sound and communications systems
sound and communications systems
SOUDIDAND COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS This systemconsistsof the following components: o . r o . productionsound/playbacksystem; programmesoundsystem; lobby soundsystem; headsetcommunicationsystem;and impairedhearingsystem. The amplifiersand other electronicequipmentfor all thesesystemsare locatedin an electronicsrack(s)in the control room. An isolatedgroundpower supplyhasbeeninstalled to power the racksandhasbeendistributedthroughoutthe theatre. Theseduplexoutletsare orangein colour and are easyto locate. Production Sound System This systemprovidesthe meansto createsoundeffectstapes,re-enforcesoundcomingfrom the stageandto play back soundeffects. It will consistof the following componentswhich are locatedin the control room: r o o r o (24 x 8 x 8) amixingconsole room monitor control system effects amplifiers cassettedecksandCD players sigrnl processingequipmentincludingEQ, delays,reverb(asdetailedin the tablebelow); o low leveljackfields(for microphonelinesandother input circuits); . high leveljackfields(for speakers); . prosceniumspeakersystem(4 MeyerUPA selfpoweredspeakers); o loosespeakersof varioustypes(asdetailedin the tablebelow); . loosemicrophonesof varioustypes(asdetailedin the tablebelow); o miscellaneous components(asdetailedin the tablebelow); All of the equipmentwill be locatedin the control room. The following tableprovidesa detailedlist of the productionsoundequipment: Schick Shiner And Associates Ltd Theatre Planning Design And Management Consultants Aue 18/03 PageT Table: ProductionSound Equipment Item Manufacturer Qtv Mixino Console With Ootions MonitorSvstemDioitalDelav MonitorSoeakers Allen and Heath GL-3300M-824C Rane AD-228 Yamaha MS-101 self nowered sneakers l\tlountinoBracket Omnimount StereoHeadohones Scnnhoicer ffects Power Amolifiers Frrnlr rtinn el1))Oi OSCRMX1450 Fffeets Power Amnlificrs OSC PLX 1202 CassetteTaoe Recorders Remote Control unil fascam ComoactDiscPlaver fascam CD-450 fascam 112-MKll fascam CD Plaver Remote EO Reverb 1 Ashfev Proiea 4 24 dioital FA Dioital Delav Comnressors 1 TC Flectronir:s D-TWO dhv 266X1 a JacKields {low level'l I\I-ONtr A\/P OA nninf Ranfnn PatchCords lankfoild 30 LF-2- Black 3n F-2- Red Patch Cords Patch Cords Holder Jackfields(soeaker) 1 Uiddle Atlanlic Claw Allstar lorrinmenf Raek Frrll \Iiddle Atlantie 1 MiddleAtlantic (castor base) louioment Rack Aux Rack )roscenium Soeaker Svstem inrrnrl Svsiem TC FleeJrnnins lnnec 4 Mever [JPA-1P 4 *rsnension Hardware Fnrrinmenl Soeakers: ,BL MPROMP212 JBL EON 15OO SrrsnensionKits.lBl trON 1500 JBL AM6225/95 tRt At 6125 Loudsoeaker ExtensionCables ar rcnancinn lli+c \rcnoneinn Kitc Al 4125 A [iA2?R/OA \llstar3m 1 0 Allctar 1Om 1 Micronhones & Aceessories h lhrrrc model Beta 5RA A ihrrre model Beta 57A 4 lrown model PCC 160 Micronhone Stancls h (9,^n tn4 It Qfraiahl Qlandc - hlanl <&l\A ?1o/2 Bnam .Stands - hlack <*"1\i )4q I nw I orrol Rnnm - hlank <&t\A)AOI1 lvlic Arms - hlack 4 (n"^,n t2,t14 Tqhla lnn cfandc - hlanl a )iaiflex 3m I fioiflex 5m 1 0 )ioiflex 10m 5 rly'ireless Micronhone Svslem i )ioiflnx 12m icnnheiccr trvnh rtinn 535 1 rortable Case Schick Shiner And Associates Ltd Theatre Planning Design And Management Consultants Aue 18/03 Page8 Microphoneand speakercircuitsare distributedthroughoutthe theatrein numerouslocations and are terminatedin the low levelpatchfield (microphonelines)andhigh levelpatchfield (speakerlines). The following tablesprovidethe locations: Table: MicrophoneGircuits CIRCUIT M1to6 M7to18 M'19 Ntr20 lo 25 M26 M27 [4 28 [/l 29 N/30 [4 31 N/32 M33 M34 M35 N/36.37 NI38. 39 vt40,41 Table: SpeakerCircuits LOCATION CIRCUIT OrchestraPit Downstaoeleft SP1.2 SP3.4 SP5.6 S P7 . 8 sP9.10 sP11.12 s P 1 3 .1 4 [Jo staoe centre Downstaoe Rioht Staoe left lower cove Staoe rioht lower cove Ar rd eido nf nif faeo in audience left in arrdience eentrc in ar rdicnnc rinhf [Jo Staoe Centre Wall Staoe Left Wall Staoe rioht lower eove Aud side of oit face Staoe left lower cove Staoe rioht uDoer cove Sfaoe left lrnner cove sP 35,36,37 sP 38.39 FOH liohtinooioe Trao Room StaoeRiohtWall s P 1 9 .2 0 3P 23.24 sP 25.26 3 P2 7 . 2 8 s P 2 9 .3 0 .3 1 sP 32. 33. 34 Aud left Follow soot Aud rioht Follow soot Staoe rioht catwalk Staoe left catwalk OrchestraPit s P 1 5 .1 6 s P 1 7 .1 8 s P2 1 . 2 2 ln seatino Vomitorvrailino LOCATION s P 4 0 .4 1 s P4 2 . 4 3 5f 44,4C Staoe left catwalk Staoe rioht catwalk Aud left rear oioe Arrd rinht rcar nine Staoe rioht above oros Staoe centre above oros StaoeleftaboveDros Grid level rear wall FOH nine Aud riohtverticalliohtino Aud leftverticalliqhtino Thereare a nrmber of line level circuitswhich canbe usedfor a numberof purposesandare terminatedin the low levelpatchfield. Theseare detailedin the following table: Table: Line Level Circuits CIRCUIT - L 1 3t o 1 6 -L9to12 1to4 -L5to8 Schick Shiner And Associates Ltd Theatre Planning Design And Management Consultants LOCATION Staoe Left wall Staoe Riohtwall Orcheslre Pit Rehearsal Hall A u s 1 8/ 0 3 Page9 ProgrammeSound System This systemtakesthe soundfrom the stagevia two microphonesmountedon the "front of house"pipe androutesit to backstagelocations,suchasthe dressingrooms,allowingpeople in thesespacesto hearwhat is happeningon stage. In additionit allowspagingfrom the control room andbackstageto thoseareas.Eachof the progratnmesoundspeakershasa volumeconhol allowingthe soundlevelto be controlledin eacharea. A relaywill override the volume control and bring a pagein at a predeterminedlevel no matter wherethe volume controlshavebeenset. Programmesoundpagemicrophonesare locatedin the following areas: '. o o o conhol room; back stageright; back stageleft; and in the houseposition(seating). The following tableprovidesthe locationof programmesoundspeakerlocations: Table: ProgrammeSound Circuits ccT LOCATION 1 Tran Room Grcen FIonm S2 )s3 rsa rs5 Cnefi rme Slnmda I'lraccinn Flaam Chnrrre flrcseinn fs6 {1 Rnnm rlru fs7 I )sq fs,t0 )sl rs'12 fs 13 rs 14 15 fs 1R )s 1q )s 2n )s 21 )s22 23 >s 24 JS 25 Dressino Floom Hallwav Chorus Dressind Room Rahaercal Stanc lbll Flinhl Tran R Coet Check Board Floom Slade Flidht Wind Slair well to Dressind Rooms Wdrkshon Horrse Mor Lobbv Stade Left Wino Box Office l-lallwa\/ Cnnlrnl ch^n/ Rnnm linhlinn Control Room oroiection Control Room sound Offica Control Room Ohsaruation Kitchen Schick Shiner And Associates Ltd TheatrePlanning Design And Management Consultants AueLS/03 Pagel0 Lobby Sound System This systemis similar to the ProgrammeSoundSystemand feedssoundinto the lobby from severalpotentialsourcesincluding: . . pre-recordedmusicandeffectsfrom the mixing console; show feed from the program soundsystem;and pagesfrom pagemicrophonein variouslocations. In addition to the abovethere is a lobby call (chime) systemwarning the audiencethe show is aboutto begin. The chimeis activatedby a pushbutton on a panelin the audiosoundrack in the control room. Pagemicrophoneswill be locatedin the following locations: o box office . control room and o housemanager'spositionin the lobby. The following tableprovidesthe locationof lobby soundspeakerlocations: Table: Lobby Sound Circuits ccr _sl _s2 LOCATION Lower lavel hall Au.l Ridht Female W/C Arrd Rldhl Male W/C 4 _s8 s9 _s s s Hell bv Au.l Rldht W/C I dhhv Mein I aval I dhbv Main I dvel I nhhv I aval Lobbv Main Level | ^hhv Main I avel Lobbv Main Level | ntrtrv M^in I evel | ^hhv firain I avAl Lobbv Main Level Galleru Galleru s s s Ail.l lafi Famala W/a A' 'r'l laf irrla W/.: Hall bv Arrrl I efl W/C sro _s 21 s22 s23 _s 24 s25 s Fl^rr.l Pn^m Lobbv 2n.l I 6vel I nhhv I aval 2nd Lobbv 2nd Level Lobbv 2nd Level 2n.l I evel Female W/C 2n.l I evel Male 2A -s 29 Schick Shiner And Associates Ltd TheahePlanning Design And Management Consultants I nmr levcl Mele W Lower level Female WC Aue 18/03 PageI I HeadsetCommunicationsSystem This systemof headsetsis usedby the theakerunningcrew to communicateto eachother duringperfonnancesandrehearsals. It consistsof a power supplyand numberof headsetoutletsdistributedthroughoutthe theatre. In order to usethe systema technicianconnectsa headsetto a belt pack (transmitter/receiver) which is in turn connectedto a wall outlet. The following tableprovidesthe locationof the headsetoutlets: Table: HeadSetGircuits ccT LOCATION ts1 OrchestraPit F{s ? Tran Rnom HS3 HS4 Rehearsal Hall Down Staoe Left HS5 Down Staoe Rioht HS6 HS7 [Jn staoe Centre Stane Riaht Winn HS8 Staoe Rioht Lower Cove HS9 StaoeLeft LowerCove HS10 HS1 HS 12 Slaoe Left Wino H S1 3 {s 14 Audience Centre ts 15 Box Office Control Room Liohtino {s {s ls ls 16 17 18 19 ln seaiino ln seaiino House Mor lobbv Conlrol Room Proieciion ls 20 ls 21 Conirol Room Sound Dimmer Room Aud Left Follow Soot Aud Rioht Follow Soot 1522 Slaoe Rioht lJnner Cove ts 23 Staoe Left ijooer Cove 1S 24 Staoe Rioht Catwalk ls 25 ls 26 ls 27 Staoe Left Catwalk FOH Pioe ls 28 I oadino Cahrualk {s 29 ls 30 Green Room Vomitorium Entrance ls 31 GridRearWall UooerAudienceCrossover Schick Sh'iner And Associates Ltd Theatre Planning Design And Management Consultants Aue 18/03 Page12 Equipment related to the headsetsystemis as follows: Item otv 2 Channel Main Station 2 Channel Belt Packs 1 Channel Belt Packs Belt Pack ConnectionCable Manufacturer llearCom PS 22 llearCom RS-5O2 llnarCom RS-50'l \llstar 24 ft \llstar '12 ft \llstar 6 fl Sinole Muff Headsets llearCom CC-95 Hearing Impaired System This is a systemwhich takesthe soundfrom the stageandprocessesit throughan infrared emitter. The audio signalis modulatedon the infraredtransmissionsand the hearingimpaired membersof the audience,throughthe useof a receiverandheadset,canlistento the performance. The elecfronicsare locatedin the soundrack in the control room andthe input signalwill be from the two microphonesusedfor the programsoundsystem.Therewill be two emitters mountedon eachsideof the prosceniumarchcloseto the stage. This systemusesthe two programmesoundmicrophonesastheir signalsource. Equipmentrelatedto this systemis as follows: Table: InfraredHearlngAssistSystem Item atv Transmitter Radiators Receivers dhatterv Battarv Charner Manufacturer Sennheiser Sl-1015 Sennheiser SZI-1 01 5 S c n n h e i s c r R l - 15 0 / B A l 5 1 nack DisoosableFoam Earoieces iennhciser 5( | -1 51 -1 O fannhniser AccessDoors Thereshallbe 2- 6" accessdoorsor pipes,with caps,at the following locationsto allow audiocableand 'snakes"to be run betweenvariouslocations: . trap room to orchestrapit stageright; o trap room to orchestrapit stageleft; Schick Shiner And Associates Ltd Theatre Planning Design And Management Consultants Aue 18/03 PageI 3 . . . . . trap room to stageleft; trap room to stageright; orcheshapit to the centreof the audiencechamberlower andupper audience crossovef aisles; orchestrapit to the control room (with accessin the rehearsalroom); and through exterior wall by stageleft wing. Power Disconnects As the buildingmust adaptto the needsof the usersa numberof power disconnectpanelsare providedfor the connectionof equipmentwhich mayrequirea largepower souce. This equipmentcould includewelders,projectionequipment,motorsandother stagemachinery. Disconnectlocationsare as follows: . trap Room (100amp- 3 phase); . stageright wing (100amp- 3 phase); o stageleft wing (l00amp - 3 phase); . rear of the stageat centreline (100 amp- 3 phase);and o rear of the stageat grid level(100 amp- 3 phase). SchickShiner And AssociatesLtd TheatrePlanning Design And Management Consultants Aue 18/03 Page14 THEATRB RIGGING SYSTEM Theatre Fire Curtain The fire curtain will be a straight lift unframedZeteccurtain on a manualcounterweight systememployingline set#1. The fire curtainwill be releasedby meansof a manualpull handle,activation of fusible links and by the fire alarrnsystemthrough the activationof a electro-thermallink. The systemwill includesmokepocketsand an hydraulic descent damper. Theatre Counterweight Rigging System The stagerigging systemwill consistof approximately26linesetson approximately10" centres.Eighteenof theselinessetwill be 1200lb singlepurchasesetswhile 8 will be 1200 lb doublepurchaselinesets.Pipebattenswill be approximatelyl2900mm long. The locking rail will be on the mid stagecatwalk. Four spot line systemslift the multi-cable dropsfor the stagelighting systemwhenthe lightingpipesareat their trim position. There will be a pin rail on stageleft, mid levelcatwalk,to tie off the spot lines. Due to the shallowness of the wingselbowpipesareprovidedto enablethe blackmasking (legsandtraveller)to be angleddownstageat the offstageendof the pipe to completelymask the wings. The main drapevalancewill be deadhungon a plpe immediatelyupstageof the fire curtain (betweenthe fne curtain and the main drape). The following tableprovidesthe equipmentincludedin the rigging system: Tabler Stage Rlgging System Item Manufacturer Qtv Riooino f)ead Hrrna Valence Pine loel Theatrieal Rinoinn Double Purchase Linesets Sinole Purchase Linesets Soot Line Loft Blocks and line Cable Cradles Belav Pins ioel Theatrical Riooino A ioel Theatrical Riooino 4 \ltman Joel Theatrical Riooino Flhow Raffens F loel Thaatrieal Flinninn Pine Stiffeners SchickShinerAnd AssociatesLtd Theatre Planning Design And Management Consultants Joel Theatrical loel Theatrical Riooino Riooino Aus 18/03 Pagel5 The following tableprovidesa basichouseplot: Table: Rigging System Hanging Plot PIPE# USE Dead huno Main Draoe Velence MainDraoe z Leo 4 Soare Soare I idhfind a Piha 1 b Snare 7 I Border I Liohtino Pioe 2 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Leo Soare Soare Snare Border Traveler Soare Soare Border Liohtino Pioe 3 19 lan 20 Soare 2'l Border 22 23 leo LiohtinoPioe4 24 Borr'lar 25 26 Scrim Cvc StageDraperies The facility hasa full set of stagedraperiesincludingthe following: Table: Stage Draperies Item Qtv Manufacturer Vain Draoe Main Draoe Valance loel Theatriml Rioninn loel Theatric:l Riooina Vaskino I eos Ioel Theatrical Riooino forders fraveller fraveller Track Joel Theatrical Riooino loal Theairiml Rionina lvc lnal Thaafrical Riaoinn Scrim(White) Joel Theatrical Riooino Schick Shiner And Associates Ltd Theatre Planning Design And Management Consultants lnel Thealriml Riooino Pagel6