2012-2013 Issue 3 Vol CXII Final
2012-2013 Issue 3 Vol CXII Final
The Cardinal & White Volume CXII, Issue 3 || Whittier High School || Tuesday, May 21st, 2013 Tragedy in the Heart of America Christopher Leblanc & Isaiah Reza-Soto Opinion Editor & Photo Editor April 15th, 2013, a day that started like any other, Boston was having its 117th annual marathon. The year prior it almost didn’t happen due to the immense heat, so the organizers gave the runners from that race were promised a spot in this year’s race if they chose not to run. There were many that still ran in that race but more that decided to take the voucher for this year’s race. This year’s race was dedicated to the lives lost at the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting that took place last December; each mile had one of the children’s names in memorial on a banner. The end of the race is near and the winner was about to be announced, when 2 explosions occurred 10 seconds apart from each other, killing 3 and injuring at least another hundred. The alleged bombs were in pressure cookers and contained shrapnel, showing that the attackers were amateurs. The bomb itself caused a lot more damage than if it was a regular bomb. The area erupted into chaos as people were caught off guard by this act of terrorism. Many people, event organizers, police officers, and even runners themselves try and help each other as emergency medical teams arrive on seen trying the best they can to help the injured and dead. Then as if the worst was over another bomb hit the John F. Kennedy Library about a half hour later. In the weeks since the attack a suspect has been apprehended, while the other suspect was killed in an apprehension attempt and is likely to face the death penalty but has not been confirmed since the case is still undergoing investigation and new information is always being released. The brothers that have been charged with this terrorist attack, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who was injured and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who was killed by police as the two attempted to avoid capture, do not appear to have been directed by a foreign terrorist organization. What is known so far is that they are Chechnyan born students, and although they are not, to the FBI’s knowledge, part of a terrorist organization, there actions were this type of intention. According to CNN, the attack was motivated by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. President Obama spoke on behalf of Boston a short time after the attack. He claimed that this was a terrorist attack, even if those who carried out the attack were not part of a terrorist sect. 2 - News Tuesday, May 21st, 2013 Whittier Abuductions: Beware the Evil Sara Santana Staff Writer The Cardinal & White Staff Editor-In-Chief Jewels Mesa It is safe to say that almost every parent does not want to imagine their AssistantEditor-In-Chief children getting abducted. Unfortunately, parents in Whittier have been living in Alyssa Ebert fear for their children since February when the first abduction attempt occurred involving a seventeen-year old girl near Uptown Whittier. Since then, there have Layout Editors been three other abduction attempts. Another attempted abduction occurred in Giselle Rangel the month of February. A man pulled an eleven-year old girl into a red convertFeature Editors ible. There, the girl encountered a seven-year old girl already in the car. LuckEduardo Jacobo ily, the two managed to escape. Another attempt took place in the beginning of Sara Garcia March, when a twelve-year old boy was playing at Parnell Park and the man approached him and placed the boy in a chokehold. Fortunately, the younger Sports Editor boy’s two older brothers saw the incident and ran up to the man. The brothBrandon O’Day ers proceeded to throw a few good swings at the man, thus causing the man to release their brother. The three then made their escape and ran off. However, on March 6th, 2013, an eighteen-year old girl willingly walked around with a man in Creative Corner Editor the Uptown Whittier area. After a few hours went by, at around 2 p.m., the man Jamie Perrett attempted to push the girl into an alleyway. The man was detained by several witnesses there at the time until policemen arrived. The man was then identified as News Editor 41 year old David Polanco, a registered sex offender. The police believe that the Vanessa Murillo man has been allegedly linked to all of the other attempted abductions; however, investigators claim that the allegation is still too early to tell. They say a more Opinion Editor extensive investigation will take place in order to determine whether or not the Christopher Leblanc man is responsible for all of the other incidents. Parents are now at ease knowing that the man has been detained and an investigation is taking place. However, they should to be very cautious of their children walking around Uptown Whittier as David Polanco may not have been responsible for all of the abductions. It is suggested that anyone who knows of any suspicious activity linked to David Polanco, call the police department. Photo Editors Ariana Montanchez Isaiah Reza-Soto Assistant Layout Editor Matthew Suehiro Staff Artist Didi Acosta Staff Writers Sariah Alcala Jonah Collazo Sergio Haro Irydiana Herrera Jessica Mojica Anthony Robles Sara Santana Alexis Wade Isaiah Collazo Gabrielle Payers Helpful Saftey Tips Brought to You By the W.U.H.S.D. In our continuing effort to support the safety of our students, we urge all students to follow these guidelines at all times; especially when walking to and from school: Do not walk alone, walk only in groups. Take the most open, well-traveled routes to and from school. Pay close attention to your surroundings as you walk. Do not walk with headphones, cell phones, or other distractions. Immediately report any suspicious behaviors you observe to school officials or law enforcement. Please Be safe and follow these Tips Advisor Mr. Matthew Francev 12471 E. Philadelphia St. Whittier, CA 90601 Room: C-203 (562) 698-8121 x 2145 The Cardinal Declaration: Any letters to The Cardinal & White are welcome and should be submitted to Room C-203 or to any member of the newspaper staff. Other than conformance to relevant laws and educational laws, there is no censorship in The Cardinal & White. However, The Cardinal & White reserves the rights to free speech and freedom of the press, along with the right to edit. The Cardinal & White neither promotes nor tolerates plagiarism or libelous statements. Personal opinion may be reflected in editorial sections. These articles reflect the personal opinions and beliefs of their authors and in no way represent the staff or school as an entity. 3 - Opinion Tuesday, May 21st, 2013 Get a Grip, Senator Feinstinein: Gun Control Back in the News Christopher Leblanc Opinion Editor “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” This is the second amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) wants to infringe this right which our founding fathers laid into the constitution to protect us from such atrocities. The proposed bill as it stands would limit us to protect ourselves from an oppressive government. “The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.” This quote from Thomas Jefferson is why that amendment stands as it does today. The weapons that Senator Feinstein calls “assault weapons” are only called that because they look more dangerous and do not actually possess any more danger then a sporting weapon. Any person that adds necessary items like a flashlight or bipod to their weapon may be in huge trouble with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. (ATF) These attachments serve a practical purpose in hunting and home defense situations. The Tragedies in Newtown and other acts of gun violence are not due to the weapons themselves but the human mind that is not fit to control them. If there is to be firearms reform it should have to do with physiological analysis because I can say that not everyone should have a firearm because of their mental state. People should be analyzed not for intelligence but only there want/need to take a human life in a manner not protecting their own. President Obama likes to be compared to Abraham Lincoln but I don’t think he would ever say or agree with what these men said on gun control. “This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it or their revolutionary right to dismember it or overthrow it.” - Abraham Lincoln. This should sum up why we should hold the second amendment so dear to our hearts and why we need to not let this bill pass. The Tyranny that may come will pit the people against the greatest fighting force in the world, The United States Military. The Military will not be using semi-automatic firearms with 10 rounds in them or less that Feinstein wants to confine us to for protection. John F. Kennedy has been compared to President Obama since the beginning of his campaign. “Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom. – John F. Kennedy. Does that sound like what our fearless President would say this under any circumstances? Our President resembles the oppressive governments that cause the United States to become what we are. Next stop: communism. Why? Because, in my opinion, that is where we are headed and the totalitarian regieme that comes with it. The power to disarm individuals is the real power to control. Write your congressman to end this bill before it even begins. Background Checks: Too Much to Ask? Christopher Leblanc Opinion Editor . The Senate on Wednesday, April 14th defeated a vital background check amendment to gun control bill, dealing a major setback to President Obama who lashed out at opponents in unusually blunt terms during remarks from the Rose Garden. The vote was 54-46, with supporters falling six votes short of the required 60-vote threshold. The failure of the background check proposal authored by Senators, Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., and Pat Toomey, R-Pa, now imperils the entire legislation. The proposal would have expanded background checks to gun shows and Internet sales while exempting personal transactions. The amendment was aimed at winning over reluctant conservatives, who were opposed to the more stringent background check plan in the existing bill. The opponents of the bill, who included a few Democrats, voiced concern that the proposal would infringe on Second Amendment rights by imposing a burden on those buying and selling guns. They claimed the proposed system would not have prevented Newtown, and would not stop criminals. They also voiced concern about the possibility that the expanded system could lead to a gun registry, though the amendment language prohibits this. The Obama administration has made the package, written in the wake of the Newtown school mass shooting, a top priority and along with its allies had applied heavy pressure to wavering lawmakers. Lawmakers proceeded to vote on a string of other amendments. The Senate held eight other votes Wednesday besides the one on background checks, all of them amendments to the broad gun control measure. They included Democratic proposals to ban assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines, which are expected to lose; a Republican proposal requiring states to honor other states’ permits allowing concealed weapons, which faces a close vote; and a GOP substitute for the overall gun measure. The concealed weapons amendment, seen by advocates as protecting gun rights, was vehemently opposed by gun control groups, who say it would allow more guns to be obtained freely by those who would abuse their right to have them. 4 - Features Tuesday, May 21st, 2013 Review: Within Our Beautiful Creatures Didi Acosta Art&Entertainment Editor Beautiful Creatures finally premiered on February 14th 2013. This film is an adaption to the Beautiful Creatures series by; Margaret Stohl and Kami Garcia. The story takes place in a small town of Gatlin where a mortal boy, Ethan discovers the dark secrets of the time he’s lived in his entire life when a girl, Lena, moves in. Based on how the film went makes you question if its possible if going to make a sequel since they made horrible changes that weren’t included in the first novel. I went to go see it on a saturday evening and when I entered the theater the room was empty with only three people filling the seats besides myself. I’ve seen many novels rise to the big screen but truly, Beautiful Creatures was the biggest disappointment by far. A fail. As a fan of the stories I was embarassed. I felt that it went by the book forty percent of the time and it confused readers that it felt that the screenwriters were spitting out ideas left and right. If it was a thing they added to the film it threw the entire story line. They excluded the Caster’s powers and they completley ruined the ending of the film. The CGI was too much and to tell you the truth, I was confused throughout the entire movie. If you thought the first Twilight movie dragged, take a whiff of this one. Review: Gods Among Us Giselle Rangel Layout Editor From the makers of Nether Realm Studios, Warner Brothers, and DC Comics comes one of the most anticipated theatrical releases of the season: Injustice: Gods Among Us. OK! Let me just say that this is going to be way better than Mortal Kombat vs. DC because there is more to the story than the typical one word “Hey nice to meet you, I’m here to beat you up” kind of intro. It is a one-on-one match within a two-dimensional look; although, characters and backgrounds are placed in a three-dimensional fashion. In other words it’s just like any other Mortal Kombat scene or place just with the DC characters and they also put more objects to throw your enemy threw walls, ceilings, and even do combos to deal more damage. Nether Realm picked out the character roster, choosing the popularity of majority characters that everyone loves, also they put in characters people may not know and if they fit in the storyline. Ed Boon stated that DC gave Nether Realm a lot of freedom with their properties, allowing them to put their own spin on characters. Not all characters will be playable though some characters will just be making appearances within the games story such as cut scenes, and other game modes. The characters that will be playable include: Aquaman, Bane, Batman, Catwomen, Cyborg, Deathstroke, Flash, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Harley Quinn, Joker, Lex Luthor, Nightwing, Shazam, Solomon Grundy, Wonderwomen, and the Man of Steel: Superman. The release date has not yet been set for this new era fighting game, but if you preorder you do get something special with it. Now ask yourself are you ready to become a god? Lights! Camera! NO! Isaiah Collazo Staff Writer Well the cat’s out of the bag! Hundreds, if not thousands, are lining up and waiting hours to see the now (in)famous Grumpy Cat. This cute, furry, and always funny feline will be featured in an upcoming Friskies commercial. Grumpy Cat, whose real name is Tardar Sauce (or Tard, for short), gets nothing but the best when it comes to travel, she is flying first class on Southwest airlines drinking nothing but bottled water, with her own personal groomer. Grumpy Cat, for those who have been living under a rock or are oblivious to the interwebs and do not know about the latest Internet fun, is a cat with a bit of a sour face; she always looks, well, grumpy. She has become the face of a popular Internet meme and has amassed thousands of Twitter followers with snarky and complaint-filled 140-character updates. “A lot of people think we are exploiting the cat, we limit her exposure greatly,” her owner said. “She is only here for an hour at a time. Ninety-nine percent of the time she is just a regular cat. She is not in front of the camera at all times, she is a normal house cat and we love her.” 5 - Features Tuesday, May 21st, 2013 The Collazo Bros Mustache You a Question Jonah & Isaiah Collazo Staff Writers We know that Valentine’s Day has come and gone but here are some great pick up lines for to use either in your every day life or there is always prom… wink wink… ladies. So here they are. (To make it even funnier read every one of these in Johnny Bravo’s voice) 1. Roses are red, violets are blue, something… something… can I have your number? 2. Are you the bright red sun of krypton cause when I’m near you I feel like Superman? 3. What do you say if you and I go have an after party during the current party? 4. You’ll do… 5. I would just like to let you know that I have the BIGGEST…. Dragonball Z collection ever! 6. Hey pretty lady, have I ever told you that I have the prettiest eyes ever? No? Well then why don’t I tell you over dinner? 7. If you were a Pokemon, I would choose you. 8. If I were you and you were me I would defiantly go out with me! 9. Kiss me if I’m wrong, but I already have your number in my phone don’t I? 10. Hey honey, I think you and me should go on a date. No? Well do you have a sister? 11. If someone asked me “who the prettiest girl in the world is?” I would say “you” unless you have a prettier sister I haven’t met… yet. 12. Roses are red, violets are blue, dose this rag smell like chloroform to you? Heart-Stopping Romance: Warm Bodies Sara Santana & Anthony Robles Staff Writers Brains, brains and more brains! That seems to be the assumption on what most zombie apocalyptic movies are about. However, that is not the case with the movie Warm Bodies. In fact, in the movie there is a plot twist to the story; not only is Warm Bodies a paranormal film, but it is also a romance and a comedy. To sum it up, the movie is about a zombie who falls in love with a human. The two then embark on a journey to prove that they have found the cure for zombies, which is, of course, true love. It was apparent that even from watching various trailers, before watching the movie; Warm Bodies had an easily predictable plot and outcome. Fortunately, aside from the weak plot, the scenes and the actors were absolutely brilliant. Nicholas Hoult played the zombie, R, and every movement he made was rigid and robotic-like, as every zombie should act. Teresa Palmer played the role of Julie, R’s main love interest who figures out the cure and attempts to present this to other fellow humans, who live in a portion of New York City that has been walled off from zombies. Overall, the actors depicted their roles exceptionally well, and provoked emotions and thoughts from the audience, ourselves included. The scenes showed a weary post-apocalyptic New York City occupied by hordes of zombies, yet there are antagonists called the “Bonies” who also eat human flesh. However, the Bonies are what zombies transform into after they have given up on their zombie lives, thus becoming ruthless killing skeletons.We both felt that the movie the movie took us on an emotional rollercoaster ride and it constantly had us on the edge of our seats, anticipating the next movie scene. Towards the end of the movie, we both agreed that movie was well worth watching in theaters. We strongly encourage you all to go out to your nearest movie theater and watch this movie. It is something, you won’t regret watching. The End Has Come Isaiah Collazo Staff Writer “Thank you, I would be pleased to answer any questions you may have.” A small 13 letter sentence, which I am most certain every senior at Whittier High School (Class of 2013) were more than happy to say on the days of February 27th and 28th. Finally we are done with the Senior Project, done with dreadful months of the essay writing, presentation making, and teachers being on our backs about deadlines and due dates, not to say that it was easy on the teachers. This year has been hectic and stressful with the switch up of new Senior Project and the new networking (Synergy), but never the less we have prevailed and made it through. From the beginning of this year all of the senior class have been waiting for that day where they stand up in front of their judges and present their findings; and at last that day came and the feeling relief, completion and relaxation was overwhelming for not only the students, but the Senior Project staff as well. I hope you were able to use the Senior Project to your advantage and now have a better understanding and idea on what you plan to do after high school and/or college. Now, do not let the end of the Senior Project make you think that you are done with the year and that you can now kick back and slack off for the in your classes. There are still four weeks until graduation and the completion of our fourth and final year at Whittier High School. Finish strong Cardinals! 6 - Features Tuesday, May 21st, 2013 The Aquabats! Super Show Returns! Sara Garcia Feature Editor Good news Aquacadets and fans of The Aquabats! alike. The Aquabats! And TV network The Hub announced on October 16, 2012 over Facebook and Twitter that The Aquabats! Super Show! will be returning for a second season on The Hub The Aquabats! Super Show! has had great success in its first season which premiered on March 3, 2012 and ended on June 16, 2012. Starring every member of The Aquabats! (The M.C. Bat Commander, Crash Mclarson, Ricky Fitness, EagleBones FalconHawk, and Jimmy the Robot), The Aquabats! Super Show! is an action-packed show about the dudes kicking serious monster butt. Along with live-action plots, The Aquabats! are also battling monsters in a cartoon in every episode. Gaining rave reviews and high ratings on the network The Hub, The Aquabats! Super Show! has shown great potential for a second season. The second season would clear the cliffhanger given to us at the end of the first season where (spoiler alert) The Aquabats! defeat Space Monster “M” and get sent off into space. The cartoon also left the viewers with a cliffhanger, making viewers wonder if it is true that (spoiler alert) the dudes are actually going to be repeating the last year of their lives, causing their problems to start all over again, so another season will definitely clear the air. The Aquabats! and The Hub confirmed production of a second season on October 16, 2012, it was only over Facebook and Twitter. Season two should be coming out in spring of this year. Special guest stars may include My Chemical Romance bassist Mikey Way and professional skateboarder Tony Hawk. One catch, there will be only five episodes this season, compared to 13 episodes in the first season. According to the series’ co-creator Jason deVilliers, the next season will be “more of a season 1.5 than a season 2.” There are no further details that have been released regarding the future of the Super Show! The Golden Age of Netflix Isaiah Reza-Soto Staff Writer As technology advances and furthers itself in both the benefit and detriment to society, it’s interesting to note the history of these changes, and see how far humanity has come from one stage to another. Television started out as a simple, small, three-station box which only one could be afforded by the average American family. Now, it has taken a complete grip on the intellect of the average human, showcasing our current ideals, our consumerism, propaganda, and the stories we are able to tell. It has become ever so increasingly available and cheap that even lower middle class families can afford at least two. What is more important to note, is not only that the technology is advancing, that’s inevitable, but how they are both marketing new shows, and the quality of shows that they produce. Furthermore, television is on a high rise, for it has become the prime source of entertainment, and has taken the place of film in that respect. But more important than the regularly scheduled television shows, which no doubt have an impact on their viewers, is Netflix, and it’s instant watch capabilities. Anyone with a computer and a Netflix account can spend hours on end watch full seasons of their favorite show. Shows like Breaking Bad, Mad Men, American Horror Story, The Walking Dead, have accumulated even larger fan bases due to this luxury. What people used to do, was wait every year for their favorite show to return for each season, and if they missed one moment, would have to wait for the show to come out on DVD. But now, everyone can catch up within one to two weeks of the season premier, and would have seen all seasons prior. They are able to watch on a whim, without commercials, without interruptions. It’s a thing of beauty. Or is it?Another interesting development in the marketing is how Netflix is making its own shows. House of Cards, which premiered February 1st, is Netflix’s first original show. To briefly explain, it is a political drama starring Kevin Spacey, Robin Wright, Kate Mara, and other notable talents. It is about a majority whip in Congress (Spacey), his intimidating and powerful wife (Wright), a reporter (Mara), and their involvement in political corruption. I will give no more information on the show, for it is a show one has to see to believe. It is a show of great quality, in terms of acting, production, and a story well told. Even though it is an adaption of the BBC show of a similar name, it stands on its own as another great show in this Golden Age of Netflix. Can You Smell What the Rock is Acting? Eduardo Jacobo Staff Writer This year there is going to be an actor that is going to be everywhere you look and most likely the person you will hear about for the coming months. Dwayne is making a total of three movies so far. For those who don’t know who he is, Dwayne Douglas Johnson, also known as and sometimes credited by his ring name The Rock, an American actor and professional wrestler who works for WWE, where he is the current WWE Champion in his eighth reign. The first movie that he is coming out in is Snitch coming out on February 22, 2013. Dwayne Johnson stars as a father whose teenage son is wrongly accused of a drug distribution crime and is looking at a mandatory minimum prison sentence of 10 years. Desperate and determined to rescue his son at all costs, he makes a deal with the U.S. attorney to work as an undercover informant and infiltrate a drug cartel on a dangerous mission -- risking everything, including his family and his own life. The second movie he comes out is G.I. Joe: Retaliation coming out on March 29, 2013. The story about the movie is, when Cobra spy Zartan has most of the Joes assassinated, the remaining Joes band together to strike back. The third movie he is coming out in is Pain and Gain coming out on April 26, 2013. He is a body builder that searches for something more in life. He partners up with Mark Whalberg to kidnap a famous body builder and steal all his money. This movie is based on a true story. The fourth movie he is coming out is Fast and Furious 6 coming out on May 24, 2013. Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel), Brian O’Connor (Paul Walker) and the crew find themselves on the wrong side of the law once again as they try to pull off a high-octane heist on the streets of Europe – with federal agent Luke Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson) hot on their tails. 7 - Features Tuesday, May 21st, 2013 SON OF JOR EL, KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!! Jonah Collazo & Giselle Rangel Staff Writer & Layout Editor Jonah: Look up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plan! No, it’s Superman! Let me just take the time to say for all of us, YEEEEEEEEESSSSSS!!!!!! The last son of Krypton, Kal El, the Metropolis Marvel, the rightful heir to the El family, the man of tomorrow; so many names but only one is needed to be remembered on June 14, and that is Man of Steel. If, at the beginning of 2006, someone came up to me and told me that I was going to like X-Men: The Last Stand way better than Superman Returns, I would have said “you are flap jacking crazy!” and maybe punched them out for such blasphemy, ‘ain’t nobody got time for that! Sadly that person would have been right and I apologize to that imaginary friend of mine; because Bryan Singer did do thy most boring, sadist, emo like, hair in the face, why me, I am so alone, my planet is really doomed, #forever alone rendition of Superman that has ever been seen, it was as intrusting as Superman III with Richard Pryor and as confusing as when Superman threw that Press’n Seal wrap like S emblem at the giant unnamed ally to General Zod, the only difference is that people still talk about why Richard Pryor should not have been in Superman III and what the duck was that weird “S thing” that Superman throws, like if it was yesterday. To know that there is light at the end of the tunnel for Superman really puts me at ease. Hopefully where Bryan Singer failed, Zack Snyder will resurrect from the ashes. “But you don’t have to take our word for it…” Giselle: Are you guys ready for the Man of Steel? Or are you thinking, “I don’t know Superman returns was kind of lame” well hold the judgments here people! From the director of Dawn of the Dead, 300, and Sucker Punch, Zack Snyder is directing Man of Steel. Now you might ask yourself “Okay so? What makes you think this movie different” well the cast and the story, no one can say for sure yet if it will be a better movie then before but everyone has their own opinion right? So the man who’s playing the Metropolis God you might ask? Henry Cavill is playing the steel man in this summer’s movie. Henry also starred in “Immortals” playing as Theseus (the mortal chosen by Zeus to fight evil), Lois Lane is being played by our Lovely Amy Adams who starred in the Muppets. Michael Shannon as General Zod, Kevin Costner Diane Lane as Jonathan and Martha Kent. The film started rolling as of August 22 to 29 and will be continued to the middle of February. The movie Comes out June 14 can you all wait? Europe Trip 2013 Preview Sara Santana Staff Writer On March 27th, 2013 a select group of seniors will embark on a journey none of them have ever known. They will go to the continent known as Europe! The cities they are visiting are Dublin, Ireland, London, England, and Paris, France. They are expected to encounter the St. Patrick’s Cathedral, visit a Welsh castle, go to Shakespeare’s birthplace, see the Big Ben, gaze at the Eiffel Tower, and take a lovely tour of the Louvre. These fortunate students have quite a treat in store for them. I am happy to say that I am among the students that will go on the Europe trip and I could not be any more ecstatic. I simply cannot wait for the adventure to commence. I am hoping that I will come across some interesting people, fall in love with every place I visit, and taste great food! I can already feel my feet hit the pavement on the streets of London as I sip on some coffee, or imagine myself gasping at the paintings and sculptures inside of the Louvre, especially at the Mona Lisa painting by Leonardo Da Vinci. I am also looking forward to the train ride from London to Paris and I know all of my fellow travelers are equally as excited for this journey. Unfortunately, I am sad to report that our vacation will only last for ten days. In my opinion that is relatively short period of time to visit each city. However, we will arrive from Paris to the gates of LAX on April 5th, 2013. On the upside, we will arrive with great memories of our trip and souvenirs. I know this trip will be a life-changing event for us seniors and it is something none of us will ever forget after graduation. Tune in for the Europe Trip 2013 Review as I share with you my experiences in Europe. More Seat, More Fun! Giselle Rangel Layout Editor So all we senior’s may know now that our graduation will take place at Whittier College. Now let me say it’s better than being in the auditorium where we only get so many tickets and only so little family that would love to attend to our graduation. So thus being said since we are going to be having it at Whittier College we will be able to get more tickets, and yes it will be very hot outside believe me beginning of June it’s going to be very hot but it’s better than being in a room with hundreds of people. But on the paper being mailed to all of us states: parents or relatives cannot bring balloons any flowers which is kind of odd. Well seniors we did it all of us have gotten this far and it’s up to us to finish this year strong and with memories. Are You Ready For A Pat Down? Eduardo Jacobo Staff Writer Seniors, I am pretty sure you have all heard that graduation is at Whittier College. All we have heard about is all the good things about it, now how about the regulations that they are enforcing every one to follow. First mandatory rule is that NOTHING is allowed when you go in to the seatarea of graduation. By nothing I mean, no cell phones, no camera, no bags, no flowers and no balloons. Second mandatory rule is a mandatory pat down for all that enters the seating area. They will be doing police pat downs to both males and females. Make sure that you put on your cap and gown after you get searched because they will make you take it off before search. 8 - Features Tuesday, May 21st, 2013 Mid-Season Premier of the Walkers Jonah Collazo Staff Writer It has been about three months and we have waited ever so patently, and on February 10th our prayers were answered, yes I am nerdy proud to say that The Walking Dead has returned! This mid season premiere was intense in so many ways and so many questions that have been brought to us and now are eating away at our curiosity. Walkers have entered Woodberry and Andrea may be looked at as the new leader. Sounds interesting… not!! Though the people of Woodberry do need a new leader, I don’t think it should be Andrea. I think there could be a leader within the people themselves who is possibly being over looked or maybe a new character that hasn’t been introduced yet, but please not Andrea. Remember our loveable and easy going Glenn? Well after having the beating of his life and forced to fight a walker while strapped to a chair with no weapon, has now been pushed over the line, after being saved by the group from the deadly clutches of the Governor, he himself is looking for a slice of revenge. After two and half seasons Daryl is reunited with Merle, HAAAALLELUIAH, HAAAALLELUAH, but makes the tough choice to leave the group and join his brother on their own journey. In the words of Kevin Smith “Blood is thicker than water.” but how long does it take for blood to be deluded, is what I’m asking? With getting shot, having to lead a group of survivals through a zombie apocalypse, the killing of his best friend, and the death of his wife; can life get any harder for Rick Grimes? Well in the world of the walking dead that’s an easy answer “YES!!” Poor, poor Rick may be seeing dead people in a more ghostly manner, as he swings his six-shooter at an empty catwalk he demands that invisible Lori goes away. In doing so he scares off Tyrese and his group to who knows where, but something tells me they weren’t scared off too far. Yet here is my question, does Rick have the “right” if you will, to be the one to lose his mind in all this commotion? Because if you recall Rick getting shot was an accident, no one asked for Rick to be the leader, he did that himself, Shane tried to kill Rick first, so Rick killing Shane was in all self-defense, and in the end Carl was the one who had to kill Lori (his own mom) so if anyone has the “right” to go cuckoo it’s Carl right? That’s just my opinion though. After losing his eye, his chained walker daughter, and his fish tank full of heads; the Governor has traded in his peace time easy going coat for a blood thirsty take no prisoners bullet proof vest because the Governor wants a war, but like they say an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind but is the group prepared to hold hell at bay? So much to think about and so much to fear but one thing is for sure, no one is safe when the living seeks revenge and the dead will eat what is left behind. Pinky’s Useless Random Facts :) Alyssa Ebert Assistant Editor-In-Cheif •If you have 3 quarters, 4 dimes, and 4 pennies, you have $1.19. You also have the largest amount of money in coins without being able to make change for a dollar. •The human heart creates enough pressure to squirt blood 30 feet (9 m). • a giraffe can clean its ears with its 21-inch tongue •Sharks and rays are the only animals known to man that don’t get cancer. Scientists believe this has something to do with the fact that they don’t have bones, but cartilage. •Leonardo da Vinci could write with one hand and draw with the other at the same time. •The first known transfusion of blood was performed as early as 1667, when Jean-Baptiste, transfused two pints of blood from a sheep to a young man •Your ribs move about 5 million times a year, every time you breathe! •Months that begin on a Sunday will always have a “Friday the 13th.” • Adolf Hitler was a vegetarian, and had only one testicle. •Honey is the only food that does not spoil. Honey found in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs has been tasted by archaeologists and found edible. Between Your Heart and Mine Eduardo Jacobo Staff Writer Seniors, it’s that time of the year again where we all pay ridiculous amounts of money for four hours of entertainment. Did you know that prom is more expensive than Grad Nite? For those who don’t know prom is at Diamond Bar California. It looks like an elegant place to have it. The theme for prom will be “Between your Heart and Mine.” There is a formal dress code. The price ranges from $90 with ASB and $100 without. Diamond Bar is located at 1600 Grand Ave Diamond Bar, CA 91765. Don’t forget seniors go to prom have fun because prom is only a once in a life time event. 9 - Opinion Tuesday, May 21st, 2013 As The War Continues Jonah Collazo & Sergio Haro Staff Writers A long-long time ago, but somehow in the distant future, in a galaxy far-far away, historical rich film was created. In 1977, George Lucas stunned the world with his syfy-fantasy film Star Wars. Soon after, he added the next two editions to his soon to be the most memorable trilogy. After time had passed Lucas once again stunned us all with his three new prequels, and some called it ‘the Star Wars for a new generation.” Eight years have passed, and now all we had was our memories, toys and video games to keep the Star Wars spirit alive, not knowing that the wars have not come to an end and that J.J. Abrams (Director of Star Trek and Lost) has been trusted to direct the seventh edition and continue the story of Star Wars. A new Star Wars was highly call for by the fans, but after George Lucas sold Lucasfilms to Disney, people got a little unpleased about the new film, with fear of Goofy and Mick Mouse being the main characters or the possibility of it being animated. The fans nerves were shot through the roof when it was confirmed that J.J. Abrams was to direct the seventh film, on the count of people’s quick response to judge his new adaption of Star Trek in 2009. Now though people have had a change of opinion on J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek, they believe that Abrams directing the 7th Star Wars film might be great after all. Kevin Smith stated in a podcast video on YouTube “The guy doing Star Trek cannot do Star Wars! No don’t think like that, this brings balance to the force.” He continued by also stating “Yes I have the utmost confidence that J.J. Abrams will take us back a long-long time ago in a galaxy far-far away.” As fans of J.J. Abrams’ work of his past films and shows, we agree with Kevin Smith believing that Abrams will in fact take us back to the past and make the seventh Star Wars film a major success. Bone Cleaning 101 Sara Garcia Feature Editor Maybe you have the skull of a rabbit or the foot of a monkey lying around your house. You may say to yourself, “Hey, these look a little dirty, I should bleach them.” Well, you’ve come to the right article. Here, you will learn the basics of cleaning and bleaching bones. First, any bone that you would like to add to your collection must be cleaned. In order to do so, make sure all of the skin is removed. If there are large portions of skin, they may be cut or ripped off. For smaller, stuck-on portions of skin, you will need to boil a pot of water and soak the bones in it to make the skin soft. Once the skin is soft after a few minutes, an x-acto knife or other sharp cutting tool may be used to remove the excess skin. For bleaching bones, a number of methods may be used. The first, natural method that may be used is known as sun bleaching. All you need to do is leave the bones out in the sun to bleach. You may need to leave the bones out for several days to receive the maximum effect. Another method that may be used is peroxide. Peroxide for hair usually works best, that may be found at beauty supply stores such as Sally’s Beauty Supply. Put a small amount into a glass or pot of water and wait for it to start foaming. Once the foaming begins, you may drop the bone inside. You will probably need to leave the bones in the solution overnight. Note that the bones will not be super white. If the bones turned out this color, they would be very brittle and will be much easier to break. The bones you bleach will probably only end up a shade lighter than the original color. If you have followed all of the procedures correctly, your bones will be clean and bright! Beyoncé: The True Story Anthony Robles Staff Writer The second presidential inauguration for Barack Obama was held in Washington DC on Monday January 21st 2013. Many festivities took place such as the presidential swearing in ceremony, inaugural address, inaugural parade and many inaugural balls, which included performances by some big names in music, Such acts as Kelly Clarkson, James Taylor and of course Beyoncé Knowles who sang the national anthem. She delivered an outstanding performance, a little too outstanding for many speculators. Soon speculation stirred and Beyoncé was being accused of lip-syncing her vocal performance. People had many questions as to why she would fake her performance because as we all know she can sing, and if any other performers did the same. Captain Kendra N. Motz a media officer of the U.S. Marine Band ended all the rumors with the following statement: “There was no opportunity for Ms. Knowles-Carter to rehearse with the Marine Band before the inauguration so It was determined that a live performance by the band was ill-advised for such a high profile event.” To add on another spokesperson for the U.S. Marine Corps band told ABC that she did in fact fake her vocal performance. It was in fact Beyoncé’s voice in a pre-recorded track along with the Marine Corps Band. However is it really that big of a deal? We all know Beyoncé can sing and we all know the Marine Corps band can play. The weather conditions in Washington that day made it harder to perform. Although performers Kelly Clarkson and James Taylor did an actual performance, it seems that Beyoncé singing the national anthem was too much of a risk to take with all the factors that could have ruined the performance. Flawing the national anthem in front of a million people in Washington and millions of other viewers on national television would receive horrible feedback even for a huge celebrity like Beyoncé. Many critics would say lip synching is cheating and is similar to a star athlete taking performance enhancing drugs. Maybe the national anthem is just too big of a song to botch in front an exceptionally 10 - Review Tuesday, May 21st, 2013 The Great Commission Gabrielle Payers Staff Writer The Great Commission is a Christian hardcore band from Riverside California. Their members are Justin Singh- Vocalist, Angela RazoRhythm Guitar/Vocalist, Robby Joyner- Lead Guitar, Chris Johnson Guitar/Clean Vocalist, Solomon Joy- Bassist, Zachary Cohen- Drummer. This band has completely dedicated their talent and love for music to God. They have recently released an album called Heavy Worship, which stands by its name. Song’s like “Draw the Line”, “Don’t Go To Church Be the Church”, “Weight of the World”, and many more. This band has reached out and worshiped God in a way that’s appealing to a generation that hasn’t experienced God’s true love. Everyone in the band believes in God and is completely on fire for him and wants nothing more but to show his love. I personally have always connected with music when I was going through rough times in my life and I became a follower of Christ and drew closer to God I began to realize that the music that I was listening to wasn’t edifying me in any way. When I first heard of The Great Commission it was from a friend from church. Now I’ve always liked the genre “Hardcore” but when I heard them their lyrics were talking about God and the love of him and how being a Christian isn’t an easy life but it’s the right life. It appealed to me in a way where I can connect to God in music but not in just one genre of music. As I continued to listen to The Great Commission I found myself speaking out about my faith. In their song “Don’t Go to Church Be the Church” they have a lyric that goes “Let’s start a revolution, let’s call this fire down. Let’s ignite this generation. Let’s burn this building down”. To my perspective and what I’ve learned from the bible that we need to be on fire for God and when I heard these lyrics they were just pumping me up reminding me that I am in a generation that needs to know God. They need to feel God like how I felt God. This band alone has reached a generation and helped them experience a great God. I have seen this band live and I’ve seen teenagers approach them and telling the lead singer that their music has changed their life. Some have been at breaking point. This seems to testify that they connect well with audiences. Up in the Air Anthony Robles & Matt Suehiro Staff Writers Thirty Seconds to Mars wanted their fourth studio album to be released in a way that was out of this world. The worldwide sensation rock band Thirty Seconds to Mars just ended their two year long world tour that won a Guinness world record for most consecutive concerts during an album release tour. Their last record “This is War” released in 2009 was the most stressful album they worked due to the fact that, EMI giant record company was suing them for 30 million dollars. With 309 shows played, overall the band received 80 plus awards and 146 nominations. The band was entitled to a well needed break. After our entire high school career their back and better than ever! A compact disc containing their most recent single was launched on a Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral, Fla., on March 1. The band got to watch the rocket blast into space. “Up in the Air” was sent to the International Space Station for an exclusive listening March, 18, 2013. Thirty Seconds to Mars latest single “Up in the Air” Is without a doubt a good sample of their highly anticipated album which is titled “Love, Lust, Faith + Dreams”. While during the process of creating this dynamic explosive album they traveled all round the world. Including Paris, India and Austria to create and record the featured songs. Thirty Seconds to mars has been a band that likes to keep up with the times and not be afraid to change their sound and manage to still be true to their selves. Their latest single is starts off with a “big” intro accompanied with some guitar, drums, synth, and a huge choir sound. The verse of the song is mostly filled with Front man Jared Leto’s voice and while not overwhelming has a lot of synthesizers/ electronic sounds. Following that it leads in to the chorus of the song which combines all of the elements for one huge sounding chorus. Eventually it leads up to the bridge which is slowed down, filled with vocals and nice drum fills in the background. It ultimately leads to an amazing outro ending the song. As a fan I felt personally that maybe they could have turned up their guitars a little and back to their roots, I felt the entire guitar got drowned out and lost by all the electronics in the song, but after a few listens I found myself thoroughly enjoying the song. “Up in the Air” is a song that proves Thirty Seconds to Mars is not afraid to expand their sound and feels like they are having more fun making the music. Overall it’s a great song and leaves me anxious to buy their new album coming out May 21st. Take Cover!! Alexis Wade Staff Writer It is lunch time on a normal day here at Whittier High School. Students are laughing, eating, and enjoying their friends, when all of a sudden there is a flock of birds flying over the campus. Students start to run and hide under trees so they don’t become a seagull’s next victim. Whittier High School has had a lot of issues lately with Seagulls. It seems that this past month, a lot of birds have been roaming the school due to the fact that students aren’t putting their trash where it belongs. If students would throw their trash in the trashcan, we wouldn’t experience birds all over campus. There are more than 300 birds flying around Whittier High School waiting for students to leave their trash. If students complain that they don’t want to get pooped on, then why not put your trash where it belongs? It’s quite simple to walk over to a trash can and throw your food or wrappers away than throwing it on the floor. Yes, it may be easier to litter but look at how horrible our campus looks. Littering is irresponsible and shows other schools that Cardinals don’t have class. The custodians may clean up after students but they don’t like it at all. You never hear about other schools in the district having this problem because they don’t litter as much. A lot of students in the front lawn run away from the seagulls, but yet they leave the most trash lying around. Whittier High School has plenty of trashcans all over campus and I sometimes see trash right next to a trash bin! It’s ironic how lazy some cardinals can be. We are supposed to be an example to other schools and show them that we have school pride but if students don’t respect their campus, it doesn’t prove anything at all. Our Principal, Mrs. Eshillian, is always walking around campus during nutrition and lunch, asking us to throw our trash away. So remember, throw your trash away in the trashcans so we can have a clean, bird free campus!! 11 - Creative Corner Tuesday, May 21st, 2013 Youth J.L. Perrett Creative Corner Editor Smile J.L. Perrett Creative Corner Editor Today I wear a smile upon my face The one that comes around when it is set in place I put it on for every single one of you But didn’t fool myself Because I knew myself Way too damn well To pretend I’m ok When I got no say In this anyway Deep inside I’m alive Not enough to break free From me, myself and I I close my eyes To hold my breathe That satisfied the need to confess But I held my head up high instead Didn’t look down to you that wanted me again Just look to the sky above me and said There isn’t a day that doesn’t go by That I wish we had never even met Because your face burns like the words that you spoke Witch were all lies to me in your eyes As to the heart of mine that you broke I’m going to stand here and try to pretend this isn’t going down No crashing No colliding Just going up in flames How exiting This smile is for you, and me and the whole dame world to see It’s already I’m just fine I got no time No going back Because that isn’t me Got to be free Got to let go To what could have been you see So don’t judge me Don’t rush me Because you’re looking at the next big thing We are the power That is beneath the towers That won’t bring us down tonight The shadows from the stars That doesn’t come down any closer to each other We are the wind Call to the ground as we land Calling me out When goodbye hurts you the most But why do it to me If it was her and never me to begin with? Counting the days Of the hours and minutes of this week You broke the soul inside me Broke all the promises that were left for me to mend back together UN done from the start anyway Traveled down beneath my core Left with no words Not a sound Or a hollow breath goodbye And yet you never let me forget it A Heart on Fire J.L. Perrett Creative Corner Editor A heart on fire Is not meant for desire But doesn’t burn any brighter It’s just the same old pain That doesn’t seem to end Or ever go away Who was I to believe such dreams? Where you belong to me It couldn’t be Someone please answer me I’m alone and afraid In what seems like my worst frantic I’m sick and tired of playing your game You either loved me or you don’t It can’t be the same Save the lies That can’t be denied For those you have fouled But not me Did I waste my time? Did I cross some line? I did not see that was meant for me? Falling for you… all the time? I just thought You were the one for me Love cannot compare For those who are spare The lonely lovers Left for UN care ties That never meant to be lies 12 - Creative Corner Tuesday, May 21st, 2013 As I Stare J.L. Perrett Creative Corner Editor I stare, dangerously at nothing that’s in front of me. I fear for the worst, but nothing is ever worst compare to anything that is already happening. Sometimes, my own voice is my only friend, it’s the only voice I hear, and the only voice I hear, and the only voice that response back to me. Something is always nothing to me, when I look at what I can believe is there, I don’t want to admit is what I see, I shut my eyes, pretend, imagine that it isn’t really there standing in front of me. I’m not crazy, just mostly misunderstood, no one take’s me seriously. My name is the joke I do not get, I’m a person that doesn’t care about what is important, and worry’s extremely when it isn’t important enough to matter. There is no sense in my words when I want to, and when I don’t bother that’s when people listen to the nothing I have to say. Broken Dreams J.L. Perrett Creative Corner Editor I dreamt that I awoke to the black pit of darkness and couldn’t find you anywhere it felt like I searched for years… but you were gone for good. I wondered nowhere and was looking for nothing, the darkness was my only friend and the loneliness was the only think I felt. I sat down and lend against nothing and began to cry curled up in a ball, rocking side to side. But in my dream I wondered like Alice in wonderland, but after awhile when I came to a table that stood alone on its own that held a small box of candy that said Faith or Death written in bold. I opened faith’s box and saw me waiting what seemed like a life time for you to come, but you never showed. Then I opened death’s box and saw you coming when I ate the candy to go because I gave up waiting and then you came and found me dead on the ground, so you cried out to my dead corpse “why” saying “why”. I didn’t know what to do so I took a piece of both and nothing happen. Then just when I thought I would die alone and just slowly waiting patiently for my end to come near, out of nowhere you called out to me. As I run to you I clasps in to your arms and slowly faded away from you as you cried to me “why” oh “why” are you leaving me. The Heir Of Olympus Drew Crocker Guest Writer Long ago in ancient Greece, the gods ruled. They were honored by all in Greece, till one day an evil sorcerer decided that the gods’ rule over Greece had to come to an end. He cast a spell that would destroy Zeus and his family. Zeus feared for his daughter’s life, Psyche; she was the youngest of the gods. He asked for Gaia’s help, to hide his beloved child. Gaia agreed, knowing that she would be the guardian of the last god. Zeus watched his daughter descend to earth as the sorcerer’s spell fell upon Olympus; he hoped that she would be safe on earth. The sorcerer made his way to Olympus, to claim the throne. When he arrived, he saw all the gods on the floor, dead. He entered the throne room and saw Zeus, sitting on the throne awaiting the sorcerer’s arrival. He angrily marched to Zeus and threw him off the throne. He then pulled out a dagger from his robe and plunged it through Zeus’s heart. With his dying breathe, Zeus told the sorcerer that there was one god still alive. The sorcerer did not believe Zeus at the time, but he would soon find out the truth. Years after Psyche leave of Olympus, Gaia told the youngest god of her destiny. She was the only god who survived the sorcerer’s spell, and she must take her place as ruler of Olympus. Till that day came, she was to live on earth. Months after Gaia told Psyche her destiny, Gaia was captured by the sorcerer. He tortured Gaia for control of the earth, but she did not give him control. Her last day, she told the sorcerer of Psyche, the last god. She died at the hands of the sorcerer. He couldn’t believe his ears. Since that day, he spent years searching for the child, but it wasn’t till the year 2009, in a community call Spyglass, California, his search for the child came to an end. Chapter 1: The Meeting of a Stranger At a private high school, called Everleaf High, we find the goddess in her Social Studies class, dreaming of Olympus. “Mayjon… Mayjon!” “Um… yes?” Mayjon replied. “Answer the question, please,” requested the teacher. “Uh… I… C-Can you repeat the question?” she asked. “Miss Mayjon, you need to pay attention!” That’s… Alexi Mayjon; as you noticed she doesn’t really pay attention in class, and her grades aren’t that impressive. Though, ever since she can remember, her grades were never that great. The school bell rings, signaling the students to go home. “Huh? Oh, the bell,” she proclaimed. “Alexi, can you please come to my desk?” asked the teacher. “Um… yes?” “Alexi… I know you’ve had a hard time since the accident. I know how you feel…” “No, you don’t. No one does! I-I don’t understand why everyone thinks they know what I’m going through.” Alexi gasped realizing the words that had escaped her mouth. “I got to go.” She ran straight out the classroom door and down the hall. She ran until she bumped into something. “Oww… Watch where you’re…” 13 - Creative Corner Tuesday, May 21st, 2013 “Alexi, I found you!” Mia replied as she looked up. “Mi-Mia, what are you doing here? How did you find me?” Alexi asked. She looked at Alexi oddly. “You know why I am here and he told me where to find you. After all, you’re not the hardest girl to find in this town.” Mia responded. “Are the others with you…?” she asked. “Alexi Mayjon, you know the answer to that question,” she told me as she gave a little giggle. “I’m tired of you showing up on his accord!” She paused for a moment, “I got to go.” She gathered up my books, got up and walked away. On her way home, she walked through Lily Park, a short cut to her house. She live with her grandparents… previously she was living with her aunt, before the accident. “Hey…Hey can you hear me?” “Huh? Who me?” she asked as she turned around. Alexi looked at a strange boy. ‘Wow, he’s really cute!’ she thought; completely forgetting that he was talking to her. “Yeah, you; are you deaf or something?” he asked “Deaf?! Did you call me…?” “Uh, no I didn’t mean, I’m sorry if I offended you,” he replied. He began to walk away, “Wait, who are you?” “Michael, Michael Martinez,” he replied with a smile; then walked away. “Michael,” she repeated softly as she continued to walk home. When she entered her house she was ambushed by her grandmother: “Alexi Mayjon! Where have you been, you were suppose to be here five minutes ago!” “Oh, I… was at the park… I must have lost track of time. I’m sorry, if I made you worry.” she replied. “Alexi…,” her grandfather began as he came down stairs. “We… I… would have expected more from you…” “More from me! I’m not my damn mother! I never will be!” Alexi began to cry. “Why does everyone expect more from me…? Why do they even try…?” Her grandfather looked at her with a warm heart, while my grandmother stared at her in awe. “I’m going out.” She continued as she put her schoolbag down. “Fine, but when you get back I want you to get some tea before you go to sleep,” her grandmother called as she exited the house. “I want you to get some tea before you go to sleep.” She mimicked her grandmother as she left. “God I hate… wait was she concerned about me…?” Her comment ran through Alexi’s head as she walked to the park. Once she arrived, she got the feeling that she was being watched. Every five minutes she would look behind her, but no one was there. Suddenly, she felt a chill on the back of her neck. She turned around and saw Rachael. “Hey kiddo, how you been?” she asked. “Rachael… uh… what do you want?” Alexi replied. “Alexi, it’s not what I want… but what he wants,” she responded with a smirk. Alexi turned around and ran; she ran and ran. She ran into something that caused her to fall backward. She looked up and saw Michael. “Michael!” She yelled. Alexi hugged him tightly. “Uh…? Hi… are you alright? I got worried,” he replied. “You were worried about me… that’s really kind of you but as you can see I’m fine.” He smiled at me. He looked behind Alexi; he gasped as he realized who was behind her. “You!” Rachael screamed. “Rachael, what is she doing here?” He took hold of Alexi’s hand, “We got to get out of here… now!” He began to run away from Rachael. “Wait, how do you know Rachael?” Alexi called to Michael. He stopped in mid-step and looked at her. “You know that girl?! Are you two old friends?” “Well, something like that…” A while later they arrived at Michael’s hotel room. “Wow, this place is amazing!” Alexi exclaimed. “You’ve never been in a five star hotel before?” Michael responded. Alexi looked into the kitchen and saw a girl, her age. “Oh… hello I’m Anabell; Michael’s twin sister.” “Twin sister,” Alexi responded. “Anabell…What are you doing?” Michael asked. He leaned against the door way and folded his arms. “Michael, I was talking to our guest…uh… what’s your name?” Anabell asked. “Oh, how rude of me, my name is Alexi Mayjon. By the way Michael you never told me that you had a twin sister.” she replied. “How did you… Anabell! Anyways Alexi you and I have something to discuss,” Michael commented. “Okay, excuse me Anabell.” “Sure,” she replied. Alexi walked into the main room, Michael shortly entered. “Alexi, how do you know Rachael?” he asked. “Well, Rachael and I used to be friends…” “’Used to’ what do you mean?” “Rachael,” she began “and I were friends until she…she betrayed me…” A tear ran down her cheek. “O-oh, is alright for me to ask, what she did to befriend you?” Alexi took a second to wipe the tears from her eyes. Michael handed her a tissue and patted her shoulder. “My parents disappeared when I was three and I was living with my aunt until…” 14 - Creative Corner Tuesday, May 21st, 2013 “The accident…” he finished. “What do you know about the accident? Were you involved?” she asked angrily. “Huh; we heard about it when we got to the hotel. Some kids were talking about. That’s why I was worried,” he replied. “Who was talking about?” she asked. “I think he’s name was Brendon… I don’t really remember” “Brendon?!?! No then that means… He’s here!” I walked over to the window and looked outside. “Crap… I have to go.” “Alexi, are you alright? What’s going on?” asked Michael. Alexi ran out the door and over to the elevator. Her eyes began to water; she buried her head in her hands. The elevator doors opened as she looked up to see the elevator waiting for her to enter. She took one step before she heard a voice from down the hall. “Alexi…Alexi wait! We need to talk!” She turned and saw Michael and Anabell running toward her. “Alexi, were you crying?” Anabell asked as she and Michael came up next to Alexi. “I…can’t do this…” Michael pulled her close; he was hugging her… she felt safe. Suddenly she felt something hit her cheek, it was a tear, but she wasn’t crying anymore. ‘Michael… is he crying?’ “Michael…?” Anabell seemed surprised to see Michael hugging her. “Uh… what is it we need to talk about?” she asked Michael. “Oh,” he stopped hugging Alexi and took a step back. “Well, we need your help, but you need to…” “I’ll help in any way possible,” Alexi replied before he could finish. She knew what he was going to say. “I should be getting home,” she told them. Alexi stepped into the elevator; followed by Michael. “Anabell go back to the room, I’ll be back soon.” Chapter 2: The Shattering of “heavens” glass Once the elevator reached the main lobby, the doors opened and the two stepped out. They began to walk toward the front doors when, “Alexi!” Brendon called Alexi’s name from across the room. Alexi turned around and saw Brendon. He tried to make his way through the crowd. “Michael… we have to get out of here fast!” she said. Michael turned and saw Brendon; he quickly grabbed Alexi’s hand and began to run toward the front door. They exited the hotel and continued to run. “Okay I think we lost him,” she called to Michael. He slowed down and came to a stop; he released her hand and faced her, “Alexi?” “Yeah Michael?” she responded. “Do… do you know why Anabell and I are here?” he asked. She wondered what she should say…What should she do.) “Uh… Oh look Lily Park. Hurry we’re almost there!” she replied franticly. Michael shortly followed her through the park’s garden; he stayed a few steps behind. Once they past the swings he called out to her. “Alexi…Alexi!” she stopped and turned, but saw no one, not even Michael. “Michael? Michael?!” There was no response. She continued to walk through the park, nervous; she heard a voice that she hadn’t heard in awhile. “Alexi…?” She turned and saw her aunt. “Auntie?! Auntie! You’re alright!” Alexi ran into her arms, her aunt held her tightly. “Oh, my little Mayflower…” ‘Huh…Mayflower, that isn’t what she, calls me.’ Alexi thought, she quickly let go and stepped back. “Who are you?!” she asked scarcely, yet forceful. Alexi heard a voice calling her name; she recognized the voice as Michael. She blinked her eyes and noticed Michael standing in front of her. “Michael!” she hugged him. ‘My aunt was she really there or was it my imagination?’ Alexi was puzzled by that vision. “Hurry…” Michael said as he pushed her away. They continued to walk through the park to Alexi’s home. When they arrived it was half past nine. She opened the front door and was surprised her grandparents weren’t there to scold her. She knew what had become of them. ‘They’re…they’re gone…!’ she thought; she wanted to fall to her knees and cry her eyes out. As much as she wanted to, she couldn’t shed a single tear for them. She had gotten used to losing people; she never expects anyone she meets to stay in her life very long. “Uh…where are your grandparents?” Michael asked. Alexi turned to him with watery eyes. Michael could tell what she was feeling, hurt, scared and alone. He knew the feeling, all too well; he slowly walked toward her “Alexi, I know...” He stopped abruptly, in the corner of his eye he noticed the chandler chain was broken, dangling on what little strength it had left. Michael watched as the chain finally gave out and was making its way toward the ground. Realizing, that Alexi stood directly under the chandler; he sprinted to her. Unaware the chandler was to crush her, Alexi stood still until the moment she felt Michael take hold of her waist and pinned her to the ground; he covered her head with his hands and her body with his own. She heard the crash the chandler made as it hit the wood flooring; she jumped at the sound. Between the small gaps between his fingers, Alexi could see glass shatter everywhere, bouncing off the wall and floor. After a few moments of silence, Michael moved his hands from Alexi’s head and pushed himself off of her. She sat up and examined the glass that scattered on the floor. She turned to Michael; he had cuts all over his body and bloody; some his injuries contained glass mixed in the blood. Alexi quickly 15 - Creative Corner Tuesday, May 21st, 2013 quickly jumped up and made her way to him. She led him to the stairs and helped him sit; she ran quickly to the bathroom to retrieve the first aid kit. As he waited he studied the chain which held the chandler and noticed that it was cut. Someone planned for the chandler to crash and crush Alexi. The only question was; who wanted Alexi dead? He instantaneously knew who could have caused the accident; Marcus. Michael knew Marcus had a grudge against Alexi, but he never thought he would go this far just to get her out of the way. Michael sat quietly at the third step, examining the wounds that covered his arms and some of his legs. He wanted to pull out little pieces of glass for his left arm, but when he touched a piece of glass, he winced due to the pain that shot through his arm He pulled his fingers away from his wound briskly; he placed his thumb and index finger on the glass, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and extracted the glass from is wound. Alexi returned running back into the room, with the first aid kit under her arm. She sat beside him, fumbling with the bandages from the kit. Michael watched as she pulled out the pieces of glass from his wounds; she bandaged his arms and the back of his legs, he felt another shot of pain run through him, which caused his legs to go numb. His knees buckled as his balance slowly slipped away. He reached for the railing, but missed completely. Noticing his attempt to gain some leverage, Alexi took hold of his hands and held him at an eighty degree angle. She tried to keep him from falling, but she was losing her grip on his hands. She held on for a few more seconds before Michael’s hands slipped from her grasp. She reached for his hand, but was unable to grasp. Alexi closed her eyes as Michael was about to make contact with the glass covered ground. Suddenly Michael stopped; Alexi opened her eyes and was astonished at what she was seeing. Michael was floating above the glass. He, then slowly floated back to the stairs; he was gently placed on the forth step. He felt his heart beat hard and fast; he couldn’t believe what had just happened. He gripped his shirt as he tried to calm his heart. Alexi knelt next to him and placed her hand on his shoulder. “Michael, are you okay?” “I-I think so… What the hell just happened?” “I’m not sure; it doesn’t matter as long as you’re alright. Come on, let’s get you up stairs.” She extended her hand out to him; he looked at her hand and back at her. He took her hand and smiled; she returned his smile with her own. Alexi helped Michael to this feet, she pulled his arm of her shoulder to help balance him. Together they walked up the stair, and over to the closest room, which happened to be hers. She sat Michael on the bed and ran down the stairs to retrieve the first aid kit. Michael examined the dully mellow room with pale tan walls and Greek furniture. His eyes wondered for a few moments until, something caught his eye. Beatles Poem Jonah Collazo Staff Writer Come together. Come feeling two foot small. Come with me across the universe in our yellow submarine. Where some might want to start a revolution and some might want to let it be. Where some might say yes and some might say no, Where some might say stop and some might say go. Where I am the walrus and Lucy is in the sky with diamonds. Come with me where if you’re sick you can call my friend Dr. Robert. Come with me where one and one and one is three. Come where we all when goo goo g’joob for Rocky Raccoon when he found Gideon’s bible. Come and live in an octopuses garden in the sea. Come together… over me. 16 - Creative Corner Tuesday, May 21st, 2013 17 - Creative Corner Tuesday, May 21st, 2013 18 - Review Tuesday, May 21st, 2013 Furbys are Back For Us, And There Not Happy Sara Garcia Feature Editor Oh-kah-tee (oh my gosh)! Furby is back and better than ever! Now with electronic LED eyes, new colors, and an interactive app, a new generation can now enjoy Furby. But is Furby really that great? Is he really worth $60 or more? Well, let me explain my opinion on the hottest toy of the 2012 holidays. Ever since I knew a new Furby was coming out, I wanted one. However, I did not want to pay $60 or more for one. Luckily, Old Navy had a contest to win a Furby. The rules were simple: the first 100 people in any Old Navy store had a chance to win one of five Furbies. To increase my chances of winning, I brought my father to Old Navy at 6:30 AM to be one of the first customers to arrive when the store opened at 7:00. There were only about four other people in front of us, and we were each handed a booklet that revealed if we had won a Furby or not. Upon opening mine, I smiled-I won a Furby! My father was not so lucky, however and won a pack of stickers, but it was finally mine-a brand new blue Furby-for free! After I unboxed the toy and removed the bottom, all I had to do was insert four AA batteries then re-screw the base. Upon inserting the batteries, Furby lit up. Beforehand, I had downloaded the Furby app on my iPad. The app has recently been able to be downloaded onto Android devices. Just like a Gremlin, be sure to give your Furby lots of attention and don’t feed it after midnight-trust me on this one. Furby’s personality is affected on how you treat it. What I liked about the Furby was that it was easier to take care of than a regular pet. It doesn’t poop or pee or jump on your bed. All you have to do is feed it, pet it, tickle it, and hold it at least once a day. The app is also fun to use as there are different kinds of food to feed your Furby-sandwiches, candy, even toilet paper. You can also translate what Furby is saying by holding your device close to his mouth while he talks, which is a bonus. And, if you want to talk like a Furby, there is a dictionary that can translate from “Furbish” to English and vice versa. What I did not like is that once you wake up Furby, it is almost impossible for him to go back to sleep. Even if you wake him up to take a few seconds to feed it, it goes to sleep only when it wants to. Some tricks that may work to have Furby sleep is to leave him alone and not make noise for one whole minute, put Furby in a dark room, or place your hand over Furby’s eyes for a few seconds. Placing your hand over its eyes may not always work. If you do not take care of your Furby or you mistreat it, it will turn EVIL. If you expose Furby to music to make it dance and he is a singer (like mine), or do anything to change his personality, be it good or bad, Furby will hunch overlooking constipated and scream at the top of its lungs “BOO-TAY!!! CHANGE!!!” This will freak you out and make you want to throw Furby into a fire pit in hell. I suggest that you do not get a Furby, even if it is free. They are super annoying (unless you are younger than 9) and are very hard to turn off. The app is very hard to calibrate with the Furby and he is basically a gibberish-yapping furball without the app. Though they have advanced technologically from their original predecessors, Furbies are still as weird and freaky as they were when they were first released. Beware of the Furby! The Ironman at Mickey’s House Didi Acosta Arts & Entertainment Editor On April 12th on a Friday morning Disneyland invited its first two-thousand annual pass holders to see the suits from Iron Man. Disneyland had recently bought Marvel which goes along with a few of the heroes such as The Avengers, X Men and more. The happiest place on earth wanted Marvel to take part of the popular theme park that they held the suits at the Intention’s Center in Disneyland at the Tomorrow Land section. I had the chance to wait in line with thousands of excited fans of the hero and took pictures of the event. They had a section to for fans to stand on this circle and face the flat screen television where you’ll see yourself suit up just like Tony Stark does in the film and use his repulse blast. 19 - Review Tuesday, May 21st, 2013 Are We Not Hosts? Didi Acosta Arts & Entertainment Editor The Twilight Saga author, Stephenie Meyer opens up a new adventure to her fans on March 19th at the Cinerama Dome at Arclight Theater in Hollywood, California, for her new phenomenal novel that’s finally hitting screen “The Host.” Anxious fans wait hours to get a glimpse of stunning stars walking the red carpet. I’ve had the chance to watch the film with the cast and crew before it could hit theaters on March 29th. The story takes place in the distant future of a rare love story between humans Melanie Stryder (Saoirse Ronan) and Jared Howe (Max Irons) Why is this suppose? In the future an alien race invades over earth, erasing human’s memories and taking over their bodies and using it as the alien’s own, so there are hardly “real humans” around earth. Aliens were close enough to capturing Jared, her brother, Jamie Stryder (Chandler Canterbury) and herself. Melanie risks everything to protect the people she loves by sacrificing her being by alluring the aliens to just herself and is immediately captured. Although an alien, Wanderer is doing her best to take over the Melanie’s body, it becomes an obstacle since Melanie is quite attached to her body, soul…She’s not going anywhere. Melanie fights to hold on to her human life even if that means two souls fighting in the same body. This film has a similar taste to the Twilight Saga considering there is a love triangle. It’s finally circulating to Emily Browning being in a part of this film…Who is she portraying? Well, that’s for you to find out. William Hurt adds comedy to the film. Saroirse Ronan, Jake Abel, Max Irons, Diane Kruger and Emily Browning will steal the Box Office this weekend. Hopefully, Stephenie Meyer will decide on releasing sequel to “The Host” very soon. The Great Franco Trattoria Sara Santana Staff Writer Once upon a time, there existed a little restaurant in the heart of Uptown Whittier, California. This lovely little Italian restaurant, known as Franco Trattoria, was a great family-operated business with kind servers and delecatable gourmet meals. Luckily, I had the opportunity to come to this classy establishment, and I am happy to report that everything about the place was entrancing.I first entered through the doors of the restaurant expecting the place to be loud; however, I was surprised to see that was not the case. The place was blissfully quiet and I was greeted by a woman named Melanie Colombo. Later on, I discovered that Melanie helped around the restaurant as her husband, the main chef, cooked food for the customers. Melanie was very warm towards me and told me all there was to know about the restaurant. According to her, all of the fruits and vegetables are picked daily at various markets to maintain freshness and are all high quality. I was blown away by how impressive the restaurant was turning out to be. Aside from Melanie’s explanation on the restaurant, I knew that I could not be the best judge of the food until I have actually tried it. The menu provided lots of different types of pasta dishes but I went with an entrée off of the menu since I was a vegetarian. I asked for the “pesto pasta” and my companion asked for the “Pork Chops al Vino” from the meat platters. Inside of the pesto pasta was parmigiano, pecorino romano, pine nuts, fresh basil, and extra virgin olive oil. My companion and I started off with a salad known as “Insalata Mista.” The salad was very fresh tasting, it tasted as though the lettuce had just been plucked from a garden. The mozarella cheese was creamy and not at all rubbery, like I was expecting it to be. With the olive oil dressing, everything just tasted delicious. Especially with the bread on the side, the whole appetizer was perfect. The pesto pasta was equally as scrumptious, it was bursting with flavor. The cheese and pesto sauce was an excellent combination. However, there was just so much pasta that I could not finish it-- no matter how much I wanted to. My companion found her pork chop to be out of this world. She told me that her pork chop was the best pork chop she has ever tasted. I could not blame her, too. The pork chops looked good as it was drenched in wine sauce and rosemary. We both really enjoyed our meals. However, the meal was a bit pricey, it was definitely worth the price. I highly suggest that Whittier students come here. So whenever, you are in the mood for Italian, take your booty on down to Franco Trattoria. Education For Death: The Making of The Nazi Sara Garcia Feature Editor Perhaps you have seen Walt Disney’s 1943 cartoon Education for Death: The Making of the Nazi. Did you know that it was based on a book of the same name by author Gregor Ziemer? Published in 1941, this book gives a detailed account of the life of Nazi children from birth until they become soldiers for Hitler as young adults (the women are used for giving birth to future soldiers of Hitler). What can I say about this book? It’s freaky. One of the most interesting parts that I found in the book was towards the beginning. Mr. Ziemer attends a sort of “sterilization” facility where thousands of women are held. What happens there? Whoever the Nazis think is unfit to have children for the Fuehrer are then “sterilized” so that they may not breed. As soon as I read that chapter, my jaw dropped. Really?! They went that far to prevent children being born with diseases or mental disabilities?! Though it shouldn’t be surprising that the Nazis would do such a thing, it is still horrible to think about or even go through.I really enjoyed this book. World War II or anything that has to do with Nazis really interests me. I do think that this book is great for anybody who enjoys the history of World War II or Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. If you do not like to read long books, then I do not suggest you read this book. It is more than one hundred pages, so be careful if you cannot commit to books easily.There are many other parts in this book that will make you wince, make your jaw drop, or even make you put down the book for a while. I suggest that if you cannot watch scary movies or stand to see or hear people suffering, then don’t read this book. There are many graphic parts of this book that really show the true colors of Hitler and the Nazi party. This book is out of print-good luck finding it online! 20 - Review Tuesday, May 21st, 2013 First There is Spring: Summer is Coming! Gabrielle Payers Staff Writer Whittier High School is the only known school in the district that has an auditorium. On March 15th we celebrated our spring assembly with school pride. The theme for this assembly was fright night lots of scary monsters, zombies, and ghouls of all sorts. Each assembly gets better each year. Whittier high has amazing talented students who aren’t afraid to express themselves in front of the whole school. This assembly started off with ASB doing a scary but humorous dance. ASB always get the crowed pumping with awesome games that the audience can participate in. They divided the auditorium in half and named once side the hornets and the other side the dragons. It was a great way to get all of the students at Whittier high to feel like they were a part of the assembly more than being the spectators. After ASB performed there was videos that reminded students about upcoming events like Sadie’s and prom. The whole senior class was excited for the uncovering of where prom was going to be. At first they tricked them by showing them fiesta hall which is a small dance hall down the street which really upset the seniors but it turns out they exposed relocation of prom. The assembly is known for students who aren’t afraid to show their talents for example this assembly had a band perform a song. It’s good to have something different the schools marching band. The marching band performed as well, they showed Whittier high schools spirit like usual. The band alone is a big inspiration for those who are new to Whittier highs customs. Another performance of the spring assembly was the zombie video that had students become the walking dead of Whittier high. They had students try out for the video as zombies and as zombie victims it was very entertaining. Here at Whittier high the staff, educators, and couches try their hardest to get everyone involved and feel like a cardinal. Whittier high cares about all of its students, freshman’s, sophomores, juniors and seniors everyone gets a change to be a part. The sophomores for example had their own video in the assembly. Now there is a viral video swopping its way through the internet and it’s called the Harlem Shake. Just in case you have no idea the Harlem shake is a 30 second video when someone starts off dance but has something weird on them or with them or attached to him. Then suddenly you hear the base drop and there is just this huge group of people doing something equally as weird. That’s exactly what the sophomores did, but only they had the whole sophomore class do it which was amazing in itself. Quite entertaining, but the high light of the whole assembly was when all the teachers gathered together with sunglasses on and danced to the Gangnam Style by Psy. One of the most famous k-pop songs out there and we had all of Whittier highs educators dance to it. It completely changed the whole attitude of the audience. Everyone was screaming for their favorite teachers, but really what the greatest part was those brave students in the audience who started dancing along with them. Truly the most fun part of the entire assembly. Can’t wait for next years and the ones after, because we’ll always, always love you Whittier High. Good Idea, Bad Idea! Jonah & Isaiah Collazo Staff Writers Good Idea, Bad Idea It’s time for another Good Idea, Bad Idea Good idea: whistling while you work. Bad idea: whistling while you work. Good idea: sky diving with your old man. Bad idea: sky diving with an old man. Good idea: taking a short walk down a long dock. Bad idea: taking a long walk down a short dock. Good idea: going Alpine skiing in the winter. Bad idea: going Alpine skiing in the summer. Good idea: buying a rattle snake skin belt. Bad idea: buying a rattle snake skin belt… that’s still alive Good idea: going ice fishing in Alaska. Bad idea: going ice fishing in the supermarket. Good idea: reading a book. Bad idea: reading a book that’s on fire. 21 - Review Tuesday, May 21st, 2013 Top 10 Movie Reviews! Isaiah Collazo Staff Writer It’s that time of year! The season where all the Oscar contenders are released, discussed and analyzed. It’s a phenomenal season for film fans. 10. Kick Ass 2, June 28, 2013 Kick Ass was a ton of fun having gone in with no knowledge of the comic. It was packed with over-the-top violence and the sequel is sure to deliver more of the same. AND They’ve added comedy heavyweight Jim Carrey to the mix. 9. The Lone Ranger, July 3, 2013 I’m a big fan of new franchises and Gore Verbinski has launched several. (I wish he was still bringing Bioshock to the big screen.) There’s no doubt The Lone Ranger will be visually stunning and full of amazing action. It’s just a shame they forgot to REALLY include the titular character in the first trailer. I get the thought process behind the marketing. “Johnny Depp is a global star after all and it certainly looks like he has created another memorable character. But Armie Hammer is an afterthought here. It’s a minor complaint as I’m sure he has plenty to do in the film. But seriously, Depp does look awesome as Tonto.” 8. ELYSIUM, August 9, 2013 District 9 was absolutely incredible. I can’t wait to see what Neill Blomkamp has in store for us next August. Not much is known about the film outside of the people who saw and raved about the comic-con footage so here is a synopsis: “In the year 2159 two classes of people exist: the very wealthy who live on a pristine man-made space station called Elysium, and the rest, who live on an overpopulated, ruined Earth. Secretary Rhodes (Jodie Foster), a hard line government official, will stop at nothing to enforce antiimmigration laws and preserve the luxurious lifestyle of the citizens of Elysium. That doesn’t stop the people of Earth from trying to get in, by any means they can. When unlucky Max (Matt Damon) is backed into a corner, he agrees to take on a daunting mission that if successful will not only save his life, but could bring equality to these polarized worlds.” 7. FAST & FURIOUS 6, May 24, 2013 “Now, I never pimped my rusted 1996 Chevrolet Cavalier but I did love the movie. Then 2 Fast came along and ruined everything. I completely skipped Tokyo Drift but something funny happened. The 4th installment came along… And I liked it? It wasn’t anywhere near the level of the first but at least the whole gang was back. Fast 5 changed the game and took the franchise in a completely different direction. They added The Rock and suddenly, the Fast & Furious series became a heist franchise. I thought Fast 5 was great especially with the revelation in the end credits. Why not? I like the characters. I like the new direction. Bring on Part 6.” 6. After Earth, June 7, 2013 “A while back, I wrote an article detailing two important streaks on the line when After Earth is released. Will Smith’s hits vs M. Night Shyamalan’s flops. One of them will end. I’m sure many people will bet that Will Smith will be starring in the latest Shyamalan dud… Or maybe he won’t. Signs is my favorite movie period. I always get perplexed looks when I admit that but it’s true. That movie came along at the right time and stuck with me. I’ve been waiting a long time for another classic to come from the mind of M. Night Shyamalan. (The Last Airbender was certainly not it.)” But I really love the concept behind After Earth: “In After Earth, one thousand years after cataclysmic events forced humanity’s escape from Earth, Nova Prime has become mankind’s new home. Legendary General Cypher Raige (played by Will Smith) returns from an extended tour of duty to his estranged family, ready to be a father to his 13-year-old son, Kitai (played by Jaden Smith). When an asteroid storm damages Cypher and Kitai’s craft, they crash-land on a now unfamiliar and dangerous Earth. As his father lies dying in the cockpit, Kitai must trek across the hostile terrain to recover their rescue beacon. His whole life, Kitai has wanted nothing more than to be a soldier like his father. Today, he gets his chance.” 5. Wolverine, June 26, 2013 X-Men Origins: Wolverine was awful. In my opinion, it was the worst movie of 2009. So why is Wolverine so high on this list? They are essentially ignoring the first solo movie completely. Nice. I love the character and the idea of a bad ass Wolverine adventure is still exciting. Especially one without plot holes and Deadpool. 4. Star Trek into the Darkness, May 17, 2013 I highly enjoy J.J Abrams movies. (Not to mention the excellent TV series he’s created.) Mission Impossible 3 is still my favorite of the four, Super 8 was actually my favorite movie of 2011 and I adored Star Trek. Honestly, I was never a Star Trek fan until the new film came along. It’s not that I didn’t like it, I just never got around to watching it as a kid. At that time, it was Next Generation so I really had no exposure to Captain Kirk & Spock at all. Star Trek was a blast to watch even with all those lens flares. 3. Iron Man, May 3, 2013 The Avengers took the Superhero genre to astonishingly new heights. Marvel pulled it off… Now what? The Marvel Cinematic Universe rolls on with a much darker Iron Man. This trailer may go down as my favorite of 2012 unless another comes along to dethrone it. It’ll be tough to beat. Right off the bat, Tony Stark mentions the devastation left in Loki’s wake after his army was defeated. Now Tony is haunted. It’s the perfect time for one of Iron Man’s deadliest foes to appear on the big screen. The Mandarin. Right off the bat, you can see that Tony Stark is going to get beaten down in this film. I can’t wait to see how he picks himself up. 2. Man of Steel I didn’t like Superman Returns at all. Where was the action? Why was it so long? Much like Wolverine, I’m glad Zack Snyder is rebooting the Man of Steel from scratch with a more realistic approach. It helps to have Christopher Nolan on board. Will Superman fill the void left now that Nolan’s remarkable Batman trilogy is over? In a word: Yes. I think Man of Steel will be the Superman movie fans have been dreaming of for decades. The first trailer is proof. 1.Pacific Rim Guillermo Del Toro + Giant Robots + Equally Giant Monsters = My most anticipated movie of the 2013 summer movie season. By far! I’m so excited I can’t stand it. Del Toro is truly blessed with an incredibly visual and COOL imagination. I think Pacific Rim is poised to become of the coolest movies of all time and I don’t say that lightly. Giant robots are going to fight giant monsters! ………. And Guillermo Del Toro is responsible for the mayhem! 22 - Review Tuesday, May 21st, 2013 Soda to Tea, Hamburgers to Maccaroons! ‘Merica to Europe. Sara Santana Staff Writer I am slowly going down the escalators to the baggage claim at LAX, and, as soon as I reach ground level, I see my parents smiling cheerfully at me. Since I had just got off of a thirteen-twelve hour flight, jetlag was finally catching up to me at that very moment. The exhaustion showed as I casted a weak smile at my parents. However, it was all worth it since I was in Europe having that time of my life with thirty-eight other Whittier seniors. We first arrived in Dublin, Ireland, where we had a chance to visit Trinity College and St. Patrick’s Cathedral. At Trinity College, we found out that Oscar Wilde went to the school and many other famous people did as well. Our guide informed us, that the school was in par with all of the Ivy Leagues, Oxford University, and Camebridge University, making it a very prestigious school. We also had the privilege of going to St. Patrick’s Cathedral. The Gothic style architecture of the building was spectacular. To our surprise, there were a lot of Gothic style cathedrals all over Dublin. Also, we had the chance to see a statue of Molly Malone while we were walking around the heart of the city. Our next destination was in Wales where we visited a Welsh castle. The castle was big in size and had a moat circling the outside of it. Unfortunately, our visit there was for only a few hours and afterwards we procceeded on going to Snowdonia, a national park. The park was a winter wonderland as we learned that it had snowed the day before our visit. There was a fresh coating of powdery, glittering snow everywhere we looked. However, we left Snowdonia and continued on our journey to England. In England, we visited Oxford University where I had the opportunity to enjoy a traditional English afternoon tea. Then we went to Stratford, England where we visited Shakespeare’s birthplace. His birthplace was quite a modest house that felt very warm and inviting. Afterwards, we headed on over to London, where we spent the rest of our time at. In London, I visited the Big Ben, went on the London Eye, and visited the outskirts of London to walked across a notorious street known as Abbey Road (the street the Beatles used as the front cover of their album). After that, we took a train to Paris, France. Paris was beautiful. We all walked our way to the top of the Eiffel Tower since we took the stairs, visited the Louvre where we saw the Mona Lisa and various other ancient artifacts from all over the world, and I visited the Palace of Versailles. Versailles was phenomenal. I learned that the reason the inside of the palace was decked in art from top to bottom was becaused of the Sun God, Louis the 14th, who held a strong appreciation of art. On our last night in Paris, I had escargo, maccaroons, and crème brulee. The food was exquisite and entirely different from normal American One Acronym to Replace “YOLO” and “FML” Sara Garcia Feature Editor Are you tired of wasting 0.3 seconds of your life deciding how to end your hashtags? No need to waste some of your swag by typing “YOLO”; don’t even waste profanity with “FML”. Replace the two with the very things you have on your feet (unless you are wearing sandals): “SOCKS”! “SOCKS?” “How can this help me?” “What do socks have to do with anything?” No need to ask these questions. Just spell it out. S-O-C-K-S. What does it sound like to you? Does it sound like a foreign language? Well, it should. S-O-C-K-S does sound a lot like “eso si que es” (which is Spanish, if you didn’t already know). What does “eso si que es” mean? It roughly translates to “it is what it is”. “SOCKS” may be used to replace “YOLO”, “FML”, or whenever you want to sound smart. Here are a few examples to get you thinking on when to use “SOCKS”. “Just stole a taco from the stand across the street. #SOCKS” “Moving to Taiwan to live in a crayon factory. #Sad #Goodbye #SOCKS” “I have an A+ in physics! #nerd #study #SOCKS” Though this hashtag may be short lived or overused, it is a sudden change from all of the common hashtags. Please remember to exercise caution to not make yourself look stupid on Twitter or whatever site that you may use. The Happiest Place on Earth Sara Santana & Ariana Montanchez Staff Writer & Photo Editor At the Spring Assembly, ASB announced that Grad Nite was going to be held at... (Drum roll, please!) Disneyland. The crowd instantly went crazy at hearing this. Coincidentally, after this year’s Disney-themed Sadie Hawkin’s Dance, seniors and their guests will be able to enjoy the celebration of graduating at none other than the Magical Kingdom itself. The trip will be on June 14th, 2013, only two days after graduation. This gives us, seniors, a couple of days to rest up for the all-night event. Buses will load at the school at approximately 12 p.m., leave by around 12:30 p.m., and return at approximately 4 a.m. on Saturday June 15. So make sure you have rides to and from the school at these times, seniors. Happiness quickly spread through the school when the location was released due to the fact that it is a very joyful spot compared to the Class of 2012’s Grad Nite location, which was at Knott’s Berry Farm. It seems this theme park is the perfect place to escape to from all of our school-related stresses along with any other issues we may have going on at the time. When asked what he thought of Grad Nite being at Disneyland, senior Matthew Suehiro, replied, “I think it awesome.” Many other seniors agree with this statement are all very much looking forward to Grad Nite. Unfortunately, it took Class Council a very long time to have Grad Nite approved at this blissful destination. Therefore, we can all thank Senior Class members for that, especially the Senior Class president. All of that work, luckily, paid off in the end and seniors will be able to enjoy “The Happiest Place on Earth!” Anyway, seniors, make sure to save the date! You do not want to miss out on this event. Class of 2013, be there or be square. 23 - Review Tuesday, May 21st, 2013 Under the Radar: Good Films that did not get the Hollywood Treatment Jonah Collazo Staff Writer I’m sure that we have all seen the latest and greatest films that Hollywood and the big name directors and writers have to offer, but what about the films that fly under the radar? The films that when you say a quote only one or two people know what the bananas you’re talking about and yet it makes you feel like you and your friends have some secret code. If you’re not a person that likes independent films or for some reason doesn’t know any, then please let me learn you a lesson or two. 1. The Sasquatch Gang: From the guys that brought you Napoleon Dynamite, comes a story about young Gavin Gore (Jeremy Sumpter) who stubbles upon a set of suspicious tracks. After having the track confirmed that they indeed belonged to the legendary Bigfoot by Dr. Artimus Snodgrass (Carl Weathers), two local no gooders, Zerk (Justin Long) and Shirts (Joey Kern) tries to make some quick money that gets them into some trouble with the law. Leaving Gavin and his friends to be the heroes of the town. Come and join the Sasquatch Gang on an epic tale of nerds and turds. 2. Brick: Fallow Brendan (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), a loner student who discovers the death of former girlfriend that pushes him to get involved with an underground drug association. A film full of twist and turns that only leave Brendan bloody and beaten, but in his mind he knows that he is on the right track to unraveling the murder of his girlfriend. A film that is sure to surprise you in every way you won’t see coming. 3. Hesher: After the tragic death of his mother, T.J., a young boy is send into a spiraling down depression and confusion when he stumbles upon an uncommon character named Hesher (Joseph Gordon-Levitt). After the police discover that Hesher is living in vacant construction site he forces himself to be T.J.’s new unofficial roommate. Though looking like a homeless heavy metal lover, Hesher does an incredible job of bring together T.J. and his father, and shows them the true meaning of being there for one another. Have You Seen That Video!!?? Sara Garcia Feature Editor YouTube is a great site for listening to music, watching a hair or makeup tutorial, learning how to do something, or just to watch Nyan Cat. However, YouTube has had some videos uploaded that has viewers disgusted more than entertained. It didn’t just stop at YouTube. Facebook, the site for sharing photos and telling your friends what you’re up to, has also had some nasty videos being posted. Would you do anything if you were dared to? Even if it included acts of bestiality with a dog? That’s what Alyssa Rosales did-and she posted it on Facebook. Not only did she have sexual intercourse with a dog, she also seemed to be enjoying it. It has been since taken off of Facebook-but not from the Internet. There are no words to describe how I feel about this video. I don’t know which is worse, this video or “Tampon Girl”. Lately, one of the most talked about videos on the Internet is “Tampon Girl”. Giovanna Plowman uploaded a video of herself sucking on her own blood soaked tampon. This video had supposedly been uploaded just because Giovanna wanted fame, which she quickly got. But the fame was not necessarily positive. Hundreds, even thousands, have seen the video and have reacted with disgust, myself included. Who would ever put a tampon in their mouth, let alone a used one?! This girl, who is only 15 years old, has some serious issues. Good news, though. Giovanna Plowman is now married on Facebook to Dino Bruscia. Don’t know who he is? He is known as one of the many people to have eaten his own feces and posting it on YouTube. Don’t worry; he didn’t just eat the poop by itself. He added ice cream to the mix to give it that little kick of flavor. Why? Just, why? The poop came out, I’m pretty sure it doesn’t want to go back in. Well, at he found a perfect match for himself. What has happened to the human race? I think that humanity is slowly declining due to idiots like this. What’s next? Two girls going at it while eating poop? Oh wait, we already have that. What about bestiality with horses? There are hundreds, probably even thousands, of videos on the Internet with this already. My faith in humanity is almost, if not completely, gone. iPads & Seven-Year Olds J.L. Perrett Creative Corner Editor The last present left on the table; it is ready to be open, and it is medium sized. What is it, I wonder? I watched the past dozen presents she had gotten: clothes, gift cards, movies, money and a hand full of different types of toys. The suspense does not quite kill me, but I would still like to know. I sit in silence. Very patiently I watch, very patiently I wait, and it is all just to see a little girl’s present a week before her birthday, and what was so special that they had to wait to save for the very last, the very end my cousin is seven, her name is Kaylen, and at her birthday celebration, a week beforehand she got an iPad. However, she is already an electronic fanatic like any other kid in her generation and is curious towards 21st century technologies. Kaylen uses my older cousin’s old phone that is not in service anymore so she does not mind her using it. However, the little girl wants to use my phone, which is nothing close to spectacular since I cannot surf the web or download music. My phone can record but is not able to hold music like my iPod does, which she also wants to use whenever she sees me. She thinks she is “all that and a bag of chips,” which is a saying that is always said by my U.S. History teacher Mrs. Hernandez. If my teacher ever met her, she would use that same exact phrase to describe her. In Kaylen’s little kid mind, I bet she is thinking, “Wow! I’m all grown-up.” Getting an iPad was probably a big deal for her and she did not even realize it. 24 - Sports Tuesday, May 21st, 2013 Battle of the Brothers Brandon O’Day & Serigo Haro Sports Editor & Staff Writer Super Bowl XLVII lived up to all its hype and then some. The Baltimore Ravens started the game by stopping the offense of the 49ers on four quick plays and kept the momentum going after that. They then returned the punt and made their first offensive drive of the game a successful one by making a touchdown. The only scoring the 49ers did in the first half of the game was two field goals. The Ravens made four touchdowns and went into half time leading 28-6. The Ravens then received the ball to start off the second half. On the kick return, the Ravens returned the kick for a touchdown and the run was a Super Bowl tying 108 yards. Shortly after the play the power went out only in half the stadium. This caused a major delay in game that lasted for 34 minutes. After the lights came back up, from the thirty-four minute blackout, the 49ers started coming back up, immediately scoring when the game continued then recovering a fumble and scoring for the second time, all within the third quarter. The Ravens defense could not hold back the 49ers exploding offense as the fourth quarter was coming to an end. Sadly for the 49ers and all their fans, with approximately over a minute left, the Ravens stopped the 49ers from the game winning touchdown and received the ball back. The Ravens took the Super Bowl trophy back home to Baltimore, defeating the 49ers 34 – 31. Who is the Most Disliked! Brandon O’Day Sports Editor Are you surprised that Lance Armstrong is at the top of the most disliked athletes list? The embattled cyclist, who is currently being sued for lying about taking performance enhancement drugs, is the most disliked athlete in American sports. Armstrong has been doing his best to restore his public image recently but the American people aren’t buying it. The annual Forbes poll, which was conducted by Nielsen and E-Poll Market Research, found that the majority of Americans say Armstrong as “pompous, arrogant and unapologetic” after his interview with Oprah. Behind Lance comes another controversial athlete: Manti Te’o. The Notre Dame star was the center of the most bizarre sports stories of the year last month when it was revealed that his dead girlfriend never actually existed. Manti Te’o may have been the victim of the hoax but football fans aren’t being too sympathetic to the linebacker. Manti Te’o was only viewed positively by 15% of people. Tiger Woods came in at number three ahead of Chicago Bears quarterback Jay Cutler. Cutler may have placed higher on the list if the story about his proposal to Kristin Cavallari hit the news cycle a little earlier. Metta World Peace came in at number five despite his bizarre name change while Alex Rodriguez, Michael Vick, Kurt Busch, Kobe Bryant and Tony Romo rounded out the top 10. WHS Baseball Brandon O’Day Sports Editor The 2012 – 2013 seasons for Whittier High School Baseball was a year of high expectations. All the goals set could be met and no goal was too high to reach. Unfortunately most of them have not been met so far. This season is a season in which if there was anything to go wrong it would go wrong and so far that has held up to its word. The season record for us is 3-5. With bad calls, tough luck, and close games we could easily be 7-2. Most of the teams loses has been really close and the games could go either way but hasn’t gone our way. The team has prepared and trained hard since day one after tryouts. The team hasn’t slacked off and always works hard at everything they do. The coaches and players accept nothing less than 100% on the field at practice and in games. As for the field situation we are going to be able to play on it for one game. In the mean time we have played every home game at York Field. That one game will be the last home game of the season which is also senior day. Senior day is where all the seniors are recognized and get to say their farewells. So far all players, coaches, and most of the staff at Whittier High school are happy to see that senior baseball players will be able to play on the field for a home game.