Essential Energy Care Workbook-DVD


Essential Energy Care Workbook-DVD
Essential Energy Care
Advanced Practices for Sensing, Cleaning & Protecting Your Energy
DVD Companion Workbook
Institute of Subtle
Energy Education
Copyright © 2005 - 2012
Mark D. Youngblood
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written
permission except in the case of brief excerpts embodied in critical articles and reviews. For more information,
Institute of Subtle Energy Education
[email protected]
© 2005-2012 Mark Youngblood
All Rights Reserved
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Institute of Subtle
Energy Education
ISEE is committed to helping people
enhance their Subtle Energy and manifest
improved health, greater prosperity, and
accelerated spiritual growth.
 Strengthen your connection to your higher self/God source
 Accelerate spiritual growth for yourself and others
 Learn powerful energetic healing techniques for body, mind, emotions, and spirit
 Develop the ability to clear negative energy in yourself and other people
 Increase your ability to sense subtle energy
 Enhance your intuition
 Protect yourself from negative energy and people in your environment
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The Essential Energy Care Program teaches practical techniques for working with subtle
energy for sensing, cleaning, protecting and enhancing your energy bodies.
Sensing — Increasing awareness of your energy and in other people and the environment
Cleaning —Removing dense or negative energy from your auric field
Protecting — Shielding your energy field from negative energy
DVD Sections
1. Understanding Energy Empathy
2. How to Sense Subtle Energy
3. Cleaning Your Energy Field
4. Protecting Your Energy Field
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There are three basic levels of consciousness: the sub-conscious, the super-conscious, and
conscious awareness. The Super- and sub-conscious comprise what we refer to as the nonconscious mind.
In energy work, the conscious mind provides intention, attention and process—the nonconscious mind does everything else. This requires the practitioner to learn to be open and
receptive to communications and perceptions from the non-conscious mind. Success relies on
being patient and accepting rather than striving and forcing.
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The Essential Energy Care Training is founded on certain key principles or presuppositions
that must be taken as true for the concepts, methods and techniques to be valid. These are:
1) Everything Is Energy
Quantum science has revealed that everything is simultaneously subtle energy and solid
matter, which is the meaning of Einstein’s famous equation E=MC2. You are energy, the air
you’re breathing, the chair that you’re sitting on, the animals around you, rocks, trees,
everything is energy. And everything shares energy with everything else. You are sharing
energy right now with anything close to you
including the couch, the people around you
and whatever is nearby. This is the basis of
“energy empathy” that we will discuss later.
2) Energy Follows Thought
In a quantum universe, the conscious mind is
the creator and director. We know from
quantum science and with actual scientific
experiments that the human thought directs
what happens at the subtle energy level or
what the scientists would call quantum energy. As the expression goes, “Energy flows
where attention goes.” This is the source of our ability to command subtle energy with our
mind through visualizations.
3) Like Attracts Like
Your thoughts are like magnets, they attract to you energy, circumstances, and experiences
that are consistent with those thoughts. Your thoughts are also energy so your energy
attracts to you what you’re experiencing in your world.
4) Effectiveness Is the Measure of Truth
When working with subtle energy, some people might argue whether it is valid or not
since we aren’t using scientific method to prove things out. We just consider the results we
are getting, and if it is effective then we consider that to be the truth.
5) Intention Trumps Technique
As long as your intention is clear about what you’re trying to do - even if you don’t do the
technique exactly right - you’re still going to get the results that you’re looking for.
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All people exchange energy with other people and with
their environment. However, some people, who we call
“Energy Empaths” are more sensitive to this process
than most others.
Note: Complete the Energy Empath Self
Assessment in the included file to determine
your level of Energy Empathy
Everyone experiences negative emotions over the
course of their day. We are designed energetically to be
able to process this energy by grounding it out into the
earth. However, most people are “shut down” and
cannot process this energy for themselves. Their energy
processing channels are too small or are blocked and so
the energy stays bottled up. You can think of it as
building up like steam in a pressure cooker.
Energy Empaths have relatively large energy
processing channels. When they get close enough to a
person with built up negative energy, it gets absorbed
by the empath through a process much like osmosis.
People connect with one another energetically through “Aka cords.” These are etheric “tubes”
that connect energy fields and allow for the transfer of energy and information.
Energy Empaths are born hard-wired to process energy from the environment—they begin
doing so from the moment they are born. This means that their energy fields will absorb and
try to process the excessive or negative energy in other people’s energetic systems. Most
Energy Empaths have no control over this ability
Unless the Energy Empath has expanded their ability to process this energy transfer, this
dense and/or negative energy might not be able to be processed through and harmlessly
grounded out of their system. When this happens, it “backs-up” into their system and can
become stuck there, causing physical, mental and emotional distress. Energy Empathy is a
major factor in children in distress—behavioral problems, sickliness, hyper-sensitivity, etc.
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The impact of negative energy on unskilled empaths can include all of the symptoms below
and many more. For this reason, it is very important that Energy Empaths be able to clean and
protect their energy.
Feeling “blown-out” or overwhelmed by stimulus
“Bad” behaviors, especially those that are out of character (acting out)
Sudden mood swings or emotionality
Excess weight
Physical ailments: (these usually occur suddenly and without a visible cause)
Chronic or frequent illnesses
Sharp or dull aching pains
Muddled thinking
Joint pain
The problem isn’t processing other
people’s negative energy, the
problem is that Energy Empaths
don’t know how to take care of their
energy as they do this processing.
Blessing or Curse?
Many Empaths report that they feel that their empathic talent is a curse, that all they get from
it is pain and discomfort. However, the problem isn’t that they are processing other people’s
negative energy, the problem is that they don’t know how to take care of their energy as they
do this processing.
When you help another person dump off their negative energy, their energy frequency rises
and they feel better and become more positive. You literally “raise them up” and make them
lighter. The goal is to do this without any negative consequences to yourself.
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The aura is the electromagnetic field that surrounds the human body and every organism and
object in the Universe. A number of energy layers, surround the physical body and there are
many diverse—and often contradictory—models that describe these layers. We will describe
the five most common auric bodies: the physical, etheric, astral/emotional, mental, and causal.
These bodies are the doorways into the higher dimensions. The physical body is created by
these bodies, which in turn are influenced by what happens to the physical body. Anything
found in one will be found in the other.
Each body is composed of a different type of matter. The vibration rate of the atoms at the
physical level is the lowest and each higher level increases the vibratory rate with the
Causal level being the highest
The first body is the physical body and it has the densest matter
The next layer is the energetic or etheric body. This body is a mirror of the physical body
with all of the organs and glands represented in it
Next is the astral/emotional body, which is much wider, and is affected by people's
feelings. This layer changes color and shape depending on the feelings being experienced.
The next aura is the mental body, which is involved with the thought processes and
intelligence of a person
The last aura is known as the causal body, soul, or higher self. This is concerned more with
perceptive feelings, intuition, and comprehension. The Causal layer is an expression of the
soul and so is built up over many lifetimes of accumulated soul experience
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Chakras, otherwise known as the energy centers of the human body, have the function of
grounding spiritual energies into the physical plane. They are often described as "spinning
wheels" of energy. The major chakras are generally depicted as being aligned approximately
along the vertical midline of the body. Minor chakras are located in the palms of the hands,
soles of the feet and at each joint, as well as at locations along the meridians of the body.
The Seven Basic Chakras Plus Soul Star and Earth Star
1) The Root Chakra — This is our connection to the physical plane and a symbol of our basic
survival needs. An imbalance here can cause vanity, an obsession with the material, or the
tendency to see things in “black and white.” Location: base of the spine. Color: Red
2) The Sacral Chakra — The source of our creative and procreative urges and drives,
including sexuality. When this chakra is unbalanced, it can result in promiscuity, blind
creative drive, or conversely it can create apathy or withdrawal from creative endeavors or
sexual expression. Location: the genitals. Color: Orange
3) The Solar Plexus Chakra — This is the energy center for power and manifestation. An
unbalanced solar plexus chakra will result in being underdeveloped, immature, overly
sensitive, in blind rage and raw animal-like emotions, i.e. chaotic, out of control power.
Location: solar plexus. Color: Yellow
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4) The Heart Chakra — This is the energy center for love, both human and divine. When this
chakra is unbalanced, the result can be a demanding, possessive nature, especially in love
or one who is paranoid and codependent. Location: heart. Color: Green or Pink
5) The Throat Chakra — This is the center for expression and communication. When this
chakra is out of balance, a person may be overly aggressive and dominant, talk too much,
use speech to attack and hurt others, or be egotistical (telling herself she is, perhaps, more
than she is); or in the inverse, be too timid to speak up for her rights or express her own
thoughts, or live in denial of things which or situations which are harmful to her (not
communicating with self). Location: throat. Color: Blue
6) The Forehead “Third-Eye” Chakra – This is the center for our psychic powers. When
unbalanced, it can lead to psychic overload and mental breakdown, dogmatism, spiritual
fanaticism and/or isolation; or in the inverse, insensitivity toward others, closedmindedness, bigotry and intolerance. Location: third eye just above and between the
eyebrows. Color: Indigo
7) The Crown Chakra – Otherwise known as the thousand petaled lotus is our connection
with the Cosmic or the divine. When it is unbalanced, one may lose touch with reality,
become mentally unbalanced, or feel spiritually abandoned. Location: top of the head.
Color: Violet
8) The Earth Star Chakra – This chakra is located about 12 inches beneath your feet. It
connects the central channel into the earth grid, grounding the “Rainbow Bridge” of
chakras into the planet. Color: Earth tones
9) The Soul Star Chakra – This energy center is a vehicle of the Soul to communicate with and
interact with the earthly incarnation. It can be called on to provide support, guidance,
healing, love, and energy. Color: Brilliant white
To summarize, we can say these chakras represent our basic physical and spiritual needs:
 Root Chakra — Survival and operation
 Sacral Chakra — Creativity and procreation
 Solar Plexus Chakra — Manifestation of desires
 Heart Chakra — Love
 Throat Chakra — Communication and expression
 Forehead Chakra — Psychic connections and powers
 Crown Chakra — Divine connection
 Earth Star Chakra — Earth connection
 Soul Star Chakra — Support and involvement from your Soul
All these energy centers are connected with each other through a central channel (Rainbow
Bridge) that runs from above the Soul Star Chakra to below the Earth Star Chakra. The
purpose of this system is to create a mechanism that on an energetic level can manifest the
divine into the physical plane.
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It is very important to keep your energy bodies cleaned and maintained in good health. And
because our environment is so filled with dirty and negative energy, this requires daily
attention. There are many ways to clean your auric field, several of which are described below.
Spiritual Waterfall
The Spiritual Waterfall technique is used to cleanse your energy bodies of
loose negative energy and debris. It can also be used anytime you are around
other people and start to feel that your auric field is picking up a lot of
negative or dirty energy.
1) To do this technique, simply imagine yourself under a waterfall of white
energy that completely covers your auric field
2) Visualize it cleansing all of the negative and dirty energy from your
physical body and energy field and see it draining deep into the earth
3) Continue until your energy field is clean and bright
4) Optionally, use other colors for different effects: pale blue for cooling and
calming, pale green for deeper cleansing, pale pink for soothing and love,
red for prosperity and business opportunities, orange for fun
Salt Baths for Cleansing
You can physically clean your energy field by taking a bath with either Epson
salts or healthy salts such as Hawaiian, Himalayan, or sea salts. In a shower,
you can rub the salts over your skin and then rinse them off.
Affect of Diet
Adopting a vegetarian diet (non-meat: eggs, cheese, & milk are okay) is very valuable for the
spiritual aspirant. People who eat a vegetarian diet have a greater degree of sensitivity and
usually do not attract so many negative psychic conditions or parasitic entities as does the
Animals that are the basis of the modern meat-based diet are raised in “factories.” These
factories subject the animals to horrific conditions for their entire short lives. These conditions
produce negative emotions that are embedded into the animal’s bodies at a cellular level. In
addition, their manner of death ensures that the animals are terrified at the time of death,
which further pollutes the animal’s cells with dense and negative energy.
The expression “you are what you eat” is literally true. When you eat animals with cells
imbedded with negative emotions, you are taking those emotions and adding them to your
physical body, thus lowering your vibration and diminishing your sensitivity. It is easy to see
why a society that eats a diet such as this would fearful, violent, and unevolved spiritually.
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The “Burn & Purge” Method
This is a rapid method for thoroughly cleansing dense or negative energy from your chakras,
physical body, and auric field.
1) Visualize all of your chakras at once with the intention of seeing the quantity of dense or
negative energy contained in them. Imagine all of that energy being burned to ashes
instantly as with a super-hot white laser-like flame. Purge the ashes from your chakras in
an instant with a “flash flood” of white light. See the purged energy draining deeply into
the earth and being absorbed there by the entities that use this form of energy. Your
chakras should be bright and shining. If not, repeat this process until they are clear
2) Visualize your physical body with the intention of seeing the quantity of dense or negative
energy contained there. (This is actually your Etheric body.) Imagine all of that energy
being burned to ashes instantly as with a super-hot white laser-like energy. Purge the ashes
from your body in an instant with a “flash flood” of white light. See the purged energy
draining deeply into the earth and being absorbed there by the entities that use this form of
energy. Repeat this step using a hot red and yellow flame to burn off the densest, lower
vibration energy. Your body should be bright and shining. If not, repeat the process
3) Visualize your auric field with the intention of seeing the quantity of dense or negative
energy contained there. Imagine all of that energy being burned to ashes instantly as with a
super-hot white laser-like energy. Purge the ashes from your auric field in an instant with a
“flash flood” of white light. See the purged energy draining deeply into the earth and being
absorbed there by the entities that use this form of energy. Repeat this step using a hot red
and yellow flame to burn off the densest, lower vibration energy. Your auric field should
be bright and shining. If not, repeat this process until it is clear
4) Repeat steps 2 and 3 using a red/yellow flame to burn off lower vibration energy.
Energy Field Cleansing Machine
This is a quick way for removing energy hooks and objects and most dense and negative
energy in your auric field and chakras. Hooks are created by people who are trying to control,
influence or manipulate you. Objects come from people mentally projecting them at you
1) Visualize a machine consisting of a lighted platform with a ring of bright electric violet
light at the top that is large enough to contain your entire auric field.
2) Visualize your body standing on the platform in an ultraviolet flame
3) Move the ring of light down your energy field starting from just above the top of your
auric field. As this ring of light moves down your energy field, visualize it using a laser-like
circle of brilliant light to burn away any dense, negative energy or energy hooks
4) Continue until it has passed over your entire energy field and back to above your head
5) Cleanse any remaining energetic debris with the spiritual waterfall
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Ridding Unwanted Energy Life Forms (E.L.F.’s) - The Energy Net Techniques
The human body is host to literally millions of other organisms, it is quite literally an
ecosystem where many organisms co-exist and generally benefit each other. In fact, 10% of
your dry body weight is independent organisms that live in your body!
Your energy bodies are similar in that other energy organisms, which we refer to as Energy
Life Forms (E.L.F.’s) at times co-habitate in your energy field. Most of the time these are not
noticeable. However, sometimes they interfere with your energy field’s normal function, and
they throw a “monkey wrench into the works.” When this happens, it is important to pull the
E.L.F’s out (like taking ticks off your physical body) and get rid of them.
The energy net is an easy and powerful technique that can also be used on yourself, other
people, objects and animals to rid them of E.L.F’s. Following are the steps for this process: 1) Begin by slowing your breathing
2) Invoke your higher-self’s participation by saying “As the Soul-infused personality and the
personality infused with the Soul, I invoke the One”
3) Imagine a large net shaped like an oval made of high-vibration white light
4) Drop this net completely over the object or person to be cleared, including its entire energy
field, and state the intention to “trap all negative E.L.F’s.” Know that any E.L.F’s within the
net are now trapped. Command them to freeze and not resist—they must obey
5) Pull the net with the E.L.F’s trapped in it off the person or object
6) Now imagine a huge spinning vortex of energy in the ground, like you are looking into the
top of the funnel. This vortex is a conduit to other dimensions
7) Command the E.L.F’s to “return to your source and stay there.” Then extend the net deep
into the vortex and see it and the E.L.F’s disappear
8) Sense the energy in the subject to confirm that the E.L.F’s are gone
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Crossed Arms and Legs
When you fold your arms across your chest you shut off your energy field
from other people. Crossing the arms closes off the upper body and crossing
legs closes off the lower body. This is a fast way to protect yourself from
energetic or emotional attack. However, to keep the energetic information
flowing, put your attention on your crown and heart chakras and project
love to the other person.
Protective Capsule
One of the most effective ways to protect yourself from negative energy and people for a
longer period of time is to surround yourself with a protective capsule. You do this by
visualizing an egg-shaped capsule of light, usually white, completely surrounding your
energy field. When you create this capsule, it is important that you imbue it with specific
Impenetrable to negative energy, intentions, influences,
E.L.F’s, and thought forms
Open for positive energy and information to enter
A hole in the top to connect with your higher self
A hole in the bottom to allow your negative energy to
ground out
With a specific duration for how long you want the
protection to last
Doubt weakens all energy work, so it is very important to hold
a strong conviction and confidence in the effectiveness of your
shield. Also, negative thoughts and emotions on your part can
weaken or destroy your shield. So, it is important to stay calm
and centered.
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Triple Layer Protective Capsule
White light degrades over time because it is unstable. A triple layer of light is much stronger
than a single layer. Make your protective shield with two layers of brilliant white light and
with an outer layer of deep purple or violet color. Making the outer surface a mirror helps
reflect back any negative energy or attacks. The process is as follows:
Invoke your divine guidance.
Visualize an oval shaped capsule of violet light around your entire energy field with two
inner layers of white light.
Affirm silently “I am shielded from all negative energy and contaminants, all forms of
attacks, all harm and danger. So be it. This shield is impregnable and cannot be penetrated
except for positive energy and information So be it. This shield will last a duration of X
hours. So be it. This shield is internally permeable. So be it.”
In crowded spaces, shrink the shield down to fit you like “shrink wrap.” Say “Shield,
shrink tight against my skin.” To return it to its former shape, say “Shield return to your
normal shape.”
Cutting AKA cords
Aka cords are etheric “tubes” that connect energy fields and allow for the transfer of energy
and information. These attach anytime you are physically close enough to other people for the
energy fields to connect, or any time you think deeply about another person. These cords can
transfer energy away from you, causing you to feel tired or weak. They can also transfer
energy into your system. As an Energy Empath, this is usually dense, dirty, or negative energy
that can have many negative impacts on your body, mind, and emotions if you cannot process
it through quickly enough. Cutting the negative Aka cords stops this transfer of energy.
1) The process to cut the negative Aka cords starts with visualizing the multitudes of cords
where they connect in your solar plexus and abdomen
2) Then imagine cutting them right next to the skin with a sharp knife, or laser beam or other
cutting object, saying as you do “cut negative cords”
3) Next, imagine drawing the ends back into your energy system and cover the area with ice
to cool the heat from this process and then cover the ice with earth
4) Finally, mentally seal the area with metal (like a suit of armor) to complete the closure
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Filtering AKA cords
Occasionally, your Soul will not let you cut an Aka cord because it is serving a higher purpose
to keep it connected. This usually happens when the Aka cord is with a close relative, but not
always. In these cases, you can filter the negative energy out before it reaches your body, and
eliminate the negative affect on you.
1) Start by visualizing the negative cord that cannot be cut and notice where it connects
2) Next, visualize a filter (like a strainer or coffee filter) that cuts across the cord and instruct it
to filter out all negative energy and emotions and visualize this negative energy running
down a downspout (like you would see on a gutter on a house) deep into the ground
3) You should feel immediate relief
4) Use the energy cleansing techniques to clean up your energy field
Disconnecting from “Energy Vampires”
If someone is draining energy from you, such as the feeling of
an “energy vampire,” you can help them get their energy needs
meet without cutting them off completely.
1) Start by visualizing the aka cord coming in from that person
as having two components. One part is sending energy from
the person and the other part is draining energy from you
2) Imagine grabbing the cord that is draining energy and pull it
out of you
3) Next, visualize connecting the end of that cord to the own
person’s higher self. One way to do this is to imagine a
brilliant white light above the person’s head and connect the
cord to it to obtain the energy they need
4) In this way, the person gets their replenishing energy from
the source they should have been accessing all along
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One way to clear excess or negative energy is to ground the energy into the earth through a
grounding cord. To do this, imagine a cord starting at the base of your spine and run it down
deep into the earth. Visualize the excess or negative energy flowing down this cord and dump
it out deep into the earth. There are beings in the earth which will use this energy.
There are many other ways to ground. Some of these are:
Exercise: Aerobics, jogging, walking, weight-lifting
Yoga and Tai -Chi
Hugging a tree
Petting/holding animals
Center in Unconditional Love
When you feel yourself hooked by an emotion, you can return to a calm state by following
these steps:
1) Take several slow deep breaths
2) Think of someone or something that you love unconditionally and feel this love in your
heart area and visualize it is a bright, sparkling white light
3) While continuing to breathe deeply, feel this love expanding throughout your body and
out into your energy field until you are saturated with love
4) Finally, extend this love to the source of the emotional upset and include a blessing as
described below
Return energetic or emotional “attacks” with an immediate and heartfelt blessing. Blessing
protects you, keeps you centered and calm while destroying or deflecting the attack, and has
positive effects on the perpetrator. The intention must be an unconditional blessing, NOT to
eliminate the attack (which is just a form of counter-attack).
Focus on your heart and project love as you think something such as “Bless this person with
divine light, love, understanding, and patience. May he/she have peace in his/her heart and
feel unconditional love.”
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Daily Energy Maintenance Procedure
It is important to adopt a daily procedure for keeping your energy bodies cleansed and
maintained. This should include activities upon awakening and getting ready for bed, and
during the day as you feel yourself being affected by negative or dirty energy. Following is a
sample program.
When You Awake
Say a prayer or affirmation to connect you with spirit
Cut your Aka cords
Cleanse your energy field with the spiritual waterfall
Setup your protective capsule
Do yoga or other energy stimulation exercises
Ground your energy
During the day
Cleanse your work area with the spiritual waterfall
Use your energy sensing abilities to make you aware of the quality of energy that
individuals or places have
Cut your Aka cords when you feel a negative energetic effect
Cleanse your energy field with the Burn and Purge method
Cleanse your energy field of hooks with the Energy Cleansing Machine technique
Reset your protective capsule as needed
Compress or expand your energy field as needed under the circumstance
Ground your energy periodically
Return psychic or energetic attacks with blessings
When You Prepare for Bed
Say a prayer of gratitude
Cut your Aka cords
Cleanse your energy field with the spiritual waterfall
Cleanse your bedroom and bed with the spiritual waterfall
Ground your energy
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Institute of Subtle
Energy Education
Visit to learn more about subtle energy and the services and products
available to support your growth as a spiritual being.
Soul Star Meditation CD
The Soul Star Meditation activates the 8th and 9th chakras, the
Soul Star and the Earth Star. This beautiful and relaxing
meditation is designed to gently shift your consciousness and
identification from your small ego-mind to your High-Self,
your Soul-Mind.
The Soul Star Meditation provides a powerful vehicle for
accelerating your spiritual development and raising your
consciousness. Listening to the CD one to three times per week
can lead to feelings of joy, peacefulness, and increased
intuitive awareness and wisdom.
This CD features the tranquil voices of Mark Youngblood and
LaRue Eppler, and is infused with a very high energetic
frequency that is transmitted to you while you listen to the audio.
The Soul Star CD has these benefits:
Opens the 8th and 9th chakras
Helps release ego identification and attachments
Helps increase Soul identification
Expands your Central Channel to increase the flow of high frequency energy from Spirit
Enhances Soul communication
And much more!
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The Quantum Clearing SystemTM (QCS)
The Quantum Clearing System is a simple but powerful tool for
transforming the patterns in your energy field. Your energy body
contains the blue-prints for every aspect of your life - your physical
health, your emotional well-being, your thoughts, your level of
spiritual evolution and the external circumstances of your life such as
relationships, prosperity, and environment.
Energy patterns in our aura vibrate with frequencies that manifest the
conditions of our lives. Using the QCS method, you can locate the
roots of these patterns in the specific energy level (physical, etheric,
astral, mental) and “clear it” -- eliminate the negative effects and
install the positive attraction that you want to take the negative
pattern’s place.
In this way you can rapidly transform your life experience and accelerate your spiritual
development as you rid yourself of low frequency energy patterns persistently over time!
The Quantum Clearing System serves to amplify any healing modality that you are already
using by amplifying the effectiveness of that technique and addressing aspects of the healing
that go beyond the other modality. QCS practitioners include master Reiki practitioners, EFT
users, pranic healers, acupuncturists, chiropractors, medical doctors and nurses, and
practitioners of many other healing methods.
Basic Energy Clearing DVD - Quantum Clearing SystemTM Level 1
This video features a simpler version of the Quantum Clearing System that clears entirely
through chakras. Since the chakras interpenetrate all of the levels of the energy body, it is
able to clear patterns throughout the energy system. It is effective for most routine needs
such as restoring emotional composure, eliminating anxiety and fear and creating feelings
of peacefulness and calm, supporting the healing of routine illnesses and injuries, and
addressing some of the conditions that affect our external life conditions.
Basic Energy Clearing can be performed by anyone. It is best for people who are new to
Energy Work or who will be using this tool primarily for themselves, family, and friends.
Advanced Energy Clearing DVD - Quantum Clearing SystemTM Level II
This video features an advanced version of the Quantum Clearing System that clears
through all of the levels of the energy body (physical, etheric, astral, mental, causal). It is
more powerful than QCS Level 1 because it targets the specific energy level where the root
of the negative energy pattern exists and clears it with a unique technique for that level.
Advanced QCS is effective for any need and can heal complex emotional wounding that
may go back many lifetimes, clear karmic patterns, transform external life circumstances of
any kind and support physical healing of any kind of illness or injury.
Advanced Energy Clearing is best for people who are experienced with Energy Work or
who will be using this tool not only for themselves but also for healing of many other
people as a part of their everyday healing practices.
© 2005-2012 Mark Youngblood
All Rights Reserved
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