RS Ramber
RS Ramber
LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR ders in Council approved on the RS day of Ramber 19 et. PURPORT 334. Revenue Let Reftthd to Govt of Canada, Indian Lffair;.Branch - $40. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR r je r, in Council approved on the .day of . NWINIOW , 19 V 1. PURPORT 05, Constitution &et of t legislative kaseribly riga& LIFUTINAN1-COVIANOR Order, in Council approved on the ... . day of ,19 67, PURPORT 3366,,, Constitution Lot 3367, Coal Lot 3%41, Forgot Lot :43671, A •Resairding Ron. D.A.J. Campbell as Satin Rin. Lends. 4ppointing Bon. W.E. Klemm •Weems renewed to Parole Coal Hines. letabliftng a euesial sale area. Re Reinbureigg Ealeenikoff Luther $9,150 fire ices. 337). Land Lot gightme.may granted B.O. Telephone. 3371. - Right.ofhiamy granted Inland Natural Oda. 3372. • Otmeollbgrvemove re Oft) 2934/56. 3371 Mineral Lot Placer-mining Lot - N. Sutherland acppinted Bub-glare Recorder - Ibrt et. arm 3374 Pdblio Sohoole Lot 3373, 3376. C.P.I. reminding J.E. Rawson as Officio Trustee of Telowlimah School District. • -0,P.I. terminating terms of anal of al trustees of S.D. 20 (Salmon irm). ■ - O.P.I. terminating is of office of al trustees of S.D. 78 (Enderby). • Refund to Hiss H. Maguire $241.10. 3377. Revenue Sat • 3318„ - Refund to S.D. 31 (Merritt) 3597.49. 3379. - Renaud to 3330., U SUM Fraser U $1,402.51. - Refund to Nellie* Ltd. $518.28. 33S1, Criminal Code - Frank Joseph nodry (Layton) to coati:11,n ot Riverview. 3382. - Henry Louis Bramwell transfer Haney '- (,0 Riverview. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR OrdcN in Council approved on the 7th .day of Ilmember , 19 eft. PURPORT 3383. B.C. Hydro & Pbuer Authority Lot • J.H. Steeds anointed a Director and %Cher of Exaeutivs leanagment Comed.ttee of the B.C. Blare without additional pay, 3384. - itcropriating land • Lrnott - Stratford. • 3385. •Jades Provensano to hear appeal • Cwikul • 338& . prise,: • J.V. & H. a 3387. "va YO. le - Judge Pravensano to hear appeal Joins %Mimics. •Judge PrOVIDSROO to hoer appeal Anthony Eulmaki• 1M, Canada Student Loans Lot • Designating specified edueetional institutions. 3390. Civil Service Superannuation Lot • 14V4A,I. Kennard retired Oct 1/67. 3391. Civil Service Let • Amending Classification SehednIso re ,sash arose. 3392. * • Se.esplaying H.E. Blanchard far 3 Bebe. 3393. * • Retirtemcft of L.Y. Harebell deferred 3att1 M. Collection Agents Act 3395. Oruminaleede * MI. - Regulation, is said Lot. - Robert Les Cram transfer Riverview to Oakella. - Jean jolieoeur transfer Riverview to Haney. 3397. Forest Lot ■ Establishing a salvage sale area. 3398. Health Act - Regulations re Camp Sites. 3399. Highway Lot - Secondary classification of Squamish Valley Rd. rescinded. 3400. a 3401. • 3402, Indian Advisory Act 3403. Jury Lot 3404. * 3405. municipal Lot 340A. 340i. * * * O. : 4° • 3410. • . Squwaish Valley Rd. classified an Arterial Highway. -Release and return of securities to Reg Patron Ltd. - $50,000. -Appointing members to Indian Advieory Ocemittee. • Lot re Selectors of Jurors, etc. not to apply to Town of Quosna. - Lot re Seleotore of Jurors, etc. not to apply to Village of Pollee Coupe. - Supplementary Lettere Patent re Town of Creston. -Bram 1.658 re District of Burnaby. ?edema. • By-law 168 re District of -Brim, 297 re Town of Fort St. John. - By-law 2418 re City of Penticton. City of Penticton. •Brant 2419 re 1.IITTENANT-GOVERNOR rders in Council approved on the 7th day of PURPORT Wit Munialpal Let - N.J. Conroy appointed member of Zoning Board of Appeal - Vinton. 3412. - Supplementary Letters ?Vent re Keg. Dist, of Central Kootenay. pjj, rta*.rrricy Act - Examiners appointed under the Act for /68. 1040 Public) Schools Aot - S.D. 2 (Cranbrook) to grant easement. 3415, Public Utilities Act - Amendment to Cert of P.C. & N. re Edralak liotor anrrier Act . Appeal re Triangle Express Ltd. 3107„ I-14411mq Act - Cort 1547 re Beaver Valley Ski Club. NO.8, . Cart 1548 re 3419. . Cart 1549 re P.G.E.R. - Mileage 31803 34;]0 Cart 1550 re P.G.E.R. 3421, U22, T-Bar. m 3113 - Cart 1554 re P.G.E.R. -automatic) signal. a - Cart 1555 re P.G.E.R. - Mileage 46/.32 3423, Cart 1556 re P.G.E.R. " 460.66 .7424, - Cart 1557 re P.G.E.R. " 386.1 3425, Consumer Protection Aot - Amending Regulations. 3426. Regiaterod lArrese Act - tiro. B. Koster appointed a member of Board of Examiners of the said Act. 3427. Revenue Lot - Refund to Crossing Lumber ",218.40. 3428. - Refund to M.& E. Holdings Ltd. $650.00. - Refund to S.D. 23 (Keloune) $339.82. 31,30. - Licence & plates issued for $2 - Salvation Army. 3431. Vital Statistics Act -Amending Regulations re fees. 3432., Evidenoo Act -Rewinding S.D. Robertson and R. ShirleY ae Commissioner. Appointing F.E. B.eak- :433, - Rescinding M.A. Ratably as a Commissioner. Appointing M.A. Bubbly and V. Smith. 3434, Eic,introtes Aat -M.D. Hay appointed a Justice of the Peaoe. '2435, Evidence Act - T.D. Thorpe appointed a Commiasioner. R.F. Horton rescinded. NJ6 lisgiatro+os Act - M.R.A. Kydd appointed Justice of the Peace C;!-Jangl of Nemo 11.c; • !„::ending Regulations ro fees. • LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR Orders in Council approved on the 9th day of Wevembar , 19 .67. PURPORT 3439, Civil Service Aot • Rescinding Bon. D.L. Brothers as Acting A.G. Appointing Hon. L.R. Peterson. • Rettremont of P.A. liolailen deferred 3 at AO. • Farther sink lame granted Ross Glean. 3441. Cririnvl Code • Andrew Norm Crawford detained at Riverview. • • • Bad* to Tammany transfar Riverview Rinies Bailees trarafer Riverview to • MUM 3444, Escheats Let • land esobeatad to Crown - Provincial 7.nvestaent Co. 3445. Poreet Lot • Establishing a salvage sale area. 3446. 3447. a • • Establishing a salvage sale area. • Establishing a salvage male area. 3448. • Patab3.ishing a 'pedal sale area. 3449. Roopital Let • P.R. Gook reappointed to board of mangeBent of G.R. linker Boep Quesnel. 34504. Bael:rital Insurance Lot • Than Boepital designated a hospital to furnish general hospital services. 3451. Lard Act 3452, RIght-of.way granted B.O. fro. • Limo* to °Gamy granted B.C. Rydro. 3453. • • Right-of-way granted B.C. Telephone. 3454. • • Baesment far gooses granted LW. Jacobi. 3455. • • Right-of-way granted Port Belson Tranemission Co. 3456. • • lend reserve for Dept Rational Deems. 3457. LVDd Registry Act - Repletion re registration. 345P. itorlioal Grant Lot • G.L. Steuart reappointed President of B.C. Medical Plan for 1968. ▪ Besending W.G. MoClise to the Advisory Coemittee. Appoint A.M. Johnson. • Rewinding 140. McClure as a director of the B.C. Medical Plan. Appointing A.M. Johnson. 'Antal Health Act 346'4, 3 3463. Yunioipal Aft 346. 3465. 3466. a • Rum Platelike trine*. Riverview to Oakalla. • John Pomo truster Riverview to Oakalla 13y-law 5184 re District of Burnaby. Dy•law 2381 re City of Pentioton. w,i, Pope appointed member of Zoning Board of Appeal - Town of tope. • Elupplamantas7 letters Patent re District of Bulklay•Ifechako. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR Order, in Council approved on the 9tle day of Noomimmr 19 67. PURPORT • Boundaries 3/47„ Park Act 311> Amenamboundaries of Garibaldi Park. 3469. Istablishing Prime's Mergaret Marine Pk. y,70, Public, Schools Lot a 3471, r 1 • ,f0 AINIE • 8.D. /7 (Pr 000r80) to grant easement. • Desoribed property acquired. 3473. Revenue Lot - Refund to C.P.R. $372.67. 3474. • Reftnd to Pacific Inland Express $315.23 1475. Refund to Stall CO. of Cpsods $4,732.56. Refund to S.D. 9 (( ultiaPr) $285.02- 3476. - 3477. • 3478. Vital Statistics Lot Marriage Lot • Rescinding appointments of Dep Dist Reg. °flares, etc. &liar:Lags Oommissionere. 3479. Water Lot - Letters Patent is !Moan Perk Improvesent Distriot. 3480. Evidence Lot - J.D.L. Gray appointed Gaettamioneer. 3.4. Phillips reminded. a Refund to O.D.O. $821.27. • R.M.O. ?.midis appointed Commissioner. 3482. Small Debts Courts Lot - Territoriall Jurisdiction of L.J.D. 3483. Roclitel Lot • Regulations amended .6r ylv • S.D. /7 (Pr George) to grant easement. 3472.. Public Works Lot 3481,, situ of SaItes7 Ray Park extended. LIF.UTENANT-GOVRNOR Niers in Council approved on the day f o. ,, , 19 PURPORT la • - Spacial Warrant ro Trado Prix, Valcos7or. 4230,373,59 rO ▪ & rove: huthr,rity - x1 13..rlot Ot.pitol Inthority Act tc.t, - &mending 0/C 33C6/67 re 31-'6/67 to 3162/ - Icrue and vale or Debonturce $1,0:0,0oo by the Authority. Crrt of ?.I. granted Cordons - change of name. :1711 anvicto Act Rot amen.. of R.D.Sftbbe tioferrod 3 mtl-, - Rot-trammel of W.R.R. CortAL, de:ervd Raiment of W. 3ohren devred 3 et 491. - P. Sinclair granted sick Lave 492. ply, E,L. Conatantinenn to tone and roccLa ratunoration. . Escheated band granted to I.A. Field purchrmera. ._tcoT-1,4 it; 1.,3t .494, Temlnalo Acci; 49, . Loam) granted to &tai Doli‘sry Lti, Woatern Fncriea Ltd. subaiciso:. • F. Euverman & D. Kronamoye; re 1urcd gC,000. FercW.: f.ct LiqUrn! Act - Sale of narohuuno to G. 0a - y U0f000. - Resolution fl,. 32,881 ro pcioe list. - Free Cr11Pt Grant issued to 0.P.n. Free Crain Grant issued to P.0.11. Eightsrof-sety granted B.C. lydro. tt - Licence to ocoup;r grareod :ay Lumller Co. R1ght-of-usy gran:Ad City of Pr. %pct. Right-of-uty grentod Toon .r M:writt. Rlserve ro 0/C 1013/47 can'lied innortt. it rolatco tc doscrited land. al Roaorve r4 0/C 473A0 cancollaC.. If 11 . -tics Act • Troneerof lam: from Cana Ga to Provimco accepted. -. R.1% OcCarthirertindod as nut Poi RD eto. and Harries ConmioaiGnor. 1T.Z. appointed Ender-y. • Resoiseione at various &moles. 71520,. :i')fpnl Act 11 11 ;513, :lam! C'crilnatioa Aet 4V, - Amending 0/C 2967/67 changing ra-1. 3y-law 517 ro tanor Crevon. By-leu 4/3 re District of :Ant. Plan 933 cancelled and re...designated. - Plana deaoribedbo canoollod. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR Orders in Council approved on the 15tI, day of November ,19 _ 67. . PURPORT D. X.I.O. Benson rescinded oa mob 1-1r) Pollution Con+rol Board. Dt'. 9'e,7,Plor appointed. of Canino $3,630•71Fsctssts::1 to N. 1T:1.1cion conwavation Ro:viacl to Ecrx.,on Tinbor $792.40- Is.z1uTanoe vi valoroi* face norm ttcd 77,0 S.D. C5 (7anlouvor Iolords, Worth). Appolutrqnto and roaolsolons. Let :11j22. Dobto Courts Ate.; • itrPointing Harry Gregory a Ifot:xr:,. Publ. Juriadittion or F.?. Tom wooded. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR 'F':%0VED ON 71-17 loth DAY OF Novenber A.D. 1967. Purport 3523. Constitution &ot Civil Service Aot •Rewinding Ron. L.R. Peterson as Acting /4.0. Appointing Hon. W.K. Kiernan. • Dept Highwaya decreased by 2 positions. 0.N. Ourbiehloy, E.P. Nioolls & J.n. Staehopo +0 give leoturee and receive remuneration. 3526 , Court Rules of Practice &at - Making County Court Rulea. 3527. Foroet Pet -Establishing a salvage salo arcs. 3528. -Metropolitan Trading to export 54 pieces. 3529. - Norman Manning to export 1,081 pieta,. 3530. - Reimbursement to D. Eaton - 187.50. 3531: Goverment Liquor Aot Liquor-control Plebiscites Aot - ProclaimimgU-ii/67 re voting day for plebiscite - sale of beer, ale, vine, eto Hospital Act - A.J. Marootte reappointed to board of management Peace Arch Dist Hospital White Rook. • • M.E. Adana, reappointed to board of management Sunny Pill Hoop. Vancouver. 3534. land Act Right-ofmaay panted B.C. Hydro. 3535. - Right-of-way granted B.C. Hydro. 3536. -Right-of-way granted B.C. TelephOne. 3537, - Reserve re 0/C 2572/4? oanoelled. Land Registry Act - Rogulatione re registration 0/C 3454/67. 3539. lAnd Settlement & Development Aot - Appointing Cbairman, Secretary & Mombors of land Settlement Board. 3540. Municipal Superannuation Act - Hag. W.V. Pools to oome under the Act. 3541. Parke Act - Constituting Clearwater River Park. 3542. - Extending Mt. Robson Provincial Perk. County Courts Lot - 1968 County Court Criminal Trials with a Jury. Tendbors, Pensions Act - Act to apply to R. PalveskY- Notarios Act - Rescinding H.J. &Mins as Notary Public Appointing R.D. Maxwell. 543. Supremo Court Act 1.1111 1INANT-GOVI:RNoR rders in Council approved on the_.. .....2 .. day of November , 19W. PURPORT No 3546 Coal Aot - Limos renewed to Northern Goal Mines. 3547. 7arost tot 35.C. ie.n3 kat .;)4) )550 . Crown Grant issued to City of Port Cavities. Oct - Amending 0/C 1309/62 ro wording. .'::olio Schools Act ' • 3551. • • 3555 • • 3555, 3560, - S.D. 37 (Wits) Ref. 8 borrowing 3420,540. - S.D. 77 (&ur'norinnd) borrowing $13C,;'50 - S.D. 77 (Suomerland) borrowing 3556, 3559, - S.D. 28 (gusanal) borrowing 31.325,560. - S.D. 44 (N.Vanaowvor) borrowing 31,291,4ZO. 3554: 3558.. - S.D. 22 (Vernon) borrowing t788,600. - S.D. 37 (Dolts) Ref. 7 borrowing $9,708,900.00. 3552. 3557 Estahliching a salvage culla area., Revenue Act • • $ $25,(101, - Refund to Far East Minorals 3265. - Rotund to S.D. 61 (Victoria) $811.05. Reftnd to Trans Paoifio Leaping Sem- loci $253.01. - Wand to U.B.C. $836.93. LIEUTENANT-GOVFRNOR (do., in Council approved on the 28th day of Ilargober , 1917. PURPORT Lpprcaticeohip& Tradesmen's Qualification Lot ▪ Sohedule & amended re Painting sad Decorating. 3562, Aneesament Equalization Act - Date, placer, time, Courts of Revision. 3563., Audit Qat - Special Warrant re Project - $30,000. 3564. Boiler & Pressure Vessel kat - Regulation re Pees. 3565, B.C. Porentera kat • Heosiosion, appointment re Board of Examiners. 3566., Ccuotoriee Act - Order re Victory Memorial Gardena. 3567: Civil Service Act • Retirement of E.A. Walls deferred 3 mths. 3568. - Retirement of L. Dionne deferred 3 mths, S. Okanagan Lends - Retirement of L. Robson deferred 3 tithe. 3569. N 3570, 3571, - Retirement of J.P. Bundle), deferred 3 mih - Farther sick leave granted C.J. Wagnor. U "2572. - Widow of J.P. !Conley:Ade paid 3 mthe pay 3573„ Criminal Code - Clayton George William Beckham transfer Riverview to Oakella. 3574„ • Henry Louie Bramwell transfer Riverview to Haney. • ;575. - Archibald Campion transfer Cabana to Riverview. 3576, - Wilhelm Rollout* transfer Riverview to Oakalla. ")577. Escheate kat . Escheated land granted to Christians Gathered in the Nano of the Lord. 3578. Forest Act Cancelling 0/Ca re salvage Lale arose. 3579. 4, Establishing a selvage sale area. 3580. • Metropolitan Trading to export 1,71..9 3581. pg p03. - Norman Manning to export 187 pieces. 3582. - West Coast Log to export 116 pieces. 3583, Hospital hot - H.V. Sperling appointed 3584, • D.B. Clark reappointed to board of manegc nont Snmmerlend General Voslitol. 3585., tl to board of management of Pr. George Rec. Boardtal. - J. Minder reappointed to board of manage sent Ladysmith & Diet Oen Hospital. 3586. • T.N. Weir reappointed to board of manage went Windermere Diet Hoop - Irvin-mare. 3587. land Act - Licence to occupy granted Village of Merritt. 3588. - Remove re 0/Cs 2452/57 & 2641/57 cancelled insofar as they relate to described area. 3589. ▪ &mending 0/C 3507/67 re 442 to 422. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR ders in Council approved on the 20th.... day of Nesmater ,1957. 0 PURPORT 3590. Hadoiral Let - Letters Patent re Globs Creek. -By-law 279 re Village of Abbotsford. 3592. a - 3593. 3594. -BY-law 24 is Manson SimiAswan. • -Dy-law 1771 is Oity of Prince Rupert. - By-law 5135 is 3595. 3596. 486 is District of sous. • District of Burnaby. •By-law 45 is Village of Clinton. 3597. • By-law 634 re City of Alberni. 3598. - J.L. Doyle 3599. appointed member of Zoning Board of Appeal - Golden. • - Supplementary Latter. Patent re North Okanagan. - Lettere Patent re Thompson-Riools Regionel District. 3601. Public Schools Lot - S.D. 2 3602. 3603. S.D. 86 (Crseton.Kaalx) to grant leans. • (Cranbrook) borrowing $678,400. S.D. 11 (Trail) borrowing $1,243,200. - S.D. 11 (Trail) borrowing $181,400. - S.D. 14 (S Okanagan) borrowing $241,900. 3605. 3606. • - S.D. 15 (Penticton) borrowing $1,047,900. 3607. • • S.D. 18 (Golden) borrowing $78,800. S.D. 34 (Abbotsford) borrowing 83,900,E 3608. 3609. • - S.D. 35 (Langley) borrowing $2,630,900. - S.D. :610. 35 ( " ) borrowing $198,000. 3611. • - S.D. 36 (Survey) borrowing $390,000. 3512. e - S.D. 38 (Ridbaond) borrowing $3,543,300. 3613. 3615. • - S.D. 38 ( ) borrowing $756,520. S.D. 38 ( " ) borrowing $214, 800. - S.D. 48 (Rowe Sotind) borrowing $1,719,850. - • S.D. 52 (Pr Rupert) borrowing $1,494,960. - S.D. 56 (Vonderhoof) borrowing 13,085,800. - S.D. 57 (Pr George) borrowing 43,224,300, -S.D. 63 (Sasoicb) borrowing $554,800. ▪ S.D. 64 War Islands) borrowing $222,350. • - S.D. 64 (Gulf Islands) borrowing $71,250. LIR 1 IT NA NT-(;OVI.R NOR Orders in Council approved on the 28th day of Rousiber 19e7. PURPORT V2. Public Schools Lot - 8.D. 64 (Gulf Ielatda) borrowing $19000. 3623. 36=4, 3625. .1 S.D. 68 (ltanairio) borrowing 95O/59000. :626. - S.D. 85 (Van Isl N) borrowing: $1,984,600. 7427, Regional Roonital Dietriota Got - Letters Patent re Thonnoon4inole Regional Rospitel Distriot. ym - S.D. 75 (Mission) borrowing 54415,500. - S.D. 7614:oasis) borrowing $294,500. 1:Tronue dot - Refund to estate R.B. Boynton $993.76. 3629. - Refund to estate E.J. Clark B254.49 A $58.12. 3630, Refund to estate M. Cooper $692.14. !631- 0 3632. 3 Refund to estate J.P. Downs $716.36. - Refund to estate W.I. Ellie $16,792.76 & $330. - Refund to estate E.M.I. Mills $911,62 & 4 29•37. 3634, - Refhnd to estate O.R. Sayer$877.51. 3635. Water &ot • Amending Lettere Patent re Sooke Fire Proteotion Distriot. 3636. Dvidence Lot - L.W. Smith appointed a Commissioner. 3637. Rotaries not - Amending 0/C 3234/67 re 508/58 +0 805/58. I-II UFFINANT-COVFRNOR Orden in Count it approved on the .....ROth day of lisumbee , 1967. PURPORT 03. Constitution tot • Reecdnding Bon. V.K. Kiernan as Acting CO Appointing Ron. L.R. Peterson. 3639. B.C. Perry Authority Lot - Acquiring properties. yo. Civil Servioe Aot • Sereioes of D. Dickinson terminated. •Retirement of 0.B. Chatfield deferred 3 mt Y420 •Retirement of R. %UM deferred 1 nth. W. - Retirement of • 3E44. C.W. Burr deferred 3 nthe. • Widow of. L.M. Raid paid 3 laths salary. 3645. Further sick leami for T.A. Harris. 3646, Civil Servioe Superannuation lot • Let to apply to listed persons. 3647. • 3648. Criminal Code Act to apply to listed persons. .• David john Bird trivets? Riverview to Oakallm. 3649. • - Wilburn Alfred Gagnon transfer Oakalla to Pdverview. 3650. • ..Young Rai subject to direction of Chief . 'Probation Offioer. 3651. Government Liquor jot - Price list • Winos • Res. No. 32,900. 3652. Highways lot - land 3653. • Road allowance transferred to E. Redman. 3654. 7 irtarialelasiification of New ?Kellen Reed remanded in part. 3655. Meat Inspection Lot - Regulation re Ibtiltry. 3656. Municipal tot • By-law 2732 re District of Saanioh. 3657. • acquired for $1,0036.00. • Bylaw 1134 re District of Summerland. 60 re District of Gold River. 3658. •Bylaw 3659. Polio. & Prisons Regulation lot - Amending 0/C 1513/55 re Prince George Regional Gaol. 36600 Public Schools Lot • S.D. 31 (Merritt) extension of time. 3661. Public Utilities Lot Order re Ridgewood Utility. 3662. Cert P.C. & M. to J.A. & D. Kolosoff. 3663. Revenue Hot • 2664, - Refund to T.O.J. Stark, $250. - Refund to Skeen' Kraft Ltd $1,109.20. 3665. . Refund re estate of A. °moil $3,312.09. 3666. Vital Statistics Lot Marriage Lot 3667. Evidence Lot 3668. • 3669.' Magistrates Act P.L. Oninevan reseinded as Dep Piet Reg Births, etc. 0.16 Johnson appointed. • L.T. Fraser mended as Candasioner. • LK. Gavin & D.L. Gatemen al:pointed Coadesioners. I.L. Gordon rescinded. Pesos. • MA. Mason appointed Jostles of LIFOTENANT-GOVERNOR Orders in Council approved on the 28th day of lievwbor , 19(1/... O PURPORT i670. Magistrates bat - Balmy of Va. Macleod, Port Wawa $725. • Balm of R.D. Barrett, Port Alberni $120. 3672, Small Debts Court* tat 3673. • - Salary of B.P. Ratite, Parkedlle $200. • Wary of D.C. tabby, Victoria $XD. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR CounA approved on die nth day of 190. lbeadn. PURPORT 3674. B.C. Hydro ik POWIP Authority Let 3675. Civil Services tot • 3576. • 3577. • 36?9. rarest Lot •1114PrOpriatlag land. •Asooding llemaiflontice melembiime re Sup& of Sialise end Risistante hailrenset of D0411 deferred 3 mtbs. - Retirement of J.E. Hallett deferred 3 nth • Widow of L.Z. Valeourt paid 3 stabs sakrf • Netrapnlitau Trading to export 326 pos. •iluttblishieg a salvage sale area. %Er . 3681. Or. limbo Water District let 3682. Land Let Sy..1au 10 re issue of madam, note $43.000. • Memos to oeoupy granted Takla Developmeet Ltd. 3683. Local Serrioee lot •&mending boundaries of Yo boa Bone bruin( Service Looal Area. 3684. Muniepti Lot •Poll be told re ineorporatien of Vi11a of Books. 3685. •Ity•lev 2727 re City of Saloum. • 3685. • By4aw 142 re Villa,* of Salo. Mc, Park lot • Ittatlisblx(Cdtson Marine Park. 3688. Public Schools Lot Ouoranteeing parrot - debentures $13,385,000• 3689. Rommel Lot • Refund to Magnaohsa Ltd $718.20. 3690. •Raftnd to Norman Nilsen Construction • $231.65. Refund to S.C. 55 (Burns Lake) $341.74. 3691. 3692. • Refund 42 Star Parts tb. $270. 3693, • Refund US Yukon Weber CO S730.58. 3694 Orlivereity Endowaeut Lands administration lot Wrf.. ' Act - Regulation@ amended re Lot '0, ate to to a Local Business Dietriot. - heading Letters Went re Coldwater Improvement District.
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