1 - The Black Vault
1 - The Black Vault
UNIQASSI1ftIED EDISRCIN Date EnteredI),~-~: SECURITY CLASSIFICATION-OF THISPPAE (1(4n REPORT DOCUMENTATioN PAGE 2.GOVT.ACCESSIOWNO 1. REPORT NUMBER F *SCOMPLETING FORM, CATAL0G;NUMBER 3.RE ,pIEmNT*S ~ ~1 ERiOD-- Technicalefllg, An Approach, to Understandintg Psychotronicsoi /0 VEREO Thoma ~*earden 10. PRORAM ELEMENT.-PROJ ECT. TASK AREA 5&WORK-UNIT NUMBERS 9. PERFORMING ORGANIZATIN NAME AND'ADDRES System-Development Corporation 48;10.Bradford Blvd, HiintsvAllej Alabama 35805 n/a, /1 CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME-AND ADDRESS It. .une,7. iit n/a ING AGENCY NAME &ADDRESS( -MONITOR 14. 81 ofti IiU8;;t from ControliliOc)1.SCUIYCAS eot i~. ECL ASSIF1CATIONIDOWNGRADIN9- -16t. DISRIBUTION STATEMEN4T (of thiReot Approved for public release.. DISTRIBUTIONSTATEgMENT 17. istributiofl unlimited. iro (of th1 abstratct entered In Block 20, jidifferent Rpr) 18SUPPLE;E NTARY NOTES E T.E. Bearden 1976. holder. RAeproduced by permission of the copyright action, antigravity,t~rchetype, -unconscious, cqmplemen axioms of logic, blofields, biological system, *collective * waves, duality,, consciousness, conservation of energy, death, deBroglie *tarity, Heiseniber -devices, Einstein's 'spherical model of the cosmos, formon, freeL energy opposite', of reality,'iety uncertainty'principle, Hieronymus device, holographic, rer pyhoonc The term ubr an dnryb lc 20. ABSTRAC (Confitie on reverse 3ide'it necesr tinion of physics ahd. metaphysics. td the interaction of mind, 5nd nmatter, and the o explain psychotronj. s. The authol 7 Thus a -new concept of reality must be evoked opposites 'which has advances a fourth law of logic, the age-old identity-of * centuries. With the- author-'s baffled- logicians, philosophers, and. scientists for to domprehendl-how the identity pE2RceIro approach.-to perception, ow1e-is enabled The fourth, law, of opposites is accomplished, a-nd when it is accomplished. mltIc 1odt.fr together with, the first three Aitlenlaws-of 19. Identify by. block number) KEY WORDS (Continue onl reverse aide fnessary kid, PP1, jA3 1473 EDITION DOI Nov 65 IS OBSOLETE UCASFIE UAI ,q F. THIS. PAGE (117amPrier.&En treed)' $5YfSCkAS4cAT Unclassified SECURITY CLASSIIFICA.TIONl.0F THIS PAGE(IW#,,n,Dat. .nt..,ed) Block 19 (Continued). inception-, infinity, intersecting frames, life, linked brains, Mach's principle, many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, ma.s, iaterialization, metaphysics, mind, mind/body problem, Moray device, nothing, orthogonalframes,, orthorotation, particle, pOrception, perceptron, probability, psychic, psychotronics, psi, quantum, quark, quiton, relativity, reality, spacetime curvature, spirit, time, tobiscope, tulpa, two-slit experimentunified field-theory, universe closure, Wave', wavicle, zero. Block 20 (Continued)jinmetalogic 'ncompassing both physics and. metaphysics. Everett's many-worlds interpretation -(MWI) of quantum mechanics then provides the: theoretical, framework onto which four-law perdeption theory can b. fitted. The MWI is known to be consistent with the entire experimental basis of physics. Thus the new schema contains a correspondence prificiple: i .e., it-reduces to ordinary physics of'a-single 4-space in th6 limit. A.clister of an infinite number of orthogonal_ 3-dimensional spatial frames, all containing the same single fourth dimension or time axis, provides a frameworlonto which minrd, matter, fields, being, life, and both physical and- metaphysical' phenomena can be fitted and precisely modelled. Thus metaphysics can-be precisely modelled by, and related to, physics,- A theory of biofields is then apparent from the model. A solution to the ofitolgical prblem is presented.. j Using the four-law perception approach, a fundamental particle becomes a closure of the universe, in, the manner of Einstein's spherical model of the-cosmos The simultaneous existence of both macroscopic and microscopic universes is due to multiple closure of the same universe at differig-rtes-(diffdring by a factor of 1.042). The polarity of a charged particle is due to the direction of closure taken by the .fast-olbsure universe cusp. The world thus becomes a single giant hologram, and reality becomes holographic rather than Cartesian. Mass is a tim6-differentiator,. and in its-differentiating,of L3 T Minkowskian spacetime,, the time dimensioh is lost. Thus physical detection systems do.not detect time directlyi, and the time dimension cannot be "seen" by a mass detect1on (sensory) system. The mind Is- objectives, since mental phenomena occupy the time dimension, and the timedimension is accepted as objective in physia qs-However, since-the-mind, does not share the spatiaL. imensions of the ordinary 4-space, the mind itself Vs not perceived orobserved or detected, since a mass perception system (the physical sensory apparatus) loses the time dimension, the only obje tive dimension shared in common by -mind and matter prior to perception/detection/observation. Thus the act of physical sensory detection -- ,is responsible for:Descartes' sharp sepperception or observation itself aration of-mind and body. -Amind becomes a.complete, 3-dimensional physical world, three or more orthogonal spatial turns. (rotations) away from the ordinary 3-dimensional world, in-an n-dimensional cluster of orthogonal three-spaces with-a single fourth -(or time) axis. DeBrogiie waves and photons-are fitted into this model as reii particles in the appropriate space frames,and the nature of a quark is simply that it is spatially unclosed,-- hence it is not detected as a particle (which must be spatially closed) in physical experiments. - From the model, constructs that model life, death, a biological system, psi, consciousness, inception, telepathy psychokinesis, UFO's, God, and the collective unconscious can be taken. Materialization, dematerialization, and mind linkage also exist, as does a materialized and objectified thought forms. specific mechanism for tulpas unclassified AMCLASSIFIEDSecufltITYCLASI ATIOII OF Tt4I AF(I''JS).t'In'd the IJFO phenomena, may be' explained as tulpaszwhich lok20 (Continued). are-tunied'in from the hyperspatial'mindworlds of the human specieg..Ar 1ietypal forms are, most easily evoked, but are imprinted or-changed aiccor~ding-,to personal, social1, and cultural conditioning,. Several major UFO. "flaps-" -aLre shown to pre-cisely fit these criteria,. Since -in Everett' s-'MWI allJ p6ssibilities are -concretely real and exist, then-ahy kind -of thought reality at all may be orthorotat~id in'anfd emqerge in the-ordindry. laboratory spatial frame, and emerge as -concretely -real objects,, entities, v~hiclds., devicesi etc. However, since a minid i-s normally quite urstab!6, then. tulppas which are- materialized, are unstable and usually. go away in a short pleriod ,of time. --The two-slit experiment and the ieri6nymus -device-.are shown to inivolve the fourth.law of logic,, as does the Heisenberg uncertainty principle., -A new definition of -fothinig is -advanced', -4 .hich resolves the philo'sohical problem of..nothiftq.- Multiple presence and singular absence are identical- (i.,e.., they are indi stinquighable), to,.a monocular perception/detection process. . 6ynman's, criterion for a unified field -theory ~tat .'t~ist..exlain why radius. to the-,Einstein -closed, 042 occurs in both the ratio of-an.,elebtron's universe' s radius;, and the ratio of the electrical force and the gravitational force between two electrons -- is -met by dual- universe clbsure- at rates dififeing- by a factor of '1042 The dual closure universe-modet-al4o i's consistent with Santilli's'probf that the classical assUffiptiori-that electrtc field -and gravitational field are differefit things is false, ana. thdt they are either totally 6r partially the -s;ame thing. 'In,dual closure, an electrical, field-is, essentially a- gravitational field compressed 'by a factor of 1042, but in a s eparate cl osure, cusp -than- the gravitational field. sHubbard'Vs mainifol& theory of physics also derives the four-law ihetalogic,., land suibstantiates the, four-law perception- approach., /k<~ 14, ................ sified T,. Bearden System Development, Corporation 4-810 Bradford Blvd Huntsville, Alabama 35805 August 1', i976 SMs. Alice Healy Defense Documentation CenterATTN: :DDCTSR-I Cameron Station Alexandrial, VA'22314 Dear Ms. Healy: Enclosed are two ,papers which I would like to have placed in the DDOsystem, per our previous conversatiori,. Completed DD Form 1473's,,arealso enclosed. The, material is copyrighted by me,,,but naturally this letter constitutes authority for yOu tO; put it in DDCI° Yqr assistance is. deeply apprediatedj' These- two papers, represent something of absolutely fundamental importance, I believe,, and'their content should be available to all, DOD users who are interested in parapsychology and .p6chotronics. Sincerely, I4 Thomas E. Bearden LTC, U.S. Army (Retired) Research Scientist 2 incl the Observer back'Into the 'Equation" (d Copies)"AnApproach to Understanding Psychotronics" ( copies) '"Writing '1 / +*N / 7" - ANAPPROACH'TO UNDERSTANDiNG0'PSYdHOIROiN -8 Thomas B.Bearden June6 1976, O1976 T.E. ;Bbarden 'ABSTRACT o (ph-cical d" ); the term. s chotronics refdrs \"n y.h~ .. '(riA) " 'to the interaction of mind and matter, and so -to a union, of physic ad metaphysics,. the age-old "identity of opposites'" W1essa.!Parent advances a fourth law of logi h -loophers,,-and 0scienti Sts-f{or- centures.- With' necqesiyj s..baff ed-legieia appr6 ch to perception, One is at last enabed tO-6omprehend the author's erce 6pposites is_acwtomplished,_qnd when it is acdomplishedi. how tho together with the first three Ailstotlean laws .of logidfo-h a complete, closed-metalogic encompassing both physics and metaphysics. Everett"s theoreticalrriany-worlds interpretation- (MWI) of quantum mechanics then provides e MWI isknd6wn t0 framework onto which fou--law perception theory- can be fitte be consistent with the ent ireexperimental- basis o Physics. Thus the new schema Contains a--cofrespondence principle: i.e., it reduces t6 ordinfy physics in the'limit, .just-as Einstein's relativistic physics reduces- to Newtonian physics in-the limit. >' cluster of an infiifte number of orthogonal, 3-dimensional spatial frames, all containing 'the same single fourth dimension, or time axis,. provides a framework onto which mind, matter,. fieldsi being, life, and both physical-and metaphysical phenomena: can be fitted andprecisely riodelled. Thus metaphysics can be precisely modelled Lo Of Wiri i h by, and related to,, physics 4Suthe four-law per ption approach, a fundamental, particle becomes -a closure of the universe, in the anner of Einstein's spherical model of the cosm The simultaneous existence .of b h macroscopic*is due - to multiple closure of the same u verse at different rates (differing by a factor.of 1042). The polarity of a charged rticle is due to the-direction of closure taken he wor4ob.comes asingle gianthologramby the fast closure universe cusp, er than Cartesian. MM&ss i's-a time differentf;itor, and reality becomes- holographic, r 3 and in its differentiating of L T Mi kowskian spacetfime, ithe time dimension, is lost. not detect time directly, and the time dimension Thus physical detection systems -cannot be "seen" by a mass det tion.(sensory) system. The mind is-objective, since mental phenomena occupy or,s re the time dimension, and the time dimension is acceptedas objective In' phics. H6wever, the mind itself'is not perceived or 41 4A observed or detected, si a-rnss perception system (tfi --physical sensory apparatus) loses the e dimension, the only objective dimension shared. in common by mind and matteri6r to perception/detection/observation. 'Thus the act of "e-tection -- perception itself -- is'responsible for Descartes' physical sens sharp'sewp ion ofxmind and body. ,e'' mind becomes a complete 3-dimensional physical world, J ree or more world In orthogonal spatial- turns (rotations) away from the ordinary 3-dimensio an n-dimensionalcluster of orthogonal three-spaces with a single time axis waves~and photons are fitted into this model,,asreal particles in the eBroglie te space y unclosed -- hence it .is in physical experiments. spatially closed) i muste c n-I model, constructs that modellife; death, a biologicai system, psi, consciousness, inception, telepathy, tpsychkinesis, UFO's,, God, and the collective unconscious can be taken. Materialization, demat rializaticn, and mind linkage also , '-(materia!zed ' thought form. tspecific mechanism for,.tulpas. exist, as does a frames, and' the nature of a quazf simp ,_ : 4 V The. UFO phenomena may be :explaifed as tulpas. Which are tuned in from the hyperspatial mindworlds of the human species. Archetjy4al forms are most easily -evoked-, but are imprinted or changed according , to personal, social, and cultural conditioning. Several major UFO 'flaps" ate shown tooprecisely fit these criteria. Since in Everett's MWI all possibilities are concretely real,and e xsti then any-kind of thought reality at all may be orthorotated.in and emerge in the 6rdinary laboratory - spatial frame, and emergeaas concretely real objects, entities, vehicles, ,devices, etc:. However, since a mind is normally quite unstable, then tulpas Which ,are materialized are unstabe_and usually go away in a short peri6d of time. .... e-Iit expetimefitand the Hieronymus device are shown to involve the fourth- law of logic s oes the Heisenberg un ertainty principle-.1k newdefinition of nothing. is advance. Mltiple-preseice and singular absence ar identical (i.e., they are mdi able) to a minocular percePtiQn/deectio prcess . ynman 's criterion-for a unified field theory ( f it mus'_-xblain-why 1042 ' occurs in both the ratio of an electron's radius t6the Einstein olqspd universe's radius, and the ratio of the 'electrical force and; the gravitational-Jr eween two electrons -.is met by dual universe closure 'at rates differing b 'The dual -losure universe modelalso is consistent with Santillisa at the classical-assumption that ,electric field'and gravitational lfieIldre'diff"eret things is false, and thatthey are either totallyor partiallyvtheaie thing. -In duaii dlosure, an electtical field is essefitially-a gravi -ional field compressed by a factor of 1042, but-ina separte _ .closure cu praan tihe gravitational, field. 14'iub bard's manifold theory-of physics also derives the four-law metalogic, and substantiates the four-law perception approach. ii- UII ( ~TO.-7NDER8TAND, PSYCHOTRONICS N, VUGRAPH O(VNJ the prefix pyco rfr to the -mind-. 'The, suffix "'tronilds" -refers, to ,ph-yiss pyi~l~d~ Thus the-concept of "psychotronic'd!'rdfers to a union, of phyksicand metaphysics. 'to solve, the f~rmidable problem ,presented by supha uaiu conceptx equires asutntQerypsntproblem in metaphysics , foundaion of logic, foundations of physics, and foundations o6f math&erti~cs. AIt has bben said that fools-. rush-in where angels fear-to tread.,I To, tackle the problem ,of psydhotronics ddmands an audacity-.to go, where even fools fear to trdad'. ~SMt BASIC UNKNOWNS VUGRAPHON, -this slide lists .a few of the tingis which no one rleally understands. Tsychotronics involves a, new uinderstandingr 6f'aUl tese concepts Onei- must literally evoke a nrew concept of reality. VUGRAPH, OFF: SUGGESTED APPROACH VUGRAPH ON ( (Vg#3) In 12 years of intensive work on this question+ the: present authorhas evolved-a conceptual approadh, which is consistent with preseft #phy cs , but extends it, and one that appears to be capable of dealing with the ptblem. A new cbncept of feality is involved, however, and severe demands 'are made on the individual to Stretch his framework of domprehension. The perceptron+.concept is ahabstraction which enables the-modelling 'f perception.itself -- either mental perception -or physical detection. The fourth law of logi d involves the age-old-"identity of'oppositeS"'' whose apparent recessity has baffled logicians, philosophers, and scientists for-centurie:. With-the perceptron concept, one is at last enabled to comprehend how the identity of opposites- is acco°mplished ,and when- it is accomplished. E. g., this immediately solves the age0!d philosophical problem of change, once applied. The fourth laW also closes Jogiclint6 a- complete, closedd metalogic enCompassing, both physics and metaphysics. Everett'S many-worlds interpretation'(MWI) of quantum mechanics then provides the theoretical framework onto which perception theory can be fitted. The MWII ,isknown to be consistent with the entire experimental basis of physics, Thus the new schema contains a correspondence principle: i.e., it reduces to ordinary physics in the limit, just as Einstein physics reduces, to Newtonian physics in the limit. -A cluster of an infinite number of orthogonali, 3-dimensional spatial frames containing a,single common fourth dimension, or time axis, provides -a framework 6onto which mind, matter,, fields, being, life, and both physical and metaphysical phenomena can be fitted and precisely modelled. Thus metaphysicscan be precisely modelled by -physics. A theory of biofields is then apparent from the model. VUGRAPH OFF 3. -C A SUGGESTED ,APPROACH1 TO PSYCHOTRONICS (vg#4) VIUGRAPH ON From perception theory,, using :the perceptron coricept, the, author has succeeded .inderiving a great deal of the present basis-of physics,,, as shown on this slide. -Einsteint's postulates of relativity -have been. derived for the-special. relatiVity case , and-it alpears that the e quivalence prnciple, necessary-for general relativity, alsbfollows. 'The derivation 6f the first two postulates has been published-. Newton'-s laws of motion pubh~shied -- relativistic form -- have beeriderived and A solutioh to the ontological problem has been derived. 'in,addition, a new nature-of the photonfihas been, revealed. A photon is simply an ,ordinary 3-dimensiondl particle existing in a 3-spacethat is orthogonal to the laboratory 3-space frame. Thus the photonic particle has a 2-dimensional intersection with the labratory-observer's spatial frame, and it appears as a wave or 2-dimensional entity to him, A stationary particle in the laboratory frame cppears as a photon to the orthogonal- spatial frame. This can readily be seen as a necessity if one restates Einstein's second postulate. The second ,postulate is usually, stated as "The-speed of light is the same for every observer." Restated, the postulate becomes "Every photon in an inertial frame .is moving at the speed of light, c , With respect to-every particle in-that inertial frame." The corollary. then follows immediately: Every, particle in that inertial frame is also moving'at the speed of light, c , with respect to every ,photon in that inertial frame. In a single 3-space, this is incomprehensible; 3-spaces, it is perfectly comprehensible. Taking two orthogonal Ari:stotle's three laws of logic are incomplete, and' it is necessary'to,develop a fourth law to close logic into a metalogic encompassing physics and"mnetaphysics. The fourth law has thecharacteristics shown o.n the viewgraph. Wewill develop the fourth law shortly. VUGRAPH OFF 4. SUGGESTD,,.APPROACH- TO. PSYGHOTRONICS (vg#4) Of4 "i i. VTUGRAPH ON From perception theory usingthe, percptron ,coficept, the-author has succeeded in-deriving'a great deal of the present basis-of physics-,, as,shoWhon this slide. Einsteihn's postulates -of relativity have been.derived for the, special,relativity case, and it appears that the, equivalence-principle, necessary for ,general relativity,, also follows. 'The derivation of the.first two postulates has been published. Newton's laws of motion pubh shed. -- f relativistic form -- have been derived",a nd A solution to the ontological problem has been derived. In, addition,, a new- nature. of the photon has been, revealed. A, Photon: is simply an ordinary 3-dimensional particle existing in, a 3-space that is orthogonal to the laboratory 3-space frame. Thus -the photonic particle hasa -2-dimensional intersection with thelaboratory observer's, spatial frame, andit:appears as a wave or2-dimensional entity to-"him. Astationary particle in thelabqratory frame appears as a photon.to the brthogonal- spatial frame. This can readily be seen as a necessity if one restates Einstein's second postulate. The second postulate is usually stated as "The speedof light is the 'same for every -observer." Restated, the postulate becomes .Every 'photon in an inertial frame:is moving at the speed, of light, c,, With, respect to every particle in- that inertial frame." The dorollary"then follows immediately: Every, particle inthat-i nerti a l frame, is also moving at the. speedof light, c, with respect tO eVeryphotoniin that inertial frame. In a single 3-space,, this is incomprehensible. 3-spaces, It is perfectly comprehensible. Taking two orthogonal. Aristotle's three laws of logic are incomplete, and it is ,necessary ,to develop a fourth law to close logi -into a metalogic.encompassing physics and-meta physics. The fourth law has the characteristics shown on the viewgraph. We- will develop the fourth law shortly. VUGRAPH -OFF - 4. i ( A 4 -A_SUGGESTED APPROACH TO PSYCHOTRONICs (CONT'D) VUGRAH ON (Vg#5) Everett'S ,many-worlds 'interpretation of quantum mechanics, with whichvery few physicists are familar, in fact provides a4 needed- correction to the conventional interpretation of relativity, and it allows a theoretically -soundbasis to be constructed for psychotronics. The conventional interpretation of relativity considers only a single -Observer at a time. But if you can convince yourself of as simplea thing-as thatboth you and I exist simultaneously, regardless of how we move with respect to each other, then I assure you that physics is startling]y differeit from what you studied in the ordinary university physics 'book. Everett, originally a student of the world-renowned physicist, Dr. John , Wheeler at Princeton-, for:his PhD thesis considered the Iproblem of-multiple simiultaneous observers and worked out what this, did to physics. His highly innovative thesis&provided a totally new interpretation of quantum physics, and it defined a startling new kind of reality in which--all possibilities are physical real and, exist. This new physics ois indeed very strange, butit is totally consistent with the entire experimental basis of physics today. The present author discovered that all his,perception theory -could be fitted precisely onto Everett's many-worlds interpretation. On :that basis, a- theory or schema of biofields was derived which provides an approach toward a unified field theory. In fact, it predicts that any kind'of field can be turned into any other kind of field, merely by correct and precise time synchronization. It also' offers a physical and-exact model of mind and mental phenomena. On this basis, a framework can be provided for psychotronics which is consistent with what we know of ordinary physics, but which does nOt contain many of the limitations of conventionalI physics; VUGRAPH OFF 5' A FUNDAMENTAL CORRECTION TO CLASSICAL LOGiCd (vg#6) VUCPAPH ON Let us now make a fundamental correction to Aistotle's three laws of logic. First, one does not have a thought pet se; one has a "'perceivedthought," There is a perception operatibh involved whenione 'thiniks. There is no independent existence to :physical: phenomena either; there is a perception operation involved' when-one perceives or observes physical phenomena. Further, it takes a finite piece of time fot the perception proces s to occur. So let us impose this ctiterion upon logic itself; i.e., so as to constitute "logical We begin perception" or the "logic of perception" or the "perception of logic." with Aistotle's third law of logic, A or not-A, the law of the excluded-middle. We Willihskst that there is- n6 such thing as A per se, but that rather there isa perceived A where A is the output of the perception process; Similarly, there thing not-A, but rather there is a perceived not-A where not-A is is such of process. thenooutput the as perception that for thethe factoutput as an abbreviation box written symbol inside use a little square We has wil] occurred, the, boxrepresents and, anything perception, One can speak of the little -box either-as mental of:that perception operation. perception and describe thought, or'one can speak of it as physical detection and describean instrumentation system :that does detection and measurement. Also, since each little box requires a finite time to occur, one must carefully keep up with the individual little pieces of time, the delta t's. -Sometimes one will get tired of writing little delta t's, and in that case 'one will just Write :the number of each one as a subscript and the delta t will be understood. So applying this to Aristotle's third law, we have A perceived or outputted in time one, and not-A outputted in time 2. Note that to ascertain that A1 and not-A2 actually differ requires a third operation, in time 3, that is assumed by the exclusive or symbol. Looked at in this Way, Aristotle's third law actually is the law of monocularity; i.e., it states that only one-thing at a time is perceived. Actually we had assumed this when we assumed that perception was a finite process, so it is nice to find that Aristotle's third law justifies our assumption, once we understand the third law. The exclusive or symbol assumes a third operation, in time three (not shown), whereby it is determined that perception output one and output two actually differ. But such an operation itself requir@ inultiocular perception -- i.e., the .collL -ing of two outputs at once -- and that in itself is a violation of Aristotle's third law. The law as Written contains its own cohtradiction, as indeed does each of the other two, laws when. one examines them meticulously. It can only be established as true by invoking or involving an operation wherein it is not true. 4( U ATUNDAMEN.TAL CORRECTiONTO CLASSIGAL 3LOGIC (continued), So-now let-us write what-we, did-in time three toestablish-zthe third -law.. -;-A andi Wegathered up what had ,beenper-cepton ,output in time one 1 What'had been perception output in-time 6 -- A2 , which, just yet We, do notknow is different -from A or not - and shoved them both through the perceptin -process, gettifg only one output -- let us -call it B ,--in time three. By the nature-6f B in time In either. the outputs iitimes o neand twodiffefror hot. three, we say that tlie-one rtimen w6,. there is-noirdicationb wihatsoever of difference-.orsameness. existing betweefnoutput-o'neand output two'.. -- Now note that,, in time three, if A and .fiot-A 2 are precisely opposite - i.e., B will-be, zero., If, Ifone,operati6fialis simply the.negative obf theother--then wil have a3 finite value. A and- not-A 2 are not-preci'gely opposites, then 3 1B But-if;B 3 is zero,, that:i§ the samneas saying that perceptiond6es.n6it occur. Hence perception6of difference. between A1 and not-A 2 does not occurAn time 3 .ifI A 1 and'A2 • are precise opposites. • (I Sobhere we have arrived at the identity of opposites. If no perception occurs (. in, time three, then there i's no perception of difference between A1 and' not-A2 in time 'three. And.this cofistitutes a fourth lawof logic: the law of :the boundry, -or the All that is necessary to identify opposites is boundary Identity-of exact opposites. to lose all perceptual distinction between- them. And that is accomplished"by multiocular perception, of perceiving the presence~of both at once, hence theabsence To a monocularprcess, multiple presence of paired of either exclusively present. opposites is not perceivable;, hence no single one is perceived,, which means that nothing is, perceived I VUGRAPH OFF 7. . FOUR, ;LAWS1 OF L OGICAL ;-THOUGHT, .(vg#7) ".. VUGRAPH ON The first three, laws of logic, after Aristotle, are shown on this vugraph, along:with the prqposed fourth law. I e., The first three 'lawsinvOlve perceptual output entities which are mohocularo. one-at-a-time has been perceived. I.e., The ,fourth law involves' perceptual output entities which are multiocular. two-at-a-time, have beenperceived.oroutputted. If one would completely describe perception, it is not possiblRe todo 0 so with monocular laws only. For in that case, the multiocular dase-is not covered by a, logic ,thdtis.monocular ,only'. Thefirst three laws, being, monocular, are incomplete, and a multiocular law is 'required if a Complete logic, is to be, formedl. The fourth law,as writtenis, the required multiocular law, and 'it completes formal'logic. We willalso see that the first three laws have been inappropriately -named'. VUGRAPH -OFF t THE LOGICIAN'S'DREAM: A CLOSED METALOGIC. (vg#8) VUGRAPH' ON The new system of logic is shown here'. The system is-closed. All present paradoxes contradictions of one,or moreof the first three laws -- are. resolved by the fourth lawj which coritains the negation of each of the first three laws. Note also that the hidden time three operation -- which has actually, been the application of the fourth law all along, - is, implied by the cofinecting symbol in each of the firstthree laws. Identity or, non-identity between time one and time, two 0utputs can- only be eStabliShed in a time- three. operation. The fact that A or not-A exclusively exists can only , be established by a separate operation which establishes that nothing else is there. Since these laws refer to perceptual operations, one can, think of them operationally, or vectorially. To-ciose the vectorial system prescribed by the first three laws, the opposite( or negation of -each of the:three vectorial statements must be present. I.e., -this -follows simply from the definition of what constitutes a closed system. Since the fourth law contains ,the negation of each of 'the first three laws, then the four law system is indeed closed, and the logician's dream of a closed metalogic is realized. Further, anything which c6ntradicts any combination of the first three laws automatically is covered by the fourth law. We thus should 0b able -to,resolve all paradoxes. VIUGRAPH OFF II ' ~ 9. A 'PHYS] SAL :EXAMPLE (vg4#§) VUGRAPH ON For a physical example: Take the surface: of a cube in deep space. Call the cube, thiny, a Z3-Dconcept. Call the empty space around the cube nonthing, meaninga 3-bD nohthing or absenc'bf thing. If one is standing inside the cube and looks at the boundary surface of the cube, one cannot find a single piece of that boundary surfact that-does not belong .toatily to the cube. S6oone can very reasonably proclaim that by the first three laws of logic each piece of the boundary belongs totally to the cube, to But if in a different operation one is 'standing outside the cube, one cannot find a single piece of that boundary surface that does, not belong entirely to the, space surrounding the -cube. So in thiscase, one can claim by the first three laws of lgic that the boundary surface belongs totally to nonthing. Then in a third operation- one can state that, bythe first law of logic, each and every piece of the boundary surface is identical to itself, and of course-one has just identified what.was thing with what was nonthing. Specifically, what wa's thing in perception time one and what was nonthing time two have been identified, by all,distinction, and separation'between perception in 'them being removed,/in time three. j Andall one has really donie is apply the fourth law of logic, the law of the boundary. Every single perceived thinghas a boundary, where it-both begins and ends its exclusive: presence in perception output. And at that boundary, the fourth law applies. Thusthe law is universal. 'The fourth law defines a boundary., VUGRAPH OFF 0 I" =' 10. .i) THREE EXAMPLES 'OF. FOURTH.LAW (vg#10)' VjGRAPH ON- Here are three more examples that have -baffled mathematicians and logicians. All of these are simply boundary statements the fourth law of logic. -- i.e., statements- involving: Since logicians used' only the first three laws, none of these statements is acceptable or understandable. By the fourth law,, there is no problem with these tatements. The first merely refers to -the operational boundary between the operation, used to establish "truth" and the operation used to establish "falsity." There is another class of operation where neither truth nor falsity exclusively applies. I E.g., take the proposition "It is raining or it is not raining."' To state the proposition is 'to jimply that you yourself can see or ufnderstand both conditions at once, but that you Will extract one or the other separately, The other two:examples have corfiparable meanings. ( ( VUGRAPH OFF 11. At ( NEW-DEFINITION ZOF ZERO (vg#l1) _ \tUGRAPH ON' To a m6nocular perception process, multiple presence constitutes absence of "the exclusive presence of any-particular one. Therefore such a multiple -presence is monocularly ,uhperceivable, and hence becomes a zero to a monocular detection process. This allows new definitions of zero, and"a solution tothe problem of nothing. VUGRAPH OFF Note to the briefer: I.e., consider that a mbnocular detection process, asks the question, "Is there a single exclusive thing present inmy input? "' If the answer is yes, an output is generated and a perception occurs. if the answer is no, no output is generated and perception does not occur. Tl- ;nswer "No," occurs in two fashions: total absence, or presence of simultaneously. For either of these cases, monocular perception gives or more two no output, and' perception does ntoccur. I.e., the "absence Of perception" occurs. Now note that the monocular perceptron cannot tell any difference in, the two input conditions. To it, there is no difference between- the two conditions. The lack of difference atall constitutes identity. Thus to ainonocular perception process, condition oneAs identical to condition two. That in fact derives 'the fourth law of logic. Total absence and total, presence are identical insofar as a monocular detection prodess is concerned. 12'. 4 4 I SYNCHRON4ICI 0CONCEPTS OF, VUGRAPli ON licAs is. so often -the case, two -persons,appear to haiveb derived the new5 Bearden from perceptron theorV. IHubbard from manifold theory. WGAIIP VUGRAPH ,ONj Hubbard'&s profound' Work- fully-substanitiates the neowlogic and th&4 new reality paradigm4. VUGRAPH OFF Note to briefer:,1 Per private, correspondence with Dr. J. ubbard., Direttor, AssbciationI for Distinguished Ameorican. Scientists, P.-O. Box 805 , Saratogak, CA 95070. 14,. i ( Two :-SLIT E:XPEkRIMENT' ., YU AVjGPH ON," (v9#i14 ' """ This''experiment is fundamental to all f modern .physics. Fey nman, 'Nobel prize winner in physicsj, .has stated that -,n6-physicfst -,ndetstand's this experiment. " "" 'The reason is that it cannot be monocularly comprehended. firSt three laws,-of logic cannot explain it. ". I .e,., 'the Thefourth law. cA n and does,, In -the experiment, electrons are emitted from a source .and tra-vel6 past~a doubly-sit wall region. on theirWay to a screen. The apparatus is shielded against light. If one belieyes that the emitted eldctron is a little 3-d,,particle-, muchlike a little baseball,, then it should go-through one of -the slits and- not -the other., 'It would then -hit"the screen at-one of the. tWo 'spots indicated ias the expected distribution, With. a little scatter from those that chip the. edge of the:slit a bit. Electrons which do,not hit the holes but strike the Wall are absorbed. The 'expected Pattern is notat all what one gets. Instead', the actual pattern is. essentially the same as what one Would get 'if each ,electron Were a wavefront, and that Wavefront passed through both, slits at-orie. However, each electron still strikes ,the screen in only one point; the distributionof'these points, fits the actual distribution pattern shown. And that blew their minds in-physics. They , didnt believeit,at first, so they set up a, photon gun and hit each ,and every electron with a photon as -it left the emitter source and started over toward the two-slit region. 'That is, 'they determined precisely when a little 'electron was on theway,, and the fact that'it was like a,little baseball and in just.one place,. And this,:time the electron ohlywent through a single. slit, and it gave the expected pattern .after all. And'when the experiment was repeated and only a fraction of the electrons were hit with photons, then a. mixture of the two patterns emerged. why It is simpleto mathematically describe the 'results, but noone hasunderstood things 'happenedas they did in this experiment. The principle of complementarity evades the 'issue. That principle is 'simply ,amonocular statement that deals Withone aspect of the problem at a time -- i.:e with the determined,, exclusive, monocular.p only. It~does not apply to the presei nor to the future. If one'thinks in terms of the present, then the third law of logic is Violated andC the fourth law applies. The two states -- 2-D, wave and 3;-D corpuscular - both exist simuicAneously in the present,, but nonexclusively. That requires two simiultaneous states, and that automatically means .that determination or ,Prception hs not0o . 1 TWO-SLIT-EXPERiMIENT (. (continued) Thus in physics tens]that becomes probabilistic andundetermined, -and thatis. coacept., I.e..j. waves.are' not stuck:in one place and: automatically a WaVe._. determinedor localized, sothey exist in the present and not the :past. On theother-hand, when a selection or determina'tion iS made..on the electron, that is adifferentiating or separating,,perception operation, hence itis in the, past. 'And that is, aut matically a -3-D corpuscle concept +.-a localizing or fixihg concept. So When the electron has not been separated into single state butremains in dUal-state, it can-act as' a wave. In that case it easily passes through- both slits at once. But when it has been forced intoa selection or separatingperception, that makes it single-state, and in that case it:passes through only one-slit.or the other. When the electron strikes the-screen', regardless of whether it is dual-state or it, and so the electrondbecomes , singie-state,, the screen forces a selection upon single-state and thus hits in only one spot on thb screen at once. And that is the explanation-of the two-slit experiment, that no one understands.J The reason it has not been understood- is that the ansWer wasnot present in the first three laws of logic. It requirest the addition of the fourth law :to complete the ( explanation of the experiment. And photons 'do the same-thing, as indee d do all neutrons, .prti0ns, and other fundamental particles. So. things, nothings if you will, can. be-processed in ,the two-states identified-as-one-so-none-bserved state. They can-be amplified, recorded,, put on tape, etc. It is ,The two-slit experimental apparatus is a real gadget, and it works. a device,. So one can build devices that process entities Whichare in two nnexclusive-states-at-bnce. To our monocular detection gadgets and They are pure monocular theory, such entities are unobserved and hence are zero. vacuum. Put space. Pure nothing. But very real indeed, and -they do physically exist, but multiocUlarly ratfher than monocularly. VUGRAPH OVF. 16. TPSYCHOTRONIC-DEVICE:., SPACE,(gUITON)AMPLFIIR It is now possible to- speak Of a "'piece of nothing, #' that we will call a guiton, . ,Aquiton will be defined as "the -smallest piece of nothings,, 'that still does ,n6i&(oocularly,appear as,a,perceived thing.," Collection of a sufficient number ofquitons results in breaching a :threshold, so that a thift results. el., olecting al of one type of thing -- quitons -- reaches the boundary- where it turns fitoits ,own oopposite, by-the fourth law of logiC. -j . Thus in any situation-involving a, particulari'zed n6thing, collecting enough pieces oftthat nothing eventually exhausts the nothingi set-and reaches its boundary,, whereupon it is a thig. That is really little 'different from collecting all nondimensional poifnts in a particular sequence and 'finding you now have a one-diniensi6nal line: segment, or collecting all th6 pieces of spacetimewarp in a 'particular region and discovering 'thatyou, have now a mass. A device can easily be constructed to process dual-natured- 6r binocular . entities (quitons), which are monocularly zeroes, while excluding monocular entities. Thus one can builda space amplifier or quiton amplifier or vacuum amplifier. The vugraph shows a schemefor doing that. Two single-state excluders in series feed or input to an ordinary single-state amplifier or processor -in a shielded container. The output is fed into a device which -will rotate the dual-state entity or field so that an ordinary- field can result. I.e., one side or the other of the dual-state output will be exclusively presented in 3-space. OFF VURAP Note, to,briefer Consider "nothing" in the multiocular sense; i.e., as multiplepresence. Collecting all the multiple present things intoone reaches the boundary. Therefore the one-thing But one thing is perceivable by monocular perception. just collected now can be outputted by perception, and it is. That -is how the unperceivable turns into the perceivable when one reaches the boundary. 17. .: -PSYCHOTRONIC DEVICE: SPACE (QUITON) AMPLIFIER (Yg$15) VUGRAPH ON It is now possible tospeak ofta "piece- of nothing," that we will call a -A quiton Will be defined as "the smallest piece of nothiig, that still-does'not monIobulafly appear as a perceived thing.," quiton- Collection ofi a sufficient number of quitons results in breaching a threshold-, so that a -thingq, results. reaches the boundary I e., collecting all-of bne type of thing -- quitons where it turns into its own opposite, by ,the-fourth law of-logic. -- ThUs in any situation involvirig a particularized nothing, collecting enough pieces of that nothing eventually exhausts thenothing set 6nd ' reaches its boundary , whereupon it is-a thing. That is really little different from collecting all nondimensional' points in a particular sequence and finding you rnow have a One-dimensional line segment, or collecting all the pieces of spacetime- warp in a particular region-and discovering that you-,have now a mass. ( A device can easily be constructed to process dual-natured or binocular enttities (quitons), which are monocularly Zeroes, while excluding monocular Thus One can build a space-amplifier or quiton amplifier or vacuum amplifier. entities. The vugraph shows a scheme for doingthat. Two single-state excluders in series feed or input to an ordinary single-state amplifier or processor in a shielded container. The output is fed-into a device which will rotate the dual-state entity or fieldso that an ordifiary field can result. I.e., one side or the other of the dual-state output will be exclusively presented in 3-space. VUGRAPH OFF Note to briefer Consider "nothing" in themultiocular sense; i.e., as multiple presence. Collecting all the multiple present things into one reaches the boundary. Therefore the one-thing But one thing is perceivable by monocular •perception. just-collected now*can be outputted by perception, and it is. That -is how the unperceivable turns into the perceivable when one reaches the boundary. 17. [ Now, if one believes he cannot sense th e anenergy fields, then he can'.t. One can turn the entire anenergy detection system in-,his body off with'his unconscious mind. The negative psi effect is a Weli -documented effect in parapsychology. There-are goats~as wellas sheep., ;Some persons do worse on psi tests than chance would possibly allow. They-are the goats. They- exhibit the negative psi effect,, for unconsciously they-want to §how you that psi doe:s not Work, so badly that they use psi effects to do-worsethan is possible by chance. I At any rate, the human sensory system can get a tingle,.from the anefiergy -field, generated by the flat c0il of wire in the Hieronymus machliie's output. What type of tingleone gets depends upon one's own type of body sensory tuning. It madyfeel as if the fingers on the plastic plate are in. thick syrup. Or as if the plastic plate were vibrating,. Or it may feel greasy in a peculiar way. 'And the negative person does not -get~a tingle at all. The Hieronymus ,machine 'has been built, by many persons, and it works for those'whoare not negative. It processes entities ,that existin the-dual-statej, or thatobey the fourth law of logic. And one can do Some almost magical'thingswith -thesedual-state nonthings, these, nothings, -if one,ets "his mind- to it. A; all of you reariZe,;that is what psychotronids isalla bout. VUGRAPH OFF 19. 1 I "' 1[' . ' . L'i~ . i I li "1 IN* ! 'lI" .... :' I~ "'i "'m l "l '°i 'i:' "{ i:'' ... PROBABILITY:., THROW OF ADIE (vg# 1.7) VUTGRAPHE',ON The fourth law of logic is absolutely indispensable in physics. itevery-day and'does not realize it. E.g., fin probability. One uses One doesn't have.much.physics left without probability., But what/after all is probability? The lfbundations of mathematics fell6ws have never succeeded in answering-that question to their satisfaction. If you read the definitions presently advanced, you will find they essentially say, "'Probability; is probability, every fool knows that ." Let us usea very simple example to get at the answer to that queston. Let us use the face of a die' turned uP. 'How can I model that, before the die is 'thrown? Now one can only think by operationalism. To operate and output something it is to automatically putit in the past. Its happened, iOs gone, the moment you do it. To.perceive an object is to. put it in the past. To determine it is to put it in' the .past. To observe it is to put'it in the past. There is no observed, perceived, detected, mpasured, or determined present. That is, there is no separated, exclusive, determined present such as is specified by the first three laws of logic -4i the fourth law is the present, by the way -- but in observational physics which deals. with determined, observed past phenomena, there exists no present. The ftiture has not yet been observed, so it also is the -unobserved'. Only the 'past' therefore is the observed. How then can one ever .hope to. model the-unobserved present or the unobserved future? If I look at this little problem-I'm disciissing -- the future 6bserved die with one face up -- that is in the past. When I see it, it i's in the past. When I think it, the die in the past, it is in the past. So if all I can observe, think, or perceive ishow can I ever model it in the future? It's very simple! p J' If I drive any problem set to its absolute boundary limit, it turns into its owli opposite by the fourth law of logic, by the law of the boundary. So how do I do that With this problem of the die? The problem set is specified by the condition "the perceived die with one NOW' simply find.&ll the most immediate face up"; that is..the -most recent past. pasts you can get to meet the condition specified, and gather themJall up ogether, and they then must turn into and comprise precisely the&opposite, the most'imiebdiate ( future. In this problem set, I can'constructand collect six such pasts, each of logic., fourth law by the up. So face consisting of the perceived die with-one those six-"faces up" collected together as an ensemble represent the future and in'faict are identical to the future. The "present,' which -is simply'the boundary .. .2.0. ... . .. PROBABILITY: THROW OF A-DiE (continued) betwee-n the -most inumediate past and the most immediate-future, was specified by-applying; the fourth.law Of logic in the first ,place: identity of m6st immediate past and most immediate future, being binocular, is unperceived, butit'is ,the present nonetheless. So that is what probability is -- an application of the'the most immediate future can be rep-esented interniis fourth law, of logic, so of the most immediate past -- and physicists andhathematiciafns have been doing that ever since they have .been-doing physics and mathematics., Without the fourth law of logic, there exists n6-rigorous logical basi's forpr6bability!V So the fourth-law is a very useful law indeed. W.e have just failed to, realiZe that-we have 'been applying it all, along., vuGRAPH OFF 21 21 / i2 21. .-. SOLUTION TO ONTOLOGICAL PROBLEM VUGRAPH- ON (gl8 The ontological problem can also be solved as shown on this chart.I VUGRAPH OFF 22.. - THE PERCEPTRON APPROACH ( 4 (vg#19) VUGRAPH ON This slide shows the basic perceptron approach. It gives a new definition of a fundamental particle. It is also an application of the fourth law of logic. Since it contains all four laws, the concept is capable of modelling everything which can be perceptually thought. By the fourth law, since it can model everything which can 1e perceived, it can also model everything which cannot be perceived as well. Thus the concept enables one to model everything, perceived or unperceived. (PAUSE WHILE VUGRAPH IS READ) VUGRAPH OFF 23. EINSTEIN"S SPHERICAL MODEL OF THE COSMOS (vg#2O0) VUGRAPH ON Einstein's spherical model of the cosmos is a primary example of a holographic universe. [ In such a closed spacetime, each point inside thE universe .is also at the extreme end of the universe in any direction. Thus the entire "physical universe" is totally outside any of its internal points, and totally inside each internal point as well, in this model. That is an application of the fourth law of logic. is identical to the total external. The total internal The adjective "total" merely moves one to the common boundary between the operational concepts of "internal" and "extcrnal." At that boundary, there is no operational distinction between one and the other. ( VUGRAPH OFF Note to briefer: The universe ciosure is not limited to just one occurrence or one rate of closure. In fact the universe can then proceed to close again within the same local 3-space. E.g., a gradual macroscopic closure due to gravity field (or causing it!) constitutes the "external universe," and a second extremely sharp microscopic closure due to electric field (or causing it!) constitutes "electric charge." The two together constitute a fundamental charged particle of mass. The polarity of charge is determined merely by which of two directions the second closure was made in. Considering an electron as such a dually closed entity, it is readily seen that the closure ratios are all that is being referred to by Feynman's condition. In this model, the same parameter between gravitational force and electrical force will obvio.sly exist as is between the radius of the electron and the radius of the closed macroscopic universe, only in inverse fashion. This meets Feynman's condition. The model is also consistent with Santilli's proof that the electric field and the gravitational field are either the same thing or partially the same thing. In our model, an electric field is in fact a highly compressed gravitational field. Proper time synchronization shculd allow fantastic antigravity effects to be realized, and thus electrogravitics has a basis in this model. 24. - BASIS FOR A UNIF1ED FIELD THEORY: SOLUTION TO FEYNMAN'S PROBLEM (vg#2 1) VUGRAPH ON Feynman pointed out that unified field theory must explain the appearance of the same parameter 1042 in the respective force ratios and radiuses of the electron and the macroscopic universe. The dual closure hypothesis does this. It also is consistent with Santilli's proof. VU RAP. ... OFF Note to briefer: The implications of such a model are potent. A totally new interpretation of electromagnetic fields is conceivable. Electrogravitics, Kozyrev's time oscillations, T. Townsend Brown's rock transducers, and Curtis's oceanic electrical fields are some fruitful aspects for analysis and exploitation. 25. REALITY IS HOLOGRAPHIC (vg#22) V(JGRAPH ON From every nook and cranny it is shouted out that reality is holographic rather than a Cartesian cube, VUGRAPH OFF 26. MASS IS A TIME-DIFFERENTIATOR (vg#2 3) VUGRAPH ON The most fundamental aspect of the concept of mass is that it occupies space -- i.e., that it is three-dimensional. Mass thus is a time differentiation of Minkowskian spacetime L 3 T. Applying the fourth law of logic, a thing does that which it is, and is that which it does. Thus mass is a time-differentiator. VUGRAPH OFF 41 'A;' Ii _- 1 .A 27. MIND IS OBJECTIVE (vg#24) VUGRAPH ON But in time differentiating, mass loses the time dimension. see L 3 Therefore one cannot see "time" with a mass perceiver, but can (spatial extension). Therefore one also cannot perceive mind, because the plate (time) on which it was sitting is lost in the perception process. VUGRAPH OFF Note to briefer: Thus Descartes was both right and wrong. He was right in that mind is not present in physical detection output, but wrong in believing mind and physical phenomena were therefore totally separate. E.g., time does not 3 exist except with respect to between one L3 perception and another, if L "physical" time is totally relative, totally is all that is outputted. I.e., mental, and exists only in memory. Mind is thus present in L3 T 4-dimensional physical phenomena and is discretized along with time discreteness in the h/21Yt. Heisenberg uncertainty relation A E .4 t In fact, one can even take the extreme view that time is mind, with some justification. Because to establish a delta t, a "former" L3 must be 3 3 established and compared to a more recent L . The only place the former L can rigorously be found is in memory. An event, once occurred, is in the past and is forever "gone" to the observer. Only in his memory can it be said to exist. But then so is the observation also of the "most recent L3 . " Thus rigorouslylobserved phenomena may be said to exist only in memory, and there is only a past, never a present. Thus a full 4-D mind is inseparable from perceived physical phenomena, and mind is quantized along with quantum change in the $"physicalworld." 2( ( BIOFIELD CONCEPTS (vg#25) VUGRAPH ON To understand the hyperframe approach to fields, one must understand dimensionality of intersections in n-dimensional space. VUGRAPH OFF Note to briefer: slide, Hubbard's manifold theory also derives these principles shown on the - I: 29. .2 (142 2 i-i MASS,,FORCE, AFT) 3-3) ROTATION (vg#2 6) VU GRAPH ON It is well known that a moVing mass can be considered as existing in a 3-D space which is bent away from the line of motion of the mass as seen in the laboratory frame. 900 . As the velocity of the object approaches C, the angle of bending approaches From the bottom left fig-re it can be seen that a force in the laboratory frame, applied to the moving mass along its direction of motion in the laboratory frame, only affects the mass ivi the mass's bent frame with a 4 ,; projected portion. To the laboratory observer, the mass's resistance to the disturbing force applied seems to have increased;thus to him the inertial mass of the object seems to have increased. I.e., if it's harder to push, its resistance to pushing must have increased. But in the bent frame, the object's mass has not increased. The bent frame effect is why the mass of an object increases to one observer but not to the other. * When the bent frame can be rotated a full 900, no force applied by the laboratory observer can accelerate it further, because the applied force has zero resultant in the bent frame where the mass actually is. Thus the v mass (resistance to pushing) appears infinite to the laboratory observer, while to the bent observer it is still exactly the same as iL always was. ' However, the mass's intersection in the lab frame is now 2-dimensional. Since only 3-d objects can have mass, the object is "massless" to the laboratory observer, So here we have a paradox; Zero mass is identical to infinite mass. This is perfectly in copsonance with the fourth law of logic. The absence of any single finite mass actually permits two indistinguishable solutions: The absence of any 3-d mass at all, and the presence of more than The two opposites are identical on the boundary any finite mass at all, case*. Thus a photon has zero mass because it is a two-dimensional object and P only 3-dimensional objects have mass. A photon also has infinite mass because it cannot be accelerated along its direction of travel. )A' jl Further, a photon is a perfectly ordinary 3-D particle existing in a 3-space that is one orthogonal turn away from the laboratory 3-space. ( VU GRAPH OFF 30. k; __ __ PI - BENDING OF 3-D FRAMES (vg#2 7) VUGRAPH ON Two consecutive orthogonal bends can be accomplished in such a manner that spatial closure back upon the starting point is accomplished. If a 2-D wave is travelling through such a dimensional closure and closes back exactly in phase, it can travel forever in such a closed-in space. That closure, called a formon, constitutes a stable particle. It also represents two c velocities multiplied together to give c 2 . A particle mass, which from its mass content refers to this closure of 2-D into a 3rd dimension, thus contains a c 2 term. When the particle is separatea into its constituent 2-D photon waves, the c 2 term is recovered. That is why E m 0c 2 constants of proportionality disregarded. ( VUGRAPH OFF k Note to briefer: If a 2-D wave in a double orthogonal bend closure closes on itself slightly out of phase, that constitutes a formal , a form that is unstable, i.e., an unstable particle. If the closure is greatly out of phase, the formal is so unstable that it constitutes a resonance in particle physics. 31] 31. QUARKS (vg#2 8) VUGRAPH ON It is proposed that a quark is an unclosed two orthogonal bends, as shown in the left figure. Three quarks, however, can make a complete universe closure, as shown in the right figure. And that is a fundamental particle. Thus single quarks do not independently appear as particles in experiments because they are neither particles nor waves in the classical sense. Their indirect effects, however, should be detectable in a properly designed experiment. VUGRAPH OFF Note to briefer: Thus quarks have not been independently detected to date because the experiments have been designed to detect particles or waves. Under the proper conditions, a quark as postulated herein should be able to seemingly annihilate a photon in the proper type of collision. __ 32. EVERETT"S MANY-WORLDS INTERPRETATION OF QUANTUM MECHANICS (vg#29) VUGRAPH ON Both mind and matter -- metaphysics and physics -- can be precisely modelled in Everett's many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. Specifically, if one selects an infinite number of orthogonal 3-spaces (L ) which all share the same 4th dimension in their 4-spaces, then being, mind, matter, life, and psi are all modellable in a precise and exact fashion by physics. 3 's VUGRAP OFF ,{- 4 Z.. 33. 1 _ - - i SPACET[ME CURVATURE IS TRICY (vg#30) VUGRAPH ON But bent spaces give strange results. A thing in one frame can be something quite different in another frame. just as the mass of a moving object does not increase with respect to its own inertial frame. What a thing is, is relative to the perceiver and his perceiving frame. Entirely. It can even be nothing in a great many frames. Now do you see how "nothing" can contain "everything?" VUGRAPH OFF !I; 34 ( CLUSTERED ORTHOGONAL WORLDS (vg#3l1) VUGRAPH ON A sample of this is shown here. A inental object is quite physical in its own bioframe. VIJGRAPH OFF 35.1 BIOFIELDS: TIME-CLUSTERED ORTHOFRAMES (vg#32) VUGRAPH ON On this slide is a convenient list of how objects appear in different frames. This schema, selected from Everett's MWI, allows modelling of life, death, mind, matter, and psi. It also allows one type of "field" to be orthorotated and turned into another kind. 1 Such orthorotation demands correct time synchronization, rather than brute force energy application. conservative In fact, orthorotation is energy- for a single orthogonal turn. VUGRAPH OFF Note to briefer: E.g., photon emission and photon absorption are orthorotbional processes, 3-D to 2-D and vice versa respectively. These processes are energy-conservative, but require precise time synchronization, hence -. 4 precise energy synchronization. 'i 'I; 36. LIFE AND DEATH (vg#33) VUGRAPH ON Here, e.g., is shown the schema for life and death. Note that all possibilities -- everything that happened or could have happened, and everything that will happen or could ever happen, are real and exist concretely. The same is true for all thoughts and thought worlds, and all possible thoughts and possible thought worlds. The totality is simply all-being -- ] or call il God if you wish. I Yes, Virginia, all possibilities and all formats of single 3-D reality exist. Demons, UFO's, fairies, Sasquatches, conceptions, speculations -- ] spirits, gods, realities, each is real in its own )main. Our own "physical reality" is simply a single format -- but o! course it happens to be the one to which we find ourselves attached. Therefore "'physical reality" has a certain type of fundamental reality which is not normally shared by the other formats, unless a piece of one of them is orthorotated into our own world. ( Reality cannot be comprehended in terms of a single format. Instead one must look at the format of all formats, which is formatless by definition. The void is devoid of void, and that is very full indeed. Everett's many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics contains the structure for the format-oi-all-formats. It contains the structure for life and death as well, if we understand how to look, and if we understand that all orthogonal worlds crosstalk. VUGRAPH OFF Note to briefer: In fact what we call our own "physical reality" can be shown to be nothing but the sum total of all the crosstalk from all the other worlds that passes through t w this particular differential zone 37. ( ( MAVERICK WORLDS (vg#34) VUGRAPH ON Even the strangest conceptions and most fantastic possibilities have their own assigned realm of concrete reality. These weirdos are referred to as maverick worlds. One example is shown here, where the effect (i.e., the effect in the laboraLofy franle) always precedes the cause (i.e., the cause in the laboratory frame). This world would appear to run backwards to us. By proper coherent tuning, an object in one of these orthoframes can be orthorotated into our own frame and objectified -- and that is what the Tibetian monks called a tulpa -- an objective materialization of a thought form. The tulpa will hardly ever be closed entirely in phase, however, and so it will almost always be unstable. UFO's, angels, imps, etc go away. But the appearance of one of these can be entirely objective and perfectly objective traces can be left, such as photographs, broken limbs, scorched asphalt, indentations, depressions in grassy fields, etc. Any thought object can be so orthorotated, and objectified. Beings, religious figures, angels, fairies, imps, UFO's, monsters, etc can all result. VUGRAPH OFF 38 ( 38. ANGELS, IMPS. AND UFO TULPAS (vg#35) VUGRAPH ON When tulpas emerge, they emerge as cultural modulations of archetypal forms. I.e., an infinite number of reality channels exist. The total instrumentation characteristics, both genetic, psychological, and physiological, of the observer or observers who tune in the channel determine the noise content and the actual channel selected. VUGRAPH OFF z :: 39.9 v EXAMPLES OF UFO WAVES S (vg#3 6) VUGRAPH ON Here are some examples of major UFO waves which show the imprint of stress upon the collective unconscious and the noise and tuning of the groups unconsciously tuning in the phenomena. The psychological interpretation of the tulpa materialization is thus quite significant and revealing. VUGRAPH OFF ( i ° 40. I i ' SUGGESTED APPROACH: SUMMARY ' VUGRAPH ONg3 $ (vg#37) In summary, we have suggested an approach which can lead to the understanding of psychotronics. Further, it captures both the mind and the material universe within the same model. It is the only model proposed to date which does this. Using the perceptron approach, the fourth law of logic, and Everett's many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, a theory of biofields can be constructed to unit' field theory and provide a framework for some of the strange effects of psychotronics. All of these parts are required, if one is to explain psychotronics. Literally, one has to create a totally new physics paradigm -- one which contains the old physics, and yet contains the mind, life, hyperspaces, and a great deal more. I "i Only in terms of such a new paradigm can psychotronics be comprehended. As best I can, I have tried to put together the schema for that new paradigm, and that is what I have presented to you today. V Thank you for your kind attention. VUGRAPH OFF 4' 41. Vixgraph 1 CD , CD rD D~ CD CDC) rn_ CI) CD C) 4M --p~ QI M --A *P1 CD 1P m C/) CD C-) - CD CD CD CD C11o P"ell C) 42.H (IAt CD CD m P1 rr ( Vu ra-ph #2 C) G) m =2() m' C:) C) -V U cc C) - -- r --- r/) C q. m'-n ~ m - C - t-4 C-,CD cn C -. AT 6 ~~Vugraph N3 4 -- Mrr i-r C/) C) :I I C/(l) CD C) -4- - C-,ri C) 7)0- m C I- C) c, i-ri) CD0 -n - =t i-r CD -n m m C-1) C-C) 'A-- Vugraph #4 C)Ii r- rn -1 C C) 70 C)- mn ~ F-Cl)Co C-) r C:) H CD CD CD C/) C/) C) Con -Co ~C/') m'F_ cj -< Co--a __ _n< ~CD ~ _n-H i M G) C_) ) ) Co C) '- rniC Co ~ r $-4 r C) cl) M m :::o >< f-) -i tJ rn - CD~~~'m-- H c _xj i l) - l '- C)rf C c mn C D C :Z l) cn *-1 c) CD M~~F T / D _ m CD 70 _n rC) D -n C) C) <- CD =2 14- C: Cl C) m r-- - CD ___ -H H S CD~ C -- C:) _ C) ) -cC) M: m C/) 1 1 )'CC)CD CI- - -- -D Cr - C n CoC C) C m n C i C) -1_ -n-r- CD :;Fi MnC/) > C)*-I Co C/) -no HC Fr -C C) C) C) P-4 :73.:C) -0 M:Co M- -<n -:; D ::: C/') 45.' C) 4- ( Vugraph #5_ tdJ =:C/~) CD C-) -a :;a~ CD C) CD C-) o-n l -~C C/) S --- M1 Pm m M C/, n - rPMCo C/o 31 C- CD C/) C/" Vo -= Co) C= CD CD P1 C/) F- -i P CoI _0 m Coz -n =n - FCD CD :zm C/)) :) -- 70 CD :r CD m -<~ mCD CD r ~- CD -- i m rn i-m o .-: Mz 4 '--4 l m : CD r -u -< CD - CD CD - :1 -1--FCD co- C = -_K- c-" m n C) _1> CD-HF C__) C) >W CD J> c) Co~ CD ____ c CP1 FC> CD CoC oC ::oC) -n D>< CD 1 C) ~CD --l W-4C >46. P PD C Vugraph #6- 01 H~ R 0 3. z < wo C) or III t < 0 0 t.i CoO 0 0O c0o 0 17H Co- - 0 r z~l (I-, co0 0r 0- C:t 0-j 00 0 0 0r U C.4 0 0 0 12 M 0 0o C.o 1- 000-4 P- 3-o Co 0 0 '- 00 tlj 47. Vugra h #7 CDG- m- C/) m - M. -o D r- :;o r cH ~I >- m -n -n -n CDR -- P1 cC -n -H <C H ri- m CF-F-- -1 :2- t= -Co : -n -H -n Co -= C> CD CC) D(0T C/) m Co-CD Co P1 m ---- ~ C) :a FR -nm -n :; m 1 C -n CD CI t= :Zl )CD M< Co CD FM F C) CDP Li -tH C) F- F--n Co1 r-Co -< C -4 )F-CA) M moC CD CD C -0 >P :9 CD 0 -- C * P1 - Co Co C C) -n4 48n -a- ~ ~ m4 C ::o ---.- - # Vu8rp1 t rn -n -n - CD -T- =C-7 CCD C-H m C/') z -,n C/) CD 70H > U) kA I m C-) _n _ - CDC rn K4 C) CD -n -0 m -I -n CD <<C CD CD CD n m - ~CD ~ CD -n CD -n -- .I r m zz r 71 o-0D 0 l rn m<- CD CD-~C r.-- -n - CD) M1- CD CD 0 -n-C :; f--i 49,. Vugraph # 00 t71 0 ttrjj ti1. 7:7012 ~ugraph #10 - rir. ~ - ~~ C/) ri - CD -~l -4 C/-) i-Il P1arnCD - C=) wD CD -j - M0 -', i--n Cl) mI If CD P CD _ C CD ri-f rC) -- CDi-n r- CD -,f.- Cf nC) --- d~~: CD C/ CD I Vugraph 1 CC ''I + I'A -+ ++ -n C)C.J. P1 CD ,52. Vugraph #12 CC to t~-n-n C) Wl CD - -04 Mx Cm C/1) -H CD, CD =-- -< CD C/ _0 - CD 2 -j Cl) -n :r>) ri- Cl C) -C)- - En r- - -< t= m D> C) -n t~ - m ~~~~/ *11 C/ CD) 1 Cl) C/') CD) - m r::E C)i C) C) -< Cl) C) P1 Cl) CD CD --- I :E -H- CD -Hi P1 C) r- =CD :; Dm Pi M) ~ P1 P rP _ -nl C) P1n:r C). :> C/) C-) 7D P19 CD GO P1 /" P1 P1 P1 -I -H C) C) Cl) P1 :7 := r -n*T mP =P1 C) -Hi l P1 P1 P1 CD C P1 P -n Z P1 CD - ~cl 3> wCl = C) -% : P1 m1-D P1 CD Cl)1) :; wl C- CDC) P1 :> cl) -aC/) -nfl-: CD C) C-) C/) C/ =1 m -m C/) C1(-H CD CD~C) -T CA) PR: C) C/3 -H -_ t CDP :a: C) 4 :;o _ ~ 2 -fl P C/')0 -a C-) P1 C c ) C/) P1 Cl0 :P1 :;Io -< to n C) C-' p-4- C/)CD P1 C1) :r)CD) C) C)P C) P1 = es>:: - P1m4C)P m P1W m P1 = ;a r- C) b--4 1 :;z ~ -- .' :r C) -n C) -n CD CD r- C/) -l CD rn ;o -Iain r -n CD :>=> C/1) 1 -H Cn P1 m_ CD 70 rn r-1J m C) - _0 C) t C/') T1 r- V>C) - C -0 CO -- I > -n w1 CD CD m CD :r Cl) C) -ii mc- C- C/l) '- P -n CDmC) m C-) -< = c/, r- C/3 . M M1 -H CD _/' m-- ;-:i C~ Ull- W 21_; 53. -H . vugraph #13- -n :o m C)C/) - onm 7 n -n I f--4 x o =; rni iw=P =~--C/) -n rri %. CD 7 _- = -r- CD ~ C/ 70 P1 f - :> m - C:) -1 "> CZ) m1 C/) C)1 P 70C/) *--4 -< m/P -< - = / -H- P1 7, C) C) m3C/) - m C -7 C/) 1 m rn M -< - C/) - .-H mnm rCD -(~~ ~ ~r -C:) q l -- q C/) *--4 % C~ '- C/3 [T I -n l T oC -- CD -I r m)C - C < m r CD CD CD C) - a-'C ~C C-H CD -n- 1 :m C: mr m VC) m C) C/) -H Cl C/) -n C) _ -- CD-I C-) > : mPP ml = C C) D> ~C-) C C D C) CD -P1 l m -0 CD- Co -) 1- P1 C -i ) )C/ 0-4 -0 -) C/) - = C/) C') C) D ' '-6-4 C-)> -4 C/ Cl)& -H P1 ClC:-~ '-= 54.De' l mm - MI mm t= C55 Vugraph #15 co -cp C/ rn Co C) =rr C) Co- '-4 C/ C *-4r cn C: C:i C-C) CD-~.~) C-)C -~C -n CD- P1 ~C ) 'C) ~ CD C-)P > C/) C : C) r- C) M / nt C- C) ) C)m P1 C/C) C> >1-< r C C ) C/) _z M0 C-- rnLnor C/C) C) C) Co - I4 --- P1 CD~ -4 t-< CD C .-- I -4 Co/ P1 CD Co) n: C) C) C) C> P1 56,. CD Vugraph 416 (I p~3rn ir () CD - M C at: M -H C/)) Ii~rr -t * C- C/ SC- -i- C:)I _n -jjC 7;0 70F C, Ar~h 1! JIM C): n r I- C___ m> Vugra ph 4 CD COD C-) -n m rrr C=jj -:P -71n C) r4 C-) Cn~ >4 - -n 1~ 1" C-) CDi C -- :;o - 4) -4 : cCl -nn rr C C,, U)) V4 CD) C) - rn i _ CD C:)' C:1 C,) Ti rcl rrli -J rrri CD86- r Vugraph 118 er q rn >r m ')~ rnl --- 70 CD -o Jm ri 7D. ~- -oarn (/ ~ CT C' -o r -, -. Owi- t-3 C/) m = r n #C) r = - 0 C/) rr C) a m C) ; C )t -- -C' M o r-m - (/0 n C/) - rn -c C/ m C-)mC riC) :i> I - mE K ~ n n r >j * (=)m 'l N S rl t ><- : ~C n - 'C) M- rn ~~ m > <~tI - - C)r C/) 4 >< -n:> ~m i .~ rm C/) Fr~~~jt U)o t :z m1 =E: =) m- - -4m eli -i - C)z -HCD rn-n Hi ~ rn -~ ~ C/) ~- :z C) r CD S.-) CD N(3 crn CD -n :1 CD C) CD rn c~ci CD) 4 m m C:) M' i59. vuqraph 4i19 C) = r m rn--In -4 m m~ C) -0 o ~ t1 m-ai ;- <C) mm -n -a m mn m m -- 1 ) ;:o =~ C-) M -0i 710 CD m -- 1I m C./)o m _ ci C) m Jc> C:) r-;; C) - C-) a: m M C> C--~ ) = CO m C) :: i :o CD -- -m - -,a I-1- -- C-):I r.- C:) - -j C) m -n:m --A C) C) C =-nc:) CD --- -r- - C/) -1_~~0 m 2: m --CoC) m) :F C-) ;: c Co C) C) C -C) fmC= p-- -< in' m C-) m :;_; ;:o m m - C) m C) -n m C.41 C) m m m m m m m c m rrm mc ( Co-i m C-) < - rn L---- -- m -i --:7 70 - C) m -- I I m cn m Vo - C) C/ m: C;t Cm - -4 :)> M C o :a:m m Drm= ~XC1= -I C-) :; C :Io C :r G-1<I o~ _ C m=e Dr m t m -I I.," C) m C C/)- CoC) - -T n m CD Co) m m C) m m -ai m C1 -I C/) C) c< o m -C:) 70 f- C) - m C/ -4 C) t= C) -- C) -C C/))a= M* C) C-) a- q M- -' i -~j m -7 to m m -m C) C C C rD--- II .4 -0 H -- I i -- C:) C/)- t= -- i m1 Co--)~Coc CD C)0' m -A-Im ~ ; -o-I Co m :z .f --q C-) m n -< :1 (n M ;:o -- wo 0 - 0- C) -- 4 C/) ~m X Cr- . ~m mn m ;;o C,) -0E C- Co-1~ --- C 4 --:; Co -< C/) n) -- C:) m 7'p-0- C/)' :o C) r) a-- o i- C)M t" m m C- o- m ::zo -a -0 C-) m I C) --mn m m mn t= CD ca m m= = ::- -T-r C) rC) -I.1->< p- mri-a -- ) -M: Cz'= t m C/) C/) r>m m m~70 C-m 0-o H c C) <> :o C:) c-C/ o m C/ C/) t= 70 -< m ~ ~- a~4 - 60: ......... 1 Vugra ph A20 ( F -n CD C) - - m .., >Cl 7K CD r- rrC/) :r> l - m CD -i ~ w M) /I i-r :-1 1 -n- C/1 C) =Z: _n Cr -4 D n m/ a.. =C C ~P1 < CD- CD4 Cml -H C-) c m~~ Vn C-) - -- C C)l )-- m-r >C/I >< Cf. C) C/) '- F"ri C;) C-) -1 --C/) C-) C)C- i-r w-ri ~ Fi-r C) CD :2_ C/ C1 -H C/) ><r -H C) l mr m SC:) P1 C) C)J ~ M = -] r-C) D-- M C) '-40-4 CD C/) 61. CC c) -) M M-i-C Cl) C:) = C) / Cl)C- i-r F- C) M :I:-1 FH'4)-~- C/ ) crC) >CD b---4 C:) 1 NJ to f .1> 7z C= - C/A C) C/) A A C: < P Ca- -a :1> C: Cl 1t14 >- ~ -n m -~ . - - mcn C--) C/) ~ C-C, m _C. ri-i :E: C)C: i D 7 ::0 -n - 3 rn-n C-n p 5D n m:I> r-r- lC ) ::ai c ) C:) _0I rC) -n C ,:n c' = :;o -n C:) rnC- ;:o _rM ii m - C-) m- Cn) :z :) - m m Sm -: m '- m D MI C m =::) 3- ci ri- m C tlm7 -cn ~rri. C) P-C4 -0 m In m C-) 3-) 3-;: C)C/: .- : C:n -o) C) C:) 4-4 M 62. - -n C C CZ: 1 -~i C/) =C CD)C ~ z~) .m C) C: C) -c C w) -C- m mm c) - C:) to C) CD En m Cr ) CD C - C -:x CEn m i-i = C 1 3n mr C) C:) C)C) t ,-o m C- C-) r- C CD CC -4 =1 - -I (n m :z cC/m 3- 3- ~ m i3 M: GrCi-i _ Z)- -Cm- ~ C) CD D - Ci )_ C-) C' -I c,0 -) C) = CD - C)C/ C)CD m 3- 3C- >< -< 3 3- :ci C-) , r -14mC- M' r, -i C/) c&n~= - Dn m -C: :", -a ;; C- m q :; m C-) r- C) ) c-1 mZ C- 7C) :1 C)r- m C) ~rn mD- CD C-)D -- DC CD c m C) PU CD CD -< C)~~~ m C:) m0 :> 0 MC -- cn ~ CD t:a --- ICl ~ M rMl ~r ) m > [m m :3: : .r rr :1> -H1 -- C)>c- D> C,,: m :[> C) m m - -< U2G m-m~ rii r, J>r > r CDm C) c > -- " 7Dr C-i ' -C -~~ -D: 0& m -n cC--- m - -. r T1 mC -: m:r M - C-) CD~C 3- tx o -- ' -nm z<~ 1D --- =_ -n C) ;;a rn C) : Z: CD- t= m --1 C -':o i m m'- m .c0 ,- mz -n C m C , ( Vagraph #22 - * M r- rP0 C:) m/ a>) M) - D> - C< CD -C t=:)P1 C)) - r- 'a :3: C/) ~ - C: ::I >-0 1 j: n ;m o Co~~~a 1) -n C:C) C: Co Co) I F ; < - P P t F f C/) t~j t C) C P --o C1 Cn - z C) 1 1 C/) _ )-D- CoC> -n C) C/) - D>- <- <m -m tvC:) -nmi -n ----M4 C) -H: C) J>- 1 t= (~~~--H- n)c 7 l) 7 -n C U) '- - -) P1 C-)1 P11-= 1J cn .r- - P1 P1 to C-) CD - - -- 0 M - * m= .. kA1- ~ CD O LD CD :) :[)r -i *C)> :[--H C) m: C) > -1C) c~ i C)C- C-) 1> -- C:)- U) P1 r r C/,) C/) C") CD) b--4 63. r:i P1) C :9 C 1 Co) _ -Vugraph 423 4W cD m OD /f C) M cri i-r mm m' --i w) P Fn m/ CD' :) i-n :m1 m ) C:~) m m C') -n > ] - -H: CD '-' -- C C)- 70 C) CD ) m P -HD m C/) =C J m m~ -- M 7:0 t=P1-H:=C b-- CD 7 m -n r- -H : 7 '. -- kAf m -C- -- -4 w 7o-n -n -n mm 64. _D ml M c- b--4 t r-r -' 4 P1n -1 -n / m 7 m CDi '- i-fl M , M- -Ti 70 -i =-C i-fZl7 C -n' 4- C') - - m r m :a CO m nC) 1-H ~ _z --- - -r :a: m C :::m:; m C/) Cf -Vugraph #24 -< n. :; . z :;o CD - Co) -- -j L ) DMC C/' N):Z - M C- m -- CD :o C/ m - -n, -Hi :1> -- C/ = .m -0 &-TJ C D >: - CD :2 - -- *-H D> C> :aJP F- :, rri m' j) = Mr - -n, > m * iz-7'a D C-) C-)m -4 Fi- C: C') MI-I :C m> F ( w v -- C- Ml M ~t-- CD C - :z C) -( C/ CD y, C--) I Fri2E-" 1-- --- i ' ( --C)I Cri o~( tO-<) C-- CP1 C)C D /)l P--- r-P -n CDC C 7z4C: -- -z 1 7K m_ rE i m1 -s m C) ~ =2:Fr r -aF -0 m '- m-C ~C/ CDM:ri > P ) - ( ( rr --CDDP ~ mP Pv m4^ >C - CD me (A -2 C:>e, t P1m I -H:- -n wAmm >c ArCD) :) I- _ CDCD --- C< C Mz C . > -0 *C C/) C/) -4 ~C:f)e m E D:> :mm C) - CDm = MC - =1 A M -- q C.= C)m r C/ ::) coi -<C/)- C) M)> --c- CU--H ) C) *--- = - -- " C -<) C-) mr CD -> CD D:>~ ) ' . >-) CD to m (At=( ~ P65, 1CO __>: P1 C - Ir Vugraph 425 CD -0 rrrn m m rn m - C/) C/ C/) HCD CD rnt rn m,1r CD r-H r 0/ mr1 - t - )C/) rn' ) M)- CD - I C) 0 C- CD n P1 CO rt= ) - C/ rn C:)~ - M0 VC) rn t= m C) Co=E- C) tj C) m0 P1 C)- m m~C rn CD m)- H -H m C-)C) :;a /) PC1i M) I-f : n -- M -n n P1cD n m CD :: C/) n -1m cn) C) ~ C/) M -Hm rn - P1 C/) 66. (a Vugraph #26 mA r1 -Ti -n -) m -i > n 0- -- 0 n C:) >H cnm q zn C~Cil (A 1M (67. (6A' Vugraph tj27 -nI rrl 0 0 W-4 C-)) CD, rnn -n -n F. rn CA) CD C-) 544 68., Vugraph #28 tz 01 ~~cz, N, I 9K vugraph42 I -< rn -n C -n) rrn C) -~ - 70 C) : 70C)C 7z. /) p1-C) p -4 C)t G) U)- ~ CD 5:C r C1-1 l C> C:= to CD) C) CD rn 1C -' :; -0 C/1 ) C 'n ~ >< 70 p1 C) 22 -- 1 r -n n p p1 m 1~ --~ - 4 '- - = -c _ - r ~U ) U) -l r -!: -c LO -n C1 C) U) C: -< C)i C)) -z C)i V) C-) -o) C) U) -< 0 -n p1 rn 4 -7 :Y -n -n --A -i> -n ;vC ) p1 C) C) C) p < ) -n) C) C C)~p p1 - ~C) )C U) U)p1- C). .n -4 -~r U)F- <1 =-- ~- Mp -- C) p1 czC) C) 5; (C; - C:C) ) -- CD CD U)n n CD CD C= I 71 pC -- U) -4 CD -- 4 UD -l -<> -- 4 ) n -C- CD C/o) C=70. rn 4 -Vugraph #30 p) Co -0I m m Fri (~-E C--) mm Co -71> '--.4 I Vugraph #31 -H- N) ~ $-- 4 P--4 C-o C/" -D -CD- CDCo :0 Co- m 'J t= =r C) H C) CD~ w) -n cD C 11 Co--A- ri D> r - C/ ' ' - 1 CD mg Co r- C '- * Co ComCo~ -- ~;r )i H -' - -- -I 70 -* MoP 0 _ CL r- -<i j-j< Fr C/o t (D -0 riC M. =)Fi t r- C --Fri -- qH) I.- ri - - CD CD Fr CD =r -0 =) CD t---4 -a -i-) :r> -m Com N) r- Fw MC o CoCD CD -n :--4 '-t-4 >'- -qC) (-) Fr -: Co) -0 Mo CD - -4 Co '-4 ( -r r j CD) -10 , m N , Co 72. CD Co;: Vugraph #32 ( CD C-) c 0 a~ CD CD -4 --4 CD C) m1P *4 m) -< 4 CD 4 -Ia' ~ CD --- - " .- :-r. CAI C-r) 0-4 C-) -n 0-4 -. -P- -<_ rr -'4 -4 m,_ P--4 CD C) i-fli-rl CDC CD A z i- CC) -rl H H" . -4 -4 * o z0-4 CO : m t= C) i-m1m m t= to -n -- CD -0I7 = -n - C4, C C) - , ,,-,00 r'C;, -)Co-r"T C1 0" if --- -I ) T :1> I 0~ 1 i CD C) -I P C~Z1M 0 -- 73.I -~ ,1Lk , : ,,ucraph 43 , CCA) C/) -n -6 rr - er'i -C1 v-4 CD C) -<, -ri C)D -o- CD -n Vuq ap'h 413 C/C/) ;o Fri ><m :;o~ C/ m - zn i fl) C/') c,- i - flu) C/) :;a t= M~~ M --- Dr. Mn rn 72:ztoI m m CD > -ll t-H T1 D- -I ri-1 ) M C> -n M E:c/ CD n CJ ~-Hn fc= m c Hm CD~ CD -- rn- ) r cMn r I ' H l) C:l) ~~ ~ &-4 v <T i- cDC-) ) m -H r) -n C-)<(J M~ CD o ;;1 n =n C-) * CDC) -4 Go~ m >< C75. 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U- CY) m'-C ' o C D0C - ) -- -- - CC LOL.D 0 (.Lo mI :1>rI / -n -c:D : C/ -r-7C.')m 3>> C)i C) -<C) MD CD - M ~e mCj"- C/)C' m/ C:) -, -n -n (2:1 i-i-n :;aC) CIO C:) C.:..I-Zi m C/)C) CDC-H C C:) -'a -r> C) ) C0 rC) C/) M~C C) rt :r---3> z C) ) [i If iC i.)/C m - C) -a) ---l ;;n cC/1 C- - C) -11 r- I-r C) _0 ~C) C)I-0"i C--) 0' -HIri C) /) :3 > -o C) ) -0 C- rn CD ) _ C) IC Vugraph #37 P1 C-) - -<tr- ~ C/ CD I IT] C Co: mm t= CD C:) - C-) CD= -M- m _ CCI CD m _ I- C") C" CD -I CD - C=) m CD -1t1 REFERENCES 1. Bearden, Thomas E., Quiton/Perceptron Physics: A Theory of Existence, Perceotion. and Physical Phenomena, Defense Documentation Center (DDC) System (U.L763210), March 1973. 2. Bearden, Thomas E., Field, Formon, Superspace, and Inceptive Cyborq: A Paraphysical Theory of Noncausal Phenomena, 3. DDC, (AD/A-005-579i8G!); 1974. Bearden, Thomas E., A Conceptual Derivation of Einstein's Postulates of Special Relativity , DDC, 8 October 1975. 4. 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