January 2012 - The Biking Life


January 2012 - The Biking Life
Cover photo: This is angie from
the full throttle Saloon show.
It was taken at the Wide OPen
Motorcycle show. The photo was
taken by Joy furey. Read the feature on her inside.
Letter Fron the Publisher
By Jim Furey
We are headed into a brand new year and with that comes
the hope for better things ahead. I thought that about 2012
and was a little disappointed. The year started off great
with the all the annual polar bear runs and the weather
was great. Then came the Wide Open Bike Show, which is
coming back to town in a little more than a month. Then a
couple of weeks later came Bike Week at Daytona Beach
and we were rolling the winter was so mild that not a week
passed by that I did not ride.
Then we got into April and our second TBL Swap Meet of
the year. The first was in Hannibal, MO and for the second
year in a row the weather did not cooperate. However,
in April we were blessed with fantastic weather and a
tremendous turnout. Our TBL Swap Meet is scheduled
for April 7 at The Loading Dock in Grafton, IL. We look
forward to seeing you there.
May was momentous for Joy and myself. Joy graduated
Summa Cum Laude from SIU E and I at graduated from
the respiratory care program at SWIC. I am so proud of
Joy she is a massive overachiever.
June brought the Annual Ride for Wishes Ride sponsored
by Big St Charles and the same weekend was the
Motorheads Poker Run. Later that month we held a bike
show at the Hawg Pit in Grafton, IL. That same evening
was the Annual Hartbauer McBride Dance.
July the heat set in. We still rode a lot but way more sweat
was involved we also held our annual TBL Free Swap
Meet. This year at Big St Charles Harley Davidson. It was
another huge success both for us and the dealership.
August came round and with it our 9 th Anniversary Party
and Poker Run. A week later was the Hartbauer McBride
Poker Run which ended at Top Shooters in Columbia,IL.
September and October brought some of the big rides of
the year, including Bikers for Babies and the Bike and
Badge Ride.
November brought the national election and with it more
hate and falsehoods than I’ve seen, ever. Hopefully the
nation can heal from it and get back on the path of growth.
There was also a TBL Motorcycle Swap Meet. December
we held two benefits for the needy, one in Jefferson County
Missouri and the other in Belleville, IL.
Yes it was a busy year for us and we know this one will be
as well. Thanks fro reading and don’t just read The Biking
Life, live it. Oh and finally Happy New Year.
Friday Night
12796 Hwy 21
DeSoto, MO
January 12th Son’s of Nobody
January 19th Probable Cause
Hall Rental Available
Cosmic Bowl Friday and Saturday Nights
Happy New Years from all of our staff
Want to have some fun? Joina bowling league
Closed Sunday and Mondays
Tues - Sat 11 AM to 6 PM
Closed Dec 23 - Jan 2
Happy Holidays
The Biking Life Page 5
Hardtail Humor
His “Old Lady” asks him, “Would you go
to the store for me and buy one carton
of milk, and if they have avacados, get
6”. A while later the biker comes back
with 6 cartons of milk. She asks him,
“Why did you buy 6 cartons of milk?” He
said, “They had avacados”. If you’re an
“Old Lady” I’m sure you’ll have to read
it again! The guys will get it.....My work
is done!.
Joke 2
There I was sitting at the bar staring
at my drink when a large, trouble-making biker steps up next to me, grabs my
drink and gulps it down in one swig.
“Well, whatcha’ gonna do about it?” he
says, menacingly, as I burst into tears.
“Come on, man,” the biker says, “I didn’t
think you’d CRY. I can`t stand to see a
man crying.”
“This is the worst day of my life,” I say.
“I’m a complete failure. I was late to a
meeting and my boss fired me. I went
to the parking lot, when I found my car
had been stolen and I don’t have any insurance.
I left my wallet in the cab I took home.
I found my wife with another man and
then my dog bit me.”
“So I came to this bar to work up the
courage to put an end to it all, I buy a
drink, I drop a capsule in and sit here
watching the poison dissolve; then you
show up and drink the whole thing! But
enough about me, how’s your day
Jesus asked that we following Him and
he tells us in John 13:15, “I have set you an
example that you should do as I have done for
you.” We know we should act better than we
do, but feel that striving for perfection is a little
too high. The apostle Paul serves as another
great example for us. As a young man he
persecuted Christians – he put them to death.
But, he met the Lord on the road to Damascus,
he turned his whole life around. He became the
spokesman for God and Jesus and spent years
traveling, preaching, praying, and spreading the
“Good News” of Jesus Christ. His letters give us
encouragement and set the example that each
of us should follow. 1 Timothy 4:12 reminds us,
“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you
are young, but set an example for the believers in
speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.”
We have to remember that we are setting an
I was reading an article on cars the other example for our children and grandchildren, our
day and the main point they were trying to brothers and our sisters, sometimes our parents,
make was the size of the carbon foot print we and everyone we meet along the way.
are leaving on our environment. I guess I am
leaving a big carbon foot print because last week
Every New Year we make resolutions to
I pumped $86.00 in gas in my truck and today it do something different or better. May we suggest
is empty. The Harley will go almost a month on that you take a look at the influence you have on
that much gas, but it’s been too cold to ride. I others lives and see if there is some change you
don’t know if I am getting softer or wiser in my want to make? Are you helping or hurting the
old age, but I know I am leaving a good-sized futures of others by the decisions you make and
carbon foot print wherever I go.
the example you leave?
Looking back over the past years I was
thinking about the people who have left a foot
print in my life that are no longer here. Phil
Tolliver, Lonnie Stallman and Kurt Myers are just
a few that come to mind. I know that these guys
were not perfect, but they tried hard to live the
life they talked about. I know I am a better man
having known these men.
Most of all, I want to encourage you to get
your life right with God and come to know his
Son, Jesus. Your future, your life, and the lives
of each of your family members depends on it.
If you don’t know how to start your conversation
with God, contact any Christian biker at your
next event, call me at 314-434-2282 or e-mail
me at [email protected]; or you can contact the
Missouri State Coordinator, Ray (Linda) Ward,
I hope that the influence that each of [email protected] , 636-274-0998 or e Illinois
us make on a day-to-day basis would leave a State Coordinator, Don (Vicky) Brown, 217-629lasting impression for those we work with, live 8938, [email protected].
with, and love to help each of them make the
right decisions in their futures. We’ve very aware
Jim and Kathy Waters
of this as we raise children, but the job doesn’t
stop once they hit 21. We are an example for Christian Motorcyclists Association
Good News Riders, St. Louis, MO
someone until the day we die.
hide. She said she believes she will have a baby when
it is in God’s plan for her. Now that’s one very nice,
and very grounded, person!
While the Flaunt girls were not at the last Wide
Open show, Angie said she is still their choreographer.
She mentioned people sometimes think just anyone
can be a Flaunt girl. In reality though, Flaunt girls are
professionally trained dancers. Having seen them, I
can say that they sure can put on a show!
She also confirmed that they are building
another bar in Kansas City. Looking at the Full
Throttle Saloon web pages, you can even find a link
to an investor form. Not sure of the estimated time to
opening, but that will be a great weekend destination
for us in this area!
Angie had two well-loved Chihuahuas she
was toting around with her in the Full Throttle area
at the Wide Open Show. She said they were both
rescue dogs and that she is passionate about trying to
Full Throttle Saloon’s Angie and Goat
by Jim and Joy Furey
Angie Carlson from Full Throttle Saloon said
she spends quite a bit of time doing shows like the
one Wide Open hosted. Lucky for us—because she
was there and so were we!
Angie said that she grew up in Sturgis and she
was just a baby when she attended her first motorcycle
rally there. She said this most recent year was her
36th. As far as her family is concerned, she has many
biker relatives, so it seems that her involvement with
Full Throttle Saloon and the Sturgis Rally is truly in
her blood.
Friendly and down-to-earth, Angie was very
forthcoming about the ring on her finger. She said
that Michael Ballard (owner of Full Throttle) had
surprised her with it. She said she thought they had
gone to Gatlinburg, TN, for business, but then Michael
proposed. She also spoke about her tubal pregnancy
and subsequent miscarriage. When we expressed our
dismay, she said it was okay; that she has nothing to
help rescue other dogs. She said she assists shelters
through Angieland’s Animals which gives donations
to help keep animals from having to be euthanized.
She has to be one very busy lady what with traveling
around to promote the show, setting up an animal
rescue, working with Flaunt and at Full Throttle
continued on page 12
The Legend
th 1pm - 7pm
Fri Jan 18th
th 10am - 7pm
Sat Jan 19th
th 10am - 4pm
Sun Jan 20th
Pheasant Run Resort
& Convention Center
4051 East Main Street
St. Charles, IL 60174
29 An
Peotoyn Feb 03
Sundoa. Fairgrounds
Will C
40 An
azoo, M
Goat Boy (Greg) also spoke with us during the show.
He told us that he has been with Full Throttle Saloon
since they put the first shovel in the ground. He said
he was DJ-ing at a local radio station and was going
to the Buffalo Chip to do a remote when he saw this
place. He said he turned into the infield where the
DJ booth is now, got out of the van, and asked who
owned it, who was running this show. He said here
came this dude across the field, a guy with long curly
hair (before Michael had dreads), who looked like
Robert Plant and Sammy Hagar mixed up, and said
I’m Michael Ballard, and I’m running this thing. Goat
said he introduced himself and said he was going to
be Michael’s DJ for the rest of his life. He said he’s
been there ever since and it’s been twelve years.
He said he was born and raised in San Diego
and then moved to South Dakota. He agreed that he
went to Sturgis, met a girl there and never went back.
He said he is a very avid rider. One of his first
bikes was a ’76 Bonneville Triumph and then Billy
Lane built him a bike. He then got his dream bike, an
’08 Street Glide that he bought from Michael. It was
the one that Michael used in the show.
When asked about the future, Goat said he
wants to do as much as he can with Full Throttle
Saloon, and that he wants to take it to the next level.
He said he does not really want to get into the hip hop
aspect of nightclubbing. Instead he wants to bring
back old school rock and roll to nightclubs. He wants
to bring back the old Skynyrds, the old Pour Some
Sugar on Me instead of all the bumping and grinding
and ass shaking, not that it doesn’t rock to seeing a
girl doing that.
Goat says he travels and does shows for Full
Throttle and on his own as well. He said that he’s
going down to Texas to launch a beer company and
he’s done the Hundred Year Harley. He said he was
the one who was going to bring out Elton John, but
he kind of turned away. He said it was interesting up
there. He said Mick Jagger had been running around
at the airport so people had been speculating that the
Rolling Stones were doing the show. Everyone was
sworn to secrecy, then the curtain opened up and
there was Elton John and a lot of people left. He said
he’s been all over doing shows and that it is fun.
He agreed that life on the road is pretty tough.
He said he had stood for twelve and a half hours
straight the day before. He said Angie and Mike put
the loop to you and say no chairs. When asked if
Angie is a slave driver, he said between Angie and
Michael, Michael is the slave driver. Angie Is the one
that kind of bears with stuff. Laughing, Angie spoke
up and agreed saying she was standing too.
The Biking Life wishes to thank both Angie
and Goat of Full Throttle Saloon for speaking with us.
Both of them were fun, forthcoming, and interesting.
The Way I See It
By Sportster Rick
I am tired of my ability to be free and to prosper
being crushed under the corruption of greedy, power
hungry politicians who believe in nothing. These people
are supposed to be the best and brightest among us but
yet they can’t seem to solve the simplest problem, they
always find ways to bring a new tax or regulation down
on us that ultimately benefits them not the good of our
country. These so called leaders, a majority of them
come from rich families, have ivory tower educations,
have never lived in the real world, never worked a real
job, the America that they live in and the America that
we live in are two different places, when is the last time
you think that any of them had to worry about the cost
of gas or groceries or even been in a store for anything
other than a photo opportunity to try to look like they
are just regular people, I say rarely if ever.
Our Government has become so corrupt and
detached from us that we have no more representation
in Washington. Our system is broken, these people
sit in their offices, play their power game and dodge
responsibility for anything they do while they create
new departments and committees that cost us billions of
dollars every year, that take the heat for them when it all
goes wrong and whenever the government gets involved
in something it usually does sooner or later. Entities
like the Department of Energy that has never created 1
watt of power, the Department of Education, since its
creation the average test scores across the nation
have spiraled downward. The Department of Homeland
Security featuring a branch for US immigration and
customs enforcement better known as I.C.E., that makes
little to no effort to stop the flow of illegal’s or secure our
borders. The FDA that protects the big pharmaceutical
companies so they can push pills but not cures and they
take years sometimes decades to approve anything
while thousands of people die waiting for treatments
that have been proven to work wonders in other parts
of the world.
The I.R.S. that enforces an out of date and
broken tax code, the E.P.A. that spends more time
trying to strangle our industries with more and more BS
regulations than actually protecting our environment. I
could go on and on because there are literally hundreds
of government departments.
I’m not kidding, look it up. Every revolution in
the history of the world was started by one man that
was pissed off about something and decided to go and
find the others that thought the same way. That’s how
our country was founded, by great men who had enough
and stood up to do something about it, it’s getting to be
that time again when we say enough.
Our once great nation has become something
much worse than the ones that we fought a war to free
ourselves from. I would hope that it doesn’t have to
come to that, there are many ways that we can change
things these days and it all starts with being informed
about what’s really going on around us, forget about the
main stream media, they are only going to tell you what
fits their agenda or what the government wants you to
hear, they are useless, look for alternatives.
I will address a lot of these things that I’ve
mentioned individually in later issues. If you have a
subject that you would like to bring to my attention
or would like to comment, email it to me here at The
Biking Life. I know I can’t be the only one that can see
what happening to our great nation, I look forward to
hearing from you and GOD BLESS AMERICA. (The views expressed by Sportster Rick are not
necessarily the views of The Biking Life but we are
willing to allow readers to express their opinions)
April 7, 2013
past this is a must do ride on the
west side of the great big river
and it seems that every year it
gets bigger and better. Going
along for the run with me this
year was my friend Big Chuck
and his lady Angie.
Statesmen Run Rules
Every June for the past few years I have had the great
pleasure of going on the poker run sponsored by my
friends of the Statemens MC. These are a great bunch
of guys who have been together for over forty years
now and really truly put on great runs and events. This
poker run which benefits veterans of all wars starts as
always at Chucks Boots in Fenton, MO and it was
there that Rose and myself got to meet up with the
usual amount of old friends well everybody I know
and she knows would fill a room.
Lucky for the room we know a lot of the same people
and most of them were on this run. Just like in years
We said our hellos and goodbye
and left Chucks to go to the
Desoto VFW where I got to see
Casper and Unc and Ski I have
known these three for at least 25
years and it’s always a pleasure
to see them again. From there
we rode on to the end at Hot
Shots in Fenton.
Of course the lot was full and we
saw friends that we had missed
on the ride like Staples on the
Rat Fink Midget from the Midwest Drifters MC.
Michelle who won a booze basket watching her get
all that booze on her sporty was a sight.
While I didn’t win a thing (oh well) Rose won a yard
umbrella. We still had a blast this club is a great host
whether it’s this event or Gobble Holler anything they
put on is worth going to and it’s for a great cause now
look at the pictures and get ready to ride spring is
coming, so get that calendar of half-naked girls and
put this event on it.
Killer wrenching to go riding
The Biking Life Page 17
Motorcyclist Awareness month. Then Allstate began
focusing on cities that host major motorcycle rallies.
From Florida to Nevada the insurance industry
giant got involved in the motorcycle community
by soliciting the help of famed custom motorcycle
builders Dave Perewitz, Arlen Ness and Rick
Fairless. Each man designed and built a motorcycle
that brought Allstates’ message to the public. A fourth
bike was built by Ness and was to be the Grand prize
in Allstate’s National Sweepstakes.
On a recent episode of “Auction Kings” the custom
motorcycle built by Dave Perewitz was featured to
be auctioned off. The acid-trip paint scheme featured
twenty-five eyes reminding people to “Look twice,
because once is never enough.”
Once Is Never Enough
By Sheri Wellen
Two years ago the National Highway Transportation
and Safety Administration analyzed multi-vehicle
crash data between 2005 and 2009. The study
revealed that 1/3 of the motorcycle fatalities were at
intersections. The study also noted that 46% of all the
motor vehicle crashes that occurred in intersections
were the result of a car turning left in front of a
motorcycle. An average of three motorcyclists are
killed every day at intersections in multi-vehicle
Allstate Insurance reviewed the data and developed a
program to bring awareness to dangerous intersections.
A lengthy study identified numerous intersections
where these crashes occurred. A standardized warning
sign was designed and permanent signs were erected
in 30 U.S. cities. The sign is a yellow triangle with the
word “LOOK” above a motorcyclist.
Not stopping there Allstate named the program
“ONE” which stands for “Once is never enough.”
It also donated intersection safety material that was
developed by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation to
local driving schools.
The first signs to be installed were in Atlanta, Georgia
on May 1, 2012 in commemoration of National
Make a Wish
By Tommy Haynes
next year. the Paderborn Rat Pack would like to thank
everyone who participated in their run for Make-AWish this year, there was 81 bikes on the run, and
The Paderborn Rat Pack’s annual poker run for the
thanks to all the establishments that let them stop in
Make a Wish foundation had a good turn out again
this year and to all the other establishments for their
this year, and a good day for raising money for a great
donations and support. the Rat Pack thanks you all.
cause. The Rat Pack took us on a beautiful ride through
and we will hope to see all of you again next year
out the county’s and on some great scenic roads that
on the 3rd Sunday in April 2013 for our Blessing of
we usually don’t travel in our usual weekend rides.
the Bikes and Spring Run. Thanks again from all of
us at the Paderborn Rat Pack. Have a safe ride and
These guys always puts on a great ride, and is always
be careful out there. Always remember we’ve just
a good time. The Make-A-Wish run took us from
helped grant someone’s wish.
Paderborn to Fountain Inn, down along the Bluff
Road which is always a great ride down to Lisa’s bar
in Prairie Du Rocher, another favorite place to stop
wile out riding.
Then we headed to Jan’s Horseshoe Inn down in
Shuline known as the concrete bar, if you have been
there you know why they call it that. great place to ride
to. Then they took us to the Oasis bar in Lenzburg, a
place I haven’t been to in a little while, but was great
being there also.
Then we headed back to where it started. back to
Paderborn. There they announced the winners of the
poker hands, and drew the 50\50 winner, and gave
out all there attendance prizes. We had great ride that
day. Can’t wait to see where they take us in the spring
of my other friend Michelle I
wound up going to the end of
the Halloween run (by the way
she won best female costume
as Robin Hood and she rides ok
The shop and crew are way cool
and stacked to the gills with old
British and Japanese classics
both running and in various states
of repair. They do great work
at reasonable rates and threw a
party where everything from a
Kawasaki W650 to a BMW to a
way cool 47 Cushman ice cream
truck with the super hot Candy
Flying Tigers Halloween Run
Tenny. can be seen. My kind of shop and run I will
By Killer Miller
be back for more of their events and encourage you
You know as an old biker some things just catch our readers to do the same now dig the pics and stay
your eye. A hot chick in a short skirt or halter top, for warm Killer
instance.One thing that always catches my eyes are
old or cool bikes on the street. That was how I found
Eric and Teresa’s shop Flying Tigers motorcycle shop
in Maplewood, MO. They are located on Manchester
near Southwest.
I found their shop as I was returning from visiting
my friend Brandy at the Midas on Manchester. I saw
Anthony Stempers really cool Indian Bobber on the
street and drove in to check it out. Then at the urging
Upcoming Events
Weekly Events
Tuesday Bike Night the Third Tuesday of
the Month at Down on the Corner n Hwy 96
in Marcelline, IL
Tuesday Bike Night at Hick’s BBQ on South
Illinois St in Belleville, IL
Wednesdays Rock and Ride Wednesday at
Charlack Pub 8334 Lackland in Overland,
Wednesday Shannon’s Pub Bike Night at at
Shannon’s in Tilden, IL
Wednesdays Fallen Kings MC Bike Night at
Mary Etta’s, 2902 Keokuk St Louis, MO
Thursdays STUNNA Thursdays At Paradise
1, 615 Missouri St East St Louis, IL (618)
482-5578 DJ
Thursdays Bike Night at Bikers Corner at
1924 N Vandeventer Ave in St Louis, MO
Thursdays Bike Night at Cousins Bar and
Grill at 5301 Caseyville Ave in Washington
Park, IL
Thursdays Hardriders call their hotline
(314) 340-2000 for info
Thursdays Bike Night at Geos Wings and
More on West Main in Belleville, IL from
6:30 to 10
Thursdays Crown Royals M/C Bikers Night
Out Blues Alley 9053 Riverview St Louis
Friday Bikes, Beers and Bonfires at
Chasers on Dutch Hollow Rd. $1.50 Dom LN
Saturday Scandalous Satrurday Bike Night
at Fatboys in DeSoto, MO
January 2013
1 Animal’s Frosty Balls and Nip’s New
Year’s Run sign in at the Bridge Inn on ILL
157 in /caseyville, IL fro 10 - 11
12 Mowhawk Man’s 4th Annual Birthday
Bash at Boomerangs in Urbana, IL starts
at 11 AM
13 Piasa Gateway ABATE Chapter Snow
Ball Poker Run sign up at RJ’s in Hartford,
IL from noon to 1:30
18-20 29th Annual Chicago Cycle Show
Pheasant Run Resort 4051 E Main St St
Charles, IL
26 Annual Black New Year Dance at Ainad
Shrine Temple 609 St Louis Ave East St
Louis, IL from 8 to 2
27 Winter Blows SwapMeet at Fairmont
Park in Collinsville, IL
February 2013
2-3 Wide Open Motorcycle Show at the
Family Arena in Saint Charles, MO
16 Biker Prom Sponsored by Piasa
Gateway ABATE at the Owl’s Club 227 Blair
Ave Alton, IL doors open at 6 PM
7 TBL Motorcycle Swap Meet at The
Loading Dock in Grafton, IL doors open at
8 AM
27 1 ST Annual Bikers Against Autism Run
look for more info in the months ahead
An Inkling
This month’s tattoo can be found on
the side of our friend Dawn Bielke.
This tattoo was done by Darren at
Inkwell in Fairivew Heights, IL. This
is of course the seven deadly sins.
She told me that this was done after a particularly trying time in her
life. She went through a divorce, her
mother passed away and she lost
her job. She felt that she touched
all of these at one point during that
time frame with the exception of
greed. She said the divorce was not
about money so she escaped that
one. Her life is on an upswing now
and we are happy for her. We thank
her for submitting her fine body art
and we invite you to submit yours
also at [email protected].