Mastercam X6 SKYHOOK TOOLPATH Page 3-7


Mastercam X6 SKYHOOK TOOLPATH Page 3-7
Mastercam X6
Chapter 3
SolidWorks 12 to Mastercam X6
A. Open File in Mastercam X6.
Step 1. If necessary, save your Skyhook part file in SolidWorks.
Step 2. In Mastercam X6, click File Menu > Open.
Step 3. In the Open dialog box set Files of type to
SolidWorks Files, select your SKYHOOK
file and click Open, Fig. 1.
Step 4. Change to the Isometric View. Use
Step 5. Click Fit
or use Alt-F1 to fit, Fig. 2.
Fig. 1
B. Confirm Units are Inches.
Step 1. Confirm in the bottom right corner of the display the units are Inch, Fig. 2.
C. Save Your File.
Step 1. Click File Menu > Save As.
Step 2. Key-in SKYHOOK for the filename and press ENTER.
Fig. 2
Mastercam X6 SKYHOOK TOOLPATH Page 3-1
© Tech Ed email:[email protected]
D. Rotate Body Around Axes.
Step 1. Click the down arrow of the Set Planes button
in the toolbar and click Front (WCS), Fig 3.
Step 2. Click Xform Menu > Rotate.
Body solid
Fig. 3
Step 3. Click the solid body to select it and press ENTER, Fig. 4. The solid will change color when
Step 4. Set: Move
Fig. 5
1 for Number of Steps
90 for Rotation Angle
Click OK
in the Rotate dialog
box, Fig. 5 and Fig. 6.
Step 5. Right click the drawing area and click Clear Colfrom the menu or use Alt-R C.
Step 6. Click Fit
Fig. 4
and save your drawing. Use Alt-F S.
Fig. 5
Step 7. Save
. Use Alt-F S.
Fig. 6
Mastercam X6 SKYHOOK TOOLPATH Page 3-2
E. Create Bounding Box.
Step 1. Draw the bounding box green. Click the color swatch in the Status
Bar at the bottom of the screen. Key-in 10 for green color number
and press ENTER.
Step 2. Click Create Menu > Bounding Box.
Step 3. Set: check Lines Arcs, Fig. 7
uncheck Center Point
Click OK
Fig. 8.
F. Move to
Step 1. Display the origin.
Use F9 to show the axes,
Fig. 9.
Fig. 8
Step 2. Click Xform Menu > Move to Origin.
Fig. 7
Step 3. Click Midpoint
of top front
edge of Base, Fig. 9. Be sure to
snap the Midpoint .
Step 4. Click Fit
or use Alt-F1 to fit.
Step 5. Right click the drawing area and
click Clear Colors
menu or use Alt-R C.
from the
Step 6. Toggle axes off. Use F9.
Step 7. Save
Fig. 9
top edge
. Use Alt-F S.
Fig. 10
Mastercam X6 SKYHOOK TOOLPATH Page 3-3
G. Create Chain Boundary.
Step 1. Draw the boundary red. Click the color swatch in the Status Bar at
the bottom of the screen. Key-in 12 for red color number and press
Step 2. Click the down arrow of the Set Planes
in the toolbar and click Top
(WCS), Fig 11.
Fig. 11
Step 3. Click Create Menu >
Step 4. Click the solid body,
Fig. 13 and ENTER.
Solid body
Fig. 13
Step 5. Check Arc Fit, Fig. 12 and click OK
Fig. 12
H. Machine Type and Stock Setup.
Step 1. If necessary, display Operations Manager. Use Alt-O.
Step 2. If Machine Group is not displayed in the Operations Manager,
Fig. 14, click Machine Type Menu > Mill > Default.
Fig. 14
Step 3. Expand Properties (click the +) in the Toolpaths Manager, Fig. 14.
Step 4. Click Stock Setup in the Toolpaths Manager, Fig. 14.
Step 5. Click the right front top corner of the stock to move
the origin, Fig. 15. After you click corner the arrow
will point to corner.
Step 6. Click All Entities button in the Stock Setup, Fig. 15.
Step 7. Confirm Stock
Origin coordinates are:
X 0
Y -.6614
Z 0, Fig. 15.
Fig. 16
Step 8. Click OK
in the Machine
Group Properties. The Stock is displayed
as red wireframe, Fig. 16.
Click corner
to move arrow
Fig. 15
Mastercam X6 SKYHOOK TOOLPATH Page 3-4
I. Contour Toolpath with Tabs.
Step 1. Click Toolpaths Menu > Contour.
Step 2. Click OK
in the NC name dialog, Fig. 17.
Fig. 17
Step 3. Select C-plane in the Chaining dialog box, Fig. 18.
Step 4. Click the Chain button
in the Chaining dialog box,
Fig. 18.
Step 5. Click Silhouette Boundary, Fig. 19. The chain
should select the complete
Fig. 19
Step 6. The green dynamic chaining arrow should point clockwise around
the chain, Fig. 19. If pointing in opposite direction, click Flip Direction
in the Chaining dialog box, Fig. 18.
Step 7. Click the OK button
Chaining dialog box.
Fig. 18
in the
Step 8. Select Tool from the tree control and:
Click Select
library tool
button, Fig. 20.
Fig. 20
Mastercam X6 SKYHOOK TOOLPATH Page 3-5
Step 9. Click the Filter
button, Fig. 21.
Step 10.Click None button
under Tool Types,
Fig. 22.
Step 11. Click Endmill1
Flat button (first
button top row),
Fig. 22 and click OK.
Fig. 21
Step 12.Click 232 1/8 Flat Endmill,
Fig. 23 and click OK.
Step 13.Back in Tool page set:
Tool # 1
Head # 1
Fig. 22
Feed rate 60
Plunge rate 30
Fig. 24.
Fig. 23
Fig. 24
Mastercam X6 SKYHOOK TOOLPATH Page 3-6
Step 14.Select Cut Parameters from the tree control and set:
type Wear
direction Left
Tip comp:
Stock to leave
on walls and
floors 0
Fig. 25.
Step 15.Select Depth
Cuts from the
tree control and
Fig. 25
Check Depth
Max rough
step: .15
Check Keep
tool down
Fig. 26.
Fig. 26
Mastercam X6 SKYHOOK TOOLPATH Page 3-7
Step 16.Select Lead In/Out from the tree control and set:
Line Length
Ramp height
Click Copy
to copy dimensions to Exit
Fig. 27.
Step 17.Select Tabs
from the tree
control and set:
Check Tabs
Fig. 27
Select Number
of tabs
Set number
to 4
Select Partial
Select Ramp
Width .3
Fig. 28.
(we’ll cut
the tabs after
Fig. 28
Mastercam X6 SKYHOOK TOOLPATH Page 3-8
Step 18.Select Linking Parameters from the tree control and set:
Unheck Clearance
Retract .1
Depth -.3125
Fig. 29.
Step 19.Click OK
Step 20.Save
Use Alt-F S.
Fig. 29
Mastercam X6 SKYHOOK TOOLPATH Page 3-9
J. Verify Contour with Tabs.
Step 1. Click Verify
ager, Fig. 30.
in the Toolpaths Man-
Step 2. Turn on (button depressed) Simulate tool
, Fig. 31.
Step 3. Click Machine
Fig. 30
in Verify
dialog box.
Step 4. Click the
the Verify dialog box to
start the machining.
Fig. 32
Step 5. Rotate view to view tabs, hold
Fig. 31
down middle mouse button (wheel)
and drag to rotate view, Fig. 33.
Step 6. Confirm the 4 tabs, Fig. 33.
Step 7. Click OK
to close
Verify dialog box.
Step 8. Save
. Use Alt-F S.
Fig. 33
Mastercam X6 SKYHOOK TOOLPATH Page 3-10
K. Cut Tabs.
Step 1. Click Parameters in the Toolpaths Manager, Fig. 34.
Step 2. Expand Tabs, select Tab Cutoff from the tree control and set:
Check Cutoff operation
Select Separate operation
Fig. 35.
Fig. 34
Step 3. Click OK
Step 4. In the Toolpaths
Manager, click
Regenerate all
selected operations
Fig. 36.
Fig. 35
Fig. 36
Mastercam X6 SKYHOOK TOOLPATH Page 3-11
I. Cut Tabs Leads Off.
Step 1. Click Tab Cutoff toolpath Parameters in the Toolpaths Manager,
Fig. 37.
Step 2. Select Lead In/Out from the tree control and set:
Uncheck Lead In/Out
Fig. 38.
Step 3. Click OK
M. Verify Cut Tabs.
Fig. 37
Step 1. In the Toolpaths
Manager, click
Regenerate all
selected operations
Fig. 39.
Step 2. Click the
Group-1 to
select both
Fig. 39.
Step 3. Click Verify
ager, Fig. 39.
Step 4. Click the Machine
log box to start
the machining,
Fig. 40.
Fig. 38
in the Toolpaths Man-
in the Verify dia-
Step 5. Click OK
Fig. 39
to close
Verify dialog box.
Step 6. Save
. Use
Alt-F S.
Fig. 41
Mastercam X6 SKYHOOK TOOLPATH Page 3-12
Fig. 40

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