Family Vacations:To Play Together Or Not?


Family Vacations:To Play Together Or Not?
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s of a lifetime
fers experience
Why A CaribbeanVacation?
By Diana Jones
hallenge yourself: Ask anyone what
he or she is looking for in a warmweather vacation, and try NOT to find
it in the Caribbean.
Sparkling aqua-blue water, endless powdersoft sand, swaying palm trees, vibrant flora, and
ideal temperatures are just the physical attributes of this magnificent destination.
The countries of the Caribbean offer an intoxicating sense of rhythm, mouthwatering cuisine,
unsurpassed romance and fascinating culture. In
other words, whether you’re young or old, single
or family-oriented, ready to kick back or aching
for a physical challenge, your Caribbean vacation
will exceed all of your expectations and your
memories of it will last for years to come.
The beauty of this destination also lies in its
diversity. Influenced by the French,
Dutch, Spanish
or English, each one of the more than 30 countries that comprise the Caribbean has a distinct
personality – a perfect reflection of its topography and character of its local residents.
For the adventure seekers, the Caribbean
offers experiences of a lifetime – including a
fascinating underwater world, impressive windsurfing, demanding hiking trails and astonishing golf courses.
The Caribbean’s proximity to home makes it
the ideal destination for family travel. Many of
the properties feature children’s day camps with
kid-friendly activities and games, babysitting
services and children’s menus.
The latest family-friendly trend is planned
activities for the families to enjoy together, such
as mother and daughter side-by-side massages
or swimming with the dolphins. Many of the
resorts also offer special packages for single parents, grandparents traveling with kids
and family reunions.
The romantic ambiance of
the islands is the top reason
couples choose the Caribbean
for their destination wedding,
if y th e
Over 30 GoCaribbean!
To Do It
n d s th at u n
co m m o n b o
to provide effe
With a mission ve lo pi ng th e
fo r de
ti ve ch an ne ls of to ur is m , C TO
hi gh es
eb site:
resourceful w he re
ib be
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tr av el er s ca destinations, cusg
explore excitin vacation brochure,
e travto
es of reputabl
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even book
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e Ca
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ars, CTO has
For over 50 ye en cy fo r th e
an “u m b re ll
ch, and
, English, Fren
region’s Dutch ng na ti on s. Th e
S pa ni sh sp ea represents private
organization al such as hotels, airrs
sector membe es , tr av el ag en ts ,
lin es , cr ui se ated entities, travel
off Bo
nge of media.
Scuba diving
s and a wide ra spearheads a
proBy Kristen S
ising effort to
ith over 30
u n iq u e vide scholarship op rsuing studg
tr ie s
nals pu
ribbean natio
e Caribbean
attractions, th TO) is the Ca in the tourism and hosp on
Tourism Organ body to the world’s in du st ri es . Th e C TO d fi na nc ia l
desti- ge ne ra te s in te
leading to
part of its on
number one,
assistance as the development of
ar e effort to support
es ti n at io n s
C ar ib b ea n d ri ch h er it ag e, highly-skilled tourism
th ei r
d ef in ed b y
g the region.
apes and hosp un- servin more information abou
d its
people. CTO an ly identifying ways CTO, call (212) 63
tries are cons
of each www.doitcaribbean
e individuality
to promote th le maintaining the
destination, w
Celebrate Junkanoo in Nassau, The Bahamas
honeymoon and anniversaries. Whether renting an
entire island to hold your special event on or
choosing a private villa for the two of you, ‘falling
in love all over again’ is this destination’s specialty.
This is probably one of the reasons so many
couples decide to renew their vows during their
vacation, while the soft sand caresses their toes
and the soft sea breeze cools the air.
Although many visitors to this varied destination prefer to absorb every minute of the sun
and sand that they possibly can handle, there is
a cultural side of the Caribbean that offers wonderful traditions, delectable cuisine and worldrenowned music. Calypso, Soca, Pan and Reggae music have all originated from this region,
are being enjoyed globally, and are always associated with fun-loving times.
And finally, as eating is both an essential
part of living as well as an intricate part of the
vacation experience, Caribbean cuisine will not
let you down. Every destination’s distinct flavor
marks its own delicacies, and the fresh, aromatic spices, luscious fruit and refreshing cocktails
will always leave an impression.
Most of all, it’s the Caribbean peoples’ inviting smiles and welcoming personalities that
will make your vacation an unforgettable one,
and always leave you wanting more.
Family Vacations:To Play Together Or Not?
Enjoy the surf, sun and fun in the Caribbean
By Hilari Graff
o build or not to build a sandcastle
on the beach with the other kids.
Should we do the family kayak
adventure today and the bike trip
tomorrow or just laze on the beach all
together? Or, do we let the kids enjoy the
scavenger hunt this afternoon while we
shop in town? Oh the difficult choices
families face while on vacation in the
Just as families come in all shapes and
sizes, so do family vacations, and the key to
creating one that is perfect for your group is
finding the right resort and destination – one
that caters to your specific family.
The needs of a family with a newborn are
different from a family with toddlers or teens, a
multi-generational family trip with grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins in tow, or even a
single parent family.
Creating an enjoyable family vacation that
is memorable for the fun times shared together
and not the hassles often associated with planning a trip can require some magic – and the
Caribbean makes it all worth it.
These days, many hotels and resorts
throughout the Caribbean have an
on-property children’s program for toddlers to
pre-teens but the types of activities offered
vary from one place to another.
On the basic level, programs often feature
Continued on page 2
Advertising Supplement to USA TODAY
To Play
Or Not?
Continued from page 1
sandcastle building, pool and
beach games, face painting, arts
and crafts, scavenger hunts, and
other similar activities. It’s all
about kid bonding on the kid
At some resorts, the kids program is included in the regular
room rate while others charge a
nominal fee.
After the sun sets, some programs
feature movie nights, star-gazing and
other fun-filled activities.
A number of Caribbean resorts
incorporate local flavor into the kids
program making for more fun and
unique offerings. Don’t be surprised
when your young ones speak basic
phrases in Papiamento on Aruba
(thanks to the “Club Cabana Nana”
program at La Cabana All Suite
Beach Resort in Aruba), recite
Bahamian poetr y and folklore
(learned at Camp Lucaya at Our
Lucaya Beach & Golf Resort on
Grand Bahama Island), or point out
local flora and fauna throughout the
On Bonaire, several children’s
programs highlight one of the things
the island is best known for – its rich
and colorful underwater world.
T h r o u g h t h e To u c a n D iv i n g ’s
Aquakids program, the Plaza Resort
Bonaire allows children to explore
the wonders of the Caribbean Sea
and learn how to snorkel safely as
well as why it’s important to protect
coral reef and fish life. At the Sand
Dollar Resort, kids ages six – 15 can
participate in the discovery-based
Ocean’s Classroom program where
they are taught about the vast ocean
its multitude of
So they can discover the vibrant
world beneath the sea just like their
parents, various dive shops on
Bonaire instruct children in snorkeling and beginning scuba diving.
SASY (Supplied Air Snorkeling for
Youth) is available for children five
years of age and up (they swim on
the surface using a floatation device
with a small air tank and regulator).
Bubblemaker, for kids eight and
older, gives the younger set the
opportunity to try real scuba under
the supervision of an instructor and
in a maximum depth of six feet.
Junior level scuba diving courses are
available for children 10 years of age
and up.
A growing trend at many resorts
is the addition of teen programs that
provide lessons in tennis and a variety of watersports, socializing and
dancing at on-property discos, and
more. Breezes Curacao even features
a private area for teens and their
new-found friends where no adults
(except supervisors) are allowed.
While traditional kids programs
allow children and parents to spend
quality time apart, there’s lots of fun in
dlers to age two. The
program features a Diaper Depot offering diapers in various sizes
aboard all aircraft, a
Bottler Butler who
will warm bottles, extra
crawl space with specially-reserved bulkhead
seats for families, and
many more huge perks
for tiny travelers.
Family vacations are
one of the most lucrative markets in the
Caribbean, and resorts
and destinations are
going the extra mile to
please each member of
A family vacations on the beaches of Aruba, and at left, family programs
the group regardless of
like Atlantis Submarine, let you explore the Caribbean together
age and size.
So, after you settle in at your
ing what it means to be a family with able cost-savings if you prepare cerCaribbean
resort, change into your
the second annual Cayman Brac tain meals in-room. Adjoining rooms
Family Week, July 11-18, 2004. is another popular alternative that is bathing suit and put on those sunThis fun-filled week of diversions widely available throughout the glasses, you can kick back and
think, yes, we will let the kids build
both above and below the sea prom- Caribbean.
ises to create fantastic memories as
Children’s menus are often avail- sandcastles on the beach today
families explore caves, go on bird- able, and babysitting services can easi- while we plan the family kayak tour
i n g e x p e d i t i o n s a n d snorkel. ly be arranged (nominal fees apply). for tomorrow.
And next year, you’ll visit another
Children can participate in SASY Some resorts such as Windjammer
the and Bubblemaker programs. Various Landing in St. Lucia offer nanny serv- Caribbean destination for a whole
activi- hotels, including the Divi Tiara ices, and Franklyn D. Resort in Jamaica new bunch of adventures.
ties they can B e a c h R e s o r t , a r e o f f e r i n g provides Vacation
do as a family.
reduced rates for Cayman Brac N a n n i e s , s t a f f
Aruba makes a point of telling Family Week.
members highlyfamilies how welcome they are
A mountainous, verdant tropical trained in housethrough the island’s One Cool Family playground, St. Lucia delights fami- k e e p i n g a n d
promotion, held annually April – lies with an adventuresome spirit. child care.
eaches Resor
ts, th
September. Families can enjoy dis- From hiking through the rain forest
sorts, and Ses e all-inclusive chain of
Just because
counts island-wide on attractions, and viewing rare wildlife and birds, you’re taking the
cational orga ame Workshop, the nonp family
rofit edunization be
other innovativ
meals and shopping such as a special to whale and turtle watching, and f amily to the
e products an hind Sesame Street an
ograms for ch
ed an agreem
kids ticket price of $15 for a ride on spending time at Marigot Bay (once tropics doesn’t
ildren, have
ent making B
the Atlantis Submarine, free third day a hideout for pirate ships and more m e a n t h a t
underwrite S
the first resort
comThe year-long esame Street.
car rental or 20 percent family dis- recently the setting for the film Dr. d i a p e r d u t y
2004 and is th
the program
count with Economy Car Rental, $5 Doolittle), parents and kids alike will stays home. To
that will literal centerpiece of a multi-face begins April
off horseback riding tours at Rancho return home with memories as rich m a k e i t a s
ly bring Sesam
ted partnershi
beginning this
e Street to B
Notorious, and free Aruba sightseeing and bright as Caribbean sunshine.
ches Resorts
mber and thro
easy as possiappearances by
and sailing and snorkeling cruises with
e ye
Aside from day-to-day activi- ble for parCookie Monst alk around characters includ ar with daily
De Palm Tours.
er and Grover
ing Elmo, Zoe,
ties, the decision of where families ents traveling
families; on-s
It’s a fun-time family affair on should stay is an essential one. to the Caribite Sesame S educate and entertain youn
eetaracter dining
Grand Bahama Island in the Some resorts have separate sections b e a n t h i s
, special story themed events including
ning to dance
es and fun ac
Bahamas, where the hardest decision for families. At Breezes Punta Cana spring and
fitted activity with Zoe to getting global w tivities from
for families is what activity to in the Dominican Republic, the s u m m e r ,
centers will ad
ith Grover. Out
seminars de
veloped by S n the resorts and parent
choose on any given day. You can children’s section, set within the BWIA is
esame Works
Sesame Stree
swim with the dolphins, scuba, main pool, allows parents to keep introductw
p, creators of
keeping kids he ill give parents of pre-sc
hoolers tips
snorkel and more at UNEXSO, par- an eye on the kids. On land, kids ing BWee
althy, happy an
d inte
ticipate in kayak adventures and all- can ice skate or try airborne adven- B a b i e s ,
d packages fo rested.
ture all of the
r fall vacations
day cultural safaris, and meet and tures on the flying trapeze and the the firstthat will feaMuppet, them e plus live performances
by Gordon an
feed the animals at the Garden of the trampoline.
gifts and othe
ever inannounced so
r amenities w a
Groves Petting Zoo. Through the desill be
Suite accommodations are more f l i g h t
For more info
tination’s People-to-People program, spacious than the traditional hotel program
BEACHES or vi rmation about Beaches R
sit the Web si
children can meet local children and room, and can be more affordable f o r
te at www.bea orts, call 800ch
join the Pen Pal Programme.
than multiple hotel rooms, plus those infants
The Cayman Islands are celebrat- that offer kitchenettes provide a valu- and tod-
Sesame Street Heads To Th
e Beach
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Advertising Supplement to USA TODAY
Course, and The Lucayan Country
Club Course, golfers are heading to
the island to experience the sport in
its most pristine form.
The much-anticipated transforare nine-holes at the Aruba Golf Club. ing a premier golf location in the
of Nassau’s first public golf
Golf aficionados and beginners are Caribbean. With championship signacourse
into a challenging, multicatching on to the buzz that Grand ture fairways such as The Ruby and
Bahama Island is once again becom- The Emerald, The Lucayan Reef faceted course was completed last
spring and all 18-holes
have a new look and
feel for both novice
and accomplished
golfers at the completely redesigned
Radisson Cable
Beach & Golf Resort,
Nassau, the Bahamas.
Open year-round,
the St. Lucia Golf &
Country Club is set
amidst the rolling hills
of Cap Estates and
offers panoramic
views of both the
Atlantic Ocean and
Caribbean Sea. The
newly designed, fully
irrigated course is the
Tee time at Radisson Cable Beach & Golf Resort Nassau, the Bahamas
Hit The Links For A Hole-In-One Vacation
By Josh Kahn
Air Jamaica makes it easier than ever to get away for almost
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Ye W O R L D R
usic, unlike any other
form of art, has the
unique ability to slip into
our subconscious without us even realizing it. In the
movies, for example, we are usually unaware of the significant role
the soundtrack plays in our perception of the film.
By striking a passion, whether
it is happiness, woe, or a suspenseful fear, the soundtrack of a film
can invoke in us a certain predisposition which leaves us vulnerable to
laugh, cry or jump up in our seat.
Music can also play a decisive
role in how much you enjoy your
vacation. The tropical ring of
Caribbean steel drum music, for
example, will lend a paradisiacal
state of mind to just about anyone
– even if they’re hearing it in a
shopping mall.
But, people never cite the
music as an important reason for
vacationing in the Caribbean. Nice
beaches and great weather are
usually given credit. Well … there
are nice beaches and great weather
in other destinations, but they
don’t have the sounds and
melodies of the Caribbean.
Of course, the sounds and
styles of music can vary greatly
from country to country within the
Caribbean and with it, the mood and
atmosphere. A brief overview of the
different styles of music played in
the Caribbean and where you can
find them may be helpful in deciding the location of your next
Caribbean getaway.
Caribbean steel band or pan music
is among the most popular musical
arts in the Caribbean. Half a century
ago, percussionists invented pan by
hammering out the ends of discarded
oil drums. The resulting music is
extremely soothing to the ears and
creates the perfect tropical backdrop
for any paradisiacal adventure.
The history of steel drum music
is deeply rooted in Trinidad and
Tobago, where you’ll find musicians
practicing at pan yards throughout
Port of Spain, especially in the
weeks preceding the island’s worldfamous winter Carnival.
Steel bands also compete at the
Pan Ramajay Festival in May and
the World Steelband Music Festival
in October. In November, the country’s leading pan players join the
stage with some top international
jazz stars for the Pan Jazz Festival,
an occasion no true music enthusiasts would want to miss.
Of course, it would be impossible to experience a Trinidadian
vacation without also hearing some
calypso music as well. Calypso, a
lilting medium for political and
social satire, began with slaves who
made up patois songs to mock their
colonial overlords. The Mighty
Sparrow, long-time King of Calypso, is a Trinidadian native, as are
many of the Caribbean’s best-loved
Similar to calypso is soca
music, a combination of soul and
calypso (the word soca is comprised of the first two letters of
soul and calypso). Soca is very
similar to calypso in style, but
employs more up-beat synthesized
and electronic rhythms.
Of course, the most popular
music of Caribbean origin on the
international scene is reggae. First
popularized by bands such as Toots
& the Maytals and the legendary
Bob Marley, reggae began in the
ghettos of Jamaica, but quickly
spread to all corners of the globe.
Easily lending itself to songs of
political protest, reggae has popped
up in just about every nation where
people are exploited and rights are
oppressed – from South Africa’s
Lucky Dube to England’s Steel
Pulse. Of course, there is still no
greater place in the world than
Jamaica to experience the magic and
melody of reggae music and the
Reggae Salute Music Festival in January or Montego Bay’s Reggae Sunfest in July are the prefect opportunities to gain a further appreciation of
this style of music. Bob Marley’s
birthday, celebrated throughout the
first ten days of February, is also a
great time to experience Jamaica’s
captivating reggae scene.
Of course, one cannot sum up
Caribbean music with just steel
drum, calypso and reggae for they
would be leaving out Spanishspeaking countries, such as Puerto
Rico, where European, AfroCaribbean and Latin American cultures have infused their own distinct
flavor in the nation’s musical.
The most popular and influential sound emanating from Puerto
Rico is salsa, which encompasses
many Afro-Latin sounds driven by
clave rhythms (two wooden sticks
struck together).
Today, salsa is penetrating
mainstream music in the United
States and can be found listed on
Billboard charts by international
singing sensations such as Ricky
Martin, Marc Anthony and the late
Celia Cruz. November is a great
time to visit Puerto Rico to check
out the Annual Puerto Rican Music
Also, not to be forgotten is Creole, which is actually French in origin. Each year in October/November, Dominica hosts the World Creole Music Festival showcasing a
wide variety of music.
Bonaire is also no stranger to
dance and melody. As a matter of
fact, you’re almost guaranteed to
experience some kind of festival in
Bonaire, no matter when you travel.
Song, dance, drink and the traditional beating of the Bari (drums) are the
highlights of the Bari Festival, which
takes place from the end of October
until the end of December and
recounts the year’s happenings.
The A erican
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hether you are an amateur or a professional,
golf is a sport that nearly anyone can f ind
enjoyment in. And, one of the
greatest highlights of mastering
this game is the course on which
you play.
From smooth fairways to large,
receptive greens overlooking pristine tropical shores, a number of
the world’s top architects including
Tom and George Fazio, Arthur
Hills, Robert Trent Jones Sr. and
Jr., and Greg Norman, among others, have left their signatures on
several 18-hole courses throughout
the islands of the Caribbean.
Whether you are a duffer or an
avid golfer, the grass is always
greener in the Caribbean no matter
what course you play! So, if you
are planning on hitting the links
this summer, here are some recommendations that are certain to be up
to par with any golfer’s standards.
Puerto Rico offers a variety of
courses that make a memorable
and exciting golfing experience for
nearly anyone. The country is
home to more than 20 golf courses,
including 14 championship-level
courses, with more on the way.
The Westin Rio Mar Beach
Resort and Country Club has two
f irst-rate courses, the GregNorman designed River Course
and the renowned Ocean Course by
George Fazio, to test the skills of
golfers and challenge those who
compete in the World Amateur
Team Championship.
The Wyndham El Conquistador
Resort and Country Club has
Arthur Hills mark all over it. The
redesign of this scenic 6,662-yard
course features 200-foot changes in
elevation that provide breathtaking
vistas to elevate anyone’s game.
Jamaica is another hot spot for
golf aficionados craving exquisite
design and intriguing play. The
White Witch golf course at The
Ritz-Carlton Golf & Spa Resort in
Rose Hall is sculpted out of 600
acres of greenery, countryside and
breathtaking vistas, with 16 holes
staring out to the Caribbean Sea.
Tucked into the 2,200-acre luxury resort, you will also find the
Tryall Club, a breathtaking venue
of rolling fairways and lush greens.
And for some of golf’s most memorable play, the 18-hole Half Moon
championship golf course is home
to 7,119 yards of difficult driving
areas, plenty of bunkering and big
rolling greens. The Club also features the internationally renowned
David Leadbetter Golf Academy
where classes can be taken to
improve your skills.
In Aruba, The Links at Divi is a
nine-hole course slated for completion in spring 2004 and will offer
golfers play on Paspalum grass, set
over water and beautifully landscaped lagoons. Designed by
renowned Robert Trent Jones II,
Tierra del Sol, is situated on the
scenic northwest point of Aruba
and is the only 18-hole championship golf course on the island.
On the other side of the island, there
By Leanna Mauro
only 18-hole course on the island and
is challenging for players of all skill
Look out for Grenada’s first ever
18-hole world-class championship
golf course, which will debut this
year on the northern side of the
island. Currently, there are two
nine-hole courses on island, the
Grenada Golf and Country Club
and LaSOURCE at the Grenada
Grand Beach Resort.
Two of golf’s greatest legends
have put their name and talent to
work in Grand Cayman. Greg Norman will launch his only nine-hole
course at the Ritz-Carlton later in the
year. Jack Nicklaus’ Britannia, (his
only caribbean course) is really two
courses in one as play changes from
a challenging nine-hole regulation
course to an 18-hole executive
course of par 3s and par 4s.
Robert Trent Jones-designed
Nevis Four Seasons Golf Course,
takes players up to Nevis Peak and
down to the water’s edge.
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Advertising Supplement to USA TODAY
waying palm trees,
cr ystal blue
waters, tropical drinks,
with your family,
friends or significant other—
what can make
your Caribbean
vacation even
b e t t e r ? H ow
about having
your trip planned
to your desire –
packages for families, weddings and
honeymoons, active
vacations, and best of all,
discounted prices. Resorts
throughout the Caribbean offer a
variety of packages designed with
each vacationer in mind.
Hilton Ponce & Casino, the recent
addition of the Costa Caribe Golf &
Country Club, a championship course
and high-end country club, puts this
beautiful hotel on the map for golfers.
The Golf Package includes: deluxe
accommodations, daily breakfast for
two, one round of 18-hole golf, including cart rental or caddy per adult; and
welcome gift. Package is $285 per
room, per night based on double occupancy (three-night minimum).
Curacao is known as one of the
best dive islands in the world and
Hilton Curacao’s Dive Package
with rates starting at $89
per person, per night,
double occupancy.
For reservations visit
w w w. c o ra l b y
The island of
Aruba is offering visitors
the chance to
‘taste all the
island has to
offer’ with the
D i n e - A ro u n d
program. Starting
And Savings!
Why Wait?
same room with their parents can stay,
eat and play for free. The resort’s Kids
Club morning program is complimentary for kids 11 and under. Additionally, the resort offers Family Day as part
of its Guest Enrichment Program,
which is a fun-filled day of flying kites,
building sandcastles and a picnic lunch
at the beach. The cost ranges from
$12.50 - $20 per person. To make
reservations, call Radisson at 800333-3333.
Building on the success of the now
sold-out Marriott’s Aruba Ocean
Club, Marriott’s Aruba Surf Club is
one of 41 quality Marriott Vaca-
By Anne Daloia
the following: deluxe accommodations, daily breakfast for two; two
daily dives, including equipment
rental; welcome drinks; non-motorized
watersports; and transfers to and from
dive sites when needed. Starting package rates are $198 per room, based on
double occupancy.
Hilton Caribbean now offers its
kid-tested, mother-approved Very
Important Children (VIC) program.
The VIC Program boasts the following
perks: children under the age of 18 stay
free in the same room with parents;
children under the age of five eat for
free and children ages five to 12
receive free breakfast plus 50 percent
discount on all other meals when dining with an adult; one hour of complimentary babysitting service; and free
kids gift upon check-in.
For more information on the above
and all Hilton Caribbean packages or
to make your reservations contact:
800-HILTONS or visit
Coral by Hilton celebrates families this year by throwing a Family
Fling sale where children 12 and under
stay, play and eat free at any of the four
all-inclusive Coral by Hiltons when
sharing a room with parents. Adjoining rooms are available at a 50 percent
discount for children ages 17 and
under. Coral by Hilton guests enjoy
accommodations, meals, all beverages,
snacks, non-motorized water sports,
nightly entertainment and more for one
all-inclusive price. The Family Fling
sale is valid June 1 – Aug. 31, 2004
A couple lou
nges at Bolo
ngo Bay Bea
ch Resort, S
at $109 per person, for
t. Thomas
three dinners, this program allows t i o n C l u b
guests of Aruba to dine at participating resorts worldwide. Ideally situated on
restaurants during they stay. Each din- scenic Palm Beach, the new Aruba
ner includes: appetizer, entrée, Surf Club will open its first phase July
dessert, coffee or tea and service 2004. Spacious vacation villas that
charge where applicable. For more sleep up to eight are available for both
information visit
lifelong ownership and nightly rentals.
Aruba Grand Beach Resort & Upon completion, the resor t will
Casino is offering free nights this sum- feature 430 two-bedroom/twomer. Book seven nights and receive the bath and 20 three-bedroom/three5th and 7th nights FREE. Stay 14 bath villas.
Each villa includes a master suite
nights and receive four-nights FREE.
Stay five or six nights and receive with a deep-soaking tub, private balo n e night FREE. In addition, conies, fully-equipped kitchen, sepafami l i e s c a n t a k e a d v a n t a g e rate living and dining areas, multiple
o f e x t r a savings when children 1 2 televisions and a VCR and stackable
a n d under stay and e a t f r e e washer/dr yer.
Vacation owners at either Marriott
when accompanied by an
adult. Call 800-345-2782 or visit Vacation Club resort in Aruba have the
opportunity to return to their home
Radisson Aruba Resort & Casi- resort year-after-year. However, they
no offers its “One Cool Family” package starting at $179 per room, per
night. Kids 11 and under staying in the
can also exchange for other destinations worldwide through Interval International’s exclusive network of 2,000
villa resorts.
While rental guests do not need to
take a tour during their stay, those who
choose to do so can rest assured that
Marriott will treat them with the highest respect and customer care.
Book six nights and get the seventh
free, along with car rental, when you
stay at Marriott Vacation Clubs in
Aruba. Call 800-306-1901 or visit
Caribbean-bound vacationers can
embark on a swashbuckling adventure
with the “Pirates of the Caribbean”
tour of St. Vincent & the
where the
m ov i e w a s
filmed. Rates
for the “pirate”
themed trip,
developed by
Alken Tours,
start at $1,899
per person, double occupancy,
i n c l u d e :
roundtrip airfare
from New York
(JFK); eight
transfers per the
proposed itinerary; six nights of
(three at Young
Island Resort, St.
Vincent and three at Friendship Bay
Resort, Bequia); one-day dive; day
tour to Falls of Baleine (to see
“Pirates of the Caribbean” sets and
sights); discover St. Vincent tour;
and Mustique & Bequia boat tour.
The starting rate for children age
two – 12 is $850 and includes everything in the adult package except the
o n e - d a y d i v e . Fo r m o r e i n formation visit Alken tours online at
To commemorate 30 years of
ownership and management of
the Doumeng family, Bolongo Bay
Beach Resort, St. Thomas is offering
a special 30th Anniversary Celebration Package.
Valid now through July 30, 2004
for travel through Aug. 31, 2004 the
package includes: beach front accommodations for two people in one room;
$30 off nightly room rate, $30 resort
credit; welcome bottle of champagne
with two commemorative 30th
anniversary flutes; 30-minute use of a
Waverunner per person; his and hers
30 minute massage; an all-day sail or
beach outing to St. John OR a romantic
sunset cocktail cruise; all meals; all
beverages; a “discover scuba diving” in-pool lesson; complimentary
non-motorized watersports; beach volleyball, tennis and basketball; and tax,
service charges and gratuities. For
reservations call 800-524-4746 or visit
The Westin and Sheraton at Our
Lucaya introduces two new valueadded packages this summer. With the
new Family Fun Package, kids 17 and
under stay free and kids 12 and under
eat free when accompanied by a parent. Available May 1 – Dec. 20, 2004,
the new package, which offers the 5th
night free, is ideal for families with
double occupancy rates that start at
$149 at the Sheraton and $189 at the
Westin at Our Lucaya for a five-night
minimum stay. While children enjoy
their own fun-filled activities at Camp
Lucaya, parents can take time to play
golf, relax at the swim up bar or try one
of the resort’s signature spa treatments.
The new Island Fun Package
offers a $100 resort credit (one per
room, per stay), the 5th night free, and
free rounds of golf. Golfers can enjoy
the resort’s two championship 18-hole
courses when they buy one round of
golf, they get the second round of golf
free. The resort credit can be used for a
relaxing, luxurious spa treatment, tennis, or meals in one of the 14 restaurants and lounges. Available May 1 –
Dec. 20, 2004, the new Island Fun
double occupancy rates start at $149 at
the Sheraton and $189 at the Westin at
Our Lucaya for a five-night minimum
stay. (Rates vary depending on dates of
For information on both packages
call 800-Westin –1 for the Westin at
Our Lucaya, (800) 325-3535 for the
Sheraton at Our Lucaya or visit or ourlucaya.
Wyndham Martineau Bay
Resort & Spa welcomes guests to
experience the island of Vieques, Puerto Rico, with the Buy One Get One
Rates starting from
The nicest island in the Caribbean
also has the sweetest deals.
Exciting adventures, endless activities...AND YOUR FAMILY!
Now you can take a break from life’s demands in an exotic haven where the bluest waters you’ve ever seen are
framed by beautiful beaches and cotton-cloud skies. With Hilton Caribbean’s Very Important Children’s
Program, we make it easy to bring the whole family. There is no charge for children 18 and under when they
occupy the same room as their parent or grandparent. Children under 5 eat free while kids between 5-12
receive breakfast at no charge and a 50 percent discount on other meals with accompanying adults. At Coral
by Hilton all-inclusive resorts children under 2 years of age stay and eat free, children 3-12 years of age stay
for $30 all-inclusive per night/per child. Come discover some of the most beautiful places you’d rather be!
kids stay free! • 1-800-HILTONS • Ask for Advance Purchase Rate
Bahamas • Cancun • Curaçao • Jamaica • Margarita • Puerto Rico (Ponce & San Juan) • St. Lucia
Santo Domingo • Trinidad • Tobago • Barbados (12/04)
All-inclusive Resorts in the Dominican Republic: Bayahibe • Boca Chica • Juan Dolio • Puerto Plata
*Advance Purchase rates are per person based on double occupancy per night. Subject to terms and conditions, check website for details. Certain restrictions
apply. The Hilton name and logo are trademarks owned by Hilton. ©2004 Hilton Hospitality, Inc.
We invite you to frolic on our breezy, happy island. Daily smiles and sunshine, complimentary.
Sample air/hotel vacation
packages (3 nights)
departing from:
$618 to New York
$595 to Boston
$519 to Miami
$618 to Chicago
1 800 to aruba ~
Sample packages include 3 nights' accommodations at Mill Resort and Suites plus roundtrip air on American Airlines for travel through June 30, 2004. Prices include taxes
and fees for flight, are per person based on double occupancy and vary by dates, availability, and departure city. Rates are accurate at time of printing and are subject to
changes, exceptions, cancellation charges, and restrictions. Not responsible for errors or omissions in the printing of this ad. Additional higher priced packages available.
Advertising Supplement to USA TODAY
Free Amenities Package. Guests who
book by April 30 and purchase one spa
treatment, a non-motorized sport activity, breakfast, lunch and dinner will get
a second spa treatment, activity and/or
meal for free. Rates for this package,
including airfare and ground transfers
in Vieques, start at $1,314 for four
nights and $2,100 for a seven-night
package when traveling from New
Wyndham Sugar Bay Resort &
Spa, St. Thomas, offers the following
Dive Package starting at $260, double
occupancy, for a minimum three-night
stay. The package includes: dive
memento; transfers to Dive Boat;
deluxe room; eight dives for a threenight stay (double); 12 dives for a fivenight stay (double); and 16 dives for a
seven-night stay (double). Single rates
and non-diver discount rates are available.
For information on the above
and all Wyndham packages visit or call 800WYNDHAM.
SunSwept Resort’s The BodyHoliday at LeSPORT, St. Lucia,
includes unlimited golf greens fees and
transfers to and from the nearby 18hole, 6829 yard, par 17 St. Lucia Golf
& Country Club in the daily rate.
Classes of varying levels are given by
pros at the hotel, also included in the
daily rate. Starting May 16, 2004,
rates begin at $265.
SunSwept Resort’s Rendezvous,
St. Lucia, after undergoing an extensive renovation of guest rooms and
public areas, has become even more
popular for weddings and honeymoons. Weddings are free with a stay
of at least six nights. Popular spots
include the hotel’s lush garden or on its
expansive beach. This couples-only
resort has just 100 rooms, suites and
cottages, is low-key and intimate for
discerning guests. All-inclusive per
person rates are currently $213; $195
from May.
Fo r i n f o r m a t i o n o n a l l
S u n - S we p t R e s o r t p a c k a g e s ,
including the two above, visit
Whether you are looking to say “I
do” for the first time or tell the world
again how much you love that special
someone, Elite Island Resorts can
make all your dreams come true for
your special day. Elite Island Resorts
eight beachfront properties include:
Galley Bay, St. James’s Club, Grand
Pineapple Beach, Jolly Harbour Vil-
Take The Active Road On Your Caribbean Vacation
By Diana Jones
ovies like “Pirates of the
Caribbean” and reality shows
such as “Survivor” best portray the sense of adventure we
associate with this exciting destination. Of
course, excitement is a relative term and perhaps the reason why the Caribbean appeals
to so many of us. While some may choose to
parasail or horseback ride during their active
vacation, others might have different choices in mind that are just as enticing …. shopping, for instance, or bird watching.
The adventure seeker looking for a physically challenging vacation will certainly want
to take advantage of the Caribbean’s spectacular waters, where activities such as scuba
diving, water-skiing, surfing, windsurfing,
deep-sea fishing, kayaking and parasailing
take place. The destinations’ unspoiled landscape is also ideal for horseback riding,
extreme sports such as strenuous hiking,
biking and All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) riding.
Andros Island, one of the Out Islands
of The Bahamas, offers incredible Bonefishing and Deep Sea Fishing. Whether
you’re a seasoned angler or looking for a
new experience, you will enjoy a full day of
exciting prospects aboard Kamalame’s
own, 36-foot custom-built sport fisherman yacht, Gunshot. Also in the
Bahamas, Inagua National Park has the larges
colony of wild West Indian flamingos.
The tiny, five-square-mile island of
Dominica, the largest of the Windward Saba is known as “the unspoiled queen.” This
Islands, is an ecomajesty’s volcanic
tourism haven.
peak rises dramatiGiant rainforests,
cally from the
rivers, rare parrots
Caribbean Sea and
and towering mounoffers steep walks
tains are highlighted
and hikes that are
by this unspoiled
sure to give a
beauty’s rolling hills
workout to the
and mountain
most physically fit
peaks, that feature
of vacationers.
365 waterfalls.
S t . L u c i a ’s
On Jamaica you
rugged terrain
can horseback ride
makes it ideal for
along t h e w a t e r ’s
hiking and biking.
edge, or enjoy some
A variety of trails
of the best g o l f
lead hikers through
courses the destithe rainforest, to
nation has to offer.
the peaks of the
Puerto Rico’s
island’s mountains,
hike through El
through old plantaWindsurfing in Bonaire is just t i o n g r o u n d s ,
Yunque is a popular
one of many activities the
but less strenuous
along beaches, to
Caribbean offers
adventure, highlightCactus Valley, around
ed by a grand finale - a most refreshing Pigeon Island and more. Jaw-dropping
swim under a waterfall, surrounded by a waterfalls, indigenous flora and fauna and
tropical rainforest. Another memorable expe- local birds like the Amazona Versicolor (also
rience of this island is night swimming in Bio- called Jacquot or St. Lucian parrot) make St.
luminescent Bay. Home to large colonies of Lucia a nature-lover’s dream.
dinoflagellates that light up like fireflies, the
Active vacationers with a more leisurely
bays’ waters appear to glow and are best sense of adventure will also appreciate the
experienced in the light of a full moon.
eco-friendly beauty that the Caribbean offers.
those who fly the Caribbean carrier can
expect to be treated to hot, gourmet
meals freshly prepared with flavorful
island ingredients.
Created by the airline’s “Flying
Chef” Louis Bailey, the in-flight menu
includes Jamaican specialties like Jerk
Chicken, Ackee & Saltfish and Escoveitch Fish, as well as more familiar
international entrees like Grilled MahiMahi and Chicken Picatta. Passengers
in all classes of service may choose
from one of three menu selections on
all the airline’s international flights,
which range between 80 minutes and
five hours long.
Air Jamaica also offers complimentary imported champagne on all of
its flights. The beverage service also
includes Jamaican favorites like fresh
coconut water, locally-brewed Red
Stripe and Real Rock beer and Dandy
Shandy – all offered free of charge in
every cabin.
For more information or reserva-
tions, call Air Jamaica at 800-523-5585
or visit
With the Escape Family Package
for Four, guests of the St. Kitts Marriott Resort and The Royal Beach
Casino can now enjoy the undiscovered beauty of the island along with
activities for every member of the family. This new package includes: delicious breakfast buffet daily for four
guests; admission to the resort’s Kids
Club for two children; one disposable
camera to catch all of the special
moments of the family vacation; complimentary transportation to and from
the airport for four guests; a fabulous
welcome gift; and room tax and gratuities for maids and bellmen. Rates start
at $189 per night, double occupancy,
now through December 23, 2004.
In celebration of the recent opening of its Emerald Mist Spa and the
reopening of the front nine holes of
the Royal St. Kitts Golf Club, the St.
Kitts Marriott Resort and The Royal
Sara Carloine SASY program at the Hyatt Regency Grand Cayman
las, Royal Antiguan all located in
Antigua; St. James’s Club and Windjammer Landing, St. Lucia; and
Palm Island in The Grenadines.
The Wedding Package rate is $630
and includes: services of the wedding
coordinator; special license and registration fee; return taxi to Ministry of
Legal Affairs in town to complete formalities (not available at the Royal
Antiguan or Palm Island); decorated
wedding venue; services of a marriage
officer; wedding cake; bridal bouquet
and boutonniere; witnesses if required;
and bottle of chilled champagne to
toast the ceremony. Additional services
and amenities can be added on for a
nominal fee and differ on resort.
Renewal of Vows Package for all
Elite Island Resorts includes: services
of the wedding coordinator; decorated
nuptial venue; services of the registrar;
renewal of vows cake; and bottle of
chilled champagne to toast the ceremony. This package cost $450 and additional services and amenities can be
added on for a nominal fee and differ
on resort.
Honeymoon Packages are available
at each Elite Island Resort. For information on all packages visit or call
Air Jamaica offers service and
convenience that surpass expectations
with four unique programs.
Vacationers who have problems
planning their Caribbean getaway because choosing just one island
is simply too limiting may find that
Air Jamaica’s Island Hopping
and Caribbean Hopper programs are
the perfect solution. The two travel
programs, offered exclusively by the
airline, provide for the ultimate flexi-
bility regardless of your itinerary.
Travelers can now enjoy the
friendly warmth of Jamaica with a
free stopover on the island en route
to any of the other Caribbean destinations Air Jamaica serves, including
Antigua, Barbados, Bonaire, Curacao, Grenada and St. Lucia.
For those travelers looking for a
lengthier travel experience that
includes even more Caribbean destinations, Air Jamaica has instituted
the Caribbean Hopper fare. This
unique program allows visitors to
Jamaica to continue on to visit a minimum of three of the fore mentioned
islands within a 30-day period for
one low price.
Air Jamaica passengers will be
the last off the beach when they visit
Jamaica and take advantage of the
airline’s innovative Beachside CheckIn service.
Available at select hotels on the
island, Beachside Check-In allows
guests to check their luggage and
receive confirmed seat assignments on
their flight simply by visiting the designated Air Jamaica check-in desk at
their hotel. Luggage is then transported
in secure vehicles to Sangster International Airport in Montego Bay, where
it is screened and then loaded onto the
plane. Passengers may then enjoy up to
two hours more vacation time at their
hotel, proceeding directly through
security screening to the departure
lounge once they arrive at the airport.
Beachside Check-In is currently
available at 16 resorts in Negril, Montego Bay and Ocho Rios, including
Sandals and Beaches resorts, Round
Hill, Half Moon Club and Grand Lido.
Peanuts and pretzels just won’t do
for Air Jamaica’s passengers. Instead,
Beach Casino has developed special
packages designed specifically for
spa guests and golfers.
With the Escape Spa Package for
Two, guests of the St. Kitts Marriott
Resort and The Royal Beach Casino
can now enjoy the luxurious Emerald
Mist Spa, offering treatments and facilities to help both leisure and business
travelers unwind and rejuvenate. This
new package includes: a delicious
breakfast buffet daily for two guests;
one massage and one facial per guest
(per room, per stay); complimentary
transportation to and from the airport
for two guests; two complimentary spa
robes; a fabulous welcome gift; and
room tax and gratuities for maids and
bellmen. Rates start at $263 per night,
double occupancy, now through Dec.
23, 2004.
Golfers can now enjoy the newly
renovated front nine with the Escape
Continued on page 6
I want to learn
patience from a starfish.
Stay 3 nights and get a
Free Night
Ask for Getaways ByRequest
Do you want to start every day with a massage and a tropical fruit smoothie? Or to
get to know a local parrot on a first-name basis? We’d like to hear about it. Tell Wyndham your idea of the perfect getaway and
we’ll make it happen every time. Call us or your travel planner.
Wyndham El Conquistador Resort & Golden Door® Spa Las Croabas, Puerto Rico
Wyndham Sapphire Beach Club & Resort St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles
Wyndham Sugar Bay Resort & Spa St. Thomas, U.S.V.I.
Wyndham Rose Hall Resort & Country Club Montego Bay, Jamaica
Wyndham El San Juan Hotel & Casino San Juan, Puerto Rico
Wyndham Aruba Resort, Spa & Casino Palm Beach, Aruba
Wyndham Sunshine Suites – Grand Cayman Grand Cayman, British West Indies
Wyndham Nassau Resort & Crystal Palace Casino Nassau, Bahamas
Wyndham Condado Plaza Hotel & Casino San Juan, Puerto Rico
Wyndham Martineau Bay Resort & Spa Vieques, Puerto Rico
And Introducing Our Newest All-Inclusive Resorts:
Viva Wyndham Resorts
Grand Bahama Island, Bahamas
Vallarta, Mexico
Subject to availability at any participating Wyndham Resort. Stay 3 consecutive nights and get the 4th night free. Blackout dates and other restrictions apply. Must be booked under Getaways ByRequest. Tax, resort fee, tariff and gratuity not included. Valid through 10/1/04. Not applicable to groups or on prior reservations.
Advertising Supplement to USA TODAY
By Josh Kahn
he Caribbean is traditionally
known for its white sandy
beaches and blue-turquoise
waters. However, some
would argue that the true Caribbean
experience begins after you’ve showered the beach out of your hair, put on
your finest and sat down at the restaurant of your choice.
A beach is a beach, and while
some beaches may be less crowded
than others, many visitors to the
Caribbean believe that the ambrosia
of their vacation experience lies in the
delectable treat that awaits them back
at their resort or at one of the many
different-styled restaurants available
in the Caribbean.
From the spicy offerings of
Grenada to the flying fish of Barbados to the jerk pork of Jamaica, the
Caribbean is host to thousands of
restaurants of varying size, specializing in everything from local cuisine
to international gourmet.
The following is just a small taste
of what the countries of the
Caribbean have to offer with a mixture of cuisine that is both exotic and
A Taste of the Caribbean
Visitors of Aruba enjoy the
delight of a different ambiance
offered which each dining experience. International menus include
Indonesian, Japanese, Chinese,
Dutch, Italian, French and Cantonese cuisine.
Local Aruban establishments are
plentiful and many feature seafood,
fresh from the Caribbean waters. If
you enjoy fishing, some will even
Vacations For You & Your Stomach
cook and serve your catch of the day.
St. Lucia’s diverse cuisine is influenced primarily by its French and
Creole history, but the island offers a
wide selection of restaurants drawing
on Asian, British and American influences as well.
All of St. Lucia’s restaurants use
the island’s locally grown produce
and spices and serve fresh fish caught
off its shores. Popular local dishes
include callaloo soup, conch chowder, Creole fish, rotis and, the national dish, salt fish and green fig.
The French island, Martinique,
demonstrates its French background
very noticeably in its love affair with
good food. Many shops close from
noon to 2:30 pm for the sacrosanct
tradition of a copious and leisurely
lunch. Dinner is also a gastronomic
adventure lasting all evening long.
On every menu in Martinique,
fish is king, with daily specialties
varying according to the morning’s
catch. Typical are red snapper, kingfish, sunfish, soudons (small clams),
z’habitants or cribiches (fresh water
crayfish), lambi (conch), oursin (sea
urchin), and langouste (clawless
Caribbean lobster). Sometimes the
fish is prepared in traditional Creole
fashion using piquant spices and
herbs, at other times it is served in the
more lightly seasoned French style,
and often it is a marriage of the two.
Dining is one of life’s greatest
pleasures, especially on the tiny
Dutch/French island of St. Maarten.
Dating back to the centuries of discov-
vegetables, sauces, pastas and cakes
to spice up the flavor.
A fusion of European, AfroCaribbean and Latin American cultures, Puerto Rico is home to one of
the most palate-tempting cuisines
throughout the Western Hemisphere.
Although Puerto Rican cooking is
somewhat similar in style to both
Spanish and Latin American cuisines,
it has a unique style, using indigenous
Jolly Harbour Villas, Antigua, waterside dining
ery when the Dutch claimed and cultivated the land, the island’s colonial
past is reflected in its ethnic flavors.
St. Maarten’s reputation for culinary excellence is richly deserved
given its astonishing range of regional
French, Italian, Indian, Vietnamese and
Chinese cuisines – not to mention
Caribbean and Creole cooking. Ingredients from Europe and North America
combine with Caribbean indigenous
flavors to create unforgettable meals.
Where to eat will be the most difficult
decision to make in St. Maarten.
When visiting Grenada, visitors
can’t help but notice the scent of nut-
Sun, Sand And Savings! Why Wait?
Continued from page 5
Golf Package for Two. This exciting
package includes: a delicious breakfast
buffet for two guests; one round of golf
each for two guests (playing the front
nine holes twice until the back nine is
reopened in late 2004); complimentary
transportation to and from the airport
for two guests; a fabulous welcome
gift; and room tax and gratuities for
maids and bellmen. Rates for the
Escape Golf Package start at $441 per
night, based on double occupancy, now
through Dec. 23, 2004.
For information on all of St. Kitts
Marriott and The Royal Beach Casino
and more call 800-223-6388 or visit
Frigate Bay, St. Kitts is offering
exceptional savings this summer with
the Season Promotion. Through this
promotion rates start at $69 per night,
for a minimum five-night stay and
includes continental breakfast for two
daily. This promotion is valid now
through Dec. 17, 2004.
Frigate Bay offers the couples the
chance to say “I Do” in paradise with
the Wedding Package. The cost of the
package is $595 (supplemental to room
rates) and includes: champagne; fruit
basket and tropical flowers in your
room on arrival; welcome Rum Punch
or Fruit Punch; seven American Breakfasts; full round island tour; honeymoon t-shirts; souvenir gift; free room
upgrades (as available); and cham-
meg, cinnamon, vanilla,
cloves and ginger that waft
along the balmy breeze.
Known as “The Spice Island
A colorful array of Caribbean cuisine compliments of Martinique
of the Caribbean,” Grenada
is famous for spice producdelight every night. Beaches’ guests
tion, and particularly for the pro- seasonings and ingredients.
duction of nutmeg. Emphasizing
No matter what par t of the have an average of five – and as
its importance to the island, nutmeg island, Puerto Rico offers visitors a many as nine – gourmet restaurants
is even found as a national emblem treasure of culinar y flavors. per resort to choose from, featuron the flag of Grenada.
Through its food, one can see the ing cooking styles such as
In Grenada, there are many deli- international influences that created Jamaican/JamAsian, Japanese Tepcious nutmeg products including ice a fusion of cuisine, long before panyaki/Oriental, Tex-Mex, Italian,
cream, cheese, coffee and even nut- “fusion” was mainstream. And, Thai, French, International/Contimeg-flavored liqueur, wine and rum. because food is an intrinsic part of nental, Caribbean and MediterIt can also be grated into soups, stew, Puerto Rican culture, it is no won- ranean.
pagne dinner. For more information
Families visiting the Caribbean this
summer can take advantage of SuperClubs “Kids Stay and Eat Free” special at three Breezes Resorts: Breezes
Curacao (now through Oct. 31, 2004)
and Breezes Punta Cana or Breezes
Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic (now through Dec. 24, 2004). For
the remainder of the promotion,
Breezes will waive its $50 daily rate for
children 2 – 13 years of age. Rates
start at $1,610 in Curacao and $1,316
in Hispanola based on seven-night
stays, for a family of four with children
under the age of 14 years. For more
information visit
Sandals Golf & Country in
Jamaica, the most elite 18-hole golf
course in the country, offers guests the
ultimate golf experience and complimentary green fees and lessons. Sandals Golf & Country Club includes:
complimentary green fees for all Sandals guests within Jamaica; complimentary roundtrip transportation from
all of the Sandals Resorts within
Jamaica’s Ocho Rios area (Sandals
Ocho Rios Resort & Golf Club, Sandals Dunn River Resort & Spa and
Royal Plantation Spa & golf Resort, as
well as Sandals Owned Resort); free
lessons for Sandals guests; and free
rental of junior clubs (right hand
only). Caddies, (which are mandatory), carts, club (Precept and Callaway’s), and shoe rentals are available
for a nominal fee. For more information call 867-975-0119 or e-mail
[email protected].
Sandals Regency St. Lucia Golf
der festivals celebrating regional
specialties take place practically
Of course, if you’re looking for a
variety of good international cuisine,
many of the large resorts and chains
in the Caribbean feature multiple onproperty restaurants, each with a different flair and flavor and, with an
all-inclusive option, you can feast
like a king for a real value.
Sandals and Beaches Resorts
offers a restaurant for every possible craving, allowing its guests to
escape to a different Epicurean
Air Jamaica
Aruba Tourism Authority
Aruba Grand Beach Resort & Casino
Bolongo Bay Beach Club
Caribbean Star Airlines
Caribbean Tourism Organization
Elite Island Resorts
Frigate Bay Resort
Hilton Hotels Caribbean
Marriott Vacation Club
Westin & Sheraton at Our
Lucaya Beach & Golf Resort
St. Kitts Marriott & The Royal Beach Casino
St. Vincent & The Grenadines
Sunswept Resorts
US Airways
Wyndham Hotels & Resorts
Resort & Spa at La Toc offers a magnificent course with rolling hills and
majestic fairways making it a true jewel
to golfers throughout the world. Sandals
St. Lucia Golf Course includes: complimentary green fees for all Sandals
guests in St. Lucia; and complimentary
roundtrip transportation for all guests of
Sandals Resorts in St. Lucia (Sandals
Halcyon Beach St. Lucia and Sandals
Grande St. Lucian Spa & Beach
Resort). Additional rentals including
caddies (which are mandatory), carts,
clubs (Precept), and lessons are all
available for a nominal fee.
For information on all Sandals
Resorts call 800-SANDALS or visit
Publisher:...................................Jim Furey
Editor:................Kahn Travel Communications
Coorditnator:................................Joe Dalto
Design:..........................B+W Creative Group
Advertising:......................Furey & Associates
For more information contact:
Furey & Associates at 212-355-7034;
Fax: 212-980-9244;
e-mail: [email protected]
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Thing” is said to be St. Lucia’s
own “Loch Ness Monster on
Vacation.” It is seen regularly
(but only at night) during dives
at Anse Chastanet reef.
Lying beneath both Grenada and sister island Carriacou’s
surf ace is some of the
Caribbean’s most dramatic and
unspoiled underwater scenery.
From lazy drift dives over
coral gardens to the Bianca C,
one of the largest shipwrecks
in the Caribbean, Grenada
and Carriacou waters offer
captivating images to divers
of all levels.
Explore the life under the sea in St. Vincent’s & The Grenadines
Tobago’s magnif icent
underwater playground offers
several spectacular sites,
including Diver’s Dream,
Diver’s Thirst, Flying Reef and
Cove Reef. Turtles, eagle rays,
manta rays and barracudas
abound off the island’s northeastern coast with awe-inspiring sites, including Japanese
Gardens, Black Jack Hole,
Bookend, and St. Giles.
Measuring eight square
ter run-off, so visibility is typically
By Kristen Schneider
miles, St. Eustatius offers over 200
100 feet or more.
wrecks that have been sunken offolorful coral, fascinating
In Grand Cayman, Stingray City
sea life and the regions offers an up-close and personal shore. Affectionately called Statia, in
most extraordinary reefs, encounter with creatures that span up July 2004, the destination will comawait you in the tropical to six-feet wide – making it an oppor- memorate the first anniversary of
waters of the Caribbean. From pink tune time for underwater photogra- the sinking of The Charles L.
wavering sea urchins and steady- phy. Little Cayman is especially Brown, where divers can swim
paced turtles, to tiny seahorses and famous for Bloody Bay Wall and alongside this 300-foot vessel in
playful reef sharks, scuba diving in Jackson Point. Bloody Bay Marine pristine, unspoiled turquoise waters.
The southern Caribbean islands
the Caribbean offers an experience Park is one of
of St. Vincent
like no other.
the world’s
and the
And, with so many unique desti- m o s t
nations featuring diversified dive r e n o w n e d
offer a diversisites, there’s no better time than dive sites with
ty of undernow to begin, or continue on, your its sheer coral
water landscuba journey.
wall beginscapes that is
Aruba, for example, offers more n i n g a t 2 0
only hinted at
than 20 dive sites, including nine feet, plunging
by the scenery
shipwrecks, ranging in depths of 30- to 6,000 feet.
above. Divers
60 feet. The German freighter “AntilFeeling
will find not
la” is one of the largest wrecks in the hot, hot, hot?
only a wide
Caribbean and can be found off the D i v e a l o n g
range of divwhite sandy shores of Aruba.
side lava pining experiClose to home, Andros Island in n a c l e s a n d
ences - wall,
the Bahamas offers incredible vari- black coral in
reef, wreck
ety for divers from the near vertical Dominica or
and “muck” to
wall dives to shallow back-reefs S t . L u c i a ,
name a few that abound with reef f ish and where each
but will also
islands’ volenjoy a virtual
Belize is considered to be a canic origins
“who’s who”
Mecca for divers, offering 3,000 pave the way
Preparation to explore the
of sea life in
square miles of protected water, for a dive like
Caribbean’s underwater world
these brilliantabundant sea life and the largest liv- no other. In
ing barrier reef in the Western Hemi- Dominica, solid rock encrusted with ly clear waters.
Most diving on St. Vincent takes
sphere. For a diversified dive, the corals and sponges provide the perplace
on the sheltered west and
Lighthouse Reef offers multiple sheer fect backdrop for fish watching.
south coasts of the island, where
drop-offs starting at 30 feet and the
Since its bottom terrain is dense
infamous Blue Hole, a 150-foot sink- and there is little space for fish to currents are gentle, the surface is
usually calm, and impressive walls
hole with magnificent stalactites.
hide, Dominica is one of the best
In Bonaire, divers can watch for f ish watching locations in the offer sweeping underwater vistas.
With over 30 premier dive desti400-plus species of fish observed and Caribbean.
nations in the Caribbean, the possibilrecorded in the waters surrounding
In St. Lucia, a vibrant cross secthe island. Some of Bonaire’s best- tion of Caribbean marine life such as ities are endless. For more informaknown sites are Thousand Steps, turtles, nurse sharks, angelfish and tion about diving in the Caribbean,
Town Pier and Hilma Hooker, a “The Thing,” await divers. According visit
wreck dive. And, with only 12 inches to those who have seen it, “The and explore a world of vibrant underwater cities.
of annual rainfall, there is no freshwa-
Get ‘Wrecked’
Caribbean-Style On
A Scuba Diving Vacation
Tropical Splendor Abounds
For Saying ‘I Do’
By Leanna Mauro
be astronomical. Caribbean wedding
packages enable couples to enjoy both
the beauty and elegance of a traditional
wedding ceremony in a unique venue at
an affordable price.
Couples will find that wedding
packages vary, depending on the venue,
and can range from very basic to
To qualify for the complementary wedding package, couples must stay at the
inding the perfect venue, choosresort on the all-inclusive plan for a total
ing a florist, selecting a photograof three nights or more. Administrative
pher. These are just a few of the
fees apply.
elements involved in traditional
Sandals Resorts is well known for
wedding planning that often provide
its free weddings packages at all of their
nothing more than a costly headache for
resorts. The only requirement to redeem
the future bride and groom. And,
the free wedding is that the couple
as if that isn’t enough to think
stays a minimum of five nights.
about, the future couple is then
Sandals will then arrange for
faced with another challenge –
the ceremony officiant, bridal
where to go for their honeymoon.
bouquet, groom boutonniere, a
Recognizing the need for
wedding cake for four, and
added ease, convenience, and
much more.
affordability when it comes to
As if having your dream wedplanning these two very special
ding ceremony in the Caribbean at
occasions, the Caribbean offers
absolutely no cost isn’t incentive
some outstanding options to
enough to jump on a plane and tie
couples about to say “I Do.”
the knot in the Caribbean, many
The Caribbean has become a
hotels even offer attractive honeytropical haven for destination
moon packages! With added
weddings and honeymoons and
amenities such as complimentary
offers a number of hassle-free
room upgrades and in-room
options. The region caters to
champagne service with a minthose seeking a memorable wedimum night stay, what more
ding and honeymoon experience
could a couple ask for?
by providing a variety of options
The Caribbean is truly an ideal
and making it very easy for coudestination for the ultimate honeyples to celebrate their nuptials in
moon. The region is dominated by
a true tropical paradise.
year-round sunshine amidst soft
It is essential couples take
white sand beaches and crystal
note that each Caribbean nation
clear waters and offers countless
has certain wedding requireoptions for honeymooners, with
ments that are essential for getthe flexibility of personalizing
Sunset Beach Resort’s romantic setting
ting married in their countries.
the stay to meet the couple’s
Requirements vary according to makes all your wedding dreams come true idea of a dream honeymoon.
each destination and may include
Many couples will prefer difa waiting period, a variety of required extremely extravagant. Standard wed- ferent things when it comes to their hondocuments that are necessary in order to ding package elements will vary accord- eymoon. Some may look forward to a
proceed with getting married and ing to the hotel and may include the time of complete and total relaxation in a
assorted costs. These requirements assistance of an on-site wedding coordi- serene tropical setting with nobody but
should be noted in advance to ensure nator; a civil judge, minister or pastor; the wait staff around to bother them. Oththat all necessary duties are fulfilled registration, legal and marriage ers however, may want to fill their days
before the couple’s big day.
license fees; a bridal bouquet and with adventure and back-to-back activiThere are countless advantages to boutonniere for the groom; photo- ties like snorkeling, scuba diving and
planning a wedding in the Caribbean. graphs and a bottle of champagne.
parasailing. Whatever a couples dream
Couples receive personalized service
Many Caribbean hotels and resort honeymoon is, the Caribbean has it all!
and attention and have the flexibility also offer enhanced wedding packages
So, if getting married and honeyto plan whatever they want, wherever that go beyond the standard wedding mooning in the lush tropical Caribbean
they want.
package and can be customized with appeals to you and your spouse-to-be,
From a small private ceremony on add-on features for an extra charge.
then how should you go about planthe beach with your closest friends and
Other Caribbean hotels even go so ning? The answer is very simple – it’s
family, to a festive carnival celebration, far as to offer couples a FREE wedding time to start exploring what destinations
to an underwater scuba wedding, there with a stay. For example, couples getting and options interest you most. For a
isn’t anything the Caribbean can’t do!
married at the Radisson Cable Beach & complete listing of Caribbean destinaThe cost factor involved with a hav- Golf Resort in Nassau, The Bahamas, tions, and their wedding requirements
ing traditional wedding can many times will enjoy a free ceremony on the beach. visit
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Caribbean Sun Airlines Inc. and Caribbean Star Airlines Ltd. are
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carrier is operated independently of the other and the rules applicable to
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For Special Rates, Call 888-7PARADISE
For Reservations & Information See Your Travel Agent or Call
Hurry! Prices valid for a limited time only! Prices are per person, double occupancy, based on midweek travel from Boston, April 16 - June 30, 2004 unless otherwise specified. Travel must
be completed within these dates. Hotels have varying blackout dates. Additional charges may apply for weekend, holiday and peak season travel. For Jamaica, U.S. & foreign government
imposed taxes & related fees of up to $75 per person are additional and due with final payment. For all other islands, U.S. & foreign government imposed taxes & related fees of up to $60 per
person are additional and due with final payment, and foreign departure taxes of up to $25 per person must be paid upon exit from the island. A September 11th security fee of up to $10 & PFC's
of up to $18 are additional and payable per person. Cancellation penalties & other restrictions may apply. Number of days include departure & return days. Prices are capacity controlled; prices &
promotions are accurate at the time of printing and are subject to availability, changes, cancellations & restrictions. Lower priced packages may be available when booked electronically through
your travel agent or on Prices may be higher through a telephone booking. *Flights are Non-Stop to Montego Bay, Jamaica. All other islands are Jet-to-Jet
connections.†Available at an extra charge. Amenities and facilities may vary by resort. Higher priced packages available. Packages from other U. S. gateways available.