GeoDiscovery Group - Barisan Gold Corporation


GeoDiscovery Group - Barisan Gold Corporation
GeoDiscovery Group
A.B.N. 42087256853
Minerals exploration, discovery and management
FORM 43-101 F1
Prepared for Barisan Gold Corporation
by Neil McLean, BSc(Hons), MSc, DIC, FAusIMM
Geo Discovery Group Pty Ltd
PO Box 59, Sherwood
Queensland, Australia, 4075
Tel: +61 7 3278 5733
Fax: +61 7 3278 5744
E-mail: [email protected]
26th February 2013
SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................... 1 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 3 2 RELIANCE ON OTHER EXPERTS ....................................................................................... 5 3 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION ..................................................................... 5 4 ACCESSIBILITY, CLIMATE, LOCAL RESOURCES, INFRASTRUCTURE AND
PHYSIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................................................... 15 5 HISTORY ............................................................................................................................. 16 5.1 EXPLORATION ACTIVITIES PRIOR TO EAST ASIA MINERALS CORPORATION (EAMC) ......... 16 5.2 EXPLORATION ACTIVITIES BY EAST ASIA MINERALS CORPORATION (EAMC) .................... 17 5.2.1 Barisan Porphyry Prospects .................................................................................. 17 6 GEOLOGICAL SETTING .................................................................................................... 18 6.1 6.2 7 REGIONAL GEOLOGY AND METALLOGENY ....................................................................... 18 PROPERTY GEOLOGY ..................................................................................................... 19 DEPOSIT TYPES ................................................................................................................ 20 7.1 8 PORPHYRY DEPOSITS .................................................................................................... 20 MINERALIZATION .............................................................................................................. 21 8.1 LOWER TENGKERENG PORPHYRY CU-AU PROSPECT (40 11’ 30” NORTH, 970 11’ 48” EAST;
WGS84)................................................................................................................................... 22 8.2 UPPER TENGKERENG PORPHYRY CU-AU PROSPECT (40 11’ 57” NORTH, 970 12’ 43” EAST;
WGS84)................................................................................................................................... 22 8.3 UPPER ISE ISE PORPHYRY CU-AU PROSPECT (40 12’ 59” NORTH, 970 13’ 22” EAST;
WGS84)................................................................................................................................... 23 8.4 BAHU PORPHYRY CU-AU PROSPECT (40 14’ 50” NORTH, 970 13’ 28” EAST; WGS84) ....... 24 8.5 MIDDLE ISE ISE PORPHYRY CU-AU PROSPECT (40 15’ 36” NORTH, 970 12’ 11” EAST;
WGS84)................................................................................................................................... 24 8.6 LOWER ISE ISE PORPHYRY CU-AU-MO PROSPECT (40 16’ 23” NORTH, 970 10’ 32” EAST;
WGS84)................................................................................................................................... 24 8.7 SEKUELEN PORPHYRY CU-AU PROSPECT (40 2’ 16” NORTH, 970 14’ EAST; WGS84) ....... 24 9 EXPLORATION ................................................................................................................... 27 9.1 AEROMAGNETIC SURVEY ................................................................................................ 27 9.1.1 Ground Magnetic Survey ....................................................................................... 31 9.1.2 Sampling ............................................................................................................... 31 9.1.3 Environmental Work .............................................................................................. 35 10 DRILLING ........................................................................................................................ 35 10.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 35 10.2 UPPER AND LOWER TENGKERENG PROSPECTS ............................................................... 36 10.3 UPPER ISE ISE PROSPECT .............................................................................................. 38 10.4 SEKUELEN PROSPECT .................................................................................................... 39 11 SAMPLING METHOD AND APPROACH ....................................................................... 40 11.1 CORE SAMPLING PROCEDURE ........................................................................................ 40 11.2 SAMPLE TRANSPORTATION ............................................................................................. 41 11.3 COMMENT ...................................................................................................................... 41 12 SAMPLE PREPARATION, ANALYSES AND SECURITY.............................................. 41 12.1 SAMPLE PREPARATION ................................................................................................... 41 12.2 SAMPLE ANALYSIS.......................................................................................................... 41 12.3 COMMENT ...................................................................................................................... 43 13 DATA VERIFICATION ..................................................................................................... 43 13.1 QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL (QA/QC) ........................................................ 43 14 ADJACENT PROPERTIES ............................................................................................. 44 15 MINERAL PROCESSING AND METALLURGICAL TESTING....................................... 44 16 MINERAL RESOURCE AND MINERAL RESERVE ESTIMATES.................................. 45 17 OTHER RELEVANT DATA AND INFORMATION .......................................................... 45 18 INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSIONS ..................................................................... 45 19 RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................................................... 46 19.1 PROPOSED WORK PROGRAM ......................................................................................... 46 19.2 PROPOSED BUDGET ....................................................................................................... 47 20 REFERENECES .............................................................................................................. 48 21 DATE AND SIGNATURE PAGE ..................................................................................... 49 FIGURES
Figure 1.
Location of Barisan Properties in northern Sumatra, Indonesia
Figure 2.
Land use areas and locations of prospects within the Linge and Gayo IUPs
Figure 3.
Location of prospects within the Barisan Project
Figure 4.
Plan showing drill hole locations at the Sekuelen prospect
Figure 5.
Analytical Signal image of aeromagnetic data
Figure 6.
Image of Total Count (TC) radiometric data
Figure 7.
Image of digital elevation model
Figure 8.
Geology and gold mineralization at the Upper Tengkereng prospect
Figure 9.
Gold results from representative channel sampling at the Lower Tengkereng
Figure 10.
Image of Cu results from grid-based soil sampling at the Sekuelen prospect
Figure 11.
Flow chart for sample preparation procedures
Figure 12.
Control chart showing precision and accuracy of standard samples from drill core
sample batches submitted from drill holes SED001 and SED002
Table 1.
Description of Block 1, Linge IUP
Table 2.
Description of Block 2, Linge IUP
Table 3.
Description of Gayo IUP
Table 4.
Drill hole information for Upper and Lower Tengkereng prospects
Table 5.
Significant gold and copper drill intersections at Upper and Lower Tengkereng
Table 6.
Upper Ise Ise prospect drill hole collar information
Table 7.
Significant drill intersections greater than 0.2% Cu from drill hole UID001
Table 8.
Significant drill intersections greater than 0.2 ppm Au from drill hole UID001
Table 9.
Sekuelen prospect drill hole collar information
Table 10.
Types of standard materials for precision and accuracy verification
Table 11.
Proposed budgets for the twelve months for the Linge and Gayo IUPs upon
granting of the necessary permits.
The Barisan porphyry prospects (together, the “Barisan Project”) are located in the Aceh
Tengah and Gayo Lues Regencies of the Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam in northwest
Sumatra, Indonesia.
Barisan Gold Corporation (“BGC”) holds an 80% direct equity interest in PT Linge Mineral
Resources (“PTLMR”), the owner of the Linge Izin Usaha Pertambangan (“IUP”) and an 80%
direct equity interest in PT Gayo Mineral Resources (“PTGMR”), the owner of the Gayo IUP.
BGC is the sole project manager of the Barisan Project and is responsible for fully funding the
exploration expenses of the Barisan Project up to a bankable feasibility stage. Two local
Indonesian companies own the remaining 20% direct equity interest in each of PTLMR and
PTGMR. BGC inherited its interest in the Barisan Project from East Asia Minerals Corporation
(“EAMC”) on 30th June, 2011. EAMC retained a 1.5% net smelter royalty on BGC’s equity
interest in each of PTLMR and PTGMR.
The Linge IUP also covers the Abong project, however this report is limited to the Barisan
Project and does not include the Abong project, which is the subject of a separate technical
report. Please refer to the Independent Technical Report on the Mineral Resource Estimation of
the Abong Gold Project, Sumatra, Indonesia prepared by Mining Associates Pty Limited dated
1st February 2012.
Prior to BGC’s acquisition of the Barisan Project, exploration work was undertaken by EAMC on
several porphyry gold-copper prospects. This work commenced in 2007 and focussed on
confirming and expanding on work done by previous explorers CRA Exploration and North
Limited in the 1990s.
EAMC exploration work at the Lower Tengkereng, Upper Tengkereng and Upper Ise Ise
porphyry copper-gold prospects, consisted of mapping, rock and channel sampling, ground
magnetic surveying and diamond drilling. Two successfully completed holes at each of Lower
and Upper Tengkereng and one hole at Upper Ise Ise resulted in the delineation of an extensive
and well mineralized porphyry gold-copper system at all three prospects.
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
Since BGC’s acquisition of the Barisan Project, work has consisted of a detailed helicoptersupported magnetic and radiometric survey covering the porphyry prospects as well as
mapping, rock and channel sampling and diamond drilling at the Sekuelen porphyry prospect.
The magnetic and radiometric data has yet to be interpreted in detail but has the potential to
provide important information on the structural controls of mineralization and ultimately provide
targets for future exploration. The drilling program at the Sekuelen prospect, designed to test
anomalous surface geochemistry, did not encounter any mineralisation or alteration of
The author concluded that BGC’s exploration activities and quality control and quality assurance
(QA/QC) protocols conform to mineral industry standards.
Within the Linge IUP, a twelve-month budget of US$1.5 million has been proposed to achieve
the following work program and aims:
To validate and discover porphyry gold-copper mineralization at the Bahu and Middle Ise
Ise prospects with a program of four to six helicopter-assisted drill holes for 3,000 m.
Within the Gayo IUP, a twelve-month budget of US$3.0 million has been proposed to achieve
the following work program and aim:
To discover one or more economic porphyry gold-copper deposits at the Upper
Tengkereng and Lower Tengkereng and Upper Ise Ise prospects with three drill holes
planned at each prospect for a total of 6,000 m.
The commencement of these work programs awaits the granting of Borrow-Use Permits from
the Ministry of Forestry that will allow exploration activities to re-commence within Protection
and Production Forest Areas within which the prospects lie. Because of the time taken for the
granting to occur the exploration program will not be completed in the time frame indicated in
the previous Technical Reports, dated 1st April 2011 (McLean, 2011a) and 30th December 2011
(McLean, 2011b).
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
This report has been prepared for BGC in compliance with the guidelines outlined in National
Instrument 43-101 to support disclosure being made on the Barisan Project and may be used by
the company for inclusion in its Annual Information Form (AIF). This report provides an update
on material changes to the Properties since the filing of the last two Technical Reports, dated 1st
April 2011 (McLean, 2011a) and 30th December 2011 (McLean, 2011b).
The material changes to the Barisan Project that are the subject of this report are the drilling of
two diamond holes at the Sekuelen prospect.
The Barisan porphyry prospects are located in the Regencies of Aceh Tengah and Gayo Lues
of the Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD), in northwest Sumatra, Indonesia (Figure
1). The Barisan Project contains a number of identified porphyry copper-gold prospects – Upper
and Lower Tengkereng, Upper, Middle and Lower Ise-Ise, Bahu, Sekuelen – that were explored
by PTLMR and PTGMR from 2007 when they were owned by EAMC.
The author last visited the Properties on 24th and 25th January 2011. This included a visit to the
site of drill hole UID001 at the Upper Ise Ise prospect and the inspection of drill core from the
upper part of the hole. The drilling of the hole was in progress at the time of the visit.
The information presented in this report has been derived from the following sources:
The Technical Report dated 1st April 2011 (McLean, 2011a)
The Technical Report dated 30th December 2011 (McLean, 2011b)
Geochemical and drill hole data supplied by BGC.
Land use and permitting information supplied by BGC.
Insufficient exploration work has been done on the property to outline either a mineral resource
or a mineral reserve estimate.
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
Figure 1. Location of the Barisan Properties in northern Sumatra, Indonesia. (Figure
provided by BGC; February 2013)
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
Information pertaining to the Indonesian legal framework, land ownership and land use,
including statements on forestry permits, has been provided by BGC. The author does not
accept responsibility for the accuracy of this information provided in Item 3.
On June 30th, 2011, EAMC transferred its direct equity interests in three Indonesian subsidiaries
to BGC for total consideration for 19,715,335 common shares of BGC. Following completion of
the transaction, BGC became the owner of an 80% direct equity interest in PTGMR, an 80%
direct equity interest in PTLMR and a 75% direct equity interest in PT Takengon Mineral
Resources (PTTMR), a non-material property not covered by this report. The Barisan porphyry
prospects straddle land across PTLMR and PTGMR’s licenses. EAMC retained a 1.5% net
smelter royalty on BGC’s interest in each of PTGMR, PTLMR and PTTMR. To the best of the
author’s knowledge there are no other back-in rights, payments or other agreements and
encumbrances to which the properties are subject.
PTLMR owns an exploration stage IUP number 530/2296/IUP-EKSPLORASI/2009 granted on
29th December 2009 for a period of three years and replacing an earlier licence under the old
mining law. On December 24th, 2012, PTLMR received a two-year extension for its IUP, which
now expires on December 28th, 2014. The IUP covers two separate blocks with areas of 49,600
ha and 343 ha respectively in Aceh Tengah Regency, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam,
Indonesia (Figures 1 and 2). Descriptions of the co-ordinates that define the boundaries of the
two blocks are presented in Tables 1 and 2. BGC owns an 80% direct equity interest in PTLMR
and two Indonesian partner companies, PT Atlas Mineral Exploration and PT Bayu Kamona
Karya, hold respective direct equity interests of 12% and 8%.
Until such time as a Feasibility Study on the property has been completed, BGC shall be
responsible for funding the Linge IUP for 100% of any exploration, development and other work
conducted on the property, including the cost of completing the Feasibility Study. Following the
completion of a Feasibility Study, other participants in the Linge IUP shall, in proportion to their
respective interests, be responsible for providing funds as required from time to time to
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
implement any program or be diluted accordingly. In the event the combined interest of other
participants falls to 10% or less, that interest shall automatically be converted to a 1.5% net
smelting royalty.
PTGMR owns an exploration stage IUP number 543/126/IUP-EKSPLORASI/2010 granted on 5th
March 2010 for a period of three years and replacing an earlier tenement under the old mining
act. The IUP consists of one block of 39,580ha located in Gayo Lues Regency, Province of
Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (Figures 1 and 2). PTGMR received a two-year extension for its
IUP which now expires on March 5th, 2015. A description of the co-ordinates that define the
boundary of the IUP is presented in Table 3. BGC owns an 80% direct equity interest in
PTGMR and two Indonesian partner companies, PT Atlas Mineral Exploration and PT Bayu
Kamona Karya, hold respective direct equity interests of 12% and 8%.
Until such time as a Feasibility Study on the property has been completed, BGC shall be
responsible for funding the Gayo IUP for 100% of any exploration, development and other work
conducted on the property, including the cost of completing the Feasibility Study. Following the
completion of a Feasibility Study, other participants in the Gayo IUP shall, in proportion to their
respective interests, be responsible for providing funds as required from time to time to
implement any program or be diluted accordingly. In the event the combined interest of other
participants falls to 10% or less, that interest shall automatically be converted to a 1.5% net
smelting royalty.
On February 6th, 2012, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (“MEMR”) issued MEMR
Regulation No. 7 of 2012 regarding increased minerals value added through processing and
refining (“MEMR 7”). The regulation requires that the processing and refining of minerals is
conducted within Indonesia and prohibits export of raw materials three months after the
issuance of MEMR 7.
The Indonesian Nickel Association and the Association of Indonesian Regency Governments
have both challenged the validity of MEMR 7 in Indonesian courts with relative success resulting
in some temporary relief. The final outcome is still unknown.
MEMR 7 is not expected to impact the potential development of gold deposits as gold is already
refined in Indonesia, which has all the gold smelting and refining already in place. The
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
regulation may affect the potential future development of any porphyry deposit, if an economical
one is ever discovered on the Company’s tenements.
On February 21, 2012, the Indonesian Government issued Government Regulation No. 24 of
2012 (“GR 24”). GR 24 is the implementing regulation of law No. 4 of 2009 regarding mineral
and coal mining. GR 24 now requires foreign shareholders of Indonesian mining companies that
hold a mining license (production IUP) to divest 51% of their shares starting five years after
commencement of commercial production and ending ten years thereafter. GR 24 requires a
share disposition by the following stages:
At least 20% by the sixth year after commencement of commercial production;
At least 30% by the seventh year after commencement of commercial production;
At least 37% by the eight year after commencement of commercial production;
At least 44% by the ninth year after commencement of commercial production; and
At least 51% by the tenth year after commencement of commercial production;
The foreign investor is not required to give its shares away but is entitled to be paid for them by
the Indonesian buyer. Although GR 24 does not specify how the price is to be determined, it is
expected to be through tender and reflect the market price of the shares.
The divestment of the requisite number of shares is to be made to the following parties, in order
of priority:
the Indonesian Central Government;
Indonesian Provincial/Regional Governments;
State-owned or Regionally owned enterprises;
Indonesian owned companies.
BGC currently owns 80% of PTLMR and PTGMR so will be required to divest up to an
additional 31% of both companies starting in the seventh year of commercial production, if it
achieves that.
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
2011 Relinquishment)
Reference No
Longitude East
Latitude North
97° 0' 14.46"
4° 28' 54.32"
97° 0' 41.62"
4° 28' 54.32"
97° 0' 41.62"
4° 29' 55.89"
97° 2' 40.66"
4° 29' 55.89"
97° 2' 40.66"
4° 30' 55.78"
97° 8' 48.85"
4° 30' 55.78"
97° 8' 48.85"
4° 29' 24.21"
97° 10' 0.22"
4° 29' 24.21"
97° 10' 0.22"
4° 24' 46.76"
97° 12' 51.51"
4° 24' 46.76"
97° 12' 51.51"
4° 18' 46.61"
97° 15' 57.50"
4° 18' 46.61"
97° 15' 57.50"
4° 11' 32.20"
97° 14' 15.90"
4° 11' 32.20"
97° 14' 15.90"
4° 11' 45.40"
97° 14' 10.10"
4° 11' 45.40"
97° 14' 10.10"
4° 11' 53.70"
97° 14' 3.70"
4° 11' 53.70"
97° 14' 3.70"
4° 12' 6.80"
97° 13' 56.90"
4° 12' 6.80"
97° 13' 56.90"
4° 12' 17.60"
97° 13' 51.00"
4° 12' 17.60"
97° 13' 51.00"
4° 12' 32.20"
97° 13' 44.10"
4° 12' 32.20"
97° 13' 44.10"
4° 12' 46.40"
97° 13' 39.20"
4° 12' 46.40"
97° 13' 39.20"
4° 12' 59.50"
97° 13' 34.40"
4° 12' 59.50"
97° 13' 34.40"
4° 13' 17.20"
97° 13' 29.00"
4° 13' 17.20"
97° 13' 29.00"
4° 14' 11.48"
97° 12' 54.94"
4° 14' 11.48"
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
97° 12' 54.94"
4° 14' 43.14"
97° 12' 25.07"
4° 14' 43.14"
97° 12' 25.07"
4° 15' 17.65"
97° 12' 0.90"
4° 15' 17.65"
97° 12' 0.90"
4° 15' 49.86"
97° 10' 51.17"
4° 15' 49.86"
97° 10' 51.17"
4° 16' 15.05"
97° 10' 13.30"
4° 16' 15.05"
97° 10' 13.30"
4° 18' 0.12"
97° 6' 15.01"
4° 18' 0.12"
97° 6' 15.01"
4° 19' 26.24"
97° 4' 41.48"
4° 19' 26.24"
97° 4' 41.48"
4° 21' 43.79"
97° 3' 16.38"
4° 21' 43.79"
97° 3' 16.38"
4° 23' 16.14"
97° 2' 7.97"
4° 23' 16.14"
97° 2' 7.97"
4° 22' 42.23"
97° 1' 18.74"
4° 22' 42.23"
97° 1' 18.74"
4° 22' 21.70"
97° 0' 14.46"
4° 22' 21.70"
Table 1. Description of Block 1, Linge IUP. (Datum WGS 84).
Reference No
Longitude East
Latitude North
96° 57' 50.70"
4° 10' 36.00"
96° 59' 44.90"
4° 10' 36.00"
96° 59' 44.90"
4° 10' 27.30"
96° 59' 39.20"
4° 10' 27.30"
96° 59' 39.20"
4° 10' 19.90"
96° 59' 32.30"
4° 10' 19.90"
96° 59' 32.30"
4° 10' 15.50"
96° 59' 25.00"
4° 10' 15.50"
96° 59' 25.00"
4° 10' 8.20"
96° 59' 16.70"
4° 10' 8.20"
96° 59' 16.70"
4° 10' 1.90"
96° 59' 6.90"
4° 10' 1.90"
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
96° 59' 6.90"
4° 9' 53.60"
96° 58' 55.20"
4° 9' 53.60"
96° 58' 55.20"
4° 9' 48.40"
96° 58' 35.10"
4° 9' 48.40"
96° 58' 35.10"
4° 9' 52.60"
96° 58' 24.30"
4° 9' 52.60"
96° 58' 24.30"
4° 9' 58.50"
96° 58' 14.60"
4° 9' 58.50"
96° 58' 14.60"
4° 10' 8.20"
96° 58' 5.80"
4° 10' 8.20"
96° 58' 5.80"
4° 10' 19.00"
96° 57' 56.90"
4° 10' 19.00"
96° 57' 56.90"
4° 10' 28.70"
96° 57' 50.70"
4° 10' 28.70"
Table 2. Description of Block 2, Linge IUP. (Datum WGS 84).
2012 Relinquishment)
Reference No
Longitude East
Latitude North
97° 0' 33.91"
4° 4' 23.80"
97° 3' 13.03"
4° 4' 23.80"
97° 3' 13.03"
4° 6' 25.69"
97° 4' 51.99"
4° 6' 25.69"
97° 4' 51.99"
4° 4' 56.6"
97° 11' 4.4"
4° 4' 56.6"
97° 11' 4.4"
4° 9' 12.0"
97° 10' 29.9"
4° 9' 12.0"
97° 10' 29.9"
4° 11' 59.3"
97° 11' 30.9"
4° 11' 59.3"
97° 11' 30.9"
4° 12' 47.3"
97° 12' 59.60"
4° 12' 47.3"
97° 12' 59.60"
4° 13' 17.2"
97° 13' 20.7"
4° 13' 17.2"
97° 13' 20.7"
4° 12' 59.2"
97° 13' 29.7"
4° 12' 59.2"
97° 13' 29.7"
4° 12' 27.6"
97° 13' 41.1"
4° 12' 27.6"
97° 13' 41.1"
4° 11' 57.5"
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
97° 13' 55.7"
4° 11' 57.5"
97° 13' 55.7"
4° 11' 30.7"
97° 14' 12.0"
4° 11' 30.7"
97° 14' 12.0"
4° 11' 4.7"
97° 14' 23.2"
4° 11' 4.7"
97° 14' 23.2"
4° 4' 18.19"
97° 15' 48.14"
4° 4' 18.19"
97° 15' 48.14"
4° 3' 8.8"
97° 20' 57.1"
4° 3' 8.8"
97° 20' 57.1"
4° 0' 54.83"
97° 25' 58.04"
4° 0' 54.83"
97° 25' 58.04"
3° 57' 7.65"
97° 24' 36.96"
3° 57' 7.65"
97° 24' 36.96"
3° 56' 2.71"
97° 21' 39.12"
3° 56' 2.71"
97° 21' 39.12"
3° 57' 7.49"
97° 19' 28.92"
3° 57' 7.49"
97° 19' 28.92"
3° 57' 55.65"
97° 16' 46.82"
3° 57' 55.65"
97° 16' 46.82"
3° 59' 16.1"
97° 14' 36.5"
3° 59' 16.1"
97° 14' 36.5"
4° 1' 14.7"
97° 13' 1.45"
4° 1' 14.7"
97° 13' 1.45"
4° 2' 15.65"
97° 8' 56.23"
4° 2' 15.65"
97° 8' 56.23"
4° 3' 20.22"
97° 4' 4.69"
4° 3' 20.22"
97° 4' 4.69"
4° 2' 30.45"
97° 0' 33.91"
4° 2' 30.45"
Table 3. Description of Gayo IUP. (Datum WGS 84).
BGC does not hold any interest in surface rights within the Barisan Project nor has it instigated
any discussions on the acquisition of surface rights. Surface rights within the Barisan Project are
held under a mixture of private and State bodies. PTLMR and PTGMR have entered into
various land access agreements to conduct exploration activities on its tenements.
In order to conduct mining activities, including exploration activities, the holder of an IUP is
required to obtain permits regulated under specific laws or regulations. These permits are
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
issued by ministerial and government authorities, such as an environmental and forestry permit
as applicable.
The Ministry of Forestry is the authority that issues forestry Borrow-Use Permits to IUP holders
planning to undertake mining activities, including mineral exploration, within designated forest
The various classifications of forest areas, the scope of activities allowed and relevant permits
required are described as follows:
Conservation Forest Area: specific forest area where the main function is to preserve
the diversity of flora and fauna and ecosystems. This forest area includes National Park
Areas as a sub-classification. No exploration or mining activities can be undertaken in
either a Conservation Forest Area or a National Park Area.
Protection Forest Area: specific forest area where the main function is the preservation
of life-supporting systems for managing water resources, preventing floods, controlling
erosion, preventing sea water intrusion and maintaining soil fertility. An IUP holder is
required to obtain a Borrow-Use Permit to undertake exploration and mining activities.
Exploitation activities are limited to underground mining methods.
Production Forest Area: specific forest area where the main function is to produce
forest products. An IUP holder is required to obtain a Borrow-Use Permit to undertake
exploration and mining activities.
Other Utilization Area (APL): this is an area that is not classified as a forest area. To
undertake exploration activities within these areas an IUP holder is required to obtain a
location permit. If there are inhabitants living within the affected land non-objection
letters have to be obtained by the IUP holder to undertake exploration activities.
For APL Areas, Production Forest Areas and Protection Forest Areas the IUP holder is also
required to prepare and receive a recommendation for an Environmental Efforts (UKL) and
Environmental Monitoring Efforts (UPL) with the relevant local environmental agency.
A land use map for the Barisan porphyry prospects is presented as Figure 2 showing the
locations of the prospects relative to the various forestry categories.
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
PTGMR is currently in the process of applying for the granting of its Borrow-Use Permits to
carry out exploration within Production and Protection Forest Areas of the Gayo IUP. PTGMR
has submitted administrative, technical, environmental and financial documents and is awaiting
final approval prior to re-starting exploration activities within these areas that include the Lower
and Upper Tengkereng and Upper Ise Ise prospects.
PTLMR is currently in the process of applying for granting of its Borrow-Use Permits to carry out
exploration within the Production and Protection Forest Areas of the Linge IUP. PTLMR has
submitted administrative, technical, environmental and financial documents and is awaiting final
approval prior to re-starting exploration activities within these areas that include the Lower and
Middle Ise Ise and Bahu prospects.
To the best of his knowledge the author is not aware of mineralized zones within the Properties other
than those discussed in this technical report. However, neither the qualified person nor the Issuer
have done sufficient work to classify the historical estimate as current mineral resources or mineral
reserves and are not treating the historical estimate as current mineral resources or mineral reserves
as defined in sections 1.2 and 1.3 of NI43-101, and as such the historical estimate should not be
relied upon for any economic studies.
To the best of his knowledge the author is not aware of any mine workings, existing tailings ponds,
waste deposits and important natural features and improvements within the Properties with the
exceptions of isolated villages and roads as shown in Figure1.
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
Figure 2. Land use areas and locations of prospects in the Linge and Gayo IUPs. (Figure
provided by BGC with data sourced from Ministry of Forestry; February 2013. Datum
WGS84, UTM zone 47N).
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
The centre of the Linge IUP is located approximately 250 km east southeast of Banda Aceh, the
capital city of the Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (Figure 1), and 190 km west
northwest of Medan, the capital city of the Province of North Sumatra and the largest city on the
island of Sumatra. The nearest town to the Property is Takengon, the principal town of the Aceh
Tengah Regency, which can be reached via well-paved road from Banda Aceh or from Medan
through Bireuen. Either route takes about 8 to 9 hours.
The Gayo IUP lies immediately to the south of Linge IUP. The two IUPs have a small overlap at
the extreme southern end of the Linge IUP and northern edge of the Gayo IUP (Figures 1 and
2). They are linked by the paved Takengon to Blangkejeren road that crosses the Barisan
The Linge IUP lies within a region with moderately populated villages among planted pine
forests surrounded by sparsely populated to uninhabited tropical rain forest of the central
Barisan Mountains, which rise to more than 2,000 m. The topography is dominated by fault
valleys and the rugged ridges of the Barisan Mountains that comprise the backbone of the island
of Sumatra. The climate varies from dry conditions in the temperate pine forests to tropical
conditions in the rainforest, with approximately 2 m average annual rainfall. The land and forest
status of this Property has been previously described – see Item 3.
The Gayo IUP lies within a similar physiographic setting to the Linge IUP and hence has a
similar climate and land use. Land and forest status is described in Item 3.
The climate of the areas of the Barisan Project is such that exploration activities can be
undertaken throughout the year.
Infrastructure in the Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam is relatively poor compared to other
provinces in Indonesia. Although a power grid exists in parts of the project area with populated
centres and along the main road networks, the grid is unreliable because it is supplied from
Medan, almost 200 km to the southeast. In the rainy season, the power lines are prone to
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
damage from landslips and falling trees. The provincial road system consists of a network of
narrow main roads with well-paved surfaces along the coast that quickly degrade into narrow
secondary roads with unpaved roads entering the hinterland.
The sufficiency of surface rights for mining operations, the availability and sources of power,
water, mining personnel, potential tailings storage areas, potential waste disposal areas, heap
leach pad areas and potential processing plant sites have not been investigated by the author.
Exploration Activities Prior to East Asia Minerals Corporation (EAMC)
Government-sponsored geological and geochemical surveys were conducted intermittently from
the early 1900s to the mid-1970s. At that time, the North Sumatra Project was established by
the Institute of Geological Sciences and Overseas Development Administration of the United
Kingdom and Indonesian counterparts from the Directorate of Mineral Resources to conduct
systematic reconnaissance geological mapping with regional geochemical prospecting. This
work spanned the period from 1975 to 1980 and resulted in a series of geological maps at a
scale of 1:250,000, with accompanying geological and geochemical reports (e.g., Bennett et al.,
1981; Cameron et al., 1983), as well as journal publications (e.g., Page & Young, 1981).
From 1993 to 2000, CRA Exploration Pty Ltd and later North Ltd, through its Indonesian joint
venture companies PT Arilia Karyamaska and PT Rikit Alas Mineral, held a CoW agreement
with the Government of Indonesia for an area in which part of the Barisan Project now lie. CRA
undertook conventional stream and litho-geochemical surveys as well as induced polarisation
(IP) and diamond drilling, resulting in the delineation of several porphyry copper-gold
occurrences. Seven of those –Upper Ise Ise, Middle Ise Ise, Lower Ise Ise, Bahu, Lower
Tengkereng, Upper Tengkereng and Sekuelen – are located within the Barisan Project.
CRA estimated mineral resources at Upper Ise-Ise, Lower Tengkereng and Upper Tengkereng.
However, neither the qualified person nor the Issuer have done sufficient work to classify the
historical estimate as current mineral resources or mineral reserves and are not treating the historical
estimate as current mineral resources or mineral reserves as defined in sections 1.2 and 1.3 of NI43101, and as such the historical estimate should not be relied upon for any economic studies.
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
In 2000, PT Rikit Alas Mineral officially relinquished all the areas covered by its CoW in Aceh. The
area subsequently remained unclaimed until EAMC’s partners staked the Barisan Project in 2006.
Exploration Activities by East Asia Minerals Corporation (EAMC)
EAMC completed the following work between August 2007 and June 2011 within the Barisan
Project principally focussed on the Barisan porphyry copper-gold prospects. This work is
reported in detail in the Technical Reports dated 1st April 2011 (McLean, 2011a) and 30th
December 2011 (McLean, 2011b) and presented again in some detail in the EXPLORATION
and DRILLING sections below.
Barisan Porphyry Prospects
The following exploration activities were undertaken on the Barisan porphyry prospects by
Regional geological mapping, rock chip and channel sampling at the Lower and Upper
Tengkereng, Upper and Middle Ise Ise and Bahu prospects.
Ground magnetic surveys over the Lower and Upper Tengkereng prospects (49.65 line km)
and the Bahu prospect (36.275 line km).
Diamond drilling at the Lower Tengkereng, Upper Tengkereng and Upper Ise Ise prospects –
five holes at Lower Tengkereng, including three abandoned for technical reasons, for 1,338.3
m, three holes at Upper Tengkereng, including one abandoned for technical reasons, for
1,436.25 m and one hole at Upper Ise Ise for 800.95 m.
Reconnaissance field checking of magnetic anomalies and historical geochemical stream
anomalies within the Gayo IUP.
The drilling at the Upper Tengkereng prospect demonstrated that significant porphyry-style goldcopper mineralization – 646 m at 0.39 g/t Au and 0.21% Cu in hole UTD002 – extended to a
depth in excess of 600 m and, if confined to an intrusive plug-like body, over a diameter in
excess of 350 m. The drilling also showed the mineralization to be zoned, being gold-rich at
depth and copper-rich higher up the system.
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
The drilling at the Lower Tengkereng prospect intersected slightly lower grades than at Upper
Tengkereng but demonstrated that gold-copper mineralization and associated porphyry-style
alteration extended to a depth in excess of 430 m and over a diameter in excess of 250 m.
The drilling at the Upper Ise Ise prospect, intersected low grade copper and gold mineralisation
(up to 0.25% Cu and 0.65 ppm Au) associated with porphyry-style alteration over significant
At other porphyry gold-copper prospects within the Barisan Project, such as Middle Ise Ise and
Bahu, programs of mapping, rock and channel sampling, confirmed the results of previous
explorers, such as CRA Exploration and North Limited.
Regional Geology and Metallogeny
The regional geology and metallogeny has been described in detail in previous Technical
Reports, dated 1st April 2011 (McLean, 2011a) and 30th December 2011 (McLean, 2011b) and is
summarised below.
The Barisan porphyry prospects lie in the Neogene mineralized magmatic arc of Sumatra.
Sumatra forms the southwestern margin of Sundaland, which is an extension of the Eurasian
continental plate. Sumatra is considered to be composed of fragments of continental plates and
volcanic arcs which were derived from the breakup of Gondwana during the Late Palaeozoic
and Mesozoic (Barber and Crow, 2003).
The tectonic setting of Sumatra consists of several northwest trending tectonic elements, which
from southwest to northeast are a subduction zone, a fore-arc basin, a pre-Tertiary basement
complex, the Sumatra Fault System, a back-arc basin and the Sundaland continental crust
(Barber et al, 2005). Quaternary and Recent volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks form the
southwestern edge of the island.
In northern Sumatra, where the Barisan Project is located, Permo-Carboniferous basement
rocks comprise argillites, sandstone, quartzite and limestone of the Tapanuli and Peusangan
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
Overlying these rocks are subaerial to oceanic arc assemblages known as the Woyla Group,
which were either accreted to, or emplaced onto, the proto Sundaland southern margin during
the Mesozoic (Cameron et al., 1983; Carlile & Mitchell, 1994; Barber, 2000). Following periods
of up-lift and partial erosion of the basement rocks the region underwent sedimentation on both
sides of the Barisan Mountains from the Tertiary onward (Cameron et al., 1983).
Mineral occurrences within Sumatra appear to be associated with at least three (3) magmatic
arcs (Carlile and Mitchell, 1994 and Crow and Van Leeuwen 2005) – the middle to late
Cretaceous Sumatra-Meratus arc in the centre; the Neogene Sunda-Banda arc along the
western coastal range of Sumatra; and the arcuate Neogene Aceh arc present only in
northeastern Sumatra. The Neogene Aceh arc hosts the Tangse Cu-Mo deposit, the Miwah
high-sulfidation epithermal gold mineralization and undated epithermal and porphyry coppergold occurrences at Pisang Mas, Sable, Woyla, Takengon and Barisan, the latter being the
subject in this report.
Property Geology
The geology of the Properties has been described in the previous Technical Reports, dated 1st
April 2011 (McLean, 2011a) and 30th December 2011 (McLean, 2011b) and is summarised
The oldest rocks in the area of the Properties are Late Carboniferous to Early Permian units of
the Kluet Formation (Tapanuli Group) exposed in the southeastern corner of the Linge IUP and
in the central part of the Gayo IUP. Rock types comprise weakly metamorphosed siltstone,
arenite, and limestone, as well as slate, schist and gneisses.
Unconformably overlying the basement rocks in the northern part of the area are bedded to
massive marl and phyllite of the Tawar Formation of the Peusangan Group. Thrust onto all the
aforementioned rock units, and exposed in the southern part of the area, is the Late Jurassic to
Early Cretaceous Woyla Group, which consists mostly of andesite and serpentinised ultramafic
rocks of the Tapaktuan Formation and lesser units of agglomerate, breccia and tuff. These
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
volcanic rocks are locally intercalated with reefal limestone.
Tertiary sedimentary successions, which occupy a large proportion of the area of the Properties,
are represented by the Late Oligocene to Miocene Rampong and Bambo Formations. They
consist of interbedded sandstone, siltstone and mudstone, together with local occurrences of
shale and volcanic rocks or black pyritic mudstone.
Magmatism in the area is represented by the Doson biotite granite complex covering
approximately 30 km2 in the eastern part of the Linge IUP. Andesite sills, dikes and pyroclastic
rocks occur as small-volume bodies, mostly in the south. Outside the area, intrusive bodies are
represented by biotite granite to the north, the Sebajadi composite batholith (granodiorite to
aplite dike) to the east, and a small, un-named biotite-hornblende granodiorite to the west. The
porphyry copper-gold mineralization at the Tengkereng prospects is associated with a multiple
stock intrusive complex intruded into andesitic volcanics, volcaniclastic sediments, siltstone and
limestone of the Mesozoic Kenyaaran Volcanic Formation ascribed to the Woyla Group. The
age of the intrusions is uncertain but is thought to be Miocene.
Well developed porphyry copper-gold mineralization is present at the Lower Tengkereng, Upper
Tengkereng and Upper Ise Ise prospects where it has been confirmed by drilling. At the Bahu
and Ise Ise prospects (Lower and Middle) mapping programs and associated rock and channel
sampling have demonstrated the presence of altered and mineralized porphyritic diorites with
the characteristics of porphyry-style copper-gold mineralization with possible epithermal
overprinting suggested by advanced argillic alteration.
Porphyry Deposits
Porphyry copper and copper-gold deposits are spatially, temporarily and genetically associated
with intrusion in subduction settings. They typically show several types of zoned alteration
around the parent pluton including potassic alteration (biotite - potassium feldspar), phyllic
alteration (muscovite, chlorite), intermediate argillic (smectite, montmorillonite), propylitic
(epidote, chlorite, carbonate) and advanced argillic (quartz, alunite). They are characterized by
sulfide and oxide ore minerals in stockwork veinlets and disseminations.
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
The southwest Pacific region is host to Au-rich porphyry deposits, most prominently the
Grasberg mine in Papua Province, Indonesia. Another example of a porphyry deposit in
Indonesia is Batu Hijau, on Sumbawa Island.
The work done on the Barisan Project by BGC and, prior to it EAMC, has focussed on
evaluating the Barisan porphyry prospects which include the Lower and Upper Tengkereng
prospects, the Upper, Middle and Lower Ise Ise prospects, the Bahu prospect and the Sekuelen
prospect. The locations of the various prospects that are described below are shown on
Figures 2 and 3.
Figure 3. Location of prospects within the Barisan Properties. North at the top of the
figure. (Figure provided by BGC; Datum WGS84, UTM zone 47N; April 2011. Note that
Barisan 1 refers to Linge IUP and Barisan 2 to the Gayo IUP).
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
Lower Tengkereng Porphyry Cu-Au Prospect (40 11’ 30” North, 970 11’
48” East; WGS84)
The Lower Tengkereng prospect is located approximately 65 km south-southeast of Takengon
village within the Gayo IUP (Figures 2 and 3). Porphyry copper-gold mineralization was
discovered by CRA Exploration in the late 1990s following a program of exploration that
involved the drilling of seven (7) diamond drill holes. EAMC has undertaken a program of work,
including two successful diamond drill holes, which has confirmed the results of CRA and
provided further information on the geology and mineralization (see DRILLING section).
The geology of the prospect is dominated by strongly altered diorite porphyry that has intruded
andesitic volcanics, volcaniclastic sediments and limestone of the Mesozoic Kenyaran Volcanic
Formation. Later volcanics locally overlie the diorite.
Sampling and drilling by EAMC has demonstrated that widespread, moderate-grade gold and
copper mineralization is hosted within altered diorite porphyry. The alteration is predominantly
quartz-alunite-clay-iron oxide (advanced argillic alteration) in the upper part of the system
grading into quartz-illite-sericite-pyrite (phyllic alteration) at depth. Sugary quartz veins contain
variable amounts of pyrite, minor amounts of chalcopyrite and traces of chalcocite, covellite and
bornite. Minor magnetite is present as disseminations and in the veins.
The drilling has also shown that significant porphyry-style mineralization is present to depths in
excess of 430 m below the drill collars and may have a diameter in excess of 250 m. More
drilling is required to delineate the full extent of the mineralization.
Upper Tengkereng Porphyry Cu-Au Prospect (40 11’ 57” North, 970 12’
43” East; WGS84)
The Upper Tengkereng prospect is located approximately 1.8 km northeast of the Lower
Tengkereng prospect (Figure 3). The geological setting is very similar to that at Lower
Tengkereng and it is possible that the two systems are linked beneath the volcanic cover
The Upper Tengkereng prospect was evaluated by CRA Exploration in the mid 1990s with a program
of exploration that included diamond drilling. Work done by EAMC to follow-up CRA’s earlier work
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
has consisted of geological mapping, sampling and the drilling of two diamond holes (see DRILLING
Widespread, moderate-grade gold and copper mineralization is associated with quartz veins
and stockworks that locally form breccias within intensely altered diorite porphyry. The alteration
consists of advanced argillic in outcrops and in the upper parts of the system and a mixture of
argillic and phyllic alteration deeper in the system.
Sulfide minerals, consisting of pyrite, minor chalcopyrite and covellite and trace amounts of
chalcocite occur in both the quartz veins and as disseminations throughout the altered rock.
The two drill holes completed by EAMC at the Upper Tengkereng prospect have demonstrated
that significant porphyry-style gold-copper mineralization extends to a depth in excess of 600 m
below the drill collars and, if confined to an intrusive plug-like body, has a diameter in excess of
350 m. Further drilling is required to determine the dimensions, extent and shape of the
mineralized body.
Upper Ise Ise Porphyry Cu-Au Prospect (40 12’ 59” North, 970 13’ 22”
East; WGS84)
The geology of this prospect, which is located approximately 2.5 km northeast of Upper
Tengkereng (Figure 3), is dominated by four dioritic stocks ranging from coarse grained,
through medium grained and porphyritic, to fine grained variants that have been intruded into
the Kenyaran Volcanic Formation. CRA Exploration evaluated this prospect during its
exploration campaign in the mid 1990s and completed a limited amount of drilling.
Mapping and sampling conducted by EAMC confirmed the presence of anomalous gold and
copper mineralization hosted by altered diorite. The associated alteration consists of an initial
quartz-sericite-pyrite event overprinted by widespread silicification and quartz-pyrite stockworks.
Widespread, low-grade gold and copper mineralisation has since been confirmed by EAMCs
drill hole (see Item 10, the DRILLING section).
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
Bahu Porphyry Cu-Au Prospect (40 14’ 50” North, 970 13’ 28” East;
This prospect is located approximately 3.5 km north of Upper Ise Ise (Figure 3). Work
undertaken by EAMC, to follow-up encouraging results by previous explorers, has consisted of
geological mapping, rock-chip and channel sampling and a ground magnetic survey.
This work has outlined a large area (2.3 km x 1 km) of alteration of diorite porphyry and
enclosing sediments. Alteration consists of quartz-sericite-pyrite±illite overprinted by structurally
controlled advanced argillic and argillic styles. Quartz-pyrite veins and stockworks are present
and likely host the moderate grades of gold mineralization that have been identified from rock
and channel sampling; 46 m at 0.72 g/t Au and 268 ppm Cu, and 30 m at 0.71 % Au and 341
ppm Cu being some better examples.
Middle Ise Ise Porphyry Cu-Au Prospect (40 15’ 36” North, 970 12’ 11”
East; WGS84)
This prospect is located about 4 km northwest of Upper Ise Ise (Figure 3). Geological mapping,
rock-chip and channel sampling by EAMC has outlined altered and gold-copper mineralized
diorite and quartz diorite over an area of 1,200 m x 500 m. The alteration assemblages that
have been recognised are advanced argillic, quartz-clay-pyrite (locally phyllic), argillic and
propylitic. Sugary quartz veins and silica-alunite veins are present. Sulfides that have been
noted are pyrite and minor chacocite, covellite and chalcopyrite. The best results reported from
channel sampling to date is 10 m at 0.17 g/t Au and 0.21% Cu.
Lower Ise Ise Porphyry Cu-Au-Mo Prospect (40 16’ 23” North, 970 10’ 32”
East; WGS84)
The prospect is located approximately 6 km northwest of Upper Ise Ise (Figure 3) and is
defined by a historical gold-copper-molybdenum soil anomaly (EAMC 2008 annual report). BGC
has yet to undertake any exploration work of significance at this prospect.
Sekuelen Porphyry Cu-Au Prospect (40 2’ 16” North, 970 14’ East;
The prospect is located approximately 16 km south of the Upper Tengkereng prospect.
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
Mapping conducted by BGC confirmed the presence of stocks and dykes of diorite porphyry
within interbedded sandstones and siltstones of Tertairy age with indications of moderate to
strong phyllic, argillic and intermediate argillic alteration with minor quartz stockwork veins. Soil
and rock chip sampling returned slightly elevated Cu and Mo values (up to 527 ppm and 90 ppm
respectively) and defined a coherent copper soil anomaly (>100 ppm Cu) that provided a target
fro drill testing. BGC completed two drill holes at Sekuelen in 2012, neither of which confirmed
material gold and copper mineralisation (see Item 10, the DRILLING section, and Figure 4).
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
Figure 4. Plan showing drill hole locations at the Sekuelen prospect. Red crosses represent
stock work veins. (Figure provided by BGC; February 2013. Datum WGS84, UTM zone
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
Exploration work undertaken by EAMC has consisted of an aeromagnetic survey, ground
magnetic surveys, induced polarization surveys, sampling and drilling. Seven drill holes were
completed on the Barisan porphyries; two at Lower Tengkereng, two at Upper Tengkereng, one
at Upper Ise Ise and two at Sekuelen. The results from much of this work have been reported in
some detail in the previous Technical Reports (McLean, 2011a and McLean, 2011b) and are
presented again below.
Aeromagnetic Survey
An aeromagnetic survey was completed over an area of 220 km2 that encompasses the southeastern part of the Linge IUP and the north-eastern part of the Gayo IUP (Figure 5). The survey
was designed to cover all the existing Barisan porphyry copper-gold prospects. Radiometric
data was also collected from the survey. The survey was completed in July 2011.
The magnetic and radiometric data were collected to assist in the identification of structural and
geological controls on mineralization and provide additional targets for future exploration.
The survey involved the collection of data by contractor GPX Surveys, using a helicopter, on
north east oriented lines spaced at 100 m. Approximately 2303 line-km of data were collected at
a nominal sensor height of 60 m above the terrain. Figure 5 presents an image of the Analytical
Signal for the magnetic data that clearly shows a strong northwest trending structural grain
through the prospect areas. An image of Total Count (TC) radiometric data is presented in
Figure 6. This image also highlights some structural features along which several of the Barisan
porphyry copper-gold prospects are located. BGC has yet to undertake a comprehensive
interpretation of these data.
Data collected during the survey from an altimeter has been used to create a digital elevation
model (DEM). An image of the DEM is presented in Figure 7.
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
Gayo IUP
Figure 5. Analytical Signal image of aeromagnetic data. North at top of figure. Colour
ramp from blue, low magnetic intensity, to red, high magnetic intensity. (Figured created
by author from data provided by BGC; December 2011. Datum WGS84, UTM zone 47N).
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
Gayo IUP
Figure 6. Image of Total Count (TC) radiometric data. North at top of figure. Colour ramp
from blue, low TC, to red, high TC. (Figure created by author from data supplied by BGC;
December 2011. Datum WGS84, UTM zone 47N).
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
Gayo IUP
Figure 7. Image of digital elevation model. North at top of figure. Colour ramp from blue,
low elevation, to white, high elevation. (Figure created by author from data provided by
BGC; December 2011 Datum WGS84, UTM zone 47N).
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
Ground Magnetic Survey
In June 2008 a small ground magnetic survey totalling 11.8 line km was undertaken and
interpreted by Elliott Geophysics over the Upper and Lower Tenkereng prospects. The results
show magnetic highs that apparently rim magnetic lows that appear to coincide with the mineralized
and altered diorite porphyries that have been intersected in the drilling. This may reflect magnetite
zonation within the porphyry bodies or a halo of magnetic developed in the host rocks to the porphyry
due to skarnification. An EAMC interpretation shows northwest trending block faulting separating the
two prospects suggesting that the diorite porphyries at the two prospects are not linked.
Examples of rock and channel sampling gold results from the Upper and Lower Tengkereng
prospects are presented in Figures 8 and 9 respectively. Some of the more significant results
from the Bahu and Middle Ise Ise prospects have been referred to in the MINERALIZATION
section above.
Programs of rock and channel sampling and grid-based soil sampling have been undertaken by
BGC personnel at the Sekuelen prospect. Results from 165 rock and channel samples provided
generally low levels of Cu and Mo. The best values reported were 527 ppm and 90 ppm
Results from a 50 m by 50 m grid-based soil sampling program, involving the collection of 858
samples, provided some coherent Cu anomalies (>100 ppm), shown in Figure 10, that provided
targets for follow-up diamond drilling referred to in the DRILLING section below.
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
Figure 8. Geology and gold mineralization at the Upper Tengkereng prospect. North at
the top of the figure. Red line represents road.(Figure from BGC; April 2011. Datum
WGS84, UTM zone 47N)
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
Figure 9. Gold results from representative channel sampling (purple lines) at the Lower
Tengkereng prospect. (Figure from BGC; April 2011. Datum WGS84, UTM zone 47N).
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
Figure 10. Image of Cu results from grid-based soil sampling at the Sekuelen prospect.
Proposed drill holes are shown of which only two have subsequently been drilled. See Figure
2 for location of Sekuelen East prospect. (Figure from BGC; January 2013. Datum WGS84,
UTM zone 47N).
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
Environmental Work
In September 2007 the Indonesian office of Vancouver-based environmental consultants,
Hatfield Consultants, was commissioned to conduct environmental baseline studies of the
Barisan porphyry prospects. The aims of the study were to:
Provide assurance to prospective investors that appropriate steps are being taken
to protect the interests and reputation of EAMC;
Determine existing water quality characteristics of streams in the vicinity of
proposed exploration activities, such as access road construction and drilling sites;
Provide an overview of the extent and types of vegetation cover and land use prior
to exploration activities; and
Summarise available information on rare and endangered species of wildlife in the
To achieve these goals Hatfield collected water samples from streams and any relevant lakes in the
watersheds of intended and potential exploration areas. In addition Hatfield collected bottom
sediment samples from river beds downstream of exploration sites and soil samples from sites where
other companies had conducted exploration in the past. Satellite images of the project area were
used to interpret vegetation cover and literature research provided information on wildlife. Field
studies also augmented the fauna and flora interpretations. The work concluded that river water
quality was as expected from largely uninhabited areas with concentrations of dissolved and total
antimony, arsenic, copper, iron lead, mercury and zinc being at or below analytical detection limits.
Drilling programs have been undertaken at the Lower Tengkereng, Upper Tengkereng, Upper
Ise Ise and Sekuelen prospects. Two diamond drill holes have been completed at Lower
Tengkereng, and three abandoned due to technical drilling issues. Two diamond drill holes have
been completed at the Upper Tengkereng prospect. One hole was restarted following its
abandonment at 92.6 m. One diamond drill hole was completed at Upper Ise Ise prospect. Two
diamond drill holes were completed at Sekuelen.
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
Upper and Lower Tengkereng Prospects
To date a total of eight (8) diamond drill holes have been collared at the Upper and Lower
Tengkereng prospects. Four of these holes were abandoned for technical drilling reasons such
as high water flows and poor ground conditions. Four holes, two at each prospect, are deemed
to have been successfully drilled even although some of the holes were terminated before their
target depths due to poor ground conditions. The successful holes are UTD001A, UTD002,
LTD001 and LTD002A.
Diamond drilling has been contracted to PT Antero Indodrill. Drill core sizes used in the diamond
drilling are PQ (85 mm diameter) in the upper weathered part of each hole and then HQ (63.5 mm
diameter) for the remainder of the hole. A triple-tube is employed for all drill runs. Core recovery is
generally around 95% except in weathered, intensely fractured or altered zones. Down-hole surveys
are routinely collected every 50 m down-hole using an Eastman down-hole camera. The core has
been geotechnically and geologically logged and marked at 1 m intervals. Core that was
selected for sampling was cut in half over 2 m intervals using a petrol-driven rock saw with half
the core bagged for dispatch for analyses.
The holes were drilled to validate the results of earlier drilling by CRA Exploration and to start to
delineate the extent of the porphyry copper-gold system. The collar locations and other drill hole
information are presented in Table 4.
Depth m
464381.000 301546.000
UTD001A 464371.259 301544.911
464370.121 301543.691
463826.531 299961.024
463832.067 299962.061
463832.399 299961.180
463554.196 299856.581
LTD003A 463583.200 299868.078
Table 4. Drill hole information for Upper and Lower Tengkereng prospects.
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
The drill holes at both prospects succeeded in intersecting significant porphyry-style gold and
copper mineralization over considerable drill widths. Both holes at Upper Tengkereng (prefixed
UTD) were terminated in mineralization, as was one hole at Lower Tengkereng (prefixed LTD).
One of the abandoned holes, LTD003A, was also stopped in mineralization due to excessive
water flows. Intervals of significant gold and copper mineralization are presented in Table 5.
Hole No.
From m
To m
Interval m
Au g/t
Cu %
Table 5. Significant gold and copper drill intersections at Upper and Lower Tengkereng.
(Table prepared from EAMC announcements and checked against the data base).
The two drill holes at the Upper Tengkereng prospect have demonstrated that significant
porphyry-style gold-copper mineralization extends to a depth in excess of 600 m below the drill
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
collars and, if confined to an intrusive plug-like body, has a diameter in excess of 350 m. Further
drilling is required to determine the dimensions, extent and shape of the mineralized body. The
drilling has also shown that the mineralization is likely to be zoned being gold-rich at depth and
copper-rich higher up the system. The grades are very similar to other important porphyry
copper-gold systems elsewhere in the region such as the Batu Hijau deposit with average
grades of 0.4 g/t Au and 0.53% Cu.
At the Lower Tengkereng prospect the drilling has shown that significant porphyry-style
mineralization, albeit at slightly lower grades than at Upper Tengkereng, is present to depths in
excess of 430 m below the drill collars and may have a diameter in excess of 250 m. Mineral
zoning within the system is not as obvious as it is at Upper Tengkereng. More drilling is required
to delineate the full extent of the mineralization.
Upper Ise Ise Prospect
One diamond drill hole has been completed at the Upper Ise Ise prospect by EAMC to follow-up
anomalous gold and copper surface sampling results prior to BGC’s acquisition of the property.
The drill hole was completed in March 2011 by contractor PT Antero Indodrill using an AD-1000
drill rig. It was drilled on an azimuth of 1100 magnetic at a declination of 600. The drill hole’s
coordinates are presented in Table 6. The core size recovered in the drill hole varied from PQ in
the upper part (to 221.1 m) through HQ (to 500.6 m) to NQ at the end of the hole.
RL Regional
Final Depth m
Table 6. Upper Ise Ise prospect drill hole collar information (coordinates WGS84, UTM
zone 47N).
The hole intersected a sequence of microdiorite and diorite with phyllic alteration present in the
upper parts of the hole and propylitic alteration in the middle and lower parts of the hole. The
hole was terminated in propylitically altered sandstone. The hole was continuously sampled
over two metre intervals. Low-grade copper and gold mineralization was reported over
significant widths as presented in Tables 7 and 8. As the orientation of the mineralized intervals
is unknown the widths of these intervals cannot be regarded as true widths.
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
Hole No.
From m
To m
Interval m
Cu %
A cut-off of 0.2 % copper is used and values are quoted if they average >0.2% Cu over 4 m. 2 m of internal dilution is
Table 7. Significant drill intersections greater than 0.2% Cu from drill hole UID001.
Hole No.
From m
To m
Interval m
Au ppm
A cut-off of 0.2 ppm gold is used and values are quoted if they average >0.2 ppm Au over 4 m. 2 m of internal dilution
is accepted.
Table 8. Significant drill intersections greater than 0.2 ppm Au from drill hole UID001.
Sekuelen Prospect
Two diamond drill holes have been completed at the Sekuelen prospect by BGC to follow-up
anomalous gold and copper surface sampling results. The drill holes were completed in March
2012 and June 2012 respectively by contractor PT Antero Indodrill using an ID-1800 drill rig.
SED-001 was drilled on an azimuth of 0120 magnetic at a dip of 550 and SED-002 was drilled on
an azimuth of 3510 magnetic at a dip of 560. The drill holes coordinates are presented in Table
9. The locations are shown on Figure 4. The core size recovered in the drill hole varied from PQ
in the upper part through HQ to NQ at the end of the hole.
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
RL Regional
Final Depth m
Table 9. Sekuelen prospect drill hole collar information (coordinates WGS84, UTM zone
The holes did not intersect any significant mineralization or provide any anomalous
geochemistry from core sampling and the drill program at Sekuelen was terminated upon
completion of SED002.
Core Sampling Procedure
Core sampling procedures are generally the same for the drilling programs undertaken at each
of the prospects.
Drill core from hole SED001 at the Sekuelen prospect was sampled along two metre lengths
throughout the hole. Altogether 308 samples were collected. Hole SED002 was selectively
sampled along two metre lengths with 157 core samples collected.
After selecting the length to be sampled a line is drawn down the middle of the core and the
selected segment sawn in half along the line using a gasoline-powered diamond core saw. The
core saw is washed between samples to prevent contamination. Soft or friable core is split with
a knife. Broken core is sampled with a scoop. Half the sawed, split or scooped core is sent for
assaying and the remaining half returned to the tray. Where possible the same side of the core
is consistently sampled. The half of the core to be sent for assaying is placed in a calico bag
together with a number tag. The calico bags are sealed in polyweave bags with the drill hole
number and sample number batch written on the bags. A geologist prepares sample assay
submission forms with the sample number sequence and elements to be analysed. All drill core
is photographed before and after sampling.
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
Sample Transportation
Samples are transported to Intertek’s sample preparation facility in Medan by a company
vehicle driven by a company employee. Intertek takes over the chain of custody at this point.
Prepared sample pulps are sent by air freight to Jakarta where they are analysed at Intertek’s
In the opinion of the author the sampling methods, procedures and protocols used by BGC and
previously EAMC, are accepted industry practise and would produce samples of appropriate
quality for analyses. The author believes that there are no drilling or sampling factors that would
materially impact the accuracy and reliability of the results.
Samples are initially sent to the Intertek Group’s sample preparation facility in Medan and
sample pulps are air freighted to Intertek’s laboratory in Jakarta. Intertek Group plc is one of the
world’s leading chemical analytical laboratories. Its Jakarta laboratory is ISO 17025 accredited.
Sample Preparation
A flow chart of the preparation procedures is presented in Figure 11.
Sample Analysis
Gold is determined with inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES)
and analysis by fire assay methods (method code: FA 50) on 50 g samples of pulverized
material. Detection limits range from 0.005 to 50 g/t Au. Gold assays greater than 50 g/t are reanalysed with 50 g fire assay plus gravimetric finish (method code: FA12) with a detection limit
to 1,000 g/t Au. Repeat analyses on low and high gold assays are routinely performed by the
laboratory as part of its quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC).
Base metals and other elements are determined with an aqua regia acid digestion and ICP-AES
(the 34-element package). Detection limits for the six metals of immediate interest are as
follows: Ag – 0.5 ppm; Cu – 2 ppm; Pb – 2 ppm; Zn – 2 ppm; As – 5 ppm; Sb – 5 ppm. A
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
number of samples from drill hole UTD002 at Upper Tengkereng have had Cu analysed by
method GA02 which is a hydrochloric/perchloric digestion with an AAS finish.
Figure 11. Flow chart for sample preparation procedures.
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
Although the author has not inspected Intertek’s sample preparation facility and laboratory he is
aware that the Jakarta laboratory is accredited and would be the subject of checks by other
independent referees. The author notes that the sample preparation procedures are adequate
for the drill core from BGC’s prospects and that the analytical methods employed on the
samples are acceptable for the style and grade of mineralization that is being evaluated by
Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC)
BGC has adopted EAMC’s quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) protocols that meet the
mineral industry standard. This verification involves the analysis of blank samples and reference
or standard materials.
A blank sample is inserted every 20 samples to verify that the laboratory equipment was
properly cleaned between samples and to detect any contamination during preparation. A total
of 11 blanks were inserted in the batches covering samples from holes SED001 and SED002.
Gold values were all <0.005 g/t (laboratory detection limit) which is deemed ideal.
Three standard or reference samples for gold, purchased from Geostats Pty Ltd in Australia,
have been routinely included in every batch of SED001 and SED002 samples to test the
accuracy and precision of the analysis. The types of standards, their gold contents, and one
standard deviation (SD) are presented in Table 10
Gold content (g/t)
GBMS 304-4
Standard Deviation
Table 10. Types of standard materials for precision and accuracy verification.
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
The values reported for the standard samples have been plotted in a control chart that shows
the accuracy and precision of the analyses (Figure 12). These results show that the accuracy
and precision of the results is acceptable. For standard GBMS 304-4 all the results fall within
one standard deviation. For G910-9 and G907-2 the results fall within two standard deviations.
Figure 13. Control chart showing precision and accuracy of standard samples from drill
core sample batches submitted from drill holes SED001 and SED002.
There are no adjacent properties that have a bearing on the Barisan Project.
BGS has not performed any mineral processing or metallurgical tests on mineralized samples
from the Barisan Project.
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
With the exception of CRA’s aforementioned historical resource estimates (see Item 5.1), there
have been no other resource calculations or estimates undertaken at any of the prospects within
the Barisan Project.
As of writing, no other relevant data or information is currently available for any of the prospects
within the Barisan Project.
Exploration at the Lower and Upper Tengkereng prospects, consisting of mapping, rock and
channel sampling, ground magnetic surveying and diamond drilling – two completed holes at
each prospect – has resulted in the delineation of an extensive and well mineralized porphyry
gold-copper system at each prospect. Although the prospects are only 1.8 km apart the
magnetic data suggest that they are related to separate porphyritic diorite intrusive complexes.
The drilling at the Upper Tengkereng prospect has demonstrated that significant porphyry-style
gold-copper mineralization – 646 m at 0.39 g/t Au and 0.21% Cu in hole UTD002 – extends to a
depth in excess of 600 m and, if confined to an intrusive plug-like body, has a diameter in
excess of 350 m. Further drilling is required to determine the dimensions, extent and shape of
the mineralized body. The drilling has also shown that the mineralization is likely to be zoned
being gold-rich at depth and copper-rich higher up the system.
The drilling at the Lower Tengkereng prospect intersected slightly lower grades that at Upper
Tengkereng but nonetheless demonstrated that gold-copper mineralization and associated
porphyry-style alteration extends to a depth in excess of 430 m and could have a diameter in
excess of 250 m.
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
The drill hole completed at Upper Ise Ise has confirmed the presence of porphyry-style coppergold mineralisation, albeit at a low to moderate grade. Results from the drilling clearly show a
zonation of copper and gold mineralisation with the former occurring in the upper part (36 m to
108 m) and the middle part of the hole (212 m to 410 m) and the latter being present in the
lower part of the hole (506 m to 610 m). Nowhere in the hole do anomalous grades of copper
and gold overlap.
Although the copper and gold grades intersected at Upper Ise Ise are not particularly high they
do demonstrate the prospectivity of the zone of porphyry intrusions extending to the northwest
through the Bahu, Middle and Lower Ise Ise prospects all which lie within a structural corridor
evident from the magnetic and radiometric data and warrant drill testing (Figures 5 and 6).
The two holes drilled at the Sekuelen prospect failed to intersect any mineralisation and
alteration of significance for porphyry-style systems. Only narrow dykes of diorite porphyry were
intersected in the holes and although showing signs of alteration they did not carry any Cu and
Au geochemical anomalism. It is this author’s conclusion that the two drill holes have
adequately tested beneath the surface Cu geochemical anomaly and no further drilling is
warranted at this particular prospect.
The author considers that the reliability of the data collected by BGC and previously EAMC is
good. The company has adopted acceptable industry methods for its drilling and sampling
programs and has in place acceptable data verification protocols.
Proposed Work Program
With the exception of the magnetic and radiometric survey reported herein the proposed work
program that was outlined in the previous Technical Reports (McLean, 2011a and McLean,
2011b) has yet to be undertaken. The re-commencement of drilling programs at the identified
prospects awaits the granting of Borrow-Use and other permits as discussed in Item 3.
The proposed twelve (12) month exploration program and budget for the Barisan porphyry
prospects, once the necessary permits are granted, is as follows:
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
To validate and discover porphyry gold-copper mineralization at the Bahu and Middle Ise
Ise prospects with a program of four to six helicopter-assisted drill holes for 3,000 m. To
date one drill site has been prepared at the Bahu prospect (302935 Easting, 469682
Northing, UTM Zone 47N) to test an area of gold anomalous channel samples. The
locations of remaining drill holes at Bahu and Middle Ise Ise have yet to be determined
and will, to some extent, depend on results and accessibility.
To discover one or more economic porphyry gold-copper deposits at the Upper and
Lower Tengkereng and Upper Ise Ise prospects with drill holes planned at each prospect
for a total of 6,000 m.
Proposed Budget
Details for the estimated budgets for the twelve month period are presented in Table 11. This
budget includes provision for the drill programs discussed above, logistical support for the
programs, consumables, tenement maintenance the compilation and interpretation of data and
the expansion of the camp facilities and the number of personnel. The budget does not include
any overhead costs associated with maintaining the company’s offices and associated
administration functions.
Linge IUP
Budget Items
Drilling, site preparation, site rehabilitation
Helicopter support
Geochemistry, geology, petrology
Salaries, wages, employee, benefits social insurance
Support, camp costs, supplies, consumables
Travel, accommodation, freight
Government, tenements, legal, partners, community, safety
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
Gayo IUP
Budget Items
Drilling, site preparation, site rehabilitation
Helicopter support
Geochemistry, geology, petrology
Salaries, wages, employee, benefits social insurance
Support, camp costs, supplies, consumables
Travel, accommodation, freight
Government, tenements, legal, partners, community, safety
Table 11. Proposed budgets for the twelve months for the Linge and Gayo IUPs upon
granting of the necessary permits.
The author regards the allocated budgets as being sufficient to achieve the aims of the work
programs on the Barisan porphyry prospects.
Barber A.J., and Crow, M.J., 2005, Structure and Structural history, In: Sumatra: Geology,
Resources and Tectonic Evolution., A.J. Barber, M.J., Crow and J.S. Milsom (eds.),
Geological Society, London, Memoir 31, 175-233.
Bennett, J.D., and Kartawa, W., 1981, Aspects of the regional geology of northern Sumatra, In:
Proceedings of the second symposium integrated geological survey of Northern Sumatra,
Directorate of Mineral Resources Indonesia, No. 3(a) Sim. V. 1, p. 21-28.
Cameron, N.R., Bennett, J.D., Bridge, D.M.Mc, Clarke, M.C.G., Djunuddin, A., Gazali, S.A., Harahap,
H., Jeffrey, D.H., Keats, W., Ngabito, H., Rocks, N.M.S., and Thompson, S.J., 1983, Geologi
Lembar Takengon, Sumatra: Departmen Pertambangan dan Energi, Direktorat Jenderal
Pertambangan Umum, 22 p.
Carlile, J.C., and Mitchel, A.H.G., 1994, Magmatic arcs and associated gold and copper
mineralization in Indonesia: Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 50, p. 91-142..
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
Crow, M.J., and van Leeuwen, T. M., 2005, Metallic mineral resources, In: Sumatra, Geology,
Resources and Tectonic Evolution., A.J. Barber, M.J., Crow and J.S. Milsom (eds.), Geological
Society, London, Memoir 31, 147-174.
McLean, N., 2011a, East Asia Minerals Corporation and Barisan Gold Corporation. Technical Report
on the Barisan I and Barisan II Properties, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of
Indonesia: Geo Discovery Group, Sherwood, Australia. (This report was filed under Barisan Gold
Corporation on SEDAR on August 9 2011).
McLean, N., 2011b, Barisan Gold Corporation. Technical Report on the Barisan I and Barisan II
Properties, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia: Geo Discovery
Group, Sherwood, Australia. (This report was filed under Barisan Gold Corporation on SEDAR on
December 30 2011).
Page, B.G.N., and Young, R.D. 1981, Anomalous geochemical patterns from northern Sumatra: their
assessment in terms of mineral exploration and regional geology: Journal of Geochemical
Exploration, v.15, p. 325-365.
White, N.C., and Hedenquist, J.W., 1990, Epithermal environments and styles of mineralization:
variations and their causes, and guidelines for exploration. Journal of Geochemical Exploration,
v. 35, p. 445-474
This Technical Report entitled “Barisan Gold Corporation. Technical Report on the Barisan
Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia” and dated
26th February, 2013, was prepared and signed by the following author.
“Neil McLean”
Neil McLean
FAusIMM, MSc, BSc (Hons), DIC
Sherwood, Queensland, Australia
Date: 26th February, 2013
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia.
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of
Neil McLean
Geo Discovery Group Pty Ltd
PO Box 59
Sherwood, Queensland
Tel: +61 7 3278 5733
Fax: +61 7 3278 5744
E-mail: [email protected]
I, Neil McLean, do hereby certify that:
a) I am a consulting geologist with Geo Discovery Group Pty Ltd with a business
address of Level 1, 686 Sherwood Road, Sherwood, Queensland, Australia, 4075.
b) This certificate applies to the technical report entitled “Barisan Gold Corporation.
Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh
Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia” dated 26th February, 2013 (the “Technical
Report”). I am a Fellow in good standing of the Australasian Institute of Mining and
Metallurgy (Number 211102). My relevant experience is 35 years as an exploration
and development geologist which includes experience with gold and porphyry
copper-gold mineralisation projects in Indonesia, the Solomon Islands, Argentina,
Philippines and throughout Australia. I am a “Qualified Person” for the purposes of
National Instrument 43-101 (the “Instrument”).
c) I graduated from the University of London with a Master of Science (Mineral
Exploration) and the Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, with a
Diploma of the Imperial College (DIC) in 1979.
d) I visited the Properties on 24th to 26th January 2011 over a three day period.
e) I am responsible for all Sections of the Technical Report.
f) I am independent of Barisan Gold Corporation as defined by Section 1.5 of the
g) I was responsible for producing Independent Technical Reports on the Property in
April 2011, Form 43-101 F1 and again in December 2011.
h) I have read the Instrument and the Technical Report has been prepared in
compliance with the Instrument.
i) At the effective date of the Technical Report, to the best of my knowledge,
information and belief, the Technical Report contains all scientific and technical
information that is required to be disclosed to make the Technical Report not
Dated and signed this 26th day of February, 2013, at Sherwood, Queensland, Australia
“Neil McLean”
Neil McLean
FAusIMM, MSc, BSc (Hons), DIC
Consulting Geologist
Geo Discovery Group Pty Ltd
Report Title: Technical Report on the Barisan Porphyry Prospects, Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Republic of