Hove Junior School Newsletter 14, 17th December 2014
Hove Junior School Newsletter 14, 17th December 2014
Hove Junior School Newsletter 14, 17th December 2014 Message from Mrs Taylor Dear Parents and Carers, Thanks to all of you who were able to attend one of our end of term concerts/celebrations the attendance at all year group events was fantastic and the children were really great. The children had a great time at the Christmas Discos yesterday. Enormous thanks to the parents who organised the discos and to those who helped on the night. We had a wonderful time at the „Official Opening‟ of our Holland Road site on Monday, (there are lots of photos on our website). Once again the children‟s performance was lovely. We really have had a great term and the future for the school, across both sites, looks really exciting. The prize draw from the Christmas Raffle was done yesterday afternoon. A list of all the winners has been attached to this newsletter. Thanks to all of you who purchased the tickets and to Alice for all her hard work. We are all looking forward to Christmas dinner today and to our Pantomimes on Friday. School will finish at the usual time on Friday and we will reopen on Monday 5th January 2015. Myself and all the staff would like to thank you all for your support this term, and I would like to thank all the staff for their incredible hard work. Have a wonderful Christmas and a very happy new year! Many thanks, Janis Taylor Message from Mrs Winn Dear Parents and Carers, What a fantastic first term we‟ve had! Thank you for joining us on Monday for the Official Opening and Christmas singing assembly. Please see photos attached! Our visitors were really impressed with the children as were we all. A special mention must go out to Mrs Atkinson who taught the children their strong singing skills - thank you from all of us! Everyone has worked so hard this term so there won‟t be any homework over the two week break. Most children are bringing their completed homework in regularly which is the practice we want to continue for them throughout the school. Please keep this up in the New Year - we enjoy giving merits for any good work and this includes homework! Finally thank you again for all your contributions this term. As Mrs Taylor said on Monday, it has been a privilege to be a part of the process of opening our brilliant school. Happy holidays, see you all in January for our exciting new topic!! Kind regards Rebecca Winn Child of the Week Award Winners - Week ending 12th December 2014 3 Amber 3 Emerald 3 Sapphire Abdul & Joe Nash Noah Dates for your Diary Merit Award Well done! Silver Mabel Francesca Nils 3 Amber 3 Amber 3 Amber Bo Freya Shia 3 Emerald 3 Emerald 3 Emerald Fri 19 Dec Pantomime Dick Whittington Fri 19 Dec School closes for Christmas Holidays Mon 5 Jan Back to School at 8.40am Mon 12 Jan Roman Workshop and Dress up day Brighton & Hove Music Services If your child is interested in learning a musical instrument at school please contact Brighton & Hove Music & Arts (details below). We currently have Violin & Keyboard lessons in school hours. Leaflets in School Reception. Tel: 01273 293 524 Email: [email protected] Website: www.bhma.org.uk Our school milk scheme From 5th January 2015, we will be providing a milk scheme that is available for all of our children and we would like to invite you to register your child. Each child that registers with Cool Milk will receive a carton of semi-skimmed milk everyday, which is delivered fresh and chilled to the school. The scheme will be subsidised for all our children at around £15.00 a term. Find out the top ten reasons to drink school milk at www.coolmilk.com/whyschoolmilk. Simply register online at www.coolmilk.com or complete a registration form (see book bags) Shortly after registering, you will receive a payment request. You can pay Cool Milk either online, over the phone, at a local Paypoint or by cheque in half-termly, termly or annual instalments. Please note - you do not pay the school and it is not available to pay on Parentpay. Those children in receipt of free school meals will be eligible for free milk as well. Please contact the school office if you would like your child to receive school milk. Introducing our new Family Workers Annabelle and Julie will be working across primary schools in Hove, providing groups, workshops and individual support or information to parents and carers about any issue, big or small, affecting family life. To find out more, please contact Annabelle and Julie at Safety Net on 01273 419725 or speak to your school. Hove Junior School - Holland Road: Official Opening & Christmas Singing Assembly 15th December 2014 Winners !!!! HOVE JUNIOR SCHOOL CHRISTMAS RAFFLE 2014 WINNERS LIST Thanks to everyone who bought tickets and contributed to the school’s festive fundraising. Profits of £600 were raised across the two sites! All prizes will be available for collection from your school office from Thursday 18th December. 3 AMBER Joe – Christmas Hamper Jill – 1973 Gift Pack Francesca – Charlotte‟s Web Gift Voucher Charlie – Afternoon tea for two at The Grand Bryn – Pen set and Scratch Art pack 3 EMERALD Alfred – Tickets to „The Boy Who Never Grew Up‟ Karen – 1 day‟s Holiday Club Voucher from Class of their Own Tomas – Books and Card game 3 SAPPHIRE Mia – 1000 piece puzzle 3 BLUE Derek – 2 x children‟s tickets to Drusillas Park I Harrison - Dragonfly Gift Bag May – Variety gift pack 3 GREEN Issy – Poppets £10 voucher Ilgaz – Hello Kitty lunch box and flask 3 RED E. Derou – Sam Church luxury haircut and treatment Edward – Treacle & Co Cream Tea for Two Alex – The Hidden Pantry £20 Voucher Ruth – Krater Comedy Club tickets at Komedia 3 YELLOW Ava – Sutherland & Sadler gift pack Dale - 1 hr complimentary Emotional Therapy Technique session from Shirley Archibald 4 BLUE Warburton - £20 Bert‟s Gift Voucher Katie – Violet & Percy £20 gift voucher 4 GREEN Nicolette – Art Room course voucher worth £65 Holly – Meal for Two at The Stoneham 4 RED Otis – The Hilton Afternoon Tea for Two Tay – Avenue Restaurant meal for two 4 YELLOW Selene – Black Radish salad dressings Jessica – Gordon Ramsey cookery book 5 GREEN Vicki – Bundle of Books from The Book Nook H Holt – 2 x free entry tickets for Paradise Park 5 BLUE Noah – Limited Edition Vinyl and CD by Ben Ottewell 5 RED Jared & Mark - Dragonfly Gift Bag 5 YELLOW Tahlia - Krater Comedy Club tickets at Komedia Wood – a bottle of wine from Mulholland‟s off licence Higgins – Dotty Popsy voucher 6 BLUE Breakwell - £20 The Bright Company gift voucher 6 GREEN Steve – 2 x tickets to Duke of Yorks Picture House Anna - 1 hr complimentary Emotional Therapy Technique session from Shirley Archibald Yogini – Toiletries gift set Christine – Magnum of red wine Connor – Dotty Popsy voucher 6 YELLOW N Bevins - £35 meal voucher at Hins Restaurant S Letanka-Jeff – Mickey Mouse soft toy and Toiletries gift set STAFF Paul Miller – Free eye test and £99 towards pair of glasses from Specky Wren S Grant – 1 hr complimentary Emotional Therapy Technique session from Shirley Archibald Michelle Pereira - £20 voucher from Quaff Wine Merchants HOVE JUNIOR, HOLLAND ROAD PTA th MEETING NOTES 5 December 2014, 9.15am Attendees: Alice Guy, Barney Trattles, Heidi Compton, Lye Marong, Nick Sayers, Rebecca Winn, Sarah Ottewell Playground Update We have chosen a company to install the traverse wall. However Rebecca confirmed that the mural needs to be in place before the traverse wall can be constructed. So far, two designs have been taken to the School Council (one from Barney and one from Heidi‟s) but because Heidi‟s was only a sketch the children felt they needed more info / fuller designs to compare. Heidi brought in some more in-depth research ideas for murals and installations in the playground – several of which could support learning in the classroom. Rebecca showed the designs from the playground designer who‟s been working with Portland Road to plan out the space. Some of the ideas from Heidi included: Bottle top mural Recycled bottle sunshade Modern map of Brighton Climbing wall murals Pattern based murals Height wall – with the children‟s names and ages written on the wall forming an effective band of colour Paintings / murals on the floor of the playground The group were very positive about all the ideas presented, and in engaging the children in the process and embedding real meaning in it. Lye mentioned that he has a friend who is an artist of West African art, which could be fed into the ideas. Action: Heidi and Barney to take their ideas to the School Council before or after Christmas to get feedback and build these into potential designs for murals etc. The school have said they‟ll pay for the initial consultation with the playground designer. Action: Alice and Rebecca to coordinate a PTA meeting, with the designer, for January so we can dedicate time to discussing the ideas and putting firmer plans in place. Action: Consider linking up with the University‟s Sustainable Design dept – a possibility of funding support. Rebecca is also investigating a source of funding that‟s been recommended. Rebecca mentioned a wall space at Portland Road that has a new mural painted on it each term depending on the curriculum focus. Holland Road would consider this as well, if there were anyone interested in taking it on. The school would pay for the materials. Joining up with Portland Road The PTA at Portland Road had enquired whether we would consider forming a single PTA across the two sites. The group felt that because the sites will have different priorities and we are at such different stages of development as a site, that we would prefer to keep the two separate. However we did think it would be good to have a joint meeting at least once a term to ensure that joint events were planned efficiently, and both sites were aware of each other‟s plans. Action: Alice to coordinate with Elaine Ainsworth-Jones, to set up a meeting in January to discuss the Summer Fayre. Re the Summer Fayre the group discussed giving it more of a Festival vibe with music performances etc, similar to the Brunswick Festival. School Communications Rebecca confirmed that the newsletter is now posted on the website and a direct link sent by text message. Paper copies are available from the school office if needed. Action: Rebecca to find out whether both parents‟ numbers could be added to the text message list. Action: Rebecca to find out if it‟s possible to sync Outlook / Google calendars from the school website as an easy way for parents to sync up key School dates with their personal calendars. An external noticeboard is planned for the playground. The group questioned whether the area by the lunch box storage was a suitable space as so many parents are based on the ramp / nearer the gates. Paul will look at the different options. PTA Questionnaire Helen Pennington has put together a questionnaire that we‟ll send out in the new year to promote the PTA and source info from parents/carers about what events they think would be successful, and to help get offers of support. Action: make the suggested changes – make the contact details / offer of help with events section more prominent; change Summer Fayre to “Summer Fayre / Festival”; and add three options for the name of the PTA (asking people to vote). Raffle Update A wide range of prizes have been obtained – there‟s been some great support from parents / local businesses. Tickets have been printed at the cost of £165 – to cover children and staff at both sites. Tickets to be sent out Monday 8th December to be returned by Monday 15th. Draw will be on Tuesday 16th – Michelle and Rebecca happy to do this. Prizes will be numbered and winners drawn in order. Alice will get in contact with winners. Bank Account Set Up We need a named Secretary and a confirmed name for the PTA in order for Sarah Pounds to get the bank account set up. Action: Alice to put a note on Facebook about the Secretary role. Helen to add three possible names on the Questionnaire for people to vote – Holland Road PTA, Friends of Holland Road, and one other. Next Meeting Date TBC