The Oceanario de Lisboa new building
The Oceanario de Lisboa new building
THE$OCEANÁRIO$$ DE$LISBOA$ NEW$BUILDING$ EDIFÍCIO$DO$MAR$ J O Ã O $ FA L C AT O $ P E R E I R A $ I N T E R N A T I O N A L $ $ A Q U A R I U M $ C O N G R E S S $ $ 2 0 1 2 $ 1 WHY$A$EXPANTION$ 2 OBJECTIVES$AND$PROGRAM$ 3 CONSTRUCTION$AND$TICKETING$STRATEGY$ 4 RESULTS$ 5 CONCLUSION$ MISSION$ “To$promote$knowledge$of$the$Oceans,$ educaXng$visitors$and$the$public$about$the$ necessity$of$protecXng$Natural$Resources,$ through$changing$their$daily$habits.”$ MISSION$ The$reason$for$our$existence;$ T O $ T R Y $ T O $ A C H I E V E $ I T, $ WE$NEED$ Big$numbers$of$visitors;$ Financial$sustainability.$ VISITORS$NUMBER$EVOLUTION$ 1,200,000$ 1,143,995$ 1,100,000$ 1,037,750$ 1,000,000$ 968,729$ 966,578$ 914,694$ 918,752$ 910,910$ 2003$ 2004$ 2005$ 888,695$ 900,000$ 855,718$ 800,000$ 700,000$ 600,000$ 1999$ 2000$ 2001$ 2002$ 2006$ 2007$ NET$PROFIT$ $1,271,000$€$$ $1,200,000$€$$ $1,000,000$€$$ $832,000$€$$ $800,000$€$$ $571,000$€$$ $600,000$€$$ $495,000$€$$ $400,000$€$$ $391,000$€$$ $345,000$€$$ $266,000$€$$ $200,000$€$$ $19,000$€$$ $f$€$$ 1999$ f200,000$€$$ 2000$ 2001$ 2002$ f177,000$€$$ 2003$ 2004$ 2005$ 2006$ 2007$ OUR$PROBLEM$ We$predicted$that$visitor$numbers$would$ start$going$down;$ The$exisXng$building,$although$very$high$ quality,$was$not$flexible$to$create$new$ airacXons;$ Financial$sustainability$and$the$mission$ were$at$stake.$ In$2007$the$planning$of$an$expanXon$to$ Oceanário$began,$with$three$main$ objecXves$in$mind:$ 1 Reinforce$Oceanário’s$ability$to$fulfill$ its$mission;$ 2 Improve$visitors$confort$and$ saXsfacXon;$ 3 Ensure$Oceanário’s$economic$ sustainability.$ Viability$studies$were$conducted$and$the$following$ program$was$developed:$ 1 Polivalent$temporary$exhibit$room$with$600$ square$meters;$ 925404511$ 2 Amphitheatre;$ 3 Restaurant$inside$Oceanário;$ 4 Budget:$5.000.000€$f$building$ $$$$$$$1.000.000€$f$temporary$exhibit$ PROJECT$CONCEPT$DEVELOPED$BY$$ Coutant$and$Architect$Pedro$Campos$Costa$ During$the$planning$of$the$expanXon$our$ predicXons$were$confirmed:$ 1 VisitaXon$numbers$dropped;$ 2 FinanXal$results$were$good$but$not$ sustainable.$ VISITORS$NUMBER$EVOLUTION$ 1,200,000$ 1,143,995$ 1,100,000$ 1,037,750$ 1,000,000$ 968,729$ 1,019,684$ 968,873$ 966,578$ 914,694$ 918,752$ 910,910$ 2003$ 2004$ 2005$ 951,543$ 888,695$ 900,000$ 855,718$ 800,000$ 700,000$ 600,000$ 1999$ 2000$ 2001$ 2002$ 2006$ 2007$ 2008$ 2009$ 2010$ NET$PROFIT$ $1,361,000$€$$ $1,400,000$€$$ $1,300,000$€$$ $1,271,000$€$$ $1,200,000$€$$ $1,019,000$€$$ $1,000,000$€$$ $832,000$€$$ $800,000$€$$ $571,000$€$$ $600,000$€$$ $495,000$€$$ $400,000$€$$ $391,000$€$$ $345,000$€$$ $266,000$€$$ $200,000$€$$ $19,000$€$$ $f$€$$ 1999$ f200,000$€$$ 2000$ 2001$ 2002$ f177,000$€$$ 2003$ 2004$ 2005$ 2006$ 2007$ 2008$ 2009$ 2010$ EXECUTION$ 1 Works$started$in$January$2010$–$opened$in$ March$2011$f$$15$month;$ 2 Building$with$5$floors$and$2.800$square$ meters$(net$area);$ 3 Temporary$exhibit$with$250$cubic$meter$tank;$ 4 Final$cost:$ $$$$$$$$$$Building$–$4.940.000€$ $$$$$$$$$$Temporary$exhibit$–$1.002.000€$ NEW$BUILDING$ NEW$BUILDING$ NEW$BUILDING$ TICKET$OFFICE$ ENTRANCE$ ENTRANCE$ R E S TA U R A N T $ R E S TA U R A N T $ A M P H I T H E AT R E $ TEMPORARY$EXHIBIT$ TEMPORARY$EXHIBIT$DEVELOPED$BY$ COSESTUDY$$ TEMPORARY$EXHIBIT$ TEMPORARY$EXHIBIT$ TEMPORARY$EXHIBIT$ TEMPORARY$EXHIBIT$ TEMPORARY$EXHIBIT$ TEMPORARY$EXHIBIT$ T I C K E T $ P R I C I N G $ S T R AT E GY $ BEFORE$ 1$type$Xcket$ $Adult$price$12€$ AFTER$ 3$different$Xckets:$ Permanent$Exhibit$f$$adult$price$12€$ Temporary$exhibit$–$adult$price$6€$ Combined$Xcket$–$adult$price$15,5€$ R ES U LTS $ Combined$Xcket$–$54%$ Permanent$exhibit$–$44%$ Temporary$Exhibit$–$2%$ €/$visitor$–$16,4%$increase$ VISITORS$NUMBER$EVOLUTION$ 1,200,000$ 1,143,995$ 1,100,000$ 1,037,750$ 1,019,684$ 1,000,000$ 968,729$ 968,873$ 966,578$ 951,543$ 952,580$ 914,694$ 918,752$ 910,910$ 888,695$ 900,000$ 855,718$ 800,000$ 700,000$ 600,000$ 1999$ 2000$ 2001$ 2002$ 2003$ 2004$ 2005$ 2006$ 2007$ 2008$ 2009$ 2010$ 2011$ PORTUGUESE$VISITORS$ 340,000$ 323,945$ 320,000$ 312,256$ 300,000$ 280,000$ 260,000$ 259,679$ 260,155$ 2009$ 2010$ 240,000$ 220,000$ 200,000$ 2008$ 2011$ NET$PROFIT$ $1,406,000$€$$ $1,361,000$€$$ $1,400,000$€$$ $1,300,000$€$$ $1,271,000$€$$ $1,200,000$€$$ $1,019,000$€$$ $1,000,000$€$$ $832,000$€$$ $800,000$€$$ $571,000$€$$ $600,000$€$$ $495,000$€$$ $400,000$€$$ $391,000$€$$ $345,000$€$$ $266,000$€$$ $200,000$€$$ $19,000$€$$ $f$€$$ 1999$ f200,000$€$$ 2000$ 2001$ 2002$ f177,000$€$$ 2003$ 2004$ 2005$ 2006$ 2007$ 2008$ 2009$ 2010$ 2011$ V I S I TO R $ SAT I S FAC T I O N $ I N D E X $ 94%$ 93%$ 92%$ 90%$ 88%$ 88%$ 86%$ 87%$ 86%$ 85%$ 84%$ 84%$ 83%$ 82%$ 80%$ 78%$ 2005$ 2006$ 2007$ 2008$ 2009$ 2010$ 2011$ CONCLUSIONS$ Our$goals$were$achieved:$ 1 We$have$the$fexibility$to$adapt$and$talk$about$ different$themes$in$the$temporary$exhibits,$ contribuXng$more$towards$our$mission;$ 2 Visitors$confort$and$saXsfacXon$increased;$ 3 FinanXal$results$are$beier$with$the$same$ number$of$visitors,$increasing$the$finanXal$ sustainability$of$the$insXtuXon.$$ CONCLUSIONS$ 4 Several$Xcket$prices$adapXng$to$different$ finanXal$capabiliXes$may$be$a$good$strategy$in$ Xmes$of$crysis;$ 5 Temporary$exhibits$are$a$good$reason$for$local$ visitors$to$repeat$visitaXon;$ T H ANK$ YO U!$