Issue 2 - Rock Hill
Issue 2 - Rock Hill
ROCK HILL MIDDLE SCHOOL SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: Tomahawk Times V O L U M E 4 , I S S U E 2 O C T O B E R 3 1 , 2 0 1 1 The Rock Hill Band is currently taking fruit orders. Students will be taking orders now through November 7th. Students will pick up the fruit on December 3rd. Students will receive report cards on Friday, October 28th. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Rock Hill Parade 2 Teacher Interviews 2 RHHS Football 3 “Dear Wise One” 3 Open Gym 3 RHMS Volleyball Roster 4 iPad Lab 4 NJHS OSU Raffle 4 RHMS Junior Guard 5 7th Grade Field Trips 5 Redmen Rally 5 NJHS 6-7 Newspaper Staff 8 Carnival of Excellence On Friday, September 30th students at the Rock Hill Middle School were rewarded for receiving the school’s first Excellent Rating on the State Report Card with a “Carnival of Excellence.” Students were taken by grade level to the gym where they enjoyed cotton candy, candy and caramel apples, popcorn, inflatables, cake walks, and festival style game booths. By the looks on their faces it seemed as though everyone had a great time, including the teachers. The carnival, organized by Mrs. Fraley and Mrs. Gore, provided the students the chance to enjoy the result of their hard work on the state testing and it is hoped that they will try hard again this year to obtain the same result… or even better! A great big thanks to them and also to the National Junior Honor Society members who worked all the festival booths and put in a long day of volunteering. Congratulations RHMS!!!!!! Written by: Paige Aldridge, Makayla Lewis, Kayleigh Gullett, Katelyn Bryan Good Week Rock Hill! This week we have interviewed two sixth grade students, First we have Daron Dixon. Daron’s favorite teacher is Mr. Fuller. Daron also said his favorite subject would have to be Math. We asked, “Have you learned anything new this year?” Daron’s reply was, “A little bit.” Daron enjoys playing video games at home. Next we have Madison Hackworth. Madison’s favorite teacher is Mr. Kidd. Madison told us that her favorite subject was Computer Technology. When we asked Madison, If she had learned anything new this year? Her reply was, “Yeah, sort of.” Madison’s favorite activity at home would be babysitting her siblings. That would be all for this week!!! Written By: Brianna Caudill & Natalie Ison PAGE 2 Rock Hill Parade The Rock Hill Parade was held on the 29th of September. The Parade was for the High School Homecoming. Although it was to be held on the 23rd of September it was canceled due to the dreary weather, and had to be rescheduled for the 29th of September. Students who were in the parade: High School football team, High School cheerleaders, High School marching band, High School After School groups and clubs, Middle School football team, Middle School cheerleaders, Middle School marching band, Elementary football team, Elementary cheerleaders. when we get back to the High School after everyone has walked such a distance.” Written By: Savanna Johnson and Cheyanne Davis They started at the High School, walked to Middle School, then back to the High School, then down the hill to the Elementary, then back to the High School. Mr. Basham said “The road is going to be blocked off for us, and everybody is really tired Mr. Scythes GOOD LUCK TO ALL THOSE WHO PARTICIPATE!! Mr. Scythes, the 8th grade science teacher, is on his 7th year of teaching in the Rock Hill school district. Mr. Scythes started at Shawnee State and got one degree in chemistry before he got his education degree from Ohio University. He is currently covering space science which he tells me takes up at least 50 percent of the Ohio 8th grade science standards. His students seem very interested and excited about astronomy! Mr. Scythes says, “I am impressed this year with the students. It seems like they’re willing to be challenged, and are stepping up to the responsibilities of 8th graders.” the last couple years. As far as dates go, we do not have that set up yet but it will be very soon. By: Sarah Kidd The Science fair is coming up real soon! A lot of the students and staff are very excited because of Rock Hill’s success Mr. Jenkins Mr. Jenkins the 8th grade math teacher, has just finished with percent proportions and is moving into probability. “Students are making adequate progress; however, there is always room for more improvement. Most middle school students have wrong ideas about learning. They TOMAHAWK TIMES think it is something that happens to them, well it’s not . It takes a lot of effort,” says Mr. Jenkins. He went to college at Ohio University and graduated after 5 years. Before teaching 8th grade, he taught 6th grade math. He enjoys having 8th graders more than the 6th graders because of the little things. “When I first wanted to become a teacher, my dream was to teach algebra, and eighth grade standards cover that. Mr. Jenkins would also like to tell all his students that hair is over-rated. VOLUME 4, ISSUE 2 PAGE RHHS Football!! Go Rock Hill Redmen! Right now the Rock Hill High School football team has a 2-7 record, with their only wins being against Oak Hill, and South Point, The football team is having a lot of problems with injuries to key players. Mr. Blagg states, “Hopefully with the OVC play beginning our players will get healthy and we can make a run at a title.” Unfortunately for the Rock Hill High School football team we lost to Chesapeake on October 7th with a score of 40-12 that kicked us out of a run for a OVC title. The boys are putting in a lot of hard work and hopefully it will pay off on Fridays game when we play Coal Grove! THE TEAM MEMBERS ARE: Jonah Cox #3 Josh Delawder #5 Jesse Layne #8 Will McCollister #10 Ryan Depriest #11 Drew McClaskey #12 Chris Clemente #14 Jacob Malone #20 Austin Harper #22 Trey Wilds #23 Jared Bruce #24 Adam Dalton #25 Jordan Blagg #26 Brandon Blankenship #27 Shane Harper #32 Jordan Hairston #33 Collin Stevens #50 Seth Mannon # 53 Ethan Baker #56 Elijah Stevens #58 Andrew Schwab #60 Steven Carey #63 Josh Sisler # 65 Andy Knipp # 66 Andrew Nickell # 68 Austin Wilds # 74 Steve Moore # 75 Blaine McFann #76 Kendall Webb #77 Jason Hogsten #78 Tyler Knisley #79 “Dear Wise One” The newspaper students have come up with a new article that they would like to do for the newspaper, The article will be called “Dear Wise One,” Think of it like a Dear Abby or Dear Anne advice column. If students have any questions or concerns, they can write them down and put them in the “Dear Wise One” box in the library. The newspaper staff will get the questions out of the box, and we will submit answers to the students in the newspaper. Students, all questions or concerns must be school appropriate. Boys and Girls Open Gym Boys open gym days will be announced but will be after school from 3-4:30 or 4-6:30. Mr. Sark and Mr.Owens are in charge of the boys open gym. The boys get to divide into teams and play. Official basketball practice will not start till next month. Girls open gym days will also be announced and the times will be 34:30 or 4-6:30 (opposite the boys time). Mr. Bokovitz and Miss. Mootz are in charge of girls open gym. The girls will be doing drills to become better players and working on their conditioning. November 5th at Wellston and the girls’ previews will be on November 29th for the 8th grade and on the 30th for the 7th grade. Both games are at South Point. Official practice begins next week. The girls will have a scrimmage on If you come to open gym it does not mean you made the team. 3 PAGE 4 RHMS Volleyball 8th grade Sami Dillon #20 Abbie Marshall #00 Anna Darby #10 Riann Keating #52 Tylan Eastham #4 Kaci Russell #13 Makenzi Harrah #26 Kacie Blagg #7 Jenna Lane #11 Jessica Schweikart #17 McKenzee Delawder #25 Adriane Neal #2 Kenna Sites #12 Alaina Brown #19 Haley Keeton # 8 Cassidy Skeens #3 7th grade Jill Hairston #30 Elisabeth Wilds #14 Caitlynn Meadows #54 Talyn McKenzie # 33 Morgan Harper #15 Bekah Travis #35 Callie Layne #5 The New I-Pad Lab, With Mrs. Gannon!! This year a new kind of technology has been brought to Rock Hill. It is called the iPad lab. I interviewed one teacher that is using this technology. The teacher was Mrs. Gannon, a sixth grade language arts teacher. She “absolutely loves the iPad lab”. Mrs. Gannon thinks that having the iPad lab in our school is wonderful. Having the lab allows teachers the opportunity to integrate current technology into their curriculum. She would highly recommend the iPad lab to other teachers and other school districts. Mrs. Gannon does not think that the use of the iPads will be a distraction to the students. “Students are motivated and encouraged by using current technology. Students get excited when they learn they will be getting the opportunity to use something other than paper and pencil”. Using the iPads in her Reading class allows the students a chance to practice skills that she has taught in the classroom. “There are many apps to download that can assist in increasing a student’s reading, vocabulary, and spelling skills.” Mrs. Gannon’s only wish is that ALL students would have the opportunity to use the iPad tablet in their classrooms. It’s an engaging way to teach and to motivate students to learn. By: Brianna Caudill National Junior Honor Society OSU Raffle Rock Hill Middle School National Junior Honor Society students are selling raffle tickets for a tub filled with a multitude of Ohio State goodies. Items include a jersey, sweatshirts, T-shirts, cups, jewelry, car flags, pennants, garden TOMAHAWK TIMES flags and signs, a snuggie, gloves, and many other items. Items total a value of $250-300. Tickets are $1.00 each or six for $5.00 and may be purchased from any member or by calling the middle school. Jr. Honor Society students have decided to donate the proceeds from the raffle to Becky Wood who is undergoing treatment for breast cancer at this time. Becky is the daughter of Theresa Arden, a teacher at the middle school. VOLUME 4, ISSUE 2 PAGE RHMS Junior Guard This year the Junior Guard almost doubled in size going from 6 to 11 students. Mrs. Pemberton said “We are really excited about the turn out this year and we hope we double in size again next year.” Congratulations to the RHMS Cheyenne Hackworth Marching Band 7th Grade Whitney Maddy members for Emma Bare qualifying for Ally Stewert State Band Tylan Eastham Students in Junior Guard: Alexis Brammer 8th Grade Mckenzie Delawder finals!! Bailey Matney Cassidy Skeens Mackenzie Blankenship By: Cheyanne Davis and Savanna Johnson. Abigail Marshall 7th Grade Field Trips On Friday, October 14, the seventh grade students will be attending a play at the Paramount Arts Center entitled “I Never Saw Another Butterfly.” This play is based on the life of a teacher at the Terezin Concentration Camp during World War II. In preparation for this field trip, the students have been reading various nonfiction works, watching documentaries concerning Holocaust survivors, and researching through the use of several web-sites, in- cluding United States Holocaust Memorial Museum). Class wide, we are reading “Number the Stars” by Louis Lowry, “My Dog Lala” by Roman R. Kent, and “Survivors: True Stories of Children in the Holocaust” by Allan Zullo and Mara Bovsun. Our goal is to realize that even though unimaginable atrocities occur, the human spirit can and does triumph. The Redman Rally is on Friday, October 21, 2011. The events will be basketball, volleyball, karaoke, movies, music, Pente/board game, videogames, and kickball if the weather is good. (Further events might be added upon request.) By: Paige Aldridge & Makayla Lewis media_ph.php?MediaId=6974 Redmen Rally Information!! This is Mr. Owens’ first year coordinating the rally and he would like to say “Those who were well behaved during the nine weeks deserve a day of fun!” By: Ty Bronson 5 PAGE 6 National Junior Honor Society News The Rock Hill Middle School chapter of the National Junior Honor Society has had a very busy last few weeks. They helped sponsor, organize, and assisted at the “Carnival of Excellence” held for the student body in reward of the Excellent Rating on the State Report Card. They enjoyed their day working and were rewarded for their efforts with a pizza party given by Mr. Hairston. “The world is not interested in what we do for a living. What they are interested in is what we have to offer freely—hope, strength, love and the power to make a difference!’’ -Sasha Azevedo TOMAHAWK Making a Difference Six of the Jr. Honor Society students spent a Sunday afternoon volunteering with several Ohio State University students who are members of the group “The Committee of 88.” The two groups raked and cleaned up the yards of two local elderly citizens and cleaned and planted the flowerbed at the middle school. They are being rewarded with a lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings. TIMES VOLUME 4, ISSUE 2 PAGE Making a Difference cont. “We were taught to respect everyone, especially those Thank You who were elder and wiser than we were from whom we could One of the citizens was thankful for the students cleaning up her yard. She sent them the following thank you card. Thank you card learn.” --BeNeca Ward 7 Vision Statement Within five years, all students in our building will demonstrate, in a variety of ways, that they have achieved a high level of understanding of the mate- Rock Hill Middle School rial in each subject area. Students will be excited about learning and demonstrate this by their in- 2171 County Road 26 Ironton, OH 45638 creased attendance and will be a source of encour- Phone: 740-532-7026 caring, nurturing individuals who are committed to Fax:740-532-7028 continual personal development that enhances their agement for each other. Our Staff will be a group of instructional effectiveness. The school will be a safe, We’re on the Web! Go to and click on the Middle School link. structured, comfortable and accepting environment that embraces all students in ways that promote equality, communication, understanding and individuality. Students will have a sense of pride and respect for themselves, others, and will demonstrate a joy in being part of our learning family. Newspaper Staff This is the first time that 8th graders are getting the chance to help publish a school newspaper. I spoke with Devon Avery and Paige Aldridge and they said they enjoy writing for the newspaper and that it’s fun to go to teachers and collect articles for the newspaper. The teacher, Mrs. Hairston, likes it because it’s the first time she doesn’t have to do it by herself. The students working on the newspaper include: Paige Aldridge, Makayla Lewis, Kayleigh Gullett, Katelyn Bryan, Devon Avery, Josh Bronson, Ty Bronson, Brianna Caudill, Cheyanne Davis, Rebecca Deborde, Marissa Jenkins, Savanna Johnson, and Sarah Kidd. I will have more interviews with other newspaper staff in upcoming newspapers. By: Kayleigh Gullett Paige Aldridge and Devon Avery