syngo® Imaging - Alvarado Hospital Medical Center
syngo® Imaging - Alvarado Hospital Medical Center Page 1 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM syngo® Imaging Quick Reference syngo Imaging Software Version V30B and later Page 2 Monday, July 28, 2008 1:03 PM The software described herein is CE-compliant in accordance with Directive MDD 93/42/EEC Appendix II of June 14th, 1993. Whenever the hardware is supplied by us and is labeled accordingly, then this is also CE-compliant in accordance with EMCD 89/336/EEC and, if applicable, in accordance with LVD 73/23/EEC Siemens reserves the right to modify the design and specifications contained herein without prior notice. Some of the specifications described herein may not be currently available in all countries. Please contact your local Siemens Sales representative for the most current information. All product denominations and company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of the corresponding companies. Legal Manufacturer Global Business Unit Address syngo® Imaging Siemens AG Wittelsbacherplatz 2 80333 Munich Germany 2 Siemens AG, Medical Solutions Image and Knowledge Management Henkestr. 127 91052 Erlangen Germany Siemens Answers for life. © 2008 Siemens AG Order No. P01-103.623.01.01.02 Page 3 Monday, June 23, 2008 3:19 PM Contents Introduction........................................5 Getting Started ...................................7 Starting the program and logging on.... 7 Functions and tools.............................. 9 Closing the program .......................... 11 Patient List........................................12 Opening and hiding the patient list .... 12 Structure of the patient list................. 13 Function overview (toolbar icons) ...... 14 Status information ............................. 15 Searching for patient data .................. 17 Retrieving data from other nodes ....... 20 Loading images ................................. 22 Conference Worklist ..........................24 Opening the conference worklist........ 24 Working with conference worklists ..... 24 Studio...............................................26 Structure of the Studio ....................... 26 Displaying images .............................. 27 Scrolling ............................................ 30 Windowing ........................................ 33 Zooming and panning images............ 34 Evaluating images.............................. 35 Key images ........................................ 37 Patient jacket ..................................... 38 Saving your data and closing the examination ...................................... 39 Loading images for postprocessing..... 40 Configuration panel ........................... 42 Smart Select ...................................... 43 Tool cards .......................................... 44 Keyboard Configuration ..................... 45 Order Form .......................................47 Index ................................................51 syngo® Imaging Configuration ...................................42 3 syngo® Imaging Page 4 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM 4 Page 5 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Introduction syngo Imaging is a PACS for viewing, processing, reading, reporting, communicating, distributing, storing and archiving digital radiological images, including digital mammography images. Workplaces syngo Imaging provides different workplaces, tailored to your individual requirements. ❏ syngo Studio workplaces are ideal for the radiology department. They provide all functions required to process, report on, and transfer radiological images. ❏ web-based syngo Studio is a workplace for viewing radiological images and reports inside wards and at general practitioners' practices. ❏ syngo Studio Advanced workplaces allow you to integrate the following additional applications: for example, Filming, syngo WebSpace, syngo 3-D, syngo Image Fusion or syngo FlyThrough. Integration with syngo Workflow (RIS) For detailed description about syngo Imaging and syngo Workflow please refer to the Online Helps and the manuals of the products concerned. syngo® Imaging syngo Studio and syngo Workflow Browser or the syngo portals can be integrated on your workplace. PACS and RIS are then combined to a single application. Several monitors can also be connected. 5 Page 6 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM syngo® Imaging Introduction 6 Page 7 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Getting Started Starting the program and logging on Starting syngo Studio and syngo Studio Web 1. Double-click the icon on your desktop. The logon dialog box opens. 2. In the logon dialog box, enter your user name and password, and click OK. syngo® Imaging The Studio (→ Page 26) task card opens. If configured, the Patient list (→ Page 12) also opens. 7 Page 8 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Getting Started Starting syngo Studio Advanced ✧ Start up the computer. As soon as the system has started up, the logon dialog box for syngo Studio Advanced opens. Autostart of syngo Imaging when working in the RIS You are working in your RIS application (e.g. syngo Portal Radiologist) and would like to view images of a patient examination. ✧ Start working on a chosen examination in the RIS worklist. syngo Imaging starts automatically. The selected data are loaded into the Studio task card. syngo® Imaging Emergency access to syngo Imaging is available for urgent cases. Ask your system administrator for the user data. 8 Page 9 Wednesday, June 25, 2008 2:09 PM Getting Started Functions and tools The functions and tools provided by syngo Imaging can be called up in a number of different ways: ❏ via the menu items, ❏ via icons, ❏ with keyboard shortcuts, ❏ via the context menu, ❏ via Smart Select. Menu All the functions of a particular task card are to be found in the menu bar. Icons If you point onto an icon with the mouse, a tool tip provides information about the function of that icon: Context menu The context menu appears when you operate the right mouse button. The context menu offers a selection of functions that refer to the operating mode and tool with which your are currently working. syngo® Imaging This Quick Reference concentrates on describing operation using icons. 9 Page 10 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Getting Started Shortcuts and function keys You can work particularly efficiently with key shortcuts and function keys. Configure your own key shortcuts for this (→ Page 45). Examples: to update the patient list or to save your changes. Smart Select Smart Select is designed to speed up and simplify your work in the Studio. You can quickly switch between the most important functions simply by dragging the mouse. Press the right mouse button for about a second and start a function by selecting one of the points of the utility. You can start the functions that you assigned to the four main directions even quicker. syngo® Imaging Keep the right mouse button pressed while moving the mouse in one of the main directions. 10 Configure your own personal Smart Select utility (→ Page 43). Ending a function/mode Press the key to end an activated function. Page 11 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Getting Started Online Help The available functions are described in the Online Help of syngo Imaging: ✧ Press the keys + to start the context sensitive online help (mouse cursor: ) and click an icon or menu item. Closing the program 1. Choose the Options > End session menu item. 2. In the End session dialog box, click the Log-off icon. syngo® Imaging + + 11 Page 12 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Patient List You use the patient list to manage patient data, studies, and series. You can open the patient list from any task card. Opening and hiding the patient list To open the patient list: ✧ Click the Patient list icon. You can hide the patient list while you are working in the Studio: ✧ In the title bar of the patient list, click the Close icon. Specify whether the patient list is to be automatically hidden or shown again after you have loaded or closed images. syngo® Imaging User preferences 12 Page 13 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Patient List Structure of the patient list Toolbar Report Area / Series List ❏ In the Toolbar, you can start the functions of the patient list by clicking them. ❏ In the Filter and Search Area, you can confine the patient list display according to different criteria. ❏ In the Worklist, the patients/examinations are listed and sorted according to the filter criteria you have set. ❏ The report text of the marked examination is displayed in the Report Area. ❏ The image series of the examinations you selected are listed in the Series List. Select the Report Area and Series List using the tab cards. If the list is sorted according to patient data, the entries can be expanded. Click to list the examinations of a particular patient. syngo® Imaging Worklist Filter and Search Area 13 Page 14 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Patient List Function overview (toolbar icons) You can open all the functions of the patient list via the toolbar: Refresh the worklist. Load selected data. Opens the images of the examination in the Studio. Add the selected data to the conference worklist. Delete selected data (for authorized users only). Load images for postprocessing: Loads images or series onto a card for postprocessing (syngo Studio Advanced only). Query data: Retrieves images from other DICOM nodes. Send data: Sends the selected data to any DICOM nodes. Network job control: Opens the dialog box for controlling your retrieve and prefetch jobs. Opens the Media Browser (syngo Studio Advanced only). Switches over to the Conference worklist view. syngo® Imaging Opens the User preferences dialog box, where you configure the patient list. 14 Opens Help. Page 15 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Patient List Status information Icons indicate the current status of an examination, series, or images: For examinations New. The examination has been completed at the imaging modality and is ready for quality assurance. Prepared. The images have been prepared for reporting. Reported. A report has been drawn up for these images. Signed off. The report for these images has been completed and signed off. Emergency. This examination should be given top priority. A report is available for this examination. The examination has been completed in the imaging modality; all series have been stored in syngo Imaging. The series of this examination have not yet been completely stored. But you can now start image processing. Due to a transmission error the images of this examination are not available. Planned. This workflow step is planned. In progress. Images of the examination are currently being processed by another user. You can also process these images, but you cannot save your changes. Interrupted. The workflow step (not the images) has been deleted. You can drag the columns of the patient list to another position using the mouse so that, for example, the icons are at the beginning of the list. syngo® Imaging ““ 15 Page 16 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Patient List For series and images New images are available for the series. Number of images in the series. Number of available series. Number of the series. syngo® Imaging The patient, the examination, or the series has been transferred to a conference worklist. 16 Page 17 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Patient List Searching for patient data The patient list includes filter and search functions for finding images and patient data quickly. The scrolling and sorting operations follow the Windows standard. You can also retrieve patient data from other DICOM nodes. Filtering Filters limit the display of data in the patient list. To do this, select the Filter option. ❏ To apply a predefined filter, select one from the filter list. ❏ To define new filters and edit existing . The Filter Settings dialog Either select the filter name that you want to edit or choose New and define your filter criteria. syngo® Imaging filters, click box opens: 17 Page 18 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Patient List With Apply you apply the new settings, but the dialog box remains open. Only when you click Save will your new filter be saved. Define the filter you use most frequently as your standard filter. It will be automatically applied when you start the patient list. User preferences If you additionally want to display data sets that do not meet the filter criteria, select the Show all procedures checkbox. The examinations that meet your filter criteria will then be displayed in bold type. The patient list is automatically updated at certain intervals. If you do not immediately find data recently received, update manually: Refresh worklist Searching syngo® Imaging You can search through the patient list using different criteria. To do this, select the Search option. 18 ❏ Select a search criterion from the selection list on the left. ❏ Enter a search term in the field on the right. ❏ Click the icon. Page 19 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Patient List Start your search term with an asterisk (*) to search for data sets that do not start with your search term, but contain it. The entire database is searched. All data sets that meet your search criteria are displayed in the patient list. You can define additional search criteria in the user preferences on the Search tab card. User preferences Sorting You can sort the list. 1. To sort entries alphabetically or chronologically, click the title of the column by which you want to sort: = sort in ascending order = sort in descending order syngo® Imaging 2. If the list is sorted by patient name, enter the first letter of the patient you are looking for. The first patient name that starts with this letter is marked in the list. 19 Page 20 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Patient List Retrieving data from other nodes To retrieve data from other DICOM nodes, click Query data. The Query dialog box opens. Select the DICOM node from which you want to query data. Enter your search criteria. Use the buttons to show more search criteria for examinations and series. To query the data of a particular patient, mark that patient in the patient list and click Query data. The Query dialog box is then filled with data of that patient. syngo® Imaging All the patients, examinations, or series that meet your search criteria are displayed in a new dialog box: 20 Select an entry and click Query. Page 21 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Patient List The images are stored in the syngo Imaging Data Manager. Press the display. key to update the patient list syngo® Imaging In the Network job status dialog box, you can monitor and control your network jobs. Network job control 21 Page 22 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Patient List Loading images Once you have found the series you are looking for, load your images in the Studio task card. syngo Studio Advanced: You can also load the images in an application for postprocessing (→ Page 40). To display the images of a series in the Studio, select the series in the patient list and click the Load selected data icon. The image text shows both the name and the number (ID) of the patient. You can again make sure that you have loaded the correct patient. You can also load incomplete examinations into the Studio. Start by processing the images that have arrived and reload the examination when it is complete. If several users access the same examination simultaneously, only the user who first loaded the examination can save changes. All other users can edit the images of the examination, but they cannot save their changes. syngo® Imaging Avoid unnecessary blocking of image data by always unloading data that you no longer need. 22 If Options > Loading of flagged images only is marked in the Studio, only reportrelevant images (→ Page 37) will be loaded. Page 23 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Patient List Taking account of the archive status Before you load a series look at its archive status: ❏ Archive status Offline: The images are located on an external data medium. You must insert this data medium before you can import the images into the syngo Imaging Data Manager. ❏ Archive status Nearline: The images are located in the long-term archive. Choose Prefetch from the context menu to transfer the data into the short-term archive. ❏ Archive status Online: The images have been imported in full and can be loaded into the Studio as described above. syngo® Imaging The archive status of a particular series in the series list is indicated in the Archive status column. 23 Page 24 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Conference Worklist In the conference worklist you organize selected patient data for your teaching and demonstration requirements. The conference worklists present an alternative view of the same data. The data are still available for processing in the patient list. Opening the conference worklist To switch from the patient list to the conference worklist, click the Open conference worklist icon. To return to the standard view, click the Open patient list icon. Working with conference worklists In the conference worklists, you order patients, examinations, and series in the sequence in which you want to discuss them. syngo® Imaging When you open the conference worklist, the last conference worklist to be loaded is displayed. 24 Creating a new conference worklist ❏ In the standard view, select the data you wish to include and click New conference. ❏ Enter a name for the new conference worklist and confirm with OK. Page 25 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Conference Worklist Adding examinations to conference worklists In the standard view you can add patients, examinations, or series to a conference worklist. Click the Add to conference worklist icon or choose the item from the context menu. Editing existing conference worklists ❏ You can resort the examinations within a conference worklist. ❏ You can remove examinations from the conference worklist. ❏ You can move or copy examinations from syngo® Imaging one conference worklist to another. 25 Page 26 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Studio Structure of the Studio The Studio is used to view, process, and evaluate radiological images. Menu Bar Control Area Display Area ❏ In the Menu Bar, you activate tools and functions. ❏ The Control Area contains the Token syngo® Imaging (preview of series) and Tools (fast access to functions) tab cards. 26 You can hide the Control Area or display it on any other side of the Studio. This is done by left-clicking between the Display Area and Control Area and dragging it to the right, left, up or down. ❏ You can view the images in the Display Area. The images are distributed into segments. Page 27 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Studio Displaying images Intelligent Display Layouts The images are displayed in a suitable intelligent display layout. syngo Imaging automatically selects a suitable layout – suitable for the imaging system you are using, the number of monitors, and the region of the body examined. Examples: Proc. 2 Proc. 2 Proc. 2 Proc. 2 Procedure 1 Proc. 1 Proc. 2 Proc. 3 Proc. 3 Proc. 1 Proc. 2 Proc. 3 Proc. 3 Configure your own intelligent layout to adapt the way your images are displayed optimally to your requirements. Intelligent Layout Wizard Not all loaded series are displayed concurrently in the Display Area. Using the mouse, drag a thumbnail from the Token card of the Control Area into an image segment to display the series there. syngo® Imaging Thumbnail images 27 Page 28 Monday, June 23, 2008 3:19 PM Studio When you move the mouse across a thumbnail, a description of the series, the series number and number of images are displayed. The background color of the thumbnail indicates which series is currently displayed: light background: series visible in display area dark background: series not visible in display area Information on images Images that are marked by a yellow warning triangle have been compressed by a lossy method. syngo® Imaging The diagnostic quality of lossy compressed images may be impaired. Therefore these images should not be used for primary diagnosis. 28 Images that bear a flag symbol have been marked as relevant to reporting. Page 29 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Studio Display modes The mode in which images are displayed is initially defined in the display layout. You can subsequently change the display mode in the context menu. ❏ As an image strip: The images are positioned side by side. 1 3 2 4 One image per segment ❏ As an image stack: Images are stacked on syngo® Imaging top of each other. You can scroll through the series with the dog-ear. 4 4 3 3 One series per 2 2 1 segment 1 29 Page 30 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Studio Scrolling syngo Imaging offers several methods for scrolling through images in the display area. Scrolling using icons Go to first/last image Go to first/last segment Go to next/previous image Go to next/previous series Go to next/previous page Go to next/previous patient Scrolling through an image stack ❏ Scroll through an image stack by clicking syngo® Imaging the dog-ear in the top right corner of the image. 30 ❏ With the mouse, drag the scroll bar next to an image stack to scroll through the stack. ❏ Move the mouse over a segment and scroll through the image stack with the mouse wheel. Page 31 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Studio Displaying images dynamically In cine mode and movie mode, you scroll through a series like through a flipbook. You specify the speed for scrolling. Cine mode: You control scrolling by dragging with the mouse. Movie mode: syngo Imaging scrolls automatically from image to image. To accelerate the dynamic display, hide all graphics and image text in the Movie preferences dialog box. Use the mode. key to close movie mode and cine Cross reference function You can show cut lines on a reference image for the images of a CT or MR series. Load at least two series into the Studio. The images of one series must cut the images of the other series. Image stacks of the series Reference image with cut lines syngo® Imaging Click the Start/stop cross reference icon. 31 Page 32 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Studio The cut line that indicates the current image is shown in a color. ❏ Continuous cut line: The image is orthogonal to the reference image. ❏ Broken line: The image is not orthogonal to the reference image. To display a particular image of a series, choose Track slices from the context menu and click the line that belongs to the image you want to display. Click Start/stop cross reference again or press the key to exit the mode. Comparing series synchronously If you want to compare different series of the same patient, you can link the series. You then scroll simultaneously through all linked series. You can use synchronization, for example, to compare ❏ Series with and without contrast medium. ❏ Series of the current examination with series of a previous examination. Mark the series that you wish to compare and scroll to the starting image in each. syngo® Imaging Click the Synchronize selected icon. 32 Now scroll simultaneously through all series. Page 33 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Studio Windowing You use Windowing to adapt the brightness and contrast of an image. Different functions are available to you for windowing: Window values are predefined for every modality. You can apply them with Window presets. You can modify and expand predefined window values. You can set window values manually with the Interactive windowing function. Keeping the left mouse button pressed, move the mouse ❏ horizontally to change the contrast. ❏ vertically to change the brightness. You can also change window values by pressing the center mouse button or the mouse scroll wheel. The Auto windowing function applies optimized window values to images you select. W (width) represents the contrast, and C (center) the brightness. syngo® Imaging The current window values are displayed in the image text bottom right: 33 Page 34 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Studio Zooming and panning images If you want to magnify a detail of interest in an image or modify the image section, use the following functions: Using the Magnifying glass, you can temporarily magnify a small section of the image. Blow up displays the selected image in the size of the display area. With Acquisition size, you show the selected images in their original resolution. This makes graphic and textual annotations particularly easy to see. With Magnify ROI, you can magnify an image area on all selected images. (ROI = region of interest.) Zoom/Pan allows stepless scaling and panning with the mouse. syngo® Imaging The zoom factor is displayed in the image text top left: 34 Thus you can precisely interpret the image size at every magnification stage. Page 35 Monday, June 23, 2008 3:19 PM Studio Evaluating images syngo Imaging provides extensive support to the radiologist with evaluation of images. Perform measurements and add annotations to the images. The measuring precision is heavily dependent on the modality in which the images were created. The Label image function allows you to place text annotations in an image. The Measure angle function allows you to calculate the angle between two lines that you draw with the mouse. Angle The Distance function allows you to measure the distance between two points that you define with the mouse. As of V31A, you can calibrate the distance line for an object with known size for projection images such as ultrasound (US) or digital radiography (DR). syngo® Imaging Text annotation 35 Page 36 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Studio With the Pixel lens, you determine the current density/grayscale value at the position of the mouse cursor. Click to place a measuring point which is then displayed permanently. Length Grayscale value Define an image area (ROI) and evaluate it. Example: Rectangle ROI. For this ROI, the area, the minimum and maximum grayscale value, the number of pixels, and the averaging value/standard deviation of the grayscale values are displayed. The displayed value selection can be configured. Rectangle syngo® Imaging Ellipse 36 Circle, rectangle, ellipse, and freehand line ROIs are available. Page 37 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Studio Key images During reporting you have the opportunity of marking particular images as relevant to your report. This allows your colleagues and referring physicians to recognize immediately which images are considered relevant to reporting. Images relevant to reporting are marked in the display area and on the thumbnails by a flag symbol. Press the space bar to flag individual images. This will significantly reduce the time it takes to load images. syngo® Imaging You can also use this labeling to load only relevant images (menu Options > Loading of flagged images only). 37 Page 38 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Studio Patient jacket The Patient jacket lists all the examinations and reports of the loaded patient. It is useful for comparison purposes. ❏ On the Tokens tab card, you can see a preview of each of the series contained in the examination. Drag a thumbnail image into the Studio to display the series. ❏ On the Reports tab card, you can see the syngo® Imaging report texts that belong to the selected examination. Click the icon to load the report and print it out. 38 Page 39 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Studio Saving your data and closing the examination Once you have completed the examination, save your data and close the examination. If you want to save your changes, click Save. To complete the examination, once you have saved your changes, click Close all. You can then decide whether you want to complete the current workflow step or not. Choose an option and click OK to confirm. If the images of another patient are loaded, the examination of the patient currently loaded is automatically closed. The default close options are applied. Then you close an examination with Close all, apply defaults. syngo® Imaging If you frequently use the same options to close, you can define default close options. 39 Page 40 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Studio Loading images for postprocessing At your syngo Studio Advanced workplace, you can load images into applications to postprocess them. To find out about licenses please contact your Siemens sales partner. Select data in the patient list and click the arrow next to the Loading images for postprocessing icon. Select an application from the list (example): The various applications available for postprocessing are described briefly below. syngo® Imaging syngo 3-D 40 You process volume data sets of different modalities. For example, you can render images as Multiplanar Reconstructions (MPR), Shaded Surface Displays (SSD), or Maximum Intensity Projections (MIP). syngo 3-D can be extended by the following options: ❏ With syngo 3-D Bone Removal, you can hide bone in CT data sets. ❏ With syngo 3-D VRT (Volume Rendering Technique), you can render CT and MR data sets in high quality down to the finest detail. ❏ With syngo Image Fusion, you can compare two 3D data sets of a single patient—even of different modalities. Page 41 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Studio ❏ With syngo FlyThrough you can move virtually through hollow structures, such as the bronchial system or arteries. ❏ With the two-monitor license you can work in comparison mode (parallel display of two series) or in blow-up mode (magnification of the image currently displayed on the second monitor). syngo Filming You output images onto film or paper. The virtual film sheet permits a 1:1 preview and allows you to make changes interactively. syngo TrueD Compare studies of different modalities that were acquired at different times, for example, the images of a patient before and after treatment. syngo Colonography You perform volumetric examinations of colon lesions and monitor the changes over time. The size, shape and position of individual areas can be clearly interpreted. You can process the images of a patient in several task cards at once. syngo® Imaging When saving changes or results in an additional task card, a new series will be created. 41 Page 42 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Configuration Configuration panel To speed up your daily work, adapt your syngo Imaging workplace to your individual requirements. Settings are user-specific and usually independent of the workplace. ✧ Choose the Options > Studio configuration menu item on the Studio task card. The configuration platform opens. This is where you configure basic functions of the patient list and the Studio. syngo® Imaging The configuration of especially effective functions are described here by way of example. 42 Page 43 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Configuration Smart Select Change the assignment of the Smart Select utility by adding functions or changing existing assignments. ✧ Click Smart Select configuration. The Smart Select configuration dialog box opens. Here you can see a preview of the current Smart Select assignment. In the upper section of the dialog box you define whether Smart Select is to be activated and whether the Smart Select utility is to contain four or eight tools. To add new icons ❏ Click the Toolbox button. ❏ Drag an icon from the toolbox onto one of the points of the utility. To swap two existing icons ❏ Drag an icon onto the position of the other Assign your most frequently used functions to the main orientations. You will later be able to access these functions by moving the mouse in this direction (while keeping the right mouse button pressed). syngo® Imaging icon. 43 Page 44 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Configuration Configuration Tool cards Select the icons that are to be displayed on the Tools card in the Studio. ✧ Open the Toolbox dialog box. It shows the icons that are available for your user profile. ❏ To add an icon to a tool card, drag an icon onto it. ❏ To remove an icon from a tool card, drag the icon back into the toolbox. ❏ You can rearrange icons within the tool card using drag & drop. syngo® Imaging While you are working in the Studio you can open the toolbox by right-clicking the tool card. 44 Page 45 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Configuration Keyboard Configuration You can speed up your workflow further by assigning frequently used functions to function keys or key shortcuts. ✧ Open the Keyboard configuration dialog box. Here you define the keyboard shortcuts for patient list and Studio on the relevant tab card. Click Toolbox. All the tool icons available in your user profile are displayed. 1. Pull an icon onto the free field top right in the dialog box. 2. Press a function key or enter a key shortcut. 3. Confirm with OK. syngo® Imaging Keys such as and + + are reserved and cannot be assigned to a function. 45 Page 46 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM syngo® Imaging Configuration Configuration 46 Page 47 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Order Form Contact and order form Do you have any ideas, comments, or suggestions for making this documentation more user friendly? Please contact: Siemens AG, Healthcare Sector [email protected] syngo® Imaging We look forward to receiving your feedback. 47 Page 48 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Order Form Would you like to order additional copies of this Quick Reference? If so, please contact your Siemens sales partner or copy this page and fax it to Siemens Healthcare. Siemens Healthcare, Technical Communication Fax No.: (+49) - (0)9131 / 84-4514 Please send me _____ copies of Quick Reference syngo Imaging V30B in English. Order number: P01-103.623.01.01.02 This Quick Reference is also available in German. Please send me _____ copies of Quick Reference syngo Imaging V30B in German. Order number: P01-103.623.01.01.01 My comments and suggestions: _______________________________________ _______________________________________ syngo® Imaging _______________________________________ 48 _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Please also send me information material about other syngo software products. Page 49 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Order Form Name of my institution _______________________________________ Name _______________________________________ Department _______________________________________ Function _______________________________________ Telephone number _______________________________________ Fax number _______________________________________ Email address _______________________________________ Street/P.O. Box _______________________________________ Postal code/City _______________________________________ Country Date _______________________________________ Signature _______________________________________ syngo® Imaging _______________________________________ 49 Page 50 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM syngo® Imaging Notes 50 Page 51 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Index A Archive status ........................................ 23 B Blow up ................................................. 34 C Cine mode ............................................. 31 Clinical conference ................................. 24 Clinical round ......................................... 24 Close all ................................................. 39 Closing a procedure ............................... 39 Closing the program ............................... 11 Comparing procedures ........................... 38 Comparing series ................................... 32 Compression .......................................... 28 Conference worklist ............................... 24 Configuration Panel ............................... 42 Keyboard configuration .................... 45 Smart Select ..................................... 43 Tool cards ......................................... 44 Context menu .......................................... 9 Cross reference function ......................... 31 Cut lines ................................................ 31 D DICOM nodes ......................................... 20 Display mode ......................................... 29 Dog-ear .................................................. 29 Emergency access .................................... 8 Ending the session ................................. 11 Evaluation .............................................. 35 F Flag ....................................................... 37 Function key ....................................10, 45 syngo® Imaging E 51 Page 52 Monday, June 23, 2008 3:19 PM Index G Grayscale value ...................................... 36 I Icons ........................................................ 9 In images and series ......................... 16 In procedures ................................... 15 Image stack ............................................ 29 Image strip ............................................. 29 Images Evaluating ........................................ 35 Loading (postprocessing) .................. 40 Loading (Studio) .........................22, 27 Magnifying ....................................... 34 Marking ............................................ 37 Panning ............................................ 34 Intelligent display layouts ....................... 27 K Key images ......................................22, 37 Keyboard configuration .......................... 45 L Licenses ................................................. 40 Loading an incomplete procedure ........... 22 Loading nearline data ............................. 23 Loading offline data ............................... 23 Logging off ............................................ 11 Logging on .............................................. 7 syngo® Imaging M 52 Magnifying glass .................................... 34 Measurement ......................................... 35 Measuring angles ................................... 35 Measuring length ................................... 35 Menu ....................................................... 9 Movie mode ........................................... 31 O Online Help ............................................ 11 Page 53 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Index P Patient jacket ......................................... 38 Patient list Filtering ............................................ 17 Functions ......................................... 14 Opening and hiding .......................... 12 Searching for data ............................ 17 Sorting ............................................. 19 Status information ............................ 15 Structure .......................................... 13 Pixel lens ................................................ 36 Postprocessing ...................................5, 40 R Radiologist ............................................. 35 Reference image .................................... 31 Referring physician .............................5, 37 Reporting ............................................... 37 Retrieving data ....................................... 20 ROI ..................................................34, 36 Save ....................................................... 39 Saving data ............................................ 39 Scrolling through images ........................ 30 Shortcuts .........................................10, 45 Smart Select ........................................... 10 Configuration Panel .......................... 43 Starting the program ................................ 7 Studio Display mode .................................... 29 Display of images .............................. 27 Scrolling through images .................. 30 Structure .......................................... 26 Synchronizing ........................................ 32 T Text annotation ...................................... 35 Thumbnail images .................................. 27 Tool cards .............................................. 44 syngo® Imaging S 53 Page 54 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Index W Workplaces .............................................. 5 Z syngo® Imaging Zooming ................................................ 34 54 Page 55 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM Page 56 Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:22 PM © Siemens AG 2008 Order No. P01-103.623.01.01.02 Printed in Germany 06/2008 Global Business Unit Address Global Siemens Headquarters Global Siemens Healthcare Headquarters Siemens AG Wittelsbacherplatz 2 80333 Munich Germany Siemens AG Healthcare Sector Henkestr. 127 91052 Erlangen Germany Telephone: +49 9131 84-0 Siemens AG, Medical Solutions Image and Knowledge Management Henkestr. 127 91052 Erlangen Germany Telephone: +49 9131 84-0
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