exhibitions JOINT MEETING WITH AESTHETIC & Anti-Aging Medicine Congress & exhibition Aesthetic Dermatology and Surgery, Preventive and Anti-Aging Medicine 25-27 September 2014 Singapore, SANDS CONVENTION CENTER The ASIan Event for “Global Anti-Aging Management” 18 CME CREDITS CONGRESS BOOK 2 WELCOME AESTHETICS ASIA & 1 ST AMAC 2014 Aesthetic Dermatology, Preventive and Anti-Aging Medicine Dear professionals of Aesthetics and Anti-aging Medicine, Since Informa Exhibitions successfully launched Aesthetics Asia in 2009, we have seen consistent growth in the aesthetic market not only in Singapore, but also in Asia as a region. To expand this event even further in the global market, EuroMediCom, part of Informa group and world leader in Aesthetic and Anti-aging medical events, has joined hands with the Aesthetics Asia team in Singapore to bring its international know how and network to add, alongside Aesthetics Asia, a joint meeting: the AMAC (Aesthetic and anti-aging Medicine Asian Congress) as a geo clone of the largest event worldwide, the AMWC (Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress) gathering in Monaco with over 7,000 physicians and 250 companies from the global Aesthetic and Anti-aging Medicine industries. In this perspective, it is our pleasure to introduce for 2014 the joint meeting of Aesthetics Asia and the 1st Aesthetic and anti-aging Medicine Asian Congress (AMAC). This 3-day event will be taking place from 25th to 27th September 2014 at the world renowned Sands Expo & Convention Center, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore. Aesthetics Asia & AMAC 2014 will continue in the footsteps of Aesthetics Asia to maintain its position as the landmark aesthetics event in Southeast Asia, by continuing to dedicate our energy in all aspects of this rapidly expanding field whilst showcasing of the latest technologies and techniques to an audience that matters. Welcome to Singapore! Yours sincerely, The Scientific and Organizing Committee AESTHETICS ASIA & 1st AMAC - Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine Congress – REGISTER NOW! ORGANIZATION EuroMediCom 2, rue de Lisbonne - 75008 Paris Tel: +33(0)1 56 83 78 00 - Fax: +33(0)1 56 83 78 05 [email protected] Informa Exhibitions Pte Ltd #10-06 Somerset Road TripleOne Somerset - Singapore 238164 Tel: +65 6411 7743 exhibitions INTERNATIONAL ACCREDITATION: 18 CME CREDITS The ‘Aesthetics Asia & 1st AMAC’ is accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) to provide the following CME activity for medical specialists. The EACCME is an institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS), The ‘Aesthetics Asia & 1st AMAC’ is designated for a maximum of (or ‘for up to’) 18 hours of European external CME credits. Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity. Through an agreement between the European Union of Medical Specialists and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Information on the process to convert EACCME credit to AMA credit can be found at Live educational activities, occurring outside of Canada, recognized by the UEMS-EACCME for ECMEC credits are deemed to be Accredited Group Learning Activities (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada SCIENTIFIC coMMITTEE AESTHETIC dermatology & surgery Dr Chytra ANAND Dermatologist India Prof Bishara Atiyeh Plastic Surgeon Lebanon Prof Beom Joon Kim Dermatologist South Korea Dr Grace LOPEZ Dermatologist Philippines Preventive & Anti-Aging Medicine Dr Francis Dr Apratim Goel Decangchon Aesthetic Dermatologist Aesthetic Surgeon & Laser Specialist Philippines India Dr Ali Pirayesh Plastic Surgeon The Netherlands Dr Rataporn UNGPAKRON Dr Chih-Hsun YANG Dermatologist Dermatologist TDA President DST President Taiwan Thailand 3 Dr Claude CHAUCHARD Anti-aging Physician Hong Kong / France Prof Chen Chen Professor of Endocrinology Australia Dr Janethy BALAKRISHNAN Anti-aging & Aesthetic Physician Malaysia Dr Claude Dalle Anti-aging Physician France Dr Nathan FRANCIS General Practitioner Australia Prof Bernd Kleine-Gunk Gynaecologist Germany Dr Julinda LEE Gynaecologist Singapore Dr Caroline Low General Practitioner Singapore Prof Hidekazu Yamada Dermatologist, Anti-Aging Physician Japan Dr Rashmi Shetty Cosmetic Physician India Dr Vincent Yeow Plastic Surgeon Singapore INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS Argentina Julio FERREIRA, MD Gustavo LEIBASCHOFF, MD Belgium Koenraad de BOULLE, MD Didier VOCHELLE, MD Brazil Wilmar J. ACCURSIO, MD Valcinir BEDIN, MD Canada Ashraf BADAWI, MD Vince BERTUCCI, MD Wayne CAREY, MD Uttam U. KALICHARRAN, MD China & Hong Kong Claude CHAUCHARD, MD David LAI, MD Colombia William MURILLO, MD Luis BOTERO, MD Czech Republic Monika GOLKOVA, MD France Etienne-Emile BEAULIEU, Prof. Patrick CHERIN, Prof. Christophe DE JAEGER, Prof. Germany Eckart HANEKE, Prof Mario KRAUSE, MD Sabine ZENKER, MD Greece Andreas KATSAMBAS, MD Evangelos BELLONIAS, MD Hungary Imre ZS-NAGY, Prof. India Jamuna PAI, MD Israel Ines VERNER, MD Italy Paolo BONAN, Prof. Ilaria GHERSETICH, Prof. Ascanio POLIMENI, Prof. Japan Yoshikazu YONEI, Prof. Luxembourg Bernard WEBER, Prof. Malaysia Dato HARNAM, MD Janethy BALAKRISHNAN, MD Monaco CHPG Philippe BERROS, MD Claudette BRUNNER, MD The Netherlands Martino NEUMANN, MD Ali PIRAYESH, MD Philippines Roland ANGELES, MD Nancy GARCIA TAN, MD Poland Stefan ZGLICZYNSKI, Prof. Ryszard RATAJCZAK, Prof. Barbara WALKIEWICZ, MD Romania Bogdan Dimitrie NICULAE, MD Catalin ENACHESCU, MD Russia Natalia MANTUROVA, Prof. Alexander MELERZANOV, MD Slovak Republic Daniel PELLA, Prof. South Africa Duncan CARMICHAEL, MD Spain José SERRES-MARQUEZ, MD Mario TRELLES, MD Octavio VIERA, MD Switzerland Oliver KREYDEN, MD Phillip LEVY, MD Taiwan Chih-Hsun YANG, MD Thailand Nopadon NOPPAKUN, Prof. Chariya PETCHNGAOVILAI, MD Pakpilai THAVISIN, MD Rataporn UNGPAKORN, MD Turkey Cemal SENYUVA, Prof. United Kingdom Dalvi M. HUMZAH, MD Christopher ROWLAND-PAYNE, MD Sohail MANSOOR, MD USA Anthony BENEDETTO, Prof. Michael KAMINER, Prof. Bruce KATZ, MD Neil S. SADICK, MD Christopher ZACHARY, MD PARTNER SOCIETIES World Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • European Organisation for Scientific Anti-Aging Medicine • European Academy of Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine • Dermatological Society of Thailand • Taiwanese Dermatologcial Association • American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine • American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery • American Academy of Dermatology • Ana Aslan International Academy of Aging • Argentine Academy of Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine • Asia Pacific Academy of Anti Aging Medicine • Asian Academy of Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine • Asian Academy of Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine • Asociación de Medicina Anti-aging y Estética Argentina • Asociacion Mexicana de Medicina Antienvejecimiento y Longevidad • Association for the Development of Orthomolecular Nutrition • Association Tunisienne de Médecine Esthétique et de Cosmétologie • Associazone Medici Italiani Anti-Aging • AustralAsian Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • Acupuncteurs Associés • Belgian Society of Anti-Ageing Medicine • Brazilian Society of Anti-Aging • Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery • British AntiAgeing Medical Association • British Longevity Society • British Society of Anti-Ageing Medicine • Catalan and Balears Society in Anti-aging Medicine • Chinese Society of Cosmetic Surgery and Anti-Aging Medicine • College de Recherche International en Chirurgie Esthétique • Croatian Academy of Anti-Aging & Aesthetic Medicine • Czech Corrective Dermatovenerology and Cosmetology Society • Czech Dermatovenerology Society • Czech Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Dermatological Society of Mauritius • Dutch Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Egyptian Society Plastic Surgeons • European Academy of Cosmetic Surgery • European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology • European Academy of Quality of Life and Longevity Medicine • European Society for Laser Aesthetic Surgery • European Society for Laser Dermatology • European Society of Aesthetic Surgery • European Society of Cosmetic and Aesthetic Dermatology • French Society of Aesthetic Surgery • French Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • German Hormone Society • German Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Gerontological Society of the Russian Academy of Sciences • Gestalt Institut • Greek Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • Hellenic Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • Hellenic Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Hong-Kong College of Anti-Aging Medicine • HUEM • Indonesian Anti-Aging Society • Indonesian Society for Anti-Aging Physician • Institut Européen du Viellissement • International Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • International Academy of Longevity Medicine • International Association of Anti-Aging Medicine • International Association of Anti-Aging Medicine of Ukraine • International Hormone Society • International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery • Iranian Academy of Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine • Italian society of Longevity Medicine • Japan Anti-Aging Medical Association • Japan Society of Clinical Aesthetic Antiaging Medicine • Japanese Society for Aesthetico-Medical Technology • Kazakhstani Society of Mesotherapists • Korean Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • Korean Anti-Aging Medical Association • Latin American SPA Associety • Malaysian Menopause Society • Melbourne Collagen Fundation & Anti-Aging Society • Middle East Academy for Medicine of Ageing • Morocco Society of Plastic Reconstructive & Esthetic Surgery • National Academy of Sports Medicine • National Bulgarian Society for Aesthetic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine • Neurological Research Institute • Pacific Academy of Aesthetic Specialists • Peruvian Society of Anti-Aging and Longevity Medicine • Philippine Association of Primary Skin Health Physicians • Polish Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • Polish Society for Aesthetic Dermatology • Polish Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Romanian Association of Anti-Aging Medicine • Romanian National Institute of Gerontology and Geriatry, Ana Aslan • Russian Academy of Scientific and Longevity Medicine • Russian Association of Laser Medicine Specialists • Sociedad Argentina de Medicina Anti Aging • Spanish Society of Anti-Aging Medicine of Canari Island • Sociedad Española de Medicina Antienvejecimiento y Longevidad • Sociedad Española de Medicina y Cirugía Cosmética • Sociedad Italiana de Cirurgia Estetica • Sociedad Venezolana de Anti-Envejecimiento y Longevidad • Sociedade Brasileira de Antienvelhecimento • Société Française de Chirurgie Esthétique • Societé Française de Médecine et Physiologie du Vieillissement • Société Internationale de Mesotherapie • Society Brazilan of Plastic Surgery • Society for Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine Malaysia • Society for Preventive Gerontology and Geriatrics • South African Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • South American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery • Spanish Gran Canarian Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Swiss Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • Turkish Academy of Longevity Medicine • Turkish Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Turkish Society of Cosmetology Lecturers • Union Internacional de Medicina y Cirurgia del Rejuvenecimiento • World Anti-Aging Medical Association • and many others not listed 4 PROGRAMME OVERVIEW scientific sessions LECTURERS - AESTHETICS ASIA & 1st AMAC 2014 ABBASPOUR Vali Plastic Surgeon Iran AL-AYOUBI Ayham Plastic Surgeon UK ANAND Chytra Dermatologist India Aston JacquiPsychotherapistUK ATIYEH Bishara Plastic Surgeon Lebanon BALAKRISHNAN Janethy Anti-aging and Aesthetic Physician Malaysia CHAUCHARD Claude Anti-Aging PhysicianFrance/Hong Kong CHEN Chen Endocrinologist Australia CHEN Patrick Plastic Surgeon Australia CHOY Philip Siu LungNaturopath Singapore D’ALESSANDRO Giorgio Physicial Medicine Specialist Switzerland DAHIA Vanita Pharmacist Australia DALLE Claude Anti-Aging PhysicianFrance DECANGCHON Francis Aesthetic Surgeon Philippines DEL MAR ARASA GASPAR Maria Pharmacologist Spain ENDO Yuzo Immunopathologist Japan FERRARIZ Teresita Cosmetic Surgeon Philippines FRANCIS Nathan General Practitioner Australia FRIEDMAN Nimrod Plastic Surgeon Israel GALADARI HassanDermatologistUAE GANSS Christoph Surgeon Germany GHEITA Alaa Plastic SurgeonEgypt GLORIA Christopher-Rex Anti-Aging Physician Philippines GOEL Apratim Aesthetic Dermatologist & Laser Specialist India GOH Chee LeokDermatologist Singapore HIBINO Sawako Anti-Aging Physician Japan Hoyes-Cock Alex Senior Medical Consultant Singapore HSU Nai JenDermatologist Taiwan HUH Chang Hun Dermatologist South Korea JAE Yoon JungDermatologist South Korea KIM Antonio Jongseo Plastic Surgeon South Korea KIM Beom JoonDermatologist South Korea KLEINE-GUNK Bernd Gynaecologist Germany KOELLING Axel Internal Medicine Practitioner Germany KWON Han Jin Aesthetic Physician South Korea LAI David Anti-Aging PhysicianHong Kong LEE Julinda Gynecologist Singapore LEO Kah Woon Plastic Surgeon Singapore LEZHAVA Teimuraz Anti-Aging Physician Georgia LIM JoyceDermatologist Singapore LOW Caroline General Practitioner Singapore MAGGIONI Cristina Gynaecologist Italy MANUSKIATTI Woraphong Dermatologist Thailand MARSHALL Jonathan Pscyhgologist Singapore MARTIN André Member of the Board, RZL Switzerland MEIGEL Eva Dermatologist Germany Nagy Genoveva General PractitionerRomania PIRAYESH Ali Plastic SurgeonNetherlands PUDUKADAN DavidDermatologist India RAHMAT Rano Izhar Anti-Aging Physician Singapore REBOSA Antonio DDoctor-Lawyer Philippines RUCKER SusieNutritional Therapist Singapore SCILLETTA Allesandra C.M. Plastic Surgeon Italy SHETTY Rashmi Aesthetic Practitioner India SHIMMYO Atsuhiko Cellular & molecular bioengineering Japan SOFRA-WEISS Xanya CEO Ion GeniusUSA SOH Karen Aesthetic Physician Singapore SYDNEY-SMITH Mel General Practitioner Australia TAM Elias Aesthetic Practitioner Singapore TENG-UMNUAY PatanaNephrologist Thailand TERANISHI Tadayuki Board Chairman Kirindo Co.Ltd Japan THAVISIN Pakpilai Anti-Aging Physician Thailand TRAN Huu Hanh Anti-Aging PhysicianVietnam VAN DER HULST Rene Plastic SurgeonNetherlands VAN DER LEI Berend Plastic SurgeonNetherlands WANITPHAKDEEDECHA RungsimaDermatologist Thailand WONG Yoke Meng Gynaecologist Singapore WU Woffles Plastic Surgeon Singapore YAMADA Hidekazu Anti-Aging Physician Japan YEOH Kian HianENT Singapore ZELENKOVA Hana Aesthetic Physician Slovak Republic ZENKER Sabine (TBC)Dermatologist Germany WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24: REGISTRATION OPENING FROM 15:00 TO 18:00 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 07:30 - Registration & Badging ........... 09: 00 10: 30 ........... ........... 11 :00 12: 30 PRE-CONGRESS COURSE ON PRACTICAL ANTI-AGING & PREVENTIVE MEDICINE MORNING SESSIONS Practical Session for the Aesthetic Physician Coffee Break Nutrition and Metabolism ........... ........... 14: 00 16: 00 ........... ........... 16: 30 18: 00 ........... ........... 09: 30 11: 00 ........... ........... 11 :30 13: 00 ........... Lunch Break AFTERNOON SESSIONS Improving Sexuality With Anti-aging Solutions Coffee Break Endocrinology 101 ........... 14: 00 16: 00 ........... ........... 16: 30 18: 00 ........... PRE-CONGRESS COURSE on Facial Anatomy Aesthetics MORNING SESSIONS INJECTABLES From basics to clinical excellence Coffee Break BEAUTIFICATION OF THE UPPER FACE Focused on forehead, temple, periorbital area Lunch Break AFTERNOON SESSIONS BEAUTIFICATION OF THE MIDDLE FACE Focused on tear trough, nose and cheeks Coffee Break BEAUTIFICATION OF THE LOWER FACE Focused on lips & perioral area, jawline & neck PROGRAMME OVERVIEW 5 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 07:30 - Registration & Badging ........... 09: 00 11: 00 ........... ........... 11 :30 13: 00 ........... ANGSANA ROOM anti-aging medicine SESSION I Anti-Aging Updates in 2014 Coffee Break SESSION II Inflammation and Aging Lunch Break ........... SESSION III 14: 00 16: 00 Lifestyle Medicine Renewal of Mind, Body and Weight ........... Coffee Break ........... SESSION IV 16: 30 18: 00 Hormones & Beauty ........... BEGONIA room AESTHETIcS ........... 09: 30 10: 30 ........... ........... 11 :00 12: 30 SESSION IX Practice Set Up & Step Up Coffee Break SESSION XIV New Technologies ........... ........... 13: 30 15: 30 ........... ........... 16: 00 18: 00 ........... Symposia Room Lunch Break SESSION XV All About Fats Coffee Break SESSION XVI Rejuvenating The Face ........... 10: 30 11: 30 ........... 11: 30 12: 30 ........... ........... 13: 30 14: 30 ........... 14: 30 15: 30 ........... ........... 16: 00 17: 00 ........... Symposium 1 Symposium 2 Lunch Break Symposium 3 Symposium 4 Coffee Break Symposium 5 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 07:30 - Registration & Badging ........... 09: 00 11: 00 ........... ........... 11 :30 13: 00 ........... ........... 14: 00 16: 00 ........... ........... 16: 30 18: 00 ........... ANGSANA ROOM anti-aging medicine SESSION V Hormones & Obesity Coffee Break SESSION VI Anti-Aging for Appearance Lunch Break SESSION VII Case Management of Metabolic Syndrome Coffee Break SESSION VIII New Issues and Studies BEGONIA room AESTHETIcS ........... 09: 30 10: 30 ........... ........... 11 :00 12: 30 ........... ........... 13: 30 15: 30 ........... ........... 16: 00 18: 00 ........... SESSION XIII Symposia Room ........... 09: 00 Post-Bariatric Body Contouring 10: 00 Coffee Break ........... 10: 30 11: 30 ........... 11: 30 12: 30 ........... SESSION XIV Dealing with Complications Lunch Break Symposium 6 ........... Coffee Break Symposium 7 Symposium 8 Lunch Break SESSION XV Injectables: Tips and Updates Coffee Break SESSION XVI What’s Hot in Aesthetics 2014 ........... 14: 30 15: 30 ........... ........... 16: 00 17: 00 ........... Symposium 9 Coffee Break Symposium 10 Pre-congress course 6 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 PRE-CONGRESS COURSE ON PRACTICAL ANTI-AGING & PREVENTIVE MEDICINE This course is a sequence of four sessions addressing practical knowledge focused on well-being and anti-aging therapies applicable in your everyday practice. The program has been designed for: •All doctors willing to include an anti-aging and preventive approach in their practice. They will learn how to apply safe therapies for a global anti-aging management of their patients. •Plastic Surgeons, Dermatologists and Aesthetic Physicians who would like to combine an aesthetic approach with anti-aging solutions and to optimize rejuvenation treatments. •Confirmed Anti-Aging practitioners seeking greater experience-sharing and knowledge building in order to improve their medical consultation, and to learn how to face daily challenges in anti-aging practice. 07:30 - Registration & Badging MORNING SESSIONS AFTERNOON SESSIONS 09:00 - 10:30 Practical Session for the Aesthetic Physician •Introduction to anti-aging for aesthetic practitioners Claude DALLE, France •How to start a preventative medicine clinic Christopher-Rex GLORIA, Philippines •How to cure allergic dermatitis without steroid or antibiotic Pakpilai THAVISIN, Thailand 10:30 - 11:00 - Coffee break 11:00 - 12:30 NUTRITION AND METABOLISM •Fructotoxicity, hyperuricemia, and metabolic syndrome Patana TENG-UMNUAY, Thailand •The right nutrition in cosmetic dermatology Eva MEIGEL, Germany •Heavy metal toxins - Pakpilai THAVISIN, Thailand 12:30 - 13:30 - Lunch Break 13:30 - 15:30 IMPROVING SEXUALITY WITH ANTI-AGING SOLUTIONS •Hormone replacement therapy in women and men Why it should be part of the anti-aging program Bernd KLEINE-GUNK, Germany •Improving sexuality in women without hormones Yoke Meng WONG, Singapore •Efficient treatments with and without hormones Claude CHAUCHARD, France/Hong Kong •Hollywood makeover for aging male without surgery David Lai, Hong Kong 15:30 - 16:00 - Coffee Break 16:00 - 18:00 - ENDOCRINOLOGY 101 •Hormonal solutions for skin rejuvenation - Claude DALLE, France •Hormonal solutions for weight management Christopher-Rex GLORIA, Philippines •Hormonal solutions for cardiac protection Chen CHEN, Australia Pre-congress course 7 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 PRE-CONGRESS COURSE on Facial Anatomy Aesthetics LIVE INJECTIONS Specific Asian anatomical features The course is constructed based on the SAFE© concept: Scientific Anatomy Fillers Education/Experience. This concern is organized with a scientific approach and around the essential facial anatomy covering the main six areas of the upper, middle and lower face. The course will start with a comprehensive review on clinically relevant information on injectables including injection techniques (products’ protocols up to market updates). Individualized approach and clinical relevance are the cornerstone of didactic sessions. Simultaneous presentation of the relevant anatomical features of the human face include: facial mimetic muscles, SMAS, fat compartments, blood vessels, nerves and the various danger zones of the face. Faculty Ali PIRAYESH Plastic Surgeon Netherlands Sabine ZENKER Dermatologist Germany (TBC) Chytra ANAND Dermatologist India Nai Jen HSU Dermatologist Taiwan MODERATOrs Prof Berend van der Lei Netherlands Prof Rene VAN DER HULST Netherlands 07:30 - Registration & Badging MORNING SESSIONS 09:00 – 11:00 - INJECTABLES From basics to clinical excellence AFTERNOON SESSIONS 14:00 – 16:00 - BEAUTIFICATION OF THE MIDDLE FACE Focused on tear trough, nose and cheeks •Understanding the beauty aims of Asian clients - Nai Jen HSU, Taiwan •Botulinum Toxin: Basic Science and characteristics Chytra ANAND, India •Botulinum Toxin: Tips & trick on the upper and lower face Chytra ANAND, India •HA & Non-HA fillers Ali PIRAYESH, Netherlands •What do I need to know for SAFE application of fillers: antiseptics and biofilm - Rene van der HULST, Netherlands •Concepts and advances in understanding facial aging Berend van der Lei, Netherlands •Beautification in males and transgender an emerging market? Rene VAN DER HULST, Netherlands •Discussion and Q&A •In-depth presentation of middle facial anatomy with VDO footage of freshly dissected cadaver-head Ali PIRAYESH, Netherlands •Demonstration of injections on the tear trough, nose and cheeks (vdo-transmitted live demonstration) Karen SOH, Singapore •Demonstration of injection on nose region (VDO) Chytra ANAND, India •Tips & tricks including choice of filler, specific complications and danger zones - Berend van der Lei, Netherlands Ali PIRAYESH, Netherlands - Rene VAN DER HULST, Netherlands 16:00 - 16:30 - Coffee break 16:30 – 18:00 - BEAUTIFICATION OF THE LOWER FACE Focused on lips & perioral area, jawline & neck 11:00 - 11:30 - Coffee break 11:30 – 13:00 - BEAUTIFICATION OF THE UPPER FACE Focused on forehead, temple, periorbital area •In-depth presentation of upper facial anatomy with VDO footage of freshly dissected cadaver-head Ali PIRAYESH, Netherlands •Demonstration of injections in the periorbital area (VDO-transmitted live demonstration) Elias TAM, Singapore •Demonstration of injection on temporal region (VDO) Nai Jen HSU, Taiwan •Tips & tricks including choice of filler, specific complications and danger zones - Berend van der Lei, Netherlands Ali PIRAYESH, Netherlands - Rene vAn der hulST, Netherlands 13:00 - 14:00 - Lunch Break •In-depth presentation of lower facial anatomy with VDO footage of freshly dissected cadaver-head Ali PIRAYESH, Netherlands •Demonstration of injections on the lips, perioral region, jawline & neck (vdo presentation) Nai Jen HSU, Taiwan Chytra ANAND, India •Tips & tricks including choice of filler, specific complications and danger zones Berend van der Lei, Netherlands Ali PIRAYESH, Netherlands Rene VAN DER HULST, Netherlands 8 friDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 Anti-Aging Programme /// friday, september 26 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 09: 00 11: 00 Session I - Anti-Aging Updates in 2014 Chair: Claude Dalle, Bernd Kleine-Gunk • The future of anti-aging: from radical life extension to human enhancement Bernd Kleine-Gunk, Germany •N ew data on food and hormones for healthy aging in 2014 Claude DALLE, France • Latest updates on circadian rhythm Cristina MAGGIONI, Italy •G lobal view to a new anti-aging concept: The synergy of the lifestyle and hormone factors to a better body, mind and sex healthHuu Hanh Tran, Vietnam • The intricate modern science of Photobiomodulation, a positive treatment for the future Philip Siu Lung CHOY, Singapore • Autologous Stem Cells: A Reality for Health Christoph GANSS, Germany .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 :30 13: 00 Session II - Inflammation & Aging Chair: Caroline Low, Nathan Francis • Neurotransmitter in metabolic syndrome • Allergy and inflammation • Anti-inflammation and metabolic syndrome prevention Vanita Dahia, Australia Kian Hian Yeoh, Singapore Yuzo Endo, Japan .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Session III - Lifestyle medicine - Renewal of Mind, Body and Weight 14: 00 Chair: Julinda Lee 16: 00 • Sleeping for health Jacqui Aston, UK • Nutrition for health Susie Rucker, Singapore • Exercise for your body type Rano Izhar Rahmat, Singapore • Mindset for health Jonathan MARSHALL, Singapore .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Session IV - Hormones and Beauty 16: 30 Chair: Claude Dalle, Bernd Kleine-Gunk 18: 00 • Hormones & beauty Bernd Kleine-Gunk, Germany • Micronutrients & beauty Eva Meigel, Germany • When stress destroys your glands and increases your weight: new practical solutions Claude DALLE, France AESTHETICS programme /// friday, september 26 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 09: 00 Session IX - Practice Set up and Step Up CHAIR: Rashmi Shetty 10:3 0 • Start and set up a practice Apratim Goel, India • Step up and and be a brand • Become a super star • Protect what you have created • Fireside Chat, with all the above speakers Rashmi Shetty, India Woffles Wu, Singapore Antonio D REBOSA, Philippines .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 :00 12: 30 Session X - New Technologies CHAIR: Chytra Anand • The combination of different threads • New device for vulvo-vaginal rejuvenation • A practical approach to cosmetic pigmentary disorders in Asian skin • New developments in photoprotection and prevention of photocarcinogenesis • Intradermal RF related acne wrinkle syringoma treatment • Advances in RF and IPL & fractional RF technologies Han Jin KWON, South Korea Alessandra C.M. SCILLETTA, Italy Chee Leok Goh, Singapore Chee Leok Goh, singapore Beom Joon Kim, South Korea Nimrod Friedman, Israel .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13: 30 15: 30 Session XI - All About FatS CHAIR: Patrick CHEN • Fat grafting • Non-invasive body contouring • Sculpting the male torso • Laser liposuction • Calf slimming with botulinum toxin • Fat precursor cells: the future in aesthetic anti-aging • Facial & body contour with HIFU & cryolipolysis Francis Decangchon, Philippines Rungsima Wanitphakdeedecha, Thailand Nimrod FRIEDMAN, Israel Patrick CHEN, Australia Patrick CHEN, Australia Ali Pirayesh, Netherlands Beom Joon Kim, South Korea .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16: 00 18: 00 Session XII - Rejuvenating the Face CHAIR: Francis Decangchon, Bishara Atiyeh • The combination of different threads for better V Lift • Sequencing of aesthetic treatments • Stem cell facelift • Filler & toxin for facial contouring • Holistic approach for skin treatments by combining different types of energies • Fractional Radiofrequency device for facial rejuvenation and acne scars • Treatment and prevention of laser-induced hyperpigmentation Yoon Jung JAE, South Korea Apratim Goel, India Bishara Atiyeh, Lebanon Beom Joon Kim, South Korea Nimrod Friedman, Israel Woraphong ManuskiattI, Thailand Woraphong ManuskiattI, Thailand saturDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 9 Anti-Aging programme /// saturday, september 27 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 09: 00 Session V - Hormones AND Obesity Chair: Chen Chen, Julinda Lee 11: 00 • Lifestyle and hormones combination: an integrative approach to the Metabolic Syndrome Huu Hanh Tran, Vietnam • Diabesity - Insulin/Leptin/Ghrelin and the Metabolic Syndrome Janethy Balakrishnan, Malaysia • Weight loss using safe hormonal and nutritional balancing strategies Christopher-Rex Gloria, Philippines • Anti-aging for appearance Hidekazu YAMADA, Japan • Growth hormone and metabolic regulation Chen Chen, Australia .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Session VI - Anti-Aging for Appearance 11 :30 Chair: Patana TENG-UMNUAY, Christopher-Rex Gloria 13: 00 • Placenta treatment for anti-aging Sawako Hibino, Japan • Clinical Genocosmetics: Towards objectivity in patient analysis and personalization of skin care solutions Maria del Mar Arasa Gaspar, Spain • How nutrition and supplements can help skin and hair Claude CHAUCHARD, France / Hong Kong • Supplements for body and energy David LAI, Hong Kong .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14: 00 Session VII - Case Management of Metabolic Syndrome Chair: Nathan Francis 16: 00 • Didactic discussion of theory • How to test for Metabolic Syndrome • In-depth case presentation, with active participation from audience • Understanding uses of diet, supplements and medications for recovery Mel Sydney-Smith, Australia .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16:30 Session VIII - New Issues and Studies Chair: Caroline LOW 18: 00 • Benefits of chelation therapy: What you need to know about EDTA and DMSA chelation • Anti-aging peptide bioregulators induces modification heterochromatin in old age • Preventive Medicine and Biophotonic Aesthetic treatments in the natural way • Effortless Weight Loss and Body Toning by Endocrine Stimulation • Why detox with zeolites should become a basic element of anti-aging programs Patana Teng-Umnuay, Thailand Teimuraz Lezhava, Georgia Genoveva Nagy, Romania Xanya SOFRA-WEISS, USA Axel KOELLING, Germany AESTHETICS programme /// saturday, september 27 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 09: 00 Session XIII - Post-Bariatric Body Contouring CHAIR: Bishara Atiyeh 10: 30 • Principles of post-bariatric body contouring • Gynecomastia and male chest contouring • Lower body (belt) lift dynamics and optimal scar placement • Abdominal contouring massive weight loss Kah Woon Leo, Singapore Alaa Gheita, Egypt Bishara Atiyeh, Lebanon Berend van der Lei, Netherlands .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 :00 Session XIV - Dealing with Complications CHAIR: Rashmi Shetty and Hassan Galadari 12: 30 • Medico-legal perspective • Complications of botulinum toxin and filler • Complications of Soft Tissue Augmentation • Complications of mammaplasty and problematic cases • Complications of laser treatments Antonio D Rebosa, Philippines Rungsima Wanitphakdeedecha, Thailand Hassan Galadari, UAE Alaa Gheita, Egypt Joyce Lim, Singapore .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13: 30 15: 30 Session XV - Injectables: Tips and Updates CHAIR: Ali Pirayesh • Lip Augmentation with Fillers • Outer circle v/s inner circle. Evolving filler approach • 0.001cc of stabilized HA by mesogun for dermal injection and long tern F/U by biopsy • Calcium hydroxyapatite filler for forehead augmentation in asian patient • Botulinum toxin for scar • PRP injections for skin rejuvenation • Calcium Hydroxyapatite for midface rejuvenation: my Asian experience Hassan Galadari, UAE Rashmi Shetty, India Jongseo Kim, South Korea Jongseo Kim, South Korea Chang Hun Huh, South Korea Teresita FERRARIZ, Philippines Teresita FERRARIZ, Philippines • Robot Assisted Hair Restoration Surgery • A different view to laser hair removal • Fibroblasts in aesthetic dermatology, or new rejuvenation • New innovations in NanoFractional RF • Advances in micro-needle technology for the treatment of scars • The future of laser body contouring Chang Hun Huh, South Korea Vali Abbaspour, Iran Hana Zelenková, Slovakia Elias TAM, Singapore David PUDUKADAN, India Ayham AL-AYOUBI, UK .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16:00 Session XVI - What’s Hot in Aesthetics 2014 CHAIR: Chang Hun HUH 18: 00 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Note: The Organiser reserves the right to change the program without prior notice 10 SPONSORED SYMPOSIA FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 10: 30 11: 30 Symposium 1 • SERVICOM • Curriculum to be announced SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 9: 00 10: 00 Symposium 6 • Teoxane • Innovation in the periorbital area with Teosyal PureSense Redensity II Hassan Galadari, UAE 11: 30 12: 30 Symposium 2 • RZL Leukerbad Clinic • Leukerbad Clinic: The Swiss Hospital for a better life Swiss quality for anti-aging, check-up, detoxification and rehabilitation Giorgio D’ALESSANDRO, Switzerland André MARTIN, Switzerland 13: 30 14: 30 Symposium 3 • Classys 10: 30 11: 30 11: 30 12: 30 Symposium 5 • Maya Beauty • New protocols for vulvo-vaginal rejuvenation, alopecia and pain therapy Allesandra C.M Scilletta, Italy • Innovative Low Level Laser as a Painless and Non-Invasive Form of Disease Prevention Symposium 9 • EndyMed • 3DEEP- a new approach for treating skin imperfections, reflected by my own experience David PUDUKADAN, India • Renaissance of Anti-Aging Medicine Tadayuki TERANISHI, Japan Atsuhiko SHIMMYO, Japan 16: 00 17: 00 14: 30 15: 30 Symposium 4 • KiRINDO • Swallow’s Nest ― The effectiveness of glycoprotein containing N-Acetylneuraminic acid (sialic acid) Symposium 8 • MF3 Philip Siu Lung CHOY, Singapore Beom-Joon Kim, South Korea • Non surgical freezing fat reduction by CLATUU 14: 30 15: 30 • Exosomes: The next generation non-cellular therapy Alex Hoyes-Cock, Singapore • Non invasive HIFU face lifting by ULTRAFORMER Jong-Seo Kim, South Korea Beom-Joon Kim, South Korea Symposium 7 • RegeneTEC 16: 00 17: 00 Symposium 10 • EndyMed • New Approach to Face Revitalization: Combining Biophotonic Mesotherapy with Botox, Fillers and PRP Nagy Genoveva, Romania AMAC REGISTRATION FORM 1 AMAC & AESTHETICS ASIA - 25-27 September 2014 Anti-Aging Medicine Asian Congress st Family Name 11 REGISTRATION FORM - TO BE SENT BY FAX TO +33 (0)1 56 837 805 (from America dial 011 33 1 56 837 805) ONLINE SECURED REGISTRATION ON: WWW.EUROMEDICOM.COM Use capital letters when completing this form First Name Medical Specialty (obligatory field) Clinic / Company Address Postal Code City Country Phone Fax E-mail (Mandatory) Further information will be sent by e-mail. Please write as CLEARLY as possible. REGISTRATION FORM Registration fees include: access to chosen sessions, workshops and commercial exhibition, coffee breaks, certificate of attendance, congress bag and conference book PASS 1: FULL ACCESS PASS - 3 DAYS (September 25-26-27) RATE Includes: Pre-congress Facial Aesthetics training and Anti-aging practical course + 2-Day congress, all scientific sessions (Aesthetic Dermatology & Surgery, Anti-aging Medicine, Workshops & Visit of the exhibition - Coffee breaks included o 570 € - DELEGATE RATE 950 SGD PASS 2: PRE-CONGRESS PRACTICAL COURSES - 1 DAY (SEPTEMBER 25) Facial Aesthetic Injectables Advanced training & Practical Anti-Aging course- Coffee breaks included o 330 € - DELEGATE RATE 550 SGD PASS 3: AESTHETICS ASIA CONGRESS - 2 DAYS (September 26-27) All scientific sessions (Aesthetic Dermatology & Surgery, Anti-aging Medicine, Workshops & Visit of the exhibition) - Coffee breaks included - DELEGATE RATE o 420 € - ASSOCIATION OF MEMBERS PASS * Certification required o 370 € - STUDENT, NURSES, RESIDENTS PASS * Certification required o 340 € 700 SGD 630 SGD 570 SGD PASS 4 - EXHIBITION & WORKSHOPS ONLY - 2 DAYS (September 26-27) Exhibition and Workshops (includes Lunch and coffee Breaks) o 180 € - DELEGATE RATE 290 SGD 2-YEAR FREE WOSIAM (World Society of Interdisciplinary Anti-Aging Medicine) & World MediSpa Association MEMBERSHIP offered with this registration (for MDs only): Membership advantages will start after this registration. If you do NOT wish to become a WOSIAM Delegate, please tick here o TOTAL TO BE PAID: PAYMENT € o Bank check in Euros enclosed, payable to EuroMediCom o BANK TRANFER (to be made in EURO) to Euromedicom – Please ADD 15 € for bank charges If you wish to register online: VERY IMPORTANT: For administrative treatment purpose, BANK TRANSFER MUST BE MADE AT LEAST 10 DAYS PRIOR TO THE CONGRESS. Passed this date, the registrant may have to pay on site his registration and will be eventually refunded after the congress. Administrative process may take up to 30 days to identify the transfer and proceed to the refund, after the event. OBLIGATORY: Do mention the registrant’s name + « AMAC 2014 » reference on all the bank documents. Paying bank: CIC La Garenne Address: 4 Rpt du Souvenir Français F-92250 La Garenne-Colombes Account holder: EuroMediCom SAS Bank code: 30066 Branch code: 10301 Сredit card: o Visa o Eurocard / Mastercard Сredit card number: Card Holder’s name: Expiry date: / 3 digits: 4 digits (AMEX): o American Express Account Nber: 00010811901 Key digits: 04 BIC - SWIFT : CMCIFRPP IBAN : FR76 3006 6103 0100 0108 1190 104 o Diners SIGNATURE: Cancellation policy: • +30 days before: Total refund -50 € • Between 30 and 15 days: Refund -30 % • -15 days before: No refund. Cancellation will be processed after written demand and one month after the Congress Please fill one form per registrant and send it (or copy) to: EuroMediCom - 2, rue de Lisbonne - 75008 Paris - France Tel: + 33 (0)1 56 83 78 00 - Fax: +33 (0)1 56 837 805 - E-mail: [email protected] ON-LINE REGISTRATION: WWW.EUROMEDICOM.COM (Secured Payment) Once your credit card debited we will destroy your payment details - Please do not send your registration scanned by email but only by fax. AMAC REGISTRATION FORM FOR SINGAPOREAN DELEGATES 1st AMAC & AESTHETICS ASIA - 25-27 September 2014 Anti-Aging Medicine Asian Congress REGISTRATION FORM - TO BE SENT BY FAX TO 6411 7778 / TEL: 6411 7747 ONLINE SECURED REGISTRATION ON: WWW.EUROMEDICOM.COM Family Name First Name 11 Use capital letters when completing this form Medical Specialty (obligatory field) Clinic / Company Address Zip CodeCityCountry PhoneFax E-mail (Mandatory) REGISTRATION FORM Further information will be sent by e-mail. Please write as CLEARLY as possible. Registration fees include: access to chosen sessions, workshops and commercial exhibition, coffee breaks, certificate of attendance, congress bag and conference book PASS 1: FULL ACCESS PASS - 3 DAYS (September 25-26-27) RATE Includes: Pre-congress Facial Aesthetics training and Anti-aging practical course + 2-Day congress, all scientific sessions (Aesthetic Dermatology & Surgery, Anti-aging Medicine, Workshops & Visit of the exhibition - Coffee breaks included o 950 SGD - DELEGATE RATE 570 € PASS 2: PRE-CONGRESS PRACTICAL COURSES - 1 DAY (SEPTEMBER 25) Facial Aesthetic Injectables Advanced training & Practical Anti-Aging course- Coffee breaks included o 550 SGD - DELEGATE RATE 330 € PASS 3: AESTHETICS ASIA CONGRESS - 2 DAYS (September 26-27) All scientific sessions (Aesthetic Dermatology & Surgery, Anti-aging Medicine, Workshops & Visit of the exhibition) - Coffee breaks included - DELEGATE RATE o 700 SGD - ASSOCIATION OF MEMBERS PASS * Certification required o 630 SGD - STUDENT, NURSES, RESIDENTS PASS * Certification required o 570 SGD 420 € 370 € 340 € PASS 4 - EXHIBITION & WORKSHOPS ONLY - 2 DAYS (September 26-27) Exhibition and Workshops (includes Lunch and coffee Breaks) o 290 SGD - DELEGATE RATE 180 € 2-YEAR FREE WOSIAM (World Society of Interdisciplinary Anti-Aging Medicine) & World MediSpa Association MEMBERSHIP offered with this registration (for MDs only): Membership advantages will start after this registration. If you do NOT wish to become a WOSIAM Delegate, please tick here o TOTAL TO BE PAID: PAYMENT SGD o Bank check in SGD enclosed, payable to Informa Exhibitions Pte Ltd o BANK TRANFER (to be made in SGD) to Informa Exhibitions Pte Ltd– Please ADD 10 SGD for bank charges If you wish to register online: VERY IMPORTANT: For administrative treatment purpose, BANK TRANSFER MUST BE MADE AT LEAST 10 DAYS PRIOR TO THE CONGRESS. Passed this date, the registrant may have to pay on site his registration and will be eventually refunded after the congress. Administrative process may take up to 30 days to identify the transfer and proceed to the refund, after the event. OBLIGATORY: Do mention the registrant’s name + « AMAC 2014 » reference on all the bank documents. Bank name: The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Address: 21, Collyer Quay, #01-00 HSBC Building - Singapore 049320 Account Holder: INFORMA EXHIBITIONS PTE LTD Сredit card: o Visa o Eurocard / Mastercard Сredit card number: Card Holder’s name: Expiry date: / 3 digits: 4 digits (AMEX): o American Express Bank Code: 7232 Account Nber: 141-182311-001 (SGD Remittance) SWIFT Code: HSBCSGSG o Diners SIGNATURE: Cancellation policy: • +30 days before: Total refund -50 € • Between 30 and 15 days: Refund -30 % • -15 days before: No refund. Cancellation will be processed after written demand and one month after the Congress Please fill one form per registrant and email to [email protected] or send to: Informa Exhibitions Pte Ltd 111 Somerset Road #10-06, TripleOne Somerset, Singapore 238164 -
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