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February 2006 Free ifestyle m a g a z i n e In this issue… Tips for the Perfect Valentine’s Day Survey Results ...and More PART OF OUR COMMUNITY PART OF YOUR LIFE Take a closer look at Sleeping Are you suffering from a sleeping problem that interfered with work, driving or social activities this year? Don’t think you’re alone, over 60 million Americans are suffering with you. The most common symptoms are loud snoring, waking up snorting or gasping for breath, suddenly falling asleep during the day and experiencing crawling, prickling or tingling sensations in your legs. Fortunately, Fauquier Hospital’s Sleep Diagnostic Center can help put an end to your sleepless nights. Housed in the Warrenton Professional Center, the Center resembles an upscale hotel outfitted with innovative, diagnostic instruments and staffed by Certified Sleep Technicians. For more information on the Sleep Diagnostic Center, or any of the 150 physicians that practice at Fauquier Hospital, contact Physician Referral Call Center at 540.349.0588. 540.349.0588 • www.fauquierhospital.org 2 FH Sleep 4/C Ad 1 11/8/05 L 6:16:24 PM Warrenton ifestyle February 2006 3 LOVE R BOY KIS S ME AS IF YOU ROCK Publishers Tony & Holly Tedeschi for Piedmont Press & Graphics [email protected] Advertising Mitchell Morton [email protected] Warrenton Lifestyle Magazine c/o Piedmont Press & Graphics 404 Belle Air Lane Warrenton,Virginia 20186 540.347.4466 Ph 540.347.9335 Fx www.piedmontpress.com For general inquiries, advertising, editorial, listings or technical support: E: [email protected] Tel: 540.347.4466 Fax: 540.347.9335 Editorial & Advertising office, open 8:00 am to 5:30 pm Monday to Friday: 404 Belle Air Lane, Warrenton, VA 20186 The Warrenton Lifestyle Magazine is published monthly and distributed to all its advertisers and selected addresses. While reasonable care is taken with all material submitted to The Warrenton Lifestyle Magazine, the publisher cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to any such material. Opinions expressed in articles are strictly those of the authors. While ensuring that all published information is accurate, the publisher cannot be held responsible for any mistakes or omissions. Reproduction in whole or part of any of the text, illustration or photograph is strictly forbidden. ©2006 Piedmont Press & Graphics Printed in Warrenton, Virginia. USA MY WAY 2000 HUGS AS IF SO FINE IE GO CUTIE GIRL P Ranked in the Top 1% Leading the way in listings and sales 21 Years of experience An outstanding Realtor with outstanding results” Call “Robin” or her assistant “Nancy” 540-341-8105 or toll free 866-341-8105 REGENCY 221 Broadview Avenue • Warrenton, Virginia EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY www.robinlawrealtor.com PRO PIEDMONT REGIONAL ORCHESTRA Glenn S. Quader | Music Director 10th Anniversary Season • 2005 - 2006 The Art of Storytelling Children's Concert “Our Childhood Friends” from the ballet “The Swan” “Mr. Smith’s Composition for Narrator & Orchestra” Sunday, February 12th 2006 • 3:00 pm Young Artists’ Competition & Beethoven: Sculptor of Sound Sunday, April 2nd 2006 • 3:00 pm Bella Voce The Beautiful Voice Sunday, June 4th 2006 • 3:00 pm All performances are held at The Highland Center for the Arts at Highland School. For Ticket Information visit us online at www.prorchestra.org Designs by Teresa Flowers & Gifts On the cover: Designs by Teresa Flowers & Gifts shop on Main Street. 4 Warrenton Lifestyle $G@F1"9JJ= %%41$ $1" &YQFSUJTF ZPV DBO USVTU GPS ZPVSGBNJMZhTIFBMUIZTNJMFT Another Great Reason to Shop Warrenton First: Reason #5. Community Support: Fauquier County businesses generously support organizations and events that are vital to our community, such as The Free Clinic, The Fauquier Family Shelter, etc. And the more our businesses grow the more we donate. February 2006 5 Thrill Your Sweetheart This Valentine’s Day Being credited as the month of romance, time spent in February is centered on Valentine’s Day and finding the most romantic gesture for a sweetheart. Rather than hunting for the most extravagant and expensive gift to surprise, take one of these simple measures of romance to heart. The top ten ways to be romantic in Warrenton constitute ideas of tradition and creativity, and especially, romance. 10. The classic flowers and candy. No matter what type of relationship a pair holds, this gift remains touching. Flowers comprise a loose spectrum of feelings, spending budget and time frame. Visit Village Flowers or Designs by Theresa on Main Street or Like Water For Flowers on Third Street for an array of floral assortments. Whether you want to send a single rose as a secret admirer, send a bouquet of flowers to your lover at work, or simply do a last-minute pickup, the florist is always appropriate. 9. Sipping warm drinks with a significant other. Take a break during the cold February day and treat him or her to a beverage at a coffee shop or café. Earthly Paradise, Essentials, and Black Wolf coffee shops are cozy and comfortable for an afternoon chat. Blue Sage Café, Waterloo Café, and Café Torino welcome paired customers kindly. 8. The ultimate gift. If there is that special someone who you feel is worthy of a longlasting representation of your love, a well thought out gift comes to play. This is the reason why boutiques were created. Pull into any of your preferred shopping centers in Warrenton and you are bound to find a tiny shop with a. jewelry, b. household décor, or c. appealing articles of clothing. Warrenton Village Shopping Center, Warrenton Shopping Center, Oak Springs Plaza Shopping Center, Waterloo Station Shopping Center, Huntsman Towne Village Shopping Center, and Old Town Warrenton all contribute fine jewelry and specialty shops. 7. Fine dining. A dinner date is a romantic way to spend Valentine’s evening with the love of your life. With the burden of cooking eschewed, time one-on-one with the person can be rather relaxing. Restaurants such as Old Town’s The Depot, Napoleon’s, Legend’s and Warrenton Shopping Center’s Tadpole Café serve well. 6. Hand-made gifts. Nothing denotes the effort of affection like a gift made from the heart and crafted by hand. At whatever level of skill you stand, your endeavors will be apparent in the time you find to decorate and personalize pottery at Earth Glaze & Fire or create bead art at The Bead Shoppe, which contains an array of jewelry-making products. 5. Lovely entertainment. Poetry is one of the sweetest and most sophisticated ways of expression. If writing poems are not part of your pastime, reciting rhymes composed by distinguished poets is just as tender. BJ’s Books always has a great selection of gently used books and the new Borders covers just about everything else. If an expression of love through literature is not suitable, then consider celebrating feelings by watching a romantic film. Love stories always help to re-inflate hidden emotions that should be brought to life on Valentine’s Day. There are many places in Town to purchase a DVD or video. Gift wrap it, accompanied with a package of popcorn. 4. Romantic homemade dinner. Even if expenditure is tight, there is still hope in romanticizing the evening. Just stock up on main course meal ingredients and prepare a candle-lit dinner. If dinner is not an appropriate time, a secluded picnic will do. All that is necessary to set the feast in full swing are a set of candles, soft music, proper etiquette, and a well-prepared meal. Find a favorite recipe of your date’s to cook if you are a natural in the field of culinary. Need assistance? Head over to Jimmie’s Market for some tips and premium ingredients and accompanying beverage. The Grapevine and the Town Duck also have terrific selections of fine wines to go with your meal. 3. A walk in Warrenton. Holidays are usually all about family, events and always, celebration. V-Day is one exception to the acclaimed dates - it is about two lovebirds and no more. No other holiday allows for such intimate one-on-one commemoration. Take the opportunity to walk through nature with your loved one and experience the same forces that brought the two of you together. Rady Park, the Green Way, Old Town, even the neighborhood streets or backyard is appropriate. 2. An evening outdoors. The Valentine’s Day sunset is the most wondrous naturally occurring symbol of beauty to be witnessed. Find a secluded spot where the landscape does the day justice and sit side-by-side in satisfaction. 1. “I do.” Follow your heart on Valentine’s Day to an evocative location, get down on one knee, and profess your love. Need I say more? Lily Rose is a senior at Fauquier High School ad a volunteer at C. Hunter Ritchie Elementary school. 6 Warrenton Lifestyle The 2001 Tony Award and Pulitzer Prize Winner Drama Mary-Louise Parkers’ proof February 3, 4, 5, 10, 11 & 12 Noel Cowards’ PRIVATE LIVES March 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18 & 19 February 2006 • Organic Produce & Groceries • Large Selection of Wheat-Free, Gluten-Free & Dairy-Free Products • High Quality Vitamins & Herbs • Homeopathic Remedies • Natural Skin, Hair Products & Cosmetics • Special Children’s Section • Natural Pet Care & Food • Environmental Cleaning Products • Nutritional Education & Books • Carry-Out Soups, Sandwiches, Salads, Smoothies & Juices • Gifts and Exercise Products • Specialty Kitchen Appliances • Therapeutic Massage 7 Grand Opening Special: Receive 50% off your Appraisal! Purchase • Construction • Refinance • 8 Warrenton Lifestyle Robert B. Iadeluca, Ph.D. Coming in the March Issue NOW AVAILABLE AT “THE NON-SURGICAL SKIN TIGHTENING PROCEDURE” Light refreshments will be served Col. John Mosby left his mark on Fauquier County. His former home on Main Street has been converted into a museum. Just who was this legendary man? Historian Dave Goetz gives us a detailed look in next month’s issue. February 2006 Before After As Seen On Oprah! To learn more about this new, exciting procedure and take advantage of our great introductory offer of $300 off! Dr. Lisa Sherman cordially invites you to Join us for a Thermage Seminar Wed., Feb. 15th, 6-7:30p.m. Warrenton Holiday Inn Express • 410 Holiday Court • R.S.V.P. 540.341.7393 Lisa D. Sherman, M.D. Board Certified Dermatologist 540-341-7393 493 Blackwell Road, Warrenton, Virginia 540-341-1900 • TOLL FREE 888-789-DERM www.warrentonder matology.com 9 2EGENCY 221 Broadview Avenue, Warrenton, VA 20186 %ACH/FFICE)NDEPENDENTLY/WNEDAND/PERATED N E V E R H AV E O U R S T R E N G T H S RU N S O D E E P From left to right: Branch Manager David C. Gerrish, Jr., Financial Advisor; Richard W. Chadwell, Financial Advisor; Stuart F. Pierson, Jr., Financial Advisor; Richard S. Kelso, Financial Advisor; James D. Simmons, Financial Advisor Since 1980, The Warrenton Branch of Wachovia Securities and its predecessors have helped thousands of clients buy homes, send children to college, and enjoy comfortable retirements. You could say we’ve grown up with Fauquier County. Our focus has always been on our local community, and in the years to come, that’s where it will remain. With now more than a century of combined experience in our Warrenton Branch, Wachovia Securities will continue to offer clients the strength and resources of a national firm with a unique local perspective. 20 Main Street • Warrenton, VA 20186 • 540-347-0111 • 800-876-8998 SECURITIES AND INSURANCE PRODUCTS: NOT INSURED BY FDIC OR ANY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY • MAY LOSE VALUE • NOT A DEPOSIT OF OR GUARANTEED BY A BANK OR ANY BANK AFFILIATE Wachovia Securities, LLC, Member NYSE/SIPC, is a registered broker-dealer and a separate nonbank affiliate of Wachovia Corporation. 10 Warrenton Lifestyle Each month we’d like to hear from you, our readers, about your favorite places, merchants or things in Warrenton. We’ll publish the results each month. Thank you to everyone that contributed in January. Last month favorites: 1.What is your favorite barber shop? 1. Siggi’s Sports Barber Shop 2. Lee’s Barber Shop 3. Hair Cuttery 2.What is your favorite resale store (thrift/used)? 1. The White Elephant 2. Fauquier Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Shop 3. Salvation Army This month’s survey: 1 What is your favorite winter activity? 2 What is your favorite Warrenton place for takeout food? 3 If you are working for a company, is your job in the County or do you commute out of the County? 3. What is your #1 New Year’s Resolution? 1. Lose weight You must answer all questions for your survey 2. Spend more time with family/friends to qualify (even “none” will suffice). 3. Quit smoking Email your favorites to [email protected] or fax to (540) 347-0917 or send via postal mail to: Warrenton Lifestyle Magazine, c/o Piedmont Press & Graphics, 404 Belle Air Lane, Warrenton, VA 20186. Must be received by the 15th of the month to be considered. February 2006 11 A Perfect Valentine’s Day Gift Stuck on a gift idea for your sweetie? We’ve got a sure-winner for you. By Amy Petty A h, Valentine’s Day. The time of year when romance is alive and hope springs eternal for sweethearts young and old. Looking for something other than a box of chocolates for your special someone? Then Salon Emage Day Spa is just the spot to find the perfect pampering gift to suit the needs of anyone who holds a special place in your heart. From the moment I was led into the changing room, Salon Emage Day Spa set the tone for relaxation. My locker had been personalized with my name, and held a luxurious terry cloth gown, robe and slippers for my transformation from harried to tranquil. I was ready for my first facial. Once I was settled in my new spa wear, I met Charla Malone. As Salon Emage Day Spa’s aesthetician, she offers a wide variety of facials (see below), as well as other services. I quickly learned that getting a facial also includes getting an education. As Charla shared a wealth of information on skin care, it was clear her training at the Aveda Institute in St. Petersburg, Florida was extensive. The setting for the spa services is calm and serene. Quiet music, soft lighting, and rattan chairs help create an environment that is as inviting to the senses as it is soothing to the spirit. The heated bed doesn’t hurt, either. Charla began the facial, which includes energy balance and movements, power cleansing (sometimes with steam), exfoliation, hand and arm massage, upper body massage, mask, and finished with a toner to restore the Ph balance and mois- turizer. Every facial is personalized to meet the client’s skin care needs. After the facial, I think I was beyond relaxed. Imagine what would happen if you followed it up with a massage? Salon Emage Day Spa has two certified massage therapists, Alissa Jones and Emma Stuparu. Following a similar model, the therapists meet with their clients to discuss the treatment. Clients can choose between several offerings to find the massage to best meet their needs. Crystal Charnock and Christen From the front desk and pedicure massage chairs to the heated beds and sauna... relaxation is what it’s all about. See Gift on page 15 Where In Warrenton? Where in Warrenton was this photo taken? We will occasionally publish a portion of a photo of some person, place or thing uniquely Warrenton. Those that correctly identify the photo will be put into a drawing with the winner receiving a check for $25.00. Send your best guess by the 15th of this month to our fax number at (540) 347-0917 or email to WarrentonLifestyle@ piedmontpress.com or send via postal mail to: Warrenton Lifestyle Magazine, c/o Piedmont Press & Graphics, 404 Belle Air Lane, Warrenton, VA 20186. Last month’s winner was John Kip of Warrenton, VA. He correctly identified the “legs” of the Warrenton water tower. ITʼS NOT HOW YOU START – ITʼS HOW YOU LAND! REVERSE MORTGAGES LIFEʼS A GAMBLE THIRTY YEAR FIXED IS NOT 540 347 9522 540 347 9522 www.mor tgagemomentsonline.com www.mortgagemomentsonline.com February 2006 13 What’s lobe got to do with it? Everything, baby. Everything. 14 Warrenton Lifestyle Gift continued from page 12 Corbin are licensed nail technicians to help complete the spa experience with manicures and pedicures for clients. Owner Melanee Montalvo, a native Warrentonian, opened the salon and day spa with inspiration from a salon in Washington, DC, where she spent part of her professional career. Melanee says she is proud of what her salon is able to offer its clients - a beautiful and inviting experience for hair and spa services. She and her husband, Raul, live in Warrenton with their daughter. This Valentine’s Day, think about getting your sweetheart, mother, sister, or friend a gift certificate to Warrenton’s ultimate destination for luxurious self indulgence and relaxation. Buy her a trip to paradise for a day at Salon Emage Day Spa. Below is a partial listing of services offered at Salon Emage Day Spa. Visit them on the web at www.salonemage.com European Facial Four Layer Facial Multi-Vitamin Power Facial Calming Colloidal Facial Acne Facial The Well-Groomed Male Swedish Specialty Massage Romanian Swedish Massage Deep Tissue Massage Momentous Massage Aromatherapy Massage Hot Stone Massage Aromatherapy Salt Glow Body Bliss Wrap Green Coffee Cellulite Treatment The Body Bronze Waxing services Pedicures & Manicures Custom Airbrush Tanning Amy Petty has lived in the Warrenton area for the past seven years. She is the Marketing Director for the Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites. February 2006 Smiling Singles February Events Feb. 10, 2006, 7:30 p.m. Dinner & Karaoke Steak Master Restaurant RSVP in advance to Kelley 349-0196 Sat., Feb. 11, 2006 Contra Dance, Reston - $7 pp Carpooling from WUMC Contact Paula 905-9095 for more info Sat., Feb. 25, 8 p.m. Bowling, Shoes and two games $8 pp Need group to get discount so please RSVP to Kelley by Feb. 22 Warrenton United Methodist would like to offer a class called DIVORCE RECOVERY if you would be interested please contact The Church - 347-1367 or Kelley 349-0196 This is a course to help you grow through a divorce step by step Open House date TBA 15 Map of Warrenton HEALTH & BEAUTY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Dr. Finkel Nova Medical Group Dr. Harre Family Docs on Call Dr. Iadeluca Warrenton Dermatology Fauquier Hospital Salon Emage Natural Marketplace 13 6 4 2 17 3 12 1 2 7 5 5 9 15 18 16 8 19 13 10 11 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 20 14 FALMOUTH STREET 10 Hartman Jewelers 11Framecraft 12 Mid-Atlantic Mortgage 13BB&T 14 Superior Heating & Air 15 Dok Klaus 16 New Future Mortgage 17 Mary McCarty 18 Wachovia Securities 19 Appleton Campbell 20 Trible Equipment Piedmont Press & Graphics A APPLETON CAMPBELL INC. PLUMBING • HEATING • AIR CONDITIONING Prompt, Professional Service, Repair and Replacement With our fully stocked, “Rolling Warehouse” trucks, our Factory Trained Service Technicians will complete our repairs properly and efficiently. No more waiting on your technician to run back and forth to the warehouse, we bring the warehouse to you with over $15,000 worth of inventory, Saving You Time And Money! Warrenton, Virginia est. 1976 • appletoncampbell.com A division of Piedmont Press & Graphics 404 Belle Air Lane • Warrenton, Virginia 20186
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