PDF Horse Database List - Heart of Phoenix Equine Rescue
PDF Horse Database List - Heart of Phoenix Equine Rescue
Heart of Phoenix Rescue List - PART ONE PO BOX 81 / SHOALS, WV / 25562 www.wvhorserescue / [email protected] Directly rescued or networked in a hands on manner are listed (A 501(c)3 since Jan. 2012) From 2009 – January 15th, 2015 Equines Name Breed / Sex/ Age Intake Adoption 05/01/09 Networked to rescue Lilo Saddlebred Mare 17 yrs Body Score: (Condition 2.5) Source: Ashland, Ky Free to Good Home ad 05/01/09 Networked to rescue Happy Saddlebred Gelding 10 yrs Body Score: Condition 3.5 Source: Ashland, Ky Free to Good Home ad 6/1/09 Adopted VA in 10/2009 Big John Clydesdale Gelding 6 yrs Body Score: (Condition 2.5) Source: Genoa, WV Purchase Arabian Mare 15 yrs Body Score: (Condition 2.5) Source: Milton, WV Purchase 4/1/09 West Wind Rescue, Ohio 7/09 Arab/TWH Foal Out of Teka Colt Body score: Good 4/1/09 West Wind Rescue, Ohio 7/09 Tennessee Walker Mare 5 years Body Score: (Condition 2) Source: Lincoln co, WV 8/1/2010 Euthanasia - severe founder Teka Taro Phoenix Owner surrender Arabian Gelding 3 yrs Body Score: (Condition 3) Source: Northern WV Owner surrender 10/13/10 Adopted Spiro M. Ohio 2/11 Arabian Colt 6 mth Body Condition: (Condition 4) Source: Northern WV Owner surrender 10/13/10 Adopted Spiro M. Ohio 2/11 10/2010 Adopted /Betsy in Ohio 12/10 Stormy Arabian Gelding 28 yrs Body Score: (Condition 5) Source: Ky Owner surrender 11/10/10 Adopted Sandy B. 11/2010 Prince Arabian gelding, 5 yrs Body Score: (Condition 4) Source: Northern WV Owner surrender 11/10/10 Adopted Sandy B. 11/2010 Bebe Arabian Filly 2 yrs Body Score: (Condition 3.5) Source: Northern WV Owner surrender TWH Colt 6 mths Body Score: (Condition 1) Source: Branchland, WV Owner surrender 01/01/11 Adopted Jackie C. 4/2011 Bubba Jimmie Ranger Quarter Horse Mare 10 yrs Body Score: (Condition 4.5) Source: Catlettsburg Auction, Ky 2/2011 Adpt. Teresa M 12/16/11 Quarter Horse Mare 10 years Body Score: (Condition 2.5) Source: Blaine, Ky Owner surrender 5/2011 Adopted 10/13/11 Whitts Quarter Horse filly 2 years Source: (Condition 2.5) Source: Blaine, Ky Owner surrender 5/2011 Adpt. 4/2014 Amanda M. 5/2011 Euthaniasia - Colic Coco Morab Mare 6 years Body Score: (Condition 3.5) Source: Blaine, Ky Owner surrender ------ 5/11 Network Irongait, GA Mustang Mare Mustang Mare 6 yrs Body Score: (Condition 3.5) Source: Blaine, Ky Owner surrender Quarter Horse cross Mare 8 years Body Score: (Condition 4) Source: Blaine, Ky Owner surrender ----- 5/11 Network Irongait, GA Kate, Grey Honey Amber QH mare Arabian Stallion 4 yrs Body Score: (Condition 4.5) Olive Hill, Ky Owner surrender 3/2011 Networked Sleepy Hollow 5/2011 Networked to Stephanie P. Rebel Blaze Tennessee Walker Gelding 8 yrs Body Score: (Condition 4) Source: Blaine, Ky Owner surrender Equines Name Breed / Sex/ Age Intake Adoption Arabian Mare Late Teens Source: Hampshire county, WV Saba / Shrout herd --- 11/2011 through 2/2012 Arabian Filly Yearling Source: Hampshire county, WV Saba / Shrout herd --- 11/2011 through 2/2012 HF Vanna Pasha Mahrousha Arabian Mare leg deformity Source: Hampshire county, WV Saba / Shrout herd --11/2011 through 2/2012 Bint Bint Djanka Arabian Mare Source: Hampshire county, WV Saba / Shrout herd --- 11/2011 through 2/2012 Arabian Stallion Source: Hampshire county, WV Saba / Shrout herd --- 11/2011 through 2/2012 Arabian mare Senior Source: Hampshire county, WV Saba / Shrout herd --- 11/2011 through 2/2012 Arabian Colt Source: Hampshire county, WV Saba / Shrout herd --- 11/2011 through 2/2012 --- 11/2011 through 2/2012 --- 11/2011 through 2/2012 Kholsum (at seizure) Asami Mujir Khalida Khalida's colt Arab Stallion Source: Hampshire county, WV Saba / Shrout herd Karim (at seizure) Kholsum's foal Arabian Source: Hampshire county, WV Saba / Shrout herd Arabian Mare Teens Source: Hampshire county, WV Saba / Shrout herd --- 11/2011 through 2/2012 Arabian Source: Hampshire county, WV Saba / Shrout herd --- 11/2011 through 2/2012 Arabian Mare Teens Source: Hampshire county, WV Saba / Shrout herd --- 11/2011 through 2/2012 Arabian possibly Safieria's Source: Hampshire county, WV Saba / Shrout herd --- 11/2011 through 2/2012 Arabian Source: Hampshire county, WV Saba / Shrout herd --- 11/2011 through 2/2012 Ara-appaloosa Stallion Source: Hampshire county, WV Saba / Shrout herd --- 11/2011 through 2/2012 Chantilly Lace (at seizure) Chantilly's filly (at seizure) Ebony, in foal Grey yearling Rainy, in foal Immy Arabian mare Senior Source: Hampshire county, WV Saba / Shrout herd --- 11/2011 through 2/2012 Arabian mare Source: Hampshire county, WV Saba / Shrout herd --- 11/2011 through 2/2012 Arabian Mare Source: Hampshire county, WV Saba / Shrout herd --- 11/2011 through 2/2012 Arabian Filly Source: Hampshire county, WV Saba / Shrout herd --- 11/2011 through 2/2012 Arabians Source: Hampshire county, WV Saba / Shrout herd --- 11/2011 through 2/2012 Safieria Mirror Magic (at seizure) Lady Windsong (at seizure) Windsong filly 3 others unlisted Equines Name Indy Jet Dodger Breed / Sex/ Age Intake Adoption TWH Gelding 8 yrs Body Score: (Condition 6) Source: Milton, WV Owner Surrender 07/01/11 Jessie H. VP of HOP TWH gelding 18 yrs Body Score: (Condition 2.5) Source: South Point, Ohio Cruelty / Neglect 12/16/11 Cat C of WV Thoroughbred Gelding senior Body Score: (Condition 2) Source: Kentucky Owner surrender 5/2011 Jessie H. VP of HOP Spotted Draft Mare Body Score: (Condition 3) Source: Ohio Abandoned 7/2011 Networked Gentle Giants Standardbred Gelding Senior Blind Body Score: (Condition 3) Source: Ohio Abandoned 7/2011 Rainhill Equine Facility Winky Dan /Cagey Prince 8/12/13 Euthanasia – neurological Lance (arab) Arabian gelding Senior Body Score: (Condition 2) Source: South Point, Ohio CL Sales Ad 11/6/11 Networked to PA 11/11 Elmer TWH Gelding 10 years Body Score: (Condition 1) Source: Logan, WV Owner Surrender to HSUS Donkey Jack 5 years Body Score: (Condition 2.5) Source: Logan, WV Owner Surrender 6/29/11 Placed Red House, WV Arabian Gelding 15 years Body Score: (Condition 2.5) Source: South Point, Oh Abandoned 9/5/11 9/6/11 Debbie Cope Arabian Mare 16 years Body Score: (Condition 4.5) Source: Morgantown, WV Owner Surrender 5/2011 Sandra B of Ill Arabian Mare 15 years Body Score: (Condition 4) Source: Morgantown, WV Owner Surrender 5/2011 Suzanna J of Ky 2012 Donkey, Jack Mirage Dior Niteza Patriot Sky (intake) NSH Sienna Eclipse, in foal Mia, inutero foal Orion Checkers Arabian/SB cross Mare 4 years Body Score: (Condition 3) Source: Morgantown, WV Owner Surrender 6/2011 Sandra B of Ill Arabian / SB Mare Body Score: (Condition 3) Source: Morgantown, WV Owner Surrender 4/2012 Networked to Indiana Arabian Mare Body Score: (Condition 1) in foal Source: New Martinsville, WV Owner Surrender 4/27/11 Sandra in Ill 5/11 Arabian Mare 10 yrs Body Score: (Condition 2) Source: New Martinsville, WV Purchase 4/27/11 Annette Ona, WV 4/11 Arab Gelding 8 yrs Body Score: (Condition 2) Source: New Martinsville, WV Purchase 4/27/11 Annette Ona, WV 4/11 Arab Gelding teens Body Score: (Condition 5) Source: Morgantown, WV Owner Surrender 3/13/11 Sandra in Ill 5/11 Quarter Horse Colt Nursemare foal 2 weeks Body Condition: Poor Source: Catlettsburg, Ky Auction 4/2012 Networked Lilly Pond Rocky Cross Colt Nursemare foal 2 weeks Body Condition: Poor Source: Catlettsburg, Ky Auction 4/2012 Networked Lilly Pond QH cross Gelding 7 yrs Body Score: (Condition 3) Source: Lincoln county, WV CL purchase 6/11/12 Adopted Kelly WV 6/13 Carson Thumper Dexter Equines Name Summer Tiny Black TWH, blind Zip Patriot Zane Breed / Sex/ Age Intake Adoption TB cross Filly 3 yrs Body Score: (Condition 4 ) Source: Charleston, WV Abandoned -------- 2/15/12 Sammi C in TN Thoroughbred Gelding Body Score: (Condition 3.5) Source: Charleston, WV Abandoned -------- 2/15/12 Sammi C in TN TWH Mare teens Body Score: (Condition 3) Source: Lavalette, WV Abandoned 2/26/12 Networked Ohio 2/2012 QH cross Mare 12 years Body Score: (Condition 2 ) Source: Chespeake, Ohio Abandoned 9/11/11 5/12 Suzanne in WV QH Gelding 8 years Body Score: (Condition 1 ) Source: Chespeake, Ohio Abandoned 9/11/11 Euthanasia Arab Gelding senior Body Score: (Condition 1.5) Source: Chespeake, Ohio Abandoned 9/11/11 Rhonda T. Ashland, Ky QH Mare 10 yrs Body Score: (Condition 3) Source: Cabell co, WV Seizure 5/2012 Networked Astrid W. National Showhorse Mare 10 yrs Body Score: (Condition < 1) Source: Dunlow, WV Seizure 7/4/12 Kim H in WV Spotted Saddle horse Mare 8 yrs Body Score: (Condition 2) Source: Dunlow, WV Seizure 7/4/12 Cindy of Ohio 6/2012 Adopted Sandy H 5/2012 Adopted Suzanne M Sarah / Shortcake QH/ Morgan Cross Chestnut mare 7 yrs Body Score: (Condition 4) in foal Source: Lincoln co, WV CL Purchase 12/2012 Jennifer of PA 12/2012 Bella, in utero foal TWH Mare senior Body Condition: (Condition 2) in foal Source: Ashland, Ky Owner surrender Arab Gelding 2 years Body Score: (Condition 4) Source: Maryland Seizure 10/2012 Debbie L. in WV 11/12/12 Freedom – Oh Scarlett Black Beauty Paint Colt born at HOP to Sarah Rhett Twister Arab Gelding 2 years Body Score: (Condition 4) Source: Maryland Seizure 10/2012 Sandra L in Ohio 4/23/13 TWH Mare 4 years Body Score: (Condition 2 ) Source: Hurricane, WV Surrender 5/2012 Adopted Laya in WV Percheron Mare 35 yrs Body Score: (Condition 2.5) Source: Catlettsburg, Ky Auction 2/2012 Adopted Ferrell Hollow 2/26/12 Networked Diane L Amazing Grace Hackney pony Mare senior Body Score: (Condition 2.5) Source: Wayne Abandoned 10/2012 Euthanized EMPS/Pneumonia Pocket Belgian Gelding Teens Body Score: (Condition 2.5) Source: Lexington, Ky Owner surrdender Nemo Freedom Snow TWH Mare teens Body Score: (Condition 1) Source: Grayson, Ky CL ad 10/2012 Maria M. WV 7/2013 1/13/13 Euthanized advanced heaves Lola Liz TWH Mare senior Body Score: (Condition 2) Source: Elkview, WV Purchase Heart of Phoenix Rescue List - Part TWO PO BOX 81 / SHOALS, WV / 25562 www.wvhorserescue / [email protected] Directly rescued or networked in a hands on manner are listed (A 501(c)3 since Jan. 2012) From 2009 – January 15th, 2015 Equines Name Breed / Sex/ Age Intake Adoption Thoroughbred Gelding Body Score: (Condition 2) Source: Columbus, Ohio Seizure 12/15/12 Adopted Julie M. WV Morgan Gelding, Blind Source: Milton, WV Owner Surrender 8/22/11 Triple O in Okalhoma Walter Lance Rebel / Diesel QH Gelding 7-9 yrs Body Score: (Condition 2) Source: Chillicothe, Ohio Free Ad Facebook 3/2013 Adopted Kim P in WV QH Mare 10 yrs Body Score: (Condition 1) Source: Elizabethtown, Ky Free Ad Facebook 3/2013 Adopted Stephanie P OH Paint Mare, Blind 10 yrs Body Score: (Condition 2) Source: Milton, WV Owner Surrender 1/07/13 Melissa L in WV 6/13 Rocky Mtn Horse Gelding 5 yrs Body Score: (Condition 4) Source: Milton, WV Owner Surrender 1/08/13 Networked to Dumas - KY Kate Quinn Rocky Mtn Paint Gelding 5 years Body Score: (Condition 4) Source: Elkview, WV Abandoned 1/20/13 Networked to Dumas - KY Arabian mare 5 years old Body Score: (Condition 2) in foal Source: Elkview, WV Abandoned 1/2013 Networked to Dumas - KY Pony Mare 14 years Body Score: (Condition 2) Source: Ohio Owner Surrender 9/26/13 Euthanasia – Sarcoidosis Saddlebred Gelding 18 years Body Score: (Condition 2) Source: PA Trader purchase 3/3/13 Ken F Charleston, WV Draft X Mare 7 years Body Score: (Condition 4) Source: Cabell Co, WV Seizure 1/17/13 Kris B in NC Miniature Horse Gelding 7 years Body Score: (Condition 9) Obese Source: Charleston, WV Owner Surrender 3/2013 Perm. Resident at HOP Paint Gelding Arab, in foal Brownie Cody Glory Luka Turner Mini Cross Stallion 5 yrs Body Score: (Condition 3.5) Source: Ohio Owner Surrender 4/3013 Adopted Clark S WV SB cros Gelding 10 yrs Body Score: (Condition 2) Source: Wayne, WV Seizure 5/2013 Adopted Nicky W. TWH Mare 7 yrs Body Score: (Condition > 1) Source: Wayne, WV Seizure 5/2013 Adopted Alicia T 5/2013 Adoptable STB Mare 5 years Body Score: (Condition 3.5) Source: Columbus, Ohio Rescue Network 5/2013 Adopted Cheryl Ohio Pony Mare 10 years Body Score: (Condition 6) Source: Columbus, Ohio Rescue Network 05/01/13 Adopted Judy T. WV Alex Rowan QH Mare 11 years Body Score: (Condition 2.5) Source: Wayne, WV Seizure Blake Moon Ally / Bee TWH Gelding 5 yrs Body Score: (Condition 4) Source: Milton, WV Owner surrender 6/2013 Adopted Cheryl S in WV TWH stallion, Crypt 5 yrs Body Score: (Condition 1) Source: Cabell co, WV Seizure 7/2011 Euthanasia severe deformity Prince Billie Equines Name Jane / Vicky Breed / Sex/ Age Intake Thoroughbred Mare Teens Body Score: (Condition 4) Source: Milton, WV Owner surrender TWH Gelding 20 yrs 6/20/13 Adoption Jessie H, HOP VP Body Score: (Condition 3) Source: Lincoln co, WV Facebook Free Ad 5/2013 Diane K, St Albans, WV 5/2013 Networked to Lilly Pond Addy QH Mare 25 yrs Body Score: (Condition 1.5) Source: Mercer co, WV Seizure 5/2013 Sarah D. Lesage, WV Chism / Journey STB Gelding 14 years Body Score: (Condition 2.5) Source: Lavalette, WV Abandoned Mule Gelding 10 yrs Body Score: (Condition 4) Source: Wyoming County, WV Seizure 9/10/13 Networked to Elissa C. Mini Donkey Jack 10 years Body Score: (Condition 1) Source: Wyoming County, WV Seizure 9/10/13 Euthanasia, extreme founder STB Mare 22 yrs Body Score: (Condition 2) Source: St. Albans, WV Seizure 8/1/13 Adopted Stephanie D, WV Reece Wyoming Little Donk Alice QH/Arab Mare 5 yrs Body Score: (Condition 7) Source: Ohio Owner Surrender 3/2013 Adopted Stephanie P, Oh Arabian Gelding 20 yrs Body Score: (Condition 1.5) Source: St. Albans, WV Seizure 8/1/13 Adopted Donna A, WV Paso / TWH cross Mare 8 yrs Body Score (Condition 3) in foal Source: Wyoming County, WV Seizure 9/10/13 Adopted Kim Q, WV Dahlia FOAL Colt 3 months (Condition Fair) Source: Wyoming County, WV Seizure 9/10/13 Networked E.P.U Molly's foal Colt 2 months (Condition Fair) Source: Wyoming County, WV Seizure 9/10/13 Networked E.P.U Skye Atlas Dahlia / Catniss Batman Cash QH pony Mare 6 yrs Body Score: (Condition 1.5) Source: Wyoming County, WV Seizure 9/10/13 Networked E.P.U Pony Gelding 18 yrs Body Score: (Condition 2) Source: Culloden, WV Seziure 9/5/13 Adopted Kim Z, WV Morgan Mare Teens Body Score: (Condition 5) Owner Surrender 10/2013 Adopted Bobby C, WV Mustang cross Gelding 10 yrs Body Score: (Condition 1) Source: Cross Lanes, WV Owner Surrender 8/67/13 Adopted Mary B, VA Saddlebred gelding 20 years Body Score: (Condition 3) Source: South Point, Ohio Owner Surrender 9/2013 Adopted Sydney P, PA QH pony Mare 20 yrs Body Score: (Condition 8) founder Source: Northern WV Owner Surrender 09/30/13 Adopted Alicia T. WV Molly, in foal Gandalf Miss Em Pecos Marty Buttercup Thoroughbred Gelding 8 years Body Score: (Condition 1) Source: Hampshire county, WV Seizure 12/2013 Adopted Jim G, WV Memphis Ellie Saddlebred Mare 7 years Body Score: (Condition 2.5) Source: WV Owner Surrender 1/2014 Adopted Jenn L, TN Equines Name Breed / Sex/ Age NSH Gelding 10 years Body Score: (Condition 2.5) Source: WV Owner Surrender Ferris Intake 1/2014 Adoption Adoptable now Buckshot QH Gelding 10 years Body Score: (Condition 5) Source: Danville, WV Owner Surrender 1/2014 Adopted Deb P, WV TWH cross, 5 years (Condition 2) 3/2014 Adoptable Now Standardbred Mare 30 years Body Score: (Condition 1) Source: Wayne, WV Seizure 10/2013 Adopted Lisa A, Ohio 12/2013 Adopted Gena N, WV Mini Mare 6 years Body Score: (Condition 5) Source: Hamlin, WV Owner Surrender 12/2013 Adopted Sharon in PA Mini Mare 5 years Body Score: (Condition 1) Source: Kanawha county, WV Abandoned 9/3/13 Adopted Andrea in WV QH Mare 10 years Body Score: (Condition 1.5) 2/17/14 Adopted Maria C in VA Alfie Clover Sandy Mini Mare 10 years Body Score: (Condition 5) Source: Hamlin, WV Owner Surrender Poppy Kismet Tara Source: Elkview, WV Owner Surrender Wynn Ruth Thoroughbred Gelding 10 years Body Score: (Condition 3.5) Source: WV Owner Surrender 2/24/14 Adopted Mary B in VA Mini Horse Filly 2 years Body Score: (Condition 1) Source: Chillicothe, Ohio CL Purchase 1/2014 Reins of Hope, TN Mini Horse Filly 1 year Body Score: (Condition 1) Source: Chillicothe, Ohio CL Purchase 1/2014 Reins of Hope, TN 1/2014 Adopted Lisa A, Oh Morgan Stallion 5 years Body Score: (Condition 5) Source: Alum Creek, WV Owner Surrender 2//2014 Network Morgansafenet SB 3/20/14 Euthanasia due to SLD Naomi Bettie TWH Mare 25 years Body Score: (Condition 3) Source: Chillicothe, Ohio CL Purchase Sparky Ariel Mare Teens Body Score: (Condition 1.5) Source: Kentucky CL ad Beauty Boone Sawyer Draft cross Mare 20 years Body Score: (Condition 3.5) Source: Clarksburg, WV Owner surrender 4/2014 Adopted Amanda M. WV TWH Gelding 10 years Body Score: (Condition 1) Source: Danville, WV Seizure 5/2014 Adopted Will Lisa A, Oh QH Gelding 23 years Body Score: (Condition 2) Source: Indiana Owner Surrender 5/2014 Euthanasia, Navicular Haflinger Gelding 6 years Body Score: (Condition 6) Source: Cross Lanes, WV Owner surrender 4/2014 Adopted Liane M, Ohio TWH cross Gelding 10 years Body Score: (Condition 5) Source: Danville, WV Owner Surrender 4/2014 Adopted Lisa A, Oh Teddy Willie Grace SB cross Mare 6 years Body Score: (Condition 1) Source: Jackson, Ohio Neglect Case 6/2014 Adoptable Equines Name Breed / Sex/ Age Intake Adoption Paint Pony Paint Pony Gelding 5 years, deformity 5/2014 Reins of Hope, TN 05/14/15 Reins of Hope, TN Donkey Jenny 35 plus Body Score: (Condition 1.5) Source: Wayne, WV 5/2014 Euthanasia Qh cross 7/2014 Adoptable White Blind Mini Mini Gelding Ginny Rudy Colt 2 years Body Score: (Condition 3) Source: Boone co, WV Seizure, feral Misty in foal Marlee Claire Spicy Pepper Stitch Mini Horse Mare 5 Yrs Body Score (Condition 2) in foal Source: WV CL Ad 7/2014 Peace for Ponies, MA Pony Mare 20 years Body Score: (Condition 1.5) Source: Danville, WV Owner surrender 7/20/14 Peace for Ponies, MA Morgan X Mare 11 years Body Score: (Condition 2) Source: Jackson, Ohio Trader purchase 8/16/14 Adoptable Arab cross Filly 2 years Body Score: (Condition 4) Source: Kentucky Owner Placement 6/2014 Adopted Jenny in Ga TWH Filly 3 years Body Score: (Condition 3.5) Source: Wayne, WV Owner placement 08/14/14 Adopted Marla in WV SB Gelding 7 years Body Score: (Condition 2.5) Source: St. Albans Owner surrender 7/2014 Adopted Sydney P, PA Jake Fiddy Appy Gelding 10 years Body Score: (Condition 3.5) Source: Jackson county, WV Auction 9/2014 Adoptable SB Gelding 4 years Body Score: (Condition 4) Source: Jackson county, WV Auction 9/2014 Adopted Kathy K PA TWH Gelding 15 years Body Score: (Condition 1.5) Source: Jackson, Ohio Trader 9/2014 Adoptable STB Gelding 9/2014 Euthanasia: Neurological, cushings Neo Schmidtty Relic 30 plus Body Score: (Condition 1) Source: Charleston, WV Owner Surrender Hershey Pony Gelding 5 years Body Score: (Condition 3) Source: Wayne, WV Seizure 10/2014 Adoptable Pony Mule Molly 7 years Body Score: (Condition 5) Source: Ky Auction 10/2014 Adoptable Pony gelding 17 years Body Score: (Condition 3) Source: Hampshire county, WV Seizure 10/2014 Birch Hill Networked OTTB Mare 9 years Body Score: (Condition 3.5) Source: Hampshire county, WV Seizure 10/2014 Bobbie C, WV Pony X Gelding 30 years Body Score: (Condition 1) Source: Kanawha county, WV Owner Surrender 10/2014 Euthanasia: condition QH 10/9/14 Adoptable Arizona Woody Willow Rainer Calli Mare 10 years Body Score: (Condition 3.5) Source: Taylor County, WV Seizure Equines Name Shania Breed / Sex/ Age Intake QH filly foal (Condition Fair) Adoption 10/2014 Raiderhollow networked 10/2014 Raiderhollow networked 10/2014 Adoptable 11/2014 Adoptable QH Mare 10 years, blind one eye Body score: (Condition 2.5) Source: Northern WV Owner surrender 11/2014 Adoptable QH Gelding 20 years old Body Score: (Condition 2) Source: Ohio Surrender 11/2014 Euthanasia – severe heaves Source: Taylor County, WV Seizure Reba QH Filly 2 year old (Condition Fair) Source: Taylor County, WV Seizure Finn Pony Crypt Stallion 5 years Body Score: (Condition 5) Source: Lincoln co, WV Surrender Gemma Lettie Simon QH Mare 10 years Body Score: (Condition 3) Meg QH Mare 5 years Body Score: (Condition 5) Source: Hampshire county, WV RESCUE network Birch hill 11/2014 Adoptable Arab Gelding 18 years Body Score: (Condition 5) Source: Northern WV Owner surrender 11/2014 Adoptable Arab Mare 15 years Body Score: (Condition 3) Source: Canmer, Ky Rescue network 12/2014 Adoptable TWH/Perch Gelding 25 years Body Score: (Condition 1) Source: Harrison co, WV Seizure 12/2014 Adoptable TWH Draft Mare 25 Body Score: (Condition 1) Source: Harrison co, WV Seizure 12/12/14 Rehabbing now Zaam Sophia Knox Holly Red Blaire Paisley and foal Perlino filly Paint pony Starlight TWH Mare 30 plus Body Score (Condition 1.5) Source: Nitro, WV Owner Surrender 12/23/14 Euthanasia Advanced neglect STB Mare 10 yrs Body Score: (Condition 3.5) Source: PA Broker Lot 12/30/14 Rehabbing now Appaloosa Mare 15 years old Body Score: (Condition 6) in foal Source: Cottageville, WV Seizure 01/12/15 Networking Raiderhollow TWH type cross Filly 2 years old Body Score: (Condition 5) Source: Cottageville, WV Seizure 1/12/15 Networking Raiderhollow Pony Mare 8 years Body Score: (Condition 3.5) Source: Hurricane, WV Owner surrender 01/11/15 Rehabbing now TWH 25 plus Body Score: (Condition 1.5) Source: Cabell co, WV Seizure 3/13/12 Gena N Prichard, WV Ginger Moon's foal Sienna Walkaloosa Mare 7 yrs Body Score: (Condition 2.5) Source: Wayne co, WV Seizure 8/2013 STB foal QH cross Mare 6 years Body Score: (Condition 3) Source: Northern WV Owner surrender Networked to Sandy H In utero / Adoptable 11/2014 Adoptable Equines Name Black Pony Mare Breed / Sex/ Age Intake Adoption Pony Mare Teens Body Score:(Condition 1) Source: Jackson, Ohio Trader 12/2014 Networked to Raiderhollow QH Filly 2 years Body Score:(Condition 1.5) Source: Jackson, Ohio Trader 12/2014 Networked to Raiderhollow Zeeva
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