Bridgend, Neath Port Talbot and Swansea
Bridgend, Neath Port Talbot and Swansea
Bridgend, Neath Port Talbot and Swansea Care and Support Services Directory 2013/14 Cyfeiriadur Gwasanaethau Gofal a Chefnogaeth 2013/14 The comprehensive guide to choosing and paying for care Yr arweiniad cynhwysfawr i ddewis gofal a thalu amdano • Home support • Specialist care • Useful contacts • Care homes • Cefnogaeth cartref • Cartrefi gofal • Gwybodaeth hanfodol • Cysylltiadau defnyddiol In association with Choosing the right care home for Mum was made easier. • Nursing Care • Residential Care • Dementia Care • Respite Care • Acquired Brain Injury Care From the moment my mother and I first visited her Barchester home, we knew we had found somewhere pretty special. Elegant surroundings, delicious food and beautiful gardens were made even more appealing by the presence of like-minded residents with whom she can socialise and enjoy activities. For my part, knowing that she’s safe in the care of such a dedicated and compassionate team gives me great peace of mind. And for that I’m extremely grateful. T hank you, Barchester ! Why not call us or drop into your local care home for a chat over a cup of tea? Llys y Tywysog Care Home Clos Pengelli, Grovesend, Swansea, SA4 4JW Tel: 01792 620 355 Hafan Y Coed Care Home Nightingale Court, Llanelli, SA15 1HU Tel: 01554 528 711 Awel Y Mor Care Centre Brynafon Road, Gorseinon, Swansea, SA4 4YF Tel: 01792 620 356 Plas y Dderwen Care Home Cilddewi Park, Carmarthen, SA31 3HP Tel: 01267 853 577 Contents Cynnwys Welcome 4 Croeso 4 Finding help and support 5 Dod o hyd i help a chefnogaeth 5 What support is available? 6 Pa gefnogaeth sydd ar gael? 6 Support for carers 11 Cefnogaeth i ofalwyr 11 Residential care 12 Gofal preswyl 12 Paying for residential or nursing care 15 Talu am ofal preswyl neu nyrsio 15 Safeguarding vunerable adults 17 Diogelu oedolion diamddiffyn 17 Useful local contacts 18 Cysylltiadau lleol defnyddiol 18 Listings (home care providers, supported living 29 Rhestriadau (darparwyr gofal cartref, darparwyr providers, care homes and care homes with nursing) llety â chymorth, cartrefi gofal a chartrefi gofal â nyrsio) 29 Home care providers 30 Bridgend 32 Darparwyr gofal cartref Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr 30 32 Neath Port Talbot 36 Castell-nedd Port Talbot 36 Swansea 45 Abertawe 45 Index 55 Mynegai 55 All the listings in this publication of care homes, care homes with nursing, home care providers and supported living providers were supplied by the Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW) in association with Bridgend County Borough, Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council, The City and County of Swansea. Neither the councils listed above nor Care Choices can be held liable for any errors or omissions. Rhoddwyd yr holl restriadau yn y cyhoeddiad hwn o gartrefi gofal, cartrefi gofal â nyrsio, darparwyr gofal cartref a darparwyr byw â chefnogaeth gan Arolygiaeth Gofal a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol Cymru (AGGCC) ar y cyd â Bwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr, Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Castell-nedd Port Talbot a Dinas a Sir Abertawe. Nid yw unrhyw gyngor a restrir uchod na Care Choices yn atebol am unrhyw wall na hepgoriad. The information contained in this Directory was correct at the time of going to print. The inclusion of advertisements for homes and agencies in this Directory does not act as an endorsement or recommendation by Bridgend County Borough, Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council and City and County of Swansea. Roedd yr wybodaeth yn y cyfeiriadur hwn yn gywir wrth fynd i r wasg. Nid yw cynnwys hysbysebion ar gyfer cartrefi ac asiantaethau yn y cyfeiriadur hwn yn golygu bod Bwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr, Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Castell-nedd Port Talbot na Dinas a Sir Abertawe n eu cefnogi nac yn eu cymeradwyo. This Directory is available electronically at Mae r cyfeiriadur hwn ar gael yn electronig yn Alternative formats This Directory is available electronically at There is also a Browsealoud option for those requiring the information in the spoken word. Alternative formats Mae’r cyfeiriadur hwn ar gael yn electronig yn Mae hefyd opsiwn Browsealoud i’r rhai y mae angen gwybodaeth arnynt ar lafar. 9LVLWZZZFDUHFKRLFHVFRXNIRUIXUWKHUDVVLVWDQFHZLWK\RXUVHDUFKIRUFDUH 3 Welcome Welcome to this Directory of adult care and support Assessing your needs as an adult (18+) services which has been produced by Bridgend County Borough Council, Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council and City and County of Swansea in association with publisher Care Choices. Each council’s social services department is responsible for assessing the needs of, and providing advice and support to, older, disabled or vulnerable people in their communities. For most people, however, social care won’t involve social services as only people with a high level of need will be eligible for the services we provide. This is explained on page 5. By signposting service users and providers to the most appropriate advice, care and support, we aim to help individuals maintain or recover their independence and promote wellbeing in our communities. We hope this Directory goes some way to providing a good idea of where to find what you need locally. Bridgend County Borough Council Civic Offices, Angel Street, Bridgend CF31 4WB Tel: 01656 643643 Text Relay: 18001 01656 643643 Email: [email protected] Web: Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council Civic Centre, Port Talbot SA13 1PJ Tel: 01639 686868 Email: [email protected] Web: City and County of Swansea Civic Centre, Swansea SA1 3SN Tel: 01792 636519 Email: [email protected] Web: Croeso Croeso i’r cyfeiriadur gwasanaethau gofal a chefnogaeth i Asesu’ch anghenion fel oedolyn (18+) oedolion hwn a luniwyd gan Gyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Pen-ybont ar Ogwr, Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Castell-nedd Port Talbot a Dinas a Sir Abertawe mewn cydweithrediad â’r cyhoeddwr Care Choices. Mae adran gwasanaethau cymdeithasol pob cyngor yn gyfrifol am asesu anghenion pobl hŷn, anabl neu ddiamddiffyn yn y gymuned a rhoi cyngor a chefnogaeth iddynt. Fodd bynnag, i’r rhan fwyaf o bobl, ni fydd gofal cymdeithasol yn cynnwys y gwasanaethau cymdeithasol oherwydd pobl â lefel uchel o anghenion yn unig fydd yn gymwys am y gwasanaethau rydym yn eu darparu. Mae esboniad o hyn ar dudalen 5. Trwy gyfeirio defnyddwyr gwasanaeth a darparwyr i’r cyngor, gofal a chefnogaeth fwyaf priodol, rydym yn ceisio helpu unigolion i gadw neu adfer eu hannibyniaeth a hyrwyddo lles yn ein cymunedau. Gobeithio y bydd y cyfeiriadur hwn yn rhoi syniad da i chi o ble i ddod o hyd i’r hyn mae ei angen arnoch yn lleol. Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr Swyddfeydd Dinesig, Stryd yr Angel, Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr CF31 4WB Ffôn: 01656 643643 Text Relay: 18001 01656 643643 E-bost: [email protected] Gwefan: Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Castell-nedd Port Talbot Canolfan Ddinesig, Port Talbot SA13 1PJ Ffôn: 01639 686868 E-bost: [email protected] Gwefan: Dinas a Sir Abertawe Canolfan Ddinesig, Abertawe SA1 3SN Ffôn: 01792 636519 E-bost: [email protected] Gwefan: Swansea Marina 4 7KLV'LUHFWRU\·VKHOSOLQH²LQIRUPDWLRQRQFKRRVLQJDQGSD\LQJIRUFDUH Asesu’ch anghenion fel oedolyn (18+) Assessing your needs as an adult (18+) Finding help and Dod o hyd i help a support chefnogaeth Assessing your needs as an adult (18+) The high demand for the services and support we provide means that we have to make sure that the people who are in greatest need of help are given the greatest priority. To do this we use assessments and a set of rules called ‘eligibility criteria’ to work out in a fair way who we are able to help, and what help we are able to provide. Your assessment – which is free – involves a trained person talking with you and collecting information to work out what your needs are, what might be putting you at risk and what kind of support might help you best. Once you, or someone acting on your behalf, have asked for an assessment, one of our staff will get in touch with you to arrange to carry it out. You can have a friend or relative with you at your assessment if you wish. If you have a carer – a relative or friend who provides you with unpaid help – we will also want to talk to them about what help they are able and willing to give and what support they may need with their caring role. We may also want to get information from other people, such as your doctor. Eligibility criteria are used to look at the risk to your independence, and at how much you might benefit from the support we could provide. There are four levels of risk: ‘critical’, ‘substantial’, ‘moderate’ and ‘low’. As part of the assessment we look at the needs we have identified and how much risk there is. We provide services and support only to people whose needs are identified as ‘critical’ or ‘substantial’ (and ‘moderate’ in Bridgend). If your needs are ‘moderate’ or ‘low’ (or ‘low’ in Bridgend) we will give you advice or information about other ways of meeting your needs. This may include services provided in your community by other council departments, or by independent or voluntary organisations. Your support plan Once we have worked out your eligible needs, we will work with you, and maybe with others, to write a ‘support plan’. You will get a copy of this to keep. This explains how your needs are going to be met by local services, and what those services are trying to achieve. Often the plan will be to provide you with services or support which work towards a specific Asesu’ch anghenion fel oedolyn (18+) Mae’r galw mawr am y gwasanaethau a’r gefnogaeth rydym yn eu darparu’n golygu bod yn rhaid i ni sicrhau bod y bobl â’r angen mwyaf yn cael y flaenoriaeth uchaf. Er mwyn gwneud hyn, rydym yn defnyddio asesiadau a set o reolau o’r enw ‘meini prawf cymhwysedd’ i benderfynu mewn ffordd deg pwy rydym yn gallu ei helpu a’r hyn y gallwn ei ddarparu. Mae’ch asesiad - sydd am ddim - yn cynnwys person wedi’i hyfforddi’n siarad â chi ac yn casglu gwybodaeth i benderfynu beth yw’ch anghenion, beth sydd efallai’n eich rhoi mewn perygl a pha fath o gefnogaeth a allai’ch helpu orau. Ar ôl i chi, neu rywun sy’n gweithredu ar eich rhan, ofyn am asesiad, bydd un o’n staff yn cysylltu â chi i drefnu ei gynnal. Gallwch gael ffrind neu berthynas gyda chi yn eich asesiad os dymunwch. Os oes gennych ofalwr - perthynas neu ffrind sy’n rhoi help di-dâl i chi - byddwn hefyd am siarad ag ef am ba help mae’n gallu ac yn fodlon ei roi a pha gefnogaeth y gall fod ei hangen arno gyda’i rôl ofalu. Efallai y byddwn hefyd am gael gwybodaeth gan bobl eraill, fel eich doctor. Defnyddir meini prawf cymhwysedd i ystyried y risg i’ch annibyniaeth, a faint gallai’r gefnogaeth y gallwn ei rhoi fod o fudd i chi. Mae pedair lefel o risg: ‘difrifol, ‘sylweddol’, ‘cymedrol’ ac ‘isel’. Fel rhan o’r asesiad, rydym yn ystyried yr anghenion rydym wedi’u nodi a faint o risg sydd. Rydym ond yn darparu gwasanaethau a chefnogaeth i’r bobl y nodir bod eu hanghenion yn ‘difrifol’ neu’n ‘sylweddol’ (ac yn ‘gymedrol’ ym Mhenybont ar Ogwr). Os yw’ch anghenion yn ‘gymedrol’ neu’n ‘isel’ (neu yn ‘isel’ ym Mhenybont ar Ogwr), byddwn yn rhoi cyngor neu wybodaeth i chi am ffyrdd eraill o ddiwallu’ch anghenion. Gallai hyn gynnwys gwasanaethau a ddarperir yn eich cymuned gan adrannau eraill y cyngor, neu gan sefydliadau annibynnol neu wirfoddol. Eich cynllun cefnogi Ar ôl i ni benderfynu ar eich anghenion cymwys, byddwn yn gweithio gyda chi, ac efallai eraill, i lunio ‘cynllun cefnogi’. Cewch gopi o hyn i’w gadw. Mae hyn yn esbonio sut bydd eich anghenion yn cael eu diwallu gan wasanaethau lleol a beth mae’r gwasanaethau hynny’n ceisio ei gyflawni. Yn aml, nod y cynllun fydd cynnig gwasanaethau neu gefnogaeth i chi sy’n gweithio 9LVLWZZZFDUHFKRLFHVFRXNIRUIXUWKHUDVVLVWDQFHZLWK\RXUVHDUFKIRUFDUH 5 Your support plan continued Eich cynllun cefnogi outcome. For example, you may need help to manage at home again after a period of illness, or you may want to develop practical skills or confidence that will allow you to become more independent and more involved with your local community. We will regularly review your plan with you to check that it is still meeting your needs, and to see if your needs have changed. This may mean that you get more of a particular service, a different service, less of a service, or no service at all. If your needs or circumstances change, you can ask us for a new assessment. tuag at ganlyniad penodol. Er enghraifft, efallai y bydd angen help arnoch i ymdopi gartref eto ar ôl cyfnod o salwch, neu efallai yr hoffech ddatblygu sgiliau ymarferol neu fagu hyder a fydd yn eich galluogi i fod yn fwy annibynnol a chymryd mwy o ran yn eich cymuned leol. Byddwn yn adolygu’ch cynllun gyda chi’n rheolaidd i wirio ei fod yn dal i ddiwallu’ch anghenion, ac i weld a yw’ch anghenion wedi newid. Gallai hyn olygu y cewch wasanaeth mwy penodol, gwasanaeth gwahanol, llai o wasanaeth, neu ddim gwasanaeth o gwbl. Os bydd eich anghenion neu’ch amgylchiadau’n newid, cewch ofyn am asesiad newydd. What will you have to pay? Beth bydd yn rhaid i chi ei dalu? There is no charge for your assessment or for giving you advice and information. We charge for some of the services we provide. For some services, everyone who receives that service pays the same amount. For certain types of service (long-term care at home and residential care) our charges are based on how much money you have, and we would need to do a financial assessment to work out how much you should pay. If you are eligible for social care support, and following your financial assessment, we may be able to give you money so that you can organise your services yourself rather than have social services do this for you. This is called a ‘direct payment’. Ni chodir tâl am eich asesiad nac am roi cyngor a gwybodaeth i chi. Rydym yn codi tâl am rai o’r gwasanaethau rydym yn eu cynnig. Ar gyfer rhai gwasanaethau, bydd pawb sy’n cael y gwasanaeth yn talu’r un swm. Ar gyfer rhai mathau o wasanaeth (gofal tymor hir gartref a gofal preswyl), mae ein taliadau’n seiliedig ar faint o arian sydd gennych, a byddai angen i ni gynnal asesiad ariannol i benderfynu faint dylech chi ei dalu. Os ydych yn gymwys ar gyfer cefnogaeth gofal cymdeithasol, ac yn dilyn eich asesiad ariannol, efallai y gallwn roi arian i chi fel y gallwch chi drefnu’ch gwasanaethau eich hunan yn hytrach na’r gwasanaethau cymdeithasol yn gwneud hyn ar eich rhan. ‘Taliad uniongyrchol’ yw’r enw ar hyn. What support is available? Pa gefnogaeth sydd ar gael? Reablement Ailalluogi Reablement is short-term support designed to give older people or people with disabilities skills, techniques and confidence to manage as many daily living tasks as possible on their own. This could include: • Home care - help with personal care and day to day tasks until you feel strong enough, or confident enough, to do things for yourself. • Occupational therapy – learning easier ways to do things around the home, and using equipment that can help you be more independent. • Meals delivered to your home until you feel up to Ailalluogi yw cefnogaeth tymor byw a lunnir i roi sgiliau, technegau a hyder i bobl hŷn neu anabl fel y gallant reoli cynifer o dasgau bywyd dyddiol â phosibl ar eu pennau eu hunain. Gallai hyn gynnwys: 6 parhad • Gofal cartref - help gyda gofal personol a thasgau dyddiol nes i chi deimlo’n ddigon cryf, neu’n ddigon hyderus, i wneud pethau drosoch eich hunan. • Therapi galwedigaethol - dysgu ffyrdd haws o wneud pethau yn y cartref, a defnyddio offer i’ch helpu i fod yn fwy annibynnol. 7KLV'LUHFWRU\·VKHOSOLQH²LQIRUPDWLRQRQFKRRVLQJDQGSD\LQJIRUFDUH Reablement continued getting your own meals again. • Links with community services – information about groups or organisations in your local community that may offer the less intensive support you will need in the longer term. • Support may also be provided by the Health Service’s Community Resource Team. After the reablement period, we will reassess your needs. These are likely to have changed after a period of intensive support. We can then work out what, if any, long-term support services we need to put in place for you. Leaving hospital and staying independent When you leave hospital, you may feel you need more support at home than before you went in. Sometimes this will be for a short period, while you readjust to life at home. Reablement may be helpful now. Some people will need longer-term support at home, perhaps with a home care service (listings of these start on page 30). A community alarm may also give reassurance to those returning home and to their families. Day opportunities / centres Older people and those in the early stages of dementia may benefit from the social opportunities provided by social services’ day centres and social groups. An assessment is needed before someone can attend a day centre, but anyone over 50 can go along to one of the social groups. Support in your own home Home care, also known as ‘domiciliary care’, is provided through social services for people who have been assessed as having high levels of personal care needs. This may be by staff employed directly by social services or by a care agency contracted to work for social services. For people who are not eligible for support from social services, or who prefer to make their own arrangements, there are a number of domiciliary care agencies which provide both personal care and practical support. A list of local providers starts on page 30. Some people may choose to receive a direct payment Asesu’ch fel oedolyn (18+) Ailalluogianghenion parhad • Prydau wedi’u cludo i’ch cartref nes i chi deimlo’n barod i baratoi’ch prydau eich hunan eto. • Cysylltiadau â gwasanaethau cymunedol – gwybodaeth am grwpiau neu sefydliadau yn eich cymuned leol a all gynnig y gefnogaeth lai dwys y bydd ei hangen arnoch yn y tymor hwy. • Gall cefnogaeth gael ei darparu hefyd gan Dîm Adnoddau Cymunedol y Gwasanaeth Iechyd. Ar ôl y cyfnod ailalluogi, byddwn yn ailasesu’ch anghenion. Mae’n debygol y bydd y rhain wedi newid ar ôl cyfnod o gefnogaeth ddwys. Yna gallwn gael gwybod pa wasanaethau cefnogi tymor hir, os bydd rhai, y bydd angen i ni eu darparu ar eich cyfer. Asesu’ch fel oedolyn (18+) Gadael yranghenion ysbyty ac aros yn annibynnol Pan fyddwch yn gadael yr ysbyty, efallai y byddwch yn teimlo bod angen mwy o gefnogaeth arnoch gartref na chyn mynd i’r ysbyty. Weithiau bydd hyn am gyfnod byr yn unig wrth i chi ddod i’r arfer â byw gartref unwaith eto. Gallai ailalluogi fod yn ddefnyddiol nawr. Bydd angen cefnogaeth tymor hwy gartref ar rai pobl, efallai gyda gwasanaeth gofal cartref (mae rhestriadau o’r rhain yn dechrau ar dudalen 30). Hefyd gallai larwm cymunedol roi tawelwch meddwl i’r rhai sy’n dychwelyd adref a’u teuluoedd. Cyfleoedd / canolfannau dydd Efallai bydd y cyfleoedd cymdeithasol a ddarperir gan ganolfannau dydd a grwpiau cymdeithasol y gwasanaethau cymdeithasol o fudd i bobl hŷn a’r rhai yng nghyfnod cynnar dementia. Mae angen asesiad cyn y caiff rhywun fynd i ganolfan ddydd, ond caiff unrhyw un dros 50 oed fynd i un o’r grwpiau cymdeithasol. Cefnogaeth yn eich cartref eich hunan Darperir gofal cartref trwy’r gwasanaethau cymdeithasol i bobl yr aseswyd bod ganddynt lefelau uchel o anghenion gofal personol. Gallai hyn fod trwy staff a gyflogir yn uniongyrchol gan y gwasanaethau cymdeithasol neu gan asiantaeth gofal a gontractir i weithio i’r gwasanaethau cymdeithasol. I bobl nad ydynt yn gymwys ar gyfer cefnogaeth gan y gwasanaethau cymdeithasol, neu y mae’n well ganddynt wneud eu trefniadau eu hunain, mae nifer o asiantaethau gofal cartref sy’n darparu gofal personol a chefnogaeth ymarferol. Mae rhestr o ddarparwyr lleol yn dechrau ar dudalen 30. 9LVLWZZZFDUHFKRLFHVFRXNIRUIXUWKHUDVVLVWDQFHZLWK\RXUVHDUFKIRUFDUH 7 Support in your own home continued Cefnogaeth yn eich cartref eich hunan parhad to arrange their own domiciliary care. If you have been buying care privately from a care agency before being assessed as eligible for support by social services, this may help ensure continuity of care. If you need adaptations to your home to give you better freedom of movement into and around your home or to provide essential facilities within it, you may be entitled to a Disabled Facilities Grant. An occupational therapist will assess what works are suitable and necessary. The amount of grant will depend on the cost of the approved works and your financial circumstances. Your council will provide you with help and support to apply for a grant and get the work done. Efallai y bydd rhai pobl yn dewis cael taliad uniongyrchol i drefnu eu gofal cartref eu hunain. Os ydych wedi bod yn talu am ofal preifat gan asiantaeth gofal cyn cael eich asesu’n gymwys i gael cefnogaeth gan y gwasanaethau cymdeithasol, gall hyn helpu i sicrhau parhad gofal. Os bydd angen addasiadau i’ch cartref er mwyn eich helpu i symud yn fwy hwylus yn eich cartref ac wrth fynd i mewn iddo neu i ddarparu cyfleusterau hanfodol ynddo, efallai y bydd gennych hawl i Grant Cyfleusterau i’r Anabl. Bydd therapydd galwedigaethol yn asesu pa waith sy’n addas ac yn angenrheidiol. Bydd swm y grant yn dibynnu ar gost y gwaith a gymeradwyir a’ch amgylchiadau ariannol. Bydd eich cyngor yn rhoi help a chefnogaeth i chi wneud cais am grant a threfnu’r gwaith. Assistive technology: Telecare Technoleg gynorthwyol: Tele-ofal Telecare, or assistive technology, is the term used for remotely-monitored electronic equipment installed in someone’s home to help manage the risks associated with independent living. Telecare can give people peace of mind in the knowledge that if help is required it can be identified and delivered earlier. Telecare sensors and alarms are normally linked in to a ‘lifeline’ community alarm and use this system to alert someone to the fact that there is a problem. These can be particularly useful for someone caring for a person living with dementia or other forms of memory impairment. Depending on your assessed needs, you may be eligible to have certain equipment provided by social services. However you can also purchase equipment to suit your individual requirements. Most of the equipment works in the background and is unobtrusive, enabling people to stay, and feel, independent. Mae tele-ofal, neu dechnoleg gynorthwyol, yn derm a ddefnyddir ar gyfer cyfarpar trydanol a gaiff ei fonitro o bell a osodir yng nghartref rhywun i helpu i reoli’r risgiau sy’n gysylltiedig â byw’n annibynnol. Gall tele-ofal roi tawelwch meddwl i bobl trwy wybod os oes angen cymorth arnynt y gellir ei ganfod a’i gyflwyno’n gynt. Mae synwyryddion a larymau tele-ofal fel arfer wedi’u cysylltu â larwm cymunedol ‘llinell fywyd’ sy’n defnyddio’r system hon i rybuddio rhywun am broblem. Gall y rhain fod yn arbennig o ddefnyddiol i rywun sy’n gofalu am rywun â dementia neu ffurfiau eraill ar nam ar y cof. Gan ddibynnu ar eich anghenion a aseswyd, gallech fod yn gymwys i gael peth cyfarpar gan y gwasanaethau cymdeithasol. Fodd bynnag, gallwch hefyd brynu cyfarpar a fydd yn addas ar gyfer eich gofynion unigol. Mae’r rhan fwyaf o’r cyfarpar yn gweithio yn y cefndir, ac nid yw’n tynnu sylw, gan alluogi pobl i aros a theimlo’n annibynnol. Specialist services Gwasanaethau arbenigol Support and care services for people with special needs offer a range of options aimed at maintaining their independence by living in their own homes and communities. Mae gwasanaethau cefnogaeth a gofal i bobl ag anghenion arbennig yn cynnig amrywiaeth o opsiynau ar gyfer cadw eu hannibyniaeth trwy fyw yn eu cartrefi a’u cymunedau eu hunain. Learning disability Anabledd dysgu If you are considering moving out of your family home, there are a number of options that could be explored. • Support to help you develop independent living skills and manage your home can be provided to help you Os ydych yn ystyried symud mas o’r cartref teuluol, mae nifer o opsiynau y gellid eu harchwilio. • Gellid rhoi cefnogaeth i’ch helpu i ddatblygu sgiliau byw’n annibynnol a rheoli’ch cartref ac i fyw ar eich pen eich 8 7KLV'LUHFWRU\·VKHOSOLQH²LQIRUPDWLRQRQFKRRVLQJDQGSD\LQJIRUFDUH Learning disability continued Anabledd dysgu parhad live on your own or to share with others. This option is called supported living, and can include ‘floating’ support, live-in support and move-on accommodation which allows people to become more independent over time. • Some people prefer to live within a family and this can be arranged through a Shared Lives scheme. • A residential college can enable you to continue your education within a supportive setting. • Shared ownership schemes are also an option that some people may wish to consider. hunan neu i rannu ag eraill. Yr enw ar yr opsiwn hwn yw byw â chymorth, a gall gynnwys cefnogaeth yn ôl y galw, cefnogaeth gan gynorthwy-ydd preswyl a llety symud ymlaen sy’n galluogi pobl i fod yn fwy annibynnol gyda threigl amser. • Mae’n well gan rai pobl fyw mewn teulu a gellir trefnu hyn trwy gynllun Bywydau a Rennir. • Gall coleg preswyl eich galluogi i barhau â’ch addysg mewn lleoliad cefnogol. • Mae cynlluniau perchnogaeth a rennir hefyd yn opsiwn yr hoffai rhai pobl ei ystyried. All these options can be arranged through social services. Gellir trefnu’r holl opsiynau hyn trwy’r gwasanaethau cymdeithasol. The majority of adults with a learning disability will be supported to live in their own homes in their local communities but there may be periods in their lives when they may require specialist health support when a care home may be more appropriate. Physical and sensory disability Following an assessment of your needs, you may be eligible for help from social services, including occupational therapy, adaptations to your home, technical and communication support, supported housing or help for the person caring for you. Day opportunities are available to assist and support people to take part in activities, meet with others and regain their confidence. Day opportunities range from sheltered work to leisure activities, as well as individual provision through direct payments. The support you require if you have a physical or sensory disability must be tailored to your specific needs and can be provided by the independent and not-forprofit sectors as well as by social services. Help at home with personal care is available where there is an assessed need this could be during the day or night, 7 days a week. Bydd y rhan fwyaf o oedolion sydd ag anabledd dysgu’n cael eu cefnogi i fyw yn eu cartrefi eu hunain yn eu cymunedau lleol, ond efallai y bydd cyfnodau yn eu bywydau pan fydd angen cefnogaeth iechyd arbenigol arnynt pan allai cartref gofal fod yn fwy priodol. Anabledd corfforol a synhwyraidd Yn dilyn asesiad o’ch anghenion, efallai y byddwch yn gymwys am help gan y gwasanaethau cymdeithasol, gan gynnwys therapi galwedigaethol, addasiadau i’ch cartref, cefnogaeth dechnegol a chyfathrebu, cartrefi â chymorth neu help i’r sawl sy’n gofalu amdanoch. Mae cyfleoedd yn ystod y dydd ar gael i gynorthwyo a chefnogi pobl i gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau, cwrdd ag eraill ac adennill eu hyder. Mae cyfleoedd yn ystod y dydd yn amrywio o waith lloches i weithgareddau hamdden, yn ogystal â thrwy darpariaeth unigol drwy daliadau uniongyrchol. Mae’n rhaid i’r gefnogaeth mae ei hangen arnoch os oes gennych anabledd corfforol neu synhwyraidd gael ei haddasu i’ch anghenion penodol a gall y sectorau annibynnol ac nid er elw ei darparu yn ogystal â’r gwasanaethau cymdeithasol. Mae help gartref gyda gofal personol ar gael lle cynhelir asesiad a bod angen y gofal hwnnw a gallai hyn fod yn ystod y dydd neu’r nos, 7 niwrnod yr wythnos. Looking for care or support? For independent, impartial information on your care options, call this Directory’s helpline on freephone 0800 389 2077 We can generate a personalised report with details of care homes or housing with care schemes that meet your needs and send you additional information on choosing and funding care too. 9LVLWZZZFDUHFKRLFHVFRXNIRUIXUWKHUDVVLVWDQFHZLWK\RXUVHDUFKIRUFDUH 9 Mental health Iechyd meddwl Your local Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) should be your first point of contact for social care support if you have mental health issues. You can ask your GP to refer you or ask someone who knows you to contact the CMHT on your behalf. A member of staff may visit you at home, talk to you and look at your assessments of health and social care need and discuss what support may best meet your needs. Eich Tîm Iechyd Meddwl Cymunedol (TIMC) ddylai fod eich man cyswllt cyntaf ar gyfer cefnogaeth gofal cymdeithasol os oes gennych broblemau iechyd meddwl. Gallwch ofyn i’ch meddwl teulu’ch cyfeirio neu ofyn i rywun sy’n eich adnabod i gysylltu â’r TIMC ar eich rhan. Efallai y bydd aelod o staff yn dod i’ch gweld gartref, yn siarad â chi ac yn edrych ar eich asesiadau angen gofal iechyd a chymdeithasol a thrafod pa gefnogaeth sy’n diwallu’ch anghenion orau. Dementia Dementia A range of community services is available to support people who have dementia to stay in their own home for as long as possible. Social services can provide access to: home care; meals in the home; sitting services (which provide a break for carers); advice on equipment and adaptations; day centres and respite care. These services can be provided directly by registered providers to those who do not require financial help from social services, but social services will still be willing to offer an assessment of need. You may have a choice of which agency you receive your care from whether or not social services assist with the funding of your service. People who have dementia can benefit from a range of group or individual therapies involving social interaction and mental stimulation, including reminiscence. Activity co-ordinators and occupational therapists can provide people with dementia with reality orientation, reminiscence and validation therapy. Music therapy, art therapy approaches and other creative therapies can also be helpful. 10 Mae amrywiaeth o wasanaethau cymunedol ar gael i gefnogi pobl â dementia i aros yn eu cartref eu hunain cyhyd ag y bo modd. Gall y gwasanaethau cymdeithasol roi mynediad i: ofal cartref; prydau yn y cartref; gwasanaethau gwarchod (sy’n rhoi seibiant i ofalwyr); cyngor ar gyfarpar ac addasiadau; canolfannau dydd a gofal seibiant. Gall darparwyr cofrestredig gynnig y gwasanaethau hyn yn uniongyrchol i’r rhai nad oes angen help ariannol arnynt gan y gwasanaethau cymdeithasol, ond bydd y gwasanaethau cymdeithasol yn fodlon cynnig asesiad o angen o hyd. Efallai bydd gennych ddewis o ba asiantaeth rydych yn cael eich gofal ganddi p’un a yw’r gwasanaethau cymdeithasol yn cynorthwyo wrth ariannu’ch gwasanaeth ai peidio. Hefyd, gall amrywiaeth o therapïau grŵp neu unigol sy’n cynnwys rhyngweithio cymdeithasol ac ysgogi’r meddwl, gan gynnwys hel atgofion, fod o fudd i bobl â dementia. Gall cydlynwyr gweithgareddau a therapyddion galwedigaethol gynnig therapi cyfeirio’n ôl at realiti, hel atgofion a dilysiad i bobl â dementia. Gall ymagweddau therapi cerddoriaeth, therapi celf a therapïau creadigol eraill hefyd fod yn ddefnyddiol. 7KLV'LUHFWRU\·VKHOSOLQH²LQIRUPDWLRQRQFKRRVLQJDQGSD\LQJIRUFDUH Support for carers Cefnogaeth i ofalwyr If you provide regular unpaid care and support for an adult relative or friend who would not be able to manage daily life without that support, we call you a ‘carer’. You may be able to get help with your caring responsibilities, whether or not you live with the person you are caring for. As a carer, you can ask us to look at your situation and see if you qualify for help from us. We call this a ‘carer’s assessment’. For example, it might be possible for the person you care for to have a short stay in residential care, called ‘respite care’, to give you a break from your caring responsibilities. Or, you might just need someone to stay with them sometimes so that you can go out. It’s also possible to get another type of break where the person you care for is offered a choice of activities outside their home, with support from our staff, allowing you to have some free time. The carer’s assessment is free but there may be a charge for some services. There is a carers centre in each local authority area which provides information, advice, advocacy and support for carers. Os ydych yn cynnig gofal a chefnogaeth ddi-dâl reolaidd i berthynas neu ffrind sy’n oedolyn na fyddai’n gallu ymdopi â bywyd pob dydd heb y gefnogaeth, ein henw ni arnoch chi yw ‘gofalwr’. Efallai y gallech gael help gyda’ch cyfrifoldebau gofalu, p’un a ydych yn byw gyda’r sawl rydych yn gofalu amdano ai peidio. Fel gofalwr, gallwch ofyn i ni edrych ar eich sefyllfa a gweld a ydych yn gymwys am help gennym. Ein henw ni ar hyn yw ‘asesiad gofalwr’. Er enghraifft, gallai fod yn bosibl i’r sawl rydych yn gofalu amdano aros mewn gofal preswyl, o’r enw gofal seibiant, am gyfnod byr i chi gael hoe o’ch cyfrifoldebau gofalu. Neu, efallai y byddwch am i rywun aros gyda’r person hwnnw weithiau fel y gallwch chi fynd mas. Mae hefyd yn bosibl cael math arall o hoe lle cynigir dewis o weithgareddau i’r sawl rydych yn gofalu amdano y tu mas i’w gartref, gyda chefnogaeth gan ein staff, gan eich galluogi i gael ychydig o amser rhydd. Mae asesiad y gofalwr am ddim, ond codir tâl ar gyfer rhai gwasanaethau. Mae canolfan ofalwyr ym mhob ardal awdurdod lleol sy’n rhoi gwybodaeth, cyngor, eiriolaeth a chefnogaeth i ofalwyr. Bridgend Carers Centre, tel: 01656 658479 Neath Port Talbot Carers Centre, tel: 01639 642277 Swansea Carers Centre, tel: 01792 653344 Advocates can help Advocates can give advice, support and information to people of any age, helping them to voice their concerns and guiding them through difficult or challenging times. Consider using the services of an advocate if you feel unsure or concerned when you are faced with making an important decision about your care choices. They can be especially useful if you have a disability and you need to make your voice heard. Advocates can provide short term advocacy where people require the support of an independent advocate during a major change in their life, i.e. moving home, or a particular issue such as making a complaint. The short term advocate is a person who is not involved in the person’s issues or decision, and offers independent support to help the person make the decision which is right for them. There are a range of advocacy services. For further information visit: Canolfan Gofalwyr Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr, ffôn: 01656 658479 Canolfan Gofalwyr Castell-nedd Port Talbot, ffôn: 01639 642277 Canolfan Gofalwyr Abertawe, ffôn: 01792 653344 Gall eiriolwyr helpu Gall eiriolwyr roi cyngor, cefnogaeth a gwybodaeth i bobl o unrhyw oedran, a’u helpu i leisio’u pryderon a’u harwain trwy adegau anodd neu heriol. Ystyriwch ddefnyddio gwasanaethau eiriolwr os ydych yn ansicr neu’n poeni pan fyddwch yn wynebu penderfyniad pwysig am eich dewisiadau gofal. Gallant fod yn arbennig o ddefnyddiol os oes gennych anabledd ac mae angen i chi leisio’ch barn. Gall eiriolwyr gynnig eiriolaeth tymor byr lle mae angen ar bobl gefnogaeth eiriolwr annibynnol yn ystod newid mawr yn eu bywyd, h.y. symud cartref, neu fater penodol megis cyflwyno cwyn. Nid yw’r eiriolwr tymor byr yn ymwneud â materion neu benderfyniad y person, ac mae’n cynnig cefnogaeth annibynnol i helpu’r person i wneud y penderfyniad cywir. Mae amrywiaeth o wasanaethau eiriolaeth. Am ragor o wybodaeth, ewch i localservices. 9LVLWZZZFDUHFKRLFHVFRXNIRUIXUWKHUDVVLVWDQFHZLWK\RXUVHDUFKIRUFDUH 11 Residential care Gofal preswyl Definitions Diffiniadau All care providers in the country must be registered with the Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW). All services are inspected by the CSSIW, who report on their findings. These inspection reports are available from the care service or the CSSIW (visit Further information about the CSSIW can be found on page 13. There are two types of care home: Care homes offering personal care only (sometimes called ‘residential homes’) If you are reasonably active, but would like greater security and care, subject to a needs assessment, a care home offering only personal care may be the best option. Personal care includes bathing, feeding, dressing and help with moving and must be paid for if your capital/savings exceed £23,750. See page 15 for more information. Mae’n rhaid i’r holl ddarparwyr gofal yn y wlad fod wedi’u cofrestru gydag Arolygiaeth Gofal a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol Cymru (AGGCC). Arolygir yr holl wasanaethau gan AGGCC, sy’n rhoi gwybod am eu canfyddiadau. Mae adroddiadau’r arolygiadau hyn ar gael gan y gwasanaeth gofal neu AGGCC (ewch i www.aggcc. Mae rhagor o wybodaeth am AGGCC i’w gweld ar dudalen 13. Mae dau fath o gartref gofal: Cartrefi gofal sy’n cynnig gofal personol yn unig (weithiau’n cael eu galw’n ‘gartrefi preswyl’) Os ydych yn weddol actif, ond hoffech fwy o ddiogelwch a gofal, yn amodol ar asesiad o anghenion, efallai mai cartref gofal sy’n cynnig gofal personol yn unig fydd yr opsiwn gorau. Mae gofal personol yn cynnwys golchi, bwydo, gwisgo a help gyda symud ac mae’n rhaid talu amdano os yw’ch cyfalaf/cynilion yn fwy na £23,750. Gweler tudalen 15 am fwy o wybodaeth. Care homes with nursing (sometimes called ‘nursing homes’) If you think you may need nursing care in a home, a social worker or a care manager will need to visit you to work out what care you will need. This visit might be in your own home, or in hospital if you’ve been ill, or in a care home. You will be fully involved in planning your care needs. If a care home providing nursing care is the best solution for you, your social worker will give you information to help you find a home which meets your care requirements. The cost of the nursing care part of your fees is paid by the NHS to the home directly: the current amount is £120.56 per week. The figures mentioned above may change after April 2014; please check with social services after this date. 12 Cartrefi gofal â nyrsio (weithiau o’r enw ‘cartrefi nyrsio’) Os ydych yn meddwl y gallai fod angen gofal nyrsio arnoch yn eich cartref, bydd angen i weithiwr cymdeithasol neu reolwr gofal ymweld â chi i benderfynu pa ofal y bydd ei angen arnoch. Gallai’r ymweliad hwn fod yn eich cartref eich hunan, neu yn yr ysbyty os ydych wedi bod yn dost, neu mewn cartref gofal. Byddwch yn cymryd rhan lawn wrth gynllunio’ch anghenion gofal. Os taw cartref gofal sy’n darparu gofal nyrsio yw’r opsiwn gorau i chi, bydd eich gweithiwr cymdeithasol yn rhoi gwybodaeth i chi i’ch helpu i ddod o hyd i gartref sy’n diwallu’ch gofynion gofal. Caiff cost y rhan gofal nyrsio o’ch ffioedd ei thalu gan y GIG i’r cartref yn uniongyrchol: y swm presennol yw £120.56 yr wythnos. Gallai’r ffigurau uchod newid ar ôl mis Ebrill 2014; gwiriwch gyda’r gwasanaethau cymdeithasol ar ôl y dyddiad hwn. 7KLV'LUHFWRU\·VKHOSOLQH²LQIRUPDWLRQRQFKRRVLQJDQGSD\LQJIRUFDUH Inspecting care services The Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW) is responsible for making professional inspections and judgements about social care services on behalf of the Welsh Government. Through inspection, review and regulation of local authorities, care settings and agencies they ensure the quality of services provided. Regulation includes registration, inspection, responding to complaints and concerns and enforcement. Enforcement action will take place if services do not comply with the law. You can contact CSSIW on 01267 245160. Complaints about care homes and social care services If you have a complaint about a care home, care home with nursing or any other social care service, the first thing you should do is tell the home or service. This applies whether you pay for your care or your local council funds it. By law, every care home and social care service must have an efficient procedure for dealing with complaints. Ask for a copy of the service’s complaints procedure so that you understand what you must do and how they will deal with your complaint. If your care is funded by your local social services department you can take your complaint to them if you are not happy with the response from the care service. Otherwise, you can contact the CSSIW. You will need to follow their complaints procedure – your social worker, care manager or specialist complaints staff will explain what to do.. For contact details, see page 21. Housing with care options Gwasanaethau arolygu gofal Arolygiaeth Gofal a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol Cymru (AGGCC) sy’n gyfrifol am gynnal arolygiadau proffesiynol a gwneud penderfyniadau am wasanaethau gofal cymdeithasol ar ran Llywodraeth Cymru. Trwy arolygu, adolygu a rheoleiddio awdurdodau lleol, lleoliadau gofal ac asiantaethau, mae’n sicrhau ansawdd y gwasanaethau a ddarperir. Mae rheoleiddio’n cynnwys cofrestru, arolygu, ymateb i gwynion a phryderon a gorfodi. Cymerir camau gorfodi os na fydd gwasanaethau’n cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith. Gall cysylltu â’r AGGCC ar 01267 245160. Cwynion am gartrefi gofal a gwasanaethau gofal cartref Os oes gennych gŵyn am gartref gofal, cartref gofal â nyrsio neu unrhyw wasanaeth gofal cymdeithasol arall, y peth cyntaf y dylech ei wneud yw dweud wrth y cartref neu’r gwasanaeth. Mae hyn yn berthnasol os ydych yn talu am eich gofal neu os yw’ch cyngor lleol yn ei ariannu. Yn ôl y gyfraith, mae’n rhaid bod gan bob cartref gofal a gwasanaeth gofal cymdeithasol weithdrefn effeithiol ar gyfer ymdrin â chwynion. Gofynnwch am gopi o weithdrefn gwynion y gwasanaeth fel eich bod yn deall yr hyn y mae’n rhaid i chi ei wneud a sut byddant yn ymdrin â’ch cwyn. Os ariennir eich gofal gan eich adran gwasanaethau cymdeithasol leol, gallwch gwyno iddynt os nad ydych yn fodlon ar ymateb y gwasanaeth gofal. Fel arall, gallwch gysylltu â’r AGGCC. Bydd angen i chi ddilyn ei gweithdrefn gwynion - bydd eich gweithiwr cymdeithasol neu’ch rheolwr gofal neu staff cwynion arbenigol yn esbonio beth i’w wneud. Am fanylion cyswllt, gweler dudalen 21. Tai gydag opsiynau gofal Sheltered housing This is usually provided by councils and housing associations. Sheltered housing is a practical step if you would like more security and companionship but don’t need to move into a care home. In a sheltered (or retirement) housing scheme you would live independently in a flat or bungalow built especially for older people within a larger complex, sometimes around a garden or communal facility and linked to a central control centre for security. Some schemes have access to a resident or non-resident manager who provides support, advice and a link to services for older people. Tai lloches Darperir hyn fel arfer gan gynghorau a chymdeithasau tai. Mae tai lloches yn gam ymarferol os hoffech fwy o ddiogelwch a chwmnïaeth ond nid oes angen i chi symud i gartref gofal. Mewn cynllun tai lloches (neu ymddeol) byddech yn byw’n annibynnol mewn fflat neu fyngalo wedi’i adeiladu’n arbennig ar gyfer pobl hŷn â chyfadeilad mwy o faint, weithiau o gwmpas gardd neu gyfleuster cymunedol a chysylltiad â chanolfan reoli ganolog ar gyfer diogelwch. Mae gan rai cynlluniau fynediad i reolwr preswyl neu reolwr nad yw’n breswyl sy’n darparu cefnogaeth, cyngor a chyswllt â gwasanaethau i bobl hŷn. Extra care housing Extra care housing is a form of housing, similar to sheltered schemes, with self-contained accommodation Tai gofal ychwanegol Mae tai gofal ychwanegol yn ffurf ar dai, tebyg i gynlluniau lloches, â llety hunangynhwysol ynghyd â rhai 9LVLWZZZFDUHFKRLFHVFRXNIRUIXUWKHUDVVLVWDQFHZLWK\RXUVHDUFKIRUFDUH 13 Housing with care options continued Tai gydag opsiynau gofal parhad together with some communal facilities. In an extra care scheme, instead of low level support traditionally provided by wardens in sheltered schemes, higher levels of care and support are provided on site by a team of care workers, who can be available 24 hours a day. Extra care allows people to retain their own tenancy and have care services delivered ensuring that they are able to remain safely in their own self-contained accommodation. cyfleusterau cymunedol. Mewn cynllun gofal ychwanegol, yn lle cefnogaeth lefel isel a ddarperir yn draddodiadol gan wardeiniaid mewn cynlluniau lloches, darperir lefelau uwch o ofal a chefnogaeth ar y safle gan dîm o weithwyr gofal, sy’n gallu bod ar gael 24 awr y dydd. Mae gofal ychwanegol yn galluogi pobl i gadw eu tenantiaeth eu hunain a chael gwasanaethau gofal wedi’u cyflwyno, gan sicrhau eu bod yn gallu aros yn ddiogel yn eu llety hunangynhwysol eu hunain. Supporting People Cefnogi Pobl Supporting People is a Government initiative that aims to support people in their homes. It enables a wide range of vulnerable people to maintain stable and independent lives in the community. Support varies in its range and intensity, according to the service type and the needs of each individual. Advice and Supporting People directories are available from: Menter Llywodraeth yw Cefnogi Pobl a’i nod yw cefnogi pobl yn eu cartrefi. Mae’n galluogi amrywiaeth eang o bobl ddiamddiffyn i fyw bywydau sefydlog ac annibynnol yn y gymuned. Mae cefnogaeth yn amrywio o ran ystod a dwysedd, yn ôl math gwasanaeth ac anghenion pob unigolyn. Mae cyfeiriaduron Cyngor a Chefnogi Pobl ar gael o Bridgend Supporting People Team Tel: 01656 642486 Email: [email protected] documents/services/021272.hcsp Ben-y-bont ar Ogwr Tîm Cefnogi Pobl Ffôn: 01656 642486 E-bost: [email protected] documents/services/021272.hcsp Neath Port Talbot Supporting People Team Tel: 01639 685209 Email: [email protected] housing_directory.pdf Castell-nedd Port Talbot Tîm Cefnogi Pobl Ffôn: 01639 685209 E-bost: [email protected] housing_directory.pdf Swansea Supporting People Team Tel: 01792 533700 Email: [email protected] sp-directory-2012-2013.pdf Abertawe Tîm Cefnogi Pobl Ffôn: 01792 533700 E-bost: [email protected] sp-directory-2012-2013.pdf line for the right care Search on Care Choices has a comprehensive website of care, searchable by county, postcode or region. Whether you’re looking for care in the home, housing with care, a care home or nursing home, you can search online to find what’s available in your given location. Visit and start your search today. 14 7KLV'LUHFWRU\·VKHOSOLQH²LQIRUPDWLRQRQFKRRVLQJDQGSD\LQJIRUFDUH Paying for residential Talu am ofal or nursing care preswyl neu nyrsio If you have capital or savings of more than £23,750 (as at April 2013) you will have to pay in full for any care services you require but you are still entitled to an assessment of your needs by social services. If you have assets of less than £23,250 your contribution will be assessed only on your income and social services will meet the shortfall subject to local funding limits. When you move into care, you may be entitled to some of the following financial assistance and support, subject to an assessment of need: 12 week property disregard If your former home is included in your financial assessment but your other capital is less than £23,750, and your income is not enough to meet your care home fees, your council will help with the cost during the first 12 weeks of permanent care provided they agree that care is needed. Deferred payment agreements After the 12 week property disregard period, any financial help from the council will be charged against the value of your home and recovered once your house has been sold or from your estate. However, the council may limit how much they will pay and it may affect your entitlement to Pension Credit or Income Support if your property is not seen to be on the market and becomes treated as capital by the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP). DWP benefits Attendance Allowance (AA), Disability Living Allowance (DLA) and Personal Independence Payments (PIP) are non-means tested and non-taxable and paid for help with personal care. AA is paid to those over 65 while DLA and PIP are benefits paid to those under 65. DLA and PIP also take into consideration mobility needs. Rates vary depending on which benefit claimed and the extent of your needs. Everyone who has difficulties should claim these benefits but the element paid for care can only remain in payment if you are funding your own care and do not receive a contribution from your council. Os yw’ch cyfalaf neu’ch cynilion yn fwy na £23,750 (ym mis Ebrill 2013) bydd yn rhaid i chi dalu’n llawn am unrhyw wasanaeth gofal y mae ei angen arnoch, ond mae gennych hawl o hyd i asesiad o’ch anghenion gan y gwasanaethau cymdeithasol. Os yw’ch asedau’n llai na £23,250, caiff eich cyfraniad ei asesu’n seiledig ar eich incwm yn unig a bydd gwasanaethau cymdeithasol un talu’r gweddill yn amodol ar derfrynau arainnu lleol. Pan symudwch i ofal, gallai fod gennych hawl i rywfaint o’r cymorth a’r gefnogaeth ariannol ganlynol, yn amodol ar asesiad o angen: Diystyru eiddo am 12 wythnos Os yw’ch cyn gartref wedi’i gynnwys yn eich asesiad ariannol, ond mae’ch cyfalaf arall yn llai na £23,750, ac nid yw’ch incwm yn ddigon i dalu am eich ffioedd cartref gofal, bydd eich cyngor yn helpu gyda’r gost yn ystod 12 wythnos gyntaf gofal parhaol ar yr amod ei fod yn cytuno bod angen y gofal. Cytundebau talu wedi’u gohirio Ar ôl diystyru eiddo am 12 wythnos, codir tâl am unrhyw help ariannol gan y cyngor yn erbyn gwerth eich cartref a chaiff ei adennill ar ôl i’ch tŷ gael ei werthu neu o’ch ystad. Fodd bynnag, efallai bydd y cyngor yn cyfyngu ar faint bydd yn ei dalu a gallai effeithio ar eich hawl i Gredyd Pensiwn neu Gymhorthdal Incwm os na welir bod eich eiddo ar y farchnad a chaiff ei drin fel cyfalaf gan yr Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau (DWP). Budd-daliadau DWP Telir Lwfans Gweini (LG), Lwfans Byw i’r Anabl (LBA) a Thaliadau Annibyniaeth Bersonol (TAB) am help gyda gofal personol ac nid ydynt yn destun prawf modd, nac yn drethadwy. Telir LG i’r rhai dros 65 oed a thelir LBA a TAB i’r rhai dan 65 oed. Mae LBA a TAB hefyd yn ystyried anghenion symudedd. Mae cyfraddau’n amrywio, gan ddibynnu ar ba fudd-dal sy’n cael ei hawlio a graddau’ch anghenion. Dylai pawb ag anawsterau hawlio’r budd-daliadau hyn ond gall yr elfen gofal y telir amdano barhau i gael ei thalu dim ond os ydych yn ariannu’ch gofal eich hunan ac nid yw’ch cyngor yn cyfrannu ato. 9LVLWZZZFDUHFKRLFHVFRXNIRUIXUWKHUDVVLVWDQFHZLWK\RXUVHDUFKIRUFDUH 15 DWP benefits continued Budd-daliadau DWP parhad As the rules around benefits are complex and change frequently, we recommend you seek advice about what benefits you may be entitled to and how to claim. Gan fod y rheolau am fudd-daliadau’n gymhleth ac yn newid yn aml, rydym yn argymell eich bod yn ceisio cyngor am ba fudd-daliadau y gallai fod gennych hawl iddynt a sut mae hawlio. NHS Nursing Care Contribution Cyfraniad Gofal Nyrsio’r GIG Whether you are a temporary or permanent resident, if you live in a care home that provides nursing care you may be entitled to a non-means-tested NHS Nursing Care Contribution (currently £120.56 per week for the standard rate) towards the cost of your nursing care. This is paid directly to the home. Os ydych yn breswylydd dros dro neu barhaol, os ydych yn byw mewn cartref gofal sy’n darparu gofal nyrsio, efallai bydd gennych hawl i Gyfraniad Gofal Nyrsio’r GIG heb brawf modd (ar hyn o bryd £120.56 yr wythnos ar gyfer y gyfradd safonol) tuag at gost eich gofal nyrsio. Caiff hwn ei dalu’n uniongyrchol i’r cartref. NHS Continuing Care Funding Arian Gofal Parhaol y GIG Continuing NHS Healthcare is the name given to a package of services which is arranged and funded by the NHS for people who have been assessed as having a primary health need. You can receive continuing healthcare services in any setting, including your own home or in a care home. In your own home, the NHS would pay for healthcare (for example, services from a community nurse or specialist therapist) and social care, but not for the costs of food, accommodation or general household support. In a care home, if you are eligible for Continuing Care funding, the NHS pays for your care home fees, including board and accommodation, as well as your healthcare. Gofal Iechyd GIG Parhaol yw enw pecyn o wasanaethau sy’n cael eu trefnu a’u hariannu gan y GIG i bobl yr aseswyd bod ganddynt angen iechyd sylfaenol. Gallwch gael gwasanaethau gofal iechyd parhaol mewn unrhyw leoliad, gan gynnwys eich cartref eich hunan neu gartref gofal. Yn eich cartref eich hunan, byddai’r GIG yn talu am ofal iechyd (er enghraifft, gwasanaethau gan nyrs gymunedol neu therapydd arbenigol) a gofal cymdeithasol, ond nid ar gyfer costau bwyd, llety neu gefnogaeth cartref gyffredinol. Mewn cartref gofal, os ydych yn gymwys am arian Gofal Parhaol, mae’r GIG yn talu am eich ffioedd cartref gofal, gan gynnwys llety a phob pryd bwyd, yn ogystal â’ch gofal iechyd. Running out of money Arian yn mynd yn brin If your capital is likely to reduce to £23,750 through payment of care home fees, you should let the council know well in advance as they may step in to help with your care fees. If the home you have chosen charges more than your council’s fee levels, you must find someone to help pay the difference – a ‘top-up’ payment. Whoever does this, whether family or a benevolent charity, they should realise that they may have to pay this for the duration of your time in care and the cost could rise. Alternatively, you would have to find a cheaper home or room. Understanding your rights before moving into care is essential. There are a number of financial products and specialist companies who may be able to help. It is important to seek advice before committing yourself. Please note: figures mentioned here may change over the life of this Directory. Always check with your local social services for current figures. Os yw’ch cyfalaf yn debygol o ostwng i £23,750 trwy dalu ffioedd cartref gofal, dylech roi gwybod i’r cyngor ymhell ymlaen llaw oherwydd gall helpu gyda’ch ffioedd gofal. Os yw’r cartref rydych wedi’i ddewis yn codi mwy o dâl na lefelau ffioedd eich cyngor, mae’n rhaid i chi ddod o hyd i rywun i helpu i dalu’r gwahaniaeth - taliad ‘atodol’. Pwy bynnag sy’n gwneud hyn, boed yn aelod o’r teulu neu’n elusen, dylai sylweddoli y gallai fod yn rhaid talu hyn am hyd eich cyfnod mewn gofal ac y gallai’r gost gynyddu. Fel arall, byddai’n rhaid i chi ddod o hyd i gartref neu ystafell ratach. Mae’n hanfodol eich bod yn deall eich hawliau cyn symud i ofal. Mae sawl cynnyrch ariannol a chwmni arbenigol a allai helpu. Mae’n bwysig ceisio cyngor cyn ymrwymo. Sylwer: gallai’r ffigurau a nodir yma newid dros gyfnod y cyfeiriadur hwn. Gwiriwch gyda’ch gwasanaethau cymdeithasol lleol am y ffigurau presennol. 16 7KLV'LUHFWRU\·VKHOSOLQH²LQIRUPDWLRQRQFKRRVLQJDQGSD\LQJIRUFDUH Safeguarding vunerable adults Safeguarding Adults is the term used when agencies (such as the police, social services and health services), as well as the general public, work together to keep vulnerable adults safe from the risk of neglect or abuse. A vulnerable adult is someone who may be unable to take care of themselves or to protect themselves against harm or exploitation. There is a barring system for all those working with, or seeking to work with, children and vulnerable adults. In December 2012, the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) and the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) merged into the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). CRB checks are now called DBS checks. This new organisation will provide a joined up, seamless service combining the criminal records checking and barring functions. Further legislative changes will come into force during 2013 and 2014. These details will be published on the DBS website. For disclosure information and services, visit the DBS homepage: Care home owners, domiciliary care agencies and employment agencies which supply care workers are required to request checks as part of a range of preemployment checks, including disclosures from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). Requests for such checks must be made to the DBS. Care providers and suppliers of care workers are also required to refer workers to the DBS where, in their view, the individual has been guilty of misconduct that harmed or placed at risk of harm, a vulnerable adult. People who know they are confirmed on the list but seek employment in care positions will face criminal charges including possible imprisonment. It is also an offence for an employer or voluntary organisation knowingly to employ a barred person in a regulated activity role. If you feel you are the victim of abuse or neglect, or have concerns for another person contact social services on: Bridgend: 01656 642477 Neath Port Talbot: 01639 763009 Swansea: 01792 636854 If you think someone is in immediate danger, contact the police. Diogelu oedolion diamddiffyn Mae Diogelu Oedolion yn derm sy’n cael ei ddefnyddio i esbonio sut mae asiantaethau (fel yr heddlu, y gwasanaethau cymdeithasol a’r gwasanaethau iechyd), yn ogystal â’r gwaith cyhoeddus cyffredinol, yn gweithio gyda’i gilydd i gadw oedolion diamddiffyn yn ddiogel rhag perygl esgeulustod neu gam-drin. Oedolyn diamddiffyn yw rhywun sydd efallai’n methu gofalu amdano’i hun neu ddiogelu ei hun yn erbyn niwed neu ecsbloetio. Mae system wahardd i bawb sy’n gweithio gyda phlant ac oedolion diamddiffyn a phawb sydd am weithio gyda nhw. Ym mis Rhagfyr 2012, cyfunodd y Swyddfa Cofnodion Troseddol (SCT) a’r Awdurdod Diogelu Annibynnol (ADA) i greu’r Gwasanaeth Datgelu a Gwahardd (GDG). Yr enw ar wiriadau SCT erbyn hyn yw gwiriadau GDG. Bydd y sefydliad newydd hwn yn darparu gwasanaeth di-dor, di-fwlch sy’n cyfuno gwirio cofnodion troseddol a swyddogaethau gwahardd. Daw newidiadau deddfwriaethol newydd i rym yn ystod 2013 a 2014. Caiff y manylion hyn eu cyhoeddi ar wefan yr GDG. I gael gwybodaeth am ddatgelu a gwasanaethau, ewch i dudalen hafan yr GDG: www. Mae’n ofynnol i berchnogion cartref gofal, asiantaethau gofal cartref ac asiantaethau cyflogaeth sy’n cyflenwi gweithwyr gofal ofyn am wiriadau fel rhan o amrywiaeth o wiriadau cyn cyflogaeth, gan gynnwys datgeliadau gan y Gwasanaeth Datgelu a Gwahardd (GDG). Mae’n rhaid gwneud ceisiadau am y fath wiriadau i’r GDG. Mae hefyd yn ofynnol i ddarparwyr gofal a chyflenwyr gweithwyr gofal gyfeirio gweithwyr i’r GDG lle, yn eu barn nhw, mae’r unigolyn wedi bod yn euog o niweidio oedolyn diamddiffyn neu ei roi mewn perygl o niwed. Bydd pobl sy’n gwybod eu bod ar y rhestr, ond yn ceisio cyflogaeth mewn swyddi gofal yn wynebu cyhuddiadau troseddol, gan gynnwys cyfnod yn y carchar o bosibl. Mae hefyd yn drosedd i gyflogwr neu sefydliad gwirfoddol gyflogi rhywun a waherddir mewn swydd weithgarwch a reoleiddir os yw’n gwybod bod yr unigolyn wedi’i wahardd. Os ydych yn credu eich bod yn cael eich cam-drin neu’ch esgeuluso, neu os ydych yn pryderu am rywun arall ffoniwch ffoniwch y gwasanaethau cymdeithasol ar: Penybont-ar-Ogwr: 01656 642477 Castell-nedd Port Talbot: 01639 763009 Abertawe: 01792 636854 Os ydych yn credu bod rhywun mewn perygl uniongyrchol, cysylltwch â’r heddlu. 9LVLWZZZFDUHFKRLFHVFRXNIRUIXUWKHUDVVLVWDQFHZLWK\RXUVHDUFKIRUFDUH 17 Useful local contacts Cysylltiadau lleol defnyddiol Action on Hearing Loss (Wales) Care and support for people who are deaf or who have hearing loss 02920 333 034 (Textphone: 02920 333 036) Action on Hearing Loss (Wales) Yn darparu gofal a chefnogaeth i bobl sy’n fyddar neu sydd wedi colli clyw 02920 333 034 (Ffôn testun: 02920 333 036) Age Cymru Swansea Bay Advice, information, advocacy and support services for older people 01792 648866 Age Cymru Bae Abertawe Gwasanaethau cyngor, gwybodaeth, eiriolaeth a chefnogaeth i bobl hŷn 01792 648866 Age Concern Morgannwg (Bridgend) 01656 669288 Age Concern Morgannwg (Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr) 01656 669288 Age Concern Morgannwg Hospital Discharge Support Service 01656 669288 / 01443 490666 Age Concern Morgannwg Gwasanaeth Cefnogaeth Rhyddhau o’r Ysbyty 01656 669288 / 01443 490666 Age Concern Neath Port Talbot 0800 00 99 66 or 01792 818200 Age Concern Castell-nedd Port Talbot 0800 00 99 66 neu 01792 818200 Alzheimer’s Society Advice and support for people with dementia and their families Bridgend - 01656 753754 Neath Port Talbot - 01639 633400 Swansea - 01792 891691 Cymdeithas Clefyd Alzheimer Cyngor a chefnogaeth i bobl â dementia a’u teuluoedd Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr - 01656 753754 Castell-nedd Port Talbot - 01639 633400 Abertawe - 01792 891691 Blue Badges Parking concessions for people with severe mobility difficulties Bridgend - 01656 643643 Neath Port Talbot - 01639 686868 Swansea - 01792 637366 Bathodynnau Glas Consesiynau parcio i bobl ag anawsterau symudedd difrifol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr - 01656 643643 Castell-nedd Port Talbot - 01639 686868 Abertawe - 01792 637366 Looking for care or support? For independent, impartial information on your care options, call this Directory’s helpline on freephone 0800 389 2077 We can generate a personalised report with details of care homes or housing with care schemes that meet your needs and send you additional information on choosing and funding care too. 18 7KLV'LUHFWRU\·VKHOSOLQH²LQIRUPDWLRQRQFKRRVLQJDQGSD\LQJIRUFDUH Useful local contacts continued Cysylltiadau lleol defnyddiol parhad British Red Cross, Swansea Advice and practical help for older people 01792 772146 Y Groes Goch Brydeinig, Abertawe Cyngor a help ymarferol i bobl hŷn 01792 772146 Bridgend Community Guide and Directory 2013 Information and contact details for local groups and organisations. Llyfryn a Chyfeirlyfr Cymunedol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr 2013 Gwybodaeth a manylion cyswllt i grwpiau a sefydliadau lleol. British Red Cross, Neath A home from hospital service for residents of Neath Port Talbot 01639 639894 Care and Repair Advice and assistance for owner-occupiers on repairs, adaptations and maintenance issues Bridgend - 01656 646755 Neath Port Talbot - 01792 321122 Swansea - 01792 798599 Carers Centres Information, advice, advocacy and support for carers Bridgend - 01656 658479 Neath Port Talbot - 01639 642277 Swansea - 01792 653344 Citizens Advice Bureau 08444 772020 Concessionary Travel How to apply for a free bus pass Bridgend - 01656 642559 Neath Port Talbot - 01639 686868 Swansea - 01792 636377 Crossroads Swansea Neath Port Talbot Support for carers 01792 790296 Y Groes Goch Brydeinig, Castell-nedd Gwasanaeth dod adref o’r ysbyty i breswylwyr Castellnedd Port Talbot 01639 639894 Gofal a Thrwsio Cyngor a chymorth i berchnogion preswyl o ran atgyweiriadau, addasiadau a materion cynnal a chadw Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr - 01656 646755 Castell-nedd Port Talbot - 01792 321122 Abertawe - 01792 798599 Canolfannau Gofalwyr Gwybodaeth, cyngor, eiriolaeth a chefnogaeth i ofalwyr Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr - 01656 658479 Castell-nedd Port Talbot - 01639 642277 Abertawe - 01792 653344 Cyngor ar Bopeth 08444 772020 Teithio Consesiynol Sut mae gwneud cais am docyn bws am ddim Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr - 01656 642559 Castell-nedd Port Talbot - 01639 686868 Abertawe - 01792 636377 Croesffyrdd Abertawe Castell-nedd Port Talbot Cefnogaeth i ofalwyr 01792 790296 9LVLWZZZFDUHFKRLFHVFRXNIRUIXUWKHUDVVLVWDQFHZLWK\RXUVHDUFKIRUFDUH 19 Useful local contacts continued Cysylltiadau lleol defnyddiol parhad DANSA Community Transport Accessible community transport for Neath Port Talbot and Swansea 01639 751067 Cludiant Cymunedol DANSA Cludiant cymunedol hygyrch Castell-nedd Port Talbot ac Abertawe 01639 751067 Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) 0845 6060265 Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau (DWP) 0845 6060265 Hafal Support for people with serious mental illness and their families Bridgend 01656 732 085 Neath Port Talbot 01639 899122 Swansea 01792 466990 Hafal Cefnogaeth i bobl â salwch meddwl difrifol a’u teuluoedd Bridgend 01656 732 085 Neath Port Talbot 01639 899122 Swansea 01792 466990 Healthy City Directory Searchable Directory of groups and organisations providing health and wellbeing support Housing Options Council housing advice services Bridgend - 01656 643512 Neath Port Talbot - 01639 685219 Swansea - 01792 533100 Housing Renewals and Adaptations Assistance with home adaptations and Disabled Facilities Grants Bridgend - 01656 643442 Neath Port Talbot - 01639 764622/764648 Swansea - 01792 635330 Mind Information and support for people with mental health problems Neath Port Talbot Mind - 01639 643510 Ogwr Mind - 01656 767045 Swansea Mind - 01792 642999 My Home Life Cymru An initiative aimed at improving the quality of life in care homes for older people. Tel: 029 2043 1555 20 Cyfeiriadur Dinas Iach Cyfeiriadur chwiliadwy o grwpiau a sefydliadau sy’n darparu cefnogaeth iechyd a lles Opsiynau Tai Gwasanaethau cyngor ar dai’r cyngor Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr - 01656 643512 Castell-nedd Port Talbot - 01639 685219 Abertawe - 01792 533100 Adnewyddu ac Addasu Tai Cymorth gydag addasiadau tai a Grantiau Cyfleusterau i’r Anabl Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr - 01656 643442 Castell-nedd Port Talbot - 01639 764622/764648 Abertawe - 01792 635330 Mind Gwybodaeth a chefnogaeth i bobl â phroblemau iechyd meddwl Mind Castell-nedd Port Talbot - 01639 643510 Mind Ogwr - 01656 767045 Mind Abertawe - 01792 642999 Fy Mywyd Mewn Cartref Cymru Menter i wella ansawdd bywyd mewn cartrefi gofal i bobl hŷn. Ffôn: 029 2043 1555 7KLV'LUHFWRU\·VKHOSOLQH²LQIRUPDWLRQRQFKRRVLQJDQGSD\LQJIRUFDUH Useful local contacts continued Cysylltiadau lleol defnyddiol parhad NHS Direct Wales 0845 4647 Galw Iechyd Cymru 0845 4647 RNIB Cymru Support for people with sight loss 029 2045 0440 RNIB Cymru Cefnogaeth i bobl â nam ar y golwg 029 2045 0440 Shaw Trust Support for people who have Direct Payments (Swansea, Neath Port Talbot and Bridgend) 01792 325321 Ymddiriedolaeth Shaw Cefnogaeth i bobl â Thaliadau Uniongyrchol (Abertawe, Castell-nedd Port Talbot a Phen-y-bont ar Ogwr) 01792 325321 Social Services Complaints and Comments Bridgend: 01656 642253 Neath Port Talbot: 01639 763445 / 763661 Swansea: 01792 637345 Cwynion a Sylwadau am y Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr: 01656 642253 Castell-nedd Port Talbot: 01639 763445 / 763661 Abertawe: 01792 637345 South West Wales Regional Safeguarding Older People Independent Advocacy Project (Swansea, Neath Port Talbot and Bridgend) 01792 484743 Swansea Mobility Hire Scooters and wheelchairs to help people with limited mobility visit the city centre 01792 461785 Wales Dementia Helpline 0808 808 2235 INFORMATION ABOUT LOCAL VOLUNTARY ORGANISATIONS Bridgend Association of Voluntary Organisations 01656 810400 Neath Port Talbot Council for Voluntary Services 01639 631246 Swansea Council for Voluntary Service 01792 544000 Prosiect Eiriolaeth Annibynnol Diogelu Pobl Hŷn Rhanbarthol De-orllewin Cymru (Abertawe, Castellnedd Port Talbot a Phen-y-bont ar Ogwr) 01792 484743 Llogi Cyfarpar Symudedd Abertawe Sgwteri a chadeiriau olwyn i helpu pobl â symudedd cyfyngedig i ymweld â chanol y ddinas 01792 461785 swansea-mobility-hire Llinell Gymorth Dementia Cymru 0808 808 2235 GWYBODAETH AM SEFYDLIADAU GWIRFODDOL LLEOL Cymdeithas Sefydliadau Gwirfoddol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr 01656 810400 Cyngor Gwasanaethau Gwirfoddol Castell-nedd Port Talbot 01639 631246 Cyngor Gwasanaethau Gwirfoddol Abertawe 01792 544000 9LVLWZZZFDUHFKRLFHVFRXNIRUIXUWKHUDVVLVWDQFHZLWK\RXUVHDUFKIRUFDUH 21 Treetops Care Home We are located in the small village of Brynmenyn, just five minutes away from junction 36 off the M4 Motorway. Treetops Care Home is a privately owned residential home which provides care for up to 32 frail elderly residents. Our aim is to provide the very best of privacy, dignity and quality of life. We believe that we are small enough to take a real interest in you, but big enough to provide the very best of care. All our bedrooms are very tastefully decorated some offering en-suite facilities. We encourage our residents to add their own homely touches in the form of pictures, ornaments and favourite items of furniture and make them feel at home. From home cooking to organised activities we try to make a real difference to the lives of our residents. Llangeinor Road, Brynmenyn, Bridgend CF32 9LY • Tel: 01656 720283 • Email: [email protected] Cwm Cartref Care Home Cwm Cartref Care Home is situated in the village of Rhyd-y-Fro, Pontardawe, set within three and half acres of attractive grounds, gardens and woodlands. We provide Residential and Nursing care for up to 42 elderly residents. The home is set over two floors with lounges on both floors. The impressive dining room is the Old School Hall and dates back to 1877. Cwm Cartref Care Home aims to provide a high level of care to our residents. All our bedrooms are very tastefully decorated some offering en-suite facilities. We welcome residents and families to add their personal touches to the rooms. We understand that moving to a care home can be a difficult and sensitive decision. Our success is based upon the relationship we develop with those who entrust us with their care. Commercial Rd, Rhyd-y-fro, Pontardawe, Swansea SA8 4SS • Tel: 01792 862 845 • Email: [email protected] April Court Care Home April Court Care Home is situated in the heart of Swansea city in South Wales. It opened as a Care Home in 1986. It’s close proximity to the Gower Peninsular and the City of Swansea, with its new Marina Development, Liberty Stadium and superb shopping facilities make it an ideal place to reside. Our professional team delivers excellent care complimented by the facilities that enable our residents to relax and enjoy life. We offer Residential, Nursing and Dementia care for up to 78 residents in single rooms some with en-suite facilities. We provide a variety of activities and live music therapy sessions coordinated by a dedicated activities organiser. 137/144 St Helen’s Road, Swansea SA1 4DE • Telephone: 01792 650344 • Email: [email protected] Three Cliffs Care Home Three Cliffs Care Home sits in a commanding position on Cefn Bryn in the Gower and has spectacular views of Three Cliffs Bay, voted the best and most loved view in Wales. Among our neighbours are free roaming ponies, cattle and sheep yet Swansea city is only 8 miles away. We offer specialist Dementia Nursing care for up to 51 residents and we use a person centred approach with special emphasis on dignity, respect and affection. We pride ourselves on the standard of care and activities provided within the Home and strive to enhance the lives of our residents in every possible way. The home has an on-site Pub, ‘The Stag Head’ and can be booked for private family party/occasions at no cost. Cefn Bryn Lane, Penmaen, South Gower, Swansea SA3 2HQ • Tel: 01792 371500 • Email: [email protected] Ty-Nant Nursing Home Situated in Cymmer in a beautiful location with breathtaking views of the Afan Valley. • Nursing & Residential Care • En-suite bedrooms • Beautiful gardens • Spacious lounges with panoramic views • Visiting Hairdresser, chiropodist, optician and dentist • Regular entertainment and organised activities Please feel very welcome to come and visit us or contact our manager on 01639 851852 7+(2/'9,&$5$*(1856,1*+20( We provide 24 hour professional nursing care and also nurse residents who require palliative care. Just a selection of our nursing home facilities: s 38 single rooms, 2 shared s 24 rooms with en-suite s Two lounges s Two conservatories s Garden area with furniture and a gazebo s Unlimited access for visitors s Nearby church If you require further information, call us on 01639 632 553 [email protected] Dulais Fach Road, Tonna, Neath, West Glamorgan SA11 3JW email: [email protected] Reintroducing YR HEN BONT Care Home Now fully refurbished and under new management Gurnos Road, Ystalyfera, Swansea SA9 2JA YR HEN BONT provides: • 24-hour personal care • Family ‘home from home’ atmosphere for up to 22 residents • Safe, independent, lavish accommodation with en-suites in all rooms • Social activities • Quality delicious food served at regular meal times • CSSIW fully compliant We Pride Ourselves In Ensuring All Our Residents Can Relax In The Security And Privacy Of Our Luxurious And Friendly Home Please contact our manager on 01639 841891 for enquiries, further information, or to arrange a viewing. TAKING THE STRESS OUT OF PAYING FOR CARE U nderstanding your funding options can help to make paying for care a little less daunting by using a qualified Adviser Panel for Advice on Long Term Care . What type of care is available when it is needed? Can assets be attacked to pay for care? What rights do you have and what financial assistance are you entitled to? Is your estate arranged adequately to preserve your hard earned assets? Might you be forced to sell your home or use an inheritance you want to pass on to your family? THESE ARE COMMON QUESTIONS THAT NEED TO BE ANSWERED. Since long term care advice became regulated the number of qualified advisers has reduced considerably, making it extremely difficult to know who to turn to for guidance. To ensure that you receive specialist advice, contact one of our experienced advisers who will be happy to help. For more information please contact any of the following qualified Long Term Care Advisers covering the South Wales area: Jon Purnell - tel 01656 724056 or e-mail [email protected] Simon Haydock - tel 02920 369 680 or e-mail [email protected] Mark Ryan - tel 01656 663653 or e-mail [email protected] Authorised and regulated by the financial Services Authority. Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. 24 7KLV'LUHFWRU\·VKHOSOLQH²LQIRUPDWLRQRQFKRRVLQJDQGSD\LQJIRUFDUH 6WD\LQGHSHQGHQW ZLWKKRPHFDUH IURP$OOLHG :HXQGHUVWDQGKRZLPSRUWDQWLWLVWRUHPDLQOLYLQJ DWKRPHQRPDWWHUZKDWDJH\RXRU\RXUORYHG RQHVDUH2XU˪H[LEOHVHUYLFHFDQSURYLGHFDUHWR VXLWDOPRVWDQ\VLWXDWLRQɷIURPDFRXSOHRIKRXUV DZHHNWROLYHLQFDUH<RXFDQUHO\RQXVWRGHOLYHU H[DFWO\ZKDW\RXRU\RXUUHODWLYHQHHGVWRUHPDLQ OLYLQJDWKRPH$QGRXUZHOOWUDLQHGDQGIULHQGO\ FDUHUVZLOODOZD\VSHUIRUPWKHLUGXWLHVZLWKZDUPWK DQGNLQGQHVVDQGSURYLGHFRPSDQLRQVKLSDQG HPRWLRQDOVXSSRUWZKHQHYHULWɻVQHHGHG &DOOXVRQ 042 TXRWLQJFRGH$// DOOLHGKHDOWKFDUHFRP Abertawe Castell Nedd Port Talbot Swansea Neath Port Talbot “quality services for Carers and those they care for” Crossroads Care Swansea Neath Port Talbot (SNPT) offers high quality, flexible respite to carers of all ages allowing them ‘time to be themselves’, when it is most needed, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Our services include: • Supported care in the home • Children services (including children with disabilities) • Weekend Day service (Neath Port Talbot only) • Young Carers Services (5-18 years) • Carers in Employment designed to help in times of crisis We can help by providing... • Personal care - bathing, dressing etc • Escorted outings - social activities/appointments/shopping • Administering medication and delegated nursing tasks • General support and sitting service from 1 to 24 hours (overnight) • Light meal preparation and feeding • Specialist palliative care services Call us now to see if we can help you – use of direct payments welcomed! Charity Number: 701835 26 Tel: 01792 790 296 Fax: 01792 795 766 Looking for care or support? For independent, impartial information on your care options, call this Directory’s helpline on freephone 0800 389 2077 We provide you with information on care, accommodation, funding and rights. A personalised report can be generated providing details of all options that meet your criteria. 0800 389 2077 Email: [email protected] 7KLV'LUHFWRU\·VKHOSOLQH²LQIRUPDWLRQRQFKRRVLQJDQGSD\LQJIRUFDUH SUPPORTING PEOPLE WHO HAVE LEARNING DISABILITIES TO LIVE THE LIVES THAT THEY CHOOSE. :\WWVY[H[OVTLHUKPU[OLJVTT\UP[` :\WWVY[THUHNPUN`V\YTVUL`HUKWLYZVUHSÄUHUJLZ :\WWVY[[VZ\JJLZZM\SS`THPU[HPUHUKTHUHNL`V\YOVTL :\WWVY[[VWSHUHUKYLJVYK`V\YSPML >HS[LY9K:^HUZLH:(55c c^^^JVTT\UP[`SP]LZJV\RcPUMV'JVTT\UP[`SP]LZJV\R HAFOD CARE PROVIDES A WIDE RANGE OF HOUSING, CARE AND SUPPORT SERVICES ACROSS SOUTH WALES Brocastle Manor Care Home and flats, near Corntown: Positioned between the bustling towns of Bridgend and Cowbridge, Brocastle provides superior care and support within a warm and welcoming environment. Contemporary design and the latest technology have been incorporated into a traditional and historic setting. Our highly experienced staff provides 24-hour care services which are tailored to your or your loved one’s individual needs. Picton Court Care Home, Nottage: Picton Court has been upgraded to meet and exceed the requirements of the National Minimum Standards for Care Homes and Older People. As well as trained staff and a full-time Activities Co-ordinator, each room boasts an en-suite bathroom and quality furnishings. The home also benefits from a state-of-the-art kitchen, laundry and assisted bathing areas. The beautiful position offering stunning views over the Royal Porthcawl Golf Club and the Bristol Channel beyond make it a popular and highly desirable home for our residents. Domiciliary care: Our services provide personal care to local people in their own homes. This can include general care, domestic help, social care, night sitting and companionship. Supported housing: We provide accommodation and support for people with varying levels of needs to help them maintain a tenancy and live independently in the community. Our projects in the Bridgend area are suitable for older people and people with mental health needs. For more information, visit or contact: • Brocastle Care Home: (01656) 679120 • Picton Court Care Home: (01656) 782030 • Domiciliary Care: (029) 20 854313 • Supported housing: (029) 20 675844 &DULQJIRUROGHU)UHHPDVRQVDQGWKHLU GHSHQGDQWVIRURYHU\HDUV KADQSÄ$CV@QCÄ/QHMBDÄNEÄ6@KDRÄ"NTQSÄ,HCÄ&K@LNQF@MÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 2DSÄ HMÄ DWSDMRHUDÄ VDKKJDOSÄ FQNTMCRÄ NMDÄ LHKDÄ EQNLÄ /NQSGB@VKÄ SNVMÄ BDMSQDÄ @MCÄ SGDÄ /QNLDM@CDÄ KADQSÄ $CV@QCÄ /QHMBDÄ NEÄ 6@KDRÄ "NTQSÄ NEEDQRÄ GHFGÄ PT@KHSXÄ QDRHCDMSH@KÄMTQRHMFÄ@MCÄCDLDMSH@ÄB@QD 1DRHCDMSRÄ B@MÄ QDK@WÄ @MCÄ DMINXÄ SGDÄ GNLDRiÄ AD@TSHETKÄ HMMDQÄ BNTQSX@QCÄ F@QCDMRÄ L@CDÄ TOÄ NEÄ @Ä EHRGONMCÄ RBDMSDCÄ F@QCDMÄ @MCÄ GDQAÄ F@QCDMÄ 3GDQDÄ HRÄ @KRNÄ @Ä ANVKHMFÄFQDDMÄ@MCÄ"KTAÄ'NTRDÄHMÄSGDÄFQNTMCRÄVGDQDÄ L@SBGDRÄ@QDÄOK@XDCÄSGQNTFGNTSÄSGDÄRD@RNM %.1Ä,.1$Ä(-%.1, 3(.-Ä 3NÄCHRBTRRÄXNTQÄB@QDÄMDDCRÄNQÄSNÄ@QQ@MFDÄ@Ä UHRHSÄOKD@RDÄBNMS@BSÄSGDÄ'NLDÄ,@M@FDQ 28 VVVQLAHNQFTJ 1,!(Ä QDRHCDMSRÄ G@UDÄ SGDÄ RDBTQHSXÄ NEÄ @Ä GNLDÄ ENQÄ KHEDÄ QDF@QCKDRRÄ NEÄ SGDHQÄ EHM@MBH@KÄBHQBTLRS@MBDRÄ@RÄKNMFÄ@RÄ VDÄB@MÄB@SDQÄENQÄSGDHQÄO@QSHBTK@QÄ B@QDÄMDDCR OOKHB@SHNMRÄ ENQÄ @CLHRRHNMÄ ODQL@MDMSÄ NQÄ SDLONQ@QXÄ @QDÄ @U@HK@AKDÄ SNÄ ODNOKDÄ VHSGÄ DHSGDQÄ OQHU@SDÄNQÄOTAKHBÄETMCHMFÄ 3DKÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ $L@HKÄ@KADQSDCV@QCQLAHNQFTJÄ CCQDRRÄ/DMXK@MÄ UDMTDÄ/NQSGB@VKÄ ,HCÄ&K@LNQF@MÄ"%Ä+8 7KLV'LUHFWRU\·VKHOSOLQH²LQIRUPDWLRQRQFKRRVLQJDQGSD\LQJIRUFDUH Listings Listings Home care providers, supported living providers, care homes and care homes with nursing. Darparwyr gofal cartref, darparwyr llety â chymorth, cartrefi gofal a chartrefi gofal â nyrsio. Rhaid i bob darparwr gofal yn y wlad wedi cofrestru gyda’r All care providers in the country must be registered with Arolygiaeth Gofal a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol (AGGCC). Arolygir yr holl wasanaethau gan AGGCC, sy’n rhoi gwybod the Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW). am eu canfyddiadau. Mae’r Safonau Gofynnol Cenedlaethol All services are inspected by the CSSIW, who publish yn amlinellu’r safonau gofal a ddisgwylir gan ddarparwyr inspection reports on their findings. The National gwasnaethau gofal. Minimum Standards set out the standards of care Mae fframwaith arolygu AGGCC wedi’i strwythuro o expected from care service providers. CSSIW’s inspection framework is structured around four amgylch pedair thema ansawdd: ansawdd bywyd, ansawdd quality themes; quality of life, quality of staffing, quality of staffio, ansawdd arweinyddiaeth a rheolaeth ac ansawdd yr leadership and management and quality of environment. amgylchedd. Mae adroddiadau’r arolygiadau hyn ar gael gan y gwasanaeth These inspection reports are available from the care gofal neu AGGCC (ewch i Argymhellir i service or the CSSIW (visit People bobl sy’n chwilio am wasanaethau gofal ddarllen adroddiadau looking for care services are recommended to read the inspection reports of any providers they are considering to arolygu unrhyw ddarparwyr y maent yn eu hystyried er mwyn cael darlun llawnach o’r gwasanaethau a gynigir. gain a fuller picture of the services on offer. Mae’r rhestri ar y tudalennau canlynol yn dangos pa fath o ofal The lists on the following pages show what type of y mae pob darparwr yn gofrestredig ar ei gyfer, wedi’i rannu’n care each provider is registered for, divided into homes gartrefi sy’n darparu gofal personol yn unig (cartrefi gofal), providing personal care only (‘care homes’) and homes yn gartrefi sy’n darparu gofal â nyrsio (‘cartrefi nyrsio’) ac yn providing care with nursing (‘nursing homes’) and home ddarparwyr gofal cartref ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr, Castell-nedd care providers in Bridgend, Neath Port Talbot and Swansea. Port Talbot ac Abertawe. Darparwyd y data a ddefnyddiwyd gan The data used was provided by CSSIW. AGGCC. SERVICE USER CATEGORIES Frail Older Personal Care - Elderly Gofal Personol Pobl Hýn Fregus - Henoed Frail Older Nursing - Elderly Nyrsio Pobl Hýn Fregus - Henoed Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Elderly Gofal Personol Dementia/Llesgedd Meddwl - Henoed Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Younger Adults Gofal Personol Dementia/Llesgedd Meddwl - Oedolion Iau Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Elderly Nyrsio Dementia/Llesgedd Meddwl - Henoed Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Younger Adults Nyrsio Dementia/Llesgedd Meddwl - Oedolion Iau Physical Disability Personal Care Elderly Gofal Personol Anableddau Corfforol - Henoed Physical Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Gofal Personol Anableddau Corfforol - Oedolion Iau Physical Disability Nursing Elderly Nyrsio Anableddau Corfforol - Henoed Physical Disability Nursing Younger Adults Nyrsio Anableddau Corfforol -Oedolion Iau Learning Disability Personal Care Elderly Gofal Personol Anableddau Dysgu - Henoed Learning Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Gofal Personol Anableddau Dysgu - Oedolion Iau Learning Disability Nursing Elderly Nyrsio Anableddau Dysgu - Henoed Learning Disability Nursing Younger Adults Nyrsio Anableddau Dysgu - Oedolion Iau Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Elderly Gofal Personol Iechyd Meddwl (Gweithredol) - Henoed Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Younger Adults Gofal Personol Iechyd Meddwl (Gweithredol) - Oedolion Iau Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Elderly Nyrsio Iechyd Meddwl (Gweithredol) - Henoed Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Younger Adults Nyrsio Iechyd Meddwl (Gweithredol) - Oedolion Iau Brain Injury Personal Care Elderly Gofal Personol Anafiadau i’r Ymennydd - Henoed Brain Injury Personal Care Younger Adults Gofal Personol Anafiadau i’r Ymennydd - Oedolion Iau Brain Injury Nursing Younger Adults Nyrsio Anafiadau i’r Ymennydd - Oedolion Iau Palliative Care (Nursing Only) Younger Adults Gofal Lliniarol (Nyrsio’n Unig) - Oedolion Iau 9LVLWZZZFDUHFKRLFHVFRXNIRUIXUWKHUDVVLVWDQFHZLWK\RXUVHDUFKIRUFDUH 29 Home care providers Darparwyr gofal cartref Some of the home care agencies listed below will provide care or support only to people with specific needs, and some provide this service only as part of a supported accommodation service. Some agencies work across county boundaries, but will be listed according to the location of their offices Bydd rhai o’r asiantaethau gofal cartref a restrir isod yn darparu gofal neu gefnogaeth i bobl ag anghenion penodol yn unig, ac mae rhai yn darparu’r gwasanaeth hwn fel rhan o wasanaeth llety â chymorth yn unig. Mae rhai asiantaethau’n gweithio ar draws ffiniau sirol, ond cânt eu rhestru yn ôl lleoliad eu swyddfeydd. AGE CONCERN MORGANNWG Bridgend, Tel: 01656 669288 ELDERCARE DOM CARE, DORIA LTD Porthcawl, Tel: 01656 789090 ALLIED HEALTHCARE - NESTOR PRIMECARE SERVICES LTD Swansea, Tel: 01792 472700 Advert page 26 EVERYCARE (BRIDGEND) LTD Bridgend, Tel: 01656 722200 ALLIED HEALTHCARE - NESTOR PRIMECARE SERVICES LTD (BRIDGEND) Bridgend, Tel: 01656 749994 Advert page 26 ALPHA HOME CARE SUPPORT SERVICES Neath, Tel: 01639 700194 ALZHEIMER’S SOCIETY DOMICILIARY CARE Swansea, Tel: 01792 531208 APRIL COMPLETE CARE SOLUTIONS LTD (DCA) Pencoed, Tel: 01656 863963 AYLECARE DOMICILIARY SERVICES Swansea, Tel: 01792 895150 BRIDGEND COUNTY CROSSROADS CARING FOR CARERS Bridgend, Tel: 01656 784100 BRITISH RED CROSS HOME FROM HOSPITAL DISCHARGE SERVICES Swansea, Tel: 01792 772146 GWALIA CARE AND SUPPORT / GOFALA CHYMORTH GWALIA Swansea, Tel: 01554 779822 Advert inside back cover HAFAL DOMICILIARY CARE AGENCY Neath, Tel: 01792 816600 HEALTHCARE ASSISTANTS LTD Neath, Tel: 01639 722888 HOME COMFORTS CARE (SWANSEA) LTD Swansea, Tel: 01792 561120 HOME INSTEAD SENIOR CARE Swansea, Tel: 01792 790890 HOMESTYLE DOMICILIARY CARE LTD Bridgend, Tel: 01656 788048 HORIZON SUPPORT SERVICES LTD Swansea, Tel: 07717 848035 M & D DOMICILIARY CARE Llanelli, Tel: 01792 815349 BRYCE CARE DOMICILIARY CARE LTD Neath, Tel: 01639 700194 MEARS CARE - PORT TALBOT Neath, Tel: 01792 818545 CAMPION GARDENS DOMICILIARY CARE AT WILLOW COURT Swansea, Tel: 01792 235326 Advert page 27 MILLENIUM CARE (DOM CARE) Neath, Tel: 01639 641641 CARE DIRECT (WALES) LTD Gilfach Goch, Tel: 01443 672949 CAREWATCH CARE SERVICES SWANSEA Swansea, Tel: 01792 457766 CARING COMPANIONS LTD Bridgend, Tel: 01656 729550 CROSS HANDS HOME SERVICES Carmarthenshire, Tel: 01269 844610 CROSSROADS Llamsamlet, Tel: 01792 846351 CROSSROADS CARE - SWANSEA NEATH PORT TALBOT (SNPT) Swansea, Tel: 01792 790296 Advert page 26 30 MODERN CARE LTD Neath, Tel: 01639 631252 NEATH CARE (DOM CARE) Neath, Tel: 01639 795555 NIGHTINGALES YSTRADGYNLAIS SWANSEA Swansea Valley, Tel: 01639 844155 PEGASUS HOMECARE Swansea, Tel: 01792 885874 PERTHYN DOMICILIARY CARE AGENCY Swansea, Tel: 01792 311980 REACH SUPPORTED LIVING Bridgend, Tel: 01656 742419 RELIEF CARE SERVICES Merthyr Tydfil, Tel: 01443 693767 7KLV'LUHFWRU\·VKHOSOLQH²LQIRUPDWLRQRQFKRRVLQJDQGSD\LQJIRUFDUH RSD TECHNOLOGY LTD (DCA) Swansea, Tel: 01792 585859 SWANSEA CARERS CENTRE (TY CONWAY) Swansea, Tel: 01792 578158 SEREN SUPPORT SERVICES LIMITED Neath, Tel: 01639 750671 TRACSCARE Swansea, Tel: 01792 763880 STAR SERVICES Gorseinon, Tel: 01792 229470 TRINITY CARE AND SUPPORT Porthcawl, Tel: 01656 782104 STEDDY AND ASSOCIATES Bridgend, Tel: 01656 668775 VILLAGE HOMECARE SERVICES (WALES) LTD Swansea, Tel: 01792 643031 SUPPORT OPTIONS (DOM CARE) Swansea, Tel: 01792 775101 WALSINGHAM DOMICILIARY CARE AGENCY Swansea, Tel: 01792 312980 SUPPORT OPTIONS, SWANSEA Swansea, Tel: 01792 846969 Supported living providers CARTREFI CYMRU (BRIDGEND AND SOUTH WEST WALES) Bridgend, Tel: 01656 655606 FAMILY HOUSING ASSOCIATION (SWANSEA) Swansea, Tel: 01792 460192 GOFAL CYMRU Bridgend, Tel: 01656 647722 CLOSE CARE CYMRU LTD Clydach, Tel: 01792 846304 COMMUNITY LIVES CONSORTIUM Swansea, Tel: 01792 646640 GRS (CARE) LIMITED Swansea, Tel: 01792 776238 Advert page 28 DRIVE Nantgarw, Tel: 01443 845260 EASTGATE SUPPORTED ACCOMMODATION LTD Swansea, Tel: 01792 417499 ESGYN HOUSING, BEAUFORT HOUSE Swansea, Tel: 01792 798656 Darparwyr llety â chymorth LINK UP Maesteg, Tel: 01656 812796 KENFIELD (SWANSEA) LTD Swansea, Tel: 01792 874708 MIRUS - WALES Bridgend, Tel: 01656 769073 NATIONAL AUTISTIC SOCIETY South Wales Office, Tel: 02920 629 301 Looking for care or support? For independent, impartial information on your care options, call this Directory’s helpline on freephone 0800 389 2077 We can generate a personalised report with details of care homes or housing with care schemes that meet your needs and send you additional information on choosing and funding care too. 9LVLWZZZFDUHFKRLFHVFRXNIRUIXUWKHUDVVLVWDQFHZLWK\RXUVHDUFKIRUFDUH 31 Bridgend Palliative Care (Nursing Only) Younger Adults Brain Injury Nursing Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Elderly 9 BELLWAVE HOUSE CARE HOME 23 St Mary Street, Porthcawl, Bridgend CF36 3YL Tel: 01656 773427 9 9 BREAKAWAY CARE HOME 14-16 Abbey Road, Pyle, Bridgend CF33 6HF Tel: 01656 743295 BREAKSEA HOUSE RESIDENTIAL HOME The Square, Porthcawl, Bridgend CF36 3BW Tel: 01656 785374 9 9 BRYN Y CAE CARE HOME Bryn y Cae, Cae Brackla, Brackla, Bridgend CF31 2HF Tel: 01656 815545 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 BRYNEITHIN (MAIN UNIT) Crown Road, Maesteg, Bridgend CF34 0LN Tel: 01656 734350 9 CANOLA HOUSE CARE HOME Heol Canola, Bryncethin, Bridgend CF32 9TY Tel: 01656 729088 9 CLAREMONT 30 Ewenny Road, Bridgend CF31 3HR Tel: 01656 766495 9 9 DAN Y GRAIG HOUSE Bridgend Road, Porthcawl, Bridgend CF36 5SR Tel: 01656 788096 FOXTROY HOUSE CARE HOME 25 Derllwyn Road, Tondu, Bridgend CF32 9HD Tel: 01656 722988 Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Elderly Learning Disability Nursing Younger Adults Learning Disability Nursing Elderly Learning Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Learning Disability Personal Care Elderly Physical Disability Nursing Younger Adults Physical Disability Nursing Elderly Physical Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Physical Disability Personal Care Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Elderly Frail Older Nursing - Elderly Frail Older Personal Care - Elderly Bridgend Care Homes 9 9 The categories shown above are those currently used by CSSIW. This category structure may be subject to review and substantial change in the future and may happen within the lifespan of this Directory. 32 7KLV'LUHFWRU\·VKHOSOLQH²LQIRUPDWLRQRQFKRRVLQJDQGSD\LQJIRUFDUH GLAMORGAN HOLIDAY HOTEL, THE The Square, Porthcawl, Bridgend CF36 3BW Tel: 01656 785375 9 9 GLANYRAFON CARE HOME Glanyrafon, Heol Yr Ysgol, Ynysawdre, Tondu, Bridgend CF32 9EG Tel: 01656 754951 9 9 9 Palliative Care (Nursing Only) Younger Adults Brain Injury Nursing Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Elderly Learning Disability Nursing Younger Adults Learning Disability Nursing Elderly Learning Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Physical Disability Nursing Younger Adults Physical Disability Nursing Elderly Learning Disability Personal Care Elderly 9 9 9 GREEN GABLES Penyfai Road, Aberkenfig, Bridgend CF32 9AA Tel: 01656 720809 HEATHFIELDS CARE HOME 27 Merthyr Mawr Road, Bridgend CF31 3NN Tel: 01656 668586 9 9 HYFRYDOL Off Turberville Street, Maesteg, Bridgend CF34 0LW Tel: 01656 815345 9 9 LLYS GWYN RESIDENTIAL HOME Heol Broom, Maudlam Pyle, Bridgend CF33 4PN Tel: 01656 743666 9 9 9 9 9 MAESGLAS RESOURCE CENTRE 64 Mount Earl, Bridgend CF31 3EY Tel: 01656 653447 MONKSTONE HOUSE CARE HOME 1 Locks Common Road, Porthcawl, Bridgend CF36 3HU Tel: 01656 782701 9 9 9 OAKLANDS CARE HOME, THE 2 Oaklands Drive, Bridgend CF31 4SH Tel: 01656 665459 9 9 9 OAKLEY HOUSE CARE HOME 11 Mary Street, Porthcawl, Bridgend CF36 3YL Tel: 01656 783203 Physical Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Physical Disability Personal Care Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Elderly Frail Older Nursing - Elderly Frail Older Personal Care - Elderly Bridgend Care Homes continued 9 The categories shown above are those currently used by CSSIW. This category structure may be subject to review and substantial change in the future and may happen within the lifespan of this Directory. 9LVLWZZZFDUHFKRLFHVFRXNIRUIXUWKHUDVVLVWDQFHZLWK\RXUVHDUFKIRUFDUH 33 PINEHURST REST HOME LIMITED 22/24 Esplanade Avenue, Porthcawl, Bridgend CF36 3YU Tel: 01656 771 337 WESTON HOUSE CARE HOME Bridgend College, Cowbridge Road, Bridgend CF31 3DF Tel: 01656 302315 34 9 9 TREETOPS CARE HOME Llangeinor Road, Brynmenyn, Bridgend CF32 9LY Tel: 01656 720283 Advert page 22 & 23 9 TY CWM OGWR Heol Pantyrawel, Ogmore Vale, Bridgend CF32 8HY Tel: 01656 815176 PENYFAI HOUSE Penyfai Road, Aberkenfig, Bridgend CF32 9AA Tel: 01443 866304 9 POPLAR HOUSE 63 New Road, Porthcawl, Bridgend CF36 5DH Tel: 01656 788048 9 Palliative Care (Nursing Only) Younger Adults Brain Injury Nursing Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Elderly Learning Disability Nursing Younger Adults Learning Disability Nursing Elderly Learning Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Learning Disability Personal Care Elderly Physical Disability Nursing Younger Adults Physical Disability Nursing Elderly Physical Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Physical Disability Personal Care Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Elderly Frail Older Nursing - Elderly Frail Older Personal Care - Elderly Bridgend Care Homes continued Advertisers are highlighted 9 9 9 9 9 9 Dunraven Bay in the Vale of Glamorgan The categories shown above are those currently used by CSSIW. This category structure may be subject to review and substantial change in the future and may happen within the lifespan of this Directory. 7KLV'LUHFWRU\·VKHOSOLQH²LQIRUPDWLRQRQFKRRVLQJDQGSD\LQJIRUFDUH ABERGARW MANOR CARE HOME Abergarw Road, Brynmenyn, Bridgend CF32 9LF Tel: 01656 729240 9 9 9 ALBERT EDWARD CARE HOME Prince of Wales Court, Penylan Avenue, Porthcawl, Bridgend CF36 3LY Tel: 01656 785311 Advert page 28 9 9 BLACKMILL CARE CENTRE - CLOSED Heol Pant-yr-awel, Pantyrawel, Bridgend CF32 7LA Tel: 01656 840990 9 9 9 BROCASTLE MANOR CARE CENTRE Brocastle State, Ewenny, Bridgend CF35 5AU Tel: 01656 679120 Advert page 28 9 9 BRYNCELYN CARE HOME Maesteg Park, Maesteg, Bridgend CF34 9LS Tel: 01656 736839 CARTREF CARE HOME (PORTHCAWL) 284-288 New Road, Newton Village, Porthcawl, Bridgend CF36 5PL Tel: 01656 773923 9 9 GLANFFRWD CARE HOME Coychurch Road, Pencoed, Bridgend CF35 5LP Tel: 01656 860586 9 9 PEN Y BONT COURT CARE HOME Ewenny Road, Bridgend CF35 5AW Tel: 01656 653897 9 Palliative Care (Nursing Only) Younger Adults Brain Injury Nursing Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Elderly Learning Disability Nursing Younger Adults Learning Disability Nursing Elderly Learning Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Learning Disability Personal Care Elderly Physical Disability Nursing Younger Adults Physical Disability Nursing Elderly Advertisers are highlighted Physical Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Physical Disability Personal Care Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Elderly Frail Older Nursing - Elderly Frail Older Personal Care - Elderly Bridgend Care Homes with Nursing 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 PICTON COURT CARE HOME PORTHCAWL 200 West Road, Nottage, Porthcawl, Bridgend CF36 3RT Tel: 01656 782030 Advert page 28 9 9 9 9 9 SOUTHMEAD CARE CENTRE Porthcawl Road, South Cornelly, Bridgend CF33 4RE Tel: 01656 746887 The categories shown above are those currently used by CSSIW. This category structure may be subject to review and substantial change in the future and may happen within the lifespan of this Directory. 9LVLWZZZFDUHFKRLFHVFRXNIRUIXUWKHUDVVLVWDQFHZLWK\RXUVHDUFKIRUFDUH 35 Neath Port Talbot 9 APPLEBROOK COTTAGE 16 Orchard Street, Pontardawe, Swansea SA8 4ER Tel: 01792 869705 Palliative Care (Nursing Only) Younger Adults Brain Injury Nursing Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Younger Adults 9 9 BEACONS VIEW 13-14 Beacons View, Cimla Neath, Neath Port Talbot SA11 3SB Tel: 01639 641327 9 BEVAN’S HOUSE CARE HOME Bevans House, Station Terrace, Seven Sisters, Neath, Neath Port Talbot SA10 9DH Tel: 01639 701320 CALON CELTIADD Morrison Close, Sandfields, Port Talbot, Neath Port Talbot SA12 6TQ Tel: 01639 899403 Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Elderly 9 9 9 ARWELFA RESIDENTIAL HOME (GWALIA) 35 Eastern Avenue, Cymmer, Port Talbot, Neath Port Talbot SA13 3EG Tel: 01639 850461 Advert inside back cover CAEWERN RESPITE CARE SERVICES (GWALIA) Dwr-y-Felin Road, Neath, Neath Port Talbot SA10 7RH Tel: 01639 636115 Advert inside back cover Learning Disability Nursing Younger Adults 9 ALROSA HOUSE 24 Morgan Street, Trebanos, Swansea SA8 4DW Tel: 01792 869579 BRYNSIRIOL CARE HOME 259-261 Neath Road, Briton Ferry, Neath, Neath Port Talbot SA11 2SL Tel: 01639 813277 Learning Disability Nursing Elderly Learning Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Learning Disability Personal Care Elderly Physical Disability Nursing Younger Adults Physical Disability Nursing Elderly Physical Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Physical Disability Personal Care Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Younger Adults Advertisers are highlighted Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Elderly Frail Older Nursing - Elderly Frail Older Personal Care - Elderly Neath Port Talbot Care Homes 9 9 9 9 9 The categories shown above are those currently used by CSSIW. This category structure may be subject to review and substantial change in the future and may happen within the lifespan of this Directory. 36 7KLV'LUHFWRU\·VKHOSOLQH²LQIRUPDWLRQRQFKRRVLQJDQGSD\LQJIRUFDUH 9 9 CEDAR HOUSE CARE HOME 6-10 Llys Gwynfryn, Bryncoch, Neath, Neath Port Talbot SA10 7UB Tel: 01639 633091 9 Palliative Care (Nursing Only) Younger Adults Brain Injury Nursing Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Elderly 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 CLARIAN HOPE 78 Penllyn, Cwmavon, Port Talbot, Neath Port Talbot SA12 9NN Tel: 01639 890736 9 CLARIAN HOPE (BRYNCOCH) 7 Crud yr Awel, Bryncoch, Neath, Neath Port Talbot SA10 7PG Tel: 01639 635043 CWRT CLWYDI GWYN CARE HOME New Road, Skewen, Neath, Neath Port Talbot SA10 6YA Tel: 01792 815096 Learning Disability Nursing Younger Adults 9 9 CARTREF (SEVEN SISTERS) 4a Marigold Place, Seven Sisters, Neath, Neath Port Talbot SA10 9BE Tel: 01639 701535 CEFN PARC, 1 1 Cefn Parc, Skewen, Nr Neath Swansea SA10 6YR Tel: 01792 813592 Learning Disability Nursing Elderly Learning Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Learning Disability Personal Care Elderly Physical Disability Nursing Younger Adults Physical Disability Nursing Elderly Advertisers are highlighted Physical Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Physical Disability Personal Care Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Elderly Frail Older Nursing - Elderly Frail Older Personal Care - Elderly Neath Port Talbot Care Homes continued 9 9 DAN Y BRYN RESIDENTIAL CARE HOME (GWALIA) Dan Y Bryn, 84 Brecon Road, Pontardawe, Swansea SA8 4PD Tel: 01792 869729 Advert inside back cover 9 9 9 FFORDD NEWYDD CARE HOME 38 New Road, Skewen, Swansea SA10 6EP Tel: 01792 324241 9 FOREST VIEW CARE HOME 7 Vartreg Row, Bryn, Port Talbot, Neath Port Talbot SA13 2RF Tel: 01639 883633 9 The categories shown above are those currently used by CSSIW. This category structure may be subject to review and substantial change in the future and may happen within the lifespan of this Directory. 9LVLWZZZFDUHFKRLFHVFRXNIRUIXUWKHUDVVLVWDQFHZLWK\RXUVHDUFKIRUFDUH 37 38 GARDENS CARE HOME 42 Victoria Gardens, Neath, Neath Port Talbot SA11 3BH Tel: 01639 760275 GORFFWYSFA RESIDENTIAL CARE HOME (GWALIA) 1a Llys Gwynfryn, Bryncoch, Neath, Neath Port Talbot SA10 7UB Tel: 01639 643125 Advert inside back cover 9 9 HAFOD RESIDENTIAL CARE HOME (GWALIA) Wenham Place, Neath, Neath Port Talbot SA11 3AH Tel: 01639 634291 Advert inside back cover 9 FRONGOCH 3 Heol y Felin, Seven Sisters, Neath Port Talbot SA10 9BD Tel: 01639 701719 9 Palliative Care (Nursing Only) Younger Adults Brain Injury Nursing Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Elderly Learning Disability Nursing Younger Adults Learning Disability Nursing Elderly Learning Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Learning Disability Personal Care Elderly Physical Disability Nursing Younger Adults Physical Disability Nursing Elderly Physical Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Physical Disability Personal Care Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Elderly Frail Older Nursing - Elderly Frail Older Personal Care - Elderly Neath Port Talbot Care Homes continued Advertisers are highlighted 9 9 9 9 Ruins of the Neath Abbey The categories shown above are those currently used by CSSIW. This category structure may be subject to review and substantial change in the future and may happen within the lifespan of this Directory. 7KLV'LUHFWRU\·VKHOSOLQH²LQIRUPDWLRQRQFKRRVLQJDQGSD\LQJIRUFDUH HENWAUN HOUSE 20 Lewis Road, Crynant, Neath, Neath Port Talbot SA10 8SD Tel: 01639 750145 9 JAMES STREET 9/11 James Street, Pontardawe, Swansea SA8 4LR Tel: 01792 865576 9 9 LLWYNALLT CARE HOME Wernddu Road, Alltwen, Pontardawe, Swansea SA8 3HY Tel: 01792 863845 Advert outside back cover 9 9 Palliative Care (Nursing Only) Younger Adults Brain Injury Nursing Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Elderly Learning Disability Nursing Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Younger Adults 9 9 LUCKNOW HOUSE 2 Alltygrug Road, Ystalyfera, Swansea SA9 2AA Tel: 01639 841521 MAES Y BRYN 119 Pen y Cae Road, Port Talbot, Neath Port Talbot SA13 2EG Tel: 01639 898882 Learning Disability Nursing Elderly Learning Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Learning Disability Personal Care Elderly Physical Disability Nursing Younger Adults Physical Disability Nursing Elderly Advertisers are highlighted Physical Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Physical Disability Personal Care Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Elderly Frail Older Nursing - Elderly Frail Older Personal Care - Elderly Neath Port Talbot Care Homes continued 9 9 9 MEADOWS, THE 59 Greenwood Drive, Cimla, Neath, Neath Port Talbot SA11 2BW Tel: 01639 797045 MIN YR AFON RESIDENTIAL CARE HOME (GWALIA) London Row, Cwmafan, Port Talbot, Neath Port Talbot SA12 9AH Tel: 01639 896455 Advert inside back cover 9 MORFA AFAN RESIDENTIAL CARE HOME (GWALIA) Dalton Road, Sandfields, Port Talbot, Neath Port Talbot SA12 6SL Tel: 01639 884488 Advert inside back cover 9 9 9 The categories shown above are those currently used by CSSIW. This category structure may be subject to review and substantial change in the future and may happen within the lifespan of this Directory. 9LVLWZZZFDUHFKRLFHVFRXNIRUIXUWKHUDVVLVWDQFHZLWK\RXUVHDUFKIRUFDUH 39 NANT LEIROS 20 Penywern Road, Bryncoch, Neath, Neath Port Talbot SA10 7AR Tel: 01792 813663 9 PALE ROAD, 25 Skewen, Neath, Neath Port Talbot SA10 6BP Tel: 01639 687841 9 9 9 Palliative Care (Nursing Only) Younger Adults Brain Injury Nursing Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Elderly 9 9 9 PEN CEFFYL BUNGALOW Church Road, Seven Sisters, Neath, Neath Port Talbot SA10 9DT Tel: 01639 700958 PENSCYNOR HOUSE CARE HOME Penscynor House, Penscynor, Cilfrew, Neath, Neath Port Talbot SA10 8AF Tel: 01639 410641 9 POPTY CARE HOME 63 Main Road, Dyffryn Cellwen, Neath, Neath Port Talbot SA10 9HR Tel: 01639 700701 9 RHYD HIR 12b Rhyd Hir, Longford, Neath, Neath Port Talbot SA10 7HP Tel: 01792 817736 Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Younger Adults 9 PARKRISE 47 Park Avenue, Skewen, Neath, Neath Port Talbot, SA10 6SA Tel: 01792 324003 RHODES HOUSE CARE HOME Rhodes House, Rhodes Avenue, Port Talbot, Neath Port Talbot SA12 6UT Tel: 01639 895754 Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Elderly 9 PARK AVENUE 46 Park Avenue, Skewen, Swansea SA10 6SA Tel: 01792 815495 PARK VIEW CARE HOME 94 Gnoll Park Road, Neath, Neath Port Talbot SA11 3DD Tel: 01639 641861 Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Elderly Learning Disability Nursing Younger Adults Learning Disability Nursing Elderly Learning Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Learning Disability Personal Care Elderly Physical Disability Nursing Younger Adults Physical Disability Nursing Elderly Physical Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Physical Disability Personal Care Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Elderly Frail Older Nursing - Elderly Frail Older Personal Care - Elderly Neath Port Talbot Care Homes continued 9 9 9 9 9 9 The categories shown above are those currently used by CSSIW. This category structure may be subject to review and substantial change in the future and may happen within the lifespan of this Directory. 40 7KLV'LUHFWRU\·VKHOSOLQH²LQIRUPDWLRQRQFKRRVLQJDQGSD\LQJIRUFDUH Palliative Care (Nursing Only) Younger Adults Brain Injury Nursing Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Elderly Learning Disability Nursing Younger Adults 9 ROSELEA CARE HOME 9 Brecon Road, Pontardawe, Swansea SA8 4PA Tel: 01792 863020 ROSEWOOD CARE HOME 64 Heol y Coedcae, Cwmllwynfell, Swansea SA9 2FY Tel: 01639 830831 9 9 SHELDON VILLA 4 Rosewood Close, Bryncoch, Neath, Neath Port Talbot SA10 7UL Tel: 01639 637238 9 9 9 TAL Y WERN, 22 Margam, Port Talbot, Neath Port Talbot SA13 2LZ Tel: 01639 887366 Advert page 28 9 9 TIR MORFA, 57 57 Tir Morfa Road, Sandfields, Port Talbot, Neath Port Talbot SA12 7PF Tel: 01639 881928 Advert page 28 9 9 9 TREBANOS HOUSE CARE HOME Trebanos House, St. Bernards, The Drive, Graig Road, Trebanos, Swansea SA8 4BB Tel: 01792 865775 TREM Y GLYN RESIDENTIAL CARE HOME (GWALIA) Rear Park Avenue, Glynneath, Neath, Neath Port Talbot SA11 5DW Tel: 01639 720786 Advert inside back cover Learning Disability Nursing Elderly Learning Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Learning Disability Personal Care Elderly Physical Disability Nursing Younger Adults Physical Disability Nursing Elderly Advertisers are highlighted Physical Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Physical Disability Personal Care Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Elderly Frail Older Nursing - Elderly Frail Older Personal Care - Elderly Neath Port Talbot Care Homes continued 9 9 9 TY CANOL Longford Court, Longford, Neath, Neath Port Talbot SA10 7HN Tel: 01792 326820 9 TY COED Longford Court, Longford, Neath Abbey, Neath Port Talbot SA10 7HN Tel: 01792 326820 9 The categories shown above are those currently used by CSSIW. This category structure may be subject to review and substantial change in the future and may happen within the lifespan of this Directory. 9LVLWZZZFDUHFKRLFHVFRXNIRUIXUWKHUDVVLVWDQFHZLWK\RXUVHDUFKIRUFDUH 41 YR HEN BONT CARE HOME 11 Gurnos Road, Ystalyfera, Swansea SA9 2JA Tel: 01639 841891 Advert page 24 42 9 TY GWYNFE 1 Martins Avenue, Seven Sisters, Neath, Neath Port Talbot SA10 9DP Tel: 01639 700382 9 TY MAWR (NAS-NEATH) Longford Court, Longford, Neath Abbey, Neath, Neath Port Talbot SA10 7HN Tel: 01792 326820 9 TY MYNYDD Longford, Neath Abbey, Neath, Neath Port Talbot SA10 7HN Tel: 01792 326820 9 WILLOWS CARE HOME, THE The Willows, 6/10 Llys Gwynfryn, Bryncoch, Neath, Neath Port Talbot SA10 7UB Tel: 01639 633496 9 9 Palliative Care (Nursing Only) Younger Adults Brain Injury Nursing Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Elderly Learning Disability Nursing Younger Adults Learning Disability Nursing Elderly Learning Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Learning Disability Personal Care Elderly Physical Disability Nursing Younger Adults Physical Disability Nursing Elderly Physical Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Physical Disability Personal Care Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Elderly Frail Older Nursing - Elderly Frail Older Personal Care - Elderly Neath Port Talbot Care Homes continued Advertisers are highlighted 9 9 Waterfall on edge of the Brecon Beacons The categories shown above are those currently used by CSSIW. This category structure may be subject to review and substantial change in the future and may happen within the lifespan of this Directory. 7KLV'LUHFWRU\·VKHOSOLQH²LQIRUPDWLRQRQFKRRVLQJDQGSD\LQJIRUFDUH BAGLAN LODGE CARE HOME 84 Old Road, Baglan, Port Talbot, Neath Port Talbot SA12 8LH Tel: 01639 813135 9 9 CEFN LODGE CARE HOME 16 Cefn Parc, Skewen, Nr Neath, Neath Port Talbot SA10 6YR Tel: 01792 815778 9 9 9 Palliative Care (Nursing Only) Younger Adults Brain Injury Nursing Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Elderly Learning Disability Nursing Younger Adults Learning Disability Nursing Elderly Learning Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Learning Disability Personal Care Elderly Physical Disability Nursing Younger Adults Physical Disability Nursing Elderly Physical Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Advertisers are highlighted Physical Disability Personal Care Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Elderly Frail Older Nursing - Elderly Frail Older Personal Care - Elderly Neath Port Talbot Nursing Homes 9 9 9 CWM CARTREF CARE HOME Commercial Road, Rhydyfro, Pontardawe, Neath Port Talbot SA8 4SS Tel: 01792 862845 Advert pages 22 & 23 9 GLANGARNANT CARE HOME Neuadd Road, Garnant, Ammanford, Swansea SA18 1UF Tel: 01269 826514 9 GNOLL NURSING HOME, THE 27 Gnoll Park Road, Neath, Neath Port Talbot SA11 3BT Tel: 01639 637988 9 HOLLINS CARE CENTRE, THE Cimla, Neath, Neath Port Talbot SA11 3BQ Tel: 01639 641458 9 9 NEUADD DRYMMAU CARE HOME Drymmau Road, Skewen, Neath, Neath Port Talbot SA10 6NR Tel: 01792 816983 9 9 9 9 OLD VICARAGE CARE HOME, TONNA, THE Dulais Fach Road, Tonna, Neath, Neath Port Talbot SA11 3JW Tel: 01639 632553 Advert page 24 9 9 PENCAERAU NURSING HOME 122 Old Road, Neath, Neath Port Talbot SA11 2DE Tel: 01639 645274 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 The categories shown above are those currently used by CSSIW. This category structure may be subject to review and substantial change in the future and may happen within the lifespan of this Directory. 9LVLWZZZFDUHFKRLFHVFRXNIRUIXUWKHUDVVLVWDQFHZLWK\RXUVHDUFKIRUFDUH 43 TAN YR ALLT LODGE NURSING HOME 16 Alltwen Hill, Alltwen, Pontardawe, Swansea SA8 3AB Tel: 01792 869374 9 WOODSIDE HOUSE CARE HOME Penrhiwgoch, Baglan, Port Talbot, Neath Port Talbot, SA12 8LN Tel: 01639 821452 9 9 Palliative Care (Nursing Only) Younger Adults Brain Injury Nursing Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Elderly 9 9 9 Learning Disability Nursing Younger Adults 9 TAN-YR-ALLT HOUSE CARE HOME 16 Alltwen Hill, Alltwen, Pontardawe, Swansea SA8 3AB Tel: 01792 863137 TY NANT CARE HOME Ty Nant Lane, Cymmer, Port Talbot, Neath Port Talbot SA13 3NR Tel: 01639 851852 Advert page 24 Learning Disability Nursing Elderly 9 Learning Disability Personal Care Younger Adults 9 TAIBACH CARE HOME Alma Terrace, Taibach, Port Talbot, Neath Port Talbot SA13 1TN Tel: 01639 890752 9 9 TALBOT COURT CARE HOME Talbot Road, Port Talbot, Neath Port Talbot SA13 1DR Tel: 01639 887975 Advert page 24 Physical Disability Nursing Younger Adults 9 Physical Disability Nursing Elderly 9 9 Physical Disability Personal Care Younger Adults SWN Y MOR CARE HOME Scarlet Avenue, Aberavon, Port Talbot, Neath Port Talbot SA12 6TB Tel: 01639 894533 Physical Disability Personal Care Elderly 9 Learning Disability Personal Care Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Younger Adults 9 9 Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Elderly PLAS CWM CARW CARE HOME Oakwood Lane, Port Talbot, Neath Port Talbot SA13 1DF Tel: 01639 890224 Frail Older Personal Care - Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Elderly Advertisers are highlighted Frail Older Nursing - Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Younger Adults Neath Port Talbot Nursing Homes continued 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 The categories shown above are those currently used by CSSIW. This category structure may be subject to review and substantial change in the future and may happen within the lifespan of this Directory. 44 7KLV'LUHFWRU\·VKHOSOLQH²LQIRUPDWLRQRQFKRRVLQJDQGSD\LQJIRUFDUH Swansea BLOOMFIELD CARE HOME 129 Gower Road, Sketty, Swansea SA2 9HU Tel: 01792 203 045 9 BONYMAEN HOUSE CARE HOME 62 Cardigan Crescent, Winch Wen, Swansea SA1 7DY Tel: 01792 773106 9 Palliative Care (Nursing Only) Younger Adults Brain Injury Nursing Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Younger Adults 9 9 CARTREF CELTIADD 106 Vardre Road, Clydach, Swansea SA6 5LU Tel: 01792 846518 9 CELTIC DAWN CARE HOME 412 Llangyfelach Road, Brynhyfryd, Swansea SA5 9LH Tel: 01792 510901 9 EATON CRESCENT, 68 Uplands, Swansea SA1 4QN Tel: 01792 465924 9 FARADAY HOUSE 44 Faraday Road, Clydach, Swansea SA6 5JS Tel: 01792 844696 Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Elderly 9 CAE EITHIN 23 Cae Eithin, Llangyfelach, Swansea SA6 6EZ Tel: 01792 794602 FAIRLEIGH HOUSE 25 Sketty Road, Uplands, Swansea SA2 0EU Tel: 01792 204169 Learning Disability Nursing Younger Adults 9 BAKELYN LODGE 86 Martin Street, Morriston, Swansea SA6 7BL Tel: 01792 702415 CARTREF (MORRISTON) School Road, Morriston, Swansea SA6 6HZ Tel: 01792 791104 Learning Disability Nursing Elderly Learning Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Learning Disability Personal Care Elderly Physical Disability Nursing Younger Adults Physical Disability Nursing Elderly Physical Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Physical Disability Personal Care Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Elderly Frail Older Nursing - Elderly Frail Older Personal Care - Elderly Swansea Care Homes 9 9 9 9 The categories shown above are those currently used by CSSIW. This category structure may be subject to review and substantial change in the future and may happen within the lifespan of this Directory. 9LVLWZZZFDUHFKRLFHVFRXNIRUIXUWKHUDVVLVWDQFHZLWK\RXUVHDUFKIRUFDUH 45 9 GLYNDERWEN CARE HOME 13 St John’s Road, Clydach, Swansea SA6 5EY Tel: 01792 842711 GOWER LODGE CARE HOME The Old Vicarage, Sterry Road, Gowerton, Swansea SA4 3BN Tel: 01792 873786 9 9 9 9 9 GOWER LODGE CARE HOME Cefn Stylle Road, Gowerton, Swansea SA4 3QS Tel: 01792 875154 9 GROVE VIEW 263a Birchgrove Road, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9NA Tel: 01792 324883 9 9 HAWTHORN COURT CARE HOME 12 Bayswater Road, Tycoch, Swansea SA2 9HA Tel: 01792 201427 Palliative Care (Nursing Only) Younger Adults Brain Injury Nursing Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Elderly 9 9 HAZELDENE CARE HOME 127a Clyndu Street, Morriston, Swansea SA6 7BG Tel: 01792 797014 HEATHERSLADE BAY REST HOME 1 Westcliffe, Southgate, Swansea SA3 2AN Tel: 01792 233328 Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Elderly Learning Disability Nursing Younger Adults Learning Disability Nursing Elderly Learning Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Learning Disability Personal Care Elderly Physical Disability Nursing Younger Adults Physical Disability Nursing Elderly Physical Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Physical Disability Personal Care Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Elderly Frail Older Nursing - Elderly Frail Older Personal Care - Elderly Swansea Care Homes continued 9 9 9 9 9 9 HEATHFIELD LODGE CARE HOME 35 Heathfield, Swansea SA1 6HD Tel: 01792 646840 HENGOED PARK CARE HOME Cefn Hengoed Road, Winch Wen, Swansea SA1 7LQ Tel: 01792 797245 9 9 HOLLIES CARE HOME Caecerrig Road, Pontarddulais, Swansea SA4 8PB Tel: 01792 882498 9 9 9 The categories shown above are those currently used by CSSIW. This category structure may be subject to review and substantial change in the future and may happen within the lifespan of this Directory. 46 7KLV'LUHFWRU\·VKHOSOLQH²LQIRUPDWLRQRQFKRRVLQJDQGSD\LQJIRUFDUH 9 HOMELEIGH 127 Clyndu Street, Morriston, Swansea SA6 7BG Tel: 01792 792049 9 LLWYNDERW LODGE 164 Mumbles Road, West Cross, Swansea SA3 5AN Tel: 01792 410028 9 9 Palliative Care (Nursing Only) Younger Adults Brain Injury Nursing Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Elderly 9 9 LLYS PEN PANT 7-9 Llys Pen Pant, Llangyfelach, Swansea SA6 6AD Tel: 01792 776384 LONDON HOUSE CARE HOME 1-2 Cadle Mill, Fforestfach, Swansea SA5 4PA Tel: 01792 580566 9 LOWER LODGE Cadle Mill, Cadle, Swansea SA3 4PA Tel: 01792 646640 Advert page 28 9 MOND COURT APARTMENTS Mond Court, Gellionnen Road, Clydach, Swansea SA6 5HQ Tel: 01792 846394 9 9 LLWYNDU VILLA 50 Ynysymond Road, Glais, Swansea SA7 9JA Tel: 01792 845278 MANORLEIGH SPRING MEADOWS (CARE) LTD 66-68 Cecil Street, Manselton, Swansea SA5 8QH Tel: 01792 466728 Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Younger Adults 9 HOWELLS ROAD, 14 Dunvant, Swansea SA2 7SX Tel: 01792 203536 LLYS GWYN HOUSE 21 Caecerrig Road, Pontarddulais, Swansea SA4 1PE Tel: 01792 882353 Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Elderly Learning Disability Nursing Younger Adults Learning Disability Nursing Elderly Learning Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Learning Disability Personal Care Elderly Physical Disability Nursing Younger Adults Physical Disability Nursing Elderly Physical Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Physical Disability Personal Care Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Elderly Frail Older Nursing - Elderly Frail Older Personal Care - Elderly Swansea Care Homes continued 9 9 9 9 9 9 The categories shown above are those currently used by CSSIW. This category structure may be subject to review and substantial change in the future and may happen within the lifespan of this Directory. 9LVLWZZZFDUHFKRLFHVFRXNIRUIXUWKHUDVVLVWDQFHZLWK\RXUVHDUFKIRUFDUH 47 MORRIS HOUSE NURSING HOME 54-56 Eaton Crescent, Uplands, Swansea SA1 4QN Tel: 01792 463813 9 MOUNTAIN JOY Tir Bach Farm, Cefn Drum, Pontarddulais, Swansea SA4 8NJ Tel: 01792 883146 9 9 NEWTON COURT CHRISTADELPHIAN REST HOME Highpool Lane, Newton, Swansea SA3 4UX Tel: 01792 361306 9 9 Palliative Care (Nursing Only) Younger Adults Brain Injury Nursing Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Younger Adults 9 9 NEWTON GRANGE RESIDENTIAL HOME 26 Southward Lane, Newton, Swansea SA3 4QE Tel: 01792 368880 9 OAKHILL CARE HOME 928 Carmarthen Road, Fforestfach, Swansea SA5 4AB Tel: 01792 589594 OCEAN LIVING CARE HOME Ocean Living, 734-736 Mumbles Road, Mumbles, Swansea SA3 4EL Tel: 01792 361818 Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Elderly Learning Disability Nursing Younger Adults Learning Disability Nursing Elderly Learning Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Learning Disability Personal Care Elderly Physical Disability Nursing Younger Adults Physical Disability Nursing Elderly Physical Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Physical Disability Personal Care Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Elderly Frail Older Nursing - Elderly Frail Older Personal Care - Elderly Swansea Care Homes continued 9 9 PADDOCKS, THE 41a Rhydycoed, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9PE Tel: 01792 818066 9 PARK HOUSE 46 Bethel Road, Llansamlet, Swansea SA7 9QP Tel: 01792 515952 PARK VIEW LTD CARE HOME 73 Pontardawe Road, Clydach, Swansea SA6 5NS Tel: 01792 846665 9 PARKWAY 91 Parkway, Sketty Park, Swansea SA2 8JE Tel: 01792 201060 9 9 The categories shown above are those currently used by CSSIW. This category structure may be subject to review and substantial change in the future and may happen within the lifespan of this Directory. 48 7KLV'LUHFWRU\·VKHOSOLQH²LQIRUPDWLRQRQFKRRVLQJDQGSD\LQJIRUFDUH PLAS NEWYDD CARE HOME 18 New Road, Treboeth, Swansea SA5 9DA Tel: 01792 799902 9 TREESIDE 15 Lon Brynawel, Llansamlet, Swansea SA7 9EY Tel: 01792 310756 Palliative Care (Nursing Only) Younger Adults Brain Injury Nursing Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Elderly Learning Disability Nursing Younger Adults Learning Disability Nursing Elderly Learning Disability Personal Care Younger Adults 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 ST PETERS AVENUE, 27 Cockett, Swansea SA5 5BX Tel: 01792 875809 SUDBURY HOUSE 749 Clydach Road, Ynystawe, Swansea SA6 5BA Tel: 01792 844528 9 9 ST JAMES RESIDENTIAL CARE HOME 17 St James Gardens, Swansea SA1 6DY Tel: 01792 468147 STELLA MARIS CARE HOME Stella Maris Convent, Eaton Crescent, Swansea SA1 4QR Tel: 01792 473453 Learning Disability Personal Care Elderly 9 ROTHERSLADE HOUSE 25-27 Rotherslade Road, Mumbles, Swansea SA3 4QW Tel: 01792 367556 ST JOHNS HOUSE (CWMBWRLA) Cae Rowland Road, Cwmbwrla, Swansea SA5 7BE Tel: 01792 651449 Physical Disability Nursing Younger Adults 9 RIVERSIDE HOUSE 357 Clydach Road, Ynysforgan, Morriston, Swansea SA6 6QJ Tel: 01792 799437 ROSE CROSS CARE HOME Brenig Road, Penlan, Swansea SA5 7BE Tel: 01792 586499 Physical Disability Nursing Elderly Physical Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Physical Disability Personal Care Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Elderly Frail Older Nursing - Elderly Frail Older Personal Care - Elderly Swansea Care Homes continued 9 9 9 The categories shown above are those currently used by CSSIW. This category structure may be subject to review and substantial change in the future and may happen within the lifespan of this Directory. 9LVLWZZZFDUHFKRLFHVFRXNIRUIXUWKHUDVVLVWDQFHZLWK\RXUVHDUFKIRUFDUH 49 TY DDOL AWEL 2 Ddol Road, Dunvant, Swansea SA2 7UB Tel: 01792 207529 TY WAUNARLWYDD CARE HOME Swansea Road, Waunarlwydd, Swansea SA5 4SN Tel: 01792 872255 WINDSOR HOUSE 3 Gellionen Close, Clydach, Swansea SA6 5HS Tel: 01792 846304 WOODLANDS CARE HOME, THE The Woodlands, Cadle Mill, Fforestfach, Swansea SA5 4PA Tel: 01792 588122 50 9 TY CILA CARE HOME Wimmerfield Avenue, Killay, Swansea SA2 9JL Tel: 01792 516360 9 9 Palliative Care (Nursing Only) Younger Adults Brain Injury Nursing Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Elderly Learning Disability Nursing Younger Adults Learning Disability Nursing Elderly Learning Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Learning Disability Personal Care Elderly Physical Disability Nursing Younger Adults Physical Disability Nursing Elderly Physical Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Physical Disability Personal Care Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Elderly Frail Older Nursing - Elderly Frail Older Personal Care - Elderly Swansea Care Homes continued 9 9 9 9 9 9 Castle near Swansea The categories shown above are those currently used by CSSIW. This category structure may be subject to review and substantial change in the future and may happen within the lifespan of this Directory. 7KLV'LUHFWRU\·VKHOSOLQH²LQIRUPDWLRQRQFKRRVLQJDQGSD\LQJIRUFDUH AEL Y BRYN CARE HOME 160 Llanllienwen Road, Cwmrhydyceirw, Morriston, Swansea SA6 6LT Tel: 01792 773877 Palliative Care (Nursing Only) Younger Adults Brain Injury Nursing Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Elderly Learning Disability Nursing Younger Adults Learning Disability Nursing Elderly Learning Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Learning Disability Personal Care Elderly Physical Disability Nursing Younger Adults 9 9 9 APRIL COURT CARE HOME 137-144 St Helens Road, Swansea SA1 4DE Tel: 01792 650344 Advert pages 22 & 23 9 9 9 ASHGROVE CARE HOME 344-346 Swansea Road, Waunarlwydd, Swansea SA5 4SQ Tel: 01792 879767 9 9 9 9 9 9 AWEL Y MOR CARE HOME Brynafon Road, Gorseinon, Swansea SA4 4YF Tel: 01792 620356 Advert inside front cover BRYNFIELD MANOR CARE HOME Brynfield Road, Langland, Swansea SA3 4SX Tel: 01792 366208 9 BRYNHYFRYD HOUSE CARE HOME 36 West Cross Lane, West Cross, Swansea SA3 5LS Tel: 01792 404827 9 BURROWS HALL RESIDENTIAL & NURSING HOME Llangennith Gower, Swansea SA3 1JB Tel: 01792 386221 9 9 9 CALON FAWR CARE HOME Lon Masarn, Tycoch, Swansea SA2 9EX Tel: 01792 205736 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 CAMPION GARDENS CARE HOME Clyne Common, Bishopston, Swansea SA3 3JB Tel: 01792 235314 Advert page 25 CASTLE GRAIG 93 Salem Road, Landore, Swansea SA6 8NN Tel: 01792 790009 Physical Disability Nursing Elderly Physical Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Advertisers are highlighted Physical Disability Personal Care Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Elderly Frail Older Nursing - Elderly Frail Older Personal Care - Elderly Swansea Care Homes with Nursing 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 The categories shown above are those currently used by CSSIW. This category structure may be subject to review and substantial change in the future and may happen within the lifespan of this Directory. 9LVLWZZZFDUHFKRLFHVFRXNIRUIXUWKHUDVVLVWDQFHZLWK\RXUVHDUFKIRUFDUH 51 9 FROOD HOUSE Gellionnen Road, Clydach, Swansea SA6 5HQ Tel: 01792 849259 GLAIS HOUSE NURSING HOME 615 Birchgrove Road, Glais, Swansea SA7 9EN Tel: 01792 843915 9 9 9 GLAS FRYN HOUSE CARE HOME 228-230 Cockett Road, Cockett, Swansea SA2 0FN Tel: 01792 581846 9 9 HENGOED COURT CARE HOME Cefn Hengoed Road, Winch Wen, Swansea SA1 7LQ Tel: 01792 797265 9 9 9 9 Palliative Care (Nursing Only) Younger Adults Brain Injury Nursing Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Elderly Learning Disability Nursing Younger Adults Learning Disability Nursing Elderly Learning Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Learning Disability Personal Care Elderly Advertisers are highlighted Physical Disability Nursing Younger Adults Physical Disability Nursing Elderly Physical Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Physical Disability Personal Care Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Elderly Frail Older Nursing - Elderly Frail Older Personal Care - Elderly Swansea Care Homes with Nursing continued 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 HILLSIDE Ffynone Road, Uplands, Swansea SA1 6DE Tel: 01792 467010 LLYS Y TYWYSOG CARE HOME Clos Pengelli, Grovesend, Swansea SA4 4JW Tel: 01792 620355 Advert inside front cover 9 9 9 9 9 LYNDELL HOUSE CARE HOME Lyndell House, 40 Eaton Crescent, Uplands, Swansea SA1 4QL Tel: 01792 472131 MARINA UNITED LTD Marina Private Nursing Home, Gloucester Place, Swansea SA1 1TY Tel: 01792 644299 MEADOW HOUSE CARE HOME 11-13 Brighton Road, Gorseinon, Swansea SA4 4BN Tel: 01792 897016 9 9 9 9 9 The categories shown above are those currently used by CSSIW. This category structure may be subject to review and substantial change in the future and may happen within the lifespan of this Directory. 52 7KLV'LUHFWRU\·VKHOSOLQH²LQIRUPDWLRQRQFKRRVLQJDQGSD\LQJIRUFDUH MUMBLES NURSING HOME 278 Mumbles Road, West Cross, Swansea SA3 5AB Tel: 01792 405353 9 OLD VICARAGE CARE HOME (SKETTY) 53 Sketty Park Road, Sketty, Swansea SA2 9AS Tel: 01792 202100 9 PEN Y BRYN (CARE CENTRES WALES) 26 Sketty Park Road Sketty Swansea Swansea SA2 9AS Tel: 01792 207194 9 9 9 PENIEL GREEN CARE HOME 216 Peniel Green Road, Llansamlet, Swansea SA7 9BD Tel: 01792 773034 9 9 9 Palliative Care (Nursing Only) Younger Adults Brain Injury Nursing Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Elderly Learning Disability Nursing Younger Adults Learning Disability Nursing Elderly Learning Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Learning Disability Personal Care Elderly Physical Disability Nursing Younger Adults Physical Disability Nursing Elderly Physical Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Physical Disability Personal Care Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Elderly Frail Older Nursing - Elderly Frail Older Personal Care - Elderly Swansea Care Homes with Nursing continued 9 SKETTY HOUSE CARE HOME 244 Gower Road, Sketty, Swansea SA2 9JL Tel: 01792 290565 9 9 ST MARKS COURT CARE HOME Park Terrace, Waun Wen, Swansea SA1 2BY Tel: 01792 644445 9 9 9 ST MARTINS CARE CENTRE 69 Martin Street, Morriston, Swansea SA6 7BJ Tel: 01792 795844 9 9 SWN Y GAN CARE HOME Ban Banc, Penclawdd, Swansea SA4 3FN Tel: 01792 850123 9 9 9 9 9 THREE CLIFFS CARE HOME Cefn Bryn Lane, Penmaen Gower, Swansea SA3 2HQ Tel: 01792 371500 Advert pages 22 & 23 9 9 9 9 The categories shown above are those currently used by CSSIW. This category structure may be subject to review and substantial change in the future and may happen within the lifespan of this Directory. 9LVLWZZZFDUHFKRLFHVFRXNIRUIXUWKHUDVVLVWDQFHZLWK\RXUVHDUFKIRUFDUH 53 Y PLAS CARE HOME 619 Llangyfelach Road, Treboeth, Swansea SA5 9EN Tel: 01792 772304 YR HAFAN CARE HOME 27 Bolgoed Road, Pontarddulais, Swansea SA4 8JE Tel: 01792 883518 TY VICTORIA CARE HOME 97 Victoria Road, Waunarlwydd, Swansea SA5 4TB Tel: 01792 874306 9 Palliative Care (Nursing Only) Younger Adults Brain Injury Nursing Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Younger Adults Brain Injury Personal Care Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Nursing Elderly Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Younger Adults Mental Health (Functional) Personal Care Elderly Learning Disability Nursing Younger Adults Learning Disability Nursing Elderly Learning Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Learning Disability Personal Care Elderly Physical Disability Nursing Younger Adults Physical Disability Nursing Elderly Physical Disability Personal Care Younger Adults Physical Disability Personal Care Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Nursing Elderly Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Younger Adults Dementia/Mental Infirmity Personal Care Elderly Frail Older Nursing - Elderly Frail Older Personal Care - Elderly Swansea Care Homes with Nursing continued 9 9 9 9 9 Langland Bay, Gower peninsula The categories shown above are those currently used by CSSIW. This category structure may be subject to review and substantial change in the future and may happen within the lifespan of this Directory. Index / Mynegai Home care providers Advertisers are in bold Age Concern Morgannwg 30 Home Instead Senior Care 30 Allied Healthcare - Nestor Primecare Services Ltd 30 Homestyle Domiciliary Care Ltd 30 Horizon Support Services Ltd 30 Allied Healthcare - Nestor Primecare Services Ltd (Bridgend) 30 M & D Domiciliary Care 30 Alpha Home Care Support Services 30 Mears Care - Port Talbot 30 Alzheimer`s Society Domiciliary Care 30 Millenium Care (Dom Care) 30 April Complete Care Solutions Ltd (DCA) 30 Modern Care Ltd 30 Aylecare Domiciliary Services 30 Neath Care (Dom Care) 30 Bridgend County Crossroads Caring for Carers 30 Pegasus Homecare 30 British Red Cross Home from Hospital Discharge Service 30 Perthyn Domiciliary Care Agency 30 Bryce Care Domiciliary Care Ltd 30 Reach Supported Living 30 Campion Gardens Domiciliary Care at Willow Court 30 Relief Care Services 30 Care Direct (Wales) 30 RSD Technology Ltd (DCA) 31 Carewatch Care Services Swansea 30 Seren Support Services Limited 31 Caring Companions Ltd 30 Star Services 31 Cartrefi Cymru (Bridgend and South West Wales) 30 Steddy and Associates 31 Crossroads 30 Support Options (Dom Care) 31 Crossroads Care - Swansea Neath Port Talbot (SNPT) 30 Support Options, Swansea 31 Eldercare Dom Care, Doria Ltd 30 Swansea Carers Centre (Ty Conway) 31 Everycare (Bridgend) Ltd 30 Tracscare 31 Gwalia Care and Support / Gofala Chymorth Gwalia 30 Trinity Care and Support 31 Hafal Domiciliary Care Agency 30 Village Homecare Services (Wales) Ltd 31 Healthcare Assistants Ltd 30 Walsingham Domiciliary Care Agency 31 Home Comforts Care (Swansea) Ltd 30 Supported living providers Advertisers are in bold Cartrefi Cymru (Bridgend and South West Wales) 31 Gofal Cymru 31 Close Care Cymru Ltd 31 GRS (Care) Limited 31 Community Lives Consortium 31 Kenfield (Swansea) Ltd 31 Drive 31 Link Up 31 Eastgate Supported Accommodation Ltd 31 Mirus - Wales 31 Esgyn Housing, Beaufort House 31 National Autistic Society 31 Family Housing Association (Swansea) 31 Oxwich bay - Gower peninsula 9LVLWZZZFDUHFKRLFHVFRXNIRUIXUWKHUDVVLVWDQFHZLWK\RXUVHDUFKIRUFDUH 55 Care Homes / Care Homes with Nursing A Advertisers are in bold Cartref Care Home (Porthcawl) 35 Abergarw Manor Care Home 35 Cartref Celtiadd 45 Ael y Bryn Care Home 51 Cartref (Morriston) 45 Albert Edward Care Home 35 Castle Graig 51 Alrosa House 36 Cedar House Care Home 37 Applebrook Cottage 36 Cefn Lodge Care Home 43 April Court Care Home 51 Cefn Parc, 1 37 Arwelfa Residential Home (Gwalia) 36 Celtic Dawn Care Home 45 Ashgrove Care Home 51 Claremont 32 Awel Y Mor Care Home 51 Clarian Hope 37 Clarian Hope (Bryncoch) 37 B Baglan Lodge Care Home 43 Cwm Cartref Care Home 43 Bakelyn Lodge 45 Cwrt Clwydi Gwyn Care Home 37 Barchester Inside front cover D Beacons View 36 Dan y Bryn Residential Care Home (Gwalia) 37 Bellwave House Care Home 32 Dan Y Graig House 32 Bevan`s House Care Home 36 E Blackmill Care Centre - Closed 35 Eaton Crescent, 68 Bloomfield Care Home 45 F Bonymaen House Care Home 45 Fairleigh House 45 Breakaway Care Home 32 Faraday House 45 Breaksea House Residential Home 32 Ffordd Newydd Care Home 37 Brocastle Manor Care Centre 35 Forest View Care Home 37 Bryn y Cae Care Home 32 Foxtroy House Care Home 32 Bryncelyn Care Home 35 Frongoch 38 Bryneithin (Main Unit) 32 Frood House 52 Brynfield Manor Care Home 51 G Brynhyfryd House Care Home 51 Gardens Care Home 38 Brynsiriol Care Home 36 Glais House Nursing Home 52 Burrows Hall Residential & Nursing Home 51 Glamorgan Holiday Hotel, The 33 Glanffrwd Care Home 35 C 45 Cae Eithin 45 Glangarnant Care Home 43 Caewern Respite Care Services (Gwalia) 36 Glanyrafon Care Home 33 Calon Celtiadd 36 Glas Fryn House Care Home 52 Calon Fawr Care Home 51 Glynderwen Care Home 46 Campion Gardens Care Home 51 Gnoll Nursing Home, The 43 Campion Gardens - Willow Court 27 Gorffwysfa Residential Care Home (Gwalia) 38 Canola House Care Home 32 Gower Lodge Care Home (Cefn Stylle Road) 46 Gower Lodge Care Home (Sterry Road) 46 Care Choices Helpline 9, 18, 26 Care Choices Website 14 Green Gables 33 Cartref (Seven Sisters) 37 Grove View 46 56 7KLV'LUHFWRU\·VKHOSOLQH²LQIRUPDWLRQRQFKRRVLQJDQGSD\LQJIRUFDUH Care Homes / Care Homes with Nursing continued Gwalia Care Services Inside back cover H Advertisers are in bold Min yr Afon Residential Care Home (Gwalia) 39 Mond Court Apartments 47 Hafod Care 28 Monkstone House Care Home 33 Hafod Residential Care Home (Gwalia) 38 Morfa Afan Residential Care Home (Gwalia) 39 Hawthorn Court Care Home 46 Morris House Nursing Home 48 Hazeldene Care Home 46 Mountain Joy 48 Heatherslade Bay Rest Home 46 Mumbles Nursing Home 53 Heathfield Lodge Care Home 46 N Heathfields Care Home 33 Nant Leiros 40 Hengoed Court Care Home 52 Neuadd Drymmau Care Home 43 Hengoed Park Care Home 46 Newton Court Christadelphian Rest Home 48 Henwaun House 39 Newton Grange Residential Home 48 HHPG Limited 24 O Hillside 52 Oakhill Care Home 48 Hollies Care Home 46 Oaklands Care Home, The 33 Hollins Care Centre, The 43 Oakley House Care Home 33 Homeleigh 47 Ocean Living Care Home 48 Howells Road, 14 47 Old Vicarage Care Home (Sketty) 53 Hyfrydol 33 Old Vicarage Care Home, Tonna, The 43 J James Street 39 L P Paddocks, The 48 Pale Road, 25 40 Park Avenue 40 Park House 48 Park View Care Home 40 Park View Ltd Care Home 48 Parkrise 40 Parkway 48 Pen Ceffyl Bungalow 40 Llwynallt Care Home 39 Llwynderw Lodge 47 Llwyndu Villa 47 Llys Gwyn House 47 Llys Gwyn Residential Home 33 Llys Pen Pant 47 Llys Y Tywysog Care Home 52 London House Care Home 47 Lower Lodge 47 Pen y Bont Court Care Home 35 Lucknow House 39 Pen Y Bryn (Care Centres Wales) 53 Lyndell House Care Home 52 Pencaerau Nursing Home 43 Peniel Green Care Home 53 M Maes y Bryn 39 Penscynor House Care Home 40 Maesglas Resource Centre 33 Penyfai House 34 Manorleigh Spring Meadows (Care) Ltd 47 Picton Court Care Home - Porthcawl 35 Mayflower Care Residential Home Outside back cover Pinehurst Rest Home Limited 34 Marina United Ltd 52 Plas Cwm Carw Care Home 44 Meadow House Care Home 52 Plas Newydd Care Home 49 Meadows, The 39 Poplar House 34 9LVLWZZZFDUHFKRLFHVFRXNIRUIXUWKHUDVVLVWDQFHZLWK\RXUVHDUFKIRUFDUH 57 Care Homes / Care Homes with Nursing continued Popty Care Home 40 R Advertisers are in bold Three Cliffs Care Home 53 Tir Morfa, 57 41 Rhodes House Care Home 40 Trebanos House Care Home 41 Rhyd Hir 40 Treeside 49 Riverside House 49 Treetops Care Home 34 Rose Cross Care Home 49 Trem Y Glyn Residential Care Home (Gwalia) 41 Roselea Care Home 41 Ty Canol 41 Rosewood Care Home 41 Ty Cila Care Home 50 Rotherslade House 49 Ty Coed 41 Ty Cwm Ogwr 34 Ty Ddol Awel 50 Ty Gwynfe 42 Ty Mawr - (NAS-Neath) 42 Ty Mynydd 42 Ty Nant Care Home 44 Ty Victoria Care Home 54 Ty Waunarlwydd Care Home 50 S Sheldon Villa 41 Sketty House Care Home 53 Southmead Care Centre 35 St James Residential Care Home 49 St Johns House (Cwmbwrla) 49 St Marks Court Care Home 53 St Martins Care Centre 53 St Peters Avenue, 27 49 Stella Maris Care Home 49 W Sudbury House 49 Weston House Care Home 34 Swn y Gan Care Home 53 Willows Care Home, The 42 Swn y Mor Care Home 44 Windsor House 50 Woodlands Care Home, The 50 44 T Taibach Care Home 44 Woodside House Care Home Tal y Wern, 22 41 Y Talbot Court Care Home 44 Y Plas Care Home 54 Tan-yr-Allt House Care Home 44 Yr Hafan Care Home 54 Tan yr Allt Lodge Nursing Home 44 Yr Hen Bont Care Home 42 Care Choices Limited has taken every care to ensure that the information contained in this Directory is accurate. The company cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions or if a home varies from the facilities listed either in an advertisement or the listings. Care Choices Limited does not endorse or support any particular institution included in the Directory. © 2013 Care Choices Limited. Care Choices Limited reserves all rights in the titles Care Choices and HOMES Directories and their design. Care Choices™ is a trademark of Care Choices Limited. ISBN 978-1-909048-70-6 Ref. No: 4001/Swansea01/0913. Reproduction of any part of this publication in any form without the written permission of Care Choices Limited is prohibited. This publication is available free of charge from Bridgend County Borough Council, Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council, City and County of Swansea. Published by: Care Choices Limited, Valley Court, Lower Road, Croydon, Nr Royston, Hertfordshire SG8 0HF. Tel: 01223 207770. Publisher: Robert Chamberlain. Associate Publisher: Matthew Tingey. Group Sales Manager: David Werthmann. Editor: Alistair Robertson. Regional Team Manager: Russell Marsh. Business Development Manager: Paul Leahy. Senior Sales Executives: Elaine Bartlett, Debbie Feetham, Emeka Johnson, Vanessa Ryder. Production Manager: Lisa Werthmann. Assistant Production Manager: Jamie Harvey. Production Designer: Nick Cade. Creative Artworker: Holly Cornell. Junior Creative Artworker: Thomas Holder. 58 7KLV'LUHFWRU\·VKHOSOLQH²LQIRUPDWLRQRQFKRRVLQJDQGSD\LQJIRUFDUH 5IaÆW_MZ +IZM :M[QLMV\QIT0WUM ÄǺÇÁÎÀÃÄÌöȡÁÌÎöÁÁÉɽº½Äº½¶È·ººÃ ÉÄɶÁÁÎÉǶÃÈ»ÄǺ¹¶Ã¹ºÍɺùº¹ÉÄÅÇÄ˾¹º½¾¼½ ÆʶÁ¾Éζ¸¸ÄÂÂĹ¶É¾Äöù¶Çº»ÄÇÊÅÉÄ §ºÈ¾¹ºÃÉÈ©½º½Äº¾ÈȾÉʶɺ¹ÄÃɽºÄÊÉÈÀ¾ÇÉÈ Ä»ÁÁÉ̺ë¾ÁÁ¶¼º¾Ã¶ÃºÁºË¶Éº¹ÅÄȾɾÄà Ä˺ÇÁÄÄÀ¾Ã¼É½º·º¶Êɾ»ÊÁ¨Ì¶ÃȺ¶Ë¶ÁÁºÎ É¢¶ÎijÄ̺ǶǺ̺Ǻ¸Ä¼Ã¾Èºº¶¸½ÅºÇÈÄöȶ ÊþÆʺ¾Ã¹¾Ë¾¹Ê¶ÁμºÉɾüÉÄÀÃÄÌɽºÅºÇÈÄöù ɽº¾ÇÁ¾»º½¾ÈÉÄÇÎ̺¸¶ÃÊùºÇÈɶùɽºÂº¶Ã¾Ã¼ ·º½¾Ã¹¶Ãηº½¶Ë¾ÄÊǸ¶ÊȺ¹·Î»ÇÊÈÉǶɾÄÃÄ» ¹ºÂºÃɾ¶¶Ã¹ÅÁ¶ÃÄÊǸ¶ÇºÉÄǺ¹Ê¸º¶ÃζÃ;ºÉ¾ºÈ ¶Ã¹¾ÂÅÇÄ˺̺ÁÁ·º¾Ã¼¢ÄÈɾÂÅÄÇɶÃÉÁÎ̺¶¾ÂÉÄ ºÃÈÊǺº¶¸½ÇºÈ¾¹ºÃɾÈÉǺ¶Éº¹Ì¾É½É½ºÇºÈź¸É¶Ã¹ ¹¾¼Ã¾ÉÎɽ¶É̺¶ÁÁ¹ºÈºÇ˺ Swansea Valley Views ù§ºÈ¾¹ºÃɾ¶Á¶Çº ù¶Î¶Çº ù§ºÈžɺ¶Çº ùºÂºÃɾ¶¶Çº ¬¾É½¶ÃɶÈɾ¸¶¸¾Á¾É¾ºÈ ©ÄIJùÄÊÉÂÄǺ¾Ã»ÄǶɾÄÃÅÁº¶Èº¸¶ÁÁ ÄǶ¾Á ¶ÎijÄ̺Ǹ¶Çº·É¸ÄÃú¸É¸Ä ÄÇ˾ȾÉɽº½Äº¶É¬ºÇùʧĶ¹ ÁÁÉ̺åÄÃɶǹ¶Ìº¨Ì¶ÃȺ¶¨
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