S U B S T R AT E S PRODUCT RATIO R2/R1 ALBU-0600 ALBU-0700 ALBUMIN BCG ALBUMIN BCG Single Reagent Single Reagent 2x125 mL 4x250 mL End Point Bromocresol green End Point Bromocresol green BITD-0600 BILIRUBIN Total & Direct 4+1 1/4 2x125 mL End Point Modified Malloy Evelyn BIDI-0600 BITO-0600 CHSL-0490 CHSL-0500 CHSL-0700 1/4 1/4 Single Reagent Single Reagent Single Reagent 2x125 mL 2x125 mL 1x100 mL 6x100 mL 4x250 mL End Point Modified Malloy Evelyn End Point Modified Malloy Evelyn End Point Enzymatic PAP End Point Enzymatic PAP End Point Enzymatic PAP Single Reagent 6x100 mL End Point Enzymatic PAP 0.2-6 g/L Single Reagent 4x250 mL End Point Enzymatic PAP 0.2-6 g/L CRCO-0600 CRCO-0700 CRSL-0630 GHSL-0600 GPSL-0490 GPSL-0500 GPSL-0700 GPSL-0507 GPSL-0707 BILIRUBIN Direct 4+1 BILIRUBIN Total 4+1 CHOLESTEROL PAP SL CHOLESTEROL PAP SL CHOLESTEROL PAP SL CHOLESTEROL PAP SL + STD 5mL CHOLESTEROL PAP SL + STD 5mL CREATININE Jaffe CREATININE Jaffe CREATININE PAP SL GLUCOSE HK SL GLUCOSE PAP SL GLUCOSE PAP SL GLUCOSE PAP SL GLUCOSE PAP SL + STD 5mL GLUCOSE PAP SL + STD 5mL 1/1 1/1 1/3 1/4 Single Reagent Single Reagent Single Reagent Single Reagent Single Reagent 2x125 mL 4x250 mL 2x133 mL 5x125 mL 1x100 mL 6x100 mL 4x250 mL 6x100 mL 4x250 mL HDLL-0380 CHOLESTEROL HDL SL 2G 1/3 1x80 mL HDLL-0390 CHOLESTEROL HDL SL 2G 1/3 3x80 mL LDLL-0380 CHOLESTEROL LDL SL 2G 1/3 1x80 mL HEMO-0400 PRTP-0600 PROB-0600 PROB-0700 TGML-0425 TGML-0515 TGML-0700 HEMOGLOBIN MICROPROTEIN TOTAL PROTEIN PLUS TOTAL PROTEIN PLUS TRIGLYCERIDES mono SL New TRIGLYCERIDES mono SL New TRIGLYCERIDES mono SL New TRIGLYCERIDES mono SL New + STD 5mL TRIGLYCERIDES mono SL New + STD 5mL TRIGLYCERIDES mono SL New + STD 5mL UREA UV SL UREA UV SL UREA UV SL UREA UV SL + STD 5mL UREA UV SL + STD 5mL UREA UV SL + STD 5mL URIC ACID Mono SL URIC ACID Mono SL URIC ACID Mono SL URIC ACID Mono SL + STD 5mL URIC ACID Mono SL + STD 5mL URIC ACID Mono SL + STD 5mL URIC ACID BI SL URIC ACID BI SL Single Reagent Single Reagent Single Reagent Single Reagent Single Reagent Single Reagent Single Reagent 1x50 mL 2x125 mL 2x125 mL 4x250 mL 6x50 mL 6x100 mL 4x250 mL Kinetic Colored Complex Jaffe Kinetic Colored Complex Jaffe Kinetic Enzymatic - PAP End Point Enzymatic UV Kinetic Enzymatic - PAP Kinetic Enzymatic - PAP Kinetic Enzymatic - PAP Kinetic Enzymatic - PAP Kinetic Enzymatic - PAP Accelerator Selective Detergent Method End Point Enzymatic PAP Accelerator Selective Detergent Method End Point Enzymatic PAP Selective Detergent Method End Point Enzymatic PAP End Point Drabkin End Point Pyrogallol Red End Point Biuret End Point Biuret End Point Enzymatic PAP End Point Enzymatic PAP End Point Enzymatic PAP Single Reagent 6x50 mL End Point Enzymatic PAP CHSL-0507 CHSL-0707 TGML-0427 TGML-0517 TGML-0707 URSL-0400 URSL-0420 URSL-0500 URSL-0407 URSL-0427 URSL-0507 AUML-0420 AUML-0500 AUML-0700 AUML-0427 AUML-0507 AUML-0707 AUSL-0400 AUSL-0600 S P E C I F I C P R OT E I N S E L E C T R O LY T E S REFERENCE KIT SIZE UNITIT METHODOLOGY LINEARITY 15-60 g/L 15-60 g/L T : 3-200 mg/L / D :1.5-180 mg/L 1.5-180 mg/L 3-200 mg/L 0.2-6 g/L 0.2-6 g/L 0.2-6 g/L 3-150 mg/L 3-150 mg/L 3-300 mg/L 0.2-9 g/L 0.2-4 g/L 0.2-4 g/L 0.2-4 g/L 0.2-4 g/L 0.2-4 g/L 0.05-2.0 g/L 0.05-2.0 g/L 0.15-7.0 g/L 15 à 210 g/L 0.125-2 g/L 2-140 g/L 2-140 g/L 0.25-10 g/L 0.25-10 g/L 0.25-10 g/L REFERENCE PRODUCT RATIO R2/R1 KIT SIZE UNITIT CALA-0600 CALO-0600 CHLO-0600 FECA-0600 FEFR-0600 MAGN-0600 PHOS-0600 CALCIUM ARSENAZO CALCIUM OCPC CHLORIDE IRON Chromazurol IRON Ferrozine TM MAGNESIUM Calmagite PHOSPHORUS UV Single Reagent 1/1 Single Reagent Single Reagent 1/20 1/1 Single Reagent 2x125 mL 2x125 mL 2x125 mL 2x125 mL 2x125 mL 2x125 mL 2x125 mL METHODOLOGY LINEARITY REFERENCE PRODUCT End Point Colored Complex End Point Colored Complex End Point Colored Complex End Point Colored Complex End Point Colored Complex End Point Colored Complex Phosphomolybdate UV End Point 50-150 mg/L 50-135 mg/L 10-130 mEq/L Up to 5 mg/L 0.15-9 mg/L 3.40-50 mg/L 20-200 mg/L IAPA-0400 IAPB-0400 ICRP-0400 IHAP-0400 HBAC-0240 APO A1 IP APO B IP CRP IP HAPTOGLOBIN HbA1c IIGA-0400 IIGG-0400 IIGM-0400 IMAL-0400 IORO-0400 IPAL-0400 ITRF-0400 IGA IP IGG IP IGM IP MICROALBUMIN IP OROSOMUCOID PREALBUMIN TRANSFERRIN IP ENZYMES REFERENCE PRODUCT RATIO R2/R1 PASL-0400 PASL-0420 PASL-0500 ALSL-0410 ALSL-0430 ALSL-0510 AMSL-0390 AMSL-0400 ASSL-0410 ASSL-0430 ASSL-0510 CKSL-0410 CKSL-0430 CMSL-0410 CMSL-0430 GASL-0400 GASL-0420 LLSL-0400 LLSL-0420 ALP (DEA) SL ALP (DEA) SL ALP (DEA) SL ALT / GPT 4+1 SL ALT / GPT 4+1 SL ALT / GPT 4+1 SL AMYLASE SL AMYLASE SL AST / GOT 4+1 SL AST / GOT 4+1 SL AST / GOT 4+1 SL CK NAC SL CK NAC SL CK-MB SL CK-MB SL GAMMA GT SL GAMMA GT SL LDH-L SL LDH-L SL 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 Single Reagent Single Reagent 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 KIT SIZE UNITIT METHODOLOGY 2x62.5 mL 4x62.5 mL 5x125 mL 2x62.5 mL 4x62.5 mL 5x125 mL 1x50 mL 6x50 mL 2x62.5 mL 4x62.5 mL 5x125 mL 2x62.5 mL 4x62.5 mL 2x62.5 mL 4x62.5 mL 2x62.5 mL 4x62.5 mL 2x62.5 mL 4x62.5 mL REFERENCE PRODUCT ELICAL 2 Multiparametric Calibrator CHOLESTEROL HDL 2G Calibrator CHOLESTEROL HDL 2G Calibrator CHOLESTEROL LDL 2G Calibrator CHOLESTEROL LDL 2G Calibrator Single Reagent 6x100 mL End Point Enzymatic PAP 0.25-10 g/L Single Reagent 4x250 mL End Point Enzymatic PAP 0.25-10 g/L CALI-0550 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 Single Reagent Single Reagent Single Reagent Single Reagent Single Reagent Single Reagent 1/4 1/4 2x62.5 mL 4x62.5mL 5x125mL 2x62.5mL 4x62.5mL 5x125mL 6x50 mL 6x100 mL 4x250 mL 6x50 mL 6x100 mL 4x250 mL 2x62.5 mL 5x125 mL Kinetic Enzymatic UV Kinetic Enzymatic UV Kinetic Enzymatic UV Kinetic Enzymatic UV Kinetic Enzymatic UV Kinetic Enzymatic UV End Point Enzymatic PAP End Point Enzymatic PAP End Point Enzymatic PAP End Point Enzymatic PAP End Point Enzymatic PAP End Point Enzymatic PAP End Point Enzymatic PAP End Point Enzymatic PAP 0.1-3 g/L 0.1-3 g/L 0.1-3 g/L 0.1-3 g/L 0.1-3 g/L 0.1-3 g/L 5-250 mg/L 5-250 mg/L 5-250 mg/L 5-250 mg/L 5-250 mg/L 5-250 mg/L 10-250 mg/L 10-250 mg/L HDLL-0011 HDLL-0041 LDLL-0011 LDLL-0041 15-700 U/L 15-700 U/L 15-700 U/L 15-250 U/L 15-250 U/L 15-250 U/L 25-2000 U/L 25-2000 U/L 10-250 U/L 10-250 U/L 10-250 U/L 10-1700 U/L 10-1700 U/L 10-600 U/L 10-600 U/L 15-1000 U/L 15-1000 U/L 50-1200 U/L 50-1200 U/L S TA N D A R D s C alibrators 0.25-10 g/L Kinetic Colorimetric DGKC/SCE Kinetic Colorimetric DGKC/SCE Kinetic Colorimetric DGKC/SCE Kinetic UV IFCC without P5P Kinetic UV IFCC without P5P Kinetic UV IFCC without P5P Kinetic Colorimetric Substrat CNPG3 Kinetic Colorimetric Substrat CNPG3 Kinetic UV IFCC without P5P Kinetic UV IFCC without P5P Kinetic UV IFCC without P5P Kinetic UV IFCC Kinetic UV IFCC Immunoinhibition Kinetic UV IFCC Immunoinhibition Kinetic UV IFCC Kinetic Colorimetric DGKC/SCE Kinetic Colorimetric DGKC/SCE Kinetic UV IFCC Kinetic UV IFCC LINEARITY KIT SIZE UNITIT 4x3 ml 1x1 mL 4x1 mL 1x1 mL 4x1 mL REFERENCE PRODUCT CHOL-0055 CREN-0055 GLUP-0055 PRTP-0020 PRTP-0022 TRIG-0055 URUV-0055 ACUR-0055 CHOLESTEROL Std. 200 mg/dL CREATININE Std. 2 mg/dL GLUCOSE Std. 100 mg/dL MICROPROTEIN Std. 20 mg/dL MICROPROTEIN Std. 100 mg/dL TRIGLYCERIDES Std. 200 mg/dL UREA Std. 50 mg/dL URIC ACID Std. 6 mg/dL KIT SIZE UNITIT 4x5 mL 4x5 mL 4x5 mL 4x2 mL 4x2 mL 4x5 mL 4x5 mL 4x5 mL RATIO R2/R1 1/3 KIT SIZE UNITIT 1x5 mL + 2x25 mL 1x5 mL + 2x25 mL 1x5 mL + 2x25 mL 1x5 mL + 2x25 mL 1x32 mL Immunoturbidimetry End Point Immunoturbidimetry End Point Immunoturbidimetry End Point Immunoturbidimetry End Point Immunoturbidimetry Enhanced by Latex Particles End point 1x5 mL + 2x25 mL 1x5 mL + 2x25 mL 1x5 mL + 2x25 mL 1x5 mL + 2x25 mL 1x5 mL + 2x25 mL 1x5 mL + 2x25 mL 1x5 mL + 5x25 mL Immunoturbidimetry End Point Immunoturbidimetry End Point Immunoturbidimetry End Point Immunoturbidimetry End Point Immunoturbidimetry End Point Immunoturbidimetry End Point Immunoturbidimetry End Point Controls and C alibrators REFERENCE PRODUCT IAPO-0042 IAPO-0048 ICRP-0042 ICRP-0043 ICRP-0046 ICRP-0047 HBAC-0043 HBAC-0049 IMAL-0042 IMAL-0043 IMAL-0046 IMAL-0047 IPRO-0042 IPRO-0043 APO A1/B IP CALIBRATOR H APO A1/B IP CONTROL CRP IP CALIBRATOR H CRP IP CALIBRATOR SET CRP IP CONTROL I CRP IP CONTROL II HbA1c CALIBRATOR SET HbA1c CONTROL L+H MICROALBUMIN IP CALIBRATOR H MICROALBUMIN IP CALIBRATOR SET MICROALBUMIN IP CONTROL 1 MICROALBUMIN IP CONTROL 2 PROTEIN IP CALIBRATOR H PROTEIN IP CALIBRATOR SET KIT SIZE UNITIT 2x1 mL 2x1 mL 2x1 mL 5 levels x 1 mL 2x1 mL 2x1 mL 4x0.5 mL 4x0.5 mL 2x1 mL 5 levels x 1 mL 2x1 mL 2x1 mL 2x1 mL 5 levels x 1 mL F R E E Z E D R I E D and / O r P o w der R eagents REFERENCE PRODUCT PACI-0030 CHES-0053 CUIV-0050 FECA-0050 LACT-0100 ACID PHOSPHATASE CHOLINESTERASE COPPER IRON TIBC LACTATE KIT SIZE UNITIT Controls REFERENCE PRODUCT CONT-0060 CONT-0160 ELITROL I Normal Multiparametric Control ELITROL II Abnormal Multiparametric Control CK-MB Control CKMB-0900 KIT SIZE UNITIT 10x5 mL 10x5 mL 4x3 mL METHODOLOGY 18x3 mL 16x3 mL 5x10 mL 50 Tests 10x10 mL LINEARITY 0.05-3 g/L 0.09-3.3 g/L 3-220 mg/L 0.02 à 4 g/L 2.5% to 16 %. In reference to NGSP/DCCTvalues 0.02-6.5 g/L 1-26 g/L 0.1-4.5 g/L 3-400 mg/L 0.05 à 2 g/L 0.05 à 0.8 g/L 0.45-7.5 g/L REFERENCE PRODUCT KIT SIZE UNITIT ASOL-0100 LXCR-0112 LXRF-0112 ASO Latex CRP Latex RF Latex 100 Tests 100 Tests 100 Tests LXWR-0112 RPRL-0100 TPHA-0004 TPHA-0100 WAALER ROSE RPRL VDRL Carbon TPHA Microplates TPHA 100 Tests REFERENCE PRODUCT RTHC-0040 PRMT-0050 PREGTEST PLUS HCG PMR TEST 30 Tests 50 Tests PRMT-0100 PMR TEST 100 Tests 100 Tests 100 Tests 5 Units 100 Tests + 5 Microplates KIT SIZE UNITIT METHODOLOGY Immuno-chromatography Sensitive pH indicator, Nitrazine yellow Sensitive pH indicator, Nitrazine yellow SPECIFICATIONS 10 mIU/mL in serum, 20 mIU/mL in urine Premature Membrane Rupture Premature Membrane Rupture
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