Air Conditioning
Air Conditioning
Pe Pr op Pa od le r t uc ne t rs hi ps 2012 Product Catalogue Dear Customer, Welcome to the Realcold 2012 Product Catalogue. We trust you will find it a quick and easy to use reference tool. To make it even easier for you to navigate, the 2012 Catalogue includes a brand and product index, located at the back of the Catalogue. Please give us a call if you require any additional product information or need our technical expertise. We look forward to working together in 2012. Yours faithfully, The Realcold Team Call us 0800 11 66 90 Industrial Industrial Refrigeration Valves, Pumps, Controls. Hansen Valves, Purgers, Level Controls, Lederle Hermetic Refrigerant Pumps, Spares, Parts Kits, etc. Capital Plant L’Unite Condensing Units, EasyPacks, RealPacks, Copeland Scroll Condensing Units, Custom Build, Condensors, Evaporators, Ice Machines, Chilled Water Packages, etc. Technical Data & Index Capacity Tables, Refrigeration Terminology, Technical Tips, Guide to Calculating Noise Levels, Metric Conversion Chart, Pressure - Temperature Data, Properties Of Refrigerants, etc. 55 Components Compressors, Controls, Driers, Fans, Insulation, Lubricants, Copper Tube and Fittings, Refrigerants, Test Equipment, Tools, Thermostats, Refrigeration, etc. Page Page 169 Industrial Components 3 Page 195 Capital Plant Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Gree Electric Air Conditioners and Heatpumps, Toyo Pair Coil and Trunking, PVC Drainpipe and Fittings, Aspen Condensate Pumps, Ducting and Grills, etc. Page 225 Technical Data Air Conditioning Page Air Conditioning Product Sections ni ng Ai Co r nd itio Mitsubishi Heavy Industries - Heat Pumps DXK High-Wall Split Systems SRK High-Wall Split Systems High EER / COP SRF Floor Mounted Split Systems SCM Multi Inverter Split System Cassette Split Systems Ducted Split Systems - Medium & High Static UNDER CEILING SPLIT SYSTEMS, ACCESSORIES AC04 AC04 AC05 AC06 AC07 AC08 AC09 AC10 Gree Electric - Heat Pumps Gree Eco Window-Wall Series Gree Cozy High-Wall Split Systems Gree Cozy High-Wall Inverter Split Systems Gree Multi Head Systems Gree Multi Head Systems Energy Recovery Ventilation AC11 AC11 AC12 AC13 AC14 AC15 AC16 Eclipse Air Curtains AC17 Cool Breeze Evaporative Air Conditioning AC18 Down Discharge Model AC20 Top Discharge Model AC21 Side Discharge Model AC21 Mobile Model AC22 AccessoriesAC23 Evaporative Cooling AC24 Air Conditioning Accessories AC27 Mounting Brackets & Bases AC27 Pre-Insulated Copper Tube AC28 DuctingAC29 Condensate Drain Pipe & Fittings AC30 Condensate Pumps AC32 Hi Lift Pumps AC32 Hi Flow Pumps AC32 Universal Pump AC33 Supermarket Pump AC33 AC-TabsAC33 Compact Pumps - Hidden Installation AC34 Compact Pumps - Below Wall Unit Installation AC35 Spares For Pumps AC35 Heat Pump Accessories AC35 Electrical & Thermostats Components & Fittings Seitron Air Conditioning Thermostats AC36 AC36 AC36 4 Way Valves Saginomiya 4-Way Reversing Valve AC37 AC37 Ducting Accessories AC38 Flexible Ducting AC38 Duct Fittings AC39 DiffuserAC40 Neck Adapter AC42 Eggcrate Grille AC43 Wall / Ceiling Fans / Grills AC44 Roof Ventilation AC45 In Line Fans AC46 Transfer Fans AC50 Air Conditioning Warranty Information AC51 Air Conditioning Air Conditioning Mitsubishi Heavy Industries - Heat Pumps DXK HIGH-WALL SPLIT SYSTEMS DXK High-Wall Split Systems AC04 Air Conditioning Reverse Cycle Inverter High Wall - R410a Realcold Stock No. Mitsubishi Model No. Refrigerant Cap kW T1 Nominal~Range Noise dBA IND/OUT Weight (Kg) IND/OUT Electric Supply System Price $ Excl. GST AC3001-I/O DXK09Z3-S DXC09Z3-S R410a R410a 230/1/50 1,500.00 AC3003-I/O DXK18Z3-S DXC18Z3-S R410a 230/1/50 1,950.00 AC3004-I/O DXK21Z4-S DXC21Z4-S R410a 230/1/50 2,400.00 AC3005-I/O DXK24Z4-S DXC24Z4-S R410a 230/1/50 2,600.00 AC3006-I/O DXK28Z4-S DXC28Z4-S R410a 8,5 32 8,5 35 8,5 42 15 57 15 57 15 57 1,250.00 DXK12Z3-S DXC12Z3-S 36~30~22 56 39~32~23 59 47~37~26 61 44~41~36~33 62 46~43~39~35 64 48~45~40~37 66 230/1/50 AC3002-I/O 2.5 (1.0~2.7) 3.2 (1.2~4.2) 3.5 (1.0~3.7) 4.0 (1.3~4.8) 5.0 (1.6~5.5) 5.8 (1.6~6.6) 6.3 (2.15~7.1) 7.1 (1.7~9.5) 7.1 (2.15~8.0) 8.0 (1.6~10.0) 8.0 (2.15~8.5) 9.0 (1.7~10.5) 230/1/50 3,000.00 Features & Benefits • New DXK**Z4 Series to meet Australian MEPS IV • DXK21-24-28 replace the SRK**ZEA series • Jet Air scroll, long reach and silent airflow • 24 hour programmable function, Auto restart function • Self clean operation • Micro computer operated defrosting • 5 Year Warranty on Parts and Labour only - for full Warranty information refer to page AC52 Specifications - High-Wall Reverse Cycle - DXK DXK High Wall Series Power Supply Capacity 1 phase 230V 50Hz Cooling T1 kW Heating H1 Input Cooling T1 kW Heating H1 Energy Label 2011 Cooling Stars Heating AEER Cooling T1 ACOP Heating H1 Current Cooling T1 Amp Heating H1 Recommended Circuit Breaker Amp Sound Pressure Level Cool Ind dB (JIS C9612) Heat Ind Sound Power Level Outdoor dBA (JIS C9612) Airflow Indoor L/S External Dimensions Indoor mm (H x W x D) Outdoor Nett Weight Indoor Kg Outdoor Refrigerant Piping Liquid Line mm (in) Gas Line Conn Method Refrigerant R410a Kg Pre-charged amount m Max. Piping Length Overall/Height m DXK09Z3-S DXC09Z3-S 2.5 (1.0~2.7) 3.2 (1.2~4.2) 0.71 0.86 2 3 3.52 3.72 3.4 4 36~30~22 35~30~26 56 133~103~75 DXK12Z3-S DXC12Z3-S Indoor Unit 3.5 (1.0~3.7) 4.0 (1.3~4.8) 1.06 1.09 1.5 2.5 3.3 3.67 4.9 5 16 39~32~23 41~36~27 59 DXK18Z3-S DXC18Z3-S 5.0 (1.6~5.5) 5.8 (1.6~6.6) 1.56 1.6 1.5 2 3.21 3.63 6.9 7 47~37~26 47~40~33 61 DXK21Z4-S DXC21Z4-S DXK24Z4-S DXC24Z4-S Outdoor Unit 7.1 (2.15~8.0) 8.0 (1.6~10.0) 2.16 2.14 1.5 2.5 3.29 3.74 9.7 9.7 20 47~43~37~26 49~45~39~26 44~41~36~33 46~43~39~35 62 66 6.3 (2.15~7.1) 7.1 (1.7~9.5) 1.76 1.79 2.0 2.77 3.58 3.97 8 8.1 141~113~76 183~126~78 310 268 x 790 x 224 640 x 800 (+71) x 290 540 x 780 (+62) x 290 8.5 32 35 42 6.35 (1/4”) 9.52 (3/8") 12.7 (1/2”) Flare 0.75 1.05 1.35 10 15 15 / 10 25 / 15 DXK28Z4-S DXC28Z4-S 8.0 (2.15~8.5) 9.0 (1.7~10.5) 2.65 2.55 1.0 2.0 3.02 3.53 11.9 11.4 50~47~41~26 48~45~40~37 69 325 350 318 x 1098 x 248 750 x 880 (+88) x 340 15 57 15.88 (5/8”) 1.8 30 / 20 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit SRK HIGH-WALL SPLIT SYSTEMS HIGH EER / COP SRK High-Wall Split Systems High EER / COP AC05 Realcold Stock No. Mitsubishi Model No. Refrigerant AC3101-I/O SRK20ZJX-S SRC20ZJX-S R410a SRK25ZJX-S SRC25ZJX-S R410a SRK35ZJX-S SRC35ZJX-S R410a SRK50ZJX-S SRC50ZJX-S R410a SRK60ZJX-S SRC60ZJX-S R410a AC3102-I/O AC3103-I/O AC3104-I/O AC3105-I/O System Price $ Excl. GST Cap kW T1 Nominal~Range Noise dBA IND/OUT Weight (Kg) IND/OUT Electric Supply 230/1/50 1,350.00 230/1/50 1,650.00 230/1/50 1,850.00 230/1/50 2,250.00 230/1/50 2,350.00 2.0 (0.9~3.1) 39~30~21 15 2.5 (0.9~4.3) 60 38 2.55 (0.9~3.2) 41~31~22 15 3.13 (0.9~4.7) 60 38 3.5 (0.9~4.1) 43~33~22 15 4.3 (0.9~5.1) 63 38 5.0 (0.7~6.2) 47~40~27 15 6.0 (0.7~8.8) 62 43 6.0 (0.8~6.8) 51~41~29 15 6.8 (0.8~9.7) 65 43 Features & Benefits • High COP / EER • Alergen Clear & Photocatalytic filters • 24 hour programmable function • Auto restart function • Micro computer operated defrosting • 5 Year Warranty on Parts and Labour only - for full Warranty information refer to page AC52 Specifications - High-Wall Reverse Cycle - SRK SRK-ZJX High Wall Series Power Supply Capacity Outdoor Unit Cooling T1 kW Heating H1 Input Cooling T1 kW Heating H1 Energy Label 2011 Cooling Stars Heating AEER Cooling T1 ACOP Heating H1 Current Cooling T1 Amp Heating H1 Recommended Circuit Breaker Amp Sound Pressure Level Cool Ind dB (JIS C9612) Heat Ind Sound Power Level Outdoor dBA (JIS C9612) Airflow Indoor L/S External Dimensions Indoor mm (H x W x D) Outdoor Nett Weight Indoor Kg Outdoor Refrigerant Piping Liquid Line mm (in) Gas Line Conn Method Refrigerant R410a Kg Pre-charged amount m Max. Piping Length Overall/Height m SRK20ZJX-S SRC20ZJX-S SRK25ZJX-S SRC25ZJX-S 2.0 (09~3.1) 2.5 (0.9~4.3) 0.35 0.45 6 5.5 5.71 5.56 1.8 2.3 2.55 (0.9~3.2) 3.13 (0.9~4.7) 0.49 0.595 5 5.5 5.2 5.26 2.4 2.9 39~30~21 38~33~25 60 41~31~22 41~34~27 60 191~133~83 208~150~83 SRK35ZJX-S SRC35ZJX-S 1 phase 230V 50Hz 3.5 (0.9~4.1) 4.3 (0.9~5.1) 0.845 0.96 3 3.5 4.14 4.48 3.8 4.4 16 43~33~22 42~35~27 63 225~158~83 309 x 890 x 220 SRK50ZJX-S SRC50ZJX-S SRK60ZJX-S SRC60ZJX-S 5.0 (0.7~6.2) 6.0 (0.7~8.8) 1.3 1.35 2.5 3.5 3.85 4.44 5.7 5.9 6.0 (0.8~6.8) 6.8 (0.8~9.7) 1.86 1.67 1.5 3 3.23 4.07 8.2 7.3 47~40~27 48~40~33 62 51~41~29 48~41~34 65 225~183~133 241~208~141 595 x 780 (+62) x 290 640 x 800 (+71) x 290 15 38 43 6.35 (1/4”) 9.52 (3/8”) 12.7 (1/2”) Flare 1.2 Pre-charged for 15m of field piping 15 / 10 1.4 30 / 20 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Air Conditioning Reverse Cycle Inverter High Wall - R410a High EER/COP SRF FLOOR MOUNTED SPLIT SYSTEMS SRF Floor Mounted Split Systems AC06 Air Conditioning Reverse Cycle Inverter Floor Mounted - R410a Realcold Stock No. Mitsubishi Model No. Refrigerant AC3201-I/O SRF25ZJX-S SRC25ZJX-S R410a SRF35ZJX-S SRC35ZJX-S R410a SRF50ZJX-S SRC50ZIX-S R410a AC3202-I/O AC3203-I/O System Price $ Excl. GST Cap kW T1 Nominal~Range Noise dBA IND/OUT Weight (Kg) IND/OUT Electric Supply 230/1/50 2,200.00 230/1/50 2,500.00 230/1/50 2,800.00 2.5 (0.9~3.2) 38~31~26 18 3.4 (0.9~4.7) 60 38 3.5 (0.9~4.1) 41~34~28 19 4.5 (0.9~5.1) 63 38 5.0 (0.7~5.5) 46~42~32 19 6.0 (0.7~7.0) 62 43 Features & Benefits • Hi Power • Enzyme & Photocatalytic filters • 24 hour programmable function • Upper and Lower air outlet selection • Micro computer operated defrosting • Auto restart • 5 Year Warranty on Parts and Labour only - for full Warranty information refer to page AC52 Specifications - Reverse Cycle Floor Mounted - SRF SRF Floor Mounted Series SRF25ZJX-S SRC25ZJX-S SRF35ZJX-S SRC35ZJX-S SRF50ZJX-S SRC50ZI X-S Outdoor Unit Cooling T1 kW 2.5 (0.9~3.2) 1 phase 230V 50Hz 3.5 (0.9~4.1) 5.0 (0.7~5.5) Heating H1 3.4 (0.9~4.7) 4.5 (0.9~5.1) 6.0 (0.7~7.0) 0.521 0.89 1.39 0.723 1.124 1.54 4 2.5 2 Heating 4 3 2.5 AEER Cooling T1 4.8 3.93 3.6 ACOP Heating H1 4.7 4 3.9 Current Cooling T1 2.5 3.9 6.1 3.4 4.9 Power Supply Capacity Input Cooling T1 kW Heating H1 Energy Label 2011 Cooling Stars Amp Heating H1 Recommended Circuit Breaker Amp Sound Pressure Level (JIS C9612) Cool Ind dB Sound Power Level (JIS C9612) Outdoor Airflow 6.8 16 38~31~26 41~34~28 46~42~32 38~34~28 41~36~31 47~41~33 dBA 60 63 62 Indoor L/S 150~126~96 153~130~106 191~160~110 External Dimensions (H x W x D) Indoor mm Nett Weight Indoor Heat Ind 595 x 780 (+62) x 290 Kg Outdoor Refrigerant Piping 600 x 860 x 238 Outdoor Liquid Line 640 x 800 (+71) x 290 18 19 38 mm (in) Gas Line 43 6.35 (1/4”) 9.52 (3/8”) Conn Method 12.7 (1/2”) Flare Refrigerant R410a Pre-charged amount Kg Max. Piping Length Overall/Height m m 1.2 1.4 Pre-charged for 15m of field piping 15 / 10 30 / 20 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit SCM MULTI INVERTER SPLIT SYSTEM SCM Multi Inverter Split System AC07 Realcold Stock No. Mitsubishi Model No. Refrigerant AC3301 SCM40ZJ-S R410a System Price $ Excl. GST Cap kW T1 Nominal~Range No of Rooms Max kW Cooling Connect Largest Indoor Connect Electric Supply 4.0 (1.8~5.9) 2 rooms 6.0kW 3.5kW 230/1/50 2,300.00 2~3 rooms 8.5kW 5.0kW 230/1/50 2,750.00 2~3 rooms 11.0kW 6.0kW 230/1/50 3,000.00 2~4 rooms 12.5kW 6.0kW 230/1/50 3,500.00 2~4 rooms 13.5kW 6.0kW 230/1/50 3,850.00 System Price $ Excl. GST 4.5 (1.4~6.9) AC3302 SCM50ZJ-S R410a 5.0 (1.8~7.1) 6.0 (1.4~7.5) AC3303 SCM60ZJ-S R410a 6.0 (1.8~7.5) 6.8 (1.5~7.8) AC3304 SCM71ZJ-S R410a 7.1 (1.8~8.8) 8.6 (1.5~9.4) AC3305 SCM80ZJ-S R410a 8.0 (1.8~9.2) 9.3 (1.5~9.8) Multi Indoor Units - Wall Mount Realcold Stock No. Mitsubishi Model No. Refrigerant Nominal Cap kW Cool / Heat Dimensions HxWxD Airflow Max L/S Ind Sound dBA Electric Supply AC3311 SRK20ZJ R410a 2.0/2.7 294 x 798 x 229 130 33/27/21 230/1/50 400.00 AC3312 SRK25ZJ R410a 2.5/3.2 295 x 798 x 229 131 34/28/21 230/1/50 432.00 AC3313 SRK35ZJ R410a 3.5/4.0 296 x 798 x 229 168 42/32/22 230/1/50 496.00 AC3314 SRK50ZJ R410a 5.0/5.8 297 x 798 x 229 188 46/37/26 230/1/50 640.00 AC3321 SRK20ZJX R410a 2.0/2.5 309 x 890 x 220 191 39/30/21 230/1/50 432.00 AC3322 SRK25ZJX R410a 2.5/3.1 309 x 890 x 220 208 41/31/22 230/1/50 528.00 AC3323 SRK35ZJX R410a 3.5/4.5 309 x 890 x 220 225 43/33/22 230/1/50 592.00 AC3324 SRK50ZJX R410a 5.0/5.8 309 x 890 x 220 225 47/40/27 230/1/50 720.00 AC3325 SRK60ZJX R410a 6.0/6.8 309 x 890 x 220 241 51/41/29 230/1/50 752.00 Multi Indoor Units - Cassette Realcold Stock No. Mitsubishi Model No. Refrigerant Nominal Cap kW Cool / Heat Dimensions HxWxD Airflow Max L/S Ind Sound dBA Electric Supply System Price $ Excl. GST AC3331 FDTC25Z R410a 2.5/3.4 248 x 570 x 570 150 36/32/29 230/1/50 POA AC3332 FDTC35Z R410a 3.5/4.5 248 x 570 x 570 158 40/36/30 230/1/50 POA AC3333 FDTC50Z R410a 5.0/5.8 248 x 570 x 570 192 42/36/30 230/1/50 POA AC3334 FDTC60Z R410a 6.0/6.8 248 x 570 x 570 225 46/39/30 230/1/50 POA Multi Indoor Units - Bulk Head (low static) Realcold Stock No. Mitsubishi Model No. Refrigerant Nominal Cap kW Cool / Heat Dimensions HxWxD Airflow Max L/S Ind Sound dBA Electric Supply System Price $ Excl. GST AC3341 SRR25ZJ R410a 2.5/3.4 230 x 740 x 455 142 40/35/29 230/1/50 900.00 AC3342 SRR35ZJ R410a 3.5/4.5 230 x 740 x 455 150 42/37/30 230/1/50 1,000.00 AC3343 SRR50ZJ R410a 5.0/5.8 230 x 740 x 455 175 48/42/33 230/1/50 1,150.00 AC3344 SRR60ZJ R410a 6.0/6.8 230 x 740 x 455 208 51/44/35 230/1/50 1,250.00 Multi Indoor Units - Floor Mount Realcold Stock No. Mitsubishi Model No. Refrigerant Nominal Cap kW Cool / Heat Dimensions HxWxD Airflow Max L/S Ind Sound dBA Electric Supply System Price $ Excl. GST AC3351 SRF25ZJX R410a 2.5/3.4 600 x 860 x 238 150 40/32/26 230/1/50 1,078.00 AC3352 SRF35ZJX R410a 3.5/4.5 600 x 860 x 238 153 41/34/28 230/1/50 1,242.00 AC3353 SRF50ZJX R410a 5.0/5.8 600 x 860 x 238 191 46/42/32 230/1/50 1,270.00 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Air Conditioning Reverse Cycle Inverter Outdoor Units - R410a CASSETTE SPLIT SYSTEMS Cassette Split Systems AC08 Air Conditioning Reverse Cycle Inverter Cassette - R410a Realcold Stock No. Mitsubishi Model No. Refrigerant Cap kW T1 Nominal~Range Noise dBA IND/OUT Weight (Kg) IND/OUT Electric Supply System Price $ Excl. GST AC3401 FDTC50ZIXVD R410a R410a 230/1/50 3,750.00 AC3403 FDT71VNXVD R410a 230/1/50 4,750.00 AC3404 FDT100VNVD R410a 230/1/50 5,850.00 AC3405 FDT125VNXVD R410a 230/1/50 6,500.00 AC3406 FDT140VNXVD R410a 18.5 43 29.5 43 29.5 60 32.5 81 32.5 105 32.5 105 3,500.00 FDT60ZIXVD 47~42~36~32 47 46~33~31~30 48 46~35~33~31 51 51~40~37~35 49 51~42~40~37 50 51~43~41~38 52 230/1/50 AC3402 5.0 (2.2~5.6) 5.4 (2.5~6.3) 5.6 (2.8~6.3) 6.7 (3.1~7.1) 7.1 (3.2~8.0) 8.0 (3.6~9.0) 10.0 (4.0~11.2) 11.2 (4.0~12.5) 12.5 (5.0~14.0) 14.0 (4.0~17.0) 14.0 (5.0~16.0) 16.0 (4.0~18.0) 230/1/50 6,950.00 Note: Available in both wired control and Infra Red Control. Please specify Wired or Infra Red Control at time of order. Wired Control = RC-E4; Infra Red Control = RCN-T-36W-E Features & Benefits • Individual flap control • Thin design, High efficiency • Available in both Wired Control and Infra Red Control. Please specify Wired or Infra Red Control at time of order • Wired Control; All RC-E4, Infra Red Control; FDT60, FDT140, RCN-T-36W-E & FDTC50, RCN-TC-24W-E • CnT terminal to allow easy connection to BMS, home automation and external timers Specifications - Reverse Cycle Inverter Cassette FDTC & FDT Cassette Series Power Supply Capacity FDTC50ZIXVD SRC50ZIX-S FDTC50VD FDT60ZIXVD SRC60ZIX-S FDT60VD FDT71VNXVD FDT71VNX FDT71VD FDT100VNVD FDT100VN FDT100VD FDT125VNXVD FDT125VNX FDT125VD FDT140VNXVD FDT140VNX FDT140VD 1 phase 230V 50Hz Indoor Unit Outdoor Unit Cooling T1 kW 5.0 (2.2~5.6) 5.6 (2.8~6.3) 7.1 (3.2~8.0) 10.0 (4.0~11.2) 12.5 (5.0~14.0) 14.0 (5.0~16.0) Heating H1 5.4 (2.5~6.3) 6.7 (3.1~7.1) 8.0 (3.6~9.0) 11.2 (4.0~12.5) 14.0 (4.0~17.0) 16.0 (4.0~18.0) Input Cooling T1 kW 1.56 1.57 2.04 2.76 3.28 4.19 Heating H1 1.45 1.85 1.94 2.74 3.43 4.20 Energy Label 2011 Cooling Stars 2 2.5 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.5 Heating 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.5 AEER Cooling T1 3.21 3.57 3.48 3.62 3.81 3.34 ACOP Heating H1 3.72 3.62 4.12 4.08 4.08 3.81 Current Cooling T1 Amp 6.9 7.0 9.1 12.1 14.6 18.6 Heating H1 6.4 8.2 8.7 12.0 15.2 18.6 Recommended Circuit Breaker Amp 16 20 32 Sound Pressure Level Cool Ind dB 47~42~36~32 46~33~31~30 46~35~33~31 51~40~37~35 51~42~40~37 51~43~41~38 (JIS C9612) Heat Ind 47 48 51 49 50 52 Sound Power Level Outdoor dBA 62 65 66 70 70 72 (JIS C9612) 225~191~150~133 466~300~266~233 466~350~316~283 616~450~400~333 616~500~450~383 616~500~450~383 Airflow Indoor L/S Panel T-PSA-3AW-E mm 35 x 700 x 700 35 x 950 x 950 External Dimensions Indoor mm 248 x 570 x 570 246 x 840 x 840 298 x 840 x 840 (H x W x D) Outdoor 640 x 872 x 290 750 x 880 x 340 845 x 970 x 410 1300 x 970 x 370 Nett Weight Indoor Kg 18.5 29.5 32.5 Outdoor 43 60 81 105 Refrigerant Piping Liquid Line mm 6.35 (1/4”) 9.52 (3/8”) (in) Gas Line 12.7 (1/2”) 15.88 (5/8”) Conn Method Flare Refrigerant R410a Kg 1.4 2.95 3.8 4.5 Pre-charged amount m 15 30 Max. Piping Length Overall/Height m 30/20 50/+30 -15 100/+30 -15 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice.or ForRCN-T-36W-E more information visit Controller RC-E4 or RCN-TC-24W-ER DUCTED SPLIT SYSTEMS - MEDIUM & HIGH STATIC Ducted Split Systems - Medium & High Static AC09 Realcold Stock No. Mitsubishi Model No. Refrigerant AC3601 FDUM50ZIXVD R410a AC3602 AC3603 AC3604 AC3605 AC3606 FDUM60ZIXVD FDU71VNXVD FDU100VNVD FDU125VNXVD FDU140VNXVD R410a R410a R410a R410a R410a Cap kW T1 Nominal~Range Noise dBA IND/OUT Weight (Kg) IND/OUT 5.0 (2.2~5.6) 35~34~31~28 34 5.4 (2.5~6.3) 47 Electric Supply System Price $ Excl. GST 230/1/50 2,850.00 230/1/50 3,200.00 230/1/50 4,250.00 230/1/50 4,900.00 230/1/50 5,600.00 230/1/50 6,800.00 43 5.6 (2.8~6.3) 38~34~31~28 40 6.7 (3.1~7.1) 48 43 7.1 (3.2~8.0) 41~37 40 8.0 (3.6~9.0) 51 60 10.0 (4.0~11.2) 42~37 63 11.2 (4.0~12.5) 49 81 12.5 (5.0~14.0) 43~38 63 14.0 (4.0~17.0) 50 105 14.0 (5.0~16.0) 43~38 63 16.0 (4.0~18.0) 52 105 Features & Benefits • Quiet, lightweight and compact • Selectable static pressure, 600 mm drain pump fitted • Available in both wired control and Infra Red Control. Please specify Wired or Infra Red Control at time of order • Wired Control, RC-E4. Infra Red Control, RCN-Kit3-E • CnT terminal to allow easy connection to BMS, home automation and external timers Specifications - Reverse Cycle Inverter Ducted FDUM & FDU Ducted Medium Static Series Power Supply Capacity FDUM50ZIXVD SRC50ZIX-S FDUM50VD FDUM60ZIXVD SRC60ZIX-S FDUM60VD FDU71VNXVD FDU71VNX FDU71VD FDU100VNVD FDU100VN FDU100VD FDU125VNXVD FDU125VNX FDU125VD FDU140VNXVD FDU140VNX FDU140VD 1 phase 230V 50Hz Indoor Unit Outdoor Unit Cooling T1 kW 5.0 (2.2~5.6) 5.6 (2.8~6.3) 7.1 (3.2~8.0) 10.0 (4.0~11.2) 12.5 (5.0~14.0) 14.0 (5.0~16.0) Heating H1 5.4 (2.5~6.3) 6.7 (3.1~7.1) 8.0 (3.6~9.0) 11.2 (4.0~12.5) 14.0 (4.0~17.0) 16.0 (4.0~18.0) Input Cooling T1 kW 1.52 1.86 2.15 2.88 3.44 4.2 Heating H1 1.41 1.96 2.15 2.99 3.67 4.3 Energy Label 2011 Cooling Stars 2 2 2 2 2 1.5 Heating 3 2 2.5 2.5 3 2.5 EER Cooling T1 3.29 3.01 3.3 3.47 3.63 3.33 COP Heating H1 3.82 3.42 3.72 3.74 3.81 3.72 Current Cooling T1 Amp 6.7 8.2 9.6 12.7 15.3 18.6 Heating H1 6.3 9.0 9.5 13.1 16.3 19.1 Recommended Circuit Breaker Amp 16 20 32 Sound Pressure Level Cool Ind dB 35~34~31~28 38~34~31~28 41~37 42~37 43~38 (JIS C9612) Heat Ind 47 48 51 49 50 52 Sound Power Level Outdoor dBA 62 65 66 70 72 (JIS C9612) Airflow Indoor L/S 233~216~200~183 300~266~250~233 333 ~ 283 566 ~ 450 700 ~ 558 External Static Indoor Pa 85 @ 233 l/s 85 @ 300 l/s 60/130 @ 333 l/s 60/130 @ 566 l/s 60/130 @ 700 l/s Pressure External Dimensions Indoor mm 299 x 750 x 635 299 x 950 x 635 297 x 850 x 650 350 x 1370 x 650 (H x W x D) Outdoor 640 x 872 x 290 750 x 968 x 340 845 x 970 x 370 1300 x 970 x 370 Nett Weight Indoor Kg 34 40 40 63 Outdoor 43 60 81 105 Refrigerant Piping Liquid Line mm 6.35 (1/4") 9.52 (3/8”) (in) Gas Line 12.7 (1/2") 15.88 (5/8”) Conn Method Flare Refrigerant R410a Kg 1.4 2.95 3.8 4.5 Pre-charged amount m 15 30 Max. Piping Length Overall/Height m 30/20 50/+30 -15 100/+30 -15 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Controller RC-E4 or RCN-KIT3-E Air Conditioning Reverse Cycle Inverter Ducted - R410a UNDER CEILING SPLIT SYSTEMS, ACCESSORIES UNDER CEILING SPLIT SYSTEMS, ACCESSORIES AC10 Air Conditioning Reverse Cycle Inverter Under Ceiling - R410a Realcold Stock No. Mitsubishi Model No. Refrigerant Cap kW T1 Nominal~Range Noise dBA IND/OUT Weight (Kg) IND/OUT Electric Supply System Price $ Excl. GST AC3701 FDEN71VNXVD R410a R410a 230/1/50 5,800.00 AC3703 FDEN125VNXVD R410a 230/1/50 6,400.00 AC3704 FDEN140VNXVD R410a 37 60 49 81 49 105 49 105 4,600.00 FDEN100VNVD 50~41~39~38 51 46~44~41~39 49 50~46~44~43 50 50~46~44~43 52 230/1/50 AC3702 7.1 (3.2~8.0) 8.0 (3.6~9.0) 10.0 (4.0~11.2) 11.2 (4.0~12.5) 12.5 (5.0~14.0) 14.0 (4.0~17.0) 14.0 (5.0~16.0) 16.0 (4.0~18.0) 230/1/50 6,990.00 Specifications - Reverse Cycle Inverter Under Ceiling FDEN Under Ceiling Series FDEN71VNXVD FDC71VNX FDEN71VD Power Supply Capacity 1 phase 230V 50Hz Cooling T1 kW Heating H1 Input Cooling T1 kW Heating H1 Energy Label 2011 Cooling Stars Heating AEER Cooling T1 ACOP Heating H1 Current Cooling T1 Amp Heating H1 Recommended Circuit Breaker Amp Sound Pressure Level Cool Ind dB (JIS C9612) Heat Ind Sound Power Level Outdoor dBA (JIS C9612) Airflow Indoor L/S External Dimensions Indoor mm (H x W x D) Outdoor Nett Weight Indoor Kg Outdoor Refrigerant Piping Liquid Line mm (in) Gas Line Conn Method Refrigerant R410a Kg Pre-charged amount m Max. Piping Length Overall/Height m Controller 7.1 (3.2~8.0) 8.0 (3.6~9.0) 2.11 2.11 1 2 3.36 3.79 9.1 9.1 20 50~41~39~38 51 66 FDEN100VNVD FDC100VN FDEN100VD Indoor Unit 10.0 (4.0~11.2) 11.2 (4.0~12.5) 2.85 2.97 2 2.5 3.51 3.77 12.5 13.0 46~44~41~39 49 70 366~300~233~200 210 x 1320 x 690 750 x 968 x 340 37 60 2.95 FDEN125VNXVD FDC125VNX FDEN125VD 12.5 (5.0~14.0) 14.0 (4.0~17.0) 3.86 3.77 1 2 3.23 3.71 17.1 16.7 32 50 70 FDEN140VNXVD FDC140VNX FDEN140VD Outdoor Unit 14.0 (5.0~16.0) 16.0 (4.0~18.0) 4.98 4.69 0.5 1.5 2.81 3.41 22.1 20.8 50~46~44~43 52 72 466~433~383~350 533~483~433~383 250 x 1620 x 690 845 x 970 x 370 1300 x 970 x 370 49 81 105 9.52 (3/8") 15.88 (5/8") Flare 3.8 4.5 30 50/+30 -15 100/+30 -15 RC-E4 or RCN-E-E Mitsubishi Heat Pump Accessories Realcold Stock No. Mitsubishi Model No. Description AC3901 AC3902 AC3903 AC3904 AC3905 AC3906 AC3907 AC3908 AC3910 RCN-KIT3-E RC-E4 RCH-E3 SC-ADNA-E CnT SC-THB-E3 CW-H-E PCA006A057B SC-BIKN-E Infra red kit for FDU/M Wired Remote controller for all indoor units Simple wired remote control - 2 wire Superlink adaptor for SRK and FD (RC-E4) Card connector flying leads Remote sensor Base Heater kit for FDC125VNX and FDC140VNX PC Mente Interface Interface PCB for SRK and FD (RC-E4) System Price $ Excl. GST 296.00 140.00 180.00 210.00 25.00 91.00 POA 400.00 125.00 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Gree Electric - Heat Pumps GREE ECO WINDOW-WALL SERIES Gree Eco Window-Wall Series AC11 THE PROFESSIONAL’S CHOICE Realcold Stock No. Gree Model No. Refrigerant Cap kW Nominal Noise dBA High/Low Weight (Kg) Electric Supply AC5015 GJH09AB-K3MNB8A R410a 2.7 49 43 230/1/50 615.00 2.4 45 AC5016 GJH12AD-K3MNB8A R410a 3.5 53 54 230/1/50 740.00 3 49 5 55 73 230/1/50 890.00 4.7 51 6.2 58 75 230/1/50 1,025.00 6 53 AC5017 AC5018 GJH18AC-K3MNB8A GJH24AC-K3MNB8A R410a R410a System Price $ Excl. GST Features & Benefits • Exceeds the 2011 MEPS III annulised ratings • R410a Refrigerant • 4 Way Air Flow • 4 Way Air Flow • Long distance airing • Economic Sleep Mode • Easy Cleaned Filter • Easy Clean Filter • 5 Year Parts and Labour Warranty, domestic use only Specifications - Gree ECO Window-Wall Series Gree ECO Window-Wall Series GJH09AB-K3MNB8A GJH12AD-K3MNB8A 2.7 3.5 5 6.2 2.4 3 4.7 6 0.9 1.25 1.75 2.05 0.8 1 1.56 1.75 1 1 1.5 1.5 Heating 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 AEER Cooling T1 3 2.9 2.9 3.02 ACOP Heating T1 3 2.9 2.9 3.43 Current Cooling T1 4.83 6.5 10.5 13 49 53 55 58 45 49 51 53 216 230 250 Power Supply Capacity Outdoor Unit Cooling T1 kW Heating T1 Input Cooling T1 kW Heating T1 Energy Label 2011 Cooling Stars Amp GJH18AC-K3MNB8A GJH24AC-K3MNB8A 1 phase 230V 50Hz Recommended Circuit Breaker Amp Sound Pressure Level (JIS C9612) High dBA Airflow Indoor L/S 138 External Dimensions (H x W x D) Indoor mm 375 x 560 x 618 Kg 43 54 73 75 Kg 0.78 0.81 1.07 1.4 Low Nett Weight Refrigerant R410a Pre-charged 16 20 428 x 660 x 700 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Air Conditioning Reverse Cycle Window - Wall - R410a GREE COZY HIGH-WALL SPLIT SYSTEMS Gree Cozy High-Wall Split Systems AC12 THE PROFESSIONAL’S CHOICE Air Conditioning Fixed Speed - R410a Realcold Stock No. Gree Model No. Refrigerant Cap kW Nominal Noise dBA IND/OUT Weight (Kg) IND/OUT Electric Supply System Price $ Excl. GST AC5452G/W GWH09MB-K3NNA*B R410a R410a 230/1/50 850.00 AC5456G/W GWH18MC-K3NNA*B R410a 230/1/50 1,190.00 AC5458G/W GWH24MD-K3NNA*B R410a 10 40 10 41 13 46 15.5 64 750.00 GWH12MB-K3NNA*B 32 50 32 52 38 54 46 58 230/1/50 AC5454G/W 2.74 2.85 3.38 3.26 5.28 5.7 6.15 6.75 230/1/50 1,490.00 Features & Benefits • Fixed speed heat pumps are a viable alternative to expensive and complicated inverter air conditioners • With over a three to one ratio, fixed speed heat pumps are an energy efficient way of heating your home • Super Quiet Operation • Easy Clean Flat Panel • High-efficient curved heat exchanger • Active Carbon Filter • Exceeds the 2011 MEPS III annulised ratings • 5 metre connection cable included • Healthy filter options • 5 Year Parts and Labour Warranty, domestic use only Specifications - Gree Cozy High-Wall Split Systems Gree Cozy High-Wall Split Systems Power Supply Capacity Outdoor Unit Cooling T1 kW Heating T1 Input Cooling T1 kW Heating T1 Energy Label 2011 Cooling Stars Heating AEER Cooling T1 ACOP Heating T1 Current Cooling T1 Amp Recommended Circuit Breaker Amp Moisture Removal L/H Sound Pressure Level Indoor dBA (JIS C9612) Outdoor Airflow Indoor L/S External Dimensions Indoor mm (H x W x D) Outdoor Nett Weight Indoor Kg Outdoor Refrigerant Piping Liquid Line mm (in) Gas Line Conn Method Refrigerant R410a Kg Pre-charged amount m Overall/ Max. Piping Length m Height GWH09MB-K3NNA*B GWH12MB-K3NNA*B GWH18MC-K3NNA*B 1 phase 230V 50Hz 5.28 5.7 1.7 1.85 1.5 1.5 3 3.17 8.29 10 16 2.5 2.5 3 32 32 38 50 52 54 167 167 217 275 x 845 x 180 298 x 940 x 200 540 x 780 x 320 592 x 780 x 320 680 x 846 x 378 10 13 40 41 46 6.35 (1/4”) 9.52 (3/8”) 12.7 (1/2”) Flare 1.23 1.02 1.55 5 5 5 2.74 2.85 0.8 0.84 2 2 3.42 3.39 3.82 15 3.38 3.26 0.99 0.97 2 2 3.41 3.36 4.29 20 GWH24MD-K3NNA*B 6.15 6.75 2.04 2.23 1.5 1.5 3.01 3.03 9.81 20 4 46 58 222 315 x 1,007 x 219 790 x 920 x 427 15.5 64 15.88 (5/8”) 2.1 5 25 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit GREE COZY HIGH-WALL INVERTER SPLIT SYSTEMS Gree Cozy High-Wall Inverter Split Systems AC13 THE PROFESSIONAL’S CHOICE Realcold Stock No. Gree Model No. Refrigerant Cap kW Nominal~Range Noise dBA IND/OUT Weight (Kg) IND/OUT Electric Supply AC7170G/W GWH09MB-K3DNA*H R410a 2.5 (0.35~3) 40~32 9 230/1/50 1,050.00 2.8 (0.75~3.5) 50 35 3.5 (0.95~4) 42~33 11 230/1/50 1,250.00 230/1/50 1,550.00 230/1/50 1,750.00 230/1/50 1,990.00 AC7171G/W AC7172G/W AC7173G/W AC7174G/W GWH12MB-K3DNA*H GWH18MC-K3DNA*H GWH24MD-K3DNA*H GWH24ME-K3DNA*H R410a R410a R410a R410a 3.85 (0.88~4.3) 52 36 5 (1.26~6.15) 49~35 13 5.56 (1.12~6.3) 52 47 6.3 (1.4~6.8) 46~33 16 6.76 (1.2~8) 54 50 7.2 (1.4~8.7) 47~40 17,5 8.2 (1.05~10) 59 65 System Price $ Excl. GST Features & Benefits • New 180 Deg Sine Wave Inverter • Lowest Energy Consumption • Super Quiet Operation • Easy Clean Flat Panel • High-efficient curved heat exchanger • Active Carbon Filter • Ultra Low Noise • Exceeds the 2011 MEPS III annulised ratings • 5 metre connection cable included • Healthy filter options • 5 Year Parts and Labour Warranty, domestic use only Specifications - Gree Cozy High-Wall Inverter Split Systems Gree Cozy High-Wall Inverter Split Systems Power Supply Capacity Outdoor Unit Cooling T1 kW Heating T1 Input Cooling T1 kW Heating T1 Energy Label 2011 Cooling Stars Heating AEER Cooling T1 ACOP Heating T1 Current Cooling T1 Amp Recommended Circuit Breaker Amp Moisture Removal L/H Sound Pressure Level Indoor dBA (JIS C9612) Outdoor Airflow Indoor L/S External Dimensions Indoor mm (H x W x D) Outdoor Nett Weight Indoor Kg Outdoor Refrigerant Piping Liquid Line mm (in) Gas Line Conn Method Refrigerant R410a Kg Pre-charged amount m Max. Piping Length Overall/Height m GWH09MBK3DNA*H GWH12MBK3DNA*H GWH18MCK3DNA*H GWH24MDK3DNA*H GWH24MEK3DNA*H 1 phase 230V 50Hz 5.2 (1.26~6.15) 6.3 (1.4~6.8) 8 (1.4~8.7) 5.8 (1.12~6.3) 6.3 (1.2~8) 8.4 (1.05~10) 1.59 1.93 2.46 1.79 1.93 2.55 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 3.24 3.24 3.23 3.24 3.24 3.27 6.9 8.8 10.8 10 15 20 1 1.4 2 2.5 2.5 32 33 35 33 40 50 52 54 59 137 163 236 250 320 265 x 790 x 170 370 x 918 x 258 298 x 940 x 200 315 x 1,008 x 219 326 x 1,178 x 253 540 x 776 x 320 595 x 881 x 363 700 x 955 x 424 700 x 955 x 424 790 x 920 x 427 9 11 13 16 17.5 35 36 47 50 65 6.35 (1/4”) 6.35 (1/4”) 12.7 (1/2”) 15.88 (5/8”) Flare 0.8 1.15 1.1 1.4 1.8 5 5 5 5 7.5 20 30 2.6 (0.35~3) 2.8 (0.75~3.5) 0.73 0.78 2.5 2.5 3.55 3.57 3.26 3.5 (0.95~4) 3.85 (0.88~4.3) 0.98 1.07 2.5 2.5 3.56 3.59 4.43 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Air Conditioning Reverse Cycle Inverter High-Wall - R410a GREE MULTI HEAD SYSTEMS Gree Multi Head Systems AC14 THE PROFESSIONAL’S CHOICE Air Conditioning Inverter Free Match - Multi Outdoor Units Realcold Stock No. Gree Model No. Refrigerant Cap kW Nominal Min ~ Max No of Heads Noise dBA OUT AC5274 GWHD(24)NK3AO R410a GWHD(24)NK3CO R410a C2.9~8.3 H1.6~9.8 C2.7~10 H2.8~11 2 AC5276 C7.1 H8.5 C7.1 H8.5 2~3 Weight (Kg) 58 59 54 60 Electric Supply System Price $ Excl. GST 68 230/1/50 2,390.00 75 230/1/50 2,790.00 DC Inverter Free Match - Trendy High-Wall Series Realcold Stock No. Gree Model No. Refrigerant Cap kW Nominal Ind dBA AC5250 GWHD(07)BANK3A1AI R410a 28~37 8.5 230/1/50 340.00 AC5252 GWHD(09)BANK3A1AI R410a 28~38 8.5 230/1/50 380.00 AC5254 GWHD(12)BBNK3A1AI R410a 30~40 11 230/1/50 420.00 AC5256 GWHD(18)BCNK3A1AI R410a C2.1 H2.5 C2.5 H3.2 C3.5 H3.9 C5.0 H5.7 36~46 13 230/1/50 490.00 Weight (Kg) Electric Supply System Price $ Excl. GST Ducted Series - Low Static Bulk Head Realcold Stock No. Gree Model No. Refrigerant Cap kW Nominal Ind dBA AC5260 GFHD(09)AANK3A1AI R410a 30~37 27 230/1/50 550.00 AC5261 GFHD(12)AANK3A1AI R410a 33~40 27 230/1/50 650.00 AC5263 GFHD(18)AANK3A1AI R410a C2.5 H3.2 C3.5 H3.9 C5.0 H5.7 33~42 36 230/1/50 750.00 Weight (Kg) Electric Supply System Price $ Excl. GST Floor Console Series Realcold Stock No. Gree Model No. Refrigerant Cap kW Nominal Ind dBA AC5265 GTHD(09)AANK3A1AI R410a 32~45 27 230/1/50 560.00 AC5266 GTHD(12)AANK3A1AI R410a 36~46 27 230/1/50 595.00 AC5267 GTHD(18)AANK3A1AI R410a C2.5 H3.2 C3.5 H3.9 C5.0 H5.7 47~54 27 230/1/50 650.00 Weight (Kg) Electric Supply System Price $ Excl. GST Cassette Series Realcold Stock No. Gree Model No. Refrigerant Cap kW Nominal Ind dBA AC5268 GKHD(12)ABNK3A2AI R410a 36~44 20 230/1/50 890.00 AC5269 GKHD(18)ABNK3A2AI R410a C3.5 H3.9 C5.0 H5.7 39~47 20 230/1/50 990.00 Weight (Kg) Electric Supply System Price $ Excl. GST Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit GREE MULTI HEAD SYSTEMS Gree Multi Head Systems AC15 THE PROFESSIONAL’S CHOICE Twin Head Triple Head Model GWHD(24)NK3AO GWHD(24)NK3CO Nominal Capacity C7.0/ H8.7 C7.1/ H8.5 Total Combined Capacity C8.3/ H9.8 C10.0/ H11.0 Total Pipe Length/ Height 20/ 5 70/ 10 Recommended Match Plan for Indoor and Outdoor Units GWHD(24)NK3AO ~ 1 to 2 indoor units ~ 9 combinations 1 indoor unit 2 indoor units 7 7+7 9+9 9 7+9 9 + 12 12 7 + 12 12 + 12 3 indoor units NONE GWHD(24)NK3CO ~ 2 to 3 indoor units ~ 24 combinations 1 indoor unit NONE kW Model Type 2 indoor units 3 indoor units 7+7 9+9 7+7+7 7 + 9 + 12 9+9+9 7+9 9 + 12 7+7+9 7 + 9 + 18 9 + 9 + 12 7 + 12 9 + 18 7 + 7 + 12 7 + 12 + 12 9 + 9 + 18 7 + 18 12 + 12 7 + 7 + 18 7 + 12 + 18 9 + 12 +12 12 + 18 7+9+9 9 + 12 + 18 12 + 12 +18 2.1 / 2.5 2.5 / 3.2 3.5 / 3.9 5.0 / 5.7 Hi-wall Ducted Floor Cassette Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Air Conditioning Allowable Connections ENERGY RECOVERY VENTILATION Energy Recovery Ventilation AC16 THE PROFESSIONAL’S CHOICE Air Conditioning Gree Energy - Recovery Ventilation Systems This Energy-Recovery Ventilation Systems supplies modulated fresh air to improve the indoor air quality. The high heat exchange efficiency offers up to 70% temperature exchange efficiency. Heat recovery ventilation systems can reduce the loading on air conditioners / heat pumps by 26%, based on annual operation. • High Heat Exchanger Efficiency • Remarkable Energy Savings • 7 models available from 97 - 833 l/s • Flexible Control Functions oo 50 - 50 air discharge / supply oo Positive or negative room pressure oo Weekly control for on - off timer oo Humidity control (optional) oo Centralized Remote Control (optional) • Long Distance Control (optional) • Easy installation & maintenance • Long life and washable filters and heat exchanger Realcold Stock No. Gree Model No. AC5322 FHBQ-D3.5-K AC5324 AC5326 AC5328 FHBQ-D5-K FHBQ-D8-K FHBQ-D10-K Airflow (m3/hr) Max. External Static Pressure H 350 M 260 L 210 H 500 M 380 L 300 H 800 M 600 L 480 H 1000 M 750 L 600 Electric Supply System Price $ Excl. GST 100 POA 100 POA 220V~1Ph~50Hz 110 POA 110 POA AC5330 FHBQ-D15-M 1500 150 150 AC5332 FHBQ-D20-M 2000 150 150 AC5334 FHBQ-D30-M 3000 220 220 POA 380V ~ 3Ph ~50Hz POA POA Accessories • All units come with a simplified wired controller. Humidity Sensor Optional. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Eclipse Air Curtains AIR CURTAINS AC17 Realcold Stock No. Eclipse Model No. Length (mm) Fan Diameter Input Power (mm) Watts Air Speed (m/sec) Noise dBA Weight (Kg) System Price $ Excl. GST Electric Supply AC7500 FM-1.25-09 900 125 130 8 60 20 230/1/50 AC7501 FM-1.25-12 1200 125 170 8 60 24 230/1/50 567.00 613.00 AC7502 RM-1.5-09D 900 150 6300 7 64 26 230/1/50 1,025.00 Features & Benefits • Adjustable air fins allow for the exact control of air for special applications such as sloping walls and cross winds. • Front Return Air Grille. • 2 Speed Fans. • Operating Temperature range -15 to +50 ˚C. • 125mmm & 150mm Diameter Fan. • Easy Mounting System. • Remote Control on heating model. • 12 months warranty on parts only. Air Cutains - The New Advantage in the Energy Battle • Energy Savings: Recent studies have shown that by fitting an air curtain will save significant amounts of energy by providing environmental seperation between indoor and outdoor temperatures. Pay back for some commercial appliactions can be as little as 21 weeks. • Improved Indoor Air Quality: Air curtains prevent dust, dirt and fumes from infiltrating and contaminating indoor areas. • Lower Construction Costs: With the use of air curtains Architects can design building without vestibules, saving construction costs and by eliminating the vestibule, providing more retail floor space. • Improved Working Conditions: Keeps out cold air at door openings and recirculates warm air from ceiling to floor for more comfortable working conditions. Specifications - Air Curtains FM-1.25-09 FM-1.25-12 RM-1.5-09D Cabinet Dimensions (mm) 900 x 215 x 193 1200 x 215 x 193 900 x 383 x 266 Min Install Height 2.5m 2.5m 3.5m Max Install Height 3.0m 3.0m 4.0m Remote No No Yes Electric Heater No No Yes Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Air Conditioning Eclipse Air Curtains Cool Breeze Evaporative Air Conditioning EVAPORATIVE AIR CONDITIONING AC18 Air Conditioning Evaporative Air Conditioning - Cool Breeze Cool Breeze is the smart choice for top FRESH air conditioning performance & the best value for money system around. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit EVAPORATIVE AIR CONDITIONING AC19 Cool Breeze evaporative air conditioning is the natural healthy way to cool your office, factory, showroom, warehouse or home. Unlike refrigerated air conditioning systems where air is dried, chilled and re-circulated, a Cool Breeze evaporative system uses the natural element of water to cool the air. The air is always fresh because stale air is continually expelled through open doors and windows. This technology, although enjoying enormous growth, is still largely underutilized and unknown in many parts of the world. EAC can provide cooling and ventilation with minimum energy consumption and without the use of ozone depleting chemicals such as CFC’s and HFC’s. The principle of EAC is simple and commonly found in nature. For example, warm air passing over the ocean is cooled through the evaporative process before it reaches the mainland. This occurs because the warm air causes the water to evaporate and as the water evaporates, it absorbs the heat from the warm air, thereby cooling it. In a modern evaporative air conditioner water is pumped from the base of the cooler onto the top of the pads. The important function of the fan is to draw air from the outside through the moisture laden filter pads, and then force the cooled air into the ductwork to be distributed into the building. It is therefore important to have some openings, such as doors or windows, sufficiently open to allow all the air in the building to escape. Evaporative Cooler Selection Formula Room Volume x 25 Air Changes = m3/hr Convert to Litre/Sec m3/hr ÷ 3600 x 1000 = Litre/Sec For Example: Room 24m x 12m x 4.5 m = 1296m3 1296m3/hr x 25 air changes = 32,400m3/hr 32,400 ÷ 3600 x 1000 = 9000 litres/sec The table below (based on 90% humidity) shows the temperature drop that can be achieved at different levels of humidity. Note that the level of humidity will affect the temperature drop possible, however in the last 5 years many technological advancements have greatly improved the cooling capacity and performance of evaporative coolers. Air-Changes Selection Table For Various Ambient Air Properties Temp Ambient Degrees C 25 30 35 40 45 20% 13.5 16.5 20.2 23.0 27.0 Relative Humidity Percentage % 30% 40% 50% 60% 15.5 17.0 19.0 20.5 19.0 21.0 23.0 25.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 29.5 26.0 29.0 31.5 33.5 30.0 32.5 35.5 38.0 Based on 90% saturation efficiency 70% 22.0 26.5 31.0 36.0 40.5 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Air Conditioning Evaporative Air Conditioning - Cool Breeze EVAPORATIVE AIR CONDITIONING AC20 Air Conditioning Down Discharge Model Realcold Stock No. Cool Breeze Model No. kW Motor Watts Celdek mm Nominal Air Flow System Price $ Excl. GST AC8000 D095 7.0 600 75 2000 l/s POA AC8001 D125 9.0 600 75 2800 l/s POA AC8002 D160 11.0 750 100 3500 l/s POA AC8003 D195 13.0 1000 100 4200 l/s POA AC8004 D230 15.0 1000 100 5000 l/s POA AC8005 D255 17.0 1000 100 5400 l/s POA Note: Some models may be available on an indent only basis Features & Benefits • Dropper Duct Size 550 mm x 550 mm. • Dropper Length - minimum allows for 150 mm roof truss & 500mm dropper spigots. • Up to 24 degree roof pitch 25 degree to 29 degree 30 degree to 34 degree 35 degree plus 1200 mm 1300 mm 1500 mm 1800 mm • Colour - Beige. • 12 months warranty on parts only. QM Wall Control Down Discharge Model - Twin Fan Realcold Stock No. Cool Breeze Model No. kW Motor Watts Celdek mm Nominal Air Flow AC8007 FD500 34 2 x 1000 100 mm 10,000 l/s System Price $ Excl. GST POA Note: Some models may be available on an indent only basis Features & Benefits • Dropper Duct Size 1165 mm x 585 mm. • See Quietflo componentry price list for high capacity plenum to suit dropper size. • Inside view including twin fan layout shown. • Colour - Beige. • 12 months warranty on parts only. CPR Wall Control Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit EVAPORATIVE AIR CONDITIONING AC21 Realcold Stock No. Cool Breeze Model No. kW Motor Watts Celdek mm Nominal Air Flow System Price $ Excl. GST AC8008 FT195 13.0 1000 100 4200 l/s POA AC8009 FT230 15.0 1000 100 5000 l/s POA AC8010 FT255 17.0 1000 100 5400 l/s POA Celdek mm Nominal Air Flow Note: Some models may be available on an indent only basis Features & Benefits • Unit is supplied standard with ground mounting kit. Optional wall mounting bracket set is available (Refer to accessories section). • Flexible outlet connector is supplied. It will attach to a duct adaptor from 500 mm to 700 mm square. • Colour - Beige. Side Discharge Model Realcold Stock No. Cool Breeze Model No. kW Motor Watts System Price $ Excl. GST AC8011 S100 8 600 75 2200 l/s POA AC8012 S240 15 1000 100 5100 l/s POA Note: Some models may be available on an indent only basis Features & Benefits • Colour - Beige. • No Optional bleed-off with side discharge systems. • 12 month warranty on parts only. S100. The S100 may be discharged through an optional wall register or duct adaptor. (Refer to accessories section) Alternatively discharge through any appropriate duct adaptor with an internal spigot measurement of 532mm and a minimum spigot length of 30mm. A stud wall adaptor for use with the optional wall register should be fitted when the mounting wall thickness is less than 230mm. (Refer to accessories section). S240. Supplied standard with floor mounting bracket. To attach to a wall, purchase an S240 side discharge wall mounting bracket set. (Refer to accessories section). Flexible outlet connector supplied. It will attach to a duct adaptor from 550mm to 700mm square. If the S240 is discharging directly through a side wall register into a working or living environment, in order to reduce fan noise, it may be necessary to operate the system at a lower fan speed and therefore the overall cooling capacity will be reduced. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Air Conditioning Top Discharge Model EVAPORATIVE AIR CONDITIONING AC22 Air Conditioning Mobile Model Realcold Stock No. Cool Breeze Model No. kW Motor Watts Celdek mm Nominal Air Flow AC8013 M240 17 1000 100 5400 l/s System Price $ Excl. GST POA Note: Some models may be available on an indent only basis Features & Benefits • Tank water capacity 100 litres. • Colour - Dark Blue. • Water Inlet - 19 mm male connection for constant water feed via hose pipe. • Access for manual water fill. • Large wheels with brakes for full mobile operation. • It is essential that the Mobile unit is situated near an open door or window to facilitate a constant supply of fresh outside air. Adequate reliefair of at least 4 square metres is required, preferably allowing the cooled air to traverse the area to be cooled before venting to the outside. • It is essential that the tank be drained at the end of each full day of operation to ensure a minimum concentration of minerals in the tankwater. Failure to do this will reduce the life of the Celdek pads and lower cooling efficiency. • Includes steel frame which provides more rigidity and allows for transport. • Note Six Speed Controller is also included - simply rotate the dial to choose your desired fan speed. Fan Only Operation is also available; simply switch off the COOL MODE to circulate fresh outside air. • 12 months warranty on parts only. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit EVAPORATIVE AIR CONDITIONING - ACCESSORIES Accessories AC23 Realcold Stock No. Cool Breeze Model No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST AC8220 QFPA2 AGP2 (D095 - D160) POA AC8221 QFPA3 AGP3 (D195 - D255) POA AC8224 QFPA4 AGP4 (FD500 Model) POA AGP2 Note: All Quiet Flo Accessories are available on an indent only basis AGP3 AGP4 Plenums Adaptors Realcold Stock No. Cool Breeze Model No. Description AC8222 QFPA2 AGP2 (D095 - D160) POA AC8223 QFPA3 AGP3 (D195 - D255) POA AC8225 QFPA4 AGP4 (FD500 Model) POA Note: To suit above Plenums and 550² Dropper. Moulded from ABS Plastic System Price $ Excl. GST Adaptor 2 Adaptor 3 Adaptor 4 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Air Conditioning Quietflo Plenums - AGP Series With 4 Way Pyramid EVAPORATIVE COOLING Evaporative Cooling AC24 EVAPORATIVE COOLING Air Conditioning “Wind & Water - Natures own cooling process” As the term implies - evaporative cooling works by evaporating water into the air stream. This principle is best illustrated in a personal way by that chilling effect you feel when you come out of a swimming pool and a breeze blows across your body. The chilling effect is caused by the evaporation process of the water drying quickly from your body. The same thing happens when you sweat. A “cool breeze” is just air flowing over your body evaporating the sweat. It is nature’s way of keeping us cool during hot weather or physical exertion. Temperature is measured in two important ways that relate to evaporative cooling. These are “dry bulb” and “wet bulb” temperatures expressed in degrees Celsius. There are several other measurements that reflect the amount of moisture in the air. These are “wet bulb depression”, “saturation efficiency”, “dew point”, “kilograms of moisture per kilogram of dry air”, “absolute humidity”, and “relative humidity”. The following brief explanation of these measurements will help in the understanding of the process: Dry Bulb: The ambient (surrounding air) temperature taken with a standard thermometre. Wet Bulb: The lowest temperature of the air that can be reached by the evaporative cooling process. Wet Bulb Depression: The difference between the Dry Bulb and Wet Bulb temperatures. I.e. If Dry Bulb is 38C and the Wet Bulb is 21C, the Wet Bulb Depression is 17C. The Wet Bulb Depression is used to determine the efficiency percentage of the cooling media. Cooling Efficiency or Saturation Efficiency: The percentage temperature drop across the media compared to the Wet Bulb Depression. I.e. If the Wet Bulb Depression is 17 C as above, and the actual temperature drop measured across the media is 14C, the cooling efficiency of the media is 14/17 x 100 = 82.35%. The cooling efficiency is commonly referred to as “Saturation Efficiency” as it refers to the amount of moisture that can be evaporated into the air. 100% saturation efficiency would indicate a temperature drop of 17C in the above example of Wet Bulb Depression. Dewpoint: The temperature at which moisture begins to form on a slick surface indicating 100% saturation of the air with moisture. That is how dew develops on grass in the morning. The Dry Bulb air temperature drops to the Wet Bulb temperature level. Kilograms of moisture per Kilogram of dry air: a method of measuring actual water vapour (moisture) in a kilogram of dry air, most often referred to as the “humidity ratio”. Evaporation Rate: The rate at which water is absorbed into the air passing through the cooling media. For practical purposes, this rate is measured in litres per hour. Evaporative Cooling Principles: Evaporative air conditioning functions efficiently in climatic conditions where the natural temperature of evaporation (wet bulb) is sufficiently low that the air cooled near this temperature by the process of evaporation can be used directly for air conditioning. The evaporation process involves an adiabatic exchange of heat effecting cooling, by exchange of sensible heat for latent heat of vaporization of water. The temperature of air is reduced proportionally to the amount of evaporation that takes place, with a maximum theoretical dry bulb reduction equivalent to the difference between the prevailing wet and dry bulb temperatures. The system operates by means of a water pump which supplies a continuous flow of water from a water reservoir to the evaporation pads - CELDek. The in-flow of water to the reservoir is regulated by a float valve or solenoid valve controlled by a level sensor. 100% fresh air is drawn through the moist pads by the supply air fan. As air passes through the CELDek pads, evaporation takes place, cooling the air while maintaining a healthy humidity level. The cool air is distributed via ducting through grilles and diffusers, replacing warm stale air, which is forced out through the open windows, doors or diffusers. CELDek Cooling Medium The evaporative pads in most modern evaporative air conditioners is a unique, long-life, self supporting pad made from a cellulose material, impregnated with anti-rot salts, rigidifying saturates and wetting agents. The CELDek design incorporates an exclusive cross-fluted configuration which induces a highly turbulent mixing between the cooling water and the air drawn through it. This action contributes to the efficiency of the evaporative pads. The construction of this media is unique in that it has alternating, transverse flutes at different angles. The larger pitch angle carries water (introduced to the top of the media) to the front of the media where the oncoming air forces it back into the media assisting in the thorough wetting of the media. CELDek pads have brought a new dimension to the evaporative air conditioning industry - providing an effective and efficient method of humidity control and air cooling. Typical saturation efficiency in a well designed evaporative air conditioner is around 80%. Absolute Humidity: Actual measurement of water vapour in the air. Relative Humidity: The percentage of moisture in the air compared to the amount of moisture the air could contain. This is the most common reading to be reported in the weather reports. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit EVAPORATIVE COOLING AC25 • A CELDek system does not sag, rot or develop holes - allowing hot air to bypass the medium, or allow large quantities of water to drip. • Due to the unique design and saturation efficiency, it requires 40% less pad area than old conventional Aspen “wood-wool” type pads. • With proper water management, the CELDek pads will last for years, therefore eliminating annual labour and material replacement costs. • Filtration & Gas scrubber. In addition to CELDeks high efficiency, low maintenance, and low resistance to air-flow - it also acts as a particulate filter for particles of 10 microns or greater and “rough cut” gas scrubber. The filtering characteristics should not alarm maintenance personnel, as the CELDek pads are self cleaning. A series of tests conducted by ‘Air Filter Testing Laboratories in Louisville, Kentucky, USA performed in accordance to the dust spot efficiency test, ASHRAE Standard 52-76 , and the largest percentage of particles found in the upstream particle test were less than 0.5 microns in size. • Further details on particulate removal capability of CELdek evaporative cooling media available on request. • Low resistance to air-flow. At typical air velocities of 1.5m/sec, the pressure drop through the CELdek pad is around 20Pa. • Further details on saturation efficiency and pressure drop through the CELdek available on request. The typical life of this media is between two and six years, provided the water management system is operational. Water Management - Water quality Water always contains a certain amount of dissolved minerals. When evaporation takes place, the mineral concentration in the re-circulated water will increase. To avoid build-up of insoluble minerals - the re-circulating water is discharged by activating an electromechanical dump valve - flushing these accumulated minerals, dust and pollens with the water out of the sump - replacing this water with fresh water. Alternative to a water dump system is a water bleed off system, where water is discharged whilst the pump is operational. The relation between the “bleed off” water rate and evaporated water volume depends on the quality of the water. To calculate the necessary bleed-off rate, a water analysis of the water feed must be done. Water losses by evaporation and “bleed-off” must be replaced by continuous adding fresh water to the evaporative cooled sump. Systems which do not incorporate a water management system are subject to scaling on the pad surface, which causes a decrease in evaporation efficiency, increased resistance to air flow, reduced air volume, reduced life span, and excessive scale build-up in the water distribution system. World Health Organisation recommended water conditions. Insoluble minerals which cause scaling include calcium, bicarbonates & sulphates. Benefits of Evaporative Cooling Evaporative air conditioning offers an affordable and practical means of cooling, its operation being at optimum efficiency in areas of high dry-bulb temperatures and low relative humidity. Most refrigerated air conditioning systems rely on recycled cool air, whereas evaporative air conditioning introduces a continuous supply of “ideally moistured” fresh, cool air. This naturally cooled, negatively ionised air does not dry nasal passages, skin or eyes, unlike the positively ionised, artificially cooled air from a refrigerated air conditioner. Air borne contaminants like dust and pollen are trapped in the CELDek pads, so the indoor conditions are cool, healthy and invigorating. Economy: There is no compressor, condenser, chiller coils, cooling towers or heavily insulated piping used in evaporative cooling. The cost of acquisition and operation is a fraction of conventional air conditioning and mechanical refrigeration systems. Maintenance costs are minimal requiring simpler procedures and lower skilled maintenance people. An extra benefit is the cost payback due to its’ low energy use and extended useful life of equipment being cooled by it. Effective: Evaporative cooling has been used for thousands of years in various forms for comfort cooling and is still in common use around the world because of its simplicity, low cost and effectiveness. Unfortunately, many owners of buildings and specifiers of cooling equipment do not seem to realize that it is effective in all areas of the country rather than just in the hotter, drier climates. ASHRAE Handbook, 1995, chapter 47, Evaporative Air Cooling notes “...dry bulb temperature reduction due to the evaporation of water always results in a lower effective temperature, regardless of the relative humidity level” and that “...(Evaporative cooling) can provide relief cooling of factories almost regardless of geographical location.” Increased Comfort: In a large number of industries it is normal in hot weather to experience increased heat-related illness, lower productivity and increased absenteeism among workers. Many of these industries cannot afford the tremendous costs of conventional mechanical refrigeration or air conditioning, while they can afford evaporative cooling. Quoting again from ASHRAE Handbook, 1995, Chapter 47, Evaporative Air Cooling “evaporative cooling can alleviate this heat problem and contribute to worker efficiency with improved morale. If the heat problem is not alleviated, increased absenteeism, high labor turnover and dangers to health and safety during the summer months. Production declines in uncooled plants may range from 25% to 40% of normal on hot days.” Health Benefits: Evaporative cooling is 100% fresh air cooling. This means that all the air being cooled is brought in from outside. It is also necessary to force approximately 90% of all the air coming into the building, out of the building, leaving a nice 10% positive pressure. Today, the term “Sick Building Syndrome” exemplifies the result of continuously re-circulating the air inside the building. The old saying that you can get sick in a hospital is true. The air containing contaminants of all sorts is being breathed in by everyone. In fact, the “no smoking” section of many public buildings is a joke. The same air permeates the entire building and is shared by all who breathe it. Fresh air would exhaust these contaminants quickly and harmlessly. National guidelines in building construction now require a percent of all air in the building be fresh air. To further improve the air quality, the rigid cooling media used in today’s evaporative coolers filters to near 1 micron size particles out of the air. The answer to “Why Evaporative Cooling” is that it is Sensible cooling. It is an important tool in helping to curb the excessive use of energy. It helps clean up the atmosphere since it has no CFC’s or HCFC’s. It is economical, effective; it has health benefits, improves worker and equipment efficiency and provides a much needed alternative to conventional mechanical refrigeration! Zero ozone depletion as evaporative cooling is a passive cooling method that does not use or expel harmful CFC’s. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Air Conditioning Benefits of CELDek cooling Medium EVAPORATIVE COOLING Air Conditioning AC26 Typical Installations • Evaporative coolers can be installed in a multitude of applications. See drawings of typical installations. The water must contain viable Legionella bacteria in high levels; • Fine mists of a specific droplet size of the contaminated water must be inhaled deeply into the lungs; and • The person inhaling the contaminated fine mist must be susceptible (or have a suppressed immune system). Applications Homes, office buildings, factories, school halls, prisons, livestock confinement, greenhouses, laundries, make-up air for extraction systems, automotive spray paint booths, vegetable storage buildings, gas turbine inlets, gymnasiums, workshops, printers, churches, bakeries entertainment including bars, night clubs, restaurants, cafes, in fact any application where ventilation and/ or cooling is required. Hygiene - Legionella Disease Typical Running Costs Typical running costs in Auckland for a mid-range cooler with a total of 800w electrical power input, operating for eight hours per day is: Evaporative coolers should not be confused with cooling towers or evaporative condensers, which have both been verified as potential Legionnaires’ disease transmitters. In contrast, no cases of Legionnaires’ have been attributed to evaporative coolers, for the following reasons. Evaporative coolers vary substantially in operation and design from cooling towers and evaporative condensers. There are a variety of types including swamp coolers, air washers, humidifiers, slingers, atomizers and foggers. The water used in evaporative coolers is usually from potable water supplies. This water normally contains dissolved minerals, bacteria (including Legionella) and suspended solids. The air supplied to the cooler may contain a variety of contaminants including dust, dirt, bacteria (including Legionella), soluble gases and nutrients. A portion of these impurities are scrubbed by the water. When water evaporates, only pure water is released leaving the impurities behind to accumulate in the water. The amount of accumulation depends on the water and air quality as well as the operation of the evaporative cooler. If the system is regularly drained, cleaned and allowed to dry out, the accumulations will be substantially reduced. These practices can further prevent the possibility of Legionnaires’ disease originating from evaporative coolers. Legionella growth is relative to the temperature of the water. It is active at a temperature range of 20C to 45C, with optimum growth occurring at about 37C to 41C. Legionella bacteria are found to be dormant at temperatures less than 20C and are retarded at temperatures above 50C. It does not survive in temperatures above 60C. 8 hours x 0.8kW x $0.1315/ kWhr = $0.84 in a domestic application 8 hours x 0.8kW x $0.1489/ kWhr = $0.95 in a commercial application Calculating the Supply-Air temperature Example using the wet bulb and dry bulb temperatures in this discussion. Legionella bacteria enter the lungs via extremely small water droplets (aerosols) of 1 to 5 microns in size. The rod shaped bacteria can only be transported by microns large enough to hold them. Rigid media type evaporative coolers release water mainly as a vapour, this vapour is too small to transport the bacteria. Legionnaires’ disease characteristics It is important to discuss the causes of this disease and to understand how it is contracted. There are three conditions that must be satisfied before Legionnaires’ disease can be contracted: Tdb = 38C • Twb = 21C • Pad Efficiency 80% (This information is typically provided by evaporative cooler manufacturer.) Use the formula: T ins = Tdb - (Tdb - Twb) x pad efficiency/100 T ins = 38 - (38 - 21) x 80/100 T ins = 38 - 17 x 0,8 T ins = 38 - 13.6 T ins = 24.4 C Calculating the Evaporative Air Conditioning Cooling Capacity (Sensible Cooling Capacity) Example using the following details: Evaporative coolers most often operate with water temperatures less than 24C, or slightly above the wet bulb temperature, and most often with water temperatures below 20C where Legionella bacteria are not active. As with all microbiological organisms, Legionella bacteria require nutrients and optimum water quality to proliferate. While water temperature is an important factor in bacteria growth, other conditions must exist. These include the presence of nutrients, sediments, and other micro-organisms in the water. These so-called dirty systems often provide favourable growth conditions of all types of bacteria, including Legionella. • • ms = 12000 cubic metres per hour • TD = 13.6C (as per the above example) • Density 1.2kg/cubic metre Use the formula: Qo = ms x TD x sh x air density = 12000/3600 x 13.6 x 1.2 = 3.334 x 13.6 x 1.2 = 54.41kW sensible cooling. We can provide assistance in design of evaporative cooling equipment. Starting with the size of the structure you want to cool, we can recommend the correct equipment size and offer different alternatives that could save a lot of time and money. If the need is to replace existing equipment, we can recommend units for that purpose. Sometimes the existing equipment can be made to work effectively by upgrading to a higher efficiency using products like Cool Breeze. Whatever the evaporative cooling need, it would pay to contact us. A wealth of technical information is available at no cost! Realcold Ltd. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit AIR CONDITIONING ACCESSORIES AC27 Realcold Stock No. Model Description System Price $ Excl. GST AC0603 AH-YDII Sloped Roof Bracket - For 5.0kW or smaller Width 250 - 700 mm Depth 230 - 700 mm Slope 11° - 30° Max weight 75 Kg 186.00 AH-YDII AC0609 QKYL-1 Sloped Roof Bracket - For 3.5kW or smaller Width 250 - 700 mm Depth 230 - 700 mm Slope 10° - 30° Max weight 60 Kg 174.00 AC0611 QKK-1 Wall Type - For 3.5kW or smaller Width 260 - 760 mm Depth 130 - 360 mm Max weight 60 Kg 145.00 AC0613 AH-KL Wall Type - For 5.0kW or smaller Width 330 - 630 mm Depth 130 - 360 mm Max weight 75 Kg 191.00 AC0634 QKB1 Flat Surface Type Bracket For 3.5kW or smaller Width 100 - 600 mm Depth 130 - 330 mm Max weight 60 Kg 165.00 AC1310 CHBRCB-18 Wall Type 1.5 mm Painted Steel Arms 450 mm Wall Mount 800 mm Max Weight 180 Kg 35.00 AC1311 CHBRCB-25 Wall Type 2.0 mm Painted Steel Arms 500 mm Wall Mount 1,000 mm Max Weight 250 Kg 48.00 CHBRCB-10S Realcold S/S Wall Type - 1.5 mm Arms 480 mm Wall mount 750 mm Max Weight 75 Kg Stainless Steel 304 89.00 AC1302 CHBRCB-20S Realcold S/S Wall Type - 2.0 mm Arms 600 mm Wall mount 1,000 mm Max Weight 150 Kg Stainless Steel 304 115.00 AC1303 CHBRRB-10S Realcold S/S Roof Type - 1.5 mm Can be used as a wall bracket Arms 480 mm Roof mount 800 mm Max Weight 75 Kg Stainless Steel 304 129.00 Realcold S/S Roof Type - 2.0mm Can be used as a wall bracket Arms 550 mm Roof mount 1,000 mm Max Weight 150 Kg Stainless Steel 304 185.00 CHBRRB-20S AC1200 MCB450 - 450 mm Medium duty galvanised cantilever bracket QKK-1 AH-KL AC1301 AC1304 QKYL-1 QKB1 MCB450 56.15 AC1201 HCB450 - 630 mm Heavy duty galvanised cantilever bracket 79.95 AC1208 Kit 1 c/w 4 x 10 mm coach bolts, 4 x SNL-M8 channel spring nuts, 4 x M8 bolts, 2 x end caps 20.00 AC1209 Kit 2 c/w 4 x 10 mm dyna bolts, 4 x SNL-M8 channel spring nuts, 4 x M8 bolts, 2 x end caps 20.20 AC1205 M1000 Galvanised steel channel - 3 metre length 68.00 AC1215 SNL-M8 8 mm channel spring nut 1.45 AC1216 SNL-M10 10 m channel spring nut 1.55 AC1220 PS465 Polyslab - Medium HCB450 Stainless Steel Channels 38.65 Refer to page AC35 for Roof Penetration Kit - compliant with NZ Metal Roofing Code of Practise. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Air Conditioning Mounting Brackets & Bases AIR CONDITIONING ACCESSORIES AC28 Air Conditioning Pre-Insulated Copper Tube Realcold Stock No. Model Description Imperial Wall Thickness Metric Imperial System Price $ Excl. GST Swp Metric kPA Psi TOYO Pair Coil - 20 metre Coil AC0002 TD-2320-8 1/4" x 3/8" 6.35 x 9.53 0.031 0.031 0.80 0.80 9835 x 6329 1427 x 919 POA AC0003 TD-2420 1/4" x 1/2" 6.35 x 12.7 0.031 0.031 0.80 0.80 9835 x 4665 1427 x 677 POA AC0004 TD-2520 1/4" x 5/8" 6.35 x 15.88 0.031 0.039 0.80 1.00 9835 x 4665 1427 x 677 POA AC0005 TD-3520 3/8" x 5/8" 9.53 x 15.88 0.031 0.039 0.80 1.00 6329 x 4665 919 x 677 POA AC0006 TD-3630Z 3/8" x 3/4" 9.53 x 19.05 0.031 0.047 1.20 6329 x 4665 919 x 677 POA 0.80 TOYO Single Coil - 20 metre Coil AC0010 SD-220 1/4" 6.35 0.031 0.80 9835 1427 POA AC0011 SD-320 3/8" 9.53 0.031 0.80 6329 919 POA AC0012 SD-420 1/2" 12.7 0.031 0.80 4665 677 POA AC0013 SD-520 5/8" 15.88 0.039 1.00 4665 677 POA AC0014 SD-620Z 3/4" 19.05 0.047 1.20 4665 677 POA REALCOLD Pair Coil - 20 metre Coil AC0056 OPS-2320 1/4" x 3/8" 6.35 x 9.53 0.031 0.031 0.80 0.80 9835 x 6329 1427 x 919 POA AC0057 OPS-2420 1/4" x 1/2" 6.35 x 12.7 0.031 0.031 0.80 0.80 9835 x 4665 1427 x 677 POA AC0058 OPS-2520 1/4" x 5/8" 6.35 x 15.88 0.031 0.039 0.80 1.00 9835 x 4665 1427 x 677 POA AC0059 OPS-3520 3/8" x 5/8" 9.53 x 15.88 0.031 0.039 0.80 1.00 6329 x 4665 919 x 677 POA 0.035 0.039 0.90 1.00 9200 x 6500 1334 x 942 TOYO Aluminium Pair Coil - 20 metre coil c/w specialised flare nuts AC0100 CAT-2320 1/4” x 3/8” AC0107 1/4" FNC 1/4" Flare nut and cap set 2.00 AC0108 3/8" FNC 3/8" Flare nut and cap set 2.50 6.35 x 9.53 120.00 Notes: 1) Values of SWP are derived from the formula from ANSI B31 Standard Code for Pressure Piping. 2)The value of Maximum Stress (S) used in the calculation is 150°F (65.6°C) and is for copper in its annealed condition. For pipe temperatures higher than 150°F (65.6°C), please contact your local Realcold branch for assistance in the selection of appropriate tube for your requirement. The Tube Insulation is of double-layered structure made up of cross-linked, foamed, closed cell polyethylene. The covering is of embossed polyethylene, free of defects, and does not crease when bent. Seamless extrusion is used to ensure close contact with the copper tube, and to enhance the dew-proofing properties. Heat resistance is up to 120º C. and the insulation is manufactured to JIS A9511 P2 Standard. The Copper Tube is soft annealed and is to JIS H3300 C1220T Standard. R410a compatible. Drainage Realcold Stock No. Model Description AC0745 DRS Drainage Socket - Drain Y Connector AC0749 DRH-14N Drain Hose 14 mm x 50m coil 53.60 AC0755 WRH-16N Drain Hose 16 mm x 50m coil LINED 74.80 AC0817 SDH-20JN Joint for 20 mm Drainage Hose Drainage hose is made of Linear Low Density Polyethylene - light weight, high mechanical strength and better UV resistance (5000hr durable in weather testing). System Price $ Excl. GST 3.75 2.40 Joint Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit AIR CONDITIONING ACCESSORIES AC29 This attractive ivory coloured ducting is easy to install. The slim, square design of the duct and accessories has an aesthetic appearance which will enhance any installation. The duct is made of highly durable, weatherproof PVC resin. Suitable for use in the temperature range -20 to +60ºC Realcold Stock No. Model Description Carton Quantities System Price $ Excl. GST AC0201 TD-80 80 mm Duct sold in 2 metre lengths 5 20.75 AC0202 TD-120 120 mm Duct sold in 2 metre lengths 4 53.15 AC0201/AC0202 Ducting is packed 5 Lengths (AC0201) or 4 Lengths (AC0202) to a Carton AC0206 DC-80 80 mm Cap 20 8.80 AC0207 DC-120 120 mm Cap 10 21.65 AC0209 DK-80 80 mm Corner 20 8.80 AC0210 DK-120 120 mm Corner 6 21.65 AC0212 DF-80S 80 mm Flexible Joint 20 8.80 AC0213 DF-120 120 mm Flexible Joint 5 20.10 AC0215 DLW-80 80 mm 45º Elbow 20 9.30 AC0217 DL-80 80 mm 90º Elbow 20 10.85 AC0218 DL-120 120 mm 90º Elbow 10 21.65 AC0220 DJ-80 80 mm Joint 50 3.10 AC0221 DJ-120 120 mm Joint 20 9.30 AC0223 DE-80 80 mm End Socket 20 7.25 AC0224 DS-80 80 mm Ceiling Cap 20 11.85 AC0225 DT-120 120 mm T-Joint 5 41.75 AC0226 DB-120 120 mm Branch Joint 5 17.00 AC0227 DR-120 120 mm Reducing Joint 10 17.00 AC0228 WPC-60 Wall Pipe with Flange 60 7.25 AC0229 DS-120 120 mm Duct Ceiling Cap 10 28.85 Realcold Stock No. Model Description Carton Quantities AC0501 HB-330 Mounting Base, Ivory 330 mm 50 5.70 AC0503 HB-450 Mounting Base, Ivory 450 mm 30 10.85 AC0510 PQB-36 Quick Base 350 mm 20 11.85 20 17.55 System Price $ Excl. GST AC0512 PQB-45 Quick Base 450 mm AC0521 PQC-35 Quick Base Side Cover 8.80 AC0702 PT-1K Sealing Putty, Ivory Colour, Flame proof. 1Kg pack. 11.75 AC0709 VT50 X 20 Self-Adhesive Tape, Ivory 7.25 A mounting base which is designed to maintain the aesthetic qualities of the installation. The sophisticated design, lightweight, rigidity and portability give a considerable advantage over other mounting methods. Made of rigid, waterproof resin, it is suitable for use in the temperature range -20 to +60ºC. AC0206/AC0207 AC0209/AC0210 AC0212 AC0224 AC0225 AC0501/AC0503 AC0512/AC0521 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Air Conditioning Ducting AIR CONDITIONING ACCESSORIES AC30 Air Conditioning Condensate Drain Pipe & Fittings Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST uPVC Pressure Pipe (white) Air Cond & Refrig Drain Pipe AC1001 15 mm AC&R (3.9 Metre Length) - Packs of 20 7.95 AC1003 20 mm AC&R (3.9 Metre Length) - Packs of 20 12.60 AC1005 25 mm AC&R (3.9 Metre Length) - Packs of 10 19.00 uPVC Pressure Pipe 90 Deg Equal Elbow AC1010 15 mm Equal Elbow 1.45 AC1012 20 mm Equal Elbow 2.20 AC1014 25 mm Equal Elbow 3.30 uPVC Pressure Pipe 45 Deg Elbow AC1018 15 mm Injection Mould Bend AC1020 20 mm Injection Mould Bend 2.00 5.15 AC1022 25 mm Injection Mould Bend 6.00 uPVC Pressure Pipe Equal Tee AC1028 15 mm Equal Tee 2.00 AC1030 20 mm Equal Tee 2.50 AC1032 25 mm Equal Tee 4.85 uPVC Pressure Pipe Double End Socket AC1036 15 mm Double End Socket 0.85 AC1038 20 mm Double End Socket 1.25 AC1040 25 mm Double End Socket 2.60 uPVC Pressure Pipe Reducing Socket AC1044 20 x 15 mm Reducing Socket 2.40 AC1046 25 x 15 mm Reducing Socket 3.20 AC1048 25 x 20 mm Reducing Socket 4.45 uPVC Pressure Pipe Reducing Bush AC1052 20 x 15 mm Reducing Bush 0.95 AC1054 25 x 15 mm Reducing Bush 2.30 AC1056 25 x 20 mm Reducing Bush 2.60 uPVC Pressure Pipe Male Socket (grey) AC1060 15 mm Male Socket 2.10 AC1062 20 mm Male Socket 2.10 AC1064 25 mm Male Socket 3.10 uPVC Pressure Pipe P/T Female Socket (grey) AC1070 15 mm P/T Female Socket 2.10 AC1072 20 mm P/T Female Socket 2.70 AC1074 25 mm P/T Female Socket 3.55 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit AIR CONDITIONING ACCESSORIES AC31 Realcold Stock No. Description Air Conditioning Condensate Drain Pipe & Fittings System Price $ Excl. GST Solvent (Clear) AC1078 125 ml Clear Solvent Type P 20.30 AC1080 250 ml Clear Solvent Type P 23.50 White Pipe Saddle (full) AC1090 Full Pipe Saddle 15 mm 0.95 AC1092 Full Pipe Saddle 20 mm 0.95 AC1094 Full Pipe Saddle 25 mm 1.05 Zinc Plated Pipe Saddle (Single side) AC1096 Single Sided Clip 15 mm 0.25 AC1098 Single Sided Clip 20 mm 0.25 EZ Trap - The Trap Experts Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST 20mm Transparent Cross Trap AC1102 Cross Trap 42.85 Flexible Brush - Clean out your Trap AC1108 Flexible Brush 11.55 AC1102 20 mm Transparent Trap Socket Union Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST AC1110 15 mm Socket Union / Mac Union / Connection 23.00 AC1112 20 mm Socket Union / Mac Union / Connection 45.25 AC1114 25 mm Socket Union / Mac Union / Connection 37.30 AC1108 Flexible Brush AC1112 20 mm Socket Union / Mac Union / Connection Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit CONDENSATE PUMPS AC32 Air Conditioning Hi Lift Pumps Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST T0911 Aspen Hi-lift Tank Pump 1.0 Litre Tank Description: Peristaltic Rotary Type Pump. Designed to collect and pump a smaller volume of water to a greater head. Requires 230V supply only. Fits into a shallow ceiling void or unit. Features: No siphoning back. Clear deck for quick and easy inpection. Incorporated back plate for vertical mounting. Pre-wired safety switch. 2 x 25 mm inlet positions. Made of fire retardant plastics. Pumps water, fibrously contaminated water and air. Technical: Pump rating 1ph, 0.4A, 230 VAC, 50Hz. Safety switch 4.0A max. Water flow rate 11 l/hr @ 12 metres head. Max head is 12 metres. Inlet 2 x 25 mm, outlet size is 6 mm. Tank capacity 1.0 litre. Dimensions: 132 mm high x 235 mm wide x 140 mm deep. Weight 1.8Kg. 298.00 T0912 Aspen Hi Lift Tank Pump 2.0 Litre Tank Description: Peristaltic Rotary Type Pump. Designed to collect and pump a smaller volume of water to a greater head. Requires 230V supply only. Fits into a shallow ceiling void or unit. Features: No siphoning back. Clear deck for quick and easy inpection. Incorporated back plate for vertical mounting. Pre-wired safety switch. 2 x 25 mm inlet positions. Made of fire retardant plastics. Pumps water, fibrously contaminated water and air. Technical: Pump rating 1ph, 0.4A, 230 VAC, 50Hz. Safety switch 4.0A max. Water flow rate 11 l/hr @ 12 metres head. Max head is 12 metres. Inlet 2 x 25 mm, outlet size is 6mm. Tank capacity 2.0 litres. Dimensions: 160 mm high x 235 mm wide x 140 mm deep. Weight 2.0Kg. 315.00 Hi Flow Pumps Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST T0913 Aspen Hi-Flow Condensate Pump 1.0 Litre Description: Centrifugal Type Pump. Designed to collect and pump a high volume of water to a lesser head. Requires 230V supply only. In all cases the hi-flow pump must be sited under the source of the condensate. Features: In-line valve to prevent siphoning back. Clear deck for quick and easy inpection. Incorporated back plate for vertical mounting. Pre-wired safety switch. 2 x 25 mm inlet positions. Made of fire retardant plastics. Auto re-setting thermal cut-out to shaded pole motor. Conecting cable 2 metres. Technical: Pump rating 1ph, 0.2A, 230VAC, 50 Hz. Safety switch 4.0A max. Discharge head 4 metres max. Water pumping capacity 288 L/H max. Tank capacity 1.0 litre. Dimensions: 130 mm high x 235 mm wide x 140 mm deep. Weight 1.8Kg. 157.00 T0914 Aspen Hi-Flow Condensate Pump 2.0 Litre Description: Centrifugal Type Pump. Designed to collect and pump a high volume of water to a lesser head. Requires 230V supply only. In all cases the hi-flow pump must be sited under the source of the condensate. Features: In-line valve to prevent siphoning back. Clear deck for quick and easy inpection. Incorporated back plate for vertical mounting. Pre-wired safety switch. 2 x 25 mm inlet positions. Made of fire retardant plastics. Auto re-setting thermal cut-out to shaded pole motor. Conecting cable 2 metres. Technical: Pump rating 1ph, 0.2A, 230VAC, 50 Hz. Safety switch 4.0A max. Discharge head 4 metres max. Water pumping capacity 288 L/H max. Tank capacity 2.0 litres. Dimensions: 160 mm high x 235 mm wide x 140 mm deep. Weight 1.8Kg. 157.00 Get AcTabs to prevent drain pan overflow and odours: Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit CONDENSATE PUMPS - WARRANTY PARTS ONLY AC33 Realcold Stock No. Description T0916 Aspen Universal Pump Description: Peristaltic Rotary Type Pump. Self priming to 3m. Pumps water, fibrously contaminated water and air. Requires two sensores to read air on/off on the evaporator coil. Features: Operates by sensing 5°C differential across the evaporating coil. 3 minute timer overrun on stop. No siphoning back. Operates only on cooling. Manual test switch. 3m connecting cable. Wall mounting bracket included. Made of fire retardant plastics. Technical: Pump rating 1ph, 0.2A, 230 VAC, 50Hz. Water flow rate 6.25 l/hr @ 12 metres head. Max head is 12 metres. Inlet / outlet size is 6 mm. Dimensions: 142 mm high x 160 mm wide x 83 mm deep. Weight 1.5Kg. System Price $ Excl. GST 313.00 Supermarket Pump Realcold Stock No. Description T0960 Aspen Supermarket Pump Description: This pump is designed to be installed underneath refrigeration chiller units to collect water during the defrost cycle. Features: Operates on a hall effect float / sensor. Thermally protected 230V continuously rated motor. High level safety switch. Tank capacity 11 litres. Push-in plug connector. Fliter to catch debris. Made of fire retardant ABS plastics. Technical: Pump rating 1ph, 0.35A, 230 VAC, 50Hz. Water flow rate 225 l/hr @ zero metres head. Max head is 30 metres. Inlet size 50 mm / outlet size is 10 mm. Water temp 0°C to 40°C. Dimensions: 100 mm high x 590 mm wide x 405 mm deep. Weight 4.9Kg. System Price $ Excl. GST 740.00 AC-Tabs Actabs with its EPA registered biocide eliminates or prevents most blockages in air conditioning and refrigeration drain lines due to the buildup of bacterial slime, rust, scale, sludge, air bourne dust, silty and other solids. • Unique automatic metering dispenser • EPA Registered • Prevents Costly Water Overflow Damage • Eliminates Bacteria Casused Bad Odours • Can be used in Computer Rooms Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Air Conditioning Universal Pump CONDENSATE PUMPS - WARRANTY PARTS ONLY AC34 Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST T0939 Aspen Mini Aqua* Features: Our smallest pump ever fits all wall mount splits. 3A volt free alarm wires, NO NC contacts rated at 5A inductive at 230V. Hall effect semi conductor level sensors, with high level safety. Thermally protected. Mounts vertically or horizontally, Versatile and quiet operation. Technical: Pump rating 1ph, 0.2A, 230VAC, 50Hz, 16 watts. Water flow rate 14 l/hr @ zero head. Max head 8 metres. 21 dBA @ 1 metre. Dimensions: 28 mm high x 165 mm wide x 28 mm deep. Weight 0.18Kg. 228.00 T0940 Aspen Mini Orange* Features: Designed to be installed above ceilings, behind wall mounted evaporators and in plastic conduit. 3A volt free alarm wires, NO NC contacts rated at 5A inductive at 230V. Hall effect semi conductor level sensors, with high level safety. Thermally protected. Both pump and reservoir must be mounted flat. Technical: Pump rating 1ph, 0.2A, 230VAC, 50Hz, 16 watts. Water flow rate 14 l/hr @ zero head. Max head 8 metres. Suction lift 1 metre. 23 dBA @ 1 metre. Dimensions: 51 mm high x 107 mm wide x 39 mm deep. Weight 0.25Kg. 228.00 T0941 Aspen Maxi Orange* Features: Designed to be installed above ceilings, behind wall mounted evaporators and in plastic conduit. 3A volt free alarm wires, NO NC contacts rated at 5A inductive at 230V. Hall effect semi conductor level sensors, with high level safety. Thermally protected. Both pump and reservoir must be mounted flat. Technical: Pump rating 1ph, 0.25A, 230VAC, 50Hz, 21 watts. Water flow rate 37 l/hr @ zero head. Max head 20 metres. Suction lift 1 metre. 35 dBA @ 1 metre. Dimensions: 66 mm high x 122 mm wide x 44 mm deep. Weight 0.45Kg. 263.00 T0942 Aspen Mini Lime* Features: Designed to be installed in the plastic conduit supplied. 3A volt free alarm wires, NO NC contacts rated at 5A inductive at 230V. Hall effect semi conductor level sensors, with high level safety. Thermally protected. Reversible. Box contains the pump, elbow, 800m conduit, connection sleeve and ceiling plate. Technical: Pump rating 1ph, 0.2A, 230VAC, 50Hz, 16 watts. Water flow rate 14 l/hr @ zero head. Max head 8 metres. 23 dBA @ 1 metre. Dimensions: 79 mm high x 99 mm wide x 44 mm deep. Weight 0.31Kg. 289.00 Note: Pacific pumps use an electronic sensor. Mini Aqua, Mini Orange, Maxi Orange & Mini Lime pumps have an electro-mechanical sensor. *Warranty is null or void unless all pumps purchased are installed with inline filter T0926. *Compact Pump In-Line Filter Realcold Stock No. Description T0926 Condensate Filter PF2 Features: Removes sludge and dirt particles as well as hairs. Large surface area gives minimum intruption to water flow. Technical: Failure to install a condensate filter can void the Compact Condensate Pumps warranty. Anti Siphoning Device System Price $ Excl. GST 25.45 - BRAND NEW - Revolution From Aspen • The leading solution to prevent siphoning • Even faster and easier installations • Hassle free condensate pump fitting • Unique and revolutionary design • Complete peace of mind • Exclusively free with Aspen Mini Pumps CO M Ap IN ril G S 20 O 12 ON Air Conditioning Compact Pumps - Hidden Installation Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit CONDENSATE PUMPS - WARRANTY PARTS ONLY AC35 Realcold Stock No. Description T0938 Aspen Mini Blanc Pump Deluxe Features: Designed to sit below the indoor unit. Offers easy access for fast efficient servicing. 3A volt free alarm wires, NO NC contacts rated at 5A inductive at 230V. Hall effect semi conductor level sensors, with high level safety. Thermally protected. Cleanable / replacable 70 micron internal filter. Technical: Pump rating 1ph, 0.2A, 230 VAC, 50Hz, 16 watts. Alarm relay rated at 5A / 250VAC. Max water flow rate, 12 l/hr @ zero head. Max head 10 metres, 21 dBA @ 1m. Dimensions: 115 mm high x 182 mm wide x 53 mm deep. Weight 0.46Kg. System Price $ Excl. GST 222.00 Note: Pacific pumps use an electronic sensor. Mini Aqua, Mini Orange, Maxi Orange & Mini Lime pumps have an electro-mechanical sensor. *Warranty is null or void unless all pumps purchased are installed with inline filter T0926. Spares For Pumps Realcold Stock No. Description T0905 Peristaltic Tubes T0920 6 mm Clear Plastic Tubing for condensate pumps System Price $ Excl. GST 29.60 1.80 T0922 Aspen non-return valve 6 mm 8.25 T0924 Aspen straight connector 5.60 T0926 Filter kit for all compact condensate pumps T0927 Aspen Plastic Fitting T0928 Aspen Universal Sensor 25.45 3.65 93.75 Heat Pump Accessories Heat Pump Accessories Realcold Stock No. Description N0495 Top Hat Roof Penetration Kit contains: • • • • • • • AC1701 System Price $ Excl. GST 87.55 Dktite flexible flashing PVC slotted pipe PVC cover flashing PVC cap 12 hex head screws Bostik sealant Complies with NZ Metal Roofing Code of Practise Universal Remote Control for A/C Ultra Plus Hi-wall 95.00 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Air Conditioning Compact Pumps - Below Wall Unit Installation ELECTRICAL & THERMOSTATS AC36 Air Conditioning Components & Fittings Range of electrical components to assist air conditioning installers. Realcold Stock No. Description Base Unit of Measure System Price $ Excl. GST E1098 Weatherproof Switch 15A Unit 33.95 E1099 Weatherproof Switch 35A Unit 44.95 E2012 2.5 mm, 3 Core TPS, 2C + Earth Metre E2026 1.5 mm, 4 Core TPS, 3C + Earth Metre 3.15 E2024 2.5 mm, 4 Core TPS, 3C + Earth Metre 4.40 E2020 Connector Terminal Single 40A Jar E2023 Flex 25 mm Conduit Metre 1.99 32.00 2.95 Seitron Air Conditioning Thermostats Realcold Stock No. Model No Description System Price $ Excl. GST Electronic Thermostats (Heatpumps) G4520 TAEZN4MC Electronic Heatpump t/stst 230V AC - Use STLNTSA150 Sensor G4521 TAEZN42C Electronic Heatpump t/stst 24V AC - Use STLNTSA150 Sensor 174.00 174.00 G4522 TAEZN2MC Electronic Heatpump t/stst 230V AC On / Off Switch - Use STLNTSA150 Sensor 182.00 G4523 TFEZN4MC Electronic Heatpump t/stst 230V AC On / Off & 3 Speed Fan Switches - Use STLNTSA150 Sensor 198.00 G4524 TFPF03MC Diamond Eelctronic programable Heat pump t/stat with Digital display, 230V AC - Use STLNTSA150 Sensor 190.00 Mechanical Heating / Cooling Thermostats G4525 TAM011MI TAM, 16A Heating / 5A Cooling 8…30°C 230V AC 36.00 G4526 TAM013MI TAM, 5A 8…30°C 230V AC On / Off Switch 45.00 Electronic Heating Thermostat G4527 Magictime Programable heating t/stat, 7 day/24hr digital analogue display - use STLOTSA150 NTC Sensor 202.00 Sensors and Accessories G4553 STANP3 G4554 Sensor Housing Plastic Sensor Housing 24.00 G4555 STLNTSA150 Remote NTC Sensor - Probe with 1.5m lead 4700ohm @ 25°C 39.00 G4556 STLOTPA150 Magictime Remote NTC Sensor 100kohm @ 25°C 39.00 NTC Room Sensor for TAEZN / TFEZN series t/stats 49.00 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit 4 WAY VALVES AC37 Realcold Stock No. Model G1100 CHV-0201 STF-0201"G" G1112 Description Capacity Voltage 12.7 (1/2") YES 230V AC 50Hz 87.55 12.7 (1/2") 15.88 (5/8") YES 230V AC 50Hz 87.55 R22 R407c R410a 12.7 (1/2") 19.05 (3/4") YES 230V AC 50Hz 364.00 n/a R22 R407c 22 (7/8") 28.5 (1.1/8") NO - POA 25 n/a R22 R407c 32 (1.1/4") 38.4 (1.1/2") NO - POA Reversing Valve without Coil 2 2.3 R22 R407c R410a 9.52 (3/8") 12.7 (1/2") NO - 105.00 Reversing Valve without Coil 5.7 6.7 R22 R407c R410a 12.7 (1/2") 19.05 (3/4") NO - 105.00 R410a Reversing Valve C/W Coil 2.6 3 STF-0214"G" Reversing Valve C/W Coil G1114 STF-0408"G" G1103 Refrigerator Pipe Sizes System Price $ Excl. GST Coil R22 Discharge Suction & Coils R22 R407c R410a 9.52 (3/8") 3 R22 R407c R410a Reversing Valve C/W Coil 6 CHV-1511 Reversing Valve without Coil 10.9 G1104 CHV-3001 Reversing Valve without Coil ACSG0301 SHF-7H-34U ACSG0169 SHF-20A-46 CHV Coils for Reversing Valves G1105 CHV01AI501A1 CHV Coil suits CHV/ STF 101~2011 - - - - - - 230V AC 50Hz 31.45 G1106 CHVMOAI1032B1 CHV Coil suits CHV/STF 2501~3001 - - - - - - 230V AC 50Hz 31.45 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Air Conditioning Saginomiya 4-Way Reversing Valve DUCTING ACCESSORIES AC38 Air Conditioning Flexible Ducting Realcold Stock No. Diameter (mm) Length (m) System Price $ Excl. GST Comflex Nude ACDCT0367 ACDCT0409 COMFLEX™ Nude ACDCT0368 ACDCT0410 ACDCT0369 ACDCT0411 ACDCT0377 ACDCT0412 ACDCT0370 ACDCT0413 ACDCT0380 ACDCT0414 ACDCT0415 ACDCT0416 ACDCT0417 ACDCT0418 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 3 8.35 6 16.70 3 10.85 6 16.70 3 13.95 6 17.25 3 12.30 6 22.80 3 12.80 6 25.55 3 16.70 6 31.75 3 20.60 6 40.10 3 25.55 6 48.45 3 24.85 6 42.25 3 31.45 6 55.15 3 35.65 6 63.45 Comflex Insulated ACDCT0088 ACDCT0399 ACDCT0089 COMFLEX™ Insulated R0.6 (40 mm) ACDCT0343 ACDCT0400 ACDCT0344 ACDCT0401 ACDCT0402 ACDCT0403 ACDCT0404 ACDCT0405 ACDCT0406 150 200 250 300 350 400 3 41.75 6 74.60 3 48.45 6 87.35 3 55.65 6 99.65 Note: 450 - 600 mm Diameters are available by special order Comflex Ducting • Fully complies to AS4254 & AS4508 & AS1530 Pt3 and NZ Bldg Code • DUCT CORE: Aluminium foil laminated onto polyester film, permanently bonded onto a corrosion resistant coated, spring steel wire helix • DUCT SLEEVE: Fire retardant 75 um black low density polyethylene and UV stabilised • DUCT INSULATION: AS4508 Polyester R0.6 nominal 250 grams per mtr/sq 40 mm thick • TEMPERATURE RANGE: Maximum: +80˚C Minimum: -10˚C • COLOUR: Silver with black sleeve Note: No glued/adhesive duct should be installed in a compressed or ovalised state for fear of long term failure Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit DUCT FITTINGS Duct Fittings AC39 Realcold Stock No. Metric Size ACDCT1439 100-100-100 Air Conditioning Branch Take-Off - Poly System Price $ Excl. GST 35.75 “Y” Piece - Poly Realcold Stock No. Metric Size System Price $ Excl. GST Poly Nude - Non Insulated ACDCT1233 150-150-150 20.60 ACDCT0379 200-150-150 20.60 ACDCT0471 250-200-200 22.25 ACDCT0717 300-250-250 28.55 ACDCT0718 350-300-300 44.60 ACDCT0813 400-350-300 60.05 Reducers - Poly Realcold Stock No. Metric Size System Price $ Excl. GST • Manufactured from HDPE • U.V. stabilised • Heavy duty, robust • Smooth internal lines • No sharp edges • Positive lock duct tabs Poly Nude - Non Insulated ACDCT2067 125-100 7.55 ACDCT2066 150-125 8.55 ACDCT0486 200-150 12.10 ACDCT0487 250-200 14.35 ACDCT0488 300-250 16.00 ACDCT0489 350-300 18.35 ACDCT0490 400-350 19.50 Duct Joiners - Galv & Poly Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST ACDCT0059 150 mm Galv Duct Joiner 13.95 ACDCT0071 200 mm Galv Duct Joiner 15.45 ACDCT0339 250 mm Galv Duct Joiner 19.10 ACDCT0723 150 mm Poly Duct Joiner 6.05 ACDCT0724 200 mm Poly Duct Joiner 7.45 ACDCT0725 250 mm Poly Duct Joiner 8.45 ACDCT0726 300 mm Poly Duct Joiner 9.75 ACDCT0770 350 mm Poly Duct Joiner 13.40 ACDCT0771 400 mm Poly Duct Joiner 19.22 ACDCT0772 450 mm Poly Duct Joiner 22.90 Accessories Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST ACDCT0808 Hanging Strap 25 mm x 50 m N0185 Insulation Tape 48 mm x 30 m roll - self adhering PVC (light grade) N0187 Insulation Tape 48 mm x 30 m roll - self adhering PVC (heavy grade) 17.00 N0402 Aluminium Duct Tape 51 mm x 45.72 m roll 18.05 N0404 Silver Duct Tape 51 mm x 54.86 m roll 18.05 7.45 9.70 • Poly - High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit DIFFUSERS Diffuser AC40 Air Conditioning CD2000 One Piece 4-Way Diffuser Realcold Stock No. Neck Adaptor Size System Price $ Excl. GST ACDCT0792 225 x 225 POA ACDCT0468 300 x 300 POA ACDCT0793 375 x 375 POA • Manufactured from v-zero fire rated ABS plastic. AS/NZ 1530.3 • Resistant to scratching and fading • Minimises problems associated with cold bridging in high humidity areas • Spring loaded fixing clips • Poly neck adaptors and side entry cushion boxes - refer page AC42 Univent (Fixed Blade) Diffuser - Face Only Realcold Stock No. Neck Adaptor Size System Price $ Excl. GST ACDCT1022 225 x 225 33.50 ACDCT1019 300 x 300 36.90 ACDCT1023 375 x 375 37.20 • Manufactured from high impact polystyrene, resistant to scratching and fading • Minimises problems associated with cold bridging in high humidity areas • Quick fixing clips, no tools required • Adjustable airflow patterns • Poly neck adaptors and side entry cushion boxes - refer page AC42 Double Deflection Grille - Wall Diffuser Realcold Stock No. Neck Adaptor Size System Price $ Excl. GST ACDCT2020 300 x 100 46.35 ACDCT2021 350 x 150 51.40 • Manufactured in high quality aluminium extrusion profiles, powder coated white • Designed with nylon brushes for efficient, smooth operation • Deflection blades are adjustable individually • Standard 20mm blade spacing • Suits poly boots DCT0714, DCT0715 - refer page AC42 MAXVENT ® One Piece 4-Way Diffuser Realcold Stock No. Neck Adaptor Size System Price $ Excl. GST ACDCT2007 225 x 225 41.20 ACDCT2008 300 x 300 62.35 ACDCT2009 375 x 375 84.60 • One piece pressed aluminium, powder coated white • Removable core, no joints, smooth airflow • Poly neck adaptors and side entry cushion boxes - refer page AC42 • Technical data available Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit DIFFUSERS AC41 Realcold Stock No. Neck Adaptor Size System Price $ Excl. GST ACDCT2012 225 x 225 POA ACDCT1516 300 x 300 POA ACDCT2014 375 x 375 POA • One piece pressed aluminium, powder coated white • Removable core, no joints, smooth airflow • Poly neck adaptors and side entry cushion boxes • Technical data available • 595 x 595mm “lay in” T-rail diffuser Opposed Blade Damper (OBD) Realcold Stock No. Neck Adaptor Size System Price $ Excl. GST ACDCT2016 225 x 225 POA ACDCT2017 300 x 300 POA ACDCT2018 375 x 375 POA ACDCT2019 450 x 450 POA • Manufactured in high quality aluminium extrusion profiles • Designed with nylon bearings for efficient, smooth operation • Clips onto one piece 4-Way aluminium diffusers • Powder coated black • Opposed blade damper design to ensure regulation of airflow • Screw type opening mechanism UNIJET “Jet Centre” Ceiling Diffuser Realcold Stock No. Neck Adaptor Size ACDCT0500 150 29.80 ACDCT0501 200 43.50 ACDCT0098 250 49.75 • • • • • • System Price $ Excl. GST Manufactured from V Zero fire rated ABS plastic AS/NZ 1530 pt 3 Spring loaded fixing clips Adjustable ‘set and forget’ damper blade Comes with damper blade adjustment tool Resistant to scratching and fading Positive lock duct tabs MAXVENT ® Cone Ceiling Diffuser Realcold Stock No. Neck Adaptor Size ACDCT1472 150 16.80 ACDCT1473 200 26.50 ACDCT1474 250 44.30 ACDCT1475 300 55.25 • • • • • System Price $ Excl. GST Manufactured from ABS plastic Spring loaded fixing clips Resistant to scratching and fading Positive lock duct tabs Adjustable screw in centre cone Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Air Conditioning One Piece Plaque Diffuser NECK ADAPTER Neck Adapter AC42 Air Conditioning Neck Adapter - Poly Realcold Stock No. left: no Damper right: with Damper Metric Size System Price Realcold $ Excl. GST Stock No. No Damper System Price $ Excl. GST With Damper ACDCT0681 225 x 225-150 12.10 - ACDCT0545 225 x 225-200 12.10 - - ACDCT0497 300 x 300-250 14.35 ACDCT0498 20.85 ACDCT0509 300 x 300-300 14.35 ACDCT0499 20.85 ACDCT0547 375 x 375-250 16.00 - - ACDCT0549 375 x 375-300 16.00 - - ACDCT0553 375 x 375-350 16.00 - - ACDCT0555 375 x 375-400 16.00 - - - • To convert 250 mm to 200 mm spigots use DCT0965 Stepped Spigot Realcold Stock No. Metric Size System Price $ Excl. GST No Damper ACDCT1409 550 x 550/400/450 28.55 Convert 250mm Spigots Realcold Stock No. Metric Size System Price $ Excl. GST ACDCT1142 250-150 11.05 ACDCT0965 250-200 11.05 • Poly Adaptor “Snaps-On” to plastic diffusers, no tools or fixing required • Manufactured from high impact polystyrene, positive lock duct tabs • Poly neck adaptors to suit Uni-Vents, CD 2000 and some aluminium diffusers Cushion Side Entry Box - Poly Realcold Stock No. Metric Size System Price $ Excl. GST Poly Insulated ACDCT1003 225 x 225-200 37.20 ACDCT1006 300 x 300 -200 45.75 ACDCT0972 300 x 300 - 250 45.75 • Manufactured from HDPE, fits poly and aluminium diffusers Boots - Floor Realcold Stock No. Metric Size System Price $ Excl. GST Poly Insulated ACDCT0714 300 x 100-150 17.35 ACDCT0715 350 x 150-200 29.70 • • • • • • Manufactured from high density polyethylene U.V. stabilized Robust, heavy duty Smooth internal lines Complete with collar and damper Positive lock duct tabs, nail holes pre punched Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit EGGCRATE GRILLE Eggcrate Grille AC43 Realcold Stock No. Neck Adaptor Size System Price $ Excl. GST ACDCT1989 150 x 150 20.60 ACDCT2002 225 x 225 28.55 ACDCT2003 300 x 300 39.45 ACDCT2004 375 x 375 50.90 *ACDCT2005 550 x 550 98.90 *595 x 595 mm “lay in” T-rail grille • Manufactured in high quality aluminium extrusion profiles • Flush face finish • Powder coated white • Poly neck adaptors see page AC42 Eggcrate Grille - With Filter (ERHFG) Realcold Stock No. Neck Adaptor Size System Price $ Excl. GST ACDCT0962 300 x 300 129.00 ACDCT1257 375 x 375 133.00 *ACDCT0966 550 x 550 169.00 *595 x 595 mm “lay in” T-rail grille • Manufactured in high quality aluminium extrusion profiles • Hinged removable filters • Flush face finish • Powder coated white • Filter media G2 rated • Poly neck adaptors see page AC42 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Air Conditioning Eggcrate Grille - Fixed Core (ERG) WALL / CEILING FANS / GRILLS Wall / Ceiling Fans / Grills AC44 Air Conditioning MAXVENT ® - 150 mm Wall / Ceiling Fan Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST ACFAN0007 150mm Wall / Ceiling Fan 64 l/s Standard 96.10 MANROSE® Wall / Ceiling Grille with Duct Spigot Realcold Stock No. Metric Size Colour System Price $ Excl. GST ACDCT0025 100 White 10.00 ACDCT0041 120 White 14.45 ACDCT0063 150 White 22.80 ACDCT0340 200 White 56.55 System Price $ Excl. GST Fixed Louvre • Standard grille with some weather protection • Removable insert for ease of installation & cleaning MANROSE® Weatherproof Cowl Realcold Stock No. Metric Size Colour ACDCT0018 100 White 14.45 ACDCT1031 150 White 42.65 • Used where adverse weather conditions are experienced Accessories Realcold Stock No. Description ACFAN0372 Delay Timer System Price $ Excl. GST 28.85 • Suits fans 20-200W • Suitable for retrofit • Switches off after 7mins Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit ROOF VENTILATION Roof Ventilation AC45 Realcold Stock No. Metric Size Fan Type Litres Per Second Air ACFAN0530 150 Ctr’fgl 130 l/s Extract 394.00 ACFAN0532 150 Axial 80 l/s Extract 280.00 ACFAN0534 150 Axial 80 l/s Supply 280.00 Air Conditioning Roof Fan Kits with Dektite & HDPE Tube System Price $ Excl. GST • Fan incorporated within the cowl • Aluminium cowl construction • Pleasing aesthetics • High quality for longevity of operation • Electrical connection can be made inside or outside roof space NB: Lead Dektite (DCT0190) required for concrete tile roofs • Dektite included (for metal based roofs), all fittings supplied • Optional lead dektite available to order Roof Fan & Cowls Roof Cowl Kits with Dektite & HDPE Tube Realcold Stock No. Metric Size Description ACDCT0172 150 General Purpose Kit System Price $ Excl. GST 122.00 • General purpose cowl included • 0.5m HDPE Tube included • Dektite included (for metal based roofs) • All fittings supplied • Optional lead Dektite available to order • Refer to page AC35 for Roof Penetration Kit - compliant with NZ Metal Roofing Code of Practise NB: Lead Dektite (DCT0190) required for concrete tile roofs Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit IN LINE FANS In Line Fans AC46 Air Conditioning High Performance Centrifugal In-Line Fans Realcold Stock No. Metric Size Performance ACFAN0358 250 280 l/s, 1008 m3/hr 46 dBA 3m* Max. Pressure (Pa) System Price $ Excl. GST 418.00 500 * dBA @ 3 metres - sound pressure based on the high speed for each fan • Manufactured from V Zero fire rated ABS plastic • Centrifugal fan design, quality external rotor ball bearing motor • Motor wired to junction box • Fan mounting brackets available • Continuously rated motor • Pressure curves - refer page AC52 MAXVENT ® High Performance Axial In-Line Fans Realcold Stock No. Metric Size Performance dBA 3m* Max. Pressure (Pa) ACFAN0085 150 89 l/s, 320 m3/hr 46 135 System Price $ Excl. GST 126.00 * dBA @ 3 metres - sound pressure based on the high speed for each fan • Quality ball bearing motor • Integral mounting • High performance axial fan • Continuously rated motor • Technical data - refer page AC52 MIXFLO™ Mixed Flow In-Line Fans Realcold Stock No. Metric Size Model ACFAN1004 100 MF100 ACFAN1005 ACFAN1006 ACFAN1007 125 150 200 MF125 MF150 MF200 Max. Airflow (l/s) System Price $ Excl. GST Max. Pressure (Pa) dBA 3m* 69 200 40 182.00 53 120 43 201.00 47 225.00 48 274.00 89 230 72 160 156 360 117 320 253 300 228 225 200 150 * dBA @ 3 metres - sound pressure based on the high speed for each fan • Designed for applications that require high air flows with relative low noise • High quality ball bearing, long life motors, continuously rated and warranted for a minimum of 30,000 hours or 4 years • Can be easily installed in series to increase pressure • 2 speed fan settings for 100mm, 125mm and 150mm models and 3 speed fan settings for the 200mm model • Brackets are supplied with the fan for ease of installation • Fan assembly can be easily removed from rigid ducting installations for ease of cleaning and maintenance. • Double Insulation - no earth required • Technical data - refer pages AC52 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit IN LINE FANS - TECHNICAL DATA AC47 Model A B* C D E F G MF100 98 182 262 100 100 168 21 MF125 122 182 262 100 100 168 60 MF150 147 209 293 130 115 192 60 MF200 197 244 354 142 140 230 52 Air Conditioning Fan Dimensions (mm) *Measured with junction box on side (junction box height of 35mm) Technical Specification Model Order Code Size (mm) MF100 FAN1004 100 MF125 FAN1005 125 MF150 FAN1006 150 MF200 FAN1007 200 RPM Wattage Max. Airflow (l/s) Max. Lp dBA 3m* Pressure (Pa) kg IP Rating Max. Operating Temp °C 2300 40 250 200 1700 18 190 120 40 2.1 X4 45 2300 40 320 230 1700 18 260 160 43 2.1 X4 45 2700 70 560 360 2000 60 420 320 47 3.2 X4 45 2700 85 910 300 2350 60 820 225 2000 45 720 150 48 4.5 X4 45 * dBA @ 3 metres - sound pressure based on the high speed for each fan Sound Power Levels (high speed) Model Sound Power Levels LW (dBA) - Octave band centre frequency in Hz LwA dBA 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 MF100 50 56 58 58 52 47 37 61 MF125 52 59 60 60 56 49 41 63.5 MF150 58 66 65 63 62 54 46 67.5 MF200 65 69 64 63 62 60 48 69 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit IN LINE FANS - FAN CURVES AC48 Air Conditioning MIXFLO™ Mixed Flow In-Line Fans - Performance Curve Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit IN LINE FANS - TECHNICAL DATA AC49 Hyper150 High Performance Axial Fan Noise Level dBA @ 3m 46 Frequency Hz 50/60 Power Input W 38 Current A 0.38 Speed RPM 2650 Voltage V 240 Weight kg 1.3 Max. Ambient Temp °C 70 Axial In-Line Fan Dimensions Axial In-Line Performance Curves High Performance Centrifugal In-Line Fans ACFAN0358 Technical Data Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Air Conditioning MAXVENT™ High Performance Axial In-Line Fans ACFAN0085 Technical Data TRANSFER FANS Transfer Fans AC50 Air Conditioning MAXVENT™ Heat Transfer System Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST ACFAN0475 150 mm Maxvent™ (1 Room) Heat Transfer 290.00 ACFAN0542 150 mm Maxvent™ (2 Room) Heat Transfer Plus 540.00 ACFAN0543 200 mm Maxvent™ (3 Room) Heat Transfer 655.00 The Maxvent™ Heat Transfer system utilizes otherwise wasted heat by distributing excess heat throughout the home. The heat transfer system works by slowly drawing air from the heated room and transferring it to a remote room via the ducting and fan in the ceiling space. Benefits • The Heat Transfer system increases home heating efficiency by transferring previously ‘wasted’ heat to other parts of the home. • High quality, durable components are used, including high performance fans and thermostat controller. • Maxvent™ Heat Transfer is a complete kit incorporating all of the components needed for a standard job. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit AIR CONDITIONING WARRANTY INFORMATION The warranty is applicable to Gree products purchased from Realcold Limited and installed in New Zealand. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries warranty is held by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Air-Conditioners Australia Pty Ltd. Realcold Limited (herein called the company) warrants the products are free of defects from manufacture. Any proven defect will be rectified by the company, or an authorized service agent, free of charge within the appropriate time limits and subject to the conditions set out on the New Zealand warranty card supplied with the air conditioner. 5 YEAR WARRANTY Residential Installation 2 YEAR WARRANTY Commercial Installation (See notes below) • Explain the operation to the owner / occupier. • Ensure the removable portion of the warranty card has been completed and returned to Realcold Limited. • Ensure that the owner / occupier retain the remainder of the warranty card. • Explain to the owner / occupier that the warranty will be void unless the unit is serviced annually. Before making a warranty claim please consider the following: • Check and reset the power supply. Multi Inverter Air Conditioners (only 24 month warranty applies for process cooling and commercial applications). • Check the air conditioner’s remote control settings (pay attention to timers and mode operation). Split Type Hi-wall Air Conditioners (only 24 month warranty applies for process cooling and commercial applications). • Ensure filters and drains are clear. Window Air Conditioners (only 24 month warranty applies for process cooling and commercial applications). Heat Recovery Ventilators (only 24 month warranty applies for process cooling and commercial applications). • Are the doors or windows open, or are there extra sources of heat in the room? • Check the refrigerant charge. To make a warranty claim: Notes 1 • Check either unit for obstructions reducing air flow. In home service available in major metropolitan areas or within 30 km from service agents only. Consumers in areas other than the above will require prior authorization from the company for any mileage and travel charges. 2 Multi, Split and / or Ducted Air Conditioners must be installed by a qualified installer. 3 Regular maintenance must be carried out at intervals not exceeding one year and the maintenance record completed on the retained warranty card as each service occurs. 4 The removable portion of the warranty card must be fully completed and returned to the company to register your warranty. Contractor / Installer responsibilities: • Install the air conditioner as per the manufacturer’s instructions. • Installation is to be done by a qualified tradesperson following best trade practices. • The equipment must be safely accessible using a three metre ladder. If the unit is not accessible safely you may be required to arrange safe working conditions. This is not a cost to warranty. • Ensure all details on the warranty card have been completed and your warranty has been registered. • As the installer you will be expected to act as the service agent. • Call your local Realcold branch and quote the model, serial number and the warranty card number to obtain a warranty registration card. You may be asked to provide proof of purchase to establish warranty. (This authorization number is for administration purposes only and the company accepts no liability with the issue of this number. Failure to obtain this number may delay settlement of your warranty). • Return all damaged or defective parts or materials to your local Realcold branch. Please fill in a goods return form, quoting you warranty authorization number. These parts are required for testing purposes. Notes Unless components are found to be defective and then exchanged or repaired it is deemed by Realcold Limited that this was not covered under warranty and there will be a charge for non-warranty calls. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Air Conditioning AC51 GREE AIR CONDITIONING WARRANTY INFORMATION AIR CONDITIONING WARRANTY INFORMATION Air Conditioning AC52 MHI AIR CONDITIONING WARRANTY INFORMATION The Warranty on all Mitsubishi Heavy Industry product is covered by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Air-Conditioners Australia Pty Ltd (MHI) and its New Zealand subsidiary. This warranty covers all MHI product purchased from Realcold Ltd and installed in New Zealand. Please see MHI for their full warranty terms and conditions. 5 YEAR WARRANTY All Products Excluding the KX Range (service - see notes below) To make a warranty claim: • You must be a MHI service agent to make a claim 5 YEAR WARRANTY KX Range Residential Installations (service - see notes below) • Call your local branch of Realcold quoting the model and serial number plus a full description of the fault 3 YEAR WARRANTY KX Range Commercial Installations (service - see notes below) • Please check the system for fault codes • Please check the gas charge prior to calling • You may be asked to provide proof of purchase to establish warranty. Contractor/Installer responsibilities: • Install the air conditioner as per the manufacturer’s instructions • Realcold will assist with technical support to establish the fault and a course of action to remedy the fault • Installation is to be done by a qualified tradesperson following best trade practices • As the installer you will be expected to act as the service agent • The equipment must be safely accessible using a three metre ladder. If the unit is not accessible safely you may be required to arrange safe working conditions. This is not a cost to warranty • Should the fault be accepted as a warranty the supply of spare parts and the cost of any labour will be met by MHI in accordance with their terms and conditions • Explain the operation to the owner / occupier • Explain to the owner / occupier that the warranty will be void unless the unit is serviced annually Before making a warranty claim please consider the following: • Check and reset the power supply • Check the air conditioner’s remote control settings (pay attention to timers and mode operation) • Ensure Drains and Filters are clear • Check either unit for obstructions reducing air flow • Are the doors or windows open, or are there extra sources of heat in the room? • Check the Refrigerant Charge Note Unless components are found to be defective and then exchanged or repaired it is deemed by MHI that this was not covered under warranty and there will be a charge for non-warranty calls Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit AIR CONDITIONING WARRANTY INFORMATION AIR CONDITIONING WARRANTY INFORMATION AC53 Coolbreeze 12 Months Parts Only on Evaporative Coolers Eclipse 12 Months Parts Only on Air Curtain Models Gree 5 Years Parts & Labour on all Models (Residential Installations Only) 2 Years Parts & Labour on all Models (Commercial Installations Only) Refer to page AC51 for exceptions to the above Mitsubishi (Warranty provided by MHI) 5 Years Parts & Labour on all Models (Except KX) 5 Years Parts & Labour on KX Range (Residential Installations Only) 3 Years Parts & Labour on KX Range (Commercial Installations Only) See MHI for full details Aspen Pumps 12 Months Parts Only on all Condensate Pumps Note: The terms & conditions of warranty do not affect your rights under act 1, 2, 3. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Air Conditioning Air Conditioning Warranty R Co efri m ge po ra ne tion nt s Components AccumulatorsCA60 BrazingCB61 Brazing Torches CB62 Compressors - Sealed Reciprocating L’Unite R404a Medium Temp L’Unite R404a Low Temp L’Unite R134a Low Temp L’Unite R134a Medium Temp L’Unite Sealed Air Conditioning L’Unite Sealed Compressors L’Unite Sealed Rotary Compressors - Vertical L’Unite Sealed Solid State Relays CC66 CC66 CC66 CC67 CC67 CC68 CC69 CC72 CC73 CC74 Compressors - Copeland Scroll™ Copeland Scroll™ Compressors - Introduction Copeland Scroll™ - R22 Medium Temp Copeland Scroll™ Compressors Accessories CC75 CC75 CC76 CC77 Compressors - Semi Sealed Reciprocating CC80 Capacity Control CC82 AccessoriesCC82 Compressors - Semi-Hermetic Screw CC83 Defrost Controls Defrost Safety Thermostats Defrost Heat Tape Condensate Pans CD88 CD89 CD89 CD89 Driers CD90 Sporlan Driers - Flare CD90 Suction Line CD91 Refillable Shells - Liquid Line CD92 Refillable Shells - Suction Line CD92 DirectionalCD93 Discharge Line Mufflers CD94 Electronic Controls CE95 Refrigeration Controls CE95 AccessoriesCE95 Control Panels CE96 Fans CF97 Fan Motors CF97 AccessoriesCF97 Fan Motor Assembly CF98 Fan Blades CF99 FittingsCF100 Brass Fittings - Flare CF100 Copper Fittings CF102 Fittings & Fasteners CF103 Thermoplastic - Nylon CF105 Components ChemicalsCC63 Coil and Filter Cleaners CC63 Thread Sealants CC63 Miscellaneous Cleaners/ Disinfectants CC64 Liquid Leak Detectors CC65 R Co efri m ge po ra ne tion nt s Components (continued) InsulationCI110 Tube Insulation CI110 Sheet Insulation CI111 1 Metre Adhesive Insulation CI111 Roll Insulation CI111 Insulation Tape CI112 Accessories, Sealing, Jointing Compounds CI113 LubricantsCL114 OIL CONTROL SYSTEMS Trax Oil Control Systems Oil Reservoir And Accessories Oil Separators CO116 CO116 CO116 CO118 PRESSURE CONTROLS Dual Pressure Controls Low Pressure Controls High Pressure Controls Differential Pressure Controls Oil Protection Controls Saginomiya Flow Switches Pressure Control Accessories Pressure Control Hoses Pressure Controls - CB Series Small Pressure Controls - Type ACB, LCB CP119 CP119 CP119 CP119 CP119 CP120 CP120 CP120 CP120 CP121 CP121 REFRIGERANTCR122 RECEIVERSCR124 Vertical Receivers CR124 Horizontal Receivers CR125 SIGHT GLASSES CS126 TEST EQUIPMENT CT127 Service Manifold Sets CT127 Charging Hoses CT127 GaugesCT128 AccessoriesCT128 CouplersCT128 Imperial Kwik - Couplers CT128 Recovery System CT129 Recovery Cylinders CT129 Vacuum Pumps CT129 TOOLS Electronic Vacuum Gauge Charging Equipment Leak Detectors Mastercool Tools Tube Cutters CT130 CT130 CT130 CT130 CT130 CT130 Components Evaporator Mounting Kits - Nylon CF106 InsulclampCF107 Studding Clip CF107 BBJ Pipe Fittings CF107 LocksetsCF108 HingesCF108 Style Spares - Efco CF108 Accessories - Efco CF108 Heat Exchangers CH109 R Co efri m ge po ra ne tion nt s Tube Deburring Tool CT130 Tube Expander Kit CT130 Ratchet Wrenches CT130 Tube Cutter Spares CT131 Flaring & Swaging Tools CT131 Tube Benders (lever type) CT132 Bending Springs CT132 Allen Key (hex key) CT132 Pinch Off Tool CT133 Oil Pump CT133 Oil Injector CT133 Fin Combs CT133 Inspection Mirrors CT133 Miscellaneous Tools CT134 Temperature Test Equipment CT134 RefractometersCT134 ThermometersCT134 THERMOSTATSCT135 TUBE CT137 VALVES CV139 Flica Orifices CV139 Flica Thermostatic Expansion Type CV139 Sporlan Q-Series Thermostatic Expansion Valves CV140 Sporlan Orifices CV140 Sporlan Thermostatic Elements CV140 Sporlan Accessories CV140 Sporlan J8 Thermostatic Expansion Valves CV141 Cross Reference Table CV142 Sporlan S and O-Series Valves CV143 Sporlan TX Valve Replacement Heads CV143 Sporlan Solenoid Valves (less coil) CV144 Sporlan Solenoid Coils CV144 Parker Hannifin SpA Solenoid Valves (complete with coils) CV145 Parker Hannifin SpA Solenoid Valve Spares (replacement solenoid coils) CV145 Pressure Regulators CV146 Sporlan CDS Valves CV147 Sporlan Hot Gas Bypass Valves CV147 Sporlan Co2 Product Range CV147 Mueller Ball Valves (two way) CV148 Mueller Liquid Receiver Valves CV148 Mueller Rotalock Valves CV148 Mueller Hand Shut-Off Valves (packless line valves) CV149 Mueller Pressure Relief Valves CV149 Three Way Hand Shut-Off Valves CV149 Check Valves - Refrigerants HFC & HCFC CV150 GasketsCV150 Line Tap Valves CV151 Schrader Valves / Access Ports CV151 VIBRATION ELIMINATORS Spares COMPRESSOR AND CONDENSING UNIT WARRANTY CV152 Spares153 CX167 Components Components (continued) ACCUMULATORS CA60 Accumulators - Suction Line Realcold Stock No. Components Accumulator Model System Price $ Excl. GST Description kW Cap at Evap. Temp. -6°C Size Connection R22 R404a/R507c F0804 Virginia Accumulator 1/2" 1/2" ODS Vertical 4.6 4.8 53.09 F0805 Virginia Accumulator 5/8" 5/8" ODS Vertical 6.9 7.2 86.70 F0806 Virginia Accumulator 3/4" 3/4" ODS Vertical 9.2 9.6 86.70 F0807 Virginia Accumulator 7/8" 7/8" ODS Vertical 16.7 17.5 99.81 F0809 Virginia Accumulator 1.1/8" 1.1/8" ODS Vertical 27.0 28.3 155.04 F0811 Virginia Accumulator 1.3/8" 1.3/8" ODS Vertical 43.1 45.2 210.12 F0813 Virginia Accumulator 1.5/8" 1.5/8" ODS Vertical 65.3 68.4 252.96 F0121 Carly Vertical Accumulator 2.1/8” LCY 1817 S/MMS 125 130 1,213.80 F0125 Carly Vertical Accumulator 3.1/8” LCY 5025S 288 300 2,007.36 * These accumulators should not be used below -18°C without supplementary heating to ensure oil return - see information on Heater Elements below. Carly Accumulator Factors for Determining Capacity Evap. Temp. -18°C -30°C Factor .68.41 Note: To find kW capacity for the other evaporator temperatures, multiply factor X rating listed at -6C Selection of a suction line accumulator should be made on the basis of the following capabilities: • The accumulator should have an adequate liquid holding capacity - normally not less than 50% of the system charge. F0084 • The accumulator should perform efficiently without excessive pressure drop to the system. • The accumulator should return liquid at the proper rate and under a range of conditions of load. • The selection of the suction line accumulator should not be based on line size, but on its ability to perform well within the limits described above. Consequently the suction line accumulator will not necessarily have the same connection size as the compressor suction line. Heater Elements To Suit Accumulators Elements must be used when operating under -18°C. The element adds heat to oil separators in order to prevent migration of refrigerant to the vessel during the off cycles of the compressor. Heater elements also add heat to suction line accumulators, to keep the oil warm, permitting oil return to the compressor on low temperature applications. • For Heater Elements please refer to page CO118 Accumulator Dimensions - Suction Line Realcold Stock No. Model Diameter (mm) Overall Height (mm) Height of Vessel (mm) Fitting Size (mm) Fitting Separating Centre - Centre (mm) F0804 Accumulator 1/2" 76 209 184 1/2" 13 mm 41 F0805 Accumulator 5/8" 76 314 292 5/8" 16 mm 41 F0806 Accumulator 3/4" 76 321 292 3/4" 19 mm 41 F0807 Accumulator 7/8" 127 244 216 7/8" 22 mm 70 F0809 Accumulator 1.1/8" 127 376 340 1.1/8" 29 mm 70 F0811 Accumulator 1.3/8" 127 468 430 1.3/8" 35 mm 70 F0813 Accumulator 1.5/8" 152 556 514 1.5/8" 41 mm 75 F0121 LCY 1817 S/MMS 219 732 733 2.1/8 54 mm 114 F0125 LCY 5025 S 324 900 900 3.1/8 80 mm 155 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit BRAZING CB61 Brazing Alloy (Silver) Realcold Stock No. Type Tip Colour Diameter x Length (mm) Sold Per System Price $ Excl. GST N0525 5% SBA Silver 2.5 x 750 Per Kilo N0525A 5% SBA Silver 2.5 x 750 Per Stick N1515 15% SBA Tan 1.5 x 750 Per Kilo N1515A 15% SBA Tan 1.5 x 750 Per Stick N1525 15% SBA Tan 2.5 x 750 Per Kilo N1525A 15% SBA Tan 2.5 x 750 Per Stick N1530 15% SBA Tan 3.0 x 750 Per Kilo N1530A 15% SBA Tan 3.0 x 750 Per Stick 21.98 N3415 34% SBA Green 1.5 x 750 Per Kilo POA N3415A 34% SBA Green 1.5 x 750 Per Stick POA N5515 55% SBA Dark Green 1.5 x 750 Per Kilo POA N5515A 55% SBA Dark Green 1.5 x 750 Per Stick POA N5530 55% SBA Dark Green 3.0 x 750 Per Kilo POA N5530A 55% SBA Dark Green 3.0 x 750 Per Stick N5020 General Purpose Flux for Silver Brazing Alloy 198.00 6.58 550.00 5.98 550.00 13.80 Components 550.00 POA 35.75 250gm Pot • 5% Silver (Silver Tip) Suitable for copper to copper and copper alloys. No flux required for copper to copper. Use flux for copper alloys. Cadmium free. • 15% Silver (Tan Tip) Suitable for copper to copper and copper alloys, giving excellent ductility for high stressed joints. No flux required for copper to copper. Use flux for copper alloys. Cadmium free. • 34% Silver (Green) GP alloy for general engineering metals giving excellent fluidity with excellent gap filling qualities. Flux should be used. Cadmium free. • 55% Silver (Dark Green Tip) Excellent alloy, giving high strength with excellent capillary action. Good ability to fill fine gaps. Cadmium free. • Realcold recomend the use of General Purpose Flux, N5020, when brazing non-ferrous metals. Brazing Accessories Realcold Stock No. Description Sold Per N5022 La-Co Aluminium Repair Kit Complete with flux paste, (for easy soldering of aluminium to copper). Kit System Price $ Excl. GST 49.42 N0003 MA-Line Sand Cloth 1.1/2” 9 metre 11.62 N0005 MA-Line Sand Cloth 1.1/2” 22 metre 28.17 N0007 MA-Line Mesh Cloth 1.1/2” 45 metre 16.01 N0009 MA-Line Open Mesh Cloth 1.1/2” 9 metre 28.71 N0010 Emery Tape 80 grit 50 metre Roll 67.32 N0015 Emery Tape 180 grit 50 metre Roll 79.46 N5022 T0119 N0010 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit BRAZING TORCHES CB62 Components Bernzomatic Self-Igniting Brazing Torches Realcold Stock No. Description N6006 BERNZOMATIC Self-Igniting Brazing Torch A simple press of the piezo igniter gives instant flame for brazing. The high performance pressure regulator and swirl flame allows higher temperatures than conventional torches. Superior performance in cold weather. 116.74 N6010 Brazing Turbo Set 200 Excl. Gas CB66 Brazing Torch Description: A light weight welding and brazing system with disposable gas cylinder’s. Each kit contains: • Metal Storage carrier • Oxygen pressure reducers with HP gauge and flash back arrestors • Mapp Pro pressure reducer with LP gauge and flash back arrestors • 2 m hoses with connections • Hand piece with 160 I nozzle • 4 additional nozzles 63 – 100 – 250 – 315 I • Protective goggles • Multi-purpose spanner • Flint lighter • 2 x Welding Rod 500.00 N6050 Gas Canister (Disposable) 30.90 N6011 1L Oxygen Cylinder 95.00 N6010 Brazing Turbo Set 200 System Price $ Excl. GST Some helpful hints on using your Bernzomatic: • NOTE - USE only IN WELL VENTILATED AREAS • DO NOT ADJUST THE FLAME SO LOW THAT THE STEEL BURNER TIP BECOMES RED HOT OR DAMAGE TO THE TIP MAY RESULT. Q. Why does my torch head break at the air holes? A. In order to ensure that the cylinder does not break or explode if the torch is accidentally dropped or abused, BernzOmatic torches are designed to break safely at the air holes. Q. Why will my torch not stay lit when tipped upside down? A. When a non regulated brass torch is tipped upside down, the liquid propane in the torch works its way through the torch and blows out the flame Q. Why in cold weather do I only get a small flame out of my torch? A. The size of the torch flame varies with the pressure in the gas cylinder. When it is very cold there is only a small amount of gas pressure in the cylinder. Q. Why is my torch hard to light? A. Most torches light better when the valve is just cracked open, and there is a small gas flow. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit CHEMICALS CC63 Rectorseal Coil and Filter Cleaners Foam Brite Condenser Coil Cleaner - Non Acidic Penetrating non-acidic foaming action lifts and pushes contaminants and oxide off coils, including stubborn grease, tars and dirt, so that they can be rinsed away with water. Works in less than 5 minutes. Realcold Stock No. Description Pack Size System Price $ Excl. GST N0707 Greenleaf Foam Brite 1L spray 22.08 N0708 Greenleaf Foam Brite 5L 55.18 N0726 Greenleaf Non Caustic 5L 61.51 Realcold Stock No. Description Pack Size System Price $ Excl. GST N0727 Greenleaf Evaporator Coil Cleaner 1L spray 22.08 N0728 Greenleaf Evaporator Coil Cleaner 5L 55.18 N0729 Greenleaf Evaporator Coil Cleaner 20L 174.42 Clean-N-Safe ™ A non-acid, non-caustic, non-corrosive evaporator and condenser coil cleaner. It is completely biodegradable and is safe for use around people, animals, aquatic life, and vegetation, USDA-H1. Realcold Stock No. Description Pack Size System Price $ Excl. GST N0720 Clean-N-Safe ™ 3.8L 59.36 N0721 Clean-N-Safe ™ 568gm Aerosol spray can 27.34 CF-20 Internal Coil System Cleaner & Acid Neutraliser Replaces R11 as a flushing agent. Environmentally safe, biodegradable interior coil cleaner for refrigeration and air conditioning systems. To clean interior coils after a compressor failure or burn-out and to remove mineral oil residue in preparation for retrofitting. Realcold Stock No. Description Pack Size System Price $ Excl. GST N0820 Internal System Cleaner CF20 1L spray 123.42 System Price $ Excl. GST ® ™ Registered trade mark of The Rectorseal Corporation. Thread Sealants Realcold Stock No. Description Pack Size N0058 Nylog Blue 30ml POE Oil Sys. each 20.10 N0059 Nylog Red 30ml Mineral Oil Sys. each 20.10 N0063 Leak-Lock Tube 1oz tube 9.80 N0065 Leak-Lock Brush Top Plastic Jar 4oz tube 21.15 N0069 Teflon Thread Seal Tape 12 mm x 10m roll 3.00 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components Evaporator Coil Cleaner - Self Rinsing A clean evaporator is the first step in ensuring maximum compressor efficiency. Greenleaf Evaporator Coil Cleaner is a safe, biodegradable alkaline self rinsing coil cleaner. It has a safe, non acidic formula which can be used indoors. NZFSA Approved C101. CHEMICALS CC64 Miscellaneous Cleaners/ Disinfectants Eucalyptus All Purpose Cleaner & Degreaser A powerful all purpose cleaner & degreaser, with the added cleaning, deodorising and disinfecting power of natural eucalyptus oil. Sold as a concentrate. MAF approval C32. Realcold Stock No. Description Pack Size System Price $ Excl. GST N0752 Greenleaf All Purpose Cleaner 1L spray 22.65 N0753 Greenleaf All Purpose Cleaner 5L 62.33 N0754 Greenleaf All Purpose Cleaner 20L 222.77 Components Ice Machine Cleaner - Nickel Safe Biodegradable cleaner, specially formulated for removing scale deposits from ice machines with nickel or tin plated evaporators. Easy to use whilst providing a thoroughly clean machine. Sold as a concentrate. Realcold Stock No. Description Pack Size System Price $ Excl. GST N0712 Greenleaf Ice Machine Cleaner 1L 19.87 N0713 Greenleaf Ice Machine Cleaner 5L 55.74 KO Dirt Blaster High pressure cleaner- degreaser for filters, motors, relays, small condensers, etc. Blasts off dirt and grease without a rinse. Quick drying, electrically safe. Realcold Stock No. Description Pack Size System Price $ Excl. GST N0734 Stewart Hall KO Dirt Blaster - Aerosol 568gm 33.10 Coil And Duct Disinfectant An all in one spray that disinfects all surfaces, whilst also deodorising. A blend of Deodoriser and EPA Registered Hospital Grade QUAT Disinfectant kills a wide range of pathogens and sodium hypochlorite to kill legionaella pneumophila, and most air borne pneumonia bacteria. Realcold Stock No. Description Pack Size System Price $ Excl. GST N0746 Greenleaf Coil & Duct Disinfectant 1L spray 19.33 N0747 Greenleaf Coil & Duct Disinfectant 5L 48.57 Germicidal cleaner, deodorizer and disinfectant for ducts, coils, air filtering equipment and most other hard surfaces. Kills disease causing bacteria, as well as mould, fungi, and mildew. Helps cure bad odours, and Sick Building Syndrome reactions of sensitive people. N0748 Greenleaf Air Filter Cleaner 1L 23.18 N0749 Greenleaf Air Filter Cleaner 5L 56.76 Actabs Prevent drain pan overflow and odours. Patented dispenser avoids monthly applications. Lasts about 5 months. Actabs are placed in the drain pan. Realcold Stock No. Description Pack Size N0703 Stewart Hall Actabs Self-dispensing pack of 6 N0704 Stewart Hall Actabs JR 400g Bottle - approx. 200 tabs System Price $ Excl. GST 20.45 106.46 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit CHEMICALS CC65 Miscellaneous Chemicals Acid-Away® A unique chemical treatment for use in air conditioning and refrigeration systems that have experienced a burn out or operating systems that are showing a build-up of acid content. May be used in hermetic or semi hermetic compressors that operate with standard CFC or HCFC refrigerants using mineral and alkylbenzene type refrigeration oils. Acid-Away® has been tested in accordance with ANSI/ ASHRAE standards 86-1983 and 97-1989, along with various ASTM standards. Description Pack Size System Price $ Excl. GST N0800 Acid-Away® for Mineral/ Alkylbenzene Oils (not suitable for polyolester oils). 118ml bottle (4oz) 76.68 N0808 Acid-Away® for Polyolester Oils 118ml bottle (4oz) 83.86 Acid Test Kits Oil should be tested immediately after removal from unit. Realcold Stock No. Description Pack Size System Price $ Excl. GST T0117 ETK Refrigeration Oil Acid Test Kit - Polyolester Oil 118ml bottle (4oz) 31.06 T0118 TKO Refrigeration Oil Acid Test Kit 118ml bottle (4oz) 24.31 Coil Protectant Designed to protect coils and cabinets from corrosion. Realcold Stock No. Description Pack Size N0062 Blue Coil Guard 600ml System Price $ Excl. GST 83.33 Liquid Leak Detectors Big Blu Leak Reactant Realcold Stock No. Description Pack Size System Price $ Excl. GST T0440 Big Blu leak Reactant Complete With Spray Applicator 0.947 L 20.45 T0442 Big Blue Leak Reactant 3.785 L 77.22 ® ™ Registered trade mark of The Rectorseal Corporation. Visit and for additional product information and MSDS Data Sheets. ACTABS Actabs with its EPA registered biocide eliminates or prevents most blockages in air conditioning and refrigeration drain lines due to the buildup of bacterial slime, rust, scale, sludge, air bourne dust, silty and other solids. • Unique automatic metering dispenser • EPA Registered • Prevents Costly Water Overflow Damage • Eliminates Bacteria Casused Bad Odours • Can be used in Computer Rooms Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components Realcold Stock No. COMPRESSORS - SEALED RECIPROCATING CC66 L’Unite R404a Medium Temp Column Key: D = Displacement, OC = Oil Charge, FIG = Picture # Control = Cap/TEV for all models listed FIG = Picture # on page CC72 Realcold Stock No. Model Fig. Nom. Hp Appl. Watts Components -15°C Domestic - Commercial 220/240 Volt 50 Hz Single Phase C7010 AEZ4425Z Fig 1 1/5 HT 198 C7012 AEZ4430Z Fig 1 1/4 HT 258 C7014 AEZ4440Z Fig 1 1/3 HTW 357 C7016 CAE9450Z Fig 2 3/7 HTW 434 C7020 CAE9460Z Fig 2 1/2 HTW 500 C7021 CAE9470Z Fig 2 1/2 HTW 613 C7022 CAJ9480Z Fig 3 5/8 HTW 690 C7030 CAJ9510Z Fig 3 1.0 HTW 878 C7032 CAJ9513Z Fig 3 1.1/8 HTW 984 C7036 CAJ4517Z Fig 3 1.1/4 HT 1191 C7038 CAJ4519Z Fig 3 1.1/2 HT 1592 *C7040 FH4524Z Fig 4 2.0 HT 1587 *C7042 FH4531Z Fig 4 2.1/2 HT 2165 H (mm) Displ. (cm3) OC (L) System Price $ Excl. GST -10°C -5°C 0°C +7.2°C +15°C 263 346 462 567 663 803 911 1151 1349 1614 2121 2290 3029 341 441 590 731 857 1031 1173 1476 1770 2104 2739 3110 4029 432 550 743 927 1092 1305 1487 1866 2263 2677 3468 4073 5205 587 741 1004 1270 1517 1804 2060 2579 3145 3697 4780 5736 7412 787 1010 1342 1729 2139 2535 2903 3628 4418 5158 6683 8204 10325 186 186 199 212 212 215 271 282 282 282 282 354 370 4.50 5.70 7.55 9.40 11.30 13.30 15.20 18.30 24.20 25.95 34.45 43.50 56.65 .45 .45 .45 .45 .45 .45 .89 .89 .89 .89 .89 1.33 1.33 255.00 306.00 410.04 459.00 467.16 475.32 732.36 767.04 804.78 828.24 879.24 1,095.48 1,179.12 5066 5736 7412 9185 12151 13438 16908 7312 8204 10325 12764 17756 19488 24235 354 354 354 370 381 381 393 39.95 43.50 56.65 74.25 100.70 112.50 134.80 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.96 1.96 1.96 986.34 1,010.82 1,064.88 1,109.76 1,468.80 1,654.44 1,828.86 H (mm) Displ. (cm3) OC (L) System Price $ Excl. GST *C7040 and *C7042 are available both single and three phase - please state when ordering. Commercial 400 Volt 50 Hz Three Phase *C7048 TFH4522Z Fig 4 1.3/4 *C7050 TFH4524Z Fig 4 2.0 *C7054 TFH4531Z Fig 4 2.1/2 *C7058 TFH4540Z Fig 4 3.0 *C7070P^ TAG4553Z Fig 5 4.1/2 *C7074P^ TAG4561Z Fig 5 5.0 *C7082P^ TAG4573Z Fig 5 6.1/4 HT HT HT HT HT HT HT 1322 1587 2165 2948 3115 3720 5167 1924 2290 3029 4023 4537 5305 7018 2640 3110 4029 5263 6240 7171 9245 3501 4073 5205 6716 8302 9403 11946 L’Unite R404a Low Temp Realcold Stock No. Model Fig. Nom. Hp Appl. Watts -35°C -30°C -23.3°C -20°C -15°C -10°C Commercial 220/240 Volt 50 Hz Single Phase C0532 AEZ2415Z Fig 1 3/8 LT C0545 CAE2417Z Fig 6 1/2 LT C0551 CAE2420Z Fig 6 1/2 LT C0554 CAE2424Z Fig 6 5/8 LT C0573 CAJ2432Z Fig 3 3/4 LT C0580 CAJ2446Z Fig 3 1 LT C0592 CAJ2464Z Fig 3 1.1/2 LT *C0599 FH2480Z Fig 4 2 LT C0600 FH2511Z Fig 4 3 LT 160 161 232 291 310 546 760 738 1380 231 280 357 413 478 799 1096 1319 2016 355 460 547 630 765 1194 1605 2183 3135 429 557 654 759 935 1443 1887 2662 3796 560 716 836 990 1247 1848 2412 3551 4931 712 891 1047 1266 1593 2322 3030 4505 6303 199 212 212 215 271 282 282 370 370 8.10 11.30 12.54 15.00 18.30 26.15 34.45 53.20 74.25 .45 .45 .45 .45 .89 .89 .89 1.625 1.625 343.74 395.76 346.80 489.60 657.90 748.68 792.54 1,122.00 1,015.00 Commercial 400 Volt 50 Hz Three Phase *C7120 TFH2480Z Fig 4 2.0 *C7122P^ TFH2511Z Fig 4 3.0 *C7126P^ TAG2516Z Fig 5 4.0 *C7128P^ TAG2522Z Fig 5 5.0 738 1380 1765 2395 1319 2016 2704 3542 2183 3135 4356 5522 2662 3796 5335 6688 3551 4931 7043 8711 4505 6303 9038 11062 354 354 381 393 53.20 74.25 112.50 134.80 1.625 1.625 1.96 1.96 1,083.24 1,208.70 1,645.26 1,777.86 LT LT LT LT All above compressors use Polyolester Oil and require fan cooling. Refer to Realcold Technical Department for Tandem Compressor packages up to 12HP. * These items include crankcase heater and oil sight glass. P^ These items include an oil level sight glass and connections for oil and pressure equalising lines. Use Acid-Away to solve burn-out and acid build up situations. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit COMPRESSORS - SEALED RECIPROCATING CC67 L’Unite R134a Low Temp Column Key: D = Displacement, OC = Oil Charge, FIG = Picture # Control = Cap/TEV for all models listed FIG = Picture # on page CC72-CC73 Realcold Stock No. Model Fig Nom. Hp Appl. Capacity (w) @ 32° Ambient -35°C -30°C -23.3°C -20°C -15°C H (mm) D (cm3) OC (L) C Control System Price $ Excl. GST -10°C C0501 AZ1335Y Fig 13 1/8 LT 42 58 89 108 141 180 169 4.0 .40 S Cap 233.58 C0513 THB1340Y Fig 13 1/8 LT 44 66 104 126 163 205 169 4.23 .25 S Cap 240.00 C0508 THB1365Y Fig 5 1/5 LT 68 96 147 177 229 289 169 6.1 .27 S Cap 205.02 C0522 AEZ2380Y Fig 1 1/4 LT 94 144 223 267 338 417 199 9.4 .45 SOC Cap/ TEV 328.44 C0530 CAE2410Y Fig 7 1/3 LT 92 151 259 324 436 566 199 12.00 .45 F Cap/ TEV 377.40 C0534 CAE2412Y Fig 7 3/8 LT 96 174 306 382 514 663 199 14.20 .45 F Cap/ TEV 392.70 H (mm) D (cm3) OC (L) C Control System Price $ Excl. GST L’Unite R134a Medium Temp Realcold Stock No. Model Fig Nom. Hp Appl. Watts -15°C -10°C -5°C 0°C +7.2°C +15°C Domestic - Commercial 220/240 Volt 50 Hz Single Phase C0511 THB4415YFZ Fig 13 1/8 HT 123 160 206 262 363 502 169 4.23 .27 S Cap/ TEV 266.22 C0512 THB4419YFZ Fig 13 1/6 HT 149 194 251 319 439 602 172 5.20 .27 S Cap/ TEV 288.66 C0518 AEZ4425Y Fig 1 1/5 HT 185 260 350 455 635 866 186 7.60 .45 F Cap/ TEV 313.14 C0525 AEZ4430Y Fig 1 1/4 HT 245 328 432 558 777 1065 199 8.80 .45 F Cap/ TEV 335.58 C0535 CAE4440Y Fig 7 1/3 HT 310 421 561 731 1026 1413 199 12.00 .45 F Cap/ TEV 387.60 C0536 CAE4448Y Fig 6 3/8 HT 403 530 693 892 1242 1705 212 14.20 .45 F Cap/ TEV 419.22 C0537 CAE4456Y Fig 6 3/7 HT 458 604 787 1009 1396 1904 212 16.20 .45 F Cap/ TEV 450.84 C0550 CAJ4461Y Fig 3 1/2 HT 475 642 856 1115 1569 2246 258 18.30 .89 F Cap/ TEV 596.70 C0575 CAJ4492Y Fig 3 3/4 HT 584 871 1215 1617 2295 3303 271 25.95 .89 F Cap/ TEV 703.80 C0590 CAJ4511Y Fig 3 1 HT 878 1227 1654 282 32.70 .89 F Cap/ TEV 793.56 **C0593* FH4518Y Fig 4 1.1/2 HT 1036 1650 2371 3200 4583 6333 330 53.20 1.33 F Cap/ TEV 1,013.88 **C0595* FH4525Y Fig 4 2 HT 1667 2343 3201 4239 6053 8442 354 74.25 1.33 F Cap/ TEV 1,370.88 2160 3026 4165 Commercial 400 Volt 50 Hz Three Phase **C0594* TFH4518Y Fig 4 1.1/2 HT 1036 1650 2371 3200 4583 6333 354 53.20 1.33 F Cap/ TEV 1,242.36 **C0596* TFH4525Y Fig 4 2 HT 1667 2343 3201 4239 6053 8442 354 74.25 1.33 F Cap/ TEV 1,330.08 All above compressors use Polyolester oil. * Please state option when ordering, ie 1 phase or 3 phase. ** Includes crankcase heater. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components Domestic - Commercial 220/240 Volt 50 Hz Single Phase COMPRESSORS - SEALED RECIPROCATING CC68 L’Unite Sealed Air Conditioning Rated in Watts at +7.2°C SST/+54.5°C SCT, for capillary use only. Realcold Stock No. Model Fig Watts H (mm) D (cm3) OT OC (L) C System Price $ Excl. GST 271 18.60 M .89 F 677.28 684.42 Air Conditioning R22 220/240 Volt 50 Hz Single Phase Components C0110 AJ5510F Fig 10 2447 C0111 AJ5512E Fig 10 2909 271 21.75 M .89 F C0123 AJ5513E Fig 10 3214 271 24.20 M .89 F 698.70 C0124 AJ5515E Fig 10 3632 271 25.95 M .89 F 732.36 C0126 AJ5518E Fig 10 4555 282 32.70 M .89 F 732.36 C0127 AJ5519E Fig 10 4780 282 34.45 M .89 F 773.16 C0129 FH5524F Fig 11 5718 330 43.50 M 1.33 F 954.72 C0138 FH5527E Fig 11 6487 330 49.10 M 1.33 F 963.90 L’Unite Sealed Tandem Compressor Kit Commercial Medium Temp Realcold Stock No. Model Fig WATTS @ -5°C SCT R22 H (mm) D (cm3) OT OC (L) C System Price $ Excl. GST 225 POE 1.96 F 4,056.54 R404a L’Unite Tagd Twin Compressors R22/R404a 400 Volt 50Hz Three Phase C7105 TAGD4612Z Fig 12 16368 14342 565.0 Features of the Tandem System • Twin compressor configuration enable a more precise control of the system capacity to match the cooling demand and thereby the number of starts to a minimum to improve reliability. • Capacity control - cycle one compressor off at low load conditions for power saving. • Sequence start up of compressors reducing start up current. • 50% redundant capacity in the event of one compressor failing. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit COMPRESSORS - SEALED RECIPROCATING L’Unite Sealed Compressors CC69 L’Unite Sealed - Introduction L’Unite Hermetique is 100% owned by Tecumseh, USA. Hermetic compressors are manufactured in Europe and marketed by Tecumseh Europe. Where applicable all L’Unite compressors come complete with full electrics and rotalock valves included in cost. FH - TFH - TAG & *TAGD compressors come complete with crankcase heaters and oil level sight glasses. NB. A/C compressors may not have accessories attached. Merits of TAGD • capacity control according to the system demands • reduced energy consumption due to low torque start and sequence starting • reduced number of starts. Terminology LT (LBP) Low Temperature - Evaporating Temp Range -40˚C / -10˚C HT (HBP) High Temperature - Evaporating Temp Range -15˚C / +15˚C HT W (M/HBP) High Temperature Wide Range - Evaporating Temp Range -25˚C / +15˚C AC Air Conditioning - Evaporating Temp Range -10˚C / +10˚C S/F Static Cooled/Fan Cooled F Fan Cooled SOC Static with oil cooler CAP Capillary Controlled CAP/TEV Capillary or Expansion Valve Controlled FH RK For suitable compressor oils, please see Lubricants Section M Mineral Oil AB Alkylbenzene Oil P Polyolester Oil Warranty: See Warranty section at front of catalogue for more details. CAJ TAGD *Dual Compressor Tecumseh Europe Rating Conditions Applications Ambient Evaporator outlet and return gas super heated Condensing Entering exp. valve Low Temperature domestic and commercial refrigeration (LBP) +32˚C +32˚C +54.5˚C +32˚C Other Applications (M/HBP-AC) +35˚C 11K +54.5˚C +46.1˚C Note: Visit for additional product information. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components T/FH COMPRESSORS - SEALED RECIPROCATING Components CC70 Figure One Figure Two Figure Three Figure Four Figure Five Figure Six Specified compressor heights are indicative of series dimensions. Certain model heights vary from specification. Please consult Realcold if the compressor height is crucial. Visit for additional product information. Figure Seven Figure Eight Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit COMPRESSORS - SEALED RECIPROCATING Figure Nine Figure Ten Figure Eleven Figure Twelve Figure Thirteen Figure Fourteen Figure Fifteen Figure Sixteen Specified compressor heights are indicative of series dimensions. Certain model heights vary from specification. Please consult Realcold if the compressor height is crucial. Visit for additional product information. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components CC71 COMPRESSORS - SEALED ROTARY CC72 L’Unite Sealed Rotary Compressors - Vertical Column Key: D = Displacement Realcold Stock No. Model Fig Watts D (cm3) H (mm) OT OC (L) System Price $ Excl. GST C L’Unite Sealed R22 220/240 Volt 50Hz Single Phase C7210 RK5512E Fig 16 2771 290 16.3 M 0.422 F 575.28 C7216 RK5515E Fig 15 3600 312 21.4 M 0.452 F 659.94 C7218 RK5518E Fig 15 4195 312 24.4 M 0.452 F 696.66 L’Unite Sealed Rotary HGA Compressors - Horizontal - R404a Medium Temp Components Realcold Stock No. Model Nom. Hp Appl. Watts Displ. (m3/h) -15°C -10°C -5°C 0°C +7.2°C +15°C System Price $ Excl. GST L’Unite Sealed R404a 220/240 Volt 50 Hz Single Phase C7304 HGA4467Z 3/7 MT 679 847 1047 1283 1557 1872 9.5 683.40 C7308 HGA4480Z 1/2 MT 825 1017 1252 1530 1851 2212 11.5 888.42 C7312 HGA4492Z 1/2 MT 905 1133 1398 1706 2060 2468 12.7 902.70 C7316 HGA4512Z 5/8 MT 1163 1438 1770 2160 2609 3118 16.1 1,271.94 L’Unite R134a Medium Temp Realcold Stock No. Model Nom. Hp Appl. Watts Displ. (m3/h) -15°C -10°C -5°C 0°C +7.2°C +15°C System Price $ Excl. GST L’Unite Sealed R134a 220/240 Volt 50 Hz Single Phase C7320 HGA4445Y 1/4 MT 392 493 618 770 954 1173 9.5 C7324 HGA4450Y 1/3 MT 501 625 778 963 1184 1445 11.5 615.06 C7328 HGA4460Y 1/3 MT 537 677 844 1045 1287 1576 12.7 650.76 C7332 HGA4476Y 3/7 MT 696 870 1086 1349 1662 2030 16.1 683.40 588.54 L’Unite R404a Low Temp Realcold Stock No. Model Nom. Hp Appl. Watts Displ. (m3/h) -30°C -23.3°C -20°C -15°C -10°C System Price $ Excl. GST L’Unite Sealed R404a 220/240 Volt 50 Hz Single Phase C7336 HGA2426Z 3/8 LT 465 630 720 883 1075 9.5 636.48 C7340 HGA2432Z 1/2 LT 566 766 873 1066 1291 11.5 683.40 C7344 HGA2436Z 1/2 LT 610 826 944 1158 1408 12.7 820.08 C7348 HGA2446Z 5/8 LT 789 1073 1227 1507 1838 16.1 834.36 Vertical Compressors Horizontal Compressor Horizontal Compressor cross section Contact your local Realcold branch for our full range of Air Conditioning Rotary Compressors. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit COMPRESSORS - SEALED ROTARY ACCESSORIES CC73 L’Unite Sealed Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST C1900 C1901 C1902 C1903 C1930 Terminal box cover to suit AEZ compressor Overload cover to suit CAJ compressor Terminal box to suit CAJ compressor Electrical Box for TAGD Packs Sight Glass Kit to suit FH, TFH, TAG & TAN compressors 9.49 13.67 62.02 148.92 63.04 Rotalock Valves - L’Unite Receivers Connection (mm)) Tube Size OD. (mm) C1922 C1923 C1908 C1909 19.1 19.1 23.5 23.5 6.3 9.5 6.3 9.5 System Price $ Excl. GST 87.21 87.21 84.05 84.05 Rotalock Valves - L’Unite Compressors Realcold Stock No. Connection Tube Size (mm) OD. (mm) Suits - Suction Suits - Discharge System Price $ Excl. GST C1911 23.5 12.7 CAJ2446Z, CAJ4416Y, CAJ4492Y, CAJ9480Z 89.30 C1912 23.5 15.9 C1913 31.8 15.9 31.8 22.2 TAG2516Z, TAG2522Z, TAG4553Z, TAG4561Z, TAG4573Z - 105.06 C1916 C1917 31.8 28.6 CAJ2464Z, CAJ4511Y, CAJ4517Z, CAJ4519Z, CAJ9510Z, CAJ9513Z (T)FH2480Z, (T)FH2511Z, FH4518Y, (T)FH4524Z, (T)FH4525Y (T)FH4531Z, TAG2516Z, TAG4553Z, TFH4540Z TAG2522Z, TAG4561Z, TAG4573Z TFH4524Z, TFH4540Z, (T)FH2480Z, FH2511Z, FH4518Y, FH4525Y, (T)FH4513Z, TFH2511Z - 89.30 151.98 161.16 - Crankcase Heaters Realcold Stock No. Model C1001 H-101 C1003 C1005 C1007 System Price $ Excl. GST Description 40.49 54W 240 Volt Suitable for L’Unite AH and TAH compressors Suitable for Kirby AH, AG and CL compressors H-102 60W 240 Volt Suitable for L’Unite AJ and CAJ compressors Suitable for Kirby AJ compressors Crankcase Heater to suit FH, TFH & TAG Series Crankcase Heater to suit TAN Series - 2 per kit Maximum Torque Settings Valve Spindle Small Valves 19 mm square body 22 mm square body 28 mm square body Nm (cm Kg) 11.7 14 21 35 (115) (138) (207) (344) Valve cap on Rotalock ¼” (7/16” thread) 3/8” (5/8” thread) ½” (3/4” thread) ¾” (7/8” thread) 14 30.5 45 59 (138) (300) (442) (580) 48.86 90.37 145.86 Rotalock valves on compressors and receivers (with joint) ¾” thread 56.5 (553) 1” thread 84.5 (829) 1 ¼” thread 141 (1382) 1 ½” thread 197 (1935) 1 ¾” thread 317 (3110) Connections on parallel mounted versions 1 ¾” thread 107 (1050) 5/8” thread 45 (442) Sight Glass 1 1/8” 51(500) Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components Realcold Stock No. COMPRESSORS - SEALED ROTARY ACCESSORIES CC74 Solid State Relays Realcold Stock No. Components RO RSC Model Description HP/Voltage System Price $ Excl. GST C4000 ICG 220 220V Solid State Relay 1/12 HP through 1/2 HP 22.08 C4005 PO 230 230V Solid State Relay 1/12 HP through 1/2 HP 20.50 C4020 RO-82 220V Relay & Overload 1/12, 1/10, 1/8 HP 43.61 C4015 RO-62 220V Relay & Overload 1/6, 1/5 HP 43.61 1/4, 1/3 HP C4010 RO-42 220V Relay & Overload C4025 RSC-20 220V Solid State Start Relay & Capacitor (43 - 52MFD) 43.61 54.67 C4030 RCO-820 230V 3 n' 1 Start Relay 1/12, 1/10, 1/8 HP 59.36 C4035 RCO-620 230V 3 n' 1 Start Relay 1/6, 1/5 HP 59.36 59.36 C4040 RCO-420 230V 3 n' 1 Start Relay 1/4, 1/3 HP C4050 SPP-5 230V Starter Pow-R-Pak PSG A/C 4000-120000 BTU 45.19 C4062 APR-5 Universal Replacement Relay Pick up voltage 130V-370V 115.26 Applications For Solid State Relays ICG Series: • One size for all compressors 1/12 through 1/2 HP. • Will replace most current relays. • Can be used with or without start capacitor. RCO PO Series: • One size for all compressors 1/12 through 1/2 HP. • Replaces all push-on current type relays. • For use on compressors with “pin type” terminals. • Can be used on all capacitor and non-capacitor start motors. • Lowest resistance solid state relay. • Will restart a balanced system within one minute. RO RO Series: • Relay and overload in one combination unit. • Pre-wired for fast, simple installation. • Superior locked rotor protection eliminates start winding overheating. • Replaces all hermetic compressor relay and overload units 1/12 through 1/3 HP. ICG • Can be used in conjunction with a start capacitor. RSC Series: • One size for all compressors 1/12 through 1/2 HP both domestic and commercial. • A combined solid state starting relay and capacitor. • Completely pre-wired. • Replaces current type relays. PO • Provides added boost for hard start and unbalanced systems. • Prevents low voltage starting problems. (No additional wires required.) RCO Series: • The 3 n’ 1 Start Relay replaces all three electrical components, Relay, Overload, and Start Capacitor, on all capillary systems. • Completely pre-wired. • Installs quickly and easily, simply by pushing on 3 female pin terminals. APR5 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit COMPRESSORS - COPELAND SCROLL™ CC75 Copeland Scroll™ Compressors - Introduction Copeland Scroll™ Compressors are manufactured by Emerson Climate Technologies. With its European Headquarters based in Germany and manufacturing plants all around Europe, Emerson Climate Technologies is the world’s largest provider of HVAC/R solutions, delivering simple answers for commercial, industrial, and residential applications. Standard Copeland Scroll™ Compressor unit includes: • Compressor filled with ester oil • Rotalock connections • Oil sight glass • Schraeder connection for oil fill or drain Components • Rubber mountings • Electronic protection module on all compressors from 7.5 to 15hp Features & Benefits • Designed to meet the specific needs in refrigeration (medium and low temperature applications). • Wide range of operations (2 to 15hp for all R404a, R134S and R22 applications). • High efficiencies all year round (continuous scroll flank contact maintained by centrifugal force minimizing gas leakage, maximising efficiency). • Capacity control (modulation range is continuous from 10 to 100%). • Compactness (Small footprint with reduced weight by up to 50% compared to standard semi-hermetic compressors). • Robustness and reliability (Stringent qualification tests ensure maximum reliability, Teflon coated bearings, fewer parts). • Compressor protection (All 2 to 6HP compressors are supplied with internal thermal protectors and all 7.5hp to 15hp models feature an electronic module). • Smooth operation (Designed with a discharge check valve). • Asercom certified performance data (Compressor delivers performance defined and published by the manufacturer via simulative data testing performed by experts and regular measurement at independent bodies. ZB11MCE ZB92KCE ZB38KC ZB19KC ZBD45 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit COMPRESSORS - COPELAND SCROLL™ CC76 Copeland Scroll™ - R22 Medium Temp Column Key: FIG = Picture #, D = Displacement, W = Weight for all models listed Components Realcold Stock No. Model Fig. Nom. Hp Capacity (w) @ 45° Condensing Temp R22 Displ. (m3/hr) Weight (Kg) System Price $ Excl. GST - 15°C - 10°C -5°C 0°C + 5°C +7.2°C Air Conditioning - 220/240 Volt 50 Hz Single Phase CS0044 ZR28K3E-PFJ Fig 2 2.5 CS0047 ZR36K3E-PFJ Fig 2 3.0 CS0049A ZR42K3E-PFJ Fig 2 3.5 CS0050 ZR47K3E-PFJ Fig 3 4.0 CS0054 ZR68KCE-PFJ Fig 3 5.5 2880 3550 4190 5030 6720 3660 4430 5220 6320 8020 4530 5460 6410 7790 10210 5530 6620 7790 9470 12750 6650 7940 9370 11370 14160 7290 8690 10270 12435 15970 6.80 8.60 9.90 11.0 6.1 27 29 30 31 40 905.76 991.44 1,106.70 1,245.42 1,402.50 Air Conditioning - 380/420 Volt 50 Hz Three Phase CS0052 ZR61KCE-TFD Fig 3 5.0 CS0060 ZR68KCE-TFD Fig 3 5.5 CS0062 ZR72KCE-TFD Fig 3 6.0 CS0064 ZR81KCE-TFD Fig 3 6.5 CS0065 ZR94KCE-TFD Fig 4 8.0 CS0067 ZR108KCE-TFD Fig 4 9.0 CS0069 ZR125KCE-TFD Fig 4 10.0 CS0071 ZR144KCE-TFD Fig 4 12.0 5800 6720 7720 84100 9130 11200 12980 14770 7420 8020 9610 10530 11480 14080 16320 19020 9330 10210 11750 13040 14060 17320 20070 23680 11500 12750 14160 15890 17000 20970 24300 28890 13900 14160 16890 19060 20410 25130 29130 34780 15200 15970 18425 20775 22395 27505 31880 37630 14.4 16.2 17.06 18.75 22.12 24.87 29.08 33.20 36 39 39 39 57 60 61 61 1,318.86 1,449.42 1,407.60 1,570.80 2,089.98 2,363.34 2,472.48 2,724.42 Displ. (m3/hr) Weight (Kg) R404a Medium Temp Realcold Stock No. Model Fig Nom. Hp Capacity (w) @ 45° Condensing Temp R404a -15°C -10°C -5°C 0°C +5°C +7.2°C System Price $ Excl. GST Air Conditioning - 380/420 Volt 50 Hz Three Phase - R410a* CS0220 CS0230 ZP235KCETWD-522 ZP385KCETWD-522 Fig 5 20.0 25100 31300 38400 46600 53350 60100 36.30 140 7,491.90 Fig 5 30.0 41600 51400 62800 76000 86850 97700 66.70 176 10,416.24 * A full range of R410a Scroll Compressors is available on indent R404a Low Temp Realcold Stock No. Model Fig Nom. Hp Refrigeration 380/420 Volt 50 Hz Three Phase CS0017 ZF18K4E-TFD Fig 6 6.0 CS0020 ZF24K4E-TWD Fig 7 7.5 CS0024 ZF33K4E-TWD Fig 7 10.0 CS0028 ZF40K4E-TWD Fig 8 13.0 CS0032 ZF48K4E-TWD Fig 8 15.0 CS0118 ZB30KCE-TFD Fig 9 4.0 CS0120 ZB38KCE-TFD Fig 9 5.0 CS0122 ZB45KCE-TFD Fig 9 6.0 CS0126 ZB58KQE-TFD Fig 10 8.0 CS0130 ZB76KQE-TFD Fig 11 10.0 CS0136 ZB92KCE-TWD Fig 1 13.0 CS0138 ZB11MCE-TWD Fig 1 15.0 Capacity (w) @ 45° Condensing Temp R404a -25°C -20°C -15°C -10°C -5°C 0°C +7.2°C 5.14 6.37 8.75 10.85 13.10 3.19 4.01 4.73 5.25 8.12 9.00 12.45 6.39 7.89 10.90 13.45 16.35 4.07 5.09 6.00 7.42 10.55 12.30 15.50 7.89 9.69 13.45 16.55 20.20 5.12 6.38 7.51 9.75 13.35 16.00 19.15 9.66 11.80 16.50 20.20 24.80 6.37 7.91 9.31 12.35 16.55 20.10 23.40 11.75 14.35 20.10 24.60 30.10 7.84 9.72 11.45 15.25 20.30 24.90 28.40 14.15 17.35 24.30 29.70 36.20 9.56 11.85 13.90 18.60 24.70 30.30 34.20 18.25 22.40 31.30 38.30 46.30 13.85 15.40 18.05 24.10 31.90 39.10 43.50 Displ. (m3/hr) System Price $ Excl. GST 17.06 20.86 28.78 35.55 42.76 11.68 14.37 17.06 22.12 28.82 35.55 42.76 3,430.26 4,369.68 4,916.40 5,435.58 5,962.92 1,801.32 1,875.78 2,011.44 2,485.74 2,653.02 5,502.90 6,112.86 Note: Duty ratings based on 45°C condensing temp & 2K sub-cooling. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit COMPRESSORS - COPELAND SCROLL™ CC77 Copeland Scroll™ Compressors Accessories Description System Price $ Excl. GST CCS1000 Start Capacitor ZR68 52.02 CCS1001 Start Capacitor ZR28 - 47 22.08 CCS1002 Run Capacitor ZR68 33.66 CCS1003 Run Capacitor ZR28 22.59 CCS1004 Run Capacitor ZR42 - 47 38.91 CCS1005 Run Capacitor ZR36 24.17 CCS1006 C/Case Heater ZR84 -144, ZB58-76 46.77 CCS1007 C/Case Heater ZR22 - 81, ZB30-45 32.08 CCS1008 Crankcase Heater ZR16 - 19M 32.08 CCS1009 Suction Rotalock Seal 1.12 CCS1010 Suction Rotalock Seal 4.85 CCS1011 Potential Relay ZR68 110.16 CCS1012 Current Relay ZF 171.36 CCS1013 Potential Relay ZR28 - 42 35.75 CCS1014 Summit Temp T/Stat 23.66 CCS1017 Valve Kit ZB58 194.82 CCS1018 Valve Kit ZF18 126.48 CCS1019 Valve Kit ZF24 183.60 CCS1020 Valve Kit ZF33 - 40, ZB92 173.40 CCS1021 Valve Kit ZF48, ZB11 216.24 CCS1023 CC Heater ZF40 - 48, ZB92 39.42 CCS1024 Crankcase Heater ZP385 82.52 CCS1025 Crankcase Heater ZP235 79.36 Figure One Figure One Dimensions Model A +/- 3 (mm) C (mm) C1 (mm) D (mm) E (mm) F (mm) H (mm) ZB92KCE 492 209 176 306 55 88 551 ZB11MCE 533 209 176 306 55 88 596 Note: Specified compressor heights are indicative of series dimensions. Certain model heights vary from specification. Please consult Realcold if the compressor height is crucial. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components Realcold Stock No. COMPRESSORS - COPELAND SCROLL™ CC78 Air Conditioning Figure Two Dimensions Model H (mm) D (mm) S (mm) ZR28K3E 383 357 264 ZR36K3E 406 380 283.5 ZR42K3E 419 393.8 296.3 Components Figure Three Dimensions Figure Two Model H (mm) ZR47K3E 436 D (mm) S (mm) ZR61KCE 476 429 316 ZR68KCE 476 429 316 ZR72KCE 476 429 316 ZR81KCE 462 433 316 Figure Three Figure Four Dimensions Model H (mm) D (mm) S (mm) ZR94KCE 495 463 113 ZR108KCE 552 520 141 ZR125KCE 552 520 141 ZR144KCE 552 520 141 Figure Five Dimensions Model H (mm) D (mm) ZP235KCE 713 685 S (mm) 352 ZP385KCE 716 678 394 Specified compressor heights are indicative of series dimensions. Certain model heights vary from specification. Please consult Realcold if the compressor height is crucial. Figure Four Figure Five Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit COMPRESSORS - COPELAND SCROLL™ CC79 Refrigeration Figure Six Dimensions Model ZF18K4E A +/- 3 (mm) C +/- 3 (mm) D (mm) 410 233 297 E (mm) F (mm) G (mm) H (mm) 48 81 341 489 Figure Seven Dimensions Model F (mm) G (mm) H (mm) ZF24K4E 496 209 176 306 55 88 359 561 ZF33K4E 496 209 176 306 55 88 359 561 F (mm) G (mm) H (mm) Components Figure Six A +/- 3 (mm) C (mm) C1 (mm) D (mm) E (mm) Figure Seven Figure Eight Dimensions Model A +/- 3 (mm) C (mm) C1 (mm) D (mm) E (mm) ZF40K4E 504 209 176 306 55 88 366 569 ZF48K4E 533 209 176 306 55 88 366 598 Figure Nine Dimensions Model Figure Eight A +/- 3 (mm) C (mm) C1 (mm) D (mm) E (mm) F (mm) H (mm) ZB30KCE 410 233 - 297 48 81 457 ZB38KCE 410 233 - 297 48 81 457 ZB45KCE 410 233 - 297 48 81 457 Figure Nine Figure Ten Dimensions Model H (mm) W (mm) L (mm) ZB58KQE 477 284.2 263.6 Figure Eleven Dimensions Model H (mm) W (mm) L (mm) ZB76KQE 546.1 284.2 263.6 Specified compressor heights are indicative of series dimensions. Certain model heights vary from specification. Please consult Realcold if the compressor height is crucial. Figure Ten Figure Eleven Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit COMPRESSORS - SEMI SEALED RECIPROCATING CC80 Frascold Semi Sealed Compressors - Introduction Frascold History: The Fraschini Company was founded in 1936 to produce open drive compressors. Renamed Frascold in 1965, the company continued to develop its range of open drive compressors, adding a semi-hermetic reciprocating range by 1975. Since 1987 the factor production line has been continually upgraded with computer controlled machining processes, and this has enabled Frascold to increase production and maintain very high manufacturing standards. Quality control procedures conform to EN ISO 9001 standard. Components Frascold’s initiative and technology has led to the development of its low clearance high capacity design, where the piston head is shaped to suit the suction valve reed profile. This results in very low clearance, which is a major factor in improving performance and efficiency in respect to standard compressors. The process of continual improvements has made Frascold a world leader as a manufacturer and supplier of semi-hermetic compressors throughout the world. Its modern, high performance range of semi-hermetic compressors is suitable for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning applications. Ranging from 3.93 cubic metres per hour through to 205.80 cubic metres per hour and with refrigeration capacities from 200 watts through to 280,000 watts, Frascold’s semi-hermetic compressors are able to run on a large range of modern refrigerants. Notes on the Frascold Range Please note that the superheat of the suction vapour entering the compressor must not exceed the values stated by the manufacturer. Failure to adhere to this will void any warranty or performance claims. Frascold offers a range of CO2 compressors, suitable for sub-critical system from 1.5HP to 9HP and trans-critical 10HP to 25HP. Evaporating Range - Guideline Only All compressors are suction vapour cooled. Refer to Compressor Data Book for individual operating ranges. H +10°C/0°C M 0°C/-15°C L -15°C/-30°C See Warranty section at the front of catalogue for Warranty details Single Phase: Protection with thermal Klixon. Three Phase: Inherent protection, thermistor with control relay. All Frascold compressors are charged with Polyolester oils. Please refer to our Technical Department for refrigerant blend applications. Our Technical Department is only too happy to select equipment and provide quotations for all your requirements. Refer to Spares Section at the rear of this catalogue, for Frascold Compressor Spares. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit COMPRESSORS - SEMI SEALED RECIPROCATING CC81 Frascold Semi Sealed - Medium/ Low Temp Column Key: FIG = Picture #, D = Displacement, W = Weight for all models listed Realcold Stock No. Model Hp/kW Nom. Disp. m3/hr Oil Charge Litres Nominal Capacity (Kw) R404a R134a -5.00 -25.00 -5.00 System Price $ Excl. GST Single Phase 220/240 Volt 50 Hz C5016 A16 1.0 5.47 1.25 3.30 1.40 1.60 2,176.68 C5033 A157 1.5 6.91 1.25 4.20 1.70 2.00 2,178.72 C5038 B159 1.5 8.96 1.25 5.30 2.20 2.60 2,244.00 A C5031 A157 1.5 6.91 1.25 4.20 1.65 2.60 2,175.66 C5036 B159 1.5 8.96 1.25 5.30 2.00 3.40 1,864.56 C5046 B210 2.0 9.84 1.25 5.90 2.30 3.70 2,175.66 C5051 D213 2.0 13.84 1.5 - 3.20 5.00 2,762.16 C5061 D313 3.0 13.84 1.5 8.20 3.10 4.90 2,921.28 C5071 D318 3.0 17.93 1.5 - 4.50 6.90 2,911.08 C5078 D418 4.0 17.93 1.2 11.20 4.60 7.20 2,909.04 C5086 F424 4.0 23.6 2.6 14.70 5.80 9.10 3,374.16 C5095 F524 5.0 23.6 2.6 14.50 5.50 8.90 3,211.98 C5096 Q528Y 5.0 27.88 1.8 - 6.70 10.20 3,942.30 C5097 Q533Y 5.0 32.66 1.8 - 8.10 11.90 4,266.66 C5098 Q728 7.5 27.31 2.6 17.70 6.90 10.20 4,195.26 C5124 S733 7.5 32.8 3.3 20.70 8.30 12.80 5,203.02 C5127 S739 7.5 38.25 3.3 24.60 10.20 15.30 5,365.20 C5129 S1039 10.0 38.25 3.3 24.60 10.20 15.20 5,508.00 C5133 S1051 10.0 50.43 3.3 - 13.20 19.50 5,973.12 C5137 S1551 15.0 50.43 3.3 31.70 12.70 19.30 5,200.98 C5155 V1559 15.0 58.48 4.25 37.30 15.20 23.30 6,701.40 C5160 V1571 15.0 70.77 4.25 - 17.90 27.60 7,723.44 C5165 V2059 20.0 58.84 4.25 36.80 13.50 23.40 7,138.98 C5172 V2084 20.0 83.81 4.25 - 20.20 30.40 8,746.50 C5185 V2571 25.0 70.77 4.25 44.20 16.50 26.60 8,892.36 C5190 Z25106 25.0 106.16 5 67.90 25.70 37.80 11,516.82 C5192 V3084 30.0 83.81 4.25 53.30 20.20 30.50 9,754.26 C5198 Z30126 30.0 125.72 7.5 - 29.80 46.50 12,377.70 C5200 Z35106 35.0 106.16 5 67.50 25.80 40.90 11,503.56 C5206 Z40126 40.0 125.72 7.5 79.00 29.50 48.20 12,816.30 C5210 Z40154 40.0 154.38 7.5 - 40.00 56.20 14,991.96 C5215 Z50154 50.0 154.38 7.5 96.30 36.20 57.50 16,014.00 C5233 W50187 50.0 186.1 8 - 42.90 68.60 18,202.92 C5234 W60187 60.0 186.1 8 119.70 44.90 69.80 18,933.24 C5235 W60206 60.0 205.8 8 131.20 49.60 78.80 19,904.28 C5238 W70206 70.0 205.8 8 131.00 49.50 77.60 20,247.00 B D F S V Z Note: Frascold offers a range of: i) R410a semi-hermetic compressors from 7.5 HP to 15 HP ii) CO² sub-critical Semi-hermetic compressors from 1.5 HP to 10 HP iii) CO² trans-critical semi-hermetic compressors from 10 HP to 25 HP Visit for additional product information. Realcold offer equipment selection services. Please feel free to use this service. Refer to spares section at rear for Frascold compressor spares. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit W Components Three Phase 380/415 Volt 50 Hz COMPRESSORS - SEMI SEALED RECIPROCATING CC82 Capacity Control Realcold Stock No. System Price $ Excl. GST Description C5221 To suit "T" & "S" Series (Mk II) 1 cylinder head c/w solenoid 50% control 402.90 C5225 To suit “Z” & “V” & “W” Series 1 head only. 1 head for “V”=50% control. 1 head for “Z” = 33% control 2 heads for “Z”=33% & 66% control (Z:33%+66% = 2 x C5225) 2 heads for “W”=50% & 75% control (W:50%+75% = 2 x C5225) 430.44 Accessories Components Realcold Stock No. Description Wattage Incl. Installation System Price $ Excl. GST R0316 Rubber Mounts 40 x 40 mm 2 - 3 HP R0552 Crankcase Heater F, S, T Series 70 Watt Fitted 35.75 R0553 Crankcase Heater A, B, D Series 50 Watt Fitted 160.14 R0555 Crankcase Heater (to suit V, W, Z Series) MK 2 150 Watt Fitted 238.68 C5805 Head Cooling Fan (to suit A, B, D, F Series) Fitted 514.08 C5808 Head Cooling Fan (to suit S, T, V, Z Series) Fitted R0824 Delta-P Oil Differential Pressure Switch suits V, Z and W Series. The Delta-P is easy and fast to mount, with no mounting bracket required. The electric component can be removed without refrigerant leakage. Includes a reset push button. 160.14 532.44 536.52 Higher efficiency with Low Clearance High Capacity (LCH) LCH design, distinguished the piston-valve plate assembly, is the final result of a close research in order to reduce clearance, the most important reason of loss of computer efficiency. To considerably restrict such efficiency loss, FRASCOLD has shaped the head of the piston so that it matches suction valve reed profile. In the compressor with LCH design, contoured piston lower cylinder clearance and an increase in capacity and efficiency it results respect to the performance of a standard compressor. Note: For Frascold Lubricants please refer to page CL114. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit COMPRESSORS - SEMI-HERMETIC SCREW CC83 Semi-Hermetic Screw Compressor - Introduction Frascold started manufacturing a range of twin screw compressors in 1995. C-TSH Range: This range of compact twin screw compressors comprises eight models from a nominal 40HP to 120HP, with displacements from 120 to 360 cubic metres per hour at 50Hz. The C-TSH range is suited to applications in the operating temperature range from +12.5°C to -15°C on R22/ R407c/ R134a/ R404a. Compressors are fitted with integral oil separator / reservoir. C-XH0 Range: This range of compact twin screw compressors comprises twenty seven models from a nominal 50HP to 300HP, with displacements from 199 to 912 cubic metres per hour at 50Hz. The C-XH0 range is suited to applications in the operating temperature range from +12.5°C to -15°C on R407c/R134a; +0°C to -25°C on R404a/R507. Compressors are fitted with integral oil separator / reservoir. R-TSH Range: This range comprises eight models from nominal 40HP to 120HP, with displacements from 120 to 360 cubic metres per hour at 50Hz. The R-TSH range is suited to air conditioning and medium/ high temperature applications, in the temperature operating range from + 7. °5C to - 20°C on R404a/R507A; +12.5°C to -20°C on R22; +20°C to -10°C on R134a. R-TSL Range: This range comprises eight models from nominal 30HP to 100HP, with displacements from 120 to 360 cubic metres per hour at 50Hz. The R-TSL range is suited to low temperature applications, in the temperature operating range from -20°C to -45°C on R404a/R507A Outstanding Features Screw Profiles: The compressors are two-shaft rotary displacement design, with innovative profiles of the screws. (Ratio 5:6 between male & female screw). The shafts are fitted with large roller bearings sized to bear both radial and axial loads, resulting in reduction of friction, vibration and lower noise levels. Discharge check valve, located in the service valve prevents counter rotation when compressor stops operating. Electric Motor: High efficiency electric motor is two-pole, three phase asynchronous type. The rotor is fitted to the shaft of the male screw. Cooling of the motor is carried out by the suction gas flowing through slots in the rotor, also causing any liquid refrigerant to be separated due to the centrifugal action. Power Supply: 400/3/50 Connection: Part Winding Start (PWS) 50% + 50% current distribution Capacity Control: All compressors are fitted with capacity control, which operates by means of a three-way solenoid valve, directing the flow of oil under pressure, to a slide piston mechanism. At full load, oil under pressure pushes against the piston, opposing the spring and closing the capacity control device. At reduced load conditions, the oil is diverted to the suction side of the compressor, and the spring forces the piston to open the capacity control device, which reduces the displacement and consequently reduces the capacity of the compressor. E-Protection Device:All screw compressors are equipped with electronic protection called KRIWAN NT 68 FRY, complete with thermistor sensors, performing the following functions: • Control of maximum temperature of the electric motor +120°C, through six PTC thermistors, fitted to the stator winding. • Control of the maximum discharge temperature +120°C through PTC sensor placed on compressor discharge side. • Control of rotation direction of the electric motor and phase sequence. • Protection of phase and voltage failures. • Control of breakage and short circuit in chain of PTC sensors. Screw compressors can be installed in parallel configurations and the R series are well suited to two-stage systems. Capacity Control Steps Model Number % of full capacity - Steps R-TSH8 40 120Y; R-TSL8 30 120Y 100 - 50; one stage capacity control R-TSH8 50 150Y; R-TSL8 40 150Y 100 - 50; one stage capacity control R-TSH8 60 186Y; R-TSL8 50 186 Y 100 - 50; one stage capacity control R-TSH8 70 210Y; R-TSL8 60 210Y 100 - 50; one stage capacity control R-TSH8 80 240Y; R-TSL8 70 240Y 100 - 75 - 50; two stage capacity control R-TSH8 90 270Y; R-TSL8 80 270Y 100 - 75 - 50; two stage capacity control R-TSH8 100 300Y; R-TSL8 90 300Y 100 - 75 - 50; two stage capacity control R-TSH8 120 360Y; R-TSL8 100 360Y 100 - 75 - 50; two stage capacity control Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components The twin screw compressor range comprises twenty four models across three ranges. COMPRESSORS - SEMI-HERMETIC SCREW CC84 Compact Twin Screw Compressor - Medium Temperature Realcold Stock No. Model Description Hp/kW Nom. Disp. m3/hr System Price $ Excl. GST C5251 C-TSH8 40 120Y MBP-HBP 40/30 120 C5252 C-TSH8 50 150Y MBP-HBP 50/37 150 18,949.56 19,612.56 C5253 C-TSH8 60 186Y MBP-HBP 60/45 186 21,560.76 C5254 C-TSH8 70 210Y MBP-HBP 70/52 210 22,204.38 C5255 C-TSH8 80 240Y MBP-HBP 80/60 240 24,834.96 C5256 C-TSH8 90 270Y MBP-HBP 90/67 270 26,122.20 C5257 C-TSH8 100 300Y MBP-HBP 100/75 300 28,753.80 C5258 C-TSH8 120 360Y MBP-HBP 120/90 360 30,040.02 Disp. m3/hr System Price $ Excl. GST Components Note: These Compressors are available as indent stock only CXHO Compact Twin Screw Compressors Realcold Stock No. Model Description Hp/kW Nom. R134a CFS0020 CXH0 50 199Y CXH0 50/37 199 17,124.78 CFS0022 CXH0 60 230Y CXH0 60/45 230 17,839.80 20,529.54 CFS0024 CXH0 70 264Y CXH0 70/52 264 CFS0026 CXH0 80 298Y CXH0 80/60 298 21,243.54 CFS0028 CXH0 90 340Y CXH0 90/67 340 22,230.90 CFS0030 CXH0 100 370Y CXH0 100/75 370 27,610.38 CFS0034 CXH0 110 398Y CXH0 110/81.5 398 29,879.88 CFS0036 CXH0 125 468 CXH0 125/93.8 468 30,720.36 CFS0038 CXH0 140 538Y CXH0 140/104 538 31,854.60 CFS0042 CXH0 160 620Y CXH0 160/118.8 620 40,343.04 44,440.38 CFS0044 CXH0 180 702Y CXH0 180/133.7 702 CFS0046 CXH0 210 810Y CXH0 210/156 810 48,138.90 CFS0048 CXH0 240 912Y CXH0 240/178.3 912 50,261.52 R407c & R404a CFS0060 CXH0 70 199Y CXH0 70/52 199 18,133.56 CFS0062 CXH0 80 230Y CXH0 80/60 230 19,120.92 CFS0064 CXH0 90 264Y CXH0 90/67 264 21,663.78 CFS0066 CXH0 100 298Y CXH0 100/75 298 23,366.16 24,773.76 CFS0068 CXH0 120 340Y CXH0 120/88 340 CFS0072 CXH0 110 316Y CXH0 110/81.5 316 27,190.14 CFS0074 CXH0 125 372Y CXH0 125/93.8 372 28,324.38 CFS0076 CXH0 140 428Y CXH0 140/104 428 30,720.36 CFS0078 CXH0 160 468Y CXH0 160/120 468 32,568.60 CFS0082 CXH0 180 545Y CXH0 180/133.7 545 41,204.94 CFS0084 CXH0 210 620Y CXH0 210/156 620 48,265.38 CFS0086 CXH0 240 702Y CXH0 240/178.3 702 49,252.74 CFS0088 CXH0 280 810Y CXH0 280/208 810 52,089.36 CFS0090 CXH0 300 912Y CXH0 300/222.9 912 54,631.20 Note: that these Compressors are available as Indent stock only Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit COMPRESSORS - SEMI-HERMETIC SCREW CC85 Realcold Stock No. Model Description Hp/kW Nom. Disp. m3/hr System Price $ Excl. GST C5261 C5262 C5263 C5264 C5265 C5266 C5267 C5268 R-TSH8 40 120Y R-TSH8 50 150Y R-TSH8 60 186Y R-TSH8 70 210Y R-TSH8 80 240Y R-TSH8 90 270Y R-TSH8 100 300Y R-TSH8 120 360Y MBP MBP MBP MBP MBP MBP MBP MBP 40/30 50/37 60/45 70/52 80/60 90/67 100/75 120/90 120 150 186 210 240 270 300 360 17,641.92 18,304.92 20,254.14 20,897.76 23,529.36 24,834.96 27,448.20 28,753.80 Twin Screen Compressor - Low Temperature C5271 R-TSL8 30 120Y LBP C5272 R-TSL8 40 150Y LBP C5273 R-TSL8 50 186Y LBP C5274 R-TSL8 60 210Y LBP C5275 R-TSL8 70 240Y LBP C5276 R-TSL8 80 270Y LBP C5277 R-TSL8 90 300Y LBP C5278 R-TSL8 100 360Y LBP 30/22 40/30 50/37 60/45 70/52 80/60 90/67 100/75 120 150 186 210 240 270 300 360 16,978.92 17,641.92 19,201.50 19,864.50 22,204.38 23,529.36 26,122.20 27,448.20 Note: These Compressors are available as indent stock only Standard equipment - MBP-HBP Screw compressor is supplied complete with: • oil separator directly assembled with flange to the compressor body Standard equipment - MBP-LBP Standard equipment mounted on the compressor • capacity control device • integral electronic protection, includes: • oil demister inside the separator oo sensor for maximum discharge temperature • oil strainer oo sensor for maximum temperature of electric motor • discharge connection complete with valve and check valve oo electronic module • suction valve • suction valve • internal relief valve • discharge valve with check valve • capacity control device • electronic protection device Standard equipment supplied loose with compressor • electric box with IP65 protection • vibration absorbers • oil heater • components for external oil piping, includes: • vibration absorbers Standard equipment - CXH0 • Discharge valve & integrated check valve • Suction flange with solder busching oo oil strainer with core oo solenoid valve with coil and plug oo oil flow switch oo electronic module for oil flow switch oo oil sight glass • Integrated pressure relief valve • Capacity control (step or step less) • Motor with ptc-temperature sensors • Electronic control unit (temperature and phase sequence monitoring auto reset) • Terminal box enclosure class IP65 • Oil service valve, oil filter, sight glass & oil charge • Start unloading • Discharge temperature sensor • Protective charge Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components Twin Screw Compressors - Medium Temperature COMPRESSORS - SEMI-HERMETIC SCREW CC86 Components Semi-Hermetic Screw Compressor - Accessories Realcold Stock No. Model Description System Price $ Excl. GST C5820 TOOWK150 Visual Indicator POA C5822 TOOWK151 Visual Indicator POA C5824 SZ-WOC1 Water Cooled Oil Cooler POA C5826 SZ-WOC2 Water Cooled Oil Cooler POA C5828 SZ-WOC3 Water Cooled Oil Cooler POA C5830 SZ-AOC1 Air Cooled Oil Cooler POA C5832 SZ-AOC2 Air Cooled Oil Cooler POA C5834 SZ-AOC3 Air Cooled Oil Cooler POA C5836 TOOWK200 Remote Oil Separator POA C5838 TOOWK201 Remote Oil Separator POA C5840 TOOWK202 Remote Oil Separator POA C5844 TOOWK301 Economizer R404a POA C5848 TOOWK303 Economizer R404a POA C5852 TOOWK305 Economizer R404a POA C5856 TOOWK307 Economizer R404a POA C5858 TOOWK400 Liquid Injection Valve POA C5860 SZ-OIL1 FC300 19 Litre Oil (M/T R404) POA C5862 SZ-OIL3 FC170 19 Litre Oil (L/T R404a) POA C5864 SZ-OIL2 FC170 25 Litre Oil (L/T, M/T R22) POA C5866 T00WK110 Oil Filter Kit POA Diagram Legend: Oil Separator Sub Cooler 1 = Refrigerant Outlet F1 = Economiser Outlet 2 = Service Valve Connection F2 = Liquid Inlet for Sub Cooling 3 = Refrigerant Inlet F3 = Refrigerant Inlet for TEV 4 = Connection for Oil Charge Valve F4 = Liquid Outlet - Subcooled Liquid 5 = Oil Level Sight Glass 6 = Parallel Compressors Oil Outlet Oil Separator 7 = Oil Level Control 8 = Oil Outlet 9 = Oil Heater 10 = Safety Valve Connection 11 = Thermostat Sensor Air Cooled Air Cooler Sub Cooler Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit COMPRESSORS - SEMI-HERMETIC SCREW CC87 Semi-Hermetic Screw Compressor - Accessories • • • • • R-TSL1 100 360 Y R-TSL1 80 270 Y • R-RSL1 90 300 Y R-TSL1 70 240 Y • R-TSL1 60 210 Y • R-TSL1 50 186 Y • R-TSL1 40 150 Y • R-TSL1 30 120 Y • R-TSH1 120 360 Y R-TSH1 70 210 Y • R-TSH1 100 300 Y R-TSH1 60 186 Y • R-TSH1 90 270 Y R-TSH1 50 150 Y • R-TSH1 80 240 Y R-TSH1 40 120 Y Compressor Model • • remote oil separator TOOWK200 TOOWK201 TOOWK202 TOOWK150 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • electric indicator for oil strainer clogging TOOWK151 water cooled oil cooler SZ-WOC1 SZ-WOC2 • • SZ-WOC3 air cooled oil cooler SZ-AOC1 • • • • • • SZ-AOC2 • • • • • • • • SZ-AOC3 economizer kit for R22 TOOWK300 • • TOOWK302 • • TOOWK304 • • TOOWK306 economizer kit for R404a-R507A TOOWK301 • • TOOWK303 • • TOOWK305 • • TOOWK307 lubricant for R22 (19I can) SZ-OIL2 (FCH) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • lubricant R404a, 50W7A, R143A (19I can) SZ-OIL3 (FCL) Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components visual indicator for oil strainer clogging DEFROST CONTROLS CD88 Defrost Controls Model G0090 PARAGON 8145-21 (Replaces Precision 6145-21) • • • • • • • • Time initiated. Externally temperature or pressure terminated. 1 - 6 defrosts per 24 hours. Minimum of 4 hours between defrost. Length of defrost 4 to 110 minutes in 2 minute increments. Has relay contact facility. Suitable for 208 - 240 V 50 Hz. Maximum contact rating is 25 Amps. 296.20 G0091 PARAGON 632-21* • • • • • • • • Time initiated, time terminated with fan delay. 1 - 8 defrost per 24 hours. Minimum of 3 hours between defrosts. Pre-defrost delay 0 to 30 minutes in 3 minute increments. Defrost period 3 to 45 minutes in 3 minute increments. Post defrost delay 3 to 15 minutes in 3 minute increments. Suitable for 208 - 240 V 50 Hz. Maximum contact rating is 10 Amps. 539.90 G0092 PARAGON 8045-21 (Replaces Precision 604521) • • • • • • • Time initiated, time terminated. 1 - 6 defrosts per 24 hours. Minimum of 4 hours between defrosts. Length of defrost 4 - 110 minutes in 2 minute increments. For basic defrost systems. Suitable for 220 - 240 V 50 Hz. Maximum contact rating is 25 Amps. 275.88 G0093 PARAGON 8245-21 (Replaces Precision 624521) • • • • • • • • Time initiated, pressure terminated. 1 - 6 defrosts per 24 hours. Minimum of 4 hours between defrosts. Length of defrost 4 to 110 minutes in 2 minute increments. Adjustable cut-in setting dial calibrated from 36-110 psi (248 - 758 kPa) for R12, R22, R502. Suitable for 208 - 240 V 50 Hz. Maximum contact rating is 40 Amps. 595.00 G0084 FRIGO FLASH 16022* • • • • • • • • Compact Series 72 mm x 72 mm 24 hour clock Supply voltage 220 / 240 V +10% - 15% 50 / 60 Hz Operating Temperature: -10°C/ +50°C 10 minute programming segments 72 switchings per day Minimum interval between 2 switchings: 20 minutes Contact ratings: 16 Amp resistive, 3 Amp inductive 132.80 G0086 FRIGO FLASH 11721* • • • • • • • • 72 mm x 102.5 mm 24 hour clock Supply voltage 220 V +10% - 15% 50 Hz Operating Temperature: -10°C/ +50°C Up to 12 defrosts per day Defrosting can be started every 2 hours Defrost duration 5 - 110 minutes Contact ratings: 10 Amp resistive, 2 Amp inductive 172.43 Components Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST * NB: External relay may be required in some applications. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit DEFROST CONTROLS & ACCESSORIES CD89 Defrost Safety Thermostats Realcold Stock No. Model System Price $ Excl. GST Description G0014 ML55 Thermostat 10 Amps Open +13°C Close +2°C 12.09 G0016 ML70 Thermostat 10 Amps Open +21°C Close +10°C 12.09 74.10 W7520 - Thermal Overload (Defrost Klixon) 25 Amp G0020 GL243 Surface Mount Clip (3 per Pack) 9.08 G0022 GL249 Tube Mount Clip 3/8 - 1/2 - 5/8 (2 per Pack) 18.41 Defrost Heat Tape Model Description System Price $ Excl. GST N0626 FST25 Jimi Heat Self Regulating Tape 26W/M at 10°C - 240 VAC Minimum installation temperature -40°C N0635 Seal Kit FCT BTV-2 32.13 30.00 N0616 and N0626 can be used in evaporator drains, provided correct termination kits are fitted. Condensate Pans The MA-Line condensate evaporator pan eliminates floor drains. The unit is made of die-cast aluminium and the resulting hard, bright surface give the pan unequalled efficiency and trouble free operation. The pan is self standing. All terminal connections are covered with moisture proof rubber. Evaporation rate is 250ml per hour at 22.2°C room temperature. The unit’s heating element is sealed in ¼” Bundy weld tubing. Realcold Stock No. Description C4080 MA-Line Condensate Pan - Small 240V C4082 MA-Line Condensate Pan - Large 240V Voltage Watts Dimensions (mm) System Price $ Excl. GST L W H 160 260 103 60 234.60 160 260 121 75 234.60 N0616 and N0626 can be used in evaporator drains, provided correct termination kits are fitted. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components Realcold Stock No. DRIERS CD90 Sporlan Driers - Flare Realcold Stock No. Brand Model Size Cu In System Price $ Excl. GST Components Liquid Line Driers - Sporlan SP3001 Sporlan CATCH-ALL 032 1/4" MF 3 23.18 SP3002 Sporlan CATCH-ALL 052 1/4" MF 5 30.90 SP3003 Sporlan CATCH-ALL 082 1/4" MF 8 37.00 SP3004 Sporlan CATCH-ALL 162 1/4" MF 16 45.79 SP3008 Sporlan CATCH-ALL 053 3/8" MF 5 30.90 SP3009 Sporlan CATCH-ALL 083 3/8" MF 8 37.00 SP3011 Sporlan CATCH-ALL C163 3/8" MF 16 45.79 SP3012 Sporlan CATCH-ALL 303 3/8" MF 30 88.25 SP3015 Sporlan CATCH-ALL 084 1/2” MF 8 37.54 SP3017 Sporlan CATCH-ALL 164 1/2" MF 16 50.23 SP3018 Sporlan CATCH-ALL 304 1/2" MF 30 88.25 SP3022 Sporlan CATCH-ALL 165 5/8" MF 16 52.43 SP3023 Sporlan CATCH-ALL 305 5/8" MF 30 88.25 Model Size Cu In FL 306 3/4" MF 30 Model Size Cu In Heldon Driers - Flare Realcold Stock No. Brand System Price $ Excl. GST Liquid Line Driers - Heldon H0125 Heldon 108.12 Sporlan Driers - Sweat Realcold Stock No. Brand System Price $ Excl. GST Liquid Line Driers - Sporlan SP3071 Sporlan CATCH-ALL 032S 1/4" SWEAT 3 22.08 SP3072 Sporlan CATCH-ALL 052S 1/4" SWEAT 5 29.43 SP3073 Sporlan CATCH-ALL C082S 1/4" SWEAT 9 35.24 SP3078 Sporlan CATCH-ALL C053S 3/8" SWEAT 5 29.43 SP3079 Sporlan CATCH-ALL C083S 3/8" SWEAT 9 35.24 SP3081 Sporlan CATCH-ALL C163S 3/8" SWEAT 16 43.61 SP3085 Sporlan CATCH-ALL C084S 1/2" SWEAT 9 35.75 SP3087 Sporlan CATCH-ALL C164S 1/2" SWEAT 16 47.84 SP3092 Sporlan CATCH-ALL C165S 5/8" SWEAT 16 49.93 Model Size Cu In SD 417 7/8" SWEAT 41 Mueller Driers - Sweat Realcold Stock No. Brand System Price $ Excl. GST Liquid Line Driers - Mueller H0130 Mueller 96.90 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit DRIERS Suction Line CD91 SF Suction Line Filters The Sporlan SF Suction Line Filter protects the compressor from dirt. It is designed with an optional relief feature that opens if the filter plugs. It also has a full flow design for low pressure drop. It is suitable for use with all brazing alloys and maximum corrosion resistance. System Price $ Excl. GST Description SP3155 Sporlan Suction Filter SF-285-T 5/8" 101.75 SP3156 Sporlan Suction Filter SF-286-T 3/4" 112.46 SP3157 Sporlan Suction Filter SF-287-T 7/8" 102.82 SP3159 Sporlan Suction Filter SF-289-T 1.1/8" 109.24 SP3161 Sporlan Suction Filter SF-4811-T 1.3/8" 155.30 SP3163 Sporlan Suction Filter SF-4813-T 1.5/8" 166.01 Suction Line Filter Driers The Suction Line Filter Drier has been specifically designed for system clean-up after a burn out or any time system cleanliness is questionable. High acid and water absorption. For use with HCFCs, HFCs, and lubricants that go with them. Not recommended for permanent use. Once the suction line filter drier has completed its clean-up procedure it should be replaced with a suction line filter. Realcold Stock No. Model Description Filter Area Sq. In. Volume Cu. In. System Price $ Excl. GST Burn-Out Driers H0305 Virginia WSL-163S 3/8” SW 24 15 37.49 H0306 Mueller A17224 1/2" SW 26 16 37.49 H0308 Mueller A17227 5/8" SW 26 16 32.12 H0311 Micro Guard FDF 264T 1/2" MF 26 16 41.93 H0312 Micro Guard FDF 265T 5/8" MF 26 16 44.12 H0313 Micro Guard FDS 166TT 3/4" SW 26 16 44.72 H0314 Micro Guard FDS 267T 7/8" SW 26 16 44.72 H0315 Micro Guard FDS 269T 1.1/8" SW 26 16 51.89 H0316 Micro Guard FDS 529T 1.1/8" SW 52 30 66.78 Reversible Heat Pump Driers Realcold Stock No. Sporlan Code Description System Price $ Excl. GST SP3240 HPC-103 Heat Pump Drier 3/8” MF SP3241 HPC-104 Heat Pump Drier 1/2” MF 65.66 67.32 SP3250 HPC-103S Heat Pump Drier 3/8” OD 65.66 SP3251 HPC-104S Heat Pump Drier 1/2” OD 67.32 SP3261 HPC-165SHH Heat Pump Drier 5/8" OD 109.78 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components Realcold Stock No. DRIERS CD92 Refillable Shells - Liquid Line Realcold Stock No. Model Size Core Max. Rating Max. Rating kW Med Temp kW Low Temp System Price $ Excl. GST Components Refillable Shells - Liquid Line - Carly H0135 Carly BCY 485S 5/8" ODS 1 Core 36.0 26.7 246.84 H0139 Carly BCY 487S 7/8" ODS 1 Core 52.2 34.8 238.68 H0140 Carly BCY 967S 7/8" ODS 2 Core 87 52.2 274.38 H0138 Carly BCY 489S 1.1/8" ODS 1 Core 58 41.8 246.84 H0141 Carly BCY 969S 1.1/8" ODS 2 Core 92.3 75.4 274.38 H0143 Carly BCY 9611S 1.3/8" ODS 2 Core 104.4 87 274.38 H0148 Carly BCY 9613S 1.5/8" ODS 2 Core 121.1 107 274.38 H0145 Carly BCY 14413S 1.5/8" ODS 3 Core 177.2 139.1 439.62 H0142 Carly BCY 9617S 2.1/8" ODS 2 Core 159 132.7 274.38 H0146 Carly BCY 14417S 2.1/8" ODS 3 Core 202.1 164.3 428.4 H0149 Carly BCY 19217S 2.1/8" ODS 4 Core 285 223 469.2 SP3405 Sporlan C-485G 5/8" ODS 1 Core 35.2 26.4 356.64 SP3407 Sporlan C-487G 7/8" ODS 1 Core 52.8 35.2 356.64 SP3416 Sporlan C-967G 7/8" ODS 2 Core 87.2 52.8 409.12 SP3408 Sporlan C-489G 1.1/8" ODS 1 Core 52.8 35.2 393.06 SP3462 Sporlan RSF-489T 1.1/8" ODS 1 Core 25.7 9.9 414.48 SP3417 Sporlan C-969G 1.1/8" ODS 2 Core 1/4” FPT connection 101.9 87.9 409.12 SP3463 Sporlan RSF-4811T 1.3/8" ODS 1 Core 31.3 12 315.00 SP3419 Sporlan C-969G 1.3/8" ODS 2 Core 123 87 294.53 SP3113 Sporlan C-14411G 1.3/8" ODS 3 Core 1/4” FPT connection 137.1 123 380.21 SP3420 Sporlan C-9613G 1.5/8" ODS 2 Core 120 106 294.53 SP3429 Sporlan C-14413G 1.5/8" ODS 3 Core 176 123 608.33 Refillable Shells - Suction Line Realcold Stock No. Model Size Core Max. Rating Max. Rating kW Med Temp kW Low Temp System Price $ Excl. GST SP3464 Sporlan RSF-4813T 1.5/8" ODS 1 core 33.8 12.7 273.11 SP3465 Sporlan RSF-4817T 2.1/8" ODS 1 core 95.0 59.8 259.18 SP3470 Sporlan RSF-9617T 2.1/8" ODS 2 core 102.0 63.3 639.39 SP3466 Sporlan RSF-4821T 2.5/8” ODS 1 core 123.0 80.9 587.98 SP3471 Sporlan RSF-9621T 2.5/8” ODS 2 core 141.0 91.4 615.83 SP3472 Sporlan RSF-9625T 3.1/8” ODS 2 core 193.0 123.0 640.46 Sporlan RSF Suction Driers: kW are based on R404a Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit DRIERS CD93 Briquettes To Suit Refillable Shells - Interchangeable Realcold Stock No. Model Description System Price $ Excl. GST H0147 Carly CCY 48HP High capacity core for use in systems where high moisture content is suspected. 36.77 H0154 Carly CCY 48N Activated carbon core used for acid wax and varnish removal and clean up in all systems where a burnout has occurred. 47.28 H0156 Carly CCY A48 Screen for Carly liquid line shells. SP3702 Sporlan RC-4864 Catch-All core standard. 46.38 SP3703 Sporlan RC-4864-HH Catch-All activated charcoal core. 75.02 SP3704 Sporlan RCW-48 Catch-All High Water capacity core. SP3706 Sporlan RC-10098 Catch-All Core 18.41 84.99 Sectional View Dryer Core Refillable Shells - Suction Line Realcold Stock No. Model Size Core Max. Rating kW System Price $ Excl. GST H0159 Carly ACY 489S 1.1/8" ODS 1 core 39.4 282.54 H0161 Carly ACY 4811S 1.3/8" ODS 1 core 47.6 295.80 H0163 Carly ACY 4813S 1.5/8" ODS 1 core 58.0 315.18 H0165 Carly ACY 4817S 2.1/8" ODS 1 core 81.2 328.44 H0167 Carly ACY 9617S 2.1/8" ODS 2 core 85.8 375.36 H0169 Carly ACY 4821S 2.5/8" ODS 1 core 109.0 408.00 H0170 Carly ACY 9621S 2.5/8" ODS 2 core 119.5 461.04 H0201 Carly ACY 4825S 3.1/8" ODS 1 core 116.0 436.56 H0202 Carly ACY 9625S 3.1/8" ODS 2 core 167.0 461.04 Suction Line Filter Elements To Suit Above Shells Realcold Stock No. Model Description System Price $ Excl. GST H0150 Carly CCY 48F Micron Filtration (Felt) Suction Line Filter Element 51.00 SP3710 Sporlan RPE-48-BD Pleated Suction Line Filter Element 59.60 Model Description Accessories Realcold Stock No. SP3720 Sporlan A-685 Shell Brackets - suitable for all shells SP3725 Sporlan AS-1704 Gaskets suitable only for Sporlan shells System Price $ Excl. GST 40.86 4.07 Note: Carly products are colour coded: Liquid - Red; Suction - Blue; Oil - Grey Directional Liquid Line Driers (directional/ bi-directional) Realcold Stock No. Model Description System Price $ Excl. GST H0247 MA Line D111 12 gram XH9 Service Drier 1/4” ODS inlet - capillary connection outlet with separate charging port 9.38 H0250 MA Line D109 10 gram XH9 Service Drier 1/4” ODS inlet - bi-directional 4.39 H0256 MA Line D114 30 gram XH9 Service Drier 5/16” in 1/4” outlet 9.18 Note: Driers with XH9 desiccant are suitable for all refrigerants including blends and R134a Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components 124.24 DRIERS CD94 DISCHARGE LINE MUFFLERS Discharge Line Mufflers Mufflers are designed to eliminate pulsations in the compressor discharge line, and can be mounted in either flow direction, horizontally or vertically. Mufflers have internal baffles, designed for minimum pressure drop. These baffles change the velocity of the discharge gasses passing through the muffler. This results in a dampening effect on high frequency sound waves in the gasses on high-speed compressors. This also irons out the pulsating waves in low speed compressors. The muffler is sized to the discharge line of the compressor. Components Realcold Stock No. Model Description System Price $ Excl. GST F0362 SCY 70S 7/8" ODS 96.70 F0364 SCY 90S 1.1/8" ODS 123.42 127.50 F0366 SCY 110S 1.3/8" ODS F0370 SCY 130S 1.5/8" ODS 161.16 F0372 SCY 170S 2.1/8" ODS 484.50 Liquid Line Ratings Selection Recommendations Standard Ratings ASHRAE-ARI: Provides comparison points. This is a basis for drier evaluation at the specified rating conditions. This does not determine the performance of a drier over the entire range of possible applications. Water Capacity & Refrigerant Flow: ARI Standard data comparison for these factors are usually based on flow ratings of an ideal situation of a completely clean system. Flow is reduced as dirt accumulates on the filtering surface. Water Capacity: The amount of water (in drops or grams) that a drier will hold at the standard temperatures and equilibrium point dryness (EPD) specified. 20 drops equal 1 gram, which is equivalent to 1 ml or 1cubic cm. Filtration: Filter capacity is proportional to filtering area. Filters should be selected with an adequate reserve capacity to allow for the contamination found in most system. EPD is used to define the lowest possible water content in liquid refrigerant attainable by a filter-drier at a specific temperature after it has collected specific quantity of water after equilibrium has been reached between the water in the refrigerant and the water in the drier. EPD is expressed in parts per million (ppm) by weight. Acid Removal: Acid removal ability is highly recommended. Final Selection: Should be based on the conditions expected for each job. Extra water capacity and filtering area should also be considered. Refrigerant Flow Capacity: The maximum flow of liquid refrigerant that a drier will pass at a 1 psi pressure drop. The refrigerant flow capacity ratings below are based on 30°C liquid temperature and refrigerant flows of: 6.8 Kg per minute per 3.5 kW for R134a 8.6 Kg per minute per 3.5 kW for R404a 6.1 Kg per minute per 3.5 kW for R410a 6.4 Kg per minute per 3.5 kW for R22 6.4 Kg per minute per 3.5 kW for R407c 9.0 Kg per minute per 3.5 kW for R507 Safety - Based on the drier shell bursting pressure. All liquid line driers must meet the requirements of Underwriters’ Laboratories Inc. Standard 207, “Refrigerant Containing Components and Accessories, Nonelectrical” or the fatigue stress analysis per UL 1995. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit ELECTRONIC CONTROLS CE95 Carel Electronic Controls ir33 - New Generation Following ir32, one of CAREL’s most famous and best selling controllers, the ir300 range represents the maximum technology that CAREL offers in the field of refrigeration applications. The top-of-the-range model characterising the new series arouses special interest as it can be fitted with all the options available: infrared remote control, programming key, repeater display, high efficiency LED display, HACCP function, real time clock, RS485 serial port, second evaporator defrost management, without sacrificing the 4 control relays and the 115 to 230 Vac switching power supply. All obviously in the same dimensions as the current ir32 case! Finally, one very important aspect involves the IP65 index of protection; the modern technology implemented by CAREL for the moulding of the plastic parts has allowed the protection gasket to be integrated directly into the front panel, without the need to add accessory components to the product that may create an unpleasant aesthetic and visual impact. Refrigeration Controls All models are fitted with a buzzer and can be connected to the Carel Supervisory system (Plant Visor) via the RS485 interface. Please note that Temperature Sensors are not included; please choose the probe that you require from the options below. Realcold Stock No. Model 12/24V AC/DC Version G4501 IR33SOLR00 G4503 IR33COLR00 230V AC Version G4505 IR33SOER00 G4507 IR33FOER00 115/230V AC Version G4509 IR33COHR00 G4511 IR33COHB00 System Price $ Excl. GST Compressor Defrost Fan Aux Infrared Real Time Clock 16A 16A 8A 8A 8A YES YES - 178.50 236.64 8A 8A 8A 5A - YES YES - 183.60 232.56 16A 16A 8A 8A 8A 8A 8A 8A YES YES YES 282.54 312.12 230V AC Din Rail Version Realcold Stock No. Model Description G4512 G4513 G4536 DN33SOEN00 DN33FOEN00 IRDRDOXIP66 Carel 230V DIN Rail 1 stage Tstat with static defrost and 16 A relay Carel 230V DIN Rail low temp controller with 3 relays Carel DIN Rail Enclosure System Price $ Excl. GST 225.00 245.00 81.60 Temperature Sensors Realcold Stock No. Model G4550 G4552 NTC015WP00 IP68 Immersion sensor 1.5m cable. Temp. range -50 - +100°C NTC060WP00 IP67 Immersion sensor 6.0m cable. Max Temp = +100°C Description System Price $ Excl. GST 29.99 42.02 Accessories Realcold Stock No. Model Description G4302 G4306 ABS100/75LG 87-84315/ RE H95AG IRTRRES000 IROPZ48500 Standard Enclosure W/Cut-out Enclosure for All Panel Mount Controllers. Suitable for all standard 70 mm x 28 mm panel mount controllers. Remote Control RS485 Serial Card G4530 G4540 System Price $ Excl. GST 41.00 54.11 POA POA Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components Another unique feature concerning this new series of controllers is the possibility to manage smart defrosts, optimising the management of this function, with consequent energy savings. CONTROL PANELS Control Panels CE96 Electronic Controllers - Fan Speed Controller - Pressure Actuated Realcold Stock No. Model Description System Price $ Excl. GST Components Single Phase Controller G1121 Saginomiya RGE-Z1N4-5 Pressure Actuated Fan speed controller Factory set for R22, R404a, R407c and adjustable for use with R134a. For approved motors rated from 0.2 - 4 Amps. Single phase. Capillary pressure sensor Range 8 - 28 Bar adjustable 4 Bar fixed proportional band G1123 Saginomiya RGE-Z1N6-5 Pressure Actuated Fan speed controller Factory set for R410a Refrigerant. Single Phase, 4 Amps, IP54. G1124 Saginomiya RGE-Z1Q4-5 Pressure Actuated Fan speed controller Factory set for R22, R404a, R407c Refrigerants adjustable for use with R134a. Single Phase, 8 Amps, IP54. 361.08 POA 481.44 Note: Refer to “CT” section for Mechanical Thermostats Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit FANS CF97 Fan Motors Watts Rpm Shaft System Price $ Excl. GST Mounting/ Models D0121 4 2400 3/16” 2 bolt 50 mm spacing 98.00 D0122 7 1300 D.Plate 3 bolt rear 66.00 D0165 10 1300 D.Plate 3 bolt rear 59.00 D0123 10 1300 D.Plate 4 bolt 78.00 D0124 16 1300 D.Plate 4 bolt Rondo 140-700 CM D0162 20 1300 5/16" 3/4 bolt front/rear D0125 25 1300 D.Plate Rear Tapped 4 Bolt D0129 25 1300 8 mm 3 bolt rear 2 bolt bottom Shaft Mounting/ Models 77.00 132.00 99.81 150.00 Bi Directional Fan Motors Realcold Stock No. Watts Rpm System Price $ Excl. GST D0160 40 1300 5/16" 3/4 bolt front and rear 117.00 D0133 60 1300 5/16" 3/4 bolt front and rear 176.00 424.00 D0137 90 1440 1/2" 120 x 216 Base - complete D0231 230 950 1/2" Foot Mount - 6 Pole POA D0232 600 900 1/2" Clamp - 1 speed RAC POA D0134* 180 1400 1/2" Clamp - 3 speed POA D0169 180 1380 1/2" Clamp bracket POA * Three Phase Accessories Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST D0240 Capacitor 5 mfd suits D0230, D0231 POA D0241 Capacitor 12.5 mfd suits D0232 POA Features & Benefits • Motors Single Phase 50/60Hz (Check first) • CCW = Counter Clockwise - Facing Shaft • CW = Clockwise Facing Shaft • Note: 3 bolt mount 70 mm PCD - 4 bolt mount 54 mm PCD Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components Realcold Stock No. FAN MOTOR ASSEMBLY Fan Motor Assembly CF98 External Rotor Motor Type Realcold Stock No. System Price $ Excl. GST Brand Description Diameter (mm) Watts Rpm Application Induce/Blower R0930 EBM 300 80 1380 Induce 260.00 R0930B EBM 300 mm Fan Motor Assembly 1 phase 300 mm Condensor Fan Motor Assembly 75W 1 phase CW 300 75 1250 Blower 260.00 400 mm Fan Motor Assembly 1phase 400 mm Fan Motor Assembly 1 phase 400 180 1380 Induce 429.00 400 180 1380 Blower 429.00 450 mm Condensor Fan Motor Assembly 450W 1 phase 450 450 1325 Induce 600.00 500 mm Fan Motor Assembly 1 phase 500 420 1300 Induce 745.00 630 mm Fan Motor Assembly 3 phase 630 880 1320 Induce 1,007.76 Watts Rpm Application Induce/Blower 45/39 2800 Induce POA 29 2800 Induce POA 19 2650 Induce POA Diameter (mm) Watts Rpm Application Induce/Blower 100/138 5 3000 Induce/ Blower Diameter 300 mm Components Diameter 400 mm R0940 EBM R0940B EBM Diameter 450 mm EBM Diameter 500 mm R0950 EBM Diameter 630 mm R0963 EBM Compact Fan Motor Assembly - Computer Rooms etc. Realcold Stock No. Brand Description D0150 EBM D0152 EBM D0154 EBM Motor Assembly - fan 150 and guard. 172 x 150 x 55 mm 28W Motor Assembly - 150 fan and guard. 172 x 150 x 38 mm 19W Motor Assembly - 120 fan 120 x 120 x 38 mm Diameter (mm) System Price $ Excl. GST Blade & Motor Type - 3 Piece Fan Assembly Realcold Stock No. Brand D0200 Supco SM672 Universal Motor Kit - Single Speed Bi Directional c/w 2 blades and accessories Description System Price $ Excl. GST 51.00 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit FANS CF99 Fan Blades Realcold Or der No. Description Diameter Blade Pitch Rotation Min. Watts Bore System Price $ Excl. GST Induced Type 178 mm Postmix 5 40° CCW 7 Driveplate 36.41 200 mm (8”) 5 40° CCW 10 Driveplate 30.37 D0107 229 mm Skope/Cyclone 5 40° CCW 22 Driveplate 36.41 D0111 200 mm (7.7/8”) 5 28° CCW 5 Driveplate 27.58 D0109 254 mm (10”) 5 30° CCW 22 8 mm 34.76 D0118 254 mm (10”) 5 25° CCW 10 Driveplate 34.22 D0115 305 mm (12”) 3 20° CCW 22 Driveplate 33.68 D0117 356 mm (14”) 3 25° CCW 60 5/16" 97.08 D0119 381 mm (15”) 4 35° CCW 120 1/2" 128.52 D0105 D0116 Reverse Pitch (Blower Type) D0309 254 mm (10”) 5 30° CCW 22 8 mm 37.54 Miscellaneous Fan Blades D0015 100 mm (4”) 5 Plastic 30° CW Blower 4 1/8" 7.07 D0027 125 mm (5”) 5 Plastic 25° CW Blower 4 3/16" 6.00 M0165 862-022Y-1 (10”) 5 Plastic 30° CW Blower 20 5/16" 28.71 M0166 862-717Y (7”) 3 Plastic 25° CCW Induced 4 3/16" 20.99 Fan Blades To Suit RAC Condensers (indent only) Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST D0235* 16” suits RAC 5800, 7300 D POA D0236* 20” suits RAC 10500, 14000, 17000 D POA D0237* 26” suits RAC 20000, 25000, 30000, 40000, 55000, 70000, 80000 D POA * Indent items Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components D0105 D0106 FITTINGS CF100 Brass Fittings - Flare Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST Components Flare Nuts Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST Male Flare - Male Pipe Unions J0401 J0402 J0403 J0404 1/4" FF 5/16" FF 3/8" FF 1/2" FF 2.09 5.36 2.75 4.08 J0405 J0406 5/8" FF 3/4" FF 5.81 9.18 Reducing Flare Nuts J0421 3/8" MF - 1/4" Tube J0422 1/2" MF - 3/8" Tube J0423 5/8" MF - 1/2" Tube Male Flare Union J0431 1/4" MF x 1/4" MF J0432 5/16" MF x 5/16” MF J0433 3/8" MF x 3/8" MF J0434 1/2" MF x 1/2" MF J0435 5/8" MF x 5/8" MF J0436 3/4" MF x 3/4" MF Double Flare Reducing Unions J0452 3/8" MF x 1/4" MF J0454 1/2" MF x 1/4" MF J0456 1/2" MF x 3/8" MF J0459 5/8" MF x 3/8" MF J0460 5/8" MF x 1/2" MF J0464 3/4" MF x 1/2" MF J0465 3/4" MF x 5/8" MF 3.11 5.51 5.92 1.43 4.03 2.55 3.37 5.41 14.74 3.57 6.68 8.82 9.54 11.07 14.74 20.50 4.13 9.95 4.59 5.76 9.74 18.41 6.53 Swivel Unions J0541 J0543 J0544 J0545 9.23 9.23 11.07 13.16 Female Flare Connectors J0551 1/4" FF c/w Gaskets J0553 3/8" FF c/w Gaskets J0554 1/2" FF c/w Gaskets 1/4” MF - 1/8” MP 1.53 J0501A 5/16” MF - 1/8” MP 5.20 J0502 1/4” MF - 1/4” MP 2.55 J0502A 5/16” MF - 1/4” MP 8.67 J0504 1/4” MF - 3/8” MP 2.96 J0507 3/8” MF - 1/8” MP 2.96 J0508 3/8” MF - 1/4” MP 2.96 J0510 3/8” MF - 3/8” MP 2.96 J0511 3/8” MF - 1/2” MP 4.49 J0515 1/2” MF - 1/4” MP 8.52 J0517 1/2” MF - 3/8” MP 3.62 J0518 1/2” MF - 1/2” MP 4.49 J0523 5/8” MF - 3/8” MP 7.80 J0524 5/8” MF - 1/2” MP 4.95 J0525 5/8” MF - 3/4” MP 6.38 J0530 3/4” MF - 1/2” MP 15.76 J0531 3/4” MF - 3/4” MP 15.25 Male Flare - Female Pipe Unions Male Flare - Female Flare. Reducing Unions c/w Gaskets J0472 1/4" MF x 3/8" FF J0474 1/4" MF x 1/2" FF J0486 3/8" MF x 1/4" FF J0475 3/8" MF x 1/2" FF J0488 1/2" MF x 3/8" FF J0479 1/2" MF x 5/8" FF J0491 5/8" MF x 1/2" FF 1/4" FF Connectors 3/8" FF Connectors 1/2" FF Connectors 5/8" FF Connectors J0501 5.87 12.65 11.58 J0536 1/4” MF - 1/8” FP (Gauge Fitting) J0535 3/8” MF - 1/2” FP (Gauge fitting U0210) 1.94 11.58 J0537 1/4” MF - 1/4” FP 2.65 J0538 1/4” MF - 3/8” FP 10.10 J0539 1/4” MF - 3/4” FP (Cyl. Adaptor) 14.74 J0540 3/8” MF - 3/4” FP (Cyl. Adaptor) 8.36 J0742 1/4" FF - 1/2" Male Acme 6.99 J0743 1/2" Female Acme 1/4" MF J0744 14mm Male - 1/4” MF (Suits Auto A/C Couplers) Acme Adaptor 19.38 6.27 Thread Sealants N0058 Nylog Blue 30ml POE Oil Sys 20.10 N0059 Nylog Red 30ml Mineral Oil 20.10 N0063 Leak-Lock Tube 39ml 9.80 N0065 Leak-Lock Brush Top 21.15 N0069 Teflon Thread Seal Tape 3.60 Note: MP and FP are NPT (National Pipe Thread). Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit FITTINGS CF101 Brass Fittings - Flare Description System Price $ Excl. GST Double Flare Elbows Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST Pipe Plugs J0561 1/4" Male Flare 6.63 J0731 1/4" MP J0563 3/8" Male Flare 9.38 J0732 3/8" MP 4.79 J0564 1/2" Male Flare 10.10 J0733 1/2" MP 4.34 J0565 5/8" Male Flare 17.90 J0566 3/4" Male Flare 29.43 Male Flare - Male Pipe Elbows 2.24 Pipe Bushings J0750 1/4" MPx1/8" FP 1.33 J0752 3/8" MPx1/4" FP 7.29 J0590 1/4" MF x 1/8" MP 5.61 J0754 1/2" MPx3/8" FP 7.91 J0591 1/4" MF x 1/4" MP 5.61 J0756 3/4" MPx1/2" FP 9.74 J0739 1/8" MPx1/8" FP Elbows 6.94 J0740 1/4" MPx1/4" FP Elbows 4.13 J0592 1/4" MF x 3/8" MP 6.99 J0594 3/8" MF x 1/4" MP 6.99 J0595 3/8" MF x 3/8" MP 6.99 J0596 3/8" MF x 1/2" MP 10.10 J0598 1/2" MF x 1/4" MP 10.10 J0599 1/2" MF x 3/8" MP 11.07 J0600 1/2" MF x 1/2" MP 11.07 J0601 5/8" MF x 1/2" MP 18.92 J0604 3/4" MF x 3/4" MP 28.41 Male Flare Tees J0610 1/4" MF 5.61 J0612 3/8" MF 14.74 J0613 1/2" MF 18.41 J0614 5/8" MF 21.01 J0615 3/4" MF 41.00 Male Flare - Male Pipe Tees Flare Seal Caps J0770 1/4” Flare 1.12 J0771 5/16” Flare 3.57 J0772 3/8" Flare 1.99 J0773 1/2" Flare 2.45 J0774 5/8" Flare 3.57 Copper Flare Bonnets J0790 1/4” Bonnet 1.07 J0791 5/16” Bonnet 1.94 J0792 3/8” Bonnet 1.07 J0793 1/2” Bonnet 1.58 J0794 5/8” Bonnet 1.94 J0795 3/4” Bonnet 3.57 J0617 1/4" MFx1/4" MFx1/8" MP 6.83 J0618 1/4" MFx1/4" MFx1/4" MP 6.83 Copper Flare Gaskets J0810 1/4" Gasket J0619 3/8" MFx3/8" MFx1/4" MP 8.62 J0811 5/16” Gasket 1.63 J0812 3/8" Gasket 0.87 J0813 1/2" Gasket 0.92 J0814 5/8" Gasket 1.02 J0815 3/4" Gasket 2.70 Flare Seal Plugs J0690 1/4” MF 1.43 J0691 5/16” MF 8.36 J0692 3/8" MF 2.40 6.63 J0693 1/2" MF J0694 5/8" MF 7.80 J0695 3/4" MF 9.23 0.56 Note: MP and FP are NPT (National Pipe Thread). Refer to CC63 for Thread Sealants. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components Realcold Stock No. FITTINGS CF102 Copper Fittings Realcold Stock No. Description R410a System Price $ Excl. GST Components Copper Elbows - 45°, Sweat Realcold Stock No. Description R410a System Price $ Excl. GST Copper Return Bends - 180°, Sweat J0993 5/8" ü 1.73 J1120 3/8" x 180° ü J0994 3/4" ü 4.64 J1121 1/2" x 180° ü 6.17 J0995 7/8" ü 3.01 J1122 5/8” x 180° ü 13.16 J0998 1.1/8" 7.55 J1123 3/4" x 180° ü 22.59 J0999 1.3/8" 11.58 J1123D 7/8" x 180° ü J1000 1.5/8" 13.16 J1125 1.1/8" x 180° 36.26 J1001 2.1/8" 22.08 J1126 1.3/8" x 180° 45.75 J0988 2.5/8" 48.35 J1127 1.5/8" x 180° 53.60 J0989 3.1/8" 86.70 J1128 2.1/8" x 180° 129.54 Copper Elbows - 90°, Sweat 4.95 23.15 Copper Tees - Sweat J1002 1/4" x 90° ü 2.24 J1133 1/4" ü J1003 3/8" x 90° ü 2.30 J1134 3/8" ü 2.14 3.16 J1004 1/2" x 90° ü 1.89 J1135 1/2" ü 3.37 J1005 5/8" x 90° ü 1.73 J1136 5/8" ü 2.09 J1110 3/4" x 90° ü 3.72 J1137 3/4" ü 7.34 J1111 7/8" x 90° ü 4.28 J1138 7/8" ü 6.89 J1113 1.1/8" x 90° 6.17 J8104 1.1/8” ü 28.41 J1114 1.3/8" x 90° 8.87 J1140 1.1/8" J1115 1.5/8" x 90° 13.67 J1141 1.3/8" 21.57 J1116 2.1/8” x 90° 26.27 J1142 1.5/8" 28.41 J1117 2.5/8" x 90° 46.77 J1144 2.1/8" 57.27 J1118 3.1/8" x 90° 68.29 J1145 2.5/8" 80.94 J1146 3.1/8" 197.88 12.65 Copper Elbows - 45°, Sweat, Long Radius J8046* 1.1/8” x 45° lr ü 20.50 J8049* 1.3/8” x 45° lr ü 26.27 J1203 3.8" ü 0.71 J8051* 1.5/8” x 45° lr ü 48.35 J1204 1/2" ü 1.33 J1205 5/8" ü 0.82 J1206 3/4" ü 2.14 Copper Elbows - 90°, Sweat, Long Radius Copper Couplings (rolled stop) J1154 1/2" x 90° lr ü 2.50 J1207 7/8" ü 1.48 J1155 5/8" x 90° lr ü 3.32 J8133A 1.1/8" ü 5.66 J1156 3/4" x 90° lr ü 4.18 J1209 1.1/8" J1157 7/8" x 90° lr ü 6.43 J8136 1.3/8" ü 15.76 J8019 1.1/8” x 90° lr ü 21.78 J1211 1.3/8" J1159 1.1/8" x 90° lr J8138A 1.5/8" ü 17.90 J8020A 1.3/8" x 90° lr J1161 1.3/8" x 90° lr 9.08 ü 3.11 5.41 24.74 J1212 1.5/8" 6.99 15.76 J1213 2.1/8" 12.09 J8023A 1.5/8" x 90° lr 35.24 J1214 2.5/8" 30.50 J1163 1.5/8" x 90° lr 25.25 J1215 3.1/8" 39.93 J1165 2.1/8” x 90° lr 38.91 J1167 2.5/8” x 90° lr J1169 3.1/8” x 9° lr ü * R410a compatible. 82.52 146.88 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit FITTINGS & FASTENERS CF103 Fittings & Fasteners Description R410a System Price $ Excl. GST Copper Reducing Bushes Realcold Stock No. Description R410a System Price $ Excl. GST Copper ‘P’ Traps J1308 3/4" x 1/2" ü 4.95 J1498 5/8" ü 23.15 J1309 3/4" x 5/8" ü 3.62 J1499 3/4" ü 27.34 ü 29.99 J1312 7/8" x 1/2" ü 3.42 J1500 7/8" J1311 7/8" x 5/8" ü 2.60 J1501 1.1/8" 44.68 J1310 7/8" x 3/4" ü 2.81 J1502 1.3/8" 59.93 J8192A 1.1/8" x 5/8" ü 7.65 J1503 1.5/8" 92.46 J1312B 1.1/8" x 5/8" 5.10 J1504 2.1/8" 163.20 J1314 1.1/8" x 3/4" J8199A 1.1/8" x 7/8" J1313 4.54 6.89 Copper Saddles (single) 1.1/8" x 7/8" 4.18 J2010 1/4” 1.07 J1319 1.3/8" x 5/8" 7.60 J2011 3/8” 1.07 J8204A 1.3/8" x 7/8" 12.09 J2012 1/2” 1.12 J1318 1.3/8" x 7/8" 7.60 J2013 5/8” 1.07 J1317 1.3/8" x 1.1/8" 7.60 J2014 3/4” 1.12 9.79 J2015 7/8” 1.33 J1322 1.5/8" x 7/8" J1321 1.5/8" x 1.1/8" J8217* 1.5/8" x 1.3/8" J1320 J1326 ü ü 9.79 J2017 1.1/8” 1.99 11.58 J2018 1.3/8” 2.35 1.5/8" x 1.3/8" 8.57 J2019 1.5/8” 2.70 2.1/8" x 1.1/8" 38.91 J2020 2.1/8” 3.06 J1325 2.1/8" x 1.3/8" 18.92 J1324 2.1/8" x 1.5/8" 17.90 Pipe Clamps (brass) J1330 2.5/8" x 1.3/8" 38.35 J1249 for 5/8" OD tube 6.48 J1332 2.5/8" x 1.5/8" 27.85 J1250 for 7/8" OD tube 7.29 J1329 2.5/8" x 2.1/8" 31.52 J1251 for 1.1/8" OD tube 8.72 J1331 3.1/8" x 2.5/8" 47.84 J1252 for 1.3/8" OD tube 8.67 Larger fitting sizes fit into a bend, tee or coupling, smaller fitting sizes fit over OD tube. J1253 for 1.5/8" OD tube 11.58 J1254 for 2.1/8" OD tube 12.65 J1255 for 2.5/8" OD tube 17.34 J1257 Brass Plate tapped to 10 mm 3.47 J1258 Screwed Brass Rod 10 mm x 610 mm long 22.59 J1259 Brass Nut 10 mm (for locking rod) ü Copper Caps J1345 5/8" ü 1.94 J1346 3/4" ü 4.69 J1347 7/8" ü 1.38 J1351 1.1/8" 2.91 J1353 1.3/8" 4.28 J1355 1.5/8" 6.27 J1361 2.1/8" 14.23 J1366 2.5/8" 35.24 J1367 3.1/8" 79.36 1.07 Note: MP and FP are NPT (National Pipe Thread). Refer to CC63 for Thread Sealants. * R410a compatible Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components Realcold Stock No. FITTINGS & FASTENERS CF104 Fittings & Fasteners Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST Components Simplefix Tube Hangers Hinged Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST ZP Threaded Rod (galvanised) J1701 Hinged 1/2-5/8 3.06 J1260 10 mm x 1000 mm 4.44 J1702 Hinged 5/8-3/4 3.21 J1262 10 mm Nut to suit 0.46 J1703 Hinged 7/8 3.42 J1263 Hinged 1.1/8 3.67 10 mm x 32 mm ZP Washer 0.41 J1704 J1705 Hinged 1.3/8 3.98 J1706 Hinged 1.5/8 4.49 J1708 Hinged 2.1/8 6.12 J1710 Hinged 2.5/8 7.50 J1713 Hinged 3.1/8 11.58 Simplefix Tube Hangers Heavy Duty Simplefix Multi Purpose - Pipe Support Systems J1265 Simplefix 100 m ZP Backing Plate 1.84 J1270 Simplefix Strap (galv.) 25 metre x 0.6 mm J1271 5 metre x 0.6 mm 13.67 J1275 Rubber Insertion Strip 5 metre coil 18.92 55.69 J1720 Heavy Duty 3/8-1/2 3.06 J1721 Heavy Duty 1/2-5/8 3.06 J1279 Top Bracket 0.82 J1722 Heavy Duty 3/4 3.21 J1278 Clip Lock 0.51 J1723 Heavy Duty 7/8 3.42 J1724 Heavy Duty 1.1/8 3.67 J1725 Heavy Duty 1.3/8 3.98 4.49 J1726 Heavy Duty 1.5/8 J1728 Heavy Duty 2.1/8 6.12 J1730 Heavy Duty 2.5/8 7.50 J1733 Heavy Duty 3.1/8 8.67 Fasteners - Cable Ties Realcold Stock No. Description Quantity Per Pack System Price $ Excl. GST H0084 2.5 x 100 mm Natural 100 H0085 2.5 x 100 mm Black 100 0.15 H0086 3.5 x 150 mm Natural 100 0.20 H0087 3.5 x 150 mm Black 100 0.20 H0088 4.6 x 200 mm Natural 100 0.26 H0089 4.6 x 200 mm Black 100 0.26 H0090 4.6 x 385 mm Black 100 0.36 H0091 4.6 x 385 mm Natural 100 0.36 H0094 7.6 x 390 mm Natural 100 0.51 H0095 7.6 x 390 mm Black 100 0.51 H0096 7.6 x 465 mm Natural 100 1.02 H0097 7.6 x 465 mm Black 100 1.07 H0098 7.6 x 760 mm Black 50 1.94 0.15 Realcold offer a comprehensive range of screws and fastenings. Visit your store to view the full range. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit FITTINGS CF105 Thermoplastic - Nylon Realcold Stock No. Description Recommended max. safe working load System Price $ Excl. GST Threaded Rod J3010 Nylon Threaded Rod M10 x 1.0 metre 80 Kg 15.25 J3012 Nylon Threaded Rod M12 x 1.0 metre 120 Kg 17.90 Buffalo Panel Bolts Nylon Panel Bolts M10 x 150 mm 80 Kg 6.43 Nylon Panel Bolts M10 x 250 mm 80 Kg 7.55 J3190 Nylon Panel Bolts M12 x 150 mm 120 Kg 7.09 J3192 Nylon Panel Bolts M12 x 250 mm 120 Kg 8.87 Threaded Rod Components J3180 J3182 Full Hexagonal Nuts J3040 Nylon Full Hex Nuts M10 80 Kg 0.66 J3042 Nylon Full Hex Nuts M12 120 Kg 0.77 J3060 Nylon Washer Faced Nut M10 0.71 J3062 Nylon Washer Faced Nut M12 0.87 J3080 Nylon Dome Nut M10 80 Kg 0.71 J3082 Nylon Dome Nut M12 120 Kg 1.07 J3160 Nylon T-Nut M10 80 Kg 11.07 J3162 Nylon T-Nut M12 120 Kg 15.76 Washer Faced Nuts Buffalo Panel Bolt Dome Nuts Buffalo T-Nut Dome Nut Washer - Standard J3110 Nylon M10 Washer 10.5 mm ID x 21.0 mm OD x 2.0 mm Thick 0.31 J3112 Nylon M12 Washer 13.0 mm ID x 24.0 mm OD x 2.5 mm Thick 0.31 Washer Faced Nut Washer - Load Bearing J3130 Nylon M10 Washer 10.5 mm ID x 45 mm OD x 4.5 mm Thick 1.73 J3131 Nylon M10 Washer 10.5 mm ID x 75 mm OD x 4.5 mm Thick 4.28 J3142 Nylon M12 Washer 13.0 mm ID x 50 mm OD x 4.5 mm Thick 1.84 J3143 Nylon M12 Washer 14.0 mm ID x 75 mm OD x 4.5 mm Thick 4.28 Mushroom Head Bolts - (coolroom bolts) J1285 Mushroom Head Bolt M16 x 250 mm 3.16 J1287 Mushroom Head Bolt M16 x 300 mm 4.44 J1290 Nylon Nut M16 1.22 J1292 Nylon Washer M16 0.82 Buffalo T-Nut Mushroom Head Bolt Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit FITTINGS CF106 Evaporator Mounting Kits - Nylon Realcold Stock No. System Price $ Excl. GST Model Contains Recommended max. safe working load J3210 Bluemay Chiller 4 Bolt Kit Bolt - 10 mm diameter and 150 mm length 4 x J3040 nut 4 x J3060 washer faced nut 4 x J3130 washer 4 x J3180 bolt 320 Kg 39.42 J3212 Bluemay Freezer Kit 4 Bolt Kit Bolt - 10 mm diameter and 250 mm length 4 x J3040 nut 4 x J3060 washer faced nut 4 x J3130 washer 4 x J3182 bolt 320 Kg 43.61 J3211 Bluemay Chiller 6 Bolt Kit Bolt - 10 mm diameter and 150 mm length 6 x J3040 nut 6 x J3060 washer faced nut 6 x J3130 washer 6 x J3180 bolt 480 Kg 57.78 J3213 Bluemay Freezer 6 Bolt Kit Bolt - 10 mm diameter and 250 mm length 6 x J3040 nut 6 x J3060 washer faced nut 6 x J3130 washer 6 x J3182 bolt 480 Kg 65.69 Components Bluemay Kits • The use of steel or brass nuts with Thermoplastic rod is not recommended. • See technical data for temperature limitations. Not recommended for below -30ºC. • Care should be taken not to over-tighten nuts when used with Thermoplastic threaded rod. Nuts should be tightened by hand and given half a turn with a spanner. Features & Benefits Nylon threaded rod and Buffalo bolts, together with associated products, have been at the heart of Bluemay’s manufacturing operation since 1973. This very special range is widely held in high regard by customers who have come to rely on its exceptional qualities and high standard of production. Threaded Rod, Thermoplastic Nuts and Washers are available in Nylon 66, one of the strongest grades of engineering plastic. This remarkable material has many features, including a melting point of 260˚C, a tensile strength at 23˚C of 62-83 N/mm², and a 1-3% deformation under load 14N/mm² after 24 hours, at 50˚C. The products in the Bluemay range are: • • • • Efficient thermal and electrical insulators Non-corrosive Lightweight and easy to handle Hygenic Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit FITTINGS CF107 Insulclamp Tube and pipe support. INSULCLAMP - effective pipe support and good isolation properties reduce transmission of vibration and noise. Withstands temperatures from -30ºC to +125ºC, good resistance to oil, UV rays etc. Size Description “A” (mm) Sold Per “B” (mm) System Price $ Excl. GST J1602 1/4" 31.80 7.9 each 3.37 J1603 3/8” 34.93 19.05 each 3.47 J1604 1/2” 38.10 23.81 each 3.47 J1605 5/8” 42.75 25.40 each 3.62 J1606 3/4” 44.45 30.16 each 3.67 J1607 7/8” 49.21 33.34 each 3.77 J1608 1.1/8” 53.98 36.51 each 4.13 J1609 1.3/8” 60.33 44.45 each 4.44 5.56 J1610 1.5/8” 73.03 53.98 each J1611 2.1/8” 88.90 68.26 each 7.45 J1612 2.5/8” 101.60 80.96 each 11.58 J1613 3.1/8” 114.30 93.66 each 13.16 J1614 4.1/8" 139.70 146.05 each 15.25 J1620 40 x 20mm Aluminium Channel 1 metre lengths length 19.99 Description Sold Per System Price $ Excl. GST Studding Clip The Studding Clip is a plastic clip for supporting copper tube or PVC pipe. Realcold Stock No. J1681 22 mm Studding Clip each 1.55 J1682 25 mm Studding Clip each 1.60 J1684 32 mm Studding Clip each AC1205 Galvanised steel channel 3 metre length M1000 1.70 69.36 BBJ Pipe Fittings Realcold Stock No. Description Height Width Depth Approx Pipe Size + Insulation System Price $ Excl. GST J1650 BBJ Suspender # 2 75 mm 55 mm 35 mm 5/8” gas, 3/8” liquid 6.48 J1651 BBJ Suspender # 3 87 mm 62 mm 35 mm 7/8” gas, 1/2” liquid 6.63 35 mm J1652 BBJ Suspender # 4 100 mm 70 mm 1.1/8” gas, 5/8” liquid 6.73 J1660 BBJ Griplock # 1 30 mm 54 mm 1/2” gas, 1/4” liquid 3.62 J1661 BBJ Griplock # 2 32 mm 60 mm 5/8” gas, 3/8” liquid 3.62 J1662 BBJ Griplock # 3 37 mm 67 mm 7/8” gas, 1/2” liquid 3.77 J1663 BBJ Griplock # 4 46 mm 80 mm 1.1/8” gas, 5/8” liquid 4.13 J1670 BBJ Pipe Tie Base BH1 6.17 J1671 BBJ Pipe Tie Base BH2 6.38 J1672 BBJ Pipe Tie Base BH3 6.58 J1674 BBJ Pipe Tie 250 mm 3.11 J1675 BBJ Pipe Tie 300 mm 3.32 J1676 BBJ Pipe Tie 350 mm 3.57 J1677 BBJ Pipe Tie 400 mm 4.54 J1678 BBJ Pipe Tie 450 mm 4.95 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components Realcold Stock No. FITTINGS CF108 Locksets Realcold Stock No. Model System Price $ Excl. GST Description V0116 Efco style R5710 is supplied complete with strike. Lockable handle. 167.28 V0121 Efco style R5612 complete with internal release. Adjustable strike, offset 16 to 32mm 231.54 V0300 Shineyear CH1178 complete with internal release. Adjustable strike, offset 45 to70 mm 188.70 V0356 Shineyear Internal Release Mechanism to suit CT/CH-1178 29.43 V0302 Shineyear CH-1200P Edgemount type. Adjustable strike, offset 18 to 22mm 28.92 V0116 V0121 Components Hinges Realcold Stock No. V0300 V0151 Model Description Approx. Overall Length Adjustable Offset R40 110 mm 19 - 25 mm V0151 Efco V0146 LH Self Closing Rising Hinge (Same as Efco R187 V0147 RH Self Closing Rising Hinge (Same as Efco R187) V0316 Shineyear CH1450 System Price $ Excl. GST 43.61 24.17 24.17 250 mm 81.96 32 - 50 mm V0318 Shineyear CH1460 250 mm 32 - 60 mm 87.77 V0320 Shineyear CH1470 335 mm 40 - 70 mm 107.10 Style Spares - Efco Realcold Stock No. V0316 V0146 System Price $ Excl. GST Description V0117 Efco R5722 strike for R5712 and R5710. Adjustable offset 19 to 25 mm V0122 Efco R5622 strike for R5612. Adjustable offset 0 to 16 mm 35.24 V0124 Efco R5612 Internal Release Handle for R5612 47.28 V0126 Efco V26A Push Rod for R5612 19.99 V0128 Efco Spring to suit R5612 147.90 9.08 Accessories - Efco A.V0126 B.V0124 A B C.V0129 D.V0117 E.V0122/3 C E D Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit HEAT EXCHANGERS Heat Exchangers CH109 Doucette Heat Exchangers Nominal capacities kWs at +5°C SST 5.5K of subcooling for below heat exchangers Realcold Stock No. Model F0045 F0046 F0048 F0049 F0050 SLHE 1 SLHE 1.1/2 SLHE 3 SLHE 5 SLHE 7.1/2 Description Nom. HP R22 R404a R134a 1 1.1/2 3 5 7.1/2 3.17 4.20 4.69 9.67 11.43 4.09 5.83 7.59 12.85 15.19 4.52 6.30 8.21 14.51 17.79 Connection Sizes Suction Liquid 5/8" SW 7/8" SW 1.1/8" SW 1.3/8" SW 1.5/8” SW 3/8" SW 3/8" SW 1/2" SW 5/8" SW 5/8" SW Dimensions (mm) Liq. Vol. cm³ Diam. x Length 28 35 42 54 54 344 363 375 356 425 44 52 58 255 306 System Price $ Excl. GST POA POA POA POA POA • Doucette Heat Exchangers are all copper construction, suitable for all refrigerants. Type L copper fluted suction tubes. Working Principle: Wilchwitzer Thermo-Technik (WTT) consists of a pack of pressed stainless steel plates which are brazed together with 99.9% copper in a vacuum furnace. When assembling the pack every alternate plate is rotated by 180° to produce two separate flow channels in which the heat exchange media flow in opposite directions. All contact points are joined by brazing. This process makes it possible to achieve very high mechanical strength, i.e. high pressure resistance. The corrugated plates generate high turbulence during fluid through put, which promotes efficient heat exchange even with a low flow rate. Applications: WTT can be utilized for a wide range of gaseous and non clogging liquid media: Water; Oil; Glycol; Freons. Typical applications include: • • • • • • Floor Heating Condensers and evaporators in Chillers & Heatpumps Industrial processes Hydraulic oil cooling Heat Recovery Desuperheaters Advantages: • • • • Compact unit, low weight Less space required No gaskets, no leaks High heat transmission rate • High operational temperatures and high workings pressures. • SUS316 (AISI 316) (W-1.4401) stainless steel for effective corrosion resistance. • Easy installation and replacement, low maintenance requirements. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components • Single and multiple tube configurations to reduce velocity and pressure drop. High temperature brass brazed. UL listed INSULATION CI110 Maxflex™ is made from light weight elastomeric material specially designed for thermal insulation usage. Maxflex™ is CFC free, HCFC free, ODP zero, asbestos free, dust free and fibre free. The molecular structure of Maxflex™ is characterized by a large number of fine cross-linked closed cells which provides: a) Stable and low thermal conductivity value (K-Value). b) Excellent moisture and vapour resistance due to its dense surface skin and the closed cell structure. c) Outstanding ozone / UV and weather resistance. d) Flexibility, making installation work easy and neat. e) Ideal thermal insulation to prevent condensation problems on chilled water pipes or refrigerant lines, and also prevents frost formation. Maxflex™ retards heat loss from dual temperature piping systems, reduces noise by acting as a vibration damper and serves as an outer shield to protect metal pipes from corrosion by atmospheric and industrial environment. Maxflex™ complies with ASTM C 534-88. Components Tube Insulation Realcold Stock No. N4109FR N4113FR N4116FR N4119FR N4122FR N4125FR N4128FR N4135FR N4142FR N4148FR N4154FR N4160FR N4167FR N4180FR N4190FR N4209FR N4213FR N4216FR N4219FR N4222FR N4228FR N4235FR N4242FR N4248FR N4254FR N4260FR N4267FR N4276FR N4280FR N4290FR N4319FR N4322FR N4328FR N4335FR N4342FR N4348FR N4354FR N4360FR N4367FR N4380FR Description ID Lengths Per Ctn Wall Thickness Inches mm Inches mm 3/8" 1/2" 5/8" 3/4" 7/8" 1” 1.1/8" 1.3/8" 1.5/8" 1.7/8" 2.1/8" 2.3/8" 2.5/8" 3.1/8" 3.1/2” 3/8" 1/2" 5/8" 3/4" 7/8" 1.1/8" 1.3/8" 1.5/8" 1.7/8" 2.1/8" 2.3/8" 2.5/8" 3” 3.1/8" 3.1/2" 3/4” 7/8" 1.1/8" 1.3/8" 1.5/8" 1.7/8" 2.1/8" 2.3/8” 2.5/8" 3.1/8" 9 13 16 19 22 25 28 35 42 48 54 60 67 80 90 9 13 16 19 22 28 35 42 48 54 60 67 76 80 90 19 22 28 35 42 48 54 60 67 80 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 1” 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1” 1” 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 70 60 50 40 32 30 28 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 8 32 32 28 24 20 18 16 12 10 8 8 8 6 6 6 18 16 12 10 8 8 8 6 6 6 System Price $ Excl. GST 5.13 6.66 8.37 9.12 10.16 9.99 11.60 13.04 14.94 17.32 17.90 19.60 24.83 29.54 28.69 7.25 9.36 12.11 11.89 14.43 19.33 22.63 22.61 31.17 28.63 32.00 34.91 40.20 41.07 46.19 23.88 27.69 25.02 29.37 33.26 37.82 53.92 46.09 49.66 59.05 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit INSULATION CI111 Sheet Insulation Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST N4513FR 1.22m x 0.914m x 13 mm 20 sheets/ctn 33.47 N4519FR 1.22m x 0.914m x 19 mm 10 sheets/ctn 50.62 N4525FR 1.22m x 0.914m x 25 mm 8 sheets/ctn 68.27 1 Metre Adhesive Insulation Description System Price $ Excl. GST N2491FR 1.00 m x 6 mm 1 metre length 37.64 N2493FR 1.00 m x 13 mm 1 metre length 43.15 Roll Insulation Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST N4406FR 1.00 m x 22.0 m x 6 mm Rolls 508.62 N4413FR 1.00 m x 11.0 m x 13 mm Rolls 473.33 N4419FR 1.00 m x 7.0 m x 19 mm Rolls 428.16 N4408FR 1.00 m x 22.0 m x 6 mm Roll - Adhesive 827.97 N4415FR 1.00 m x 11.0 m x 13 mm Roll - Adhesive 567.63 Note: Maxflex products complies to standard AS/ANZS 1530.30:1999. Specifications Physical Properties Maxflex Cell Structure Density Ibs/ft³ (g/cm³) Thermal Conductivity BTU. in/ft² hr. °F(W/mK) Test Method Closed Cell - 3-6 (0.048-0.096) ASTM D 1667 Mean Temp. -4°F (-20°C) 32°F (0°C) 75°F (24°C) 90°F (32°C) 104°F (40°C) K-Value 0.22 0.032 0.23 0.034 0.25 0.037 0.26 0.038 0.27 0.039 Service Temperature Water Vapour Permeability (kg/Pa.s.m) ASTM C177 JIS A1412 DIN 52613 -70°F to 257°F -57°C to 125°C Maxflex becomes hard at -57°C But can be used even at -200°C 0.10 perm-in (0.15 x 10-12) ASTM C 355 ASTM E96 Moisture Resistance (μ value) μ not less than 5000 DIN 52615 Water Absorption (weight %) Not more than 3% ASTM D 1056 Ozone Resistance Heat Stability (% shrinkage) At 200 °F and 220 °F for 7 days Flammability & Smoke Density U.V Weather Resistance Nitrosamine Contents Flexibility No crack ASTM D 1171 4.5 and 5.5 respectively ASTM C 534 Class VO UL – 94 Self-extinguishing ASTM D 635 Class 1 BS476 Part 7 1987 Class 0 BS476 Part 6 1987 Smoke density 80 ASTM-E84 (15 mm thick) Excellent - Not detected U.S FDA Excellent - Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components Realcold Stock No. INSULATION CI112 Insulation Tape Realcold Stock No. Description N4606FR Maxflex Foam Tape Closed cells elastomeric, black colour, one side adhesive with protective film. Used for hot and cold pipe insulation. Can be used as joint protection. 48 mm x 15 metres roll - self adhering System Price $ Excl. GST 38.48 Components Electrical Insulation Tape Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST N0185 Insulation Tape - 48 mm x 30 metres roll - self adhering Black PVC 9.89 N0186 Insulation Tape - 48 mm x 30 metres roll - self adhering White PVC 10.40 N0187 Insulation Tape - 48 mm x 30 metres roll - self adhering PVC (heavy grade) 17.34 N0420 Electrical Tape 19 mm x 20 metres Black N0421 Electrical Tape 19 mm x 20 metres Red 1.68 N0422 Hellerman Electrical Tape 19 mm x 20 metres Yellow 1.68 1.68 N0423 Electrical Tape 19 mm x 20 metres Blue 1.68 N0424 Hellerman Electrical Tape 19 mm x 20 metres Green 1.68 Duct Tape Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST N0402 Aluminium Duct Tape - 51 mm x 45.72 metres roll 18.41 N0404 Silver Duct Tape - 51 mm x 54.86 metres roll 18.41 Petroleum Tape Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST N0406 Denso Tape 50 mm x 10 metres roll 15.25 N0407 Denso Tape 100 mm x 10 metres roll 25.45 Note: Maxflex products complies to standard AS/ANZS 1530.30:1999. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit INSULATION CI113 Accessories, Sealing, Jointing Compounds Realcold Stock No. Description Sold Per System Price $ Excl. GST Insulation Adhesive N0180 Virginia KMP Adhesive for tube insulation. 236ml Tin 26.27 N0170 Holdfast H2 Insulation Adhesive for tube insulation. 125ml Tin 15.56 N0172 Holdfast H2 Insulation Adhesive for tube insulation. 250ml Tin 20.50 Sealing Compounds Holdfast Bison Silicone Sealant (White) 375ml Tube 21.47 N0515 Holdfast Fix all 220 Sealant White 425g Tube 27.34 N0519 Holdfast Silaseal Silicone Sealant (Clear) 310ml Tube 23.56 N0190 Holdfast Nailpower FR Expanding Foam 750ml Aerosol Can 47.28 N0191 Holdfast Foam Cleaner 500ml Aerosol Can N0192 Holdfast Spare Nozzle Pack of 4 N0512 Components N0512 25.25 5.25 per pack Polyurethane Foam N0197 Endurathane is a low density, flame retardant, rigid polyurethane foam system kit, consisting of 1kg tin of each component ‘A’ and ‘B’. When mixed together at optimum temperature, will yield a total of approximately 56.6 litres (0.057m³). 2 X 1Kg Tins A+B 96.70 N0198 Endurathane (as above) 2 x 5kg components. Will yield 283 litres (0.28m³) 2 X 5Kg Tins A +B 327.42 N0020 Presstite Thermal Mastic 3.8 Litre Tin 90.37 N0021 Presstite Thermal Mastic 225gm Tube 20.50 Thermal Mastic N0020 Note: A heat conducting compound - increases heat transfer at four times the rate obtained with mechanical mounting. N0021 Insulation Mastic N0025 Virginia PM11 Insulation Mastic Weatherproof, stops surface condensation, reduces heat transfer & conductivity 3.8 Litre Tin 128.00 Dektite Pipe Flashing - Square Base Dektite provides a durable maintenance-free seal, no matter what profile or diameter pipe Realcold Stock No. Model Description Sold Per System Price $ Excl. GST N0500 DB0-35 Mini Dektite Ideal for cable or conduit 20 per carton, each 18.41 N0501 DB5-55 Dektite to 55 mm 10 per carton, each 20.50 N0502 DB50-70 Dektite to 70 mm 10 per carton, each 22.08 N0503 DB70-110 Dektite 50 - 120 mm 10 per carton, each 33.10 N0504 DB110-160 Dektite 110 - 170 mm 10 per carton, each 35.75 N0505 DB160-220 Dektite to 220 mm 10 per carton, each 65.18 N0506 DB220-300 Dektite 160 - 300 mm 10 per carton, each 102.46 N0521 RF801G Round Base Dektite 20 - 70 mm Retrofit: for existing and fixed piping 10 per carton, each 45.19 N0495 Top-Hat Roof penetration kit N0025 N0502 87.55 Note: Material Safety Data Sheets are available, upon request, for hazardous substances. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit LUBRICANTS CL114 Compressor Lubricants Realcold Stock No. System Price $ Excl. GST Type Description N0531 Suniso 3GS (150 VIS) Mineral Oil - 3.8 Litre Container. Low/Medium Temp N0535 Suniso 3GS (150 VIS) Mineral Oil - 19 Litre Container Low/Medium Temp N0541 Suniso 4GS (300 VIS) Mineral Oil - 3.8 Litre Container Medium/High Temp 49.64 N0545 Suniso 4GS (300 VIS) Mineral Oil - 19 Litre Container Medium/High Temp 234.55 N0551 Suniso 5GS (500 VIS) Mineral Oil - 3.8 Litre container Suitable for Tecumseh CG, York F210R, Sanden. Automotive/Marine Mineral Oil 49.64 234.55 51.89 Components Guide: 150 SUS 32 cST, hence Suniso 3GS (150) and Clavus G32 300 SUS 68 cST, hence Suniso 4GS (300) and Clavus G68 Polyolester Oil N0579 Emkarate LE 32MAF Polyolester Oil - 19 Litre Low/Medium Temp 989.40 N0580 Emkarate LE 32MAF Polyolester Oil - 3.8 Litre Low/Medium Temp 240.98 N0581 Emkarate LE 32MAF Polyolester Oil - 0.95 Litre Low/Medium Temp 64.26 N0582 Emkarate RL 68H Polyolester Oil - 0.95 Litre Medium/High Temp 64.26 N0583 Emkarate RL 68H Polyolester Oil - 3.8 Litre Medium/High Temp 244.19 N0584 Emkarate RL 100S Polyolester Oil - 0.95 Litre Automotive/Marine 59.06 Vacuum Pump Lubricants This is a specially selected oil with a low vapour pressure and high stability for sealing. Realcold Stock No. Type Description System Price $ Excl. GST N0105 Yellow Jacket Vacuum Pump Oil - .47L 13.28 N0106 Yellow Jacket Vacuum Pump Oil - .95L 24.31 N0108 Yellow Jacket Vacuum Pump Oil - 3.8 L 83.33 Note: Compressor lubricants are not suitable for vacuum pumps. Material Safety Data Sheets are available, upon request, for hazardous substances. Oil Pump Realcold Stock No. Type Description System Price $ Excl. GST T2162 Yellow Jacket 77940 Max-Flow Combination Suction/Discharge Pump. Suits all containers 290.24 T2164 Yellow Jacket 77930 Max Flow Deluxe Pump 352.36 T2640 Yellow Jacket 77931 O Ring Kit for Max Deluxe Realcold Stock No. Type Description T2160 Yellow Jacket 69562 Oil Injector. 118ml (4oz) . 1/4” MF x 1/4” FF Quick Connector Realcold Stock No. Type Description C5860 SZ-OIL1 FC300 19 Litre Oil (M/T R404) POA C5862 SZ-OIL3 FC170 19 Litre Oil (L/T R404a) POA C5864 SZ-OIL2 FC170 25 Litre Oil (L/T, M/T R22) POA C5866 T00WK110 Oil Filter Kit POA 20.99 Oil Injector System Price $ Excl. GST 215.27 Frascold Oils System Price $ Excl. GST Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit LUBRICANTS CL115 Lubricants - Quick Reference Chart Ashrae Number Brand Name Part Number Lubricant Type - N0541 Mineral/ Alkylbenzene Blend HCFC R134a - N0581 P.O.E HFC R401a Suva MP 39 N0531 Mineral/ Alkylbenzene Blend HCFC R401b Suva MP 66 N0531 Mineral/ Alkylbenzene Blend HCFC R401c Suva MP 52 N0531 Mineral/ Alkylbenzene Blend HCFC R405a G2015 N0531 Mineral or Alkylbenzene PFC R406a GHC-X3 N0531 Mineral HCFC R409a FX 56 N0531 Mineral HCFC R413a Isceon 49 N0581 P.O.E PFC R414a GHG-X4 N0531 Mineral HC R414b Hotshot N0531 Mineral HC R409b FX 57 N0531 Mineral HCFC R412a TP 5R N0581 P.O.E PFC R290 Care 40 N0531 Mineral HC R507 AZ 50 N0581 P.O.E HFC R402a HP 80 N0531 Mineral/ Alkylbenzene Blend HCFC R402b HP 81 N0531 Mineral/ Alkylbenzene Blend HCFC R403a 69S (RX) N0581 P.O.E PFC R403b 69L (RX1) N0581 P.O.E PFC R404a HP 62 N0581 P.O.E HFC R407a Klea 60 N0581 P.O.E HFC R407b Klea 61 N0581 P.O.E HFC R408a FX 10 N0531 Mineral HCFC R411b G2018B N0531 Mineral HC R509a TP5R2 N0581 P.O.E PFC R407c Forane 407c N0581 P.O.E HFC R410a AZ 20 N0581 P.O.E HFC M059 Isceon 59 - R417a Mineral/ P.O.E/ Alkylbenzene HC M099 Isceon 99 - R438a Mineral/ P.O.E/ Alkylbenzene HCFC R11 Replacement R123 R502 Replacements R22 Replacements Hydrochlorofluorocarbon = HCFC Hydrofluorocarbon = HFC Perfluorocarbon = PFC Hydrocarbon = HC Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components R12 Replacements OIL CONTROL SYSTEMS CO116 Trax Oil Control Systems Realcold Stock No. Description F0092 TRAX TR3201 Oil Level Control System System Price $ Excl. GST 540.86 Oil Reservoir And Accessories Realcold Stock No. Description F0052 Henry S-9130 Adjustable Oil Level Regulator with 3/8” MF SAE equalisation connection 90 psi max. differential. Replaces S9191, S9131, S9134, S9133, S9190, & S9193 532.29 F0053 A C & R S-9108 Oil Reservoir (4 US gallon capacity) 15 litres The oil reservoir is the holding vessel for stand-by oil necessary for the operation of the oil control system. 712.22 F0055 A C & R S-9109 Oil Reservoir (2 US gallon capacity) 7.5 litres 3/8 Flare Rotalock Valve 525.86 F0057 Henry S-9104 Reservoir Pressure Valve 3/8 Flare Connections This valve will maintain a 5lb. positive pressure differential at the oil reservoir over the crankcase pressure ensuring an adequate oil supply to the oil level regulator. 115.67 F0062 Henry S-9104H High Pressure Check Reservoir Valve Some parallel compressor systems have a satellite compressor which maintains a higher suction pressure than the other compressor system. The S-9104H provides a 20 lb positive pressure in the oil reservoir for this application. 115.67 F0058 Henry S-9241 Oil Level Regulator Shut-Off Valve 3/8 MF x 3/8 FF Swivel Connection S-9106-vertical mount This valve allows each oil level regulator to be isolated if service is required on a compressor. Vertical model. For equalization lines on S-9130 regulator. 83.33 F0060 Henry 3/033/212 Sight Glass Adaptor 3 bolt 1.7/8 to suit Copeland 8R Series, Frascold W Series 153.15 F0059 A C & R S-9105 Oil Line Strainer 3/8 MF Flare- 100 Mesh 11 sq in. This strainer protects the oil level regulator by removing foreign matter. The strainers mesh screen provides adequate straining with low pressure drop. 87.18 Components F0052 F0053/5 F0057/62 F0058 F0063 Rotolock Valve 3/8 - To suit A C & R reservoirs F0066 *Henry S-4005 POE Oil Filter Drier 3/8” MF. 6 micron filtration Removes foreign material from the oil as it passes through the filter. F0067 Henry S-9106H Horizontal Shut-Off Valve 3/8” MF x 3/8” FF, swivel connection. Horizontal model for use where space is limited. System Price $ Excl. GST 45.26 255.97 83.33 * Note S-4005 oil filter drier must be fitted between oil separator and crankcase, or between oil separator and reservoir on multiple compressor systems Oil Control Accessories Realcold Stock No. F0059 Description System Price $ Excl. GST SP2600 Sporlan OF-303 Oil Filter 3/8" Flare 291.31 SP2601 Sporlan OF-303-BP Oil Filter W/Bypass 3/8" Flare 317.02 SP2650 Sporlan S-OL Oil Sight Glass 968013 39.73 F0066 F0067 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit OIL SEPARATORS CO117 Carly Turboil Model Conn. ODS Maximum Refrigerating Capacity in kW R134a R22 -5°C -5°C -40°C -5°C R404a -40°C Oil PreCharge Litre System Price $ Excl. GST F0400 1503S 3/8" SW ODF Solder 5 7 5 7 5 0.3 288.66 F0401 1504S 1/2" SW ODF Solder 5.5 8 6 8 6 0.3 270.30 F0402 2505 S/MMS 5/8" SW ODF Solder 17 24 17 25 17 0.3 270.30 F0404 3007 S 7/8" SW ODF Solder 25 30 24 32 26 0.3 306.00 F0406 3009 S 1 1/8" SW ODF Solder 28 36 28 40 29 0.3 319.26 F0408 3011 S/MMS 1 3/8" SW 31 45 32 47 32 0.3 337.62 F0425 8013 S 1 5/8" SW 70 90 65 94 65 1.0 639.54 F0426 9017 S 2 1/8” SW 80 110 85 120 87 1.0 703.80 F0429 FM 15021 S 2 5/8" SW 146 194 138 200 142 0.4 2,008.38 F0430 FM 30025 S 3 1/8" SW ODF Solder 318 424 303 430 310 0.4 2,107.32 F0450 Float Assembly replacement suits our F0429, F0430, CY33303450 843.54 Temperatures indicated are evaporating temperatures. The refrigerating capacities indicated take into account a condensing temperature of 38°C, of a 5°C superheated, of a 5°C subcooled and suction temp of 18°C. To obtain a condensing temperature which is different to +38°C, apply the following formula: Po = P / {T - 38) x 0.0143 + 1} (kW) P = The refrigerating capacity of your installation (kW) T = The condensing temperature of your installation in °C Po = The new refrigerating capacity of your installation estimated for a condensing temperature of 38°C Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components Realcold Stock No. OIL CONTROL SYSTEMS CO118 Components Oil Separators Realcold Stock No. Model -5°C -25°C -5°C F0869 S-5581 3/8" 4.7 3.3 4.7 3.3 210 x 102 266.22 F0070 NS-1004 1/2" 6.7 6.0 6.7 6.0 260 x 102 222.36 ODS Nominal Capacity kW * R22 Dimensions (mm) HXD R404a System Price $ Excl. GST -25°C F0072 NS-1005 5/8” 18.6 17 18 15.8 362 x 102 225.42 F0074 NS-1007 7.8” 27.4 25.7 28.2 25 450 x 102 249.90 F0076 NS-1009 1.1/8” 35.6 33.5 36.8 32.7 533 x 102 277.44 F0078 NS-3011 1.3/8” 46 42.8 46.5 41 540 x 102 374.34 F0080 NS-3013 1.5/8” 61.6 58 63.6 57.5 472 x 153 395.76 F0882 S-5694 2.1/8” 101.7 93.8 103.6 92.5 486 x 158 604.86 Dimensions (mm) HXD System Price $ Excl. GST 890 x 150 1,264.80 1,353.54 Henry Helical Oil Separators/Oil Reservoirs Realcold Stock No. Model F0347 S-5392 ODS Nominal Capacity kW * R22 1.5/8" R404a -5°C -25°C -5°C -25°C 63.3 56.3 66.8 52.7 F0348 S-5394 2.1/8" 105.5 87.9 109.0 84.4 890 x 150 F0351 S-5302 2.1/8" 123.1 137.1 109.0 144.2 640 x 200 1,382.10 F0352 S-5303 2.5/8" 281.3 249.7 291.9 225.0 750 x 250 1,766.64 * Has removable float assembly • All capacities shown are based on 37.8°C condensing temperature with an 18.3°C suction gas temperature. • Dimensions are Height x Diameter in millimetres. Replacement Float Realcold Stock No. Description F0330 A1900-30 Float Assembly suits S-5200 and S1900 series F0331 2-023-001 Float Valve Gasket System Price $ Excl. GST 470.22 8.57 AC & R Heater Elements Heat elements add heat to oil separators to prevent migration of refrigerant to the vessel during off cycles of the compressor. Also suitable for AC & R accumulators. Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST F0084 S-9111 4” diameter 220 volt 25 Watt Suits S-5520, S-5180 series oil separators 90.37 F0085 S-9112 6” diameter 220 volt 50 Watt Suits S-5600, S-5190 series oil separators 96.14 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit PRESSURE CONTROLS CP119 Dual Pressure Controls Model Description Reset Hp/Lp Ranco Dual Pressure Controls G0048 017-8711* G0056 G0055 G0203 G0204 Auto LP Auto HP 017-8701 Auto LP Auto HP 017-8705 Auto LP Manual HP Dual Pressure Switch Replacement Cover Single Pressure Switch Replacement Cover Range Differential kPa kPa -30 to 700 700 to 3000 -30 to 700 700 to 3000 -30 to 700 700 to 3000 62 to 393 345 bar fixed 62 to 393 345 bar fixed 62 to 393 345 bar fixed System Price $ Excl. GST 207.77 161.72 193.85 20.99 20.45 * These Ranco controls are complete with copper capillaries fitted. Refer to Frascold Accessories page for Sealed/Electronic Oil Protection Systems. Saginomiya Dual Pressure Controls G1010 DNS-D306XM Auto Manual G1015 DNS-D306X Auto Auto G1016 DNS-D606X* Auto Auto G1017 DNS-D606XM* Auto Manual LP HP LP HP LP HP LP HP -60 to 600 800 to 3000 -60 to 600 800 to 3000 -60 to 600 800 to 3000 -60 to 600 800 to 3000 60 to 400 Manual reset 60 to 400 400 bar fixed 60 to 400 400 bar fixed 60 to 400 Manual reset 141.37 137.09 138.16 141.37 * 606 series have independent contacts for high and low side. Low Pressure Controls Realcold Stock No. Model Description Reset Ranco Low Pressure Controls G0044 016-8713* G0050 016-8706 Auto Auto System Price $ Excl. GST LP Range Differential kPa kPa -30 to 700 -30 to 700 62 to 393 62 to 393 127.45 123.17 -60 to 600 -20 to 200 100 to 1000 60 to 400 25 to 150 100 to 300 94.89 94.89 94.89 * These Ranco controls are complete with copper capillaries fitted. Saginomiya Low Pressure Controls G1000 SNS-C106X G1002 SNS-C102X G1006 SNS-C110X Auto Auto Auto High Pressure Controls Realcold Stock No. Model Ranco High Pressure G0053 016-8750 G0054 016-8751 Reset Range (kPa) Differential (kPa) Auto Manual 690 to 3000 690 to 3000 250 to 800 320 fixed System Price $ Excl. GST 123.17 144.59 Differential Pressure Controls Realcold Stock No. Saginomiya G1019 Model Reset Range (kPa) Differential (kPa) System Price $ Excl. GST WNS-C106X Auto 50 to 350 50 to 250 190.64 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components Realcold Stock No. PRESSURE CONTROLS CP120 Oil Protection Controls Oil Protection Controls - Differential Pressure Controls (oil failure) COPD = Cut Out Pressure Differential. CIPD = Cut In Pressure Differential Realcold Stock No. Model G0096 G0097 G0099 Ranco P30-3601* Ranco P30-3701* Ranco P30-3801* Description Reset Time Delay COPD (bar) CIPD (bar) 60 second 90 second 120 second 0.3 to 4 0.3 to 4 0.3 to 4 0.7 to 4.8 0.7 to 4.8 0.7 to 4.8 Manual Manual Manual System Price $ Excl. GST 267.75 293.45 278.46 * These Ranco controls are complete with copper capillaries fitted. Please refer to Frascold Accessories page for Sealed/Electronic Oil Protection Systems. Components Saginomiya Flow Switches Realcold Stock No. Model Description G1090 FQS-U30G Suitable for pipes: 1” to 6” Connection: 1” NPT System Price $ Excl. GST 272.03 Pressure Control Accessories Realcold Stock No. Description G0057 G0058 G0060 G0062 Ranco Angle Bracket to suit pressure controls Shineyear Coupler (capillary and nuts) to suit pressure controls Flica 600 mm Capillary Couplers c/w Nuts Flica 1000 mm Capillary Couplers System Price $ Excl. GST 7.77 7.71 14.35 16.01 Pressure Control Hoses Realcold Stock No. Description G0070 G0071 G0072 G0074 G0075 G0076 12" Hose 1/4" FF x 1/4" FF 90° 18" Hose 1/4" FF x 1/4" FF 90° 24" Hose 1/4" FF x 1/4" FF 90° 36" Hose 1/4" FF x 1/4" FF 90° 48" Hose 1/4" FF x 1/4" FF 90° 60" Hose 1/4" FF x 1/4" FF 90° System Price $ Excl. GST 29.24 30.37 31.49 38.07 44.72 49.64 • These hoses are designed for permanent installation and have a 1/4” FF metal to metal seat. Copper gaskets recommended. Suitable for capillary lines, etc. • The minimum operating temperatures these hoses can be safely used at is -30°C, and the maximum is 122°C. Maximum pressure rating is 4000 kPa. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit PRESSURE CONTROLS CP121 Pressure Controls - CB Series • Pressure Control CB series are small disc type pressure controls featuring compact structure and proven reliability • They are designed to suit modern designed applications with various types of connection style, applications include air conditioning, auto industries and others. • Type ACB - High & Medium pressure range Small Pressure Controls - Type ACB, LCB Realcold Stock No. Model OFF (PSI) ON (PSI) Colour Life Cycle (Times) G1160 G1162 G1164 G1166 G1168 G1170 G1172 G1174 G1176 G1178 G1180 LCB-PA48 LCB-PA95 LCB-PA96 ACB-PA52 ACB-PA53 ACB-PA55 ACB-PB51 ACB-PB52 ACB-PB111 ACB-PB112M ACB-PB113 6±5 10±5 35±7 150±14 170±14 200±20 410±14 385±14 400±14 400±28 350±10 21±7 25±5 60±7 225±14 250±14 259±10 335±14 310±14 300±21 <300 Manual 250±20 Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red Black Red Red Red Red 10,000 10,000 10,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 10,000 100,000 System Price $ Excl. GST 56.10 56.10 56.10 56.10 56.10 56.10 56.10 56.10 56.10 81.96 56.10 Conversion Factor: 1 Bar = 14.5 PSI Specifications Dimensions • Lead wire end: Free • Contact action: SPST • Ambient Temperature: -30°C to +100°C • Fluid Temperature: -54°C to +135°C Should mark pressure ON/OFF setting on the body • Pressure Connection: ¼” Female • Construction:Waterproof Electrical Ratings Type ACB, LCB Category Of Ratings Rated Voltage (V) Rated Amps. (A) Non-Inductive Current Inductive Full Load Current Locked Rotor Contact Style Connections M Rating Power Factor 125V AC (COSΦ) 1 0.75 0.45 1 to 6 1 to 24 250V AC 12V DC 1 to 4 1 to 16 1 to 4 - Type ACB, LCB ↑: Operating direction on press. Increase at high press. M↓: Operating direction on manual reset Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components • Type LCB - Low pressure range REFRIGERANT CR122 Components Refrigerant Realcold Stock No. Product Description Charge Size/ Packaging System Price $ Excl. GST L0100 R134a Household and commercial refrigeration, automotive, air conditioning and centrafugal water chillers. Liquid or Vapour 13.5 Kg DAC POA L0159 Isceon MO59 (R417A) An easy to use non-ozone depleating retrofit replacement for R22 in DX AC and medium temp commercial refrigeration systems. Liquid only 11.35 Kg DAC POA L0199 Isceon MO99 An easy to use non-ozone depleating retrofit replacement for R22 in DX water chillers and industrial/ process cooling applications. No oil change required. Liquid or Vapour 11.35 Kg POA L0141 R404a Suitable for LT and MT. Liquid only 10.9 Kg DAC POA L0145 R507 Low Temperature Refrigerant Liquid only 11.3 Kg DAC POA L0030 R22* Suitable for A/C, MT and HT. Liquid or Vapour 13.5 Kg DAC POA L0157 R407c Larger commercial air conditioning systems. Replacement for HCFC 22. Liquid Only 11.3 Kg DAC POA L0161 R410a Small to medium commercial air conditioning systems. Alternative to R22 in new equipment. Liquid Only 11.3 Kg DAC POA * Note: HCFC refrigerants will be phased out by 2015 in accordance to the Ozone Layer Protection Act 1996. Refrigerant Levy Realcold Stock No. Description Size/ Packaging System Price $ Excl. GST Training Levy All refrigerants per Kg 0.50 Levy All refrigerants containing CFCs or HCFCs per Kg 1.50 Recovery Cylinders Manufactured to DOT-400 suitable for use with R410a refrigerant Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST T2490M 10 Kg recovery cylinders 216.00 T2491M 20 Kg recovery cylinders 310.00 Note: Refer to page TD252 for general rules for handling flurocarbon refrigerants. Go to to download a copy of the MSDS sheet/s. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Temp °C -50 -48 -46 -44 -42 -40 -38 -36 -34 -32 -30 -28 -26 -24 -22 -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 R22 kPAg -35.5 -28.6 -21.1 -13 -4.2 0.01 10 22 32 50 63 80 91 108 126 145 164 195 207 231 254 284 310 334 361 398 430 465 504 542 584 622 668 716 769 814 866 917 975 1040 1107 1165 1230 1300 1378 1448 1525 1610 1688 1770 1855 1950 2050 psig 10.5* 8.4* 6.2* 3.8* 1.2* 0.5 1.5 3.5 4.6 7.2 9.1 12 13 16 18 21 24 27 30 33 37 41 45 48 52 58 62 67 73 79 85 90 97 104 112 118 126 133 141 151 161 169 178 189 200 210 221 233 245 257 269 283 297 R502 kPAg -19 -10 -1 8 19 30 42 54 68 82 98 114 132 150 170 191 213 236 261 287 314 343 373 405 438 473 510 548 588 630 673 718 766 815 866 920 975 1033 1093 1155 1219 1286 1355 1426 1500 1577 1656 1738 1823 1911 2001 2095 2192 psig -2.8 -1.5 -0.1 1.2 2.8 4.4 6.1 7.8 9.9 11.9 14.2 16.5 19.2 21.8 24.7 27.7 30.9 34.3 37.9 41.7 45.6 49.8 54.1 58.8 63.6 68.7 74 79.5 85.3 91.4 97.7 104.2 111.2 118.3 125.7 133.5 141.5 149.9 158.6 167.6 176.9 186.6 196.7 207 217.7 228.9 240.3 252.2 264.6 277.4 290.4 304.1 318.1 R717 kPAg -59.2 -54.3 -48.9 -42.7 -35.9 -28.3 -20.3 -11.6 -2.1 8.3 19.4 31.5 44.6 58.6 73.8 90.1 108 126 146 168 191 215 242 269 299 328 382 397 433 473 513 555 605 654 704 755 811 868 930 995 1065 1130 1203 1277 1369 1449 1543 1630 1722 1820 1914 2005 2110 Pressure Temperature Chart psig 17.5* 16* 14.4* 12.6* 10.6* 8.4* 6* 3.4* 0.6* 1 2.6 4.4 6.7 8.7 11 13 15 18 21 24 28 31 35 39 43 48 53 58 63 69 74 81 88 95 102 110 118 126 135 144 154 164 174 185 199 210 224 236 250 264 278 291 319 R744 kPAg 582 639 700 764 833 905 981 1061 1145 1234 1328 1426 1592 1638 1751 1870 1994 2124 2259 2401 2549 2703 2863 3030 3204 3285 3769 4183 4630 5111 5629 5903 6188 6484 6792 7114 psig 84.5 92.7 102 111 121 131 142 154 166 179 193 207 231 237 254 271 289 308 328 348 370 392 415 439 465 476 547 607 671 741 816 856 897 940 985 1032 Temp °F -58 -54.4 -50.8 -47.2 -43.6 -40 -36.4 -32.8 -29.2 -25.6 -22 -18.4 -14.8 -11.2 -7.6 -4 -0.4 3.2 6.8 10.4 14 17.6 21.2 24.8 28.4 32 35.6 39.2 42.8 46.4 50 53.6 57.2 60.8 64.4 68 71.6 75.2 78.8 82.4 86 89.6 93.2 96.8 100.4 104 107.6 111.2 114.8 118.4 122 125.6 129.2 R134A Temp °C kPAg -50 -48 -46 -44 -42 -40 -38 -36 -35 -34 -28 -32 -21 -30 -14 -28 -5 -26 3 -24 14 -22 26 -20 39 -18 49 -16 59 -14 72 -12 86 -10 101 -8 118 -6 135 -4 153 -2 172 0 192 2 211 4 229 6 253 8 283 10 313 12 342 14 372 16 403 18 436 20 469 22 507 24 544 26 584 28 626 30 668 32 715 34 761 36 811 38 863 40 915 42 972 44 1029 46 1090 48 1153 50 1217 52 1287 54 1356 -43 -37 -30 -24 -16 -9 0 9 19 29 40 52 65 78 92 107 123 140 158 177 197 217 240 263 287 313 340 368 397 428 461 495 530 567 605 645 687 730 775 822 871 922 974 1029 1085 1144 1204 1267 R406A kPAg R409A kPAg -71 -67 -63 -59 -54 -49 -43 -37 -31 -23 -16 -7 2 11 21 33 44 57 71 85 100 117 134 152 172 192 214 237 262 287 314 342 372 404 437 471 507 545 585 626 670 715 762 811 863 920 970 1030 1090 1150 1220 1290 1360 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit 17 29 41 55 68 81 95 110 118 128 136 156 177 200 224 249 276 304 334 365 398 440 500 529 566 604 645 688 732 779 828 880 934 990 1049 1110 1175 1242 1311 1384 1460 1539 1621 1707 1796 1888 1985 2085 2188 R407C kPAg R410A kPAg 9 21 33 46 61 76 93 111 130 150 172 195 219 245 273 303 334 367 402 438 477 518 561 607 654 704 757 812 869 930 993 1059 1128 1200 1275 1353 1435 1520 1608 1701 1797 1896 2000 2108 2220 2336 2456 2581 2710 2844 2983 3126 3274 Components R413A kPAg -50 -45 -39 -33 -27 -20 -12 -4 4 14 24 34 45 57 70 84 98 114 130 147 165 184 204 226 248 272 297 323 350 379 409 441 474 508 544 582 621 662 705 750 796 844 895 947 1001 1057 1115 1176 1238 1303 1370 1440 1512 (ISCEON 49) R417A kPAg -25 -18 -11 -2 7 16 29 37 49 61 74 88 103 119 135 153 171 191 211 233 256 280 305 332 360 389 420 452 485 520 557 595 635 676 719 764 811 859 910 962 1016 1073 1131 1192 1254 1319 1386 1455 1527 1601 1677 1756 1837 (ISCEON 59) R404A kPAg -23 -15 -6 4 15 26 39 52 66 81 97 114 133 152 173 195 219 243 270 297 326 357 390 424 460 498 537 579 623 669 716 766 819 873 929 989 1049 1119 1179 1249 1329 1399 1479 1559 1639 1729 1819 1909 2009 2109 2209 2319 2429 R507 kPAg -12 -3 7 17 28 40 53 67 82 98 114 132 151 171 193 216 240 265 292 320 350 382 415 450 486 525 565 608 652 698 747 798 851 906 964 1024 1087 1152 1221 1291 1365 1442 1521 1604 1689 1778 1870 1966 2064 2167 2273 2382 2496 R408A kPAg -23 -17 -8 1 11 22 34 46 60 74 89 105 123 141 161 181 203 227 251 277 305 334 364 396 430 465 502 541 582 625 670 716 765 816 869 920 980 1040 1100 1170 1240 1310 1380 1460 1530 1610 1700 1790 1880 1970 2060 2160 2270 R403B kPAg 1 12 24 35 47 60 73 88 104 118 138 157 178 199 220 243 267 295 320 348 382 412 446 483 520 560 603 644 689 732 783 831 886 942 998 1057 1113 1179 1244 1313 1388 1462 1540 1620 1700 1784 1872 1964 2057 2151 2250 2358 2464 (ISCEON 69L) 21.4 35.1 49.6 57.2 73.7 90.9 110.2 130.2 141.2 163.3 187.4 212.9 240.5 254.9 285.2 316.9 350.7 386.5 405.1 444.4 485.7 529.2 575.3 599.4 649 709.7 795.1 854.4 884.7 947.4 1013.5 1083.1 1154.8 1192.7 1269.1 1349.8 1433.8 1521.3 1566.8 1659.8 1756.3 1857.5 1962.3 2016 2127.6 2243.4 2364 2488.7 R422A kPAg (ISCEON 79) REFRIGERANT CR123 RECEIVERS Steelfort CR124 Vertical Receivers Realcold Stock No. Model Pump Down Capacity Kg @ 80% Components R22 Connections Sweat R134a R404a Rotalock Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet Valves Supplied Yes/No PRV Required Yes/No System Price $ Excl. GST D0650 SFRV1 1.4 1.4 1.3 1/4” 1/4” 3/8” ODS 1” N Y POA F0261 RLVCY15 1.4 1.4 1.3 1/4” 1/4” 3/4” 3/4” N Y POA F0264 RLVCY30 2.8 2.8 2.4 3/8” 3/8” 3/4” 3/4” N Y POA F0280 RLVCY40 3.8 3.8 3.3 3/8” 3/8” 3/4” 3/4” N Y POA F0284 RLVCY60 5.5 5.5 4.9 1/2” 1/2” 1” 1” N Y POA F0292 RLVCY120M 11.0 11.0 9.8 5/8” 5/8” 1 1/4” 1 1/4” N Y POA Carly Receivers have fittings for Rotalock valves. Also the same connection allows for a solder connection as above. Gaskets are 3/4”: H1103; 1”: H1104. Mounting is by single M10 stud (F0261-F0280) or M12 (F0284). Pressure Relief Devices The requirements for the installation of pressure valves into pressure vessels are proscribed within AS/NZS1677.2.1998 and its amendments. Viz; 1. Vessels of less than 300L internal gross volume: • Vessels containing more than 1.5kg of Group B2 refrigerants: or • 1.0 Kg of Group A3 refrigerants must be fitted with 1 or more mechanical pressure relief devices. 2. Vessels of greater than 300 L internal gross volume: • Pressure vessels which may contain liquid refrigerant and which may be shut off from other parts of the refrigeration system shall be protected by means of two pressure relief valves. • If the vessel is on the high pressure side of the system, the pressure relief valves shall be controlled by a changeover device. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit RECEIVERS Horizontal Receivers Steelfort CR125 Horizontal Receivers - Heavy Duty / Large Capacity Description Pump Down Capacity Kg @ 80% R134a R22 Connections R404a Inlet Dimensions (mm) Outlet Diameter System Price $ Excl. GST Length C5770 2010TV 33 28 33 1.1/4 SPUD 1.1/4 SPUD 219 1210 POA C5780 2510TV 55 47 54 1.3/4 SPUD 1.1/4 SPUD 273 1260 POA C5785 2515TV 81 70 80 1.3/4 SPUD 1.3/4 SPUD 273 1760 POA C5790 2520TV 107 91 105 1.3/4 SPUD 1.3/4 SPUD 273 2260 POA C5791 *LR2530 161 160 140 1 3/8” copper 7/8” copper 273 3084.4 POA C5792 *LR3015 118 117 100 1 3/8” copper 1 1/8” copper 324 1584.4 POA C5793 *LR3020 154 153 135 1 3/8” copper 1 1/8” copper 324 2084.4 POA C5794 *LR3520 183 181 160 1 3/8” copper 1 1/8” copper 356 2084.4 POA C5795 *LR3530 266 264 230 1 3/8” copper 1 1/8” copper 356 3084.4 POA C5796 *LR4020 243 241 210 1 3/8” copper 1 3/8” copper 406 2084.4 POA C5797 *LR4030 353 351 305 1 3/8” copper 1 3/8” copper 406 3084.4 POA C5798 *LR5020 394 391 340 2 5/8” copper 2 1/8” copper 508 2148.0 POA C5799 *LR5030 570 566 490 2 5/8” copper 2 1/8” copper 508 3146.0 POA * Note: LR models are available on an Indent only basis, by arrangement. • Horizontal receivers have 1/2” FNPT socket for pressure relief valve Spud fittings to suit Rotalock multi-directional valves. • NB: Neither Rotalock nor safety valves are included in these prices. Refer to the Valves Section of this catalogue for these items. • Capacities listed are based on receiver being 80 percent full with refrigerant temperature of 32°C. Protection of Pressure Vessels • All refrigeration systems, excluding self-contained low charge systems, MUST be fitted with pressure relief devices, selected for the refrigerant and operating conditions of the system. • Relief devices must of a type that automatically reset after activation. • Receivers that have an internal volume of 300L or more shall be protected by means of 2 pressure relief valves, controlled by a changeover device. • High side relief to the low side has many attendant risks and the designer of such systems must ensure that the pressure of any part of the system does not exceed the maximum safe working pressure of the vessel – see AS/NZS 1677.2.1998, section 3.1 to section 3.4. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components Realcold Stock No. SIGHT GLASSES CS126 Liquid/Moisture Indicating - Carly H0751, H0752, H0753, H0754 Components H0758, H0759, H0760 H0764, H0765, H0766 Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST H0751 Carly VCYL 12 1/4" MF 35.75 H0752 Carly VCYL 13 3/8" MF 37.84 H0753 Carly VCYL 14 1/2" MF 41.51 H0754 Carly VCYL 15 5/8" MF 48.86 H0757 Carly VCYL 22 1/4" MF 33.00 H0758 Carly VCYL 23 3/8" MF FF 39.93 H0759 Carly VCYL 24 1/2" MF FF 50.44 H0760 Carly VCYL 25 5/8" MF FF 50.44 H0763 Carly VCYL 32S 1/4" ODS 42.59 H0764 Carly VCYL 33S / MMS 3/8" ODS 44.68 H0765 Carly VCYL 34S 1/2" ODS 45.19 H0766 Carly VCYL 35S 5/8" ODS 50.44 H0767 Carly VCYL 37S 7/8" ODS 80.94 H0768 Carly VCYL 39S 1.1/8" ODS 117.30 H0767, H0768 Liquid/Moisture Indicating - Sporlan Realcold Stock No. System Price $ Excl. GST Description SP2718 Sporlan See-All Sight Glass 5/8" ODS SP2722 Sporlan See-All Sight Glass 7/8" ODS 49.11 71.17 SP2723 Sporlan See-All Sight Glass 1.1/8" ODS 78.34 SP2724 Sporlan See-All Sight Glass 1.3/8" ODS 155.30 SP2728 Sporlan See All Sight Glass SA-217 2.1/8” ODS 224.91 SP2700 Sporlan See-All Sight Glass 1/4" MF SP2703 Sporlan See-All Sight Glass 3/8" MF 37.00 SP2710 Sporlan See-All Sight Glass 1/2" MF 46.38 SP2717 Sporlan See All Sight Glass 5/8" MF 48.04 SP2701 Sporlan See-All Sight Glass 1/4" MF FF 36.41 SP2704 Sporlan See-All Sight Glass 3/8" MF FF 38.61 SP2711 Sporlan See-All Sight Glass 1/2" MF FF 47.45 SP2709 Sporlan See-All Sight Glass 5/8” MF FF 56.28 SP2702 Sporlan See-All Sight Glass 1/4" ODS 36.41 SP2705 Sporlan See-All Sight Glass 3/8" ODS 38.61 SP2712 Sporlan See-All Sight Glass 1/2" ODS 48.04 34.76 Sight Glasses For Soldering On To Pipe H0770, H0771, H0772, H0773 Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST H0770 Carly VCYLS 11 1.3/8" SW 59.36 H0771 Carly VCYLS 13 1.5/8" SW 62.02 H0772 Carly VCYLS 17 2.1/8" SW 67.27 H0773 Carly VCYLS 21 2.5/8" SW 67.78 * Note: Listed sight glasses are suitable for all refrigerants except ammonia refrigeration systems. For Ammonia compatible sight glasses, please refer to page IN180. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit TEST EQUIPMENT CT127 Service Manifold Sets Mastercool introduces the most advanced and user friendly Digital Manifold on the market today. This manifold offers a large, easy to read LCD that displays Pressures, Saturated Temperatures, Actual Temperatures, Superheat and Subcooling Temperatures for over 60 refrigerants. When used with the clamp-on thermocouple connector, it will display the actual temperature and automatically calculate the superheat or subcool temperature. When the vacuum sensor cable is attached to the manifold it will display deep vacuum. To insure lasting performance and durability the manifold case is constructed of ABS material and protected by a rugged rubber boot.The technician now has a fully functional manifold with the intelligence to quickly access and deliver the accurate information needed to do the job right. Realcold Stock No. Model Description Gauges / Hoses Scale System Price $ Excl. GST T4110 96203-MB 4W Ball Valve Manifold (80 mm) R22, R134a, R404a bar & psi, °C 390.00 T4111 96203-EB R22, R404a, R410a bar & psi, °C 390.00 4W Ball Valve Manifold (80 mm) Full 3/8” bore through the block increases; flow considerably, faster charging & recovery. Ball valve rotates 90° between two teflon washers requiring little effort to turn, even under pressure. Opens and closes quickly with only a quarter turn. Knob position shows whether valves are open or closed. 2-Way Aluminium Manifold Piston Valve T2182M 93103-E 2W Aluminium Manifold R22, R404a, R410a bar & psi, °C 285.00 Mastercool’s 2-Way Manifolds feature free floating piston valve design resulting in less wear and tear in comparison to market standard twisting piston valves. Double O-Ring allows for a much better seal resulting in less leaks. 2-Way Digital Manifold T2191M 99661 Digital 2W manifold + thermocouple, 3-150 cm R22, R134a, R404a, R410a bar & psi, °C, °F, Mpa, Kg/cm² 900.00 Complete Kit in a blow molded case includes: manifold with a set of 3-150 cm hoses, vacuum sensor with cable and clamp-on thermocouple. 4-Way Digital Manifold T2192M 99961-EU Digital 4 Way Manifold, complete set, 3-150 cm R22, R134a, R404a, R410a bar & psi, °C, °F, Mpa, Kg/cm2 1,480.69 T4220 99972 Digital 4W Manifold + thermocouples, 3-180 cm R22, R134a, R404a, R410a bar & psi, °C, °F, Mpa, Kg/cm² 1,100.00 Complete Kit in a blow molded case includes: manifold with a set of 3-150 cm (3-180 cm) ball valve hoses with manual shut-off valves and one black vacuum hose, vacuum sensor with cable, clamp-on thermocouple, data logger CD and USB cable. Charging Hoses Charging Hoses - Suitable for all CFCs, HCFCs, HFCs & R401a Mastercool uses only GRADE 5 HOSE with a selection of Standard and Nylon Barrier for high pressure applications. Knurled brass nuts make finger tightening easy. Crimped with 8 segment dies for secure fit and maximum durability. Hoses are available in sets and a variety of lengths to meet all EPA, SAE and UL requirements for containment of refrigerant. Realcold Stock No. Model 80 mm Standard Gauge T2240M 47363 T2242M 47361 T2244M 47362 T2246M 47603 T2248M 47601 T2250M 47722 T2254M 47721 T2259M 94160 T2277M 49603-J T2278M 49601-J T2280M 46372 Description Red 90 cm HD 1/4” Hose, nylon barrier Blue 90 cm HD 1/4” Hose, nylon barrier Yellow 90 cm HD 1/4” Hose, nylon barrier Charging hose red, nylon barrier WP 56 bar, L 150 cm Charging hose red, nylon barrier WP 56 bar, L 150 cm Charging hose yellow, HD 1/4”, L 180 cm Charging hose blue, HD 1/4”, L 180 cm Charging hose black Full Flow 3/8”, L 150 cm Charging hose red L244 - 1/2”20 UNF Charging hose blue L244 - 1/2”20 UNF Set of 3-180 cm HD 1/4” hose + automatic shut-off valve System Price $ Excl. GST 34.17 34.17 34.17 45.19 45.19 45.19 52.02 90.37 47.28 47.28 127.50 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components Aluminium 4-Way Manifold Gauge Sets TEST EQUIPMENT ACCESSORIES CT128 Gauges Components Realcold Stock No. Model System Price $ Excl. GST Description Suitable for Refrigerants Scale 80 mm Standard Gauge T2217M EBH T2218M MRBH T2219M MRBL T2229M EBL High Pressure Gauge (80 mm) High Pressure Gauge (80 mm) Low Pressure Gauge (80 mm) Low Pressure Gauge (80 mm) R22, R404a, R410a R22, R134a, R404a R22, R134a, R404a R22, R404a, R410a bar & psi, °C bar & psi, °C bar & psi, °C bar & psi, °C 52.53 52.53 52.53 52.53 63 mm Standard Gauge T2222M MRH T2210M MRL T2223M MH High Pressure Gauge (63 mm) Low Pressure Gauge (63 mm) High Pressure Gauge (63 mm) R22, R134a, R404a R22, R134a, R404a R22, R134a, R404/7 bar & psi, °C bar & psi, °C bar, °C 44.17 44.17 44.17 Accessories T2233M T2234M T2236M 91553-E 93553-E 98251-E Gauge Protection Set (80 mm) Gauge Protection Set (63 mm) Replacement Lens for (80 mm) GGE Model Description 36.77 33.66 12.09 Couplers Realcold Stock No. Suitable for Refrigerants Scale System Price $ Excl. GST Airconditioning (R410A) Couplers T2711M 90413 R410A Adapter - 1/2”20UN F swivel nut x 1/4” 44.68 Automotive (R134a) Couplers T2307M 82834-E Service coupler HS R134a manual 1/4” FL-M x 16 mm T2308M 82934-E Service coupler LS R134a manual 1/4” FL-M x 13 mm 99.81 99.81 Access Port Core Remover T2290M 91496 Valve core access tool w/access port T4050 91490 Standard Valve Core Remover/Installer 1/4” T4060 91498 Valve core remover/installer, incl. for R410A Imperial Kwik - Couplers T0092 16C T0093 15140 T0093A 65155 & 65153 T0095 26C T0097 27C 136.68 80.00 150.90 Kwik-Coupler Model 16C Straight Coupler (45° Flare 1/4” Female x 1/4” Male) Kwik-Coupler Model 17C 90° Coupler (45° Flare 1/4” Female x 1/4” Male) Gasket Set for above Kwik-Couplers 69.87 87.77 3.88 Kwik-Couplers Straight 5/16” Kwik-Couplers 90° Coupler 5/16” 113.22 112.20 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit TEST EQUIPMENT CT129 Recovery System Mastercool introduces its newest addition to the recovery machine lineup. Taking the reliability of the 69000 series machines, Mastercool has enhanced those features to allow for maximum recovery capacity while at the same time decreasing size and weight. The design of the new double piston compressor and cooling by the largest fan and condenser in the market makes the new 69300 series the most complete solution to your recovery needs. Realcold Stock No. Model Description System Price $ Excl. GST T2380M 69300-220 TWIN TURBO Refrigerant Recovery unit 220V-50/60 Hz Specifications Recovery Rate Operating Temperature 1/2 Hp oil less compressor Direct vapour up to .39 Kg/min 0 to 50 °C 2,601.00 Weight Dimensions in mm 11 Kg 457 (L) x 254 (W) x 356 (H) Direct liquid up to 3.1 Kg/min Recovery Cylinders Realcold Stock No. Model Description System Price $ Excl. GST T2490M 62010 12,5 L recovery cylinder tank 216.00 T2491 63010 27,2 L recovery cylinder tank 310.00 Vacuum Pumps A good quality vacuum pump is an integral tool for complete A/C service. Mastercool vacuum pumps are durable and time tested. They stand up to the most grueling conditions and will provide years of reliable service. Mastercool offers a complete selection of pumps. Regardless of your service requirements, Mastercool has a model for your application. Realcold Stock No. Model Description System Price $ Excl. GST T4240 90060-220-AUS Vacuum pump 220V/50Hz 35 Ltr/min 2 stage 500.00 T2400M 90065-220 Vacuum pump 220V/50Hz 119 Ltr/min 2 stage 1,101.60 T2402M 90067-220 Vacuum Pump 220V/50Hz 178 Ltr/min 2 stage 1,269.90 Model No. of Stages Ultimate Vacuum Motor Pump Speed Electrical Specs Shipping Weight Dimensions in cm 90060-220 2 25 Microns 1/6 Hp 2850 RPM 220 V/50 Hz 5.40 Kg 29.5 x 11.5 x 21.5 x 18 90065-220 2 25 Microns 1/3 Hp 1425 RPM 220 V/50 Hz 15.0 Kg 37 x 15.5 x 27.5 x 24 90067-220 2 25 Microns 1/2 Hp 1425 RPM 220 V/50 Hz 15.40 Kg 41 x 15.5 x 27.5 x 24 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components Push pull up to 8.1 Kg/min TOOLS CT130 Other Test Equipment Digitial Vacuum Gauge is packaged in blow molded case. It is a hand held unit that uses thermocouple technology. This vacuum gauge has been designed with the technician’s field environment in mind, allowing for self-calibration and a sensor that will not be damaged by small mists of oil. This unit allows for a target vacuum range (20,000 to 1 micron) to be programmed with a light sensor indicator. Now you have the freedom to continue with your other work and come back to the system once you see the indicator light signaling your target vacuum. Realcold Stock No. Model Description System Price $ Excl. GST Electronic Vacuum Gauge T2435M 98061 Electronic thermocouple vacuum gauge 591.60 Components Charging Equipment T2100M 98230 Electronic charging module for 98210 & 98210-A 365.70 T2370M 98211-A Accu-Charge II - Charging Scale, programmable 727.26 Leak Detectors T2323M 55500-220 Heated sensor electronic leak detector w/220V battery charger T2326M 55500-SEN Sensor for 55500 T4210 55100 Electronic leak detector 1,045.50 121.38 1,010.00 Mastercool Tools Realcold Stock No. Model Description 70027 Mini tube cutter for 1/8” to 5/8” OD tubing System Price $ Excl. GST Tube Cutters T4025 25.00 T2000M 70029 Mini tube cutter for 3/8” to 1 1/8” OD tubing 49.42 T2004M 70033 Heavy duty tube cutter 1/8 to 1-1/8” OD tubes 89.30 T4020 70035 Heavy duty tube cutter 1/4 to 1-5/8” OD tubing 48.00 71685 Pencil type reamer - metal 28.41 71600 Hydra-swage tube expander kit - 7 heads 3/8” - 1 1/8” Tube Deburring Tool T2089M Tube Expander Kit T2035M 820.00 Flaring & Swaging Tools T4000 70048 Set of 5 swaging punches T4010 70053 Flaring and swaging kit (275) 1/8” to 3/4” 70082 Refrigeration ratchet wrench 1/4”, 3/8”, 3/16”, 5/16” sq 50.00 200.00 Ratchet Wrenches T2046M 47.84 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit TOOLS CT131 Tube Cutter Spares Tube Cutter Spares - Yellow Jacket® Model System Price $ Excl. GST Description T2502 60100 Cutter Wheel for 60101, 60102, 60103 15.76 T2504 60124 Cutter Wheel for 60139 23.15 29.99 T2506 60147 Cutter Wheel for 60146 T2516 60127 Wheel Screw for 60123 (New) T2517 60172 Handle Screw for 60139 7.45 T2526 60079 Wheel Pin & Clip for 60101, 60102, 60103 8.67 2.40 T2528 60144 Wheel Pin & Clip for 60142 4.59 T2531 60140 Screw/Retainer for 60139 11.07 T2538 60095 Reamer Screw & Washer for 60101, 60102, 60103 11.58 Flaring & Swaging Tools Realcold Stock No. Model Brand System Price $ Excl. GST Description T2020 60440 Yellow Jacket Flare/Swage Kit 3/16” to 3/4” OD T2022 60210 Yellow Jacket Flaring Kit 3/16” to 5/8” OD 90.88 T2024 60270 Yellow Jacket Flare/Burnish Kit 3/16” to 5/8” OD 181.56 T2034 60461 Yellow Jacket Swage Set with Clamping Bar 3/16” to 5/8” OD 162.18 T0742 CH-806A Shine Year Flaring Tool 160.14 1/4” to 3/4” OD 367.20 T2022 CH-806A Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components Realcold Stock No. TOOLS CT132 Tube Benders (lever type) Components Realcold Stock No. Model Brand Description System Price $ Excl. GST T2084 60380 Yellow Jacket for 7/8" Tube - Bending Radius 3" T0701 CH-364-04-1/4 Shine Year for 1/4" OD tube 528.36 48.96 T0703 CH-364-06-3/8 Shine Year for 3/8" OD tube 66.30 T0704 CH-364-08-1/2 Shine Year for 1/2" OD tube 78.29 T0705 CH-364A-10-5/8 Shine Year for 5/8" OD tube 104.04 T0706 CH-364-12-3/4 Shine Year for 3/4” OD Tube 124.00 T0710 CH-367 Shine Year for 1/4”, 5/16”, 3/8” OD tube, 11/16 radius to centre, 180° bender 30.50 Bending Springs Realcold Stock No. Model Brand Description System Price $ Excl. GST T0001 CH-102-04 Shine Year to suit 1/4" OD tube 4.44 T0006 CH-102-05 Shine Year to suit 5/16" OD tube 4.79 T0002 CH-102-06 Shine Year to suit 3/8" OD tube 7.09 T0003 CH-102-08 Shine Year to suit 1/2" OD tube 8.26 T0004 CH-102-10 Shine Year to suit 5/8" OD tube 9.44 T0005 CH-102-12 Shine Year to suit 3/4" OD tube 10.10 Allen Key (hex key) Realcold Stock No. Model Brand Description System Price $ Excl. GST T2096 60710 Yellow Jacket 9 Piece Hex Key Set (fold up) 5/64”, 3/32”, 7/64”, 1/8”, 9/64”, 5/32”, 3/16”, 7/32”, 1/4” 22.08 T2098 60685 Yellow Jacket 12 Piece Hex Key Set Ball End, c/w Case 1/2”, 1/16”, 5/64”, 3/32”, 7/64”, 1/8”, 9/64”, 5/32”, 3/16”, 7/32”, 1/4”, 5/16” 79.87 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit TOOLS - MISCELLANEOUS CT133 Pinch Off Tool Model System Price $ Excl. GST Description T0052 Yellow Jacket 60665 Wing Nut & Bar Style Pinch Off & Re-Rounding Tool 58.85 T0053 Shine Year CH-201 180 mm Pinch Off Pliers 16.83 Realcold Stock No. Model Description T2162 Yellow Jacket 77940 Max-Flow Combination Suction/Discharge Pump. Suits all Containers. 276.42 T2164 Yellow Jacket 77930 Max-Flow Deluxe Pump 335.58 Realcold Stock No. Model Description T2160 Yellow Jacket 69562 Oil Injector. 118ml (4oz). 1/4” MF x 1/4” FF Quick Connector Oil Pump T0053 System Price $ Excl. GST Components Realcold Stock No. Oil Injector System Price $ Excl. GST 205.02 Fin Combs Realcold Stock No. System Price $ Excl. GST Description T0255 Wagner T-100 Kit Interchangeable Heads (4 thru 14 fpi) T0256 Wagner Head (8 fins per inch) Orange 28.92 4.34 T0257 Wagner Head (12 fins per inch) Dark Green 4.34 T0258 Wagner Head (5 - 10 fins per inch) White 4.34 T0259 Wagner Head (11 fins per inch) Blue T0791 CH-352 Stainless Steel Fin Comb 4.08 11.58 T0255 Inspection Mirrors Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST T0281 Spare Bulb T0285 Inspection Mirror - Extendable 57 mm mirror 24.74 2.14 T0286 Inspection Mirror - Spare head 14.23 T1016 MA-Line 1.1/4” Round Mirror 17.34 T0285 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit TOOLS / TESTING EQUIPMENT / THERMOMETERS CT134 Miscellaneous Tools MA-KVS007 MA-3200 MA-128144 Realcold Stock No. Model Description T1012 T1000 T1002 T1350 T1351 T1352 MA-KVS007 MA03200-2 MA03203-2 MA-DMTK MA-FL24LED MA-FL72LED Stainless Steel Pocket Knife - 2” Blade, 3” Closed Crimping Tool Deluxe Wire Stripper/Cutter K-Temp Probe 24 LED Service Light 72 LED Work Light 24.74 15.25 43.61 15.76 18.92 56.76 Testing Equipment Realcold Stock No. Components System Price $ Excl. GST Model System Price $ Excl. GST Description Temperature Test Equipment MA-DMT123 T1314 MA-DMT123 T1328 MA-RT900 T1332 MA-12843 Refractometers T1032 MA-REF401C T1033 MA-REF700 MA-RT900 MA-REF700 Dual Probe Thermometer Extra wide Temperature range from (-200°C to 1370°C) with high accuracy Hand Held Digital Thermometer Wide Measurement range (-50°C to 200°C), never needs to be calibrated Digital Anemometer Glycol Refractometer Precision optical instrument designed to measure the freezing point of ethylene or propylene based cooling systems. The two Celsius non-liner scales cover -50°C to 0°C for ethylene glycol and propylene glycol. The resolution of the temperature scale is 0°C Oil Refractometer Easy to use handheld instrument designed to accurately measure the mineral oil in polyolester (POE) lubricant during change of refrigerants 363.12 53.60 252.96 396.78 POA Thermometers Arthermo -40°C/+40°C dial thermometers are housed in a heavy duty nylon case with provision for bottom or back entry capillary. Can be flush or surface mounted. Can be calibrated. Realcold Stock No. Dial Thermometers U0080 U0082 U0084 U0091 Model Description Realcold Realcold Realcold Realcold 60 mm dial 80 mm dial 100 mm dial 100 mm dial System Price $ Excl. GST (3000 mm capillary) (3000 mm capillary) (3000 mm capillary) (6000 mm capillary) Cabinet Thermometers. Thermometers have provision for recalibration U0147 Arthermo Type 540 -40°C /+40°C 64.5 mm dial Stainless steel case, with foot for standing & hook for hanging. U0148 Arthermo Type 519B -40°C /+40°C 64.5 mm dial Acrylic resin case, with hook for hanging. 34.17 37.33 39.93 52.02 12.65 6.53 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit THERMOSTATS CT135 Domestic - Ranco Type G0104 K50-P1125-001 G0110 K50-P1126-001 G0118 Application Normal °C Cold °C Warm °C System Price $ Excl. GST Cut In Cut Out Cut Out Cut In Cut In Single Temp. Cabinet -9.5 - -18 - +8.5 33.20 Freezer Cabinet -12 -18 -24 - -9.5 33.20 K50-P1127-001 Bottle Cabinet +5 - +1.5 - +12.5 33.20 G0109 VCI (K50-P1110) Single Temp. Cabinet -5 -14 -24 - +2 35.88 G0108 VF3 (K50-P1117) Freezer -18 -24 -32 - -12 48.57 G0114 VB7 (K50-P1118) Bottle Cabinet - - -3 +2 +12 43.59 G0119 VT9 (K59-L1102) Dual Temperature - - -26 +3.5 - 44.12 Commercial - Ranco Realcold Stock No. Type Range °C Differential Sensor System Price $ Excl. GST G0125 016-6950 -35 to -7 1.7 to 12°C Coiled Capillary 130.66 G0130 016-6951 -18 to +13 1.7 to 12°C Coiled Capillary 128.52 G0135 016-6954 -5 to +25 1.7 to 12°C Coiled Capillary 130.66 G0136 016-6924 -5 to +25 1.7 to 12°C Straight Capillary Tube 131.73 G0140 016-6980 -18 to +13 1.7 to 12°C Cross Ambient Bulb 143.51 G0145 016-6981 -5 to +25 1.7 to 12°C Cross Ambient Bulb 152.08 G0148 016-6983 +10 to +40 1.7 to 12°C Cross Ambient Bulb 141.37 G0178 018-1100 0° Fixed 1/8" Ice Capillary With Bulb 195.99 G0146 Flat Mounting Bracket to suit Ranco Thermostats 7.77 • Straight and coiled capillary thermostats are used on applications where it can be guaranteed that the sensing element is always cooler than the control head. Where local sensing is required, the coiled version is used, whereas the straight version is used to sense over a longer distance eg across an evaporator coil. • Cross Ambient Thermostats have a capillary and remote bulb. Unlike the straight or coiled capillary models, these controls sense only at the bulb. They should be used on all applications where it is possible that the control head or capillary can be at a lower temperature than the sensing bulb. Capillary - Saginomiya Realcold Stock No. Type Range °C Differential Sensor System Price $ Excl. GST G1052 XWS-C1030AGL2 Switches: 8 amps -35 to +30°C 2 to 7°C 2 M Capillary POA G1053 XWS-C1060AGL2 Switches: 8 amps -5 to + 60°C 2 to 7°C 2 M Capillary POA G1054 CNS-C114XM2 -15° to 15°C Capillary Safety Thermostat with 1m capillary. Manual Reset Fixed Differential. G1061 DTB-X178 Bottle cabinet thermostat (Skope) Adjustable setting OFF -10°C, ON +5°C POA 42.02 Note: Please refer to page CD88 for Defrost Controls and to page CE100 for Electronic Controls Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components Realcold Stock No. THERMOSTATS CT136 Saginomiya Air Conditioning Thermostats Realcold Stock No. Type Range °C Differential Sensor System Price $ Excl. GST G0150 VRS-C234 Q147 10 to 35°C 1.5°C fixed Room 446.25 Room 154.35 Room 154.35 G0151 Two stage, auto changeover, knob adjustment 2°C fixed between stages VRS-C234Q149 1.5°C fixed 10 to 35°C Two stage, auto changeover, screw driver adjustment 2°C fixed between stages G0153 VRS-C234 Q172 10 to 35°C Two stage with auto changeover ON/OFF Switch 1.5°C fixed 2°C fixed between stages Components Thermostat Guards Realcold Stock No. G0161 System Price $ Excl. GST Model Height Width Depth BTG-RK 162 mm 89 mm 76 mm 43.58 75 mm 68.43 With Ring Base for easy installation on new or existing thermostats G0162 TG300M 135 mm 255 mm With Solid Base, for new installations, or retrofitting to existing installations where the thermostat can be temporarily unscrewed from the wall, etc. Note: Please refer to page CD88 for Defrost Controls and to page CE100 for Electronic Controls A1 Thermostat Guards are stylish, unbreakable, and tamper-proof. A single key is provided for convenience. Each guard comes with the guard, key, wall bracket, and four mounting screws and anchors. Install frame on wall, hook the guard onto the frame by means of the two hooks on top, and lock. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit TUBE CT137 Capillary Service Packs These service packs offer a complete selection for large commercial and air conditioning units to the smallest domestic refrigeration requirements. Selection Data Information included in Pack. System Price $ Excl. GST Description G0381 SP-1 .026" ID (0.66 mm) in 3.660 metre coils 20.99 G0382 SP-2 .0315" ID (0.80 mm) in 3.660 metre coils 20.99 G0383 SP-3 .0355" ID (0.90 mm) in 3.660 metre coils 20.99 G0384 SP-4 .0435" ID (1.10 mm) in 4.270 metre coils 20.99 G0385 SP-5 .051" ID (1.30 mm) in 4.270 metre coils 20.99 G0386 SP-6 .055" ID (1.40 mm) in 3.660 metre coils 20.99 G0387 SP-7 .064" ID (1.62 mm) in 3.050 metre coils 20.99 G0388 SP-8 .070" ID (1.78 mm) in 3.660 metre coils 20.99 G0389 SP-9 .075" ID (1.90 mm) in 2.750 metre coils 20.99 G0390 SP-10 .080" ID (2.04 mm) in 3.050 metre coils 20.99 G0391 SP-11 .088" ID (2.24 mm) in 3.660 metre coils 20.99 Capillary Tools Realcold Stock No. System Price $ Excl. GST Description T0165 Capillary Tube Gauge and File Set POA T0166 Capillary Tube File Only POA Thick Walled Hard Drawn Copper (5.8 metre lengths) Refrigeration grade, dehydrated and nitrogen purged, sealed copper tube. Manufactured in accordance with AS/NZ 1571 ASTMB 280 Refrigeration Code. Manufactured in accordance with ASTM B88 - Cleaned in accordance with ASTM B280. Realcold Stock No. Outside Diameter Wall Thickness SWP kPa System Price $ Excl. GST Inches mm Inches mm PSI H1719 3/4 19.05 0.046 1.18 665 4583 POA H1722 7/8 22.23 0.064 1.63 795 5478 POA H1728 1.1/8 28.58 0.072 1.83 688 4746 POA H1735 1.3/8 34.93 0.085 2.15 660 4553 POA H1742 1.5/8 41.28 0.102 2.6 677 4665 POA • Soft Drawn Copper is sold per coil and Hard Drawn Copper Tube is sold in full lengths. • Values of SWP are derived from the formula from ANSIB31 Standard Code for Pressure Piping • The value of Maximum Stress (S) used in the calculation is 150°F (65.6°C) and is for copper in its annealed condition. For Pipe temperatures higher than 150°F (65.6°C), please contact your local Realcold branch for assistance in the selection of appropriate tube for your requirement. • Please see Air Conditioning Catalogue for Pre-Insulated Copper Tubing. For further information on copper tube wall thickness standards; please refer to AS/NZS 1677.2 : 1998 or enquire at your local Realcold branch. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components Realcold Stock No. TUBE CT138 Soft Drawn Copper (15 metre coils) Realcold Stock No. Outside Diameter Wall Thickness SWP WT per 15m Length Kg System Price $ Excl. GST Inches mm Inches mm PSI kPa H0031 1/4 6.35 0.032 0.8128 1711 11796 1.89 POA H0032 3/16 4.76 0.032 0.8128 2371 16349 1.35 POA H0033 5/16 7.94 0.032 0.8128 1338 9226 2.43 POA Soft Drawn Copper (15.25 metre coils) Components Realcold Stock No. Outside Diameter Wall Thickness SWP WT per 15.25m Length Kg System Price $ Excl. GST Inches mm Inches mm PSI kPa H0002 1/8 3.17 0.030 0.762 3026 20864 0.79 POA H0004 3/16 4.76 0.030 0.762 1867 12873 1.30 POA H0001 1/4 6.35 0.030 0.762 1350 9308 1.82 POA H0006 5/16 7.94 0.032 0.8128 1133 7812 2.47 POA H0009 3/8 9.53 0.032 0.8128 930 6412 3.03 POA H0014 1/2 12.70 0.032 0.8128 686 4730 4.12 POA H0018 5/8 15.88 0.035 0.889 598 4123 5.69 POA H0020 3/4 19.05 0.035 0.889 498 3413 6.91 POA H0022 7/8 22.22 0.045 1.143 545 3758 10.34 POA Soft Drawn Copper (18 metre coils) Realcold Stock No. Outside Diameter Wall Thickness SWP WT per 18m Length Kg System Price $ Excl. GST Inches mm Inches mm PSI kPa H0034 3/8 9.5 0.032 0.81 1094 7546 3.56 POA H0035 1/2 12.5 0.032 0.81 807 5561 4.87 POA H0036 5/8 15.8 0.040 1.02 813 5602 7.66 POA H0037 3/4 19 0.040 1.02 671 4628 8.33 POA H0038 7/8 22.2 0.045 1.143 642 4425 12.17 POA Hard Drawn Copper (full lengths) Realcold Stock No. Outside Diameter Wall Thickness SWP WT per 5m Length Kg System Price $ Excl. GST Inches mm Inches mm PSI kPa H0058 3/8 9.53 0.030 0.76 869 5992 0.94 POA H0059 1/2 12.70 0.035 0.89 757 5220 1.47 POA H0060 5/8 15.88 0.040 1.02 691 4764 2.12 POA H0061 3/4 19.05 0.042 1.07 600 4137 2.69 POA H0062 7/8 22.23 0.045 1.14 545 3758 3.38 POA H0063 1.1/8 28.58 0.050 1.27 470 3241 4.87 POA H0064 1.3/8 34.93 0.055 1.40 422 2910 6.57 POA H0065 1.5/8 41.28 0.060 1.52 387 2668 8.48 POA H0075 2.1/8 53.98 0.070 1.78 345 2379 13.02 POA H0076 2.5/8 66.68 0.080 2.03 318 2193 18.44 POA H0077 3.1/8 79.38 0.090 2.29 301 2075 24.77 POA Note: NZS1677 stipulates the method of calculating the maximum operating pressure for air cooled refrigeration systems to be the highest. Price fluctuations are dictated daily by the London Metal Exchange (LME). • For information on soft drawn and hard drawn copper standards, please contact your local Realcold branch, Representative or visit • Pre-Insulated Copper Tubing - Please see AC31. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit VALVES Flica Thermostatic Expansion Type CV139 Flica Thermostatic Expansion Type TMV/TMVX (adsorber charged) Wide Range: Realcold Stock No. R134a - MP39 - Isceon 49 - R12 = +15°C to -30°C R22 = +15°C to -45°C R404a - HP80 - R407B - R507 - Isceon 69L -R502 = 0°C to -50°C Model System Price $ Excl. GST Description R134a - MP39 - R12 - Isceon 49 F1602 Flica TMV Body Internally Equalised Wide Range MF x MF 91.29 F1604 Flica TMVX Body Externally Equalised Wide Range MF x MF 109.14 F1652 Flica TMVBL Body Internally Equalised Wide Range MF x Sweat 91.29 F1654 Flica TMVXBL Body Externally Equalised Wide Range MF x Sweat 109.14 F1606 Flica TMV Body Internally Equalised Wide Range MF x MF 91.29 F1608 Flica TMVX Body Externally Equalised Wide Range MF x MF 109.14 F1656 Flica TMVBL Body Internally Equalised Wide Range MF x Sweat 91.29 F1658 Flica TMVXBL Body Externally Equalised Wide Range MF x Sweat 109.14 Components TMV R22 - Isceon 59 R404a - HP80 - R407B - R507 - R502 - Isceon 69L F1610 Flica TMV Body Internally Equalised Wide Range MF x MF 91.29 F1612 Flica TMVX Body Externally Equalised Wide Range MF x MF 109.14 F1660 Flica TMVBL Body Internally Equalised Wide Range MF x Sweat 91.29 F1662 Flica TMVXBL Body Externally Equalised Wide Range MF x Sweat 109.14 TMVXBL Flica Orifices Flica Orifices (TMV/TMVX/TMVBL/TMVXBL) Nominal capacities (kW) based on 1K subcooling/1.5 bar pressure drop. Realcold Stock No. Model Description R134a R22 R22 -5/+40°C -5/+40°C -25/+40°C -5/+40°C R404a R404a System Price $ Excl. GST -25/+40°C F1618 Flica Orifice # 0.3 0.34 0.52 0.36 0.35 0.23 21.53 F1620 Flica Orifice # 0.5 0.65 0.98 0.69 0.66 0.43 21.53 F1622 Flica Orifice # 0.7 0.90 1.35 0.94 0.94 0.61 21.53 F1624 Flica Orifice # 1.0 1.29 1.97 1.38 1.36 0.88 21.53 F1626 Flica Orifice # 1.5 2.09 3.16 2.21 2.15 1.40 21.53 F1628 Flica Orifice # 2.0 2.69 3.99 2.79 2.72 1.77 21.53 F1630 Flica Orifice # 2.5 3.78 5.75 4.02 3.93 2.56 21.53 F1632 Flica Orifice # 3.0 6.17 9.17 6.41 6.27 4.09 21.53 F1634 Flica Orifice # 3.5 8.16 12.12 8.48 8.24 5.37 21.53 F1636 Flica Orifice # 4.5 11.04 16.89 11.81 11.52 7.50 21.53 F1638 Flica Orifice # 4.75 14.92 22.27 15.58 15.17 9.88 21.53 Note: TMV/TMVX Bodies Male Flare x Male Flare Connections TMVBL/TMVXBL Bodies Male Flare x Solder Sweat Connections Installation: Specifications: Superheating: Adjustment: Valves may be installed in any position. Adsorber charged diaphragm operated valve of high sensitivity. Interchangeable orifice. Wide temperature range and constant superheat. Mean static superheat 3K. Initially valves should be installed with the factory setting unaltered. Should adjustment be necessary, then remove the sealing cap and adjust the spindle. Right Turn (Clockwise)- Reduces flow, thus increasing superheat. Left Turn (Anticlockwise) - Increases flow, thus decreasing superheat. One turn of the adjusting spindle alters superheat setting by approximately 8 psi. With Adsorber charge it is impossible for charge migration or reversal to occur, thereby offering the user a reliable, trouble-free valve. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit VALVES CV140 Sporlan Q-Series Thermostatic Expansion Valves 3/8” x 1/2” - 90º connections, flare or sweat. All OD models are forged inlet models. Components SQ-ODF SQE-ODF Realcold Stock No. Model Description SP0001 SQ-ODF Q Valve Body OD Internally Equalised External Strainer 98.28 SP0002 SQE-ODF Q Valve Body OD Externally Equalised External Strainer 117.30 SP0003 Q-SAE Q Valve Body MF Internally Equalised External Strainer 77.27 SP0004 QE-SAE Q Valve Body MF Externally Equalised External Strainer 96.70 SP0071 SBQ-ODF BQ Valve Body OD Internally Equalised 98.28 SP0072 SBQE-ODF BQ Valve Body OD Externally Equalised 132.60 SP0073 BQ-SAE BQ Valve Body MF Internally Equalised 76.70 SP0074 BQE-SAE BQ Valve Body MF Externally Equalised 96.70 Sporlan Orifices Realcold Stock No. Q-SAE System Price $ Excl. GST Model Description Nominal Capacity kW R404a R22 R134a System Price $ Excl. GST SP0010 QC-0 Orifice No. 0 Red 0.88 1.17 0.59 11.07 SP0011 QC-1 Orifice No. 1 Yellow 1.76 2.64 0.88 11.07 SP0012 QC-2 Orifice No. 2 Green 1.76 3.52 1.76 11.07 11.07 SP0013 QC-3 Orifice No. 3 Blue 3.52 5.28 3.52 SP0014 QC-4 Orifice No. 4 Pink 5.28 8.79 5.28 11.07 SP0015 QC-5 Orifice No. 5 Black 7.03 12.3 7.03 11.07 SP0016 QC-6 Orifice No. 6 White 10.6 17.6 8.79 11.07 SP0080 AAA BQ Orifice Red 0.44-0.70 0.44-1.16 0.44-0.70 31.52 SP0081 AA BQ Orifice Yellow 0.88-1.16 1.76-2.34 0.88-1.16 31.52 SP0082 A BQ Orifice Blue 1.76-3.52 2.64-5.30 1.76-3.52 31.52 SP0083 B BQ Orifice Pink 4.40-7.03 6.16-10.60 4.40-6.16 31.52 SP0084 C BQ Orifice White 7.90-10.60 11.4-19.30 7.03-10.60 31.52 QE-SAE Sporlan Thermostatic Elements Realcold Stock No. Model Description System Price $ Excl. GST SP0020 KT-43-VC-5' TX Element R22 Commercial -25/+10°C 57.78 SP0030 KT-43-JC-5' TX Element R134a Commercial -25/+10°C 57.78 SP0040 KT-43-SC-5' TX Element R404a Commercial -25/+10°C 57.78 SP0041 KT-43-SZ-5' TX Element R404a LT -18/-40°C 57.78 SP0042 KT-43-SZP-5' TX Element R404a LT MOP -18/-40°C 57.78 SP0043 KT-43-PC-5' TV Element R507 Commercial -25/+10°C 57.78 SP0044 KT43-VZ-5' TX Element R22 LT- Q Series -18/-40°C 57.78 SP1260 KT43-FZP-5' TX Element R134a LT MOP -18/-40°C 57.78 Sporlan Accessories Realcold Stock No. Model Description System Price $ Excl. GST SP0060 791-001 Cartridge O-Ring SP0061 184-002 Allen Wrench SP0062 QVT-1 Q Valve Tool SP0063 1538-000 Inlet Strainer 11.07 SP0064 3427-000 Inlet Strainer 12.65 5.81 8.82 198.90 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit VALVES CV141 Sporlan J8 Thermostatic Expansion Valves Suitable for all refrigerants except Ammonia and High Pressure Carbon Dioxide. Drop-in replacement for Danfoss TX Valves. Has interchangeable orifice to control capacity. Orifices also suitable for use with Danfoss T2 and TE2 Valves Model Inlet Outlet Equalised MOP Bar / °C Evap / Temp Range System Price $ Excl. GST SP5001 TX 134A J8S-JW BODY 3/8" Flare 1/2" Solder No - -40 to +15°C SP5002 TX 134A J8ES-JW BODY 3/8" Flare 1/2" Solder Yes - -40 to +15°C 106.00 118.00 SP5003 TX R22 J8F-VW BODY 3/8" Flare 1/2" Solder No - -40 to +15°C 106.00 SP5004 TX R22 J8EF-VW BODY 3/8" Flare 1/2" Solder Yes - -40 to +15°C 118.00 SP5005 TX 404A J8S-SW BODY 3/8" Flare 1/2" Solder No - -40 to +10°C 106.00 SP5006 TX 404A J8ES-SW BODY 3/8" Flare 1/2" Solder Yes - -40 to +10°C 118.00 106.00 SP5015 TX 134A J8F-JW BODY 3/8" Flare 1/2" Flare No - -40 to +15°C SP5016 TX 134A J8EF-JW BODY 3/8" Flare 1/2" Flare Yes - -40 to +15°C 118.00 SP5017 TX 404A J8S-VW BODY 3/8" Flare 1/2" Flare No - -40 to +15°C 106.00 SP5018 TX 404A J8ES-VW BODY 3/8" Flare 1/2" Flare Yes - -40 to +15°C 118.00 SP5019 TX R22 J8F-SW BODY 3/8" Flare 1/2" Flare No - -40 to +15°C 106.00 SP5020 TX R22 J8EF-SW BODY 3/8" Flare 1/2" Flare Yes - -40 to +15°C 106.00 SP5030 TX 134A J8S-JX60 BODY 3/8" Flare 1/2" Solder No 4.1 Bar +17°C -40 to +15°C 106.00 SP5031 TX 134A J8ES-JX60 BODY 3/8" Flare 1/2" Solder Yes 4.1 Bar +17°C -40 to +15°C 118.00 106.00 SP5032 TX R22 J8S-VX100 BODY 3/8" Flare 1/2" Solder No 4.1 Bar +15°C -40 to +15°C SP5033 TX R22 J8ES-VX100 BODY 3/8" Flare 1/2" Solder Yes 4.1 Bar +15°C -40 to +15°C 118.00 SP5034 TX 404A J8S-SX110 BODY 3/8" Flare 1/2" Solder No 7.6 Bar +12°C -40 to +10°C 106.00 SP5035 TX 404A J8ES-SX110 BDY 3/8" Flare 1/2" Solder Yes 7.6 Bar +12°C -40 to +10°C 118.00 SP5036 TX 404A J8S-SX35 BODY 3/8" Flare 1/2" Solder No 2.4 Bar -17°C -40 to -18°C 106.00 SP5037 TX 404A J8ES-SX35 BODY 3/8" Flare 1/2" Solder Yes 2.4 Bar -17°C -40 to -18°C 118.00 SP5038 TX 134A J8F-JX60 BODY 3/8" Flare 1/2" Solder No 4.1 Bar +17°C -40 to +15°C 106.00 SP5039 TX 134A J8EF-JX60 BODY 3/8" Flare 1/2" Flare Yes 4.1 Bar +17°C -40 to +15°C 118.00 106.00 SP5040 TX 404A J8F-SX110 BODY 3/8" Flare 1/2" Flare No 7.6 Bar +12°C -40 to +10°C SP5041 TX 404A J8EF-SX110 BDY 3/8" Flare 1/2" Flare Yes 7.6 Bar +12°C -40 to +10°C 118.00 SP5042 TX 404A J8F-SX35 BODY 3/8" Flare 1/2" Flare No 2.4 Bar -17°C -40 to -18°C 106.00 SP5043 TX 404A J8EF-SX35 BODY 3/8" Flare 1/2" Flare Yes 2.4 Bar -17°C -40 to +15°C 118.00 SP5044 TX R22 J8F-VX100 BODY 3/8" Flare 1/2" Flare No 4.1 Bar +15°C -40 to +15°C 106.00 118.00 SP5045 TX R22 J8EF-VX100 BODY 3/8" Flare 1/2" Flare Yes 4.1 Bar +15°C -40 to +15°C SP5007 ORIFICE JB2-0X - - - - - 21.00 SP5008 ORIFICE JB2-00 - - - - - 21.00 SP5009 ORIFICE JB2-01 - - - - - 21.00 SP5010 ORIFICE JB2-02 - - - - - 21.00 SP5011 ORIFICE JB2-03 - - - - - 21.00 SP5012 ORIFICE JB2-04 - - - - - 21.00 SP5013 ORIFICE JB2-05 - - - - - 21.00 SP5014 ORIFICE JB2-06 - - - - - 21.00 Valve Features Advantages and Benefits • US Manufacture and Quality • Copper Capillary 5-Times better Conductivity than Stainless Steel • Plasma Welded rather than Laser Welded • New design, Long-Life Diaphragm • Copper Connections Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components Realcold Stock No. VALVES Cross Reference Table CV142 Cross Reference Table - J8 / T2 / TI Refrigerant Int / Ext Inlet x Outlet Inch: 3/8” x 1/2” (inch) Parker Item Number Components Valve Configuration J8 Code MOP °C" Sporlan T2/TE2 Part No MOP °C" TI/TIE Part No Danfoss R407C R407C R407C R407C R407C R407C R407C R407C R134a R134a R134a R134a R134a R134a R134a R134a R404A R404A R404A Ext Ext Ext Ext Int Int Int Int Ext Ext Ext Int Int Int Int Ext Ext Ext Ext flare x flare flare x flare flare x solder flare x solder flare x flare flare x flare flare x solder flare x solder flare x flare flare x flare flare x solder flare x solder flare x flare flare x flare flare x solder flare x solder flare x flare flare x flare flare x flare 600002 600003 600016 600017 600023 600024 600037 600038 600000 600001 600014 600015 600021 600022 600035 600036 600004 600005 600006 J8EF-NW J8EF-NX100 J8ES-NW J8ES-NX100 J8F-NW J8F-NX100 J8S-NW J8S-NX100 J8EF-JW J8EF-JX60 J8ES-JW J8ES-JX60 J8F-JW J8F-JX60 J8S-JW J8S-JX60 J8EF-SW J8EF-SX110 J8EF-SX35 no +17°C no +17°C no +17°C no +17°C no +17°C no +17°C no +17°C no +17°C no +12°C -17°C R404A R404A R404A Ext Int Int flare x solder flare x solder flare x solder 600018 600019 600020 J8ES-SW J8ES-SX110 J8ES-SX35 no +12°C -17°C R404A R404A R404A Int Int Int flare x flare flare x flare flare x flare 600025 600026 600027 J8F-SW J8F-SX110 J8F-SX35 no +12°C -17°C R404A R404A R404A Int Int Int flare x solder flare x solder flare x solder 600039 600040 600041 J8S-SW J8S-SX110 J8S-SX35 no +12°C -17°C R22 R22 R22 R22 R22 R22 R22 R22 All All All All All All All All Int Int Ext Ext Int Int Ext Ext - flare x solder flare x solder flare x flare flare x solder flare x flare flare x flare flare x solder flare x flare J8 orifice & filter - 0X J8 orifice & filter - 00 J8 orifice & filter - 01 J8 orifice & filter - 02 J8 orifice & filter - 03 J8 orifice & filter - 04 J8 orifice & filter - 05 J8 orifice & filter - 06 600061 600059 600058 600057 600054 600053 600052 600051 506032 506033 506034 506035 506036 506037 506038 506039 J8S-VX100 J8S-VW J8EF-VX100 J8ES-VX100 J8F-VX100 J8F-VW J8ES-VW J8EF-VW J8C-0X J8C-00 J8C-01 J8C-02 J8C-03 J8C-04 J8C-05 J8C-06 +17°C no +17°C +17°C +17°C no no no - 068Z3501 068Z3517 068Z3446 068Z3447 068Z3496 068Z3516 068Z3329 068Z3348 068Z3349 068Z3385 068Z3389 068Z3346 068Z3347 068Z3383 068Z3387 068Z3403 068Z3405 "068Z3409 068Z3411" 068Z3415 068Z3417 "068Z3430 068Z3421" 068Z3400 068Z3402 "068Z3408 068Z3410" 068Z3414 068Z3416 "068Z3429 068Z3420" 068Z3287 068Z3281 068Z3211 068Z3290 068Z3208 068Z3206 068Z3284 068Z3209 068-2002 068-2003 068-2010 068-2015 068-2006 068-2007 068-2008 068-2009 no +15°C no +15°C no +15°C no +15°C no +15°C no +15°C no +15°C no +15°C no +15°C "-10°C -20°C" no +15°C "-10°C -20°C" no +15°C "-10°C -20°C" no +15°C "-10°C -20°C" +15°C no +15°C +15°C +15°C no no no - MOP °C" Alco TIE-MW TISE-MW TI-MW TI-SMW TIE-MW - no no no no no - TIS-SW - no - TI-MW - no - TISE-SW - no - TIS-HW TI-HW TISE-HW TIE-HW T1-00X T1-000 T1-001 T1-002 T1-003 T1-004 T1-005 T1-006 no no no no - This information is intended only as a guide. For further information or selection assistance, please contact your local branch. Realcold accepts no liability for the information provided and any selection is the reponsibility of the purchaser / installer. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit VALVES CV143 Sporlan S and O-Series Valves Model SP0734 SVE-5 R22 1/2" x 7/8" OD SP0737 SVE-8 R22 5/8" x 7/8" OD SP0741 SVE-15 R22 7/8" x 1.1/8" OD SP0756 OVE-20 R22 7/8" x 1.3/8" OD SP0757 OVE-30 R22 1.1/8” x 1.3/8” OD SP0758 OVE-40 R22 SP0761 OVE-40-CP100 SP0764 SP0767 Refrigerant Connection Charge Capacity System Price $ Excl. GST Tons kW C 5 17.5 C 8 28.1 209.10 C 15 52.7 229.50 BP C 20 70.3 351.90 BP C 30 105 351.90 1.1/8" x 1.3/8" OD BP C 40 140 633.42 R22 1.1/8” x 1.3/8” OD BP CP100 40 140 630.36 OVE-55-CP100 R22 1.1/8” x 1.3/8” OD BP CP100 55 193 630.36 OVE-70-CP100 R22 1.1/8” x 1.3/8” OD BP CP100 70 245 630.36 SP0774 SSE-4-C R404a 1/2" x 7/8" OD C 4 13.7 209.10 SP0777 SSE-6-C R404a 5/8" x 7/8" OD C 6 20.5 209.10 SP0780 SSE-7-C R404a 5/8" x 7/8" OD C 7 23.9 209.10 SP0786 SSE-10-C R404a 5/8" x 7/8" OD C 10 34.1 229.50 SP0792 OSE-12 R404a 7/8" x 1.3/8" OD C 12 40.9 351.90 SP0803 SSE-4-Z R404a 1/2" x 7/8" OD Z 4 13.7 209.10 SP0806 SSE-4-ZP R404a 1/2" x 7/8" OD ZP 4 13.7 209.10 SP0809 SSE-6-Z R404a 5/8" x 7/8" OD Z 6 20.5 209.10 SP0812 SSE-6-ZP R404a 5/8" x 7/8" OD ZP 6 20.5 209.10 SP0814 SSE-7-Z R404a 5/8" x 7/8" OD Z 7 23.9 209.10 SP0817 SSE-7-ZP R404a 5/8" x 7/8" OD ZP 7 23.9 210.12 SP0820 SSE-10-Z R404a 7/8" x 1.1/8" OD Z 10 34.1 229.50 SP0823 SSE-10-ZP R404a 7/8" x 1.1/8" OD ZP 10 34.1 230.52 SP0839 OSE-12-Z R404a 7/8" x 1.3/8" OD BP Z 12 40.9 351.90 SP0840 OSE-12-ZP R404a 7/8" x 1.3/8" OD BP ZP 12 40.9 352.92 SP0841 OSE-21-Z R404a 1.1/8" x 1.3/8" OD BP Z 21 74 351.90 SP0842 OSE-21-ZP R404a 1.1/8" x 1.3/8" OD BP ZP 21 74 352.92 SP0845 OSE-30-Z R404a 1.1/8" x 1.3/8" OD BP Z 30 105 630.36 SP0846 OSE-30-ZP R404a 1.1/8" x 1.3/8" OD BP ZP 30 105 633.42 SP0847 OSE-35-Z R404a 1.1/8" x 1.3/8" OD BP Z 35 120 630.36 SP0849 OSE-35-ZP R404a 1.1/8" x 1.3/8" OD BP ZP 35 120 633.42 209.10 Type S-Series Components Realcold Stock No. Type O-Series Sporlan TX Valve Replacement Heads Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST SP1202 KIT KT33-VCP100 - For R22, Commercial, MOP100. Suits P, Large O and H Series Valves SP1220 KT83-VCP100 - For R22, Commercial, MOP100. Suits C, Small O and S Series Valves 86.19 SP1221 KT83-VC - For R22, Commercial. Suits C, Small O and S Series Valves 86.19 SP1224 KT83-SC - For R404a, Commercial. Suits C, Small O and S Series Valves 86.19 SP1225 KT83-SZ - For R404a, Low Temp. Suits C, Small O and S Series Valves 86.19 SP1234 KT83-RZP - For R507, Low Temp, MOP35. Suits C, Small O and S Series Valves 86.19 C Charge: CP100 Charge: Z Charge: ZP Charge: BP Balanced Port: 98.79 +10/-23°C Commercial Applications. Air Conditioning MOP Charge -18/-40°C Low Temperature -18/-40°C M.O.P. MOP valves are normally used to prevent hunting or compressor overload, or to limit flow at start-up under lightly loaded conditions. Can be used in place of a crankcase pressure regulator (in certain applications). Balanced port valves counteract effects of pressure drop (loss of valve efficiency) working well down to 25% rated capacity. All other valves operate to 35% of rated capacity. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit VALVES CV144 Sporlan Solenoid Valves (less coil) E9S240, E6S130, E5S120 Components E25S290, E19S270 Realcold Stock No. Model Coil Description System Price $ Excl. GST SP1402 A3F1 MKC1 Solenoid Valve 1/4" MF SP1405 E5S120 MKC1 Solenoid Valve 1/4" OD 85.12 SP1411 B6F1 MKC1 Solenoid Valve 3/8" MF 113.22 SP1414 E6S130 MKC1 Solenoid Valve 3/8" OD 113.22 SP1415 ME6S130 MKC1 Solenoid Valve 3/8" OD Manual Lift Version 154.02 SP1427 B10F2 MKC2 Solenoid Valve 5/8" MF 162.18 SP1430 E9S240 MKC2 Solenoid Valve 1/2" OD 136.68 SP1431 ME9S240 MKC2 Solenoid Valve 1/2" OD Manual Lift Version 178.50 SP1450 E14S250 MKC2 Solenoid Valve 5/8" OD 180.54 SP1452 ME14S250 MKC2 Solenoid Valve 5/8" OD Manual Lift Version 220.32 SP1462 E19S270 MKC2 Solenoid Valve 7/8" OD 285.60 SP1464 ME19S270 MKC2 Solenoid Valve 7/8" OD Manual Lift Version 330.48 SP1472 E25S290 MKC2 Solenoid Valve 1.1/8" OD 419.22 SP1474 ME25S290 MKC2 Solenoid Valve 1.1/8" OD Manual Lift Version 463.08 SP1827 ME35S1110 MKC1/OMKC1 Solenoid Valve 1.3/8" OD Manual Lift Version 663.00 SP1829 ME42S2130 MKC2 Solenoid Valve 1.5/8” OD Manual Lift Version SP1800 180 180 Solenoid Pilot Control 1/4” MF For Positive Liquid Line Shutoff see Bulletin 30-20 85.12 887.40 283.56 • The E5, E6 E9 and E14 are compact solenoids with Pilot Operated construction. They may be mounted Horizontal, Side On, or in a Vertical Line. • The E19 and E25 are Pilot Operated solenoids. They may be mounted Horizontal, Side On, or in a Vertical Line. • All E series valves feature extended connections, for installation without disassembly, using low silver content brazing alloy. Sporlan Solenoid Coils MKC-1, MKC-2 Realcold Stock No. Model Description System Price $ Excl. GST SP1900 MKC1 Solenoid Coil 240V 50HZ 58.34 SP1901 MKC1E Solenoid Coil 240V 50HZ 58.34 SP1905 MKC2 Solenoid Coil 240V 50HZ 63.60 SP1906 MKC2E Solenoid Coil 240V 50HZ 63.60 Many more models and variations are available - just ask your Realcold representative for advice. Refer to page AC37 for 4-way valves. MKC1E Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit VALVES CV145 Parker Hannifin SpA Solenoid Valves (complete with coils) Suitable for all HFC and HCFC refrigerants, in liquid, suction, or hot gas. Fluid temperature range -30°C to +105°C. All valves come complete with 240 volt ±10%, 50/60 Hz coil, wired, plus bracket. Model Orifice Size (mm) Minimum Pressure (bar) Max Diff. Pressure (MOPD) bar Kv (m³/hr) System Price $ Excl. GST G0250 Parker 1/4" MF DA 3 0.0 21 0.27 G0252 Parker 1/4" ODS DA 3 0.0 21 0.27 85.63 97.21 G0254 Parker 3/8" MF DA 3 0.0 21 0.27 85.63 G0255 Parker 3/8" MF PO 8 0.1 21 1.40 120.36 G0260 Parker 3/8" ODS PO 8 0.1 21 1.40 120.36 G0265 Parker 1/2" MF PO 10 0.1 21 1.75 128.52 G0270 Parker 1/2" ODS PO 10 0.1 21 1.75 128.52 G0275 Parker 5/8" MF PO 15 0.1 21 2.65 156.06 G0280 Parker 5/8" ODS PO 15 0.1 21 2.65 172.38 G0285 Parker 3/4" ODS PO 18 0.1 21 3.15 231.54 G0290 Parker 7/8" ODS PO 18 0.1 21 3.50 231.54 G0295 Parker 1.1/8" ODS PO 18 0.1 21 3.50 290.70 G0298 Parker 1.3/8" ODS PO 25.4 0.14 21 8.80 549.78 Parker Hannifin SpA Solenoid Valve Spares (replacement solenoid coils) Realcold Stock No. Model System Price $ Excl. GST Description G0302 YE09 240 Volt 50/60 Hz 9 Watt 32.59 G0312 ZB09 240 Volt 50/60 Hz 9 Watt (DIN 40050 = IP 65 Coil) 30.50 G0301 JB14 240 Volt 50/60 Hz 14 Watt 33.10 G0303 YB12 24 Volt DC Coil 12 Watt POA G0307 YB19 240 Volt 50/60 Hz 11 Watt 67.78 G0310 YB09 24 Volt 50/60 Hz 9 Watt 31.52 G0313 For ZB09 Faston Connector for (G0312) (Coil DIN = IP 65) 7.96 All valves come complete with 240 volt ±10%, 50/60 Hz coil, wired. Abbreviations: DA = Direct Acting PO = Pilot Operated Minimum Pressure: This is the lowest differential pressure required for the correct operation of the solenoid valve. Maximum Pressure: This refers to the highest differential operating pressure (MOPD): with the lowest tolerance applied on the nominal voltage-coil. Kv = Flow Factor: Is the volume (m³/hr) which flows through the valve at a pressure drop of 1 bar across the valve at a temperature of 20°C. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components Realcold Stock No. VALVES - PRESSURE REGULATORS Pressure Regulators CV146 Crankcase Pressure Regulators Components CRO-6 CRO-10 Realcold Stock No. Model Pressure Range Size System Price $ Excl. GST SP2003 CRO-6-0/60 0-60psig 1/2”ODF 222.36 SP2004 CRO-6-0/60 0-60psig 5/8”ODF 222.36 SP2009 CRO-6-30/110 30-110psig 5/8”ODF 229.50 SP2010 CRO-6-30/110 30-110psig 7/8”ODF 230.52 SP2012 CRO-10-0/60 0-60psig 7/8”ODF 307.02 SP2013 CRO-10-0/60 0-60psig 1.1/8”ODF 308.04 SP2014 CRO-10-0/60 0-60psig 1.3/8”ODF 318.24 SP2015 CRO-10-30/110 30-110psig 7/8”ODF 329.46 SP2016 CRO-10-30/110 30-110psig 1-1/8”ODF 317.22 SP2017 CRO-10-30/110 30-110psig 1-3/8”ODF 317.22 Note: See Bulletin 90-10 and 90-11 for description of operation, application, selection and specifications. Evaporator Pressure Regulators Realcold Stock No. ORIT-6 ORIT-10 (S)ORIT-PI Model Pressure Range Size System Price $ Excl. GST SP2100 ORIT-6 0 - 50 psig 1/2”MF 276.42 SP2103 ORIT-6 0 - 50 psig 5/8”ODF 259.08 SP2104 ORIT-6 0 - 50 psig 7/8”ODF 261.12 SP2107 ORIT-6 30-100 psig 5/8”ODF 259.08 SP2109 ORIT-6 30-100 psig 7/8”ODF 261.12 SP2110 ORIT-6 30-100 psig 1.1/8”ODF 271.32 SP2114 ORIT-10 30-100 psig 7/8”ODF 370.26 SP2115 ORIT-10 30-100 psig 1.1/8”ODF 370.26 SP2116 ORIT-10 30-100 psig 1.3/8”ODF 370.26 SP2130 ORIT-10 0-50 psig 7/8”ODF 370.26 SP2132 ORIT-10 0-50 psig 1.1/8”ODF 370.26 SP2134 ORIT-10 0-50 psig 1.3/8”ODF 370.26 SP2160 SORIT-12 0-100 psig 1.1/8”OD 766.02 SP2162 SORIT-15 0-100 psig 1.3/8”OD 966.96 SP2164 SORIT-20 0-100 psig 1.5/8”OD 1,371.90 SP2204 (S) ORIT-PI-27S 0-100 psig 7/8”OD POA SP2206 (S) ORIT-PI-29S 0-100 psig 1.1/8"OD 1,034.28 SP2214 (S) ORIT-PI-39S 0-100 psig 1.1/8"OD 1,037.34 SP2216 (S) ORIT-PI-311S 0-100 psig 1.3/8"OD 1,110.78 SP2220 (S) ORIT-PI-411S 0-100 psig 1.3/8"OD 1,110.78 SP2222 (S) ORIT-PI-413S 0-100 psig 1.5/8"OD 1,271.94 SP2224 (S) ORIT-PI-513S 0-100 psig 1.5/8"OD 1,857.42 SP2226 (S) ORIT-PI-517S 0-100 psig 2.1/8"OD 1,871.70 Note: See Bulletin 90-20 for description of operation, application, selection and specifications. • (S) ORIT-PI’s are Evaporator Pressure Regulating Valves Piloted Internally with an Electric Shut-off option, using a MKC1 Coil - Supplied separately. • Refer to the Realcold Technical Department for capacity ratings. • Many more models and variations are available. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit VALVES CV147 Sporlan CDS Valves The CDS Valves are electronically operated step motor evaporator pressure regulating valves. Synchronized signals to the motor provide discrete angular movement, which translates into precise linear positioning of the valve piston. Valve pistons and ports are uniquely characterised, providing superb flow resolution and performance. The CDS Valves are easily interfaced with microprocessor based controllers. Model Description System Price $ Excl. GST SP2240 CDS9 5/8” Electronic evaporator pressure regulator POA SP2241 CDS9 7/8” Electronic evaporator pressure regulator POA SP2242 CDS9 1 1/8” Electronic evaporator pressure regulator POA SP2242A CDS9 1 3/8” Electronic evaporator pressure regulator POA SP2244 CDS17 1 3/8” Electronic evaporator pressure regulator POA SP2245 CDS17 1 5/8” Electronic evaporator pressure regulator POA SP2246 CDS17 2 1/8” Electronic evaporator pressure regulator POA CDS-9 CDS-17 Sporlan Hot Gas Bypass Valves Realcold Stock No. Model Description System Price $ Excl. GST SP2360 ADRSE-2 1/2” ODF Hot Gas Bypass Valve 0-80 psig 250.92 Sporlan Co2 Product Range Sporlan’s growing line of products for CO2 is setting new standards for robust design and advanced technology. Contact your Realcold branch for more information. Realcold Stock No. Model Family psig Electric Expansion SER Valves SEI Evaporator Control and Secondary Refrigerant Valves Controllers, Accessories Sightglass, Filter Drier Solenoid Valves MRP/MOPD Application bar 700 48 620 43 SEI 620 43 SER 700 48 SDR 620 43 CDS 700 48 ECM - CO2 - - CO2 - Superheat - - Kelvin CO2 - - Temperature Sensor -40 - 210°F -40 - 100°C Pressure Transducer 500 34 See-All® Sightglass 650 45 Catch-All® Filter Drier 650 45 E3 700/450 48/31 E5S130-HP 700/450 48/31 E6S130-HP 700/450 48/31 E9S240-HP 700/450 48/31 E9S250-HP 700/450 48/31 E14S250-HP 700/450 48/31 E10S250-HP 700/450 48/31 System Price $ Excl. GST Subcritical DX, Secondary POA Subcritical DX, Secondary POA Subcritical DX, Secondary POA Subcritical DX, Secondary POA Subcritical DX, Secondary POA Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components Realcold Stock No. VALVES CV148 Mueller Ball Valves (two way) Components Mueller ball valves may be used on high and low pressure refrigerant lines for either gas or liquid service. Suitable for HCFC, HFC refrigerants, and all refrigerant oils. The ball seals are carbon filled teflon. This permits higher sealing force than with virgin teflon, yet gives extended sealing life with the greater strength of the filled material. Maximum working pressure is 500 psi. Maximum temperature range -40°C to +149°C. Realcold Stock No. Model Description System Price $ Excl. GST H0868 Mueller 3/8" ODS Full Port H0869 Mueller 1/2" ODS Full Port 75.12 H0870 Mueller 5/8" ODS Full Port 78.29 H0871 Mueller 7/8" ODS Full Port 105.06 H0872 Mueller 1.1/8" ODS Full Port 155.04 H0873 Mueller 1.3/8" ODS Full Port 214.20 H0875 Mueller 1.5/8" ODS Full Port 241.74 H0876 Mueller 2.1/8" ODS Full Port 373.32 H0877 Mueller 2.5/8" ODS Reduced Port 639.54 H0878 Mueller 3.1/8" ODS Reduced Port 702.78 75.12 Mueller Liquid Receiver Valves Maximum working pressure 500 psi. Maximum temperature rating 149°C. MP are NPT (National Pipe Thread). Realcold Stock No. Model Description System Price $ Excl. GST H0951 Mueller A - 11031 1/4" MF x 1/4” MP 49.93 H0952 Mueller A - 13613 1/4” MF x 3/8” MP 63.04 H0953 Mueller A - 11030 3/8” MF x 1/4” MP 49.93 H0954 Mueller A - 13503 3/8” MF x 3/8” MP 63.04 H0955 Mueller A - 11042 1/2” MF x 3/8” MP 81.45 H0956 Mueller A - 13220 1/2” MF x 1/2” MP 96.70 H0958 Mueller A - 13183 5/8” MF x 1/2” MP 161.16 Mueller Rotalock Valves Realcold Stock No. Model Description System Price $ Excl. GST H1006 1/4" Valve Flare Horizontal 3/4" R/L 66.20 H1007 3/8" Valve Sweat Horizontal 1" R/L 68.85 H1009 3/8" Valve Flare Horizontal 3/4" R/L 66.20 H1013 1/2" Valve Flare Horizontal 1" R/L 67.78 H1014 1/2" Valve OD Horizontal 1" R/L 68.85 H1017 5/8" Valve OD Horizontal 1" R/L 72.01 H1031 3/4" Valve Sweat Horizontal 1”.1/4" R/L H1036 7/8" Valve Sweat Horizontal 1”.1/4" R/L 131.58 131.58 H1042 1.1/8" Valve Sweat Horizontal 1”.3/4" R/L 199.92 H1045 1.3/8" Valve Sweat Horizontal 1”.3/4" R/L 206.04 H1074 1.1/4" Rotalock Spud less process port 23.66 H1080 1.3/4" Rotalock Spud less process port 29.99 H1103 3/4" Teflon Fibre Seal 2.60 H1104 1" Teflon Fibre Seal 2.60 H1105 1.1/4" Teflon Fibre Seal 2.60 H1106 1.3/4" Teflon Fibre Seal 2.60 Note: Valves have top gauge connection Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit VALVES CV149 Mueller Hand Shut-Off Valves (packless line valves) Mueller valves have full size openings for maximum flow with minimum restriction. The maximum working pressure is 500 psi with flow in direction of the arrow, and 350 psi with flow against the arrow. Working temperature range is -40°C to +90°C. All valves diaphragm type. Model Description System Price $ Excl. GST H0820 Mueller 1/4" ODS Two way straight through 124.44 H0821 Mueller 3/8" ODS Two way straight through 124.44 H0822 Mueller 1/2" ODS Two way straight through 160.14 H0823 Mueller 5/8" ODS Two way straight through 160.14 H0841 Mueller 1/4" MF Two way straight through 109.14 H0842 Mueller 3/8" MF Two way straight through 109.14 H0843 Mueller 1/2" MF Two way straight through 144.84 H0844 Mueller 5/8" MF Two way straight through 144.84 Components Realcold Stock No. Mueller Pressure Relief Valves Valves listed are constructed and stamped with the ASME UV symbol in accordance with the requirements of the ASME and are approved by Maritime Transport - a Division of the New Zealand Ministry of Transport. The set point of the relief valve must not exceed the safe working pressure (SWP) stamped on an approved receiver. Realcold Stock No. Model Size Connections Inlet Outlet Pressure Settings Capacity Ratings PSI kPa Lbs Air Per Minute Atmosphere System Price $ Excl. GST G0543 Mueller A-15508-AH 1/8" MPT Atmosphere 400 3413 7.1 108.12 G0544 Mueller A-15508-AG 1/8" MPT Atmosphere 350 2578 6.3 108.12 G0545 Mueller A-15508-AE 1/8" MPT Atmosphere 300 2069 5.4 108.12 G0546 Mueller A-15509-AE 1/4" MPT Atmosphere 300 2069 5.4 108.12 G0547 Mueller A-15509-AG 1/4" MPT Atmosphere 350 2413 6.3 108.12 G0548 Mueller A-15509-AH 1/4" MPT Atmosphere 400 2578 7.1 108.12 G0559 Mueller A-15504-AE 1/2" MPT 5/8" MF 300 2069 25.4 188.70 G0565 Mueller A-15504-AG 1/2" MPT 5/8" MF 350 2413 29.5 188.70 G0567 Mueller A-15504-AH 1/2" MPT 5/8" MF 400 2578 33.5 188.70 Straight Through Note: The above are National Pipe Threads 9.27 Three Way Hand Shut-Off Valves Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST G0580 Henry 925 Brass 1/2" FPT Dual shut off valve 222.36 G0582 Mueller Brass 1/2" FPT Dual shut off valve 354.96 • Body - Forged Steel • Seat Discs - Steel • Maximum Working Pressure - 400 psi (28.1 Kg/cm²) • Maximum Temperature Rating - 115°C Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit VALVES CV150 Check Valves - Refrigerants HFC & HCFC Components These valves offer minimum restriction to flow and provide a positive seal against reverse flow. They will operate in any position. Realcold Stock No. Model Description System Price $ Excl. GST G0501 Mueller 1/4" Male Flare Max. working pressure 500 psi Max. Temperature +93°C G0503 Mueller 3/8" Male Flare 38.91 G0505 Mueller 1/2" Male Flare 63.04 G0507 Mueller 5/8" Male Flare 63.04 G0490 Mueller 1/4" ODS Extended Ends 47.28 G0491 Mueller 3/8" ODS Extended Ends 49.93 G0492 Mueller 1/2" ODS Extended Ends 84.05 G0493 Mueller 5/8" ODS Extended Ends G0509 Mueller 7/8" ODS B34235 Max. working pressure 450 psi Max. Temperature +149°C 405.96 G0510 Mueller 1.1/8" ODS B34236 “ 405.96 G0511 Mueller 1.3/8" ODS B34237 “ 659.94 G0512 Mueller 1.5/8" ODS B34238 “ 659.94 G0514 Mueller 2.1/8" ODS B34239 “ 1,125.06 33.66 90.37 Note: Reversing Valves - Please refer to page AC37. Gaskets Realcold Stock No. Model Description System Price $ Excl. GST G0517 Mueller 1.3/8" - 1.5/8" Gasket Suit Mueller Check Valves POA G0518 Mueller 2.1/8" Gasket Suit Mueller Check Valves POA Note: Mueller B342 series check valves are 4-bolt flange types for easy disassembly when brazing and can be installed vertically or horizontally. Full port construction. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit VALVES CV151 Line Tap Valves Needle automatically retracts to permit unrestricted flow. Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST T0309 A-1 Line Tap Valve to suit 1/4”, 5/16” and 3/8” OD tube 18.36 T0310 Supco Bullet Piercing Valve for 1/4”, 5/16” and 3/8” tube 11.58 T0309 T0310 T0080 T0320 T0322 T0324 T0326 T0328 Schrader Valves / Access Ports Description System Price $ Excl. GST T0080 Access Port sweats into 1/4" tube or 3/8" tube T0320 Access Port threaded 1/8" NPT 3.93 7.45 T0322 Access Port 9-way multi-fitting 1/8" through 1/2" 6.38 T0324 Access Port with 50 mm 1/4" OD copper tail 4.85 T0325 Access Valve 1/4” Flare by 5/16 OD 2.30 T0326 Access Port threaded 1/4" NPT 8.36 T0328 Access Port Tee threaded 1/8” NPT on branch, 1/4" MF on run 26.27 T0330 Access Port Tee 1/4" onto 3/8" tube 14.74 T0332 Access Port Tee 5/16 x 3/8 OD 17.55 T0350 Access Port Tee 1/4” FF Swivel Nut x 1/4" MF x 1/4” MF 27.85 T0358 Quick Seal Nut 1/4” Flare 2.30 T0360 Valve Core Remover with Core Storage Facility T0365 Schrader Valve Core 35.24 1.02 T0370 Schrader Valve Core - Suitable for R410a 3.47 T0330 T0358 T0350 T0365 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components Realcold Stock No. VIBRATION ELIMINATORS CV152 Suitable For All HFC, HCFC Refrigerants Components Designed for installation in air conditioning and refrigeration piping to minimise transmission of vibration from the compressor or other parts of the system. Realcold Stock No. ODS Laying Length System Price $ Excl. GST F0475 3/8" 210 mm 33.10 F0476 1/2" 230 mm 34.68 F0477 5/8" 247 mm 41.51 F0478 3/4" 260 mm 41.51 F0479 7/8" 292 mm 59.36 F0481 1.1/8" 332 mm 75.12 F0482 1.3/8" 380 mm 107.10 F0483 1.5/8" 435 mm 151.98 F0484 2.1/8" 510 mm 238.68 F0485 2.5/8" 609 mm 508.98 F0486 3.1/8" 686 mm 675.24 Vibration Pad ISO Cube is a natural rubber pad, designed to reduce vibration and noise emanating from refrigeration and air conditioning equipment. Circular design of each pad offers a suction cup effect, which eliminates the need to bolt the pad down. Standard pad is divided into 81-50 mm segments. These 50 durometer pads will withstand a load of 180 psi per each 50 mm square. To prolong machine life, reduce maintenance cost and dampen vibration. Resists: water, aging, oil & compression set. Recommended maximum load capacity: 50 pounds per square inch. Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST V0265 ISO Cube Vibration Pad 8t Cubes ISO-18 450 mm x 450 mm x 19 mm V0290 ISO Cube Vibration Pad Single Square 50 mm x 50 mm x 19 mm 2.86 V0271 MA-Line Solid Rubber Pad 455 mm x 455 mm x 5 mm 64.11 128.52 Vibration Eliminators - Installation Hints Install the unit as close to the compressor as possible, and at right angles to the vibration motion. Anchor the refrigerant piping at the end of the unit furthest away from the vibration source. Allow sufficient space for the unit so that it will not be subject to static compression or tension after brazing it into place. Units should be installed in a straight line; they are not intended to compensate for offset piping. If the unit is installed in an area where condensate can accumulate on it, cover the unit with a waterproof barrier to prevent moisture from freezing under the braid and ferrules, causing the unit to rupture. Care should be taken when making the sweat connections - direct the torch flame away from the braid and clean excess flux from the unit. For situations of severe vibration, install two units in series at right angles to one another. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit L’UNITE HERMETIQUE GREENLINE COMPRESSORS Spares Spares153 Electrics - Medium Temperature R404a Realcold Stock No. Description C7010 AEZ4425Z C1043 Relay MTRP0037-31 C1591 Overload MRP63AMK-3240 C2000 Capacitor 50 uf/260V MRP, MRT Type Realcold Stock No. Description C7030 CAJ95102 C1145 Relay 3ARR3-U6AC3 C1675 Overload MST00ALKD-3241 Model C2039 Capacitor Start 100 uf/330V C2050 Capacitor Run 15 uf/400V AEZ4430Z C1045 Relay MTRP0027-31 C7032 CAJ95132 C1504 Overload MRP56AMK-3240 C1148 Relay 3ARR3T6AY3 C2000 Capacitor 50 uf/260V AEZ4440Z NO COMP C1049 Relay MTRP0030-31 C1672 Overload MST58AMN-3240 C2038 Capacitor 100 uf/260V C7014 MTRP Type AEZ9440Z C1153 Relay 3ARR3-T3AB3 C1535 Overload MSP61AMK-3242 C1651 Overload MST18AIW-3242 C2030 Capacitor Start 88 uf/260V C2050 Capacitor Run 15 uf/400V C7036 CAJ45172 C1125 Relay 3ARR3 T6AV3 C1680 Overload MST16AGZ-3242 C2039 Capacitor Start 100 uf/330V C2061 Capacitor Run 17.5 uf/400V CAJ45192 3ARR-18 Type C2000 Capacitor Start 50 uf/260V C7038 C2005 Capacitor Run 7.5 uf/400V C1190 Relay 3ARR3 W10AS3 C1685 Overload CST00AHSF-3038 C1027 AEZ4450Z NO COMP C2038 Capacitor Start 100 uf/260V Relay 9660-A467-158 C2088 Capacitor Run 35 uf/400V FH4522Z NO COMP C1587 Overload MRT28AMK-3240 C2000 Capacitor 50 uf/260V C7016 9660B Type CAE9450Z C1126 Relay RVA4I3R - Overload Internal C1154 Relay RVA4L3D C2042 Capacitor Start 125 uf/330V C1670 Overload MST36AMHD-3242 C2085 Capacitor Run 30 uf/400V C2000 Capacitor Start 50 uf/260V C2005 Capacitor Run 7.5 uf/400V C7040 FH4524Z C7020 CAE9460Z C1155 Relay C1578 C1148 Relay 3ARR3T6AY3 - Overload Internal 3ARR3-U10AA3 C2039 Capacitor Start 100 uf/330V Overload MST28AMK-3242 C2085 Capacitor Run 30 uf/400V C2000 Capacitor Start 50 uf/260V C2005 Capacitor Run 7.5 uf/400V C7042 FH4531Z - Overload Internal C2046 Capacitor Start 156 uf/330V C2088 Capacitor Run 35 uf/400V C7021 MSP,MST Type CAE9470Z C1154 Relay 3ARR3-UAV3 C1667 Overload MST22APK-3242 C2010 Capacitor Start 64 uf/260V C2050 Capacitor Run 15 uf/400V C7022 CAJ9480Z C1210 Relay 3ARR3-U10AU3 C1581 Overload MRT24ALK-3242 C2037 Capacitor Start 88 uf/330V C2050 Capacitor Run 15 uf/400V 3ARR3 Type Start Capacitor Run Capacitor Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components C7012 Model L’UNITE HERMETIQUE GREENLINE COMPRESSORS Spares154 Components Electrics - Low Temperature R404a Realcold Stock No. Description C0532 AEZ2415Z C1053 Relay MTRP49-31 C1504 Overload MRP56AMK-3240 C2000 Capacitor Start 50 uf/260V C0545 CAE2417Z C1156 Relay 3ARR3-U3AU3 C1504 Overload Model Realcold Stock No. Description C0555 CAJ2428Z Model C1150 Relay 3ARR18A-101B C1630 Overload MRT16APK-3242 C2037 Capacitor Start 88 uf/330V C0573 CAJ2432Z C1157 Relay 3ARR3-U10AD3 MRP56AMK-3240 C1580 Overload MRT20ALKD-3242 MRP, MRT Type C2000 Capacitor Start 50 uf/260V C2037 Capacitor Start 88 uf/330V C2005 Capacitor Run 7.5 uf/400V C2050 Capacitor Run 15 uf/400V MSP,MST Type MTRP Type C0551 CAE2420Z C0580 CAJ2446Z C1049 Relay MTRP0030-31 C1140 Relay 3ARR3-U10AB3 C1578 Overload MST28AMK-3242 C1580 Overload MRT20ALKD-3242 C2010 Capacitor Start 64 uf/260V C2037 Capacitor Start 88 uf/330V C2050 Capacitor Run 15 uf/400V C0592 CAJ2464Z C1155 Relay 3ARR3-U10AA3 Overload MRT00AJZ-3241 C0554 3ARR-18 Type CAE2424Z C1156 Relay 3ARR3-U3AU3 C1578 Overload MST28AMK-3242 C2010 Capacitor Start 64 uf/260V C1583 C2050 Capacitor Run 15 uf/400V C2037 Capacitor Start 88 uf/330V C2060 Capacitor Run 20 uf/400V C0599 FH2480Z C1128 Relay RVA4Q3D - Overload Internal C2046 Capacitor Start 156/330 156uf/330V C2070 Capacitor Run 25/400 25uf/400V 9660B Type 3ARR3 Type Start Capacitor Run Capacitor Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit L’UNITE HERMETIQUE GREENLINE COMPRESSORS Spares155 Electrics - Medium/High Temperature R22 Realcold Stock No. Description C0320 AEZ4425E C1043 Relay MTRP37-31 C1591 Overload MRP63AMK-3240 C2000 Capacitor 50 uf/260V MRP, MRT Type Realcold Stock No. Description C0390 CAJ9513T C1155 Relay 3ARR3U10AA3 C1585 Overload MRT00AJK-3241 Model C2037 Capacitor Start 88 uf/330V C2050 Capacitor Run 15 uf/400V AEZ4430E C1080 Relay 9660-B467-138 C0392 CAJ4517E C1504 Overload MRP56AMK-3240 C1125 Relay 3ARR3K6AV3 C2000 Capacitor Start 50 uf/260V C0333 AEZ4440E C1049 Relay MTRP0030-31 C1672 Overload MST58AMN-3240 C2038 Capacitor 100 uf/260V C0335 MTRP Type AEZ9440T C1153 Relay 3ARR3U3AB3 C1535 Overload MSP61AMK-3242 C1620 Overload MST00AHKE-3241 C2039 Capacitor Start 100 uf/330V C2060 Capacitor Run 20 uf/400V C0393 FH4522F C1126 Relay RVA4I3R - Overload Internal C2042 Capacitor Start 125 uf/330V C2085 Capacitor Run 30 uf/400V CAH4524T 3ARR-18 Type C2010 Capacitor Start 64 uf/260V C0394 C2005 Capacitor Run 7.5 uf/400V C1148 Relay 3ARRAT6AY3 - Overload Internal C2042 Capacitor Start 125uf/330V C2085 Capacitor Run 30uf/400V C0395 FH4524F C1126 Relay RVA4I3R - Overload Internal C0339 CAE4450E C1049 Relay MTRP0030-31 C1578 Overload MST28AMK-3242 C2000 Capacitor 50 uf/260V C0340 9660B Type CAE9450T C1154 Relay 3ARR3U3AV3 C2039 Capacitor Start 100 uf/330V C1545 Overload MRT36AMHD-3242 C2085 Capacitor Run 30 uf/400V C2000 Capacitor Start 50 uf/260V C2005 Capacitor Run 7.5 uf/400V C0396 CAH4531E C0351 CAE9460T C1154 Relay C1578 C1125 Relay 3ARR3U4AA3 - Overload Internal 3ARR3U3AV3 C2046 Capacitor Start 156uf/330V Overload MST28AMK-3242 C2088 Capacitor Run 35uf/400V C2000 Capacitor Start 50 uf/260V C2005 Capacitor Run 7.5 uf/400V C0397 FH4531F C1125 Relay 3ARR3K6AV3 - Overload Internal C0360 MSP,MST Type CAJ9480T 3ARR3 Type C1140 Relay 3ARR3U10AB3 C2046 Capacitor Start 156 uf/330V C1581 Overload MRT24ALKD-3242 C2088 Capacitor Run 35 uf/400V C2039 Capacitor Start 100 uf/330V C2050 Capacitor Run 15 uf/400V C0375 CAJ9510T C1140 Relay 3ARR3U10AB3 C1580 Overload MRT20ALKD-3242 C2039 Capacitor Start 100 uf/330V C2050 Capacitor Run 15 uf/400V Start Capacitor Run Capacitor Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components C0325 Model L’UNITE HERMETIQUE GREENLINE COMPRESSORS Spares156 Components Electrics - Options R22 (c/w start kit) Realcold Stock No. Description C0110 AJ5510F C1190 Relay 3ARR3K10AS3 C1640 Overload MST 18AKN-3242 Model AJ5510F Relay CTP9EAEQ MST 18AKN-3242 C2050 Capacitor Run 15 uf/400 V C0111 AJ5512E C1011 Relay CTP9EAEQ 3ARR3K10AS3 C1650 Overload MRT 18AJN-3242 C2050 Capacitor Run 15 uf/400 V C0123 AJ5513E C1011 Relay CTP9EAEQ C1651 Overload MST 18AIW-3242 C2060 Capacitor Run 20 uf/400 V C0124 AJ5515E Capacitor Start 21 uf/330 V 15 uf/400 V C0111 AJ5512E C1190 Relay C1650 Overload MRT 18AJN-3242 C2080 Capacitor Start 21 uf/330 V C2050 Capacitor Run 15 uf/400 V C0123 AJ5513E C1195 Relay 3ARR3K4AA3 C1651 Overload MST 18AIW-3242 C2080 Capacitor Start 21 uf/330 V C2060 Capacitor Run 20 uf/400 V Relay C0110 Model Overload Capacitor Run C1200 Description C1640 C2080 AJ5515E Realcold Stock No. C1011 C2050 C0124 Electrics - Standard R22 (c/w PTC relay) MRP, MRT Type MTRP Type C1011 Relay CTP9EAEQ C1662 Overload MRT 16AGZ-3242 C2060 Capacitor Run 20 uf/400 V 3ARR3K6AV3 C1662 Overload MRT 16AGZ-3242 C0126 AJ5518E C2080 Capacitor Start 21 uf/330 V C1011 Relay CTP9EAEQ C2060 Capacitor Run 20 uf/400 V C1663 Overload CST16AHSF3054 C2070 Capacitor Run 25 uf/400 V C0126 AJ5518E C1190 Relay 3ARR3 K10 AS3 C0127 AJ5519E 9660B Type C1663 Overload CST16AHSF-3054 C1011 Relay CTP9EAEQ Capacitor Start 21 uf/330 V C1665 Overload CST 00AHPH-3038 C2070 Capacitor Run 25 uf/400 V C2070 Capacitor Run 25 uf/400 V C0127 AJ5519E C0128 AH5524E C1190 Relay 3ARR3K10AS3 C1011 Relay CTP9EAEQ C1665 Overload CST 00AHPH-3038 - Overload Internal C2080 Capacitor Start 21 uf/330 V C2088 Capacitor Run 35 uf/400 V C2070 Capacitor Run 25 uf/400 V C0128 AH5524E C1025 Relay 3ARR3U3P2 - Overload Internal C2030 Capacitor Start 88 uf/260 V C2088 Capacitor Run 35 uf/400 V 3ARR-18 Type Start Capacitor Run Capacitor C2080 3ARR3 Type MSP,MST Type Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit L’UNITE HERMETIQUE GREENLINE COMPRESSORS Spares157 Electrics - Medium/High Temperature R134a Description C0504 AZ3414Y Model C0593 FH4518Y C1190 Relay 3ARR3W10AS3 - Overload Internal C1010 Relay CTP MSDAI C1527 Overload MRP390HZ-3007 C0505 AZ4419Y C1012 Relay MTRP-0140-31 C1125 Relay 3ARR3K6AV3 C1527 Overload MRP390HZ-3240 - Overload Internal C2030 Capacitor Start 80 uf/260V C2039 Capacitor Start 100 uf/330V C2085 Capacitor Run 30 uf/400V C0525 MRP, MRT Type C2030 Capacitor Start 88 uf/260V C2070 Capacitor Run 25 uf/400V C0595 FH4525Y AEZ4430Y C1080 Relay 9660-B467-138 C1543 Overload MRP61AMK-3240 C2000 Capacitor Start 50 uf/260V C0535 CAE4440Y C1047 Relay Low Temperature Compressors MTRP Type Realcold Stock No. Description Model C0501 AZ1335Y MTRP0012-31 C1010 Relay CTP-MSDA1 C1601 Overload MRP 419HZ-3240 C0502 AZ1339Y CAE4448Y C1010 Relay CTP-MSDA1 Relay MTRP0012-31 C1601 Overload MRP 419HZ-3240 C1560 Overload MRP36AMHD-3240 C2010 Capacitor Start 64 uf/260V C0503 AEZ1358Y C1523 Overload MRP380AMK-3240 C2022 Capacitor Start 72 uf/260V C0536 C1047 C0537 9660B Type CAE4456Y C1010 Relay CTP-MSDA1 C1527 Overload MRP 390HZ-3240 C1049 Relay MTRP0030-31 C1607 Overload T0691-A0 C0522 AEZ2380Y C2010 Capacitor Start 64 uf/260V C1045 Relay MTRP0027-31 C1505 Overload MRP59AMHD-3240 C2000 Capacitor 50 uf/260 V CAE2410Y CAJ4452Y C1205 Relay 3ARR18A-44B C1582 Overload MRT26ALKD-3242 C0530 64 uf/260V C1045 Relay MTRP0027-31 C1550 Overload MRT39AMHD-3240 C2000 Capacitor 50 uf/260 V CAE2412Y C0550 Capacitor Start CAJ4461Y 3ARR3 Type C1205 Relay 3ARR18A-44B C1581 Overload MRT24ALKD-3242 C0534 C2010 Capacitor Start 64 uf/260V C1045 Relay MTRP0027-31 C1550 Overload MRT39AMHD-3240 C2000 Capacitor 50 uf/260 V C0575 CAJ4492Y C1160 Relay 3ARRA18A-98B C1616 Overload MRT24AJN-3242 C2010 Capacitor Start 64 uf/260V C0590 CAJ4511Y C1155 Relay 3ARR3U10AA3 C1585 Overload MRT00AJK-3241 C2039 Capacitor Start 100 uf/330V C2050 Capacitor Run 15 uf/400V 3ARR-18 Type Start Capacitor Run Capacitor C0538 C2010 MSP, MST Type Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components Realcold Stock No. L’UNITE HERMETIQUE GREENLINE COMPRESSORS Spares158 Components Electrics - High Temperature R12 Realcold Stock No. Description C0015 AE6ZA7 C1030 Relay 9660-B467-111 C1523 Overload MRP380AMK-3240 C0018 AE5ZA9 Model MRP, MRT Type Realcold Stock No. Description C0074 CAJ4492A Model C1160 Relay 3ARR18A-98B C1616 Overload MRT24AJN-3242 C2010 Capacitor 64 uf/260 V C1040 Relay 9660-B467-125 C0100 CAJ4511A C1523 Overload MRP380AMK-3240 C1155 Relay 3ARR3 U10 AA3 C1610 Overload MST16 AHKE 3242 C2037 Capacitor Start 88 uf/330 V C2050 Capacitor Run 15 uf/400 V C0017 AZ0387A C1010 Relay CTP MSDAI C1508 Overload MSP390HZ-3240 C0020 AZ0411A C1010 Relay CTP MSDAI C1508 Overload MSP390HZ-3240 C0028 CAE41ZF11 C1090 Relay 9660-B467-145 C1560 Overload MRP36AMHD-3240 C2000 Capacitor 50 uf/260 V C0036 CAE4440A C1100 Relay 9660-B467-149 C1556 Overload MRP36AMK-3240 C2030 Capacitor 88 uf/260 V C0040 CAJ4452A C1205 Relay 3ARR18A-44B C1582 Overload MRT26ALKD-3021 C2010 Capacitor 64 uf/260 V C0055 CAJ4461A C1205 Relay 3ARR18A-44B C1581 Overload MRT24ALKD-3242 C2010 Capacitor 64 uf/260 V MTRP Type MSP, MST Type 3ARR-18 Type Start Capacitor Run Capacitor 9660B Type 3ARR3 Type Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit L’UNITE HERMETIQUE COMPRESSORS Spares159 Electrics - Low Temperature R12 Description C0010 AEZ1336A C1010 Relay CTP MSDA-I C1510 Overload MRP 379HK-3240 C0012 AEZ1343A Model MRP, MRT Type Realcold Stock No. Description C0058 CAJ2T12 C1150 Relay 3ARR18A-101B C1605 Overload T0155-C2 C2010 Capacitor 64 uf/260 V Model C1010 Relay CTP MSDA-I C0060 CAJ2428L C1523 Overload MRP380AMK-3240 C1150 Relay 3ARR18A-101B C1630 Overload MRT16APK-3242 C2037 Capacitor 88 uf/330 V C0077 CAJ2446L C1140 Relay 3ARR3 U10AB3 C1580 Overload MRT20ALKD-3242 C0019 AEZ1360A C1010 Relay CTP MSDA-I C1523 Overload MRP380AMK-3240 C0022 MTRP Type CAE4ZF11 C1080 Relay 9660-B467-138 C2037 Capacitor Start 88 uf/330 V C1591 Overload MRP63AMK-3240 C2050 Capacitor Run 15 uf/400 V C2000 Capacitor 50 uf/260 V C0105 CAJ2464L C0024 AEZ1380A C1155 Relay C1070 Relay 9660-B467-131 C1583 Overload MRT00AJZ-3241 C1540 Overload MRP304AMN-3240 C2037 Capacitor Start 88 uf/330 V C2060 Capacitor Run 20 uf/400 V C0026 CAE2410A 9660B Type MSP,MST Type 3ARR-18 Type 3ARR3 U10AA3 C1080 Relay 9660-B467-138 C0011 AZ1335A C1550 Overload MRT39AMHD-3240 C1010 Relay CTP MSDAI C2000 Capacitor 50 uf/260 V C1601 Overload MSP419HZ-3240 C0037 CAE2412A C0014 AZ1340A C1100 Relay 9660-B467-149 C1010 Relay CTP MSDAI C1550 Overload MRT39AMHD-3240 C1601 Overload MSP419HZ-3240 C2030 Capacitor 88 uf/260 V C0021 AEZ2380C Start Capacitor Run Capacitor 3ARR3 Type C1080 Relay C1506 Overload MRP61AMGE-3240 C2010 Capacitor 64 uf/260 V 9660-B467-138 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components Realcold Stock No. COMPRESSOR SPARES - FRASCOLD MK II Spares160 FRASCOLD MK II - SEMI-HERMETIC Realcold Stock No. To Suit System Price $ Excl. GST Components Gasket Set Realcold Stock No. To Suit System Price $ Excl. GST Conrod R0002 B159, B210 POA R0122 A075, A16 POA R0011 A075, A157 POA R0124 A157 POA R0032 D213, D313, D318 POA R0125 B159 POA R0041 F416 POA R0128 D213, D313 POA R0051 F424 POA R0132 D318 POA R0052 F524 POA R0196 F416, F424, F519, F524 POA R0061 F519 POA R0197 F728 POA R0066 F728 POA R0262 Q-Series POA R0074 S733 POA V1559, V1571, V2059, V2071, V2084, V2584, Z25106, Z30126, Z35106, Z40126, Z40154, Z50154 POA R0072 R0078 S739, S1039 POA R0088 S1051 POA Piston & Conrod Assembly R0091 S1551 POA R0151 A075 POA R0095 V1559, V2059 POA R0152 A157 POA R0105 V1571, V2071 MK2 POA R0153 A16 POA R0106 V2571 MK2 POA R0154 B159 POA R0108 V2084 POA R0155 B210 POA R0112 V3084 POA R0156 D213, D313 POA R0115 Z25106, Z35106 POA R0157 D318 POA R0116 Z30126, Z40126 POA R0158 F416 POA R0117 Z40154, Z50154 POA R0159 F519 POA R0118 W50187, W60187 POA R0161 F424, F524 POA R0119 W60206, W70206 POA R0162 F728 POA R0163 S733 POA R0164 S739, S1039 POA Piston R0121 A075, A157 POA R0165 S1051, S1551 POA R0123 A16, B159, B210 POA R0166 V1559, V2059 POA R0127* F416, S733 POA R0167 V1571, V2071 POA R0129 D213, D313, D318, F519, S739, S1039 POA R0168 Z30126, Z40126 POA D213, D313, D318, F519, S739, S1039 POA R0169 Z40154, Z50154 POA R0171 W50187, W60187 POA R0137* F424, F524 POA R0172 W60206, W70206 POA R0144* F728, S1051, S1551 POA R0173 Q728 POA R0215 F416, T28, T732 POA R0174 Q728.1Y POA R0195 F424, F524 POA R0251 V1559, V2059 MK2 POA R0252 V1571, V2071, Z25106, Z35106 POA R0253 V2084, V2584, Z30126, Z40126 POA R0254 Z40154, Z50154, W60206, W70206 POA R0255 W50187, W60187 POA R0131* * 1997 or later. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit COMPRESSOR SPARES - FRASCOLD MK II Spares161 FRASCOLD MK II - SEMI-HERMETIC Bearing Set R0271 R0281 R0291 R0302 R0312 R0314 To Suit A075, A16, A157, B159, B210 D213, D313, D318 F416, F424, F519, F524, S Series MK3 V1559, V2059, V1571, V2071, V2084, V2584, Z25106, Z35106, Z30126, Z40126, Z40154, Z50154 W50187, W60187, W60206, W70206 Valve Plate Assembly R0421 A075, A157 R0442 B210 R0443 D213 R0444* D213 R0448* D313, D318, Q728 R0469* F519, S733, S1039 R0479* F424 R0481* F524 R0484* F728 R0499* S739 R0505 S1051 R0507* S1551 R0509 S1551 R0514 V1559 R0515 V2059 R0538 V1571, Z25106 R0535 Z35106, V2571 R0539 V2084, Z30126 R0536 V2584, Z40126 R0540 Z40154 R0541 Z50154, W70206 R0542 W60206 R0543 W50187 R0544 W60187 R0422 A16 R0423 B159 R0468 F416 R0511 S1551 Discharge Valve C/W Gasket R0561 1/2 MF A075, A16, A157, B159 R0571 5/8 MF B210 R0572 5/8 OD D213, D313, D318 R0601 3/4 OD F416, F424, F519, F524 R0603 3/4 OD F524, F528, Q528 R0610 1.1/8 OD (Flange Type) V1559,V1571, V2059, V2071, V2084 R0653 1.3/8 OD (Flange Type) Z25106, Z30126, Z35106 R0670 1.5/8 OD (Flange Type) Z40126, Z40154, Z50154 R0672 2.1/8 OD (Flange Type) W60206, W70206 System Price $ Excl. GST POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA Suction Valve C/W Gasket R0563 5/8 MF A075, A16, A157, B159 R0602 3/4 OD B210 R0603 3/4 OD D213 R0581 7/8 OD D213 R0592 1.1/8 OD D313, D318 R0593 1.1/8 OD F416, F424, F519, F524 R0670 1.5/8 OD (Flange Type) V1559, V1571, V2059, V2071, V2084 R0675 2.1/8 OD (Flange Type) V2584, Z25106, Z30126, Z35106 R0676 2.5/8 OD W50168, W50187, W60187, W60206, W70206 R0677 2.5/8 OD (Flange Type) Z40126, Z40154, Z50154, W5018, W60187, W60206, W70206 Thrust Bearing Assembly R0309 Thrust Washer Assy. W Series Semi-Hermetic Frascold MKII - Miscellaneous R0727 Oil Pump Assembly to suit V & Z series R0726 Oil Pump Assembly to suit W series R0850 Kriwan 69P Module Solid State Oil Protection Control (V, Z, W Modules) R0730 Compressor Sight Glass c/w 'O' Ring R0731 Oil Balance Valve (to suit any compressor with sight glass) R0735 Oil Filter Screen Assy V, Z, W Series R0720 Suction Screen V Series R0737 Oil Balance Line Attachments R0965 Sensor Electronic Injection R0966 Unloader Solenoid Valve W/ Coil R0967 Coil 230V 50/60HZ 10W R0968 Plug IP67 R0969 Gasket Sol. Valve Semi-Hermetic Screw Compressor - Miscellaneous R1002 Oil Flow Switch R1003 Oil Filter Cartridge R1005 Kriwan INT 69V Lubrication R1006 Oil Level Control R1007 Oil Heater 300W R1008 Thermostat / Sensor R1009 Thermostat / Pocket R1010 Bearing Set C-TSH8 120 360Y R1011 Gasket Set C-TSH8 120 360Y R1012 Module INT 69 FRY R1013 Frascold Oil Heater - Screw R1014 Oil Lever Control CTSH 100-300 R1015 Suction Filter R1016 Oil Flow Switch Kit R1017 Oil Strainer - Screw R1018 Suction Valve Kit POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit * 1997 or later. Components Realcold Stock No. COMPRESSOR SPARES - FRASCOLD MK II Spares162 Electrics To Suit Three Phase Models Electrics To Suit Single Phase Models Realcold Stock No. To Suit System Price $ Excl. GST R0820 Thermistor Module All Models, 3 phaseI NT69 POA R0822 Thermistor Module with delay INT 69TM-V, Z, W POA Components Part Winding Start 380/415Volt 50Hz Realcold Stock No. To Suit System Price $ Excl. GST R0879 15HP Assembly Suits S1551 POA R0880 Stator/Rotor Assembly 20 HP Suits V2059, V2071, V2084 POA R0882 Stator/Rotor Assembly 25 HP Suits V2584, Z25106 POA R0884 Stator/Rotor Assembly 30 HP Suits Z30126 POA R0886 Stator/Rotor Assembly 35 HP Suits Z35106 POA R0888 Stator/Rotor Assembly 40 HP Suits Z40126, Z40154 POA R0890 Stator/Rotor Assembly 50 HP Suits Z50154 POA R0892 Stator/Rotor Assembly 50 HP Suits W50187 POA R0894 Stator/Rotor Assembly 60 HP Suits W60187, W60206 POA R0896 Stator/Rotor Assembly 70 HP Suits W70206 POA Realcold Stock No. To Suit System Price $ Excl. GST A075, KEY 007 R0800 Relay RVA4M3C POA R0830 Overload EL1 POA R0790 Capacitor Start 160-200uf 380V POA R0780 Capacitor Run 16uf/450V POA R0800 Relay RVA4M3C POA R0830 Overload EL1 POA R0790 Capacitor Start 160-200uf 380V POA R0810 Capacitor Run 20uf/450V POA R0750 Relay RVA4N3C POA R0842 Overload EL3 (A157) POA R0760 Capacitor Start 200-250uf 380V POA R0770 Capacitor Run 25uf/450V POA R0750 Relay RVA4N3C POA R0842 Overload EL3 (B159) POA R0760 Capacitor Start 200-250uf 380V POA R0770 Capacitor Run 25uf/450V POA A16, NEO 010 A157, FRU 15 B159, TER 15 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit RITCHIE - YELLOW JACKET VACUUM PUMP SPARES Spares163 Ritchie - Yellow Jacket Vacuum Pump Spares Model Description System Price $ Excl. GST T2451 93441 Replacement cartridge for 95 L pump POA T2452 93461 Replacement cartridge for 142 L pump POA T2453 93012 Crystal for Vacuum Gauge Suits Vacuum Pumps POA T2454 93011 Vacuum Gauge POA T2456 93098 Oil Drain Valve 70-120-18 L POA T2457 93403 Oil Sight Glass (fits pumps manufactured up until 1997) POA T2467 93365 Oil Sight Glass (fits 95 and 142 l/m pumps (manufactured from 1998 on) POA T2458 93404 Oil Case Gasket (fits 95 and 142 l/m pumps (manufactured from 1998 on) POA T2459 93386 Exhaust Filter POA T2460 93387 Filter Element POA T2461 93114 Motor Switch POA T2462 93047 Drive Coupling POA T2463 93344 Gasket - Oil Cover Case 35L POA T2464 93031 Shaft Seal POA T2465 93045 Motor Capacitor POA T2466 93078 Oil Case Screw POA T2468 93048 Oil Cover Gasket 85-96 Suits Vacuum Pumps POA T2469 93369 Oil Cover Gasket 98-05 Suits Vacuum Pumps POA T2470 93146 Electric Motor 115/230V 50/60 Hz POA T2471 93507 Oil Cover Gasket 05 Suits Vacuum Pumps POA T2472 93368 Gas Ballast 93368 Suits Vacuum Pumps POA T2473 93509 Gas Ballast 93509 Suits Vacuum Pumps POA T2474 93032 O-Ring Gas Ballast 93032 Suits Vacuum Pumps POA T2475 93398 O-Ring Gas Ballast 93398 Suits Vacuum Pumps POA T2476 93117 Rocker Switch 93117 POA Note: Except for the cartridges, all other spares are inter-changeable. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components Realcold Stock No. RITCHIE - YELLOW JACKET SPARES Spares164 Ritchie - Yellow Jacket Spares Components Realcold Stock No. Manifold Parts T2609 T2610 T2611 T2612 T2614 T2615 T2616 T2617 T2618 T2619 T2620 T2621 T2622 T2623 T2624 T2625 T2626 T2627 T2628 T2629 T2630 T2631 T2633 T2632 T2634 T2636 T2641 T2642 T2643 T2644 T2645 T2646 T2647 T2648 T2650 T2651 T2653 T2657 T2658 Model Description To Suit 19015 41103 41043 41133 41134 41056 41107 41094 41104 41044 41102 41092 41101 41042 41142 41091 41041 41090 40279 41048 41108 41096 41049 41109 41135 41141 41051 41052 41053 41054 41055 41056 41057 41058 41061 41131 41134 41143 41047 Gasket 3/8" Piston Titan Piston Assembly 1/4" Piston Feed Screw Titan/Bantam Feed Screw Retaining Nut Brute II Red Handle Red Handle Titan Red Handle Blue Handle Brute II Blue Handle Yellow Handle Titan Blue Handle Handle Screws (Set of two) Brute II Yellow Handle Titan Yellow Handle Handle Screws Brute II Hanging Hook Titan Handle Screw Sight Glass Retaining Nut Brute II Retaining Nut Titan Sight Glass "O"-Ring Retaining Nut Handle Screw & Washer Yellow Handle Blue Handle Piston / "O"-Ring Red Handle O-Rings Feed Screw Retaining Nut Handle Screw/Washer Sight Glass Assembly Manifold O-Rings Series 41 Series 41 Valve Feed Screw Series 41 Valve Assembly O-Ring Sight Glass T2206 CH-80 48584 49833, 49869 41382, 42010 41382, 48584 49833, 49869, 45936 48584 46140, 46160 48584 49833, 49869 48584 46140, 46160 48584 49833, 49869 41382, 48584 46140, 46160 49833, 49869 46140, 46160 41382, 48584 49833, 49869 48584 46140, 46160 49833, 49869 48584 41382 41382 45836, 45936 45836, 45936 45836, 45936 45836, 45936 45836, 45936 45836, 45936 45836, 45936 45836, 45936 45836, 45936 42010 42010 42010 Brute II and Titan Flaring & Swaging Tool Spares T2558 60443 T2560 60213 T2562 60271 T2564 60212 T2566 60232 T2568 60449 Yoke for 60440 Yoke for 60210 Yoke for 60270 Flaring Bar 3/16” - 5/8” for 60210, 60440 Flaring Bar 1/2” - 3/4” for 60210, 60440 Flaring Cone only Swage Adaptors T2580 T2581 T2582 T2583 T2584 T2585 Swage Adapter 3/16” - 3/8” Swage Adapter 1/4” Swage Adapter 5/16” Swage Adapter 1/2” Swage Adapter 5/8” Swage Adapter 3/4” 60444 60439 60445 60446 60447 60448 System Price $ Excl. GST 3.83 18.55 16.50 13.40 17.55 13.40 20.60 13.40 13.40 13.40 13.40 13.40 13.40 13.40 7.20 13.40 13.40 7.20 11.85 7.20 48.95 20.60 11.35 8.75 11.35 10.25 13.40 13.40 16.50 13.40 1.85 13.95 11.35 7.20 48.95 1.85 13.95 33.00 9.80 154.00 61.30 143.00 79.35 140.00 42.75 51.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 51.00 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit REALCOLD EVAPORATOR SPARES Spares165 Realcold Evaporator Spares Description To Suit System Price $ Excl. GST W7500 Fan Motor Rondo 140-700, RDD 300-900, RCT 240-540 POA W7501 Fan Blade Rondo 140-700, RDD 300-900, RCT 240-540 POA W7502 Fan Guard Rondo 140-700, RDD 300-900, RCT 240-540 POA W7503 Bracket Rondo 140-700, RDD 300-900, RCT 240-540 POA W7504 Fan Motor Rondo 900-1300 and RCM 1300-2500 and NST range POA W7505 Fan Blade Rondo 900-1300 and RCM 1300-2500 POA W7506 Fan Guard Rondo 900-1300 and RCM 1300-2500 POA W7507 Bracket Rondo 900-1300 and RCM 1300-2500 POA W7511 Fan Blade NST range POA W7512 Fan Guard NST range POA W7513 Fan Motor RDD 100-200 and RCT 160 POA W7514 Fan Blade RDD 100-200 and RCT 160 POA W7515 Fan Guard RDD 100-200 and RCT 160 POA W7516 Bracket Ring Mount RDD 100-200 and RCT 160 POA W7517 Electric Lead w/plug 1500 mm POA W7518 Electric Lead w/plug 3000 mm POA W7521 Terminal Box POA W7535 Fan Assy - RST POA Fan Guards D0182 Fan Guard 200 mm Fan POA D0183 L’Unite 200 mm AEZ / AE cond units (large - 2 piece) POA D0184 Fan Guard 200 mm Fan POA D0185 L’Unite 250 mm CAE / CAJ cond units (small - 1 piece) POA D0186 L'Unite 300 mm CAJ cond units (large - 1 piece) POA D0187 L'Unite 356 mm FH / TFH cond units (1 piece) POA M0160 To suit 879-300 (M0159) Fan Motor POA Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components Realcold Stock No. REALCOLD EVAPORATOR DEFROST ELEMENT Spares166 Realcold Evaporator Defrost Element Realcold Stock No. Description W7200 F04806 U-Shaped Element to suit NL112, NL115, NL118 F04807 U-Shaped Element to suit NL120, NL123 F04808 U-Shaped Element to suit NL228, NL234, NL239 F04973 U-Shaped Element to suit SL261 F04809 U-Shaped Element to suit NL347, NL364 F04810 U-Shaped Element to suit NL455, NL468, SL374, SL392, SL3110 F04974 U-Shaped Element to suit SL4120, SL4145 F03170 Tray Element to suit VL2280 F03205 Tray Element to suit RL3160, RL3185, RL3200, VL2300 W7202 W7204 W7206 Components W7208 W7210 W7212 W7220 W7222 W7224 F03240 Tray Element to suit SL5180, RL4220, RL4250, VL3350, VL3400 W7226 F04178 Tray Element to suit VL4450 F02925 Tray Element to suit VL4500 F03617 Core Element to suit SL261, SM271P F02785 Core Element to suit SL374, SL392, SL3110, VL2280, SM386P, SM3105P, SM3125P W7228 W7240 W7242 Length Tray - U Core Watts (230V) Tray - U Core System Price $ Excl. GST 1 1400 POA 765 1 1800 POA 1065 1 2400 POA 1320 1 2000 POA 1565 1 3600 POA 2065 1 4800 POA 2560 1 3200 POA 2170 2 1800 POA 2560 (RL3160, RL3200), 3170 (RL3185), 2670 (VL2300) 3170 2 3200, 1800 (RL3200) POA 1 (SL5180), 2 POA 3475 2 1800 (SL5180, VL3400), 3200 3200 3820 2 3600 POA 1260 3350 3 2 (SM271P) 3 (SL374, SL392), 4 (SL3110), 6 (VL2280) 2 (SM386P, SM3105P, SM3125P) 3 (SL4120, SL4145), 4 (RL3160), 6 (RL3200, VL2300) 2 (SM4140P, SM4165P) 4 (SL5180), 6 2 (SM5210P) 6 3650 6 2000 F02820 Core Element to suit SL4120, SL4145, RL3160, RL3200, VL2300, SM4140P, SM4165P 2500 W7246 F02855 Core Element to suit SL5180, RL4220, RL4250, VL3350, VL3400, SM5210P F03668 Core Element to suit VL4450 F02890 Core Element to suit VL4500 3000 W7250 Core 560 W7244 W7248 Quantity Per Unit Tray - U POA 750 POA 1200 POA 1500 POA 1800 POA 2000 POA 2200 POA Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit COMPRESSOR AND CONDENSING UNIT WARRANTY COMPRESSOR AND CONDENSING UNIT WARRANTY Compressors Condensing Units Realcold Ltd standard warranty covers the start up of all compressors. For extended warranty the following charges apply: Sealed & Semi-Sealed Sealed Compressors - All brands - 4% on sale price Semi-Sealed Compressors - All brands - 4% on sale price Compressors will be repaired or replaced under warranty if returned within 12 months of purchase date, provided that compressor, complete with original electrics, is returned to point of purchase, freight paid, accompanied by a compressor failure report. Realcold Ltd shall not be held responsible for failure or damage resulting from misuse or incorrect installation. Warranty is included in the price listed for condensing units and includes replacement of all components for a 12 month period from date of purchase, provided component is returned along with Goods Returned Form to point of purchase, freight paid. Note: Replacement components will be debited against the account of the purchaser, with credit to follow upon receipt and inspection of faulty component. Realcold Ltd shall in no event be liable for any indirect or consequential loss or damage whatsoever. Refer to the back of this catalogue for our General Terms of Trade. Goods Returned Forms are available from your representative, or any of our branches. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Components Extended Warranty Charges CX167 In Co du m str po ial ne nt s Industrial Hansen Introduction IN170 Stop And Regulating Valves IN171 Pressure Regulators IN172 Control Valve Pilots IN173 Flanges And Adaptor Rings IN176 Complete Valve Combination IN177 Solenoid Valves IN178 Pressure Relief, Gauge & Transducer Valves IN179 Float Controls, Level Probes & Switches, Sight Glasses IN180 Auto Purgers IN181 Check Valves IN183 Multi Port Valves IN184 Motorised Valves IN185 2-Step Solenoid, Suction Stop & Oil Change Valves IN186 Ammonia & Other Gas Sensors IN187 Refrigerant Pumps IN188 Valves - Solenoid Coils IN191 Valves - Spares IN192 Industrial StrainersIN175 HANSEN INTRODUCTION IN170 Hansen is one of the largest manufacturers of Industrial Refrigeration Products in the world. Manufactured in the USA and exported world wide, the Hansen brand is synonymous with quality, performance and reliability. As well as producing the normal range of valves, controls and float switches, Hansen also market a range of Auto-Purgers, Motorized Valves, Ammonia Detectors, Refrigerant Pumps (for Ammonia Carbon Dioxide and other industrial gases) and specialist controllers designed specifically for the Industrial Refrigeration Market. Bespoke Control Valves: We can assemble almost any combination of valve from stocked, modular valve bodies and pilots to satisfy the majority of applications that you might require. Additionally, we are able to fit the full range of Danfoss Pilots and controllers onto the Hansen modular bodies, to meet your requirements. Most of these items are available ex-stock from our Auckland Central Warehouse and can be made up to order. Refrigerant Float Switch: The HLLE refrigerant liquid level float switches are used to electrically indicate or control a liquid level, by opening or closing a SPDT switch. Their simple, reliable design provides a life time of performance for almost any application Applications: These refrigerant level float switches are typically installed on a vessel’s liquid level column. They can control liquid level by activating a liquid fill solenoid valve. Often, they are used to provide high level cut-out or alarm. They are often used to turn off a recirculating liquid pump if a low level occurs. Other applications include control of liquid level via a liquid exit solenoid valve, level indication via a pilot light, and transfer drum operation. Industrial Techni-Level Transducer Probes: The Hansen Techni-Level has fast become the industry standard for liquid refrigerant level control and monitoring. These reliable, well engineered electronic level transducer probes, when properly used, operate trouble free and are not affected by reasonable changes in refrigerant temperature or pressure. They provide a computer compatible 4-20 mA (milliamp) output signal proportional to liquid level. Probes consist of a compact, electronic transmitter in a watertight housing assembled on top of a rugged, capacitance type level sensor. Normally, the probe must be inside a level column. Typical applications include: vertical and horizontal vessels, pump accumulators, pilot receivers, and refrigerant loss monitoring. These probes are operating control devices and should never be used as safety devices. Hansen Auto Purgers: A variety of Auto Purgers are available from the mini Non-Electric Auto Purger (NEAP) to the Auto Purger Plus. These units reduce condensing pressure and lower power costs by removing noncondensable gas and water from Ammonia and Halocarbon refrigeration systems. For more information on industrial products please call +64 (0)9 526 5955. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit STOP AND REGULATING VALVES IN171 Hansen Stop Valves - Ammonia Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST Straight Through (Globe) Stop Valves - Socket Weld 12993 Hansen GSB051H Shut Off 15SW 166.00 12997 Hansen GSB076H Shut Off 20SW 200.00 13001 Hansen GSB100H Shut Off 25SW 222.00 13005 Hansen GSB125H Shut Off 32SW 287.00 13009 Hansen GS150H Shut Off 40SW 434.00 12994 Hansen ASB051H Shut Off 15SW 169.00 12998 Hansen ASB076H Shut Off 20SW 202.00 13002 Hansen ASB100H Shut Off 25SW 225.00 13006 Hansen ASB125H Shut Off 32SW 309.00 13010 Hansen AS150H Shut Off 40SW 434.00 13014 Hansen AS200H Shut Off 50SW 501.00 13018 Hansen AS251H Shut Off 65SW 672.00 12960 Hansen AW301H Shut Off 80BW 1,000.00 12964 Hansen AW402H Shut Off 100BW 1,296.00 12968 Hansen AW500H Shut Off 125BW 2,191.00 12972 Hansen AW600H Shut Off 150BW 2,533.00 12976 Hansen AW800H Shut Off 200BW 5,379.00 Note: NB for straight through, use with a 45° elbow welded to each branch. The above stop valves are also suitable for HCFCs, HFCs, and other approved refrigerants. Valves larger than 65 mm are Butt Weld. Smaller valves may be of either type. Hansen Hand Regulating Valves - Ammonia Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST Angle Or Globe Regulating Valve - Socket Weld, With Cap 13137 Hansen VSB050C Hand Exp 15SW 13141 Hansen VSB076C Hand Exp 20SW 186.00 210.00 13145 Hansen VSB100C Hand Exp 25SW 258.00 13149 Hansen VSB125C Hand Exp 32SW 325.00 13069 Hansen VS150C Hand Exp 40SW 499.00 Hansen Stop Check Valves - Ammonia Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST Angle Stop/ Check Valve - Socket Weld Or Butt Weld With Cap 12039 Hansen HSCK125C Stop/Check 32SW 768.00 12040 Hansen HSCK150C Stop/Check 40SW 833.00 12041 Hansen HSCK200C Stop/Check 50SW 1,150.00 12042 Hansen HSCK250C Stop/Check 65BW 1,585.00 12043 Hansen HSCK300C Stop/Check 80BW 2,046.00 12044 Hansen HSCK400C Stop/Check 100BW 2,638.00 12045 Hansen HSCK500C Stop/Check 125BW 4,198.00 12046 Hansen HSCK600C Stop/Check 150BW 5,309.00 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Industrial Right Angle Stop Valves - Socket Weld (SW) Or Butt Weld (BW) PRESSURE REGULATORS IN172 Hansen Pressure Regulators Industrial AR1 Body Realcold Stock No. Model Description 17382 AR1-20 Main Valve Single Port 20mm (3/4”) Regulating Valve Body. Flange options 11929, 11933, 11936, 11932, 11942, 11943 439.00 17383 AR1-25 Main Valve Single Port 25mm (1”) Regulating Valve Body. Flange options 11929, 11933, 11936, 11932, 11942, 11943 645.00 17384 AR1-32 Main Valve Single Port 32mm (1 1/4”) Regulating Valve Body. Flange options 11929, 11933, 11936, 11932, 11942, 11943 887.00 17385 AR1-40 Main Valve Single Port 40mm (1 1/2”) Regulating Valve Body. Flange options 11944, 11948, 11947, 11951 1,330.00 17386 AR1-50 Main Valve Single Port 50mm (2”) Regulating Valve Body. Flange options 11944, 11948, 11947, 11951 1,573.00 17387 AR1-65 Main Valve Single Port 65mm (2 1/2”) Regulating Valve Body. Flange options 11952, 11962 2,049.00 19763 AR1-80 Main Valve Single Port 80mm (3”) Regulating Valve Body. Flange options 11956, 11958 2,968.00 17388 AR3-20 Main Valve Three Port 20mm (3/4”) Regulating Valve Body. Flange options 11929, 11933, 11936, 11932, 11942, 11943 598.00 17389 AR3-25 Main Valve Three Port 25mm (1”) Regulating Valve Body. Flange options 11929, 11933, 11936, 11932, 11942, 11943 792.00 17390 AR3-32 Main Valve Three Port 32mm (1 1/4”) Regulating Valve Body. Flange options 11929, 11933, 11936, 11932, 11942, 11943 1,046.00 17391 AR3-40 Main Valve Three Port 40mm (1 1/2”) Regulating Valve Body. Flange options 11944, 11948, 11947, 11951 1,467.00 17392 AR3-50 Main Valve Three Port 50mm (2”) Regulating Valve Body. Flange options 11944, 11948, 11947, 11951 1,731.00 17393 AR3-65 Main Valve Three Port 65mm (2 1/2”) Regulating Valve Body. Flange options 11952, 11962 2,209.00 17394 AR3-80 Main Valve Three Port 80mm (3”) Regulating Valve Body. Flange options 11958, 11956 3,128.00 AR3 Body System Price $ Excl. GST Note: See page IN176 for flange descriptions. Features • AR Series are base valve bodies which can be made into a variety of Pilot and Solenoid valve combinations. The head will accept either Hansen or Danfoss Pilots as required, and will also operate with a variety of proprietary controllers. • All valves are spring closing, and have Teflon seats, with V-port modulation. • Safe Working Pressure 2758 kPa G (400 psig). • Operating Temperature -40°C to 115°C (-60°F to 240°F). • Suitable for Ammonia, Carbon Dioxide, HCFCs, HFAs, and other approved refrigerants. • Suitable for use with suction gas, liquid, defrost relief, discharge gas, and other applications. • Additionally, Realcold offers complete Solenoid and Control Valves according to your application. • Contact Realcold to advise on suitable control combinations. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit CONTROL VALVE PILOTS IN173 Hansen Individual Pilot Applications 20” to 130 psig (-0.67 to +9 bar) 30 to 450 psig (0 to 31 bar) 100 to 550 psig (6 - 38 bar) Range 30 - 300psig (+2 to +21 bar) Description 0 - 150 psig (0 to 10 bar) Option S Electric Shut-Off Controls Pressure when electronically energised; closed when not energised. For temperature control and defrost, or similar uses. Specify Voltage, Range and Special Variation if required. ü ü ü ü ü B Electric Wide Opening Controls pressure when not electrically energized; open when energized. For defrost regulation or heat recovery and wide opening for maximum cooling or similar. Specify Voltage, Range and Special Variation if required. ü ü ü ü ü D Dual Pressure Regulator Controls at lower pressure when electrically energised, at higher pressure when not energized. Used for two pressure (temperature) control or defrost pressure relief and pressure (temperature control. Specify Voltage, Range and Special Variation if required. ü ü ü ü ü L Differential Pressure For pump relief, oil control or any differential control ü O Outlet Pressure Opens as outlet pressure drops. For hot gas bypass to suction, crankcase pressure control or for other receiver pressure control. K Reseating Relief Defrost relief or high to low system relief. Set and tagged. Specify setting or otherwise setting will be at 70 psig (4.8 bar) R Regulator Only with External Connection for Remote Pilot Enables a remote pressure source to be introduced to the regulator via a pilot line (replaces a pilot). P Pneumatically Controlled Air pressure or other pressure in bonnet raises inlet pressure at 1:1 ratio ü Q Electronic Control Module Precise temperature control or liquid chiller control. For indoor or outdoor use. Simple design; 4-20 mA control. Transformer included. Control range 0 - 87 psig. ü M Electric Motor Compensated Commonly used for precise room temperature control or liquid chiller control. A motor changes regulator pressure setting in accordance with temperature controller. Includes control module, Cam, motor bracket and Penn motor 4020 mA standard. (Honeywell motor available) ü M3B Stopping Plug (Straight Through) To be used in a Control Port when the port is not utilised. ü ü ü ü ü M3S Stopping Plug (Stopping) To be used in a Control Port when the port is not utilised. ü ü ü ü ü ü MS M3O ü M3K Industrial ü ü ü ü M3L ü M3B M3S Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit CONTROL VALVE PILOTS IN174 Hansen Pressure Pilots Realcold Stock No. Model Description System Price $ Excl. GST 11794 75-1097 Hansen M3 Pilot Range A (0 To 10 Bar); Inlet Pressure Control Module For All Pressure Regulators 416.00 11795 75-1098 Hansen M3 Pilot Range B (2 To 21 Bar); Inlet Pressure Control Module For All Pressure Regulators 416.00 17401 75-1099 Hansen M3 Pilot Range V (-0.67 To 9 Bar); Inlet Pressure Control Module For All Pressure Regulators 650.00 18932 75-1126 Hansen M3W Pilot Range A (0 To 10 Bar); Compact Inlet Control Module For All Pressure Regulators Up To And Including 32 mm 416.00 11796 75-1100 Hansen M3O Pilot Range V (-0.67 To 9 Bar); Outlet Pressure Control Module 804.00 11797 75-1101 Hansen M3O Pilot Range B (2 To 21 Bar); Outlet Pressure Control Module 804.00 11798 75-1103 Hansen M3K Pilot Range A (0 To 10 Bar); Reseating Relief Control Module For 40 mm Press Regulator And Above 500.00 11799 75-1104 Hansen M3K Pilot Range B (2 To 21 Bar); Reseating Relief Control Module For All Press Regulators 500.00 13961 75-1081 Hansen M3P Pilot Range A (0 To 10 Bar G); M3P/L Pneumatically Compensated Or Differential Pressure; Control Module For All Press Regulators 553.00 17402 75-1064 Hansen M3B Through Blanking Plug 27.85 17403 75-1063 Hansen M3S Stopping Blanking Plug 27.85 Industrial Danfoss Pressure Pilots Realcold Stock No. Model Description System Price $ Excl. GST 16736 027B110000 Danfoss (LP) Pilot Valve 0 To 7 Bar Range; Constant Press For PM Main Valves; 17 Bar MWP; 0.4m^3/H KV POA 16735 027B107000 Danfoss CVC (LP) Pilot Valve 0 To 7 Bar Range; Outlet Pressue Pilot; 17 Bar MWP; 0.4m^3/H KV POA 16739 027B111000 Danfoss CVT Pilot Valve -40 To 0 deg C Range; Temp Operated For Pm Main Valves; Opens On Rising Temp; 22 Bar MWP; 0.2m^3/H KV POA 16740 027B111100 Danfoss CVT Pilot Valve -10 To 25 deg C Range; Temp Operated For Pm Main Valves; Opens On Rising Temp; 22 Bar MWP; 0.2m^3/H KV POA 16741 027B111200 Danfoss CVT Pilot Valve 20 To 60 deg C Range; Temp Operated For Pm Main Valves; Opens On Rising Temp; 22 Bar MWP; 0.2m^3/H KV POA 16743 027B114000 Danfoss CVQ Pilot Valve 0 To 6 Bar Range; Electronically Operated Constant Press For PM Main Valves; 17 Bar MWP; 0.45m^3/H KV POA 16744 027B114100 Danfoss CVQ Pilot Valve 1.7 To 8 Bar Range; Electronically Operated Constant Press For PM Main Valves; 17 Bar MWP; 0.45m^3/H KV POA 16745 027B116000 Danfoss CVP (HP) Pilot Valve 4 To 22 Bar Range; Constant Press For Pm Main Valves + CVH Housing; 28 Bar Mwp; 0.4m^3/H KV POA 16746 027B116200 Danfoss CVPP (HP) Pilot Valve 4 To 22 Bar Range; Differential Press For PM Main Valves; 28 Bar MWP; 0.4m^3/H KV POA Range A 0 - 150 psig (0 to 10 Bar) Range B 30 - 300 psig (+2 to +21 Bar) Range C 100 to 550 psig (6 - 38 Bar) Range D 30 to 450 psig (0 to 31 Bar) Range V 20” to 130 psig (-0.67 to +9 Bar) Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit STRAINERS IN175 Hansen Strainers/Filters - Steel Hansen Strainers have a stainless steel screen, 60 mesh (233 micron rating). Groove inlet, tongue outlet. Safe Working Pressure: 2758 kPa (400 psig). Applications include liquid lines, hot gas lines, suction lines, and oil lines. Strainers are supplied ready to be close-coupled to solenoid valves, pressure regulators, etc. For installation as a separate unit, a flange installation kit is required (see below). Realcold Stock No. Model Description 12051 ST050 To fit 13 mm Port (less flanges) 12056 ST100 To fit 20 mm, 25 mm, 32 mm Port (less flanges) System Price $ Excl. GST 118.00 306.00 12069 ST200 To fit 40 mm, 50 mm Port (less flanges) 675.00 12078 ST250 To fit 65 mm Port (less flanges) 940.00 12079 ST300 To fit 80 mm Port (less flanges) 1,585.00 12080 ST400 To fit 100 mm Port (less flanges) 1,585.00 Hansen Flange Conversion Kit Hansen Flange Conversion Kits include bolts, gaskets, and female adaptor ring, to allow a strainer to be installed as a separate item. Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST 17405 To suit ST050 Strainer 17406 To suit ST100 Strainer 77.25 17407 To suit ST200 Strainer 183.00 17408 To suit ST250 Strainer 211.00 Herl Angle Strainers/Filters - Steel Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST 17323 32 mm Butt Weld; Angle Strainer; 0.5 mm Mesh POA 16912 40 mm Butt Weld; Angle Strainer; 0.5 mm Mesh POA 16913 50 mm Butt Weld; Angle Strainer; 0.5 mm Mesh POA 16914 65 mm Butt Weld; Angle Strainer; 0.5 mm Mesh POA 16915 80 mm Butt Weld; Angle Strainer; 0.5 mm Mesh POA 16916 100 mm Butt Weld; Angle Strainer; 0.5 mm Mesh POA 17317 125 mm Butt Weld; Angle Strainer; 0.5 mm Mesh POA 16917 150 mm Butt Weld; Angle Strainer; 0.5 mm Mesh POA 16918 200 mm Butt Weld; Angle Strainer; 0.5 mm Mesh POA Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Industrial 59.75 FLANGES AND ADAPTOR RINGS IN176 Hansen Flanges & Flange Kits The Hansen flange system is generally interchangeable for Parker Refspec, Henry, and York/Frick flanges. A flange kit is two male (tongued) flanges (of the same size and style) to suit a Hansen flanged valve. Gaskets, bolts, and nuts are provided with the valve, or can be purchased separately. Realcold Stock No. Industrial 11925 11923 11926 11929 11933 11936 11939 11944 11948 11952 11919 11932 11942 11943 11947 11951 11955 Description Item Connection Vendor Model No. Bolts Per Flange Flange Kit Flange Kit Flange Kit Flange Kit Flange Kit Flange Kit Flange Kit Flange Kit Flange Kit Flange Kit Flange Kit Flange Kit Flange Kit Flange Kit Flange Kit Flange Kit Flange Kit 1/2" FPT 1/2" SW 3/4" SW 3/4" SW 1" SW 1.1/4" SW 1.1/2" SW 1.1/2" SW 2" SW 2.1/2" SW 5/8" OD 7/8" OD 1.1/8" OD 1.3/8" OD 1.5/8" OD 2.1/8" OD 2.5/8" OD # 050 # 050 # 050 # 100 # 100 # 100 # 100 # 200 # 200 # 250 # 050 # 100 # 100 # 100 # 200 # 200 # 250 (2-Bolt) (2-Bolt) (2-Bolt) (2-Bolt) (2-Bolt) (2-Bolt) (2-Bolt) (4-Bolt) (4-Bolt) (4-Bolt) (2-Bolt) (2-Bolt) (2-Bolt) (2-Bolt) (4-Bolt) (4-Bolt) (4-Bolt) System Price $ Excl. GST 69.05 69.05 69.05 89.65 89.65 89.65 79.35 143.00 143.00 252.00 88.60 128.00 128.00 128.00 184.00 184.00 306.00 Henry Flange Union Kits Realcold Stock No. 17685 17686 17687 17688 17689 17690 17691 17692 17693 Description Item Connection Vendor Model No. Bolts Per Flange Flange Kit Flange Kit Flange Kit Flange Kit Flange Kit Flange Kit Flange Kit Flange Kit Flange Kit 1/2" SW 3/4" SW 1" SW 1.1/4" SW 1.1/2" SW 2" SW 2.1/2" SW 3" SW 4" SW 02SW-1x1/2 02SW-1x3/4 02SW-1 S2SW-1-1/4 S2SW-2x1-1/2 S2SW-2 S2SW-2-1/2 S2SW-3 S2SW-4 (2-Bolt) (2-Bolt) (2-Bolt) (4-Bolt) (4-Bolt) (4-Bolt) (4-Bolt) (4-Bolt) (4-Bolt) System Price $ Excl. GST 206.00 217.00 206.00 296.00 352.00 335.00 391.00 446.00 525.00 Note: The HENRY flange system consists of 1 Female and 1 Male Flange, complete with bolts and nuts. Hansen Adaptor Rings Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST Female Adaptor Rings. Female adaptor rings are used at the outlet of strainers installed as separate flange units. 17374 17375 17376 17377 FAR 050 Female Adaptor Ring FAR 100 Female Adaptor Ring FAR 200 Female Adaptor Ring FAR 250 Female Adaptor Ring 27.85 27.85 112.00 143.00 Male Adaptor Rings. Male adaptor rings are used to close-couple HCK4 or HCK1 check valves to the outlet of valves and regulators. 17378 17379 17380 17381 MAR 050 Male Adaptor Ring MAR 100 Male Adaptor Ring MAR 200 Male Adaptor Ring MAR 250 Male Adaptor Ring 35.05 35.05 59.75 71.10 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit COMPLETE VALVE COMBINATION IN177 Hansen Control Valves - Steel Costs for larger valves are available on request. We are able to make up most valves up to 80 mm from our stock of Control Valve bodies and pilots. Non-stock pilots can be supplied within 5-7 working days from placement of order however there may be additional courier costs. Many Danfoss pilots and electronic controllers are also available for substitution if required. The Hansen modular control head is designed to fit both ranges of control pilots. Realcold Stock No . With Strainer Description Valve Flange Size System Price $ Excl. GST Without Strainer System Price $ Excl. GST With Strainer 11817 - HA2B Small Pressure Regulator 1/2" SW 462.00 - 11411 11415 HA4A-20 Modular Pressure Regulator 3/8” SW 665.00 972.00 11431 11435 HA4A-25 Modular Pressure Regulator 1” SW 857.00 1,163.00 11444 11448 HA4A-32 Modular Pressure Regulator 1 1/4” SW 1,110.00 1,416.00 11458 11462 HA4A-40 Modular Pressure Regulator 1 1/2” SW 1,608.00 2,283.00 11472 11476 HA4A-50 Modular Pressure Regulator 2” SW 1,849.00 2,524.00 11480 11483 HA4A-65 Modular Pressure Regulator 3” SW 2,436.00 3,376.00 11486 11490 HA4A-80 Modular Pressure Regulator 3” SW 3,384.00 4,519.00 11506 11510 HA4AS-20 Electric Shut Off Regulator 3/8” SW 1,226.00 1,532.00 11526 11530 HA4AS-25 Electric Shut Off Regulator 1” SW 1,519.00 1,825.00 11539 11543 HA4AS-32 Electric Shut Off Regulator 1 1/4” SW 1,676.00 1,982.00 11553 11557 HA4AS-40 Electric Shut Off Regulator 1 1/2” SW 2,171.00 2,845.00 11567 11571 HA4AS-50 Electric Shut Off Regulator 2” SW 2,412.00 3,086.00 11575 11578 HA4AS-65 Electric Shut Off Regulator 3” SW 2,999.00 3,938.00 11581 11585 HA4AS-80 Electric Shut Off Regulator 3” SW 3,950.00 5,085.00 1,530.00 11601 11605 HA4AB-20 Electric Wide Opening Regulator 3/8” SW 1,224.00 11621 11625 HA4AB-25 Electric Wide Opening Reg 1” SW 1,420.00 1,726.00 11634 11638 HA4AB-32 Electric Wide Opening Reg 1 1/4” SW 1,672.00 2,016.00 11648 11659 HA4AB-40 Electric Wide Opening Reg 1 1/2” SW 2,169.00 2,843.00 11662 11666 HA4AB-50 Electric Wide Opening Reg 2” SW 2,412.00 3,086.00 11670 11675 HA4AB-65 Electric Wide Opening Reg 21/2” SW 2,997.00 3,936.00 11676 11680 HA4AB-80 Electric Wide Opening Reg 3” SW 3,946.00 5,081.00 11696 11700 HA4AD-20 Dual Pressure Regulator 3/8” SW 1,696.00 2,002.00 11716 11720 HA4AD-25 Dual Pressure Regulator 1” SW 1,887.00 2,193.00 11729 11733 HA4AD-32 Dual Pressure Regulator 1 1/4” SW 2,142.00 2,486.00 HA4AD-40 Dual Pressure Regulator 1 1/2” SW 2,638.00 3,313.00 3,556.00 11743 11747 11757 11761 HA4AD-50 Dual Pressure Regulator 2” SW 2,881.00 11765 11768 HA4AD-65 Dual Pressure Regulator 3” SW 3,465.00 4,405.00 11771 11775 HA4AD-80 Dual Pressure Regulator 3” SW 4,416.00 5,551.00 11822 - HA2BK-15 Reseating Relief 1/2" SW 553.00 - 14055 - HA4AK(A)-20 Reseating Relief 1” SW 754.00 - 17094 - HA4AK(A)-25 Reseating Relief 1” SW 17095 - HA4AK(B)-32 Reseating Relief 11/4” SW HA2B HA4A 948.00 - 1,201.00 - HA4AB Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Industrial Realcold Stock No. Without Strainer SOLENOID VALVES IN178 Hansen Solenoid Valves - Lower Capacity Realcold Stock No. Without Strainer Realcold Stock No. With Strainer Valve Flange Size 10925 10929 HS6-4 Pilot Operated Solenoid 13936 10953 HS8A-13 Pilot Operated Solenoid 10965 10969 10973 System Price $ Excl. GST Without Strainer System Price $ Excl. GST With Strainer 3/8" SW 388.00 492.00 1/2” SW 461.00 564.00 HS8A-13 Pilot Operated Solenoid 3/4SW 461.00 564.00 10977 HS7-20 Pilot Operated Solenoid 3/4 SW 572.00 842.00 11033 11037 HS7-25 Pilot Operated Solenoid 1” SW 832.00 1,102.00 11075 11079 HS7-32 Pilot Operated Solenoid 11/4”SW 1,027.00 1,297.00 System Price $ Excl. GST Without Strainer System Price $ Excl. GST With Strainer Description Industrial Hansen Solenoid Valves - Higher Capacity Realcold Stock No. Without Strainer Realcold Stock No. With Strainer Valve Flange Size 11105 11109 HS4A-20 Pilot Operated Solenoid 3/8” SW 712.00 982.00 11165 11169 HS4A-25 Pilot Operated Solenoid 1” SW 922.00 1,192.00 11207 11211 HS4A-32 Pilot Operated Solenoid 1 1/4” SW 1,115.00 1,386.00 11237 11241 HS4A-40 Pilot Operated Solenoid 1 1/2” SW 1,564.00 2,161.00 11279 11283 HS4A-50 Pilot Operated Solenoid 2” SW 1,714.00 2,616.00 11303 11307 HS4A-65 Pilot Operated Solenoid 2 1/2” SW 2,670.00 3,610.00 11345 11349 HS4A-80 Pilot Operated Solenoid 3” SW 3,877.00 5,011.00 Description Hansen Features & Selection • All Hansen valves are spring closing and have Teflon seats. • Safe Working Pressure 2758 kPag (400 psig) • MOPD 2068 kPag (300 psig) • Operating Temperature -50°C to +115°C (-60°F to +240°F) • Suitable for ammonia, Carbon Dioxide, HCFCs, HFAs, and other approved refrigerants. For special duties such as Carbon Dioxide, please contact Realcold Ltd. • All valves supplied with 230V 50 Hz coil, complete with DIN plug. Coils are also available in 115VAC, 24VAC and 24VDC and can be changed for a nominal charge of $15.00 per coil. For non-DIN coils and Conduit Fitting coils please refer to Realcold. • All valves supplied as standard with Socket Weld (SW) flanges to suit Carbon Steel ASTM A106 or API line pipe. Can also be supplied with Weld Neck, FPT (Female Pipe Thread) or ODS connections to suit Copper Pipe. Flanges may be sized slightly larger or smaller than the valves dependent on application. • Strainers, either close coupled or separate, are available - see page IN175 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit PRESSURE RELIEF, GAUGE & TRANSDUCER VALVES IN179 Hansen Steel Pressure Relief Valves Realcold Stock No. Model 12821 12827 Size Connections Pressure Settings Cap Ratings lbs Air/Minute System Price $ Excl. GST Inlet Outlet PSI kPa H5601 1/2" FPT 1" FPT 150 1034 35.8 312.00 H5613 1" FPT 1.1/4" FPT 150 1034 53 659.00 12830 H5604 1.1/4" FPT 1.1/2" FPT 150 1034 72 1,219.00 12822 H5601 1/2" FPT 1" FPT 250 1725 57.7 312.00 12828 H5613 1" FPT 1.1/4" FPT 250 1725 85.4 659.00 12831 H5604 1.1/4" FPT 1.1/2" FPT 250 1725 116.1 1,219.00 12823 H5601 1/2" FPT 1" FPT 300 2070 - 312.00 12829 H5613 1" FPT 1.1/4" FPT 300 2070 - 659.00 12832 H5604 1.1/4" FPT 1.1/2" FPT 300 2070 - 1,219.00 Gauge Valves, Angle Realcold Stock No. System Price $ Excl. GST Description Hansen 11793 Hansen HGV1 Gauge Valve 1/4" MPT long neck screwed male and female 83.45 12780 Hansen H7771 Gauge Valve1/4" MPT Screwed male and female C/W Seal cap 84.50 12783 Hansen H7773 Gauge Valve 3/8" MPT Screwed male and female C/W Seal cap 96.85 12784 Hansen H7774 Gauge Valve 3/8" FPT Screwed female C/W Seal cap 95.80 19561 Henry 7773 Gauge Valve 3/8" NPT Screwed male and female 19571 Henry 7771 Gauge Valve 1/4" NPT Screwed male and female 143.00 92.70 17694 Henry 7775 Gauge Valve 1/2" NPT Screwed male and female 167.00 Transducer Valves Hansen & Henry Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. GST 12779 Hansen H9490 Transducer Valve; 8 mm (1/4in) MPT Inlet x FPT Gauge Port x FPT Transducer Port; With Seal Cap 129.00 Three Way Hand Shut-Off Valves Realcold Stock No. System Price $ Excl. GST Description 12833 Hansen H8021 Steel 1/2" FPT 326.00 12835 Hansen H8024 Steel 1" FPT 543.00 12836 Hansen H8025 Steel 1 1/4" FPT 758.00 Industrial Pressure Gauges Realcold Stock No. Description Scale System Price $ Excl. GST 17700 63 mm -100 to + 1000 kPa 1/4" NPT LP Gauge 204.00 17701 63 mm -100 to + 2400 kPa 1/4" NPT HP Gauge 204.00 17702 100 mm -100 to + 900 kPa 1/4" NPT LP Gauge 403.00 17703 100 mm -100 to + 2400 kPa 1/4" NPT HP Gauge 403.00 11791 Hansen Ammonia Gauge GA1M -1 to 11 Bar 217.00 11792 Hansen Ammonia Gauge GA2M 01 to 21 Bar 217.00 Note: Stainless steel case, stainless steel Bourdon tube, glycerine filled, with kPa and temperature scales Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Industrial Henry FLOAT CONTROLS, LEVEL PROBES & SWITCHES, SIGHT GLASSES IN180 Hansen Float Controls (See Spares Section for Spare Switch only) Realcold Stock No. Model Description 12874 HLLE Float Switch Assembly 3/4” FPT/1” Butt Weld System Price $ Excl. GST 1,270.00 Hansen Techni-Level ® Level Transducer Probes Realcold Stock No. Model Description 12916 12917 12918 12919 12913 VLT-04 VLT-06 VLT-08 VLT-10 VLT-XX Active Probe Length 1020 mm Active Probe Length 1525 mm Active Probe Length 2030 mm Active Probe Length 2540 mm Active Probe Length Cut to Suit Custom Length System Price $ Excl. GST 3,175.00 3,389.00 3,691.00 4,108.00 POA Industrial Henry Liquid Level Switch Realcold Stock No. Model Description 17695 Henry 9420-1 17696 Henry 9420A-1 17925 Henry 9420 19614 Henry 9420-1 1 inch Liquid Level Switch 208/240 V 50/60HZ; .25 amp resistive rating Normally Closed 1 inch Liquid Level Switch 208/240 V 50/60HZ; .25 amp resistive rating Normally Open 1/2 inch Liquid Level Switch 208/240 V 50/60HZ; .25 amp resistive rating Normally Closed 1/2 inch Liquid Level Switch 208/240 V 50/60HZ; .25 amp resistive rating Normally Open System Price $ Excl. GST 380.00 380.00 281.00 272.00 Industrial Sight Glasses - Steel* Realcold Stock No. Model Description 12321 12336 12947 12948 Phillips 1100-R Phillips 1100 Hansen H1100-R Hansen H1100-RN 17200 17311 17310 17546 17547 17052 19849 19851 19023 18053 17548 14011 17697 17698 17549 19562 19563 19564 Phillips 1101 Phillips 1101-R Phillips 1105L Phillips 1103 Phillips 1104 Phillips 1102 Hansen 77-1002 Hansen 77-0487 Hansen 77-1003 AC & R SG1004 AC & R SG1008 AC & R SG1108 AC & R SG1208 AC & R SG1212 AC & R SG1016 Henry LI48A 1/2 Henry LI48A 3/4 Henry LI48A 1 Level Eye Assembly, Bulls-Eye Lens (50 mm long housing) Level Eye Assembly, Clear Lens (50 mm long housing) See-Level Assembly (82.5 mm long universal housing) See-Level Assembly (82.5 mm long universal housing) C/W Frost Shield Clear Lens Bulls-Eye Lens Long Frost Shield (c/w 1106 'O' ring) Gasket Gasket Retainer Bulls-Eye / Reflex Lens Kit including Gaskets Retainer ring Hansen Standard Frost Shield (c/w "O" Ring) 1/2" MPT Sight Glass - Clear 1" MPT Sight Glass - Clear 1" MPT Sight Glass - Reflex 1"MPT Sight Glass with Ball 1 1/2"MPT Sight Glass with Ball 2" MPT Sight Glass - Clear Double Port Indicator 1/2” (15 mm) FPT Double Port Indicator 3/4” (20 mm) FPT Double Port Indicator 1” (25 mm) FPT System Price $ Excl. GST 247.00 274.00 242.00 290.00 137.00 110.00 128.00 4.15 4.15 187.00 92.70 77.25 64.90 26.80 34.00 34.00 49.45 106.00 134.00 163.00 168.00 174.00 * Sight glasses not suitable for Ammonia Refrigeration Systems. Clear Lenses are not suitable for use with Ammonia. They may be used for Freon systems and Oil lines only. All lenses used for Ammonia must be of the Bulls Eye (RealFlex) type. If in doubt, please contact your local branch. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit AUTO PURGERS IN181 Hansen Mini Auto Purger NEAP Auto Purgers are available on Indent only. For selection and delivery please contact your local branch. Please specify model number, refrigerant and voltage. Realcold Stock No. Model Description Indent NEAP Mini Auto Purger - Ammonia System Price $ Excl. GST 13,346.00 Indent VPM Valve Package Ammonia Indent NEAPF Mini Auto Purger - Halocarbons 14,182.00 1,884.00 Indent VPMF Valve Package Halocarbons 3,068.00 Hansen Auto Purger APM Realcold Stock No. Model Description Indent APM Auto Purger APM - 4-Points Ammonia Indent VPM Valve Package Ammonia Indent APMF Auto Purger APM - 4-Points Halocarbons Indent VPMF Valve Package Halocarbons System Price $ Excl. GST Mini Auto Purger NEAP 18,375.00 1,664.00 20,786.00 3,068.00 Hansen Deluxe Auto Purger APM Realcold Stock No. Model Description System Price $ Excl. GST Indent AP08 Auto Purger Deluxe - 8-Points 34,842.00 Indent AP16 Auto Purger Deluxe - 16-Points 39,779.00 Indent AP24 Auto Purger Deluxe - 24-Points 45,239.00 Auto Purger APM Hansen Plus Auto Purger APM Suitable for Ammonia Refrigeration Systems only. Realcold Stock No. Model Indent APP08 Auto Purger Plus - 8-Points Indent APP16 Auto Purger Plus - 16-Points 61,540.00 Indent APP24 Auto Purger Plus - 24-Points 68,233.00 Description System Price $ Excl. GST Auto Purger AP 55,367.00 Auto Purger APP Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Industrial Various additional options are available including Insulation, Water Conditioning Housing and Relief Valves. For details of the available options and for Halocarbon Refrigerant Auto-Purgers, please contact us. AUTO PURGER SPARES IN182 Industrial Hansen Auto Purger Spares Realcold Stock No. Model Vendor Part No. Description System Price $ Excl. Gst 19766 AP 20-1198 Metering Valve Seal Kit 77.00 19765 AP 20-1214 Check Valve Seal Kit 46.00 19121 AP 20-1441 Power Element Level Control 1,617.00 19467 AP 20-1473 Counter 6-Digit 230V 1,383.00 19869 AP 20-1739 Power Element 230v 1,602.00 W99D83 AP 20-1772 Water Bubbler Assembly 19555 AP 20-1773 Purger Control Board Exc Connector 230V 19466 AP 70-0208 Liquid Line Solenoid Valve HS2 347.00 19767 AP HS2B-1 Solenoid Valve HS2 1/4" FPT 277.00 19870 AP - Level Control Flange Gaskets 558.00 POA 16.50 W9209 APM 20-1836 Control Board 19656 APM 20-1857 Pressure Transducer 3,530.00 19879 APM 70-1068 Seal Orifice Kit for Solenoids B and C 19880 APM 70-1069 Seal Orifice Kit for Solenoid A 19417 APM 77-0534 High Side Level Sensor 18014 APM 77-0535 Level Sensor for Low side 861.00 19823 NEAP 20-1183 Check Valve 1PSID 484.00 60037 NEAP 20-1187 Check Valve Ball 19542 NEAP 20-1952 Metering Cartridge "O" Ring 19537 NEAP 20-2166 Float Ball Seat "O" Ring 15.00 19538 NEAP 20-2167 Vessel Cover "O" Ring 40.00 19825 NEAP 20-2199 Check Valve Assy 80 PSID 274.00 19539 NEAP 20-2200 Temperature Valve Assembly Kit 373.00 19824 NEAP 20-2200 Temperature Vavle Assy Kit 373.00 19535 NEAP 20-2201 Float Ball Plunger 256.00 19536 NEAP 20-2202 Float Ball Seat 268.00 19475 NEAP 20-2204 Check Valve Kit 225PSI 148.00 19826 NEAP 20-2207 Sight Glass 36.05 19543 NEAP 70-0065 Flange and Pilot Port Gasket 19.00 19541 NEAP 72-0066 NEAP Solenoid Tube Gasket 19915 NEAP 77-0036 Float Ball 19540 NEAP 78-1010 NEAP Strainer Kit 1,771.00 92.00 92.00 1,161.00 12.00 9.00 22.00 185.00 99.00 Note: Auto Purger Spares are available only as Indent Items. Price includes delivery via FedEx Courier. Parts are normally delivered within 5-10 working days from receipt of order. For a full list of available parts refer to the Hansen Collection of Instructions or refer to your local branch. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit CHECK VALVES IN183 Hansen Check Valves - Ammonia Realcold Stock No. With Flanges or Butt Weld Realcold Stock No. With Male Adaptor Ring Description Realcold Stock No. With Flanges or Butt Weld Realcold Stock No. With Male Adaptor Ring 232.00 263.00 325.00 451.00 363.00 590.00 659.00 973.00 1,259.00 2,032.00 197.00 209.00 270.00 396.00 506.00 576.00 793.00 1,046.00 1,696.00 11964 11969 11972 11975 11978 11981 11984 11990 11993 11999 11966 11970 11973 11977 11982 11986 11991 11995 12001 Hansen HCK4-2 15SW Hansen HCK4-3 20SW Hansen HCK4-4 25SW Hansen HCK4-5 32SW Hansen HCK4-6 32SW Hansen HCK4-7 40SW Hansen HCK4-8 50SW Hansen HCK4-9 65SW Hansen HCK4-0 80SW Hansen HCK4-1 100SW Hansen Hck1 Piston Check Valves - Ammonia 12005 Hansen HCK1-20 20SW 12009 Hansen HCK1-25 25SW 12013 Hansen HCK1-32 32SW 12017 Hansen HCK1-40 40SW 12021 Hansen HCK1-50 50SW 12025 Hansen HCK1-65 65SW 12029 Hansen HCK1-80 80SW 12033 Hansen HCK1-100 100SW 12037 Hansen HCK1W-125 BW PISTON CHK 12038 Hansen HCK1W-150 BW PISTON CHK 573.00 604.00 872.00 1,137.00 1,219.00 1,575.00 2,180.00 3,373.00 6,092.00 10,117.00 Modentic Wafer Duo Check Valves - Ammonia Dual Plate Check Valve; Mv-1221 ANSI 150 or 300lbs; Body & Disc CF8M; Plate S/S 316. ANSI150lb Valves come with Metal to Metal Seat. The 300lb Valves come with Neoprene seat with chemical resistance to Liquid and Gaseous Ammonia and mineral refrigerant oils at the normal temperatures experienced in industrial refrigeration. For other refrigerants and oil combinations, please refer to your local branch. Realcold Stock No. Description 19445 19446 19447 19448 19449 19450 19451 19452 19453 19454 19455 19456 19457 19458 19459 19460 19461 19462 Modentic 50NB CHK VLV ANSI150 Modentic 65NB CHK VLV ANSI150 Modentic 80NB CHK VLV ANSI150 Modentic 100NB CHK VLV ANSI150 Modentic 125NB CHK VLV ANSI150 Modentic 150NB CHK VLV ANSI150 Modentic 200NB CHK VLV ANSI150 Modentic 250NB CHK VLV ANSI150 Modentic 300NB CHK VLV ANSI150 Modentic 50NB CHK VLV ANSI300 Modentic 65NB CHK VLV ANSI300 Modentic 80NB CHK VLV ANSI300 Modentic 100NB CHK VLV ANSI300 Modentic 125NB CHK VLV ANSI300 Modentic 150NB CHK VLV ANSI300 Modentic 200NB CHK VLV ANSI300 Modentic 250NB CHK VLV ANSI300 Modentic 300NB CHK VLV ANSI300 System Price $ Excl. Gst POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA POA Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Industrial Hansen HCK4 In-Line Check Valves - Ammonia MULTI PORT VALVES IN184 Hansen Multi Port Valves Sample Configurations for Common Valve Applications The Hansen MVP Multi Valve Platform is well suited for multiple applications including Pumped Liquid Feed, liquid make-up to flooded and recirculation vessels, liquid injection for compressors, hot-gas defrost to evaporators, and evaporator pressure control. Up to six functions are possible: stop, strainer, control valve (solenoid / pressure regulator / motorised valve), check, hand expansion and stop all in one dynamic multi-solution valve. See the Hansen MVP Multi Valve Platform brochure for more information. Application Position 1 Position 2 Position 3 Position 4 Liquid Feed Shut-Off Strainer Solenoid Stop Check/Hex Liquid Feed, Motorized Shut-Off Strainer Motor Stop Check/Hex Liquid Make-Up Shut-Off Strainer Solenoid Hand Expansion Liquid Make-Up, Motorized Shut-Off Strainer Motor Shut-Off Hot Gas Valve Shut-Off Strainer Solenoid Shut-Off Hot Gas Valve, Motorized Shut-Off Strainer Motor Shut-Off Defrost Relief Shut-Off Strainer Regulator Shut-Off Defrost Relief/Wide Open Shut-Off Strainer Regulator Shut-Off MVP with Solenoid Control Valve SIZE Port SW Model Connection MVP20 3/4" 3/4" MVP-1 1,546.00 MVP-2 1,556.00 MVP-3 1,767.00 MVP-4 1,757.00 MVP-5 1,521.00 1" MVP-1 1,600.00 MVP-2 1,639.00 MVP-3 1,850.00 MVP-4 1,811.00 MVP-5 1,548.00 1-1/4" MVP-1 1,798.00 MVP-2 1,816.00 MVP-3 2,027.00 MVP-4 2,009.00 MVP-5 1,647.00 Industrial MVP25 1" System Price Model $ Excl. Gst System Price Model $ Excl. Gst System Price Model $ Excl. Gst System Price Model $ Excl. Gst System Price $ Excl. Gst 1" MVP-1 1,833.00 MVP-2 1,872.00 MVP-3 2,142.00 MVP-4 2,102.00 MVP-5 1,839.00 1-1/4" MVP-1 2,031.00 MVP-2 2,049.00 MVP-3 2,318.00 MVP-4 2,301.00 MVP-5 1,939.00 2,269.00 MVP32 1-1/4" 1-1/4" MVP-1 2,246.00 MVP-2 2,263.00 MVP-3 2,649.00 MVP-4 2,631.00 MVP-5 MVP40 1-1/2" 1-1/2" MVP-1 3,392.00 MVP-2 3,469.00 MVP-3 3,965.00 MVP-4 3,888.00 MVP-5 3,381.00 2" MVP-1 3,550.00 MVP-2 3,625.00 MVP-3 4,121.00 MVP-4 4,046.00 MVP-5 3,460.00 MVP50 2" 2-1/2" MVP-1 3,953.00 MVP-2 4,231.00 MVP-3 4,727.00 MVP-4 4,449.00 MVP-5 3,661.00 2" MVP-1 3,720.00 MVP-2 3,795.00 MVP-3 4,359.00 MVP-4 4,283.00 MVP-5 3,698.00 2-1/2" MVP-1 4,123.00 MVP-2 4,401.00 MVP-3 4,965.00 MVP-4 4,686.00 MVP-5 3,899.00 MVP with Pressure Regulator Control Valve SIZE Port SW Model Connection MVP20 3/4" 3/4" MVP25 1" MVP-1A System Price Model $ Excl. Gst 1,139.00 MVP-2A System Price Model $ Excl. Gst 1,146.00 System Price Model $ Excl. Gst MVP-3A 1,315.00 MVP-4A System Price Model $ Excl. Gst 1,308.00 System Price $ Excl. Gst MVP-5A 1,119.00 1" MVP-1A 1,182.00 MVP-2A 1,213.00 MVP-3A 1,382.00 MVP-4A 1,351.00 MVP-5A 1,140.00 1-1/4" MVP-1A 1,340.00 MVP-2A 1,354.00 MVP-3A 1,523.00 MVP-4A 1,509.00 MVP-5A 1,219.00 1" MVP-1A 1,334.00 MVP-2A 1,366.00 MVP-3A 1,581.00 MVP-4A 1,550.00 MVP-5A 1,339.00 1-1/4" MVP-1A 1,493.00 MVP-2A 1,507.00 MVP-3A 1,722.00 MVP-4A 1,708.00 MVP-5A 1,419.00 1,711.00 MVP32 1-1/4" 1-1/4" MVP-1A 1,692.00 MVP-2A 1,706.00 MVP-3A 2,014.00 MVP-4A 2,001.00 MVP-5A MVP40 1-1/2" 1-1/2" MVP-1A 2,603.00 MVP-2A 2,664.00 MVP-3A 3,061.00 MVP-4A 3,000.00 MVP-5A 2,594.00 2" MVP-1A 2,729.00 MVP-2A 2,789.00 MVP-3A 3,186.00 MVP-4A 3,126.00 MVP-5A 2,657.00 MVP50 2" 2-1/2" MVP-1A 3,051.00 MVP-2A 3,274.00 MVP-3A 3,671.00 MVP-4A 3,448.00 MVP-5A 2,818.00 2" MVP-1A 2,918.00 MVP-2A 2,978.00 MVP-3A 3,429.00 MVP-4A 3,369.00 MVP-5A 2,900.00 2-1/2" MVP-1A 3,240.00 MVP-2A 3,463.00 MVP-3A 3,914.00 MVP-4A 3,691.00 MVP-5A 3,061.00 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit MOTORISED VALVES IN185 Hansen Motorised Valves - Model HMSV Suitable for pressure, temperature, or level control. Drop-in replacement for same port size Hansen valve. Model HMSV: The full ported valve series is best suited for applications requiring slow open/close operation only. Less Strainer with Flanges Nominal Size Flow Factor (CV) Hansen HMSV Motorised Valve 20 mm Hansen HMSV Motorised Valve 25 mm Hansen HMSV Motorised Valve 32 mm Hansen HMSV Motorised Valve 40 mm Hansen HMSV Motorised Valve 50 mm Hansen HMSV Motorised Valve 80 mm Hansen HMSV Motorised Valve 100 mm 20 mm 25 mm 32 mm 40 mm 50 mm 80 mm 100 mm 6.4 11.7 16.4 33 47 104 166 Standard, System Price $ Excl. Gst Power Close, System Price $ Excl. Gst 4,543.00 4,738.00 4,997.00 5,490.00 5,745.00 8,190.00 10,871.00 6,097.00 6,291.00 6,550.00 7,043.00 7,298.00 9,743.00 12,424.00 Hansen Motorised Valves - Model HMMR Less Strainer with Flanges Nominal Size Flow Factor (CV) Hansen HMMR Motorised Valve 20 mm Hansen HMMR Motorised Valve 25 mm Hansen HMMR Motorised Valve 32 mm Hansen HMMR Motorised Valve 40 mm Hansen HMMR Motorised Valve 50 mm Hansen HMMR Motorised Valve 80 mm Hansen HMMR Motorised Valve 100 mm 20 mm 25 mm 32 mm 40 mm 50 mm 80 mm 100 mm 2.2 3.9 5.5 12 16 35 55 Standard, System Price $ Excl. Gst Power Close, System Price $ Excl. Gst 5,185.00 5,382.00 5,639.00 6,133.00 6,388.00 8,834.00 11,513.00 6,719.00 6,935.00 7,192.00 7,687.00 7,942.00 10,387.00 13,066.00 Hansen Motorised Valves - Model HMMV Model HMMV: Valve series is best suited for computer controlled operations using 4-20 mA signals. Ideal for precise temperature and pressure control, hot gas defrost, and other applications where accurate process control is required. VPIF standard. Less Strainer with Flanges Nominal Size Flow Factor (CV) Hansen HMMV Motorised Valve 20 mm Hansen HMMV Motorised Valve 25 mm Hansen HMMV Motorised Valve 32 mm Hansen HMMV Motorised Valve 40 mm Hansen HMMV Motorised Valve 50 mm Hansen HMMV Motorised Valve 80 mm Hansen HMMV Motorised Valve 100 mm 20 mm 25 mm 32 mm 40 mm 50 mm 80 mm 100 mm 6.4 11.7 16.4 35 47 104 166 Standard, System Price $ Excl. Gst Power Close, System Price $ Excl. Gst 5,185.00 5,382.00 5,639.00 6,133.00 6,388.00 8,834.00 11,513.00 6,719.00 6,935.00 7,192.00 7,687.00 7,942.00 10,387.00 13,066.00 Hansen Motorised Valves - Model HMXV Model HMXV: Valve series for precise liquid metering for direct expansion or liquid feed applications. Less Strainer with Flanges Nominal Size Flow Factor (CV) Hansen HMXV Motorised Valve 5 mm Hansen HMXV Motorised Valve 7 mm 5 mm 7 mm 0.6 1.1 Standard, System Price $ Excl. Gst Power Close, System Price $ Excl. Gst 5,187.00 5,187.00 6,740.00 6,740.00 Hansen Motorised Valves - Motorised Valve Accessories Model HANSEN Valve Poistion Indicator HANSEN VPIF Extension Cable POWER Transformer 115/230/24V POWERT Control I/Face HMSV HANSEN Valve Opening Tool HANSEN Calibration Key System Price $ Excl. Gst 1,013.00 413.00 328.00 1,683.00 488.00 28.00 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Industrial Model HMMR: Valve series with expansion plug is for high pressure drop applications such as liquid makeup and liquid injection. Can also be used in the same application as model HMMV valves where reduced capacities or larger line size connections are required. VPIF standard. 2-STEP SOLENOID, SUCTION STOP & OIL CHANGE VALVES IN186 Hansen HS4D - 2-Step Dual Solenoid Valves Realcold Stock No. Without Strainer Realcold Stock No. With Strainer Valve Flange Size 19737 19745 HS4D-20 2-Step Dual Solenoid Valve 19738 19746 HS4D-25 2-Step Dual Solenoid Valve 19739 19747 19740 19741 System Price $ Excl. GST Without Strainer System Price $ Excl. GST With Strainer 3/4” SW 1,785.00 2,091.00 1” SW 1,827.00 2,133.00 HS4D-32 2-Step Dual Solenoid Valve 11/4” SW 1,917.00 2,223.00 19748 HS4D-40 2-Step Dual Solenoid Valve 11/2” SW 2,420.00 2,726.00 19749 HS4D-50 2-Step Dual Solenoid Valve 2” SW 2,769.00 3,444.00 19742 19750 HS4D-65 2-Step Dual Solenoid Valve 2 1/1” SW 3,403.00 4,342.00 19743 19751 HS4D-80 2-Step Dual Solenoid Valve 3” SW 4,848.00 5,983.00 19744 19752 HS4D-100 2-Step Dual Solenoid Valve 4” SW 6,419.00 8,667.00 Description Hansen HCK5D - 2-Step Gas Powered Suction Stop Valves Realcold Stock No. Without Strainer Realcold Stock No. With Strainer Valve Flange Size 19753 19758 HCK5D-40 2-Step Suction Stop Valve 19754 19759 19755 19760 19756 19757 System Price $ Excl. GST Without Strainer System Price $ Excl. GST With Strainer 11/2” SW 2,167.00 2,620.00 HCK5D-50 2-Step Suction Stop Valve 2” SW 2,300.00 2,754.00 HCK5D-65 2-Step Suction Stop Valve 2 1/2” SW 2,825.00 3,278.00 19761 HCK5D-80 2-Step Suction Stop Valve 3” SW 3,274.00 3,727.00 19762 HCK5D-100 2-Step Suction Stop Valve 4” SW 4,907.00 5,361.00 Description Industrial Note: Hansen 2-Step Solenoid & Stop Valves Indent Only Hansen Oil Drain Valves Realcold Stock No. Model Description System Price $ Excl. GST 17745 Hansen 50-2644 Apollo Oil Drain Valve 15 mm 301.00 17437 Hansen 50-2645 Apollo Oil Drain Valve 20 mm 372.00 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit AMMONIA & OTHER GAS SENSORS IN187 Hansen Gas Sensors Model Description System Price $ Excl. GST 19526 HEC4-N100 Hansen HEC4-N100 Ammonia Sensor 2,332.00 19527 HEC4-N250 Hansen HEC4-N250 Ammonia Sensor 2,332.00 2,332.00 19528 HEC4-N1K Hansen HEC4-N1K Ammonia Sensor 19529 HSC4-N10K Hansen HSC4-N10K Semi-Conductor Ammonia Sensor 1,601.00 19657 HSC1-F3K-R22 Hansen HSC1-F3k Halogen R22 Basic Sensor 954.00 19658 HSC1-F3K-R507 Hansen HSC1-F3k Halogen R507 Basic Sensor 954.00 19659 HSC1-F3K-R134 Hansen HSC1-F3k Halogen R134a Basic Sensor 954.00 19660 HSC1-F3K-R404 Hansen HSC1-F3k Halogen R404 Basic Sensor 954.00 19661 HSC1-F3K-R410 Hansen HSC1-F3k Halogen R410 Basic Sensor 954.00 19663 HSC4H-F3K-R22 Hansen HSC4h-F3k Halogen R22 Harsh Sensor 1,808.00 19664 HSC4H-F3K-R507 Hansen HSC4h-F3k Halogen R507 Harsh Sensor 1,808.00 19665 HSC4H-F3K-R134 Hansen HSC4h-F3k Halogen R134a Harsh Sensor 1,808.00 19666 HSC4H-F3K-R404 Hansen HSC4h-F3k Halogen R404 Harsh Sensor 1,808.00 19667 HSC4H-F3K-R410 Hansen HSC4h-F3k Halogen R410 Harsh Sensor 1,808.00 19668 HSC4E-F3K-R22 Hansen HSC4E-F3K Halogen R22 Extreme Sensor 3,199.00 19669 HSC4E-F3K-R507 Hansen HSC4E-F3K Halogen R507 Extreme Sensor 3,199.00 19670 HSC4E-F3K-R134 Hansen HSC4E-F3K Halogen R134a Extreme Sensor 3,199.00 19671 HSC4E-F3K-R404 Hansen HSC4E-F3K Halogen R404 Extreme Sensor 3,199.00 19672 HSC4E-F3K-R410 Hansen HSC4E-F3K Halogen R410 Extreme Sensor 3,199.00 19673 HEC4H-N100 Hansen HEC4H-N100 Ammonia Harsh Sensor 3,168.00 19674 HEC4H-N1250 Hansen HEC4H-N250 Ammonia Harsh Sensor 3,168.00 19675 HEC4H-N1K Hansen HEC4H-N1K Ammonia Harsh Sensor 3,168.00 19676 HSC4H-N10K Hansen HEC4H-N10K Ammonia Harsh Sensor 2,291.00 19677 HEC4E-N100 Hansen HSC4E-N100 Ammonia Extreme Sensor 4,075.00 19678 HEC4E-N250 Hansen HEC4E-N250 Ammonia Extreme Sensor 4,075.00 19679 HEC4E-N1K Hansen HEC4E-N1K Ammonia Extreme Sensor 4,075.00 3,199.00 19680 HSC4E-N10K Hansen HSC4E-N1K Ammonia Extreme Sensor 19681 HIR1-C10K Hansen HIR1-C10K Carbon Dioxide Basic Sensor 1,675.00 19682 HIR4H-C10K Hansen HIR4H-C10K Carbon Dioxide Harsh Sensor 2,291.00 19683 HIR4E-C10K Hansen HIR4E-C10K Carbon Dioxide Extreme Sensor 3,199.00 2,395.00 19684 HVSC4-F5K Hansen HVSC4-F5k R22 Vent Sensor (Specify Refrigerant) 19685 HVSC4-N10K Hansen HVSC4-N10K Ammonia Vent Sensor 2,516.00 19686 GAS-100 Hansen Gas 100 Alert System 3,464.00 19687 GAS-250 Hansen Gas 250 Alert System 3,464.00 19688 GAS-1K Hansen Gas 1K Alert System 3,464.00 3,464.00 19689 GAS-10K Hansen Gas 10K Alert System 19690 31-1002 Hansen Sensor Element Shield 19691 31-1001 Hansen Sensor c/w DIN Quick Connect Plug 31-1011 Hansen Portable Gas Detector 4,447.00 1,407.00 19693 31-1012 Hansen Sensor Module 0-50-500 PPM 31-1013 Hansen Sensor Module 0-500-2000P:PM 19719 HLM6 Hansen 6-Channel Gas Monitor Harsh Environment Gas Vent Line 93.75 19692 19694 Basic Industrial Realcold Stock No. 353.00 1,811.00 Explosion Proof 2,366.00 Note: Leak detectors can be found on page CT136. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit REFRIGERANT PUMPS IN188 Hermetic Pumpen Pump Range - Individual Bare Pumps CAM 2/3 Industrial CAMR 2/3 CNF 40-160 Realcold Stock No. Description Motor Size 15372 15373 15374 15375 15376 15377 15378 15379 15380 15381 15382 15383 15384 15385 15386 15387 15388 15389 15390 15391 15392 15393 15394 15395 15396 15397 15398 15399 15400 15401 15402 15403 15404 15405 15406 15407 15408 15409 15410 15411 15412 15413 15414 15415 15416 15417 15418 15419 15420 15421 15422 CAM 1/2 CAM 1/3 CAM 1/4 CAM 1/5 CAM 2/2 CAM 2/2 CAM 2/3 CAM 2/3 CAM 2/4 CAM 2/4 CAM 2/5 CAM 2/5 CAM 2/5 CAM 2/6 CAM 2/6 CAM 2/6 CAMR 2/2 CAMR 2/2 CAMR 2/3 CAMR 2/3 CAMR 2/4 CAMR 2/4 CAMR 2/5 CAMR 2/5 CAMR 2/5 CAMR 2/6 CAMR 2/6 CAMR 2/6 CAM 3/2 CAM 3/2 CAM 3/2 CAM 3/3 CAM 3/3 CAM 3/3 CAM 3/4 CAM 3/4 CNF 40-160 CNF 40-160 CNF 40-160 CNF 40-160 CNF 40-200 CNF 40-200 CNF 40-200 CNF 40-200 CNF 50-160 CNF 50-160 CNF 50-160 CNF 50-160 CNF 50-200 CNF 50-200 CNF 50-200 AGX 1.0 AGX 1.0 AGX 1.0 AGX 1.0 AGX 3.0 AGX 4.5 AGX 3.0 AGX 4.5 AGX 3.0 AGX 4.5 AGX 3.0 AGX 4.5 AGX 6.5 AGX 3.0 AGX 4.5 AGX 6.5 AGX 3.0 AGX 4.5 AGX 3.0 AGX 4.5 AGX 3.0 AGX 4.5 AGX 3.0 AGX 4.5 AGX 6.5 AGX 3.0 AGX 4.5 AGX 6.5 AGX 8.5 CKPX 12.0 CKPX 64 R-2 CKPX 8.5 CKPX 12.0 CKPX 64 R-2 CKPX 12.0 CKPX 64 R-2 AGX 3.0 AGX 4.5 AGX 6.5 AGX 8.5 AGX 4.5 AGX 6.5 AGX 8.5 CKPX 12.0 AGX 4.5 AGX 6.5 AGX 8.5 CKPX 12.0 AGX 6.5 AGX 8.5 CKPX 12.0 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit REFRIGERANT PUMP ACCESSORIES IN189 Hermetic Pumpen - Pump Accessories Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. Gst 15423 Hermetic Qmin Orifice Dn20 26.80 15424 Hermetic Qmin Orifice Dn25 26.80 15425 Hermetic Qmin Orifice Dn32 26.80 15426 Hermetic Qmax Orifice Dn32 26.80 15427 Hermetic Qmax Orifice Dn40 229.00 15428 Hermetic Qmax Orifice Dn50 260.00 15429 Hermetic CAM1 Pump Flange Set 159.00 15430 Hermetic CAM2 Pump Flange Set 198.00 17008 Hermetic CAMR 2 Pump Flange Set 225.00 15431 Hermetic CAM3 Pump Flange Set 233.00 15432 Hermetic CNF50 Pump Flange Set 264.00 15433 Hermetic Dn20 M/F Flange Set 150.00 15434 Hermetic Dn25 M/F Flange Set 159.00 15435 Hermetic Dn32 M/F Flange Set 185.00 15436 Hermetic Dn40 M/F Flange Set 220.00 15437 Hermetic Dn50 M/F Flange Set 247.00 15438 Hermetic AGX1/3/4.5 Base Plate 15439 Hermetic AGX 8.5 Base Plate 1,289.00 15440 Hermetic Ckpx 12.0 Base Plate 1,640.00 15441 Hermetic Ckpx 64r-2 Base Plate 2,089.00 15442 Hermetic Ql-61-44-8 Flow Regulator 774.00 15443 Hermetic Ql-62-85-8 Flow Regulator 1,750.00 15444 Hermetic Ql-62-110-8 Flow Regulator 1,750.00 15445 Hermetic Ql-61-150-8 Flow Regulator 1,750.00 15446 Hermetic Ql-62-85-8 Flow Regulator 1,750.00 15447 Hermetic Ql-62-110-8 Flow Regulator 1,750.00 15448 Hermetic Ql-61-150-8 Flow Regulator 1,750.00 15449 Hermetic Inducer 1,597.00 15450 Hermetic Thermistor Kl 170 594.00 15452 Hermetic Nitrogen Filling 782.00 15453 Hermetic Marine Cable 717.00 15454 Hermetic Small Pump Packing 136.00 15455 Hermetic Large Pump Packing 220.00 Notes on Ordering Hermetic Pumps & Accessories • Costs of freight of Accessories are included in the cost of freight of the bare pump. Where accessories are ordered without pumps, we will calculate freight and other costs of delivery and add to the cost of the accessory. • Small Pump Packing is chargeable on all base CAM 1 and 2 pumps. • Large Pump Packing is chargeable on all CAM3 and CNF type Pumps. • For Carbon Dioxide Pumps, you need to add the cost of Pressure Testing to 45 bar. Pumps for other refrigerants are available on request. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Industrial 514.00 REFRIGERANT PUMP ACCESSORIES IN190 Hermetic Pumpen - Pump Accessories Realcold Stock No. Description System Price $ Excl. Gst 17711 Pump Gasket Set for CAM 2/4 142.00 17712 Pump Gasket Set for CAM 3/3 46.35 17714 Pump Gasket Set for CNF50-200 30.90 17715 Pump Gasket Set for CNF50-160 27.85 17716 Pump Gasket Set for CAM 1/4 36.60 17717 Motor Gasket Set for for AGX4.5 114.00 17718 Motor Gasket Set for for AGX8.5 25.25 17720 Motor Gasket Set for for AGX6.5 114.00 19570 Motor Gasket Set for AGX3.0 60071 Bearing Set AGx3.0 1,922.00 92.70 Bearing Set AGx4.5 1,922.00 Bearing Set AGx6.5 1,922.00 60074 Bearing Set AGx8.5 2,447.00 60075 Bearing Set CKPx12.0 2,902.00 14003 Stator Lining and Sealing Disc AGx3.0 474.00 W9322 Stator Lining and Sealing Disc AGx4.5/6.5 403.00 60076 Stator Lining and Sealing Disc AGx8.5 574.00 60077 Stator Lining and Sealing Disc CKPx12.0 789.00 Industrial 60072 60073 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit VALVES - SOLENOID COILS IN191 Hansen Solenoid Coils Realcold Stock No. Model Description System Price $ Excl. Gst 18061 70-1092 Hansen Solenoid Replacement Coil 115V 116.00 18062 70-1093 Hansen Solenoid Replacement Coil 230V 116.00 18063 70-1094 Hansen Solenoid Replacement Coil 24V AC 116.00 18064 70-1095 Hansen Solenoid Replacement Coil 24V DC 116.00 18068 70-0584 Hansen Solenoid Replacement Coil 115V 69.05 18069 70-0585 Hansen Solenoid Replacement Coil 230V 69.05 18070 70-0586 Hansen Solenoid Replacement Coil 24V AC 69.05 18071 70-0583 Hansen Solenoid Replacement Coil 24V DC 69.05 18065 70-1100 Hansen Beacon Pilot Light Kit Red 89.65 18066 70-1102 Hansen Beacon Pilot Light Kit Green 89.65 18067 70-1101 Hansen Beacon Pilot Light Kit Amber 89.65 Hansen Danvalve Solenoid Adaptor Kit Realcold Stock No. Model Description 19534 70-1104 Hansen to Danfoss Coil Conversion Kit (Includes “O” Ring, Circlip and Fixing Cap) System Price $ Excl. Gst 31.95 Realcold Stock No. Model Description System Price $ Excl. Gst 19309 205226 Refspec Encapsulated Sol Coil 230V 50HZ 246.00 19311 207868 Refspec / Sporlan KSMA32 Sol Coil 230V 50HZ 239.00 19418 207608 Sporlan MKC3 Sol Coil 230V 50HZ 237.00 17307 205213 Refspec Encapsulated Sol Coil 24V DC 249.00 60056 311515 Sporlan MKC-2 Sol Coil 208-240V 50-60Hz 67.00 Hansen Solenoid Coils • Hansen coils are Watertight Encapsulated Solenoid coils with no outside frame. All coils are normally sold complete with DIN Plug Socket and come with “O” Ring and Knob. Normal Voltage available is 230V, however, 115V, 24V AC, 24V DC are also normally available ex-stock. • Replacement Coils which do not include a Knob and Din Plug are also available in 300 mm Tailed and Conduit style connections on request. • Beacon Pilot Light Kits, to indicate when solenoids are operating are available on request. This kit includes Beacon Pilot Knob and “O” Ring. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Industrial Parker Ammonia Solenoid Coils VALVES - SPARES IN192 Industrial Valves - Spares Realcold Stock No. Model Vendor Part No. Description System Price $ Excl. Gst 12869 LLSWE HLLSWE Switch Assembly, replacement, DIN plug included 17395 HS6, HS8 70-0065 Flange Gasket Suits Flange #50 15.45 17396 AR25-32 HS7 70-0132 Flange Gasket Suits Flange #100 15.45 17397 AR40-50 75-0138 Flange Gasket Suits Flange #200 15.45 17398 AR65 75-0125 Flange Gasket Suits Flange #250 15.45 17399 AR80 75-0137 Flange Gasket Suits Flange #300 21.65 17400 AR100 75-0253 Flange Gasket Suits Flange #400 35.05 17404 All Sol Valves 70-1052 Hansen MS Pilot Solenoid 195.00 17519 AR32 65-1023 V-Port Seat Kit 397.00 17520 AR40 75-1029 V-Port Seat Kit 417.00 17521 AR50 75-1030 V-Port Seat Kit 542.00 17522 AR100 75-1033 V-Port Seat Kit 715.00 17524 HCK2 75-1004 Piston Seat Kit 448.00 17525 AR100 75-1028 Piston Kit 940.00 17617 ST050 78-1001 Strainer Screen Kit 17618 ST100 78-1003 Strainer Screen Kit 177.00 18938 ST100 78-1013 Strainer Screen Kit Heavy Duty 236.00 18939 ST100 78-1014 Strainer Screen Kit Fine 100 Mesh 201.00 17619 ST200 78-1005 Strainer Screen Kit 250.00 17620 ST250 78-1007 Strainer Screen Kit 271.00 17622 ST050 78-0016 Strainer Cover Gasket 15.45 17623 ST100 78-0026 Strainer Cover Gasket 15.45 17624 ST200 75-0113 Strainer Cover Gasket 21.65 17625 ST250 75-0128 Strainer Cover Gasket 21.65 18940 ST100 78-1015 Strainer System Start Up Bag 82.40 18941 ST200 78-1016 Strainer System Start Up Bag 91.70 18942 ST250/300 78-1017 Strainer System Start Up Bag 111.00 18943 ST400 78-1018 Strainer System Start Up Bag 118.00 17627 HS6 70-1011 Gasket Kit 69.05 17628 HS8 70-1005 Gasket Kit 78.30 656.00 85.50 17629 HS7 70-1017 Gasket Kit 17632 HS8A 70-1001 Bonnet-Cartridge Kit 410.00 91.70 17633 HS7 70-1018 Bonnet-Cartridge Kit 542.00 19943 HS 70-0301 Hansen Solenoid Tube Gasket 17636 HS8 70-1002 Piston Assembly Kit 209.00 17637 HS7 - 3/4" 70-1019 Piston Assembly Kit 505.00 17638 HS7-25 70-1020 Piston Assembly Kit 505.00 17639 HS7-32 70-1021 Piston Assembly Kit 574.00 17642 HS6, HS7, HS8 70-1059 Solenoid Tube/Plunger Kit 227.00 17643 HS7 70-1022 Stem Kit 6.20 94.80 For more information on industrial products please call +64 (0)9 526 5955. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit VALVES - SPARES IN193 Valves - Spares Realcold Stock No. Model Vendor Part No. Description System Price $ Excl. Gst 17647 AR20-32 75-1023 Gasket Kit 65.95 17648 AR40-50 75-1039 Gasket Kit 78.30 17649 AR65 75-1040 Gasket Kit 91.70 17650 AR80 75-1041 Gasket Kit 111.00 17651 AR100 75-1042 Gasket Kit 123.00 17654 AR20-32 75-1019 Piston Kit 325.00 17655 AR40-50 75-1025 Piston Kit 539.00 17656 AR65 75-1026 Piston Kit 684.00 17657 AR80 75-1027 Piston Kit 823.00 17660 AR20 75-1020 V-Port Seat Kit 274.00 17661 AR25 75-1021 V-Port/Seat Kit 369.00 17665 AR65 75-1031 V-Port Seat Kit 602.00 17666 AR80 75-1032 V-Port/Seat Kit 656.00 17670 AR Port 75-1071 Gasket Kit 15.45 17671 M30 M3,M3K 75-1108 Diaphragm/Gasket Kit 75.20 17699 Henry n/a Flange Gasket Suits 1 1/4 in Flange 19116 VLT 77-1004 VLT Digital Readout Kit 19127 HMMR 75-1154 V-Port Kit For HMMR 32 19128 HMMR 75-1148 Gasket Kit 20-32 mm HMMR 19129 HMMR 75-1150 Gasket Kit 40-50 mm HMMR 19130 HMMR 75-1151 Gasket Kit 80 mm HMMR 19131 HMMR 75-1167 Cartge Kit 20-32 mm HMMR 1,847.00 7.25 1,330.00 861.00 24.75 19132 HMMR 75-1168 Cartge Kit 40-50 mm HMMR 2,033.00 19133 HMMR 75-1171 Power Head for Kit Pwr SMV 5,670.00 19134 HMMR 75-1183 Pwr-Close Kit Pwr Head 7,869.00 19135 HMMR 75-1169 Cartridge Kit 80 mm HMMR 1,942.00 19136 HMMR 75-2922 Can Kit HMMR 533.00 19137 HMMR MOVT Manual Vlv Opening Tool 691.00 19138 HMMR 75-1185 Calibration Key HMMR 19139 HMMR 75-1149 Pilot Seat Kit 80 mm HMMR 262.00 19140 HMMR 75-1153 Pilot Seat Kit 100 mm HMMR 262.00 19141 HGV 50-1070 Gasket Kit 8 mm HGV 24.75 19142 H7773/4 50-1074 Gasket Kit 10 mm H7773/4 44.30 19143 Stop/H/Exp 50-1040 Gasket Kit 13-32 mm Vlv 53.60 19144 Stop/H/Exp 50-1023 Gasket Kit 40-50 mm Vlv 72.10 19145 Stop 50-1043 Gasket Kit 65-80 mm Vlv 75.20 19146 Stop 50-1065 Gasket Kit 100 mm Vlv 111.00 19147 Stop 50-1082 Gasket Kit 125 mm Vlv 132.00 19148 Stop 50-1083 Gasket Kit 150 mm Vlv 143.00 19533 Stop 50-1084 Gasket Kit 200 mm Ra Vlv 220.00 19308 HA2BK 75-1107 HA2BK Overhaul Kit 93.75 19935 Consumable - Phenol Pthalate Ammonia Test Paper 45.00 38.15 For more information on industrial products please call +64 (0)9 526 5955. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Industrial 28.85 259.00 R Ca efri pi ge ta ra l P tio la n nt Capital Plant L’unite Sealed CP196 DrawingsCP197 R404a Medium Temperature CP198 R134a Medium Temperature CP198 R404a Low Temperature CP198 Easypack Sealed Condensing Units R404a Medium Temp R404a Low Temp CP199 CP200 CP200 Realpack Packaged Refrigeration Condensing Units R404a Medium Temperature R404a Low Temperature CP201 CP201 CP201 Realcold Milk Vat Air Cooled Condensing Units On Farm Refrigeration Water Heating Options CP202 CP202 CP202 Copeland Scroll Condensing Units R404a Medium Temperature R404a Low Temperature CP203 CP203 CP203 Realcold Custom Build Semi-Sealed Units R404a Medium Temperature R404a Low Temperature CP204 CP205 CP205 Realcold Semi-Sealed Compressor Receiver Packages R404a Medium / Low Temp CP206 CP206 Realcold Semi-Sealed, Copeland Scroll Unit Accessories CP207 Liquid Line Assembly - Medium & Low Temp Models CP207 Oil Separator Assembly CP207 Oil Return Line Sightglass CP207 Suction Line Assembly CP207 Suction Line Refillable Filter Assembly CP208 Suction Line Filter Fitted Assembly CP208 Pressure Controls CP208 Capacity Controls CP208 MiscellaneousCP208 CP209 CP209 CP210 CP210 Realcold Evaporator Units HCT Series - Medium Temp - No Defrost HCT Series - Low Temp - Full Electric Defrost Rondo Series - Medium Temp - No Defrost TM Dual Discharge - Medium Temp - Air Defrost N Series Medium Temp - Air Defrost N Series - Low Temp - Full Electric Defrost S Series - Medium Temp - Air Defrost S Series - Medium Temp - Partial Defrost S Series - Low Temp - Full Electric Defrost R Series - Medium Temp - Air Defrost V Series - Medium Temp - Air Defrost R Series - Low Temp - Electric Defrost V Series - Low Temp - Electric Defrost CP211 CP212 CP212 CP212 CP212 CP213 CP213 CP214 CP214 CP214 CP215 CP215 CP215 CP215 Hc Evaporator Range Realcold Medium Temperature Evaporators Realcold Low Temperature Evaporators CP216 CP216 CP217 Ice Machines CP218 Chilled Water Packages CP222 Compressor And Condensing Unit Warranty CP223 Capital Plant Realcold Air Cooled Condensers Vertical Discharge Horizontal Discharge Hanwest Water Cooled Marine Condenser L’UNITE SEALED CP196 L’Unite Hermetique is a brand name of Tecumseh Europe, recognised as a leader in commercial refrigeration compressor manufacture. For more than 50 years, Tecumseh has been developing and manufacturing compressors, condensing units and fan motors. Reliability, performance, silent operation, easy installation and ergonomics are the driving force behind the company, with an overall focus on differentiation and development of customer loyalty. L’Unite has a proud tradition and a strong future, and the condensing unit range to suit a wide variety of applications. L’Unite Sealed condensing units feature: UL approved receivers • Fan Guard • Pre-Wired compressor and fan motor • Suction line isolating valve • Liquid line isolating valves • FH/TFH models are supplied complete with DP control / CC heater, oil level sight glass fitted CAJ4517, CAJ4519 complete with DP control • 12 month manufacturers warranty • Manufactured by Tecumseh Europe Capital Plant • Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit DRAWINGS OF L’UNITE SEALED CONDENSING UNITS Drawings CP197 CAJ Series CAE Series AEZ Series Capital Plant FH Series Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit L´UNITE SEALED CONDENSING UNITS CP198 R404a Medium Temperature Realcold Stock No. Model Nom. HP Disp. cm³ Capacity (w) Ambient 32 Dimensions (mm) -10 -5 0 7.5 10 L W H System Price $ Excl. GST 220/240 Volt 50 Hz Single Phase C9407^ AEZ4425ZHR ‘1/5 4.5 316 386 458 565 608 417 317 224 508.73 C9408^ AEZ4430ZHR ‘1/4 5.7 445 534 628 773 833 389 330 257 498.37 C9412^ AEZ4440ZHR ‘1/3 7.55 600 712 831 1012 1085 490 350 292 537.91 C9426^ CAE4450ZHR ‘3/7 9.4 738 881 1034 1274 1374 490 350 292 644.58 C9430^ CAE9460Z MHR ‘1/2 11.3 880 1035 1195 1435 1532 490 356 292 719.15 C9432^ CAE9470Z MHR ‘1/2 13.3 1123 1322 1532 1852 1984 490 430 338 771.36 C9442^ CAJ9480Z MHR ‘5/8 15.2 1317 1562 1825 2231 2397 480 430 338 994.03 C9444^ CAJ9510Z MHR ‘1 18.3 1599 1888 2196 2671 2876 486 430 338 1,067.87 C9446^ CAJ9513Z MHR ‘1 1/8 24.2 1858 2176 2488 2913 3068 486 430 338 1,148.91 C9448 CAJ4517Z HR ‘1 1/4 25.95 2354 2792 3225 3842 4079 620 510 450 1,472.56 C9450 CAJ4519Z HR ‘1 1/2 34.45 2924 3452 3999 4812 5136 620 510 450 1,553.67 C9470 FH4524ZHR ‘2 43.5 3180 3768 4400 5342 5722 620 510 450 1,784.48 C9473 FHS4531Z HR ‘2 1/2 56.65 4381 5169 5962 7111 7561 608 628 558 2,187.74 -10 -5 0 7.5 10 L W H R134a Medium Temperature Realcold Stock No. Model Nom. HP Disp. cm³ Capacity (w) Ambient 32 Dimensions (mm) System Price $ Excl. GST Capital Plant 220/240 Volt 50 Hz Single Phase C9126^ AEZ4425Y HR ‘1/5 7.55 334 418 507 644 700 417 314 224 547.74 C9130^ AEZ4430Y HR ‘1/4 8.85 416 516 625 796 867 389 330 257 547.62 C9142^ CAE4440Y HR ‘1/3 12.05 546 667 797 997 1079 389 330 257 576.01 C9150^ CAE4448Y HR ‘3/8 14.15 657 810 971 1217 1318 490 350 292 695.41 C9152^ CAE4456Y HR ‘3/7 16 721 888 1069 1353 1470 490 350 292 689.23 C9156^ CAJ4461Y HR ‘1/2 18.3 767 933 1110 1380 1487 485 356 305 831.74 C9160^ CAJ4492Y HR ‘3/4 25.95 1254 1552 1878 2390 2600 486 430 338 1,010.76 C9162^ CAJ4511Y HR ‘1 32.7 1576 1917 2279 2826 3043 486 430 338 1,115.91 C9170 FH4518Y HR ‘1 1/2 53.2 2425 3026 3690 4760 5214 620 510 450 1,605.28 C9173 FH4525Y HR ‘2 74.25 2925 3629 4389 5581 6076 630 510 450 1,690.98 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 L W H R404a Low Temperature Realcold Stock No. Model Nom. HP Disp. cm³ Capacity (w) Ambient 32 Dimensions (mm) System Price $ Excl. GST 220/240 Volt 50 Hz Single Phase C9406^ AEZ2415Z BR ‘3/8 8.1 267 337 407 484 567 417 314 224 429.68 C9418^ CAE2417Z BR ‘1/2 11.3 321 408 495 587 682 495 338 243 538.35 C9420^ CAE2420Z BR ‘1/2 12.54 394 499 605 716 832 389 330 257 623.19 C9422^ CAE2424Z BR ‘5/8 15 518 645 772 910 1057 510 356 292 622.20 C9436^ CAJ2432Z BR ‘3/4 18.3 594 729 864 1022 1195 485 342 299 713.19 C9438^ CAJ2446Z BR ‘1 26.18 937 970 1416 1690 1989 486 430 338 1,002.50 C9440^ CAJ2464Z BR ‘1 1/2 35.45 1172 1463 1755 2067 2382 486 430 338 1,119.98 C9462 FH2480Z BR ‘2 53.2 1641 2030 2519 2980 3417 620 510 450 1,533.89 • ^ Note that these units do not include a pressure switch. • All ratings are based on an ambient of +30°C , 10K Superheat, 2K Sub-Cooling. • Refer to warranty section of catalogue for warranty details. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit EASYPACK SEALED CONDENSING UNITS CP199 EasyPack - Realcold Condensing Units Feature: • All units fitted with dual pressure controls • Compressor / fan motor wired (Single Phase Units Only) • Liquid line isolating valves • Suction isolating valves • FH & TFH models are complete with crankcase heaters, oil sight glasses • Unit warranty as per page CP225 Custom Design & Build Service Realcold offer a full range of custom designed units based upon the L’Unite Sealed and the Frascold Semi/Screw range of Compressors. Capital Plant These units can be manufactured to suit your individual requirements encompassing all of the common refrigerants from R134a through to C02. Please contact your local Realcold branch for further information. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit EASYPACK CONDENSING UNITS CP200 R404a Medium Temp Realcold Stock No. Compressor H/P Capacity (w) Ambient 32 -10 -5 0 5 10 Suction Liquid (mm) (mm) Wgt (Kg) Sound Dimensions (mm) Power L W H (dBA) System Price Excl. GST 220/240 Volt 50Hz Single Phase C0757E CAJ 9513 Z 1 1/8 2108 2405 2807 3220 3635 15.9 9.5 47 76 550 650 465 1,450.00 C0758E CAJ 4517 Z 1 1/4 2272 2845 3168 3634 4100 15.9 9.5 60 77 600 600 560 1,525.00 C0759E CAJ 4519 Z 1 1/2 2526 3638 4241 4864 5499 15.9 9.5 60 79 600 600 560 1,795.00 C0762E FH 4524 Z 2 3586 4291 5023 5786 6587 15.9 9.5 73 79 600 600 560 2,532.00 C0764E FH 4531 Z 2 1/2 4855 5850 6764 7754 8767 22.2 9.5 76 79 600 600 560 2,839.00 -10 -5 0 5 10 Suction Liquid (mm) (mm) Wgt (Kg) Sound Dimensions (mm) Power L W H (dBA) System Price Excl. GST R404a Medium Temp Realcold Stock No. Compressor H/P Capacity (w) Ambient 32 400 Volt 50Hz Three Phase C0964E TFH 4540 Z 3 5628 6740 7908 9149 10481 22.2 12.7 80 82 600 600 560 2,839.00 C0968E TAG 4553 Z 4 1/2 7332 8948 10685 12509 14387 22.2 12.7 118 84 1080 680 565 3,350.00 C0971E TAG 4561 Z 5 7567 9713 11323 13365 15382 28.6 12.7 118 84 1080 680 565 3,680.00 C0973E TAG 4573 Z 6 1/4 10023 12034 14168 16426 18808 28.6 12.7 135 84 1080 680 565 3,980.00 C0977E 2 x TAGP 4553 Z 9 13946 17104 20605 24207 27667 28.6 15.9 213 87 1420 730 870 5,500.00 C0980E 2 x TAGP 4561 Z 10 16904 20225 23683 27278 31010 28.6 15.9 218 87 1420 730 870 6,250.00 C0985E 2 x TAGP 4573 Z 12 22356 25974 30077 34665 39738 28.6 15.9 218 87 1420 730 870 6,875.00 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 Suction Liquid (mm) (mm) Wgt (Kg) Sound Dimensions (mm) Power L W H (dBA) System Price Excl. GST R404a Low Temp Realcold Stock No. Compressor H/P Capacity (w) Ambient 32 Capital Plant 220/240 Volt 50Hz Single Phase C0787E CAJ 2464 Z 1 1/2 1184 1495 1840 2212 2608 15.9 9.5 40 76 550 650 395 1,484.00 C0789E FH 2480 Z 2 1800 2271 2746 3225 3709 15.9 9.5 73 79 600 600 560 2,165.00 Suction Liquid (mm) (mm) Wgt (Kg) Sound Dimensions (mm) Power L W H (dBA) System Price Excl. GST R404a Low Temp Realcold Stock No. Compressor H/P Capacity (w) Ambient 32 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 400 Volt 50Hz Three Phase C0793E TFH 2511 Z 3 2356 3030 3767 4566 5427 15.9 9.5 80 82 600 600 560 2,567.00 C0794E TAG 2516 Z 4 3268 4188 5188 6269 7430 22.2 9.5 107 81 1080 680 565 3,064.00 C0795E TAG 2522 Z 5 4202 5401 6674 8019 9438 22.2 9.5 107 81 1080 680 565 4,220.00 C0796E 2 x TFHP 2511 Z 6 4633 5921 7296 8619 10006 28.6 9.5 156 81 1080 800 570 6,750.00 CO797E 2 x TAGP 2516 Z 8 6508 8417 10540 12878 15430 22.2 15.9 210 82 1420 730 870 7,250.00 C0798E 2 x TAGP 2522 Z 10 7713 9850 12220 14822 17658 28.6 15.9 215 83 1420 730 870 8,750.00 Note: All of the EasyPack Units are available for operation on R134a. Please contact the Technical Department with your requirements. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit REALPACK PACKAGED REFRIGERATION CONDENSING UNITS CP201 RealPack Features: • Tecumseh L’Unite Hermetique compressors • Designed for R404a and R507 refrigerants • Suitable for ambient temperatures up to 46°C - low operating cost • Condenser fan control for stable operation • Condenser coil protection • Oil Separator on all models • Liquid drier and sight glass on all models • Suction Accumulator on low temperature models • Easy access to all serviceable components • Easy and cost effective installation - fully wired & robust powder coated enclosure R404a Medium Temperature Realcold Stock No. Compressor Nom. HP Capacity (w) Ambient 32 -10 -5 0 5 10 2269 2863 3559 4356 5256 Suction Liquid connect. connect. Dimensions (mm) L W H 1070 480 750 System Price $ Excl. Gst 240 Volt 50Hz Single Phase C9513 CAJ4517Z 1 1/4 5/8 3/8 3,055.92 C9515 CAJ4519Z 1 1/2 2992 3783 4686 5702 6829 5/8 3/8 1070 480 750 3,402.72 C9520 FH4524Z 2 3516 4460 5546 6773 8143 5/8 3/8 1070 480 750 3,645.48 C9525 TFH4531Z 2 1/2 4566 5813 7225 8805 10551 5/8 3/8 1285 625 820 4,256.46 C9530 TFH4540Z 3 6155 7571 9235 11147 13307 5/8 3/8 1285 625 820 4,843.98 C9545 TAG4553Z 4 1/2 6764 8855 11372 14317 17690 7/8 1/2 1285 625 820 5,142.84 5,555.94 C9550 TAG4561Z 5 8163 10446 13234 16526 20326 7/8 1/2 1285 625 820 C9561 TAG4573Z 6 1/4 10633 13346 16638 20511 24966 7/8 1/2 1285 625 820 5,703.84 C9575 2xTAGP4546Z 7 1/2 11716 15690 20244 25380 31100 1 1/8 5/8 1660 790 1015 8,800.00 C9590 2xTAGP4561Z 10 16326 20892 26468 33052 40652 1 1/8 5/8 1660 790 1015 9,850.00 C9596 2xTAGP4573Z 12 1/2 21266 26692 33276 41022 5/8 1660 790 1015 10,500.00 49932 1 1/8 R404a Low Temperature Realcold Stock No. Compressor Nom. HP Capacity (w) Ambient 32 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 1741 2296 2852 3518 4209 Suction Liquid connect. connect. Dimensions (mm) System Price $ Excl. Gst L W H 1070 480 750 3,876.00 4,396.20 220/240 Volt 50Hz Single Phase C9522 FH2480Z 2 5/8 3/8 400 Volt 50Hz Three Phase C9532 TFH2511Z 3 2503 3206 3910 4743 5617 5/8 3/8 1285 625 820 C9542 TAG2516Z 4 3406 4498 5590 6865 8212 7/8 1/2 1285 625 820 5,056.14 C9552 TAG2522Z 5 4455 5746 7037 8563 10179 7/8 1/2 1285 625 820 5,279.52 C9580 2xTAGP2516Z 8 6750 8874 10999 13503 16118 1 1/8 5/8 1660 790 1015 9,450.00 C9593 2xTAGP2522Z 10 9144 11693 14243 17657 21182 1 1/8 5/8 1660 790 1015 9,890.00 • Note that all capacities are rated at 30°C ambient, 10K superheat, 2K sub-cooling. • For complete technical data, refer to Appendix TD227. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Capital Plant 415 Volt 50Hz Three Phase REALCOLD MILK VAT AIR COOLED CONDENSING UNITS CP202 Realcold Milk Vat Units (RMV) Next Generation for On-farm Refrigeration. Purpose built with the milk shed environment and servicing in mind. Ease of service: Simple in its design. No unnecessary complicated electronics. Components available from a wide range of suppliers. Proven reliability: Retains use of reciprocating technology in an innovative way. No compromising system efficiency. Availability: Units held in stock. Affordable: Competitively priced. Superior Efficiency: Multiplexed compressors enable the most efficient use of energy. Ease of adaptability: Adaptable to a wide range of applications, from a single platform: • Saturation temperatures from +20°C to -35°C • Condensing temperatures up to +55°C • Capacities from 2 kW to 40 kW On Farm Refrigeration Realcold Stock No. Model Compressor Nom. HP Cooling Capacity kW Dimensions (mm) L D Weight (Dry) Kg System Price $ Excl. Gst H 380 - 415V 50Hz Three Phase C6720 RMV 450 TAG 4553Z 4.5 11.4 1080 680 565 118 POA C6721 RMV 600 TAG 4573Z 6.0 15.1 1080 680 565 135 POA C6722 RMV 900 TAG 4553Z 9.0 22.0 1420 730 870 213 POA C6723 RMV 1000 TAG 4561Z 10.0 25.1 1420 730 870 218 POA C6724 RMV 1200 TAG 4573Z 12.0 31.9 1420 730 870 218 POA C6725 RMV 1500 TAG 4561Z 15.0 36.3 1900 1120 870 300 POA Capital Plant Water Heating Options Realcold Stock No. Normal Desuperheaters Realcold Stock No. Full Size Desuperheaters Model Hot Water Heating Capacity kW* OHC15-20 OHC15-20 OHC15-20 OHC15-20 OHC15-30 OHC15-30 OMC60-20 OMC60-20 OMC60-30 OMC60-30 OMC60-30 OMC60-40 RMV 450 RMV 600 RMV 900 RMV 1000 RMV 1200 RMV 1500 5 8.3 11 12.4 15.2 18.2 System Price $ Excl. GST Normal / Full Size Desuperheaters POA POA POA POA POA POA Features include: • Single, Twin or Triple multiplexed compressors offering staged capacity control over a wide range of applications. • 6 sizes, covering capacities from 11 to 36 kW. • ASERCOM compressor certification, assuring independent verification of published performance capacity figures. • Horizontial air flow. Performance rated at up to 55 degrees condensing temperature. Specifications: • Compressor: Each high efficiency hermetic type compressor is hermetically sealed, quiet running and supported on rubber mounts to minimise vibration. • Cooling Capacity: Rated @ 2°C SST / 45°C SCT / 32°C Ambient on R404a refrigerant. • Refrigeration Piping: The standard unit allows for a line length of up to 30m. • Wiring: Electrical supply required (including voltage fluctuation limits). 3 phase 342-436 V a.c. 50 Hz with neutral and earth. A control panel located in the outdoor unit is fully wired, ready to accept the main power supply. • Safety Features: HP / LP switch and an anti rapid cycle timer for compressor protection. The compressor also has internal overload protection. Circuit breaker control circuits. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit COPELAND SCROLL CONDENSING UNITS CP203 Custom Design & Build Service Copeland Scroll Condensing Units, both sealed and semi, are designed and manufactured in New Zealand, using Copeland Compressors. All units can be manufactured to suit your individual requirements. Refer to the following accessory pages for options and pricing. (Note: Condensing units must be selected on rated capacity NOT nominal HP rating). Copeland Scroll Condensing Units include: • Units fitted with Copeland ZB refrigeration rated scroll compressors (not ZR air con rated models) • All units fitted with dual pressure controls • Receiver outlet valve • Compressor Rotolock valves • Oil and sight glass • Unit warranty as per page CP223 R404a Medium Temperature Realcold Stock No. Model Compressor Nom. HP M³ / HR Disp. R404a Condenser Capacity in Watts @ -5°C SST L D H Dimensions (mm) System Price $ Excl. Gst 380/415 Volt 50Hz Three Phase CUS 0223 CMTZ 400 ZB30KQE-TFD 4.0 11.8 8530 SCS2150 1052 914 519 POA CUS 0225 CMTZ 500 ZB38KQE-TFD 5.0 14.5 10430 SCT2170 1269 914 723 POA CUS 0228 CMTZ 600 ZB45KQE-TFD 6.0 17.2 12460 SCT2215 1269 914 723 POA CUS 0230 CMTZ 750 ZB58KQE-TFD 7.5 20.9 13850 SCT2215 1269 914 723 POA CUS 0233 CMTZ 1000 ZB76KQE-TFD 10.0 28.9 19860 SCR2275 1484 1034 775 POA CUS 0235 CMTZ 1300 ZB92KCE-TWD 13.0 35.6 25290 SCR2385 1484 1034 928 POA CUS 0238 CMTZ 1500 ZB11MCE-TWD 15.0 42.1 30960 SCR2475 1484 1034 1028 POA Nom. HP M³ / HR Disp. R404a Condenser Capacity in Watts @ -25°C SST L D H R404a Low Temperature Model Compressor Dimensions (mm) System Price $ Excl. Gst 380/415 Volt 50Hz Three Phase CUS 0263 CLTZ 600 ZF18K4E-TFD 6.0 17.2 5850 SCS2150 1052 914 723 POA CUS 0265 CLTZ 750 ZF24K4E-TFD 7.5 20.9 7110 SCT2170 1269 914 723 POA CUS 0268 CLTZ 1000 ZF33K4E-TFD 10.0 28.9 9670 SCT2215 1269 914 723 POA CUS 0270 CLTZ 1300 ZF40K4E-TFD 13.0 35.6 12090 SCR2275 1484 1034 776 POA CUS 0273 CLTZ 1500 ZF48K4E-TFD 15.0 42.1 14950 SCR2385 1484 1034 928 POA • Note that all capacities are rated at 30°C ambient, 10K useful superheat, 2K sub-cooling. • For complete technical data, refer to appendix TD227. • For accessories, refer to CP215 & CP216. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Capital Plant Realcold Stock No. REALCOLD CUSTOM BUILD SEMI-SEALED UNITS CP204 Custom Design & Build Service Frascold semi-sealed condensing units, are designed and manufactured in New Zealand, using Frascold Compressors. All units can be manufactured to suit your individual requirements. Refer to the following accessory pages for options and pricing. (Note Condensing units must be selected on rated capacity NOT nominal HP rating). Frascold Condensing Units include: • Units fitted with Frascold refrigeration rated semi-sealed compressors (not ZR air con rated models) • All units fitted with dual pressure controls • Receiver outlet valve • Compressor Rotolock valves • Oil and sight glass • Unit warranty as per page CP225 R407A Underwriters Laboratory Low Clearance High Capacity Piston Valve Plate Assembly features on all Frascold compressors. Specially contoured pistons and low cylinder clearance = increased capacity. R407B R407c R134a R507 Capital Plant R404a EC 93/68/CEE Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit REALCOLD CUSTOM BUILD SEMI-SEALED UNITS CP205 R404a Medium Temperature Realcold Stock No. Model Nom. HP M³ / HR Disp. R404a Condenser Capacity in Watts @ -5°C SST L W H Dimensions (mm) System Price $ Excl. Gst 220/240 Volt 50Hz Single Phase C5317M SAR16A 1.0 5.47 3270 SCN148 570 415 405 POA C5323M SAR157A 1.5 6.91 4100 SCS158 974 649 519 POA 380/415 Volt 50Hz Three Phase C5329M SAR157A 1.5 6.91 4100 SCS158 974 649 519 POA C5333M SAR210B 2.0 9.84 6090 SCT189 974 665 620 POA C5346M SAR313D 3.0 13.84 8150 SCT1120 974 1052 620 POA C5349M SAR418D 4.0 17.83 9990 SCT2170 914 1269 723 POA C5359M SAR524F 5.0 23.60 14790 SCT2215 914 1269 723 POA C5362M SAR728Q 7.5 27.31 17110 SCT2215 914 1269 723 POA C5366M SAR733S 7.5 32.80 20690 SCR2275 1034 1469 775 POA C5374M SAR1039S 10.0 38.25 23650 SCR2385 1034 1469 928 POA C5379M SAR1551S 15.0 50.43 30910 SCR2475 1034 1469 1028 POA *C5382M SAR2059V 20.0 58.48 36710 SCV2720 1096 2154 965 POA *C5386M SAR2571V 25.0 70.97 44540 SCV2720 1096 2154 965 POA *C5387M SAR3084V 30.0 83.81 53000 SCV2850 1096 2154 1065 POA *C5390M SAR35106Z 35.0 106.16 63410 SCV2850 1096 2154 1065 POA M³ / HR Disp. R404a Condenser Capacity in Watts @ -25°C SST L W H R404a Low Temperature Realcold Stock No. Model Nom. HP Dimensions (mm) System Price $ Excl. Gst 220/240 Volt 50Hz Single Phase C5319L SAR159B 1.5 8.96 2320 SCS158 974 649 519 POA C5321L SAR159B 1.5 8.96 2320 SCS158 974 649 519 POA C5337L SAR213D 2.0 13.84 3550 SCT189 974 649 620 POA C5341L SAR318D 3.0 17.83 4850 SCT1120 974 649 620 POA C5351L SAR424F 4.0 23.60 6580 SCS2150 914 1052 723 POA C5362L SAR528Q 5.0 27.31 7430 SCS2150 914 1052 519 POA C5366L SAR733S 7.5 32.80 8800 SCT2170 914 1269 723 POA C5368L SAR739S 7.5 38.25 10820 SCT2215 914 1269 723 POA C5377L SAR1051S 10.0 50.43 14080 SCT2255 914 1269 723 POA *C5380L SAR1559V 15.0 58.48 15700 SCR2275 1034 1484 776 POA *C5381L SAR1571V 15.0 70.77 19380 SCR2385 1034 1484 928 POA *C5384L SAR2084V 20.0 83.81 22500 SCR2475 1034 1484 1028 POA *C5389L SAR25106Z 25.0 106.16 29350 SCV2720 1096 2154 965 POA *C5391L SAR30126Z 30.0 125.72 35020 SCV2850 1096 2154 1065 POA *C5393L SAR40154Z 40.0 154.38 41660 SCV2850 1096 2154 1065 POA * Units fitted with Oil Pressure Safety Control. • Note that all capacities are rated at 30°C ambient, 10K useful superheat, 2K sub-cooling • For complete technical data, refer to appendix TD228. • For accessories, refer to CP215 & CP216. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Capital Plant 380/415 Volt 50Hz Three Phase REALCOLD SEMI-SEALED COMPRESSOR RECEIVER PACKAGES CP206 Realcold Semi-Sealed Compressor Receiver Packages • Compressor Receiver Packages are supplied complete with two Rotolock valves, a Pressure Relief Valve and a Dual Pressure Control. Oil Protection Controls fitted to V/Z & W only. • Receivers are designed and constructed in accordance with the requirements of BS5500 (1988). • Refrigeration capacities rated @ 40°C condensing temperature, 2°C sub-cooled liquid, 10°C useful superheat. • Refer to page CP207 for accessories. • See warranty section of catalogue for warranty details. • Note: Custom Built Parallel Racks are available - please talk with our Technical Applications Engineers who will be happy to discuss options with you. R404a Medium / Low Temp Capital Plant Realcold Stock No. Model Nom. HP M³ / HR Disp. R404a Capacity in Watts @ +40°C SCT (W) -5°C SST -25°C SST R404a Pump Down Capacity (Kg) System Price $ Excl. Gst Application R404a R22 R134a C5429 CR728Q 7.5 29.36 18390 7510 33 HML HML HM POA C5433 CR733S 7.5 32.80 21870 8770 33 HML HML HM POA C5434 CR739S 7.5 38.25 - 10850 33 L L HM POA C5439 CR1039S 10 38.25 25900 10690 54 M HML HM POA C5442 CR1051S 10 50.43 - 14120 54 L L HM POA C5444 CR1551S 15 50.43 33400 13480 54 M M HM POA *C5445 CR1559V 15 58.84 - 16160 54 ML ML HM POA *C5450 CR1571V 15 70.77 - 19440 54 L ML HM POA *C5455 CR2059V 20 58.84 39220 15790 80 HML HML HM POA *C5462 CR2084V 20 83.81 - 23410 80 L ML HM POA *C5464 CR2571V 25 70.77 46620 18780 80 HML HM HM POA *C5466 CR3084V 30 83.81 55710 22770 80 HML HM HM POA *C5467 CR25106Z 25 106.16 - 28960 80 L ML HM POA *C5468 CR30126Z 30 125.72 - 34760 80 L ML HM POA *C5470 CR35106Z 35 106.16 70460 28350 105 HML HM HM POA *C5475 CR40126Z 40 125.72 84730 34190 105 HML HM HM POA *C5477 CR40154Z 40 154.38 - 43400 80 ML ML HM POA *C5480 CR50154Z 50 154.38 104410 41970 105 ML HM HM POA *C5482 CR50187W 50 186.10 - 53080 105 L L M POA *C5485 CR60187W 60 186.10 127640 51100 105 ML ML HM POA *C5488 CR60206W 60 205.80 - 58650 105 L L HM POA *C5491 CR70206W 70 205.80 140220 56640 105 ML HM HM POA * Compressor fitted with Oil Pressure Safety Control. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit REALCOLD SEMI-SEALED, COPELAND SCROLL UNIT ACCESSORIES CP207 Liquid Line Assembly - Medium & Low Temp Models Includes Drier, Liquid Moisture Indicator, Solenoid Valve, Pipework Fitted Realcold Stock No. Line Size Drier Size Refillable Shell Suits Models System Price $ Excl. Gst C5901 1/4" Assy DCY052 - 0.75 HP C5903 3/8" Assy DCY083 - 1.5 HP to 2 HP C5904 1/2" Assy DCY084 - 2 HP to 5 HP 325.38 C5906 1/2" Assy DCY414 - 5 HP to 7.5 HP 365.16 C5908 5/8" Assy DCY415 - 7.5 HP Medium Temp Only 416.16 C5909 5/8" Assy BCY485S One 10 HP to 20 HP Medium Temp Only 613.02 C5911 7/8" Assy BCY9675 Two 20 HP to 40 HP 678.30 C5912 1 1/8" Assy BCY9695 Two 40 HP to 70 HP Low Temp Only 742.56 C5913 1 3/8" Assy C-14411G Three 60 HP to 70 HP Medium Temp Only 289.68 315.18 1,050.60 Note: Low Temperature -25°C Evap. Medium Temperature -5°C Evap. Oil Separator Assembly Includes Oil Separator, Vibration Eliminator, Pipework Fitted Realcold Stock No. Line Size Suits HP System Price $ Excl. Gst C5931 1/2" 1 HP to 1 1/2 HP 329.46 C5932 5/8" 2 HP to 3 HP 335.58 C5933 7/8" 4 HP to 5 HP 422.28 C5934 1 1/8" 7 1/2 HP to 20 HP 482.46 C5935 1 3/8" 25 HP to 35 HP 563.04 C5936 1 5/8" 40 HP to 50 HP 728.28 C5937 2 1/8" 50 HP to 60 HP 918.00 C5938 2 5/8" 60 HP to 70 HP 1,868.64 Realcold Stock No. Line Size Suits HP C5995 3/8” sweat. All models 3/4 HP to 10 HP System Price $ Excl. Gst 69.36 Suction Line Assembly Suits Models Up To SAR1051S. Includes Accumulator, Vibration Eliminator and Pipework Fitted Realcold Stock No. Line Size Suits Models System Price $ Excl. Gst C5945 5/8" Assy 1.5 HP 235.62 C5946 3/4" Assy 2 HP Medium Temp Only 239.70 C5947 7/8" Assy 2 HP Low Temp Only 278.46 C5948 1 1/8" Assy 3 HP to 6 HP 302.94 C5949 1 3/8" Assy 7.5 HP to 15 HP 425.34 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Capital Plant Oil Return Line Sightglass REALCOLD SEMI-SEALED, COPELAND SCROLL UNIT ACCESSORIES CP208 Suction Line Refillable Filter Assembly Suits models SA728F up to CR70206W. Includes Refillable Filter, Accumulator, Vibration Eliminator and Pipework Fitted Realcold Stock No. Line Size Suits Models C5956 C5957 C5958 C5959 C5961 1 3/8" Assy (c/w one core drier) 1 5/8" Assy (c/w one core drier) 2 1/8" Assy (c/w one core drier) 2 5/8" Assy (c/w two core drier) 3 1/8" Assy (c/w two core drier) 6 HP to 10 HP 15 HP to 20 HP 25 HP to 35 HP 40 HP to 50 HP 50 HP to 70 HP System Price $ Excl. Gst 721.14 817.02 1,504.50 2,642.82 2,771.34 Suction Line Filter Fitted Assembly Includes Filter and Pipework Fitted Realcold Stock No. Line Size Suits Models C5966 C5968 C5969 C5970 5/8" Assy 7/8" Assy 1 1/8" Assy 1 3/8" Assy 1.5 HP 2 HP 3 HP to 5 HP 7.5 HP to 10 HP System Price $ Excl. Gst 102.46 105.06 110.16 114.24 Pressure Controls Realcold Stock No. Description C5987 C5988 C5989 LP Pump Down Control - Fitted HP Condenser Fan Control - Fitted HP/LP Control Fitted System Price $ Excl. Gst 130.56 131.58 187.68 Capital Plant Capacity Controls Realcold Stock No. Description C5221 C5225 To suit “T” & “S” Series (Mk II) 1 cylinder head c/w solenoid 50% control To suit “Z” & “V” & “W” Series 1 head only. 1 head for “V”=50% control. 1 head for “Z” = 33% control 2 heads for “Z”=33% & 66% control (Z:33%+66% = 2 x C5225) 2 heads for “W”=50% & 75% control (W:50%+75% = 2 x C5225 System Price $ Excl. Gst 402.90 430.44 Miscellaneous Realcold Stock No. Description R0316 R0552 R0553 R0555 C5805 C5808 R0824 Rubber Mounts 40 x 40 mm, 2 - 3HP Crankcase Heater F, S, T Series, 70 Watt, Fitted Crankcase Heater A, B, D Series, 50 Watt, Fitted Crankcase Heater (to suit V, W, Z Series) MK 2, 150 Watt Plain Shank, Fitted Head Cooling Fan (to suit A, B, D, F Series), Fitted Head Cooling Fan (to suit S, T, V, Z Series), Fitted Delta-P Oil Differential Pressure Switch (to suit V, Z and W Series) System Price $ Excl. Gst 35.75 160.14 160.14 238.68 514.08 532.44 536.52 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit REALCOLD AIR COOLED CONDENSERS CP209 Realcold Air Cooled Condensers Feature: Manufactured by Steelfort, well known for its quality and innovation, these Air Cooled Condensers are the brand of choice for a wide range of applications. Features include: Casing: The casing is made from the highest quality aluminium construction, utilising rust free stainless steel fasteners throughout. Heat Exchange Element (coil): Die formed plate type aluminium fins mechanically bonded to high efficiency inner grooved (rifled) copper tube. Optional Epoxy Coated Aluminium Fins: For added protection in salt laden or polluted atmospheres. Fans: Standard 630 diameter basket grill. Optional Ziehl or EC fans on request. Custom built: Custom built units outside the standard range available on request. Vertical Discharge Realcold Stock No. Model Capacity kW @ 15KTD Air Flow No.Fans Total Amps Dimensions (mm) L D H System Price $ Excl. Gst C5660 SCV 2100 100 6.6 2 3.6/ph. 2064 1243 1210 6,962.52 C5661 SCV 2115 115 6.9 2 3.6/ph. 2257 1243 1210 8,658.78 C5662 SCV 3145 144 10.4 3 5.4/ph. 3064 1243 1210 9,284.04 C5663 SCV 3160 162 9.9 3 5.4/ph. 3064 1243 1210 10,887.48 C5664 SCV 4200 196 12.8 4 7.2/ph. 3664 1243 1210 12,582.72 C5665 SCV 5230 230 17.5 5 9.0/ph. 4564 1243 1210 13,360.98 C5670 SCV 4200-2 200 13.2 4 7.2/ph. 2064 1243 1210 13,803.66 C5671 SCV 6280 288 20.8 6 7.2/ph. 3064 1243 1210 18,185.58 C5672 SCV 6320 324 19.8 6 10.8/ph. 3064 1243 1210 21,772.92 C5673 SCV 8390 392 25.6 8 14.4/ph. 3664 1243 1210 24,857.40 C5674 SCV 10460 460 35.0 10 18.0/ph. 4564 1243 1210 26,033.46 Dual Series Condensers - Ammonia • Realcold is able to offer a range of Ammonia Air Cooled Condensers. • Please contact the Realcold Technical Team if you would like to discuss this option in more detail and they will offer advice and solutions for you. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Capital Plant Note: For complete technical data, refer to Appendix TD235 - TD238. REALCOLD AIR COOLED CONDENSERS CP210 Horizontal Discharge Realcold Stock No. Model R404a Capacity in Watts @ 15°KTD Fans No. / Dia No. / mm L Dimensions (mm) D H System Price $ Excl. Gst Single Phase C8013 SCT 168 6659 1 x 400 630 205 530 684.42 C8015 SCT 189 8717 1 x 400 630 205 530 770.10 C8017 SCT 1120 11951 1 x 400 630 205 530 951.66 C8019 SCS 2120 11657 2 x 350 980 205 430 1,025.10 C8021 SCS 2150 14406 2 x 350 980 205 430 1,133.22 C8023 SCT 2170 16758 2 x 400 1200 205 635 1,207.68 C8025 SCT 2215 20977 2 x 400 1200 205 635 1,387.20 C8027 SCT 2255 25093 2 x 400 1200 205 635 1,569.78 C8029 SCR 2275 27500 2 x 500 1400 285 635 2,517.36 C8031 SCR 2385 38500 2 x 500 1400 285 840 3,000.84 C8033 SCR 2475 47250 2 x 500 1400 255 940 3,478.20 C8041 SCV 2720 72030 2 x 630 2050 285 840 4,663.44 C8043 SCV 2850 84481 2 x 630 2050 285 940 5,632.44 Three Phase • All fans up to 500 mm 230V 1PH and 630 mm 400V 3PH. • All Condensers fitted with fan motors and guards. Gussetts to be ordered extra. • For complete technical data, refer to Appendix TD235 - TD238. Hanwest Water Cooled Marine Condenser Capital Plant Hanwest incorporates the latest in refrigerant heat exchanger technology. Compact, with high level of heat exchanger efficiency using cupro nickel tube. The best marine water cooled condensers for refrigeration or air conditioning installations. Ratings Based on Water Entering Temperature 30°C and 42°C Condensing. Realcold Stock No. Model Water Flow Rate Watts @ 10 KTD System Price $ Excl. Gst F2002 CN2 0.16 L/sec 4836 F2003* CN3 0.20 L/sec 7000 831.30 F2004* CN4 0.17 L/sec 8250 955.74 F2005* CN5 0.37 L/sec 15800 1,091.40 F2006* CN6 0.62 L/sec 21100 1,227.06 F2010 Parallel Manifold 1" BSPT for CN2 775.20 36.26 * These models are available on an indent basis only. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit REALCOLD EVAPORATOR UNITS CP211 Realcold Evaporator Coils Units Feature: • Compact size to cooling capacity ratio. • Excellent surface area to cooling capacity ratio. • Hinged drain pan with “thumbscrews” for easy access to defrost elements and condensate pan. • Hinged side covers with “thumbscrews” for easy access to TEV, heater safety Klixon. • Motors and defrost elements are all pre-wired to terminal connections in the electrical box. • 1/4” access port on all coils is a standard feature for checking in-coil pressures and setting up superheats. • Flat 4 mm slotted mounting brackets for very quick easy installation. Top of evaporator coil only 4 mm from ceiling panel easy to seal for hygiene purposes. • Standard 4.2 mm fin spacing on medium temperature and low temperature models, easily inter-changed from low to medium temperature applications. Alternative fin spacing available on request. • Light weight construction, even the large capacity coils are easy to lift, range from 17-75 Kg on the N Series range, 92-98 Kg on the S Series range, 132-242 Kg on the R Series range and 242-510 Kg on the V Series range. HDT Capital Plant Rondo Single Fan Rondo Two Fan HCT Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit REALCOLD EVAPORATOR UNITS CP212 HCT Series - Medium Temp - No Defrost Realcold Stock No. Model Capacity @ 6 KTD 134a 404a Dimensions (mm) L W H Connections Inlet Outlet Drain (BSP) Weight (Kg) Charge R404a (Kg) System Price $ Excl. GST W4600 HCT-251-2R 418 410 425 450 175 9.5 9.5 12.7 5.5 0.6 357.00 W4603 HCT-252-2R 990 970 750 450 175 9.5 9.5 12.7 11 1.0 554.88 598.74 W4605 HCT-252-3R 1235 1210 750 450 175 9.5 9.5 12.7 16 1.3 W4607 HCT-253-3R 1857 1820 750 450 175 9.5 12.5 20 20 1.9 823.14 W4609 HCT-254-3R 2480 2430 1400 450 175 9.5 12.5 20 30 2.0 1,066.92 Drain (BSP) Weight (Kg) Charge R404a (Kg) HCT Series - Low Temp - Full Electric Defrost Realcold Stock No. Model Capacity @ 6 KTD 134a 404a Dimensions (mm) L W H Connections Inlet Outlet System Price $ Excl. GST Capacity at -24SST / 6KTD R404a W4604 HCT-252-2RE - 830 750 450 175 9.5 9.5 20 11 1 722.16 W4606 HCT-252-3RE - 1016 750 450 175 9.5 12.5 20 16 1.3 766.02 W4608 HCT-253-3RE - 1528 1075 450 175 9.5 12.5 20 16 1.9 1,060.80 W4610 HCT-254-3RE - 2041 1400 450 175 9.5 12.5 20 16 2.3 1,378.02 Drain (BSP) Weight (Kg) Charge R404a (Kg) Rondo Series - Medium Temp - No Defrost Realcold Stock No. Model 134a 404a L W H Inlet W4000 Rondo 240 837 820 450 440 115 9.5 9.5 12.5 5.1 1.2 533.46 W4002 Rondo 340 1133 1110 450 440 140 9.5 9.5 12.5 6.2 1.2 564.06 Capacity @ 6 KTD Dimensions (mm) Connections Outlet System Price $ Excl. GST W4008 Rondo 440 1476 1446 450 440 165 9.5 9.5 12.5 9 1.5 593.64 W4009 Rondo 500 1926 1887 760 430 170 9.5 9.5 12.5 11 2.0 657.90 W4010 Rondo 700 2372 2325 760 430 220 9.5 9.5 12.5 13 4.0 912.90 W4012 Rondo 900 3020 2960 1060 530 240 9.5 9.5 12.5 27 7.0 1,237.26 Drain (BSP) Weight (Kg) Charge R404a (Kg) TM Dual Discharge - Medium Temp - Air Defrost Capital Plant Realcold Stock No. Model Capacity @ 6 KTD 134a 404a Dimensions (mm) L W H Connections Inlet Outlet System Price $ Excl. GST W5500 TM140 4165 4082 1224 845 355 12.7 22.3 20 38 2.0 1,440.24 W5502 TM270 7143 7000 1705 850 360 12.7 22.3 20 59 3.0 2,283.78 W5504 TM3100 10204 10000 2205 850 360 12.7 28.1 20 85 4.2 3,178.32 W5508 TM4140 14286 14000 2705 850 360 12.7 28.1 20 121 6.0 4,114.68 Note: For complete technical data, refer to Appendix TD239 - TD243. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit REALCOLD EVAPORATOR UNITS - N SERIES CP213 N Series Medium Temp - Air Defrost Realcold Stock No. Model Intern / Extern Capacity @ 6KTD Dimensions (mm) Connections 134a 404a L W H Inlet Outlet 1400 1372 770 400 395 12.7 15.9 System Price $ Excl. GST Drain (BSP) Weight (Kg) Charge R404a (Kg) 20 17 0.19 622.20 676.26 Capacity at -4 SST / 6 KTD W5000 NM114 Intern W5002 NM117 Intern 1690 1656 770 400 395 12.7 15.9 20 18 0.25 W5004 NM121 Intern 2090 2048 770 400 395 12.7 15.9 20 19 0.32 778.26 W5006 NM124 Intern 2370 2323 975 400 395 12.7 15.9 20 21 0.33 826.20 W5008 NM127 Intern 2710 2656 975 400 395 12.7 15.9 20 23 0.41 889.44 W5010 NM232 Intern 3200 3136 1270 400 395 12.7 15.9 20 25 0.34 1,026.12 1,096.50 W5012 NM240 Extern 3950 3871 1270 400 395 12.7 15.9 20 27 0.46 W5014 NM245 Extern 4520 4430 1270 400 395 12.7 22.3 20 29 0.58 1.181.16 W5016 NM254 Extern 5450 5341 1770 400 395 12.7 22.3 20 44 0.67 1,402.50 W5018 NM464 Extern 6400 6272 2270 400 395 12.7 22.3 20 50 0.66 1,622.82 W5020 NM374 Extern 7400 7252 1770 400 395 12.7 22.3 20 47 0.84 1,659.54 W5022 NM479 Extern 7895 7737 2270 400 395 15.9 28.1 20 58 0.88 1,801.32 Drain (BSP) Weight (Kg) Charge R404a (Kg) N Series - Low Temp - Full Electric Defrost Realcold Stock No. Model Intern / Extern Capacity @ 6KTD 134a 404a Dimensions (mm) L W H Connections Inlet Outlet System Price $ Excl. GST W5050 NL112 Intern - 1210 770 400 395 12.7 15.9 20 17 0.53 836.40 W5052 NL115 Intern - 1455 770 400 395 12.7 15.9 20 18 0.70 900.66 W5054 NL118 Intern - 1800 770 400 395 12.7 15.9 20 19 0.88 1,006.74 W5056 NL120 Intern - 2040 975 400 395 12.7 15.9 20 21 0.93 1,084.26 W5058 NL123 Intern - 2330 975 400 395 12.7 15.9 20 23 1.15 1,147.50 W5060 NL228 Intern - 2760 1270 400 395 12.7 15.9 20 29 0.95 1,328.04 W5062 NL234 Extern - 3400 1270 400 395 12.7 15.9 20 31 1.28 1,405.56 1,492.26 W5064 NL239 Extern - 3890 1270 400 395 12.7 22.3 20 33 1.60 W5066 NL347 Extern - 4695 1770 400 395 12.7 22.3 20 44 1.85 1,793.16 W5068 NL455 Extern - 5520 2270 400 395 12.7 22.3 20 50 1.83 2,134.86 W5070 NL364 Extern - 6375 1770 400 395 12.7 22.3 20 47 2.50 2,080.80 W5072 NL468 Extern - 6800 2270 400 395 15.9 28.1 20 58 3.00 2,332.74 Note: For complete technical data, refer to Appendix TD239 - TD243. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Capital Plant Capacity at -24 SST / 6KTD REALCOLD EVAPORATOR UNITS - S SERIES CP214 S Series - Medium Temp - Air Defrost Realcold Stock No. Model Capacity @ 6KTD 134a 404a Dimensions (mm) L W H Connections Inlet Outlet Drain (BSP) Weight (Kg) Charge R404a (Kg) System Price $ Excl. GST Capacity At -4 SST / 6K TD W5024 SM271 7102 6960 1483 482 510 12.7 22.3 20 48 2.97 1,643.22 W5026 SM386 8599 8427 2233 482 510 15.9 29 20 71 3.57 2,138.94 2,388.84 W5028 SM3105 10653 10440 2233 482 510 15.9 35 20 75 4.2 W5030 SM3125 12434 12185 2233 482 510 15.9 35 20 79 5.25 2,724.42 W5032 SM4140 14204 13920 2731 482 510 15.9 35 20 92 5.79 2,979.42 W5034 SM4165 16574 16243 2731 482 510 15.9 35 20 98 6.93 3,343.56 W5036 SM5210 21179 20340 3223 482 510 15.9 35 40 121 9.18 3,520.02 Drain (BSP) Weight (Kg) Charge R404a (Kg) S Series - Medium Temp - Partial Defrost Realcold Stock No. Model Capacity @ 6KTD 134a 404a Dimensions (mm) L W H Connections Inlet Outlet System Price $ Excl. GST Capacity at -4 SST / 6KTD W5200 SM271P 7102 6960 1483 482 510 12.7 22.3 20 48 3.0 1,815.60 W5202 SM386P 8599 8427 2233 482 510 15.9 29 20 71 3.6 2,382.72 W5204 SM3105P 10653 10440 2233 482 510 15.9 35 20 75 4.2 2,632.62 W5206 SM3125P 12434 12185 2233 482 510 15.9 35 20 79 5.3 2,968.20 W5208 SM4140P 14204 13920 2731 482 510 15.9 35 40 92 5.8 3,305.82 W5210 SM4165P 16574 16243 2731 482 510 15.9 35 40 98 6.9 3,669.96 W5212 SM 5210P 18200 17836 3223 482 510 15.9 35 40 121 9.2 4,178.94 Drain (BSP) Weight (Kg) Charge R404a (Kg) S Series - Low Temp - Full Electric Defrost Realcold Stock No. Model Capacity @ 6KTD 134a 404a Dimensions (mm) L W H Connections Inlet Outlet System Price $ Excl. GST Capital Plant Capacity at -24 SST / 6KTD W5074 SL261 6119.39 - 1483 482 510 12.7 22.3 20 48 2.48 2,015.52 W5076 SL374 7409.18 - 2233 482 510 15.9 29 20 71 2.98 2,650.98 W5078 SL392 9178.57 - 2233 482 510 15.9 35 20 75 3.50 2,900.88 W5080 SL3110 10713.27 - 2233 482 510 15.9 35 20 79 4.38 3,237.48 W5082 SL4120 12238.78 - 2723 482 510 15.9 35 40 92 4.83 3,668.94 W5084 SL4145 14281.63 - 2723 482 510 15.9 35 40 98 5.78 4,035.12 W5086 SL5180 17836.00 - 3290 440 535 15.9 35 40 121 9.20 4,264.62 Note: For complete technical data, refer to Appendix TD239 - TD243. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit REALCOLD EVAPORATOR UNITS - R & V SERIES CP215 R Series - Medium Temp - Air Defrost Realcold Stock No. Model Capacity @ 6KTD 134a 404a Dimensions (mm) L W H Connections Inlet Outlet Drain (BSP) Weight (Kg) Charge R404a (Kg) System Price $ Excl. GST Capacity at -4 SST / 6KTD W5230 RM2140 14000 13333 2210 670 805 16 29 40 132 6.10 4,622.64 W5232 RM3185 18400 17524 2240 685 1075 16 35 40 173 7.40 5,582.46 W5234 RM3210 20600 19619 2740 685 1075 16 35 40 196 8.80 6,176.10 W5236 RM3230 23100 22000 2740 685 1075 16 35 40 198 9.90 7,183.86 W5238 RM3250 25200 24000 2740 685 1075 16 35 40 242 11.00 6,879.90 W5240 RM4280 28100 26762 2740 685 1075 16 35 40 242 11.00 8,046.78 Drain (BSP) Weight (Kg) Charge R404a (Kg) 40 280 14.5 V Series - Medium Temp - Air Defrost Realcold Stock No. Model Capacity @ 6KTD Dimensions (mm) Connections 134a 404a L W H Inlet Outlet 31000 29524 2240 775 1305 16 35 System Price $ Excl. GST Capacity at -4 SST / 6KTD W5242 VM2310 8,334.42 W5244 VM2340 34400 32762 2240 775 1305 16 41 40 340 15.0 9,309.54 W5246 VM3400 40000 38095 3240 775 1305 16 41 40 420 17.0 9,582.90 10,525.38 W5248 VM3450 45100 42952 3240 775 1305 16 X 2 35 X 2 40 420 19.0 W5250 VM3480 48300 46000 3600 775 1305 16 X 2 35 X 2 40 430 19.0 11,197.56 W5252 VM4520 52000 49524 3600 775 1305 16 X 2 35 X 2 40 430 22.0 11,502.54 W5254 VM4560 56000 53333 3890 775 1305 16 X 2 35 X 2 40 510 28.0 12,028.86 Weight (Kg) Charge R404a (Kg) R Series - Low Temp - Electric Defrost Realcold Stock No. Model Capacity @ 6KTD 134a 404a Dimensions (mm) L W H Connections Inlet Outlet Drain (BSP) System Price $ Excl. GST W5260 RL3160 16200 - 2740 670 805 16 35 40 173 7.4 6,664.68 W5262 RL3185 18500 - 3240 670 805 16 35 40 196 8.8 7,263.42 W5264 RL3200 19700 - 2740 685 1075 16 35 40 198 9.9 8,142.66 W5266 RL4220 21700 - 3240 685 1075 16 35 40 198 11.0 7,870.32 W5268 RL4250 24700 - 3240 685 1075 16 35 40 242 12.0 9,038.22 Drain (BSP) Weight (Kg) Charge R404a (Kg) 40 242 14.5 V Series - Low Temp - Electric Defrost Realcold Stock No. Model Capacity @ 6KTD Dimensions (mm) Connections 134a 404a L W H Inlet Outlet 28000 - 2240 775 1305 16 35 System Price $ Excl. GST Capacity at -24 SST / 6KTD W5270 VL2280 9,453.36 W5272 VL2300 30000 - 2740 775 1305 16 41 40 290 15.0 10,493.76 W5274 VL3350 35000 - 3240 775 1305 16 41 40 345 17.0 10,829.34 W5276 VL3400 40000 - 3240 775 1305 16 X 2 35 X 2 40 345 19.0 11,773.86 W5278 VL4450 45000 - 3600 775 1305 16 X 2 35 X 2 40 430 20.0 12,909.12 W5280 VL4500 50000 - 3890 775 1305 16 X 2 35 X 2 40 430 22.0 13,548.66 Note: Optional 2 speed Ziehl plate axial or EC fans available for R and V evaps series on request. For complete technical data, refer to Appendix TD239 - TD243. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Capital Plant Capacity at -24 SST / 6KTD HC EVAPORATOR RANGE CP216 Realcold Medium Temperature Evaporators Capital Plant Realcold Stock No. Model Capacity @ 6KTD Fans (mm) Air Volume (M³ / Sec) 390 923 1151 1732 2312 1 x 250 2 x 250 2 x 250 3 x 250 4 x 250 630 800 950 1080 1660 2060 3380 4040 4640 599 761 904 1028 1579 1960 3216 3844 4414 HDD - 351 - 4R HDD - 352 - 3R HDD - 353 - 3R HDD - 353 - 6R 4070 8160 10580 14080 HSR - 301 - 3R HSR - 301 - 4R HSR - 301 - 5R HSR - 302 - 3R HSR - 302 - 4R HSR - 302 - 5R HSR - 303 - 3R HSR - 303 - 4R HSR - 303 - 5R HSR - 352 - 4R HSR - 352 - 6R HSR - 353 - 4R HSR - 353 - 6R HSR - 354 - 4R HSR - 354 - 6R R404a R134a Low Silotte Ceiling Mount W4600 HCT - 251 - 2R W4603 HCT - 252 - 2R W4605 HCT - 252 - 3R W4607 HCT - 253 - 3R W4609 HCT - 254 - 3R 410 970 1210 1820 2430 Rondo W4001 W4000 W4002 W4008 W4009 W4010 W4012 W4013 W4014 Ron - 140-A Ron - 240-A Ron - 340-A Ron - 440-A Ron - 500-A Ron - 700-A Ron - 900-A Ron - 1100-A Ron - 1300-A Dual Discharge W5500 W5502 W5504 W5508 HSR Range W5002 W5004 W5006 W5010 W5012 W5014 W5016 W5018 W5020 W5024 W5026 W5028 W5030 W5032 W5034 Dimensions (mm) L W H 0.14 0.28 0.24 0.36 0.49 425 750 750 1075 1400 450 450 450 450 450 177 177 177 177 177 1 x 250 1 x 250 1 x 250 1 x 250 2 x 250 2 x 250 2 x 300 2 x 300 2 x 300 0.21 0.19 0.21 0.22 0.37 0.43 0.92 1.05 0.94 455 455 455 455 760 760 1060 1060 1060 440 440 440 440 430 430 530 530 530 3872 7763 10066 13396 1 x 350 2 x 350 3 x 350 3 x 350 0.75 1.5 2.34 2.1 954 1495 2035 2035 1810 2090 2290 3650 4220 4600 5490 6340 6910 6540 7700 9830 11580 13140 15440 1722 1988 2179 3473 4015 4376 5223 6032 6574 6222 7326 9352 11017 12501 14690 1 x 300 1 x 300 1 x 300 2 x 300 2 x 300 2 x 300 3 x 300 3 x 300 3 x 300 2 x 350 2 x 350 3 x 350 3 x 350 4 x 350 4 x 350 0.48 0.44 0.41 0.96 0.88 0.82 1.44 1.32 1.23 1.42 1.3 2.13 1.95 2.84 2.6 Partial Defrost Options W5200 HSR - 352 - 4R W5202 HSR - 352 - 6R W5204 HSR - 353 - 4R W5206 HSR - 353 - 6R W5208 HSR - 354 - 4R W5210 HSR - 354 - 6R 6540 7700 9830 11580 13140 15440 6222 7326 9352 11017 12501 14690 2 x 350 2 x 350 3 x 350 3 x 350 4 x 350 4 x 350 HSR 3 Phase fans W5232 HSR - 502 - 4R W5234 HSR - 502 - 6R W5236 HSR - 503 - 4R 16650 20290 23810 15841 19304 22653 2 x 500 2 x 500 3 x 500 Weight (Kg) Connections System Price $ Excl. GST Liquid Suction 5.2 7.8 8.4 11.7 15 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 365.93 568.75 613.71 843.72 1,093.59 120 120 145 170 175 230 230 265 265 4 4.5 5 5.5 8.3 9.4 14 15.4 17.4 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 3/4 3/4 412.00 546.80 578.16 608.48 674.35 935.72 1,268.19 1,300.00 1,370.00 1200 1200 1200 1200 350 350 350 350 26 42 53 69 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 7/8 1.1/8 1.1/8 1.1/8 3,440.00 3,872.00 4,410.00 5,100.00 874 874 874 1376 1376 1376 1884 1884 1884 1455 1455 1972 1972 2540 2540 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 476 476 476 476 476 476 476 476 476 581 581 581 581 581 581 17 18 19 26 29 31 35 39 42 38 44 51 61 65 78 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 1.1/8 1.1/8 1.1/8 1.1/8 1.1/8 1.1/8 1.1/8 1.3/8 1.3/8 814.82 819.25 901.58 1,180.47 1,290.99 1,189.31 1,306.46 1,762.80 1,703.51 2,133.89 2,160.42 2,465.47 2,881.59 3,094.79 3,608.72 1.42 1.3 2.13 1.95 2.84 2.6 1455 1455 1972 1972 2540 2540 405 405 405 405 405 405 581 581 581 581 581 581 38 44 51 61 65 78 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 1.1/8 1.1/8 1.1/8 1.1/8 1.3/8 1.3/8 2,133.89 2,160.42 2,465.47 2,881.59 3,094.79 3,608.72 4.42 3.98 6.5 2230 2230 3000 555 555 555 690 690 690 132 143 200 5/8 7/8 7/8 1.3/8 1.3/8 2.1/8 5,342.84 5,388.72 6,172.72 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit HC EVAPORATOR RANGE CP217 Realcold Low Temperature Evaporators Realcold Stock No. Model Capacity @ 6KTD Fans (mm) Air Volume (M³ / Sec) R404a Dimensions (mm) L W H Weight (Kg) Connections Liquid Suction System Price $ Excl. GST HCT Range W4604 W4606 W4608 W4610 HCT-252-2RE HCT-252-3RE HCT-253-3RE HCT-254-3RE 970 1210 1820 2430 2 x 250 2 x 250 3 x 250 4 x 250 0.28 0.24 0.36 0.49 750 750 1075 1400 450 450 450 450 177 177 177 177 5.2 7.8 8.4 11.7 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 740.21 613.71 1,087.32 1,412.47 HSR Range W5054 W5056 W5058 W5062 W5064 W5066 W5068 W5070 W5072 W5076 W5078 W5080 W5082 W5084 W5260 W5262 W5266 HSR - 301 - 3RE HSR - 301 - 4RE HSR - 301 - 5RE HSR - 302 - 3RE HSR - 302 - 4RE HSR - 302 - 5RE HSR - 303 - 3RE HSR - 303 - 4RE HSR - 303 - 5RE HSR - 352 - 6RE HSR - 353 - 4RE HSR - 353 - 6RE HSR - 354 - 4RE HSR - 354 - 6RE HSR - 502 - 4RE HSR - 502 - 6RE HSR - 503 - 4RE 1810 2090 2290 3650 4220 4600 5490 6340 6910 7700 9830 11580 13140 15440 16650 20290 23810 1 x 300 1 x 300 1 x 300 2 x 300 2 x 300 2 x 300 3 x 300 3 x 300 3 x 300 2 x 350 3 x 350 3 x 350 4 x 350 4 x 350 2 x 500* 2 x 500* 3 x 500* 0.48 0.44 0.41 0.96 0.88 0.82 1.44 1.32 1.23 1.3 2.13 1.95 2.84 2.6 4.42 3.98 6.5 874 874 874 1376 1376 1376 1884 1884 1884 1455 1972 1972 2540 2540 2230 2230 3000 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 555 555 555 476 476 476 476 476 476 476 476 476 581 581 581 581 581 690 690 690 17 18 19 26 29 31 35 39 42 44 51 61 65 78 132 143 200 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 7/8 7/8 5/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 1.1/8 1.1/8 1.1/8 1.1/8 1.1/8 1.1/8 1.3/8 1.3/8 1.3/8 1.3/8 2.1/8 1,062.20 1,181.29 1,262.25 1,481.33 1,644.73 1,705.69 2,069.34 2,233.46 2,465.39 3,079.63 3,045.92 3,586.75 3,769.33 4,374.61 7,331.15 7,626.59 8,263.84 * Note: 3 phase fans. Capital Plant For technical diagrams refer to page TD242 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit ICE MACHINES CP218 Hoshizaki Ice Machines Save Water Consumption: Microcomputer automatically controls volume of water during the defrost cycle. Water inlet valve saves incoming water. Bin Control Switch: When the bin is full of ice, bin control switch detects and automatically shuts down the ice making process. Reliable mechanical switch is fitted in cubers for consistent operation. Smart Computer Board: No need for manual adjustments. Dependable Hoshizaki computer board controls ice supply in the most efficient and productive way in any condition. Sanitary Construction: One piece insulation, snug fit top cover, magnetic door gasket and door side protector prevents incoming dust, water and insects. Long Life Main Parts: Main parts such as compressor, fan-motor, pump-motor are uniquely designed to ensure ice cubers ‘ long life. Capital Plant Easily Cleaned Air-Filter: Air filter can be cleaned easily upon removing the front cover. Clean air-filter contributes to the maximum ice making production. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit ICE MACHINES CP219 Hoshizaki Ice Machines Model Production Capacity (Kg/Day) Bin Capacity (Kg) Amps A.T.21°C W.T.15°C Dimensions (mm) Net/Gross Weight (Kg) L W H System Price $ Excl. Gst KM Crescent Ice - Self Contained (Cube Size 30 x 37 x 13) KM 30A 32 16 1.5 610 450 850 39/49 POA KM 50A 50 23 2.2 610 603 850 46/58 POA KM 75A 70 40 3.0 712 603 850 51/64 POA KM Crescent Ice - Stack On (Cube Size 38 x 27 x 13) KM 630 MAH E * 283 n/a 7 695 560 950 75/84 POA KM 1300 SAH E * 544 n/a 11.5 695 1220 695 125/143 POA IM Cube Ice - Self Contained (Cube Size 25 x 25 x 23) IM 30 CLE - 25 20 11.5 1.8 495 398 695 35/42 POA IM 45 LE - 25 32 18 2.1 456 503 850 54/60 POA IM 65 LE - 25 44 26 2.4 506 633 850 63/69 POA IM Cube Ice - Self Contained (Cube Size 21 x 21 x 14) IM 100 LE 83 50 5.0 506 704 1200 80/90 POA IM 130 ME 104 50 5.0 506 704 1200 80/90 POA IM 240 M2E 205 110 6.7 670 704 1577 130/145 POA IM Cube Ice - Stack On (Cube Size 21 x 21 x 14) IM 240 AME (* 230 n/a 6.7 800 560 865 90/110 POA IM 240 DME (* 230 n/a 6.7 800 1084 395 90/95 POA FM Flaked Ice - Self Contained FM 120 EE 109 26 2.8 600 600 800 66/76 POA FM 120 EE - 50 109 50 2.8 600 900 800 83/93 POA FM 251 AFE (* 200 n/a 5.6 700 560 680 86/98 POA FM 481 AGE (* 425 n/a 6.8 699 560 780 97/118 POA FM 600 AHE (* 540 n/a 9.9 699 560 780 110/122 POA FM 1000 ASFE3 (** 950 n/a 8.8 698 760 898 153/168 POA 3.2 585 350 840 60/67 POA DCM Cubelet Ice & Water Dispenser (Size 15x9x19) DCM 110F 105 4 Note: A.T. = Ambient Temperature, W.T. = Water Temperature * Head only & bin sold separately. (* Bin sold separately. (** Bin sold separately, 3 phase 400V & remote air cooled condenser URC 20FE required (1200 x 370 x 659 mm) Top Kits System Price $ Excl. Gst Model Net/Gross Weight (Kg) Top Kit 4H-100 mm B 800PF - IM 240AME, FM600, KM630, KM900, FM1000, 2 KM630, 2 FM600, 2 IM240AME B 900PF - KM1300 POA Top Kit 8H-200 mm B 500PF - IM 240AME, FM600, KM630 B 900PF - IM 240AME, FM600, KM630, 2 KM630, 2 FM600, 2 IM240AME POA Top Kit 14H-355 mm B 700PF & B 800PF - KM900, FM1000. POA Top Kit 22H-560 mm B 700PF & B 800PF - IM 240AME, FM600, KM630 B 900PF - IM 240AME, FM600, KM630, KM900, FM1000 POA Note: Kits are use to fill the gap large “B Series” bins leave when used with head only units. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Capital Plant FM Flaked Ice - Stack On ICE MACHINES CP220 Optional Bins - Insulated, Vinyl Clad Galvanized Steel, Stainless Steel Bins Model Capacity (Kg) Compatible With Dimensions * L W H 850 800 System Price $ Excl. Gst POA P 200SD2 180 IM 240 DME 1080 N 200A 95 IM 240 DME Bin Extension: Height = 475 POA B 300PF 140 IM 240 AME KM 630 MAH-E FM 600 AHE / FM 481 560 820 1168 POA B 500PF 230 IM 240 AME KM 630 MAH-E KM 900 MAH-E FM 600 AHE / FM 481 FM 1000 ASFE 760 820 1168 POA B 800PF 365 IM 240 AME KM 630 MAH-E KM 900 MAH-E KM 1300 SAH-E FM 600 AHE / FM 481 FM 1000 ASFE 1220 820 1168 POA B 900PF 410 IM 240 AME KM 630 MAH-E KM 900 MAH-E KM 1300 SAH-E FM 600 AHE / FM 481 FM 1000 ASFE 1320 820 1168 POA Capital Plant * Height includes adjustable feet 150-180 mm. Indent only, POA. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit GENEGLACE FLAKE ICE MACHINES CP221 Geneglace Flake Ice Machines What Is Flake Ice? Flake-ice is small ice in flat pieces. It is used in cooling seafood, in meat processing and in a whole range of industrial processes. Flake-ice is dry and sub-cooled (-6°C approx). With a moderate production cost compared to most of the other kinds of ice, flake-ice is used in large quantities in many industrial and food processes. Substantial Cooling Power: Slightly sub-cooled, flake-ice is also a dry ice. The “ ice only “ feature of its manufacture means that the latent heat, the principal source of the cooling energy, is 100 % available. Accurate Cooling: As flake-ice is dry, its cooling input can be accurately calculated and its effects on the temperature of the mixture are quickly apparent. Easy Handling And Storage: Flake-ice is free flowing, its flakes do not stick together and form blocks. They are light and cushion the product to reduce the risk of crushing or deterioration. The Realcold Complete Unit consists of: • • • • Low Temp Condensing Unit, fully connected to the Ice Generator Built on its own steel frame Fully wired package to its own control panel Salt Dose Pump Kit (if required) • Unit evacuated and charged with dry nitrogen Site Requirements: • • • • Refrigerant Charge 3 Phase electrical supply Fresh water supply Full commissioning Realcold Stock No. Model C6230 F15 C6232 Water Conditions 24 Hour Ice Production (Kg) Refrigerator Fresh water entering +15°C 350-480 R22, R404a F30V Fresh water entering +15°C C6234 F90H C6236 Liquid Inlet Dimensions (mm) Net Weight Base Dim. (Kg) (mm) Dia. Ice Outlet (mm) L W H 520 360 600 50 390 x 360 240 500-1000 650 500 700 90 500 x 470 340 Fresh water entering +15°C 1500-3000 910 750 1250 210 680 x 680 500 F90V Fresh water entering +15°C 2700-3700 910 750 1250 210 680 x 680 500 C6240 F200 Fresh water entering +15°C 4200-7300 1200 950 1750 550 910 x 910 680 C6246 F250 Fresh water entering +15°C 6200-10000 Expansion Valve or Liquid Level Control 1300 1000 2050 720 910 x 910 680 C6254 F600 Fresh water entering +15°C 7500-14000 Liquid Level Control 1500 1200 2050 950 1040 x 1040 780 C6258 F800 Fresh water entering +15°C 12500-21000 1550 1550 3000 2500 1290 x 1290 930 C6262 F900 Fresh water entering +15°C 17000-30000 1950 1950 3100 3100 1580 x 1580 1200 C6268 F2000 Fresh water entering +5°C 26000-48000 2435 2435 3100 5200 2080 x 2080 1780 R22, R717, R404a R22, R717, R404a Expansion Valve Note: ABF Models are for use with High Pressure Liquid, such as a TX Valve system, and include a Flood Bottle. SBF Models are for use with pumped circulation system and does not include a Flood Bottle. Salt dosing kit is common to all models. Indent only, POA. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Capital Plant Geneglace Ice Generator - Information CHILLED WATER PACKAGES CP222 Chilled Water Packages Feature • Realcold packaged liquid chillers are individually custom designed and built to meet customer requirements for each application. Integral, remote air or remote water cooled condensing is available • Industrial type construction • Engineered for HFC and HCFC refrigerants • Water or glycol applications • Self contained, complete with integral operating controls and safety devices • Fractional HP through to large screw compressor packages Custom Design & Build Service Realcold offer a complete design and build facility for chilled water packages. Capital Plant To assist our Technical Sales Staff in providing the best solution for your chiller and/or process needs please use the following information guide when forwarding your request. This will help ensure the best possible design and quotation is offered to you. Please do not hesitate to contact our staff should you have any queries or wish to discuss possible design options: Ambient conditions - °C Application - What is chiller to be used for? Buffer tank required - Yes / No, Size? Condensing - Water or Air cooled? Coolant pumps - Primary and / or secondary Coolant type - Water, Glycol, oil, other Cooling Capacity - kW Electrical - Level of electrical controls and safeties required. Expected load variation - Max and minimum load percentage Heat Exchanger type - Plate, Shell and Tube, Open type Hygiene requirements - SS pipe, fittings, tank etc Refrigerant - R404a, R507, R22, R134a, R407c, etc Required flow rates - L/s, m³/hr, Kg/s Required Temperature - Coolant supply and return temperatures Unit location - Indoor or outdoor? Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit COMPRESSOR AND CONDENSING UNIT WARRANTY Compressor & Condensing Unit Warranty Compressors Condensing Units Realcold Ltd standard warranty covers start up of all compressors. For extended warranty the following charges apply: Sealed & Semi-Sealed Extended Warranty Charges Sealed Compressors - All brands - 4% on sale price Semi-Sealed Compressors - All brands - 4% on sale price Compressors will be repaired or replaced under warranty if returned within 12 months of purchase date, provided that compressor, complete with original electrics, is returned to point of purchase, freight paid, accompanied by a compressor failure report. Warranty is included in the price listed for condensing units and includes replacement of all components for a 12 month period from date of purchase, provided component is returned along with Goods Returned Form to point of purchase, freight paid. Note: Replacement components will be debited against the account of the purchaser, with credit to follow upon receipt and inspection of faulty component. Realcold Ltd shall in no event be liable for any indirect or consequential loss or damage whatsoever. Refer to the back of this catalogue for our General Terms of Trade. Goods Returned Forms are available from your representative, or any of our branches. Capital Plant Realcold Ltd shall not be held responsible for failure or damage resulting from misuse or incorrect installation. CP223 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit l T Da ech ta nic a Easypack Condensing Unit Medium Temp R404a Medium Temp R134a Low Temp R404a TD226 TD226 TD226 TD226 Sealed Condensing Unit Data Copeland Scroll Sealed Units Realpack Units TD227 TD227 TD227 Semi-Sealed Condensing Unit Data Medium Temp R404a Low Temp R404a TD228 TD228 TD228 Condensing Unit Capacity Tables Medium Temp R404a Medium Temp R134a Low Temp R404a TD231 TD231 TD231 TD232 Semi-Hermetic Condensing Unit Capacity Tables Medium Temp R404a Low Temp R404a TD233 TD233 TD234 Standard Air Cooled Condensers TD235 Evaporator Data Medium Temp Low Temp TD238 TD238 TD239 Cooling Units TD240 HCT Range Unit Coolers TD242 Rondo Range Unit Coolers TD243 HDD Range Dual Discharge Coolers TD244 HSR Range Unit Coolers TD245 Small Coolroom Capacities TD246 Refrigeration Terminology TD247 Technical Tips TD248 Evaporation Superheat TD249 A Guide To Calculating Noise Levels TD250 Metric Conversion Chart TD251 General Rules & First Aid TD252 Pressure Temperature Chart TD253 Properties Of Refrigerants TD254 Conversion Data TD255 Technical Data Technical Data Compressor Model CAJ 4517 Z CAJ 4519 Z FH 4524 Z FH 4531 Z TFH 4524 Z TFH 4531 Z TFH 4540 Z TAG 4553 Z TAG 4561 Z TAG 4573 Z 2 xTAGP 4553 Z 2 xTAGP 4561 Z 2 xTAGP 4573 Z C0758E C0759E C0762E C0764E C0954E C0960E C0964E C0968E C0971E C0973E C0977E C0980E C0985E FH 4525 Y C0737E CAJ 2464 Z FH 2480 Z TFH 2511 Z TAG 2516 Z TAG 2522 Z 2 xTFHP 2511 Z 2 xTAGP 2516 Z 2 xTAGP 2522 Z C0787E C0789E C0793E C0794E C0795E C0796E C0797E C0798E Low Temp R404a FH 4518 Y C0733E Medium Temp R134a CAJ 9513 Z C0757E Medium Temp R404a Model Number Technical Data 10 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 1/2 2 1 1/2 12 10 9 6 1/4 5 4 1/2 3 2 1/2 2 2 1/2 2 1 1/2 1 1/4 1 1/8 Horse Power 1420 x 730 x 870 1420 x 730 x 870 1080 x 800 x 570 1080 x 680 x 565 1080 x 680 x 565 600 x 600 x 560 600 x 600 x 560 550 x 650 x 395 600 x 600 x 560 600 x 600 x 560 1420 x 730 x 870 1420 x 730 x 870 1420 x 730 x 870 1080 x 680 x 565 1080 x 680 x 565 1080 x 680 x 565 600 x 600 x 560 600 x 600 x 560 600 x 600 x 560 600 x 600 x 560 600 x 600 x 560 600 x 600 x 560 600 x 600 x 560 550 x 650 x 465 Dimensions (mm) LxWxH 7713 6508 4633 4202 3268 2356 1800 1184 -30 3258 2514 -10 22356 16904 13946 10023 7567 7332 5628 4855 3586 4855 3586 2526 2272 2108 -10 30077 23683 20605 14168 11323 10685 7908 6764 5023 6764 5023 4241 3168 2807 34665 27278 24207 16426 13365 12509 9149 7754 5786 7754 5786 4864 3634 3220 5 5072 3904 0 6131 4773 5 9850 8417 5921 5401 4188 3030 2271 1495 -25 12220 10540 7296 6674 5188 3767 2746 1840 -20 14822 12878 8619 8019 6269 4566 3225 2212 -15 Capacity (W), Ambient 32°C 4130 3151 -5 Capacity (W), Ambient 32°C 25974 20225 17104 12034 9713 8948 6740 5850 4291 5850 4291 3638 2845 2405 0 Capacity (W), Ambient 32°C -5 17658 15430 10006 9438 7430 5427 3709 2608 -10 7352 5759 10 39738 31010 27667 18808 15382 14387 10481 8767 6587 8767 6587 5499 4100 3635 10 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 400 2 x 400 2 x 400 1 x 400 1 x 400 1 x 350 1 x 400 1 x 400 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 500 2 x 400 2 x 400 2 x 400 1 x 400 1 x 400 1 x 400 1 x 400 1 x 400 1 x 400 1 x 400 1 x 350 28.6 22.2 28.6 22.2 22.2 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 22.2 22.2 22.2 15.9 22.2 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9 Fan (mm) Liquid (mm) 15.9 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 15.9 15.9 15.9 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 Suction (mm) 215 210 156 107 107 80 73 40 78 73 218 218 213 135 118 118 80 76 73 76 73 60 60 47 Weight (Kg) 83 82 81 81 81 82 79 76 78 76 87 87 87 84 84 84 82 82 79 79 79 79 77 76 Sound level dBA - - - - - - 8.1 6.1 9.15 7.15 - - - - - - - - - 14.9 11.7 10.7 7.8 7.3 - - - - - - 17 10.5 16.5 14.5 - - - - - - - - - 27 19 16 11.5 10.9 Im (A) 240V-50Hz In (A) 13.9 11.3 6.7 7.04 5.4 3.8 - - - - 23.9 19.5 16.2 12.35 10 8.75 8.1 5.77 4.77 - - - - - 29.5 20.8 9.4 13.45 10.57 6 - - - - 39 25.5 25.5 19 15 14.35 9.7 8.67 6.77 - - - - - Im (A) 400V-50Hz In (A) EASYPACK CONDENSING UNIT TD226 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Compressor Model Compressor Model Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit 12 16.1 22.3 25.1 30.6 10.3 12.8 13.1 15.4 21.7 25.1 29.2 Technical Data 5.85 7.11 9.67 12.09 14.95 8.53 10.43 12.46 13.85 19.86 25.29 30.96 7.1 9.9 10.3 6.5 8.9 9.8 11.4 14.3 2 x 8.5 2 x 11.4 2 x 14.3 11.5 5.1 7.3 9.4 2 x 7.3 2 x 9.4 1.25 1.5 2 2.5 3 4.5 5 6 7.5 10 12 2 3 4 5 8 10 240V 1PH 415V 3PH 415V 3PH 415V 3PH 415V 3PH 415V 3PH 240V 1PH 240V 1PH 240V 1PH 415V 3PH 415V 3PH 415V 3PH 415V 3PH 415V 3PH 415V 3PH 415V 3PH 415V 3PH 2296 3206 4498 5746 8874 11693 2863 3783 4460 5813 7571 8855 10446 13346 15690 20892 26692 Capacity R404a (Watts) 17.2 20.9 28.9 35.6 42.1 11.8 14.5 17.2 20.9 28.9 35.6 42.1 Capacity Disp R404a (m³/hr) (kW) Compressor Volts Phase 230/400V (FLA) 44 100 102 112 120 6 7.5 10 13 15 Horse Power 41 42 44 100 102 112 120 4 5 6 7.5 10 13 15 Horse Compressor 400V Power Weight (Kg) (FLA) Note: Custom design units available for specialist applications. Medium Temp R404a SST - 5C RPM 125 CAJ4517Z RPM 150 CAJ4519Z RPM 200 FH4524Z RPM 250 TFH4531Z RPM 300 TFH4540Z RPM 450 TAG4553Z RPM 500 TAG4561Z RPM 600 TAG4573Z RPM 750 2x TAGP4546Z RPM 1000 2x TAGP4561Z RPM 1250 2x TAGP4573Z Low Temp R404a SST - 25C RPL 200 FH2480Z RPL 300 TFH2511Z RPL 400 TAG2516Z RPL 500 TAG2522Z RPL 800 2x TAGP2516Z RPL 1000 2x TAGP2522Z Model Number Realpack Units Medium Temp R404a SST - 5C CMTZ400 ZB30KQE-TFD CMTZ500 ZB38KQE-TFD CMTZ600 ZB45KQE-TFD CMTZ750 ZB58KQE-TFD CMTZ1000 ZB76KQE-TFD CMTZ1300 ZB92KCE-TWD CMTZ1500 ZB11MCE-TWD Low Temp R404a SST - 25C CLTZ600 ZF18K4E-TFD CLTZ750 ZF24K4E-TFD CLTZ1000 ZF33K4E-TFD CLTZ1300 ZF40K4E-TFD CLTZ1500 ZF48K4E-TFD Model Number Copeland Scroll Sealed Units 53.2 74.3 112.5 134.8 2 x 112.50 2 x 134.80 25.95 34.45 43.5 56.65 74.25 100.7 112.5 134.8 2 x 90.2 2 x 112.50 2 x 134.80 Disp (m³/hr) SCS2150 SCT2170 SCT2215 SCR2275 SCR2385 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 350 400 400 500 500 350 400 400 400 500 500 500 0.7 2 x 0.37 2 x 0.7 2 x 0.7 2x3 2x3 0.37 0.7 0.7 2 x 0.37 2 x 0.7 2 x 0.7 2 x 0.7 2 x 0.7 2x3 2x3 2x3 1560 2960 2780 3730 3900 1560 2960 2780 2600 3730 3900 3520 SFRH2 SFRH3 SFRH3 SFRH3 SFRH3 SFRH2 SFRH3 SFRH3 SFRH3 SFRH3 SFRH3 SFRH3 350 300 350 350 500 500 300 350 350 300 350 350 350 350 500 500 500 778 856 1459 1402 3450 3450 399 778 778 856 1459 1459 1402 1402 3450 3450 3450 3.9 6 6 9.5 12 12 2.3 2.3 3.9 6 6 9.5 9.5 9.5 12 12 12 Receiver 90 130 155 175 258 258 71 71 81 105 118 146 148 150 258 261 265 9 14 14 14 14 9 14 14 14 14 14 14 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 5/8" 5/8" 7/8" 7/8" 1 1/8" 1 1/8" 5/8" 5/8" 5/8" 5/8" 5/8" 7/8" 7/8" 7/8" 1 1/8" 1 1/8" 1 1/8" Suction 3/8" 3/8" 1/2" 1/2" 5/8" 5/8" 3/8" 3/8" 3/8" 3/8" 3/8" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 5/8" 5/8" 5/8" Liquid 1052 1269 1269 1484 1484 1052 1269 1269 1269 1484 1484 1484 1070 1285 1285 1285 1660 1660 1070 1070 1070 1285 1285 1285 1285 1285 1660 1660 1660 480 625 625 625 790 790 480 480 480 625 625 625 625 625 790 790 790 Length Depth 723 723 723 776 928 519 723 723 723 775 928 1028 H 750 820 820 820 1015 1015 750 750 750 820 820 820 820 820 1015 1015 1015 69 72 71 76 79 81 65 68 70 69 75 78 78 77 83 83 82 Sound Height Power Level dBA 914 914 914 1034 1034 914 914 914 914 1034 1034 1034 W Dimensions (mm) Dimensions (mm) SFB4 SFB5 SFB5 SFB6 SFB6 SFB4 SFB5 SFB5 SFB5 SFB6 SFB6 SFB6 Base Litres Press Model L Releif Line Size (mm) 150 X 800 150 X 1200 150 X 1200 150 X 1200 150 X 1200 150 X 800 150 X 1200 150 X 1200 150 X 1200 150 X 1200 150 X 1200 150 X 1200 Dia x L Liquid Nett Weight Fan dia Air Flow Receiver Capacity (Kg) (mm) (L/s) Kg @ 80% 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 Condenser Fans 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Fans 230V No MRA 15000 17000 21500 27500 38500 15000 17000 22150 22150 27500 38500 47500 Fan dia Air Flow Model (mm) (L/s) Condenser Fans HOR Fans Volts W @ 15KTD No Condenser SCS2150 SCT2170 SCT2215 SCT2215 SCR2275 SCR2385 SCR2475 Model SEALED CONDENSING UNIT DATA TD227 Compressor Horse Model Power B21.0Y D313Y D418Y F424Y Q728Y S733Y S1039Y S1551S V2059Y V2571Y V3084Y Z35106Y SAR210B SAR313D SAR418D SAR524F SAR728Q SAR733S SAR1039S SAR1551S SAR2059V SAR2571V SAR3084V SAR35106Z 7,5 7,5 D213Y D318Y F424Y Q528Y S733Y SAR318D SAR424F SAR528Q SAR733S Z30126Y Z40145Y SAR30126Z SAR40154Z 20 V2084Y Z25106Y SAR2084V SAR25106Z 15 V1559Y V1571Y SAR1559V SAR1571V 40 30 25 15 10 S739Y S1051Y SAR739S SAR1051S 5 4 3 2 B159Y SAR213D 1,5 35 30 25 20 15 10 7,5 7,5 5 4 3 2 1,5 SAR159B Low Temp R404a SST - 25C A1.57Y SAR157A Medium Temp R404a SST - 5C Model Number 240 229 220 180 170 170 120 117 117 76 74 49 45 38 223 187 184 174 126 120 117 79 76 51 49 38 36 75 53 45 37 31 31 21 17 17,5 12,2 10,9 9,6 6,8 5,3 61 53 45 37 31 21 17,5 17,5 12,2 10,5 9,6 5,7 5,3 Compressor 400V Weight (Kg) FLA Frascold Semi-Sealed Units Technical Data 41660 35020 29350 22500 19380 15700 14080 10820 8800 7430 6580 4850 3550 2320 63410 53000 44540 36710 30910 23650 20690 17110 14790 9990 8150 6090 4100 Capacity R404a (kW) 154,38 125,72 106,16 83,81 70,77 58,48 50,43 38,25 32,8 27,31 23,6 17,83 13,84 8,96 106,16 83,81 70,97 58,48 50,43 38,25 32,8 27,31 23,6 17,83 13,84 9,84 6,91 Disp (m³/hr) 22150 22150 17000 12000 8900 21500 17000 15000 15000 12000 8900 5800 SCV2850 85000 SCV2850 85000 SCV2720 72000 SCR2475 47500 SCR2385 38500 SCR2275 27500 SCT2255 25500 SCT2215 SCT2170 SCS2150 SCS2150 SCT1120 SCT189 SCS158 SCV2850 85000 SCV2850 85000 SCV2720 72000 SCV2720 72000 SCR2475 47500 SCR2385 38500 SCR2275 27500 SCT2215 SCT2215 SCT2170 SCT1120 SCT189 5800 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 400 400 400 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 400 400 400 400 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 630 630 630 500 500 500 400 400 400 350 350 400 400 350 630 630 630 630 500 500 500 400 400 400 400 400 350 6060 6060 6820 3520 3900 3730 2600 2780 2960 1560 1560 1080 810 810 6060 6060 6820 6820 3520 3900 3730 2600 2780 2960 1080 810 810 SFRH4 SFRH4 SFRH4 SFRH3 SFRH3 SFRH3 SFRH3 SFRH3 SFRH3 SFRH2 SFRH2 SFRH2 SFRH1 SFRH1 SFRH4 SFRH4 SFRH4 SFRH4 SFRH3 SFRH3 SFRH3 SFRH3 SFRH3 SFRH3 SFRH1 SFRH1 SFRHI Fan dia Air Flow Model (mm) (L/s) Condenser Fans HOR Fans Volts W @ 15KTD No Condenser SCS158 Model Receiver 5 5 5 9 9 9 5 5 150 X 1900 14 150 X 1900 14 150 X 1900 14 150 X 1200 14 150 X 1200 14 150 X 1200 14 150 X 1200 14 150 X 1200 14 150 X 1200 14 150 X 800 150 X 800 150 X 800 150 X 400 150 X 400 150 X 1900 30 150 X 1900 30 150 X 1900 30 150 X 1900 30 150 X 1200 14 150 X 1200 14 150 X 1200 14 150 X 1200 14 150 X 1200 14 Base Model 400 SFB7 400 SFB7 400 SFB7 400 SFB6 400 SFB6 400 SFB6 400 SFB5 400 SFB5 400 SFB5 400 SFB4 400 SFB4 400 SFB4 400 SFB3 400 SFB3 400 SFB7 400 SFB7 400 SFB7 400 SFB7 400 SFB6 400 SFB6 400 SFB6 400 SFB5 400 SFB5 400 SFB5 400 SFB3 400 SFB3 400 SFB3 Litres Press Releif 150 X 1200 14 150 X 400 150 X 400 150 X 400 Dia x L 2154 2154 2154 1484 1484 1484 1269 1269 1269 1052 1052 649 649 649 2154 2154 2154 2154 1484 1484 1484 1269 1269 1269 1052 665 1096 1096 1096 1034 1034 1034 914 914 914 914 914 974 974 974 1096 1096 1096 1096 1034 1034 1034 914 914 914 974 974 974 W 1065 1065 965 1028 928 776 723 723 723 519 723 620 620 519 1065 1065 965 965 1028 928 775 723 723 723 620 620 519 H Dimensions (mm) 649 L SEMI-SEALED CONDENSING UNIT DATA Medium Temp R404a Low Temp R404a TD228 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit BASES & CONDENSERS - SCS / SCT / SCR TD229 SCT 1_ _ SCS 2_ _ SCR 2275 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Technical Data SCT 2_ _ BASES & CONDENSERS - SCR / SCV TD230 SCR 2385 SCR 2475 Technical Data SCV 2720 SCV 2850 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit CONDENSING UNIT CAPACITY TABLES TD231 Realcold Hermetic Condensing Units Model Number 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 capacity 2450 2117 1791 1495 1222 983 - - - - input power 1092 996 909 832 765 708 - - - - capacity 3138 2669 2231 1825 1456 1123 828 - - - input power 1335 1226 1116 1004 890 775 658 - - - capacity 3819 3256 2728 2246 1820 1464 - - - - input power 1429 1310 1196 1103 1016 939 - - - - capacity 4848 4167 3512 2893 2324 1817 - - - - input power 2035 1856 1698 1563 1454 1359 - - - - capacity 5251 4422 3663 2973 2349 1790 - - - - input power 2331 2112 1908 1715 1528 1335 - - - - capacity 7153 6053 5046 4115 3245 2421 - - - - input power 2958 2704 2454 2206 1951 1681 - - - - 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 capacity 7108 5980 4967 4043 3221 2490 - - - - input power 2866 2595 2344 2107 1880 1656 - - - - capacity 9145 7716 6422 5256 4214 3289 - - - - input power 3821 3464 3134 2827 2536 2258 - - - - capacity 10698 9370 7724 6223 4878 3693 - - - - input power 4708 4229 3755 3313 2886 2471 - - - - capacity 13823 11435 9306 7428 5789 4378 - - - - input power 5223 4677 4174 3702 3254 2817 - - - - capacity 15526 13120 10931 8961 7193 5639 - - - - input power 6703 5961 5284 4662 4085 3548 - - - - capacity 21396 18740 15448 12446 9756 7386 - - - - input power 9416 8458 7510 6626 5772 4942 - - - - capacity 27646 22870 18612 14856 11578 8756 - - - - input power 10446 9354 8348 7404 6508 5634 - - - - capacity 31052 26240 21862 17922 14386 11278 - - - - input power 13406 11922 10568 9324 8170 7096 - - - - 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 capacity 2933 2448 1996 1588 1230 930 - - - - input power 1081 965 855 746 633 512 - - - - capacity 4322 3568 2837 2136 1472 854 - - - - input power 1594 1401 1223 1050 877 697 - - - - capacity 5550 4613 3739 2957 2277 1736 - - - - input power 2152 1881 1652 1452 1270 1095 - - - - Medium Temp R404a RMTZ100 RMTZ112 RMTZ125 RMTZ150 RMTZ200 RMTZ250 Medium Temp R404a RMTXZ250 RMTXZ300 RMTXZ450 RMTXZ500 RMTXZ600 RMTXZ900 RMTXZ1000 RMTXZ1200 Medium Temp R134a RMTY100 RMTY150 RMTY200 Technical Data Note: Unit Rated Capcity @ 30°C Ambient, 32°C Liq., 10°C useful superheat. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit CONDENSING UNIT CAPACITY TABLES TD232 Model Number 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 capacity - - - 1762 1474 1210 979 789 644 - input power - - - 1200 1068 959 870 801 749 - capacity - - - 2533 2112 1732 1402 1125 907 - input power - - - 1584 1425 1290 1181 1095 1028 - capacity - - - 3544 2913 2336 1817 1359 958 - input power - - - 2489 2180 1913 1680 1480 1315 - capacity - - - 5176 4257 3431 2720 2145 1717 1443 input power - - - 2873 2535 2249 2014 1823 1670 1550 capacity - - - 7255 5955 4769 3723 2853 2181 1718 input power - - - 4331 3764 3280 2871 2528 2241 1997 capacity - - - 8945 7389 5973 4737 3717 2938 2423 input power - - - 5130 4480 3939 3498 3153 2897 2687 capacity - - - 10352 8514 6862 5440 4290 3434 - input power - - - 5746 5070 4498 4028 3646 3340 - capacity - - - 14510 11910 9538 7446 5706 4362 3436 input power - - - 8662 7528 6560 5742 5056 4482 3994 capacity - - - 17890 14778 11946 9474 7434 5876 4846 input power - - - 10260 8960 7878 6996 6306 5794 5374 Low Temp R404a RLT100 RLTZ150 RLTZ200 RLTZ300 RLTZ400 RLTZ500 RLTZ600 RLTZ800 RLTZ1000 Technical Data Note: Unit Rated Capcity @ 30°C Ambient, 32°C Liq., 10°C useful superheat. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit SEMI-HERMETIC CONDENSING UNIT CAPACITY TABLES TD233 Model Number 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 capacity 4.46 3.84 3.27 2.75 2.28 1.86 1.48 1.16 0,87 - input power 1.82 1.61 1.42 1.26 1.10 0.97 0.85 0.75 0,65 - capacity 5.60 4.82 4.10 3.46 2.86 2.33 1.86 1.46 1,10 - input power 2.08 1.88 1.67 1.50 1.33 1.18 1.05 0.94 0,81 - capacity 8.34 7.17 6.09 5.12 4.24 3.46 2.77 2.18 - - input power 3.08 2.85 2.62 2.41 2.21 2.01 1.82 1.64 - - capacity 11.15 9.59 8.15 6.86 5.68 4.64 3.71 2.92 - - input power 4.42 3.99 3.60 3.25 2.91 2.60 2.31 2.04 - - capacity 13.61 11.73 9.99 8.44 7.02 5.76 4.64 3.68 - - input power 5.13 4.64 4.19 3.79 3.40 3.04 2.70 2.39 - - capacity 16.19 13.95 11.89 10.06 8.37 6.89 5.57 4.43 - - input power 5.71 5.22 4.75 4.32 3.91 3.53 3.16 2.82 - - capacity 20.06 17.32 14.79 12.53 10.45 8.62 6.99 5.59 - - input power 7.42 6.69 6.01 5.44 4.90 4.41 3.94 3.54 - - capacity 23.39 20.11 17.11 14.44 12.01 9.86 7.96 6.33 - - input power 7.96 7.33 6.71 6.14 5.55 4.99 4.44 3.94 - - capacity 28.45 24.40 20.69 17.41 14.42 11.78 9.45 7.47 - - input power 9.50 8.69 7.89 7.17 6.44 5.77 5.11 4.51 - - capacity 32.06 27.69 23.65 20.05 16.73 13.80 11.19 8.95 - - input power 11.45 10.38 9.36 8.45 7.57 6.76 5.98 5.29 - - capacity 42.19 36.31 30.91 26.10 21.69 17.79 14.32 11.36 - - input power 14.54 13.18 11.85 10.66 9.51 8.48 7.49 6.60 - - capacity 50.21 43.17 36.71 30.96 25.69 21.03 16.90 13.38 - - input power 16.80 15.14 13.56 12.17 10.88 9.75 8.64 7.62 - - capacity 61.31 52.54 44.54 37.48 31.04 25.38 20.36 16.11 - - input power 20.13 18.31 16.53 14.89 13.27 11.78 10.36 9.08 - - capacity 72.67 62.38 53.00 44.69 37.12 30.45 24.55 19.52 - - input power 24.88 22.53 20.25 18.16 16.09 14.19 12.38 10.78 - - capacity 85.87 74.21 63.41 53.70 44.76 36.80 29.69 23.57 - - input power 32.91 29.49 26.32 23.47 20.69 18.16 15.79 13.74 - - Medium Temp R404a SAR16A SAR157 SAR210 SAR313 SAR416 SAR519 SAR524 SAR728 SAR733 SAR1039 SAR1551 SAR2059 SAR2571 SAR3084 SAR35106 Technical Data Note: Unit Rated Capcity @ 30°C Ambient, 32°C Liq., 10°C useful superheat. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit SEMI-HERMETIC CONDENSING UNIT CAPACITY TABLES TD234 Model Number 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 capacity - 5.66 4.88 4.16 3.49 2.87 2.32 1.83 1.39 - input power - 2.92 2.53 2.22 1.94 1.68 1.45 1.25 1.07 - capacity - - 7.45 6.34 5.32 4.39 3.55 2.82 2.16 - input power - - 4.13 3.58 3.10 2.70 2.33 2.00 1.70 - capacity - - 10.00 8.54 7.18 5.95 4.85 3.90 3.04 2.33 input power - - 5.01 4.41 3.89 3.44 3.03 2.67 2.34 2.04 capacity - - - 11.37 9.62 8.02 6.58 5.32 4.20 3.24 input power - - - 5.99 5.28 4.67 4.11 3.62 3.16 2.75 capacity 20.30 17.72 15.28 13.06 10.98 9.11 7.43 5.96 - - input power 8.80 7.95 7.17 6.47 5.78 5.14 4.53 3.99 - - capacity 24.56 21.40 18.41 15.69 13.16 10.87 8.80 7.01 - - input power 10.68 9.54 8.50 7.60 6.73 5.95 5.22 4.56 - - capacity - - - 18.85 15.89 13.22 10.82 8.74 6.89 5.31 input power - - - 9.28 8.21 7.27 6.38 5.59 4.85 4.18 capacity - - - 24.68 20.74 17.24 14.08 11.33 8.89 6.81 input power - - - 12.26 10.69 9.36 8.13 7.06 6.05 5.16 capacity - - 31.50 27.12 22.97 19.17 15.70 12.64 9.90 7.56 input power - - 16.21 14.18 12.28 10.63 9.13 7.86 6.69 5.67 capacity - - - 34.09 28.62 23.77 19.38 15.54 12.13 9.21 input power - - - 17.26 14.97 13.01 11.18 9.60 8.15 6.88 capacity - - - 38.36 32.51 27.29 22.50 18.28 14.48 11.23 input power - - - 20.77 17.88 15.41 13.20 11.35 9.81 8.43 capacity - - - 52.00 43.56 36.08 29.35 23.52 18.34 13.94 input power - - - 25.12 21.89 19.13 16.53 14.22 12.07 10.17 capacity - - - - 51.87 43.01 35.02 28.10 21.94 16.71 input power - - - - 26.86 23.48 20.29 17.43 14.71 12.26 Low Temp R404a SAR159 SAR213 SAR318 SAR424 SAR728 SAR733 SAR739 SAR1051 SAR1559 SAR1571 SAR2084 SAR25106 SAR30126 Technical Data Note: Unit Rated Capcity @ 30°C Ambient, 32°C Liq., 10°C useful superheat. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit STANDARD AIR COOLED CONDENSERS TD235 Horizontal Discharge Model Number R404a Capacity W @ 15K SCT168 SCT189 Fans Dimensions (mm) Connections (mm) Number Diameter Voltage Watts Total Air Flow L/S L H D Inlet Outlet 6659 1 400 230V 150 1310 630 530 205 16 10 8717 1 400 230V 150 1230 630 530 205 16 10 SCT1120 11951 1 400 230V 150 1080 630 530 205 16 10 SCS2120 11657 2 350 230V 210 1620 980 430 205 16 10 SCS2150 14406 2 350 230V 210 1560 980 430 205 22 12,5 SCT2170 16758 2 400 230V 300 2960 1200 635 205 22 12,5 SCT2215 20977 2 400 230V 300 2780 1200 635 205 22 12,5 SCT2255 25093 2 400 230V 300 2600 1200 635 205 22 12,5 SCR2275 27500 2 500 230V 780 3730 1400 635 285 28 16 SCR2385 38500 2 500 230V 780 3900 1400 840 285 28 16 SCR2475 47250 2 500 230V 780 3520 1400 940 255 28 16 SCV2720 72030 2 630 400V 2076 6820 2050 840 285 35 22 SCV2850 84481 2 630 400V 2076 6060 2050 940 285 35 22 Number Diameter Voltage Watts Air Flow Amps 3Ph m³/s L H D Inlet Outlet Vertical Discharge Model Number R404a Capacity kW @ 15kTD SCV2100 100 2 630 400V 3,6 6600 2064 1210 1243 42 35 SCV2115 115 2 630 400V 3,6 6900 2257 1210 1243 42 35 SCV3145 144 3 630 400V 5,4 10400 3064 1210 1243 54 42 SCV3160 162 3 630 400V 5,4 9900 3064 1210 1243 54 42 SCV4195 196 4 630 400V 7,2 12800 3664 1210 1243 65 54 SCV5230 230 5 630 400V 9,0 17500 4564 1210 1243 65 54 SCV4200 200 4 630 400V 7,2 13200 2064 1210 1243*2 42*2 35*2 SCV6280 288 6 630 400V 10,8 20800 3064 1210 1243*2 42*2 35*2 SCV6320 324 6 630 400V 10,8 19800 3064 1210 1243*2 54*2 42*2 SCV8390 392 8 630 400V 14,4 15600 3664 1210 1243*2 62*2 54*2 SCV10460 460 10 630 400V 18,0 35000 4564 1210 1243*2 65*2 54*2 Fans Dimensions (mm) Connections (mm) Technical Data Note: Condenser ratings @ 30°C & 101.325kPa ambient air. Optional: Ziehl-abegg 500 mm & 630 mm 2 speed plate axial fans, EC Variable Speed. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit AIR COOLED CONDENSERS - SCT / SCR / SCV TD236 SCT1_ _ SCT2_ _ SCR2385 SCR2475 Technical Data SCV 2720 SCV 2850 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit AIR COOLED CONDENSERS - SCV SCV2100 SCV2125 SCV3_ _ _ SCV4200 SCV5230 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Technical Data TD237 New Model HCT-251-2R HCT-251-4R HCT-252_2R HCT-252-4R HCT-254-3R TM140 TM270 TM3100 TM3140 NM114 NM117 NM121 NM124 NM127 NM232 NM240 NM245 NM254 NM464 NM374 NM479 SM271 SM386 SM3105 SM3125 SM4140 SM4165 SM5210 SM271P SM386P SM3105P SM3125P SM4140P SM4165P SM5210P RM2140 RM3185 RM3210 RM3230 RM3250 RM4280 VM2310 VM2340 VM3400 VM3450 VM3480 VM4520 VM4560 Realcold Stock No. W4600 W4603 W4605 W4607 W4609 W5500 W5502 W5504 W5508 W5000 W5002 W5004 W5006 W5008 W5010 W5012 W5014 W5016 W5018 W5020 W5022 W5024 W5026 W5028 W5030 W5032 W5034 W5036 W5200 W5202 W5204 W5206 W5208 W5210 W5212 W5230 W5232 W5234 W5236 W5238 W5240 W5242 W5244 W5246 W5248 W5250 W5252 W5254 Medium Temp Technical Data 418 990 1235 1857 2480 4165 7143 10204 14286 1400 1690 2090 2370 2710 3200 3950 4520 5450 6400 7400 7895 7102 8599 10653 12434 14204 16574 21179 7102 8599 10653 12434 14204 16574 21179 14000 18400 20600 23100 25200 28100 31000 34400 40000 45100 48300 52000 56000 410 970 1210 1820 2430 4082 7000 10000 14000 1372 1656 2048 2323 2656 3136 3871 4430 5341 6272 7252 7737 6960 8427 10440 12185 13920 16243 20340 6960 8427 10440 12185 13920 16243 13333 17524 19619 22000 24000 26762 29524 32762 38095 42952 46000 49524 53333 Capacity @ 6KTD 134A 404A 0.12 0.13 0.33 0.29 0.3 0.8 1.6 2.4 3.3 0.73 0.68 0.64 0.73 0.7 1.45 1.36 1.28 2.05 2.91 1.93 2.73 1.76 2.7 2.64 2.58 3.52 3.44 4.28 1.76 2.7 2.64 2.58 3.52 3.44 4.28 4.1 5.0 5.4 5.1 6.6 6.4 8.3 7.0 10.4 10.2 10.4 13.0 13.6 Air Flow (m³/s) 2.5 3.0 4.0 3.5 3.5 9.0 8.5 8.0 8.0 7.5 9.0 8.5 8.0 8.0 9.0 7.5 8.0 17.0 18.0 17.0 16.0 17.0 16.0 19.0 18.0 20.0 19.0 18.0 17.0 16.0 19.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 25.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 28.0 28.0 R0930 R0930 R0930 R0930 R0930 R0930 R0930 R0930 R0930 R0930 R0930 R0930 R0935 R0935 R0935 R0935 R0935 R0935 R0935 R0935 R0935 R0935 R0935 R0935 R0935 R0935 R0950 R0950 R0950 R0950 R0950 R0950 R0963 R0963 R0963 R0963 R0963 R0963 R0963 1 1 2 2 4 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 3 4 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 2 3 3 3 4 4 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 Air Throw Fan Stock No (m) Number Fans 250 250 250 250 250 400 400 400 400 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 500 500 500 500 500 500 630 630 630 630 630 630 630 Fan Diameter 0.25 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.042 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a W7240 W7242 W7242 W7242 W7244 W7244 W7246 - 1.5 2.4 2.4 2.4 3 3 3 4.5 4.5 4.5 5.4 4.5 5.4 5.4 4.8 6.0 7.2 7.2 8.0 8.8 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Fan power D/F Element Defrost D/F Tray (Amp ea) Number (kW) Number 425 425 750 750 1400 1224 1705 2205 2705 770 770 770 975 975 1270 1270 1270 1770 2270 1770 2270 1483 2233 2233 2233 2731 2731 3223 1483 2233 2233 2233 2731 2731 3223 2210 2240 2740 2740 2740 2740 2240 2240 3240 3240 3600 3600 3890 L 450 450 450 450 450 845 850 850 850 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 482 482 482 482 482 482 482 482 482 482 482 482 482 482 670 685 685 685 685 685 775 775 775 775 775 775 775 W 175 175 175 175 175 355 360 360 360 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 805 1075 1075 1075 1075 1075 1305 1305 1305 1305 1305 1305 1305 H Dimensions 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 15.9 12.7 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9 12.7 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 X 2 16 X 2 16 X 2 16 X 2 9.5 9.5 9.5 12.5 12.5 22.3 22.3 28.1 28.1 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 28.1 22.3 29 35 35 35 35 35 22.3 29 35 35 35 35 35 29 35 35 35 35 35 35 41 41 35 X 2 35 X 2 35 X 2 35 X 2 Outlet Connections Inlet 12.7 12.7 12.7 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 40 20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Drain (BSP) 5.5 11 16 20 30 38 59 85 121 17 18 19 21 23 25 27 29 44 50 47 58 48 71 75 79 92 98 121 48 71 75 79 92 98 121 132 173 196 198 242 242 280 340 420 420 430 430 510 Weight (Kg) EVAPORATOR DATA TD238 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit HCT-252-3RE 1016 HCT-253-3RE 1528 HCT-254-3RE 2041 NL112 NL115 NL118 NL120 NL123 NL228 NL234 NL239 NL347 NL455 NL464 NL468 SL261 SL374 SL392 SL3110 W4606 W4608 W4610 W5050 W5052 W5054 W5056 W5058 W5060 W5062 W5064 W5066 W5068 W5070 W5072 W5074 W5076 W5078 W5080 40000 45000 SM 5210P RL3160 RL3185 RL3200 RL4220 RL4250 VL2280 VL2300 VL3350 VL3400 VL4450 VL4500 W5086 W5260 W5262 W5264 W5266 W5268 W5270 W5272 W5274 W5276 W5278 W5280 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit 48077 43269 38500 33500 28850 26900 23750 20865 18950 17800 15600 17479 13996 11994 10499 8995 7261 5997 6668 6375 5413 4601 3815 3330 2706 2288 1998 1763 1426 1184 - - - - 13.2 12.0 10.2 10.4 7.1 7.0 6.4 6.8 4.8 4.8 4.6 4.28 3.44 3.52 2.58 2.64 2.7 1.76 2.73 1.93 2.91 2.05 1.28 1.36 1.45 0.7 0.73 0.64 0.68 0.73 - 0.29 0.33 0.13 Air Flow (m³/s) 27.0 27.0 26.0 26.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 19.0 16.0 17.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 17.0 8.0 7.5 9.0 8.0 8.0 8.5 9.0 7.5 8.0 8.0 8.5 9.0 - 3.5 4.0 3.0 R0630 R0630 R0630 R0630 R0630 R0630 R0500 R0500 R0500 R0500 R0500 R0935 R0935 R0935 R0935 R0935 R0935 R0935 R0930 R0930 R0930 R0930 R0930 R0930 R0930 R0930 R0930 R0930 R0930 R0930 - - - - 4 4 3 3 2 2 4 4 3 3 3 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 4 3 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 2 2 630 630 630 630 630 630 500 500 500 500 500 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 250 250 250 250 Technical Data 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 W7250 W7248 W7246 W7246 W7244 W7246 W7244 W7244 W7242 W7242 W7240 W7246 W7244 W7244 W7242 W7242 W7242 W7240 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a - - - - Air Throw Fan Stock No Fan Fan power Stock No (m) Number Fans Diameter (Amp ea) * Optional 2 speed Ziehl plate axial or EC fans available for R and V evaps series on request. 50000 35000 30000 28000 24700 21700 19700 18500 16200 17836 14282 12239 SL4120 SL4145 W5082 W5084 10713 9179 7409 6119 6800 6375 5520 4695 3890 3400 2760 2330 2040 1800 1455 1210 HCT-252-2RE 830 W4604 Capacity @ 6KTD R404a R22 New Model Realcold Stock No. Low Temp 19.8 18.0 16.2 14.4 13.5 10.8 14.4 12.6 10.8 10.8 9.0 9.0 7.7 7.7 7.2 7.2 6.0 3.5 4.8 3.6 4.8 3.6 2.4 2.4 2.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 720 540 360 360 W7288 W7226 W7224 W7224 W7222 W7220 W7224 W7224 W7222 W7224 W7222 W7224 W7212 W7212 W7210 W7210 W7210 W7206 W7210 W7208 W7210 W7208 W7204 W7204 W7204 W7202 W7202 W7200 W7200 W7200 n/a n/a n/a n/a Defrost D/F Tray (kW) Number 6400 6400 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 1800 3200 3200 4800 4800 4800 2000 4800 3600 4800 3600 2400 2400 2400 1800 1800 1400 1400 1400 - - - - Watts 3890 3600 3240 3240 2740 2240 3240 3240 2740 3240 2740 3223 2723 2723 2233 2233 2233 1483 2270 1770 2270 1770 1270 1270 1270 975 975 770 770 770 1400 1075 750 750 L 775 775 775 775 775 775 685 685 685 670 670 482 482 482 482 482 482 482 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 450 450 450 450 W 1305 1305 1305 1305 1305 1305 1075 1075 1075 805 805 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 395 175 175 175 175 H Dimensions 16 X 2 16 X 2 16 X 2 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9 12.7 15.9 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 Inlet 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 35 X 2 40 35 X 2 40 430 430 345 345 290 242 242 198 198 196 173 121 98 92 79 75 71 48 58 47 50 44 33 31 29 23 21 19 18 17 20 16 11 Drain Weight (BSP) (Kg) 35 X 2 40 41 41 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 29 22.3 28.1 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9 12.5 12.5 12.5 9.5 Outlet Connections EVAPORATOR DATA TD239 COOLING UNITS TD240 HCT SERIES RONDO SERIES RDD DUAL DISCHARGE T-FLOW SERIES Technical Data NDD DUAL DISCHARGE BLOWER COILS Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit COOLING UNITS - N / S SERIES TD241 N_1_ _ N_2_ _ N_3_ _ S_2_ _ S_4_ _ N_4_ _ S_3_ _ S_5_ _ Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Technical Data N_1_ _ HCT RANGE UNIT COOLERS TD242 HCT Range Unit Coolers 250 mm Fans - Technical Data Model 251-2R 251-3R 251-4R 252-2R 252-3R 252-4R 253-2R 253-3R 253-4R 254-2R 254-3R 254-4R Nominal Capacity R22 kW @ ITD = 6K and Te = -5°C 0.41 0.55 0.63 0.97 1.21 1.33 1.49 1.82 2.00 1.99 2.43 2.67 Coil surface area m² 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.5 6.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 Air flow - frost free m³/s 0.14 0.12 0.11 0.28 0.24 0.22 0.43 0.36 0.32 0.57 0.49 0.43 Face velocity m/s 2.91 2.49 2.22 2.91 2.49 2.22 2.91 2.49 2.22 2.91 2.49 2.22 Mass Kg 5.2 5.5 5.7 7.8 8.4 8.9 10.9 11.7 12.4 14.0 15.0 16.0 Tube internal volume litre 0.35 0.53 0.71 0.62 0.94 1.25 0.89 1.34 1.79 1.16 1.75 2.33 Air throw m 10 9 8 10 9 8 10 9 8 10 9 8 Liquid connection inch 1/4” 1/4” 1/4” 1/4” 1/4” 1/4” 1/4” 1/4” 1/4” 1/4” 1/4” 1/4” Suction connection inch 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” Elect. defrost 230V kW 0.12 0.18 0.24 0.24 0.36 0.48 0.36 0.54 0.72 0.48 0.72 0.96 Fin Spacing 6F (4.2 mm) General Data Physical Data • Models: HCT 251 2R/3R/4R & 252 2R are suitable for internally equalized expansion valves • Models: 252 3R and above are suitable for externally equalized expansion valves • Drain: 3/4” BSPM Fitting Technical Data • Fan: 250 mm diameter, 230/ 1/ 50Hz, 42 W x 0.42 A each Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit RONDO RANGE UNIT COOLERS TD243 Rondo Range Unit Coolers 250 mm & 300 mm Fans - Technical Data Model 140-A 240-A 340-A 440-A 400-A 500-A 700-A 900-A 1100-A 1300-A Nominal Capacity R22 kW @ ITD = 6K and Te = -5°C 0.63 0.80 0.95 1.08 1.19 1.66 2.06 3.38 4.04 4.64 Coil surface area 1.98 2.97 3.71 4.45 4.15 6.23 8.3 10.22 12.77 17.03 Fin Spacing 6F (4.2 mm) m² Air flow - frost free m³/s 0.21 0.19 0.21 0.22 0.29 0.37 0.43 0.92 1.05 0.94 Face velocity m/s 2.22 1.96 1.76 1.57 2.25 1.92 1.65 2.88 2.64 2.36 Mass Kg 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 7.20 8.30 9.40 14.00 15.40 17.40 General Data Tube internal volume litre 0.56 0.84 1.05 1.26 1.15 1.72 2.3 2.80 3.5 4.66 Fans no x dia 1 x 250 1 x 250 1 x 250 1 x 250 2 x 250 2 x 250 2 x 250 2 x 300 2 x 300 2 x 300 Liquid connection inch 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” Suction connection inch 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 1/2” 1/2” 5/8” 5/8” 3/4” 3/4” Fan Wiring Diameter mm Voltage V Frequency Hz RPM Power W Amperage A Square shaded-pole motor (standard) 250 230 50 1300 16/60 0.42 300 230 50 1300 34/110 0.75 50 1400 68 0.3 External rotor motor (option) 230 Technical Data 300 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit HDD RANGE DUAL DISCHARGE COOLERS TD244 HDD Range Dual Discharge Coolers 250 mm Fans - Technical Data Model 251-A-2R 251-A-3R 251-A-4R 252-A-2R 252-A-3R 252-A-4R Nominal Capacity R22 kW @ ITD = 6K and Te = -5°C 0.78 0.95 1.03 1.67 2.03 2.18 Coil surface area 1.76 2.63 3.52 3.51 5.27 7.02 Fin Spacing 6F (4.2 mm) m² Air flow - frost free m³/s 0.19 0.16 0.15 0.39 0.33 0.29 Face velocity m/s 2.22 1.89 1.69 2.22 1.89 1.69 Mass Kg 5.70 6.20 6.80 9.50 10.50 11.50 General Data Tube internal volume litre 0.53 0.79 1.05 1.06 1.58 2.1 Air throw m 2.7 2.3 2.1 2.7 2.3 2.1 Fans no x dia 1 x 250 1 x 250 1 x 250 2 x 250 2 x 250 2 x 250 Liquid connection inch 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” Suction connection inch 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 1/2” 5/8” 5/8” Elect. defrost 230V kW 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.90 0.90 0.90 Physical Data • Models: 201 2R and above are suitable for externally equalized expansion valves • Drain: 1/2” Copper tube Technical Data • Fan: 250 mm diameter, 230/ 1/ 50Hz, 16 W x 0.42 A each Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit HSR RANGE UNIT COOLERS TD245 HSR Range Unit Coolers 350 mm Fans - Technical Data Model 351-4R 351-6R 352-4R 352-6R 353-4R 353-6R 354-4R 354-6R Nominal Capacity R22 kW @ ITD = 6K and Te = -5°C 3.24 3.82 6.54 7.70 9.83 11.58 13.14 15.44 Coil surface area 16 24 32 48 48 72 64 97 Fin Spacing 6F (4.2 mm) m² Air flow - frost free m³/s 0.71 0.65 1.42 1.30 2.13 1.95 2.84 2.60 Face velocity m/s 2.67 2.44 2.67 2.44 2.67 2.44 2.67 2.44 Mass Kg 23 27 38 44 51 61 65 78 2.66 3.33 5.33 6.70 8.04 10.07 10.73 13.45 Fin Spacing 4F (6.35 mm) Nominal Capacity R22 kW @ ITD = 6K and Te = -5°C Coil surface area m² 11 17 22 33 33 50 44 67 Air flow - frost free m³/s 0.75 0.70 1.50 1.40 2.25 2.10 3.00 2.80 Face velocity m/s 2.79 2.61 2.79 2.61 2.79 2.61 2.79 2.61 Mass Kg 23 26 37 43 49 58 63 75 General Data Tube internal volume litre 3.44 5.16 6.26 9.38 9.07 13.61 11.59 17.83 Air throw m 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 Liquid connection inch 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 5/8” 5/8” 5/8” 5/8” Suction connection inch 7/8” 7/8” 1 1/8” 1 1/8” 1 1/8” 1 3/8” 1 3/8” 1 3/8” Elect. defrost 230V kW 2.0 2.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.5 8.0 10.0 400 400 500 500 Physical Data • Models: 351 4R and above are suitable for externally equalized expansion valves • Drain: 3/4” BSPM Fitting • Fan: 350mm diameter, 230 /1/50 Hz, 130 W x 0.58 A each A 350 350 375 375 Technical Data Dimensions (mm) Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit SMALL COOLROOM CAPACITIES TD246 Small Coolroom Capacities • Typical Coolroom • Duties for Small Storage Only Rooms • 30°C ambient • Coolrooms 100 mm polystyrene walls and ceiling • Freezers 150 mm polystyrene wals, floor, ceiling • Internal hieght = 2.4 m • For other specific applications contact • Realcold Technical Department +64 (0)9 526 5700 Small Coolroom Capacities - Information Room Dimension Length (m) Width (m) Medium Temp +2°C Volume (m³) Average (W) Heavy (W) Low Temp -18°C Average (W) Heavy (W) 1.8 1.2 3.8 900 1170 1400 1820 1.8 1.8 6.1 1100 1430 1600 2080 2.4 1.8 8.4 1300 1690 1800 2340 2.4 2.4 11.6 1500 1950 2000 2600 3.0 2.4 14.8 1700 2210 2200 2860 3.0 3.0 18.8 2000 2600 2400 3120 3.6 2.4 18.0 2000 2600 2400 3120 3.6 3.0 22.8 2300 2990 2600 3380 3.6 3.6 27.7 2700 3510 2800 3640 4.2 2.4 21.1 2200 2860 2500 3250 4.2 3.0 26.9 2500 3250 2800 3640 4.2 3.6 32.6 3000 3900 3200 4160 4.2 4.2 38.4 3300 4290 3500 4550 4.8 3.6 37.5 3300 4290 3500 4550 4.8 4.2 44.2 4000 5200 4200 5460 4.8 4.8 50.8 4500 5850 4800 6240 6.0 3.6 47.3 4300 5590 4500 5850 6.0 4.2 55.7 4700 6110 5000 6500 4.8 64.0 5000 6500 5500 7150 6.0 80.7 5500 7150 6000 7800 Technical Data 6.0 6.0 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit REFRIGERATION TERMINOLOGY TD247 Refrigeration Terminology 1. Centigrade Scale ºC (Celsius) Absolute Temperature ºK (Kelvin) = ºC + 273º 2. Fahrenheit Scale ºF. Absolute Temperature º (Rankin) = ºF + 460 3. Conversion: ºC = 5/9 x (ºF - 32) ºF = (9/5 x ºC) + 32 Measurement A British Thermal Unit (BTU) is the heat required to raise or lower the temperature of 1 lb of water 1ºF. 4.19 Kilojoule is the heat required to raise or lower 1 Kg of water 1 K State of Matter Solid, liquid and gas Change of State The change from one state of matter to another by the addition or the removal of heat at constant temperature. Sensible Heat Heat added to or subtracted from a substance without a change of state (only a change in temperature). Specific Heat The amount of sensible heat required to raise the temperature of 1 lb (1kg) of a substance 1ºF (1K) or the ratio of the heat capacity of the substance to that of water. Latent Heat Quantity of heat added to or removed from a unit weight of a substance during change of state at constant temperature. Saturated Vapour and Liquid When gas and liquid exist in equilibrium, there will be only one vapour pressure for each level of temperature. 1. Subcooled Liquid: If additional heat is removed from saturated liquid in the absence of vapour, its temperature is reduced at constant pressure and it becomes subcooled. 2. Superheated Gas: If additional heat is added to saturated vapour in the absence of liquid, it becomes superheated vapour or gas. Conversion: 1 Ton of Refrigeration = 12,000 BTU/Hr = 3.517 kW = 3517 Watts 1 Watt = 3.412 BTU/Hr 1 psi = 6.895 kPa Refrigeration Cycle Calculations* 1. Refrigerating Effect: (BTU/lb)= Enthalpy of vapour leaving the evaporator minus the enthalpy of liquid ahead of throttling device. 2. Quality: Fraction of liquid flashed at the throttling device to cool the balance of the liquid to evaporator temperature = Enthalpy of liquid ahead of throttling device minus enthalpy of saturated liquid at evaporator temperature divided by the latent heat at evaporator temperature. 3. Refrigerant Flow Rate: (Lbs/min/ton) = 200 BTU/min divided by the refrigerating effect. 4. CFM Gas to Compressor: Flow rate (Lbs/min/ton) times specific volume (Cu ft/lb) of gas entering the compressor - CFM Gas/ Ton. 5. Compression Ratio: Discharge pressure psia divided by suction pressure psia. 6. Reciprocating Compressor Displacement in CFM (BTU/lb) (kj/kg) 1. Latent Heat of Fusion: Melting of a solid or freezing of a liquid. 2. Latent Heat of Evaporation: Change from a liquid to a gas. 3. Latent Heat of Condensation: Change from a gas to a liquid. Total Heat (Enthalpy) Heat Capacity The sum total of sensible and latent heat quantities. BTU/lb (kj/kg), usually referenced to -40º at which point the Total Heat (Enthalpy) is taken as 0 BTU/lb with negative values below -40º. When all heat has been extracted from a substance, it is said to be at Absolute Zero 0ºR (Rankin) or correspondingly 0ºK (Kelvin). = RPM x No. of cylinders x π D² x S x 1 4 1728 where: D = Cylinder Bore in inches and S = Piston Stroke in inches. 7. Volumetric Efficiency: of a compressor is the ratio of the volume of suction gas actually pumped to the displacement or swept volume of the compressor. The biggest factors affecting volumetric efficiency are: Compression ratio and cylinder clearance volume for reciprocating compressors; Compression ratio and differential pressure for rotary screw compressors. 8. Heat of Compression (BTU/lb): Enthalpy of the discharge gas, leaving the compressor minus the enthalpy of the suction gas entering the compressors. 9. Heat Rejection to the Condenser: Note: Enthalpy referenced to 0ºF for air. Pressure Expressed in Pounds per Square Inch, Gauge; or Absolute Pressure (psig or psia). 1. Atmospheric Pressure: At sea level is 14.7 lbs/sq. inch absolute (deduct approx. 0.5 lbs/sq. inch or 1 inch of mercury for every 1,000 feet increase in elevation above sea level). 2. Gauge Pressure: Is equal to Absolute Pressure less Atmospheric Pressure. Thus at 4,000 feet elevation gauge pressure (psig) will be 4 x 0.5 or 2 lbs/sq. inch (psi) higher than at sea level for the same condition. 3. Vacuum: Pressures below atmospheric pressure are measured in inches of mercury (vacuum) (two inches of mercury can be equal to one lb/sq. inch). A perfect vacuum (0 psia) being equal to 29.92 inches of mercury (“Hg) or 760mm, at sea level. Measurements are sometimes expressed in microns (1,000,000) microns in a metre). 4. Vapour Pressure: Equilibrium Pressure between a liquid and its saturated vapour. As long as vapour and liquid are both present, there will be only one vapour pressure for each level of temperature. 5. Gas Pressure: In the absence of liquid, the pressure of a gas is proportional to Absolute gas temperature and to gas density (perfect gas laws). a) Enthalpy of discharge gas leaving the compressor less the enthalpy of the liquid leaving the condenser in BTU/ lb times the Refrigerant Flow Rate = Heat of rejection in (BTU/min/ton). b) Tons of refrigeration times 12,000 BTU/Hr/Ton plus the compressor brake HP times 2545 BTU/Hr/Hp (or hermetic motor kilowatts times 3415 BTU/Hr/kW) = Heat of Rejection in BTU/Hr. * Refer to Refrigerant Tables or Mollier Charts for thermodynamic properties of the refrigerant. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Technical Data Temperature Indicates level of heat energy TECHNICAL TIPS TD248 Technical Tips Silver Brazing - Inert Gas Prevents Copper Oxide Formation The purpose of this article on silver brazing is to enlarge on one serious after-effect if proper procedures are not used during silver brazing operations. The use of high melting point alloys has increased considerably in recent years particularly in supermarkets, processing plants, air conditioning or wherever a large number of joints are used. The inherent mechanical strength of the joint and the reduction of leak possibilities have made this a desirable type of joint. In addition, code requirements in some areas have forced the used of these alloys. In order for brazing alloys to melt and flow properly, red beat, 620 to 790ºC is required. Copper will react with the oxygen in air at these temperatures to form a scale of copper oxide in air at these temperatures to form a scale of copper oxide on the inner walls of tubing, pipe and fittings. The scale is broken off into flakes by the turbulence of flowing liquid refrigerant. The flakes quickly break up into a fine powder which plugs driers, strainers and capillary tubes. Copper oxide is so finely divided that a filter bed of other materials is usually required in driers before the filtration system in the drier can remove it, thus accounting for the approximately 48 hours needed to remove this material. This assumes that the original drier does not plug. If it does, longer will be required. Driers are sometimes returned as defective because they have shown an undesirable pressure drop on a new system. In conjunction with other dirt, a substantial accumulation of copper oxide is often the explanation. Chemical analysis readily confirm the condition. The drier is not defective, on the contrary, it has done exactly what it was designed to do - take out the ‘dirt’. If the air in the line being brazed is replaced with an inert gas such as dry nitrogen, the formation of copper oxide can be eliminated. The line should be purged thoroughly and a slow steady flow of nitrogen maintained by means of a pressure reducing valve. High pressure gas (nitrogen) should never be connected directly to a system but must be metered through a pressure reducing valve for the protection of the user. Too high a rate of flow is undesirable because of the cooling effect of the gas. The inert gas method will keep the inside of the copper lines and fittings clean and bright. When it is not completely successful, the trouble is usually attributed to applying heat before all of the air has been displaced. On large copper pipe, the end of the tubing should be covered with some type of elastic material such as a rubber balloon and a small slit made in the rubber to provide an escape valve. In this manner, the line can be kept full of nitrogen without use of excessive quantities. The inert gas method, wherever practical, is recommended for repair work. The nitrogen clears the line of refrigerant vapour preventing acid formation due to refrigerant breakdown as well as preventing copper oxide formation. Many service engineers find it impractical to transport heavy nitrogen cylinders in and out of buildings and have solved the problem by permanently mounting the cylinder on their service truck. The cylinder is equipped with a pressure reducing valve and flexible lines long enough to reach most of their jobs. Purge hose or a similar type of material is satisfactory for the flexible line. The line pressure is held to an absolute minimum with the gas flow just high enough to maintain the required slow, steady rate of flow. Note: Cadmium bearing brazing alloys present a dangerous toxic hazard. Extreme care in providing adequate ventilation during brazing operations is an absolute necessity. Inhalation of cadmium fumes may produce extreme illness or could be fatal. Trouble Shooting Tips - a list of Do’s and Dont’s for Commercial Refrigeration Do Don´t • Check suction gas superheat at the compressor. High superheats cause high discharge temperatures and shorten compressor life. • Select solenoid valves by line size or port size. Select based on valve capacity. • Check expansion valve superheat using the temperature pressure method (refer to Page TD249). Set to equipment manufacturer’s specification. • Rely on sight or touch for temperature measurements. Use an accurate thermometer. Technical Data • Replace the filter-driers or drier cores when opening the system for service. • Be a ‘parts changer’. Analyse the problem and determine the cause or failure before making adjustments or repairs. • Maintain test instruments in workable calibrated condition. • Attempt to re-use driers or direr blocks once they have been removed from the system. • Use an accurate liquid line moisture indicator to ensure system dryness. • Energise a solenoid coil with it removed from a valve. It will burn out in a matter of minutes. • Read and observe installation and safety instructions included with a product. • Familiarise yourself with the operation of a control before attempting to make adjustments or repairs. • Remember that a thermostatic expansion valve is not a temperature or pressure control. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit EVAPORATION SUPERHEAT Evaporation Superheat TD249 Thermostatic Expansion Valve - Superheat For example, a refrigeration evaporator is operating with Refrigerant 22 at 465 kPa suction pressure. The Refrigerant 22 saturation temperature at 465 kPa is 4ºC. As long as any liquid exists at this pressure, the refrigerant temperature will remain 4ºC as it evaporates or boils off in the evaporator. As the refrigerant moves along in the coil, the liquid boils off into a vapour, causing the amount of liquid present to decrease. All of the liquid is finally evaporated at point B because it has absorbed sufficient heat from the surrounding atmosphere to change the refrigerant liquid to a vapour. The refrigerant gas continues along the coil and remains at the same pressure (465 kPa) however, its temperature increases due to continued absorption of heat from the surrounding atmosphere. When the refrigerant gas reaches the end of the evaporator (Point C), its temperature is 10ºC. This refrigerant gas is now superheated and the amount of superheat is 6ºC or 6ºK (10º - 4º). The degree to which the refrigerant gas is superheated depends on the amount of the refrigerant being fed to the evaporator by the T.X. valve and the heat load to which the evaporator is exposed. Adjustment of Superheat The function of a T.X. valve is to control the superheat of the suction gas leaving the evaporator in accordance with the valve setting. A T.X. valve which is performing this function within reasonable limits can be said to be operating in a satisfactory manner. Good superheat control is the criterion of T.X. valve performance. It is important that this function be measured as accurately as possible, or in the absence of accuracy, to be aware of the magnitude and direction of whatever error is present. Superheat has been previously defined as the temperature increase of the refrigerant gas above the saturation temperature at the existing pressure. Based on this definition, the pressure and temperature of the refrigerant suction gas passing the T.X. valve remote bulb are required for an accurate determination of superheat. Thus, when measuring superheat, the recommended practice is to install a calibrated pressure gauge connection at the evaporator outlet. In the absence of a gauge connection, a tee installed in the T.X. valve external equalizer line can be sued just as effectively. A refrigeration type pocket thermometer with appropriate bulb clamp may be used, or more effective is the use of a service type potentiometer (electric thermometer) with thermocouples (leads and probes). The temperature element from your Temperature Meter should be clamped to the suction line at the point of remote bulb location and must be insulated against the ambient. Temperature elements of this type, as well as thermometers, will give an average reading of suction line and ambient if not insulated. Assuming an accurate gauge and Temperature Meter, this method will provide sufficiently accurate superheat readings for all practical purposes. On installations where a gauge connection is not available and the valve is internally equalized, there are two alternate methods possible. Both of these methods are approximations only and their use is definitely not recommended. The first of these is the two temperature method which utilizes the difference in temperature between the evaporator inlet and outlet in temperature between the evaporator inlet and outlet as the superheat. This method is in error by the temperature equivalent of the pressure drop between the two points of temperature. Where the pressure drop between the evaporator inlet and outlet is 7kPa or less, the two temperature method will yield fairly accurate results. However, evaporator pressure drop is usually an unknown and will vary with the load. For this reason, the two temperature methods cannot be relied on for absolute superheat readings. It should be noted that the error in the two temperature method is negative and always indicates a superheat lower than the actual figure. The other method commonly used to check superheat involves taking the temperature at the evaporator outlet and utilizing the compressor suction pressure as the evaporator saturation pressure. The error here is obviously due to the pressure drop in the suction line between the evaporator outlet and the compressor suction gauge. On self-contained equipment, the pressure drop and resulting error are usually small. However, on large built-up systems or systems with long runs of suction line, considerable discrepancies will usually result. Since estimates of suction line pressure drop are usually not accurate enough to give a true picture of the superheat, this method cannot be relied on for absolute values. It should be noted that the error in this instance will always be positive and the superheat resulting will be higher than the actual value. Restating, the only method of checking superheat that will yield an absolute value involves a pressure and temperature reading at the evaporator outlet. Other methods employed will yield a fictitious superheat that can prove misleading when used to analyse T.X. valve performance. By realizing the limitations of these approximate methods and the direction of the error, it is often possible to determine that the cause of a trouble call is due to the use of improper methods of instrumentation rather than any malfunction of the valve. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Technical Data A vapour is superheated whenever its temperature is higher than the saturation temperature corresponding to its pressure. The amount of the superheat equals the amount of temperature increase above the saturation temperature at the existing pressure. A GUIDE TO CALCULATING NOISE LEVELS TD250 A Guide to Calculating Noise Levels Step 1 - SWL of Unit Enter the Sound Power Level (SWL) of the proposed equipment at the top of the table. Step 2 - Distance Factor Determine the shortest distance between the location of the proposed unit and the receiver position (e.g. neighbour). For Simplicity the distance between the unit and the boundary may be acceptable. Circle the corresponding Distance Factor in Column 1. Step 3 - Barrier Effect Determine the type of barrier - If any between the proposed unit and the receiver position. Check the section on “Barriers” to determine the situation you have. Remember that an “Ineffective Barrier: is one where there is no barrier or the barrier or fence has holes in it which allows the noise to pass through it (e.g. picket fences, missing planks, decorative openings etc.). Circle the corresponding Barrier Factor in Column 2. Step 4 - Reflection Factor Determine the number of reflective surfaces that are within 3 metres of the proposed unit, such as walls and large eaves (do not include the ground). Circle the corresponding Reflection Factor in Column 3. Step 5 - Resultant Noise Level Determine the estimated Resultant Noise Level by: Noise Level = SWL of Proposed Unit - Distance Factor - Barrier Effect - Reflection Factor Sound Power Level (SWL) of Proposed Unit — dBA Column 1 Column 2 Shortest straight line distance from Unit to Receiver position (m) Distance Factor 1 8 2 14 Effective Barrier 3 17 4 20 5 22 6 23 7 25 8 25 10 28 Column 3 Barrier Barrier Effect Reflection Reflection Factor Ineffective Barrier 0 No reflecting surfaces within 3m 0 3 Line of sight to unit not blocked 0 One refecting surface within 3m (one wall) 5 Two refecting surfaces with 3m (two walls) 5 Blocks line of sight to unit Three reflecting surfaces within 3m (two walls and large eaves) 6 Technical Data High barrier blocks 8 line of sight of unit by more than 1m Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit METRIC CONVERSION CHART TD251 Metric Conversion Chart Area: Symbol m² The SI unit of AREA is the SQUARE METRE Length: Symbol m The SI unit of LENGTH is the METRE Mass: Symbol kg The SI unit of MASS is the KILOGRAM Volume: Capacity: Symbol m³ The SI unit of VOLUME is the CUBIC METRE A B C Multiply By To Obtain square inches square feet square yards acre hectare (ha) 645.16 0.929 0.836 4047 10,000 mm² m² m² m² m² inches feet yards mile mile" 25.4 0.3048 0.9144 1609 1.609 millimetres (mm) metres (m) metres (m) metres (m) Kilometres (km) ounce pound ton (2240 lb) short ton (2000 lb) ton (2240 lb) pounds per foot (lb/ft) 28.35 0.436 1016.05 907.2 1.016 1.488 grams (g) kilograms (kg) kg kg tonne (t) kg/m 16,387 0.02832 0.7646 1,000,000 0.001 0.004546 mm³ m³ m³ mm³ m³ m³ 28.41 568.3 1.137 4.546 3.785 1.000 4.536 millilitre (ml) millilitre (ml) litre (L) litre (L) litre (L) kilogram (kg) kilogram (kg) 0.000758 m³/s 0.272765 0.758 m³/hr litre per second (L/s) 6.895 6.895 47.88 98.07 100 kPa Mpa Pa kPa kPa 9.79 2.984 0.133 0.133 3.386 kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa 101.325 kPa 0.133 Pa 27.68 16.02 0.5933 t/m³ kg/m³ kg/m³ Dry: cubic inch (in³) cubic foot (ft³) cubic yard (yd³) litre (L) litre (L) gallons (lmp) Imperial Liquid: fluid ounce pint (20fl.oz) quart (2 pints) gallon (lmp) gallon (US) litre (water 4ºC) Imp.gallons (water 20ºC) Volume: Rate Of Flow Imp. gal. per min Symbol m³/s (gal/min) The SI unit of VOLUME Imp. gal. per min Imp. gal. per min RATE OF FLOW is the CUBIC METRE PER SECOND Pressure: Symbol Pa The SI unit of PRESSURE or stress is the NEWTON PER SQUARE METRE which has been given the name PASCAL 1N/m² = 1Pa = 0.000145lbf/in² A pascal is the pressure or stress which arises when a force of one newton is applied uniformly over an area of one square metre lbf/in² kip/in² (1000 psi) lbf/ft² kgf/cm² bar Vertical column (head) of water. (H²O at 20ºC) metres of water feet of water torr (vacuum 1mm Hg. (mercury) 1mm Hg. (mercury) atmosphere (atm) microns Density: Symbol kg/m³ lb/in³ The SI unit of DENSITY lb/ft³ is the KILOGRAM PER lb/yd³ CUBIC METRE Remarks A B C Multiply By To Obtain 0.3048 0.00508 0.4470 1.609 m/s m/s m/s km/h Velocity: Symbol m/s ft. per sec (ft/s) The SI unit of VELOCITY ft. per min (ft/min) miles per hour is the METRE PER miles per hour SECOND Power: Symbol W The SI unit of POWER is the WATT Energy: Symbol J The SI unit of ENERGY is the JOULE 1J = 1 N.m A joule is the energy expended or the work done when a force of one newton moves the point of application a distance of one metre in the direction of that force Force: Symbol N (Newton) The SI unit of FORCE (kg.m/s²) has been given the special name - NEWTON. The newton is the force which when applied to a body having a mass of one kilogram, causes an acceleration of one metre per second in the direction of application of the force Force Per Unit Length: The SI unit is NEWTON/per metre Symbol N/m Torque: Symbol N.m (Moment of force The SI unit of TORQUE is the NEWTON METRE The NEWTON METRE is the work done when a force of one newton moves the point of application a distance of one metre in the direction of that force. 1N.m = 1J Btu per hour (Btu/hr) 0.2931 Horsepower (hp) 0.7457 ton of 3.517 refrigeration Electrical Energy kilowatt hour (kW.h) 3.6 Heat Energy British thermal unit (Btu) Btu/ft³ Mechanical Energy foot poundal (ft.pdl) inch pound-force (in.lbf) foot pound-force (ft.lbf) foot ton force (ft.tonf) metre kilogram force (m.kgf) Pountal (pdl) Pound-force (lbf) ton-force (tonf) *kilogram-force (kgf) W kW kW MJ 1.055 KJ 37.26 KJ/m³ 0.4214 0.1130 J J00 1.356 J 3.037 9.807 KJ J 0.1383 4.448 9.964 9.807 N N kN N *also known as kilopond (kp) pounds-force per 175.1 inch (Ibf/in) pounds-force per 14.59 foot (lbf/ft) ton-force per foot 32.69 (ton/ft) N/m Poundal-foot (pdl.ft) pound-force inch (lbf.inch) (lbf.inch) pound-force feet (lbf.ft) (lbt.ft) ton-force feet (tonf.ft) Kilogram-force (kgf.m) ( 0.04214 N.m 0.113 N.m 1.152 1.356 N/m 13.83 3.037 kN.m 9.807 N.m 0.09807 N.m N/m kN/m Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Technical Data Remarks GENERAL RULES & FIRST AID TD252 General Rules General Rules for handling Fluorocarbon Refrigerants Safety Equipment Ventilation Goggles or face shields, gloves and safety footwear must be worn when filling cylinders, coupling up storage vessels and/or handling bulk fills so as to prevent eye damage or burns should a coupling give way or a line burst. Since many materials such as soldering flux, oil, dirt and all refrigerants decompose at the flame temperatures used in soldering, the area in which repair is carried out should be properly ventilated to remove the products of decomposition and combustion of all materials. An adequately ventilated work area is good practice at any time, but especially when an open flame of a leak detector or welding torch is to be used in the presence of ‘fluorocarbon’ refrigerants. Keep Away from Fire No part of any cylinder should ever be subjected to direct flame, steam or temperatures exceeding 50’C. If necessary to warm cylinder to promote more rapid discharge, extreme caution should be taken - an easy and safe way is to place bottom part of cylinder in a container of warm or hot water not over 50’C. Store Cylinders Upright Store cylinders in a cool, dry place, away from direct sources of heat. A well ventilated area will ensure that no build up of gas can occur should a cylinder leak or relief valve unseat. Behaviour in Presence of Open Flame All commercially available fluorinated hydrocarbon refrigerants are non-inflammable and non-explosive - an extremely important safety feature. These refrigerants will decompose however, if subjected to sufficiently high temperatures. Over 540’C is required for decomposition, and since the average flame temperature is higher, decomposition may occur. It should be noted that only the refrigerant vapour that actually passes through the flame will be affected. When fluorinated hydrocarbon refrigerants are decomposed by high temperature, they form hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride and small quantities of other gases which may cause ill effects if inhaled in sufficient quantities. Generally, the pungent odour of these products give ample warning of their presence. Do Not Force Connections Cylinder connections should fit easily and snugly. Never force them. Use correct tools. Stripped threads can cause leaks and possible loss of refrigerant. Handle Cylinders Carefully Cylinders should not be used for ‘rollers’ or supports. Cuts and abrasions may result. Care in handling cylinders will prolong their life. Read Labels Technical Data Because colour of cylinders cannot be relied upon for positive identification, labels should always be read carefully. Colour blindness might interfere with proper identification. If still in doubt, other methods of identification are available from the manufacturer/supplier. Visual Examination Each time a cylinder is returned or delivered for re-charging, it should be carefully examined for evidence of corrosion, cuts, dents, bulges, condition of threads, valves, etc, to ensure suitability for further service. State Codes also provide for examination and testing of cylinders to ensure their continued use. Never Transfer Refrigerant cylinders are labelled and identified for a particular refrigerant. Never put a different refrigerant into a cylinder labelled for another refrigerant. Check Pressure The pressure within the cylinder must be greater than in the system to cause the refrigerant to flow into the system. Pressure should be checked before charging. Health Effects and First Aid Swallowed This product is a vapour at ambient temperature and pressure: therefore any liquid present in an open vessel will be boiling at a very low temperature and accidental contact with mouth or throat tissue would generate severe frost burning, but it is obviously extremely unlikely. Eye Frost burning of eye tissue would occur in the event of accidental contact. In cases of frost bite: Rinse with plenty of water and seek medical advice. Inhaled The vapour of this product is denser than air and may reduce the available oxygen. The symptoms likely to be experienced upon inhalation of the vapour include: narcososi, anaesthesia, respiratory depression, unconsciousness and possible asphyxiation. In addition, inhalation may lead to cardiac arrythmias in susceptible individuals. Move to fresh air, rest, half upright position, loosen clothing. Give oxygen or artificial respiration if there is any difficulty in breathing. Apply external cardiac massage in case of cardiac arrest. Skin Contact with skin of boiling liquid may cause frost bite. In cases of frost bite : DO NOT remove clothes. Rinse skin with plenty of water. Treat frost bite as for thermal burns. Seek medical advice. Advice to Doctor Ensure first aid procedures have been carried out. Treat symptomatically. Avoid the use of adrenaline. Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit psig 10.5* 8.4* 6.2* 3.8* 1.2* 0.5 1.5 3.5 4.6 7.2 9.1 12 13 16 18 21 24 27 30 33 37 41 45 48 52 58 62 67 73 79 85 90 97 104 112 118 126 133 141 151 161 169 178 189 200 210 221 233 245 257 269 283 297 R502 kPAg -19 -10 -1 8 19 30 42 54 68 82 98 114 132 150 170 191 213 236 261 287 314 343 373 405 438 473 510 548 588 630 673 718 766 815 866 920 975 1033 1093 1155 1219 1286 1355 1426 1500 1577 1656 1738 1823 1911 2001 2095 2192 psig -2.8 -1.5 -0.1 1.2 2.8 4.4 6.1 7.8 9.9 11.9 14.2 16.5 19.2 21.8 24.7 27.7 30.9 34.3 37.9 41.7 45.6 49.8 54.1 58.8 63.6 68.7 74 79.5 85.3 91.4 97.7 104.2 111.2 118.3 125.7 133.5 141.5 149.9 158.6 167.6 176.9 186.6 196.7 207 217.7 228.9 240.3 252.2 264.6 277.4 290.4 304.1 318.1 R717 kPAg -59.2 -54.3 -48.9 -42.7 -35.9 -28.3 -20.3 -11.6 -2.1 8.3 19.4 31.5 44.6 58.6 73.8 90.1 108 126 146 168 191 215 242 269 299 328 382 397 433 473 513 555 605 654 704 755 811 868 930 995 1065 1130 1203 1277 1369 1449 1543 1630 1722 1820 1914 2005 2110 psig 17.5* 16* 14.4* 12.6* 10.6* 8.4* 6* 3.4* 0.6* 1 2.6 4.4 6.7 8.7 11 13 15 18 21 24 28 31 35 39 43 48 53 58 63 69 74 81 88 95 102 110 118 126 135 144 154 164 174 185 199 210 224 236 250 264 278 291 319 R744 kPAg 582 639 700 764 833 905 981 1061 1145 1234 1328 1426 1592 1638 1751 1870 1994 2124 2259 2401 2549 2703 2863 3030 3204 3285 3769 4183 4630 5111 5629 5903 6188 6484 6792 7114 psig 84.5 92.7 102 111 121 131 142 154 166 179 193 207 231 237 254 271 289 308 328 348 370 392 415 439 465 476 547 607 671 741 816 856 897 940 985 1032 Temp °F -58 -54.4 -50.8 -47.2 -43.6 -40 -36.4 -32.8 -29.2 -25.6 -22 -18.4 -14.8 -11.2 -7.6 -4 -0.4 3.2 6.8 10.4 14 17.6 21.2 24.8 28.4 32 35.6 39.2 42.8 46.4 50 53.6 57.2 60.8 64.4 68 71.6 75.2 78.8 82.4 86 89.6 93.2 96.8 100.4 104 107.6 111.2 114.8 118.4 122 125.6 129.2 R134A Temp °C kPAg -50 -48 -46 -44 -42 -40 -38 -36 -35 -34 -28 -32 -21 -30 -14 -28 -5 -26 3 -24 14 -22 26 -20 39 -18 49 -16 59 -14 72 -12 86 -10 101 -8 118 -6 135 -4 153 -2 172 0 192 2 211 4 229 6 253 8 283 10 313 12 342 14 372 16 403 18 436 20 469 22 507 24 544 26 584 28 626 30 668 32 715 34 761 36 811 38 863 40 915 42 972 44 1029 46 1090 48 1153 50 1217 52 1287 54 1356 -43 -37 -30 -24 -16 -9 0 9 19 29 40 52 65 78 92 107 123 140 158 177 197 217 240 263 287 313 340 368 397 428 461 495 530 567 605 645 687 730 775 822 871 922 974 1029 1085 1144 1204 1267 R406A kPAg R409A kPAg -71 -67 -63 -59 -54 -49 -43 -37 -31 -23 -16 -7 2 11 21 33 44 57 71 85 100 117 134 152 172 192 214 237 262 287 314 342 372 404 437 471 507 545 585 626 670 715 762 811 863 920 970 1030 1090 1150 1220 1290 1360 R413A kPAg -50 -45 -39 -33 -27 -20 -12 -4 4 14 24 34 45 57 70 84 98 114 130 147 165 184 204 226 248 272 297 323 350 379 409 441 474 508 544 582 621 662 705 750 796 844 895 947 1001 1057 1115 1176 1238 1303 1370 1440 1512 (ISCEON 49) 17 29 41 55 68 81 95 110 118 128 136 156 177 200 224 249 276 304 334 365 398 440 500 529 566 604 645 688 732 779 828 880 934 990 1049 1110 1175 1242 1311 1384 1460 1539 1621 1707 1796 1888 1985 2085 2188 R407C kPAg R410A kPAg 9 21 33 46 61 76 93 111 130 150 172 195 219 245 273 303 334 367 402 438 477 518 561 607 654 704 757 812 869 930 993 1059 1128 1200 1275 1353 1435 1520 1608 1701 1797 1896 2000 2108 2220 2336 2456 2581 2710 2844 2983 3126 3274 R417A kPAg -25 -18 -11 -2 7 16 29 37 49 61 74 88 103 119 135 153 171 191 211 233 256 280 305 332 360 389 420 452 485 520 557 595 635 676 719 764 811 859 910 962 1016 1073 1131 1192 1254 1319 1386 1455 1527 1601 1677 1756 1837 (ISCEON 59) R404A kPAg -23 -15 -6 4 15 26 39 52 66 81 97 114 133 152 173 195 219 243 270 297 326 357 390 424 460 498 537 579 623 669 716 766 819 873 929 989 1049 1119 1179 1249 1329 1399 1479 1559 1639 1729 1819 1909 2009 2109 2209 2319 2429 R507 kPAg -12 -3 7 17 28 40 53 67 82 98 114 132 151 171 193 216 240 265 292 320 350 382 415 450 486 525 565 608 652 698 747 798 851 906 964 1024 1087 1152 1221 1291 1365 1442 1521 1604 1689 1778 1870 1966 2064 2167 2273 2382 2496 R408A kPAg -23 -17 -8 1 11 22 34 46 60 74 89 105 123 141 161 181 203 227 251 277 305 334 364 396 430 465 502 541 582 625 670 716 765 816 869 920 980 1040 1100 1170 1240 1310 1380 1460 1530 1610 1700 1790 1880 1970 2060 2160 2270 R403B kPAg 1 12 24 35 47 60 73 88 104 118 138 157 178 199 220 243 267 295 320 348 382 412 446 483 520 560 603 644 689 732 783 831 886 942 998 1057 1113 1179 1244 1313 1388 1462 1540 1620 1700 1784 1872 1964 2057 2151 2250 2358 2464 (ISCEON 69L) 21.4 35.1 49.6 57.2 73.7 90.9 110.2 130.2 141.2 163.3 187.4 212.9 240.5 254.9 285.2 316.9 350.7 386.5 405.1 444.4 485.7 529.2 575.3 599.4 649 709.7 795.1 854.4 884.7 947.4 1013.5 1083.1 1154.8 1192.7 1269.1 1349.8 1433.8 1521.3 1566.8 1659.8 1756.3 1857.5 1962.3 2016 2127.6 2243.4 2364 2488.7 R422A kPAg (ISCEON 79) Pressure Temperature Chart Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Technical Data Temp °C -50 -48 -46 -44 -42 -40 -38 -36 -34 -32 -30 -28 -26 -24 -22 -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 R22 kPAg -35.5 -28.6 -21.1 -13 -4.2 0.01 10 22 32 50 63 80 91 108 126 145 164 195 207 231 254 284 310 334 361 398 430 465 504 542 584 622 668 716 769 814 866 917 975 1040 1107 1165 1230 1300 1378 1448 1525 1610 1688 1770 1855 1950 2050 PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CHART TD253 PROPERTIES OF REFRIGERANTS TD254 Properties of Refrigerants Refrigerant R407c KLEA66 R480a FX10 R409a FX56 R409b FX57 R410a AZ20 R413a R500 ISCEON 49 R502 R503 R507 AZ50 R600a Butane R717 Ammonia Boiling Point at 101 kPa- °C -43.6 -43.5 -34.2 -36.6 -51.4 -35 -33.5 -45.4 -88.7 -46.7 -11.8 -33.3 Temp. Glide at 101 kPa K 7.2 0.7 7.1 7.7 0 7.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Critical Temperature 'C 87.3 83.5 107 116 84.9 101.3 105.5 82. 2 195 70.9 135 133 Critical Pressure kPa 4820 4340 4500 4700 4950 4110 4420 4075 4340 3793 3631 11417 Latent Heat of Vapourisation at 101 kPa kj/Kg 250.1 227.2 220.2 220.3 271.6 214.6 201 172 179.4 196.1 355.2 Vapour Pressureat 25°C kPa 1002.8 1147.9 644 692 1646.9 717.1 770 1160 4290 1286 351.8 Liquid Density at 25°C Kg/m³ 1139.22 1062.1 1215.9 1228.4 1083.8 1169.6 1160 1220 1230 1041.6 552.3 Vapour Density at 101 kPa Kg/m³ 4.507 4.712 4.91 4.881 4.064 5.272 5.3 4.79 6.03 5 449 4.392 Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) 0 0.019 0.04 0.039 0 0 0.605 0.224 0.599 0 0 0 Global Warming Potential (GWP) (CO²=1) 1370 3060 1530 1510 1300 1510 5210 5590 11700 3900 3 1 Flammability Limit at 25°C None None None None None Worst None case of Fractionation flammable None None None 1.7% 15% Variation in Composition of Blended Refrigerants in Case of Leakage In the following, we make the distinction between: • Near azeotropic mixtures (having a low temperature glide typically lower than 3K) • Azeotropic mixtures (having a temperature glide equal to zero K) R404a and R408a are near azeotropic mixtures with a glide lower than 1 K. The composition of the mixtures does not change when a leak occurs in a homogeneous phase. That is the case at the evaporator outlet (superheated vapour) or at the condenser outlet (subcooled liquid). By contrast, marked differences of behaviour appear between the different types of mixtures during a leak in the two phase region equilibrium. For non-azeotropic mixtures, the ‘more volatile’ components escape in preceding order, altering to a great extent the composition of the mixture remaining in the installation, resulting in change of performance. For near azeotropic or real azeotropic mixtures, leak rates of all components of the mixture are very close; thus during a leakage, composition of refrigerant remaining in the installation is not affected significantly. For all blended refrigerants it is stated by some manufacturers that after a leakage of 50% of the initial charge, changes in composition are less than 3% by weight. Like R502 the new blended refrigerants must always be introduced in the liquid phase in the installation. Introduction in the gas phase, at the compressor suction, may increase the charging time of the installation and may alter performance of the mixture charged. Technical Data *For a non azeotropic mixture the change process liquid to vapour occurs over a range of temperatures (glide). Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit CONVERSION DATA TD255 Summary of Common Conversion Factors Length Millimetres 1 10 25.4 304.8 914.4 1000 1,000,000 1,609,350 Centimetres 0.1 1 2.54 30.48 91.44 100 100,000 160,935 Inches 0.03937 0.3937 1 12 36 39.37 39,370 63,360 Feet 0.003281 0.032808 0.08333 1 3 3.2808 3280.8 5280 Yards 0.0010936 0.010936 0.027777 0.3333 1 1.0936 1093.6 1760 Metres 0.001 0.01 0.254 0.3048 0.9144 1 1000 1609.35 Kilometres 0.000001 0.00001 0.0000254 0.0003048 0.0009144 0.001 1 1.60935 Miles 0.0000006214 0.000005214 0.00001578 0.0001893 0.0005682 0.0006214 0.6214 1 Mass Grams 1 28.3496 453.593 1000 907,186 1,016,050 1,000,000 Ounces 0.03527392 1 16 35.27392 32,000 35,840 35,273.92 Pounds 0.00220462 0.0625 1 2.20462 2000 2240 2204.62 Kilograms 0.001 0.0283496 0.453593 1 907.186 1016.05 1000 US Ton (Short) 0.05110231 0.043125 0.0005 0.00110231 1 1.12 1.10231 Imp Ton (Long) 0.0698426 0.04279 0.0344642 0.03984206 0.89285 1 0.984206 Metric Tonne 0.051 0.04283496 0.03453593 0.0001 0.907186 1.01605 1 Energy or Work Joules (1 Joule = 107 Ergs) Foot - Pounds Kilogram Metres Litre Atmosphere Horsepower Hours Kilowatt Hours Kilograms Calories British Thermal Units 1 1.3562 9.81 101,3667 2,685,443 3,600,000 4185.8291 1054.198 15387,041.6 1,023,000 0.7373 1 7.233 74,7386 1,980,000 2,655,220 3087.35 778 11,352,000 754,525 0.101937 0.138255 1 10.333 273,746 367,100 426.843 107.5 1.569,527.5 104.320 0.0098705 0.013826 0.09677 1 26,490.4 35,526.95 41.309 10.40277 151,894.66 10,096.77 0.063727 0.06505 0.053653 0.043774 1 1.341 0.001558 0.033927 5.733 0.3811 0.06278 0.063766 0.052724 0.042794 0.7457 1 0.0011623 0.032928 4.275 0.2841 0.0323795 0.0332396 0.002343 0.0242 641.477 860.238 1 0.2519 3,677.74 244.44 0.039486 0.0012861 0.009302 0.0961 2546.5 3415 3.9683 1 14,600 970.4 Lbs Carbon Oxidised with Perfect Efficiency 0.07642 0.078808 0.0663718 0.056583 0.174 0.234 0.0329909 0.04685 1 0.066466 Lbs Water Evaporated from and at 100°C 0.069662 0.0513526 0.0595895 0.049907 2.62 3.52 0.004501 0.00103 15.05 1 Volume and Capacity Cubic Inches 1 1728 46,656 61,023.4 61.0234 57.75 67.18 231 268.75 277.274 2150 27.6798 Cubic Feet 0.035787 1 27 35.3145 0.0353145 0.03342 0.03888 0.133681 .015552 0.160459 1.24446 0.0160184 Cubic Feet 0.042143 0.037037 1 1.307941 0.001308 0.001238 0.00144 0.004951 0.00576 0.0059429 0.04609 0.035929 Litres 0.016384 28.317 764.56 1000 1 0.94636 1.1009 3.78543 4.404 4.54374 35.238 0.453592 US Quarts Liquid Dry 0.01731 0.01488 29.92208 25.713 807.895 694.278 1056.68 908.1 1005668 0.9081 1 0.8595 1.1635 1 4 3.4378 4.654 4 4.80128 4.1267 37.2353 32 0.4793 US Gallons Liquid Dry 0.004329 0.003721 7.48052 6.4282 201.974 173.569 264.17 227.02 0.26417 0.22702 0.25 0.2149 0.2909 0.25 1 .08595 1.1635 1 1.20032 1.0317 9.3088 8 0.119825 Imperial Gallons 0.0036065 6.2321 168.266 220.083 0.22083 0.20828 0.24235 0.833111 0.96932 1 7.81457 0.0998281 US Bushels Water at Max Density 4°C Pounds Kgs 0.034651 0.0361275 0.0163872 0.803564 62.4283 28.317 21.6962 1685.56 764.559 28.38 2204.62 1000 0.02838 2.20462 1 0.02686 2.08636 0.94635 0.03125 0.10743 8.34545 3.78543 0.125 0.12896 10.0172 4.54373 1 1 0.453593 psi atms. Ft. Hd H2O @ 20°C Inches H2O Kg/cm² Metres H2O Inches Hg. at 20°C mm Hg. Cm Hg. Bar Millibar (mb) KPa 1 14.696 0.433 0.36 14.233 1.422 0.489 0.019 0.193 14.503 0.014 0.145 0.068 1 0.029 0.0025 0.968 0.097 0.033 0.0013 0.0131 0.987 0.0009 0.0098 2.31 33.659 1 .0833 32.867 3.287 1.131 0.045 0.455 33.514 0.033 0.335 27.72 407.513 12 1 394.408 39.37 13.575 0.534 5.34 402.164 0.402 4.021 0.07 1.033 0.03 0.0025 1 0.099 0.034 0.0014 0.014 10.2 0.001 0.01 0.704 10.351 0.305 0.025 10.018 1 0.345 0.0136 0.136 10.211 0.0102 0.102 2.043 30.019 0.884 0.074 29.054 2.905 1 0.039 0.393 29.625 0.029 0.296 51.884 762.48 22.452 1.871 737.959 73.796 25.4 1 10 752.47 0.752 7.525 5.188 76.284 2.245 0.187 73.796 7.379 2.54 0.1 1 75.247 0.075 0.0752 0.069 1.013 0.03 0.0025 0.981 0.098 0.034 0.001 0.0133 1 0.001 0.01 68.947 1013 29.837 2.486 980.662 98.066 33.753 1.329 13.29 1000 1 10 6.895 101.325 2.984 0.249 98.066 9.807 3.375 0.133 1.328 100 0.1 1 Please quote the stock number when ordering. Listed prices and specifications are subject to alteration without notice. For more information visit Technical Data Pressure TERMS & CONDITIONS OF TRADE 1.DEFINITIONS 1.1 “Realcold” shall mean Realcold Limited., or any agents or employees thereof. 1.2 “Customer” shall mean the Customer, any person acting on behalf of and with the authority of the Customer, or any person purchasing products and services from Realcold. 1.3 “Goods” shall mean: 1.3.1 all Goods of the general description specified on the front of this agreement and supplied by Realcold to the Customer; and 3. COLLECTION AND USE OF INFORMATION 3.1 The Customer authorises Realcold to collect, retain and use any information about the Customer, for the purpose of assessing the Customer’s credit worthiness, enforcing any rights under this contract, or marketing any Goods and Services provided by Realcold to any other party. 3.2 The Customer authorises Realcold to disclose any information obtained to any person for the purposes set out in clause 3.1. 3.3 Where the Customer is a natural person the authorities under clauses 3.1 and 3.2 are authorities or consents for the purposes of the Privacy Act 1993. 1.3.2 all Goods supplied by Realcold to the Customer; and 1.3.3 all inventory of the Customer that is supplied by Realcold; and 1.3.4 all Goods supplied by Realcold and further identified in any invoice issued by Realcold to the Customer, which invoices are deemed to be incorporated into and form part of this agreement; and 1.3.5 all Goods that are marked as having been supplied by Realcold or that are stored by the Customer in a manner that enables them to be identified as having been supplied by Realcold; and 1.3.6 all of the Customer’s present and after-acquired Goods that Realcold has performed work on or to or in which goods or materials supplied or financed by Realcold have been attached or incorporated. 1.3.7 The above descriptions may overlap but each is independent of and does not limit the others. 1.4 “Goods and Services” shall also mean all goods, products, services and advice provided by Realcold to the Customer and shall include without limitation the design, manufacture, development, sale, installation, repair and maintenance of industrial refrigeration equipment and the supply of componentry and parts and all charges for labour, hire charges, insurance charges, or any fee or charge associated with the supply of Goods and Services by Realcold to the Customer. 1.5 “Price” shall mean the cost of the Goods and Services as agreed between Realcold and the Customer and includes all disbursements eg charges Realcold pay to others on the Customer’s behalf subject to clause 4 of this contract. 2.ACCEPTANCE 2.1 Any instructions received by Realcold from the Customer for the supply of Goods and Services shall constitute a binding contract and acceptance of the terms and conditions contained herein. 4.PRICE 4.1 Where no price is stated in writing or agreed to orally the Goods and Services shall be deemed to be sold at the current amount as such Goods and Services are sold by Realcold at the time of the contract. 4.2 The price may be increased by the amount of any reasonable increase in the cost of supply of the Goods and Services that is beyond the control of Realcold between the date of the contract and delivery of the Goods and Services. 5.PAYMENT 5.1 Payment for Goods and Services shall be made in full on or before the 20th day of the month following the date of the invoice (“the due date”). Progress payments apply to large contracts. 5.2 Interest may be charged on any amount owing after the due date at the rate of 2.5% per month or part month. 5.3 Any expenses, disbursements and legal costs incurred by Realcold in the enforcement of any rights contained in this contract shall be paid by the Customer, including any reasonable solicitor’s fees or debt collection agency fees. 5.4 Receipt of a cheque, bill of exchange, or other negotiable instrument shall not constitute payment until such negotiable instrument is paid in full. 5.5 A deposit may be required. 6.QUOTATION 6.1 Where a quotation is given by Realcold for Goods and Services: 6.1.1 Unless otherwise agreed the quotation shall be valid for thirty (30) days from the date of issue; and 6.1.2 The quotation shall be exclusive of goods and services tax unless specifically stated to the contrary; 6.1.3 Realcold reserve the right to alter the quotation because of circumstances beyond its control. TERMS & CONDITIONS OF TRADE 6.2 Where Goods and Services are required in addition to the quotation the Customer agrees to pay for the additional cost of such Goods and Services. 7.RISK 7.1 The Goods and Services remain at Realcold’s risk until delivery to the Customer. 7.2 Delivery of Goods and Services shall be deemed complete when Realcold gives possession of the Goods and Services directly to the Customer or possession of the Goods and Services is given to a carrier, courier, or other bailee for purposes of transmission to the Customer. 8.TITLE AND SECURITY (PERSONAL PROPERTY SECURITIES ACT 1999) 8.1 Title in any Goods and Services supplied by Realcold passes to the Customer only when the Customer has made payment in full for all Goods and Services provided by Realcold and of all other sums due to Realcold by the Customer on any account whatsoever. Until all sums due to Realcold by the Customer have been paid in full, Realcold has a security interest in all Goods and Services. 8.2 If the Goods and Services are attached, fixed, or incorporated into any property of the Customer, by way of any manufacturing or assembly process by the Customer or any third party, title in the Goods and Services shall remain with Realcold until the Customer has made payment for all Goods and Services, and where those Goods and Services are mixed with other property so as to be part of or a constituent of any new Goods and Services, title to these new Goods and Services shall deemed to be assigned to Realcold as security for the full satisfaction by the Customer of the full amount owing between Realcold and Customer. 8.3The Customer gives irrevocable authority to Realcold to enter any premises occupied by the Customer or on which Goods and Services are situated at any reasonable time after default by the Customer or before default if Realcold believes a default is likely and to remove and repossess any Goods and Services and any other property to which Goods and Services are attached or in which Goods and Services are incorporated. Realcold shall not be liable for any costs, damages, expenses or losses incurred by the Customer or any third party as a result of this action, nor liable in contract or in tort or otherwise in any way whatsoever unless by statute such liability cannot be excluded. Realcold may either resell any repossessed Goods and Services and credit the Customer’s account with the net proceeds of sale (after deduction of all repossession, storage, selling and other costs) or may retain any repossessed Goods and Services and credit the Customer’s account with the invoice value thereof less such sum as Realcold reasonably determines on account of wear and tear, depreciation, obsolescence, loss or profit and costs. 8.4Where Goods and Services are retained by Realcold pursuant to clause 8.3 the Customer waives the right to receive notice under s.120 of the Personal Property Securities Act 1999 (“PPSA”) and to object under s.121 of the PPSA. 8.5 The Company may register a Financing Statement over the Goods and the customer shall agree to waive the right to a verification statement for purposes of s.148 of the PPSA. 8.6 The following shall constitute defaults by the Customer: 8.6.1 Non payment of any sum by the due date. 8.6.2 The Customer intimates that it will not pay any sum by the due date. 8.6.3 Any Goods and Services are seized by any other creditor of the Customer or any other creditor intimates that it intends to seize Goods and Services. 8.6.4 Any Goods and Services in the possession of the Customer are materially damaged while any sum due from the Customer to Realcold remains unpaid. 8.6.5 The Customer is bankrupted or put into liquidation or a receiver is appointed to any of the Customer’s assets or a landlord distrains against any of the Customer’s assets. 8.6.6 A Court judgment is entered against the Customer and remains unsatisfied for seven (7) days. 8.6.7 Any material adverse change in the financial position of the Customer. 9. SECURITY INTEREST FOR SERVICE PROVIDERS 9.1 The Customer gives Realcold a security interest in all of the Customer’s present and after-acquired property that Realcold has performed services on or to or in which goods or materials supplied or financed by Realcold have been attached or incorporated. 10. PAYMENT ALLOCATION 10.1Realcold may in its discretion allocate any payment received from the Customer towards any invoice that Realcold determines and may do so at the time of receipt or at any time afterwards and on default by the Customer may reallocate any payments previously received and allocated. In the absence of any payment allocation by Realcold, payment shall be deemed to be allocated in such manner as preserves the maximum value of Realcold’s purchase money security interest in the Goods and Services. TERMS & CONDITIONS OF TRADE 11. GENERAL LIEN 11.1 The Customer agrees that Realcold may exercise a general lien against any Goods and Services or property belonging to the Customer that is in the possession of Realcold for all sums outstanding under this contract and any other contract to which the Customer and Realcold are parties. 11.2 If the lien is not satisfied within seven (7) days of the due date Realcold may, having given notice of the lien at its option either: 11.2.1 Remove such Goods and Services and store them in such a place and in such a manner as Realcold shall think fit and proper and at the risk and expense of the Customer; or 11.2.2 Sell such Goods and Services or part thereof upon such terms as it shall think fit and apply the proceeds in or towards discharge of the lien and costs of sale without being liable to any person for damage caused. 12.DISPUTES AND RETURN OF GOODS 12.1 No claim relating to the Goods and Services will be considered unless made within seven (7) days of delivery. 12.2No Goods will be accepted for return without the prior consent of Realcold. Any Goods accepted for return will be subject to a 10% restocking fee and must be in resaleable undamaged condition and in original packaging. 13.LIABILITY 13.1 The Consumer Guarantees Act 1993, the Sale of Goods Act 1908, the Fair Trading Act 1986 and other statutes may imply warranties or conditions or impose obligations upon Realcold which cannot by law (or which can only to a limited extent by law) be excluded or modified. In respect of any such implied warranties, conditions or terms imposed on Realcold, Realcold’s liability shall, where it is allowed, be excluded or if not able to be excluded only apply to the minimum extent required by the relevant statute. 13.2Except as otherwise provided by clause 13.1 Realcold shall not be liable for: 13.2.1 Any loss or damage of any kind whatsoever, arising from the supply of Goods and Services by Realcold to the Customer, including consequential loss whether suffered or incurred by the Customer or another person and whether in contract or tort (including negligence) or otherwise and irrespective of whether such loss or damage arises directly or indirectly from Goods and Services provided by Realcold to the Customer; and 13.2.2The Customer shall indemnify Realcold against all claims and loss of any kind whatsoever however caused or arising and without limiting the generality of the foregoing of this clause whether caused or arising as a result of the negligence of Realcold or otherwise, brought by any person in connection with any matter, act, omission, or error by Realcold its agents or employees in connection with the Goods and Services. 14.WARRANTY 14.1 Manufacturer’s warranty applies where applicable. 14.2Any written warranty provided by Realcold to the Customer shall also form part of these terms and conditions of trade. 15. COPYRIGHT AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 15.1 Realcold, owns and has copyright in all designs, specifications, documents, work and software produced by Realcold in connection with the Goods and Services provided pursuant to this contract and the client may use the Goods and Services only if paid for in full and for the purpose for which they were intended and supplied by Realcold. 16.CONSUMER GUARANTEES ACT 16.1 The guarantees contained in the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 are excluded where the Customer acquires Goods and Services from Realcold for the purposes of a business in terms of section 2 and 43 of that Act. 17. PERSONAL GUARANTEE OF COMPANY DIRECTORS OR TRUSTEES 17.1 If the Customer is a company or trust, the director(s) or trustee(s) signing this contract, in consideration for Realcold agreeing to supply Goods and Services and grant credit to the Customer at their request, also sign this contract in their personal capacity and jointly and severally personally undertake as principal debtors to Realcold the payment of any and all monies now or hereafter owed by the Customer to Realcold and indemnify Realcold against non-payment by the Customer. Any personal liability of a signatory hereto shall not exclude the Customer in any way whatsoever from the liabilities and obligations contained in this contract. The signatories and Customer shall be jointly and severally liable under the terms and conditions of this contract and for payment of all sums due hereunder. TERMS & CONDITIONS OF TRADE 18.MISCELLANEOUS 18.1 Realcold shall not be liable for delay or failure to perform its obligations if the cause of the delay or failure is beyond its control. 18.2Failure by Realcold to enforce any of the terms and conditions contained in this contract shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any of the rights or obligations Realcold has under this contract. 18.3If any provision of this contract shall be invalid, void or illegal or unenforceable the validity existence, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected, prejudiced or impaired. 19.OVERSEAS CUSTOMER - Ownership and Risk If the Customer is not located in New Zealand, Clause 8 & 9 do not apply and are replaced by the following: 19.1 The ownership and legal title of the Goods shall remain with Realcold until: 19.1.1 payment in full is made for the Goods; and 19.1.2 any other moneys owing by the Customer to Realcold have been paid in full. 19.2Notwithstanding that ownership in the Goods may not have passed to the Customer risk in the Goods shall pass to the Customer when the Goods are delivered to the Customer or into the custody of the party acting on the Customer’s behalf and the Customer shall be obliged to insure the Goods from the time of delivery to the Customer and pending payment in full insure the Goods in the name of Realcold and the Customer for their respective interest. 19.3If payment is over due in whole or in part in respect of any of the Goods Realcold may (without prejudice to any of its other rights) recover and/or resell the Goods or the mixed goods referred to in clause 19.6 or any of them and may enter upon the Customer’s premises or any other place where the Goods and/or the mixed goods are stored by its servants or agents for that purpose (and the Customer grants to Realcold an irrevocable right and authority to so recover, re enter and re sell), provided that Realcold may only recover and resell for its own account sufficient of the Goods and/or the mixed goods to satisfy all unpaid liability in respect of the Goods and the costs of resale. If any excess is recovered by RE, it shall not be liable in damages but shall account for the excess to the Customer. 19.4Until payment is made in full by the Customer for the Goods, the Customer holds the Goods as bailee for Realcold and will store the Goods in such a manner that they are clearly identifiable as the property of Realcold and will keep separate records in respect of the Goods. 19.5If the Goods are sold or otherwise disposed of by the Customer prior to payment in full, the Customer will have been deemed to have done so as agent for Realcold and the proceeds of such sale will be the property of Realcold. The Customer will hold the proceeds of such sale on trust, on account for RE, and keep them in a separate fund from its own money. 19.6If any of the Goods are mixed or incorporated in other Goods (the “mixed goods”) before payment, the Customer agrees that the property in the mixed goods shall be and remain with Realcold until such payment has been made in full. The Customer shall hold the mixed goods as bailee for Realcold and will store the mixed goods in such a manner that they are clearly identifiable as the property of Realcold and will keep separate records in respect of the same. If the Customer sells the mixed goods it will hold the proceeds of such sale on trust for Realcold and will account to Realcold for the value of the Goods and keep the proceeds in a fund separate from its own money and will keep separate records in respect of such money. 19.7Where Realcold has reasonable cause to believe: 19.7.1 The Customer has not strictly complied with these Terms and Conditions and, in particular, default of payment in accordance with clause 5; or 19.7.2 The Customer has or will commit an act of bankruptcy or (being a company) has had a receiver appointed or about to be appointed, or is declared insolvent; Realcold may recover any or all of the Goods or the mixed goods and re sell the Goods or the mixed goods and for such purpose may at any time of the day or night enter by force if necessary upon any promises where such Goods or mixed goods are reasonably thought to be stored (and the Customer grants to Realcold an irrevocable right and authority to so recover, re enter and re sell). 19.8In exercising its rights pursuant to this clause, Realcold shall be entitled to deduct from any sale of Goods or mixed goods recovered from the Customer all the liabilities and expenses (including legal expenses) incurred by Realcold in enforcing or attempting to enforce its rights pursuant to this clause 19. Index C Capacity Controls CP208 Capillary CT137 Capillary Service Packs CT137 Capillary Tools CT137 Carel CE95 Carly CS126 Carly Turboil CO117 Cassette AC07, AC08, AC14 Ceiling Fan AC44 Centrifugal In-Line Fans AC46 Charging Equipment CT130 Charging Hoses CT127 Check Valves CV150, IN183 Chilled Water Packages CP222 Commercial Thermostats CT135 Compact Pumps AC34 Components & Fittings AC36 Compressor Lubricants CL114 Compressor Receiver CP206 Compressors CX167, CP223 Condensate Drain AC30, AC31 Condensate Pumps AC32, AC35 Condensers - Ammonia CP209 Condensing Units CX167, CP196–CP201, CP223 Control Panels CE96 Control Valves - Steel IN177 Cool Breeze AC18 G Gas Sensors IN187 Gauges CT128 Gauge Valves IN179 Geneglace CP221 Gree AC13 Gree Electric AC11–AC16 Greenleaf CC63–CC65 Grills AC44 D Danfoss IN174 Deburring Tool CT130 Defrost Controls CD88, CD89 Defrost Safety CD89 Diffuser AC40, AC41 Discharge Line Mufflers CD94 Domestic Thermostats CT135 Down Discharge AC20 Drainage AC28 Driers CD90–CD94 Dual Pressure Controls CP119 Ducted AC09 Duct Fittings AC39 Ducting Accessories AC38 H Hand Regulating Valves IN171 Hand Shut-Off Valves CV149 Hansen IN170–IN193 Hanwest CP210 Hard Drawn Copper CT137, CT138 Heat Exchangers CH109 Heat Pump AC35 Heat Pumps AC04 Heat Transfer System AC50 Henry IN179 Hi Flow Pumps AC32 High-Wall AC04, AC05, AC12–AC14 Hi Lift Pumps AC32 Horizontal Receivers CR125 Hoshizaki CP218–CP220 E Easypack CP199, CP200 Eclipse Air Curtains AC17 Eggcrate Grille AC43 Electrical AC36 Electric Defrost CP213, CP214, CP215 Electronic Controls CE95, CE96 Energy - Recovery Ventilation AC16 Evaporative Air Conditioning AC18 Evaporative Cooling AC24–AC26 Evaporator Mounting Kits CF106 Evaporator Range CP216, CP217 Expander Kit CT130 F Fan Blades CF99 Fan Motor Assembly CF98 Fan Motors CF97 Fans AC44, AC46–AC50, CF99 Farm Refrigeration CP202 Fasteners CF103, CF104 Filter Fitted CP208 Fin Combs CT133 Fittings CF100–CF108 Fittings & Fasteners CF103, CF104 Fixed Speed AC12 Flange Kits IN176 Flexible Ducting AC38 Flica CV139 I Ice Machines CP218–CP221 Individual Pilot Applications IN173 Industrial Pressure Gauges IN179 In-Line Filter AC34 Inspection Mirrors CT133 Insulation CI110–CI113 Insulation Accessories CI113 Insulclamp CF107 Inverter AC05 e B Ball Valves CV148 Below Wall Unit AC35 Bending Springs CT132 Bernzomatic CB62 Boots AC42 Brackets & Bases AC27 Brass Fittings CF100, CF101 Brazing Alloy CB61 Bulk Head AC07, AC14 Float Controls IN180 Floor Console AC14 Floor Mount AC07 Floor Mounted AC06 Frascold CC80–CC87, CP199, CP204–CP206 Free Match AC14 Copeland CP203 Copeland Scroll CC75–CC79, CP207, CP208 Copper Fittings CF102 Couplers CT128 Crankcase Heaters CC73 Cushion Side Entry Box AC42 Custom Build CP204 Custom Design CP199, CP222 C In ata de lo x gu A Accumulators CA60 AC-Tabs AC33 Air Conditioning CC78 Air Conditioning Thermostats AC36, CT136 Air Cooled CP202 Air Cooled Condensers CP209 Air Defrost CP212–CP215 Allen Key CT132 Ammonia IN171, IN183 Anti Siphoning AC34 Auto Purger IN181, IN182 Axial In-Line Fans AC46 L Leak Detectors CT130 Level Probes IN180 Level Switch IN180 Line Tap Valves CV151 Liquid Line Assembly CP207 Liquid Receiver Valves CV148 Locksets CF108 Lubricants CL114, CL115 L’Unite CP196–CP199 L’Unite Sealed CC68, CC69, CC73 L’Unite Sealed R134a CC67 L’Unite Sealed R404a CC66 L’Unite Sealed Rotary CC72 M Manifold Sets CT127 Marine Condenser CP210 Mastercool Tools CT130 Maxflex CI110–CI112 Maxvent AC40, AC41, AC49, AC50 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries AC04–AC08 Mixed Flow AC46 Mixflo AC48 Mobile Model AC22 Mueller CV148, CV149 Multi AC07, AC14 Multi Head AC15 N Neck Adapter AC42 O Oil Control Systems CO116, CO118 Oil Drain Valves IN186 Oil Injector CT133 Oil Pump CT133 Oil Separator CO117, CP207 Oil Separators CO118 Outdoor Units AC07 P Parker IN191 Parker Hannifin CV145 Partial Defrost CP214 Pinch Off Tool CT133 Plenums AC23 Pre-Insulated AC28 Pressure Controls CP119–CP121, CP208 Pressure Pilots IN174 Pressure Regulators CV146, IN172 Pressure Relief Valves CV149 Pump Accessories IN189 R Ranco CP119, CP120 Ratchet Wrenches CT130 Realcold CP204 Realcold Milk Vat CP202 Realpack CP201 Receivers CR124 Recovery Cylinders CT129 Recovery System CT129 Rectorseal CC63–CC65 Refillable Filter CP208 Refractometers CT134 Refrigerant CR122, CR123 Refrigerant Pump Accessories IN189–IN190 Refrigerant Pumps IN188 Refrigeration CC79 Reversing Valve AC37 Roof Fan Kits AC45 Roof Ventilation AC45 Rotalock Valves CC73, CV148 S Saginomiya CP119 Schrader Valves CV151 Sheet Insulation CI111 Shut-Off Valves IN179 Side Discharge AC21 Sightglass CP207 Sight Glasses CS126, IN180 Soft Drawn Copper CT138 Solenoid Coils CV144, IN191 Solenoid Valves CV144, IN186 Solid State Relays CC74 Spares Spares153–Spares166 Spares For Pumps AC35 Sporlan CD90–CD93, CS126, CV140, CV143, CV147 Sporlan J8 CV141 Steelfort CR124, CR125, CP209–CP215 Stepped Spigot AC42 Stop Check Valves IN171 Stop Valves IN171, IN186 Suction Line CP207, CP208 Supermarket Pump AC33 T Tape CI112 Tecumseh Europe CP196 Test Equipment CT127–CT129, CT130 Testing Equipment CT134 Thermometers CT134 Thermoplastic - Nylon CF105 Thermostatic Expansion Valves CV139–CV141 Thermostats AC36, CT135, CT136 Tools CT130–CT133 Top Discharge AC21 Transducer Valves IN179 Tube CT137, CT138 Tube Benders CT132 Tube Cutters CT130 Tube Insulation CI110 TX Valve CV143 U Under Ceiling AC10 Unijet AC41 Univent AC40 Universal Pump AC33 V Vacuum Gauge CT130 Vacuum Pumps CT129 Valves CV139–CV151 Valves - Spares IN192–IN193 Vertical Receivers CR124 Vibration Eliminators CV152 W Wall Mount AC07 Warranty CX167, CP223 Warrenty AC51 Water Heating CP202 Weatherproof Cowl AC44 Window - Wall AC11 Notes Notes Branch Locations Auckland Branch / Head Office North Harbour 9 Prescott Street, Penrose 1061 PO Box 12072, Penrose 1642 Orders Direct Line: 0800 11 66 90 Orders Direct Fax: 09 526 5748 Phone: 09 526 5700 Fax: 09 526 5721 Email: [email protected] AC website: Realcold website: Unit C, 28 Canaveral Drive, Albany 0632 PO Box 305354, Triton Plaza North Shore City 0757 Phone: 09 477 0274 Fax: 09 478 2309 Email: [email protected] Christchurch 71 Harman Street, Addington, Christchurch 8024 PO Box 9150, Tower Junction, Christchurch 8149 Phone: 03 338 8084 Fax: 03 338 9938 Email: [email protected] Dunedin 18 Roberts Street, Dunedin 9016 PO Box 2536, Dunedin 9044 Phone: 03 467 7106 Fax: 03 467 7107 Email: [email protected] Hamilton 43 Lake Road, Frankton, Hamilton 3204 PO Box 5238, Frankton, Hamilton 3242 Phone: 07 848 2111 Fax: 07 848 2333 Email: [email protected] Hastings Cnr St Aubyn Street East & Miller Street Hastings 4122 PO Box 488, Hastings 4156 Phone: 06 870 3714 Fax: 06 870 3726 Email: [email protected] Palmerston North Unit 2, 597-599 Tremaine Avenue PO Box 4368, Manawatu Mail Centre Palmerston North 4442 Phone: 06 357 9101 Fax: 06 357 9103 Email: [email protected] Tauranga 5 Barberry Street, Judea, Tauranga 3110 PO Box 15610, Tauranga 3144 Phone: 07 571 0096 Fax: 07 571 0097 Email: [email protected] Wellington 54 Fitzherbert Street, Petone, Lower Hutt 5012 PO Box 38527, Wellington Mail Centre Lower Hutt 5045 Phone: 04 569 3072 Fax: 04 568 2210 Email: [email protected] Whangarei Unit A1, 7 - 11 Nell Place, Raumanga Whangarei 0110 PO Box 25056, Whangarei Mail Centre Whangarei 0148 Phone: 09 430 4476 Fax: 09 430 7465 Email: [email protected]
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