Paleoseismicity along the southern Kuril Trench deduced from
Paleoseismicity along the southern Kuril Trench deduced from
Paleoseismicity along the southern Kuril Trench deduced from submarine-fan turbidites Atsushi Noda a,∗ Taqumi TuZino a Yutaka Kanai a Ryuta Furukawa a Jun-ichi Uchida b,1 a Geological Survey of Japan, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Central 7, Higashi 1–1–1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305–8567, Japan b Department of Earth Science, Faculty of Science, Kumamoto University, 39-1, Kurokami 2-chome, Kumamoto 860-8555, Japan Received 24 August 2007; revised 22 May 2008; accepted 27 May 2008 Abstract Large (> M 8), damaging interplate earthquakes occur frequently in the eastern Hokkaido region, northern Japan, where the Pacific Plate is subducting rapidly beneath the Okhotsk (North American) Plate at approximately 8 cm yr−1 . With the aim of estimating the long-term recurrence intervals of earthquakes in this region, seven sediment cores were obtained from a submarine fan located on the forearc slope along the southern Kuril Trench, Japan. The cores contain a number of turbidites, some of which can be correlated among the cores on the basis of the analysis of lithology, chronology, and the composition of sand grains. Foraminiferal assemblages and the composition of sand grains indicate that the upper–middle slope (> 1,000 m water depth) is the source of the turbidites. The deep-sea origin of the turbidites is consistent with the hypothesis that they were derived from slope failures initiated by strong shaking associated with earthquake events. The recurrence intervals of turbidite deposition are 113–439 years for events that occurred over the past 7 kyrs; the short intervals are recorded in the cores obtained from levees on the middle fan. Although many large earthquakes (> 150 cm s−2 of peak ground acceleration at the inferred slump sources) occurred during the 19th and 20th centuries, the pilot core from the upper fan contains only three turbidites located stratigraphically above layers of 17th-century volcanic ash. The results of 210 Pbex and 137 Cs dating, combined with simulations of the ground accelerations of historical earthquakes, enable correlation of the three turbidites with known historical earthquakes: the 1952 Tokachi-oki and the 1961 and 1973 Nemuro-oki earthquakes. The turbidites within the sampled cores potentially record about half of the large earthquakes known to have occurred over the interval covered by the cores. The fact that any single core records only a portion of the known seismic events suggests that the recurrence interval of earthquakes in this region is less than 113 years. Key words: Turbidite, Submarine fan, Paleoseismicity, Hokkaido, Japan, Kuril Trench 1. Introduction The long-term prediction of earthquakes is one of the most important issues in hazard assessment and risk estimation in tectonically active areas. Recurrence intervals and the timing of future earthquakes are considered to be predictable provided that sufficient historical records are available (e.g., Ando, 1975; Shimazaki and Nakata, 1980; Ishibashi, 1981). In regions with limited historical data, archaeological and geological NOTICE: this is the authors’ version of a work that was accepted for publication in Marine Geology. Changes resulting from peer review are reflected, but editing, formatting, and pagination from the publishing processes are not included in this document. A definitive version will be published in ∗ Corresponding author. Fax: +81 29 861 3653. Email address: [email protected] (Atsushi Noda). 1 Present address: M. T. Brain Corporation, Hayakawa Bld., 2-60-2, Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 171-0014, Japan Article published in Marine Geology (2008) 1–20 approaches are useful in estimating the timing and intensity of pre-historic earthquakes. In particular, tsunami deposits within coastal areas and turbidites in deep-sea sediments provide useful paleoseismic information. Large tsunami waves are able to transport coastal sands and marine fossils to inland areas, depositing sediments within lagoons or marshes within which mud or peat normally accumulate (e.g., Atwater, 1987; Minoura and Nakaya, 1991; Clarke and Carver, 1992; Dawson and Shi, 2000; Nanayama et al., 2003); however, it must be remembered that tsunamis are able to traverse entire oceans from their source regions. For example, tsunami waves associated with the giant Chilean earthquake of 1960 arrived at the Japanese coast 22–24 hours after the main shock, with up to 3.8 m of inundation height (Takahashi and Hatori, 1961). These waves left tsunami deposits upon marshes (Nanayama et al., 2007). It is therefore problematic to use tsunami deposits in developing a long-term earthquake model for a given region, as it is difficult to determine whether tsunami deposits were derived from local or distant seismic events. Turbidites in marine sediments have also been widely applied in investigations of paleoseismology conducted over the past two decades, including studies in Cascadia (Adams, 1990; Goldfinger et al., 2003, 2007), Japan (Inouchi et al., 1996; Ikehara, 2000; Nakajima and Kanai, 2000; Ikehara, 2001; Okamura et al., 2005), Canada (Syvitski and Schafer, 1996; Doig, 1998; St-Onge et al., 2004), and the Mediterranean (Kastens, 1984; Anastasakis and Piper, 1991; McHugh et al., 2006); however, a number of points must be kept in mind when using turbidites as a tool in paleoseismic studies. First, not all turbidites are generated in association with earthquakes (e.g., Normark and Piper, 1991). Hyperpycnal flows (Mulder et al., 2003), storm waves (Hampton et al., 1996), and rapid sedimentation upon slopes (Mandl and Crans, 1981) can also lead to slope failure and the generation of turbidity currents. If turbidites are to be used in studying paleoseismicity, the selection of coring sites is clearly important in ensuring that the studied turbidites were likely to have been generated in association with earthquakes rather than other factors (e.g., Nakajima and Kanai, 2000; Goldfinger et al., 2003). Second, any single sediment core is unlikely to record the entire history of local seismic events. Submarine slope failures initiated by earthquakes depend on slope stability, which is controlled in turn by gravity and seismic loading (Lee and Edward, 1986; Lee and Baraza, 1999; Lee et al., 1999; Biscontin et al., 2004; Leynaud et al., 2004; Strasser et al., 2007). The likelihood of slope failure depends on the sedimentation rate at the site of potential failure, the recurrence interval of earthquakes in the area, slope gradient, and the intensity of ground shaking. For reliable predictions of earthquake recurrence intervals, it is necessary to correlate turbidite deposits with seismic events documented in historical records (e.g., Nakajima and Kanai, 2000; Huh et al., 2004; Garcia-Orellan et al., 2006). Large earthquakes are frequently recorded along the southern Kuril Trench, eastern Hokkaido, Japan, where the Pacific Plate is subducting beneath the overriding Okhotsk (North American) Plate at approximately 8 cm yr−1 (DeMets et al., 1990; DeMets, 1992; Seno et al., 1996). Six earthquake source regions have been defined in this area, labeled A to F from west to east along the northern Japan Trench (A) and the southern Kuril Trench (B–F), based on a seismic gap hypothesis (Utsu, 1972, 1979, 1995) (Fig. 1). The hypothesis is explained in terms of large interplate earthquakes that occur periodically in each of the source regions. The oldest historical record of an earthquake in the area is the 1843 Tokachi-oki earthquake. This 160-year historical record of seismic events enables us to estimate an average recurrence interval of 72.2 years for events along the southern Kuril subduction zone (Earthquake Research Committee, 2004), although over this period the different source regions have experienced only two or three events. For long-term earthquake prediction, we analyze turbidites deposited upon a submarine fan developed on the forearc slope. We present new data on the texture, composition, and depositional age of the studied turbidites. We then discuss the relationship between turbidite deposition and historical earthquakes, as well as the recurrence interval of earthquakes during the Holocene. 2. Geological setting The Kushiro–Nemuro district of eastern Hokkaido is largely flat-lying, and contains just one significant river, the Kushiro River (Fig. 1). Short ephemeral streams of less than 15 km in length flow into the sea or estuaries. Marine terraces, lagoons, and estuaries are well developed along coastal areas. Steep cliffs of the marine terraces are actively eroded by wave action; coastal erosion is considered to be the main contributor of sediment to the sea under the present highstand conditions (Noda and TuZino, 2007). The elevation of uplifted terraces indicates an average uplift rate of 0.16–0.24 mm yr−1 over the past 125,000 years (since interglacial stage 5e) (Okumura, 1996). The average width of the shelf in this area is 20–30 km, with the shelf margin located at 130–180 m water depth. Shelf sediments range from muddy to gravelly sand (Noda and TuZino, 2007; Noda and Katayama, in press). Fine to very fine sands are widely distributed across the inner–outer shelf, where the thickness of sediment deposited since the last glacial age is less than 20 m. Gravels and gravelly sands are distributed across parts of the inner shelf and along the shelf margin. The mass accumulation rate of shelf sediments is estimated to be ∼0.47 Mt yr−1 , representing less than 25% of the material derived from coastal erosion (Noda and TuZino, 2007). The forearc slope in this area can be subdivided into three zones: the upper slope (from the shelf break to 1,000 m water depth), middle slope (1,000–3,000 m water depth), and lower slope shallower than the outer high (3,000–3,500 m) (Fig. 2). The dip of the slope is steepest upon the upper slope (average 5–6◦), reaching 10◦ in places. The middle slope is less steep (1–3◦), and the lower slope is gentle (< 1◦ ). A middle terrace is recognized at 2,000–2,200 m water depth (Fig. 2). A number of gullies incise on the upper slope; some cut through the middle terrace to the deeper parts of the slope. A submarine fan with 20 km wide and 15 km long is developed on the lower slope. The seaward margin of the fan is bounded by the outer high (Fig. 2), which represents a major boundary between the forearc basin and accretionary prism (e.g., Clift et al., 1998; Dickinson and Seely, 1979; McNeill et al., 2000). 3. Seismicity Although there exists no written record of earthquakes along the southern Kuril Trench prior to the 1843 Tokachi-oki earthquake, historical literature produced in Honshu indicates frequent earthquake activity prior to the 19th century (Satake, 2004). During the late 19th and earliest 20th centuries, earthquakes were recorded in 1843 (M 8.0, Region B), 1856 (M 7.5, Region A), 1893 (M 7.7, Region D), 1894 (M 7.9, Region C), and 1918 (M 8.0, Region F) (e.g., Hatori, 1973, 1974, 1984; Utsu, 1999). Few events were recorded during the early 20th century; however, seismic activity increased again 2 60˚N 140˚E 145˚E 40˚N 150˚E Okhotsk Plate (North American Plate) 20˚N 100˚E 44˚N 120˚E 140˚E K 160˚E Hokkaido i ur Us l Kunashiri Kushiro Tokachi plain C B 1843 M7.5 A M7.5 1856 M7.8 2003 M8.0 1952 M8.1 n 1963 M8.1 Etorofu 1918 M8.0 1918 M7.7 D h 1893 M7.7 1969 M7.8 nc re lT ri Ku 1894 M7.9 Fig. 2 ca. 8 cm/yr Japan Trench 1968 M7.9 Honshu la F ds 1973 M7.4 Ko 40˚N Is 1915 M7.9 Kushiro River Ma Nemuro Ta 155˚E Pacific Plate 300 km Fig. 1. Tectonic setting and location of the study area. Solid and open circles are epicenters of the historical interplate earthquakes. Labels A–F represent source regions of the earthquake. Abbreviations of volcanoes: Ko, Komagatake; Us, Usu; Ta, Tarumai; Ma, Mashu. during the middle and late 20th century, including the 1952 Tokachi-oki earthquake (M 8.1, Region B; Geist et al., 2003; Hirata et al., 2003, 2004; Hamada and Suzuki, 2004), the 1963 Kuril Islands earthquake (M 8.1, Region F; Kanamori, 1970; Beck and Ruff, 1987), the 1968 Tokachi-oki earthquake (M 7.9, Region A; Fukao and Furumoto, 1975; Schwartz and Ruff, 1985), the 1969 Kuril Islands earthquake (M 7.8, Region D; Abe, 1973; Fukao and Furumoto, 1975; Schwartz and Ruff, 1985, 1987; Kikuchi and Fukao, 1987), and the 1973 Nemuro-oki earthquake (M 7.4, Region C; Sekiya et al., 1974; Shimazaki, 1974; Aida, 1978). The 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake is the most recent event around the studies area (Yamanaka and Kikuchi, 2003). Although the epicenter of the 2003 earthquake was located at approximately the same site as that for the 1952 Tokachi-oki earthquake (Fig. 1), tsunami inversion models indicate that the rupture extent of the 2003 earthquake was restricted to the western half of the rupture area of the 1952 event (Hirata et al., 2004; Tanioka et al., 2004; Satake et al., 2006). These historical earthquakes yield a recurrence interval of ca. 72.2 years for large interplate earthquakes along the southern Kuril subduction zone. Large intraslab earthquakes have also occurred within the subducting plate, including the 1958 Etorofu-oki earthquake (M 8.1, Region F; Fukao and Furumoto, 1979; Schwartz and Ruff, 1987; Harada and Ishibashi, 2000) and 1994 Shikotan earthquake (M 8.2, Region D; Kikuchi and Kanamori, 1995; Tanioka et al., 1995; Satake and Tanioka, 1999) within the shallow part of the slab, and the 1924 Etorofu earthquake (M 7.6, Region C), 1978 Kunashiri Strait earthquake (M 7.7, Region C; Suzuki, 1979; Kasahara and Sasatani, 1985), and 1993 Kushiro-oki earthquake (M 7.5, Region B; Morikawa and Sasatani, 2003) within the deep part of the slab. The recurrence intervals of earthquakes in the subducting plate are estimated to be 82.8 years for those in the shallow slab and 27.3 years for those in the deep slab (Earthquake Research Committee, 2004). Some of the large earthquakes listed above were accompanied by tsunamis that left characteristic sedimentary deposits in estuaries, lagoons, and swamps along the coast from Tokachi to Nemuro (Hirakawa et al., 2000; Nishimura et al., 2000; Sawai, 2002; Nanayama et al., 2003, 2007). Nanayama et al. (2007) identified 13 tsunamigenic sand layers within marsh sediments, and calculated that the corresponding tsunami events had a recurrence interval of 365–553 years over the past 4,000 years. Turbidites deposited upon the ocean floor also provide evidence of the recurrence intervals of earthquakes. Noda et al. (2004, 2008) reported an average recurrence interval of 68–85 years for the deposition of turbidites off Kushiro over the past 2400 years. 3 145˚20'E 145˚30'E 145˚40'E 145˚50'E 146˚00'E 43˚20'N Nemuro 10 km Shelf 43˚10'N Upper slope 00 −1 −5 00 43˚00'N 0 −2 00 −100 −100 −1 50 −20 −200 −50 Middle terrace 0 00 0 42˚50'N −1 0 −2 00 −1 50 50 0 Middle slope 0 −2 42˚40'N 000 −25 42˚30'N 00 −3 PC06 00 PC02 1037 0 0 Lower slope PC01 PC05 −3 00 Outer high 1038 1036 42˚20'N Line 17 Line 16 Fig. 2. Bathymetry, sampling localities, and seismic recording lines. A detailed bathymetrical map of the surrounded area is shown in Fig. 3. 4 4. Data and methods Benthic foraminifers were extracted from sandy turbidites in samples PC05 and PC06 to determine the sources of the sediment, as deduced from the distribution of modern benthic foraminifers throughout the study region (Matsuo et al., 2004; Ooi et al., 2005). Accelerator Mass Spectrometer (AMS) 14 C measurements of planktonic foraminifers were taken at Beta Analytic Inc. We picked more than 10 mg of mixed species of planktonic foraminifers (mainly Globorotalia inflata and Globigerina bulloides) from six horizons (core PC01, PC05, and PC06) and mixed benthic foraminifers (mainly Nonionellina labradorica and Elphidium batialis) from one horizon (core PC02) for the analysis. The 14 C ages from benthic foraminifers were 820–870 years older than those from planktonic foraminifers of the same horizon off Kushiro during the late Quaternary (Noda et al., 2008). We used a reservoir age of 386±16 years for the 14 C ages in this region (Yoneda et al., 2001). The obtained conventional radiocarbon ages were calibrated to calendar ages using CALIB rev. 5.0.2 (Stuiver and Braziunas, 1993) and the dataset marine04.14c (Hughen et al., 2004). The sediments within the pilot core (core PC05) were split into 0.5 cm intervals, dried, and powdered for radioactivity analysis. The powdered samples (1–4 g) were stored in a capped centrifuge tube for about 1 month to ensure radioactive equilibrium among daughter nuclides, after which the radioactivities of 210 Pbex (T1/2 = 22.3 yr) and 137 Cs (T1/2 = 30.1 yr) were measured using a well-type Ge semi-conductor detector (Kanai, 1993). Bathymetric data were collected by the Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department of the Japan Coastal Guard (Japan Coast Guard (Maritime Safety Agency), 1998). Maps in this study were created using 10 sec (about 300 m) gridded data. Seismic reflection profiles were collected using a GI gun (generator 250 in3 and injector 105 in3 airgun) with a six channel streamer cable in July and August of 2004 (cruise GH04) aboard the R/V Hakurei-maru No. 2 of the Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC). The survey speed was 8 knots (14.8 km/h) and the shooting interval was 6 sec, with a common depth point (CDP) of ∼25 m. The grid size was 2 miles (3.7 km) E–W and 4.5 miles (8.3 km) N–S (Fig. 2). Gravity (cores 1036 and 1037) and piston (core 1038) sediment cores were collected during cruise GH04 (Table SD1). Additional sediment cores were obtained using a piston corer (cores PC01, PC02, PC05, and PC06) in April and May of 2005 (KR0504 cruise) aboard the R/V KAIREI of the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) (Fig. 2). Halved cores of samples PC01–PC06 were measured for γ-ray attenuation at 1 cm intervals using a GEOTEK Multi-Sensor Core Logger to calculate the wet bulk density. The wet bulk density of cores obtained during cruise GH04 was analyzed at 2 cm intervals using 7 cm3 plastic cubes. The water content of sediments was calculated as 100 × (wetweight − dryweight)/dryweight. Grain-size analysis was conducted using a laser particle-analyzer (Cilas 1064) for selected sandy turbidites at 0.5 cm intervals. This instrument is able to determine grain sizes in the range between 0.4 and 500 μm. The compositions of medium sand (0.25–0.5 mm) fractions from selected turbidites were determined from 200–400 points counted under a stereomicroscope. To study sedimentary structures and identify sand layers, soft X-radiographs were taken of slab subsamples (5 × 20 × 1 cm3 ) of the core samples using a SOFRON TYPE STA-1005 operated at voltage of 45 kV, current of 3 mA, and an irradiation time of 30–90 s. The thickness of the turbidites was measured on the X-radiographs by 0.1 cm intervals. Samples of tephra layers and patches were collected for petrography and glass chemistry. Description and classification of shape of glass shards were based on Machida and Arai (1992). Chemical analysis was performed on a JEOL JXA-8900R electron probe microanalyzer at the Geological Survey of Japan. Nine major elements (Si, Ti, Al, Fe, Mn, Mg, Ca, Na, K) were analyzed with an accelerating voltage of 15 kV and a beam current of 12 nA. Beam diameter was 10 μm, with counting times of 20 and 10 sec for peak and background, respectively. Chemical compositions of glass shards, especially Ti and K, reflects magma types of source volcanoes and can be used to identify origin of volcanic ashes (e.g., Westgate and Evans, 1978; Larsen, 1981). The results were compared to volcanic ashes whose chemical compositions were previously reported (Katsui et al., 1978; Furukawa et al., 1997; Shimada et al., 2000; Furukawa and Nanayama, 2006). 5. Results 5.1. Fan physiography The submarine fan has its apex in the water depth of 3,100 m and is bounded by the outer fan at the water depth of 3,300 m (Fig. 3). Several channels from the upper and middle slopes merge at the top of the fan, and then divide into two channels on the upper fan (3,100–3,200 m). Cores PC05 and PC06 were obtained near channels on the upper fan. Sub-bottom profiling records show strong reflection in the subsurface sediments, indicating sandy sediments cover on the upper fan (Fig. 4). The middle–outer fan has a convex-up, lobe-like bathymetry; the axis is high and the marginal area is low. The gradient becomes gentler in the distal part. Cores 1037, PC01, and PC02 were obtained from levees along the channels on the middle fan (Fig. 3). Several reflections could be recognized in the sub-bottom profiling records of the middle fan (Fig. 4), indicating repeated deposition of sands and muds. Cores 1036 and 1038 were recovered from the outer fan; the latter core was obtained from the most distal part of the lobe. 5.2. Seismic profiles The shelf and upper slope of the study area are underlain by Cretaceous–Pliocene sedimentary rocks (Honza et al., 1978; TuZino et al., 2004, 2005), while the middle–lower 5 145˚45'E 145˚50'E 145˚55'E 146˚00'E CDP 500 0 A 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 A −3100 1.0 42˚30'N Middle terrace PC06 −3200 TWT (sec) 2.0 B −3000 PC01 PC05 PC02 Outer high Shelf 3.0 Upper slope 4.0 −320 0 −3100 Middle slope 5.0 C 42˚25'N 1037 Line 17 1038 3 −3 VE: 11 6.0 20 −3 0 0 2000 2200 Lower slope ca. 10 km SSE 2400 2600 2800 3.5 0 −31 00 NNW B 1036 PC02 4.0 1038 5 km 4.5 42˚20'N Fig. 3. Detailed bathymetry for the submarine fan in the studied area. Dashed lines indicate submarine channels on the fan. Solid lines with labels A and B are for sub-bottom profiling records in Fig. 4. Water depth (m) 5.0 VE: 5.8 Line 16 NNW 2400 3.5 PC06 2600 ca. 5 km SSE 2800 3000 3200 PC06 PC05 2 km 3150 1036 4.0 3400 C 4.5 5.0 PC05 3200 5.5 VE: 5.8 Line 17 NNW SSE ca. 5 km Fig. 5. Seismic profiles across the forearc slope and submarine fans. Horizontal axis: 1 CDP = ∼25 m; Vertical axis: 1 sec TWT (two-way travel time) = ∼750 m in seawater. 3250 the outer high that consists of non-layered acoustic basements (Fig. 5B and C) (Honza et al., 1978; Klaeschen et al., 1994; Schnürle et al., 1995). The sediments of the lower slope represent the formation of a half-graben, suggesting deposition associated with normal faulting (Fig. 5B and C). Vertical displacement upon the normal fault ranges from 1 to 1.5 sec TWT (two-way travel time). The sampling sites of the sediment cores are located on the lower slope, where the sediments dip gently seaward. A PC02 Channel PC01 3270 3300 B 5.3. Lithology Fig. 4. Sub-bottom profiling records for selected coring sites. Locations for survey lines are in Fig. 3. All cores consist of hemipelagic mud that consists of olive black (7.5Y3/2–10Y3/1 in Munsell color value) clayey silt, volcanic ash, and turbidites composed of sandy silt to fine sand (Fig. 6). No debris flow or other mass flow deposits are recognized in the cores. Hemipelagic mud is diatomaceous and generally heavily bioturbated. Slightly darker (10Y3/2–10Y3/1) clayey silt is commonly observed above the sandy turbidites. The wet bulk density of the hemipelagic mud slope consists of a gently-folded post-Pliocene sedimentary succession (Fig. 5A). An anticline is observed in the middle slope, where a terrace has formed parallel to the shelf margin (Figs. 2 and 5). The narrow sedimentary basin located between the upper slope and the middle terrace records the thickest sediments of the middle slope. The lower slope is bounded by 6 v v v v 1037 (160 cm) Ta-b Us-b v v v v 1038 (468 cm) PC01 (636 cm) PC02 (785 cm) Us-b v v v v v v v Ta-b Us-b v v v PC05 (594 cm) Ta-b Us-b v v v v v v v v v v v ~ ~ ~ Ta-b Us-b Ta-a / Ta-b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ v PC06 (243 cm) ~ 1036 (224 cm) v 2357 cal yr BP 4668 cal yr BP 2956 cal yr BP ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ Tephra Bioturbation ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ vv ~ Olive black (7.5Y3/2) clayey silt Olive black (10Y3/2– 10Y3/1) clayey silt 5109 cal yr BP ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ Flow-in ~ ~ 1m 7339 cal yr BP ~ ~~ ~ ~~ Very coarse sand Coarse sand Medium sand Fine sand Sandy silt–very fine sand v v Ko-g ~ ~ ~ v 6960 cal yr BP v v v Ko-g v v v 9830 cal yr BP (Benthic Foram.) Fig. 6. Descriptions of the sediment cores. ranges from 1.1 to 1.4 g cm−3 (Fig. 7). The turbidites are generally coarse silt to fine sand in grain size, and have sharp basal contacts. The thickness of the turbidites vary from 0.1 to 13 cm, with coarser-grained units being thicker. Normal grading or parallel lamination is general; some contain basal layers of fining-up coarse sand. Amalgamation is commonly observed in thick turbidites, where two to four turbidites join without any intervening hemipelagic mud (Fig. 8). In the amalgamated turbidites, sedimentary structures (e.g., parallel or cross laminations) in the lower layers 7 Historical large earthquakes are sometimes truncated by overlying turbidites. The densities of the turbidites vary from 1.6 to 2.4 g cm−3 (Figs. 7 and 8). The upper parts of the cores contain fewer and thinner turbidites than the lower parts (Fig. 7). Cores 1036 and 1038, sampled from the outer fan, contain fewer and thinner turbidites (1.8–2.6 turbidites per 100 cm) relative to other samples. In contrast, core PC06 from the upper fan records the highest frequency (11.1 per 100 cm). The density profile and turbidite thickness distributions for PC01 are comparable to those for PC02 (Fig. 7); turbidites are more commonly observed and thicker in the lower sections of both cores. ka 0 Tephra Ta-a (AD 1739) Tsunami events Region B KS1 (AD 1952 or 1960) AD 1952 KS2 (AD 1843) AD 1843 Ko-c2 (AD 1694) Ta-b (AD 1667) Us-b (AD 1663) Region C AD 1973 AD 1894 No historical records of earthquakes KS3 (AD 1635?) KS4 (AD 1290–1391?) 1 B-Tm, Ma-b (1.0 ka) 2 3 5.4. Composition of sand grains KS5–KS10 (recurrence intervals of 372–422 yrs) Ta-c2 (2.5–2.7 ka) 4 KS11– (recurrence intervals of 406–553 yrs) 5 The sand fractions of the turbidites are predominantly made up of volcanic glass and diatoms (Fig. 9). The volcanic glass is mainly pumice-type glass, with lesser bubble wall-type and massive-type glass. Almost all of the volcanic glass is fresh, but some is stained brown. Light minerals are composed of quartz and feldspar, with both minerals being generally fresh and euhedral, suggesting a volcaniclastic origin. Among the heavy minerals, ortho- and clinopyroxene and opaque minerals are common, with lesser hornblende and biotite. The proportion of heavy minerals in the sampled turbidites is generally low (< 3%), but they are highly concentrated in core PC02 at 597–599 cmbsf and PC06 at 156–160 cmbsf (Table SD2; Fig. 9). Benthic foraminifers make up 10–40% of the sandy turbidites (Table SD2); planktonic foraminifers make up 10–20%, although they are rare in the surrounding hemipelagic mud. The low density of foraminifers means that they might have behaved as coarser grains than the same-sized minerals and rock fragments during deposition (Fig. 8C and D). Diatoms constitute as much as 83% of sand grains, being mainly observed in relatively fine and thin turbidites. Indicators of shallow water, such as bivalves, glauconite, and plant fragments, are rarely observed. The composition of sand grains in PC01 is similar to that in PC02. The upper and middle parts of the cores record a high percentage of diatoms, while the lower parts are dominated by minerals and rock fragments. Turbidites within core PC01 at 200–250 cmbsf contain relatively few biogenic tests, as with PC02. Turbidites in the lower parts of cores PC05 and PC06 also show high concentrations of minerals and rock fragments. These layers are traceable among the cores. 6 7 Ko-g (6.5 ka) Fig. 10. Summary of tephrochronology (Furukawa and Nanayama, 2006) with tsunami events (Nanayama et al., 2007) and large historical earthquakes in the eastern Hokkaido. Source volcanoes: B, Baitoushan; Ko, Komagatake; Ma, Mashu; Ta, Tarumai; Us, Usu. Locations of the volcanoes are shown in Fig. 1. (1,000–2,000 m water depth) (Abe and Hasegawa, 2003; Matsuo et al., 2004; Uchida, 2006). Few shelf or upper slope assemblages are recognized in the sampled turbidites. Although Elphidium batialis found in PC06 is lightly dissolved, the occurrence of species with thin tests, such as Nonionellina labradorica, indicates only minor dissolution effects. Planktonic foraminifers within the turbidites are generally well sorted. 5.6. Volcanic ashes The most conspicuous volcanic ashes are observed at 30–100 cmbsf within cores 1036, 1037, 1038, PC01, PC02, and PC05 (Fig. 6). The ashes are present as small patches in PC05, but are absent in PC06. The identified ash layers are up to 8 cm thick, and commonly contain beds of two distinct colors: a light brownish gray (5YR7/1) lower bed and a reddish gray (2.5YR5/1–10R5/1) upper bed. Both contain ortho- and clinopyroxene in addition to plagioclase and opaque minerals; hornblende grains are only included in the lower tephra (Table 2). Glass chemistry is characterized by low TiO2 and K2 O values for the lower tephra and high K2 O/TiO2 ratio for the upper tephra. The petrographic and geochemical characteristics indicate that the lower and upper ashes are correlated with Us-b (A.D. 1663) from the Usu volcano and Ta-b (A.D. 1667) from the Tarumai volcano, respectively (Figs. 10 and 11; Table 2). Cores PC01 and PC02 contain small patches of volcanic ashes at the lower part of the cores. The glass chemistry in the ashes indicates that they are prehistoric tephras from Komagatake volcano (Fig. 11). We know only the Ko-g tephra as prehistoric volcanic ashes sourced from the Komagatake onland and offshore of the eastern Hokkaido (Fig. 10) (Furukawa and Nanayama, 2006). They can be, therefore, 5.5. Foraminifers Foraminiferal tests in the turbidites showed small size (fineto very fine-grained) and relatively good preservation enabled us to identify species. Benthic foraminiferal assemblages in selected turbidites from cores PC05 and PC06 are dominated by Cassidulina norvangi, Islandiella norcrossi, Elphidium batialis, and Uvigerina akitaensis (Table 1), with lesser species of Bolivina spissa, Epistominella pacifica, Nonionellina labradorica, and Takayanagia delicata. The dominant species are characteristic of the upper–middle slope environments 8 Thickness (cm) 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0 ? Depth (cmbsf) 200 ? 2357 yBP ? 7339 yBP 4668 yBP 2956 yBP 5109 yBP 400 Ta-b (AD1667) Us-b (AD1663) Ko-g (6.5 ka) 6960 yBP 600 1036 800 1 2 WBD (g/cm3) 1037 1 2 1038 1 PC01 2 1 2 PC02 1 2 PC05 1 2 PC06 1 2 Fig. 7. Thicknesses of turbidites (solid bars) and wet bulk density (WBD) of the sediments (gray lines). Identified volcanic ash layers and dated horizons are also indicated. Table 1 Occurrence (%) of benthic foraminifers within the sampled turbidites. Abbreviations: US, Upper slope; UMS, Upper–middle slope; MS, Middle slope. Sample no. cm below sea floor (top) cm below sea floor (bottom) Angulogerina ikebei Bolivina decussata Bolivina spissa Bolivina sp. A Buccella spp. Bulimina aculeata Bulimina striata Bulimina tenuata Cassidulina norvangi Cibicides lobatulus Cibicides spp. Cibicidoides sp. Cornuspiroides sp. Cribroelphidium sp. Dentalina sp. Eilohedra nipponica Elphidium batialis Elphidium spp. Epistominella pacifica Epistominella sp. Epistominella spp. Fissulina spp. Fursenkoina cf. rotundata Fursenkoina sp. Globobulimina auricurata Globocassidulina spp. Gyroidina sp. Gyroidina spp. Islandiella norcrossi Melonis pompilioides Melonis sp. Lagena spp. Nonionella globosa Nonionellina labradorica Oridorsalis umbonatus Pseudoparrella takayanagii Pseudoparrella sp. Pullenia salisburyi Pullenia bulloides Pullenia spp. Pyrgo sp. Takayanagia delicata Uvigerina akitaensis Uvigerina senticosa Valvulineria spp. Vaginulina sp. Others PC05–1 PC05–2 PC05–3 PC05–4 PC06–1 PC06–2 PC06–3 PC06–4 Environment 390.5 397.5 469.5 522.5 88 103 136 141 392.5 399.5 472.5 525.5 94 107 138 145 1.3 0.6 2.3 1.3 0.6 1.3 8.7 1.0 1.0 2.0 0.5 0.5 7.0 0.5 0.3 0.7 1.0 2.8 1.0 0.7 9.1 0.3 3.5 13.1 11.1 4.0 0.5 0.5 0.3 1.0 0.6 0.5 0.5 2.0 22.6 5.0 1.5 0.3 6.8 1.3 0.6 0.6 0.3 0.6 0.3 5.2 4.2 1.0 0.5 0.5 5.5 1.6 1.6 14.4 0.7 18.1 7.0 9.8 6.5 4.2 2.8 0.5 1.0 0.3 2.1 1.4 1.5 5.5 2.5 0.5 0.5 4.5 0.8 9.9 1.5 0.5 8.8 1.2 3.0 0.6 US US UMS 3.6 1.2 1.2 1.8 11.4 UMS 0.5 4.0 13.6 12.0 4.0 1.4 3.8 10.8 3.8 5.2 3.1 1.6 0.8 2.3 3.8 0.8 0.7 1.0 25.5 8.7 6.1 1.0 0.3 0.3 1.3 0.3 7.4 1.6 1.6 0.6 2.4 0.8 0.5 0.5 0.5 31.5 4.0 10.5 1.5 26.7 8.4 3.8 1.0 0.8 Shelf Shelf UMS 3.6 14.5 7.8 5.2 0.5 1.8 12.0 10.8 8.4 MS MS 1.2 1.8 UMS 1.5 14.5 2.1 4.1 3.1 1.0 6.7 1.0 2.6 0.6 13.8 UMS 0.5 3.1 3.6 2.4 4.8 2.1 1.0 1.6 4.8 MS 0.6 1.2 0.8 0.8 4.8 8.8 2.4 1.6 1.5 1.5 8.5 0.8 0.5 6.4 0.8 1.6 4.8 4.5 1.5 2.3 2.3 0.5 3.1 1.6 3.2 1.0 0.5 0.5 3.5 0.5 3.2 0.3 4.8 2.4 2.8 3.5 0.3 15.0 0.5 0.5 4.5 1.4 4.8 1.0 Total benthic foram. number Total planktonic foram. number P/T ratio 294 457 60.9 190 467 71.1 282 699 71.3 119 172 59.1 197 100 33.7 Shelf Upper slope Upper-middle slope Middle slope Others 0.0 1.9 19.7 32.6 45.8 0.5 1.0 27.6 20.6 50.3 0.4 0.7 18.5 28.6 51.9 0 2.4 12.8 21.6 63.2 0.0 1.0 29.0 42.5 27.5 3.8 9.9 0.8 0.5 4.1 7.8 6.2 0.5 0.6 4.2 3.6 0.6 1.6 3.0 131 94 41.8 189 336 64.0 161 419 72.2 1.5 0.0 29.0 32.1 37.4 0.0 3.1 20.7 23.3 52.8 0.0 4.2 23.4 22.2 50.3 9 UMS UMS A (PC01) Gray scale 200 100 Density 0 1.5 Gray scale B (PC02) 2.0 200 2.5 100 Density 0 1.5 2.0 2.5 575 500 580 505 585 Depth (cmbsf) Depth (cmbsf) 510 515 520 590 595 600 525 605 530 610 535 C (PC05) Gray scale 200 100 Mean grain size (µm) Density 0 1.0 1.5 2.0 0 100 200 300 200 Depth (cmbsf) 205 Mean grain size 210 Section boundary 215 Sand 220 Foraminiferasrich zone Silt 225 0 50 100 % grain size D (PC05) Density Gray scale 200 100 0 1.0 1.5 Mean grain size (µm) 2.0 0 100 200 300 270 275 Depth (cmbsf) Mean grain size 280 Silt 285 Sand Foraminiferasrich zone 290 0 50 100 295 % grain size Fig. 8. X-radiographs of selected cores, along with gray-scale, density, and grain-size data. correlated to the Ko-g (ca. 6.5 ka) tephra. Fig. 12A). The sedimentation rates for cores PC01 and PC02 are approximately constant throughout the entire cores (84 and 94 cm ky−1 , respectively). The rate for core PC05 is estimated to be 54 cm ky−1 from the top to 257 cmbsf, and 238 cm ky−1 between 257 and 362 cmbsf. The estimated sedimentation rate for core PC06 is the lowest among the cores, being 31 cm ky−1 5.7. Sedimentation rate Age models for the cored sediments were established using tephrochronology and AMS-derived 14 C ages (Table 3; 10 Content (%) 0 50 100 0 50 100 0 50 100 0 50 100 0 50 100 0 50 100 0 Depth (cmbsf) 200 400 Ta-b (AD1667) Us-b (AD1663) 600 Ko-g (6.5 ka) 800 1037 1038 PC01 PC02 PC05 Light Minerals Rock fragments Benthic foraminifers Heavy Minerals Volcanic glasses Planktonic foraminifers PC06 Diatoms Fig. 9. Composition of sand grains in turbidites. Table 2 Petrographical characteristics and deduced source volcanoes of tephras in the sediments. Sample Core Depth (cm bsf) Components Minerals∗1 Glass shards∗2 Source volcano∗3 Interpretation∗4 By Ta-b (1667) GH04-13 1036 38–43 fine–medium ash opx, cpx GH04-14 1036 45–46 coarse ash cpx, opx, hbl Pf, Ps Ta , Us GH04-17 1037 30–32 medium–coarse ash opx, cpx Pf GH04-19 1038 92–93.8 fine–medium ash opx, cpx Pf, Ps Ta, Us Ta-b (1667) GH04-21 1038 96.6–97.4 fine–medium ash opx, cpx Pf Us, Ta Us-b (1663) Us, Ta Us-b (1663) Us Us-b (1663) KR05-1 PC01 38.5–45 medium–coarse ash opx, cpx Ps, Pf Ta, Us Ta-b (1667) including reworked Us-b (1663) KR05-3 PC01 45–48 coarse ash hbl, opx Ps, Pf Us Us-b (1663) KR05-4 PC01 557–557.5 fine ash opx, cpx KR05-6 PC02 38–39.5 medium–fine asho px, cpx By, Pf Ko-ph, Ta Ko-g (6.5 ka) or older By, Pf Ta, Ko-h, Us Ta-b (1667) including reworked Us-b and Ko-c2 Us-b (1663) KR05-7 PC02 39.5–41 coarse ash opx, hbl, cpx Ps, Pf Us KR05-8 PC02 617.5 fine ash opx, cpx By Ko-ph Ko-g (6.5 ka) or older KR05-12 PC05 17–17.5 fine ash opx, cpx By Ta, Ko-h Ta-a (1739) or Ta-b (1667) including reworked Ko-c2 KR05-13 PC05 31–31.5 fine ash opx, cpx By, Ps Ta, Ko-h, Ma, Us, B Ta-b (1667) or later, including reworked Ko-c2 (1694), Ma-b (1 ka), B-Tm (1 ka) ∗1 : ∗2 : Listed in order of abundance. Minerals: cpx, crynopyroxene; opx, orthopyroxene; hbl, hornblende. Plagioclase and opaque minerals occur in all samples. Listed in order of abundance. Glass shards: Ps, spongy pumice type; Pf, fibrous pumice type; By, Y-shaped bubble type. ∗3 : Listed in order of abundance. Source volcanoes: B, Baitoushan; Ko-h, Komagatake (historic); Ko-ph, Komagatake (prehistoric); Ma, Mashu; Ta, Tarumai; Us, Usu. ∗4 : Based on characteristics of morphology of glass shards, mineralogical components, major elements of glass shards, and stratigraphic positions. from the top to 227 cmbsf. Based on the 17th-century tephras (Ta-b and Us-b), recent sedimentation rates are 114 cm yr−1 for PC01, 112 cm yr−1 for PC02, and 92 cm yr−1 for PC05 over the past ca. 0.34 kyrs. Recurrence intervals of turbidite deposition are calculated from sedimentation rates and turbidite numbers (Fig. 12B). Core PC05 has the smallest value of 113 yrs during 0–0.34 kyrs, although the older part (0.34–5.1 kyrs) shows the largest vale of 439 years. The intervals are 153–169 yrs for PC02, 230–345 yrs for PC01, and 285 yrs for PC06. 5.8. 210 Pbex and 137 Cs geochronology Radioactivity analysis of 210 Pbex and 137 Cs were performed for the sediment within the pilot core of PC05 (Fig. 13; Table SD3). The values of 210 Pbex are approximately uniform in the top 12 cm of the sediment, within which the water content and mean grain size are also constant (Fig. 13). In the lower 11 6 5 A B GH04-13 (1036) n=39 C GH04-14 (1036) n=23 D GH04-17 (1037) n=29 GH04-19 (1038) n=29 F GH04-21 (1038) n=59 G KR05-1 (PC01) n=60 H KR05-3 (PC01) n=38 KR05-4 (PC01) n=21 J KR05-6 (PC02) n=19 K KR05-7 (PC02) n=30 L KR05-8 (PC02) n=25 KR05-12 (PC05) n=32 N Baitoushan K2O 4 3 2 1 0 6 5 Tarumai Komagatake historic prehistoric Usu Mashu E K2O 4 3 2 1 0 6 5 I K2O 4 3 2 1 0 6 M 5 KR05-13 (PC05) n=31 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 TiO2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 TiO2 K2O 4 3 2 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 TiO2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 TiO2 Fig. 11. K2 O–TiO2 diagrams for volcanic glasses from probable source volcanoes (A) and ashes in the sediment cores (B–N). Petrographical descriptions are shown in Table 2. Table 3 Radiocarbon dating of foraminifers from samples of hemipelagic mud. Calibrated ages were calculated based on a local reservoir correction of 386±16 years (Yoneda et al., 2001). Lab code Core Depth Sample type Measured 14 Conventional δ13 C Calibrated age Calibrated age Median C age (yr BP) 14 C age (yr BP) (permil) (1σ) (cal yr BP) (2σ) (cal yr BP) probability Beta-221966 PC01 221–236 Mixed planktonic 2660±40 3050±40 −1.4 2302–2413 2246–2504 2357 Beta-221967 PC01 296–311 Mixed planktonic 3140±40 3550±40 −0.3 3309–3414 3241–3458 3357 Beta-237746 PC01 581–601 Mixed planktonic 6440±40 6850±40 −0.2 6884–7018 6838–7118 6960 Beta-237747 PC02 783–793 Mixed Benthic 9480±40 9830±40 −3.5 Beta-221968 PC05 249.5–264.5 Mixed planktonic 4550±50 4860±40 −5.8 4600–4735 4527–4798 4668 Beta-221969 PC05 354.5–369.5 Mixed planktonic 4800±40 5200±40 −0.4 5030–5205 4956–5262 5109 Beta-221970 PC06 224–231 7200±50 −1.1 7292–7398 7235–7430 7339 Mixed planktonic 6810±50 part of the core (12–28 cmbsf), the ln(210 Pbex ) values linearly decrease; the apparent sedimentation rate is estimated to be 0.26 cm yr−1 to the exclusion of turbidite thickness. As the result of atmospheric nuclear tests, 137 Cs began to appear in environmental samples at measurable levels from A.D. 1954. Atmospheric fluxes of these fallout nuclides 12 (A) (B) Depth (cm) 0 200 400 Recurrence interval (yrs) 0 600 200 400 600 0 PC01 PC01 (0−2.4 kyr) PC02 PC01 (2.4−7.0 kyr) Age (kyr BP) 2 PC05 PC02 (0−0.34 kyr) PC06 PC02 (0.34−6.5 kyr) 4 PC05 (0−0.34 kyr) PC05 (0.34–5.1 kyr) 6 PC06 (0−7.3 kyr) 8 Fig. 12. (A) Age–depth profiles for selected cores based on of turbidites. WC (%) 0 200 14 C MGS (μm) 400 0 20 40 ages of planktonic foraminifers and tephrostratigraphy. (B) Recurrence intervals of deposition ln(210 Pbex) (dpm/g) 60 3 4 137Cs 5 0 0 (dpm/g) 0.5 1.0 X-radiograph Depth (cmbsf) Earthquake 10 1973 Nemuro-oki 20 1961 Nemuro-oki 1952 Tokachi-oki 30 Fig. 13. X-ray image and depth profiles of water content (WC), mean grain size (MGS), 210 Pbex , and 137 Cs for the pilot core (PC05). The error bars for 210 Pb 137 Cs data represent ±1s about the means, as calculated using counting statistics. Earthquakes are possible triggers of the turbidite deposition. ex and Results of the radioactivity analysis are presented in Table SD3. then followed the pattern of activities released from nuclear detonations, which peaked in 1963 and decreased after the enactment of the Test-Ban Treaty in the same year. The depth profile of 137 Cs conforms to the history of nuclear fallout, beginning of the detection at 23 cmbsf, showing high values in the middle part (15–20 cmbsf), and then decreasing to the top (Fig. 13; Table SD3). Given that 137 Cs is undetectable in the sample of deeper than 25 cmbsf, the detection limit lies between the second and third turbidites. The 137 Cs data indicate the sedimentation rate of 0.39–0.43 cm yr−1 with consideration for turbidite deposition. 6. Discussion 6.1. Origin of the turbidites Turbidity currents can be triggered by a number of natural causes in addition to earthquakes, including floods, storms, and rapid sedimentation (e.g., Normark and Piper, 1991; Locat and Lee, 2002). The fact that the study area is not fed by large rivers and contains a wide shelf (20–30 km) probably precludes the direct input of terrestrial material into the forearc slope by flooding or storms. Benthic foraminifers in the turbidites suggest that the sands were derived from the upper–middle slope (deeper than 1,000 m water depth) rather than from the shelf. The steep gradient of the slope (5–10◦) and the presence 13 of numerous gullies are consistent with this hypothesis that the turbidites were derived from upper–middle slope sediments under the influence of gravity. In addition, seaward thinning of surface seismic reflections in the lower slope (Fig. 5) supports turbidites were derived from the upper–middle slope rather than the outer high. Based on small volume of each turbidite bed (less than 0.003–0.03 km3 for 1–10 cm thick turbidites that would cover 15×20 km of the fan), lack of deposits derived from slides or debris flows in the proximal core (PC06), and fewer and thinner turbidites in more distal part of the fan, slope failures on the slope were considered to be small-scale or thin-skinned. A relatively good preservation of benthic foraminiferal test in the turbidites also infer that they were derived from not deeply-buried sediments but very surface sediments without diagenesis. The small-scale or thin-skinned failures may be because (i) the steep forearc slope prohibits settlement of sufficient sediments for large-scale slope failures, (ii) repeated earthquakes remove unstable hemipelagic muds on slopes, or (iii) insufficient sediment inputs due to no large rivers and highstand sealevel. The small volumes of turbidites may be an additional evidence that turbidites were generated by earthquakes (cf. Goldfinger et al., 2003). The common occurrence of amalgamation (multiple coarse fraction pulses) within thick turbidites infers deposition from a flow with multiple pulses or multiple flows that occurred over a short time period. Such amalgamated turbidites have been reported previously from seismically active regions of Japan (Nakajima and Kanai, 2000; Noda et al., 2008) and Cascadia (Goldfinger et al., 2007). It is not possible to produce an amalgamated turbidite from a simple waning turbidity current of the type that produces a typical turbidite represented by the Bouma sequence. The occurrence of multiple slope failures over a short period can be attributed to strong ground shaking associated with a large earthquake. Multiple failures upon a slope have the potential to flow downslope and transform into turbidity currents, converging at the apex of the submarine fan; in this way, multiple flows pass over the fan. Peak ground acceleration (PGA) at a given site can be calculated using an empirical attenuation relationship (Boore and Joyner, 1982; Campbell, 1985; Fukushima and Tanaka, 1990; Si and Midoriwaka, 1999). We calculated PGA at the assumed source point for the major (> M 7) earthquakes using the relationship proposed by Fukushima and Tanaka (1990): log10 PGA = 0.41M−log10 (R+0.032×100.41M )−0.0034R+1.30, (1) where PGA is the peak ground acceleration (cm s−2 ), R is the shortest distance from a fault plane (if available) or hypocenter (km), and M is magnitude from Utsu (1999) and Japan Meteorological Agency (2006). The distance (R) between the points is approximated by a 3D application of Pythagoras’s theorem: R2 = D2 + (p(Ax − Bx))2 + (p(Ay − By))2 , (2) where D is the hypocenter depth (km), Ax and Ay represent the longitude and latitude of the source point in degree, Bx and By represent the longitude and latitude of the fault rupture or hypocenter, and p is a constant (111.32 km). Fukushima and Tanaka (1990) reported that predicted PGA values are similar to observed values at hard soil sites, but underestimated by about 40% at soft soil sites. Therefore, we multiplied the value of PGA calculated using Eq. (1) by 1.4 as a site effect. Peak ground acceleration (PGA) can also be estimated using the following empirical relationship (Si and Midoriwaka, 1999): log10 PGA = b − log10 (R + c) − 0.003R (3) where b = 0.53M + 0.0044D + d + 0.38 c = 0.0055 × 10 0.50M . (4) (5) The value of d depends on the type of earthquake, whether shallow (0.00), interplate (−0.04), or intraplate (0.17). Eq. (3) was optimized for soil with a shear-wave velocity (V s ) of 400 m s−1 (Si and Midoriwaka, 1999), suggesting it could apply to relatively soft basement. Although there were few reports about shear-wave velocity of forearc slope sediments, Goldberg (2003) reported a nearly constant V s (∼300 m s−1 ) in the forearc accretionary sediments above 100 mbsf, off Nankai, southwest Japan. A similar shear-wave velocity for the forearc slope sediments could be assumed, we did not consider a site effect for Eq. (3). The calculated PGA of historical earthquakes (Table 4) show that the 1894, 1952, 1961, 1973, and 2004 earthquakes could have large PGA (> 150 cm s−2 ) near the study area (Table 4; Fig. 15). Which earthquakes could trigger deposition of turbidites? The depositional ages of the recent three turbidites in the pilot core of PC05 (Fig. 13) are estimated as 1946–1971, 1930–1962, and 1910–1950, based on the sedimentation rate of 0.26–0.43 cm s−1 derived from 210 Pbex and 137 Cs analysis. The detection of 137 Cs radioactivity below the second turbidite indicates that it was deposited after A.D. 1954. The first and 6.2. Correlation with historical earthquakes The initiation of slope failure generally depends on excess pore-pressure generated by earthquake-induced ground acceleration (e.g., Seed and Idriss, 1971). Critical earthquake horizontal accelerations of 80–190 and 80–280 cm s−2 have been reported for the Eel margin of California (Lee and Edward, 1986; Lee et al., 1999) and the Japan Sea (Lee et al., 1993, 1996), respectively. Here, we seek to correlate the turbidites identified in the pilot core (PC05) with known historical earthquakes, based on calculated ground accelerations. Our calculations assumed a point source of slope failures centered on the upper slope off Nemuro (145◦ 32’E, 42◦ 52’N). The oldest historical earthquake recorded in eastern Hokkaido is the 1843 Nemuro-oki earthquake. Many large earthquakes have been recorded since this time, including shallow, interplate, and deep (intraplate) earthquakes (Table 4; Fig. 14). 14 Table 4 Simulated peak ground acceleration (PGA) for interplate, shallow, and deep earthquakes in the area off Nemuro. The magnitudes and locations of hypocenters are from Utsu (1999) and Japan Meteorological Agency (2006). The distance values represent the distance between the assumed source point (145◦ 32’E, 42◦ 52’N) and the hypocenters (HC) or the nearest fault plane (SD). PGA (Fu) and PGA (Si) were determined using equations of Fukushima and Tanaka (1990) and Si and Midoriwaka (1999), respectively. Num Region . Date M Longitude Latitude Depth Type Distance PGA (Fu) PGA (Si) 1 C 22-Mar-1894 7.9 146.00 42.50 0 Il 66.1 (HC) 237.4 185.1 2 C 25-Dec-1900 7.1 146.00 43.00 0 Is 54.1 (HC) 186.0 118.6 3 B 18-Mar-1915 7.0 143.60 42.10 0 Is 231.5 (HC) 13.2 9.1 4 C 01-Jul-1924 7.6 147.50 45.00 0 D 323.0 (HC) 8.0 11.4 5 C 27-Dec-1924 7.0 147.00 43.00 0 Is 164.0 (HC) 30.6 19.9 6 B 04-Mar-1952 8.1 144.13 41.80 0 Il 196.0 (HC) 48.0 43.1 B 04-Mar-1952 8.1 144.80 42.50 0 Il 180.9 149.5 91.3 (SD) 7 E 07-Nov-1958 8.1 148.58 44.38 32 S 380.1 (HC) 6.7 10.7 8 C 12-Aug-1961 7.2 145.57 42.85 80 Is 80.1 (HC) 122.8 181.5 26.0 9 B 23-Apr-1962 7.1 143.92 42.23 60 Is 202.2 (HC) 20.5 10 C 23-Jun-1964 7.1 146.47 42.98 80 S 132.1 (HC) 51.2 82.8 11 D 12-Aug-1969 7.8 147.82 43.44 41 Il 265.6 (HC) 17.4 23.3 D 12-Aug-1969 7.8 147.00 43.00 41 Il 169.0 (SD) 53.5 66.0 12 C 17-Jun-1973 7.4 145.95 42.97 40 Il 62.3 (HC) 191.3 198.2 C 17-Jun-1973 7.4 145.55 42.85 40 Il 40.1 (SD) 295.5 307.8 13 D 06-Dec-1978 7.7 146.67 44.55 118 D 255.0 (HC) 18.1 82.6 14 B 15-Jan-1993 7.5 144.36 42.92 101 D 165.2 (HC) 44.8 151.8 15 D 04-Oct-1994 8.2 147.71 43.37 23 S 249.8 (HC) 28.1 37.5 16 C 28-Jan-2000 6.8 146.90 43.00 6.8 S 153.0 (HC) 30.0 21.5 17 B 25-Sep-2003 8.0 144.08 41.78 42 Il 206.4 (HC) 39.6 53.5 B 25-Sep-2003 8.0 144.35 42.25 42 Il 154.4 (SD) 73.8 95.7 C 29-Nov-2004 7.1 145.30 42.90 48 Is 54.7 (HC) 183.7 190.4 18 Units: Depth and distance, km; PGA, cm s−2 . Abbreviations in Type: S, shallow; D, deep; Is, small interplate; Il large interplate earthquakes. 142˚E 143˚E 144˚E 145˚E 146˚E 147˚E 148˚E 149˚E 44˚N 50 km 11 Nemuro M8 43˚N Kushiro 11 8 14 18 M7.5 M7 Source Target 1 15 2 16 12 10 5 ch 3 2003 17 41˚N 1969 C 1973 9 42˚N D ril n Tre Ku 6 1952 B A Pacific Plate Fig. 14. Epicenters of earthquakes (> M 7.0) and source areas of large interplate earthquakes in the area off Nemuro. Source areas are from Kasahara (1975), Aida (1978), and Hirata et al. (2003) for the 1952 Tokachi-oki earthquake, and Hatori (1974), Japan Meteorological Agency (1974), Shimazaki (1974), and Kasahara (1983) for the 1973 Nemuro-oki earthquake. second turbidites, therefore, can be correlated with the 1973 and 1961 Nemuro-oki earthquakes (Figs. 13 and 15). The third turbidite may be associated with the 1952 Tokachi-oki earthquake. Although it occurred in the region B and its PGA 15 is lower than the 1961 and 1973 earthquakes, relatively long duration after the 1894 and 1900 earthquakes (Fig. 15) might enable to accumulate between 2 and 5 cm of surface sediment upon the upper–middle slope, consisting of pelagic fallout where the rate of pelagic sedimentation is 0.032–0.088 cm yr−1 (Noda and TuZino, 2007). The turbidites in the pilot core (PC05) were possibly deposited in association with earthquakes that generated strong (> 150 cm s−2 ) ground shaking; however, not all large earthquakes are recorded in the sedimentary record as turbidites. We could identified only three turbidites above the 17th-century tephra (Ta-b) in core PC05; the 1894 and 2004 earthquakes or any historical earthquakes were not recorded in the core. The pilot core might record about half of the strong earthquakes that occurred in the source region of the slope failures. It must be remembered that the initiation of slope failure requires sufficient unconsolidated sediment: strong earthquakes are unlikely to generate turbidites if the source area contains insufficient soft sediment. In addition to earthquake magnitude, the recurrence interval is possible another factor that influences the triggering mechanisms of slope failure. of the recurrence interval of turbidite deposition in PC02 are twice the interval of interplate earthquakes in the area over the past 160 years, as deduced from historical records (72.2 years; Earthquake Research Committee, 2004). Nanayama et al. (2007) reported recurrence intervals of ∼550 years for large tsunamis in the Kushiro–Nemuro region over the past 4,000 years (Fig. 10). The turbidites analyzed in the present study record a greater number of events than that indicated by tsunami deposits. Nanayama et al. (2007) identified an unusually large tsunami that inundated the area during the 16th century (KS3 in Fig. 10). This tsunami was potentially associated with a giant earthquake related to rupture along a multi-segment fault (Regions B and C) (Nanayama et al., 2003). None of the cores obtained from the submarine fan, however, contain conspicuous turbidites immediately below the 17th-century volcanic ash. Thin (2 cm thick) turbidites identified below the Us-b tephra in cores PC02 and 1038 (Fig. 7) are possibly related to the 16th-century event. It remains uncertain as to whether submarine deposition accompanied this unusually large-scale event. 7. Conclusions 6.3. Recurrence intervals With the aim of estimating the long-term recurrence interval of earthquakes off eastern Hokkaido, seven sediment cores were obtained from a submarine fan on the forearc slope. The upper slope is steep (3–10◦) and incised by a series of gullies, some of which cut through the middle slope to the lower slope where the submarine fan is developed. The retrieved cores contain a number of turbidites that probably originated from the upper–middle slope (> 1,000 m water depth), as indicated by benthic foraminiferal assemblages. The deep-sea origin of the turbidites suggests that the turbidity currents were triggered by earthquakes. 210 Pbex and 137 Cs geochronology, in combination with the calculated peak ground accelerations of historical earthquakes, indicate that the three recent turbidites are correlated with the 1952, 1961, and 1973 earthquakes. The identified turbidites possibly record half of the earthquakes with sufficient strength of ground shaking (∼150 cm s−2 ) around the source area of slope failure, possibly due to changes of the course of turbidity currents on the fan over time or frequent removal of unstable sediments on the slope. The depositional intervals of the analyzed turbidites are 113–439 years over the past 7 kyrs. Given that not every seismic event is recorded in any single core, the recurrence interval of earthquakes in this region is estimated to be less than 113 years. The recurrence intervals of the turbidite deposition in the lower part of PC05 and PC06 were longer than PC01 and PC02 obtained from the middle fan (Fig. 12B). Relatively thick turbidites observed in the cores of the upper fan infer that more erosive currents on the upper fan passed than those on the middle fan. The steepness of the slope upon which the currents passed is another interpretation of less turbidite numbers in the upper fan. Because the slope is one of the variables for velocity of body of turbidity currents (e.g., Middleton and Hampton, 1976), deposition will not occur upon which currents are too fast to settle the suspended particles. The change in recurrence intervals in PC05 (Fig. 12B) indicates that changes of the course of turbidity currents over time, thereby failing to transport detritus through the site of PC05. This type of channel avulsion has been reported previously from other submarine fans (Normark, 1970; Normark et al., 1979). Several channels merge at the apex of the fan divided into two tributaries (Fig. 3); one has the course toward south along the western boundary of the fan through the site of PC05, the other flows toward southeast near the sites of PC01 and PC02. Not all currents deposit turbidites over the entire fan; one may deposit turbidites through the western channel, another may flow over the eastern fan. Three turbidites within the half century in the pilot core of PC05 suggest recent turbidity currents flow in the western channel. The fact that core PC02 records the largest number of turbidites is attributed to its location on levees in the center of the fan, where turbidites are more likely to deposit than in the channels of the upper fan and on the marginal fan. Erosion by currents could be less effective on levees of the middle fan than in channels. Nevertheless, it is unlikely that PC02 provides a complete record of seismogenic turbidites. About 150 years Acknowledgements We are greatly indebted to the officers, crew, and research staff of cruises GH04 and KR0504 for the collection of data. We also thank Hajime Katayama for data collected on cruise GH04, and Yukinobu Okamura, Kenji Satake, Ken Ikehara, Kohsaku Arai, and Tomoyuki Sasaki for data collected on cruise KR0504. 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