HCG Big Brick Brochure - Homer C Godfrey Masonry Supplies
HCG Big Brick Brochure - Homer C Godfrey Masonry Supplies
G Utilizing Big Brick The Homer C. Godfrey Co. masonry supplier since 1923 Cost Effective Design and Estimating for Masonry Clockwise from upper left: Harper Woods High School & Middle School, Royal Oak, MI, Wold Architects & Engineers (Belden Utility Canyon, Commodore & Jewel Clear); Leonx Township City Hall, Rochester, MI, French Associates (Belden Ambassador Canyon Smooth); same as previous; Atrium Medical Center, Nashville, TN, Earl Swensson Associates, Inc. (Belden Monarch Kingsport & St. Anne Blend). 3-5/8” x 2-1/4” x 15-5/8” Ambassador 3-5/8” x 3-5/8” x 15-5/8” Monarch 3-5/8” x 7-5/8” x 15-5/8” Double Monarch Field Study: Cost Effective Design and Estimating for Masonry Franklin Community High School, Architect: Interdesign, Indianapolis, IN Products: Double Monarch, Double Utility, Monarch, Modular Econo & Quad Product Colors: Belden Wheatfield & Commodore Red This study was completed under the supervision of the Williamson Free Trade School with the help of several local masons. A masonry wall was built for each standard brick and stone size and was evaluated by the school The results from this study will assist architects, developers, construction managers, and mason contractors improve their estimates, budgeting, and design. The data and worksheet included allow the end user to determine the installed cost of any size masonry unit. The chart included on page three shows productivity of each brick size compared to a traditional modular brick. More importantly, G The Homer C. Godfrey Co. masonry supplier since 1923 the worksheet on the last information page will show how the installed cost of masonry is affected by the economy of scale. Designing and specifying the optimal brick or stone size for your project will substantially improve productivity for the mason and lower the cost of installation for your clients. The Homer C. Godfrey Co. 1360 Central Avenue Bridgeport, CT 06610 questions regarding any of the information contained inside or (phone) 203.336.1823 (fax) 203.368.9042 [email protected] regarding application on upcoming projects. www.homercgodfrey.com Please contact The Homer C. Godfrey Company if you have any Productivity and Cost Savings Analysis Brick Analysis BRICK SIZE (BD” XH” X L”) SQUARE FEET INSTALLED PER MAN PER DAY PERCENT OF WALL BUILT EACH DAY VERSUS MODULAR BRICK REQUIRED PER SQUARE FOOT 3-5/8” x 2-1/4” x 7-5/8” Modular 85 Base line for study 7.00 3-5/8” x 2-1/4” x 15-5/8” Ambassador 170 100% increase 3.43 3-5/8” x 2-1/4” x 15-5/8” Ambassador with score 156 83% increase 3.43 168 97% increase 4.50 155 83% increase 3.00 3-5/8” x 3-5/8” x 15-5/8” Monarch 206 143% increase 2.25 3-5/8” x 3-5/8” x 15-5/8” Monarch with Score 200 135% increase 2.25 3-5/8” x 7-5/8” x 15-5/8” Double Monarch 275 224% increase 1.13 7-5/8” x 3-5/8” x 11-5/8” Thru Wall 7-5/8” 160 - 3.00 3-5/8” x 3-5/8” x 7-5/8” Modular Econo 3-5/8” x 3-5/8” x 11-5/8” Utility Stone Analysis STONE SIZE ( BD” X H” X L”) SQUARE FEET INSTALLED PER MAN PER DAY WALL COVERAGE PER UNIT 3-5/8” x 7-5/8” x 23-5/8” 344 1.33 sq ft/unit 3-5/8” x 11-5/8” x 23-5/8” 208 2 sq ft/unit 3-5/8” x 15-5/8” x 23-5/8” 138 2.67 sq ft/unit Brick Information Modular • • • • • • 7 bricks per square foot Approximately 7 bags of mortar per 1,000 bricks Coursing: 2.625 inches high per brick with a 3/8” joint Approximately 85 square feet per man per day Weight: approximately 4-5 pounds each Packaged: approximately 500-530 per cube 3-5/8” x 2-1/4” x 7-5/8” Modular Utility • • • • • • 3 bricks per square foot Approximately 10 bags of mortar per 1,000 bricks Coursing: 4 inches high per brick with a 3/8” joint Approximately 155 square feet per man per day Weight: approximately 10.5 pounds each Packaged: approximately 198 per cube 3-5/8” x 3-5/8” x 11-5/8” Utility Ambassador (with and without score) • • • • • • • • Scoring simulates a modular sized brick 3.43 bricks per square foot Approximately 11 bags of mortar per 1,000 bricks Coursing: 2.625 inches high per brick with a 3/8” joint Approximately 170 square feet per man per day without score Approximately 156 square feet per man per day with score Weight: approximately 8.4 pounds each Packaged: approximately 210 per cube 3-5/8” x 2-1/4” x 15-5/8” Ambassador Econo • • • • • • 4.5 bricks per square foot Approximately 9 bags of mortar per 1,000 bricks Coursing: 4 inches high per brick with a 3/8” joint Approximately 168 square feet per man per day Weight: approximately 6.6 pounds each Packaged: approximately 330 per cube 3-5/8” x 3-5/8” x 7-5/8” Modular Econo Brick Information Monarch (with and without score) • • • • • • • • Scoring simulates an econo sized brick 2.25 bricks per square foot Approximately 12 bags of mortar per 1,000 bricks Coursing: 4 inches high per brick with a 3/8” joint Approximately 206 square feet per man per day without score Approximately 200 square feet per man per day with score Weight: approximately 13.5 pounds each Packaged: approximately 132 per cube 3-5/8” x 3-5/8” x 15-5/8” Monarch Double Monarch • • • • • • • This brick can be scored to simulate an 8x8 brick 1.13 bricks per square foot Approximately 122 bags of mortar per 1,000 bricks Coursing: 8 inches high per brick with a 3/8” joint Approximately 275 square feet per man per day Weight: approximately 29 pounds each Packaged: approximately 108 per cube 3-5/8” x 7-5/8” x 15-5/8” Double Monarch 3-5/8” x 7-5/8” x 23-5/8” (Cast) Stone Veneer • Available with or without beveled edges and a variety of textures • 1.33 pieces per square foot • Approximately 33 bags of mortar per 1,000 pieces • Coursing: 8 inches high per piece with a 3/8” joint • Approximately 344 square feet per man per day • Weight: approximately 48-51 pounds each • Packaged: approximately 60 per cube 3-5/8” x 11-5/8” x 23-5/8” 3-5/8” x 15-5/8” x 23-5/8” (Cast) Stone Veneer (Cast) Stone Veneer Facts • Available with or without beveled edges and a variety of textures • • • • • • 0.5 pieces per square foot or 2 square feet per piece Approximately 50 bags of mortar per 1,000 pieces Coursing: 12 inches high per piece with a 3/8” joint Approximately 208 square feet per man per day Weight: approximately 73-77 pounds each Packaged: approximately 40 per cube • Available with or without beveled edges and a variety of textures • • • • • • 0.375 pieces per square foot or 2.67 square feet per unit Approximately 90 bags of mortar per 1,000 pieces Coursing: 16 inches high per piece with a 3/8” joint Approximately 138 square feet per man per day Weight: approximately 103 pounds each Packaged: approximately 25-30 per cube Masonry Bond and Corner Details Monarch 1/2 Bond Utility 1/2 Bond BB)567);< =>45)@@A 456 %#+&'()* & %#+&'()* & 4)567);< =>??)@@A 31("&931("&9- 8#/9/#+):/$9!) 31("&9- 8#/9/#+):/$9! 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Godfrey Co. G 1360 Central Avenue Bridgeport, CT 06610 The Homer C. Godfrey Co. masonry supplier since 1923 (phone) 203.336.1823 (fax) 203.368.9042 [email protected] www.homercgodfrey.com Masonry Cost Calculator LABOR COST PER DAY: (COMMON RATIO: 1 FOREMAN: 10 BRICKLAYERS: 7 LABORERS) Work Force FILL IN Work Day (7-8 hours per man, per day) FILL IN Salary FILL IN Total per Day 1. # of Foreman: X hours worked per man X hourly rate =$ 2. # of Bricklayers: X hours worked per man X hourly rate =$ 3. # of Laborers: X hours worked per man X hourly rate =$ Add items 1, 2, & 3 to obtain the 4. TOTAL LABOR PER DAY TOTAL LABOR PER DAY divide by # of bricklayers $ =$ =$ TOTAL LABOR PER DAY BRICKLAYERS COST PER DAY LABOR PER SQUARE FOOT COST: 5. BRICKLAYERS COST/DAY divide by square foot of wall installed per day $ =$ LABOR COST PER SQ. FT Production rates and square foot information for each size provided are provided in this document (square feet installed per man per day) TOTAL SQUARE FOOT WALL COST CALCULATION: 1. Cost of masonry material per square foot (unit cost per brick X units per sq ft): 2. Cost of mortar per square foot: 3. Cost of Labor per sq. ft =$ MASONRY COST PER SQ. FT =$ MORTAR COST PER SQ. FT =$ LABOR COST PER SQ. FT SUBTOTAL ADDITIONAL 20% MISCELLANEOUS (scaffolding, rentals, accessories, etc.) TOTAL COST PER SQUARE FOOT INSTALLED = $ The Homer C. Godfrey Co. G 1360 Central Avenue Bridgeport, CT 06610 The Homer C. Godfrey Co. masonry supplier since 1923 (phone) 203.336.1823 (fax) 203.368.9042 [email protected] www.homercgodfrey.com x 20% The Homer C. Godfrey Company Product Lines and Materials • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Belden Brick Glen Gery Brick Acme Denver Brick Bowerston Brick Hanson Brick Morin Brick Old Virginia Brick Pine Hall Pavers Redland Brick Cushwa Harmar K.F. Brick Vermont Brick Watsontown Brick Whitacre Greer Pavers Superior Clay Products Custom Cast Stone G • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The Homer C. Godfrey Co. masonry supplier since 1923 Custom Limestone Flagstone Stone Veneer Cement Block Nicolock Ideal Belgard Grinnell Engraved Name Brick Specialized Masonry Cleaners Cast Iron Products Calcium Chloride Bilco Doors Drainage Products California Stucco If you don’t see it, please ask.