Term 1 Week 9 Newsletter - Shell Cove Public School


Term 1 Week 9 Newsletter - Shell Cove Public School
Shell Cove Public School
26 MARCH 2015
Principal’s Message
25 & 26 March
PSSA Swimming
27 March
Last day to go into
draw for paying fees
(Jamberoo Rec Park)
2 April
Easter Hat Parade
30 March
Wheels Day
-Rewards Day
Wheels Day
-Canteen Volunteers
-Canteen Price List
CARING—Being prepared
to look after people and
A Busy Time!
Last Tuesday our Kinder
and Years 1 & 2 children
decorated their eggs and
tomorrow we have our
school cross-country, this
year on our school
grounds. On Monday of
next week we have our
Wheels Rewards Day to
say thank you to all those
wonderful students who
display the behaviours that
make us proud.
Also on this day we have
our Easter Mufti Day
where students bring in
their Easter Eggs for the
Easter Raffle. On the
Thursday we will be having
our Eggshibition, Easter
Parade and drawing of the
P&C Easter Raffle. This
should provide a most
entertaining end to what
has certainly been another
busy term!
Online Payment for
Excursions, School Fees &
Other Payments Now
It is now possible for
parents and carers to
make online payments to
Cnr Killalea Dr & Stradbroke Ave
Shell Cove NSW 2529
the school for amounts
owing for students, via a
secure payment page
hosted by Westpac.
Payments can be made
using either a Visa or
MasterCard credit or debit
card. The payment page is
accessed from the front
page of the school’s
website by selecting $
Make a payment.
This is a secure payment
system hosted by Westpac
to ensure that your credit/
debit card details are
captured in a secure
manner, these details are
not passed back to the
You have the ability to
check and change any
details of the payment
before the payment is
processed. Receipts can
be emailed and/or printed.
More detailed information
is included further on in
this newsletter. If you
have any questions please
contact our school office.
School P&C Road Safety
Our school P&C has
worked tirelessly in trying
to secure road safety
improvements around our
school. One of their
initiatives is the wonderful
walking bus. A walking
Phone: (02) 4297 2247
Fax: (02) 4297 3357
Email:[email protected]
bus is a group of primary
school children who walk
to and from school along a
safe, set route,
accompanied by a parent
This is a great initiative,
being fully supervised and
safe, providing regular,
healthy exercise and
lessening the amount of
traffic on our local roads.
Our program needs
additional volunteers and
children to keep the
program going. We would
love you to help!
Our second wonderful
initiative is the Safety
Observer Squad (SOS).
Parents/carers spend
approx 20 mins observing
our safety crossing area.
Since beginning this
initiative last year we have
recorded a marked
decrease in risky driver
behaviours which has
contributed to increased
safety for our children.
Any additional helpers
would be most
Please contact
il.com to seek information
or offer to help these
wonderful parents and
carers helping to keep our
our children safe. Later on
PO Box 4033
Shellharbour NSW 2529
in the newsletter there is an update
from our wonderful safety team.
Picking Up Children In The
Thank you to all those parents
waiting for and picking up their
children underneath our COLA in the
afternoons. This is the best place to
meet your child so please do not
wait near paths and stairs as this
restricts the safe movement of our
children when they are leaving their
classrooms in the afternoons.
There has been much publicity in
the media about homework over
the last couple of weeks and our
school will be reviewing our
homework policy this year.
Homework can provide parents/
carers with added opportunities to
monitor the progress of their child.
Establishing habits of study,
concentration and self-discipline can
be most beneficial, particularly in
the context of students progressing
towards their secondary schooling.
At our school, homework is not
compulsory but is encouraged. We
do acknowledge those students who
do their homework by indicating
this on their semester reports. It is
interesting that whilst some of our
parents would prefer less
homework for their children, some
request more. Homework set at our
school provides options for students
to do more or less when time
Thought of the Week
"The minute you settle for less than
you deserve, you get even less than
you settled for.”
Maureen Dowd (American
Craig Walker
Reminder: Easter Raffle will be
drawn on Thursday 2nd April.
The Walking Bus will NOT run on
Monday the 30th March, 2015 as it
will be rewards day. It will be back
up and running again by Tuesday
31st, 2015.
Why is regular attendance
The law in NSW states that all
children between the ages of six and
seventeen years are required to
attend school regularly (Education
Act 1990). It is the responsibility of
parents or caregivers to make sure
that their children attend school
every day. Attending school every
day makes learning easier for your
child and helps build and maintain
friendships. If students miss the
NOTE: New students to the school will
be credited with a number of
merit points once they bring in
records (albums etc.) of any special
school merit awards that they were
presented with from their previous
schools. These students will be placed
on Shell Cove’s Merit Award records at
a position, decided by the Principal that
should equate approximately to the
number of awards they would have
been likely to receive if they had been
at Shell Cove PS since the beginning of
Kindergarten. Merit award presentations (SCPS pennants/banners) will not
be backdated however.
Nickolas Knowles, Ella Shortland
Charlotte Daniels, Mason Lay, Ashley Temelkovski, Nickolas
Nicholas Parnell, Zane MacDonald
Cooper Markovic , Indyana Gomez, Grant Paterson
Sophie Mackrell, Ava Langlands, Ella Worsley
Ethan Goodfellow, Darcy Park, Cohen Grey
Olive Dusting, Lily Martin, Reuben Lynch
Ashton Moran, Noah Teodo
Joshua Tracey, Moses Fowler, Mia Pinney
Thomas Acers, Jayda Tudzarov, Tyson Richards
Emi Krajewski, Jacinta Rogers, Noah Carrette, Bridie Giles,
Stephanie Brdnk-Donevska
Ben Vidal, Jasmine Kaschubs, Emily Lim
Zara Casey, Charlotte Milosevski, Jack Rhodes
Lillianne Stevanovska, Isabelle Bryant, Harrison Ditton
Amy Newnam, Phoebe Mustafa, Lambros Papoutsakis
Lily Gibson, Grace Lim, Makaela Bennett
Cassidie O’Neill, Shane Wright, Jaxson Took
Olivia Stankoski, Phoenix Smith, Annaliese Inglis
Jonathan Carmody, Nicholas Roso, Taryn Klenke
Keanu Tupp-Tekoi, Jaimen Drysdale, Emma Streeter
Marcus Dahl, Ella Stanford, Isaac Kay
basic skills in the early years of
school, they may also have
problems later on. Regular
attendance prevents gaps in the
acquisition of essential skills which
leads to improved student learning
outcomes. Also, it will help build
academic and social confidence in
your child and help them to succeed
in later life.
Looking at all our children’s
attendance reports over the last
couple of weeks it has become quite
apparent that a small number of
students have had a significant
number of absences in Term 1.
We realise that sometimes absences
are unavoidable. Children obviously
need to stay home when they are
unwell and families sometimes need
to travel outside school holidays.
However, if your child is absent
from school please ensure that they
return to school with a signed note
explaining their absence.
Any absence from school must be
accounted for and attendance at
school is a legal requirement. This
also includes students needing to be
at school by 9.00am so that they
don’t miss out the vital information
often shared with students about
the day’s teaching and learning
program at the beginning of the day.
Pamphlets and Posters
At the beginning of Term 2
pamphlets will be distributed to
attendance procedures and similarly
posters will be displayed to
encourage student attendance. If
you have any questions, please do
not hesitate in asking.
Kind Regards,
Ewen Neild
Deputy Principal
The REACH Reading Challenge
is an important part of the focus
on encouraging our students to
read at home. It is an
expectation that all Stage 2 and
3 students participate.
Books can be read from home
if they are at a suitable
reading level for the student.
Parents, please remind children
that the books they read for this
challenge should be at the
appropriate level of the
student’s reading ability (not
too easy), and they should take
a minimum of 4 or 5 nights to
read. If students need help to
find books that are suitable we
are happy to help them in their
library lesson or at lunch when
the library is open at first half of
lunch. 1.20pm – 1.40pm.
We have set up an INBOX and
an OUTBOX for students to
deliver their REACH cards as
they complete each level and
the OUTBOX is where they can
collect their cards after they
have been processed.
We are extremely lucky to have
a fantastic parent who
processes the cards and
certificates. Cards will not be
sent back on the same day and
may take several days before
they are processed. Students
can record any books at home
until they have their cards
will participate as provisional
monitors until their training is
Library Teachers, Mrs
Macdonald, Mrs Geraghty, Mr
School Banking is starting in
Term 2.
Banking day will be Tuesdays.
To open your account/s there
are 2 options:
1. Open account/s on Tuesday
31 March 2015 at 8.30am in the
cola with Commonwealth Bank
Bring your child/ren’s Birth
Certificate/s and parent/carer’s
2. Go to any Commonwealth
Bank with same documents
(preferably in the school
holidays so your child/ren can
start depositing in Term 2).
OR if your child already has an
account, let me know the
account number and we will
issue your chil/ren a dollarmites
Your child/ren can deposit as
little as 5 cents a week!
Look out for the dollarmites
flyer this week for more
Kim Pike and Yvette Torr
The Library Monitor Role in our
school is part of the Leadership
Program that runs at Shell Cove
providing many different
students the opportunity to
develop their leadership skills.
All Year 6 students are able to
apply to be monitors and we
have had an excellent response
to this role in 2015.Notes have
gone home to the families of
the students who applied and
the prospective monitors have
commenced their training and
Online Payment for Excursions, School Fees & Other Payments
It is now possible for parents and carers to make online payments to the school for amounts owing for students, via
a secure payment page hosted by Westpac. Payments can be made using either a Visa or MasterCard credit or
debit card. The payment page is accessed from the front page of the school’s website by selecting $ Make a payment.
Items that can be paid include voluntary school fees and contributions, excursions and other sales to students.
There is also a category called ‘Other’. This is to cover items not covered in the previous headings. ‘Other’ can be
used to make a complete payment of a school invoice.
Any P&C activity, such as sausage sizzles, fundraisers, bookclub etc, cannot be paid using this online system. If you
do so, it will be refunded straight back into your account by our office staff.
When you access the $ Make a payment you must enter:
the students name, and
class and reference number OR
the students name, and
date of birth.
These details are entered each time you make a payment as student information is not held within the payment
system. There is also the option to enter the Student Registration Number and Invoice number if you are aware of
them. These are optional fields.
This is a secure payment system hosted by Westpac to ensure that your credit/debit card details are captured in a
secure manner. These details are not passed back to the school.
You have the ability to check and change any details of the payment before the payment is processed. Receipts can
be emailed and/or printed.
Details of the payments are passed daily to the school where they will be receipted against your child’s account. As
a receipt has been issued from the payment page, a further receipt will not be issued by the school.
For any enquiries regarding the Online Payment process please contact our school office.
Please also note that if you are paying for an excursion, activity, etc., for your child, it must be paid for by 6pm
the day before the excursion payment due date (as noted on permission slip), otherwise it will be refunded back
into your account—please also ensure that permission notes are sent into school before or once the online payment has been made!
From our Road Safety Parent Team
"Safety Update : Keeping our Kids
The safety committee have been
busy negotiating with council, RMS
and local politicians to improve
pedestrian and road safety around
our school. Did you see our new
signs up this week, reinforcing the
bus zone , kids crossing and kiss and
drop zone?
Other changes include:
flashing lights confirmed by RMS to
be installed April 2015
council have agreed to increase
ranger presence at kiss and drop
new additional gate near duck pond
council have agreed to order regular
tree/ garden maintenance every
term ( versus 2 x per year)
P&C are funding an independent
road safety audit to provide us with
recommendations to put to council/
RMS to increase pedestrian safety.
We hope this strategy will give us
more power to negotiate change,
and will be requesting community
support in coming months once this
report is released.
A reminder also that we are needing
volunteers for kiss and drop and
walking bus. If you know of anyone
who can help out (even once a
fortnight) please contact Kate
Moore Kendall Thomson or Kirsty
Thanks again for your support!
“The Safety Team"
Canteen Position
A one day a week casual position
has opened up in our canteen. You
would report to Vicky Hardcastle,
the Canteen Supervisor and would
be her back-up. Please send an
expression of interest to
[email protected].
Thank you, P&C Executive
Cross Country
The Shell Cove Cross Country
Carnival will be held this Friday, 27th
March. Due to the rain earlier in the
week, the grounds may be a little
muddy when we have to run the
track on Friday. If this is the case, we
will still go ahead as planned. You
may like to send your child to school
with a change of clothes, clean
shoes and a plastic bag, should they
be required after their race. In the
event that there is plenty of rainfall
and the track is deemed unsuitable,
we will postpone the Cross Country
Carnival to the Tuesday of Week 10.
If it is postponed, we will make the
announcement through i98FM and
also on the Shell Cove Parents
Facebook Page.
Sports Committee
Sports Report
We have had a very busy time at the
start of our year with trials for
school teams and representation at
Mid South PSSA level. We have held
our school, Mid South and South
Coast Region PSSA Swimming
Carnivals also.
Congratulations to all students who
have represented our school in a
sport this term. The students in bold
were successful in gaining eligibility
to represent at the next level.
Roache, Macklin Drysdale
Touch Football Boys: Coleby Smith,
Jack Bostock, Levi Randle, Liam
Pollitt, Jackson Prem, Nathan
Touch Football Girls: Kate Meurant,
Alana Pollitt, Ella Headrick, Paris
McCartney, Macey Lee, Pyper
Marshall, Haylee Carroll
Trials for Touch Football will be held
in April.
Soccer Boys: Jake Almond, James
Jovanovski, Adriano Belsito, Zack
Hyman, Levi Randle, Michael Pecev
Soccer Girls: Haylee Carroll, Pyper
Marshall, Emelie Robinson, Imogen
Dos Santos, Chelsea Peters
Paul Kelly Cup AFL: Jono Wilcox,
Liam Mackrell, Nathan Ross, Jack
Bostock, Coleby Smith, Levi Randle,
Byron Ladlow, Byron Shepherd,
Daymein Lindsey, Isaac Kay, Rafferty
Wells, Josiah Cook, Christian
Milevski, Liam Pollitt, Jake Almond,
Josh Fellows, Jaimen Drysdale,
Macklin Drysdale, Billy Walsh, Beau
Kent, Max Steele, Zac Hyman, Ben
Wood, Jack Micallef, Jett Barrett,
Jackson Prem, Jaxon Liddle
Girls: Lily McDonald, Alana Pollitt,
Paris McCartney, Alannah Blake,
Nyah Riddell, Emma Streeter, Elara
McGregor, Macey Lee, Kate
Meurant, Emma Howie, Piper
Boreland, Diba Sabeti, Kyah
Tunbridge, Shanaya Reyneke,
Megan Rees
They are:
Cricket: Liam Mackrell ©, Isaac Kay
(VC), Josiah Cook, Levi Randle, Jono
Wilcox, Nathan Ross, Marcus Dahl,
Billy Walsh, Zac Hyman, Byron
Shepherd, Max Steele, Jake Almond
Cricket to Mid South: Liam
Mackrell, Isaac Kay
AFL: Liam Mackrell, Jono Wilcox,
Jack Bostock, Nathan Ross
Rugby League Opens: Coleby Smith,
Nathan Robinson, Zac Hyman, Jack
Rugby League 11s: Byron Ladlow,
Jacob Pinney, Nicolas Roso, Oliver
Basketball: Jackson Prem
Netball: Kyah Tunbridge, Nyah
Riddell, Emelie Robinson, Alannah
Blake, Piper Boreland, Paris
McCartney, Emma Streeter, Macey
Lee, Pyper Marshall, Kate Meurant
Wishart/McGregor Years 5 and 6
Boys: Jack Bostock, Coleby Smith,
Hunta Osmond, Keanu Tupp-Tekoi,
Oliver Roache, Zac Hyman, Nathan
Robinson, Byron Ladlow, Josiah
Cook, Byron Shepherd, Jacob
Pinney, Macklin Drysdale, Jaimen
Drysdale, Billy Walsh, Rafferty Wells,
Michael Fenton, Nicholas Roso,
Christian Milevski, Oliver Woolmer,
Josh Quinnell
Wishart/McGregor Years 5 and 6
Girls: Isabella DeNoro, Lily Gibson,
Alana Pollitt, Lily McDonald, Paris
McCartney, Emma Howie, Mia
Barton, Taylah Petrovski, Kyah
Tunbridge, Melanie Stollery, Kate
Meaurant, Bronte Poetzl, Alannah
Blake, Chanel Sekuloski, Piper
Boreland, Holly Bednarz, Macey Lee,
Charlize Carmody, Ella Headrick,
Megan Rees, Chloe Smith
Wishart/McGregor Years 3 and 4
Boys: Thomas Kirk, Zane Milnes,
Jack Rhodes, Sam Tracey, Isaac
Acers, Kai Woolmer, Riley Moran,
Kye Robinson, Sonny Randle, Nash
Miller, Lachlan Vranna
Swimming to Mid South: James
Jovanovski, Chelsea Peters, Jack
Bostock, Jackson Prem, Levi Randle,
Nathan Robinson, Taj Billings, Dylan
Griffiths, Nyah riddell, Emelie
Robinson, Byron Ladlow, Pyper
Marshall, Kate Meurant, Jake
Almond, Kimberley Elvy, Erin Lawler,
Bronte Poetzl, Lachlan Schier,
Coleby Smith, Angelee Farrugia,
Dakota James, Amelia Geraghty, Kai
Woolmer, Lara Pero, Ivy Halliwell,
Max Dellar, Naythen Lindsey, Baxter
McDonald, Bodhi Osmond, Indra
Marshall, Kye Robinson, Nash Miller,
Thomas Kirk, Denica Janse Van
Rensburg, Jordyn Martin, Sonny
Randle, Indiana Dos Santos, Kyra
Martin, Olivia-Piper Lawrie, Brock
Swimming to Regional: Ivy Halliwell,
Jordyn Martin, James Jovanovski,
Kimberley Elvy, Byron Ladlow, Jake
Almond, Bock Poetzl, Kyra Martin,
Amelia Geraghty, Nash Miller,
Naythen Lindsey, Max Dellar, Sonny
Randle, Denica Janse Van Rensburg,
Jack Bostock, Lachlan Schier, Emelie
Robinson, Bronte Poetzl, Pyper
Marshall, Blake Mackrell
Our Swimming Champions for 2015
Jnr Girl Ivy Halliwell
Jnr Boy Nash Miller
11 Girl Kimbereley Elvy
11 Boy Jake Almond
Snr Girl Pyper Marshall
Sny Boy Nathan Robinson
The winning house for 2015 was
Good luck all runners in Friday’s
School Cross Country. The Mid
South Cross Country will be held the
first Thursday in Term 2, 23 April
with the backup date 30 April.
Thanks also to all teachers who
assisted in taking teams away and
selecting teams at school. Without
this commitment we couldn’t run
these programs.
Vicki Burke
Sports Co-ordinator
Council's Community Connections
will continue to promote school
holiday activities, but instead of
using a printed program, they will
now be published on our
Shellharbour Kids Website.
(Jason Ave, Warilla)
Tues 7th, Wed 8th & Thurs 9th April,
9.00am-12noon. All standards
Games & prizes
Ball machine
Special family rates apply
All enquiries/bookings:
Brett & Michelle Edwards
0403 289 974 or 0413 064 298
Stingrays Junior Rugby League
Shellharbour require players for the
2015 season for all ages, but in
particular U12 years boys. This year
we also have U12 and U14 year’s
girls league tag teams. Come along
and give it a go, training at Flinders
Field 4pm Tuesdays and Fridays.
Registrations are still open and can
be done online at
au. For further information contact:
Casho: 0408640773 or Emma: 0412
150 962 or Scott: 0419 431 250.
To find out what's on in
Shellharbour these school holidays,
visit the Event Calendar http://
or the School Holidays page
http://shellharbourkids.com.au/funplay-page/school-holidays .
Phone: 4297 7744
Fax: 4297 7765
[email protected]
Now Servicing Your Area!
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discount of $50.00 off the standard price* for the first ten families who book.
Call Ryan Acers today on 0414 689 447.
*Minimum spend of $140 Incl GST to qualify. Promotion expires in 14 days.