miramesa retail center
miramesa retail center
M IR AM E SA RETAIL CE NTE R N E C F R Y R OA D & M I R A M E S A D R I V E CYPRESS, TEXAS EDGE R E A LT Y PA R TN E R S 5444 Westheimer Road, Suite 1650 Houston, Texas 77056 T 713.900.3000 edge-re.com J O S H JAC O B S HANNAH SMITH Principal [email protected] 713.900.3001 Vice President [email protected] 713.900.3009 R E TA I L S PAC E FOR LEASE PRO PE RT Y I N FO R M ATI O N 336 C ON ROE CLEV ELA ND MOSS HILL L O C AT I O N 45 N E C F RY R D & M I R A M E SA D R CY PR E SS , TE X A S 7 74 33 59 TH E WOOD LA ND S TOM B AL L HE M PST EA D SIZE 290 SPRING 249 CYP R ES S 21 ,975 S F DAYTON LIBERTY G E OR G E B U SH IN TE R CON TIN E N TA L A IR P ORT 90 99 HU MBLE AVA I L A B L E S PAC E Suite 110 8 M I R A M E SA R ETA I L C E NTE R 4,800 SF 69 8 TOLL S E ALY 10 10 K ATY H OUSTON 610 6 99 A NAUAC PA R K I N G 1 57 S PAC E S (7.1/1000 sf) BAYTOWN 225 PASA D ENA W IL L IA M P. H OB BY A IR P ORT S UGAR L AND R OS ENB ER G R AT E $32 .0 0 P S F 8 TOLL 90 PEA RLA ND 6 E L L IN GTON FIE L D A IR P ORT N N N R AT E $ 8 .0 0 P S F 59 A LV IN 45 NEEDVI L L E 288 36 2 016 D E M O G R A P H I C S N A P S H O T TEXAS CITY GA LV ESTON T R A F FIC COU N TS Fry Road 24 ,63 0 C PD 1 MILE 3 MILE 5 MILE TOTA L P O P U L AT I O N 823 52,504 156,594 + + Located in the heart of new growth market DAY T I M E P O P U L AT I O N 204 17,098 58,388 + + Approximately 1 mile from the new H-E-B to the AVG H H I N C O M E $176,689 $114,288 $102,347 P RO P E R T Y I N F O R M AT I O N north and proposed Walmart to the south + + Expected delivery Summer 2016 + + 35,000 homes coming soon within a 3 mile radius E D G E R E A LT Y PA R T N E R S Miramesa Retail Center / 2 AERIAL E D G E R E A LT Y PA R T N E R S Miramesa Retail Center / 3 AERIAL E D G E R E A LT Y PA R T N E R S Miramesa Retail Center / 4 PE RS PE C TI V E PRELIMINARY PRICING REVIEW ONLY THIS DRAWING IS PROVIDED FOR GENERAL INFORMAION PURPOSES ONLY, AND ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION MAY HAVE RENDERED THIS INFORMATION INACCURATE Preliminary DALLAS 15851 Dallas Parkway, Suite 1060 Addison, Texas 75001 972 490 7292 V 1 Revision Description 01/01/09 10-08-15 NO HOUSTON 1111 North Loop West, Suite 800 Houston, Texas 77008 713 869 1103 V REVISION DATES 10/08/15 PROJECT NO. COPYRIGHT: HEIGHTS VENTURE ARCHITECTS, L.L.P. 2011 DATE PLOTTED: E D G E R E A LT Y PA R T N E R S A PROJECT FOR: SATYA INC. FRY ROAD AND MIRABELLA DRIVE, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77433 PERSPECTIVE 02 MIRAMESA RETAIL 2 15038-201 10/8/2015 2:21:12 DRAWN BY: PM MK GM CHECKED BY: SHEET TITLE PERSPECTIVES 1 PERSPECTIVE 01 SHEET NUMBER A9.1 Miramesa Retail Center / 5 S ITE PL A N E D G E R E A LT Y PA R T N E R S Miramesa Retail Center / 6 Approved by the Texas Real Estate Commission for Voluntary Use Texas law requires all real estate licensees to give the following information about brokerage services to prospective buyers, tenants, sellers and landlords. INFORMATION ABOUT BROKERAGE SERVICES Before working with a real estate broker, you should know buyer representation agreement. A buyer’s agent can assist in writing not to disclose unless authorized in writing to that the duties of a broker depend on whom the broker the owner but does not represent the owner and must disclose the information or required to do so by The Texas represents. If you are a prospective seller or landlord (owner) place the interests of the buyer first. The owner should not Real Estate License Act or a court order or if the information or a prospective buyer or tenant (buyer), you should know tell a buyer’s agent anything the owner would not want the materially relates to the condition of the property. that the broker who lists the property for sale or lease is the buyer to know because a buyer’s agent must disclose to owner’s agent. A broker who acts as a subagent represents the the buyer any material information known to the agent. owner in cooperation with the listing broker. A broker who acts as a buyer’s agent represents the buyer. A broker may act as an intermediary between the parties if the parties consent in writing. A broker can assist you in locating a property, preparing a contract or lease, or obtaining financing without representing you. A broker is obligated by law to treat you honestly. under The Texas Real Estate License Act and associated with A broker may act as an intermediary between the parties if the broker to communicate with and carry out instructions the broker complies with The Texas Real Estate License Act. of one party and another person who is licensed under The broker must obtain the written consent of each party to that Act and associated with the broker to communicate the transaction to act as an intermediary. The written consent with and carry out instructions of the other party. must state who will pay the broker and, in conspicuous bold or underlined print, set forth the br ker’s obligations as an The broker becomes the owner’s agent by entering into an intermediary. The broker is required to treat each party honestly agreement with the owner, usually through a written - listing and fairly and to comply with The Texas Real Estate License agreement, or by agreeing to act as a subagent by accepting Act. A broker who acts as an intermediary in a transaction: work in a different real estate office. A listing broker or subagent If you choose to have a broker represent you, you should enter into a written agreement with the broker that clearly establishes the broker’s obligations and your obligations. The agreement should state how and by whom the broker will be paid. You have the right to choose the type of representation, if any, you wish to receive. Your (1) shall treat all parties honestly; payment of a fee to a broker does not necessarily establish can assist the buyer but does not represent the buyer and (2) may not disclose that the owner will accept must place the interests of the owner first. The buyer should a price less than the asking price unless not tell the owner’s agent anything the buyer would not want authorized in writing to do so by the owner; the owner to know because an owner’s agent must disclose (3) may not disclose that the buyer will pay a price to the owner any material information known to the agent. greater than the price submitted in a written offer unless IF THE BROKER REPRESENTS THE BUYER: between the parties may appoint a person who is licensed IF THE BROKER ACTS AS AN INTERMEDIARY: IF THE BROKER REPRESENTS THE OWNER: an offer of subagency from the listing broker. A subagent may With the parties’ consent, a broker acting as an intermediary that the broker represents you. If you have any questions regarding the duties and responsibilities of the broker, you should resolve those questions before proceeding. authorized in writing to do so by the buyer; and The broker becomes the buyer’s agent by entering into an (4) may not disclose any confidential information or any agreement to represent the buyer, usually through a written information that a party specifically instructs the broker Real estate licensee asks that you acknowledge receipt of this information about brokerage services for the licensee’s records. EDGE Realty Partners LLC 9000663 [email protected] 713.900.3000 BROKER FIRM NAME LICENSE NO. EMAIL PHONE BUYER, SELLER, LANDLORD OR TENANT DATE Texas Real Estate Brokers and Salespersons are licensed and regulated by the Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC). If you have a question or complaint regarding a real estate licensee, you should contact TREC at P.O. Box 12188, Austin, Texas 78711-2188 or 512-465-3960. Last Updated on June 30, 2016.
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