Characters Pets Foil Cards Pop-up Standees Moments of Friendship
Characters Pets Foil Cards Pop-up Standees Moments of Friendship
Moments of Friendship ❑ F37. Rainbow Dash ❑ F40.Rarity Princess Celestia Princess Luna Princess Cadance Twilight Sparkle GOLD SERIES GOLD SERIES: Box Toppers ROYAL WEDDING ❑ F7.Applejack ❑ F8. Twilight Sparkle ❑ F9. Pinkie Pie ❑ F10. Rainbow Dash ❑ F11.Rarity Twilight Sparkle in Chaos! Pinkie Pie in Chaos! “Loyalty Shmoyalty.” Rarity meets ‘Tom’ Arrivederci, Fluttershy! Applejack in Chaos! SPECIAL FOILS Collect all 12! Look for Cutie Mark Tattoos Applejack • Honesty Fluttershy •Kindness Pinkie Pie • Laughter Rarity •Generosity Rainbow Dash • Loyalty Twilight Sparkle • Magic ❑ F29. ❑ F30. ❑ F31. ❑ F32. ❑ F33. ❑ F34. ❑ F23. Sweetie Bell ❑ F24. Apple Bloom ❑ F25.Spike ❑ F26.Zecora ❑ F27. Granny Smith ❑ F28.Cheerilee DISCORD (6-Card Subset) ❑ F1. ❑ F2. ❑ F3. ❑ F4. ❑ F5. ❑ F6. ❑ F16.Applejack ❑ F17. Pinkie Pie ❑ F18. Rainbow Dash ❑ F19.Rarity ❑ F20. Twilight Sparkle ❑ F21.Fluttershy ❑ G5. Princess Mi Amore Cadenza ❑ G6. Discord ❑ G7. Nightmare Moon ❑ G8. Queen Chrysalis ELEMENTS OF HARMONY Pets ❑ 37. Owlowiscious ❑ 38. Winona ❑ 39. Opalescence ❑ 40. Angel ❑ 41. Gummy ❑ 42. Tank ❑ 43. Philomena ❑ 44. Peewee FunTat Sets! Foil Cards FOIL PARALLEL CARDS ❑ F22.Scootaloo ❑ G1. ❑ G2. ❑ G3. ❑ G4. (6-Card Subset) (9-Card Subset) ❑ 31. Nightmare Moon ❑ 32. Discord ❑ 33. Queen Chrysalis ❑ 34. Sea Serpent ❑ 35. Gilda ❑ 36. The Great & Powerful Trixie! ® ROYAL WEDDING Villians Locations/Sweepstakes ❑ 73. Everfree Forest ❑ 74. Sugarcube Corner ❑ 75. Cloudsdale ❑ 76. Crusaders Clubhouse ❑ 77. Ponyville Schoolhouse ❑ 78. Golden Oaks Library ❑ 79. Sweet Apple Acres ❑ 80. Carousel Boutique ❑ 81. Day Spa ❑ 82. Canterlot ❑ 83. Appleloosa ❑ 84. Fluttershy’s Cottage ❑ F12.Fluttershy ❑ F13. Princess Celestia ❑ F14. Princess Cadance ❑ F15. Shining Armor (9-Card Subset) Characters ❑ 1. Twilight Sparkle ❑ 2. Rarity ❑ 3. Fluttershy ❑ 4. Applejack ❑ 5. Pinkie Pie ❑ 6. Rainbow Dash ❑ 7. Spike ❑ 8. Princess Celestia ❑ 9. Princess Luna ❑ 10. Apple Bloom ❑ 11. Scootaloo ❑ 12. Sweetie Belle ❑ 13. Princess Cadance ❑ 14. Shining Armor ❑ 15. Granny Smith ❑ 16. Cheerilee ❑ 17. Big Macintosh ❑ 18. Zecora ❑ 19. Snips & Snails ❑ 20. The Cakes ❑ 21. Braeburn ❑ 22. The Wonderbolts ❑ 23. Silver Spoon & Diamond Tiara ❑ 24. Hoity Toity & Photo Finish ❑ 25. Mayor Mare & Time Turner ❑ 26. Cranky Doodle Donkey & Matilda ❑ 27. DJ PON-3 & Octavia ❑ 28. Mare Do Well & Daring Do ❑ 29. Golden Harvest & Lyra Heartstrings ❑ 30. Prince Blueblood ❑ 45. A Sonic Rainboom! ❑ 46. Vanquishing the Ursa Minor ❑ 47. A Party of One? ❑ 48. “Come on and Smile!” ❑ 49. “Chaos is a wonderful thing.” ❑ 50. Worst. Companion. EVER. ❑ 51. Parasprites Eat Ponyville ❑ 52. Best...Comedy Act? ❑ 53. Another Day, Another Dungeon ❑ 54. “You’re not scientifically possible!” ❑ 55. “My little Spikey Wikey!” ❑ 56. Best.Wedding. EVER. ❑ 57. Slumber Party 101 ❑ 58. Pony without a Team ❑ 59. Meet the Apple Family! ❑ 60. Nightmare Night Indeed! ❑ 61. “Hush Now Quiet Now” ❑ 62. Curse of the Evil Enchantress ❑ 63. Crazy Cutie Pox! ❑ 64. “I hate being a model” ❑ 65. The Green-Eyed Monster ❑ 66. The Big Doozy ❑ 67. A Very Special Somepony ❑ 68. The Flight of Rarity ❑ 69. Into the Dragon’s Lair ❑ 70. Elements of a Good Cheer ❑ 71. Iron Pony Competition ❑ 72. “I really AM a doormat.” ❑ 1.Pop-up Standees Applejack ❑ 6. Fluttershy ❑ 2.Rainbow Dash ❑ 3.Pinkie Pie ❑ 4.Twilight Sparkle ❑ 5. Rarity ❑ 7. Sweetie Belle ❑ 8. Scootaloo ❑ 9.Apple Bloom