Get the FIRST issue of The Sparkler!


Get the FIRST issue of The Sparkler!
January 2015
The Sparkler
Be Gone!
Wild Wolf Moon Magic
January in the Stars
Meditation Time
Let’s make 2015 the year we
tackle and rid ourselves of
poverty mindset once and
for all!
The Sparkler
Your Monthly Spirit Spark
Free monthly eMag
with articles + updates
from Jess Carlson
January 2015
Vol. 1 Issue 1
Created Entirely By
Jess Carlson
{because that’s how I roll}
Cat Assistant:
Paper Wrangler,
Pen Holder
2014 was a hell of a year; in fact
2013 and 2014 felt like a prolonged
trial by fire. It’s true what they say,
when you don’t pay attention to the
lesson it just keeps coming back to
smack you in the face.
Second Cat Assistant:
Furball Provider
This month’s tarotscopes is
actually an oracle-scope! I felt
called to bring out Steven D.
Farmer’s Earth Magic Oracle
or our first reading of the year.
It’s one of my favorite decks,
sure to bring you some interesting insights into the month.
Snail Mail:
9865 Erma Rd
Unit #253
San Diego, CA
[email protected]
This month’s full moon on
January 4th brings us the
month of Wolf Magic. The
Wolf Moon is all about hunger,
hunting and survival. This
month we work with this
energy to help us get in touch
with the wild within so we
start 2015 uninhibited.
A look at what’s happening in this
skies this month and how you can
make the most of it.
One of the things I heard to most
from clients and readers {and potential clients} in 2014 was “I can’t
afford anything I want!” And the
more I dug into those situations the
problem was often mindset. Let’s
break those cycles in 2015.
Here are some tips, thoughts
and meditative ideas for going
deep within this January.
Check out this momth’s
free playlist on Spotify.
A book recommendation
for those cool January
A movie recommendation
to keep you entertained
this month.
A mucis recommendation
to help you keep your toes
A January inspirational
Journaling prompts for
your inner work this
J A N U A RY / 2 0 1 5
Welcome to the amazing new
year and to the first issue of The
those lists I unsubscribe, fast! So I
know you don’t want to be bothered with that either.
So you might be wondering a little
bit about what this whole this is
all about. It all has to do with my
intention for 2015 to do more of
what I truly love and enjoy and less
of what makes me want to rip my
hair our.
More than that, I found that I really hated trying to sit down and
write a weekly newsletter. I felt
pressured to always have something to say, and really there are
times that I just don’t. I’m either
too busy to think of something to
share or I’m just taking a time out
and I don’t want to bore you with
the details of my latest Call of Duty
conqueset. So my weekly emails
start to feel like a chore and sound
like a bore.
2015 is another chance to do
things different and my motto
this year is “Play more, work less,
and only do what you love in both
The Sparkler is basically taking
the place of what used to be my
weekly email newsletter. When
you’re learning all this online business stuff the idea of “your list” is
pushed so hard. You have to have
a big list {that’s bullshit} and you
have to be writing to your list constantly {also bullshit}.
Time and time again I run into
people talking about sending
emails to their list 3 or 4 times a
week, at least half the time trying to sell something. Ugh! No!
When I find myself sucked into
This, however, is very different!
It’s a whole different vibe. I have a
month to plan and write it, I have a
month to think about what I really
want to tell you and it let’s me indulge my secret passion for design.
Since this is the first go around,
please feel free to let me know
what you think! I’d love to hear
your thoughts on this verse the
usual boring weekly email.
Here’s to your amazing 2015!
2015 IS
I know you’re ready to
really turn 2015 into your
best year yet. This year’s
edition of Manifesting is
out to help you do it!
Manifesting 2015 is your
workbook + planner that
will guide you into a year
where your goals and
dreams become reality!
Manifesting 2015 is the
workbook and planner you’ll
come back to all year long.
This year while creating
Manifesting 2015 I decided
to make a few changes from
previous versions to cerate
something a little more
customizable and, quite
honestly, useful.
Every year for the last 5 years
when I’ve created my annual
workbook I’ve added things
that I’ve experimented with
the year before to see what
really worked for me. This
year I added daily, weekly and
monthly planning worksheets
and project planners to help
make reaching your goals
Inside Manifesting 2015 you’ll
find articles to inspire your
new year, journaling to coach
you into clarity and a 12 month
calendar to make sure you stay
on track. And it’s all fillable
on your computer or you can
print it out!
Grab this year’s Manifesting
workbook + planner for only
J A N U A RY / 2 0 1 5
Aries - Fairies {Earth Magic}
This month take some time to get out in nature and
reconnect to Mama Gaia. The fairies are the caretakers of the earth and they favor those that care for her
too. But it’s not just the earth, the plants and trees,
but also other living beings who are part of the earth’s
energy. Reconnect this month with friends who you
may have lost touch with and give them a little love
too. As you show your attention to all aspects of life
and nature the fairies will lend you some of their
earth magic when you need it.
believed to be giants that watched over the earth
and guarded all forms of life. Today those Stone
People still guard and watch over us, protecting us
from storms and winds when things get rough, yet
they always manage to stand strong no matter what’s
happening. January may be a little stormy for you,
especially when it comes to communication. You need
to stand your ground this month and be strong, waiting out storms and letting things wash over you. The
clouds will part and problems will pass, you just have
to keep believing that the sky is still blue up past the
Taurus - Fog {Veiled}
Your motto for this month: This too shall pass. As
things start out and then progress through January
you may be feeling like nothing is clear and everything just leads you to more confusion and uncertainty. 2015 will be starting out a little foggy but
remember that fog is only temporary and it has a gift
- the gift of stillness and silence. This is not a month
of action for you but rather a month to quietly reflect
and plan ahead for the year. Don’t make any major
decisions this month and simply allow yourself to be
confused, feeling that emotion rather than forcing
yourself to do, think or feel things that aren’t truly
authentic for you.
Cancer - Music {Harmony}
Everything is flowing in beautiful harmony this
month. The key to harmony is for all things you’re
doing to be working together in resonance. If you
allow one thing to fall out of place this month, everything may hit a bit of a sour note. This a message
to put pressure on you, but to remind you that when
things are going well and everything is in harmony
there’s no need to come along and screw it up or
change anything. Don’t create disharmony where
things are sounding beautiful just because you feel
like you need “do something”. You don’t…just go with
Gemini - Stone People {Vigilance}
All around us we are surrounded by the Stone People
- the mountains and rock formations that once were
Leo - Tree {Grounding}
As the year starts out for you it will be important to
make sure that you take time to get your feet very
firmly planted on the earth and that your energy is
solidly grounded before taking off with any plans or
projects. You haven’t been well grounded over the
last few months {that holidays will do that to us} but
now it’s critical that you get yourself back into balance and on track with habits and routines that help
you feel grounded in all areas of you life. If you feel
you need support in this process, get outside and
stand with your back against a tree. Raise your arms
above your head letting your fingers stretch out like
big branch while your body becomes the trunk. Let
your feet be planted firmly and as you breathe in
deeply with each exhale feel your roots grow deeper
into the earth from the soles of your feet. Feel yourself become strong and solid like the tree itself. Once
you do that you can handle anything.
Virgo - Desert {Vision Quest}
The desert is place of harsh adaptability. The foliage,
the wildlife, anything that lives and grows in the desert takes centuries and lifetimes to learn now to live
in these dramatically changing conditions. Hot during the day and sometimes freezing at night, the desert is a place that is said to never lie - is has nothing to
hide and when we go there, physically or spiritually,
truths are always revealed. This month you’re called
on to seek out some much needed, and possibly harsh
truths. A vision quest is traditionally the process of
going out to the desert with nothing more than some
water and sacred items and offerings to commune
with Spirit and seek answers in prayer and meditation
for three days. Find time this month, preferably three
days but even just one is better than none, to set aside
for a say of silence and meditation, seeking answers
to all your big questions you have as the year begins.
Its best to do this out in nature but if you’re not able,
sacred space indoors works too. Whatever you really
need guidance on can be found this month though
your own version of a vision quest.
Libra - DNA {Karma}
Take a moment and consider that every human that
has gone before you in your family line, from both
parents, in somewhere deep within you. Your DNA
carries codes and patterns that are linked to what in
many ways can be called your destiny. But you have
a choice - do you follow these paths or do you make
a conscious choice to do things differently and, in
essence, work against the code and reprogram yourself? This month you may find yourself up against a
battle of karma and destiny. Something in your wants
desperately to break away from long held patterns,
some that may even exist with you since birth, but
you may be feeling hesitant and uncertain about making change. Tune in this month to your Higher Self
through meditation, prayer and divination. Get all the
information you need and then make a choice. And
know that every time you make a choice, either with
or against you’re programming, you are redefining
your DNA and the DNA that could be passed on in the
Scorpio - Iceberg {Submerged}
Icebergs may seem like obvious and dangerous hunks
of floating ice to avoid in the oceans, but the truth
is the at the bit that sticks out through the water
can be only a fraction of what really makes up this
mountain of ice. Up to 90% of an iceberg is actually found below the surface of the water. This is the
thing that does the most damage to ships that pass by,
not the clearly visible and avoidable part above the
surface. This is pretty much how you’ll find you roll
this month - the things that are on the surface will be
clear and no problem. It’s the things that lie beneath,
hidden away either by habit or on purpose, that will
do the most damage. If you have something you need
to say, or even confess, it’s better to do it and move
on than try to cover it up. Anything you try to hide
this month will make it’s way to the surface.
Sagittarius - Ocean {Ebb and Flow}
The tide rolls in, the tide rolls out. When the water
rushes up to the shore it often deposits little bits and
pieces of rock and sand. As it pulls back, retreating
to the horizon it can pull away some rocks and sand
and potentially reveal some interesting treasures
underneath. Each part of this dance, the ebb and the
flow, is necessary to create and reveal things around
us. This month you’re going to find that if you just
allow the natural tides of ebb and flow in your life to
happen without trying to work against them or trying
to force things to happen in a certain way, you’ll find
more treasures than rocks and sand. Be sure to allow
emotions and feelings to ebb and flow as well, feeling
them all and letting them wash over you. If you feel
sad, feel sad. If you feel excited, feel exited. Don’t
hang on to any one emotion and know that all of
them, be they pleasure or pain, will pass eventually.
Capricorn - Rainbow {Blessings}
The storms are over, the clouds are parting, and the
lingering bits of heaven’s tears create a beautiful
rainbow for you, a bridge to your blessings in this new
year. This month you’ll be called to really embrace the
idea of new beginning in at least one area of your life,
but in order to do that you have to be willing to bless
the past and let it go. You can only welcome in all the
abundance and blessings that you wish for by making
room for it, and that means letting the past stay in the
past. If you find yourself looking back this month on
people, places or situations from this past year, don’t
dwell on them. Find the last bits of guidance and wisdom you can from them and then let them go. There
J A N U A RY / 2 0 1 5
are bigger and better things waiting or you this year.
Aquarius - Mountain {Strength}
Mountains may be huge symbols of strength and
endurance but legend has it that any time the spirit
of a mountain feels they may be threatened it shakes
itself to shrug off the threat. In other words it creates
an avalanche or a landslide or an earthquake happens deep below the surface. The truth is, nothing
can move a mountain and nothing can really harm it.
They have been there forever, changing shape with
their environment, but rarely ever crumbling under
easy stress and pressure. This month you’re called to
remember that you’re like a mountain too. You don’t
fold easy under pressure but it’s not wise to have a
quick knee-jerk reaction to a perceived threat. Take
time this month to weigh your reactions to things,
especially where you feel you may be threatened, before taking action. You may find the amount of force
you really need to apply is minimal compared to your
initial response.
Pisces - Full Moon {Completion}
The full moon is the earth’s way of celebrating the
end of s cycle and culmination of a lot of growth and
hard work. You probably had a pretty big year in
2014, whether it was a difficult year with a lot of lessons or a year of wonderful success gained from lots
of hard work. 2015 is starting off illuminated - it’s a
time to celebrate and acknowledge where things have
come to completion in your life. But with completion
comes letting go. Be sure that you aren’t hanging on
to your successes as you go into the new year. When
you rest on your laurels you get lazy and lazy just
leads to lost opportunity and failure down the road.
When the moon is ready to wane it’s time for you
to let go of completed cycle and begin to gear up for
what is sure to be another big year for you.
This is also a great time for divination to look into the new year and a
time for doing protection magic to
help you store up your energy until
the sun returns and your natural
energy levels grow.
anuary is here which brings us the
month of the Wolf Moon. By the
time you get this month’s Sparkler
the Full Wolf Moon will either have
just passed or will be in the process
of happening. But the Wolf Moon
isn’t just about the full moon but
the energy of the whole month.
The Wolf Moon is about stillness.
The ground is frozen and the earth
is asleep and barren. The name
comes from the observation that
the Algonquian Indians had of the
wolves and how they would howl
more this time or year because of
hunger due to the fact that their
prey were all in hiding from the
This is a time for waiting, building
anticipation, planning and working on your survival skills. It’s time
where we can look ahead to the
year that’s just starting to unfold.
Like the blanket of white, stark
snow that covers the earth all that
lies ahead of us is possibility.
This month and the moon energy
that it brings offers us a blank slate
and a chance to start new. See this
as a chance to fill and empty vessel
with all you hope for in the new
Check out this New Year’s tarot or
oracle reading spread that I actually
posted back in 2013. Even though
it’s a few years old it’s still one that
I love using and it’s simple enough
for even those of you new to working with the cards.
Take time this month to just be.
Don’t push, don’t rush. Just be in
a place of anticipation and connecting to your inner wildness and
hunger. What are you hungry for
this year?
Now is a great time to perform banishing, clearing and releasing rituals
so you know you’re going into the
new year clear.
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A man might befriend a wolf,
even break a wolf, but no man could truly
tame a wolf.
George R. R. Martin “A Dance with Dragons”
2015 is the year to finally make the
commitment to change how you deal
with money + abundance once and for all!
n 2014 one thing seemed to be a common
thread with so many people that I worked
with and connected with were problems with
money. Poverty mindset just ran rampant during 2014! It’s time to really grab a hold of that
and turn it around.
Changing a negative mindset, especially
around money, can feel really challenging. The
thing about it is that it’s quite simple but takes
some dedication and practice. One thing that
you may find makes it tough is if you have a
partner or spouse that sees money very differently than you. This is a challenge I face all the
time. I use positive money mindset practices
daily while my husband tends to be in a constant state of poverty mindset in one way or
another, despite the fact that we are as well off
as we have ever been financially.
If you are trying to be positive about money
but your partner just refuses to take that path
and chooses to dwell in the negative, you need
to just press on and do your best to attempt to
manifest good for you both. It’s a lot of work,
but it can be done!
Here are 6 essential tips you need this year to
really beat the poverty mindset trap once and
for all. If you feel resistance come up for you
around any of these things, that’s OK! Just
take a little time to reflect and revaluate why
J A N U A RY / 2 0 1 5
it’s there and work through it. Ignoring it or thinking it’s impossible and
can’t be done is just your Ego getting
in the way of you creating new and
positive changes in your life.
1. Poverty isn’t just about
When you’re dealing with financial
poverty there is pretty much always
poverty in other areas of your life
that need to be addressed. If you’re
trying to shift your mindset about
lack in one area of your life you have
to be mindful of how lack shows up
in other places too. Like attracts
like and lack breeds lack. While
you might be focused on positive
thoughts and affirmations around
your finances if you’re still feeling
and thinking from a lack perspective
about other things in your life, like
your health or relationships, then
you’re going to hold back your finances. Poverty thinking is poverty
thinking - thinking with a poverty
mindset in one area of your life will
ripple out to all the others.
2. Set your parameters and
definitions about abundance.
One thing it seems that we miss
doing when it comes to abundance
is really define what abundance is
for us, especially when it comes to
money. We fear appearing greedy,
even to ourselves, when it comes to
defining what abundance or wealth
means. You need to know what
“enough” is and what “abundance”
is in order to know if you’re even in
a place of poverty. When you don’t
know what “enough” means for you,
how can you know if you an abundance or a lack? You can do this in
two ways - pick a number that just
feels right or do a whole process of
looking at your expenses each month
and determining how much above
that you wish to have each month.
Adjust your spending, thoughts and
language accordingly.
3. Change the way you talk.
Speaking of language, one of the
core aspects of poverty mindset is
how we talk, either to ourselves or
to other people when we’re talking
about money. We do this as well
with other areas of our lives, but we
do it especially in regard to money.
Changing the words you use around
money is hugely important. Rather
than saying “I can’t afford it” say “I
don’t have the money today but I
will in a few months”. Things like
“can’t afford it”, “don’t have the
money”, “I’m not rich so it’s not for
me” are all things that lead to a sense
of being held back or victimized.
The way you talk about yourself,
your money and your relationship
together determines what you’re going to perpetuate and attract. When
you’re always saying you can’t afford
anything you’re simply affirming
your own limitations and pretty
much talking yourself out of ever
being able to afford something, even
if in reality you can.
4. Change your financial
One thing that a lot of people who
have poverty and money mindset
issues do {and I know because I
used to do this myself} is have fear
around even looking at their finances
or sitting down to pay the bills. You
might have a habit of ignoring your
bank account until your absolutely
have to look at it or you might wait
to pay your bills until the last second
because the thought of sitting down
to do it makes your stomach turn.
Instead, make it a habit to face your
finances regardless of what the look
like. Look at your accounts daily or
every other day and balance things.
Don’t wait to look at your money
until it’s pay day or time to pay the
bills. When it does come time to pay
bills change your mindset here too.
Don’t see it as you “have to pay bills”
but that you “get to pay bills”. Be
grateful that you have the money to
cover your expenses and with each
payment you make affirm that this
money will come back to you ten
fold in time.
5. Don’t avoid your financial
If you have a time when you can’t
pay a bill, don’t freak out, just deal
with it. Everyone gets behind at
times or has something they can’t
cover. You’ll be surprised how
It’s really time to say “This
isn’t OK!” Believe me, I
know that turning around
these kinds of thought
patterns are not easy. I
grew up in a middle-class
family that wasn’t rich but
we weren’t poor either.
Despite that I grew up
with my mother being
very poverty minded always seeming jealous of
our more well-off relatives
{who were doctors, which
she wasn’t} or acting like
we never had enough.
This rubbed off on me
but I was lucky enough to
catch myself acting this
was in my mid-20s and being able to turn it around
quickly. I know it seems
too simple to be true, but
just changing how you
few money and how you
treat money will honestly
change how and how often money opportunities
show up in your life.
accommodating companies can be
when you reach out during times of
hardship. Did you know many car
finance companies will allow you
to defer one payment every 6 or 12
months? Many utility companies
are willing to work with you and
create payment plans when you get
behind as well. The problem is a lot
of people are either embarrassed
or ashamed, fearing judgement for
their situation. Rather than asking
for help they do nothing and try
to ignore the situation and hope it
goes away. When you accept and
acknowledge your financial problems
and reach out for help you can shift
your mindset knowing that you have
done all you can to help the situation.
When you ignore it you only build
up fear, worry and anticipation about
what will happen when it catches up
to you. The worst thing that can happen is someone says no, but at least
you don’t have that wonder in your
mind about “what if”. {Remember,
use these kinds of things for when
you really need them. Don’t do it just
because you can. This actually defeats your abundance mindset when
it’s not a true need or hardship.}
6. Change your environment
and living situation.
Your environment is everything. The
kind of space we’re in and the people
we’re around day in and day out have
a major impact on us energetically
and subconsciously. We are also
creatures of habit and have a tendency to simply carry on with what
we know. That means if you grew
up in poverty or with certain ideas
or habits around money, or even the
idea that wealth is a bad thing, you
will likely keep doing and believing
these things in your adult life until
you change them. Take a look at
your home, your living situation and
your overall environment. Do you
see poverty here or things that take
away for your ideas of abundance
and wealth? If you do, how can you
change it? Your environment should
reflect what you want more of in
your life, not the old way of thinking and living that you want to break
away from. This may even mean
looking to move to a different home
or neighborhood. It’s worth it to
make this change because it will shift
everything big time.
Find ways to “feel rich” in your life,
even if you’re on a “fake it ’till you
make it” path. By switching from a
poverty mindset to a wealth mindset
you change what you attract into
your life. You have to believe that
you’re worth that change and that
you deserve to have abundance and
wealth. This one shift will, no doubt,
start to turn everything else around.
J A N U A RY / 2 0 1 5
January not only brings us the Wolf Moon, but this month we’re
going to see Mercury go retrograde. But don’t freak out! Be sure
to check out the link to the Ultimate Guide to Mercury
Retrograde to help give you some simple guidance and thoughts
on how to navigate this astrological event that has people
typically freaking out.
ook out babes! Mercury goes
Retrograde this month. The preshadow begins on January 5th with
Mercury going fully retrograde on
January 21st. The retrograde ends
on February 11th and the postshadow ends when Mercury goes
fully direct again on March 3rd.
be more easily misunderstood.
We’ll feel the retrograde the strongest January 18-24 and February
The full moon this month will be
in Cancer on January 4th or 5th
{depending on your location}.
Mercury is going to move retrograde through all the air signs
which means there could be a
chance for an increase in ideas and
invocation and a chance to actually
communicate tricky ideas more
clearly. Ideas that are normally
seen as more complicated will
actually be helped a bit during
this retrograde. This will also be
a great time for communicating in
more abstract ways like though art
, symbols and imagery since during
Mercury retrograde words tend to
New Wolf Moon
This may also be a period where
your dreams seem to be full of
“downloads”, so be sure to keep a
dream journal handy this month.
Full Wolf Moon
The new moon this month will be
in Aquarius on January 20th or
21st {depending on your location}.
January Magic
sure to cleanse your crystal.
The Wolf Moon brings us a chance
to tap into two really important
aspects of ourselves - our wildness
and our intuition. For this month
we’re going to work on some wild
Take your candle and using your
pencil or knife carve into the candle
your name, your astrological symbol
and the image of an open eye looking out at your {this represents your
third eye being open}.
You’ll Need:
• A white candle with holder
{pillar, thick taper or a pull out
candle with glass jar are best}
• A small knife or pencil
• A piece of onyx, jet or garnet
{bigger palm sizes pieces are
best but anything will work}
• Anointing oil {pine or marjoram essential oil or a psychic/
intuition magical blend}
Anoint the candle with oil.
Place the candle in its holder. Place
your hands about half an inch away
from the sides of the candle. Feel
and visualize sending energy into
the candle and say:
Before doing your work, take your
candle and gently wipe it down with
some salt water to cleanse it and let
it air dry.
As this light shines
May the light of the Divine
Open and bless my Third Eye.
May my dreams be full of guidance,
May my sight be full of clarity.
May my divinations be on point,
May my Higher Self always show
me the way.
Also before doing your work be
Light your candle.
Place the crystal on your table in
front of the candle so some of the
candle light reflects off the surface.
Sit here in meditation for as long as
is comfortable. Breathe deeply and
open yourself up to receiving guidance and answers to any questions
you have. If you have any specific
meditation, journeying or trance
techniques that you enjoy use them
When you’re ready to wrap up, let
the candle burn down. Once the
candle has burned down the crystal
becomes a tool for capturing the
essence of diving deeply into your
intuition. When you want to tap
into your Third Eye and your intuition hold the stone and ask your
questions. If you have a palm sized
stone you can gaze on it like a magic
mirror and looking for answers that
rise to the surface for you.
is your guide to giving this Mercury Retro crap
the finger!
J A N U A RY / 2 0 1 5
During November and December I
didn’t have a lot of blogging going
on, mostly because I gave myself
a bit of a break to do some other
things...mostly enjoing the holidays and cooking like a mad
Thanksgiving and Christmas are the only times of year
that I really cook, which I know
sounds sort of ridiculous, but I like
cooking speical meals. Every day
dinner just bores the hell out of
me. Most days I’m content with
a bagged salad or a sub from
the sandwhich place across the
street. But the holidays? I’m
all about getting in my kitchen
Be that as it may, I did do a
little blogging in the last few
months and you may have
missed something. Click the
images to read the post.
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When I was working through
this month’s tarotscopes and
looking at what was coming
up in the skies for the month,
it seemed that there were
some themes that were kind
of common throughout the
month. Mainly letting go and
being ready to take on the new
year free and open.
When it comes to what we can sit in meditation on this month you
might find that taking time to really honor your accomplishments
while becoming receptive to new opportunities will be helpful.
For this, get into a space of relaxation and do a little deep breathing.
Feel yourself letting go of physical and mental tension. With your
eyes closed bring your awareness to the top of your head and slowly
feel your way down all the way to the tips of your toes. Any time
you start to feel tension, stop and breathe in deeply, visualizing your
breath going to that part of your body, and as you exhale feel the
knots of tension releasing.
When you’re relaxed, simply think about what you have completed
and accomplished with the end of 2014. Visualize all these things
creating a ball, each things entwined with the other, resting in the
center of your Solar Plexus. Once you see everything there, think to
Thank you for your gifts and blessings.
I honor you and I release you.
May you bring me even more blessings and
opportunities in the new year.
Then take a biiig deep breath, in through your nose,
filling your whole body. Hold it for a second or
two and when your ready release it with a sense of
force, pushing the air out through your mouth with
a sigh. As you do see the ball unraveling and breaking apart, each of your accomplishments floating
out into the Universe.
As you do this you’re sending your blessed accomplishments out
into the world to help attract more opportunities and more chances
for new success. You’re not really letting go of the positive aspects
of your success but rather sending that energy into the Universe to
work for you.
When you’re done say thank you three times, once to the Universe,
once to the Divine, and once to your Higher Self. Ground, center
and slowly stretch and open your eyes.
If you’re looking for some more meditation help this
month, you might want to check out my Road Opener Meditation Kit. This is exactly the kind of meditation work that is ideal for the Wolf Moon Month.
The Road Opener Meditation kit gives you a guided
medtiation MP3 to help you discover what blocks
are in your way and then helps you with letting them
go and energetically breaking up the block. You’ll
also receive a workbook with exercises, ritual work
and adidtional thoughts on working to really be free
of the things that are in your way.
Check it out here!
J A N U A RY / 2 0 1 5
A playlist of wintery songs
featuring Mumford & Sons, Fleet
Foxes, Tori Amos, Sea Wolf, Bon
Iver, Bat For Lashes and more.
Hear the playlist free on Spotify!
Click the button to hear it.
Granted we don’t have “snow
days” here in San Diego where I
am but my pull to fiction and humor books this time of the year
still stands.
During these darker, inner
months I tend to like fiction
and humor. It comes from
my days growing up in New
England where, at least when
I was little, winter often
came with a handful of snow
days. On those snow days I
would spend my time curled
up somewhere reading one
or three Sweet Valley High
books. {OMG, who remembers those?!? I read everyone
one, even the college years!}
I’ll admit that going into this
book I was totally biased because
I love Aasif Mandvi already. He’s
a great comedian, wonderful
storyteller and really funny actor. But I didn’t know anything
about him and this collection of
short essays reflecting on his life
growing up in an Indian community in Northern England and
then moving to America in the
80’s is both sweet and at times
laugh out loud funny. One story
in particular that he tells about
traveling around Florida with
his family, his father intent on
visiting every IHOP they came
across, was one I giggled all the
way through.
One thing I loved about the book
is that the essays are maybe 1015 turns in my Kindle which
made each one a great little bedtime story for a few weeks. It’s
not a heavy read by any means
but it will probably have you
reflecting back on similar times
in your own childhood and give
you some interesting cultural insights.
This month I totally suggest grooving out to the music
of Bastille!
These guys are fairly new, only on the music scene since
2010, but they are a great indie rock/electro group out
of England that combine catchy lyrics and vocals with
some great danceable music.
The band was originally a solo project by Dan Smith,
the group’s front man, who turned it into a full band in
2010 and have since blown up in the whole indie pop
scene and are now up for Best New Artist Grammy this
They have one album out right now called “Bad Blood”,
but they have an extended version called “All This Bad
Blood” which also features some killer remixes.
You can check out the video for their song Pompeii on
I know this is going to seem SO obvious but this is
a genuine, from the heart, recommendation. For
January I recommend seeing The Interview. If you
didn’t see it over Christmas rent it and watch it this
You know the premise - Seth Rogen and James
Franco are asked to assassinate Supreme Leader
Kim Jong-Un. And you should know what you’re
walking into. It’s a Seth Rogen and James Franco
movie. It’s not going to be a masterpiece of art
and cinema. It’s also not high brow satire either,
which is what I think a lot of people were somehow expecting. It’s 2 hours of juvenile humor
that takes on a really bizarre situation in the international world. No more, no less.
But those 2 hours, full of things like an opening
scene of a young girl singing “Die, America, Die.
It would fill my tiny heart with joy” to Kim JongUn and Franco’s Dave Skylark singing “Firework”
by Katy Perry and drinking margaritas together.
And the last 10-15 minutes are so outrageously
over the top…it’s just fantastic.
My inner 15 year old boy loved every minute of
it, but to be fair I’m a fan of Rogen/Franco movies. The Eminem scene…definitely my one of my
favorite parts.
Hey a little low brow fun is needed sometimes!
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Each month one of the things that I want to give you is a little something to
take away and do some reflecting with. Journaling is something that is really
like having a coaching session with your Higher Self…if you do it right. By
which I mean you just show up without any expectations or limitations. It’s
just you, your Higher Self and the Divine. That’s a trifecta of awesome!
So this month, since it’s January and time for getting things started all fresh
and new, I wanted to give you an exercise for determine where you need to
put your time and attention over the next few months. This isn’t about your
hopes and dreams for the months ahead but really looking at where you are
right now and seeing where you need to step up your game. So here we go!
The areas of life that we’re going to be examining
with this month’s exercise are:
Sex Life
You’ll be using these categories in the exercise. so get
out your journals and notebooks and let’s get into it!
For each of these areas of your life listed
Start by looking at the list I’ve given you. Are there
any areas not listed that you need to add? If there is
please add them to your list so you know you’re dealing with a complete overview of what your life is like.
Rate how satisfied you are with it right now, as it is
today, on a scale of 1 to 10.
Dig in and explain why you feel like you do. So if you
say something is a 2, why does it rate so low for you?
If it’s an 8, why does it rate so high? What’s working
and what’s not?
Decide if you’re really ready to work on changing this
area of your life if you feel it needs improvement.
You have to want to do it and you have to be committed. It’s completely OK to say no to something even
if it rates at a 1 on your scale. When you’re ready to
change it, you’ll know and you’ll really be ready. For
the areas you’re ready to change make a note that
you’re all in to do it.
In the box labeled Change and Actions write the area
of your life that you want to work on changing over
the new few months. For each one list 2 -3 action
steps you can take within these few months to move
your rating up by at least 2 points. We’re not trying
to go from a 2 to an 8 in a month. Slow and steady
wins the race! What do you need to do to move up 2
points in each area?
Get out a calendar or planner and start planning when
you’ll take action. If it’s planned out, you’ll do it!
Make sure that you set aside time during the month
to come back and peek at your list and your answers
to the questions. Have things changed? Are things
progressing? Be sure to give yourelf a check in.