2009 - St. Mary`s Healthcare System for Children


2009 - St. Mary`s Healthcare System for Children
Report to Our Communities
St. Mary’s
Healthcare System
for Children
Jeffrey K. Frerichs
Burton Grebin, MD
President & Chief Executive Officer
Stephen Brent Wells
Edwin F. Simpser, MD
Vice Chairman
Executive Vice President, Chief Medical Officer &
Chief Operating Officer
William A. DeMilt
Secretary & Treasurer
Amos Brotter
Mortimer H. Chute, Jr.
Ruth Colp-Haber
Norman M. Feinberg
Bernard Haber
Cindy S. Johnson
Samuel R. Karetsky
Thomas Kissane
Henry T. Lievre
Sarah K. Moss
Raymond M. Planell, Esq.
Vincent L. Riso
Richard E. Tanenbaum, Esq.
Claire Shulman, RN
Honorary Director
Burton Grebin, MD
President & Chief Executive Officer
Mother Miriam, CSM
Sr. Mary Jean, CSM
Eileen Chisari, RN, MS, MSEd, LNHA
Senior Vice President for Administration &
Organizational Development
Jan Mittan, CFRE
Vice President, Development & Communications
Michael Pasternack, Esq.
General Counsel
Lynn Gardiner Seim, MSN, RN
Vice President, Community Programs
Pincus D. Zagelbaum, MBA, LNHA
Vice President, Chief Financial Officer
T H E S T. M A R Y ’S D I F F E R E N C E
S P E C I A L E V E N T S F O R S T. M A R Y ’S
G I V I N G TO S T. M A R Y ’S
S T. M A R Y ’S L E A D E R S H I P
Today, one in five children in the United States has a special need. In New york, that
equates to 800,000 children—a number that is growing.
IN My SPARE TIME I can often be found with a Nikon D300 around my neck and a viewfinder
affixed to my eye. Looking through the lens of a camera, I am an active observer of the world around
me. I relish the subtle nuances in the expressions of my grandchildren as well as the humbling
majesty of scenescapes—both of which are equally conspicuous through the window of my
camera. Perhaps it is this same sense of active observation that drew me to pediatrics some 40
years ago.
Medicine is part knowledge and part detective work. The truly smart clinicians are the ones who ask
the right questions, rather than immediately volunteer answers. My dear mother must have been on
to something when she repeatedly chided, “You were born with two ears and one mouth—so listen
twice as hard before you speak.”
The power of observation is critical when working with children, who for the most part are unable to
present their symptoms. In my experience, listening to patients and families and careful observation
will lead you 90 percent of the way down the road to the right diagnosis and course of action.
That’s when clinical skills, lab results, and technology enter the equation to confirm what was
already assumed.
It is this same sense of active observation that has guided St. Mary’s to design and implement
cutting edge programs year after year for children with special needs. Today, one in five children in
the United States has a special need. In New York, that equates to 800,000 children—a number that
is growing. With a pioneering spirit and genuine desire to make a difference in the lives of New
York’s children, St. Mary’s is driven continuously to identify populations in need, create innovative
programs and services, and deliver these services in the most appropriate care setting.
This formula has served St. Mary’s and New York’s children well for generations and has resulted in
innovative and widely replicated pediatric programs such as palliative care, traumatic brain injury,
chronic pain management, specialized home care services, medical day care programs, and
therapeutic recreation programs. It has also helped propel St. Mary’s to be a national leader in
pediatric health issues and specialized care.
The genesis for every one of our programs stems from the observation of emerging needs and the
creativity and determination of St. Mary’s clinical experts to find a solution. We encourage our
clinicians to use their niche areas of expertise to develop and grow appropriate and meaningful
programs to help improve the health and quality of life for our children.
In the following pages you will get to meet some of St. Mary’s experts and learn about the
differences they make in the lives of the children and families we serve. I am pleased to share our
journeys and invite you to observe St. Mary’s in action.
Thank you for your continued support.
Burton Grebin, MD
President & Chief Executive Officer
S T. M A R y ’S H E A LT H C A R E S y S T E M F O R C H I L D R E N
S T. M A R y ’ S H E A LT H C A R E S y S T E M F O R C H I L D R E N
C I N DY S . J O H N S O N
CHAIR 2004-2008
S T. M A R y ’ S H E A LT H C A R E S y S T E M F O R C H I L D R E N
NEARLy 140 yEARS AGO, St. Mary’s began its pioneering work of rebuilding lives and restoring
hope for children with special needs and their families. Now a century and a half later, St. Mary’s
continues to stay on the forefront of pediatric rehabilitation and specialized care for thousands of
New York’s most remarkable children. Thanks to our talented clinicians, exceptional programs, and a
little out of the box thinking, we are able to dramatically improve the health and quality of life for
children with special needs and life-limiting conditions. It’s our goal. It’s our desire. It’s what St. Mary’s
is all about.
We are pleased to present this report to help illustrate the breadth and scope of the programs and
services St. Mary’s provides each and every day.
They come to us with vast expertise.
They come bringing an extraordinary level of commitment.
They come providing specialized care and specialized services.
They come, they help our children heal and thrive.
Anu Samuel, OTR/L and Brigid Tobin, DPT
Early Intervention/Community Rehabilitation
John Paul Rincon, PT
John Paul knew from the start that pediatrics was his calling. He continues to push the
envelope in children’s rehabilitation.
“QUICK, NAME FIVE CHARACTERS from Spongebob,” John Paul
Rincon challenges 12-year-old Rosie while positioning her leg. No,
this is not a trivia game. It’s not a game at all. This is physical
therapy, John Paul style.
“At St. Mary’s we understand the importance of getting to know our
patients—their likes and dislikes, their interests and hobbies,” says
John Paul. Therapy sessions are individualized and incorporate
personal interests into the program to help keep the children
motivated and engaged during rigorous therapy.
Rosie fires off the names of her favorite cartoon characters while
holding the therapy pose throughout the trivia challenge. Then, she
walks across the gym for a well-deserved rest on the mats—an
incredible feat for a girl who was unable to walk just months before
when every bone in her left leg was crushed in a car accident.
Wii in Rehab
St. Mary’s has introduced an innovative therapeutic tool
to encourage kids to get up and get moving—the
Nintendo Wii. The Wii forces players to use their whole
body to play virtual games like baseball, tennis, and golf.
Wii is not only fun, it allows children the opportunity to
just be kids while challenging them physically. St. Mary’s
is conducting the first research project to study the
effectiveness of this computer-based game in facilitating
rehabilitation goals for children with special healthcare
needs. It is currently in its second trial by LeeAnne
Bonnet, PhD, and John Paul Rincon, PT.
But rehabilitation at St. Mary’s is not just fun and games. It
combines innovative treatment strategies and diverse talents that
help our kids reach their full potential. Our holistic approach
includes state-of-the-art physical, occupational, speech, and
behavioral therapies along with art and music therapy, pastoral
care, and complementary care like yoga, Reiki, and aromatherapy.
The Cullen Family Infant Stimulation Program helps babies reach
their developmental milestones during their stay in St. Mary’s
state-of-the-art Nursery unit. St. Mary’s rehabilitation therapies are
delivered at the Hospital, at home, or in the community.
For John Paul, being a part of a multi-disciplinary team makes his
work more meaningful and helps drive more successful outcomes.
“Working as a team with physicians, nurses, and other rehab staff
allows us to see things from many perspectives. While the
pathways may overlap, our goals are different,” he explains.
John Paul is also part of a special group of clinicians on the Palliative
Care Team who work with our most critically ill children. ”St. Mary’s
is a very special place,” he smiles as he shares the triumph of a very
sick little girl with an inoperable brain tumor. Mary’s condition had
gradually worsened, leaving her unable to move and confined to
bed. Her grandparents were her guardians and devoted to her. Fate
dealt the family another blow when her grandfather became
gravely ill. Her grandmother was devastated and pleaded to “make
her walk again.” Little by little, Mary began to improve. “At first she
was curled up in bed. Now she’s walking. While we’re nondenominational, there is a lot of spirit that keeps these kids going,”
John Paul shares.
John Paul learned of St. Mary’s through a patient’s family while
finishing up his internship in a private practice. He joined St. Mary’s
Care at Home Program and the rest is history.
He continues to push the envelope in children’s rehabilitation by
furthering his education and credentials with the coveted APTA
designation as a certified pediatric specialist. But to John Paul, it’s
the kids at St. Mary’s who are the real winners.
Going for the Gold
jumped, they
ran, they
threw, and
they won!
St. Mary’s
Duaa proudly wears her Empire State Games medal
around her neck as she cuts a congratulations cake.
for the first
time ever at the Empire State Games for the Physically
Challenged. Entering a variety of track and field events,
St. Mary’s kids received loud cheers from the audience as
they walked away with eight gold and four silver medals
under their belts. Way to go kids!
S T. M A R y ’S H E A LT H C A R E S y S T E M F O R C H I L D R E N
Yuseon Kim, RN
For yuseon, being a nurse at St. Mary’s is not just a job. Improving the lives of our
infants and toddlers is part of her life.
WHEN yUSEON KIM came to the United States six years ago, she
knew she was about to embark on an adventure that would
change her life forever. Shortly after arriving, Yuseon accepted a
nursing position in St. Mary’s Nursery unit, a world apart from her
work in an adult medical-surgical unit in her native Korea.
Yuseon’s days were full of
excitement—and a bit of
trepidation—as she learned to care
for medically fragile children, as well
as tackle a new language and a new
culture. “I thought it would be
difficult to come from a foreign
country and adapt. And while at
times it was challenging, the kids,
the staff, and the entire hospital
made my transition easier,” she says.
St. Mary’s warm and nurturing environment helped Yuseon settle
in and hone her clinical and interpersonal skills as a pediatric nurse.
She credits her colleagues for helping her grow professionally
and for their collaborative approach to care. “We all share our
knowledge and daily experiences we encounter with the children,
so we learn what each child needs and wants, and we cater to that,”
she explains. “We work as a team to promote growth, health and
overall improvement for the children.”
For the past six years, Yuseon has spent time working in both the
Nursery and Toddler units, where she has had the opportunity to
make a difference in the lives of some very young and very sick
children. In particular, she will never forget baby Owen, who made
her realize that miracles can happen.
Owen came to St. Mary’s as a non-responsive infant with severe
respiratory issues. He cried during most of his infancy. For two years,
Yuseon was his caregiver in the Nursery, cradling him when he
cried and calming him when he became agitated. Due to his
complex medical condition, many clinicians, including Yuseon,
thought he might never walk. “It’s disheartening to think a child
might never experience the joy of walking. As a nurse, you can
provide the best medical care. You can offer support and love.
And you can pray and hope all you want, but sometimes the worst
is inevitable,” Yuseon remarks.
But Owen had other ideas in mind and now he walks around the
hospital like he owns the place. “It was unbelievable to see him walk
for the first time. It filled up my heart and I thought that perhaps
I played a small part in his recovery. It was truly a miracle.”
While humble and unassuming in nature, Yuseon continues to play
a large part in improving the quality of life for the children of
St. Mary’s. “I feel like these kids are my own children. I take pride in
their accomplishments and I’m there to give them encouragement
every step of the way.” To Yuseon, St. Mary’s is not just a job, it’s part
of her life.
St. Mary’s Nurses Go Above and Beyond
Elizabeth Vazquez, RN, didn’t
need to think twice about
helping out a family in need.
She volunteered to accompany
her 12-year-old patient to the
Dominican Republic to be reunited with her family for
end of life care. Elizabeth boarded the small plane along
with the child’s mother to ensure safe passage during the
long flight. Upon landing, Elizabeth traveled with the
family to the hospital in Santo Domingo where she
educated medical staff on the young patient’s condition
and care needs. She flew home the next morning
comforted that she was able to grant a family’s wish and
facilitate a continuity of care for a very special young girl.
St. Mary’s Handles Kids with Care
St. Mary’s staff
has developed
an effective
program to help
prevent injury in
children with
Osteopenia, a
common in medically fragile children whose brittle
bones can easily be fractured or broken. St. Mary’s
Handles Kids with Care provides specialized training and
safety protocols to reduce the risk and incidence of
fractures. The program also includes St. Mary’s new
adaptive clothing line, Safety with a Snap, which allows
staff to modify family-purchased clothing with ties, snaps
or Velcro to reduce the need to pull fragile extremities
through the garments and minimize the risk of fracture.
The program so impressed the Department of Health
that they’ve requested we share our approach with other
hospitals and long-term care facilities. The program was
also featured at the 2008 Building Bridges National
S T. M A R y ’S H E A LT H C A R E S y S T E M F O R C H I L D R E N
Case Management
Marygrace Faughnan, RN
Case Manager
Marygrace wouldn’t trade her work for anything. Everyday, she coordinates a dizzying
array of services to keep medically fragile children at home with their families.
ASK MARyGRACE FAUGHNAN how many kids she has and you’ll
get an extraordinary response. At last count it was 25. That’s the
number of children Marygrace cares for each day as a Case
Manager for St. Mary’s Care at Home Program. “I love these kids.
They’re a big part of my life,” she says.
Marygrace, a Registered Nurse,
works with special children and
their families who require ongoing,
complex medical care, but receive it
in the comfort of home. On any
given day, she coordinates a
dizzying array of services to keep
medically fragile children at home
with their families. Services include
finding private duty nurses,
attending school meetings, coordinating multiple therapies,
dealing with regulatory agencies, working with contractors on
environmental modifications to the home, and providing support
to the child’s family. For Marygrace, it’s all in a day’s work.
What drives her to go above and beyond for her children? “Their
resilience and love for life,” she explains. “Kids with disabilities adapt
to life focusing on what they can do, rather than what they can’t.”
Her face lights up as she recalls a 3-year-old boy from early in her
career at St. Mary’s as a Child Care Technician. This sole survivor of a
terrible house fire endured great loss and suffered serious injuries at
such a tender age, yet was so full of life. He cheered up everyone
around him. Experiences like this helped define Marygrace’s career
path and encouraged her to become a nurse.
The children in her program are not the only heroes. She finds
parents to be equally inspiring. Take Irma and John Villafane, for
example, who care for their twin boys at home. 10-year-old Elijah
and Evan were born healthy and developing appropriately, but
something quickly went wrong. Every developmental milestone
they reached during infancy was soon lost—and they eventually
needed help with tasks as basic as breathing. Both boys are
dependent on respirators to live and require extensive nursing care
to manage their still undiagnosed condition. “The family never
complains. They handle their children’s medical fragility with such
strength,” admires Marygrace. She has worked with the Villafanes
from the very beginning when she helped to set up a mini ICU in
their home. Marygrace continues to help the family navigate the
challenges associated with caring for such seriously ill children.
you Should Know…
St. Mary's Health Care System for Children pioneered the
first and largest long-term home healthcare program for
children in New York State. Today, our home and
community programs include both short- and long-term
programs and services.
• St. Mary’s Long Term Home Health Care Program
Services and case management for children with
chronic, complex medical problems who require home
healthcare services over an extended period of time.
• St. Mary’s Metropolitan Home Care for Kids*
Short-term home care services for children and new
mothers and their babies.
• St. Mary’s Community Care Professionals**
Specialty rehabilitation, nursing, and personal care
services for children, adults, and other home care
agencies and institutions.
• St. Mary’s Case Management:
Care at Home, Medicaid Service Coordination, and
Nursing Home Transition and Diversion Programs
Comprehensive case management for the delivery of
multi-disciplinary services to children and families.
• St. Mary’s AIDS Home Care Program
• St. Mary’s AIDS/HIV Mental Health Program
• St. Mary’s Vehicular Access to Neighborhoods
(V.A.N.) Program. Transportation for care teams to
deliver treatment to children in difficult to serve areas.
*Certified Home Health Agency
Marygrace joined the St. Mary’s team in 1981. Over the past 27
years, she has worn many hats—from Child Care Technician and RN
to providing nursing expertise to the Medical Day Care, Long Term
Home Health Care, and Vehicular Access to Neighborhoods (V.A.N.)
Programs. When Marygrace and her real family moved to Long
Island, she moved along with St. Mary’s to the Melville-based Care
at Home Program. Thanks to her dedication, Marygrace makes a
difference in her children’s lives every day.
S T. M A R y ’S H E A LT H C A R E S y S T E M F O R C H I L D R E N
**Licensed Home Care Service Agency
Michael Sayers, CCC-SLP
Speech Lanuage Pathologist
Anu Samuel, OTR/L
Occupational Therapist
Brigid Tobin, DPT
Physical Therapist
Anu • Brigid • Michael
Early Intervention • Community Rehabilitation
From Trump Tower to the most underserved areas, Brigid, Anu, and Mike make 1,000
Early Intervention visits a year. St. Mary’s Mobile Program truly sets us apart.
EACH MORNING, rehabilitation therapists Brigid Tobin, Anu
Samuel, and Mike Sayers pack up and drive to work together in a
white mini-van. But this is no ordinary carpool. The three colleagues
are part of an innovative mobile program at St. Mary’s that
evaluates infants and toddlers for developmental delays.
While early childhood is a time full of milestones and surprises, for
parents it can also be fraught with uncertainty and concern over
their child’s development. St. Mary’s mobile Early Intervention (EI)
Program enables physical, occupational, and speech therapists to
work in tandem to provide a multi-disciplinary evaluation. The team
may also enlist the assistance of a special education teacher and
social worker, depending on the child’s needs. This tag-team
approach streamlines and accelerates the evaluation process, a
welcome benefit for concerned parents.
Early Intervention is a nationwide program that helps identify and
treat developmental delays in children from newborn to 3 years of
age. Parents have access to state approved experts who evaluate
their children in any of the five common areas of development:
cognition (thinking skills), communication (expressive and receptive
language skills), physical/movement (body, arm, and leg skills),
adaptive (daily living skills), and social-emotional skills. Should
evaluation findings indicate that a child meets the EI qualification
guidelines, then the child and family are eligible to receive services
from a New York State EI-approved agency like St. Mary’s.
St. Mary’s evaluates and treats thousands of infants and toddlers at
our inpatient facilities, in our preschool, and in the home and
community. “But it’s our mobile program that truly sets us a part
from other organizations,” explains Brigid Tobin. “I don’t know of any
other EI providers that offer such a unique program.”
the pieces of the puzzle together.”
“It’s so rewarding to watch their progress,” adds Brigid as she recalls
Ruth, a sweet girl she first met at 18-months old. “She depended on
a ventilator to breathe, she couldn’t walk or move, and her bones
were so fragile other care givers were hesitant to lift her out of bed.
In the two years I worked with her, she learned to walk and breathe
on her own. It’s absolutely remarkable to witness and to know that
you played a part in her success.”
In addition to performing evaluations, Anu, Brigid, and Mike treat
patients in St. Mary’s Home Care and Pediatric Day Healthcare
Programs. Like many of St. Mary’s exceptional staff, they were drawn
to working with children early in their careers. What is it about St.
Mary’s kids that attracted their attention? All three agree the work is
challenging and rewarding. “When working with young children,
you can maximize their potential no matter what the diagnosis,”
explains Mike. “You have the opportunity to positively impact their
development and future.”
The Early Intervention Program (EIP) is a public program for children under the age of three
who are either suspected of having or at risk for developmental delays or disabilities.
Potentially eligible children must be referred to the Growing Up Healthy Hotline at
1.800.522.5006 to receive EIP services. EIP is funded by New York State and county
governments. All EIP services are provided at no cost to parents. Health insurance may be
used for approved services. A child’s eligibility for the program can be determined only by
state-approved evaluators under contract, and all services must be authorized by the county.
Early Education at St. Mary’s
St. Mary’s focus on Early Education gives children with
special needs the opportunity to grow, explore, and
reach developmental milestones. St. Mary’s offers an
Early Education and Preschool Program at our Bayside
campus for community children with special needs.
We have one of New York’s largest EI evaluation and
treatment programs. Our staff not only educate children,
they also educate colleagues and therapists across the
metro area as faculty of the State Department of Health’s
EI Trainings coordinated by the InterAgency Council.
“It’s a well orchestrated event,” says Mike Sayers of each of the 1,000
visits the team makes per year. “We travel from the most lavish
apartments in Trump Tower to the most underserved areas in New
York with up to four or five different clinicians on board.”
“Collaboration gives us a bigger picture of the child,” adds Anu
Samuel. “For example, during an evaluation, a special educator may
notice that the child doesn’t play with a toy, which may indicate a
cognitive issue. However, the physical therapist notices that the
child lacks the strength to lift the toy. Working together helps us put
S T. M A R y ’S H E A LT H C A R E S y S T E M F O R C H I L D R E N
St. Mary’s kids participate in “It’s Easy Being Green,” an
environmental recreation program at Flushing Meadows Park
funded by the Roslyn Savings Foundation.
St. Mary’s Parent Empowerment Workshops help parents better
manage the challenges of caring for special needs children.
The sensory-rich Vecta Distraction Station funded by each one
counts foundation provides visual, auditory and tactile
St. Mary’s kids are treated like VIPs at the Jets training camp at
Hofstra University.
St. Mary’s Kids at Roslyn with Extraordinary Pediatrics opens,
offering Early Education programs and specialty camps like Camp
Helping Hands.
St. Mary’s ongoing car seat fittings and bike helmet giveaways
help keep NY’s kids safe.
Highlights &
St. Mary’s Palliative Care Program receives honors from Children’s
Hospice International.
St. Mary’s receives a legislative proclamation for pioneering the
first Care at Home program in NY.
NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg visits with St. Mary’s patients and
A focus on Early Education, like our innovative Integrated
Preschool Program, is integral to our care philosophy at St. Mary’s.
The NY Jets pay a visit to St. Mary’s Hospital for Children.
Anne Craig from Fox 5’s Good Day NY brings along her Broadway
friends for a special command performance for St. Mary’s kids.
Nassau County Executive Thomas Suozzi hosts a press conference
announcing St. Mary’s partnership with Belmont Park.
St. Mary’s Traumatic Brain Injury Program is the featured cover
story of Advance for Nurses and Advance for Physical Therapists.
Innovation, achievement, and recognition—the well-deserved dividends of dedication
to the children and families served by St. Mary’s.
Our extraordinary staff continues to raise the bar in pediatric post-acute care with the introduction or
enhancement of exciting programs and treatment strategies. Their pioneering spirit is recognized around
the world—from here in New York to Europe and the Far East—as a model of care to help children with
special needs achieve a higher quality of life.
difficult procedures and tests while helping them focus on
achieving their goals. In addition, therapists have witnessed firsthand the improvement in their patient’s condition.
TeleHealth: We’re Just a Click Away
St. Mary’s Home Care staff cared for 26 young patients both up
close and personal and with “virtual” visits through the use of
telehealth equipment provided by a grant from the Department of
Health. Telehealth allows us to monitor a patient’s clinical status
utilizing various technologies to convey patient information via a
secure web portal. Remote monitoring visits enable healthcare
providers to more effectively prevent and manage changes in a
patient’s condition. St. Mary’s is one of the first providers to utilize
telehealth equipment for the pediatric home care population.
Infections and Viruses and Flus... Oh My!
St. Mary’s Infection Control Team published an abstract on how
they helped keep infections at bay—with a whopping 30%
reduction in occurrences during an 18-month period. Marianne
Pavia, St. Mary’s Infection Control Coordinator, presented the
findings at the Annual Conference of the Association for
Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology. Impressed
with the program, the Department of Health has invited St. Mary’s
to collaborate on the development of policies to assist other longterm care facilities to better manage influenza and viral outbreaks.
It’s Easy (and Fun) to be Green
St. Mary’s piloted an eco-friendly educational
program called It’s Easy Being Green at
Flushing Meadows Corona Park. This
inclusive recreation program brought
together differently-abled children ages 6
through 13 to learn about science, the
environment, and each other. St. Mary’s kids
participated in lectures and hands-on activities at the New York Hall
of Science, Queens Botanical Gardens, Queens Zoo and Queens
Museum of Art. The program is the collaborative effort of St. Mary’s
Healthcare System for Children, Unisphere, Inc., and the New York
City Department of Parks and Recreation, and was funded through
a grant by the Roslyn Savings Foundation.
St. Mary’s in Your Neighborhood
St. Mary’s unprecedented growth prompted
the opening of our first outpatient office in
Roslyn, New York. St. Mary’s Kids at Roslyn is a
dynamic therapy center designed to help
Long Island’s children achieve their full
potential through innovative rehabilitation
programs and techniques. Programs include
Early Childhood Services, consisting of Early Intervention and
Committee for Preschool Education, developmental groups, play
groups, parent and teacher training, and workshops. Extraordinary
Pediatrics, PC is also onsite, offering specialized programs for
children of all ages—including Handwriting without Tears,
Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT), feeding disorders
treatment and consultation, sports injury prevention and
treatment, parent support groups, and more.
Empowering Parents
St. Mary’s and the NYS Developmental
Disabilities Planning Council hosted the
Parent Empowerment Training Institute, a
series of workshops for parents of special
needs kids from throughout New York City
and Long Island. The comprehensive
curriculum helps families better navigate the
challenges of caring for a child with special needs. Topics included
financing healthcare, accessing home care programs and services,
finding the right pediatrician, and durable medical equipment.
Lights, Sounds, and Relaxation
St. Mary’s Complementary Care Program uses a holistic approach
to promote comfort and relaxation through new treatment
modalities. The program has been enhanced through a grant from
each one counts foundation to incorporate yoga, massage therapy,
laughter therapy, and the Vecta Distraction Station for multi-sensory
stimulation. This new form of therapy helps children cope with
The Camp Experience for Children with Special Needs
St. Mary’s offers four summer camp experiences:
Kids at Play is a respite weekend day program for children across
the special needs spectrum, specifically focusing on autism. Kids at
Play offers innovative strategies to help enhance the social skills of
children between the ages of 5 and 12 with autism, mental
retardation, or pervasive developmental disorders, while giving
parents the opportunity to take a break. Kids at Play was funded
through a grant by the Roslyn Savings Foundation.
Camp Helping Hands is a three-week program for children with
cerebral palsy or brain injuries who have difficulty using an arm or
hand. The program is based on St. Mary’s research in the use of
Constraint Induced Movement Therapy with children, in which the
strong limb is restrained, encouraging the child to use the weaker
limb in a succession of fun activities.
S T. M A R y ’S H E A LT H C A R E S y S T E M F O R C H I L D R E N
Camp Jump Ahead is a two-week intersession program for
preschoolers with pervasive developmental
disorders to prevent regression during the
summer transition. Campers range in
diagnosis from autistic spectrum disorders to
learning disabilities and ADHD. The program
aims to improve social interaction in a small
group setting while focusing on special
education and speech, physical, and occupational therapies. Camp
Jump Ahead was funded through an SCS Astoria Energy
Foundation grant.
St. Mary’s Pediatric Day Healthcare Program is a summer camp for
children 5-18 years of age and young adults from 18-25 who have
cognitive and physical disabilities. Using therapeutic, rehabilitative,
and recreational activities, St. Mary’s staff help children develop
every capability to his or her fullest. Children participate in indoor
and outdoor play, field trips, a hot meal, and transportation, plus
the camaraderie of friends and fun social activities. The program
includes after school and weekend programs.
Pain Champion Team
St. Mary’s developed an innovative approach to help keep our
inpatients pain free. Multi-disciplinary teams of Pain Champions on
each patient unit help to reduce pain and improve the quality of
life for children at St. Mary’s. Each team includes a nurse,
rehabilitation therapist, and child care technician who receive
special training in pain assessment, management, and advocacy.
Safety First!
St. Mary’s continues to advocate for child
safety as a certified car seat fitting station at
our Bayside campus as well as in the
community. Through the support of the
Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee, this
service has been expanded to include
bicycle safety. Several of St. Mary’s staff are
certified technicians in the safe transport of children with special
healthcare needs and were featured presenters at the Annual Child
Safety Conference in Buffalo, New York.
Learning from Each Other
St. Mary’s has developed a management mentoring program to
leverage the talent and professionalism of our staff. The program
helps new managers acclimate to St. Mary’s culture and enables
existing managers to gain exposure to senior leaders while
expanding their networks and exploring issues from different
perspectives. Seasoned managers are paired with new managers to
form a mentor-mentee relationship. Some of the areas for skill
development include building knowledge, relationships, teamwork,
communications, and personal development.
Getting Better all the Time
St. Mary’s strives for quality and continuous improvements in all we
do. In 2007, we expanded our quality initiatives to better measure
productivity and other quality indicators throughout the
organization. The Institute for Research and Quality is responsible
for oversight and management of all quality and improvement
projects for both clinical and non-clinical departments.
Good for the Environment
St. Mary’s ongoing commitment to the environment helped us earn
the Hospitals for a Healthy Environment (H2E) Partner Recognition
Award for two years in a row. H2E honors healthcare facilities taking
significant steps to improve their environmental performance.
Celebrating our Differences
Recognized for our leadership, vision, and creativity in promoting
diversity in the community and workplace, St. Mary’s received the
Diversity Spirit Achievement Award by the Diversity Recruiters
Network and City Career Fair Productions.
High Honors for Home Care
The New York State Legislature honored St.
Mary’s with a proclamation recognizing our
ground-breaking efforts in home care
services for children, with special recognition
of our Care at Home Program that enables
medically fragile children to be cared for at
Palliative Care Program Recognized
St. Mary’s Pediatric Palliative Care Program received top honors
from Children’s Hospice International for developing the first
inpatient pediatric program in the U.S. The program was launched
in 1984 and has since been expanded and integrated throughout
the healthcare system.
St. Mary’s Goes Global
St. Mary’s attracted hundreds of healthcare professionals to learn
more about our unique approach to Palliative Care at the 18th
World Congress of Children’s Hospice International in Singapore.
Back at home in Bayside, St. Mary’s hosted teams from Korea, Japan,
and Ireland who came to study St. Mary’s model of care, programs,
and operations.
Pioneers in Care
St. Mary’s has been on the forefront of developing
programs and services to meet the increasing needs of
special needs kids. Our ground-breaking programs have
become models for other children’s healthcare
organizations nationally and internationally.
• The first certified Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury and
Coma Recovery Unit in New york.
• The first and largest Pediatric AIDS Home Care
Program in New york State.
• The first Pediatric Palliative Care and End-of-Life
Program in the United States.
• The first long-term Pediatric Home Care provider in
New york State and in the country.
• The first and only Interdisciplinary Pediatric Feeding
Disorders Program in New york State—one of nine
Mayor Bloomberg Spends the Holidays with St. Mary’s Kids
NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg paid a
Christmas morning visit to St. Mary’s, where
he met staff, patients, and families, and
toured the facility with Drs. Grebin and
Simpser. He even tried his hand at
Nintendo Wii, with a little coaching from
St. Mary’s kids.
When Childhood Ends
The New York Times featured St. Mary’s as a
thought leader on the “aging out”
phenomenon—the challenges families face
when children with special needs age out of
pediatric programs. The May 2008 article
followed 21-year-old Sam Stabiner, a former
St. Mary’s patient, who now calls a geriatric
nursing center his home. St. Mary’s, with the support of the
American Academy of Pediatrics, is leading the way in identifying
the growing demand for program development for this emerging
population of adolescents and young adults.
The “aging out” phenomenon also received
international attention in a documentary
produced for Japanese public television and
international cable networks. The film
chronicles and contrasts the lives of 17-yearold Bordin, a current inpatient at St. Mary’s,
and 21-year-old Sam, who lives in a nursing
Geraldo at Large
2008 marked the 35th anniversary of Geraldo Rivera’s expose on
Willowbrook State School. St. Mary’s own Burton Grebin, MD was
invited to participate in a special edition of Geraldo at Large to
discuss the progress made on care options for children with
special needs. The show focused on a variety of special needs
issues and featured St. Mary’s as the solution that works.
Official Child Health Expert of 106.7 LiteFM
St. Mary’s was named the Child Health Expert of 106.7 LiteFM, the
nation’s largest radio station. St. Mary’s Health Experts were
interviewed by radio host Christine Nagy on top pediatric health
issues, including Feeding Disorders, Obesity, Premature Birth,
Resources for Special Needs Children, Early Intervention, and Head
Health. Videos and information are available at 1067litefm.com.
Broadway Comes to Bayside
For the past two years, Fox 5’s Anne Craig of Good Day NY has
brought holiday cheer to St. Mary’s with a live broadcast at our
Bayside facility. The festivities included live performances by the
casts of Broadway’s Rent and Altar Boyz and gifts from FAO Schwarz
and Toys R Us.
St. Mary’s Feeding Program in the News
The outstanding work of St. Mary’s Center for Pediatric Feeding
Disorders garnered much well-deserved attention as the subject of
a feature article in The New York Times. The article explored the
prevalence of feeding disorders in young children and highlighted
a family whose child made tremendous progress in St. Mary’s
program, one of only nine interdisciplinary programs in the country.
The article was published on August 23, 2007.
And They’re Off
Nassau County Executive Thomas Suozzi held a joint press
conference with St. Mary’s in April 2008 to announce our new
partnership with The New York Racing Association Inc., the host
of the Walk for St. Mary’s Kids and Family Fun Day at historic
Belmont Park.
Brain Injury Program Wows Clinicians
St. Mary’s multi-disciplinary Traumatic Brain
Injury Program so impressed the editors at
Merion publication’s Advance magazines that
they dedicated five articles to it in 2008. The
program and our nurses and therapists made
the cover story of the March issues of
Advance for Nurses and Advance for Physical
Therapists. Feature articles also appeared in Advance for
Occupational Therapists, Advance for LPNs, and Advance for
Speech Language Pathologists.
Reading, Writing, and Caring
St. Mary’s and PS 23, our onsite New York City Public School, were
featured in a heartwarming article in the United Federation of
Teachers’ newsletter.
Report Takes Top Prize
St. Mary’s 2006 Annual Report won Best in
Show by the Healthcare Marketing Report,
naming it the best Annual Report for a
Children’s Hospital in the United States.
New York Jets Score for St. Mary’s Kids
St. Mary’s hit the airwaves in 2007-2008 with
the support of the New York Jets and the
voice of Coach Eric Mangini in radio ads
heard on 1010 WINS, 106.7 Lite FM, and
WCBS AM. Jets support included visits by
Coach Mangini and his wife Julie, a separate
visit with “Rookies” Ainge and Keller, Reeboks
sneakers compliments of Coach, and special VIP status for St. Mary’s
kids at the Jets Training Camp at Hofstra University. In addition,
Defensive Back Darrelle Revis helped lead the Walk for St. Mary’s
Kids at Belmont Park.
S T. M A R y ’S H E A LT H C A R E S y S T E M F O R C H I L D R E N
For children with special healthcare needs, there is no better place to heal, grow, and
thrive than at St. Mary’s Healthcare System for Children.
T H E S T. M A R Y ’ S D I F F E R E N C E
St. Mary’s is a national leader in intensive rehabilitation, education, and specialized care for children with
special needs and life-limiting conditions due to chronic illness, severe injury, or complications of
premature birth. We care for them through a network of inpatient, home care, and community programs
throughout the New York metropolitan area. We are committed to providing the very best for our
children—from developing new treatment strategies based on ground-breaking research to the day-today care of our young patients—all in an effort to help children reach their full potential.
Care is at the Heart of Everything We Do
Our compassionate and highly skilled team of pediatric specialists
in medicine, rehabilitation, nursing, social work, psychology, and
child development work collaboratively to carefully map out an
individualized treatment plan to help our children recover, grow,
and regain their independence. This multi-disciplinary approach to
care yields the highest outcomes by addressing the core issues
affecting a child with special needs.
Our Care Extends into the Home
St. Mary’s cares for 4,000 children each day at one of our two
inpatient facilities in Bayside, Queens and Ossining, Westchester, in
the community, or at home—whichever is best for the child and
family. In many instances, home is the most appropriate care
setting, allowing children to rehabilitate surrounded by family and
loved ones. Through a vast array of long- and short-term home care
programs, St. Mary’s has become the largest provider of home
healthcare services to children in New York State.
A Voice for Children with Special Needs
St. Mary’s serves as spokesperson on many important health issues
with the goal of informing and educating local and national
decision-makers as well as the healthcare community. Our
Institute on Research and Quality conducts collaborative studies on
topics that reflect the clinical and psychosocial experiences of
children with special healthcare needs and applies these studies to
practice. Programs like our pediatric Constraint Induced Movement
Therapy for hemiplegia and world-renowned Feeding Disorders
Program are grounded in far-reaching research studies conducted
by St. Mary’s.
Areas of Expertise
At St. Mary’s, We Treat More than the Child
We treat the whole family. Our family-centered philosophy ensures
that family members are included in all stages of care and play a
critical role in their child’s success. Whether the child is admitted to
one of our inpatient programs or receives services at home, St.
Mary’s partners with the family to develop care plans, and educates
family members on treatment techniques, goals, and expectations.
Innovative Rehabilitation
St. Mary’s has earned international acclaim as a leader in pediatric
rehabilitation services for infants, children, and adolescents who are
facing the complications of premature birth, trauma, and illness.
Rehabilitation may include physical, occupational, and speech
therapy, along with less traditional therapies such as animalassisted therapy, complementary care, healing arts and therapeutic
activities, augmentative communication/assistive technology,
pastoral care, and palliative care, among others.
Growing by Learning
St. Mary’s offers a wide range of educational programs and
opportunities, from birth to high school, to help children with
special needs maximize their potential by promoting growth,
confidence, and independence. St. Mary’s offers an on-campus
public school for inpatients, an inclusive Early Education/Preschool
Program for community children with special needs, as well as one
of New York’s largest Early Intervention programs for children under
the age of three with developmental delays.
• Comprehensive Pediatric Post-Acute Care
• Inpatient Care
• Home Care
• Community Programs
• Rehabilitation
• Physical Therapy
• Occupational Therapy
• Speech/Language Therapy
• Infant Stimulation
• Specialized Skilled Nursing
• Early Education
• Early Intervention/Committee on
Preschool Special Education
• Traumatic Brain Injury and Coma Recovery
• Feeding Disorders/Nutrition
• Palliative Care
• Psychology and Neuropsychology
• Social Work
• Pediatric Day Healthcare Program
• Healing Arts & Therapeutic Recreation
• Complementary Care
• Pastoral Care
• Respite Care
• Research Institute
• Advocacy
• On-site Education
• Parent/Family Training Programs
As the number of children with special needs grows, so does our financial need. Along
with fiscal responsibility, St. Mary’s relies on the social responsibility of our donors.
$ Thousands
Net Patient Revenues
Other Revenues
Total Revenues
$ Thousands
Salaries & Benefits
Fees & Purchased Services
Supplies & Materials
Other Direct Expenses
Insurance & Other Expenses
New york State Assessment
Provision for Doubtful Accounts
Total Expenses
Current Assets
Non-current Assets
Current Liabilities
Non-current Liabilities
Net Assets
Special Events
Community Gifts
Work Place Giving
S T. M A R y ’S H E A LT H C A R E S y S T E M F O R C H I L D R E N
S T. M A R Y ’ S H E A LT H C A R E S Y S T E M F O R C H I L D R E N
We Couldn’t Do It Without you.
It takes more than just great doctors, nurses, therapists, and clinicians to help children with special needs heal,
grow, and thrive. It takes vision, determination, and a willingness to get involved. It is a partnership between staff
and community.
At St. Mary’s, we witness that commitment—and the difference it makes—everyday. The joy of seeing a child walk
again after months in a wheelchair, the cheerful sound of a young voice after a prolonged silence, the excitement
of tasting food for the first time after the removal of a feeding tube.
While our unique approach to care offers the best outcomes for children and families, our programs and services
depend on philanthropic support. The generous contributions of time and funds by individuals, corporations,
community groups, and foundations are essential to our continuing effort to provide these vital services.
Each and every one of our donors plays an integral role in helping to improve the health and quality of life for
St. Mary’s kids. Thanks for doing your part… we could not do it without you!
St. Mary’s Hospital for Children Initiative
The St. Mary’s Hospital for Children Initiative for the Bayside Campus is supported by the generous contributions of
individuals, family foundations, and businesses with a vision for the future of St. Mary’s flagship facility.
$1,000,000 AND ABOVE
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Feinberg
Cindy & Tod Johnson
New york City Council
Angels on the Bay, Inc. & St. Mary’s Angels
Burton Grebin, MD
The Attilio and Beverly Petrocelli Foundation
The Charles A. Mastronardi Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Riso
Ms. Anita Stafford
Andrea & Stephen Wells
Eileen R. Chisari
Ronald McDonald House Charities of the
New york Tri-State Area
Dr. & Mrs. Edwin Simpser
The Tanenbaum Family
Mr. & Mrs. Rob Adler
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Karetsky
Mr. Thomas E. Kissane
Mr. & Mrs. Henry T. Lievre
Mr. & Mrs. Amos Brotter
Mr. & Mrs. Mortimer Chute, Jr.
Ms. Ruth Colp-Haber & Mr. Eric Haber
Mr. & Mrs. William A. DeMilt
Jan Mittan & Jim yeager
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Planell
A-One Fuel Oil Service
Mr. Anthony Citrola & Ms. Lorraine Feroldi
Godsell Construction Corp.
Graphic Paper New york Inc.
Great Neck South Middle School
Janus Capital Group
Ms. Janice Hamilton
Dr. & Mrs. Ian Kashinsky
Mr. & Mrs. John Kiffel
Mr. & Mrs. Mario Leonetti
Mr. & Mrs. Brian McShane
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Mironov
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Naughton
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Nicolosi
Periodontal Associates, P.C.
Mr. & Mrs. Hyman Portnoy
Dr. Wayne Romano & Ms. Randi B. Siegel
Dr. & Mrs. Melvin Shulman
Sun Life Financial Distributors, Inc.
TD Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Vizza
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Zakierski
Norman M. Feinberg, Honorary Chair
Cindy S. Johnson, Honorary Chair
Samuel R. Karetsky, Campaign Chair
Thomas Kissane, Campaign Chair
Mortimer H. Chute, Jr.
Ruth Colp-Haber
Richard H. Gilden
Burton Grebin, MD
Janice Hamilton
Kimberly Hatchett
Thomas Jarck
Arkar M. Latt
Henry T. Lievre
Ralph E. Penny, CFP
Raymond M. Planell, Esq.
Edwin Simpser, MD
Stephen Brent Wells
Gerard M. Wrynn, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Frerichs
Dr. & Mrs. Martin Levinbook
Sarah & Richard Moss
Peter T. Liberti Jr. Memorial Fund
Lynn & Russell Seim
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Streim
Mr. & Mrs. Pincus Zagelbaum
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Apruzzese
Bell Realty Management, Inc.
Burgess Steel, LLC
Carriage Hill Associates, Inc.
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
Fairmont Insurance Brokers, LTD
Flushing Savings Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Haber
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hammerman
Harbour Mechanical Corp.
Hunter Roberts Construction Group LLC
Kelly's Car Service
Landmark Signs & Electrical Maintenance Corp.
Medical Solutions Group
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pasternack
Utopia Home Care, Inc.
Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, Edelman & Dicker, LLP
Friends & Family of Shannon Celestine
Friends & Family of Zachary Portnoy
Golfers for St. Mary’s Playground
List reflects donors who have pledged or
made an outright gift of $1,000 or more
through July 2009.
St. Mary’s Healthcare System for Children is indeed fortunate to have the support of
caring, committed individuals and families.
The President’s Circle is a giving society that recognizes individuals and family foundations who make
annual gifts of $1,000 and above. By making a yearly commitment at this level, this distinguished group of
donors leads by example, makes a difference in our children’s lives, and helps to shape St. Mary’s future.
Cindy & Tod Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. James Barber
The Joseph B. Corpina, Jr. Memorial
Richmond F. Snyder Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Riso
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Sackman
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Coletti
Mr. & Mrs. Charles DeBenedittis
The Charles A. Mastronardi Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Erik Elfstrum
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Feinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gilden
The Glickenhaus Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Karetsky
The Litwin Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Planell
Suzy & Stephen Shechtman
Dr. & Mrs. Edwin Simpser
Milton Tenenbaum Charitable Foundation
John Damien Vaccacio Memorial Fund
Dr. & Mrs. Jonathan Altus
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Breen
Eileen R. Chisari
Mr. & Mrs. William A. DeMilt
The Gershwind and Jacobson Family
Never Say Never
Never say never to Christian Sackman. Born
with determination, strength of character, and
a knack for achieving the unachievable,
Christian was also born with cerebral palsy.
When doctors said he would never sit up, he
quickly proved them wrong. When they said
he would never walk, Christian was again up for the challenge.
For the past nine years, Christian has been receiving ongoing
rehabilitation therapies from St. Mary’s Care at Home Program.
Today at 15 years of age, Christian confidently walks with an
assistive device, lives life to its fullest, and continues to amaze his
family every day.
In honor of their son and grandson, MaryAnn and Warren
Sackman and Barbara and Alan Sackman have generously
provided the funds to help other young adults reach their full
potential. The Sackman Family gift will enable St. Mary’s to
develop the concept of creating special care communities for
young adults with special needs and life-limiting conditions.
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Riso
Ms. Anita Stafford
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Streim
Ms. Rose Angelicola
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Cardinale
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Cibrano
The Coyle Family Charitable Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Green
Mr. Arnold Hochstadt
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Jarck
The Joyce Charitable Fund
Elroy and Terry Krumholz Foundation
Laura J. Niles Foundation
Mr. Anthony Piscitelli & Ms. Diana O’Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Aldo Portolano
Mr. & Mrs. Preston Pumphrey
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Spitzer
Mrs. Marybeth Amante
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ammirati
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bergmann
Mr. Richard Berman
Ms. Hilda Bormann
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Bossio
Mr. & Mrs. Amos Brotter
The Milton V. Brown Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Olaf Butchma
Mr. Anthony Cannizzaro
Mr. & Mrs. Mortimer Chute, Jr.
Mr. Anthony Citrola & Ms. Lorraine Feroldi
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Clark
Ms. Ruth Colp-Haber & Mr. Eric Haber
Mrs. Doris Cullen
The Constans Culver Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Della Vecchia
Mr. Al DeMatteis & Family
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Doble
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Dowd
Mr. & Mrs. David Eyring
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Felman
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Finn
Ms. Mary E. Fowler
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Frerich
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Gamble
Mr. Steven Geismar
Mr. Jerome S. Gillman
Mr. Kenneth J. Glennon
Julia Gray, Ltd.
Dr. Crawford H. Greenewalt
The Gristmill Foundation
Ms. Vivian Gullo
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Haber
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Halegua
Ms. Regina Hassiuk
Ms. Maire Kavanagh
Mr. Mehmet Kilinc
Thomas Killeen, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Lubins
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Lynch
Joseph and Katherine Macari
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Marks
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McCabe
Mr. & Mrs. Michael McCaffery
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Meltzer
Jan Mittan & Jim yeager
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Mittler
Dr. & Mrs. Michael A. Montalbano
Mr. & Mrs. John Moran
Barry Morgenstern, MD
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Valletta
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Mullan
Ms. Rosella Mulone Perez
Ms. Sheila Murphy & Mr. Greg Triandis
Ms. Melani Nardoni
Mr. Alfred Otero
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Palone
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pasternack
S T. M A R y ’S H E A LT H C A R E S y S T E M F O R C H I L D R E N
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Perricelli
Mr. Michael Rodgers & Mr. Demetrios Kadenas
Mr. Alex Sagianis & Family
Ms. Lynn Seim
Mr. & Mrs. Byam K. Stevens
Mrs. Elizabeth Straight
Ms. Ariana Tadler
Joseph and Bernice Tanenbaum Foundation
Ed Testa Memorial Foundation
Mrs. Evelyn Topping
Mr. Stephen Walsh
Eileen & Robert Weiss
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Cavey
Mr. & Mrs. Waring Wong
Mr. & Mrs. Pincus Zagelbaum
Friends & Family of Lillian Bossio
Friends & Family of Lottie Lomangino
Friends & Family of Zachary Portnoy
Amy Wells Unlimited Possibilities Fund
St. Mary’s Junior Committee
St. Mary’s Teen Committee
Estate of Ruth V. Dietz
Estate of Mary Stroyer
$1,000 & ABOVE
Friends & Family in loving memory of
Rosa Azzolini
Friends & Family in loving memory of
Michael D. Mullan
Friends & Family in loving memory of
Zachary Portnoy
Friends & Family in loving memory of
Isidoros N. Rallis
Friends & Family in honor of
Mr. & Mrs Warren Sackman
Friends & Family in honor of Penelope Tadler
Friends & Family in loving memory of
Amy Wells
Cindy & Tod Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Sackman
Angels on the Bay, Inc. & St. Mary’s Angels
Riso Family & Briarwood Organization
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Feinberg
Burton Grebin, MD
John Damien Vaccacio Memorial Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Coletti
Mr. & Mrs. Charles DeBenedittis
Herman & Henrietta Denzler Charitable
Trust DTD
The Hurlburt Foundation, Inc.
The generosity of donors enables St. Mary’s to continue our mission to improve the
health and quality of life for children with special needs.
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Karetsky
Mr. & Mrs. Josh Kuriloff
Peter T. Liberti Jr. Memorial Fund
Ms. Tara Moynihan
The Attilio and Beverly Petrocelli Foundation
Richmond F. Snyder Fund
Ms. Rose Angelicola
The Vincent Camuto Charitable Trust
Eileen R. Chisari
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Cibrano
The Coyle Family Charitable Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Goldstein
The Joyce Charitable Fund
Dr. & Mrs. Martin Levinbook
Mr. & Mrs. William Martens
The Segal Family Foundation
Suzy & Stephen Shechtman
Dr. & Mrs. Edwin Simpser
Ms. Anita Stafford
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Streim
Milton Tenenbaum Charitable Foundation
Andrea & Stephen Wells
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Adler
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Albanese
Mr. Robert Berne
Mr. Martin Bienstock
Mr. & Mrs. Amos Brotter
The Milton V. Brown Foundation
Mr. Gary Brunkhorst
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Clark
Ms. Ruth Colp-Haber & Mr. Eric Haber
Mr. James Conboy
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Delfino
Mr. & Mrs. William DeMilt
Mr & Mrs. Johannes Gabel
The Gershwind and Jacobson Family
The Gristmill Foundation
Ms. Sylvere Hyacinthe
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Jarck
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Kaufman
Scott & Elena Lawlor
Mr. & Mrs. Henry T. Lievre
Mr. & Mrs. James V. McGurren
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Meltzer
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Mittler
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Palone
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Planell
Mr. Jon Wickers
Mr. & Mrs. Jaime yorda
Dr. & Mrs. Jonathan Altus
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ammirati
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Apruzzese
The Frances & Benjamin Benenson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bassuk
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Berger-Gross
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bergmann
Ms. Hilda Bormann
Dr. & Ms. Olaf Butchma
Mr. & Mrs. Mortimer Chute, Jr.
Mr. Anthony Citrola &
Ms. Lorraine Feroldi
The Constans Culver Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Doble
Ms. Margaret Donahue
Mr. Melvin Fishman
Ms. Mary Fowler
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Francischelli
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Gamble
Mr. & Mrs. James Gold
Mr. Steven Goodstein
Julia Gray
Dr. Crawford Greenewalt
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Gruber
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Gruppi
Ms. Vivian Gullo
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Haber
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Halegua
Mr. Stephen Herman
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Huebsch
Mr. & Mrs. Raphael Isaac
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Jaffe
Dr. & Mrs. Ian Kashinsky
Mr. Stephen Kashinsky
Mr. Thomas Kissane
Mr. & Mrs. John Klein
Dr. & Mrs. Jason Lazar
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Lempert
Mr. & Mrs. David Loevner
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Lubins
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Lynch
Joseph and Katherine Macari
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. William Makolin
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Marks
Ms. Rita Maruca
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McCabe
Mr. Brian McShane
Mr. & Mrs. John Miller
Jan Mittan & Jim yeager
Mr. & Mrs. John Moran
Ms. Linda Mosiello
Ms. Sheila Murphy &
Mr. Gregory N. Triandis
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pasternack
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Perricelli
Mr. Francis Pisani
Mr. & Mrs. Hyman Portnoy
Mr. Aaron Ratner
Mr. Michael Rodgers
Mr. Lawrence & Dr. Judith Rothberg
Mr. Edward Russo
Friends of Claire Shulman
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Skolnick
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Byam Stevens
Ms. Elizabeth Straight
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tanenbaum
Ed Testa Memorial Foundation
Ms. Evelyn Topping
Mr. Francis Vizza
Mr. Roger Weaving
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Weinstein
Eileen & Robert Weiss
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wexler
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Wolf
Mr. & Mrs. Pincus Zagelbaum
Friends & Family of Lillian Bossio
Friends & Family of Zachary Portnoy
Amy Wells Unlimited Possibilities Fund
Estate of Marguerite Grey Logan
Estate of Clotilde Munno
Lorraine Kendall Estate Trust
Olsen Living Trust
$1,000 & ABOVE
Friends & Family in honor of Burton Grebin
Friends & Family in honor of
Samuel Karetsky
Friends & Family in honor of Robert Matti
Friends & Family in honor of Sarah Moss
Friends & Family in honor of
Mary Squerciati
Friends & Family in loving memory of
Shannon Celestine
Friends & Family in loving memory of
Anna Chisari
Friends & Family in loving memory of
Minerva Diaz de Santana
Friends & Family in loving memory of
Annika Farrell
Friends & Family in loving memory of
Christopher Johnson
Friends & Family in loving memory of
Jennifer O’Grady
Friends & Family in loving memory of
Dillon Palone
Friends & Family in loving memory of
Zachary Portnoy
Friends & Family in loving memory of
Samuel William Rauch
Friends & Family in loving memory of
Matthew Stern
Friends & Family in loving memory of
Amy Wells
Henry T. Lievre, Chair
Raymond M. Planell, Esq., Chair
Lillian Bossio
Edward Blatz
Amos Brotter
Mortimer H. Chute, Jr.
Chester S. Day
Darin Feldman
Burton Grebin, MD
Richard Hayden, CPA
James V. McGurren
Robert K. Meltzer
Arthur Merahn
Sheila Murphy, Esq.
Elizabeth Payne
Ralph E. Penny, CFP
Gerard H. Wrynn, Esq.
MaryAnn & Warren Sackman, Co-Chairs
Mary Curtis, PhD
Julia & Roger Field
Patti Finkelberg
Burton Grebin, MD
Charles Hammerman
Thomas Killeen, Esq.
David Leviton
Sarah Moss
Edwin Simpser, MD
Legacy of Caring
Benefactors who provide support for St. Mary’s in their estate
plans become members of St. Mary’s Legacy Society. These
individuals ensure a legacy of the best post-acute care for future
generations of children.
Marguerite Grey Logan had a life-long
affection for St. Mary’s Healthcare System for
Children. As a young child, Ms. Logan lived
with the Sisters of St. Mary’s in upstate New
York, where they cared for and educated her.
She graduated from Barnard College as a
phlebotomist, opened a lab in New York City,
and continued to support the important work of the healthcare
system throughout her 91 years. Upon her passing, a generous
provision in her will enables Ms. Logan’s legacy to continue to
support the children of St. Mary’s.
St. Mary’s Healthcare System for Children is grateful for the generous support of these
corporations, foundations, and organizations in 2008.
Corporations, foundations, government, and community members play a significant role in helping to
expand and enhance the programs and services at St. Mary’s. These organizations have the power and
resources to make a difference.
$1,000,000 & ABOVE
New york Community Trust
Commodore Construction Corp.
Cushman & Wakefield of Long Island, Inc.
Demarest Lloyd Foundation
Hogs & Heifers, Inc.
Howard Katz Realty & Construction
Company LLC
Walter H.D. Killough Trust
Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP
J.E. Levine Builders
Long Island Board of Realtors
P.E. Stone, Inc.
New york State Department of Health
SCS Astoria Energy Foundation, Inc.
Turner Construction Company
Tenders, Inc.
Tishman Speyer Properties
The Rose M. Badgeley Residuary
Charitable Trust
DJ Ambulette Service
each one counts foundation
Governor's Traffic Safety Committee
Seventh District Association Inc.
Unity International Group
Jacobson and Company, Inc.
Anshen and Allen
Bleakley Platt & Schmidt, LLP
C.J. Sullivan's American Grill
Cadwalader Wickersham & Taft
Campbell and Dawes LTD
Holy Cross School:
A Heritage of Giving
Giving back is a way of life for the students
and alumni of Holy Cross High School in
Flushing, New York. ”Service is a two-way
street. When you give, you get a lot more in
return and there’s no better feeling than that,”
believes Michael Genovese, director of
Service Learning at Holy Cross High School.
For 35 years, students and alumni of Holy Cross have volunteered
their time and talent to help St. Mary’s kids. Students participate
in various special events and hands-on projects with the children.
Alumni remember St. Mary’s long after graduation with ongoing
financial support. And every Friday, St. Mary’s kids can count on a
visit by Holy Cross students who spend the day engaging young
patients in arts & crafts, science projects, poetry, and more.
DJ Ambulette Goes Above and
Beyond the Call of Duty
DJ Ambulette Service has been committed to
providing prompt, courteous, and affordable
transportation services for nursing homes,
adult day care centers, and hospitals for over
15 years. For St. Mary’s, DJ safely transports
our kids to and from the hospital every day.
But DJ does much more than that. They are advocates for
children with special healthcare needs and partners in our
ongoing effort to help New York’s kids with dollars, drivers, and
dedication. Over the past two years, DJ has donated more than
$55,000 to support our programs. Thanks for going that extra
mile for St. Mary’s kids.
Starlight Children's Foundation, Ny NJ CT
Variety - The Children's Charity
Virginia Hunt Trust
The H.W. Wilson Foundation
American Academy of Pediatrics
A-Val Architectural Metal Corp.
Baker Concrete Construction
Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS
Capco Steel
Ciampa Organization
CIBC World Markets Corp.
Crystal Window & Door Systems
Cushman & Wakefield, Inc.
DSA Engineering LTD
East Coast Car Association, Inc.
EGG Electric, Inc.
Frank Williams & Partners Architects
Fried, Frank, Harris Shriver & Jacobson LLP
Hirco, Inc.
Holland Lodge Foundation, Inc.
JDP Mechanical Inc.
LANGAN Engineering & Environmental
Municipal Credit Union
Omni Managed Health
Otis Elevator Company
Petrocelli Electric Co., Inc.
Port Washington yacht Club
Leslie E. Robertson Associates, R.L.L.P.
Roslyn Savings Foundation
Sempra Energy Matching Gifts Program
Sound Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
St. Faith's House Foundation
TD Bank
United Way of New york City
Nassau Radiologic Group, P.C.
National Center for the Safe
Transportation of CSHCN
New york Community Bank
New york Presbyterian Healthcare System
Pabco Construction Corp
Peckar & Abramson, P.C.
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gift Program
Project Analysis & Control Systems Co.
Spirit Halloween Superstores
Syska Hennessy Group
Tri State Dismantling Corp.
UFCW Local 1500
Walmart Stores
Alpha Engineering & Design (2002) Ltd.
Aon Risk Services Inc. of L.I.
Cardiovascular Associates of New york
Carr Business Systems
Cord Meyer Development Company
Eastern Millwork, Inc.
Gleason Insurance
GNyHA Ventures, Inc.
Hamilton Cavanaugh & Associates
LAB Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc.
Loeb & Troper
Martin Clearwater & Bell LLP
Medco Plumbing
The Morrison & Foerster Foundation
S T. M A R y ’S H E A LT H C A R E S y S T E M F O R C H I L D R E N
A.S.A.P. Freight Systems, Inc.
ABCO Peerless Sprinkler Corp.
Albanese Organization
American Airfreight Trucking
Baybridge Home Owners Association
Beach Bagel & Deli
Bestcare, Inc.
Build-A-Bear Foundation
Capital One
Challenged Children's Fund
Champion Metal & Glass, Inc.
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
Clifton Budd & DeMaria, LLP
St. Mary’s Healthcare System for Children is grateful for the generous support of these
corporations, foundations, and organizations in 2007.
Combined Resources Interiors
Cooper Electric Supply
Mr. Robert Berman
Ms. Tammy Blau
CSCE Services Corp.
DiLeonardo International, Inc.
Bradford Renaissance Portraits
Eileen R. Chisari
The Donaldson Organization
Earthcam, Inc.
Enterprise Rent A Car Foundation
EVO Merchant Services
Fairmont Insurance Brokers, LTD
Feinstein Iron Works, Inc.
The Friday Night Poker Game
Futures & Options for Kids, Inc.
Goldman Sachs & Co.
Gotham Personnel, LLC
Heart and Hand for the Handicapped
International Business Machines
JAM Service Co., Inc.
Jet Blue Pilots for Kids
Johnson Controls, Inc.
Bob Coccia’s Appliance Center
Mr. Anthony Corroso
Dance With Me Social Dance Studio
Dental Center of Manhasset
East Coast Car Association, Inc.
Engine 320 Ladder 167
Faige Timeless Portraits
FDNy Kids Connection
The Francis Lewis School-PS 79
Gentiva Home Health Services
Gleason Funeral Home
GreekAid, Inc.
Gund, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Halegua
Hofstra University
Hogs & Heifers, Inc.
New york Islanders
Jet Blue Pilots for Kids
JLB’s Friends
Knit Wits for Charity
Mr. Arkar Latt
Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie Lazare
Little Saint Nick Foundation
Lowell School
The Marty Lyons Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Marzano
Metro Pest Control, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Michael A. Montalbano
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Murray
Newtown High School
Old Westbury Golf & Country Club
P.S. 101, Queens
Mr. Michael Rainone
Ms. Eleanore Reichert
RJ&S Corp. Lite-N-Easy Pub
Ms. Paula Rohr & Mr. Lewis Plosky
Mr. Stewart Scharfman
Mr. Joel Schwartz
Service By Air, Inc.
Sleepy’s The Mattress Professionals
Mr. James Spaight
St. Francis Preparatory School
St. Roberts Bellarmine School & Parish
Swiss Colony
John Theissen Children’s Foundation
Toshiba Business Solutions of Ny & NJ
Mr. Victor Trager
Turner Construction Company
Mr. Daniel Weiss
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Knights of Columbus # 569
Kohn Pedersen Fox
Marks Paneth & Shron, LLP
Mattone Group, Ltd.
Melrose Credit Union
Metropolitan Cemetery Association
Munsey Park Womens Club
Mutual of America Matching Gifts
The New york Roofing Company
Par Plumbing
Permasteelisa North America
Personal Touch Home Care, Inc.
Picco Construction LLC
R.G. Vanderweil Engineers, LLP
RC Dolner LLC
Severud Associates Consulting Engineers
Sisterhood of St. Mary
Skidmore, Owings and Merrill LLP
SLCE Architects, LLP
Sparrow Construction Corporation
St. John's of Lattingtown Episcopal Church
Total Medical Rehab
Triboro Postal Federal Credit Union
UBS Matching Gift Program
Unlimited Care, Inc.
Utopia Home Care, Inc.
Vietnam Veterans of America Queens Chapter #32
Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, Edelman &
Dicker, LLP
Women's Club of Flower Hill
Arch Bishop Molloy High School
Holy Cross High School
Holy Family Parish Religious
Holy Trinity
I.S. 125
P.S. 101, Queens
IN-KIND $1,000 & ABOVE
Ms. Marie Abrams
Acorn High School of Social Justice
AIDS Action International
Bay Benjamin Realty
$1,000,000 & ABOVE
New york Community Trust
Ronald McDonald House Charities
of the New York Tri-State Area
Ronald McDonald House Charities of the New
York Tri-State Area (RMHC-NYTSA) has been
working to better the lives of children and
their families in our communities by creating
and supporting programs that directly
improve the health and well-being of
children. St. Mary’s is no stranger to that generosity. The Healthcare System received a $38,000 grant from Ronald McDonald
House Charities to support the life-affirming work of our Pediatric
Palliative Care Program.
Credited for pioneering the first inpatient pediatric palliative
care program in the United States, St. Mary’s uses a holistic
approach to palliative and end-of-life care, which combines
complementary therapies such as art and music therapy, guided
imagery, Reiki, therapeutic touch, and aromatherapy with more
traditional pain and medical management modalities. The
program offers a full range of support services, including pastoral
care, mental health, social work, and end-of-life services.
In addition, RMHC-NYTSA provided a generous $50,000 grant for
The St. Mary’s Hospital for Children Initiative.
NyS Department of Health
NyS Developmental Disabilities Planning
Cushman & Wakefield, Inc.
DJ Ambulette Service
Governor's Traffic Safety Committee
Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP
Ronald McDonald House Charities of the
New york Tri-State Area
SCS Astoria Energy Foundation, Inc.
SL Green Realty Management LLC
Starlight Children's Foundation, Ny NJ CT
The H.W. Wilson Foundation
The Joseph LeRoy and Ann C. Warner
Fund, Inc.
Virginia Hunt Trust
American Building Maintenance
Chase Home Lending
Children Affected By AIDS Foundation
Commerce Bank
Demarest Lloyd, Jr. Foundation
Fried, Frank, Harris Shriver & Jacobson LLP
J.E. Levine Builders
JPMorgan Chase
Long Island Board of Realtors
Marks Paneth & Shron, LLP
Pfizer Inc.
Seventh District Association Inc.
Sisterhood of St. Mary
The Barker Welfare Foundation
The Rose M. Badgeley Residuary
Charitable Trust
United Way of New york City
United Way of Tri-State
A. Sanita Concrete & Construction, Inc.
Bleakley Platt & Schmidt, LLP
Ciampa Organization
CIBC World Markets Corp.
Cigna Foundation
Citigroup, Inc.
East Coast Car Association, Inc.
Engineers Country Club
EPS Iron Works, Inc.
Euro Excavation, Inc.
Frank Crystal & Company, Inc.
Hogs & Heifers, Inc.
Holland Lodge Foundation, Inc.
Larino Masonry, Inc.
Linden Construction
Community members have the power and resources to make a significant difference,
and to spread the word about St. Mary’s Healthcare System for Children.
Mattone Group, Ltd.
New york Adjustment Bureau Inc.
New york Insulation, Inc.
Bestcare, Inc.
Bingham McCutchen LLP
Saddle Rock School PTA
Lakeville Elementary School
PTA of P.S./I.S. 266
Holy Family Parish Religious
Jet Blue Pilots for Kids
Holy Cross High School
I.S. 119 Glendale
P.S. 101
Ms. Julie Klein
Knights of Columbus-Maria Regina
Oldcastle Building Systems Division
C.A.C. Industries, Inc.
Cardiovascular Associates of New york, PC
St. Faith's House Foundation
Sempra Energy Matching Gifts Program
Carr Business Systems
Carriage Hill Associates, Inc.
The Laura B. Vogler Foundation
Catterton Partners
Certilman, Balin, Adler & Hyman
The Merit Corporation
Tri-Star Construction Corp.
Turner Construction International LLC
United Hospital Fund
Clifton Budd & DeMaria, LLP
Community Preservation Corp.
Utopia Home Care, Inc.
Concourse Realty LLC
Crystal Window & Door Systems
Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, Edelman &
DeNardis Engineering LLC
Dicker, LLP
A & R Electrical Maintenance, Inc.
Aon Risk Services Inc. of L.I.
Avon Products Foundation
Bell Realty Management, Inc.
Blue Sea Development Co., LLC
Bob Coccia's Appliance Center
C.J. Sullivan's American Grill
Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation
City Underwriting Agency Inc
Comstar International Inc.
Cord Meyer Development Company
Florence Corporation
Flushing Savings Bank
High Rise Capital Management, LP
JABB & Co.
Kelly's Car Service
Landmark Signs & Electrical Maintenance
Lehman Brothers
Loeb & Troper
Mark K. Morrison Associates Ltd.
Martin Clearwater & Bell LLP
Medical Solutions Group
Melrose Credit Union
Municipal Credit Union
New york Community Bank
New york Mercantile Exchange Charitable
New york Presbyterian Hospital
Nicolosi & Nicolosi
North Fork Bank
Obena Office Supply
The Allergan Foundation
The Hudson Companies, Inc.
The Morrison & Foerster Foundation
The Solaris Group
The We're Group
Unlimited Care, Inc.
White Castle
All Boro Cleaning Services Inc.
Alternate Medical Supply, Inc.
ASA of New york, Inc.
Baybridge Home Owners Association
Bayside Business Association
Beach Bagel & Deli
Bel Productions
Bell Formal Wear
Diversified Investment Advisors
Frank Corigliano Construction LLC
Friess Associates of Delaware, LLC
Goldman Sachs & Co.
Graphic Paper New york Inc
H2M Group
Hardesty & Hanover, LLP
HealthPro Nursing Solutions, LLC
Heart and Hand for the Handicapped
Home Medical Specialties, Inc.
Hope for the Disabled Kids
Housing Partnership Development Corp.
I.M.P.A.C.T. Theatre Group
Imperial Parking Systems
Interactive Business Services
J & K Staffing Ltd
Knights of Columbus #430
LAL Property Management Corp.
LICO Contracting, Inc.
Maple Lanes
Mead Johnson Nutritionals
Muss Development Co.
Mutual of America Matching Gifts
New Bella Luna
New york Mets
New york Post
Oxford Health Plans
Payless Shoesource Foundation
Personal Touch Home Care, Inc.
Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts
Register Abstract Co. Inc.
Related Retail LP
Reliance Lodge #776 F & AM
Samson Capital Advisors, LLC
Service By Air, Inc.
Soil Mechanics Drilling Corp.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance
Sterling Floor Designs
Sunset Capital 1, LLC
Syska Hennessy Group
TG Holdings, Ltd
The Seavey Organization
UFCW Local 1500
Vornado Realty Trust
Wachovia Foundation Matching Gifts
Women's Club of Flower Hill
XL Global Services, Inc.
Hofstra University
Hogs & Heifers, Inc.
JLB’S Friends
IN-KIND $1,000 & ABOVE
111th Police Precinct
Abrams Family
Acorn High School of Social Justice
Barnes & Noble Booksellers
Berritto Family
Beyer Farms, Inc.
Briarcliff Congregational Church
Ms. Stephanie Bruno
The Bubba Fund
Carney Family
Ms. Claire Cooke
Jo Anne Cosentino
Ms. Anna Covelli
Ms. Ivy B. Diamond
East Coast Car Association, Inc.
Faige Timeless Portraits
FedEx Kinko’s Office & Print Center
The Francis Lewis School
Gifts in Kind International
Gund, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Halegua
Tom Hanley
Hewlett Elementary School
Mr. Michael LaForgia
The Lowell School
Mr. Arthur Merahn
Massey Knakal Realty Services
Martin A. Gleason Funeral Home
MTV Networks
Old Westbury Golf & Country Club
Police Columbia Association of
Primiani Family
Professional, Expeditors & Friends
Reid’s Palace Hotel/ Mr. Bruno Brunner
Service By Air, Inc.
Mr. Joel Schwartz
Sturm Family
Swiss Colony
John Theissen Children’s Foundation
Joseph Todisco
Janice Wind
We apologize if we have overlooked anyone
or have made any errors. Should you find an
error or omission, please call St. Mary’s
Foundation for Children at 718.281.8890.
Bubba Fund
Scott (Bubba) Pollack was a remarkable young
man. Born without arms and only partial legs,
but full of tenacity and drive, Scott did what
others thought impossible. Scott learned to
eat with utensils, write, type, and even dribble
a basketball—all with his feet. He attended
school and camp and was voted the captain of the basketball
team. Scott received services from St. Mary’s Home Care Program
to help him lead an extraordinary life.
Scott’s motto, failure is not an option, guided him throughout his
16 years and in his memory, continues to guide the Bubba Fund
to make a difference in the lives of others with disabilities. The
Bubba Fund supports St. Mary’s kids through the generous
donation of gifts from the healthcare system’s wish list and
provides motivational talks with the children that challenge
them to reach their full potential. When they decided to make
another meaningful contribution, the Bubba Fund chose
something that helped Scott throughout his life—music. The
Bubba Fund generously provided entertainment, including a DJ,
emcee, dancers, and a photographer, at St. Mary’s Home Care
holiday party for over 700 children and families.
S T. M A R y ’S H E A LT H C A R E S y S T E M F O R C H I L D R E N
Special Events For St. Mary’s
Our Tribute Dinner marks the culmination of a year of hard work, dedication, and achievements. The
evening celebrates an outstanding individual who has gone above and beyond for St. Mary’s. The 2007
Dinner raised over $580,000. The 2008 Dinner raised a record-setting $780,000.
The 2008 Tribute Dinner at Gotham Hall. Honoree Nick Billotti (center), president of Turner International and long-time friend of St. Mary’s, celebrates with (left to right) Danielle
Campbell, News 12; Ark Latt, Turner International; Nadine Sirena, Turner International; Jeffrey Frerichs, Witt/Kieffer and St. Mary’s Board Chair; Stephen Brent Wells, The Solaris
Group and St. Mary’s Board Vice Chair; Charles DeBenedittis, Tishman Speyer; Vincent Riso, Briarwood Organization and St. Mary’s Board Director.
Nick Billotti, Honoree
Vincent Riso, Event Co-Chair
Charles DeBenedittis, Event Co-Chair
Nadine Sirena, Dinner Chair
Arkar Latt, Honorary Chair
Steven Blank
Charles Borrok
Steve Chen
Joseph Ficalora
Pat DiFilippo
Joseph Gallitto
Richard Gilden, Esq.
Burton Grebin, MD
Arnold Gruber
Bernard Haber
Pearl Halegua
Janice Hamilton
Skip Karetsky
Thomas Kissane
Josh Kuriloff
Jeffrey Levine
Vincent Massuci
Barbara Mironov
Sarah Moss
Suzy Shectman
Claire Shulman
Steven Squitieri
Lori Starita
Carol Walters
Stephen Brent Wells
Paul Wexler
Joseph M. Willen
Vincent Riso, Honoree
Jeffrey Levine, Chair
Arnold Gruber, Sponsor Chair
James Riso, Dinner Chair
Martin Bienstock
Steven Blank
Charles Borrok
Judy Cholewa
Scott Cholewa
Joseph Ficalora
Joseph Gallitto
Richard Gilden, Esq.
Burton Grebin, MD
Bernard Haber
Pearl Halegua
Janice Hamilton
Leslie Heifetz
Skip Karetsky
Josh Kuriloff
Susan Lazar
Judy Limpert
Ann McLaughlin
Peter Meyer
Sarah Moss
Claire Shulman
Jean M. Smith
Steven Squitieri
Lori Starita
Anthony Vita
Jeffrey Weiner
Stephen Brent Wells
The 2007 Tribute Dinner at Chelsea Piers. Honoree Vincent Riso (left), president of Briarwood
Organization and St. Mary’s Board Director, stands with James Riso, Briarwood Organization;
Cindy Johnson, St. Mary’s Board Chair; Jeffrey Levine, Levine Builders; and Arnold Gruber,
Marks Paneth & Shron.
The United Nations Choir complemented the
international flair of the sold-out event at
Gotham Hall in NYC.
Long-time St. Mary’s friends Ed and Lynn
Streim bid on incredible packages at the silent
auction at Chelsea Piers.
The Walk for St. Mary’s Kids and Family Fun Day attracts thousands of people from all walks of life. The
2007 event attracted nearly 2,000 participants and raised nearly $200,000. In 2008, the event grew to over
3,000 attendees and raised $300,000.
Darrelle Revis, NY Jets All Pro Cornerback, leads the 2008 Walk with Grand Marshal Rosie Lawrence and Burton Grebin, MD, St. Mary’s President & CEO.
SCS Astoria Energy Foundation was the presenting
sponsor of the 2007 Walk. Pictured are (l-r) Chris McGrath
and Kathleen Hathaway of SCS Astoria Energy Foundation
with Darrelle Revis.
To the Portnoy Family of Great Neck, the Walk is far more
than just an event. It’s a way to celebrate the memory of
their loving son Zachy. The Portnoys gathered over 400
friends, family members, and community supporters to
join their team Zachy’s Dolphins and raised over $60,000
for St. Mary’s kids.
Mr. Met pals around with participants and Walk Grand
Marshal John Henry Romano at the 2007 event.
St. Mary’s annual Golf Outing is a summer tradition that brings together avid golfers and friends of St.
Mary’s for a fun day on the links. Held at Engineers Country Club in Roslyn Harbor, the two events raised
a combined total of $225,000. Proceeds from the golf events over a five year period will help fund a new
playground at St. Mary’s Hospital for Children.
Henry T. Lievre, Honoree
Amos Brotter, Co-Chair
Robert Coccia, Co-Chair
Vincent Papa, Co-Chair
Raymond Apruzzese, Jr.
William Blake, II
Edward Blatz
Denis Burke
Anthony Calvano
John DeMilt
Frank Friedwald
Maureen Nicolosi
Joseph Savarese
Edward Streim
Steve Trigg
Jeff Weiner
Stephen Brent Wells, Honoree
Amos Brotter, Co-Chair
Robert Coccia, Co-Chair
Vincent Papa, Co-Chair
Raymond Apruzzese, Jr.
Robert Behringer
William Blake II
Denis Burke
Anthony Calvano
John DeMilt
Maureen Nicolosi
Paula Rohr
Steve Trigg
The 2008 William S. Straight Humanitarian Award
recipient was Henry T. Lievre (far right), The Independent
Wealth Advisory Group and St. Mary’s Board Director.
Stephen Brent Wells (third from left), The Solaris Group,
LLC and St. Mary’s Board Vice Chair, received the 2007
William S. Straight Humanitarian Award.
S T. M A R y ’S H E A LT H C A R E S y S T E M F O R C H I L D R E N
Become an advocate for St. Mary’s and make a difference in the lives of our young
patients and their families.
Do It For The Kids!
Getting involved and becoming an advocate for St. Mary's helps us continue to expand programs and
services for our young patients with special needs and their families. There are countless ways to make a
difference in the lives of St. Mary's kids.
The Adult Volunteer Program at St. Mary's enables community
members who are at least 25 years of age to become involved in a
variety of activities, such as working directly with the children in
recreational activities, tutoring, friendly visiting, or classroom
assistance. Volunteers can also offer their time and talents in one of
our offices, on the patient units, or on a special short-term
Junior Committee
Join a spirited and socially-responsible group of young
professionals (ages 25 to 40) who want to make a difference for
children with special healthcare needs. The Junior Committee is
dedicated to creating a community and a network for members to
meet, learn, exchange ideas, and contribute to each other's success
while serving the mission of St. Mary's.
Travis Braha, Co-Chair
Jennifer Pastarnack, Co-Chair
Kara Dunn
Alex Field
Laura Field
Marisa Karmitz
Samantha Morgenstern
Erin Murphy
Zachary Price
Alex Schisgall
Jason Spindel
Organize an Event
Host your next exciting event or activity and name St. Mary's as
your beneficiary by donating a percentage of the proceeds. Sample
activities have included:
Flushing Teenagers Sing to Raise Funds for
St. Mary’s.
13-year-old Anya Cullen (center), Lauren Velez (right), Patrick
Kowpak (left), and Katie McCreesh (not pictured) of St. Andrew
Avellino School, used their caroling talents to raise funds for holiday
gifts for St. Mary’s kids.
"I always see
commercials on T.V.
about donating to
children's hospitals
and I thought why not
give back to kids right
here in my own
neighborhood," said
Anya. So, she and her friends decided to spread a little holiday
cheer to kids battling complex medical and life-limiting conditions.
The carolers ventured out on a snowy evening to sing door to door
throughout Flushing in order to raise enough money to buy toys
for the kids.
To the delight of St. Mary’s kids, Anya, Lauren and Patrick arrived at
the hospital with bagfuls of toys. They raised over $400, including
$100 in gift cards donated by Katie, who wanted to share her
Christmas presents with others.
Lottie Lomangino: One Compassionate Cookie
• Bake Sale
• Garage Sale
• Fashion Show
• Play/Musical
• Talent Show
• Golf Tournament
• Car Show
• Car Wash
• Silent Auction
• Sporting Events
Special Events
Join an event committee to help recruit teams of walkers for the St.
Mary's Walk, sell tickets to our annual golf outing, reach out to
corporate sponsors, or secure items for our annual Tribute dinner
Lottie Lomangino is on a personal mission
to make a difference in the lives of St.
Mary's kids. As a dedicated volunteer at St.
Mary's, Lottie volunteers several days a
week on the patient units, in the recreation
area, and on the playground. While
enjoying a day out on the playground with
the kids, Lottie became determined to raise
funds to purchase a specially-designed swing that accommodates
wheelchairs. She baked homemade cookies to raise funds and also
created a team for the Walk for St. Mary’s Kids called “The Swingers”
who are well on their way to meeting their goals and supporting St.
Mary’s kids.
There are many ways to give. Whether your gift is monetary or a donation of time or
talent, St. Mary’s appreciates your philanthropic support.
G I V I N G TO S T. M A R Y ’ S
Ways to Give
There are many ways to make a gift to St. Mary’s.
Gifts may be tailored to your own interests.
Restricted and Unrestricted Gifts
Gifts of any size may be designated for a specific program or left
unrestricted. Unrestricted gifts are particularly valuable since they
give St. Mary’s the flexibility to allocate the funds where they are
most needed.
Gifts of Cash, Stock, or other Assets
When you make an annual gift to St. Mary’s, you join a special
group of donors committed to making a difference in the lives of
children with special needs.
A Gift of Real Estate
You may prefer to fund your contribution with a gift of real estate
as an outright gift where the property is given directly to the
Foundation, or as a gift with a retained life estate.
Planned Gifts
Planned giving donors create a lasting legacy through deferred
gifts such as bequests, charitable trusts, a life insurance policy, and
life-income arrangements.
Tribute and Memorial Gifts
Say “Thank you,” “Congratulations,” “In memory of,” or simply,
“Thinking of you,” while making a difference in the lives of St. Mary’s
children. Or, in lieu of traditional favors, mark your special occasion
by making a donation to St. Mary’s. When you provide St. Mary’s
with the names and addresses of the individual(s) that you would
like to acknowledge, they will receive a special card notifying them
of your thoughtfulness and your desire to support St. Mary’s kids.
In-kind Donations
Donations of time, service, or goods go a long way in helping to
make a difference for St. Mary’s kids.
S T. M A R y ’S H E A LT H C A R E S y S T E M F O R C H I L D R E N
Every obstacle in his journey became a milestone, an occasion for further triumph.
—Nikos Kazantzakis
S T. M A R y ’S H E A LT H C A R E S y S T E M F O R C H I L D R E N
S T. M A R Y ’ S H E A LT H C A R E S Y S T E M F O R C H I L D R E N L E A D E R S H I P
Jennifer Battle, RN, FNP
Leonard Krilov, MD
Tina Hess
Barbara Osborne, RN, BSN
Manager, Office of Administration and Reception
Nurse Practitioner
Karen Howard
RN Field Supervisor,
St. Mary’s Community Care Professionals, Inc.
Director, Revenue Management
Sharon Pardo, Med, OTR/L
Leslie Johnson
Director, St. Mary’s Kids at Roslyn
Director, Communications
Heather Painter, RN
Mary Keenan, RN
Manager, Education
Director of Nursing
Marianne Pavia, MT(ASCP) CIC
Adam Kolesar, SLP
Infection Control Practitioner
Manager, Speech and Language Pathology
Susan Pinckney, LCSW-R
Nurse Practitioner
Jessica Amato
Danielle LaRose, LPN
Director, Social Work and Admissions
Edwin F. Simpser, MD
Supervisor, Pediatric Day Healthcare Program
Supervisor, PDHC
Holly Potoeski, CTRS
Chief Medical Officer, Pediatric Gastroenterologist
Vivian Babin, OTR/L M.Ed
Kathryn Lang, RN, CNA
Supervisor, Therapeutic Activities
Joseph Savitt, MD
Assistant Vice President, Rehabilitation
Director of Nursing
Vielka Ramirez
Attending Pediatrician
Maurice Bailey
Rosalind Lange, PHR
Supervisor, Early Intervention
Renat Sukhov, MD
Supervisor, Plant Operations
Manager, HRIS & HR Compliance
Danielle Rieber, LMSW
Attending Physiatrist/Rehab Medicine
Alisa Bernstein
Tara Levine Kniss
Manager, Palliative Care
Moshe yadoo, MD
Regional Manager, Early Intervention
Assistant Director, Human Resources
Lorraine Rosen, RN
Attending Pediatrician
Kristina Bindra, PT
Gus Lopez
Nurse Manager, Home Care
Lois Weston, RN, CPNP
Assistant Director, Community Rehabilitation
Supervisor, Environmental Services
Jennifer Schepis
Nurse Practitioner
Grettel Bromfield
Regan McLean, RN
Coordinator, Early Education
Elizabeth Curran, RN, PPN
Supervisor, Care at Home Program
Manager, Toddler Unit
Kate Schuppert, PT
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
Beverly Bryan, RN
Ian MacManus, OTR
Assistant Director, Early Intervention
Mary A. Poupon, RN, PPN
Nurse Manager, Home Care
Assistant Director, Rehabilitation
Angela Sculti
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
Renée Cajigal-Delgado, SPHR
Penny Maran, SLP/CCC
Director, Corporate Relations
Susan Wolf, PA
Director, Human Resources
Supervisor, Education
Julie Seifert, RN
Physician Assistant
Rose Cali
Michael Maroutsis, Deacon
QI Manager, Home Care
Supervisor, Food Services
Director, Pastoral Care
Geralyn Selfridge, LPN
Shirley Castano
Colleen Martin, OTR
Intake Supervisor, Home Care
Supervisor, Early Intervention
Director, Rehabilitation, Therapeutic Activities,
and Pediatric Day Healthcare Program
Rita Shindnes, RN, MPA
Audrey Berman, MD
Attending Pediatrician
Susan Champion, MD
Attending Pediatrician
Marianne Mazza, PA
Physician Assistant
JoKathleen Rodriquez, RN, PNP
Paul Berger-Gross, PhD
Melodi Pirzada, MD
Jon Roberts, MD
Daniel Coletti, PhD
St. Mary’s Community Care Professionals, Inc.
Lee Anne-Bonnet PhD
Assistant Vice President, Inpatient Programs and
Director, Quality and Research Institute
Christi Copperill, RN
Manager, Children’s Unit West &
Traumatic Brain Injury
Michael Sklar
Daniel Coletti, PhD
Nurse Manager, Home Care
Michael McDonough, RPh
Jean Steins
Tony Corda
Director, Pharmacy and Materials Management
Director, Early Education
Anna Gomberg, MD
Director, Food Services
Linda Megally, RN
Linda Sylve
Bernadette Cox, RN
Director, St. Mary’s Metropolitan Home Care for Kids Supervisor, Payroll
Mark Grudberg, PhD
Clinical Director, Home Care
Connie Mintz, RN
Samantha Ward
Dawn Cuglietto, PsyD
Manager, Care at Home Program
Manager, Food Services
Mindy Loren-Weiner, RN, PPN
Director, Center for Pediatric Feeding Disorders
Elaine Mogollon, PT
Eileen Weiss
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
Doug Failla
Supervisor, Rehabilitation
Director, Development
Director, Facilities Management
Linda Mosiello, RN, LNHA
Angela Williams, MSW
Elvira Fardella-Roveto, FNP
Social Work Manager, Home Care
Director, Home Care
Assistant Vice President, Administrator, St. Mary’s
Rehabilitation Center for Children
Marygrace Faughnan, RN
Lisette Muniz
Director, Business Development
Manager, Care at Home
Supervisor, Early Intervention
David Woska, PhD, PMP
Gail Fass
Michelle Nachshen, OT
Chief Information Officer
Jeremy Dixon, DDS
Director, Income Development
Supervisor, Rehabilitation
Sandra yanez, MSW
Vivian Figueroa
Erica Nadell
Supervisor, Early Intervention
Director, Foundation and Government Relations
Supervisor, Early Intervention
Roselle Zutt
Hazel Gafford, RN
Mari Cris Nee, RN
Director, Case Management
Supervisor, Nursing
Assistant Director, Nursing
Jamie Gasparre
Christina Nelson, RN,
Supervisor, Early Intervention
Nurse Manager, Home Care
Syed Hosain, MD
Jeff Giza
Penny Newman, RN
Director, Management Information Systems
Supervisor, Nursing
Patricia Hackenjos, PHR
Dawn Oakley, OTR
Assistant Director, Human Resources
Hope Henry-Soules, RN
Director, Centralized Rehabilitation and
Early Intervention
Nurse Manager, Home Care
Mona Occean
Dawn Cuglietto, PsyD
Ramasamy Manikam, PhD
Cynthia Bowman, MD
Scott Klein, MD
Bency Mathew, RN
Nurse Manager, Home Care
James Williams
St. Mary’s highly skilled team of therapists, social workers, nurses, and
clinicians deliver treatment where ever the child is cared for—
in the hospital, at home, or in the community.
St. Mary’s provides a complete continuum of
pediatric post-acute care through an integrated
network of programs and services throughout the
five boroughs of New York City, Nassau, Suffolk,
Westchester, and beyond.
St. Mary’s Hospital for Children
St. Mary’s Rehabilitation Center for Children
St. Mary’s Long Term Home Health Care Program
St. Mary’s Metropolitan Home Care for Kids
St. Mary’s Community Care Professionals
St. Mary’s Case Management Program
St. Mary’s Institute for Child Development
St. Mary’s Early Intervention Program
St. Mary’s Kids at Roslyn
New york City
(five boroughs)
29-01 216 STREET | BAySIDE, Ny 11360 | 718.281.8800 | WWW.STMARySKIDS.ORG