North Louisiana Regional Profile
North Louisiana Regional Profile
Introduc on Thanks for your interest in North Louisiana. Our region includes 14 parishes and is recognized as one of the most diverse and balanced economies of its size in the na on. North Louisiana has always served as a strategic loca on. From its earliest days, the region has been a key place for commerce and westward expansion. Today, North Louisiana remains a strategically located, cost compe ve business loca on that con nues to a ract capital investment and jobs from companies with es around the globe. The informa on presented represents the most reliable and current data available for the 14 parish region gathered from recognized and credible sources. The directory is the result of an ongoing partnership with the Center for Business and Economic Research at Louisiana State University in Shreveport (CBER, and the valued financial support of State of Louisiana Department of Economic Development. About the NLEP The North Louisiana Economic Partnership (NLEP) is a non‐profit economic development marke ng organiza on promo ng North Louisiana as a desirable and profitable business loca on. The NLEP and its many partners work with both exis ng companies and prospec ve employers to encourage incremental capital investment and job crea on as a way to build a strong and thriving economy. The NLEP serves as a “first stop shop” where prospects can ini ate their real estate search, access reliable informa on and connect with experts and area leaders. NLEP also offers customized services to support exis ng business growth. The intent is to simplify and expedite the company’s decision‐making process. Our services, which are provided on a complimentary, customized and confiden al basis, fall into two main categories: business development and workforce marke ng services. About Alliance Partners Alliance Partners is a network of staff professionals and/or key volunteers from local, parish, or regional organiza ons involved in economic development across the 14 parishes of North Louisiana. These members have formed an alliance to jointly promote and market North Louisiana. The networking between Alliance Partners helps coordinate marke ng efforts in an effec ve and efficient manner. Shreveport: 400 Edwards Street • Shreveport, Louisiana • Telephone: (318) 677.2536 Monroe: 1900 N 18th Street • Monroe, Louisiana • Telephone: (318) 387‐0787 North Louisiana Regional Profile • i ALLIANCE PARTNERS Company Company AEP Swepco Arcadia/Bienville Parish Chamber of Commerce Atmos Energy Bastrop‐Morehouse Chamber Biomedical Research Founda on Bossier Chamber of Commerce Caddo Bossier Port Camp Minden Industrial Park Camp Minden Training Site CenterPoint Energy City of Bastrop City of Bossier City City of Minden City of Monroe City of Natchitoches City of Ruston City of Shreveport City of West Monroe Claiborne Chamber of Commerce Claiborne Electric Coopera ve, Inc. Cleco Power LLC LSUS Center for Business and Economic Research LSUS Small Business Development Center Minden South Webster Chamber of Commerce Monroe Chamber of Commerce Monroe Downtown Econ. Dev. District Monroe Regional Airport Morehouse Economic Development Corpora on Natchitoches Area Chamber of Commerce Natchitoches Parish PORT North Delta Regional Planning & Dev. North Webster Parish Indus al District NOVA Workforce Ins tute of Northeast Louisiana Ouachita Terminals Red River Chamber of Commerce Red River Waterway Commission Ruston/Lincoln Chamber of Commerce Sabine Parish Chamber of Commerce Sabine Parish Tourist Bureau Shreveport Airport Authority Shreveport‐Bossier African American Chamber of Commerce South Webster Industrial District ‐ Argent Advisors, Inc. Springhill ‐ North Webster Chamber of Commerce Consor um for Educa on Research & Technology of North Louisiana (CERT) Coordina ng & Development Corpora on Cyber Innova on Center DADCO Consul ng DeSoto Parish Chamber of Commerce DeSoto Parish Police Jury Shreveport Downtown Development Authority Entergy Louisiana Greater Bossier Economic Development Founda on Greater Shreveport Chamber of Commerce Greenwood Chamber of Commerce Jackson Parish Chamber of Commerce Kansas City Southern Railroad Louisiana Delta Community College Louisiana Small Business Development Center Louisiana Tech University Sterlington Chamber of Commerce Strategic Ac on Council CDC Town of Arcadia Town of Farmerville Town of Greenwood Town of Many Town of Plain Dealing Town of Richwood Town of Vivian Union Parish Chamber of Commerce Village of Simsboro Vivian Economic Development Corpora on (VEDC) Ward II Industrial District Weyerhaeuser North Louisiana Regional Profile • ii North Louisiana Fourteen Parish Region Our region is recognized as one of the most diverse and balanced economies of its size in the na on. North Louisiana always has been a strategic loca on. From its earliest days, the region has been a key place for commerce and westward expansion. Today, North Louisiana remains a strategically located, cost compe ve business loca on that con nues to a ract capital investment and jobs from companies with es around the globe. The diverse 14 parish region of North Louisiana includes Bienville, Bossier, Caddo, Claiborne, DeSoto, Jackson, Lincoln, Morehouse, Natchitoches, Ouachita, Red River, Sabine, Union, and Webster parishes. Union Parish Morehouse Parish Bossier Parish Claiborne Parish 2011 Popula on 2011 Popula on 2011 Popula on 2011 Popula on Es mate: 22,732 Es mate: 27,608 Es mate: 119,732 Es mate: 16,914 Lincoln Parish Webster Parish 2011 Popula on 2011 Popula on Caddo Parish Ouachita Parish Es mate: 46,856 Es mate: 41,288 2011 Popula on 2011 Popula on Bienville Parish Es mate: 257,051 Es mate: 154,919 2011 Popula on Jackson Parish Es mate: 14,335 2011 Popula on Es mate: 16,323 Red River Parish DeSoto Parish 2011 Popula on 2011 Popula on Es mate: 8,890 Es mate: 26,812 Natchitoches Parish 2011 Popula on Sabine Parish Es mate: 39,442 2011 Popula on Es mate: 24,526 Louisiana Source: U.S. Census ‐ 2011 Popula on Division North Louisiana Regional Profile • iii Table of Contents Major Ci es Map ............................................................................................................................................................................. vi Fourteen Parish Region Map .......................................................................................................................................................... vii ACCRA Cost of Living Index — Shreveport‐Bossier City and Monroe Metropolitan Areas .......................................................... 1 Popula on & Demographics ........................................................................................................................................................... 2 Popula on Change 1990 ‐ 2011 with 5‐year Forecast ..................................................................................................... 2 Percent of Popula on by Age Group .............................................................................................................................. 2 Race, Ethnic and Gender Composi on ............................................................................................................................ 2 Households ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Median Household Income 1990 ‐ 2011 with 5 Year Forecast ........................................................................................ 3 Percentage of Household by (EBI) Group ........................................................................................................................ 4 Transporta on ................................................................................................................................................................................. 5 Road Transporta on ........................................................................................................................................................ 5 Motor Freight Service ...................................................................................................................................................... 5 Public Transporta on ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 Railroads........................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Ports ................................................................................................................................................................................. 6 Airports……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...……………..7 Climate ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...………….8 Precipita on ..................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Temperature .................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Recrea on & The Arts ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Bienville Parish ................................................................................................................................................................ 9 Bossier Parish ................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Caddo Parish .................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Claiborne Parish ............................................................................................................................................................... 11 DeSoto Parish ................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Jackson Parish .................................................................................................................................................................. 12 Lincoln Parish ................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Morehouse Parish ............................................................................................................................................................ 13 Natchitoches Parish ......................................................................................................................................................... 14 Ouachita Parish ................................................................................................................................................................ 15 Red River Parish ............................................................................................................................................................... 15 Sabine Parish .................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Union Parish ..................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Webster Parish ................................................................................................................................................................ 16 Health Care — Hospitals ................................................................................................................................................................. 17 Educa on ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Elementary and Secondary Educa on ............................................................................................................................. 19 Ins tu ons of Higher Learning ........................................................................................................................................ 20 North Louisiana Regional Profile • iv Table of Contents (con nued) Business Environment ..................................................................................................................................................................... 22 Business Firms.................................................................................................................................................................. 22 Firms by Employment Size ............................................................................................................................................... 22 Business Establishments by Industry, 2010 ..................................................................................................................... 22 Major Employers.............................................................................................................................................................. 23 Workforce ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 24 Labor Force Growth 2000 ‐ 2011 .................................................................................................................................... 24 Average Employment ...................................................................................................................................................... 24 Total Payroll Employment ............................................................................................................................................... 25 Wage Rates for Selected Occupa ons ............................................................................................................................. 26 Industrial Parks ............................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Bienville Parish ................................................................................................................................................................. 27 Bossier Parish ................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Caddo Parish .................................................................................................................................................................... 28 Claiborne Parish ............................................................................................................................................................... 29 DeSoto Parish................................................................................................................................................................... 30 Jackson Parish .................................................................................................................................................................. 31 Lincoln Parish ................................................................................................................................................................... 31 Morehouse Parish ............................................................................................................................................................ 31 Natchitoches Parish ......................................................................................................................................................... 32 Ouachita Parish ................................................................................................................................................................ 33 Red River Parish ............................................................................................................................................................... 33 Sabine Parish.................................................................................................................................................................... 33 Union Parish ..................................................................................................................................................................... 33 Webster Parish................................................................................................................................................................. 34 Military Installa ons ....................................................................................................................................................................... 35 Barksdale Air Force Base.................................................................................................................................................. 35 Camp Minden .................................................................................................................................................................. 36 Taxes ……………………... ...................................................................................................................................................................... 37 Louisiana Tax Rates .......................................................................................................................................................... 37 Corporate Franchise Tax .................................................................................................................................................. 37 Personal Income Tax ........................................................................................................................................................ 37 Unemployment Insurance Tax ........................................................................................................................................ 37 Property Tax..................................................................................................................................................................... 37 Sales/Use Tax ................................................................................................................................................................... 38 U li es….. ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 39 Electric Power .................................................................................................................................................................. 39 Natural Gas ...................................................................................................................................................................... 39 Water & Sewer................................................................................................................................................................. 39 Telecommunica ons/Cable ............................................................................................................................................. 40 Appendix….. ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 42 Parish Profiles…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….43 North Louisiana Regional Profile • v Rela ve Loca on of Shreveport‐Bossier and Monroe‐West Monroe to Other Major Ci es North Louisiana Regional Profile • vi Major Routes in the North Louisiana Fourteen Parish Region R 82 Bus 82 79 Proposed I-49 Corridor 82 Proposed I-69 Corridor 371 71 Union 63 Claiborne Morehouse 425 Bossier Webster Poverty Point NMON Caddo Lincoln Minden Monroe 20 167 Shreveport-Bossier City 371 Ouachita Bienville Jackson 171 135 4 Red River DeSoto 171 Proposed I-69 Corridor 84 65 Natchitoches Sabine NF Kisatchie NF Sabine 49 165 165 Bus 96 ilw Louisiana Ra Angelina NF ay 167 0 12.5 190 25 50 75 100 Miles 71 Big Thicket NPRES 10 165 North Louisiana Regional Profile • vii Cost of Living ACCRA Cost of Living Index —Shreveport‐Bossier City and Monroe Metropolitan Area* The Council for Community and Economic Research (C2ER) produces the ACCRA Cost of Living Index to provide a useful and reasonably accurate measure to compare cost of living differences among urban areas. Items on which the Index is based have been carefully chosen to reflect the difference categories of consumer expenditures. Weights assigned to rela ve costs are based on government survey data on expenditure pa erns for midmanagement households. All items are priced in each place at a specified me and according to standardized specifica ons. The index is based on the following categories: Grocery(13%), Housing(28%), U li es(10%), Transporta on(10%), Health(4%), and Miscellaneous(35%). ACCRA Cost of Living Index — Average 2011 Annual Data Springfield, MO 88.8 Oklahoma City, OK 90.5 Des Moines, IA 91.2 Dayton, OH 93.1 Monroe, LA 93.4 Evansville, IN 93.4 Huntsville, AL 93.6 Shreveport-Bossier City 95.6 Dallas, TX 96.2 Atlanta, GA 97.3 Lafayette, LA 97.9 Richmond, VA 100.1 101.4 Cleveland, OH 85 90 95 100 105 110 *Cost of Living Index is used to measure the cost of living in metropolitan areas and is not available for the region. Source: The Council for Community and Economic Research (C2ER) Cost of Living Index, Average 2011 Annual Data. North Louisiana Regional Profile • 1 115 Popula on & Demographics Fourteen‐Parish Region Popula on Change 1990 ‐ 2011 with 5‐year Forecast (Forecast) 2016 856,977 (Estimated) 2011 817,428 811,678 2010 781,540 2000 756,047 1990 740,000 760,000 780,000 800,000 820,000 840,000 860,000 Percent of Popula on by Age Group (2011) 25.0% Region 20.7% 20.7% 20.2% Louisiana United States 20.0% 15.3% 13.7% 14.8% 13.8% 13.4% 13.9% 15.0% 14.1% 14.3% 12.7%13.7% 13.2% 12.0% 11.2% 11.3% 11.3% 10.0% 7.3% 6.9% 6.9% 6.7% 5.8% 6.2% 5.0% 0.0% 0‐14 15‐24 25‐34 35‐44 45‐54 55‐64 65‐74 75+ Age Group Race, Ethnic and Gender Composi on (2011) Region Caucasian African ‐ American Other Races Hispanic 58.1% 37.8% 4.2% 2.9% Male Female 48.1% 51.9% Source: US Census– 2000, 2010 and 2011 Popula on Division; SRC.LLC ( North Louisiana Regional Profile • 2 Households Median Household Income 1990 ‐ 2011 with 5 Year Forecast Region Louisiana United Sta tes $58,708 $53,616 $52,041 $42,430 $42,257 $30,102 $20,864 $30,866 $49,735 $44,544 $43,260 $39,485 $37,310 $32,927 $21,969 1990 2000 2010 2011 2016 Percentage of Household by Income (2011 Household Income) Region Louisiana United States 35.7% 28.1% 27.7% 23.8% 23.6% 19.8% 17.5% 12.2% 19.4% 18.9% 16.6% 17.3% 18.6% 11.7% 8.3% Under $20,000 $20,000‐$29,999 $30,000‐$49,999 $50,000‐$74,999 Source: SRC, LLC ( North Louisiana Regional Profile • 3 Over $75,000 Households Percentage of Household by (EBI) Group (2011 Disposable Household Income) (EBI) Effec ve Buying Income is defined as money income less personal tax and non‐tax payments, a number o en referred to as disposable” or “a er tax” income. Region Louisiana United States 29.4% 25.2% 23.2% 23.3% 23.6% 18.3% 18.9% 15.0% 22.9% 21.7% 19.8% 17.5% 14.3% 14.3% 12.9% Under $20,000 $20,000‐$29,999 $30,000‐$49,999 $50,000‐$74,999 Over $75,000 Source: SRC, LLC ( North Louisiana Regional Profile • 4 Transporta on Road Transporta on • The Region is served by 3 Interstate Highways: I‐20, I‐49 and I‐220. Proposed I‐69 will also serve the region. • U.S. Highways 63, 71, 79, 80 , 84, 165, 167, 171, 371, 425 serves the Region in addi on to following Louisi‐ ana state highways: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 15 21 33 34 72 117 118 119 120 133 134 137 139 143 145 146 147 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 159 160 162 163 164 168 170 172 173 174 175 177 179 185 191 392 473 474 476 478 483 484 487 493 494 507 508 509 510 511 514 515 517 518 519 520 522 523 526 527 528 530 531 532 533 534 538 540 544 545 546 551 556 563 593 614 615 764 789 792 821 822 1215 1216 1218 3015 3118 3132 3175 3229 Motor Freight Service ● Next day and second day motor freight delivery from Northwest Louisiana encompasses most of the Sunbelt and Midwest U. S. ● Northwest Louisiana has convenient access to I‐20 (east‐west) and to I‐49 (north‐south) which connects Shreveport to I‐10 (east‐west) in South Louisiana ● Overnight delivery service can reach more than 43 million people Public Transporta on SporTran (Shreveport Transit System) is the largest public transporta on system in the region, located in Shreveport, it provides service to Shreveport and Bossier City: ● 50 buses operate 7 days a week ● 9 vans operate a demand‐response para transit system 7 days a week with 3 vans available on weekends • Discount fares accommodate students, senior ci zens and monthly riders Monroe Transit System (MTS) is the public transit provider for the Monroe area. Operated by the City of Monroe , MTS provides both fixed‐route bus service and demand‐response Para transit service. • Many routes providing service every 45 minutes Monday through Saturday. • 16 routes covering the Monroe metro area. In addi on, since there are no other public transporta on systems in the region, local Council on Aging and/or Office of Community services provide van transporta on within the Region. Railroads Serving the Region • Union Pacific Railroad (UP)—Class I railroad headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska • Kansas City Southern Railway (KCS)—Class I railroad headquartered in Kansas City, Missouri • Louisiana and North West Railroad (LNW)— Short‐line railroad headquartered in Homer, Louisiana; Operates a 62.6 mile line from McNeil, Arkansas to Gibsland, Louisiana in Claiborne Parish where it interchanges with Kansas City Southern Railway • Louisiana Southern Railroad (LAS) owned by Watco Companies— Operates 157 miles of track. Northern branch runs from Shreveport to Sibley, LA, north to Springhill, LA. The southern branch runs from Gibsland to Pineville Junc on, LA. LAS interchanges with the KCS at Gibsland, Sibley and Pineville, LA. • Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway (BNSF) — Class I railway headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas operates in Caddo Parish, Louisiana u lizing the UP tracks from Logansport through Shreveport to Texarkana. • Arkansas & Louisiana Mississippi Railroad (ALM) — ALM operates freight service from Crosse , AR to Monroe, LA (53 miles). ALM connects with KCS at Monroe, LA and Franklin and Pi sburg Railroad at Crosse , AR. North Louisiana Regional Profile • 5 Transporta on Ports Port of Shreveport‐Bossier • 2,000 acre mul ‐modal complex located at the head of the J. Benne Johnston Red River Waterway • Convenient access to I‐20 , I‐49 and within the proposed I‐69 corridor • Port of Entry for Foreign Trade and Enterprise Zone and U.S. Customs ● General cargo and liquid wharves ● 3,200 foot long slack water harbor and turning basin ● Comprehensive rail network and two locomo ve switch engines ● Rail links to Union Pacific main line rail, Kansas City Southern and Burlington Northern Santa Fe ● On‐dock rail and roll‐on/roll‐off ramp • 9 . depth and 200 . width channel maintained by the Army Corps of Engineers • Primary cargoes —liquid products, aggregate, coiled steel, plate steel, fer lizer, ship modules, over dimensional cargoes, containers, scrap steel, steel beams, coal, re chips, logs, and industrial wastewater • Contact: Caddo‐Bossier Port Commission, (318) 524‐2272 Port of Natchitoches • 307 acre facility located in the center of the state, on LA Hwy 6 with easy access to I‐49 and has direct rail access to the Kansas City Southern Railroad • The only Slack Water Port on the Red River • Averages over 100,000 tons of bulk cargo annually and has a new $4.5 million general cargo dock and 60,000 square foot transit shed, rail spur and access road • 9 . dra main channel depth • Primary cargoes—aggregate, forest products • Handled approximately 132,781 tons of cargo in 2007 • Contact: The Natchitoches Port Commission, (318) 356‐9686 Port of Red River Parish ● 50 acre port located at Hanna on the west side of the Red River, adjacent to LA 1 and the Union Pacific Railroad, and near I‐49 • Developing an infrastructure to include an access road, mooring dolphins and a bulk load‐out facility • Future work will add a dock facility, 100‐ton crane, concrete storage area, truck scales and other ancillary improvements • Handled approximately 28,671 tons of bulk commodi es in 2007 • 9 . dra main channel depth • Primary cargoes—Inbound—aggregate, agricultural lime and outbound—fly ash • Contact: The Natchitoches Port Commission, (318) 356‐9686 Greater Ouachita Parish Port • Located at river milepost 164 on the west bank of the Ouachita River on southern edge of West Monroe, LA. • Rail spur, dock, crane, and container storage area • Handled 1,130,505 tons of cargo in 2008 • 9 . dra main channel depth by 150 feet wide • Primary cargoes—Inbound: Furniture, baby supplies, fuel; Outbound: Paper, Co on, Oil, Steel. • Contact: Greater Ouachita Parish Port Commission (318) 998‐1271 North Louisiana Regional Profile • 6 Transporta on Arcadia‐Bienville Parish Airport Bienville Parish Located 2 miles southwest of Arcadia, Louisiana. Two runways 3,000 x 75 . Five single engine aircra based on the field. Owned by the City of Arcadia. Bluebird Hill Airport Caddo Parish Located 2 miles northeast of Keithville, Louisiana. Two runways 3,000 x 40 . Twelve single engine airplanes, 4 glider airplanes and 5 ultralights are based on the field. Privately‐owned by Hugh R. Hunton. Airports Shreveport Downtown Airport Caddo Parish Located 3 miles north of Shreveport, Louisiana. Four runways two 5,018 x 150 . and two 3,200 x 75 . Ninety‐eight single engine airplane, 20 mul engine airplanes, 5 helicopters, and 2 ultralights are based on the field. Owned by the Shreveport Airport Authority Jonesboro Airport Located 3 miles South of Jonesboro central business district. Covers 140 acres, one runway 3,203 feet and is owned by city of Jonesboro. Minden‐Webster Airport Webster Parish Located 2 miles northwest of Minden, Louisiana. Two runways 5,004 x 75 . Nineteen single engine airplanes, 4 mul engine airplanes and 1 ultralight are based on the field. Owned by the City of Minden. Shreveport Regional Airport Caddo Parish Located 4 miles southwest of Shreveport, Louisiana. Four runways two 8,351 x 200 . and two 6,202 x 150 . Twenty‐two single engine airplanes, 19 mul engine airplanes, 10 jet airplanes, and 1 helicopter are based on the field. Owned by the City of Shreveport. Five airlines provide service: American Eagle Airlines service to Dallas/Ft.Worth, TX and Chicago, IL; Allegiant Air service to Las Vegas, NV and Orlando, FL; Atlan c Southeast Airlines (ASA) service to DFW and Atlanta, GA; Con nental Express Airlines service to Houston, TX; Northwest Airlink service to Memphis, TN and Detroit, MI. Monroe Regional Airport Located 4 miles east of the City of Monroe. Access to the airport is obtained through C E 'Rusty' Williams Airport DeSoto Parish Interstate 20/Exit 120 and Louisiana Located 3 miles northwest of Highway 80/Kansas Lane. MLU encompasses Mansfield, Louisiana. Two runways approximately 2,600 acres, has two 5000’ 4,500 x 100 . Eight single engine runways, one 7500’ runway and is owned airplanes and 1 mul engine airplane are based on the field. Owned by the and operated by the City of Monroe. DeSoto Parish Police Jury. Morehouse Memorial Airport Serves Bastrop and Morehouse parish and is Farmerville Airport Farmerville Airport serves Farmerville owned by the City Of Bastrop. The paved runway extends for 4000 feet. The facility is and Union Parish and is owned by at an eleva on of 167 feet at a distance of Union Parish Police Jury. The paved about 2 miles from Bastrop. runway extends for 2997 feet. The facility is at an eleva on of 121 feet at a distance of about 4 miles from Farmerville. Hart Airport Sabine Parish Located 2 miles southwest of Many, Louisiana. Two runways 4,402 x 75 . Four single engine airplanes, 1 mul engine airplane and 2 ultralights are based on the field. Owned by the City of Many. Homer Municipal Airport Claiborne Parish Located 3 miles east of Homer, Louisiana. Two runways 3,199 x 60 . Two single engine aircra based on the field. Owned by the City of Homer. Ida's Heliport Caddo Parish Located in Ida, Louisiana. One Helipad 40 x 40 . Owned by the Village of Ida. Springhill Airport Webster Parish Located 3 miles East of Springhill, Louisiana. Two runways 4.002 x 75 . Five single engine airplanes and 1 mul engine airplane are based on the field. Owned by the City of Springhill. Natchitoches Regional Airport Natchitoches Parish Located 2 miles south of Natchitoches, Louisiana. Four runways, two 5,003 x 150 . and two 4,000 x 100 . Thirty‐three single engine airplanes, 2 mul engine airplanes, 2 helicopters, and 1 ultralights are based on the field. Owned by City of Natchitoches. Thackers Airport Caddo Parish Located 3 miles north of Oil City, Louisiana. Two runways 2,900 x 50 . Three single engine aircra based on the field. Privately‐owned by Ms. James Dewey Thacker. Vivian Airport Caddo Parish Located 2 miles southwest of Vivian, Louisiana. Two runways 2,998 x 75 . Five single engine airplanes, 2 helicopters, and 1 ultralights are based on the field. Privately‐owned by Jarrell Ward. Red River Airport Red River Parish Located 2 miles southeast of Cousha a, Louisiana. Two runways 5,000 x 75 . Five single engine aircra based on the field. Owned by the Red River Parish Police Jury. Ruston Regional Airport Lincoln Parish Located 3 miles east of Ruston, Louisiana. Two runways 5,000 x 100 . Thirty single engine airplanes, 5 mul engine airplanes and 2 jet airplanes are based on the field. Owned by the City of Ruston. SHREVEPORT REGIONAL AIRPORT North Louisiana Regional Profile • 7 Climate The Shreveport‐Bossier City area has a humid subtropical climate. Rainfall is abundant, with the normal annual precipita on averaging nearly 47 inches, with monthly averages ranging from less than 3 inches in August to more than 5 inches in May. Severe thunderstorms with heavy rain, hail, damaging winds and tornadoes occur in the area during the spring and summer months. The winter months are normally mild, with an average of 35 days of freezing or below‐freezing temperatures per year, with ice and sleet storms possible. Summer months are hot and humid, with maximum temperatures exceeding 90 degrees an average of 91 days per year, with high to very high rela ve average humidity, some mes exceeding the 90 percent level. Precipita on ● Annual rainfall per year — 2011 33.07 inches ● Measurable snow occurs on average once every 2 years; 5.0 inches measured in 2011. Temperature •Average warmest months are July‐August •Average Temperature 68°F •The highest recorded temperature was 109°F in 2000 •The average coolest month is January •The lowest recorded temperature was –2°F in 1930 •The maximum average precipita on occurs in May Average Temperatures — 2011 72.2 61.8 53.7 70.8 60.3 50.5 44.5 85. 4 84.5 83.3 73.4 104.4 99.6 97.6 73.3 88.1 76.5 91.5 92.5 82.2 80 78.6 78.6 67.4 64.8 62.3 69.9 58.8 58.3 52.6 48.4 47.7 68.2 58.3 56.4 48.8 39.3 39.2 35.3 Jan. Feb. Mar April May June Average high July Aug. Sept. Oct. Average Low Nov. Dec. Avg. Average Source: Na onal Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra on (NOAA) North Louisiana Regional Profile • 8 Recrea on & The Arts BIENVILLE PARISH RECREATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES & ATTRACTIONS FESTIVALS & EVENTS 2 community swimming pools 8 tennis courts Briarwood Gardens Colbert Place built by Captain James Pollard Murphy Down Home built by Catle G. Thurmond in 1853 Driskill Mountain, at 535 feet above sea level Jackson‐Bienville Wildlife Management Area Lake Bis neau with a State park Stagecoach Trail Museum The Blue Hole, spring near Kepler Creek Lake The Bonnie and Clyde Ambush site south of Mt. Leb‐ anon The Dog Trot The Prothro Place built in the 1850s The Stage Coach Inn built in 1847 by Rueben Drake Trails End Golf Course Bonnie and Clyde Trade Days Christmas Parade/Fes val ‐ Arcadia Crawfish Fes val in late Spring Fire Ant Fes val ‐ Castor Jonquil Jubilee ‐ Gibsland ‐ March Mill Creek Reservoir ‐ Saline Mount Lebanon Church Homecoming ‐ Mt. Lebanon Old Mount Lebanon Day and Chili Cook‐Off ‐ Mt. Lebanon Possums Unlimited Fes val Saline Watermelon Fes val Slab Town Fes val ‐ Ringgold Stage Coach Tour of historic buildings Stagecoach Trail Days & Quilt Show ‐ Mt. Lebanon BOSSIER PARISH RECREATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES & ATTRACTIONS FESTIVALS & EVENTS Arthur Ray Teague Parkway Park Boomtown Casino & Hotel Bossier Civic Center Bossier Parish Library Historical Society CenturyLink Center City and Parish Parks Cypress Nature Study Center Cypress‐Black Bayou Recrea on Area Diamond Jack's Casino & Resort East Bank Gallery Eighth Air Force Museum Harrah’s Horseshoe Casino & Hotel Harrah’s Louisiana Downs ‐ Horse Racing Harrah's Louisiana Downs North Bossier Tennis Center Palme o Country Club Party Central Family Fun Center Red River Sam’s Town Hotel & Casino Stonebridge Golf Club Touchstone Wildlife and Art Museum Benton on the Square Folk Art Fes val Bossier Arts Council East Bank Theatre Barksdale Air Force Base Open House HARRAH’S HORSESHOE CASINO & HOTEL North Louisiana Regional Profile • 9 Recrea on & The Arts CADDO PARISH RECREATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES & ATTRACTIONS Airport Park Tennis Center Alpine Meadows Golf Club American Rose Center Ark‐La‐Tex An que and Classic Vehicle Museum Ark‐La‐Tex Speedway ‐ Stock Cars Arts on Fire Barnwell Garden and Art Center Bayou Kajun Raceway ‐ Go Karts Bayou Speedway ‐ Stock Cars Boomtown Casino & Hotel Boothill Speedway ‐ Stock Cars C. Bickham Dickson Park Caddo Lake Caddo Pine Island Oil and Gas Historical Society Museum Champion Links City and Parish Parks Clyde Fant Parkway Park Cockrell Tennis Center Crooked Hollow Golf Club Cross Lake Cypress Nature Study Center East Land Country Club East Ridge Country Club Eldorado Casino & Hotel Expo Hall Fes val Plaza Hirsch Memorial Coliseum Hun ngton Park Golf Course Independence Stadium Indoors Racquet Club Interstate Skateboard Park Kiddie Mia’s Kuumba Fine Art & Gi Gallery Lakeside Golf Course Louisiana State Exhibit Museum Louisiana State Oil & Gas Museum Louisiana State University in Shreveport Gallery LSUS Theatre Magale Gallery at Centenary College Meadowlake Golf Club Meadows Museum of Art Mooringsport Mini Museum Municipal Auditorium Noel Collec on ‐ LSUS Northwood Golf & Country Club Olde Oaks Golf Club Party Central Family Fun Center Pierremont Oaks Tennis Club Pine Hill Country Club Pioneer Heritage Center Planet Fun Querbes Park Golf Course Querbes Tennis Center R. W. Norton Art Gallery Red River Red River Crossroads Museum Riverfront Park Robinson Film Center of Louisiana S’port Port Indoor Soccer Sam’s Town Hotel & Casino Sci‐Port Discovery Center and IMax Theater Shreveport Civic Theatre Shreveport Conven on Center Shreveport Country Club Shreveport Parks & Recrea on Planetarium Shreveport Water Works Museum Southern Hills Tennis Center Southern Trace Country Club Southern University Museum of Art Spring Street Historical Museum Stage of Stars Music Museum State Fair Grounds Stephens African‐American Museum Strand Theatre Two x Four Ranch Rodeo Vivian Depot Museum Wallace Lake Walter B. Jacobs Memorial Nature Park Water Town USA Westwood Execu ve Golf Course Yogi & Friends Exo c Cat Sanctuary North Louisiana Regional Profile • 10 Recrea on & The Arts CADDO PARISH (con nued) FESTIVALS & EVENTS African American History Month Fes val American Rose Center Spring Bloom Celebra on Annual Sunflower Trail & Fes val ArtBreak Bee Gum Fes val Benton on the Square Folk Art Fes val Black Arts Fes val Black‐Eyed Pea Fes val Boomtown Days Fes val Christmas on Caddo Cinco de Mayo Fes val Company Repertory Theatre, Inc Dogwood Fes val Gilbert & Sullivan Society Gusher Days Fes val Holiday in Dixie Holiday Trail of Lights Hurley School of Music James Burton Interna onal Guitar Fes val Jazz and Gumbo Music Fes val Krewe of Aesclepius Mardi Gras Parade Krewe of Barkus & Meoux Mardi Gras Parade Krewe of Centaur Mardi Gras Parade Krewe of Gemini Mardi Gras Parade Krewe of Highland Mardi Gras Parade Let the Good Times Roll Fes val Louisiana Dance Theatre Louisiana Red Bud Fes val Marjorie Lyons Playhouse Monterey Days Heritage Fes val Mooringsport Fall Fes val Mudbug Madness Performing Arts Center Peter Pan Players Pioneer Days Fes val Poke Salad Fes val Pumpkin Shine on Line Red River Revel Arts Fes val River City Repertory Theater Riverblast Rockets Over the Red Sco sh Tartan Fes val Shreveport Li le Theatre Shreveport Metropolitan Ballet Shreveport Metropolitan Concert Band at LSUS Shreveport Opera Shreveport Symphony Orchestra Springhill Lumberjack Fes val State Fair of Louisiana Strand Theatre SuperDerby Fes val The Independence Bowl The Laugh Shoppe Comedy Troupe Theatre of Performing Arts Twel h Night Celebra on Vivian Red Bud Fes val CLAIBORNE PARISH RECREATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES & ATTRACTIONS FESTIVALS & EVENTS Bu erfly Fes val ‐ Haynesville Choral and Ligh ng Fes val Claiborne Christmas Fes val Claiborne Country in Homer Claiborne Handmade/Homegrown Cra Fes val Claiborne Parish Fair Claiborne Parish Jubilee and Art Show Claiborne Parish Oil Patch Fes val Homeplace Acres Bluegrass Fes val Independence Day Celebra on Louisiana Wildlife Fes val North Louisiana Poultry Growers' Associa on Piney Hills Classic Horse Show Claiborne Parish Courthouse Corney Lake / Kisatchie Na onal Forest H.S. Ford Memorial Museum Haynesville Golf Course & Country Club Homer Golf Course Homer Historic District ‐ Courthouse, Ford Museum Junc on City Historical Marker Kilgore House on Na onal Register Lake Claiborne State Park North Louisiana Regional Profile • 11 Recrea on & The Arts DESOTO PARISH RECREATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES & ATTRACTIONS FESTIVALS & EVENTS BackAlley Community Theatre Confederate Cemetery‐ Keatchie DeSoto Mul ‐Cultural Center Garret Park Gateway to Toledo Bend Historic Town of Keatchie Historic Village of Grand Cane Logan’s Ferry Mansfield Cemetery Mansfield State Historical Site/Mansfield Ba le Park Moses Rose "Surviror of the Alamo" Gravesite Original DeSoto Parish Courthouse Red River Waterway Republic of Texas Boundary Marker Rock Chapel Bee Gum Fes val, City Park, Stonewall Cajun Crossroads‐Mansfield Main Street Celebrates ‐ Logansport Old Spanish Trail Ride Re‐enactment Ba le of Mansfield River City Fest JACKSON PARISH RECREATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES & ATTRACTIONS FESTIVALS & EVENTS Biking, hun ng, fishing, boa ng, camping Golf, tennis, bowling, ska ng, swimming Jackson‐Bienville Wildlife Mgt Area Chatham Lake Caney Lake Reservoir‐Caney Creek Dugdemona River Jimmy Davis State Park Christmas in the Pines Christmas Parade CHATHAM LAKE JIMMY DAVIS STATE PARK North Louisiana Regional Profile • 12 Recrea on & The Arts LINCOLN PARISH RECREATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES & ATTRACTIONS Ar sts – pain ngs, sculptures, po ery, photography Autrey House ‐ Dubach Camp Ruston – POW internment facility Dixie Center for The Arts Eddie Robinson Museum – Grambling State University (opening soon) Golf at Louisiana Tech University Golf Course, Ruston Country Club, Sandy Hills Golf Course, and Squire Creek Country Club Grambling State University Historic Downtown Ruston Idea Place at Louisiana Tech University Lincoln Parish Visitors Center Lincoln Parish Museum Lincoln Parish Park Louisiana Military Museum FESTIVALS & EVENTS Crawfish Turn and Burn Rodeo Chamber Gala ‐ Ruston Fire and Ice Winter Celebra on – Ruston Juneteenth Celebra on ‐ Grambling Lincoln Parish High School Rodeo Louisiana Chicken Fes val ‐ Dubach Louisiana Peach Fes val ‐ Ruston Ruston Jaycees Christmas Parade Ruston Mardi Gras Ball Safe Halloween – Downtown Ruston Louisiana Tech University North Louisiana Exhibi on Center Planetarium at Louisiana Tech Ruston Community Theatre Sco Hamilton Warehouse ‐ Dubach Stone Theatre and Howard Center for the Performing Arts LOUISISNA PEACH FESTIVAL‐RUSTON MOREHOUSE PARISH RECREATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES & ATTRACTIONS FESTIVALS & EVENTS Bastrop Municipal Center; The Rose Theater The Snyder Museum Upper Ouachita Na onal Wildlife refuge Chemin‐a‐Haut State Park Handy Break Na onal Wildlife Refuge Bastrop Country Club Bayou Bend Golf Course Crawfish Fes val Music on Main Street Black History Parade Stop City Blues Fes val North Louisiana Co on Fes val & Fair Bastrop Fall Arts & Cra s Fes val Farm Fes val Bonita Alligator Fes val North Louisiana Regional Profile • 13 Recrea on & The Arts NATCHITOCHES PARISH RECREATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES & ATTRACTIONS Adai Indian Na onal Cultural Center Alligator Park American Cemetery Cane Rive Na onal Heritage Area Cane River Lake Caroline Dorman Nature Preserve Fort St. Jean Bap ste State Commemora ve Area French Se lement Kisatchie Na onal Forest Louisiana Sports Hall of Fame Natchitoches Na onal Fish Hatchery Na onal Fish Hatchery and Aquarium Na onal Historic Landmark District Rebel State Park Red River Waterway Saline Lake, Black Lake, Clear Lake, Chaplin's Lake, Si‐ bley Lake FESTIVALS & EVENTS Ashland Spring Fes val Blooming on the Bricks & Art on the Bricks Boogie on the Bricks a er NSU Home Football Games Brown Bag Concerts & Spring Garden Tour Cane River Green Market Cane River Zydeco Fes val Celebra on on the Cane Christmas Fes val Christmas in the Park ‐ Rebel State Historic Area Drake Salt Works Fes val ‐ Goldonna Fes val of Lights Fireworks every Saturday in December Good Old Days Fes val ‐ Marthaville Heritage Fes val ‐ Robeline Holiday Open House Holiday Tour of Homes Jazz/R&B Fes val Mardi Gras Meat Pie Fes val & Meat Pie Triathlon Melrose Arts & Cra s Fes val Natchez Heritage Fes val Natchitoches/NSU Folk Fes val Provencal Fall Fes val Sacred Places Tour Spring Fest at Rebel State Historic Area Witch Way to Main Street OLD NATCHITOCHES PARISH COURTHOUSE NATCHITOCHES FRONT STREET North Louisiana Regional Profile • 14 Recrea on & The Arts OUACHITA PARISH RECREATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES & ATTRACTIONS FESTIVALS & EVENTS Emy‐Lou Biedenharn Museum & Gardens Elsong Gardens Masur Museum of Art West Monroe's An que Alley Louisiana Purchase Gardens & Zoo. Ike Hamilton Exposi on Center Cooley House Excaliber Family Fun Center Louisiana Folklife Fes val Krewe of Janus Mardi Gras Parade DeltaFest Miss Louisiana Pageant Dave L. Pearce Memorial Weekend Christmas at the Biedenharn Christmas on the Ouachita Co onland Christmas Parade OUACHITA PARISH COURTHOUSE OUACHITA RIVER POND RED RIVER PARISH RECREATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES & ATTRACTIONS FESTIVALS & EVENTS Armistead Co on Gin Cousha a Depot Cousha a Old Courthouse Bayou Pierre Wildlife Management Area Grand Bayou Resort Hall Summit Old Time Fes val Red River Parish Fall Fes val SABINE PARISH RECREATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES & ATTRACTIONS FESTIVALS & EVENTS El Camino Real Fort Jessup State Commemora ve Area Hodges Gardens Pleasant Hill Ba le Park Rebel State Commemora ve Area Ba le of Pleasant Hill Ebarb Indian Pow‐Pow Fisher Sawmill Days Florien (Sabine) Free State Fes val June Jubliee Lagniappe Trade Days Marthaville Good Ole’ Days Fes val Sabine Parish Fair (Toledo Fall Fes val) Zwolle Logging and Forestry Fes val Zwolle Tamale Fiesta The "Hanging Tree" The Sawmill Town of Fisher Toledo Bend Reservoir North Louisiana Regional Profile • 15 Recrea on & The Arts UNION PARISH RECREATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES & ATTRACTIONS Lake D'Arbonne State Park Upper Ouachita/D'Arbonne Na onal Wildlife Refuges Union Parish Wildlife Management Area Sweet Onion House; The Garland House The J.W. Heard House; The Bernice Civic Clubhouse 1899 Depot Museum in Depot Park Alabame Methodist Church; Hopkins House FESTIVALS & EVENTS Black History Parade Corney Creek Fes val D'Arbonne Arts Fes val Mayhaw Fes val Stampede Days Walking Horse Show Louisiana Watermelon Fes val Christmas Ceremony Corney Creek Christmas Fes val WEBSTER PARISH RECREATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES & ATTRACTIONS FESTIVALS & EVENTS Art on Broadway‐Minden Caney‐Dorcheat Triathlon Christmas at Germantown‐Minden Caney Lakes (Part of the Kisatchie Na onal Forest) Christmas Parade of Homes‐Springhill Champion Park Speedway Daffodils, Dungarees and Dirt Garden Fes val‐Minden Coca‐Cola Bo ling Co. Collec on Downtown Halloween Parade‐Minden Co on Valley's Hodges House Frank Anthony Park and Pine Woods Lumber Steam Engine Dr. Mar n Luther King, Jr. Day Parade and Events‐Minden February Mardi Gras Parade and Events Germantown Colony and Museum Fourth of July Fireworks Over Turner’s Pond Historic Main Street Districts (Minden & Springhill) Historic Residen al District Christmas Tour of Homes‐Minden Lake Bis neau State Park Lumberjack Fes val, Springhill Minden Historic District Main to Main Shopping event from Downtown Minden to Northwest Louisiana Scenic Byway, Louisiana Highway 2 Downtown Springhill Pine Hills Country Club March Annual Open Bass Tournament on Lake Bis neau Piney Woods Palace Minden Christmas Parade Springhill Art League Minden Jaycees/Webster Parish Fair‐Minden Springhill Country Club Minden St. Jude Auc on‐Minden The Moess Center for the Arts & City Farm My Town Christmas, Springhill The Neighborhood Art Gallery and Museum New Year’s Eve Fireworks Over Turner’s Pond The Spring Theatre Pow Wow and Trade Days Fes val‐Minden W. R. Shadows Estate (Formerly Sunnyside Planta on) The Grove Golf Course PRCA Rodeo‐Springhill Small Town Get Down‐Minden Spring Arts Fes val‐Minden Springhill Christmas Parade Veteran’s Day Parade Wrap It Up Downtown‐Minden Young Women’s Service Club Easter Egg Hunt‐Minden Bayou Dorcheat; "Dauchite" is a designated Louisiana Sce‐ nic Waterway AUTUMN ON THE DORCHEAT North Louisiana Regional Profile • 16 Health Care Hospitals North Louisiana Region has 58 Hospitals with 5,226 beds. Health care services provided include; Acute Care, Rehabilita on, Long Term Acute Care, Acute Psychiatric and Chemical Dependency Care, and Surgical Special es. Bastrop Rehabilita on Hospital Morehouse 15 Beds Rehab E. A. Conway Medical Center Ouachita 247 Beds Acute Care Bienvile Medical Center Bienville 21 Beds Acute Care/Cri cal Access Edgewood Hospital Union 32 Beds Acute Care Brentwood Hospital Caddo 200 Beds Acute Psychiatric Golden Age Senior Care Hospital Ouachita 12 Beds Psychiatric Christus Cousha a Health Care Center Red River 25 Beds Acute Care/Cri cal Access Green Clinic Surgical Hospital Lincoln 12 Beds Acute Care Limited Christus Schumpert Highland Caddo 160 Beds Acute Care Healthsouth Specialty Hospital of N LA Lincoln 91 Beds Long Term Acute Care Christus Schumpert St. Mary Place Caddo 410 Beds Acute Care Homer Memorial Hospital Claiborne 60 Beds Acute Care Conerstone Hospital of Bossier City Bossier 102 Beds Long Term Acute Care/Rehab IASIS Glenwood Regional Medical Center Ouachita 237 Beds Acute Care Conerstone Hospital of West Monroe Ouachita 47 Beds Long Term Acute Care Jackson Parish Hospital Jackson 25 Beds Acute Care/Cri cal Access DeSoto Regional Health System DeSoto 57 Beds Acute Care Liberty Healthcare Systems, LLC‐Bastrop Morehouse 60 Beds Psychiatric Doctors' Hospital of Shreveport Caddo 63 Beds Acute Care Dubuis Hospital of Shreveport Caddo 36 Beds Long Term Acute Care Liberty Healthcare Systems, LLC‐Farmerville Union 18 Beds Psychiatric Louisiana Extended Care Hospital of Natchitoches Natchitoches 21 Beds Long Term Acute Care Louisiana Extended Care Hospital of W Monroe Ouachita 18 Beds Long Term Acute Care LSU Health Science Center‐Shreveport Caddo 459 Beds Acute Care Minden Medical Center Webster 159 Beds Acute Care Monroe Surgical Hospital Ouachita 10 Beds Acute Care Limited Morehouse General Hospital Morehouse 60 Beds Acute Care Natchitoches Regional Medical Center Natchitoches 96 Beds Acute Care North Caddo Medical Center Caddo 25 Beds Acute Care Northern Louisiana Medical Center Lincoln 159 Beds Acute Care Ouachita Community Hospital Ouachita 10 Beds Acute Care Limited Overton Brooks VA Medical Center Caddo 112 Beds Acute Care LifeCare Hospitals of Shreveport Caddo 65 Beds Long Term Acute Care North Louisiana Regional Profile • 17 Health Care Hospitals (con nued) P & S Surgical Hospital Ouachita 22 Beds Acute Care Limited St. Francis Medical Center Ouachita 318 Beds Acute Care Willis‐Knighton Pierremont Health Center Caddo 206 Beds Acute Care Physicians Behavorial Hospital Caddo 14 Beds Long Term Acute Care St. Francis Medical Center (North Campus) Ouachita 209 Beds Acute Care Willis‐Knighton South & Women's Health Caddo 152 Beds Acute Care Premier Rehabilita n Hospital Ouachita 20 Beds Rehab St. Francis Specialty Hospital Ouachita 32 Beds Long Term Acute Care Promise Hospital of Bossier City Bossier 50 Beds Long Term Acute Care St. Patrick's Psychiatric Hospital Ouachita 24 Beds Psychiatric Promise Hospital of Shreveport Caddo 146 Beds Long Term Acute Care/Rehab Sterlington Rehab Hospital Union 10 Beds Rehab Red River Behavorial Center Bossier 20 Beds Rehab/Geriatric Psych Stonewall Hospital DeSoto 22 Beds Psychiatric Sabine Medical Center Sabine 48 Beds Acute Care Su on Children's Medical Center Caddo 108 Beds Acute Care‐Pediatrics Shriners Hospital‐Shreveport Caddo 45 Beds Pediatric Orthopedic Tri‐Ward General Hospital Union 15 Beds Acute Care Union General Hospital Union 25 Beds Acute Care/Cri cal Access Specialists Hospital‐Shreveport Caddo 15 Beds Long Term Acute Care Specialty Rehabilita on Hospital of Cousha a Red River 12 Beds Rehab Springhill Medical Center Webster 60 Beds Acute Care GLENWOOD REGIONAL MED CENTER MINDEN MEDICAL CENTER Shriners Hospitals for Children in Shreveport, Louisiana Willis‐Knighton Bossier Health Center Bossier 171 Beds Acute Care Willis‐Knighton Medical Center Caddo 344 Beds Acute Care Overton Brooks VA Medical Center, Shreveport, Louisiana North Louisiana Regional Profile • 18 Educa on North Louisiana Region has 15 school districts with 36 private and 291 public schools. Total enrollment of 146,787 for the 2010‐2011 school year. ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION District Public Schools PK‐8 1,716 15,526 31,050 1,494 3,727 1,717 4,849 6,627 3,469 5,256 14,637 1,152 3,319 1,896 5,139 Bienville Bossier Caddo Claiborne DeSoto Jackson Lincoln Monroe Morehouse Natchitoches Ouachita Red River Sabine Union Webster Total Private (Non‐Public) Schools 9‐12 Total Enrollment 596 2,312 5,227 20,753 11,092 42,142 613 2,107 1,248 4,975 548 2,265 1,825 6,674 2,241 8,868 1,035 4,504 1,571 6,827 5,041 19,678 374 1,526 995 4,314 707 2,603 1,838 6,977 136,525 Schools 9 35 71 10 12 5 21 21 13 16 36 4 12 8 18 291 Bienville Bossier Caddo Claiborne DeSoto Jackson Lincoln Monroe Morehouse Natchitoches Ouachita Red River Sabine Union Webster 0 140 3,259 253 107 0 598 879 190 274 1,100 228 0 207 256 Total Total Region Enrollment 0 0 1,120 80 38 0 244 146 114 132 394 88 0 97 318 Source: Louisiana Department of Educa on North Louisiana Regional Profile • 19 0 140 4,379 333 145 0 842 1,025 304 406 1,494 316 0 304 574 10,262 146,787 0 2 12 2 1 0 3 5 1 1 5 1 0 1 2 36 327 Educa on INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER LEARNING Public and private colleges/universi es within approximately 100 miles of the region 2‐Year College/University Name Loca on Enrollment Angelina College 3500 South First, Lu in, Texas 75902‐1768 Blue Cliff College‐Shreveport 8731 Park Plaza Drive, Shreveport, Louisiana 71105 Bossier Parish Community College 6220 East Texas, Bossier City, LA 71111‐6922 Career Technical College‐Monroe 2319 Louisville Ave, Monroe, LA 71201 Career Technical College‐Shreveport 1227 Shreveport‐Barksdale Hwy, Shreveport, LA 71105 Delta Community College 4014 LaSalle St., Monroe, LA 71203 5,927 255 7,077 775 358 2,490 Jacksonville College‐Main Campus 105 B J Albri on Dr, Jacksonville, TX 75766 Kilgore College 1100 Broadway, Kilgore, TX 75662‐3299 6,691 402 Lamar Ins tute of Technology 855 E Lavaca, Beaumont, TX 77705 3,256 Lamar State College‐Orange 410 Front St, Orange, TX 77630 2,649 Louisiana State University‐Eunice 2048 Johnson Hwy, Eunice, LA 70535 3,431 Central Louisiana Technical College‐Alexandria Campus 4311 South MacArthur Dr, Alexandria, LA 71302 4,260 Avoyelles Campus 508 Choupique St, Co onport, LA 71327 Huey P Long Campus 304 South Jones Street, Winnfield, LA 71483 Lamar Salter Campus 15014 Lake Charles Hwy, Leesville, LA 71446 Oakdale Campus 117 Hwy 1152, Oakdale, LA 71463 Northeast Louisiana Technical College‐Delta‐Ouachita Campus 609 Voca onal Pky, West Monroe, LA 71292 Bastrop Campus 729 Kammell St, Bastrop, LA 71221‐1120 North Central Campus 605 W Boundary, Farmerville, LA 71241 Northeast La Campus 1710 Warren St, Winnsboro, LA 71295 Ruston Campus Northwest Louisiana Technical College‐NW Louisiana Campus Mansfield Campus 1010 James St, Ruston, LA71273‐1070 814 Constable Street, Minden, LA 71055 1,536 3,071 943 Oxford Rd, Mansfield, LA 71052 Natchitoches Campus 6587 Hwy 1 Bypass, Natchitoches, LA 71458‐0657 Sabine Valley Campus 1255 Fisher Rd, Many, LA 71449 Shreveport‐Bossier Campus 2010 N Market St, Shreveport, LA 71107 Northeast Texas Community College 2886 FM 1735, Mount Pleasant, TX 75455 3,220 Northwestern University Nursing Educa on Center 1800 Line Avenue, Shreveport, LA 1,017 Panola College 1109 W Panola St, Carthage, TX 75633 2,322 Remington College‐Shreveport 2106 Bert Kouns Ind Lp, Shreveport, LA 71118 431 South Arkansas Community College 300 S West Ave, El Dorado, AR 71731‐7010 1,781 South Louisiana Community College 320 Devalcourt Street, Lafaye e, LA 70506 4,219 Southern Arkansas University Tech 100 Carr Road, Camden, AR 71701 1,851 Southern University at Shreveport 3050 Mar n Luther King Dr, Shreveport, LA 71107 2,834 Sowela Technical Community College 3820 J Benne Johnston Ave, Lake Charles, LA 70616 2,620 Texarkana College 2500 N Robison Rd, Texarkana, TX 75599 4,695 Texas State Technical College‐Marshall 2650 E End Blvd, South, Marshall, TX 75672 949 Tyler Junior College 1400 East Fi h Street, Tyler, TX 75789‐0001 11,738 University of Arkansas Community College‐Hope 2500 S Main, Hope, AR 71802‐0140 Total Enrollment 1,557 81,412 Source: State of Louisiana Board of Regents; US DOE Ins tute of Educa on Sciences‐2010‐2011 North Louisiana Regional Profile • 20 Educa on INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER LEARNING (con nued) 4‐Year College/University Name Loca on Alcorn State University 1000 ASU Dr Ste 359, Alcorn State, MS 39096 Bap st Missionary Associa on Theological Seminary 1530 E Pine St, Jacksonville, TX 75766‐5407 113 Centenary College of Louisiana 2911 Centenary Boulevard, Shreveport, LA 71134 904 East Texas Bap st University 1209 N Grove, Marshall, TX 75670‐1498 Embry‐Riddle Aeronau cal University at Barksdale AFB Barksdale Air Force Base, Bossier City, LA 71010 Grambling State University 100 Founders Street, Grambling, LA 71245 5,207 Henderson State University 1100 Henderson St, Arkadelphia, AR 71999‐0001 3,708 Jarvis Chris an College Hwy 80 E, Hawkins, TX 75765‐1470 Lamar University 4400 MLK, Beaumont, TX 77705 LeTourneau University 2100 S Mobberly Ave, Longview, TX 75607‐7001 3,169 Louisiana College 1140 College Dr, Pineville, LA 71359 1,893 Louisiana State University at Alexandria 8100 Hwy 71 South, Alexandria, LA 71302‐9121 2,612 Enrollment Louisiana State University Health Sciences Ctr‐Shreveport 1501 Kings Hwy, Shreveport, LA 71103 3,682 1,197 175 522 14,385 867 Louisiana State University‐Shreveport One University Place, Shreveport, LA 71115 4,562 Louisiana Tech University 305 Wisteria, Ruston, LA 71272 McNeese State University 4100 Ryan St, Lake Charles, LA 70609‐2215 8,941 Northwestern State University of Louisiana College Ave, Natchitoches, LA 71497‐0002 9,191 Ouachita Bap st University 410 Ouachita St, Arkadelphia, AR 71998‐0001 1,504 Southern Arkansas University Main Campus 100 E. University, Magnolia, AR 71753 3,379 Southern Illinois‐Carbondale at Barksdale AFB Barksdale Air Force Base, Bossier City, LA 71010 Stephen F Aus n State University 1936 North St, Nacogdoches, TX 75962 Texas A & M University‐Texarkana 2600 N Robison Rd, Texarkana, TX 75505 Texas College 2404 N. Grand Avenue, Tyler, TX 75702 The University of Texas at Tyler 3900 University Blvd, Tyler, TX 75799‐6699 6,476 University of Arkansas at Mon cello Highway 425 South, Mon cello, AR 71656 3,638 University of Louisiana at Lafaye e 104 University Circle, Lafaye e, LA 70503 16,763 University of Louisiana at Monroe 700 University Avenue, Monroe, LA 71209 8,626 University of Phoenix‐Shreveport/Bossier 350 Plaza Lp Dr. B‐3, Bossier City, LA 71111 342 Virginia College 2950 E. Texas St. Ste. C, Bossier City, LA 71111 n/a Wiley College 711 Wiley Ave, Marshall, TX 75670 Total Enrollment 11,518 25 12,954 2,003 927 1,351 130,634 Source: State of Louisiana Board of Regents; US DOE Ins tute of Educa on Sciences (2010‐2011) North Louisiana Regional Profile • 21 Business Environment As of 2010, there were 18,201 business firms in the Northwest Louisiana Region. Firms by Employment Size Employees Region 1‐99 17,820 100‐249 290 250‐499 55 500‐999 25 Over 1000 11 Business Establishments by Industry, 2010 Unclassified establishments 0% Accommodation & food services 7% Forestry, agricultural,Mining 2% etc. Utilities 1% 1% Other services 10% Construction 8% Manufacturing 3% Wholesale trade 5% Arts, entertainment & recreation 1% Health care and social assistance 12% Retail trade 17% Educational services 1% Management 1% Admin, support, waste mgt, etc. 4% Prof, scientific & tech services 9% Finance & insurance 8% Information 1% Transportation & warehousing 3% Real estate & rental & leasing Source: U.S. Census ‐ County Business Pa erns, 2010 North Louisiana Regional Profile • 22 Business Environment Major Employers * State of Louisiana‐Dept of Civil Service Barksdale Air Force Base LSU Health Sciences Center‐Shreveport Willis Knighton Health System Caddo Parish School Board * Wal‐Mart/Sam's Stores Ouachita Parish School Board Bossier Parish School Board * Brookshire's & Super 1 food Stores City of Shreveport St. Francis Medical Center J. P. Morgan Chase‐Monroe * U.S. Postal Service Harrah's Horseshoe Casino & Hotel/ Harrah's Louisiana Downs Christus Schumpert Health Sys‐Shreveport * McDonald's Corp * Interna onal Paper Company Overton Brooks VA Medical Center U.S. Support Company (Answer Group) CenturyLink‐Monroe * Gamble Guest Care Group Monroe City School District Eldorado Resort Casino Sam's Town Hotel & Casino Shreveport Graphic Packaging Intl‐West Monroe City of Monroe Gorman Group/Tango Transport, Inc. Louisiana Tech University University of Louisiana At Monroe Webster Parish School Board Red River Sanitors Inc Lincoln Parish School Board Libbey Glass, Inc. Glenwood Regional Medical Ctr Foster Farms DeSoto Parish School Board The Arc of Caddo‐Bossier Sabine Parish School Board Natchitoches Parish School Board Diamond Jack's Casino Resort House of Raeford Farms LLC Raeford Farms of Louisiana Chase Home Finance Northwestern State University Caddo Parish Sheriff's Office Government Military Health Care Health Care School System Retail School System School System Grocery Government Health Care Banking Postal Service 15,985 10,284 6,200 6,145 6,101 5,861 2,999 2,926 2,847 2,700 2,219 2,100 1,822 Gaming Casino & Hotel Health Care Fast Food Restaurant Wood Product Mfg Health Care Call Center Phone Service Nursing and/or Re rement Home School System Gaming Casino & Hotel Gaming Casino & Hotel Paper Products Government Transporta on Educa on Educa on School System Janitorial Services School System Glassware manufacturer Health Care Poultry Processing and/or Hatchery School System Non Profit Organiza on School System School System Gaming Casino & Hotel 1,800 1,800 1,701 1,651 1,590 1,585 1,400 1,390 1,387 1,300 1,194 1,167 1,150 1,100 1,095 1,061 995 975 963 950 950 950 881 857 850 843 837 Poultry Processing and/or Hatchery Real Estate Mortgages Educa on Public Service 825 800 774 766 * Regional‐More than one branch, office or store within the region. North Louisiana Regional Profile • 23 Workforce Labor Force Growth 2000‐2011 Region (2011) Average Employment Total Civilian Labor Force 364,273 Total Employment 336,381 Total Unemployment 27,892 Unemployment Rate 7.7% Work Force Thousands 390 310 230 150 70 Year 00 01 02 03 Region 04 05 06 07 08 Shreveport‐Bossier City MSA 09 10 11 Monroe MSA Average Unemployment Rate % 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 Year 00 01 02 03 Region 04 05 06 07 Shreveport‐Bossier City MSA 08 09 10 11 Monroe MSA Source: Louisiana Department of Labor North Louisiana Regional Profile • 24 Workforce Average Employment (2011)—Fourteen‐Parish Region North Louisiana Region Health care and social assistance Retail trade Accommoda on and food services Educa onal services Manufacturing Administra ve and waste services Construc on Public administra on Wholesale trade Finance and insurance Professional and technical services Transporta on and warehousing Mining Arts, entertainment, and recrea on Other services, except public administra on Informa on Real estate and rental and leasing Management of companies and enterprises U li es Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hun ng Average Average Weekly Employment Percent Wages $ 306,591 100.0% 687 59,345 19.4% 601 39,408 12.9% 431 27,610 9.0% 251 23,877 7.8% 674 23,386 7.6% 880 16,477 5.4% 496 16,054 5.2% 753 14,788 4.8% 744 11,188 3.6% 881 10,850 3.5% 697 9,223 3.0% 729 9,013 2.9% 980 8,949 2.9% 1,158 7,974 2.6% 335 7,683 2.5% 484 5,060 1.7% 738 4,914 1.6% 668 3,063 1.0% 909 2,747 0.9% 994 2,029 0.7% 698 Average Employment 306,591 117,750 65,799 44,460 17,691 12,969 12,835 7,019 6,953 5,437 4,840 4,209 3,999 3,567 2,630 BY REGION AND PARISH NORTH LOUISIANA REGION CADDO OUACHITA BOSSIER LINCOLN NATCHITOCHES WEBSTER DESOTO MOREHOUSE SABINE UNION BIENVILLE CLAIBORNE JACKSON RED RIVER Source: Louisiana Department of Labor North Louisiana Regional Profile • 25 Average Weekly Percent Wages $ 100.0% 687 38.4% 770 21.5% 715 14.5% 705 5.8% 660 4.2% 645 4.2% 716 2.3% 849 2.3% 559 1.8% 595 1.6% 581 1.4% 693 1.3% 709 1.2% 701 0.9% 717 Workforce Wage Rates for Selected Occupa ons ‐ 2011 Salary Range‐Hourly Rate (Dollars) Monroe MSA Professional/Technical Accountants and Auditors Computer Programmers Construc on Managers Financial Managers Clerical Bill & Account Collectors Bookkeeping, Accoun ng, & Audi ng Clerks Cashiers Customer Service Representa ves Data Entry Keyers Office Clerks, General Payroll & Timekeeping Clerks Recep onists & Informa on Clerks Secretaries, Except Legal, Medical, & Execu ve Shipping, Receiving, & Traffic Clerks Stock Clerks and Order Fillers Switchboard Operators, Including Answering Service Tellers Sales Retail Salespersons Sales Managers Sales Representa ves, Services, All Other Produc on and Maintenance Construc on Laborers Machinists Maintenance & Repair Workers, General Team Assemblers Truck Drivers, Heavy & Tractor‐Trailer Truck Drivers, Light or Delivery Services Shreveport/Bossier MSA Employed Median Mean Employed Median Mean 470 150 70 170 $24.85 $20.22 $32.59 $36.56 $25.97 $21.84 $38.70 $48.79 1,070 180 140 380 $27.26 $30.42 $34.20 $33.45 $28.63 $31.39 $37.46 $37.07 200 1,060 2,550 1,930 110 1,640 110 660 1,710 270 680 $13.26 $14.02 $8.60 $12.70 $12.90 $10.33 $13.79 $10.01 $12.64 $12.46 $9.08 $13.45 $14.62 $8.62 $13.42 $13.84 $10.97 $14.36 $10.34 $12.66 $13.31 $10.27 370 2,500 5,840 2,320 140 3,000 260 1,700 3,800 650 2,460 $14.75 $15.88 $8.62 $13.29 $13.41 $10.62 $18.16 $10.27 $12.98 $12.25 $9.28 $14.76 $16.33 $8.70 $13.90 $13.89 $11.39 $17.63 $10.87 $13.40 $13.33 $10.31 100 $10.22 $10.70 380 $10.34 $10.82 510 $10.34 $10.59 780 $10.23 $10.20 2,950 130 160 $9.53 $33.79 $23.50 $11.94 $40.93 $27.43 6,080 330 180 $9.78 $36.75 $22.54 $11.64 $43.46 $25.14 350 330 1050 430 680 420 $11.49 $15.52 $15.19 $11.83 $16.06 $10.87 $11.66 $16.01 $16.49 $13.27 $17.19 $13.16 810 690 2,590 1,310 2,620 1,290 $11.22 $20.14 $14.67 $19.58 $17.29 $12.13 $12.33 $21.32 $15.84 $18.99 $18.42 $13.77 Source: Louisiana Department of Labor ‐ 2011 BLS/OES North Louisiana Regional Profile • 26 Industrial Parks BIENVILLE PARISH BOSSIER PARISH (cont’d) Arcadia Industrial Site I Arcadia Industrial Site II Viking Drive Industrial Park • Owned by Town of Arcadia Owned by Town of Arcadia ● Owned jointly by Bossier Parish and the City of Bossier City • 69 Acres—55 acres available • 26 Acres—22 acres available ● • Managed by the Greater Bossier Economic Development Founda on U li es available • On Felts Rd—Off U.S. Hwy 80, • 2 miles south of I‐20 ● 85 acres available for development On I‐20, between Hwy 519 and Hwy 151 ● Located on Viking Drive West, 1/4 mile off Swan Lake Road • Located in an Enterprise and • Renewal Community Zone Located in an Enterprise and Renewal Community Zone ● Rail service ‐ Kansas City Southern Railroad ● City water and sewerage • Rail Service—KCS • 4 acre hotel site planned ● • Tenant—Infistar (Oil/Gas) • Cleared of trees Electric power ‐ AEP/Southwestern Electric Power (AEP/ SWEPCO) • • Contact: Omar Valen ne (318) 263‐8456 ● Natural gas ‐ Centerpoint Energy Arkla Contact: Omar Valen ne (318) 263‐8456 • 1/2 mile to I‐220 interchange and 1 1/2 miles to I‐20 interchange • Contact: Greater Bossier Economic Development Founda on, • • U li es available (318) 742‐6043 BOSSIER PARISH Plain Dealing Industrial Park ● Owned and operated by the Town of Plain Dealing ● 40 acres available for development Benton Industrial Park ● Located on Industrial Drive in Plain Dealing ● Owned and operated by the Town of Benton ● 20 miles north of I‐220 and 25 miles from I‐49 ● 40 acre development ● Rail service—Union Pacific ● Located on Industrial Drive in Benton, 1/2 miles off Hwy 3 ● City water and sewerage ● 16 miles north of I‐20 and within 25 miles of I‐49 ● Electric power ‐ AEP/Southwestern Electric Power (AEP/ SWEPCO) ● Rail Service ‐ Union Pacific Railroad ● City water and sewerage • Natural gas ‐ Centerpoint Energy Arkla ● Electric power ‐ AEP/Southwestern Electric Power (AEP/ SWEPCO) • Fire Sta on Number 2 located in the park • ● Natural gas ‐ CenterPoint Energy Arkla Contact: Division of Marke ng and Industrial Development, CDC (318) 632‐2022 • Primary tenant ‐ Capro, Inc. and Elite RV • Contact: Division of Marke ng and Industrial Development, CDC (318) 632‐2022 Ruben E. White Industrial Park Commerce Industrial Park • Marketed by the Greater Bossier Economic Development Founda on • Located on Shed Road approximately 1 mile south of I‐220 and 1.5 miles north of I‐20 ● Owned jointly by Bossier Parish and the City of Bossier City ● Managed by the Greater Bossier Economic Development Foun da on • 4 acres remain in the old por on of the park; an addi onal 86 acres have been acquired that adjoin the old sec on ● 83 acres available for development • Zoned for heavy industry ● Located at I‐220 and Shed Road • City water & sewerage ● Rail service — Kansas City Southern Railroad ● City water and sewerage • Electric: AEP‐SWEPCO ● Electric power ‐ AEP/Southwestern Electric Power (AEP/ SWEPCO) • Rail Service: KCA • Located in an Enterprise Zone • Contact: Greater Bossier Economic Development Founda on, (318) 742‐6043 • Natural gas ‐ CenterPoint Energy Arkla • Contact: Greater Bossier Economic Development Founda on, (318) 742‐6043 North Louisiana Regional Profile • 27 Gas: CenterPoint Energy Industrial Parks CADDO PARISH The Port of Shreveport‐Bossier ● Owned and operated by the Caddo‐Bossier Port Commission ● 2,000 acre development site at the head of naviga on on the J. Benne Johnston Red River Waterway with land available for lease ● Located 4 miles south of Shreveport on Louisiana Highway 1 ● 220 acres devoted to river usage infrastructure ● 3,200‐foot‐long slack water harbor and turning basin ● Convenient access to I‐20 (east‐west) and I‐49 (north‐south); planned I‐69 corridor will run through or adjacent to Port Complex ● Comprehensive rail network with rail links to Union Pacific main line rail, Kansas City Southern and Burlington Northern Santa Fe ● On‐dock rail, roll‐on/roll‐off ramp and rail switch yard on site with two locomo ves for immediate rail car switching ● Access roads to all available sites ● General cargo and liquid wharves ● Liquid storage tanks on site and available for lease ● Foreign Trade Zone, U. S. Customs Port of Entry ● City water, sewerage and fire protec on ● Electric Power Suppliers‐ AEP/Southwestern Electric Power (AEP/SWEPCO) and Valley Electric ● Natural Gas ‐ CenterPoint Energy ● Build‐to‐suit and long‐term lease arrangements • 9 . depth and 200 . width channel maintained by the Army Corps of Engineers • Contact: Caddo‐Bossier Port Commission, (318) 524‐2272 Caddo Ward II Industrial Park • Located off LA Highway 1 between Vivian and Oil City • Shreve Park Industrial Campus 239 acres zoned for heavy industrial ● • Water & sewer, electricity, and gas available Owned by the Greater Shreveport Industrial Park Development Founda on, Inc. • Contact: Division of Marke ng and Industrial Development, CDC (318) 632‐2022 ● Campus‐style park located in West Shreveport, 7 miles from the Central Business District ● 500 acre development on the Inner Loop Expressway (LA Hwy 3132) zoned for heavy industry ● One mile south of I‐20, 5 minutes from Shreveport Regional Airport, close proximity to I‐49 and the Port of Shreveport‐ Bossier ● Landscaped and lighted roadway system Rail service ‐ Union Pacific Railroad North Shreveport Industrial Park ● Owned jointly by the Caddo Parish Commission and the City of Shreveport • Located in northwest Shreveport at LA Hwy 173 and Roy Road; Inside the city limits; Three miles from I‐220 ● ● City water and sewerage; Natural gas ‐ CenterPoint Energy ● 110 acre development zoned for heavy industry • ● Rail service ‐ Kansas City Southern Railroad Electric power ‐ AEP/Southwestern Electric Power (AEP/ SWEPCO) • City water & sewerage; Natural gas—CenterPoint Energy • • Electric power ‐ AEP/Southwestern Electric Power (AEP/SWEPCO) Primary tenants ‐ Frymaster Manufacturing Plant, Louisiana Tech University ‐Technology Transfer Center, and Ivan Smith Furniture and Appliances, Inc. • Contact: Div. of Marke ng & Industrial Development, CDC (318) 632‐2022 • Contact: Greater Shreveport Chamber of Commerce, (318) 677‐ 2503 North Louisiana Regional Profile • 28 Industrial Parks CADDO PARISH (Con nued) Shreveport Regional Airport Industrial Park Vivian Industrial Park ● Owned and operated by the Shreveport Regional Airport Authority • Located in the City of Vivian, off LA Highway 1 ● 800 acres of prime land for development • 37 acres zoned for heavy development ● Central U. S. loca on makes the park readily accessible for any air cra /aerospace related industry requiring taxiways and ramp access • Rail, Water & sewer, electricity, and gas available • ● Maintenance facili es are available for corporate planes and offices Contact: Division of Marke ng and Industrial Development, CDC (318) 632‐2022 ● Aircra rescue and fire figh ng facili es meet FAA index E ● Twenty‐four hour emergency crews on site ● City water and sewerage ● Electric power ‐ AEP/Southwestern Electric Power (AEP/ SWEPCO) ● Natural gas ‐ CenterPoint Energy • Primary tenant ‐ Con nental Express Regional Jet Maintenance Facility • Contact: Shreveport Regional Airport Authority, (318) 673‐5370 or Greater Shreveport Chamber of Commerce, (318) 677‐2503 RED RIVER BOATRAMP West Shreveport Industrial Park • Owned by the Caddo Parish Commission ● Located in west Shreveport, less than 5 miles from the Shreveport Regional Airport ● 900 acre development zoned for heavy industry • Rail Service ‐ Union Pacific Railroad ● Surrounded by divided four‐lane highways ‐ ● City water and sewerage; Natural gas ‐ CenterPoint Energy • Electric power ‐ AEP/Southwestern Electric Power (AEP/SWEPCO)—Primary tenant‐General Motors • Contact: Div. of Marke ng & Industrial Development, CDC (318) 632‐2022 Bert Kouns Industrial Loop (LA 526) and West 70th Street (LA 511) Privately‐Owned Industrial Parks Freestate Industrial Park • Located north of downtown Shreveport in Bossier Parish. • Contact: Freestate Circle, LLC (318) 222‐7173 Slack Industrial Park • Located in south central Shreveport • Contact: Sealy & Company, Inc. (318) 222‐8700 CADDO LAKE North Louisiana Regional Profile • 29 Industrial Parks CLAIBORNE PARISH North Homer Industrial Park Claiborne Industrial Park • Located on U.S. Highway 70 within the Homer town limits • • Various sized loca ons available with all u li es installed Owned and operated by the Claiborne Economic Development Board • City water and sewage • Located on U.S. Highway 79 between Homer and Haynesville • Electric Power: Entergy and Claiborne Electric Coop • 134 acres with u li es installed • Gas: CenterPoint Energy • 2,000 acre development site • Located in an Enterprise Zone • City sewage and water; Gas: CenterPoint Energy • Rail Service is available with Louisiana and North West Railroad • Electric Power: Claiborne Co‐op • Located in an Enterprise Zone • Contact: Homer Industrial Founda ons, (318) 927‐3271 • Rail service is available with Louisiana and North Railway • Contact: Claiborne Economic Development Board, (318) 927‐ 6333 South Homer Industrial Park • Located within the Homer town limits • Haynesville Industrial Park Loca on is available with all u li es installed • • Owned and operated by the Town of Haynesville City water and sewage • • Located on U.S. Highway 79 in Haynesville city limits Electric Power: Entergy and Claiborne Electric Coop • • 134 acres with u li es installed Gas: CenterPoint Energy • • Approximately 1 mile north of downtown Haynesville Located in an Enterprise Zone • • City sewage and water; Gas: CenterPoint Energy Rail Service is available with Louisiana and North West Railroad • Electric Power: Entergy • Contact: Homer Industrial Founda ons, (318) 927‐3271 • Located in an Enterprise Zone • Rail service is available with Louisiana and North Railway • Contact: Haynesville Chamber of Commerce, (318) 624‐9603 DESOTO PARISH DeSoto Parish Air Industrial Park Interstate 49 Business Park • Owned and operated by the DeSoto Parish Police Jury • Privately owned • Located 2 miles north of Mansfield, LA on Highway 171 • • 200 acre development zoned for heavy industry Located at the intersec on Highway 175 and I‐49 in Frierson, Louisiana • Electric Power: Central Louisiana Electric Company (CLECO) • 101.89 acres zoned for heavy industry • Natural Gas: Trans Louisiana • Water & sewer, electricity, and gas available • Located in an Enterprise Zone • Contact: Division of Marke ng and Industrial Development, CDC (318) 632‐2022 • Contact: Division of Marke ng and Industrial Development, CDC (318) 632‐2022 Logansport Industrial Park • Located 3 miles north of Logansport on the east side of LA Highway 5 • Located in an Enterprise Zone • 42 acres are available for development and improvement incen ves available • Contact: Division of Marke ng and Industrial Development, CDC (318) 632‐2022 OLD LOG COURTHOUSE IN MANSFIELD, LOUISIANA North Louisiana Regional Profile • 30 Industrial Parks JACKSON PARISH Jonesboro Industrial Park • 80 acre located on US Hwy 167 • Contact: The town of Jonesboro Mayor, P.O. Box 610, Jonesboro, LA 71251 • Telephone: (318) 259‐2385 Fax: (318) 259 ‐4177 JACKSON PARISH COURTHOUSE LINCOLN PARISH Ruston Industrial Park • Owned by various private landowners • Located on McDonald Avenue in Ruston, Louisiana, within 5 miles of I‐20 • City water and sewerage • Electric Power: City of Ruston • Gas: CenterPoint Energy • Rail Service: Kansas City Southern • Located in an Enterprise Zone and Community Renewal Zone • Contact: The Ruston ‐ Lincoln Chamber of Commerce, (318) 225‐2031 TL JAMES HOUSE MOREHOUSE PARISH Bastrop/Coulter Industrial Park • 165 acres (142 acres available) located on US Hwy 165; 10 nukes from Intestate 20 • Electricity‐Entergy; Natural Gas‐La.Gas Service Co; Water‐Peoples Water Co. • Enterprise Zone; Northern Renewal Com‐ munity; A ainment Zone • Contact: Kay King; morehouseedc@a .net • Morehouse Economic Development Telephone:(318) 283‐4000 North Louisiana Regional Profile • 31 Industrial Parks NATCHITOCHES PARISH Natchitoches Parish Industrial Park Natchitoches Industrial Park • Owned by the City of Natchitoches • Owned by the City of Natchitoches • Located on Highway 1 bypass within the city limits • Located at the Natchitoches Airport • 80 acres are zoned for heavy industry • Approximately 20 acres available • City water & sewage • City water & sewage • Electric Power: Valley Electric • Electric Power: Valley Electric • Natural Gas: Trans Louisiana Gas Company • Natural Gas: Trans Louisiana Gas Company • Located in an Enterprise Zone • Located in an Enterprise Zone • Contact: City of Natchitoches, Randy LaCaze (318) 357‐3838 • Improvement incen ves available • Contact: City of Natchitoches, Randy LaCaze (318) 357‐3838 OUACHITA PARISH Downing Pines Industrial Park • 90 industrial acres on US Hwy 80 • Interstate 20 one mile away • Contact: West Ouachita Industrial Park • 200 acres (100 acres available) located on US Hwy 80 • Light industrial land use. • Interstate 20 one mile away • Contact: West Monroe Industrial Park Monroe Air Industrial Park • 125 acre located on US Hwy 80 • • Interstate 20 one mile away 610 acres (300 acres available) located on US Hwy 80 and 165 • Mixed use land • 1/4 mile from Interstate 20 • Contact: • Light industrial land use • Regional airport on site. • Contact: Southwest Industrial Park • 110 acres (64 acres available) located on US Hwy 165 • 3 miles from Interstate 20 • Light industrial land use • Dock located in park • Contact: North Louisiana Regional Profile • 32 Industrial Parks RED RIVER PARISH Red River Industrial Park • Located within the city limits of Cousha a • 125 acre development (80 acres available) • Zoned for heavy industry • Rail service available. • City water & sewerage • Electric Power: Central Louisiana Electric Company (CLECO) • Natural Gas: Trans Louisiana Gas Company • Located in an Enterprise Zone • Contact: Div. of Marke ng & Industrial Development, CDC (318) 632‐2022 SABINE PARISH Sabine Parish Industrial Park • Sabine Parish currently owns land that is to be developed as an industrial park. • Plans are con nuing for the establishment of an industrial development site by the Town of Many • Contact: The Town of Many, (318) 256‐3651 UNION PARISH Bernice Industrial Park • Located near Bernice Louisiana • 150 acres; sub dividable; agricultural type • Located in an Enterprise Zone • US Hwy 167 primary access; Interstate 20 near. • Contact: Paula Walker; [email protected]; (318) 651‐0770 North Louisiana Regional Profile • 33 Industrial Parks WEBSTER PARISH North Webster Parish Industrial Park South Webster Industrial Park • Located near Springhill Louisiana • Owned by the South Webster Industrial District • 160 acres with all u li es installed • 320 acres with u li es • City water & sewerage • Located outside the Minden city limits on U.S. Highway 371 • Electric Power: Entergy • Located in and Enterprise Zone • Natural Gas: CenterPoint Energy • Contact: The South Webster Industrial District, (318) 377‐4240 • Located in an Enterprise Zone • Contact: The North Webster Parish Industrial Park, (318) 539‐5058 North Louisiana Regional Profile • 34 Military Installa ons Barksdale Air Force Base — Bossier Parish ● Largest employer in the Shreveport‐Bossier City MSA ● Largest single site employer in Louisiana ● Annual payroll of $485.3 million • Annual Economic Impact of $855.7 million ● Employees Total: 10,284 ● ● ● 6,851 ac ve duty military ● 1,380 reservists ● 2,053 civilians Barksdale medical care, commissary, and base exchange services support ● 6,481 ac ve duty family members ● Over 40,000 re rees and their family members 2nd Bomb Wing host unit ● B‐52 Stratofortress opera ons ● B‐52 bomber crew training ● 8th Air Force headquarters ‐ comprises nearly 500 aircra and 80 major installa ons worldwide ● 917th Wing ‐ composite wing flies both the B‐52 and the A‐10 Thunderbolt II a ack jet ● Air Force Global Strike Command headquarters (Ac vated August 7, 2009) ‐ 20th Air Force and 8th Air force ● ● 90th, 91th, and 341st Missile Wings; 2d, 5th and 509th Bomb wing ● B‐2 Spirit, B‐52 Stratofortress, Uh‐1N Iroquois, LGM‐30G Minuteman III Base land alloca on ● 4,000 acres of developed area ● 18,000 acres of undeveloped area with 1,400 acres of reclaimed wetlands Source: Barksdale AFB Public Affairs, Economic impact analysis as of 30 September 2011.. B‐52 STRATOFORTRESS North Louisiana Regional Profile • 35 Military Installa ons Camp Minden — Webster Parish Camp Minden, the former Louisiana Army Ammuni on Plant, is now used for military training and houses a growing industrial community. • Total square footage approximately 2.8 million • 1.2 million square feet leased for industry use • 16,500 acres: 15,000 acres used for military training and 1,500 acres used for industry Ameni es: Controlled‐access area with 24‐hour military security; site‐owned electric, sewer and telecommunica ons; rail on‐site; more than 100 miles of roads; close proximity to interstate Current tenants: More than 20 companies, including six explosives manufacturers, the Bayou Dorcheat Correc onal Center and warehousing companies North Louisiana Regional Profile • 36 Taxes Louisiana Tax Rates Corporate Income Tax Rates ● ● Federal income taxes are an allowable deduc on in compu ng Louisiana taxable income. The tax structure is ● 4% on the first $25,000 of net income ● 5% on the second $25,000 ● 6% on the next $50,000 ● 7% on the next $100,000 ● 8% on the excess over $200,000 Franchise tax is assessed on the value of all real and personal property in the state, or the amount of issued and out Corporate Franchise Tax standing capital stock, surplus, undivided profits and borrowed capital. The rate is ● ● $1.50 per $1,000, or major frac on thereof up to $300,000 ● $3.00 per $1,000, or major frac on thereof in excess of $300,000 Tax rates for individuals filing single, married filing separately, or head of household are Personal Income Tax (Effec ve January 1, 2009) ● 2% of the first $12,500 ● 4% of the next $37,500 ● 6% of taxable income over $50,000 ● The above rates remain the same for married couples filing a joint return; however, the taxable income amounts are doubled ● Louisiana's simplified income tax law includes a combined personal exemp on and standard deduc on of $4,500 ($9,000 for married couples filing jointly) ● Dependent deduc on is $1,000 per dependent ● Age 65 or over deduc on is $1,000 for the taxpayer and/or dependent • Blind deduc on is $1,000 for the taxpayer and/or dependent ● Taxable base is $7,000 per employee Unemployment Insurance Tax ● Standard rate range is .10% ‐ 6.2% ● Rate for new employers is the average rate for the par cular industry • Maximum unemployment weekly benefit is $258 for 26 weeks Source: Louisiana Department of Revenue Property Tax – 2011 Parishwide Millage Average Parish Bienville Bossier Caddo Claiborne DeSoto Jackson Lincoln (mills –1/10th of 1 cent) 107.4 100.3 141.2 72.7 102.4 92.4 88.2 Parish Morehouse Natchitoches Ouachita Red River Sabine Union Webster (mills –1/10th of 1 cent) 79.4 93.9 95.0 95.7 82.1 65.1 104.4 Source: Louisiana Tax Commission Annual Report 2011 North Louisiana Regional Profile • 37 Taxes Parish Ci es Sales/Use Tax (Includes 4% Louisiana State Tax) Bienville Bossier Caddo Claiborne DeSoto Jackson Lincoln Morehouse Natchitoches Ouachita Red River Sabine Union Webster 7.00% 8.25% 7.35% Arcadia 9.00% Castor 8.00% Gibsland 9.00% Ringgold 9.00% Bossier City 9.00% Benton 9.25% Haughton 9.25% Plain Dealing 9.25% Shreveport 8.60% Vivian 7.85% Oil City 8.35% Mooringsport 8.35% Greenwood 8.35% Haynesville 7.00% 8.00% 7.25% 8.00% Junc on City 8.00% 7.50% 8.6‐9.6% 8.00% 7.63% 8.00% 7.00% 9.00% Mansfield 9.00% Stonewall 9.00% Eros 9.00% Hodge 9.00% Jonesboro 9.00% Dubach 8.25% Grambling 9.00% Ruston 8.75% Bastrop 7.00% 8.00% Homer Logansport 8.00% 10.00% Mer Rouge 9.00% Bonita 9.00% Camp 9.50% Clarence 8.50% Natchitoches 9.00% Monroe 9.99% Richwood 9.50% Sterlington 9.50% Cousha a 9.00% Hall Summit 9.00% Converse 8.63% Many 8.88% Zwolle 9.63% Bernice 10.00% Farmerville 9.50% Marion 9.00% Co on Valley 8.00% Sibley 9.00% Dixie Inn 9.50% Springhill 9.50% Minden 9.50% North Louisiana Regional Profile • 38 U li es Electric Power AEP/Southwestern Electric Power Co (SWEPCO) (888) 216‐3523 (318) 222‐2141 Entergy Louisiana, LLC (800) 368‐3749 www.entergy‐ Central Louisiana Electric Company (CLECO) (318) 484‐7400 Claiborne Electric Coop (800) 929‐3504 (318) 927‐3504 Natural Gas CenterPoint Energy‐‐Arkla (866) 275‐5252 Trans Louisiana Gas (Atmos Energy) (888) 286‐6700 Water and Sewer Generally, municipali es provide water and sewage services within the city or town limits. Independent water systems and ground wells provide water in unincorporated areas. Sewer services in unincorporated areas are generally provided by home owners with sep c systems or water treatment systems. North Louisiana Regional Profile • 39 U li es Telecommunica ons/Cable Telephone Service—AT&T/BellSouth and CenturyTel provide telephone service throughout the Region. In addi on, local and long distance telephone service is available from most of the na onwide wireless companies. AT&T/BellSouth (888) 757‐6500 (888) 620‐6000 CenturyTel (800) 831‐1733 (800) 793‐7269 Television Cable Service—provided throughout the Region by the following companies: CP‐TEL (318) 796‐3355 www.cp‐ CMA Communica ons Claiborne Parish DeSoto Parish (Part) (800) 753‐2465 Comcast Corpora on Caddo Parish (800) 266‐2278 Rapid Cable Bienville Parish (800) 687‐1258 Red River Cable TV Red River Parish (318) 932‐4991 Suddenlink Communica ons Bossier Parish Lincoln Parish Natchitoches Parish (Part) Sabine Parish (Part) Webster Parish (877) 694‐9474 DeSoto Parish (Part) Natchitoches (Part) Sabine (Part) North Louisiana Regional Profile • 40 FOURTEEN PARISH NORTH LOUISIANA REGION Union Parish Morehouse Parish Bossier Parish Claiborne Parish 2011 Popula on 2011 Popula on 2011 Popula on 2011 Popula on Es mate: 22,732 Es mate: 27,608 Es mate: 119,732 Es mate: 16,914 Lincoln Parish Webster Parish 2011 Popula on 2011 Popula on Caddo Parish Ouachita Parish Es mate: 46,856 Es mate: 41,288 2011 Popula on 2011 Popula on Bienville Parish Es mate: 257,051 Es mate: 154,919 2011 Popula on Jackson Parish Es mate: 14,335 2011 Popula on Es mate: 16,323 Red River Parish DeSoto Parish 2011 Popula on 2011 Popula on Es mate: 8,890 Es mate: 26,812 Natchitoches Parish 2011 Popula on Sabine Parish Es mate: 39,442 2011 Popula on Es mate: 24,526 North Louisiana Regional Profile • 41 APPENDIX FOURTEEN PARISH PROFILES Page Bienville Parish ................................................................................................................................................................. 43 Bossier Parish ................................................................................................................................................................... 45 Caddo Parish .................................................................................................................................................................... 47 Claiborne Parish ............................................................................................................................................................... 49 DeSoto Parish................................................................................................................................................................... 51 Jackson Parish…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….53 Lincoln Parish ................................................................................................................................................................... 55 Morehouse Parish……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...57 Natchitoches Parish ......................................................................................................................................................... 59 Ouachita Parish………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….61 Red River Parish ............................................................................................................................................................... 63 Sabine Parish.................................................................................................................................................................... 65 Union Parish……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….67 Webster Parish................................................................................................................................................................. 69 North Louisiana Regional Profile • 42 Parish Profile—Bienville AREA Total Land Water DEMOGRAPHICS Popula on Total Popula on Total Households Median Age Household Income Median Household Income Average Household Income Per Capita Income Popula on by Employment White Collar Jobs Service Jobs Blue Collar Jobs MARKET ACCESSIBILITY 822 Sq. miles Major Highways 811 Sq. miles Interstate Hwy I‐20 11 Sq. miles US Highway 80, 371 LA Highways 4, 9 Freight Railroad 14,335 Kansas City Southern (KCS) 5,668 Louisiana & Northwest Rail System (LNW) 41.7 Nearest Major City Shreveport, Louisiana 52 miles $32,999 $49,143 Nearest Commercial Airport $20,329 Shreveport Regional Airport 50 miles (2,8300 & 2,6200 runways) 43.7% Nearest Airport 17.7% Arcadia‐Bienville Parish Airport 2 miles 38.6% (2,3000 runways) Popula on by Educa on,25 Years+ High School Graduate Associate Degree Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Professional/Doctorate Degree 45.1% 3.5% 8.3% 4.5% LABOR FORCE‐YEAR 2011‐Average Civilian Labor Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate TAXES Property Taxes (Mills) Parish Wide SALES TAX Parish Arcadia Castor Gibsland Ringgold 6,384 5,799 585 9.2% 107.4 7.0% 9.0% 8.0% 9.0% 9.0% Nearest Port Port of Shreveport/Bossier 35 miles Nearest Deepwater Port Port of New Orleans (Deepwater) MAJOR EMPLOYERS House of Raeford Farms, LLC Raeford Farms of Louisiana Bienville Parish School Board Haynes Interna onal Willow Ridge Nursing & Rehab Bap st Re rement Center of Arcadia Leslie Lakes Re rement Center Graphic Packaging Intl‐Arcadia CLIMATE Annual average high temperature Annual average low temperature Average temperature Average annual precipita on 825 391 141 130 122 122 112 75.5°F 52.9°F 64.2°F 61.0 in North Louisiana Regional Profile • 43 Parish Profile—Bienville Average Weekly Wages ($) by Major Industry Division (3RD QUARTER 2011) $693 Bienville 1,037 Agriculture 1,227 Mining 1,111 U li es 620 Construc on 578 Manufacturing 891 Wholesale Trade 345 Retail Trade 1,186 Transporta on & Warehousing 573 Informa on 639 Finance & Insurance 1,247 Real Estate & Rental & Leasing 402 Professional & Technical Services * Management Companies & Enterprises 403 Administra ve & Waste Services * Educa onal Services 482 Healthcare & Social Assistance * Arts, Entertainment, and Recrea on 216 Accommoda on & Food Services 321 Other services, except public administra on 811 Public Administra on *Data Non‐publishable* EDUCATION Primary/Educa on Arcadia/Bienville Chamber of Commerce 2440 Hazel Street Arcadia, Louisiana 71001 Telephone: (318) 263•9897 Minden 7 Conn Gibsland Arcadia 80 20 Bienville 154 4 J 4 155 71 4 371 Public Schools Private Schools School District ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONTACT Town of Arcadia Jan Sims 1819 S. Railroad Avenue Arcadia, Louisiana 71001 Telephone: (318) 263•8456 Kisatchie NF 84 9 0 1 NEAREST COMMUNITY & 2‐Year Colleges Louisiana Delta Community College NEAREST TECHNICAL COLLEGES Louisiana Technical College‐Ruston Campus Louisiana Technical College‐Delta‐Ouachita Campus Unitech Training Academy‐West Monroe Campus NEAREST 4 YEAR COLLEGES & UNIVIVERSITIES Grambling State University Louisiana Tech University North Louisiana Regional Profile • 44 Parish Profile—Bossier AREA Total Land Water 867 Sq. miles 839 Sq. miles 28 Sq. miles DEMOGRAPHICS Major Highways Interstate Hwy I‐20 US Highway LA Highways Popula on Total Popula on Total Households Median Age 119,732 45,657 34.4 Household Income Median Household Income Average Household Income Per Capita Income $53,309 $65,793 $25,711 Popula on by Employment White Collar Jobs Service Jobs Blue Collar Jobs 56.7% 20.4% 22.9% Popula on by Educa on,25 Years+ High School Graduate Associate Degree Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Professional/Doctorate Degree LABOR FORCE‐YEAR 2011‐Average Civilian Labor Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate TAXES Property Taxes (Mills) Parish Wide SALES TAX Parish Bossier City Benton Haughton Plain Dealing MARKET ACCESSIBILITY I‐20, I‐49,I‐220 71, 79, 80 2,3 Freight Railroad Kansas City Southern (KCS) Union Pacific Railroad (UP) Nearest Major City Shreveport, Louisiana 10 miles Nearest Commercial Airport Shreveport Regional Airport (2,8300 & 2,6200 runways) 15 miles Nearest Airport Shreveport Downtown Airport (2,3000 runways) 2 miles 33.5% 9.5% 13.5% 6.0% 54,346 51,175 3,171 5.8% 100.3 Nearest Port Port of Shreveport/Bossier(9Ft) 10 miles Nearest Deepwater Port Port of New Orleans (Deepwater) MAJOR EMPLOYERS Barksdale Air Force Base Bossier Parish School Board Harrah’s Horseshoe Casino & Hotel Diamond Jack’s Casino Resort City of Bossier City Boomtown Casino CLIMATE 10,284 2,926 1,800 837 705 644 8.25% 9.00% 9.25% 9.25% 9.25% Annual average high temperature Annual average low temperature Average temperature Average annual precipita on 75.4°F 50.6°F 63.0°F 53.3 in North Louisiana Regional Profile • 45 Parish Profile—Bossier Average Weekly Wages ($) by Major Industry Division (3RD QUARTER 2011) Bossier Agriculture Mining U li es Construc on Manufacturing Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Transporta on & Warehousing Informa on Finance & Insurance Real Estate & Rental & Leasing Professional & Technical Services Management Companies & Enterprises Administra ve & Waste Services Educa onal Services Healthcare & Social Assistance Arts, Entertainment, and Accommoda on & Food Services Other services, except public administra on Public Administra on *Data Non‐publishable* EDUCATION Primary/Educa on Public Schools Private Schools School District NEAREST COMMUNITY & 2‐ YEAR COLLEGES Bossier Parish Community College Southern University‐Shreveport Northwestern University Nursing Edu Center NEAREST TECHNICAL COLLEGES Career Technical College‐Shreveport Louisiana Technical College‐Shreveport Bossier Campus Remington College‐Shreveport NEAREST 4 YEAR COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES Centenary College of Louisiana Louisiana State University‐HSC Louisiana State University‐Shreveport ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONTACT $705 799 1,484 1,108 766 913 1,038 493 912 659 740 748 854 519 499 * 733 432 390 597 1,027 Greater Bossier Economic Development Founda on David Rocke 710 Benton Road Bossier City, Louisiana 71111 Telephone: (318) 742•6043 Facsimile: (318) 742•6044 E‐mail: [email protected] Springhill Cullen 71 an Plain Dealing 157 2 371 2 2 159 2 0 Benton Kisatchie N Bossier Minden North Highlands North Shreveport 80 7 Conn 220 79 20 Bossier City Shreveport 371 220 SHREVEPORT REGIONAL 49 171 154 4 1 35 2 1 North Louisiana Regional Profile • 46 Parish Profile—Caddo AREA Total Land Water DEMOGRAPHICS Popula on Total Popula on Total Households Median Age Household Income Median Household Income Average Household Income Per Capita Income Popula on by Employment White Collar Jobs Service Jobs Blue Collar Jobs Popula on by Educa on,25 Years+ High School Graduate Associate Degree Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Professional/Doctorate Degree LABOR FORCE‐YEAR 2011‐Average Civilian Labor Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate TAXES Property Taxes (Mills) Parish Wide SALES TAX Parish Shreveport Vivian Oil City Mooringsport Greenwood MARKET ACCESSIBILITY 937 Sq. miles Major Highways 882 Sq. miles Interstate Hwy I‐20, I‐49,I‐220 55 Sq. miles US Highway 71,79, 80,171 LA Highways 1,2 Freight Railroad 257,051 Kansas City Southern (KCS) 101,179 Union Pacific Railroad (UP) 35.9 Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF)(Use UP Tracks) Nearest Major City $37,709 Dallas, Texas 188 miles $56,507 $23,202 Nearest Commercial Airport Shreveport Regional Airport 0 miles (2,8300 & 2,6200 runways) 55.6% 22.1% Nearest Airport 22.2% Shreveport Downtown Airport 2 miles (2,3000 runways) 34.4% Nearest Port 5.2% Port of Shreveport/Bossier(9Ft) 5 miles 14.7% 7.8% Nearest Deepwater Port Port of New Orleans (Deepwater) MAJOR EMPLOYERS 119,356 110,785 LSU Health Sciences Center‐Shreveport 6,200 8,571 Willis Knighton Health System 6,145 7.2% Caddo Parish School Board 6,101 City of Shreveport 2,700 Wal‐Mart/Sam’s Stores 2,006 141.2 Christus Schumpert Health System 1,800 7.35% CLIMATE 8.60% Annual average high temperature 76.3°F 7.85% Annual average low temperature 55.1°F 8.35% Average temperature 65.7°F 8.35% Average annual precipita on 51.3 in 8.35% North Louisiana Regional Profile • 47 Parish Profile—Caddo Average Weekly Wages ($) by Major Industry Division (3RD QUARTER 2011) Caddo Agriculture Mining U li es Construc on Manufacturing Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Transporta on & Warehousing Informa on Finance & Insurance Real Estate & Rental & Leasing Professional & Technical Services Management Companies & Enterprises Administra ve & Waste Services Educa onal Services Healthcare & Social Assistance Arts, Entertainment, and Recrea on Accommoda on & Food Services Other services, except public administra on Public Administra on *Data Non‐publishable* ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONTACT $770 741 1,425 1,295 823 1,042 965 518 1,026 798 1,046 746 Springhill Cullen 937 71 371 Plain Dealing Vivian 1,034 441 570 Benton 936 437 Caddo North Highlands North Shreveport 280 Bossier City Waskom Shreveport 532 80 SHREVEPORT REGIONAL 904 77 1 170 220 2 2 20 20 220 49 49 171 79 EDUCATION Primary/Educa on 157 2 2 1 4 Public Schools 71 Private Schools School District NEAREST COMMUNITY & 2‐TWO YEAR COLLEGES Bossier Parish Community College Southern University‐Shreveport Northwestern University Nursing Edu Center NEAREST TECHNICAL COLLEGES Career Technical College‐Shreveport Louisiana Technical College‐Shreveport/Bossier Remington College‐Shreveport Blue Cliff College‐Shreveport NEAREST 4 YEAR COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES Centenary College of Louisiana Louisiana State University‐HSC Louisiana State University‐Shreveport 12 1 North Louisiana Regional Profile • 48 Parish Profile—Claiborne AREA Total Land Water DEMOGRAPHICS Popula on Total Popula on Total Households Median Age Household Income Median Household Income Average Household Income Per Capita Income Popula on by Employment White Collar Jobs Service Jobs Blue Collar Jobs Civilian Labor Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate TAXES Property Taxes (Mills) Parish Wide SALES TAX Parish Haynesville Homer Junc on City 768 Sq. miles 755 Sq. miles Major Highways 13 Sq. miles Interstate Hwy I‐20 nearby US Highway 79 LA Highways 2,9 16,914 Freight Railroad 5,877 Louisiana & Northwest Rail System (LNW) 39.7 Nearest Major City Shreveport, Louisiana 52 miles $30,302 $45,702 Nearest Commercial Airport $19,482 Shreveport Regional Airport miles (2,8300 & 2,6200 runways) 43.9% Nearest Airport 22.3% Homer Municipal Airport 2 miles 33.8% (2,3200 runways) Popula on by Educa on,25 Years+ High School Graduate Associate Degree Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Professional/Doctorate Degree LABOR FORCE‐YEAR 2011‐Average MARKET ACCESSIBILITY Nearest Port 35.0% Port of Shreveport/Bossier(9Ft) 3.6% 8.8% Nearest Deepwater Port 4.0% Port of New Orleans (Deepwater) MAJOR EMPLOYERS David Wade Correc onal Center 6,522 Claiborne Parish School Board 5,937 Homer Memorial Hospital 585 Berry Plas cs 9.0% CLIMATE Annual average high temperature Annual average low temperature 72.7 Average temperature Average annual precipita on 7.00% 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 45 miles 396 329 263 126 74.4°F 51.8°F 63.1°F 55.8 in North Louisiana Regional Profile • 49 Parish Profile—Claiborne Average Weekly Wages ($) by Major Industry Division (3RD QUARTER 2011) Claiborne Agriculture Mining U li es Construc on Manufacturing Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Transporta on & Warehousing Informa on Finance & Insurance Real Estate & Rental & Leasing Professional & Technical Services Management Companies & Enterprises Administra ve & Waste Services Educa onal Services Healthcare & Social Assistance Arts, Entertainment, and Recrea on Accommoda on & Food Services Other services Public Administra on *Data Non‐publishable* EDUCATION Primary/Educa on ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONTACT $709 484 1,290 952 729 809 1,113 402 1,177 1,073 452 456 590 * 520 * 485 318 209 359 840 Claiborne Chamber of Commerce 519 S Main Street Homer, Louisiana 71040 Telephone: (318)927•3271 Junction City 63 Haynesville Kisatchie NF Claiborne Homer 2 79 Gibsland Arcadia 80 20 Public Schools Private Schools School District NEAREST COMMUNITY & 2‐ YEAR COLLEGES Bossier Parish Community College Southern University‐Shreveport Northwestern University Nursing Edu Center NEAREST TECHNICAL COLLEGES Blue Cliff College‐Shreveport Career Technical College‐Shreveport Louisiana Technical College‐Shreveport‐Bossier Remington College‐Shreveport NEAREST 4 YEAR COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES Centenary College of Louisiana Louisiana State University‐HSC Louisiana State University‐Shreveport 10 2 1 North Louisiana Regional Profile • 50 Parish Profiles—DeSoto AREA Total Land Water DEMOGRAPHICS Popula on Total Popula on Total Households Median Age Household Income Median Household Income Average Household Income Per Capita Income Popula on by Employment White Collar Jobs Service Jobs Blue Collar Jobs MARKET ACCESSIBILITY 894 Sq. miles 877 Sq. miles Major Highways 17 Sq. miles Interstate Hwy US Highway LA Highways 26,812 Freight Railroad 10,742 Kansas City Southern (KCS) 38.3 Union Pacific Railroad (UP) Popula on by Educa on,25 Years+ High School Graduate Associate Degree Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Professional/Doctorate Degree LABOR FORCE‐YEAR 2011‐Average Civilian Labor Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate TAXES Property Taxes (Mills) Parish Wide SALES TAX Parish Logansport Mansfield Stonewall Nearest Major City $38,325 Shreveport, Louisiana $52,728 $21,337 Nearest Commercial Airport Shreveport Regional Airport (2,8300 & 2,6200 runways) 44.20% 18.80% Nearest Airport 36.90% CE’RUSTY” Williams Airport (2,4,500 runways) 44.40% Nearest Port 4.60% Port of Shreveport/Bossier(9Ft) 8.50% 3.30% Nearest Deepwater Port Port of New Orleans (Deepwater) MAJOR EMPLOYERS 11,470 DeSoto Parish School Board 10,580 Wal‐Mart/Sam’s Stores 890 DeSoto Regional Health System 7.8% Dolet Hills Mining Venture CLIMATE Annual average high temperature 102.4 Annual average low temperature Average temperature 8.00% Average annual precipita on 9.00% 9.00% 9.00% I‐49 84,171,371 5 45 miles miles 2 miles 20 miles 881 311 253 248 76.5°F 53.0°F 64.8°F 54.45 North Louisiana Regional Profile • 51 Parish Profiles—DeSoto Average Weekly Wages ($) by Major Industry Division (3RD QUARTER 2011) DeSoto $849 Agriculture 740 Mining 1,364 U li es 1,197 Construc on 949 Manufacturing 1,349 Wholesale Trade 778 Retail Trade 458 Transporta on & Warehousing 1,207 Informa on 874 Finance & Insurance 603 Real Estate & Rental & Leasing 782 Professional & Technical Services 747 Management Companies & Enterprisse 1,208 Administra ve & Waste Services 690 Educa onal Services * Healthcare & Social Assistance 618 Arts, Entertainment, and Recrea on 374 Accommoda on & Food Services 229 Other services 483 Public Administra on 708 *Data Non‐publishable* ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONTACT DeSoto Parish Chamber of Commerce Kathi Wells 115 North Washington Avenue Mansfield, Louisiana 71052 Telephone: (318)872•1310 Facsimile: (318)871•1875 E‐mail: [email protected] Shreveport 79 49 171 71 4 1 49 De SotoMansfield 1 84 171 EDUCATION Primary/Educa on Public Schools Private Schools School District NEAREST COMMUNITY & 2‐ YEAR COLLEGES Bossier Parish Community College Southern University‐Shreveport Northwestern University Nursing Edu Center NEAREST TECHNICAL COLLEGES Blue Cliff College‐Shreveport Career Technical College‐Shreveport Louisiana Technical College‐Shreveport/Bossier Remington College‐Shreveport NEAREST 4‐ YEAR COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES Centenary College of Louisiana Louisiana State University‐HSC Louisiana State University‐Shreveport 12 1 1 Sabine NF North Louisiana Regional Profile • 52 Parish Profile—Jackson AREA Total Land Water DEMOGRAPHICS Popula on Total Popula on Total Households Median Age Household Income Median Household Income Average Household Income Per Capita Income Popula on by Employment White Collar Jobs Service Jobs Blue Collar Jobs Popula on by Educa on,25 Years+ High School Graduate Associate Degree Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Professional/Doctorate Degree $39,737 Nearest Commercial Airport $52,899 Shreveport Regional Airport $21,459 (2,8300 & 2,6200 runways) LABOR FORCE‐YEAR 2011‐Average N/A 167 4,34 80 miles Nearest Airport 48.0% Jonesboro Airport 17.2% (1,3,203 runways) 34.8% Nearest Port Port of Shreveport/Bossier(9Ft) 43.0% 4.1% Nearest Deepwater Port 9.7% Port of New Orleans (Deepwater) 4.9% MAJOR EMPLOYERS miles 2 miles 20 miles Rock‐Tenn Services, Inc. 6,393 Jackson Parish School Board 5,878 515 CLIMATE 8.1% Annual average high temperature Annual average low temperature Average temperature Average annual precipita on 92.4 Civilian Labor Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate TAXES Property Taxes (Mills) Parish Wide SALES TAX Parish Eros Hodge Jonesboro MARKET ACCESSIBILITY 580 Sq. miles Major Highways 570 Sq. miles Interstate Hwy 11 Sq. miles US Highway LA Highways Freight Railroad 16,323 Kansas City Southern (KCS) 6,266 40.7 Nearest Major City Shreveport, Louisiana 460 378 82.3°F 45.9°F 78.9°F 58.85 8.00% 9.00% 9.00% 9.00% North Louisiana Regional Profile • 53 Parish Profile—Jackson Average Weekly Wages ($) by Major Industry Division (3RD QUARTER 2011) Jackson Agriculture Mining U li es Construc on Manufacturing Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Transporta on & Warehousing Informa on Finance & Insurance Real Estate & Rental & Leasing Professional & Technical Services Management Companies & Enterprises Administra ve & Waste Services Educa onal Services Healthcare & Social Assistance Arts, Entertainment, and Recrea on Accommoda on & Food Services Other services Public Administra on *Data Non‐publishable* EDUCATION Primary/Educa on Public Schools Private Schools School District NEAREST COMMUNITY & 2‐ YEAR COLLEGES Louisiana Delta Community College NEAREST TECHNICAL COLLEGES Louisiana Technical College‐Delta‐Ouachita Campus Louisiana Technical College‐Ruston Campus Unitech Training Academy‐West Monroe Campus NEAREST 4‐ YEAR COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES Grambling State University Louisiana Tech University University of Louisiana at Monroe $701 851 * 1,125 571 * 958 369 671 432 602 512 847 340 597 * 539 407 214 409 498 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONTACT Jackson Parish Chamber of Commerce 102 Fourth Street Jonesboro, Louisiana 71251 Telephone: (318) 259•4693 63 20 Ruston 167 20 80 167 Jackson Jonesboro 147 4 4 Kisatchie NF 5 0 1 North Louisiana Regional Profile • 54 Parish Profile—Lincoln AREA Total Land Water DEMOGRAPHICS Popula on Total Popula on Total Households Median Age Household Income Median Household Income Average Household Income Per Capita Income Popula on by Employment White Collar Jobs Service Jobs Blue Collar Jobs MARKET ACCESSIBILITY 482 Sq. miles Major Highways 471 Sq. miles Interstate Hwy 1 Sq. miles US Highway LA Highways Freight Railroad 46,856 Kansas City Southern (KCS) 18,067 26.9 Nearest Major City Shreveport, Louisiana $34,089 Nearest Commercial Airport $50,241 Shreveport Regional Airport $21,559 (2,8300 & 2,6200 runways) Popula on by Educa on,25 Years+ High School Graduate Associate Degree Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Professional/Doctorate Degree LABOR FORCE‐YEAR 2011‐Average Civilian Labor Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate TAXES Property Taxes (Mills) Parish Wide SALES TAX Parish Dubach Grambling Ruston Nearest Airport 61.1% Ruston Regional Airport 19.1% (1,3,203 runways) 19.8% Nearest Port Greater Ouachita Parish Port(9Ft) 25.9% 5.5% Nearest Deepwater Port 19.1% Port of New Orleans (Deepwater) 15.1% MAJOR EMPLOYERS Louisiana Tech University Lincoln Parish School Board 19,159 Grambling State University 17,457 Northern Louisiana Medical Center 1,702 Louisiana United Methodist Children 8.9% Verallia North America CLIMATE Annual average high temperature 88.2 Annual average low temperature Average temperature 7.00% Average annual precipita on 7.75% 8.75% 8.50% I‐20 80, 167 33 70 miles miles 0 miles 30 miles 1,095 963 691 678 363 360 75.7°F 51.7°F 63.7°F 55.0 in North Louisiana Regional Profile • 55 Parish Profile—Lincoln Average Weekly Wages ($) by Major Industry Division (3RD QUARTER 2011) Lincoln Agriculture Mining U li es Construc on Manufacturing Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Transporta on & Warehousing Informa on Finance & Insurance Real Estate & Rental & Leasing Professional & Technical Services Management Companies & Enterprises Administra ve & Waste Services Educa onal Services Healthcare & Social Assistance Arts, Entertainment, and Recrea on Accommoda on & Food Services Other services Public Administra on *Data Non‐publishable* EDUCATION Primary/Educa on $660 622 1,224 707 981 945 730 453 1,060 625 773 491 1,060 1,996 529 661 677 429 228 489 733 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONTACT Ruston‐Lincoln Chamber of Commerce/ Ruston Lincoln Industrial Development Corp Sco Terry 104 E Mississippi Avenue Ruston, Louisiana 71270 Telephone: (318) 255•2031 Fascimile: (318)255•3481 E‐mail: [email protected] City of Ruston Kris Lumpkin 401 North Trenton Ruston, Louisiana 71273 Telephone: (318) 251•8643 Facsimile:(318)251•8612 Bernice 2 63 2 15 Public Schools Private Schools School District NEAREST COMMUNITY & 2‐ YEAR COLLEGES Louisiana Delta Community College NEAREST TECHNICAL COLLEGES Louisiana Technical College‐Ruston Campus NEAREST 4‐ YEAR COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES Grambling State University Louisiana Tech University Farmerville 2 Lincoln 21 3 1 Arcadia 20 167 Ruston 20 80 167 North Louisiana Regional Profile • 56 Parish Profile—Morehouse AREA Total Land Water DEMOGRAPHICS Popula on Total Popula on Total Households Median Age Household Income Median Household Income Average Household Income Per Capita Income Popula on by Employment White Collar Jobs Service Jobs Blue Collar Jobs N/A 165,425 2 27,608 Freight Railroad 10,539 Union Pacific Railroad (UP) 38.5 Arkansas & Louisiana Mississippi RR (ALM) Popula on by Educa on,25 Years+ High School Graduate Associate Degree Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Professional/Doctorate Degree LABOR FORCE‐YEAR 2011‐Average Civilian Labor Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate TAXES Property Taxes (Mills) Parish Wide SALES TAX Parish Bastrop Mer Rouge Bonita MARKET ACCESSIBILITY 805 Sq. miles Major Highways 794 Sq. miles Interstate Hwy 11 Sq. miles US Highway LA Highways Nearest Major City $32,586 Shreveport, Louisiana $45,582 $18,047 Nearest Commercial Airport Monroe Regional Airport (2,5000 & 1,7500 runway) 46.2% 20.0% 33.8% Nearest Airport Morehouse Memorial Airport (1,4000 runway) 43.1% 3.8% Nearest Port 8.2% Greater Ouachita Parish Port(9Ft) 3.1% Nearest Deepwater Port Port of New Orleans (Deepwater) 10,944 9,385 MAJOR EMPLOYERS 1,559 Morehouse Parish School Board 14.2% Morehouse General Hospital Inc D G Foods, LLC Cherry Ridge Guest Care, LLC 79.4 CLIMATE 7.00% Annual Average High Temperature 10.00% Annual Average Low Temperature 9.00% Average Temperature 9.00% Average Annual Precipita on 130 miles 30 miles 5 miles 25 miles 721 335 317 120 75.5°F 53.1°F 64.3°F 57.1 in North Louisiana Regional Profile • 57 Parish Profile—Morehouse Average Weekly Wages ($) by Major Industry Division (3RD QUARTER 2011) Morehouse Agriculture Mining U li es Construc on Manufacturing Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Transporta on & Warehousing Informa on Finance & Insurance Real Estate & Rental & Leasing Professional & Technical Services Management Companies & Enterprises Administra ve & Waste Services Educa onal Services Healthcare & Social Assistance Arts, Entertainment, and Recrea on Accommoda on & Food Services Other services Public Administra on *Data Non‐publishable* EDUCATION Primary/Educa on $559 556 * 838 1,094 476 1,074 431 883 685 691 436 680 * 588 * 490 290 239 346 794 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONTACT Morehouse Economic Development Corp CapitalOne Bank Building Suite A 101 Franklin Street Bastrop, Louisiana 71220 Telephone: (318)283•4000 Facsimile: (318)283•0651 E‐mail: morehouseedc@a .net 425 Bastrop Morehouse 165 Mer Rouge Sterlington 2 Oak Ridge MONROE REGIONAL Poverty Point NMON 80 Rayville Public Schools Private Schools School District NEAREST COMMUNITY & 2‐ YEAR COLLEGES Louisiana Delta Community College NEAREST TECHNICAL COLLEGES Louisiana Technical College‐Bastrop Campus NEAREST 4‐ YEAR COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES University of Louisiana at Monroe 13 1 1 North Louisiana Regional Profile • 58 Parish Profile—Natchitoches AREA Total Land Water MARKET ACCESSIBILTY 1,299 Sq. miles 1,255 Sq. miles 44 Sq. miles DEMOGRAPHICS Popula on Total Popula on Total Households Median Age Household Income Median Household Income Average Household Income Per Capita Income Popula on by Employment White Collar Jobs Service Jobs Blue Collar Jobs Civilian Labor Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate 39,442 15,512 30.8 $29,950 $44,480 $18,703 53.5% 19.0% 27.6% 34.9% 3.7% 13.6% 7.2% 16,745 15,328 1,417 8.5% TAXES Property Taxes (Mills) Parish Wide SALES TAX Parish Camp Clarence Natchitoches Major Highways Interstate Hwy US Highway LA Highways 1,6,9,117,119,126,153,156,1226 Freight Railroad Union Pacific Railroad (UP) Kansas City Southern (KCS) Nearest Major City Shreveport, Louisiana Nearest Commercial Airport Natchitoches Regional Airport (2, 5000 & 4000 runways) Nearest Port Port of Natchitoches(9Ft) Nearest Deepwater Port Port of New Orleans (Deepwater) I‐49 71,84 Popula on by Educa on,25 Years+ High School Graduate Associate Degree Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Professional/Doctorate Degree LABOR FORCE‐YEAR 2011‐Average 93.9 77 miles MAJOR EMPLOYERS Natchitoches Parish School Board Northwestern State University Roy O Mar n‐Plywood Pilgrim’s Pride—Natchitoches Alliance Compressors Natchitoches Regional Medical Center Parish of Natchitoches CLIMATE Annual average high temperature Annual average low temperature Average temperature Average annual precipita on 0 miles 5 miles 843 774 715 702 600 513 206 76.6°F 54.7°F 65.6°F 54.9 in 7.50% 9.50% 8.50% 9.00% North Louisiana Regional Profile • 59 Parish Profile—Natchitoches Average Weekly Wages ($) by Major Industry Division ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONTACT (3RD QUARTER 2011) $645 Natchitoches City of Natchitoches Economic Development 673 Agriculture 700 Second Street * Mining Natchitoches, Louisiana 71457 1,129 U li es Telephone: (318) 238•7223 573 Construc on 899 Manufacturing 844 Wholesale Trade Natchitoches Area Chamber of Commerce 432 Retail Trade 562 2nd Street 886 Transporta on & Warehousing Natchitoches, Louisiana 71457 795 Informa on Telephone: (318) 352•6894 774 Finance & Insurance Facsimile: (318) 352•5385 408 Real Estate & Rental & Leasing E‐mail: [email protected] 747 Professional & Technical Services 869 Management Companies & Enterprises 371 407 Administra ve & Waste Services 84 167 864 Educa onal Services 562 Healthcare & Social Assistance 167 365 Arts, Entertainment, and Recrea on 84 225 Accommoda on & Food Services 597 Other services 694 Public Administra on 171 *Data Non‐publishable* 71 1 Coushatta Kisatchie NF 1 Winnfield Campti Natchitoches Natchitoches Many Colfax EDUCATION Primary/Educa on Public Schools Private Schools School District NEAREST COMMUNITY & 2‐ YEAR COLLEGES Bossier Parish Community College NEAREST TECHNICAL COLLEGES Louisiana Technical College‐Natchitoches Campus NEAREST 4 YEAR COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES Northwestern State University of Louisiana 8 49 8 8 16 1 1 North Louisiana Regional Profile • 60 Parish Profile—Ouachita AREA Total Land Water DEMOGRAPHICS Popula on Total Popula on Total Households Median Age Household Income Median Household Income Average Household Income Per Capita Income Popula on by Employment White Collar Jobs Service Jobs Blue Collar Jobs MARKET ACCESSIBILTY 633 Sq. miles Major Highways 611 Sq. miles Interstate Hwy I‐20 22 Sq. miles US Highway 80,165 LA Highways 2,15,34 Freight Railroad 154,919 Union Pacific Railroad (UP) 58,596 Kansas City Southern (KCS) 33.5 Arkansas & Louisiana Mississippi Railroad (ALM) Popula on by Educa on,25 Years+ High School Graduate Associate Degree Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Professional/Doctorate Degee LABOR FORCE‐YEAR 2011‐Average Civilian Labor Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate TAXES Property Taxes (Mills) Parish Wide SALES TAX Parish Monroe Richwood Sterlington Nearest Major City $39,932 Shreveport, Louisiana $56,178 $22,427 Nearest Commercial Airport Monroe Regional Airport (2, 5000 & 1, 7500 runway) 59.9% 19.1% Nearest Port 21.0% Greater Ouachita Parish Port (9Ft) Nearest Deepwater Port 31.8% Port of New Orleans (Deepwater) 4.5% 17.3% MAJOR EMPLOYERS 7.9% Ouachita Parish School Board St. Francis Medical Center J. P. Morgan Chase/Monroe CenturyLink‐Monroe 70,019 Monroe City School District 64,504 Graphic Packaging Int’l—West Monroe 5,515 7.9% CLIMATE Annual average high temperature Annual average low temperature Average temperature 95.0 Average annual precipita on 100 miles 0 miles 5 miles 2,999 2,219 2,100 1400 1,387 1,167 77.1°F 54.6°F 65.8°F 53.4in 8.6‐9.6% 9.99% 9.50% 9.50% North Louisiana Regional Profile • 61 Parish Profile—Ouachita Average Weekly Wages ($) by Major Industry Division (3RD QUARTER 2011) Ouachita $715 Agriculture 488 Mining 1,069 U li es 991 Construc on 715 Manufacturing 947 Wholesale Trade 995 Retail Trade 457 Transporta on & Warehousing 912 Informa on 787 Finance & Insurance 735 Real Estate & Rental & Leasing 670 Professional & Technical Services 877 Management Companies & Enterprises 1,369 Administra ve & Waste Services 492 Educa onal Services 1,274 Healthcare & Social Assistance 718 Arts, Entertainment, and Recrea on 263 Accommoda on & Food Services 259 Other services 536 Public Administra on 796 *Data Non‐publishable* EDUCATION Primary/Educa on Public Schools 57 Private Schools 10 School District 2 (Ouachita Parish School Board & Monroe Ciy School District) NEAREST COMMUNITY & 2‐ YEAR COLLEGES Louisiana Delta Community College NEAREST TECHNICAL COLLEGES Louisiana Technical College‐Delta‐Ouachita Campus Unitech Training Academy‐West Monroe Campus NEAREST 4 YEAR COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES University of Louisiana at Monroe ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONTACT City of Monroe Dwight D. Vines 400 Lea Joyner Expressway Monroe, LA 71201 Phone: 318‐329‐2250 City of West Monroe Eric T. Hale, Ph.D. 2305 North 7th Street West Monroe, LA 71291 Phone: (318)‐396‐2600 E‐mail: [email protected] Monroe Chamber of Commerce Sue Nicholson 212 Walnut Street, Suite 100 Monroe, LA 71201 Phone (318) 323‐3461 Fax (318) 322‐7594 [email protected] West Monroe Chamber of Commerce Mary Ann Newton 112 Professional Drive West Monroe, LA 71291 Phone (318) 325‐1961 Fax (318) 325‐4296 [email protected] 143 15 20 2 Sterlington Monroe MONROE REGIONAL 165 Bus 80 20 Ouachita 15 165 4 North Louisiana Regional Profile • 62 Parish Profile—Red River AREA Total Land Water DEMOGRAPHICS Popula on Total Popula on Total Households Median Age Household Income Median Household Income Average Household Income Per Capita Income Popula on by Employment White Collar Jobs Service Jobs Blue Collar Jobs MARKET ACCESSIBILTY 402 Sq. miles Major Highways 389 Sq. miles Interstate Hwy 13Sq. miles US Highway LA Highways Freight Railroad 8,890 Union Pacific Railroad (UP) 3,444 Kansas City Southern (KCS) 35.3 Nearest Major City Shreveport, Louisiana $32,417 $51,432 Nearest Commercial Airport $19,985 Monroe Regional Airport (2, 5000 & 1, 7500 runway) 41.4% NEAREST AIRPORT 19.3% Red River Airport 39.3% (2,5,000 runways) Popula on by Educa on,25 Years+ High School Graduate Associate Degree Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Professional/Doctorate Degree LABOR FORCE‐YEAR 2011‐Average MAJOR EMPLOYERS Red River Parish School Board 4,115 Christus Cousha a Health Care Center 3,758 357 8.7% CLIMATE Annual average high temperature Annual average low temperature Average temperature 95.7 Average annual precipita on Civilian Labor Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate TAXES Property Taxes (Mills) Parish Wide SALES TAX Parish Cousha a Hall Summit Nearest Port 41.5% Port of Red River (9Ft) 3.2% 6.5% Nearest Deepwater Port 2.5% Port of New Orleans (Deepwater) I‐49 nearby 71, 84, 371 1 53 miles 0 miles 5 miles 262 168 61.0°F 32.0°F 47.0°F 52.21in 8.00% 9.00% 9.00% North Louisiana Regional Profile • 63 Parish Profile—Red River Average Weekly Wages ($) by Major Industry Division (3RD QUARTER 2011) Red River $717 Agriculture 650 Mining 1,439 U li es 1,063 Construc on 798 Manufacturing 872 Wholesale Trade 457 Retail Trade 391 Transporta on & Warehousing 1,195 Informa on 580 Finance & Insurance 591 Real Estate & Rental & Leasing 1,013 Professional & Technical Services 528 Management Companies & Enterprises * Administra ve & Waste Services 387 Educa onal Services * Healthcare & Social Assistance 525 Arts, Entertainment, and Recrea on * Accommoda on & Food Services 290 Other services 659 Public Administra on 740 *Data Non‐publishable* EDUCATION Primary/Educa on Public Schools Private Schools School District NEAREST COMMUNITY & 2‐ YEAR COLLEGES Bossier Parish Community College Southern University‐Shreveport NEAREST TECHNICAL COLLEGES Blue Cliff College‐Shreveport Career Technical College‐Shreveport Louisiana Technical College‐Shreveport‐Bossier Northwestern University Nursing Edu Center NEAREST 4 YEAR COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES Centenary College of Louisiana Louisiana State University HSC Louisiana State University‐Shreveport ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONTACT Cousha a‐Red River Chamber of Commercy P. O. Box 333‐622 Rush Street Cousha a, Louisiana 71019 Telephone: (318) 932•3289 Facsimile: (318) 932•6919 E‐mail: [email protected] 4 4 4 1 49 371 84 Red River Coushatta 1 71 49 Campti 4 1 1 North Louisiana Regional Profile • 64 Parish Profile—Sabine AREA Total Land Water DEMOGRAPHICS Popula on Total Popula on Total Households Median Age Household Income Median Household Income Average Household Income Per Capita Income Popula on by Employment White Collar Jobs Service Jobs Blue Collar Jobs Popula on by Educa on,25 Years+ High School Graduate Associate Degree Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Professional/Doctorate Deg MARKET ACCESSIBILTY 1,012 Sq. miles Major Highways 865 Sq. miles Interstate Hwy 146 Sq. miles US Highway LA Highways Freight Railroad 24,526 Kansas City Southern (KCS) 9,473 40.0 Nearest Major City Shreveport, Louisiana $37,601 Nearest Commercial Airport $52,781 Shreveport Regional Airport $20,942 (2, 8300 & 1, 6200 runway) Nearest Airport 45.9% Hart Airport 16.4% (2,4400 runways) 37.6% Nearest Port Port of Natchitoches (9Ft) 44.8% Port of Red River(9Ft) 4.1% 8.4% Nearest Deepwater Port 4.3% Port of New Orleans (Deepwater) LABOR FORCE‐YEAR 2011‐Average Civilian Labor Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate TAXES Property Taxes (Mills) Parish Wide SALES TAX Parish Converse Many Zwolle MAJOR EMPLOYERS Sabine Parish School Board 9,453 Boise Cascade, LLC 9,781 Big Star Supermarket of Many, Inc. 671 Sabine Medical Center 7.1% CLIMATE I‐49 nearby 171 6 95 miles 0 miles 30 miles 30 miles 850 396 240 195 Annual average high temperature 82.1 Annual average low temperature Average temperature 7.63% Average annual precipita on 8.63% 8.88% 9.63% 76.5°F 52.4°F 64.4°F 51.2in North Louisiana Regional Profile • 65 Parish Profile—Sabine Average Weekly Wages ($) by Major Industry Division (3RD QUARTER 2011) Sabine $595 Agriculture 749 Mining 1,045 U li es 695 Construc on 541 Manufacturing 861 Wholesale Trade 681 Retail Trade 418 Transporta on & Warehousing 915 Informa on 712 Finance & Insurance 703 Real Estate & Rental & Leasing 590 Professional & Technical Services 763 Management Companies & Enterprises 486 Administra ve & Waste Services 371 Educa onal Services * Healthcare & Social Assistance 534 Arts, Entertainment, and Recrea on * Accommoda on & Food Services 280 Other services 408 Public Administra on 550 *Data Non‐publishable* EDUCATION Primary/Educa on ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONTACT Sabine Parish Chamber of Commerce 1125 W. Mississippi Ave, Ste F Many, Louisiana 71449 Telephone: (318) 256•3523 Town of Many 965 San Antonio Avenue Many, Louisiana 71449 Telephone: (318) 256•3651 1 49 171 Many Sabine Sabine NF Kisatchie Public Schools Private Schools School District NEAREST COMMUNITY & 2‐ YEAR COLLEGES Bossier Parish Community College Southern University‐Shreveport NEAREST TECHNICAL COLLEGES Louisiana Technical College‐Natchitoches Campus Louisiana Technical College‐Sabine Valley Campus NEAREST 4 YEAR COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES Northwestern State University of Louisiana 12 0 1 North Louisiana Regional Profile • 66 Parish Profile—Union AREA Total Land Water DEMOGRAPHICS Popula on Total Popula on Total Households Median Age Household Income Median Household Income Average Household Income Per Capita Income Popula on by Employment White Collar Jobs Service Jobs Blue Collar Jobs MARKET ACCESSIBILTY 905 Sq. miles Major Highways 878 Sq. miles Interstate Hwy I‐20 (12 miles south of parish) 28 Sq. miles US Highway 63,167 LA Highways 2,15,33 Freight Railroad 22,732 Union Pacific Railroad (UP) 8,869 40.4 Nearest Major City Shreveport, Louisiana 90 miles $38,976 Nearest Commercial Airport $53,649 Monroe Regional Airport 30 miles $21,488 (2, 5000 & 1, 7500 runway) Popula on by Educa on,25 Years+ High School Graduate Associate Degree Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Professional/Doctorate Degree LABOR FORCE‐YEAR 2011‐Average Civilian Labor Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate TAXES Property Taxes (Mills) Parish Wide SALES TAX Parish Bernice Farmerville Marion NEAREST AIRPORT 48.2% Farmerville Airport 15.3% (1, 3000 runway) 36.5% Nearest Port Greater Ouachita Parish Port(9Ft) 43.7% 3.6% Nearest Deepwater Port 9.7% Port of New Orleans (Deepwater) 3.8% MAJOR EMPLOYERS Foster Farms Union Parish School Board 9,771 Union General Hospital 8,976 795 8.1% CLIMATE Annual average high temperature Annual average low temperature 65.1 Average temperature Average annual precipita on 8.00% 10.00% 9.50% 9.00% 25 miles 950 415 134 55.0°F 32.0°F 44.0°F 51.2in North Louisiana Regional Profile • 67 Parish Profile—Union Average Weekly Wages ($) by Major Industry Division (3RD QUARTER 2011) $581 Union 654 Agriculture 881 Mining 852 U li es 549 Construc on * Manufacturing 726 Wholesale Trade 437 Retail Trade 713 Transporta on & Warehousing 1,079 Informa on 670 Finance & Insurance 338 Real Estate & Rental & Leasing 556 Professional & Technical Services * Management Companies & Enterprises 517 Administra ve & Waste Services * Educa onal Services 527 Healthcare & Social Assistance 382 Arts, Entertainment, and Recrea on 209 Accommoda on & Food Services 493 Other services 674 Public Administra on *Data Non‐publishable* EDUCATION Primary/Educa on ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONTACT Union Parish Chamber of Commerce 303 E. Walter Street Farmerville, Louisiana 71241 (318)368•3947 Strong 82 Huttig Junction City 63 Kisatchie NF Bernice Union 2 Farmerville 2 2 143 15 Sterlington 2 165 167 Ruston 167 20 80 Monroe MONROE REGIONAL Public Schools Private Schools School District NEAREST COMMUNITY & 2‐ YEAR COLLEGES Louisiana Delta Community College NEAREST TECHNICAL COLLEGES Louisiana Technical College‐North Central Campus NEAREST 4 YEAR COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES Grambling State University Louisiana Tech University University of Louisiana at Monroe 8 1 1 North Louisiana Regional Profile • 68 Parish Profile—Webster AREA Total Land Water MARKET ACCESSIBILTY 615 Sq. miles 595 Sq. miles Major Highways 20 Sq. miles Interstate Hwy US Highway LA Highways DEMOGRAPHICS Popula on Total Popula on Total Households Median Age Household Income Median Household Income Average Household Income Per Capita Income Popula on by Employment White Collar Jobs Service Jobs Blue Collar Jobs I‐20 79,80,371 2 41,288 Freight Rail 16,287 Kansas City Southern (KCS) 39.1 Midsouth Rail (Operated by KCS) Louisiana & North West Railroad (LNW) Popula on by Educa on,25 Years+ High School Graduate Associate Degree Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Professional/Doctorate Degree LABOR FORCE‐YEAR 2011‐Average Civilian Labor Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate TAXES Property Taxes (Mills) Parish Wide SALES TAX Parish Co on Valley Sibley Dixie Inn Springhill Minden $38,028 Nearest Major City $49,420 Shreveport, Louisiana $20,285 Nearest Commercial Airport Shreveport Regional Airport 47.3% (2, 8300 & 2,6200 runways) 18.4% 34.3% Nearest Airport Minden‐Webster Airport (2, 5000 runways) 38.9% Springhill Airport 6.4% (2,4000 runways) 10.2% 4.2% Nearest Port Port of Shreveport/Bossier Nearest Deepwater Port 19,598 Port of New Orleans (Deepwater) 18,039 1,559 MAJOR EMPLOYERS 8.0% Webster Parish School Board Wal‐Mart/Sam’s Stores Minden Medical Center Kenyan Enterprises, Inc. (Piggly Wiggly) 104.4 Springhill Medical Center City of Minden 7.00% 8.00% CLIMATE 9.00% Annual average high temperature 9.50% Annual average low temperature 9.50% Average temperature 9.50% Average annual precipita on 31 miles 0 miles 40 miles 995 630 515 415 232 219 75.4°F 52.5°F 63.9°F 55.2in North Louisiana Regional Profile • 69 Parish Profile—Webster Average Weekly Wages ($) by Major Industry Division (3RD QUARTER 2011) Webster $716 Agriculture 730 Mining 1,446 U li es 859 Construc on 826 Manufacturing 874 Wholesale Trade 1,084 Retail Trade 425 Transporta on & Warehousing 976 Informa on 661 Finance & Insurance 735 Real Estate & Rental & Leasing 920 Professional & Technical Services 618 Management Companies & Enterprises 362 Administra ve & Waste Services 506 Educa onal Services * Healthcare & Social Assistance 594 Arts, Entertainment, and Recrea on 327 Accommoda on & Food Services 242 Other services 550 Public Administra on 652 *Data Non‐publishable* EDUCATION Primary/Educa on Public Schools Private Schools School District NEAREST COMMUNITY & 2‐ YEAR COLLEGES Bossier Parish Community College Southern University at Shreveport Northwestern University Nursing Edu Center NEAREST TECHNICAL COLLEGES Louisiana Technical College‐NW Louisiana NEAREST 4 YEAR COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES Louisiana State University‐Shreveport Louisiana State University HSC Centenary College of Louisiana ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONTACT North Webster Industrial Park Post Office Box 176 Springhill, Louisiana 71075 (318) 539•5058 Springhill Cullen 371 Plain Dealing Haynesville 2 159 2 157 2 Homer Benton Webster Kisatchie NF 79 Minden 7 Conn Arcadia Gibsland 220 80 20 Bossier City Shreveport 1 71 371 18 2 1 North Louisiana Regional Profile • 70 NOTES: North Louisiana Regional Profile • 71 NOTES: North Louisiana Regional Profile • 72 NOTES: North Louisiana Regional Profile • 73 The informa on presented in this publica on represents the most reliable and current data available for the 14 parish region gathered from recognized and credible sources. The publica on is the result of an ongoing partnership between the North Louisiana Economic Partnership (NLEP) and the Center for Business and Economic Research (CBER) at Louisiana State University Shreveport (LSUS). The CBER provides applied economic and business research to organiza ons and businesses in North Louisiana. The Center serves as a collec on center for research data and strives to partner with government, businesses and industry to promote economic growth for the region. The Center maintains a database of local and regional economic indicators analyzes area economic trends and provides comprehensive demographic and Census Data for the area. LSUS Center for Business and Economic Research One University Place, Shreveport, LA 71115 Telephone: (318) 797‐5187 Fax: (318) 797‐5208 Website: