2006 Annual Report
2006 Annual Report
NNUAL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT ANUAL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL EPORT ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL REORT ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT NNUAL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT ANNUL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL REORT ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT NNUAL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT ANNUL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL REORT ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT NNUAL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT ANUAL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL EPORT ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL REORT ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT NNUAL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT ANUAL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL City Year 2006 Mission City Year’s mission is to build democracy through citizen service, civic leadership, and social entrepreneurship. Vision City Year’s vision is that one day the most commonly asked question of a young person will be: “Where are you going to do your service year?” Dear Friends, Our 2005 – 2006 year, perhaps like no other in our history, was marked by not only achievement and inspiration, but also by national disaster, personal and organizational loss, and a most significant transition. Like the rest of the nation and world, we watched with profound sadness as Hurricanes Rita and Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast region. Five months before the storms hit we had already begun taking steps to launch a City Year program in Louisiana with Jennifer Eplett Reilly, an original co-founder of City Year. That planning process usually takes two years or more, but with the magnitude of the crisis and the determination of City Year alumni, Jennifer and our Chair of the Board of Trustees Eli J. Segal, City Year Louisiana was launched in just 100 days. Sadly, Eli Segal would not live to see the inaugural City Year Louisiana corps sworn in; he died the day before they took their oath of service, and we dedicated their year of service to his memory and inspiration. Everyone who knew Eli was deeply touched by his passion for positive change, and his belief in the power of idealistic young people to change the world. He served as the Chair of City Year, Inc.’s Board of Trustees from 2003 to 2006, and his leadership indelibly marked City Year – especially the founding of City Year South Africa – and so many of us personally. We are proud to be a part of his legacy and to continue his work to build the citizen service movement in America and around the world. I want to thank Ilene Jacobs for her outstanding service as Acting Chair of the City Year, Inc. Board of Trustees during Eli’s illness and after his passing. I would also like to welcome Steve Woodsum – a longtime trustee, champion, and mentor – as our new Chair of the Board beginning in February 2007. In the spring, City Year realized a long held dream of a permanent home for City Year Boston, our national headquarters, and City Year’s emerging global initiatives with the purchase of 287 Columbus Avenue in Boston. We are very grateful to City Year Trustee Jonathan Lavine for chairing the $15 million capital campaign for the City Year Headquarters for Idealism. Finally, City Year faced a profound transition as City Year’s CEO, Alan Khazei, announced that after twenty years of service as a co-founder and builder of City Year, he would be leaving the organization to pursue new ventures in social entrepreneurship, beginning with a fellowship at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government. His idealism, vision, and energy have fueled City Year and the national service movement. It is our great fortune that he remains on the City Year, Inc. Board of Trustees, and will continue to be a voice and leader in the service movement that he has dedicated himself to with such passion and distinction. All of us at City Year are profoundly grateful to Alan, and we look forward to working with him in new and exciting ways. Since 1988, corps members have put on their distinctive City Year jackets to serve community and country, providing 14.5 million hours of service and reaching more than 985,000 children. Through their energy, spirit, and dedication, these young leaders have made a difference in the lives of children and transformed schools and neighborhoods across the United States and in Johannesburg, South Africa. The people named in this annual report – our donors, service partners, and board members – have made all of this possible, along with our outstanding staff and our wonderful corps of idealistic young people. Thank you for your belief in the power of young people to change the world. Thank you all for your belief in City Year. Sincerely, Michael Brown CEO and Co-Founder In Honor of Eli J. Segal 19 4 3 - 2 0 0 6 Eli J. Segal led the national service movement as the founding CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service and as the Chair of the City Year, Inc. Board of Trustees from 2003 to 2006. He was a tremendous champion for the growth of citizen service around the world and a true friend of City Year. City Year’s Founding Stories, a collection of stories and quotations from many cultures, are woven into the fabric of our organizational culture and serve as a foundation for our work. In 2006, City Year added two new stories in honor of Eli Segal, a visionary leader dedicated to family, country, and public service who was instrumental in building AmeriCorps and City Year. We commit to continuing the work that Eli began by mobilizing young people through national service to “get things done” for America and the world. In Honor of Eli J. Segal THE BRIDGE BUILDER An old man, going a lone highway, You have crossed the chasm, deep and wide Came at the evening, cold and gray, Why build you the bridge at the eventide?” To chasm, vast and deep and wide, The builder lifted his old gray head: Through which was flowing a sullen tide. “Good friend, in the path I have come,” he said, The old man crossed in the twilight dim; “There followeth after me today The sullen stream had no fears for him; A youth whose feet must pass this way. But he turned when safe on the other side This chasm that has been naught to me And built a bridge to span the tide. To that fair-haired youth may a pit-fall be, “Old man,” said a fellow pilgrim near, He, too, must cross in the twilight dim; “You are wasting strength with building here; Good friend, I am building the bridge for him.” Your journey will end with the ending day; - Will Allen Dromgoole You never again must pass this way; Bridge building is a powerful metaphor, and tool, for social change. For every societal breakthrough, there was some one who came before, who mentored others or offered the world a new idea. Seeing and making connections – whether among people or ideas – is a hallmark of bridge builders, whose lives are rooted in values and who dedicate their time and energy to causes larger than themselves. Bridge builders bring out the best in others by connecting resources and talents to great and worthy causes, especially anticipating the needs of future generation. Bridge builders use the wisdom and experience they have gleaned for the benefit of others, even those whom they may never meet. In Honor of Eli J. Segal THE LIGHTHOUSE On a dark, foggy night, a ship came upon the light of another vessel. The captain radioed his counterpart – “Please divert your course 15 degrees to the North to avoid a collision.” Through the crackly radio came the reply: “Recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision.” The captain stood his ground. He radioed: “This is the captain of a US Navy ship. I say again, divert your course.” And again came the reply: “No, I say again, you divert your course.” Outraged, the captain spoke loudly into the radio: “This is the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln, the second largest ship in the United States’ Atlantic fleet. We are accompanied by three destroyers, three cruisers and numerous support vessels. I demand that you change your course 15 degrees north. That’s one-five degrees north.” And came the reply: “This is a lighthouse. Your call.” In a world constantly in need of improvement and change, humility is a critical and powerful virtue. Idealists and change makers are eager to see transformation and excited by the opportunity to make a difference, yet they may find their humility diminished by a competing value, to make change happen now. As good ideas gain momentum, the passion for change is fueled by the injustice and inequality all around, drive and commitment grow stronger, and soon, perhaps without self-knowledge or intention, humility wanes. As humility is lost, so is effectiveness. Vanity and self-importance cloud judgment and rightly put off those who otherwise may want to follow, or better yet, lead, in areas of concern. Humility is not only a force multiplier, but an idealist’s paradox: to care so deeply about a cause larger than self, one needs, as has been often noted, to lose oneself. To be effective in social change, one must practice selflessness, to seek not so much to be “right” as to be effective, and to develop humility not only as an admired character trait, but as a skill. In 2006: 856 City Year corps members Provided 1.5 million hours of service Serving 75,209 youth Leading 33,180 citizens in service with the support of 625 corporate sponsors and 1,011 service partners in 16 U.S. communities and in Johannesburg, South Africa 2,100 physical service projects completed, including: 70 playgrounds built 160 gardens planted 253 neighborhoods revitalized 662 murals painted S E R V I C E AN D P H Y S I C AL S E R V I C E H I G H L I G H T S H i g h l i g hts City Year unites young people, ages 17-24, of all backgrounds in a demanding year of service during which they tutor and mentor school children, revive public spaces and organize after-school programs and school vacation programs. HIGHLIGHTS “I Pledge to Serve” City Year Opening Day September 30, 2005 Young idealists across the nation pledged to serve America as members of the 2005-2006 City Year U.S. corps, kicking off City Year’s 17th year of service. Joined by friends, family, community members, and public officials, the diverse group of young leaders celebrated their commitment to serve at energetic Opening Day events and immediately acted on this commitment by completing transformational service projects. Answering the Call to Serve in Louisiana October 2005 Prior to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, City Year was in the planning stages for the launch of City Year Louisiana. After the storms, the process was expedited so that City Year could respond quickly to the devastation in a way that was consistent with its mission, values, and expertise. With generous support from Baton Rouge philanthropic leaders Jennifer Eplett Reilly, a City Year co-founder, and Sean Reilly, the COO of the Lamar Corporation, The Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund, and the Baton Rouge Area Foundation, a start-up team arrived in Baton Rouge within 60 days, and on December 10, City Year Louisiana launched its campaign of service by working to repair and renovate the Alice Harte Elementary School in New Orleans. To celebrate the launch of the site, City Year Louisiana held its Opening Day ceremony on February 21, 2006 on the steps of the Louisiana State Capitol. The event featured Governor Kathleen Blanco, Lieutenant Governor Mitch Landrieu, City Year Louisiana Board Chair Jennifer Eplett Reilly, Congressman Richard Baker, and CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service David Eisner. Support for City Year Louisiana continued throughout the year with visits from President George W. Bush and President William Jefferson Clinton in March 2006. City Year South Africa Graduation November 29, 2005 City Year graduated its first South African corps – 110 service leaders – in an emotional and moving ceremony held at Johannesburg City Hall. Madame Graça Machel, a renowned children’s advocate and the wife of Nelson Mandela, delivered the keynote graduation address to the corps and community. “In a year, you have learned to give back value and it could have been easy to sit back and complain. You have been empowered and have empowered us.” – Madame Graça Machel “And here we are, exhausted and covered in paint, having set the foundations for other South African youth to stand on the right side of history.” – Tali Dayan, founding member of the City Year South Africa corps HIGHLIGHTS Martin Luther King, Jr. Day/Heroes Opening Day January 17, 2006 City Year honored the 20th anniversary of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Federal holiday by commemorating his life and legacy with a day of service in 16 communities across the United States. Many City Year sites also held opening day ceremonies during the weekend for two youth leadership programs run by City Year corps members: Young Heroes and City Heroes. The Heroes Opening Day ceremonies launched more than 1,500 middle-school and high-school students in service and featured community leaders, local officials, and representatives from Bank of America, the National Lead Partner for the Young Heroes program and its Opening Day Presenting Sponsor. Voices for National Service This year, the two-day event highlighted the accomplishments of those on the front lines of public service and citizen service in America. The event kicked off with the Friends of National Service Awards Reception, hosted in partnership with the National Association of Service and Conservation Corps, which honored and recognized members of Congress and the Administration, as well as citizen champions, for their commitment to service. The next day, the coalition held Voices for AmeriCorps, which focused on the impact of AmeriCorps and the vital role that national service played in the relief and recovery efforts in the Gulf Coast. February 7-8, 2006 The Voices for National Service coalition, of which City Year is an active participant, annually brings together leaders from the national service field in Washington, D.C. to share knowledge, celebrate accomplishments, honor champions, and educate the nation’s policy makers about the value of citizen service. City Year Winter and Spring Camps In 2006, 16 City Year sites hosted camps that featured arts and crafts, educational games, and service activities. These week-long camps served more than 4,700 children and engaged 1,100 volunteers in this one-of-a-kind City Year experience. February-May, 2006 Run entirely by City Year corps members, City Year camps are dynamic programs that provide safe, structured, and positive learning environments for children during winter and spring public school vacations. HIGHLIGHTS City Year South Africa Begins Second Year of Service March 24, 2006 In Mary Fitzgerald Square in Newtown, Johannesburg, 200 young leaders pledged to serve a year with City Year, becoming the largest corps in the City Year network. Councilor Duma Nkosi, Executive Mayor of the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality, gave the keynote address for the highly-visible event. Also joined by board co-chairs Rick Menell and Murphy Morobe, City Year South Africa’s service leaders, staff, and champions powerfully kicked off the site’s second year of service. “You are about to join the battalion of great heroes and heroines of our people who through their volunteerism, served to shape our constitutional democracy and gave us our freedom.” – Councilor Duma Nkosi, Executive Mayor of the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Council March-June 2006 City Year Spring Galas City Year sites across the United States held festive fundraisers celebrating the spirit of the young leaders who put their idealism to work as City Year corps members. Honored guests and featured speakers at this year’s dinners included New England Patriots’ Quarterback Tom Brady, President William Jefferson Clinton, Michigan Congressman John D. Dingell, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, New Hampshire Governor John Lynch and Dr. Susan Lynch, San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, and Illinois Senator Barack Obama. “To the young people that we’re celebrating tonight: you give me hope. You give me a recommitment to my job. Because the least I can do for you is to serve with the same spirit and the heart with which you reach out to people.” – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham “I really want to honor the spirit of tonight – that spirit of contribution, that spirit of passion with action, the desire to advance your ideals in meaningful ways, the notion that everybody counts and none of us win when our neighbors lose. I appreciate the incredible example that is City Year.” – Gavin Newsom, Mayor, San Francisco “I just want to tell you how proud I am of your service and how much it means to this community and what a difference you’re making in the lives of so many people.” – U.S. Senator Barack Obama HIGHLIGHTS June 13-1 7 200 cyzygy’06 City Year’s annual co nvention of idealism 6 June 13-17, 2006 City Year’s 12th annual convention, cyzygy ’06, united corps, staff, alumni, and champions from around the City Year network in New York City. Made possible by Presenting Sponsor Citigroup and Host University Sponsor Columbia University, the five days of events inspired attendees, celebrated the accomplishments of our 17th “city year,” and culminated with a 1,600 participant-strong Day of Service that transformed neighborhoods in Harlem and the Bronx. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY N e w Yo r k , N Y Highlights of the convention included: n Opening Ceremony featuring a welcome from Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the presentation of the inaugural Bank of America Young Hero of the Year Award by Anne Finucane, President for the Northeast at Bank of America, and a panel on social change featuring Geoffrey Canada, President and CEO of the Harlem Children’s Zone, Majora Carter, Founder and Executive Director of Sustainable South Bronx, and Luis Garden Acosta, Founder, President, and CEO of El Puente. n A Town Hall Meeting on Education in America, sponsored by Smith Barney and featuring remarks by New York City Department of Education Chancellor Joel Klein. n Celebrate Idealism!, an evening to celebrate the best of City Year, sponsored by T-Mobile and featuring the T-Mobile Outstanding Afterschool Program Award. n A National Service Policy Forum, sponsored by The McCormick Tribune Foundation, moderated by Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter and David Gergen, U.S. News and World Report Editor-at-Large and Director of the Center for Public Leadership at the John F. Kennedy School of Government. n An inspiring Champions’ Reception, sponsored by the UN Foundation and Deloitte, featuring Gillian Sorensen, Senior Advisor at the UN Foundation and David Williams, National Managing Principal, Valuation Services at Deloitte. n A Global Forum on Democracy, Service, and Reconciliation featuring President William Jefferson Clinton, Chairman of the International Advisory Board for Citigroup Jim Wolfensohn, and Good Morning America anchor Robin Roberts. n Presentation of the Lifetime of Idealism Award to Eli Segal (posthumous) and the announcement that future AmeriCorps Education Awards would be given in his name. HIGHLIGHTS n The cyzygy ’06 Day of Service, presented by CSX and featuring an impact site sponsored by NBA Cares, which engaged more than 1,600 participants to transform neighborhoods in Harlem and the South Bronx. n City Year also hosted its second-ever Alumni Leadership Conference during cyzygy, bringing together more than 500 alumni to reconnect, serve, and celebrate their commitment to a lifetime of service. The conference events featured Founder and Chair of the Board of Children for Children Silda Wall and New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, the debut of the new City Year Alumni Pledge and an 18-Minute Networking Session and Reception. The Comcast Leadership Awards were also presented to five outstanding City Year alumni for their continued dedication to service and social change. Congratulations to the 2006 Comcast Leadership Award winners: David Bredhoff City Year New York ’05 For his leadership in directing the Sudan Freedom Walk in partnership with a former Sudanese slave, Simon Deng. Noelle Celeste City Year Boston ’93 For working to revitalize the Cleveland community and playing a lead role in founding City Year Columbus more than ten years ago. Monica Eav City Year Greater Philadelphia ’01 & 02 For championing immigrant rights as a student attorney with the Harvard Legal Aid Bureau and an international advocate with the European Roma Rights Center in Budapest, Hungary. Veronica Nyhan Jones City Year Boston ’88 For organizing, in conjunction with the World Bank, the first high-level conference on poverty and exclusion of the Roma people in Central and Eastern Europe, which mobilized more than $40 million from the international community to improve educational opportunities for Roma children and youth. Sarah Roberson City Year San José/Silicon Valley ’97 For building the national service movement for ten years, including helping to found City Year’s 15th site in Little Rock, where she served as the Program, Service, and Recruitment Director. June 23, 2006 City Year Graduation 10 City Year corps members across the United States marked the completion of a successful year of service to their community, country, and world, and officially became proud City Year alumni. Each corps member across the network served at least 1,700 hours, collectively providing communities with more than 1.5 million hours of service this year. A T r ibute t o C ity Y e a r C o - F o u n de r A l a n K h a z ei Since 1988, Alan Khazei brought his passion and idealism to work each day, building City Year, motivating young people, inspiring people of all ages to embrace the national service movement in the United States, and working with friends and champions in South Africa to launch City Year South Africa. And after nearly 20 years of service and leadership at City Year, he departs as CEO while remaining a valued member of the City Year, Inc. Board of Trustees and pursuing various entrepreneurial and academic endeavors, including a fellowship at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government. Alan has been recognized, along with co-founder Michael Brown, by The Boston Globe as one of 11 Bostonians Changing the World and by US News and World Report as one of America’s 25 Best Leaders. To honor his legacy and his commitment, the City Year Board of Trustees established a new permanent fund as part of the organization’s endowment, The Alan Amir Ali Khazei Global Fund at City Year. This fund will support City Year’s mission around the world and enable people of all backgrounds to unite on the common ground of service. Cit y Ye a r i s de eply g r atef u l to A l a n for h i s le a der sh ip a nd s er v ic e , a nd a bove a l l for h i s c om m it ment t o bu i ld i n g a s t ron g er c om mu n it y, n at ion, a nd world f or a l l of u s . 11 H E A D Q U AR T E R S FOR I D E AL I S M 287 COLUMBUS AVE City Year realized a long-held dream of securing a permanent “Headquarters for Idealism” in Boston to serve as a home for its local, national, and international operations. City Year was required to seek a new home when it was informed that the building it had been renting space in for over a decade would be sold for condominium development. The potentially difficult real estate situation turned into a significant opportunity when 287 Columbus Avenue, a perfectlysized building next door to City Year’s current offices, became available for purchase. To support the development of its new facility, City Year has launched a $15 million capital campaign, the Campaign for the City Year Headquarters for Idealism, led by City Year Trustee Jonathan Lavine. City Year thanks the following who helped successfully complete the two year facilities search and development process: architectural firm Elkus Manfredi, financing partners Bank of America and MassDevelopment, legal counsel WilmerHale, and real estate advisers Bill Collins of Jones Lang LaSalle and Richard Reynolds of The Reynolds Group. City Year’s Facilities Committee was chaired by City Year Trustee Jeff Shames and comprised of architectural Consultant and Founder of Dyer Brown Jeffrey Brown, City Year President and Co-Founder Michael Brown, City Year Boston Chair of the Board Corinne Ferguson, Acting Chair of the City Year, Inc. Board of Trustees Ilene Jacobs, and Director of Real Estate Advisory Services at RF Walsh Victor Karen. 12 NA T I ONAL L E A D E R S H I P S P ON S OR S National Leadership Sponsors are the companies – and the people – taking City Year to scale as its closest strategic partners. In addition to their time, ideas, and civic passion, National Leadership Sponsors invest at least $1 million in City Year over two years. In 2006, City Year proudly welcomed T-Mobile as its newest National Leadership Sponsor. City Year entered into an exciting partnership with T-Mobile USA, Inc. to expand and improve afterschool opportunities for kids across America. Through a $5 million multi-year commitment and employee volunteerism, T-Mobile became City Year’s first National Lead Afterschool Partner and City Year’s first Official Wireless Telecommunications Partner – providing significant support for City Year corps members and the tens of thousands of youth for whom they are tutors, mentors, role models, and program leaders. This partnership is part of T-Mobile Huddle Up, a new community outreach program that connects local mentors and resources with kids from single-parent families in high-need, urban communities. “At T-Mobile, we’re all about connecting people. Our first-ever community outreach program enables our employees to help improve afterschool facilities and programs by providing powerful connections for young people to positive people and places. With T-Mobile Huddle Up, kids who are often alone and on their own now will have a whole new set of resources and mentors to reach out to. We couldn’t be more proud to help make this happen.” - Robert Dotson, President and CEO, T-Mobile USA City Year’s expertise in producing transformative physical service opportunities through its Care Force® division is a match with T-Mobile’s commitment to engaging employees in service days which will focus on creating and improving afterschool spaces and programs for kids. T-Mobile is also the sponsor of the City Year Seattle team that works with the “Getting Youth Beyond Barriers in Schools” initiative, which works with more than 100 at-risk middle school students who have been previously suspended from school to improve their academic results, and teach leadership and conflict resolution skills. “T-Mobile’s recognition of the importance of afterschool programs is on-target with the needs of children and families, and we are honored that they have chosen City Year’s diverse corps of young leaders to further their goals. Partnerships, especially with schools, are a City Year hallmark and this partnership with T-Mobile is a great way to build on that and show the power of citizen service to transform lives.” - Michael Brown, Co-Founder and CEO, City Year, Inc. City Year thanks all of its National Leadership Sponsors, who provide critical support for all City Year corps members. 13 F I NAN C E S CITY YEAR, INC. Statements of Financial Position June 30, 2006 and 2005 ASSETS Cash and equivalents Government grants receivable Contributions receivable, net Other assets Investments Equipment and improvements, net Total assets $ $ 2006 1,882,678 4,267,361 18,347,297 646,470 7,537,453 13,188,010 45,869,269 2005 __ 3,512,161 15,453,419 568,476 7,030,501 2,505.582 29,070,139 Liabilities and Net Assets Liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued expenses Accrued payroll and related expenses Deferred revenue Amounts due under credit facility and note payable Line of credit Revolving bridge loan Bonds payable Total liabilities Net assets: Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets $ 2006 Operating Revenues 2006 EXPENSES 2005 Operating Revenues 2005 EXPENSES 14 $ 3,308,113 966,935 835,269 5,250,000 1,412,235 9,000,000 20,772,552 5,473,055 15,092,009 4,531,653 25,096,717 45,869,269 2,657,305 565,642 31,225 3,538,462 __ __ 6,792,634 4,812,664 12,933,188 4,531,653 22,277,505 29,070,139 CITY YEAR, INC. Statements of Activities Years ended June 30, 2006 and 2005 2006 Changes in unrestricted net assets: Operations: Revenues and other support: Contributions and private grants Federal grants – Corporation for National and Community $ Service Other government grants Investment return authorized for operations Other Investment income Net assets released from restrictions Total operating revenues and other support Expenses: Program services Support services: Organizational support Fundraising Total support services Total expenses Increase in unrestricted net assets from operations Nonoperating transactions: Investment return in excess of amounts authorized for operations Unrealized net losses on changes in fair value of interest-rate swaps Loss on disposal of assets Decrease in unrestricted net assets from nonoperating transactions Increase (decrease) in unrestricted net assets Changes in temporarily restricted net assets: Contributions Realized and unrealized gains on permanently restricted investments Net assets released from restrictions Increase in temporarily restricted net assets Changes in permanently restricted net assets: Contributions Increase in permanently restricted net assets Increase in net assets Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year $ 2005 23,124,892 22,292,188 11,735,541 3,685,879 274,466 368,012 7,202,055 46,390,845 11,045,269 1,998,178 274,466 29,085 6,211,918 41,851,104 37,172,256 33,254,244 4,074,376 4,402,767 8,477,143 45,649,399 741,446 4,848,417 3,615,030 8,463,447 41,717,691 133,413 98,326 (179,381) — (81,055) 660,391 9,011,855 349,021 (7,202,055) 2,158,821 60,128 — (707,559) (647,431) (514,018) — — 2,819,212 22,277,505 25,096,717 8,400,292 238,603 (6,211,918) 2,426,977 11,653 11,653 1,924,612 20,352,893 22,277,505 15 C ON T R I B U T OR S HEADQUARTERS 05-06 AMERICORPS Corporation for National and Community Service Endowment $10,000 - $24,999 NATIONAL LEADERSHIP SPONSOR PROGRAM Launched in 1999 as a special initiative in celebration of City Year’s 10th Anniversary, the City Year Endowment is composed of endowed program funds and unspecified endowments gifts. The following donors and foundations have contributed gifts of $1 million to support and sustain the City Year Endowment: National Leadership Sponsors are the companies – and the people – taking City Year to scale as its closest strategic partners. In addition to their time, ideas and civic passion, National Leadership Sponsors invest at least $1 million in City Year over two years. Bain Capital Holly Davidson Paul and Phyllis Fireman Charitable Foundation FleetBoston Financial Foundation The Swartz Foundation The Timberland Company Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Boston Consulting Group Cross Country Automotive Group CVS/pharmacy Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge LLP Goldman, Sachs & Co Harvard Pilgrim Health Care KeySpan KPMG LLP Loomis Sayles & Company, LP Needham & Company, LLC Pepper Hamilton LLP Precision Capital Advisors LLC PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP The Red Sox Foundation Rocket Software Ropes & Gray State Street Global Advisors WilmerHale LLP Supporters Kresge Foundation F.J. O’Neill Charitable Corporation WilmerHale LLP HEADQUARTERS/BOSTON The City Year Challenge Campaign In 2001, City Year launched a $35 million fundraising campaign to support the four-year implementation of its strategic plan to build 12 capacities for the organization to enhance City Year’s impact, scale, sustainability and leverage, and to expand its international programs. The cornerstone gift of the campaign was a $10 million challenge grant from The Atlantic Philanthropies, which had to be matched two-to-one, over four years, including at least ten gifts of $1 million or more. City Year is deeply grateful to the people and institutions strengthening our capacities with the following gifts of $1 million or more, over a multiple-year period: Anonymous (4) The Cisco Systems Foundation Holly Davidson Corinne and Tim Ferguson Paul and Phyllis Fireman Charitable Foundation Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation John S. and James L. Knight Foundation John and Tashia Morgridge Anne Lovett and Steve Woodsum 16 $5,000 - $9,999 Aviva Life Insurance Company The Gillette Company JustGiving, Inc. Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP AMERICORPS – BOSTON $1,000 - $4,999 Massachusetts Service Alliance Accounting Management Solutions Inc. Advanced Benefit Strategies, Inc. B.R. Alexander & Co., Inc. Bay Area Community Resources Fiduciary Trust Company Global Insight (USA), Inc. Hands On Network, Inc. The Home Depot IBM John Wiley & Sons, Inc. McDermott, Quilty, & Miller National Association of Community Health Centers Inc. Staples Foundation for Learning BOSTON TEAM SPONSORS Anonymous Bain & Company Bain Capital Children’s Charity FleetBoston Financial Foundation Johnson & Johnson The Millipore Foundation MFS Investment Management® PTC Target Corporation The Timberland Company Westfield Capital Management CORPORATE DONORS *Denotes Team Sponsor $100,000+ Bain & Company* Bank of America Charitable Foundation Comcast CSX Corporation MFS Investment Management®* PepsiCo Foundation The Timberland Company* T-Mobile USA $500 - $999 Citizens Bank Foundation The Lynch Foundation Woodcock Foundation $10,000 - $24,999 The Germeshausen Foundation $1,000 - $4,999 Anonymous The Boston Educational Development Foundation, Inc. Freedom Forum Corina Higginson Trust The Kurz Family Foundation, Ltd. MCJ Foundation Elizabeth Shedd Mykrantz Family Fund $500 - $999 Combined Jewish Philanthropies OTHER SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS $100,000+ USAID $50,000 - $99,999 Boston Public Schools $5,000 - $9,999 Third Sector New England United Way of Massachusetts Bay $1,000 - $4,999 Fay School Jumpstart for Young Children, Inc. Massachusetts Service Alliance NASCC $500 - $999 FOUNDATIONS *Denotes Team Sponsor INDIVIDUALS $500,000+ Johnson & Johnson* Nortek, Inc. PTC* Target Corporation* Anonymous The Paul and Phyllis Fireman Charitable Foundation FleetBoston Financial Foundation* MetLife Foundation National Basketball Association Old Mutual Asset Management Westfield Capital Management* $25,000 - $49,999 Bella Luna Restaurant JPA I Management Company, Inc. Mason & Mason Technology Insurance Services, Inc. The Sun Microsystems Foundation Trinity Communications Upromise The Verizon Foundation $50,000 - $99,999 $25,000 - $49,999 The Ellison Foundation Gravestar, Inc. Grousbeck Family Foundation The Charles Hayden Foundation McCormick Tribune Foundation Surdna Foundation $100,000-$499,999 Anonymous* The Atlantic Philanthropies, Inc. The Boston Foundation, Inc. The Case Foundation The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation John S. and James L. Knight Foundation $50,000 - $99,999 Bain Capital Children’s Charity* CityBridge Foundation Dana Hall School Downstream Technologies, LLC Emmanuel College-Student Activities First Parish Church of Concord First Parish in Lexington MassDevelopment Nashoba Brooks School of Concord, Inc. $200,000+ Anonymous Anita and Joshua Bekenstein Holly Davidson Corinne and Tim Ferguson Jeannie and Jonathan Lavine John and Tashia Morgridge Michael and Terry Ward Lovett-Woodsum Charitable Fund at The Boston Foundation $100,000-$199,999 Denise Dupre and Mark Nunnelly Paul and Sandy Edgerley Jennifer Eplett Reilly and Sean Reilly Jeffrey Shames C ON T R I B U T OR S $50,000 - $99,999 Richard Bready Richard and Nonnie Burnes Ilene and Richard Jacobs Darlene and Gerald Jordan Carolyn Mugar David and Marion Mussafer The Matthew A. and Susan B. Weatherbie Foundation $25,000 - $49,999 Anonymous Deborah and Steven Barnes Lisa and Michael Bronner Catherine and Paul Buttenwieser David and Victoria Croll, The Croll Foundation Diane and Neil Exter Swanee Hunt Mannion Family Foundation Kristin and Stephen Mugford Kristen and Thomas Roberts, The Roberts Family Foundation Robert and Tona White $10,000 - $24,999 Anonymous (2) Jim and Kristen Atwood Helaine and Joe Banner Amy and Ed Brakeman Everett and Judith Bramhall Brett and Jacquie Browchuk Barbara and Bill Burgess Julie and Kevin Callaghan Bill Collatos and Linda Wisnewski Kathleen and Robert Collman John Connaughton and Stephanie Melrose Domenic and Molly Ferrante Carla Foster Christopher and Hilary Gabrieli Cindy and Stephen Gormley Beth and Lawrence Greenberg Kip Hollister and Warren Hyde Elizabeth and Michael Jones Dawn and Roger Kafker Adam and Mary Beth Kirsch Michael Krupka and Anne Kubik Nina Longtine Vincent and Anne Mai Frederick and Sarah Maynard Alexandra and Josh McCall Linda and P. Andrews McLane Oristaglio Social Responsibility Family Foundation Judith and Stephen Pagliuca Michael Pehl Anne and Stuart Randle Governor Mitt Romney and Anne Romney Michael and Natalie Sanders Phyllis Segal Robert Segel Charitable Foundation Alan and Susan Solomont Robert and Theresa Wadsworth $5,000 - $9,999 Anonymous Donna and R. Schorr Berman Kevin and Tracy Casey Reed and Ronnie Chisholm David and Rhonda Cohen Brian and Karen Conway Marian and Michael Cronin Deanna and Anthony DiNovi Nancy and Richard Farrell Bitsey Folger Daniel and Maria Gerrity Becky and Michael Goss Josh Greenly Peter and Tammy Hermann Monica and Stephen Jennings Barbara and Jerrold Lavine Richard Leibovitch Alex Macdonald and Maureen Strafford Bill and Susan McClements Brooke and Will Muggia Joseph F. Trustey, III and Kristine Trustey $1,000 - $4,999 Anonymous (2) Alan and Beverly Abelow Kathleen Beckman Mr. and Mrs. William Bennett Pamela and William Berutti Jane Bindley Peter A. Brooke Fund at The Boston Foundation Michael Brown and Charlotte Mao Art and Kathy Bushkin Alan and Liz Cody Andrew Cohn and Marcia Leavitt John Connolly John and Wendy Cozzi Meredith Cutler Stuart Davies Joseph Deitch and Robbie Lacritz Deborah Donahue-Keegan and Kevin Keegan J. Anthony and Kay Downs Saskia and Paul Epstein Marsha Feinberg Steven and Susan Feinstein Mark and Nikki Feldman Christopher D. Fletcher The Frisbie Family Foundation Annette Furst and LJ Miller John Foster and Catherine Stout Megan Gadd and Nathan Wilson Anne and David Gergen Dwight Gertz and Virginia Welles John and Maryann Gilmartin Marcia and Phil Giudice Spencer and Lisa Glendon Emily and Thomas Haslett Lucia Henderson Rosabeth Moss Kanter Annabelle and John Kellogg Beth S. and Seth A. Klarman David Graves and Peggy Koenig Eric and Lori Lander Caroline and Tom Lucey Michelle and Roger Marino Lisa and Theo Melas-Kyriazi Tammany Hobbs Miracky and William Miracky Jeffrey and Sarah Newton James and Patricia O’Conor Susan and Peter Osnos Roberta and Stephen Peet Astrid O. Peterson, M.D. Robert Poor Michael Porter Kenneth and Leslie Pucker Eric and Beth Schlager Eric and Maureen Schwarz Risa Shames and Neil Silverston Adrienne Shishko and Joel Sklar Becky Kidder Smith Brian and Johanna Snyder Marjorie and Paul Stanzler Jill and Sherman Starr Gregg and Karen Sweeney Susan and Thomas Turpin James Westra Howard Wolk $500 - $999 Anonymous Evelyn Barnes Christina and Kelley Benet Jeffrey and Webb Brown Miriam and Morton Brown Monique Burns Miles Byrne and Karyn Wilson Elizabeth and Ronald Campbell Andrew Carlino Linda Chin Christopher and Laura Choma Ann and Roger Christian Lisa Cohen and Neil Halin Brian and Marguerite Cooper Elisabetta and Michael Cortesi McLane and Tenney Cover Bonnie and Christopher Covington Robert Cramer and Molly Rogers Cramer James and Meredith Cutler Jessica and William Davis Laura and Mark DiNapoli Elizabeth and Rick Edie Thomas Feeley and Joan Wiggins Kenneth and Cynthia Freitas Gregory Gibbons Erin and John Giesser Colonel Robert L. Gordon, III Gary Halloran Joe and Kimberly Harris Mike and Sue Hazard Daniel and Elizabeth Jick Arthur Johnson Joseph Jutras and Ann Marie Viglione James Kellogg, III Alan Khazei and Vanessa Kirsch Lawrence and Pamela Lenehan Ian and Isabelle Loring Virginia Mackay-Smith Charles and Elaine Mangum Douglas Marshall and Kristen Burgoyne Marshall Jennifer Kohnen McNair Harrison Miller Deborah Nugent Mark and Martha O’Connor Nancy and William Osgood Jill and Thomas Pappas Elizabeth Fowler and James Parmentier Diana Farrell and Scott Pearson Gary and Mary Pforzheimer Michelle Pol and Eric Wetlaufer Creighton and Kerry Reed Richard Reynolds/The Reynolds Group Christopher Rich John and Margaret Ruttenberg Ravinder and Rohini Sakhuja Cindy and Peter Schliemann Paula Schneider Billy Shore and Rosemary Jordano Edwin E. and Katharine T. Smith Gary and Lynne Smith Lisbeth Tarlow Carlota and Mark Taylor Sally Pendleton Thompson Andrea and Thomas Ward Mollie and Steve Wolin $100 - $499 Anonymous Sarah Abbot Andrew and Jane Abu Albert A. Ackil, M.D. and Ann Aldrich Patrick Ahearn Kamesh Aiyer Martha and Walter Alexander Mark and Shelley Allison Arthi Amin Carol and Howard Anderson Amy and Richard Armstrong Elsie and Stever Aubrey Andrea and Carl Axelrod Jami and Matthew Axelrod Eric and Sarah Bacon Iris Bagwell Julie and Timothy Bancroft Mary Bardeen D. F. and John Bartolomei Tracy Basile Gregg and Susan Bauer Natalie Bayersdorfer Kit Beaudouin Martin and Nancy Beaulieu Keri Bell Joy Bergenthal Linda Black Ellen and Spencer Blasdale Barry Bluestone Alan Blume and Margaret Scranton Blume Allen and Candace Boyd Jeffrey and Kristin Bradach Christopher Bradford and Audrey Huang Elizabeth E. Bramhall Joanna Breyer Donna and Scott Briggs Daniel Brooks Jeffrey and Paula Brown Susan Brown Carol Bryant Lila Bucklin Lisa Buksbaum Chris Bulger Esther Bullitt Mitch and Samantha Burman Barbara and Jeffrey Bush Susan Bush Ann and Robert Buxbaum Richard Byrd Michael W. Byrnes, Jr. Steven Cadwell Alicia Cannon Kurt and Stacy Carlson Hannah Caruso Rick and Suzanne Cavender Ray Chambers George Chapman and Margaret Lane Donald E. Chase Ellie Cherington Steven Chilton Janet and Jeffrey Clements Jeffrey and Michelle Clough Stephen Cohen and Carol Mattila Adam and Kate Cohen Andrea Cohen Richard and Wendy Cohen Laura and Steven Coleman Denise Colina Matthew Colony Mark Conway Jeannette Corey William Cotter 05-06 17 C ON T R I B U T OR S 05-06 Sally Read Coughlin Elizabeth Crowley Gerald and Jeanne Curtis Joan Dalton Christine and Gregory Davis Ben Davis Sarah Davis Jim Dawson Alice and Don Devendorf Chuck Diamond Crystal Dimare Richard Donahue Brian Donatelli Jean Dorcus Ed and Meg Downey Carol Downs and Charlie Rose Carol and Herb Dreyer Jean Gerondeau-Duffy and Malachy J. Duffy, Jr. Robert Duffy Governor Michael and Katherine Dukakis Stephen Dungan and Pamela Weathers Cecilia Dunn Loi Duong James Durham Eris Dyson Annamarie Edwards Britt and Shari Ellis Beverly and Stephen Estes-Smargiassi Anne Fairbank and Joseph Mahoney Christopher Farnkoff Miss Sophia Ferguson Chantal Ferguson Mia Ferguson Charissa Fernandez Heike Bischoff-Ferrari and Stephen Ferrari Paul Fichera Michael Fitzgerald Laura Flannery Mr. Peter Frasca D.M.D. P.C. and Ms. Teri Frasca Elizabeth and Robert Freeman Charles Freifeld and Marilyn Smith Richard and Lisa Frisbie Deborah and Stuart Fross Susan Gabrieli Megan Damon Gadd Madeline Ganz Gerard Garnett Ward and Lorraine Ward William Gelbart Rebecca Gelman Carol and Stephen Geremia Katherine German and L.D. Crews Laura Gill David Gingold Allen and Linda Goorin Mark Gottesman Dana Gould Michaela Graeb Dr. Alan J. Greenfield Eliot Greenfield Mildred Guberman-Kravetz Ryan Hale Deneitra Ham Cheryl Hamlin Robert Hansel and Lisa Robinson Mary and Stephen Harvell Thomas Hatch Jane Hawkes Michael Heffernan Joseph and Linda Hennessey Deborah and Howard Hermann 18 Helen and Robert Herold Laura Hillman Jay and Sallie Hirshberg Joan Hollister Paul Holtzman and Carol Steiker John Horst and Barbara Wallace Hannah Hoyt Warren and Janet Hutchinson Geoffrey and Viva Hyatt Anne and Todd Jackowitz Betsy and Edward Jacobs Richard Jakious and Rachel Smullin Alex Jansen Wendy Jebens James Jessee Collen and David Johns Deborah Johnson Christopher Johnson Hilary and Jeffrey Johnston Winston Jones Rosemary Kaleo Victor Karen W. S. Karol Sarah Kaull and Thomas Shirley Thomas Keane Kevin and Rebecca Kellogg John and Julianne Kelly Chun and Walter Kelt Cameron Kerry and Kathy Weinman Judith Kidd Peter Kim Damon Kimball Stuart Kingsley and Sarah Perry Genevieve Johanna Knezo Brian Koyce Jane and Joseph Kringdon Willa Kuh Miriam Lahage Carolyn Lamb and Jonathan Rueman Robin Langsdorf Paul H. Lapointe and Susan G. Lapointe Bette and Kenneth Lavery Linda and Peter Leahy Mark and Maureen Leary-Jago Harriett and Jonathan Lebow Ruth Hodges and John LeClaire W. Brewster Lee, III and Vicky West Alan & Marcia Leifer Don Levinstone Ann Levison Ben and Sharon Levitan Ronald and Sandra Levy Lawrence and Margaret Levy Linda Liang Ashley and John Linell Cynthia Lingley Michael Lipton Analisa and Michael Little Julia Livingston Sarah Lopez Kate and Sherry Lundquist Peter Maggs Brian Mahoney R Bradford and Sharon Malt Jamie Manning Maureen Manning and Michael Walsh Michael Carpenter and Elizabeth Mansfield Alan and Sheryl Marcus Robert G. Markey, Jr. and Lisa Markey Lawrence Marks Bruce and Lucy Marquis Helen Marston and Hunter S. Marston, III Philip Martin Rashaun Martinez Andy and Christine Matz Ellen Ruth Mayer and Malcolm Pittman Joan McArdle Alexandra and Josh McCall Kate McCandless Elizabeth and Scotty McConnaughy Patrick McCrea William Shaw and Hope McDermott Nicki McDonald Keith Carlson and Kathleen McGirr Claire and James McGuire Adele McKean Maria McKnight Sean McLoughlin Marie McPartland-Conn Lizanne Megrue Shelley and Steven Metzenbaum Charlotte and James Milan Carol and Daniel Milewich Benjamin Moore Stephen and Susan Moorhead Kenneth Morse Suzanne and Vincent Morton William Morton Kristin and Scott Moul Robert and Stephanie Murray Kathryn Murtagh Linda and William Newhard Sarah Newton Audrey and George Nichols, Jr. Almeda and Kenneth Nicholson Craig and Rebeca Nieves-Huffman Alice and Joseph Noble David and Jane Nolan Ann and Nicholas Noyes Clare and Geoffrey Nunes Veronica Nyhan Jones Michael O’Donovan Deborah Offner David O’Hara Elizabeth and Thomas O’Reilly Maureen O’Sullivan and Laurence Pierce David and Nancy Osborn Christopher P. Osgood Shannon Parrish Yale Pats Anna and David Paulin Jean and Robert Persons Gregg and Julie Petersmeyer Jacqueline Piret Samuel Plimpton and Wendy Shattuck Robert Pomeroy Ellen Poss Alexandra England and Charles Pratt Frances Pratt George and Kathy Priest Patricia and Thomas Quinlan Ellen and Robert Race Tim Raeke Kerrie Raeke Michael Ravicz Deborah Re and Peter Reinhart Duncan Reece Abbott Reichlin and Madeline Segal Daniel and Frances Riley Roger Ritt Christian Rivera Joan and Raymond Roache Noah Roffman and Heidi PaisnerRoffman Bob and Gabriela Romanow Michael and Naomi Rosenfeld Lori and Stu Rosenwald Bonnie and Jon Rotenberg James P. Rubin Anita Salmu Emily and Frank Sander Thomas and Laura Sander Barbara Sargent John and Rachel Sarvey William Saums Stina Sayre Jessica and Paul Schendel Gloria Schmid Catherine and Robert Schneider Andrew Schneider-Munoz Karl and Katie Schoettle Kurt and Susan Schwartz George Schwartz Janice and John Seeler Elizabeth and Jorge Seitz Laura Shea Vicky Shen Wendy Sherman and Bruce Stokes Margaret H. Shropshire David Silverman Mark and Patricia Simonds Will Simpkins Judith Sizer Darien and James Smith Patricia Smith Alix and Joseph Smullin Louis and Ruth Smullin Rachel and Richard Smullin Cheryl A. Snyder Mark and Sarah Snyderman Luis Sorrentino Nancy Soulette Owen Stearns Nancy and Ronald Stegens Elaine and Joseph Sterlace James and Linda Stewart Robert Stoneman Carol Stoner Toni Strassler Kenneth and Wendy Stuart James and Mary Sullivan Maureen Sullivan and Thomas Murray Michael Szulc Laurie and Peter Thomsen John Tierney Conrad Todd Michael and Nancy Tooke Becky Trask Amity Tripp Geoffrey Tuba Lisa Ullman Catherine and Russell Urban Mark Vasu Luke T. Verrcollone Jared Vidovic Janet Vohs Sara and Joseph Volpe Eric Von Hippel Deborah Walker Anne and Seth Ward Mary Ward Brice Watterson Catherine and Eric Weigel Meredith Westfield Hedwig and Thomas Whitney Robert and Sandy Wong John and Linda Woodard Pamela Woodworth Raymond Yim Stephen Yost Mike Young Cynthia and Wayne Zafft Sara and Stephen Zrike Mortimer B. Zuckerman C ON T R I B U T OR S IN-KIND DONORS $50,000 - $99,999 $500 - $999 INDIVIDUALS $1,000,000+ Comcast Northern Trust* Alter Asset Management Blinderman Construction Company Centrum Properties, Inc. Concentric Management, LLC F & F Management, Inc. First Hospitality Group, Inc. HPL&S Inc. JMB Financial Advisors, LLC The Millard Group, Inc. Oxygen Cable LLC Patricia Hurley and Associates, Inc. Roseland Industries Sanchez, Daniels & Hoffman, LLP Wachovia Bank Washington Mutual Bank Wrightwood Capital $10,000 - $24,999 Comcast The Timberland Company $500,000-$999,999 T-Mobile $100,000-$499,999 Columbia University KPMG MBTA WilmerHale LLP Spaulding & Sly Colliers $25,000 - $49,999 Middlehouse Sound $5,000 - $9,999 Bowser Productions Jennifer D. Cogswell DST International Grey Goose/Bacardi USA Jim Harrison Photography Lunchpail Productions $1,000 - $4,999 Cedar Grove Gardens Johnson & Johnson Konica Minolta Business Solutions Legal Seafoods Masciarelli Wine Company Rentex $500 - $999 Harpoon Brewery Sacco Bowl Haven Swits $100 - $499 AuBonPain Ben & Jerry’s Bertucci’s BJ Wholesale Boston Party Rentals Domino’s Pizza Dutch Maid Bakery Kelly’s Roast Beef Mary Baker Eddy Library MJ Subs & Pizza New England Aquarium Patty’s Pantry Shaws Stop & Shop Dan Sullivan CHICAGO AMERICORPS Corporation for National and Community Service National Association of Service and Conservation Coalition Illinois Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service TEAM SPONSORS The Alter Group CSX Corporation Freed Family Foundation Northern Trust CORPORATE DONORS * Denotes Team Sponsor $100,000+ The Alter Group* CSX Corporation* $25,000 - $49,999 Aon Foundation Bank of America Charitable Foundation McDonalds Corporation Smith Barney T-Mobile USA $10,000 - $24,999 Ariel Capital Management The Boeing Company Deloitte DLA Piper Equity Residential Foundation Harris Nesbitt Corporation LaSalle Bank Madison Dearborn Partners $5,000 - $9,999 Ash, Anos, Freedman & Logan, LLC AT&T Banc One Management Corp. Bank of America, N.A. Citizens Bank Foundation ComEd CSX Financial Services Grubb & Ellis IPA Charities, Inc. James McHugh Construction Co. KPMG Peat Marwick Levenfeld Pearlstein LLC Merrill Lynch Mesirow Financial Michael Best & Friedrich LLP Motorola, Inc. The PrivateBank Ryan Enterprises Group Sonnenschein, Nath & Rosenthal Sterling Partners Superior Ambulance Service, Inc. Transwestern Investment Co., LLC US Bank $1,000 - $4,999 Alberto-Culver Company CBIZ Accounting, Tax & Advisory Services CBS-2 Chicago Chicago Title Insurance Company Christopher B. Burke Engineering, LTD Disney Worldwide Services, Inc. The Edgewater Funds Environmental Systems Design, Inc. Gem Capital, L.L.C. Guaranty Bank Heitman, LLC Holland Capital Management Jordan Industries, Inc. Linden Life Science LLC McDonalds Ventures Monroe Securities, Inc. National Basketball Association National City Bank NBC 5 Chicago Peoples Energy Sheridan & Pearlman Strategic Hotel Funding, L.L.C. Thompson, Ventulett, Stainback & Associates, Inc. Washington, Pittman & McKeever, LLC William Blair & Company Foundation FOUNDATIONS * Denotes Team Sponsor $100,000+ Polk Bros. Foundation $50,0000 - $99,999 The Crown Family Freed Family Foundation* McCormick Tribune Foundation $5,000 - $9,999 Calvert Social Investment Foundation The Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints Foundation John & Jacolyn Bucksbaum Charitable Fund John D. and Alexandra C. Nichols Family Foundation Steans Family Foundation Roger and Susan Stone Family Foundation $1,000 - $4,999 Carney Family Foundation Cellini Family Fund OSA Foundation The Pritzker Pucker Family Foundation The Pritzker Traubert Family Foundation Stearns Family Charitable Fund Wedner Family Foundation $500 - $999 Hunter Family Foundation Lake Shore Alumnae Club of Pi Beta Phi OTHER SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS $100,000+ Chicago Public Schools $10,000 - $24,999 Donoghue Campus Jacques Marquette Elementary School John W. Cook Elementary $5,000 - $9,999 North Kenwood Oakland Charter School Paul Revere Elementary William H. Ryder Math and Science Specialty School $1,000 - $4,999 Chicago Urban League Illinois Health Public Association Ellen and Michael Alter James N. Perry, Jr. and Mary Perry Deborah and Stephen Quazzo John W. Rogers, Jr. and Sharon Rogers Harrison and Lois Steans Glen and Trish Tullman 05-06 $5,000 - $9,999 Craig Huffman and Rebeca NievesHuffman Bruce Lederman Barbara Goodman Manilow Jim Kastenholtz and Jennifer Steans Jeanne Affelder Weissglass and Jeff Weissglass Betsy and Mark Westhoff $1,000 - $4,999 Laura Alter Klapman and Howard Klapman Ann and John Amboian Stephen and Susan Baird Carol Anne Been and Daniel Freedman Leslie Bluhm and David Helfand Jay and Karen Case Les Coney Douglas Crocker and Cindy McHugh Arthur and Susan Fogel Leonard Gail and Robin Steans Christie Hefner and Senator William A. Marovitz John Higgins Charles H. Hodges, IV and Victoria Hodges Anne and Drew Horowitz Ned Jannotta, Jr. and Erika Pearsall David and Gerri Kahnweiler Dolores Kohl Carol and Lawrence Levy Sherry McFall and Kenneth Porrello Adeline and Harold Morrison Michael and Sally Morrison David and Suzu Neithercut Iris and John Newman Stanley and Vivian Nitzberg Richard and Peggy Notebaert Juliet and Steve Plonsker Nick and Susan Pritzker Jacelyn and William Shiner Leo Smith and Heather Steans Helen and Richard Thomas $500 - $999 Karen and Steven Berkowitz Avi and Nancy Bernstein David and Ellen Carmell Dorval Carter John Cusack Catherine and Lawrence Fey Mariann and Nicholas Giuliano Kalee and Samuel Gould Howard and Rebecca Grill Scott Grossman Brett Hunsaker Thomas B. Hunter, IV Falona Joy Peter Kupferberg and Ellen Rakieten Phyllis Lockett John McCarter Janet and Richard Morrow Jeffrey and Julie Olian Brenda Russell Edward B. Rust, Jr. 19 C ON T R I B U T OR S 05-06 Anne and Ronald Siegel Adam Silver Joseph Stackhouse Richard Tucker Julieann and Matthew Ward Daniel and Nancy Yih $100 - $499 Cathy and Sam Ach Kanika Agarwal Karen Andre Jill Belconis Sue Bell Allegra Biery Cory Cancila Ms. Monica Carriedo Robert Chapman and Sandra HainesChapman John and Judith Coletta Vikki Creeden Lisa Cunningham C. Bryan and Catherine Daniels Erin DiPaola Sylvia Duby and Charles FioRito Rachel Dvorken and Harry Rosenberg Nanine and Norris Eber Marcia and Thomas Fraerman Brent Greene and Mary WilliamsGreene David Grumhaus, Jr. and Jennifer Grumhaus Jeff Harris John and Mary Beth Hartmann Debby Jannotta and Edgar D. Jannotta, Sr. Daniel and Suzanne Kanter Daniel Kaufman Nicholas Kekos James Kelly Joyce King David and Marcia Kirshenbaum Aarti Kotak Elisabeth and John Lewis Catherine and Tom Livingston Anne and Mitch Macknin Hosanna Mahaley-Johnson Beatrice Cummings Mayer John and Mary Jane McCormack David Miller Gloria and Michael Morison Cynde Hirschtick Munzer Alice and Robert Nadler Alan Nadolna Arlene and Robert Novak Al and Barbara O’Donnell Frantz and McGhee Osse Erica Phillips Jonathan Reinsdorf Thomas Ryan Jeffrey and Lori Samaras Alice Schaff Craig and Lori Stern Elizabeth and Robert Subkowsky Elizabeth and Donald Thompson Carole J. Arra Weinberg $500 - $999 Mid America Tile Pittsburgh Paints Subway $100 - $499 57th Street Books Ace Hardware Chicago’s Pizza Mrs. Christman Connie’s Pizza Home Run Inn Home Depot Hooters Jimmy Johns KMA Technologies McFarlane Douglas & Companies Momma Anna Johnson-Webb North Kenwood Oakland Charter Panaderia Las Tres Hermanos Inc Pete’s Produce Piece Pizza Quiznos Subs Romeo Hereau Rudy’s Bakery Swedish Bakery Trevelee Gudino Walgreens CLEVELAND AMERICORPS Ohio Community Service Council TEAM SPONSORS City of Cleveland CSX Corporation RPM International, Inc. CORPORATE DONORS *Denotes Team Sponsor $50,000 - $99,999 CSX Corporation* RPM International Inc.* $25,000 - $49,999 Comcast Forest City Enterprises, Inc. KeyBank T-Mobile $10,000 - $24,999 Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP Eaton Corporation National City Corporation Smith Barney $5,000 - $9,999 Cavaliers/Quicken Arena Company Dominion East Ohio Gas Fifth Third Bank Medical Mutual of Ohio IN-KIND DONORS $1,000 - $4,999 $50,000- $99,999 The Cleveland Browns Cleveland Indians CVS/pharmacy Edward Howard & Co Ernst & Young FirstEnergy Corp. Fortune Brands Huntington National Bank Invacare Corporation Chicago Transit Authority Joseph J. Freed & Associates, Inc. $1,000 - $4,999 Harvey Alter Buca diBeppo Chipotle Pizza Time 20 Sherwin Williams Southtown Paint & Wallpaper Thybony Paint and Wallcovering Jones Day Margaret W. Wong & Associates Co., LPA The Plain Dealer Squire, Sanders & Dempsey LLP Taft, Stettinius, and Hollister Weisman, Kennedy and Berris, LPA $500 - $999 Wal-Mart FOUNDATIONS *Denotes Team Sponsor $50,000 - $99,999 The Cleveland Foundation $25,000 - $49,999 AIDS Funding Collaborative The George Gund Foundation Raymond John Wean Foundation $10,000- $24,999 The Abington Foundation Cavs Charities: A Fund of the Robert R. McCormick Foundation Mt. Sinai Health Care Foundation The Edward and Betty Sloat Foundation The Thomas C. and Sandra S. Sullivan Foundation $5,000 - $9,999 Eaton Foundation $1,000 - $4,999 Laura and Steven Coleman Nancy Cronin Catherine Keating and Charles King Louise and William Keating Kevin Metheny Raymond Murphy The Honorable Dan A. Polster and Deborah Coleman Kurt Trell $100 - $499 Barbara and Bruce Akers Charles Bolton Michael Cohen and Nancy Gertz Nancy Cohen Mary Patricia Culler Anthea Daniels Electra and George Daniels Howard Dickey-White Robert and Ruth Fortney The Honorable Stuart Friedman Michael Garnek Michael Gillis Germaine Hahnel Bryan Knepper James Mason John McDonald Pat and William Papenbrock Susan Reinker William Ridenour Kurt Rim Ellen and Harold Ticktin Catholic Charities The Cleveland Clinic The F.J. O’Neill Charitable Foundation The Seifert Family Foundation IN-KIND DONORS $500 - $999 COLUMBIA $25,000 - $49,999 Regional Transit Authority Jones Day Foundation AMERICORPS OTHER SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS *Denotes Team Sponsor South Carolina Commission on National and Community Service $100,000+ The City of Cleveland* $50,000 - $99,999 The United Way of Greater Cleveland $25,000 - $49,999 Cuyahoga County Board of Health $10,000- $24,999 City of Cleveland Department of Public Health Cleveland Municipal School District TEAM SPONSORS Bank of America Charitable Foundation BellSouth City of Columbia Citigroup Foundation CSX Corporation First Citizens The Timberland Company CORPORATE DONORS *Denotes Team Sponsor $100,000+ $1,000 - $4,999 CSX Corporation* Cuyahoga Community College Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland The Mandel Center $25,000 – $49,999 INDIVIDUAL DONORS $10,000 – $24,999 $5,000 - $9,999 $1,000 - $4,999 Bank of America Charitable Foundation* BellSouth* Comcast First Citizens* Nelson, Mullins, Riley & Scarborough Smith Barney David Landever and Keely O’Bryan $5,000 – $9,999 $500 - $999 Blue Cross Blue Shield The Timberland Company* Evan Corns Ann and Robert W. Gillespie, Jr. Samuel H. Miller Mr. and Mrs. William B. Summers David Abbott and Jan Roller Patrick Auletta Allstate Foundation Citigroup Foundation* T– Mobile USA C ON T R I B U T OR S $1,000 – $4,999 $100 – $499 2 Marks Inc. CarePro Medical One Edens & Avant Real Estate Services Ellis, Lawhorne & Sims, P.A. Ellison Kibler & Assoication Holder Foundation McAngus Goudelock & Courie Mike Kelly Law Group, LLC Nexsen Pruet Palmetto Citizens Credit Union South Carolina Community Bank Southeastern Freight Lines Sowell Gray Stepp & Laffitte Turner, Padget, Graham, Laney, P.A. WACH Fox 57 Wachovia Bank, N.A. Jimmy and Patti Addison Kirsten af Klinteberg Becky Airheart Alexandra and James Allen Keith Babcock and Jacquelyn Dickman Evelyn Barnes Stephen Benjamin Barbara Bethea Beth Binkley Vicki Blair Sarah Vann Bonds Britt Borders Brenda Branic Michael Brown and Charlotte Mao C. Mitchell Brown Elizabeth and Steven Burritt Elizabeth Campbell Lisa Chick and Thomas Marriott Torlando Childress Amy Coward Jasper Cureton Clarence Davis Tracy Dickson Gus Dixon Carol Downs and Charlie Rose William Dufford Kevin Dutt Mara Elich Amy and Elliott Epps Sara Fawcett Jimmie Flemming Donald Fowler Gale Garrett Cheryl Grice Ken Grouf Kevin Hall Sue Harper Bernard F. Hawkins, Jr. and Kim Hawkins Governor Jim Hodges Michael Hogue Minnie and Sean Holleran Mark Jones Larry Kristinik Jim Lehman Matt MacGillivray James McHone Angel Morey– Althenn Lisa Morrison Butler Andrea and Edward Mullins Sandy Nesbit Pawn Nitichan Rick Noble John and Marguerite O’Brien James Overton Russell Pate Senator Kay Patterson Edward and Sandra Poliakoff Crystal Poston Jennifer Rawl Sarah Reinstein Jim Rex Naomi Seabrook James E. Smith, Jr. and Kirkland Smith Jason Stockbridge Zeke Stokes Joanne C. Suggs, Ph.D. Jamie Walker Cal Watson Douglas and Robyn Webb Kyle Wedberg Alana Williams Gloria Wise David Wright $500 – $999 Bank of America Intertape Polymer Group Palmer Memorial Chapel FOUNDATIONS $1,000– $4,999 UPS Foundation, Inc. OTHER SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS *Denotes Team Sponsor $10,000 – $24,999 City of Columbia* Richland County Government Richland School District One South Carolina State Budget Control Board INDIVIDUALS $5,000 – $9,999 David Dukes $1,000 – $4,999 Jim and Pam Balfanz Kelly and Neil Batiancila Stephen Benjamin Beth Binkley LaTonya Brown Sandra and Stephen Burke Selvin Chambers Frank Campagna and Stephanie Wu Beth DeHart Marsha Feinberg Brett Frantz Kappy and William Hubbard Williesha Lakin Robert Lewis, Jr. and Nayda Lewis Behrad Mahdi Ted Marquis Gail and Stephen Morrison Marie–Louise Ramsdale Sarah Schnable Karen Stone Malaika Thorne $500 – $999 Charlotte Berry George and Mary Cauthen John Dillard Clente Flemming Barbara and Stuart Hamilton Patricia Mathison Matthew Richardson Nancy Routh Joel and Kathryn Smith COLUMBUS AMERICORPS Corporation for National and Community Service Ohio Community Service Council TEAM SPONSORS Cardinal Health Honda of America Mfg. National City Nationwide The Siemer Family Foundation The Walter and Marian English Foundation Ingram-White Castle Foundation The Harry C. Moores Foundation Baskes Family Foundation Columbus Youth Foundation The Reinberger Foundation $1,000 - $4,999 Columbus Medical Association Foundation Tri-Valley Community Foundation CORPORATE DONORS *Denotes Team Sponsor OTHER SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS $50,000 - $99,999 $100,000+ Cardinal Health* National City* City of Columbus $25,000 - $49,999 United Way of Central Ohio Abercrombie & Fitch Co. Honda of America Mfg. JP Morgan Chase T-Mobile USA $25,000 - $49,999 INDIVIDUAL DONORS $1,000 - $4,999 American Electric Power, Inc. AON Risk Services, Inc. Bob Evans Farms, Inc. Bricker & Eckler Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP Donatos Pizzeria Strathman & Associates, Inc. Mel and Stephanie Carter Cheryl Grice Charles and Yvonne Jones Douglas and Mary Beth Morgan Michael Morosky Elizabeth Mykrantz Kelly and Tom O’Hara Donald and Thekla Shackelford Ray and Suzanne Shealy Janet and Mark Sturgeon Brett and Paul Tingley Gordon and Laura Troup Amy and Kent Underwood Robert Weiler David and Toni Weiss $1,000 - $4,999 $500 - $999 BMW Financial Services Butler Wick Trust Company Commerce National Bank Crabbe, Brown & James LLP Crane Plastics Company Deloitte & Touche, LLP Dominion Homes Fifth Third Bank Gideon Development Partners Limited Brands Nationwide Squire, Sanders & Dempsey Target The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. The Timberland Company Time Warner Communications Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP George Dobrea and Diane Hughes James and Leslie Finn Courtney and K. Blake Mackenzie Marlene Miller and Senator Ray Miller Edward Sparks Heather and Jeff Stewart Priscilla Tyson Liz Upchurch Erin Weiss Carol Wise Cornelius and Les Wright $10,000 - $24,999 Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. Comcast Continental Downtown Properties Huntington National Bank $5,000 - $9,999 $500 - $999 A.R. Hutchins & Associates, Ltd Glazer’s Distributing White Castle Management Co Youth Venture, Inc. FOUNDATIONS *Denotes Team Sponsor $50,000 - $99,999 The Siemer Family Foundation* $25,000 - $49,999 Nationwide Foundation* $10,000 - $24,999 Paul G. Duke Foundation 05-06 $5,000 - $9,999 $100 - $499 Angela Anderson Mary Jo and Richard Banco Emma Barnett Michelle Bellon Maurice and Patricia Blake Antonio and Christie Caffey David Ciccone Kimberly Combs Jeanne and William Courson Amanda Degaetano Lisa Eubanks Beau Euton Cindy and Mark Ferguson Kelli Garbasz Janet George Sherilyn George Deedee and Herb Glimcher Joy and Mike Gonsiorowski Cris and Laurie Gossard Mary Jo Groves Susan Gustin 21 C ON T R I B U T OR S 05-06 Alicia Holtslander Councilmember Mary Jo Hudson Janet Jackson Steven Jaffee Clark and Rosy Kellogg Jamella Lee James Luck Joy and Tony Mason Valarie McDaniel Linda Menerey Kathleen Murphy Norma Norris Deborah North James Parker Sally Pauley Patrick Roehrenbeck Kathleen Ryan Boyce Safford, III and Toshia Safford Margaret Safford Jon and Mary Seidelmann L.M. Sheets Alphonso and Sandra Simmons Bob and Linda Slicker Jason and Nicole Smith Pamela Speece Othelda Spencer Councilmember Charleta Tavares Tenisha Taylor Staci Vinson Alan and Torri Warner Bonita Warren Wendy Weiler Barry Young IN-KIND DONORS $25,000 - $49,999+ $100,000+ Chase* Henry Ford Health System * $50,000 - $99,999 Comcast Comerica Charitable Foundation* CSX Corporation* DaimlerChrysler Corporation Fund DTE Energy Foundation* Ford Motor Company Fund* $25,000 - $49,999 Charter One Bank T-Mobile USA $10,000 - $24,999 Rock Financial Ford Motor Company $5,000 - $9,999 Compuware Corporation General Motors Foundation Comerica Incorporated $1,000 - $4,999 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Greektown Casino IBM Corporation Lewis & Munday, PC MGM Grand Detroit Casino Michigan First Credit Union Simon, Galasso & Frantz, PLC The Taubman Company Wiener Associates Central Ohio Transit Authority $500 - $999 $10,000 - $24,999 Detroit Medical Center Road of Life FOUNDATIONS $1,000 - $4,999 $100,000+ Glidden Company Store The Jewish Fund $500 - $999 $50,000 - $99,999 Janet George Hubbard Elementary Sherwin Williams Detroit Youth Foundation Hudson-Webber Foundation The Kresge Foundation McGregor Fund $100 - $499 Buehlers Carma Rittichier City Barbeque Sherilynn George Graphic Ts Alicia Holtsander James Kimberly Ohio Lyons Bruce Norton Potbelly Sandwich Works Second Avenue Elementary DETROIT AMERICORPS Michigan Community Service Commission TEAM SPONSORS Chase Comerica Charitable Foundation CSX Corporation DTE Energy Foundation Ford Motor Company Fund Henry Ford Health System 22 CORPORATE DONORS *Denotes Team Sponsor $10,000 - $24,999 Masco Corporation Charitable Trust Detroit Lions Charities $1,000 - $4,999 California Community Foundation The Skillman Foundation The A. Alfred Taubman Foundation OTHER SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS $25,000 - $49,999 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) – City of Detroit $10,000 - $24,999 The Greening of Detroit Youth Sports and Recreation Commission $5,000 - $9,999 Communities in Schools of Detroit, Inc. $1,000 - $4,999 Academy of the Sacred Heart ACCESS Community Foundation for Southeastern Michigan Council of Asian Pacific Americans Detroit Riverfront Conservancy, Inc. Michigan UAW – CAP Council New Detroit – The Coalition University of Michigan – Dearborn $500 - $999 Lawrence Technological University INDIVIDUALS $10,000 - $24,999 Tarik and Helen Daoud Gail and Lois Warden $5,000 - $9,999 Maggie and Bob Allesee Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Cummings Sarah McClelland $1,000 - $4,999 Charlie Anderson Penny Bailer Harold and Penny Blumenstein Darrell Burks Joseph J. Buttigieg, III Matt and Karen Cullen Retha and Walter Douglas Charles and Joanne Forbes Ana Gabriel Alan D. Gilmour Ruth Glancy Ronald E. Goldsberry Elliott Hall David and Kathleen Lewis Cheryl and Reuben Munday Diana and John E. Marshall III Robert Naftaly Al and Faye Alexander Nelson Andrea and David Page Jim and Karen Ridgway Nancy M. Schlichting Karen Sosnick Shoenberg Elizabeth Collamore Sullivan Gary Torgow Laura Trudeau Edgar Vann Rebecca Salminen-Witt and Gregory Witt Roger and Joanna Garrett Lawrence Givens Sandra Goralski Nichole Greene Herrera Nancy Hanna-Galster David and Doreen Hermelin Steven Hilfinger Steven Howell Ira Jaffe Barbara Jean Johnson Victoria Keating Bianca and Dominic Liburdi Dr. Aaron W. Maddox, Sr. Allison McElroy Todd R. Mendel and Soozan Mendel Kathleen Morici Dr. Clark J. Okulski Marlies Parenti The Honorable Lynne A. Pierce Lana B. Pollack Lisa Rogers Jordan Rossen Nate Shapiro William Sherr Henry H. Sprague, Jr. Cyril and Jacqueline Thiel Lindsay Thornhill Alicia Villarreal Sook Wilkinson Albert H. Zimmerman, II IN-KIND DONORS $100,000+ Henry Ford Health System Little Rock AMERICORPS Corporation for National and Community Service TEAM SPONSORS City of Little Rock Entergy Arkansas Lamar Advertising Company Tenenbaum Family Foundation CORPORATE DONORS *Denotes Team Sponsor $500 - $999 $50,000 - $99,999 C. David and Susan Campbell David and Patricia Flowers Barbara and Thomas Gottschalk Peter and Sally Hanley Linda and Richard Kughn Joseph and Kristan Madison, M.D. Bruce Nyberg Sandy Pierce Samuel H. Thomas, Jr. Lamar Advertising Company* $100 - $499 $5,000 - $9,999 Natalie Baeckeroot Stacy Balsley Leland Bassett Nicole Byrd John Carter Robert Charles Keith Cooley Reggie Daniel Judith Doss Eugene and Elaine C. Driker Jerome Espy Rep. Barbara A. Farrah Sharon Foster Carmen Garcia Acxiom Alltel Corporation CDI Contractors, Inc. Liberty Bank of Arkansas Little Rock Convention and Visitors Bureau Metropolitan National Bank Mountain Valley Spring Company Starbucks Coffee Company Stephens, Inc. Washington Strategy Partners Corporation $25,000 - $49,999 Comcast Entergy Arkansas* T-Mobile USA $10,000 - $24,999 Argenta Wealth Management Baptist Health System C ON T R I B U T OR S $1,000 - $4,999 Aristotle Arkansas Blue Cross & Blue Shield AT&T Bank of America Bank of the Ozarks Brent & Sam’s Cookies, Inc. CJRW Comcast - Little Rock First Arkansas Insurance Heifer International JPMS Cox Ken Hubbell & Associates Lamar Advertising Little Rock Mitchell Williams Selig Gates Woodyard Twin City Bank V3 Partners LLC Vratsinas Construction Company W H Lightle Corporation Wright, Lindsey & Jennings LLP $500 - $999 Janet Jones Company/Realtors North Little Rock Chamber Of Commerce FOUNDATIONS $50,000 - $99,999 Tenenbaum Family Foundation* $10,000 - $24,999 Bank of America Charitable Foundation $1,000 - $4,999 Arkansas Community Foundation Coulson Oil Foundation Ottenheimer Brothers Foundation PepsiCo Foundation The Downtown Partnership William J. Clinton Presidential Foundation $500 - $999 Munro Foundation OTHER SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS *Denotes Team Sponsor $50,000 - $99,999 City of Little Rock* $25,000 - $49,999 City of North Little Rock $10,000 - $24,999 Little Rock School District $5,000 - $9,999 North Little Rock School District $1,000 - $4,999 Rose City Middle School INDIVIDUALS *Denotes Team Sponsor $5,000 - $9,999 Miles Goggans Mark A. Nichols Tom Schueck $1,000 - $4,999 Kay Arnold Representative Marion Berry Elizabeth Blass Bruce Burrow Renata Byler Cecilia Chan General (Ret.) Wesley and Gert Clark Catherine Grunden Andrew and Victoria Kessel Beverly and Curtis Morrow David and Sue Mosley Elgar Peerschke Dan Rolett $500 - $999 Sharon Arthur David Bachman Elizabeth and Thomas Dente Christine Detrick and Peter Yee Jeremy Haggard and C. Tucker Steinmetz Marc Haynes Kaki Hockersmith Debbie Milam Bruce T. Moore Eva Chen and James Root Erika M. Serow Bonnie and Charles Tillen Sam B. Welch Don and Janet Zimmerman $100 - $499 Annie M. Abrams Lillian Agee Kay Allen and William Allen V. A. Allen Bruce Anilde Corey Anthony Amy Bieberdorf Margaret Birdsong Lisa Black Edward Blankenship Jo Blatti Josh Blevins L. Elizabeth Bowles Connie and Dale Brown Jeff Brown Trudy Bruster Shannon Butler General and Ms. John Caldwell Katie Childers Daniel and Natalie Clare Douglas and Linda Cleek Patty Criner Bryan Day Lynda Dixon Janine and Russell Dryden Clarence Duvall Melinda Faubel Steve Germany and Michael Burns Erica Gray Catherine and Thomas Grunden Cynthia Knoerr Surya Kolluri Dawna and John Koppin Jaime and Phyllis Kriss Paul and Tammie Limoges Garth Martin Grady McCoy Mariame McIntosh Greg and Kelly Meyer Jannette Mosley Steve Nawojczyk Dunigan Okeeffe Micah B. Petty Stephanie Regan Cherylon Reid Rollie and Ruth Remmel Peter Saldarriaga Jonathan and Bethany Semans Eileen Shy Deanna Smeltz Colonel John and Maureen Starkey Stephanie Streett Honorable Ray and Betty Thornton Cynthia Trigg and William Trigg Sally McQuie and Bert Turner Mary Jo and Robert Watkins Margaret Whillock Sarah Williams Janice and Mike Wilson William Worthen Gay and Randall Wyatt Eric Wydra Don and Janet Zimmerman FOUNDATIONS *Denotes Team Sponsor IN-KIND DONORS $100,000+ OTHER SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS The Clinton Foundation $100,000+ $25,000 - $49,999 Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund Every Child is Ours $10,000 - $24,999 $1,000 - $4,999 Southern Women Action Network Arkansas Foodbank Network Bacardi USA Bullhead City Florist Frankel, an Arc Worldwide Company Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators United Way of North Little Rock $1,000 - $4,999 $500 - $999 Arkansas Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program Jeremy D. Haggard $100 - $499 Amanda M. Potter Arkansas Children’s Hospital Arkansas Rice Depot Home Depot Space Jump U.S. Pizza Company LOUISIANA AMERICORPS Corporation for National and Community Service TEAM SPONSORS Cisco Systems, Inc. CSX Corporation Founding Citizens The Huey and Angela Wilson Foundation Irene W. and C.B. Pennington Foundation Lamar Advertising Company CORPORATE DONORS *Denotes Team Sponsor $100,000+ Cisco Systems, Inc.* CSX Corporation* Lamar Advertising Company* $25,000 - $49,999 T-Mobile USA $10,000 - $24,999 Anonymous* $5,000 - $9,999 Kellogg $1,000 - $4,999 Louisiana Technology Park $100,000+ Baton Rouge Area Foundation The Huey and Angela Wilson Foundation* Irene W. and C.B. Pennington Foundation* Freddie Mac Inc. 05-06 $1,000 - $4,999 The Gustaf Westfeldt McIlhenny Family Foundation Whitman-Hanson Regional High School INDIVIDUALS *Denotes Team Sponsor $100,000+ Anita and Joshua Bekenstein Jennifer Eplett Reilly and Sean Reilly $10,000 - $24,999 James and Laura Bailey* Carole and Charles Lamar* Don and Pat Lyle* John and Virginia Noland* Michael and Suzette Polito* Kevin and Winifred Reilly* Sari and Thomas Turner* $1,000 - $4,999 William Egan John and Christy Galloway Dottie Johnson Arnold and Carol Kantor Gail and James Radley $500 - $999 Cathy and Joe Feldman Louise and Robert Lawrence Mark Patterson Phyllis Segal $100 - $499 Dorothy Abrams John Briggs Debra Chesnin John and Margaret Christie Maria Dawidoff Martha Finch John and Karin Gunnemann Julie Heifetz Michael Hogan Dorothy and James Hunt Alethia and Webster Jones Susan Lane Burton Leiser Michael and Valerie Lewis Adrienne and Sydney Lieberman Eileen and J. E. Llewellyn Denise and Steven Nachmanoff Bonnie and Martin Oberman Margo and Michael Oberman Andrea Saiet Barbara Sandler 23 C ON T R I B U T OR S 05-06 Maureen Scheuermann John and Susan Schmalzbauer Erika Simon Errol Stone Gary and Marilyn Susman Jonathan Wiener and Ginger Young Joseph and Madeline Wikler IN-KIND DONORS Public Service of New Hampshire Shaheen & Gordon, PA Siena Construction Corporation The Dupont Group The TJX Companies, Inc. The TJX Foundation, Inc. UNI-GRAPHIC, INC. Waste Management of New Hampshire Wheelabrator Tech $1,000 - $4,999 $500 - $999 Jennifer Eplett Reilly and Sean Reilly Ashworth Hotel, Inc. Benthien Associates Carey & Giampa Realtors Eastman Fishing Fleet J Lohr Winery James M. Taylor Division New England Barricade Co. Parsons Electric Preston Real Estate SYMS Corp Unitil Energy Systems, Inc. NEW HAMPSHIRE AMERICORPS Volunteer NH! National Association of Service and Conservation Corps TEAM SPONSORS Citizens Bank Foundation Hampton Community Coalition The Timberland Company CORPORATE DONORS *Denotes Team Sponsor $10,000 - $24,999 The Timberland Company* Ella Anderson Trust New Hampshire Charitable Foundation – Manchester Region Norwin & Elizabeth Bean Foundation $25,000 - $49,999 $5,000 - $9,999 Citizens Bank Foundation* Comcast T-Mobile USA The Boston Foundation, Inc. Cogswell Benevolent Trust Fanny and Svante Knistrom Foundation Greater Piscataqua Community Foundation $50,000 - $99,999 $10,000 - $24,999 Bank of America Charitable Foundation Fisher Scientific Mortgage Financial, Inc. The Verizon Foundation $5,000 - $9,999 Ameriprise Financial Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Hampton Beach Casino, Inc. Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Piscataqua Savings Bank $1,000 - $4,999 AMR Research, Inc. AT&T AutoFair Bedford Village Inn CIGNA Citi Trends, Inc. Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Northern New England, Inc. Credit Suisse First Boston CRS Retail Systems Delta Dental DSW, Inc. Filene’s Basement Gabriel Brothers, Inc. Galley Hatch Restaurant GSI Commerce Solutions Harcourt, Inc Iron Mountain Janitech, Inc. Liberty Mutual McLane, Graf, Raulerson & Middleton, P.A. Mercer Human Resource Consulting Modell’s Sporting Goods Morgan Stanley Mortgage Partners, Inc. Pax World Management Corporation Portsmouth Regional Hospital 24 FOUNDATIONS $1,000 - $4,999 Agnes M. Lindsay Trust Fuller Foundation New Hampshire Bar Foundation United Way of the Greater Seacoast Youth Service America $500 - $999 Anne Slade Frey Charitable Trust OTHER SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS $50,000 - $99,999 New Hampshire Earmark $25,000 - $49,999 Rockingham County Department of Human Services $10,000 - $24,999 City of Manchester Hillsborough County Department of Health and Human Services Manchester Community Resource Center, Inc. Strafford County Department of Health and Human Services $1,000 - $4,999 Hampton School District PACT Reach the Beach Rotary Club of Hampton SEA-A.R.T.S Project $500 - $999 Hampton Elementary PTA Hampton Police Association INDIVIDUAL DONORS $100,000+ Hampton Community Coalition $10,000 - $24,999 Patrick Carey Michael Dionne $5,000 - $9,999 Anonymous David and Margaret Allen Donna and Scott Briggs Geraldine and John Cerullo Brook Gassner Jim and Robin Giampa Philip Jackson and Lesa Scott Bruce and Tari Johnson Larry and Paula Klane John and Tashia Morgridge Noel Rix Kenneth and Leslie Pucker $1,000 - $4,999 Catherine Anatone William Beckert Albert Bellemore Teresa and Thomas Bowen David T. Brown, II and Krista Brown Graham and Jennifer Bunce Maureen Carey Carolyn Casey Geoffrey and Martha Fuller Clark Douglas and Kimberly Clark Dennis and Maxine Cokely Bruce and Christine Crockett Christie Daboul Richard F. Dumore, Jr. and Susan Dumore Joseph Exner David Funk The Judd Gregg Committee Jay and Kaki Gould Michele Grennon Michael and Rebecca Harrison James R. Kennedy, Jr. and Mara Kennedy Stephen W. Kidder, Sr. and Judith Malone Penny Kittle Larry and Paula Klane Leslie Kiliper and Thomas F. Lucas, IV Richard Luff Kyle MacDonald Joel Maiola Glenn and Patricia McKenzie Brian and Lorraine McKeon Bonnie and Robert Monahan Julie and Michael Myers Pawn Nitichan Sherrill Nixon Barry Fussell and Jane Palmer Angela Lawrence and Leigh Peake Judy Pierce Andrea and Michael Prager Tom Rea Allison Reedy Jodi and Marc Schneider Carin and Scott Sharp Edward Shein Paula and Wayne Slattery Charles F. Smith, Jr. Gary and Toni Smith Martha Stolzer Bernadette and Mark Tritton Roxanne Van Bokkelen Ann and Carden Welsh Stacy Whittier Danette and Stephen Wineberg Linda and Terry Zych $500 - $999 Anonymous Alexandra and Jim Allen Ramon Baez Carroll and Maureen Barrows Michael Brown and Charlotte Mao Joeseph Dzialo Alan and Linnea Hallee Susan Hudson Mark and Noreen Kasper Susan Kepner John Kovalik, Jr. Pamela Linseman Sean Mahoney James McGrail Daniel and Pamela Morrison S. John Murray K.C. Ostrowski Brenda and David Paradis Mary and Michael Prendergast Paul Rabenius Diane and Matthew Ralph Bruce Twyon Bruce and Joanne Wilhelm Danette and Stephen Wineberg Joyce Wright $100 - $499 Amanda Ahn Anonymous Marianne Anastasia Josephine Atluri George Attar Britta and Christopher Ayer Patricia Baker Gary Barrett Karen Belanger Joshua Benthien Steven Borne Dan Brierton Susan Brooks Susan Calegari Brigadier General Kenneth R. Clark and Deborah Clark Angela and Patrick Closson Deborah Collier Linda D’Amico Karen and Timothy Diaz Jaye and Patrick Duffy Barbara Dunkel Tim Dupre Erin and Thomas Flanigan John Fouhy Kenneth Fraser and Ronald Kamann Pauline Frisina Angela Garcia Jay and Mary Pat Gibson Janet Giovanniello and Thomas J. Giovanniello, Jr. Elizabeth Graham Lawrence Grodzicki Nadine Guerin Lawrence Harkovich Chrissy Harte Pamela Henry Christopher Hodgdon Anita and Richard Holt David Hureau Jeff Jablow Amanda and John Johnson Kate King Susan Koeneman C ON T R I B U T OR S Leslie Lafond Elizabeth Lavallee Brian and Tara Leno Courtney and Michael Lodico Melanie Long Marcia Macintosh Bruce Mallory Arne May Julie and Kevin McCann Keith McKenna Kathy and William Mercer Francis Moynihan Kenneth Murphy Mariann and Scott Murphy Manfred Muscara Mark Newhall Don Palmer C. John Peckham Ann Petruzziello Martin Pihl Anne Pope Scott Price Jonathan Pucker Darc and Rie Rasmussen Carole Renselaer Francis Richmond Amelia and Ron Rockelein Nancy Roessel Gus Roth Marshall Rowe Tom and Val Schou Deborah Seavey Christine Singleton John Sobczak Deanne Soderberg Catherine Sullivan Karl Swanson Thomas Thorne Bill and Danna Truslow James Turner Kathleen Valade MacDonald Jacqueline Vital Justine Vogel Robert Wallace Virginia Williams Diane and John Woods Jong and Wendy Yang Gary and Sherry Young Kimon Zachos Lindbergh’s Crossing Me and Ollie’s Bakery Panera Bread $100 - $499 $1,000 - $4,999 $5,000 - $9,999 Island Strategies, Inc. JetBlue Airways MJM Creative Services, Inc. Anonymous Evy and Paul Frankel Daniel and Maria Gerrity Eric Gertler Eugene and Emily Grant Family Foundation Jack Lew and Ruth Schwartz Anne and Vincent Mai Lisa and Richard Perry Danny and Manizeh Rimer Carole and Michael Roth Nicole Seligman The Sogg Foundation, Inc. Alan and Elaine Weiler Angelina’s Anneke Jans Applebee’s Domino’s Pizza The Green Monkey Home Depot Little Caesars Lyons Coffee Service Michaels Muddy River Smokehouse Pizza Hut Staples Subway Victory 96 State Street Wicked Awesome Paint $500 - $999 NEW YORK The Louis Calder Foundation The Marc Haas Foundation New York Community Trust AMERICORPS Corporation for National and Community Service TEAM SPONSORS Alcoa Foundation Apfelbaum Family Foundation Bain & Company Dale and Max Berger Cisco Systems, Inc. Citigroup Foundation Credit Suisse Americas Foundation If Hummingbird Foundation, Inc. The Timberland Company CORPORATE DONORS *Denotes Team Sponsor $100,000+ Alcoa Foundation* Bain & Company* Cisco Systems, Inc.* Citigroup Foundation* Credit Suisse Americas Foundation* $50,000 - $99,999 HBS Section G 2007 Hip Hop Has Heart, Inc. FOUNDATIONS *Denotes Team Sponsor $100,000+ Anonymous – C Carnegie Corporation of New York $50,000 - $99,999 The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation The Charles Hayden Foundation Pinkerton Foundation $25,000 - $49,999 $10,000 - $24,999 Dyson Foundation Rita J. and Stanley H. Kaplan Family Foundation, Inc. $5,000 - $9,999 Bloomberg Sisters Foundation The Alfred Meyer Foundation $1,000 - $4,999 The Ford Foundation The Jandon Foundation The Liberal Do-Gooder Foundation Metropolitan Philanthropic Fund Park Avenue Charitable Fund Stairway Fund OTHER SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS $100,000+ New York City Council $50,000 - $99,999 Department of Youth and Community Development IN-KINDS Citigroup, Inc. MetLife Foundation The Timberland Company* $25,000 - $49,999 $25,000 - $49,999 $1,000 - $4,999 The Timberland Company Bank of America Charitable Foundation Grey Worldwide KeySpan Foundation Smith Barney T-Mobile USA Cornell University $10,000 - $24,999 Plainspoke RAM Printing $5,000 - $9,999 Autofair Ford Wentworth by the Sea $1,000 - $4,999 Bill Truslow Photography Flatbread Pizza Company Jumpin Jay’s Fish Café Manchester Police Athletic League The Portsmouth Brewery Sherwin Williams Sanger Communications $500 - $999 Belle Peppers Carolina Biological Deborah Stokel Library Restaurant $10,000 - $24,999 Bernstein, Litowitz, Berger, and Grossmann Comcast Davis Polk & Wardwell Newmark Knight Frank New York Times Foundation PepsiCo Foundation Tishman Speyer Properties $5,000 - $9,999 CSX Corporation Goldman, Sachs & Co. HBO Morgan Stanley Silvercup Studios UBS $5,000 - $9,999 NASCC INDIVIDUALS *Denotes Team Sponsor $100,000+ Anonymous $25,000 - $49,999 61 Associates Louis and Anne Abrons Foundation, Inc. Apfelbaum Family Foundation* Dale and Max Berger* If Hummingbird Foundation, Inc.* $10,000 - $24,999 Anonymous Andi and Tom Bernstein David Caplan Jon Grouf and Gianna Nazarro Anne Herrmann and John A. Herrmann, Jr. Kaplen Foundation Anne and Bernard Spitzer 05-06 $1,000 - $4,999 Arthur Ainsberg Kevin Aspell Charles and Karyn Bendit Sherrill Blalock and Jonathan Smith Chip Block and Leanna Landsmann Marlo and Robert Brevetti Jay Coleman Gari and Ira Dansky Andrew Fairbairn Maxine and Ted Geller Martin Goldstein, M.D. and Susan Goldstein Katja Goldman and Michael Sonnenfeldt Todd Green Gillian and Jason Haberman Blair Hamilton and Beth Sachs David and Suzanne Hamm Judi Hannan The Charles B Israel Foundation Chad and Michelle Johnson Martin and Nancy Kaminsky Bill and Linda Kaye Harold and Ruth Kingsberg Alice and Arthur Kramer Diane Kranz Irwin Leimas Joseph and Juanita Leff Charitable Trust Alexander Lynch DJ McManus Foundation, Inc. Robert and Bethany Millard Charitable Foundation Cheryl Mills Joyce and Lee Neibart Michael Neuman Charles Paul Jill Rosen Allison and Neil Rubler Carol and Lawrence Saper F & E Stamer Foundation, Inc. Harold and Nicki Tanner Margie and Nate Thorne Tisch Foundation Jeanette and Paul Wagner Silda Wall Alan Zients, M.D., and Ronda Shaw Zients $500 - $999 Joseph Ainsberg Timothy Amos Bartol Charitable Foundation, Inc. The Bernheim Foundation Charles and Rachel Bernheim Stephanie Bernheim Amy Breitberg Charles and Nancy Buck Alan Caplan 25 C ON T R I B U T OR S 05-06 Gary Clare Dick and Peggy Danziger Gerson Family Foundation Neil Goldmacher Robert Goldstein Barbara and Robert Goodkind Judith and Leonard Haber Julie Horowitz Jo-Ann Malkin Horowitz Larry and Paula Klane Charles and Jane Klein Jonathan Kopp Ezra Levin David Lowenfeld and Sally Mendelsohn Lynford Family Charitable Trust Joanne and Norman Matthews Albert and Betty Osman Wallace P. Parker, Jr. Joshua Polan and Sharon Polan Jtwros Ellen and Leonard Polaner The PKL Foundation Inc. Jon and Susan Rotenstreich Arthur Selkowitz Stanley and Renee Shapiro Meryl and Kenneth Sherman Warren J. & Florence Sinsheimer Foundation, Inc. The Jean L. Troubh and Raymond S. Troubh Fund Lee and Cynthia Vance Foundation J.P. Versace Lulu Wang Robert Warner Carl Weisbrod Hugh and Suzanne Weisman Altman/Kazickas Foundation $100 - $499 Joan Albert Joe and Rose Andolina Patricia and Thomas Barry Helen and William Beekman Sarah Bernard Paul Bierne Pamela Bolen Sarah Bond-Uffelman Erin Brannan Celeste Brown Sylvia Brown and Kenzo Hamano Thomas Butler Paul Cantor Patricia Caplan David Christenberry and Maura Larkin Edwin Cohen Daniel Conroy Theresa Crotty Randi Dawson Seth Endo Miguel Forbes Christine Foster Deborah and Lawrence Freundlich Allison Gans Debra-Ellen Glickstein Herbert Haber Blair Hamilton and Beth Sachs Ann and Patrick Hance Jason and Jennifer Hicks Elizabeth Horton and James Silbert Steve Hunter Jill Hyman Richard and Sandra Jacoby Bryan Kessler Henry and Julia Kinstlinger Edgar and Eileen Koerner Howard Lanznar 26 Sam Lessin Harriet Leve Patricia Levinson Melanie Lewis Dan Light Anna Lowe Elyse and Mark Makowsky Peter Matt Christine Mcmanus Euan Menzies Edwina Millington Eric Mimeault Abe Oberlin Mary O’Connor Danielle Officer Alexandra and Frederick Peters Suzanne Petren-Moritz John and Lael Ramaley Marjorie Rosenberg Miriam Rosenn Lauren Rutkin Irwin Schneiderman Craig Schortzmann Harriet and Sheldon Segal Florence and Warner Sinsheimer Brian and Johanna Snyder Margaret Spencer Beth Sperber Andrew Walters Susan West Richard Winslow IN-KIND DONORS $1,000,000 Bain & Company $100,000 - $499,999 Facebook, Inc. $50,000 - $99,999 Expansion Team $25,000 - $49,999 CBS Outdoor $10,000 - $24,999 Pier 60 LLC Scholastic, Inc. $1,000 - $4,999 Credit Suisse Americas Foundation London True Value $100 - $499 Dimitri’s Garden Center FedEx Kinko’s GREATER PHILADELPHIA AMERICORPS PennSERVE: The Governor’s Office Of Citizen Service TEAM SPONSORS Bank of America Charitable Foundation Berwind Corporation Comcast CSX Corporation David’s Bridal Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP Eagles Youth Partnership FirstTrust Bank – Firstrust Bank GlaxoSmithKline Foundation The Glenmede Trust Company Lincoln Financial Group Foundation SAP America, Inc. SEI Investments Sneaker Villa Sunoco, Inc. The Wachovia Foundation Wolf, Block, Schorr and Solis-Cohen LLP CORPORATIONS * Denotes Team Sponsor $100,000+ Comcast* David’s Bridal* $50,000 - $99,999 Bank of America Charitable Foundation* Firstrust Bank* GlaxoSmithKline Foundation* Lincoln Financial Group Foundation* SAP America, Inc.* The Wachovia Foundation* $25,000 - $49,999 Berwind Corporation* CSX Corporation* Davis Polk & Wardwell Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP* Eagles Youth Partnership* The Glenmede Trust Company* MetLife Foundation SEI Investments* Smith Barney Sneaker Villa* Sunoco, Inc.* T-Mobile USA Wolf, Block, Schorr and Solis-Cohen LLP* $10,000 - $24,999 Anonymous Cigna Citizens Bank Deloitte Philadelphia Eagles Verizon Foundation $5,000 - $9,999 Blank & Rome FM Global Gateway Funding Keker & Van Nest LLP Menta Construction, Inc. Morgan Stanley The Timberland Company White & Case LLP Williams & Connolly Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP Snell & Wilmer LLP Stevens & Lee Stryker, Tams & Dill LLP Wiley Rein & Fielding LLP $500 - $999 Coleman Legal Kelley Drye & Warren LLP Nassau Construction Co., Inc. Rhawnhurst Catering, Inc. Westrum Development Company FOUNDATIONS $25,000 - $49,999 The Annie E. Casey Foundation The Philadelphia Foundation $10,000 - $24,999 Connelly Foundation The Germeshausen Foundation The Patricia Kind Family Foundation Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Foundation The Warren V. Musser Foundation $5,000 $9,999 Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation Leo Model Foundation $1,000 - $4,999 The Barra Foundation OTHER SUPPORING ORGANIZATIONS $500,000+ School District of Philadelphia $50,000 - $99,999 Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development $10,000 - $24,999 Allegheny West Foundation Harding Middle School Russell Byers Charter School Shaw Middle School Taylor Elementary School Visitation School $5,000 - $9,999 United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania Starfinder Foundation INDIVIDUALS $1,000 - $4,999 $10,000 - $24,999 Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. Beneficial Savings Bank Brooks Kushman P.C. Cooper, White & Cooper Dow Lohnes & Albertson PLLC Klehr, Harrison, Harvey, Branzburg & Ellers LLP Marsh USA, Inc. Mayer Leadership Group Mercer Human Resource Consulting Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell Oakes Builders, Inc. Paramount Installations Corp. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Right Management Consultants S.R. Wodjak & Associates, Inc. Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis LLP Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP Helaine and Joe Banner Arthur and Janice Block Patti Feinerman Thomas Giangiulio Stephen and Susan Rade $5,000 - $9,999 Philip H. Behr Saul Freedman Edward Furman Patrick Moeller $1,000 - $4,999 Evelyn and Nick Beilenson James Casserly Carl DiAntonio Thomas D’Lauro Andrew Giampetro Norman Goldberger Epiphany Grisbaum C ON T R I B U T OR S Michael Hammer Karen and Roger Jones Eve and Kenneth Klothen Bob Limpinski David Markowitz Joan and David Martin Todd Millman Bob Murphy James O’Connor William Sahm, Jr. Howard Schecter Robert Srolis Michael Stanton Mark Strong Mark Swierczewski Daniel Vile David Williams Charles Zacney $500 - $999 Gregory Arnold John Beilenson Bernard Beri Vincent Bonato Brad and Denise Brubaker Laurada Byers Len Caldwell Brian Calhoun Gary Campbell Joseph Cox John Dowdell Thomas Drakeford Sally Ivory Lois and Paul Kimbol Barbara and Christopher Kovolski Herman and Marciene Mattleman Todd Potter Nick Saponara Donald and Kathleen Savage Garry Scheib William Schluth Martin Stallone Harry Sturgis Stephen Sweeney Dan Wofford Ted and Wendy Kapnek L.J. Keating and J.S Masland Mary Keefe Andrew Keiser Gwen and David Keiser Joseph Kelly David Kramp Ted Lafair David Leipert Matthew MacGregor Ray Mamrak Joseph and Phyllis Marshall The Honorable Theodore A. McKee and Ana Pujols-McKee Paul Meles Paul Menta Ben Mittelman and Michele Schwartz Stephen Monforto Dan Morroni Ronald Naples John and Joan Nicholas Michael A. Nutter Donald Palmer Robert Palmer Henry Papiano Leslie and Andrew Price Bruce and Beth Rosner Ronald Rubin Charles Ruchalski Chris Sadjian-Peacock Jared Sadlowski Debbie Sanderson and Michael O’Hare Robert Schloss The Schloss Family Tim Shipman Donald and Melody Thompson Kimberlee Tonetti Geraldine Trapp Anthony and Elizabeth Vale Dan Walsh Denise and Joseph Weachter Patrick Whitbeck Genevieve and Walter White Darryl Wynn $100 - $499 IN-KIND DONORS F. Scott Addis Joe and Rose Andolina J.P. Archie Deborah Bain and Joel Young Mikki and Ralph Banner Ann R. Baruch Fred and Sylvia Blume F. Scott Briggs Mr. and Mrs. James M. Briggs Mr. and Mrs. James M. Buck III Candie Burr Darnell Coney Marty Cotti Marcelino Delarosa Mrs. Henry Disston Kevin Dow Jay Edelstein Frank Fairman and Jill Harmon Dana Fiordaliso Marilyn and Joe Fiordaliso Ann and Richard Frankel Karen and Philip Glick Herbert and Virginia Goodrich Chuck Goss Frank Guido Michael Hagan Marilyn Halpern Robert Hauptfuhrer Michael Hughey $100,000+ Septa $10,000 - $25,000 Buca di Beppo $1,000 - $4,999 John Adams/MAB Paint Finnaren and Haley Paints The Timberland Company $500 - $999 Philadelphia Regional Produce Market Plaza Beverage, Inc. $100 - $499 Acme Buccafuri Nursery Chris’ Corner Franklin Beer Distributors Gianfranco Pizza Hilton Garden Inn JP Tees Pine Run Primex Garden Center Starbucks Wawa RHODE ISLAND AMERICORPS Rhode Island Service Alliance TEAM SPONSORS Bank of America Charitable Foundation Bank Newport CVS/pharmacy Charitable Trust, Inc. Hasbro Charitable Trust, Inc. Textron Inc. CORPORATE DONORS *Denotes Team Sponsor $50,000 - $99,999 CVS/pharmacy Charitable Trust, Inc.* $25,000 - $49,999 Bank of America Charitable Foundation* Bank Newport* Hasbro Charitable Trust, Inc.* Textron Inc.* T-Mobile USA $10,000 - $24,999 Comcast Cox Communications, Inc. National Grid The Alice I. Sullivan Charitable Trust $5,000 - $9,999 Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge, LLP Olneyville Community School Pawtucket Red Sox Baseball Club, Inc The Procaccianti Group The Providence Journal Company Sovereign Bank Teknor Apex Company Verizon Foundation $1,000 - $4,999 AAA of Southern New England Advertising Ventures Inc. Airport Business Center Amica Companies Foundation B & H Shipping Group Belvoir Properties, Inc. Bliss Properties Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island Bowen’s Wharf CB Richard Ellis Collette Vacations Davidson Holdings, Inc. FGX International Limited Greater Providence Chamber of Commerce GTECH Corporation McLaughlin & Moran, Inc. MetLife Auto & Home National Youth Service Day Sponsors New England Construction Company Newport Grand Perot Systems Sodexho School Services Staples Foundation for Learning United Healthcare of New England Women & Infants Hospital of Rhode Island FOUNDATIONS $10,000 - $24,999 Hazard Family Foundation $5,000 - $9,999 05-06 John Clarke Trust JC & B Coutu Foundation Harry C., Miriam C. and William C. Horton Charity Fund Joukowsky Family Foundation June Rockwell Levy Foundation, Inc. $1,000 - $4,999 The Champlin Foundations Dexter Donation Episcopal Charities of Rhode Island Haffenreffer Family Fund The Rhode Island Foundation OTHER SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS $10,000 - $24,999 City of Pawtucket Providence Public Schools State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations $5,000 - $9,999 City of Newport CVS Highlander Charter School Gilbert Stuart Middle School $1,000 - $4,999 City of Warwick Rhode Island Service Alliance Thompson Middle School INDIVIDUALS $5,000 - $9,999 Alden M. Anderson, Jr. and Emily Anderson Glenn and Mary Jane Creamer Merle and Stanley Goldstein Barbara and Jerrold Lavine Jeannie and Jonathan Lavine $1,000 - $4,999 Lawrence Brown Christopher and Heather Crosby Robert Cormier Jeffrey and Karen Davis Daniel and Roberta Dwyer B. Allen Flaxman, M.D. and Rhoda Flaxman Charles Francis Elizabeth and Thomas Goddard Michael Goldstein Alan and Vivien Hassenfeld Charles Holland, III and Gayle Holland Beth Integlia and Michael Integlia, Jr. Gerald and Melissa Lavallee Frederick and Phyllis Lohrum Robert and Lynn Manning John J. McConnell, Jr. and Sara McConnell Craig and Sarah Richardson Kathy and Peter Rumsey Henry D. Sharpe, Jr. and Peggy Sharpe John Zitzman $500 - $999 $500 - $999 Bank Rhode Island Dimeo Construction Company Gilbane Building Company Tillinghast Licht Perkins Smith & Cohen, LLP Curt Beckwith, M.D. and Susanna Rhodes Judith Danforth and Murray S. Danforth, III Richard and Victoria Hittinger 27 C ON T R I B U T OR S 05-06 Barry Hittner and Kathleen Hittner, M.D. Abigail and Nicholas Long Beverly and Herbert Malin John McNamee F. Paul Mooney, Jr. Joan and Timothy Moran Laura and Greg Oliveira Roger Peters Cate and William Roberts Stephen and Jayne Siegel Louis Soares Shivan Subramaniam John and Mary Wemple $100 - $499 Guy Abelson Joan and Richard Abrams Al and Michele Adamo Lynn Akin Armin and Lynne Allen Elliot Anderson Robert Barrow Henry Bell Martha and Oliver Bennett Joseph Beretta Ann and Robert Borah Kelly Brinza Brant Carleton Senator Lincoln Chafee and Stephanie Chafee Jim Corwin Michele Diaz Gerald and Linda Diebold Bradford Dimeo James Donahue and Lamont Gordon Bartlett Dunbar and Lisa Lewis John Ellis Amanda and Ted Fischer Bonnie and Linton Fluck, III Laura Gassner Otting Barbara Goldstein Eliza Goodwin and Raquel Melo Mary Ellen Grosvenor Elizabeth Grover Lawrence and Melissa Sue Gula Carolyn Hallinan and David J. Rauktys Christine Hart William Hatfield Cynthia and Kenneth Holberger Michael Holt State Senator William V. Irons and Mary Irons John Iverson Warren Katz Seth Klaiman Meg and Michael Lee Jeff and Kristin Lehoullier Ari Matusiak Edmund M. Mauro, Jr. and Jan Mauro Robert and Elisabeth McGregor C. Ross and Christina McKenrick Laura McPhie Dennis Murphy Chad Olcott and Laura Pochop J. D. Owen Ann Pehle Jerilyn Pignataro Susan Rembijas Arthur Robbins Rick and Teresa Schrauser Susan Shea-Schuellein Rob and Mindy Sherwin David and Marjorie Sluter Harry Sterling 28 Sheila Sulentic Bruce Sundlun Beverly and Dennis Taber Catherine and Robert Taylor Robert Tobias Mary Sloane and Andrew Wallerstein IN-KIND DONORS $1,000 Bacardi USA Domino’s Pizza Liberty Properties Port Authority of San Antonio San Antonio Express-News San Antonio Federal Credit Union Saturn of San Antonio Toyota Motor Credit Corporation Wal-Mart Wells Fargo Bank Zachry Construction Corporation $500 - $999 SAN ANTONIO American Financial & Auto Services, Inc. Bank of America Beldon Roofing Company Caliber Collision Centers Cal-Tex Protective Coatings, Incorporated CDM Company GMAC Mortgage Corporation Golden West Oil Hilb, Rogal and Hamilton Company of San Antonio KENS-TV On-Site Fuels, Inc. Pioneer Flour Mills Republic Beverage Company San Antonio Spurs Foundation Security Service Federal Credit Union Trader Publishing Company Universal Underwriters Group Zulu Investment Corp. AMERICORPS FOUNDATIONS OneStar National Service Commission $25,000 - $49,999 TEAM SPONSOR H-E-B Grocery Company AT&T Communications, Inc. Goldsbury Foundation $500 - $999 Au Bon Pain Dunkin Donuts Stop & Shop $100 - $499 Caserta EMS Hope Street Pizza Lowes Office Depot Olympic Pizza Papa John Pizza Renbone Brothers, Inc Shaws Sherwin-Williams Subway Toppos CORPORATE DONORS *Denotes Team Sponsor $100,000+ H-E-B Grocery Company* $50,000 - $99,999 AT&T Communications, Inc.* $25,000 - $49,999 Bank of America Charitable Foundation Comcast T-Mobile USA $10,000 - $24,999 MetLife Foundation San Antonio Area Foundation $5,000 - $9,999 KCI New Orleans Saints $10,000 - $24,999 Faye L. and William L. Cowden Charitable Foundation San Antonio Area Foundation $1,000 - $4,999 Muriel F. Siebert Foundation $500 - $999 San Antonio Children’s Foundation OTHER SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS $50,000 - $99,999 San Antonio Independent School District $1,000 - $4,999 Alamo Ovarian Cancer Alliance Eagle’s Nest Christian Fellowship University of Texas at San Antonio $500 - $999 $1,000 - $4,999 St. Paul United Methodist Chruch Advantage Golf Argonaut Group Inc. Arnold Oil Company of Austin, Inc. Cavender Audi Cavender Auto Family Toyota Cavender Cadillac Company Centro San Antonio Clear Channel Communications Enterprise Rent-A-Car Company of Texas Fiesta San Antonio Commision, Inc. Frost National Bank Fulbright & Jaworski GMAC Gonzales Hoblit Ferguson INDIVIDUALS $1,000 - $4,999 Charles Farkas Gita Iyer and Vijay Vishwanath David and Suzette Johnson Alison and Ron Kermisch Diane and William Ledingham Reginald and Vanessa Nichols Russell Noe Donna Robinson and Chris Zook Susan Sheehan Marion Bell Don Blenko, Jr. and Marcia Blenko Michael and Susan Caraviello Rick and Suzanne Cavender Leena Chawla and Srivatsan Rajan Sarah Doebler and Paul Rosenberg Beth and Gerard du Toit Jennifer and William M. Fulton, Jr. James and Kara Gruver David Harding and Jan Nyquist Sue Merrell Ashish and Renuka Singh Tucker Taft and Phyllis Yale Michael Vick $100 - $499 Hillary Anderson Scott Baima Jason Barro and Alison Weinberg Steven Berez and Peggy Lowenstein Neal Brodbeck Earl Bullock Toby Chalberg Paul Cichocki and Cindy Ostrowski Jeff and Mollie Cullinane Kristy and Thomas Cunningham Brenda Davis Lee Delaney Arthur and Tertia Emerson Buckner and Martha Fanning Liesl and Michael Fields Gilbert Garcia Cob Garner India Guilbot A. Ryland Howard Kimberly Kehrberger Barbara Kyse Kristin Lambert Paul Lazor Mitchell Leiman Amy and Robert Lepage Jonathan and Susan Levine Elizabeth and William Mangum Frances McLaughlin Betty Merchant Michael Milway and Katie Smith Margaret Montemayor Barry and Ruth Ann Myers Richard and Stella Nelson Robert Oxford Arline and Gary Patterson Elaine and Peter Petkoff Elizabeth and Fidel Ramos Carol and Dale Reston Russell Rinklin Joe and Martha Rivera Marc Rodriguez Annette and Charles Rose Kai Sakstrup Cynthia and James Schwartz Lon Shelby and Susan Norman Smith James and Marie Spoto Cynthia and James Stavropoulos Joci and Joe Straus James and Yvone Thurwalker Dahn Windhorn David Worley Maxine and Richard Zucker IN-KIND DONORS $25,000 - $49,999 Wells Fargo $500 - $999 $10,000 - $24,999 Larraine Beal and Paul Smith VIA Metropolitan Transit C ON T R I B U T OR S $1,000 - $4,999 San Antonio Food Bank Sea World Taco Cabana Texas Medical Rangers $500 - $999 Community Foundation of Silicon Valley KB Home South Bay NBC 11 Ritchie Commercial Seagate Technology, Inc. Domino’s Pizza Vista Care Hospice FOUNDATION DONORS $100 - $499 Sobrato Foundation Alpha Kappa Alpha American Classic Aramark Sports and Entertainment Bank of America Big Apple Bagels Brandy Ruark Camp C.A.M.P. Church’s Chicken Culligan Water Goombas Pizza Pizza Hut/Rotary San Antonio Children’s Museum San Antonio Current San Antonio Independent School District Starbucks Subway Taco Cabana/Rotary United Way San Antonio $10,000 - $24,999 $25,000 - $49,999 Stuart Foundation OTHER SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS $100,000+ City of San Jose $10,000 - $24,999 Catholic Charities - CORAL Empire Gardens Elementary School Escuela Popular Elementary School K.R. Elementary School $5,000 - $9,999 SAN JOSÉ/SILICON VALLEY Arbuckle Elementary School LeyVa Middle School L.U.C.H.A. School Next Door Solutions to Domestic Violence Rotary Club of San Jose San Antonio Elementary School AMERICORPS $1,000 - $4,999 California Service Corps San Jose State University San Jose Unified School District Santa Clara County Office of Education TEAM SPONSORS Applied Materials, Inc. Comerica Bank – California Hewlett-Packard Company Synopsys, Inc. CORPORATE DONORS * Denotes Team Sponsor $100,000+ Applied Materials, Inc.* Hewlett-Packard Company* $50,000 - $99,999 Comerica Bank – California* $25,000 - $ 49,999 Adobe Systems, Inc. Bank of America Charitable Foundation Chevron Comcast MetLife Foundation Synopsys, Inc.* T-Mobile USA $10,000 - $24,999 Cisco Systems, Inc. Lockheed Martin Oracle SanDisk TIBCO Software, Inc. Wells Fargo Bank $5,000 - $9,999 Cadence Design Systems Community Hospital of Los Gatos Solectron Symantec Corporation Xilinx $1,000 - $4,999 Coakley Heagertey INDIVIDUALS $5,000 - $9,999 Mary Ellen and Michael Fox John and Tashia Morgridge $1,000 - $4,999 George Duran and Joe Pon The Honorable Fred Fowler and Phyllis Fowler Jon Freeman and Catherine Misuraca Andrea and Jeffrey Holmes Lisa Jensen Kathleen King and Mark Stark Elaine Mathes Sharon Matthews and James Tabasz Rondy Ng and Grace Yee Cynthia and Randall Pond Charles and Linda Sullivan $500 - $999 Baudelio Aguilera and Petra DelarosaJose Joseph Bugajski Chris Dangerfield and Lyndy Janes Elaine Elkin Carl and Leslee Guardino Philip and Susan Hammer William C. Hannemann Patricia and Peter Huttlinger Dan Jones Mary and Richard Lawrence Laura and Sam Liccardo Edwin and Sharon McCauley Lavanya Noor Bryan and Shelly Shisler Darby Siempelkamp Patrick Tehan Matthew Trask $100 - $499 IN-KIND DONORS Kimberly Abram Elizabeth Adams Moshena Ahmad Elaine Alquist Alfred G. Altomare, Jr. and Barbara Ann Altomare Aylin Bell Noah Branman Councilmember Nora Campos Alex and Gloria Cerul Sarah Channell Councilmember Judy Chirco Terry Christensen Robert Clemons Leslie Collins Councilmember Dave Cortese Kerry and Laura Beth DeHority Linda Durnell Catherine and Douglas Epstein Bruce Fram and Ann Marie Jasse Francine and Verne Freeman Erin Garner Linda Gold Lillian Gong-Guy Raquel Gonzalez Ann and Don Gralnek Jacqueline Hantgan and Josh Zweiback Tina Herren Roccie Hill Lorna Ho Shawna Holmes Mary Huss Jennifer Hwang Ken Jones Lawrence Jones Alicia and John Kowalchik Mark and Roberta Linsky Gina Marquez and Brian Rose Barbara Marsman James and Teresa Mathes Vangie Maynard Kayleen and Trevor McDonald Stephanie Mills David P. Moses, Jr. and Maureen Moses Gene and Kathryn Neri H. G. Nguyen Kathy and Mark Niebauer Teresa O’Neill Nicole Ozer Marguerite Padovani Aldyth Parle Julia Pon Councilmember Nancy Pyle Jean Riley Becky and Kerry Roller Dawn and Ronald Rossi Karen Rudolph Nate and Susan Saal Dave and Nancy Sandretto Janet and Victor Schachter Elizabeth Schlang Robert Schmulian Linda Speizer John Swensson Jennifer Van Every Diana Waring Ann and Ronald Whyte Colleen Wilcox Councilmember Forrest Williams Jacqueline and Jeffrey Williams Justin Williams Mark Williams Karie Willyerd Councilmember Ken Yeager Michael Zarcone $5,000 Tech Media Productions $1,000 - $4,999 05-06 Kelly Moore Paint Mosaic Tile Market The Timberland Company $500 - $999 4imprint California Pizza Kitchen California Select Tile Cheesecake Factory Dr. JoAnn Cannon Elegant Events Catering Panera Bread $100 - $499 A Tool Shed Equipment Rental Akis Bakery Albertson’s Applebee’s Artist and Craftsman Supply Arturo BJ’S Brewery Bronze The Tanning Studio Chapparral Supper Claudia Crowne Plaza Hotel Cuccini Restaurant & Bar Debbie Lyn’s Costumes Del-Tile El Coyote Georgio’s Italian Food Hilton Hotels Hobee’s Home Depot House of Bagels House of Siam Ikbana Arts La Pastaia Lee’s Sandwiches Marriott Hotels & Resorts Noah’s Bagels P.F. Chang’s China Bistro Pasta Pomodoro Peggy Sue’s Pizza Hut Pizza My Heart Ranch Market Round Table Pizza Safeway Sandwich Mill Sandy Rice Starbucks Taqueria Tlaquepaque Target The Loft Tony Soprano’s Vegetarian House Zyng Asian Grill Seattle/King County AMERICORPS Corporation for National and Community Service TEAM SPONSORS The Boeing Company The Amgen Foundation Casey Family Programs T-Mobile USA 29 C ON T R I B U T OR S CORPORATE DONORS *Denotes Team Sponsor 05-06 $100,000+ T-Mobile USA* $50,000 - $99,999 The Boeing Company* Comcast $25,000 - $49,999 The Amgen Foundation* Adobe Systems, Inc. Bank of America Charitable Foundation MetLife Foundation Washington Mutual $10,000 - $24,999 Accenture LLP Microsoft Corporation Nordstrom Safeco Insurance $5,000 - $9,999 Deloitte & Touche LLP Hitachi Consulting Muckleshoot Casino Qwest Foundation US Bank Foundation $1,000 - $4,999 Alaska Airlines Davis Wright Tremaine LLP DML Insurance Services, Inc. Don Rasmussen Company Gogerty Stark Marriott Heller Ehrman LLP HTC America, Inc. Lake Partners Strategy Consultants Martin Selig Real Estate Sallie Mae Fund $500 - $999 Devon James Associates, Inc. FOUNDATIONS *Denotes Team Sponsor $100,000+ Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation $25,000 - $49,999 Paul G. Allen Family Foundation Casey Family Programs* Fordham Street Foundation The Seattle Foundation $10,000 - $24,999 The Roberta Lund Advised Fund Stuart Foundation $5,000 - $9,999 Apex Foundation Marguerite Casey Foundation $1,000 - $4,999 Gertrude Machlis Bjorklund Living Trust Henry M. Jackson Foundation The William P. and Susan H. Vititoe Charitable Foundation OTHER SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS $5,000 - $9,999 Northwest Education Loan Association Team READ Wing Luke Elementary School 30 INDIVIDUALS $10,000 - $24,999 Marc Chardon $5,000 - $9,999 George and Lois Meng $1,000 - $4,999 Robyn and Todd Achilles Colin and Sarah Bryar Reuven and Wendy Carlyle Noelle Cooper and Drew Wolff Jeffrey Coopersmith and Lisa Erlanger Carlos Gutierrez Sally Hulsman and Jennifer Wells Susan Kim and Dan Williams Aaron and Stephanie Kornblum Dena and Ron Levine Darnell Malcolm Kate McKinney Veronica Norren-Warren and Travis Warren Laura Ospanik and Stephen Robbins David and Hilary Quinn Joseph Razore Len Rozek Raj Shah and Shivam Mallick Shah Craig and Jennifer Thomas Bradley Tilden Nicole Vogel Brian and Rhonda Vowinkel Whitney Williams $500 - $999 Jacqueline and Thomas Benedetti Debbie Bird and Antoine Calloway Angie and Douglas N. Brown Jabez Blumenthal and Julie Edsforth Neil Cable Bill and Lynn Carr Joseph and Shane Caterino Brad and Judy Chase G. Chick Miguel Forbes Brian and Elizabeth Hale Michael Hatch and Cathy Wallach Allen and Nettie Israel Stephen and Suzanne Kalish Jan Kendle Ginger and Shawn Plaster Tom Van Bronkhorst Kathryn Remijan and Hank Vigil $100 - $499 Virginia Anderson Theodore Angelis Brian Arbogast Janis Avery and Mary Kabrick Katie Axtell Holly Barker and Bill Sherman Sandee Baker Joan Baker Darby Judy Bigelow and Emily Stork Donald Brown Penny Burkhalter Carol Butler Caitlin and Jay Carlson Amy and Charlie Carter Brenda Cearley Baris Cetinok and Nicole von Kaenel Edith Chambers Lavanya and Shiv Chandrasekaran Dian and Nicholas Chase Merrily and Peter Chick Nancy and Ron Clinkenbeard Robert Colleran The Connections Group Christine Cox Kevin Cox and David Griggs Lisa Danielson Bryan and Deborah de Ponce The Douglas Group Councilmember Jan Drago Sylvia Peto Gretchen Eichinger Stephanie Ellis-Smith Edward Eng Brian and Krista Fleming Ben and Stacey Gaffney Councilmember Jean Godden Jay Goldstein and Meredith Berg Goldstein Tessa Gorman Carol and Gil Gregory Nina Greenberg and Marc Jason Marie Gunn Alicia and Michael Hatch Holly Henson Birte and Mark Hillis Arvid and Julia Hokanson Steven Holmes Katy Horan Ruthann Howell Mary Hsue Doug Hunt and Derek Stanley Jessie Israel Larry Israel Terry Johnson Representative Ruth L. Kagi Jay Kantor Susie Kupferman Jody Laine and Shad Reinstein Kate Lamey Leonard and Lorena Landon Lyman and Stevie Legters Mandy Levenberg and Clay McDaniel Eric Liu Patricia Loera Laurie Lyford Gail Machlis Ian and Laura Macneil Susan McCloskey Alice Meng Grace and T.C. Meng Rebecca Morrow Kim and Tim Nowlis Mildred W. Ollee, Ph.D Erik Olson Ben and Julie Packard Frank Paganelli Elizabeth Pepper Carolita and William Phillips Jane and Jeffrey Pinneo Sherry Prowda Sheriff Susan Rahr Rainier Group Investment Advisory, LLC Ann Ramsay-Jenkins Carol Rava Treat and Noel Treat Russell Sarazen Stacy Lawson and Steven Sarkowsky Alan and Leigh Shalloway Scott Shapiro Linda Shepherd Anthony Shoecraft Leslie Silverman Larisa and William Sornsin Lois and Thaddeus Spratlen Bernadette and Robert Starin Eric Ummel Emily Van Bronkhorst Juliet Vong Karen and Robert Williams IN-KIND DONORS $25,000 - $49,999 King County Metro Transit $5,000 - $9,999 Casey Family Programs United Food Commercial Workers Wing Luke Elementary School $1,000 - $4,999 Alaska Airlines Fox Cable Network HTC America, Inc. Barb Kinney Laura Ospanik and Stephen Robbins Party City Safeco Insurance Seattle Vocational Institute Starwood Hotels Thrifty Car Rental $100 - $499 Joe and Kristina Belfiore Bill’s Bodacious BBQ Ray Bingham Debbie Bird The Boeing Company Buckets Chiso Restaurant Cocoa Chai Chocolates Committee for Children Crow Dominos Pizza Downtown Harley Davidson Fort Flagler Grocery Outlet Guayamas Cantina Hampton & Associates Jones BBQ Ann Kelly Aaron and Stephanie Kornblum David Lawrence Dena Levine MacKay Restaurants Mae’s Phinney Ridge Café Marco Two Union Square Mayflower Park Hotel McMenamins Olympic Club Hotel and Theater George Meng Mistral Alan Mulally Tim Mulally Noah’s Bagels Nuvo Moda Piecora’s Pizza Pizza Hut Pizza Time Shawn Plaster Pristine Cleaning QFC Quality Cleaning, Etc. Rainier Beach Community Center Rasmussen Mini-Portland Safeway Scenarios USA Simply Done Starbucks Coffee Company Sub Pop Records Karen Sutherland Silja J. A. Talvi Target Tillicum Village C ON T R I B U T OR S Tommy Bahama The Triple Door Tutta Bella Neapolitan Pizzeria Urban Enterprise Center UW World Series Vermont Restaurant & Bar Wal-Mart Willow’s Run Wing Luke Asian Museum Wing Luke Elementary School Woodmark Hotel on Lake Washington Zeek’s Pizza SOUTH AFRICA TEAM SPONSORS African Rainbow Minerals (ARM) Anglo-American Chairman’s Fund Coca-Cola South Africa (Pty) Ltd Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism Edcon First National Bank of South Africa The Monitor Group Sasol Standard Bank Xstrata CORPORATE DONORS *Denotes Team Sponsor $100,000+ Coca-Cola South Africa (Pty) Ltd* $50,000 - $99,999 African Rainbow Minerals (ARM)* Anglo-American Chairman’s Fund* Edcon* First National Bank of South Africa* Macsteel Service Centres SA (Pty) Ltd. The Monitor Group* Sasol* Standard Bank* Xstrata* Stephen Ross FOUNDATIONS *Denotes Team Sponsor $5,000 - $9,999 $100,000+ Denise Dupre and Mark Nunnelly Caroline and Rick Menell Howard Wolk The Acacia Foundation* The Case Foundation* CityBridge Foundation* $1,000 - $4,999 $50,000 - $99,999 Valerie Mosley Diamond E. Pixley and Ken Schiciano Karen and Thomas Tierney Freddie Mac $10,000 - $24,999 Peter Hatch Ambassador James A. Joseph and Mary Braxton Joseph $100 - $499 $10,000 - $24,999 Karen Benoit Barbara Fain and Jason Gilbert IN-KIND DONORS Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation Kirstein Family Foundation Mead Family Foundation $50,000 - $99,999 $5,000 - $9,999 The Timberland Company/Keystone Apparel Company Collis Warner Foundation The Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation John Gomperts and Katherine Klein Deborah Jospin Victoria Morter James and Marcia Rosenheim Thomas Sheridan Judith Bartnoff and Gene Sofer Kevin and Robin Stein Carol and Tom Wheeler $1,000 - $4,999 $100 - $499 Calvert Social Investment Foundation The Dovey Family Foundation Freedom Forum Jewish Community Foundation of MetroWest New Jersey Eugene M. Lang Foundation Derald H. Ruttenberg Foundation Karen and Kent Allen Anthony Anikeeff Alma Brown Anne and Paul Christman Charles and Karen Clark Ed and Ruth Cogen Ed and Meg Downey David and Judith Falk Eugene Ford Neal and Sharyn Glickfield Russell Greiff Joe and Merna Guttentag Robert Hazel and Wendy Hoover Rachel Hodges and Robin O’Brien Desmond Hogan and Melinda Holmes Alexander and Hilary Joel Maryann and Thomas Jones Lauren Jones Gary and Leslie Kirstein Laurie Kohn and Chris Murphy Adam and Sharon Levin Patricia and Randall Lewis Gwendolyn Lohse Sue Madden Cassandra Miller Jonathan Orszag Curt and Rachel Petersen Rachel Pierson Sally Prouty Lois Rhodes Louise McIlhenny and Hugh Riddleberger Cynthea and Thomas Riesenberg Martin Rodgers Andrew Rosenberg James P. Rubin Kim Scardino Steven and Janet Shaye Wendy Sherman Gretchen and Jeremy Zucker Mort Zuckerman WASHINGTON, DC AMERICORPS Serve DC TEAM SPONSORS The Acacia Foundation AOL The Case Foundation CityBridge Foundation CSX Corporation CORPORATE * Denotes Team Sponsor $100,000+ AOL* CSX Corporation* $50,000 – $99,999 The Timberland Company CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield $10,000 - $24,999 $25,000 - $49,999 Investec Bank of America Charitable Foundation Comcast T-Mobile USA Goldfields $500 - $999 Youth Service America OTHER ORGANIZATIONS $100,000+ Government of the District of Columbia Metro Teen AIDS $1,000 - $4,999 District of Columbia Housing Authority $500 - $999 Combined Federal Campaign National Capital Area INDIVIDUALS $10,000 - $24,999 $25,000 - $49,999 Jeff and Cal Leonard Charles Stewart Mott Foundation Woodcock Foundation Capital One Crowell & Moring LLP Discovery Communications Horning Brothers Corporation Mass Mutual $10,000 - $24,999 $5,000 - $9,999 Floyd and Delores Jones Foundation Barbour Griffith & Rogers Blank Rome LLP CPS Human Resource Services Dutko Worldwide Hogan & Hartson LLP Motion Picture Association of America St. Paul Travelers The Timberland Company Zurich FOUNDATIONS $50,000 - $99,999 OTHER SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS *Denotes Team Sponsor $100,000+ Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism* USAID INDIVIDUALS $50,000 - $99,999 Jeffrey and Mary Zients $25,000 - $49,999 Amy and Ed Brakeman Angel Braestrup and Mark Spalding Marque and Sheryll Chambliss Jack Davies and Lynne Williams Bill and Donna Eacho Diana and Stephen Goldberg Elizabeth Baker Keffer and Jeff Keffer Virginia Mackay-Smith Mike McCurry James and Lisa McGonigle Cori Flam and Brad Meltzer Brian and Debra Ross Melissa Moss and Jonathan Silver Dalia Almanza Smith and Ronald Smith Tim Zimmermann Clark Charitable Foundation Fannie Mae Foundation Fund for Interracial Reconciliation and Education The Philip L. Graham Fund $500 - $999 $25,000 - $49,999 $5,000 - $9,999 $25,000 - $49,999 $1,000 - $4,999 $1,000 - $4,999 J.E. Robert Companies The Washington Post Company $500 - $999 Perennial Strategy Group Strategic Partnerships LLC $10,000 - $24,999 Daniel Abraham Steven Denning Miles Gilburne and Nina Zolt Joe and Lynne Horning Michael and Missy Young $5,000 - $9,999 Sandy and Susan Berger Josh and Lisa Bernstein Leslie and Rick Cruz Bob Deutsch Joni and Wallace Doolin Bitsey Folger John and Christy Galloway Ed Gillespie Dana and Mario Morino John and Terry Petersen Frank and Melissa Williams Jeffrey and Mary Zients 05-06 $500 - $999 IN-KIND DONORS $1,000 - $4,999 Buca di Beppo The Mansion on O Street 31 C ON T R I B U T OR S $500 - $999 05-06 Austin Grill Whole Foods Market $100 - $499 Armand’s Chicago Pizzeria Baja Fresh Ben’s Chili Bowl Bertucci’s Boston Market Burrito Brothers California Tortilla Capital Area Food Bank Chipotle Domino’s Pizza Giant Food Honest Tea, Inc Madam’s Organ Papa John’s Pizza House Starbucks 32 33 B OAR D S *Board members served from July 1, 2005 to June 30, 2006. CITY YEAR, INC. ACTING CHAIR 05-06 Ilene Jacobs Executive Vice President, Human Resources (retired) Fidelity Investments MEMBERS Kristen Atwood Founding Staff Member City Year, Inc. Joe Banner President and COO Philadelphia Eagles Michael Brown President and Co-Founder City Year, Inc. Kathy Bushkin COO United Nations Foundation David L. Cohen Executive Vice President Comcast David Gergen Editor-at-Large US News and World Report Professor of Public Service and Director of the Center for Public Leadership John F. Kennedy School of Government Harvard University Col. Robert L. Gordon III Director of American Politics Department of Social Science United States Military Academy at West Point Rebeca Nieves Huffman Alumna (1997-1998) City Year Chicago President & CEO Hispanic Council for Reform and Educational Options Ambassador James Joseph U.S. Ambassador to South Africa (1996 – 1999) Executive Director United States – Southern Africa Center for Leadership and Public Values Professor of the Practice of Public Policy Studies Duke University Rosabeth Moss Kanter Ernest L. Arbuckle Professor of Business Administration Harvard Business School Alan Khazei CEO and Co-Founder City Year, Inc. Rick Menell Deputy Chairman African Rainbow Minerals 34 Jeffrey L. Shames Executive in Residence MIT Sloan School of Management Retired Chairman MFS Investment Management® Bill Shore Founder and Executive Director Share Our Strength Secretary Rodney Slater U.S. Secretary of Transportation (1997 – 2001) Partner Patton Boggs, LLP Jeffrey Swartz President and CEO The Timberland Company Michael J. Ward Chairman, President & CEO CSX Corporation Tom Ward, Clerk pro tem Senior Partner WilmerHale David Mussafer Managing Director Advent International Craig Huffman Managing Director Ascendance Partners John Reilly Senior Vice President – Communications MFS Investment Management Daniel A. Kaufman Partner Michael Best & Friedrich Nancy Routh Vice President of Development City Year Headquarters Dr. Ravinder Sakhuja President & CEO Utilitynets Annalee Salcedo John Sarvey Executive Director City Year Boston Steve Tomkins Chief of External Affairs Suffolk County Sheriff ’s Department Steve Woodsum Founding Managing Partner Summit Partners Brooke D. Wagner Vice President, Corporate Communications Indevus Pharmaceuticals Tae Yoo Vice President of Corporate Affairs Cisco Systems, Inc. Bak Fun Wong Principal Quincy Upper School BOSTON CHICAGO CHAIR CHAIR Corinne Ferguson Les Coney Executive Vice President Mesirow Financial MEMBERS William Berutti Senior Vice President, Corporate Development PTC Kevin Casey Senior Vice President, New England Region Comcast Phil Giudice Managing Director EnerNOC, Incorporated Board Chair and Founding Fellow The Center for Effective Philanthropy Larry Harris, Jr. Consultant Monitor Group Michael Kineavy Chief of Policy & Planning Mayor’s Office Jonathan Lavine Managing Director Bain Capital, LLC Josh McCall Chief Executive Officer Jack Morton Worldwide MEMBERS Michael J. Alter President The Alter Group Allegra E. Biery Senior Vice-President Northern Trust Dorval R. Carter, Jr. Executive Vice President Management & Performance Chicago Transit Authority Lisa J. Cunningham Senior Vice President LaSalle Bank Larry Freed President Joseph J. Freed & Associates, Inc. Nicholas S. Giuliano Managing Director The PrivateBank Drew Horowitz President and General Manager Bonneville Chicago Radio Group Bruce Lederman Vice President Lenox Advisors, Inc. Tom Livingston Resident Vice President of State Relations CSX Transportation Hosanna Mahaley-Johnson Chief Officer New Schools Development Chicago Public Schools Phyllis Lockett President & CEO The Renaissance Schools Fund James N. Perry, Jr. Managing Director Madison Dearborn Partners, Inc. Norman Peterson Assistant to the Director Argonne National Laboratory Ken Porrello Managing Director Deloitte Consulting Stephen R. Quazzo CEO Transwestern Investment Co. Jonathan Reinsdorf Managing Member Stonegate Development Partners, LLC Brenda Russell Director Illinois Department of Employment Security Joe Stackhouse Senior Vice President Comcast Cable Jennifer Steans President Financial Investments Corporation Elizabeth Thompson CYC Founding Executive Director Trish Tullman Leadership Circle Member Lisa Morrison Butler Executive Director City Year Chicago Scott Grossman Associate Board Chair Mergers & Acquisitions Harris Nesbitt Corp. B o a r ds CLEVELAND CHAIR Robert W. Gillespie, Jr. KeyCorp, Chairman Emeritus MEMBERS Andrew Agati Squire, Sanders & Dempsey LLP Bruce Akers Mayor, Pepper Pike Todd Clossin 5/3 Bank Deborah Coleman Hahn, Loeser + Parks, LLP Nancy Cronin Non-Profit Consultant Anthea Daniels Calfee, Halter & Griswold Matthew Green Eaton Corporation Len Komoroski Cleveland Cavalier Barbara Bethea Director of Marketing and Community Relations WACH FOX 57 Brenda B. Branic Frontline Performance Leader Allstate Insurance Company Elizabeth “Edie” Burritt Associate Director The Healing Species Yolanda Cunningham SC District Air Industrial Engineering Manager United Parcel Service John Dillard Director of Public Affairs CSX Transportation Matt MacGillivray Senior Vice President Bank of America Gloria Wise Business Intake and Docketing Coordinator Nelson, Mullins, Riley & Scarborough, LLP COLUMBUS David Landever Weisman, Kennedy & Berris, Co. LPA CO-CHAIRS Kevin Metheny Clear Channel Radio Douglas Morgan Managing Partner Calfee, Halter & Griwsold, LLP Kathleen Obert Edward Howard & Co. Diana Riley RPM International, Inc. Shelley Seifert National City Corporation Shirley Stineman The Plain Dealer Ellen Ticktin The Ticktin Group Lance Tyson Dale Carnegie Training Nick Zimmers CSX Transportation COLUMBIA CO-CHAIRS David E. Dukes, Esquire Managing Partner Nelson, Mullins, Riley & Scarborough, LLP Brett Frantz Executive Vice President First Citizens Bank MEMBERS Kerry L. Abel Director, Richland Co. School District One After School Programs Henri Etta Baskins Regional Director – External Affairs BellSouth David Weiss Senior Vice President, Retail Training Manager Huntington National Bank MEMBERS Maurice Blake Director of Pupil Services Columbus Public Schools Mel Carter Credit Suisse First Boston Customized Fund Investment Group Cris Gossard Vice President of Commercial Banking JP Morgan Chase William Courson President Lancaster Pollard & Co. James E. Finn Managing Director AON Risk Service Inc Gary Glaser Retired Chairman National City Holly Hollingsworth Reporter/Anchor WCMH/NBC 4 E.W. Ingram President White Castle Yvonne P. Jones External Coach Franklin County Educational Council Jeff Livingston Vice President Urban Markets McGraw-Hill Learning Group C. David Campbell President McGregor Fund Robin Mink Senior Vice President National City Robert D. (Bob) Charles Chief Executive Officer North Star Advisors, LLC Tom O’Hara CFO of Commercial & Retail Banking Huntington National Bank Linda Forte Senior Vice President Comerica Incorporated Sandee Pritchard Chief People Officer Donatos Pizzaria Ana Gabriel Vice President, Corporate Affairs Midwest Region Comcast Michael P. Scott President and Managing Partner Talisman Capital Partners Mary Seidelmann Retail Sales Specialist Roche Diagnostics Hope Sharett Attorney/ Associate Bricker & Eckler, LLP Ray Shealy President & Chief Operating Officer HTP, Inc. Alphonso Simmons, Ph.D. Retired Vice President Multicultural Affairs/ Community Outreach Columbus State Community College Larry Givens President Blackmond Givens Group, Inc. Ricardo Guzman Executive Director Community Health & Social Services Center (CHASS) Elliott S. Hall Partner Dykema Gossett PLLC Diana Jones Vice President of Community Affairs Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Michigan John E. Marshall III President and CEO The Kresge Foundation Tei Street Director Mayor’s Office of Education Sarah McClelland Head, Specialized Industries Bank One Michigan Mark Sturgeon CFO & Senior Vice President of Finance Advanced Drainage Systems Reuben Munday Senior Partner Lewis & Munday, PC Gordon Troup President, Nuclear Pharmacy Services Cardinal Health Paul Tingley Managing Principle The Staubach Company Les Wright Les Wright & Associates DETROIT CHAIR Gail L. Warden President Emeritus Henry Ford Health System VICE-CHAIR N. Charles Anderson President and CEO Detroit Urban League, Inc. MEMBERS Ismael Ahmed Executive Director Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services (ACCESS) 05-06 David K. Page Chairman, The Jewish Fund Partner Honigman Miller Schwartz & Cohn Paul J. Piper Executive Assistant Office of the CEO Detroit Public Schools Nancy M. Schlichting President/CEO Henry Ford Health System Samuel H. Thomas, Jr. President & CEO Star Development & Financial Corporation Reverend Edgar Vann Pastor Second Ebenezer Baptist Church Ms. Alicia Villarreal Executive Director Latino Family Services Rebecca Salminen Witt Executive Director The Greening of Detroit 35 B OAR D S DESIGNATED CORPORATE REPRESENTATIVES Marilyn French Hubbard Corporate Vice President of Organization & Community Partnerships Henry Ford Health System 05-06 Laura Trudeau Senior Program Officer The Kresge Foundation LITTLE ROCK CO-CHAIRS General Wesley K. Clark Lieutenant Governor Win Rockefeller MEMBERS Bruce Bennett Attorney/Consultant The Brock-Chad Group Shannon Butler Deputy Director WJC Presidential Foundation Bryan Day Assistant City Manager City of Little Rock Tom Gibbens Vice President and General Manager Lamar Advertising L. Elizabeth Bowles President Aristotle.net Inc. Patty Criner Realtor Janet Jones Company Melinda Faubel Director of External Affairs SBC Arkansas Pat Lile President/CEO Arkansas Community Foundation Debbie Milam Director, Volunteers in Public Schools Little Rock School District Bruce Moore City Manager City of Little Rock Steve Nawojczyk Director of Youth Services City of North Little Rock Terry Peeples Community Relations Director Baptist Health Medical Center Darren Peters Manager, System Governmental Affairs Entergy Corporation Stephanie Streett Executive Director WJC Presidential Foundation 36 Mike Wilson Vice President, Government Affairs Comcast Cable Orlando Watkins Vice President of Programs The Greater New Orleans Foundation NEW YORK David Mosley Partner JPMS|Cox, LLP NEW HAMPSHIRE Jill Iscol, Ed.D. Executive Director and President IF Hummingbird Foundation Judy Tenenbaum Philanthropist Lawrence Klane Vice President of Sales The Timberland Company John Gaudin Principal Argenta Wealth Management LOUISIANA FOUNDING COMMITTEE CHAIR Jennifer Eplett Reilly Co-Founder of City Year MEMBERS Ross Barrett Louisiana Ventures Lori Bertman Bertman & Associates and the Pennington Foundation Christy Casteel Chief of Staff Representative Baker Beth Courtney President Louisiana Public Broadcasting CHAIR MEMBERS Maureen Barrows Chairman Board of Rockingham County Commissioners Scott Briggs Brigadier General Kenneth Clark Adjutant General, New Hampshire National Guard Patrick Closson Attorney McLane, Graf, Raulerson & Middleton, P.A. Christine V. Crockett Retired Vice President, Human Resources Aerofil Technology, Inc. Wendy Formichelli Marketing Project Manager Lonza Biologics John Davies President Baton Rouge Area Foundation Elizabeth Graham Director of Operations Comcast Cable Communications, Inc. New England Region Melissa Flournoy President & CEO Louisiana Association of Non-Profit Organizations Thane W. Harrison Alumnus City Year New Hampshire ’03 & ‘04 Diana Lewis New Orleans Community Leader Elizabeth Hoffman Senior Associate Berkshire Partners Brent McCoy Senior Vice President for Business Development Lamar David Hureau Alumnus City Year Boston ‘98 CO-CHAIRS Jack Lew Executive Vice President and Clinical Professor New York University Hon. Hillary Rodham Clinton* Senator United States Senate * Honorary Co-Chair MEMBERS Kevin Aspell Area Manager, Commercial East Cisco Systems Tom Bernstein President Chelsea Piers Richard Buery Executive Director Groundwork, Inc. David Caplan Dean City Year New York Eric Gertler Managing Partner EJG Media Partners, LLC Hon. Eric Gioia* Council Member New York City Council * Honorary Member Anne Herrmann Board Member Breakthrough Collaborative & Mt. Sinai Hospital Bibb Hubbard Director, Government and Legislative Affairs Scholastic Inc. Robert G. Markey, Jr. Director & Partner Bain & Company Charlotte Placide Superintendent East Baton Rouge Parish School System Dr. Charles Ott Founder, North Star Program Former Superintendent of Schools, SAU #56 Mark Romig President Peter Mayer Advertising Lillye Ramos Spooner Director of Operations Greater Manchester Aids Project Norma Jane Sabiston Consultant Steven Sanger Sanger Communications Wallace P. Parker Jr. President KeySpan Energy Delivery Group Scott Shalett Chief of Staff Lieutenant Governor Landrieu Mica Stark Managing Director New Hampshire Institute of Politics Saint Anselm College Carl Weisbrod President, Real Estate Trinity Church Russell Weatherspoon Dean of Residential Life Philips Exeter Academy CO-CHAIRS Ashley Shelton Consultant Timothy Teepell Chief of Staff for Congressman Jindal Stephanie Mudick General Counsel, Global Consumer Group Citigroup PHILADELPHIA Joe Banner President & Chief Operating Officer Philadelphia Eagles B o a r ds Phil Behr Behr Capital Partners MEMBERS Timothy J. Abell Chief Operating Officer Firstrust Bank John Beilenson President Strategic Communications & Planning Leslie G. Mayer, Ph.D. President & CEO Mayer Leadership Group Stephen Rosa President and Chief Creative Officer Advertising Ventures Inc. Gogi Dickson, Ph.D. Consultant Dickson Consulting Group, LLC Honorable Theodore A. McKee U.S. Court of Appeals, 3rd Circuit Louis Soares Assistant Director Small Business Services RI EDC Ryland Howard Vice President Frost National Bank Honorable Michael A. Nutter City Council of Philadelphia Arthur Block Senior Vice-President, General Counsel, & Secretary Comcast Corporation Natalye Paquin Chief Operating Officer School District of Philadelphia Don Rice Partner Rice Capital Fred Blume Managing Partner and CEO Blank Rome LLP Jared Sadlowski VP Real Estate and Distribution Services Sneaker Villa Brad Brubaker Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary SAP America, Inc. Elizabeth Vale Executive Director, Investment Management Morgan Stanley Luz Cardenas Cardenas, Grant & Negron David Williams Principal, Financial Advisory Services Deloitte Joe Cox Headmaster The Haverford School Kevin Dow Vice Presidemt of Community Affairs Wachovia Corporation Monica Eav City Year Alumna Jay Gilbert Co-Founder AND1 Marla Green Firstrust Bank Mark A. Harrell Program Director Men United for a Better Philadelphia Frances M. Jones Assistant General Manager, Government Affairs SEPTA Thomas Kaney Senior Vice President, Human Resources GlaxoSmithKline Sam Katz Wynnefield Capital Advisers, Inc. Karen Keating Mara Managing Director The Musser Group Eve Klothen Director, Pro Bono Program & Public Interest Activities Rutgers School of Law Marciene Mattleman President ASAP - After School Activities Partnerships Dan Wofford RHODE ISLAND CHAIR Alden Anderson Vice President CB Richard Ellis MEMBERS Guy Abelson Guy Abelson Events Larry Brown CPA Omni Development Corporation Karen Davis Vice President, Community Relations Hasbro Inc. Rhoda Flaxman Professor of English and Dean of the College Writing Programs Brown University Writing Fellow Program Harry Sterling Senior Vice President Bank of America Charitable Management Services Manuel J. Vales, IV SVP, Sovereign Bank Commercial Real Estate Department John Wemple Science Teacher George Zainyeh District Director Office of U.S. Congressman Patrick J. Kennedy SAN ANTONIO CHAIR Rick Cavender President Cavender Auto CHAIR ELECT Tertia Emerson President GRE Creative Communications James W. Russell, Jr. Managing Director of Asset Protection AT&T Eric Swellander Manager, Operations, Accounting and Analysis C.H. Guenther & Son, Inc. Olga Vasquez Contractor and Major Development(Retired) U.S. Military and Civilian Organizations Greg Flores Vice President of Communications and Community Relations San Antonio Water System Dick Zucker Vice President Beldon Roofing SECRETARY Laura Thompson President The Image Maker Group MEMBERS Ben Brewer President San Antonio Downtown Alliance Kristin Lehoullier Consultant Al Brandt Dental Consultant Mary Ellen Panzini Director of Community Services The Providence Journal Company Alan Cerwick Director of Business and Development & Vice President Administration of the Valero Volunteer Council Valero Energy Corp. Cate M. Roberts Director, Diversity and Community Affairs Textron Inc. Joe Rivera District Administrator of Special Programs San Antonio Independent School District PAST CHAIR TREASURER Curt Conroy Assistant Vice President Business Banking Wells Fargo Business Banking Carolyn Tanner-Cohen Director of Human Resources Policy(Retired) U.S. Department of the Interior 05-06 Arline Patterson (Retired) Education Consultant TX Lutheran University Col. Lawrence Wellisch (Retired) Chief of Operations Air Intelligence Agency Mary Ellen Grosvenor Sales Associate Hogan and Stone Realty Susanna Rhodes Director of State Relations Clarendon Group Terry Kyle Development Director SAM Ministries (Homeless and Marginal) SAN JOSÉ/SILICON VALLEY CHAIR Carl Guardino President & CEO Silicon Valley Leadership Group MEMBERS Erin Brennock Manager, Community Relations and Government Affairs Synopsys, Inc. Bill Erlendson Assistant Superintendent San Jose Unified School District Debra Feldstein Executive Director City Year San Jose/Silicon Valley Eddie Garcia Director of Government Affairs Comcast South Bay Lorna M. Ho External Relations Manager, Strategy Practice McKinsey & Company 37 B OAR D S Shawna Holmes Senior Manager, US Public Affairs Hewlett-Packard Len Rozek Senior Vice President Comcast Communications, Inc. Lisa Jensen University Neighborhoods Coalition Raj Shah Director, Agricultural Development & Financial Services Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Ken Jones Vice President Wells Fargo Bank 05-06 Kathleen King Councilmember City of Saratoga Vangie Maynard Vice President, Western Division Comerica Private Bank Stephanie Mills Senior Program Manager Cisco Systems, Inc. Joe Pon Managing Director, Global Corporate Affairs Applied Materials SEATTLE/KING COUNTY CO-CHAIRS Debbie Bird Business Development Director Safeco – Jackson Street Center Lyman Legters Director Casey Family Programs, Seattle Division MEMBERS Todd B. Achilles Vice President, Sales & Marketing HTC America, Inc. Reuven M. Carlyle CEO Washington2, Inc. Jeffrey Coopersmith Principal Coopersmith Health Law Group Carlos Gutierrez Director, Affiliate Sales & Marketing Fox Cable Networks Jessie Israel Partnership & Enterprise Manager King County Parks Jan Kendle Community Volunteer Susan Kim, MD Dermatologist Lake Washington Dermatology Dena Levine President DML Insurance Services George Meng Director Microsoft Corporation Shawn Plaster Senior Manager Accenture 38 Bill Sherman Deputy Prosecuting Attorney King County Prosecutor’s Office MEMBERS Ambassador James Joseph Executive Director, United StatesSouthern Africa Center for Leadership and Public Values Alan Khazei Co-Founder, City Year Jack Koolen Managing Director, Monitor Group South Africa Tom Van Bronkhorst Legislative Aide to Councilmember Jean Godden City of Seattle Kedibone Letlaka-Rennert Diversity Advisor, International Monetary Fund Rhonda Vowinkel President 360 Fitness Teboho Mahuma Executive Director, City Year South Africa Cathy Wallach Research Coordinator Small Schools Project Coalition of Essential Schools NW Adnaan Mia Medical Doctor Jennifer Wells Vice President Hitachi Consulting Whitney Williams Principal williamsworks Drew Wolff First Vice President Washington Mutual COUNCIL OF CHAMPIONS The Honorable Bobbe Bridge Justice Washington State Supreme Court The Honorable Booth Gardner Former Governor State of Washington Liziwe Nzama Group HR Manager, Corporate, Manufacturing and Logistics, Edcon Mary Zients Board Chair, Women for Women International WASHINGTON, DC CHAIR Michael Kelly Executive Director DC Housing Authority MEMBERS Donald A. Baer Senior Vice President Discovery Communications Susan Berger Evers & Company Real Estate Keith D. Grinstein Chairman Coinstar Kathy Bushkin Chief Operations Officer United Nations Foundation The Honorable Ron Sims Executive King County Kevin Chavous Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal LLP Bob A. Ratliffe Senior Vice President Kennedy Associates Real Estate Counsel Patty Stonesifer CEO Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation James A. Washam Former President, Southern Puget Sound District KeyBank SOUTH AFRICA Co-Chairs Rick Menell President and CEO, Teal Exploration and Mining Murphy Morobe CEO, Kagiso Media Bob Deutsch Community Investment Manager Cisco Systems Kerry Knott Vice President, Federal Govt. Affairs Comcast John Galloway President Atlantic Media Gena Pirtle Global Corporate Philanthropy Manager Cisco Systems Jena vander Velden Alumna City Year Seattle/King County ‘02 The Chesapeake Center Bianca White Alumna City Year Washington, DC ‘03 Falls Church Public Schools Melissa Williams Director Project COMPASS Senator Harris Wofford Missy Young B o a r ds 05-06 39 S e r vice P a r t n e r s Flagship Service Partners commit to a full-year partnership with City Year to support long-term service investments in schools and communities. Signature Service Partners join City Year to support short-term service projects, often one-day physical transformations of neighborhood parks, playgrounds and schools. BOSTON FLAGSHIP SERVICE 05-06 Alliance for Inclusion and Prevention at Washington Irving Middle School Bates Community Learning Center/ Boys and Girls Club BELL Foundation Boston Public Schools Dennis C. Haley Elementary School Earthworks Eliot Educational Center Harborside Community Center Henry Dearborn Middle School James F. Condon Elementary School James P. Timilty Middle School James W. Hennigan Elementary School John W. McCormack Middle School John D. Philbrick Elementary School Joseph P. Manning Elementary School Josiah Quincy Elementary School Lenox/Camden Housing Development Louis Aggasiz Elementary School Mattahunt Community Center Mattahunt Community Learning Center/Boys & Girls Club Michael J. Perkins Elementary School Mildred Avenue Community Center Mildred Avenue Middle School New Boston Pilot Middle School Red Oak After School Program Roxbury YMCA at James M. Curley Elementary School Saint Peters Bowdoin Street After School Program Umana Barnes Middle School Washington Beech Housing Development Washington Irving Middle School William Barton Rogers Middle School William E. Russel Elementary School William Monroe Trotter Elementary School SIGNATURE SERVICE Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD) - Dorchester Neighborhood Service Center Agassiz Community Center American Red Cross of Massachusetts Bay Avon Walk for Breast Cancer Boston Redevelopment Authority Boston Rescue Mission Bowdoin Street Health Center Bread and Jams Bromley Health Housing Development Chelsea Community Garden City of Boston Parks and Recreation Department Codman Health Center Codman Square Health Center 40 Committee to End Elder Homelessness Community Servings Cradles to Crayons Department of Conservation and Recreation Donald McKay Elementary School Dorchester Mattapan Neighborhood Council Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative East Boston Greenway Council Edward Everett Elementary School Elizabeth Stone House Esplanade Association Ethos Franklin Field Development Franklin Hill Development Freedom House Fresh Pond Reservation Golden Age Chinese Center Greater Boston Food Bank Grove Hall Community Center Haley House Harvard Yard Child Care Center High Point Village Community Center Horace Mann School Horizons Housing Hyde/Jackson Square Main Streets James F. Condon Elementary John W. McCormick Middle Schoool Jorge Hernandez Cultural Center Josiah Quincy Upper School Kit Clark Senior Center Lee Academy Madison Park Village Margaret Fuller House Marion Manor Nursing Home McKinley School Michael J. Perkins Elementary School Nathan Hale Elementary School Newtowne Court Nuestra Communidad Old Colony Housing Development Pisani Center Project RIGHT Rogerson House Roslindale Community Center Roslindale Congregational Church Food Pantry Saint Mary Star of the Sea School Saint Stephens Church Salvation Army Second Church of the Nazarene, Dorchester Shattuck Shelter Solutions at Work Springhouse Teen Alternatives Program Young Acheivers for Science and Mathematics Pilot School CHICAGO FLAGSHIP SERVICE Anton Dvorak Math & Science Technology Donoghue Campus Jacques Marquette Elementary School John W. Cook Elementary School Julia Ward Howe Elementary School North Kenwood Oakland Charter School Paul Revere Elementary School SIGNATURE SERVICE Aids Care Albany Park Community Center Apna Ghar Arab American Action Network Association House Auburn-Gresham Community Garden Back of the Yards Neighborhood Council Big Picture High School Casa Central – La Posada Cease Fire Chapin Hall Center for Children Chicago Anti-Hunger Federation Chicago Cares Chicago Coalition for the Homeless Chicago Dept. of Aging Chicago Park District Chicago Police Department Chicago Public Library Chicago Youth Centers Cook Elementary School Cornell Square Park Cornerstone Community Outreach Douglas Park Elliot Donnelly Youth Center Foss Park Foster Park Glen Flora Elementary School Greater Chicago Food Depository Howard Area Community Center Illinois Department on Aging Inspiration Corporation Jack Benny Middle School Junior Achievement of Chicago Lake County Forest Preserve Lake Shore Park LISC/Chicago – New Communities Program Mayor Daley’s KidStart YouthNet Region 4 National Aids Fund Neighborhood Boys and Girls Club North Illinois Food Bank Peace Action – Chicago Project YES! Salvation Army South Shore Cultural Center South Side Community Art Center Southwest Youth Collaborative Street-Level Youth Media St. Sabina – Umoja Project Teen Challenge Center The Broman Center The Peace Museum United Way Urban Family Community Center YMCA CLEVELAND FLAGSHIP SERVICE Cleveland Municipal School District Cleveland Department of Public Health Cuyahoga County Board of Health Joseph A. Gallagher School A. J. Rickoff School SIGNATURE SERVICE 2100 Lakeside Shelter AIDS Taskforce of Greater Cleveland American Red Cross-Greater Cleveland Chapter Bethany Presbyterian Church Boys & Girls Club Bridgeway Business Volunteers Unlimited Camp Burton Children’s Hunger Alliance Cityview Cleveland Botanical Garden-Learning Garden Cleveland Christian Home Cleveland City Council Cleveland Department of Parks and Recreation Cleveland Food Bank Cleveland Pregnancy Center Cleveland Scores Cleveland Sight Center Cleveland State University Coats for Kids Cogswell Hall Community Women’s Shelter Cory Kitchen Cuyahoga County Board of Health Dancing Wheels Domestic Violence Center Earthday Coalition Eco Village Garden El Barrio Eliza Bryant Home Fairhill Center for the Aging Food Not Bombs Forest Hill Park Franklin Plaza Friendship Foundation Goodrich Gannett Neighborhood Center Great Lakes Science Center Health Space Museum Interact Cleveland Junior Achievement of Greater Cleveland Lake Park Madison Park Madel Center Manna House Metro Catholic Parish School Metro Health Michael Zone Recreation Center Mount Pleasant Church National Conference for Community and Justice Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless Ohio State University Extension Open Doors, Inc. People’s Hope United Methodist Church Pilgrim United Congregational Church Salvation Army Seeds of Literacy Shoes and Clothes for Kids Slavic Village Development S e r vice p a r t n e r s Corporation St. Augustine’s Church St. Augustine’s Manor St. Augustine’s Tower St. Clair Place St. Coleman’s Hall St. Herman’s of Alaska Greek Church St. Luke’s Episcopal Church St. Malachi Center Stockyard Community School Third World Books United Way of Greater Cleveland University Settlement Walz Library West Side Catholic Shelter West Side Ecumenical Ministry Youth Re-Entry COLUMBIA FLAGSHIP SERVICE AC Moore Elementary School Arden Elementary School Brennen Elementary School Burnside Elementary School Carver-Lyon Elementary School City of Columbia Division of Forestry and Beautification Communities in Schools of the Midlands Conder Elementary School E.E. Taylor Elementary School E.L. Wright Middle School Forest Heights Elementary School Gadsden Elementary School Harbison West Elementary School H.B. Rhame Elementary School Hope worldwide of South Carolina Hopkins Elementary School J. P. Thomas Elementary School L.E.E.R. (Latinos Educated Empowered Renewed) After School Program Mill Creek Elementary School Pine Grove Elementary School Richland County School District One Rosewood Elementary School Sandel Elementary School SIGNATURE SERVICE AC Moore Elementary School American Cancer Society American Red Cross Belmont Community Association / Burton Heights Beth and Lou Holtz Winter Shelter Burton Heights / Standish Acres Camp Discovery Carolina Cares Carolina Children’s Home Central Midlands RTA City of Columbia Division of Forestry and Beautification City of Columbia Parks and Recreation CM Tucker, Jr. Nursing Care Center Columbia Urban League Congaree National Park Cooperative Ministries Epworth Children’s Home Enzer Forest Families Helping Families Grace Christian Ministry Hannah House Harbison State Forest Harvest Hope Food Bank Heartworks Ministry Heritage Woods Hyatt Park Neighborhood Association Juvenile Diabetes Foundation Kathryn M. Bellefield Booker Washington Cultural Arts Center Logan Elementary School Meals on Wheels Palmetto Aids Life Support Services Palmetto Health Richland - Medically Fragile Children’s Program Saluda Shoals The Salvation Army Seven Oaks Elementary School Sister Care South Carolina after School Alliance Still Hopes United Housing United Way of the Midlands W.G. Sanders Middle School YMCA Family Center COLUMBUS FLAGSHIP SERVICE Boys and Girls Club of Columbus Heyl Avenue Elementary School Linmoor Middle School Literature Based Alternative School at Hubbard Elementary Ohio Avenue Elementary School Second Avenue Elementary School St. Steven’s Community House Strategies Against Violence Everywhere (SAVESNet) Windsor Academy Alternative Elementary School SIGNATURE SERVICE 1st Community Village Nursing Home Advanced Drainage Systems American Addition Civic Association Arlington Park Elementary Asian American Community Center Benevolence Café Boys & Girls Club - 2nd Avenue Boys & Girls Club - Cleveland Avenue Build it Again Center Capital University Centennial High School Columbus Department of Housing Mobile Tool Library Columbus Housing Partnership Columbus Literacy Council Columbus Public Library Columbus Recreation and Parks Community Threads Cranbrook Elementary Doctors Hospital Donatos Downtown Kiwanis Club Eddie Bauer Warehouse Faith Mission Finance Fund FirstLINK FIRSTLINK Youth Volunteer Corps Franklin Park Conservatory Girl Scouts of America Good Arts Studio Good Neighbor’s Committee Goodwill Graham School Heritage Home Nursing Home Holy Family Church Homeless Families Foundation Huckleberry House Injury Free Coalition for Kids Interfaith Hospitality Network Johnson Park Middle School Keep Columbus Beautiful Life Care Alliance Main Street Elementary Meals on Wheels Mid Ohio Food Bank Neil Avenue Baptist Church New Directions Career Closet Newman Center Ohio Civil Rights Commission Ohio State University Community Connections Project Grad Project Open Hand Road of Life, Cancer Prevention for Children Ronald McDonald House Salvation Army - Cheer program St. Vincent Family Center Sunrise Assisted Living United Negro College Fund United Way of Central Ohio Volunteers of America Westminster Nursing Home Whetstone Nursing Home YMCA Camp Kern YWCA Family Center DETROIT FLAGSHIP SERVICE Academy of the Americas Detroit Lions Academy Roberto Clemente Learning Academy Salina Elementary School White Elementary School SIGNATURE SERVICE 100 Black Men – Safe Night ACC (Arab American Chaldean Council) ACCESS (Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services) Affirmations Lesbian & Gay Community Center Arts N Scraps Belle Isle Botanical Society Bethune Academy Boy Scouts of America Boys and Girls Club Boys Hope Girls Hope of Detroit Bridging Communities Building with Books Camp Cavell – YWCA of Metro Detroit Capuchin Soup Kitchen Casa de Unidad CHASS The Children’s Center Children’s Hospital of Michigan City of Detroit, Department of Transportation City of Detroit, Office of the Mayor City of Detroit, Recreation Department Cleveland Middle School Coffey Middle School Comcast Cares Day Communities in Schools of Detroit COTS (Coalition on Temporary Shelter) Council on Asian Pacific Americans Covenant House Detroit Indian Education and Cultural Center Detroit Public Schools – Children’s Museum Detroit Public Television Detroit Rescue Mission Detroit Riverfront Conservancy Dress for Success First Step Floriculture Unit on Belle Isle Focus:HOPE Girls Scouts of Metro Detroit Gleaners Food Bank Greater Downtown Partnership Greening of Detroit Habitat for Humanity Operations Center Habitat for Humanity Restore Henry Ford Health System Homes for Black Children Humane Society of Southeastern Michigan Injury Free Coalition – Children’s Hospital Jefferson East Business Association Joy Middle School Keith Elementary Kiwanis Club #1: Books for Kids Project La SED Senior Center Lighthouse of Oakland County Lutheran Child and Family Services Matrix Theatre Michigan Coalition for Children and Families Moran Jefferson Nursing Home Motor City Blight Busters Motown Historical Museum NAACP – Detroit Chapter Native American Cultural Center Neighborhood Service Organization New Detroit Open Door Rescue Project Linus Puppet Art Theater Revival Tabernacle Ronald McDonald House Royal Oak Manor Saint Aloysius Church Saint Aloysius Community Center Saint Leo’s Soup Kitchen Saint Peter’s Church Saint Rene’s Church Salina Elementary School Salvation Army Harbor Light Sheridan House Simon House Southfield Goodfellows Southwest Solutions Counseling Services Taft Middle School THAW (The Heat and Warmth Fund) Think Detroit True Love Christian Ministries Unity Chapel University of Detroit Mercy Upward Bound Urban Options Vanguard Community Development Corporation Vistas Nuevas Head Start Volunteer Accounting Service Team Western International High School Youth Sports and Recreation Commission 05-06 41 S e r vice P a r t n e r s LITTLE ROCK FLAGSHIP SERVICE Baseline Elementary School Chicot Elementary School Geyer Springs Elementary School Meadowcliff Elementary School 7th Street Elementary School SIGNATURE SERVICE 05-06 Arkansas AIDS Foundation Arkansas Food Bank Network Arkansas Supportive Housing Network City of North Little Rock Habitat for Humanity Every Child is Ours Hillcrest Neighborhood Association Interfaith Hospitality Network Little Rock Marathon Little Rock Parks & Recreation Little Rock Parks & Recreation: Urban Forestry Division North Heights Community Center North Little Rock Boys and Girls Club North Little Rock Parks and Recreation Riverfest Rose City Middle School Watershed William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Foundation LOUISIANA FLAGSHIP SERVICE Capitol Middle School Glen Oaks Middle School Highland Elementary School Kenilworth Middle Scotlandville Middle School SIGNATURE SERVICE Baker High School Baton Rouge Chamber Commerce Baton Rouge City Government Baton Rouge Area Food Bank Baton Rouge Recreation Browns Field Baptist Church Catholic Charities Crestworth Middle School Habitat For Humanity B.R. & N.O. Hands On Baton Rouge Hands On New Orleans I Had Enough Ministries Kaboom! Playground Builds Mayfair Elementary Mid City Redevelopment Authority North Highland Elementary Samuel Green Elementary New Orleans Mardi Gras Corps Parks Elementary Rebuild New Orleans Renaissance Village NEW HAMPSHIRE FLAGSHIP SERVICE Academy of Learning and Technology Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Manchester Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Seacoast Big Brothers Big Sisters of Nashua Hampton Recreation Department 42 Hampton Academy Hillside Middle School Seabrook Middle School S.E.A.-Arts Project! Somersworth Middle School SIGNATURE SERVICE Adopt-a-Block Committee American Red Cross Amherst St. Elementary School, Nashua Ash St. Community Center, Nashua Audubon Society Blue Ocean Society Camp Berea City of Manchester City of Nashua Parks and Recreation Department City of Portsmouth City of Somersworth Concord Boys and Girls Club Dr. Crisp Elementary School, Nashua Edgewood Centre The Educational Farm at Joppa Hill E.L.M. Community Center, Keene Ethel’s Tree of Life Exchange City Expedition Inspiration Fair Tide Fairgrounds Elementary School, Nashua FCCLA Hampton Parent Teachers Association Holman Stadium IMEC (International Medical Equipment Collaborative) Lawrence Community Works Main St. Inc., Somersworth Malley Farm Boys Home, Somersworth Manchester Area Red Cross Manchester Mental Health Manchester Police Athletic League (MPAL) Many Options Afterschool Program, Keene Marguerite’s Place, Nashua Mayor’s Task Force on Youth, Nashua Nashua Children’s Home Nashua Housing Authority New Hampshire Food Bank New Heights New Horizons Soup Kitchen North Hampton School PACT—Nashua School District Portsmouth Middle School Portsmouth Regional Hospital Reach the Beach Rochester School District Salvation Army Sandy Point Discovery Center SAU 21 Seabrook Elementary School Seacoast Science Center Seacoast Youth Services Somersworth Main St. Program Somersworth High School Strawberry Banke Museum Urban Forestry Volunteer Action Center, United Way of the Greater Seacoast YMCA Camp Lincoln New York FLAGSHIP SERVICE Children’s Aid Society Father Billini After-School Program Groundwork Inc. PS 48 Joseph R. Drake School PS 50 Vito Marcantonio School PS 92 Harry T. Stewart School PS 111 Jacob Blackwell School PS 133 Fred R. Moore School PS 137 John Bernstein School PS 149 Danny Kaye School PS/IS 308 Clara Cardwell School The Bell Foundation The Point CDC University Settlement SIGNATURE SERVICE Addie May Collins Headstart Alice Kornegay Park Boys and Girls Club Bronx Consortium Children’s Aid Society Coleman Playground Corona Congregational Church Crotona Park CS 50 Clara Barton School Drew Gardens (Run by Ohilips CDC) Ed’s Garden Elmcor Friends of Van Cortland Park Highbridge Park and Recreation Center HOPE Community Garden IS/HS 409- East New York Family Academy Jackie Robinson Park Jacob Riis Settlement House Jovenes 24 Rehabilitation Facility Lee Goodwin Manhattan Occupational Tarining Center MOTC MS 201 Star Academy Murray Playground New Creations Mynistry New Frontier HOPE Community Garden P.S. 133 Fred R. Moore Academy P.S. 149 Danny Kaye School P.S. 19 P.S. 192 Jacob H. Schiff School P.S. 48 Joseph R. Drake School P.S./I.S. 308 Clara Cardwell School Pelham Bay Park Phipps West Fatms Career Center PS 30 Hernandez- Hughes Learning Academy PS 50 Vito Marcantonio School Sarah D Roosevelt Park Sojourner Truth House St. Marys Park Swartz Center PAL The Doe Fund Tompkins Square Park Van Cortland Park Vyse Avenue Garden White Plains Daycare Wynn Center PAL YWCA GREATER PHILADELPHIA FLAGSHIP SERVICE Bartram High School Ben Franklin High School Fels High School Frankford High School Furness High School Germantown High School Harding Middle School Kensington CAPA High School Kensington Culinary High School Mastbaum High School Olney High School Overbrook High School Russell Byers Charter School Shaw Middle School Simon Gratz High School South Philadelphia High School Strawberry Mansion High School Taylor Elementary School T.M. Pierce Elementary School University City High School Visitation BVM School West Philadelphia High School SIGNATURE SERVICE After-school All-Stars AIDS Fund Allegheny West Foundation American Cancer Society American Red Cross Awbury Arboretum Bartram Beacon Circle Thrift Eliza Shirley House Fairmount Park Frankford Beacon Friends Neighborhood Guild Gompers Elementary School H.A. Brown Elementary School Haitian Community Help Center Hill Elementary School Holy Trinity Church Lafiya Family Services MANNA Mantua Center McKinley School Mi Familia Day Care Center Neighborhood Bike Works New Kensington CDC Nicetown Boys and Girls Club Pennsylvania Horticultural Society Philadelpha Free Library Philadelphia Food Bank Philadelphia Green Philadelphia More Beautiful Point Breeze Family Center Rivera Rec Center SEPTA SHARE Special Olympics Spiral Q St. John’s Hospice Sun Circle Gardens The Arts Sanctuary The Ethical Society The Lighthouse Thurgood Marshall School United Communities Vare Beacon Middle School Wildland Refuge Center Willard Elementary Wissahickon Restoration Volunteers Youth Golf & Academics Program Youth Golf & Academics Program RHODE ISLAND FLAGSHIP SERVICE CVS/Highlander Charter School S e r vice p a r t n e r s Goff Community School The Metropolitan Regional Career and Technical Center Newport Community School at Thompson Middle School Olneyville Community School Slater Junior High School Social Street Elementary School Sullivan Family Center West End Community School Woonsocket Middle School SIGNATURE SERVICE AIDS Project Rhode Island AIDS Quilt Rhode Island All Saints Parish ARC of Northern Rhode Island Audubon Society of Rhode Island Baldwin Elementary School Blackstone Park Big Nazo Boys and Girls Club of Newport Boys and Girls Club of Pawtucket Children’s Friend’s Services Children’s Museum (RI) Crossroads Rhode Island DICE Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School Elmhurst Care Federal Hill House Gateway Healthcare Groundworks Providence Hallworth House Human Services Mall at Thompson Middle School LISC Lucy’s Hearth Homeless Shelter for Women & Children Make-a-Wish Foundation Mathewson Street Church Newport Community Police Newport County Chamber of Commerce Newport Dinner Train Ocean State Environmental Education Collaborative Pawtucket Citizens Development Corporation Pawtucket Congregational Church Pawtucket Neighborhood Alliance Pawtucket Public Works Pawtucket Weed and Seed Project One Providence Preservation Society Providence Rescue Mission Rhode Island Coalition for the Homeless Rhode Island Resource Recovery St. Peter’s Lutheran Church Save the Bay Sexual Assault and Trauma Resource Center Sojourner House Volunteer Center of Rhode Island Wanskuck Boys & Girls Club Wanskuck Library Woodlawn Community Center Woodlawn Community Development Corporation Woonsocket Housing Authority Woonsocket Neighborhood Development Corporation Youth Pride, Inc. YWCA SAN ANTONIO FLAGSHIP SERVICE Cameron Academy Carroll Academy Gates Academy Miller Academy M.L. King Academy SIGNATURE SERVICE Alamo Community College District Alamo Heights High School Alpha Kappa Alpha AT&T Bank of America Big Brothers/Big Sisters Boys and Girls Club Boy Scout Troop 475 Broadway Bank Burbank High School Camp S.A.M.M. Christian Senior Services City of San Antonio Neighborhood Action Team City of San Antonio’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission City of San Antonio Police Department (DARE Officers) Davis Scott YMCA Dwyer Community Center Frost Bank Habit for Humanity Harford Community College H.E.B. Grocery IDEA Academy Inner City with Style KABOOM! Keep San Antonio Beautiful LBJ Center Laredos Unidos The Light Foundation March of Dimes Meals on Wheels Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) National Parks Service – Missions National Historical Park Neighborhood Action Department New Orleans Saints Normandy Terrace Assisted Living Our Lady of the Lake University Presa Real Development Corporation Rape Crisis Center Robert B. Greene Elementary Ronald McDonald House (Lewis St) Saint Mary’s Hall San Antonio Spurs Entertainment Division St. Mary’s University St. Paul Area Community Development Corporation St. Paul Lutheran Church St. Philip’s Episcopal Church San Antonio AIDS Foundation San Antonio Chapter of the American Red Cross San Antonio Children’s Shelter San Antonio Cultural Arts Center San Antonio Downtown Rotary Club San Antonio Food Bank San Antonio Metropolitan Ministries San Antonio Missions National Historical Parks San Antonio Parks and Recreation Department San Antonio Parks and Recreation Natural Areas Division Spring Creek Neighborhood Association Texas Medical Rangers Trinity University United Way of San Antonio Urban 15 – Carnival de San Anto UTSA USO Valero Energy Corporation Vista Care Hospice Witte Museum YMCA Camp Flaming Arrow SAN JOSÉ/SILICON VALLEY FLAGSHIP SERVICE Arbuckle Elementary School CORAL/Lowell Elementary School Empire Gardens Elementary School Escuela Popular Accelerated Family Learning Center K. R. Smith Elementary School Learning in an Urban Community with High Achievement (L.U.C.H.A.) San Antonio Elementary School INITIATIVE SERVICE City Heroes Educational Theatre Program Young Heroes SIGNATURE SERVICE Alma Community Center Anne Darling Elementary School Bill Wilson Center Boys and Girls Clubs of Silicon Valley City of San José Anti-Litter and AntiGraffiti Program City of San José Dept. of Parks, Recreation, and Neighborhood Services CommUniverCity Emma Prusch Farm Park Guadalupe River Parks and Gardens Mayfair Community Gardens Mexican American Community Services Agency (MACSA) National Conference for Community and Justice Notre Dame High School Olinder Neighborhood Center Outward Bound West Public Allies Silicon Valley Resource Area for Teachers (RAFT) The Restorative Justice Program Sacred Heart Community Service San José After School San José Conservation Corps San José State University Second Harvest Food Bank Strong Neighborhoods Initiative Support Network for Battered Women Teach For America Third Street Community Center YMCA SEATTLE/king county FLAGSHIP SERVICE Casey Family Programs Central Area Youth Association Chinook Middle School Concord Elementary School Digital Bridge Highline School District Highline YMCA Interagency Academy @ Columbia City Annex Meany Middle School Pacific Middle School Seattle School District Team Read Treehouse for Kids Wing Luke Elementary School YMCA’s Independent Living Program YouthBuild YouthSource Renton 05-06 SIGNATURE SERVICE American Red Cross Bank of America Beacon Hill Elementary School Central Area Senior Center Chief Sealth High School Children’s Hospital Colman Park Comcast Crista Camps-Island Lake Danny Woo Community Garden De Wolfe House Denny Middle School Dunlap Elementary School Dunshee House Duwamish Group (Salmon Habitat Steering Committee for the Green/ Duwamish & Central Puget Sound Watershed) EarthCorps East Cherry YMCA Fremont Public Association’s Lettuce Link Friends of Hitt’s Hill Girl Scouts Habitat for Humanity Hammond House Hawthorne Elementary School Jefferson Park Alliance Jewish Family Services Joan Leonard House Jubilee Women’s Center Judkin’s P-Patch Lambert House Langston Hughes Cultural Arts Center Lee House Leschi Elementary School Marra Farms Mercy Corps MLK Elementary School Nature Consortium Neighborhood House Northwest Harvest Food bank Orion Center-Youth Care Pathfinder K-8 Pratt Park Providence Regina House Rainier Vista Community Coalition Refugee Women’s Alliance Ronald McDonald House Santa’s Workshop Seattle Housing Authority 43 S e r vice P a r t n e r s Seattle Parks & Recreation Seattle Public Utilities’ Adopt a Street Program Seattle School District Seattle’s Men Chorus Service for Peace Seward Park South Park Community Center Treehouse for Kids United Way of King County Urban Archivers Van Asselt Elementary School West Duwamish Greenbelt Wing Luke Elementary School SOUTH AFRICA Service Partner Schools 05-06 Berea Primary School Florida Avenue Primary School Freedom Park Primary School Goudpark Primary School Impala Crescent Primary School John Mitchell Primary School Lawley Primary School Lekang Primary School Meredale Primary School Moetepele Primary School Norwood Primary School Roseneath Primary School Tshebedisanong Primary School Turffontein Primary School Yeoville Community School Other Service Partners Conquest for Life Cotlands Baby Sanctuary Greenhouse Project Hope Worldwide Johannesburg Art Gallery Johannesburg Central Prison Johannesburg City Parks Johannesburg Fire Department Johannesburg General Hospital Lenasia Clinic Metropolitan Evangelical Services Noah Our Parent’s Home READ Foundation SOUL Foundation Soweto Home-based Care Soweto Kliptown Youth Transvaal Memorial Institute Tumelo Home for Disabled Children Usizo Thuso Youth AIDS Washington, DC FLAGSHIP SERVICE Adams Elementary School All Our Children, Inc. Anacostia High School Anne E. Beers Elementary School Arts & Technology Academy Asian American LEAD Ballou High School Beacon House Bell Multicultural High School Bowen Elementary School Burroughs Elementary School Cardozo High School Community Academy Public Charter School 44 Coolidge High School CW Harris Elementary School Duke Ellington Performing Arts High School Dunbar High School Eastern High School Emery Elementary School Fletcher-Johnson Education Center Food & Friends For Love of Children Francis Junior High School Garnet-Patterson Elementary School Garrison Elementary School Greater Washington Fields of Dreams Hart Middle School J. O. Wilson Elementary School Kenilworth Elementary School Ludlow-Taylor Elementary School Malcolm X Elementary School Martha’s Table Maya Angelou Public Charter High School MC Terrell Elementary School McGogney Elementary School McKinley Technical High School Meridian Public Charter School Merritt EC Metro Teen AIDS Moten Elementary School Our Lady of Perpetual Help P. R. Harris Educational Center Patterson Elementary School Perry School RH Terrell Junior High School Savoy Elementary School School Without Walls Shadd Elementary School Shaw Eco-Village Shepherd Elementary School Smothers Elementary School St. Francis de Sales Stuart-Hobson Middle School Themba, Inc Thurgood Marshall Extended Elementary School Thurgood Marshall Extended Elementary School Thurgood Marshall Public Charter High School Turner Elementary School Turning the Page United Planning Organization (Head Start) Washington Math, Science and Technology High School William E. Doar Jr. Public Charter School Wilson High School Woodson High School Young Ladies of Tomorrow SIGNATURE SERVICE Alpha Phi Omega American Red Cross Arlington Food Assistance Center Boys & Girls Club Bread For the City Capital Area Food Bank Casey Trees Chain Reaction City at Peace DC Central Kitchen Downtown Locker Room Girls & Boys Town Heads Up John E. Howard Elementary School (Baltimore) Kids on the Hill Marie Reed Community Learning Center Max Robinson Center McKendree Pantry Montgomery College School of Art & Design Office of Prevention and Youth Services Walker-Jones Elementary School YWCA S e r vice p a r t n e r s 05-06 Studio of Idealism | CITY YEAR © 2007 Photo Credits: Jennifer D. Cogswell ° Andrew Dean ° Claire Duggin ° John Gillooly/PEI ° Jim Harrison ° Kevin Jenkins Heidi Johnson ° Keri Leary ° Tumelo Lerole ° Sean McDevitt ° Lauren Thurmond ° Staff and corps from around the network w w w. c i t y y e a r. o r g City Year, Inc. City Year New Hampshire 287 Columbus Avenue Boston, MA 02116 200 Domain Drive Stratham, NH 03885 City Year BOSTON City Year New York 287 Columbus Avenue Boston, MA 02116 20 West 22nd Street, 3rd Floor New York, NY 10010 City Year Chicago City Year Greater Philadelphia 36 S. Wabash Avenue, Suite 1500 Chicago, IL 60603 2221 Chestnut Street, 2nd Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103 City Year Cleveland City Year Rhode Island 1132 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, OH 44115 77 Eddy Street, 2nd Floor Providence, RI 02903 City Year Columbia City Year San Antonio 1817 Hampton Street Columbia, SC 29201 109-B North San Saba San Antonio, TX 78207 City Year Columbus City Year San JosÉ/Silicon Valley 35 North 4th Street, Suite 350 Columbus, OH 43215 142 West Santa Clara Street San José, CA 95113 City Year Detroit City Year Seattle/King County 1 Ford Place, 1F Detroit, MI 48202 309 23rd Avenue South Seattle, WA 98144 City Year Little Rock NORTH LITTLE ROCK City Year South Africa 610 President Clinton Avenue, 3rd Floor Little Rock, AR 72201 City Year Los Angeles 634 S. Spring Street, Suite 712 Los Angeles, CA 90014 City Year Louisiana 161 North 3rd Street Baton Rouge, LA 70801 PO Box 87503 Houghton Johannesburg, ZA 2041 City Year Washington, DC 918 U Street, NW, 2nd Floor Washington, DC 20001
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