Appointment System


Appointment System
Appointment System
Table of Contents
• The Listingbook Appointment System
Listingbook Frontpage - Coordinator
Coordinator - Profile
Appointment Information and Showing Instructions Coordinator
Appointment Information and Showing Instructions Agent
Appointment Information and Showing Instructions
Appointment Information Setup/Confirmation
Edit Appointment Information Setup
Quick Search
Adding Appointments
Making Appointments – Quick Search
Requesting a Showing
Automated Showing Comments
My Showings
Staying Organized with My Showings
Your Professional Showing Package
Buyer’s Showing Package
Printing Your Showing Package
Client Showing History
Icon Glossary
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The Listingbook Appointment System
“The Anytime Appointment Service that works for everyone!”
With the Listingbook Appointment System, you can...
For Managers
Increase office staff efficiency
Reduce office staff workload
View reports that show appointment activity on properties
Schedule appointments easily: More Showings = More Sales
For Coordinators
Handle the appointment process more efficiently and effectively
Automatically keep appointment records that are integrated into the
Organize pending appointment requests for easier processing
For Agents
Request appointments 24/7, many are automatically set
View accurate history of all appointments and feedback comments
View history of all properties shown to a buyer filtered by month,
week, or day
For Buyers
Tag properties as a Favorite and notify their agent
Review a record of properties shown (Calendar)
Receive a professional showing package before visiting properties
For Sellers
Receive notifications of all appointments (record)
Receive electronic showing agent feedback
Receive daily and monthly activity reports on appointments
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Listingbook Frontpage - Coordinator
• Provides you with access to all the tools within your Listingbook
Appointment Info:
• Add or edit appointment information and showing instructions for
company or office listings
Quick Search:
• Locate properties to schedule appointments
Office Reports:
• View or print information about office or company appointments
Message Box:
• Read, send, and manage your messages
• Add tasks to your calendar to keep track of dates and times you need
to remember
Review and edit your personal information
View video tutorials, printable help, and recorded webinars
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Coordinator - Profile
The settings located on the Profile
page must be updated so all alerts are
viewable for your Company’s and/or
Offices’ appointments.
Click “Profile” from the menu bar and click “Edit Personal
Enter your personal information to set up your account
Click “Office” and verify that you have access to the appropriate
office or company wide listings.
Change the option, “Alert Me For” from “My Appointments Only”
to “My Office’s Appointments”
Click “Agent Appts”; change to ”Include in my Appts”
Click “Cancelled Appts”:, change to “Are removed from alerts”
Click “Save” to apply your changes
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Appointment Information
And Showing Instructions:
Go to “Frontpage”
Click “Appointment Info”
Find the correct property and click the ‘Edit Appointment Info’ link to view
the appointment information for the listing.
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Appointment Information
And Showing Instructions:
Listing Agent
Go to “Frontpage”
Click “My Listings”
Click the “Property Type” Icon - Residential,
Find the correct property and
click the “Clock” icon to
view the appointment
calendar for the listing
Click “Appt. Info”
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Appointment Information
And Showing Instructions
OR…Go to “Quick Search”
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Appointment Information Set-up
And Confirmation Instructions:
1. Instant Appointments: Check “Contact Not Required” to allow “Instant
2. Anytime Appointments: Check “Leave Message & Show,” then call
required number(s) and leave a message, then show. Or, check “Must
Confirm” if contact is required prior to showing.
3. Owner Contact is Required: If advanced notice must be given before
the property can be shown, indicate the number of “Hours Notice
4. Add A Contact: Allows you to add up to 6 contacts – Owners, Tenants,
or Agents that must be contacted to set up an appointment.
5. Order Contacts: Move the contacts in to the preferred calling order.
6. Office Show Instructions: All of the instructions that the office needs
to confirm a showing: i.e., special hours for showings, specifics about
who to contact, when, etc.
7. Lockbox: Type of access available. Enter the lockbox location and
combination info in the “Location/Code” box.
8. Alarm: Check alarm if there is one. Enter the alarm code and
instructions for entry and exit in the “Alarm Code” box.
9. Show Agent Instructions: These instructions are printed on the showing
agent’s ‘Showing Instruction’ sheet. They should include all of the
information that a showing agent needs to get into and out of the
property including pet instructions or other important details.
10. Save
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Edit Appointment Info Set-up
Confirmation Instructions:
Select how appointment is to be
• Contact Not Required
• Leave Message & Show
• Must Confirm
Indicate hours “Notice Required”
if necessary
Enter the contact info:
• Designate Contact
• Name
• Phone type & Number
Click on “+ADD A CONTACT”
as needed (up to 6 contacts)
Office Show Instructions:
Office Show Instructions are to
include specific information required
to coordinate appointment requests
to show
Show Agent Instructions:
These instructions are only given to
the show agent once an appointment
has been confirmed. They can be
sent via email and /or LB messaging
to the showing agent.
Select Lockbox type,
indicate Location/Details
Indicate if there’s Alarm,
Alarm Code is required
Enter additional instructions; pets,
alarm location or other required
instructions required to show the
Verify all information is correct
and click “Save.”
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Quick Search
Change the view to “Showing Sheet” and “Order by: Street”. This allows
the coordinator to view the “List Agent” the property is assigned.
Listing (Property) Status
In Quick Search, the “Status” defaults to “Active and/or Pending AB” and
o “Active’ and/or ‘Pending/AB” (accepting backups) are properties
that are still accepting appointment requests.
o If “Pending” you must inform the show agent that the property is
Pending, not accepting backups, unless stated otherwise in the show
instructions. You can give the list agent’s contact information if
o Do not try to set an appointment or call the
o Call the list agent with any problems, issues or concerns.
o If the property is not listed as Pending or Pending AB, but the
homeowner indicates that the property is under contract:
1. Call the list agent to confirm the status
2. Then call the show agent to update
*Note: If the appointment request is in relation to the sale of the home, then
schedule appointments according to the show instructions and give the listing agent a
courtesy call.
Any conflicts with your company policy should be immediately addressed with the
list agent.
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Quick Search
• Click the clock
icon of the property to open the appointment calendar
• Determine the appropriate day and time. You can see if there is a
scheduling conflict, at which point the show agent is informed and can
request an alternate time.
• Click the Add Appt icon
The ‘Add Appt’ link
defaults to the
current date and
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Add Appointment
Entering the Show Agent Information:
Enter the show agent’s MLS ID (also known as Public ID or Show ID) and
hit “Enter” or click “Auto-Load”
Enter the callback number
If the listing is to be shown by a non-MLS Listingbook member, confirm with the
list agent or per your company policy. The request may be from an agent in
another MLS, or an inspector, appraiser, etc. In the Show ID box, enter “NonMLS.” Ask for the following information:
• Full name
• Office name and number
• License number (if an agent)
• Purpose
Call the list agent with the information and they will direct the action to be
taken. You can use any of the following IDs: inspector, appraiser, non-mls
agent, non-mls, office, or other.
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Add Appointment
Date, Time, Duration and Purpose:
Date defaults to the day selected from the appointment calendar.
• To change the date, you can use the pull down menu or click on the calendar
Time defaults to the time selected from the appointment calendar.
• To change the time, use the pull down menu window.
o Be sure to select the correct time…AM or PM
Duration defaults to 1 (one) hour.
• Use the pull down menu to select a longer or shorter appointment time, if
Purpose defaults to “To Show.”
• Ask the purpose of the appointment request. This identifies to the list agent if
the request is;
o To Show - The first time a buyer’s agent AND the buyer views a property
o Preview – Buyer’s agent views the property without their client.
o 2nd or 3rd Showing - Request to view the same property with the same
o Inspection, Pest Inspection, Appraisal – Typically scheduled on pending
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Add Appointment
List Agent Information:
The list agent’s name, Listingbook ID and phone number are listed below the
purpose of the request. If the list agent needs to be contacted, you can either
call or send a message.
Click on the list agent’s Listingbook ID (A00000), to open their “View
Contact Information”
Their mobile phone is the preferred number and should be called for
requests that require an immediate answer.
If the list agent verbally gives the show instructions, send them a
message with the instructions they provided and request they update the
Appt Info.
(Refer to page 20 for a list of Instances requiring List Agent Contact.)
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Add Appointment
Show Instructions:
There are two sets of show instructions, one for office only and one for the
show agent.
The first box, “Office Showing Instructions” are for the list company
agents and coordinators and should not be read to the person requesting
the appointment. Specific information for coordinating the appointment
may be listed in this section.
“Show Agent Instructions” are automatically given to the show agent on all
confirmed appointments. Specific information for showing and entry to
the property should be listed in this section.
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Add Appointment
Owner Contact:
The list agent controls how their properties are shown. There are three ways
in which a coordinator processes an appointment request, defined by the
owner contact requirements:
Contact Not Required
Leave Message & Show
Must Confirm
Not Required – No contact is required and the “View Agent Show
Instructions” can be given to the show agent. Appointment is instantly
Leave Message – Request can be confirmed by leaving a message at all listed
number(s). Only then can the “Show Agent Instructions” be given to the
showing agent. Messages left will be informative only; no callback required.
Must Confirm – Request can only be confirmed by speaking directly with the
designated contact. Once confirmed, the “Show Agent Instructions” can be
given to the showing agent.
o If the showing instructions are not clear or contradict the owner contact
request, the list agent must be contacted to clarify and confirm the
action required in order to confirm the appointment request.
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Add Appointment
Owner Contact:
When contact is to “Leave Message” or “Must Confirm,” an attempt to call all
numbers listed must be made. Use the pull-down menu under each phone
number to record the status of each call attempt.
When the owners have been contacted, use the pull-down menu to indicate
whether the appointment request was:
Msg Other Person
Waiting for Callback
Msg on Machine
Line Busy
No Answer
When an appointment request cannot be confirmed, typically pending a call
back, the show agent is called and updated to the status of the request. The
saved appointment will be saved as a “Not Confirmed” appointment.
See Alerts on pages 24-26 for Non-Confirmed Appointments
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Add Appointment
Showing Comments:
Showing comments are requested one hour after the appointment has
occurred. The show agent enters comments about the property and the
information is displayed to the list agent and the property’s owners. (For
Agent Use Only)
Office Comments / Notes:
This section is viewed by the listing company, list agent and coordinators only.
Record comments or notes relating to the appointment request or any activity
in the event follow-up is required. Be clear, concise and professional.
o Homeowner requested time change from 1pm to 2:30pm, show agent
declined time change – informed homeowner
o Homeowner requests no showings Friday through Monday – informed list
Click “Save” and you’re finished.
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Add Appointment
List Agent Contact:
When showing instructions are not clear or contradict the “Contact Required,”
the list agent must be contacted to clarify and/or confirm the action required
to confirm the appointment request.
Suggested instances requiring list agent contact:
Homeowner declines a request to show (courtesy call prior to calling
show agent).
No showing instructions (new listings).
No contact information provided.
Non-MLS agent: List agent confirms the non-Listingbook MLS agent
before confirming with the homeowner.
Showing agent or homeowner indicates appointment request has been
confirmed with the list agent.
Showing agent or homeowner requests or reports any changes regarding
a property.
o Homeowner wishes to change any of the showing instructions.
o Homeowner wishes to temporarily not allow any appointments to be
made, for any period of time.
o Showing agent or homeowner indicates the showing instructions are
different than what is listed.
Use the pull-down menu next to “List Agent” to record the status of the call.
(Record detailed notes in the office notes section).
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Make Appointment - Quick Search
To make an appointment, easily locate the property by clicking “Quick
Search” from your menu bar. There are two ways to access a specific property:
type in a partial spelling of the street name or enter the MLS Number.
Under Search Criteria, type in a partial spelling to apply a “smart search”.
If the property does not come up, ask for the MLS Number of the property.
o Properties that are N. Hwy, Us Hwy, NC Highway, etc., can be difficult
to find, by applying the * wildcard, *Hwy or *Highway, all properties
that include ‘Hwy’ or ‘Highway’ will come up!
If you cannot locate a property using any of the procedures listed, and an
agent insists that it exists, kindly direct the showing agent to the list agent
for further assistance.
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Make Appointment - Quick Search
Multiple Showings:
• Enter the street names or MLS Numbers, separated by commas.
• Check the boxes to the right of the properties to be shown and click “
View Selected Properties Only”.
Once this request has been saved, click on
and that will take you to
the next property, when the Add Appointment window opens, it will have
the show agent’s information already entered.
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Make Appointment - Quick Search
Changing the date, time, duration, or purpose of an appointment:
If it is necessary to make a change to an appointment, find the property
through Quick Search, go to the appointment calendar, and click on the
appointment. The “Add Appt” window will open, and then follow the show
instructions. The Owner Contact box will revert to Not Confirmed. Be sure
to update it to “Contacted/Confirmed” before saving; click “Save”.
Cancelling an appointment request:
If there is a request to cancel an appointment, find the property through Quick
Search, go to the appointment calendar, and click on the appointment. The
“Add Appt” window will open, and then follow the show instructions. Enter
detailed Comments/Notes, click “Cancel Appointment”. When cancelling an
appointment, follow the show instructions in the same manner as you would for
confirming an appointment. If you do not speak directly with the contacts
listed, leave a message on all available numbers.
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There are two kinds of “Alerts” that are viewable from a coordinator’s
Frontpage. An ‘Anytime Appointment Request’ and a ‘Non-Confirmed
Appointment Request’:
• An Anytime Appointment Request will appear as a red “ ”. This is a
notification that there is a request for an appointment that needs to be
processed by a coordinator.
• A Non-Confirmed Appointment Request will appear as a yellow “ ”.
This is a request that has been coordinated up to a point, but is awaiting
further action, typically, waiting for a call back.
Alerts can be viewed from three different locations from the Frontpage:
1. “ ” = View Alerts
2. Office Reports – Daily Appointment Report
3. Incomplete Appointments
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Alert Views
= View Alerts
Incomplete Appointments
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Alert Views
Office Reports – Daily Appointment Report
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Requesting a Showing
View from an Agent’s Account
To show a property, click on the showing icons:
The Showing icons differ in the following ways:
Schedule Showing -This showing will be instantly confirmed.
Request Showing - This showing must be processed by an appointment
coordinator. You will be called by the listing office upon confirmation. If an
appointment coordinator is not available, or if there is not enough time to
process the appointment, you will be asked to call the listing office
immediately to confirm the showing.
Add to My Showings - This showing must always be requested by phone
as it is not a Listingbook Appointment Partner. Contact information will be
provided for you to call the listing office.
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Automated Showing Comments
“Designed to Increase Showing Feedback … Reduce Paper Work … Increase
Agent's Efficiency”
Automatically sends requests for comments to showing agents.
Showing agents can simply fill out the survey form or just hit reply and type
in a comment.
When listing agents receive comments from showing agents, they can save
them to the corresponding appointment and/or forward them to the seller
with just a few mouse clicks.
If required, the comments can be edited prior to saving or sending to the
If showing agents fail to reply to showing requests after 48 hours, a message
is sent to the listing agent with the showing agent’s contact information and
a faxable request for comments attached.
If the showing agent doesn’t have a Listingbook account, Listingbook sends
the listing agent a message with the appointment information and the
showing agent’s contact information.
The listing agent can email or print a faxable form to request the showing
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My Showings
Agents can easily schedule showings for their clients. “My Showings” is used
to prepare professional showing materials for yourself and your buyers.
My Showings:
Saves you time by preparing professional showing packages for you and
your buyers
Helps to create a professional impression
Every listing in the package will be included in the “Showing History”
section of the client’s folder
Designed to promote interactivity with your buyer
Easily reminds your buyers of scheduled showings.
My Showings is easy, fast and convenient!
You can request a showing from your buyer's Favorites, Agent Picks,
Views, Home Finder, or Quick Search for Buyer
The icons differ in the way you request a showing, but all of the icons
add the showing to “My Showings.”
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Staying Organized with My Showings
Your showings are automatically entered on your and your buyer’s
Listingbook calendar when you schedule a showing
If you schedule a showing with an office using the Listingbook Appointment
System, the appointment is entered on your Listingbook calendar.
My Showings collects and organizes all of your upcoming showings in one
convenient place.
1. All of your upcoming showings are displayed in your “My Showings” list.
2. If you have requested showings for several buyers, you can view upcoming
showings for a specific buyer by using the “Client” pull-down.
3. If you have not chosen a buyer for a showing, click “Edit Showing,” or
check the box next to the price of the property you are showing and then
click “Indicate Client.”
4. All confirmed appointments display showing instructions.
5. To cancel a showing, click “Cancel Showing Request.”
6. To edit a showing, click “Edit Showing.”
7. Click “Print Showing Package” to prepare a showing package for your
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Your Professional Showing Package
The showing package contains all of the materials you need to show
properties to your buyer, automatically compiled and assembled without
additional work.
It's easy to do and creates a professional image. There are two type showing
packages: the agent showing package and the buyer showing package.
Agent Showing Package:
1. Agent Showing List (1) - A list of all properties being shown with
confirmation status, driving directions and contact information.
2. Agent Property Details (2) - Contains all property information available for
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The Buyer’s Showing Package
Buyer Showing Package:
1. Buyer Cover Page (1) - A professional looking cover page personalized for
your buyer.
2. Buyer Showing Summary (2) - A list of all properties being shown with
details, remarks, and room for buyer comments.
3. Property Details (3) - Contains all property information available for
4. Property Images (4) - All images of the property.
5. Property Checklist (5) - A set of property features your buyer may be
thinking about while you tour properties. Buyers can rate and comment on
each feature.
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Printing Your Showing Package
From My Showings:
You can print showing materials by clicking “Print Showing Package” (1).
You control the pages that print. Your choices are:
1. Select the buyer (1) to whom you'll be showing properties (this personalizes
the cover page and insures the correct appointments).
2. Indicate when you'll be showing the properties (2)
3. Click “Print Showing Package.” You control the pages you print (3).
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Client Showing History
1. To view showing history,
click “Client Manager”
2. Click your buyer's name
3. Click “Showing History”
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Client Showing History
4. Click “View/Edit Appointment Details”
5. You can view appointment
You can write your own notes. These
notes are for your eyes only!
Send Showing Comments to the List
Click “Save” to keep record of your
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Client Showing History
Showing History keeps track of all showings for your buyer that you request
through Listingbook:
You can use it as a reference to view all properties shown in the past, along
with showing comments and your personal notes
You can use that information to help you choose to show properties that
better suit your buyer's interests in the future
It may help establish that you did show a particular property to that buyer,
if that information is required.
It is easy to make notes on any shown listing and to send showing comments
to the list agent!
You can write your own notes. These notes are for your eyes only!
If you have already sent back showing comments to the listing agent, the
comments are already added to the record.
If not, click “Send Showing Comments” and write your comments. The
comments will display after you send the message.
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Icon Glossary
New Message
Indicates an unread message
Anytime Appointment Request is in queue
Non-confirmed appointments are in queue
Pending AB
Available for showings
Under contract - No more showings
Accepting Back-up offers - available for showing
No more showings
No more showings
No more showings
Open House
Scheduled Open House on a promoted listing
Featured Listing New details, photos, or virtual tour on promoted
Agent Note
A property with agent notes
Buyer Note
A property with buyer notes
Schedule a
The showing will be instantly confirmed
Request a
The showing will be processed by an Appointment
Add to My
You must call the Listing Office to confirm the
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