyhght the Copywebsite at wwwcopyrightgotr, write 22 PagelD For *Work of the Visual Arts utermo STATES COPYRIGHT OFFICE REGISTRATION NUMBER (202) 707-3000, 408410 of tido 1701 the United States Privacy Act Notice: Sections the personally identifying Code authorize the CopyrigM Office to collect order to process the appliesinfOrrneNan requested on this form in this information you are don for copyright registration. By providing of the information that include publication agreeing to routine uses 17 U.S.C. of your copyright claim at required by to give legal notice online cataiog. If you do not provide the Office's in will It appear $705. be refused or delayed, the Information requested, registration may relief, remedies, and benefits and you may not be entitled to certain VAU VA EFFECTIVE DATE OF REGISTRATION Year Day Month under the copyright mw. YOU NEED MORE SPACE, USE A DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS UNE. IF SEPARATE CONTINUATION SHEET. 1, NATURE OF THIS WORK V TITLE OF THIS WORK V Motion Sofa with "Toss Pillow Arms" (PX 2023) 1 Furniture Sas 'reductions Design PREVIOUS OR ALTERNATIVE TITLES lif about the or collection, give informadon work was published as a contribution to a periodical, serial, PUBLICATION AS A CONTRIBUTION If this V Work of Collective Title collective work in whkh the contribution appeared. If published in a periodical or serial give: On Pages II Issue Date Ir Ntunber Volume V 1 1 NAME OF AUTHOR 2 a 1972 Adarn Paxton WAS MIS CONTRIBUTION TO THE D ::...-1 NOTE Under the low, empioyer, not the employee (see instruetions). FOr any Part of this b Parson for No La Map La Photograph D Jewelry design part, and Text Architectural work Year Died V WAS THIS AUTHOR'S CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORK MO* answer to either J Yes ZI No onuses Questions Anonymous? AUTHOWS NATIONAuTY OR DOMICILE suss. of OR 1 y nited States Gpunpu citizen of Pseudonymous? J Domici)ed in D Map C3 Photograph L] Jewelry design ISI 2-Dimensional artwork 0 Reproduction of work of art YEAR 124 WHICH CREATION OF MIS WAS COMPLETED This Intonnadon must be given 20 14 in all cases. ai Year 3 aWORK 4 th1020 Yes .:snstru-Yescri.01:: n No deli" J Technical drawing J Text j Architectural work b Complete this Month O. ation InformMarch MY it this work has been given published. even Nation P•, a n if the claimant is the same different from the author(s) named TRANSFER If the claitnant(s) named here in space 4 is (are) V of how the claimands) obtained ownership of the copyright. 2, give a brief statement the Mere. Side Of thla page. Complete alt applicable spaces (numbers 5.9)011 Sign the form at tine 8. See detailed instructions, s APPLICATION RECEIVED as .1 s rg in ONE DEPOSIT RECEIVED it TWO DEPOSITS RECEIVED g g FUNDS RECEIVED I-1 space Assigntnent of Copyright 3.,,, y2014 day i tPd St. tr. nle Paxton Sales, Inc. N. Gloster St. #116 Tupelo, MS 38804 MORE ON BACK p. I., PARTICULAR WORK DATE AND NATION OF FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS COPYRIGHT CLAIMANT(S) Name and address must be e author given in space 2. apace. instructions. 1950 La 3-Dimensional sculpture death blank. bte sertegretrna Mkt is nese* see oeteried I No instructions NATURE OF AUTHORSHIP Check appropriate box(es). Seat of birth and 1 Yes Technical drawing Year Born V D Yes :.r.a No prepared) leave the space for dates J D J DATES OF BIRTH AND DEATH WAS THIS CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORK A "WORK MADE FOR HIRE"? 'Author ot that Pseudonymous? j Kevin Patrick whom the mark as United States Domiciled in NAME OF AUTHOR V WON that was prOvid*O, give the amptoyer (or other OR cauritN citizen,f j 3-Dimensional sculpture a 2-Dimensional artwork a Reproduction of work of art the "made tor hire; check 'Yes" in the spars Yes WAS THIS AUTHOR'S CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORK it the answer to either D Yes 2 No ot thee* question Anonymous? Auniors NATIONALITY OR DOMICILE Nam. cf See Instructions NATURE OF AUTHORSHIP Check appropriate boi(es). for hire' is was V WORK A "WORK MADE FOR HIRE"? the "author ot a "work made generaily DATES OF BIRTH AND DEATH Year Died y Year Born V 1 DO NOT WIRE HERE Page of Pages 1-1 Filed: 02/04/15 13 of 22 Case: 1:15-cv-00025-MPM-DAS Doc EXAMINED 23 PagelD FORM VA BY CHECKED BY FOR COPYRIGHT CORRESPONDENCE j OFFICE USE ONLY Yes CONTINUATION SHEET. A IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE, USE SEPARATE DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS UNE. Office?. this work, already been made in the Copyright for this work, or for an earher version of PREVIOUS REGISTRATION Has registration box.1V, is another registration heing sought? Check appropriate la Yes X3 No If your answer is"Yes, why in unpublished form. registered work of a previnudy is the first published edition it. J This this author as copyright claimant. b. :3 This is the first application submitted by shown as work, by space 6 on this apphotion. version of the c. a This is a changed Year of Registration V Number Previous Registration is"Yes, If your answer give: both spare 6a and 6b for a derivative work; complete DERIVATIVE WORK OR COMPILATION Complete works that this work is based on or incorporates. work or a. Preexisting Material Identify any preexisting only ab for a compilation. a-. .:"..S\ .1 See atstructions Wore comPeting statement of the material that has been added b. Material Added to This Work Give a brief, general registration fee is to be charged to a Deposit DEPOSIT ACCOUNT If the Name Y Give CORRESPONDENCE Max J. name and address Edwards, Attorney at Law, P.O. Area Drawer code and daytime 420 telephone number to whkh to Account established in the Account correspondence about Number tin space. this work and in which copyright is claimed. V Copyright Office, give name and number of ACCOUnt. "fr 'yr this applkation should he sent. Name 'Address/Apt/City 'State/Zip Jr. LLC MS Pontotoc, 38863 Fax number 662 )489-8438 '844;272-0266 Email CERTIFICATION' I, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the j author J other check only one• copyright claimant of exclusive right(s) J owner Name of author clf the work identified in this application and that the statements made by If this Typed or printed name and date in this other copront cement apphcat ion application gives a date of publication in space 3. do not sign and submit are correct to A 1 /7 di-- or Owner ot Inc.., nght10• exclusive the best of my knowledge. it before that date. 12/2114— Ime Adam_2axton___ Handwritten signature (V) Y me or Ssles, Paxton X« uthorized agent of I v_ X •VM/ MUST maemaseaveamitmorssaneaeo, „...oe• mete e necessary spaces CertMCS222 Nano@ V. S:gr• mailed in window Paxton SaieS Nambefibeeet/Api erwelope 'CMS address: 3 ELEMENTS, .1120.111212teE2r G IN THE SAME Pace AGE Inc 1020 N, Gics.ter .S..t..... #11.6. clYistSIIIIiP MS 38804. 17 U.S.C. 1506(e). My person stio knomnoly maims a fail. reartintantieson rnth the appecaton. Vial be tetel not mote than 52300 loom lee 2. Non, elLnitabe Iilelg oroe• pay aPle to >iectstet of 3. Dericsn matie^te AI Ghee* er elOney COPYIIPV MAIL yo Lt1a1y .1 COniress a Rev osevo .-.202611aaTAie-., 1. App,Caten 10, 11 V Tupelo VA- Fall &pace 8 f Qv' 00D, eate1 'SENO ALL will be 10•2012-2 >X faneee on MIK of a trammel tact el the Opayright Ortice-YA iol indepirbehee Aver., e SE Watesnbten GC 2OS69 ainkavon for ceP7^0012nOseseattein providers ior by sea= 409. of el DV.,, any *Men stitement NW et monsoon :iaVIIMIart Ilweing Oboe 2012972-M7 SO 911 11.. lit'.! 'i.f..'51.r...r.::„..:. e2 7 .4, '::::i4. I At 1, ^Li- ' 'i.r. 4.: e,,,,, "4.. . . . .1,.: 1... t .0„, 74.^. 7'... .*': „':;. .!:.i.i! W. 'i, Z, kiftreb ;.47.-.1... s. T.,,,. ••-'t 11101iNtl,t4.t.' :ir.. t.: ..;i:r..*.:, :"I, 'i '''''gA" '„:"0 :;7'1. ;Iii.', ...:•.:4„1„,;!1-,1!:.:.:..:...... 2.. .--t.'.':;'.• ''i. -.7. ...:-A rr".;-.., ;rt,g-,,,, _fr' :•.-t?? ilr•.• ;.4'.::A:.41:.:: b.: ...;s:': :1: -1"., f t. t'' ' ' ' 4', 7, t44ik-71. r, r. :S/Oli.:.:. '°1••'. .s. t, 1 41 ..!..t....:. r, h. 'r.,t:: I.., 'S 1, 4.1it.k.'S•3:‘, •.'i u., 1 RP k....., .r.., .4.. :::-....7.-....A.);.,4., -:.'vt'•'', i,,,,i, ' .. r...-,..'Th..',A,:7;':' i,,..'TikiF.:-:i.i?:!..... .-:;i4'..1, 1,,.:.iiiVf' ..1..T.:•14: .: ' '. 1.,..i'''.:. H...':',t.4)..7"'', 1::4.,,, i '1.'4,i. -'.;,'4.1• •i, I, 4,k.;:..7:‘....:;:1Pc-f•N' , 1. '-f•,: .1 -gelpfr. "4' .-it-zie::. Igr A r 24 Cle7 -cv-0002cgPM-DASpoc 1-1 Filed: 02/94/115 -.1 jr 40mm..,. it. 111111IaNt 4. A0, 4f=", :-.11,!7, 1 11.,. lat#' 25 4;. MPNA-DA Gas: t, 1116411111rt --7.7r4at. oleo Doc 1-1 Filed: 0 4061* 111..1 4 _ijørj 02/, 26 04/16 Jew/ o t` 44 ire. A 4 1111111akb ?4, 1 20 4i> ;1'', i4g 2 iit 4..., 1-1 Filed: 02/04/15 17 of 22 Case: 1:15-cv-00025-MPM-DAS Doc PagelD 27 1 1 2 1 4.... 4". "4. t.. 'tt's.,,,, '.1€ 1 1" i .tt' t f, 41 , 1. ti tt-ttt A 1 1 lc t 'e 1 1 I A 1 g i 4 t "4 1 r W i. i 4. i0 I it 1 t. tt I tf:,,,, i i.. I o v 1-1 Filed: 02/04/15 18 of 22 Case: 1:15-cv-00025-MPM-DAS Doc d4 _tati44,1„._iwarbrit4,3 4 amity siy L4frfic-_, Ccoolcm.p Ltd '1g- XEX41464-4X1._ .41 y AtAts, "7:41.5. A.4.444;24 -.1.!7 v-01dterix#A3 kL Fk..cfAA' Qt—• rc _st AteLcix..... z Ascr, -.1.-- z^-7, .fieM.. iti Setoct c143,eepr. 5-* kV/A..4) 28 PagelD -r-r- -r-- r- ;molded Zat4A1 kil).14, --Ns_ Ai2AN: AgiA ii CAT, A KN1 F.z _E,c( Z. riaLta 6/1.7-41..1.. f 4.4 F 6, 7kt ittem.A......_ 4c, oN. 741. SHA zsi carvilavA cm/12.. telAtiii.s. 4 6 Lr'it WHcJ 774x, At tAp... Pg 1.14)644 Col t a irt el.4 gy 1%I-, if- IreigAra iliew' -77:, St.i Riciez, _7141. Statir• J.I.A.I.v:?ty findeld "T I2° ilxi 14 tAlothyl f c"Ar-Arf Aitiu. R441--A-8. -5.*, 1EA4-7e7i1, het. Atseez_. p 774.444, elt.i rip 'Thiel 7:044-: ti,. .4 Ptisiti -rip sE-4-4- Aks. A go t. TILL-4w 4., 1 v -7111X., Atilv. 7p -Sedt-t- 77Cr c K.5 _i- A._ Goi"isti15., .v Le...... rota. -2;9 E., Wei Nelcit. (.414,10Lit if'pEAL 1<M.6e" 5rt xI. ir45. ON d 444. rdreJfibiALL frilhLe r A117414'4 A. PLeliN7, 7iiir)4 PUB 3liegis friltiVtAlt7f----Szt4"1 SAu&-_?.... --fail t t ..A/ i.s4414..._S171-0-1, SoPi4, toztve;sr,4 1-4 .1.i in dorptv,4 ait.iede.. A _Metr.4i.....44:?4, :71.1..a.3? T----------.--n----_ •14 A TRz. ta 7r4L. A 14 zA ley 'PAckled _roc, cxtelk Sor-f-- ..)14.k. L., p '•Ass_.-/-,, c) cfunix.f., -7t:11 szdt-f- A. 140 phis/A-13Bugigc-1-5 e*1-54."1, sysilor" 0-44hAAIW vl.h.L.A., zit_ Foericciisri" “A-AvA. la. 1-.--?•44 rt_ Ap z4i 0 #4, ';'7, :e OZ.::::—'-------- Case: 1:15-cv-00025-MPM-DAS Doc 1-1 Filed: 02/04/15 19 of 22 PagelD 29 Exhibit C J. MAX EDWARDS, JR.. ATTORNEY AT LAW 50 Liberty Street + Pontotoc, MS 38863 P. 0. Drawer 420 (662) 489-8438 E-Mail: Pontotoc, MS 38863 Fax: (844) 272-0266 [email protected] December 3, 2014 Mr. Guozhi Qiao 5201 Cliffwood Dr. Montclair, CA 91763 Vogue Furniture Direct, Inc. By and through Mr. Guozhi Qiao, its President and Registered Agent 5201 Cliffwood Dr. Montclair, CA 91763 Zhejiang Chairmeng Furniture Co., By and through Ms. Sally Xu LTD Copyright Infringement of Paxton Sales, Re: Dear Mr. I Qiao and Inc.'s Furniture Designs. Ms. Xu: matter. represent Paxton Sales, Inc. in the above-referenced in the enclosed Sales, Inc. is the copyright owner of original furniture designs described virtue of its Exhibits "A" and "B", for which U.S. Copyright Registration is pending. By derivative works of, copyrights, Paxton Sales, Inc. has the exclusive right to reproduce, prepare to 17 distribute, and/or publicly display furniture bearing these copyrighted designs pursuant Paxton U.S.C. 106. Paxton Sales, Inc. is aware that you have acquired, made, sold, imported, displayed, reproduced, similar to Paxton and/or distributed furniture with designs that are identical or substantially furniture designs (see Exhibits "A" and "B"). These copyrighted Inc.'s Sales, copyrighted p,10 (1.1, 1-1 Filed: 02/04/15 20 of 22 Case: 1:15-cv-00025-MPM-DAS Doc furniture VF designs include, but are not limited to, Vogue's previous PagelD 30 item numbers VF 1001-21, 1001-03, VF 1001-00, and VF 2023 series. 501 and 602, anyone who violated Paxton Sales, Inc.'s exclusive infringement, can be held directly direct or Pursuant to 17 U.S.C. contributory copyright copyright rights, through increased damages for willful and/or vicariously liable for damages, a disgorgement of profits, 504 sections of 17 U.S.C. infringement, and costs and attorney's fees, pursuant to applicable and an impoundment and and 505. Paxton Sales, Inc. may also be entitled to injunctive relief 502 and 503. destruction of the infringing goods pursuant to 17 U.S.C. Paxton infringement very seriously and will aggressively original furniture designs. Sales, Inc. takes protect its rights in its matters of copyright of infringing furniture in your possession. to any furniture Paxton Sales, Inc. expects you to cease all activities immediately with regard of sales made with the same or similar designs. We also request that you provide an accounting sold such furniture, and an inventory of to date, a list of customers to whom you have offered or an amicable resolution of infringing furniture. Finally, we request that you contact us to discuss We understand that you may have this matter on terms that We look forward to your you are some quantity agreeable to Paxton Sales, Inc. prompt attention to this very important matter, immediately. Very truly J. Max yours, Edwards, Jr. JME/nmc Enclosure cc: Chang, Esq. (via U.S. mail and e-mail) Heidi Cheng, Esq. (via U.S. mail and e-mail) Steven P. Mr. Adam Paxton and expect to hear from ^assi lilt 1 in 000EL /.1r1.1 L., A3 ui cc rircu.viu,.+Iriu .11. rageiu •r-v--"--""Ne—r""'Y—"T"7""ri1 r.K.;.,. r, -14 Ilia -ileiptamiLikill,... 11141111M11111111hill r.,. z„...., ....._;.7::- ..1 1 .4i.:7:-.7., iiilIl 3 „...47„.., r^ f4 7, 7 '....-."14.:Vi; 4 "7:', :00101.1 1 A 1 J.:•Y ill 7 3.-.'. I EMI Z. on :'.-1: 7 pi. .(!..q.--,. ---'z- r .4: 1 1 IS —1.- 1 i 1 t...:: 'T --1', c VA "-i- 1: 1..: r 7. ..:-.7.:444, E. s 5.::: I 1100 :.:.7. ct- .4s........., :.:...:.7.....•:, :7:-.... I- ..f..:., -::. 1 l.' •.s., 1, i.-1-4 \rm., i..-.:.. .4 ly A; i. t. 4 4. ...24,7 I Ti. t. ...1, f*_ :•'..-Y i 4!., .I. i 21:-':. israi3O0.. . . . .-. --- :L, .1j,.. .;-:::..:::::::;..:.3, 7N% ..:L e 14 1111111...:.... asp, ‘41t.: -O i.v. . .:‘ 7....„. A, ditt 1 an Rhos iiiimilie,. c. . ..annin ki, 1, i;5. A 4,1 1111111111r 4 1111 Ella :::74; ..z...4 ..::...t.:-...,. 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'7.„- tv....:Iti-... T." -7).; . %;i, , v. -4., ....:-.7z;:0-1 .'1'..'.. ::::gr':, :.'-7.1.. <-::::::-..."....i.:f.., 7 ''-'..141, -..-"t:4-.' re, i..., 'T '7.,: 1 ::7.4.•:., j........% .1, r :::::::':-.-L:.' -c-',:: .....i...:-. -::!-1'... i. . .v;.;i7-104,414:1, ..'..i, 1!.-15:' -.-.:::-.41-tri....7... ''1.iW )-4,41:.J7.,, :--ff"-..::.: .r.: :•.:.q..--;'A --"A=:, 5:::.--.-:.!„!.., 4.•:, ;'..:;.':..;:li....4:4,.c.';, y,i;41, .-::.-5:, k,r..-....."1:::', -7'.':-'' '-' ' ' 'f:Fis--. ;.#`1'..." 2 .4j-''-‘. ...c..t.;, -.4.,,,: i, r •:::.4,4: .-:-.::-..:-y., i. -fr, 'r, :j••, 4,,, ;0„5, 7 1-2 Filed: 02/04/15 1 of 1 Case: 1:15-cv-00025-MPM-DAS Doc (Rev. 12/12) JS 44 33 PagelD CIVIL COVER SHEET The JS 44 civil cover sheet and the information contained herein neither replace nor supplement the filing and service of pleadings or other papers as required by law, except provided by local rules of court. This form, approved by the Judicial Conference of the United States in September 1974, is required for the use of the Clerk of Court for the purpose of initiating the civil docket sheet. (SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON NEXT PAGE OF THIS FORM.) I. (a) PLAINTIFFS as DEFENDANTS Paxton Sales, Inc. Vogue Furniture Direct Inc., Guozhi Qiao, and Zhejiang Chairmeng Furniture Co., LTD (b) County of Residence of First Listed Plaintiff Lee County, MS County of Residence of First Listed Defendant (EXCEPT IN U.S. PLAINTIFF CASES) San Bernardino County, CA (IN U.S. PLAINTIFF CASES ONLY) IN LAND CONDEMNATION CASES, USE THE LOCATION OF NOTE: THE TRACT OF LAND INVOLVED. (C) Attorneys (Firm Name, Address. and Telephone Number) Attorneys (If Known) J. Max Edwards, Jr., Attorney at Law, LLC. P.O. Drawer 420, Pontotoc, MS 38863 662-489-8438 II. BASIS OF JURISDICTION (Place an O 1 U.S. Government 3 Federal Plaintiff "X- in One Box III. CITIZENSHIP OF PRINCIPAL PARTIES (Place an "X- in One Box for Diversity ('ases Only) and One Box far Defendant) Only) Plaint)(For Question (U.S. Government Not a Party) Cnizen of This State PTF DEF n I 71 PTF Incorporated I or Principal Place DEF n 4 n 4 of Business In This State U.S. Government 2 Diversity (Indicate Citizenship of Parties in n 4 Defendant Citizen of Another State 71 2 n 2 Incorporated and Principal 71 5 n 5 n 3 0 3 Foreign -1 6 n 6 Place of Business In Another State Item llfi Citizen or Subject of a Nation Foreign Country IV. NATURE OF SUIT (Place an "X'' in One Box Onho CONTRACT TORTS 1 110 Insurance PERSONAL INJURY il 120 Marine 1 310 ll 130 Miller Act il 315 O 140 O 150 Negotiable Instrument Recovery of Overpayment & Enforcement ofJudgment O 151 Medicare Act O 152 Recovery of Defaulted Student Loans O 153 (Excludes Veterans) Recovery of Overpayment O 160 71 190 n 195 n 196 of Veteran's Benefits Stockholders' Suits Other Contract Contract Product Liability Franchise Airplane Airplane Product Liability [1 365 Personal 0 320 Assault. Libel & Slander 3 330 Federal Employers' L iability 3 340 Marine 0 345 Marine Product REAL PROPERTY 0 0 0 n 240 Torts to Land 1 442 3 443 245 Tort Product Liability 290 All Other Real Property n 445 Amer. w/Disabilities 230 Rent Lease & Ejectment Habeas 1 Original Proceeding 1 740 1 751 Railway Labor Act Family and Medical 0 530 General 0 535 Dcath 0 0 0 1 7 400 State 0 791 Copyrights Banking 1 450 Commerce 3 460 Deportation 3 470 Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations El 490 Cable/Sat TV t 1 861 H1A (139511) 1 862 Black Lung (923) 1 850 Securities/Commodities/ n 863 DIWC/DIWW (405(g)) n 864 SSID Title XVI n 890 Other Statutory Actions 71 891 Agricultural Acts n 865 RSI 7 893 Environmental Matters Exchange (405(g)) 1 895 Freedom of Information Act 0 896 Arbitration Litigation Employee Retirement Security Act FEDERAL TAX SUITS 1 899 Administrative Procedure 1 870 Taxes (U.S. Plaintiff or Act/Review Defendant) n 871 IRS—Third Party 26 USC 7609 Penalty Reapportionment 7 410 Antitrust 1 430 Banks and Leave Act Income Accommodations "X" in One Box Labor/Management Sentence Employment V. ORIGIN (Place an 0 720 0 463 Alien Detainee 3 446 Amer. w/Disabilities Other 0 448 Education X 1 710 Fair Labor Standards Corpus: 0 375 False Claims Act :1 480 Consumer Credit Relations 0 510 Motions to Vacate 820 C Act Voting Employment Housing/ .7 423 Withdrawal n 830 Patent 1 840 Trademark 0 790 Other Labor Righls 28 USC 158 PROPERTY RIGHTS PRISONER PETITIONS 1 440 Other Civil Appeal 0 or Appeal Agency Decision 950 Constitutionality of State Statutes IMMIGRATION Other: 540 Mandamus & Other 550 Civil Rights 555 Prison Condition 560 Civil Detainee Conditions of Confinement 1 462 Naturalization Application :1 465 Other Immigration Actions Only) n 2 Removed from State Court 0 3 Remanded from Appellate Court Cite the U.S. Civil Statute under which you CI 4 Reinstated are 17 U.S.C. 501, et seq. VI. CAUSE OF ACTION.... Brief descnption or Reopened filing 0 5 Transferred from Another District CI 6 Multidistrict Litigation (speci/V) (Do not cite jurisdktional statutes unless diversity): of cause: Copyright Infringement VII. REQUESTED IN r71 COMPLAINT: VIII. RELATED CASE(S) IF ANY DEMAND CHECK YES TBD FOR OFFICE USE ONLY AMOUNT if demanded in (See instructions): 3..) KSIIATTORN 02/02/2015 only JURY DEMAND: JUDGE DATE RECEIPT 8 CHECK IF THIS IS A CLASS ACTION UNDER RULE 23, F.R.Cv.P. APPLYING IFP 1 OTHER STATUTES BANKRUPTCY 0 422 )4 Property Damage 385 Property Damage Product Liability Injury Malpractice I 28 USC 157 Injury Product Liability.: 0 n I7 210 Land Condemnation 0 220 Foreclosure Drug Related Seizure of Property 21 USC 881 1 690 Other PERSONAL PROPERTY CIVIL RIGHTS 1 441 Injury 0 370 Other Fraud 0 371 Truth in Lending 1 380 Other Personal Injury Medical 0 625 Product Liability 0 367 Health Caret Pharmaceutical Personal Injury Product Liability 0 368 Asbestos Personal Liability 0 350 Motor Vehicle 1 355 Motor Vehicle Product Liability n 360 Other Personal n 362 Personal FORFEITURE/PENALTY PERSONAL INJURY DOCKET NUMBER ORD JUDGE MAG. JUDGE 3 Yes complaint: X No of